#they have a sleepover together and plan to stay up all night but end up all going to bed at their normal bedtimes
oglagold · 1 year
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ssparksflyy · 2 months
hello! can i request jason grace or leo valdez x child of hypnos reader ? (gn) 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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jason grace dating hcs! ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
pairing: jason grace x child of hypnos!reader warning(s): none!! js fluff :) a/n: i love children of hypnos, u stay sleepy ! also me writing this running off five hours of sleep ( the most ive gotten this week ) yikes..
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mr gets up willingly at six am nd his sleepy lover ♡
there are times where u literally have to beg jason to go back to bed cause omfg what r u doing. its six am. no u r not going to go run. no the early bird doesnt get the worm. go. back. to. sleep.
hey nd most times it works cause the thought of holding u close and a sweet sweet dream is enough to get him back in bed
but other times noooo he goes running 🙄
what is bro running from? sleep???
omg but then literally knocks tf out by like nine
one of the times when you had a sleepover planned together
you were running a little late cause ur cabin's ac wasnt working nd everybody was tweaking out
so you had to stay behind and help fix it
by the time you finished and ran over to cabin one , jason was already passed out nd lightly snoring 😭
mind you it was like 9:15 pm
its ok tho u were tired asf too , who knew fixing the ac could be so hard ??
he apologized sm in the morning tho
but u were like its okay el oh el
he cant help it bro he needs his sleep almost as much as he needs you
its better that he falls asleep early than stay up super late tho
cause like when he was helping plan out the new cabins, it was impossible to convince him to go to sleep
he wouldnt stop working nd u were like 😠 fool 😠 go to sleep 😠
nd he was like no thank youuuuu ♡
so you used your powers on him cause he hadNT SLEPT IN DAYS
u were both mad at each other in the morning and things were painfully tense
but you sat down nd talked it out like mature ppl ♡
he srsly hates fighting, he already does it with monsters nd shit so much, he doesnt want to do it w you :(
he apologized for being ignorant and promised he would be better about taking care of himself instead of burying himself in work
you apologized for using your powers on him without saying anything first, and promised you wouldn't do it again ( unless its necessary ) :))
to this day, youve still kept your promises ♡
jason is SUCH a sucker for when you touch his hair
the most relaxing thing everrrrr
i will die on this hill ppl dont play w me
his hair would be soft asf bro
best believe he uses a good conditioner !!
he lets u play w his hair nd do wtv u want with it cause like ~relaxing~
so best believe you have a 0.5 of him with all his hair tied up and looking like a palm tree
0.5s of jason would literally be flawless asf but scary
cause ur like omg by bf is so cute- god DAMN somebody get this man contacts
he looks amazing but THEM EYES
terrifying. staring into ur soul.
theyre cute tho ♡♡
you OBVI have matching pjs
i cannot decide if jason would go to sleep w just pj pants nd no shirt or if would have light blue and white striped pants, a button up shirt, slippers, a cap with a little fuzzy ball at the end, nd a candlestick
jason grace is a SPECTRUM OKAY
but he buys u so many plushies ugh
you own so many jellycats im so jealous
he helps u name them nd their literally ur children like
u have matching build-a-bears !!!
the voice memos are messages u made for each other :(
his to u is a quick ramble about how much he loves u but gets cut off cause he only had 20 seconds ♡♡
nd u get matching outfits for them!!
urs is named 'sleepy' and his is named 'sparky' ♡
i feel like jason gets some real bad nightmares
like yea every demigod does but he gets his more frequently nd their more graphic bcs of what he's seen and gone through :(
most of the time they arent even messages from his dad, theyre just really bad flashbacks of horrible times in his life
but ever since you started spending ur nights together, theyve toned down so much
now he even gets dreams abt your future together sometimes :((
he really wants to tell you about those dreams cause they feel so real but hes scared that youll think its weird or get uncomfortable
little does he know you get those exact same dreams ♡
and on the same nights as he does...
nd thats how ur dad shows his love to you !
zeus doesnt gaf. wtv we dont like him anyway
i mean sometimes hes like erm gtfo my cabin 🤨
but doesn't actually do anything
u literally dont care for anybody's thoughts tho cause you bagged a baddie as sleepy as you ♡
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an two: ik i didnt talk abt sleepovers together but like ive got a jason fic called sleepover (thats also gn!) if u wanted to read that :DD but i hoped u enjoyed and have a good day/night!! GO STREAM THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT.
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out
[ too late ] sender notices how late it is and suggests receiver sleeps over rather than travel the long distance home
[ sleepover ] sender and receiver have been planning this sleepover situation for a while now, and tonight's the night it finally happens!
[ one bed ] sender and receiver are forced to share the same room and the single bed within it
[ accident ] while traveling with receiver, sender accidentally books a room with one bed, and the place is too crowded to find another option
[ sick ] sender tends to a sick receiver at their home and stays the night to watch over them
[ injured ] sender brings an injured receiver home and refuses to leave their side overnight
[ couch ] while receiver sleeps on the couch, sender leaves their bedroom to snuggle with them instead
[ sneak ] while receiver sleeps in their bed, sender abandons their place on the couch and climbs into bed with them
[ awkward ] sender and receiver, laying in the same bed, establish some distance between their bodies before falling asleep. when they wake up, they realize they're cuddling
[ movie ] while watching a movie together, sender and receiver fall asleep on the couch and end up staying there all night
[ car ] with no hotel or place to stay in sight, sender and receiver fall asleep in their car together
[ fort ] sender and receiver build a pillow fort and fall asleep inside it
[ read ] sender reads to receiver to help them fall asleep
[ work ] forced to pull an all-nighter, sender and receiver work tirelessly side by side through the night
[ tent ] there's only one tent on this camping trip/adventure, so sender and receiver are forced to snuggle down in cramped quarters and make it work
[ outdoors ] sender and receiver construct a temporary shelter to get through the night outdoors, huddling together for warmth
[ pretend ] sender and receiver are fake-dating/fake-married and have to be seen staying the same room together to fully sell the relationship
[ intimacy ] sender and receiver wake up in the same bed and, in the haze of a beautiful morning, kiss for the very first time
[ whisper ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to sleep) beside them, sender whispers affectionate, reassuring things to them thinking they can't hear
[ caress ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to be asleep) beside them, sender admires how wonderful they look and gently caresses their arm
[ innocent ] before the two of them fall asleep, sender leans in and presses an innocent kiss to receiver's forehead
[ kiss ] sender and receiver share a tender kiss before they cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms
[ spoon ] sender snuggles up behind receiver in bed and spoons them as they sleep
[ snore ] sender wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes receiver's snoring woke them up
[ hair ] sender gently strokes receiver's hair until they fall asleep
[ locked up ] locked away in the same cell/compartment, sender and receiver try and sleep side by side for comfort and warmth
[ cave ] out of options, sender and receiver are forced to spend the night together in a cave
i know my way around. i've stayed the night before.
is this the pillow i used last time?
mind if i stay the night?
you snore, you know.
i think i might fall asleep standing up.
it's not safe for you to drive home.
you should stay here. i don't mind.
i'll take the couch, and you can have my bed.
don't be serious. i'll take the couch.
this could be fun! it's a sleepover!
i have nowhere else to go.
i feel safer when you're here.
i don't want to impose.
are you the big spoon or little spoon?
would it be all right if i stayed the night?
i don't snore.
i'll stay on my side of the bed if you stay on yours.
pretend there's an invisible line down the middle of the bed. don't cross it.
there's no harm in cuddling.
i'm freezing.
is this the first time you've slept with someone?
this doesn't have to lead to sex.
this doesn't mean anything.
you fell asleep on my shoulder.
i'll protect you all night.
you'll never get home in a storm like this.
i don't want you driving in that.
i don't want you traveling in that.
bad news. the room's only got one bed.
is there a pullout couch we can use?
i'll just sleep on the floor.
pretty sure we cuddled all night.
you used me as your pillow.
i got you a blanket.
mind if i scoot in?
stay in bed. i'm here to help.
what's a little cuddling between friends?
i'm glad you stayed over.
what if we watch something to pass the time?
i didn't have anywhere else to go.
did you have to buy the smallest tent possible?
at least pretend that you like me.
do you like spooning?
this doesn't have to be awkward.
you're really warm.
this is cozy.
you should stay like this.
i don't want you to go.
can i hold you for a while?
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burntheedges · 2 months
Maintenance Request Chapter 19
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 7.6k
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chapter summary: you and Joel have your third date, a bit of a discussion, and try something new together when Joel stays at your place for the first time. 👀
a/n: thank you as always to @katareyoudrilling for being the best beta 💕 fun fact, I wrote the second half of this chapter in a sort of fugue state, late one night during NaNo last year. I swear this just poured out of me. Joel knew what he wanted. 😂 happy chapter 19 on the 19th!
chapter tags/warnings: flirting, banter, fluff, cursing, food and drink mention, pet names (honey, gorgeous, darlin’, baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, good girl, handsome, cowboy), kink negotiation, some discussion of past relationships, somnophilia (kissing, fondling, p-in-v sex), mention of breasts, dream sex, dirty talk, a bit of crying while being fucked (in a good way)
Chapter 19
Saturday, November 9 Eleventh week of the semester
The rest of the week was a whirlwind – you saw Joel for at least a few minutes every day, and you talked on the phone most nights. By Thursday, you had your next date planned. Sarah had a sleepover on Saturday, so Joel was going to stay the night at your apartment. For the first time. 
On Saturday, you caught Beth and Ellie up with your new relationship status – Beth had been pestering you about it since you’d told her about it over text (tell me everything!!) – and they immediately started complaining about how they hadn’t met him yet. 
“I know! I know,” you wanted to wave your hands in front of their faces to get them to chill out. “I was thinking I could invite him to brunch next week.” You took a big gulp of coffee and watched their reactions. 
Ellie narrowed her eyes and stared at you. Beth looked thoughtful. 
“You sure you want him to meet both of us at once?” Beth asked, and Ellie snorted. “Throw him in the deep end?”
You shrugged. “I mean, he can handle it or he can’t. But I’m pretty sure he can.” 
Beth smiled. “Fine with me. What about you, Hell’s Bells?”
Ellie glared at Beth for the nickname, as always, but you knew she secretly loved it. 
“I guess that’s fine.” She furrowed her brow and stabbed a piece of egg with her fork. “If he does anything weird or fucked up I’m not gonna ignore it.”
You nodded. “I wouldn’t ask you to. But he’s not an asshole.” She squinted at you. “I know, Ells. But you know I trust you, right? If you did notice something, I’d want you to tell me. And I’d listen.” You knew you weren’t really talking about Joel, at this point, but you wanted her to know that anyway. She nodded and sighed. 
“Yeah I mean I do want to meet him. He can come to brunch.” Ellie shrugged.
“Thank you. I’ll ask him tonight.”
Beth nudged Ellie with her shoulder. “Maybe I can meet him this week for lunch, first, give you a full report.” Ellie laughed, but you could see the idea relaxed her a little bit. 
“Oh!” Ellie sat up straight. “What are you cooking for him?”
Beth pointed at you with a forkful of pancake. “Do not make soup.”
You rolled your eyes. “That was one time!”
Ellie smirked. “Even if you don’t create Soup Geyser: The Sequel, it’s probably not a good date food. What if you spill it all over yourself?”
Beth laughed. “I dunno, maybe that’s a good thing. Then you can take your clothes off.”
Ellie dramatically gagged and covered her ears. “I don’t want to know about that!”
You and Beth both laughed as she started in on a monologue about how men, and hearing about her aunt dating them, were gross.
Later that afternoon, you’d just finished cleaning up and making sure the food was almost ready when you realized you needed to change before Joel arrived. You stepped into your bedroom and stripped off your shirt at the exact moment you heard a knock at your door. Shit. 
You froze, not sure what to do, when he knocked again. “Shit,” you said out loud. You were standing in your bedroom in a lounge bra and sweatpants. How did you lose track of time so badly? You ran to the front door.
You hesitated once you got there but reasoned that Joel had already seen you naked, so you’d just open it and then run back to change. You nodded to yourself, and then opened the door, shielding your body behind it.
“Hey, darlin’, everything alright?” He looked like he’d been about to knock again. He eyed your bare shoulder.
“Sorry, Joel, wasn’t quite ready yet. You can come in and I’ll go change.” 
He smiled and raised his eyebrows. “Guess I am a little early.” 
You laughed and invited him in, and watched as his eyes swept down your body. “You sure you need to change? I like this look.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, Joel, go sit on the couch. I’ll be back in a minute.” He did as you said while you ran back to your room and changed into the outfit you’d picked out earlier (complete with some green lingerie underneath – it was his favorite color, after all). 
When you arrived back in the living room, you found Joel looking at the pictures lining your fireplace mantle. “I recognize Ellie and Beth,” he said. “Is this your sister?”
You stepped up next to him and nodded. “Yep. And our parents.” You continued on your photo tour for a few minutes, introducing Joel to your family as you went. He snaked an arm around your waist and leaned in behind you. 
“This shirt’s pretty on you, baby.” He pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
You smirked at him over your shoulder. “Thought you liked the other look?” 
Joel grinned, unrepentant. “I can like both, can’t I?” You laughed and led him into your kitchen.
“Sure you can. Have a seat, dinner will be ready in just a sec.”
He sat, and soon enough you joined him and placed the food in the middle of the table, which you’d set earlier, before he arrived. You poured him a drink and dug in. He complimented the food, sincerely, which made you smile. 
“So, you’re officially invited to brunch next weekend.” Joel snapped his head up to meet your gaze. He looked surprised, and pleased.
“I am?”
You smiled. “Sure are. Got the Ellie-and-Beth stamp of approval.”
He grinned. “I can’t wait to meet them.”
“We might do lunch with Beth during the week, first.” 
He nodded. “Whatever they want, darlin’. I want Ellie to be comfortable.” He reached over to squeeze your hand. “That’s the most important thing.”
“Thanks, Joel. I know she’s not actually my kid, but in some ways she is.” He tilted his head at you, considering your words. “Yeah, I know it’s confusing. Well, you know Ellie’s 14. My sister had her right out of high school.”
“Not too different from when I had Sarah.” You nodded.
“Yeah, she had a rough time. Ellie used to come stay with me a lot, even when she was really little. And then, um. Right after I finally broke up with Matt, Ellie actually lived with me and Beth for about…” you looked up at the ceiling, counting back in time. “About 2 years? Almost. When she was 9.”
Joel nodded, taking that in. “It makes sense that you’re so close.”
You smiled. “Yeah, hard not to be. And Beth helped a lot, so they’re pretty close, too. But my sister is doing a lot better now. She used to, um…” You trailed off, thinking through what you wanted to say. “Well, part of the reason Ellie is more wary of people I might date is that my sister dated, um, more than a few men, and they were in and out of their house all the time. That’s part of the reason she lived with me. Not all of it.” Joel nodded, face solemn. He squeezed your hand between his own. “But yeah, she’s doing a lot better. She’s a nurse, works a lot of weekends and nights. Ellie has her own room here and sort of comes and goes as she pleases. Their relationship is a lot better than it used to be, too.”
“That sounds like it was hard, to send her back.” You sighed. He was so good at seeing right to the heart of what you were thinking. And feeling.
“It was, and it wasn’t. I’m so glad they’re doing better, you know? But I do miss having her here all the time, even now. And now she’s a teenager and wants to be with her friends anyway.” 
He laughed a little. “I’m familiar with that change.” 
You laughed, too. “Yeah, I bet. But she’s doing well in school and she actually talks to her mom about her life, so I feel like it’s going pretty well. And I sort of have my sister back.”
Joel scooted his chair a bit closer to yours and put his arm around the back. “Sort of?”
You sighed and closed your eyes. “Our relationship took a hit during all of that. But it’s getting better. We talk more now. She’s been teasing me about you.”
For a moment you both sat quietly as he considered what you shared and you leaned in to him, head on his shoulder. 
“Everything I learn about you impresses me more, sweetheart.” He murmured his words into your hair, and it made you shiver.
“What? Joel–”
“It’s true.” he squeezed you against him. “Not everyone would do that, you know. Even for family. It’s…” he sighed. “I love watching you get to know Sarah. I know I’m going to love seeing you with your niece. It’s just something special. Getting to know you in every way I can.” You leaned up to press a kiss to his chin and felt him smile in response. 
You were quiet again until you felt Joel shift underneath you. “Joel? What is it?” You leaned back to look at his face, and caught him staring at your cabinets with a frown on his face. “Joel.”
“Joel Miller, are you looking at my broken cabinet door and thinking about how you want to fix it?”
You watched as a flush took over his cheeks. “Maybe I am.” He sounded sheepish and you grinned.
“I don’t think I even have the tools you’d need. Sorry.” 
He shook his head, frowning at you playfully. “What, not even a hammer?”
“Ok, I probably have a hammer. And maybe, like, a couple of screwdrivers.”
He laughed. “Alright, alright. I’ll fix it another time.”
“You don’t have to–”
“Darlin’,” he cut you off. “I’ll fix it.” He smiled at you, amused by your protest. “You know it won’t take me even five minutes.”
You laughed, loving his confidence. “Oh yeah? Well, who am I to argue with my Hot Maintenance Guy?”
He bit back on a smile and tilted his head. “Thought I was Hot Construction Guy?”
You grinned. “You are. And Hot Maintenance Guy, and Hot Gardening Guy. Whatever I’d seen you doing that day.” 
Joel laughed and pulled you into a short kiss. “Well, I’m definitely your maintenance guy. So I’m definitely gonna fix those cabinets.” You sighed, giving in.
“Not right now, though. We have better things to do.”
He perked up. “Oh? Like what?”
“Let’s clean up and then you’ll find out.” You winked as you stood to gather your plate.
Between the two of you, you made quick work of the dishes and leftovers. It was nice, doing something so domestic with Joel. You fit together by the sink and moved around each other in the kitchen like you’d done it before, like it was comfortable. You’d never smiled so much while doing dishes in your life.
“There is something I wanted to ask you about, honey.” You turned to look at him where he was washing a pot as you dried your plates. 
“Oh? About what?” You saw a tiny smirk in the corner of his mouth and narrowed your eyes. 
“Just about what you said, when we were in bed after our first date.” You flushed, feeling the heat enter your cheeks. But you also appreciated that Joel was bringing this up while you were doing something so totally unrelated to sex. So you could focus. Or try to, anyway.
“Yeah, I remember.” You bit your lip. 
He cleared his throat. “Ah, well, did you, um. Can you tell me more about what you like? And don’t like? I like the sound of it, you know that, but I’d never want to get it wrong.”
“Um, yes. I, well. I like waking up and already…” You took a deep breath and told yourself to act like a freaking adult. “I like to already be having sex, basically. To wake up with your mouth on– on my pussy. Or your fingers inside of me. Or your cock.” You felt more than saw Joel’s sharp intake of breath and smiled. “It’s difficult to do that last one without waking me up, but it’s my favorite.”
Joel coughed. “I, um, I really want that, too.” You finally met his gaze with your own and you could see how much he wanted it. You held your breath. “Shit, sweetheart, that sounds so fucking good. I just… since you’d be asleep, I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing. Since I can’t check in with you.”
You put down the plate you’d finished drying five minutes ago and turned towards him, taking his hands in yours and drying them off with the towel. “I trust you, Joel. I know you’d do it how I wanted – make sure I’m ready, and all that.” You finished drying his hands and put the towel down on the counter before lacing your fingers through his. You considered your next words. “I don’t… we can use a safe word. We don’t have to talk about all of that right now.” He squeezed your hands in response. “But I do have one. We can use it, so you know when my reactions are good and if they’re not. I know I can’t use it while I’m asleep, but it could help.” He disentangled and lifted one hand to place it under your chin and guide your eyes back up to meet his. 
“I’d like that, honey. And I’d like to talk about that more later, what other things you might like. That we might like together. But we can take it slow.” You nodded, smiling. “And, um. Well. Remember when I told you there were issues with Sarah’s mom that she didn’t know about?”
You nodded. “I do, but Joel, you don’t have to explain now–”
“No, I mean,” he interrupted you but then took a deep breath. “I just wanted to say, part of it was that we weren’t really compatible. At all. She thought, well. That some of the things I like are…” He trailed off and you tilted your chin to press a kiss to the hand still cupping your face, encouraging him. “She thought I was strange for wantin’ ‘em. Like all the sweet things I like to call you, honey, and how I like to call you mine. To her it was too much, not what she wanted. We can talk about it more but like I said, we can take it slow. Figure it out together.” 
You felt the shiver run up your spine at the idea of learning what more he might like to try with you. “I just asked you to fuck me while I’m asleep, I think we can be honest with each other.” He grinned.
“So, tomorrow morning? Want me to try it?” You nodded. “I need to hear your words, sweetheart.” As he asked he slipped his right hand around the back of your neck and pulled you closer. His lips brushed yours and you shivered.
“Yes, Joel,” you felt your pulse pick up at the idea and heard the hitch in your breath.
“Yeah, baby? You’d want to wake up with me already inside you?” Your eyes fell closed and you nodded. He pressed a kiss to your jaw, just in front of your ear. “Maybe my fingers? Maybe my tongue?” He licked the shell of your ear. You shivered and your hips squirmed as you pressed your thighs together. “You want to wake up to find my cock already deep inside this pretty pussy?” 
“Yes, Joel,” you breathed again. “I love it. Yes, please —” you cut off as he gripped your chin in his hand. 
“Shhh, honey. Shit, what a good girl you are, letting me slip inside you while you’re asleep, huh? Take whatever I want? Give you what I want?” You sighed. “Can’t believe it. So fucking perfect for me.” He kissed your neck again as his thumb covered your lips, holding your mouth closed. He took a deep breath and relaxed again.
“Well, honey, I told you before. I’ll give you whatever you want. So I guess we’ll see in the morning, hmm?” You grinned under his finger and nodded. “But maybe we can get started right now.”
