#they are a TRIO GODDAMNIT
gay-little-axolotl · 5 months
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ruth then proceeds to take the aux cord and turn on the spring awakening cast recording
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punkrockmixtapes · 6 months
Alkaline Trio - Enjoy Your Day
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pale-grunge-dark · 2 years
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boringmarinn · 2 years
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wahbegan · 4 months
You said tonight is a wonderful night to die I saw you could tell, told me to look at the sky Look at all those stars Look at how god damned ugly the stars are
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years
Ranboo is in Misfits Gaming’s TikTok!
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blackseafoam · 2 months
Marked Part II
Part 1
A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption crossover AU (with illustrations :)
Word count: 1695
CW: Stuff you'd normally find in a western story. Swearing, smoking, gun touting, arrow wounds, horse jokes.
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Two uneventful days went by for the Bad Batch Gang. They began to think the weird interaction in Valentine really was just that, nothing more.
“Why can’t I try a rifle?” Meggy kicked at a rock in her path.
“Because a rifle doesn’t work on small game.” Echo smirked, adjusting the shotgun in his elbow.. “There won’t be anything left of the critter. Plus, a bow is a great weapon. I’d have one too if I could.”
The youngest and oldest siblings picked their way quietly through the forest just north of camp. They’d managed to grab one squirrel all morning, but the forest was unusually quiet today. “Let’s head back, hopefully Crosshair had better luck.”
“No luck for you today, I’m afraid.” A strangers voice startled the pair as a towering figure stepped out from behind a tree. The blue-jacketed man from town. His revolver raised toward Echo.
Meggy froze, Echo raised his shotgun. “Stay away.”
“Don’t be a fool, we know that’s birdshot.” A scar-faced man appeared. Followed by three other armed men. “Just drop it.”
Echo let out a frustrated groan placed his shotgun on the dirt.
“Are you okay, kid?” one of the three goons asked, a young black man with a scarf.
“She’s exactly where she belongs.” Echo spat.
“Hey I wasn’t asking you!”
Meggy stood silently, still frozen.
“See? She’s terrified!” Another spoke up with a thick irish accent. “We outta blow your other arm off, kidnapper.”
“This is a misunderstanding, we saved-”
“Quiet!” The man in blue growled. “Walk back to camp, we’re gonna meet your friends. Sean, take the kid to the horses and wait for the signal.”
Arthur was somewhat relieved to see only two figures as he pushed his hostage into the kidnapper’s camp, but that only meant the remaining two were unaccounted for still. Theone with the red scarf was chopping firewood while the glasses-wearing one was grooming a horse on the farther end of camp.
“Hands up, drop the ax.” Arthur called from the edge of the clearing, gun still trained on the one-armed man’s back, using him as a shield. Lenny, John, and Javier fanned out on either side, weapons drawn.
“Weapons on the ground, or Lefty gets it. This is your only warning.” He put a hand on Echo’s shoulder and pulled him backward.
“Your knife too.” Lenny barked at Hunter.
With a nod from their leader the three gang members gathered the two new hostages.
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Sean and Meggy watched the others disappear into the trees.
“Alright kid, let’s go. You’re safe now.” Sean beckoned the girl toward the horses where they were to wait for the signal. She did not follow. When the irishman turned around, her bow was trained on him.
“No, no. I’m here to save you kid. Meghan, right? We’re bringing you home!” He stammered.
“I am home.” She curled her lip, and let the arrow fly.
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It had been ten whole minutes since Arthur had whistled for Sean to bring down the horses. “Where is that bastard?” Arthur said under his breath.
They had their hostages kneeling on the forest floor as Javier bound their hands. The trio eyed their captors with an intense vitriol but said nothing. It was abundantly obvious these were no run of the mill outlaws, these were battle-trained men. Arthur was not going to let his guard down.
Just then the sound of hoof steps came from behind. Sean led them from his steed, an arrow was embedded firmly in his thigh.
“Where’s the girl?!” Javier opened his arms in confusion.
“She got away!” Sean spat, grimacing and pressing on his thigh where the arrow shaft bounced with every stride of his mount.
“You gotta be kidding me, Sean. You had ONE job!” Arthur groaned.
“Goddamnit.” John cursed.
“She SHOT me!” Sean motioned to the arrow, as if no one had noticed it.
