#they wanted to know really specific things that tbh didnt really make much sense for them to be asking me at this stage
dailyloopdeloop · 4 months
loop and mirabelle. That's it that's the ask
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DAY 84: enrolled in the gossip wars
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#mirabelle isat#isat spoilers#vaguely. mostly for the tags#i think it'd be sooo funny if like. loop and mirabelle postcanon.#loop has rejoined the party somewhat recently and they are not at all adapting. to be honest. reunion probably happened too soon#bc they are a siffrin which means they are disgustingly sentimental. their ass is not taking the time to discover themself as a new person.#do you really think loop is gonna take their own advice.lol.#lmao even#Ok so anyways i think the party and loop would have a weird thing going on#like theyre all extremely grateful to loop. and they trust loop through the general basis of theyre apparently very dear to siffrin#but fucking nobody knows what to make of this bitch. odile knows they are hiding Something but she has no certain evidence to pin it down.#isabeau can't catch loop alone for more than 5 seconds. has the distinct sense they're avoiding him and he does not know why#bonnie....well tbh i think they'd vibe with loop. bonnie win.#mirabelle. i think she wouldn't really like loop? not at first anyways#do you remember in sasasap mirabelle telling siffrin(loop) that for a long time she thought they were a callous sort of person#bc they never took anything seriously at all. like the whole journey didnt mean anything. until they took an eye for bonnie#i think mirabelle would catch a similar vibe towards loop(lol.) bc like#like loop's main presence in the group is negging siffrin and being weird and dodgy around everyone else#i don't even think they'd be mean to the others but they would do everything in their power to throw the party zero bones#so all mirabelle has to go on for loop is that they're kind of a dickhead to her friend and that they're not receptive to normal group#social activities. i think being on the receiving end of mirabelle's kindness would make loop kind of sad and she'd pick up on it#but like. loop is inexplicably important to siffrin. she doesn't know the details bc neither of them want to talk at all about the loops#and i think siffrin would be especially dodgy abt talking about loop in the interrim between them rejoining and them being Presumed Dead#so mirabelle tries a new strategy to bridge the gap between her and loop. the power of Mutual Haterism#more specifically i think mirabelle would get the impression of loop as being much more of a bitch than they actually are#due to the aforementioned siffrin negging#so like. maybe that's just how they socialize maybe they'd be down to talk about hot takes and gossip a bit
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to-ti-to · 2 years
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farklelucas · 2 years
okay so. now that ive taken some time to breathe, compose myself, and gather my thoughts, lemme lay out why the teen wolf movie was a hot holy mess (besides, you know, the obvious) as a teen wolf enthusiast and expert.
a lot of the characters were really little more than set dressing. to be specific, i think liam could have been replaced by a mailbox with a hat and the movie would have been the same (and this is coming from a major liam fan). the same can be said for mason, malia, melissa, peter, and honestly even the sheriff (which i hate bc god he was such a core of the show). i think parrish was only useful in one specific instance and even that isn't enough to warrant him being in the film. the characters i loved felt like cardboard cutouts and that wasnt fair to me, to the characters, or to the actors. i would have rather they not been there at all tbh. like just leave liam out of this if youre gonna do him like that fr
a lot of the plot points felt... disjointed and weird. saraid said it felt like three different movies in one and i have to agree. derek and eli felt like its own thing, then scott and allison, and then everything else (whatever the hell parrish and malia had going on, the lydia and jackson buddy cop comedy, liam in... japan with a ramen shop i think? and some random girlfriend that happened to be a kitsune) kind of fell to the wayside in between.
this movie was truly so flat without kira. it was hard to make a nogitsune movie without stiles, but it was almost impossible to make without her. hikari unfortunately ended up just feeling like a woman they randomly shoved into all the plot points kira was supposed to be in. because she didnt have a character besides liams girlfriend (and because liam was barely a character himself), she just couldn't compare and so kiras lack of presence was really felt. she left a huge hole in the narrative. they didnt even mention her and you knew what was missing. if you had cut khylin and dylan sprayberrys checks entirely, im sure they would have had enough to pay her as much as the rest of her white coworkers :) but that's just my opinion xxx
this was supposed to be for fans of the original series, but really just felt like jeff davis's weird rare pair fanfiction. instead of focusing on the dynamics that already existed - melissa and the sheriff, malia and peter, scott and liam, derek and. anyone really - he ended up delving into all these new dynamics with only two hours to develop them. malia and parrish (which. i really had to mentally run through the show to see if those two had interacted before and i dont think they have), liam and hikari, and derek and eli. all of which had a shot at being interesting but because there were so many different plots going on, it all just felt. awkward and confusing.
that being said, im gonna move onto derek and eli generally. i like eli! i do. i thought he was funny, i thought the actor was super charming (although the timeline made no sense because if he was born fifteen years ago And allison died fifteen years ago he would be braedens and. hate to say it folks. thats not braedens baby. make him mixed jeff davis you fucking coward). really, i liked him. ... but not at the expense of dereks character. the derek i knew was an asshole. he was mean, he was sarcastic, he was a bastard (honorifically). its not to say that people cant change, but... the derek i saw in the movie was a complete 180 from the derek we last saw in the series. honestly, the derek i saw in the series probably wouldn't have made a good parent - we saw how he was with erica, isaac, and boyd. even with scott. derek was kind of a dick. i dont even think he would have wanted kids - i think he would raise them out of duty, and i think he would if a partner wanted him to. but i dont think kids were ever in his life plan. and i think that could have been super interesting to see with him and eli. i think making him a parent could have been really interesting and it just. crumbled.
i know i mentioned the timeline in that last bit but. the timeline. it hurts my head. when was eli born. what year is it. how long has it been since scott has been in beacon hills. im so confused.
lets talk about adrian harris. shall we. i have made a list of people who i think would have been a better villain reveal are you ready: allison, peter, theo, chris argent, kate argent (resurrected), matt daehler (resurrected), victoria argent (resurrected), kira herself, danny mahealani, rafe mccall, isaac's shit dad, coach, greenberg, me with a baseball bat filled with rusty nails, jeff davis in a wig. the list goes on. you could not have picked a more random and less memorable character to reveal as your villain. i almost felt like i was being mocked. "haha! you didnt expect it to be this guy? the chemistry teacher who also died fifteen years ago? who had almost nothing to do with the plot until season 3? stupid! idiot!" i have never been so mad in my life
speaking of villain. did they forget what a nogitsune is. it needs a host. its not some guy they can stab to death. its a concept, a feeling, a parasite. its a manifestation of mental illness. but no sorry excuse me i must be wrong bc now its also a werewolf??????? im sorry. am i the crazy one. give me void allison! give me allison as the host and shes being taken over and she has those bags under her eyes and that creepy void stare and grin! give me crystal reed emmy noms! while we're on the subject, heres some more questions about the nogitsune include: why was it in a jar? why was it with LIAM of all people (who didnt even know what that was)? why did its powers completely change? HOW was it a werewolf????????? i cant stop thinking about it.
