#they’re a package deal your honor
tornado1992 · 2 months
Sonic would let the world crumble if it meant saving Tails. Tails would rebuild it to stay with Sonic.
Tails would give up his own life to save Sonic. Sonic would fight death itself to bring Tails back.
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fleshblanket · 11 months
these guys
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and, alternatively
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Someone made a Steph & Gary edit 😭
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
I’ve actually been sitting on an au idea for quite a while. I discussed this IN DEPTH with my friend a while back but I wanna get your thoughts on it. I was wondering what would have happened if Sebek was sorted into a different dorm. I always settled for him being sorted into Pomefiore, seeing as how their whole thing is embodying the Evil Queen’s spirit of tenacity, of which Sebek has an abundance of. They’re also skilled at cultivating a unique sense of style, something Sebek ALSO does quite well. BUT SEBEK ADMITTED HIMSELF IF HE HAD TO BE IN ANY OTHER DORM BESIDES DIASOMNIA HE’D CHOOSE OCTINAVELLE. But the thought of Sebek in Heartslabyul flourishing under a strict regiment of conduct and Riddle’s no nonsense rule. I JUST KEEP WONDERING WHICH WOULD SUIT HIM BEST. While I also think he would represent Savanaclaw’s persistence well, I just think he’d despise the chaos and lack of order. And Ignihyde is out of the question.
But then that also leads me to the OTHER au of all the freshmen going into different dorms. Jack headed off to Heartslabyul, Epel to Savanaclaw, Deuce to Scarabia, Sebek to Pomefiore and Ace to Octinavelle. Personality wise I think they’d blossom in their newly assigned dorms respectively, but I wanna see what you think.
I'm going to start playing with the idea of the whole first year group switching dorms before doing the "only Sebek switches" one.
First of all, absolutely love the dorms you casted them in mwah mwah mwah. Jack is a stickler for the rules in his own weird kind of way, believes in fair play and is quite possibly one of the most law-abiding students in the school...if it weren't for the fact that if morality and his own beliefs comes into play, he's willing to break a rule or two for the sake of his friends.
Epel is going to be underestimated by a LOT of Savanaclaw, but his stubbornness will help him put up a good fight. Even if he loses in the end, its shown that the students are smart enough to not go by someone's looks after they prove themselves to be strong and persistent. There is a chance that his character development regarding masculinity and his toxic view of it may be delayed...unless Leona gets on his case about it, because the women in Sunset Savanna are NOT to be messed with and so is any other woman, kid what the FUCK are you on about.
I was a bit unsure of Deuce being in Scarabia, but then I remembered this is the kid who changed his ways after overhearing his mom crying about him and decided the best way to make his mom proud is to become an honor student. Being an honor student is fucking HARD, as someone who USED to be one, so bro needs to plan and worry about more things than just academics, because trying to snag a spot as an honor student also means being on your best behavior.
Then I was STILL unsure, and saw Ace was at Octavinelle, and that's when I realized oh these mfs are a package deal fr!!! Deuce and Ace could switch between Octavinelle and Scarabia and IT WOULD STILL FUCKING FIT THEM. Ace is cunning and resourceful in ways you wouldnt expect (Scarabia), while also being very thoughtful and considerate when it comes to his friends (Octavinelle). Deuce is mindful of how his actions and words can affect other people (and his spot as an honor student) as long as his emotions dont get the best of him (Scarabia), and is goodwilled (Octavinelle). I love Adeuce.
Anyways, onto the ACTUAL idea part. Yeah. that wasn't the whole post. Sue me.
Jack can fulfill Adeuce's role in Book 1, me thinks. Even if he doesn't break any rules, his sense of justice will get him to call out Riddle for how his actions have affected the whole dorm. Riddle's overblot will be a bit delayed, since there's no punching the dormhead and the ruined unbirthday thing, but that shit's definitely going to happen still.
Epel would also be able to fulfill Jack's role. His admiration for Leona and Ruggie will make him feel all the more betrayed when he finds out that theyre actually going to cheat their way through the game. I feel that he would want to showcase his skills by battling a worthy (very much overpowered) opponent, not someone who'll end up underneath a stampede. Jack tagging along will also spur him on as they both share the same admiration for Leona.
ACE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO MESS WITH AZUL HAHAHA. THIS is one overblot that will actually be sped up. The same things still happen, except Yuu and the group get the information much faster from ACE, who is oh so willing to betray Azul and the Leech twins. He got sea anemone'd haha. The loser.
i FORGOT TO MENTION: Ace and Deuce are still the first people Yuu meets. Just yknow. Different dorms and all. Im not sure if Deuce would fall for Azul's contract, considering the fact that he's under Kalim and JAMIL, the latter knowing fully well how Azul is, but for the sake of the story he DID get sea anemone'd.
Because Im a sucker for them, Ace initially didnt give up information without something in return, before Yuu suddenly said out of nowhere that Deuce also fell for Azul's contract. Ace laughs it off, saying if theyre trying to get him to pity Deuce, they have to try harder than that. But eventually, Ace caves in because he genuinely does like Deuce because "he's a cool guy" and agrees to help them out free of charge. Theyre a duo in any universe fr 🔥🔥🔥
Scarabia overblot is the only thing that turns out to be MOSTLY the same, minus Deuce being sad that Jamil wasnt cool like that...but the mess is cleaned up fairly quickly.
FINALLY getting to Sebek. Fuck.
Sebek is INCONSOLABLE that he is NOT in Diasomnia. He unfortunately cannot camp out in their courtyard as he's claimed he will because Vil and Rook have him on CONSTANT supervision. Vil is a bit sad he wasnt able to get the lavender-haired boy in Pomefiore, but I guess he has to settle for the loud guy instead...he can work with this, Sebek already has this unique charm to him anyway.
Rook is FASCINATED. A HALF-FAE!?!?!?! IN THEIR DORM!?!?!? A dream come true. He literally stops tailing after any beastmen and mermen for a week, and Leona prays to the heavens above in thanks. He's even more delighted when he finds out Sebek consumes media of the same obscure opera he follows, so rest assured Rook is hanging around Sebek.
Im not sure if Sebek would take Epel's place in VDC, but I guess its SOMEWHAT possible, since he's shown some skills in Spectral Soiree anyway. Epel is still involved anyway because the apple juice is literally from his family, so.
Sebek's character development will be faster, I will say. Vil's view of beauty does not lie in one's looks as most people may believe, as he views beauty to be something you WORK HARD FOR. Rook sees beauty in EVERYTHING, regardless of any flaws. These two are actually going to be quite impactful on Sebek's journey on learning that his fae blood does NOT make him superior than others, but his human blood doesnt make him inferior as well. Yeah. I think he'll turn out alright.
Ignihyde events turn out the same way, although Im not too sure as well if Sebek takes Epel's place as well. This is where Im too stupid. Sorry guys. And now we head to DIASOMNIA.
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minotaur-asterion · 5 months
The voices, and when they get down with the sickness (long post underneath, please prepare yourself):
I think Hero kind of wishes they could act out that classic sickfic scene where they get to stay in bed all day and someone brings them soup and takes good care of them. Well, it’ll never happen with that nervous attitude, so until they get the balls to ask someone they’ll have to suck it up and take care of themselves. So, so tired the entire time. Poor meow meow
Alternatively, Hero’s a doting caretaker, if not physically distant. Doesn’t want to catch anything… but rest assured, they’re at their charge’s beck and call- they’ll bring food, medicine, heating pads, blankets, the crown of Russia, Russia, and more!