Arthur glanced at the hostages. Their intense, angry stares held a new smugness at the news that the girl had escaped. He drew a pained sigh. “Javier, Lenny, take these fellas to the sheriff in Valentine. Sean, John, ride with me we’re gonna find that girl.” He holstered his revolver and mounted up.
Sean nodded stiffly.
“Are you alright?” Arthur asked in a low voice as he neared the horses.
“Not to worry, English, takes a lot more than one arrow to take out a Maguire.” He choked out.
“Leave it in, nothing we can do about it till we get back to camp.”
Sean’s positive demeanor wilted then, realizing he’d have to ride with an impaled thigh for another couple hours at the very least.
Javier and John mounted, guns still drawn, and walked Hunter, Echo, and Tech down the trail toward Valentine. The rest rode in the opposite direction.
Meggy ran like she had never run in her life. Her boots catching on branches almost took her out several times, but she didn’t let it slow her. Crosshair and Wrecker were somewhere out here, she had to warn them about what was going on.
“Meggy!” A raspy voice hissed out of nowhere.
Meggy stopped in her tracks. Confusion written on her face.
“Up here.”
Meggy looked up, Crosshair was perched high up in a Douglas Fir.
“Crosshair!” The girl said as loudly as she dared. “They took Echo!”
“I know, I saw the whole thing. Climb up here, they’re coming back.”
Meggy had never climbed a tree before, but she had to be brave. She clambered one branch at a time until she was a few levels below her brother, then decided it was enough.
“Where’s Wrecker?” She breathed hard from the exertion.
“I don’t know.”
As if on cue their brother appeared through the tree trunks below, striding back toward camp with an armful of game traps he’d retrieved.
“Psssst Wrecker!” Meggy hissed.
“He can’t hear you.” Crosshair threw a pine cone down toward his half-deaf brother’s head with pinpoint accuracy.
“OW!” Wrecker turned and looked up. “Hey! What are you two doing in a tree?!”
Meggy and Cross motioned him to be quiet and beckoned him up.
The three siblings balanced on their branches, the one Wrecker was on creaking concerningly. Holding their breath, they watched the bounty hunters searching for them in the forest below. Crosshair held his rifle ready to retaliate at the slightest glance in their direction, Meggy and Wrecker could do nothing but wait.
After several, slow, agonizing minutes, the men moved on.
“Who’s that?” Wrecker whispered.
“I don’t know but they have Echo!” Meggy tried to hold in a sob.
“We’ll get him back.” Wrecker growled. “Come on.” He started back down the tree.
“Stop. There are too many of them. We need a plan.” Crosshair hissed.
“Let’s go back to camp.” Wrecker suggested. “We’ll get Hunter and Tech and then get Echo.”
An hour of searching yielded no results, the bounty had fled. Arthur knew when the trail had run cold, and this one was ice.
“Don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last, English.” Sean gasped in pain for the twelfth time. It was time to give up. Even if they did find the bounty, Sean would be no help bringing them in, and he wasn’t confident with the marksman and the bruiser being the ones unaccounted for.
“John, get Sean home. I’ll meet the others in town.”
The cell in the Sheriff’s office reeked of must and the unwashed fabric of the thin mattress on the floor. Hunter, Tech, and Echo sat on the ground as far away from it as possible.
On their way in, Hunter had noticed Meggy’s bounty poster… her reward was more money than they ever would’ve imagined. Why all this fuss over one kid? Why couldn’t they just be left alone?
“The Van der Linde Gang.” Tech thoughtfully mumbled to himself.
“The Van der Linde Gang?” Echo scoffed. “What’s that?”
“I read about them in the paper, I have a hunch that’s who we’re dealing with.” Tech said softly, eyeing the deputy at the desk across the room.
“How do you know that?” Hunter whispered.
“The one calling the shots, I believe his name is Arthur Morgan, has a vicious reputation. He is one of Dutch Van der Linde’s right hand men.”
“Yeah he’s the one we ran in to in town.” Hunter said in a worried hush.
“QUIET IN THERE!” The Deputy scolded.
They fell silent for a few minutes.
“How long have we been here?” Echo whispered
Tech, the only one who wore a watch, checked it. “Four hours.”
Echo sighed.
“I SAID QUIET! Final warning.” The Deputy hit the table with his fist.
Wrecker, Crosshair, and Meggy ducked through the underbrush as quickly and quietly as possible. Stopping every so often to listen for their pursuers. When they arrived at camp they waited and watched for at least an hour, making sure the bounty hunters were not around.