Sunday, November 10 Eleventh week of the semester
In the morning, Joel woke up first. Before he even opened his eyes, he felt the warmth — the warmth of the sun through the window, the bed beneath him, and the soft wonder of your body against his. You’d moved in the night, but not much. He was still wrapped around you, just with more space between your bodies, his right arm thrown across your waist. He blinked his eyes open slowly, careful not to move as he took in a deep breath and just looked at you.
You were on your side, turned away from him, but he could see the outline of your profile over your shoulder. You were peaceful in your sleep, mouth slightly open, eyelashes brushing the tops of your cheeks. He stared, almost stunned to find you with him in bed again. How did I get so fucking lucky? 
As he looked at you, careful not to move his arm, your discussion from last night came back to him and suddenly he was hard. He was so fucking hard, his cock filling so fast it took his breath away as the blood rushed south. 
You wanted him to be inside of you when you woke up. It was a fucking dream even thinking about it. He wanted it, fuck, he wanted it so fucking bad, but he wasn’t sure how to do it. How could he manage it, without waking you?
He kept his breathing even, despite his cock urging him forward, and considered what to do. It was still early, and you’d told him you liked to sleep in on weekends. So maybe he had time on his side. (He always woke up early, because of Sarah.) The first thing he needed to do was get rid of his briefs.
Joel slowly, gently, pulled his arm up from around you. You shifted in your sleep, but he moved slowly and successfully snuck it away. You settled back into your pillow and remained deeply asleep. He sighed in victory.
Slowly, cautiously, careful not to shake the bed, he reached down to slide his briefs off, kicking them somewhere in the sheets. He watched you the whole time, but you breathed evenly, slowly. Still asleep. He smiled. Maybe he could do this.
He rolled back onto his side and considered you. You were a few inches from him. Maybe if he slowly came up behind you you’d snuggle into him in your sleep, making it easier to touch. He nodded to himself. That was probably the best way to start.
Slowly, trying to move like he was asleep himself, he scooted towards you on the bed until his chest came back into contact with your back. He slowed even more there, gently pressing against you until you responded in your sleep — your body titled back against his, moving unconsciously together until he had you spooned in front of him again. He was careful to angle his cock down, not to get it stuck against your ass. (Even though the thought of pressing in between your cheeks almost had him thrusting forward, overcome with want.)
Joel took a moment to breathe in his success. He had you wrapped in his arms again, and he could feel your naked ass pressed against his pelvis. It was so fucking good already. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He was close to what he wanted, but he didn’t want to fuck this up. 
He carefully curled his body so his hips moved forwards, and his breath caught as his cock almost arrived right where he wanted it. The tip poked at the join of your thighs, and he sighed. Now what? How would he get any closer? He paused to consider his options again.
But you, it turned out, were on board, even in your sleep. Suddenly you let out a tiny, breathless moan, and he stilled. Peering over your shoulder, he saw that you were still asleep. A dream? He grinned. He could work with that. 
Leaving his hips where they were for now, he lightly ran his fingertips up your torso until he was cupping your breast. He tried to use the lightest touch, to encourage your dream without waking you up. He teased the very tip of one finger over your nipple and your body relaxed against him, like you were a puppet and your strings were cut. He stilled again, but you were still asleep. He was on the right track.
He watched your face intently as he lightly teased your nipple with his fingertip. In your sleep, your mouth opened wider, and you sighed. He was mesmerized, watching as your tongue peeked out of your mouth, the tip just touching your bottom lip. He realized his own mouth was hanging open, the desire to lick inside yours almost palpable in the air around him. He suppressed a shiver. 
Suddenly, you tilted your head to the side and whispered something. He leaned closer, not quite hearing you. To his great joy, you did it again, and he realized you had whispered his name. “Joel…” he grinned. He had to have you, just like this. Had to give you exactly what you wanted. He just had to figure out what to do about your legs.
He looked down and saw that your feet were twisting in the sheets. He wondered if this was his chance. Lightly slipping from your breast, he slowly moved his hand down to your thigh. You muttered something, but a quick check showed him you were still very much asleep. He only needed an inch, at most.
Ever so lightly, he gripped your thigh and pressed to ease it upwards. You were so fucking responsive, even in your sleep — you followed his instructions perfectly and your thighs shifted just enough for his cock to slip between them. He gasped, and then stilled as his eyes quickly sought your face again. Still asleep. He moved back to his previous position, hand on your breast, before thrusting slowly forward. His cock lined up perfect against your slit, and his eyes almost rolled back when he realized how fucking wet you were. Again. Fuck. His cock glided smoothly against you and he had to fight to keep from letting himself thrust inside, from filling you up right then and there.
Joel teased lightly at your nipple as he gently pulled back again before thrusting his hips forward once more. This time his cock nestled inside your folds and he heard a breathy little moan punch itself out of you when the tip of his cock nudged your clit. He grinned. Yes. 
He kept that up for a few more thrusts — gentle movement, he told himself, slow and steady, so fucking wet, sliding so easily against you, fuck — watching your face like a hawk for any trace of wakefulness. 
On the next pass, his cock almost caught against your entrance, and he stifled a deep moan of his own. Fuck me. That was the final hurdle, he knew. How could he slip inside you without waking you up? He’d have to go slow, ease into you, so slow and smooth you’d never notice. 
He forced himself to keep his hands light, not to grip or pull or tug. At the same time his hips moved with almost terrifying precision. He knew you were wet enough, and still ready from last night. He just had to take the final step.
Joel took a deep breath and, eyes still locked on your face, let himself nudge at your entrance on the next thrust. He stopped there, just there, with the tip of his cock nestled right at the place he most wanted to be. 
His heartbeat was racing and he felt winded. He wondered if his pounding heart would wake you before his cock did.
Gently, so gently it almost knocked him out, he pushed forward with his hips. The head of his cock pushed against you before sliding past your entrance, stopping just inside. Joel realized his mouth was hanging open as he stared at you. He felt torn. He wanted to look down, to see, but he was afraid if he looked away even for a moment you’d wake up. He gritted his teeth and kept his eyes on your face.
He pushed forward again, and he felt his cock sink deeper inside you. Fuck. Your cunt was fucking perfect. He had no idea how you could be so fucking wet all the time. Were you always like this? You’d said it was just for him, but did that mean you were always like this around him? Shit. Hold it together. 
He was panting. He tried to keep it quiet, but it was so much. So fucking much. He blinked to keep his eyes from closing.
Joel took a deep breath, still focused on you, and took one more gentle thrust to slide himself all the way home. He bit down so hard on his lip to fight back a moan he was worried he drew blood. He realized he’d let go of your breast to clutch at the comforter beneath you and was in danger of leaning his weight forward to fall on top of you. He stilled. He panted. He stared at your face. 
You were somehow still asleep. How?
He took the gift he was offered and moved. His hips pulled gently back, and he felt every inch of your cunt squeeze tight around his cock as he pulled out, until only the head of his cock was left stretching your entrance open. He breathed in through his nose, and then breathed out steadily while thrusting back in at that same slow, infuriating pace. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me.
He managed three or four more agonizing thrusts, doing everything he could to be silent and gentle, to keep you sleeping while he fucked you. He realized now the goal was for you to wake up, but he wasn’t sure how to do it. He paused inside you after his next thrust, taking a deep breath, looking over your slumbering face. He started to smile. 
Slowly, gently, he leaned down towards your neck as he pulled almost all the way out of you again. As he slid home this time, just a tiny bit faster, he pressed a kiss to your neck, right under your ear. You moaned. His smile turned feral.
He continued like that, thrusting inwards and pressing kisses to your neck and your shoulder, getting wetter and sloppier each time. Your breaths started to come faster and faster, and then he noticed your hips were starting to push back against his. 
His eyes flew back to your face. He had to see it. He wanted to see the exact moment you woke up and realized he was doing as you asked, he was doing what you wanted. He was giving it to you just right.
He wanted to push you over the edge. On his next thrust he cupped your breast again, and your voice was clearer this time, calling out to him in your sleep. “Yes, Joel, yes,” he teased your nipple and thrust forward. “Joel,” you called out, brow furrowing. He knew it was coming. He stared at you, and on the next thrust, he pinched your nipple at the same moment his cock bottomed out inside of you. 
It was fucking heaven. Fucking transcendent. Your eyes flew open as you gasped, throwing your head back onto his shoulder. Your hands grasped at nothing until they found his arm, and you clutched at him. He pulled out again and thrust back inside you, hard, and you cried out. He smiled.
“Good morning, honey.” His voice was deep and rumbling and fucking vicious. He thrust inside you again, pinching your nipple and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. Your next breath sounded like a sob. “How’d you sleep?”
You were having the most amazing dream. Everything was warmth and pleasure and there was a man holding you and you knew it was Joel. Joel, wrapped around you. You were floating together, somehow, twisting together as he spooned you from behind, but somehow also kissed you and touched you, everywhere. You sighed. 
His embrace tightened and you hitched your leg over his. “Mm, that’s my good girl,” you heard him say, and it melted through you like hot chocolate. “That’s it, baby. Show me.” You weren’t sure what he wanted you to show him, so you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue. “Fuck yeah, baby. Let me see that tongue.” 
Dream Joel, somehow spooning you and making out with you at the same time, licked your tongue as you stuck it out for him. The slide of your tongues together made you press your thighs tight. “You’re so goddamn hot baby,” he muttered in your ear while making out with you. You moaned back, somehow still kissing him, “Joel.” He grinned at you, wicked and intent. He bent down suddenly to lick at your nipples and you gasped. “Joel!” He smiled and you hummed at the feeling of him worshiping your tits. 
In your dream the two of you were floating upwards, towards something — there was light above you, and warmth below you. Everything felt amazing. 
Dream Joel ran his hands down your body, grasping at your hips and your legs. You smiled. “Love the way you look, honey,” he murmured, and you told him you loved the way he looked, too. He smiled. “Open up for me, then, sweet thing. Let me inside.” You did as he asked and opened your legs. Dream Joel, talented man that he was, managed to kiss you and eat you out at the same time, and you sighed into it, mouth opening for him again. And then you felt something warm and hard and gorgeous slide against your pussy. You sighed and pushed back onto it.
“Inside, Joel,” you tried to demand, your voice weak and breathy. He chuckled, darkly. “Not yet baby, wanna feel you.” He slid his cock back and forth against your soaking wet pussy and you moaned. “You feel so good on my cock, honey. You hear that?” You listened, and you heard him panting behind you, heard the slick glide of his cock as it nestled in your folds. “Shit, sweetheart. You’re so wet for me.”
“Always,” you sighed out. 
“I know you are, baby. Can’t stop thinking about it, about sneaking my fingers inside your underwear everywhere we go, see if you’re ready for me. Ready for me to slip inside you, no matter where we are.” 
You nodded. “Always ready for you, Joel. Always want you inside me. Want you inside me right now.”
“Honey I told you, I’ll give you everything you want. Don’t you worry.” Dream Joel slid back again, and on his next thrust his cock notched right at your entrance, and you sighed. “Yes, please, Joel.” 
“Shhh, honey. Just let me give it to you. I’ll give you whatever you want, you know that. All you have to do is lie there and take it.” You moaned as he pressed the head of his cock inside of you. It felt huge and perfect and warm and like you never wanted to be without it. 
Dream Joel rubbed his hands up your torso as he fucked into you from behind. “That’s it, honey. Take me inside you. Let me fill you up. Let me stuff my cum so deep inside of you it’ll be dripping out for hours.” Your breath caught at the idea and you started to breathe harder and faster. He pinched your nipples and thrust into you, hard. “Feel it, honey? Feel how perfectly my cock fits inside this cunt?” 
“Yes, Joel, yes,” you cried, almost crying for real. “I need it.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he crooned, softly. “You’re such a good girl, you know that? Such a good fucking girl for me. Letting me put my cock inside you whenever I want, letting me fill you up. Sitting on my cock like an angel. Like you were meant to be right here, in my lap.” Dream Joel thrust inside of you again, and you cried out. 
“Joel, please,” you sighed as your brows pinched together. The dream suddenly felt so real, so physical, you couldn’t figure out which way was up or down. You were spinning, falling, and when you crash landed back into your body you gasped.
Your eyes flew open and all you could feel was Joel. He was fucking everywhere. His body was pressed all along your back, his fingers pinched your nipple, his mouth was on your jaw. 
And his cock was hard, and it was deep, deep inside of you. 
Your head flew back as you gasped for air, staring up at the ceiling without seeing. Your hands grasped for purchase on something, anything that would hold you there, keep you from flying apart and spiraling into the air, until they found his arm and you held on for dear life. Suddenly Joel pulled his hips back and then thrust inside of you, hard. You cried out, maybe his name, maybe no words at all. Fuck. You needed to catch your breath. Your hips were pinned under his, your pussy wet and dripping and tightening around his cock. You could feel a tear slip from your eye to land on the pillow under your head. Fuck me. 
Before you could even try to make sense of your surroundings, to catch your breath, Joel’s lips found your ear.
“Good morning, honey.” His voice was deep and rumbling and fucking vicious. He thrust inside you again, pinching your nipple and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. Your next breath came out like a sob. “How’d you sleep?” You felt a tear form at the edge of your eye again, and he curled forward to kiss it away. “Shh, baby, you’re ok. You’re so fucking good, honey, my good fucking girl.” He thrust inside of you again, and his cock slid against you so easily, so wonderfully, that you breathed through another sob. “Honey?”
You realized, distantly, that he was starting to worry about you. You squeezed his arm. You had to say something.
“Y— yes, Joel. Yes.” You felt him grin against your shoulder. 
“Yeah, honey? That feel good?” You nodded, frantically, reaching one hand back to grasp at his hip. “You want it bad, don’t you? Want this cock to split you open?” Your breath hitched, again. “Want me to push deep inside you, don’t you, sweet thing? Fill you up? Leave you fucking dripping?” 
Real Joel echoing Dream Joel spun you upwards again, disorienting you in your pleasure. You whined, and thrust your hips backwards towards him. He pulled out and slammed his cock back into you, pulling back on your hip to urge you onto him. “Fuck, honey, you need it, don’t you? You need it so bad.” You could only grasp at him and nod, feeling another tear run down the side of your face. He kissed that one away, too.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart. You can have this cock whenever you want.” He thrust forward again, pinning you to the bed. Your right knee bent in front of you and he followed, curving his body into the same position, somehow driving his cock deeper. “It’s yours. Yours to use, honey. Yours to touch, to lick, to sit on whenever you want.” He started up a steady pace, pushing his cock inside of you so deeply, so right on every thrust. Your face was turned, left side on the pillow, profile still open to him. He pressed kisses everywhere he could reach.
“I’m going to make you come, honey. And I want to see it.” He curved his right hand over your hip, seeking out your clit with his fingers. “I want you to come on my cock. I want to feel you squeeze me, baby, squeeze me so fucking tight.” You sighed into the pillow. “Can you do that for me? Yeah, ‘course you can. Be a good girl, honey, and come for me.”
His fingers started circling your clit, and you felt it building inside of you like a tidal wave. It was almost too much, so much, more than you could handle. You were actually crying now, tears running down your face that he kissed away. “J— Joel,” you whined, and he twisted to press a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“That’s right, honey. Let me have it. It’s mine.”
Something about the way he claimed it, claimed you, sent you over the edge. You flew over it, into the air, twisting, falling, electrified. The orgasm erupted through you, and you felt more wet gush out of you, absolutely soaking his cock. He groaned. 
“Holy fucking shit, honey. Yes. Fucking give it to me.” He talked you through it, pressing kisses anywhere he could reach. It shuddered through you and you clamped down on him as your orgasm crested. You sobbed one more time, and he bit down on your shoulder to ground you.
As you came down, you realized his hips were speeding up. You whined and thrust your hips backwards again. You wanted it. You wanted him, inside of you, dripping out of you, like he promised. He nodded, seeming to understand.
“That’s right, honey. I’m going to give it to you. That’s what good girls get, right? And you were perfect, honey. My good fucking girl.” You clutched at the pillow as you pushed your hips back, trying to tilt them to give him the best angle. He sank deeper, somehow, and moaned. “I’m going to give it to you so deep, baby, so fucking deep.” He sighed, dreamily. “Fuck.”
His thrusts picked up, and you let yourself drift, feeling perfectly used as Joel pumped his hips into yours. His thrusts caught, uneven, and you heard him groan from deep in his chest. He clutched at you, with one final, devastating thrust, and came. His mouth was hot on your ear as he said your name in a voice that made it sound like a prayer.
For a moment, neither of you moved. You were both breathing hard, and you were a fucking mess — wet, everywhere — cum all over, sweaty, and tears that had dripped down your face and soaked your pillow. 
Joel sucked in a deep breath and carefully, gently, pulled out of you. You still gasped — you were sensitive from the night before, still, and he’d just fucked you so hard you’d cried, for god’s sake — but he was so soft and gentle with you that it barely hurt.
He flopped to your left on the bed, and with a groan, you heaved yourself onto your right side so you could look at him. You fell in the wet spot, but honestly, the entire bed was probably a wet spot at that point.
He turned his head, and for a minute you just looked at each other. You’d thought you’d seen him wrecked before, but that was nothing. You could see, now, what it actually looked like. And he was wrecked. You imagined you were the same. His hair was wild, his face was awestruck. He was red and sweaty and fucking beautiful. 
Slowly, he started to smile, and you returned it. Then he laughed, and you laughed back. Soon you were both giggling into your pillows, curled towards each other, linking fingers in the damp sheets.
Joel took a deep breath, and managed to stop giggling long enough to say, “I think you might have killed me, honey. Can’t move my legs.” You giggled and buried your face in the pillow. “No, I’m serious. First you knock me over with the idea of fucking you awake, much less telling me to do it? Jesus, I almost came before I ever got inside of you, trying to figure out how to do it without waking you up. Best fucking idea I’ve ever heard, honey, shit. Holy fucking shit.” He sounded winded, and awestruck. Like he couldn’t believe that just happened. “You were so beautiful, baby, taking it so well, even in your sleep. Couldn’t tear my eyes away from you.” He sighed, grinning. “Jesus, when can we do it again? I wanna do it again. How’s every goddamn morning sound to you?” You laughed outright. He cleared his throat. “Was it, um. Was it what you wanted?” He looked hopeful, and a tiny bit worried. You didn’t know how he could be, not after you came harder than you ever had in your life. So you told him that.
“Joel. I just came harder than I ever have in my entire life.” You figured he needed to hear it, and his answering grin told you he appreciated it. “I can’t feel my legs, either.” He laughed, and you tracked it across his face. Beautiful. “It was so fucking perfect. I was having the best dream about you, I guess because of what you were doing to me for real, and then suddenly the dream and reality came together and I— fuck.” You closed your eyes against the memory of that moment. “I’ve never felt anything like that.”
“It was fucking beautiful to watch,” he murmured, eyes traveling over your face and chest. “Never seen anything like that, either.” 
You smiled. “In my dream you were fucking me from behind, and it just… melted into real life. I felt like I fell back into myself and couldn’t tell up from down in the best fucking way.” You bit your lip. “Every morning, huh?” He winked at you. “I dunno, if you make me come like that every day I might not make it to work.” He laughed, and finally reached for you again. You went easily as he pulled you into his chest, pressing your bodies together. You sighed, sinking into him happily. 
“You fit so well in my arms, sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to your hairline. “Let’s just stay right here, for a while.”
You hummed, agreeing, nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You were both quiet for a moment, just letting the moment wash over you, when you felt him tense.
“Joel?” You questioned lightly, wondering what he was thinking. 
“I, um,” he cleared his throat. “Just want to make sure of something, honey. You were, well, the crying. Was that… ok?” He sounded so careful, so worried, it made your heart clench.
“Yes, Joel. That wasn’t just ok.” You tilted your head back to meet his eye so he could see the sincerity on your face. “It was exactly what I wanted. It was perfect.” He relaxed, and his eyes crinkled when he smiled. “Sometimes I cry during sex. Not all the time, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing when it happens. Like just now, it was a really, really good thing.”
“That’s what I thought,” he nodded, “but I wanted to make sure I was reading you right. Would be a pretty upsetting thing to get wrong.”
The two of you nestled back into each other, holding tight, breathing in deep together as you came down from the intensity of the sex you’d just had. It had been beautiful, and rough, and exactly what you wanted, and now you were worn out. In his arms was exactly where you wanted to be.
After a while you started to doze off again, but you didn’t want to sleep the morning away, so you shook yourself back awake. You stretched, idly, and you felt Joel’s gaze on you. You looked up to find him admiring your legs as you stretched them along the bed.
“See something you like, cowboy?” 
He smiled. “You know I do, gorgeous.” 
“Want to get up, grab some breakfast, maybe?” Joel smiled and nodded, but pulled you in rather than letting you get up.
“Maybe in a few minutes.” 
You smiled.
Joel drove you to a diner about halfway between your apartment and his house. You’d never been there, but had driven past it many times, and told him so.
“This is a favorite of ours,” he told you as you both climbed out of his truck. “Sarah usually demands it at least once a month. We have family breakfast with Tommy.” You smiled at the thought.
Breakfast was easy, full of easy conversation and light teasing. Joel snuck some of your food and you retaliated by drinking some of his coffee. His feet nudged yours under the table as he grinned at you, and you rested your chin in your hand to watch him watch you across the table. It really drove home for you how much you liked being around Joel. The sex had been mind-blowing, obviously, like always, but you’d also spent weeks circling each other before finally starting to get to know each other over lunches and coffees and now dates. Every moment you spent with him showed you there was something more, here. It was in the way he couldn’t look away from you, the way he listened so carefully, like he always did, as you told him silly stories about the diner in your hometown. The way he remembered tiny details from everything you’d ever told him. You felt yourself falling, just like you’d told Beth. 
