#they really weren't as shocked in the beginning as they should've been
mvrkieboo · 3 days
Old Bloodhounds
P23 | i realised that day that she in fact had two
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The ride to the bar was kinda tense. Mark knew it required more than a few sips of alcohol to loosen Yuno up. It must've been a shock to the guy. Yuno honestly thought of Mark as a brother, so Yuno's heart went still when he saw Mark wearing matching cardigans with y/n—his estranged sister that abandoned their father and Yuno himself without a second thought, betraying her family just like how her mother did.
When they got to the bar, a few shots in, only then did Yuno begin to speak again.
“Be honest with me, Mark—did you really see her again just recently? At that pop up coffee spot she ran?” Yuno asked, and downed another shot of vodka to prepare himself hearing the answer.
“Yes, Jae. It hasn't been more than a week since I met her again. I'm sorry if this cardigan made you think I had been dating her behind your back, but I wouldn't do that to you.” Mark sighed, signaling the bartender to refill his glass.
“It wasn't just the matching cardigans, Mark. You arrived at the lobby together, and she was smiling. Even without the matching cardigans, it looked like you just had a date.” Yuno decided to take a break from the drinking, self aware of his own high tolerance with alcohol.
“She was smiling?” Mark stilled, turning his head to look at Yuno for added clarity.
Yuno, sensing how Mark was taken aback with his statement, looked back at him.
“She was. You didn't notice that?”
“I was busy staring at you—your text gave me a fucking heart attack, dude. Besides, what is she smiling for? We literally argued just right before entering the lobby.” Mark scrunched his eyebrows, messing with his hair as he wondered the reason behind your smile.
“Really? Was it an argument or a bicker? Jesus—this probably means you never noticed the crush she had on you back then. Or maybe she still does have a crush on you—maybe that's why she smiled when you weren't looking.” Yuno chuckled bitterly, reminded of a past when his sister was still his sister, and not the spoiled stepdaughter of a wealthy man she was now.
The same spoiled rich kid he was living with.
Mark froze completely, setting his glass down on the counter. It felt like all of his memory of you was getting warped inside his mind, despite the fact of how much he had refused to remind himself of the time when he had been close to you. Not ever since you moved away to Gangnam.
“Oh, shit. You actually never knew that, did you?” Yuno's smile dropped after he saw Mark going blank at the reveal.
Mark looked like he was having a hard time coming to terms with the information, but at one point, he picked up his drink, and downed the whole glass in one go. After he set the glass back down on the counter, Mark shook his head, realising that him agonising over this sudden reveal was pointless anyway.
“Well, it doesn't matter, whether she had a crush on me or not, and if she still does. She already has two men that keep her entertained now, so—I don't find it attractive to be the third.” Mark snorted, placing his elbows on the counter.
Now it was Yuno's turn to go blank. When a sudden beat of silence halted their conversation, with Yuno now deemed speechless, only then did Mark realise his mistake. Sure, you and Yuno were estranged siblings, and haven't spoken to each for 5 years—but that wouldn't completely erase the fact that you were still siblings bound by blood, so what sane older brother would be nonchalant at the fact that their younger sister is being entertained by two men at once? Especially when Yuno didn't even know who those men were.
Mark winced at his friend's absolute dumbfounded tone. He should've put a tighter lid on that info. Mark dropped his head and hung it low, quietly cursing himself at his carelessness.
“Mark, you can't just say that and suddenly go quiet now!” Yuno hissed, smacking on the younger man's shoulder.
“I didn't mean to say that! Look, me and Y/N were working on our bureau task together the other day and finished it by the evening. Y/N asked me to keep her company while she waited for her ride, and I only agreed because it was getting dark.” Mark explained carefully, and Yuno was all ears.
“A Ford truck pulled up—and it was these two dudes who looked like they were in their early 30’s. They offered to drop me off as a thank you for accompanying her—it was obvious that these two dudes were really close with her and protective over her too. Y/N had forgotten to bring her access card that day, and one of them gave her their spare access card for her unit.
Me and Y/N share some mutual friends, and apparently, her friends have some suspicions that she might have a sugar daddy…I realised that day that she in fact had two.”
It was weird to call them ‘shifts’. They weren't shifts, but in fact tasks—but it sounded shady to refer to them as receiving a job for the night. So that's why you and the crew referred to them as ‘shifts’—because receiving a text that reads ‘hey, we have a job tonight’ made it sound like you were involved with Seoul’s underworld as either a hitman or a drug runner.
However, it didn't mean your ‘shifts’ were any less riskier than actual underworld work—because your ‘shifts’ entailed you interrupting an underworld worker's job. Helping relocating and hiding a victim of Seoul's ruthless loan sharks was playing with fire, and helping the police in tracking down those lowlifes was a sure way to have a bounty placed on your head.
And that's why every time you're out on those nightly shifts, you always focus. You can't afford to get distracted while on the job since the victims depend on your crew to keep them safe. The adrenaline of knowing that those bastards might catch up to you would have you hyper focused and alert.
So when the job was done for the night, you'd crash out, and that was exactly why you were sleeping like a log in the truck's backseat on the way back as Geonwoo drove. They made a quick detour though, ordering some fast food through a drive-thru on the way. It wasn't the healthiest choice for a really late dinner, but it was all they had at the moment.
Woojin was the one that carried you on his back for tonight, only because Geonwoo had been the driver for tonight's shift. When they got to your unit, Geonwoo placed the fast food orders on the counter and took them out while Woojin placed you on the couch and shook you to wake you up.
“Kid, you need to wake up. Have your dinner first.” Woojin spoke in an exhausted tone, and you only woke up because your stomach was beginning to hurt from your gastric condition.
You groggily walked to your kitchen counter and began to unwrap your food.
“What time is it?” You asked flatly, mouth still full of food and some even splattered on your counter as you spoke.
Geonwoo sighed and wiped your mess away with a tissue, “It's barely 1 a.m.”
“We left at 8 though.”
Woojin pinched your cheek when more food pieces splattered on the counter, “Stop talking while eating, dumbass. At least swallow it first.” He sighed shallowly, “Geonwoo stopped for a moment because he was getting leg cramps.”
“I see—”
Suddenly, all three of you heard your door unlocking. When you snapped your heads to see who it was—it turned out it was Yuno coming back from drinking with Mark.
Your older brother froze when he saw you eating with two older men he didn't recognise.
Were these the sugar daddies Mark talked about?
A beat of silence, then—
Geonwoo walked up to Yuno, and Woojin followed suit while you were left at the kitchen counter, your sleep-addled brain processing what was happening.
Geonwoo stretched out his hand with a tight smile on his face, “Nice to meet you, you must be Y/N’s new roommate. I'm Kim Geonwoo and he's Hong Woojin—we live right next to your unit.”
Yuno's reminded of what Mark said—
“You know, when I asked Y/N about them, she said they were her neighbours. That kinda put me off a bit because these guys were really closer to Y/N than I initially thought.”
Yuno shook Geonwoo's hand. Geonwoo's smile widened when he felt Yuno tight's grip.
“I'm not just her roommate—I’m her older brother. Nice to meet you two, my name's Jeong Yuno. The gamjajeon from this morning was delicious.”
Yuno's smile was anything but friendly.
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A/N : yuno thinks he's acting tough but all he's doing is making a fool out of himself like—
also, the normal smau format will be reinstated in the next update y'all, so say goodbye to all these words on your screen 👋🏻
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elssero · 1 month
best friends big sister
♰ nsfw/suggestive, sub!izuku
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bakugo tried to keep you a secret from his friends-he really did. facing the inevitable reaction they would have to you was not something he wanted to face right now.
he manages to do so until half way through his first year in college when he begrudgingly brings kirishima home thinking you weren't there-
it goes the same way everytime- he introduces you to someone and they immediately fall for you. sometimes he feels you do it on purpose, leaning into kirishima as he introduces himself, holding his hand for a second to long when he greets you.
he watches as you bat your eyelashes up at his red haired friend. speaking to him with a tone in your voice that sickeningly seductive. his signature frown on his face.
you do it too piss him off, you know he hates it when his friends fawn over you- it's been happening since you were little after all.
he hates how kirishima doesn't shut up about you after that- your only a year older right?? means he would totally have a chance if it wasn't for the oh so sacred "bro code."
it doesn't stop his gushing though- soon his entire friend group is aware of who you are. they're stalking your instagram during lunch. they beg him to hang out at his place in hopes of the chance they'll get to see you- to have a conversation with you.
he complains about it constantly- "shitty hairs askin' about you again." you can't help but giggle at the scowl on your brothers face- he really does get so wound up over nothing.
it's not like you don't face the same- your own friends all agree that your younger brother is insanely attractive. you don't let it get to you though- you know your both crazy beautiful- your siblings after all.
you tease him about it regularly- "when are those friends of yours coming over next kats?" and he just grumbles- something about him being forced to partner up with some stupid nerd for a project due on monday so he can't hang out with his chosen friends this weekend. your excited at the idea of a new face- a new name to tease bakugo about.
imagine your shock when none other than izuku midoriya knocks on your house door at 10am sharp that saturday morning.
he's grown. that much your sure about- he towers over you now- forcing you to bend your neck backwards to look up at him.
his face immediately flushes when he sees you-clearly not expecting you to be the one to open the door.
he feels silly- his curses at himself in his head for his stupid crush he's had on you since childhood. he's an adult now. a proper adult with proper adult problems- yet he can't seem to hold himself together when your in his vicinity.
he knew he should've just invited kachan over to his place for the project work-
his thoughts are stopped dead in his tracks when you jump on him- pulling the boy into a tight hug as you gush about how much bigger he's gotten- how much he's grown.
he's definitely not that same little boy you knew when you were younger- at least not physically. he's built- insanely so actually. you can't help but wonder how long he spends in the gym each week-maybe you should start going when he's there-
he squeaks out a quiet hi as he fumbles against your touch- he's incredibly aware of how close you two are- your tits pressed tightly against his chest. you don't seem to notice but he does.
you let him go- much to his thanks, allowing him to regain his breathe as he shakily as he asks you how you've been.
you begin to talk his ear off and he's reminded exactly why he liked you so much when you were small. your nothing like your brother, yeah your a little teasing- maybe a little mean at times but it's clear it's all in good faith. your funny, charismatic, easy to talk too and incredibly attractive.
he's in awe of you as you speak- explaining the piles of work your dealing with due to your major, complaining about your workload.
you take a second to look at him- a small hint of nostalgia bubbling in your stomach. you really liked izuku when you were younger- not just because it pissed kats off more than anything when thee two of you would interact but because he's sweet.
he's always been a sweetheart- so nice- so helpful. your reminded of how he used to trail after you and your brother as kids- constantly wanting to be around you- standing incredibly close to you as he shook with nerves.
the two boys had a falling out when they hit middle school- you were never really told why, just that your brother and izuku were not friends anymore- if they ever really were, and you being loyal to ur little brother stopped talking to the green haired boy in solidarity- much to your dismay.
you don't really know how they made up either- all you know is that the nervous boy you haven't seen since he was a young teenage is now in your family kitchen again- and he's certainly done a lot of growing up.
you don't get long to catch up before your brother is storming into the kitchen and physically pulling the other boy up to his room- ignoring your complaints about not having enough time to talk to him- bakugo knows exactly what your doing.
izukus painfully obvious crush he had on you when you were younger was no secret to you- despite not feeling the same way for the boy at the time you can admit that you maybe played into it abit when you were teens-
you would playfully push his shoulder, lean over the back of him to look over his phone- use virtually any excuse to touch him- enjoying watching the effect you had on him.
you think that's were it started- your love for attention- your reputation of flirting and leading people on. you truly believe it all started with your brothers childhood friends silly crush on you.
you retreat back to your room to get some studying done- you work for hours, finally being satisfied with the work you've done for today you decide to reward yourself with the desert you've left in the fridge.
your leaving the kitchen when izuku walks in- he's clearly ready to leave, bag his back as he makes his way to the door- stopping in his tracks when he notices you.
you've changed outfit since he saw you this morning into something more comfortable- maybe your shorts are a little too short for having visitors round but you don't pay it much mind.
his eyes however go straight to your now exposed thighs- face heating up as he trails your body. he needs to get out of there and fast. he can already feel the arousal growing in his chest. he shuffles out a weak goodbye as he begins walking again.
you stop him before he gets to the door- calling out after him. you ask for his number, you know to keep in touch? his eyes are blown wide but he scrambles to take his phone out anyway- pushing it into your hand as he looks away. you type your number in-feeling pleased with yourself and the reaction you've bring out of the boy infront of you.
you sign your contact with a little <3 and send yourself a message too double check that the numbers correct before you let him leave. closing the door behind him as he spits out a thank you and a see you later.
it's weeks before you see him again- you engage in small conversations over texts- complains about your jobs and your coursework, nothing too serious before your made aware by your mother that he and inko will be joining your family for dinner this friday night coming.