“Is it safe yet?” Meggy dared a whisper.
“We need a plan, first.” Wrecker scratched his chin.
Crosshair’s uncanny stillness finally broke. “I’ll tack up Havoc. Wrecker and Meggy get Murray* on the wagon. We’ll go to town and carefully scope it out to see if we can figure out where they took them.”
(*Murray is Marauder’s nickname)
Meggy and Wrecker nodded and the troop finally stood from their hiding place. Meggy looked up at Crosshair, his brow was knotted with deep concern. She gently tugged on his sleeve. “We’re gonna find them, Crosshair, don’t worry.” She smiled.
The marksman nodded back but barely looked at her.
Soon enough they were on the road. Wrecker drove the wagon while crosshair took up the rear on his mount, and Meggy was relinquished to riding in an empty crate to stay out of sight. She jostled inside, now that the adrenaline had worn off the reality of the situation was beginning to set in. A few stray tears slid down her face. The universe had just given her a family and now it was trying to take it away. Maybe it really would’ve been better for everyone if she just stayed at that stupid school.
Taglist: @dragonrider9905 @omegafett99 @griffedeloup
Author’s note:
Hello beautiful readers! So many of you have given me such good ideas for this AU. This is a kind of “I’m making it up as I go” story with several solid story beats I’m working toward. That being said I’d love to hear more detail ideas for this crossover if you have them! And I will try to incorporate them in.
For example: someone suggested that Gonky be their disabled dog and I love that so much, I want to figure out how to ret con it in. Stuff like that.
Anyway thank you for reading and for all the enthusiasm!’ I read every single tag, reblog, and reply (multiple times).
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bibones · 4 months
Here, have some unedited, stream-of-consciousness ideas about transmasc Triumvirate for Pride Month 🏳️‍⚧️
McCoy came out the youngest - when he was around 7 or 8, and started HRT young enough that top surgery wasn't necessary for him, any chest growth was negligible. Apart from keeping up with his hormonal implants, being trans hasn't much affected him; his family are modern, 23rd Century people goddamnit, they ain't gonna throw a fuss at their tween naming himself Leonard if that's what makes him happy.
He never bothered with bottom surgery, and he donated his eggs when he and Jocelyn went through IVF. Jocelyn carried Joanna, but McCoy wouldn't have been fully opposed to being a seahorse dad if it was more convenient for them at the time - needless to say, he's still relieved when it's not something he needed to go through to be a father.
All the same, he is very reticent of sharing the fact that he's transgender. It don't matter one bit to nobody but those who share his bed, thank you very much.
Kirk came out as a teenager, sometime around the age of 16. Overcoming the trauma of Kodos and Tarsus IV was something he had to make some sort of peace with first before he realised the discomfort he felt in his body and the perception of himself by other people wasn't any sort of lingering dysmorphia related to childhood food insecurity. He has what some would consider the stereotypical tomboy-to-butch-to-FtM pipeline. He's always been charming with the ladies, and gaining confidence in his identity as a trans man just made him all the more magnetic.
He had top surgery prior to joining Starfleet, and bottom surgery prior to his first posting on a starship.
He's more open and causal about his transition than McCoy is; if other people happen to bring it up, he'll proudly talk your ear off about his gender journey, but he wouldn't disclose at the drop of a hat, either.
Spock came out the latest of the trio. He was an adult, he was already in Starfleet Academy, and it took him a few years after realising his gender identity to start any sort of medical transition. He's on HRT, but hasn't had top surgery or bottom surgery.
Being transgender isn't stigmatised on Vulcan, however Spock was more reluctant to explore his experience with gender incongruity than he would otherwise have been due to being half-Vulcan - either because of internalised shame at deviating from the norm and having these feelings, or as a result of prior medical trauma from being closely studied and monitored as the first human-Vulcan hybrid.
McCoy gives him the what-for the first time he realised Spock binds unsafely during away missions ("And no, sir, it is not 'logical' to purposefully put yourself at risk because you happen to have more durable bones than a human! You still have lungs that gotta breathe, man!")
He is, however unexpected, the most candid of his status as a transgender man.
