#they’re aurors duh
breadcat-xx · 8 months
CW: mentions and slight descriptions of injuries
When Harry awakes, he’s not spooked by the soft beeping sounds or even how heavy his body feels. He doesn’t need to open his eyes to know exactly where he is. The sharp, clean scent, the feeling of freshly washed linen against his skin. St. Mungos is just one of these places he instantly recognises. Maybe that ought to worry him.
When he finally does open his eyes, he notices a blurry silhouette in the corner of the room. Someone must’ve taken his glasses, because he can’t see anything in detail. Luckily, he doesn’t really need them to figure out who is keeping him company; the bright blonde hair gives it away.
“You’re an idiot.”
Harry would chuckle if his face didn’t hurt so damn much. Leave it to Malfoy to speak his mind. It’s quite refreshing. Harry has come to appreciate his brutal honesty. He doesn’t like being coddled anyway.
“Good morning to you too.” Harry croaks. Merlin, everything hurts. He groans and carefully lifts a hand to run it over his face. He’s battered and bruised, once again.
Malfoy sighs, and before Harry can figure out what exactly he’s up to, his glasses land on his face. Harry squints as his eyes adjust. The first thing he sees is Malfoy’s grey-blue gaze peering back at him. And then the scratches and bruises on his face. His eyes widen.
“You’re hurt.”
Malfoy’s face does something complicated then. His brows twitch and his lips press into a firm line.
“Please tell me you didn’t just say that.” He hisses after a beat of silence. “Are you taking the piss, Potter?”
Harry belatedly realises he might’ve made a mistake.
“Yes, I fell on my face and I’ve got a few bruises.” Malfoy snaps. “You, on the other hand, were catapulted seven meters into the air and landed on the pavement with a, dare I say, sickening crunch.”
He grimaces at the rather appalling description.
“Because of this, I had to floo your dads and explain to them that their son has, once again, put his life at stake for the greater good. The only reason why they’re not here hovering over your bed as well is because you’re not allowed any visitors yet.”
Harry frowns at that.
“What are you doing here then?”
“I bribed one of the mediwitches.”
“How very Slytherin of you, Malfoy.”
Harry hopes to get a laugh out of him, but fails. Honestly, Malfoy looks pretty upset. He sighs and runs his hands over his face, appearing absolutely exhausted.
“For a second, I truly thought you were dead.” He informs him simultaneously. “I saw you fall, Potter. Your limbs were twisted in all the wrong ways and your nose bled and—”
He stops himself, takes a deep breath.
Harry’s ended up at St. Mungos a dozen times by now. The fact that Malfoy reacts the way he does must mean he fucked up pretty badly. He can’t quite remember the last time he saw him get this emotional.
Before he can stop himself, he’s reaching for his hand, even though it hurts like hell. Malfoy freezes but doesn’t pull away.
“I’m sorry, Draco.” He says and means it. “I never intended to scare you like that… I’m fine, I promise.”
Malfoy’s eyes soften for an instant, and Harry would swear his grip tightens around his hand. But then the moment passes, and Malfoy’s expression becomes impassive again.
“You don’t look fine.”
Harry smiles. “When do I ever?”
Draco tries hard to suppress a small smile, but this time he’s the one who fails.
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 4 months
Spare some lore about Selina and Sting Sharp and their parents? It’s been a stupid 2 days at work and I think they’re so cute 😭. That sketch you did of them all made me so happy!
If not no worries! Just wanted to drop in and say your OCs always pique my interest!
OHHH I feel so honored <3 I'd love to answer <3
Spoiler free (I still haven't finished writing my fics)
Sharp Sisters
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Lets's start from the oldest- "Sting".
She's about 6 in the drawing. Adventurous, curious, pretty mischievous, and very brave... Also getting into trouble a lot. A LOT.
Both of her parents work at Hogwarts, so she spent her childhood in the castle (when possible), sleeping in her parents' chamber or at her Muggle and magical grandparents' house.
She got sorted into Hufflepuff and immediately fell in love with Quidditch, becoming the youngest beater on the team. That's where her nickname came from - dressed in Hufflepuff black and yellow colors, flying recklessly and incredibly fast, giving hard blows to opponents, she looked like a dangerous little bee.
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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She spends lots of time in detentions at Hogwarts due to the crazy ideas she comes up with (that make her parents roll their eyes and just say "ugh, again"; they've become so done with it, they just don't care anymore, and the only thing they ask is: "Is she bleeding? No? Oh, well, just take as many points from her as possible."). She's a free spirit who doesn't like being closed in between walls and loves to explore the world on her own, unlike her younger sister, who prefers to study in the library.
Her relationship with her sister is very profound, and even though they are like fire and water and sometimes disagree, they love each other unconditionally. Sting spends lots of time with Selina and gives her support. She deeply worries about her little sister's timid nature and gets into fights each time someone calls little Sharp "a weirdo".
Her relationship with her parents is pretty complicated. It was really wonderful until her 6th year at Hogwarts when she decided to become an Auror despite her... well... certain health issues. Aesop argued with her many times, trying to convince her to find a less dangerous job, but she already set her mind and was too stubborn. It is said that Sting was the only person Aesop ever raised his voice at, too scared of her being injured just like him, or even worse. But, as a rebellious 17-year-old, she did what she wanted to do, ignoring her father's plead. Her mother, Morana, was more optimistic about her life choices (Sting was a Sharp for Merlin's sake!) and convinced Aesop to train her as best as he and her could, preparing Sting for the worst.
She became an Auror, one of the best in history, duh! If you were a criminal and somebody had spilled the tea that Sting Sharp is investigating your case, well, better head to Nepal and intend to live as a goat... But! She didn't like this job at all. Ministry's orders, things against her moral compass she was told to do frustrated her, and after a few years, she quit. Waiting for Aesop's retirement, she took many part-time jobs, also helped her godmother Poppy to catch poachers, and when her dad was finally retired, they both opened a private detective office, also working with Morana and Selina.
Lesbian, she married a long-time girlfriend of hers, had no kids.
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The youngest Sharp- Selene (sometimes written as Selina, more Slavic version of that name, as she is half British half Slovakian)
This little grumpy pumpkin, about 1 in the drawing, was literally born at Hogwarts and spent her time close to her parents. Sometimes with daddy: sitting on his desk, incredibly interested in classes, lulled to sleep by his lectures, or playing with vials (unbreakable) filled with glitter and colorful water. Sometimes with mummy: sleeping in a scarf wrapped around her body during her lectures. Sometimes with her many teacher aunts and uncles, who loved to take her to their classes (especially Ronen and Garlick).
Her interest in potions was obvious from the beginning, but soon Aesop discovered that, in her case, there was a thin line between genius and obsession, and she preferred to experiment rather than play with her peers. Only her older sister seemed to understand her and accept that Selina is a bit different than other kids her age: always gloomy and avoiding anyone's company. She stood out from the crowd also thanks to her dad's tall genes, his grumpy and dreamy nature and, well, his look in general, along with dark eyes and hair, crooked teeth, big nose. She was never considered "pretty", often being compared to her father. Other kids giving her unpleasant comments like "I wouldn't date old Sharp's lookalike".
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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Other kids hated the fact that she's two teachers' daughter (and other teachers are her aunts and uncles) and bullied her a lot, calling her "a weirdo" or "a teacher's favorite" (Sting, ironically, never had that problem). Her parents and sister tried their best to make amends with anyone who dared to hurt Selina, but she felt sad and lonely anyway. She was often found hidden somewhere behind dad's cauldrons in his class, crying. Her situation was breaking Sharps' hearts, and they came up with an idea to sign her up for an internship at Parry Pippin's shop during her 3rd year. That was a jackpot; Selina made friends with adult potioneers, no longer feeling alone, and her talents began to thrive. After Pippin's death, she, not his children, became the shop's owner and one of the best healers in Europe, working occasionally at St. Mungo's or giving lectures at Hogwarts when Aesop was not feeling well.
Her relationship with her sister is stronger than diamond. She supports the sometimes annoyingly talkative and loud Sting and is always ready to help her. Their hearts were both broken when Selina got sorted into Slytherin, away from the older Sharp.
She's a daddy's daughter, and, no matter how much she loves her mum, it's Aesop she runs to first and clings to his jacket. She preferred to spend time with him as he was quieter and calmer than Morana, who loved wild adventures, that, on the other hand, Sting preferred more. Morana sometimes felt guilty that she couldn't approach her youngest daughter as well as Aesop, but she found out that they both enjoy slow hikes and exploring the calm Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. Selina anticipated those even few weeks long lonely trips with her mother.
She met her husband in Pippin's shop (Selina and Aesop both found a cure for his quite rare sickness), Garreth Weasley's son, who later took Sharp's surname. They had a beautiful red-headed son - Aesop Sharp Junior.
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I hope you enjoed this little spoiler free backstory of my characters <3
It was hard to find a NPC mix of Morana&Aesop but this one is the best option:
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Sad dark eyes, dark brown hair, high cheek bones, bushy arched brows, big nose, upper lip shape- Aesop
Tanned skin tone, 10K freckles, round face- Morana
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hp-hcs · 2 months
Not really a request but holy crap your nb blaise fic was absolutely amazing hell yeah ill integrate that into my belief system. Do you have any other hcs about that bc it's super cool
(more) nonbinary! blaise zabini headcanons — a (sort of) part two to my fic uniforms
there’s a lot, so i’ve divided them up into sections and subsections
also i’m tired and it’s late if there are any typos shhh no there aren’t
~ 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 ~
they’re better at makeup than you, hands down
isn’t blaise like canonically (aka, the actor) 6’3”? well anyways, they wear heels. they don’t need them, but they own six inch stilettos and won’t miss a step. absolutely strutting on the moving stairs while everyone watches like “how the fuck—”
(if you ask why they wear them, their answer will always be “so i can step on men, duh”)
~ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 ~
• mrs. zabini •
their mom is hella supportive!!!
one of her definitely-not-murdered ex-husbands mysteriously went missing after making some joke at blaise’s expense
no, mr. auror, i haven’t a clue how my husband ended up at the bottom of the black lake with the word ‘transphobe’ magically carved into his forehead what that’s crazy
• slytherin squad™️ •
draco: shouts “i knew it!!!!” and runs off to go get his money from whoever he bet against
theo: could not give less of a fuck. i kinda hc theo as being fluid or at least apathetic to their own gender, so it’s all love & support over here!!
mattheo: needs it explained a couple times, but once he gets it, he never messes up their pronouns and will fight any bitch who does
pansy: absolute queen. she will d r a g them to diagon alley to go shopping with her and will buy them their first personal makeup palette. we stan.
enzo: already knew. knew like, two years ago. when they come out, he’s just like, “oh!! i’m so happy you finally figured it out!! i’ve been waiting for you to say something for ages!!!!”
• adults •
dumbledick: completely ignores their pronouns bc all slytherins are evil and he’s definitely not biased or anything
snape: is an asshole about it.
voldemort: would be like 🧍‍♂️“ok but ur still one of my death eaters right?”
narcissa: does that one fake polite smile and nod that every white mom is capable of. “how lovely, dear.”
bellatrix: man, bitch is crazy. who even knows
tonks: AGGRESSIVELY supportive
• golden trio (& co.) •
harry: gets into an argument with the slytherins and calls blaise “he”. draco’s ready to beat his ass, but blaise just calmly explains their gender identity and harry apologizes, then goes back to arguing with them, ✨respectfully✨.
ron: (what no i’m definitely not a blairon shipper shut up) immediately switches to strictly gender-neutral language and goes out of his way to ask them what terms/compliments/etc they’re comfortable being called.
hermione: hot take! i hc her as a closeted lesbian with internalized homophobia, and i think she’d try to make an argument about “bUt ThEy iS pLuRaL”.
neville: cutie pie!! he just nods and is like “okay! 🥹🌱”
ginny: doesn’t give a fuck. blaise is on the slytherin quidditch team, and damn if you think she isn’t going to do everything in her power to continue trying to beat them
luna: sagely nods like it was obvious. “oh, the nargles already told me.”
comments are always appreciated!! the author thrives off encouragement, like a toddler being given a gold star sticker!!!
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fuck it [shoves my dreams of traveling the world onto kat]
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lovely-keii · 4 years
From Us - Tendou Satori
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 From Us Masterlist
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“Welcome to From Us! A show where two past lovers come together and answer a series of questions! What happens when a pair of people who might still harbor feelings for each other come together?”
“You’re watching From Us! We apologize for the delay because the production seems to be taking longer than expected. As usual, this is your host Viv! Today I am accompanied by Tendou Satori, who gave me a box of chocolates, and Y/N L/N who gave me a teddy bear. I think they’re trying to one up each other with the gifts. Am I even allowed to get gifts? BOSS, HEY BOSS?”
Tendou: I’m Tendou SA-TO-RI!
Y/N: I’m Y/N L/N!
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[How did you two meet?]
Y/N: I got into a fight with my friend with my friend.
Tendou: I saw her crying and so I went over to check up on her.
Y/N: At first I was a little scared because he was a stranger and all, but I could tell he had no bad intentions. So I kinda ranted a little to him. And then out of pure coincidence, I had to move to Shiratorizawa and that’s how we got close.
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[How did you two know you loved each other?]
Y/N: When I was in Shiratorizawa, he would keep me company and hang out with me. At one point, I just knew.
Tendou: I told her about how when I was a kid, I got bullied and stuff like that. Then she looked at me and told me, “I don’t think you’re a monster.”
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[How did the first kiss happen?]
Tendou: It happened after we started dating. I was feeling down and she came over to me and gave me a little kiss.
Y/N: <smiles>
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[How did you two start dating?]
Y/N: I’m not even sure how I did it.