Cold can’t tell until something really noticeable happens, and even then it can be a while before he figures out he’s sick. Oh, his nose is running? It has been getting cold recently, no pun intended. He collapsed? Has to determine whether it was lack of sleep or if he got stabbed recently and that was blood loss; illness just doesn’t immediately come to mind. Might get a little loopy and out of it while recovering. Appreciates the lack of taste if forced to eat
Cold’s really good at treating sick folks, but taking care of them can be 50/50 depending on who it is. If he actually gives a shit he mostly curls up in a chair nearby and chills- again, pun not intended- until they need something. He might even offer the briefest of cuddles, which depending on his charge’s strength might end up lasting a lot longer than he planned
Cheated gets sick a lot- he doesn’t get much sleep so his body doesn’t have a lot of energy to fight it off. It’s total chaos if he gets a fever. Complains soooo much. But he gets very warmly happy if someone throws in the towel to take care of him. Wants to snuggle a lot
He refuses to take care of most of the others. Fuck them! But he’s probably going to get roped into it one way or another, knowing his luck. The only people he’d actually agree to care for is Opportunist and Contrarian since they live together. I’ve always imagined those three as a package deal anyway
Speaking of Opportunist- ey’re used to a little bit of body ache, so ey’re able to power through the less severe colds and such, just take it a little easier than usual, wear a mask to work, you know. It gets trickier when severe sickness aligns with a bad back day, ey don’t enjoy feeling like that while barely being able to move around. Ey’re honored if anyone decides to help, honestly…
Opportunist is a believer in laughter being the best medicine. He likes to talk and talk about all sorts of things just to take his charge’s mind off their symptoms. He also likes to hear himself talk, so it’s a bonus, really!
Contrarian… surprisingly barely ever gets sick. Or, at least, they don’t let on most of the times they do. Maybe they get a little quieter, but it’s surprisingly easy to melt into the crowd for them. It’s probably easier to not expect or ask for anything anyway
But on the contrary, pun intended this time, Contrarian loves to help out and take care of sick folks. God knows he’s not helpful at all with treating the sickness- which makes me think he’d be a good duo with Cold- but he’ll certainly entertain and keep company. “Oh, but you’ll catch something-“ he definitely will, but it’s worth it!
Paranoid is fascinated by disease. Would probably get sick and immediately think “how can I turn this into a zombie-making virus?” Jots down every single sniffle in her journal. Studies the microorganisms that caused it. Just really weird and iconically herself about it. The few times she does sleep, her dreams will be even weirder than usual. I think her obsession with recording the darn thing is overriding the symptoms
It’s much the same with when someone else is sick- pencil to paper, on a scale of one to ten how bad do you feel, describe your symptoms, can I get a swab for totally normal not nefarious reasons. Makes sure to wash her hands after existing in the same room as anyone who’s sick
Broken genuinely doesn’t think it’ll make it. Sure, it’s a really light flu, but it just won’t survive. Most illnesses are similar to a bad pain day regardless of how bad they’d normally be, but the good thing about the whole ordeal is snuggles and attention… Even if it’s out like a light most of the time. Might get weird and horny about it
Broken gets really worried about the others when they’re sick, and usually sticks them in bed if he can even move them there. Perches at the foot of the bed and watches closely. A little creepy, but he means well. So so so worried
Hunted’s surprisingly clean, so it’s hard for it to get too sick. Very pragmatic approach to dealing with it, which includes keeping everything clean during times when it feels better and resting when it feels worse. Doesn’t enjoy it for a second, especially when it clogs its ears and nose, but it’ll survive
Goes a little haywire when someone else is sick. You’ve never bore witness to the kind of strength it can muster to get someone in its nest. Protective as all get out, preens and tries to spoon feed. Will only allow people it trusts with its life- and maybe not even that depending on how feral it is- near the nest
Stubborn isn’t one to get sick often, and even then through the sheer power of, I dunno, muscles or something, he can fight it off pretty well. Just lay off the baking for a bit so he doesn’t accidentally infect anyone… In the rarest cases where he just can’t keep going as usual, he becomes surprisingly tame. Too tired to get all worked up. Sleepy little guy…
They can also be surprisingly helpful, especially with calming down a much stronger personality (cough. Hunted) who’s also trying to take care of someone sick. Makes the meanest fucking soup you’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. And I say this with Broken definitely in mind, but they get a little affectionate about it. Just a smidge. Not because they care about this person, no! Don’t be ridiculous
Smitten probably gets sick all the time from his flower allergies, but he can’t bring himself to stop gardening. That’s why he got allergy medicine. If it’s not allergies he’s stumped on what to do. Might even get dramatic about it- write his will, eat some ice cream while watching his favorite rom com shows (he knows at least that sugar can help calm nausea), read Shakespeare, uh… I don’t know what else he’d do but it’d be dramatic!
Smitten’s a total sweetheart when taking care of someone else. Breakfast in bed, reads to them (dyslexic, does silly voices), treats them like total royalty. The drawback? Literally never takes care of anyone on a whim. Has to be planned, premeditated. Draws up a schedule of the whole thing
Skeptic likes to take sick days slow. Sit in the butterfly garden. Unless it’s winter. Then he’ll just stay in bed the whole day. Probably hibernates through the illness and wakes up crusty but healthy
He’ll certainly try his best to take care of someone else, but he’s not that great at it. Good at reassuring them about their anxieties though. Gives them a little too much medicine
I have a feeling Meek might be immune to disease. Otherwise she’d fucking die. Sneezes so loudly it’s like a bomb went off
She’s also not great about helping someone through their sickness, but she’ll scoot into their lap and offer them to pet her. The others suspect she might even like being pet… she will vehemently deny it though
Flinching is very shaky when she’s sick. Terrible grip strength. She’ll realize something’s off when she accidentally drops her favorite mug and now has to sadly stare at it on the ground before Doubting picks it up and puts it back together (he made a mug that’s easy to repair specifically for this reason)
Very gentle with sick people, almost as though she’s afraid to break them. Wonderful bedside manner. If she wasn’t so squeamish she would’ve tried becoming a nurse, but alas, just a librarian for now…
Doubting’s vision is usually bleary, but eventually he’ll figure out something’s wrong when he puts his glasses on and he still can’t see well. He’s a good patient, though, and recovers quickly with the right conditions
A lot like Flinching, he’s also good about taking care of others. May or may not be developing experimental treatments for diseases though. Do not touch those beakers
Much like a huge disoriented beast, Obsessed doesn’t do well with sickness. It messes with them badly. Not as clean as Hunted about it but definitely not to be trifled with still. Think like a rabid animal, how they can lose their fear of certain things and just… stare
They don’t live near anyone, so there’s nobody to take care of when sick
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
On I’ll Follow You Into The Dark and Style
So y’all may know how strongly I associate Death Cab For Cutie’s song I’ll Follow You Into The Dark with Stan and Kyle, and I’ll tell ya why. Even if they aren’t romantically together, they’re a package deal. They’re inseparable. They will follow each other to the ends of the earth, whether as Super Best Friends, Super Best Boyfriends, or Super Best Husbands. That’s very important to me man. I had that song as their wedding first dance (these two can’t dance they shoulda had a sword fight instead but someone would have gotten hurt lmao) in the OrangeJuiceVerse and that headcanon of the song being them spans across a lot of my body of work, so here’s random related quotes from things!
