#they had to smash
falsemortal · 1 year
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Sick 🤒
It was a cold, winter day. A few days before Christmas.
Laura had invited Travis over for the weekend, having wanted to catch up and possibly go last minute shopping with him. However, Laura picked up on something the moment he arrived, but didn’t say anything until she saw further proof. (Something she’s personally been working on ever since that summer.)
They had just arrived back at her apartment, a couple shopping bags were left in the hallway between the bedroom and living room. Travis had excused himself a tad too quickly, and Laura saw the look on his face as soon as he got out of her car a few minutes earlier…. and now, she allowed herself to confront him.
“Just because you could face werewolves and supernatural beings for years, doesn’t mean you’re not capable of getting sick.”
“Kearney, I’m fine,” says the man currently supporting himself against the entryway to her small kitchen.
“The hell you are, Hackett,” her look shot daggers into him as she continued, “You’ve got a fever, you’re visibly shaking, and I saw you try to cover up when you vomited earlier.”
“I didn’t-“ He tries, but she cuts him off.
A weary sigh, “Okay, I might be a little sick.. but it’s nothing, it’ll go away in no time.”
“You need to lay down and rest,” her hand is on his arm, right above the spot where she has bitten him last summer.
“I’m fine-“
“You need to rest,” her voice is sure and strong, as is her grip.
“You.” She jabs him in the chest with her pointer finger, “Rest.”
He averts his eyes, his voice soft, “I’ll go take a nap on the couch.”
“Nuh uh,” she takes his arm and pulls him in the direction of her room, “My bed is more comfortable than the couch.”
“Travis, please, just listen to me,” she stops and looks up at him, his clammy skin under her hand, ”We might drive each other crazy most of the time, but I worry about you. Immensely. You’re always taking care of everyone else for so long.. why don’t you let me take care of you for once?”
He swallows, putting his hand over the one she has on his other arm, gently squeezing before dropping it back down beside him, “Okay.”
Whatever this thing they had going on between them, it made him soft and docile in her presence. He might show his teeth and hiss, but if she pushes his buttons right, he’s putty in her hands.
There was the tease of flirting, the subtle jealousy whenever they were out and Travis noticed other guys looking at her, and of course, there were the times Laura would text him her location whenever she went on dates with guys she didn’t know too well.
However, Laura hadn’t been doing much dating in the past couple months. Not since she and Travis had started their weekend hangouts. It gave him a glimpse of hope, that they might have something, but he knows it won’t happen. It couldn’t happen.. right?
Travis had only ever been in her bedroom once before and it was to grab her cellphone charger from the spot beside her bed. It was a forbidden zone in his mind, a personal place where he wished he could exist, but knew it was all a dream. But now? Laura was guiding him in, her queen sized bed the destination with the plush white comforter and the multiple throw blankets of various sizes and shades of green.
The moment he sat down, Laura was handing him a pair of sweatpants and a large tshirt. “Here, you can borrow these.”
She left the room momentarily and he took that as an opportunity to change and take in the room. It was a little on the cluttered side, but it was… cute. She had little figurines of animals set up on her shelves, a small bookshelf of textbooks and mystery novels. On the bed, there were a couple plush animals as well, he chuckled when he saw the black wolf, patting its head affectionately.
Like Kaylee once had, there were warm tone lights strung along the walls and there were a few Polaroids taped to the wall. Upon a closer inspection, he saw himself in one of them. His stomach buzzed at that, in the photo he wasn’t looking at the camera at all but he seemed to be in the middle of talking to someone. He looked.. happy?
He sat back down on the bed, folding his flannel and jeans and placing them on the floor beside the bed. He heard something fall underneath him, so he twisted down to look.
If he thought he could embarrass himself even more.. just beyond his clothes he laid down, was a small container. The lid had been jostled off and he was now peering into a very intimate box. His face felt like it was on fire as he reached down and searched around for the cover blindly. He found it after a few swipes, but the image of one particular toy and its girth was burned into his eyes.
He wasn’t a prude, he knew people had their needs and whatnot. He’d explored a few things early on in adulthood, finding what he liked… but that was a lifetime ago.
The mattress was practically pulling him in, the blankets and the pillows were all so inviting.
He laid down and was overwhelmed with her scent. He didn’t know if it was her perfume, or if it was what she washed her hair with, but he absolutely loved it. The clean, citrusy scent. The black wolf plush was wedged under his side, so he pulled it out and just held it front of him for a bit, looking and feeling…a weird feeling he’d never felt before. It made his insides jitter but it wasn’t a bad feeling per se.
Laura made her reappearance, tugging along a trash can and a large bottled water. Travis was the first to talk however, “Who is this little guy?”
Laura blushed when she saw the wolf plush in his hands, she sat the trash can beside the bed, within arms reach of the man,“You have to promise not to laugh.”
“I won’t,” he sits the plush on his chest. “Promise.”
“Travis,” she says quietly, making him look at her. She sits at the foot of the bed.
“Yeah?” He quirks a brow, which makes her face turn even more red.
