#they r my favorite sibling duo ever
burntpaws · 10 months
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best friends today, tomorrow, and always!
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hughiecampbelle · 3 months
Kimiko Getting Attached To You Would Include:
Requested: Heeeeey! Could I request some fluffy familial headcannons please for Kamiko from the boys being like a twin sibling figure to reader? Like r is apart of the boys and Kamiko grows attached to them like a sibling and just looks into their dynamics? - anon
A/N: My love for Kimiko is *unmatched*!!! Thank you for requesting my love! I hope you like it! I'd love more headcanon and preference requests for The Boys!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Requests are open! 🔮
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Kimiko was wary of everyone from the beginning
You were careful, not wanting to scare her away, so you kept your distance
You think everyone's out when you play your music, humming and singing along, when she appears out of nowhere
Everyone hated your music. They hated it even more when you sang along. So, you only did it when you were alone, blaring it loudly. When you notice Kimiko you jump, apologizing for bothering her
She just shakes her head, finding the nearest pad of paper. "I like it" she writes and smiles
It's the first show of humanity she's seen from any of you. Butcher was violent and M.M. worried too much, Frenchie had a crush on her and Hughie was pretty subservient. You were different. You weren't scared of her, you weren't intimidated, and you didn't look at her like you wanted to kiss her. You have interests and passions outside of murder. It's new and strange
You show her more from your playlists. It's your only talking point, so you sorta run with it. She gives you thumbs up/down, makes faces when she especially likes or doesn't like them. You try not to nerd out when your favorites play, but you just can't help yourself
When everyone comes back you turn it off, but the connection you made stays
Slowly, she starts to show an interest in you
At first it feels like light stalking: watching you and following you. She's getting to know you, know what makes you tick and smile and laugh
She learns you have poor taste in movies, but excellent taste in music. Puns make you laugh more than they should. Aside from your personal history with Vought, you wouldn't hurt a fly. She decides, in that moment, you'd make a good friend. Ally is the first word that comes to mind, but what she really means is friend
You pick up on her sign language as fast as you can, relying on writing pads or texts when you can't understand
Joking around with her, trying to get her more comfortable around you
"You think Butcher ever washes that coat?"
When you really get to know one another, she tells you about her childhood and her brother
In return, you tell her your history with Vought and The Seven and Homelander
Neither of you are particularly proud of what you've done, but you recognize it was out of survival
Always being paired together
With her abilities and your intelligence, you're an unbeatable duo
The Boys start referring to you as Bonnie and Clyde. You're rarely seen without the other
Kimiko does everything she can to protect you. You weren't given V, you're smart and witty and you can get yourself out of a tough situation, but you're human. You're fragile. The thought of being without you would kill her
When you do get hurt she panics. She "yells" at the others to save you, to help, and they do, but it's never good enough for her
"They botched your stitches."
"A scar isn't the end of the world."
You never get used to seeing Kimiko all torn up or bloody. You know she'll get better, but it still makes you sick to your stomach to witness
You know exactly how to make her smile, even when somethings happened and she retreats into herself. She does the same with you
When no one can reach either of you, your friends are at a loss
Going under cover and pretending to be a couple. Neither of you are interested in the other like that, but it's always fun to put on a show
You definitely make fun of her when she wears a dress and heels
"You look like an actual girl!"
"Shut up!"
You never go anywhere without telling the other where. The rest of your friends just assume you've run off, but Kimiko will always know where and why you're leaving
"Where's y/n?"
"I don't know."
"I won't snitch."
When you or her have nightmares, you know you can go to the other
"Bad dream?"
Listening to music together, hoping the images of the nightmare will go away
She likes when you sing. It's off key and not very good, but she finds a lot of comfort in your voice
Encouraging her to go to speech therapy. Not for you or anyone else, but because it would be good for her
Kimiko doesn't ever get sick, but when you are she's incredibly attentive and extremely worried
"You're burning up."
"I'm okay, I promise."
Coming to one another's defense when others get in your face. She's the first to start "yelling" at them when they criticize you
Being asked if you like-like one another at least once a week. Annie assumes you secretly have feelings for one another and Frenchie gets pretty jealous of your relationship, but it's just not how you see one another
She's your twin flame. Not a girlfriend, but you do love her. You love her more than anyone else. You understand one another better than anyone else
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dickheadcanons · 7 months
Your brain is literally gynormous. Do you think Damian's and Dick's relationship is paternal? Because, as someone who has actually had to raise their sibling (do not recommend) it looks more like a guy that had too much in his plate trying to be the best caregiver he could, but not really being a parent, if that makes sense. I feel like the idea of him wanting to adopt him feels like kind of a retcon, couldn't really see it in the og run. But of course, it could be because it's not exactly the same as my experience (abusive father, incapable mother, yknow the drill). What do you think? All your posts are so good.
Also while you're at it, what do you think of Dick as a parent? Some elseworlds have played with the concept, and main continuity did something too with Olivia but T*m Tayl*r fucked that up too. I also wonder how Damian would be as a dad, but I don't think I've ever seen any stories with it.
omg anon thank you and thank you for asking!! this is literally one of my favorite topics!! i was thinking about making a post on this and now you gave me the excuse for it!!
Long story short, I don't think that “parental” is a binary thing. I mean, I know several bio-parents who are just guys with too much on their plates, trying to be the best they can, you know? And people can see parent figures in all kinds of relationships that aren’t blood or traditional moms/dads, especially with people who didn't know each other from birth. There are a million ways to be parented, and a million ways to act as a parent.
The way I think about it is, is Dick Damain's John Grayson? No, I don't think so.
But is Dick Damian's Bruce Wayne? Yes. Totally. Absolutely.
More under the cut bc I have a lot of thoughts.
I think to talk about Dick and Damian, we have to start with Dick and Bruce. So much about Dick and Damian is a reflection of the original Dynamic Duo, and I think that's very much the case with this element as well. From the start of their very long comic history, Dick and Bruce have been dancing around their relationship. We get early comics that say they're "like" father and son, we have Bruce saying he couldn't care about Dick more than if he was Bruce's son, but we also have places where they call each other their best friends, where they act more like brothers, etc etc.
When it comes to who our parents are, I think there is the responsibility, and the result. Certain people have the responsibility, the duty, to be our parents, and sometimes (because death or illness or being shitty people), they aren't able to meet those responsibilities. That never removes the responsibility; they don't stop being the parent. But they aren't able to create the result of us becoming good stable adults. That's where other people can step in, where the parental figure appears, and those are the people that we actually point to when we say "they made me the person I am today."
In fandom, we see a lot of Dick not wanting Bruce to replace his father, of him asking not to be adopted. I think this is a fine characterization that works with who Dick is, but Bruce is actually the one to say that he is not going to replace Dick's father. He says it completely unprompted, too. This is withholding the responsibility of being Dick's parent from Bruce, keeping him at a distance and reserving it as an honor for someone who can't hold it anymore, even as Bruce demands responsibility for literally everything else about Dick.
And I think that it's very telling of what Bruce's idea of a father is. The thing about having a dead parent at a young age is that the person of your parents is still tangled in the role of parent in your life; Mom is mom, not Martha, and because she's dead, the image of both Martha and "mom" is frozen. For Bruce, the relationship of father and son is frozen in the relationship of specifically his father and him. Of course Bruce is not Dick's father; Bruce himself is so different from what his conception of a father is. And as a fellow son, for Bruce, someone who just got back from 7 years abroad studying to be Batman, for whom the nearly 20 year old wound is still fresh, the idea of even wanting another father doesn't make sense, particularly for a boy that Bruce identifies with so hard that he becomes the third person ever to know who Batman is.
