#they were fleeting 🥲
honnelander · 8 months
I had a super cute Taz dream.
For context, I blush easily, and my cheeks are normally rosey but go bright red at the smallest attention. I could be talking to my closest friend about the weather, and if they look at me a certain way or I make eye contact *red cheek power activate* 😳
Anyway, in the dream, Taz and I were laughing and chatting. Before he noticed my cheeks go red at something, he said that wasn't meant to be flirty, but it came across that way. (Sadly can't remember what was said) We laughed about it, made lil flirty comments back and forth, before he said my blushing was cute. To which we made long eye contact, and I hid behind a piece of paper. He laughed every time I peeked from behind it, smirking or making faces at me to make me laugh and feel less self-conscious. 🥺
(I'm jealous of dream me 😮‍💨)
UM- THIS IS CUTE AS HECK??!! 😭 and you know what, i am the saaame way lmao I blush at anything and I hate attention (i hate it and it’s embarrassing but 🫠🤷🏼‍♀️)
i know that was a dream and all, but I can just totally see it happening in real life 😭😭😭
I think we ALL are so jealous of dream you omg 😭 please dream up of part 2 tonight and report back thank you 🫡
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692140 · 2 years
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here’s a shitty photo dump from last night because i WILL be making loving greta van fleet my entire personality
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Greta Van Fleet’s attempt at Crazy Train lives in my head rent free.
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
GREETINGS! How are you doing? I've been practically gobbling up your posts (there very tasty)
Ok so hear me out- I've seen a couple posts like this but imagine-
The almighty all powerful wise creator isss
✨️A literal child✨️
Thanks for hearing me out! For you ->->❤️
Baby you taking on the world aw
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DAMN SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER!! i started fics before i answered my askbox :/
Aw i fucking love child reader stuff,
Lots of isekai animes/manhwa/manga do it and i eat that shit up everytime-
I also deeply appreciate when its not done creepily, like being turned 8 again, and having crushes on others who are... yknow, actually 8 yrs old or sm fucked up shit, like even if its 16 yr olds that doesnt make it any better, bc the protag will actually be like,, actually 20?!?!💀 the straights r wild man, i feel like it happens either way too, like its usually a male MC but thats just bc theyre more common tbh, like regardless of gender of protag 🥲
Sun: Child God Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short Headcanons
Stars: Mondstadt ppl bc i don't show them i love them enough
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment any I missed. /gen
Klee has recruited converted you to throwing bombs with her.
You are the only leash on that child too and the only thing standing between Jean and full head of gray hair. 💀
Kaeya doesn’t know whether he’s endlessly worried or endlessly amused that the most powerful god is currently a child
if Jean isnt freaking out over ur whereabouts, Diluc is instead, and worst case scenario, Noelle/Lisa/Albedo is in charge of you
and YES someone has to look out for you, bc ur ass will just start making a hot springs spot like ur in ur teapot or smth in dragonspine (Albedo was fascinated it stayed warm despite the weather so he let you make it/enjoy it before asking u to restore natural order lol)
(Albedo has definitely asked to study you and, unfortunately for Jean, asked u to demonstrate several powers u have)
You do work as a lucky charm for Bennett tho so he does babysit u sometimes
it mostly consists of Fischl, Benny, and Razor “adventuring” by trying to do smth like who can jump on the Anemo slimes and ride them around longest
(the answer is you btw, u managed to get a small fleet of them to bus you around, the teens were simultaneously terrified running around below u to catch you and also amazed)
Noelle is so happy making toddler you all the pancakes you can eat, Sucrose had to stop her from going overboard and not just listening completely to kids when it comes to food
She is now very concerned with making you a balanced diet, tho she will still make u an ungodly tall stack of pancakes every now and then <3
They kind of all equally provide for you, obv ur their god, and ur a literal cutie patootie child, they cant just leave you
(also u might like move a mountain or change the weather or smth if they don't watch you so most are a little paranoid of that too)
Lisa gets u all kinds of cute outfits, still stuff you'd like, but definitely snuck in some sumeru looking clothing lol
Fischl lends you all kinds of books to read, Bennett shows u all the cool views in the city and outside of it (when Jean lets him get away with taking u that far), and Razor…
Razor brings you to Andrius and the wolf pack for a wolf pack party and gives u all kinds of shiny trinkets he’d collected for you
Diluc/Jean/Noelle/Eula nearly had a heart attack when they found out
Amber lets you have all the piggyback rides you want lol
she even managed with her own crafting powers (and your probably editing the game code or smth) she somehow makes a reinforced glider with a small harness on the back for you to glide with her
(Venti has definitely helped for some fun flights by boosting the winds for you two)
ur absolutely spoiled rotten by him (and Dvalin, and Andrius, and the wind sprites)
if this god had money he’d spend it on wine and you lol
takes u flying all the time, any time, would drop everything to go to Mondstadt wilds and use his archon form wings to take you wherever you wanna go
tries to bring u to Angel’s Share but Diluc nearly hits him on the head with a wine bottle and brings you back home after kicking Venti out and giving you grape juice (yes you get all you want, within a healthy amount)
anyway the most important part abt you being a god and child is that you can now fulfill your childhood dreams of riding a dragon whenever you want
(one way to quickly get Mondstadt citizens to trust Dvalin again was just constantly seeing him flying overhead, occasionally seeing a small child on his back also helped lol)
(neither you nor Venti tell Jean you ride Dvalin and keep it an active secret from her.)
srry i took so long! i hope u liked my hot mess of writing (i think its even sloppier than usual bc of all the fic writing full sentences lately)
and if not, I'm sorrryyy 😭😭
I'm focusing on getting thru a haul of asks before getting around to posting that Eldritch AU Part 2 if anyone reads this :)
hope u guys are have a great weekend, thanks for all the birthday wishes!! :D
Safe Travels Anon,
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just-some-user-hunny · 8 months
Comforting Pino after a long day...
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This is a commission of sorts I've been working on a while, coming back to it now and then, as my college work has been very demanding as of late so I haven't been able to dedicate much time on it 🥲
(The premise is that he gets back to the hotel very early in the morning, hoping to just remove his legion arm and climb into bed with you, but he doesn't find you in your room so he's all :( until he finds you leaving the kitchen with a cup of milk and honey because you can't sleep, and he just hugs you. He tries to explain, but he just can't get the words out and gets a bit frustrated with himself so you Just give lots of soft reassurance and comfort as you help remove his legion arm to get fixed in the morning, setting it Eugenie's workbench to be looked at, and you just pull him into your bed and stroke his hair and speak to him till he feels better. I may have wandered off track a little, but I hope you enjoy it!)
~As the veil of twilight fell upon the derelict streets of Krat, Pino found himself at wits ends. No matter how persistent Gemini was with his encouraging crickets and chirps, his mood refused to shift. At this point it was as sodden and groggy as the cobblestone streets were. With every fleeting encounter of clashing blades and flying sparks, he only found himself growing more and more irate.
His legion arm was practically immobile at this point, the fleeting moments of rest in-between fights were spent rolling his shoulder- and all Pino could do was lightly grimace as his shoulder popped and creaked.
With such a bitter way to end the evening, Pino could only clench his jaw and straighten his posture.
~ "we better get that fixed up real quick, huh pal?". Gemini chirped from the confinement of his lantern, at which Pino only held his breath back and huffed softly. His expression fed-up and sullen, and continued his way onwards all the while ignoring Geminis cautious little whines of 'you annoyed at me Pino?'
~ the warm glow of the hotel illuminated in the darkened sky was a welcoming sight, a beacon of light and safety, and it eases pino's clenched fists a little. The lit lamps flickered with warmth, contrast to the cold glimmering starlight amongst the heavens, and pino's footsteps quickened in pace as he hurried to the hotel entrance. Eager to feel the embrace of warmth- and most importantly, the sight of you waiting patiently for him.
~ shouldering the heavy door open, he peers around the golden entrance hall- crimson and amber filling the room, whilst the stargazer glimmered with a cold blue light- Sophia poised solemnly, seemingly in deep thought.
Pino wastes no time searching the room for you, glass jeweled eyes peering around, before his brows knit a little  in confusion.
You weren't there...
~ as if he has brought the rain in with him, his face falls once again. With his brow fallen and his eyes glassy and blank, he sets himself on the task of finding you- the desire to be within your presence burning within him wildly to the point it was the only thing driving him forward. At this point, it burnt brighter than the ergo within him.
~ the door to your bedroom was closed, and your room was absent from your heartbeat and your breath and your voice... Pino stood dumbly at the door, a little voice that wasn't Geminis whispering poisonous words in his head.
They're gone. They've left. They don't need you. They've found a human to be with. What did you expect?
~ "Pino?"
~ the swiftness of his head turning caught you off guard a little, almost making you drop the steaming porcelain cup of warm milk that you've been cradling in hot palms ever since you left the kitchen. The sound of your voice felt like he had just been pulled out of the deep end- his saviour.
Your puppet companion stood tall in the lavish hallway- out of place, like a ghostly phantom. Drenched like a wet cat in oil and rain, there was something not quite right with him... The way he carried himself right now. Usually he is tall and confident and sure in all his silent will of steel- but now he seems like a weeping willow. Befallen, drooping. It was not him at all.
~ "hey- are you alright Pino?"
Like a sirens call, he follows.
~ the way he walks alarms you. He looks... hurt. Eager, but hurt.
At first- he seems to stumble, a misguided step that practically has him slumped against you, and it takes every strained muscle in your body to not allow his weight to take you down with him. With your arms clumsily steadying him by his waist, his head falls into your shoulder- an idle hand palming the curve of your side before his face comes out of its retreat from the warm crook of your neck, the chill of his nose pressing against your cheek barely registering in your head.
~ he looks so tired- which was startling. Surely puppets didn't get tired, right? Although Pino was a unique puppet, so who was to say...
~ "oh no..." you gasp softly, peering agastly at pino's arm- which appeared in rather poor shape.
His expression stills at your concern- before he rolls his shoulder, which only creaks and startles you more by the irate jagged sounds it makes.
With a knit in his brow, his lips part as if to speak- but nothing more than a silent breath passes by his porcelain lips, and it only seems to deepen the knot in his expression.
~ after ushering him into your room, you begin to lightly inspect his arm with your touch, your fingertips run up the grooves of his wrist up to his forearm, where a rather large gash was torn into it. Like a broken doll limb, and you force yourself to leave your warm milk and honey to be forgotten on your chest of drawers.
With a few words of assurance, you help him take it off, and you're so careful with him whilst doing so he can't help but admire you as you do so, the tension in his body unwinding from your gentle touches.
Pino is still drenched in rain and oil, his pale porcelain skin splotched dark and glossy stains, and you could feel that there was smear of it on your cheek where he had nuzzled against you earlier.
~ running the bath, you turn to see Pino standing behind you, unmoving- his gaze piqued in interest of the running water and the foaming bubbles.
