#they know that themselves like that one girl w the weird white husband saying shes gonna try to do her hair
1eos · 8 months
can't even enjoy kennie jd getting dragged bc what she said has been said millions of times before. and is also true
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Breaking in w/ Hawks, Shoto and Dabi
Request: I read another post about ppl breaking in your shared house with the boys not knowing that you are inside and hurting you and I was like well this would be interesting with their kids in the mix. So i'm here to provide you with the following request ppl breaking in and immobilizing you while you're still awake and they try to go into your kids’ room with Shoto, Hawks and maybe Dabi or Aizawa- anonymous 
Oh this is a nice little concept. It's very interesting. I’m happy to deliver. I have been devastated by chapter 290, if anyone hurts Shoto imma start a riot and if Dabi doesn’t kill Endeavor i will. I’m thinking of making a double post today so this one and a kny post but we’ll see. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: cursing, mentions of blood, crying but fluff in the end. 
Hawks/Keigo Takami
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-You were waiting for Keigo to come home after a long day. 
-The twins were a nightmare to put to bed today and you were exhausted. 
-Both of them wanted Keigo to tuck them in for some weird reason and they just wouldn’t accept your cuddles or attempts. 
-So after a tiresome two hours of trying and failing to calm them down you called your husband on facetime and they went to bed. 
- “I’ll be home soon, do you want me to bring you anything?”
- “No, no just you.” 
-So after taking a shower and checking on the kids you relaxed on the couch, turning on the TV while scrolling though tik tok. 
-Not even half an hour later you heard jiggling coming through the door. 
-Assuming it was Keigo you got up and went to greet him but who you met at the entrance of your house was a complete stranger. 
-You and the two bulgars stared at each other for a solid minute before you scrambled to get to the kids’ room and lock yourself in there. 
-But one of them tackled you to the floor before you could reach the pastel colored door and pinned you down, binding your hands with a cloth. 
- “I thought you said he wasn’t here man? What is this?”
-They had tied your legs to a chair, putting a makeshift gag in your mouth so you wouldn’t scream as they bickered back and forth. 
-Your eyes kept darting from the front door to your kids’ room.
-He said he was almost home, he should be here at any moment. 
- “Just stick to the plan, she doesn’t change anything.”
- “Doesn’t change anything? You tackled the n. 2 heros’ partner and you think that nothing is gonna happen?”
-You couldn’t care less about their words as you saw the light of the baby monitor light up.
-Eyes widening, you tried to get out of your  restraints to turn it off but to no avail, the soft babbles of your son could be heard coming from the device sending the whole room into an uncomfortable silence. 
-Before you know it, the one that tackled you pushed his partner towards you. 
- “Keep her in check while I go pay a visit to the other room.” 
-Managing to get the gag out of your mouth, your eyes frantic, you tried to reason with him. 
- “I’ll give you whatever you want just stay away from that door, please.” 
- “The number 2 hero has plenty of money. I bet he would be willing to give a handsome amount for that brat in there. What do you say babycakes? 
- “Dude you’re taking it too far-” 
- “Stay away from them!” 
-You realized your mistake a little too late, the new information making the man's eyes light up.
-Two cries came from the twins’ room due to the commotion and your panic rose. 
-But then you saw it. 
-The single feather hovering over the mans’ head, as red and vibrant as ever. 
-You let out a sigh of relief as a wave of red feathers flooded your living room, cutting you free from your restraints. 
-Without missing a beat you sprinted to the door, stepping inside and locking it. 
-Both of them were awake and teary eyed but at the sight of you they calmed down a bit. 
-Taking them out of their cribs, you sat in the far corner with both of them in your lap waiting for the moment Keigo would knock on your door. 
-One would assume that being part of the hero industry, although you weren’t a full blown hero yourself, mere bulgars wouldn’t really faze you. 
-In reality you hadn’t been afraid for your own life, you couldn’t care less about yourself at that moment, but when you realized that they knew about the twins everything slowly fell apart.  
-After what seemed like an eternity a soft knock came from the locked door. 
- “Y/N, dove, open up.”
-Raising to your feet, you almost ripped the door handle out of position in your rush. 
-Once Keigo came into view you didn’t miss a beat before pressing yourself close to his chest, the twins just happy to see their dad. 
- “There are my favorite Takamis!” he said kissing their heads as his wings enclosed all of you. 
- “Dove they are gone, don’t worry. I’m here. We’re alright.” 
-The news report the next morning said that two men were found on the top of the police department butt naked. 
Todoroki Shoto
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-Poor man had merely gone to get take out. 
-He hadn’t been gone for that long. 
-But apparently the villains had been waiting for him to leave the house so they could go in. 
-You were still inside with your daughters; the twins chasing each other in their matching onesies while you sat on the living room couch with your youngest.
-You heard the front door open suddenly and at first you assumed that Shoto had forgotten his wallet again.
-But the footsteps were too heavy and his voice didn’t echo through the entrance hall. 
-He always said something when he came in and his footsteps have become lighter ever since the girls were born. 
-Sensing that something was off you placed your toddler in her crib and motioned towards the twins. 
- “Stay with your sister and no matter what you hear you do NOT come into the hallway. Understood?”
- “But what-”
- “Rei do I make myself clear?” 
-Nodding their heads they took their seats in front of the crib, Ren squeezing her hand through the bars to gently grab her sister's chubby hand. 
-Taking a deep breath you entered the hallway and lo and behold, two strangers were staring back at you. 
- “Can I help you gentlemen?” 
-After a few seconds the one closest to the door flung himself at you while the other one started digging through his pockets. 
-Swiftly dodging the attack, you grabbed his wrist and swang him with incredible force to the wall, letting go of him as you turned your attention to the other one. 
-And then you felt a sharp pain course up your right leg as a heaviness settled on your chest. 
-The room began to spin while the air was knocked out of your lungs.
-You kneeled down, hand over your heart as you tried to use your quirk. 
-Nothing happened though; it was like you didn’t have one at all. 
- “Quirk cancelling bullets, aren’t they neat?” 
-The man stared down at you as ever so slowly your senses came back at you. 
- “I can still beat your ass even without a quirk.”
- “I don’t think you’ll do that.”
-Angry voices could be heard from the other room before the man you had slammed into the wall appeared again, blood dripping from his nose and onto the snow white hair of your daughter.
-Ren looked at you, tears forming in her eyes as a red flash of hair jumped onto the man. 
-Rei was having none of it.
-Taking that opportunity you kicked the one in front of you in the groin before separating the girls from the other, sprinting into the living room, closing the sliding doors behind you. 
-Laying the girls on the couch you grabbed one of the fireplace tools and got into a fighting position. 
-Soon enough the door opened revealing none other than Shoto himself.
- “Are you all alright? Did they hurt you?”
-He looked absolutely disheveled, his hair going in different directions as his gaze frantically scanned all four of you, his eyes lingering at your slightly raised leg. 
-The twins hopped off the couch and tackled his legs. 
-Shoto crouched down hugging them both tightly as they started to sniffle into their dad’s chest. 
- “T-they hurt mama and t-tried to hurt Ren.”
-He shot you a look but you waved him off, deciding to instead check on the baby before joining them on the living room floor. 
- “I won’t let them touch you ever again, even if it's the last thing I do.”
Dabi/Touya Todoroki *I ain't never letting this go*
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-In reality the dudes didn’t know you were preggos. 
-You were too early on so you couldn’t tell you were preggo but still. 
-They knew that you had something going with Dabi and that’s why they wanted to fuck with you. 
-They thought that they would gain something from trying * key word trying * to take you.
-They were wrong though because a) they got their asses kicked by you and b) they got fried once Dabi found them. 
-You were chilling at Dabis’ while he was out to get you some mustard and a chocolate bar because cravings, when you heard the door open. 
-Immediately you knew it wasn’t Dabi. 
-You would’ve heard him grumbling under his breath about forgetting to take money with him * bc you have been pushing him to pay for stuff every once in a  while* or he would be shouting at you that your disgusting meal had arrived. 
-Neither of these things happened so something was up. 
-Not bothering to get up because you didn’t give two fucks, you waited for whoever stepped inside the apartment to show themselves. 
-You are a villain hun you ain’t about to stress over some crusty ass dude trespassing into your house because you could obliterate his ass from the face of the earth in negative five seconds. 
-Whispers and a frantic “But what if he comes back?” was all you heard before the ground breaking phrase left their mouth. 
- “Who cares? She’s a woman, how strong can she be anyways?”
-You were livid. 
-It might have been a mix of your hormones along with the fact that that was hella sexist but you were ready to beat some crusty ass. 
-Laying down on the couch and pretending to be asleep you waited for them. 
-And soon enough you felt the three figures standing over you. 
- “See easy as hell.” 
- “And hot as hell, please don’t forget that.” 
-All three of them stared down at you like that pikachu meme for a solid minute before scrambling to activate their quirks. 
- “We don’t wanna hurt a pretty girl like you so please don’t cause a fuss.” 
- “Oh baby you think you can hurt me? Please have you seen who I’m dating?” 
-Slowly standing up you flicked your wrist and one of them dropped to the floor. 
-You made your way to the kitchen pouring yourself a glass of water right when one of them ran into you, pinning you to the counter. 
- “Watch it there bud I’m carrying precious carg-”
- “Shut up you fucking slut! You’ll come with us whether you like it or not.” 
- “The only person who can boss me around is not currently in this room so I suggest you let go.” 
- “Yeah you should probably let her go.” 
-At the sound of his deep voice you knew that they were dead men. 
-The one basically on top of you stared at Dabi in horror as you pushed him off of you. 
-Making your way to your boyfriend you gave him a small peck while he rested a hand over you stomach as a silent ‘are you okay?’.
-Shrugging you took the bag from his hands and went into your bedroom, not caring to see what he was about to do to them. 
-You were hungry anyways. 
- “Now which one of you wants to be roasted first?”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​  @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​ @ezoyscorner​
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howlingday · 3 years
jaune's from a family of raiders
well not quite he's from a culture that puts a lot of stock in capturing and ransoming off their friends and neighbors from other tribes. think of it like a combat sport only some times you're also stealing cattle and horses.
he's a prince of the high king
well again it's more complicated the kingdoms are like city states they don't exactly legislate or collect taxes all the way out into the wilds. but they do send huntsmen to protect the area and then tax the huntsmen.
jaune's dad just happened to be a huntsman who didn't pay taxes because the area his family had lived in for generations also happened to be outside the control of vale. and lots of people wanna live near the huntsmen who can keep them safe. so he has a position of respect among all the tribes. and jaune is his son
he's also required to have a harem
this one is interesting because it's one of those cultural things that seems weird from the outside but makes more sense when you look at it. men are hard to keep alive without a hospital. even with aura. women are part of a protected group like children and so take less risks in life. leading to there being a ton more women than men. and since technology isn't quite to the level of the kingdoms proper,
well more hands to help maintain a house isn't bad right?
but most of all jaune is a man who only wants to do right by his family, whether that be those from the past, or the woman, or women, that he loves.
and this part needs no further clarification
tldr: au where jaune's part of a tribal community and brings his lover or lovers home to meet the family. how does that go for everyone?
P.S: also sorry for the flowery ask, i felt inspired by something
Ooh, do tell the inspiration!
"Unhand me, you brute!" Jaune sighed as the girl in white screeched and squirmed behind him. "Do you know who I am?! When my family hears of this, they will hang you for this! Do you hear me?"
Jaune kept his focus on the road ahead as he gripped the reigns of Valorie, his mare, glancing left and right occasionally to avoid an ambush. His family might have a hold on the territory, but with his father growing in age, so, too, did that grip loosen. A rival tribe or rogue patrol from the kingdoms would easily snatch up an easy target like the lone swordsman and his latest bride.
"Could you at least tell me where we're going?"
"Home." Jaune answered, not looking back.
"Oh, yes, of course! How could I not know? And where exactly is your home?"
"Just up ahead."
"Uh huh, I see, and what are you going to do once you're home?"
Jaune let out a long sigh as he stretched his shoulders a bit. "Well, drop you off with the others, then have you judged, if there's enough time."
"Judged?" Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Judged for what?"
"Wife material." Weiss blushed and her jaw dropped. "Can you cook; can you clean; are you good with children; can you have children; do you have any family illnesses?" He shrugged. "Routine wedding discussions."
"W-Wedding?!" Ah, and just like that, the shrieking began anew. "You savage! You brute! I refuse to be treated like some stock taken to auction, about to be sold to some pervert noble!"
"You're not being sold to a noble." Jaune smiled and looked back. "Just me." Before she could begin again, Jaune let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, we're home."
It may have only been about a week since Jaune had left, but it felt like forever since his departure from the lands of Arcadia. The valleys and hills were as green and lush as ever, and the summer winds carried the calming scent of flowers across it all. He passed the growing crops, where he saw his sisters, their wives, and some of his own watering and tending to them. They waved to him, and he returned one to them.
"Welcome home, Miss Weiss." The girl marveled at the beauty. She had only heard of such places from her studies in the manor, but to see it in person was something else. Before she could admire it more, however, the mare stopped, jostling her from her focus.
Jaune slid down, then pulled Weiss down as well, carrying her bridal style. He then set her onto her own feet and untied the binds on her wrists and ankles. She lifted her leg, then kicked his shin. He yelped in pain.
"That was for the kidnapping!" She shouted.
"Yeesh! Just a kick?" Weiss turned to see a lilac-eyed blonde woman in fieldwork garments smiling at her. "When he dropped me off, they had to get his old man to get me off of him." She looked past Weiss to Jaune. "You going soft on me, or just your taste in women?"
"And who are you?" Weiss spat. "One of his whores?"
Yang laughed and placed a sweaty, mud-encrusted paw on her delicate shoulder. It felt warm at first, then hot as her grip became tight, and her eyes red. "I dare you to say that again."
"Yang, stop it!" Weiss and Yang looked to the younger girl running from inside the house. She was a brunette with red tips and silver eyes, and she wore a red apron that she had to roll up to her shins. She futilely tugged on the blonde woman's arm. "Jaune told you not to hurt anyone else!"
She let go, making the girl yelp as she was lifted with her arm. "Aw, c'mon, Rubes, we were just playing!" She then looked to Weiss, her eyes lilac once more. "Ain't that right, Ice Queen?"
"Ice Queen?!" Weiss balked.
"Yang, cut it out, please." Jaune sighed.
"Fine, fine!" Yang turned around, lowering her arm. The smaller girl let go as she walked away. "Besides, the crops won't grow themselves. I'll go be a good workhorse." She stopped to look back and winked. "I expect my carrot tonight, though, sweetheart~."
"Play nice and we'll see." Jaune responded with a smile. With that, Yang chuckled and resumed walking, swaying her hips for a few more yards before jogging back to the field. He looked to the younger girl and smiled. "And how have you been, Ruby?"
She sighed. "Do you mean after you left, or after you came back?"
"After you left, I missed you. It was your mom's birthday, but I couldn't afford a present, so I took on her chores for the week, but I didn't expect her chores included chimney cleaning, so now I have soot so far up my nose, I'm still sneezing black. Then I had to tend to the chickens, but they're so vicious, and I swear they can smell weakness, because the rooster jumped me at least six times. Then Zwei needed a bath, but he somehow tricked me into the tub, so I smell like wet dog a little bit. And then I had to bake her cake all on my own, but there were eggshells in it and it came out both burnt and raw somehow, and I just- Argh!" Ruby collapsed into Jaune's torso. "I really missed you."
Jaune held her and kissed the crown of her head. "I missed you, too, Ruby." He stepped back and held a hand outward towards Weiss. "Ruby Rose-Arc, this is Weiss Schnee. She's going to be my newest bride." He looked to Weiss. "Weiss Schnee, this is Ruby Rose-Arc, my second wife. She and Yang will help prepare you for judging."
"It's so nice to meet you!" Ruby swooped in, snatching the other woman's hands in hers. Her smile was wide and bright. "It'll be nice to have another short girl in our home!"
"No!" Weiss yanked her hands away. "I refuse! When my father hears of this, he'll-"
"Oh, that reminds me!" Jaune walked to Valorie and reached into her saddlebag. Weiss grumbled as she watched him pull out a small, burlap sack. "Here, Ruby. This was part of the dowry, but I want you to have it."
Ruby opened the sack and squealed in delight. "Dust crystals!" She hugged the new woman tightly. "You are the bestest bestie a bestie could ever have!"
"What the-?! Where did you get those?!" Weiss shrieked.
"From your father." Ruby ran inside with her new sack. "In exchange for marrying you, we'll allow him to trade through our lands."
"My father would never-!" Jaune gave her a curious look. "I mean, not to one of his own-!" Her voice grew softer. "I thought..."
"Listen," Jaune placed a hand on her shoulder, "if you don't want to marry me, I understand. Most of the others didn't want to, either. But if you give it a few days, you might learn to love it here. You won't go hungry, you'll be well protected, and I promise you'll be loved every day."
"I just... I didn't think I would be treated like this. By my own family."
"I know." Jaune removed his hand. "Would it be okay if I hugged you?"
"JAUNEY!" The two saw a young woman bull rush towards Jaune, carrying a dead boar high above her head. Jaune extended his arms out and caught her, spinning in place at least a dozen times. Blood sprayed around, including onto Weiss and the other two as they embraced. When they stopped, Jaune set her down, giving her a butterfly kiss with his nose to hers. "You're home!"
Jaune chuckled. "Yup!" He peered around her and looked to Weiss. "And I brought back someone new."
Nora turned around and gasped as she looked at Weiss. "Oh! My! Dust! You are so small!" She looked to Jaune and waggled her brow. "Be careful you don't break her!" She then laughed. "I'd shake your hand, but, uh, I'm a little busy. I'm Nora Valkyrie-Arc, Jaune's fourth wife."
"Weiss Schnee." Blood dripped from her hair. "And I was just about to leave."
"Aw! Already?! We were gonna make pancakes tomorrow!"
"I was going to make pancakes, Nora." Weiss turned to the male voice and saw a slim man in the doorway, wearing both an apron and a blank expression. "Just like I do every morning for you."
"Renny!" Nora cheered before tossing the trophy to him. "This is my first husband, Lie-Valkyrie Ren!"
Despite his slim figure, the man held the heavy beast with seemingly no trouble. "A pleasure to meet you." He nodded, before turning to head inside.
"Is he also your husband?" Weiss asked. Jaune chuckled nervously. This was going to be a long day, but they both already knew that.
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im-like-if-a-girl · 3 years
*THE* mean-girl-dean-girl's Supernatural reboot MEGAPOST!
I'm gonna stick a little "keeping reading" here because hoooooo boy, this is a very long post.
Let's start with
Season 1
Dean kills John while they are out on a hunt in a crime of passion, but Dean doesn't remember because he blacked out. Cue Dean going to Stanford to get Sam and tell him "Dad's on a hunting trip... and he hasn't been home in a couple days."
The audience doesn't know what happened to John, but slowly figures it out with Dean and Sam as Dean slowly remembers what happened that night.
The entire first season, the boys are following the trail John left and fighting monsters as well. They find out Dean was with John, Sam realizes Dean has an unreliable memory, they have heart to hearts about their childhood and the fire, they find John's body, "how could you kill Dad?" but maybe Dean didn't kill dad, whooaaaaaa, misdirection.
