#they need eachother but their bad for eachother but they can’t be without the other
themosthatedbeingg · 25 days
//— lore drop,
One of the reasons Roo, root of all evil was able to influence Lucifer so much was she preyed on his isolation, and feelings of resentment at being punished , the apple wasn’t the first time he’s caused trouble just the big one / straw that broke the camels back;
When he was being put on trail and punished and seeing his friends his family turn against him, no one arguing for him , she used that , saying she was his real only friend offering help when everyone was offering judgement .. and he took her hand , he took her words her advice her power and mixed with it his own.
They in his eyes became the scapegoats , they combined their powers and he chose the one person with power that was showing something other then judgement towards him, welcoming the darkness . He had someone on his side for once .
Using her strength for the war, he became the first angelic being to kill another angelic being . And he didn’t stop at just one. The fact that angels can kill eachother that they have weaknesses , their blood can possibly be deadly to eachother ,was reveled to Lucifer thanks to Roo , and Heaven did their best to hide it , it’s why the exorcist had no idea they could be killed .
They couldn’t risk another Lucifer .
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slytherinslut0 · 20 days
tom riddle. | you don’t have to do this
summary: you and tom have endured seven years of ignoring your feelings for eachother for mattheo’s sake, and simply just can’t do it any more. it’s wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this type of trope.
word count: 1.2k
tags: nothing just a lot of angst and mentions of fighting (tom and mattheo), tom and reader kiss at the end. collective yet suppressed pining.
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notes: this started out as headcanons and turned into something way longer (story of my life?). i need this as an entire proper fic, this is simply a concept for the time being.
okay so like we all know about the cold, emotionally detached tom riddle—but what about the tom riddle who has been secretly harbouring feelings for you for years? the tom who has kept these feelings hidden because his brother, who has always been open about his affection for you, feels the same way.
what about tom riddle who has watched mattheo hit on you every single fucking day for 7 years and has found himself on the brink of bloody exploding because even though you reject mattheo every single time, the silent torment is unrelenting, and there’s always the gnawing chance that maybe one day you won’t turn him down.
what about tom riddle who forces himself to be distant from you, abruptly severing any tutoring sessions or any other individual interactions that might put you in close proximity to him because he needs to purge these feelings for you yet every goddamn moment near you makes it fucking impossible to do just that.
what about tom riddle who intervenes when you're all gathered in the common room on a friday night, drinking, to tell mattheo to lay off as he continues bugging you after you’ve told him to go away ten times over.
of course, you and mattheo always bicker and banter in a lighthearted manner. mattheo has been in your life for seven years. he’s your bestfriend. you love him, just not like that. never, like that. he just doesn’t know when to relent.
what about tom riddle who doesn’t dare meet your gaze as he succeeds in getting mattheo to leave you alone, fearing the admiration in your eyes would linger in his peripherals, infiltrating his mind and haunting him when he tries to sleep at night. he’d keep his sights glued to his brother, not breaking away until he’d lost him in the crowd, before he’d retreat himself, as well, without saying another word.
what about tom riddle who finds himself intervening more and more frequently, unable to endure it any longer? as though the flood gates were now wide open and he just simply couldn’t stop himself? as though he could sense the shift in admiration you had for him. as though he knew this is what you needed.
what about tom riddle, who knows his brother is harmless, yet simply can't refrain from getting increasingly more irritated with him every time he brings you up until one day it erupts into a full-blown fight in the middle of the common room as mattheo starts to grow suspicious about tom’s intentions, fueling the tension between them to its breaking point.
now, what about you, who watches this entire thing unfold, torn between feeling bad for mattheo and suffocating admiration for tom? you don’t know why tom has suddenly decided to intervene so often, but there’s a knot in the pit of your stomach every time you look at him, and the fact that he doesn't dare meet your eyes only intensifies it.
you’ve always harboured secret feelings for tom, but you could never act on them, knowing it would shatter mattheo’s heart. (more like his ego. we all know this boy would be sleeping around unfazed while still trying to pick you up. he’d just be pissed you chose tom over him.)
what about tom riddle who swallows the pit of guilt lodged in his throat, deep down feeling terrible for what he just did as he goes to brush past you to clean his knuckles up in the bathroom, tensing as tight as a coiled spring when you suddenly stop him with a gentle hand on his arm—a silent exchange of knowing admiration immediately passing between you.
little did you know, the second he met your eyes, the second you touched him, it was over for him. regardless of how cold and indifferent he was coming off. internally, he was in flame. clinging to the very last tattered strings of his resolve.
now what about you, who immediately senses the guilt in tom’s eyes and feels a sense of resonance? you, who is riddled with your own layers of guilt—for being the reason they fought, for not reciprocating mattheo’s advances, for desiring his brother instead, and for the very move you were about to make just now as tom’s eyes dipped over your lips, lingering there for far too long.
“let me help you clean up…it’s the least i can do…”
what about tom riddle who would nod silently, outwardly reluctant but internally eagerly willing, following you out of the common room and into your dorm— sheepishly tracing after you as you lead him to your bathroom, internally counting the number of tiles lining the floor or the seconds between each breath he took—anything to distract him from the intimate proximity he found himself in with you just now.
he had to keep it together. he shouldn’t be here.
and what about you, whose entire body is vibrating, hands trembling slightly but enough to be entirely noticeable as you patch up his knuckles—avoiding looking up at his face as he grimaces from the sting of the cleaning solution, your focus solely on the task at hand.
you, who nearly jumps out of your own skin as he speaks to you for the first time in what has felt like ages.
“you don’t have to do this, you know…”
“and you didn’t have to fight your brother…”
“fair point.” he’d chuckle. fuck, you’d missed that. “mattheo just wouldn’t leave it alone.”
“he hasn’t…for seven years.”
he’d hum a nod. “he’s obsessed. no one can blame him.”
you, who involuntarily looks up, unable to stop yourself now, your heart pounding like a wild animal desperate for release. the room suddenly feels stifling as he looks down at you, meeting your eyes, your mind swirling with thoughts of how badly you want to kiss him, how utterly wrong it would be to do so, and how much it would piss off mattheo. you’re fighting to decide if you even care.
“hm,” you should play it off, but you can’t. “care to elaborate?”
tom riddle who has to fight the urge to reach up and grasp the back of your neck and pull you into him, his fingers practically twitching with the desire to close the gap between you. tom riddle who is merely inches away from you, battling every instinct urging him to give in. he can see it in your eyes, the longing, the desire mirrored back at him. he can practically feel it in your touch.
“all the guys are obsessed with you.” so quiet you almost missed it, so gentle it almost tickled. “you’ve always had that effect. you’re fucking beautiful.”
his eyes are on your lips now and you’re trembling, stomach doing cartwheels. you go to break eye contact but his hand reaches out and cups your cheek, stalling you in place.
it’s wrong. this is wrong. “i…”
“hm?” he tilts his head.
his thumb ghosts over your cheekbone. his eyes don’t know where to land. “don’t act like you don’t have feelings for me…i see it…”
you shudder, scorching under the heat of a thousand suns. gods, you want this. youve fucking dreamed of it. but you can’t, you can’t do that to mattheo, it’s—
“it’s wrong…he’ll be furious…”
tom riddle who intently observes you as you tremble under his touch, your nerves palpable through your skin. tom riddle who finds it almost relieving, to see you like this— as though this is a confirmation of his hopes and suspicions, a validation of the effect he’s always hoped he’d have on you. tom riddle who agrees with you, who knows exactly how fucking wrong this is, but after seven years of suppressing it—doesn’t know how much he fucking cares anymore.
tom riddle who, in this moment, wants to do so many fucking things to you he doesn’t even know where to start.
his hand slides lower, his thumb grazing your jaw. “he’s tried, for so long, to get your attention…and he’s never gotten a damn thing from you…”
his hand shifts again, his thumb reaching for your bottom lip, tracing it and tugging on it gently. you’re in shambles, barely breathing, oxygen fleeing the vicinity and being replaced by suffocating desire, tom’s lips being the only reprieve in sight.
“but look at me…” he continues. “i do one thing, and you’re on fire.”
tom riddle and you, both on the verge of falling apart, unable to contain yourselves any longer. you don’t have to say another word as your eyes lock and you move in perfect synchrony, crashing your lips together with an urgency that speaks of years of pent-up desire.
it’s as if the world would end if you didn't, as if you were determined to make up for seven years of denial and restraint for mattheo’s sake and just indulge in each other for once. your kiss is filled with thirst, hunger, and unbridled passion, evident in the way your fingers dig into each other, as if to confirm that this is real, that it's not just some dream.
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cherievol6 · 10 months
in love in italy
hey!!! long time no see…sorry i’ve been off the grid - i’ve been working loads. i just randomly wrote this (I was feeling very poetic after reading Sally Rooney lmfao) hope you enjoy!
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being with harry in Italy brings on some intense feelings that you just need to confess.
warnings: very brief mentions of sex, other than that it’s absolutely heart wrenching fluff.
word count: ~1k
You’ve never felt like this before.
At least, not when you're in the middle of having sex with someone.
This wasn't just someone though, it was Harry.
Sweet and gentle Harry, whom had made everything feel a little bit lighter for you since the moment you met. Here he was, skin so close to yours it felt like he was trying to meld you both together like clay. His head was dipped into your shoulder, his breaths heaving but blissful. You felt like a pot of boiling sugar bubbling up to a gooey caramel and oozing into the bed below you. He made you feel as though one look from him or one kiss from him would make you shed every negative piece of your mind.
"You okay? You're awfully quiet after that." He half laughs, referring to the intense scene of love that was just displayed in the early hours of the morning, in a random villa in Italy. You’d woken up to get a glass of water and returned to bed to find Harry awake. A quick good night kiss turned into wandering hands and clothes being stripped to the floor. It wasn't quick, or impatient, the way you'd held eachother. It was intense, and thick and heavy — like there was something lingering for the two of you. You feel a few tears slip to yours ears and on to the pillows. Harry still hasn't noticed, gently stroking the leg around his waist. You scratch your fingers in his hair and let out a shaky breath.