It was scary, but it was also pretty wonderful.
a/n: 😏
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number1mingyustan · 4 months
Just in Case ☾
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bestfriend!seungkwan x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, cursing, explicit smut, marking, mentions of cheating, protected sex, riding, mentions of oral (f.)
Summary: It was always gonna be you
Word Count: 2.9k
(a/n: i really meant it when i said I was planning to be more active. school is still kicking my ass and I've been so unmotived to write I'm sorry. i still have a bunch of unfinished drafts but there's no telling when I'll actually finish them)
You first met Seungkwan in December 2019.
You’d gone out to the club and accidentally spilled your drink on him. In a drunken panic you tried to help, but only ended up making the situation worse and staining his clothes.
However, he didn’t get upset. He just chuckled and told you it was fine and joked about how it wasn’t his best shirt anyway.
You offered to buy him another drink to make up for it, but he politely declined and made another joke about how you’d only end up spilling it on him again.
You apologized again and went your separate ways thinking it would be the last time you saw each other. But of course, fate has a weird way of bringing people together.
Less than 4 hours later he would find you, sneaking out of his roommate's room in his apartment with your dress on backwards.
It wasn’t unusual for Jeonghan to bring a girl home, but he never could have expected it to be the clumsy girl who spilled a drink on him just a few hours prior.
Jeonghan was the first to leave the club with you and Seungkwan went back home later that night with Seokmin.
He got up to get a glass of water before going to sleep and you were there, tiptoeing around his apartment and trying to go unnoticed.
You were doing a horrible job at being quiet, but luckily Jeonghan was a heavy sleeper. Such a heavy sleepover that he didn’t realize you and Seungkwan spent the entire night talking.
Conversation came naturally to you. He was shocked initially, to say the least. But he said one thing to you and the conversation ended up lasting for hours leading into the morning.
There was something so familiar about you. It felt like you’d known each other your entire lives and you could talk so easily. You talked about any and everything together like old friends catching up.
When Jeonghan finally woke up and saw you in the kitchen chatting it up with one of his housemates, he’d assumed you’d woken up just before him. Even now it remains a secret between the two of you that you never slept that night.
Since that day, Boo Seungkwan has been your best friend.
After that night, he invited you to roller skating after finding out it was something you both enjoyed. The two of you hung out more and more over time and you were eventually adopted into the friend group.
You got comfortable with all of them, Joshua, Jihoon, Seokmin, Seungkwan, and even Jeonghan. Despite the very one time hookup, you still consider Jeonghan to now be one of your best friends.
But you’ve always been closest with Seungkwan.
“We’re gonna get so fucked up!” You scream to Seungkwan over the loud music in the club.
He shouts back at you in agreement before taking your hand in his. He drags you through the crowd, navigating like an expert and ensuring that you stay close to him.
You make your way to the bar and order your drinks. The bartender is nice, but a little flirty. You can admit he's cute, but he's a little touchy and you're not really feeling him all that much.
Seungkwan can sense your discomfort and nearly startles you when he touches your waist. As soon as you realize it's your best friend, you melt into his touch and all your discomfort has dissolved.
"Sorry," he says. "Didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted him to get the message."
You nod. "I understand, thank you." You smile.
You both down your drinks easily and continue with your night out. You spend the new few hours dancing and singing along to the generic club music. Your best friend stays close to you and he looks out for you like he always does.
"You don't have to stay attached to me all night you know, it's your first night out as a single man in a while." You bump your shoulder against his playfully. "I don't wanna scare off any opportunities for you to meet someone."
"You know I didn't come here looking for anything," He gives you a soft smile.
"That doesn't mean you can't find something," You muse, raising an eyebrow.
He takes a sip from his drink. "Thanks, but no thanks. Let's just have fun tonight."
You shrug, bumping your glass against his before downing the rest of your drink.
The next few hours were spent dancing, laughing and drinking. It was nice to see your best friend let loose again, but the night eventually came to an end and he ordered an uber.
The ride was quiet, but not uncomfortable. The two of you sat leaned against one another in the backseat. The ambiance was comforting, set by the music playing quietly from the radio and the lights from the city surrounding you.
You two enter his apartment together and you immediately throw yourself onto the couch with a sigh of satisfaction. Your eyes fall shut and a smile appears on your face. "My feet were killing me."
Seungkwan crouches down in front of you wordlessly and helps you take off your shoes. You thank him quietly and he disappears into his bedroom.
When your eyes flutter open, he's re-entering the living room with something in hand.
"Here," He hands you a t-shirt of his. "So you don't have to stay in that dress either."
You mouth a 'thank you' before stumbling into the bathroom to change out of your clothes.
"You know," You plop down on the couch next to him. "You still haven't told me why you guys ended things.
Seungkwan sighs. "I know. It's nothing though, don't worry about it. Things just weren't working out, you know?"
"Yeah, it's a shame."
"You didn't even like her," Seungkwan chuckles.
"That's only because she didn't like me first!" You defend. "Never even understood that."
"She was just... nevermind. Doesn't matter now."
"No," You sit up and frown. "Tell me."
He sighs. "She was just kind of jealous of you. Ended up driving the whole relationship into the ground."
A beat.
"You guys broke up because of..me?"
Seungkwan leans his back against the couch. "Like not really... but yeah."
You frown. "Why would you do that?"
"You already knew she didn't like you Y/n."
"Yeah, but you ended a two-year-long relationship. What the hell?"
"Things just weren't working out."
"Yeah... because of me!" You sigh.
"You didn't do anything. She was just jealous and insecure. You ended up being the topic of conversation way more than needed and it was so frustrating. It was a constant argument for those two years and I got exhausted."
"I knew she didn't like me, but I didn't know it was that serious. I feel guilty as hell now, like I ruined your entire relationship."
"You didn't."
"But I did," You frown.
"Do you know how exhausting it was? For two years I had to put up with her turning everything into an argument about you. I was constantly being accused of something and then I'd have to be reassuring her and coddling her like a baby. It was like a never-ending cycle about the same thing Y/n. I could only do that so much before I lose my mind."
You frown. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, you didn't do anything wrong." He pats your head softly. "Seriously."
"I know I just... feel bad. I feel like I compromised your happiness" You pout.
"You could never. You're my best friend." He gives you a reassuring smile.
He rises to his feet.
"I'm getting tired, are you ready for bed?"
You remain silent, giving him a small nod. About 10 minutes later you find yourself laying in bed next to him. The lights are dim, but you can still make out the features of his face clearly.
You don't know why your heart is suddenly beating so fast. It's so quiet in the room that he just might be able to hear it.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Huh?" You mumble. "Nothing."
"You know you can't lie to me," he grins.
"I don't know," You sigh. "You just feel so like... close right now. I don't know."
"Oh," He breathes out. "Do you want me to take the couch? It's never been an issue before."
"No!" You say a little louder than intended. "No," Your voice softens. "I just... what you told me earlier about Hayeon. Like, what if she's right?"
"That there's something romantic between us? I'm not sure I understand you Y/n."
"I mean, you just said it yourself. It's never been a problem for us to sleep in the same bed, but isn't that kind of weird? Like you and I have always been close... but maybe this is too close?"
"I think you're drunk and still hung up on my stuff with Hayeon.
"You're drunk too," You frown.
"Yeah, but I'm not speaking a bunch of nonsense right now." He pushes your hair out of your face softly. "Go to sleep Y/n."
"No," You protest.
You weren't really thinking when you kissed him. It just sort of... happened. Granted, he wasn't really thinking when he kissed you back either.
It felt so natural, like you were kissing a lover of 10 years. it was easy to melt into his touch, everything was just so easy with him. Your hands are in his hair, tugging lightly at the blue-tinted strands atop his head.
You let out a soft moan against his lips, pressing your body against his.
You feel like you're floating and drowning all at the same time. Floating on a cloud of bliss while simultaneously drowning deeper and deeper in him.
He pulls away, breathless with swollen lips. You both lay on your side, staring at one another. Neither of you really know what to say. Your heart is still beating out of your chest as you lick your lips slowly, relishing in the lingering taste of him.
"What the hell Y/n?"
"I'm sorry! I don't know," You panic, covering your face in embarrassment.
He sighs, falling onto his back. "Why did you do that?"
"It's not like we've never kissed before."
"Yeah, but not like that. The worst I've ever done with you was barely a peck. That was different."
"You felt it too?"
You fall silent. There's a million things running through your head and they're all circling back to him.
"I don't know!"
"That's not a good enough answer.
"That's not fair to me," he frowns.
"Of course I have," he huffs out. "From the very first moment I met you, you made me feel something. It's been what, 5 years? When you left the bar that night, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was convinced I'd never see you again. And then I did! Yeah you had just fucked my roommate and it was somewhat heart breaking, but from the moment I met you I knew I wanted you in my life. You were just... I don't know. You were shining a little brighter than anyone else in that club. You've got an aura about you that's hard to ignore."
You sit there, completely speechless.
"I know that I felt something for you since that night. I don't know if it really ever went away. I know I loved Hayeon when I was with her, I'm not saying I didn't. I don't know if I've been ignoring what I've felt for you, or if I really did get over it. But you suddenly deciding this now is confusing for me." He frowns.
For the second time that night, you act before thinking yet again. Your lips are on his and you find yourself melting into his touch. He kisses you back, pulling your body on top of his.
You don't know what you're doing or why you're really doing it, but it feels good. It feels right, like it's something you know you won't regret even though it may be confusing.
You straddle his lap and his hands rest comfortable on your lower back. His kisses are addictive, leaving you breathless with a fuzzy head.
You pull away to catch your breath, staring down at him with lust in your eyes. Wordlessly, you feel his shirt off your body and toss it onto the ground.
His eyes go wide and his breath gets caught in his throat. "Are you sure?"
"Never been so sure in my life. I want this... if you do too," you breathe out.
"Course I want this," He responds.
He pulls you back down and reconnects your lips with fervent passion. You grind yourself against him slowly, body moving on its own accord with his.
You tug at his shirt lightly and he breaks the kiss again to pull it off of his body.
"Shit," You breathe out. "Do you have any condoms?"
He nods. "In the drawer."
You reach over to his nightstand and open the drawer. You fish out the small gold package and tear it open with your teeth.
"You know, it's not safe to do that." he muses. "Could poke a hole or something."
"Oh well," You smirk, disposing of the gold packaging. "Maybe you'll just have to knock me up."
He raises an eyebrow at your statement. "Knock you up? But you're my best friend."
You let out a scoff and lean back, rolling the latex on his length. "Don't think.." You lift your hips, slowly sinking down onto him. You wince at the initial feeling. "Don't think I'd be on top of you like this if I was just your best friend."
He breathes out, tilting his head back into the pillow. His nails dig into your hips as he feels himself stretching you out.
You both let out a gasp as you start grinding down on him slowly. He holds you steady by your hips as you start to pick up your pace. you tilt your head back, gripping onto the sheets for support.
"Shit," he breathes out.
Your breathing grows heavier and you find yourself getting lost in the pleasure. It feels so good, so right. It's not fully processing in your head that you're riding your best friend right now.
"Should've done this sooner," You mumble to yourself.
Seungkwan can only nod in agreement. He's in awe watching as you bounce on his cock. The room is still dimly lit, but there's just enough moonlight seeping between the blinds for him to see how gorgeous you are.
He wants this image of you forever etched in his brain. He slides one of his hands from your hip to your inner thigh. Your pace is disrupted when you feel his thumb pressed against your clit.
"Oh fuck," You curse out.
He smirks to himself as he picks but the pace with his finger. You match his movements, falling back into your rhythm as ride him. He leans back deeper into the bed and pushes his hips up to meet you halfway.
His cock now brushes deep inside of you, hitting the same spot that has you struggling to stay quiet. Your nails are digging deeper into his bedsheets and you're whining out loud.
His thumb draws quick circles on your clit and his eyes never leave your frame. He watches you bounce on his cock, filling yourself up and cry out his name.
Fuck. He really regrets not doing this sooner.
He knows he won't last much longer. The intimacy and pleasure of it all is too intense. He applies more pressure on your sensitive bud, causing you to moan louder.
"Close," You warn him breathlessly.
He sits up on the bed, pulling your frame closer against his. His head falls into the crook of your neck. He sucks on your skin, nibbling softly and ensuring he marks you. He knows he might regret this in the morning, but he can't help himself. He has you now and he can't help but want a little reminder.
Moments later you're falling apart in his lap. You gasp your air pathetically as your hips lose rhythm and you tighten around his cock. He's losing his fucking mind.
You squeeze around him, driving him into his own orgasm and milking him for everything he's got. He groans into your skin as he spills his load into the condom.
Both your chests rise and fall against one another as you tap back into your senses. He places one last kiss on your cheek before he lifts you off his lap and lays you on the bed. He disposes of the condom and lays down next to you.
The room falls silent and neither of you is really sure what you should say.
You break the silence. "Now what?"
He shrugs.
"I feel like, like we need to talk about this."
"We should."
"Okay.... so.." You start.
He shushes you lightly, placing a finger on your lips. "Later."
You blink at him slowly. “What?”
He ignores you, pulling you in by the legs. “Later.”
“Is now a bad time?” Your voice is filled with confusion.
"No, it’s just you know…," he strokes your arm softly. "If we wake up tomorrow and decide this isn't for the better, I want to have at least had a taste."
You eyes go wide.
He smirks at you, pulling your body closer to his. "Just in case, y'know?"
You bite your lower lip, meeting his suggestive gaze.
"Yeah," You lean into his touch, allowing him to pin you down on the bed. "Just in case."
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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vex91 · 1 month
Aylin - Sleepover
Pairing: Aylin x Female Reader
Fandom: 23.5
Summary: Aylin never wanted to have any relations to humans, except the ones in her own family. Unfortunately all that facade crumbles when certain human smiles at her.
A/N: Made it just for @vlance
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3rd's POV
Aylin looked at Alpha in disbelief, her mind started racing at the information she just gained from her cousin.
"Y/N, Sun and Luna are spending the night here"
Like here? As in their house that all of them live in which means that she lives in it, you're gonna be spending the night here?! Aylin didn't waited long and evacuated back to her room before Alpha or anyone else could stop her. She wasn't sure what was their plan but she wasn't about to let them succeed in whatever they planned with her.
Or at least that's what she thought to herself but unfortunately she ended up at the dining table with everyone. Her eyes stayed on the food the whole time, not daring to even look in your direction but she could feel your curious gaze on her and it caused her heart to beat faster. She didn't understand that... or rather she did but wished she didn't.
"It's nice to finally meet you Y/N. Everyone always talked so much about you but never brought you over" Aylin looked at her uncle from the corner of her eye as she listened "I never had time to, I'm glad I was able to come today" You smiled at him and soon Ongsa's mom chimed in "Are you often busy?" That was true, you were the same age as Alpha which meant that you had to think about college soon, you were also the oldest in your family which caused you to be busy helping and taking care of them.
"Yeah, I need to study to make sure I'll get into the college I picked" This immediately interested Ongsa's mom as both of you started talking about your plans for the future. Aylin used this moment to look at you. You looked extra pretty that day, your hair fell on your face just right and the shirt you wore really suited you. Aylin couldn't help but stare until she noticed Luna who was sitting right next to you, looking at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. This immediately made Aylin look back at her food.
Just when she thought she was gonna have some rest from everyone, the unfortunate room choosing had to happen. Aylin had the feeling about how it was gonna end, Sun was sleeping in Ongsa's room as they were together and Luna was already ready to go to Alpha's room. The next words leaving her older cousin's lips didn't surprised her but also didn't made her happy.
"Y/N you can sleep in Aylin's room"
That's how she ended up sitting in front of her desk, trying not to look at you sitting on her bed. It was hard considering how you kept staring at her and trying to initiate a conversation with her.
"That's a cool alien friend you have here Aylin, what's their name?"
"You know, I've been doing project about aliens but I don't know as much as you. Can you help me?
"Can you even hear me?"
More silence.
Soon she could hear steps closing in on her before feeling a warm breath against her ear. Her body tensed at the feeling.
"I don't like it. How we're here together but it feels like we're on different planets" This was the first time she heard your voice so serious yet soft. She was so used to hearing your cheerful voice calling out to her at school everyday even when she ignored you. This moment was so different, the atmosphere change making her heartbeat faster.
And this time she couldn't help but turn around and look you in the eye.
The smile that you gave her in that moment got engraved in her memory for years to come, she was sure of that.
Along with the way she felt like could let herself let loose with a human for the first time... but she wouldn't tell you that.
At least not yet.
131 notes · View notes
johnnys-breastmilk · 10 months
VHS Tape 1A - "Sleepover" | Wally Clark x Male!Reader
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a/n – THIS is what sent me into a writing slump but lets hope i conquered it by finishing this
Summary – Last night, Wally invited you to a sleepover as a joke, but things turned serious by the end of the night.
warnings – drinking, sex, mentions of anal, oral (wally receiving), pre-death!Wally Clark, dirty talk, 18+, he might be a tad bit ooc!
words — 6.1k
Life was something that, to you, needed to be treated with the same level of thought and care as with anything else contained within it. You tried to be mindful of your grades at school, steered clear of any and all uses of drugs, especially the lethal ones, and kept your inner circle small for the most part. The teachers addressed you the same way you did them, on a first-name basis. You had practically secured a spot on the faculty-designated pages of the yearbook. That’s why, when Wally's constant teasing about the night you stayed over at his house started up, you almost didn’t believe him.
There was a black spot in your memory, a time when nothing existed to you, but something was there that he knew of. You tried to think back to the moments leading up to everything that had happened, things you knew for sure. It was the Friday before a huge exam that would take place on Monday of the following week, and a folded-up note was passed to you in fourth period–Psychology–from the back of the class. While the teacher was turned away, you carefully unfurled it to get to the message inside. To you, the plans for that night seemed normal enough–a sleepover study session to cram in as much information for the exam with enough booze to calm everyone’s nerves, as explained by Wally’s messy and strung-together letters on the note. It felt a little counter-intuitive, but he insisted on supplying the alcohol. He claimed that it would help encourage others in the class to show up and take their academics seriously, and you were inclined to believe his words. Who didn’t love free drinks and a jock with a nice house to get wasted in?
That was your first mistake, and the second came when he invited you over the day after the so-called sleepover. He flooded your landline with numerous calls, excitedly telling you all about how he got everything from last night on film and that he would be over to pick you up soon. The mere sight of his house from the windshield of his Cutlass jogged your memory. You remembered hesitantly walking up to his door, textbook in hand with a look of awe as you ogled at his house’s exterior. Typically middle class with a clean front exterior combining brick on the first floor and light blue paneling on the second. His house extended into a two-door garage, but both doors were closed the night you went. And the next morning, one was open as he pulled into the right side of the vacant garage. The door slid down behind you, sounding exactly how you wanted the VCR to when Wally inevitably played back last night’s events on tape. Once it shut, the only light emanated from his beamers on the front and back-ends. The light forming a clearing from the shroud of darkness in the room felt exactly like your memory. You knew where to go to learn the truth, and now, it felt like you didn’t know how to turn back.
In the passenger seat, the armrest between you and him wasn’t the only thing separating the two of you. From what Wally hinted at on the ride over, you two seemed to be on the same page last night, and he didn’t mean the textbook. 
You sighed, piecing together your own path leading away from it all, “Do I really want to know what happened last night?” 
“You definitely do. It was legendary!” Wally insisted.
“As long as it’s not embarrassing…”
If you went into his house, you ran the risk of remembering something you could have lived your whole life not knowing about; something you might end up wishing to forget. But the thought of what exactly happened was too tempting not to find out. How bad could it be? The only way to find out would be to watch it and see what looks like you do things you couldn’t recall.
Wally casually placed a hand on your thigh, “Hey, we were both pretty drunk. And after watching the tape this morning, I can confidently say, I would do everything on it all over again.”
“Pfft. You held the camera, I bet you’re barely in it.” His hand felt out of place, like seeing someone place their palm on an open burner on the stove. Any heat from before didn’t boil over into this morning, though, including your worries leading up to the moment you arrived at his house.
“I was basically your co-star! Here–let’s recreate it.” Wally hopped out the driver’s side of the lowrider, rounding the hood of the car and opening your door. He offered out a hand, but you didn’t take it.
His garage door didn’t stay closed for long, as he had the perfect plan to reenact the interaction that started it all.
“I’ll head in through the door in here, you go to the front door and I’ll be there to answer,” he directed. You did as he said, taking the little paved pathway to his house, picking up on the littlest of details in his front yard to see if anything rang a bell. Nothing. The same could be said as you knocked on his door–the vibrant red facing you with a gold handle and lock above it to fit a jagged-cut Clark house key. The anxious feelings you got standing at his door less than twenty-four hours ago didn’t pull your stomach into knots this time. It was like your body had lived through the feeling of resolve–maybe a forgotten rejection–but your head was still catching up to all of those feelings.
A few seconds went by and you heard the lock click out of place, followed by the door swinging open with the turn of the handle. He answered the door in the same way as he had before: an arm raised above his head, leaning against the door with it and greeting you with a wide smile. The only difference was his clothing. Last night, he donned dark-colored jeans and a forest-green jumper. Today, he wore a lighter shade of blue denim for his pants, mostly to keep it from clashing with his white tee-shirt and navy blue letterman jacket he earned from his dedication to football. On top of his head, he wore a black baseball cap, turned one-hundred and eighty degrees to face backward. There was one accessory missing that greeted you with its eye at the door as well–Wally’s camera. You remembered the video camera he had been waving around in your face when he answered the door. He claimed that it was a gift he received earlier that day and wanted to take it for a test run. 
He practically used it as his way of seeing, his way of looking at you, and memorializing something as simple as studying. It felt a bit insincere the first time around like he was just doing it for the proof that he was a nice person to everyone, not just his football team. But right now, you felt more attended to, more cared for by his brown eyes not hidden behind a video camera. Even with his forgiving and welcoming nature, it couldn’t keep you from recalling the meandering conversation you had when you first arrived. 
