#they just accidentally forgot to call ya slurs
the-fluff-piece · 1 year
I have a weird thing I've been thinking about.
What if like-- (y/n) is in love with Law?
Like-- really really in love. But was just good at hiding it because they know it will never be meant to be. (We all know who law is by nature)
And tries to bury those feelings deep deep inside, so hard they forgot about it (still there), until this enemy comes along and (y/n) thought they were gonna die.
So at the last moments, they told him everything they've been feeling until they passed out.
Only to then wake up on a medical bed. Whoops.
That would be...a BIG whoopsie, ngl
Like accidentally calling your teacher mom.
Wonderful xD
Here's part 2 by @axcel-lucci
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You're hit - bad. You're toast. Bepo is already asking you how you wanna be buried while Law is telling you that you will be ok for sure.
You know you're done.
"Y/n-ya, keep talking to me, don't pass out!" Law orders you with his captain's voice.
"Talk about what?" You're feeling light headed.
"I don't know, what did you have for breakfast?" His voice is getting desperate while you go silent and think really hard.
"Or just what's on your mind right now, stay with me!" He readied a syringe.
"You're voice is so sexy" you giggle, "and you're eyes are so, so pretty!" your vision is getting blurry.
"You're such a bad, hurt boy, I love you so much!" Your voice is slurring.
"Keep going!" Bepo's high pitched voice is the only thing getting through to your ringing ears.
"So distant...you never like me..." you're thoughts are loosing coherence.
But than - a moment of clarity! This is the end. Your handsome captain is here for you. Maybe he cared about you, just a little. Now he knows. You can die happy.
"I'M SO HAPPY THAT Y/N IS OK" Bepo's voice is like a drill in your head.
A sharp tool made for torture. You wake up, blinking into the light.
"Am I in hell?" You ask.
"You're in sick bay" Law says.
"And alive!" Bepo screams, sending pure pain through You're very being.
"Call me when something changes" Law said and left.
Bepo's black button eyes look directly at you, a broad smile shows his big bear teeth.
"Bepo, did I tell our captain that he's a bad boy and I love him?" You ask dryly.
That's my two cents
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moon-fics · 2 years
Share The Night-Ghost
A/n: Hello, I used to have an account with the same name as this one but it was deleted! If you’ve reblogged a fic (no matter how long ago) please send me a copy of it so I can repost it here! Thank you!
Summary: just a comedic comfort fic for Ghost :)
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You don’t know how the conversation started and you honestly want to blame it on the alcohol you’ve had tonight. However, you’ve only had a tolerable amount of it and your speech isn’t slurred enough. You know you aren’t supposed to reveal anything personal, because you aren’t supposed to be the trusting kind of person. Yet, Soap has somehow caught you in a headlock of socialization and you can’t get out.
“So where do ya sleep?” Soap presses on, taking another sip of his drink. The more he drinks the harder it is to understand his Scottish accent. You accidentally brought up the fact that you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight because you forgot to rent a place to stay beforehand. You were planning on hopping from bar to restaurant for shelter and food. This didn’t sit well with him.
“I usually rent places so I can’t be found too easily. I don’t like the idea of living in one place.” You hum in response, deciding to shut down this conversation as soon as possible. You appreciate MacTavish being worried about you, but you honestly don’t mind pulling an all-nighter, it’ll be a fun challenge.
“That’s gotta be expensive.” He laughs and finally puts his drink down. He isn’t wrong though, having to change your living space every few weeks is exhausting and expensive. But you feel more comfortable since you live alone.
“I have enough money for it, just forgot to get a place for tonight.” You reach over and take his drink, finishing it off. He reaches back for the empty glass with an exaggerated frown. “Besides, this town seems cute.”
“I really think ya need to bunker down somewhere though.” He insists and you instantly know he’s going to offer his place. In no way will you be going home with MacTavish, not because he’s a bad man, but because you’ve grown too close to him. You know that getting any closer will cause you to consider him a friend, which you will not be doing.
“If you suggest your place I’ll walk out those doors and never return.” You tease, pointing to the bar’s entrance. He laughs and you know he won’t push you. “Besides, I thought you were planning on bringing a lady home.” You wink. 
“I had no such intentions! Are ya calling me a whore?” He jokes, placing a hand dramatically on his chest. You pat his shoulder with a grin, getting up from your seat to grab more drinks for both of you.
“No, I’m calling you predictable.” You say walking past him. You reach the bar where the bartender is fixing a drink for another person. You wait patiently, zoning out into your own thoughts. They start ordinary, thinking about where you’ll head next. Then you slowly slip into darker territory. The gunshot wound you patched up a while ago, your injured team, and the sound of explosions. You stand still while trying to push the memories away as quickly as possible, only snapping back to reality when the bartender asks you what you want to drink. You order the same drinks MacTavish was drinking before.
You glance backward to see MacTavish chatting with another team member, Ghost. He’s still wearing his balaclava mask, standing out like a sore thumb. You find it hilarious that he’s sitting in a bar with people around him, wearing a skull mask as if it’s normal. He sits down in your chair and you cannot wait to shove him off of it. You turn back to the bartender who has set you two drinks on the counter. 
You walk back to the table with an excited grin to fuck with Ghost. You place MacTavish’s drink in front of him and turn towards Ghost with the softest smile you can put on. You don’t say anything, you just stare at him with an unmoving smile.
“Can I fucking help you?” Ghost finally asks after a few minutes. You take a sip of your drink before planting it on the table. There’s a second of silence and Ghost takes the cup, about to drink it.
“That’s not why I did that!” You huff, trying to grab it back from him. He slams it down and hands it back to you with narrow eyes. “Asshole.” You mutter. Soap is unable to hold back his laughter, pushing his drink over to you. 
“You’re in her seat, Ghost.” MacTavish finally speaks up, gesturing to the chair the large man is currently occupying. Ghost shrugs his shoulders and you glance at him up and down, trying to figure out the best way to push him off the chair. You take him in, now that he’s not wearing his uniform. He’s wearing a black long shirt with the sleeves rolled up and you cannot say he doesn’t look handsome. 
“She wasn’t here when I sat down, now that would be a different story.” His eyes lock with yours, playfulness is hidden behind tiredness. You honestly don’t want to put up with him tonight, not when you won’t be sleeping tonight. “Thanks for the drink, though.” 
“I will bite your fucking nose off so you and Voldemort will have more in common.” You hiss and Ghost’s eyes shift, you can’t read what he’s thinking or what mood you’ve just put him in. You know he’s not sensitive to jokes about him being British, but you don’t push it often.
“You’d be doing me a favor, won’t be able to smell your asses during a mission.” He responds with an amused tone. You lean on the table so your feet won’t get worn out from standing, you’ve given up on getting Ghost off your chair. Even if you did push him off you’d probably be kicked out for violence. “Besides, Voldemort is scary lookin’.” He adds. 
“Voldemort gets no bitches, Ghost.” MacTavish jumps in. You burst out laughing while Ghost tries to defend himself. He doesn’t stutter but he does try and change the subject subtly. You have to wipe a tear from your eye and your mouth aches from laughing so hard. Once you finish the three of you remain quiet, enjoying each other's company.
After an hour or two, you’re ready to call it a night and go hang out in a nearby park or bench. MacTavish can sense you want to leave and nudges Ghost.
“Ghost, you have that Safehouse in the middle of nowhere, right?” MacTavish speaks up and Ghost glares at him. Ghost doesn’t like talking about the places he stays at, the same as you. He prefers privacy over having anyone over.
“If you’re asking me for a sleepover you can forget it, I allowed it one time and you kept throwing your pillow at my face.” He grumbles. You’re about to kick MacTavish to shut him up but his leg blocks yours as if he already knew what you were going to do.
“Actually, I was gonna ask if you could let Y/n stay with you for a night,” MacTavish suggest with a charming grin. Ghost’s eyes flick to you and you can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes, instead, you shoot daggers at MacTavish. “She doesn’t have a place to stay and her great plan is to wander the town until the morning.” You are one hundred percent sure Ghost is going to say no and leave, instead he sighs heavily. 
“One night is all you’re getting and we leave now.”He mumbles, standing up from his chair. You’re flabbergasted at his response because he’s never agreed to anything involving his Safehouse. “You’re paying for forcing me to do this.” Ghost stares at MacTavish.
“I didn’t force you to do anything, asshole! I just suggested letting her sleep at your nearby Safehouse!” He defends but you already know he’s going to pay anyway. 
“Oh yeah because I’m going to say no and let her wander the streets at night!” You want to interject and remind him that you aren’t helpless and can fend for yourself, but he talks first, “I know you’re not fuckin’ defenseless but it’s still the right thing to do.” He protests. You don’t fight him on allowing you to stay, it’s better than the cold night. 
He begins walking out of the bar and you’re quick to follow him, feeling silly. You must look like a lost puppy following a wolf to safety, but you’ll never see these people again, so why care? 
The ride to his Safehouse is over an hour and you fall asleep a few times. By the time you arrive, you realize you’re really in the middle of nowhere. There are no other houses in sight and suddenly you feel nervous. You trust Ghost with your life because he’s saved it multiple times. But now it’s just you and him with no one else for miles.
You’re glad you chose to wear a comfortable outfit before meeting MacTavish for drinks. Granted you didn’t pack any clothes other than what you needed, but still. 
You’re still trying to get used to Ghost’s house, it’s much nicer than you thought it would be. A light cover of dust is covering almost everything, reminding you that he’s probably not here often. You don’t know a lot about Ghost so the probability of him having multiple safe houses to sneak off to is hard to calculate. 
“I’ll sleep on the couch and you can take my bed. I cleaned it before I left this place so don’t worry.” He’s already sitting on the couch, resting his feet on the coffee table. Even sitting down he looks tall.
“The hell you are, I’ll sleep on the couch since I’m intruding.” You sigh. Ghost makes no move to get up, instead, he shuts his eyes. He’s going to try and ignore you so you comply, something he’s done before. However, you won’t let it work this time. 
“I guess you’ll just have to make room on the couch then.” You fake a yawn, plopping down on the couch. You lean your head on the armrest, keeping your legs bent so they don’t touch him. You also shut your eyes, exhausted from working so hard for so long. “You should get a better couch, it’s hurting my back.” You taunt.
“Then go sleep in the bed.” He groans, still not moving. You decide you’re going to have to annoy the fuck out of him so he leaves you for the bed. You refuse to sleep on the more comfortable furniture mainly because it’s his place. Your more hidden reason is that you can’t stand large empty beds. They feel lonely and you can’t stand that feeling. 
“How’s your arm? If I remember correctly you got nicked by a bullet.” You continue the conversation, knowing he’ll get fed up eventually. “Been taking care of it as I told you to? Because if it gets infected and you die I’ll bring you back and strangle you to death.” You threaten. 
“It’s healing.” Is all he gives you and you accept that he won’t talk about injuries. You let quiet surround both of you for a few seconds before coming up with a new topic to bug him with. You begin rambling in a way you haven’t done for so long in fear of revealing too much. You don’t fear letting a detail loose around Ghost, because the chances of him not listening are very high. 
You continue to talk about any topic that itches your brain, including what type of dog you’d want as a pet if you could. His posture changes when you brought pets up and you almost believe he’s actually listening. But, you continue on anyway until you just mindlessly speak.
You don’t even realize what you’re saying before it pours out of your mouth, “Sometimes when I see you guys hurt I panic and I wish I could keep you all safe. I know you guys are tough and strong but I can’t help but-” Your eyes widen and you shut your mouth swiftly. Your body reacts negatively to the realization that you care about the men you work with. You aren’t supposed to consider them anything other than people you work with and yet your brain unknowingly proved you wrong. “Forget I said that.” Another sentence that jumps off your tongue before recognizing it.
You don’t want to talk anymore. If you want to remain silent for the rest of the time you have to stay here. The moment the sun peaks into the sky you’ll leave on foot. 
You sit up and pull your legs into your chest. You feel sick. Ghost hasn’t moved in the slightest and you assume he’s asleep, hopefully before you said such sappy shit. You can’t tell with his mask on and the dark makeup around his eyes.
“What were you going to say?” His rough voice takes any relief you had away. He heard you and the sickness gets worse. You want to vomit, to run out of the house and into the dark. “If you’re not going to finish your sentence don’t start it.” He sounds annoyed and you apologize.
You don’t know how long it’s been since, but your eyes are getting heavy. Your head keeps bobbing back and forth as you fall asleep and then wake up a second later. You can feel Ghost’s eyes on you, burning into your forehead. You can’t bring yourself to speak or move, hoping you’ll eventually just pass out.
“I’ve had enough of this shit.” He grumbles, getting up finally. You just want to uncurl from your ball but before you can Ghost is grabbing you and pulling you into his chest. He lifts you off the couch and enters the boring-looking bedroom. There are only a few decorations but other than that it’s just grey walls and a wooden floor.
He drops you on the bed and walks to the other side. You watch him the whole time until he twirls his finger. You roll onto your side, looking away from him while you hear what you assume to be him removing his cargo pants. You remain facing away from him and shut your eyes. You can feel the other side of the bed dip from his weight, you even feel him stretch his arms, almost grazing your back.
You just want to sleep and ignore the growing butterflies in your stomach. You don’t want these feelings.
You’re woken up to the sounds of painful grunts and Ghost’s body shifting around. You’re skeptical about looking over, wondering if his mask is still on or off. Your worry about his identity leaves when you hear him scream. You’ve heard Ghost scream from physical pain before, you’ve even heard his scream in anger, but this was different. He’s sitting up quickly, his breath loud and quick. You pretend to be asleep even when your brain is screaming at you to check on him. Your plan is ruined when a calloused hand gently touches yours. His hand touches yours for a second before pulling away.
Ghost doesn’t move and once again you can feel his eyes on you. So, you ignore the thoughts that tell you to leave him alone and sleep more.
“Ghost?” You whisper, still facing away. He doesn’t answer, “Do you have your mask on?” There’s a quiet ‘yes’ and you flip over to see he wasn’t lying. You sit up with him, taking in his shirtless figure. He’s more muscular than you thought he’d be. “You good?”
“I’m fucking fine.” He snaps, eyes filled with cold emotions. He had a nightmare obviously and you have no clue what to do to make him feel better. You’ve never passed the threshold of strangers who work together. All you can really think about is holding him, that’s what your mother did when you had nightmares. You doubt it’ll work with Ghost, but it’s worth a shot.
You take his much larger hand and use it to boost yourself against his side. Your arms wrap around him awkwardly and his body tenses. You can feel his muscles steady, they feel like rocks. You look up through your lashes to see if he’s giving you the worst look you’ve ever gotten, instead, his eyes are soft. He’s staring directly at you with such kindness it’s almost unbearable. 
He pulls you off him without a word and gets back on his side, this time facing you. He pulls you down with him and doesn’t give you a chance to react before pulling you against him. His breathing is still heavy and his heart is racing, but his body is relaxed now.
“Thank you.” His mask muffles his voice but you hear it. He sounds like a broken child, someone who has never been treated in such a way. “But tell anyone and I’ll murder you in your sleep.” You hum in response, burying your face in his chest. It’s been a long time since someone has held you this way and you don’t mind it. “Thank you.” This time his voice is barely above a whisper, trying to hide in. You don’t talk, you just listen to his breathing as it slows, along with his heart. 
Before dozing off you wonder if you’ll wake up before sunrise so you can leave. A part of you hopes you sleep in.
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yo remember those really fucked up ideas that itzjambalaya gave you? maybe you could write from those 👀 i’d read orel splashing someone w acid and watching them melt, ya know 😋
Orel “accidentally” splashing someone he doesn’t like with acid and watching them melt (while they’re still alive!). (you got it, one super fucked up fic coming right up, also, mad scientist Orel? Mad scientist Orel.) TW: violence, gore, derogatory use of slurs
Orel was working in his lab, attempting to develop some machine that was supposed to hypnotize people to do his bidding.
he was hard at work when he heard footsteps walking towards him, approaching at a fairly decent past
“Shapey, Betty, how many times have I told you not to come in here when I have the sign up” Orel said as he turned around to see the intruder “it says do not disturb for a reason— oh…hi…coach stopframe…” Orel said when he was met with, not his siblings, but his former gym coach
“what brings you down here?” Orel asked, still annoyed that anyone dared interrupt his work
“can’t a guy check on his stepson without getting shooed away?” Danielle asked
“no” Orel said “and don’t call me your stepson, you’re not even engaged with my dad yet”
“well, I’d still like to spend some time with you” Danielle said “because…I’d like to ask if I can marry your dad”
“…what?” Orel asked softly, anger flooding his mind
“Well I just thought I’d ask since I guess it’s customary” Danielle said
Orel couldn’t manage a single word in that moment
“what? What is it? Is there something wrong?” Danielle asked “…oh right…I forgot you’re retarded…”
that struck a nerve “…what did you say to me?” Orel asked, his voice shakey with rage
“…you heard me…” Danielle said in a condescending tone
“…I hate you” Orel said
“what was that?” Danielle questioned
“I SAID I FUCKING HATE YOU. ALL YOU DO IS FUCK WITH MY LIFE. YOU JUST HAD TO COME INTO MY LIFE AND FUCK MY PARENTS AND SCREW WITH EVERYTHING I LOVE” Orel yelled, fully letting himself succumb to anger as he slowly reached across his work table and grabbing a flask full of a clear, steaming liquid with the label ‘sulfuric acid’ “I. FUCKING. HATE YOU.” Orel yelled as he tossed the flask toward him
the acid splashed Danielle’s face, burning through his skin. He let out an agonizing scream as the hot, burning, bubbling of his flesh, hot blood dripping down to his neck and chest, the acid burning through his clothes. He just kept screaming.
“oh my god…” Orel mumbled before walking up to Danielle, who was now laying on the floor, still screaming in pain. Orel stared down at him, momentarily blinking…but he did nothing…he just stood there…staring at him he did something eventually though…he walked over to a separate table with several different objects laid out on it…one of which, was a large brick. Orel grabbed the brick and walked over to Danielle who was still on the floor screaming and crying.
“…goodbye” Orel said coldly as he dropped the brick right onto Danielle’s head, crushing his skull beneath it’s weight. Orel watched as the blood splattered onto the floor as well as his face. Orel just smiled…he was gone now…forever.
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once-upon-a-oneshot · 4 years
Game Over
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Based On: “When You Sleep” by Mary Lambert
Summary: Frat!Harry only wants you when he’s drunk, and you’ve finally had enough
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 1.8K
Here I was for the third time this week pulling up to a frat party in the middle of the night. I didn’t want to be here, but, just like all the other times he had too much to drink, he needed me. Usually it takes a great amount of pushing past drunk underaged college kids to find him at these things. But this time, as soon as I reached the yard of the house, dimly lit by an array of neon party lights, I spotted a mop of curly brown hair, hunched over a bush.
“Yo! Harry dude! I thought we agreed no more puking in our bushes?!” Some frat guy was yelling at him from the porch. Harry’s only response was to flip the guy off and grin while using the bush to hold him up. “Finally! Your baby sitter’s here” The guy half-joked noticing my arrival.
Harry turned around to face me a little too fast, and he stumbled forward nearly falling. I tried my best to support him but there was no chance. I by no means would consider myself “small” or “petite”, but compared to Harry’s 6-foot, broad shouldered stature, he was too large.