You always found it hard to hold in your cries, since you were small. They swelled your chest like a balloon, and with a sharp gasp of breath the balloon pops and Harry's snapping his head up quickly and brushing your hair out of your face.
"Woah, woah. What's wrong?" His voice is panicked and you don't find yourself trying to avoid his gaze, which is strange. You don't feel upset, you feel overwhelmed. Harry always said it scared him how every time you looked at him it felt like you were reading his mind.
You wipe the sweat from your brow, the warm room making you feel flushed. Or was it this nagging urge to tell Harry something you’d kept to yourself for so long, out of fear of scaring him off so early in your relationship.
You smile, and he must think you look manic, grin growing the more you look at him, his constant over concern for you, like he couldn’t bear to think of anything bad happening to you.
“I feel good.” You say quietly, running your thumb over his mole next to his mouth.
“Yeah? That’s good.” He kisses you softly.
“Do you feel good?” He nods at your question without hesitation.
His eyes seem to gloss over akin to yours, and the words are literally behind your teeth when he says, “Always when I’m with you. You make me feel so safe. I can’t describe it-”
“I love you so much, Harry.” The tears are no longer tears, rather streams of saltiness that saturate your hair and Harry’s hands. He seems to deposit the last of the air in his lungs before he can speak again. Like your words winded him.
“You love me?” His voice is timid, and his hand is now shaking.
“You know that thing, where people paint in acrylic on a canvas, and it looks good, but kind of dull? A bit moody?” Harry nods, with a small smile creeping up his face. You always were one for the metaphor, “and then they paint it with that shimmery gloss and it makes the painting look so different. Like it’s brand new, and you’re finally seeing it in its best form? That’s how you make me feel. I wasn’t bad before, I just needed something…or someone to make me more vibrant. You do that for me. And I love you for it.”
He laughs, and the movement makes his tears fall out of his eyes and on to your cheeks. You are the most emotionally intelligent person he’s ever met in his life and he can’t believe that you’re in love with him.
“You always come up with the most beautiful metaphors...” he kisses you again, like staring at your face for too long brings on the urge to just devour you whole. “I genuinely think my entire life was created to coexist with yours, and just hear every piece of your mind that you’ll let me.”
You pull him down again and kiss him again. You were insatiable for his kisses, they were like oxygen for you. He’s still crying, and you’re still crying, and all you can hear around you is his heavy heartbeat and the owls in the trees around you. Your favourite place to be with Harry was in his Italian house. It felt like no one in the world existed or cared about the two of you when you were within these walls.
“I love you. I have done for months and I will do for a lifetime. Okay?” His brows are pinched together, in a sincere and reassuring way. Like he needs you to know that he’s not going anywhere.
“Okay.” You smile widely, until your cheeks hurt and your eyes wrinkle. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Now that it’s out in the air it feels like the only form of communication between you both in this moment. Harry rocks against your hips and kisses your neck, and you begin to breathe shallow. You whine when he connects your lips again.
“Show me how much you love me, H.”
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faithst · 7 days
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no more kisses!
⊹˚.♡ syn jebi’s reactions to their s/o being shy after every kiss
⊹˚.♡ genre ot8 x gn!reader, fluff
masterlist | ask
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성 hanbin
he adores it sm
he gets so giggly abt it, with the whisker smile and all
most likely will tease you
“i’ve kissed you so many times before and you still get bright red.”
did i mention that he gets sooo flirty
he gently pulls your chin to make you face him before scanning your flushed face, smirking at the mess he has made you
“you can handle one more kiss, right?”
김 jiwoong
finds it amusing
he enjoys seeing you all flustered like that because of him
he doesn’t say anything about it though.
but you can see in his facial expressions that he’s enjoying it
just so smiley all out
he has such a mischievous smirk and you can’t even look at him in the eyes anymore
“i think i need to kiss you one more time.”
장 hao
his honest reaction; are you okay?
like actually concerned on why you keep moving your face away from him after every kiss
misunderstands your reactions and thinks you don’t like his kisses
might get pouty
pokes you “hey.”
he’ll keep puckering up his lips, awaiting a kiss
“should i keep kissing you to get you used to them?”
석 matthew
he finds it so funny
but he’s also a bit confused??
every time you try to hide your blushing face from him, he’s like ‘why whyy?’
and then he tries to physically pull your face back (gently) to give you more kisses
“just one more!!”
and it keeps going back and forth like that; him trying to kiss your face and you trying to avoid them
might turn into a chase until you give up and let him smother you with kisses
김 taerae
he’s v much aware of how shy you become when he kisses you
so, he makes it a challenge for you
he’ll keep kissing you and giving you compliments in between until you get flustered
he says its to have you get used to it but wbk it’s all excuses to get to kiss you more without you running away from him
he lets you pick where you want him to kiss so win for you!
“you’re so cute.”
셴 ricky
it’s a guilty pleasure of his
won’t ever admit that he loves seeing your reactions and how easily you fold
he acts so oblivious too
“hey, love.” he says as he places a sudden kiss to your lips as you were telling him smth just to see how’d you react
“oh, u-um anyways.. as i was saying..” you immediately start stuttering and ricky tries to hide his smile
you notice him tho “you did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
“can’t help it when you look good in red.”
김 gyuvin
he tries to think of many other ways to trick you into getting to kiss you
he loves teasing you about it sm
you’ll never hear the end of it
“look over there!” he points behind you
as soon as you turn back to face him, you’re met with his lips connecting with yours
has such a cheeky smile right after with absolutely no shame
somehow, he gets away with this a lot
“now, that wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?”
박 gunwook
another case of happy smiley boy
as much as you get shy, he does too
and oh boy, is it visible in his ears and cheeks
“i liked that, did you?”
and you two are staring into eachother’s starry eyes, feeling the heat rushing to your faces
he has to take a moment to fan himself away from it
“is it okay if i kiss you again?”
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faithst 24’
⊹˚.♡ taglist @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @blaycke @ashyakii @watamotee33 @hazyskyline @doobinnies @alwayswook @chanlixed @kimiczi @taeraemisu
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thebestandrealestever · 10 months
more headcannons .
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a/n : ion feel like doing warns or sums so js read and find out it ain nun dat bad femblack reader coded as always . i’m so burnt out idk why but anyways, hey mooties iloveu 🤫😉.
miles is a lame nigga who has absolutely zero game or experience so when y’all started talking he is WHIPPPEEEEEDDDDDD. wanting to do everything right. so surprisingly enough he went to his dad for on how to ask u to be his gfn, he admires the love his parents have.
u are a supermodel in his eyes, u do a ec like dancing or play an instrument? he thinks ur the best at it, he thinks ur the prettiest and coolest girl in the entire world, he thinks ur the smartest and really the only girl for him, this boy really loves his gfn.
miles is always looking out for u, makes sure the doors are locked, closes ur tabs and puts your phone on the charger, turns your tv off, ect. he just wants to make sure your straight
when he liked you he was always trying to impress you, it was short lived when you told him that you loved his personality.
he stole a watch for you so you could connect with his friends
you were miles realization that he needs to and is capable of making connects in his own dimension as miles, not spiderman . he usually gets sensitive thinking about how much you opened his eyes and made him feel heard in his own world.
it’s truly all about the little things with him, rubbing your hand with his thumb, waited on third date to kiss you for first time, asked some of your friends about things you liked, draws you everywhere always, sending you voice messages instead of text. and the fact he doesn’t understand why that’s such a big deal for u drives u insane.
didn’t know how to deal with your period at first so he asked his mom, he went out and bought your favorite everything.
thinks he’s the funniest nigga ever when he puts on your lashes and wigs
looks at your highlight’s at least twice a day because ur beautiful
can’t go to sleep mad at you or have you mad at him, if you guys argued he would be there with food and a million kisses to make up for lost contact then have a conversation about whatever the situation was. one time the argument was so bad you didn’t talk for 3 days “hey ma, i got chick-fil-a” he said while taking his coat off and putting the food down while trying to eye you out in the complete darkness, you just looked at him still upset. “i’m sorry (name), i shouldn’t have said that or raised my voice.” he sighed turning on your lamp to look at you. “i’m sorry too, i shouldn’t have talked to you like that. i missed you miles, we don’t go days without talking to each other” you said pulling him into a big hug, he rubbed your back and kissed your head. “i know, i’m sorry baby. let’s talk about instead of yelling at each other from now on okay? i don’t think i could do this again.”
loveeeessss it when u give him messages or shower with him (NOT LIKE THAT.) after a long ass day of being spiderman.
thought he was gonna die when you went on vacation.
when you’re stressed or he’s stressed you guys go on the highest roof he can find and just talk to eachother.
wants to be held like a baby in your arms burying his face in the crook of your neck laying his weight on you.
squeezed your hand so hard you couldn’t feel it after when he got his ears pierced and lemme tell u it looked so good.
rubs your feet and legs while you tell him about whatever problems you had.
willingly risk his phone blowing up to be on the phone with u while u sleep
okkkkk byeeee
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vrisrezis · 9 months
Gojo x reader x geto MAJOR spoilers for jjk chap 236 I’m rlly not ok with Gege rn 😭
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He hears a voice. A voice so distinct, yet a voice he seemed to have forgotten. Yet he remembers it so clearly.
“Late as usual, eh? Satoru.”
It’s your voice.
But then another. Another that feels more familiar, but still one he never thought he’d hear again.
A voice he’d hear be the real him, again, anyway.
“Cut him some slack y/n-chan.” geto sighs, with a smile and hands in his huge pockets with those dumb oversized yoga pants.
Satoru opens his eyes, seeing the two people he adored with his whole sense of self. Everything he’s ever done, even after you two left, had been for the both of you.
But it takes him aback, seeing you.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves suguru. It was a blessing to see him, even when things got complicated. But he hasn’t seen you in… what? Ten years?