“Remember… anything?” He held the ‘er’ longer than the awkward silence lasted as he moved out of the doorframe, waiting for you to enter the lion’s den. You shook your head, “Just that your house is nice and all.”
The memories started to slowly fade in as he took you inside with him. His house let you in and welcomed you with a warm foyer, brightly lit from floor-to-ceiling windows and thin drapes pulled back to let the light seep in. The furniture, from the kitchen to the living room, looked well lived in, but it hadn’t lost that cozy feeling. There were still many more memories to make on them, but you were concerned about one in particular.
He led you to the same brown leather couch that you felt vaguely acquainted with, and you took a seat on the left end of the couch. He took the right side and left the middle cushion vacant. A mismatched, wavy-patterned chair sat turned to face the couch and the coffee table caught in the crossroads of both directions. You noticed the walls were white with pastel blue accents. Images of ships at sea and framed family photos fill the space between the windows in the room, which made it feel like Wally stared at you from every angle you could think of. Simply looking to the end table to your left brought him closer to you, and when you turned to look at the older version of the man in the photo, he had scooted over to the middle seat. 
“I got the tape.” He said. Wally flashed the tape in your direction, looking proud of his creation. In those brief moments, you were able to see the word Sleepover crudely written in black Sharpie. He had already given a title to his film, and maybe you should have been happy that it wasn’t your name followed by the description of something abject.
“Well, put it in!” Your hands waved him off the couch and toward the large entertainment center. At first, it was easy to mistake it for a closet, but as Wally pulled away the two panels in the front, you knew it to house a boxy television. On the shelf below it is a VCR and it’s remote, and on the shelf below that, speakers.
While he put the tape in, you tried channeling any memory of last night from the couch, since you remembered it as the first landmark–besides his kitchen–that would mean anything to you. The note, the car, the couch, the drinks, the textbook–all things you went over and over again in your head, but couldn’t quite figure out what path they were inescapably leading towards. Spontaneity may have been your downfall here, as one unexpected factor revealed on the tape could change the direction the night had gone in. Wally reclaimed his seat on the couch, directly next to you. The tape whirred in the machine as its innards stretched and rolled around various corners to relay its evidence of last night.
The first minutes are nothing much to gawk at. Wally showed himself recording in a mirror, seemingly testing out the device until a knock played out. Holding the camera at chest height during your conversation, he answered his front door as expected. You exchanged greetings and he welcomed you inside.
“Where is everyone?” Watching the recording of yourself felt different. It wasn’t weird or confusing, but you started to notice things about yourself that you wish you could have done in a better manner. 
Wally was hidden behind the camera as he spoke, keeping it focused on you. Maybe that’s why you noticed everything–because it was how he had seen it last night. His voice was louder than yours when he spoke thanks to how close the microphone on the camera was to him. “Oh, they’ll be here later. Is that good with you?” 
“That’s fine. We’ll get a jump on studying.”
You wanted to cringe, is this how you really acted? Nervous and far too afraid to make a move that you sold yourself as a complete loser to compensate for it. This was a part you painfully remembered from last night but it looked better from your perspective. Looking at the observer to your right, he looked content with himself and the product he created. 
You tried to hint that you wanted the jock to fast forward through this preluding embarrassment without giving away how you felt. If you were going to get embarrassed by things from last night, you might as well have seen the worst of it first. “Worst movie ever.” 
“Ouch. Does that make me a bad director?” He played along.
“I think it’s just too boring, plus that one actor can’t say his lines right even if the script was in that book.” You note the textbook that you’re still holding on the screen, clutching it as if it were some kind of last-resort barrier between you and Wally. You refused to pay attention to what you were saying, so as not to feel more embarrassed. Thankfully, the director kept commentating over his home movie.
His gaze doesn’t break from the screen. “Harsh critic, I like it. Let me know what you think of the other lead, he seems pretty handsome.” 
“It’s pretty bold to have the director star in his own film.”
“You’ll come around to the casting choices. There’s one scene later on that will blow your mind,” he smirked, looking over to you.
These were all things you remembered, and he didn’t seem to get the hint, so you asked him to skip ahead outright. “Mind fast-forwarding? To the good parts, I mean.”
Wally’s smirk dropped and he went back to following your command. He was supposed to be the one helping you live through your irretrievable actions, “Yeah, tell me when.”
Wally peeled himself from the couch, reaching for the remote and hitting one button on it a few times. The footage relayed across the screen became as much of a blur as it felt in your head. The speedy actions and jumps from when Wally would occasionally stop recording felt disorienting, but you noticed a brief flash of an alcohol bottle between shaky shots, “There!”
Wally’s stunning looks were on screen, and you deduced that you held the camera this time. You were in his kitchen, just one room over from his living room with a doorway connecting the two. The doorway, it was visible from your spot on the couch, located to the left of the television stand. Seeing the perspective of the camera made you think that you were standing relatively within the doorway, and Wally stood surrounded by the U-shape of his counter. The pearly white gloss of the counter reminded you of his smile–wide, perfect, everywhere. 
The man with those pearly whites ducked below the counter to fetch a bottle of vodka–the sound of a small, whirring machine halting as a door opened played through the screen, suggesting that the Clarks had embellished a wine cooler into their base cabinets. Then, he reached up high to a pantry cabinet emerging from the wall, pulling out two shot glasses. The detail was fuzzy, but you could make out some various juices and zests already prepared for all the woo-woos and cold ducks two rebellious teenagers could want. 
“What unit are we on again?” He asked, trying to make small talk.
You reminded him of what the teacher had written in chalk weeks ago. “Interpersonal attraction.”
“What’s that? I totally studied it, I just… forgot.” He said it as if it wasn’t his fault, and it still sounded virtuous as it re-rang in your ear from the stereo. A thought crossed your mind, that, maybe it wasn’t. He excelled at football and could get into college on that, so long as he steered clear of any injuries that would hold him back, which would mean that his grades just had to be good enough. Maybe he was simply a product of his environment, and you couldn’t really blame him for that.
“When someone only sees the positive side of things in a relationship,” you answered.
“I think this study session is going great.” He said while pouring the vodka into both shot glasses. He filled one higher than the other and rounded the counter with both in hand.
“That’s not it, and it really isn’t. We haven’t even gotten to the hard stuff yet.”
“I said I needed something to help us study. I positively think this will loosen you up a little.” Wally offered one of the shots to you, the last frame holding on his charming face.
The camera cut and the scenery around it changed again, but to something familiar. You were back in the living room you currently watched the tape in, but the table in front of you had been moved off to the side. His camera laid on top of it, capturing you and Wally sitting and facing each other, with your textbook on the ground, filling the distance between you and him. The bottle of alcohol had the cap twisted off, resting upright next to Wally, some cut-up limes scattered on a plate next to that, and your shot glasses next to them. Due to the quality of the camera, you couldn’t quite tell how much of the bottle was empty until Wally picked it up. 
The angle at which he held it while decanting some into his glass answered your question. You and he must have made a dent in the bottle at that point, and your guard was likely lowered as you felt extremely comfortable around Wally. He topped off the shot glass with the clear courage. “If I get this wrong, this one’s yours.”
Expectedly, the question you fired his way was not met with an acceptable answer. Your mind was trying to think of each question like a teacher, how they would accept and consider his answer compared to other students’ responses. As you drank more due to his inability to take the class seriously, you started to slip away from that teacher mentality. This wasn’t the first time he wagered this bet, and it wasn’t the first time he lost, either. Whether it was intentional or on purpose, you held up your end of it. The video showed you preparing yourself for the shot, shaking out a smattering of salt from the castor, and readying yourself to drop the shot glass and lurch for the lime. Your hands felt almost shaky at his failure, knowing that you were bound to mess up the order of the steps.
He talked you through each step.
“Salt…” You could taste it on your tongue, even now. The same could be said for the saliva left on your hand from where you poured the salt out at.
“The shot…” The cold, thick rim of the glass felt indented into your lips. The feeling of the liquid going down your throat, burning as the dehydration set in lingered just the same.
“Then lime! Oh, yeah!” Wally cheered, looking proud of the teacher he had become to you.
You took a moment to let it sink in. Warmth on your face, soon to be everywhere. Courage building up from nothing into something that would perforate the cover of embarrassment.
Then, you looked down at the textbook. Your eyes alternated the pages beyond pages of information at your hands, having so much to pull from that you undoubtedly knew would be regurgitated on to the test, just less profoundly worded than its primary form. When you looked back up. . . had Wally always looked like that? His dark hair looked darker, and softer, like a fuzzy void to rake your fingers through. He did it just as the thought crossed your mind. No doubt he had to be feeling it, the way the buzz started to become the only voice in your head–a voice without reason, a voice known for speaking its mind.
“What three things make up the triangular theory of love?” You would have said it while halfway out the door, ready for embarrassment and tripping over your wordless apologies on the way out, but you were far too deep into his den to leave.
The answer was simple, and through the haze of last night, you still knew it–intimacy, passion, and commitment. Instead, he said, “You, me, naked.”
As you watched over yourself, you were taken aback by hearing his advances. But you were more ashamed of how you completely brushed it off less than a moment later. “Intimacy is one of them, yeah.”
“Okay, smart guy. I want to see you mess all these up.” He teased.
“You’re on.” He turned the textbook around so that it faced him, on your agreement.
“What is…” He flicked through a few pages and scanned over them briefly. “The reinforcement theory?”
“Uh, it’s when the person gets out something of equal or fair value in relation to what they put in.” You said, reciting it almost word-for-word as it was described on the page.
“Can you give me an example?”
It was hard not to utter the answer to yourself like you were watching a contestant on a game show, but even this one knew the million-dollar dinger. “An employee stays at their job because the pay–”
“A real example.” He interrupted. “Say… I kissed you. What could I get outta that?”
The confident and guided version of yourself from last night stood on their knees, almost crawling over to him as they could hardly keep themselves balanced. They looked so foreign yet so familiar–it was you without layers of fear and cowardice covering your most intimate feelings. Silence fell over the two of you as you fell into him, and then, the soft sound of kissing and pulling away played from the TV. The kiss felt straight out of a rom-com rental, but the moments following were pure and unabashed the-cashier-is-sure-to-check-your-ID-at-the- checkout pornography; you could tell when Wally’s jumper came off, and the kiss started to feel more heated than your face from the alcohol.
Next to you, you felt Wally slump forward on the couch, jutting out his hips. Your eyes stayed glued to the screen, almost entranced by what was happening, until you heard the sound of a zipper being undone. In your peripheral sights, Wally’s hands had undone his fly and the button of his jeans.
“Do you mind?” He asked. For a moment, you thought he meant the video. How he captured both of you embracing each other in a way that would be shown in Health class in the near future, likely titled Everything Not to Do In Sex. The headliner would be something along the lines of where not to touch your partner, as the actions playing out on screen were messy due to inexperience and the disorienting relaxation of being under the influence. He would probably end the viewing session by asking to smash the tape in his backyard or something along those lines, not what he had done instead.
“What–holy shit.” You turned to see his light blue denim and dark red boxers bunched further down along his thighs. He had his cock out, toying with it while it was still soft. His heavy balls sat low enough to rest on the cool leather of his brown couch, being pulled up as he tugged on his dick.
“What?” He refused to stop moving his hand. He kept going, almost at a faster pace when his eyes locked on to you in the present. Maybe you had everything all wrong. Wally wasn’t looking at this with regret, he wanted to enjoy last night. You knew he didn’t fully regret everything, as he stated earlier, but you thought he meant that he learned so much or had a fun night. Not this, and not with you of all people. What you were looking at felt like the result of a cheerleader helping the Split River Devils celebrate their big win of the night. 
Your hand pointed out to the image displayed on the screen. Your eyes never once broke from his gaze as you spoke, “It’s me–it’s us–on screen.”
“I know,” he said. His voice stayed the same throughout. 
You couldn’t fathom it–he liked it. “And you’re getting off to this?”
“We make a pretty good pair!” He tried to justify himself, finally breaking from the nonchalance to sound happy about it. You assumed that he must have not cared about whether or not you agreed with him, because he stood up seconds later. “Fuck, I have to make this feel better…” 
You heard his footsteps grow quieter as he left the room, then returned with what sounded like a spring in his step. His dick flopped up and down as he paced around the couch and back to his proclaimed seat on the couch. In his hand is a silvery Pringles Light potato chip canister, emptied of its retail packaging and filled with two halves of a sponge to make a slit in the middle. “I’ve been blue-balling all morning since I saw this…” 
And, suddenly, it became very, very real. He reached for some hand lotion on the table, squirting it into his fleshjack and then into his hand. He lathered the glob on his length, his hand finding a way to spread it along himself with only a few tugs. It was a sign that he was all for it, and you decided that you were, too. Before he could get too far into pleasuring himself, you offered him your hand. You placed it on his thigh, unsure of how far to go that would be considered too close. “I could help.”
“Really? No pressure or anything. I didn’t want you to feel like you have to do anything you, uh, see yourself doing.” He looked at the television again, and you thought that he might be right. If you felt differently about what you did last night after everything had already happened, you could leave. You could pretend that last night and the ensuing morning had never happened, and you could look at Wally the same as you always had–an unattainable crush. 
“Really.” You affirmed, completely sure of doing something that you would never forget. The confidence from last night returned, your hand gravitating to his lotioned skin. It had barely sunk in, and it was slick on your hand, emitting a wet cry and earning a moan from Wally. You would have thought the lotion became astringent, as Wally’s thighs tensed and his breathing hitched.
“Are you okay?” You asked, hand freezing all movement on his warmth, but never letting go of it.
“Yeah, I’m just used to my hand doing this part.” He became familiar with it quickly, though. Your hand made haste with the motions of jerking him off. Wally tried to level himself out by slumping further down on the couch, making himself more of a flat canvas for your designs. “But I could get used to this.”
There was one feeling he couldn’t get enough of, though. As your hand skimmed up and down his shaft, it occasionally slipped up over the head of his mushroom tip and teased the sensitive surface. Every time that your hand happened to find its way to his peaking pleasure, his hips jerked up and brought your hand down his shaft, like a drop tower that wasn’t quite ready to plummet into the needy feelings of release. Wally groaned, his head rolling back on the upholstered support backing the leather backrest. His flipped cap nearly got pulled off the top of his head, a sign that could’ve been looked at as him losing his mind over how good it all felt.
You looked over at the screen, seeing things take a sharp turn as you had your legs spread over Wally’s thighs. His legs stuck out, used to the kind of stretching he found himself doing on the field for football practice, and you sat squarely on his upper thighs. One hand stayed glued to his face and slid down to his neck as you explored five percent of the surface, and your other hand journeyed into the deep blue of his jeans. The same hand cupped his growing heat; you could remember the faintest feelings of it now. When he became too big, too rigid for your hand to mold and keep from slipping through your fingers, your hand emersed from his denim confines. The motion kept flowing, though, when your ass had found a way to push him down as he presumably pushed up, an action you felt ready to mimic. His rudimentary fleshlight wouldn’t have to leave him wanting more, and you were sure to make it known.
While he was no longer new in the box, the barrier between the two of you gone and discarded in the recycling, you felt comfortable choosing to come out of yours. “I think I want you to fuck me.” 
Just as you were about to step out of its confines, his words snaked around your wrists and tied you down to the box’s cardboard backing. Your motivation was restrained from where he drew the line. “Yeah, you might just want to use that sweet hand for now…” 
“Uh, last night… we kind of did anal,” he groaned out. Suddenly, there was a cry from the TV that was unmistakably your voice, “I want you to fuck me!” Wally cleared his throat, “No, we definitely did.”
He stared down the television, entranced by its contents in a matter of seconds. The exact thing he said started to unfold. In the drunken misguidance, he had forgone lube to make the blur tinting his hindsight go a little bit faster. He carried the camera along his body until he held it in front of his face like he had when he first greeted you at the door. There was a slow, disorienting rise as he stood, showing just how tall he was. It was like the peak of the drop tower, when your stomach would twist into knots from knowing what was about to happen. You moved into frame, rubbing the bulge in his jeans as your hands rounded the waistband around to his backside, pulling his denim down.
From the view of its eye, it peered down at his torso wrapped in green knits, his cock quickly springing out and sharing the stage with your face right next to it. It was clear that your box had been perforated, and he was the cause of it.
“Oh, oh fuck. This is my favorite part–too bad my dick looks so fucking small. The TV just doesn’t do it justice, I mean come on! Look at how big it is!” 
He must have been referring to the lingering shot of his dick. The camera was still panned down from Wally’s perspective to show his cock at full fuckable potential. He got up and stood next to the image of his dick, comparing the two. Just the sight of the one on his TV made you nervous, but shifting your gaze slightly reminded you that he was painfully bigger than he looked on camera. Eight millimeters of a film reel was such a small space to capture such a big thing on screen, and his twenty-six-inch TV could only do so much to blow up the image.
The picture went dark, and black filled the screen. Wally covered the camera and gave you stage directions on the tape. “Get on the couch, all fours. No. Yeah, yeah–like that.”
You felt a warmth press into your side, Wally rejoining you on the couch again. He held his hands up in the air like he was guilty of a charge you weren’t pressing, “Sorry, not my best work, I know.”
His hand pulled away from the lens. The quality was hazy, indiscernible in some things that it captured as the kitchen light behind Wally blocked his face. But you’re on full display, arching into his touch. 
Wally tugged on his cock a few times before seizing all movement, “I could take you up on a handy–fuck, maybe a beej?”
“It might not feel as good as, you know.” You said, quickly averting your eyes from the television by fully shifting your body around and onto the floor. His legs were spread by habit but were now parted by necessity as you kneeled between them.
“A hole’s a hole, I won’t complain.” 
His gaze only rested on you for a second, to line himself up at the sweet spot. The point of entry, a familiar place for his dick–your body–but a new place to explore–your mouth. He made sure you were on track to take him all the way down without teeth or a gag reflex getting in the way. One trip down to the base of his cock and he was already looking away, continuing the motion with a more forceful pace to make up for what he was missing.
He looked head-on at the sex tape, seeing the view of the camera as he tried to evoke as much of the feelings from last night from its point of view. Wally imagined the wet, shlurking mouth in front of him was your hole, ready to give the same abuse he gave to your ass last night. Kind words echoed from the TV. He was talking you through the pain and happily giving you pleasure when you started bouncing on his cock. He planned to mimic it at the moment, spouting on about ‘how good you took him’ and praises alike.
Then, he saw himself slamming his hips into you on the screen, your ass smacking against his hips in a way that really demonstrated just how fast he was going. Coupling it with your cries to go ‘harder!’ as you took him, he did it from your past command. You couldn’t speak with a mouthful of him, but he treated it as something you wanted now. Wally shot up from the couch, standing and taking you with him. 
His eyes were trained on the screen, moaning as his hands took over from your control. In your peripheral vision, he had propped a leg up on the coffee table to fuck, not just guide you down his length. He would have done the same with his fleshlight and your hole–bending them over the table and fucking them senseless. Your mouth, and now as he reached it, your throat, were treated like those two. His hiked leg flexed and he jutted his hips forward, his pubes bristling your nose and his swinging balls plapping against your chin. Soon, as he plowed your mouth, the sound of him face-fucking you overtook the sex on the screen.
It wasn’t until the sound of you blowing a load of hot white over his chest as he did the same inside of you did he feel fully immersed in last night’s acts. He buried himself deep in your throat one final time and made you swallow what you could, taking a minute to register that he wasn’t fucking your ass.
His hands let go of your head and you pulled off, his come running down your chin and dripping onto him and the carpet. “Jesus, that was a lot…”
Wally handed you some tissues that he must have been expecting to use after watching this tape–since this wasn’t a film worth crying over–and patted the spot on the couch next to him. “How do you feel? Sorry if that was too rough.”
“You’re good, just throw in a warning next time?” You took a few tissues out of the box and cleaned up what you could. Wally filled his expected place on the couch, redressing himself quickly. He leaned towards the table he had just finished using as leverage to fuck your mouth with to get the remote. Silence filled the room as he paused the last few minutes of the tape.
“Deal,” he agreed. You took a seat in his lap this time after cleaning up, “So, is the ending gonna ruin the whole thing?”
“I, I wouldn’t recommend watching it.”
“Seriously? We basically watched the whole thing, let’s see it!” You took the remote from him, hitting the button shaped like a triangle to let it play.
Wally started speaking almost right after the sex on-camera was over, “How do you feel? Owned? Like a good boy–” 
Wally lifted the neck of his letterman, burying his face into it as he heard himself say those words. It was good to know he wasn’t happy about everything from last night, but you kind of liked hearing him say it. At least you had proof to get him to do it again.
You were quick to cut him off, though. “Like I’m gonna hurl.”
You swiped the remote from the table, pausing it just as you walked out of frame. “I left because I puked?” “Motion sickness. My fault, some people just can’t handle a long ride.”
