#they love their feral gremlin rat so much
ashtonisvibing · 10 months
i just had the funny thought of normalcy!intruanalogical's first time having sex together (like all three of them at once) and it starting with them doing a "raise your hand if you..." type thing. were probably either completely or partly naked (remus would probably be the completely naked one)
"raise your hand if this is your first threesome"
[logan and virgil raise their hands]
"wait, remus, when did you-"
"don't ask cuz we were all super wasted and i don't remember shit"
"so this is basically your first time lol"
"well- first time with people i'm actually dating- so-"
"well on that note, raise your hand if this is your first time with someone you've dated"
[only virgil raises their hand]
"wait, did you guys fuck and not tell me-???"
"nah, mine was with a guy i dated in high school. we fucked on my 16th birthday cuz we were both legal. and both really fucking wanted it"
"okay, yeah, that sounds about right. then what about you, teach?"
"... [sighs] it was with roman."
"wh- remus' twin-???"
"how the-"
"i would rather not discuss... anything pertaining to that relationship"
"okay, yeah, that- that's fair, sorry-"
"it's fine, obviously you didn't know"
"bright side is ya pissed ro off when ya started dated me after the two of you split"
"okay, that- honestly was a little satisfying"
"well, since remus and i asked our own questions, you wanna ask your own?"
"... raise your hand if this is your first time with someone you haven't dated"
[only logan raises his hand]
"y'know, ya never did peg me as a guy to fuck strangers"
"oh- are- are you, um, comfortable with- well- [they gesture to themself and logan]"
"yes, you're not a stranger. while we're not dating, i do consider you a very close friend. while this is entirely new in every way, i am also completely comfortable with the situation. i... i trust both of you to not over step any boundaries."
"aww, geez..."
"who knew the stone cold teacher could be so affectionate? [snickers]"
"[playfully rolls his eyes] don't push it, you rat"
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k-dokja · 19 days
Eleceed jumpscare. Kartein x f!Reader.
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You frown. A little perturbed, to say the least. When your fiancé had told you about his location, you had expected somewhere more… secluded, or at least, more secure. What you’re seeing is a simple of homestead of a Korean boy, one filled with pets, no less.
It doesn’t help that one of them is staring up at you with intense eyes. You wouldn’t have cared had the not been this… unsightly.
“Do you want something to drink, miss?” The owner of the house has fretted about since your arrival, but you can’t find it in your heart to care about his worrying.
“What is this… mongrel creature?” You point at the scrawny-looking thing that has been following you since your arrival. The way it keeps brushing up against your ankle and staring up at you with unblinking eyes is getting on your nerves.
“Oh, it’s—” Before the boy has the chance to answer, the creature shrieks loudly. You think it’s feline? You can’t tell. It’s more rodent in its appearance than anything else.
“Is it feral?” You take a step back from the creature. “Rabies?”
The gremlin (?) jumps at your accusation, shocked by the words spilling out of your lips. “Rabies?!” It is the voice of your beloved that you hear, but you can’t tell where it’s coming from.
“Hm, right, where’s Kartein?” You turn back to the boy, whose name keeps escaping you.
The boy glances down at the imp (?) nervously before meeting your eyes again. “He’s right here, miss.” He gives you an awkward smile, something you can’t comprehend.
“?” You glance around the living room and see that there is no one here except for you, the boy, and the cats. One of them is definitely oversized and sitting weird from the way he perches on the nearby couch with crossed legs.
You don’t even know cat can sit that way. “Here where?” You ask the boy again and he answers by pointing at the feral critter (?) at your feet.
You stare at it again and see the warmth in its eyes vaguely resembling the affection your fiancé always holds in his gaze. However, to say this ugly cretin is Kartein… “I understand my fiancé is an eccentric sort, but to compare him to this unsightly rat is an insult.”
Without missing a beat, the humongous thing with the vague resemblance to a cat sitting on the couch nearby howls with laughter. Human laughter, that is. That voice is also insanely familiar. As you struggle to pinpoint down who might that be, you fail to notice the flurry of energy exuding from your side. It isn’t until Kartein is up in your face that you pay attention to him.
“Beloved! What do you mean by unsightly rat?!” Kartein fumes, to which you don’t understand why.
“Oh, here you are,” you nod your head at him, “I thought I’ve gotten the address wrong for a moment.”
“Don’t change the subject, how did you not realize it was me?!” Kartein takes hold of your shoulder with an impressive wounded puppy look that makes you almost feel bad about whatever it is that you did to slight him. “Didn’t you say I’m your darling snorkum who you love more than anything in this world?!”
You blink. “I never said that—”
Before you can get another word in, however, Kartein pulls you into a tight hug. “Doesn’t matter now, I’ve missed you so much. I should’ve packed you in a suitcase to bring with me when that Kayden bastard asked for my help.”
“I don’t think that’d work—”
Kartein pulls back to meet your eyes, completely ignoring all of the other people watching in the room. “It’s fine, as long as we’re together, nothing can get in our way.”
“Uh,” you barely have the chance to hug him back, “I’m only here for a visit, you know? It’s not like I can make my residence here with you. I don’t think there’s space…”
“Nonsense,” Kartein bristles, “you just need to become a cat like the rest of us.”
“Us?” You glance down at the other cats down on the floor before the other familiar voice calls out for you.
“Yo,” the gigantic mongrel on the couch waves at you with a smirk. You don’t know cat can smirk.
Your eyes narrow as you once again struggle to recall who that is. “…Is that cat talking?”
“That’s Kayden,” Kartein supplies helpfully.
His answer doesn’t enlighten you enough. “Kayden… the one you went to help?” When Kartein nods, your frown deepens. “I… see. He has changed since we last met. Gained a few… kilograms,” you purse your lips, trying to connect the image of the Awakener you knew to this absolute unit.
“I can do the same thing, too,” Kartein preens with an excited gleam in his eyes. Before you get the chance to ask him to clarify, your beloved vanishes from your eyes, leaving you momentarily disoriented.
Once again, you hear his voice from below, but he’s nowhere around again. “?” You look at the boy once more. “Where did he go?”
“I’m right here!” The hideous creature from before clings at your leg again, making you shudder slightly. “Do you not recognize the visage of your beloved?” But it’s undeniable that his voice is coming from this unpleasant… thing.
“Yes!” He (?) replies with an unbridled delight in his voice. “Behold, beloved. I’ve transcended the human form.”
“I… see.” You nod, taking in the information in with an unstoppable urge for denial. “This is not permanent, I hope?”
“No, it’s only for convenience during my stay here,” he purrs, wrapping his tiny… unseemly body around you. “Better to say anonymous this way, you see.”
You nod again in acceptance, because you don’t think you have that much reserve of nice things to say inside you. “As long as you’re safe, beloath—beloved.”
“Of course,” Kat-tein perks up at you. “I’d never worry you for no good reason.”
Well, now, that’s a lie. He has vanished on you for months to do… whatever this is. At least, your house has been less noisy without him around. You will count that as a blessing.
“Whatever you say, beloved.”
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wh0reformatt · 3 months
Rating your animals!
platonic!reader x sturniolo triplets
tw: one or two cuss words? MY APPALLING WRITING ITS SI BAD GUYS SORRY 💀 i hate it but i was bored.
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“welcome back to…whatever part of rating your animals!” nick said, pointing through the middle at the camera.
you sat in the back next to nick, behind chris. this wasn’t your first time filming with the triplets, having being friends with them for a while, but you still hadn’t done a lot with them on camera.
“however, this time we are back with y/n!” chris said elatedly, turning around and smiling at you.
“wassup youtube!” you said, smiling at the camera.
“ okay, like nick said we are going back to eating your animals due to the fact we all enjoyed it so much,” nick said, taking his phone out.
“we asked you guys on our main account to send some pictures of your animals, so we have loads of pets to look through-”matt began before chris clapped his hands, interrupting him.