your ecstatic as you message him- telling him your so excited to see him and promising to keep him a seat next to you at the dinner table.
friday rolls around quickly and you spend the day helping your father prepare the apparent feast your serving your guests tonight.
you spend a quick hour getting ready- showering, doing your hair, freshening up your make up. your making tonight fun you decide as you do your finishing touches.
it's mitsuki who greets the boy and his mother at the door- wrapping them in a tight hug. your mothers been looking forward to this all week- excited to finally have the pair back in their home again after many years.
it's comfortable immediately- your thankful there's no awkwardness surrounding the long overdue get together.
you settle into chatter easily after the initial greetings- setting in your living room as your father finishes up on dinner- your laughing about old time-your squashed comfortably between the two younger boys, leaning more into izuku and facing him to talk to him from time to time- watching a blush rise to his face when his eyes uncontrollably look down to catch a glimpse of your cleavage.
it's not long before masaru is calling you all through for dinner, you take a seat on the left side of your dining table- ushering izuku to take the boy other seat on that side next to you, your parents take their seats ate their respected heads of the table as inko and bakugo take the seats facing you and midoriya.
you settle into easy chatter- inko flows words or gratitude towards you and your dad for the food and you smile warmly at her- you really have missed the woman.
you divert your attention away from the mother and to the son sitting next to you- he's tense. your shoulders are so close that they would be touching if you moved even slightly words him, you lightly kick his foot under the table and his eyes dart to yours quickly, you attempt to stay composed as he looks at you in shock- you can't help the small giggle that rises in your throat-
you take a look around quickly before continuing your next move- no one's paying attention, mitsuki is nearly leaning over the table to talk to inko- bakugo in between them is distracted by their conversation as your dad looks over at the scene adoringly.
you take this as an opportunity to do something incredibly risky- not just because your at dinner with your parents- because the boy next to you could totally react your advances. you don't think he will-but you keep in mind that he never fails to surprise you.
you move your leg back to his now, wrapping yours around his as you begin a little game of footies with him- he's rigid now- unmoving as he looks at you with wide eyes-
he doesn't move your leg and he definitely doesn't tell you to stop- you lean in to speak to him- almost a whisper- "are you enjoying your meal zuku'?"
his face flushed an even darker red- he's clearly not used to you being so close- the position your bodies in squeezes your cleavage even more- it feels impossible for him to rip his eyes away-
"y-yeah" he stutters out it-it's adorable how difficult it is for him to say a single word- you play dumb, pretending your not painfully aware of your affect on the boy- "what's wrong zuku-? your all red."
your taunting him- teasing him- you love to watch how his breathe hitches and his eyes snap away from your tits and to his lap- looking down in shame.
"m' fine-" he says it with a small smile- he's trying to convince you, he knows your not that stupid. you move your hand to the side of his face, gracing his cheek slightly as you lightly push his face to meet your- your noses being only a couple inches apart-
"you sure? you look like your overheating?" you say it innocently- voice mixed with false worry- you know exactly why his face is so red.
you move your hand away from his face- the other still firmly on the table and your arm closest to the boy finds its itself resting on his lap.
his breathe hitches at the contact- his eyes snapping to yours- the look of desperation on his face causes you to move your own thighs tightly together.
he doesn't answer- so instead you move your hand even closer to him- having it now resting on his inner thigh as you watch him attempt to keep composed.
"y-yes. m' f-fine. i promise." his breathe heavy as he says it, he's struggling against the the movement of your hand lacing up and down his thigh.
"tell me if you want me to stop" it's a complete whisper now- you glance around the room again to double check that no one's paying attention to the two of you- your glad they aren't- your hand isn't seen under the table and you've positioned yourself in a way that too your family it looks as if your only whispering in his ear, you'd play it off as if you were telling him one of bakugos big secrets instead of the light touches your giving his thigh.
you move your eyes to his suspiciously when he doesn't answer and the movement of your hand stops- threatening to be removed before he rushes out an answer-
"don't stop." it's quick and quiet- his voice kept low to not alert the people around you, the desperation in his voice isn't missed by you as you begin to move your hand again- closer and closer to his bulge with each slip.
your hand lightly graces the outline of his dick as you watch hold back a moan- you decide you love seeing him like this- already looking so fucked out.
it only takes a second touch of his clothed cock before he snaps his head away from yours to meet the table- biting down on his hand to muffle the whine threatening to escape his throat-
the loud noise snaps everyone's head towards izuku-you remove your hand quickly before anyone can notice and place a look of fake worry on your face as you place a hand on his shoulder before leaning down to him-
"are you okay izuku-? do you want me to take you upstairs- maybe you can lay down for abit?" it's a show- voice laced with fake concern as you deliver your performance- tricking both your mothers into a state of admiration for how sweet your being to the boy- they give each other a wide eyed look before ushering you both upstairs together- hm...
"oh yes sweetie take the poor boy upstairs- it seems your father has forgotten how badly the boy deals with spice-* your mother laughs slightly before excusing you from the table- you take the opportunity to pull the boy next to you away from the table, hand still rested on his shoulder as you guide him upstairs- his eyes unmoving as he looks down on the floor in shame.
you move him towards your bedroom door- he stops before he steps inside- "w-what are you doing?" he's whispering- as if someone could hear him from all the way downstairs.
you reply casually- "i'm taking you into my room- you need to lay down" he's not convinced when you finish your sentence so you continue- "i'll take good care of you kay'? i don't mind."
this forces him to look at you- he's trying to figure something out- he sighs before he lets you move him into your room- he's gave in- and it really didn't take much at all.
you pull him towards your bed, signalling for him to sit against the headboard as you sit at the side of the bed- your back touching thighs as you face him side on.
"you wanna tell me what happened back there?" your straight to the point- you thought it was going well? did he not want you to touch him?
"n-nothing-" you eye him suspiciously, an eyebrow raised as you reply to him. "m' not an idiot zuku- i can tell something's up."
he can't even look at you when he finally replies after a long stretch of silence "it felt t-too good." your puzzled at this- asking him what on earth he means when he says it felt too good??
his face is dripped in shame as he fiddles with his hands- you take a look at him properly- it's then when you notice a very slight wet patch at his crotch-
"izuku- baby." you take a breathe before continuing. watching as his face lights up at the nickname. "you wanna tell me what really happened when you hit your head against the table?"
you know. he knows you know and he feels disgusting- what will you think of him when you force him to admit he came in his pants from you touching his dick twice.
"i- um okay f-fuck." he can't find his words. "i-i came."
he watches your face for a reaction but you don't give him one, you don't move an itch and he feels like he ruined it- your everything he's ever wanted- for as long as he can remember- and when he finally has the chance with you he's been dreaming about for years- even if only for tonight he goes and fucks it up by being a fucking prejac.
your silent as you move your hands- slightly shocking the boy in from of you. you place your hand on the line of your trouser before looking up at him- "can i take these off?" your eyes meet his and he takes notice of the hazed look in your eyes before nodding.
you pull them down- taking his boxers with them as you admire him- his cock bounces up immediately as it's freed from its restraints- you admire it for a second- he's big- not completely huge but big. thick too-
you stare for abit- seeing the cum from before still sticky on his dick and his boxers- he's getting increasingly more nervous but he can't help the twitch in his dick as you watch him.
"can i touch you?"
his face flushes even more- "p-please" it's nearly silent, only loud enough for you to hear it.
you don't waste a second before your hands on his dick, not giving him any warning as your hand goes up and down his cock- he moans immediately-already overstimulated by your touch-
"w-wait wait!" he's struggling to speak between his moans. "if you k-keep ah fuck- if you keep going so f-fast i'll come again-"
his confession only speeds the movements of your hands- it's as if that's what you want. he doesn't have a second to think before you dip your head down to his dick and take his red tip in your mouth.
you move your tounge around his dick as your hand continues to move along what you don't have in your mouth- he whines at the feeling of your tongue before bottoming out only a minute seconds after your mouth intintally took him in.
he comes ropes there's so much of it that it's spilling out of your mouth and down your chin- his orgasm lasts him a couple of seconds before he lays his head back- still whining when you remove your lips from his dick.
he watches as you swallow him- moving your hand to collect the spilt cum on your chin back into your mouth. he could be hard again at the sight-
"zuku." you look at him dangerously- his eyes unable to leave yours- "i wanna fuck you."
he stays still. not trusting his voice to speak as he fears he'll shout his answer- yes! he wants to say-yes please fuck me but he can't find the words.
"cmon izuku- let me fuck ur pretty dick baby-" he whines again- cock now once again fully hard at the way you speak to him- your coaching him- leading him. and he loves it.
"p-please tuck me-" that's all it takes tor you to rile your dress up- moving your panties to the side as you position yourself on top on him- he sounds pathetic-practically begging you to fuck him and who are you to refuse him-
you manoeuvre your body so your straddling him comfortably- you line your entrance at the tip of dick- hovering for a second as you admire him below you- your stopped before you can move down by a right grab on your wrist-
"w-wait!" he huffs out- "i-i've never done this before!"
you want to say your surprised but your not-you could tell he was a virgin when you saw his reaction to you in those shorts a couple weeks ago-you could tell by how red he went in the face when u started playing footsies earlier- he's been screaming virgin the entire time, you can't help that it only makes you want him more.
"i know-" you cut yourself off with a moan as you lower yourself onto him- he's so thick- he stretches you out perfectly as the slight pain quickly turns to pleasure.
he's gawking beneath you- mouth wide as a chain of noises- moans mixed with whimpers leaves his mouth- he's loud. you shut him up with a kiss-worried about something hearing him if they walk by your room-
you move yourself up and down him, his head following yours to move with you to not break the kiss- he's groaning into your mouth- unable to stop the noises of pleasure slipping out of him.
your fully riding him now- setting a fast pace as you bounce yourself up and down- rolling on him as he hits that sweet spot in your pussy-
he's leaking so much precum that it forms a ring at the bottom of his dick- you thank your birth control for allowing you to safely take him raw.
he's blabbering nonsense into your mouth- "f-fuck mghh you f-feel so good i c-can't" you kiss him again- pushing your tongue roughly into his mouth-
he never imagined his first time being like this- he imagined shitty missionary with some random girl at some college party- he believes he must be the luckiest guy in the world to have you on top of him-grinding down on him.
"f-fuck baby your cocks so good-fillin' me up so good-" he whines at your praise as he feels yet another knot in his stomach- he's going to cum again- he's going to cum into your pussy-
"s-stop m' gna cum!" he makes no effort to move you off- secretly hoping you'll get caught in the moment and allow him to stay inside-
"it's okay- m' protected just cum-" you can still sense his hesitation- you ride him even faster- desperately attempting to force a third orgasm out of the boy-
"cmon baby it's okay- cum in me zuku- cum in my pussy-*
that's all it takes- he lets out a loud whine and you catch his lips in yours to try and silence him-
you ride though his high- not slowing down as you case your own realise- he's crying under you, shaking at the overstimulation
"¡ cant! it h-hurts!" tears are spilling as you ignore his pleas- "hold on for me baby oh f-fuck m' so close" he's sobbing under you now, hands grabbing your waist so hard it hurts- gripping you for dear life.
"you can take it zuku- know you can-" the poor boy is twitching his hips upwards, kisses getting sloppier and the volume of his whimpering increasing. you think he looks prettiest like this.
you feel your orgasm approaching as your pace gets sloppier- izuku is a mess under you, a mix of cum and your slick feeling heavy at the base of his cock- he can't even speak, his mouth as agape as he watches you in a trance.
you cum with a moan- "oh-oh m' cumming-" you crash down onto him, riding out your high as you feel his thighs tense up- feeling even more cum leak from his tip filling you up even more- you dip your head into his neck as you recover.
you stay there for a second- taking in what just happened- izuku is panting under you, little sobs escaping his lips everytime you move even a little, you slowly remove yourself from him and plant a small peck to his cheek-
"did so good for me zuku- gna clean u up okay? gotta head back downstairs soon."
all he can do is stare at you in awe- he's completely fucked out, he has this dazed look in his eyes that you love.
you clean yourselfs up and let izuku take his time calming down- "can't believe i was your first-" your teasing him again- the never ending blush on his face gets deeper-
"m' sorry i didn't do much-" he's immediately self conscious- he came three- no four times and he feels bad for hardly being able to hold on long enough for you to come too.
"shhh sh it's okay baby" you smile at him as the nickname rolls of your tounge. "next time kay'?" his eyes widen. next time?? what could he possibly have done to make you want to see him again?
"you were perfect for me zuku- so good." you take his hand in yours as he looks away from you- clearly embarrassed by your praise. you don't drop his hand as you lead him back into the living room where your family's now sit- mitsuki has a bottle of wine open, thankful that it means your parents wont notice your hand linked with the green haired boys.
katsuki notices though- he noticed it the second you walk though the door- he also can't help but notice the flushed look on his childhoods friends face and you drag him to sit down next to you. hand not wandering from him.
he shoots you a suspicious look as he watches midoriya sit extremely close to you- you catch his eyes and shug your shoulders at him- you'll explain another time- maybe.