i said it once and ill say it again: jackson fucking carried this movie. he was giving all season one jackson, he was bringing comic relief, he was even bringing up ethan when no one else would! king! he carried. but he shouldn't have had to. dont get me wrong, i think crystal reed ate and left no crumbs. this was allisons movie and it should have been. but when the other two standout characters imo were jackson (who arguably did nothing) and coach (who did even less)... you simply didnt use your characters well. i think i would put deaton up there and even chris, but... scott and lydia? this should have been their movie. but scott spent nearly the whole movie ignoring his friends, and lydia was reduced to 'woman whose plot was about a man,' again. it was horrible. lydia outgrew that song and dance by season two. and scott? hasnt been to beacon hills in twelve years? hasnt seen his mom or his friends? not the scott mccall i know.
this is not about shipping discourse this post will never be about shipping discourse so i say this as a completely objective party. that being said. st/dia was so strangely shoved in there at the end. how did harris even know about lydia leaving stiles. how did he know about her dream. how did it add to the plot. like yes the nogitsune feeds of chaos and strife but i think lydia was getting enough of that watching her friends get murdered. it felt like a weird way to explain why dob wasnt there and it simply didnt work. i would have rather they not said anything about stiles at all.
anyway, this is skipping over a lot of other little things that i thought were really bad (sexualizing malia who literally had the mentality of an eight year old for most of her life AGAIN, why was mason a fucking cop, peters lack of interaction with the hale family which is what made him interesting in the first place, the absolute insanity of allison coming back to life and just being absolutely okay even though shes been dead for fifteen years, died at the hands of her friend, and almost everyone she knew including stiles, isaac, and kira are all just gone now), but boy oh boy. for a while it was funny bad. like "oh this is bad but i can still enjoy this for what it is" bad. but those last ten minutes. what is actually absolutely wrong with jeff davis. there are very few times ive felt this betrayed by tv shows i held this close to my heart, but im there. im heartbroken. i wont go on about it here, bc honestly, it would need its own post considering how much i have to say. but if the rest of the movie was bad? that was shit was traumatizing.
anyway. so sorry this post is this long, and so sorry i couldnt come back with a positive review. this show died long ago; i think we should have just let it rest - nobody asked for a reunion, and now i can see that was with good reason. so the next time jeff davis opens up an email with a header titled 'sequel idea' and he ccs tyler posey, i think we should all just agree to ler arden cho beat him to death in a dennys parking lot instead.
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not culture but a question, no pressure if you dont want to reply
is possible to have NPD at the age of 16? does it mean something fitting the criteria at this age or is just being an asshole teenager? you can be as honest as you want i dont really care for "rude" answers, also would like other people answer too
(take what i say about professional diagnosis in this post with a grain of salt if you don't live in the united states. my perspective and knowledge of that part comes strictly from my experience living here, but i don't know where you live and it may be different there.)
heyo! i do believe it's possible, but self-diagnosis of that kind of thing at that age should obviously be handled with much care and consideration. i believe most people will exhibit traits and symptoms of their disorders before they reach adulthood, this especially makes sense considering PDs are in most cases born of childhood trauma. for example, from my memory, i've been exhibiting symptoms of my PDs since i was 11-12. my HPD and NPD symptoms specifically go even farther back than that in my memory.
the thing is in most cases as a minor you won't be diagnosed with NPD until you reach adulthood. i don't believe it's impossible to be diagnosed before 18, but that's usually in cases where the symptoms are extremely severe and overt (even then sometimes professionals just suck and fail to acknowledge it). i have also seen cases where minors have had their therapists just suspect it or medically acknowledge the symptoms, haulting a professional until the person turns 18.
with all that being said, it's important to put a lot of care if you're considering self-diagnosis in this case. make sure to do a lot of proper research and examine your own unique situation and symptoms. and also remember, it is okay to be wrong. i'm not implying that you inherently are, but a lot of people have this mindset that if they're incorrect about their self-diagnosis it means they were a horrible faker all along. that is not true. it is okay to make missteps and be wrong on the journey to figuring yourself out.
as i'll always say, even if you don't turn out to have NPD, if you benefited from resources related to it, that's truly all that matters. you don't need to worry too much about putting label on what's going on if you don't want to, alleviating symptoms and taking care of yourself is all that truly matters at the end of the day.
people can feel free to add on. i had a difficult time putting words together on this one tbh and i definitely didnt cover every angle and nuance of this topic
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arceespinkgun · 3 months
Thanks for doing that Jazz post. I've only been in the fandom for about a year ands ive been a bit slow chewing through all the media. Im still trying to detangle whats canon and fanon right now(litterally thought ex-con jazz was canon in a verse from how it was explained to me). And your post definitely helped point out some of the stuff i fell for.
Ive always focused really heavily on the musical side of his character and how he has an almost constant jovial tone. I imagined that from the first time he heard music, he knew that's what he wanted to do. Then the war happened, and he wanted to be useful. He's good at what he does, but he doesn't like it. He wants to go back to music. I imagine that as soon as the wars over, hes not going to take one glance back at the military and go back to what he likes. I also feel like i think alot about how he wants people to perceive him. That hes really conscious about how emotions. Hes the moral support, good guy Jazz! The mech anyone can depend on! So he doesn't let himself feel much of those negative emotions brought on by the situation.
Didnt meant to ramble but you get my idea I hope. Thanks again
You're very welcome! I'm happy to receive this ask because people who are newer to the fandom getting mislead by fanon based on racist tropes is one of my most hated things, and I see it happen constantly. I can really relate too because I haven't been active in the fandom too long either! I didn't make that post any earlier because for a long time, I had no way of knowing if these fanon portrayals were based in something I just hadn't seen yet. This is a big reason why I think that when fans have seen a lot of the canon, they need to not mislead people and should also let people know what comes from where and what is made up. Here's another link to my post of my favorite canon media featuring Jazz, and if there's any specific thing you or anyone else is confused about I'll try to help sort out canon from fanon. How is any new fan supposed to know that Jazz has never actually called Prowl "Prowler" (also I hate that nickname so much lol) and that Jazz being from Polyhex isn't real?