Seeing him make no move, you do so yourself. Lightly ushering him to you, he follows without question, and he stands perfectly still as you begin to unbutton his shirt and lightly tug it down his shoulders. Only then do you realise that he's staring at you, and you can't help but retreat away a little in embarrassment because you've just hurried to undress him all the while he looked at you so endearingly and devoted. His doe eyes are all droopy and gentle as he gazes at you softly.
~ Pino reaches for you, wanting to gather you close, before realising he's only got one arm to embrace you- so he gently manouvers his remaining one around your shoulders to pull you to his chest. A soft hum leaving him as your arms wrap around his waist, his face resting contently against the crown of your head. His lips brushing over your hairline.
~ his hand lightly prodding your shoulder to get your attention, before he timidly signs you a thank you :(
~ giving him privacy to clean, you throw a spare shirt that he had learnt you earlier for him to wear on the bed. You work diligently to make the room as cosy as possible- snuffing out candles and drawing curtains, the faint glow of the oil lamp on the bedside table illuminating the room just a little. You also peel your now slightly damp and messy clothes off and change into fresh pyjamas, after all you practically got hugged by a sopping wet puppet 😅
~ appearing at the doorway of your en suite is pino, now fresh and clean. Helping him into the shirt, as he struggles a little with only one arm- you gesture invitingly to the bed with a tired smile.
Pino expression speaks enough, his face elating subtly at your words. Expecting him to huddle under the covers, you're startled as he suddenly picks you up with one arm and flops you both onto the bed- his sturdy arm embracing you close to his chest, and his soft smiling face nuzzled soundly into your chest.
~ for the remainder of your night, Pino's lonesome and poisonous thoughts dissolve like seafoam in the warmth of your body against his. His doubts and worries seep away like the blackened bathwater down the drain. Nestled in the embrace of your heartbeat and breath, he falls into a peaceful state of rest. He's not quite sleeping, but he's also not quite conscious... Like a deep state of vulnerability, and he does so willingly because he knows he's safe with you. There is no need to be on guard, nor survey his surroundings, because he's with you right now and you always make everything ok
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 months
Hey I requested that last yunjin x gn reader can u do another one where they’re sitting at home and he’s trying to help her come up with a song for the new album thank you
my victory - "my sugar" ~ h. yn.
a/n: thank you for the request, and i hope you enjoy this! it's a bit short, my apologies in advance, my allergies are kicking my ass 🥲 it's a bit different than your request so i hope that's alright!
tw: reader is a simp (aren't we all)
♡ Masterlist ♡
summary: yunjin has trouble drumming up inspiration (me too girlie) for song lyrics on her upcoming album. As her partner, you take it as your responsibility to help her get out of the house and find her groove. and you get to spend time with your girlfriend - a win-win scenario!
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"Babe, stop it!"
Yunjin's screech lands on deaf ears as you plant another wet kiss on her cheek.
"How am I supposed to focus when you-" She turns her head to face you, and you place a fleeting kiss on her lips, "now you're teasing me."
You lazily wrap your arms around her waist before pulling her away from the desk.
"C'mon, you've been looking at that laptop for hours and nothing has come to you. Why don't we go out for a bit so you can refresh your mind?" You suggest as she tries and fails to grab her laptop from the desk.
"I have to finish these lyrics before the deadline-" Yunjin tries to argue, but you shush her with another kiss to the lips.
"-which is a month away, and you're supposed to be relaxing when you're here visiting family and friends." You emphasize the word friends, as if the company that approved the trip wasn't already aware of your relationship.
You wanted to make the most of Yunjin being back in the States, but with her so focused on her group's upcoming comeback, you felt like Yunjin was with you without really being there with you.
"Alright." She reluctantly closes her laptop after you let her go from your arms. "What do you want to spend today doing?"
"You're such a fucking cheater." You scoff as you tally up the miniature golf score.
"You're the one who gave me the handicap." Yunjin accuses you as you roll your eyes.
"You said you were bad at mini golf!"
"I said I was bad at mini golf... when I'm without a handicap." Yunjin teases you as you finish adding the scores together.
"You failed to mention that when we started." You sigh as you show her the score card. "You got ten up on me, so you know what that means."
"I'm the winner?" She beams at you, and your crushing defeat is nothing compared to her happiness.
"You have to buy me a pity drink, as the winner."
"No fair!" She whines as you grab the car keys.
"It pays to be a loser." You shrug before unlocking your car.
"Cheers." You press your glass to hers. "To love, to us."
"And to sore losers." Yunjin jokes before taking a drink from her glass. "I'm glad you took me out for a date, babe."
"Me too, I can actually have some time with my girlfriend this week." You chuckle to yourself. "Feeling better now that you're out and about?"
"I am, despite your sarcasm, and I've got a few new ideas for that laptop." She presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
"Any of them involve me?" You lean in to kiss her on the lips before she pushes you away.
"None of them, actually." She scoffs after you kiss her. "But I haven't written any lyrics yet, so there's time for you to inspire a few."
You pull her in to another kiss to show your approval.
"Let's head back to my place so we can relax for a bit, and then you can write as long as you want, alright?" You pull her into your arms before she snatches the keys from your hand.
"One more drink?" She looks at you with pleading eyes.
"One more drink." You say confidently, as if the two of you aren't going to spend the rest of the night in each other's arms, the laptop and her work schedule long forgotten.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Can you write some hcs modern!chubby Aegon headcanons pls?
From you know who
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I combined these two asks because I can :) BUT PLEASE I THINK I MIGHT KNOW WHO YOU ARE NONNIE, but I am very much a dumb bitch. hope you enjoy this, because I sure as hell did writing it 💗 + @godrakin (thank you lele for the mental image) 🥲
Strangers to Lovers.
PAIRING: Modern!Chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,870.
WARNINGS: NSFW, size kink, breeding kink, praise kink, slight degradation kink, p in v sex, female receiving, Daddy kink, lactation kink, dom!Aegon, slight reference to fatphobia, short time jump (****). DNI !!!!
A/N - I am craving for this man, you guys must be SICK OF ME!!! but this was meant to be the short fucking hell...
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Aegon is OBSESSED with you [as cliche as it sounds] since the moment he laid his lilac, doe eyes on you. It should have frightened you how infatuated he would eventually become: although you knew deep down that his affections were well-intentioned and sincere.
He is just incredibly smitten of you. If he was being brutally honest with himself, he never thought a guy like him would ever have the chance nor end up landing an utter and complete babe like you.
You see, Aegon leans a tad bit more towards the chunkier side, when it comes to his physique. Just above the average male height [taller than you], he maintains some muscle from participating in college football in his previous years, however he rarely continues now nor did he pursue pro. Much in his prime in college [during his initial years] his hobbies were much rather indulgent; often found in campus parties, drinking, feasting and fucking [repeat].
However, as his weight swelled over the coming semesters and seasons, he became slightly more reclusive. Still sociable when wandering campus and in classes, he maintained his notorious reputation amongst his peers.
However, he was first introduced to you in the library: caught in your own dreamy world and incomprehensible thoughts... You were stunning.
Something about how isolated, yet serene you appeared in your own company, reading through the dense pages, as you concentrated in jotting down words and sentences, was somewhat comforting for him.
He sat a few tables in front of you, the perfect view [so long as no one dared to interfere], having already forgotten the reason for his visit to the library in the first place.
He'd attempt to act busy and mindful, sneaking a few fleeting glimpses, often struggling to stop himself from capturing long, devious glances [spotting your cleavage from the tight, low-cut sweater you wore, each time you lean in a little closer to the pages, he caught a sneaky peek, making him smile].
Aegon made this a fixed habit, often finding you in the same 'hidden', corner. For the next few days, which ultimately became weeks, he'd find you in the quiet of the library, taking the precious time out of his day to simply observe you: absorbing your entire, delicate being.
The first time you'd actually spotted him in the distance, you'd managed to catch each other's attention, exchanging a faint, half-hearted smile [bashful you seemed], before resuming your focus back onto your books at hand.
Aegon felt himself growing flustered and hard, simultaneously.
You rarely socialised to anyone else, at times listening to music as you studied, although on this occasion, you were not alone...
A male [with a more leaner, toned physique, not that it mattered although Aegon did not dismiss it] had keenly approached you, and despite abruptly disturbing you, you remained polite [from the looks of it, unable to hear nor decipher what was being said] it seemed pleasantries were solely exchanged.
Aegon felt his blood begin to boil in a few mere seconds, the rage coursing through his body like never before. He was LIVID.
He refused to look away although would often remind himself to look down, fists and jaw firmly clenched. It was obvious the guy had his own intentions, although he'd come to the conclusion that you were either naive or simply gratifying. [He definitely believed the latter option].
Nothing escalated, although he was now determined to actually approach you the following day, he swore to himself that he would.
Aegon was quite experienced with the ladies, however, it had been a hot minute since he was in an exclusive relationship. Just occasionally did he fill the empty void that was his bed, with the company of some, desperate girl [however it had been over a month now since he had actually slept with someone, more so aligned to when he had met you].
He definitely would masturbate to you though in his own privacy, just vividly envisioning you, forcing a mental image of you completely bare and naked, aching and begging for him [a whimpering, wet mess].
When he finally heard the soft, tenderness of your sweet voice, he finally had a tone to match the mental image.
"Aegon, please-Big boy, I need you."
It wasn't the confidence in himself that made him finally seek you out directly, it was the rage from the previous day and the daunting thought, that another man would snatch you from him.
Aegon had come to realise, you made him a jealous man. Having contemplated in his delusions and fantasies of you, the possibility that you may have already a partner at hand that he knew nothing of their existence frustrated him. His dilemma of whether he'd continue to pursue you, or let you be, agonised him.
Although, he was more convinced he'd be incredibly regretful if he did not try...
"I-I'm Aegon, Aegon Targaryen-I have seen you around, seems like you live in the library-"
"I could say the same about you," You wittingly tease, a sly smirk streaked across your familiar face: seeing you so up-close and personal, your details prominent to his naked eyes, you were even more gorgeous.
Although, it seemed much to his amusement, you had noticed him too, despite his efforts of being incognito [he should've known better with his mass and size that he'd be impossible to miss].
"I'm Y/N by the way, pleasure to finally meet you."
Since that surreal moment, Aegon was determined to keep you in his hold. And much to his sheer luck, he'd initially befriend you, coming to find the truth that you were single, did his affections only begin to grow stronger.
However he feared that his attraction to you was simply that, a mere crush and nothing more. And yet, he wanted to know everything and anything about you, willingly devoting most of his spare time if he was not in class nor gaming or forced to attend some frat party, was he found in your presence.
The longer you remained exposed to Aegon though, his insecurities began to seep through the cracks of his false facade. The main self-doubts he had cemented in himself, were often surrounding his:
Weight: Aegon supported a subtle baby face, his jawline bedded beneath a decent layer of fat, with a double chin, his waist was quite round and fleshy, often swoll after eating a meal, his biceps were quite stocky and his thighs were thick. You absolutely adored his appearance, the though that he could easily overpower you, drove you wild.
