#they would make reggies life hell
bebyebeeh · 11 months
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i saw this and thought of them
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jweekgoji · 2 years
yandere five with a reader who's just as smart as him, but is still really sweet. however, she won't take any of his shit and gets past all of his shenanigans, escaping every he drags her back.
Yandere!Five x Reader
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warnings: yandere behaviour, dark themes (obviously), yandere Five, kidnapping, mentions of breaking bones.
a/n: I'm sorry if that's not...what you expected? i dunno why I'm saying this, it's just every time I'm doing requests I have a feeling I didn't do it perfectly? and you probably expected more-
For a man like Number Five, having a potential competitor around is kinda a great danger. For him? Haha! Definitely not, more for you. You see, since childhood, Five has been a pretty...competitive guy. He's faster, smarter, stronger than the ones he grew up with at the Academy when he was much younger.
In fact, meeting the same person who can make Five sweat so well would be very interesting to him. If Five were younger, his reaction would be simple. He wants to be the best, as well as get his dose of praise from Reginald, will simply start spending a day to get ahead of you. He'll work out, he'll solve more math equations, he'll read every book in the house day and night, he'll do anything to say, in the end, “I'll always be better.”
Five, who survived several apocalypses, life in the Commission and other things, will be a little...calmer. Yes, he has a younger body, which means he must have strength. But. Five was tired mentally and physically. His body may allow him to do a few runs around the academy if he really wants to, but the other question is, will he compete with you? No.
I understand that you are probably a little disappointed with this answer, yes? Sorry, but Five is not 13 years old! There may be a part of him that wants to get some praise from Reggie, but for the most part, he just doesn't care. He is an old man. He's 58 years old guys, all he wants to do is drink coffee and read some newspaper while enjoying a legal retirement. Your games do not impress him, play such games with Diego or Ben from Sparrow, and please do not bother him.
And so, we approach the other side, by some miracle Five liked you so much that he now loves you, congratulations! I think some of your sarcasm plus sweet and intelligent behaviour will annoy him a little, but for the most part it will amuse him. You, compared to him, are so inexperienced and cute, you are probably trying to copy him, right? He will rather laugh at your behavior.
But if you really are really incredibly smart, then congratulations, you can even shut him up for a while. Remember how Viktor reminded him of the events of season 2?
You stand next to Five, silently looking at him, then at his older doppelgänger lying on the cold metal surface of the table. A moment, and you noticeably shift your gaze first to the younger, then to the old man, and so on several times. This obviously does not go unnoticed by Five and he, already on the verge of breakdown, turns to you.
„What?” he practically grinds his teeth, trying to keep from sounding rougher.
“Nothing,” you shrug, chuckling softly. “It’s just that if he is you, and you are the creator of the Commission, then it’s a little funny.”
He raises one eyebrow at your words and, moving away from his counterpart, now seems a little interested in your point of view.
“What the hell is funny about that? Can you try to explain yourself, missy?”
“You complained that the suitcases are not bulletproof, but it turns out that this is like your mistake?” you are still smiling. “It's not that I blame you...”
For a moment there is only awkward silence between the two of you. You look at him, he looks at you, only making this conversation more awkward now. He seemed to think about your words and the realization really hit him hard, and his face turns red, more likely from anger, and possibly embarrassment.
“You brat really think it's a good idea to say it right now-”
I think if you have yandere Number Five behind you, who, if you remember, is one of the most dangerous people in the world, then you must be pretty damn smart. You must be much smarter than him, considering the fact that you are a simple person with no abilities. It will be incredibly difficult for you to avoid problems if he wants to have you with him 24/7, since he can literally appear at any moment and move you anywhere and you won’t even have time to blink.
Dealing with a person with teleportation is a 50/50 situation where you may or may not get lucky. Your reaction should be quick and immediate, being able to analyze your situation in a stressful situation, because then the right to make a mistake is a luxury that you cannot afford.
Right now, one of your many attempts to escape from Five, and you can tell exactly how he is not happy about this fact. How many times have you already done this? Five times? Ten? Twenty?! He is tired of constantly pulling you away from leaving the house, you damn annoying him at such moments, and after each such attempt, he often has to change the doors and locks on the windows, because you, by some fucking miracle, manage to break them.
“Can you stop this for one freaking day?” he hisses angrily, wrapping one arm around your neck, pressing you closer to him.
His other hand is on top of your mouth, thereby shutting you up. Just from looking at Five's face, you can see how tired he is. Sweat runs down his forehead and his chest rises up and down incredibly fast.
There is a slight smile on your face and for a moment you froze, looking up at him.
“Oh, I'm really sorry for all the trouble I'm causing you,” you say in your real, sad voice. “And sorry about that too.”
Without giving your kidnapper time to react, you strike him hard in the side with your elbow, causing him to groan in pain and let go of you for a moment. Enough for you to be able to escape from it.
If you are smart and have abilities that can help you, then it will be a little easier for you. Because you can at least protect yourself a little if something happens. But in the end, Five is an experienced killer who has a lot of experience and a mountain of corpses behind his back, so at some point the cat and mouse games will end and you can hardly escape your fate.
“You really made me all so worked up over this little games of yous ,” he admits, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “But in the end, you can’t run away from fate, right, angel?”
“My dear, it's only a matter of time before I can get away from you again,” you chirp happily, your wrists a little sore from how tight the ropes are pressing against your skin, but your whole appearance doesn't show it.
“Then I need to try to take this opportunity away from you forever,” his hand rests on your knee, squeezing lightly. Your breath is held for a moment and you look down, your heart beats stronger in your chest and it seemed that it was about to jump out.
He won't dare to break your legs, will he?
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Sirius Black X Reader: The older brother pt2
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Took me forever but here it finally is part 2 to The Older brother
Part 1
Summary: You've found yourself intrigued by your friends older brother little did you know he's taken an interest in you as well.
Warnings: unwanted contact, violence, punching, cursing, dirty talk, smut, creampie, 69, cum eating, penetration (p in v), sub/dom(kind of), face fucking, oral (m& f), roughish sex. Not proof read (got lazy)
Word Count: 2K
Ten minutes felt like an eternity. 
You and Sirius had gone your separate ways, each of you trying to pretend that everything was fine. You were failing. Rather miserably in fact. You kept tugging at the hem of your dress anxiously. You’d been the one who started it but Sirius seemed to have a larger effect on you then you expected. Your thighs rub together in desperation for some sort of relief. You glance at the clock in the corner of the room. The one that had magically appeared the second Sirius had whispered in your ears. The room of requirements truly was wonderful.
You watched the clock hands move slowly. Had a minute always taken this long to pass or were you just so desperate that time had started to feel like it had slowed down. You made your way back to the drink table grabbing a shot of firewhiskey and throwing it down your throat. You glanced around the room, eyes searching for Sirius. Instead of catching sight of the black haired boy your eyes meet those of a slytherin one you recognized. He was Reggie's friend no doubt but you couldn’t remember his name for the life of you. Apparently your unyielding gaze had been interpreted as interest causing the boy to make his way to you.
“Bloody hell.”
You cursed yourself for your lingering gaze. Now you would have to deal with a couple minutes of awkward conversation and quite possibly a strong rejection. You raised your head when you heard your name slip from the boy's lips giving him a small smile. 
“How are you doing? Haven’t seen you in a bit.”
“I’m doing alright and you?”
What was his name? It’s on the tip of your tongue yet you can’t seem to remember. The brunette slytherin seems to realize your lack of recognition, letting out a laugh.
“You have no idea who I am , do you?”
“It’s alright. Give me a chance to remind you.”
He moves closer to you, his hands finding your waist, his breath fanning over your face as he moves closer to yours. It’s in that moment that it hits you who this is.
Despite your lips moving to form Barty's name it’s not your voice that calls it out. You turn towards the familiar sound of Sirius' voice, your body relaxing at the sight of him. 
“What do you want Black?”
“What are you doing?”
“What's it to you?”
“Listen mate, I like fun as much as the next guy but the lady doesn't seem to be enjoying herself. Let her go will you.”
Barty let out a drunken laugh, allowing you to smell the whiskey in his breath. You flinch away from him, trying to get away but his hands grip onto you harder. Sirius watches you squirm his hand clenching into a fist.
“I’m gonna ask one more  time. Let her go.”
“Or what? What are you gonna-”
Before he could even finish speaking your first made contact with his face, causing him to release you as he stumbled backwards. Barty put his hand to his cheek, eyes widening when he saw the blood coming from his busted lip.
“You bitch!”
Sirius' shoulders tensed at the boy's words, preparing himself to knock his lights out but he didn’t need to. The second Barty called you a bitch you've reached for your wand pulling it out in a flash and yelling “Petrificus Totalus”. Barty froze in place his eyes following you as moved closer to him so that your lips were near his ear.
“Pull a stunt like that one more time Crouch and freezing you won’t be the worst thing I come up with.”
You turned around flipping Barty the finger as you made your way to Sirius. The older boy grinned at you.
“That was-”
You swallowed dry at Sirius flirty tone, images of your closet randevu flashing in your mind. You grabbed his hand, dragging him through the crowd towards the door. You could hear someone call your name but you didn’t care. There was only one thing on your mind and you needed to get away from everyone before your desire got to you.
The second you made it into Sirius dorm your hand was on him. You had no idea where the sudden confidence had come from but you weren’t complaining. And neither was Sirius. He’d never admit it to anyone but seeing someone take charge in the bedroom made him incredibly horny. Sirius hadn’t managed to get a single word out since you entered his dorm, far too busy jamming his tongue into your mouth to be able to speak. It was only when you sank to your knees in front of him that he muttered out a breathy “Oh Merlin”. He watched you struggle against his jean buttons, cursing the chains he wore on the belt loops every time they clinked against your rings. It was cute how hot and bothered you were. Sirius enjoyed seeing you like this. It was a lot different than you normally act: always shy and quiet. And now here you were, glancing up at Sirius with the most lustful eyes as you stuffed your palm down his pants.
“Who are you?”
“Anyone you want me to be, baby.”
“Fuck-oh bloody hell love.”
“Gee Siri haven’t even touched you properly and you're already whimpering for me.”
Sirius groaned at your words, his hips thrusting forward. You smiled at him, pulling your hands out from his pants so you could take them off. Before you got to free Sirius dick his hand latched onto your wrist. You turn your head to the side as you look up at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing love, it’s just….”
Sirius stopped for a moment trying to gather his thoughts. Was he really about to ask you this? He feared you’d be weirded out by his desires, it being your first time together and all. But the way you were looking up at him with lustful eyes as you rubbed your thighs together for some friction made him forget his fears.
“I want to taste you.”
“You can after i’m done i’ll let-”
“At the same time.”
“Sorry what?”
“Gonna make me spell it out hum?”
Sirius let out a laugh, shaking his head as he closed his eyes. Once he opened them again the playful demeanor was gone, replaced by complete and utter lust.
“I wanna fuck you with my tongue while you choke on my cock. Got it love?”
You nodded at Sirius, mouth parting slightly as you tried to steady your heartbeat.
“Well? Are you down?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Sirius pulled you up by the chin, his hands moving to remove your dress in deseparation as his lips moved against yours. The two of you tugged at each other's clothes, removing everything that would get in the way of your fun. Once you were both satisfied you broke apart the kiss, each observing the other's body for a moment. You never get over the sight before you. Sirius Black, Hogwarts notorious flirt, completely bare before you. Your eyes skimmed over his pale skin, eyes falling on the small burn scars littered here and there. You didn’t need to ask what they were. Reggie had told you enough about his family for you to know who was responsible for Sirius' scars. Sirius eyes moved over your bare body, his gaze conturing the beauty of your curves. Beautiful, he thought. Beautiful inside and out. You moved slowly towards him, your lips finding a scar near his collarbone and placing a kiss on it. Sirius hands found their way to your hips, squeezing softly.
“You are so pretty.”
“So are you Siri.”
“I know.”
You swatted at Sirius shoulders as you laughed, nuzzling into his neck.
“I meant it, you idiot.”
“Me too princess. And now I'm gonna prove it to you.”
Sirius walked over to the bed, laying down comfortably before motioning his finger in your direction.
“Come take a seat darling.”
You did as he asked, moving towards the bed. Once you got close enough you climbed onto the mattress, placing your thighs on either side of Sirius face. He latched his hands onto your legs, pulling your pussy flush against his nose.
“Haven't even started and you’re already moaning my name.”
“Shut it you cocky bastard.”
“Cocky’s right. Bastard ah not so much.”
You moved your hand over Sirius dick , stroking it a bit before sinking it into your mouth. Sirius could cum right now, the feeling of your warm mouth on his dick and the feeling of your pussy rutting against his nose making him feel like he’d died and go to heaven. But the night was still young and he planed on lasting more than a fucking teenager. Not that you were gonna make it easy for him.
It wasn’t like you were having an easy time either. Each time you gave Siri a good suck his face lifted a bit causing his nose to bump into your clit. After a while of sucking you moved your hand to fondle Sirius' balls making him cum in a matter of seconds. You followed close after, your hands digging into Sirius thighs as you covered his face in your juices. Despite the soreness in your thighs you managed to manoeuvre yourself off of Sirius face. You laid next to him as you both tried to catch your breaths. Sirius' arm found its way around your body tugging you into his chest. You nuzzled into him sighing happily.
“That good hum?”
“Been a while since i came like that.”
“Seems like you’ve been with some mediocre lads.”
“Yeah I guess. Most boys only care about their own pleasure.”
“Yeah, only real men know how to treat a woman.”
“Oh yeah? Is that what you are, Siri, a man?”
Sirius passed a finger across his face collecting your juices and stuffing his fingers in his mouth. You watched with wonder as the older boy sucked his fingers clean.
“Well I'm the one who's got your cum all over my face aren’t I?”
You give him a cheeky smile, nibbling on the inside of your check as you lean to whisper into his ear.
“Want me to cum somewhere else?”
You reached down to Sirius semi hard cock, fingers skimming over it teasingly.
“Careful kitten, that's a dangerous game you're playing.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Oh yeah?”
Before you could blink Sirius pulled you under him, his arms caging you. You moaned as Sirius hand found its way between your legs sticking two digits inside your pussy with ease.
“So wet for me baby.”
“Ah Siri!”
“That's it baby. Gotta get you nice and ready for my cock.”
You clenched around Siris fingers at his words, making him smirk.
“That's what you want right? Want me to fuck you good?”
“Please Siri, I want it so bad.”
“Okay baby, I'll give it to you. But only if you promise to be a good girl.”
“I promise.”
Sirius sank into your cunt, your walls sucking his dick in with ease. He groaned, resting his forehead against yours.
“Merlin, you're warm.”
“Ah fuck-Siri-you’re so big.”
He’d been told that before but for some reason hearing those words come out of your mouth turned some sort of animalistic instinct in him. Sirius started moving against you, his speed picking up with each moan you let out. The wet sound of your pussy filled the room. Sirius was sure that when the boys came back the dorm would still reek of sex but he didn’t give a shit. Right now the only thing he wanted to do was blow his load. Into your perfect pussy to be exact.
“I’m close- ah uh- need to pull out soon.”
“Don-Ah ughhh-don’t….spell-fuck Siri!-i’ll use the spell.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah yeah cum inside.”
Sirius seed filled your cunt as he reached his orgasm, the feeling of your walls tightening as you gushed over his dick making him let out a guttural moan. He sagged into your body, his lips finding your collarbone as you came down from your high. Sirius doubted that this would be the last round. In fact if it was up to him he’d never let you out of his bed. Funnily enough you felt the same way.
Who would have thought falling for your best friend's brother would land you in his bed. Not that you were complaining.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Serpent-Cide (1/?)
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(Unedited) (Reader secretly hates everyone, she just wants to go home. Number one #fuckthenorthsiders fan Reader. Reader is just a loner who tolerates everyone’s bs.)
(Part One|Part Two|Part Three|TBA|)
Reader didn’t want to think about school. She didn’t want to think about having to walk the halls along side the stuck up students. The cheerleader, jocks hell even the geeks of the school where assholes. It was like the north side was a target for producing shitty ass people.
Just about everyone in the whole town could be labeled a horrible person.
It was like they where breed here, raised here, meant to start a life long relationship with hurting others. Both physically and mentally, hell even emotionally.
Half of the kids at that school where skilled at emotional manipulation.
“Reader you will be assigned to the welcoming committee. You don’t have any community hours for this semester so this should give you quite a few. Make sure you meet in the hallway tomorrow morning, 8:00 sharp. The new transfer students from SouthSide High should be arriving by then.” One of the volunteer heads said. Reader slumped in her seat a little and rolled her eyes. Great, now she had to deal with not only the stuck up northsider kids but now the southsiders.
Moments later the bell rang for first period and everyone in the community room slowly started to leave. She waited a moment until just about everyone was gone. Slowly grabbing her bag from off the floor she made her way to class. The hallway was crowded as she maneuvered around the crowds of students. Flooded with kids, pushing and shoving each other.