Your interpretation of Jazz is a really valid one based on his canon traits! I also think a lot about how Jazz really wants to cultivate and live up to a specific image, and about how he is always supporting everyone but very rarely gets to accepts others' support. I also think it's so lazy and offensive how soooo much fanmade content has Jazz enjoy killing people and stuff because that feels like such a slight to the canon character in all continuities. Though that being said, I do also like the idea that perhaps long ago, Jazz did enjoy fighting more and didn't realize how horrible war really is, only to become traumatized and that feeding into a current sense of guilt, fear, shame, and a desire to be perceived a certain way.
This fandom/community is really big, and there are so many different series and communities, and it's really easy for echo chambers that reinforce racist ideas to form practically unchecked. Fanon is basically its own separate fandom TBH, one that's especially dangerous for new fans to end up trusting when it comes to women and/or people of color, and I think fans need to remember to be honest about this. In the discussion that's come after that first post I've made (it's been very valuable!) it's actually been a little scary to me to see how divorced many people on here are from who Jazz is, what his relationships are, or why certain tropes constantly being applied to a Black-coded hero is the fandom being racist.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
"And what will you do when I can't recognize you?"
Eyeless jack x reader angst but it's based around my specific hc that "jack is cursed bc cult stuff and hes forced to eat flesh; and his mind and body are degrading into something not.. human"
So yeah basically reader and jack trying to cope with his whole monster metamorphosis
Cw. For body horror, and tbh this is mostly me rattling on about my hcs of how jack became eyeless jack
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That was something he said to you one night, unprompted
Of course you both had a vague idea of what was happening to him; but neither of you had answers... let alone fully understood
Of course, he knew more than you. He was the one living with this... curse.. and he had it before the two of you met
But even now, it was showing how ugly things could get, and it was only the beginning
Obviously; his appearance was changing. His skin became.. cold, veins were showing, he simply looked like he was dying. Obviously, he had pits for eyes, which were constantly dripping this cold black ooze. His ears and teeth were now pointed, and his fingers ended in claws. But other than that; he more or less looked like a normal person, if you overlooked those silly details
Oh, his tongue.. no matter how you may feel about it, the process of how he "obtained" the monstrous thing is horrifying.
To spare the details, his original tongue essentially split into the half dozen tendrils it is today
Not good stuff, and he felt all of it
And of course there's the psychological and behavioral effects of the curse; to get the big bad out of the way, he can no longer eat normal food. No need to elaborate. Good news is, as of now, he doesnt need to feed often. But when he does, he runs the risk of losing control, almost becoming animalistic in the way he behaves
That's his main fear
He's expressed that those frenzies happen he finds it harder and harder to contain himself, or come back down
He worries that one day you'll be the one getting chomped on
Really, there's nothing either of you can do to stop this or lessen the effects of the curse
Bro only has two options; suck it up and become a monster that can't resemble anything of this world. Or die
There already were some nights where he may have snipped at you. He didn't mean to be aggressive, but he was trying so hard to keep it together. He needed you to leave the area and stay away for a while
Some days his memories begin to cloud, that's probably the scariest for him. It'd be scary for everyone, obviously
I dont typically like writing angst without adding some sort of comfort, or happy ending, but that sort of thing just. Doesnt exist here. Jack's fate is pretty much sealed, and what sucks is that he didnt ask to be dragged into this
This is all sorta based off that spin off backstory jack got (though tbf I dont recall if it was even made by his original creator, though my take is in a silly au), where he makes friends who are (unbeknownst to him) in a cult and had plans to use him
Bro didn't want this, and really the whole thing is tragic
Of course, I'll still try to add some comfort, as it feels wrong to just drag this man around like this
Smells seem to have a positive response
Makes sense; its said that the brain ties smells to memories, and associating it with certain things
So if you wear a certain perfume or use a certain detergent to wash clothing, he'll definitely remember and recognize it. It seems to help him come down after a bad spot
Journaling can help him keep track of the days; though you'll need to give him some time on that... hard to hold pencils when you have claws..
And of course, comfort him; be there for him
I wish I could end this kinda bummer hc ramble off on a lighter note, but the whole thing/this side of eyeless jack is just so
You know?
Anyways yeah I write all my eyeless jack stuff with these ideas in mind so
Yeah, that's why I tend to write EJ all gloomy and reclusive
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pjsk-headcanons · 1 day
ok welcome to today's ted talk (i am procrastinating on doing my schoolwork bc brother eughhh i am not reading a book from 1500 or smth /jk i will eventually. just let me have this for now) today's ted talk is.... what teams and drivers in f1 pjsk characters would like bc f1 and pjsk is arguably what is maintaining me sane and idk why not. if you disagree uhhh thats fine idc lol this is purely based off of vibes and cardinal directions WxS - rui: as i have mentioned in my first hc he likes a) ferrari b) red bull c) mclaren, bc every f1 fan ik is at least A BIT of a ferrari fan even if they like only one team (*cough* that fan may be me *cough* *cough*), so rui is a ferrari fan and a red bull fan, probably because he likes the crazy shit on red bull's channel (look at this for example: https://youtube.com/shorts/uf9PQT0OgUY?si=yA8NM97AJHeyf0HH). maybe he likes the drink as well, now drivers! his favorite driver is lando, bc i think he will like his streaming content (perhaps his personality and his willingness to talk abt mental health and i am not kidding, search it up!!) (i'd like to note that rui is most definitely a very avid f1 fan) - tsukasa, emu and nene: they all like ferrari and red bull, they're not avid fans but they understand what happens in the sport (mainly because of rui) and as i think they wouldn't be as big fans as rui, so they probably just follow rui's opinions LOL im sorry if it's basic, but it's imo :3 L/N - ichika: she's a casual f1 fan, so she probably likes ferrari bc it's popular and she doesnt know how much depression it causes to be a tifosi. (ps: i am not a tifosi) her favorite driver is lando yet again, because she decided to learn a bit more abt the f1 drivers and found out he can play multiple instruments, so that sparked an interest in her and yeah - saki: she probably doesn't even care but she likes to listen to ichika and shiho talk abt the races. im sorry if it sounds like saki slander, i just dont think she would really like f1 😭😭 pls forgive me saki fans - honami: the ultimate of ultimate of f1 casual fans. that's it, maybe she would like alex but that's it - shiho: the less casual f1 fan out of l/n, she likes red bull and max verstappen. arguably she doesnt even care abt the f1 teams, but she likes max for how he is(me too shiho. it's actually sad to think i didnt like him </3) extra hc: ichika and shiho most definitely talk abt f1 whenever they