It was actually good ole yeller eyes (Azazel) and he made it look like Dean killed John.
Okay, now let's move on to the first episode
Not sure how the opening would work, I would like the story of the fire to be revealed over the course of the first season, but maybe the opening scene could be a little bit of an establishing character relationships and backstory, idk, I haven't thought that far yet.
I'm thinking maybe it's like, Dean gets back to a motel room covered in blood and he listens to a voicemail on his phone from John saying he was on a hunt or something, I don't really know lol.
I do know that after the intro rolls, we get a scene of Sam waking up to his alarm and "Nine to Five" by Dolly Parton starts playing.
Y'all know where this is going.
Cue a montage of Sam's normal Stanford college life (him sitting through lectures, walking through the campus with friends) spliced with scenes of Dean absolutely slaughtering a nest of vampires (or some other monsters, whatever works best.)
Now onto
Characters!!! (And descriptions)
Dean Winchester
Some lovely person on this site made edits of Dean with platinum blond hair and it made me feel some kind of way so we're doing that, homie's gonna have platinum blond hair
Side note about the hair, later when the brothers are running from the FBI he dyes it a dirty blond/light brown (insert jackles hair color controversy here) as a disguise.
He also gets tattoos because we were robbed.
Speaking of tattoos, concept: when Dean comes back from Hell, all of his tattoos are gone. His body is a clean slate, devoid of tattoos, scars, etc. So he gets his tattoos done all over again, which he doesn't mind because he made some bad, drunk tattoo decisions in his youth.
(And before you ask, yes, he does get one for Cas, either a bee or Cas's name in enochian, something cute.)
Dean goes to therapy after Sam gets sent to the Cage.
It's actually court mandated because he got in trouble, lol, he would never go to therapy on his own.
Along with the hair, Dean gets to be the grade A twunk we all know he is.
Sam Winchester
His hair gets longer in every scene he's in
No jk, but imagine
King of Microaggressions
Sam starts off like the sweetheart he is in season 1 but in later seasons he starts enjoying killing a little too much...
It's that demon blood, ba-by!!!
He brings up issues of morality to Dean, i.e. killing monsters who aren't hurting anyone. (Yes I know this is contradictory to my previous statement, but these two facets of Sam can and will coexist.)
Sam and Jess's relationship is explored further, meaning we'll need to start with a different inciting incident, but that's fine, I think everyone can agree fridgings are *(thumbs down)*
Sam doesn't truly know what happened the night of the fire until later, and then he understands why Dean is so protective of him.
She gets to live beyond the first episode
She is also trans
No, I don't feel like I have to explain myself and I won't 💜
She urges Sam to join Dean in a search for their brother, kind of gets pulled into the hunter lifestyle by association lol.
She dies on a rusty nail after fighting vampires on a routine hunt with Sam
No jk!!!
But imagine....
She's amazing and I love her and Lucifer also uses her as leverage against Sam and possesses her because I think that'd be cool.
She supports Sam 100% and also she and Dean are buddies, pals if you will.
She meets Cas Thee El and immediately she Knows, that is a homosexual.
She dies still so that we can have a Saileen Endgame but she's not dying the first episode or in a fridging. Not on my watch.
He gets to keep his raw, light-fixture-exploding power.
I want more of that "I pulled you out of hell, I can throw you back in" energy except over dumb shit like Dean not cleaning up after himself.
He looks like a Dilf in every scene he's in, yeah, that's right, dilf with a capital D for *(GUNSHOTS)* *(gets sent to horny jail)*
She gets pink hair
And more time with Cas
And maybe a nose piercing
Feel like she should be able to kill a couple angels onscreen, punch a couple homophobes
She gets to meet Jack and teaches him swears and fun slang words.
She deserves it.
I says "that's my baby and I'm proud."
Jack starts off as a baby, but like Amara he grows up super quickly.
Like, baby to 11 year old in a couple days or less.
This is because Jack's emotional age on the show is on par with that of a 5th grader.
It's at this point when he's a young kid that he runs away from the Bunker and shenanigans ensue.
It's also at this point that Dean threatens to k*ll him.
(Still not sure if I want that in my Supernatural (threatened infanticide? In my Supernatural? It's more likely than you think) but we'll see. We'll see.)
Throughout a majority of season 13, Jack is like an 11 y.o. kid
Season 14 he's like a 16 y.o. teenager
Season 15 he's 21, you get the picture.
Listen, I love Alex Calvert a lot. He's great.
But Jack is a child and should be a child.
Kelly Kline
Kelly, baby, stay right where you are, you're perfect.
She teaches Claire and Jack swears in sign-language. Castiel is not impressed.
J*hn W*nchester stans, DNI.
He's dead.
We only see him in flashbacks and only sometimes hear his voice in voice overs.
He's not "down the road" from Dean in Heaven, in fact he instead gets to wander around in some Purgatory like Hell for the rest of his time :)
People who get to say "fuck" on the show:
Cas (but only Once)
Now onto other things
I want more of
(they need more screentime because I love them)
We know they had a thing.
They definitely had a thing.
Demon Dean
Again, I feel like more should've been done with this. All that build up for what, 2 episodes? was not utilized well at all.
Dean's Bisexuality
Straight Dean truthers DNI, my Supernatural is a show about love and being true to yourself
You think Supernatural is a show about 2 straight brothers fighting monsters?
Naw bitch, this is a show about the Gay Experience
He will get to have relations with men on this show.
Of course, only after John dies does he, y'know, display it. Maybe he kisses Cas on his dad's grave just to fuck John over, make him roll in grave.
We all agree John would be/is a homophobe piece of shit, right?
Okay, glad we're on the same page.
3 men and a baby with Jack is what I'm saying.
I love it when the Trio are father-figures to younger troubled characters they see themselves in, even better if it's like reluctant-but-loving father figure, oh, that trope gets me every time :'^)
Dadstiel and DadDean are my favorites, but I like it when Sam plays "Uncle Sam" to kids too lol.
"Fellas, is it gay to want a tight knit family with your husband, his son, his vessel's daughter, your brother, his wife, your cop mother figure and her wife and their adopted daughters? Asking for a friend."
Biggest flaw of Supernatural was underutilizing Garth.
I will never not be bitter that Garth was only in like, 7 episodes out of the whole 15 season series.
Every episode with Garth gets immediately 5 times better.
I love Garth.
Follow ups on characters who had entire episodes featured around them and then just... vanished???
This is mostly about Jesse, the magic kid whose imagination ruled an entire town like, his daddy was a demon and nothing came of that kid??? Only one episode about him?? No follow up???
Uh, there was that one episode with Ennis the guy whose girlfriend was killed by a monster? I think?? Who we never see again, that was weird.
Tamara from season 3, episode 1.
And of course-
She was so cool, and then we never saw her again :////
She gets to be a badass.
Religious imagery
As a former Catholic school student who has become for the most part, disillusioned with religion, religious imagery in TV shows like Supernatural make my brain go "brrrrrr."
Fun episodes!!!
Like, after season 6 or so, there's a drop in funny episodes
I'm talking Changing Channels, The French Mistake type stuff. (Scoobynatural is an outlier and should not be counted.)
So anyway
In my version we would have more fun episodes
I'm thinking
(why they didn't do that in the original, we'll never know.)
An episode where Dean gets to wear eyeliner
That's it, end of post.
I want less
Yeah I feel like this is self explanatory, nearly every reoccurring character in SPN is white, and black side characters normally die in the episode they first appear in, or they'll be featured as a villain (Uriel, Raphael, Billie, etc)
Also there's a lot of... uh... asian fetishism featured in the show (what with "Busty Asian Beauties) that's really gross, also Kevin was a bit of a stereotype...
Also also it's super yucky how they kill the gods from other religions like???? Uh??? That's super disrespectful, let's not do that????
I know Supernatural is like, inherently racist because monsters are a separate race that are seen as some dangerous "other" that must be eradicated by hunters in a form of genocide-
Okay we won't get into that but
Stop killing all your POC
Fridgings/Unecessary murders of female characters
I know Supernatural starts with a fridging, so this will be a hard thing to remedy, but
One death that really pissed me off was the death of Charlie
Yeah, that was pointless and we're not doing that. Charlie gets to live and be an awesome aunt to Jack.
And also Claire
Charlie Bradbury Superiority
Charlie and Garth get to meet because they're nerd/geek solidarity.
British Men of Letters
I fucking hate these guys
They're "litcherally" the worst.
The worst part is that the actors they have playing the British AREN'T. EVEN. BRITISH.
And you can tell
Uh, and that's all for now, I'll add more later.
tag list for people who liked my "if this post gets one like I'll post my SPN reboot masterpost" post.
@darianyunidi @sarasidlesaid @crazybananaalpaca @playfulpanthress @ultfreakme @fififeelsmellow @heller-char @luna8eaton @princessmeganfire @insanebot109 @queenofnightsnow @mongoose-underthehouse
Thank you for the support, hope the wait was worth it.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019 // the bonny scot
posting this a day later than normal because this is one of the rare episodes that shows a passage of time from one day to the next yayy love that for them
-wonder what filming these beginning sexy scenes is like for them in real life
-sooooo can lucy see nancys sexy dream? is she judging? does this mean she likes nancy with owen or nick more? or is she trying to tell nancy that her sex dreams are irrelevant to the mystery at hand and she needs to focus?
-seeing people in the ✨prison chair✨: gomber, carson, karen (voting for josh s3 just saying)
-completely ignores carson's question about herself typical nance
-"or maybe i did stumble across a knife" its like hes trying to make the case against him look plausible while attempting to maintain innocence. this is a slippery slope for carson to try and encourage her to keep her pacified + hide the truth while also trying to keep her from getting involved bc hudsons
-"genetics gets you in the door" aaaaand then she walks in to everetts office to meet him and crashes their family dinner
-ok who tf is dawn and why is she in charge here
-this guidance counselor of nicks is my favorite person
-"i admire your allergy to pleasantries" bess and nancy both have reveals to big families but nancy does not have the graceful, accepting reveal to her rich family like bess does at this lunch. nancys reveal is messy, cold, bloodstained and sticky-fingered, not nice in any way whatsoever. and this little chat with everett (bit of a parallel to lucy's) just highlights how nancy is always bad at bargaining with her grandparents*- always trying to fight on their level but giving up her equal hand bc she doesnt know how to hide it when they bring up something she doesnt know. like confronting celia at the masque: she was so confident with her theory and what she knew, but then we got a "what does that mean?" like. the instant you say that, you lose. and she walked right into the "yes i do have someone, hes in jail" 🤦🏼‍♀️ even in the car with ryan at the end of s1, he literally just fucking leaves her there. like 🤷🏼‍♀️ what did u think was gonna happen sis?? for all she can predict how past things lead to present circumstances shes fucking awful at seeing the direct future *(grandparents except for patrice bc her dementia makes her inaccessable)
-lmaooooo this awko ass portrait...i get the empty space is for nance but who on earth thought this was a good pic??
-"will u help the claw for me?" george struggles financially to keep her livelihood while nancy is somehow shown as being taken care of even when her parent is incarcerated; both nancy and george live in single parent homes now with mention of both medical debt and george being breadwinner yet nancy has no struggles while george does. (i wonder if ryan had been able to help george here how the story would have changed)
-"when it comes to following people around without their knowledge or consent i am somewhat of a repeat offender" 😂😂😂
-"he wasnt endgame after all" BESS lmaoooo
-"...okay." lmaoooo i fuckin love owen
-i was hoping the girls' faces would be more shocked like with a glance to owen but they just....werent
-"we're the good guys" <---- this statement is soooo interesting in terms of how they structure the show and how the characters see themselves (its an interesting contrast with the more definitive good vs evil with things that are both clearly good and clearly evil but theres also a lot of moral grey area here, the show is kinda swamped in it. are nancy and crew the good guys? are they the bad guys in someone else's story? concerns.)
-"i'd call it more than just stuff" like why did u concede that??? and then the shit about oof that didnt sound like a compliment lmaoooooo why does she suck at arguing?? she and owen wouldnt work long term bc theyre so similar (as mentioned later on)
-i LOVE george slowly falling in love with nick here- hence how upset she gets when nick bails on her for nancy later (which is totally justified!!!)
-i am LIVING for the little nod this driver guy gives bess when she turns back around all nervous 😂
-"i do like buying things" i would so say that too tbh
-"you'd have plenty to talk about" LMFAOOOOOOO SHE KNOWS "marvins dont marry drivers" so diana is totally fine with the gay its just the poor she has a problem with 😂💙fuckin love that
-love how nancy just casually ruins everything for nick/george lmaooo
-"i have seen you at your best, nancy, and there is nothing like it." 🥴😳 i love this still-in-love look nancy gives him thats so strong he had to change the subject
-so is haunting time 11 pm? from that clock of bashiir's?
-how do NO neighbors notice this fucking water and shit
-these are TOTALLY AWFUL fake screams from the bonny scot crew 😭
-"i know well enough not to get involved when he's in play" both carson and ryan avoid engaging with everett even though nancy is willing to do so armed with less info and more balls/ but "could i trust him" and ryan says yes lmaooooo NO honey + that makes ryan 0/2 for helping the girls when they ask this ep
-"find a project of your own" and he does, with his youth center 🙏🏻💙 what s2 foreshadowing!
-"god i wish i still drank" 😂😂😂
-"she is darling." 💙👌🏻
-okay wtf is mirror bay??
-i really wonder about the extent of celia x sebastians relationship here. did she truly care about him or was it just secret and exciting sex? also would love more hints of diana vs celia moments like these. celia doesnt even look upset. i mean shes had time to deal but like wtf. and who exactly is sebastian to diana? not her husband? like damn what if he was. somehow i doubt she'd talk about him diddling celia if diana was disrespected also
-i wonder if celia being so invested in dna testing nancy was bc everrett dna tested ryan to make sure he was his bc of sebastian / other men (which would be totally valid on his part!! but wouldnt it be funny as fuck if ryan wasnt his 😂)
-what a neat hiding place in this frame lmaooo who put that in for them tho? like how do u go about ordering that
-"you certainly are your fathers daughter" this quote is doubly ironic and foreshadowy bc theyre referencing carson here as being a useful hudson attaché but nancy is playing everett just like ryan played celia about putting his house up (but TRIPLY ironic bc carson pulls off the long con of hiding nancy from the hudsons right under their noses this whole time!) the one time nancy is successful against them
-that bess/lisbeth look while lisbeth does something badass (+diana reassessing now that lisbeth has been revealed to be useful)
-"almost as fun as a real fight" why do i believe him? lmaoooo a bit weird that he would enjoy a fight w a partner, but i also think this is an acknowledgement of nancy being an "opponent" who exists at his level. but i also love the "let me take you out" as a direct mirror of her relationship with nick, where she avoids the public acknowledgment/"going out" but prefers the more subtle/hidden arrangements of staying in. but as shown with later eps, owen is way more capable of meeting nancy where shes at, which is so important to her + the only way of getting close to nancy. (the only foil is ace who somehow is able to do both)
-"not always about a guy" <---- this could have been such a powerful statement if the show had thought having nancy end up alone/choose herself instead of pitting her between love interests (nick, owen, gil, even potentially ace, in only 2 seasons) was a more worthy stance to take ; as an aro/ace person i cant tell you how much i would kill to see just one female protag choose herself over a man. and its more realistic to end up alone than have a happy ending anyway, for all that these shows try to be as "real" and gritty grimdark as possible
-"is that what you want?" this is an interesting question to his mother- like maybe he senses her unhappiness? combined with his issues with his father- still trying to look out for his mom? either way it's sweet. (it could also potentially work as foreshadowing of something happening to her, but i think that was played with but then diverted when it was revealed who really killed her) "i think its time i steer this ship" still kind of patriarchal tho. i get that its him coming into his own as a dad technically but still. i also like how he calls her "mother" and not mom
-love that old white people thumbs up at george asking about his clams 👍🏻
-okay fuck dawn tho lmfaoooo
-"stressful dinner huh?" 😂 i fucking love lisbeth so much why didnt they bring her back (wouldnt it be Fucking Hilarious if they brought lisbeth back to bounce bess on her expired visa since the marvins kicked her out and didnt fix it lmaoooooo)
-BESS IS A TOP lmaooooooo i fuckin knew it
-nick says "you can pay me back" wonder if thats gonna come back in s3 considering their "marital problems" (also, those bonds are sosus lmfaoooo if any single person cashing those was looked at sideways they'd confess in 2 seconds that some random guy is handing out bearer bonds they dont even make anymore with absolutely zero proof as to how he got them)
-"you wanna finish what you started?" 👀 (dont mind if i do)
-"i need my dad back" parallels s2 when she asks him to come home
-parent politics: "you are taking your life in your hands / no, i'm putting it in yours" vs "i know well enough not to get involved when hes in play" both carson and ryan try to dissuade nancy from pursuing her pulling this con on everett but go about it different ways: carson is wildly concerned with nancys physical wellbeing but ryan appears to be leaning more towards weighing the odds for her/ like a "you cant win so cut your losses/dont try" scenario which interestingly might have more weight with nancy; its easy for her to brush aside carson's worrying like second nature but nancy has been established to be a determined winner, and ryan speaks to her here like shes a beginners luck prodigy at a blackjack table by encouraging her to keep her record clean by not dealing in this next round. of course she herself admits shes incapable of not dealing in ie "you know me better than that" but i have lots more thoughts on how effective ryans approaches to nancy can be sometimes (saving for the reveal ep 🙏🏻)
-wonder what all carson knows about the hudsons? + that look on his face when he hangs up... wonder if he was just lying to her about knowing anything or just ashamed at having to admit bad things hes done for them
-love nick & bashiir waiting together 🙏🏻💙+ nicks very strong and pointed "good night" as a means of ending his convo w nancy on his terms (gotta reinforce those boundaries man!)
and lastly
-celia + that gossip girl moment when she just throws the whole phone away 😂(wonder if she was just talking to "gus" or whoever that guy was. keep forgetting the bobbseys' dad is in prison too, wonder if he'll feature in s3)
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livlepretre · 4 years
So what happened with the ghosts? If you want to share. 🙂
at first I thought you were asking about one of my fics and I was like ???? but now I realize you are asking me about my actual terrible time living in a haunted house in good old Dublin. 
okay. so, to begin, I’m not particularly skeptical about ghosts. New Orleans is a really haunted city and my grandfather’s house which I spent a huge amount of my childhood in was pretty haunted-- newspapers mysteriously sitting in the foyer in the morning even though the doors are all locked and the alarm is on, hearing your name being called all throughout the house and it turns out you’re there alone, a gardener who used to never go out at sunset because there was a man in a planter’s hat who would walk from the corner of the house to the pecan tree and back every night at the sun was going down-- honestly I knew A LOT of people with similar experiences growing up so I just,,,,,, accepted that ghosts were pretty much a benign part of life sometimes. (and there may have also been an incident where that same gardner pulled up an old flagstone and a woman popped out of the ground and he came inside white as a sheet, but my grandfather’s house pre-dated the civil war so it didn’t surprise anyone that it was super haunted.) 
well. when I was in college I had a JYA in Dublin, and I moved into a townhouse with a group of other Americans. something like day 3 or 4 in the townhouse, I knew for a fact I was the only one home, but I had this intense feeling standing in the upstairs hallway that there was someone standing right behind me. I can’t describe it as anything other than absolute certainty that there was another presence in the home. at the time, I was like, chill, there’s a ghost. and I went on with things and didn’t worry about it, as my own personal experiences with ghosts were pretty much that sometimes they’re just their and they’re harmless, and I kept this insight completely to myself since  I also suspected that my roommates were likely to be skeptics and I didn’t want to come off week 1 as Ghost Girl. 