Tendou: She just came up to me and told me.
Y/N: Usually, I would never.
Tendou: Then I told her I liked her back.
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-in a separate room by yourself-
[What is one thing you never got to tell him?]
Y/N: That he means the world to me because he does. He means everything to me.
[Why did you date him?]
Y/N: He was there for me when I was down and he was there when I was happy. He was with me whenever I needed him and it’s love like that, that I think everyone needs in their life.
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-in a separate room by himself-
[What is one thing you never got to tell her?]
Tendou: That she helped me through so much things. I’m a lot less insecure because of her and she should know that.
[Why did you date her?]
Tendou: She didn’t see me as a monster. In fact, she told me she saw me as the most amazing person in the world.
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[What’s something the both of you always did, just the two of you?]
Tendou: We would go to this playground and we would just spend the whole day there.
Y/N: I’m friends with some of the moms.
Tendou: A kid once bit me.
Y/N: His mom gave us cookies though.
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[What’s your favorite memory with them?]
Tendou: She once dragged me around the school because she lost a pen.
Y/N: Why is that your favorite?
Tendou: I don’t know.
Y/N: Surprisingly, that’s also my favorite.
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[The thing you loved the most about them?]
Y/N: He could cheer me up and he made me super happy.
Tendou: She saw me as a person. She didn’t see the monster that others did.
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[The thing you hated the most about them?]
Y/N: He keeps putting himself down.
Tendou: She sometimes keeps overworking herself.
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[How did you feel about each other before this?]
Tendou: I was actually really nervous.
Y/N: I was too. I mean it was a bit okay because it’s Tendou y’know.
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[How do you feel now?]
Y/N: Nice to get a lot of that off of my chest.
Tendou: It was really great to see her again.
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[How were fights like?]
Tendou: We would just argue.
Y/N: It would get loud sometimes but for the most part, it was fine.
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[How did you break up?]
Tendou: We both needed to prioritize our work so we broke up.
Y/N: It was a mutual agreement between us.
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[Are you willing to try again?]
Y/N: Yes.
Tendou: Duh
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“It’s been two months since I’ve seen the two of them! Time to check on Y/N and Tendou!”
[How are you guys?]
Tendou: <screaming>
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Taglist: [Closed]
@honeyr4ven​  @piershoesz​  @strawberry-mentos-dreams​ @hq-girl-next-door​ @nachotrash​ @erinoikawa​ @floofi-mochich1 @auror-lovie​ @crayonwriting​ @tchalameme​ @yatoatyourservice​ @cherry-cake-pies​ @crapimahuman​ @peteunderoos​ @xxsilverwingxx​​
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doodleybugg · 3 years
✨ Wolfstar Ask Game!✨
When did you get into wolfstar and why?: i read the books and just immediately got hooked, and when the movies came out AAAAA
Which wolfstar fic hooked you?: atyd (i’m boring)
Top three favorite wolfstar fics: atyd, utb, and hmmmm maybe mdmn
Why can’t you quit them?: ughh they’re too cute :(((
Would you rather be friends with Sirius or Remus?: i caN’T PICK!!!! ughghg both? is both an option??
Who breaks your heart more often?: oh this is harder than i thought it’d be omg
Ideal career for Remus? For Sirius?: for Remus i always loved him as a teacher, it’s just something he really excelled at. hmm Sirius would definitley do something risky, something Remus would hate so maybe an auror??
Sirius and Remus are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each are allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring?: hmmmm
Sirius: pack of cards, maybe a lighter, and ofc ofc a huGE blanket for some remus snugglesssss
Remus: a book (duh), a knife or something, and hmmmm a pack of cigs and he’d borrow sirius’ lighter
Favorite non-wolfstar HP character?: jamesie ughghg
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?: friends to lovers would be more of a better pick for me, i HATE having enemies, but i see the appeal to both
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry?: cry, all the way
Five songs that scream wolfstar to you (feel free to include the wolfstar-est lyrics!): 
1. i think you’re really cool by guardin (come home, let’s synchronize // my soft lips caress your thighs // you get me so fucking high // the voices in my head collide) okay but imagine this but it’s remus pining over sirius while he’s in azkaban even though he knows he shouldn’t cuz all that he’s aware is that sirius killed all his friends, but some part deep down knows sirius is incapable of that and keeps their love burning
2. mostly dead by joseph dubay (i hate the way he talks to you // so overconfident, going bald by thirty two // oh, what a ‘manly man’ // he’s so above the law // well, i’ll paint my nails // and i’ll break his jaw) sirius when remus was with grant = these lyrics
3. pinkish by gerard way (now i could’ve been // washed away // rescue me, mother // fragile and holding my hand // accidents grades // marks that we left on each other // pinkish in color again) idk how to explain but YES
4. astonomy by conan gray (we've traveled the seas // we've ridden the stars // we've seen everything // from Saturn to Mars // ss much as it seems // like you own my heart // it's astronomy // we're two worlds apart) sirius’ pov from in azkaban :ccc also he’s named after a constellation ofc
5. daddy issues (remix) by the neighborhood and syd (but when you told me the whole story, i felt like throwing up // i could see it on your face, it was rough // left a bad taste on your tongue // and she didn't even take any drugs // she would rain all day, couldn't wait for her sun to shine // and you made it shine // there when she cried, you saved her life) sirius = daddy issues, remus = daddy solution
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 12
Mass Panic immediately ensued following the texts.
Rose couldn’t help but tear up at the thought that she won't be wearing the beautiful new dress she designed with Marinette. Alya was panicking because she knew how much Marinette's MDC dresses cost. Yes, she stalked her website, but only to trash talk it with Lila, Lila even told her how some of those designs were her idea and Marinette stole them.  
Adrien decided to try and call his ex-classmates but was shocked to find that he was blocked . He decided to try calling Marinette but was even more shocked to find that the line was disconnected.
Alya finally had enough of the chaos and decided to try and get control of the room again. She blew a shrill whistle “EVERYONE QUIET, Look we lost only a few people, most of them bullies, we don't  need them together we can handle this”
No one would admit the queasy feeling they got at the pit of there stomachs. They knew Marinette might've been a bully but she was an excellent president.
Gotham Airfield                                                                                          Gotham City, U.S.A                                                                                            7 a.m
Marinette stirred and was shocked to find that her parents were up and getting there carry on luggage. Quickly glancing out her window she was shocked to find that they  Landed in Gotham. Eep. Quickly gathering her art supplies she followed her parents down the steps.
Suddenly she heard a squeal “Oh my gosh she’s so adorablleeeee,  Bruce are you sure this is your kid?”, she looked up to see a blonde girl jumping up and down while clinging to another boys arm.
Mr.Wayne seemed to have a look of eternal suffering etched on his face. “Yes Stephanie I'm sure, How’d you even know we were going to be here ?”
“Tim told me” The guy she was clinging to slightly grimaced while side-eyeing Mr.Wayne who was giving him a glare.
“Of course”
‘MARIBUGGGG” Dick quickly ran towards the steps and scooped her up and twirled Marinette around. Marinette couldn’t help but clutch to her supplies for fear of dropping them while giggling.
“Hi Dick,really happy to finally be here” She hugged him back, while he put her back down. Suddenly Dick was abruptly shoved away
“My Turn” Suddenly Marinette was engulfed in by a blonde tornado.
“Steph you’re suffocating her let her goooo”  The guy Tim said as he was approaching them.
“But shes to adoranble~” the blonde said, still holding Marinette captive. Why was it always the Blondes who tried to kill her?
Oblivious to her plight her parents went on ahead and greeted Bruce and Dick who had to stumble back to Bruce's side after being viciously shoved.
“Bruce I want to say a huge thank you, We can’t wait to get Marinette situated and head back to Paris,” Sabine said making sure to quickly shake his hand and giving Dick a quick hug.
“Ha, I swear all three of us eventually dozed off on the flight,” Tom said while moving to do the same.
After a few more seconds Stephanie finally released Marinette.  
“Oh gosh, you’re too adorable for words~ My name is Steph” Wait did Bruce have a second daughter? Marinette thought he only had one other daughter, Cassandra?
“Are you another one of Bruce's kids?”
“What!? Oh gosh,you’ve only been here for a few minutes and you already recognize that Bruce has an adopting problem, pfft luckily I am not one of those poor suckers. I am just here to eternally annoy them plus I’m besties with Cass, Bruce’s other daughter” Stephanie explained.
She quickly pulled Tim towards them. “This is one of those poor suckers, Marinette this is Tim Drake, He’s constantly sleep-deprived and suffers from severe caffeine addiction”
“It's not severe”
Marinette couldn’t help but snort. Being a Fashion designer/superhero/ highschooler, Marinette has learned how to make a dang good pot of coffee. Also how to tell if she’s hallucinating or not from lack of sleep. Seriously there was this one incident where she was seeing hamsters take over the school's library, there was also that one time where she saw a mob of pigeons chase a man, but that turned out to be pigeon man who got akumatized again.
“A fellow addict, nice to meet you,” Marinette said.
Stephanie suddenly started looking at two before seemingly coming to a startling revelation
“ OH GOD, THERE'S TWO COFFEE ADDICTS NOW!!!” She yelped. She suddenly scurried away in a desperate attempt to call Alfred and warn him about the new incoming addict.
Dick glanced down and noticed that Marinette dropped a few of her pens and markers. He knelt to pick them up quickly he handed them to Marinette.
“You like to draw?” He asked giving her another quick hug
“Yeppers I mainly focus on designing outfits and  making  them as well, where’d you think your jackets came from?”
“ No way, I thought you bought them!!! I love mines and I know for a fact Bruce loves his.”
“Well yeah I make a lot of my clothes, I have a website where I sell some of the clothing, I also do commissions” suddenly Dick was once again shoved away.
“MDC!!” Tim exclaimed
Marinette jumped back a few steps before suddenly realizing that he was a fan.  
“M.D.C are your initials, I knew I recognized the Jacket from somewhere”
“Yep based off another Jacket I sold on My website, except some of the detailing is different”
“You’ve gotten recognition from Audrey Bourgeois and Gabriel Agreste,” Tim gawked. Dick was busy grumbling complaints “What is it with you two and shoving me”.
Marinette quickly went over to help him up. She quickly got one of her suitcases and opened it up pulling out a few articles of clothing. Quickly she handed Tim his jacket, and since she wasn't aware of Stephanie's existence she settled with Handing her a Trench Coat since it was cold.
Stephanie immediately shed her current coat and shoved it at Tim to hold. She put on the trenchcoat and admired the embroidered birds around the sleeves.
“Oh my gosh, you have such a good eye”
Stephanie immediately shed her current coat and shoved it at Tim to hold. She put on the trenchcoat and admired the embroidered birds around the sleeves.
“Well duh kinda necessary” Marinette teased
“Wait you didn’t bring any of your supplies?” Dick responded, noticing that Marinette didn’t bring Big enough suitcases to carry some of the bigger sewings and designing supplies.
“Well, we had to kinda leave in a rush so…. I didn't have enough time to pack some of the bigger supplies”
“I have an idea! We can go around Gotham and buy some of the supplies!” Dick suggested.
“Maybe on the weekend Dick, We gotta take her to the manor and let her and the Dupain-Chengs meet the rest of the family,” Bruce noted joining them. Honestly, though Bruce was more worried about a certain butler ripping him a new one for taking so long to introduce him to his newest granddaughter.
College Francis Dupont                                                                            Paris, France                                                                                                  8:30 a.m
People walking into Bustiers Class couldn’t help but be disconcerted at all the empty seats the next day. They all decided to sit on the right, some glancing at the empty seats on the left.
Lila finally walked in and with the flip of her hair, she strolled straight and made sure to take a seat next to Alya. Right in Marinette's old seat. It was odd seeing someone else sit there. Eventually Madame Bustier walked in and only took a momentary pause upon seeing the small class size.
Adrien slowly walked in and lightly jumped at the new class size. He took his usual seat next to Nino. However, it wasn’t too long before he felt a tap on his shoulder. Both he and Nino turned to face Alya and Lila.
“Hey, Adrien you mind switching seats with me? I wanna sit to Nino” Alya announced. Adrien, however, didn't miss Nino’s slight grimace. However, Lilas's look of pure hopefulness was the thing that made Adrien slightly grimace as well.
Regardless of how Adrien felt he knew he had to say yes.
Meanwhile in Mendelievs….
“I call dibs on sitting next to Kagami!!!” Chloe loudly exclaimed and made a mad dash towards the empty seat next to Kagami.
Nathaniel immediately moved to sit next to Marc. Sabrina sat next to Juleka. Ivan decided to sit next to Max. At first, it was a slight adjustment getting used to Mendelievs class, she taught and had control over her class. No way was she going to permit and outburst or arguments when she taught. However, she did permit them to talk whenever she was done teaching.
“Marinette just quit ?” Probed Aurore. She was furious at the fact that Marinette was essentially driven to quitting.
“Yup” Chloe responded popping the p, “But now she’s staying with Family in Gotham for a bit, she even texted to mention how she might transfer schools and stay in the states”
“B-but sweet Marinette in Gotham, don’t they have like a gajillion crazy villains? At least the Akumas’ damage in Paris can be reversed and they're only temporary” Aurore mentioned
“Marinette is tough, plus she’ll be away from this crazy school” Nathaniel offered while finishing up a sketch for his and Marcs’ comic
“Plus Marinette said she’ll call us once she’s comfy and everything” Chloe finished.
“Poor Marinette”
Wayne Manor                                                                                                Gotham City, USA                                                                                          9:00 a.m
Marinette knew Mr.Wayne was rich but holy cow, he makes both the Agreste and Bourgeious fortune look like pennies. She never understood how rich he was.Seriously he has a fleet of luxury vehicles in his garage. The inside of the manor looks photo-ready, AND all of his kids have gone to a 30k a year school. Thank God she was going to a Normal School.