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yutosano · 3 months
winbre chapter 145 spoilers
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endo yamato when i catch you. LET HIM BE HAPPY GODDAMNIT
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he's back !! <333
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THE TRIO!! the way they all took turns smacking him lmao
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sugishita you are everything to me. sugi and sakura ever so slowly getting along <3
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fairykazu · 7 months
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NAUGHTY OR NICE FT. CHISCARA contents // poly! relationship with chiscara, established relationship, silly relationship fun! notes // i got lazy... sorry :( masterlist
despite the cheery christmas’ spirit, there was a tension rising in the house, mostly because of childe wants to spoil his own christmas gifts and attempting to be sneaky to get them. every time you look away, he tries to find his gift as if he was some weeping angel.
he hummed a tune while lifting things off the counters or under the tables. "babe, where did you put my socks?"
he has such a terrible excuse to find the presents. "sweetheart, it's on your side of the closet."
"but i can't find any of them..." he replied in a whiny toned voice. you looked over and he froze on the spot.
"ajax." his head turned, his eyes teary to the brim. he smiled in such a way that could only to be described as "im going to get what i want!!"
"yes, babe?" he walked closer and wrapped his arms around you, smiling. you looked up to him,
"wait until christmas to get your present."
childe is braiding your hair, adding little fun clips and bows to it, "can we do a guessing game?"
"is it about your christmas gift, ajax?" he giggled nervously as he replied with,
"hahahaaa... yes."
you shook your head, "no."
"you hate me!!!"
it doesn’t help that scaramouche is playing this game too. usually, scaramouche would slide with you and scold childe with you and ends up with them fighting with each other. you’re afraid to admit that you liked that better than the both of them ganging up on each other. 
it's a week before christmas, scaramouche laid on your lap while the two of you waited for ajax to come back to finish business proposal. you played with his hair, noticing it had grown a little longer. out of nowhere, he asked, "honey, you're so pretty."
"thank you, scara, you're real pretty too. but don't butter me up to know your gift."
he frowned.
"i know your tricks already."
out of the trio, scaramouche definitely makes the most money but childe likes to be the extra and dramatic boyfriend as he can. like just last year, you mentioned a perfume you liked was too expensive for you to buy. next day, you wake up with at least five of them on your bedside table, wrapped in badly tied ribbons. but if childe does that, scaramouche would want to one up him so you wake up to a good morning text from scara saying that he bought the whole company and you’re able to get any perfume you want ever. 
although, it was very sweet of them to do that, you think you have to take control of what they want to buy considering everything… nevermind that, now you have to distract your super annoying, cute ginger from sniffing out gifts from the closet. “babe, where did you put the wrapping paper?" he asked, batting his eyes as he rested his head on your shoulder.
scaramouche hit his head, making childe pout, "childe, you're stupid, it's in the cabinet downstairs." he further emphasized his point by pointing down to the floor. childe rolled his eyes, playfully punching his boyfriend and pulled him aside.
they're conspiring in the corner of the shared bedroom. you're afraid to say that they're planning to gang up on you a day just before christmas. childe is giggling while scaramouche scolded him. you watch them whisper and point for a while. it's cute to see them like this.
but they're definitely getting their christmas gifts a tad too early. not because their plan worked but because you were planning too anyway.
it was cute to see childe whisper to the indigo haired male that their plan had work and that they had successfully tricked you. but scaramouche nodded, smirking.
dont plan anything else....
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lonelylonelyghost · 3 months
Re-watch of The Spirealm. Episode 21
My god, why is this show so beautifully shot?! Like what the hell?!!!
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The unique set designs for each of the Door world, the lighting, how everybody is styled and shot, the way they convey love between Nanzhu and Qiushi with camera language!!!! And not to mention the character, the writing and the acting!
And the drama is so underrated, and I'm soooo angry! SHOW IT SOME APPRECIATION GODDAMNIT!!
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It's like at any moment someone will appear at the top of the stairs and go -
"You might be wondering why all of you've been gathered here tonight"
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THEM. Just chilling and being gorgeous together
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Xiao Ke, my beloved!
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The one the only - The Mistress of the Rain!
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Oh no, whatever Nanzhu and Qiushi are gonna doooo...
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That's how I want to look every time I read a book
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Just bros being bros
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"Now, if you, stupid picture or stupid Door, try to do anything to Qiushi, I'm going to slice this whole world to ribbons. Hear me?"