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froggibus · 11 months
Your Summer Together - Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieiri
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x gn! reader, Suguru Geto x gn! reader, Shoko Ieiri x gn! reader
Genre: pure fluff hcs
Summary: just some hcs of what your summer would be like while dating one of the core three
CW: established relationship, s2! Shoko, Geto and Gojo, they’re still students at Jujutsu Tech in this, mentions of drinking/smoking
so I think it’s plain to see that JJK2 is rotting my brain rn. shoko’s design is absolute PEAK and I am in love w all three of them. this is meant to take place around 2006 while they’re still students at the academy, but you could probably take it either way. anyway, would love some JJK requests of these three if anyone else has brain rot 😭 also I am now completely caught up on the manga and idk what to do w my life
Satoru Gojo:
lots and lots of sweets 
definitely takes you to the arcade so you can watch him set the high score on games 
“babe are you watching? babe pls”
he is CLINGY too
always following you around and practically glued to your side 
whenever one is seen without the other, Geto and Shoko always ask where your “carry on” is
he is the EXPERT at sneaking around too
knows every single place you can make out during the day without getting caught 
and makes a point of using ALL of them
takes refuge in your room whenever he’s done stuff to piss someone off (usually Yaga) 
probably sleeps more in your room than he does in his own 
like to the point your bed always smells like him and there’s always candy wrappers on his nightstand 
gives you lots of random gifts too 
from pretty flowers he found to expensive jewelry and clothes 
just loves to spoil you 
takes you to almost every summer event
fireworks? he’s taking you to the best spot in the city 
expect lots of beach days too 
this man will drag you out every day and make you watch him show off in the water 
"babe babe watch this"
also ice cream dates!! 
being stuck between two flavors so Gojo gets one and you get the other and the two of you share 
really it’s just an excuse for him to have more sugar 
you will be sick to death of him by the end of the summer
Suguru Geto:
expect lots of third wheeling from Gojo
like lots
like you cannot get rid of this man no matter how hard you try 
sneaking around a lot to avoid Gojo 
lots of sleepovers in each others dorms (and hiding from Yaga)
takes you around the city and shows you all of his favorite places too 
expect lots and lots of random dates too
like going to the aquarium and then having sushi??? 
but also plans really cute activities for the two of you 
takes you to places with really good views to watch the sunset 
and plans for you to spend a night in the city just to get away 
doesn’t like the beach but will definitely go if you want to (although he spends the whole day laying in the sand unless you beg him to come in the water)
looks damn fine in a bathing suit too
movie nights w the core three!!
definitely more of a reader and will compare the book to the movie 
and you, Gojo and Shoko will be telling him to shut up
after everyone falls asleep on the couch, definitely starts being more affectionate to you 
also brunch dates!!
this man is a sucker for brunch 
tries to get one last get away with you at the end of the summer too
Shoko Ieiri:
expect lots of teasing from Gojo and Geto 
but dw because there will be absolutely NO third wheeling 
knows every place in the city she can get alcohol + smokes 
takes you to a bunch of cool lowkey places that you’ve never heard of before either 
she’s not a big fan of public events or big crowds, but you can probably convince her to go to a couple
lots of lazy mornings and afternoons together 
also gets away with way more than the other two because she’s way less annoying 
so less sneaking around too
cannot cook to save her life so more often than not you guys go out for food or order take out
staying up way too late + sleeping in together 
makes you watch all of her favorite movies and watches you the whole time to see how you react 
not nearly as horny as the other two but definitely gets some affection in too
you guys go bathing suit shopping and she insists on seeing every single one on you
gets you all flustered with her comments too
not one for the beach but Gojo probably drags everyone out at some point 
she’ll help you apply her sunscreen but will not swim unless you drag her out there 
Gojo probably throws her in at some point and she almost kills that man
she is the cocktail queen!! 
like she will make you the tastiest, coolest, prettiest cocktail you’ve ever seen in your life 
Gojo and Geto definitely treat her like their personal bartender 
also takes lot of pics of the two of you together + has them strung up above her bed 
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isak-dot-gov · 5 days
I'm gon' make you feel it
A/n: Uh hey. This is the first time I'm posting on here so I hope you like it. Kinda nervous btw. Also not proofread.
Word count: 2226
Summary: Months after you and Rhea break up, your best friends decide to take you out for a night in the city after not seeing you for a while. while there you run into Rhea and the rest of the Judgement Day.
Warnings: Suggestive(nothing actually done tho)
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“Y/n, come on. We haven’t gone out in so long,” I heard Jasmine say.
“She’s right, y/n/n, you’ve been MIA for so long now. Please come out with us,” Eve says.
Jasmine and Eve have been my best friends since the three of us were in the first grade. We were placed at the same table in the classroom’s seating chart on the first day and we’ve been friends ever since. They have been with me through all my highs, lows, and everything in between. From celebrating birthdays and acing tests to comforting each other through heartbreaks and family troubles, our bond has only grown stronger. We've shared countless sleepovers, road trips, and late-night talks that have made us inseparable.
Tonight they were trying to get me to join them on one of our ‘late night adventures’. Basically what would happen is that we would get ready to go out and hit the city with zero plans or expectations on what we would be doing or what the outcome of the night would be. Sometimes it would be going from one club to the other and sleeping over at one of our houses. Other times it would end with us getting matching tattoos. The most recent one of these nights was about six months ago, a month after I broke up with Rhea. We got tipsy, went to a trampoline park and I ended up getting a brand new set of nipple piercings. To say these nights were some of the most fun I’ve ever had would definitely be an understatement.
“Girls, I don’t think I’m up to it tonight. I’ve been so busy with work lately,” I said with a tired sigh. Ever since Rhea and I broke up, I’ve thrown myself into my work as a way of avoiding the feelings I not only had for our situation but for her as well. Rhea and I broke up seven months ago after a huge argument. She felt that I shouldn’t be having so many female friends and that I could potentially be cheating on her with one of them, which was completely untrue. The reason I had so many female friends was because I was in an all-girls school for my whole primary and highschool, because of this women have always taken up the majority of my social life. Unfortunately for me, Rhea had always been the jealous type and no amount of reassurance that I gave her ever seemed to calm the green monster that tended to take over whenever I hung out with people she didn’t like. Getting to the point where I was willing to let her go was hard, but I was able to do it after Jasmine and Eve showed me exactly how unhealthy we were together.
I was a wreck for a few weeks after the breakup. Rhea would constantly call, so much so that I had to turn my phone off and only have it on during the hours that she spent working because I knew she tended to stay far away from her phone during those hours. I never wanted to leave the house and I barely got any sleep in. Thankfully, my best friends got sick of it quite quickly and made me start coming out of my shell again.
“Girl, that’s exactly why we should be going out tonight,” Eve says.
“Let loose a little. Give us 30 minutes of your time. We promise if you really feel uncomfortable after that time we’ll go to my place and watch a movie or something,” Jasmine says.
“Promise,” my best friends say in unison. 
“Ok ok, I’ll do it,” I say with a smile.
“Fuck yeah!”
Two hours later and I’m sitting on a bar stool with my friends on either side of me and my third drink of the night in my hand. We reminisce on our primary and highschool years when four people enter the bar and completely shift the atmosphere in the room. I notice the bartender slightly shift her posture and briefly check herself in the reflective wall that stood behind her, facing those sitting in the bar. After she does so I hear a familiar voice next to me say and my high spirit for the night is immediately crushed.
“Uh can I get two whiskeys on the rocks, a gin and tonic, and a martini?” Damian, Rhea’s friend and fellow Judgement Day member, says next to me. I freeze and shut my eyes tightly, while doing so, I hear Jasmine and Eve fall silent and keep their eyes on me. Once I open my eyes, I notice their eyes on me as they carry sympathy for my current state.
“Oh hey, y/n. I haven’t seen you since…” he trails off and I can hear the cautious tone in his voice as he stops himself from saying anything that would make me uncomfortable. I always preferred Damian over the rest of Rhea’s friends, he always felt the need to make sure I was ok and in moments like these, I really appreciated him for it.
“Hey, Dami. How have you been? What brings you out here?” I saw with a strained smile. I have no idea why I feel this way or why I’m acting this way towards him. He never did anything to me, in fact, all he’s ever done was look out for me.
“I’ve been doing alright. Judgement Day’s going to Wrestlemania, so we decided to go out for drinks as a way of celebrating,” he says with a soft smile. Soon after, the bartender brings the drinks he ordered for him and his friends with a flirty smile and a wink. Uh, ok I guess.
“Anyways, I’ll hopefully see you around. I’ll tell the rest you say hi,” he says.
“Oh you don’t need to…” I start but he walks away before I get to the end of my sentence.
“Well that went better than I thought it would,” Jasmine says obliviously. Eve and I shoot her side-eyes as she gives the two of us a genuine smile, the Essence blush she’s wearing showing on her cheeks a little more due to the lighting in the bar.
“Do you want to leave, y/n. We don’t mind if you do,” Eve says compassionately.
“No no. We were having fun. I don’t want to leave yet,” I say and genuinely mean. I haven’t felt this free in so long and I would be damned if I let Rhea’s presence in this bar ruin that freedom for me.
My friends both give me light nods and we continue with our conversation. As the night continues, one of our favourite songs from our highschool years, ‘No Hands’ by Waka Flocka Flame, starts playing. The three of us immediately get hyped and start making our way to the dance floor to dance. The start of that song marks a streak of throwback songs from the DJ and we continue dancing for a while. As we do so I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, when I look up I notice Rhea and the rest of her friends watching me. I make eye contact with each of them one by one before my eyes focus on the girl whose whole being makes my heart dizzy. She has an attentive look with a hint of longing in her eyes as she undresses me with them. With the new found confidence in my system brought by the many drinks I've had tonight, I find it in me to wink and decide to give her a show.
‘Feel It’ by Jacquees starts blaring through the speakers and my friends and I huddle up onto each other by our fronts and backs. I’m in front with Jasmine right behind me, her left hand on my left hip and her right hand on Eve’s right hip and Eve’s hands on both of Jasmine’s hips. We start swaying together to the beat of the song and sing along. At the position I’m standing at, I have a clear view of Rhea’s booth on the upper level of the bar. She’s sitting forward with her elbows on her knees and a drink in her hand as she watches me intensely. The chorus of the song starts and I start swaying my hips in circles as Jasmine and Eve take it as a sign to follow my lead. The three of us move in sync as the song continues. I get a little too into the song as a few minutes later I feel Jasmine’s hand remove itself from my hips and two, much larger, hands replace hers on either side of my hands.
“You two wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your friend for the night, would you?” 
My girls take a moment to look at me for reassurance in the response they’re going to give and I nod lightly as a sign of telling them I’ll be ok with her.
“Oh sure, Rhea. Take her home in the morning and don’t do any weird shit,” Jasmine says as she turns her attention to Eve.
“Call us if she starts acting up,” Eve says, sending a glare with her blue eyes to Rhea. I nod and feel Rhea pull me by my waist to the exit of the bar. We walk to her car slowly and in silence as the heels I chose to wear tonight start proving to be harder to walk in. Rhea quickly got impatient with my instability and swiftly lifted me up bridal style before making the rest of the walk to her car. She opens the door to her passenger seat and softly places me in the seat before closing the door and climbing in at the driver’s side.
“You’ve never done that before,” I say as she pulls out of her parking spot and makes her way to her house.
She looks at me briefly with confusion and says, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“You’ve never opened the car door for me. That’s a first.”
“Huh. I guess it is,” she says.
As I look around in her car I notice a bright pink hair tie on her wrist. Without thinking I point at it and say, “Where’d you get that? I like it. Might just get one.”
“Sweetness, this is yours. You left it at mine after you know what happened,” she says.
“Yeah. Oh,” a moment of silence passes before she says, “How have you been, sweetness. We haven’t spoken in a while.”
Fuck. There’s that Australian accent that I’ve never had the self-control to resist.
“Uh, um, I’ve been good. I mean, as good as a person can be after a break up. You know, I don’t think you should be calling me that,” I say.
“Calling you what, sweetness?” she asks.
“Sweetness. It does things to me.”
She chuckles lightly before she says, “It does things to you? Whatever could you be talking about, my love?”
I tilt my head back into the headrest of the car as I exhale deeply. “Don’t play dumb with me, Rhea. We both know you’re way smarter than that. Don’t act like you have no idea all the things you do to my body by simply being this close to me. This isn’t a good idea and  we know it isn’t.”
“But I’ve missed you,” was her only response.
“I know, Rhea. And I’ve missed you too. You know that,” I say.
As she parks in her driveway she turns to me and asks, “Then why did you leave me?”
I turn towards her and respond, “We weren’t good for each other. You know that. I know that. We were only pulling each other down by being together.”
She gives me a tight lipped smile before saying, “What do I need to do? I can be better, I promise I can. I know I wasn’t a good girlfriend in the past. I was a dick. We both know that, and even when you tried to make me feel secure in our relationship I still pushed you away and blamed you for all my insecurities. I just need the chance to prove that to you. I don’t think I can hand any more time away from you, baby. Take me back. Please?”
This is a side of Rhea I’ve never seen before, and I chose to proceed cautiously because of that. She has always had the ability to use her words to get what she wants from people. However, something in the way she was looking at me made me feel like she was being sincere and my heart couldn’t help but fall for her all over again.
“Fuck I missed you,” I say as I capture her lips with mine. The kiss started out softly but turned hard and passionate really quickly. Rhea held onto me extremely tightly as if she was afraid I’d vanish at any moment. Her hands travelled to my waist and squeezed tightly, earning a breathy whimper from my lips.
“Rhea,” I said in a moan as her lips found their way on my neck.
“Mhm, baby? Tell me what you need,” she said.
“Please take me your house and fuck me.”
“That I can definitely do for you, sweetness.”
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frickingnerd · 8 months
childhood friends to lovers with luka
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pairing: luka couffaine x gn!reader
tags: mutual pining, slight angst, kissing, mostly fluff, childhood best friends to lovers, happy ending
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luka had been in love with you, ever since you two were little children
you had always been his best friend, his favorite person and his shadow
wherever he went, you were by his side. wherever you went, he was by your side
the two of you were a duo, ever since you were children. nothing could ever get between the two of you
you two always were in your own world, making up handshakes, secret languages or planning your future together
it was always luka and y/n. never just one of you! 
everyone around you knew that what you two had was special and that you'd likely end up dating each other one day
but until that day came, the two of you were just two best friends, pining for each other for years! 
but with each year that passed, the things that you did together as friends became more and more painful
falling asleep together while watching tv, sneaking out at night for a midnight snack, buying items that remind you of each other or having sleepovers together
the older you two got, the more it felt like those were all things you were supposed to do with a partner, not someone who's just a friend
and yet, neither of you had made the first move towards a relationship yet, too afraid to ruin what you already had
things only started to change after a rather awkward incident between the two of you – an accidental kiss! 
it was meant to be a kiss on the cheek, like you usually did to greet each other, though you slipped and your lips landed on luka's
after that, the mood became quite awkward and the two of you barely talked to each other for the next few days, unsure of what to say
though eventually luka realized that the thing he alway feared was becoming reality: ruining your friendship! changing what had always been the foundation of your relationship
no that there was no going back to how things were before, luka figured this was the moment to risk it all! 
as soon as he had realized that, he wasted no time, running towards your house in the middle of the night and knocking onto your window until you opened it for him to slip inside
now that luka had nothing to lose, he didn't waste any time. no matter what he'd say to confess to you, he knew that he could do one thing to make it clear to you how he felt for you: a kiss
while you were still confused, asking what luka was doing here, he pulled you close and gently pressed his lips onto yours to shut you up
there were a thousand things going through your head in that moment, too much to all write down
but after luka pulled away, his eyes brimming with affection for you and a nervous smile on his lips, you understood immediately
you pulled him in for another kiss and the next few minutes were spent just making out, catching up on all those years you never kissed
only afterwards did you two finally say those three little words to each other
luka ended up staying the whole night, the two of you sharing stories about when you first fell in love with each other or what you love about each other the most
though eventually, the two of you ended up passing out from exhaustion, cuddled up next to each other, just like you used to when you were little
only now you two were more than just friends...
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00ops1e · 8 months
simon riley and fatherhood pt.2!
i have had some thoughts rattling around my brain for when babygirl is older, i'd say these are for her tween (maybe teenage?) years. at this point, simon has more than grown into his role as a girl dad. hes mourning the fact that his little girl is not so little anymore, but he still sleeps peacefully at night knowing he has a couple more years before boys become an issue. at the moment, hes navigating things like sleepovers, hairstyles, and carting babygirl around to gymnastics, soccer, cheerleading, karate, etc... this may be a tad self indulgent, but i think it fits. is this possibly a glance into my childhood? not sure. i came back to this, yes. yes it is. im not sure if im completely happy with this but im tired and i want this posted now so BOOM.
wc: 1.3k
cw: mentions/inferred child abuse/ptsd???? references to simon's childhood, not proofread, SO SELF INDULGENT
when i think about simon during this era, i think about my childhood bestfriend's dad.
i particularly think about the role that man had in my life, and whether or not he knows what an impact he made.
when babygirl is in kindergarten, she just seems to click with one of the other girls in her class. im talking home phone numbers memorized, living within five minutes of the other, constantly together, teachers mistake them for each other
the girls are best friends.
so naturally, the friend, who i guess we'll call beth, (i told you this was gonna be self indulgent) is around the house a lot, and babygirl ends up at beth's and vice versa. she becomes a familiar face for you and simon, her demeanor and antics nearly matching your daughter's.
you and simon grow quite fond of this strange child! after all, babygirl could definitely pick out worse friends, beth was a good kid.
a year or so goes by, and simon begins to notice the way babygirl seems to always have beth over the house, and never the opposite? simon was never the one to make plans with the other parents for hanging out and things like that, but surely the poor girl wanted to be at her own house sometimes, right?
its not until beth is around nearly every day that simon starts to notice that something was... off.
at first he brushes it off, but something about the child's behaviour didn't sit right with him, rubbed him the wrong way.
he couldn't quite put his finger on it, maybe he was just overthinking it, maybe she's just a strange kid, he thought.
watching beth interact with you and him, always made simon feel tense, like someone was breathing down his neck or watching him.
he's unable to find the words to describe it to you, so he never really brings it up. he doesn't want to worry you unnecessarily, he once again brushes it off.
one sunday morning, simon finds himself in the kitchen, preparing pancakes and eggs for the girls, you leaning against the counter sipping on some tea and taking in the view of him.
simon is the type of dad to ALWAYS make breakfast for sleepovers
he definitely learned how to cook just so he could help babygirl get ready for school in the morning. always folds and makes her something to eat if she mumbles about being hungry.
the girls clamor down the stairs when they smell bacon. giggling and thumping as they race to the table, taking their respective seats.
simon does a little spin as he sets down the large bowls and plates of food. he sits down with a grunt, the kitchen is filled with sunshine and the sound of quiet chatter and laughter, forks on plates, and the smell of bacon in the air.
the meal goes the same as it always does, talking about upcoming plans and how school was going for both of the girls, overall it was a good, happy morning. everybody was in a good mood.
a collective gasp is heard as beth adjusts her chair, arm somehow knocking over the glass of orange juice in front of her.
you immediately get up, grabbing some paper towels to clean the mess. but simon stays glued to his seat, frozen.
in milliseconds, the dots connect in his brain.
beth reaches across the table to grab the cup, sleeve shifting ever so slightly to reveal just enough of a bruise to send a shiver down simon's spine.
simon feels his stomach flip when he meets the girls eyes from across the table, and recognizes the terrified eyes staring back. he sees the tension in her limbs, "is she, bracing herself?" he thinks
his mind is spinning, the realization bringing up plenty of cold, dark memories he wished would just stay buried.
the only thing he can think to tell the child, "it's okay." in the most matter of fact tone possible.
for the rest of the day, his demeanor is just... off
once youre in bed, you decide to ask him. softly though, the way hes acting is much different than you normally see on rough days.
"what are beth's parents like?" he blurts out in response.
you think for a moment, recalling the few interactions you've had with the girl's mother, "i've never met the father, and apart from friendly waves and talking for a few minutes on the phone about the girls, not much... why do you ask?" you say, shooting him a puzzled glance.
"did you see the way she looked at us when the drink was spilled? love, the poor thing looked like a deer in the headlights. she was scared."
"simon, i dont unde-" is all you can say before he cuts you off.
"there's something going on at home. i know that look. listen, the way she acts, 's been bothering me for a bit now, i didn't realize it till then..."
you look at him with your mouth open, unsure what to say to that.
"there was a bruise, around her wrist. now, i understand that today isn't exactly proof of anything. but please love, get to know the girl's mum at least..."
after that, he cant stop noticing little things about beth. the way she would recoil when babygirl suddenly shrieked, or moved too quickly in her peripherals.
he noticed the frequency of her apologies, for seemingly silly things.
as the girls got older, beth would hang around you and simon. it seemed like she didn't really need to be wreaking havoc with babygirl, she was perfectly content just chatting with her friend's parents,
his heart dropped when he realized that she probably just doesnt get to have this at home, or doesn't feel safe enough to.
he feels sick when he realizes she's started to loose that sparkle in her eyes, started to talk a little less, look down on herself more.
he sees so much of himself in beth, it makes him angry for her. how could anyone do that to a child? she doesn't deserve that!
his fondness for beth finally solidifies the fact that everything he went through in his youth, wasn't his fault. it gives him a bit of closure.
simon deducted that treating her like he does his own daughter was the best thing he could do. he makes sure that beth knows his home is always open to her, whenever she needs.
it seemed to heal him in a way he didn't know he needed, sure he gets to give babygirl the father he always wanted, deserved. but to be able to help a child that he sees so much of his younger self in?
its like getting to go back and hug himself, comfort himself from his own father.
"youre back again? pain in my ass, oh you know im only joking!" he says with a hearty chuckle, "come over anytime."
"get out of my house, *sigh* how are you beth? good to see ya kid."
"you know, i should claim you on my taxes, youre here enough.."
that kind of energy, but the way he says it is so heartwarming, jokey and dadlike.
simon is brought to tears one night, a few years later, when you and him talk about the changes you'd seen in beth, how much she's grown.
you reveal to him that beth had said something to you about how huge of an impact you'd made on her life, how the two of you became a safe place. how family is not just blood, but the people you find along the way.
thats the moment he decides that beth had become his second daughter, and the two of you loved her like one too.
okay so im definitely missing like half of what i had originally thought of, but thats fine, im tired. this was like- imagine a snowball rolling down a hill and just getting bigger and bigger. yeah. that.
im so sorry guys.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 2 months
carve your name into my bedpost || George Weasley
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Title: carve your name into my bedpost  Pairing: George x Reader Summary: George is on the cusp of getting everything he’s ever wanted. His plan has been working swimmingly, and as every day goes by he and his fake fiancé edge closer and closer to being something real. Which is a good thing considering George is running out of time. The season is getting closer and closer, and Coach has finally made a decision about the next Captain of the team. George is either about to have it all, the girl and the career he’s been working towards; or he’ll be left broken hearted. Only time can tell. Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI! This includes vagina; sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk and begging. A/N: yay here it is! The next part of hockey!george. I love him so much I’m not ready for him to be over! As always feedback is welcome and appreciated <3
When George wakes up the next morning Y/N is still in his arms and he’s never felt more at peace. He presses his nose to the top of her head and his eyes flutter closed as he takes a deep inhale of the floral scent of her shampoo. Of course his sheets have started to smell like Y/N, and his shower too, but there’s something so intoxicating about smelling her signature scent straight from the source. 