“No,” she pokes the wolf, her response is so quick that the words almost blend together, ”The wolf’s name is Travis.”
“Ah,” It’s his turn to blush, he stares at the plush. It’s dark eyes staring back at him.
“Yes, he’s named after you,” she crosses her arms, looking away from him, “I saw it at that corner shop in North Kill..”
“Mel’s,” Travis shook his head, a soft noise left him, patting the wolf on the head, “Much softer and cuter than me, I’m afraid.”
Laura made a strangled noise, it might have been disbelief, “Okay, okay, so, what are your other symptoms? You got a headache? Sinus issues?”
“Head’s been killing me since I woke up this morning,” he says quietly, adjusting to sit up slightly against her wall of pillows. “Took some aspirin, but don’t think it helped.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go to the store real quick,” she gets up and rounds over to the side of the bed, “You have any requests for dinner?”
He shakes his head, but ultimately freezes when the back of Laura’s hand rests on his forehead.
“God, you’re burning up,” she looks conflicted, and before Travis even acknowledges it, she presses her lips to his forehead briefly, “Get some rest, okay? I’m going to see if I can get you something to make you feel better.”
Travis is stunned into silence and just nods at her.
He watches her leave the room, then hears her shuffle about her place and then call out another ‘I’ll be back!’ to him.
Utterly alone, he feels himself start to sink into her bed. The softness of the mattress, the cooling comforter, and the smell of her surrounding him.. he was in heaven. The small spot she had pressed her lips to on his forehead felt like he’d been seared, his fingers gently touching the area in disbelief.
He wished she’d join him, but he also didn’t want to get her sick. For now, he’d have to deal with his tiny… counterpart.
The little wolf plush stares at him and it made him wonder if she held it at night, it had been right beside the pillows.. the thought that she might even fall asleep cuddling it made him blush.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. He didn’t intend it to happen so quickly, but everything around him was..nice.
When Laura came back, she almost dropped her grocery bag of supplies. Travis was on his stomach, halfway under the comforter with a leg sticking out. The plush was tucked up under his shoulder, in the crook of his neck. She blushes and got closer, running a hand up his neck and into his hair. He made a soft noise and turned to look at her.
“Hey sicky, I got you some medicine,” she smiled at him, “Sit up and I’ll give you it. Also picked up some burgers if you’re hungry.”
“Not hungry,” he mumbles into the bed, causing Laura to ask him to repeat what he said. He turned over and sat up, the motion caused his stomach to rumble uncomfortably. He also most definitely felt how heavy he felt down there. He tried to sit up and adjust his legs, but he had to swallow back a low moan at the sensation.
Laura’s hand cupped his cheek, and he thought he might’ve died right on the spot with the way she was looking at him. He found his voice, although hoarse, “I’m not hungry, my stomach hasn’t settled yet.”
“That’s alright,” her thumb swirls on his cheek briefly, he felt his cock pulsate, “I would like for you to take your medicine though.”
Her hand leaves him and he watches her rifle through the little plastic bag she’d brought in with her. She takes out a bottle of stomach relief medicine, as well as a bottle of Cold + Flu. She hums as she sets them on the side table, she then brings out a bottle of electrolyte replacement, “Got you strawberry, your favorite.”
“Thanks, “ he adjusts the comforter on his lap, but the weight and pressure makes him groan. He was so embarrassingly close and he hadn’t even touched himself. “What’s first, doc?”
“Well, do you feel like you’re going to throw up?” Laura’s eyes searched his, “Or I can give you some Cold + Flu, it’ll make you a little sleepy but it should help with your headache. The bottle says it helps with nausea, too.”
“Whatever is best, I trust you,” he meets her eyes, and he watches her lips quirk into a soft smile before she turns her head to ready whatever it is she’s going to give him. Her hand gently rests on his arm and.. squeezes.
His cock twitches and pulsates, his eyes almost bulge out of his head as he bites down on his lip. He can taste blood.
The next time she touches him, he is going to cum.
..and he can’t have that happen. He can’t ruin what friendship they have. He needs to excuse himself.
“Hey, uh, I need to go to the restroom real quick,” he kicked his legs out from the comforter but was met with a decision. Does he expose the very obvious tent in his borrowed pants, or does he make a fool of himself and run with the comforter?
“Oh, okay, here let me-“ He doesn’t get to make the choice. Laura yanks the cover away from him and his hands instantly go to cover himself, which doesn’t work. His nerves are on fire as he looks and sees her staring.
Not only is he painfully hard, he’d also started to leak out into the fabric of the light grey sweatpants Laura had given him to wear. He breathes heavily as neither of them speak for a solid two minutes.
“Oh,” is all he hears, then the shuffling of the bags, “I’m, um, I’m going to go put the burgers in the fridge. You can go take care of that. If you need me I’ll be in the kitchen- No, uh, what I mean-“
“M’sorry,” He squeezes his eyes shut, he feels terrible and now she knows. She probably thinks he’s a dirty old man. She’s never going to want to talk to him ever again. “I can drive back-“
“What- no? Travis, what are you talking about?” Her eyes bolt back up to his face, her cheeks are bright red now, “I don’t want you to go. It’s only Saturday.”