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Not creepy at all
And this shot of Qiushi peeking out of the rain-stained window... I noticed that the drama has like a bunch of shots of Qiushi just peaking out of things. What I'm saying is - I have a collection
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Though who am I kidding, they've already exchanged their wedding vows in the last episode
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I love their trio sooo much
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One is catching up on his sleep, the other - on his reading. And they are just, together. Because they feel good and safe in each other's presence.
You know, there are all those love stories that people watch/read about, and you sometimes think that you would want love just like them. Except that no you actually don't, because transferred to reality that would be exhausting and a literal hell on earth. But THIS 👆 thing that Nanzhu and Qiushi have - this I want.
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This show loves its infinite staircases
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Menacing but gorgeous. Again, the WOMEN in this show!!!
Which is even more impressive, considering that this is danmei adaptation we're talking about
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"Mengmeng's death was caused by Jiang Yingrui. You don't have to believe me, but I won't tolerate you hurting my person."
I mean, I can't even say anything smart-ass here, it's not even a subtext
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Charlie and Vaggie (and trio if they feel inclined to answer), we know how the triplets and Osian are with Husk’s belly, how are they with Charlie’s?
Charlie: They don’t know me very well so they don’t like me holding them. But they love Vaggie!
Vaggie: *currently has kittens all over her* Why….
Angel: She’s really is a pussy magnet!
Husk: Goddamnit Angel…
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The Good, The Bad, and The Alternative: a homestuck fanfiction. Chapter 34, an excerpt:
"Well, that sounds better than no plan, I suppose," Kanaya agreed. "We'll take a table far enough away that you don't feel like we're hovering."
"And we'll keep an eye out for you going mister cool guy mode if you flub too many open and honest type behaviors," Vriska added.
"Goddamnit, you were eavesdropping." Dave sighed, swinging his legs up so he could sit on the counter sideways, able to see both of them. "Was there any part of this convo that actually stayed private?"
"I could lie if it makes you feel better," Vriska said, shoving her hand in her jeans pocket. She pulled out a crumbled fifty-dollar bill. "Is this enough to cover these clothes? Walmart shirts are fine for casual wear, but if I look super schlubby, I'll stand out more."
"Hmm, I think that works out to just enough," Kanaya lied, taking the proffered fifty. She grabbed the security magnet remover from behind the counter. "Dave, can you help her get the tags off?"
"Nah, she's being hella shady." He refused the proffered tool. "Vriska, you're not gonna go gossiping to John about my tragicomic ass behavior, are you?"
"Depends," she replied, idly fiddling with the magnet on her tank top. Casually, she added, "how sure are we that Jade isn't a succubus?"
Kanaya sputtered. "What?"
"Seconded. What?" Dave chimed in.
"Wellllllll, the logic seems pretty obvious to me." Vriska cleared her throat, flicking the security tag onto the counter, which she'd apparently worked free without the magnet remover. She looked up at Kanaya, addressing her directly. "So, picture this. John and I are making cupcakes, right? John's in this cute ruffled apron with flowers on it. Some banter ensues- Dave calls him a housewife, John threatens to withhold the goods if he doesn't quit the jokes, and next thing I know, Dave is literally begging on his knees, hands clasped like a groveling peasant as he praises John's skills."
Dave groaned in embarrassment. "I swear it sounded better in my head as I was doing it."
"Psh, I bet." Vriska waggled her eyebrows. "So. He crawls in close, like just barely out of dick-sucking range, and then they just stare at each other, leaving me smelling way too much information about the direction their thoughts were wandering. John's dad was in the room and the dude totally forgot, his pupils were blown like he was on ecstasy. Absolutely atrocious, he's lucky humans can't smell or see that kind of detail from the other side of the room." 
"Dude, no, he was just staring at my antics. He's straight." Dave shook his head. 
"Do you need me to spell out exactly what I was smelling?" Vriska asked incredulously, whipping her head around to stare at Dave. "Maybe he's just so fucking drawn in by your cool guy shtick that he thinks you're the straight one, so he isn't talking flirty or whatever. But the body keeps the score on that kind of stuff, and he can't hide the reactions happening underneath the skin." 
"But what does that have to do with Jade?" Kanaya asked, trying to draw Vriska's intensity back in her direction. 