Mr.Wayne made sure to take Maman and Papa to a luxury hotel suite to get them settled before bringing them back to the Manor. She quickly said goodbye and gave them big kisses on their cheeks.
Marinette was occupied still gaping at the giant Chandelier when suddenly she was face-to-face with two teenagers.
Dick immediately noticed that there was an awkward staring contest going on and moved in to ease the awkwardness.
“Marinette this is Cassandra shes the fourth oldest,” Dick said while introducing the two. Marinette was occupied gaping at Cassandra. She was so pretty. Cassandra took a quick step forward before quickly putting her hand on Marinette's shoulder.
“Cass” She gently chided.
Marinette only slightly stumbled before yanking out a sweater from her duffle bag and practically shoving it at her. Sue her she was intimidated and impressed.
“Me?” Cass was surprised. She took the sweater but couldn’t help but hold it close to her. It was so soft. Marinette made it for her, and she didn’t know her!!! Cass couldn’t help the grin that was overtaking her face. She made sure to get closer to take a long glance at Marinette who was giving a cynical Jason his own sweater, along with gloves.  Nervous. jittery. uncomfortable.  
“Huh, you are most definitely too sweet for this family" Jason couldn't help but coo at the sight of the petite blue-eyed girl.
"I'm Jason Todd,  technically dead and black sheep of the family. Whenever you get tired or pissed at Bruce, trust me that is a guarantee, feel free to crash at my place.” He piped. While shrugging off his leather jacket and putting on his new turtleneck sweater. Holy crap was it soft.
Technically Dead? What in the world!? Are they choosing to ignore that!?  Marinette was so confused. Seriously first off Cass has the biggest grin on her face and seems to be studying Marinette, Jason Todd just admitted he’s still technically dead!? Are all siblings this confusing? She’ll have to ask Luka. Seeing as he seems to be the only one in their friend group who has a sibling.
Taking a glance around the entrance. Marinette noticed that she suddenly had older siblings and even a  younger one. One week was all it took. Marinette took a glance at Cass she mirrored her grin. She realized one thing.
And now she's a part of them. Crap.
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I hope that all of you lovely peeps are staying healthy and safe. Please enjoy todays chapter. Feel free to reblog and leave a note <3.
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Okay guys, here me out: Wicked AU
Basically imagine Lila just keeps lying and Marinette finally snaps, calling her out on her bullshit and everyone is pissed and Marinette is just like yeah fuck this, and leaves and Adrien tries to plead with her to apologize and basically it’s Defying Gravity with Marinette as Elphaba and Adrien as Glinda and it ends with Marinette choosing to do what’s best for herself and it was okay, let everyone think she’s wicked--at least she won’t be bowing down to anyone. 
So months pass and the school regards Marinette as a terrible person but she is still confident and proud. She laughs at the image that’s been given to her. No one goes near her or else it would be social suicide. 
Finally, Chloe is fed up and joins Marinette, Sabrina follows. Chloe knows Marinette is not a bully--she even is kind to her. Naturally, Chloe and Sabrina get shunned but ironically, they find Marinette’s company far more enjoyable than their other classmates and become overprotective of her against the class and Lila. 
In comes new student Felix, who sits in the back with Marinette, finding everyone in the class to be loud and annoying or trying to get into his space. Marinette is surprised, but offers him a sunny smile and lets him be. Felix finds her respect of his boundaries comforting. It isn’t long before Lila and the class, sans Adrien, try to convince Felix Marinette is wicked, but he doesn’t buy it. Marinette has been nothing but respectful towards him since he sat with her. 
Lila pulls something on him, maybe like steals something of his or vandalizes his bag, and tries to frame Marinette, who only faces him and says she didn’t do it, but she would do whatever it took to fix his bag. He sees honesty in her eyes and he doesn’t believe Marinette did it. He accuses Lila, noticing some clues that lead him to believe she was the one who vandalized his bag. Lila protests and puts up an act, but Felix doesn’t buy it, angry she did this and tried to frame Marinette. He tells off the class and says from what he’s seen, Marinette doesn’t do anything and doesn’t bother anyone so to him, they were the bullies and he doesn’t want to associate with bullies. They try to protest, citing that Marinette is a terrible person and Felix just says “I don’t care. You’re irrelevant. Get out of my sight.” 
He continues to sit with Marinette and they become closer and she invites him to sit with her, Chloe, and Sabrina. Chloe and Sabrina accept him, since they saw he was able to see through Lila’s lies and easily see Marinette wasn’t like that. They tell him Marinette has always been kind to them, even when they didn’t deserve it, so it was ridiculous to say that Marinette would vandalize his bag for no apparent reason. 
Marinette keeps her promise and sews up his bag, and Felix gets to spend some time with her at her house, finding it warm and soothing. Chloe and Sabrina often hang out there too. The four of them become a group. Marinette and Felix get closer, and Felix learns from her to not always be serious all the time. That sometimes life can be fun. She teaches him how to mellow out, but also respects his boundaries and interests. She listens to him, even when he’s grumpy, and offers him reassurances. Before Felix realizes it, he’s fallen for Marinette. Chloe notices, rolling her eyes, and calls him out. Felix gets defensive saying he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. 
“Well duh! Everyone falls for Marinette at some point! It’s happened to me already!” says Chloe scoffing, blushing. 
Soon Luka transfers to their school, worried about what he’s been hearing from Juleka. Marinette being evil? It was impossible to him. Seeing everyone shunning Marinette in action and seeing how she’s being treated immediately has him joining their group, very protective of Marinette from bullies. He won’t let anyone hurt his precious person. 
Eventually, Ladybug and Chat Noir fall out of balance. Adrien not sticking up for Marinette and ousting Lila riddles him with guilt, he often gets nightmares. He fights with himself, staying in denial. He was taking the high road--It was Marinette who chose not to get along with everyone. He didn’t force her to snap. Plagg has tried to get him to see his mistakes, but Adrien stays in denial. Eventually Plagg and the ring are taken from him, and Fu confronts him saying that he has failed his partner in her moment of need. Ladybug and Chat Noir need to be partners, and Adrien abandoned his partner. Adrien realizes that Marinette is Ladybug too late. He’s devastated. How could he do this to someone he claimed to be in love with? He is left alone to grieve for his loss. 
Next day he goes to the school and comes out with the truth. Lila is a liar. The class is shocked, horrified that Adrien apparently knew this whole time. Lila is quick to save herself, claiming that Adrien did something to her, and the others see that Adrien has been distant ever since Marinette has been shunned. They realize he has feelings for Marinette and deny he’s telling the truth. 
However, there are some who believe him, such as Kagami, who actually punches him when he tells the truth. She’s furious--Marinette was her first friend and Adrien lied, making it sound like Marinette was actually terrible and caused Kagami to stay away from her. She denounces Adrien and immediately sets forth to her class, telling them what she knew. Her class, containing Aurore and other kids, put to work to spread what they know to help Marinette. Marinette is shocked coming lunch time there’s a lot more people who want to sit with her. They apologize and tell her they’re going to fight for her. Kagami vows she will never let anyone steer her away from Marinette ever again. The girls cry together. 
Meanwhile, Felix finds Plagg’s box, and Plagg tells him he is now Chat Noir, as he has demonstrated loyalty to Ladybug. He figures out that Marinette is Ladybug, and he vows to be by her side on and off the battlefield. He goes to Marinette and confesses he now has the Cat Miraculous and knows she’s Ladybug. He tells her fiercely, embracing her tight “You’re never going to be alone again. I won’t ever let you suffer by yourself ever again. I swear it.” 
Eventually Chloe, Sabrina, Luka, Kagami, and a few others get their own Miraculous to join the fight against Hawkmoth. It doesn’t take them long to figure out who Ladybug is, and they love Marinette even more, also swearing loyalty to her. 
With Kagami’s class working towards denouncing Marinette’s previous image, students start getting smart, and soon Lila’s hold on them fades, and Lila is getting desperate. The school starts turning against each one of the classmates, and they are all angry and upset. Lila’s control over them is slipping, and they soon figure out that Lila has been indeed lying, Adrien was right, and they shunned their precious friend for months, claiming she was wicked and evil. They want blood. They end up getting akumatized and Hawkmoth has an army. Ladybug and the team defeat them, and they are left with regrets that they have hurt Marinette. They apologize to her, but she doesn’t forgive them. She actually thanks them because now she has actual friends that love and support her, and if they didn’t push her to her limits, she would’ve stayed depending on and loving people who didn’t return the favor. 
In the end, Adrien and Marinette have a talk, and Adrien reveals he knows she’s Ladybug and that he knows she will never forgive him, but he still loves her, and he’s going to spend every day making it up to her, and it’s okay she doesn’t love him back. Losing the ring made him realize he was being a child, and he needs to work on himself to be better. Marinette accepts his apology but doesn’t forgive him--maybe one day, she thinks, but not now. 
It ends with Marinette being happy with her new friends. Felix is beside her as always, and she eyes him fondly with a shy smile. He catches her look, giving her a smile. Everyone catches the exchange. 
“So I guess Felix is smitten now too, huh?” Luka speaks. Marinette squeaks while Felix gapes. Luka smiles “Nice to see you join the club.” 
“W-what?” Felix splutters. 
“Yes, liking Marinette is like a man breathing after all.” Kagami chimes in. Marinette’s face gets redder. 
“I don’t--”
“i told you, Felix. everyone eventually falls for Marinette sooner or later” Chloe flips some hair over her shoulder. 
“Oh, thank god. I thought I was the only one!” Sabrina confessed. Others sitting with them also chime in their own Marinette crushes and Marinette’s entire face is cherry red, and everyone coos at how adorable she is. 
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thebooki3h · 4 years
Harry Potter x Draco Idea
It’s years after the war. Harry is the DADA professor at Hogwarts. both to teach students because he loves it and to help students in ways that adults could not help him. He is head of the DADA club as well as the Wizarding world 101 club for those who grew up with muggles so they can better acclimate to the wizarding world. Hermione helped him set up that last one)
the DADA club is pretty self explanatory. harry teaches defense spells and those spells rank by skill not by year. he also teaches hand to hand defense because one day you many not have magic. (he emphasizes this part for the girls. he's been to the clubs and he hates how girls can be treated) he also emphasizes prevention. he talks about how to prevent another dark lord.
some days they don’t even practice defense they just talk about what bother them. those days can be sad. but their nice. ( that reminds him he should talk to Hermione about setting up mental health clinics muggles have those and his therapist has been very helpful)
Harry and ginny broke up shortly after the war because as much as they loved each other, they just weren’t right for one another. 
Ginny becomes a famous quidditch player
Hermione becomes a Wizard lawyer. so she can put laws in place that would help prevent another dark lord from rising 
she also has plans to tackle the treatment of magical creatures. (Dobby and lupin haunt her and visit her nightmares often) but there's only so much that one can do in a year and she does not want to repeat 3 year
She pushes for laws that protect children so no one has to go through what tom riddle or harry went through
she also moves for primary school for wizarding children so they get to socialize with others and learn about the muggle world and their science. 
Hermione becomes minister of magic and incorporates muggle ideas like foster care and child protective services into the wizarding world because after she saw how Harry she could never in good conscious let other children go through that
Ron started auror training and became an auror for a few years because it is what helped him cope with Freds death. But after all of the death eaters were given trials and sentenced, he retired from the force and partnered with George to help expand the Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. 
He even opens up a partner store in the muggle world. (getting their toys and pranks to work without magic was tough but it really helped bond them together.) It’s what Fred would have wanted anyway.
and ron and Hermione are still together because the war made them closer and when they were apart 7th year it was awful, but they don't get married no matter how much Molly wants them to. they’re in their 20s and they still have time
Luna is a well respect reporter. The Quibbler is now the Wizarding worlds most trusted news source. (especially after Rita skeeter was arrested for defamation of character) (something Hermione presided over with pride)
she is also the only reporter that any of the students at Hogwarts in Harrys year will speak to. Most other student who attended the school while harry was there (especially after seeing what happened to him during 4th year) will only speak to her anyway. but it is not as hard a rule especially if they didn't really interact with harry.
Harry formally adopted Teddy when he was 6 years old. Teddy had been living with harry since he was 1 and a half because Andromeda couldn’t take care of him anymore. but he wanted Teddy to give him permission first.