His eyes open and he exhales, trying to steady his breath, “But-“
Her hand goes to his knee and that’s all it takes.
He feels his balls tighten and then the smallest strand of holding back snaps like a twig. He whines and moans into himself as he presses down on his erection, he wants to disappear and die. Precum was dribbling out of him and he could feel it soak his pants even more.
He stands up, pushing his way out of the room the best he can, but is stopped in his tracks by Laura wrapping her arms around him from behind. He doesn’t dare move as he feels her lips on the back of his neck, trailing softly.
“Travis, it’s okay,” she’s quiet, “Can I help?”
His brain shuts down. Can she help?
“What?” He doesn’t even realize he said it aloud, but he feels one of her hands snake down his stomach and flick at the waistband of the sweatpants.
“I said I’ll take care of you earlier,” she pauses, swallowing, “This is included.”
He shudders back against her, and in a silent approval, he takes her hand and pulls it under his pants. He makes a soft noise when he feels her hand press him gently. She maps him out with a finger, then wraps around him and tentatively strokes him.
He’s on fire as his hips follow her hand without him acknowledging it, Laura is pressing little kisses to the back of his neck, his shoulders, his back, everywhere she can reach as she strokes him to a quick finish. He can barely hear her little puffs of encouragement, but with the way she’s acting, it’s like she liked this.
He’d hardly noticed her other hand being absent until he heard her. A tiny little moan and the swish of fabric being rubbed back and forth with fervor. She was touching herself as she touched him.
His brain was surely melting from his fever.
And then…
He came with a shout.
Her name on his lips.
..but Laura kept going until he was milked dry. He coated the inside of the sweatpants, and he could feel the wet fabric smacking against him as Laura continued to move her hand.
He felt empty and he slumped backwards slightly. Now that he could focus, he could clearly hear the slick noise from behind him now, and the little huffs of pleasure Laura was emitting.
He turned gently and met her eyes as he smoothed his hand down the arm that was still snaked into his pants. He gently took her slick and slightly sticky hand in his own.
“Let me-“ He started just as she crooked her fingers inside herself, her breathing hitched and he swears he’s never seen a more beautiful being than Laura riding her own hand.
“T-Travis-“ she stutters, bringing his hand closer, so that his knuckles rub up against her. A tiny thrill runs up his exhausted spine as he watches her rub up on him. “Please.”
He presses his hand against her and watches her face morph with pleasure as he joins her fingers. He gently crooks his finger and suddenly, it’s like sparks erupt from the blonde in front of him. He did it again and she squealed, clenching down on his fingers.
It was like he was touching a live wire. Hot and dangerous.
He wanted to do this for the rest of his life. Bringing pleasure to her, watching her writhe on his fingers. Hearing her noises.
Her forehead slumped against his chest. Her whines and moans of pleasure muffled by his body.
Her ejaculate covered his fingers, only noticeable once he removed himself from her, the circulating air hitting them and making it cold. He squeezed his arms around her and pressed a hesitant kiss to the top of her head.
“Join me?” Her voice was small and used, her hands pulling him back to her bed. “Unless.. you regret this?”
“Fuck no,” he huffs, holding her close. “I don’t regret this in the slightest, Laura.”
He allows her to pull him along, she crawls into the bed and looks at him with big, tired eyes. He follows, guided by her hands. He makes a noise when Laura hugs and pulls him down on top of her.
She nuzzles into him and sighs happily.
“You’re going to get sick.”
“I don’t care,” she just hugs him tighter, pressing a kiss to his flesh, “I want you to hold me and never let me go.”
His heart aches and squeezes as he nuzzles his nose into her cheek and plants a kiss there. “Can’t make any promises, but I’ll do whatever I can for you. Always for you.”
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saltyshrimpzz · 1 year
The taste of chocolate
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It had been a rough week. Laura sighed as she leaned back in her seat and stretched her slightly stiff limbs. She looked at the clock that was ticking on the wooden wall next to her.
It was 5.30 pm and Travis would be home in a bit. 
She smiled, thinking about the Sheriff. It had been a long journey for both of them, but she was happy. She was taking her classes online after talking to her professors. She still had to be present, but they would give her the exact date beforehand so she could prepare. Those weeks were the worst because she was only back in North Kill on the Weekends to see Travis before she had to go back and Study. 
Good thing she was in her last semester before she finally could work as a veterinarian like she always had dreamed of. Travis had talked to the local one and Dr. Gold was more than happy to have her in his clinic. He was getting old and a young and new member of his staff would be a great thing to have.
She stood up after hearing the crunch of the gravel, the familiar police cruiser pulling up before their patio. Laura walked over to the front door and opened it, leaning against the frame and smiling upon seeing the tired-looking Sheriff. He smiled when he saw her, a little plastic bag in hand and another small box in his other one.