He ignored the coach and the fact that he wasn’t supposed to be on the turf. Everyone in this town knew what Stan meant to him. Where he went, Kyle followed. ESPECIALLY if he went down.
“Hat’s in the pocket,” Kyle informed him, positioning himself on Stan’s right side and supporting him with an arm around his waist and throwing Stan’s right around his neck. “You ready?”
Not in the slightest. But Stan found strength in his super best friend’s determined expression. “As I’ll ever be.”
With that, our beloved boy heroes hobbled slowly into the void.
The path lay before them, twisted and shadowed. With any luck, they’d stay out of trouble until they reached the end. The king was pale and visibly unsteady, and Stan was down one arm and not at full strength to fight back whatever they might come across, but they were together. They were always stronger together, and always had been. Nothing, no matter how vile, poisonous, or vicious, really stood a chance between the two of them.
“Your job was never to protect me. You need to realize that. It was always to fight at my side, which you have never, EVER failed to do.” Kyle is warm when he rests against him; Stan almost cries. Even more so when he says,
“Never stop fighting at my side.”
Because it isn’t an order. It isn’t a command, though Stan will treat it as gospel.
“I don’t intend to.”
Kyle nodded, and they raised the blade above their heads before *slashing* into the cake like it was a monster they were defeating together.
That was what Stan and Kyle did, he’d learned. They faced everything as one. As a team. And emerged victorious.
“When I’m falling into a black hole, you save me with your gravity. You always know what to do when I’m lost, and you’ve never, ever given up on me. I won’t give up on you either, no matter what the future holds. I’m gonna hold you forever, any way the wind blows, in this life and the next.”
“Stan, my dearest one, you’ve overcome so much, defeated terrible foes, and I’m honored to be by your side through every battle until the end of time.”
“Don’t do that.” Kyle’s voice was pleading, almost a whisper as he broke through the spiral in the way that only he ever could.
“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Stan didn’t want him to follow, try as he did, time and time again.
“But… you called my name.”
“And you came for me. How did you get here?”
Stan shrugged. “I walked. A long way. And then I sang, and the stones let me in.” He took his lover’s face into his hand. “Kyle, I can sing us home again.”
“It doesn’t matter where we live, you know? Anywhere you are, that’s home to me.”
He hated that HE wasn’t taking care of his best friend. That was HIS job, and he wasn’t able to do it.
Stan ignored his headache and Kenny trying to hold him back, slipping onto the floor and dragging himself over to Kyle. Craig and Tolkien gave him the space to do so, because everyone knew Kyle’s side was Stan’s place. Until he was dead and buried, this was where he needed to be.
“… And the worst part was that I wasn’t able to catch you when you went down. I ALWAYS want to catch you when you go down. Because I… I love you, Kyle.”
Anyway. Them
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
okay okay so teen wolf the movie happened (and it was bad). i haven’t seen it but i have some thoughts from what i have read about it. what is teen wolf but the fans taking the concepts and trying to make them work?
here’s my wish basically:
the nogitsune is a trickster. it thrives on chaos, pain and strife. so it coming back one has to ask: what is the game? what is the trick?
i will be referencing this fantastic meta series because it brings up a great point. the entire possession of stiles, the entire gambit of the nogitsune was an attempt to use stiles to get to the power of the nemeton. 
that is what the nogitsune always wanted. a motivation i believe remains true. however, i think now it also wants revenge on stiles and his pack for defeating it but very specifically it’s target is stiles.
when we see stiles playing go with the nogitsune it is about the concession of territory. what territory you ask? the territory of stiles’s body and also that of beacon hills. the nogitsune of course was cheating and stiles was an inexperienced player. 
15 years later though? that is a different animal. things will have changed. 
here are the ground rules for the state things as i think they likely would be:
most of fandom agreed that stiles was a something. that he was magic. a spark. like many things it was all there in the subtext of the show. if i had my way stiles would be the emissary of scott’s pack. scott and stiles always came as a packaged deal.  (one reason i don’t buy the movie is because there is no way come hell or high water stiles abandoned beacon hills, scott, or derek or his father for any extended period of time. davis was salty dylan said no. period. the sitles and scott friendship is the very heart and soul of teen wolf. i know there is a large section of fandom that doesn’t like scott. i think they’re wrong and that’s that.)
allison is dead dead. there is no cheap resurrection here for her. her death was a cataclysm in the teen wolf universe. bringing her back would make it lose it’s impact. scott and lydia’s arcs would have been better served on letting allison go, and for chris to show how allison changed him and how he honors her memory. 
stiles is still with the fbi and is gone from beacon hills for extended periods but he has not abandoned anyone. however, him coming and going from beacon hills conveys that stiles is running away emotionally from things (ie: failed relationship with lydia, his remaining guilt over events, and a jeep metaphor with derek)
allison’s supposed resurrection is a ploy by the nogitsune to distract scott, lydia and chris argent as them scrambling to figure out if it’s real and if allison is actually allison gets them out of the way for the real game.
stiles and the nemeton. 
if i had my way scott would call stiles pretty much immediately because he has the good sense that melissa mccall gave him.
the wrench would be stiles doesn’t answer because he’s busy on an important case or what not. it doesn’t really matter the why i guess what is important is that he doesn’t answer the call from scott initially. 
as i said i think it works if stiles is emotionally running away from beacon hills and his friends so he buries himself in work. he’s refusing the call of being a hero and losing those precious moments to ignorance costs him and the pack later.
scott does leave a voicemail along the lines of dude allison’s back and so is the nogitsune get your ass here.
since in my version allison is dead dead the nogitsune is using a facsimile of her to fuck with everyone and cause pain, strife and chaos to feed off. this can only work for so long though and it’s real target hasn’t come yet. so with stiles not there and allison only being a distraction for so long the nogitsune has to raise the stakes. 
enter the hales. 
the hales are the old guardians of beacon hills and therefore a problem/nuisance to the nogitsune’s plans. in more ways than one. it also knows derek and stiles are close as derek worked really hard to protect stiles during his possession and prevent him from being killed. 
despite it being over a decade later the nogitsune would still use what knowledge it has of stiles to continue to exploit his relationships to create pain and as a lure.
as for derek i think that we can keep a lot of the same. derek having hale auto (good for him), having eli (also good for him) are nice things and derek hale deserves nice things. 
using allison to go after eli and derek the nogitsune not only tries to resurrect the tensions of old but brings in another element to lure stiles back once he finally gets involved. 
an aside because this is really just me rambling: 
over the fifteen year gap scott and derek probably eased into a friendly relationship. they aren’t best friends but probably talk casually, eli does lacrosse and scott is the coach, they talk werewolf business and keep beacon hills safe.  
malia and derek were finally allowed to build a familial relationship and she’s like a cool aunt to eli. peter is still peter and the man always had a complicated relationship with derek so he’s sort of peripherally around. cora is probably around being awesome somewhere but her and derek talk regularly and she visits her brother and nephew frequently bringing cool gifts from her travels. isaac sends postcards that go on the fridge. 
naturally being the shipper trash i am i would make sure to be clear that stiles and derek have a relationship. that in the fifteen year gap their friendship grew and flourished as they supported each other through things. that derek really got to actually start to heal from his trauma and even though stiles isn’t quite there derek’s been there for him too. they developed a close bond. stiles being there for eli? give it to me. stiles teaching eli to drive in the jeep? i want it. which would be why eli’s always stealing the jeep. to be closer to stiles and annoy his dad.