Well, end of week 1, little did I know, but the gang who lived on the 3rd floor of the townhouse (I was on the 2nd) decided to make a ouija board on a lark. I have no idea where this idea came from, since I specifically did not mention the ghost to anyone... other than obviously it was on a lot of other people’s minds as well. well. they do the ouija board. the power cuts off in the middle of their fucking seance. it comes back on after a few minutes, and they decide to be done with trying to contact anything, but that night all of my roommates who were involved with the ouija board incident had.... like,,,,,, suicide fuel nightmares. like the worst most vivid nightmares they had ever had in their entire lives. 
that was also the night that the fire alarm started going off at 3 am. each floor had this old fashioned red metal bell with a mallet, and it would go off 3, 4 times a week for no reason at all... it was one of those things where at first we just chalked it up to an annoying old building. 
but there were a number of weird things that happened-- door slamming shut by themselves with no possible explanation, the fire alarm bell going off all the time, a mysterious fire that none of us could figure out, just a lot of little things that were interesting to me and which I was like ghost! I was super interested in the ghost and talked about it a lot because I was fascinated. Big mistake. 
I didn’t understand at the time that some ghosts are malevolent. I didn’t understand that there were times where it’s best to ignore the ghost and pretend it doesn’t exist rather than to talk about it where it can hear you. 
we had this big heavy mirror that hung on the wall at the top of the stairs. big sturdy thing, weighed a ton, must have been hanging there forever. 
one night I was standing under it talking to one of my roommates and the thing came off the wall and nearly landed on my head-- I was really lucky that I jumped back in time. The whole thing shattered. It probably could have killed me. I was freaked, so I went back to my bedroom, where my laptop was open and in the middle of my queen sized bed. I remember that it was in the middle specifically, because I had noticed it was sort of weirdly slipping off the edge of the bed for some reason when I had it over to the left, so I put it smack in the middle of the bed. well, I walked into the bedroom immediately after the mirror had nearly fallen on me, and honestly describing this still nearly breaks my mind. literally less than two minutes after the close call with the mirror my laptop gets hurled against the wall-- like four or five feet-- to land smashed up on the ground. 
At that point I realized that I had been talking about the ghost and it had noticed me and my only hope was to shut the fuck up right that second. 
I never talked about the ghost where the ghost could hear me again. 
Not to say there weren’t still ghost issues. The fire alarm continued to go off at the witching hour all the fucking time. There was an incident where my whole bedroom started to mysteriously v i b r a t e ??? Like, thundering. I thought that the gang was upstairs in the bedroom above mine dancing or something, but they were all on the other side of the house. (I later found out the fucking ouija board had been long-term stored directly above my bed, w o n d e r f u l ) 
There was also the time I was sitting on the floor in my friend’s room down the hall from mine, and I said to her, “why is there a pillow stuffed up your chimney???” naturally, she was like, “what the fuck” -- so, slowly, we pulled this throw pillow out from the chimney (realizing that the pillow was the one missing from the sofa upstairs??) and there, on the throw pillow, was a bird with a broken neck. 
there’s probably more that I can’t recall anymore because it’s been like a decade. I mostly remember being really afraid a lot of the time, as were like half of my roommates who were feeling similarly.... oppressed by the ghost, and being kind of helpless about it because I was a poor student and honestly that ghost wrecked me financially that semester when it wrecked my laptop so maybe it did get the upper hand at the time. idk. 
fun fact I actually met my husband because he was one of my roommates during all of this, so there were positives?? he’s a very rational person though so he just stuffed a book between the bell and the mallet on his floor so the fire alarm couldn’t torment him and ignored the ghost. 
I’ve had a couple of other ghosty experiences since then, but this is the one that stands out as the most personally harrowing. it was pretty wild to realize that some ghosts mean harm and that this one had it in for me in particular. I had a friend (actually one of my roommates who drew the fucking ouija board back in Dublin) go through something much much worse that honestly I can’t talk about, but has decently fucked me up for life just knowing about it. The funny thing is that he basically didn’t believe in the ghost back in Dublin (I think he was blacked out most of that semester though), but he reached out to me about his frankly horrific situation all because he remembered me flipping the fuck out in Dublin. 
Anyway. that’s the story of how ‘don’t talk about the ghost where the ghost can hear you’ became one of my lifelong rules to live by. 
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sleepynegress · 5 years
WATCHMEN thoughts from a black woman fan...
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Thought I’d do a quick rundown on all the eps so far, because this show has so much to chew on... 
And TBH, I am starved for a perspective that isn’t a smug white dude yelling “I CALLED IT!!” (yeah, fool that’s what good storytelling does *purposely* lay out crumbs on the path!) or “ugh, too lib.” The fact that we have this wonderful internet or a mass forum, means we lose the organic first watch experience that I remember from back in the day. So, too many try to outsmart shows by cheating and then smugly pat themselves on the back for “getting it”.   I’m saying, the point isn’t the twist or the gotcha. The point is good storytelling, which this show does ably.  So relax. You don’t get a cookie for “calling it” and you won’t get lambasted as stupid for not seeing it.   Just. Enjoy. The show.   ANYWAY...  You know I gotta put it beneath a cut and bullet it because my scatter-brain lays out things easier that way....
First LINDELOF?!  I mean LOST was okay and now I feel like I need to make a beeline to The Leftovers, because acting, writing, visuals, plot, food for the brain... All. here. in a genre (which you know is my favorite) package.
I picked up a copy of WATCHMEN on a whim waaay back in 2006 (?) in a dusty used book store I used to frequent to just chill in my corner and read a stack.  And I remember having the exact same feeling reading it then *galaxy brain food entertainment goodness* as I’m having with this show...but sadly didn’t have with the movie.  The fact that people came away stanning the “heroes”?  Was a symptom of how wrong Snyder got it.
So, setting up this series sequel as a different type of hero deconstruction, using blackness, especially given how fandom swerves to ignore all the story cues to stan a white villain...is a BRILLIANT way to make certain the show keeps the essence of what WATCHMEN is about. Basically, Lindelof used blackness and race as his own Trieu empathy bomb for what WATCHMEN is actually about. It’s harder to stan Rorschach as a symbol for white supremacy
....I’m saying... white men ain’t supposed to be good at this... Hey, IDK maybe being Jewish helps...wow. he actually is handling the all the layers of black experience allegory and ancestral memory/trauma *soooo* damn well.
*whew!* So Yahya, is this gorgeous, amazingly smart black actor who is picking some interesting projects!!  He’s like MBJ, w/o the anime hotep taint, in terms of projects he’s picking. LOVED this reveal. 
Someone posted that they wanted that whole centuries of longing love cliche with a black woman centered... *whelp*  How about one better, where time don’t even exist??
It must be re-iterated that the work and thought put into all the easter eggs of connections is just so much hand-rubbingly, awesome, world-building and minutiae food for fans... and most especially and uniquely... “empathy” in the black experience... such as...
the existence of an actual 70′s blaxploitation movie called, and I shit you not: Abar, the First Black Superman
Her husband being Cal (as in Kal -El)
Laurie always thinking Cal is fine, because her subconscious knew!
Her blue dildo being from a company called Excalibur, --Ex. Cal Abar
Cal’s very straight conversation about atheism with the kids
Cal’s eternal calm
the much more resonant imbued meaning in Hooded Justice’s costume now that he’s actually black
the fact that this show went there, when it comes to specifically, white gays and a twist on that Paul Mooney quote “Everybody wanna be [in with] a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”
the latest with... intra-racial dynamics with non-white people, whiteness and assimilation being touched on with that flash of nostalgia-hazed memory of Angela seeing Will being bagged at the same moment as the bomber who killed her parents... which I think foreshadows both the common cause and complicated morality of Trieu’s ultimate cooperative plan with Will Reeves.
REALLY all of the nostalgia flashes have meaning...they are all narrative underlines for character motives and hints of what is to come.
UM!!! That elephant is such spot-on symbolism because the real Lady Trieu  was said to have ridden a white one, and because all the things they say about elephants and memory are true... 10 pound brains, people (but I did not like seeing an elephant in that state)
Okay... so back to the show: Looking Glass remains the most trustworthy of the whites on the show IMO.  Remember, he joined AFTER the White Night. And he has infiltrated the Kalvary, because one of the masks was missing... And purely because “I would like to see it” (.gif) I really hope they provide a full recount of how he dispatched the Kalvary in his bunker.
Laurie is my girl, with all her elder cynicism and remaining longing for her cosmic fuckboy...(and she should NOT be underestimated I KNOW she has a plan) but I think her feelings for the Dr. may cause a stumble or two (maybe that’s why she was slow getting up off the couch)
Angela remains a Regina King whose character has subverted the whole SBW thing by actually have a fully realized character beyond it (love, children, a damn life!) . HELL, we didn’t even *see it* fully until this last ep but yeah...man... she is the dream and nightmare of her grandfather.
I still really want to know what the adopted kids backgrounds are... I feel like of all the theories online...Everyone has forgotten them and given the heavy theme around fertility, cloning, reproduction, memory as empathy AND her son saying to Angela in the first damn ep. (I hit him because you wanted to hit him) etc... I think there may be more *there*-there. Okay... I’ve written enough for now... So, I’m just gonna call his a placeholder for any thoughts I may have forgotten, because I could do this all day.  I’ll add/edit later as I need to. That said, it bugs me so much that this fandom isn’t thriving as much as other lesser shows featuring black women.  Pleease get onboard with this show!!
I both liked and had complicated feelings about the dynamic between child Angela and Officer Jen (can’t wait to learn more about her) because what she saw in the girl, was the pain redirected into resilience and indifference to the violent end of the perpetrator, w/o a trial(!) mind you... which adds up to potential to be a good cop...*mmhmm*
Adrian Veidt is the least interesting aspect of the show for me, albeit weird and funny (I missed our boy Scar, in Jeremy Irons) his prison is surreal and imaginative and Tom and Sarah are both doing great jobs playing the dim imprints of empty-until-filled clones
Most think HE is Trieu’s father and I have to say what her mother-daughter said to Angela gives credence to that. I could see her having the same kind of conversation with Veidt and coming to a conversational space with Veidt’s plan for humanity. Also “D” is the first letter in “daughter”
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best-bois-of-kny · 5 years
A scenario where Uzui and his wives were going to a restaurant and met reader there. Reader was waiting in line, turned around to notice them, and said to themselves "Wow. They're really attractive, I won't ever get to know them." Uzui and his wives thought "Wow. They're really cute. Let's get to know them". Cue all of them surprising reader by talking to them. Even asking them out to eat with them. They were so shocked that they accept the invitation without realising at it. Not that they mind
Aww this one's pretty cute, I do hope you enjoy this qwq
❤ A New Member ❤
You were waiting in line in one of the restaurants in Tokyo. It wasn't a fancy restaurant but you heard the food was delicious and it was affordable for you to eat. The sight and smell of the food inside was enough to make your mouth water.
"Let's all eat in here shall we? I heard the food is flamboyantly good here!" You hear a male voice from behind accompanied by giggles that sounded like a woman. You turn your head to see a tall and muscular man whose head was covered in a jeweled headwrap and 3 women. One whose hair was slicked back into a neat ponytail wearing a diamond spotted kimono, another whose hair was in a messy ponytail wearing a striped kimono, and the last with her hair down wearing a solid black kimono. You smiled as you observed them, 'Wow, they're really attractive… they're all happy with each other too, they must be all together.'
The man caught your stare first before the other women did, your eyes widen and blushed, 'Oh God, they saw me! I must have weirded them out!' You internally screamed, embarrassment took over your face. You heard them whisper behind you, but you could barely hear what they said.
"Tengen-san, look!"
"Oh could we invite them?" That's all you can make out, but you weren't sure. You heard the man laugh again, "Well, why not? The more the merrier!" You hear him say. 
You felt a tap on your shoulder, you looked behind to see the same man and the 3 wives. "Hello there gorgeous, is anyone with you?" He asked you with a bright and welcoming smile. Your face heats up a bit, "U-Um, no, not really. Why?" You asked while stuttering. One of the girls approached and placed a hand on your shoulder, "We were wondering if you would like to join us?" She asked, "Yeah, please join us!" Another one said, "If that is okay with you." The third one said.
You were still processing about what just happened, surprised that these people you stared at are now inviting you. With a bashful smile, you replied with, "I-I would like to! Is it really okay for me to join you?" You asked the tall man. He beamed at you  "Of course, my wives saw something in you, so I decided to invite you." He held out his hand, "Shall we?" You giggled at the gesture and took his hand, "We shall!" The wives squealed with joy, excited to have a bite with you.
You all exchanged your names while waiting for the food to arrive. The white haired man was named Tengen Uzui, Hinatsuri was the one with the diamond spotted kimono, Makio in the striped kimono, and Suma in the black kimono. "So (y/n), do you live here in Tokyo?" Suma asked, to which you shake your head, "No, but I do work here. It's a little far from my hometown but I needed to make money to support my family." You replied. "I see, you must be a very hard worker then." Suma said as she petted your hair lovingly. You blushed again and giggle quietly.
"They're cute aren't they?" Hinatsuru asked her husband, to which he nodded with a grin on his face, "They're absolutely flamboyant!" 
The food then arrived and you all started to eat, talking more about your lives. You learned that Tengen is a demon slayer and his wives are shinobi, "Those must be really dangerous jobs… how are you able to do that?" You asked as you took a bite from your food. "Well, we did it flamboyantly" Tengen said proudly, then he looked at his wives, "But I always make sure that my loved ones are safe first." You smiled, happy to know that even is he seems like a show-off, he's a very caring husband. 
You heard Suma giggle beside you, "What is it?" You asked. "You just have little something there on your cheek" Makio replied as she wiped the mess from your face. "A-ah, t-thank you Makio-san…" you mumbled as your blush deepened, Suma just squealed at your cuteness.
"They make a good spouse, don't you think so?" Hinatsuru asked quietly to Tengen. The man thought about it and grinned. You were an absolute angel in his eyes, both beautiful and gentle. He loves the way you interact with his wives and your smile makes him feel warm. "Hey, (y/n)?" He called out to you, to which you give a questioned hum. Tengen then took your hand into his own, looking at you in the eye, "How would you like to be a part of my family? Just me, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma?" He asked, flashing a toothy grin.
Your eyes widen as you can't help but feel bubbly inside, "R-Really?" You questioned, earning a humble laugh from the man, "Of course! You'll be a spectacular, flamboyant spouse!" Tengen beamed, as his wives giggled, "What do you say (y/n)-san?" Hinatsuru asked. Your blush once again rose up to your face, "I-I mean, that would be nice but didn't we just met? And you know, probably get to know each other better?"
Tengen have you a reassuring look, "If that's what you want, then we can build our relationship stronger until our wedding day!" He laughed. "Oh, I can't wait to have more dates with you!" Suma beamed, hugging you from your side, "Especially when we get to shop for your wedding attire." Makio joined in, grinning at you. "E-Eh? W-Wait, you guys!" You tried to protest, but you can't help but feel excited as well. Maybe this would be a nice change in your life.
"It's nice to have a new member to protect and care for, don't you think Tengen-san?" Hinatsuru asked, giggling at the three in front of her. The man nodded, "A new member in my flamboyant family, I like the sound of that!" Tengen beamed, laughing. Oh how he can't wait to choose for your wedding ring one day.
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perish-the-creator · 5 years
In The Forest We Love
(This fic involves topics such as cheating and sex. The pairings involve are Mothdan with Mothzilla and Rodorah in the background. They are anthro in this version.)
Read at your own risk
(Further warning: Mothra is written with the ability to have male genitalia and implied Mpreg on Rodan’s part. This is due to my titan biology headcanons. And since they are just anthro those biology rules apply here as well.)
The air was nice; a gentle breeze carried the arrival of autumn. The fresh scent of a crackling fire as it hugged the wood was present as well. Above it, with a satisfied grin, Gojira placed his meaty palms on his hips before walking towards his wife. “See, I can start a fire without using my breath.” He chuckles just as he reaches into his pocket and pulled out a fat cigar.
“Good thing I bought you that huge pack for your birthday. Heaven knows what you’d do without those damn things.” Mothra laughs lightly from her spot on top of the wooden picnic table. She was more than excited for the next three nights out in the wilderness. It took forever to convince her citybound husband to come out here and enjoy nature.
“Why did you want a tent so badly?” Gojira complained as he pulled out the large cardboard box from the back of their black GMC truck. “We have beyond enough money to rent an RV. Or hell, even buy our own.”
“More fun this way,” Mothra giggles. “We’d have no choice but to cuddle if it gets cold.”
That statement was enough to make him shut his snout. Mothra had a way of making him do that. The small moment of silence was broken by the loud hum of a bright yellow convertible, with red streaks dancing across the sides like scars. The hood was lowered, showing off the four pairs of sunglasses that glimmered in the light. Behind them,  a small storage trailer jolted to a stop.
Gojira gave a smirk with his cigar clenched tightly between his teeth as Mothra jumped off the table in excitement. 
“You guys actually decided to come!” She sang happily as she and Rodan quickly embraced. To their mates, the hug was simply that of two longing friends, but unknown to them there was a much deeper layer beneath the gesture. 
“I’m guessing your boy convinced you to come.” Gojira joked as he and Ghidorah gave a firm handshake. 
“Guessed correctly,” Ichi responded. He walked toward the trunk of the car with Gojira following behind. The bulkier of the two whistled and rubbed his hands together. 
“God ain’t this a beauty,” Gojira complimented as he lightly ran his hands over the yellow paint. “This one’s yours, right?”
“Yeah,” Kevin answers. “Rodan said we should get it out of the garage for once and let it get some fresh air.”
Gojira offered the three-headed man some cigars; one declines while two gladly take them.
Meanwhile, behind the cover of the large truck, Mothra and Rodan held each other and kissed passionately. Grabbing and clawing. When their mouths departed with a little trail of saliva connecting their tongues, Rodan chuckled a bit. 
“I’m guessing you’re happy to see me.” He tells her. She smiles before using her lower set of arms to grab his butt and giving it a squeeze.
“I’m REALLY happy to see you.” They lean in for another kiss but soon scramble when they hear the sound of crunching leaves coming their way. Mothra quickly opens up the back door and dives in, pretending to have been looking for something. Rodan also leans slightly, appearing as though he too was in the search. 
“What you looking for babe?” Gojira asked as he got next to Rodan. His palm slapped against the other’s shoulder playfully, yet Rodan stilled. 
“Oh, just looking for something to carry any cool rocks we see out here.” She lied. Gojira smiled and pushed past them both, leaning further into the backseat. Surprisingly, he had brought an extra bag just for this occasion. 
“I know you two like collecting rocks and flowers for some weird reason, but I am a good husband and I made sure to get you a bag to fit stuff in.” He hands her this fabric bag with the cover being a large purple flower. Both individuals thank him, happy now to have a great excuse for later on. 