“Hey! What’re ya doing hur?” Harry drunkenly slurred semi-regaining his balance.
“Haz, you called me, remember?” Normally I would’ve been embarrassed calling him anything but his name. But I’ve done this enough times to know, in the morning, he won’t remember any of the words exchanged tonight.
It took nearly an hour to get Harry back to my dorm room. Our new personal best. It’s not that I live far from the frat house, it’s more the process of getting Harry here. The trip usually goes something like, helping Harry stumble to the car, pulling over at every traffic light so Harry can throw up, finally making it to his apartment (which is past my own apartment), Harry begging me to help him to his front door, Harry realizing he “forgot” his keys, Harry asking if he can just crash at my place instead, me driving Harry back to my apartment, helping Harry stumble into my dorm.
It took about the third time of this routine being repeated for me to realize the coincidence of Harry forgetting his keys every time he went out, got shit faced, and called me to come pick him up, wasn’t so much a coincidence. And even though it was the same thing every time, I never skipped the step of driving to his apartment, because I knew it meant he’d have to verbally ask me if he could stay with me. And in some sick way, I got off to hearing his lips form those words. It was something so small, but something that meant so much to me. And he knew that. Drunk or not. I knew what the morning would bring, but for the night, I’d listen to Harry’s slow, peaceful breathing as he slept.
The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Harry attempting to tip-toe around, collecting his things before I’d wake up. And just like every other morning, I lay perfectly still, letting silent tears hit the pillow, while I listen to the boy I love try to pretend he was never here.
“Hey (Y/N), what did I miss in class today?” I swiveled around in the library chair to face the person who was speaking to me.
Before even facing him, I recognized the voice as a kid from my Biology class, who also happened to be from my hometown. We weren’t necessarily friends, but we engaged in small talk every once in a while. Although I knew who it was before I turned around, I didn’t expect Harry to be standing there with him.
“Oh, uh, not too much.” I focused as hard as I could on my classmate to keep from looking over at Harry. I could feel his eyes burning into me, but I was too embarrassed to look at him. “I can send them to you if you want.”
“Sick! Can you email them to me right now, so I can print them right quick?” I wanted badly to make up some excuse for why I just had to leave and send the notes later, so I could get far far away from Harry. But when I opened my mouth, “Sure” is all that came out.
The guy sat at the computer across from me, and Harry sat down next to him. I fixed my eyes on the computer screen and tried to steady my shaky hands enough to hurriedly send the notes. All the while Harry continued to stare.
As soon as the notes were sent, I logged off the computer and packed up my things. In order to get out of the library I had to pass Harry and the guy, and it was just my luck that the guy had gotten up to go print. As I passed Harry, he grabbed my wrist stopping me. I finally looked into his green eyes, but he didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare like he had already been doing.
“What?” I asked getting uncomfortable with the intensity he was looking at me with. He just shrugged in response.
Once Harry noticed his friend walking back to the computer, he quickly released my wrist, and turned around, as if nothing had ever happened.
Things have been this way with Harry since I met him. Since the day I became his. He knew I had a crush on him, and it gave him some sort of ego trip. Even though he knew I already wanted him, he wanted to make sure it would stay that way. So, whenever he felt like I wasn’t paying him enough attention, or he thought my yearning for him was slipping away, he’d throw me a bone to keep me begging. Initially I made the mistake of thinking this meant that by some chance, he wanted me the same way, but he proved time and time again (through his actions and his words), this wasn’t the case.
And after months of taking whatever treatment Harry would give me. I finally snapped. It happened one night at a party. I was drinking, and I didn’t know he’d be there. I spent the night avoiding him. I was afraid of what drunk me may say or do once I got around him. When he entered a room, suddenly I had somewhere else to be. When he needed another drink from the kitchen, suddenly I wasn’t thirsty anymore. When he wanted to join on the beer pong table, suddenly I was bored of the game. And Harry noticed.
I was on the second floor of the house on my own, exhausted from dodging Harry all night. I leaned my back against the wall of the hall after the stairs reminded me just how buzzed I really was. I guess Harry spotted me heading up stairs because I heard footsteps on the stairs, before he appeared at the top of them. Without saying anything, Harry glanced over his shoulder, before walking and standing directly in front of me. He put an arm up on either side of my head, trapping me between him and the wall.
“I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” he said too casually for our position. “Are you mad at me or something?” This took me by surprise.
“You’ve been ignoring me all night.” Again, his tone was way too casual for the things he was saying. But honestly, that’s always how Harry played it.
“You mean living my life? Enjoying the party? Not worshiping the ground you walk on?” Harry’s only response was a smirk. That’s when I started getting angry. “Look I’m too drunk to even be having this conversation with you right now Haz, so can we ju-“
“What’d you just call me?” Harry questioned raising an eyebrow at me. I froze. I was so drunk and emotional that I had accidentally let it slip. But upon processing the look on Harry’s face as something almost resembling distain, my embarrassment turned to pure anger.
“What do you want from me Harry?!” anger was thick in my voice as I pushed him backwards further from me.
“What are you talki-“
“No. Don’t you dare do that! Don’t act like you’re clueless. Like-like you haven’t been playing games with me since we met!” He said nothing. Instead he just stood staring at me. An emotionless expression painted across that beautiful face.
I wanted to stay angry. I wanted the fire burning inside of me to push me to finally walking away from this toxic man. But seeing that there was truly nothing there, the anger fizzled out to simple exhaustion.
“Look, we both know you know how I feel about you. And we both know you don’t feel the same way. But you play with my head. You flirt with me just long enough to wrap me around your finger. And then silence. Just like I never existed. That is until your hold on me starts unraveling again. It’s just some big twisted game for you. It’s like when you can’t have my attention, you suddenly want it.”
“It’s no-“
“I’m not done. For once in the history of whatever the fuck this thing with us is, it’s my turn to talk, and your turn to just listen. And I want you to listen good, because this is the only time I’m ever going to say.” I waited for some sign from Harry to let me know he was really paying attention.
He nodded so I continued.
“I can’t keep being a pawn in your torturous game Harry. It’s not fair to me. You’re breaking me apart and you don’t even care. The thing that hurts the most Harry,” I fought the tears for as long as I could, but the alcohol made it nearly impossible “is the fact that I know I could make you so happy. I would do everything in my power to give you the world. Hell, I basically already do. But you’re so blinded by “not wanting to be with me” that you don’t even realize how good I am for you. How good I am to you. If you stop telling yourself you’re not allowed to love me, I guarantee I’d make you fall. But if that’s not what you want. If you really, truly don’t even want to give me a chance, I’m done. I’ll have to walk away before you finish draining what little of me, I have left. And if that’s what it comes to, I’m begging you, please just let me go. No more games.”
Harry just stood and, like he so often did, stared. Blank. I felt like I was frozen in that moment and all the air had been sucked from the room. Unfortunately, I could feel myself began to sober up as I stood in anticipation of Harry’s response. I wished like hell I was still drunk, because maybe it would’ve hurt less when Harry finally spoke.
“I’m sorry,” he began backing away back towards the stairs. “I’ll leave you alone.” And with that he spun on his heels and trotted back down to the party.
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Take Me Home Tonight
Summary: Warren accidentally confesses to you and is forced to realize that he’s been in love with you for a while now. This is Evan’s warren lipka I just wanted to specify
Word Count: 2928
Warnings: None this is pure fluff, Warren being his usual goofy and incredibly hot self
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You were having the time of your life right now, nothing was funnier than drunk Warren Lipka. He was the definition of a hot mess, one second he was grinding on some random lady on the dance floor and the next second he was passed out on the toilet, pants down and Spencer had to go and get him. You always volunteered to be their designated driver when they went out, you loved getting to see Warren like this. And because you would never get drunk in front of Warren, you knew you were a bold drunk and whatever you did he would never let you forget it. 
You scanned the room trying to make sure you had eyes on them. Spencer was snoring with his head down surrounded by empty bottles and various wrappers, he was sitting at a table towards the center of the bar and Warren was near the front of the bar. He was currently fighting with some woman over the karaoke machine. Warren wrestled the microphone from her and her friends cussed him out before he flipped them off. He took the makeshift stage stumbling on the last step. 
He squinted his eyes till he found you, you gave him a wave, water still in hand. He gave you a lopsided smile before pointing in your direction, pushing his hair back. “This one goes out to my girlfriend!” The crowd wolf whistled as they turned to face in your direction. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not his girlfriend!” You shouted back with a laugh. 
“Yea but I wish you were!” He shouted back. 
“Wait what.” You felt your eyes bulge out of your head and turn to look at Spencer, he had the same shocked look on his face. You looked at him for an explanation and he just shrugged his shoulders, as clueless as you were. Warren whispered something to the guy running the machine and a second later Eddie Money started blaring out of the speakers, drowning out your attempts to call him off the stage. 
Warren bopped his head to the music, jerking his hips out, still pointing in your direction. “I feel a hunger, it’s a hunger, That tries to keep a man awake at night!” He began to sing and it was awful. He was basically screaming and his voice was raspy from all the alcohol. But he put up so much of a performance into the way he sang the audience didn't seem to care. He held eye contact with you slowly moving off the stage and towards you.
The spotlight followed his movements, the light creeping closer to your secluded corner of darkness. “Are you the answer?” Your heart pounded at the implication of his words and the way his eyes seemed alert. He continued singing until he was directly in front of you. He threw the cord around you and used it to pull you close, you stumbled into him catching yourself on his chest. He leaned forward, his close proximity making the hair on your arms stand up, he lowered his voice as he nudged the side of his head into yours. “I can feel you breathe, I can feel your heart beat faster…” 
He watched you with half lidded eyes, moving closer, his lips nearly brushing against yours, but before you could make contact he pulled away from you nearly causing you to trip over the cord as he yanked it back towards him. He danced back towards the center of the bar and jumped up on the table where Spencer was at. He threw his head back and screamed out the lyrics “TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT! I DON’T WANNA LET YOU GO ‘TIL YA SEE THE LIGHT!” 
He waved his arm in the air, signaling the crowd to sing along with him. He nudged Spencer with his foot and he began to sing along with the rest of the bar patrons. They were all drunkenly sighing along with Warren, their gazes locked on you. He moved his arms around madly jumping up and down on the table, going absolutely crazy. You laughed watching him thrust his hips forward, matching the beat of the song. He pulled Spencer on the table with him and they both began to drunkenly sing to you, your face hurt from smiling so widely. You took out your phone and began to record their little song and dance. You also took a picture of drunk Warren pointing at you and screaming be my little baby. He had nearly slipped off the table while doing it, so it was all blurry and his eyes were wild.  You made a mental note to make it your lockscreen later. 
He started up at the chorus again, this time him and Spencer belting it accompanied by the other customers. “TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT!” Warren jumped a little too close to the edge of the table and launched him and Spencer on the floor, knocking over the neighboring tables. You were doubled over in laughter, Warren hadn’t even stopped singing he just carried on as he laid on top of Spencer on the floor. 
The security guard walked over to the two of them and picked them up by their shirt collars. He tried taking the microphone from Warren but he just held it closer still signing into it, even though the music had stopped. The security guard looked at you and called you over. “Come get your boyfriend!” 
“He’s not my boyfriend!” 
“BUT HE WISHES HE WAS!” The bar patrons chanted together, remembering what Warren had shouted to you earlier. Your face burned in embarrassment as you want to collect them. Ripping the microphone from Warren’s hands as he whined and handed it to the security guard. The crowd cheered Warren on as you guys were escorted out, he bowed and blew kisses to the crowd. You had to drag him by his arm all the way to the car, Spencer just walked alongside you guys smiling to himself. 
You shoved Warren into the passenger's seat and he groaned as he hit his head on the roof going in. Spencer laughed at him. “Shut up!” Warren called reaching into the back seat. 
“Stop that!” You said, pulling him back into the front seat. You buckeld yourself in before starting up the car. “I can’t believe you got us kicked out of my favorite bar.” You scolded. You weren't really all that mad about being kicked out, you were more upset about the way Warren had said he wished you were his girlfriend. You knew that when Warren was drunk he would say and do just about anything so you learned not to take him seriously. But you had been crushing on him for years now and for a second you had felt a flicker of hope that he returned your affection. 
Warren just pouted with his arms crossed for a moment before playing with your radio flicking through the channels. He smiled when he heard the song he was singing earlier again. “Oh no not again.” You said reaching over to turn the radio off, he smacked your hand away and kept his own covering the buttons. 
“Warren.” You warned, glancing over to glare at him. He just smirked and started singing again. 
“Come on (y/n) sing with me!” 
“I feel a hunger….” He leaned across to the seat getting really close to whisper in your ear. “Come on, you know you wanna sing with me. You know you wanna take me home tonight.” He slurred. You pushed him back into his seat laughing at his poor attempt at flirting. But it got you to play along. 
“Oh yeah, I’ll take you home tonight.” You said in an over seductive voice, reaching over to run your hand up and down his thigh. 
“Really?” He asked, biting his bottom lip. 
‘Yeah I’m gonna take both your asses home and make sure you stay there.” You pushed your hand into his chest knocking him back into his seat. 
He groaned, lulling his head to the side knocking it against the window with a soft bonk. “You’re no fun.” 
You winked at him. “I know.” You softly hummed the tune to yourself the rest of the ride home and Warrens smiled to himself at watching you. 
You dropped them both off at Warren’s place, he said his dad wasn't home so Spencer could crash there. Warren had nearly fallen down the stairs into the basement, but you caught him and propped him up. He blushed as you gently helped him lay down in bed and removed his shoes. You laid him down and he grabbed your hand as you moved to leave. “What, no goodnight kiss?” You rolled your eyes and moved back towards him. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, you made him lay back down and settled for a kiss on his forehead. 
“Goodnight Warren.” He was glad the lights were off so you couldn't see how red his face had gotten from your simple kiss. He hadn't expected you to do anything at all. 
Warren woke up in the middle of the night, needing to pee. As he was washing his hands he was hit with a full memory of what had happened last night. He stumbled out of his room and made his way to Spencer who was passed out on the couch. “Dude.” He shook him. “Dude wake up!”
Spencer jolted awake. “What do you want Warren?” 
“Did I do what I think I did last night?” Warren said slowly, his brows furrowed.
“If you’re asking if you indirectly confessed to (y/n) by serenading her with an Eddie Money song and then asking her to take you home tonight about a million times then yes.” Spencer curled back into himself hugging the blanket closer. He was always thankful when you made a bed for him. You always remember to give him a blanket and a pillow. Warren always forgot and he ended up having to use a newspaper or a couch cushion to keep warm. He turned back, opening one eye. “She also kissed you goodnight and left you a care package.”
“I’m sorry she kissed me?” Warren said, yanking Spencer's blanket away. 
“Yes.” Spencer said bordely, blindly fumbling for his blanket. “On the forehead idiot, you asked her for a kiss and that’s all she gave you.”
“But she kissed me?”
“Yes. Now give me my blanket back.”
“One more thing.”
“What?” Spencer groaned, trying to get his blanket back. Warren kept holding it out of his reach. 
“You said she left me a care package.”
“Yea, on the table.” Warren dropped the blanket back on Spencer and practically sprinted over to the table. “ But she left a gatorade for me too so don’t drink them both!” Spencer added before going back to sleep. There was a little wooden tray with a gatorade, an aspirin bottle and a whole bunch of little tricks to help with a hangover. He smiled at your sweet sentiment and downed some of the pills hoping they would ease his pounding head. He held the little care package in his hands, smiling at it unconsciously. You were always so thoughtful, you always took care of his dumbass and got him out of whatever trouble he managed to get into. You were always there for him when he needed you. He had always had lingering feelings for you but he’d brush it off as a crush, Warren Lipka didn't have “deep feelings.” 
But the longer he looked at the care package you left him and as he reflected on the events of last night he couldn't deny it any longer. “Shit.” He mumbled running a hand down his face. Spencer had turned to look at him. “I’m in love with her.”
“You're just now realizing this.” Warren tossed a pillow at him and Spencer batted it away. “So what are you going to do?”
“I’m just gonna hold all my feelings in until I die.” 
“Are you serious?”
Spencer sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He yawned out his reply. “Just tell her you liked her like a normal person.” 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if…” Spencer sensed the change of tone in Warren’s voice and he now had his full attention. “What if she doesn't like me back. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
Spencer bit his lip, debating on telling Warren what you had told him. Warren noticed Spencer's suspicious behavior and his eyes narrowed. “You know something.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes you do.” Warren plopped onto the couch beside Spencer. “Tell me.”
“I’m not really supposed to-”
“Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell-”
“Okay!” Spencer huffed. Spencer looked around as if making sure you weren't there to overhear him. “She told me that she likes you.”
“Don’t yell, I still have a hangover.” Spencer groaned, pressing his fingers to his temple. He got you to take some aspirin, Warren followed.
“She likes me, since when??” Spencer bit his lip. Warren yanked his gatorade away. “How long has she liked me spencer?””
“Since high school.”
“Dude.” Spencer yanked his gatorade back. “I told you to stop yelling.”
“You knew that she liked me since high school and you never told me.”
“She made me promise not to tell.”
Warren glared at him. He wanted to be mad but the knowledge of you liking him outweighed his anger. “And you’re sure she still likes me?’
“Positive? This ain't something I can't take a risk on. I need to be one million percent sure.”
“Yes what?”
“Seriously?” Spencer signed. Warren glared at him and he rolled his eyes. “Yes I’m sure she still likes you.” 
Warren went up the stairs of the basement taking two at a time and yanking the door open. “Where are you going?” Spencer called up.
“To go see her.”
“But you don’t have a car. And it’s the middle of the night.”
“I don’t care and I don’t need one.” Warren slammed the door shut on his way out. Spencer winced and went to lay back down. “That idiot is going to run there.” He grumbled.
You woke up to hear pounding on your door. You were still in bed and your roommate went to answer the door. She took one look out before slamming it shut. “Who is it?” You asked.
“Your hot friend.”
You got up and  opened it, Warren was on the other side, bent over and breathing really hard. “Warren?”
“Hey.” He wheezed out.
“Are you okay?”
“You know it’s like 4 in the morning right?”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re really sweaty and you sound like you’re dying.”
“I’m good just give me a minute.” 
“Do you wanna come in?” Warren glanced behind you and saw your roommate leaning back in her chair, trying to see what was going on. 
“Nah. I-'' He took a deep breath before starting again. “I kinda want us to be alone for this.” 
You closed the door behind you and leaned against it waiting for him to continue. Warren stood back up, pushing his sweaty hair out of his face. He was all disheveled, still dressed in his clothes from last night. But his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his chest to you, you did you best not to look. “So.” He started off, looking down at the floor. 
“About last night.” Warren fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “I meant what I said.” He looked up to see your reaction, you were watching him with wide eyes silently asking him to continue. “I really like you, like a lot. And I have for a while now but I was too scared to admit it. I didn’t want to risk ruining our friendship.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest, you were pretty sure the whole dorm could hear it. “You… you like me?” 
“Yeah.” Warren rubbed the nape of his neck, his brown eyes staring into your own, waiting to see your answer. 
You smiled and glanced down at the floor. “I like you too.”