The sound of something hitting lockers, hard, filled the hallway and made her look around. She pushed past the people around her. Hoping to just get to class. She didn’t need to get into anyone business, know anything she really didn’t need to. It would just be a reason for her to keep thinking about the people who lived, breath and love this shitty ass school. All she wanted to do was get to class.
Sadly her luck wasn’t on her side this time, it never seemed to be.
Her eyes caught the one and only Reggie Mantle as he shoved some poor kid face first into a locker. Their eyes only met for a moment before him and his friends went back to what they where doing. Messing with some bottom feeder kid who probably just looked at him wrong. The urge to just go the other way she came started to bubble into her gut. So that is what she did, turned right back around and went with the flow of the opposite direction of traffic. It would take twice the time to get to her class but she didn’t have to worry about bumping into that jerk. She huffed as she was shoved deeper into the crowed.
Why did this school always have to pull the worst shit over on her.
The next morning didn’t go as planned at all. The bus she usually took to go to school broke down and she had to walk. Instead of waiting around to get a ride she decided to just walk it. She ended up having to jog just to make it on time. All she needed was some stupid mark on her record for “trying to skip a volunteer credit” or something from the leadership board.
Huffing she enters though the front of the school where she was meet with a few different faces. Most of which made her even more exhausted then she already was.
Archie, Veronica, Betty and even Cheryl stud around the almost completely empty front hallway. It was almost as if half of the student body didn’t want to be around the southside kids. She kinda understood where they where coming from, then again she didn’t really care. Stereotyping a whole group of people they had never even meet before wasn’t really something she had hopes of doing. The southside was bad, shady and drug filled. But as long as these kids didn’t mess with her like the kids at this school, she would be ok with them.
Hopefully they would just cut her some slack and leave her alone for the rest of the year.
Or, her worst nightmare, they picked up on half of the schools ideals for bullying people, no matter who they where or what they did.
“Hey Reader you made it! I was scared you would have skipped the introduction.” Betty said in a whisper as they walked to a more casual spot in the hall. Reader just sighed, looking at the closed front doors of the school. She had to admit that her nerves where a little on edge. Being around people for her was hard, even people she knew. Betty was a okay person, a little preppy and a bit of a good girl but she was nice enough In Reader’s opinion.
She wouldn’t say they where friends per say but rather good acquaintances. They worked on a few projects together, sat with each other at lunch a few times, borrowed books from each other when they checked them out of the library. Nothing huge to make them good friends but decent enough that Reader didn’t see her as a issue to deal with.
“Stupid bus broke down and they wanted me to wait for a whole hour for another one to show up. All I need is that community leader to try and say I was trying to skip. It’s always something with this school…” she trailed off. Lazily she checked her phone, Betty only nodded saying “I get it…this school definitely sucks some times.” Reader snorted, sarcasm laced her voice “Puff that’s the fucking understatement of the century…” she pushed her phone back into her pocket. Betty only gave a small half smile before walking off to go see Archie.
For a good few minutes she just watched them. The two teens where talking about something and then Veronica joined them. She raised a brow as she glanced over at Cheryl who looked to be glaring at the other teens. It was funny to see the “Queen of the school” not be invited to their little party. Even if that party was three other people talking without her. Stuck up bitch. A smirk passed her lips for just a split moment.
Suddenly the door of the school entrance opened with a huge bang.
Some kids that were still in the hallway scattered at the mere sound, some from the sight of who walked through those big doors. The braver students stayed in their place, a hand full, mostly the jocks. They slowly started to creep up from the back of the hallways. Slowly inching closer and closer. Inching in towards new pray, or more like an even foe.
The southsiders were making their way into the northsiders territory and threatening their sickly little teen livelihoods. The big dogs were about to get pounced on by a whole bunch of serpents.
A whole herd of students walked through the doors, stomping up to the small group of teens. Reader was reluctant to join them, not because she was afraid of them or like most of the other kids still sticking around wanting to harass them. She just didn’t want to act like she was alongside any of these people.
She was quick to notice that one of the leaders was actually Jughead, which was a little shocking but not by much. Jughead was just as much of an outcast really as she was, maybe a little more popular seeing as he was Archie’s best friend.
The look on his face was insanely similar, mostly because it mirrored hers. The look of both boredom and disgust crossed his face quickly. As soon as he stepped close to Cheryl it seemed to double by ten folds. Out of nowhere, Reggie made his appearance from one of the hallways, a few cheerleaders and half of the team of jocks followed close by. He stepped up and stood behind Cheryl who only smirked at Jughead.
“Listen how about you and your little “serpents” go find another school to destroy. We don’t need your low IQ’s muddying up our school. We can only expect our test scores to start dropping dramatically in the next few weeks because of you and your little trailer trash bunch.” Reggie bowed up “Yeah and your little junkie friends. Bet we will start finding needs all over the hallways and burnt spoon in the trash cans.” Some of the jocks and cheerleaders laughed. Cheryl only smirked, her cherry-red lips only seemed to grow at the words.
Two of the kids behind JugHead almost growled at them, bowing up but then being held back by Jughead.
One was a girl, slight brown skin with long dyed pinkish purple hair with a serpent jacket on. It also my swamped her shoulders in the thick leather material. Her face was twisted up in a nasty scowl as Jug held her back.
The other person was a tall boy with black hair and a good-sized snake tattoo on his neck. Reader couldn’t help but look him over in curiosity. The tattoo stuck out to her as she scanned him over, the bob of his throat, the glimmer in his eye of pure hate. It was…interesting. She was glad that she stood off to the side. Maybe no one would notice her gawking at the bean stock of a boy- slash that, man.
Reader almost jumped a little when the boy broke free of Jugs arm. He marched up to Cheryl and Reggie and basically growled right in their face. Jughead was quick to grab him by the back of the jacket along with the help of the girl. Both of them use a good amount of strength to pull him back. It wasn’t easy as he fought back against their attempts to reel him back in. His height and weight alone kept him from even flinching at their pulls.
Lucky he seemed to calm only by a little and stepped back. He bared his teeth at them, almost in mocking and anger.
This did nothing to phase Cheryl and only made Reggie more riled up. One of his eyes twitched and a vain popped from under his collar. He stares all of the southside kids down, trying his best to some how intimidate them. Believing that somehow it was going to do something to them.
It failed miserably as the other southside kids held their ground.
“Love how I’m gone only a little while and I come back to this, the same loving treatment as before. Great job keeping your mutts in line Cheryl.” Jughead mocked with crossed arms. His gaze shifted from her to Archie for a moment. A look of displeasure corsages his face. Maybe even a hint of sadness threatened to form. But it was quickly gone within moments of appearing. Archie gave a small smile back hoping to show his feelings on the situation. Jughead seemed to take it with a grain of salt.
“Can we just stop fighting for once. We have to share our school and it’s only fair that we at least try and be civilized.” Veronica said getting between the two groups. She put both hands out to stop the two groups from getting any closer to each other. There was a small table a few steps over, she walked over to it and grabbed a few papers.
Looking them over before holding them up, she looked back toward the serpents. She cleared her throat saying “Over here you will find your class schedules, locker assignments, and a map of the school. We will also be assigning small groups of new students with some of our volunteer students. They will help you with any questions you may have about the school, show you around, and also help you figure out any resources you may need.”
There was some mumbling among the group.
Betty and Archie walked over to the table and grabbed some of the papers. Betty read over a few things on one of the pages. The other girl shoved a new paper into her hand making her roll her eyes. She looked it over and raised a brow.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yep, it’s right there. Start grouping up after they all get their schedules.”
Suddenly Veronica’s gaze shifted over to Reader. She cocked her head to the side and just stared at her. Reader felt herself clam up a little.
This was definitely not going to be a day to go down into the good history of the school.
It was going to be a literal blood stain by the looks of it.
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(Will be continued, will be cross-posting to AO3!)
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 2 months
James X Evan x Reggie
I of course can't help it and wrote this a bit ago. Life got very very busy so I apologize for not posting microfics for a while. But I have at least two done and I will try to post a 3rd soon.
Word Count: 1,097
NSFW, Violence Warning Under the cut
“Evan, I’m telling you, nothing’s gonna happen here. We’re both Barty’s exes. I can’t. He’d kill us both.”Regulus explained. It was the same conversation the two had been having for a week and Regulus was becoming annoyed with it.
“James already agreed. Please?”Evan asked again.
“Rosie, I keep telling you. Barty will kill us both and leave no evidence without hesitation. Stop asking.”
“Why do you care so much what he thinks anyway?”
“Because he’s still my friend. I don’t betray people that way.”
“If I told you why we broke up, you in particular would be all over me right now.”
“Told you, I don’t want to know.”
“Evan, don’t.”
Regulus opened his book again, reading silently. The silence was broken in seconds.
“Barty used the torture curse on your brother. I managed to refuse and get away but he kept going.”Evan blurted out, fidgeting with his fingers.
Regulus’ hands tensed up and he dropped his book in his lap. “Why would he do that?”
“Because he seemed to enjoy it.”
“He…”Regulus couldn’t finish the sentence, he only shook his head
“What do you think of your friend now, hm?”
“Evan, please don’t. Yes, what he did was absolutely horrible. But what am I supposed to do with that?”
“Help me make him feel awful. That’s all. Fuck the hell out of me until he walks in and sees it.”
“He’ll kill all three of us, Evan.”
“He won’t. I’ll keep us safe.”
“Evan, you’re out of your mind.”
“I’m pissed and heartbroken and mortified because our best friend used the torture curse on people I care about. I’m not crazy for that.”
“Because you really didn’t know that he would do something like that.”
“I didn’t know that he was cruel, I knew all too well that he was crazy but that’s it.”
“What all are you looking for here?”Regulus asked, moving from his laying position on his bed to sit on the side of his face, his full attention on Evan.
“A one night stand to piss off our ex boyfriend and make him leave us alone. That’s all. Anything further can be a different conversation.”
Regulus just sat quietly, mulling over the idea. Evan pulled at the rips in his jeans silently.
“Evan, why James and I both? You could have picked anyone. You could have chosen Sirius, honestly.”Regulus asked.
“Because you’re you. You were everything to him even while he and I were together. And you getting with James, well, that drove him mad.”
“Guess that’s fair. But how do we even know that we’d be good together? Not like we’ve even been undressed around each other or anything.”
“Could test it first.”
“Go get James, Rosier.”
Evan smirked and left the room to go get James. Regulus gently pulled at his blazer, thinking about whatever may happen next.
Only a few minutes later, Evan returned with James following close behind him. Regulus looked up at James immediately.
“James, you agreed to this?”Regulus asked.
“He hurt Sirius. Of course I did.”James replied.
“James, why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to tell you how your best friend hurt your brother that way.”
Regulus chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment, staring at his lap.
“Evan, do you know why I’ve only ever had two boyfriends?”Regulus asked.
“No.”Evan replied.
“I was not born a male… James paid for my top surgery because my parents would never have let me. I have a flat chest but uhm… Still a girl on the bottom.”
“Oh. Me too.”
“You… Huh? It’s been seven years, we graduate in a week and you couldn’t have told me that…?”
“Didn’t figure it would matter. You’ve been with someone the whole time.”
Regulus shook his head, smiling a little. Evan smirked and sat down beside Regulus.
“I swear, I thought you guys would have lost your minds if I ever told you that.”Regulus laughed.
“Well, we’re cooler than that, c’mon now.”
“Just making sure.”
“How do you want to check the chemistry here?”
“Are you really asking me that?”
Evan grinned as he glanced at James. “Still good with it, Potter?”
“Anything to make that fucker jealous.”
“Ooh. Swearing? Damn.”
Regulus grabbed Evan’s chin with two fingers and pressed his lips to the blonde’s. Evan grabbed hold of Regulus’ uniform shirt. When they parted for air, Regulus was half in Evan’s lap and James was leaning against the bedpost, smirking.
“Is that a final yes?”Evan teases, glancing down at Regulus’ legs still straddling his thigh.
“Yes. Definitely a yes.”Regulus replied.
“Oh, you two have fun. I’d just watch if I was allowed.”James replied.
“Are you sure you’re gay?”Evan laughed.
James flipped Evan the finger. “Pansexual and he doesn’t even react like that to me. So have fun. I’ll be here.”
Regulus blushed slightly, grinding gently against Evan’s thigh. Evan wrapped his hands around his roommates’ hips.
“Oh~? Does that feel good?”he teased Reg, resting his forehead on the other boy’s.
“Shut up, Rosie.”
“Move faster and I’ll consider it.”
Regulus picked up his pace, letting out soft moans as he grinded his clit against Evan’s thigh.
“Pants off. You’re going to ruin them.”James teased.
“So it is a fetish thing.”Evan joked as he unbuttoned Regulus’ uniform pants.
“If it was a fetish, I’d get him off more and let him ruin both.”
“Oh, fuck. Definitely do that.”
“Anything.”Regulus moaned. “It’s all hot. Just please don’t stop.”
James sat behind Regulus and slid his arm around his boyfriend’s waist, his fingers toying with the other boy’s clit. Regulus moaned louder, becoming overstimulated by the two boys getting him off.
“Please~”he moaned, leaning back and resting his head in James’ neck.
“Please what?”Evan replied, reaching across to cup James’ dick in one hand over his jeans.
James gasped softly as he slowly started to grind against Evan’s hand.
“Oh shit…”James moaned.
“Tell me when to stop?”Evan asked, smirking.
“Don’t. Fuck.”
Evan unbuttoned and unzipped James’ uniform pants. “Since you’re so worried about ruining them.”
James gasped as Evan’s hand got closer, only a thin layer of fabric between the boy’s palm and his dick. In moments, the three of them were moaning and finishing, covering the blankets and each others’ laps. Though they weren't paying attention, Barty had been standing in the doorway for at least a few minutes, watching silently, his wand leveled at the back of James’ head.
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blackoutdays13 · 2 months
A life stopping crossover (cue the disco lights)
I am going to assign the Hargreeves sibling to the hunger games district I think they might be in. “Why” you might ask. I don’t know, I just had the idea pop in my head on a ride home.
Diego - District two masonry This one is quite obvious. Diego’s power is manipulating the trajectory of flying objects if something like that. So it would be no shock to have him working with the knives. Since knives are his trademark weapon. So I put number two in district two.
Alison - District one luxury I’m sure we all remember in season one how our first introduction to Alison was really when she was in a red carpet. And throughout the season she seemed to carry on that rich and powerful theme. She was a rich and famous actress and own could assume she has a rich taste. So my first thought was district one for her.
Five - District three technology. District three is smart as hell. Using logic and tragedy to win their games. How Beetee won his games is the main reason I thought to put Five in this district. I know one might think “no he would be in six because of his power” but considering what we know of district six it doesn’t really make much sense to have him there.
Ben - District four fishing. I swear this isn’t just cause of the tentacles… Maybe. I feel as though district four probably has quite a few deaths in its district. With them having to deal with the ocean. Which is scary and uncontrollable. I can see poor little Ben just being another poor worker who dies in a terrible accident. Since from what we know of his death it was unable to be saved. And I won’t forget about Sparrow Ben. He is a prideful little guy and could possibly like Finnick Odair (they are in no ways similar but you get what I trying to say). A guy who gloats about his skill and gains attention to district due to that. So Ben was easy to put in four. Mainly because of my beliefs on the districts death rate.
Klaus - District six transportation We all remember how district six is known for their drug use and how the victors were high on morphling and were called the “morphlings”. Klaus is well known for his non sober lifestyle and his unhealthy habits, so he would fit right in with the crowd.
Viktor - District eleven NEGLECTED DISTRICT. Viktor was neglected as he grew up. Learning not to expect any care. I know one might think to put him in twelve, but after season two (his farm era) I felt more compelled by district eleven. It’s also a district that receives plenty of abuse. I felt like Viktor would be in eleven.
Luther - District seven. I am going to be honest and say I didn't know what to choose for Luther. So I ended up with district seven because I believe it’s the district that requires the most physical strength. Again I didn’t know with him. Cause I know some might choose the Capitol of district one for him, but those just don’t sit right with me. He evolved as character too much for those. So ima just end it with district seven so my brain doesn’t explode.
Bonus 2
Lila - District thirteen Due to the way she was raised Lila was fairly isolated to what reality is. Since the handler lied to her and manipulated her. And I think that is fairly similar to district thirteens residents and how Coin is a lying bitch. Also the shock of thirteen still being up and running reminds me of the shock of Lila having powers. So thirteen felt perfect for her.
Reggie - Capitol This bitch ass doesn’t give two shits about any of his children. Sparrow or Umbrella. Much like how the Capitol doesn’t care about its districts. The people who supply them. Like how the Hargreeve children supply him with fame and do his biddings. Reginald is a very powerful man, much like the citizens of the Capitol. He and Snow would be great friends. So it’s no shock that I believe he would be in the Capitol.