Satoru feels the need to push back his tears and smile it all down, just like he always has.
You’re eighteen. So is suguru. So is he. Back when it was simple. Back when even though things had changed, you three promised one another that you’d be there through thick and thin. Whether satoru was stronger than the both of you or not, you all loved eachother the same.
In a way, you had been the glue that stuck the three of you together. Even when suguru was losing faith, you always got him out of his funk.
The world took you from them too soon. Due to the negligence of the higher ups, both you and haibara were taken from them. From nanami. From shoko.
Once Suguru had lost the only positive things in his life, he had completely lost himself. You were no longer there to lift him up, you were no longer there to get him out of that damn shower, no longer there to help him get some sleep, no longer there to help him eat.
It was hard on satoru too, but even he can’t imagine what it was like for suguru.
Suguru loved you so much, when he lost you, he couldn’t handle it. He has decided the world was better without non shaman. It’s because of them, you were taken from him.
Satoru will never forget the day of your funeral.
“Y/n is dead, and everything is worse now.” Suguru told him, that very morning.
They were both broken, but in different ways.
Satoru on the other hand, wanted to make the world a better place for jujutsu sorcerers like you. He wants people to get stronger, to surpass even him, so that the world could be better for them. He hates the higher ups, and seeks to protect children like yuuji from them, because he failed to protect you from them in that way.
Satoru lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, standing up. For the first time in his life, if he can even call it that, he gives you a wobbly grin, diving in to hug you. He needs to feel you again. Smell you again.
He needs to know you’re really here with him.
“Dawww…” you say, your voice almost teasing. Now that he thinks about it, it definitely was.
Even under these circumstances, you never change.
“You miss me?” you say, wrapping your arms around him too, not admitting how much you missed him as well. He nods with a sniffle, “more than anything.” he whispers, before pulling away.
Suguru smiles at the moment between you and satoru.
“It’s too bad you lost, you know.” you say, “I was watching and everything!” you whine, and satoru gives you a light smile. “Maybe I should’ve shown off a little before going down like that, then.” he says with a grin.
“But honestly, it was fun.” Satoru admits.
“Well, I’m a little jealous..” suguru says, “but if you’re satisfied with that, then I guess I’m happy for you” suguru gives him a close eyed smile. Satoru had forgotten how much he missed seeing it.
Satisfied, huh?
“Honestly, if you were still there on my side, cheering me on, maybe then, I would’ve been satisfied.” Satoru says with a more genuine smile.
Suguru laughs, and satoru fails to notice the tears well up in his eyes upon hearing those words.
All this time, suguru thought satoru hated him. Hated him for everything he’s done. He wouldn’t blame him for it either. When suguru saw you for the first time, he thought you’d hate him too. But looking back on it, he should know you better than that. He should know satoru better than that, too.
“Is that so?” he asks, his shaky voice seems to give him away.
He nods.
“There’s been many times, I’d wish you were still there with me. Watching me raise my students, with a proud smile.” Satoru feels his own voice get shaky, looking at the man he loved.
“Man,” you let out a lighthearted sigh, “you’re both idiots, you know?” you say with a carefree grin.
Satoru turns to pout at you, “yeah, well! Whatever…” he rolls his eyes. “I’m sure it’s easy for you to not have any regrets when it comes to us, huh? You’re always so perfect at relationships and communicating and all that garbage.” he says, sticking out his tongue. Suguru can only laugh at him, as if he missed seeing satoru like this.
“You’ve got it all wrong, satoru.” your grin becoming soft. Something he hasn’t seen in god knows how long.
“I do have my regrets with you both. Well, only one.” you say, looking off to the side. Both boys look at you in anticipation. ‘So even suguru doesn’t know?’ Satoru wonders to himself.
“Honestly, I never had the balls to say it to either of you at the time, or even suguru this past year. However,”
you look at the both of them, a fondness in your eyes that both boys had missed seeing. You never did get this emotional and vulnerable, not often anyway.
“my only regret, was not being able to marry the both of you.”
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aestheteangel · 1 month
Synastry aspects that I personally don’t like.
before i start please read that I am not an official astrologer so take this with a grain of saltttt too haha. Just for fun.
North node square north node ( I’m sorry but each one lives in a whole different worlds, completely different perspectives, mindset, somehow not letting each other move to the next step)
Chiron in 7th house overlay. ( now Chiron isn’t always bad, but there’s kind of.. pain it gives , it’s not any better in other houses, but I’m saying romantically, there could be hurt during the marriage... if you want Chiron overlays in synastry please lmk)
Pluto/Uranus in 12th house overlay. ( now Mose of y’all know 12th house overlays arent so good eventually, but i think Pluto or Uranus being there could be harsher than any other planet , could indicate so many things, one of them unpleasant endings in the relationship, finding truth about something suddenly, betrayal..in worst cases you won’t be able to forget each other )
Saturn 8th house overlay. (Sure y’all know why..)
Mars conjuct Mc/10th house. ( uhhhh it just don’t give me nice vibes when both are seen in public eye. Could be arguing in public a lot, the mars person makes it hard for the 10th person to forgive them. Works even in composite chart )
Mercury square Saturn. ( a lot of judgements and misunderstandings)
Chiron opposite asc/Venus.
Saturn opposite Neptune. (Broo)
Moon opposite moon. (Now tbh Im not really sure of this one since nobody complained about it and it could indicate “slight” emotional understanding difficulties with each other that can also cause attraction. But I’ve seen this aspect with some couple that really can’t stop hurting eachothers emotionally . )
Another moon aspect, ofc moon is the first thing you should observe In synastry s, it simply represents how each other’s emotions play with the other. now moon square moon. Obviously most of y’all know why, literally each one is on different page when it comes to how they view emotions which makes it pretty hard to understand each other’s feelings with the square aspect. ( believe it or no I have this one with my man, even knowing it I’m still with him lol. yes the attraction is definitely there due to other loving aspects and also with this one, it gives attractive energy yes. but still, he don’t understand my emotions and my point of view, struggles with analyzing me sometimes or what I even think , even when I try my best to throw him an obvious sign about something, without me speaking, he don’t get it where everyone else does same goes for me 🤣😭. he sometimes thinks I mean something the opposite of what I meant. Bottom line is with this aspect you need to speak each other’s feelings and what you want to tell the other cause it’s way too impossible to understand eachother with no words spoken. 😓 AAAA THIS IS THE ONLY STRUGGLING PLACEMENT WE HAVE AND ITS NOT EVEN A SIMPLE ONE)
Mars in 5th house, ( Now this is NOT a red flag, bUTTTT i always read about this placement represents a “not lasting relationship “ and tbh every fling I had I had this placement with, literallyyyy very guy I used to dm or talk to even for a couple of days, attraction at first but then boom, you din yourself not talking to them anymore for god knows what reason lol, so there’s something interesting about this placement. 🤔🤣 ( pink for flings 🤣)
Mars 1st house.... ( uhh you know what? Wait for part 2 😛 )
But before part 2 I’ll make my next post positive I promise, I didn’t even want to write red flags placements because it shouldnt be taken seriously haha. So next post will be about .. hmm wait , what you guys want it to be about?
Synastry observations
Natal chart observations
composite observations
Solar return observations
— Y’all literally if u find one of these placements in your synastrys it’s totally okay lol, I have multiple of these w my man and tbh some of them don’t really play this negative way for us, but i just did them for fun , ofc don’t take these TOO seriously 🥰
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itsthatmff · 5 months
Request for metal bat/garou / flashy flash reaction after he made s/o cry with their word. Like really rude or angry that hurt s/o feeling
Oop- so a part two on the making reader cry series 🥱
Ik I took my time..was quite busy. BUT I HOPE Y’ALL HAD A NICE NEW YEARS EVE!!
When they make you cry Pt. 2
Included: Metal bat, Garou, flashy flash
Requests are open!!
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Metal bat
I Can’t imagine this guy ever being rude to you
Like he treats his little sister like royalty so I believe he’d be no less with you
But let’s say he had a REALLY REALLY bad day
And you just happen to want to tell him about your day because you saw something really funny
“Could you just shut up for once. Seriously.”
You try asking him what’s wrong but he keeps dismissing you and it makes you mad. Mad to the point where you’re crying from frustration.
He doesn’t notice your tears at first but once he does he immediately regrets it. 
He’d look at you all worried and wouldn’t know how to stop making you cry so he stands there next to you not knowing what to do with his hands. Should he wipe your tears? Pull you into a hug? Damn zenko never taught him this stuff.
“Please don’t cry- I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry!”
Thinks he’s the biggest jerk and asshole for making you cry and won’t forgive himself.
Will explain to you that he had a bad day and apologize for lashing out on you.
Will give you the best treatment afterwards and spoil you rotten to make you feel better
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Getting into feisty arguments and fights with this guy was not rare in your relationship. You’d sometimes even go days without speaking.
But this time was different. You both got into a fight which escalated a LOT. Garou’s self control got out of hand and he said some things that hurt you like nothing ever did. It felt like he stabbed right into your heart.
Of course you started to cry. Was that really the way he thought about you?
He realized himself that what he said was a bit too much when massaging his temples out of frustration, “ah shit..look Y/N forget what I said.”
But that would just make you more upset. How could he simply take back something this severe?
He couldn’t stand seeing you cry in front of him. You really were one of his only weaknesses.
He’d pull you into a tight hug and wouldn’t let go even if you demanded to.
“Not letting ya go..y’know I love you right?”
You both are too stubborn to admit one of you was in the wrong but he still apologizes in his own way.
Lots of physical affection. He will make sure not to lash out on you like that again
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Flashy flash
While he tends to avoid unnecessary conflict especially with his lover, he simply won’t stand still if something bothers him - even if it’s you.
Sometimes you could just be a little too much for him, a little too overbearing.
And Flashy flash was one to bluntly say what was on his mind. There was no need for sugar coating.