“Really?” His voice was hopeful, the edges of his lips curling into a smirk.
“Yeah.” You guys stared at each other like idiots with wide smiles on your faces. 
“So…” Warren started again this time a little more brave. ‘Would you maybe like to go out sometime?”
“I would love to.”
Warren pumped his first in the air. “Yes!” You laughed and went to open the door to your dorm. “As much as I love confessing to you in the hallway it’s the middle of the night. You should probably get back to bed.” He nodded. “So I guess I’ll see you around.” 
“Yeah, I’ll call you later to set up our date.”
You began to close the door before Warren rushed forward, he put his hands on the door frame, stopping you from closing it. “Wait! Can you uh, can you drive me home. I don't think I would survive running all the way back.”
“Sure.” you giggled, grabbing your keys and locking the door behind you. Warren smirked at you as you guys made our way down the hall. 
“So what you’re saying is you’ll take me home tonight.” He sang the last part, winking at you. You pushed his shoulder. 
“Don’t make me regret saying yes to going out with you.”
Taglist: @xxspqcebunsxx @coffeeandteaintheevening @kitwalkerangel @xmaximoffic @no-mercy-bby @evanmybeloved @livingmybestfictionallife
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haikyuuties-xo · 3 years
[Haikyuu Captains] A Story based off what I'm Currently Suffering through right here, right now, at 5am. sorry if there's typos oops // also underage drinking (in some countries)
it's a sleepover with the captains from kurasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba johsai, and shiatorizawa!
and it's at oikawa's house :D
so let's relax~
so i made the awful decision that i wanted to get very drunk
even though we all have to get up at 6am for practice
everyone agrees with me that it is an excellent idea
oikawa is all like "i think we have taquilla i gotchu guys"
but oikawa's parents are also sleeping right next to the kitchen ◉‿◉
would they give a fuck ?? prolly not but for the sake of the hc we gon say yes
so you all take turns sneaking out to grab a huge bottle of alcohol
"never open something, never use something completely" - oikawa's motto for keeping out of trouble
there was no taquilla tho :(
but there was various kinds of vodka and bourbon!
n bokuto brought juice :) he is very proud of his famous fruit punch
perfect for daiquiris
so we manage somehow to not be completely fucking loud
together, we clink glasses and down some fireball, vodka shots and coffee bourbon (some of which tasted like actual asshole)
"you would know what that tastes like, oikawa"
"shut the fuck up kuroo"
daichi takes it like a champ but acts all like "i can't believe I'm doing this,,, breaking the rules" as if he isn't an actual fucking alcoholic dad
kuroo downs it with no hands, smirking as he set the shot glass down on the carpet below them to appear cool but as he's actually trying to down the drink he starts choking and sputtering
bokuto pours a shit ton of his juice in w the vodka and downs it fine but can't help screaming "HEY HEY HEY" as red immediately spreads across his cheeks
oikawa drinks that shit in .2 seconds and looks at everyone like "what"
ushijima takes his in little sips after smelling the acetone-like aroma of Smirnoff. it doesn't take like the aged wine of his cow farm (oikawa routinely reminds him he couldn't give a smaller amount of fucks if he tried)
i down it in a gulp like daichi and kuroo
and i feel so incredibly light
i feel very warm and my cheeks are so flushed
but i watch as oikawa begins spouting off nonsense
"thiS cRaYoN iS giRAfFe fLaVOreD!"
he calls Iwaizumi multiple times, declaring his love for him and apologizing to him when he'd accidentally compliment how beautiful one of the other captains was
"it's okay, shittykawa, stop crying."
so i had to take his phone away
i also had to take away daichi's phone bc he kept talking about his "soon to be" ex girlfriend and brought it up in every conversation
daichi would drunkenly beg me through out the night to "pretty please" let him text his girlfriend goodnight even tho she's pissed at him for getting drunk
bokuto soon followed as he kept drunk texting akashi saying he feels like he's being used for sex (when akashi is literally downstairs because he got worried when i texted an sos)
n bokuto's dramatic af
kuroo began to relentlessly flirt with anyone else in sight
unfortunately I'm still only a little tipsy despite pouring more vodka into my cup and sipping it gingerly
and I've apparently established I'm now the sober mom friend.
because 7 shots in and I'm unaffected (?)
but i am video taping all this
ushijima began to ramble on about volleyball, not making any real sense
"oik'kwa....... youuu should've come to shi'tor'zawa."
i said, "oikawa, stop, you can't do that"
he began to cry, "I'm sorry......are you mad at me?"
"I'm not mad, oikawa"
"i think you are"
"I'm not."
i quickly removed all the glasses from our spot on the ground and returned with a glass of water
"oikawa, taste this, it's really good vodka"
he looked up at me with a dopey grin and sipped it, "wow that's good vodka haha"
(it was water)
"'s not vodka, 's waterrr" slurred kuroo
"taste it if you don't believe me"
they were all falling into my trap :∆
meanwhile bokuto and daichi are still rambling on about relationship problems
finally, i was able to encourage them that I'd be fun if they all had a sleepover and laid down
they all drunkenly obliged
i began removing more obvious signs of alcohol (despite kuroo, daichi and oikawa attempting to conceal more behind them) and held hands with bokuto, oikawa and kuroo to take them to go to the bathroom or get water
then up comes akashi
and bokuto is a mess
i looked at him with sympathy, "he's... a little... drunk."
not as shit-faced as oikawa tho js
akashi looked surprised before quickly walking over to bokuto, who desparately wanted a hug.
i escorted them out of the room, moving to focus on getting oikawa, kuroo, ushijima, and daichi into bed with some water
when i heard a retching sound at the top of the stairs
and sure enough, bokuto threw up all down the stairs
akashi lovingly grabbed paper towels and began cleaning it up, wiping a stray puke mark off of bokuto's face (sorry, gross, ik)
"how much did he drink?"
"uhm.. fireball, vodka?"
"but how much!"
"dunno, 3 shots?"
akashi was greatly relieved
"akashi, take bokuto and wash him up. make sure he lays on his side and drinks lots of water. I'll clean up the rest of this mess and bring you a cold compress in a bit"
akashi nodded and thanked me
i made quick work of trying to get the puke stains out of the carpet while also checking up on the 4 stooges left in the room
when i finally returned, daichi was passed out
kuroo was scrolling through his phone, sending videos to kenma
oikawa and ushijima, however, were whispering
i ignored them and kept collecting trash to subtly remove from the room
all of a sudden, ushijima says he has to go to the bathroom
oikawa says he does too
"I'll go with you, you guys need some water"
"you don't have to come with us"
"okay, just for water"
as they headed to the bathroom i made quick work of pouring some water into the cup for them.
but they were taking a longer time than normal
as i made my way to the bathroom, the door was locked, but i could hear loud smacking noises and heavy breathing
holy shit
oikawa and ushijima were totally making out.
at last i heard them at last say "we should probably go out now"
i made quick work of quietly speed walking to the faucet
they of course complete forgot about me getting them water in their drunk state
as i reminded them, they drank. i pulled oikawa aside as ushijima made his way up the stairs
"ya know, oikawa, you could've just told me if you were gonna make out with him"
oikawa's face got beet read as we walked over to ushijima "fuck, she knows"
"i don't know... i thought we were being discreet"
(yeah, so descrete that i totally didn't hear you slamming each other against the bathroom door. jesus.)
finally back in the solace of Oikawa's room
i felt kinda uncomfortable sleeping next to oikawa and ushijima
so i slept on the floor
my life sucks
being the mom friend
and having high alcohol tolerance
fml <3
based on true, traumatic events 💗 pls hmu if u have recommendations of alcohol that always gets u drunk :(
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mikkomacko · 5 years
Sweet As Honey 12
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Harry's buzzing with adrenaline, bouncing around the mat on his toes and swiftly jabbing a few punches into the pads on Liam's hands. He nods his approval, and Harry can tell that Liam's waiting for more. So he does, even if he's supposed to go easy today, Harry still spins around Liam, delivering three harsh punches to the pads as soon Liam turns to face him. He swipes his foot across the mat, catching his trainer's feet and making Liam trip back until he's sat on the floor. Harry smirks, starting to back away from him.
Harry's head snaps to the left, finding that Mark has returned to the gym from the upstairs cafe. He's standing by the ring, and Arlo's in his arms with what looks like yogurt smeared on his shirt. Harry beams, opening his mouth to call out a hello but then he's tumbling back himself, arm stinging when he lands on his funny bone.
Arlo squeals out laughs over Liam's chuckling, and Harry's smirk falls at Liam's smug look.
"Don't get distracted." Liam advises, climbing to his feet and throwing off the pads on his hands. He reaches down for Harry, gripping his glove in his hand.
"S'bloody practice, didn't think you'd be treating this like a match." He grunts as Liam pulls his sweaty torso off the ring.
He chuckles, patting his shoulder roughly. "Just bringing you back into the swing of things."
Harry scoffs, using his teeth to unstrap his left glove and tucking it under his bicep. He wiggles it off, followed by the right glove, and tosses them over the ropes of the ring so they land by his bag with a smack. He slips under the ropes, popping back up next to Arlo and Mark. Arlo coos, reaching his hand out to Harry and wiggling his fingers. He takes him from Mark, not caring that he's a bit sweaty, and smoothes out his clothes.
"Got my child all messy."
"That's not my fault!" Mark immediately swears, eyes widening. "He eats like you, what was I supposed to do?"
Arlo makes a grumpy noise, glaring at Mark now that he's back with Harry, and Harry can't help but laugh. "Don't like Mark anymore?" He murmurs to Arlo through a chuckle.
"No," Arlo grumbles, turning his head away from Mark to look over Harry's shoulder. Mark's mouth falls open in offense, and Harry snickers.
"Is it 'cause he's old?"
"He's smelly?" Harry tries, biting back a smile at the hurt look on Mark's face.
"He's small?" Mark glares at him.
"'cause ya missed me?"
"Yes," Arlo slurs, turning his face into Harry's neck and patting his face with his little hand.
"I missed you too bug." Harry admits, pressing a smiling kiss to Arlo's head. Seeing Arlo snuggle into Harry must make Mark forget about Arlo abandoning him, because he's looking at them with a little but fond smile on his lips.
"He's turning into quite the talker." Liam pipes up, tossing a towel at Harry so he can wipe his face off. Harry catches it with one hand, drying off his sweaty skin, and making Arlo grumble when he has to move his head for just a moment.
"Sometimes he just chats absolute nonsense. Sittin' at the dinner table the other night and he was eating some mashed carrots, bunch of weird noises commin' out of him," Harry can't help but smile at the memory, "and he was just looking at the missus and me like we should know what he's saying."
Liam and Mark both chuckle, Arlo going shy as he realizes Harry was talking about him, and pressing further into his chest. "Does that mean we're ready to go home?" Harry laughs, rubbing his fingers into Arlo's back. "Ready to see Mumma?"
"Mumma." Arlo agrees, and Harry decides it's time to get going. Mark bids him goodbye, needing to return to the front desk, and Liam moves around the gym to wipe down the equipment, so Harry crouches down, placing Arlo between his thighs with a groan. He's definitely going to be sore tomorrow.
"Hang on for me baby," Harry requests, helping Arlo hang onto his legs and lean on him for balance while he reaches over to shove his gloves and water into his gym bag. His calves burn from crouching and Arlo pressing down on him, so he quickly pulls on his hoodie and helps Arlo into his coat, throwing his bag over his shoulder and Arlo's baby bag on the other. He lifts Arlo in one arm, bringing him back up with him and pulling his hood over his head.
"Nice and warm?" He asks, only receiving a spit bubble in response. He laughs, digging his keys out of his pocket and heading towards the door.
"Gonna miss some days next week but I'll text ya a schedule, yeah?" He calls to Liam, leaning his hip on the door, but not enough to push it open yet.
"A couple days?" Liam huffs from across the room, eyeing Harry skeptically. "You fight in three weeks Harry-"
"I know and I'll be ready," he promises,"but I've got family stuff to take care of. You know that comes first."
Liam's skeptical, looking Harry up and down as if assessing his readiness right on the spot, but he knows and trusts Harry. He wouldn't miss training unless it was absolutely necessary. "Take care of yourself yeah? Lots of water, vegetables."
Harry grins, grateful. "Of course," he nods, and then he's out the door, him and Arlo ready to brace the cold outside.
Harry's got a fire crackling in the living room, one of the Avenger movies playing on the television, and Arlo running rampant in his walker with Theo chasing after him, yipping and yapping when Arlo laughs after a particularly fast roll. He's got no idea what's gotten Arlo so worked up, maybe the yogurt he had this morning that's still staining the shirt Harry threw somewhere on the stairs when they got home before he had grabbed a clean one out of the laundry basket on the couch.
He hears the front door open as he's laying another corn tortilla stuffed with cheese and tomato slices into the pan, and a sizzle of grease pops up and stings his bicep. The yelp that leaves his lips is covered by Theo's high pitched barking, and the little dog slips across the tiles until he reaches the living room. Arlo grunts as he pushes himself out of the kitchen and into the living room as well, calling out a happy "mumma!"
"Hiya bub!" Y/n greets, followed by more hellos from Gemma and Anne. Harry here's the unmistakable hums of them warming up by the fire, and Arlo's little wheels rolling and bare feet slapping the floor as he heads back towards the kitchen. Harry lowers the burner, flipping the quesadilla over to cook the other side.
“Ya came back?” Harry gasps, reaching down to stop the walker before Arlo can run over his sock clad toes. “Thank goodness, I missed ya so much!”
His words pull a giggle from Arlo, chubby hand smacking the rattle and Theo tries to rise to his hinds, slipping as he whines. He loves to chew on toys and Arlo’s happily tossed him a few of the rattles he owns so it’s no surprise that he wants that one too.
Arlo babbles something, pushing off the floor and away from Harry. He’s heading back towards the kitchen, puppy at his heels when y/n comes in, screaming dramatically when Arlo almost runs her over. Harry and Arlo both giggle, the sound so similar he pauses for a moment, looking at his wife with big eyes to make sure he heard that right. She laughs at him, reaching down to pick Arlo up. 
“Who gave you a license, huh?” She teases, rubbing Arlo’s cheek. Harry turns to remove the now cooked quesadilla, but not before catching Arlo's little wince that's undoubtedly a result of his mother's cold fingers. Harry turns off the stove, pushing the pan to the back burner so it doesn't accidentally burn anyone, and lays the food down on the plate with the others. "Drive like your daddy."
"Hey!" Harry exclaims, wiping his hands off on a dish towel and throwing it over his shoulder. "I'm a very good driver!"
Y/n gives Arlo a look that says 'yeah right' and then smiles at Harry. "Of course you are baby." She says sweetly, patting the side of his face the way Arlo does and pecking his lips. He peeks over her shoulder, not seeing Anne or Gemma. She must read his questioning gaze because she says, "In the room changing. They forgot their water proof coats and the snow got to them."
Harry nods, leaning down again to capture her mouth in another kiss. She hums, tickling his lips and tangles her cold fingers in his hair. He starts to smile when a little hand presses against his chest, Arlo groaning as he tries with all his might to push Harry.
"No," he whines, smacking Harry's chest when he doesn't budge.
"What'sa matter with you?" Harry scoffs, brows pinching together. "Have ya had enough of me?" Y/n giggles as Harry steps back, frowning when Arlo smiles and snuggles into her. "Tired of daddy? Not nice, I helped make you, thank you very much."
Arlo ignores him, and at Harry's feet Theo whines for attention. "You and me both bud." Harry groans, leaning down to pick up the dog. His back and shoulders ache at the movement. He returns to his normal height, leaning against the island while his fingers scratch behind Theo's ears.
"How was it then?"
Y/n hums, and Arlo visible trembles as the sound no doubt tickles through his little body. "It's nice. Good amount of room for the both of them, and a little area in case Arlo feels like visiting. Not too far away either, s'right by that shoe store I got my wedding heels at."
Harry nods, mentally mapping the destination out in his head. She's right. Gemma and Anne's new place is only about a ten minute drive, and he knows there's a nice little park around there. "They excited to move in?"
"I think so. Probably glad to have their own space you know? And establish a home away from where everything went bad."
Harry nods. He gets it, understands why they would want a place they can begin to call home that doesn't have any affiliation with Des or Jack. But he can't really understand them wanting to leave his hometown. They loved it there, Anne loved it there.
"Are you ready to go back?" Y/n asks gently, eyes searching his for an answer. His stomach twists at the reminder, but he nods. It'll be good for him to go back. He needs to say goodbye to Des for good. He needs to say goodbye to the house he grew up in and the bad memories that lie there. He thinks his attacks might stop if he does, if he gets that closure he needs. And we wants her to see the place that shaped him into the man he is and why he's a little messy at the edges. Maybe she'll understand more too.
"I really am."
Two hours south where the snow is just rain and slush, and the sky is cloudless and blue, Harry finds his hometown. It looks the same. So overwhelming similar to the way it was when he left that it knocks the air out of him as he drives through the streets, passing his old school and the street his new life had started on. It's a fairly warm day and people walk the sidewalks. Harry tries to remember if he recognizes any of them but he can't. He's outgrown this place.
Anne and Gemma were living in a tiny house that Harry knows used to belong to a florist named Gia, located right off the main street. The yard is shabby and brown, the white house looking even brighter next to it. He parks in the empty car park, shutting off the car while Gemma sighs. "This is her." She murmurs, smiling over the seat at Harry. She says nothing else before opening the door, her and Anne sliding out.
Arlo kicks his car seat. "Me!" He shouts, as if Harry and y/n could actually forget him in the car. They climb out, Harry unable to hide his confusion as Anne unlocks the front door. Harry unlatches Arlo's car seat from the base, tucking his blanket around him and lifting the car seat out. Y/n is grabbing their bags out of the back, tossing as many as she can over her shoulders, and waddling up to the house with him following.
It's a nice house, Harry will give them that. But he's not sure why they're living there. What happened to his childhood house? He doesn't get a chance to ask. Well he does, but he doesn't really want to ask because he's not sure he wants the answer. Something in his gut tells him that Jack owns it now and he quickly pushes the thought away.
There's only two bedrooms in the house but Harry had been warned before they left the city so him and y/n are fully prepared to take over the living room. It's only a few days, and they have a nice brand-new air mattress they'd been gifted for their wedding and haven't used. Anne and Gemma work on making dinner in the kitchen while Harry and y/n set up their mattress, close but not too close to the fireplace. Arlo lays sprawled out in the middle of the bed, rolling back and forth in the plushy comforter as they lay out pillows around him. He laughs when Harry gently sits on the mattress, making the little one bounce.
"Ya sleeping here tonight or in your carseat bug?" Harry asks, bringing Arlo to lay between his thighs, little feet pressing into his belly. He had planned on having Arlo sleep in carseat right next to the bed but by the way Arlo's snuggling into the bed and playing with the edge of Harry's shorts, he's sure Arlo will end up squished on the mattress too.
"I think daddy's taking the carseat so his babies can sleep real good huh?" Y/n teases, reaching over Harry's thigh to wiggle a finger at Arlo. He squeals, grabbing a hold of her finger.
"Don't think I fit in the carseat darling." Harry replies, smiling at the way Arlo and y/n are looking at each other. He falls back on the pillows, hand coming down to card through her hair when she lays her cheek on his thigh.