This looming memory is even worse when it's Dick's turn to be Batman. While Bruce looks at Dick and sees the memory of his own loss, the shadow of his own grief, Dick is looking at Damian and seeing Bruce. Dick knows very well who Damian lost; Dick is grieving what Damian lost more than Damian is. Bruce couldn't conceive of replacing a father, but Dick is struggling to imagining himself replacing Bruce at his job, much less who he was in his personal relationships.
But even if Damian isn't Dick's responsibility, Dick doesn't hesitate to care about Damian's future. "Who's going to save him if we don't?" At the start of the DickBats era, Dick isn't looking at Damian as a family member, really. He's looking at Damian as a victim, abet a very involved, very dangerous one. It's how Bruce looked at Dick too, before he had any reason to know that this kid would become something more to him. But, like Bruce, what Dick does to save Damian is bring him into the thing that is most precious to him; Batman. The mission. Saving people. A way to live in the world.
I know saying someone is the Batman to their Robin is like, a joke at this point. Something unbelievably cheesy. But you google "iconic duos" and Batman and Robin are one of the first responses. There's a reason for the joke. So imagine you are Robin, and your Batman is dead. And you have to go and find a new partner. Dick making Damian his Robin is heavy, just as heavy to me as adoption papers. Bruce made Dick his partner without any idea of what that meant. Dick, and the audience, had 70 years of expectation on what Dick and Damian could be. Dick making Damian Robin was a very specific claim, far stronger imo than just claiming him as a son would have been.
Because, to be honest (and speak to your other question), I don't think Dick thinks a lot about being a parent. I don't really think it's that important to him. Dick is a leader, a mentor, he deals with a ton of teenagers and kids through his vigilante work, he goes to Tim's sidekick parent's meetings and takes Jason skiing and more than that, he's also young. He's in his 20s. He should be at the club. I think he probably thinks he'll have kids in an abstract way, but it's not something he's looking for, consciously or unconsciously. He's not searching for connection, or to fix his mistakes or his past, the things that lead Bruce to adopting sidekicks. He'd be a great dad, and I think we see him being pretty good with his Elseworlds kids, but Dick is a very practical person, and him taking a kid in (vs finding somewhere else they can go) is not really the practical choice.
Except for one kid. There's just been one kid with legitimately no where else to go, where Dick is truly the only option, because going home meant only bad things for him. Dick made Damian part of his family in the ways that mattered to them both in that moment. With their lives, adoption doesn't really make a huge material difference on custody (if Damian wanted to leave, Dick couldn't have stopped him; Damian has access to basically unlimited money and can feed and clothe and wash himself. and possibly already has a phd.), and Dick wanted Damian to choose, anyway. If I recall correctly, Dick says he didn't think about taking Damian with him until Bruce comes back. He thought about taking Damian with him, thought that Damian might be better with Dick (his partner!!!!) than even with Bruce, his dad, the person Dick loves so much, only in the face of them being separated.
Meanwhile Damian, for all his blustering about how Dick needs to "earn" his respect, warms up to Dick startlingly quickly. For Damian, who had never known a father, who in his initial run hadn't even known his mother for more than two years, whose other male family is Ra’s al Ghul, his father is Batman. Even in Tomasi's kinder depiction of Damian's childhood, Damian only knows the Bat. And when he meets Bruce, the first thing he expresses is disappointment. Bruce the man is underwhelming and then goes and dies. So much for the mythic hero!
And then he meets Dick. Who manages to teach Damian something, who doesn't discount his skills even when he's wrong. Who proves that he is better at being Batman than Damian, and shows that he wants Damian around. And, even more importantly, who doesn't die. Dick is stable in a world constantly in flux. Damian screws up a lot in that run, and he leaves for long stretches of it, but Dick is always there when he gets back. There's no blame here, but the truth is that Dick is the one who stays.
Bruce was Damian's father, but what does that mean to someone whose never met a father at all? Bruce might have tried to connect with Damian before he died, but he doesn’t do it in a way that works. He doesn’t give Damian trust, he doesn’t encourage him in the ways Damian finds important…the first person to do that is Dick. Dick gives Damian responsibility, makes him part of the team. It could be argued that Damian didn’t deserve it, but we’re not talking about deserving. We’re talking about what worked. It sounds like as good an idea as making a tiny 8 year old acrobat a sidekick, but it undeniably worked for both Damian and Dick. Does that mean that either of these relationships were parental in the way that we think of it in the real world, in the way that a child psychologist would say is good and healthy? I have no idea. But they are the most parental in the absence of any other parents, and I think that means a lot.
Unfortunately, we don't get to actually see the dissolution of Dick and Damian's partnership. DC conveniently skips over showing us Bruce coming back and Dick becoming Nightwing again; preNew 52, Dick is still Batman with Damian even when Bruce returns, and in the New 52, he's been Batman "Before" and we don't really see the end, just a vague aftermath. But if it did take that kind of change to make them realize their relationship had a flavor of "parent and child", had the makings of something like a father and son, well, they'd just be following in the original Batman's footprints.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
I just saw your OC drawings post and damn, they look cool! I'd love to hear more about them (if you want). :)
erm. yes please.
tw for some maybe dark topics like eds and menyal health. also school shootings. also huge infodump wanring.
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this is MAX hes 13 and i think they r my favorite. he is non binary and uses he/they and alex is his bff. theyre kinda like edd from eddsworld personality wise. like theyre the main character and kind but also sarcastic and likes to pull pranks. i love him so dearly. he is bisexual
he is african and has two moms. max is rolling with the lgbt. them and alex have a very sibling like bond as they met when they were young and maxs family took alex in as if she wwre their own. they didnt adopt her her parents r just so neglectful that they judt took care of her. they are the bestest friends ever.
max deals with a toxic relationship during thhe show (its basically this show i made up in my head so im gonna say show) whereas this guy takes advantege of them and it fucks them up big tome. and theo is sad the entire time because he has feelings for max. more about theo down below!!!!vv
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the one on the left is alex!!! shes 13 she has black hair dyed pink on the ends and shes autistic and obsessed with bombs and shes trigger-happy. shes like kind of obsessed with violent stuff but she radiates sunshine and shes literally batshit insane but i love her. she is a lesbian as seen from this photo
she is half filipino and half mexican. her father is absent and her mom is lowkey neglectful as fuck. shes also missing an eye and wears an eye badnage rhing. she dealth with lots of bullying when she was younger and actually is very dangerous she shiuld be locked up.
one on the right is sam and shes a trans lesbian. she is really kind and nice and uust goes along with everyone, but she has like a dark side n lets her walls down around her gf alex and her friends. she struggles with mental health issues and is also autistic and has a hard time showing her emotiosn and speaking. she can be serious sometimes and its kinda scary how she switches from being dark and brooding to all nice and talkative. basically she masks super hard but shes a rlly good person i love her.
she has an eating disorder. i havent decided what one but she struggles with body dysmorphia and body dysphoria. she is struggling all over
she has dark dark brown locs with gold rings in them. she has dark skin and usually wears a yellow tank top, a purple jacket and blue jeans + white shoes. pastel color scheme
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sam again ^
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this is theo i have way more photos of him but im too tored to go get them. hes 14 and trans and gay and i lvor him. hes kind of the smart one think tom from eddsworld. he has a goofy side thoigh and really cherishes his friends. he is autisitc too and he behaves very differently from how he thinks. he doesnt mean to come off as rude and cold but he cant help it. basically i am projecting very hard. i love him.
he has grey hair and green eyes and tan skin. his mom is white and his dad is black so he is mixed. his roots are a dark brown
he has some family issues and lives in a low-income house. he is so cool thougj i love him.