but this is all set up for the real meat of what i have been thinking:
derek still dies BUT
it’s not eli he dies in front of. it’s stiles. he does not take it well.
stiles eventually gets scott’s message and books it to beacon hills. the facsimile of allison the nogitsune is using digs into that guilt he has over everything that happened with not just the nogitsune but will allison’s death, with claudia and with what happened with donovan. it rips into stiles’s psyche wanting back in. it wants to use stiles to not just cause pain but to use his magic like a battery to feed off stiles’s connection to the nemeton. 
because i have always believed that when stiles, scott and allison did the ritual sacrifice at the end of 3A they became tied to the nemeton, they became it’s champions and protectors. 
anyway, derek once again keeping his track record of saving stiles sacrifices himself with parrish assisting. 
the delay in stiles getting scott’s message cause them not to have a plan that would give stiles time to prepare to face the nogitsune and prevent derek’s death. 
it’s a gambit by the nogitsune. it thinks it wins no matter how it shakes out.  remember derek was set up as the king on stiles’s chess board way back when. it has removed not just a hale from the board but someone important to stiles. someone he’d go through great lengths to save. that’s a play. that’s the trick. 
derek dying causes stiles pain just as much as it removes him off the board and if stiles tries to bring him back he has makes himself (and the nemeton) vulnerable. it is a gambit
how does it end? i don’t know. i like the idea of stiles having to confront himself and descend into his own personal hell to save derek. he has to overcome his fears and guilt. has to open himself up to derek to save him. you know what i mean. 
i have this idea of stiles meeting paige in the inbetween place. she’s tied to the nemeton too as it’s where she died. it was her death that powered the nemeton enough to save julia/jennifer when kali tried to kill her. she’s representative of derek’s own guilt. stiles has to confront not just his trauma but derek’s too. 
he would also meet allison. the real allison argent. allie a who saved the day. she’d tell him to stop blaming himself for her death that it wasn’t his fault and she went to save lydia and him. 
derek gets brought back of course. stiles stops running and finally decides that he wants to come home. and you lets just heavily imply he means home with derek and eli. his dad is thrilled. 
all in all: the pack saves the day and allison is finally, truly laid to rest. 
other points i didn’t lay out but also not a comprehensive list.
kira comes back because of course she does she was the other half of the nogitsune plotline and this is my version. her and scott are awkward at first but maybe by the end there’s hints towards a reconciliation because they were cute as hell and this is a story where people grow and come back together 
scott is a vet and is working with deaton
deaton shows up to talk cryptically with stiles about the ritual to bring derek back and have a nice moment with scott because deaton was more of a father to him than rafael ever was.
hale👏 family 👏 lore
the sheriff being eli’s grandfather for 120 minutes
scott treating derek like his brother in law
lydia and stiles broke up over different life goals and desires not a stupid premonition. 
stiles and scott get a crying, healing hug for 15 minutes
liam’s mom gets a name (this has always bothered me okay)
liam and mason being dumbass best friends and mason trying to get liam to help him with his work. it works 45% of the time. 
they actually say that stiles is derek’s anchor out loud
the sheriff and sitles having a conversation where the sheriff isn’t sure stiles should try to bring derek back because it could go badly and stiles bluntly asks if the sheriff would bring claudia back if he could. 
i want peter to talk about talia. if peter is going to be there i want mr unhinged to be absolutely spitting mad that derek died in hell fire and helps bring him back. 
stiles and derek talk about their relationship in the most convoluted way possible. hence: the jeep. 
stiles tells derek “what you thought death was going to get you out of this relationship?”
me: teen wolf the movie but what if stiles was there like he was supposed to be and it was pretty gay. 
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
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Marriage wasn't easy. All relationships — romantic and otherwise — required some amount of time and effort, but the marriage state had peculiar demands all its own. Love and honor, cherish and obey, in good times and bad, in sickness and health. For twenty five years, Elise had upheld her end of the bargain. She had made mistakes, she hadn't been perfect, but when she was dead and buried she would be remembered as a good wife, a good mother, a good queen...there was no love without sacrifice, and she had loved him as best she could. That was the definition of duty, and she had always done her duty.
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8:13 PM / February 27th, 2016
HUGO | [sighs in his sleep] HUGO | [audible through the baby monitor] JACQUES | ...I don’t know what to do. We fight all the time. JACQUES | Today, when I said I was feeling bad and didn’t wanna go to the welcome banquet, she said, “good, I don’t want you there.” ELISE | Really? That doesn’t sound like something Vivi would say. JACQUES | You don’t know what she’s like when it’s just the two of us. JACQUES | She makes me feel like shit. ELISE | I’m sure she’s not trying to-- JACQUES | [snorts] I should’ve known you’d take her side. ELISE | I’m not taking sides, I’m trying to understand. The two of you have been together since you were kids. You were always so happy. What happened? JACQUES | I dunno. I guess she finally got everything she wanted. ELISE | [offscreen] ...what are you talking about? JACQUES | [offscreen] C’mon, Mom. Isn’t it obvious? JACQUES | We’re married, she’s got a baby and a royal title. She lives in a mansion and gets to wear jewels and go to fancy parties-- ELISE | Jacques-- JACQUES | It’s true! She eats that shit up! JACQUES | That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. She loves all the glamour and the attention, because all she has to do is show up and smile and wave and everybody shits themselves. They love her and hate me. ELISE | Oh honey...you’re on the same team, you’re not competing with her. JACQUES | [scoffs] ELISE | Go ahead and roll your eyes if you want. I’m telling the truth, JJ. ELISE | You’re married, sweetheart. You and Vivi are a package deal, now. Every marriage has its ups and downs, but nobody wants to hate you. ELISE | [offscreen] You’re right! The press loves her, but you can use that. JACQUES | ....what do you mean? ELISE | I didn’t that the way it sounded, but -- you know, if you show up to these parties arm-in-arm and let everyone see how much you love her...they’ll come around. Everyone wants a happy ending. ELISE | [offscreen] You and Vivi can give them one. JACQUES | ... ELISE | [offscreen] Just...trust me, JJ. ELISE | [sighs] The press, the parties, other people...they’re all distractions. You and Vivi are a team. Sink or swim, ‘til death do you part. You can still make this into something good, but you have to be willing to try. Understand? JACQUES | ...are you saying I should get dressed and go tonight? ELISE | It’d be a good start. JACQUES | Are you sure this is enough to make people change their mind? ELISE | Yes. Not overnight, of course, but you’ve got years to get it right. JACQUES | [sighs] I guess I should get changed, then. ELISE | I’m proud of you, sweetheart. It’s not easy, and these days, not everyone is willing to fight for their marriage.... JACQUES | ...what? ELISE | [sighs] It’s nothing, I’m just thinking out loud. JACQUES | ...okay. JACQUES | Thanks, Mom. ELISE | You’re welcome. Now go. JACQUES | Mom? ELISE | Hm? JACQUES | I love you. [door slams] ELISE | [sighs] [Elise pours herself a glass of wine and swirls it in the glass while Baby Hugo makes baby noises, audible through the baby monitor]
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rcrisdraws · 1 year
omg your ocs they all look so cool please tell me about them!!