“Hey” she said softly.
“Hey” he answered.
She closed her arms around his neck and kissed him on his lips, a soft hum rumbled through the taller man's frame, smiling against her plush, soft lips. When they parted, Laura smiled gently, her hands wandering from his neck to his cheeks, cupping them as her thumb gently caressed his cheekbones.
“M’glad your back… how was work?” She asked softly, their faces still close. 
Travis nuzzled her nose and smiled. “Shitty… someone tried to rob Mrs. Anderson's shop in broad daylight. Punks gettin’ real crazy as of late.”
A deep sigh rolled off his lips, pressing them to hers again before leaning back.
“Let’s get inside, I brought take-out”
Laura giggled and stepped inside, him following suit. He set the bag on the kitchen counter and looked at her, smiling. His Laura… His angel. No matter how often he’d look at her, sometimes it felt so surreal having her here in his lodge, living together as a pair. He watched her, her golden locks swayed softly as she worked on getting the food out of their boxes and onto plates before bringing them to the small dining table they had next to the kitchen. He looked at the box that was still in his hand. A black one with a golden bow, a thank you, from Mrs. Anderson.
“Travis? You comin’?”
“Yea, sorry… uh, here. That's what Mrs. Anderson gave me as a “Thank you”... I think it's chocolate and I thought you might like it because you've been studying so hard the past few weeks.” He smiled, his cheeks coloring in a soft red. He always thought blushing would go away with age, turns out that having a younger lover did quite the opposite. She always made sure to challenge him, in and out of bed.
“Nice! I ate the last today! This will be life-saving!” Laura said happily, clapping her hands together as she took the box and walked back to their little office space… well originally it was Travis's office, he just let her there because the wifi wasn’t as shitty in there. The Sheriff chuckled and shook his head.
“Ma'am, just how much did ya eat?”
“Ohhh~ I dunno? Maybe one or two bars? Why? You're gonna arrest me for eating sweets?”
She eyed him with a challenge in her eyes. He huffed and shook his head.
“No, not today, sweetheart.”
Laura booed and stuck out her tongue, which made the older male laugh softly. 
He looked at her in disbelief. His tough and very strong girlfriend. He never thought she would have such a sweet tooth… Ah, to be young again. She can eat as much as she wanted and she would not gain one pound, he on the other side? If he'd had as many sweets as she did it would bring him to an early grave. He shook his head and smiled, sitting down to eat the Chinese takeout he brought home. *The next morning* Travis was already gone. Laura snuggled into his side of the bed, taking in his scent. She hated it when he had to leave early for work. Good thing it was Friday so they had the weekend for themselves. She peeled herself out of the soft bed and stretched. She wore short gray shorts and an old washed-out “Billy Talent” T-shirt that she had taken from Travis. She had been surprised that the stuck-up cop that locked her and Max up in a cell for 2 months actually liked Punk rock. She sighed, smiling to herself as she put on her fuzzy socks and walked into the kitchen to make herself coffee. After she also made some toast, she was walking with a mug and plate in hand, to the office to get some assignments done.
She only listened half-heartedly to her professor's lecture. He was the worst, his voice monotone as he talked, talked, and talked…
She sighed and looked at the black box. She could use a snack… It was already 3 pm and she felt a light craving for sweets. She opened the box and felt her mouth water. The chocolate inside looked fucking delicious and very high-end. What a nice treat.
Laura took the first one out of the golden wrapping paper and looked at the small chocolate ball. She took in the scent. It smelled sweet, sweeter than she thought it would. She shrugged and popped it into her mouth, humming in delight as the rich, sweet flavor hit her tongue. She gasped when she felt a sweet-tasting liquid fill her mouth. She chewed happily, her feet wiggling in the air as she made a small happy dance.
She took another one and moaned. They tasted really good! She would need to tell Travis to get her more of those. She chuckled and sat back at her laptop, yawning as she continued listening to her professor.
Half an hour later Laura furrowed her brows, not in concentration, no. She felt… restless. She had been rubbing her knees together for a little while now, and the itch in her abdomen felt strange, like a wildfire slowly spreading. She could feel her cheeks becoming warm and flushed as she tried to listen to the lecture. After 10 minutes of restless trying she excused herself for not feeling well and slammed the laptop shut. Her breath was coming out puffy. She could feel a throb of heat blossoming between her thighs. She shook her head as the sudden wave of horniness surprised her. She and Travis fucked on almost a daily basis… that couldn’t be it, right? Her gaze fell onto the open box of chocolate. She took the box and inspected it. 
“Love Chocolate”
“Great” she thought. She sighed and decided to take care of it herself before Travis came home because no way in hell she would survive another 2 hours. She felt the wetness between her folds, making her panties damp in anticipation.
She walked to their bedroom, discarding the shorts and panties before flopping herself onto the mattress and burying her face into Travis`s pillow, breathing in the warm scent of pine cones and burned wood. 
Laura sighed softly as her hand slowly wandered down her soft-toned stomach and to her throbbing pussy. 