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suiana · 1 year
yandere general x traitor reader
"how could you expect me to love an empire who took everything away from me? even moreso the guy who made my life a living hell?"
being the sole survivor of a fallen kingdom was a hard thing to accept, especially when you had been forced to become a slave to the monstrous empire who did this to you. you, a member of a royal family had been forced to become a slave in a matter of five days.
it was shocking at first. in fact, you refused to accept it. you still believed that your family was alive, that you were a cheerful and happy royal member of a prosperous little kingdom. yet the constant beatings, insults and mockery from the victor empire dragged you out of that delusion.
the embarrassment, shame, and guilt you had to bare was insulting. to think that a royal member would be reduced to such a status of cleaning horse shit... death would've been a much better option.
he should've killed you. he really should've. why did he even spare you? it made no sense at all. because why would a war general, known for being heartless and cruel, even spare a member of the royal family they were sent to kill?
the emperor wouldn't even question it! just accepted the general's actions and went along his merry way! fuck, you were honestly looking forward to getting beheaded at the possibility of getting killed off... but the general just had to be so trustworthy that the emperor would allow him to do as he pleases. and the fact that he was from a powerful duchy didn't help either.
and so, you had to clean up shit for a while, sleeping in rags and getting beaten up by people of the opposing nation. it was humiliating. you had considered ending yourself on multiple occasions, yet the cautious eyes of the general you had been forced to work for prevented you from doing so.
whenever you tried something dangerous, he'd always be there to stop you. it was as if he were watching you, carefully monitoring you like a specimen. worse of all! he didn't beat you up or berate you for attempting suicide! he did the exact opposite! gently tending to your wounds, kissing your forehead while washing your now frail body... he treated you more like a lover than a slave.
initially, you were confused by his caring actions. didn't he spare you just so he could torment you? but when you observed how his eyes would soften, how you had preferential treatment, you couldn't help but feel the need to use him.
he did whatever you wanted him to. getting rid of those who bullied you, giving you the status of a servant rather than a slave, money, information. he gave you everything you asked for. all he asked in return was your love. but how could you give it to him when he was the one who changed your life for good? luckily you were an amazing actor.
you played him like a fool, dancing around him like this were all but a silly show for your entertainment. and it truly was. for you were secretly gathering a rebellion against him and the empire. thankfully the empire had lots of enemies, so many were willing to join you. it took lots of effort and patience but you had finally done it. and now it was time for the final act to begin.
fire, murder, death. the plan was simple enough. give the empire what it deserved. you had to attribute majority of your success to the general, really. for if it weren't for his foolishness this plan would've never worked out. I mean, who would in their right mind fall for the one who ruined their life? the general had too much of a fantasy that you'd willingly accept him. so much so that it was a little pathetic.
the night hadn't gone as smoothly as you wanted it to be but nonetheless, the main goal was accomplished. murder the royal family and tear down the empire. sure, it was cruel. but they had it coming for them. after all this was the kingdom who did as they wished. starting wars for no reason, invading lands that did not belong to them... this was merely retribution.
you laughed heartily, staring at the destruction around you as you prepared to leave. yet, one person stood in your path. the general who wanted nothing but your love.
tear stricken and heartbroken he stared at you like you had committed the worst crime. but you couldn't really care. you tried getting your horse to speed away from him. however, he wasn't the most feared general for nothing. within a few seconds the positions were reversed and he had the high ground.
you laid on the cobblestone streets, his sword beside your neck as he cried silently while the empire burnt to ashes. no! you couldn't fail! not when everything had gone smoothly! you tried squirming away only for him to stop you by caging your body in between his body. his sword had been discarded and he had resorted to using his body to keep you with him.
and you couldn't stop him. not when he was twice your size with strength rivaling a god's.
"I... I am very disappointed."
you rolled your eyes at his sentence. however, you remained completely still in his arms as he burrowed his face into the crook of your neck. whatever, you'll just run away when he stands up and things will be all back to plan. you just have to deal with his antics for a little while longer.
"I never thought you would act out. not when we were so in love. I guess... I'll just have to teach you."
you sighed. what was he onto now? he had lost his duchy, his empire and-
"let's die together, shall we?"
he smiles at you, tears completely dry as he brings a small dagger up to your cheek. your heartbeat started to race, eyes widened as you shook your head in fear. wait was he serious?!
"don't worry darling. I'll kill myself after I kill you. then we'll be together for all eternity..."
he continues smiling as the sharp dagger caresses your neck, threatening to draw blood.
"I love you so much, my dear. It's just a shame you had to act out like this. I truly wanted to live a happy ever after with you! if only you hadn't brought ruin to the empire...."
he mumbles sadly, pressing the knife against your throat harshly, drawing small beads of blood that stained the dagger red.
"I'll see you in hell in a minute."
and the world fades to black.
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Virgin!Yan x Virgin Fem reader where he can’t make her cum. Like he has been praying to god praying to his alter just hoping and wishing for the opportunity to make us feel good to make love to us. And we don’t cum. He’s crying from the pleasure and we lowkey just kinda look like 😐 we’re in missionary so his head is tucked into our neck begging a pleading and crying about how good he feels and how much he loves us. We of course say we love him too but when he finally hits his orgasm and whines very loudly right after he notices something…. We…We didn’t do anything he didn’t feel us clench or hear us moan or grab his hair or- Did he… Not make us cum. He is horrified. But we just pet and kiss him telling him it’s ok. We are a little sore though but we did not cum lol.
warnings; sub yan, bottom reader, top yan, top male, fem reader, accidental orgasm denial, masturbation,
The pleasured sobs of the boy on your chest echoed in your ear as you sighed and let your body relax. The feeling of his cock sliding out of your wet heat made you cringe a little in oversensitivity. Your first time couldn't have possibly been with anyone better. The cutest boy at school, who seemed to have an affinity towards you...
It was just... you didn't actually cum. Sure it felt a little achy at the beginning when he eased himself in slowly, always making sure you were alright and kissing your neck as he breathed heavily. That ache soon turned to an insatiable pleasure as he rocked into you, occasionally slipping out of your cunt with his sloppy thrusts. It felt good, really good but since he was also new at sex there was no way he had the stamina to make you actually climax.
You knew that in order for you to come foreplay was needed but he was so drunk off the mere thought of getting to fuck you that he breezed over everything. You were a little shocked when he stripped himself and his cock was already hard and pulsating. It looked painful, that's about the most you knew. Still, you were eager as well to feel that rush of pleasure so you didn't mind too much.
You should've because as soon as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to orgasm he spurted inside you with a porn-worthy moan and slumped into your chest, hands pawing at your nipples desperately. It was... anticlimactic to say the least.
Soon enough his head peeked up at you through his tears and sweat-covered face only to realise that you looked basically the same as you did before he started. The shock on his face was almost cute if you weren't currently still trying to reach your high.
"You... you didn't..." He trailed off as his lips pouted and wobbled. Was he going to cry or something? Your lips quirked up at the thought as one of your hands tangled into his hair.
"Don't worry about it, you can work on it later..." You trailed off, you were disappointed but the starry-eyed look on his face had its own charm as well. Your free hand slid down between your bodies as your fingers slowly teased your lips, brushing against his softening dick at the same time. He jerked with a whine at the ghost like brush of your nails on his sensitive skin but this wasn't about him.
"You just need to learn how to properly please me huh?" You whispered to him, biting down on his exposed neck as he keened in a high pitched tone. So pathetic and... arousing.
"I'm sorry... I promise I'll do better next time, I promise please!" He rambled on as his eyes screwed shut in stimulation, his hips rubbing up and down your hipbone pathetically. Tears pooled down his face as he babbled, whimpering sentences that barely made sense as you circled your clit and arched your back.
"Don't worry, I'll even offer to train you." You grinned as he nodded feverishly, so intent on making sure you had the pleasure you needed, even though he failed this time. A moan slipped out of your mouth as you plunged your fingers into your already sensitive cunt. The feeling of your fingers in tandem with the already stretched walls made you finally cum with a cry.
His eyes widened as he watched you fall apart under your fingers, your eyes were shut in bliss so you missed the tightening of his jaw.
Next time he would be better, for you.
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moljh · 7 months
Boy Next Door
Steve Harrington X Reader
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Summary: Steve lives next door and each night he sneaks into your room but you aren't ready to admit how you feel.
General fluff, mentions of sex, no trigger warnings
Your house was situated next door to the Harrington's and you'd lived there forever. Despite living in a very nice part of Hawkins your house was definitely the worst on the block, compared to those on either side, yours looked slightly out of place. Whilst most had pools, formal dining rooms and enough garage spaces for at least four cars, yours didn't even have space in the garden for a pool, let alone a garage. But that didn't bother you, home was a comforting place for you, although your parents weren't exactly home a whole lot, when they were there were family dinners around the table and constant talk.
When you had been younger you had resented that your parents had to work so much, but now you understood why and since your two older siblings had left for college already, you basically had a house to yourself. Although most teenagers would've used this to have some parties, it meant you could watch whatever television program you wanted and go to bed when you pleased. More importantly though it meant that any late night guests wouldn't be questioned.
Living next door to the Harrington's definitely had meant many things for your family, but one you hadn't anticipated was the lonely Steve Harrington coming over every night to see you. He'd been doing it since you two were in middle school. His parents were also usually working, but for them it was in the city or another state and they generally left without much notice or care for their child. You hadn't really thought about how in a house that big with everything a kid could want that Steve would be lonely and desperately so.
Your bedroom window coincidently looked directly into Steve's room and one night when you should've been sleeping you had gotten up for a glass of water and when making it back to the warmth of your comforter, you made eye contact with him. You had both stood there for a moment, seemingly unsure as what to do next when realisation that you were staring at the most popular boy in school came over you and you dashed away from the window.
The next day at school you were grateful not to see Steve and have to give an awkward explanation regarding their night time encounter because you weren't even sure what you would have said. Though to your surprise later that night as you went to bed once again you met eyes with the lonely Harrington in his window as he looked over at you. This strange nightly tradition continued until the end of the week when instead of seeing his eyes from a distance, you were shocked to come face to face with Steve right outside.
He mouthed something at you and gestured for you to open your window as he clung to the window sill, that you presumed he had scaled.
"What are you doing?" you exclaimed, quickly lowering your voice as he clambered in
Tumbling to the carpeted floor he sat up in a huff "Thought I'd come by" he said nonchalantly as if this was something he did all the time
You stood frozen in place for a moment, confused if this was really happening. Not only was a boy in your room but someone who you'd only every spoken to in polite passing and rarely even made eye-contact with at school.
"Why are you in my room?" you questioned him again
"You let me in" was all he said
"Steve" you firmed said to try and get a legitimate response from him
This became a nightly tradition for the two of you. After a shower and getting ready for bed, Steve would show up at your window and you'd let him in. In the beginning he'd simply sit at your desk and doodle with your stuff, but as time went on the two of you starting actually talking and you realised you actually really enjoyed his company. You'd gone over to his house a few times when people had been home at yours, but he preferred your house.
Despite efforts though he never really offered an actual reason as to why he'd snuck into your room that first night. Though it wasn't hard for you to deduct that he didn't like being home by himself and was lonely, potentially even scared of the vacant home apart from his own presence.
You weren't sure if your siblings knew what was happening while they had still been at home, though they never brought it up and your parents were either in a coma-like sleep or working a night shift.
One thing you never questioned however was that despite the intimate friendship the two of you had, why Steve never spoke to you when at school. You weren't popular so you assumed he just probably didn't want to try and explain to his friends why he'd be taking to someone like you. But you also enjoyed when you two were together and didn't want to ruin it by asking.
"I'm assuming you haven't studied for Mrs Connors history test that's on Friday" you asked over your shoulder
"Oh you know me so well y/n" Steve chuckled as he lay on your bed flipping through one of your magazines
"I'll give you a copy of my notes" you said as you continued to take notes
"You're too good to me"
"I know"
You continued to work through the syllabus some more, when you looked at your watch and noted it was nearly midnight.
"I need to go to sleep soon" you declared, turning around to properly look at Steve
"Ok" was all he said, continuing to read whatever article he was up to in the magazine "do women really wear these?" turning the page to you it was an article on how best to wear a thong
"Why are you reading that?" you rolled your eyes
"Just trying to stay educated"
"Oh yeah cause you wear thongs all the time" you laughed
"One of us has to" he quipped back
"How do you know I don't?" you said before processing your words, which made Steve very quickly put down the magazine
"Girls wear thongs y/n" was all he said
"Well last time I checked I'm a girl"
"You know what I mean… like a girl girl" he said trying to make his words make sense
"Yeah ok" you bluntly replied walking to the window "time for you to go"
"Aw fine" he whined and gave you a hug before leaping off the edge
Although he was now practiced in jumping out of your window, it still worried you every time he did it. You waved to him as jumped your fence and dashed across his perfectly manicured lawn and around the to the unlocked back door of his own house.