"Guess you get the floor then."
Harry snorts, closing his eyes and enjoying her soft hair and Arlo's tiny fingers brushing against his thighs. "Not if I don't move from here."
"Mph," she grumbles. "stubborn daddy, huh? Are you just as hard headed?"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
Both y/n and Harry laugh, quiet little chuckles that are so loving it makes the room feel ten degrees warmer. Their laughs have Arlo laughing, kicking his feet out. Harry winces when one of Arlo's heels gets to close to his crotch. "Oi be nice to daddy!" He warns, squeezing one of Arlo's little toes through his sock. Arlo screams and laughs, and then his mouth is latching into the side of Harry's leg and he's digging one of his new baby teeth into the skin.
"Hey!" Harry scolds, but he's laughing because he's never seen Arlo in such a silly mood. He can't help but fall more in love with the little person Arlo's growing to be. Until y/n bursts the bubble.
"Yup, just as difficult as daddy."
Technically Harry came back to help Anne and Gemma pack, but he can only do so much when they're so bloody picky about what goes in what box. After two hours of grumbling and arguing over whether silverware goes with plates or towels, Harry had decided to take his loves to see the town. It was another warm day, so Arlo didn't need to bundled up in a thick coat but Harry did stuff a bit of cotton in his little ears to keep him from getting another ear infection. The town's small, so they didn't need to drive. Instead he took them walking down main street, pointing out the alley he met Nick in and y/n had given him such an overly-protective mother look he couldn't help but kiss her. Then they went to this little store that sells root beer imported from Australia, and because y/n is a sucker for root beer, Harry bought her two bottles. Their walk continued until they reached the church, and that's how Harry found himself at the place he'd been avoiding for two long.
"Is he in there?" Y/n asks, taking in the way Harry's nervously eyeing the cemetery behind the church. Harry nodded, throat tight as he attempts to swallow the lump in it. Arlo shifts in his arms, mitten covered hands gripping the collar of his hoodie, and stares at the side of Harry's face. He's picked up on the shift in the air, realizing that Harry is no longer chuckling at stupid memories from his childhood as he recalls them to y/n.
He meets Arlo's eyes, managing a smile. "M'okay bug," he murmurs, feeling like he's directing the words more at himself than at Arlo. He tugs on Harry's collar as if saying okay, and then Harry's taking the first steps towards his father for the first time in years. Y/n follows him, strong by his side. It almost feels like she's the one in charge despite him leading the way. She always gets like that when he's nervous; strong and silent, like a mote around a castle.
The grass feels thick and spongy under his shoes as he crosses gave after grave. It's weird walking through here and not feeling small. Harry's always remembered the tombstones towering over him, but maybe that was just the thought of death hovering.
It doesn't take long to find the familiar stone, Harry immediately pausing in front of it. His breath catches in his throat, eyes skimming the words he'll never forget. Here lies Desmond Styles. Beloved son, husband, and father.
"This is my dad," Harry croaks, tongue like sandpaper. The wind whistles around them, chilling his fingers. "dad this is my family. Well, the family you'd be proud of."
He pauses, as if waiting for a reply he'll never get. "Hello Mr. Styles. I'm y/n, and I'd like to thank you so much for the man you left behind for me." Harry turns to face her, eyes stinging as he finds her already looking at him. She steps closer, hands wrapping around his bicep. "No matter how many times he says he's nothing compared to you, he's the best father and husband anyone could ask for."
Y/n gives him a sweet smile, and Harry sniffles back a sob. He's messed up so much in his life and yet here she stands, speaking of him as if he's nothing short of heavenly. Arlo calls his name softly, hands cupping Harry's face when he turns back to him. Harry lifts him up so he doesn't have to give himself a double chin to meet his son's gaze. Before he can answer, Arlo is leaning forward and touching his lips to Harry's nose, drool smearing on his skin. He doesn't care, because it's so sweet and tender all he can do is laugh and cry, squeezing Arlo tighter.
"Kay daddy." Arlo tells him in the same tone Harry had before they'd entered the cemetery. Harry wipes off his nose and eyes with his hand, taking a deep breath.
"M'sorry it took me awhile to come back. I had really fucked things up, didn't really take care of mum and Gemma like I should've, a-and I couldn't come back here with things still wrong," he clears the quiver in his voice away. "but ma girl here helped me, a lot, and we've got a nice home and stuff in the city-ya always liked the city-and m'taking mum and Gem with me.
"I hope you don't think we're forgetting you. We're not, but I don't think any of us can stay here. Hasn't been the same since you left, and well my babies have a chance at having their nan and auntie in their lives. I can't take family away from them so. Umm just wanted you to know that we're okay now, and m'gonna do better."
Y/n presses a lingering kiss to his cheek, wiping at the tear streaks on them. They don't say anymore, they don't need to. And even though he can't answer, Harry has a feeling Des is telling him he knows. Harry's chest feels the lightest it's been in years, and he knows he's leaving a part of his heart there for his father.
If Gemma and Anne noticed his glossy eyes or exhausted smile, they said nothing, and Harry was grateful. They got through dinner easily, Harry sharing chicken noodle soup from the place down the street with Arlo, and Gemma and Anne telling them they've got almost everything packed. Harry offers to help again, but they shoot him down because he "doesn't know they're system."
Eventually they make it to their beds, and like the night before Arlo squishes onto the mattress with them. Y/n is running her fingers through his dark hair, humming to him while Harry rubs his thumb over his bare tummy.
For awhile the only sound in the room is Arlo sucking on his pacifier and their soft breaths. They wait until the pacifier has drooped in his lips, and his fingers are no longer squeezing Bunny as tightly, before talking.
"Thank you for taking me to meet your dad."
Harry chuckles, she didn't really meet him, not at all. She met the grave of him, the memories Harry gave away with his words. Still, he murmurs back, "Of course, darling. Thanks for taking care of me."
"Of course," she smiles but it's broken by a yawn a second after. He can't help but think about how Arlo yawns just like her.
"It made me feel better being back there. I mean it hurt, but the kinda hurt you get when you're fixing a bone that didn't heal right."
Y/n hums in understanding, and Harry watches her eyes flutter sleepily. He feels his own exhaustion seeping in, so he gently leans over Arlo to give her a chaste kiss. "Goodnight darling."
She smiles again, eyes already glued shut. "Goodnight baby."
The moving truck wasn't set to arrive until the next day, so Anne and Gemma shooed Harry and y/n out of the house to spend another day in the town. Harry didn't know when or if he'd come back again so he happily utilized the time. Their morning was spent in a restaurant that Harry and his old friends used to visit when he was just starting high school, and much to his surprise, everything was the same. Including the two men sitting in the booth they used to sit at before school.
Zayn and Thomas are recognizable, but Harry can't deny that they look different. Zayn's brown hair is now dipped in a soft pink, and he's littered with more tattoos than even Harry. Harry can't see his face, but he assumes it's the same sharp face he used to know. As for Thomas, he's completely shaved down the shoulder length hair he used to have, and the acne that he used to whine about has cleared up, and a quick glance reveals he's lost his braces. Harry doesn't get to notice much else before y/n is nudging her foot into his shin.
"Wha'?" He asks innocently, quickly catching the salt shaker Arlo's been trying to push off the table for five minutes.
"Mine!" Arlo grunts angrily when Harry moves it to the opposite side of the table.
"That is not yours." Harry laughs. "Stop trying to make messes, s'not nice."
Arlo grunts, slumping down in the high chair, and kicking his feet back and forth. Harry chuckles, returning to his fried eggs when he realizes y/n is still eyeing him suspiciously. He raises an eyebrow, mouth full.
"Did you know them?"
He hesitates, glancing across the room to see them splitting the bill. He shrugs, "we were friends. Kinda stopped after ma dad died, and then I left."
"Do you think they recognize you?" She murmured curiously, popping a juicy cube of watermelon into her mouth. Harry shrugs again. "Maybe, don't know. S'been to long."
She hums, eyes running over his face like she's trying to decide if she'd recognize him. Harry offers a smile, tilting his head to the side, and she laughs.
"I don't think they would," she finally says. "saw some of the photo albums yesterday when you were in the shower. You look really different."
"Good or bad?" He asks, grabbing the fork Arlo's trying to pull to the edge of the table with his foot. He moves it, and Arlo grumbles again. "Ba' daddy."
"M'not being bad. You're being bad." Harry tells him, giving his pout an unimpressed look.
"Definitely good," y/n tells him, enunciating the word good towards Arlo. "I mean, you were always cute and you're like smile and eyes are the same of course, but it's like everything else has changed."
Harry smirks at the compliment. "Like what?"
"You're huge now," she admits bashfully. "like you we're kinda scrawny before and now you practically bust out of every shirt you've had for about two years."
Harry laughs, cheeks blooming with heat. "Throwing punches everyday really helps with that."
Y/n rolls her eyes at his teasing tone, knowing he's trying to flustered for her for complimenting him. "Haha I think my husband's attractive, that's so funny."
Harry snorts, nudging her foot under the table, and taking the last bite of his eggs. Y/n is still munching on her fresh fruit, and Arlo has made a thorough mess of his oatmeal, so Harry digs baby wipes out of the diaper bag that's next to him, and leans forward to start cleaning off Arlo's sticky hands and face. He whines and squirms as Harry wipes at his cheeks.
"I know they're cold bug, m'sorry, but the more you move, the longer it takes." Arlo's gone red in the face but he's not crying, just glaring at Harry as he tosses the wipes with his used napkin and unclips his dirty bib.
"Seems like he goes through about ten of those a day." Y/n comments, referring to the dirty bib. Harry thinks of the stack of bibs they had to pack and how many they wash a week.
"Gettin' so messy," Harry coos, lifting Arlo out of the high chair and onto his lap. He slumps back against Harry, kicking his sock clad feet up on the table, and babbling something that Harry knows is him asking for a drink. He grabs his glass of water, balancing it on Arlo's lap and holding the straw for him. Arlo's little hands latch around it, happily sipping some of the cold drink.
"He's just taking after his daddy." Y/n teases.
"Me? You should've seen Gem when we're growing up! She was always covered in something."
Arlo's finished with the water, so Harry places it back on the table, using his sleeve to wipe Arlo's mouth for him. "I'm sure." Y/n agrees, obviously just to appease him, and he's on the verge of complaining when he's interrupted by the men he was hoping to dodge.
"Excuse me," says Zayn, and his voice is just as deep and slurring as it's always been. "Harry? Styles, yeah?"
Y/n kicks his shin again and he can picture her amused smirk. She knew he was trying to avoid running into anyone he may now, and now his curiosity is biting him in the ass. "Zayn?" Harry asks, pretending he didn't know he was sitting across the room this whole time.
Zayn's face splits into a beaming smile, and he nods. "Man it's crazy to see you here!" He says in disbelief, running his fingers over the hair dusting his jawline. He then sticks that same out and Harry shakes it, glad he can use Arlo as an excuse to not stand up.
"Would say the same to you but this is kinda the spot still, huh?"
Zayn chuckles. "Kinda. You just missed Thomas! Went out the side door, ha."
"Like usual," Harry quips, remembering that Thomas always used the side door by the kitchen for some reason. He never told them why.
"Yeah, you remember that?"
"Of course," Harry chuckles, and then y/n is clearing her throat. Harry faintly blushes, realizing he hasn't introduced her, not that he particularly wanted to. He wishes he could keep her separate from his past.
"Y/n," she smiles politely at Zayn, and they shake hands. "would you like to sit down?" She motions to the spot next to her.
"That would be great, thanks!" Zayn breathes, taking the spot next to her. He looks at Harry, eyes twinkling like he's remembering all the hell they used to take part in together. Arlo squirms in Harry's lap until he's turned around, and then he claws at Harry's shirt until he's standing.
"Who's this little one?" Zayn coos, mesmerized as Arlo tries to sling himself over Harry's shoulder. Harry grabs his ankles, keeping him pinned to his thighs.
"This is my son, Arlo." Harry pats Arlo's leg. "Ya gonna say hi to Zayn?" He stops squirming, and looks over his shoulder at Zayn.
"Hello Arlo." Zayn greets, and blood rushes to Arlo's cheeks as he whips back around and hides in Harry's neck.
"Sorry, he's shy sometimes." Y/n apologizes, shrugging at Zayn.
"S'ok," he laughs, and their waitress comes over to clear away their plates. Harry thanks her, trying to ignore the way Arlo is stepping into his hip. When she leaves, Zayn's looking at Harry like he can't believe his eyes and it makes his stomach jump.
Zayn gives him that disbelieving head shake again. "It's just insane. I mean, you disappear for years and then you're just back and you've got a wife and a baby. You always said you didn't want kids."
Y/n cocks her head, confused, but Harry's too busy feeling like he's on trial to explain to her. "Temporarily, temporarily back. I leave on Tuesday." He chooses to not respond to the baby comment. Zayn doesn't need to know the way his head works now.
"Well where are ya living then?" He asks, remaining upbeat despite Harry's shift in attitude. He knows he's coming off as threatening, but he doesn't care.
"The city, been there since I left."
Zayn purses his lips and nods, and Harry thinks Zayn's recalling all the times Harry said he wouldn't move to the city. It makes him scowl.
"Where are you working?"
Harry's ready to reply with the same words he'd just said but y/n cuts him off. "Harry's a bit modest about it," she laughs breezily, pulling Zayn's attention to her. "so we'll just say he's a professional athlete."
Zayn gasps, and y/n tells him something else but Harry's not listening because he's setting Arlo back into his lap, fiddling with his shirt and socks to pretend like he has something to do other than talk to Zayn.
Harry's not sure what else is said, and frankly he doesn't mind. He didn't come back here to be grilled about what happened and why he left and why he's back. Eventually Zayn clears his throat, telling y/n it was nice to meet her and that he "really should be going." Harry gives him a hand shake too, telling him it was good seeing him just to be polite.
"Yeah same to you. Let your mum and Gemma know I say hi, and hope they're well." Zayn says sympathetically. "They haven't been very social since the accident at the house, but tell 'em we still think of 'em, yeah?"
Harry nods dumbly, ears ringing. Accident at the house? What happened at the house. "Harry?" Y/n says cautiously, her voice muffled in his ears.
"We need to go y/n."
He's panting by the time he reaches the street his old home is on, sweating from the fast-paced jog he did all the way here from the restaurant. He can hear y/n behind him, pushing Arlo's stroller and mumbling something about him being "crazy daddy" right now. He doesn't respond like he usually would, too caught up in trying to find the house.
He's three houses away when he sees it. Well, what's left it. He stumbles, sprinting to the metal fence standing around the yard, and he chokes at the sight. As if the black ash laying on the ground shot up into his mouth, and down into his lungs, he coughs and wheezes, because the home he used to know is now just collapsed walls of black char and stones. It's gone, everything he knew here, is all gone.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker X Reader - “Ghost Driver”
When The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations. Turbo is The King’s Ghost Driver and although she’s a legend, her life is far from perfect.
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Part 2
“Where’s all your stuff?!” Frost asks since the apartment is pretty much empty.
“Gave it to Adam,” you sulk. “He wouldn’t sign the divorce papers so I gave in; I don’t even care… I’m glad he’s out of here.”
Jonny gazes at you in silence, a million words rushing through his mind and The Joker’s henchman can’t articulate anything close to what he would like to vociferate besides foolish small talk:
“How are you holding up?”
“Not sure… I don’t even know what the hell happened to us…It used to be so great and then he started making comments about my weight, gossiping with his friends behind my back, then cheated… I couldn’t handle it,” Y/N confesses although Frost is already acquainted with the dreadful story of her crumbled marriage.
“Not what the hell happened to us,” he decides to underline his personal opinion. “I think the question should be what the hell happened to him: you didn’t do anything wrong. And I believe you look perfect,” he mumbles the last sentence.
“What was that?” you search the fridge for his favorite soda.
“Nothing... nothing…”
“Here you go,” you offer the cold Fanta to a distraught companion.
“Thanks, Y/N. Here’s the money for tonight,” he gives you the envelope. “As usually, half now , half after the job is done.”
“OK,” you accept the terms without issues because it’s how The Clown Prince of Crime pays for your services. “Jonny, why is there an extra thousand dollars in here?!”
“Ummm…” the man tries to find a reasonable explanation yet Y/N can’t accept his strategy.
“Should I text Mister Joker and thank him for the bonus?”
“Nope,” he bites on his lip.
“I appreciate it,” you return the extra cash to Frost. ”I’m fine. Really.”
“Well…” he takes the bills and stashes them in his wallet, “… let me know if you need anything, alright?”
“I promise I will, “ you smile. “I swear on my Turbo honor,” the joke makes him smile also.
“Hey Y/N… I was thinking… maybe one of these days, if you feel like it, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to… ”
Frost’s phone keeps ringing and he retrieves from his suit’s pocket, annoyed about the interruption.
“It’s Audra,” he huffs while declining the call.
“Might be important,” you sort of urge him to answer.
“Meh, I doubt it. She will chew my ears off regarding our relationship that ended 3 months ago. I’m not interested,” he strolls towards the exit due to another pressing matter he has to attend. “I have to go, Mister Joker has a meeting soon; I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“See you,” you wave and lock the door when your cell alerts of an incoming text from The Joker.
Downloading two pictures… Pictures?!
“Oh…my… God…!” you hold your breath when the first image depicts a totally naked King of Gotham reflected in the mirror at his gym and squeal when the second one shows a close up of his mid-section.
“Oh my God!” you burst out laughing as you admire the unexpected missive. “Heeeelllo Mister Joker,” you mutter and actual phrases pop up on your screen.
“I sent these to the wrong number, Y/N. Ignore and erase them!”
“Of course, sir!” you immediately reply with no intention of doing it for the moment.
The hilarious error shook you up from apathy and it’s worth saving those pics for a bit longer since you can’t remember the last time something got your attention after the messy divorce.
11:49 PM
The Joker is the first one to get in the car next to you, firmly clutching to his suitcase full of diamonds freshly stolen from “Diamond Emporium” store on Glissan Avenue. You notice the other goons sneaking to the cars deliberately positioned around nearby streets for tonight’s robbery. How come J doesn’t go with them?
The dilemma is simple:
The green haired menace typically arrives with his regular crew when he plans heists but has Y/N pick him up after the job is done.
“Hi Mister Joker,” you greet your employer.
“Hey,” he acknowledges your presence. “Did you delete the pictures?” The Joker gets straight to the point.
“Yes,” you lie and tell the truth in the same time: you erased the whole body image but kept the close up one for future reference.
“Good. What did you think?” the hasty interrogation prompts a careful chosen response.
“You look very…,” and you pause in order to find the correct term since a tiny mistake could set him off. “… Healthy, Mister Joker.”
“I do,” he huffs quite pleased with your statement.
You wish to add more but Frost and the new hire squeeze in the back seat awaiting orders.
“You’re in luck kid,” Jonny places a box filled with precious gems at his feet. “Your first assignment and you get to meet Turbo.”
The young man opens his mouth in amazement as you move the fingers from your right hand in the air instead of a proper introduction.
“You’re Turbo?! I thought you’re a guy!” Nick blurs out and Frost punches him in the head, displeased with the observation.
“Sounds empty,” you growl while The Clown snorts.