have time to! VBS - akito: he likes whatever team is fighting an's favorite team. if she likes red bull, he likes mclaren, etc, etc. point is, he likes what an doesnt bc he has some beef with an (i promise you it's not idk levels of genuine hate it's like uhhh i forgot the word im not sure if this is clear!!) - an: uhhh i accidently explained her in akito's part - kohane: weirdly, super into f1. she's not the "i watch f1 for the drivers!" fan, she's the "i watch f1 for the sport!" fan (<- i feel like i have to clarify that) and although that may not make sense, she roots for all the teams and drivers. (even lance.) so tbh if you asked her "kohane whats your favorite f1 team and f1 driver?" she would say "idk i just like the sport i dont really care abt who's winning" - toya: he seems like he would like f1 but he doesnt know a shit abt f1(the creative juices are almost gone now afksahsjkdgbhdg) N25 - mafuyu: i feel like she heard abt f1 at school and ended up liking instead of the sport, the aerodynamics stuff. very specific ik - kanade: she would get distracted by the f1 sounds so she wouldn't even know what's happening and somehow compose a music based off the sounds of an f1 car/f1 related - mizuki: she heard abt f1 one day from rui and ever since she talks with rui abt f1 stuff (other than the in canon stuff)!! her favorite team is whoever is cooking at the moment (she doesnt want to suffer over like. omg bad strategies and bad car) and her favorite driver is lewis (1. his fashion style 2. how good he is) - ena: tbqh the same thing as an's
MMJ - my creative juices have almost completely dried. but tbh, i dont think they would have time for f1 bc they do so much shit yknow, ik they like have managers and everything but id argue they're dedicated to what they do and they'd prefer to do other stuff than learn abt f1 stuff. im so sorry mmj fans i promise ill make a better headcanon than this one day 😭😭
oops how did it get this long? anyways, thank you for joining my ted talk! hope everyone is ok :D - papaya anon
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chiomaus · 3 months
heute ist es ein Jahr her, dass ich angefangen habe, Deutsch zu lernen
ich schreibe nicht den ganzen Beitrag auf Deutsch :p weil ich zu viel zu sagen habe
why did i start learning german? well, there was a german guy i was extremely fond of. so it just made sense to me to start learning the language. hearing someone you really like speak their language to you has a funny way of making you fall in love with a language. well 6 months later we broke up and i was left feeling very lost and lonely. i don't really talk about it much but it had a big effect on me.
but in that time i got to learn a lot about german language and culture. i spent a week in dortmund and visited the weihnachtsmarkt. i got really really into kraftwerk. i realised i didnt want to give up german. i guess part of it was trying to cling naively to something good from the break-up, but the other part was "german language is cool as hell."
am i where i hoped to be a year later? part of me thinks if i was more dedicated i could be soooo much better than i am. going to cologne on my own made me realise my listening comprehension is dogshit.
but on the other hand, my reading and writing is pretty good. my vocabulary is decent. i have a good memory for grammatical gender. i think my accent is pretty great. and maybe i'm not spending three hours every day studying diligently, but i have a daily study plan, i'm driven, and, most importantly, i'm having fun.
i think sometimes i forget that there is no omnipotent force judging me for learning for 1 year and not knowing X or Y. did i struggle a bit in cologne? yes. did i also get by just fine? yes. and very few people switched to english with me which i can only take as an endorsement.
it's very easy to be self-critical and to pick out the things you struggle with and take it as some kind of moral failing. at least if you have brain disease like i do. it's difficult to look back on where you started and appreciate your progress because you have no way to measure yourself. i guess now i will be able to measure my progress by whether my listening comprehension is any better next time i visit germany! (i am hopefully going to berlin in november with my cool friends)
what are my goals for the next year?
work on my listening comprehension with podcasts, tv and films (i should have started this sooner – futurama is really fun in german)
write more (i started a blog and have been doing some language exchange stuff). i'm still relying a LOT on dictionaries and grammar checkers, but i know these things take practice.
maybe think about finding a tutor. honestly i think this might be the way to go because i am bigly lacking in confidence (story of my life). there's also the option of doing a goethe course but 1) spenny 2) intense 3) my ability levels are all over the place.
try and make some german friends. this is hard enough in english tbh so i'm not counting on this.
get to a strong B1 or maybe even B2. the material i'm studying right now is B2 but i don't think any of my skills are that level. reading is probably B1, maybe writing, but speaking is probably not and listening is definitely not.
related: finish up learning A1-A2 flashcards (i am about about 2/3rds of the way through) and move onto B1. i haven't found a good B2 deck yet so i might have to construct my own from the goethe word lists.
get my head around prepositions and adjective endings (i will excuse a lot of the complexities of german grammar but i don't understand why adjective endings should be different depending on whether the article is definite, indefinite or null). these are definitely getting easier and i think will come naturally with more speaking/writing, but i have a few ways to specifically practice these areas too.
definitely visit germany on my own again (unless by some miracle i am in a relationship by then). i have a few places on my list but i will gladly take recommendations. i'm also tempted to go back to cologne because there's a lot i didn't have time to do, plus it's very convenient being so close to the ruhr valley (i don't drive so easy/fast transport links are helpful. i don't mind contending with the german train network).
ok das war's. danke fürs Lesen :)
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radroller · 5 months
At long last, here are my thoughts on the many looks and identities of Marvel’s own Hank Pym!!! Being a fan of this guy is a real rollercoaster, but his costumes are always so great and interesting, ive wanted to talk about them for ages!!! As some of his looks kinda blend together Ive tried to stick with the bare essentials (barring ones i especially like) but you can generally assume that i rate most of the suits of a given identity the same unless i specifically state otherwise. So here we go!!!!!
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Ant-Man 10/10
What can i say? You can’t make an ant themed character much cooler than this. The irresistible 60s scifi charm of his big chrome helmet, the red, black, and blue color scheme with patterns that say “i am a super scientist” but gloves that say “im attemptint to look visually interesting.” Naturally Hank forgets he’s wearing some of the coolest headgear in comics. Ant-Man has had some good looks and updates but the charm of this one is pretty undeniable.
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Giant Man 8/10
I think we can all agree that Giant Man kinda sucks, but damn if he didnt look cool! I guess he kept the antennae to keep some Ant-Man functionality, but you rarely see him using it. That’s fine though, it gives him a cool and distinct silhouette. It’s strange, if this were a new look for him as Ant Man, id call it a more considerable downgrade, yet Hank becoming Giant Man is a downgrade in just about every sense of the word. And even so, i LOVE Giant Man! It’s a conundrum!