Harry makes sure to tell Teddy all about his birth parents and about how much they loved him and about how much Harry love them.
the day Teddy called harry dad. harry most definitely did not cry in for an hour after teddy left for primary school
Teddy lives with harry in the castle during the school year. ( because where else would he live. all of the other professors lie in the castle. and harry may or may not be very paranoid about something happening to teddy, but that is something he talks about with his mind healer and not you so shut up)
Draco goes to school to become a potions master so he can work at St mungos and help people.
he still feels guilty about the war and about how he treated others during his Hogwarts years. he quickly learns that no one wants to be healed by him. he looks like his father more and more every year.
he hates that he has done all of those awful things. but he is making up for them! it takes the public awhile to see it but the glares aren’t as bad anymore.
but his fathers actions haunt him. and he wants to separate himself from his father as much as possible. so he does the unthinkable and dies his hair.
at first he uses spells but he finds the muggle way soothing.
he eventually gets a job at Hogwarts when he is 24 as the potions master. (bc let’s be honest Slughorn was a temporary solution at best he was NOT supposed to be at Hogwarts this long)
it is at this point where he meets teddy. Teddy roams the halls and visits classes from time to time. so long as he does not disturb any of the teachers that is
he gets excited when he sees a teacher with bright purple hair. (he thinks he found another Metamorphmagus. so he follows them to their classroom. he’s never seen them before and he wants to get to know them)
Draco is shocked to see a small child in his class, but he was warned about teddy so he kept his infamous Malfoy mask on to hide his surprise 
teddy is obviously disappointed that Draco isn’t a Metamorphmagus like him, but he asks Draco all about his hair and how he got it like that. Teddy’s hair may or may not match dracos for the next week, but he’ll deny it if you ask him.
teddy sits through all of dracos classes for that week as well. he does is school work and tries not to disrupt. (mcgonagall was very helpful in teaching teddy proper manners (so he didn’t take after his uncles George and Ron) so he knows when to be on his best behavior. )
uncles George and Ron may or may not send him Weasleys wizard wheezes every month. His uncle George also taught him how to pull off a prank and not get caught (especially by auntie Minnie)
even though auntie Minnie taught him manners sometimes he’ll get really excited and pull a Hermione and ask raise his hand to as a bunch of questions (because he is not old enough to do anything practical yet)
Draco answers all of teddy’s questions. (they are surprisingly good for an 8 year old so of course he does) he even mentions that his students could take a page out of Teddys book. (he hopes they don’t ask questions because that is not always encouraged, not because they are afraid of him)
the students had heard rumors about Draco from their parents, so they were a little afraid of him. they though that he would be like professor Snape. instead he is more like mcgonagall. he expects that his students respect that magic can be dangerous and that he is there to help. but he is also firmly kind. he never yells, only scolds. (and that is only when you do something that could have hurt someone)
harry hears a rumor that the new potions teacher is, as his 6th year students put it, H O T. he knows that it is someone from his years at Hogwarts, but he wasn’t really paying attention all that much. (he likes to get as much time with his son as possible)
speaking of his son, he hasn’t seen him in his class as normal. Teddy is usually in their rooms, in his classroom or with Minnie. (mcgonagall insists that he call her that. yes, it is very weird) teddy isn’t allowed in the greenhouses with Neville anymore after than sneezing incident.
So during one of his free periods ( that are usually reserved for helping teddy with math bc Hermione insists because “math is very important Harry!”) he takes out the marauders map and looks for his son. (completely missing Draco’s name because duh)
he finally finds him in the dungeons and he spots the new potions master teaching about sleeping draught and its properties to 3rd years. he is mesmerize by the (now midnight blue) hair. he doesn’t immediately recognize Malfoy bc the blonde hair is gone. 
he just sits next to teddy (who is attempting to take notes like the other students, but is really just drawing stick figures with potions and random ingredients written down)
once the class files out teddy goes to introduce his dad to his new favorite professor (sorry aunt Minnie). once they realize who the other one is it’s kind of awkward bc they haven’t seen each other since harry spoke for him and his mother to exonerate them and give Draco back his wand.
but they bond over teddy and how well teddy seems to do in dracos class (even though he is 8) and thus began the weekly visits and lunches. 
eventually teddy has to stop going to dracos class because they have begun brewing potions, and we don't want a repeat of what happened in the greenhouses. this really bummed teddy out so he insisted that they eat lunch together.
harry and Draco find themselves still eating lunch together, even when teddy has gone to nana molly’s house for the week to visit his cousins.
they already talked to each other in the halls once they had reconnected, but after that lunch without teddy they start having dinner in each others rooms instead
harry introduces Draco to something he calls movies and Draco talks about all of the wizarding pop culture harry never seems to understand
soon these nightly hangouts happen more than once a week. it has gotten to the point where Draco and harry have fallen asleep on Harrys couch in his living room on more than one occasion. 
most of these hangout happen in Harrys rooms bc he is still a little paranoid
then right around Christmas time Hermione asks harry to speak at a fundraiser for something or another and it is last minute because the other speaker had to cancel “ I know it’s last minute harry, but you know I wouldn’t ask if I had another choice”
Harry doesn’t want to ask Molly because she has so much to do to prep for Christmas and he doesn’t want to be a burden, so would Draco pretty please watch teddy for the night. Harry will be home really late and he is so sorry that this is last minute and of course you can’t watch him and I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked
and Draco loves teddy so of course he’ll watch him! it will be like a sleep over won’t it teddy.
draco is shocked that harry would trust him with teddy for the night because of his past  and he is freaking out inside but its fine and he is not going to mess this up he is not going to mess this up.
and harry goes and he os not as worried as he thinks he is but he is still worried bc parenthood y’know and he really doesn’t like going to these things because he is so over being the boy who lived twice and he just wants to go home a snuggle with draco and talk about movies while teddy is showing them how he can change his eye color now
and then it hits him that he included draco in the scenario and how long has he been doing that for. and then he finds out that he really doesn’t mind that and how long has he thought about draco being in his life and should he ask draco out he most definitely should ask him out
and draco going through the same thing but with working about teddy and knowing that harry really hates going to those galas and how he did too when he was a child and how much better it would be if they had gone together him harry and teddy
harry proceeds to panic about this new revelation to Hermione because she is always so easy to talk to and she always knows what to do and Ron isn’t there because he hates those galas almost as much as harry
Hermione proceeds to tell harry to just ask him out already you already trust him with teddy and you talk about him all the time in your letters and even Ron has noticed and he avoids talking about feelings as much as he can
so harry decides he is going to ask draco out 
(draco is already invited to weasley Christmas and has a sweater already made bc mama weasley don't mess around)
the next day when harry goes to pick teddy up he doesn’t know what to say and neither does draco and then they blurt it out at the same time and start rambling (Bc that’s always cute) and then they get really quiet
and then teddy says finally bc he made a bet with his uncle George (bc uncle George always helps him with new pranks and he is so awesome and easy to talk to)  and a couple other students about when harry and draco are going to ask each other out on a date 
(and he doesn’t really know what that means but auntie Minnie says its when you want to hold hands and you love each other very much but not like brothers but like best friends but more. he tried to get her to explain but she said that was his dad’s job)
and draco and harry are both shocked bc teddy knew? and if it’s ok with teddy then why not give it a go. 
then Christmas passes with everyone getting a new sweater (draco should really re-introduce his mum and Molly because they would get on like a house on fire with how much they love their kids and his mum could use a friend)
and the school year finishes with harry and draco becoming known as the cute professors how visit each others classes with gifts and hold hands when they think no one is looking
and draco spends most of his summer at 12 Grimmauld place ( harry spent the better part of a month renovating that house so it would be more modern and safe for teddy)
he also removed a lot of the dark artifacts and placed them in a vault at gringotts so he can study them later. the ones he deemed to be containable and somewhat mild he took for his upper year classes so they would know how to deal with those artifacts
and draco is basically moved into harry’s rooms by the end of the summer and he doesn’t notice until the school year comes around again and he has to pack and he finds that his flat in muggle London (yes he moved there. Hermione recommended it after the trials and he is so grateful to her because that really helped him break down all that he had been taught by his father)
but draco waits to see if harry says anything and harry does but harry takes to long so he says something, but its not the question he was expecting. he was expecting more of a well aren’t you moved in already sort of response when all harry said was you are welcome to be here and I love that you are here I just didn’t want to push you and I know you like having your own space
and draco is confused, but harry explains that their relationship is still new and he didn’t want to push anything unnaturally so he let draco set the pace because he loves him and he figured there was no harm in draco still having his flat because if he needed time it made sense
this whole conversation led to one about communication about needs and boundaries because harry has trouble with that still from the Dursley's and from the war and draco has trouble with feelings bc of his father and this whole thing just makes them stronger
they make the move in official but draco keeps the flat because it is still nice to stay in muggle London and harry doesn’t disagree.
and they also agree that draco should keep his rooms at Hogwarts just so that the students don’t get distracted by the professors living together even if they are together and boy is it nice to say that
also that way if draco needs to work on things for his potions class they can still keep teddy safe
and teddy still calls harry dad because harry raised him but he calls draco dray like his father does and that feels just as good as dad to draco. he doesn't expect anything like that from teddy because he became a father figure to him so late in his life and dray makes him feel so loved in a way he has never felt before
and their relationship only gets stronger as the years pass and eventually they do get married (it’s the summer after teddy’s 1st year and he couldn’t be happier) 
teddy moving out of harry’s rooms and into the Hufflepuff tower was a weird transition for all of them, but it was comforting to know that he could go talk to his dads whenever he wants
and he thinks of draco as his dad at this point but calling him anything other than dray would be weird and dray feels as good as calling harry dad so why change it
that year draco moved into Harrys rooms permanently and left his other rooms for good. (the happy couple still go there sometimes since it is attached to dracos office and they get up to shenanigans there bc teddy doesn’t ever go into those rooms like he does with the ones he grew up in)
and in teddy’s first year everyone is like wow those are your dads? and he is like yea they’re cool and they were in the war but I have seen them dancing with a mop and a dustpan and they’re really not that cool you guys 
and once teddy starts making his way up through Hogwarts the war seems so far away and the students come in with the stories they’ve heard from their parents about the great Harry Potter and dastardly Draco Malfoy and then like a 2 weeks into term they’re like these dudes are total nerds and super in love with each other and its adorable
then the Weasley kids start filtering through Hogwarts and harry and draco are in their 30s. teddy wanted to go to muggle university (which he can totally get into because Hermione is a real one lemme tell you)
also you’re gonna tell me she DIDN’T teach teddy all of the muggle curriculum he would need to know to get into college bc let’s be real Hogwarts wasn’t a challenge bc he’d been there his whole life so he def graduated early and still lived there with harry and draco while Hermione got him muggle books
also in their free time harry Hermione and draco definitely figured out how to get wifi in Hogwarts ( how would they live without their rom coms) in like a weekend
and George became the new charms teacher after flitwick retired and the students love him and his satires of pranks with his brothers
and in his spare time he still comes up with jokes for the joke shop and he even lets his students submit their attempts for items for the shop for extra credit (this eventually turns into an end of year assignment for each grade and former students of George love seeing their names on the tags for the toys in the joke shop)
and Ron who has a knack for business (who knew?) expands the WWW empire and he already has shops in America and he is thinking about expanding into Asia but he still needs to look into that market
but teddy goes to college and harry and draco keep living their lives and revolutionizing Hogwarts with Minnie (draco is still stunned she insisted that he call her that) they keep integrating muggle ideas, and it is easier in Hogwarts because the children are much more open to change
and now they are in their 40s and Hogwarts has a whole new branch of the school where children between the ages 5 and 10 can come in and learn about muggles and magic and math and science and why there is a giant squid in the lake
harry and draco are now a staple in Hogwarts like Dumbledore was but so much better bc they would never let kids return to abusive homes and they’re known for being so approachable and willing to help anyone with their problems
the students start calling them the dads of Hogwarts (teddy insists he didn’t start that but he totally did with George and Ron’s help)
and the name sticks and they not so secretly love it
and the war becomes a distant memory
until students start acting really strange and harry and draco think it is just them until George and Minnie and Neville come to them with concerns and they don’t know what is happening and as much as harry loves draco he knows he needs to call Hermione and Ron (Ron still will not touch a phone and if draco can use one why can’t he, but he insists) 
he calls them because the last time he was this scared in Hogwarts they were there and he is a Grown Man but suddenly he feels like he just left the Dursley's again 
draco calls his mother and he calls pansy and Blaise because they were there when he had to deal with his father planning and plotting and wanting Voldemort to return and they know what he felt like and he is a Grown Man but he feels as if he will never get his fathers approval even though he hasn’t needed that in years (and he doesn’t want it) 
the word spread about harry calling for his best friends and draco doing the same and if they are doing that then they must be scared
(they are so very tired of being afraid and so very tired of fighting)
but the must protect their students
so Molly (even though she is not as young as when her children went to Hogwarts her grandchildren do and she’ll be damned if anything ever happens to her family) arrives too with the weasley clan as ready as ever and Seamus and dean and even Oliver Wood (who is a world renown former quidditch player and even more famous coach)
when teddy gets there for his dad and dray they are suddenly so much more worried because he is their life, but he is an adult now and he is here for them
when their former students arrive harry definitely starts to cry (draco didn’t because malfoys don’t cry in public in front of their former students even if he didn’t really believe that now it was nice to hold onto to help keep some of his composure) and their students tell them that they are here now to help, to fight and that they shouldn’t have to fight anymore but if they must 
their students say that Harry and Draco did such a good job and helped the wizarding world, helped them so much, and we know professor potter that we must be kind to others because no one deserves what tom riddle went through even if Voldemort was awful.
professor potter we know that you taught us that defense should only be used in protection and we should always be mindful and we are here to protect you
and professor Malfoy you were so kind to us and you were understanding and you encouraged our questions and you taught us to be curious and to never be satisfied with something at face value. you taught us to explore and we are here
and it feels like the war again but better because they are all on the same side and what ever this is harry doesn’t have to hide under the invisibility cloak and draco doesn't have to hide in the room of requirement and this new thing? this new thing that threatens the life they have made together their family? their friends? their students? it suddenly it seems so small because with the support they have nothing can ever beat them because Dumbledore is gone Voldemort is dead and they did their best to help those kids age be damned
There is so much more that I would love to add to this, and I could but I should get back to homework, unfortunately. I just had a thought and had to write it down. I would also like to turn it into a fic but time escapes me
If for some reason someone sees this and they want to make it into an actual full blown fic, please tag me bc I would live to read it.
I might come up with a part two, who knows
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miraculous-rewrite · 4 years
Miraculous Rewrite- Child Like (a Stormy Weather 2 Overhaul)
What’s this? TWO child related akumas in a row? 
We open on Lycee, Mme Dubois is handing out an assignment on future career paths. She explains that this isn’t the end all be all of their futures of course, but it could decide whether any of them will be shooting for university or not. It depends on what they decide they want to do.