Later that week you were surprised to hear the familiar tapping on your window as it was a Friday night. Usually Steve would've been out at a party, he was never usually home.
"Why aren't you at Tommy's?" you asked as you pulled open your window
He climbed through "I need to ask you a serious question" he said ignoring your words
"How do you get a girl to like you?" he seemed genuine in his question which was odd
The two of you proceeded to have a conversation about how he was desperate to get Nancy Wheeler to fall in love with him. You were confused because he'd never shown any interest in her until now, but you pushed that aside and gave him your best advice.
"Just show interest in the things she likes" you started, "ask her questions about herself and make sure you're looking at her…" adjusting slightly you moved away from Steve as you two were sitting side by side on your bed "girls like it when you show interest"
You two regularly talked about the girls Steve had hooked up with, but this time felt different and you didn't like that. You had never thought of Steve in any other way than just a friend but as you kept giving him advice on how to get Nancy you couldn't help but feel the unfamiliar feeling of jealousy brewing… and you didn't like it.
"You're incredible y/n!" Steve exclaimed cupping your face with his soft hands "I love you!" he said pressing a brief kiss to your forehead and leaping up
The moment was brief but you felt butterflies in your stomach from his unexpected touch. Before realising it, you had lifted your hand and gingerly touched your head where his lips had just been. You were glad that Steve had been too caught up in his thoughts to noticed your actions, as you quickly put your hand back down to your side.
"I've got to go then," he told you, moving back over to the window "I invited Nancy to Tommy's party and hadn't thought of what to do next"
And with that he was gone just as fast as he had come.
You were used to not being anyone's first choice, or their second or even their third or tenth. It hadn't really ever bothered you, but for some reason it now did. Steve was your only real friend, while you had friends as school they were just people you sat with during lunch and next to in class, you never had deep conversations. But with Steve you did.
You knew about how his father treated him, how he cried when he accidentally hit a bird when driving or how he preferred the company of strangers to his own thoughts. And vice versa. He knew of your fears, how you were scared to let your family down by being a burden or when your siblings left you knew they wouldn't be coming back.
This new feeling wasn't welcomed. You didn't like thinking of Steve other than a friend or how his clear interest in Nancy bothered you somehow. So you pushed it down and did your best to ignore it.
Over the next few weeks Steve came over less and less. You'd wait for him until late but then he eventually just stopped showing up at all. It hurt.
In class you found your thoughts drifting and tuning out from what the teachers were saying, you just didn't care. That was why you guessed that when a blue car with California plates showed up one morning you took interest.
Billy Hargrove wasn't like Steve. If anything he was the opposite and that's what you liked. You had always been the girl that people hadn't seen and guys hadn't considered and now the guy that all the girls wanted was looking your way.
You knew it was dumb and that you probably shouldn't have done it but you played along with Billy's interest. He was strong, controlling and knew what he wanted, which was something you weren't used to. It was different and exciting and new.
You and Billy weren't dating but it was obvious to people at school that you two were sleeping together. He'd be seen hanging near your locker and would drop you to and from school each day, usually with you wearing the same clothes as the day before.
It was a strange feeling that you were just floating through life and no one seemed to notice or care. You guessed that was why you enjoyed the company of Billy, you'd replaced the emotional connection you'd had with Steve with that of a physical one with Billy. It was solely just sex between you two, but in that moment it was intimate and you were happily close with someone.
It was fourth period and you had a study break, so you were walking out the front of the main building, with the intention of just sitting on the bleachers in the sun or the time. Concentrating on balancing the books in your arms, you gasped as someone grabbed your arm and pulled you down the side of the building.
It took you a second to process what was happening and then once your eyes focused you were shocked to see Steve in front of you.
"Steve? What the hell?" you exclaimed, going to turn to leave
"Y/n stop" he firmly said, grabbing a hold of your arm once again, "we need to talk"
"What the fuck about?" you raised your eyebrow
"About you!" he shouted waving at your body "about all this"
"What about it?!" you replied, annoyed now at what he was implying
"Y/n what are you doing with Hargrove?" he calmly asked, lowering his voice "He's an asshole"
You scoffed as his words, rolling your eyes at the idea he cared.
"I don't think it's any of your business Steve," you replied "why do you care who I fuck?"
He seemed taken aback by your words "Because you're my friend y/n"
"Since when Steve?!" you said "I think this is the first time you've even spoken to me in like three months and the first time at school I might add!"
He didn't say anything as you kept shouting at him.
"You're embarrassed by me and I'm sick of being your dirty little secret! Billy mightn't be the best person but at least he's not ashamed to be seen with me"
"I never said I was embarrassed by you y/n" he said
"You didn't have to SAY anything" you challenged him "I'm not an idiot Steve"
"I'm sorry…" he muttered
You felt your anger slowly subsiding and the feeling of sadness wash over you. Grabbing your things again, you turned your back to Steve and walked away.
"I would've thought you of all people would've known what's it's like for someone to just not show up" you didn't give him a chance to reply, didn't want to give him the right to have the last word.
You felt a tear slowly roll down your cheek and your cursed that your arms were too full that you couldn't brush it away.
As you lay beside Billy, only a thin sheet between your skin you couldn't help but think that his sheets felt rougher than Steve's. It was dumb. You'd never done anything romantic with Steve and as you were there naked, post sex, you could only think of his sheets.
"Do you miss California?" you rolled onto your side, and asked Billy
"Yeah" was all he said, still staring at the ceiling, hands on his bare chest
"What do you miss about it?" you kept asking, trying to get a feeling for him
"Why do you care y/n?" he suddenly shot back , seemingly uncomfortable by the question
His response made you sit up "Jesus Billy, just trying to get to know you a bit"
He rolled his eyes as he looked at you "We're just sex y/n, this is all it is, don't try and make it something else"
"Yeah, I know" you nodded and slipped out of his bed
He didn't seem to care as you silently pulled up your jeans and grabbed your bra off of his dresser. Once clothed you grabbed your bag and left. Leaving in that moment you were glad you'd never ran into or even seen his parents before.
The sun hit you as you walked back out into the afternoon Hawkins air, the sun was lower in the sky, so you'd been there for a few hours at least.
Getting into your car you felt your chest heave and without warning you began to cry. You didn't like the feeling of not being in control and up until that moment you had felt that you and Billy's situation was on your terms. But you felt stupid for thinking such a thing.
It was just sex. You knew that, that's all you wanted. Or at least that was what you were telling yourself to make it ok.
Driving back home, the sun slowing began to descend and darkness started to replace the light. Taking the usual turns, you pulled into your street and parked outside of your house. It wasn't until you were walking along the front path that you noticed the figure standing in front of your door.
He was waiting there, clearly wanting to have a serious conversation based off of the express burdening his face.
"Steve go home" you bluntly said trying to find you house key
"I'm not going y/n" he said, "we need to have a proper conversation"
"No we don't" was all you said
"Y/n I don't care what you said but you're my friend and I care about you," he replied "I need to know you're ok, I just want my friend back. I miss you"
"Steve I can't go back to what we had before, I deserve more than that" you told him
"I know you do and I'm sorry for treating you like that, it wasn't fair of me" he said
He took a step towards you and you stumbled as your foot slipped off the step behind you, to which Steve impulsively reached out to steady you.
You could feel your heart pounding against your chest and he kept moving closer and closer to you, as he pulled you into him. He wrapped his arms around you, his frame surrounding you whole. He'd held you before but this was different, this was warmth and desire all in one.
"I'm sorry Steve, I just can't do this" you said, pushing yourself away from him chest "your with Nancy and I know you just see me as a friend but…" you couldn't find the right words, you felt stupid trying to find the right thing to say
He cut you off "Nancy and I broke up" he said slowly
You lifted your eyes and looked up at him, studying his face, "Nancy and I just didn't work, it just wasn't right" You heart stopped at his words "She wasn't you"
You went silent as you looked into his brown eyes and slowly moved your hand up his chest. As your hand moved, you felt his own move from your lower back and up towards you face. As you stood there pressed against one another, he lowered his face and soon you felt your lips pressing against his own.
His lips were soft as you had thought they would be. Moving with the motions of his lips, his teeth grazed against your lower lip causing your mouth to open. Soon his tongue met yours and you couldn't help but sigh as he clutched the back of your neck.
His mouth was so gentle against your own and you could feel the slight stubble that was growing on his chin and cheek. You were lost in his touch and you loved it. You felt safe. You felt like your were home.
Standing out there in there on your dimly lit front step, held in Steve's embrace, his lips on yours, it felt right between you two. You could've never have known that all those years ago the boy next door would end up being so much more to you.
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lesbojournals · 7 months
Three's A Crowd (Stucky x Reader)
Nobody at the Avengers compound knew about you, Steve, and Bucky. In fact, not even Bucky and Steve knew you were seeing them both. To be fair, you started your…situationship with them both on the terms that it wasn’t just them you were seeing, and that you weren’t ready to commit to a relationship yet.
It’s just that neither of them knew who was the other you were referring to. Or so you thought.
The night started like any other, you were in your sweats and a tank (your usual pajamas) in the kitchen making a bowl of ice cream for yourself. You added some whipped cream to your dessert and nearly jumped out of your sweatpants when a pair of hands met you from behind.
“How’s it going babygirl?” Bucky teased you, taking your spoon and eating some of your ice cream.
You jokingly scoffed, taking the spoon back. “Get your own ice cream, Buck.”
“What’s this I hear about ice cream?” Someone called, and that’s when the smile on your face was wiped clean off.
Steve entered the room, joyfully at first, until he made sight of Bucky’s hands around your waist. His eyes turned dark and he looked at Bucky, who just smirked back.
“So…” He started. “This is who you’ve been seeing.”
You pulled yourself out of Bucky’s arms. “I can explain-”
“No need.” Bucky interrupted. “We’ll be in my room.”
And with that note Bucky walked away from you and towards Steve, giving him a painstakingly long kiss before dragging him off and away from the kitchen.
The whole event shocked you so much you didn’t even notice you’d been making an “o” face, AND had dropped your spoon on the floor.
Your mind was swimming with questions, and without even thinking about your ice cream you left it behind, practically running to Bucky’s room.
“What’s going on?” You demanded as you entered, walking in on Steve and Bucky in a beautifully posed make out session.
Bucky had a small smile and Steve smirked at you.
“What do you mean, beautiful?” Steve asked.
You stammered as you came up with what to say next, the “guns blazing” technique not working to the best of its abilities. “Did you both know this whole time? Were you playing some weird twisted game on me? Are you two dating? Literally Steve, tell me, what’s going on?”
“Well,” Bucky spoke first, sitting up. He caused the blanket to shift down, making you just now realize they were both shirtless. “We kinda figured it out ourselves from the beginning–you weren't being very slick. Thought confronting you about it should come organically.”
Steve added to his comments. “Plus, we'd always been seeing each other. Hard to believe you hadn't noticed.”
“We thought you were just teasing us–” Bucky continued. “...turns out you're just a little lacking in observation.”
It was like a quick montage of moments between both Steve and Bucky flashed before your eyes. The wistful glances, the long touches, the soft smiles.
“Oh.” You were shocked by your own obliviousness. Had it really been that obvious? “I…I uh…I'm sorry.”
“What're you apologizing for beautiful?” Steve cocked his head to the side, almost daring you to look at the hickeys Bucky had clearly left behind.
You looked down at the ground, blush rising to your ears. “I shouldn't have been messing with you guys if you're a couple. I should've realized sooner.”
“Don't be stupid.” Bucky quipped. “You think either of us would have gotten with you if we didn't want to?”
“I…I don't understand.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “We want you to join us. Be with us. Romantically.”
Steve rushed to add more. “You don't have to say yes if you don't want to. Don't feel pressured. But just know that the option is out there.”
You took a deep breath. “Yea I…I think I'd like that.”
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cursedvibes · 14 days
I’m still in shock of that chapter. Gege … why how and why did you think this was a good idea? Also why have one of the last chapters be about some random lore that nobody knew or cared about and be explained by the fandom’s two least favorite characters
I still have some petty hate for Yuuta, which is not helping my feelings of this chapter
I'm still baffled over Gege's time management. The Sukuna fight was already stretched in places were it didn't need to be, using up space with the gauntlet of people throwing themselves at him that could've been used to develop Yuuji, Megumi and Sukuna more, but this is just...so we rushed through Sukuna's end, skipped Hakari's and Uraume's fight and skipped Megumi regaining his body and the entire immediate aftermath of the Shinjuku fight just to spend 2/3 of the next chapter entirely with inconsequential bickering that sounds like Gege is beefing with reddit critics?