basically theyre all Utistic and go on wacky adventures Nd theyre all frienfs. theres more characters in the story and i will post them when they get named. anyways ive made like a future au for them, there are two different 'endings'for the story ive deciided
basically one is like they all be normal and max starts a company and gets all successful and alex is like super tech savvy and mechanical so shes like a worker for him and he pays her and theyre like a business duo. and theo is like a successful scientist too and i think sam is something idk but i have a deisgn for her and shes all goth snd pretty but idk what she does in tje fuyute.
the other ending (bad endging warning!!) is alex (the really unstable and trigger happy one) loses it and shoots up their school. she goes to prison for a long time and max and her friends are really bretrayed. and then they meet in the future when she gets release and their friendship is never the same and. its justnlike really angsty and sad and it makes me sad and i feel like its mean to put them througj that so i consider the ending where they grow up happy as the canon one. i still like the idea of alex going crazy so ill probably make some stuff for that
anyways tjx for listening i LOVE my ocs and i never get to talk about them. probably gonna post them more because of this. this post took 30 minutes to weite
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uuujeewriting · 4 years
you can do it! [albedo, kaeya, childe, zhongli and diluc]
s/o has been going through a depressive episode and lacks motivation to finish their work and is getting anxiety because of it
tw: none, mentions of depression/anxiety, nothing too much. fluffy comfort <3
albedo x gn!reader, kaeya x gn!reader, childe x gn!reader, zhongli x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader
a/n: self indulgent bc i'm way behind school and in the middle of a depressive episode so motivation's been lacking ;-; hope you guys are having a good week tho!
i would like to clarify that if any of these scenarios/hc's of mine are similar to other writers' works, it is unintentional and i apologize
oh? unmotivated you say.. self depricating thoughts? intrusive ones too?
albedo was never one to mope around when he was stuck on some problem he's yet to puzzle together, but seeing you exhausted, anxious and so... dull–he desperately wants to take all your worries away
he's a bit slow, failing to realize your depressive episode for a few days. as it prolongs, he notices how you seem to talk down to yourself and give up easily
sometimes, you don't even start work at all
this is due to your anxiety, he assumes as you think you're incapable of finishing or doing the work satisfactorily enough.
pulling you into an embrace from behind as you work on the projects you've been stuck on for the past few weeks, he gently whispers into your shoulder
"darling, have you been alright recently? are you in need of assistance?" he asks
he presses a loving kiss on your neck and you stifle a chuckle
"it's that apparent, no? i've been under the weather for quite a while now.."
as you explain your reasons and all your troubles to his end, he nods and hums ever so often
"you must be feeling drained, hm? well, frankly enough, i seem to need a break myself."
"eh? albedo where-!!”
he pulls you away from your working place and carries you to the couch, laying you down gently as he smiles at you
"aside from your unmotivated self, i reckon you need reassurance for those intrusive thoughts of yours."
and that, ladies, gentlemen and folks, is how you end up cuddling with albedo until the sun sets and you fall asleep
bask in the comfort of his words as he calls you his everything and more :')) <333
my, oh my. what's gotten into his precious little love?
he's sharp, quite easily takes notice to your frantic and dim self.
he sees you sitting outside, head in your hands and sighs leaving your lips every now and then
unbeknownst to you, he creeps behind you and presses a careful peck on the nape of your neck, causing you to flinch and look back quickly
he was about to laugh at your cuteness, but as soon as he's reminded of your troubled state, he sits beside you and takes your face into his hands
sir we're in the plaza-
"oh archons, why is my sunshine so dim these days?" he pouts
rip u probably after this
"kaeya.. well, you see-"
and as you explain your current doubts and anxieties, he strokes your cheeks softly and looks into your eyes fondly
when you're finished, he nods and presses a light kiss on your forehead, a silent promise to accompany and help you on your endeavors to face your troubles
"i'll always be here for you, my love. if there's anything i can help you with, do not hesitate to come into my arms, hm?"
"noted, mr. suave"
jkjk o r a m i
he laughs and kisses you on the edge of your mouth
"what say you we head into the tavern for a bit? you could use some relaxation, right?"
as if you had a choice other than to say yes
this man would know the second it started
having a bunch of siblings has its benefits huh
when he walks into your shared room and sees you on the edge, tears brimming your eyes he sits you down on your bed
"hey, hey.. i'm here, it's alright."
as you cry in his embrace, he rocks you gently, shushing you softly in an attempt to hinder your tears
"you can tell me if you're up for it, honey. i'm never too busy for you."
"i-it's just that-"
mhm. oh? why, how dare they treat you so harshly. really? why must you have to be burdened so heavily?
he acknowledges your struggles and worries with gentle strokes and brushing through your hair
"you have it really rough, don't you? ah well, nothing we can do but-"
he stands up and leaves the room for a second
he comes back with food, drinks, your favorite clothing of his, a scented candle you bought and some books you have yet to finish reading
the action warms your heart as you sniffle and smile at your lover
as soon as he lays down with you, prepare to never see daylight again as he won't let go for the longest, and i mean longest time ever
"i love you, y/n. you're strong and don't let anything, not even yourself, make you think otherwise."
dearest, must life be so unfair to you? why you out of all people?
zhongli is wise–he knows something is bothering you when it does. that being said, he isn't sure whether or not he should approach you so directly
especially if it seems like a sensitive topic
instead, in your depressive state and anxious fiddling, he calls you over to him
he pulls you into his lap as he takes your face into his hand and kisses you tenderly
"my dear, has anything been bothering you? might i offer my hand in dealing with them?"
you'd think kaeya's mr. suave then this man pops up with his broke ass
"as a matter of fact.."
as you go on and state your dealings and troubles, he listens with an almost solemn look
he looks at you with utmost affection and concern when you finish
"the terrains of life have been steep and intimidating, you have been very commendable for braving through these, my dearest."
he places his lips onto your own and strokes the back of your head lovingly
for a reserved man, zhongli easily expresses his affection for you in multitudes of ways
his kisses being one of them
after parting your lips, he peppers your face with his kisses and you laugh quietly at his ministrations
"might i suggest a quick stroll to take your mind off things?"
you agree, thinking that once you head home, you'll be back to work with a clearer mind
little did you know mr. no money in his pockets got a liiiittle surprise for you as you won't be returning to your work any time soon :DDDD
by 'surprise' i mean he's taking you out to dinner
yall nasties
diluc is a busy man, dealing with a winery and all
along with his night profession (which he has only admitted to you and the traveling duo)
you did your best to hide your troubled self and aid him in his work, but you can only hold the facade for so long before it eats you up inside
when you break, he is slightly taken aback but is quick to comfort you
he sees you shaking and situates you on his couch as he sits beside you, rubbing your back as you curl into his figure
he's very warm
"sweetheart, would you mind telling me the problem?" he asks
he waits for an answer as you're still trying to find the words
"diluc, i'm sorry for bothering you.. i know you have plenty on your schedule and-”
"y/n, you're my top priority, no matter what. my work is nothing compared to what you mean to me."
and it's true, you're really his top priority
woohoo !! :DD
when you explain your anxieties and doubts to diluc, he's very understanding and listens to you earnestly
"-and that's why i've been so.. down, let's put it."
he strokes your face and presses his forehead to your own, looking you in the eye softly
he pulls you in tighter and closer, pressing kisses to your jawline and below your ear
"thank you for expressing your troubles with me, my love. i'm sorry for not noticing earlier."