Or that you would be the one to simply lose interest, finding a more attractively equivalent partner to your tastes and degree. How could he stop you from leaving? It was his worst fear, the risk of abandonment... Or perhaps, you'd grow disgusted by him overtime, becoming more familiar to his "slob" livelihood, how could you stand for it?
Much to Aegon's relief, you were just as keen and determined to stay: committed in your chances and efforts of creating a viable, loving relationship.
Although, he was intent on changing his risqué ways, for the betterment of you.
Aegon LOVED to spoil you: provided he was from a wealthy family [you'd come to realise], he enjoyed showering you with lavish, costly gift, even in the early stages of the relationship, from designer clothes/bags/shoes to opulent jewels. He wouldn't even require a designated occasion, when he felt like it [which was more often than not] he would surprise you.
In return you tried to shower Aegon with gifts, although ones with more sentimental value then one of cost. However, he begged for you not to, as he knew you were working to support yourself [which he often insisted you stop, reasoning that he would provide for you].
He was hesitant to introduce you to his friends, for he knew what most of them were heinously like. Although, he made certain they wouldn't dare to act carelessly nor snobbishly around you nor in your proximity. If anything, you rarely met with them, for Aegon now had differing interests and priorities to them.
The person Aegon often met and hung with were his brothers, cousins and nephews: Baela and Jace, you'd met and acquainted with in previous classes, whereas Aemond, you also shared a few classes with, however you each minding your own business.
One, particular thing you'd come to realise, Aegon was keen for physical touch as signs of affection. He often displayed his love towards you naturally, kissing you, hugging you, keeping you in as close as possible proximity, and in his firm embrace at all times, even if it was a simple hand over your waist/hip.
He loved to grab your ass, the more relaxed you were around him.
God forbid, if he saw you fashioning a well-fitted, summer dress during the warmer climates, his pudgy hand would graze over your thighs, as he'd occasionally squeeze your sensitive, tender flesh, earning a faint whimper from you. If given the chance, he'd fuck you then and there: "easy access" he'd reason.
He never pestered nor coerced you into the act of sex itself, not wanting to frighten you off, nor endorse you to regret the first intimate moment you'd share with him.
Although, the need to wait was new for him, and he found it challenging, as his crotch would often, helplessly itch for your cunt, desperate to bury himself deep inside your core.
The first time you'd be together intimately though, would be unexpected and more so in the 'heat of the moment' although, it was worth the wait.
Aegon initially was hesitant [although eager for you], "let's keep the lights low", "I'll keep my shirt on": you had to spare a few, important minutes reassuring him that he had nothing to be ashamed of. You [in fact], found him to be rather desirable.
His cock is THICK as hell, you grow worrisome over how he'll fit but he reassures you with such suave "I'll make it fit, baby...It'll only hurt for a little while."
Overtime, the more exposed and familiar you'd both became with each other's bodies, the confidence grew, especially with Aegon.
The way he'd use his larger, stockier mass to pin you down, as he fucked you senseless, was unlike anything else.
You'd often be the one reminding him to use protection [on top of your own contraceptive methods] for the last thing you needed in college, was a baby.
And often you'd have to remind him to be gentle, he easily lost his way mentally, the only thing on his mind was to selfishly sate his gluttonous self...
Aegon had a deep, dark lust to breed you. This was a first for him, thoughts of you carrying and swelling with his child, walking aimlessly around campus/town, as everyone laid eyes on the evidence of his undoing, provoked something carnal and raw inside of him. He'd surmised it was his own, methodical way of keeping you strapped to him, although he respected your autonomy, and knew that when the time was right, it would eventually be inevitable. You wouldn't be able to deny him any longer...
You both shared a major size kink difference: this was your first, for you had never truly been with someone of Aegon's size, and yet, something about how effortlessly and somewhat aggressively he could man-handle you. Lifting and guiding your body according to his motions and positions, as he eased himself inside of you. Often and unintentionally he'd leave marks and handprints all along your gentle skin that eventually would bruise, to which he'd later feel incredibly guilty for, only to be comforted by you that he meant no harm. If he was in control, he'd often use his body weight against you, pinning you down as he thrust his thick cock inside, painfully stretching your throbbing walls from within, as he forcefully parted your legs as wide enough to fit him through.
He loved eating you out: an insatiable hunger for your cunt and the wetness that oozed was delectable, his tongue always making you cum.
He loved to praise you in bed, how much of a good, little girl you were, taking him in extremely well.
"My precious baby, I know it hurts but look at me- You are doing so, so fucking good. You feel so good and tight for me, baby."
"Keep going princess, making me feel so good, letting me ruin you like this, fuck."
Although occasionally he'd tease and degrade you with some sharp name-calling: referring to you as his "whore" and "slut" which surprisingly, you vividly enjoyed.
chubby!Aegon is dom, even from below.
Aegon was an aftercare KING! Although he rarely did much for his previous companions, he actually took the time and effort to research what needed to be done.
He knew how painful sex could be with him, considering how he'd handled you and his overall larger size, he felt obliged to nurture you.
In the late hours of the night, he'd open up about his childhood, his parents and how neglectful and disappointed they often were with him. Vice versa, you would naturally open up too.
It saddened you deeply that he endured through such traumatic matters, that consequentially led to his poor, disorderly behaviour: the drinking, the smoking, the promiscuity. After outgrowing his habits, he explained that he sought comfort in food, and gaming, leading a sedentary lifestyle. The pace had caught up with his figure [alongside the stresses of college and scrutiny of his family].
"I'm proud of you, Aeg. I mean it, as should you be."
Aegon would be the first to ask and insist if you'd be happy to meet his family. Having never been in a relationship quite like this and for this lengthy amount of time, he had no doubt things were getting serious: he at least wanted to give you the courtesy of meeting his family, and them, you.
You were actually ecstatic that he felt you were right enough to meet his family, agreeing to his offer. Efficiently he arranged a time and day for a family dinner. Aegon was more nervous than yourself, although much to his relief, his family were quite fond of you, his mother, Alicent, especially.
She was more than aware of Aegon's internal self-conflict and could see the noticeable joy you brought into his life: that she could not deny her eldest.
In the coming year, Aegon offered you a decadent, lush promise ring, that you hastily accepted out of sheer excitement.
"If I intend to live this life, I only intend to live it with you. I don't ever wish to part with you, Y/N. That I can promise you."
Fastrack a few longing, years ahead, Aegon aiding in his family's law firm, and yourself now successfully graduated and living together cosily.
Aegon struggled in his final year, often losing hope in his degree and grades, yet you helped him to persevere [Alicent was thankful for that].
A few months after college, Aegon was too eager to marry you, he could no longer wait to deem you his wife, binding you to him for eternity in this lifetime: his family financed the entire wedding much to their pleasure, the night was one to remember: an intimate, yet opulent ceremony...
And as Aegon was deeply optimistic for, you had given birth to a healthy, thriving son in the year to follow.
Much to your admiration, Aegon was officially a certified DILF, still supporting his larger physique, as he'd cradle the newborn babe in his arms, the sight was touching. The babe looked incredibly feeble yet protected in his father's strong arms.
He is a family man through and through: despite being anxious of fatherhood since his own experience with his father, he was driven to being the best: present in his child's life.
He'd grown super protective of you during the pregnancy, attending your appointments and scans with you always. He refused to let you go alone.
Pregnancy sex, because he is horny all the time. However it was a challenge getting used to, working around both your swollen bodies, yet he was determined [reverse cowgirl is now his favourite position].
Aegon definitely develops a Daddy kink, after you accidentally moan the word, as he's on the verge of fucking you to a climax. An instinct kicks in, and the lustful appetite stirring in his eyes is unlike anything you'd seen before in your husband.
Always having a thing for your tits, as he latched himself on only to be met with the creamy coating and sweet aftertaste of your milk since the birth, it became an obsession for Aegon. Often late hours in the night, he'd crave for your milk: now you had to ration between the baby and the bigger baby.
Eventually, Aegon discusses his intent on expanding his little family with you [eager to start right away].
"Y/N please, one more little bub surely wouldn't hurt right now...We could easily handle it."
"One more will lead to two more, Aeg, you think I don't know you?"
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sheisjoeschateau · 2 months
“Oh, so we DO love Steve…” • IX (first blurb)
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here it is ~ the first blurb before we dive into the full 9th chapter from this brainchild series of mine. 🖤 Can’t thank you all enough for the crazy support you’ve all given this Steve Harrington fanfic series of mine. He & Bauman have honestly become my religion of a Roman Empire. Idk what to even do with the love I have for them, and writing this has become my favorite escape. And so much of that is because of you guys. :,,,,)
Chapter IX (written in full) will drop next week. Maybe sooner. My word doc for this thing is exploding with endless storyline and plot twists…so don’t go anywhere pls, because it’s all underway. 🥲🥲
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Steve Harrington was no stranger to nightmares.
He’d learned how to endure them.  Over the years, he made friends with his demons.  So much so, it got to a point where he got too used to having them around.  He just nodded at them as they lurked in the darkest corners of his sunshine mind, letting them exist as lonely, miserable wallflowers who were never noticed in the daylight when he was awake…waiting for their fleeting moment of popularity after dark, when his eyes were shut.  He didn’t address them when he was awake. Because if he addressed them, that would mean they were real. But if he let them have their way at night, forgetting them the next day and acting like they did not exist, that meant they had no power over him. They didn’t mean anything. They were nothing. 
They meant nothing.
At least, that’s what Steve told himself. 
Every night before shutting his eyes, he steels himself for whatever hell he was going to face. From the ripe age of four, he learned to simply expect the unexpected when it came to sleeping. Sleep was never going to be his friend — whether he was sleeping alone, or with a friend, or holding naked girl in his arms. Steve was made to suffer in his sleep. His subconscious was a world that was built upon a foundation ruled by the reality of absent parents, being an only child, high school flings that left him longing and the endless search for love. It consisted of repeated dialogues — sometimes the incessant arguing between his parents, or the jabbering of Tommy H. and Carol, or hearing Nancy chanting bullshit, along with all the other voices of people who filtered in and out of his life.  Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.  
Sometimes, Steve was running away from his own voice in his head. There were nights when, within his own nightmares, he himself was the nightmare. That really came into effect during his last year of high school and the summer after he lost Nancy. Adding the entire element of the upside down into his life only fed his nightmares. They were bad before, they were bad then, and they were worse now. 
Trauma after trauma, loss after loss, fight after fight, bloodshed upon bloodshed. 
Every punch to his eye. Every word slapped across his face. Every other worldly creature he was made to battle. Every moment he was paralyzed with fear of losing one of his kids. 
Nightmares loved Steve. And they knew exactly where to find him, every single night.