So when he said that you were being too much on him, it came off harsher than intended.
You were immediately drawing to conclusions, thinking that he wanted to break up with you. It was only natural for tears to fall down your cheeks.
Flashy flash certainly got surprised. This was the first time he’s ever seen you in such a vulnerable state. The first time he’s seen you cry.
Without a word he’d immediately wrap his arms around you, something rather unusual for him to do even as your boyfriend.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
He’d mutter a little apology and let you cry yourself out.
Little words would be spoken to eachother but you’d both understand what the other felt. And you’d both try to better yourselves for the other.
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george228732 · 11 days
It was a cloudy, rainy day, with Popstar still recovering fully from the attacks produced by Fylass, Cosmounse and Niru, so it wasn’t surprising that some harsh weather was going to follow, although by Magolor and Susie’s research, it shouldn’t be too bad, just a minor inconvenience - it was so minor in fact, that Dedede and Meta Knight decided to start their relationship officially with their first date; they confessed their feelings for eachother as a couple the night after the battle that saved the Galaxy and the Universe. Kirby, Bandee and Fylass are being taken care of by the Waddle Dees, since they still have proper recovery to follow, Kirby especially, since he lost his copy abilities. The King and his Knight still needed to take care of themselves for a bit, but they felt healthy enough to go out to a fancy restaurant before the rain catched them up on the way through.
Meta felt awkward to willingly go out without a mask, not only with people around, but also when he’s just starting his romantic life with the King of Dreamland, nonetheless - even then, it was a choice he did himself, even Dedede asked him if he was okay with going out maskless, since he knew that he’d be uncomfortable without it, but the knight thought that it’d be a necessary step to take, since he didn’t need to hide anything anymore, he just needed to take more time with it…
''Wowie…! Look at us! We got here in time…! I can already hear the rain behind us, and we just entered…!'' Dedede sputtered, breathing in and out after running before the rain reached both.
''In…Indeed. Nova, we should have asked Fylass to lend us his umbrella…'' Meta spoke back.
''Oh well! We can’t do anything about that now. At least we’re not soaked wet for it now! Here, let’s pick a seat…!'' He walked towards one of the free tables and sat down in a ''kingly'' manner. Meta followed after, trying to hide his flustered expression with the hat he brought along for the occasion.
''Ah… Perfect…'' Dedede may seem excited and relaxed about what he’s doing, but it was clear that he was nervous that he could screw up the date in any moment, wagging his tail awkwardly and having difficulty with keeping eye focus on his significant other, and so did the other, they were pretty much in love with each other but at the same time it was awkward that they were actually doing this together - they didn’t know that they’d be dating someone in the first place, let alone dating each other, so it was a start…
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''...Sooooooooo… Any movies you’d wanna watch when we’re done here?'' Dedede asked awkwardly.
''...I am not sure… In fact, I don’t know what movies there are for today…'' Meta responded.
''...Riiiiiight. We could watch, uh… Uh… Man, I dunno. I guess we’ll figure out when we go there eventually, today is OUR day! …Yeah!'' The king was doing his best to make Meta feel welcome but he’s not sure if he’s either ruining the date or somehow making it better.
''I mean, yes, this is what the day’s all about.'' Meta said. ''...Sorry if I still seem too serious for me to be dating, I am still not used to these romantic activities… I do wonder if my father did have the same problems… He’s a very kind man, and very charming to the eye.''
''Oh! Speaking about that! I’ve never got to see this, but your eyes are so beautiful! Such a bright yellow glimmer! I could look at them all day.'' He said, either complimenting or flirting, or even both.
''A-Ah… Thank you, kindly.'' Meta slightly blushed. ''That Memento Mori given by Morpho really gave out more perks than expected…''
''...Memento?'' Dedede asked.
''Oh, yes, I forgot to explain that… I might explain it later, since it’d be probably very heavy to explain it during a romantic date with you.''
''Ah, ah… Understandable…!'' Dedede was invested in what Meta was planning to say, but overall knew that this was a date, not a place where he probably was going to get depressed afterwards. ''...Hey, uh…''
''Do you… uh…. like this? Do you love me? Am I, uh, doing something wrong?'' He was getting pretty insecure about all this - he loves Meta, that’s obvious, but he feels like if he’s acting like this, maybe because he’s doing something wrong.
''...What kind of question is that?'' Meta answered. ''Of course I do…! I said it in front of you.''
''I mean, yes! But… I mean, why would you love ME out of all people. Just look at me! I am messing this date up! I dunno what I am doing wrong, but I am doing SOMETHING wrong, right? I’m truly sorry if I am making this worse than what it was planned. You deserve something big, something great! And I feel like I am not delivering what I should…''
''...Listen, my King. Please, erase those thoughts from your head. You are not doing anything wrong. We just still need to get used to this. I can do nothing but promise that I’ll always appreciate your company and love you, because that’s what I feel… Don’t feel like you’re doing something bad because it’s slow, at least this time.'' Meta responded.
''...Wow. Uh… I… I guess you’re correct. I can also promise that I’ll always, ALWAYS, find a way to love you - I did all this in the first place because I love you. We love each other…! Right?''
''I couldn’t have said it better myself.'' Meta chuckled. ''I love you, my King. I’ll always support you, even if this all seems awkward.''
''I love you too, my knight. I’ll do the same for you. For us…!''
''I am sure.''
It was still awkward, but maybe now, it wasn’t that bad, from there, other small conversations happened. Soon enough, the conversations became longer and longer, and they felt more comfortable with talking about… just about anything.
''Ah! Hello, King and… Meta…!'' A Waddle Dee suddenly came into the scene, apparently being a waiter. ''Sorry for the delay, Marx has been making a mess on the other door about his meal not having a kids toy, even if this is a high class restaurant. Should I take your order?''
''Oh, yes! I forgot about that… Yeah, we’ll take…''
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Buried underneath
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requested: Could you write just pure angst for azriel x reader? Maybe like they can’t find eachother after a battle or something Thank you x
warning: angst, near death experience, nothing major
You were still in Rhysand's main tent only hours before the battle was about to break. You had been in more than one fight before. Been responsible for the soldiers. Helped to break rebelling legions. But never a war before. Never on a real battlefield. You were the only female who had risen above all of the others who were trained in the camps. Maybe it was the anger that had fueled you. Anger from losing your wings and being left with atrocious scars on your back. You had places be, points to prove. And you did just that. Catching both Cassian's and Azriel's attention within weeks.
You didn't challenge Azriel. That man was unreadable. To get emotions out of him was like looking at a river and waiting for it to start running in the opposite direction. But Cassian. Cassian was someone you knew you could rile up. While others bit their tongues while talking to the general, you bit at every given moment. You were done with that shithole of a camp. You wanted out, and if joining his legion was that ticket, you were going to get it.
And you did. Group training turned into private ones, and after a couple of months, you were packing a bag to go to Velaris. It was bitter-sweet. It felt like a lot, but at the same time, it meant nothing. You knew that no other male besides Cassian looked at you seriously. No other soldier would look your way. Well, they looked and laughed - never showing respect. You needed to prove yourself, and you did just that. Blood rite. Blood rite was what Cassian then trained you for. Blood rite is where you earned your spot.
But it wasn't just Cassian you'd be thanking for the rest of your life. Azriel was there too. It was strange at first. Talking to him felt like you weren't sure if he was there to mock you or if he was genuinely trying. The helpful posture and technique corrections followed suit. Then came the training together. Then, in the evenings, you have drinks together. Without even realizing it, you two had grown so attached. So when you found yourself on the balcony of the House of Wind, gazing at the stars with Azriel leaning against the railing beside you, you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat. Just a little, and right before you leaned down and crashed your lips into his.
The rest was now history, but those two years by the spymaster's side had been nothing but blissful. Especially since the bond had snapped into place. Nothing compared to seeing him happy. In moments when Azriel was smiling, you didn't care about anything else. You didn't need to prove yourself to someone to show how worthy you were. No, none of those things mattered because if your partner was happy, that was all you needed.
Yet it was unfortunate that your happy bubble had to be smashed by the war. Especially since you were planning a wedding and renovating Azriel's newfound house, which you had both fallen in love with. But duty called, and well, you wouldn't be anywhere else if it meant that this would keep your family safe. "Y/N and Cassian, you're crucial here," Rhysand said, motioning to the mapped-out field. You had gone over this so many times already, "You watch over one another." As much as you knew that Rhys was nervous about sending you into war, it was you who had asked him to separate you from Azriel. If you were to fight together at the same spot, Azriel would be too distracted. You couldn't risk his life. But Rhys understood what your separation meant: if something bad happened and Azriel wasn't there to stop it...The high lord was hoping that Mother was watching over them all. That all of you were to come to camps tonight, at least alive.
"Don't worry, we'll kick some ass," Cass nudged your shoulder slightly, and you quickly bumped your hips his way, causing him to laugh. "Be sensible. Back away if you feel you can't stand your ground," you knew those words were mostly implied for you. But you also knew your strengths and were capable of a lot. "And no improvisation, please. I'm delivering that as an order," Rhys said, knowing that in the heat of the moment, you and Cassian could pull stunts that weren't worth it, and the last thing the high lord wanted to see was any of you being brought here with your insides hanging out.
Azriel tugged at your hand, making you follow him out of the tent. You and Cassian will leave soon. You still needed to look over the troops, give out the last orders, and get in the zone without any side distractions. But Azriel wanted you all to himself, even if only for a couple of minutes. "Is it bad that I'm thinking about our wedding cake?", Azriel asked before wrapping his arms around your middle. You let out a laugh, shaking your head slightly, saying, "Think about table arrangements instead; that's what we are stuck on." Azriel frowned instantly. You had been going back and forth on the theme of your wedding. Since it was small and intimate, you wanted the ones who were invited to have fun, so you decided to pick a theme. Make everyone dress up. Just now that came to bite you in the ass.