“i need them to be more entertaining, like an- an elephant or something,” he said, nick matt and yourself looking at each other in disbelief.
“chris,” you began “ why the fuck would someone have an elephant as a pet?” turning to him, moving to the middle.
“someone had a cow last time-” he started before nick stopped him.
“because they lived on a farm dumbass, and a cow and elephant? two completely different things.” he said to him, laughing slightly at the end.
“yea but why couldn’t someone…”
“okay! let’s actually begin!” you interrupt both of them.
“this is tessa,” matt said, showing you all a picture of a small chihuahua.
“why does it look feral? like get that away from me dude..” you said, chris laughing at the bluntness of your answer.
“exactly! it looks like it’s got rabies or something,” he agrees, looking at matts phone.
“okay, i’ve never seen why people like those dogs though, not to be rude!..” nick added, when everyone turned to him, eyebrows raised, slight laughs erupting.
“-because they all look like gremlins, for a start. and they always look like their uncomfortable, like i’ve never- never ever, seen a chihuahua not barking.” he finished, looking at you all.
“no i agree,” you said turning to him. “they’re either in a rich woman purse or” -
“oh my god i have to say-”
and that’s how the video went, you each ranked the animals, your favourite being a doberman called david, and your least being tessa the chihuahua.
nick and chris had ended up arguing about wether a cow and a bull came from the same descendant, which took up a good chunk of the video- but you and matt ended up going through a few inbetween their arguments.
overall it was fun, you’d definitely try it again, not wanting to be as camera shy.
user1: dude i love y/n in these vids.
user2: that rat was ugly asf-
user4: they should do blind, deaf, mute with y/n or just do a blind baking
user5: blind baking with y/n would be dead ass so funny 💀
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bittybat28 · 9 months
I’m in a Mary Goore mood so let’s do some head cannons! Goore x Reader
(18+ for this because there will be some NSFW, blood and because Mary is a perverted gremlin)
1. I believe Mary is in some way related to the Emeritus family so he now lives at the ministry in which he helps with the Ghost project all while spreading chaos with the Ghoul’s and scaring the living shit out of siblings and Sister Imperator!
2. Mary was never one to be in relationships but as soon as he saw you, he was obsessed. He tried to be everywhere you were, wether it was “bumping” into you while you were working or finding out your favorite places in the ministry so he could be there too. And he will often make sexual jokes because Mary is Mary and that’s one of the ways he flirts.
3. I feel as if he’s a lot like the Ghouls and will often bring you gifts to show he likes you. Bones are a big thing! He will make you jewelry out of the ones he finds (or digs up..he’ll never tell) and leave them in your room or in a favorite place you like to be. If you like stuffed animals, he will make one for you. He has a secret sewing hobby that no one knows about. His stuffed animals won’t exactly be normal of course. He’ll make you a bunny with one missing eye or a torn ear, the end hanging off by a safety pin! It’ll look beat up but he’s damn proud of it!
4. Mary is not good with speaking his emotions but he will try and show it. His affection’s can be rough because he definitely gets cute aggression. He loves you so much he just wants to squeeze you and kiss you to death! They want to touch you everywhere, even in public. If you’re a sibling of sin, his sneaky hands are trying to get under that habit or uniform. if you scold him, he will pout a bit but will hold your waist or put his hand at your ass instead.
5. Mary likes rough sex. He wants you screaming his name through the entire thing. Blood and knife kink all the way! He loves blood. The smell, the texture, the taste all drive him wild and it furthers that feral-ness in him when you’re covered in it! Wether it’s his blood or yours doesn’t matter and if you don’t like being cut, he will happily make the sacrifice instead. He’s a biter and his canines are oddly sharp for a human, easily piercing your skin. After care was never really a thing for him until he met you and you showed him how nice it was. Now he’ll kiss every wound and praise you, even draw you two a bath so he can wash you and you wash him because he needs it anyway!
6. Mary is a pack rat and will steal anything, especially if it belongs to you. You wear a certain chapstick everyday? It’s his now and he puts it on so his lips taste like yours if he can’t kiss you. Underwear is his favorite thing to take and those sticky fingers will snatch up your favorite pair to sniff whenever he misses you and your scent. Anything that reminds him of you he will steal and you’ll have to go digging through his room to find it which could be a bit of an adventure!
7. He’s obsessed and protective with you and will always find a way to watch you just to make sure no one is bothering you. They are not above beating the shit out of someone who even looks at you the wrong way! He will never ever tell you who you can and can’t hang out with but if someone gives him a bad feeling, he’s extra watchful and may cause extra mayhem to that person. If you guys are together in a group, Mary will have you on his lap or pressed into his side just to keep you close.
8. Mary suffers from night terrors and often wakes up yelling or fighting. No one knows what he dreams about because he refuses to talk about it but he often comes into your room at night, crawls into bed and just cuddles. He’s usually very dominant but in moments like these, he wants to be held and loved on. He’ll crawl between your legs and just flop down on your body, feeling your warmth. He loves it when you run your fingers through his hair or run your nails along his back. Give him kisses and sing to him! He’ll be out in minuets and won’t wake up again.
9. Some of Mary’s pet names are a little unconventional but that just adds to his charm. He’s calls you his little corpse, his raven, even calls you a little demon. Otherwise he calls you babe, sexy, hot stuff and sweetness! He will rarely ever use your actual name and he thinks it’s funny when you two call each other the most ridiculous things!
10. His idea of a date is usually fucking somewhere you’re not supposed to but he also loves a movie date where you two watch a scary movie and eat snacks together. He laughs at horror movies like they’re a comedy! He will take you on a midnight picnic to the ministries cemetery and tell you scary stories that make you want to jump into his arms so he can protect you! He can be an asshole and sometimes thick when it comes feelings and emotions but he will always try to make you happy and he will never let you go.
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noodlesoup1819 · 4 months
OML SOUKOKU HRGGHSJGHGSD SGHGS *becoming rabid feral gremlin creature thing* THEY ARE CUDDLING THEY ARE SO SILLY ALSO RED AND BLUUEEEE!!! I love contrast sooooo much its my favourite art principle (sorry, this is the result of me taking design as a subject 😔). You give me colour contrast and I will NIBBLE on it like a rat with a piece of cheese <33 I'm tasting the flavours and its tasting very much like doritos chips (assuming you know what they are <3 both the spicy one and the 'cool original' one- help why is it called 'cool original just call it salt flavur or something 😭) woke up and felt very silly this morning so enjoy this very chaotic ask! Also I hope school hasn't been treating you too bad, make sure sure to get lots of rest, your art is always so pretty i think I'm your biggest fan 💖💖
ghdgjfgfhfh soukoku are my favorite <333
I'm very glad to give you colors you can nibble on.
I DO know what doritos are and I also have never understood the cool flavor im pretty sure they're supposed to taste like ranch, but i've never gotten any actual FLAVOR from them (...does ranch even have a discernable flavor??)
I very much adore your chaos asks. It's bedtime for me hereee so this has put me in a good mood before I settle down :D I have 2 weeks left of school. I desperately need to catch up on english, but everything else is going okay (...if you could like gently bully me into doing my english work sometime this week (if you have the time) i would greatly appreciate it...) Take care of yourself too!! ❤️‍🩹 School is rough but we can get through it 💪 you have graduated from fan my friend you are a beloved mutual and I would do anything for you (...on a completely unrelated note is there any other characters you would want me to draw? ...ya know for no particular reason whatsoever...)
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lilyharvord · 2 years
It ain’t my business to come up with another AU cause I’ve got four in the oven cooking and one that almost done rising and is waiting to go in the oven, but I’m a feral gremlin and I love Red Queen so its not my fault. Anyway the Star Wars AU is once again on my mind, so I will pull a chunk of my brain out and somehow project what I see to you all. 