But right now, sleeping next to you, it wasn’t nighttime. It was still day. Daylight shown through the windows of your assigned guest room in the Harrington house — curtains drawn, and the gloomy afternoon sky filtering the space around you both.
And here he was, fast asleep with his cheek resting on top of your chest, as your heartbeat thumped against his ear. One of his toned arms was looped around your waist, having closed his eyes and letting the steady rise and fall of your chest lull him to sleep. Steve had been fighting sleep for the last two nights. Especially the night after you died in his arms. He had just barely brought you back to life, and he knew that as bad as his nightmares had been before…all of them amounted to nothing compared to the nightmares that would undoubtedly follow him after that. Steve wanted nothing to do with sleep. He was damned for all eternity when it came to sleep, and it was sure to bring him a life of insomnia after the real life nightmare that he was made to face when wide awake. 
That’s the beauty of being asleep: you have to wake up.
Steve told himself that every night before he went to bed. He told himself that no matter how bad it got, he would still wake up. And once he woke up, it would be over.
He learned to do that after he went to the county fair one year with his friends, back in middle school. He’d gotten on a ride, peer pressured by Tommy H. and not wanting to look like a chicken. 
Every second of the ride, Steve was petrified. 
He wanted off, he wanted off, goddammit let me off he shouted.  
Then he remembered having been told by the county fair worked, that the ride lasted four minutes.  Steve took a deep breath, realizing he’d likely been on it for already half that time. So he counted to himself. Counting down the last half of the ride, he told himself over and over: eventually, this ride has an end.  
Sure enough, when it did finally come to an end — and when everyone was let off the hellish escapade — Steve realized that he had found the glitch in the matrix. The warp in time. The secret superpower to conquering fear. Suddenly, he wasn’t so afraid anymore. Which is why now, whatever nightmare he was made to face, he would endure it — knowing that the sweet relief of waking up was just right around the corner. 
And after all: stranger things had been proven real in Steve’s real life, far more than in his wildest dreams. 
Loving you had turned out to be the strangest thing of all.  
Even more so, the lack of nightmares that came with that was also strange…
Because right now, as Steve finally succumbed to sleep instead of fighting it, lying next to you…he was not trapped in a nightmare. His subconscious did not have him roaming the unpredictable pathways that led to the darkest corners of his mind. His demons had ceased their dance. Vecna, and all his other worldly monsters, were not the stars of this particular show. Steve was not trapped in the midst of jabbering chants coming from the voices of all the people that he loved, all the people who had betrayed him, or even the voice belonging to himself. 
For the first time in years, Steve Harrington was dreaming.
It wasn’t anything drastic. Nothing that could exhaust him, to where any hours of sleep hadn’t felt like any sort of sleep at all. In fact, his subconscious state was…serene. Quiet, peaceful. It was almost unsettling in a way. 
Little bursts of yellow — pastel and sunshine and lemon — colored the dark walls inside his mind. A light breeze gently wooshed in the distance, coming seemingly from nowhere but still fanning his face and the flop of his perfect hair. Somewhere, someone was humming. Almost like a bird, or the sound of a foghorn super far off in the distance. Maybe even the distant drums of a far away land. The rhythm came and went, but it kept him company. As if it were some little song made up in his head as he went along, saying, “Hey, I’m right here. We are in this together.”
On the other side of Steve’s closed eyelids, you laid beneath him in his yellow crewneck. The air you breathed softly, in and out of your nose, fanned across his forehead and his perfect hair. And while your heartbeat was not even, it was there — beneath his ear, drumming in a makeshift pattern, inventing its own rhythm as it went. 
In the real world, your uneven heartbeat reminded you both that you yourself were not in the clear. Not yet. 
But currently, in this new world that Steve’s subconscious had just discovered, it reminded him that he was no longer alone. Not with you.
In the real world, Hawkins is in trouble. Cursed. 
And while none of you had figured out how to break that curse just yet, along with Vecna’s…one curse had been broken.  
You’d broken the curse to Steve’s endless nightmares.
But would this world even allow for you both to explore a future together, in which you had broken this dark spell cast over Steve Harrington’s life…?
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@aloneinthehellfire@xprloki @erastourvip @get0ut0fmyr00m @eddiemuns0nl0ver @marrowfrog00 @poppet05 @wiltedflowersundertowers Originalthingparadise Pleuviors pumpkinonice Ihaveproblemsihaveproblems Brinleighsstuff Definitelynotherr sucker-4-angst bookkeeperlove notlilyyyy @xblueriddlex
(IF I MISSED YOU PLS LMK. Tumblr has been giving me hell lately with tagging you angels ugh.)
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faeryarchives · 1 year
aren't you forgetting something?
alternate title: before going back to your daily routine, you decided to tease them out of the blue
note: fluff i need fluff 🥲 this is made last minute bc the way my mind just think of random scenarios whenever i space out is crazy 😭 i hope u guys enjoy
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ꕥ kisses your forehead or cheek; very effective move like it will melt you on the spot. at first they were like 🧐 what are you implying ?? then they look around to see if there are any one looking and if the coast is clear - they would gently caress your face before giving you a small and fleeting kiss but enough to make u flustered 🫠 + would laugh & tease u abt ur reaction before walking away
— trey clover, deuce spade, riddle rosehearts, floyd leech, kalim al asim (1), rook hunt, vil schoenheit, silver, malleus
ꕥ not going without a goodbye hug; say no more bestie because they will not hesitate - or maybe a liiiittle to roll their eyes playfully 🙄 laughing before engulfing you into their hug which lasted around a minute ass if not wanting to let go 🥺 for sebek i think he would ramble on about how human are so needy while pulling you into his embrace 🤍
— cater diamond, jack howl, kalim al asim (2), epel felmier, sebek
ꕥ gives you their hoodie; don't ask me how they would pull out a hoodie out of nowhere maybe you two got matchy ones where they carry it whenever u go borrowing theirs 🥸 not that they mind though but they also want to wear their own too dw your hoodie had been already washed with their signature perfume or scent in that way u can go to your class very comfy 🤭 they will wrap it around your frame looking like a sushi though
— ace trappola (1), ruggie bucchi, jamil viper, idia shroud, lilia vanrouge (1)
ꕥ stares at you for a while and questionably hands you money; ok they didn't get the memo but hey at least you have additional money for lunch 🥳 its not like they don't have other things to offer but for them it is more practical 'cause they can have your time during after class + calls you a little rat while adding more to your money 🙄
— ace trappola (2), leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jade leech, lilia vanrouge (2)
ꕥ all of the above in order; you cannot tell me he wouldn't do that. this man, the feared diasomnia dorm leader, will do it without any hesitation even if you are in front of every student in nrc 🫡 he will pout though when you go to diff directions but hey at least you two got your moment 🤗🤍
— malleus draconia
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brewsterispunkk · 1 year
sunshine state
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pairing: benny miller x reader, benny miller x f!reader
WC: 4.6k
summary: benny meets honey’s friends…and her brother
warnings: 18+ , grief, family drama, honey’s dumbass brother, idiots who can’t communicate, smut.
A/N: sorry this has taken so long!! only two more chapters and then we’re done !🥲 I have been so overwhelmed by the love I’ve received on this fic. thank u to everyone who has been along for the ride and who leaves kind messages—I see them all and appreciate them so much!! I write for u :,) co-written with @jc-writes-bullshit , my beloved motivator.
You were going to kill your brother. You were certain.
He hadn’t given you any warning at all that he was going to be getting in a day early and you were going to kill him.
You’d been fresh out of the shower when you’d heard the front door open from downstairs.
At first, you hadn’t thought anything about it, sure it was one of your aunts or cousins popping in unannounced like they always did. Then, you heard your father boom, Quinnie’s home! And your blood ran cold.
That meant that Benny would be facing your brother without you there, which meant you couldn’t do damage control.
Naturally, you’d scrambled. You frantically toweled down your wet hair, throwing on the pajamas you’d worn the night before.
As you raced down the stairs, you huffed to yourself. This was exactly something Quinn would do. Even after your Papa’s death, he couldn’t stop trying to sabotage your life.
Breathlessly, you reached the bottom of the stairs and found your mother hugging your brother tightly. Your father must have been in the kitchen, and Benny had stood from his place on the couch, a cool smile on his face.
You recognized that smile; It was the one he used whenever he was masking how annoyed or perturbed he really was. It was how he’d looked in the hospital room waiting while Mari was in labor, it was the same expression you’d seen him don countless times around Anna.
“How was your flight, hun?” Your mother asked.
“It was good.” Quinnie said with enthusiasm even though the look on his face was stale and annoyed.
When he saw you over your mother’s shoulder, he grinned, and white hot anxiety shot through you like a fleet of arrows. He drew back from your mother’s hug.
“Well, well, little sister - I guess that one,” he nodded at Benny. “Belongs to you?”
Benny didn’t reply, which was both a relief and a slight disappointment. He took a step towards your brother, his motion resembling the way he walked into the ring at one of his fights. His smile was the same as he presented a hand.
“Benny. I’m a friend of your sister’s.”
Friend. The word hit you square in the chest.
“Friend.” Your brother nodded slowly.
He and Benny shook hands.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Benny continued cooly. It would look awfully polite to anyone else. But you knew him better than that.
And it would seem Quinnie got the message just fine, as he replied, “Yeah, I’ll bet you have.”
You caught Benny’s eye and shook your head.
“I heard you just got in from base over in Kissimmee.” Benny said, clearing his throat after throwing you a dry look.
It gave you the time to scramble away to prepare yourself as your brother rambled on.
“Yeah, you familiar?” Your brother raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“I guess you could say that.”
Your father scoffed from where he leaned on the wall by the kitchen.
“He’s being modest,” he said. “Ben’s a military man, too.”
Here we go, you thought.
This was giving your brother all the ammunition he needed to push Benny’s buttons, and if there was one thing in the world Quinn was good at, it was that.
“That so?” Quinn smirked, eyeing Benny up and down. “Lemme guess: Air Force?”
You snorted, before covering it with a cough. Your brother looked at you cooly and your mother threw a glare your way.
“No,” Benny chuckled, matching Quinn’s smirk with one of his own. “Special Forces actually.”
Your brother’s smirk fell and his eyebrows raised.
“Nice.” He said lamely, and you had to stop yourself from smiling.
“Alright,” your mother clapped her hands together. You silently thanked her for breaking the awkward conversation. “I’m going to make lunch before we all head over to Monica’s.”
You started at the mention of your cousin.
“Monica?” You asked. “What’s going on at Monica’s?”
Monica was one of your aunt’s daughters and five years your senior. Growing up, she’d been like a surrogate sister to you—all of your cousins had. You hadn’t seen her since your graduation a little over a year before and you missed her dearly. You’d never gone this long without seeing her.
“Well, she and Henry just found out the baby’s gender, so I thought—”
“The baby?” You and Quinn burst at the same time.
Your father chuckled from his place against the wall before you continued.
“Since when are they expecting?”