"Oh, just that John's first favorite subject was Dave, pre-party. They did that whole rap thing against Tavros and Gamzee, I thought they were two, maybe three drinks away from a successful maneuver on the dance floor. But then Jade shows up, and suddenly John is-" Vriska crossed her pointer and middle finger. "Like this with her for the rest of the party, even though Dave nearly got his brain melted. It was fucking weird . Then he doesn't even stop by to say hi to us, not one, but two days in a row, because he's too busy in the morning getting ready to hang out with Jade? Makes me think, maybe she's pulling some heavy seduction magic."
For a moment, the trio were silent, absorbing Vriska's words.
"Are you a conspiracy theorist? Genuinely asking," Dave said, crossing his arms.
Do you think Vriska is blowing things out of proportion? Read on to find out!
The Good, The Bad, and The Alternative (449733 words) by Madam_Melon_Meow, sarcasticcelery Chapters: 34/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido, Eridan Ampora & Feferi Peixes, Kanaya Maryam & Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde & Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde, Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider & Dave Strider, Beta Kids & Beta Trolls, Jade Harley & Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde, Dad Egbert & John Egbert, Kanaya Maryam/Vriska Serket, Eridan Ampora/Dave Strider Characters: John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Becquerel (Homestuck), Kanaya Maryam, Vriska Serket, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak, Virgin Mother Grub (Homestuck), Vriska's Lusus, Gl'bgolyb (Homestuck), Dad Egbert, Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde, Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Aurthour (Homestuck), The Condesce (Homestuck), Serenity (Homestuck) Additional Tags: inspired by Kim Harrison’s The Hollows, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Humanstuck, Alternate Universe - No Sburb Session, Human Lusii (Homestuck), Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Demigods, Vampires, multi POV: all beta trolls & humans, The Horrorterrors (Homestuck), Non-Abusive Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Violence, Magic, Aged-Up Character(s), the kids and trolls range between 16 and 20, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Vriska Serket has PTSD, Memory Loss, Scars, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Plot Twists, Unreliable Narrator, Rose Lalonde and Dave Strider Are Not Related, Skaianet Laboratories, beta guardians are not alpha kids and troll parents are not ancestors, monsterstuck, Break Up, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Ship Tags Will Update As They Become Relevant, Good Person Gamzee Makara, Suicide Attempt by Proxy, Dissociation, Victim Blaming, Abusive Parents, sexually active teenagers, Underage Drinking Series: Part 1 of Monsterstuck: Suburban Catastrophe Summary: Three years ago, on John Egbert's birthday, the world ended. Three years ago, Jade Harley and Vriska Serket vanished alongside billions of others. Three years ago, the apocalypse arrived, transforming everything and revealing much that was hidden to those who remained. Three years ago, the meteors (mostly!) missed Houston, and that's where John's headed today. In Houston, Rose Lalonde searches for washed-up traces of magic, warily overseen by Kanaya and her old friend Dave. In Texas, the newly dubbed "alternatives" maintain a newfound alliance with the humans they saved--and a wary truce with the Hunter forces that once kept all these creatures of fable and fairytale a secret from the world of man. And here, in Houston, the world is about to change once again. An urban fantasy monsterstuck AU featuring the beta kids, beta trolls, and their guardians. Updates every other Saturday!
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le-trash-prince · 5 months
for the five or whatever many things meme/prompt...whatever:
the story of how dean completely accidentally becomes the top dog of their prison block and how winner somewhat accidentally becomes his bitch
I'm making this a space prison AU because thinking about real prison just makes me sad dfkgdfgd
setting-wise this is inspired by The Salvation Gambit but garbled because I'm going off of memory of having read it once.
Background plot-wise, things are similar to Pit Babe, just, you know, space-ified. Babe champions a local star-system racing circuit, Tony deals in interstellar human trafficking (I'm going with "special alpha powers are a human thing"), Kenta is an android (I have so many thoughts about android Kenta to share later), and Dean and Winner are on the same shuttle, post-series, getting shipped off to the nearest prison planet. Winner spends the entire trip bragging about how his family is sooo wealthy, he'll get a retrial and be out of there in no time, and "maybe if you kiss my boots I'll think about helping you out." Which just pisses Dean off, but whatever.
But, there's an unexpected change of plans, and their shuttle gets hijacked by a massive, unsanctioned prison ship run by a sentient, megalomaniacal AI that views itself as the prisoners' god of redemption. They're not just prisoners now, they're captives, and nobody ever escapes this ship. Not that this is going to stop them from trying—they're both pilots after all. They're each given a "welcome kit" and then dropped into a hallway where they're immediately jumped by a trio of scavengers. Winner, as always, cowers after a single hit, but Dean—he may be small, he may be new, but he's angry and he's willing to hurt people, and he fights them off until they're rescued by another, friendlier group.