“Now, since this is personal goals, there aren’t any wrong answers, but we all need to keep in mind that some career paths just aren’t an option. Some of you already have feet in the door in certain opportunities but may need to consider whether they’re sustainable in the long term. You have the rest of class to get started.”
The students begin to dive in, some looking focused and ready, others staring blankly at the assignment, clearly unsure. 
We clip over Team Miraculous, seeing Marinette, Alya, and Nino quickly and easily filling out their own plans, but Adrien, Amber and Chloe seem to have more struggles. Chloe scribbles a list down and grumbles to herself a bit more before a lightbulb goes off, “Ah! Duh! Beautician is a job!” she starts digging into her own assignment. Adrien huffs “Crap…How you doing Amber?”
“.....I’m still working on what my HOBBIES are, let alone what I can do for a living.”
“I feel that, you spend your whole life on someone else’s schedule and suddenly-”
“Suddenly your time is your own and you don’t know if you should be trying new things or sticking with what’s familiar.” They share a sort of sad smile. 
We clip to a few more kids, Ali has simply written down “Political sciences and economics in university” since well… he’s already set for everything else. Lila has written down “Political sciences and humanities in University, get foot in door for diplomacy.” and Sabrina of course has written down “Criminal justice and psychology”
We scan across a few more kids, Alix has ‘Archeology and sociology’ in hers, Max has ‘PhD in robotics’, Kim has ‘Olympics’ etc etc, we pan over to Aurore and Mirielle, Mirielle seems to be struggling with her own assignment, but Aurore fills hers out with clinical efficiency. Of course Aurore’s has a solid ‘keep foot in door on TV news stations; become news anchor’
By the end of class some have only gotten vague thesis’ down for their assignments while others already have rough drafts, and they all place their papers at the front before heading for the science classroom. 
“Anyone else feel an unconquerable existential dread at considering life once we become Capital A Adults?” Nino groans as they walk along.
“Yeah i get that.” Amber agrees “Terrifying.”
“I dunno, it seems exciting to me.” Marinette chimes in “I mean, no point in looking back, we can only move forward. Especially us.”
“Marinette’s right.” Adrien chimes in “About the moving forward stuff, I also agree with Nino about it being terrifying.” they fist bump. “I mean i don’t even know how much of me is stuff i LIKE to do and how much of me is stuff i HAD to do and grew a taste for.”
There is the sharp clacking of heels as Aurore breezes past the group, heading them off for the science classrooms. “Knowing what you want requires passion. It’s not enough to simply think to yourself that something isn’t BAD, it needs to light a fire in you.” She offers over her shoulder. “Find what lights a fire in you, and grab it with both hands.”
The scene then changes, us cutting to The guest room in the Dupain-Cheng household, Fu is sitting on the floor in front of the bed, skimming through the tablet he has the grimoire on. He grumbles to himself and comes across a certain page, featuring one figure lying flat with two other figures hunched around them. There’s a sort of purple energy that seems to emulate from the figure laying flat, and the place where their ‘eyes’ would be are darkened pits. 
“When Johnny comes marching home again, hurrah hurrah!” a little voice pipes up, and sure enough Hopps floats into frame, peering down at the tablet grimoire. “We’ll give him a hearty welcome then hurrah Hurrah!”
“Hopps, my friend, you are unlike your brothers, tell me, in your sight can you see when you will no longer be split?”
“The time arrives swiftly, as the raven descends on the lame shrew, and as the scorpion strikes the frog as they cross the stream.” Hopps confirms. “But whatever will we do then, when the roses are all painted red with the shrew’s blood and the scorpion cannot change its nature?”
“We will simply have to wash the roses ourselves.” Fu confirms, he offers a small carrot to Hopps who happily chows down. “If you will stay with them afterward.”
“Of course I will, I’ve invested too much time into this mudball to not want to see how it plays out.”
“I should discuss the possibility of tying up loose ends with Marianne, else she’ll be taken by surprise.”
“Wave the flag for Hudson High boys, show them how we stand!” Hopps goes back to singing their nonsense.
“The Scorpion will never change its nature, and the frog will always lie dead at the bottom of the stream.” Fu repeats to himself. 
Speaking of the Scorpion, here’s Tsering Wan, we haven’t seen him since he tried to go all ‘here’s what a REAL teacher is’ on the Zodiac. 
And also maybe sort of sent Adrien to take a swan dive. 
We don’t talk about that. 
But right now he’s actually doing that thing he said he’s here to do, being a historian. He’s currently speaking at the Louvre, telling ‘his family's Story’ and the significance it had on Tibetian history. He gestures toward the family crest in the shadowbox as it looked all the way back in The Scorpion. 
“And I know what you all must be thinking, ‘what could one clan have done that would have left a historical impact’? And the truth is, I couldn’t tell you, I was a boy when the Chinese invaded Tibet, and if my family had more political power we might not have been able to hold off the armies of Mao Zedong, but we would have fought. And Many more lives may have been spared. It’s important to consider what could have been just as well as what was. As we can look upon these tragedies and ensure they do not repeat themselves.”
His phone buzzes, and he humms. “It seems as though I'm being called upon. Please, follow your tour guide.” he gestures toward the tour guide in question, and as the little group of people file off he answers his phone “I’m working. What is it?”
“We have a lead on the Guardian’s new whereabouts.” Nathalie.
“..I’m listening.”
“During the akumatization of Miss Dupain Cheng’s father, he was right there. Gabriel didn’t catch much of their conversation at the point of contact, but he did hear something about Fu being unhappy with having children fighting for him as well...Do you still want to take him on yourself? No Akuma powerup? Just you and him?”
“Of course.”
“Then be ready by about four.”
Tsering Wan smiles, but we cut back to the Lycee. It’s the last class, and Mme Dubois is handing back assignments 
“I’ve made some notes, nothing judgemental, but to make sure you’re all looking at as many different angles as you can. If you focus too hard on one route you may forget how to get there.”
Some kids look crestfallen as they look over their notes, others nod and consider. 
“I’d like reevaluations on my desk by Friday.”
The others all walk out, some complaining about their goals being called unrealistic, others implying that they never thought about this or that thing from that angle.
Aurore hoever is still staring at her assignment. Mirielle puts a hand on her shoulder and asks what’s wrong, but gets waved off. 
“Mme Dubois! I have a question.” She jolts to her feet and approaches Mme Dubois. “Becoming a news anchor is hardly unrealistic, I’m already a child reporter for Kids+, my foot’s in the door already, what’s so unrealistic about using that to join a proper news crew?”
“Aurore, news anchors are a very competitive market, there’s not a lot of channels out there and it’s a daily guaranteed spot, it’s possibly one of the most competitive Television related markets out there. I just want you to be prepared if when you’re out of Lycee and no longer viable on Kids+ that you don’t put all of your talent and drive to waste in a field that rarely wants new recruits at all.”
“But I wouldn’t be! The Kids+ ratings have gone up since Mirielle and I started becoming regular segments! ANYONE would want that on their stations!”
“Aurore, people may have voted between the two of you, but it may simply be that you and Mirielle aren’t the draw so much as the idea of children being a news crew. I’m not saying anything about your skills, but you have to be prepared for that. Focusing on something as highly competitive and single market as though it’s the only option is… child-like.” Aurore stiffens, clearly incensed. 
“I’d like you to consider backups in your assignment. In case the news cycle doesn’t work out for you you should have a fallback in place.”
“I Don’t need a-!” But Mme Dubois is already returning to her desk, the conversation over.
 She turns heel and marches away, the door slamming behind her.
“So I’m Childlike huh?” Aurore hisses to herself, popping out her parasol as he marches off.
“Maybe they should see how childlike you can get?” An akuma touches down on her umbrella. 
We cut from the akuma-contact to the entry-way of the school. Team Miraculous is chatting amongst each other, Adrien and Kagami play-fencing on the grass as they show off some more advanced moves and Marinette trying to follow along. The rest of the team is sitting on the steps watching the three with smiles and cheers. It’s obvious the group is waiting for someone, but we don’t know who immediately. 
Luka has his guitar, and is the only one NOT on the steps, instead he’s lounging on the side-railing of the staircase, strumming a few notes before jotting them down in a notebook, clearly working on a new song for Kitty Section. Chloe and Amber are huddled together over a notebook, with the latter occasionally looking up to let out a cry of delight when Marinette succeeds in copying one of the more experienced fencers. 
Alya has her head leaned against Nino’s shoulder, letting out shouts of “Kick his butt, Mari!” while Nino rolls his eyes playfully and tugs her beanie over her eyes. 
“I haven’t kept you kids waiting long, have I?” A new voice pipes up, and the team looks up to see Fu approaching. He’s leaning maybe a touch more heavily on his cane than normal, but is otherwise as he normally is. 
Marinette drops her practice rapier to run over to his side, smiling brightly. “Uncle, thanks for coming to pick me up after school! I’m sorry the lycee is farther than the college.” 
“It’s not a problem, Marinette. It’s nice to see all of you, no matter the distance it takes.” He assures her, but the teen is quick to guide her ‘uncle’ over to the steps of the school where Adrien and Kagami have begun to pack their things up at. 
“Well, you can at least rest here for a minute,” she declares, “and we can stop at the park on our way home.” 
Fu lets out a small chuckle, but acquiesces to her requests, sitting down with maybe a touch of difficulty. It’s a calm, peaceful, moment, the whole of the Inner Circle for the New Order together, but it doesn’t last. A rumble overtakes the calm, a childish laugh, and Fu, in a moment of spryness that doesn’t suit his age, grabs Marinette and Adrien by the backs of their shirts and shoves them off the steps of the building, just out of the lycee bounds. 
Magic swirls around the school, the childish laugh growing, and then a declaration of “let’s see how childlike we can all be!” 
The Magic continues to swirl, obscuring their friends and allies from sight and stepping out from the vortex is a little blonde girl toting one of those ‘umbrellas with kitty ears’ pigtails high and curly on her head, and wearing a bright blue raincoat, with hot pink polka dots patterned across the thing. A pair of green rain boots with frogs on them, and a bandanna mask not unlike a ninja turtle. 
“Oh hiya! Looks like you two missed the boat! Oh well, I guess they could prooobbbabbblly use some babysitters! I’ma go find Ladybug and Chat Noir!”
“Nu-uh!” She shakes her head, her little pigtails swishing with her movement “I’m Child Like now! And I’ma go see how childlike everyone can be! Bye Bye Marinette! Bye Bye Adrien!” she waves and twirls her umbrella, the whirlwind of magic dies down and spouts from the tip of her umbrella, surrounding her like a cocoon and zipping away like a gust of wind itself.
“....Well shit.” Marinette huffs. “Talk about taking a bad grade hard.”
“Hey that’s a bad word!” another squeaky voice pipes up. A small chorus of ‘ooohhhh’s following, like any child catching their older sibling swearing.
“Oh that’s what she meant by needing a babysitter.” Adrien deadpans. 
Sure enough, everyone on the steps (and likely everyone inside), is a lot younger than they were before. It wasn’t… impossible to tell who was who, but it was somewhat difficult. The two who were lovebirds before were now sticking their tongues out and making yucked-out faces (and the boy was whining about cooties), and the pair of blondes seemed to look almost identical. 
Luka, or who they could assume was Luka, looked to be a bit older than the rest, but only slightly. There’s no hairdye in his hair, and instead of a guitar, there’s a ukulele, which he looks at with curiosity and interest, as if only now considering music. 
“YOU’RE NOT MY BROTHER!” One voice shouts and the two unaffected teens wince, turning to the source, which is one small angry child holding a wooden sword in their faces. “I WANT MY BROTHER, WHERE AM I?!” 
“On it.” 
And while he handles a phone call and an increasingly shouty small child with a sword, Marinette takes stock of all those on the steps, and one in particular who seemed to be out for the count, and she runs over to him. He seems to be the oldest out of the bunch, looking closer to her and Adrien’s age, and that’s all the answer she needs for who he probably is. 
Only one person was on the school grounds old enough to not be below the age of ten when affected, after all. 
“Ma-” She starts, before glancing around the staircase. “Fu? Wang Fu?” 
The teen’s eyes open slowly, then all at once, and he jumps away from her outstretched hand. 
He shouts, in Chinese. Subtitles appear thankfully, since Marinette can understand him.
“Who are you?! Where am I?!” he reaches a hand over to his wrist, and startles when he comes up with bare skin. 
“What did you do with my friend?! Wayzz! Wayzz! Are you near?!”
“Master!” Thankfully, Wayzz is near. He darts out from his hiding place beneath Nino’s hat (now one of those knitted caps with the fuzzy ends) and zips over to the young master. “Master I am here! You are safe.”
Fu reaches out and grabs Wayzz, pulling the little kwami to his shoulder in something similar to a hug. “Where are we? Who are these people?”
“They are friends, Master. Your memories have been altered a bit.”
Fu looks up, now taking the rest of them in properly, he focuses on the coin around Marinette’s neck, then her earrings. 
“You… Are you...like me?”
“I’m a wielder, yes. My name is Marinette. Right now you’re in Paris France, and you were hit by an Aku-....the champion of a rogue butterfly wielder that messed with your mind a bit. Turned most of my friends into little kids.” She gestures out around them. “You are safe, Fu.” she reassures him. “You’re among friends. Try to focus, do you remember me?”
Fu narrows his eyes, looks Marinette over, he glances to Adrien, who's currently in the middle of getting ‘beaten up’ by Kagami and her wooden sword, Chloe and Amber cheering from the steps.  He looks back at Marinette, and places a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m not sure. But I do believe you are my friends. What’s the year?”
Marinette looks away, a bit guiltily. “....two thousand and seventeen.” Fu’s eyes widen, he looks very, VERY surprised. Blinks twice and looks away
“Wow…That’s uh… That’s a long ways in the future.”