"no need, love, you're very busy and i can't thank you enough for taking the time to understand me."
he pulls away for a second and shakes his head
"again, my work is nothing compared to you. i am willing to put aside all my responsibilities for a week in order to ensure your happiness."
uh wh a t
"ah," you laugh concerned, "sure–"
"which is what we're going to be doing this week." he smiles
welp. no turning back now
enjoy ur week with the redhead you utter s i m p
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snothing · 3 years
Request: Drabble in which Jake looks through some old stuff and finds a rather odd yet captivating item: a red tunic with a green scaly leotard, a black-yellow on its right side, a black domino mask, green gloves and finally green pixie boots. he decides to try the suit on
I want to apologize for how long this took! I’ve been so busy with school, and I made this way longer and convoluted than necessary. It’s definitely not a drabble anymore, and I added a lot of sibling banter, lol, I can’t resist. This was so much fun to make, I had so many ideas. Thank you so much for being patient, and I hope you enjoy! 
I decided to deviate from my universe, while keeping some old things. Mar’i and Jake are still twins, and Mar’i can turn invisible.
"Go away, Jaki! This is my hiding spot!" Mar'i whispered-hissed at her brother. She glared at him through a jungle of coats and umbrellas in the armoire, her mouth in a tight frown.
"Oh, come on, Mar'i!" Jake cried. With a flair for the dramatic, he threw his hands up in the air. Of course, his annoying sister would take his favorite, top-secret hiding spot!
"Shhh!" she snapped, finger to her lips. Pink eyes flashed brightly at him. "Would you be quiet? Do you want Dad to find us?"
He pursed his lips and looked down the hall. Pretty soon, his dad would be done counting and be searching for them. Still, a great wrong had been committed in the eyes of Jake. "You took my hiding spot! Get out!" he seethed, just a decibel lower.
"Nuh-uh, it's not your hiding spot!" Mar'i shot back. "You don't own it!"
Jake smirked cockily and pointed a finger past her. "Uh, yeah, Mar'i, I do." 
A deep, unamused frown settled on Mar'i's face as she noticed— in bright cerulean blue crayon— the word "Jake" hastily scribbled on the panel. "That means nothing! You don't own everything you put your name on."
He silently raged. "How am I not surprised a heathen like you-"
"-Heathen?! I watched you squirt an entire can of Easy Cheese in your mouth!"
"That was a long time ago. I’m a different man now."
"It was last week!"
"As I said, a long time ago," he retorted drolly. "Anyway, as I was saying— only heathens don't respect the sacred rules of hide-and-seek!"
"You're so ridiculous," she sighed, exhausted. "You act like I broke the law."
"Well, you might as well have. I'm hurt, Mar'i, really I am. I never thought you'd betray me like this. My own flesh and blood— my wombmate--"
"Ew, don't call me that!"
He clasped his hands together. "I think the only way to solve this and mend our broken relationship is for you to leave and find a new hiding spot."
Mar'i stared blankly at him. Jake was her favorite person in the entire universe, but there were times where she wanted to slap him. "I'm not leaving, Jaki."
"By the love of X'hal, you can turn invisible!" he argued.
"So? Dad's using heat-sensing goggles this time."
"Hey, babe," their father's voice filtered in from downstairs. They stilled, eyes wide and locked on each other. 
"Hello, my love. Are you looking for something?" they heard their mother ask him. 
"Oh you know, just for two half-human, half-alien eight-year-olds? Have you seen them? They're like yay-high, black hair with orange skin? Got glowing green eyes?"
"Oh," Kory chuckled. "I think I know the two. Say, are they dangerous?"
"Very. The little rascals will eat all your cereal and blame it on an innocent larva."
"My, they sound like quite the dastardly duo," she mused. "I believe I saw them go upstairs. Please, proceed with caution."
Dick let out a laugh. "Don't worry, babe. I think I'm well-equipped to handle them; Batman raised me after all."
Mar'i snapped back her attention to Jake, panicked. "Go away, Jaki!" she nearly growled. 
"But-" he tried to argue, but her hand shot out and closed the armoire door, effectively ending their discussion. 
Frantic, Jake looked around for a new hiding spot. Under his bed? No, there was a monster. Behind the house plants? Nope, too obvious. In the air vent? Nah, he'd get stuck again. Finally, his eyes found the inconspicuous attic door. 
He was like 90% sure it was haunted. Uncle Jay showed him and Mar'i a horror movie once, and he learned that attics were prime real estate for ghosts and couldn't be trusted. 
It would probably be a great hiding spot. His dad wouldn't expect it. 
The creaking of the stairs interrupted his thoughts and effectively ended his inner turmoil. He dashed to the attic door and braved the darkroom. 
"Oh wow," he said, looking around. The room was cramped, littered with boxes and other knickknacks. Moonlight filtered in through the port window. "Okay, ghosts, listen. I don't mean to trespass or anything. I just need a place to hide from my dad, alright? So no possessing me, okay? I'll only be here for a couple of minutes."
Slowly, he made his way through the clutter, hoping to find a nice nook to squeeze in. A thick layer of dust coated everything in the room, and it was not long before he started hacking. It was then that his left foot hit a meddlesome snag in the carpet, causing him to plummet down on a pile of boxes. 
He let out a rather undignified squeak when his knee slammed into the ground. A flurry of Tamaranean curse words left his mouth; thank heavens, his mom was not around to hear him. "Stupid ghosts!" Jake spat. The crash was loud. His dad knew where he was now. "And stupid Mar'i for making me hide in this stupid, haunted attic!"
He went to glare at the confounding boxes, but he halted when he saw something interesting. His ire vanished, his head cocked slightly. He pulled himself up from the ground and went to analyze the contents of the fallen box closer, his hand alit with a low-energy starbolt.
Inside the unsuspecting box was a brightly colored uniform. Jake's eyes widened the size of saucers. Could this be? There was no way. But sure enough, he found the iconic scaly leotard and black domino mask. Yep, this was his father's old Robin uniform. 
He stared at the red tunic with the utmost reverence; his thumb traced the R. Jake was so absorbed in the costume he failed to notice his sister hovering over him. 
"Whatcha got there, Jaki?" she asked curiously, face inches from his.
He let out a squeal and jumped several feet in the air. He snarled, eyes ablaze in a blue fury. "Mar'i! Don't do that!"
She snickered, an eyebrow raised. "It's not my fault you're not observant."
"I was in stealth mode," he said defensively. He crossed his arms. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be hiding in my hiding spot?"
She shrugged. "Dad found me pretty quick, so I decided to come to bother you."
Jake was surprised. "Wait, do you mean he didn't hear me fall?"
"Nah, I told him you were being a cheater and hiding outside. Thankfully, you decided to be a klutz after he left," she informed him. She frowned when she noticed the betrayed look on his face. "What? I thought you'd be happy I saved you!"
"I think it's funny you pick and choose when to be a loyal sister."
She smiled. "Gotta keep you on your toes, Jaki. Now, what's that?"
Jake followed her pointed look at the costume. He showed her excitedly. "I think it's Dad's old Robin costume!"
Green eyes rounded. "What? No way!"
"Yes, way!" he dazzled. "Look at the insignia!"
"Whoa," she breathed. She fingered the black-yellow cape gingerly. Her head snapped up. "Come on, put it on!"
"W-what?" He gave her a bemused look. 
"I know you want to," she said wryly. She held up the tunic and pushed it towards her brother. "I bet you'd look just like dad."
"Yeah, but..." he trailed off. Honestly, he did not need much convincing. Jake had seen pictures of his dad in his early crimefighting days, but a thought stopped him. "I don't know, Mar'i..."
"Why not?"
"Well, Damian's Robin."
"And I don't want to-- I don't know. I guess I don't want to send the wrong message," Jake answered. He sighed somberly. "Besides, it's not like I could ever be Robin anyway. I'm weird."