Remember these are my opinions, and I made this post for fun. So feel free to disagree, but stay respectful. Also please do give your opinions on what district you think Luther would be in (just not Capitol of district one). I’m still debating on district ten for him.
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thebvbbletea · 1 month
Just finished watching tua s4, and what the hell?????? We've been waiting for 2 years. FOR 2 YEARS.
Even though I think the whole 'sacrificing themselves for the world' ending is lame, all of the characters deserve to live their life, and oh god, I think the ending supposed to be all of them killing Reggie instead of sacrificing themselves. But, the thing that make me so pissed off is the fact that most of the characters loss their character development.
Luther just being used as the comedy relief and they didn't even bother to make Sloane appear. Like- I get it maybe it's because of Genesis decide to not comeback for the show, but it's a shame since Genesis herself said that Steve told her that in the end of s3 Sloane is missing, rather than dead.
Klaus. Oh god I hate how they treat Klaus this season. I do love the whole Allison - Klaus - Claire bonding thing. BUT THEY TRULY THROW ALL KLAUS GOOD CHARACTERISTICS. He stated that he's been sober for a long time, and they decide to make him go back to his old self in a split second???? What even the use of Thunderbolt storyline anyway???
Also they supposedly think we gonna believe that Ray left Allison??? The same Ray that love Allison so much???? I know it's also probably because Yusuf decide to not comeback for this season, but it truly doesn't make sense......
Don't get me started with the whole Five - Lila - Diego love triangle. It was so so so so out of characters for both Five and Lila. Five love his family. He always try to stop apocalypse mainly not because of he give a damn about humanity, but because of his family. He would never betray Diego. And Lila love her parents so much. He also have beautiful chemistry with Diego in s2. The whole point of her started to work for Commission is because of her parents. It's truly doesn't make sense how she could throw all of the effort she make to create her own beautiful family just because of Five. Like- the Five & Lila that we know, both of them, would never do that to Diego. And what's the point of the love triangle anyway? They could make Five & Lila's relationship keep platonic until they get out from the train station, and it would never affect the current storyline.
And Ben..... this season supposedly all about him... We supposedly understand more about his past, about his characters, but I don't know.... I just really think he deserve better. The only good characters arc I saw this season is probably Viktor. He could finally say what he wanted to say to Reggie, even thought he's not their og timelime Reggie.
This season is the last season. But I was so disappointed. I know most of you think season 3 is also bad, but I genuinely think it's still a good season. At least comparing to season 4. This season doesn't make senses. Istg, we, as the watcher and all of the actors deserve better script (I kinda wonder what is their initial first reaction when read the whole s4 script 😭)
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ellieclaireblack · 1 year
sanctuaire | sanctuary
sanctuary | noun your safe and peaceful haven a comforting place of refuge and rest in a noisy, chaotic world
{brother's best friend | fem!reader x james potter} ⪼ word count: 2k ⪼ warnings: mentions of abuse 
part one: back home
story: sanctuaire | sanctuary
Kreacher was calling for me. Again.
“I'm coming. I’m coming” I made my way down the stairs into the dining room of 12 Grimmauld Place. 
Today was January 4th 1976. Christmas Break was over and we would head back to Hogwarts. We consisted of Regulus and me. Since Sirius ran away during the holiday. An act I still didn’t forgive him for even though I understood why he did it. From the day he’d been sorted into Gryffindor my twin had a hard life. 
Walburga, Orion and Reggie were seated at the table when I joined them. 
“Good morning, father, mother, brother.” I greeted them politely and sat next to Reg. 
“Bonjour mon cher [Good morning my dear]” Papa greeted me in French. Walburga just looked up and nodded at me. Regulus opted for a small smile.
Out of my parents I loved my father, but Walburga was directly spit out from hell. Papa just never said anything against my mother. However she was rarely present anyway. The days she was home were horrendous.
Everyone tended to their meals and silence filled the room. That’s how it was: no talking at the table. I was glad to get back to school today. 
I missed my friends and I missed Sirius - even though I was still mad at him I longed to talk to my twin. He’s always been the person who understood me best. There was a lot unresolved between us. His unannounced departure during a stormy winter night made life at home a lot harder.
Walburga blamed me that the heir of ‘The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black’ vanished and let her anger out on me. A few spells turned into dark curses and several bruises covered my skin. Papa didn’t do anything against her but I know that he sent several house elves to patch me up when she left me in my room in agony.
“Children get ready. We’ll aparate to the station in 15 minutes. Your mother won’t be joining us, so make sure to say your goodbyes.” Papa said, ripping me out of my thoughts.
In my room I stuffed the last few things in a bag. Kreacher would aparate my belongings to 9 ¾. I grabbed my Slytherin robe, the Prefect Badge glinting in the light. My parents had been pleased when I got it, except when Sirius didn’t get one the mood in our house shifted quickly. I can still hear his screams of that day faintly in my head. I shake my head, trying to rid my mind from this particular memory. One last look in the mirror and I headed downstairs again.
Papa and Reggie wait for me already and we smile at each other. The first real smile all day. We each grab an arm that Papa offers us. Everything turns black, my body tightens up and just before I think my airway caught up we are standing on Platform 9 ¾.
“I wish you a good second term, my loves. Make sure to write. I’ll miss you. Bon voyage. [safe journey]” Papa pressed a kiss to both our heads and I couldn’t resist hugging him. Though half of Hogwarts was aware of our presence he hugged me back.
“I’m so sorry for what she did to you and that I couldn’t help you more y/n. Je t’aime. [I love you]” 
“Je t'aime aussi papa. Ne t'inquiète pas, ça va aller. [I love too, Papa. Don’t you worry I’ll be fine.]” All the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes were forced down. As a child I was always expected to keep my feelings inside, so that’s what my siblings and I were exceptional at.
“Watch over one another and make sure Maman doesn’t find out you’re talking to Sirius. Also tell him I’m sorry for how things went down, that I miss and love him. Go now, I’ll see you soon.” 
He disapparated and Reg squeezed my hand. We made our way to the Hogwarts Express and parted ways, both of us in search of our friends.
“y/n/n!” I hear a shout. Turning around I spot my best friend. Florence Clarisse Rosier - older sister of Evan Rosier and my roommate. She’s running towards me and tackles me into a hug. I suppress a wince, when she squeezes against my bruises. “We’ve already secured a compartment, come on.”
With ‘we’ she was talking about Adam Cygnus Travers and Theodore Lewis Nott. The two boys completed our friend group and we were known as the ‘Slytherin Royals’. All four of us descended from families of the Sacred 28 and had quite the reputation.
I greeted the boys with a hug and we talked about our holiday. I swiftly left out the subject of Sirius, but they knew. Walburga officially declared Regulus as the new heir of the House of Black, every Sacred 28 family knew what happened with Sirius. I saw their worried faces and uncertain looks, the eye-contact between them. No one dared to touch the subject.
I was relieved to to go to the Prefect meeting, so I could escape the unease. On my way there I passed a compartment Remus Lupin was currently exiting. Quickly glancing inside I spotted my twin, James and Peter. Sirius and I held eye contact for a split second before I turned my head away. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. My heart clenched. I really missed Sirius, he was my other half. We've never gone so long without talking.
“Oh hey y/n.” Remus greeted me only noticing now that I stood next to him.
“Hey Rem. How was your holiday?” We continued to talk while heading to the front of the train. Remus avoided the subject Sirius and I was thankful for it.
At the meeting we got handed our new patrol rounds. I was paired up with Remus or Lucinda - Lucy - Greengrass, which I was quite content with. Lucy was pretty nice. I wouldn’t call us friends, but conversation between us flew easily.
Later back in our compartment I put my feet in Theo’s lap and he absentmindedly began to massage them, while I read a book. My grades were extremely important to me, even more to my mother. So I wanted to get a head start on this semester's material.
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When we arrived at the Great Hall - everyone was exhausted from the long journey. We were happy when Dumbledore held his speech and the food finally appeared. 
During Dinner I felt several pairs of eyes on me. I knew it was the Marauders. I didn’t meet their eyes. The Great Hall was definitely the wrong place for the conversation me and Sirius had to hold. For now I was still too angry at him to have a level headed talk with him.
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After dinner my friends and I spent the evening on our couch in the common room. We’ve claimed that couch as ours and no one dares to sit on it, except when they’re invited to do so. Our evening was spent talking some more and when all of us got tired we made our way upstairs, wishing the boys a good night.
Unlike the Gryffindors, Slytherins had to share their space only with one other person. The shared space is only a bathroom and a small lounge room. Everyone has their own bedroom. In my case my dorm mate is Flo. She’s been my best friend since day one. With her lively nature, she draws the attention of an entire room to her. She’s the kind of girl who’s friends with everybody. 
In first year she would drag me into her world. I always loved the attention, just like Sirius. It was something we rarely experienced as something positive and at Hogwarts everyone seemed to like us. Naturally. We were somewhat celebrities in the Wizarding world.
Before going to sleep I put a silencing charm around my room. I had always had quite the share of nightmares, Sirius used to call them night terrors, that’s how bad they were. Since he was gone there wasn’t a single night where I wasn’t plagued by a nightmare.
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A scream tore through the dark. My own. My skin was covered in sweat and I suppressed a shiver. 
Only one thing helped me get back to sleep after a nightmare. My brothers. I couldn’t go to Reggie though, he had been through enough during the holiday and it hurt me to see him suffer because of me. So Sirius it was, I knew he wouldn’t question it even though we weren’t talking currently.
As quiet as possible I made my way to the common room. Empty.
I wasn’t really scared that a teacher would catch me in the corridor. Us Slytherins - especially the children of the Sacred 28 - had Professor Slughorn wrapped around our finger, so I wouldn’t even face consequences.
As a Prefect I knew all the Passwords of the different houses so getting inside the Gryffindor common room was dead easy. The common room was empty as well and I tiptoed up the stairs.
The door to the boys’ dorm slightly creaked slightly when I opened it. "Sirius, Sirius!" I whisper yelled into the dark and quiet room. But no response from my twin-brother. A sigh escaped me and I was just about to go back to my dorm when I heard a whisper.
"y/n, is that you? Are you alright?" It was James. "Yeah, no I-I'm fine." Obviously my best friend sensed the lie and ushered me to come over to him. I sat down on his bed and before I could protest he pulled me next to him.
The moonlight that shone in the room made it possible for me to see his features. That meant he could also see my face and the shed tears on my cheeks. 
"What's wrong y/n/n?" "I’m fine. It was nothing, just a nightmare, it's fine. I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to Sirius."
"Sounds like you’re fine. Hey, you don't have to lie to me. I know how bad your night terrors are and it's rare you seek Pads' help in the middle of the night. So it must've been really bad."
I mumbled "okay you're right" in response. James put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. Feeling his body heat seep into me I felt like I could finally breathe again and let out a shaky breath. James put a silencing spell around the bed so we wouldn't wake the others.
"What's going on? Why are you avoiding us? Did something happen?"
Tears were threatening to spill again. "It's my mother. J she's never been this bad or this angry. They told us it would have consequences if I spent time with you guys."
"Oh y/n, you should've gone with Sirius when he came to me, I was really worried about you the whole holiday. I didn't hear a word from you."
“I just couldn’t leave Reggie alone. Also I don't want to leave Papa, would be so lonely without us. Besides, Sirius didn’t even tell me he was leaving. One morning he was gone and I had to face Walburgas anger. I get why he left. Still we’re his siblings for Merlin's sake. He could've at least said something.”
Now I was really crying. James wrapped his arms even tighter around me. "I’m so sorry. I didn't know it was that bad or I would've gotten you out of there myself. You and Pads definitely need to talk tomorrow."
We talked for a little while, when I noticed James started to get really tired. His eyes fell shut every other second and he was trying hard to keep awake.
"Mind if I stay the night Jamie?" "Of course not, sleep tight, love." "Good night James." I whispered but didn’t get an answer. James had already fallen asleep and in the comfort of his arms I was finally able to go to sleep too.
author's note: so first chapter of my new story. thanks for reading this far! i'm not 100% sure how to feel about this for now. there's definitely going to be more james later, but i needed this as an entry point for the story so you have some background information. also i just wanted to put out there that english isn't my first language. i proof read the chapter, but if you spot any mistake don't fret to tell me i love you guys and wish you a gread day/afternoon/night where ever you are ♡︎
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 8 months
Sirius: I don't understand why you hate me so much Reg. Is it because I got out? Is it because I was and always will be braver for making it out of that hell hole that you 'loved' so much you thought it good to stay? Regulus: Sirius I want you to stop talking right now.. Sirius: No Reg tell me, why didn't you come with me when I asked? you could have but you refused to, do you think you're better than me? Regulus: Sirius shut the fuck up. You're the one who left not me, I didn't have any other choice but to stay! Sirius: What do you mean you had no choice?! I gave you one and you chose to stay with our shitty parents and become their stupid heir! Regulus: NO SIRIUS. You do not get to tell me that I had a choice. If I had come with you then Mother and Father would not rest until they found one of us. I am merely a backup plan in their eyes Sirius, I stayed so you could have a life, so you could have the freedom we had always dreamed of. It was always gonna be you who got out, I knew that from the start, so don't you dare assume that the reason I despise you is because of the fact you left. Sirius: I- Reg then why do you hate me? what have I done to deserve it? Regulus: Sirius you act as though I don't exist!? As if we aren't even related!? When people talk about Sirius Black's brother I don't even cross their train of thought, it's immediately James' name that's mentioned. How do you think that makes me feel? Sirius: R-Reggie I- Regulus: Save it, go hang out with your new brother. I'm sure you love him more than you ever did or will me anyway.
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sadhours · 1 year
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next chapter • masterlist • my requests are open!!
my new series!!! i promise the finale to wicked sensations is coming soon but in the mean time, enjoy this :) it’ll be mostly Billy centric, not terribly romantic and it takes place before he moves to hawkins
content warnings: minors dni 18+, violence, child abuse (physical and verbal), homophobic slur, cannabis use, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, blow job
word count: 6k+
The rooftop is his favorite place to be. It’s calm, though you can hear the sounds of the city below you. Billy likes the whooshing of the cars on the highway and the drunken chatter of college kids bar hopping. Soothing. Happy sounds. Not like the ones he hears at home. The second he’s through the door, Neil’s berating him for whatever he’s stewed on while Billy was gone. So suffice to say, Billy stays out of the house most days and nights. The grace period from having Max and Susan is over and Neil isn’t hiding who he truly is anymore. As Billy rolls his spliff, he remembers Susan’s reaction the first time his dad had smacked him upside the head in front of her. It was unmoving, her face stoic and a look in her eye like Billy deserved it. He can’t even remember what prompted it, but that was the glorious thing about Neil’s fists, they didn’t need a reason. Billy could have moved the dish soap in the kitchen a centimeter and that would be enough to set his dad off. So why the hell would he be home when he could be anywhere else?
Absent. That’s what Max called him this morning. Just like his mother, he thought. It was true. Billy was numb to it all. He could be there but not really. Auto pilot, doing what’s expected but without reason behind it. He’s floating through life without real meaning to it. Billy hopes he’ll find something worth living for. Shit, most sixteen year olds have no true passion for life but no other kids have Neil as a father. He’s pulled out of his thoughts when his buddy, Reggie changes the cassette in the boombox. He’s supposed to be having a good time, he reminds himself, not thinking about how bad he doesn’t want to be at home. Billy licks up the side of the paper to seal the spliff, reaching for his zippo and lighting it up. He inhales deeply, letting his eyelids close with the motion as the sharp smoke fills his lungs and immediately relaxes him. Fuck, weeds awesome. Reggie’s been on this New Wave kick and Billy can’t stand it, unless he’s stoned. When he’s stoned, all music is pretty rad. So the Joy Division cassette isn’t the worst he’s heard. It fits Billy’s mood pretty well. He won’t admit it, the goddamn hopelessness of the lyrics hit him square in the chest and make him feel a little less alone.
“The girls are taking forever,” Reggie complains and Billy agrees. He could really use a beer, cotton mouth kicking in far too quick for his liking.
With a shrug, Billy peers over the edge to see if he can get a glimpse of you guys. You’ve been dating a couple months at this point, but you’ve been friends for years. Right after Billy’s mom left and Neil uprooted him from the house they shared to an apartment in the heart of the city. Billy misses that house and that apartment. You lived in the complex and he’d met you while he was graffitiing the apartments playground slide with a sharpie. He thinks he was drawing a crude pair of tits but he can’t remember, knows for sure he’d scribbled his favorite swear words at the time all over it. You guys were eleven years old. You came up to him and asked if you could draw something. You drew a cartoonish dick and right then, Billy decided you were gonna be friends.
Then Neil met Susan a few years later when he was fourteen. They moved quick and got married a month after meeting. He hates moving, so he wasn’t thrilled when Neil and Susan insisted on finding a three bedroom house closer to Max’s school. Luckily, Billy didn’t have to change schools but the house was in a cookie cutter suburb instead of the city. Plus, you weren’t a two minute walk away anymore and Neil got to keep him on a shorter leash.