She mewled when her finger brushed against her clit, slowly circling it. Her mouth fell open and her eyes were already watered as she sobbed, a wave of relief washed over her as she finally, finally able to scratch that itch a little, but it wasn't enough. She rubbed her clit directly and moaned as a wave of electricity ran through her body. She worked on herself, wetness gathering and probably dripping down on their sheets, but she didn't care. All she cared for was getting that awful feeling to go away. Her free hand wandered under the T-Shirt she wore, she thanked herself for not putting on a bra this morning as she kneaded and massaged her mounts, tweaking her nipples to full hardness, She moaned as she pressed herself more into the mattress, her back arching as she mewled shamelessly. One hand kneaded her breast as the other one inched closer to her soaking folds.
Oh, how she wished Travis's skilled tongue would just slither inside her velvet walls, eat her out and make her cum, cum, cum. She gasped as her finger slipped inside, pumping in and out of her wet entrance. She came for the first time shortly after curling her fingers.
She sobbed, it wasn't the same without him. She tried and tried and tried! But her fingers weren’t as big as his and not as long. She let out a frustrated huff as she just couldn’t reach the spot she wanted to scratch so badly, hoping the itch would go away.
She moaned, her body shaking as she worked on herself, cumming yet again with a loud sob and the Sheriff’s name on her lips.
Hours go by and she still felt so feverish, so utterly horny. She didn’t even notice the cruiser pulling up on their pavement and didn’t hear the front door opening.
“Laura? Sweetheart?” he said. He looked around, his brows furrowed. This was weird. Normally Laura would either wait at the door or would come out of one of the rooms and greet him. Just as he wanted to call out for her again he heard something. He stayed still, not moving a muscle when he heard it again. A moan.
He looked at the slightly ajar door to their bedroom. For a moment he wondered if he heard it correctly, but after hearing another moan and a breathless “Travis” he knew he was correct. His ears turned red as he slowly walked inside and the sight he got delivered had his dick twitch in interest.
Laura… His Laura was fingering herself, moaning breathlessly, and calling his name. He swallowed thickly, his pants felt so tight all of a sudden. He watched her for a moment before he decided to gently knock at the door frame.
The blond just looked at him with hazy eyes, mewling at him, her fingers never stopping.
“T-Tra-ah!-Hng~ Travis.. huh~ H-help me p-please~” she looked at him with pleading eyes as he stepped closer, She sighed and moaned in delight when his big hands wandered up her thighs.
“Laura… Baby, how long have you been like this?” he asked softly, taking in her form.
“D-dunno~ It burns… Ah! P-please… Ple-hng~se touch me.” She looked at him with watery eyes and he nodded. He took off his belt and took off his shirt. He breathed in sharply as he saw just how wet she was, a rather big damp spot already formed underneath her. He growled. He could practically feel his pupils widen as he leaned down, licking his lips.
Laura took her hands away, whining softly as she wiggled her hips as if she wanted to hypnotize him.
She didn't need to because Travis already hovered in front of her twitching pussy. He took a shaky breath before he leaned in and lapped at her weeping pussy, humming at the taste. His tongue slipped between her folds, and Laura lost it, moaning his name loudly as she clawed her fingers into his scalp, her thighs opening wider for him as he sucked and licked at her entrance. A Shout left her lips when he sucked on her clit, rolling the sensitive nub between his teeth.
“Fuck!” Laura shouted as she moved her hips into his eager mouth wanting more and more friction.
Travis hummed, sending vibrations through her aflame core as she moaned loudly, cumming against his lips. He didn’t stop tho. His tongue wiggling its way back inside her wet cave, his tongue thrusting in and out, fucking into her. Her moans and mewls were like music to his ears, he loved the way she breathed out his name and soft curses as he worked her open.
When she came a second time from his tongue he leaned back, wiping her arousal from his chin with the back of his hand, grinning to himself as she breathed heavily still coming down from her high.
“What a good girl~” He purred as he opened the fly and button of his trousers. He took them off with his boxers before crawling between her legs again. His cock already standing proudly and ready, lightly curved under his belly button.
Laura whined when she saw his leaking cock.
“C’mon! Give it to me~” she moaned, legs wrapped around his middle and a dark chuckle rumbled through his chest, looking down at his needy Lover.
“So impatient~ What a greedy little pussy… already leaking for me.” he grinned, he couldn't stop and waste an opportunity to tease her, even though it earned him a whine. 
Laura wiggled her hips against his brick impatiently, groaning when his vein brushed against her clit.
“Stop fuck’n around, Travis~ Hurry up.” And that's all that needed to be said. She wept, when his thick cock pushed past her folds, his plush head breaching her entrance. He groaned and sank deeper inside. When he finally bottomed her out she screamed in ecstasy, she came right then and there.
Travis moaned as her tight walls hugged him even closer while she orgasmed. He growled, kissing her collarbone, smirking proudly as he rolled his hips.
“Good girl… coming from my cock. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you.”