"What the heck?" Mar'i spluttered. "You think you can't be Robin because you have powers?"
"Robins don't have powers, Mar'i," he said, dejected. "They don't fly or shoot starbolts."
She snorted. She scooted closer to her twin, looking at him intently. "And? Anyone with a brave heart can be Robin, and as I can see, you have one."
"No buts, Jaki," she cut him off. Mar'i was not going to allow her brother to put himself down. "I like you just the way you are. I think shooting starbolts and flying is super neat!"
"You're biased," he chuckled. Mar'i's words instantly made him feel better, though. 
Her mouth blossomed into a silly grin. "Well, yeah, duh. I know if I'm awesome, you have to be. Now, put it on!"
"Okay, but turn around. I need privacy!"
"Yay!" she piped before spinning around. Her arms and legs tingled with excitement.  
"Okay, I think I'm ready now," he told her, a bit apprehensive.
Mar'i whipped around, nearly knocking Jake down in the process. She almost burst out in awe when she saw him there, proudly donning their father's uniform. "Wow, Jaki! It looks so good on you!"
He flushed. His eyes, now concealed by a domino mask, peeked down at his body. It had been a bit awkward in some places; Jake did not care for his legs being so exposed, but otherwise, it fit like a glove. "Really?" he asked, swooshing his cape back and forth.
Her head bobbed up and down. "You look just like Dad when he was young!"
"What do you mean by that, Mar'i? I'm still young!" 
Jake and Mar'i were startled by the voice. They spun around in the direction of the attic door and spotted their dad: the first-ever Boy Wonder and best pancake-maker-this-side-of-the-galaxy-- Dick Grayson. 
"Dad!" the siblings exclaimed in perfect unison. 
Dick chuckled. "And what are you two glowsticks doing in the attic? I thought we were playing hide and-"
He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Jake. His eyes widened as they absorbed, his mouth agape.
Jake panicked, and shame surged through him. "I'm sorry, Dad!" he said hastily. "I-I was just hiding upstairs a-and I fell a-and I found your old costume!"
"A-and I knew I shouldn't have, b-but Mar'i said I should-"
Jake paused when he felt his father's hand on his shoulders. He looked up and met his father's loving gaze. "Jake, calm down," Dick comforted. "It's okay."
Jake swallowed. "You're not mad?"
"No, of course not, son," he responded, genuine. 
"Doesn't he look cool, Dad?" Mar'i piped up, a goofy grin on her face. 
Dick smiled tenderly and moved his hand to caress Jake's face. He could not have predicted what seeing his son wear his old Robin uniform would do to him. His heart soared with love and pride. 
"Yes, Mar'i, he looks pretty cool," he agreed. 
Jake beamed and matched his sister's goofy grin. He thought his dad would be mad at him, but thankfully, he was the furthest from mad. 
"But don't think this means you can go out crimefighting," Dick added quickly.
"Aww, Dad!" Jake whined.
Dick wagged his finger at him. "Don't 'aww, Dad' me! You may have the look, but you're not old enough."
Jake pouted. "I'm not a baby anymore, Dad!"
"Aww, but you're still my baby.” He gave Jake a quick kiss to the temple. “Now, come on, you two. Mom made dinner, and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees you."
"Did she burn the food again?" Mar'i grimaced. She loved her mother dearly, but she was not the most adept in the kitchen.
"Yeah, I don't know if I can eat burnt lasagna again, Dad."
"Now, now, glowsticks. Mom spent all day working on this meal!" Dick assured them. He escorted them out of the attic. "It's a dish from Tamaran. I'm sure it'll be wonderful."
Mar'i whispered to her brother, "I like when Mom cooks. We always get McDonald's afterward."
"Or food poisoning."
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moe6bot · 3 years
chaeya zhongluc college au brainrot
wowow im alive what a surprise i know. anyway here are my zhongluc/chaeya headcanons if they were emo teenagers in college :heart_eyes:
WARNIGNF!! i think i made a suggestive joke in here idk i just woke up its 2 PM 
kaeya uses he/they pronouns argue with the wall.
he has such a good fashion sense and has 100% ended up in an alt girls pinterest board at some point
dyes his hair every other week
but still has such healthy hair??? how??
also he is black + desi hes just light skinned and has 2c hair because i said so.
he is gender
hes literally the type to go out partying/drinking almost every friday with his friends (rosaria mostly) but somehow has never gotten lower than an 80% ever
because all of his other time is spent studying and crying
poor guy
but they also takes the most aesthetic notes and has prob tutored childe at some point
im talking pinterest aesthetic notes
i love him
childe is cis and gay (bi?) but he’s okay with he/they pronouns
he has a “i have enough money to have a full wardrobe but dont know how to dress” style
but kaeya teaches him dont worry
kaeya would prob push him back inside his apartment when he sees what childe is wearing
now he is also aesthetic
aesthetic boyfriends
so true
kaeya makes fun of him for being white because same
has TERRIBLE grades but they arent bad enough for him to flunk out
hes actually so smart though he just doesnt pay attention in class cos he knows like half the material alr
cooks 4 kaeya
kaeya makes him stop because everytime he cooks the house smells like fish shit
terrible pickup lines all the time
never asks about kaeyas eyepatch because he is a gentleman and its none of his business
xyr also aesthetic but in a totally different way than kaeya 
still has a good sense of fashion though
him and kaeya are bickering 24/4
“and thats why you lost an eye”
xe always gets kaeya candy afterwords if xey goes too far
he isnt a monster yk
xe actually hates sweet things bc crepus is one of those dads who had his kids ask before eating thing sweet
but he loves sour candy for some reason
the reason is xe’s emo thats the reason
so zhongli (the best bf ever) scraps together as much money by the time of their anniversary and gets one of those gift baskets 
yk the ones with the teddy bear and sweets n shit
well the sweets are all airhead sour stripes and other sour things
and instead of a teddy bear its an eagle stuffy
cos eagles r his favorite
diluc cries 
because he is emo
they are genderfluid and genderqueer
very smart and rambles a lot about the topics they’re learning, mostly about cultures around the world
has multiple younger siblings
so. so many younger siblings.
theyve literally never gotten below an A- like how
this reminded me about my C in algebra
im crying now
broke asl 
they tutor childe for money because when childe and kaeya started dating they got. uh. “distracted” during their “tutoring” sessions
ill leave it at that
and with this money he collects rocks and buys little things for diluc here and there
even though diluc can afford it for himself
its the thought that counts
pretty good fashion sense; hes one of those “softboys” with the brown and yellow aesthetic
them and diluc are a 🕯 🧸 ☁ 🪐 🕊 🤎 🌙 and 🩸⭕💉🩸🍷👹👺 duo 
so cute
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solomonish · 3 years
👀 oh fluff? floofles for favorite om writer? pb sweve off brand and giv,,, w a r m f u z z i e s? ohoho
So... Levi's kinda a shut in. It's no secret. He tends to be as reclusive as the undercurrents of his element, and as a result spends a lot of time alone. Sure, he's not ALONE-alone. Reading, gaming, blogging, they're all great tools for entertainment, and nothing says Escapist's Best Friend like a fixation on an incredibly rich, vivid book series in particular. But he can't help but frown sometimes, looking at the way his brothers all seem to have that One Sibling they sync up with so well. Almost like two sides of the same coin, in which case being paper money can be ehhh... less than fun.
Unfortunately for him though, he seems to have been Spotted. you see, there's a certain shady sorcerer who knows exACTLY what it's like to be surrounded by people and yet somehow entirely Othered from them, and well he simply refuses to let Levi spend another moment stealing baleful (re: wistful) glances at the friendships he wants but doesn't really think himself good enough to initiate or nurture.