Remember the end of Shibuya? The hopelessness, the gravity, people mourned the ones who died, were devastated by the destruction of the city and the many civilians who died and they knew it wasn't even over. Their lives were fundamentally changed and it showed. Here everyone walked this fight off just fine. Megumi tanking 5 Unlimited Voids and having his brain leak out of his eyes merely results in him feeling a bit dizzy now. They do blame themselves at times, lament over what they could've done differently, but it doesn't feel serious, like they really struggle with it. It's just a set-up for a joke. Ui Ui and Kirara carried the corpses and gravely injured bodies of their comrades off the battlefield, being unsure who would survive all this and being powerless to do anything else, but now they make snarky remarks over who was the real MVP...where is this energy coming from? Gojo and Choso are still dead (Kashimo too, but obviously they weren't close), Megumi should be still reeling from his trauma of seeing his sister die and loved ones injured by his hands, and mind you they didn't fight in just some rubble out in the mountains, they destroyed Shinjuku, a district were many of them used to live and were also many other civilians used to live. They destroyed so many people's homes. Sukuna might be gone, but Japan is still fucked because Sukuna has never the real problem. Killing him won't fix up Tokyo again or soothe the international tensions created by the knowledge of sorcerers existing. But all that doesn't seem to matter.
I don't mind the focus on Mei Mei and I think the New Shadow Style school thing is actually very interesting, I love jujutsu politics, we got far too little about it, but this should've been something that was brought up during the Culling Games or shortly before they started preparing for Sukuna's battle. Y'know, then when it actually happened in the timeline. Not 3 chapters before the end, where you establish this massive power house that was never even hinted at and resolve it 2 pages later. Like okay? Why does that matter? Should I be worried? I'm not because I know far too little about this and Mei Mei handled it easily anyway. Should I be relieved? I'm not because I never even know there was a problem to begin with. Yes, we knew you can only teach Simple Domain to specific people, but that could've been resolved way easier than making up this whole issue and it was never treated with such gravity a secret society that drains their students life would deserve.
So this whole chapter was just pointless and a waste of precious space that could've been used for so many more important story threads.
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sex-storytime · 9 months
Her Desperate Love Letter
It is with many different and intense emotions that I write to you about what happened this past weekend. I'm not even sure where to start. I have always loved you and cared about you so much, and you should know that I always will. As you can imagine, it's love that you should never question or wonder about. What happened doesn't change that, and I want you to know that, too. It's just that what happened can't continue. Just because it doesn't continue has nothing to do with my love for you.
Since you went to college and after your graduation from college, I've watched you grow so very much into the smart and handsome young man you are today. I'm proud of how successful you've already become. And, I've liked how you've carried yourself. Strong and confident, but respectful and responsible. It's because of this appeal of your's that I had mentioned to you that you should be careful with women.
You looked at me strangely the times I mentioned this, and until this weekend, I'd always thought that it was because you weren't sure what I was talking about. Now, it's clear that you must have taken that as some kind of subtle tease. That I was commenting on your success with women or something. What I had really wanted you to think about was not hurting them. When you are handsome and successful, you are going to break some hearts, I meant. Now, I realize you must have taken this as flattery.
Surely, this last weekend was something I should take some responsibility for. It was the second time I had visited you there in the city without bringing Roy along. But really, it shouldn't have been something I needed to be careful about. I was just coming to visit you.
I want you to think about it and tell me if I gave you different signals somehow. I had no intention of doing so. Yet, you took me out to dinner like you would have a date or something, and then out dancing. With the wine, it must have turned things hazy for the both of us. You didn't make matters any easier by your compliments on my dancing. When you're older like I am, such compliments mean a lot. And yes, they especially mean alot coming from you. You already know that now, don't you?
Looking back, it's much clearer now. Dinner, drinks, dancing. You're flattering me, and me eating it up. I at least had the good sense to go on to bed when we got home. When I woke up in the middle of the night, my good sense must've left me, huh? When did you climb into bed with me? Your rubbing my shoulders helped me stay groggy and relaxed. Your hugging me to you was probably when I should've gotten up. When I didn't get up or move away, did you know I was too far along? You know I felt you there, and you were obviously aroused.
I didn't get up, and you kissed the nape of my neck. All I did was put my hand to your hair, as if it was alright. That was wrong. I should've gotten up, because it was all getting to me. Between my love for you, the drinks and good time out that night, and the fact that I hadn't been intimate in so very long, I didn't want to move, didn't want to leave.
You turned me toward you so that I was lying on my back, and I felt so vulnerable to you. I shouldn't tell you this, but I liked feeling that way. Very much. In the dark there, I said nothing as you reached under my top and cupped my breast in your hand. Your gentle squeeze and the finger rubbing my sensitive nipple sent shocks through me. Things blurred for me, as you lifted my shirt further up and put your lips to my bare skin and hard nipple.
I was beginning to move away, when you did what I didn't think you would actually do. You pulled yourself over me and got between my legs. I was disbelieving when you parted my legs further apart. I should've had on panties. My hands should've pressed more against your chest to move you from me, but I didn't even resist very well, did I?
I let my hands move to your shoulders at the same time that you lifted my legs, didn't I? Is that when you knew for sure you were going to have me or had you already known? I just wonder. You fumbled at yourself down there, and it gave me a moment to again resist, didn't it? I'm horrible for having let this happen. I remember feeling embarrassed, when I felt you lodge yourself at my lips, since then you must've felt how wet I was. All I could do was take a sharp breath.
I shouldn't tell you this. But, I think I started orgasming as soon as you got yourself fully into me. You were so hard, and it felt so thick, that rolls of pleasure swept over me. Your hips bucking at me, and my sex taking you in over and over felt so sensual and so intense that I had to cry out like I did. You going harder and faster made another orgasm start to well up inside, and I hated myself for reaching my legs higher up your back.
You were panting and pushing so intensely that I wanted you to feel the same pleasure that I had. It was just the moment, I hope you know, that made me say the things I did. I had never talked that way around you. Never had you heard me say the word "fuck." I never would have thought I'd have said for you to go ahead and fuck me. That was crazy.
Even though crazy, it must have done something for you, huh? I saw you flex and tense. Hear your grunting. You pushed as hard as you could into me, as you pulsed inside of me. Thinking back now, it's so raw and incredibly nasty that you came inside of me, that it's actually having an effect on me as I write this.
We held each other afterwards, and we felt so very close. The next morning you were so sweet and so gentle with such a weird situation. I'm glad you understood that I needed to hear how no one would ever ever know our secret. And although I didn't respond at the time, you should know that I did like what you had said that morning about how attractive I was and about how you didn't care whether it was right or not that we had done that. You couldn't see, but I smiled at how you said you would do the same thing again anytime and anywhere. That was a turn-on actually. It still is.
Unfortunately, the reality is that it will have to be that one time thing that happened. Something we will always know, and that no one else ever will. Something we can look at each other and smile about quietly. It is something that I'll remember from time to time and really savor. It just can't happen again, and I really do appreciate that you understand that.
It's good to get this to you so that you understand how I feel about what happened. I guess we can talk about it some more if you need to. I do trust you. On New Year's Eve, I will be home alone. You probably have plans, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it. It's a big house here, and it's very quiet when it's just me here, so let me know.
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h2llish · 8 months
【╰ヾ❝ LOVER ✧„
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ROOK HUNT ━━━━ "i love you" ☆ angst, heartbreak, gender neutral, lowercase intended
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you and rook were an almost unlikely pair, your friends and everyone who knew the two of you seemed shocked when you started dating. you were just so different, they'd say. but you'd argue, in your eyes, between the two of you, you were actually quite alike. your friends didn't know what you meant, and you never explained, even when they asked, so they learned to just let it go.
while everyone thought you guys to be very different, it wasn't unnoticeable how you and rook cared for each other. while rook was known to be extravagant in his person, you weren't, but nonetheless, neither of you were shy of showing the other how much you cared. and that also meant showing the rest of nrc in the process.
you loved him, it showed.
rook remembers the first time you told him you loved him; it wasn't when you confessed to him, and it wasn't on any of your dates. but he still remembered the scene of it all down to the smallest details. he remembered, because it left him hurt. he remembered because of the choice you made after.
rook realizes more than anyone, that falling in love with the prefect not from his world was probably a bad idea, but it's not like he could very well control his feelings. and it certainly wasn't an option to ignore his newfound crush on you, when you approached him and confessed your feelings.
but despite how much it hurt, if asked, rook would never say he regrets loving you, even when your choice in the end was made clearly.
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it was common for you two to meet up after class when rook wasn't busy with science club or vice housewarden duties. usually, you'd sit silently studying or completing schoolwork, happy to just be in the presence of your boyfriend. sometimes you two did talk, and rook always did his best to make you smile.
and it wasn't any different at the time; you were silent as you focused on studying for an upcoming test. (which, looking back at it, was useless as you didn't stay long enough to take it.)
"ortho found me a way home."
he's happy you weren't paying attention to him, focused on the study material in front of you. because then you would've noticed the way he frowned and tensed for just a moment. he forgot, so distracted by the euphoria of having you as his that it slipped his mind that twisted wonderland was not your home. (how careless.)
you finally turned to look at him, and he smiled, feeling his bones begin to ache at the thought of you leaving. he couldn't bring himself to celebrate for you, even though he wanted to, he wanted to support you. he knew how much you missed your home; he's been at the end of your moments when the homesickness became too much, and you needed someone to lean on. he wanted you to be happy. (were you not you happy with him? ── no, you were, but not enough to stay.)
you reached over, taking his hand into yours and lacing your fingers together, looking distraught ── about leaving, he thinks (so stay). you held his hand close, and finally sighed as you placed a kiss to his knuckles, "i love you, rook."
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rook should've been overjoyed knowing you loved him too. but under the circumstances, he couldn't find it in himself to celebrate. because he knew what you meant, the underlining of your first i love you.
"i love you, rook." but not enough to stay.
but perhaps it didn't matter how much you loved him; you would've never chosen him first. not over your home.
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i really should be focusing on my series but i don't feel like it
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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jewbeloved · 1 year
When you feel left out (Stan x Kyle x Reader)💙💚💖
This idea came into my head and I wanted to write about it!
Warnings: angst with a fluff happy ending
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan and Kyle 💚
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You weren't really sure if you were ready to have 2 boyfriends they were dating before you came into the relationship.
I mean you liked both Stan and Kyle at the same time so a poly relationship happened between you guys, so now you're dating 2 boyfriends.
But lately you have been getting weird feelings that Stan and Kyle are ignoring you. Maybe like you being left out for some reason, you wondered if they were upset or mad at you for something. But when you asked them they didn't say anything to you, they just looked at each other before facing away from you.
You decided to ask your friends and their friends if you did something wrong to make them ignore you, but all of them didn't know.
You knew that Stan and Kyle were dating before you came into their relationship. But now you're starting to feel as if you're getting in the way with how they don't make eye-contact with you and ignore you like you're not even there.
You had confronted them when you found them sitting on a bench in Stark's pond holding hands.
"Stan and Kyle...?", You thought that they would just ignore you again but they actually faced towards you this time.
They gave you concerned looks when they saw your facial expression.
"Am I...getting in the way of your relationship?", Their concerned looks changed into a shocked one.
"Huh? What are you talking about (Name)?"
"Well...you guys have been quite ignoring me since last week and I saw you guys were always hanging out with each other...you both always seemed so happy...", You tried your hardest to not cry.
"The truth is...I feel left out....I'm not saying that I always want to be the center of attention...but it felt like I was always the third wheel who wasn't even there to begin with...", You couldn't hold in your tears any longer as you burst into tears streaming down your cheeks.
Stan and Kyle both looked at each other with guilt before they turned towards you again and wrapped their arms around you to form a big hug.
"Oh (Name)....you're not getting in the way of our relationship... we're sorry we made you feel like that...".
"But why did you guys ignore me...? I don't understand...".
"Well...me and Stan were still not sure about being in a poly relationship....but we should've told you how we felt instead of just hiding it from you, we're so sorry...", Stan and Kyle hugged you closer to them.
"You both did seem really happy when I wasn't there to join you guys...".
"We are happy together..but we also still want you.....you're our s/o...do you still want to be in a poly relationship with us? If that is still okay with you".
You nodded and that made them both smile at you.
They both gave you a kiss on both sides of your cheek as they continue to hug you into their embrace while giving you head pats and back rubs.
"Me and Stan were planning to go play some video games at Stan's house, would you like to join us (Name)?", Your eyes lit up in excitement.
"I would love to!", All 3 of you smiled as you all held hands while making your way to Stan's house.
"After we finish playing games together...do you guys maybe want to cuddle and watch a movie?"
They smiled at you.
"Me and Stan have cuddled before, but with you this time it will feel special! and also another way to make up to you for ignoring you last week".
They both gave you some more kisses on your forehead and cheek, and eventually your lips too.
You have never felt so happy in your life...💚💙💖
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I love poly relationships...sometimes I do wonder what it is like to have 2 partners or maybe even more...
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You Have Eyes Only For Me.