In high school they somehow managed to convince their parents that allowing them to have sleepovers was safer than them sneaking out to go off and fool around somewhere, and as he pulls Y/N in closer to his chest George is reminded of those simpler times. Back then everything seemed so easy, he was on his way to being one of the top draft prospects and he was deeply in love with the woman he knew was his forever. He never in his wildest dreams could have imagined that he and Y/N didn’t make it, and now the only reason why she’s in his bed is because of some plan he cooked up that requires her to be his fake fiancé.
No, back then George imagined that by now they would be married, with at least one child and a dog to keep an eye on them while he’s out on the road. After he made that stupid mistake and ended things with Y/N all George’s dreams of a wife and kids flew out the window. If he couldn’t have that future with her he had no interest in it. 
Now that he’s got her back in his life? He’s not stopping until they’re living the life they always dreamed of. Having her in his arms only solidifies how much he still loves her and how much he needs to have her in his life permanently. 
Because this apartment never really felt like home until he had Y/N to share it with. 
She starts to wake then, and George squeezes her waist and presses a kiss to her forehead. 
“Good morning, baby,” he murmurs, his voice still gravely from sleep.
Y/N lets out a sleepy grunt and burrows her face deeper into George’s neck. “Morning,” she mumbles into his skin. 
One of George’s hands sneaks up her back, fingers trailing against her skin lightly as they move. He doesn’t stop until his fingers are tangled in the hair on the back of her head, nails gently scratching at her scalp. A shiver rolls down his spine when she moans, and George wants to bottle that sound up to take with him on the road. 
“We’re both off of work today,” he starts, kissing the top of her head. “And we don’t have any plans until the team dinner tonight at Coach’s, which means we’ve got the whole day to ourselves. What do you wanna do?”
She lets out a hum, her lips pressing a kiss to George’s skin. “Doesn’t matter to me, as long as we do it together.”
Today and everyday until the end of time, George promises silently. 
They ended up barely even leaving the bedroom. After staying cuddled together until the sound of Y/N’s grumbling stomach got too loud to ignore, George slipped out of bed to make them breakfast which they ate together under the covers. Once they were done Y/N picked her book up off of the night stand, so George grabbed his playbook and they just sat there together, silently reading. Once it was time for lunch they finally got up, but they only made it as far as the living room. They ordered from a place down the block and they ate together on the couch while watching a movie.
It wasn’t until they had to start getting ready for dinner did they separate, not that either of them really wanted to. 
In fact they’ve just walked into Coach Morris’ house and Y/N is already counting down the seconds until they can go home and cuddle in bed. She’d even been tempted to ask George if they really needed to come tonight, but she knows this means a lot to him and she’s actually looking forward to spending some more time with his teammates and their partners.
It doesn’t hurt that the dress code is formal and George looks divine in his custom tailored suit. 
George leads them over to where Thomas and Adam are standing with their girlfriends, his arm curled around Y/N’s waist to keep her plastered to his side. 
“Ah look, hockey’s royal couple decided to finally grace us with their presence,” Thomas teases as they approach, earning him a glare from George and a slap on the shoulder from Olivia. 
“Don’t make fun of George just because he did what you’re too much of a pussy to do,” Olivia responds, making them all laugh at the flush coats over Thomas’ cheeks. 
“We never even asked last night,” Jenny starts, taking a sip of her drink. “How did George pop the big question? I bet it was super romantic, we all thought he was such a commitment phobe, but I knew he was a big softie. He just needed the right girl to bring it out.”
Nerves bubble in the pit of George’s stomach, out of all the things they talked about they never constructed a back story on the actual proposal. He spares a quick glance at Y/N, figuring she’ll be scrambling just like him. So he’s surprised to see a smile on her face. 
“It was simple,” Y/N explains, shrugging her shoulders. “But it was perfect. Everything I would have wanted.” She pauses, looking up at George with a bright smile. “He did it at the ice rink where we met when we were six, and where we went on our first date in middle school. Had our first kiss there too. Basically everything important that ever happened to us happened in that ice rink.”
“And it’s where I broke up with her,” George adds, immediately cutting off the aws some of their audience were in the middle of. Apparently Y/N’s story had attracted the attention of others and they now have quite the crowd, including Coach Morris and his wife. “Also known as the biggest fucking mistake I’ve ever made.”
“You were young, and dumb and scared,” Y/N adds, easing George’s discomfort. “It’s also where we saw each other again for the first time in eight years.”
George chuckles as he remembers that moment from a few weeks ago. “Yeah and you ripped into me so hard I would have preferred skating suicides until I threw up.”
“You deserved it,” she responds, making their crowd laugh. “I was mad, but looking at you standing there did nothing but remind me how much I still love you.” The honesty in her voice punches a hole in George’s gut. “So when he told me that I was the only woman in the world he could even imagine wearing his ring? How could I say no?”
When she looks up at him again George can’t help himself and he leans down, kissing her softly. Her left hand comes up to rest on his cheek, and George feels his chest swell with pride at her subtle way of showing off the ring he put there.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Coach’s gruff voice calls out, forcing George to pull away from Y/N’s mouth. “Let’s eat.”
While the dinner plates are being cleared away and before dessert is brought out Coach stands up, silently motioning George to follow him out of the room. George sighs, tossing the napkin that was covering his lap onto the table before he leans over to press a kiss to Y/N’s forehead. 
“Be right back, baby,” he murmurs before standing up and following after Coach Morrison. 
Once the two men have disappeared Olivia is sliding into his empty seat while Jenny and Kate, the wife of one of the defenseman, slide up behind them. When none of the women say anything Y/N shifts her gaze between them. 
“What? You guys are kind of creeping me out.”
Olivia grins, waving away her concern. “Sorry, not our intention. We said it the other night at the bar, but we just wanted to say again how happy we are for you and George.”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen him this happy,” Kate adds, briefly squeezing Y/N’s shoulder. “Normally he’d be sitting in a corner pouting at these things. And the way he was looking at you at family skate yesterday? I would have melted if my husband looked at me like that.”
“Really?” Y/N asks, a light blush coating her cheeks. 
Jenny nods in agreement. “And how he watched you tell the story of your engagement? That boy is straight up obsessed with you.”
“Seriously, his heart eyes were so big people on the international space station could have seen them,” Olivia adds. 
Y/N takes a deep breath, trying desperately to quell her pounding heart. Of course she’s felt the shift in her and George’s dynamic over the last week or so, but to have her thoughts confirmed by those around them? It’s validating as fuck. Not only is their plan to convince everyone that they are fake engaged working, but her plan to get George to fall in love with her for real seems to be as well. 
“I can’t even believe that he broke up with you,” Kate says frowning. “Before he said that I thought he’d just been keeping you from us all these years.”
“He was young and dumb,” Y/N explains again, shrugging her shoulders. “And really, I should have fought harder for us. I knew something was wrong, but I just walked away. We’re both to blame for what happened back then.”
“If you ladies are done,” George teases, suddenly appearing behind them. “I’d like to have my fiancé,” he pauses, glaring down at Olivia. “And my seat back.”
With sheepish grins the girls vacate, and Y/N blushes as George sits back down. His arm immediately wraps around her shoulders and she leans in to his touch. 
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough,” George answers with a grin. 
Her blush deepens, and George chuckles as he kisses the side of her head. He knew eavesdropping on their conversation was wrong, but when he came up and heard them talking about him he couldn’t resist. The lines of this fake relationship have been blurred for weeks, and George was not about to pass up an opportunity to find out how Y/N feels about that. 
So to hear that she’s truly forgiven him for what happened back then is like a balm that soothes his soul. There would be no chance he’d get her to fall in love with him again if she still harbored any negative feelings about their past. The fact that she not only has forgiven him, but has taken some of the blame as well can only mean one thing: he’s one step closer to getting what he wants. 
“So what did Coach want?” Y/N asks, desperately wanting to change the conversation. 
“Nothing important,” George answers nonchalantly. “He just wanted to let me know that he’s noticed how much I’ve changed on and off the ice since being with you, and that my effort to step up hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
Before Y/N can ask about the Captain situation a plate with the biggest brownie she’s ever seen is dropped off in front of her. George leans in, and the brush of his lips against her ear sends a shiver down her spine. 
“Now be a good girl and eat your dessert so I can take you home and have you all to myself.”
She immediately digs in, not needing to be told twice. 
When she wakes up the next morning George is already gone. But considering tonight is their first preseason game she isn’t surprised. Hockey players have always been superstitious, and George is no exception to that rule. He’d warned her the night before that she wouldn’t see him until after the game tonight, and while Y/N had been disappointed, she understood. With the possibility of being named Captain still up in the air, George’s dedication to the team is more important than ever, and she knows he’s doing everything in his power to step up and be a role model for the others. 
Thankfully she has a full day of work to distract her from George’s absence, and she’s so busy thinking about what she has to do that she doesn’t notice the gift waiting for her on the kitchen island until she decides to take her lunch break in the afternoon. 
There’s a neatly wrapped box that’s just begging to be opened, but she stops to read the note George left for her next to it. 
Can’t wait to see you tonight. When I find you in the crowd you better be wearing this
Love, George :)
Y/N can’t contain the smile that spreads across her face as she excitedly tears into the wrapping paper, already knowing what’s waiting for her. Sure enough when she lifts the top off of the box there’s a Rebels jersey neatly folded up, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess what last name she’ll find written across the  back. 
A waft of George’s cologne comes off of the fabric when she lifts it up, sending a shiver down her spine as her thighs clench. Not only is George claiming her with his name, but with his scent as well. There won’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind who put that ring on her finger when she steps into the arena tonight, and it gives Y/N a thrill knowing that was George’s intention. 
She puts the jersey back in the box, pulling out her phone to send a text to George. 
Y/N: thank you for the gift. Good luck tonight <3
It’s not until a few hours later, when Y/N is getting ready to leave that she gets a response. 
George: you’re welcome, baby - im counting down the hours until i get to see my last name on your back
George: and i don’t need luck when i’ve got you in the crowd cheering me on 
His words send a thrill through Y/N and she has to take several deep breaths to calm down. She’s already amped up from the anticipation of seeing George out on the ice for the first time in years, and his text has only brought it up tenfold. 
Luckily Olivia’s text letting her know that she’s here to pick her up comes through, breaking Y/N from her thoughts of what her and George might get up to after the game. Because if it’s anything like they used to do in high school, the jersey she’s wearing won’t be staying on for long.
The family suite is already starting to fill up when Y/N, Olivia and Jenny show up, even though there’s still an hour until puck drop. Olivia has insisted they get there in time to watch warm ups, and the idea of watching George practically hump the ice as he stretches was too enticing to pass up.
“C’mon, let’s grab seats up by the glass. I want a front row look at Thomas’ ass in those hockey pants,” Olivia declares with a waggle of her eyebrows. 
“Do you ever get jealous that your boyfriend has a better ass than you?” Jenny asks as they weave their way through the crowd towards the front of the box. Both girls laugh at her comment, and Jenny just shrugs her shoulders. “C’mon, we’re all thinking it. I was just brave enough to say it.”
“George does have a nice ass,” Y/N agrees as they claim three seats. “But every time I tell him he just responds by saying how nice my ass is, so no, I’ve never been jealous.”
Olivia laughs so loudly the people surrounding turn to look and Jenny takes the opportunity to slap Y/N on the ass. 
“Fuck you, bitch,” Jenny responds, though there’s no malice in her voice. “That’s because you actually have an ass. I swear it looks like I have a piece of cardboard down the back of my pants.”
“And yet two weeks ago Adam ran into a wall because he was two busy watching your ass to pay attention to where he was going,” Olivia reminds her. “It doesn’t matter how much junk is in your trunk as long as your man appreciates what you’ve got.”
All three women agree on that, and they leave their bags on their seats so they can mingle and grab some food and drinks before the action starts. By the time they make it back for warmups the suite is full, and Y/N is practically on the edge of her seat as the players make their way out onto the ice. 
Her eyes immediately find George and she watches in rapt awe as he effortlessly moves across the ice. Of course George has always been an amazing player, but it’s clear his time in the NHL has only sharpened his skills, and Y/N is filled with pride as he takes a shot on goal and the puck hits the back of the net with such ease it’s like it took no effort at all. 
But then he drops down to the ice to stretch, and Y/N is filled with something else as she watches his knees spread. He bounces up and down slightly as he stretches his hamstrings, and Y/N is practically drooling. Something as innocent as stretching looks downright erotic, and her mind whirls as she imagines laying underneath George while he does those moves. 
“You know, I think I get the whole puck bunny thing,” Y/N says suddenly, her eyes still drawn to the way George moves as he starts to skate around again. Her attraction to George never had anything to do with him being a hockey player, the big muscles and brute strength were just kind of an added bonus. 
But after watching those big, broad men practically give a magic mike show she can understand why there’s a whole genre of women who’s only goal in life is to fuck as many hockey player as possible. Because god damn, if George wasn’t already coming home with her tonight she’d be formulating a plan to get that man in her bed. 
“Same,” Jenny agrees, her voice breathy. 
“Is it inappropriate to admit you’re horny while sitting in a room full of people?” Olivia asks, breaking the girls from their trance as they laugh. 
“Probably,” Y/N answers, finally tearing her gaze away from the ice as the players head back to the locker room. “But if it’s wrong, well then, I don’t wanna be right.”
Even though it’s only preseason, the game is intense from the first whistleblow. The Rebels are playing the team they’d lost to in the playoffs last season, and from her conversations with George Y/N knows the guys are out for blood. They want every team in the league to know that they’re primed and ready, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make it all the way to the Cup. 
The first period is winding down without a score from either team, and Y/N is practically holding her breath as George jumps over the boards to rejoin the game for his next shift. His skates are barely on the ice when Adam passes him the puck, and George takes off towards the other teams’ net. 
He passes the puck to Jason, the right wing who was recently promoted to first line, landing it against his stick with ease. George manages to deke around Tampa’s defenseman and he slaps his stick against the ice to signal Jason to pass the puck back. 
The second the puck hits his stick George repositions himself and fires it off, and it feels like the entire room is silent as they watch it sail right over the shoulder of Tampa’s goalie and slam into the back of the net. 
The suite erupts into cheers as the buzzer rings out, and the girls are shouting as they jump up and down in celebration. George’s teammates on the ice all crowd around him, but as they separate George turns in the direction of the suite, and Y/N swears their eyes connect as he raises his stick, pointing it directly at her. 
“What’s he saying?” Olivia leans in to ask as they all watch his mouth move. 
And even though Y/N can’t make out the words, she knows without a doubt what George has just said. Because since their relationship began in middle school he’s done the exact same thing after every single goal. 
“That was for you,” she answers, voice tight with emotion. 
“He dedicated his goal to you? That’s so fucking cute,” Olivia squeals. “Thomas never dedicates his goals to me.”
“That’s because he’s the fucking goalie, Liv,” Jenny huffs.
Y/N ignores the argument that proceeds, too busy watching George battle Tampa’s center for the puck after the face off. She’s in awe that not only did George remember their tradition, but he just did it live on national television in front of a packed audience. 
All her fears that George’s blatant display of affection was just a fluke, that he was just caught up in the moment are completely erased in the third period, when after scoring the game winning goal George shakes off his teammates so that he can raise his stick to Y/N and do it again.
After the game the girl’s had met their men outside of the locker room, and when George took Y/N into his arms he’d whispered that he wouldn’t mind missing out on the celebration and he’d take her home instead. And of course Y/N had been tempted, after watching him on the ice all night and dedicating his two goals to her she was more than ready to get him alone. 
But the guys who already trickled out of the locker room were calling George’s name, and Y/N knows how important it is for George to be there for the guys both on and off the ice as he strives to be captain. 
So instead they’re at Maynards, which after the team’s win is practically at capacity. Fans and puck bunnies are everywhere and Y/N can’t help but feel bothered by their presence. George is hanging out by the pool tables with his team while Y/N has been sitting at the bar with Olivia and Jenny, and every few minutes she can feel her eyes trailing over to him to make sure the women in the bar are keeping their distance. 
This is totally new territory for Y/N, and she hates how insecure she feels. When she and George were together before puck bunnies weren’t a concern. George was so focused on his dreams of the NHL and their relationship that he didn’t ever go out with the guys on the team. After a home game he’d end up snuggled in bed with Y/N, and after an away game he locked himself in his hotel room to call her. 
It doesn’t help that she knows George has been one to indulge in puck bunnies in the past, not that she judges him for it at all. He was free to do whatever and whoever he wanted while they were broken up. But now they’re in this really weird space. They’re not really together, and George certainly could leave this bar with Y/N and then meet up with some random girl later. She doesn’t think he would do that anyway, considering how well things have been going with them and he didn’t even want to go out in the first place. 
But it’s easy to feel insecure when you’re surrounded by beautiful women whose only goal is to get your fiancé in bed. 
“Do they ever bother you?” Y/N asks, gesturing around the bar. “All of the girls?”
“Hell yes,” Olivia answers honestly. “Mostly because a lot of the girls don’t give a shit if the player they’re after is in a relationship or not. Like I don’t care if you’re just trying to find some good dick, but at least stick to girl code.”
“Tell me about it,” Jenny adds. “One time a girl tried to stick her hand down Adam’s pants while I was sitting on his lap. Like bitch, read the fucking room.”
Y/N shakes her head in disbelief. “Jesus, that’s crazy. So how are you guys so calm sitting over here while the guys are on their own? Especially knowing the lengths some will go to sleep with a hockey player.”
“Trust,” Olivia answers simply and Jenny nods in agreement. “Do you trust George?”
“With my life,” Y/N responds without hesitation. 
Olivia shrugs, smiling at Y/N. “Then let the puck bunnies try and get him into bed. Because you know that the only girl he’ll actually be going home with is you.”
Her words do quell some of the nerves rattling around Y/N’s stomach, and she takes another sip of her drink, immersing herself into Olivia and Jenny’s conversation. She even keeps herself from checking on George, trusting that Olivia was correct. Y/N doesn’t have to trust all of those women to stay away from George, she has to trust that George would never give some puck bunny a second glance. 
Several minutes later Y/N and Jenny are talking about work when Olivia comes back from the bathroom with a weird look on her face. 
“Okay, remember all that shit I said earlier about trust and puck bunnies and whatever.” There’s apprehension in her voice, and all Y/N can manage is a curt nod. “Okay well fuck all of that shit because there’s some puck bunny rubbing all over George and I think you need to go stake your claim on your man.”
Y/N swivels in her seat and anger rises in her throat at what she sees. Sure enough George is leaning against the side of a pool table, and there’s a bottle blonde pressing up against him, one of her hands twirling a piece of her hair while the other rests on George’s shoulder. To be fair to George he’s not touching her at all, one of his hands is gripping a beer bottle while the other rests on the pool table and Y/N can tell by the look on his face that he’s wildly uncomfortable and trying to find some way out of the interaction. 
Jealousy quickly overtakes the anger as the puck bunny trails her hand up George’s neck to tangle her fingers in his hair, and before Y/N knows what she’s doing she’s up out of her seat and heading across the bar. Like hell if she’s gonna stand there while some random woman touches what belongs to her. Over her dead fucking body.
Like they’re tied together by an invisible string, George’s eyes snap to Y/N’s as she approaches and a look of relief takes over his features. 
“Hey baby,” he greets, and when the woman looks over at Y/N George uses the distraction to push her to the side. “Are you ready to go?”
In lieu of answering his question Y/N shoves herself into the small space separating George from the puck bunny, wrapping one arm around his waist as the other grips his neck and she pulls him down into a kiss. She moans as George kisses her back, but she doesn’t relinquish control. Because this isn’t just a kiss, it’s a message. Y/N wants all of the bunnies to know that George belongs to her, and their days of coaxing him into their bed are over. 
When the need to breathe becomes too overwhelming Y/N finally breaks their kiss, but the grip she has on George’s neck keeps their faces close together. 
“Take me home?” she asks, just loud enough so the woman who is still hovering nearby can hear.
George is sure that the flicker of lust in Y/N’s eyes is reflected in his own, and he gives her a curt nod. “Of course, baby. It’s time for us to go to bed.”
Too bad sleep is the last thing on George’s mind.
George has her pressed up against the front door as soon as it’s closed behind them. 
Neither of them said a word on the drive home, the air was so thick with want they were too afraid words might ruin what was bound to happen once they were home. Because that kiss at the bar was unlike any of the ones they’d shared since this arrangement started, it shattered the line between fake and real that they’ve been skating around for weeks and now there’s no going back. 
George has his mouth on Y/N before she even has a chance to breathe. His teeth nip at her bottom lip before his tongue soothes it, hand gripping the back of her neck to angle her head in order to kiss her even deeper. His kiss is possessive, claiming her just as her kiss at the bar had claimed him, and Y/N is sure that without George’s body holding her to the door she’d be a puddle on the ground. 
“I can’t fucking get enough of you, baby,” George growls into her skin as his lips kiss and nip down her neck. “I’m fucking addicted to you, Y/N. Your smell, your taste, the fucking noises you make for me.”
“George,” Y/N gasps as his teeth dig into the flesh at the juncture of her neck, his lips sucking hard enough to leave a bruise that is sure to last for weeks. 
“My name sounds so good coming from those lips, baby.” 