You see, even mythologically speaking, one of the most documented characteristics of Solomon is that he is stubborn.
The other brothers telling him not to bother? Too bad
Luci in particular threatening him to stay away? Whoops this old man's suddenly gone deaf
Simeon voicing particular concerns about how Levi is strange and not to be trusted?
Oh gosh, well, it's a good thing SIMEON isn't going to be having a movie marathon with him then, isn't it?
And so it came to pass that Solomon (the sneaky bastard) managed to worm his way into Levi's life, and that's why even in the early chapters he's the only one with the secret password to Levi's room. Even though Levi's not quite sure how it happened, they've grown to be the best of friends, and really what's more cinematic than an unlikely duo of protagonists, right?
{Also, just for the record, it's not arrogance to wear a crown forged to sit on your head, love. You are so-ho-HO the Storm Writer from that one quiz, and your kingdom of ice and ozone is cooler than the seventh circle (and probably twice as fashionable tbh-to-tbh. Luci we love you but whomst'd've wears brogues in the year of our lord 2021). Like on the reals it fits so well?? That was so exciting to read?? like YES thank you random AI and quiz maker for buffing Kenna it's about damn TIME. never forget that writing quality angst is an incredible act of empathy, and that art is the BIGGEST snitch. Ya played yaself. We all know you're a quality soul with a heart of gold to boot now, and have no choice but to cherish you 😔❤️} — PB
i was NOT ignoring you i just try to answer longer asks on my laptop if I can alsjfkdf also, since last ask u told me u were in med school, idk what you're going for but the intro to this ask made me decide that if i am ever in the hospital and my bedside manner is NOT given to me in owo speak i am suing
fuckin......yes!!! i always find myself doing this awkward tango with solomon and leviathan because i want to know more but i also don't know how to decide it just happened? but this is very cute! and it works because solomon starts out like ":/ levi....i feel ya dude........that isolation" but then levi pushes him out and he can't have THAT
everybody's attempts to tell him not to just spur him on more tbh
and they have a good, solid, genuine friendship! But levi can't help but feel like this is solomon's way of 'collecting' him (since he clearly doesn't want a pact with him - who would?) and there's a festering bitterness stemming from his sin that is jealous of how different and how easy his relationship with asmo seems....
so even if they are good, solid, genuine friends, this is why solomon can never be his Henry. MC likes him for him, has a pact with him, wasn't really collecting him - so they're all good friends! but it explains why MC is Levi's BEST friend even if he's known solomon for longer
(also LASKDFJD i don't know what to say to that last part but thank you!! VERY flattering uwu
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Susz's Halloween Recommendations Part 2: Books and Fics.
Pet Sematary by Stephan King
Dr. Louis Creed and his wife, Rachel, moved to Ludlow, Maine with their two young kids, Ellie and Gage, and their cat, Church. In the woods, near their home is a pet cemetery with a sign that was spelled sematary.
Notes: this book made me scared of my own cats for about two weeks. I really enjoyed it but that scene with the cat was very excessive.
Sadie by Courtney Summers
The book chronicles teenager Sadie Hunter’s quest to find the man who killed her sister. In alternating chapters, Sadie’s subsequent disappearance becomes the topic of West McCray’s podcast The Girls.
Notes: this audio book is so fantastic, especially the podcast elements! Trigger warnings for Sexual Assault and Child Abuse.
The Project by Courtney Summers
But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire.
Lo Denham is used to being on her own. After her parents died, Lo's sister, Bea, joined The Unity Project, leaving Lo in the care of their great aunt. Thanks to its extensive charitable work and community outreach, The Unity Project has won the hearts and minds of most in the Upstate New York region, but Lo knows there's more to the group than meets the eye.
Notes: a book about a journalist trying to learn more about the cult who took her sister from her. If you have siblings, this one hurts even more than if you don't. This has a frick ton of triggers, so please look into that before picking this up.
These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly By Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. 
Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly By Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. 
But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire.
Notes: a queer witch book with plenty of action and magic throughout! This book is so important to me and I'm currently reading the second and final book!
The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
Long retired, Sherlock Holmes quietly pursues his study of honeybee behavior on the Sussex Downs. He never imagines he would encounter anyone whose intellect matched his own, much less an audacious teenage girl with a penchant for detection.
Notes: one of my mom's favorites and this is one of the best mysteries I've ever read!
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman
On the edge of town a beast haunts the woods, trapped in the Gray, its bonds loosening…
Notes: this author has been involved in some not great things involving being anti semetic (I hope I spelled that right), so if you still want to read this, please don't do it in a way that financially supports her. That being said, I read it before that stuff came out, and I liken it to a queer Teen Wolf season 3 type story.
The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas
First there was the car accident—two girls gone after hitting a tree on a rainy night. Not long after, the murders happened. Those two girls were killed by the man next door. The police shot him, so no one will ever know why he did it. Monica’s sister was the last cheerleader to die. After her suicide, Sunnybrook High disbanded the cheer squad. No one wanted to be reminded of the girls they lost. ...
Notes: an amazing murder mystery and one that I highly recommend! A bit slow at times, but the fast scenes make up for it.
The Assassin Game by Kristy McKay
At Cate's isolated boarding school Killer is more than a game-it's an elite secret society. Members must avoid being "killed" during a series of thrilling pranks-and only the Game Master knows who the "killer" is. When Cate's finally invited to join The Guild of Assassins, she knows it's her ticket to finally feeling like she belongs.
Notes: this takes place on an small island near Wales and it's one of the most atmospheric books I've ever read! The first chapter is really nasty, but after that, it's so good!
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen. M McMannis
Echo Ridge is small-town America. Ellery's never been there, but she's heard all about it. Her aunt went missing there at age seventeen. And only five years ago, a homecoming queen put the town on the map when she was killed. Now Ellery has to move there to live with a grandmother she barely knows.
Notes: this was like reading a CW show. That's all I can say about it.
The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Jared, Simon and Mallory, who finds a mysterious Field Guide hidden in the attic, written by their great-great-uncle Arthur Spiderwick, who studied Faeries — magical beings who hide themselves from Humans using a type of magic called glamour.
Notes: I can't say much about this because I barely remember it. But I remember it freaking the crap out of me.
Fics (all of these are MCU)
Pumpkins and Stitches and Monster Mash by @marvelous-writer
Notes: I told myself to pick one fic from one writer, but with Marvelous-Writer, I just couldn't do it. I'm not gonna give synopsis' for the fics, because you really just need to take my word for it and read them.
too sick for clowns by @hailing-stars
Notes: short and sweet. Hailing-Stars is an icon and everyone needs to follow her.
Vein Drain by @ciaconna on Ao3
Notes: absolutely fantastic and humorous.
Trick Or Treat (Or Traumatize) by @awesomesockes and @whumphoarder
Notes: I just freaking love this writing duo.
No doubts about it by @angels-creative
Notes: my queen, my bestie, and the fic she had to send me the link to cause I couldn't find it XD
And I think that's all for this year! Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!
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001 catradora or 002 marcia and/or septimus 😳👉👈
when I started shipping it if I did: hey adora how's it hanging 😼😼
my thoughts: MMMMMMMMMMMM gay people. gay people in love.