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Giant Man Redux: 6/10
I think they were trying to recapture the scifi tech charm of Ant-Man with this one, and it does kinda work! I think my main issue with this one is that it doesnt stick around long enough to really win me over. There are far more minor and insignificant variations of Hank’s suits that stick around way longer than this one. And id say this suit’s pretty damn significant, he left the Avengers for the the first time wearing this shit! I wish they’d played around with it some more.
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Goliath: 8/10
Goliath is extremely solid. I have to wonder if Marvel was conscious of Giant Man being a loser that they felt the need to rebrand him like this, there’s little significant changeover from his previous identity other than color scheme and name besides him being stuck at 10 ft tall for a bit. I LOVE the addition of the goggles btw, one of my earliest exposures to that design trope i love so much.
The weird thing with Goliath is that they make him look more and more like Giant Man while refusing to change his name. Like again i know the guy got his ass best plenty of times but when you add antennae and red to his costume….that’s just Giant Man! But whatever the case, i give Goliath and all of his iterations a solid thumbs up.
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Yellowjacket: 10/10
The PINNACLE as far as im concerned. What if you took Ant-Man and refined his charming but clunky scifi elements into something sleek, aerodynamic, and downright badass, while still having bright colors? You get Yellowjacket! I can’t stress how much i loved this suit as a kid. Do you know how rare it is to have a primarily yellow superhero who looks cool? It’s mostly just Wolverine, and he didn’t even exist at this point! I also like how it sorta resembles Wasp’s original outfit, though you probably wouldn’t get a chance to compare given Jan’s ever shifting wardrobe. It’s really a shame how maligned the Yellowjacket identity is because id love to see this design again, but its lasting association with the worst shit ever done with Hank pretty much made sure that’ll never happen.
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West Coast Avengers: -/10
It’s funny that what is arguably the height of Hank’s superhero career comes from when he’s vehemently not a superhero anymore. Thus, in terms of costumes…well this isnt a costume! But for what it is, it’s great. A nice practical super science getup. But i have trouble rating it on the same scale as the rest. Just know that I love it!
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90s Hank: 5/10
I was ready to rip this thing a new one, but tbh it isnt bad. The only thing that keeps it from being truly good is the stupid pouches, but i cant outright call it bad when it’s basically a worse version of Atlas from Thunderbolts’ costume without them. It’s passable.
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Giant Man???: 10/10
Yeah, I know. Confusing, isnt it? Well listen, regardless of names and costumes and what have you, this is by far my favorite variation on the original Goliath look. The red goggles just do it for me! I love primary color schemes and i prefer a touch of red to a touch of yellow, yknow?
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Goliath??????: 8/10
So NOW he can be Goliath. That makes perfect sense. Yeesh. This suit is cool though i like it. It’s based on a Goliath suit Jan designed for Hank, but by then he’d had become Yellowjacket, so Hawkeye became Goliath for a while instead. It’s a nice callback, and while I don’t actually care for that Goliath look, there’s no way a redesign by George Perez at the height of his career and abilities is gonna be anything less than great.
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Wasp: 7/10
Was Mighty Avengers good? I read a couple of issues and remembered enjoying it, but that was when i hated every other Avengers book do idk if that means it was actually good, yknow? Anyway while losing Jan as the Wasp and gaining Hank is about as big a net loss as i can think of, this is NOT a bad look. There are only a few gripes i feel: I get what they were going for with the design on his chest but it makes him look like he’s The Stickbug and not The Wasp. Secondly, i think the goggles are kinda lame compared to some of his other eye/headwear he’s sported throughout the years. That’s about it! Not bad for the worst Wasp in the main continuity!
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bazooka-overkill · 7 months
in honor of me getting absolutely zero play valentine's day i decided to rank the wii punch out boxers in order of how much i would willingly be their valentine/go on a date with them
don't take this seriously btw i made this at like 2 am :33333
list under cut
13.) king hippo
im scared of him
12.) piston honda
this is just a me thing but his eyebrows are off putting to me😭😭 if he ever pulled up w his eyebrows i think i would start crying /nsrs
no shade to piston honda btw. luv his character and i’m 100% sure he’d treat his valentine right
11.) von kaiser
CRIES he is so scary. i made a joke post about him and how he stares (specifically the stare that europeans do). no amount of roses could ever erase his stares😭😭😭
10.) don flamenco
he has carmen and i don’t wanna be a homewrecker yk
if carmen wasn’t his valentine tbh he’d be a decent valentine. a little over the top but nothing compared to a little someone else on this list
9.) soda popinski
every time i see him i think of patrick star. you think i want a valentine that looks like fucking patrick star
8.) bear hugger
i put him at no. 8 not becuz he’s a bad date/valentine but bc it’s a tie between him and aran ryan. i can’t really see bear hugger being a traditional valentine if that makes sense??? 
luv him to death tho. shout out to all three bear hugger fans
7.) aran ryan
despite his whole “i’m fucking insane” persona i believe aran ryan is,,, the better half of a valentine. sure he might light a building on fire in the shape of a heart for me (criminal charges!!! so romantic!!!😍😍) but he means well and i would take him up on an offer for valentine’s day
6.) super macho man
i’m literally only accepting his offer for the money. you know that man does NOT live frugally when it comes to valentine’s day. or just in general lmfao
5.) great tiger
if he pulled up on his magic carpet and asked me to be his valentine i’d accept in a heartbeat. who could say no to a flying carpet and a man who would get those giant flower bouquets of ur favorite flower(s)
4.) bald bull
yall might not agree with me on this but i personally believe bald bull is one of the best people for valentine's day. plus that lil tooth gap shown in his intro is legitimately so cute who could say no to that (he may be a grown man but anyways LMAO)
3.) glass joe
first off he is from france and that is the place of laaauuuuuuvvv😍😍😍 or something like that idk i didnt pay attention in geometry
second just look at him. that man is one of the top tier valentines, or just overall dates
2.) disco kid
this is a little obvious bc i put him up so highly but i luv him. he’s so silly and energetic but idk if i could match his energy
he’d probably bring his valentine to a roller rink or some shit like that. if that was me i’d probably die on the rink😭
this man is literally so fine yall do not understand the extent of how much i love him so much. from his design all the way down to his whole “sleep” gimmick OUUUGHHHHHHHH 
if this man asked me to be his valentine i think i would legitimately explode on the spot. im not even joking like i would explode like a fucking bomb he is so FINE TO MEE
he’d probably pull up with those giant teddy bears (yk what i’m taking about right,,) and some flowers. he is so fine to me you guys don't understand
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
god okay I really hope this isnt too fucked up, this is just a thing that i know of people experiencing and I can't stop projecting it so. just imagining Mikey knowing about all of the specifically sxual abuse his brothers suffered and he "just" got "Normal Abuse" and feeling some sort of way about it. like "what's so wrong with me that I'm not even wanted like that". vigorously shaking him because boy that is not a thing you want to be! idk if this makes any sort of sense. just like "why am I the only one that never got that specific type of abuse". and then obviously him feeling shitty for having that weird sort of envy because hey! what the fuck! yknow?