“Since three months ago,” your father said.
“And no one thought to tell me?”
“I thought I did,” your mom said demurely as she went into the kitchen to prepare lunch. “My mistake.”
As your father followed her in, you and Quinn just stood there in shock. Beside you, Benny snorted at the look on your face. You glared at him.
“Laugh it up, Miller.”
Quinn scoffed, shaking his head in the direction of the kitchen and rolling his eyes.
He picked up his duffle bag and walked to the stairs. Before he got there though, he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at your parents.
“Some things never change.”
You chuckled. At least you could agree on that.
- - - -
The baby was going to be a boy.
Exactly what the family needed, you thought to yourself sarcastically.
There hadn’t been another baby girl born to the family since ten years ago with the birth of your niece Adela (who wasn’t really your niece, but wasn’t she?). Still, seeing everyone so happy and together in the face of your Papa’s death made your heart ache. In a good way.
There was something awfully poetic about a new life being ushered in just as another made its exit. It was bitter and sweet and so, so real. No matter what happened, life kept moving. People died, and people were born, and life went on.
“What’s going on up there?” Benny asked from the driver’s seat.
He had one hand on the wheel, the other leaning on the center console. His hair was messy, no doubt from his nervous fingers running through it in the hours he was with your family. His face held an easy smile as he glanced over at you.
“Hmm. It’s depressing,” you said, watching your hometown pass by through the window.
“Tell me anyway.”
“It’s just strange,” you tilted your head. “Mourning a death and celebrating a new life at the same time.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, nodding.
A beat of silence passed before he spoke again.
“It is, but it’s also kind of beautiful.”
You hummed in agreement, before he continued.
“We keep living,” he put simply. “We never think we can get through something until we actually do it.”
You nodded.
“It was like that when I moved to Florida. I never thought I could handle that; Starting over in a new place where I didn’t know anyone. But, here I am. I’d do it all over again.”
As the car slowed to a stop at a red light, he looked over at you, eyebrows scrunched together in a tenderness that made your heart clench. Yours held his for a moment before you snapped away, coughing.
What he’d called himself earlier rang in your head.
Friend, friend, friend.
“That’s how I felt when my mom died,” Benny said, a melancholy coming over his face that you’d never seen before. “I knew it was coming; the cancer moved slowly, so we had time to say goodbye, but still. I thought my world would end. And then it happened, and, I mean, it was hell, but I got through it.”
You’d known that their mother had passed when they were in high school. Breast cancer. It’d left Benny and Will orphans, with only their grandmother left, as they’d never known their father. But that was as far as your knowledge went–this was the first time Benny had spoken about it in depth.
You didn’t have any words—you knew how important it was, how big of a step it was that he told you. So, you didn’t say anything, only reached over and squeezed his hand in yours.
His eyes met yours and he squeezed yours back, before tangling his fingers with yours and rested them there on the center console.
You wiped your watery eyes and laughed.
“Enough of this,” you reached over and turned on the radio, Taylor Swift’s voice filling the car. “We should be happy–you’re finally meeting my friends!”
“Honestly, it feels like I know them already,” he said. “From all you’ve told me.”
“I bet,” you snorted. “But I promise, nothing I’ve told you can prepare you for how they really are.”
“Oh god, what does that mean?” He asked.
“It means that Leda is infinitely more snarky, Joy is infinitely more crazy, and Rosie is infinitely more kind.”
“After your aunts, this should be fine then,” he drawled playfully.
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you arched an eyebrow. “These girls are way more protective of me than my family is. And they won’t kiss your ass.”
“Your aunts didn’t kiss my—”
“Julie was fawning over you the whole evening, don’t even lie.”
“She wasn’t–”
“She was practically feeling you up!” You laughed, throwing your head back.
“Alright, alright,” he yielded.
“You’ll be fine,” you reassured him. “They’ll hassle you, but that’s about it. They’re harmless.”
“Hmm, alright.”
The rest of the drive to Leda and Joy’s apartment was uneventful.
They lived in a cozy apartment complex on the edge of town. It was small and cheap, but it was theirs and they loved it.
The moment you knocked on the door, Rosie and Joy were on you, nearly tackling you. They enveloped you in a hug so fierce that you stumbled back into Benny, who reached out to steady you.
Behind them, Leda was leaning on the doorframe, a wry smirk on her face.
“Oh my god, how are you?” Rosie burst, arms on your shoulders as she pulled back. “Wait. That’s a dumb question, obviously you’re not doing good. I’m so sorry about your Papa.”
You smiled at her.
“It’s okay,” you tried to sound genuine.
“It’s not,” Joy rubbed your arm. “But I doubt that’s what you want to talk about right now.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, suddenly remembering that Benny was still standing behind you. “Oh! Uhm, this is–”
“Benjamin.” Joy said, her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
She gave him a once over that was so cold, it made even you nervous.
“Uh,” Benny coughed, reaching out a hand. “It’s just Benny, actually.”
Joy just stared at him blankly. Beside her, Rosie snorted out a laugh.
“Ignore her,” Rosie said. “She’s just trying to intimidate you. She’s harmless.”
You snorted at that; It was only partly true.
“Alright, alright,” Leda, ever the responsible one said, ushering you in. “Get inside. It’s drafty.”
“I made pasta!” Rosie added, leading you by the hand.
As you entered their cozy abode, you inhaled deeply, and stopped in your tracks. There it was.
It smelled like high school—like the apple candles Joy burned endlessly, like Leda’s constantly building pile of books, like banana bread and all-nighters and movie marathons and breathless laughter and cherry liquor and drunken phone calls.
Your eyes teared up against your will, and you felt the weight you’d been bearing slowly lift. You sighed heavily.
Yes. You were home.
- - - -
“I cannot believe you flew home just for this!” You practically screeched at Rosie.
“Believe it,” she said through a mouthful of pasta.
“She was going to come home for Christmas anyway,” Leda said, buttering her bread. “She just moved it forward a few weeks.”
“You didn’t have to–”
“I love you, but I swear to god, if you finish that–”
Joy was cut off by Benny’s chuckle. You turned to him and narrowed your eyes.
“Amused, Benjamin?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, swallowing a bite of food. “I am. This is rich, coming from you.”
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” You faced him, only a little defensive.
“You’d do the same thing for me,” Rosie interjected. “That’s what he means.”
“Exactly,” Benny said. “You never let people just take care of you, when you’d give a stranger the shirt off of your damn back.”
Leda snorted at that, choking on her wine. Joy patted her back.
“That happened once,” she said.
Leda laughed out loud.
“It did!” Leda said.
“What?” Benny laughed. “I’ve gotta hear this.”
“Okay, so it was junior year,” Leda began, but your mind was stuck on what Benny had said not a moment before.
You never just let people take care of you.
It went through you like a knife, gutted you.
You felt so seen, so vulnerable, and you hated it. He had you figured out and the thought made you nauseous.
You’d already known that you were too far-gone to get over him, but the feeling that he knew you to your very bones made your heart stutter.
Until now, you thought that you could handle losing a lover, but losing someone who knew you–someone who saw the bad and good and in-between and understood it—you weren’t sure you could survive that. Especially when that person was someone as devastating as Benny.
- - - -
“I like your friends,” Benny told you as he pulled into your parents’ driveway.
“I’m glad,” you hummed, eyes closed.
You weren’t drunk–not by a long stretch—but the wine was enough to make you warm and sleepy.
“I knew I would,” he added, walking out of the car and rounding over to your side. “Knew they’d be great if you were friends with ‘em.”
He’d opened your door now, and you squinted in the dim light and saw him smiling down at you. His hand reached forward and brushed a hair off your forehead, hand coming to rest on the side of your neck. You could feel your heartbeat through the skin there, and your face felt hot. His scent surrounded you—laundry detergent and cologne and warmth. It was heady.
“Let’s get you inside, honey.”
He grabbed your arm gently and brought it up over his shoulder so you were leaning on him. Slowly and carefully, with Benny leading the way, you climbed the porch steps and quietly entered through the front door your parents had left unlocked. Benny switched off the porch light before maneuvering you upstairs.
Once he deposited you on your bed, you smiled up at him. He was sitting on your bedside, a wry grin on his face.
“I’m not drunk, you know,” you stated haughtily.
“I know,” he raised his eyebrows. “Just lazy.”
You snorted at that, but smiled. He’d known you weren’t drunk and could make it to your room perfectly fine without help; He helped you because he wanted to.
“Mmm thank you,” you said, already drifting to sleep.
“Don’t mention it, honeybee.”
Honeybee, you thought dreamily. That’s a new one.
You don’t know how long he sat there, but somewhere between consciousness and sleep, he squeezed your arm.
“Goodnight,” he semi-whispered.
“Hm,” you half-moaned back, not truly knowing whether you were saying it or dreaming it. “‘Night. Love you, Ben.”
The words were smoky in your mind as you drifted off into sleep, whether you’d said them or not rudimentary. It didn’t matter. You knew the truth they held.
- - - -
You’d been dreaming restlessly of Will and Benny when it happened.
In your dreams, they were fighting; Throwing punch after punch at each other while you, Frankie, and Santi screamed at them to stop. They pummeled each other bloody, so much so that you could smell the iron in the air. And no matter how loud or desperately any of you screamed, they couldn’t hear you.
It was Benny’s hand on your arm that roused you from the twitchy sleep. You gasped.
“Hey,” he whispered your name, crouching down so his head was eye level with you.
“Hey,” you replied groggily. “What’s wrong?”
He sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Hm. It’s always one of us, huh?”
He offered a dry chuckle.
“Get in,” you said, pulling back the covers.
With a sigh of relief, he pulled back the covers and slid into bed beside you. He set his head on one of the smaller pillows you had on the bed, facing you. The two of you were so close that even though you weren’t touching, you could feel the heat of his front against your back.
The squeeze was tight. After all, you were in your childhood bedroom–it was a twin bed. His knees knocked into the backs of yours as he shuffled to get comfortable.
“Sorry,” he said huskily. The sound sent heat rushing through you.
You thanked whoever was listening that you weren’t facing him and he couldn’t see how red you were sure your face was.
You forced out a laugh, wondering when the room had gotten so warm.
“I think we’re past that, don’t you, Ben?”
“Yeah, honey,” he chuckled. “I guess we are.”
Tentatively, he rested a hand on your hip. His warm palm seared through your sleep shorts and you wondered when on earth you’d gotten so pent up.
“This okay?”
“Y-yea,” you croaked.
Now that Benny was beside you, all you could think about was how easy it would be to turn around and kiss him, tangle your hands in his hair and have your way with him.
You shook off the thought, not wanting to complicate this any more than it already was.
“Night Ben,” you said, though going to bed was the last thing you wanted to do.
“Night,” he sighed, his breath humid on the back of your neck.
You suppressed your shiver.
You awoke to Benny’s hands clasped tight on your hips, holding them in place.
Had you been moving?
You stilled, taking note of your position.