- Mare is a smuggler/pirate who works for a medium sized smuggling organization that specializes in playing both side of the divide (Rebel and Imperial). They’re clients kind of know but because they are so good at getting their hands on everything (information, tech, weapons, codes) they’re allowed a free pass from both sides to do what they want so long as they don’t try anything serious. She gets to wear sick ass pants with lots of pockets that she likes to put things in (steal more like), a hip gun holster (the kind that sort of wraps around both legs and the waist) and a white loose shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Sometimes she wears a cool hat with a low bun that lets her hair fall out in chunks on the sides. Aka she’s a sewer rat that somehow got into a fancy organization and made her way up to the top levels by just being fucking ruthless and also very good and getting people to give her what she wants (aka she has the Force but has no fucking clue). 
- Cal is an Imperial Colonel for the Navy who comes from a very, very wealthy and important family that is very close to the Emperor. He is young, and everyone says he has a super bright future ahead of him. He’s good at war, and that makes him dangerous. Secretly, he’d rather be in his garage tuning up older speeders and racing them. And he may or may not be soft to the Rebellion’s cause, on an ideological basis of course. He’s a stauch believer in the Empire and “what they do for the galaxy by providing protection, support, and management to what would otherwise be a system riddled with anarchy and collapsing infrastructure”. Someone did start a rumor (which may or may not have actually been true, but the grunt was very drunk in said cantina and their word was very suspect) that they saw him in disguise listening to what was Rebel propaganda in a backwater cantina while they were planet side. He mostly plays by the rules but he’s not afraid to get his hands a little dirty or bend the rules to win. He finds out about a smuggling organization that straddles the line and hires them to get him information that he needs for an up coming campaign. Which is how he meets a scrappy, no nonsense smuggler who he believes is more like a pirate, that makes his start to question exactly what the Empire does. 
- Maven is from the same wealthy, prosperous family as Cal. He holds a military position (much lower level, he does not see much action), but is more involved in the government (or the sham of it provided to the people to keep the placated). He is very close to the Emperor, and for good reason. He has unique talents of his own that he keeps to himself but uses them when and only if they are needed. He is a spy, and his mother has brilliant ambitions for him and their family. He may have his own ambitions though, and his teeth while sharp are hidden well... 
- Diana Farley is a leader in the Alliance, who has been fighting most of her life against the oppression of the Empire. She fights with her teeth and her claws, but when a seriously dangerous bit of information is stolen along with a datapad that holds Alliance base locations and other important information from a member of her squadron, she enlists the help of a member of a smuggler organization that’s not afraid to go behind Imperial lines to retrieve things. She refused to be left in the dark though, and ends up joining the hunt, even against her superiors wishes...
- Shade Barrow is given orders to retrieve a data pad with invaluable information on it. Deeply sympathetic to the Alliance’s cause, he is more than willing to go behind Imperial lines in his beat up ship to save them all. He’ll need to enlist the help of his little sister who has a deep foothold in a certain Colonel’s camp to retrieve the information which could put them both in the line of deadly fire, that is... if he doesn’t get killed by the beautiful and dangerous Rebel stowaway he somehow managed to pick up. 
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smallsadchild · 1 year
New random BSD take based on nothing but my own thoughts and selfish desires of making Chuuya a little bit more feral gremlin. This may be a bit long and all over the place.
So, I was thinking about fanart I’ve seen of Tetcho and Chuuya and I think it’d be fucking great if Chuuya was also sort of a menace when it came to mixing food? Like not to the same degree as Tetcho (though they both get worse the more they hang out together) but not only does Chuuya have some weird genetics/lab rat shit going on with him (who knows what may be up with his sense of taste,) he also grew up in a gang of kids on the street. That boy did NOT have a normal diet and I feel like Kyoyous training could only do so much.
Anyway, I think Chuuya also enjoys horrific food combinations, (perhaps partially due to him still having the inclination to eat what he can when he can.) I like the concept that Chuuya’s the kind of person to just mix everything on his plate together into one homogeneous lump and eat it like that. You know those horrible like, 50’s American gelatin creations with the unflavored gelatin and peas and bananas with Mayo on top kinda thing? Genuinely something he would eat and enjoy. Cabbage and peanut butter sandwich? Down the hatch. Eats onions like apples and enjoys tormenting Dazai with it. (Who yeah, okay, his eating habits may not be the BEST but at least he doesn’t put wasabi on Oreos and then dip them in coffee like a fucking psychopathic chibi he knows.)
I don’t think Dazai was completely disgusted by Chuuya’s eating habits though (well okay maybe he was but he found it funny too.) He enjoyed experimenting with different combinations and trying to find where Chuuya drew the line. He used to add random shit to Chuuya’s food when he wasn’t looking, just to see if his partner would notice (usually he didn’t, or maybe he simply didn’t care.)
As Chuuya gets older I think his pallet does become a bit more refined, (or at least he pretends it is when company’s around,) thanks to Kyoyou’s etiquette training and having access to actual recipes and such. But he still eats weird shit I think, and a friendship/relationship with Tetcho I feel would have them making and consuming the most ungodly meals to ever grace the earth. Those absolutely fucked protein shakes some people make? Yeah.
I love them being friends and shit ‘cuz I think they would both amplify each others nasty little bitey gremlin attributes and it would be fucking hilarious. Also boyfriends getting swole together? + the height difference? Hell yeah.
Anyway Chuuya deserves to be more of a gremlin I think. He may know how to act like a sophisticated gentleman at this point, but he’s still a punk ass troublemaker, he just dresses better now. Love him sm <3
(Also mostly unrelated, very not thought out idea, Dazai has gotten Atsushi to eat part of a leather shoe before. I don’t know why but it just feels like something he would do.)
Here’s an example of the 50’s gelatin abominations btw.
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For the author ask game: 4, 9, 14, 27, 37 (sorry this is a lot)
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Hm... this is a tough one, but I think "breathed"; but like in the context of saying something very softly, almost like you're saying it as you breathe out. Big fan of it, mainly because there's something intimate in saying something like that, and also there's so much meaning packed into it: it could be you're asking somebody to stay, you're revealing your darkest secret, you're telling someone your credit card details: truest forms of trust and intimacy. Yeah, as you can see, I'm perfectly normal about this.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I do lend books to people, but they're not scared to borrow from me. But every time I lend a book to someone, I am hit with intense anxiety about how they'll act with my book. Will they mark it with pen/pencil/highlighter? Will they dog-ear the pages? Will they ruin the binding? Will they drop soda on it, (fuck you, fifth grade classmate, I'm still not over it). At any given point, I know exactly where each book of mine is, and I've always gotten my books back, because I annoy people into giving my books back (it's ethical if the book is yours!)
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
In all honesty? For my fanfics, it's Rudy. He has a kind of jovial, flirtatious personality that I can't exactly connect with, which is why every time I open my fic docs, I worry whether I'll mess up Snake Boi's characterization. However. Roshani blessed us with the softer, more awkward side of him in NoI's epilogue, and the gremlin rat operating my brain rubbed its hands, and went, "Oh, we can work with this. We can characterize with this. Excellent." Which makes writing him easier. It's pretty easy to write my OCs, as they're all either extensions of myself, or based on people I know. Writing established characters (esp. a character like Rudy) is tough, BUT, it makes writing him more fun!
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
"It seems as if the author of this fable was fond of making the characters living in her head go through several types of torture and pain: physical, mental, and lastly, psychological."
-The person who digs up my laptop and sees the stuff on it.
"This one was NOT okay"
-The OTHER person who digs up my journals where I write book plots.