For context the story takes place in an alternate universe where 'Japan' is on the mainland in late Sengoku era as provinces try to crystalize power (the setting itself is kinda bonkers but I'll leave it like that for now). Also ghosts, spirits and gods (kami/kamuy) are very much a real tangible thing.
And these guys are part of a gang: there’s a core group and satellite groups that come and go depending on the situation, though mostly it’s the core group that moves between the satellite groups – their goal is destabilization of the current samurai class as the poor and disenfranchised are seeking justice, especially given the warring era that has been going on for the past decades. They’re called the Mononoke Ikki by outsiders due to their elusiveness and seemingly non-human capabilities.
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The groups most notable member is definitely Nagato, a man who can inflict pain onto others by injuring himself simply by being in the your vicinity – on top of that he’s said to be quite a skilled and vicious fighter despite being frail: his body is covered in scars and he’s very gaunt, malnourished even. On top of that he is also Ainu (and trans). The group respects him greatly for all his efforts, but he’s a difficult man to engage with. The place as a whole that he occupies in this world is complicated and in his attempts to move towards independence and justice he’s still managed to harm exactly those who he’s trying to protect - he’s a can of worms.
But not de de facto leader:
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That honor goes to O-Kiku. She’s tiny, only 4’5/140cm, but she’s charismatic, determined, ruthless even. She’s the one that built most of the relationships the group benefits from and has so far manage to achieve all that she set out to do; she manages to command respect, even if her motives aren’t entirely clear, she manages to convince. The only person that actually seems to know the true goals she’s actually aiming for is Nagato, both of whom are apparently founders of this group; they’re the core of the core of this Mononoke Ikki – would be a shame if something were to happen to that wouldn’t it?
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Especially since men like Kojuro, a man from a fishing village, the province of which seems to always be under some outsider’s rule, always struggling for independence; a man who came packaged deal with his own gang that see him as a symbol of resistance against the oppressive classes, especially since his forehead is tattooed branding him as a murderer (of samurai, twice.) He also has tattoos on his back, taking pride in being seen as a pest by the ruling class. He’s deeply loyal to O-Kiku’s cause, for better or worse. Oh and he’s absolutely massive in stature, tall and muscular he dwarfs almost everyone he stands next to-
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There’s also Acipo, the oldest of the core group, also Ainu, trying his darnest to take care so that Nagato doesn’t throw himself off the deep-end just yet, but his attempts always seem a bit too gentle to ever seem to steer him in the direction Acipo hopes him to go into. Still he’s an anchor, not just for Nagato, whom he knows since he was a child, but to the entire group, offering experience and reason.
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Another member of the core group, somehow even more elusive is a frail woman that goes by O-Ai, or just Ai. She doesn’t talk a lot and has a blind eye, while at the same time she exudes an even greater aura/blood lust than that of Nagato’s to whom she is very close with. She hands around Acipo a lot as well and I’m not sure how much I can talk about her without giving away key aspects of not just the plot, but the relationships that uphold that plot-
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Last to join the core group is a young man that chose to cut his hair; he’s of samurai blood, not just that, he’s from the Hokke, he’s of the Fujiwara, and yet decided to desert all that and tag along, drawn in by the fact that he at last found someone else that shares that 6th sense, that ability that Nagato and Ai have. He’s also most definitely feral, and despite his upbringing is consistently rude and obstinate, but a fantastic archer.
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Tagging along with the group there’s also Hiko, a mercenary that was sent to investigate the Mononoke Ikki and report back, only she found herself enthralled by the goings on of the inside of the group. She seems to be about the only person that challenges O-Kiku’s choices, equally charming, but fun, playful even. She’s Romani, but she was detached from her people for most of her life and like most of the people of the group, finding herself walking a thin line in a liminal space of intersecting identities.
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Not formally part of the group and only barely tagging along, there’s Monashir, Hiko’s girlfriend. She is also Ainu, but unlike those from the gang, she’s a core part of her community, whom she’d do anything to protect. She does not like Nagato, or appreciate the way he goes about things. She’s a mother, she has responsibilities, which sometimes barely leave her to be herself and again her character forms one of the main pillars of the emotional conflict going on between these characters.
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Oh I almost forgot. There’s a ghost too; just a genuine, man-eating ghost. His name is Honda and someone’s going to get into this guy’s pants ;)
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outofthiisworld · 4 months
Have you ever mentioned another muse in a thread despite them not being in the thread?
Guilty As Charged- MUN EDITION
👽// My own muses? Yes. ALL the time. It’s inevitable that Doc and Ophelia will bring each other up in threads, either in dialogue or part of the narration! Their stories are so deeply interconnected, that it… lowkey makes it impossible to ONLY and SOLELY interact with one of them.
Sure, they have their own threads without the other being around— but depending on what certain dynamics someone might want to write with me, it’s inevitable if not required for the other muse to deal with the other, sooner or later.
Unless of course, that’s a plot point— some sort of cat and mouse sitcom soap opera shenanigans, THAT’S FUN!! (i’ve talked to another mun about this possible scenario and we’ll see how things play out once we start writing all the involved muses together more, but excited to see how it unfolds :3c)
Even then though, that example still has both Ophelia & Doc involved! <- I don’t tend to do that great when someone is only interested in only one of these two in the long run. They’re a package deal your honor.
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
I’ve had djwifi on the brain recently, and y’know what’s something we’ve all kind of overlooked? Alya being the first to achieve something and Nino being hot on her heels and being the second person to do it. Like I know it’s not purposefully written at all, but it’s happened more than once, and it’s great and very funny. Alya is the first hero selected by Ladybug? Nino is right behind her as Carapace. Alya is the first person in recent history to break out of Hawkmoth’s control while still actively akumatized? Sick, Nino’s there too. They’re a package deal, your honor.
Their entire dynamic is just
Literally anyone: You can't do that
Nino: You're right I can't
Alya: Fuck you *does the thing*
Nino: Oh shit you can do that?? *does the thing*
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rxscss · 2 years
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𝓽𝓪𝓼𝓴 001. - 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓭𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓽
“nice of you to show up sober.” hannah said to felicity with a raise of her brow, causing felicity to offer a roll of her eyes. the woman practically raised her, she was much more than a manager to her. but still, felicity couldn’t stand being spoken to like a child. being someone who barely had parents, she wasn’t exactly one who responded well to authority. “hey, enough with the ‘tude fee, alright? you just got cast in a movie again for the first time in a long time, i had to beg vogue to do this interview with you...don’t fuck it up. just be yourself....your old self.” hannah said giving felicity a raise of her brow as the camera crew knocked at the door. “go ahead, i’ll be in the kitchen.” she said, giving felicity’s shoulder a squeeze. and with that, she took a deep breath, squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, before turning on her heel and heading towards the door. “hey vogue, i’m felicity dupont. wanna come in?”
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
"it’s kind of hard to put a number on it, you know? moods constantly change...life constantly changes. and i...took a break for a while, but i’m really excited to start making stuff again.” she said with a soft smile and a nod, although it was the furthest thing from the truth.
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
she couldn’t help the slightest roll of her eyes at the question, wondering if it was a dig at the release of her sex tape. “it’s 2022, i think it’s about time we start equating the value of women’s work in film to the men they have to be intimate with on camera, don’t you?”
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
“a musical? i don’t know maybe ‘one night only,’ i’m not exactly a fan of having my life put on public display.”