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Zohakuten x Fem!Reader [Fluff]
Y/N = Your Name
Synopsis: You weren't surprised to find out that Zohakuten is a rather jealous partner, but what did surprise you is the lengths he would go to ensure that your eyes remain on him and only him.
Warnings: slight cannibalism, gore, "mild" possessiveness, blood, Zohakuten really really wants your attention (I think he's deprived of it or something), you get a gift from your sweetheart! 😊
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PS: TUMBLR WON'T LET ME EDIT THEM WHEN I POST THEM IN DRAFTS SO I HAVE TO DO IT LIKE THIS. + in order for this to work, I made her vampire. Ik I could've made her a demon, but vampire seems cooler (+ I'm experimenting with my stuff) + I think I went completely off of what you wanted or too dramatic + I did not proofread (I never do)
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As far as Y/N was concerned, she was living her one hundred and eighty-seven years without a care in world, watching humans come and go. Having been born during the Edo period, she is quite the experienced girl (little bit of history there). Yet, never did she think she would have ever been cursed with immortality and soon even vampirism. Life from there on out was extremely difficult, with the only true source of food for her being blood instead the normal human food she was used to (not that she couldn't eat it, but human food never made much of a difference), not to mention her fatal weakness to the sun. Ever since she was turned, she thought she'd never meet anyone like her. At least, no one that consumes blood to survive with a deadly weakness to the sun, even after she managed to venture out of the lands of Japan and discovered the western world. But that all changed when she met her dear Zohakuten. The mere fact that he was like her, feeding off of blood and with a weakness to the sun was absolutely baffling, even moreso the way they met.
Zohakuten was absolutely baffled at the sight. "Hmph... A human eating another human?" He had caught her devouring a human female she had caught abusing a child that wasn't even hers (not that he cared much for the human child). For a mere moment, Zohakuten had assumed that Y/N was a human, but that thought was quickly dismissed when he didn't hear a heartbeat and noticed her sickly pale skin. Immediately Zohakuten was on guard as he wasn't used to seeing demons not fear him, an Upper Rank demon. His mere gaze alone should've had her shaking where she stood, but it didn't. He tried to figure out how powerful she was by trying to smell her blood, to sense her aura, and to possibly try and figure out whether or not she had a powerful blood demon art. Little did he know, that was not the case. "If you're wondering what I am, I am a vampire."
The demon boy was initially surprised. What even is a vampire? He's never heard of such a thing! He only knows the yōkai whereunder the ghosts, demons, monsters, shapeshifters, tricksters, and other kinds of supernatural beings fall, but never has he ever heard of a vampire. Is she perhaps a different yōkai sort? If so, how had he not heard of it? Very quickly he soon came to learn that she was a like a demon but stronger, but also learned that it depends on how powerful one is reborn as one. Unlike demons, who simply feed to get stronger and can only hope to survive once given a portion of Muzan's impossibly poisonous blood, a vampire gets stronger with age. While feeding off of humans does contribute to their strength, it is age that truly is the main factor in their strength. Needless to say, it was a shock, especially when he realised that she was far more powerful than him after her display of power. Zohakuten even had a slight newfound respect for the girl he met. As they would would converse further, he would very slowly begin to grow fond of the girl. Eventually, they'd become lovers, a fact that was quite surprising for even himself and the other clones.
"He's nothing but-" "A mere friend? How many times have you told me that lie, woman?" Y/N sighed and smiled softly at Zohakuten's jealousy. She was not surprised in the slightest when the boy began displaying jealous tendencies, especially when she was around other males or would give anyone or anything more attention than him. Zohakuten only became more possessive over his lover he found out that she had quite a few male friends and always did everything in his power to keep her attention on him and only on him. However, she wouldn't bat an eye at any of his jealous antics, only viewing them as cute and loving. "Why do you lie to me, woman? Why do you let other men stare at you the way I do?" The demon boy continues to go off about how only he is worthy of gazing upon her beauty and how only he is worthy of her love, pacing back and forth and snapping at the smallest things. She couldn't help but laugh. "I don't want to see him around you anymore..." Zohakuten mumbled with his arms crossed over his chest as he rested atop a tree branch. "Oh yeah? And what will you do if he keeps staying around me?" His lover teased with a small smirk. She wasn't aware just how far Zohakuten was willing to go in order for her attention to remain on him. He was supposed to be the one under the spotlight in her eyes and have her gaze upon him with awe and love because only he was worthy of that from her. Not anyone else. In response, Zohakuten fiercely glared at her and expressed his displeasure without saying a word. Y/N getting the hint, stopped her teasing and beckoned the demon boy over, which he did not think to refuse for even a moment. For the rest of the day until nightfall, they would remain close to each other (rather, Zohakuten would stick to her like gum) in her mansion, cuddling and laying in bed (you're a vampire bro and you've lived for 187 years, you gotta at least be rich by now).
At nightfall, you both prepared to leave the mansion and go hunt for food. "Alright, my darling, you know the usual. I'll be back in two hours." Says Y/N before giving Zohakuten a peck on his cheek and a warm, or in their case, cold hug, which he responds to with a simple grunt and huff. "Oh and Hachi! Please make sure that any passing slayers are killed for me. You know I hate it when those pests roam my premises. Thank you!" Her ever so loyal butler gives a small bow before nodding and opening the windows so she could fly out of the residence. "Of course, mistress. Any and all slayer vermins will be disposed of." Y/N smiles at the tall, lanky man before swiftly jumping out the window and flying off. Zohakuten does not follow however, and only watches as she flies away before he side eyes the butler. "In the city not too far from this private residential property, master." Zohakuten grunts in response, but does not leave yet, Hachi still had one more thing to tell him. "His name?" "Fairly easy to remember since he's a foreigner. I believe it's 'Lucian'." Just the mere mentioning of the friend's name gets a rise out of Zohakuten which the butler is not oblivious to and neither is Y/N. "Very well. Your efforts are appreciated." Zohakuten says one final time before jumping out of the window. Now, what could have led Y/N's ever so loyal servant to have gone behind her back and collect the information of someone she trusts? Simple really. Both Hachi and Zohakuten share a similar distaste for the man. His boastful behavior plays a main role in their disdain for him and so does their distrust. Hachi simply feels as if one day, his mistress will get betrayed and be exposed to dangerous vampire hunters in the west. Zohakuten's reasons? Pure unadulterated jealousy. But exactly did his jealousy emerge at such a severe rate? Well...
Right from the moment he first met this bastard (a vampire similar to both Y/N and him in physical age), Zohakuten utterly despised him. The young man blatantly disrespected him by completely ignoring his existence and bragged about nothing but himself while making subtle moves at Y/N. Much as he have wanted to shut up the 'gentleman' himself, Zohakuten decided to play nice and remain well-behaved for his lover's sake since he had found out that they are business partners, and business is something he is no stranger to. The entire day was nothing but business talk and attending opulent places with the generic entertainment similar to humans, one of which Lucian was the main event. It was all going well and he almost enjoyed himself (when he ignored Lucian). But when she blew that kiss to that man, every bit of patience and rationality left him. He knew it was all for show really... Well, the clones had discussed Zohakuten's jealousy and that he had trouble controlling it, and they were right, he did, and Zohakuten was very aware of that. But Y/N herself confirmed that she had eyes only for him. He had every right to get angry! (Gore ahead!)
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So that's why he's here. Torturing Lucian, stabbing his soft skin with his bone-like daggers and taking pleasure in consuming the blood escaping the poor man's body. "It amuses me how you actually thought that you would live after trying to steal my lady's attention from me. That you thought you would live without consequence when you tried to steal the spotlight that so rightfully belongs to me and me alone." The demon boy sneers. It pleases him to see in how much agonising pain Lucian is. That's what happens when you try to steal his spotlight. With sharp nails, Zohakuten slashes the man's face, blinding him before digging them deep into his chest where his heart lies, all while Lucian howled in pain. "Your heart would make the perfect gift for my darling." And just like that, he rips the heart out of the vampire and in the blink of an eye, backhanded his head off of his body. Being one of the weaker vampires, beheading him means instant death. "I would have preferred torturing you longer, but I have a date tonight and I don't like to be keep my darling waiting." Zohakuten is not one for wasting time, much like Sekido, especially when it has anything to do with getting to spend time with Y/N. All in all, he's glad the nuisance is finally dead as he should be all who dare to fight for Y/N's love.
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After not bothering to clean up the mess Zohakuten had made in Lucian's home, he left and went back to the mansion to prepare himself for his date. With haste he ran back to her home and practically barged inside of their shared room through the windows before quickly moving to the closet to get himself dressed. Meanwhile, outside of their room, two knocks could be heard until eventually Hachi's voice rang out, muffled by the closed doors. "My Lord, I believe it is your date night with my mistress. I have acquired you a custom-made attire which I'm certain will get Lady Y/N to swoon over you." Zohakuten freezes amidst dressing himself in the outfit he had initially chosen before quickly opening the door by a bit, as he pulled his black cotton singlet down his toned waist (but why is he so well-built for like, idk, a 13 year old?-). "I don't remember ever having requested a custom-made outfit be tailored for me." He assumed this was some sort of trick since he was well aware that Hachi can be a rather protective servant. He had a rough start with him after all. "You didn't. I did. Please, try this on, my Lord." Hachi said, handing Zohakuten the attire he had chosen for him to wear. Within a few seconds, Zohakuten was dressed and checking himself in the mirror, taking in all the details of the tailored clothing. No less than a minute later, he walks out of the room seeming quite proud and satisfied as he adjusted the accessories in his hair to his liking and nodded in satisfaction at Hachi. "You will have her fall in love with you all over again." "I know." Both Hachi and Zohakuten look at each other in silence for a prolonged moment, before cracking a few smiles at each other. "I believe you are ready, my Lord." Zohakuten nodded in acknowledgement before simply walking with Hachi around the mansion as they await Y/N's return. About a quarter of an hour later, both gentlemen hear the windows open and the flapping of her batwings before the shifting of her clothes after she transforms. From the looks of it, Y/N was already dolled up and waiting for Zohakuten. "Dearest! I'm home and ready!" With a nod towards Hachi, Zohakuten approaches Y/N with his usual expression, taking in every little detail of her and her attire. "... You look good." The demon boy mumbles quietly with crossed arms and averting his gaze to prevent her from seeing his barely visible blush. Y/N on the other hand, was exactly what Hachi had told Zohakuten. Her eyes were practically sparkling (in a figurative sense) at the sight of him, cheeks had gained a red tint, and suddenly she was speechless. "Well... You look handsome." She complimented him with a proud smile. "We'll be going, Hachi." The girl says waving off to the butler, who nods in response, as she drags Zohakuten by the arm towards the main entrance. Outside of the residence, their escort awaited, the chauffeur holding the door to the car open for them to enter. "My (optional: best) friend-" Zohakuten immediately side-eyed her at the mentioning of a 'friend' to which Y/N quickly corrected herself. "Female (best) friend, has reserved us a special spot. She set the place up and made it look a little extra just for us." She says, giving a half-surpressed laugh at his side-eye before entering the vehicle with him. "She knows about this?" "She owed me." "Hm..." He seemed rather pleased by that fact. Initially he thought the place would be some stupid human place, but he is pleased to know that it in fact is not.
The drive to the designated location was about a forty-five minutes. When they arrived, he was impressed by its appearance. Having lived for over two centuries, he it isn't often you get to impress a demon like him, especially not an Upper Moon demon. He waits for his dear to exit the vehicle while holding out his arm for her to coil hers around, keeping his head low at his rather soft and loving behavior towards her. He's always disliked the fact that he was so soft for her but liked it at the same time. Once Y/N got out and joined Zohakuten, the pair entered the place. Zohakuten, surprised by it's opulence and was the human style of entertainment (think of the 50's, a big stage with a jazz band performing on the side, something you see in like the voice or Jimmy Fallon, but a lot bigger. I believe it's called a supper theatre?), though didn't mind it very much, was pleased with what he saw. In fact, he almost enjoyed it. Soon enough, they were approached by a waiter, who quickly led them to their reserved spot. The area was very nice and even Zohakuten had to admit that he was impressed while Y/N fawned and thanked her friend who had been awaiting their presence from afar, flashing her a quick thumbs up which was met with a wink from her. The area that her friend had reserved for them was a place near a balcony where the moon shined on them at just right and was visible at the perfect angle. The area was decorated with what appeared to be real, small hedges decorated with beautiful flowers, with a wine stand not too far from the hedges. From first impressions alone, Zohakuten was actually impressed and thinks he was going to have a good time. Soon, they were again approached by a waiter, but unlike the others, she was dressed a bit more formally. Y/N would gasp softly at realising that it was her friend who had approached her and Zohakuten knew it too from her physical age build (the same as them).