PLEASE ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS FROM THIS ASK GAME I LOVE ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS!!! (Also its not a lot lmao I love answering lots of questions)
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kharti · 2 years
2, 22, 41, 74
Fanfiction Writing Asks
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
half of them come from @nonbinaryachilles putting thoughts in my head that i am compelled by both love and hyperfixation to chase, as well as yourself and other discord server members
the rest come from "haha wouldn't it be funny if" (butthands) that then evolves to "this is my favorite thing in the world and i will stab anyone who tries to take it from me"
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
usually they come to me mid-writing, i'll type a sentence and a little gremlin scrambles up from the well of my brain and shriek "THAT'S THE NAME" and scurries away
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
whoever i wrote last
but if i had to pick one that i consistently go feral over writing, it's jack. i fucking love writing him. he's a SLUT he's a WHORE he's a DUMBASS he's FILTHY he's HORNY he's my RAT BASTARD SON
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Still Life ... the struggle of writing not gay smut. but i love mary. i love evelyn. i love doug. i love any combination of the three together.
one of my favorite things about OFMD is they didn't make Mary a villain. they didn't make her That Bitch. they spent the season showing us Stede, and his memories of her, how cold and distant she was at times, how she didn't understand him, how he didn't understand her. and since Stede is our main character i thought they'd go the route of making her an unlikable bitch, just a plot element to further Stede's narrative.
it's what i love about the OFMD universe as a whole. no one is a villain. everyone is a villain. nothing is black/white. there is no need to bring izzy or jack into a story as The Bad Guy. it's just... so nice. to acknowledge. internal conflict as the villain. that everyone is a victim of their past, surroundings, and self... that all these narratives, Stede's, Mary's, Ed's, Izzy's, can all co-exist side-by-side. none of them are NPCs.
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
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#(btw universe i am knocking on wood and i'm nawt trying to extort *extra* luck by reblogging this a second time okay love u 🤜🪵🤜🪵🤜🪵)
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festeringly hawt, not TOO pretty
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small titty committee, but goddamn does she work that cleavage 😳
flat, colorless sheet of long hair (type 1a. texture what texture) that appears vaguely damp at all times
looks like she barely sleeps more than harrow
VISIBLY sickly, washed out, and fucking unhinged
weird vintage-y clothes that she somehow manages to slay OR slinky Barbiecore party girl dress in an obnoxious and unflattering shade of lavender
tall and svelte like a silver screen actress
men's clothes because i pick and choose what's canon here <33
slightly annoying face. punchable woman.
purple is HER color even though it looks terrible on her
evil freak with fucked-up insane eyes
looks at everyone like she's gonna fuck and/or cannibalize them. just radiating the most horrifying sexual energy you've ever seen
cool gross mess of muscle and gristle connecting her bone arm to her shoulder
lean, kind of hollow face with high cheekbones (but still punchable-looking)
eyes either half-lidded and come-hither or just way way too scarily wide
possibly doesn't shower
ianthe can have piercings too. if she wants :)
Gideon | Harrow | Coronabeth
114 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I could not remain in the Church.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I can't tell my parents that I've been dating a girl for eight months and I'm in love with her and I gave my virginity to her and the other night I dreamed that I proposed to her.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason my father delights in saying the f-slur and making fun of his trans coworker, but god forbid the gays should marry, god forbid someone should reject the pronouns they were assigned from their very first breath.
Dallin H. fucking Oaks is the reason my parents and grandparents may never show up to my wedding, should I marry my girl, or meet my children, should I choose to have any.
And of course, it's not just Oaks, and if he weren't the emblem of homophobia in the Church, it would be someone else.
But I resent him so much.
I'm sorry—if nothing else, I believe in love. But I cannot love the man who so intensely embodies and perpetuates the pain I've endured for 21 years.
How dare he.
137 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My Favorite TLT Fanart Things
androgynously hawt, not TOO pretty
little curved fangs as gauges
lotssss of piercings
emo 14-year-old grunge blogger attire or ornate lacy goth princess attire, no in-between
insane bags under her eyes
NO bone tiddies on the rib corset (why)
mean scary little gremlin and/or pathetic wet scrunkly rat
at least vaguely pissed-looking at (almost) all times
black nail polish
flat af but not emaciated because :(
choker/collar thing made of vertically arranged bones (you know the one)
blood blood blood
doesn't look 25! she's only three years old!!
insane unhinged energy always
soft dark eyes. tender eyes. angry, powerful eyes. haunted eyes.
looks about as put-together as a goth freak on the wrong end of a bender
smeared face paint cuz she's fucked up
mean, pointy, vaguely sickly little ferret face with small angular features (ideal for conveying A. feral rage, B. tortured sorrow, or C. thinly veiled open exasperation)
hair juuust long enough to curl around her ears and get in her eyes, like an anime boy
neither butch nor femme but a secret third thing
*my special little guy 🖤
Gideon | Ianthe | Coronabeth
153 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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Mormons RECOVER from limp cabbage EMBARRASSMENT
156 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
22 ½ hours of Canadian Redditors attempting to draw their own flag on r/place:
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Please note that this is juxtaposed with intricate pixel art of the Eiffel Tower, featuring The Little Prince...
See the full post
16,897 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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I’m in the mood for a fic where…
Hullo darlings!  Here’s another one to test the limits of your recall!  I still have about 10 requests in my inbox that didn’t make it onto this post, so be patient if you don’t see your Ask here.
[My ko-fi.]
1. Hello! I hope you or your readers can help me find a particular kind of fic: I'm looking for modern AU Wangxian stories, but what I'd really like to see are scenarios that can show the modern equivalent of the great Hanguangjun (or THE Chief Cultivator, y'know, for CQL) going all soft because if this one person and indulging him in everything even publicly. I go feral for this super important and respected person showing all his love for his dearest gremlin, without shame or restraint.
take yourself home by ribena (M, 27k, wangxian)
❤️the best of you by sysrae (E, 42k, wangxian, my post)
always on my mind by sami  (E, 38k, wangxian, lan wangji/others, jiang yanli & lan wangji, series in progress)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
For Safekeeping Purposes by ChilianXianzi (M, 3k, wangxian, WIP)
Care and Feeding by mrsronweasley (E, 17k, wangxian)
2. Hello, recently I read Crack Me Open, Pour You Out by Tenillypo where LWJ is cursed to say everything out loud. (Spoiler: in the later part the curse worsens and LWJ's inhibitions are lowered and he starts to do things like sniffing WWX and touching him without shame). Do you know any fics where LWJ has specifically for some reason lowered inhibitions? I read fics where he gets cursed to have to say thoughts out loud or need to touch, but not specifically dealing with lowered inhibitions.
beneath six layers of silk by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 13k, wangxian, my post) - also a talking curse
drunk lan wangji:
i know who i want to take me home by ScarlettStorm (E, 17k, wangxian)
10 Things I Hate About Dating at Gusu Academy by KouriArashi (T, 28k, 3zun, wangxian, jin guangyao & nie huaisang, lan wangji & lan xichen)
Being Known by dragongirlG (M, 43k, wangxian, series in progress)
Playing Nice by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 11k, wangxian)
3. Aaaa I just read Secretary Lan series. Did you guys know any bottom!lwj fic but NO CONFLICT JUST PURE FLUFF, no pwp too it's rainy in my town so I just need some fluffy dovey Wangxian. Thank You Mojo 😘
as thou wast wont to be by cqlorphan (E, 13k, wangxian) ... and many others by this author have bottom lan wangji
And They Were Quarantined by thunderwear (E, 50k, wangxian, my post) - teeny bit of angst b/c lwj is touch-starved and has a panic attack
4. Hey Mojo! Do you know any fics where wei wuxian is a well acknowledged bamf while in yunmeng jiang that aren't time travel?
Tumblr Fic by @shanastoryteller (link is to part 3, but has links to parts 1 & 2) and also 
Another tumblr fic by @shanastoryteller​
​ ❤️Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 505k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Gentians in bloom by teawater (M, 251k, wangxian, my bookmark)
5. Dear Mojo, thank you so much for your blog! (You've inspired me to make a few fic rec lists of my own ;)  [Excellent!  There is an insatiable hunger for rec lists!!!] Of late, I've been in the mood for canon divergent fics where Lan Sizhui grew up as a Wen or where he grew up in the Burial Mounds. I'd love to see writers' interpretations of how he would change if he hadn't matured in the Cloud Recesses.
kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, wangxian, jiang siblings & lan wangji friendship, my post) - actually gives you a side-by-side comparison, since A-Yuan is twins
Bury My Heart on the Lonely Mountain by TrappedInCabinets (M, 7k, wangxian)
Dark Wen Yuan AU tumblr comic and fic by @pakhnokh​ that inspired the story above
The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby (M, 108k, wangxian, series in progress)
6. do you know AUs where YZY severed WWX's hand?