You’d moved in the night. Benny’s front was pressed tight against your back and his breath was heavy in your neck. He’d practically molded against your back in the night, and your ass was melded to his groin. His thigh was in between your legs, and pressing tightly against your—
You froze, suddenly remembering the dream you’d had before awakening. The dream about him.
“Honey…” Benny began, his voice unsteady. His hands gripped your hips tighter, trying to stop them from moving.
In your sleep, you’d been grinding on Benny’s thigh. You could feel the slick that had gathered between your legs, soiling your underwear.
You felt as if cold water had been poured over your head. When you spoke, your voice came out high and breathless.
Benny’s groan cut you off. On instinct, you tried to shuffle forward—to shuffle away from him because you were sure you were making him uncomfortable. His hands tightened their hold on your hips and yanked you back to his chest.
Then, your breath left your lungs when he pressed his thigh back against your center.
You held your tongue, scared that if you spoke it would break whatever spell had come over him. If this was all he was going to give you, you’d take it.
His hands slowly, almost reverently, moved from your hips up your stomach, sliding under the tank top you’d worn to bed. Your skin was on fire. Electric. His palms were warm as they glided up your body, mapped it. He nosed at your neck as he did, breathing you in, smelling you.
It brought you back to that night at Mikey’s party months ago, where he’d done the same thing in a drunken stupor.
Your breath was coming out in deep pants, and your hands were fisting the sheets at your sides. You gasped when he palmed your bare breast under your shirt.
If Benny had been taking his time before, he lost it the moment he touched you there.
Benny groaned, arching into you more, and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the side of your neck.
You started, grabbing his forearms, and suppressed a moan that died somewhere in the back of your throat. You had begun to move your hips subconsciously back against his thigh, seeking relief from the uncomfortable arousal that was building between your legs. You stilled them.
“This okay, honeybee?” Benny asked shakily, sounding as desperate as you felt.
There’s that nickname again, you thought.
You absently nodded, your cheek pressing against his.You were drunk on him, on his hands on you. You would let him do whatever he wanted.
He moved quickly after that. Focused, like a man on a mission.
One of his hands moved from your breast down to your pants, sliding under your shorts and underwear between your legs. When his fingers reached the slick there, he groaned, a sound that came from deep in his throat. His teeth found your neck.
Your mouth dropped open when his fingers slid through the slick that had gathered between your legs. He wasted no time, his fingers moving up and down while he sucked what you were sure was going to be a bruise into your neck.
“Shit, baby.” He murmured into your neck when he felt how wet you were.
Your cheeks heated in embarrassment and your neck burned. God, you were pathetic. Here you were, rutting against your best friend like a cat in heat. He’d barely touched you and you were soaked.
“Sorry,” you said meagerly, pulling away a bit.
He easily pulled you back against his chest.
“Sorry?” Benny scoffed incredulously next to your ear. His breath made you shiver. “Baby.” His voice strained.
He turned your face to his so you could just barely see him before he pressed his lips to yours messily. It was a messy slide of tongue and teeth and lips, and when his lips let yours go, he held the back of your head so you were looking at him.
“Look,” he said in that no-nonsense tone you’d only heard him use a few times. “This,” he slid his finger down your slit, causing a squelching sound to fill the room. Your cheeks heated up even more.
“This,” Benny continued. “Is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. No question.”
His voice was a deep rumble.
“Okay?” He asked, eyes fondly trained on yours. You hesitated. “You,” he squeezed your hip, “are the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”
You didn’t trust your voice so you only nodded. Benny let go of your head and hummed.
“Now,” he continued, voice barely above a whisper. “Lean back and let me take care of you, honey.”
You obeyed, returning to your earlier position. Benny hummed again and pressed his face back into your neck. You were quickly learning that that was a favorite place of his. His lips resumed their exploration there and you thought that you could stay like this forever. Forget drugs, alcohol, whatever–nothing could possibly feel better than this. Benny, here pressed against you, with his hands on your hips and his lips on your neck.
You quieted your moans as his fingers kept moving between your legs, hitting every spot that all the guys before him had managed to miss. He got particularly close to your clit and your hips jumped, grinding back onto his thigh.
“That’s it, baby.” He rumbled, moving his fingers faster. You let out a sound that you could only describe as a squeak. “This what you needed? Needed me to take care of you?”
How this sweet, kind, goofy man could be so filthy and depraved in bed, you didn’t know. But god, if you didn’t love it. The idea of a man—any man—“taking care of you” would’ve made you scoff before Benny came around. As if sensing it, Benny continued.
“That right, honey?” He mumbled huskily. “Needed me to come in here and take care of you? Tell me.”
“Yes,” you gasped out without thinking, grasping his forearm. Benny hummed at your response and rubbed between your legs at a new pace.
When his fingertip hit your nub, you moaned breathlessly, unable to contain the sound. Benny hummed in response. His free hand was wrapped around your front, pressing you tightly against his front. His palm squeezed your hip. You quieted another moan as he focused there.
“Uh-uh, honey,” he tutted, moving away from your clit. That bastard. “Let me hear you.”
“My,” you gasped as he started again. “My parents, Ben.”
“Mm,” he said. “We’re not that loud. Don’t hide from me.”
And how could you refuse him when he talked like that?
You moaned softly again as he increased pressure on where you needed it most.
When you came, it was with a soundless moan, one hand on his forearm, and another one twisted back in his hair.
“That’s it, baby. That’s it. Give it to me,” he whispered into your neck as you came down.
Benny moved from behind you as you caught your breath. You leaned back against your pillow, eyes closed, as you willed your heart to slow down. All the stress and worry you’d felt before had calmed. You didn’t know whether it was because of the orgasm or Benny.
When you opened your eyes, he was leaning on his elbow, gazing down at you with a look that looked like what you would only describe as love. Unable to stop yourself, you grabbed his cheeks and pulled his face to yours. He fell over you with a sigh, hands grabbing at your face waist.
He tried to keep the kiss chaste and pull back, but you were a woman possessed. As soon as he got a breath in, you surged up again, parting his lips with yours. He moaned and bowed into you, his whole body covering yours.
All around you was Benny; his scent, his hands, his warmth. You were drunk on it.
His hips pressed into yours, and you felt the hard outline of his cock against your hips. You moaned into his mouth, grabbing his ass and pressing his hips to yours. As if burnt, Benny started and pulled back from the kiss.
“Honey–” he began huskily, voice tight.
“What?” you asked, pecking his lips.
“It’s okay,” he said, stilling your hips. “We don’t have to.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“But you didn’t–”
His eyes softened and he pressed his forehead to yours.
“It wasn’t about me.”
You were lost for words. He pressed a kiss to your nose and then to your forehead before rolling over on his side next to you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, more confused than anything.
Did he not want you? Was that a pity-fuck? Did you do something wrong? Your mind was moving a mile a minute.
Benny sidled up next to you, folding into your side with one of his legs over yours. His head hit the pillow next to yours and he dug his nose into your neck.
You were lying the way lovers would. It made your head spin because, technically, wasn’t that what you were?
You had slept together in what was so much more than a one-night stand—to you, at least. For you, he was the only man you’d been with. The only man with whom you’d shared your bed and your heart. He’d ruined anyone else for you.
“I can feel you thinking over there.” He said after a moment of silence. His arm moved to loosely wrap around your waist.
You inhaled deeply, finding all the nerve you had. You were going to ask him. Ask him what the hell you two were doing, and what were you?
You began before Benny cut you off.
“M’tired, honey,” he grumbled, and he sounded so domestic that you couldn’t even find it in you to be annoyed. “Ask me tomorrow.”
“‘Kay,” you whispered.
Unable to help yourself, your hand moved to tangle in his hair and scratch his scalp. He hummed, pressing his nose further into your neck as he fell asleep.
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pia-writes-things · 2 months
#river and the fucked up punds' dynamic
ok i'll bite, tell me about it
Ok, so, first, that typo is BURNING my eyes 🥲🥲 I'm so sorry Amy and Rory, I would never disrespect you like that on purpose 🥺
Second, this will basically be my Ways To Heal chapters about the Ponds but in essay form, so if you wanna read the angst-filled version, it's there 🥰
Putting all of my unhinged thoughts under a read more because, as predicted, this ended up quite long. And it wasn't prompted, so I'm glad to know I could really do a presentation about them on the spot ^^
So, to start, you have the Ponds, a couple that started, well, not bad, but not great either. But during the course of the 3 seasons we got them, we saw them choose each other, again and again and again. And everytime they chose each other, every time we saw what perfect life looked like for them, there was a kid in the picture. The most obvious example of that is Amy's choice obviously, but the beginning of season 6 is also a big indicator. When we beging season 6, they're settled. They haven't seen the Doctor in a while and they built a domestic life that is theirs. And later in the first two episodes, you learn that Amy thinks she is pregnant. And she is worried for the baby, for what travelling in the Tardis might have done to it (which, in retrospect, she was right about ^^). Her worry, the fact she wants to talk to the Doctor about it, and the fact that Rory and her started to build a life together on Earth makes me think that they had talked about it, had planned for it, and maybe were considering starting trying. So, clearly, having a baby was really important for them. There are a myriad of other moments when we're shown it was really important for them : when Amy explains to Mme Kovarian why she's more than happy to kill her in The Wedding of River Song, the beginning of season 7 and the whole reason she and Rory are about to divorce, and, whether you believe it to be canon or not, the fact that they adopted a kid in Manhattan. A fundamental fact about Amy and Rory is that they wanted kids together, and didn't get to raise Melody. They had to accept River as their daughter while she was already an adult, and probably older than them. They had to accept also, especially Amy, that her birth meant they couldn't have children of their own anymore. They had to accept that their own daughter was always away, never quite fitting in with them. They had to accept that they would never be the family they wished they had.
On the other hand, you have River. River whose life is entirely in disorder compared to her parents. They met her before they knew who she was. They were her friends before they were her parents. She had to lie to their face countless times to protect time and prevent a paradox. She never got to really experience life as their daughter. We got glimpses in The angels take Manhattan and in The Ruby's curse but that's it. And even then, it's moments in her life, always fleeting.
That's where my first point of the fucked up dynamic appears (admittedly I only have two but whatever). See, an established fact of River and the Doctor's story is that they forbid each other at different moments to change their story in any way shape or form. And that include the Ponds' story as a family. At the end of A good man goes to war, the Doctor promises Amy that he will find her daughter. At the beginning of Let's kill Hitler, he's still looking for her. My personal interpretation is that he either didn't look for her, or made the choice not to intervene. I can't believe that the Doctor, clever as he is, Mr. "The laws of time are mine and they will obey me" couldn't find his best friend's daughter, his wife, as a kid, even though he knew when he last saw her. At this point in season 6, he knows the kid in 1969 is River. So, my personal headcanon is that he chose not to look for her, or not to bring her back to Amy and Rory. Because, and that's the thing, if he'd found Melody, she would not become River. If Melody got to be raised by the Ponds and not the Silence, she would never have become River. So, to keep his promise to Amy, he would have had to break the one he did to his wife when she was dying. And he just couldn't do that. So, indirectly, River was responsible for her own fucked up childhood. She was responsible for her parent's unhappiness. Even if it wasn't her direct responsibility, the consequences and implications are there. And, I think, as a daughter, that is a very fucked up thing to know and realise. And River being River, knowing so much about everyone and being so used to being out of order, I think she knew. She knew she was a paradox and the Doctor couldn't change anything about her history. She didn't know about her death and what she told him then, but she knew the rest. So she always knew they were doomed from the start as a family.