George recaptures her mouth, using the hand that’s not still gripping the back of Y/N’s neck to grab a hold of her thigh. He hitches it up around his hip and does the same to her other leg before placing his hand under Y/N’s ass for support. 
She breaks their kiss as George starts to carry them down the hall, her teeth nipping at the skin of his jaw before her lips soothe the pain with soft kisses. As he pushes into their bedroom Y/N’s nose finds the base of his throat and her eyes flutter shut as she takes a deep inhale of his scent. It’s his cologne mixed with something Y/N can only describe as George, and its familiarity instantly soothes any nerves she may have. 
It’s a stark reminder that this is George, her George, and she knows no matter what is about to happen she’s in good hands. 
George chuckles as Y/N takes another deep breath and he sets her down gently on the end of their bed. “Do I smell bad or something? I promise I showered.”
His tease breaks some of the tension, and Y/N bites her lip as she looks up at George, shaking her head fondly. “Not at all, I was just thinking about how so much has changed and yet you still smell the same.”
George’s hand finds the back of Y/N’s neck again, thumb rubbing circles against the side of her throat. “You gave me that cologne, for Christmas, freshman year of high school. I’ve worn it every day since because it reminds me of you.”
Before Y/N has a chance to respond George is leaning in to kiss her again and she’s thankful for the distraction, since she’s definitely not in the headspace to be uncking that. Nope, George’s revelation will have to wait until tomorrow, when he isn’t kissing her breathless and her cunt isn’t soaking the inside of her thighs. 
He pushes her up the bed as they kiss, crawling so that his body covers Y/N’s once he has her laying back against the pillows. Her thighs spread wide, making room for George’s broad frame to settle between them. His cock, hard and pressing against the zipper of his jeans, presses right against her pussy and George just barely grinds his hips to make them both moan.
“Tell me now if you want me to stop,” George pants as he breaks their kiss. He keeps his eyes focused on Y/N’s, needing to see that she wants this just as much as him. “If you don’t want this to happen tell me now and I’ll walk away and take the coldest fucking shower known to man.”
Y/N returns George’s gaze as her fingers twist in the hair on the back of his head and she gives the strands a sharp tug. “Please, George. I need you.”
That’s all the confirmation George needs, making quick work of their clothes. He kisses every inch of skin he reveals to the point that Y/N is writhing underneath him and her pussy throbs, begging for attention. 
Her panties are the last thing to go, and as soon as she’s bare George’s fingers find her slit, dragging through the wetness before lightly circling her clit. 
“Oh fuck,” Y/N gasps, hips eagerly pushing into George’s touch. “I’m so ready for you George, please.”
George sinks two fingers into her, cock twitching at the way her cunt sucks them in. He curls his fingers, drawing a moan from Y/N’s lips as they brush against her g-spot. “Fuck, baby. I wanted to take my time but I need to be inside of you.”
He sucks the fingers that were just inside Y/N clean, groaning around the digits as he tastes her for the first time in years. “Fuck, you taste,” he trails off, making Y/N whine impatiently. 
“Like what?” she pants, dragging George’s mouth to hers so she can kiss him. 
“Like mine,” George growls into their kiss, dipping his tongue into Y/N’s mouth so she can taste herself too. 
When he goes to reach for a condom Y/N stops him, intertwining their fingers. “I’m clean, and on birth control so you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”
“Shit,” George groans, his head dropping so his forehead rests against her’s. “You’re telling me I can fuck you bare?”
“Please,” Y/N confirms with a nod. “I wanna feel you, all of you.”
Any fear George had about Y/N not wanting him the way he wants her has been thrown out of the window. She’s the only woman he’s ever forgone a condom with, and it’s going to stay that way if he has anything to say about it. 
“How can I say no when you ask so nicely?” he teases, notching the tip of his cock against her pussy. He thrusts his hips gently, making them both moan as he coats himself in her slick. “I’m clean too,” he confirms, nudging his nose against her’s. “You’re the only person I’ve never used anything with.”
Something so simple makes her heart soar, and Y/N tips her chin up so George will kiss her. Knowing that she’s about to have George in a way no other woman has is intoxicating. No matter how many women he’s fucked, Y/N is the only one that he has given all of himself to, further confirming what she’s suspected for days. 
Whatever is going on between them has turned into something real, and it’s looking like a real possibility that George loves her too. 
“Oh my god,” Y/N moans as George finally starts to slowly push inside, her legs wrapping around his waist to encourage him to move faster. “You feel so fucking good, George, please.”
George groans as Y/N’s cunt pulses around him, her tight heat making his eyes roll to the back of his head. “Jesus christ, you’re so fucking tight baby. This pretty fucking pussy is choking my cock.”
When he’s halfway in his hips suddenly pull back, and the whine Y/N lets out quickly turns into a moan when George suddenly fucks back into her, not stopping until his thighs are pressed against the back of her’s and he’s buried inside of her completely. 
His cock presses right against her g-spot, and Y/N feels electric zips of pleasure radiating through her body despite the fact that George has yet to move. Her muscles squeeze around him, and George buries a groan into her neck. 
“Fuck, baby. I need a second or I’m going to cum way to fucking soon,” he growls, nipping at her neck. “Your pussy is so fucking tight it’s driving me insane.”
Y/N squirms underneath him, desperately trying to get him to move. “Please George, ‘m so fucking full of your cock, it feels so good. I need you to move.”
“Good fucking girl, begging for me” George praises as he finally starts to thrust, drawing a long, breathy moan from Y/N’s lips. Her pussy clenches as the praise, and George drives his hips even harder. “You like being my good girl, don’t you baby?”
“Yes,” Y/N gasps, her back arching as she starts to meet George’s thrusts. “Wanna be your good girl, George, please.”
George rests all of his weight onto his left arm and presses his thumb against Y/N’s mouth. “Be a good girl and suck my thumb, baby. Get it nice and wet so I can touch your pussy.”
She immediately complies, taking the digit between her lips and sucking hard. Her tongue wraps around it, getting it nice and soaked so George will finally touch her throbbing clit. 
“Good girl,” he praises again as his thumb slips from her mouth. He immediately presses it to her clit, rubbing circles into the sensitive bud in time with his thrusts. 
Y/N’s toes curl where they rest against George’s back, the familiar tingle in the pit of her stomach already building brighter as he inches her closer and closer to her orgasm. “I’m so fucking close, George, please.”
George readjusts so one of Y/N’s legs is slung over his shoulder, allowing him to fuck back into her even deeper. “Go on, baby. Soak my fucking cock with your cum.”
It only takes a few more thrusts before Y/N is falling over the edge, thighs trembling as pleasure rocks through her body. George’s name falls from her mouth before he kisses her, swallowing every single noise she makes so that he can keep it for himself. 
“Fuck I’m close,” George growls when their kiss breaks, the way Y/N’s cunt pulses around him driving him towards the edge of his own climax. “Gonna cum inside you, baby. Claim this fucking cunt because it’s mine. Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Yes, yours George, please.” Y/N grabs George’s chin so he can’t look away. “Cum inside me, please.”
Her plea pushes him over the edge, and George buries his face in Y/N’s neck, letting her body absorb his pleasure as he pulses deep inside of her. George sucks and nips at her skin as his orgasm starts to fade, slowly resting his body against Y/N’s as they both catch their breath.
They kiss slowly as George softens inside of her, finally pulling out when the feeling gets to be too much. Neither of them says anything as George pulls away, Y/N watching from the bed as George grabs a cloth from the ensuite. Once he’s back in bed and has wiped their mess away, Y/N still hasn’t found the right words. So she lets him pull her into his arms as they settle under the duvet, the steady pounding of his heart lulling her to sleep.
George lays awake for hours after Y/N drifts off, still wound up from the game and everything that happened after. He kisses the side of her neck softly, dragging his fingers up and down Y/N’s bare arm. He can’t remember the last time he felt this content and he just wants to savor this moment for a little bit longer. 
Sex with other women has always been a means to an end for George. He was horny, the girl was willing, and in the end he’d go back home to his own bed satisfied. There was never this connection that he feels with Y/N, this deep need to take care of his partner, this reluctance to let them go. It isn’t just sex with her, as corny as it sounds it’s making love, and there’s no way George can ever go back to the way it was before. 
If his plan doesn’t work and Y/N truly doesn’t ever return his feelings, she’s well and truly ruined him for any other woman. 
The thought of Y/N walking away from him, from this makes his stomach drop, and he finally has to confront the fact that his time is running out and it’s a real possibility that he may never get to hold her like this again. 
Because he lied to her last night. 
At dinner, when Coach Morrison pulled him aside he didn’t just want to talk to George about how he’s noticing how different he is now and the progress he’s made. He sat George down in his office to let him know that a decision about Captain had finally been made.
George is officially the next Captain of the Chicago Rebels. 
The news had immediately brought a burst of joy to him, knowing that all of his hard work with the team hasn’t gone unnoticed. But it was swiftly replaced with fear and sadness. Because if George is Captain, technically his arrangement with Y/N can end. She’d done what she promised and is free to head back home and live her life as she was before. They can go back to just being a part of each other’s pasts, instead of building towards the future George so desperately wants. 
He’s barely put his plan into action, and he’d hoped he’d have more time to get Y/N to fall back in love with him. Even though things between them are clearly going well, and every day their relationship feels less and less fake, he’s not sure it’s enough to get her to stay here with him. George is ready to go to the courthouse tomorrow and turn this fake engagement into a real marriage, but he’s not quite sure that Y/N is on the same page. 
Which scares the shit out of him.
Luckily Coach doesn’t plan on making the announcement to the rest of the team until the season officially starts, wanting to present George with a new jersey just before the first game. 
He can only hope that’s enough time, because a life without Y/N is no longer an option.
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msschemmenti · 1 year
To Be Near You
Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Prompt: Ava decided to do some staff bonding (and content gathering) and forces the teachers to have a sleepover in the school. Melissa and the reader are in a secret established relationship and get caught together.
a/n: this idea came to me before bed yesterday because I was thinking about what barbara howard would wear to sleep
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“Maybe I should go get my air mattress out of my storage unit. I don’t really wanna sleep on my rug.” Y/n mumbled as she dropped onto the plastic-covered couch next to Melissa. The TV was playing some game and it currently had all of the older woman’s attention. It was a Thursday and Y/n honestly couldn’t keep up with what sport Melissa watched on Thursdays but she was really only there for the company. 
Melissa shifted as the words Y/n uttered finally broke through her focus. “Barb and Gerald are letting me borrow their spare, you won’t need yours.”
Y/n eyed the woman curiously, trying to figure out if she’d missed something within the past 6 months that would make Melissa’s response a logical solution to her problem. “Mel darling, you do understand what a lock-in is right?”
Ava’s latest fixation has been on team bonding (apparently that’s where the money is this week). And she had the brilliant idea to have the teachers spend a night in Abbott. Obviously, no one wanted to do that, but after a few threats and incentives, the woman rallied enough teachers to participate. Everyone had discussed their sleeping plans earlier over lunch and had established that they’d all be sleeping in their own classrooms, much to Janine’s dismay. Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for the woman as she tried to convince everyone to set up their sleeping bags in the gym for an actual sleepover. She’d been shot down faster than Y/n’d ever seen before. Between Barb and Melissa, there was no chance in hell either of the women would be participating more than necessary. 
“Of course, I know what a lock-in is. What’s the issue? You haven’t ever complained about sharing a bed before now.” Melissa grumbled turning to face Y/n as the game came to an end. 
“And I’m not complaining now. I just must have missed the part where you told our co-workers you were banging the new fifth grade teacher.” Y/n replied wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
“I think I’m doing more than banging you,” Melissa wiggled her brows back causing Y/n to blush in the truth of the tease. 
“Even if that is true, how do you plan to explain me sleeping in your classroom to anyone without outing us?” 
Melissa shrugged, “I think you’re giving them all too much credit. It’ll be fine. Once everyone retires to their own classrooms, you can just come down to my room. By morning everyone will just be worried about getting out of there so the sneaking out won’t be an issue. Piece of cake.” 
“Says you, you’re not doing any of the sneaking.” Y/n rolled her eyes, she’d do anything for Melissa so her complaints were only for show. “But alright, that crosses at least one thing off of my list of things I need to pack tonight when I leave here.” 
“I’ll just take my stuff we can stay at your place.” Melissa said rising from the couch to go collect her things. “Give me like 20 mins and we can leave.” Y/n went to tell Melissa it wasn’t necessary but she was already gathering all of her things to tag along. As she watched the older woman buzz around the house readying for their own little sleepover she couldn’t help but to smile at how readily Melissa was to come home with her. 
“This might’ve been Ava’s best idea yet.” Janine grinned as everyone gathered in the teacher’s lounge to wait for Ava to bring dinner. “I already feel so much closer to you guys. You know I’d actually feel even closer if we all put our sleeping bags in the-” 
“Shut up Janine, dinner is served.” Ava said as she hip-checked Janine out of the doorway carrying a box of takeout orders. She brought the box to the table in front of the couch and quickly grabbed her things, “Back you filthy animals. Everyone’s orders should have their name on it.” 
Y/n rose from her seat at the table by the wall and waded through the throng of teachers to retrieve her meal. Sliding under someone’s arm she was able to get her box but saw both Barb’s and Melissa’s still sitting there. Without much thought, she grabbed them both and ducked back out of the crowd and headed for their table. She slid the boxes to each woman with a smile and turned to head back for her seat at the other table. Before she could get too far, Melissa’s hand reached for her wrist and pulled her back. “Thanks hon, why don’t you eat with us?” 
Y/n eyed Melissa hesitantly, they normally kept their in school interaction to a minimum and Y/n hardly ever sat near Melissa for to long. They’d learned that one of them had a hard time keeping her hands to herself. So the invitation was like playing with fire, especially if Y/n was meant to sneak into Melissa’s classroom to cuddle later that night. She gazed at Barb briefly before letting her eyes fall onto Melissa again and seeing the silent plea behind her eyes. 
“We won’t bite sweetheart.” Barb smiled as she hit Melissa’s shoulder in a sort of scold for still holding onto Y/n’s wrist. Y/n nodded and moved to have a seat and when Barbara returned her attention to her food she shot Melissa a warning glare, nonverbally telling her to behave. The redhead grinned mischieviously and nodded. “How was your day Y/n? I didn’t see you at lunch.” Barbara asked making polite conversation like the Godly woman she is.
“Oh it was okay, I left something at home so I ran back to get it before I had to pick the kids up. How about you?” Y/n replied gazing toward the woman kindly. That morning Melissa had been on her ass about bringing her sleeping bag and she’d planned to slide it in the car without her noticing but they’d practically been joined at the hip since they’d made it to the apartment the night before. After leaving it at home, she went back to grab it and tucked it in her classroom for the day. Of course she wouldn’t be using it, but it would be nice to have some sort of cover if anyone was to look in on her that night. Melissa didn’t see it that way, but it would come in handy this evening.
“Well I woke up this morning, so I can’t complain. But I know I’ll be complaining tomorrow after sleeping on an Air Mattress.” Barbara groaned.
“Oh I know what you mean, I’ll be lucky if I can move my back after sleeping in my sleeping bag. I’m not sure this was the best idea after all.”
“Exactly, forgive me but I do not want to see any of your faces after 3:30-” As Barbara talked Y/n startled at the feeling of a hand inching up her thigh underneath the table. She kept her gaze on Barbara but her nods in agreement became more aggressive as she tried to listen. She didn’t even have to turn to know that Melissa was sporting a proud smirk as she tease her girlfriend. Y/n knew it was around the time they were alone and free to be themselves, but the location was not ideal for this kind of teasing especially if Melissa wanted to keep their secret. “But I’ll be glad when morning comes. I just hope Gerald can make it through the night. He always says he sleeps better when I’m there. He’ll probably be wide awake tonight.” 
Y/n swatted Melissa’s hand away under the table as discreetly as possible before pouting at Barbara’s words, “That’s so romantic. I guess that makes sense though, especially since you’ve been married for so long. I hope someone feels that way about me someday.” 
“I’m sure they will hon.” Melissa said finally adding something to the conversation. Y/n let her eyes fall to the red-head and tried fight the hopeful look that she knew was on her face. Melissa winked quickly and then both women turned back to their dinner. 
Mel <3: Coast is clear. Everyone is asleep.
With a pillow under her arm, Y/n made her great escape through the halls of the school. She was only going down one set of stair, but she’d have to tip-toe her way passed Janine’s classroom and that would be the ultimate test of her spy skills. Once she made it down the stairs she could see Melissa peaking out of her door, looking down each side of the hallway. When their eyes met, she threw her head back in a ‘come on’ motion and reached toward Y/n making grabbing motions. 
Once in the safety of the classroom Melissa seemed to pounce on the younger woman. Their lips met languidly, dancing an all too familiar dance, before they finally broke apart when air became a necessity. “God, I’ve been waiting to do that all day. We’re never doing this again.” Melissa groaned before pulling Y/n toward the airmattress in the corner of the room. 
“Can’t argue with that. I’m gonna set an alarm to head back to my room at 7. I figure, no one will be up by then.” 
“Set it for 8. I don’t want to wake up before 8.” 
“Well baby, I’ll just be quiet. You don’t have to get up with me.” Y/n said nestling into the air mattress and Melissa’s side. 
“I know I don’t have to but if you get up, I will. It’s already hard enough falling asleep the first time. If you leave I’ll never get back to sleep, even if it is for just an hour.” Melissa confessed quietly as she pulled Y/n closer.
“Are you saying you have a hard time sleeping without me? Because that would explain a lot, but also be so romantic.” Y/n asked with a slight tease in her voice. 
“I just like being near you. I feel…I don’t know. At peace or something.” Melissa said bashfully.
“Well, I like being near you too. So I guess we both win, hm?”
“I guess you’re right.” 
“I’ll set my alarm for 8. Now let’s get some sort of sleep on this thing.” 
“Alright, goodnight hon.” Melissa said placing a kiss on Y/n’s hair.
“G’night Mel.” Y/n whispered, closing her eyes in bliss.
Morning came and Melissa had been right, everyone was really was just trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible. The couple had shifted position a little but were still tangled in each others arms. With Y/n’s alarm vibrating away on the floor of the classroom, the women continued to sleep in ignorant bliss. As the other teachers escaped the school for the weekend, Barbara stood outside of her best friend’s classroom hoping to catch her before she left. She figured she could get the air mattress back now to solve that problem and figured her friend would be awake by now. She opened the door and entered as she normally did, but came to a stop as she saw the two bodies tangled together on the bed. The shock didn’t last long before the smile took over at the sight of the two. Despite being on an air mattress in the middle of a classroom, both women seemed to be as comfortable as comfort could get. Y/n’s mouth wide open, a bit of drool hanging from her chin. Melissa’s arms wrapped tightly around the younger woman, as if to keep her from falling off of the bed. This was a couple that was comfortable with each other and that loved each other deeply and Barbara could see it all now. 
Making her way to the side of the bed, she picked up the vibrating phone and stopped the alarm. With great displeasure she reached down to shake her friend awake gently. As Melissa’s eyes creeked open, her gaze first fell to Y/n. She seemed to mentally and physically check to make sure she was alright before she let her eyes wander the room. They quickly landed on Barb and her cheeks flamed as bright as her hair. 
“Good morning.” Barbara smiled down at the woman. 
“Morning.” Melissa answered sheepishly. She waited for Barbara admonishment or warning, but it never came. The woman smiled softly before nodding down to the mattress. 
“I’m heading home, but you can just give the mattress to me Monday. I’ll tell everyone you’ve already left on my way out.” 
Melissa nodded gratefully before watching the older woman head for the door. Barbara paused before leaving turning back to Melissa, “I’m expecting a call sometime before then to hear about all of this.” 
“I’d expect nothing less. I’ll call you tonight.” Melissa promised, causing Barbara to nod with a grin before heading out of the school.
It wasn’t long before the snoozed alarm went off again and Y/n stirred away, as her eyes adjusted to the sun peaking through the windows she looked up at Melissa with a lazy smile. “What are you doing up? What time is it?” 
“After 8 and Barb knows.” Melissa shrugged snuggling further into the covers now that they had a bit of downtime before they had to get up.
“Well, better her than Janine.” Y/n said following Melissa back to comfort.
“Yes, anyone would be better than Janine.” Melissa agreed with a smile placing a goodmorning kiss to Y/n’s forehead. “Good morning.” 
“A good morning indeed.” Y/n smiled leaning up to plant a kiss of her own on Melissa’s waiting lips.
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merotwst · 2 years
CAN I GO WHERE YOU GO? ‹ . first years›
· bulleted hcs
⇝what happens to you five years after graduation?
[ n: another 135 followers celebratory post. as promised, i have now made an sfw fic in contrast to that other uh,, more sinful one i posted last night. thank u again for all ur support everyone ! ]
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ace trappola ‹ heartslabyul ›
. wow, you've come this far with ace?
. you're planning your future with him? seems like only yesterday you both were bickering in front of the seven statues.
. you started dating on your second year at nrc and boy was it a wild ride.
. year one after graduation was the year you told crowley you were going to stay at twisted wonderland for good.
. it was also the year you, ace and deuce started looking for a job.