“And I explained to him that if he wants Toby to invest then he better go tag him where it hurts! But of course, that thick-skulled bastard didn’t listen!” Ichi shouted as Gojira nodded. Both men were successful businessmen despite how they choose to show themselves. Gojira often said that once you make a certain amount of money you no longer needed to really show that you were making it.  
“Ever since our truce, I explained to you that you need to start hiring ex-convicts and military. No one else will hire them and they’ll work for almost nothing! All the people I overlook are lowlives and barely cause issues,” He sucks in his cigar before puffing out some air. “All in all, we just have to make sure our imports are more successful than that Destroyah bitch further north.” 
“Business, business, business,” Mothra complains. “I wanted us to have this trip out here to get away from all that! Enjoy nature and life!”
“I agree,” Rodan spoke up, casually filling his plastic cup with the wine he and Ghidorah had packed. “I’m tired of hearing about money. Why worry so much?”
“Hippies,” Ni spits a bit. “Listen, I mean no disrespect but you two are basically getting a free ride thanks to us. Those lavish clothes and belongings wouldn’t be possible.” The others nod in agreement. 
“Well damn, if that’s all you four are going to talk about, I’m going to go hiking and find some rocks before it gets too dark,” Mothra says sternly as she stands up from her seat. “You want to join me Rodan, or stay here and talk about lame business?” Rodan pretends to look hesitant but then nods. 
“Sure! Maybe I’ll find that special mineral I’ve told you about!” He says with excitement, which causes the others to laugh. 
“Alright dorks, go and have your fun.” Kevin jokes as the two roll their eyes at him. Gojira snorts before lowering his tone to be slightly more serious. 
“If you two need help, just holler, okay?” The two regard him and gather up the small bag and a flashlight that Rodan clips to the side of his shorts. As they walk away, Gojira not discretely licks his lips. The three heads of Ghidorah notice and slightly frown at him. He shrugs and smirks.  “Ey, they both got nice asses. How can I not look?”
“No fair,” Kevin snarled. “You’d try to beat our ass if we stared at your girl like that.”
Gojira shrugs again. “Maybe not. It’s been ten years. I’m over it, ya know?” 
As Rodan and Mothra walk along the set trail, the sun ever so slightly getting closer to finally sleeping, the pterosaur holds back a yelp when he feels her hand again on his ass. He laughs and pauses in their walking. They had managed to create a decent amount of distance from the camp, the trail behind them only having the white rock road they had travel on with the trees drowning out and resemblance of their campground. 
“Grabby today aren’t we?” He asked playfully, moving them so they are in embrace again. They kiss and hold each other. 
If one hadn’t already guessed, the two were wrapped up in a long going affair. Neither had been really active with their immediate partners in a while. 
The affair really only sprung from pent up sexual frustration and the lack of affection from their lovers. Just eight years ago, both men (Gojira and Ghidorah) were grasping at the ladder of wealth, struggling to take hold of a steady flow of money without the chains that would come with it. Many late nights at their offices. Many meetings. Many phone calls that would linger in their own home. Sex was limited. Fun was cut short. So, it was bound the other two would look for comfort. And they did.
Mothra had organized a small get together at her house for all the wives and husbands and lovers of the workers from the various offices that were consuming their mate’s lives. There was wine. There was crying. There was laughter too. At the end of it, only Rodan stayed to help clean up. When they bumping their arms into each other while washing the dishes it was then when the spark happened. And they’ve kept sparking for eight years.
Rodan moved his mouth back, panting for air as Mothra forced hers back on. Hands aimlessly fumbling for anything to grasp onto. A thought passes they some clothes might even be ripped. 
“Baby,” Rodan quivered when Mothra started to lick and bite on his neck. “W..wait.”
“Hmm?” Mothra hummed.
“I...do you mind being top tonight?” Rodan shyly asked when he felt one of her four hands crawl up his tank top. Then there was a pause. “I mean...I just...if that’s....”
“Yeah,” Mothra smiled at his and kissed him again. Rodan gladly submitted and the two fumbled into the bush. The sounds of snapping branches and leaves with the added accident of singing birds and the cries of the cicadas blanketed their own noises.
 Eventually, Rodan’s back was against a tree. He didn’t mind though as Mothra pressed against him. He wanted to get that button up off her as much as she wanted to destroy the red tank top on him. Clothes do eventually come off and are flung to the side like nothing.
“So, you still haven’t proposed?” Gojira was shocked, to say the least. After all the money and favors and gifts Ghidorah has given, it was a wonder that the guy still hadn’t asked Rodan to marry him. 
“It’s just difficult,” Ichi began. “But it’s not like he seems bothered by it. He’s never really brought the topic up.”
“It would be nice,” Kevin admits with a boyish shyness. “I wouldn’t mind is he had our last name, you know? Really seal the deal and all that. Like you and Mothra.” 
Gojira scratched under his chin for a moment and thinks. If he were honest, he had noticed some cracks in his marriage. Mothra was more energetic now and he finally had the mind to focus on her, yet something didn’t feel right. While her new childish nature was welcomed, it seemed almost like an act. Doubts sprinkled in his mind but he reminded himself that this woman had struck by his side when anyone with a right mind would’ve left.
“You could say that.” He finally replies. 
“I’m not one to usually speak on it,” Ni adds. “But I can admit to having affection for Rodan. He’s very loving. Short of temper at times but that’s what makes him great. As far as we know he’s pretty loyal too. He doesn’t even comment on the attractive actors who come on screen.”
“Both our babes are great! Let’s say that. Heh, almost too great if you know what I mean,” Gojira takes a swig of his beer. The coming dusk glimmered off the bottle. “Wonder how far those two went by the way.”
“They’re fine. Probably chasing butterflies or asking a tree about how it feels.” Ichi quickly jokes. They all laugh before resuming their previous conversation regarding the usual; money.
Rodan’s claws dragged down the tree as a long moan exited from his throat. His legs parted and chest pressed against the rough bark. Mothra behind him, one pair of hands grabbing his horns and the other clenching his waist tightly. Both shirts were long gone and their pants pooled around their ankles.
There was an added excitement in all of this. Screwing in the woods and the coming moonlight made everything just...hot. A thought goes through both brains of being caught by anyone; ranger, other campers, their mates, etc. And a part of the caution only fueled the fire that was already burning bright.
“M..mothra~” Rodan wailed as she retreated before returning within his depths. His claws penetrate the tree with the same passion as her.
“R..rodan~” Her voice is shaky, to say the least. They hadn’t really had legit sex in months with the closest things being rubs under the table during a dinner party. That being said, it had been so long since Mothra had been on top. Granted, she was always on top in the sense of power, yet being the one to penetrate had been a skilled she had failed to practice during their separation. There was a bit of anxiety involving it, worrying that perhaps she could not live up to the might of Ghidorah, whom she was very aware had not lacked his duties as a mate.
“W...we don’t have c..condoms do we?” Rodan asked just as she plunged deeper. A small chuckle came from her mouth.
“You ask now after I’m already in?” She laughs. “No, but I can pull out.”
“Nevermind then,” He instantly says. “Y..you can d...do it inside. I...have morning ..a...after pills. Hidden away in ..my..my bag.”
She pauses for a moment and Rodan wished he had kept his mouth shut.
“Why hidden?” She spoke with curiosity. Rodan sighed.
“Ghidorah wants a kid. I don’t. And I knew we’d be doing this tonight as well. But I knew he’d want to mate under the stars too. Not to mention I’m pretty close to my most fertile stage. Heh, he thinks he’s slick by poking holes in the condoms or regulating my birth control.” Rodan’s voice drifted slightly. Mothra could sense the hurt pulled out of him. Rodan moaned a little before facing her. 
“With me though?” She started. “Would you want a kid with me?” Her eyes wander to his flatten stomach. Butterflies filled her own at the idea.
“I...I don’t know.” The mood has changed from sexy to saddening and made Rodan pull up his pants and put on his shirt. Mothra followed suit. They silently picked up a few rocks and even covered each other in bits of dirt and mud. At least it looked like they were messing around looking for rocks.
Upon returning, Gojira was humming to himself with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. His shirt was gone and he held now shame to show off his belly. Ghidorah was locked on his personal copy of The Great Gatsby, each head interested in varying degrees. 
“Welcome back,” Gojira said with a playful grin. The three heads looked up and grinned as well. Both of the returning creatures had no idea what to expect. 
Mothra laid beside her husband, her naked form was hugging his own as her head rested on his heeving chest. She couldn’t sleep. No, she couldn’t possibly sleep at the tempting sounds of Rodan’s moans.
Whatever Ghidorah was doing was making spectacles. She didn’t recall the last time she heard him moan like that. Was Ghidorah just THAT good?
She tries to ignore it, remembering that as a married woman she technically shouldn’t be jealous by the main lover. They were just a fling, right? As she lays there on her husband she silently wishes Rodan was in his place. They never got to lay in bed together like this. In fact, they never had just pure passionate lovemaking as it was all rushed and hurried. 
When she hears Rodan cry out Ghidorah’s name, something bubbles within her. She can’t do this anymore. She needs to change things and settle this. 
Later that night, in the darkness of it all, Mothra sneaks to Rodan’s tent. She is surprised to see that the two bodies are apart from each other. Shrugging, she lightly shakes Rodan awake. He is discombobulated at first but soon is fully. Once outside the tent, she kisses him quick before taking his hand and leading him towards a small opening with sand as the patch. 
She kisses him again, the moonlight shining a light on their affair. Then they meet eyes,  and Rodan just nods. A knowing nod at that. Slowly, they disrobe themselves, standing nude among the living in the forest. 
That night, they have their first true passionate lovemaking, directly under the stars and the moon. Just them and nature. The distractions of their mates float away. But something else happened that night that’ll rattle everything. 
That night, Rodan fell pregnant.
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shannaintherye · 6 years
Steal My Heart
Summary: Dan hates his job, in which he works at a bank, but one day, a flirtatious man comes in who just so happens to be a burgarler. He steals £10,000 and maybe Dan's heart.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: a bit of swearing, robbery
Daniel Howell hated his job. Of course, it wasn't necessarily terrible or anything, it was just painfully boring. You see, he worked in a bank and he did nothing more than count money and make deposits and withdrawals all day. The customer service aspect wasn't always bad, there were some really nice old ladies that came in and always gave him candy from their purses, but there was still the occasional asshole that came through. It was usually middle-aged men who were bored with their wives at home that really caused a problem - they always gave him some stupid one-liner and stared at his body in the least discreet way possible.
Today, however, Dan really hated his job. He had stayed up all night writing an essay for one of his classes at Uni, making him dreadfully tired. To make matters worse, his bus left early, causing him to run down the streets of London, half asleep and tripping over everything. Then, just as he was a block away, it started raining.
By the time he got to the bank, he was damp and his hair was frizzy and he still ended up being half an hour late. Luckily, his boss was nice enough to understand, but still. He was freezing and irritated.
The rest of the morning was uneventful - just handing money back and forth over the counter and giving everyone a kind smile, which was entirely fake because how was he supposed to give a genuine smile when he was literally in his own personal Hell?
After lunch, which consisted of half a grilled chicken salad that he shared with his coworker because he forgot both his lunch and his wallet at home, things got a little more interesting. His boss left due to a family emergency, so he and the Grilled Chicken Salad coworker were just sitting around talking in between serving customers.
"Any plans for the weekend, Mr. Howell?" She asked casually. Her name was Lucy and she had fiery red hair that fell in curls down her back. Her skin was littered with freckles and she had a pair of gorgeous green eyes. Dan thought she was quite a few years older than him, too. Maybe 30. He wasn't sure, but he knew that she had a little girl at home who was 3 years old.
"Might go home for the weekend, but I've got a lot of work for Uni, so might not." He said to her with a shrug. "How about you?"
"Oh, Sarah is having a birthday party on Saturday. Just in our back garden. She is absolutely in love with tea parties." Lucy explained. "And I know it would be no fun for a young man like you, but Sarah adores you and she wanted me to invite you. You don't have to come at all, but I promised her I would at least ask."
"Oh, she's going to be four, yeah?" Dan asked, and when Lucy nodded and smiled, he continued. "Well, that's a pretty big deal. I'd hate to miss it."
"Really? You don't have to, Dan." She said, but Dan dismissed her. He had known Sarah since she was a little over a year old because sometimes she would come to work with her mum. Dan was always scared to be around children lest he would accidentally break them or something, but after spending many afternoons with Sarah, they became pretty good friends.
It was nearing three o'clock in the afternoon when things really went to shit. More shit than Dan's terrible morning.
Three men dressed in black with balaclavas concealing their faces stormed, guns in hand. Dan hadn't even seen them at first because he had been checking some records for one of Lucy's clients while she was in the restroom. Of course, they soon made their presence known when one of them shouted, "Everyone except the workers out of here!"
Obviously, everyone scurried out with panic-stricken faces. Dan prayed they called the police.
"I want everyone on their knees with their hands up!" Another guy yelled. Dan, like every other worker who wished not to die a gruesome death, complied, and dropped to his knees, hands in the air beside his head. The three dispersed from the main entrance and each one took a section of the bank, one of the three stationing himself a few feet in front of Dan.
"Yeah, get down on your knees for me," the guy in front him said, smirk visible through the cutout section of the mask. The remark definitely had and underlying innuendo, but it was said almost jokingly - as though the burgurlar himself found the comment funny, but not in a degrading way towards Dan. It was different than how all the 40-year-old husbands said sexual things to him. It didn't make him feel dirty, just kind of agitated.
He wasn't exactly sure what came over him, but Dan suddenly started feeling extremely angry. Maybe it was because he had already had an incredibly irritating day. Maybe it was because he couldn't stand the idea of anyone taking someone like Lucy's life, especially when they had a little girl at home who was excited for her 4th birthday party. Maybe it was both, but despite Dan's hatred for his job, he decided to say something in defense of it and the people with which he worked.
"You know, you're a fucking asshole," Dan said in a slightly wavering voice to the guy in front of him. A pair of bright blue eyes locked on him and a dazzling white smile was thrown his way. Although he couldn't see any other parts of this man's face due to the balaclava, Dan wanted to melt under his gaze.
"Yeah?" Blue Eyes said in a flirtatious tone. "Well, you're fucking hot, Daniel." Dan's eyes widened before he remembered he was a wearing a name tag. Then his cheeks flushed red due to the blunt compliment. His hands dropped to his side and his eyes couldn't keep contact with Mr. White Smile.
He heard a chuckle and looked back up to see that this guy was indeed laughing at him. He supposed it was a bit weird to get flustered by a criminal while his workplace was being robbed. He felt still flustered, nevertheless.
"Okay, well, you have really nice eyes," Dan said, as though he were throwing a good comeback, not a compliment. Blue Eyes laughed again, and this time it was more than just a chuckle, because Dan could see his eyes crinkling and his tongue poking out between his teeth. Dan's chest exploded in warmth.
"Let me take you out and show you how nice everything else is." He flirted. Before Dan could even reply, someone was shouting in his direction.
"Phil!" One of the other criminals yelled. Blue Eyes, looked over, so Dan figured that must be his name. "Quit flirting with the hostage, and make him put his hands back up!"
"He's fine," Phil said, giving Dan permission to keep his hand rested against his thighs versus held up in the air.
The guy who was seemingly in charge, went to work, making Opal, a little old lady who worked at the bank, fetch him money from the vault. The bags were filled with almost 10,000 pounds by the time blue lights were flashing outside.
The group of three united again and started heading for the side door, where a silver Prius seemed to be waiting. Dan felt a small pang in his chest, knowing he was never going to see this Phil guy again, because even if they passed on the street, Dan didn't think he'd be able to pinpoint a pretty smile and pair of eyes out of a crowd.
On his way out, however, Phil turned around and pointed his gun directly at Dan, who was still sitting on his knees in the floor. Before he had time to panic about the gun, Phil was using it to motion it Dan in his direction, and saying, "C'mon. Come on!"
Dan, despite sensing that the matter was time sensitive, hesitated. In an unsure, wavering tone he said, "W-what? Why?"
"I'm taking you out, baby. Now, come on." Phil said, grinning through his mask. All the other employees were staring at Dan, mouths open and eyes wide, as he started to stand up.
It was on a whim, sure, and he realized how many things could go wrong - he could get killed (they had guns! and sure, robbery and murder were two very different things, but they had guns!), he could be badly hurt, he could be counted as an accomplice to crime. The list went on, really. But, despite that, he just had a good feeling in his chest. The same feeling you gets right when you unexpectedly see a dog in town, or find money in the street. A good, pure feeling.
So, like that, he rushed to Phil quickly while his coworkers watched in shock and the other burgarlers teased the blue-eyed man. Phil opened the back door of the Prius and got in first, allowing Dan to halfway sit in his lap while the other two men placed themselves in the car as well - one in the passenger and one in the back beside Phil.
And like Phil had promised, everything else was as nice as his blue eyes.
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marauders70s · 7 years
so i was just sitting in the bathroom thinking about family dinners at the weasleys and realized that how does (does?) harry transition from mrs. weasley to molly? like “pass the potatoes, molly” wtffffffff that’s so weird. so of course being me and sniggering about it in my head i decided to write a ficlet
“Molly” c. December 2003
“I do wish you’d bring her over for Sunday dinners, Percy,” Mrs. Weasley was complaining across the table at her third son. “You’re the only one in the family whose beau we don’t know.”
“That’s how it’s supposed to work,” replied Percy, irritably sawing his meat too forcefully for the china plate. It chipped, and he had to repair it as it had been dozens of times before with the tap of his wand.
“What do you mean, Perce?” asked George down the table, eyes wide. “Incest isn’t for everyone?”
Angelina smacked him hard on the arm, while Hermione snorted heavily into her cup.
“I was a stranger among you once,” said Fleur, who was delicately clearing by hand and making Mrs. Weasley scowl furiously at daring to even walk while carrying her second grandchild in her large, protruding stomach. Fleur was always so put together, that to Harry she looked as if she had swallowed a quaffle and wrapped it in silk maternity clothes. When he mentioned this to Ron, he had only opened his mouth before Ginny elbowed it shut with a roll of her eyes.
“We had met you at Harry’s Triwizard Cup,” said Bill at once, who was carefully dabbing at Victoire’s mouth while she wielded a wriggling plastic spoon of mashed potatoes. “You were in all the papers. We knew you.”
“Yes, and Audrey is an unknown!” agreed Mrs. Weasley, seeming to think Bill was squarely on her side, and Percy rolled his eyes at him irritably. Instead, he gestured at his other older brother.
“Pick on Charlie. Charlie’s not dating anyone.”
“And I don’t intend to,” said Charlie into his spelled-icy stein of beer. He was nursing several bad burns on his forearms. “With a job like mine, I’d never have time for anyone but the dragons.”
“And Charlie loves his dragons,” Ginny put in from Harry’s side defensively.
“Yes, Percy, don’t be mean to Charlie,” said George, all wide eyed innocence that made Mrs. Weasley fire up at once and grow bigger in her seat, afraid they really were picking on Charlie.
“I’ll bring Audrey to dinner,” mumbled Percy at once, shoving his glasses up his face. 