“Okay, Kenji’s on his way from his private school.” Adrien finally chimes in. “We can probably drop everyone off at the Grand Paris, and-” 
He blinks, pausing to look between Marinette and Fu. Then blinks again, just out of surprise and confusion. Fu, likewise, takes in the ring on the hand holding his phone, and the collar around his neck, then back to Marinette. 
“Another of your friends, Marinette?” He inquires, and Adrien snaps back into reality. 
“Y-Yeah! My name’s Adrien. I’m sorry that you got caught up in the attack like that…”  Good thing Adrien knows Mandarin, too. (He’ll thank his dad… maybe. Probably not.)
“Better it was myself than the two of you, Adrien.” He says, then looks almost surprised at his words. “I… pushed you two out of the way?” 
“You did.” Marinette assures him “you’re always looking out for us.”
“Well, if this really is… two thousand and seventeen...then I’m likely an old man by now. Have I been joining you lot in the battlefield?”
Adrien and Marinette share a look. “You had a rough time Master, your body isn’t what it once was, or… is now I guess.” Adrien huffs, “Most days you can’t hold a transformation long.”
“....well that’s unfortunate. However it does raise an opportunity today then.” He walks over, toward Nino. “Wayzz is this your current wielder?”
“Nino is very much a worthy wielder master, though he is..indisposed at the moment, he’s shown himself as loyal, kind, and brave.”
“I see.” Fu kneels down to be at Nino’s level. “Hello there, can I see your bracelet?”
Nino huffs “What’s he sayin?”
Marinette smiles softly, before kneeling down beside Fu. “Nino, you probably don’t recognize me like this, but it’s me, Mari. This is my cousin, and he wanted to see the bracelet I made you.” 
Nino squints a bit, looking at the teenage Marinette before, perhaps in a bit of faint recollection, recognizes the teen as the scruffy child he’s best friends with. “...You sure it’s ok?” 
“Yup!” She affirms. “I trust Fu with my life, you can trust him.” 
Fu looks over at her with wide eyes, as does Nino, before the little boy takes off the bracelet that hangs perhaps a bit too big on his wrist, and extends it out to Fu. The teen reaches out, almost hesitating, before picking up the bracelet as though it were an old friend. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, and Marinette translates as she places a hand on Fu’s shoulder in a comforting gesture. 
“Hey Mari, why’s your cousin talk weird?”
“It’s Chinese Nino, he’s from Shanghai.”
“Oh…Mama says we’re from M’rocco.” 
Fu stands up, quickly slipping the bracelet onto his wrist. “Alright. You say the butterfly was found? It’s wielder went rogue?”
“Yeah, he’s called Hawkmoth.” Adrien responds. “Although there’s also another that he alternates with, a woman Monarcha.”
“Oh, Mast- Fu, there’s something you should also-”
“KAGAMI MY PRECIOUS BABY SISTER” Leave it to Kenji to interrupt at a moment’s notice. 
“ONII-CHAN!” Kagami runs as fast as her little legs will allow and hugs Kenji’s leg. “Where were you! I was worried!”
Kenji looks so gd chuffed to have Kagami this lil again and happily hoists her into the air onto his shoulders “Sorry for keeping you waiting Kaga-chan! Now I heard that I gotta play babysitter with a bunch of babies so you guys can keep tabs on the akuma for Team Miraculous?”
“If it’s not too much trouble.” Marinette responds, pulling a length of rope-of all things- from her bag. “Okay, who wants to play Ducks in a row?”
Sure enough Kenji is left with a rope around his waist and a line of children behind him, all grabbing hold of the rope. “Ask for the Butler Jean-Luc, he handled Chloe a lot as a kid, he’ll know what to do.”
“You got it. Happy hunting!” Kenji waves them off as he trots happily down the street, a caravan of children behind him.
Only once they were gone the three left shared a look. 
“Since when do you carry rope in your bag Marinette?”
“I carry more things in my bag than seems physically plausible. Let’s go beat up a child.”
As the three prepare to move out, Adrien reaches out to rest a hand on Fu’s shoulder, the two falling a bit behind Marinette, and he whispers softly into the old man turned teen’s ear. 
Speaking of the ‘he,’ Tsering Wan looks admittedly bemused as Child Like approaches him.
“I’m starting to worry about some of these… champions… Hawkmoth comes up with.” 
“Oh don’t be a silly!” Child Like waves him off “If I didn’t hit Mr Fu he wouldnta been able ta fight ya! He’s old and wrinkled and he doesn’t fight no more!”
“That’s true young one.” Tsering Wan crouches down to take the child in “While simply killing him would be satisfying on its own, a final confrontation would be truly poetic.”
“I made him older than the others cuz you said he was fourteen. How old were you?” She begins to spin her umbrella, the small whirlwind of magic beginning to form again.
“I was sixteen child. I suppose it would be… entertaining… to even the playing field a bit.” he reaches up and feels at the scar on his face “to shed this mark of failure once and for all.”
“Okiedoke!” The whirlwind encoumpasses Tsering Wan, turning him back to the rage filled teenager he was on that mountain top oh so long ago. “Mr Fu’ll probably be headed over here soon, and Ladybug n’ Chat Noir will be comin’ too lookin for me.” Child Like humms, taking a fan spoke out from a pocket in her raincoat. “.....I don’t wanna stab myself, it looks like it hurts.”
“Oh give me that.” in the most temperamental teen fashion, Tsering wan takes it from her grip. “Oh, right. Misso transform me!” Now, as the Scorpion, he looks himself up and down. “Do I still have the split in my mask?”
“Good.” He jabs the fan spoke into his chest, just beneath his collarbone. Emerging from the spoke is… himself. The scorpion in his proper age bracket, but in place of his transformed costume, he wears scorpion themed battle armor. 
“You would be useless in a fight, young one.” Child Like shouts angrily “Therefore I must compensate.”
Scorpion turns his attention outward again, both himself and his Projection keeping vigilant. 
“Ah! Here they come! The Lucky ladybug and the Cursed Cat.” Scorpion jeers. “Where are their teammates? Don’t tell me they ran scared? Or were they already your victims, young one? It doesn’t matter. They think they can beat me because I'm not their ‘akuma’, but once I find my prey they’ll wish I let them die quickly.”
“You’re kinda scary, you know that?”
Scorpion draws his spear, but his Projection looks over in another direction and hisses, showing a mouth of blackened teeth. 
“Tsering Wan!” Scorpion turns, and sure enough, his old enemy was there, fourteen and plucky, a fool in the turtle’s garb.
“Fu… How… wonderful to see you again.” He looks to his projection and gestures at Ladybug and Chat Noir “Kill them.”
The projection draws its spear and charges at the two immediately. Fu narrows his eyes and takes out the shield. “You’ve been at this for almost two hundred years Tsering.” Fu speaks. “We’re old men.”
“Oh I’m well aware of the time that’s passed.” Scorpion strided forward, his spear drawn. “One hundred and seventy two years, actually. One HUNDRED and SEVENTY TWO years, of my life torn asunder, one HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO years of knowing everything I knew being torn from me because of YOU. Because you were a FOOL and you turned your teacher and too many against our way of life!”
“The Miraculouses should be used to aid people, not to be squirreled away never to be seen!” Fu responds, seems like the regressed ages make the actual argument still a sore subject. “I didn’t know things would go so far! I just wanted to help people!”
“Well you could have started by helping your own.” Scorpion hisses “Because from where I’m standing your little ‘humanitarian’ goals brought nothing but ash.”
And then he charges.
We cut back to Ladybug and Chat Noir now, the two of them assaulted by the Projection. As a reflection of Tsering Wan that’s surprisingly in lockstep with Tsering Wan as a person, it’s a bit of a beast in the field. 
Chat’s able to keep it at bay for a time with his staff, but just as it seemed he was leaving an opening for Ladybug to go for Child Like, the seemingly decorative tail on the back of the projections armor came to life and blocked her way. 
For a Projection alone, it seems to be doing pretty well in holding them both off. Which is to be expected, granted it was a projection of Tsering Wan’s. The lot of them are fighting till a standstill, whereas the fight between Fu and Scorpion is going much the same, the two are evenly matched. And it’s really pissing Tsering Wan off.
“I don’t understand! You were a novice back then! You only won because you got lucky with applying Shelter!” 
“We both never stopped training Tsering!” Fu responds, for a moment his expression turning very old and very tired “Our only difference is that you trained for vengeance, I trained for justice. I helped people when I was transformed, I saw real battles after the war. All you saw was what was right in front of you.”
In a moment of blind rage, Tsering Wan lunges forward without any real thought behind his action, falling victim to precisely what returned him to his prime in the first place. Fu has something akin to disbelief but not shock, sighing. “Just as you cannot accept what has already happened.” 
Two things happen in quick succession. 
One - Fu raises the shield at an angle, bracing himself, and just as Tsering Wan hits the shield he cries out “Shelter!” 
Two - Tsering Wan is on the ground, his mask once again broken, and the fan spoke knocked out by being hit point blank with the shield’s formation, the replica of himself Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting fizzles out of existence. 
He reaches up to grab at his face, the exact same place his scar was in before, but as he turns to hiss at Fu, his own gaze is caught by the tip of his spear, lying just a few feet away, the smallest drop of blood trailing to the ground. 
“It’s over Tsering Wan.” Fu insists, dropping Shelter and lifting the fan spoke from the ground. “The war was eons ago, it’s time to let it go and move on.” 
Tsering Wan looks down at the spear, then at Fu, fourteen still but tired eyes implying his memories have been fully restored instead of the patchwork they were before. He huffs for breath, for just a moment, he truly looks the age Child Like has set him at, a scared, despondent sixteen year old. 
“Never!” He reaches for his spear, just barely able to get it in his hand, he springs to his feet, about to charge one last time-
“I think that’s enough of a tantrum for one day.” A yoyo string wraps around the spear and wrenches it out of his grip again, throwing him off balance. 
“Yeah, I do believe he’s overdue for a time-out, Milady!” And then a staff swings out like a baseball bat directly into Tsering Wan’s stomach, sending him flying off before he can even try to use his ability (though as he slips further into the mindset of his age, he very well might’ve been too rage-filled to even consider it), smacking back-first on the ground of a park miles away. 
Ladybug looks at the spear in her hand, before tossing it aside without much thought for the weapon, returning her attention to Chat Noir, Fu, and Child Like, the latter of which is holding her parasol out like a sword and trembling. 
“Child Like, playtime’s over, give me the parasol.”
Child Like is shaking, big blue eyes filled with babby tears “But-! But-! But I didn’t get ta-!” she looks down, sniffling. She scrubs at her eye with a sleeve. “Yeah okay.” She hands over the parasol, which breaks in Ladybug's grip.
We get a quick comedy cut to the Grand Paris, of Kenji sitting among a throng of children, Kagami in his lap, Chloe and Amber playing with their bears, Luka playing his ukulele (badly) and Nino and Alya aggressively pillow fighting each other. Everyone returns to their original ages, Kagami shrieks in outrage and pushes herself out of Kenji’s grip with a loud ‘ANIKI’ Nino and Alya shrug and go back to pillow fighting.
But back to the heroes, the world has been returned to normal, and Aurore seems super embarrassed as she apologizes for causing a ruckus and shuffling off. Now that the Akuma has passed, Ladybug and Chat Noir glance at each other.
“Should we go find him?” Ladybug asks
“He’s probably gone from wherever he landed.We’d just be giving him an opportunity to track us.” Chat shakes his head. “We should head off before he makes his way back over here.”
The two nod, and Ladybug turns to Fu, now old again, but still transformed. He’s looking off in the distance, pensive. 
“Master? Are you alright?”
“Hm? Yes, I-...I believe I will be Marinette.” he still looks perturbed though, even as he detransforms and Wayzz leans in to sit upon his shoulder. “It was simply… jarring… to be back in the fray again. It’s been some time. And to face him like that…”
“Master you don’t have to talk about it-”
“No, No. I fear I must, he will not stop, perhaps not even if he manages to kill me, now that he knows of you. He will continue to fall into his old patterns until he destroys himself.” Fu sighs “I can only hope when that day comes as few people as possible will have suffered for it. Come, I must admit that while I told you all the truth of my time in the Order, I did not tell you all of it. And I find it… important… that you both in particular know.”
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
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In honor of the release of the Summer Romance Festival event (finally!) I figured it was about time that I announce who I’ve decided was going to be Seren’s endgame love interest: it’s Talbott!
As much as I love Charlie and like the idea of him as a school-years crush, I don’t see him ever being willing to drop working at the Romanian Dragon Reserve, and the more I think about it, the less I can see Seren ever being willing to leave the Detective Agency and Jacob
Deciding on Talbott was a bit of a two-part thing. I was always planning on having him and Seren being very close, even as adults. Their friendship has always stemmed from their similar personalities (and identical senses of humor), but Talbott provides temperance for Seren’s more reckless endeavors, while Seren provides this push outside of his comfort zone that Talbott needs without being disrespectful of his boundaries. Also, I just always found it funny that I picked the raven for Seren’s Animagus form, since ravens and golden eagles are natural rivals, sometimes working together as the raven feeds off of the eagle’s leftovers, sometimes butting heads over territory. It was such a perfect summary of their relationship that I couldn’t pass it up
The relationship would only get stronger as they helped each other cope with the massive amounts of grief in each of their lives
The first thing that made me seriously consider Talbott was the Valentine’s quest. Talbott’s been my date of choice since he was introduced, and while I don’t consider any of the romance quests as “canon” to Seren’s story, Talbott’s dialogue was just. Too. CUTE.