. it was a pretty rough start littered with failed interviews and long nights—but you and ace always had each other's arms to fall back into at the end of the day
. year two was the year you and ace took a very memorable trip to the scalding sands
. where he underestimated the spiciness of the curry you ordered and regretted every singe decision he's made in his life as he sat at the toilet for hours on end that night, much to your amusement
. you did warn him
. but the scenery, the people, the beautiful cultural colors embodied by the silks being sold at the market while you wafted through the busy crowd holding hands as to not lose each other
. that trip was a core memory and you both considered moving to the scalding sands at some point when life was more stable for both of you
. year three when you asked him to move in with you. why'd it take you this long to move in with each other? well, because ace was the one asking you to move in to his crappy apartment and you always refused
. he spends most of his nights at your place anyway. he was just too lazy to be the one packing boxes and cleaning up
. when he finally caved, you didn't even try to hide your fist bump and squeal of excitement earning eyerolls from your boyfriend in the process
. deuce helped you guys pack and move and you three spent the night in the living room drinking and reminiscing and just chatting away
. it felt like the sleepovers you had at ramshackle back in your nrc days
. year four was the year you passed by a newly built animal shelter on your way to visit his family one summer
. it was really just supposed to be you guys checking the place out and maybe giving donations
. but this one australian shepherd was sat in one of the cages and he was giving ace a look that he couldn't ignore
. ughhh he hated being soft. but he couldn't help but reach into the cage and give the pup a little pet on the head
. when i tell you his heart skipped a beat when it did a little happy dance as he approached, i mean it full on stopped for a full minute because of the cuteness
. so you arrive at the trappola family home with a new addition to your own little trappola family, happily seated at the backseat of your car
. year five when you and ace were laying in bed, talking about all the years you spent together
. you've never felt luckier to have him by your side through thick and thin
. you couldn't imagine wanting to be in anybody else's arms than the ones holding you right now
. a scratch at the door and you both gave each other knowing looks of amusement. ace got off the bed to open the door
. the hyperactive, large fluffy boy, no longer a puppy. no he's gone way past that he was so big now and you both adored him.
. he zoomed into the bedroom and made himself comfortable by your side—shamelessly stealing ace's spot on the bed causing his dad to get all pouty and whining about wanting his spot back next to you but the dog wasn't budging
. you laughed
. this was your life now and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
deuce spade ‹ heartslabyul ›
. deuce and you have only started dating after you graduated
. and everyone's huffs of ‘it's about time’ could be heard once the news reached them
. deuce desperately wanted to give you the life you deserved and you constantly reassured him that no matter what life you both would live, you would stick by his side
. especially on the first year after graduating. out of the three of you (you, ace and deuce), deuce had the hardest time finding a job that he liked and felt comfortable being in
. it was a huge adjustment and he had a hard time, but you were always there to remind him that no matter what happened, you weren't leaving. that was all he needed to keep going.
. a lot of this year was also spent getting to know his mom. at her insistence, you and deuce stayed at her home for the first year
. she was a lovely woman who treated you just like her very own child. she loved you and deuce dearly and likewise you've grown to love her as though she were your own mother
. the second year, you and deuce got an apartment and moved out.
. it took a lot of convincing for mrs. spade to finally let you two leave (she couldn't help but tear up a bit seeing as how her two lovelies were all grown up), but she finally caved
. it was a medium sized apartment in the middle of the city and not far from where ace worked so he would often come by to visit you guys or sometimes he'd crash at your place since it was closer
. you guys ended up just giving him a spare key at this point as he was so often visiting anyway
. year three was when a reunion was held at nrc. everyone you knew and were close to had come by and no words can express how much you all missed each other
. everyone gathered around chatting and catching up, deuce grabbed you hand and squeezed it three times
. you looked up at him and he gave you the most loving smile you'd ever seen. it almost even seemed like he was about to tear up. a soft whisper of ‘i love you’ escaped his lips, just for you to hear
. he's never been more grateful for anything in his life. amazing friends, a loving mom and the love of his life by his side
. year four when you got your promotion and you had to move for your job. that was another big step in your relationship.
. a long distance relationship? could you guys handle it?
. you guys had a long talk and decided that deuce would move with you. where you went, he would go.
. he left his job, you left your apartment.
. ace acted as if you both were breaking up with him. where was he supposed to crash now?
. well, that was for him to figure out.
. you and your boyfriend moved to a new place six hours away from the main city and got a new apartment, it was smaller than the last one but it was comfortable for you both.
. and this time around, deuce got a job faster than you both expected and you celebrated with the bottle of wine his mom had given you as a little congratulatory gift when you got promoted.
. everything was perfect between the two of you.
. year five was when one of deuce's cousins went on vacation and asked if his family could stay around your apartment for a day.
. you didn't mind a little company so you agreed.
. the next week, his cousin came with his wife and his two kids.
. the way you handled the children, cradling the baby in your arms and playing with the older one made him think of a future where it's more than just the two of you.
. could you be able to pull it off? would he be a good father?
. but when you turned to look at him after gently cooing at the small infant in your arms and smiled, all doubts faded in his mind.
. you both could pull anything off together and someday, hopefully, maybe even a family.
jack howl ‹ savanaclaw ›
. you and jack graduated without ever telling each other how you felt.
. so your first year after graduating was spent separately. you were with ace and deuce in queendom and he was all the way over in the northern shaftlands.
. you both looked for jobs and occasionally you both would think about each other and wonder how each of you were doing and what you were up to.
. he often thought of reaching out, but decided against it. there were too many ‘what ifs’ for his liking. plus, what was he supposed to talk to you about? no, it was too risky for him so he just opted not to do anything rash.
. the second year, he got an email notifying that he and five other alumni would be in charge of the reunion next year.
. when jack went to check who the other four he was supposed to be working with were, he wasn't expecting to see your name and his heart started racing.
. this was his chance—your email was right underneath your name. of course, it would just be for planning the next reunion and nothing more but it also wouldn't hurt to catch up...
. as he was typing out his email to you—deleting, replacing, drafting—hey, should he attach a picture of himself? would that be too much? oh boy, his thoughts were going way too fast his hands couldn't keep up.
. a notification. and email. your name. jack having a mental stroke.
. you said you were emailing because you were both in the planning committee, but asked how he was and attached a photo of yourself.
. and wow you got so much more gorgeous.
. he responded and before you both knew it, you exchanged numbers and started texting instead.
. the late night texting turned into calls and you were talking each night.
. and when the reunion finally happened on the third year, you were both so nervous to see each other again. after a year of talking on the phone, you were both physically able to touch each other and talk face to face. way too many things could happen but you knew one thing was for sure—you would tell jack how you felt.
. even though you were a working adult, it felt like you were about to confess to a middle school crush. and you couldn't even see each other as often.
. but when you both finally saw each other, you couldn't help but run into his arms in a tight embrace. you fit there perfectly, as if you were always meant to be there.
. and to your surprise, jack confessed first and butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
. the rest if that reunion was spent chatting and catching up with your old classmates and being held by jack in his arms.
. now that he has you, he's never letting go.
. year four was spent the same way as the second year. you lived apart from each other so late night video calls that lasted hours were your bonding time for a while.
. until one day, you came home and jack was in your apartment.
. the way you dropped your groceries on the floor was all caught in video by ace.
. your friends decided to surprise you by flying jack all the way from shaftlands to queendom to celebrate your birthday.
. so you blew your candles, drank a bit and talked with everyone in the room.
. when ace and deuce went home, jack and you were the only ones left.
. he pulled out a little box from one of his bags. it was a snow globe. at first you thought it was an ordinary snow globe, but upon further inspection you noticed that the two characters inside were—
. “that's you and me. i had it custom made,” jack said with a blush on his cheeks, “i know it isn't much, but that's supposed to be how you and me are gonna look like if ever you visit my hometown.”
. year five was the year you got off a plane at an airport in shaftlands. jack was there with a girl who looked similar to him.
. it was hid sister. and though you'd only seen her and talked through video calls, she hugged you as if you were a long lost friend.
. you got in jack's truck, driving north away from the city. his sister talking and asking about you. she shared many silly things about jack when they were growing up, much to jack's embarassment.
. the paved roads soon became covered in white and the temperature grew colder. suddenly, everything around you was covered in snow. it felt like a winter wonderland.
. when you arrived at the howls', you were greeted by the warmth of the fireplace in the cabin, away from the city and near the mountains.
. the embrace of his family also welcomed you. mrs. howl was delighted to finally meet the person that made her jackie so happy.
. you now call him that just to see him blush.
. one night, he took you up the mountains nearby. he didn't explain why, it was supposed to be a surprise.
. you trusted your lover. so you took his hand and he helped you navigate the roads around the woods.
. it wasn't a long walk and jack kept offering to carry you on his back if ever you got tired—which you honestly didn't. in fact, it was quite delightful talking with jack while having a little midnight climb.
. once you reached the peak, you saw the view. the stars were littered in almost every inch of the sky. it was the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
. “get ready for the main event,” the wolf grinned, grabbing your hand, “look up.”
. and right as you did, you saw the first aurora borealis streaks form in the sky. you caught them right above you and you couldn't help but gasp, mesmerized by the sight.
. he squeezed you hand and you squeezed back.
. the week passed you by in a flash. it was a great trip. jack didn't want to let go at the airport, but you had a flight to catch.
. you went back to your daily routine of video calls, but this time, everytime you see the picture frame beside the snow globe he gave you—the picture resembled the two characters in the snow globe the exact same way.
. you couldn't help but think how you wanted to come back there and, just maybe, even stay for good.
epel felmier ‹ pomefiore ›
. similar to deuce, you and epel started dating shortly after you graduated.
. your relationship was quiet and only a few other people knew about it at first, but it didn't come as a shock to them when they found out.
. you two have always seemed close anyway. it was only a matter of time.
. the first year after graduation, he took you back to his hometown in harveston for a little visit.
. it was such a small town and most of the population were elderly, but it was quite a lovely place.
. everyone was welcoming and happy to finally see epel's significant other.
. his grandma was the most excited out of all of them. she couldn't stop going off about how beautiful you looked and how epel was lucky to have someone as intelligent as you.
. she told stories about epel when he was younger—pulled out the photo albums and all and epel was desperately trying to save himself from embarassment.
. his grandmother was having none of it and sent him to go prepare you some apple pie while she continued to talk to you.
. it was also the year you decided to extend your stay at harveston to help out at the orchards. you learned how to make apple delicacies, juice and others.
. you hadn't even realized it's been a year since you decided to stay.
. and year two was the year you decided to stay permanently in the small town.
. you quite enjoyed the quietness and simplicity of everything around you.
. epel's family adored you. from the little kids to the grandparents. it was as if you've always been part of it.
. you started working at the little flower shop in town and helped out at the apple farm as often as you could.
. it was a quiet life with epel so far and you liked it that way.
. year three, was when one of the elderly residents passed away peacefully. she had owned a cat who now needed a new home.
. so, you and your boyfriend volunteered to take her home.
. the cat didn't like epel at first, hissing at him when he got close. but you were a natural and the animal loved you and purred whenever you scratched and pet it.
. epel, however, only got growls and scratched on his arms from the fluffball.
. so you made it your mission to have your new daughter and boyfriend to get along.
. so while epel was fast asleep and your cat was also drowsily napping in your arms, you gently placed her on his stomach while he slept.
. she didn't object. in fact, she started purring against him.
. after that, she didn't seem to mind epel as much anymore. of course, she was still much closer to you, but she didn't scratch or hiss at him anymore. and occasionally, she'd even sleep beside him.
. year four was the year you and epel got yourselves magical brooms.
. you had the idea of using the brooms to pick the apples much easier and more fun.
. epel loved the idea seeing as how he was excellent at flight.
. he would zoom around the orchard and you would carry the basket on your own broom following after him as he tossed the apples into the basket.
. you were both a team, even after he got tangled in one of the tree branches and fell—injuring his arm in the process, you were there for him.
. you took over his duties and helped around the house doing his own chores for him. and he thought that was pretty sweet.
. often you'd see him in a bench with your cat as he watched you sweep at the leaves in the backyard, a content smile on his face and a ball of fur purring contentedly beside him.
. year five was when ace, deuce and jack came to visit harveston.
. it was time for one of the festivals and it had gotten quite busy. all the hustling and bustling of the small town filled you with excitement, as it did every year.
. but with your friends coming over this year, it seemed twice as exciting.
. you and epel gave them all a warm embrace after the got out of a taxi and welcomed them to the town.
. the residents greeted the men with happy smiles and warm embraces.
. you had so much fun, it felt like you were back at your nrc days again.
. and at the peak of the festivities, epel had managed to get you alone in your bedroom—well, except for your cat who was sprawled out on the bed in a starfish position.
. but you expected that. what you didn't expect was epel pulling out a ring from behind him.
. there were no fancy candles or roses. no fireworks, no orchestra. just you, him and the constant purring of your cat.
. but you didn't hesitate to say yes.
. because this was just how you wanted it to be. simple, happy, content and in love. you couldn't ask for anything better.
. when you told everyone, they all cheered adding one more occasion to the festival. the congratulations, the best wishes and the embraces from your friends.
. everything was perfect and you couldn't be happier.
sebek zigvolt ‹ diasomnia ›
. bitchless
. still holds out hope malleus would date him instead
. sorry sebek stans, but yall keep losing with this man
. only benefits u get from him are free dental checkups from his dad
. bye 👋
© merotwst 2022 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
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💞TF2 First Date Headcanons💞
This is my first time writing them! God this took so fucking long anyway
⚾Scout- To be honest, if he’s not that much into you (and even if he is), he probably wants to fuck on the first date. Or at least he thinks he wants to, but doesn’t make that much of a move. I think that the first date consists of intense planning that more than likely doesn’t work out. Maybe you guys just grab food or go to a game or something. He’s a baseball guy. He definitely seems like one too. A lot of the date is him talking to you, maybe you get a word in. Give the guy a break, he’s excited. His ideal date I think would be something active, or a place where you guys can talk and be loud. Think concerts. Although I don’t think he would go to those often. For some reason I can see him liking the zoo. At the end of the date, he might ask you to hang around. Just to have your company and have something like a little sleepover. 
🗡Spy- Oh it is fancy. It is fancy and it is elaborate. You are stunning, gorgeous, dashing, beautiful, a sight to behold, all of the above. He says this to you. He’s all about first impressions, and second ones. And third and fourths. Eventually you get through and he’s a little more normal, if that’s what you wanna say. But that’s a different post. I don’t know whether he would take you somewhere or think of something himself, but I think he would take you somewhere real fancy. The base is too hectic for a real date in his eyes. You probably don’t care. The date is small talk and classic. He pays, you feel a little bad. I imagine this isn’t something you’re used to. You’re definitely  going home with this guy, though. 
🦘Sniper-I imagine this guy is the type of person to teach his s/o, maybe everyone, to shoot a gun. So that’s what you do. It’s you two alone in the desert, shooting cans, shooting other shit, maybe you light a fire at some point when it gets dark. I like to think that despite him being very outdoorsy and Like That, he doesn’t mind staying in for his s/o. So maybe you guys cook something up in the camper. I don’t think you stick around in the camper in the middle of nowhere with a guy you just had a first date with. Or maybe you do! Cause like, how do you expect to get home?
🛠Engineer-You know that scene in the Barbie movie where Ken sings at Barbie and plays his guitar at the fire? You do now. That’s the date, but a lot less awkward. You and Engie’s date is a big ol’ bondfire and some guitar strumming. If you’re interested, he’ll show you the stuff he made. If you guys decide to cook over this fire, don’t be surprised if it gets interrupted with a few of the other guys. Or just Pyro. Definitely Pyro. He doesn’t mind too much, and hopefully neither do you. The date is sweet, and if you know how to play a guitar, then he’ll definitely let you take a crack at it. Good or bad, he’s kind of smitten. Most of the night consists of just sharing stories and enjoying each other’s presence, at some points you forget it’s a date. It just feels like a night out with a friend.
💣Demoman-Look me in the eyes and tell me what YOU think. Kidding. Kind of. Drinking will be involved at some point, but if you’re not up for a bar and getting shitfaced then WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING READING DEMOMAN’S SECTION? Kidding. His ideal first date is very mellow, surprisingly. Cooking together, showing you around. It’s been a white since I’ve been in the fandom, but he strikes me as kind of a book worm. Maybe it’s the hat. That motherfucker definitely read Moby Dick once or twice. Anyway, I think he likes to dance with his s/o! Very much just some slowdancing in the middle of a living room or kitchen or something. Maybe not the kitchen because people go in there. But if you don’t care then neither does he. To reference some book I read, he’s more than the [growing] alcoholic you took him for…he’s also a friend. I haven’t read the comics either in a while, but he’s a funny guy I know that. 
🔥Pyro-Yeah so there’s fire involved. What do I even tell you man. There’s fire and they tell you a lot of things, none of which you really understand, but it results in you guys drawing together too. Their drawings are pretty graphic, so you say fuck it. Now you both are sharing the red crayon. After this, you throw them into a large fire that you two lit. It used to be a tree. You have to admit it’s pretty beautiful. Especially when the sky turns dark, and not just from smoke. Maybe this guy does know what he’s doing. If it’s not a tree that’s caught on fire, then you too mosey on over to Engineer’s previously mentioned fire. Don’t think about it too hard. 
💉Medic-If it’s not canon, I imagine him as kind of a hermit. Maybe a major one. He’s definitely the type of guy to be working in the lab late one night. So, if you two are going to be a thing, you have to get used to said lab. Hopefully you’re not squeamish. The date is dissection. Whatever he is working on, you are too, but most things you’re not allowed to touch just yet, so you stick by the birds. He doesn’t mind for a while, but it is a date. Once this hits him, he lets you disembowel the corpse. Aw. Isn’t that sweet? You didn’t learn a thing, but the conversation and act itself was kind of fun!
🐻Heavy-A first date for him means getting to know each other. Very classic. I imagine, however, that his idea of getting to know each other means meeting the family. We all know he’s a family man, so you’re gonna meet them all. Haha funny reference. Anyway, you might fight a bear. Stories are shared, it’s a lot like Engineer’s date in that regard. You two have fun though. If you’re not up to meeting an entire family, though, that’s reasonable. He likes books. You probably do too. So you guys can read. Nothing like sharing other people’s stories
🦅Soldier- Oh you thought this was going to be nice. This was going to be nice and normal like the rest of them. Listen pal. Buddy. Chum. This is a first date. Nudity is involved, maybe not your own nudity, but someone’s definitely naked. I want to say you’re naked and covered in honey, but someone else did that two years ago. So like, maybe fight a bear man, snap a few necks. Make this man proud with the sweet sound of freedom (freedom to snap necks). 
👓Miss Pauling-Goodluck. She gets one day off a year, and she is not spending it on another first date. If you’re going on a date with her, you’re probably already together. It’s not your fault! Her schedule is shit. A date with her is most likely going to be staying in, ordering takeout, and watching some shows. She probably loves you if she’s spending her day off with you, but she’s not exactly the most energetic considering her job. 
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AITA for not wanting my fiancé to hang out with my sister and I?
Okay so my fiancé (22f) offered to drive to Mexico with her aunt and stay a couple days. It was only three days notice and she hadn't discussed it with me(24f) at all. I do think she should go, she's been wanting a vacation lately and been really upset because I can't afford to go anywhere. It's a good opportunity to get vacation and family time. I was really happy for her. I just feel like it's basic politeness to at least let me know before she gave a definitive yes since we live together so I was slightly annoyed.
Fast forward two days and it seemed like that plan wasn't going to work out because her aunt wanted to postpone, so instead she decided to go out of town with her brother (18) since she had gotten her hopes up about a vacation, which again sounded like a good idea. In the meantime I'd set up a sleepover with my sister that same weekend.
Without even mentioning the situation to me, my fiancé posted on snapchat asking if a third person wanted to go with them to keep the costs down, which would be fine if she hadn't posted it to her story. Its okay if someone else goes but maybe asking in a groupchat or a few people individually but not absolutely everyone.
So of course her ex (who she has readily admitted shes left multiple people for) asked to go. It isn't her fault that her ex is the only one who offered but also that's part of the reason why I would have asked her to ask more directly than every single person she has on snapchat.
She asked me if I was comfortable with that which was nice, and I said not really because of the nature of their relationship. The only times we've hung out, my fiancé ended up being super cold and hostile to me and laughing her ass off at inside jokes with her. I get that they have a history and I don't expect her to pretend they dont, but it just makes me uncomfortable when we're all together because I feel like a third wheel to the person I'm engaged to and her ex girlfriend.
She got upset and said I was being unfair and ruining her weekend. I told her it was fine if she could find literally anyone else and that frankly it was inappropriate for her ex to even ask. She got argumentative about how she's been hanging out with her ex for years because they have mutual friends (which is fair except the mutual friends are not invited) and that her ex didnt even know I wouldnt be there. The argument lasted another two days. She kept saying that I am being too controlling, which I dont think is fair because if she didnt care about my feelings then why ask about them. I just gave up and said it was fine. I'd be having fun with my sister anyway so I wouldn't spend the whole time worrying, and I trust her not to cheat on me I just think it's a weird situation and it makes me uncomfortable, which is what she asked.
As soon as I said yes she told me it was too late to book an airbnb so she wasn't going to go, and that really upset me because she'd been so angry about me being uncomfortable that she wouldn't leave me alone for days and what was even the point of all that if she wasn't going to go anyway and she already decided that.
During the past 4 days until canceling suddenly like that, she was 100% supposed to be going out of town to somewhere, and I had gotten really excited about my sleepover with my sister. We were going to do things that my fiancé does not enjoy (arts and crafts, watching period movies) since it would be just us and also have some much needed sister time.
All of a sudden, the next day, my fiancé asked if she could come over too since she wasn't going anywhere. I said "I guess, but we were going to do stuff that you wouldn't like." And she got mad and told me I was being super rude and I could have been nice about it, which I thought I had been and I told her I feel like if she came either she wouldn't have fun or we wouldn't get to do the stuff that we were planning to. She was still angry all night and kept saying she obviously didn't want to come now since she wasn't welcome. I barely slept because she was so clearly upset with me and I didn't see any way to fix things without ruining my night with my sister.
The day before the sleepover she kept hinting that she wanted me to invite her and I really didn't want to. Maybe before all this stuff but I am really annoyed with all of this and I don't want he to butt in on my sisters night.
I think she's been inconsiderate and mean to me over this whole thing. I just don't get her thought process with any of it. But she seems really sad and that does make me think maybe I'm being the asshole here.
So AITA for not wanting my fiancé to hang out with my sister and I?
What are these acronyms?
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