Laura shuddered before opening her mouth and moaning. “Pl-please! Fuck me, Travis.”
That's all he wanted to hear. He pulled out almost completely before snapping his hips back into her welcoming heat, groaning as she clenched around him so vigorously. He leaned down, catching her perky nipple between his lips as he sucked, humming to send vibrations through her body.
Laura moaned shamelessly and loudly. She was glad no one was living near them because if they had neighbors nearby, they would’ve definitely heard her. Her head fell back into her neck as he hit her sweet spot.
“THERE! Oh my G-aaagh-od~ Yesh~ there!” her head bent to the side. Travis unrelentlessly pounded into her aching hole, giving her exactly what she wanted. He could feel the familiar knot tighten in his abdomen. He was close. Who could blame him, by the way, she was squeezing and clenching around him?
He took a shuddering breath. Laura’s hands found his back, finding it better than clutching the sheets. Her nails dug into his back, leaving angry red marks behind as he fucked into her.
“Close~ M`so close~!” she mewled into his ear. He huffed. “Let go, Kitten. Cum for me”
That's all she needed. She stumbled over the edge, taking him with her as he groaned against the crook of her neck, filling her up with his hot cum, thrusting the white ropes deeply into her body. When she milked him dry his hips stopped, and both their breaths came out hot and puffy.
Laura, finally able to think clearly again, looked at him.
“I think it was the chocolate…” “Huh?” Travis looked at her confused.
Laura nodded sleepily. “Yea, I ate two pieces and after a while, I felt so fucking horny… The package said something about “Love chocolate”... weird shit I tell ya…”
Travis huffed, amused. He leaned down and rested a little on top of her, enjoying the feeling of her hands in his hair, gently caressing his scalp.
“Well… it would be a waste to trash them, no?” Laura looked at him confused before a big smirk stretched on her face.
“Oh~ Maybe the Sheriff himself would like to give it a try? It’s really good~” now it was the blond's turn to purr. Travis chuckled again, a pleased rumble wandered through both their joined bodies.
“Maybe he will.”
I had this in my head for a while now! Enjoy! <3
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
more dad villain au stuff
featuring: Nooroo having Marinette's cooking for the very first time after a lifetime of imprisonment eating dog kibble because of Gabriel
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also featuring: Marinette nervously putting him in containment for his own good (it is a cake dome)
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5ftboy · 8 months
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"I've been afraid all of my life. And you guys are really, really kind. There's no part of you that'll feel like you're just dragging me around?" "[We're] all going to do stuff the others don't like from time to time... But that's what best friends are for. We'll work through whatever we have to."
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shotmrmiller · 4 days
soap doing the let's make one of the 141 guys jealous because i'm close to you and they're not but he doesn't pull away talking about thank me later. he takes it as far as you're willing to let him go and if he fucks, he fucks 🤷🏻‍♀️
definitely bragging about it later. tasted like honey, bonnie did. can still smell 'er on my fingers. nabbed 'er knickers too, wanna see? (he ain't showing shit because he worked hard for that slip of string you call undergarments)
calls you his ball and chain once and he's showing up to your room with a busted lip and black eye
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 3 months
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I wonder if me speaking conversationally in the question portion made anyone uncomfortable.
Anyway, on the left, Weretiger. Can become a tiger, a person, or a larger tiger-person hybrid with a husky voice and tendency to roll thier R's. They like to keep tidy little cottagecore cabins in the woods, full of herb gardens and cats and poultry and such. They tend stay near people because they like occasional company and have favored mates, but not too close because they value privacy and don't care to spread thier curse (why make more hunting competition). Look I've seen how y'all react to Tony the Tiger, I don't have to explain this one.
On the right, the werebear! They have a normal (usually thick and hairy) person form, a larger bear person form, and a full bear form. They're also usually really nice. Most refuse to bite unless the target is a willing companion or apprentice, and will stick with them for a while to help them gain control of the curse. They just love enjoying and protecting nature, doing good out where they can't accidentally hurt anybody.
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
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Jake?! 👀
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Finn's kid on the right looks a lot like the more human version of Huntress Wizard shown in the series trailer. 👀
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Kathryn Janeway (lizard form)
"Happy Threshold Day!" - me
(the information about which lizard pictured is Janeway came from memory alpha, I accept no responsibility)
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magicicephoenix · 3 months
Ink demon with 115?