"Let's pick a cake, and then we'll move on," Azriel knew it was all a ruse to hide what he actually wanted to say. Afraid that if he actually voiced it would become true. You knew that as well; you could feel it. "I will be," "Don't say anything. I can't," Azriel said as his head fell onto your shoulder. He had been worried ever since the preparation started, but for the last couple of days, he barely slept. He just couldn't help it. It's like every time he looked at you, he feared it was his last time seeing you. Observing the rise and fall of your chest. What if... but he never fully entertained the possibility of you not returning. You had to, you were one of the best. Heck, he had so much cocky male pride inside him as he watched you ordering soldiers around. His woman. His mate. Soon-to-be, wife. 
"Well, then... Don't forget that you also have a pile of laundry to go through back at home", you tapped your lover's shoulder gently, earning a laugh to slip past his lips and your shoulders instantly relaxed. Azriel brought you closer to him one last time, leaving multiple kisses alongside the crown of your hand before moving to kiss your lips a couple of times. Azriel turned to smile at you, your fingers brushing along his cheek.
You and Cassian were in a position to wait for an order from Rhys to strike. Swords in both of your hands as you gazed at the horizon. "Please, stay in my sight. I would love to leave this battlefield with my balls still being a part of my body." You let out a snicker. It must have been Azriel who had most definitely dragged his brother to the side and given his own orders to him. "That would be a such shame. Nesta would have nothing to juggle around," you muttered, trying to hide a smirk, making Cassian gasp. You leaned to his side, and Cassian instantly wrapped his hand around you. "We'll be alright, right?", you looked up at the general, finally allowing yourself a moment of weakness, "Yes, we'll be just fine, shorty." A couple more minutes. A couple more breaths. Before all senses would have to be turned off. And all hell would break free. 
It all went well at the start. As odd as it may seem, it was even fun to get a chance to see just how much you were capable of. You allowed yourself only a couple of looks up at the sky, checking on Cassian until he joined you on the ground. It almost felt like a dance. Like all you had done for years was learn and practice steps. Graciously twisting and turning, as you both cut through the field like it was nothing.
Then it felt like your sixth sense was activated. The main thing you both needed to do here was to cut through the cover-up soldiers and get to the commander's main man. Rhys needed them alive. They would provide the much-needed information. Yet you had this wash of intuition that something was not right. That's when you turned your head to the side and saw one of them pulling something out from under the armor. A chill went down your back. With one last slice across the neck of your opponent, you caught Cassian by his leathers, pulling him closer.
"Take to the skies and bring our man with you," you said, and Cassian gave you a puzzled look before continuing to fight. "Cassian, now!", you barked, and the general instantly signaled to his soldiers as the wall of Illyrian wings took to the skies. And within a heartbeat, the field was covered in thick fumes of whatever the commander's man had dropped all around the field. The smoke was so thick that your eyes were full of tears. You couldn't see anything. Quickly covering your nose with your hand, you tried to stay up. You kept on tuning, still gripping your weapon. You took one man out before black dots started to cloud your vision, and everything went dark.
Cassian's heart nearly ripped through his throat as he watched it all unfold. He had no idea what substance that was, yet the thick fumes weren't a sign of something harmless. The general cursed you in all the languages he could before he ordered the males to use their wings to try and clear the field of the poison's fumes. Cassian almost fell from the sky when he noticed a sign on the ground. Not a single person was standing. There were piles of lifeless bodies all over and no sign of you. He darted down quickly, shouting your name over and over. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to keep the tears from forming at the corners of his eyes. Quickly ordering some of the males to scan the field for you before he took off to find Azriel. Running over all the ways he was going to tell him what had happened. Praying for the Mother to give him strength.
Azriel was back at the camp, washing up. He and Rhys had only come back a moment ago, yet a sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach had been bubbling for some time. You had agreed to open up the bond as soon as the fight was over. And he did just that but was met with a cold wall himself. The spymaster tried not to overthink it. Yet the more time passed, even if your position was further away than theirs, it seemed like it had been forever. With a towel still in his hands, the spymaster slipped out of the tent. Cassian came into sight instantly, and Azriel's heart skipped a beat. Turning to the side, hoping to see you appear from behind the general or hear your laugh. "Azriel...", it only took his name for the ground to slip from beneath his feet. The muscles in his body tensed, and his movements came to a halt.
"I... she," Cassian began, as Rhys rushed out of his tent. Azriel grabbed Cass firmly. Eyes blazing with unreadable darkness, "What. Happened". Yet the general seemed to only gulp air like a fish that was dragged out of the water. Azriel shook the male harder, his eyes growing darker within seconds. "Something was used... fumes. She told us to go... to fly." Cass choked out, and Azriel gritted his teeth even further, "And so you left her, left her there alone", "Azriel...". It was Rhys, with a warning tone. But none of them understood. None of them could understand since their mates were eating safely and gaining back their strength. The shadows swirled around him in a frenzy. Screaming, panicking, and shouting. The shadow singer didn't wait for Rhys to continue to speak. He couldn't nor did he care as he winnowed himself into the battlefield.
It felt like a punch to the gut once the shadows parted, and Azriel's gaze fell to the ground. Bodies. Bodies everywhere. Some were in piles, some awkwardly scrunched up in between. The ground was covered in bodies. Bulky soldiers' bodies How was he going to find you? Especially when the place reeked of whatever the males had used to take everyone out. Yet the spymaster still unleashed his shadows across the field. They knew you, they felt you for so long they will not let him down, Azrel kept on telling himself. 
The spymaster moved to the pile of bodies that was closest to him. With a sharp breath, he pulled them one by one to the side. Fearing that at any minute he might catch a glimpse of your skin, hair, or hand. Anything. But you were not there. And Azriel was not sure if he should feel relieved or mortified. If they were to lift bodies one by one like this, it would take them weeks. Azriel fell to his knees, fists hitting the ground as he screamed. If he could rip the thread from his chest, he would do it so he could drag himself to you by pulling at it. "We will look everywhere. We won't give up until we find her," said Rhys, who now stood right by his spymaster, himself assessing the situation. Cassian didn't even look Azriel's way as he walked past them. He was already consumed by guilt. No longer hiding his tears as he pushed bodies around the field. Equally frustrated. Maybe not a mate, but a sister. Someone he had grown to love so deeply was missing, maybe even dead, and all because of his fault.
They've been there for hours. Some of the soldiers who still had strength in them also joined in. Azriel's shadows were nothing but weeping messes. Only clouding the spymaster's head more and more. There were moments where Azriel wanted to just give up on this and skin Cassian instead. Beat him to a pulp. Just... anything. Stopping in his tracks, Azriel lifted his scared palms to his face. He was losing hope. Even if he was puking from exhaustion, he knew he'd stay here until he saw you.
Then the shout from the other side of the field erupted. A couple of soldiers rushed towards it. Azriel's head snapped up, his shadows darting forward. It was rather far away from where the spymaster stood, but he saw your hand. Saw how the males carefully lifted you out of the sea of bodies that you were under. Azriel didn't even remember if he ran or if he winnowed. Flown? He had no clue how he made his way to you. And when he was steps away from you, he couldn't move any closer. His body froze. Some soldier poured water on your face. But you seemed lifeless. Limp and laying there, with no indication that something as insignificant as water would bring you back.
One more splash. A light shook. Chest compressions. As you gasped for air, your head snapped forward. The soldier nearly fell to the ground, both from the fear of losing his hands if something somehow went even worse than it already was and from the joy that his commander was alive. Your body fell back to the ground. Through heavy eyelids, your eyes tried to take in your surroundings. When they reached Azriel, something like relief washed through you. Your trembling fingers reached for him, but he didn't step closer. didn't fall to his knees next to you.
"Are you insane? Are you INSANE?!", Azriel spat in your face, breathing heavily. The other males moved to the side, and Rhys soon ordered them off. Thanks for the work they had done; that would come later. "You're so fucking stupid!", he yells, kneeling on one knee by your side, but his eyes were filled with rage. You would probably be crying if you weren't still out of it. Crying because he had never shouted at you like this. "Why don't you ever listen? What is it with you and that god complex of yours?" Your head was pounding, and the shouting only added to it. Closing your eyes, you turn your head to the side to try and escape the sound of Azriel's voice.
"That's enough," Rhys barked, stepping between you and your love. As you fell to the ground, Cassian leaped to your side and wrapped his arms around you, saying, "I'm so sorry, so fucking sorry. I should've stayed down," the general murmured. At this point, Azriel was practically blue from anger. With one last look at you and a deadly roar, he jolted to the skies. No matter how or what Rhys shouted at him, the male was off and gone. The emptiness washed over you. Your mate. Your mate just left you like this. You tried to pull on the string that bound you both, but nothing happened.
"Come here, let me help you up," Cassian said, hooking his hands under your legs and bringing you into his arms. Your eyes fell heavy, and against the warm chest of the general, the need to close them got delicately sweet. "Keep your eyes open, dearest," Rhys rubbed his palm over your arm, trying to stimulate you to stay alert, "Stay awake for a bit longer." And you tried. Gods knew you tried. Tried to look into your high Lord's purple eyes. But soon they blended with the color of the sky, and the blurry mix of colors eventually faded into nothing. The sea of healers that were running in and out of the tent that Cassian brought you to was so alarming that it feels like the whole camp had stopped breathing. Cass refused to leave. Even if no one was allowed in, he sat on the wooden boxes outside. Nesta slowly brushed her fingers through the general's hair as she pressed his head to her chest. Shushing his murmurs about needing to go apologies gently.
Rhys had been trying to find Azriel. And gods only knew where the male was and what stupidity he was partaking in. The high lord was sure that you'd pull through; he had to be. Not because you were one of his best. Fuck titles at moments like this. You were his sister-in-law. A woman who bought him fluffy underwear for the winter solstice. So he would stay here for now. In case you might need him for anything, to take your pain away. For now, it's you. You need to be taken care of.