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
"people probably don’t know that i can play 8 instruments - guitar, drums, piano, violin, saxophone, flute, harp and the cello. let’s just say i had a lot of down time in empty studios as a kid.”
What’s your wakeup ritual?
would she give her real wake up ritiual? absolutely not, especially since it usually consisted of taking care of whatever hangover she had. “i like to be active first thing in the morning. go for a run or a swim depending on the weather and really get the blood flowing. but other than that the routine itself differs every day.”
What’s your go to bed ritual?
another one she’d have to lie about. the last thing she needed to admit was how much sleeping alone terrified her and how she much rather fill her bed with a stranger. “i’m not really a fan of all that fancy skincare stuff or having a twenty step routine, as long as my sheets are clean and my room is cold, i’m out like a light within seconds.”
What’s your favorite time of day?
"i like between two to three in the morning in california. if you go down to the beach when all the city lights are out, you can see the stars.”
Dream country to visit?
"norway to see the northern lights.”
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
"probablyt when i won my first oscar for girl, interrupted. it was such a risky role that was out of my comfort zone and i was just beyond honored to be recognized for it.”
Comfy shoes or dress shoes?
"comfy, always.”
Vintage or new?
"vintage, always. more than half of my closet is from the thrift store.”
Who do you want to write your obituary?
"well, that’s a dark thought. i would hope it would be someone i care about...so maybe my manager hannah or mallory.”
Style icon?
"jane birkin. no one can do casual cool as good as she did.”
What are three things you can’t live without?
“my guitar, my journal and mallory and hadley...we’re gonna count that as one because they’re a package deal.”
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
"i’m not much of a cook, but when i do i’m notorious for oversalting.”
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
she would have loved to say her mom, maybe in another life if they had had a relationship before she died, that would’ve been her answer. but she was truly the last person she ever wanted to see. “amy winehouse, sylvia plath and marilyn monroe. i feel like there’s a lot that can be learned from some of history’s most misunderstood and overly-judged women.”
What’s your biggest fear in life?
she had a million fears, she was practically riddled in them. of dying miserable and alone like her mother, of never being loved, of not being capable of feeling love herself, of never being good enough. but those were all things she would kept to herself. she was trying to show that she was fine, right? “what was that cheesy quote from a cinderella story? never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
Window or aisle seat?
"always window.”
What’s your current TV obsession?
"i’ve been into really goofy comfort shows lately - arrested development, it’s always sunny in philadelphia, that 70′s show, all the classics.”
Favorite app?
"nowadays, i really try to limit my screentime as much as possible.”
Secret talent?
"well i mentioned i play eight instruments before, so i guess that would be it.”
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
"i wouldn’t say anything i’ve done could be categorized as adventurous...yet, that is. i’d love to take a year or two off and just fall off the grid and just travel the world and see everything that i haven’t.”
How would you define yourself in three words?
she really only had negative things to say about herself lately, but she’d keep it neutral for vogue. “hard working, resilient and...empathetic.” she said with a soft nod.
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
"i have this vintage 1972 leather jacket i found at a yard sale about a decade ago and i’ve literally worn the absolute crap out of it, but i’ll never, ever get rid of it.”
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
"a really, really good pair of jeans. there’s nothing better than a good vintage pair of levis.”
Superpower you would want?
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
"i’m still looking for it, but i’ll be sure to let you know when it comes.”
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
"probably that everyone looks out for themselves and that you have to have your own back, especially in this business.”
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
she thought back to her teenage self for a moment - the girl who began hustling to become an actress at just fourteen years old, who had emancipated from her father and was trying to build a life all by herself with no parents, no guidance from anyone except the people she paid. she had always been alone. and her teenage self would be so disappointed in what she allowed her life to turn into after how hard she had worked. “i...uh...i don’t know. i think i would just give her a hug.” she choked out quietly, clearing her throat. “next question, please.”
A book that everyone should read?
“let that shit go by bruna nessif.”
What would you like to be remembered for?
"i would hope to be remembered for making an impact or a difference in a good way, even if it’s just on one person’s life.”
How do you define beauty?
“looks come and go, i think real beauty is in people’s souls.”
What do you love most about your body?
"i love that it’s been through a lot and it’s still able to carry me every single day.”
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
“a nice bubble bath and playing guitar.”
Favorite place to view art?
"i love going down to venice and seeing all the street art. sure, it’s one thing to see it in a museum. but to see real people, creating something out of nothing is much more inspiring to me.”
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
she wouldn’t admit that she had already written a song that she deemed to be the anthem of her life when she was going through the worst of her scandal. music and her love for singing was certainly not something she wanted to share in fear of comparison to her mother. “i don’t know, maybe something like “shit happens.” because well...shit happens, right?”
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
“i know a lot of them so i’m not sure...maybe an accordion? bag pipes?”
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
“i’m not sure, i’m really indecisive, i couldn’t imagine having something on my body forever.”
What is your favorite animal?
What’s your spirit animal?
"a butterfly. they’re always changing and growing.”
Best gift you’ve ever received?
"hannah got me this locket for my fifteenth birthday.” she said with a soft smile, pulling at the small gold heart around her neck as she looked towards the kitchen at hannah before back at the cameras. “it was the first nice piece of jewelry that anyone’s every gotten for me, so definitely that.”
Best gift you’ve ever give?
"probably hadley’s first birthday. i filled mallory’s living room to the brim with presents. but definitely the best one had to be the little guitar i got her. i can’t wait to teach her how to use it one day. “
What’s your favorite board game?
"i never really played boardgames...so what’s the basic answer everyone gives? monopoly?”
What’s your favorite color?
Least favorite color?
"is it weird to say i don’t have a least favorite?”
Where do you feel most at peace?
“ at the beach at night.”
What’s your favorite thing to do in your time off?
"travel to a place i’ve never been to before.”
What’s your hair-care routine?
"wash it? i don’t know, i don’t do anything special. i’m a very low maintenance gal. i don’t have the patience for all that stuff.”
Pilates or yoga?
"neither, i’m more into running.”
Coffee or tea?
"depends on my mood, but usually coffee.”
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
"probably bologna. because it has no business rhyming with ‘pony’ and being spelt like that.”
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
"is both an option?”
Stairs or elevator?
"escalator. best of both worlds.”
Summer or winter?
"fall and spring. i’m more of a happy-medium person.”
You are stuck on an island, you can have only three things with you. What are those things?
“a nice island get away? just give me a comfy place to sleep and some good food and that’s all i need. maybe my guitar to keep me occupied, too.”
What are your phobias?
"the dark...i always need some kind of light on when i go to sleep.”
A skill you’re working on mastering?
Best thing to happen to you this year?
"still waiting for it. but we’ve still got a few weeks left, don’t we?”
Worst thing to happen to you this year?
"i think tmz can answer that one.”
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
“i once had a casting director say i reminded him of lauren bacall. and she was one of my favorites when i was teaching myself about film, so that was really special to me.”
Favorite smell?
"sandalwood and pine.”
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
"the mistreatment of women in the entertainment industry and the misogyny they have to face on a daily.”
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
"i read a script recently that i really loved. i didn’t get the role...but the film seems like it’s going to be beautiful.”
Going out or staying in?
"going out.”
Sweet or savory?
Celebrity crush?
"what are we twelve?”
How you know you’re in love?
"i’ve never been really in love before, but i like to think that you know when you are when you just...i don’t know, feel safe, i guess.”