“Yeah, how about next Sunday, for the first Sunday of Advent?” prodded Hermione, smiling angelically at Percy’s glower, though usually they got on quite well. 
“Oh Percy, that would be lovely. We’ll start having little Christmas teas before dinner this month,” agreed Mrs. Weasley at once. There was a rush from the fireplace and Mr. Weasley stepped out to a chorus of groans from his family. Charlie, George, and Ginny all made farting noises with their mouths, flapping their elbows as Mr. Weasley held up two hands apologetically. 
“I know, I know, I’m late,” he consoled. “Kingsley had me-”
“‘Kingsley had me,’” parroted George as Ginny snickered. “Oh Dad’s getting so chummy with the Minister he’ll soon turn into Percy!”
The table laughed uproariously, Percy going a brighter blood red as he shoveled his fork around his plate, smiling horribly. 
“Any food left?” asked Mr. Weasley a little hopelessly as he tipped bowls scraped clean with spoons towards him.
“On the stove,” said Mrs. Weasley briskly.
“I’ll get it!” Harry jumped up. “And there’s a chair next to Ginny.”
Ginny pulled out the chair for her father, smiling up at him while Fleur levered herself down next to Victoire, petting her white blonde hair with love, encouraging her to eat the cooked carrots Bill was carefully chopping into bite sized pieces.
Harry put the full plate Mrs. Weasley had put aside for her husband in front of Mr. Weasley.
“Thank you Harry,” he said tiredly, picking up fork and knife. 
“And?” asked Mrs. Weasley pointedly. 
“And you, dear,” added Mr. Weasley. 
“Harry, do you have any more potatoes?” asked Mrs. Weasley, craning her neck down the table.
Harry tilted several bowls until he found some. “Here, Mrs. Weasley,” and he set the potatoes floating down towards her open hands.
“Thank you dear,” she said, spooning some onto her plate, and then on Fleur’s empty one for good measure as well, scowling furiously until Fleur took a perfunctory bite and passed them instead to Bill. 
“And Harry,” the table went very quiet, Angelina and George freezing where they had been balancing four spoons on the end of their noses, trying to fight each other with their faces. Ron was picking apart a roll and throwing it at them, trying to dislodge the charmed spoons.
“I’d really prefer if you and Hermione would follow Angie’s lead and call me Molly.”
Harry felt himself going blood red, and Ginny began silently snickering in her seat while the spoons off George’s nose clattered to his floor without his charmed concentration. 
“Oh...er...” stammered Harry, but Hermione beat him to it, her own brown eyes glinting with humor.
“Sure, Molly, I’d like that.”
Ron choked on his own beer, need George to whack him hard between the shoulderblades while Harry glared at Hermione across the table, his own tongue thick and awkward.
“Oh...er...” Harry repeated again, and Mrs. Weasley looked up, as if pretending she hadn’t seen any of the previous dramatics.
“What?” she asked, hurt brown eyes huge. “Don’t you feel a part of this family?”
Harry felt the tang of acid on his tongue. “Er...”
“You and Ginny are practically married, like Ron and Hermione. And now we have grandchildren coming in. And Angie and George are-”
“Okay!” yelled George hastily. “No big ideas, Mum!”
“Mum!” Ron butted in loudly. “Just leave Harry alone! If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to!”
“He doesn’t want to?” Mrs. Weasley said, hurt. 
“I want to!” said Harry, just as loudly.
“What are you shouting for?” Bill shouted, as Victoire began to cry, her three year old lungs lusty and loud. 
“You are all upsett-eeng my leetle girl!” Fleur cried, swinging Victoire into her arms. 
“Molly,” said Arthur helplessly. “Harry doesn’t have to.”
“It’s not that,” stammered Harry.
“Bill, I am going upstairs to put Victoire to bed.” 
“I can do it!” Bill jumped up.
“We shall both go,” said Fleur decisively. 
“Fancy a game of quaffle catch, George, Angie?” Charlie said, hastily slamming his mug down on the table. “It’ll be like old times on the team.”
“Oi! I’ll come!” Ron hurried to butt in. Harry dug his nails into Ginny’s wrist as she tried to jump up after them.
“Hermione, have you seen-” Percy began, but he needn’t have bothered; Hermione was already making her hasty excuses to Mr. Weasley and practically towing Percy forward with a loud:
“Oh yes! I’ll help you pick a Christmas gift for Audrey!”
Now it was only Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley at the end of the table in her matriarch’s throne, and Mr. Weasley in a hastily drawn up chair next to Ginny. Mr. Weasley was steadily and studiously salting his peas. 
“Mrs. W-” Harry began, but Mrs. Weasley stopped him with a look.
“Now Harry,” she began fiercely. “How long have you been a part of this family?”
Harry glanced helplessly at Ginny, but Mrs. Weasley interrupted him again.
“No! Not just with Ginny! But since Ron and those boys-” she never quite managed Fred’s name - “brought you home in Arthur’s stupid flying car! I went to bed with six sons, and woke with seven!”
Harry was feeling very queer, like perhaps he had eaten one too many of those hot buttered rolls, and they were working in a solid lump down his intestines, doubling back rather a lot.
“And it didn’t matter that you didn’t quite look like us,” Mrs. Weasley continued ruthlessly. “It only meant one more color at Christmas, and I’d been wanting to add green for ages.”
Harry realized she was eyeing his very old and shabby too-small sweater that had been let out at the seams with an engorgement charm. It was green, and had a gold dragon on the front.
“And of course when you...went away...” A horrible, awkward silence, and Ginny flipped her hand under the table to grip Harry’s, Harry dropping his gaze in embarrassment and shame at the reference to horcrux hunting. 
“I told Molly we should have you call us Aunt and Uncle,” put in Mr. Weasley unexpectedly, scraping his plate for the last of his peas. “Probably around your third year before Sirius and Remus.”
Harry flinched at the names, and Mr. Weasley kindly pretended not to notice.
“But she said it might be too horrible after your real aunt and uncle.”
Harry had to smile at that, and Mr. Weasley beamed appreciatively. “Never quite did get over meeting them in their parlor,” Mr. Weasley shook his head pensively, and this time Harry laughed, recalling the disastrous explosion and Fred’s ton tongue toffee.
“So,” said Mrs. Weasley decisively. “If you won’t call us Aunt and Uncle, and you and Ginny keep on-”
“Mum!” interrupted Ginny hotly.
“Then I think it’s only fair you call us by our names, properly,” said Mrs. Weasley, not heeding her daughter’s flashing brown eyes, so similar to her own.
“Er...alright,” said Harry awkwardly. 
“It shouldn’t be hard,” said Mr. Weasley affably. “In the Order, you heard everyone call us Molly and Arthur.” And Harry was hit with a gut wrenching twist at the reminder of Lupin’s words about her children:
“For heaven’s sake Molly, would we let them starve?”
Harry managed to nod, and let go of Ginny’s hand. He stood, grabbing a plate.
“Oh Harry, just leave them,” waved Mrs. Weasley, but Harry neatly spelled them to stack in the sink, still not proficient enough at kitchen spells to get them to wash themselves.
“Dinner was delicious,” Harry heard himself saying, as if from far away. “Thank you, Molly.”
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Heyo boo Ali: thanks for Rocky wrangling with me today, you're now also his fave so, add that to your tally Carly: its k i had fun Carly: hes a cutie & cool kid Ali: me too Ali: yeah, he's alright, but cocky enough so I ain't telling him Ali: dunno where he gets that from 😏 Carly: ha Carly: yea idk Carly: no clue Ali: i'm sorry Ro was being off btw, I'm working out why but trust it wasn't you, babe Ali: been neglecting her lately, everyone wants a piece of me Ali: hard life Carly: idc its me too Carly: nobody wants a piece but you Ali: I just told you that ain't true, and Rocky is ruthless, he called one of my customers a 'big bum witch' the other day Ali: no tip for me, thanks dickhead Ali: but I want all of you regardless Ali: willing to throw hands Carly: aw Carly: this town is full of big bum witches tho Carly: my ma back for one Carly: but are you willing to use those hands for good too or Ali: awks if that was your Ma, like hey gurl, I think you rock it Ali: your daughter ain't bad either Ali: you know it, IOU 'cos we couldn't make like we were in the backrow of the cinema Carly: unless she been lying about where she at i think youve avoided meeting the in laws again Carly: k cuz you kno i need to collect soon Carly: bored Carly: just back and zoned out so fast Ali: ain't even got exciting stories from their galavanting? fucking rude Ali: at least when we go AWOL we also go wild Ali: make things happen, lads Carly: my ma's good for nothing but hairspray and peroxide Carly: only use if i get beat up again Carly: my da's good for cash tho if you wanna get wild w me Ali: or you wanna single white female me Ali: which would be a disappointing outcome to say the least Ali: can't tonight babe, I've gotta have some sister time Ali: go hard for both of us Carly: k Carly: try not to miss me bad when shes talking about me Ali: oh babe, she will not, and if she does I'll set her straight Ali: gonna let the world know you're my 😇 Carly: whatever her issue shes gotta air it and youre her sister so you gotta hear it Carly: idc shes not gonna hurt me w it Carly: and setting peeps straight is the opposite of how you do, babe Ali: true Ali: idk what issue she could have though, you're a literal ray of sunshine Ali: true again 😏 Ali: ugh, imma miss you Ali: maybe i can sneak out when she's gone to bed, the 'rents too Carly: i miss you now Carly: cant hear my parents say shit Carly: i just wanna talk to you Carly: dont tell me maybe & keep me waiting tho Ali: i will Ali: promise Carly: i dont wanna make trouble for you Carly: w anyone Carly: you can stay w her if you need to stay Ali: You won't Ali: I can do both Ali: be back before first light Ali: even if I'll miss watching the sun rise on your face 😔 Ali: we've got the night, baby Carly: but you kno if ive got you for the whole night youre gonna fall asleep Carly: thats what im good at Carly: feel free to tell your sister thats why you like me ha Carly: fun & tiring its magic Ali: hmm, we'll see who wears who out first, babe Ali: and if I am that husband, then you'll just have to wake me up with morning sex like the good little wifey you are 😘😂 Carly: always bringing that confidence i like it Carly: k but if my parents wake up too you can explain its a duty thing yea i had to like Ali: i like you Ali: for so many reasons and imma show you all of 'em tonight Ali: fuck that Ali: stay out with me, its warm enough Ali: i'll trace all the constellations out with my tongue so you won't ever forget Ali: educational Carly: my ma is asking me what im blushing about Carly: i told her what you said but she's not a believer Carly: support my education bitch Carly: ha Ali: i mean, i'd offer to let her see the benefits for herself but Ali: not gonna win me any brownie points 'cos she won't take me up on it Carly: she dont kno what she's missing but i do Carly: wish you were here Ali: me too Ali: start the party without me babe, i don't mind Carly: too late if you do Carly: gotta get through this reunion some way Ali: they aren't making you watch a slideshow, are they? Ali: fate worse than death Ali: Maybe you could go to Ronan's? Lmao, he's been up in my pussy way too much since he found out about us...didn't think we were THAT loud but ok boy Carly: yea Carly: might do cuz same Carly: but what if i miss you he can really make a night of it when he wants Ali: Nah, I won't let you face that disappointment, babe Ali: my spidey senses will tingle like not on my watch, fuckboy Carly: aw Carly: you gonna come get me? Carly: thats no way to get him out your pussy babe fyi Ali: yeah Ali: I know but I like the idea of showing you off as mine Ali: but no sharing, he only gets to watch and be mad he fucked it up Carly: i like it too Carly: youre hot when youre oneupping fuckboys Carly: i thought i knew how to do it best but k youre flipping the script Ali: as long as i'm besting them i'm doing my job right Ali: gotta keep you on-board Carly: speak of the devil Carly: how he know i was alone & horny Carly: my parents have only gone to the shops its uncanny Ali: know your neighbours but bit stalkerish, pal Ali: i'll text him to fuck off, freak him out Ali: how does she know, ha, two can play this game fucko and I'm more committed Carly: ha Carly: you gotta Carly: hes smoking im gonna bum one see what line he tries to lay on before the text sends Ali: On it Ali: gotta let him know there's a queue to court the princess now and he's at the back, soz Carly: he likes hitting it from the back he wont be put off Carly: im gonna show him some of the hot pics i took of you tho Ali: when is he ever tbf? 🐶👅💦 Carly: true Carly: that fucking cute tho aren't i Ali: you know it babe Carly: hes talking to my da now Carly: kill me Ali: how fucking dare he Ali: knowing he has the upper hand with the man bants Ali: i know how to change a tire too! love me! Carly: if my ma invites him in for tea im out of here Carly: she will think hes hot under the collar for her & bitch thats my groundwork Ali: Run baby run Ali: what kinda moron is he tho Ali: coulda had a private show if you just waited, now its all saturday night telly and flat lager Carly: you kno i have nowhere to go if you dont want me babe Carly: facts Carly: he likes me now he cant have me what a fucking Carly: like i wouldve fucked you but im not getting w you Ali: i do, is this full sos crisis mode though? 'cos i need to be good for a lil while longer yet Ali: such a typical bloke move that Ali: bet he ain't the only boy in ur inbox, not a pun Ali: 'cos he ain't in mine like 🙄 Carly: its k your sister needs you Carly: i can keep walking Carly: loads of other lads on site as well as in my inbox Carly: & they arent trying to say hi to me before we get down to it nevermind my parents Ali: 😾 Carly: why so sad blue eyed boo Ali: i don't like how lads treat you Ali: i'm not jealous, like swear to god, even though i obviously want you all to myself, i get it Ali: but i'm not about how shit they are to you, even if you don't care, they should care to be decent humans Carly: thats not lads its everyone Carly: youre the only one treating me different Carly: they dont know how else to be Carly: made my bed babe Ali: nah Ali: you don't deserve half the shit you get, that's bullshit Ali: and even the rest, people just don't wanna try to understand or be good, heaven forfend they inconvineince themselves for one second, like Carly: if im a slag im a slag i dont get to put conditions on it Carly: if it was a film maybe Carly: but theres no romance coming my way from theres and i dont want it Ali: why can't you just be you? someone who likes fucking, among other things Ali: not romance just like...not being a cunt Ali: idk Ali: pisses me off Carly: cuz you don't run the world even tho you strut it like you do and i love it Ali: not yet, babe Ali: one day, and you can be my right hand woman Carly: yea? Carly: take me w you & ill take you to all your fave places k Ali: k Ali: we'll be fun forever, I promise you Carly: gotta be Ali: you know i like you even when you ain't tho Ali: don't tell Carly: who would i Carly: ronans got enough for his wank bank & nobody else is chatting to me rn Ali: exactly, ruins the illusion and fantasy when they realise i care about you Ali: so unsexy of me Carly: youre sexy to me Carly: idc what they think Ali: good Ali: me either Carly: i like you too you kno Ali: yeah Ali: i had my suspicions Carly: i dont have any subtlety sorry about it Ali: Don't be Ali: I love it Ali: not enough people say what they mean or want, ever Carly: waste Carly: k i wasnt shouting how bad i wanted to kiss you before i did but not cuz i was bothered about me Ali: agreed Ali: sometimes you can't know you want something until you've got it Ali: i get it Carly: you get me Carly: its weird Ali: 🔮 Carly: ha Carly: k what am i thinking now Ali: wouldn't be proper to say Ali: tut tut bad girl Ali: like how you think though Carly: fuck Carly: youre good Ali: 🤷 don't mean to brag but remember that phrase you'll be screaming it later Ali: such a Ronan line, I can't 😂 Carly: but true Carly: not like when he says it Ali: 😍 Carly: what you doing w your sister Carly: gotta live through that cuz bored Ali: Fixing my weave Ali: getting into a white girl dread territory over here Ali: then gonna do some 🔮 forreal Ali: get ready for me to be even more of a know it all baby Carly: cute Carly: tell me my future i got some shit from another neighbor & im waiting for it to kick Carly: hows it gonna treat me Carly: needing a good trip Ali: we'll see who gets the answer first Ali: you got anything for me? Carly: yea Carly: they mystery but i kno you arent scared Carly: & you got me doing a test run rn lying on here on the grass Ali: 🌌 be there before it fades away my space explorer Carly: if you find me at a bad end prob dont take it Ali: is one of the lads trip sitting you Carly: so he reckons but hes drinking so theres no trust Carly: & he gave me it Carly: his game could be me lights out idk Ali: keep texting me, okay babe? Ali: if shit gets too real, tell me and I'll come early Ali: my sis is cool now, she gets what we're doing, she was just confused Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Carly: you told her you like me Ali: 'course I did Ali: I ain't ashamed Ali: I'm proud Carly: youre gonna make me cry Ali: You're special, Carly Ali: You're gonna see Carly: I just wanna see you tho Ali: Me too Ali: I'm gonna make her some chamomile tea and then I'm coming, yeah? Carly: but thats not fair to her Carly: she's not gonna be a fan of me Ali: I've promised her more time tomorrow Ali: You need me rn Carly: but what if i want you to stay Carly: what are we gonna do then Ali: i'll stay until you're ready for me to go Carly: you mean that? Ali: yes Ali: promise, imma take care of you Carly: but theres nothing in it for you Carly: youve already got me you dont have to Ali: i wanna keep you Ali: and not just selfishly Ali: you gotta stick around, you're too cool to go anywhere, okay Carly: k Carly: im here & if you wanna be im not stopping you Ali: good Ali: i wanna be wherever you are Carly: i kept you pills back the lads didnt want me to but idc about them & you can follow me in now Ali: fuck them Ali: just me and you Carly: yea Carly: ill look after you too Ali: 😇 Ali: i know, i trust you Carly: idk if you should Carly: but i like it Ali: willing to take my chances Ali: you're worth it Carly: thats you Ali: i'm so glad i met you Carly: me too Carly: not that i met me thats weird Carly: you know what i mean Ali: i got you Ali: not high yet 😉 Carly: id seen you around before you guardian angel'd me that night Carly: thats weird too Carly: that i didnt see you how i do now Ali: it is Ali: you were always cute but Ali: idk, i can't claim to have seen this in my crystal ball Carly: thats cuz i wasnt cute i was a state Carly: & youd have more likely seen me sucking ronans dick Carly: look away babe you dont need to have that image in your mind Ali: don't need him reckoning he plays part in any of my fantasies, nah Ali: you can't not be cute, no matter how you try, soz babe Carly: you can't not be so sweet to me can you Ali: dunno Ali: not tried Carly: idk what id do if you did Carly: i got used to it Ali: got no plans to stop Ali: unless you ask me to, like Carly: thats not gonna be what i ask you to do Carly: trust me Ali: you can tell me all about it Ali: 5 minutes, tops Carly: okay
0 notes
tube-thoughts-blog · 6 years
Vol. 15
zero stars - terrible, 1/2 a star - dull, 1 star - folly, 1 1/2 stars - lacking, 2 stars - fair, 2 1/2 stars - decent, 3 stars - terrific
The Haunted: Stalked By A Vampire *Bumps in the night & an invisible sucker of energy, Animal Planet? Okay, the family had a dog & 2 cats, animal enough for ya? A mom of 5, w/ a husband away at work all the time, projects her somber moods over certain recent life events, like her admitted miscarriages, onto her family. Instead of time spent really trying in the care of mental health experts, paranormal "experts" are called in. The spook investigators sound like they're making a metaphor about this "energy Vampire" continuing to follow this woman around as if they really meant to be saying her mental health problems. Sadly, they're serious only about the supernatural & not this woman or family's mental well being.* 1 star
Jerry Springer: "I'm Happy I Cut Off My Own Legs!" *A middle aged man turned trans-gender woman achieves another lifelong goal when "she," after many hilariously described failed attempts (homemade guillotine),  discovers that a power saw is the right tool for the job. On a side note, Caitlyn Jenner is still a former male Olympics track star w/ both "her" legs.* 1 star
The Comfort Zone w/ Ray Comfort: Ken Ham "Aliens Go To Hell" (Live Interview) *The creator of the Creation Museum claims to be saying that he doesn't believe that NASA is complete nonsense, but he suggests that it's a waste of time & money. From the smarmy & unfunny remarks of Ken, Ray, & the other co-hosts/tools it's obvious that they're attempting, & failing, in trying to tie the secular scientific community in w/ hardcore UFO believers.* 1 star
Penn & Teller Bullshit!: Twelve Stepping & Hypnosis *Have a disease? Then get on your knees. Close your eyes, count backwards, & you're cured.* 3 stars
--- Everything Is Terrible:
*M... Kay...: God first, money second, cosmetics third, individuality somewhere after family & a career w/ Mary Kay.* 2 1/2 stars
*Pre-Marital Sex Who Do You Listen To: Listen to the dorky 80s rock band PETRA, some supposed experts in the emerging HIV-AIDS crisis who have an obvious religious bias, &  your local Republican congressman & or minister... heck could have been dad's country club golf buddy / spiritual guru of the green. Keep your privates holy & clean.* Decent
*Sheep: "Have you ever had a mountain top experience, girls?" We know that if you listen to this Peggy Hill look-&-act-a-like w/ her own baaaa talk show, you haven't had a female orgasm, because that's not righteous of a lady, baaaaa!* either 1 or 3 stars
*Evolution Is, As Evolution Does: "A dog, a wolf, a coyote, & a banana. Which is not like the others?" I give up. I need further religious instruction to answer this question or parable. Oh, it's not a parable? It's just an attempt to disprove evolution... banana!* Folly! me banana. Daylight come & me still don't know if earth 6 thousand or 6 billion old!