Which ties to my second point about their fucked up dynamic. River never got to be raised by her parents. At most, Rory and Amy were her "parent-friends" when they were kids. But it's not the same thing. So, knowing that, knowing all that we said in the precedent paragraph, and knowing that she was raised by Mme Kovarian and the Silence, I think that "Hiding the damages" is as much the Doctor's fault as it is indirectly the Ponds' faults. I think we can all agree that River had a very fucked up, beyond traumatizing, childhood. She didn't have any parents, she was shot at by her own mother (again, not Amy's fault, she didn't know, but still), she was brainwashed, trained to kill, and, weirdly, Mme Kovarin doesn't strike me as a very nurturing parental figure (*irony itensifies*). She never had anyone who could really listen to her, or even know her completely. As a child, no one ever knew her real self, or no one bothered to learn to know her. She was either a future weapon or a story designed to fit in Leadworth. Her parents weren't there for her when she needed them, or they couldn't really be her parents. And - and !- tying all this up with my precedent point, when they finally got to be her parents, she had to live with the fact that her birth, her story, fucked them up beyond measure. She was, though it wasn't her fault, partially responsible for their unhappiness. So, she learned to hide the damages. She kept lying, like she had always done, she kept the pretense of being a good psychopath with no feelings, because it's easier than showing to her parents how much exactly her own story fucked them and her up.
And, I think this will be my conclusion, to me, River being a psychopath is actually just her being traumatised and coping unhealthily. We never really saw her being a real psychopath, or at least a cold-hearted assassin who would shoot at anyone like the show tries to imply she is. She has feelings, and she shows them all the time. Even in The Husband of River Song or Let's kill Hitler, which are the episodes where they try to show River being a psychopath, she isn't really one. The people she wants to kill are themselves assassins, or the person she was literally brainwashed to hate. And she doesn't even really want to kill them for the most part, only scam them. Even the Doctor, in the end, she saves him. To me, River's "psychopath" tendencies, her selfishness that so many people in the fandom hold against her, are just the ways she found to cope with her traumas. It's the only way she found to cope with lying all the time, never having the stability of knowing people and people she loves knowing her. It's easier for her to pretend she is what Mme Kovarian and the Silence wanted to make her that actually showing her true self, when half the time, no one is there to receive it. It's easier to be that way than to be vulnerable. Especially because every time she was vulnerable in her life, it ended badly for her.
So, tldr: River is very fucked up by her childhood and that informs her relationship with her parents, as well as the relationship between her parents. I love them all very much, and they love each other, but apart from Marisa, Asriel and Lyra in His dark materials, the Ponds are probably the most fucked up fictional family I know.
Also, a lot of this essay is based on my interpretations of canon, the characters, and some plotholes Moffat gave us, so I know I might be wrong or biased on some points. But here, you have my rotating thoughts about them! I think about this more than I care to admit tbh ^^
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eliteseven · 1 month
do you, by any chance, have more HCs about the House of Tavyndír? 👉🏻👈🏻 how are Serena's mom, how is she called, how she sees Serena, Serena's brother and etc
i absolutely adore how you constantly think about your story and you always keep saying new things LMAO aside from the final result, which is when you upload a new chapter, i love how it makes more alive and richier than already is
Ahh thank you so much! 🥰 it’s definitely a living, breathing AU this way and it’s so fun to just consider all the possibilities with everyone!
I actually happen to have an entire planner sheet in docs dedicated to BG3 Nobility/Patriar Families and House Tavyndír’s history. I am SO flattered you would like to hear more 🥹 I was going to paste the entire thing here, but I think it's a bit too long and I don't want anyone to hate me lol. If you're interested in THAT much depth of their family life/history pre BG3 events, I'll make a post for it! 💕
A Few Tavyndír Family HC's:
-House Tavyndír was a once-great patriar family that owned a sizable fleet of trade ships and some dry docks in the Grey Harbor. This means they also enjoyed an estate in the upper city and frequented High Hall; they had political sway, at some point.
-By the time Serena's father came to power as the heir, their house was already in decline.
-Serena's father was Lord Aldin Tavyndír of Baldur's Gate, and he wasn't always cruel. In fact, he was kind, sociable, and liked well-enough by his peers before inheriting a failing dynasty. Though towards the end of his life, he only had time for his vices. He was the son of nobles, and thus was well-rounded in his skillset. In Serena's early years, he couldn't go a day without seeking her out and sitting her atop his shoulders- so strong was his adoration for his daughter. He was warm, then. He was well-read and Serena often enjoyed having him read to her, when she was a young child. He used to make Serena feel safe.
-Serena's mother is Lady Amelia Tavyndír, formerly Bayne, of Cormyr. She married Serena's father out of familial/business obligation. She liked Aldin, at first. By all accounts, he was a good father and a loving husband. They did enjoy a happy life, for a brief time. I think that’s an important bit of info.
-Serena has no siblings- though perhaps due to the stressful situation they found themselves in, Amelia could not conceive after her. This made Serena a little lonely- she would seek company from the estate staff, if her parents were feuding or worried about the last shipment that never reached the docks. A sibling definitely would've helped soften the blow of how everything played out. She made friends easily enough- but there were so many rules imposed upon her, upon the other children of nobility. She wasn't allowed to be a child, in the traditional sense- though she tried, anyway.
-Serena’s favorite activities: sneaking to the lower city (was often caught and as the severity of the punishment increased, she stopped). She enjoyed watching the guards train and switch posts. She loved going down to the docks and just people-watching, as well as keeping an eye out for new ships coming into the harbor. Wouldn’t be surprised if she tagged some walls with charcoal, just like Shadowheart mentions upon visiting the city.
-Though Serena's father began to grow cruel with time and pressure, turning to alcoholism, to gambling, etc.- her mother remained a beacon of light for her the entire time. Amelia is one of those people who simply radiates warmth, happiness. Serena knew the callousness of her father, yes, but she also learned love in its purest form from her mother.
-Serena’s mother would often sing to her, a talent she picks up and passes on to her own baby, eventually 🥲💕
-Serena was pretty capable by the time she was 19 or so. Though her family name was beginning to be tarnished, she was well-liked in court and an eligible bachelorette, which fueled her desire to escape with her mother. She could see the toll her father’s presence was taking, not only on her, but her mother. Surely, she could likely marry out of this abusive situation (and hopefully not into another one), but her fear for her mother made her strong.
-Serena and Amelia have nothing when they return to Cormyr. Amelia’s house has long since crumbled inwards- there is no family for them to join. Serena is forced to provide for herself, and her mother, and has few options other than joining the military. Still, they’re happy to be alive, relatively unharmed, and away from Baldur’s Gate. They go from riches to rags overnight.
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Hiii Sami!!!
Because it’s Fux Friday (sorry not sorry, my Hux brainrot does this to me 🥲 and it escalates every kriffing Friday) I’m sending this to your ask box (no pressure of publishing it)!
Because rn I don’t care - it’s unreviewed shit - I’m just so far gone and pathetically horny for him. It’s not really explicit explicit but - 🥺🥴🥵
He didn’t think he had still a few brain cells left for producing imaginary scenarios like this, he had tried to ignore them for so long. But taking the plunge, made him dive so deep he wasn’t even aware what was up or down and by the gods of the galaxy he was yearning, yearning for a soft touch, to make her feel good and just feel something in return, feel worthy, for once in his life. To be in control of her pleasure, to make her whimper under his touch when he slowly traced her arms, like he did in the hangar, her back, her buttcheeks, every detail of her skin. Just take in the effects he could have on her and feed on them. Greedily take the nape of her neck in his hands and pull her closer to taste her, pulling her legs up and press-
I hope you like it!! I did enjoy this prompt 🥰 I realise I could have taken it so much further but then it would be so many words and we’d have been here all day and night.
General Hux x F!Reader
Word Count: 1039
Warnings: none really except it’s 18+ NSFW ish.
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He was late. Hux was never late, to anything. It set his teeth on edge to know they would all be waiting for him expecting some grand explanation and he had nothing. Well, nothing he wanted to say out loud.
The troopers guarding the entrance snapped to attention as he swept past, through the door that couldn’t open quick enough and into the conference room where the other Generals and Admirals were all milling about as they waited.
A hush fell over the room, followed by the rustling of starchy fabric as everyone sat down, looking expectantly at the General. Hux tapped on his datapad, making out like they had inconvenienced him, pursing his lips he glared at the screen. Stars…he couldn’t even remember that this meeting was for!
“Fleet positioning.” He blurted out looking up at his subordinates, hating the way your touch alone had stolen half of his cognitive function. “Well?” He snapped. The closest Generals flinched at his biting tone and slowly they began to rattle off where their ships were and why, allowing his remaining brain cells to wander from the room and back to where he’d left you.
You were everything he’d daydreamed about. Hux would never admit it but he’d been finding comfort in you for months. He found himself watching you whenever you were on the bridge and for some time he had no idea why, until he displeased Snoke to the point he had to limp back to his own quarters and hoped no one saw him. That night, as he tended to his own wounds his mind had slithered to you and what it would be like if you’d been tending to him instead.
Everyday after that was like an epiphany, an awakening of his long dormant feelings and he could feel the frustration rise inside him. Finally, today it had boiled over. You hadn’t even done anything wrong but you looked beautiful and he couldn’t have you so he’d snapped and punished you for no reason. You’d taken it well, not saying a word until he’d completed his verbal dressing down of you and was about to leave when you’d grabbed his arm.
He had nearly thrown you away from him, panic laced within the rage that someone would even dare to try it when the logical part of him realised you weren’t hurting him. Your gaze had been wide and anguished, pulling him into the windows of your soul until he was mentally tripping over himself, which was a sensation he was not familiar with at all. The yearning that he secretly harboured for you burst forth from its hiding place, forcing him to act so out of character even he had been stunned by his boldness.
But you didn’t push him away, oh no. You welcomed him, exhaling a soft moan across the skin of his cheeks and he thought he might cease to exist then and there. In that brief moment everything had been forgotten, where he was, who he was, what he was supposed to be doing…all falling to the wayside as unimportant information at the feel of your soft lips.