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These lines in particular were just too good
The other thing was actually a conversation I had with @wilhelminafujita​ regarding one of her Auror OCs and how the Dwyn Detective Agency would work with the Auror’s office when they’re established (spoilers, the Dwyns are chaotic and will work either with or against the Ministry at any given moment). But that led me to the thought of Moody using one of Seren’s friends who works for him to convince the Dwyns to help in various situations. I was thinking Tonks, but then I remembered “oh, duh, TALBOTT wants to be an Auror!”
And, quite frankly, it worked out too well. Not only is the Auror/Private Detective relationship a perfect representation of the Golden Eagle/Raven relationship, but with the Dwyns based in Diagon Alley that means that both Seren and Talbott would be working out of London, and working so many of the same cases that they’d see each other very often. They’re both lonely people, who could easily find comfort in seeing a familiar face from their childhood every day. I could easily see Talbott harboring a crush on Seren during their school days that persists into adulthood, and Seren growing to realize just how much she’s fallen for Talbott later on after graduation
So Seren/Talbott it is
And a bonus because with friends like Jacob and Tonks, well...
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Other Magic AU: Aurore's succubus features (horns, wings, tail) are very sensitive, and can be erogenous zones. Was this a weird ask?
Not that weird sense we’re literally talking about sex devils, but.. probably yeah. Honestly, depends on the succubus and if they’re actually horny on main. Aurore’s are just really ticklish and/or feels at least “really nice” when they get massaged, but that’s it. Same with Mirielle even though she’s a more active succubus.
As fucked up as this is, and trust me I know it’s fucked up that’s why I chose this method of writing it: the thought process I had in mind for how/why succubuses were created in this universe was for the pleasure of just fucking lust and sex, and a lot of traits they have are supposed to be somehow pleasurable or at least non threatening or “sexy” (haha like how people design woman super heroes haha.. fucking movie posters..) 
Because that itself is horribly fucked up and whatever.. satan.. demon king.. whatever.. did not care for the actual ‘cubi and didn’t even consider the fact that they were people with their own thoughts too. Literally assumed all ‘cubi I were just gonna be horny on main thanks to the powers. But haha they weren’t :) And I’m literally acknowledging that as “fucked up” in this lore. Which makes sense cause you know.. demon king. Basically, demon king just assumed the “All Woman are Lustful” trope except with all of the ‘cubi.
(Succubus upon creation: Hey uh.. where are my claws, or wings, or literally everything? Demon King: don’t need them. Succubus: but.. what if I need to defend myself? Or run away from a dangerous situation? Demon King: uh, you have sex? Duh? That’s what you were made to do? Succubus: *internally screams*)
Demons are based on mortals, humans, etc. that is why they are able to think, rebel, and in the cutest sense: dream. Dream about something more than beyond their jurisdiction of what they were birthed from, that being the horribleness of the world. How that is handled, is up to them.
Being a ‘cubi just straight up sucks in this universe.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
AU Masterlist
Any and all asks for these AUs are more than welcome.
Kwaminette AU- AU where Marinette is Plagg and Tikki’s daughter. She’s a Kwami instead of a human, but she prefers to take on a human form because she likes interacting with humans. She’s the Panda Kwami of Balance, and the kwami of Cory Bernard/Panda Girl, my Miracusona. When she’s not helping out Cory, she’s busy trying to bond with Adrien. This one takes place within the show.
Miraculous Injustice AU- AU where the members of Team Miraculous are placed in the Injustice video game. The canon Team Miraculous gets sent to a dimension where the team is split up and akumas fight for both good and evil because Cat Noir turned evil after they found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth. The Quantic Kids (Felix, Bridgette, Melodie, Sparrow, Gavroche, Kim Mime, and Mercury) are included in this AU as well.
Dupain Cheng Kids AU- AU where Tom and Sabine adopt everyone in the Miracuclass as their child (except Adrien cause he’s their future son in law). Marinette keeps an eye for fellow classmates that don’t have the best home life. She then passes word to her parents, who fight tooth and nail to earn legal custody of said child (We don’t care they aren’t on the adoption list, they deserve to be in a home FULL OF LOVE).
Catbug AU- AU where Marinette has both the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. She calls herself Catbug. Plagg and Tikki are like a second set of parents to her, and she eventually develops a harem.
Mike and Mari AU- AU where Marinette has an older brother named Michael. He is her favorite thorn in her side as well as her go-to Miraculous Holder. He’s dating Miss Bustier and is going to school to become an interior designer.
Role Reversal AU- AU where Marinette and Adrien are switched Miraculouses. Lady Noire and Mister Bug protect Paris against Pavona and Hudie (Gina and Sabine); who want the Miraculouses to bring back Tom. Involves reverse crush and somewhat reverse life.
Adrien’s Monster AU- AU where Duusu summons a full time sentimonster to protect Adrien. He names it Hiss and it follows him everywhere he goes. Hiss and Plagg hate each other.
Supernatural AU- AU where everyone except Adrien (who’s still human) is a mythological creature. Marinette is a fairy, Kim and Rose are werewolves, Alix is a Hobbit, Mylene is a Dwarf. Juleka and Luka are vampires, Ondine is a mermaid, Ivan is an ogre, Alya is one of the last of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, Chloe is an elf, Lila is a changeling, Max is half-sphinx, Nathaniel is a brownie, Kagami is a yokai, Marc is a leprechaun, and Nino is a Kappa (though nobody knows). The Kwmais are fae creatures that run/protect the school. Miss Bustier is a pixie, Ms Mendeleiev is a witch, and Principal Damocles is the owl of Athena. Gabriel is secretly a hunter of mythical creatures and sent Adrien to the school so he could get closer to them. (Courtesy to @miraclesoup for some of these ideas)
Hive Guard AU- AU where Chloe keeps her Miraculous at the end of Miraculer, runs away, and becomes a freelance hero of sorts. She’s extremely active is trying to find and stop Hawkmoth and Mayura. She lives in the eiffel tower, and trains with Pollen every day. Nobody but Sabrina knows her location; and she becomes Queen Bee’s right hand.
Jurassic AU- AU where Emilie’s maiden name was Hammond, and one day Adrien discovers is grandfathers work and reopens Jurassic Park.
House Cat AU- AU where Cat Noir actually decides to date Marinette in Weredad and becomes the Dupain Cheng housecat.
Mother Peahen and Papallion AU- also known as the MP3 AU. AU where Duusu and Nooroo adopt Adrien after Heroes Day with Plagg as the greasy uncle.
Road Trip AU- An AU where Team Miraculous travels around the world looking for Lost Miraculouses after defeating Hawkmoth and Mayura. Ali and Aurore bear the Moth and Peacock Miraculouses in this AU.
Miraculous Descendants AU- An AU where Miraculous characters are in the movie Descendants. Most of them are the children of Akumas.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 AU- An AU where there are two boys that like Kagami. Conner (a new student from America who tries to make Kagami jealous by lying about Ryuuko being into him) & Hiroki (a rival from Japan that she beat who believes that she should be his girlfriend) & Luka/Viperion doesn't like how uncomfortable they make her or how angry they make her feel.
Guard Dragon AU (Rockstar!Luka & Bodyguard!Ryuuko AU)- An AU where Kitty Section's new bodyguard is so mysterious and tough. Anarka trusts her to keep her children and their friends (Juleka and Rose dating) safe. Ryuuko does not plan on letting her down, but with Luka? It's hard for our Lady in red black & gold to stay professional.
SongHeart & The Queen (Ryuuka's Beauty and The Beast AU)- Kim is Lumiere, Anarka as Maurice (great parents are great), Chloé and Sabrina as Gaston and LeFou (duh), Emilie and Adrien as Mrs Potts and Chip (need that adorable mother/son bond), Marinette is (a younger) Wardrobe (fashion girl!) and Luka's closest friend in the place. Luka is Belle and Ryuuko is the Beast. Instead of inanimate objects, they’re cursed to be akumas.
Scales and Whiskers AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Cat Noir fight over who gets to date Marinette. She eventually gets so sick of it that she just tells both of them to date her. Before she knows it, she’s got a superhero boyfriend and girlfriend.
Behind the Scenes AU- An AU where Miraculous actually is a show in the canon universe and the characters are all actors. Chloe and Rose are sisters from the South. Jagged, Marinette, and Kagami are siblings. Gabriel and Adrien are Uncle and Nephew, and Lila is Marinette’s best friend.
Akumavillian AU- An AU where everyone who has been akumatized has the ability to turn into their Akumas without the power of the Moth.
Cat’s Shipping Show AU- An AU where Cat Noir runs a blog dedicated to all the ships of Team Miraculous, because he’s shipper trash. He gives people the news on certain ships, and reviews ships as well.
Ghost Bug AU- An AU where the past Ladybug’s are attached to Marinette. They’re like her 24/7 Obi-Wan, and they’re a little Ladybug family. Turns out, everyone on Team Miraculous (plus Hawkmoth and Mayura) are in the same boat.
Sentibug AU- An AU where Bugette wasn’t destroyed by Mayura and instead becomes Ladybug and Cat Noir’s sidekick/daughter
Mom Pink AU- An AU where Pink appeared instead of Steven when his gem was taken out. Somehow they can both exist now and mother and son are reunited.
Adrien Universe AU- Steven Universe, but with Miraculous characters.
Momma Mayura AU- An AU where as soon as Stoneheart appeared, Nathalie grabbed the Peacock Miraculous and became Mayura. She fights on Ladybug and Cat Noir’s side to bring down Hawkmoth and quickly becomes the team mom.
Tales of Pegasus and King Monkey AU- An AU where Master Fu instead distributed the Horse and Monkey Miraculous and Kim and Max are the main characters of the show.
Chatroom AU- An AU where Team Miraculous has a group chat
Genderbend AU- An AU where everyone’s genders are swapped.
Teacher Kwamis AU- An AU where Miss Bustier is fired and the Kwamis take over teaching.
Frozen Dragons AU- A Hiccelsa AU that combines Frozen and How To Train Your Dragon. Basically, just before the events of Race To The Edge, Elsa and Hiccup have an arranged marriage and her, Olaf, Sven, Kristoff, and Anna are present for the events of the show and Dragons 2
Kumafeather AU- An AU where Max and Kim have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Max’s dad back. They call themselves Kuma and Dark Feather and are like that classic supervillain and dumb sidekick trope but they’re gay.
GrayBlue AU- An AU where Adrien and Marinette have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Emilie back. They call themselves Grayling and Beau Blue.
Mastermind Fu AU- An AU where Master Fu is evil and the Miraculass steal the Miracle Box to fight him.
Evil Miracuclass AU- An AU where the Miracuclass is evil and steals the Miracle Box. Master Fu must use the remaining Miraculous he has to fight them.
Marigod AU- An AU where Marinette and her parents are Gods.
Tangled Sisters AU- an AU where Cassandra grew up in the tower with Rapunzel and Varian is Flynn’s protege/adopted little brother. It’s be the same as the movie, just Cassarian, Aged Up!Varian of course, and the sister duo we deserve.
Apprentice AU- An AU where Master Fu was Emilie’s mentor. They have a father-daughter bond
Killer Princess AU- An AU where Juleka has the Moth and Rose has the Peacock
Timmy Dupain Cheng AU- An AU where Timmy (Sandboy) is Marinette’s foster brother and earns the Dog Miraculous under the name of Pup Fidele
Forbidden Love AU- An AU where Flynn is still a thief and Rapunzel is the ruler of Corona. The two of them have a little flirty to and fro, as he’s the most wanted theif in the kindgom and they both really dig each other but don’t want to admit it, not even to themselves. Lance is his sidekick and Kiera and Catalina are their young protégés. Meanwhile, Varian and Cass work under Raps. Cass as her royal adviser and personal bodyguard, and Varian’s her little brother and the royal alchemist.
Cousins AU- Inspired by the theory that Rapunzel, Elsa, and Anna are cousins. An AU where they were there to celebrate her birthday in Secret of the Sundrop and went with her and the gang to the Dark Kingdom! Sven, Kristoff, and Olaf tag along too, of course.
Twins AU- An AU where Marinette and Kagami are long lost twins
The Prince and The Pup AU- An AU where Prince Ali starts going to Marinette's school after falling for the heroine known as Chien De Guarde after his first encounter with her. What he doesn't know is that Chien De Guarde is Sabrina Raincomprix.
Tales of Monarch and Chien de Guarde AU- An AU where Monarch and Chien are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and Viperion AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Viperion are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and King Monkey AU- An AU where Ryuuko and King Monkey are the main heroes
Elsa Padare AU- an au where Elsa is adopted by Cass and Varian
Gandalf Swears AU- An au where everything is the same except Gandalf swears
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Quidditch Official Part Two
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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I am simply doing it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Room of Requirement
Penelope stood in the cold streets of Hogsmeade and sipped on the warm butterbeer she held between her mitten clad hands. She loved their weekly outings to Hogsmeade, it was always so fresh and light. The snow made it interesting and she loved to people watch.
She was currently waiting for her friends to come out of the various shops they had all gone in to.
"Hey," Luke greeted as he came out of Spintwitches Sporting Needs, carrying a medium-sized bag.
"Hi," she greeted, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. "Got anything nice?"
Luke shrugged his shoulders. "Just some Quidditch stuff."
"You were really good the other day," Luke began before clearing his throat. "In Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Penelope felt her cheeks heat. "Thanks." They hadn't been doing anything particularly taxing. The week before they had learnt about protective shields and this week they had the task of casting them. Penelope had been one of the few people to cast it in the lesson.
"I'll bet you'll ace next week." Next week was pretty much the same but they would have to cast it nonverbally. She was excited to try it out.
"I think I still need a bit of practice - my charm shield wasn't as strong as it could have been."