❤️Love made visible by Moominmammashandbag (M, 31k, wangxian, my post)
from the other side of sorrow by Sour_Idealist (E, 128k, jiang siblings, chengqing, wangxian, sangli, xiyao)
a star called sun by thelastdboy (E, 53k, wangxian, songxiao, jaing siblings, WIP) 
The waters and the wild by SecretStorm (T, 62k, wangxian, WIP, FANART)
in payment, a hand by justdoityoufucker (M, 11k, wangxian, 3 works, series in progress)
7. Сan you recommend post-canon fics where WWX and NHS became friends again? like and so falls the fan by b_ofdale?
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 4k, nie haisang & wei wuxian, WIP)
Attached to shadows by LtLJ (G, 4k, nie haisang & wei wuxian, wangxian)
8. hi, i love what you do!! thank you so much for your work!!! [Thank you!] i was wondering if you had any fic recs for something like a redemption arc for wwx but for the public? basically, something similar to The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts, where people learn about what really happened to wwx? ~ @celestialsilhouette​
The Full Form of Press by Vamillepudding (G, 13k, wangxian, my post) - i feel like this one also turns around wwx’s reputation?
9. Thank you so much for what you do! Could you please give me a rec for something where people talk about Yiling Patriarch in front of WWX right in front of him before they realize he's the person they're talking about? Thanks again!
This Is Not The Senior Wei We Know! by SilverBells (T, 13k, wangxian, juniors, WIP)
10. hey hey momjo!! I was wondering if you knew of any good dark sizhui FICS, like if sizhui grew up learning demonic cultivation with wwx instead of going to the Lan clan. much appreciated ❤️❤️
Foundling by ecorie (G, 41k, wangxian, lan sizhui & lan wangji, series in progress, my post) - he’s still a Lan, but uses demonic cultivation secretly towards end of series
Bury My Heart on the Lonely Mountain by TrappedInCabinets (M, 7k, wangxian)
Dark Wen Yuan AU tumblr comic and fic by @pakhnokh​ that inspired the story above
The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby (M, 108k, wangxian, series in progress)
11. I have been seeing a lot of lwj angst lately and now I want some wwx angst. (11a) Do you have any fics where wwx is feeling hurt by something lwj did but it’s all a misunderstanding? Maybe thinking lwj is in a relationship. It could be anything as long as no one is bad. I want a happy ending hehe. (11b) And do you have any fics where lwj hurts lxc, like accidentally. Or lxc being miserable, alone. And kinda jealous of lwj. No lxc/wwx tho. You can see I have been hurt from what i’m asking for lol [Aw, baby!  *hugs*  And also, let’s hear it for the catharsis of fanfiction!]
my age has never made me wise by idrilka (E, 63k, wangxian)
your heartbeat, across the grass by fakeplasticlily (E, 44k, wangxian, my post)
the heart of a bear by sasamelons (T, 18k, wangxian)
Bite and Bruise and Bind by ReformedTsundere (E, 5k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
it's your soul by syriala (G, 3k, wangxian)
could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you're leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 37k, wangxian)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, xichengqing, wangxian, my post) - other works by this author also have alone/lonely/isolated/a little jealous LXC
Utterly Inevitable by sami (M, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
For Both Of Us (And Time Is But A Paper Moon) by sami (E, 65k, wangxian)
so hot out the box (can we pick up the pace) by sami (E, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
12. hello mojo! i'm looking for scifi fics with Wwx as the robot/android/cyborg/AI, do you know any?
when we end the war by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 41k, wangxian)
do androids dream of lan wangji? by DizziDreams (T, 28k, wangxian)
lwj as the android:
A Cyborg's Three Laws by FairyGardenCorgis (M, 123k, wangxian, nielan, WIP)
13. Hi, I have a request for your next (or your next next next-, whenever you get around to it it's fine, don't worry💖)  [I finally got here!!!]   in the mood for post. Do you or anyone know any fic where wwx holds guest lectures? Like in the series The Same Moon Shines and in Silver bells and cockle shells, or even where he just teaches juniors like in Joy In the Midst of These Things. (No modern au pls) Thank youu✨✨✨
14. Hi Mojo, how are you? First of all thanks for doing this amazing job. Do you know any fics where wangxian have a-yuan through surrogacy? I just want to see wangxian taking care of teeny tiny baby a-yuan
❤️in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, wangxian, my post) - has WQ as surrogate, but develops into an AO3 tho’ she’s mostly asexual, but is more epic than just a kid fic
15. Hi! Im in the mood for a fic where lwj is a warprice for the yiling patriach. Like wwx fight the war for them and he demands Lwj to marry him. I just love those fics. Sorry for my bad english 
❤️Fated by LtLJ (G, 31k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Imperfect Memory by xantissa (E, 62k, wangxian, my post)
❤️spider lilies to sunflowers by cicer (E, 33k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️tie a knife with a ribbon by iliacquer (E, 6k, wangxian, my post)
the shadow of a name in skin by iliacquer (E, 9k, wangxian, my post)
hot necromancer singles seeking dom daddies in your area by Mikkeneko (M, 19k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Possession by trickanery (M, 52k, wangxian, WIP)
for our love is a ghost the others can’t see by sheepwell, snackmon (sashimini_central) (M, 23k, wangxian, WIP) - courtesean lwj offered to general wwx
love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, my bookmark)
16.   if anyone has any emotional fics with the first siege and wwx putting a-Yuan in that tree and then dying (or not 😝), gimme gimme 😭 ~ @angel-loving-star
The Massacre of The Yiling Burial Grounds by scifigeek14 (T, 5k, wangxian, my post)
death either way by thelastdboy (E, 22k, wangxian, xuanli, wei wuxian & wen qing, a-yuan & lan wangji & wei wuxian)
Who is to Say What is Black, What is White? by TrappedInCabinets (T, 2k, wangxian)
17.  (Quietly sends in a kofi with my request bc u work so hard-)  [Wow, thank you so much, you’re such a doll.  I’m gonna feel real bad if this one never gets any suggestions.] i was wondering if for your next In The Mood For post you could see if anyone knows fic where after wwx reincarnates he goes back to lotus pier instead of with lwj? Maybe juang cheng has already forgiven him or figured out abt the golden core? I read By Any Other Name and i just loved the yunmeng bro dynamic!!! Thank u!!!! ~ @yamibakuraofficial​
The Amazing Adventures Of Jiang Xiaolian And Family by bumbledees (T, 63k, wangxian, series in progress, my post)
Through The Abyss by bluesloth (T, 21k, wangxian, WIP) -  both is and isn't what OP asked because there are two wwx waking up in mo manor, but I thought to link it all the same
❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post) - au after Sunshot but JC & WWX have a great relationship and banter.  Most of her fics have good jiang sibling dynamics.
your refuge in the bitter cold by foreverkneeld (T, 50k, wangxian, my post) maybe???
18.  Do you know any fics where it the juniors see wei Wuxians real power/potential or like see the past to the yiling laozu. Basically just a fic where they see his full power and why people are scared of him. Thank youuu you’re very helpful and idk what I’d you without your recs 😭 [Aw, thanks!] ~ @love-yourself112​
❤️The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 29k, lan jingyi & wei wuxian, wangxian, my post)
Trust by FlyingMachine1 (G, 8k, juniors & wei wuxian, wangxian) - author says, ‘I wrote it because I wanted the juniors to be in awe of and collectively fanboy over bamf wwx.’
❤️Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, my bookmark) - juniors go back in time and try to fix things w/the adults
hills and rivers by LtLJ (T, 56k, wangxian, my post)
Of Swords And Scabbards by Etharei (E, 7k, wangxian, my post) - maybe?