"Good evening, I will be dining you tonight on this fine evening. Here are your menus with our finest meals. Please take your time to order." And with that she turned around and left, swiftly eyeing and smirking at Y/N in the process which Zohakuten didn't miss. Once she was gone completely, he looked at Y/N before speaking. "Your friend is... something." Though he meant that in a positive way. "She wants nothing to go wrong so she's doing it herself." "A smart move on her part." He remarked, appreciating her friend's diligence. "I do hope there are meals more befitting for my stomach and-" He stopped speaking when he noticed that his menu indeed had not a trace of human food or drinks. All of what he saw were human and animal flesh alike with blood and even blood from different species. "From the looks of your face, I can tell she had been working quite hard to make this perfect." The girl chuckles before looking down at her menu. "And I say the results were certainly worth the effort." He responds before putting down the menu, having already made up his mind with what he wants. "Clearly." She too puts down her menu, having decided what she wants as well. "So... I hope-" "Yes, I am having a great time. Thank you for asking." He cut her off, immediately looking up at her with a less scornful expression. "... Everything is better with you." He mumbles quietly though never breaking eye contact. "I can tell..." Just then, her friend returns to take the pair's orders which again ends with her winking at Y/N and silently teasing her (which again, is not something Zohakuten missed). As their meals were being prepared, Zohakuten and Y/N had a pleasant conversation not relating to anything really as they hopped from topic to topic. Once their meals returned, they politely expressed their gratitude (surprising considering it's Zohakuten) before they began eating, with Zohakuten having a wine glass filled blood and Y/N simple wine. They both ate in silence, occasionally speaking and laughing, while enjoying their time. The place was rather noisy, though not too much, but quickly quieted down at the music that began playing on stage. Zohakuten obviously was unaware of the western style of music, seeing as he never indulged on human activities. Y/N however, was not unaware and immediately recognised the song by the melody alone.
"A song like this is something to dance to, dear." Y/N remarks as she continued to eat her nearly finished food. Zohakuten on the other hand, who had already finished, scoffed and looked to the side. "I am not dancing." The mere thought of it had left the demon boy rather embarrassed. Why would he ever indulge om such a human activity? He's only here on a date! Not a dance party of some sort... When she finished, she got up and adjusted her clothes before holding out a hand for him to grab. "Come on." He refused. There was no way he would go dance! The mere idea is very stupid! But Y/N didn't listen.
"Over and over I keep going over the world we knew! Once when you walked beside me."
She simply dragged him up to his feet and led him to a more secluded area with just the right setting. "Follow my lead..." With one hand at his shoulder and the other holding his hand, his free hand on her waist, she begins to gently sway with him from side-to-side. He unfortunately has no choice but to go along with it, though somehow, it didn't seem as bad. It was pleasant...
"That inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew. When we too were in love."
Yes, it was... He got to appreciate the beauty he has the privilege of calling his lover in such a calming way. Dancing under the moonlight as if this were some love story between inseparable lovers. Her eyes, her lips, her nose... Her face. Everything was perfect in his eyes. Maybe this dance wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"And every bright neon sign turned into stars. And the sun and the moon seemed to be ours!"
And they continued to dance along to the song. Zohakuten was actually smiling, his expression softer than it ever was as he danced with his lover, swaying gently to the melody of the song. This was his perfect scenario and he didn't even know it. When the song reached it's climax and they slowly came to a stop, he was more than shocked to feel something other than scorn. This boy was so in love that he didn't realise it. "I'd like to give you something..." He says, pulling out a neatly wrapped box and handing it to her. To her surprise, it was a heart, though she it didn't take long for her to guess who's heart that was. "Oh, Zoha..." Y/N chuckled softly before simply devouring the heart right then and there. He couldn't help but laugh at the rather gruesome yet comical display. The pair stayed for dessert and enjoyed the entertainment, until eventually, they left for home.
Eventually, when they arrived, they were surprised to see they had company. Well, Zohakuten was rather surprised to see she had company especially when she was suddenly tackled by a girl he had never met and was talking to his dear as if she were hers. He hated that. Turns out, she was just here to give a gift for new years, even though it was incredibly late. The ladies didn't chat long and soon, the other woman left for her own home. Meanwhile, Zohakuten was seething at what he had just witnessed, though remained composed and simply walked up the stairway up to the entrance towards the mansion. He sighed in relief once they were both inside the dark residence with Hachi awaiting them at the lobby. "Master, Mistress." They both greeted him, before Y/N dismissed him and continued on to the balcony upstairs. Hachi however, had observed Zohakuten's jealousy and couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself, knowing that he would get teased for it by his mistress. Once they reached the balcony she unsurprisingly immediately started. "You're jealous..." Zohakuten of course denied it, simply stating that he doesn't appreciate having people close to his dear. "I'm not. I just don't appreciate seeing other people so close to you." The demon boy mumbles while crossing his arms, though even he knew he was lying through his teeth with that reply. The girl chuckled and came up came up to him, gently leaning on his shoulder as she looked out towards the beautiful moon. "You are so jealous." He always makes his jealousy so obvious with his sour mood anyways and she knew that. Zohakuten meanwhile, was already explaining that he's not jealous, angrily (and flusteredly) saying that he just doesn't like unexpected visits and so on. She simply shut up him up with a sudden click that reached both their ears. He was surprised to suddely hear the same song that played at their date and even more so when she approached him and gently began to sway with him again.
"Just admit that you're jealous."
"... Fine... I am."
"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"
"Tsk... Shut up."
He hated the fact that he just admitted to her that he was in fact jealous, but that in turn finally got him the time with just himself and Y/N he so wished for. And perhaps he did like dancing and was just too embarrassed to admit it. That seems to be the case as he gently goes along with her as if they were at some ball with just each other, twirling away at the music under the moonlight.
"Now over and over I keep going over the world we knew! Days when you used to love me...!"
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I feel like a fumbled at the end, but I was running out of ideas. Anyways, enjoy the music that suddenly gave me this idea and really fits this situation.
P.s: there is a Frank Sinatra song that gave me a really evil idea so be aware 😈 + I made a reference to two specific characters of kny, can you guess who they are? 😉
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yugi-akari01 · 11 months
He always said he liked nice girls. It was his type after all. Almost everytime he sees a pretty and kind looking girl, he goes ahead, flirt with her, hook up with her, you name it. Of course they couldn't resist him. No one could since he's literally the definition of "good looking" and he knows it. Both men and women fawn over him because of his looks and the fortune he makes. He was so confidently sure he could get anyone he wants.
But then you came, and just like that, everything's changed. Don't get him wrong — you're a nice person, he got to see the kindness in you eventually. But that wasn't the reason why he liked you.
Because the first impression you made on him kinda insulted him if he were to be asked. It wasn't your fault though, it was his to begin with because the moment you two first met his immediate reaction was to flirt with you.
He said you were beautiful.
The most prettiest girl he had ever met. And you would have been flattered, really, a tall and handsome man telling you you're beautiful — only if he weren't invading your personal space. He was getting "too close" to your face and it made you slightly uncomfortable. His arm that had rested on your shoulder didn't help either.
You tried telling him. Tried to be civil at least. But you were already loosing your patience when you noticed how he just kept on ignoring your words and bothered looks. Then out of nowhere he started to talk about himself. About how he was pretty strong, makes more bank a day than you'll ever do in a year, and how he was so handsome that your lucky he showed interest in you. And naturally that made you feel annoyed, so you decided to give him a piece of your mind.
He was shocked to say the least. No one has ever rejected him before.
They couldn't. Because how could they?
But you did.
You rejected him. Told him off, and didn't fail to let him know that he was an arrogant idiot that you'll never be interested in, and that he should've taken the hint so that he could go frick himself. (Yes, your polite enough not to curse him even when mad, that's how great you are :) )
After that exchange he was left even more intrigued by you. In his point of view you were so sassy that time, and he even dare say cute. You managed to hurt his ego and put him in his place.
But that's what he liked about it.
What he liked about you.
Even though he was rightfully offended by you spitting facts — He liked that you had it in you to diss him. He liked that you didn't fall for him so easily. He liked that you were just so interesting enough to catch his full attention.
And that was the day he started feeling more attracted to you.
Note: Hello this is my first time writing a story and posting it. It's also not proofread btw so if there are any grammatical errors or spelling errors that's on me, sorry, my bad. 😅
Peace out ✌️
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viburnt · 10 months
hello!! I'd like to request "I just need a chance!" with pro-hero! katsuki who's kind of a dick to his secretary who has had for a few years, he's always rude, loud, and brash because well...he's katsuki but he's waaay worse with her because he's trying to mask his feelings for her and she gets fed up with her attitude and tries quitting angst with a happy ending please and thank you 💝
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I got carried away with this one a little and it turned longer than expected, I had so much fun! I hope you enjoy it, Anon!
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 || 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
—The hell you mean you are quitting?— Bakugo asked as your shaky hands held the resignation form, your body stiff like a deer facing a wolf.
You had been his secretary for almost a full year, and even though you'd lasted more than your predecessor, the way your boss treated you had finally gotten under your skin.
"It's fairly common for Dynamight to be strict with his employees," you were told before adventuring to the agency for the first time; you weren't warned whatsoever about how caustic the blond could get with his belittling comments and snarky remarks—especially when he was targeting them at you.
—I- I just got a better offer, sir.— The man heard you utter, leaving his desk to walk up to you. He took the paper sheet from your hands to read it, quickly deciding to discard it into the shredder.
He looked at you up and down, making you feel small.
Why did he always have to make you feel like that lately?
—And who is precisely trying to steal my assistant?— His husky voice asked, sending shivers down your spine. You averted your eyes from him to avoid giving away you were lying, still not having the guts to tell him it was his fault you were leaving your job.
—It's a small company, they are starting to grow.— Your voice meekly answered, praying that he wouldn't tell you were making up an excuse.
Perhaps you should've lied a little better than that.
—Isn't the money I pay you enough?— He asked, lifting your chin with his calloused fingers. You hated how even when you despised him during work hours, your heart would skip a beat whenever he talked like that.
"This cute bastard!" You thought, fighting back the warmth creeping into your cheeks.
—You are terrible at pretending, you know?— He sardonically whispered in your ear. —If you want to go, give me the real reason. I'm not letting you go until then, nerd. —You heard him taunt, and just like a switch, all the anger that had cramped inside you burst.
Your face contorted into a frown that Bakugo could only describe as cute, clenching your fists with intensity. "Feisty," he thought as you looked at him with vexation.
—Fine! You are always scolding me in front of other people like I'm some sort of idiot! A-and you keep treating me like a fucking baby! I know how to use a damn printer-
Bakugo heard your little rant begin, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on his desk. "Have I pushed her around too much?" He wondered, noticing your distress. If he was honest with himself, he didn't mean to be so harsh on you; he just wanted that stupid fuzzy feeling you gave him to disappear.
With a flustered face, he decided to say one particular phrase you'd never imagine to hear, interrupting your fit of office rage.
—I'm sorry if I've been too hard on you.— He apologized, letting go of your face. —It's just- your stupid face always makes me say lame stuff and all.—
Your eye twitched in annoyance.
—Huh? My stupid face? What the- You were about to snap, interrupted by Bakugo's stern voice.
—What I'm trying to say is that I like you, you dumb ass dork. I've been trying hard to get rid of this shitty corny feeling for months now!— He yelled, not caring if the entire office heard him (not like they could say a word about it). —If you want to quit, fine, do so. I've been a bastard with you for months.
Your mouth dropped in shock, eyes wide at the confession. "Did he really just say he...likes me?" You thought your heart beat grew faster. It was known that when little boys liked someone they sometimes mistreat their crush, but this was on another level.
Inhaling sharply, you landed a slap on the blond's face, small frustration tears rolling down your cheeks. He didn't bother retaliating, acknowledging how deserved that was.
— You made me feel incompetent for months, because you liked me?— You exposed. Bakugo felt shame for his actions, recognizing—lately—that they were not the best course of action.
— If I can somehow convince you to stay after the fucking mess I made, say so. I just need a chance!— He promised, sternly. —But if you want to go...
—What?— The blond said in surprise, watching you trying to calm down. —Dinner. If you want to convince me, take me to dinner.— You said, giving him hope. —And I'm expecting a fancy place; I didn't endure your shit to be eating fast food.
Katsuki's face turned from astonishment to confidence, his signature cocky smile greeting you. You walked up to him with an embarrassed face and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek.
—Pull another stunt like that and you are really going to need a new assistant.— You warned, feeling his hands carefully finding their way to your waist. —Got it... —He muttered, leaning in to give you a real kiss.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Book 7 spoilers bc I know people (me) read this shit like the newspaper.
So. Because Sebek had like. A mental health crisis and almost fell back into deep sleep and it was suspiciously familiar. Consider.
Weeks after the events of Book 7, Sebek gets a little invitation to a meeting in, say, the Astronomy Tower or something. I dunno. Nothing about TWST says there isn’t one, it’s a common setting in fics, plus it’s pretty. Anyway he tells Malleus about it bc it’s after hours and (with a Look) Malleus tells him he can (and should) go.