What makes me happy about them: idk just. their dynamic + the fact that they get like. a moment of peace and they're so in lobe :)
What makes me sad about them: ANGST. they have 2 go through hell and back to be w each other
things done in fanfic that annoys me: when they make catra the hyper-feminine one d,jNBDND i can't stand that at all
things I look for in fanfic: hurt/comfort. literally any hurt/comfort. and anything that recognises adora's trauma as well and doesn't blame it on catra
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: oooh i feel like i'd def be fine with glitra canon as long as adora didn't like. die lol but i'm not rly sure for adora? maybe adorpia i think they're sweet :)
My happily ever after for them: i just think that they should get to live in bright moon together doing nothing n having fun n being in love :)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: catra is the big spoon idc
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: cuddles :)
002: marcia my beloved
How I feel about this character: MY BELOVED MY BELOVED MY BELOVED
All the people I ship romantically with this character: jkhKLDJJKKDJ marcia/milo really, i can't think of any others
My non-romantic OTP for this character: marcia and alther :)) but also marcia and silas
My unpopular opinion about this character: she is bi and ace and autistic and also trans <33
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LMS<NCSMKND ummm it's been a minute since i read the books but i wish she'd gotten more time to bond w the heaps and i want to hear about her apprenticeship w alther they r VERY special to me
my OTP: marcia/milo :)
my cross over ship: hmmmm i think she'd get very attached to angella or micah from she ra. or maybe spinnetossa? and she'd both love and hate eda and lilith.
a headcanon fact: she is autistic and she uses the akhu amulet to stim with :)
002: septimus (gender)
How I feel about this character: MY SON. LITTLE GUY. CHILD. NEEDS THERAPY.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: marwick and beetle :)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: sep + jenna!! best friends and best sibling duo
My unpopular opinion about this character: we do need to talk abt his trauma more
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: needs a HUG
my OTP: hmmm sep/marwick/beetle polycule
my cross over ship: hmm i feel like he + gus + luz would get along. don't rly ship them as such but they'd be mates :)
a headcanon fact: sep 🤝 marcia = trans and bi and ace and autistic. also he uses he/they pronouns
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dorkicon · 4 years
starscream :)
starscream :^) im gonna do g1/idw here
send me a character and i’ll list:
•favorite thing about them
g1: uhh what isnt to love...is the real question here...
i love his voice, i love when he pesters megatron, seeing him onscreen is like :^) what kinda trouble r ya gonna get into today little man
idw: im not done with idw yet but phew, the deep layers of trauma really hit home for me. i get where hes coming from by lashing out at people. i really just want the best for this starscream
•least favorite thing about them
g1: umm...oh, i dunno. i didnt like when he manipulated red alert. that really sucked.
idw: ok back to the lashing out at people bit, he needs to learn how to soften up.....let people in...starscream....pl
•favorite line
g1: oh, that one part in fire in the sky where star gets real quiet talking about skyfire, and hes like
"I circled half the globe looking for him. But he was gone."
idw: :^) when he tells bumblebee about his dictionary calendar. also...
"You're awake."
"And you're ugly, Prowl."
g1: oh just the whole seeker trine. theyre jerks to each other, its huge sibling energy
idw: does starscream have friends? i think he and windblade could be a killer duo if they didnt hate each other
g1: starscream/soundwave (the workplace romance jokes are mine for the making here) starscream/skyfire (this one is obvious, i think) and i read one starscream/grimlock fic that sort of lives rent free in my brain now, i guess...can i say starscream/bumblebee? is that allowed
idw: starscream/bumblebee is very good...oogh it makes my heart hurt
g1: i dont like megatron/starscream. it gives me the willies, no matter what fandom it is
idw: see above. also starscream/windblade
•random headcanon
g1: honestly if he ever actually led the cons i dont think hed know what to do. soundwave would probably have to do most of the work.
idw: i think he misses being close to thundercracker/skywarp :^(
•unpopular opinion
g1: honest to god i dont think i have any
idw: starscream isnt as sexy as you guys think he is. im sorry.
•song i associate with them
oh, you know,
part of the reason i included him was so i could put this song here
•favorite picture of them
wow! your mom lets u have two starscreams?!
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(i have several good g1 starscreams but i had to limit myself here.)
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:^) he bought a dictionary calendar.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
So what's Olivia Green's deal in your story? Who is she? What's her backstory? How does she meet Duncan and Jacob? How does she affect the trio's dynamic? What's her relationship with Duncan and Jacob like? What's her 'fate'? What role does she play in the final vault? Does she get a happy ending?
Oh gosh, this is a fun question!
Okay, so first off, when I play Jacob Cromwell, I purposefully leave a lot of stuff about Olivia’s fate vague, largely because I strongly suspect her fate will be one of the last big twists the game HPHM will reveal if they haven’t just completely forgot about what they’ve set up with her like they have with Pitts, Torvus, Duncan, and just about everything else, anyway..., considering how oddly tight-lipped they’ve been about her. But for me personally, here’s what I personally imagine for Olivia --
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My face claim for Olivia is Mila Kunis, specifically as Jackie Burkhart in That 70′s Show.
Just as my Jacob is based off of my late maternal uncle, my Olivia is based off my late maternal aunt, Vicki. My aunt Vicki was an amiable, introspective, artistic free spirit who loved writing poetry and playing the guitar and was always sort of “ahead of her time,” getting into fads and musical artists before everyone else did -- a perfect example of a beatnik.
In Jacob’s words, Olivia was “the most unassuming, yet soothing presence you could find anywhere in the world,” as well as “a talented writer – a stellar guitarist…a free spirit with a laugh like a fairy’s and an appetite like a Puffskein’s…who never felt the need to show off her intelligence, even if she’d likely read even more books than me and she was wiser than witches five times her age. Never the most popular girl at school in a social sense – but admired by just about everyone for her sensibility, her patience…her unapologetic individuality.”
Olivia was the "heart” of the Cursebreaking trio, in contrast to Jacob’s “brain” and Duncan’s “body.” Her motive for chasing the Vaults was solely to help people, while Jacob’s initially was more out of needing to solve the mystery and Duncan’s was because of his ambition to be a Cursebreaker.
Olivia was Muggle-born, the eldest of three kids and the only witch in her family. She therefore often served as mediator whenever Jacob and Duncan got into disagreements.
She was a Ravenclaw like Jacob, but she was much more on the “Luna Lovegood” side of Ravenclaw house than her book-smart, people-dumb spaceman housemate. Although Olivia got good grades, her interest was always much more on understanding the subjects deeply and thinking outside-the-box than getting straight O’s. Her best classes were Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Charms, while her worst were more “by-the-book” subjects like History of Magic and Potions.
Like both Jacob and Duncan, Olivia didn’t talk about her friends or the Cursed Vaults to her family much at all, largely because she knew how uncomfortable her younger siblings and parents were about her magic and enrollment at Hogwarts. She did, however, know all about both of her friends’ home lives, just like they knew about hers.
Olivia is aro-ace! She honestly was always both really amused and really confused by how weird her two male friends acted around each other or anyone they ever had crushes on. 
She owned a toad named Garfunkel, after the famous musical duo Simon and Garfunkel.
Her dream was to work at the Wizarding Wireless Network as a host and/or producer.
Her fashion sense was very “hippie” -- bell-bottoms, jellies, embroidered jean jackets, open vests, fringe, hoop earrings, and tie-dye shirts. Her favorite colors were pink and (appropriately enough) olive green.
Olivia was turned to stone via the Petrification Curse in Jacob, Duncan’s and her fifth year and is currently trapped in the Sunken Vault as a statue. As I had Jacob explain in my Good!Rakepick AU ficlet, when Jacob, Duncan, and Olivia tried to open the Vaults out of order, the Sunken Vault’s curse activated in full to protect itself and, as the three tried to escape, Olivia got hit with the curse and was Petrified. As she turned to stone, her last words to Jacob and Duncan were to run and save themselves. Olivia’s fate is what fueled Jacob and Duncan to pursue the Vaults with even more gusto, which ended up making them walk right into R’s hands.