19.  hello!! i was looking for fics where lwj is disabled (maybe his leg didn’t heal from the wen’s attack), if u could rec me some that would be great, thanks!
every star in the sky by bluecottontail (VOlympianlove), VOlympianlove (G, 22k, nielan, wangxian) -  Lan Wangji is in a wheelchair after the attack on Gusu
❤️no new age by everythingispoetry (M, 146k, wangxian, my post) - permanent injury from whipping
love some littler things by shipyrds (G, 18k, wangxian) - no golden core
❤️the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, wangxian, my post) - final third covers lwj’s lashing injuries
of buried things by Sanguis (M, 31k, wangxian) -  lasting injuries and chronic pain from the lashing
20.  Hi! I hope you have a good day!!  [You, too!]  I’m in a mood for hurt/comfort and and was wondering if you could rec me some fics !! I’m looking for fics like WWX seeing LWJ with someone and going through all that ‘he’d be better off with them’ feelings or just fics with WWX being self-deprecating and LWJ assuring/comforting him.  If you could rec some fics that would be great !! Take care ! (^-^)
Just As Much by Gemiblu (E, 24k, wangxian, my post)
ghost out on the water by twigofwillow (T, 15k, wangxian, my post)
❤️put your heart where your mouth is by protos_metazu_ison (T, 20k, wangxian, my post)
❤️ Resolutions by incendir (E, 204k, wangxian, part 4, my post)
See #13 on this Mood For post for many, many more insecure wwx options
The Proposal by LFMH021 (T, 93k, wangxian)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme​ and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth.  Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!   ***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink!  Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
[My ko-fi.]
402 notes · View notes
Hey I'm back again! Have some nightmare kids-
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These guys have existed for a long time and I only revisited them now. They are being added to the ask box so you can ask them now!
Here's some info on them:
-Cheeky mischievous kid
-Runs even faster than regular gws cause he's a kid and is filled to the brim with energy
-His dad forces him to stay inside the Manor because he doesn't want his son to get hurt or lost
-Hes very rambunctious and wild
-But is very shy around strangers, he even hides his face when the stranger talks to him
-When the mortal comes into the Manor, Will is put in his room but he then escapes and helped chase the mortal down
-anger issues
-His blades are dull but the tips are still sharp, so he got baby proofed
-He considers the murder monkeys as his older brothers
-He dreads the other kids, other than Stanley, they're besties
-Hes a brat in a way, but not spoiled, he works a lot at the hotel and helps his brothers
-Though he adores perfume, he wants to smell pretty
-Crazy kid, but also the respectful one
-He gets in trouble a lot, sometimes it would be on accident but it would mostly be on purpose
-Very flexible and can fit into tight spaces
-He considers the clown gremlins to be his cousins
-He has evil chaotic energy
-Whenever he takes a step, his shoe squeaks
-Shy baby
-He usually keeps to himself and doesn't really bother anyone
-He has a stutter
-He has a huge crush on William and Will is very oblivious to it, Will can't take the hints
-Hes very friendly and sane other than the joy joy gang, he considers Penny his mum, Lucky his dad and Hangry his uncle
-Hes mostly quiet and collected
-The nurses keep spoiling and loving on him, teaching him how to treat women properly
-He likes disecting things, wether it would be an animal or human, he doesn't care
-He also likes testing medication and chemicals on either mice or rats
-He thinks of the other kids as test subjects, as you can tell he doesn't have very well social skills, he sounds like an alien trying to communicate to humans when he's talking
-Rebellious punk
-Even though he doesn't speak and can only communicate through sign, he has a very loud personality
-He is also very athletic, he can break dance very well
-He has a mother in the nightmare Realm and he goes against her a lot
-He is a baby sitter for Puff and Fluffball, he treats them as if they are his younger siblings
-he has a habit on wrecking shiza, grabbing a sledgehammer and smashing up cars
-He made his hideout in the record store
-Hes a party animal but also a caring one
-He says "happy birthday" as a greeting instead of just saying hello
-instead of having dirty legs like other dread duckies, he has clean smooth legs, overall he's just a very clean duck
-theres a secret area in the sewers that have a little swimming pool where he hangs out in
-he has a mother duck and older siblings, he doesn't join them in the sewers however, he wants to stay clean
-he has a very bubbly personality and is pretty much an airhead
Fluff and Puffball:
-babies, 1 year olds to be precise
-One is sleeping most of the time and the other is feral
-They both slap And bonk each others heads sometimes, not too hard but they have little fights
-They share everything, food, bed, binkies
-They even steal from each other
-Mama bear does take care of them and lay them in separate cribs, but Chip usually has to take care of them, he doesn't mind though
-One is a crybaby while the other is the tough one
And that's it! I'll answer some past asks in a jiffy! Just wanted to show off these babies
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soulvee-animationz · 2 years
Epic gaming Pico swap AU ramble timeeee!!!!! Okay so basically ima just aramble about the characters an shittt lol~
Also almost all of the swaps correspond with the swaps used in D-Sides mod!!
She/They, Transfem lesbian
Swapped with Nene
Despite being swapped with Nene she’s a very sensitive bean qwq
Absolute cinnamon roll pushover, very soft, literally, their hair is very soft
Cries easily
Wears soft fuzzy sweaters, knee socks and cat eat headbands, all in pastel colors
Has fangz and nobody knows why
Dating Swap!Nene
Abusive homelife which has left them with trauma over their gender and sexuality and how they perceive themselves
The one who convinced Nene not to shoot up the school
She/Her, Lesbian
Swapped with Cassandra
Emo goth bitch, usually scowling
Wears all black and dark red, plus has the fucking emo bangs covering one of her eyes, said bangs having red highlights (dyed)
Shark like teeth and has bitten someone with them before
Filled with anger and rage towards every single adult ever
She actually doesn’t like emo/gothic/alternative music that much, prefers hyperpop and breakcore more
Originally was going to shoot up the school with the goth punks but halted the operation to keep Cass safe, is unsure if she’ll continue it or not
Very protective over Cass, and would die for them
Carries guns/pocket knives on her at all times due to severe paranoia/anxiety disorder, isn’t coping with said disorder very well at the moment
He/It, Non-Binary, Bisexual
Swapped with Cyclops
Usually pretends to act angry and tough for Nene, but in reality he’s a really chill guy with a good taste in music
Actually very scared of guns after getting shot in the eye with one by accident, has an eyepatch that covers up the bullet wound
Looks mainly like pico but with an eyepatch, arm and leg scars, leather jacket and chain necklace + belt
Barks at people sometimes
It loves meat, eats meat absolutely feral like
Kinda hates Nene but feels obligated to stick with her
He/Him, Pansexual
Swapped with Alucard
Very chill compared to the rest of the goth punks, but is also slightly sadistic
Doesn’t care much for others feelings or safety aside from a few folks
The one who thought of the whole school shooting plan
Very close to Nene, acts mostly like a therapist to her as well as an older brother figure
Childhood trauma from being experimented on as a child, caused him to gain magic fire powers and purple skin + a lot of burn scars from practicing with his abilities
Very good artist, does realism art mostly
He/Him, Demiromantic Asexual
Swapped with Pico
Just an overall good guy, there is like almost nothing wrong with him
Very kind an considerate, most popular in school and everyone’s friend
Is in a queerplatonic relationship with Cassandra, the two being very close and intimate but remaining friends
Wasn’t home during the almost school shooting incident, caught the stomach flu
Crushing hard on Alucard but is too shy to admit to it
Trying to learn how to become a game programmer and has a few basically coded click and point games made
Owns several comfort plushies, his favorite being a patchwork rat named “Bingo”
Looks like Cyclops, just without an eyepatch and a purple hoodie
He/They, Demiboy, Biromantic, Asexual
Swapped with Darnell
He’s easily excitable and usually a hyper guy, especially over magic
Absolutely obsessed with learning how to preform magic, knows a lot of magician tricks
Loves dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, Pokémon cards, those types of games =w=
Completely oblivious to Cyclops’ crush on them but would accept if he confessed
He has vitiligo and wears glasses!! And pastel green an pink sweaters!!