He had no idea what he was doing when he backed you against the wall, almost groaning at the pretty noise that left you as your hands grabbed at his coat. All he knew was he wanted more. He needed more. You created a blazing fire in his blood that he’d never experienced before, the desperate need to be touched, to feel your delicate skin against his was something he never thought he’d ever desire.
Sighing lightly and shifting in his seat he was dumped back in the room, much to his annoyance. Any thought that brought him remotely close to remembering a second of his childhood always sobered him up. For a long time he’d never thought he was worthy of feeling any sort of pleasure at the hands of someone else but the more he thought about it the more he wanted to experience it.
What if he gave you pleasure? He almost dismissed the idea as preposterous but his mind wouldn’t let it go. You hadn’t protested earlier, you had even tried to stop him from leaving but he couldn’t miss this meeting. Oh stars, he had wanted to stay with you. To carry on tasting you, hearing those delicious noises that released from your parted lips fueling the already stoked fire in his belly. Oh yes, the idea of making you feel good made his heart race.
He found himself back in that moment, his face screwed up with desire and worry that you were going to push him away. To deem him unworthy and tell everyone what a creep he was but it didn’t play out like that. How he wished he’d stayed. He would have carried on, breathing in your subtle perfume that you sprayed on the collar of your uniform. His hands would have touched every inch of your desirable body, tracing every line and contour until you were whimpering. He would have breathed in your gasps, sucking them from your mouth like he needed them to survive. You did in fact breathe a new lease of life into him and he felt like he needed to make himself worthy of such a thing. He needed to see you react to him, to know that he was doing something right, to read the cues from your body, to feel the way you arched into him as he pressed against you. By the Maker, he could feel himself slipping away at just the idea of shedding his barriers with you.
He could picture so clearly what he’d have done next, bending his knees as he still ravaged your mouth. Feeling the curve of your backside and lifting you up to settle your legs around his hips. To feel your hips grinding against him, to experience the heat of your core and get lost in the waves of pleasure as he…
“Yes?” He all but snapped in irritation. He felt angry that he had let his mind stray so far from the meeting and now he looked like an idiot, but he could make that everyone else’s problem.
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The Doors are Now Closing
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Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: none
WC: 973
Genre: fluff
Just me trying to shake off my rust 🥲 I haven’t properly written in so long. Will probably edit at a later time. I was inspired by this TanaKiyo moment and just had to write something.
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“I’m so happy you’ve decided to join us!” The pretty girl, whose name you’ve forgotten already, smiles at you as she clasps your hands in hers.
“Yeah, no problem!” You bashfully reply to her reaction.
“We have a practice match in a few days, why don’t you stop by then?”
“Okay, sounds good.” The pretty girl then gives you all the needed information which you quickly jot down in your notebook. For the next few days you feel the nervous-excitement that “Karasuno VS Nekoma practice match” gives you every time you look into your notes. Your old club just wasn’t the same. You joined the club because you were passionate about it, but lately the people in there have not been the best and ultimately killing your want and passion for going to club. You had been back and forth about switching clubs, and lo and behold the day you decide to leave your club, an offer to join a new club drops right into your lap. Definitely not one you thought you would ever join, Karasuno Boys Volleyball. The next morning the pretty girl finds you by your shoe locker, “Hey, (Y/N)! Just wanted to see if you’re still coming later today?”
You nod, “Yeah, I just have to go tell my club that I’m leaving and then head over to the gym.”
She gives you a soft smile, “Perfect! See you then!” and little did you know that your interaction with the third year boys volleyball manager was being watched by a couple of second-years.
But leave it up to your crummy luck, that the one day you expect your club to have nothing going on, there is utter chaos. While you’re settling things in your club, the Karasuno and Nekoma practice matches ensue. The whole time Kiyoko is keeping an eye out for you, her eyes fleeting to the gym doors just waiting for you to come through. Unfortunately that doesn't happen until Nekoma has already left and it’s just a few Karasuno members in the gym cleaning up.
“Sorry I’m late!” you rush into the gym, immediately going toward Kiyoko.
“Is everything okay?” Kiyoko says as she also makes her way to you.
“My club had some things come up and it took longer than I expected. I am so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re here. Can I introduce you to the team?”
You nod and smile, “Sure.”
“Excuse me everyone,” Kiyoko speaks up and everyone goes silent. Your eyes widen at her power over these boys, she gestures toward you, “This is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), she will be joining us as a new manager.” You heard excited shouts come from all over the gym, some even come closer to you, but Kiyoko stops them from getting too close.
“How about you come back tomorrow and I can give you a better explanation about what to expect.”
“Sounds perfect.” You smile.
You leave school and make your way to the station. As you walk you think about your new club and how excited you are about a fresh new start in a new club with new people. But it’s when you look at the time on your phone that you realize you’re going to miss the train home if you don’t hurry. You immediately start to run the rest of the way to the station, ignoring all of the stares you get. Just as you approach your train home, you hear the message of The doors are now closing. Not wanting to miss the last available transportation home you jump into the train cart, narrowly missing it, and the doors close behind you.
As you get on the train you make eye contact with a guy you’ve never seen before. His black, spiky hair and his golden eyes immediately catch your attention. You look at his uniform and can’t figure out which school he goes to, but you know it’s not Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, or Date Tech. It’s not until you hear the voice over come back on announcing your stop that you and him had been staring at each other the whole time.
A blush comes over your cheeks as you exit the train. And as you exit, the guy is kicking himself for being so awkward and not having the courage to talk to you. There were only a handful of things he could tell about you. One, you went to Karasuno; Two, you were into anime by one of the keychains that adorned your school bag; and three, you were unbelievably beautiful.
You think about the raven haired guy every so often, and you look into schools within Miyagi that have red uniforms, but none that looked like the mysterious cute guy on the train.
It’s not until talk about the summer training camp that you hear about Nekoma again. You don’t think much about it, and help Kiyoko, and Yachi prepare for the camp. As you step off the bus behind Yachi, you hear Daichi talking to someone, and you see it’s the guy you haven’t been able to stop thinking about. He notices you too. He has to pause talking, but quickly recovers and resumes talking to Daichi. He leads the team toward the gym, letting everyone through the door, and you're the last one in line. Just before you can reach the door, he lets it go, allowing it to close.
“The name’s Kuroo Tetsuro by the way.” His face is slightly flushed, but it couldn’t be from the sun considering the two of you were standing in the shade.
“My name’s (Y/L/N) (Y/N).” You reply and try to stop yourself from blushing, but ultimately failing.
“It’s nice to officially meet you.” Giving you his iconic grin that you find yourself already falling in love with.
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70th · 10 days
new blog? new basic rundown on anemone “annie” cresta:
the daughter of a “well-off” district 4 family, annie’s father thaden was the inherited owner of one of the larger canneries dotted along the coastline, and her mother laguna was a former fisherwoman turned manager of a small fleet of boats.
she has two siblings; older sister guinemere, and younger brother brine.
annie trained as a career, just like her father and siblings did. training for the games in four is viewed not so much as seeking the adulation of the capitol as it is playing the system - the stronger step in for the younger and weaker, the greater the chance for a victor and thus food and goods for those less fortunate. they’re considered a “rebel” district, after all. still earns them the reputation of capitol lapdogs by the rest of the districts though.
annie is a dancer, she loves the perfection and demand of it, and had planned for it to become her victor’s talent, as most students were encouraged to pursue something on the off-chance they won.
at 18 annie volunteered for her games, alongside her frequent training partner trite.
annie’s mentor was coraline genneth, victor of the 55th games. trite’s was finnick odair.
annie scored an 8 in her training, showing off her speed and strength with throwing knives, and her dexterity by cleanly gutting a plastic dummy.
annie and trite were in the career pack, alongside districts 1, 2, and the male tribute from 5. the arena, a large red stone canyon marred by twisting caves and a dam at one end holding back the majority of drinking water, was sparse in natural resources and tensions were almost immediately running high.
around a week and a half in, it reached a breaking point, culminating in a brutal ending with midas (the male tribute from 1) hacking off trite’s head with his sword while annie was held by the girl from 2 and forced to watch.
annie snapped at the sight of it, seriously injuring the tribute holding her, and - to the shock and discomfort of those watching - picking up trite’s head from where it had rolled at her feet and running off with it.
people were horrified to watch as her psyche crumbled over the days she spent in hiding, curled up tight in one of the canyon’s crevice-like caves, at times talking to trite’s head as if he were still alive and answering her.
there was a clear desire to want these games over with, and the gamemaker (predecessor to seneca crane) pushed forward with an earthquake in an attempt to drive tributes together. they didn’t plan for the dam to falt and break, flooding the arena. and we know who ended up winning 🥲
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daylander1000 · 11 months
I don't have any Daemon or Rhaenyra scenes planned until Vaemond 😖. He's just continuing to be a neglectful father while his daughters plot his demise...
The rouge prince could sense Hightower was a cunt(he is, he's disgusting)but his daughters' hate; how sad is that🥲—Targaryens only care about themselves and Daemyra only see the twins as a mean to their goals(how progressive Nyra😑 she wanted to create a new order but only for herself and her children; who cares about the twins, as long as they don't express any complains, everything is fine..fine my ass☺☺they are forgetting Baela and Rhaena are dragons as well.
How cute is of Aemond to marry Rhaena because he's akward as hell with other ladies🤣
Baela to Aemond: "Do you want to form an alliance with me..?"
Aemond: Yes
Baela: good* hands over Rhaena* good
Honestly, the more I think about it, the more confused I am by everything Nyra does. Is she even creating a new order for herself?
I mean, she made zero effort at gathering allies. Didn't spend five minutes trying to be an independent princess but latched on to Daemon to become Wife #3 during Wife #2's funeral.
Her main S1 action is to agree with his batshit idea to pretend to kill Laenor so that everyone in Westeros will fear her because the people of Westeros are known for supporting husband-killing tyrant queens... Literally the opposite of ally-making.
What was her plan for when Aegon and Viserys were old enough to ask questions about why they had no inheritance at all? Jace gets KL, Luke gets Driftmark, Joff I assume would then get Dragonstone, and the other two were going to do what, serve Jace as cupbearers? Become admirals in Luke's fleet? What was the plan?
I get, "Oh no, she doesn't want to be queen at all but The Prophecy!" But if you thought the fate of the world depended on you having a stable reign, wouldn't you try even harder to actually change the order of things to ensure peace? Instead of doing that, she just goes to Dragonstone to hold up for several years with the guy who celebrated her mother's death as she waits for her father to die, so she can just come kill off her siblings afterwards? She literally never speaks to them. How are you going to unite the realm when you won't even join the sib group chat?
She married a known wife-murderer and is being choked out by him post-childbirth, and everyone was like *pikachu face*, but I'm legit honestly confused as to why anyone's surprised by that, because again, you don't marry a wife-murderer all willy-nilly like "I'mma be alright."
What was the plan? I mean, she's not even saying, "I can fix him." She's like, #Goals.
Is Nyra creating a new order, or is she simply adding 1 plus 1 and getting something other than 2?
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