I do see Olivia being restored with the breaking of the final Vault’s curse and being reunited with Jacob, ghost!Duncan, and her family. It would take a long time for her to recover from all of the years she’d lost while Petrified, but she would complete her sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts and then slowly build a life for herself, working as a host for the Wizarding Wireless Network like she dreamed (though she had to go into hiding during the second War). I see Duncan being able to finally rest in peace after the Vaults are dealt with, but Olivia and Jacob would remain very close friends for the rest of their lives.
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lailarain · 4 years
This is a continuation of this post.
I'm watching Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School Future Arc for the first time.
Episode 6:
Makoto, you fucking genius. Then again, can't Monokuma just make that a new rule if he wants to🤨
BYAKUYA! I missed u🥰
Wait Geko Gahara is what now😀
Episode 7:
Monaca, Junko killed HERSELF. Makoto didn't do shit🤨
It's so nostalgic to watch my favorite dynamic duo fight monokumas with the megaphone again🥺🥺🥺
The way she says "neutralizing demonic teddy bears" like it's normal😭
"Unless you like it rough😏"
Okay wtf is up with Toko's voice
Toko's fantasies are WAY more awkward when animated. Whatever they pay Byakuya's VA clearly isn't enough
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Can Monaca just stfu🙄
"Don't you see? I was HOPEING to defeat you. I R O N Y."
"Leave me alone. G O O G L E I T."
Who's gonna tell Monaca that she'll automatically suffocate the moment she breaks the atmosphere?
Istg those two are SO gay for each other
Komaru and Makoto are such wholesome siblings😭
Episode 8:
Wait did he just say the name I think he said😀
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I don't even know what to say about this episode title💀
Yo why tf does the blonde bitch look like that🤨
Did that peach-haired asshole just-
What the fuck was in that chocolate😀
The bitch killed the love of her life? That's fucked up, man.
Kyoko, we're in a pandemic. Don't lick saliva, he could've had COVID🙄
Kyoko tricked them? Man, what a badass.
Episode 9:
Wait, so if that wasn't an actual exit, does that mean she killed her love for no reason?
The building is underwater? This game keeps on coming up with insane scenarios, I swear
Okay, blonde bitch has officially LOST HIS MARBLES.
Makoto please don't blame yourself🥺🥺🥺
Aoi and Makoto's friendship is so cute🥰
Kyoko's gonna die, isn't she?😟
(No joke I am genuinely about to cry now. She better not be dead)
Episode 10:
Awwww I remember this is when she rescued him🥺
Kyoko really is with Atua now😔😇
"She died protecting me from myself" that line HURT, man
Awww poor Makoto is crying🥺🥺
Blonde bitch looking like he be POSSESSED or some shit
Wait what's that on Kyoko's body
how DARE this blonde ass motherfucker make Makoto bleed. Breathing the same oxygen as him was rude enough🙄
Bullying a girl Makoto? Not cool, Hajime Blonde Bitch
Did he.....is Makoto....
Ohhhh He's keeping Makoto alive because he'll be trapped. For a second, I thought this was a redemption arc lol😂
Istg this guy is SO aggressive for no reason🙄✋
Okay that's it this blonde bitch and me bouta throw hands for punching Naegi👊
Okay I know this scene is sentimental and all but how the fuck is Naegi still standing😀
Okay I wasn't expecting blonde bitch to cry this is actually pretty sad
Episode 11:
I was wondering how they reacted to the outside world so this is cool
Wait why is ponytail girl smiling evilly😀
Suicide? Idk sounds unlikely to me🤔
Makoto is such a marder it's actually insane
Okay who in the literal fuck is the attacker tho
What the fuck is that video and where is Makoto I'm so confused rn
(sorry about all the capitals)
Episode 12:
Wait so is the video that forced the reserve course students to commit suicide and the one that made Makoto go batshit crazy one in the same?
Heh heh spiral eyes go brrr
Shy guy why are you freaking out what did you do
"You need to know the truth. I've liked anime for as long as I can remember" wow what a shock that the ultimate animator likes animation😀
"You're the exception to the rule and you damn well know it" damn shy guy
wait shy guy what are you doing
Did he just say eliminate😀
Shy guy what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing
Okay this is such an elaborate plot twist wtf
Thank god there's a timer😅
This isn't looking too good for Makoto and Blonde Bitch
Why do I like Junko so much
"Get over it, slut. We're dead😋"
Am I supposed to watch Despair Arc Now?
Okay I think it's over.
Next, it's time for the only reason I decided to watch the anime: to watch the despair arc for more NAGITO.
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ato-dato · 4 years
(for the Give Me a Character thing) How about Hosea or Arthur? :)
Imma go with Arthur because we all know about my feelings for Hosea 👉👈
How I feel about this character
Honestly one of my favorite male characters ever. He's so well rounded and three dimensional and I WANT HIM BACK
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Charles ((ofc)) but I also think him and Albert are cute? ( i haven't encountered Albert in my playthough but looking at all the fanmade stuff and pics. I think they're cute)
My non-romantic Otp for this character
I think him and Tilly are really close and they definitely give me siblings-with-a-big-age-difference-vibes
(( I also think he's the closest thing molly had to a friend in camp so let me go cry in a corner about that ))
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Charthur kiss
I would've love more interactions between him and hosea!!! Just them being the father and son duo they already are. Pleas R*. I'm begging you.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Now this might be pretty controversial and people might unfollow me for this but he's definitely alive, living on a farm with Charles who he is now married to. Sorry!!
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dj-mamamars · 4 years
Rebecca Chambers
Claire Redfield
Lol this took me a while but I finally got around to it XD
Rebecca C.
First impression
I thought she was cute and that her mascara game was on point. She was also a lot younger than I thought she was :0
Impression now
After seeing her in re0, I can see how much she has grown. I think she’s a great character and while I’m not super into vendetta, I definitely think she’s one of the better parts of it. A smart cookie that one.
Favorite moment
The end of re0 where Becky and Billy say goodbye to each other with a salute. That’s hella sweet. (Also when he copies her thumbs up move to tell her thanks? Her impact lol.)
Idea for a story
I don’t really have one 💀. Tho I have had different ideas about how to bring her up in a certain fic of mine >:) if I ever work on it again
Unpopular opinion
It’s not a “popular” opinion so I guess this counts: I hATE the way she drinks her dessert coffee.
Favorite relationship
I was gonna say her relationship with Billy but ima also add her relationship with Chris cuz I feel the same way about the two where even though they are older than her they could still learn from the rookie/ lab nerd XD duos like that are always fun.
Favorite headcanon
That she practices Piano from time to time ✨
Claire R.
First impression
Biker girl in shorts? Hell yeah let’s go.
Impression now
Honestly I don’t think my opinion on her has changed much. She’s a really neat character and I love how she’s able to just go into things she ends up having to deal with AND still be such a caring person. She’s gonna protect who she needs to even if she’s yelling swears the whole time doing it XD
Favorite moment
Whenever she talks to a young girl, it gets me. But if I had to pick one, probably when she’s in the infirmary talking to sherry in the original re2.
Idea for a story
I have none, how about that.
Unpopular opinion
I really don’t have any hot takes on her. She’s a good character, just not really my favorite I guess XD so I’m not as invested.
Favorite relationship
Ima say her relationship with Chris cuz come on, that sibling connection? We love that. I wish we saw more of it but I appreciate what’s there already.
Favorite headcanon
I bet she’s good at roller skating. The kind where she ain’t never tried it but one hour later she can just skate circles around you. Not that she would at first, but you know she has the power to do so.
thanks for the ask <3
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rivalhcp · 5 years
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some leon + hop screens
they r one of my favorite sibling duos ever
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