Just a very sweet guy overall, they are the guy ever *affectionate*
Likes fire, maybe a lil too much-
Favorite food is poptarts
They/Them, Non-Binary, Gay
Swapped with Damian
An actual gremlin
The one person in Cass’ friendgroup that is 100% feral
Hisses at people
Distracted by lasers and string being dangled in their face
Doesn’t talk much, usually wears a dark blue scarf over their mouth
Wears jean jackets and ripped jeans with gaming themed t-shirts
Working on a webcomic with Cassandra about rainbow neon furries that live in a computer
Avid Lemon Demon, TallyHall, Jack Stauber, Mother Mother and cavetown enjoyer
Has a prized pokeball DS
He/Him, TransMasc, Aromantic
Swapped with Hanzou
A lil dorky weeb that is Cassandra’s cousin
Younger then Cass by a couple years so he goes to a different school
Very wholesome and sweet to others and likes giving others hugs
Obsessed with anime!! He hyper fixates on a lot of them and is usually wearing a makeshift naruto cosplay
Also wears dog ear headbands
Collects LPS and sometimes gives away his duplicates online in raffles
Likes weird obscure YT rabbit holes and tends to draw art of ARG characters a lot
Room is absolutely covered in fandom posters
Scott Pilgrim enjoyer
He/They, TransMasc, Bisexual
Swapped with Girlfriend
Flirty and dominative to others, he knows how to get what he wants out of others
Part angel and always has a pastel blue halo and pastel blue wings
Interested in music production and helps make tracks with his girlfriend, Girlfriend
Pico’s ex but isn’t really over the relationship yet and still flirts with Pico
Likes crossdressing and is often wearing dresses or skirts with long sleeved shirts
Gave Girlfriend her beanie and check mark t-shirt
She/Xe, Pansexual
Swapped with Boyfriend
Antisocial with others and often doesn’t talk, but is very talkative and chatty with her friends
Wants to be a professional singer!! Often makes music with xer boyfriend, Boyfriend
Wears headphones on her neck almost all the time, same with her blue beanie and checkmark t-shirt
Lactose intolerant but still eats cheese (never regrets it despite how sick xe gets)
Can be very annoying sometimes
Part demon and keeps demon horns hidden, couldn’t bother to hide her tail
Thinks that jeans are awful torture devices made by turtle people
Believes in aliens half ironically, half unironically
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lovee-infected · 4 years
hello! may i please request NSFW headcanons of Lilia, Rook, Chenya (if you write for him), and Floyd dating a f!mc who is a brat in bed? thank you! (ps, i love your work so much, you deserve more attention and love!!!💖💖💖💖💖)
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Feeling spicy tonight, aren't we?~
Warning(s): Nsfw, Bdsm, Orgasm denial, Dirty talk, Cum play
Spice will remain undercut!
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He loves to have you explore his body. You little koebi sure are pretty curious, aren't you? He's a brat all the time nonetheless of how you're going to play, but watching your enthusiasm to challenge him and his big dick energy in bed makes him wants to take a step back and watch how far you may go.
He can pin you down within a second but if you wanna top, go on. It's your chance to show him how entertaining you can be, though it won't last all night. He'd just lend your body for you to play until you no longer can. But in case that you'd prefer to have him top you instead he won't be as kind.
Floyd has literally got no mercy when he tops, and having you continuing to tease him although you're well aware of what his immense thirst can do to you can only have one meaning: You want more. You look so cute when you get nasty in bed, so adorable. He loves in so much when you, his naughty baby, squirm under his rough touch like a tiny fish begging for water.
You won't need to tell him to go any harder or faster, he already knows how to turn the bed into a jungle. All he needs is you going along with his rough pace and driving him even crazier than usual.
Be careful not to go too far though, he's got his own limits. You're free to do whatever you want as long as he hasn't reached his orgasm but note that if you keep on teasing him afterwards even Floyd can be bothered. Better slow down with a slower pace or softer actions like kisses on tip of his cock or softly licking him so he can enjoy his orgasm.
Instead of getting to the point of causing him too much pain or making him ask you to stop, try teasing him. If he ejaculates in your mouth, instead of immediately swallowing it, keep it in your mouth and play with it. He'd surely be turned on even more if you go kinkier, you can open your mouth and use your fingers to play with his warm, sticky load. Making satisfying sounds or just gently humming "Mmmmm" as if you're so hungry for him to feed you his seed is another way of making it more erotic for both of you.
Go as kinky as you want to, but don't be fascinated if he decides to punish you when you're done. He'll force you to wear your underwear without cleaning after sex so you'll have to keep his seed on all the time. No need to mention that he'd probably leave a mess of markings and bites on you especially on places that are hard to hide, even your cheek.
You may be a brat in bed but remember that Floyd would continue to be a brat even after you're done, so when you're playing around in bed, better be prepared for the consequences coming after wards.
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You know what they say: “Treat her like a Queen, fuck her like a whore.” Doesn't matter how much of a gentleman Rook is in the daylight, when the night comes, he's just the animal and you're the pray, watch him eat you.
Not that Rook is always one to go that wild during sex since he's still pretty considering toward his darling's emotions and limitations; he doesn't want to be the one enjoying your lovely time after all. He is more into love making than just having sex for fun, but he'd prefer it with more, well, excitement.
Why of course he doesn't mind you being a brat at all since it's nothing different from receiving your permission to go wild. Wanna play? Let's play.
You may end up being the one topping him at first because he is probably... intrigued. He likes to see whether your actions are as tough as your words when you ride him or not. Remember: He's got the stamina. He'll patiently wait until you can't take it anymore then pin you back and have his own turn. See how the tables are turned-? He can go for long, tiring rounds all night leaving you both in a mess of sweat and each other's juices as you'd still have to take in his huge cock.
When he tops, there's no stop until he makes you scream. He'd love to see how you'd go from a insubordinate brat to a helpless bottom hoe begging for mercy. So pittyful and needy, isn't that just beautiful?
Though he's quite the opposite as a bottom. He can see your growing excitement and nasty thoughts through your eyes so he doesn't mind giving you the chance to take advantage of him. He'll give his body to you with pleasure so you can play with him as you wish.
Other than getting to have his perfectly masculine body and sexy abs, remember etter that that soft, thicc and squishy butt of this man is an absolute treasure on its own so you better not lose the chance of getting to eat mister Hunt. You can get him to lie on his chest while still on knees so he is pushing his ass into the air, giving you the best advantage to have your meal.
You can do whatever you'd like to then, show how much you can do with that mouth of yours. Even give him a rim job in case you're into it. Use lots of saliva to make more enjoyable as you kiss or lick, he'd absolutely love it. Best part would be... biting. That squishy flesh of ass of his is softer than you'd ever imagine so better take the chance to eat him. In contrast to many men Rook doesn't mind you leaving some of those savage markings on his ass and you'd even get to hear him letting out some deep, sensual moans to the pillow when you're having his butt. It'd surely drown him in pleasure.
Got a kink you wanna try? Go on and throw it at him. He doesn't mind trying new things on you but often decides to let you be the one choosing them. Mostly because of the high possibility of his choices being too much for you, he doesn't want it to be that merciless. Be careful not to give him too much power though, try not to bring in any dangerous kinks otherwise it cannot be guaranteed if Rook can hold himself back or not.
Beware, Rook is a gentleman who knows when not to be gentle...
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Oh lord, is he being underestimated? No matter how much of a brat you are, when Vanrouge's in the mood it's far beyond your limits to have a chance against a this pink gremlin in bed.
Better be into bdsm: Chains? Whips? Collars? Gags? Ropes? Butt plugs? Bring it on baby!