"really hoped this isn't too fucked up" buddy boo you have NO IDEA the kinds of fucked up I enjoy.
also yeah this is a vibe. it's kinda funny cuz "wishing your trauma was worse and then feeling bad about it cuz wtf" is like. a really common thing for traumatized people, especially people who don't realize they're traumatized cuz OUR SOCIETY ain't really good at like. informing people of their trauma. I used to do this with my sexual abuse tbh. what happened to me didnt feel extreme enough to justify my trauma lmao.
anyway, I think Mikey wouldn't feel that way most of the time- I just don't think it's in his character. but i do think he'd feel bad that he didn't get it as bad as the others. he'd constantly be downplaying his own trauma or thinking about how much worse everyone else got it, and he'd feel guilty that he came out relatively unscathed.
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hopeds · 11 months
rambling about ships/dynamics i yearn for while i sit in the car
saw a post in the tags saying how predespair tenko probably idolized peko and now i've just been thinking about them — especially in the sense of having adjacent enough interests but tenko encouraging girls to outwardly express their emotions while peko does the exact opposite. i think tenko would absolutely adore peko's fondness for cute animals and i think she would do wonders to help peko regain a sense of autonomy :')
thinks about their drs interaction where he calls her the lamb and lets her hold the devas so she can be less anxious with animals...
idk if my thoughts are coherent at all about them but i just think they can be . so cute.
but specifically ♠️ like they are in the trial for chapter 3
idk how much i ship it apart from that sort of dynamic because they're both such unstable individuals that i can't see much between them really being that healthy nor enjoyable tbh?
but them bitching each other out ohohhohoho
i will talk about characters other than tenko and mikan i promise. but ohhh my god i think mikan would make tenko's protective instincts go HAYWIRE
and again with the expressing emotions thing like i briefly elucidated upon for peko and tenko but i think mikan has a lot of shame about her emotions and also isn't sure entirely how to express them normally (like when she randomly screams/yells or when she says really. weird shit out loud unprovoked) and i think tenko could do. so much for that
another one of my dearly beloved ♠️ moments
idk how many thoughts i have about them offhandedly but i like them and i like them antagonizing each other
this one is more platonic in my mind ( ... sighs.. ♦️) but i think they'd get along so well because of their mutual interest in horror/crime/occult etc
like yeah hiyoko canonically dislikes her but as much as hiyoko torments kazuichi i think she expected a pervy gross guy like him to give her all the attention (as per her track record with her fans unfortunately) so someone else getting that attention kinda. sets her off
BUT when she realizes that sonia didnt even really want kazuichi's crush on her to be a thing i can absolutely see her softening for sonia
especially because sonia was kind to hiyoko and shows a great deal of respect for traditional japanese culture, something very close to hiyoko's heart
on that note...:)
not a ton of thoughts about them to prattle about right now to be honest but i have a soft spot for them and a soft spot for hiyoko antagonizing him
any combination of peko/maki/mukuro:
they're all similar personality - wise but i just think. idk. a lot of themes of dehumanization overlapping that makes me want to see them kiss
sry combining them into one but. god the thoughts i have about hajime and mikan are unreal and i like them
even with hajime's self loathing for his lack of talent i still think he's stable enough all things considered to support mikan in a way she needs?
ugh when she mentions wanting to harm him so she'd need to take care of him and he just says she doesn't need to do that. emotional
i just feel like. i don't know i just feel like they can be so cute
gentle/soft spoken/kind person just the kinda person that mikan needs... and i think she could show her so many video games and it can something that is so sweet
hmgmghmh ladies...
socially awkward x social butterfly like what if i cried.
also their drs interaction is SO cute and i just. weeps
self sacrificial x unable to depend on others... oh they're foils your honor
i've mentioned this in ims before but omg drif/other adjacent scenario where kyouko notices something Off about disguised!mukuro and then they just. they're gay your honor
oh i just feel like tenko can get through to her. i just know she can. even if it takes ten million years
dare i say something controversial?
hm. well. ♠️
in the sense of like. fuyuhiko not wanting to be reliant on the kuzuryuu clan and peko being the embodiment of it because she's his Tool/object as per the clan. and i can just see it getting warped somewhere down the line and i'm so fascinated by that
also like. normal romantic stuff but that can also go without saying i feel
okay so. jealousy over himiko aside. i'm so intrigued by the idea of like. tenko confronting angie about hiding her emotions behind her religion in a sense — but i can also see it going in a ♠️ sort of way tbh
ohhhh how i love them so. not a lot of cohesive thoughts but i LOVE them so much
nothing cohesive again but god am i a sucker for possessiveness/predator+prey dynamics teehee
also this isn't comprehensive! tbh i'll ship pretty much anything and i love writing ships, very rarely do i care about chemistry so you can just ask me
anyways if you're interested in writing any of these perhaps PLEASE hit my line or lmk in any capacity because i'm dying to tbh
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saffricatrice · 4 months
this is highly different from the usual posts i make, but im only posting this because i don;t have. anywhere else to really say it normally and in a way that doesnt seem like im purposely making the people around me discomforted. regular posting will go back after this, but for this vent post specifically tw for: mentions of (almost) sucide attempts and suicidal thoughts
i almost attempted quite a few nights ago. almost. i had the knife in my hand but pussied out last second. i'm glad i did. i thoguht the worst period of my life was roughyl around 13 to 15 or so, but even though i did have suicidal thoughts then and hid it all up with whimsy, i never got this close to an attempt. i don't know why i tried this, i don't want to die, i want to live and be happy and i am still trying to be happy and hopeful despite all of this, i am trying to be optimistic but i suppose despite my current belief (or something im trying to turn into a genuine belief) that my life is worth something, i guess i am just havig Quite The Year right now.
i want to live, you know, and i will live, im sure of that, i guess that one moment was a odd one off thing, if that makes sense. i know i will make it through whatever im going through, and i have a strong reason to keep on living --- it's for the people that i love, mainly, my friends. i don't want them to ever have to miss me, or to ever stay awake in bed during late night crying about my suicide. i want to die of old age, i want to be there for the people i love, my life really is just other people and honestly, i think any reason to live is a good reason to live, as long as it makes you happy and improtantly alive.