It most definitely seemed like the shadow singer went through all the grieving stages while he sat under a big tree. It was anger at first that resulted in him as nearly ripping the whole tree out. Then came the laughing that turned into tears. The anxiety over the fact that he left you. The realization that you were alive. His worst nightmare didn't come true. Yet it almost felt like his body and brain still didn't believe it.
"She could have died," Azriel murmured. He didn't need to turn around; he could feel Rhys's presence there. "Could, but she didn't and-", "Don't try to defend her!", Azriel spat, turning to face his high lord. Rhys's face was tired, but mostly it was the disappointment that lingered. "I'm not, but she's alive, and you walked out on her like that," Rhys continued. "That's your mate you left on the battlefield."
Azriel crossed the distance between them. Their brows almost touched as he fired daggers at the man in front of him, who didn't even move an inch. "Don't you fucking lecture me, Rhys", the high lord let out a sigh. "You're acting like a child, brother. Move past your bullshit and go to her before you lose her for good", "You don't get it", the spymaster's shoulders shook as he ran through the thought of losing you once again. "Except I do. The fear of losing a mate can cripple you", "She will hate me now. I walked away," the panic ripped through the spymaster, but Rhys was quick to catch him by his shoulder, making the male turn to him once again. "The love you two have for one another will help you work through this. She needs you even if she'll deny it at first". 
Azriel lingered by your tent for some time. Walking in circles as he rubbed his hands together. He also knew you could feel him because his side of the bond was open, and he had forgotten about that. With a sudden burst of confidence, he rushed inside the tent. You were sitting on the bed, arms crossed, looking away from him. The silence felt worse than a knife cutting the skin, and Azriel wanted to talk, but nothing came out of his mouth. He just couldn't.
"I will not talk to you," you muttered. Your voice was still raspy, and Azriel took all the tiny cuts that covered your body. His shadows told him about all the injuries you'd required. "Okay," the shadow singer muttered like a kid who had just been scolded. Moving to sit on the chair at the end of the tent. "What are you doing?", you grumbled, turning your face slightly toward Azriel. Your tired eyes pierced his soul. "I'll wait till you want to talk," "You don't get to come here and give me this attitude," you spat, jaw tight as you glare your mate's way. And it's difficult; it's extremely difficult because all you want to do is hold him. You need to feel him because you still keep having flashbacks of everything that happened. You still feel the weight of the bodies crushing you.
"You know what I wished for while lying there?", you say, wiping away the tear that you didn't even notice running down your face. "That you would never find me because I didn't want you to see my corpse", "Don't say that", Azriel's throat tightened as he barely found the strength to rasp out the words. He would have turned the whole world upside down if he had to, but he would have found you. And if you were dead, he would have sat with your body in his arms for hours, days, even weeks. No one would get to touch you.
"I know it's your worst nightmare," you said again as the wave of panic from his side of the bond crashed into you. Azriel ran his hands through his hair. His elbows rested on his knees as he let his face fall into his hands before he spoke up again: "You are the best thing that happened to me. I didn't want to live before I met you." Your gaze softens, and you just watched him for a moment. He was broken when you found him, but aren't we all broken in some ways? He saw himself as weak, but you thought that he was the strongest person out there. You loved all of him with no expectations. 
"Do you know what would happen if you died?", Azriel whispered, and your eyes finally met his. Bloodshot, glossy eyes of his. "I would die myself," he mumbled under his breath. "Because of this," Azriel said, taking a step closer to the bed and gently moving your hand to rest on his chest, not for a second averting his gaze."This beats only for you", you felt your lover's heart drumming within his chest, "Azriel, my love", you muttered softly. 
"I can't do life without you, please." The sob shook Azriel's shoulders, and your own eyes filled with tears. You extended your arms to him, inviting him even closer. He didn't hesitate. His head fell on your chest as he clung to you. Breathing in your scent. Letting his fingers run across the softness of your skin. He was shaking as he thanked all the gods he knew for letting you live. For not taking you away from him. "I'm here, my love bug. I'm in your arms," you whispered, trying to ease the cries of your lover. His wings were spread out on either side of you, limply. At first, you were scared that the weight of him would only bring back the memories from today, but it felt good. It felt like you could breathe again. The weight of him resting on your body soothed you. You were safe and back in his arms.
You two stayed like this for a while. Losing track of time. Just hugging one another. Kissing. Trying to be as close as possible. Azriel was still laying on your chest when he spoke up, "I'm sorry for leaving you," but you only shook your head. "It's okay. Emotions were running high. Plus, it was enough to see Cassian having meltdowns; it would have set you off even more." Azriel hummed in response, "I'll talk to him tomorrow", "You should, Madja had to give him a sleeping substance because that fool would have drained the last bit of his energy sitting by the tent". Even if Azriel was mad at his brother for leaving you, he appreciated how much he cared. He knew that the guilt was eating him up, and he, just like Azriel, needed reassurance. "I love you," the spymaster mumbled, looking up at you. You flashed him a tired smile, leaning in to kiss his lips a couple of times. Savoring the taste of him. "I love you more, but you are definitely doing laundry now," you teased your lover, earning a chuckle in response to your answer, "Yes, ma'am."
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amirumono · 1 year
Waiting for you to come back 🍒⏰
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Genshin men x reader (fluff): Characters included // Kazuha, Heizou, Scaramouche, Xiao, Tighnari // Separated Summary: You’re off on a long commission, you’ll only be gone for about the whole 1/2 months per. Though it saddens them you can’t take them alongside (for questionable reasons) they’ll agree to keep both of your shared humble abode clean, tidy, and safe while waiting for your return to their lonely-empty open arms.
What they miss when your both together:
Kazuha —
As calm and accepted with this, he prays to the archons to stay safe on your journey hoping you’re not in any bad situations or get any injuries onwards.
He misses when he could come home, go to both of your shared bedroom and see you and your droopy state welcoming him back home than having to cuddle eachother to sleep on the nights.
Though it’s fine for a long distance relationship when you and him could send cute-mushy love letters back and fourth or seeing how the other is doing, just as long as he knows that your still alive and safe ♡.
He just longs for the months to be over so you can finally come back and wishes he could hold your hand in his taking a stroll in the areas you love to admire with him as he makes up new love poems only just for you.
\ \ \
Heizou —
He’ll just hop back to his normal routine just like when he didn’t had a partner, that’ll be fine right??
Making a dirty joke he was ready for someone to hit him in a shoulder playfully, though realizing after you weren’t here. He would cough it off and move on with his duties alone.
He misses when he had someone to ‘romantically’ tease with or give surprising hugs and kisses to.
All he can think of when dozing off is your giddy giggles he loves to hear, it was like a nice tune for him to just sleep off immediately till you yourself come back so he could hear more and lovingly hear it all day.
\ \ \
Scaramouche —
He’s used to people coming and going, though this was different practically because you were his lover giving him so much affection that he couldn’t handle being a flustered mess.
Now that your gone for a bit his surroundings became way to quiet that’s what he would prefer atleast, but now it irritates him without you twittering in his ears pestering him.
He liked the silence, but missed you dearly. He wished you were here blabbering your mouth so he could shut you up with his own lips engulfing himself in the moment.
Than leaving you stun forgetting what you were talking about.
\ \ \
Xiao —
He wonders if your looking up at the night sky too, it’s where the two of would just end the day always stargazing together and talking away with your feelings and he listens.
He wishes he could hear your sweet voice again and lay on your soft lap soothing him as your fingers comb his hair then kissing the purple gem on his forehead, praising him for all his achievements today.
Hoping he comes back and sees you making his favorite meal when the month is passed and your back with your pretty caring self that he adores.
/ / /
Tighnari —
Occupies himself with work, usually someone was there to stop him from overworking for a break every once in awhile with cups of teas than having silly gossips together.
Though he was infatuated with work he wishes you were here littering his neck with kisses distracting him and annoying him for attention.
He loved taking care of you or when there’s something you need help with but mostly scolding you for something foolish you’ve done which was 90% of the time.
Sometimes you were a hassle but sometimes you weren’t he loved you either way. There was less trouble making but he missed your crazy antics to handle it gave some ‘spice’ to his life.
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cozage · 1 year
Heyyy first of all I love you works so much, you are such a good writer😭 I saw your requests are closed so feel free to ignore this but I just saw the latest post were anon asked you if you preferred karaoke with strawhats boys or spa with the girls and I found that a beautiful idea. So if you can/want could you please do a karaoke with strawhats (boys and girls) hc please?? Thank youuu💜💜💜
This is a request for my Sleepover Event, send me one too! :)  
Okay for starters if you have not heard the groups “Family” song, I’m going to need to you go to Youtube and check it out (they recently re-recorded the japanese version with Jimbei and 🥺🥺)
Most of these are just how everyone would act at a karaoke bar. But I added everyone singing with you, take that as you wish :) 
Karaoke Night
He’s starting off the night with a song. The first to volunteer without even a drop of alcohol in his body. Literally pulls you up on stage to sing with him. 
He’s SOOOOO bad. He’s always offkey but that makes you feel a little better because at least people’s ears already hurt so your voice doesn’t matter too much. 
He likes to sing the classic sea shanties and older stuff that everyone can sing along to (if it was our world he would be singing Journey and the old classic country music). He’s big on yelling “You guys know this part, sing along!” and holding out the mic for the crowd to join in.
When he’s not on stage singing, he’s either dancing or running around to all the groups of people mingling, asking if they’re going to sing
He always volunteers to be a partner if people are too nervous to sing along. He’s there to have fun and wants to make sure everyone else is having fun too :)
Nope. This man is not singing. 
That's what he says. That’s what he promises. No way in hell he’s getting up on that stage. 
Until he gets about 10 tankards of ale in him. Then he’s climbing up on the stage ready to sing his HEART out. 
He sings loud and proud, and halfway through the song beckons you up to join him. If you don’t go, he’s going to jump down and slowly walk to you and serenade you. 