“My Ghost Driver A GUY??!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!” the unnerving, screechy noises make the newbie shrivel up. “Turbo, A GUY!” he continues to amuse himself before giving Nick a psychotic glare.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, I meant no disrespect,” he nervously stutters especially since J called you “his”.
The poor bastard’s oblivious about what the label implies in The Clown’s universe: when The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations.
“Where the fuck did you find this buffoon?” you chew on your gum, irritated.
“He’s Richard’s nephew,” Jonny sucks on his teeth.
“Uncle Panda is infinitely smarter,” Y/N barks at the revelation.
“I’m truly sorry,” Nick apologizes again and you cut him off.
“Save it!... … I hear sirens,” you slowly inhale and The King calmly articulates:
“I forgot to mention I accidentally triggered the silent alarm.”
Translation: he did it on purpose.
You snicker at the first lights blinking in the distance, excited to have some fun after stressing so much in the past weeks. The vehicles belonging to the gang scatter in different directions as you step on the gas pedal, accelerating towards the numerous police cars answering to the 10-64 code.
“That’s my girl!” J cracks his neck, already hyped at the adrenaline rush burning his veins: The Ghost Driver is perfect to offer him what he craves and she always delivers.
That’s why Turbo is his.
4:37 AM
“Hi…Mister…Mister Joker…” you attempt to talk without slurring.
“It’s Ella,” his girlfriend snarls.
“Why…where is he?” you guzzle down half of glass of wine, adamant in having a chat with your boss.
“Well, after you two had a merry time being chased by cops all over town, he came home and now he’s sorting out the diamonds,” the woman bitterly reports.
“I wanna talk to him,” you sniffle and drink some more alcohol.
“You just saw him. I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow.”
“I’m sure it can’t!” you shout. “I just received important information he’d be i…interested in,” you finally make it through the whole sentence.
Ella stomps in the living room, vexed at your behavior.
“It’s Turbo,” she shoves the phone in his fingers. “The bitch is wasted!”
“What did you call me?!” the appalled Y/N is about to burst when The Joker’s deep voice resonates I her ear.  
“Sir,” you correct your bitter tone. “I h-have very important news!”
“I’m listening,” J ignores his woman as she cusses you out.
“I have to tell you in person, sir. Let’s go on a date and I’ll reveal the entire shocking...”
“I have crucial information…”
“Quit repeating yourself!” The Joker interrupts. “You’re not making any sense. Go to sleep and we’ll catch up after you sober up.”
“But I wanna go on date Mister Joker,” you gulp the rest of the wine and prepare for a fourth round.
“Why, because I look healthy?” J mocks and Ella sighs, not understanding the odd conversation she’s witnessing. “… …. … Hello?”
A loud thud, then dialing tone at the other end of the line.
“I think she passed out,” The King of Gotham concludes, not particularly worried at the sudden halt of your monologue.
3 Days Later
The late meeting is almost done: the buyers already purchased the diamonds J had for sale, among them your ex-husband Adam that has a small crowd gathered next to him; he’s supposedly famous for his crappy attitude enjoyed by jerks sharing the same ludicrous humor.
“You know I’m sensible when it comes to challenges and I couldn’t grasp why she doesn’t want my help in shedding a few pounds. What’s the harm in that?! I love curves but sometimes I don’t, ya’ know?” he winks and the group laughs.
The Joker is arranging money in duffle bags, his concentration diverted by the impromptu comedic performance. What the heck are they yapping about?
Frost is certainly in a foul mood: J can guess his trusted henchman is worked up since the usual chilled Jonny can’t control his anger.
“What’s wrong with being voluptuous, hm?” he addresses Adam and it clicks for The Joker: this is about Y/N.
“Nothing at all,” he smirks and the laughter around the room dies out because not too many dare screwing with Jonny Frost. “I was merely emphasizing that if a woman can’t lose weight, she’s doomed. Y/N lost me, how is she going to get another stud if she…”
“Perhaps she’s not interested in pieces of shit; definitely had her share!” Frost grumbles at the absurd remarks.
The Joker has no clue about what’s going on, yet he won’t deny today’s entertainment is far from boring.
“Give me a break!” Adam scoffs. “Who’d sniff her tail if she refuses to get skinnier? Ooohhh, wait a minute, we might have an admirer,” he arrogantly slides your cell out of his coat. “I was browsing her pictures and what do you know? A gentleman sent Y/N a picture of his junk three days ago. I am deeply sorry, my bad. She does have somebody sniffing her tail. What kind of loser sends images of his dangling goodies to another dude’s wife?!” 
“Ex-wife!” Jonny sneers whilst J’s calculation leads to an easy verdict: you kept one pic.
“Whose junk is this?! Is it yours?” your estranged spouse accuses Frost without any evidence.
“It’s my junk,” The Joker’s serene revelation makes everyone freeze: they have no idea how to react at the puzzling escalation of events.
Is he bluffing?!
“I wasn’t aware I require permission in order to text whatever I desire to whomever I want.”
Awkward silence and Frost approaches Adam, boiling with indignation.
“Why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
Your husband doesn’t have a chance to justify his action: Jonny’s punch throws him to the ground, immediately followed by his unsettling ultimatum.  
“You son of a bitch, what did you do to her?”
Your former husband gets on his elbow ready to attack when The King’s stern inquiry stops his motion:
After 1 hour
Frost lifts you higher in his arms while you keep wheezing, trying to regain control.
“I’m sorry…I attacked you,” the weakened Y/N whispers. “I thought you were Adam...”
After being abducted and left to starve for the last 3 days, you had one clear purpose: to kill the guy that did it. Adam surely crossed the line with his despicable plan of making you lose weight: he creeped in your apartment, kidnapped you and took you to his home where you were chained in the cellar until Jonny found you. The basement was dark and you couldn’t see, that’s why you used whatever strength you had left in order to attack the individual responsible for your misfortune.
Turned out it was actually a rescue party although Frost is now the proud owner of a beautiful bump courtesy of Y/N.
“No problem,” Jonny takes you to his SUV, carefully laying you down in the passenger’s seat. “How’s your head?” he wipes the dried blood on your cheeks since Adam knocked you out unconscious while you were talking to The Joker after the heist.
“I’m OK,” you start crying, mostly mad at yourself for being such an easy prey, yet you didn’t see it coming.
“You know… It’s OK not to be OK,” Frost opens a bottle of water and gives it to you. “I’ll take you home, you can take a shower and I’ll have the doctor come for an emergency evaluation. Are you hungry?”
“I’m so hungry,” tears stream down your face and Jonny has a great proposal.
“I’ll order some food and if you want me to I can stay with you. After you feel better, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to…”
The Joker rolls his eyes, deciding to emerge from the shadows.
“Wow, this is painful to watch. Frost believes he’s still in high school: basically he’s asking you on a date. There, done. No need to beat around the bush. Jesus!” J scolds about a subject he shouldn’t mess with. “I have a heist next week, you better be good to go by then!” he gestures at the confused duo. “If you’ll excuse me, I have my own date to honor. We’re done here, yes?”
“Yes sir,” Jonny replies for both, unwilling to split hairs with The Joker and his obnoxious aberrations. “Here’s your cell,” he returns the item to you and you snatch it, relieved. You seem to have an outburst of energy as you unlock the secured folder.
“Where’s Adam?”
“I don’t know, we had an altercation at the warehouse then he scrammed,” Frost reports, ogling a strange looking Y/N typing on her phone.
“He won’t be able to hide,” you grin and send the attachment to The Joker.
“We’ll be late for dinner,” Ella kisses The Clown. “I’m not a 100% positive why we had to waste precious time and come for her,” she pouts and drags him after her towards their vehicle.
J’s phone chimes and he stops in his tracks, not expecting a message from you seconds after the encounter.
“Mister Joker, you were very generous to share pictures with me.
Allow me to do the same.
Your Turbo.”
Imagines downloading and he’s not sure what to do when pics appear one by one: frames taken by the private investigator you hired to follow Adam when you suspected he was cheating. The bastard was diligent, but he was eventually caught in the act three days ago.
Who’s the woman he’s with?
The Joker’s Queen.
“What’s wrong?” she frowns at the visible switch in his temper.
The Clown ruthlessly slams Ella against the hood while her cell also receives a text from Y/N:
“Who’s the bitch now?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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She’s My Collar pt. 4
Tags: @nowhereiswhereibelong​
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I jolt awake in terror clutching my chest and looking around wildly before my eyes adjust to the dark and I remember I’m in my own room. I try to focus on calming my breathing back to a normal level and hold my head in my hands. A thin film of sweat covers my forehead and the cool air against my back is an indicator that is also covered in sweat due to my nightmare. I take a deep breath and contemplate my next move carefully before I think fuck it and decide to throw caution to the wind. I fling the covers off of my body and get up turning my lamp on so I could see properly. I look around for clothing to throw on and find a pair of shorts and one of Tommy’s shirts he had lent me after getting a beer dumped on me by a drunk asshole at a show. I slip my feet into my slippers and make my way over to the boy’s apartment.
The music flows out of the open window near their front door, which is now nailed shut from the cops kicking it down so much. The potent odor of marijuana is also spilling out of the window along with a particularly shit faced girl who runs to the railing and proceeds to spill her guts over it. I hear Tommy before I see him as I crawl through the window into the living room.
“You guys are gonna fucking freak.” I hear Tommy say and I find him just in time to catch his face going between a girl’s legs going to town.
I avert my eyes and make my way around his public show into the kitchen to try to find any of the other boys. I successfully locate Nikki in the kitchen tearing through the cabinets in search of something. He nearly falls into me turning too fast, but luckily catches himself at the last minute.
“Hey Riv!” He yells excitedly messing up my hair. “Have you seen our rubbing alcohol?”
“I don’t live here Nikki.” If he’s looking for rubbing alcohol I know he’s up to no good.
“Come on River don’t be a fucking buzz kill.” He sighs annoyed with my concern for his well being.
“Under the sink.” I roll my eyes and he gets a goofy smile on his face running to get it.
I lean against the wall and watch as Nikki tears into the living room like a bat out of hell. A man laughs, egging Nikki on as he dumps the liquid on his leather jacket clad arm and uses his lighter to cover his arm in flames. The man clearly had never been to one of their shows if this little production had him wowed. Nikki flashes a shit eating grin my way and walks towards the man little fires falling from him singeing the carpet in his wake. The man backs away seeming genuinely scared that Nikki will burn him and I know Nikki will accidentally burn him so I spray his fire with the spray bottle I kept on the fridge to discipline them.
“River what the fuck?” Nikki scoffs at me in disbelief crossing his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
“If you light the building on fire the band is fucked out of a living slash rehearsing space.” I say shrugging.
“You know you could at least try being less of a loser.” Nikki grumbles at me and I’m about to fire back for him to shove it when I see Vince adjusting himself in his pants coming out of the bathroom.
“Have fun? Did you enjoy the ride?” I directed him.
“I know she sure did.” Vince laughs giving Nikki a high five. “When did you get here, River? You normally say no to our invites to party with us.”
“I couldn’t sleep.” I shrug.
The moans of the girl Tommy is “performing” on suddenly cut through the noise of all the millions of other things going on in the apartment. I turn to go deeper into the kitchen and look in the fridge for a beer to ignore them. The boys on the other hand go to check out the show. I take a sip of the beer and try not to cringe too much at the taste. I wasn’t a big drinker in general and I especially disliked the taste of beer, but it was the only thing the boys had in their fridge. I squeeze my eyes closed as the grand finale comes to an end in the living room and try to pretend that what was happening in there wasn’t happening. Tommy rounds the corner and catches sight of me, eyes closed squeezing a beer between two hands and stops dead in his tracks. I peek my eyes open and see Tommy stopped in front of me slowly turning a deep red shade all over his face.
“Hey.” I say cracking a smile and he smiles back, but he still looks embarrassed.
“Hey. How long have you been here?” He asks rubbing his neck nervously.
“Long enough.” I take a sip of my beer. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Can I?” He asked motioning to the fridge and I realize I’m blocking the door for him to get into it.
“Oh yeah I’m sorry.” I shuffle to the side and he cracks open his beer and chugs some of his beer leaning on the counter near me.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Just restless. I’m fine.” I lie not wanting to put a damper on his night.
“Want to take a shot with me?” He smiles wildly and I nod my head agreeing. Which was my first mistake that night. My eyelids feel as if they are a million pounds and my head feels like someone wacked me upside it with a brick. I groan and try to pull my covers over my head from the blaring light of the window only to be met with some unseeable force holding them down. That was about the time I noticed that not only was this not my cover, this was not my room at all. I sit up quickly, far too quickly and everything spins around me. I groan again and hold my head in my hands until I regain stability. I hear soft snoring next to me and look over to see Tommy laying on his stomach in just his underwear a small pool of drool next to his mouth. I look down and see I’m only in his shirt and my panties and a panic sets in my bones. Did I fuck Tommy last night?? I need to get to my apartment and quick.
I scan the messy bedroom and locate my shorts and bra discarded on the lamp in the corner and slowly make my way to them so as to not make much noise. I pull my shorts on and try to find my slippers. They seem to have been kicked haphazardly in front of Tommy’s door luckily and I slip into those before tip toeing out of the room. I close the door softly and turn to leave smacking right into Nikki’s chest.
“Well well well look who is doing the walk of shame this morning.” Nikki chuckles and I place a finger over his mouth shushing him.
“Not now Nikki. I have a killer hangover.” I whine in a whisper.
“Here come in the kitchen let a professional teach you how to treat a hangover ya big baby.” He motions for me to follow him and against my better judgement I follow him.
“How do you possibly do this all the time?” The dull thud in my brain is churning my stomach and I’m almost worried I’ll blow chunks right then and there.
“I told you, I’m a professional.” He smirks as he hands me a glass of mystery liquid. I take a drink and choke on the harsh burn of a jack and coke.
“Nikki what the fuck is your problem?!” I cough. “I’m hungover, why would you give me more alcohol?”
“Hair of the dog.” He shrugs.
“I’m going to my apartment. Where things make sense.” I storm out of their place as best as I can considering I have to crawl out of a window with Nikki calling out that he’ll see me later at the show.
Oh fuck I forgot about the show tonight. I try not to make too much noise getting to my room as Mick is sleeping vampire style on my couch, which seemed to be the new normal for us. Once I’m safely in my room I flop and the bed and shut my eyes praying when I wake up this hangover will be long gone.
The boys are rowdy as ever tonight in their favorite post show booth at The Rainbow. Tommy and Nikki have bashed each other's heads on the table more times than I can count and Vince would disappear every so often for the bathroom, but would return with pupils the size of saucers and a mouth ready to shout along with the overgrown idiots with whom he shared a band. Oh not to mention they had a girl sucking their dicks under the table. I tried to ignore the fact Tommy was struggling to keep his expression neutral as the girl gave him his “turn”.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” I announce not that any of them are really paying attention besides Mick who nods to acknowledge me.
Instead of heading to the bathroom I stand outside listening to the sounds of the strip to calm myself. There was no need to get worked up. So what if you guys might have slept together and you couldn’t remember it? He was an on the rise rockstar that was their thing right, so why did it hurt so bad? I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts again before I went back inside to face the music, but I hoped the girl had moved on to Nikki by now. To my delight (and also surprise) the table girl is gone entirely. Just as I’m about to ask where their personal dick sucking machine has gotten off to a blonde slides in next to Nikki.
“Aye River!” Nikki acknowledges me in his state of drunken friendliness. “I want you to meet Beth.”
“Hello Beth.” Vince winks her way and I can already see the cogs of his brain trying to calculate a threesome at the very least. And taking Nikki’s girl at the very most.
“Hey.” I smile trying to play nice. She seems like most of the groupies the guys regularly fuck, a rich girl that likes coming to the strip to blow guys and daddy’s money on drugs.
As the night continues on Vince and Tommy trade places with him ending up right next to me. The booth is crowded and I try not to let my mind wander everytime Tommy’s fingers brush against my knee or when he tucks his face into my hair to laugh excessively from boyish joy and alcohol mixing.
“Alright well we’re gonna move on to the next bar you coming T-bone?” Nikki slurs holding Beth’s hips against his own and sways in the spot next to the table from being intoxicated.
“Nah man someone’s gotta make sure Riv gets home safe.” Tommy tosses an arm around my shoulder and I feel my face heat up.
“Suit yourself.” Nikki shrugs and a smug smirk falls over his face. “Remember kids the only sure fire way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to swallow.”
He’s out of my reach when I lunge up to try to whack him which only increases his enjoyment at my embarrassment. He gives me the finger as he and Vince walk away snickering with Beth calling a “nice to meet you” back to the rest of us.
“Ya coming Mick?” Tommy asks as we pile back onto the strip.
“I have to go make sure things are cool with the she-beast at home. River leave the extra key under the mat for me just in case.” He rolls his eyes walking to his car.
Tommy and I have walked home at night alone more times than I could count now and yet there was this thick awkward silence between us this time. He normally would toss an arm around my shoulder or hold my hand, but his hands are jammed in the pockets of his leather jacket and he walks a few paces ahead of me. Just as I’m about to ask him if things are okay he starts to speak.
“You left.” Is all he says softly.
“You left this morning and didn’t say anything.”
“I was just really hungover and wanted to sleep in my own bed.” I half lie to him.
“Do you even remember what you said to me last night?” He huffs.
“Tommy I don’t really remember last night.”
“You said you always wanted to sleep in bed and wake up together.” Neither of us continue walking at that point.
“Did you mean it?” He asks looking at the ground.
“Yes Tommy.” I admit “You’re my best friend at this point. I feel safest when I’m with you.”
“Yeah. Best friend.” He repeats.
I take the few steps to bring me right beside him and snake my arms around him to hug his middle and by the grace of god he hugs me back. The rest of the walk home is quiet, but the silence doesn’t feel heavy anymore. I convince (not that it took much convincing) Tommy to shower and sleep at my apartment instead of me sleeping in his gross apartment again. My back is to the door and I can’t see Tommy enter my room but I can smell the men’s body wash I forcibly bought for him. The mattress dips and creaks slightly as he settles in next to me and the warmth the shower brought him radiates towards me in waves. An involuntary shudder rolls through my body and the next thing I know I’m being pulled against Tommy’s warm skinny body. I glance over my shoulder to see Tommy staring down at me with an unreadable expression.
“You don’t remember any of last night?” He asks barely above a whisper.
“Nope.” I copy his tone.
“So then you don’t remember…” he trails off and brings his hand up to cup and stroke my cheek and his tongue darts out to wet his lips quickly.
“What?” My eyes flick from his eyes to his mouth and back up again.
I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as the distance between us begins to shrink. My eyes flutter close and I’m sure I stop breathing when our lips ghost over each other not quite fully connecting them.
I hear the sound of shattering glass. Then I smell the fire.
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gaybastard2 · 5 years
IDFC- Chapter 1: Please Fuck Off
(Real quick, this is a Larry x Travis thing, please don’t kill me.)
[ Please Fuck off ]
Larry POV~
​​​I woke up to my alarm screaming in my ears. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 7:45 am. I groaned and lazily stuck my arm out and turned off, immediately turning around, hoping to go back to sleep. Fuck it, my hangover is too bad. Last night me, Sal, Ash, and Todd all hung out and drank like 3 bottles of vodka between all of us. I also smoked like a lot of weed. I laid in bed for about 5 more minutes until I heard my mom yell, “Lar-Bear! Get dressed and eat breakfast, you’re going to be late!”