“Beeeer!!!” you and Cindy, Reggie’s girlfriend cheer in unison as you climb up onto the roof through the fire escape.
“Finally,” Reggie grunts, snatching the spliff from Billy’s fingers and extends his opposite hand for a beer.
“Why are you listening to this depressing shit?” Cindy complains as she hands him an Old Milwaukee, “We’re supposed to be partying.”
“Eh, it’s not so bad,” Billy shrugs as you nestle yourself next to him on the edge of the roof, he wraps his arm around you and accepts the beer you offer.
Cindy gapes, “You’re the last person I’d expect that from.”
Billy doesn’t respond. Instead, he cracks his beer open and looks over the edge of the roof again. He sees a handful of girls stumbling beneath and he wonders if he hawked a loogie down could he hit them and what would they do. Saliva fills his mouth in anticipation but he decides against it. They’re pretty and their reactions probably won’t be all that exciting. He’s confident about his aim, though, figures he could land it on one particular girls’ cleavage. He smirks to himself as he brings the can to his lips and averts his eyes to his friends, looking for the spliff. It’s in Reggie’s hands again so Billy leans over and snatches it.
“Stop bogarting, asshat,” he snaps.
“Relax,” Reggie mumbles, “we tried passing it but you’re too busy checking out the chicks on the street.”
“I wasn’t checking them out,” Billy defends himself.
“Sure,” you sigh next to him before standing up and making your way to sit on the torn up couch Reggie and Cindy are lounging on.
Billy rolls his eyes, taking a hit off the spliff before looking down at his watch. The football game is probably almost over and Neil’s most likely dozing to sleep, drunk off a twelve pack. But Billy doesn’t intend to go home for a while, well after midnight. It’s summer after all. He could probably crash at Reggie’s tonight. It’s a good excuse to spend time with him because usually, Billy has to steer clear of him during the school year. Neil would kill him if he’d seen Billy hanging around a black kid. He’d probably kill Reggie too. In the summer it’s safe, but during the school year, his curfew is strict and Neil would rather Billy hang out at home. He brings friends around sometimes, but never Reggie.
You keep giving Billy an angry look. Max’s words this morning ring in his ears. Absent. Billy knows that’s why you’re mad at him too. You’d had the conversation a hundred times this summer alone. He doesn’t put enough effort into the relationship, you told him. Asked him if he wanted to go back to being just friends. But Billy assured you that he didn’t, promised to do better. He’s always being told he isn’t good enough. By everyone in his life. So much so that he’s gone numb to that too. Figures the least he can do is accept that he’s never going to be what people want him to be. It’s easier that way, anyways. Hard to let it get to him if he just doesn’t give a shit anymore.
The thing is, Billy just turned 16 and Neil’s expecting him to work this summer so you’ll just have to deal. He’s excited to get a job, excited to save up his money so he can get a car. He got his license the day after his birthday, figures by the end of August he should have enough to buy a beater car. Something he can fix up real nice. Something that’s his, proof he can accomplish a goal, proof he’s not such a goddamn waste.
He was supposed to be job hunting today but he didn’t. He got up early enough to surf, got home and showered, put on his fanciest button up that was a hand-me-down from his dad and told him he was off to fill out applications. He got stoned at Reggie’s house and the two of them watched TV for hours until Cindy called. Billy can do it tomorrow. It shouldn’t be too hard to find a job. Maybe he can work at the surf shop. The owner likes him a lot. He’s even talked about Billy becoming a team rider. Billy tries not to get his hopes up about that. Neil doesn’t care for surfing, tells Billy it’s a waste of time. Not a skill for the real world. That’s what Billy likes about surfing though. It drags him far away from reality, his mind can finally relax when he’s catching waves.
He smokes the spliff until it’s a burnt roach, tossing it over the roof and stands up. Pacing around, he ignores the conversation the three of you are having as he focuses in on the buzz from the weed. He can feel the air better, feels like he can breathe better than ever before. He stares up at the moon, admiring how the clouds skate passed it. He lays on the floor, hands behind his head and focuses on the craters he can see in the moon. It’s full and he can kind of see a face in the craters, if he tilts his head it also looks like a little girl with a triangle dress.
Suddenly, he feels a hand on his stomach and he turns to see you, sitting beside him with a curious smile. He returns it with lopsided one of his own.
“Get bored of ‘em?” he asks, softly.
You turn to look at Reggie and Cindy, his eyes follow to see the couple making out.
“Ah,” he purses his lips, “It’s that portion of the party, is it?”
You nod and Billy pats his hips, signaling you to climb into his lap. Once you do, he’s wrapping a hand around your neck and luring you down, lips hovering. You feel his teeth as he smiles before placing a tentative kiss to your lips. It starts slow, lazy from his dazed, stoned state. Billy prefers kissing when he’s high, doesn’t much care for it when he’s sober. But for some reason, in this altered state, it doesn’t feel as gross to him. Billy never tells you he doesn’t like kissing or that he thinks it’s kind of disgusting. When he’s horny enough, it’s not gross and he’ll lick into your mouth all sloppy as long as his dicks inside you. It’s not his foreplay though.
He can hear Reggie grunting and groaning. He doesn’t have to look over to know Cindy’s going down on him. She’s loud about it and Billy doesn’t admit that it turns him on. Billy thinks it must turn you on too because you start grinding your hips against his. Plus, he figures Reggie and Cindy won’t care much if they started it in the first place. Billy always feels a bit strange about the lack of boundaries, the fact that the four of you mess around in front of each other. Figures that you all get it when you can and it’s not often you guys are secluded enough to pull it off.
Billy grabs your hair to pull you away, moving his hands to undo his belt and you get the hint, lifting yourself up just enough to get your underwear off and Billy’s jeans and briefs down to his knees. You hold your skirt up, looking down at his pulsing erection settled against his stomach. He wraps his fingers around the base and spits onto his other hand, smearing it all over the head before lining it up with your entrance. You gasp when you feel him prodding, eyebrows knit together in desperation and Billy loves that. Feels like he’s done something good to make you want him so badly. You slowly lower yourself until he bottoms out and Billy grunts softly, pressing his palms to yours and lacing your fingers. It’s sweet, makes your whole body fill with adoration for him. His eyes are barely open, eyelids looking heavy while his mouth hangs open just enough for you to see his tongue pressing to his bottom lip. A roll of your hips and his tongue rolls against his bottom lip, a lewd moan tumbling out of him that has your toes curling in your shoes. Through all the bullshit he seems to drag you through, you wouldn’t ever give this up. He gets you fired up like no one else could. Billy’s a literal wet dream come to life and you have the fucking privilege of being with him. The slight curve of his cock is practically designed to fit you perfectly, hooking just right to nail that wonderful, spongy part inside of you. But you think you could cum just from looking at him, sometimes. Or hearing his voice.
You bend down to whisper in his ear, “You feel so good.”
He lets go of your hands to wrap his arms around your middle, pulling your bodies flush as he groans breathy against your ear. You press gentle kisses along his jaw, bouncing in his lap over and over. He snakes his hands up your shirt and scratches down your back, arching his own which only buries him deeper inside of you. Deep enough he hits your cervix and you yelp. Billy chuckles softly before easing up, his hands steadying at your hips.
“M’sorry,” he mumbles against the shell of your ear.
“It’s okay,” you reply softly, pulling back to look down at his face. He looks fucked out, totally blissful and all the stress and worry usually living there is gone. It makes your insides turn. You’d give absolutely anything to do that for him all the time. He starts thrusting his hips up at you, his hands holding your hips still so he can take control. He does it whenever he’s close and you’re almost there too so you keep staring down at his face, trying to commit it to memory like you haven’t seen it a hundred times, like you don’t see his face whenever you close your eyes.
Billy’s eyes open slowly and he maintains eye contact with you, his mouth open while pants and soft moans flood out of it. Just the look and sound of him is enough and your orgasm comes crashing through you.
“Billy,” you gasp, thighs shaking against his hips while you involuntarily hump against him.
He smiles then, all lips and no teeth but looking satisfied. You don’t get the opportunity to completely ride through it, he pulls out of you and you’re quick to move down and take his cock in your mouth, eyes wide as you look up at him. He gives a pathetic thrust and clenches his teeth, squeezing his eyes closed as he shoots his load into your mouth. You swallow and pull back, licking up the last of it that dribbles out of his slit. He whimpers and it sends another wave of arousal to your center.
With a sigh, he pulls his pants back on and hands you your discarded panties. You awkwardly pull them back on and reach your hand out to help your boyfriend back up. Billy kisses you softly before wandering over to the sixer and pulling another beer from it. He stands taller now, relaxed and you’re relieved you can help him in some way. Even if it seems like only sex.
Billy and Reggie share a look before the two of them burst out into giggles, Cindy rolls her eyes but immediately shoots you a pleased look. She enjoys it and so do you. Billy makes his way back to the edge of the rooftop, sitting down and lighting up a cigarette. He keeps peering over and it’s making you nervous. You don’t know what he’s thinking but sometimes you worry Billy imagines jumping off. What you don’t expect is to hear the sound of him hawking up a loogie.
“Billy,” you warn, standing up.
Reggie’s standing up with you but with excitement as he stumbles over and peers down with Billy.
Billy spits down and you hear a man from below shouting.
“Billy! Fucking hell,” you scold but your boyfriend is in a laughing fit, holding his gut as the careless sound rips through him.
“I’m gonna beat your fucking face in!” the guy from the street shouts up at him.
“I’d like to see you try!” Billy replies.
“Then get your ass down here!”
Billy’s up to his feet, the excitement of violence bubbling through him as he makes his way to the fire escape. He ignores the protests from you and his friends, though the three of you follow him down. Billy chugs the rest of his beer once he’s on the ground, tossing the empty can and puffing his chest up as he stalks over to the guy.
Billy’s in shape, he spends a lot of time lifting weights but that’s not what makes him dangerous. It’s the fact that he doesn’t really give a shit and all the pent up anger from the abuse he faces. The guy he nailed with his phlegm is bigger but Billy doesn’t seem scared. He yells out, fists clenched tight at his sides as they meet face to face. Billy’s grinning wide, he always looks so happy when he’s about to get in a fight. It fucking worries you.
The guy swings first but Billy dodges it and then his fist is connecting with the dudes jaw with a horrific pop. The guy reels, like he wasn’t expecting so much power behind a teenagers fist. He stumbles but is back quick, socking Billy in the face and you wince, knowing that he’ll have one helluva shiner.
Billy laughs, “Is that all you got, fucker?”
Another punch and the guys on the ground but Billy’s on him in an instant, delivering blow after blow to the guys face before Reggie’s pulling him off.
“Fuck!” he screams out, eyes lit up with something that terrifies you. He enjoys this too much. You reach for his wrist and pull, dragging him along as the four of you run down the block. The dudes knocked out but his friends chase after you guys. They’re not fast enough and you lose them after cutting through an alley and ending up in a deserted plot of land. It’s mostly dirt but the occasional construction debris. There used to be a motel here but it’s got plans to become yet another parking lot. Billy screams out again, cheeks split with a devious smile.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” you yell at him, pushing against his chest. He turns to you with that eerie smile and you notice his nose is bleeding.
“That was fucking rad, darling,” he gushes, “I totally knocked his fucking lights out!”
“It wasn’t rad!” you argue, “God damn you’re such a fucking child sometimes!”
Billy laughs, but it’s laced with venom, “And you’re fucking boring.”
The word hits you hard, breaking your heart in an instant. You sniffle, pissed off with yourself that you’re crying so easily. Billy could be mean, to everyone around him. You knew that when you started dating. But it still hurts. You wanted to be an exception to that, but you realize how foolish that was.
“You’re fucking crying?” he scoffs, “Jesus Christ.”
You turn on your heel and start walking, Cindy me Reggie are quick to follow you but when you’re a block away and you turn back, Billy’s not following you. He’s wandered in the other direction.
Billy finds the spare key under the mat and tries his absolute best to keep quiet as he unlocks the door. Susan should’ve got his dad to bed by this hour but he doesn’t want to risk it. He slowly opens the door, stepping inside and unzipping his boots before taking them off and leaving them by the door. He peers into the living room. Shit. Neil isn’t in bed. It’s nearly two a.m., he and Susan must’ve had an argument. Billy closes the door as quietly as he can before turning the deadbolt. He tiptoes to his room, turning the knob cautiously. Once he’s inside, he flicks the light on and starts to undress. He opens his closet and grabs out a pair of grey sweats to change into. As he’s changing, he looks into the mirror, seeing the dried blood under his nose and the beginnings of a gnarly bruise under both eyes. He presses his thumb to the bridge of his nose and hisses. It’s not broken but fuck, it hurts. He sighs. He needs to clean it up. Billy desperately needs a shower but it’s too late. He’d definitely wake his dad.
Carefully, he sneaks out of his room and into the hallway bathroom. He flicks the light on and gets a better look at his face. Billy barely recognizes himself. It’s a problem he’s been having for years. He knows that’s his face staring back at him but he can’t help but feeling like he doesn’t know his reflection. Like the icy blue eyes staring back at him belong to a stranger. He quietly cleans the blood from under his nose but when he opens the medicine cabinet to grab his toothbrush, a slew of pill bottles and soaps fall out of it and land into the sink with a loud clatter. Max had probably haphazardly shoved her things inside. Billy closes his eyes and shuts off the light, steadying his breathing and tries to hear for a sign that he’s woken his father up.
Footsteps, loud ones clamber up the hallway and Billy braces himself. He hates this house, there’s no lock on the bathroom. There’s no locks on any doors besides the master bedroom. The door swings open and the light is switched on. Billy’s met with the angry face of his father.
“What in gods name are you doing at this hour?” Neil asks, tone cloaked in outrage. “Did you just get home?”
“No sir,” Billy replies, voice cracking.
Neil surveys his face, “You reek of pot, boy.”
Billy doesn’t respond to that, just stares blankly at his domineering father. There’s no point. He definitely smells like weed and no matter what he’d say, the next row of actions is a guarantee. Neil shoves him into the towel rack, the edge of it nicks Billy’s bare back and he can feel the blood drip down. He keeps still, looking stoically up at his dad. Neil backhands him, Billy’s face turns with the force of it and Neil grabs his throat, shoving him harder into the rack which just scraps Billy’s back up more.
“You have no regard for anyone but yourself. We’ve talked about this, huh? Respect and responsibility. Simple shit, but you’re too fucking stupid or selfish to learn,” Neil hisses.
His fathers grip tightens just enough where Billy struggles to breath but he knows his dad’s too pussy to actually kill him. He chokes out a sob, can’t help himself even if he knows it’ll only piss Neil off more. Another smack to the face, another shove into the rack and Neil knees him in the stomach.
“You’re crying? You goddamn pussy. Man up!”
From the ground, Billy seethes. He knows this will seal his fate and he’ll be forced into makeshift solitary confinement but he doesn’t give a fuck. He’s overflowing with hatred for the man towering over him.
“Fuck you,” he says behind clenched teeth.
Neil kicks him once more before grabbing a fistful of Billy’s curls and pulling him back to his feet. His dad looks him square in the face before head butting him. The sharp jolt of pain rings through him, his eyebrow feels hot and then Billy feels blood before he sees it when it drips into his eye. Neil drags him by his hair, through the hall and kicks Billy’s door open, the wood slamming into the plaster of the wall and no doubt leaving a hole from the doorknob. He shoves his son into the room.
“You’re goddamn worthless. I give and give but you refuse to fucking be respectful. You’re grounded, I’ll let you out when I can look at you again. Goddamn faggot,” he spits and slams the door back closed, Billy can hear as he fastens the chain lock he’s drilled into the outside of Billy’s door.
Billy holds his sobs, reaching for whatever material is closest to him on the floor and holds the dirty t-shirt to the split in his eyebrow. He falls asleep on the floor like that.
When he wakes up, the t-shirt has fused to his face with the dried blood and he’s reminded of the beating as he peels it off. Except it opens the wound back up and he groans, pressing a clean part of the shirt back to it. His heads pounding, his whole body aches. As he stands up to look in the mirror, he sees the bruising taking place on his stomach and ribs. His face is bruised but not from his dad. He’s too scared to look at his eyebrow, the pulsing pain and blood tells him he definitely needs stitches and he’ll be ending up with a gnarly scar instead. He peers out of his window to see Neil’s truck and Susan’s station wagon aren’t in the driveway but he can hear someone’s out in the living room. His throat burns and his mouth feels like it’s got cotton in it. Glancing around the room, he sees he’s got no water stashed away. Max.
Billy sighs, trudging over to the door and opening it as much as the chain lock will allow.
“Max,” he calls out, voice hoarse and fucking pathetic but his step sister is quick to run down the hall. Billy can see her red hair flying before he can see her blue eyes looking up at him. “Water, can you get me some water?”