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this world is his… and he ain’t ever lettin’ you forget it!
the ink demon with #115 - his name was king
bonus just his lineart because i really like how it turned out
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nethnad · 7 months
thinking about time lords and their fucked up little society again and i just realized how devastating the revelation of the drums in the end of time is in relation to the master's character.
because of all the renegade time lords in the universe, i think it's the master who most exemplifies the philosophical outlook that the time lords have towards the rest of the universe. they're stuffy observers, administrators, yes - but this position is one they've decided for themselves because of this concept of supremacy over other life forms. imposed and upheld this idea that other species that lack a time sense are less-than, primitive. and the master buys into this hard.
and i mean... compared to the doctor, the master is good at being a time lord. he buys into these supremacist concepts, this idea that every other species (and especially humans) is practically a meaningless ant in the grand scheme of the universe. takes it to the extreme, yes, but its the same underlying principle. he's a good student (despite whatever chibnall might think) - that one time lord from terror of the autons (identity forever a mystery) (its brax) even says "he did receive a higher degree of cosmic science than you." the master could play their game if he wanted to. he's remarkably comfortable with being on gallifrey/the idea of gallifrey(in eot/tlotl) than the doctor ever is. where the doctor avoids the subject of the lord presidency like the plague, the master is like "well if you kill the president you ARE the president! and then you have all of gallifrey!" and when the doctor destroys gallifrey (nominally), the master tries to rebuild it in the sound of drums/last of the time lords. tries to emulate their society. honor them in his little fucked up way. he brings them back from the time war!
and what does he get for it? how did the time lords treat him in response?
they decide to implant the sound of drums in his head, stretching back until he's a child. puts this insufferable noise, this splitting headache, in his head for his entire life. all so that they may live while he dies. because he is diseased, because of them. he has swallowed the pill, bought their propaganda, he has followed the rules, he tried to rebuild them he tried. and in response he is chewed up and spit out like trash so that rassilon's god complex can survive while the universe crumbles.
how crushing must that be to someone? to have your whole worldview - that you are better, you are chosen, you are special - come crumbling down in a few short moments? to see the revered founder-god of the civilization you have so desperately tried to revive look at you and say "you are diseased," even though he was the one to poison you in the first place?
and as his heart is torn to pieces... when rassilon says "no more," and charges his gauntlet, the master - who has spent countless lives fighting death with his bare hands - does not move.
part of me thinks he does not want to.
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witchyafterdark · 3 months
—Sebastian Sallow Headcanons; pt. 2
• The Pros and Cons of being with him •
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These are just some of the headcanons that might manifest if you ever think about dating this one of a kind man, Sebastian Sallow. Once again, these are my personal thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt. None of these screenshots belong to me. All credits to their respective creators and owners! 💚
・❥・ PROS
Being with Sebastian is like a breath of fresh air every single day.
Even in the most mundane of moments, he won't be short of new things and experiences to enjoy with you. He makes sure that you're always happy in his presence that every time you have to spend some time apart, you can't wait to see and be with him again.
Your safety and security is top-priority to him, in more ways than one.
He has no qualms in joining you break the curfew to go adventuring in the highlands. Whenever he gets the chance, he slips a vial (or five) of Wiggenweld Potions into your robes in case you go fighting spiders, trolls, and Ashwinders without him. And when you come back to the castle with scratches or marks on you, best believe he will fuss over you regardless if you're in public.
But it's the little things that really matter to him.
Whenever you spend the night in his dorm, he ensures you're comfortable in his bed; grabbing extra pillows, giving you an extra blanket so you don't end up struggling with him over it, and casting a warming charm over the foot of the bed to keep your feet cozy.
He might even start to buy ribbons or hair ties for when you need them but don't have any on you at the moment. You're thirsty? He has another water canteen for you. Your seasonal allergies bothering you? He's got another set of handkerchiefs just for you. Your neck hurts from being hunched over while reading? He won't even hesitate to massage the back of your neck in soothing motions. You missed breakfast? Don't worry, he pocketed and kept warm a bunch of fresh muffins just for you.
When you get sick, you can only imagine the things he would do to nurse you back to health.
Sebastian is actually an expert in time management. It doesn't matter if he has classes in fifteen-minutes. He would have asked the house elves to prepare you a hearty bowl of vegetable soup, personally brought it to your bed in the Hospital Wing, and he would truly spoon feed you without hesitation. He would also do all your missed homework for you, and duplicate all his notes for you to go through once you're well. And he will see to it that you're nursed back to health by hook or by crook. He will sneak up to the Hospital Wing in the middle of the night just to check if you're sleeping well, or if you're awake and you need anything from him. He's very, very caring.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of the Hero of Hogwarts.
So, when he hears some students spreading nasty rumors about you, or badmouthing you, he will see to it that this kind of defamation ends within the span of a day. He will not allow anyone to talk bad about you, and would protect your reputation to the best of his abilities; even if he has to... dirty his hands a lot.
You will always feel loved by him, in all the sense of the word.
Even though he would be mindful of his public displays of affection—he actually likes to keep more intimate moments with you a bit more private and "for his eyes only"—he doesn't shy away from holding your hand in public. One of the simple things he enjoys doing is to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, always keeping physical contact with you. Sweet kisses, hugs, comforting words, unexpected and unprompted gifts, catching him staring at you lovingly (and him denying this cutely), and being at your beck and call are just some of the things he loves to give you.
Beyond the surface, he is actually very in-tune with you and how you fair in the relationship.