I sighed and finally stood up. I stretched my and slowly pulled on my black jeans. I opened my drawer and pulled out a random Sanity Falls shirt. I slipped on my black boots and quickly tied them. God today’s gonna suck ass. My heads fucking pounding. The minute I walked through the door, my mom shoved a pop tart in my mouth and my bag in my hands. “Larry, you have to go, you’re going to be late! I swear, if your late one more time I’m going to slap you! C’mon, Sal’s probably still waiting for you!”
I stumbled to the door and ran to the elevator. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Mrs. Packerton going to be pissed. I quickly ate the pop tart as I ran. The elevator opened and Sal looked up at me. “Larry, what the fuck! I’ve been waiting here for like 20 fucking minutes.” I laughed nervously and shook my head. “Sorry bro, I have a killer hang over.” He lightly punched me and laughed. The minute the doors opened, Sal turned to me and somehow I could tell me was smiling. I guess I’ve just caught on to this stuff by now.
Sal ran off and yelled “Race ya to school!” and then he ran at Godspeed after saying that. My mind was racing while looking for Sal, ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck!’ I panicked so fucking hard thinking if he gets hurt or fucking kidnapped, I be fucked. “ Sal, where the fuck are you! Jesus- oh shit!” I was yelling the shit out of my life that I didn’t know who I hit. “Ow- oh, hey Larry” I accidentally bumped into Maple, one of my friends. “Oh, Hey Maple, Sorry,” I apologized a little and then said “Have you seen Sal?” “Oh yeah, he ran into the school a little while ago-“ I didn’t really care what else she said, I just ran in the school right away.
After running for about 3 minutes, I was in front of the school. My mind was racing so much I didn’t even know where I was going. I swear, if Sal ever does this to me again while I have hang over and only got 3 god damn hours of sleep I will kill him. In my haze of confusion and worry, I bumped into Travis fucking Phelps. I groaned and shook my head. “Travis, can you please fuck off today?! I’m not in the mood for your fucking bull shit, asshole.” I yelled. I can’t do this shit today. Travis looked up at me and I immediately stepped back. Holy shit.
Travis’s eyes were watery as if he were about to start fucking balling. His black eye somehow looked worse, and his nose and lip were bleeding. He was clutching his stomach like he was in immense pain. Oh fuck what then hell happened to him?! “Holy shit dude, are you okay?” I asked, moving forward slightly. Travis stepped back and shook his head. I remembered that I had a crumbled recipe in my pocket, and I knew that I had a damn pencil somewhere. Should I really do this? I mean, I know there is some shit going on in his life, but he’s such a fucking ass. “Goddamn it,” I muttered putting my hand in my pocket, pulling out a receipt and a pen I forgot I had. I’m really doing this, huh?
Travis looked at me curiously as I write my number down on the receipt, having to press it down on my thigh to make my number clear. After I finished scribbled my number down, I shoved it to Travis. “Listen, this doesn’t mean that I forgive you, this just means that if your getting the shit beaten out of you, call me. I live at Addison apartments, if you really need me. Just ask my mom, Lisa, for a card. Okay, jackass?” I blurted. Jesus I’m really doing this. Travis stared at the paper and back to me for a few minutes before blushing lightly and smiling weakly.
“Thanks, Larry. I know I’ve done some fucked up shit before, but for what it’s worth, I don’t hate you, or your friends.” Travis smiled. For once in the entire time I’ve ever known him, his smile was genuine. And he looked weirdly nice. I blushed. The fuck was that? This is Travis Phelps’s bitch ass. He’s not nice. He’s not cute. He’s just Travis. “Well, I have to go to class. Thanks again, Larry.” Travis said as he started to walk away. I nodded. Wait wasn’t I doing something? Fuck, I need to get to class and find Sal. I bolted for the school doors, ignoring the greetings from people I passed. I need to get to class.
I ran into my first class seconds before the bell rang. I took my seat next to Sal and sighed in relief. “Sal, what the hell man, you scared the shit out of me. You know I can’t thing straight when I have a hang over.” I scolded. Sal just snorted and shook his head. “Larry, you’re about as straight as a damn rainbow.” I laughed and shook my head. Travis, who was sitting on Sals left, looked at me. At first, I thought he was about to say a slur or some shit, but he just smiled meekly and went back to laying his head down on his desk. Sal looked at me.
“Huh. That was weird, but I’m not complaining.” After Sal said that, class began. The day seemed to drag and on, and I only had 2 thoughts: Weed and Travis. Weed for obvious reason, today sucked. Throughout the whole day, my mind kept lingering to what happened this morning. Even though Travis is an ass, I’m still worried about him. I know that his dad is a pastor, and even worse then him. I was snapped out of my thought as Sal gently tapped my shoulder. “Larry, are you okay? You’ve distant all day.” He asked. I sighed and nodded. “Sorry, bro. I’m just a bit out of it today.” I explained. Sal patted my shoulder. “It’s okay, Larry. You can always talk to me about it. I smiled and nodded.
Me and Sal walked back to Addison apartments, talking about random shit. I was still more quiet than usual, but I was better then before. If Travis needs help, he’ll call me. If he doesn’t call, then that’s on him. And this doesn’t mean I like him, I’m just a good person, right? God I hope so. When we got outside the apartments, Sal said he would meet me in my room to hangout. I nodded and headed down to the basement. Okay, time to completely ignore my homework and head bang to Sanity Falls! I was about to start the music when I heard someone banging on my door. The fuck?
Then I heard yelling. Sal wouldn’t be breaking my damn door or screaming, so who the fuck is doing this? I ran to the door and opened it.
And then I screamed.
1299 words ;-;
Also, this is on my friends Quotev account, WHICH YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT https://www.quotev.com/lovestrucked
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peachesandfiction · 5 years
BlackPink’s reaction to finding out that their S/O wants to try street racing
You had been on the phone with your friend and hadn’t seen her when she had walked into the room. “Hella. Do you really mean it? That I get to race tonight?… Wicked… Okay, I have to go but I’ll see you tonight,” you press the bright red button and slip the phone into your pocket as a smile stretches across your face.
You were finally going to get to do your first race, but that victory was short lived as Jisoo asked, “race? What do you mean?”
You were quick to turn around and see the serious expression on her face. With your heart racing, you tried to breath your way through an explanation, “yeah, um, I am meeting with a couple friends tonight where we are gonna play Mario kart. Ya know how competitive they get over who gets to race.”
“Oh really? That sounds nice, but I thought you said yesterday they were all busy and that’s why we couldn’t have them over tonight.”
Your mind raced as you forgot that Jisoo had wanted to invite your friends over for a small party, but tonight was a street race and that was why they were all busy and couldn’t come. You scratch the back of your head as you watch Jisoo, “um, haha yeah. Change of plans I guess. Ya know.”
“Oh, then you wouldn’t mind me coming right,” she hooks her arms around your waist and you couldn’t help the guilt that was building up inside of you.
“Actually, Jisoo. I need to tell you something,” she pulls away to look at you, “I’m actually going street racing.”
“Isn’t that illegal? You can’t do that?”
“Yeah, but it’s so much fun and tonight was going to be my first time actually racing.”
Jisoo just stared at you in question. She wouldn’t understand why you would want to do something illegal and potentially dangerous. After a while, she sighed, “can you please stay home with me tonight? I don’t want you to do anything dangerous.”
The two of you would end up arguing over it for a few moments before coming to the decision that for that night, you would stay home and the two of you could keep discussing it. Jisoo’s worry and want to protect you would more thank likely win out.
She had been on video chat with Lisa when Lisa came across a huge group of people and cars. Lisa being her curious self walked towards the people to ask what was going on. While Jennie was trying to listen in, she saw you walk by in the background. She called out for you, forgetting that Lisa had her headphones on, and so not only did you not hear her, but she also possibly damaged Lisa’s hearing as she pulled out the head phones with a glare on her face. Once she had them back on, Jennie apologized, but she saw you walk by in the background again and did her best to navigate Lisa towards you. Lisa became lost, but Jennie still saw you and when she heard your voice she told Lisa to stop.
“So, you want to race?” a gruff voice guffaws.
“Yeah, it seems cool and I want to give it a try,” your voice was so noticeable to Jennie, but she started to worry at hearing you wanted to race as the sound of engines roaring could be heard. Jennie then asked Lisa to go in the direction of the engines, where Lisa switched the camera around to two cars revving their engines as a guy stood between them. He tossed down a go signal and the two cars took off at dangerously high speeds. Jennie watched in horror as one of the cars tried to bump the other one off of the makeshift track.
At that moment, you had saw Lisa and tapped her on the shoulder, “hey? What are you doing here? Jennie doesn’t know right.”
Lisa was about to say that she was on a video call with her, but Jennie stopped her and told her to not say anything. Lisa quickly slipped her phone into her pocket as she pulled out one headphone to dangle, “I don’t think so. What are you doing here though?”
“I’ve always kinda been interested in this stuff, but I came tonight because they talked about letting me have a try at it.”
“It looks really dangerous.”
“It is, but that’s why Jennie can’t know. Promise me Lisa that you wont tell her.”
Jennie could just feel the tangible guilt on her side of the phone as she sighed, “you can tell them that I have been listening Lisa.” Lisa pulled out her phone as she turned the screen towards you, bringing you face to face with her. Jennie searched your eyes as she let out a, “hi,” as Lisa slipped a head phone into your ear.
“You were listening?”
“I’m sorry. I was just worried. Are you really sure you want to try to do that stuff?” The conflict that passed over your face lit a hope in her, “how about you come home and we can talk about this?”
The two of you had been going to the street races for a while ever since you accidentally stumbled across on. It was something the both of you had found entertaining to watch.
This entertainment was short lived as she overheard you talking to one of the racers and had started to ask questions of how they were able to join the races. Her heart pounded as she hid in a group of people. She didn’t know if you saw her or not, but all she hoped was that you were just curious and nothing else. The thought of you putting yourself in danger like that scared her.
As she pushed through the crowd and back over to a guy with an Ice chest, Rosé tried to think of a way to convince you that the two of you should stop going to these races. It had actually been a thought occurring in the back of her mind for a while that she always pushed away because of the small thrill she got being there, but hearing your curiosity of how to race set fire to the worry in the pit of her stomach.
She could see you making your way over to her, and both luckily and unluckily for Rosé, the man next to the ice chest had taken a hold of her arm and pulled her over to him. The alcohol was present on his breath as he slurred, “hey pretty lady. What brings you here?”
She felt a strong grip on her other hand as you pulled her out of the drunken man’s weak grip. He stumbled, but you pulled the both of you out of there and away from the street race before you stopped and checked on her, “are you alright?”
Rosé nodded as a fire started in the background, “we should get out of here.” You agreed as you led her far away from there. Rosé would stop you for a second, “can we maybe, never go back?”
You didn’t answer as the two of you continued on your way home in silence, but once the two of you got home, Rosé would keep asking about never going back. In the end, you finally agree that you guys wouldn’t go back, but the desire to want to try street racing was still burning in the back of your mind.
Lisa had been out with the girls as they passed a ton of cops, Lisa was curious and started in the direction of them to see what was happening, but as she saw you being held with your hands behind you, her pace quickened and left the girls behind, She almost made it to you when a man held out a hand, “sorry mam, but you need to stay back. The scene is under control.”
“Lisa?” Your voice was muffled by the loud sirens as you called out to her. “Lisa? What are you doing here?”
“Do you know this person, mam,” the officer next to her asked. Lisa just nodded as she watched you struggle against the cop as they pushed you towards one of the cars. “Did you know about them street racing?” Lisa shook her head. “It’s highly dangerous and illegal. We have to take them down to the police station. You can head over that way and we can provide more information there about the situation.”
Lisa felt like she was in a daze, but she shook her head quickly against it, “could I talk to them for a second?”
“Mam, I al-”
“Please. Just one second.”
The officer let out a deep breath and lead her over to you.
As she stood in front of you, the two of you had no idea what to say. Instead, Lisa just gave you a quick hug before the officer pulled her away. She would make her way to the station after that where she learned you would be spending the night in jail, but that they would let you go tomorrow since you had only been a bystander. Of course, that didn’t stop Lisa from keeping her eye on you more and would do her best to convince you to not want to try street racing.
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butmomilovepeter · 6 years
Little Snip of a Little Man, I Know I’d Give My Life For You
y’all get bonus points if you know the song the title is a lyric from 
guys it’s true i would absolutely die for @parkrstark but i haven’t written a fic without tony playing with peter’s curls in like three months and i think it’s her fault (or the best idea in the world i haven’t decided)
so here’s so shameless peter whump PLUS curls 
i don’t know when this takes place, just bare with me. 
[tw: there’s a lot of blood]
“Mr.Stark, I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“Don’t you trust me, kid? We’re going in.” The chemical warehouse is dimly lit, and he can hear the last thug rummaging through shelves.
“No, no, I do, but it just feels wrong.” The kid sounds so damn sure, but he doesn’t change his mind.
The man comes out from the shelves, his rusty knife dripping in a green liquid that looks somewhat like a melted jolly-rancher, and Tony’s ready to blast him, but before he can, something shocks his body sharply. He’s vaguely aware of his suit going dead and Peter getting stabbed in the leg with that knife before giving in to the pain.
This wasn’t the kind of mission you could just mess up. So how in the fucking world did Tony manage to do just that? He should have listened to the kid. Maybe he wouldn’t be withering on the dimly lit cell floor, desperately clawing his ears and coughing up blood.
Now the kid’s poisoned, and he has no suit and no way of contact with the others.
Yeah, Tony fucked up big time.
The kid’s face is exposed as he cries, because that neat group of low grade thugs were actually not so low grade and decided to learn some stupid spider-kid’s identity. He’s gonna kill each and every one of them.
“Mr.Stark, it hurts so bad.” Peter bites back a scream. Tony had decided hours ago there was no way he was letting this kid die alone, so he gingerly hugged Peter close to his chest as he cried.
For the first time in awhile, he feels helpless.
The wound in Peter’s leg is tinted with the same green liquid as the knife, and while Tony had attempted to wrap it with his ripped jacket, there was no way of telling what would happen if he accidentally touched it.
Peter claws at his bleeding ears again, and there’s so much blood.
It stains the ground, Peter’s lips, Tony’s shirt and hands.
It leaks from his ears, nose, mouth, leg.
Tony wants to scream as much as Peter does.
“I know, I know, it’s okay, Petey, it’s okay.” He grits out in a tentative voice, trying hard to keep his voice from cracking or showing any signs of uneasiness. Something like a mantra repeats in his head as if to say Let him know you love him. You have to show him. Don’t let him die alone.
The other part of him keeps saying He’s not going to die, because I’ll kill him if he does.
He wipes the blood away from his face with his sleeve.
He can’t shout to get their attention in fear of Peter’s sensitive hearing, so when the metal door swings up with a creek, he’s almost relieved.
He still cradles Peter close, shielding his face from the sudden light. It’s a man with a tall build, a buzz-cut, and a thick beard. The look on his face is one of cruelty, yet there was a tight smirk on his face as he meets Tony’s eyes.
“The famous Iron Man, captured by my hand. It’s truly an honor, Mr.Stark.” His words are of praise, but his voice gives Tony goosebumps. He feels Peter stiffen in his arms.
“And who are you?” Tony growls. The man’s smirk becomes a creepy grin.
“Ah, the name’s John. John Kenton. You don’t know me, but my guys have been trailing you for years.” He takes a step closer, and instinctively Tony clutches Peter tighter. John pulls back and chuckles.
“And that’s why you’re here.” He pulls out Peter’s mask from one pocket.
“What?” Tony chirps.
“We like watching what makes the great Tony Stark tick. What he hates, what he knows, but most importantly, what he loves.” John pauses and pulls a wad of gauze from his other pocket. “And because you keep eyes on that pretty little fiancée of yours at all times, we went for second best. The public seems to adore your relationship.” He gestured towards Peter, who was desperately trying not to cry out in pain. He watched as John rolled the gauze in his hands a couple of times before tossing it to him. He caught it without thinking, but didn’t register its use.
“That was your plan? Lure me and the kid to you silly little warehouse and kidnap us?” Tony wiped more blood from Peter’s nose.
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?” John snapped his fingers, and the same goon that stabbed Peter came in holding a tray. On it was what looked like water, though it was slightly grey, and a bread-type food. He set it down in front of them without looking up.
“The gauze is for his leg. He hasn’t got long, but it’ll still be fun to watch him die without you being able to save him.”
Tony felt the anger build up inside, and it took every part of him not to fight.
“Then what? You kill me?” Tony asked sharply. John simply shook his head and chuckled.
“Too easy. You’ll see what we’ve got planned.”
The metal door closed loudly, and the scream Peter had been holding in came out in a loud coughing fit. Tony carefully wraps Peter’s leg, and once he’s done he runs a hand through sweaty curls. He slides the tray over with his feet and sits Peter up, bringing the “bread” to his lips.
“You gotta eat, bud. You’ve got a spider metabolism, remember?” It’s a lame attempt, but Peter manages to take a small bite before coughing even harsher, his nose gushing.
“W-What’s happening t-to me?” He bites out, tears flowing down his cheeks. “I c-can hear v-voices. Why are t-there voices?” His hands cling tightly to Tony’s shirt.
“It’s okay, little man, it’s just me.” Tony soothes, tucking his head under his chin. “Listen to my heart, okay? Block it all out.”
He should have just listened to his kid.
The next day somehow gets worse. He knows in the back of his mind that the kid is going to die, but God knows he’s not going to give in so quickly.
He’s a sickly green color underneath the blood, and the raging fever on top doesn’t help at all. Tony’s taken to using to dirty water to wet stripes of his jacket in order to cool him off, but it’s almost no use.
“Talk to me, kiddo. It’s boring without your chatter.”
Peter barely stirs at first, but he slowly opens an eye to look at Tony.
“Talk?” He croaks out. Tony nods.
“Tell me a story, any story.” He returns his hand to his head of hair while Peter pulls a thinking face.
“Did I have tell ya ‘bout the time Ben an’ me saw a moose?” Peter slurs, his head drooping into Tony’s chest. Ben. Peter doesn’t mention him often. Only on the bad days.
Tony guessed this counted as a bad day.
“No, kid, you haven’t. Do tell.”
Peter nods, but then winces and touches the blood from his nose.
“Um, he took me to Maine for a camping trip. We were walkin’ and it came outta nowhere. He walked across the trail and went back into the woods. It was like we ‘magined it or something…” Peter trailed off and his head tipped back dangerously, Tony stopping it before he could swallow any blood.
“Tony,” he began after a minute of coughing. “Tony, am I gonna die?”
He doesn’t call him Tony unless he means it.
Tony sighs, and the tears he had been holding in since they arrived came out in one breath. He shakes as his hugs his kid, his boy, as close as possible.
“I don’t know, kiddie, I don’t have the answer.”
But he did have that answer.
It’s day three that’s both the best and the worse.