He’s probably going to sing some oldies song that’s deep and slow. Like Frank Sinatra or maybe even Johnny Cash. (I can imagine him absolutely nailing “And I did it….MYYYYYYY WAYYYYYYYYYY”)
At the start of the night he’s sitting in the corner alone, watching everyone carefully to make sure nobody tries to make a move on you or any other crew member, but by the end of the night he’s up, sitting with strangers and laughing and having the best time ever. 
His eyes are always on whoever is singing…unless it’s a man. 
Sanji himself doesn’t sing, and he’s definitely not singing alone, but any time a lady goes up, Sanji’s asking if she needs a duet partner. He can’t let a lady sing alone, afterall. 
He’s more of the kind to just sit and enjoy the show, show support when he needs to, heckle when it’s one of the Strawhats up there. If he hears any mumbling or rude comments while a lady is up singing, he’s going to war. 
He can tell you kind of want to go sing, but you’re too nervous to go up or initiate asking, so eventually he pops the question and asks you to sing with him. 
You guys are definitely singing some kind of duet song. Definitely Troy/Gabriella vibes from that first scene in High School Musical. You both start out kind of nervous but by the end you’re only focused on eachother and you’re both into it. And you sound pretty good too! 
She’s definitely not the kind of person to start the singing, but she’ll do it with enough encouragement.
She’s not singing alone though. Unmless someone pays her to sing alone, she won’t. She doesn’t even like duets (she knows she’s not the strongest vocally and hates when people make fun of her).
She prefers group songs. Usually three or more gets her comfortable singing. Her, Usopp, and you know all the good music, so the three of you can sing some songs without even looking at the words. 
Early 2000’s music, especially R&B, are your alls go to. Rich Girl, Umbrella, SOS, all the bops that people that grew up during that time know and love. 
She is definitely a heckler when someone is singing badly too. She may not boo them off the stage but she WILL be laughing at them.
He’s not singing. He has allergic-to-crowd-itis. No way is he going up on stage. 
Unfortunately, he's bad at betting, and Nami makes him go up. You offer to join him so it’s not as scary for him. 
He’s picking some random song that nobody has every heard of. If they don’t know what the original sounds like, they don’t know how good or bad it is. Mt. Joy, Portugal, The Man, Go Radio. Music that if you know, you LOVE. Upbeat folky music that’s easy to have a scratchy voice and be offkey.
After the first time, he realizes he actually had a lot of fun, and starts doing it with bigger groups. He even gets Nami and Luffy to join you all and you guys all sing a fun upbeat song.
When he’s not on stage, he’s laughing along with the boys and cheering on for whoever is on stage at the moment. Over-exaggerated screams of support and lots of clapping. 
Terrified of the thought of being on stage. But he’s a supportive little guy, and he’ll do it if you do it. 
He walks up and hides behind you. Looking out at everyone in the crowd is so scary for him! Especially knowing how vicious Nami’s comments have been. 
Once the music gets started, his voice is a little shakey, but by the time the chorus rolls around, he’s into it! The whole crew is yelling cheers of encouragement to him and he really starts to get into it. 
I could see him really getting into some fun pop music. Katy Perry, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift. He doesn’t get why the songs are so aggressive but he loves scream singing with you
After the first song clears his nerves, it’s hard to keep him off the stage. He’s jumping into every group song there is. He loves the RUSH. 
You’re convicned this woman is not singing. Like she’s just not. I’m sorry. You can beg and plead all you want but shes not-
“Do you want to sing? Sure! I’ll try everything once!” And with that she puts her book down and walks up onto the stage.
You guys are going hard or going home. The slower songs of people like Adele, Miley Cyrus, Billie Ellish, Lizzy McAlpine. Voices that you KNOW you will fail at replicating or sounding better than, but that’s just her vocal range, and she’s actually pretty good!
She enjoys it, but once is enough for her. She might do it again if you or someone else asks, but it’s always going to be those hard to match songs. 
She is honestly so fulfilled watching everyone else take the stage and be absolute goofballs. She prefers to watch and laugh along with everyone from the back of the room, a part of the family but then not center of attention.
Frankie loves pop music and you can’t convince me otherwise. The second he hears a song he likes, he jumps up to be next in line. He’ll sing anything, but his first pick is pump up 2012’s music like One Republic, Tao Cruz, Imagine Dragons. 
He’s such a star when he sings too. Dancing around on stage, pulling you up to join him and serenading you. He can really put on a show for the audience. 
He definitely made adjustments to body to have little smoke [things] and little sparklers. It definitely starts a small fire.
He’s having a GREAT time and loves loves loves it. He knows it’s important to let everyone have their turn, but he’s almost always in the lineup for karaoke, whether it’s the two of you singing or with a group of people. He’ll sing with just about anybody (and he gets requests for it too)
When he’s not on stage, he’s talking to the other patrons (trying to get in with other groups to sing more) 
Brook…what can I say? He was born for this. And died for this. And came back to life for this. Brook has ALWAYS loved karaoke. It’s what got him into performing. 
He asks if you want to sing one of his songs with him (what an honor!), and he does his best not to steal the show. But he’s missed performing and he’s missed the crowd, so he goes overboard a little bit the first time. 
The crowd goes freaking insane. He gets so many comments about his voice, and he always does his best to say he only sounded better because you were with him. 
He likes to sing his own songs, but after a few rounds, he just lets you (or whoever he’s singing with) pick the music. He’s got a very specific range though and doesn’t like to go outside of it.
He’s surrounded by fans most of the time, and anytime he spends offstage is met by autographs and fans fauning over him, buying him drinks and trying to get him to notice them.
Jinbe does group singing only. He won’t sing alone, and he doesn’t really want to do duets either. Even group songs he doesn’t love. He’s not big on singing or being the center of attention. 
He will join people on the stage for a group performance though, but he will only join in for the chorus or moments where everyone is singing. 
He can tell you’re nervous about singing, so he stays close and gives you little words of encouragement as you’re singing with everyone. 
He’s so supportive from the crowd though when you go up without him! He always tells you how great you did and tells you his favorite part of every songs so you know that he was actually paying attention. 
He really just sits and enjoys the vibes. He’ll sing along from the crowd if he knows a song, but he’s just there for the atmosphere and to support his crew. 
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oh-theatre · 8 months
I wamna hear about timbart
Why thank u I have so much about them I love them bart is my blorbo
Tim always notices when Bart is getting quiet or overstimulated in conversation or other such situations. He offers comfort or grounding, whether it’s a distraction, fidget or removing him from the conversation
Tim is Barts lightning rod, when part gets really in his head and is speeding around or talking too fast or blurring and he’s not really there Tim can ground him (he offers physical touch, if Bart needs/wants it)
Counter: sometimes bart needs to run or pace around and just exhaust himself but tim never leaves, he will sit and watch and wait he’s there for bart
Tim calls Bart goose and lightning bug and Bart calls him Timmy
Bart has a lot of nicknames for Tim actually, most of them funny (Timtam, Timbit, Timothy Chalamet)
Bart is just about the only person who can get tim away from his work, and he’s got a sense for it.
Every time they get spotted in public they make up a different role for Bart in Tim’s life.
personal assistant, chauffeur (does not have a car, should not drive), his chef, bag carrier, etc.
Bart mindlessly fidgets with Tim’s hands and fingers, Tim let’s him
Tim frequently falls asleep on Bart and he does not move, he also makes a point to make sure no one else disturbs Tim
Tim stocks his utility belt with new snacks for Bart every week
Tim will flirt incessantly with Bart on missions and he just short circuits
They!! Wear !! Each others!! clothes!! “Isn’t that Tim’s hoodie?” “Not anymore”
Bart will go all around the world to bring Tim food and when asked about it he lies and says it was just a restaurant in central, Tim knows he’s lying
Bart thinks alot more then he says things out loud, Tim notices this and coaxes his thoughts out
Tim loves Barts hair, he will consistently put his hands in Barts hair sometimes without knowing and Bart just lets him, sometimes he’ll find tiny braids that must have come from tim
Tim gets really quiet after a mission gone badly, he’ll isolate himself or pour himself into work. Bart will sit in silence with him, he can sit still for this, for tim. He waits as long as he needs until Tim reaches out he always doea
They are so smart and often on the same wavelength and on missions rarely do they need to talk they just know what the other is thinking.
Bart is one of the few people who can boss tim around or challenge him without fallout
They listen to eachother ramble and rant fully invested and offering questions. They are autistic and adhd <3
I think it takes a really long time before they kiss. It’s a lot of “we don’t like each other we’re just really close besties, pals even” but then they almost lose each other on a mission or one gets badly hurt and oh no they are so much more then best friends, this is their person, the mere thought of losing the other person makes them completely break
Bart is the type of person to come up with a wild solution to something and Tim lets him try it
They like to be in each other’s presence even if they aren’t talking, sometimes they can’t talk but they want to be in eachothers space. Tim will be reading or studying while Bart lays on him playing a video game
Bart has a warped sense of life and death, and he doesn’t see death as a bad thing but more of an escape (he has trauma from his past (time in the future)) but the thought of losing Tim will send him into a spiral
whenever Tim gets sick or injured (like needs bed rest) bart will stay with him at the manor or in his room at the tower the entire time
bart speaks so many languages and loves to call tim petnames in other languages, tim melts everytime.
they love to cook for eachother and together, alfred has banned them both from the kitchen however
bart loves forehead kisses tim wil cradle his face and its so gentle, tim can feel when bart speeds by him and gives him a kiss it tickles but hes gotten used to the feeling and loves it
Tim hates when Bart gets stuck in the speedforce but hes always the one to bring him back (lightning rod!!!!!!!)
Bart, on multiple occasions, has stood up to Bruce after him and tim have a confrontation.