When Sebek gets there, he’s very confused to find a meeting of six out of the seven Housewardens plus Jamil there sitting in a circle and chatting. They inform him that it’s an overblot support group.
Sebek: … but I haven’t overblotted????
Riddle: Really? Malleus has informed us that whilst he was overseeing Lilia’s dream, you experienced something similar.
Sebek: I simply almost fell into deep sleep again and lost lucidity! It is nothing to fret over.
Azul: Oh? Then you didn’t have an emotional episode in which you made a very poor decision that threw away all logic?
Sebek: uh
Leona: And there wasn’t black shit everywhere?
Sebek: well
Vil: And there weren’t monsters attacking your friends that were made of said black goop that had to be fought off to save you?
Sebek: um
Jamil: and you weren’t left completely drained of all energy afterwards?
Sebek just. Quietly takes the open seat next to Malleus.
He effectively had a mental-only overblot, man. It might not have been as physically harmful as a normal overblot but he deserves support.
He's STUMPED. He sees absolutely no need for him to be in this...support group? Surely, his liege has suffered far more than him! HE was the one who overblotted, not Sebek! In fact, everyone else in this group has carried burdens that Sebek can't even fathom. He voices this out immediately in the middle of his first meeting.
"It's not about who got the shorter end of the stick." Jamil tries to explain to him. "It's the fact that all of us got one in the first place." Sebek raises a brow. "I HAVE NEVER BEEN HANDED A STICK!" "YOU'RE ACTUALLY HOPELESS."
Malleus sighs and tries to reason with him. "At least try. I'm saying this not as your liege, but as your friend." "WE'RE FRIENDS!?!!??" Leona stares at Sebek tearing up before turning to Malleus. "Yeah, he's fucked in the head."
The meetings are already wild to begin with, especially with overblotees who don't really have a high opinion on each other. Adding Sebek in kind of disrupts the balance of people "hating" each other.
When they asked Sebek how his "overblot" went, Sebek stared off into the distance before saying that it was embarrassing. Everyone's shocked that he described such an experience that way. "...just embarrassing?" Vil asks, clearly not satisfied with the answer. "I was stuck in a dreamscape that replicated the exact visage of the horrors of war. I should've raised my guard, yet..."
Sebek looks a bit embarrassed before admitting, "I got carried away, believing in praise that I could only find in my own dreams. I shouldn't have been so...easy to manipulate." Malleus winces at his words. "If it weren't for Silver, it's most likely that-" He cuts himself off.
Azul prods, too invested in the story, "Most likely what?" Sebek gulps. "It was most likely that I would've never gotten out." Silence. "B-but it was a dream. Like, u could always respawn!" Idia tries to say.
"Silver said that he didn't know what would happen if anyone actually...died in a dream. Especially with his unique magic."
Malleus excuses himself from the meeting. He doesn't return.
The second meeting that Sebek attends, Malleus shifts his chair just a bit closer towards his.
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innerchorus · 4 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 129 (Part 1)
Okay, I had a fun time reading this one, despite the face off between Team Arslan and Team Hilmes it felt way lower stakes than the encounter with Zahhak so I was able to relax in the (correct) assumption that nobody was about to die just yet.
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Early moment of appreciation for the attention to detail in Arakawa's storytelling. Yes, corvids cawing like this is frequently used as a sign of something ominous (and it certainly feels that way as another panel shows them atop this tower with Hilmes stood below) but I love that they have a reason for doing so in that they've spotted a hawk (Azrael!) circling above and are giving the alarm.
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Sam's chin has gone full rectangle.
This is his reaction upon hearing how Team Arslan got in (yes, through the very waterways he'd been defending, Hilmes should've listened to Zandeh, but Hilmes hasn't been in the mood for listening to his followers as of late, has he?)
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This is him trying to recover the situation, I guess.
Anyway no doubt you guys recognise Daryun's helmet on the left there, and he's about to jump in but Arslan holds him back in order to handle matters himself. He's the opposite of Hilmes throughout, calm and composed where Hilmes is shaken and erratic. The contrast is important and becomes starker as the scene goes on.
I feel bad but I laughed at Hilmes's expressions so many times this chapter, but I think it's only because I was feeling confident that no real harm will come to him? He really is having the worst day. Asking Arslan what legitimacy he has was a mistake because Arslan brandishes none other than Rukhnabad.
And thanks to Hilmes's tomb robbing adventure, the majority of the soldiers present recognise it, as does Zandeh (boy is shocked, he thought that thing was gone for good!)
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I'm not sure Zandeh's had time to process any of this fully, but he saw what happened when Hilmes tried to take the blade at Mount Damavand. For Arslan to turn up with the blade and claim it's Kaykhusraw's will... No wonder he looks so shocked. It really does pose a challenge to Hilmes's claim.
Hilmes begins an attempt to defend his position by starting to reveal the truth about Arslan's parentage, when...
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He falters, and misreads Arslan's composure as a sign that Arslan knows Hilmes's own secret.
Man, I fucking love this. Hilmes, who couldn't bear to share the burden of that secret with even his most loyal followers, cannot comprehend that Arslan has done just that. Arslan's calm demeanour comes from having done so; he has found his resolve with the truth out in the open, and it's part of what enables him to confront Hilmes like this.
Arslan addressing Hilmes as 'cousin' and then being all 'wait, that's not right' all but confirms to Hilmes that his suspicions are correct, but in truth Arslan is correcting himself because he already knows that he is not Andragoras's son. What Hilmes was threatening to reveal holds no power over Arslan, yet the effect that fearing his secret is out has on Hilmes is clear, and it makes him desperate.
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Zandeh being all ??? when if Hilmes had just told him he could've had the reassurance that Zandeh would continue to support him no matter what 😭
Anyway, both Narsus and Arslan notice how unsettled Hilmes is, though they don't know why nobody cares about your fucking secret except you, Hilmes. And because Hilmes is so rattled, he calls for Arslan to fight him. Honestly, it's not a bad choice and even if he weren't so flustered about what Arslan may or may not know he likely would have done so, but his mental state going into it is already working against him.
Him ordering Arslan to face him with Rukhnabad is also not a bad shout. I imagine he's both hedging his bets and hoping that Arslan doesn't really have Kaykhusraw's favour, and assuming his odds against Arslan when it comes to a duel are good in any case.
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The Rukhnabad twist I didn't predict! And just wait for the full reveal! But first I want to remind you of this moment from Chapter 93 where Hilmes speaks with the Master after having failed to retrieve the sword for himself:
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Arslan's words can only remind him of his own failure.
He's definitely on the back foot here now; Arslan not only has Rukhnabad in his possession, but he's also bold enough to claim he will defeat Hilmes without it.
Now, if you had said to me that Arslan will face Hilmes without Rukhnabad and actually stand a chance of winning, I would have dismissed it as unbelievable. But that's where Arakawa's careful attention to Hilmes's inner fears has come into play, and combined with Arslan's (accidental) further shaking of his confidence and (deliberate) provocation by saying he's not worthy of using Rukhnabad on... How well will he fight? Combat begins before swords are even drawn, it seems.
Also ARSLAN STILL CANNOT DRAW RUKHNABAD JSHDFJSDHGG wow, honestly did not see that coming, what a bluff that was—
Presumably that means we will see him gain the ability to draw the sword when it comes to a fight against Zahhak? Or maybe there will be time for him to visit Kaykhusraw's tomb before then (since it seems less likely it's already happened)?
Narsus declaring that it's Hilmes's decree that this duel will decide who will be Shah is a smart move, too. There are those with personal grudges and those who may seek to object, but with the decision framed this way, they cannot. Alfarid knows too much is at stake. Sam can't go against Hilmes's own word.
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Now here's a match where I feel we all already know what the outcome will be. ZANDEH PLEASE. I don't want you to get hurt.
I do appreciate Daryun still responding to him with tired exhasperation, though. It's like 'really, we're still doing this?'. And I'm just clinging on to the fact that it's clear he wouldn't hold a grudge if Zandeh just fucked off somewhere other than Pars like to Maryam with Hilmes.
I'm just relying on Zandeh to agree to let it drop in the end. If Hilmes does, Zandeh would too, I think.
Anyway, while I don't think he'll be able to beat Daryun, this is the first time he's facing him with a mace, a weapon he has acknowledged is better suited to his strength, so maybe he won't do as badly as I feared?
That's it for Part 1! Stay tuned for Part 2!
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scuderiamh · 2 years
home || n. de vries x reader
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pairing: nyck de vries x reader request: yes / no summary: after a trip away with friends, your house never felt more like a home. word count: 950 warnings: child has a decided name.
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sitting in by your flight's gate and surrounded by tired, hustling people rushing to and fro, you only had one thing on your mind.
two things, actually. but in the same category. your fiancé and your daughter. 
the joy the two of them brought you was unreal, but that also meant the amount that you missed them while they weren't present was just as unbelievable. you enjoyed your trip away, certainly. as much as you loved them the break was nothing if not much needed, and the time weekend spent away on some white sanded beach with a few of your closest friends could not have been any more enjoyable. but now after flight one of two home you were more than ready to fall into nyck's arms and hold little tess for hours and hours. 
your flight was boarding in just under fifteen minutes. luckily, it was a short one. so, you should be home within four hours. and considering the time now, you didn't expect much communication until you see them face-to-face... that is until your phone lit up with a facetime call from the contact titled “nyckie 💙” 
you wasted no time in connecting your headphones and accepting the call, only to be greeted with a close-up on your 10-month-old's face -- her very awake face. before you could say anything, the camera tilted to the side to show part of nyck's face. 
“shouldn't you guys be asleep?” you asked, attempting to be stern. but you couldn't hide the smile at the sight of them. the camera had since returned back to tess, but with your question nyck set up the camera against something, showing that they were both on your bed, laying down and now facing his phone.
“tess couldn't sleep,” nyck responded, a hand resting lightly on her back. “too excited, i suppose.”
“tess, or you?” you teased.
he grinned, watching you with a look in his eyes you'll never get tired of. “both?”
“uh huh.” you scoffed lightheartedly, switching the phone from one of your hands to another. “you should sleep. both of you.”
“but we want to stay up for you!”
“absolutely not.” you gasped. “you'll ruin her sleep schedule entirely, nyck!”
“but she misses you.” he pouted. “isn't that right, tessie?”
tess only babbled in response, making you deadpan at the whole exchange. this should've come as no shock, really. nyck had been wrapped around your finger since day one and then around little tessie's the moment she was born. this behavior was just about expected. 
you sighed. “let her sleep if she falls asleep, yeah?”
“yes, ma'am.” he responded with a grin, repositioning himself yet again as he sat up, took tess into his arms, and held the camera with one hand. “isn't your flight boarding pretty soon?”
“yeah.” you nodded. “few minutes, actually.”
“you hear that, dropje?” nyck whispered to tess, sounding about an octave higher. he placed a light kiss to the top of her head. “sooooon.”
you giggled, shaking your head. “i miss you guys.”
as soon as nyck began to respond, tess' babbling increased, muffling his response. making both of you guys giggle again. 
“think that's her way of saying she misses you too, hm?” 
“or a please don't ruin my sleep schedule, dad.” you chided softly.
“hey.” he gave you a pointed look, feigning offense at your light jab. 
you only smiled. before you could say anything else to him, a loud voice interrupted -- the airport announcer. your flight was beginning to board. you perked up immediately.
“hey, nyck? i've gotta go. flight's boarding.”
“okay.” he smiled. “stay safe, schat. love you.”
“love you too. and you also, tess.”
the last thing you saw was him picking up her tiny hand to wave at the camera before you hung up. 
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by the time you'd landed, picked up your luggage, and took the uber home it was near 4:30AM. you were really hoping they were asleep, mostly for the sake of tessie's sleep pattern and how messing it up would ruin your daytime schedule. but also because you knew how tired nyck got with everything he had to do in a day. you didn't want him to waste sleep hours over waiting on you.
making it upstairs in your home, you made a point to be quiet. just in case. you opened the door to you and nyck's bedroom slowly, wincing when it creaked. a sense of relaxation came over you immediately with the sight you were met with.
nyck, laying on his back on your shared bed. tess laying on top of his chest, his arm slung over her protectively. you couldn't help but snap a photo before anything else.
climbing into bed with extra care to be as silent as you could, you lay your head on his free arm. if it wasn't the door creaking that's what woke him up.
thankfully, he didn't move so much as to wake up your daughter, he only craned his head your way, eyes unfocused still. then they widened, and his mouth opened in surprise. “you're back?” he asked, voice groggy from sleep.
“hello, my love.” you said, smile wide as you snuggled into him. “go back to sleep. greetings in the morning.”
“yeah... okay. okay, goodnight.”
it was hardly nighttime, you believed you both knew that. sunrise was in a mere few hours. but you let yourselves have this. “goodnight.”
and you haven't felt more in peace before. laying there with your family, feeling their warmth. you couldn't properly describe the feeling if you wanted to, but it's moments like these that made this plain old house home.
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