She nods and disappears. Billy lays on his bed, closing his eyes while he waits. He hears the stool slam against the floor and he sits up, waiting for Max to climb up it so she can reach the lock. Once she does, she scoots the stool again and opens the door. She hands him the tall glass of water and he gulps it down in record time. He extends it out to her, “More?”
Max nods but she takes longer to return this time. Billy sees why when she’s holding the first aid kid they store under the bathroom sink. Billy gives her a half-hearted smile, she can be a little shit but she does care. It makes Billy feel weird, his initial instinct is to push her away and say he’s fine but he doesn’t. He lets her set the first aid kit on his bed and open it, she pulls out the peroxide and grabs the shirt from his face. She bunches it up against his eye and pours the peroxide on the wound on his eyebrow. It tingles but the sting is dull. She pats it dry before digging through the box for butterfly bandages. They stay silent as she dresses the wound. She’s a smart little fucker, Billy hadn’t even thought about asking for the first aid kit. She stands back and puts her finger against her chin, checking over her work before nodding to herself.
“Quick,” she says, “Use the bathroom before they get home.”
Billy nods, he hadn’t thought of that either. He stands and puts his hand on the top of her head, rustling her hair up. “Thanks, kiddo,” he mumbles before trudging into the bathroom.
As he steps inside, the events from last night flash around in his head but he pushes them away. He lifts the lid on the toilet and relieves himself. When he’s washing his hands he gets a good look at his reflection in the fluorescent lighting. He looks like shit. He aches for a shower but that’s too risky plus he’s not looking forward to the cuts on his back stinging from the water. He dries his hands and makes his way back to his room, where Max is waiting outside the door. Once he’s inside, he can hear her fastening the lock back up and jumping off the stool. Billy decides to tidy his room while he’s stuck in here, pressing play on his stereo so he can drown his thoughts in heavy guitar riffs and Vince Niel’s voice. After his rooms all clean, he shuts off the stereo and looks for a book to read to pass the time. He has no idea how long he’ll be trapped in here. Sometimes it’s a day, sometimes it’s a week.
You haven’t heard from Billy in two days. It’s been two days since your little fight in the field and you’re getting worried. Billy was pretty adamant about you not coming over unannounced but the landline has been giving you nothing but a busy tone every time you try to call. You’re out of options and that’s why you take the bus out into the suburb and walk to his place. Neil’s truck is outside, along with his stepmoms car but you’re determined to check on him.
The wood of the door is warm on your knuckles as you scrap against it. Thankfully, Susan answers the door but her face falls and he looks back into the house before meeting your eyes.
“Billy’s not here,” she says.
“Where is he? I haven’t heard from him in a couple of days,” you reply, shoving your hands in your pockets.
“He’s out looking for a job,” it’s a lie. You can see it on her face. Susan’s a horrible liar, just like Max is.
You chew on your bottom lip before trying your luck, “Bummer. He must be mad at me still. Could I use your bathroom? Long bus ride out here.”
Susan heaves a sigh before stepping back and letting you inside, “Be quick.”
“Course,” you say and start making the descent down the hall.
“He’s not here!” Neil yells after you which causes you to stop, the sound of his voice always makes your skin crawl.
“I know, just using the bathroom,” you reply, eyes turning to Billy’s bedroom door in the hallway. The chain lock is fastened and your heart sinks into your stomach. You know Billy’s been trapped in there for days. He’s never told you this happens to him but when you’d noticed the lock, you connected the dots.
You lock yourself in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror as you try to somehow telepathically communicate with your boyfriend. You so desperately want to call CPS on Neil but the first time Billy admitted his dad hit him, he made you promise and swear that you wouldn’t. Billy assured you he could handle it, that he didn’t want to be stuck in the foster system. I only have 5 more years, you remember him telling you. With a sigh, you finally sit down on the toilet and relieve yourself. It was a long bus ride. After washing your hands, you make your escape.
“Nice to see you, Mr. Hargrove,” you call out to Neil, hoping Billy can hear you and know you’re here.
“Whatever,” Neil mumbles with a wave of his hand.
Once it’s midnight, you figure it’s safe and you stalk over to the window with the black grocery bag tucked tight against your side. The windows have bars on them, you’ve overheard Susan calling them decorative but they’re definitely a safety precaution, to ward off potential burglars. You can’t help but think about the way they make Billy’s room just that much more of a prison. God, if you could save him from this shit you would. This is the least you could do.
The bars are far enough apart that you can reach your arm through it. You quietly knock against it and step back to wait for your boyfriend to appear behind the sheet he uses as a curtain.
Billy snakes himself between the sheet and the window, his eyebrow is slit open and there’s some gnarly bruising under his eyes. You give him a sympathetic smile, lifting the plastic bag. Billy opens the window slowly, careful not to make too much noise.
“Hey, little lady,” he purrs, laying the charm on thick even though he’s a goddamn prisoner in his own fucking house. “What’re you doing here?”
You smile at him, you’ve found it’s best if you act like everything’s normal, “Wanted to give you some goodies and see your face. I miss you.”
“I miss you,” he reaches out and pokes your nose. “Whatcha get me?”
Peeking into the bag, you pull out the Mickey’s 40 you’d purchased and hand it over. Billy moans at the can, grinning from ear to ear. Next you hand him a pack of Marlboro Reds and he gives you another moan.
“Fuck, I could marry you,” he takes the pack and rips it open, lighting a smoke immediately.
You bite your lip, “Do it.”
He chuckles, leaning his forehead against the metal bars, “Maybe one day I will. Then you’ll really be sorry.”
You giggle softly and pull out a pack of sour candies for him. He places them down on his floor and smiles at you, “Think we could manage a kiss through these?” his fingers tapping against the bars.
“We could try,” you suggest, stepping closer and smiling up at him.
You manage to touch your lips to his but it’s wildly uncomfortable and you both strain your lips to do it. Billy sits on the sill and reaches his hand out to hold yours.
“Sorry about the other night… I was being a dickhead but hey,” he motions to his face, “got my punishment for it.”
“Billy,” you squeeze his hand, “You didn’t deserve that. You never do… I don’t even care about the dumb fight we had.”
He shrugs but moves his hand to your chin, stroking his thumb against it, “It’s nothing new. I shouldn’t have come home that night but ya know, I didn’t know where else to go.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have ran off like that…”
“It’s cool, I’ll probably get a sick ass scar from this one,” he points to his eyebrow.
You shake your head but smile at him.
“You really gave it to my old man today,” he grins.
You cackle, “Did I?”
“Oh, yeah! I think the kindness kills him more than if you were to ignore him. How’d you get into the house, though?” he takes a long drag from his smoke before handing it over.
You take it and smile, “I told Susan I had to pee.”
“Oh!” his eyes widen and he disappears behind the sheet again, only to reappear with a Gatorade bottle full of what you can only assume is piss. “I know it’s gross but could you uh, dump this for me?”
You take it from him carefully and hand him back the cigarette, “Why don’t you just piss out the window, Billy?”
“In broad daylight? I can’t,” he says, sounding ashamed as you unscrew the cap and dump the bottle out into the bushes next to you. You screw the lid back on and hand it back through the bars.
“I fucking hate your dad,” you mumble.
“You and me both, babe,” he goes back behind the curtain to put the bottle back. When he returns, he’s got a folded up piece of paper and he passes it to you. “I drew ya something, don’t look at it until you’re far away from me.”
You giggle and slide it into your back pocket, “Can we try another one of those kisses?”
Billy chuckles, nods and you guys attempt it again. When he pulls back, he wiggles his eyebrows, “You could probably suck my dick through here.”
“You wanna attempt that but you won’t pee out the window,” you raise an eyebrow but smile back at him. “I’m not gonna blow you through your window. Nice try though.”
Billy laughs and pokes your nose, “I better get to bed. I’m sure I’ll be released soon enough and I can maybe take you out or something.”
“That sounds nice,” you smile warmly at him.
“A thank you for the necessities,” he holds up the beer and pack of smokes.
I’d do anything for you, you want to say but it dies in your throat. Billy doesn’t really get mushy with you so you’ve been scared to tell him just how infatuated with him you are. Sometimes he’s like a skittish dog and you feel you haven’t completely earned his trust yet.
“Stay safe, Billy.”
“Eh, that’s no fun. See ya later, little lady,” he smirks with the pet name before closing his window.
As you begin your journey down the street, you remember the paper folded up in your pocket and you quickly pull it out. Unfolding it, you see lines but you’re confused. Once it’s completely unfolded you see a crude drawing of a penis. Actually, it looks like Billy’s laid his dick on the paper and traced around it. It’s the most ridiculous and hilarious thing you’ve ever seen and you can’t help the roar of giggles erupting from your chest. The image of him so utterly bored while he’s locked away and getting the idea to trace his hard dick against the paper is the funniest thing in the world to you. God, you adore him.
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imaginejamesandsirius · 6 months
Can you write about James absolutely hating valentines day because it’s a day where he has to keep watching people try to woo Sirius... little did he know, Sirius only has eyes for him <333
Sirius is laughing. 
The audacity of that traitor, just laughing the laugh that’s supposed to be only for James to hear, because of something Luca—or was it Liam?—said. James knows he could’ve come up with something much better, something that would’ve made Sirius laugh even harder, then turn to him with those beautiful, glittering grey eyes and cheeks flushed from the cold and the alcohol and the joy.
But he can’t, obviously, because Liam the utter dipshit is taking over Sirius’ life. James and Sirius were supposed to restock on some of their pranking supplies that day while the rest of the student population were busy locking lips and celebrating at Puddifoot’s when the slimy git decided it would be a good idea to replace James in Sirius’ Valentine’s weekend plans. As if watching people make passes at Sirius wasn’t annoying enough already. And then stupid Sirius with his stupid face that James stupidly can’t say no to, decided to stupidly agree to a stupid date at Three Broomsticks.
James scowls harder, hoping the intensity of his glare could yank the tosser out of the seat that should’ve been his. All that happens is Luca taking Sirius’ amusement as a sign to inch closer, sliding his hand up his knee. And Sirius just smiles at him, all warm and inviting. James wants to throw up. Maybe he could even aim it at Liam and call it an accident. Even Sirius wouldn’t be nice enough to continue entertaining a bloke covered in vomit.
His train of thought is interrupted when someone bumps into him from behind. “What the bloody fuck,”  comes a muffled swear with a faint Welsh accent, telling James that it’s just Moony. Belatedly, he remembers that he’s under his cloak. “What—oh, don’t tell me, Merlin and Morgana, is that you under there, James?”
James pokes his head out and grins sheepishly at an exasperated Remus and a bemused Regulus. “Hello, kind sirs, how may I help you?”
“What are you doing here? And why the hell are you hiding?”
James sniffs. “Well, I would’ve been with Sirius, but seeing as I’m so unimportant that he replaced me, I’m bored. Also, I’m not hiding, I’m just preventing this beautiful heirloom from my ancestors from collecting dust.”
Regulus snickers. “The way that thing gets used, there’s no way it would collect dust, even without you using it to spy on my brother.”
“I’m not spying!” 
Remus hums, quickly looking around. “So you’re just creepily watching his date under your cloak so he doesn’t notice you?”
James sniffs. “I need to make sure my replacement meets my standards.” 
“Salazar’s saggy balls, you’re transparent as fuck. You ought to be ashamed,” Regulus says, dragging them to a secluded booth. He digs his feet under James’ arse for warmth.
“I'm sure I don’t know what you mean,” James replies hotly, poking Regulus in the ribs as retaliation.
Remus raises an eyebrow. “You mean you’re not jealous?”
“That’s exactly what I mean.”
“Really?” It should be illegal how Regulus could inflect so much emotion into a tiny word. He had no right making six letters sound so disbelieving. 
“I just want to spend time with my best friend, goddamnit, without a random blonde wanker hanging off of him. Why is that such a big deal?”
“Last I checked, I’m one of your best friends and you never mope around when I go on a date,” Remus remarks.
“First of all, you’re this close to getting removed from my list of best friends, and second, I like Regulus even more than I like you. There’s no need to mope because it’s Reggie. Louis or Liam or whatever is not Reg.”
“As flattering as that is, you still aren’t making any sense,” Regulus says. “If you’re not jealous, then why does it matter who he’s dating? S’not like they’re getting married.”
James, who had resumed glaring at Sirius’ table, swirls around. “You think they might get married?”  he nearly screeches. “There’s no fucking way I’ll let—”
Regulus and Remus each grab an arm to pin him down. “Nobody’s getting married, bloody hell, how can you still be in denial?” Remus grumbles. “You’re even worse than Sirius.”
“I’m going to pretend like I know what that means, only because the alternative is Sirius keeping secrets and I don’t like that,” James says, yanking his arms from their grasp. “I’m calm now, you don’t need to keep holding me.”
The moment the two sit down, James dives under the table and makes a run for it. Regulus nearly gets a hold of him, but James’ Quidditch reflexes are enough to pull away. 
Regulus turns to Remus, eyes wide. “Should we—” 
Remus pauses, then shakes his head. “Not our responsibility to talk sense into those two. Honestly, for two students at the top of the class, they can be such idiots sometimes.”
“Okay, maybe a little more than that,” he concedes with a laugh. 
Regulus smiles. “Do you think they’ll finally confess?” he asks into the crook of Remus’ neck. 
Remus kisses his dark curls. “Not counting on it.”
“Hel-lo gentlemen,” James sing-songs as he squeezes into Sirius’ side of the booth, effectively blocking Luca’s hands from moving further up. “Nice day out, innit?”
“James Potter,” Sirius’ date greets with a smile that’s strained at the edges. 
“That’s me!” James says brightly. “So what’re we having today?”
“Prongs,” Sirius hisses under his breath. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Crashing your date,” James says. “Why?”
Sirius presses his eyes closed, breathes out, and then stands up. “I’m so sorry, Louis, to cut this short. If you’ll excuse us.” He pushes James out of the booth and drags him outside.
“What the hell, James?” Sirius asks, furious. He begins pacing back and forth, hands clenched at his sides. “I was enjoying my date. Why did you have to come and ruin everything?”
Something heavy falls to the pit of James’ stomach. “I’m sorry, I ruined everything?”
“Yes!” Sirius snaps. “You talk about Lily all the damn time, and now that you’re finally dating her, you decided you’d rather spend Valentine’s ruin my chances at having a nice boyfriend?”
James blinks. “I’m not—we’re not—we broke up weeks ago, Pads. And we were supposed to spend Valentine’s together.  Not with Lily or anyone else.”
Sirius pauses, taken aback. “Well, just because you don’t have a date doesn’t mean I can’t. We hang out all the time, why can’t I spend Valentine’s with someone I like? What’s wrong with me dating someone?”
“I don’t mind it when you date all those random birds,” James says, voice quiet. Nothing about this conversation is going as he expected, and he’s torn between equal amounts of anger and hurt. “I just don’t like Liam.” He doesn’t bring up the fact that up until now, he had thought that Sirius had liked spending time with him, preferred it even, to the company of others. He doesn’t bring up that he would rather spend time with Sirius than anyone else because it feels clingy when Sirius clearly doesn’t seem to share the same sentiment. 
“Louis,” Sirius corrects. “What, because he’s a bloke?”
James sputters. “What? No—it’s not—I don’t—Pads, you must know I don’t care about that.”
Sirius scoffs. “Then what is your problem?”
“Louis is,” James says. “I just don’t like him. I don’t want him to be dating you. I don’t want you dating him.  ”
“If it’s not because he’s a guy, then what is it?”
“I don’t know,” James replies miserably. He feels off-kilter and can’t get the right words to come out. “I just don’t know.”
“So it is  because he’s a bloke. There can't be any other reason why,” Sirius sneers, voice icy. James knows the Black’s ability to be cold and aloof remains in Sirius, but he never expected to be on the receiving end of it. It makes his thoughts screech to a halt. A lump forms in his throat, making it impossible to speak.
At James’ silence, Sirius laughs humorously. “Just great,” he spits out. “Of bloody course you’d be a fucking homophobe. As if the universe doesn’t hate me enough.” 
James opens his mouth to correct him, to tell him that that has never been and would never be an issue, that it’s something else but he just doesn’t know what. When he looks up, though, Sirius has already stormed off, leaving behind a cloud of confusion and hurt. 
“Remus told me I’d find you here,” Sirius says. He’s swaying on his heels by the door to the Room of Requirement, which currently looks like the Potters’ living room. He looks hesitant to enter but stubborn enough to not turn back. James turns to look at the dancing flames in the fireplace, knowing Sirius would see it as an invitation to come in.
“I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions too fast,” Sirius begins. “Or, well—I mean, I still would like to know why you don’t like Louis, but I didn’t mean to call you a homophobe.”
James doesn’t respond, taking some time to mull over his answer. Sirius sits cross-legged on the ground next to him, knees close enough to touch.
“Pan,” James blurts out. So much for coming up with a thoughtful response. Upon Sirius’ confused look, James clarifies, “I’m pan. Would be kinda stupid to be a homophobe, don’t you think?”