*2 Minute - The Second Coming: End times & a non-believer can't even get a cheeseburger & a medium coke w/out the mark of the beast or ending up like an unfortunate soul in a story by Edgar Allan Poe.* either 1 or 3 stars
GoodBadFlicks.com : Dead Heat *Treat Williams looks so much like Bill Pullman. Treat Williams makes a great zombie.Treat Williams & Joe Piscopo make a great buddy cop duo. The 80s were probaby the only decade that a great zombie cop buddy action comedy could be made.* 3 stars for the review
--- Siskel & Ebert: The Worst Films of 1984 (aka The Stinkers of 84)
*Always loved the intros for Siskel & Ebert. I'm more familiar w/ the one from my childhood where they meet out in front of the theater looking grumpy while buying newspapers & paying the cabbie. This one is from close to a decade earlier & they're much more cheery fellows as they go about a quirky routine of getting their movie concession snacks.
*Sheena, Queen of the Jungle: Roger thinks that Sheena isn't even a good bad movie w/ inappropriate music for the action scenes "sounds like it belongs in a honeymoon video" & Tanya Roberts not being sexy enough. I like that Roger is thinking like Joe Bob. Yeah, doesn't look great to me. Yep, 80s & before were about the only time a blonde white chick could be seriously considered a jungle queen.* looks like folly
*Rhinestone: Siskel isn't fond of hearing Sylvester Stallone sing bad country music in a popular, at the time, urban cowboy genre disaster. I wouldn't either. Dolly Parton is his co-star & it looks like they had zero chemistry. Could have been the awful dialogue. More weird is that Stallone seemed to be trying a southern accent... ugh...* 1 star
*Bolero: Roger & Gene like Bo Derek better in Tarzan & 10. This is one of those infamous movies that true film fans always hear about & torture themselves with. No thanks. Looks awkward & one of those arthouse flicks that make sex dull.* 1/2 a crushed matador's penis
*Cannonball Run 2: Gene can't appreciate a country wide car race movie that only has a small animated car race at the end. I remember liking these Cannonball Run movies as a kid. Not sure if they still hold up. Probably couldn't stomach so much of Burt's physicalcomedy. Dom Deluise makes me slightly chuckle though.* close to 2 stars
*City Heat: Roger thinks that bad action & bad comedy equals a bad movie. Siskel thinks that the actors slept walked through the making of it. One would think that an Eastwood & Reynolds 1920s or 30s gangster buddy film would have some entertaining value, but it looks like it was played way too tongue in cheek.* 1 star
*Dune: Siskel & Ebert think Dune was squandered potential. Turning out to be dusty in its ugly presentation & confusingly boring. As poorly made as "an old serial like Captain Video." Dune is another divisive infamous movie. I'm not qualified enough to comment on it as I've never gotten around to seeing it. Only David Lynch movie that I haven't.*
*Siskel & Ebert's honorable mentions of 84:
*Friday the 13th, The Final Chapter: "Bad news it won't be the last one." Respectfully, I say, screw you, Gene. Lucky for us 80s kids, he was right.*
More than decent.
*Windy City: "Tearjerker about a guy mostly in love with himself." A forgettable romantic comedy looks like. Every generation of movie goers has hundreds of 'em.* Dull.
*The Woman in Red: "Kelly LeBrock was not on screen enough." - Siskel. Also starring Gene Wilder lusting over her. Can't blame either Gene.* could be fair.
*Where The Boys Are: "Sex & surf replaced by inflatable dolls & sun tan lotion." - Ebert. Sounds like Roger is bitter about being too old & chubby to go to the beach where they were filming 80s sex comedies. Was it a sex comedy?* another could be fair.
*Best Defense: "A stupid military espionage story." starring Dudley Moore & Eddie Murphy .Murphy was already teaming up w/ other actors to make bad comedy movies in 84? I thought Eddie was on fire until some time in the 90s when he started screwing up.* early folly
*Harry & Son: "Painfully contrived" father son movie featuring Paul Newman.* skip, 1/2 star
*Silent Night, Deadly Night: "Crude, mean spirited slasher movie" & not a Holiday classic? What did Gene expect? It's A Wonderful Life? Thank Santa for mean spirited 80s holiday themed slasher movies. Again, this time I'll have to respectfully disagree w/ a generation of movie reviewers my parents' age who just didn't get a certain genre's finer points.* more than decent
Gene promises a feature on Hollywood's hottest new comic. Coming, next week, "The Secret of Bill Murray." Ha. Awesome time period.
Siskel & Ebert are sponsored by: Diet Shasta (generic soda for generic people like Gene & Roger), Pan Am airlines for those who wanna be spread across the Pacific ocean like so much untraceable no rescue debris... Raisinets & Goobers... Glade Smoke Away fordingy smokers who stink & wear dingy colored clothes like Gene & Roger & every other adult in the early 80s...
Roger & Gene separate at the entrance to leaving the theater. Trying to pretend that they don't secretly go to a motel together after the movies.
Occult Demon Cassette presents "Rock, It's Your Decision" 1982 (Christian Anti-Rock VHS) *It's your decision to surrender to your parents' & youth minister's opinion on devil music. That is unless you, being a dumb teenager wasting precious brain cells on rock & bible school lessons, can find, via religiously biased "research" materials backed up by scripture, a damn good reason to damn your soul to hell with rock music. Bwahahaha! That laugh might have sounded evil. But it came from a wholesome, square & uptight, while at the same time trying to be understanding to teens, youth minister.* folly
Uncharted Zone: I Only Set the Stage - Paul Gormley *Dad rock in dad jean shorts. She devil in red. The pit of hell & horrible green screen amateur music video fx. Also that ole aging rocker cosplay Satan himself.* close to 2 stars
--- Night Flight (1990):
*A jean ensemble wearing 80s teen breaks into the carnival to blast his rock cassette ove rthe audio system & to ride the rollercoaster all by himself. Sony "Take It For A Spin" 2 1/2 stars
*West Michigan's "Kids Film Festival" featuring "Problem Child 1"... "The Jetsons Movie"... Bill Cosby's "Ghost Dad"... "The Jungle Book".. "Back to the Future 3"...* 2 1/2 stars
*"Give 'Em A Brake!" road worker safety ad sponsored by the "Detroit Pistons" & the Michigan Department of Transportation. I don't want to sound like Bill O'Reilly, here, but looking at the short shorts on the early 90s NBA players makes me miss pre-HIP HOP fashions & attitudes NBA. Not a lot of disgusting tattoos either. They actually look like basketball players not "thugs" in baggy pajamas.* more than 2 stars
*Toon Theater - Goodnight Norma... Goodnight Milton: A miserable couple show their very grotesque secret sides when they get home from a night out with "friends" that they despise behind closed doors.* 3 stars
*Night Flight bumper featuring Bela Lugosi & Boris Karlof playing a game of chess.* 3 stars
*"They're young, they're beautiful, & we have their private phone numbers." Call 1 900... Yeah, I seriously doubt beautiful women want their private phone numbers given out to perverts.* more than 2 1/2 stars
*A bald middle aged man is positively thrilled w/ his game show experience on Grand Rapids tv's "The Jokers Wild."* 2 1/2 stars
*A kid sits on his carpet floor playing w/ his firetruck dreaming about one day becoming a fireman. On the 13 inch t.v. starts playing a cheesy jingle "America needs you... America needs me... America the beautiful, we're gonna save the free... So, I'm gonna be the best that I can be because America needs me!" The kid is magically transported onto the back of a firetruck on a fire & rescue mission. He's zapped back to his living room floor w/ a new "America Needs Me!" t-shirt. He gives a thumbs up & says "Drug Free"... Central Michigan Substance Abuse Center... Huh? What the hell did the fireman fantasy have to do with drugs? I'm so confused.* close to 3 stars or 1 star
*Extreme closeups of mouths as they give confessions to the camera "I couldn't help myself" along with pulsating drum & synth music as the off camera industrial fan blows the hotmodel's hair as she holds an ominous red telephone not connected to anything. It's not a wireless phone, it's one of the old school curved chorded phones, so that's why it looks odd to me & I've decided to comment on it & waste words doing so.* 3 stars
*A grandma sits down in the rocking chair, in her shack, to tell a bedtime story to a young child... for some reason, it appears that the tape cuts out & shoots to somethingelse.. not sure if this is part of the story... doesn't seem so... maybe I'm wrong
*"From Outerspace They Came" logo for a 50s sci fi style flick
*Now claymation monsters in a claymation city... looks great
*Guitar solo & the beginning of "Would you take me to Funky Town" cool
*50s sci fi space explorers sit back & prepare to be blasted off into space... I'm ready
*Logo for "Space Monster" where an astronaut encounters a creepy looking humanoid alien who won't stop flicking his tongue.* Weird, thumbs up
*Grandma's back to tell another story... So, I guess beginning w/ the first time we saw her that was the first Night Flight video essay.* 3 stars for that one
*Here begins another Night Flight Video Essay
*1940s looking cartoon screen card for "The Pincussion Man" as Bowie & Queen's "Under Pressure" begins to play.
*It's a happy cartoon planet of balloon animal creatures & explosions
*interspiced into that is a 50s era show or movie featuring a guy being hypnotized to walk funny & then being levetated onto a table.* goes together well.* 3 stars for that essay, unless this is gonna be one big long essay. I'm unclear, so I'm breaking it up.
*Grandma's back for her bit & to start another song w/ selected animation / skits for it
*Witchy cat woman Diana Ross leads a hunk, in a white suit, by the hand through a dreamlike black & white world.* She's into horror makeup like her protege Michael Jackson, I guess
*She's a panther woman but she "don't wanna be eaten alive" even though she's planning on sucking the meat from this guy's bones. Eat me, Diana, Mistress of the Motown Night!
*It sounds like Michael Jackson is singing backup vocals on this song. Sounds good & 80s funky.* More than 2 1/2 stars for that one.
*Grandmas back, once again, & once upon a time... But the Nightflight bumper & announcer lady means that entire series of video essays is over, I'm assuming.*
*Not even 20 minutes into this episode of Night Flight & there's already been more entertainment content value than most modern cable channels, much less their lineup of awful shows, feature all fucking day & night long.* Viva Night Flight
*Spooky as shit ad for a psychic hotline. Most psychic hotlines usually feature white & black trash idiots talking about how it helped their relationships or fortunes. This one is complete X-Files nightmare inducing photoshop of Egyptian images, ghost children, zooming cosmos, skulls, phantom robed creatures, & other ancient religious iconography.* 3 stars
*Promo for the tabloid news journal show "Inside Edition" featuring a story on a cop undercover as a teenager. He gets executed by students. Maybe his very adult mustache was a giveaway. His grieving mom is nothing to laugh at, but Inside Edition is the one doing the exploiting, I'm sure. Probably pretending it's some kind of youth crime epidemic & not some random & odd circumstance act. Ah, there's host Bill O'Reilly. Ha.* 1 star
*Ad for a dirtbike arena racing "Thrills & Chills" home video.* I'll pass. 2 stars
*special preview for "Frankenhooker" coming to vhs home video.* 3 stars
*Comedy Cuts - Mario Joyner: Jokes about how black folks don't try to get a fade by frost bite in the Winter like white folk do w/ their sun tan in the Summer.* close to 2 1/2 stars
*Comedy Cuts - Norman Gunston - Roving Reporter: A neurotic Brit raves about some bloodbank conspiracy & then startles random real people on the Hollywood Walk of Fame while asking them for free blood donations. Ha.* close to 3 stars
*Inside Edition promo about Judy Garland's failed comeback tv show. No surprise that this shameless show picks easy targets like dead celebrities. Then, an even more ironic story featuring Bill Cosby talking with teens about sex... Oh, boy....* 1 star
*A morbid "This little piggy" ends in a toe tag for an abused child. In a Child Welfare League of America ad. A grim time period involving child abuse.*
2 stars
*Feature on the resurgence of 70s shock rocker Alice Cooper.* 2 1/2 stars
*Night Flight makes use of their vault of movie & cartoon clips for some horse riding, cowboy, wild indian, kung fu, arabian knight horseback tricks action in a faux ad for "Billy Jo Bob's Riding Academy" "2 Miles Past Bucky's Gunshop"* cool close to 3 stars
*Tuxedo wearing James Stacy holds up a Dirty Harry sized handgun & then says that drunk drivers do more damage. "It could cost you an arm & a leg." He then reveals to be missing both his arm & leg. Heavy, but I'm not sure which statistic is higher for U.S. deaths.* close to 2 1/2 stars. They really don't know how to do effective, startling public service announcements, like this one, anymore.
*Bela Lugosi in "The Phantom Creeps": "Mad Genius Running Wild" the papers say as Bela creates things like a giant killer robot, super villain invisibility, & bombs that can be tossed like firecrackers.* 2 1/2 stars
*Painter Paul Collins shows off his artwork from time spent on a Native American Indian reservation & he calls them an "endangered species" in an ad for the Michigan Indian Child Welfare Agency.* 2 1/2 stars
*The silhoutte of an 80s chick & the breathy words "fantasy phone" must have been enough to get phone sex horny losers to "finish" after the chick tells them "I'll start & yo ufinish." 5 dollars for the first minute. They want their 5 bucks first because they know that you'll finish in under a minute if you're desperate enough to call one of these numbers. Just a "hot" girl speaking to you at all is enough to reach climax.* 2 stars
*Rocky Horror Picture Show - Timewarp: Might have seemed lazy to toss this classic into the late night variety, but it hadn't been done to death by this point or ruined by the awful people involved with the musical show "Glee."*
2 1/2 stars
*The Fleshtones - I Was a Teenage Zombie: Would make a great B-side to "Surfin' Dead" plus the movie clips look decent as well.* close to 3 stars
*Yazoo - Don't Go: Don't remember the video for this being so horror inspired.* Decent
*Sheena Easton - Telephone: All the classic Universal monsters plus a disembodied hand are after Sheena. Can't say that I blame them after she tempted all w/ her "Sugar Walls"* 2 1/2 stars
*Comedy Cuts - Colin Quinn: He pokes fun at growing up Irish-Catholic dealing w/ cop relatives & touchy priests.* close to 3 stars
*Louis Armstrong's "Wonderful World" set to video of kung fu cinematic action.* 3 stars
*Rudy Vallee in The Musical Doctor: A singing emergency room where a "Step & fetch it" black stereotype is seeking treatment. The doc prescribes him the smooth sounds of inter-spliced clips of Sting from The Police (huh? ha!). He's black, so he'll also need a dose of interspliced Chaka Khan's "I Feel For You."* either 1 or 3 stars
*Old old Hollywood clips of beautiful ladies doing some synchronized swimming dances while the Night Flight voice over lady pokes fun at Dr. Vallee's techniques.* 3 stars
*Dr. Vallee has another crazy patient. This one has hammer toe "Stop Hammertime" w/ the MC himself spliced in. No kidding.* 2 1/2 stars
*Another patient is suffering from lack of music, so he gets some Dionne Warwick "That's What Friends Are For" followed by Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" R & B from "Babyface"... blues from some of the masters... more MC Hammer "Can't Touch This"... my my my my.... "Bel Biv Devoe" for dessert...* 2 1/2 stars early Obamacare
*Cultural tv game show featuring everything from President Ike to President Reagan from James Dean to Disco. Hot pants to the VCR. "Tic Tac Dough."* close to 3 stars
*Not ready for tv women in an ad for the Displaced Homemaker Program. This is exactly why women need not to be homemakers or second class citizens. I'm no liberal or femi-nazi controlled thinker, but seeing these poor women's lives ruined after divorce or becoming a widow is just sad & a product of our failure as a society.* 2 stars
*Pretentious Bono in a cowboy hat during one of U2's concert tours from the 80s. One where they're filming it in black & white. He's trying to get art street cred by having blues legend B.B. King join U2 on stage.* 2 stars
*B.B. King - I Need Some Help: performed on what looks like Austin City Limits. This time w/out Bono to ruin the performance.* 2 1/2 stars
*B.B. King - Lucille: Steve Martin, Dan Akroyd, the lovely Michelle Pfeiffer, & Eddie Murphy join B.B. for a quirky video.* close to 3 stars
*Robert Cray - Right Next Door: Rather subdued, sitting alone in an artsy room w/ flowing curtain window w/ bare minimum light shining through it, guitar solo video.* 2 1/2 stars
*Robert Cray - Nothing But a Woman: This video has Cray singing & 80s cartoon graphic sinterspliced w/ Cray & the band video fx. 80s MTV & Monty Python esque* 2 1/2 stars
*Albert Collins - The Trouble W/ Money: This looks like a 70s era performance on something like The Midnight Special. Collins is a haggard looking old school black dude who plays his guitar like he's making love to a woman.*
close to 3 stars
*Renee Taylor's "2" (1967 short comedy film): Parody of pretentious Eye-Talian cinema & modern people's pretentious self loathing in love affairs.*
close to 3 stars
*"Big Cheese & the Food Groupies" California Raisins style animated wholesome snack PSA w/ the characters singing in the fridge for some happy kids.* 2 1/2 weird stars
*Night Flight's Sci Fi Monsters video essay:
*Oingo Boingo - Weird Science: Interspliced w/ old clips of early 20th century films like "A Voyage to the Moon" or whatever it's called.* more than decent
*"We Have the Technology" interspliced w/ the electrocution scene from the 50s classic "Thing from Another World."* close to terrific
*The theme from Doctor Who interspliced w/ Doctor Who style robots & a stadium rock anthem by TimeLords.* 3 stars
*Kate Bush is a spooky banshee in "Experiment 4".* 3 stars
*"Ladies & gentleman, Elvis 1990" a Billy Idol look-a-like spliced w/ scenes of cyberpunk dystopias & Godzilla.* close to 3 stars
*Now a true Elvis look-a-like in outerspace singing "Video Babe" while flying saucers destroy Washington monuments.* 3 stars
*Herbie Hancock's 80s synthesizer classic spliced w/ scenes of early 20th century movie magic explorers encountering dangerous tribe people of the moon.* 2 1/2 stars
*Fishbone? in a weird sci video that ends in a nuclear explosion.*
could be terrific
*Night Flight's Never Coming Attractions:
*GI's go rocket riding in "Invasion of the Star Creatures": Super tall & sexy vixens from the stars encounter some dopey & short in stature army privates who they seduce & unleash kooky monsters upon.*
3 stars, I'd watch it, looks cheesy good.