He actually does already keep quite a few of bdsm toys and matetials in his room, somewhere no one else can find but him of course. He allows you to choose your favorite color what he's going to use on you and when it's the time, he allows you to choose them for him.
Tie him up and make him your bottom slave, he doesn't mind at all~ People are quite predictable and uninteresting these days so, he likes to see how you may surprise him. Go nasty, go feral, go wild. Make him seriously cum after all these years with his uncool sleeping mates.
He may not seem to but he's quite hard to satisfy, especially as a bottom. Doesn't matter how much he's enjoying himself between your legs, it isn't going to hold him back from trying to piss you off.
"My my, Is that all you've got...? And I thought you were going to bring me some fun..."
He has a thing for humiliating you and watch how far you can go to prove him wrong. Top brat x bottom rat= Ultimate freaky cycle.
Regardless of how much of a bottom he can be, better be prepared for the times he tops. Both of you are freaks in bed but there's a difference: He's got the power. He'll definitely make you cry even if he has to use another of those orgasm spells on you.
As a top he'd want total dominance over his darling but he sure does want it to be hard to achieve. He wants to have to push you back in bed. Tease him so he can tease you even more, that's how it works.
Is into into inflicting pain through both physical side( Biting, chewing, nailing) and the erotic side. Leaving Markings behind and bloodplay may be his simplest kinks but he's also got a thing for playing with your body and mind.
Misbehave and you'd be punished; he can easily dig his long fingers inside you and have his long nail mercilessly crumb your walls before pulling out right as you're about to cum, leaving you in a painful mess inside your stomach wanting to cum so badly.
He's such a freak ass for edging, he'd get you to the brink of orgasm then backs off. He'd repeat this over and over as long as he likes to play before giving you an explosive orgasm. To bring you even more pain, he'd come up with one of his secret orgasmic spells to make you even needier that'll make you cry in pain. Ah yes, he is being a bitch and he doesn't mind at all. You would often end up screaming as you beg Lilia to let you cum, as if he's going to give in this easily. He's going to make sure that you'd learn your lesson.
"N-gah sugar. You gotta be punished for your veeeerrry poor manners tonight. My pet must learn to behave,"
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Were you looking for that one pink neko who also happens to be a bottom bitch? Here he is! So get on top of him and kitty-play with him all night because it's all both you and him are asking for.
He isn't even going to fight back, things are much easier and better when someone else is in charge of the game, he can just lay back and enjoy the show. You have no idea how much fun you bring him everytime you pin him to the bed and tell him what a fuckable furry he is.
Chenya as well has got a little bratty side in him which can also be seen in bed; but it usually won't go any further than either make specific parts of his body invisible right at the moment you aren't expecting him to (Especially when you're giving him a hand job / blow job and suddenly his cock fades away-) or giving you nicknames. He isn't really into cursing or calling his partner names in bed but sure does have a thing for them having nicknames; especially those that radiate top energy. He'd actually come up with lots of fancy nicknames for you: Poison cookie, Marsh Mallow, Juicy lips, Majesty, Mama, Sexy witch,...
He's lowkey into bdsm as well so go get him some pink collars and gags, maybe some ropes tie him to bed as well- Note that he really enjoys getting o your nerves and having you punish him after wards. The harder, the better.
Chenya is more than ready to be your pet in bed so don't be surprised when he calls you mama; he's your pink naughty bitch so go on and would love it if you punish him for being such a nasty kitten.
He literally wants you to treat him like your bitch so the brattier you get, the more he'll love it. One of his favorites would be when yo give him one of those wild rides as you savagely pull the chain connecting to the tight collar you've put around his neck, lowkey choking him everytime you pull it up.
He loves watching you play with his cock, even thinking about that seductive sight between his legs as you take his length in makes him want to cum.
As he leaves most of the play-thing and decisions to his darling you won't get to see him doing much more than breathlessly smirking through his moans and dirty talking, telling you to either discipline him like a slut or keep him tied up forever and use him as your personal sex toy.
In case that you want to use him even more, know that he's an absolutely cute one to be pegged, his ass is more than ready for you to make him cry.
Feel free to sit oon his face cause he'd gladly command your order. While being a bottom hoe, he still knows how to put that mouth of his into use to satisfy his owner. his long togue would sharpy dance through your clit making you all wet in your magical juice like heck, he's really got something speak in that filthy tongue that'll make you want to force him to eat you out over and over.
He'd be recklessly laughing through his moans as if he's mistaken having sex with a free visit to the circus. He sometimes rambles nonsense as well; asking you unrelated questions using fancy nicknames he has given you. He mainly means to get on your nerves through it so you'd go even wilder.
See he loves having you punish him, bad kitties need a lesson.
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sepublic · 3 years
I had a feeling Cleo Cazo would inevitably be my favorite character from The Suicide Squad... Like, she’s a weird girl who likes rats, what is there not to love??? Coupled with me paying VERY little attention to the marketing of the film, save for the infamous “Don’t get attached” slogan and my general understanding of previous Suicide Squad films, as well as not knowing how much prevalence Cleo would have in the film... And I’d painfully braced myself for her likely death.
But then I saw how the movie really expanded upon and adopted her as a main cast member and heart of the group, and not just a one-off teammate meant to be expendable, and I had wonderful hope! Obviously I got concerned with a few death flags here or there, like the promises to stay alive with DuBois, and of course that scene where she almost gets crushed by Starro...
But otherwise I was relieved! And I heard the original intention was to kill Cleo, but the director thought that was too dark and I hard agree! I respect a writer who can do all sorts of messy and horrid things, but also recognizes when there’s a line to be drawn!
And on another note, Cleo being the SECOND Ratcatcher is just... Some very fun and neat worldbuilding, I dunno how to put it. Just a fun play and acknowledgement of the various people taking on the same title, so with so many superheroes and villains and heirs to the same title, and you inevitably get a Ratcatcher 2, or something like that!
I just thought it was a funny meta detail about superhero comics and I liked how the film played into this as part of her character. Just; The sheer absurdity that she is not the first person to do this! But yes, Cleo loves a type of animal that is seen as ‘gross’ and ‘disgusting’ and that made me an instant fan. Anyone who has a kinship and appreciation for such creatures has earned my automatic trust.
Not to mention her grimy hooded look with the gas mask (gas masks are cool!) and plague doctor everything! The feral, creepy gremlin energy there just adds to Cleo’s genuine, down-to-earth charm, and was incredibly aesthetic and gender of her! I feel like she’s probably not neurotypical and ND characters who wear creepy masks as a sort of comfort item are just great.
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
✨I made picrews of my dudes✨
my dudes, otherwise also known as my OCs, Colin Rider and his too many children (that we know of)
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he,,,,, h e
Colin Rider, 43, birthday 31.12.61, certified bisexual mess, Man Whore And Proud, WILL fight you, only reads the trashiest sci-fi novels he can find OR classical literature with subtext so homosexual it's barely even subtext anymore, so mentally ill his brain is basically a scrambled egg
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Jennifer "Jen" Rider, 26, birthday 24.05.79, can and should step on me! also a cop because she fucking hates her mom, heavily tattooed, will punch you in the throat if you call her "Jenny" and you aren't her dad (he's allowed to but he's on thin fucking ice), the bane of her brothers' existence
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Bastian Rider, 22, birthday 23.07.83, token straight of the family, would die for his gf, The Normal One™ (not really he's just really good at Pretending and Suppressing), spent his teen years screaming at his father and his early twenties being sufficiently embarrassed about it because what the fuck, pretty chill but might punch you if you play your cards right
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Chris Rider, 15, birthday 05.10.90, baby boy!!! baby!!!! he's autistic and his special interest is lord of the rings, reads way too many books at speeds that frankly FREAK COLIN THE FUCK OUT, obviously the baby of the family, feral gremlin child, also on the ace spectrum! loves his two (2) dads
here they are,,,, rat family :} it's been eight years and I still love them so very much <3
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