Sirius nods slowly, looking away for a moment and swallowing harshly. “Good for you. Um. That’s—that’s great. Obviously. That would be rather stupid, yeah.”
James looks at him carefully. “Erm, does that change things?”
“No!” Sirius exclaims. “Of course not! No, it’s just great. Now that we established that we’re both single and queer, I can finally take you to those Muggle pubs and hook you up with a gorgeous person of your dreams.” 
James turns away, knowing Sirius’ words are futile. Now that he’d had some time to think since the disaster of the morning, it was obvious why he felt so angry at seeing Sirius on a date. The person of his dreams wasn’t some stranger at a pub, but Sirius himself. He could imagine Regulus and Remus’ gloating faces when he told them. 
“That won’t help,” James says.  
“Maybe not, but as I always say, a good shag here and there can make life a lot better. Even Remy agrees with me now.”
James tries but fails not to think of Sirius in dim-lit alleys with handsome men on their knees. “Remy is a horny little werewolf who gets his back blown out by Reggie on the regular. Obviously now he thinks that’s the solution to everyone’s problems.”
Sirius stills. “Godric’s tits, James!” He summons a throw pillow from one of the sofas to hit James with. “I don’t want to think about what my baby brother does with his boyfriend—Merlin, gross, I need an Obliviate. Why the fuck would you mention that ?”
“You don’t seem to have a problem with them fucking when you’re asking them about it,” James teases. “You ask Regulus himself. Why is this worse?”
Sirius’ pale skin pinks immediately, which makes James’ stomach sink. “Because this is about Regulus and Remus,” he says, voice eerily steady. “When I ask, it’s just about Remus.”
“Oh,” James murmurs. “Oh, hell, I shouldn’t have brought that up. I know you said you’re over Moons, but—"
“Wait, no,” Sirius interrupts. He pushes himself onto his knees in front of James. “That’s not what I meant at all.” 
“Sure,” James says, standing up quickly. He doesn’t believe Sirius, of course, having caught him looking longingly at Remus one too many times whenever they hang out. There’s a tight feeling in his chest that’s not going away, this horrible jealous thing. He wants to hit Sirius and grab him and kiss him, and he wants to punch Remus too for good measure. He likes Remus, he loves him even, but fuck if it wouldn’t be nice if Sirius stopped wanting everyone but James for once. 
“He’s probably right,” James says after a while, Sirius still on the ground. The firelight dances off of Sirius’ handsome features, illuminating the slope of his nose and the downturn of his lips. 
“Obviously,” Sirius says after a beat, fixing him with a calculating look. He’s still blushing, but whether that’s from the heat or the memory of Remus, James isn’t sure. It makes James burn something fierce inside. 
“Sorry,” James says again, once he’s determined that it’s most likely because of Remus. “I know it must be hard, especially with your brother in the picture—”
“Fuck’s sake, Prongs, would you shut it about Moony,” Sirius says, smacking James’ thigh with the pillow again before grabbing his hands where they lay uselessly by his side. “I’m not into Remus anymore. That was years ago, and anyway, I’d never do that to Reg. Do you ever even listen to me?”
James shrugs, looking anywhere but at Sirius on his knees between his thighs in front of him. “You’re the one who still thought I was dating Lily.”
“I know you broke up, but I thought you’d be back together by now,” Sirius admits. “It’s just—you and Lily, I dunno, just work.  It always gave me hope, I think, to see how you two came to be friends. Like maybe I’ll also find someone I love who loves me that much someday.”
James wants to throttle him. Wants to yell at him that he already has someone who loves him, someone who knows him better than anyone else, someone who’s right there if only Sirius wanted him back. Instead, he blurts out, “What Lily and I have isn’t like you and me.” Realizing how that sounded, he quickly adds, “Or you and Remus.”
Sirius groans, letting his head fall onto James’ hip. James’ knees almost buckle at the warm breath on his legs. “You seem awfully insistent that I still fancy Remus when you’re the one who doesn’t like Evans anymore despite being so hung up about her for years. You could just, I dunno,  ask  me like a normal person.”
James jerks back, hating himself for the hurt expression flitting across Sirius’ face at the motion. Sirius blinks up at him for a moment, maintaining eye contact as he tilts his head curiously to study him. Then, seemingly after finding what he’s looking for, he leans forward to follow James’ motion. There’s a determined quirk at the corner of his mouth, but the tenseness in the set of his shoulders betrayed his nerves. 
“Wh—what do you mean?” James manages to ask, voice weak. Sirius rolls his eyes and smiles softly as he reaches out to curl a hand just above James’ knee.
“Jamie,” he says softly. “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. You think too much, do you know?” His eyes are lit golden-bright, and James wants to kiss him. Then Sirius’ other hand finds the pillow he had hit James with before and places it under his knees. 
“What are you doing?” James breathes out. Sirius only shakes his head, pulling James closer and brushing his knuckles just above James’ waistband. He hitches up his shirt to expose a sliver of skin, then presses his lips just under James’ navel. 
“Fuck,” James gasps. He realises belatedly that his hands had come up to tangle in Sirius’ hair, gripping him in place. 
“You could’ve just asked me,” Sirius repeats, tongue slipping between his lips to wet them. James shudders. “Instead of using your cloak to spy on my date and be jealous and miserable all day.” His tongue darts out again, sliding hot and wet and perfect up the dark smattering of hair that leads down beneath James’ boxers.
“How—oh—how do you know?” James asks, mind a mess of scrambled thoughts as his world narrows down to Sirius and his slick tongue and clever fingers working his boxers down. He’s sure he’s hallucinating because the Sirius he knows likes men Remus and Louis, blokes who take up less space in a room, who are quieter and more thoughtful and don’t resort to petty things like sabotaging their best friend’s dates because they’re in love with said best friend. Sirius doesn’t like guys like him, who are selfish and hopeless and—
“Stop. Thinking.” Sirius emphasizes each word with a harsh swipe up his cock with his tongue. James whines, high-pitched and demanding, and Sirius smiles up at him. 
“You look so pretty like this, Prongs,” he whispers between sucks. James swallows. 
“Oh,” he gasps. “But you’re—oh, yes, fuck, you’re a natural at this—but you’re in love with—with Remus?” His words end up more of a question as Sirius tongues his slit, but Sirius gets the message and pulls away slightly, glowering. 
“For the love of Merlin and Morgana and all that is holy, would you shut up about Remus,” he tells him forcefully. James nods, unthinking, laser-focused on the line of spit between Sirius’ reddened lips and his dick. Sirius notices and his features soften, an indulgent smile on his face, and squeezes James’ fingers at his sides. 
“In case this doesn’t clarify things, James Fleamont Potter,” he says quietly. “James. Jamie. Prongs. My gorgeous, idiot best mate, my partner-in-crime. What the hell makes you think that there’s ever been anyone but you?”
James stiffens and pulls away. Sirius lets him take his time to gather his bearings. “Don’t joke about this, fuck, Si, if you’re joking—”
He shakes his head. “No. No, Prongs, this is it. I—I love you, okay?”
“For how long?” James rasps. His mind is whirling. 
“Does it matter?” At James’ insistent look, Sirius sighs and looks away. “Fourth year, I think, is when I knew for certain. But it started even before that.”
“You’ve loved me for this long?” James breathes. “Holy shit, Si.”
Sirius turns away, cheeks reddened. “Does it matter?”
James sits on the ground in front of him, taking his face into his hands. “Yes, it does, you bloody mutt. I thought you were in love with Remus this whole time.”
He shrugs. “That was just an excuse to hide that I was in love with you since I first knew loving blokes was a thing.”
“Damn,” James whispers. “Oh my god, Si, how did you manage? I only just realised how I feel about you today, and I already lost my composure, like, twenty times.”
Sirius laughs, and James feels something inside him settle into place. “Well, as a reward for my patience, can I continue what I started?” he asks, gesturing to James’ lap.
James smiles. “Sure,” he says. “As long as I get to return the favour. And first, I want to do this.” He takes his glasses off before turning Sirius’ face to his and tentatively pressing their lips together. He’s sure he’s never felt anything half as wonderful until Sirius wraps an arm around him and presses in close. And then he’s finally tasting Sirius, and can identify a hint of himself, and then his brain stops working. 
Sirius pulls away, after what could’ve been hours or minutes. James chases after him blindly, sparking a chuckle out of Sirius. “Prongs?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” When James looks up at him, he’s grinning cheekily. His eyes are sparkling and his cheeks are flushed, and James idly thinks, I made him look like this.  A surge of affection bubbles up in him, and he quickly places kisses all over Sirius’ face, prompting more laughter and kisses. 
“I love you,” he whispers into Sirius’ back, hours later when they’re both sated and sticky and riding the high of requited love. Sirius turns to face him, hair wild and face open. 
“I love you too, James,” he murmurs, and James feels giddy with the knowledge that Sirius was only in love with him, not Louis or Remus or all those other people he’d pulled in bars. That this was just for the two of them. James and Sirius, Sirius and James. As it always had been, and as it always should be.
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air--so--sweet · 4 months
@miss-galaxy-turtle suggested that that the person we see with the inverted Umbrella tattoo is Viktor, not Klaus as a lot of us assumed, since Viktor being the only sibling with a tattoo is the oppposite of the original tineline where he was the only one without an umbrella tattoo. I've been thinking about this theory so much since. Especially as the teaser poster says 'Viktor taken'.
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In the teaser trailer we see Viktor speaking to Reggie in a diner, a scene I saw someone (I forget who I'm sorry!), point out is a parallel to the scene of Viktor and Marcus in season 3 (though thankfully this time there are no terrible wigs involved).
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In the scene with Marcus, Viktor tells him that his team is good but not as good as Viktor's and that he ended the world twice. Based on this, Marcus assumes Viktor is Number One and is surprised to find out that he's actually Number Seven.
In what we see of the scene with Reginald in season 4, he says that the siblings bicker all the time and Viktor agrees and says they drive each other crazy but they're there for him when things go to hell. It sounds like he's explaining why he cares about them and why they're in his life.
The teaser trailer opens with the quote from season 1 when Reginald introduces the inaugral class of the Umbrella Academy. He excluded Viktor from that 'class' and tried to control him by making him think he was ordinary and having him take sedatives his entire life. He also made sure his siblings thought less of him so that they would exclude him too. All of which eventually resulted in Viktor causing the apocalypse that Reggie was trying to prevent.
He then, displeased with his children when he meets them in the '60s, chooses to adopt different children instead and forms the Sparrow Academy. They are better trained (their training seems to focus more on honing their abilities rather than manipulating them emotionally to allow better control of them as he did with the Umbrellas) and they are a more successful superhero team but he ends up drugged and controlled by them.
What if, in this new universe Reginald tries to train a team of super heroes again. He tries to learn from his previous failed attempts and so decides to do certain things differently. One of which is, instead of preventing Viktor from using his powers, he decides to train him so he can reach his full potential as the most powerful Umbrella and can lead the team as Number One. Maybe in the the scene at the diner Reginald is telling Viktor he can be Number One, but it means leaving behind his family. Viktor says no and that is why we see Reginsld questioning their relationship in the teaser trailer. It also further fits the idea of the scene being a parallel of the scene in season 3, Marcus thought Viktor should be Number One, Reginald is telling him that he can be Number One.
Then, when Viktor disagrees he is taken against his will by Reginald, which is where the inverted Umbrella tattoo comes in.
I've already talked about what I perceived as signs in the teaser trailer that made me think that Claire, and Lila and Diego's daughter will be taken. And we know from the teaser that the Umbrellas go on a reacue mission but not who they're rescuing. We see Viktor in the van as part of the rescue party. So I think either Viktor escapes (having been tattooed before the eacape), let's his siblings know that Reginald has the kids because he's creating a new, new academy and the rescue mission is to rescue them. Or since the subway system seems to allow travel between timelines (based on the shot of Lila and Five in the apocalypse, something thst doesn't happen in the timeline they're in) Reggie uses that to take another version of Viktor, maybe Viktor as a child, since he can mould him to be the Number One he wants, and they're trying to rescue that Viktor. Or Reggie takes Viktor, to try and understand his plans, Five and Lila use the subway system to cross timelines and find an alternate Viktor who is Number One, either because he took the deal offered in the diner or through some other alternate dimension means and that is who has the inverted Umbrella tattoo, and is who we see in the van with the other umbrellas because he agrees to help them rescue their Viktor.
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lomlkenji · 2 months
༊*·˚ secret | reggie
request : the reader is alex's sister, she died, she's secretly dating reggie bc alex wouldn't have allowed it. he finds you guys making out one day and just has whole fit. forbids you to date any longer, then you are just sad and depressed for a couple of weeks. he sees that and allows you to date. you run up to reggie and just kiss him. alex is there like none of that on my watch, pg13 people. then you get matching jackets with reggie.
warning : ANGST, make-out, protective alex, heartbreak, but ends with fluff <3
── ⋆⋅☆ main masterlist
  YOUR CHEST WAS FLUSHED AGAINST HIS, lips moulding together, synchronising perfectly as desire shots through your veins.
You honestly don't even remember how you guys got into this position. First you were watching the band practice and the next second they said they were going to get something to eat and left, your back was slammed against the wall and your boyfriend's lips devouring yours.
"Reg-" you softly broke off the intense make out. "We're gonna get caught."
Reggie whined, at the loss of contact. "They're getting food, they would be back in like 30 minutes, tops." he said all too quickly and continued to kiss you, his hand safely planted themselves on your waist. Your hands tugged his perfect hair.
You were going to object but his lips are too intoxicating, you could kiss him for hours and hours.
Reggie lips trailed down to your neck, kissing so softly as you were made of glass. He made it his personal mission to make every inch of you feel loved.
And he did. Every. Single. Time.
You guys were so wrapped up with each other they didn't even hear the garage door opening up.
"Hey, I just forgot- What the hell?"
And the once comfortable scenery turned upside down.
You and Reggie scrambled away from each other, as you looked up at your brother's fuming figure.
"Alex, man I can explain-" Reggie stated calmly and started to move towards him.
Alex scoffed bitterly, "What? That you're probably hooking up with my sister behind my back?!" he snapped.
"REG!" your eyes widen and you hit Reggie's shoulder in the process.
"Yeah this is not gonna happen." Alex sternly said, motioning to the two of you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, although you know damn well what he's talking about, "What?" you mumbled.
"THIS. Whatever this is, it can't happen!" Alex exclaimed. The thought of his baby sister dating his best friend made his stomach churn.
You scoffed in disbelief, crossing your arms across your chest. "No offence Alex, but you can't just control my life."
"And you can't date my best friend!" Alex yelled clearly infuriated.
"May I ask why?" you raised your eyebrows challenging him.
Reggie was looking at the both of you back and forth in the sidelines. His mind raked over all the possibilities, and it broke him to know that this is his fault.
Alex's arms moved around in the air crazily, "You just can't! That's like a rule! And Reggie comes one man, my sister?" Alex continued, as he turned his head to look at his best friend.
Reggie shrugged his shoulders, "Well, yeah. Have you seen her?" he said, looking at you fondly.
You almost pout in awe but the situation in hand was so annoying, it stopped you from doing so.
"This is never going to happen at the end of discussion." Alex said sternly as he land his hands on his hips.
Your eyes widen, jaw clenching and unclenching, "But-"
"y/n go back home." Alex avoided all eye contact with you, as he said it.
"Alex, are you serious?" Reggie asked, his voice broke a little at the end almost like his heart.
"I'm dead serious."
! time skip brought to you by the freaking hot dogs ¡
It has been exactly one week and two days since that happened. You and Reggie stopped talking, you honestly stopped talking to everyone. You just didn't want to talk to anyone, especially Alex. You guys don't even act like siblings anymore.
One person that you would talk to is Julie, seeing that you're crashing in her room, you can't just ignore her. Julie is an amazing listener and an even better friend.
She would always ask if you were okay, always made time for your rant, just always being there for you.
When she would practise with the band you would stay in her room and just isolate yourself from the world.
Alex, of course noticing your behaviour felt guilty. He has sworn to never let anyone hurt you, but in the end he's the one that did it.
Not only that, he and Reggie's friendship has been awkward and tense, resulting in the band all being awkward and tense.
Reggie wouldn't focus, he would get the chords or lyrics wrong and he just looks like he's absolutely lost.
He's definitely lost without you.
You guys are lost without each other.
So with a little convincing from Luke and Julie, Alex decided that he would fix this.
You were in Julie's room cleaning up her closet which is definitely not dirty, you just keep unfolding and folding back her clothes, that's just how bored you were. Then suddenly there was a knock.
"Who is it?" you asked tiredly. You have a good idea who it was because if it was human they wouldn't probably knock seeing that Julie and Carlos are at school and Ray is working.
Alex swallowed his nerves as he softly said, "It's Alex. Can I come in?"
You sighed and thought about it for a few moments. Did you want to let him in?
When Alex got nothing but silence he reserved another solution. "Marco."
A small smile made its way to your lips, "Polo."