With that, hes always there to combat everything Bruce has said and uplift tim and reassure him in very plain blunt words that he is enough, and he is a person worth the world
i have so much please keep talking to me about bart allen, timbart, bart allen **bart allen**
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wingedblooms · 3 months
Hi, it's me again. Why didn't Bryce meet elain in cc3? Was it some sort of a spoiler for her next book? Was it because she has hidden starborn powers like Bryce and SMJ didn't want Bryce and Elain meeting for a chance that either Elain os Bryce powers will start to glow when meeting eachother? I want to know your thought on this please 😁
Hello again! 🥰 I’m not Sarah, so I can’t say for certain, but I think there are a few different possibilities.
No such thing as bad press. Sarah and BB benefit from the tension among shippers and the mystery of who is next feeds that tension. It creates free buzz for them and helps them make more money.
Maximizing pay off. In an interview with Eva Chen, Sarah talked about planting secrets in acosf that she plans to pay off in the future. While it would’ve been nice to have seen Elain interact with Bryce in hofas, it makes sense for Sarah to save Elain-specific reveals for her book, where we will be able to fully appreciate her perspective and the hidden layers of her character and powers.
That said, we were given important information that strengthens set-up for her story:
Power: We learned that Rhysand is related to the Starborn and in acosf Sarah explicitly told us that the sisters were a match for him in power. That could mean they possess Starborn magic or raw magic that matches it in might, which might explain why they're marked by Wyrd. Elain's gifts (whatever powers she has, as Amren said in acosf) are mostly unexplored and might just be the answer to the plot threads hofas illuminated.
The Mask: Bryce had a Made object on her body and leveled up her Starborn power in hofas, allowing her to activate the magic of the Starborn blades and use the Mask without issue. Even Hunt was able to use the Mask because he had Bryce’s power in him temporarily. But when Nesta used the Mask, she struggled to come back to herself after killing the wyrm. This should prompt a conversation among the IC: Is this because she returned her magic? Or interfered with a bargain? Or does the Mask have some innate, soul-devouring magic that functions like a curse, as Rigelus warned? @offtorivendell pointed out that Cassian questioned the cost to Nesta’s soul when Amren said the Mask made her unstoppable. It seems there’s something to that and since Bryce returned it at the end of hofas, we will likely learn more.
Starborn blades: We learned that while Azriel has been carrying Truth-Teller all this time, he doesn’t seem to know how to activate its magic. And holding both of these blades at the same time seems to bother him. But we did see Bryce use them together without issue (like the Mask) and based on what we saw of Truth-Teller’s magic, it’s even more likely that Elain activated its magic when she stepped out of shadow, out of nowhere, to kill Hybern with it. In other words, if it hasn't been addressed already, the IC should be asking questions about how Elain used the blade to appear when/where she did, and what that might mean for future exploration and use.
Asteri’s secrets: There are more secrets hidden in the land by the Asteri that will need to be uncovered. Vesperus mentioned the sacred sister peaks, so at minimum, we will be spending time mapping their secrets and rooting out the remaining Asteri influence on the land. As @offtorivendell, @silverlinedeyes, @willowmeres and I have theorized, the Asteri's lingering secrets might be connected to Koschei and his efforts to free himself. Not only does this sound like an ideal plot for a gardener, but Elain might’ve been given her vision and gifts for this exact purpose.
Stone Mother: Mother, Cauldron, Fate = Wyrd. We learned that the Asteri warped her Cauldron form into a tool of destruction. Pure life used to blossom from her womb. This could explain why she loves Elain and, at her core, would never hurt her—Elain is a kindred spirit and might represent what she used to be. Wyrd also used to rest in the heart of the Night Court, which is yet another hint that we will be exploring the mysteries beneath Ramiel.
The Helscape beneath: Bryce noticed a Helscape beneath the land in the cavern illustrations, making us wonder just how entwined these two worlds are and hinting at future interactions (via sight or portal) with the Princes of Hel and their creations (yes, please).
I am not sure exactly where Sarah will start the next acotar book. As @silverlinedeyes theorized, it could be a tandem read that includes Bryce's arrival and discoveries in Prythian. I could also see Sarah starting from an IC meeting where the characters are in an uproar and trying to process all that has happened, which might include descriptions and flashbacks of important scenes. Nesta and Azriel interacted directly with Bryce, so they will be responsible for reporting on those activities. It would make sense for those conversations to include what Azriel observed of Nesta's struggle with the Mask, what Nesta observed of Azriel's reactions to the Starborn blades, what they learned about the Starborn, Asteri, Trove, and Wyrd from Silene and Vesperus.
And once the weapons Bryce took are returned (which is fairly quickly, given the short timeline), Nesta will need to share what Bryce said to her. Personally, I imagine a scene in which the IC discusses (or more likely argues about) what Bryce shared, the Starborn blades aglow on the table. During this exchange, Elain is noticeably distracted, her focus repeatedly drawn to the blades until she finally blurts out, "Can none of you hear them? It's impossible for me to focus with their incessant chatter."
And that’s how we learn Elain can understand the Starborn blades and has been listening to their colorful commentary on everyone in the room the entire time.
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
enemies but theyre oddly protective of eachother and do everything in their power to ease the other's state of mind even though they 'hate' one another
List of “I hate you but I also care about you. pick a struggle” prompts 
“You could have died, you idiot.” “And why do you care?” “I don’t. It’s just if you die, who the hell am I supposed to take my anger out on without feeling bad about it? Take care of yourself for once.”
“Why does their opinion even matter? When has anyone’s opinion ever mattered to you? You never take shit like that to heart so don’t start now. You’re better than this.” 
“I’m tired of pretending to be something I’m not.” “Well, if it’s any comfort, you don’t have to pretend around me. I’ve… I’ve got you.” “Sure you do.”
“If you tell anyone about this—” “I won’t. I don’t like seeing you like this, either. Trust me.”
“I just need someone to talk to.” “…I’m here already, so might as well.”
“For someone who hates me, you sure do care about me a lot.” 
“I took care of that asshole for you.” “I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Tell me who did this to you.” “It’s no—” “Don’t give me that bullshit! Tell me.” 
“You’re giving me way too many reasons to start liking you,” Character A mumbles sleepily as they snuggle closer to Character B, tightening their grasp on their shirt ever-so-slightly. “Fucking stop it, it’s so annoying.”
“Why do you look so panicked?” “Because I thought you were going to do something stupid which could have injured yourself! And I can’t have that.”
“Look at me, and only me,” Character B says as they quickly cup Character A’s jaw, forcing them to face them. “What the fuck,” Character A grits out. “What are you doing? Let go of me!” Character B shakes their head. “Just give me a minute. One minute is all I’m asking for,” they plead, glancing behind Character A as Character A's significant other walks past, holding someone else’s hand. 
“Everyone hates me so what’s the fucking point—” “I don’t. I don’t. I’m not everyone. So don’t fucking say that, you idiot.”
“…What’s this?” “An umbrella. I saw you walking in the rain without one so I ran to a nearby convenient store to get you one. Return it to me when you’re able to.”
“…You know I’d never break your heart like they did.” 
“Your secret’s safe with me.” “You promise?” “I swear.” 
“I swear on everything I love—” “Even on me?” “Oh, get fucked.”
“I keep giving you reasons to stay away from me yet you…” “Yet I what? Yet I keep coming back? Yeah, it’s weird, the hold you have over me.”
“Look, I’ll help you shut them up permanently—” “Killing people shouldn’t be your first resort to solving your problems.” “What if I tell you it’s my only resort?”
“My sheets and pillow are starting to smell like you; we’re going to need to change that.” 
“Hey, come on. You know you can talk to me. I won’t use this against you, I swear.” 
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
I need to get this off of my chest. Stolitz truly bothers me and this is coming from someone who ships batjokes so stolitz toxicity is that bad.
First of all Blitzø had no intentions with sleeping Stolas. He just wanted the book and go. He was mostly taking advantage and trying to rob him blind. He wasn’t trying to start anything sexual. But due to pity and yes it was pity sex, they slept together anyway.
Next thing you know Stolas caught him in a situation where Blitzø couldn’t say no. “Sleep with me on the full moon or no book and no business” it’s a choice less choice. Have sex to get the book and do your job. Or don’t and have your business shut down and out of the job.
During said deal he harasses Blitzo and talks down to his fellow imps. Shows classism by using his imp butler as a stress toy, patron a place where imps are the servants. Shows to me that he doesn’t really respect Blitzø as an equal.
And they have the nerve to try and spin the narrative where Stolas had feelings for Blitzo this whole time? Fuck outta here.
The fact that people are saying that “it’s just a misunderstanding” “Blitzo is being cold” “Blitzo started this”
Holy victim blaming Batman. Just because Blitzø consented (out of pity) at first doesn’t mean he consented to future sexual in-counters. I don’t blame him for acting iterated and fed up with him. He has every right to since Stolas has a problem with taking a hint. Blitzo has every right to call him out in the season 1 finale
Also misunderstanding what? When you’re in a transactional relationship where you can’t say no without consequences there’s no misunderstanding as to why you don’t want anything to do with the other person. It doesn’t matter if Stolas had feelings for him in the beginning. Actions can matter more than the intentions. Blitzo felt used and he had every right to feel that way. There’s no misunderstanding that.
And all of that wouldn’t be that huge of an a issue to me if the relationship itself wasn’t so boring. There’s not chemistry between the two. Sure Stolas laughed at his joke but so did Fizz. What does Blitzo and Stolas have in common? What do they like about eachother? What did Stolas even see in Blitzo worth having him around? There nothing there that makes me want to root for them.
Stiker had more chemistry with Blitzo even when their enemies there’s still some form a respect from Stiker’s end. Fizz had more chemistry with Blitzø and he actually smiles when he’s around Fizz. Shit man he showed more sexual interest for his own CO WORKERS than he does with Stolas.
There’s nothing salvageable here. Why are the writers trying to shove this so hard down our throats when the two don’t look right together. This is mostly why I prefer Stiker x Blitz, Fizz x Blitz, at least he appears happier and the dynamics are more interesting
You know what? Sometimes there's not a thing for me to add. You said it all perfectly.
Thank you for saying it.
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