Song you can listen to on repeat?
"stairway to heaven, led zeppelin.”
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
"probably someone completely and totally normal. i’d love to know what it’s like to just be a regular person who can go grocery shopping or can hang out in a cafe.”
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
"new beginnings.”
Your go to for having a good laugh?
"athena sinclair, always.”
Your affirmation for today?
"take it one day at a time. that’s all any of us can do. tomorrow isn’t guaranteed anyway, right?”
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? Thanks....
thank you for the ask <3
these change like all the time so i’m just gonna do my top 10 that i’ve been thinking about recently (it’s gonna be all anime characters lol)
my top 10 in no particular order:
Sigma (bsd manga) (has a special place in my heart)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (bsd)
Kageyama Tobio (haikyuu)
Maki Zenin (jujutsu kaisen)
Edogawa Ranpo (bsd) (def in my top 3)
Bram Stoker (bsd manga)
Rem & Ram (re:ZERO) (also a package deal)
Toge Inumaki (jujutsu kaisen)
Megumi Fushiguro (jujutsu kaisen) (also in my top 3)
Loid Forager/Twilight (spy x family)
honorable mentions:
the rest of the spy x family cast lol i love them all
Paul Verlaine (bsd Stormbringer novel)
Tooru Oikawa (haikyuu)
Miya Atsumu (haikyuu) bcuz Mamoru Miyano voiced him & it’s just so perfect. the character is amazing too tho
Osamu Dazai (bsd) gets an honorable mention for the same reason as Atsumu lol
Nakahara Chuuya (bsd)
Mahito (jujutsu kaisen)
like, every character from vanitas no carte. they’re all well written & lovable characters. if i had to pick one it would be Noé Archiviste tho. and Murr lol
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writing-protocol · 2 years
"What’s off limits?” Shiro asks one afternoon.
It’s a mild, winter day, and they’re seated at a hole-in-the-wall cafe near Kairi’s school, waiting for kindergarten to let out for the afternoon. It’s Friday; earlier that day, Shiro introduced Keith to Kairi’s teacher and the school administrator. Now he has permission to pick her up from class if Shiro can’t make it. 
According to the feisty child, he was bestowed a high honor and should be pleased. With Shiro’s help, Keith picked out a stuffed plushie for her and plans to hand it to the kiddo this afternoon. 
For now, they have thirty minutes to spend and Shiro is asking questions that no one has bothered to ask before, about Keith’s needs. 
The mechanic has a pretty good idea of what his companion likes — Shiro’s a tactile person for whom touch matters a great deal. With permission, he’s hugged Keith dozens of times, and he occasionally messes up the younger man’s already-unruly hair. He’s also been an absolute gentleman about Keith’s limits.
So, really, at this point it’s in Keith’s court. “I don’t know, exactly.”
“Is there anything you could share? That might help. You don’t have to, obviously.” Shiro hesitates, staring down his drink like it might wander off otherwise.
Keith searches for words for a full minute, composing himself. He’s not afraid of disappointment, but this is a gray area he’s walking into blindly. Softly, he says, “It’s not so much off limits as I don’t respond like a normal person might. I have preferences, but they don’t involve other people.”
“You definitely weren't comfortable when I kissed you,” Shiro points out.
“Most people I’ve been with don’t stop at kisses. Haven’t stopped, before. I shouldn’t have included you in that statistic, but I didn’t know.” Keith frowns into his coffee. “I’m sorry about that.”
Shiro reaches out and puts a large hand over Keith’s. They sit together like this for another minute. “Don’t be. I know a thing or two about unwanted expectations. I’d like to kiss you again sometime, if you don’t mind.”
“I could be OK with that,” Keith murmurs. “I don’t know.”
“We can always find out, on your terms. I don’t want to push you, and I don’t want to assume anything, but it’s on the table. Whatever you want.”
The mechanic nods, resolves to open up about his needs someday soon. “All right.”
“Good. Now, how about we go grab the princess and then get started on this weekend adventure?”
A week later, Pidge gets ahold of Keith.
It’s snowing again after a few days of mild weather, and Kolivan’s closed early to avoid rush hour traffic. So, he’s at home on his computer, pondering birthday presents for Shiro. He’s excited about the prospect of spending time with the man and getting him something nice.
“Hey,” she says a little too seriously when Keith picks up the phone.
“What’s up?”
“Trouble, maybe. Remember that guy you asked about?”
Keith hums in answer. “Curtis, yeah. What about him?”
“According to some recently submitted legal docs, he’s trying to file for custody of a little kid named Kairi. I don’t have all the deets, but you told me to monitor him and this came up today. I thought I’d pass it along. Also, the boss wants to know if you’re up for doing a run in the near future.”
The news about Curtis makes Keith unreasonably angry, and he doesn’t have an opinion about the latter. “Tell the boss I don’t know, and they can kiss my ass.”
Pidge rolls her eyes. “It’s a package delivery, completely legal and legit and fucking insured. It’s safe even by your exacting standards, except obviously it needs added security.”
“Anyone can do those.”
“Not this one.” Keith hears Pidge typing away in the background. “They’re pulling in Hunk and Lance for it. Me, too, in a coordination capacity.”
“Huh.” Keith looks over at his computer. He could use a distraction. “Send me the details, and we’ll see if we can make a good presentation for the boss.”
“Thanks, Akira. I always feel better when you’re there.” Pidge sounds genuine, and that scares Keith more than anything.
“Bye, Pidge.”
He stands up and stretches the kinks in his neck. A wave of excitement settles in his gut at the prospect of real work, the kind that leaves him high with adrenaline. It’s been a few months since the last engagement, and while money isn’t a problem, Keith loves the rush that comes from what he does. 
He doesn’t have to lie to Shiro about it, either — deliveries constitute a large chunk of the agency’s business and they’re easy enough to explain. Delivering precious goods makes sense to most people.
The bit about Curtis warrants a conversation with Shiro, so he grabs his keys and heads downstairs. He can pick the older man up after work and discuss logistics on their way home.
If you're interested in reading more, click on the Professional tag.
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anthonybialy · 1 year
Lessons Unlearned
The cruelty of checking results hurts the feelings of Democrats who are trying to make everything free.  You weren’t supposed to notice.  Perhaps another magical payment for doing nothing will change your mind.  It just needs to arrive before prices rise between grabbing a cart and reaching the checkout.
It’s hard not to perceive how bad present political notions are going even if you hate politics.  Minimizing endless irritations is the only legitimate reason to care.  Dim goons who impose the manifestation of themselves via executive diktat are why everyone else must involve themselves in toxic civics.
Paying attention means never getting to enjoy awe.  Be filled with wonder by never learning.  Democrats are shocked that what they think turned out awfully.  Knowing what peril was about to be inflicted would require realizing their policies couldn't be designed to spread more aching.  Inflation can’t be that bad if there’s still paper to print checks.
Shoplifters pointing out who stuffed packaged steaks down their trousers are surely not creating distractions.  Enabling thieves is either the goal or inadvertent result of Democratic rule.  Your level of cynicism doesn’t affect how the few things in stock are getting stolen.
Feeling bad for criminals makes it tough to stop them.  It’s too bad nobody can sell sob stories about needing to rip off stores and raise prices for those who obey rules by claiming they’re not to feed their families without what they yoink.