Sebastian can perfectly read a person within a given time period. He managed to become Ominis' best friend, who is quite aloof and very guarded. This is because Sebastian has a way of appealing to people in a genuine way. This quality of his definitely extends to your relationship with him. He already senses when you had a bad morning, or when you're not in the mood for anything. He also doesn't push you to explain yourself if you don't want to. He will, however, do whatever to make you feel seen and heard in the moment, and won't invalidate your feelings... as long as you see eye to eye.
→ His romantic and compassionate gestures would grow even further once you've both graduated from Hogwarts, and are free to explore the full extent of your relationship.
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・❥・ CONS
He is aware of the weight of his baggage in life, and is quite stubborn about it.
(This one's not so much of a disadvantage but just something to keep an eye on).
Dealing with a lot of traumatic events and death of family members since childhood is bound to change anybody, and Sebastian is no exception. And since things just kept piling up on top of the other as he grows older, he is surprisingly stubborn and immovable about the things that has happened to him. The devastation of Anne's curse and the subsequent death of Solomon had left an indelible mark on his own perception of himself.
If there's one thing about him that you should know, it is that he refuses to be treated as a helpless victim of circumstances. Even if you're coming from a place of good intentions and wanting to help him overcome his trauma, he doesn't like to be helped unless he asks for it. And more often than not, he prefers to bury his emotional torment under a cool and controlled façade.
Talking about wanting to help him heal from his past is one way to push him into becoming emotionally detached from you. He'd rather swallow all the hurt than trying to heal from them; because dealing with them, no matter how beneficial it can be for him, will make him face his perceived weaknesses and supposed failures in life. And if you really push him to talk to you about these things, he will end up projecting all that trauma onto you and the relationship to "give you a taste" of what you're asking for.
With that said, he won't allow you to sway him from things he set his mind into—even if those things are deadly for him and the people around him.
To understand Sebastian, you only need to observe why he does the things he do. He doesn't do things without a purpose, without reason. But when his reasoning becomes severely clouded by his need to succeed, no amount of effort to persuade him otherwise will help your cause. In his mind, you're either with him, or against him. This laser-sharp focus and tunnel-vision can be viewed in a positive light. But too much of something can lead to the worst outcomes. And in his oldest friend's words, "he doesn't know when to stop." He doesn't go to sleep when he's tired, he goes to sleep when he's done. And while that is an attractive quality to a certain point, he doesn't know his limitations. That means he won't stop unless he gets what he sought out to achieve, even with the risk of life and limb.
In the same vein, he will do absolutely anything to get what he wants; and won't take no for an answer.
The ends justify the means for Sebastian. While he can be the type to think before he acts, what usually happens is that he thinks at the same time he acts. And if you ruminate about it, that kind of behavior can be quite alarming due to the notion that he thought about the repercussions or the moral standing of a certain action, yet still acting upon it. He knows what he's doing is wrong but have no problem justifying what he does without hesitation. In a life or death situation, this kind of attitude is beneficial because he can think quick on his feet. But you're not faced with life-threatening situations every single day. This makes you wonder... what kind of moral standards does he have on a regular basis? And what would happen to you if you get in the way of his plans?
On top of it, since he knows how to appeal to people's feelings, he doesn't hesitate to use that to his advantage very well.
Simply put, he knows which buttons to push in order to get you in his side. He will try to make you see that he's doing very questionable—or even downright heinous—things for the greater good. And he can do it in the most genuine, convincing way. He knows that you're attached to him, and he will monopolize on it for the other reason that he doesn't want to go against the person he loves.
But if you try to stand up against him, and try to persuade him into dropping what he's doing, his demeanor will immediately change. He will perceive your lack of cooperation as an act of betrayal, and will resort to other methods of manipulation.
And while he is also hurting from your direct disapproval, Sebastian can find ways to slowly but surely twist the nature of your relationship with him to get you to become co-dependent upon him to break down your defenses. This kind of tactic can eventually degrade the quality of your bond with him, and by extension, the way you behave with him over time.
If you decided to put your feet down and stand your ground against his decisions, best believe you're dead to him.
Sebastian can grieve the loss of his relationship with you, his beloved, but he won't ever let it show in public. It's as if he doesn't know you to begin with. In his mind, if you can betray him like that, then he shouldn't associate with you at all. No matter how painful it is to swallow the bitter pill of his new reality, he'll stiffen that upper lip and act as if it doesn't bother him at all. He is very, very stubborn.
(And yes, this is quite reflective of how he is with us post-credits because let's face it, him not speaking to us anymore was like a slap to the face. Even Duncan talks to us!)
So, do the pros outweigh the cons for you?
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blazing-spectre · 8 months
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I must put Karlach and Gale in the same party so I can have someone strong enough to carry every book I ever find for him
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krazieka2 · 9 months
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Vampire Mercedes lore doodles (and vampire Lorenz bullying)
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cy-lindric · 2 years
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House of Finwë family tree, based on the later version from HoME. I chose to stop at Elrond & Elros' generation, but later added Arwen as a side note, which is why her brothers are not included.
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catmanbowser · 1 year
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I am smitten by her in jl the new frontier movie
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