i am the most loved ive ever been in my current friendgroup (but i don't think they deserve to hear me vent about uncomfortable topics nor would they want to me which is understandable), i think, but "home" has been horrible. i don't know what to do with myself, everytime im out i dread going home, i don't think i've ever past a day without crying at least once, or getting irrationally angry at something minor. and things have happened in the past also affected the way i think, you know. sometimes i don't believe the love my friends have for me, even though i also at the same time i know its true. i know i deserve to be loved and i will do anything to be loved and in turn i love all my friends like they're my entire world, but it feels like my brain is at war with itself, one side being stupid irrational thoughts and actual logic. i often have breakdowns about "not being anyones best friend", and whenever i vent about this to a friend of mine, theyre always like "ur my best friend!!" and i want to believe them so badly and i kind of DO but i also don't, some annoying part of me just thinks theyre just... saying that. i suppose. its kind of silly to believe i was born a person, sometimes i feel like a vortex, always hungry for love, craving more than what im given. this is such a long paragraph already but i havent even describe the extent of my emotionality, which tbh i rather would not do. i already said too much anywyas. but also little enough taht i just sound like a whiny little bitch, tbh.
i dont know why i said so much, i think it was another attempt to make the few people that read this not worry much about me trying to attempt suicide again. but yeah, i was having a Time. god this barely makes sense lol. thanks for anyone who read tho no ones obligated to respond or interact. i got over it, it was a few days ago anyways. jus had to say it somewhere without making thigns in the friendgroup feel uncomforyable.
sometimes i wish i didnt live but im so fucking glad i did
sorry for this post you lot, promise thisll be the only one. love you guys even if i barely know u. i dont mean to sound like an attention seeker, i just need to say it somewhere, i guess. god i sound so stipid lmfao
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zhaoly · 1 year
k so I didn't know this before but halsin apparently originally wasn't even intended to be a companion plus he's intended to be part of a poly romance... which is why his mono romance was barely developed??
man how were we supposed to know that :\ but suddenly it all makes so much fucking sense... why his character arc and romance fell so flat and why you can't romance him for so DAMN long. I suppose you're supposed to romance another companion and then bring halsin in to be part of a poly relationship instead and it's not intended that you get to act 3 with no romances--they assume you've romanced another companion already
i'm really damn disappointed that his mono romance is pretty much nonexistent and that his character development is so all over the place. I don't think I'll ever be doing a poly romance because I'm just not into that at all so unless they fix halsin's mono romance guess I gotta live with it
the only other companion who really interested me for a romance was karlach but her story is almost equally nonexistent and apparently she's got bad endings only?! like just kill me man. i want to try karlach's romance but i feel like her story is just... nonexistent, i mean all you do is find infernal iron and go to dammon. there's not even a specific quest arc or challenge for her, you just sort of naturally find the iron during regular exploration.
guess i'll be trying the other romances more out of curiosity rather than desire. like they all have aspects i like but then there's just like one (or two) things that turn me off.
i liked gale initially bc i was like holy shit an alistair/anders lovechild but then he started all that weird mystra stuff and i was like aight im outie. and i was also like wait we're supposed to be able to romance this guy?! isn't he very clearly not over this thing with mystra? i mean dude's gonna blow himself up for repentance or sth
wyll is like... fine i guess but too nice LMAO and i wont lie the dance scene was just like........... not my thing at all. just really not. and i honestly really don't like his devil appearance, i feel bad for saying it bc it's not his fault lol 😭 i liked him way more as a human but then quickly realized he doesnt stay that way for long. i think his story is definitely intriguing with the whole mizora thing and him being the son of the duke but man.
astarion is insufferable lord i can't stand the way he talks. i kicked him right after the nighttime blood sucking scene bc his voice/personality were so grating and i'm just not into the vampire shit at all. he also just like... looks like a creep and the way he talks doesn't help... tbh i think the only way i'll be able to tolerate him is to mod his face he just comes off as a creepy insufferable old guy i'm sorry
i like shadowheart as a companion but not really into her for a romance. her whole utter devotion to shar was also a huge turnoff lmao and for this first run I just decided that my tav wasn't into that. i did make the choice that basically had her turn against shar but i'm like yeah she can be besties with my tav i like that more. I actually really like sh's arc as a close/best friend
couldn't stand lae'zel initially either, left her in the cage after she wouldnt say please since tav is petty like that. found her later and reluctantly went the creche with her and then ended up killing her oops but hey she threatened to kill me first 🤷‍♀️ i'll def take her on future runs but i don't think i'll ever romance her
so like who does that even leave me with?? halsin basically fit a lot of parameters i like in a companion until i played through more of the game and realized that they really didnt deliver with him. i'm sure if i play through these companion quests/romances further in the future i'll warm up more to these characters but my initial impressions were just... not favorable and hey it's an rpg and my tav has opinions! who knows maybe i'll end up loving one of these character romances but rn i'm still lamenting over halsin's utterly lackluster one
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maschotch · 2 years
Few different thoughts on 701 and 702.
The unsub in 702 is so creepy and f'd up. It was pretty good writing.
I don't really understand the fued between JJ and Reid because at the end of 701 everyone is in the meeting room and looks fine. If they had written that Reid wasn't there then it would've made more sense in 702.
Also I didn't like the writing when Reid yells at JJ, it just didn't flow well.
I don't understand the whole "what if I had started taking Dilaudid again would you have let me part?"
Specifically the "would you have let me" part.
It should have ended at "What if I started taking Dilaudid again?"
And going to JJ's house crying. That's not really Reid's character...he doesn't really ask for help, people usually ask him if he's okay and eventually he may say something...like with the drug problem or the headaches...
What do you think?