*"Space Monster": 50s sci fi space adventure where the spaceships & planets are held up by string & the stars are holes pocked in a black canvas w/ light shining through. The alien monster is a humanoid w/ a large head, big ears, & a flickering tongue.* 2 1/2 stars
*Della's Diner, a West Michigan theater presentation of a kitschy diner complete w/ big haired waitresses & eccentric patrons. All presented by the local Grand Rapids tv station.* 2 1/2 stars
*Another "America Needs Me Drug Free" PSA featuring this time a black kid who wants to grow up to be like his black hero fighter pilot. He only got a t-shirt, no ride on the jet like the boy on the firetruck. I guess the Air Force said no. Darn. Do drugs!* 2 stars
*Night Flight's toon theater:
*Mouseferatu: Very well animated & sort of risque. When Mousey finds his intended victim, she's a very sexy pussycat sleeping in the nude. & despite all his rage, he's still just a rat in a cage when daylight comes to turn him to bones.* 3 stars
*Retro black & white clip of some ranch cows & a bull singing a country & western diddy.* 3 stars
*Promo for "Ghoulies 2" on Grand Rapids TV 8.* 3 stars
Following Night Flight on TV 8 is the syndicated cult classic "Dynaman" mock dubbed in English & parodying the already super-weird Japanese Power Rangers pre-cursor.
"Dog Police" *A nerd rock 80s weirdo band's lead singer takes his werewolf date to the night club where the trench coat "Untouchables" look-a-like "Dog Police" bust her for bestiality?* 3 stars
James Randi Debates Two Mediums & Psychiatrist Brian Weiss *Gay mustache & spirit aficionado James Van Praagh along w/ 20 questions for 20,000 gullible people champion John Edward bring a hack psychiatrist & author of a book about past lives to a debate w/ admitted cynic Randi. Which leads to Randi face palming & taking the whole thing about as serious as one would imagine. CNBC's half zombie half talk show host Charles Grodin seems to be hopeful about the psychic claims.* 1 star
Penn & Teller Bullshit!: Feng Shui & Bottled Water *A refreshing arrangement sold at a bullshit price.* 3 stars
--- DinosaurDracula.com presents Creepy Commercials Countdown:
*ABC TGIF Monster Bash Weekend (1993): The Olsen twins host the Halloween edition of TGIF. When you're 11, you're definitely uncool enough to watch ABC on a Friday night. I still am uncool enough. Family Matters was the Breaking Bad of its era. Boy Meets World never appealed to me. Step By Step was okay. I remember most about it having the guy from the Kickboxer sequel. Hangin' With Mr. Cooper is lame when you think back on it, but it worked for the time. A "cool" middle school or junior high teacher who was down w/ the kids & played basketball. However, nothing about this particular promo is spooky or creepy enough. The 80s would have tried harder w/ the scary theme than the 90s seemed to.* 2 stars
*Real Ghostbusters Super Weapons (1990): Some kids take their awesome Nerf officially licensed Real Ghostbusters toy weapons of minor destruction & chase the poor dog around their spooky dark house. That's what I call fun animal abuse. *wink* 3 stars
*Predator 2 (1990) Movie Promo: I love the narrator's voice describing all of Predator's high tech weapons. Similar sounding voices noted all the high tech features of new cars at the time. It slipped my mind that Bill Paxton is in this movie. Of course everyone who has seen it will remember Danny Glover's manic, awesome performance, or Gary Busey being in it before he went completely off the deep end of eccentricity. But Bill Paxton was in both the Alien & the Predator sequels. That's cool.* 3 stars
*Coca-Cola Classic 'Dracula' (1992): A Bela Lugosi impersonator, in a striking visually black & white castle setting, scares a blonde victim from her sleep. Instead of putting up a cross, in defense, it's a juicy red Coca-Cola can. I guess Dracula's blood sugar was low, because he goes from pale to plump tan in seconds. He bites into the can sideways & slurps the syrupy soda. What coke addict hasn't imagined something similar? The ad end sbadly, however, as it approaches Twilight sparkly "vampire" territory when the spooky couple walk out the door into an animated Disney daytime cartoon scene complete w/ chirping love birds.* either 1 or 3 stars
*Highland Superstores 'Phantom of the Opera' (1989): The organ music from "The Phantom" is still unsettling after around a 100 years of it being in our nightmares. Dinosaur Dracula mentioned this, in his article, & it's true, "appliance stores are dreadfully dull." In the 80s, during the era of dull parents & dingy colors on everything including off white & putrid yellow fridges, microwaves, washers & dryers, & dishwashers. Some were even the same green color of The Creature from the Black Lagoon's bowel movements. If I were "The Phantom" I wouldn't dwell at Highland Superstores. If I were a disgruntled former manager of an appliance store, I wouldn't. Hell would seem happier.* 2 1/2 stars
Beavis & Butthead: Plasmatics - The Damned *"Explosions... half naked chicks. This video has something for everyone."*
3 plus stars w/ riffing 3 stars w/out
--- TV Carnage:
*Straight Body Builder Bio #1: "When in Rome do as the Romans do." The Romans did gay stuff in Rome. In Southern California, this feminine Rick James, on roids, can make delicious ancient Chinese herbal tea, draw comics of other buff fantasy masculine heroic figures, strum his string instrument, & play w/ his pooch on the beach.* close to 2 1/2 stars
*Tell Me About It: The reporting from the red carpet premier of Legally Blonde is as dumb & inspid as imagined.* zero stars
*The Hump Day Return of Aids!: "Real men don't talk to their women about sex." Laughs. Huh. Huh. Starts humping potentially aids infected partner.*
2 1/2 stars
*Tom Arnold Stars In Long Lost Porn: Didn't know Tom was so patient & considerate to the half naked chicks he lets ride on the back of his Harley Davidson.* 2 1/2 stars
"The Last Dragon" (1985) *A midnight movie happening inside another midnight movie featuring kids from Soul Train. Also feels like Motown is making fun of MTV's Cindy Lauper & Madonna.* 3 stars
"Shotgun" (1989) *A buddy cop Lethal Weapon wannabe that's almost as awkward as Samurai Cop. There's a plot about a sicko torturing & killing hookers that's similar to Wings Hauser's "Vice Squad. "Then a finale that's a revenge gunfight south of the border that recalls 70s grindhouse classic "Rolling Thunder" but is more over the top like a Rambo sequel.* between 2 & 2 1/2
Cannon Films "Hospital Massacre" (1981) *Creepy fact: if you ever walk into a room & see someone crawling out a window, looking back w/ a devious smile on their face, know something horrible has happened in the room. Our scream queen, the gorgeous Barbi Benton, doesn't even realize she's being stalked by a slasher for over an hour of the movie. She thinks she's just being inconvenience by hospital procedure red tape & a screwed up test result. However, the kills are bloody good, the atmosphere is spooky, & there's even some black comedy.*
more than 2 1/2 stars or plus
"Video Wasteland Combilation" *Twinkle Twat, feminine deoderant spray. Baby upchuck doll. Punk singer w/ dry heaves. Way USA starring Tesco Vee. Aeon Flux. Tim Allen as Docu-Comic. Dawn of the Night of the Dead - The Musical. John Waters & Divine. West Germany Air Show Disaster. Vincent Price on the 64,000 Dollar Question. LSD-25. This Is Elvis's Birthday '92.* 2 1/2 stars
SCTV Monster Chiller Horror Theatre w/ Count Floyd: The House of Cats *Bored housecats "jumping" at the screen in 3D. Well, at least Count Floyd promises so. John Candy drugs women & turns them into his personal pussycats until they rebel or at least he has to act like they're clawing him, when they couldn't be bothered to even paw.* close to 2 1/2 stars
Brass Eye: Sex *Bad aids vs. good aids, the mucking about homosexual scandal of her majesty's royal navy ,the debasement of an American politician, an asexual man up a pole watching pornography, beating off assailants, Peter Stringfellow, & a giant whore on the loose.* 3 stars
=== Geraldo Rivera: Hate Mongers (1988)
*Skinhead smackdown smashes Geraldo in the schnoz.* 1 infamous star (not of David)
[Note: Geraldo has always loved pouring fuel onto a fire. Not for justly reasons, either. Here it would appear so, to the people of the time period, but fast forward to today & Geraldo is standing among "Black Lives Matter" protestors & telling them that racism no longer exists in America.
Geraldo: race baiter, troublemaker, & obvious fraudulent media manipulator of any era he's in.]
(edit, years later:
I still think Geraldo is a douche, but I've woken up how much of an idiot I was for kind of casually being apathetic to & half way supporting groups like "Black Lives Matter."
I think most everyone has if they don't have "tribal" interests or are a "race blind" moron who'll be dragged into the streets while trying to high five a "friend" of color during a riot or "peaceful" protest someday & be treated to a beating similar to the one Reginald Denny received on CNN in LA in 92 after the Rodney King verdict?)
Mysteries From Beyond the Other Dominion w/ Franklin Ruehl *Eerie coincidences between the Kennedy & Lincoln assassinations. I like the true nerdiness of this early Sci-Fi Channel show. If it were a part of a nerd culture channel or website, today, it would have faux nerd hipsters ironically doing it & not the earnest weirdness of Ruehl & company.* 3 stars
--- Found Footage Fest:
*Special Delivery: "The bitch, the bitch, the bitch," the female dog is having puppies.* 2 1/2 stars
*Something Big: "The first nude pop video" might "offend" as it warns, but the mostly tasteful nude images of big breasted women aren't as obscene as the Euro-sleaze leadsinger's crooning & 70s porno mustache.* 2 1/2 stars
*The Appointment... With Death: You'll never see Hawaii, if you keep smartin' off to the monotone voiced angel of death premonitions.* either 1 or 3 stars
*I'm A Spoon: Women of all body types used to search for that perfect fit, but eventually gave up to the potato sack look of sweatpants w/ sassy slogans on the ass.* 2 stars
*I Gotta Go!: When you get that feeling way down below. A sanitized version of the uh oh diarrhea song from Steve Martin's Parent Trap. There's no Barney the Dinosaur to help the toddlers & kids sing along & poop, but there's a chimp taking a shit (for giggles).* 3turds
Grandpa Munster's SuperScarySaturday on TBS Superstation: King Kong vs. Godzilla the Debate *Since neither monster can talk, pro wrestling personalities, of the 80s, are doing the cheerleading. Motormouth evangelist look-a-like, w/ a tennis racket, Jim Cornette, preaches for Godzilla, says that his monster is younger than the "dying of old age" King Kong, and he can breathe fire. Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie wannabe Michael P.S. Hayes, standing up for his hairy hero, boasts that Kong can swat planes while still holding onto a babe. I call it a tie. So, would any other fan of both monsters.* 3 stars
--- Occult Demon Cassette Presents: "Exposing the Satanic Web" 1990 (Satanic Panic VHS)
*Yesterday Satanism, today radical Islam, tomorrow extraterrestrial orgasms?
Who knows what the future holds, but the religious right will most likely be there to spread their brand of disinformation.
People really couldn't tell that the crayon drawings of occult rituals were done by adults w/ agendas?
Motley Crue images pop up constantly in these old scare films.
Motley Crue obviously weren't a threat to America's teenagers. They're now bloated white trash rock has-beens trying to get their near elderly groupies to still flash their saggy tits!
Those women didn't end up sacrifices of the devil. They probably had about five dirty young'uns that never got sacrificed either, 'cause Satanic Panic was just that panic that meant nothing.
Nerdy teens who played Dungeons & Dragons didn't role play murder half the parent population in the U.S. No, they're still harmless adult nerds.
The reformed high-priest of Satanism turned Christian now confessing his former dark powers & deeds.
Is it okay that he claims to have committed horrible acts because he's asked for forgiveness from God?
Shouldn't he be in jail? That's proof that he's full of shit. That all of the scare-mongers of these videos are full of shit, & have taken a simple fantasy game, a rebellious youth music that they don't enjoy or understand, & victimless boredom in juvenile property crime through graffiti & tried to turn it into a scare tactic tool to push people fearfully into the arms of the major cult in America, the Christian religions.
Satan obviously wasn't as savvy as these evangelicals who still have the ear of their cult, after all these years, while Motley Crue & Freddy Krueger are no longer being fed virgins at the altar of willing black magic fiends & disturbed teenagers.*
(edit, years later:
Man listen to me. Full on liberal apathy & cynicism disguised as trying to be clever.
I still slightly chuckle at the hysteria of the 80s Satanic Panic.
but to believe Islam isn't an obvious threat to the west is to be in denial or downright actually evil... no hysteria. but truth.
the type of person I was then would rather ignore the truth, & claim it was islamophobia delusion while looking at hipster blogs like dangerousmindsdotnet for the latestdug up piece of pop culture from a bygone era to be mocked
then getting my "news" from the Daily Show w/ it's highly cut & edited slant leaning the views towards an agenda while claiming bias everywhere else & only everwhere else...
I can't say I ever saw any metal heads hold a Satanic animal sacrifice orgy, but I have seen real life footage of hordes of muslims flooding Europe & the after effects in the news
hard evidence of rapes, terrorist bombings / shootings / stabbings / hackings / huge vehicle homicide of dozens / beheadings / literal fucking jihad...
not scaremongering, you blind hipster dope (me, several years ago) but all out war on the civilization that once provided your shits & giggles & safety shelter to enjoy them in w/out getting gutted for being an infidel)
1 star
People Are Talking w/ Tom Bergeron: James Randi Debunks Faith Healer (youtube) *Tom Bergeron sits looking at clips of extremely funny faith healings. One in particular where a fake had played the role of both a crippled man & a woman w/ bad ovaries. This could be America's Funniest Home videos, but sadly Randi points out that the placebo effect of these dramatically staged acts do harm when the believers don't seek real medical help from actual doctors instead of faith healers.* 3 stars
City Confidential: Rock Springs, Deadly Shootout in the Wild West *"Cowboy Caligula."* more than 2 1/2 stars
Viper: Past Tense *Amnesia love affairs, brainwashed agents of assassination, & chance collisions of the heavens. Plays like something noir that would be in Frank Miller's Sin City.* close to 3
Forever Knight: Cherry Blossoms *Vampire detective versus Chinese mafia seeking to slay a wounded witness. Wrongly accused vampire versus elderly Chinese acupuncturist seeking revenge against the vampire who slayed his mother 60 years before.*
between 2 1/2 & 3 stars
The Greatest American Hero: The Best Desk Scenario *Fumbling the ball near the endzone or too many cooks trying to read the anarchist's cookbook.* 2 1/2 stars
Look Around You: Computers *In Bournesmouth, one can bibble or bobble if they're beardless or bearded, but not if they're brandishing a petticoat (female).* close to 3 stars
The Prisoner: Hammer Into Anvil *Creates an unhinged melody.* 3 stars
Farscape: Bone To Be Wild *The old routine of one "submarine" silently hiding from another's radar. Deepspace Donner Party bone eater massacre. Johnny Appleseed "Frankenstein's Monster" look-a-like or Swamp Thing stranded on an asteroid. Our hero Crichton needs to be sensitive to "plant phobia." The spiritual blue alien lady Zan (Xan?) is actually a sentient plant. Captain Ahab under scrutiny. Babysitting a weaponized junior Leviathan (a Death Star in a diaper).* 3 stars
---- Night Visions w/ Henry Rollins:
The Passenger List: A little twilight zone twist & a lot of 9-11 era zeitgeist of airline tragedy grief.* between 2 1/2 & 3 stars
The Bokor: Bayou medical school morphine junkies, grotesque medical cadaver, & a voodoo curse.* more than 2 1/2 stars
Rollins: Puts on a stale attempt at Rod Serling.* between 1 1/2 & 2 stars
Uncharted Zone: Fifty Dollar Boots - Johnny Fire *50 dollar budget quality black & white video for a rockabilly crooner & his 50 dollar boot wearing chick guitar player.* close to 2 1/2 stars
Beavis & Butthead: Jennifer Tryin - Happier *Gen X drug store despair, Beavis taking diarrhea medicine & pooping a brick that he keeps in his sock drawer, & Butthead wanting to live in denial that he ever heard Beavis talk about it.* 3 stars w/ riffing close to 2 1/2 stars w/out
Justified: Season 1 Episode 6 *"There's more than smart" & there's more than art. Especially Adolf Hitler's shitty art. It's a nebulous or abstract concept.* close to 3 stars
True Detective: Haunted Houses *Still life. Nearer to silence (unholy ghosts) than God.* 3 stars
Hannibal: Trou Normand *Losing time opening doors, unearthing graves, & making monuments to the desecrated.* 3 stars
Penn & Teller Bullshit!: Talking to the Dead & ESP *Party tricks & charades for suckers & the sad.* 3 stars
James Randi's Fiery Takedown of a Psychic Fraud *An admitted wizard takes a lethal overdose of homeopathic medicine to prove a cruel farce.* more than 2 1/2 stars
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! w/ Jack Palance: Episode 3 (1985) *Giant 1980s supercomputers are used to photoshop the Tibetan god-king out of Shangri La, like an impractical automotive 5th wheel or discarded apple peel (peeled by an Edison style mass industrial invention), & placed, by 2001 Hal's robo-cousin, out into the sun to purify like a baby orangutan or an eskimo mummy. Also pre-CitySlickers Curly's gold* 2 Fair
Fargo: Buridan's Ass *Breach in a white out or bludgeoned like fish out of water.* 3 stars
"XTRO" (1983) *A deeply disturbed British schoolboy's estranged daddy returns from his absentee fatherhood vacation on H.R. Geiger's homeworld after traumatizing the boy w/ his "Fire in the Sky" style abrupt bon voyage goodbye. Often tonally too whimsical to be taken seriously, while at other times being astonishingly creepy.* between 2 & 2 1/2 stars or more
Tales from the Crypt: The Reluctant Vampire *Mr. Longtooth (Malcom McDowell) isn't a glamourous Dracula. He's a cowardly nightwatchman at a failing blood bank. Can he win the heart of his mousey love interest, at the blood bank, w/out biting her neck? Will he find the courage to stand up to his bully of a boss (Cheers' George Wendt) or will he fall prey to a weird looking Van Helsing?* Decent
"Saturday Night Dead" KYW-TV 3 Philadelphia (February 1, 1986) *"The maddening minx of movie-dom" Stella, a redheaded Rhonda Shear look-a-like glamour doll, traipses around her ghoulish horror set kiddingly admitting to bedding, on her monster talking bed, the Philadelphia Eagles football team. She is in dire need of a butler & wants him to be as hunky as Sylvester Stallone's Rambo. Looks like Philly had a pretty decent version of Elvira or Rhonda. Not bad.* 2 1/2 stars
--- Monstervision w/ Joe Bob Briggs: Waxwork
*Drive-In Totals: 43 dead bodies.... 0 nekkid breasts (sorry).. 1 Live severed hand.. .African Voodoo Face Painting.. French S & M.. Fang Sprouting.. Bat Shooting.. Raw Meat Gobbling.. Sword Fighting.. Strangling.. Stabbing.. Head Butting.. Ax to the Back... Death by Fire.. Gratuitous Dialogue w/ Loud Music.. Werewolf Fu.. Vampire Fu.. Mummy Fu.. Zombie Fu.. Senior Citizen Fu..