The kid won’t stop bleeding. It’s like a murder scene from a crime drama and Tony wants to burst right into tears. His eyes are hazy and unfocused, his skin boiling so much that even Tony is sweating. Peter has barely eaten or drank anything for three days and it’s catching up to him.
“Tony, Tony, make it stop!” Peter screams, sobbing in Tony’s arms as he rocks him tightly.
“Shh, Peter, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
But it’s not fucking okay.
Peter wraps his bloodied arms around Tony’s. He’s so small and childlike that it hurts Tony greatly.
“I can’t stop hearing them. It hurts so bad.”
Peter calms down after a bit, but it’s different.
The look on his face is a clear indication that he was dying.
Tony gently cups the back of Peter’s neck, using his free hand to sooth him by untangling the knots in his greasy hair.
“Peter, hey, look at me.” He says softly. The boy whimpered and looked up. Tony wiped stray tears from his face, finding a new sense of parental love he didn’t really know he had.
“I’m scared.” Peter cries. And it breaks Tony’s heart. “I don’t want to-- I don’t-”
He chokes on more blood before Tony can turn him over. Tony shushes him and cradles him and wishes it were him instead.
“Hey Peter? Kid?” Peter looks up again.
“I love you, you know that? I forgot to say it before.” The words come out before Tony even realizes, but he means them all the same.
Peter tries for a smile, but his features go kind of slack before he can.
Eyes half lidded, Tony takes a shaky breath and waits, trying to give every ounce of love he can in one hug before the kid leaves him for good.
He’s ready to hear the kid’s last breath, when suddenly to door swings open, and it’s not John or the knife guy, it’s Rhodey.
“Tony! Tony--” He freezes when he sees Peter. “Oh my God.”
He rushes to Peter’s side, laying a hand on his forehead.
“He hasn’t got long, reunions later.” Tony grits out, placing Peter in Rhodey’s arms. Rhodey gives a tight nod, and as they exit the cell, Tony grabs the mask from John’s unconscious body.
Peter lives.
It takes three days for Helen Cho to find an antidote, and another four for it to work.
Pepper comes and goes, and while normally Tony would really need to be pushed to eat, he could eat half of Russia and still be hungry. So she brings him food and kisses his head and holds his hand and it’s nice.
But he doesn’t let himself feel at peace until Peter finally opens his eyes.  
It’s slow and he doesn’t see him for a little bit, but when Peter finally looks at him without blood all over his face, he breathes.
“Tony?” His voice cracks.
“Hi, little man.” He doesn’t know where the nickname came from, but he decides to stick with it. Peter smiles with tears in his eyes, but this time they’re happy.
“I feel like my bones disappeared from my body.” Peter whines. Tony laughs slightly.
“That’s what happens when you get poisoned, kid.”
Peter smiles again, and lazily closes his eyes. Tony thinks he fell back to sleep, but then he speaks.
“I love you too, by the way.”
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rosebudryot · 6 years
Taakitz Week Day 1: Fashion Disasters
Okay so I finished this in three hours without proofreading At All, so please excuse the mistakes! I’ve also never done something like this and this is pretty much my second ever finished fic so I hope it’s okay! it doesn’t exactly fit the prompt but here’s my submission for @taakitzweek !!! feedback is Always Appreciated!
     Kravitz reached up to smooth down his braids as the rift closed up behind him. He’d just finished up his day in the ethereal plane, and he had previously made plans with Taako to go on a date. They’d gone to the Chug n’ Squeeze before, though he had only recently begun to consider that a first date. He still felt somewhat bad for leaving so suddenly, but Taako had insisted that it was okay, and he believed him.
     Their second date had been at a location of Kravitz’ choice, much to his initial panic. Where did people go on dates, now? He couldn’t exactly replicate their previous date, and it was hard to pick a place that seemed enjoyable to Taako. Dating had still been called courting when Kravitz was still alive, for Queen’s sake, and dates hardly existed at all. You exchanged letters and then you were married, and that was mostly it.
     He approached Taako with his dilemma, and was met with a declaration that “Any place ‘s fine, as long as you show up, homie.” That was nice enough, but it didn’t really help him.
     Eventually, after much, much deliberation, Kravitz decided to bring Taako to see an orchestra. Their first date had been somewhere that revealed a part of Taako’s personality, so it seemed well enough that their second would do the same for Kravitz’.
     They had gone out to a relatively upscale restaurant afterwards, and Taako seemed to be enjoying himself. It was enough for him to agree to a third date, which Kravitz considered a success.
     All of that had led him here, standing in the common room of the reclaimers’ dorm. Most of the lights were shut off, and it seemed to be vacant. He was glad that he hadn’t accidentally transported himself into the same room as Merle or Magnus. Taako hadn’t mentioned anything about telling his coworkers about their relationship, and that was fine by him.
     It was a little worrying, however, that Taako wasn’t anywhere to be found either. He was usually sitting on the couch by now, waiting for Kravitz to arrive. Maybe he was just running a little late getting ready, and was still in his room.
     Another five minutes passed without an appearance, and then another ten. Kravitz quickly checked his pocket watch to confirm that this was indeed the right time and, yes, it seemed to be. Maybe he would just let Taako know that he was here, in case he had lost track of time.
     Taako’s door was shut, but Kravitz could faintly hear noise coming from inside. He knocked softly and waited.
     The door swung open to reveal Taako, looking distinctly not ready.
     “Oh, shit! Sorry, handsome. Forgot we were doing that whole date thing tonight.” His face was covered in some sort of green face mask, and his hair was pulled up in a very messy bun. He was wearing very fuzzy knee-high leopard print socks, and a seemingly just as fuzzy pair of pink shorts. His oversized t-shirt was cut crudely into a crop top and had the words “If you don’t like raw aggression you shouldn’t be working at Fantasy Build-A-Bear” printed in eye-searing pink font. The entire look was disastrous, but it didn’t seem to hinder Taako in the slightest. There was very little he couldn’t pull off, anyway.
     “Oh, um, that’s quite alright. We can reschedule, if you’d like?” Kravitz was admittedly just a tiny bit hurt that Taako had forgotten about their plans, but he knew better than anyone that time was hard to keep track of. It slipped past at alarming speeds when he was working in the astral plane.
     “Nah, don’t even worry about it, dude. You can come hang in here.” He stepped back to let Kravitz in and swept his arm to the side in a showy gesture.
     “That sounds nice. You’re sure that’s okay?” Kravitz hesitated slightly in the doorway before making his way inside.
     “Mi casa, su casa, and all that. I should warn you, though. I got stuck with the baby detective tonight. Dunno if that’s chill with you.”
     “That’s okay,” Kravitz paused for a moment. “Have you told him about us?”
     “What? Aw hells no. Kid’s like, two. He probably doesn’t even know what dating is,” Taako scoffs. “He’ll probably snoop around until he figures it out anyway. It doesn’t matter if I tell him.”
     Someone else spoke before Kravitz could reply. “Sir? Are you talking to someone?” The voice belonged to none other than the world’s greatest detective himself, Angus McDonald.
     Angus was wearing a near-identical face mask, though this one was a deep blue instead of mint green. His typical fancy-boy clothes had been ditched in favor of a much too large t-shirt with “Pan Camp” written across the front. (It was most definitely stolen from Merle.) The green shirt was tied in the front with a purple scrunchie in an effort to keep it from reaching his knees. His long pajama pants were patterned with paw prints. (Taako stole them from Magnus a long time ago, and had cast Reduce on them so they’d fit Angus.)
     Angus noticed Kravitz immediately. “Oh! Hello, sir. I’m Angus McDonald. What’s your name?” He stuck out a small hand for him to shake.
     Kravitz hesitantly shook Angus’s hand. He opened his mouth to introduce himself, but was once again interrupted. This time, by Taako.
     “This is my buddy Krav. He’s gonna come chill with us tonight. You needin’ something, Agnes?”
     Angus remembered his original reason for seeking out Taako quickly enough. “Oh, well, the movie ended, but I realized you had left, so I went to go find you. Then I found you here. I can go put on another movie, if you want me to.”
     “Yeah, go knock yourself out,” Taako waved Angus off, but followed him into the living room anyway. “Just none of that detective shit. We’ve been watching that all night.”
     Angus frowned, but quickly recovered. “What if-”
     “Nope, nuh uh. If you’re gonna start tryna make deals you can go spend the night with Garfield. My room, my rules, boychik.”
     He reluctantly accepted Taako’s terms and turned on a fantasy Disney movie instead.
     “You want a face mask, Ghost Rider? We got a gold one with a bunch of glitter and shit,” Taako turned to rummage through a pile of products on the table. “Whatcha thinking, Django? The gold one?”
     Angus considered it for a moment. “Maybe the blue one? It isn’t as flashy, though the gold would look nice with his skin tone.”
     “Right? That’s what I’ve been sayin’ this whole time!” Taako gave a victorious shout as he finally retrieved a small tube from the clutter. “Here we go!” He turned to Kravitz when something seemed to click in his head.
     “I totally forgot you’re in your fuckin’... three piece get-up. Come on, I’ll find you some clothes. Gettin face goop off of designer shit ain’t fun, lemme tell ya.” Taako set the small tube back down on the table and led the way out of the room.
     His room was less of a mess than Kravitz expected. Granted, it was still littered with various arcane artifacts and strange knick-knacks, but there was obviously a method to his madness. Taako marched up to a dresser shoved in the corner and pulled open one of the drawers.
     After shoving some clothes aside he finally emerged with a large black sweatshirt and long pajama pants. “Here ya go. I don’t really remember where I got these, but they should fit you. Bathroom is down the hall to the left.”
     Kravitz had followed Taako’s instructions and changed his clothes, folding his suit carefully and setting it on the sink countertop. His current outfit was, well, strange. The sweatshirt was comfortable enough, certainly much more so than his previous clothes. It said “I brake for binicorns!” on the front, though that was pretty easy to disregard. The pajama pants were lilac, and felt like fleece.
     He had expected worse, in all honesty. It was more color than he usually wore, but it wasn’t that bad.
     Kravitz exited the bathroom and made his way down the hall. There were hardly any pictures hung up anywhere. Compared to Taako’s bedroom, the rest of his dorm seemed to pale in comparison. The walls were much more plain, here.
     Taako whistled as Kravitz emerged into the living room. “Lookin’ good, Bone Boy! I shoulda got some color on you sooner!”
     Kravitz was grateful in that moment that he would actually need blood for it to be able to rush to his face. He accepted the compliment nevertheless, albeit awkwardly. “Um, thank you. I think.”
     The remainder of the night passed in a blur. Every time a movie would end Taako would put on a new one, trying to get Angus to fall asleep. This was somewhat hindered by the large bowl of chocolate-covered popcorn the little detective kept reaching for. Kravitz could see that Taako worked hard to maintain his offput attitude, even though he genuinely did care for the boy.
     Kravitz decided it was time to make his exit as Taako started to have to fight back his yawns. His ears were drooping slightly, and his words were beginning to slur a little more than usual. He continued to insist he was fine, but his consciousness was clearly fading.
     Kravitz tucked the large blanket shoved in the corner of the couch around Taako and Angus, who had fallen asleep slumped against the elf’s side. With one more fond smile over his shoulder, he manifested his scythe and cut a rift. The quiet hum of the portal filled the room as he stepped through, and he was off.
 Taako woke up several hours later with a cramp in his neck and a smirking boy detective sitting next to him.
   Angus was practically grinning now, and there was a mischievous glint in his eye. “I really liked your boyfriend, sir!”
“Oh, damn it, kid!”
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sklminho · 6 years
Drunken Nights - Minho
Plot: Who the hell was this guy and what was he doing in your yard, petting your dog, at 3 in the morning?
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I found a prompt and got inspired to write it. Not really sure what this is but hope you all enjoy it ~ And yes I named the dog Bagel, fight me. 
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If it wasn’t for the echoing crash you heard from your backyard, you would still be asleep by now. Okay, that was slightly a lie seeing that you had been watching Netflix and refused to sleep until you finished the second season.
You wanted to assume it was your dog that caused the sudden ruckus, but your mind, of course, tricked you into believing there was now a murderer in your backyard.
What you found was quite possibly worse, but thankfully not life-threatening.
With a lamp that you hurriedly grabbed off the coffee table in hand, you threw open the back door of your house and shone your phone’s flashlight into the dark. Creaks coming from the cold wood under your bare feet, you forced yourself to trek further into the pitch black yard.
“H-hello?” your voice was barely audible even in the silence. “Bagel, are you causing trouble back here?” Slowly walking over to the dog house you made for Bagel a few months ago, you spotted a figure slumped against the small structure. Although the lamp was starting to hurt your arm, you gripped it tighter and made your way over to something you wish you didn’t have to come close to.
“What a good deggieee,” slurred the obviously drunk guy who was happily petting your dog in the dead of night. At the very least, Bagel was enjoying the sudden attention. The man looked over at the bright light that was slowly approaching him, squinting when the light went straight into his eyes.
You let out a sigh of relief but also frustration. The man before him was not a murderer but looked to be a drunk college student. He was wearing a black pair of track pants and a white tank top that was slowly starting to slip off his shoulders. His dyed light brown hair was slightly covering his eyes and his smile was something that could quite possibly kill. It might have even had an effect on you if it weren’t the most ridiculous situation you had ever been in.
“What the fuck dude. What the hell are you doing?” you stood before the other, hand on your hip with a disapproving look and an urge to hit the guy over the head with the lamp anyways. The other only smiled, looked at Bagel, and patted the dog on the head before looking back at you.
“Deggs are just great,” the boy snickered, harshly slurring his words. Soon after, the brown-haired boy’s face contorted into something that you couldn’t understand until it was too late. Slightly warm liquid spilled from the boy’s mouth and onto your bare feet. If there was a moment that you didn’t want to exist most, you’d chose this one. Holding back a scream and vomit of your own, you looked down at the boy who was now wiping his mouth and slurring something you believed was an apology but you weren’t quite sure. As quick as you could, you ran over to the hose and sprayed your feet with the highest setting the freezing cold water would allow.
The thousands of stars visible above felt as though as they were mocking you. Far away from everything, shining brightly, and most of all, quite possibly already dead. Was it possible to amputate your feet by yourself? If it was, you would’ve already done it by now. Even with your feet being washed clean, you felt like the vomit was still there. The lamp you had brought out had now been forgotten next to the dog house where Bagel had now fallen back asleep. The usual annoying sounds of the crickets hiding in the bushes and the water spraying your feet filled your ears instead of the thumps that came from stranger finding his way into the house.  
Wiping the stray tears from your eyes, you went back to the spot where the guy had now disappeared from. Mumbling  ‘thank god’ under your breath, you climbed the stairs back to your house only to find the stranger now curled up on the couch.
“You have to be fucking kidding me right now,” was the only thing you could say before just giving up. Going back to your room and locking the door, just in case, you threw yourself into bed, face hitting the pillow. You wished you could disappear. Why of all places did this guy choose your house to go to? It was one of the smallest houses on the block. The gate surrounding the house had to be much taller than the stranger as well. How the hell did this guy get over the fence? Thoughts flooding your mind and sleep getting the best of you, you soon slipped into dreamland where thankfully not even the stranger managed to bug you.
9:00 in the morning. It was 9:00 in the morning and you completely forgot you told your friend you’d treat them to breakfast at 8:30 because you lost a bet. The bet was something even you knew he couldn’t win but did for the fun of it because no one beats Seungmin at charades. There’s something about that kid's mind that could turn what looked like a butterfly into a firefighter and get the correct answer. You got the worst partner as well. Hyunjin was like an old man trying to pick up the pocket change he accidentally dropped 24/7. He was completely hopeless. Meaning, he can’t tell a dragon from a pencil even if you spelled it out for him. The most confusing part of this situation is that Seungmin wanted breakfast at such an ungodly time. You couldn’t tell if it was because Seungmin knew you always went to be so late at night or because Seungmin actually enjoyed being up at this time of day.
At least 30 texts messages and 5 phone calls later, you were about to run out the door when you caught sight of the stranger from last night sitting on the couch, groaning and holding his head in his hands. Walking over to him, you tapped him on the shoulder and gave him somewhat of a death glare. Pulling his head up slowly, the stranger looked confusingly at you while trying his best to control his massive headache.
“Who the hell are you,” the stranger groaned once more, “and where the hell am I?”
Heaving a sigh, you texted Seungmin, telling him you’d need just a few more minutes and looked down at the stranger.
“I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when I asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then 15 minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger's backyard in the middle of the night.”
The stranger soon let out a laugh. Even through the throbbing pain in his head and the fact he didn’t have any clue where he was, he found the situation to be quite comical. Standing up, the stranger put out his hand. You, not finding the situation funny in any way, didn’t accept his “gracious” offer.
“The name’s Minho. Lee Minho. My dorm had a huge party last night since finals were over, which means there was lots of beer, and I drank until I couldn't see straight. How I ended up in your backyard, I can’t really be sure. Probably saw your dog or something and really wanted to pet him. Sorry about your feet though, that wasn’t intentional. Just a side effect of, ya know, being shitface drunk and all.” Minho was still trying his best not to die on the spot from the pain of just keeping his eyes open. You noticed his uneasiness and told him to sit back down and brought the boy a glass of water and some aspirin. After all, you may hate this guy but you’re not a monster. Hangovers are one of the worst things on the planet especially considering Minho ended up somewhere unimaginable. Getting another text, you realized you had to go before Seungmin literally tore your head off. He was too impatient for his own good and you knew, no matter what, you’d be nagged the entire time at the restaurant.
“Okay, introductions are over, you got your medicine and everything’s all good. As much as I enjoyed this talk, I really have to go before my friend kills me.” Rushing Minho out the door, you were about to get in your car and take off until he noticed Minho hovering behind you. Turning around, you felt uneasy at Minho’s sweet smile.
“Maybe… we could hang out sometime?” Minho awkwardly asked while rubbing the nape of his neck. You could feel every cell in your body saying no yet you felt the weird compulsion to go against what they were telling you. Standing there for a moment, you knew it’d be best to avoid this mess of a guy.
“You threw up on my feet and came into my house uninvited and now you want to hang out?”
Minho refused to lift his head and look you in the eye but was determined to get what we wanted. “You seem pretty cool and you’re like, one of the most gorgeous people I’ve ever met, so why not?” Minho was stumbling over his words while trying not to notice the way your jacket was slipping off your shoulder.
“No,” was all you could mutter trying your best to hide the smile that was creeping onto your face.
“Looks like I’ll have to come back tomorrow night, preferably even drunker than before,” Minho snickered. Finally looking you in the eye, Minho noticed the frustration his words caused you.
Everything that happened last night flashed before your eyes and all you knew is that you didn’t want to be put in that situation again.
“Okay, fine! Here’s my number so don’t even think about coming again tonight.” Typing your number into Minho’s phone, you sent the boy off with a frown and got into your car. Before you took off to meet up with Seungmin, as much as you wish he didn’t have to, you already received a text from who you only could assume to be Minho.
Unknown Number, 9:08 A.M 
Don’t miss me too much, I’ll be back soon. ; )
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katbot · 6 years
Siendo deseo, deseo, Nos deseamos
This week’s Thirsty Thursday takes a peek into three different portions of my love life. I’ve been battling with the end game of this project, though it’s (hopefully) at least another 5 months in.