They get taken to this group’s quadrant for the night, and they’re given the recruitment speech, "we grow our own fresh food, we've got weapons," but they've also got boring rules that Winner isn't interested in living by. And if these people are desperate enough to recruit newbies, it means there's bound to be better things elsewhere in the ship. Dean on the other hand is a little taken-in by being pampered and told what an asset he'd be, and he's a little annoyed by Winner's assumption that Dean would just follow him wherever. Especially when Dean is starting to realize he could actually take Winner in a fight, so who actually needs who here? They argue, Winner storms off, and then Dean has a "goddamnit" moment of realizing this ship is bigger than he can even fathom, and the only familiar face onboard is about to disappear, possibly for good. And Winner is a better pilot than him, which still makes him Dean's best chance of ever seeing daylight again. They need each other. So he grabs what he can from the little room they'd been set up in and sulks off after Winner.
From there, the two of them make their way through the different quadrants of the ship, trying to learn the ins-and-outs so they can hatch their escape plan. They get a change of clothes that removes the "fresh meat" target on their backs. They have a "and there was only one blanket" moment on one of the colder levels. And they never cease to be amazed at just how expansive the ship is, and what kind of life people have built for themselves after having been trapped here for generations. They visit a market on a central level that has live music going on—the loud and pulsing sort that gets Dean stripping his jacket off and joining the crowd of dancers because he's been desperate to let loose. Winner prowls along the edge of the crowd, until he gives in to the heated looks that Dean keeps shooting his way and joins him in a dance that's mostly just the two of them grinding their hips against each other. And then there’s Dean grabbing Winner by the wrist and dragging him off to somewhere more private.
Winner is big and good at giving mean looks that intimidate most people, but Dean's the real scary one (he will bite your fingers off). Their goal is finding people who would be useful in figuring out an escape plan, but they end up amassing a small gang of recent intakes, and they hole up in one of the surveillance dead-zones of the ship. And Dean has never felt more useful or needed. The thing is, Winner still has family on the outside. He has something to lose if they never make it out of here. But Dean has already lost everything, and sometimes the thought that he might never see X-Hunter again is almost a relief. Like he doesn't have to face up to the past. He wonders if it would really be so bad to stay. But all it takes is a "No wonder you're such a shitty racer if you'd give up on it before you even got started," to remind Dean that they're still in a prison, and there's things on the outside that he wants to do. But he still gives Winner the cold shoulder for a whole day after that comment.
One last thing is Winner does eventually grow the tiniest spine and attack someone when they try carrying Dean off during a fight because he panics at the thought of something happening to Dean. Of course this is immediately followed up by a show of emotional constipation and “Maybe don’t be such a dead weight next time,” because it is still Winner.
Edit: Android!Kenta AU set in the same 'verse
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
So, this happened Friday
Me: *getting into car after work, bopping to EPIC: The Musical's Suffering and thinking about an MIC idea that's been in my head for it* Me: *suddenly stops right before putting key in the ignition* Me: *Realizes, after multiple YEARS of having established that Durza never discovers Arya's name and thus always calls her Little Elf to be a dick as usual, that the Twins probably would have told him the names of the OG Elf Squad trio AGES ago* Me: *whacks head onto steering wheel* Me: FUCK. Me: *jams key in* I'm keeping it. Durza doesn't know any names. Fucking Twins. Goddamnit.
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sentience-if · 4 months
Since the Val/Klaus/Io cuddle is just Klaus lying down and Val and Io sprawling on top of him asleep, I'd like to submit at the Connie/Ira/Io cuddle is Connie reclining on a sofa, Ira using them as a basically a deck chair and Io (depending on height) curled up in/slumped off the edge of the sofa with their head in Ira's lap. The positive of this are
1. Good reading position for Ira
2. Connie can take a good long nap
3. Cat Io :3
4. Ira can use use Connie as a tiddie pillow (throwing the connnie mancers a bone here)
5. If Ira grinds their hips at all they suddenly have two very red faces staring at them from below and above (and goddamnit they deserves that!)
i think any good trio position is where the sleepiest one is forced to take a nap because they can't move
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