*Joe Bob says this isn't a haunted house movie, it's a "nasty" house movie, like his grandma would always say, "That's nasty!"
*Burt Reynolds for Liz Taylor perfume (Ladies, don't wear anything that gives Burt a smell boner).
*Songs 4 Life Christian mix CD (90s, the era that bland white people safe religious music w/out any gospel soul or passion reared its dorky head).
*CNN has Bill Clinton's sworn testimony in the shadow of impeachment (ah, the Lewinsky era, we survived that.).
*Rent Matthew MuhConUhHey! & Skeet Ulrich, tonight! (not male escorts. a shitty VhS tape of the movie "Newton Boys").
*Pure Reggae mix cd 1-800 ad (A island jam collection featuring the theme to Cops "Bad Boys" plus Apache Indian's "Boom Shakalak"... pass the herb & turn it up, mon!).
*Joe Bob's Jailbreak w/ Reno the Mail Girl: Talk of Joe Bob's jealousy because Reno might have dated / made love to a midget instead of Joe Bob & also Reno gets a love poem from a jailbird in a Mojave prison unit in Arizona.*
*Carpenters Love Songs mix cd ad. Being a kid in the 80s & 90s, & not an adult in the 70s, I only had vague knowledge of who Karen Carpenter was & that she had died tragically young. Anytime, I would see these ads w/ their hazy cloud aesthetics along w/ faded quality videos of Karen singing her mostly melancholy songs, I would get the creeps.*
*Waxwork: Remember 2011's "Cabin in the Woods"?... Well, Joss Whedon's "genius" turning of a monster/slasher movie conventions on its head script wasn't that original. In the 80s, somebody else did it first. This monster mayhem flick, featuring almost every creature & horror character known, is set in a wax museum instead of a cabin in the woods. Starring the teenage boys from Gremlins & Twin Peaks plus Return of the Living Dead 2 along with their 80s valley girl girlfriends. The main villain is legendary not so good movie & tv show actor David Warner (the movies/shows not being so good. Warner is always great).*
between 2 & 2 1/2 stars for Waxwork, more than 2 1/2 for Joe Bob, & close to 2 for the ads
TNT 100% Weird: The Twonky *"Whenever I think of women, I think of French fried potatoes." A very nervous man's wife leaves town, gifting him his first television set to keep him company. This is when tv's were brand new & confusing to man. It didn't help that this particular tv was unlike any other in that it could work the magic of a genie or a futuristic robot.* close to 3 stars
Wizards & Warriors: The Dungeon of Death *"Badgers, we don't need no stinkin' badgers." What we got is a ragtag rescue squad of a Renaissance fair Clint Eastwood type, a carnival strong man, a high wire walking hottie, & one of the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz. Trouble is there's a mole.* close to 3 stars
--- Sci Fi Channel (1993) Feature Film: The Clone Master
*A pair of alien hands find a time capsule buried in the sand. The date says 1993. Inside is a bottle of head & shoulders. Our great legacy, dandruff shampoo...
*95 cents a minute hotline to find out what's coming up on the Sci Fi channel's schedule? Wow, wouldn't a 99 cent, one time purchase, TV Guide not suffice? That's phone sex level of horny to know when the next episode of the original Star Trek is airing.
*Sci Fi had great station bumpers. I'll try to describe this one... it has a picturesque set lakehouse w/ the phone off the receiver "hello, are you there?" & geese flying against a newly alien earth skyline featuring a ring planet between earth & the moon.
*Extremely nerdy voice over "Emmy Award winning Battlestar Galactica, weeknights."
*Beatles Live 1964 in London for the first time on VHS or BETA
*Curly haired cute model "All those holes. All that protection." Science strikes again. Always Maxi Pads w/ new technology. New as in holes. I have a hole in my soul from all the sanitary napkin girly confessional commercials that I've had to endure all my life.
*A generic couple enjoy a generic romantic evening over generic pasta & generic white wine while listening to "Easy 70's" a generic mix cd of 70s soft rock like Crystal Gale & Kenny Loggins among others. He leaves w/out sex. Because this type of music makes one sterile.
*Vintage ad for Craftmatic adjustable beds. The old couple is giddy to talk to their over the phone Craftmatic salesperson. I'm giddy too for my memories of these ads. though the actual beds were usually in the homes of some sick acquaintance of my parents&grandparents
*"Never miss another favorite program." VCR Voice, the voice operated vcr remote control. Pssss... VCR Voice... record Skinemax & those early morning workout shows w/ the ladies in spandex....
*Smokey the Bear is talked about by a kid who makes him seem almost mythical. Maybe in 3,000 years, when our culture is long forgotten & misunderstood, they'll find something about Smokey the Bear & wonder what the fuck was up w/ us having a cartoon bear to warn humans about forest fire safety & natural resource preservation responsibility.
*"Can dinosaur cloning really happen? The truth behind the fiction." A Sci Fi special on Jurassic Park. It can & did, but tune in to Alex Jones InFoWars or Jesse Ventura's new show on Glen Beck's Blaze channel to find out.
*"Dark Shadows" weekdays on Sci Fi. Now, that's a weekday soap opera that I would sink my teeth in to. Someone get me my Bon Bons & my Moo Moo...
*1 800 ad for Sci Fi Classic home video's "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy."
*Back on earth, Frankie Valli & the 4 Seasons on every music listening format known to man. That's as advanced as we are....
*Speaking of identical twins & cloning... Elvis, in his 68 Comeback Special, decked out in his black leather spacesuit... Get a collector's copy. Copy... wink wink. Elvis, often imitated, never duplicated except in utero or however it go...
*Classic kitchen knife displays of incredible feats by the World Class Ginsu knife. Showoff All the other dull culinary utensils got Ginsu off & murdered him & buried his stainless steel body under the goal post in Food Network's Iron Chef Kitchen Stadium.
*Walter Koenig for a huge collection of Star Trek (Original & Next Generation) themes,sound fx, & a 6 minute bridge sequence. Sound fx, okay... maybe... a 6 minute bridge sequence... alright, I can sort of see that... still, it's nerdom bordering insanity.
*K-Tel Conway Twitty videos. Not the right station. Not as much as Sci Fi isn't a rhinestone sequened audience as it's not an audience where they can relate to a hillbilly heart-throb's songs about sleeping w/ a horde of women. Live long & amorously prosperous.
*"The majesty & might of Marvel leaps off of the page & onto the screen" shows clips of 70s Hulk tv show & one of the 70s Spider Man tv movies. Modern Marvel fanboys would scoff at the words majesty & might being used for these classics. "They don't even have after credits sequences or universe building." They do have Stan Lee hosting the Mighty Marvel Marathon on Sci Fi 1993. Sixteen years before Iron Man....
*Clone Master: It's a good clone movie when the existential grief of being a clone does not fully get in the way of the clone capers, clone antics, & clone based comedy. Also, Cold War era conpirators could get away w/ a lot thanks to government secrecy not allowing anyone to share information to know what the hell was going on in different sections of all their hush hush top secret work like cloning.*
3 stars for Sci Fi's bumpers, close to 3 for the ads, & 2 1/2 stars for Clone Master
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The She Creature *Kooky age regression hypnotism to spook squares & Eve-era mer-monster to slaughter them.* 3 stars w/ riffing 2 1/2 stars w/out
Nathan On Your Side: Talking to the Animals *non-confrontational dialogue w/ bed wetting cat.* more than 2 stars
The Cinema Snob: Woodchipper Massacre *No Fargo woodchipper action. No massacre. More terrible like Poland invaded by Hitler, only w/out any of that massacre. Just the terrible.* 2 1/2 for Snob
Conan O'Brien - In the Year 2000: Taco Bell 2000 *A "chilling" glimpse into the prophecy of Charmin toilet paper's involvement w/ the bowel dooming food chain.* 3 stars
A & E presents An Evening at the Improv: Norm MacDonald (1991) *Homeless dog owners & backseat blues.* close to 3 stars
HBO Not Necessarily the News: The Spork Episode (1983) *Mr. T. imporium. Panda pest control. Des Moines pudding disaster. Light beer for fat drunks. Rich Hall's weekly sniglet words: scrit is anything that has sat in the same spot for 50 years... yinkel is anybody that combs their hair over their bald spot thinking that nobody will notice... spork the combination spoon fork device (did he invent that term? wow, cool, if so)... furbling is the act of walking through a maze of ropes at the airport or bank even though you're the only one in line (haaa)... porkus non grata is the squashed piece of bacon at the bottom of the package.. lactomangulation is having to open a milkcarton from the opposite side because of one side's malfunction.. carperpetuation is the act of running over a piece of string w/ a vacuum 4 or 5 times before picking it up & inspecting it & then putting it back down for one last attempt.*
decent though dated
"Best of the Worst Star Search Auditions" (youtube) *"Let me do my thang to ya!"  You'd never see a bearded lady singing Patsy Cline on America's Got Talent.* 3 stars
Insomniac w/ Dave Attell: San Francisco *If you come to this frontier town, eventually you're gonna ask yourself "am I a fog rider, a pickle pilot, or a proud baby mudfoot?"* 3 stars
--- Memory Hole:
*Cranial Deformity Dance Dad: I'm tired of spaghetti. But you always like sketti.* 3 stars
*Clinton Torture: Bill's bubbles is just tryna give you kisses.* 2 1/2 stars
*I'm On The T.V.: Been waitin' for you to turn me on.* more than 2 1/2 stars
*Rap 4 Ca$h: A school teacher, of 25 years, will do anything for a raise.* 1 star
*Island Of Original Ideas Mirror Effect: an idiot's idea of an interesting illusion.* folly
Penn & Teller Bullshit!: Creationism & The Bible, Fact or Fiction *Pissing on one's own feet while the ground crumbles beneath forming a crater of disbelief. Leaving one in critical need & clinging to the causal or a creed.* Folly?
James Randi Debunks An Astrologer *"Everybody believes that they have a sense of humor." - Stephen Fry who doesn't believe that the astrologer accurately judged his friend Hugh Laurie.* close to decent
Forbidden Transmission: World Bizarre *freewheeling babel.* more than 2 1/2 stars
Weird TV: Burning Man - Early Years *Survival issues, sexuality, porta potty use, & potato gun fun.*
between 2 & 2 1/2 stars
"Dawn of the Mummy" *Classic Universal horror theme grave robbed by Euro-sleaze exploitation schlock vandals.* 2 1/2 stars
PBS presents American Experience: The Lobotomist *"Ambition makes you look pretty ugly." -Paranoid Android- A look at the doctor who tried to turn a grotesque medical procedure into a McDonald's style franchise value menu item forthe severe to the even the slightly mentally ill.* either zero or 3 stars
Alien Sex Fiend - "Now, I'm Feeling Zombiefied" *Face is caked white, you see a dead rat & you take a bite...* 2 1/2 stars
"You Spin Me Round" (Literal video version) *Freaky pirate all tied up (in himself).* close to 3 for the literal 3 for the actual
Uncharted Zone: "Hurry, There's A Hurricane" - Ken Manning *Hold on to your hats & to each other.* close to 3 stars
--- Reel Wild Cinema w/ Sandra Bernhard: Lunatics on the Loose:
*Sandra wants to go to third base w/ Antonio Banderas, her Aztec fantasy...
*Curse of the Aztec Mummy: Beehive hairdo damsels in distress, rubber bat attack, crotch crawling spider, & hideous ghoul doing the rigor-mortis-arms trance step dance*
*Sandra promises a movie with bad dubbing, coming up, "So don't go away." For the bad dubbing, I'll definitely stay.
*America's Most Wanted & Top Cops on USA network. A one two punch of justice & dullness.
*A soccer ball toting toddler wakes his middle aged dad up & his dad needs a small pouch sized doze of Folgers coffee. I bet this man can't even take a morning shit in peace.
*A disembodied red lipsticked mouth for Rembrandt whitening toothpaste. "2 shades whiter" promised. All the varying shades of teeth color from white to off white to yellow to grey to diseased orangish brown to black... Amusing memory of Mitch Hedberg's tartar sauce joke
*The Psychic Solution w/ a very self aware ad where they parody "bad psychic" hotline call centers complete w/ dart board for predictions & vanity mirror distractions during calls.
*Sandra now promises stock Civil War footage w/ clips from a nudist colony. Robert E. Lee is rolling over in his grave in his slave mistress's underwear that he demanded to be buried in.
*The Monster of Camp Sunshine: Thank that "scientist in the sky" for water pollution & sexual deviancy.*
*Quirky-reggae-whitebread-feelin' Long John Silver fast food joint on the beach commercial where there are tropical birds inside the establishment (sure the health inspector likes that notion) & couples relax in the waves drinking supersized sodas in foam cups (I bet those don't get put in the proper trash bin & instead float about the waves onto the beach)
*Crocodile Dundee vs. Ogre of Revenge of the Nerds & Bloodsport in a station wagon chase....
*Kenny Kingston "legendary psychic" & sleazy old school Hollywood showman look-a-like w/ love advice for lonely yuppies who go through everyday being horny & instead of acting on it & taking chances they wait for over the phone voodoo advice...
*Dweezil Zappa is Sandra's guest: Not sure if it's his rainbow colored girly liquor drink talking but Dweezil let it slip that he might believe that Aztec civlization dates back at least a million years....
*Sandra wants t.v. trying to scare people instead of always endearing itself to them.
*Bloody Pit of Horror: More tortured by the swingers he performs medieval cruelty upon, the Crimson Executioner gets caught up in his own scarlet devices.*
*A crystal ball gazing clairvoyant, w/ pink hair, predicts that Snoop Doggy Dog, Bush, & Dennis Miller will be at the 1996 MTV Video Awards. Pumpkins will also be smashed.
*USA capitalizes on the Unabomber headlines w/ their own original movie version...
*Sandra would have no sympathy for a girlfriend caught in a devious bondage trap...
*Oath of Green Blood: Audience participation required in taking a vial of verdant liquid that might make one vile or vivacious.
*Star Trek's original resident black boundaries breaker is sadly selling her soul as a spokesperson for a psychic hotline. This one even makes the claim that's often been used as a joke against psychics "Lottery winner predicted." Yep, "it happened."
*Coming attractions: Scream of the Demon Lover... Giant from the Unknown (awakened after hundreds of years & wearing conquistador armor. so, it's the Spanish to blame)... The Crawling Thing from Planet 13 promises to attack audience members (nice gimmick ploy)...
3 for Sandra, 3 for the shorts, & close to 2 for the ads
"Sting of Death" -1965- *The Hunchback of the Everglades suffers a squelching at the hands of Florida Gator co-ed swingers & marine scientists. He goes all man-o-war on their jiggly jellyfish jive asses.* 2 stars
Baywatch Nights: Pursuit *Stinks of 90s sleaze/cheese. Says "Nights" but can't help in filming over half the show on the pretty beaches during the day. Featuring a couple of my boyhood tv crushes, Carol Alt & Angie Harmon.* between 1 1/2 & 2 stars
Beavis & Butthead: Varga - "Greed" *Beavis has the great idea that someone should invent something to watch music videos on (a television). Butthead's great idea is Beavis should shut up.* 3 w/riffing 2 1/2 w/out
Troma presents "Blondes Have More Guns" *Basic Instinct parodies haven't aged well, but Troma satire silliness is timeless.* between 2 & 2 1/2 stars
Penn & Teller Bullshit!: The Business of Love, Yoga, Tantric Sex, Etc. & Sex, Sex, Sex *Follow made up rules, follow hokey signs, follow shady email-spam links, & fuck if any of it happens to work.* 3 stars
--- Found Footage Fest:
*Video Dating: Looking for a goddess. A goddess is a woman, any woman, all women. No fatties!* 3 stars
*Sexual Harassment Comedy: Don't say anything, ever, because you're an obvious dickhead.* 1 star or close to 3
*Courtship vs. Dating: Don't get hung up on sweaty beefcakes. Acquire the fire to be a hard to get Christian cock-tease.* 2 1/2 stars
David Hasselhoff - "Hooked On A Feeling" (Literal Video Version) *Hoff w/ "wiener" out & high on believing. "Please throw a fish at me!"* more than decent w/riffing or close to decent w/out
Nathan On Your Side: Sex In Advertising & Penis Extension *What turns you on? Please tell Santa so that we can market correctly.*
2 1/2 stars
Occult Demon Cassette presents "How To Be Cool At Parties" w/ Malcom Jamal Warner (1986) *Anybody can act like a jackass.* 2 1/2 stars
Pee Wee's Playhouse - Adult Humor & Innuendo (youtube) *Being a Spring chicken, I wasn't spry enough to see just how subliminal Saturday mornings really were.* 3 stars
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Pod People *Smuckers presents movies
A) Redneck poachers run into 'The Thing From Another World' B) Lil' Opie & his new pet Alf... or C) Ace of Base's tragic vacation in the Catskill Mtns. Joel says "It stinks! *okay hand gesture*"*
3 stars w/riffing between 1 1/2 & 2 w/out
Herman's Head (Pilot Episode) *Clever premise pulled off effectively. Made even better by the voice of Lisa Simpson & another Simpsons' legend Hank Azaria's charm.* close to 3 stars
Comics Only: Employee of the Week - Hank Gallo (1990) *Talent scout who searches the gay leather bar scene.* 2 1/2 stars
--- Rachel Sweet - The Sweet Life (The Comedy Channel circa the early 1990s):
*Lou Diamond Phillips makes fun of greasy haired Johnny Depp
*Jon Stewart impersonates a pretentious French director
*Rachel Sweet is a quirky raven-haired petite cutey poking fun at the Cosmo magazine's version of a girly girl
*Naked centerfold spread of David Hasselhoff is mocked by Rachel...
*Classic "Cow Cow Boogie" film short, that I just saw on Night Flight, is sang along to karaoke style by Rachel... she's definitely sweet
*Quotes: An unexamined life is not worth living - Plato... Time eases all things -Sophocles Get over it - Rachel Sweet... (cute)
more than 2 stars
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