The only way to make excuses for thievery worse is to note that those responsible made others poor in the first place.  Liberalism causes misery it then exacerbates.  The spiral heads the wrong way.  There’s no possible solution like letting buyers and sellers negotiate while punishing violators: we must send out checks until everyone is wealthy and look away from stealing until then.
Take away police and crime rises.  Next, it’s time to learn how ice cream cake for breakfast may provide you with too many calories and not enough vitamins.  Keeping criminals on the honor system doesn’t create as much tranquility as projected.  It turns out the world has bad people who don’t care for obeying standards that are legally binding.  Contrived ineptness is the theme of politics in the 2020s unless chaos was the goal all along.  If criminals are thriving by design, then the municipal environment has been well done in its way.
It’s unsurprising that those who steal from the economy have excuses for criminals.  Government makes everything free.  All faith takes is pretending the capacity to make money is as boundless as the willingness of the successful to get indefinitely bilked.  Nothing’s more costly than an asterisk.  This remedial White House will never grasp what incentives are even as they inflict the wrong kind.
We inhabit a globe as dangerous as American cities have become.  There’s nowhere to hide, which offers relief in its way.  Life gets hard when we’re saddled with a president who’s soft internationally.  You might think progressive Teddy Roosevelt would inspire the incumbent with big stick talk.  But he was an icky Republican, which is why his advice has been discarded.
The urge to be tougher than anyone who might cause trouble is not a mere endorsement of might in a moral vacuum.  The astute can avoid lunkheaded Trump-style ersatz strength for the same reason it’s wise to remain unimpressed with gaudy wealth displays.  Righteousness paired with the ability to challenge scumbags pre-empts a great deal of disarray.  The very ability to back up a threat keeps potential scoundrels in line.  Next, we’ll review why lower taxes increase revenue as people work harder.
Everything uncannily turned within the past year or so.  Joe Biden has the worst luck if you ask him.  Why did life get so wretched just as he implemented his awesome ideas?  All this misfortune has prevented universal joy from taking hold.  Zeus must be a Ron DeSantis fan.
It’s too bad pointing fingers can’t create happiness.  Blame heartless conglomerates for reaping record profits as part of the enhanced commitment to demonizing success.  The nerve of receiving currency in exchange for providing items or services cannot be tolerated.
Corporations are so stupid that they waited to rip off.  The mystery of why capitalist tyrants waited until Biden became president to gouge should be investigated by the Justice Department.  Prices going up on every last thing for sale must indicate collusion, according to woke economists who think success must be a conspiracy.
The sudden uptick in the cost of everything is almost as bad as when government commandeers a sector.  I again blame corporate fat cats.  Record profits are qualified by how money is worth way less thanks to inflation, which also must be the fault of malicious conglomerates.
Everyone sadly direct results to experience in case those responsible somehow didn’t realize beforehand that they should worry about planning their own lives before trying to do so for everyone else.  Minding their own freaking business is an example the useful set that liberals never heed.  I thought Democrats were dedicated to empathy.
Commandeers of liberty don’t believe in cause and effect by rule.  Meddling concepts are supposed to be awesome, yet woe spreads in a way prosperity doesn’t.  It’s little wonder liberals are so keen on stifling dissent when doing so is the only hope for inflicting their ideology.  You stand in the way of communal glory with your antiauthoritarian questions.
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mcneilmcconnell3 · 2 years
Faux Gucci Belts Gg Belts And Gucci Belt Dupes
The bag ought to be a darkish brown colour with the double G logo printed everywhere in the surface of the bag, excluding the bottom of the bag’s interior. The greatest place to purchase a Gucci belt is thru Gucci’s web site because they have an inclination to supply the biggest choice. When I bought my belts, sizing options were limited so I ended up buying my first Gucci belt at Net-A-Porter, my second one at Nordstrom and my newest belt via Gucci’s website. All three retailers provided free delivery and returns and offered a Gucci mud bag so you actually get the identical expertise at any authorized Gucci vendor. Bloomingdale’s is the only site with the newly launched wide width tan color in stock proper now. She also reduced the number of items sold by Gucci from 22,000 to 7,000. She moved Gucci's headquarters again from Milan to Florence, where the history of Gucci is deeply rooted. Gucci launched a Rolls-Royce luggage set in 1970 and partnered with American Motors Corporation to create the Gucci version of the AMC Hornet . https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/fake-gucci-belt.html Gucci grew to become one of the first American cars to supply a special luxurious trim package deal created by a famous fashion designer. From 1978 to 1984 a Miami-based coachbuilder marketed a Gucci edition of the Cadillac Seville sedan . The belt comes with 5 holes, and the Gucci measurement is measured in centimeters to the center hole, but you can have extra holes added at your local leather-based store if the belt is too small or massive. Gucci will settle for returns solely within 30 days of purchase. So once you have inspected your belt and have decided to keep it, you won't be able to return it after 30 days even if you didn’t add any holes to it. I have critical doubt that Gucci will honor any returns after the 30 day time period due to defect. The belt comes with only 5 holes and the length in centimeters signifies the measurement from the tip of the buckle to about the third, or middle, gap. In October 2017, Gucci announced it will ban furs from its shops in 2018. In June 2018, the model launched 'Equilibrium', its platform to communicate on its social and environmental efforts and progress. In September 2019, Marco Bizzarri announced Gucci's intention to go entirely carbon neutral. You are paying for the prime quality that this designer model is thought for. Each stitch should be straight across and precisely the identical dimension as each different sew. I am one of the people who messaged you lately asking in regards to the belt. I am serious about getting one, but haven’t bit the bullet on it but. We all went a little gaga for the Gucci belt in 2018, and we’re showing no indicators of slowing down. With it’s elegant and simple design, you’re in a place to put on it with a plethora of outfits without it going out of style. If there's one accent that has had a powerful run the final few seasons, it has been the Gucci belt. The signature emblem and genuine black leather-based have been seen throughout our Instagram feed, however, it comes with a hefty price tag. Remember to contemplate your fashion, finances, and the authenticity of the belt before buying, and you’re positive to be glad together with your money’s price. wikipedia designer belt Given the hefty value of Gucci belts, knockoffs aren’t an unusual incidence – especially if you’re buying off secondhand websites. Of course, to stop fraud, it’s finest to stay to official retailers. The house has been making belts since its founding in 1921, back when it was principally only a luxurious model for bougie, equestrian sorts. At that time, the quintessential Gucci belt of the time was inspired by horsebits, a mode they’re still producing. In February 2019, Gucci removed a black balaclava sweater with a rollup collar and a cut-out red-lipped mouth from its shelves after it had been compared to a blackface costume. Alessandro Michele responded that his inspiration got here from the flamboyant Leigh Bowery but apologized for the means in which it had been interpreted. In May 2019, the Sikhs community in India criticized Gucci's cultural appropriation of a spiritual item when the Italian model commercialized turbans at $800 apiece. In July 2019, Gucci appointed a Global Head of Diversity to address the brand's newest issues with cultural variety. In 2013, Gucci cracked down on one hundred fifty five domains used by counterfeiters to promote faux Gucci products. In 2015, Gucci's father or mother firm Kering sued the Chinese web site Alibaba for itemizing a lot of "obviously pretend Gucci merchandise" on its website. In April 2017, Gucci won a lawsuit in opposition to 89 Chinese web sites selling pretend Gucci products. In December 2019, Gucci sued three dozen web sites promoting faux Gucci products. The video has acquired more than 1.7 million views in two days.
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