"You did better than me," Luke remarked in a friendly way. He'd cast the charm, it had shot from his wand and then promptly disappeared. Professor Rossi had laughed and told him it was a difficult spell to master. Luke was determined though.
"I could help you out… if you like?" Penelope offered, glancing shyly into his brown eyes.
Luke seemed stunned for a moment and she was going to take it back, not wanting him to be offended, but then a wondrous smile spread across his face and he beamed.
"Yeah, that would be great!"
"I'm free tonight…" Penelope began, hoping she didn't sound too eager. "We could meet in the Room of Requirement?"
"Yeah, about 6?"
She nodded and gave him a smile, heart beating erratically in her chest.
"Look who I found snogging by the Shrieking Shack!" Emily loudly declared, JJ and Will behind her with red faces.
"Could you possibly say that any louder?" JJ complained.
Emily got an evil glint in her eye and pressed her wand to her throat, opening his mouth wide.
"Don't!" JJ shot forward and placed her hand over her mouth. "We get it."
Emily grinned.
"You've got to make it Quidditch Official now," Penelope told them.
"Who's got to make what Quidditch Official?" Reid asked as he walked up to the group with a large bag full of books.
"JJ and Will," Emily told them.
"What does Quidditch Official mean?" Luke asked.
"It stems from a tradition started by Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. After the game has ended, the Quidditch player will go up to their significant other and kiss them in the stands whilst they are still on their brooms. Harry and Ginny were the first to do it and everyone else has followed suit," Reid informed him.
"Ah," Luke said as he nodded with understanding.
"Why are you so obsessed with that?" Will asked Emily.
"Because if you're 'Quidditch Official' it means you're serious!" Emily said it as if it were a 'duh' moment.
"You're slightly insane, you know that right?" Will asked.
"Yep!" Emily nodded proudly as everyone laughed.
The way back to Hogwarts was filled with fun and laughter and Penelope found herself repeatedly looking at Luke (no matter how hard she tried not too).
In the castle, they went their separate ways and as Penelope descended the stairs to the Slytherin common room, she couldn't wait for six o'clock to come around.
"Be good," she told her cat Simon as she kissed him on his head. "Don't get into trouble." Simon was part Kneazle and often wound up the other 'normal' cats in the dorm room. Simon just looked at her before laying his head down on her bed and closing his eyes.
Penelope smiled and grabbed her wand, stuffing it into her dress pocket. As she walked out of the dorm room, she discreetly checked her hair in the mirror and made sure it didn't look too bad.
As she was leaving, Emily was entering. "Someone is waiting for you," she sang.
Penelope just smiled at her.
When she emerged from the dorm room, Luke was leaning against the wall, twirling his wand between his fingers.
"Hey," she greeted and when he looked up he gave her a wide smile.
"Hey - I thought we could walk together."
She eagerly nodded her head. "Okay."
They walked through the old halls of Hogwarts together, exchanging stories about their lives. Luke was born into a wizarding family and was their only son. When he started showing his magical abilities they were thrilled and even happier when his letter came from Hogwarts. His father worked as an Auror and his mother worked as a Herbologist. Luke wanted to be an Auror like his father but the thought made his mother nervous.
Penelope told him about her life. Her mother was a witch and her father was too but had left when she was only a few months old. Her mother had remarried a muggle and he had been… shocked, to say the least when he saw a teddy bear floating across the room one day and into Penelope's arms. That had been a fun conversation. Her father (because that was he was, he had raised her) didn't always understand the wizarding ways but he was proud of her. Her brothers (four sons from her step-father's previous relationship) nicknamed her 'Little Witch' and were always the first to greet her when she got off the train.
"Four brothers? Wow. What's that like?"
Penelope thought about her answer for a minute. "Smelly."
Luke laughed.
"Seriously though, they're great. I can't imagine life without them."
When they got to the Room of Requirement, the door revealed itself and Luke gestured for her to go through first.
She did and was greeted by an empty room. Perfect.
"Shall we get started?"
Luke nodded.
Penelope moved away from him and stood at the other side of the room.
"Hit me."
Luke blew out a breath and cast a disarming charm. Penelope's shield had no problem deflecting it.
"Trying something else."
He tried several other spells and she managed to deflect every single one.
"How do you do that?" Luke asked, lowering his wand.
"You've got to believe in yourself for one thing." Luke nodded with determination on his face. "And you've got to feel powerful. You don't want that spell hitting you, so you've got to put everything you can into it."
Luke raised his wand. "Hit me," he uttered and Penelope smiled, seeing the sparkle in his eyes.
She shot a disarming spell at him and with relative ease, his protection charm worked.
Luke beamed at her from across the room. "I did it!"
"See - you can do it!"
"Again!" Luke encouraged, excitement written over his face.
Repeatedly, she shot spells at him, watching as his charm got stronger and stronger and soon Luke was casting it with ease. He'd pass no problems.
"How about we try nonverbal?" Penelope asked. "It'll be good practice for me too."
Luke looked apprehensive before nodding. "Okay."
"You'll be fine," she reassured him.
And he was. They both got hit by a few spells in the beginning but as the more they practised, the more it came easily to them and the quieter the room got as fewer and fewer spells were uttered.
At the end of their session, both Luke and Penelope were smiling.
They sat on the floor together, quietly talking.
"Thanks for helping me," Luke said. "I just needed a little bit of practice."
"It's alright. You helped me too," Penelope told him.
Luke had his long legs stretched out in front of him whilst she had hers delicately tucked under her body.
"Are you looking forward to the game on Friday?"
"Yeah." Luke smiled. "I love playing Quidditch, it's such a rush. To be on the broom, moving through the skies - there's nothing like it." He saw Penelope wince. "Not your favourite thing?"
She shook her head. "Not really. I can ride a broom but I much prefer for my feet to stay on the ground."
He chuckled. "It's not for everyone."
They both looked at each other and smiled. And then, like in all the great romantic movies, something passed between them. His eyes went to her lips and her eyes went to his lips.
When their eyes met again, they both moved at the same time. Luke leaned closer to her and she leaned closer to him until their lips met in a soft and gentle kiss.
Above them, a red rose bloomed in the wall.
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burningdowndarkblue · 5 years
Donna Tartt and her Harry Potter parallels...
Hear me out
Harry Potter = Theo “Potter” Decker (duh, he’s an angsty orphan with glasses who gets wrapped up in tragedy wherever he goes and believes in the good of humanity. And his name is Potter!)
Kitsey = Ginny (her family took Potter in, she lost a brother, she and Potter have miscommunications, and he just up and leaves to go on adventures without her)
Pippa = Cho Chang (Potter and her bond over loss, Potter is enamored by her, it doesn’t exactly work out).
Boris = Draco (Okay so it’s more in a Drarry Fanfic than book sort of way and I know they’re not enemies but Boreo go through a lot of popular Drarry tropes together. Hurt/comfort. Sharing a bed. Dealing with nightmares. Abusive home lives. Addiction. Depression. Suicide attempt. Running around fighting bad guys they are low key entangled with? Are the art pieces not high key analogous to dark objects? They’re basically aurors!) 
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awkwardkitten13 · 4 years
Take On Me (written to the song Take On me by aha)
Harry had had enough. Everything was crushing him;His work load for the Aurors, His friends, and especially Andromenda not letting him see his godson because he came out as gay. He walked down the muggle city streets looking for the nearest pub. he finally found one called The Witches Brew. He thought that was amusing. The pub was pretty empty, so he walked in and sat down at the bar. He noticed the bartender with long platinum blond hair, turned away from him placing some glasses on the shelves.
"Damn that's an amazing ass." He thought to himself. "Excuse me, can I get some whiskey?" He asked politely. He was shocked when the bar tender dropped the glass he was holding and froze for a minute. Harry's eyes went wide as the bar tender turned around and he was met with the piercing grey eyes he'd dream't about for years.
"Draco?" He said quietly.
"Yeah." Draco laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
"What are you doing here?" Harry exclaimed.
"Well i work here, duh. Still a little slow, I see, Potter." Draco said but there was no malice in his voice like there used to be.
"I know that, but why are you working in a place like this? Shouldn't you be able to live off you family's money?" Harry said after rolling his eyes.
" Do you still want that whiskey?" Draco asked avoiding the question.
"Oh, yes please." Harry said as Draco poured him a glass. "Now are you gonna answer my question?"
Draco let out a deep sigh and slid the glass over to Harry, "I was disowned by my family."
"What, Why!?" Harry exclaimed.
"Still just as nosy as when we were in school? Huh, Potter?" Draco laughed. Harry took notice of how laid back and gentle he seemed now. His demeanor had changed so much since Hogwarts, five years ago.
"Sorry, Its a hard habit to break." Harry gave a shy smile.
"Well, if you must know," Draco looked down at his feet, "I came out as gay, and Father is against that so I was kicked out onto the streets, and i couldn't get work in the wizarding world thanks to the... you know. So i got this job. Could be worse i guess. atleast it pays the bills." Draco laughed again when he looked up and saw harry's shocked face. "What? don't tell me you hate gays too?" He rolled his eyes.
"No! No, actually..." Harry paused.
"No shit!? The famous Harry Potter is gay too?!" Draco exclaimed. Harry rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "How long have you known?"
Harry downed his whiskey in one shot, "Can i have another?" Draco rolled his eyes and poured him another.
"So...?" Draco said waving his hands in a come on motion.
Harry looked down contemplating if he wanted to say it or not. He finally built up enough of his courage and decided to just come clean. "Well..." Draco leaned in closer, "when i first saw you actually."
Draco went pale and his eyes got wide as he realised he wasnt the only one with a crush, "R-really?" He stuttered.
"Yeah you've been my biggest crush since the day i laid eyes on you." Harry took another swig of his whiskey and refused to look up.
"I-I-I-b-but i was so mean to you." Draco had tears welling up in his eyes at the thought of Harry caring about him no matter what insult he threw at him.
"That's no joke." Harry chuckled still not looking up from his glass. "I guess i always knew that was just a front. I knew there was always something deeper inside you and one day it would shine." Harry finally looked up just as a tear slid down Draco's cheek. He nearly jumped over the counter, but he settled for clutching Draco's hand. The contact made them both shiver. "Hey! Hey, whats the matter. Please don't cry."
"I-it's just... I was so horrible to you, just because i wanted your attention. I cared about you so much and I just wanted to make sure you saw me. I shouldn't have been so terrible. I'm so sorry Harry." Draco cried. Harry's heart melted at the use of his first name.
Harry stood from the bar stool and leaned over the counter. Cupping Draco's face he wiped his tears away with his thumbs. "Hey, I forgave you years ago. You're a different person, a better person. I can see it and your absolutely stunning." Harry whispered the last part and Draco gave him a sad smile.
"Thank you, Harry." Draco whispered. They got lost in each others eyes for a minute. Till Harry shook his head and Draco looked away shyly.
" Wait a minute!? What do you mean 'you cared about me'?" Harry said sitting down again.
"Still so slow, Potter." Draco laughed, "You are my biggest crush too."
"'Are' as in i still am?" Harry was smiling from ear to ear now.
"Yes." Draco rolled his eyes and laughed.
"So if i asked you on a date tomorrow would you go?" Harry asked.
Draco looked down with a sad expression that made Harry's smile fade.
"I can't." Draco whispered.
"Can't as in have other plan or can't as in don't want to." Harry said sadly.
"No! No, i want to more then anything in this world. That's my biggest dream. It's just... I promised myself i wouldn't date for awhile. Till i'm comfortable on my feet."
"Oh." Harry said and they sat in silence for a few moments. "I should get going. I have an early morning tomorrow." Harry got up and started to leave.
"Harry!?" Draco exclaimed. Harry turned around. "Will i see you again?"
Harry smiled, "Gods, I hope so. I'd rather die than never see your perfect face ever again." with that he left leaving Draco smiling.
That night neither one of them could sleep. Draco was up all night thinking about how he might of missed the chance to be with the man he cared for so much. Harry was trying to think of any way he could get Draco to change his mind.
Harry's mind continued to think all through his work as an Auror, but it was interrupted by his boss strolling into his office towards the end of the day.
"Hey Harry,"His boss said, "so, there's a big mission coming up in a couple days, and I need you on top of it. It's not going to be an easy one though."
"How so?" harry asked.
"Well we tracked down a couple of death eater that are still very loyal to you know who. Theyre not gonna come easy, and they're known for being dangerous. You'll be risking your life on this one." His boss said.
"Ok, I'll check out the files on them and start preparing myself." Harry said cracking his knuckles.
Before leaving work that night he grabbed the files he need and went home to start studying. He tried his hardest to focus on the information, but his mind was too preoccupied on blond hair and blue eyes. He would do anything to just touch him right now. Finally, he became overwhelmed by the thought, so he grabbed his coat and headed to the bar Hoping Draco would be there.
Not sure what to say, He paced outside for about 10 minutes. He decided to just wing it.
"Harry!" Draco exclaimed excited to see him.
"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you at work, but i really needed to talk to you."
"You can bother me anytime you like." Draco laughed. "What did you need to say?"
"Look, I'm leaving in two days to go on a dangerous mission and i just cant think straight knowing we might be missing our chance to be together. Seeing you again has stirred up so many emotions I haven't felt in so long. I care about you so much Draco, and i have for such a long time. I want you in my life. Please take me on." Harry blurted out. Draco stood in silence, not sure what to say. His heart was pounding so fast and he couldn't think. He wanted so badly to say yes but he couldn't break his promise. Could he?
"I see you need to think. I'm assuming you don't have flew so here's my number. Please get back to me soon. Like I said, I'm leaving in two days." Harry said sadly handing Draco a piece of paper then turning and leaving.
I've continued this story as its own short story. It's under "Take On Me (Drarry Short)" on Wattpad
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