701 was one of their worst episodes honestly. the whole doyle arc was done so well, which makes it so much worse when the finale falls flat. i think bringing declan’s mom as a foil for lauren was cool (and low empathy emily interacting w no empathy doyle is fucking hilarious), but other than that, it was just so… disappointing. all that build up for nothing. even the reunion felt insincere (other than shemar who acted his fuckijg ass off w that kicked puppy look). no one really reacted. idk they just made that whole ep so… uninteresting. like it wasnt entertaining at all and made absolutely no sense for anyone. truly a waste. the doyle arc couldve been so good if they just managed to stick the landing
702 was definitely the most blatant ableism in a while.. that being said, it’s a fun episode bc they make him so vile. and tbh i kinda like the little reid jj drama.. it does admittedly feel like it comes outta nowhere, and it’s not even bc the last episode didnt build up to it—we just haven’t seen jj/reid interact in an emotionally vulnerable way? like of all people, jj feels like the last person reid would go to if he needed to cry. she’s shown him nothing but disdain or indifference when he’s ever emotional around her. but i do think it’s fun that they played w the betrayal. jj’s annoyance that reid hadn’t forgiven her yet was so in character and it was interesting to see that confrontation
i dont mind their fight honestly. yeah it’s a little choppy and all over the place w reid jumping from one point to another, but i think it works bc 1) when anger reaches a certain point it becomes difficult to think linearly and 2) reid in particular isn’t exactly known for being in touch with his feelings, so he’s dealing with it while arguing. all his emotions are bubbling up at once, all the different reasons he has to be (rightfully btw) upset. reid is already a little scatterbrained and has a hard time focusing—he has so much going on in his mind at any given time that it’s hard for him to control when he’s this frustrated. all things considered i think he got his points across pretty well
i think it’s interesting that he brings up his addiction now when it’s gone unmentioned for like three seasons. i think it shows that (yeah the writers probably just forgot/didnt care) he’s pretty private about it. it’s something that was embarrassing for him, and we know he doesnt have the healthiest standards for deserving self respect. it’s partly bc he wants to be private about it and partly bc his attempts to reach out went ignored in the early stages of his addiction. so he’s been quietly struggling in the background all this time—recovery isn’t linear either. it’s definitely realistic for him to want to turn to a familiar sense of release. i think that’s what he was trying to convey: how deeply this hurt him. he was in genuine pain, and he resents jj for letting him suffer when she knew emily was still alive. to be fair i dont think he’s processed that she didnt really have a choice, or thought at all about the repercussions of jj telling the truth. bringing up dilaudid was his way of saying “what if it got that bad? how miserable do i have to be to earn mercy, to earn the truth? do i have to risk ruining my life for you to be honest?”
idk. jj was doing what she could (what she had been ordered to do) to protect emily, so i dont blame her for keeping quiet. but reid is also entitled to his anger—it’s very fair of him to be upset at the perceived betrayal from a (supposedly) close friend. the problem is that jj is rejecting reid’s emotions for a second time, this time without reason. she expects him to be perfectly understanding and everything to go back to normal as if nothing has changed. but that’s her own fucked up little coping mechanism lol. im actually a big fan of this moment (even if they didnt provide any fucking context)
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logictoinsanity · 7 months
Recently read The Silence by Tim Lebbon and it was great, found out there was a movie and watched it and now I'm subjecting the Internet void to
My Thoughts on The Silence (2019) (6.5/10):
-(TLDR: I enjoyed it, but if I hadn't read the book it'd be much less interesting
TLDR of the move: if youve seen a quiet place, very similar creature, blind and hunts via hearing, reminiscent of like, piranhas combined with bats. parents, young son, deaf daughter and moms mom are trying to survive)
- Casting is all good except for Huw they fucked up (actor did a good job, just don't think he has the right vibe and its not /just/ because he's bald)
- Jude and Ally are great, Otis is a Rottweiler and I can't remember if that's book accurate (definitely not how I pictured him, I pictured a mutt that vaguely resembles a dark grey Irish wolfhound, but not as ridiculously large). but he's so so cute (I hid during The Scene™ so I have no clue how they handled it, but maybe next time I can just think about the dog actor having a really fun time)
- Not a fan of the change of setting, I understand that the problem had to move faster than the book, but they could've still kept the UK and Moldova, I feel like this would be more important to me if I was British tho tbh, im sure theres aspects of the characters in the book that got messed up when they turned american that i didnt notice. Probably cheaper to film in the USA tho.
- Obviously lacks all of the incredible build up and suspense of the entire first quarter of the book, with Ally seeing the cave on TV and slowly watching it become a bigger and bigger thing, which is one of my favorite things about the book
- Note from ~25 minutes in- better than a quiet place because it starts from the beginning, although I've heard the quiet place 2 provides a lot more context, maybe it's a ouija situation
- They also fucked up the order of events with the hushed attacking the house, which fucks up the relevance of the grandmas sacrifice, since they just grabbed Ally again right after
- They also didn't include the smile from grandma to Ally which would've been so so easy to include and imo was a good moment.
- I liked Jude stabbing the guy, can't remember if that was in the book. also didn't like that it was three kidnappers instead of one really big guy who ignored like, a knife wound and being punched repeatedly
- Overall very similar to how I feel about THG movie, although this movie is worse than THG generally, so the concept is amplified. fun to watch because I know the deeper parts, decent basic genre movie, but doesn't have nearly the substance, meaning, or craftsmanship as the book.
- Really wish the beginning had slightly more time to show the doubt the world had when the vesp infestation first started. I think like two or three weeks passed between the Moldova cave incident and the vesps crossing the British channel in the book. There also wasn't time to show all the ways people tried to fight back, the military burning cities while blasting off fireworks, releasing toxic gases, etc. But I think specifically the doubt that was surrounding the vesp infestation in its early stages is a very important part of what makes the book so effective, it shows how people will ignore the things they cant handle, the cognitive dissonance we all have about whats happening in far away countries, it could never happen to us etc
- Really wish Glenn got more screen time and character development, especially in relation to the doubt, but I understand why he didn't. He's the madge of this film (not as bad tho, they did their best with him and the time they had I think)
- Feel pretty much the same about the ending, I get they needed a satisfying conclusion since they knew the odds of a sequel were slim, and the original ending would've been to frustrating for a more general audience.
- Personally though, I would've written it closer to the original, but they make it to the house in Scotland, and there's vague hints about the refuge (and maybe a more solid conclusion on rob somehow) so its like, there's a little open endedness and if they really wanted to do a sequel they could, but its still satisfying and more follows the original storyline. Especially since they totally cut out the plot line of huw and his parents weird relationship and his weird feelings about Scotland.
- Still enjoyed it more than quiet place, though tbf I don't remember that movie very well, I was high as fuck during both movies, and I haven't seen the sequel
- Huws brother and sister, Allys best friend and the lake house woman's machete are all absent, along with the prime Minister announcements (although I guess itd be the president) which I really enjoyed since the governments response is a key component to how a society reacts to catastrophy, which I think is a solid bit of the point of the book
- Basically I want a five hour long extended version that's just a little more book accurate and has slightly better pacing and casting. Just like The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and every other book to movie adaptation I've ever seen
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