As kids, you and Alex would play Marco Polo non-stop, even when you guys are not in a pool. It honestly weirded people out seeing two kids telling 'marco' and 'polo' at the park searching for each other like lost ducks.
"Yeah, you can come in." you softly said, putting the last clothes in Julie's closet.
Alex did a little victory dance before coming through the door and immediately tackled you in a hug.
"I'm sorry." he muttered sadly.
"For what?" you asked, you don't just want an 'I'm sorry', you want a why.
"For overreacting about you and Reggie. I have come to the conclusion, that you can date my best friend if-"
You didn't even want to hear what he was going to say as you quickly poofed to the garage and were met with the face that you missed so much.
"y/n?" Reggie couldn't believe his eyes as you stood mere feet in front of him, still looking gorgeous as ever.
You sighed in relief and sprinted towards him, launching yourself in his arms and nuzzling your head in his neck. Nose grazing his neck making shivers appear all over his body.
He's holding onto you so tight as if he's afraid you would disappear. Reggie's heart felt full again, he felt happy finally having his girl back in his arms.
You guys pulled away and Reggie didn't waste any time cupping your face and connecting your lips together. Fireworks blew, butterflies flew, everything was perfect.
Alex poofed back after a few minutes and saw the sight, the poor guy is having deja vu. "Okay, okay, okay, if we're gonna do this then no making out in front of me. Let's make it pg-13 yeah?" he moved towards you guys, pulling the pair away from each other.
You and Reggie laughed at your brother's antics before Reggie remembered something.
"Oh wait, y/n I bought something for you!" he excitedly said, moving beside the couch to grab the item.
"What?" you asked in amusement at his frantic searches. You missed him so much.
"Aha!" His eyes brightened when he found what he was looking for. He made his way back to you, "Look! We have matching jackets!"
"Oh my god really?" you asked, as your voice went a few pitches higher because of excitement.
Your heart flutters in your chest, as you took it from Reggie's hand. Staring at the piece of clothing with heart eyes. "I love it."
Reggie felt his heart thump faster when you looked up at him with soft eyes.
"And I love you." he breathed out with full meaning and emotion.
It definitely was not a secret that you guys were totally head over heels for each other.
reblog for a kiss! 💋
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 3 months
AN: Little post for Regulus's birthday that in my headcanon is today. 25th of June, Cancer child, obviously.
This one is a little sad but sometimes I need to write angsty things about Regulus to deal with my personal pain because I kin him so much.
Content warning of verbal and physical abuse plus mentions of self harm.
Regulus had always been invisible on his birthday. It wasn't that people actually forgot. It was just not a big deal like Sirius’s birthdays for example. Sirius had always been the king. Even if he was the rebel. Even if he fought constantly with their parents. Even if he represented everything that the family didn't. Sirius Black was the heir. Therefore his birthdays were special. Regulus's were not.
It always mixed with the end of term exams as well. This year, Regulus had gone through his GCSE's with stress but hopefully successful results that would come out on August. Being a Black, Regulus had lots of expectations on him to get full marks. Like Sirius surprisingly did for his.
Regulus didn't have a party or a cake until summer officially began.
Regulus's sixteenth birthday was stained by Sirius's rebellious behavior. It was the summer before his eighteenth birthday, before he became an adult and he had to start behaving like the heir everyone expected of him.
So Regulus's birthday party became an excuse to invite "important people" over so they could meet Sirius. A business meeting with old people that Regulus didn't even know. Regulus didn't have friends besides Barty, he didn't expect much people of his age. But still.
Their Grandfather Pollux was dragging Sirius around to introduce him to coworkers, shakeholders and businessmen. Orion and Walburga were acting like proud parents. Everyone was pretending. Regulus was practically a ghost.
"It's okay" Regulus sighed as Sirius commented furiously how it wasn't fair, when he could escape from Pollux into the kitchen for some forbidden drinks "I hate my birthdays anyway"
"Grandfather is a dick. Heard his lung is failing, hope he passes soon"
"Sirius!" Regulus gasped but he hid a smile. Honestly it sounded cruel. But that man had been horrible to them their whole lives.
"I don't think I am ready for this, Reggie" Sirius added, looking around with disdain. The group of people chatting formally. Like a meeting in an office. Not like a teenager's birthday.
"I knew I had to be the heir one day. But that seemed far away when we were kids... Now I only have one year left at Hogwarts, and then my life is supposed to be this... Boring meetings, pretending to be perfect, talking nonsense about superficialities..."
Regulus was relieved he was not the heir. He had a plan with Barty to run away as soon as they finished school. Actually, they didn't even matter for their families. But Regulus didn't think about the burden Sirius actually had right now.
"There's no option" Regulus murmured as he had a sip of his drink.
"What if there is?" Sirius asked "What if I ran away with Uncle Alphard to Rome or whatever"
"He just left to make some businesses. He will be back"
"Are you sure about that?" Sirius’s eyes glistened revealing how much he missed Alphard "I think he got tired of this family and ran away"
Regulus panicked. He knew his brother well. And he was capable of going after Alphard. Maybe, if it wasn't for Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew, he would have already be gone. And Regulus didn't want to lose him. He didn't know what would happen if Pollux would lose his heir. But it wouldn't be good. Plus, Sirius was the only person that kept Regulus sane.
"If you leave, and Grandfather has a heart attack for your absence, this hell hole would be chaos. I don't want to be there when it happens"
Sirius twisted his mouth in a half smile "Good thing I'm bringing you with me when I leave"
"When? I thought it was a matter of if..."
"When, Reggie. When" Sirius winked.
They ended up their conversation as Sirius was summoned by their mother again. Sirius groaned openly as Walburga fixed his suit and tie.
"You look like low class lawyer, Sirius. I don't understand how people believe you can be a good heir. But hell, here we are"
"They say I take my gracious looks from you, mother"
Walburga answered by tying his tie tight. A little bit more and Sirius could choke.
"Now get over there and behave like a human being"
"Care to pay attention to your son on his birthday?"
Walburga flickered her eyes towards Regulus for a second. But fixed her penetrating gaze on Sirius.
"His birthday was days ago"
"But we are supposed to be celebrating today!"
Regulus could feel the tension building up between them. He didn't want to witness a fight. Those were horrible. And they were worse when they involved Orion.
Walburga just pursed her lips.
"Just go back in there before I lose my patience"
Sirius’s eyes were daring. He didn't move for a few seconds. Seconds in which Regulus thought he was going to lose it and do something dumb.
"Luckily we are not done with the celebration"
Sirius simply said that and gave a little wink to his brother. Then he walked away.
Walburga sighed with patience as she turned to Regulus. Now that Sirius was gone, she had a softer expression.
"Don't worry, love" she whispered in French only for him, squeezing his chin gently "I have your birthday cake ready for later"
"Thanks, mum" Regulus replied in French as well.
The rest of the evening passed in a numb blur. A feeling Regulus had been having lately. If you could call it a feeling at all. Usually, Regulus survived school with Barty. But summers were split into horrible social events of fake and superficial people and the constant fights of Orion and Walburga. Between each other. Or with Sirius. Regulus was drowned in a teenage angst. Youth didn't seem like the best years of his life. He wasn’t even excited to be sixteen.
"How much he is growing" people would say "He is as handsome as his father. Surely there are lots of girls after him... Maybe my niece would be interested. She lives in America"
"How skinny" another would say "Does he play any sports, Orion? It is good for young boys to be athletic. I was captain of my rugby team when I was his age"
"Oh, how adorable. He is shy, isn't he, Walburga? Not very suitable for businesses. Good thing you have Sirius"
"A handsome boy like him without a girlfriend? Maybe it is the piercings, son. See girls think that is weird. You don't want people thinking you're a puff, do you?"
These kind of comments made Regulus hate himself even more than he already did. He hated how shy he had sounded. How socially awkward he was. How he was seen as this baby, mummy's boy. While Sirius was natural with words, with presence, with the winning smile. Everyone wanted him for business, for recommendations, for making him their sons' model, their nephews'  friend, their nieces' and daughters' future husband. It was sickening. Sirius could be the best heir for the Company and the family name. He just didn't give a fuck about any of it.
Regulus locked himself in his room when everything became too much. He had a knot on his throat. He just wanted to crawl in bed and cry. He was ashamed of himself and what he was. He felt guilty for not being enough. For not being more. For not being the center of attention, not even in his fucking birthday.
Regulus sat on his bed and opened up his drawer. Inside it, Regulus kept a large pair of siccors he had stolen from somewhere.
Regulus had been the angsty teen that not only related with depressing songs about how society sucked and everything was hopeless, that had had his embarrassing emo phase at thirteen when he covered his face with a fang and used only black clothes; Regulus also had cut his own arm.
It was a secret no one knew. Not even Barty who wouldn't be scandalized by these things. It was recent. And Regulus did it a couple of times to feel something. To focus the mental pain into a physical one.
Regulus wanted to do it tonight.
Luckily, he was interrupted by a knock on his window that made him jump. Barty was smiling through the glass. He had a new piercing on his nose.
Regulus hid the scissors inside his drawer and ran to open the window for his friend.
"Happy Birthday!"
"Don't you know how to use the front door?"
Barty crawled inside.
"And face the pretentious wankers from downstairs? No, thank you!"
Regulus smiled "I'm glad you are here"
He didn't want to hurt himself anyway. He felt worse afterwards.
"I brought you a present. And you are going to love me for it" Barty grinned as he took out something from his back pocket.
A big bag of weed hanged from his fingers.
Regulus grinned "God, I love you"
They smoked for a while on Regulus's bed. Barty asked him about the party. Regulus said it was shit. Barty didn't ask no more. Regulus loved him for not pressuring him. They smoked in silence only with punk music in the background. Barty commenting on weird facts that Regulus didn't need to know. But it was nice to focus on something else.
A few hours later someone bursted through his door and Regulus almost had a heart attack hiding his spliff, thinking it was his mother. But Sirius was on the door with a grin on his face and a bottle of gin on his hand.
"Look what I got for ourselves, birthday boy!" he chanted.
"Oh fuck"
"Crouch, you're here"
"Black" Barty said as he let out some smoke.
"Is that weed?" Sirius asked with his eyebrows raised. "Nice! Let's begin with the actual celebration"
"What about our parents?"
Sirius shrugged "Let them have fun with their little orgie of rich old boomers"
Barty cracked up laughing at that.
Regulus started to have some fun with his two favorite people smoking weed and drinking gin with him. It was funny that Sirius and Barty were so similar but quarreled about everything.
Regulus loved them. They made Regulus happy and they made him feel young and alive for a while. They tried playing Monopoly until Sirius threw the board away because he was losing. They gossiped and laughed about people at school, including teachers.
"Okay, hottest girl in school to shag" Sirius said, "Go!"
To Sirius’s surprise, both Regulus and Barty were silent. They had always said Hogwarts girls were too stupid for them.
"Don't you want to shag someone?" Sirius asked
Regulus actually didn't.
"Come on! I know both of you are virgins"
"I am not a virgin!" Barty exclaimed but when Sirius gave him a look he added "Fine! I'd prefer cutting my dick off than shagging one of those brainless princesses"
That was why Barty was Regulus's best friend. They were too similar.
"Me too"
"Come on! There must be someone you find pretty, sexy, hot..." Sirius insisted. Of course he had a long history with girls.
Regulus and Barty stared at each other. This was often something boys didn't understand. How they weren't interested in any girl. The boys in their class used to tease them for it. Calling them fags and each other's boyfriends. Until they got sick of it and arranged to have a default answers. Sirius was the teasing type.
"Emmeline Vance" Barty said.
"Alice Fortescue" Regulus said almost immediately.
Regulus chose Alice because she was the prettiest girl in school. And she was unreachable since she was dating Longbottom. So people left him alone with his "crush". Barty chose Emmeline because everyone thought she was a lesbian and they found funny how Barty didn't have a chance with her. Actually, they didn't care about those girls.
Sirius had the same expected reaction as everyone else. Teasing both for their silly crushes. He even mentioned that Alice and Longbottom were on a break and that his little brother might have a chance.
"You know, I lost my virginity at sixteen" Sirius winked "And Fortescue looks like a good shag"
"Sure" Regulus said. He didn't care.
Sirius was drunk anyway.
"I love girls" Sirius added, his mind somewhere else "I mean I'm very into girls, eh Reggie? No one else.... It is just weird that he is in my mind, yeh know?"
"Who?" Regulus asked amused.
But Sirius didn't answer. He placed his head on Regulus's shoulder with his eyes closed.
"He's pissed" Regulus laughed, turning to look at Barty and finding out he was fast asleep next to him as well. Regulus smiled.
These two. They had made Regulus's birthday worth it somehow. Regulus hated everyone else. Except for these two boys next to him. They made life worth living.
Regulus fell asleep thinking that was the end of the day. However he was woken up hours later by Walburga and her angry expression.
"What is the meaning of this?" She asked as she held the empty bottle and the rest of the stash.
Regulus's heart started beating fast in fear. His mother didn't know how he had drunk, had had drugs and wasn't the innocent lamb she believed.
"Mrs. Black..." Barty cleared his throat as he spoke "Let me explain..."
"I want you out of my house, Bartemius" Walburga snapped "I will call your father in the morning"
Regulus gave Barty an apologetic look. Bartemius Senior was going to punish his son hard. Barty knew it. He looked scared already.
"Regulus?" Walburga was staring directly at him.
"It was me, Walburga" Sirius said next to him and Regulus remembered he was there "Stole the bottle, bought the weed and even called Crouch here to make things interesting. It was my baby brother's birthday after all"
Walburga clenched her jaw.
"Of course it was you" she said looking at Sirius with disgust.
To be fair, Regulus was frozen on the spot. It happened a lot to him when he got too stressed and frightened to react. He wanted to tell the truth but he couldn't.
"I keep insisting to your father and grandfather that you're nothing but a waist" Walburga commented to herself "You are a disappointment. Probably going to end up in rehab or jail..."
Sirius was still drunk with puffy red eyes from the weed. But still what their mother was saying was hurting him. She didn't even care that Barty was there.
"But dragging your little brother into this?" Walburga shook her head "You might want to drown but don't bring Regulus into this"
Sirius chuckled.
"Maman..." Regulus began talking in French. He wanted to tell her it was all his fault. But his voice shook.
"Perhaps I just wanted to give your son a bit of fun, mother. You know, like a man" Sirius’s voice proved the alcohol was speaking for him "Not like the pussy that you had made of him"
Regulus closed his eyes to avoid the tears to fall. He hated to be this weak. To be this fragil. Barty was right there.
"Get up, get a cold shower and compose yourself before your Grandfather leaves. He would want to see you" Walburga sighed with patience.
"I can do whatever I fucking want" Sirius replied drunk as a horse "Didn't you hear? I'm the heir and I will own everything you see around..." he smirked evily "That pisses you off, doesn't it? To think you will have to respond to me like the little bitch you are"
SLAP! Sirius’s little comment caused his such a strong slap across his face, that Walburga's ring cut his cheek and it began bleeding.
Barty gasped and covered his mouth. Regulus, who was used to it, just closed his eyes and nailed his fingers on his palm so hard that it hurt.
Sirius was shocked as he touched the blood on his cheek. Regulus saw it in his expression. He was done. He hated this woman. He hated this life. He hated it all.
Regulus knew he would leave with Alphard. Forever. Regulus knew he was practically one foot out.
"I guess I will make an excuse for your Grandfather" Walburga said as if nothing had happened "I want both of you sober by the time everyone leaves. Or else, your father won't have mercy"
She was right. Orion was ten times worse.
"Bartemius" she turned to him "Get out of here, before I lose my patience"
"Eh... Eh.. Yeah..."
That was the beginning of everything. The beginning of the end as some might say. It easily became the worst summer of Regulus's life.
The relationship between Sirius and Walburga became worse. Sirius’s rebelty was worse. He went to Orion to the office and came back with a terrible mood. Dinners became a battlefield. Until the point when Sirius couldn't take it no more. And he left.
"I can't do this, Regulus" Sirius told him between tears the night he packed his things "I cannot be with them anymore. I cannot become what they want. I can't become like them. This life sickens me..."
Regulus couldn't hold the tears falling down his cheeks silently because he couldn't ask his brother to stay. It wasn't fair. How could he if Regulus himself sometimes wanted to leave.
"Please come with me"
"Where? To the Potters? With Alphard?" he shook his head.
"Doesn't matter! Anywhere but here" Sirius took a step closer, begging desperately "Reg, we can disappear. We can ran away together. They won't have a power over us. I promise"
Some part of Regulus wanted to follow his brother anywhere. But another part of him knew that The Black Family would not lose the heir. If it wasn't Sirius, it would be Regulus. That was it. All eyes would turn to him. They would follow them to the end of the world to make sure one of them took the place.
But Sirius didn't see the details. How by being selfish, he could hurt other people. The Blacks were like a Jenga. If a key piece was taken out, the whole tower would fall down. And Sirius was one of the most important pieces.