Siendo deseo, deseo, Nos deseamos
It’s been six weeks since my last date. Summer is cascading to an end.
Back from a weekend of Atlantic city debauchery, I decide to throw myself back in the game. I match with A, a 31 year old film maker. His pick up line is a snore. I call him out on it and within two back and forths we’ve switched to text. I’m a woman on a mission.
We decide upon Wednesday, in Harlem. A rare location but I’m vaguely still drunk from the night before; I can’t even entertain the idea of battling the heat without another shower.
I switch into shorts and a tee before grabbing a ten minute bus ride.
The bar is… A shit show.
It’s bingo night and the service is slow. I’m already judging this bloke based on his locale choices. I’ve been waiting for the bartender for about ten minutes when a tall man walks up and says my name.
He looks like a Costco brand version The Weekend. I’m on the fence about it until he opens his mouth for more than three seconds. He has an awful southern accent. When I finally get the bartender’s attention, I pay for the first round and usher us to the back patio.
It’s hot but bearable. He’s drinking a cocktail, me a Lagunitas.
He ask me about my weekend and I highlight the charitable aspect of it. He has the sleepy eyes of the Weekend paired with a defiant slouch. It reminds of a bratty kid in detention.
“Sorry. Am I boring you?” I cut myself off mid sentence, eventually too irritated continue
He apologizes then admits he’s tired.
I mean, I’m tired too but I’m here aren’t I?
I say nothing and he begins telling me about his weekend at Afropunk, a festival created to highlight black arts and music. He spent the past two days, filming it. I’m interested only because my sister has gone multiple times.
He perks up a bit, but I’ve already decided this is a waste of time. I think he can tell because he moves the topic to my profile.
“I love how blunt you are. Your profile says exactly like it is. I was worried I was getting catfish.”
Blunt. Everyone keeps saying that. I mean, I know I am – but I’m not sure it’s a compliment anymore.
“Yeah, I figure honesty is the best policy– Should I get another round?”
He picks up this one. I switch to a gin based cocktail and the conversation of video games. It’s fun, and I haven’t spoken in such detail about Metal Gear and FF3 in such a long time.
He keeps laughing and drops the sentence, “Wow I can’t believe I’m talking to a female about video games.”
It stops me in my tracks, I don’t know when female became a slang word but it’s the absolutely worst. I decide to bite my tongue giving him one more chance. I don’t wanna be relied up this late, I’ve got a drink date with Mike and my heat rash flares up when I’m angry.
We decide to go to one more bar, it’s a speak easy a few blocks down. A tells me about his problems growing up black in Texas. It’s super foreign to me. Growing up in NYC has protected me from many if not all race problems. I nod along feeling sympathy but not empathy. I tune out for a while, and wonder if my future husband will be from New York. They’re so many small nuances the city has built into me that I can’t make exceptions for.
We show up to the second bar, again I’m judging him. This isn’t a speak easy, it’s just a bar with no NAME. I hush my alcohol expert voice away and walk inside. It’s a cute bar but tiny. We grab two stools, right by the kitchen. The conversation is better, we switch to comparing Tinders, Music taste, and even our sex playlist. When I finish my first drink, I ask for a final round. When I look up, I can see he’s toasted. I’m shocked. We’ve had four cocktails….the word tipsy isn’t even in my vocabulary yet.
“You’re drunk.”
“Yeah…but I don’t want to go yet….do you wanna share a drink?”
I laugh. When he doesn’t join me I ask if he’s serious.
“Yeah,” he says. “I wouldn’t be able to finish one myself.”
“Um. Sure.”
He orders an egg white gin based cocktail that I’m positive come in a couplet.
When the waitress comes over and can’t answer if it comes in a couplet, I almost ask her to bring the glass to confirm my suspicions. I decide I’m being an asshole and let him order the drink.
It arrives in a couplet.
We share, this stupidly small drink that’s 90% egg white. I make my sips huge to end this abominable experience.
When the waitress comes around she ask how we liked it.
“Awful, may we have the check please?”
She’s taken aback, but delivers the check.
It sits there for two go rounds, the second time, the waitress picks it up and realizes there is no card down.
I can feel the vein popping out of my forehead, “Are YOU going to PAY for that?”
“Oh yeah.” A hurriedly digs into his wallet and puts down a bright orange card.
Outside, he tells me he doesn’t what the night to end. 
He’s making fuck me eyes, while I rather get punched by racoons.
Lessons learned: N/A  Rating: 3.5/10 App: Tinder
Siendo deseo, deseo, Nos deseamos
Mike shows up at my office unexpected. I hear shuffling feet stop right in front my of door, and when I look over, my heart explodes. I rush over for a hug and even on my tippy toes have no way of reaching the top of him.
We catch an uber to his apartment, which is a mess as per but it’s cozy. I’m stretch out on his couch, while his dog Yogi, yips around me. I love him. Before we head to the bar, I decide to take him for a walk, Mike and I catch up. It’s been almost two months since he left the office. We’ve been texting, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. I forgot how much I’ve missed him.
We drop Yogs off, and head down to Floyd’s, the bar we had our first date in. I make a point to sit in the same exact seats, the universe rewards me because we have the same exact bartender. A few things are different though, I’m a lot less dressed up and a lot more relaxed. Mike and I have been friends for nearly 2 years now.
Built upon many drinks, political text, and basic whinging, we’ve become close friends. Even though, we were accidentally courting while he was on break from his long term girlfriend. I still remember the day I made my move. An uncountable amount of pints, skin tight leggings with perfect makeup, I reached across the table and grabbed for his hand.
“Well….You know how I feel about you…BUTTttt. I don’t know how you feel about me…?”
That night, he paid for our rounds, and we stood in the street trying to work out the past 5 months. He begged us to continue being friends, telling me how much our relationship had changed him, we went back to his to look at pictures of his family. He asked to walk me to the train and shook my head. When he asked if I was okay, I let out a choked “No.” and sobbed the whole way home.
He laughs, “How’d you know? His technique?”
We shoot the shit for a couple of hours, but around eight. I can tell he’s tired. Mike’s my friend, but the more we drink, the more I can feel that deep appreaction for him sipping out
We head back to his, and walk Yogs one more time. When he drops off at the train, we both mention how much we miss each other.
He screams back, “I DON’T WANT TO!!”
It brings a wistful smile to my mouth.
Rating: Omitted
Siendo deseo, deseo, Nos deseamos
K checks in to see if I’m still down for a drink. I’m on the train back from Mike’s. I forgot we vaguely made plans for tonight. I tell him, I’m leaving work and will be home in about 40 minutes. We arrange to meet on his campus. The 1 train is actually running on time, so I arrive early. I cut across the Columbia campus, texting him to meet me at a local bar called Arts & Crafts.
It’s crowded as fuck, so I head to the bathroom and text K - “Nevermind.”
But when I walk out, I bump into him. He’s holding two pints of beer.
“Sorry, I’d already ordered.”
Though, I rather a gin I take the light coloured pint and take a sip.
Yuck it’s a sour. The other is a stout. I’m confused why he ordered two different extremes. I settle on the sour and we grab a bar seat.
He’s cuter than I remember. My memories aren’t that old, considering he’s been texting me nonstop from Iceland. His paleness is still stark, and he’s blonder than ever but his scruff is a plus. We down our beers and head off to find a quieter bar.
I make fun of the college freshman tours mostly to cover for how old I’m currently feeling.
We split a bottle of red wine and I begin to slur. Somehow, probably due to me – we end up at another bar. It’s loud too, but we find a booth in the back that’s quiet.
I’m having an okay time. Drinking mostly to drown thoughts I don’t want to deal with. K is looking at me like I’m a piece of art again. My voice has melted down to a groggy sex drawl.
I like the way K splits drinks. I can pay for things, but most of the time he’s up. I’m all for feminism, but it makes me feel special when guys don’t mind being one or two drinks up.
“It’s good to see you again.”
He leans in for a kiss, it’s nice.
“Thanks you too. But y'know K. You’ve only met me twice.”
“Yes. That doesn’t mean I find you less interesting.”
There’s no hesitation in my voice when I say,
“I want to fuck you, right now, tonight.”
“I would like that.”
We try to find a hotel but I refused to pay 200 dollars in the middle of a night for anything less than a boutique hotel.
He’s sleeping on his friend’s couch, and my roommates are sleeping…
I lose the sex draw, and he pays for a cab back to mine.
He’s the second person I fuck in my tiny bed.
The planks cave in my under my mattress cave, but I don’t care.
He stays the night, despite me telling him I have to get up at seven.
In the morning, he buys me ice coffee and we take the train together.
When his stop arrives, I get up on my toes and we exchange a peck on the lips.
 His hand cupping my waist.
“Have a good day.”
When the train pulls off, I’m disturbed by how routine it felt.
I’m still not sure how I felt about K, but it’s 8am and I can hardly begin to unwrap that.
I blast Keane and flow along with the waves of the train, grateful it’s Friday.
Lessons learned: Try to go more with the flow Rating: 7/10 App: Tinder Extended.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Would you consider yourself a good flirt?
Tumblr media
What do you like better about yourself: your boobs or butt? neither?
Have you ever been homeless? not yet :x
Have you ever been to a palm reader? If so, what did they say? nah, I can learn myself
What’s your bra size? *shrug*
Is there anybody that you’re glad that they aren’t in your lives anymore? could say so
Has anybody ever fought somebody for you? verbally
What color do you wear most often? not sure
Are you more likely to take the blame, or blame somebody else? I blame myself even when I blame somebody else lol
Do you like your hair? wouldn’t say so
Do you find it irritating when people don’t trust you? why would they trust me or anybody actually?
Would you consider yourself a busy person? as for a person who doesn’t do anything in particular...
Do you hate your phone? sometimes it annoys me but it’s fine
What was the reason for your last hospital visit? I’ve been to ER because of allergy
Have you ever driven while under the influence? I don’t drive nor drink so...
Describe the earrings you’re wearing, if any. my ears aren’t pierced but if they were I would wear tiny hoops or some weird shit like this spider I bought for John and never gave her
Do you know anybody who is studying abroad? used to know some ppl who did
How well can you swim? I can’t
What aren’t you going to miss about summer? mosquitos
Have you ever been kayaking before? no and don’t wanna
Do you ever wish you could go back in time? it’s complicated
Can you reach your back with your arms? not some parts
What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius is my sun sign but Capricorn is my dominant sign
Have you ever played Pac-Man? I don’t recall
What is something that you lack? where should I start...
Have you ever been told that you have a nice boobs? my gf likes them 
When’s the last time you ate a Tic-Tac? ages ago and don’t miss them, completele forgot they exist
Do you own any knick knacks? shitload
Have you ever said that something is “whack”? doubt it
When’s the last time you felt attacked? today
Do you crack your knuckles? Any other parts of your body? omg no, I hate it!
What’s the last thing you had to make a stack of? pile of clothes?
Is it hard for you to keep track of things? hmm...
What’s the last thing you accidentally whacked a body part on? not sure what part of my body I banged last
What does your most recent backpack look like? recently used or bought?
Have you ever crawled through a window? I think so
Is there anything in your past that you’d like to try again? sigh...
Who was the last person to come to your house? Gosia visited me yesterday to pee XD
Do you like winter time? nooooo
Who do you not get along with? majority of society
Have you ever been around someone who was high? yup
Do you like where you live? meh
Are you a jealous person? might be
Do you wish someone would call you? absolutely not, I dread phonecalls, unless hospital then only if they have good news
Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to read minds? not all the time like Buffy had because I would go crazy
Do people ever spell your name wrong? they spell and write my surname wrong and sometimes they use different names than I have like Zosia or Kamila wtf
Is there anyone you want to fix things with? ...
Why do you do these surveys? why not? it’s fun
Where did you last go outside you’re house? second hand and local food store to buy bread
What is the point of violence? depends
Do you like horror movies better or comedy? black comedy :P
You could move somewhere else, would you? yes
Do you like calling or texting better? texting
Night out or night in? in
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? definitely not on my back
Whens the next time you will see the person you like? we planned to meet today but we’ll see
How do you look right now? not as bad as I feel
What do you think of when you hear the word “meow”? my gf 
where do you see yourself in 5 years? dead
who is the first guy that pops in your head? my father
have you ever read the book “the perks of being a wallflower”? watched a movie, it was nice
do you get dessert normally while out to eat? nope
have you ever let a door slam on someones face on purpose? whaaaat?!
who was your first kiss? my current partner
is there somewhere you’re meant to be right now? not really, nah
name one childhood memory. personal
where is your childhood best friend now? dunno
have you moved in the past 2 years? I never moved in my entire life
how many rooms are in your house? 3
can you see anything red at this moment? hand mirror
do you look at the keyboard when you type? when I start typing 
have you ever dated someone to get someone else jealous? umm...
have you ever been used; and then tossed to the side? more than once
if you look to your left do you see a window? I do indeed
Where do you want to live when you are older?: my own apartment 
When was the last time you were sick?: I’m chronically ill, does that count?
What is the relationship between you and the last person you kissed?: we’re in a relationship
Name something you disliked about the day you had today?: my body is itchy, I have period, my plans got ruined, I’m anxious, it’s cold and my dad isn’t home so I miss him, I regret spending money etc etc etc
Have you had your birthday this year yet?: yeah
Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually?: not in details :x
Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed?: parent
Do you have clothes that belong to other people?: I don’t borrow clothes
If you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first?: my sister is already married 
What would you name your future daughter?: I’m not having children but I have a whole list of my fav names :D
Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a bed?: I have
Angry at anyone?: just a tiny bit
Is there anyone you would do anything for?: not everything but a lot 
Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?: yep
Is it hard to make you laugh?: to some, it also depends on the moment
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?: pfft
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single?: *shrug*
Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?: doing her hair
Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip?: lip
Next time you will kiss someone?: today?
Something’s wrong. First person you go to?: parents?
Do you hate it when people smoke around you?: usually, most often
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?: it seems
Ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation?: that’s life
Do you have an attitude?: I guess
Do you know anybody whose last name is a color?: nope
Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?: I’m not single now but if I wasn’t... How was last night?: not good enough
Have you ever dyed your hair?: blue (grey), green, black, red
When someone says “we need to talk,” what runs through your mind?: oh shit oh damn oh fuck I’m screwed what’s going on - so anxious!
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?: used to know
Are your parents still together?: they are
What are you wearing on your feet?: socks and raccoon slippers
Is it awkward when you run into your ex?: would be not only awkward
Who do you blame for your bad mood today?: myself, God, my mom, my gf, maybe even president
Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed?: not yet
Do you remember names or faces better?: neither
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend drinks?: kinda
Waiting for something?: more than one thing
You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you say?: stupid, gross
When’s the last time you were surprised? positively or negatively?
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? water
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you tell her? -
Do you find smoking unattractive? the smell and taste and the fact it’s unhealthy and expensive habit
If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? health for all, forever, not saying about injuries but diseases
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 100%
Whose bed were you on last? mine duh
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? this day
Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? 3 times and counting :x
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? grrr
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? whatever
Do you believe exes can really ever be “just friends”? there’s a tiny possibility of that
Your ex wants you back? that’s why we’re together
Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships? 1 person
Ever dated someone cute with crappy personality? sadly
Do you want your ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? I said that
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? that would be a miracle as we’re both women
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? neck
Would it hurt seeing the person you last kissed kissing someone else? that would be also disgusting
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? dad
Has the last person you kissed, met your family? she knew my father but yesterday met my mom as well
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? my gf
You’re insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? someone who made me drunk and will pay for it 
Do you like to cuddle? when in the mood for that
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? not everything unless I was dying or smth
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? and I regret that
Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don’t talk to at all? bunch of ppl
Can you have more than one best friend? yas
Are you starting to realize anything? this question bothers me somehow 
Do you hate it when people mispronounce your name? I’m used to it even tho it doesn’t happen that often
Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it ended? it is still going on 
Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly? that ask, really? 
Can you get over people easily? yes and no
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? second hand, it was in children’s section, whoops I have no boobs nor weight nor height
So, what do you want for your birthday? Jughead’s hat
If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing? obvi
Did you sleep alone last night? I did 
Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? NO
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you didn’t do? many ppl
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? I have 
How was your weekend? emotional?
Was your last kiss drunk or sober? sober
Do you think that you’re a good person? am not, I wish I was better
If you could seek revenge on someone would you? I’m not a revengeful person but I laugh when someone I don’t like is punished by life, sorry not sorry?
Do you like your best friend’s boyfriend/​girlfriend?​ my mom or myself? 
Ever been called heartless? smth similar
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? if they’re gay or family members
Are you able to get people to believe you when you are lying? I’m good at lying but I don’t like to lie
How many more minutes until you will next eat? soon Do you have to go to school and/or work today? no job and graduated
Have you read all of the Harry Potter books? not interested
Would you rather no heat in winter or no A/C in the summer? no A/C in the summer is way better
Do you do your own laundry? my mom helps me 
Have you ever read an entire book in one sitting? like twice
Have you ever seen your favorite band live? only Ania Rusowicz 
Do you drink water or soda more often? water, I don’t drink soda at all
Do you like cats?  they’re cool but don’t want to own one
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with M? my gf’s name starts with M :)
If forced to be one, would you rather be bulimic or anorexic? excuse me?... anorexic tho as I hate puking
Wasn’t Heath Ledger the best Joker there ever was? Nicholson was and I didn’t watch the last Joker movie yet with Phoenix
If you found out your friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed? mhm
Do you find that people don’t really understand you? most of them, most of the time
Do you like the ocean? nah
Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong? I’m never sure?
Are you listening to music currently? am not
Do you read and believe your horoscope? for fun ;) but once in a long time
Does the news depress you? that’s why I avoid it
Can you resist temptation? more than most ppl I know
What do/did you normally get detentions for? other’s fault
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you? it didn’t today, my mom’s voice did when she came to inform me my alarm is yapping huehue
Ever think you might have seen a UFO? with my dad
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have a cell phone? my niece because she’s 2 
Have you bought any CDs recently? too expensive and I have yt and spotify so why would I?
Do you type fast? very, I was best in school :3
How long are you usually in the shower for? half an hour
Do you know anyone who has their eyebrow pierced? I don’t
What was the last movie you watched? again or for the first time?
When is your birthday? 1st Feb
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? day ago
Have you done anything sexual in the past 12 hours? romantic
Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? she doesn’t have one
Have you ever liked someone older than you? I thought so
What color are your eyes? hazel? Do you enjoy going through a car wash? never been so no idea
Ever called a person useless? I don’t think so Is there someone you wish you were still close with? grandma 
Did the last person you kiss have piercings? ears only
Do you like the snow? hate, only snowmen are nice but not Olaf from Frozen
Does it bother you when someone lies to you? usually, obviously
Was the last person you kissed cute? was
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? so many times When you trip, do you get embarrassed or just play it off? embarassed af
Would you consider yourself spoiled? in a way? Let’s test your memory, what color shirt were you wearing during your last kiss? white 
Have you ever kissed two people in one night? noooo
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed? not currently but in general we talk
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? too long, like 2 hours 
What would your name be with just the first three letters? Zuz - cute
Where did you sleep last night? my own bed 
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? family member
Does anyone disgust you? some at all times, some during certain situations
What do you tend to drink a lot of? water
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