"I can't, Sirius" Regulus cried "I'm sorry"
He wanted to beg him to stay and solve this together. They needed to fix Walburga with her drinking problems and childish behavior. They needed to stop Orion from committing fraud and doing everything he could to keep the power. They needed to find out why Alphard left. They were family after all. They couldn't just abandon everything.
"Okay... Suit yourself" Sirius snapped angrily as he grabbed his bag.
Regulus watched him go and he knew once Sirius crossed the door, he was going to lose him forever. And that hurt.
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star4daisy · 1 year
pt 1 (no trigger warnings for this one hehe), 2
426, 01/09, @rosekiller-microfic
turns out microfics are hard lol setting the ground for the plot (no idea if that's how it's done but oh well)
Evan and Barty had been planning their road trip ever since they were sixteen, sitting on the roof of their school smoking a joint at lunch as they threw food at any unsuspecting passersby. They tended to avoid hitting their friends ever since Reggie had made their life hell after they threw an egg at his head, he had to go home immediately to wash his hair, making him lose his first date with Potter.
His revenge had been so extreme that they swore never to fuck with him again, after all, there was a reason why they were each other’s only friends, no one else at school or their small town could stand them.
People applauded when they left, everyone leaving their houses to see them go away in their van, a few had dared to raise their middle fingers, naively thinking they wouldn't have to deal with the consequences anymore. Barty swore to go back there someday to make them pay for it and to visit Regulus if he did not move to the big city with Potter and his brother.
They only stopped when they were a day apart from the shithole they used to call home, Evan parked at one of the bus stops and they went to the back where their makeshift bed lay. It wasn’t big enough for both of them, not when Evan’s shoulders kept getting larger the longer he played rugby, but they would make do. Barty and Evan never needed that much space before, as long as they were together all was well in their world. 
Barty loved to sleep on top of Evan anyway, it was how he usually found himself in the morning even if that hadn't been his intention when they went to sleep. 
Until one day Barty decided to embrace it, to try it out - it's not like they hadn't been sleeping together for years at that point - to feel how Evan’s heartbeat synched with his as their breathing evened out, relaxing Barty enough so that he could be lulled to sleep earlier than he ever managed to when he was by himself. 
But that was the thing about Evan, ever since Barty met him, he knew in his soul that he would never have to be alone again, for Evan would never leave his side. And if he ever dared to, Barty would make sure to hunt him down to the ends of the earth to keep him chained to him. There would be no Barty without Evan. No Rosier without Crouch.
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Ten
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
a/n: I'm sorry it took me so long to post this one, I was trying to make it longer bc I intend to add a big time break next chapter and I needed everything to be in place, hope u enjoy it :)))
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Last Chapter | Masterlist
That's all she felt.
Everywhere. Every single inch of her body was hovering and turning in pain.
Excruciating and extended.
Her eyes were blurry and took a long time to focus, and even a longer to realize where she was. The basement of her house.
And that sad figure on the stairs certainly was Sirius Black.
Felt like her brain got flipped, like someone stole and juggled around with it just to return it shaky and scared. The last thing she remembered was Regulus, standing right where his brother is, pulling her closer and closer to the living world.
Fuck, she was back.
"Holy smokes." The man said, crawling closer and closer to her, wand in hand just in case. "Are you really...?"
She blinked her eyes at him, trying to move the lips but feeling the throat ache like she just swallowed a cup of sand and glass.
"That's insane!" He shouted, a small smile on his lips. "But that's like... the eighth most insane thing that I've seen this last weeks."
The jokes were made to stop the tears from falling even though she could notice how his eyes sparkled.
Y/n was alive once more, he hadn't disappointed James and Lily again.
"Hold still, I'll grab you a cup of water." He mumbled just above a breath, and stood up, running to the kitchen. "Here ya go, mini Evans."
Pushing the liquid down her throat, she felt it burning like firewhiskey. Merlin, that hurt.
"Where's.... Reggie?" She whispered, voice breaking and exploding into coughing just as she finished her sentence. "He was here."
"He went back to the house, couldn't bare to look at you any longer." He told, caressing her hair as it slowly gained a little more color. "I said I'd stay behind to take care of your body until he was ready to give you a funeral. I offered to clean the house but he declined."
Of course he would, she thought, Regulus hated when things weren't adjusted his way. When they started living together, he finally had some control of what his house could look like and he wasn't ready to give it up.
His speech.
How he felt for her, even almost made her not regret kissing him the last time they saw each other.
"Take me to him." She pleaded, feeling her bones ache and flesh twist inside her body. "I need Reggie."
"I know you two have this really complicated relationship and shit, but right now you need to rest." He mocked, shaking his head no, like an old father who knew his kid was in love.
"Padfoot." Y/n called sternly, dropping his act. "Do you know anything about resurrecting someone? No. And I don't have strength on my own. If he finds out I came back but re-died because you didn't apparate with me, he'll murder you."
Hell, she was right.
"We'll grab the potions needed and you'll take me to him." She instructed. "Right now, we're both serious."
He choked in a laugh, looking at her in shock that she'd make that joke right now.
But he had to admit, on his early years in Hogwarts he'd tell that joke and its variants all the time, so much the marauders and the girls would already anticipate them.
And for just a moment, Sirius saw James' eyes instead of hers.
Shrugging it off, he pulled her arm above his head and helped feet after feet going upstairs, wanting to get out of there but also not forcing her in case she wasn't strong enough.
But oh boy, she was.
"Take that drawer." Y/n instructed, nodding towards the same furniture she asked Remus a couple nights ago. "And those papers and books, you can put it here." She said, opening a small backpack that was hidden under the coffee table. "It's for emergencies." She whispered upon seeing his gaze.
"Alright, what else do we need?"
The girl didn't answer, holding herself on the back rest of the biggest chair in the living room, shaky fingers gripping into the wood like her life depended on it.
Instead, she opted to whistle a light melody, looking at the main door, open wide due to the Death Eaters' forced entrance.
Sirius was starting at her like she just punched him in the face, asking what was wrong with her.
But he was surprised when two possessors came barging in, following the sound that came out of her lips.
She opened up the backpack and held it with both hands, her back pressed firmly against the wall for security.
The possessor didn't even hesitate to enter it, making their figures smaller and smaller to fit the tiny hole.
"What the..."
The biggest was Regulus' possessor, the one she ran after for the entire city they lived in two and a half years ago.
It's eyes found her pupils, just like the day she won his confidence, after two weeks of fighting each other through the streets.
Suffice to say, Regulus was less than pleased to see that thing once she came home with it, it was much bigger than the ones lying in the basement and stared holes in his face, desesperately wanting to possess his body once again.
The smaller was Luna's possessor, it was way shorter and it's eyes weren't in the slightest scary. That girl wouldn't take long to surpass the layers of the death world, so there wasn't that much work to do.
Once both were nice and organized in the backpack with the other supplies, she handed it over to Sirius.
"Ouch!" He yelled, feeling his head hit the ground and hands twist as soon as she let go of the bag.
"Careful, it's heavy." Her hoarse voice announced, almost giggling.
"Oh is it? I didn't notice!" He responded, forcing himself up and throwing the heavy backpack over his shoulder. "Anything else m'lady?"
Her eyes darted around, staring at every corner of that house, knowing she'd miss it so badly.
"Regulus already took a lot of your things, before you ask." Sirius groaned. "Like the hairbrush, the necklace and the tiara. He said you'd probably want to be buried with them."
The tiara, part of the costume Remus and Sirius got her for Halloween, the one that James died next to.
The younger Black was right. She wanted to be buried with those her whole life, but now maybe she'd give Harry the hairbrush, he had so little from their parents.
"Then that's all." She nodded, the feeling of missing it already shaking her body.
She'd miss waking up to find Regulus in the kitchen, hair pulled back in a small bun with teapot and two teacups on his hands.
Would certainly miss how they'd always want to move the furniture around the room without magic, and always ended up on the floor exhausted.
How sometimes they would feed the possessors like they were dogs.
How Regulus would always say he wanted a cat, and she'd tell him it would leave fur all around the house and he'd go mental with the animal.
That's when she realized.
Sure the house was a big part of her.
But what she missed really was him.
That obnoxiously intelligent man, she loved to mess with. She loved to see him.
She loved him.
And after literally dying, she was ready to admit that. But not to him, never.
To herself.
She could now accept the fact that the long stares when she looked at him, how she fell asleep in his arms every night, led to her feeling that way.
And it was fine.
What was not fine however was the turning and circling in her stomach when they landed right in front of the Order's house.
Her vision was so blurry she could barely see the doorknob Sirius was turning and pushing their way inside.
The Black had to hold her weight by the elbows at the mere sensation she'd fall.
He tried his best not to announce to the painting of his mother that they were back, it would be a catastrophic disaster.
"Regulus is on his bedroom, last door to the left." He instructed, helping to stand on the stairs while turning around to meet his cousin Tonks.
Y/n walked like an animal, with hand and knees, groaning in pain as it felt burning every inch of her skin.
She struggled all the path to the door Sirius mentioned, hearing him downstairs answer the girl's questions to make sure he wasn't a Death Eater.
Without any forces to get up or reach for the doorknob, she just banned slightly on his door.
No response.
Once again, she knocks three times, leaving her hand to rest on the wood, hoping for him to open soon before she passed out, backpack aching on her shoulders.
With a smooth crack, a house elf stood in front of her, his eyes held even more than just disgust.
"Master Regulus don't want to be bothered." He announced, sounding more like a threat. "And he ordered me to petrificate anyone who's behind the door if they try again."
Scoffing, she held tight to the fabric of her pants to stop her fingers from shaking. "That's very you, Reggie."
Before Y/n even blinked, the door was swung open and her numb body fell to his feet.
"For the love of Merlin." The man muttered, kneeling in front of her and grabbing those shaky cheeks, staring intensely at her eyes. "Y/n?"
"I found you once, and then did it again." She concluded, a breaking smile appearing.
Exactly what she promised she'd do, and tears welled up on his eyes before pulling her in for a tight hug.
His hands wandered around, her hair, her cheeks, her arms, all the way down to her trembling knees.
"How?!? I- I saw..."
"I was in the first layer." The Potter answered, being pulled inside by the man.
"All this time?"
"Well, you waited for me all this time."
Regulus positioned her on the bed, placing two pillows behind her head to make it more comfortable and started opening the backpack, holding her hand the entire time.
The possessors jumped out of it, looking around the house and feeling excited with the air of trauma and pain all around, running in circles around his room.
"Kreacher, can you fetch something for them to eat?" He asked quickly, unscrewing the top of a bottle and lining it up on her lips.
"Fuck this tastes awful."
"I know. I've been there."
The girl lightly mocked his comment but smiled big after it.
Regulus was so focused on taking care of Y/n, turning potions down her throat as he saw her doing so many times before, he didn't even noticed Sirius figure peeking from the door, Remus right next to him.
Both men stared at their interactions, how the Black had a faint smile on his lips after so many nights of dark stares and sad tears.
Sirius tapped Lupin's shoulder, indicating their hands enlaced together with a smile so wide. The werewolf smiled too, seeing how Y/n looked at him adorably.
And they dared to deny they're in love! They thought, shaking heads together.
Stepping out, they closed the door to give them some privacy and some alone time, knowing damn well Harry would wake up in the morning and want to spend time with his sister.
Not to mention the insane amount of questions the others would have.
A few minutes later, he fed her the last potion needed for now, eyes and face with a lot more color and it didn't seem to hurt her to breath for so long.
"Kreacher, I want you to meet her properly." Regulus called, welcoming the elf closer to them. "This is Y/n Potter, she's Harry's twin. And the one that brought me back to life."
His eyes went big, taking over his entire scrunched up face and he bowed to her. "I am eternally grateful for bringing Master Regulus back."
"Well, he brought me back too, so I guess we're even now."
We are far from it, the Black thought but decided to stay shut about.
"You need to rest now." He informed, pulling her knees so she'd be fully laying down. "Hell no." Regulus ordered, standing up and letting go of her hands for just a bit, grabbing something on his drawers.
He came back in less than two seconds, grabbing her by the calf and shoving a sock on her foot, doing the exact same with the other one, mumbling curse words in french the entire time.
"Are your trying to convert me, Black?" She asked, a smug smile on her face when she looked at her feet now covered with wool socks in the Slytherin colors. "I see your second intentions."
"You just look pretty in green." He shrugged, trying not to make it obvious he wanted to see her with the colors of his house.
"Sure, of course I'll believe that, Slytherin Prince."
"Fine, if you don't want them..."
"No!" She fought, taking her feet away from his lap. "They're comfy." Regulus rolled his eyes. "Come on, we have to sleep. Wanna be the small spoon?" She suggested, smiling at him and already turning to be on her side.
"I have a better idea."
With a tight grip, he rolled her around to be chest up once again, spreading her legs a little in a motion that made her heart run circles inside her chest.
The Black made his way to be on top of her, between her legs, to which she squirmed a little bit, a chill spreading down her spine.
He lied all his weight on her, adjusting himself in a way his head would be placed on her chest, hearing the heartbeats.
"Relax, everything is fine now." Regulus said, noticing how quick paced they were. "I'll be here if you have any nightmares."
He nuzzle against her body, not moving his head once, wanting to make sure she was there.
With the man she was in love with holding her tight, between her legs and head so close to her breasts, it was hard to relax. But she forced herself to, falling asleep like that, close to her loved one and the possessors guarding their sleep.
She woke up, startled, breath hitching on her throat. Regulus was hovering over her.
"Which one was it?"
The Potter felt confused for just a moment, but noticed what he was talking about. She was squirming on her sleep and heartbeat so fast like a rat's heart.
He thought she was having a nightmare.
"Uh the- the one with Abby." She lied, breathing in and out. "But it's fine now, don't worry."
"Are you really?"
Opting for nodding instead of saying it, a bad sensation of thirst in her throat.
"I'm glad. Stay here, I'll bring you breakfast."
He quickly leaned in, leaving a gentle peck on her lips and getting up.
"Oh... oh, uh- oookay." She answered as he left the bedroom, leaving behind a very confused Y/n, with possessor who groaned something to her. "Oh shut it, you two." She grunted, trying to not make her smile so wide.
With two fingers, she pinched herself, making sure it wasn't a dream. But it happened the she was wide awake.
When he came back, a few minutes later, with her favorite breakfast in hands, she decided not to address it. He made it look so casual, as if they were doing this for years so she decided to leave it like that.
Sitting on the bed, back pushed to the headboard, she took in the breakfast, with Regulus lying his head on her thighs and staring at her the whole time.
"Are you sure you're fine?" She asked after swallowing the drink. "You haven't asked me anything yet."
"Because you won't know peace once those kids wake up." He replied, drawing shapes in the fabric of her pants. "Specially those two your brother calls best friends, I was one second away of cursing them."
"You be nice!" She averted, finger pointing at him. "You weren't any better, bombing me with questions every two minutes."
"That's totally different."
She laughed, taking the reforce potion with the rest of the meal.
They just kept in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence in the warmest way possible. Once again, just the two of them. How it has always been. How Regulus wanted it to be forever.
When the conversation outside started to get more and more crowded, the Black decided to call Harry.
Everyone noticed the sudden change of mood in the heir's movement, looking a lot more light and like a gentleman in the 1800s instead of a bloody vigilante assassin.
So for that, Harry was more than suspicious and refused to go upstairs.
"You're acting weird." The boy pointed. "And nothing changed, so I'm sorry if I don't trust you like she did."
"I'm sorry to break it to ya." The voice on the stairs said, attracting everyone attention. "But we've been kind of a package deal for the last years, so he's like this personalized keychange that comes with me, no refunds."
She was holding herself tightly to the handrail and using the biggest possessor as a support.
Regulus immediately held his hand out, being her new crutch despite rolling eyes at how she described him.
"A blood traitor! Regulus how could you?" The portrait of Walburga shouted, muffled because it was facing the wall but still making itself present. "Do you have any idea what we have done for you, just so you could come back and stab us with-"
They couldn't hear anything in a second, and all eyes turned to Sirius, but he was just as astonished.
"I didn't came back to hear mother scream at me again." The younger Black answered, making his brother's eyes sparkle looking at him.
"I'm so proud... Group hug?"
"Lay one finger on me and I'll snap all of your bones in half."
Y/n mouthed something like "He won't" without any sound, knowing Regulus enjoyed this powerful dark face he had.
"I'll take a family hug." She said, removing the hand from the possessor and reaching out for her brother, who immediately ran across the living room to get to her.
They embraced each other so hard the girl felt her bones aching, and held in a huff, just glad she was one again with her twin.
"I thought I lost you." Harry whispered, body shaking from falling tears.
"I never leave my family behind."
Taglist: @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea @ok-boke @warcelia @danyxthirstae01 @b-tchymoon @lovely-maryj @adriannamirse @seesaw-it @awritingtree @regulusblackloverr @coffeeaddictednymph @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @teamspideyman @the-sander-fander
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