#they're both smart and like archery!
blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
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This idea for a later part in Four Swords Returns floats around in my head and I find it hilarious:
So you get to see it. X"D
Vaati (Still being lose) is completely enamored with the lovely princess Zelda, so he kidnaps her to be his bride.
Woops. He kidnapped Vio instead...However did that happen...
So Zelda dons the Vio persona and helps the other 4 (including Shadow Link) save the real Vio before he and Vaati are married.
Hilarity ensues.
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littlemissayu · 9 months
TWST Boys as ✨ PARENTS✨(Part 3)
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ft:Pomefiore, Ignihyde | pt.1 ; Heartsabyul & Savanaclaw | pt.2 ; Octavinelle & Scarabia | pt. 4; ft.Diasomnia
TW: kids, pregnancy, reader is depicted as female, domestic, fluff
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Vil Schoenheit-
1 kid, he originally didn't desire kids because of his career but he changed his mind seeing how you seemed to really want children and he remembered that if his father was able to give him such amazing childhood memories with his career then he could too. Your child is extremely smart like their father. They are very beautiful but unlike their father they're not afraid to get dirty. Eventually they developed a love for gardening; it might not have been their only hobby but it's their favorite. Vil may not be a fan of getting dirty if it makes his kid happy he's happy! Just don't think he'll join the 2 of you. I heavily believe he could father either gender but I'm thinking a gorgeous little girl.
Rook Hunt-
12 kids, he's raising an entire football(soccer) team. He just can't help it, your pregnant image makes him feel aroused. So you pop out your own little team. You kids are super sneaky, even as babies they were able to sneak up on you. They all are suburb archers and could hit anyone in a 9 mile radius. The football(soccer) reference I made is ironic because I heavily believe your first and last kids both play football. Rook is such a proud dad, his kids could do anything and he's give them the ultimate praise, he never let's them forget how amazing they are. He is a parent that can find any excuse for his prefect children, because they can do no wrong. Except disrespect you, bc as their mother you gave birth to them, gave them life, and do your best to take care of them; so respecting you is no debate. You guys also have a family tradition of archery tag to start off the summer every year.
Epel Felmier-
6 kids, your kids have the most beautiful looks, just absolutely gorgeous. They are also extremely competitive, on the farm when it comes to chores they always try to finish first, and once you and Epel figure it out did you tell them they don't need to rush just to beat someone? Nah you two just decided whoever finishes first gets the most allowance, it may sound bad but it gets work done and those kids now can finish any work in record time!! Your kids are very adventurous and lucky for them dear old dad is always willing to support their curiosity. He never lets his kids doubt themselves, he teaches them to be proud yet not too proud. He is the best father to his kids. I also have a feeling the whole family has a competion around apple picking season, whoever gets the most wins, the prixe changes every year.
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Idia Shroud-
2 kids, who are absolutely extroverts, loving talking and hanging out with people, everyone loves them. Idia doesn't know how them became such extroverts but he loves them anyway. He may not like human interaction much but he loves spending time he can with his kids. If there is something him and his kids is there love for video games, every Friday they have tournaments to se who wins. You join in as well; your little family loves these games because you get to be together. In terms of girl or boy dad, the 2 of you have 2 boys!(Bonus: If you don't want to name them Castor and Pollux he probably nicknames them that <3!!; and yes they are Gemini's)
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Poméfiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
Twst Masterlist
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As someone who has been poisoned/purposely given consumable that put me in a dangerous state on purpose, I feel like no one ever quite writes about how unsafe the poisoned object feels for awhile. Like Garroth and Brendan have booth been shot with a poisonous arrow so I think they both handle arrows with an extreme amount of care.
as far as i'm aware, the only canonical side effects of the poison was that it was anti-coagulant and they lost a lot of blood (that's from memory, i haven't watched the early episodes in like forever), so that could be the reason they're not so weary.
but, regardless, i thing Garroth would 'get over' arrows quite quickly. just in the sense that he's used to them, he knows they can cause damage, and he's fully prepared to do it again for his village. He might be more cautious, but i think a guy like Garroth kind of went into being a guard knowing exactly what kind of stuff would be going on, and being fully prepared to just... 'get over' it. But Brendan... is probably giving the guards a wide berth when they're practicing their archery. which would probably be smart anyways, because not all of them are very good.
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king-casino · 1 year
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I made a merc self-insert!!! Yeah i know realistically I wouldn't be able to run around on a battlefield because of the whole....well....disabled situation. But let me live in my fantasy world.
MEDIC: i feel like at first they would butt heads because they both wanna be the smart science guy, but they become friends after a while. And all the other mercs are like "oh god oh fuck". In the middle of the night you can regularly hear a pair of manic laughter and screams coming from either Medic's or Scientist's labs.
HEAVY: I think that they're friends by association. Since both Scientist and Heavy are friends with Medic, I reckon they hang out a lot. Scientist will rant about chemicals and experiments to Heavy, and Heavy will rant about his guns. And maybe they talk about how hot Medic is O///O
SCOUT: ADHD solidarity. Maybe Scout is kinda scared of Scientist, but they have fun. Maybe they read comics together (Scientist having to read them out loud). They probably talk music together. Scientist prefers garage rock (until the punk scene started), but they're open to listen to Scout's favorite Tom Jones songs.
SPY: Spy probably thought Scientist was just gonna be another insane idiot in the beginning, but was surprised at how intelligent they can be. Scientist will let Spy talk about his butterfly knives to them. I think that Spy probably respects Scientist to a reasonable degree. Scientist thinks that Spy is kinda a narcissistic prick, but so are they so it doesn't matter all that much.
ENGINEER: Southern solidarity. Scientist is from Georgia, more southern than country like Texas. When the both of them hang out, it's like a southern echo chamber. They'll use terms that make no sense to the others, and share family recipes. Engineer probably worries about Scientist, seeing how they're a young adult (even younger than Scout) with mental/physical health issues. Scientist sees this as kinda patronizing, but tries to be civil about it.
PYRO: Pyro IS NOT allowed in Scientist's lab. The last time they went in there, the base exploded. But Pyro and Scientist are friends. Scientist will draw with Pyro and play with them. Scientist also finds Pyro to be an interesting psychological subject to study. But Pyro doesn't liked being asked all those questions, so usually they just hang out and have fun together
DEMOMAN: BEST. BUDS. They love blowing things up together, and they love talking about chemicals together. Scientist's stepsister is Scottish, so they have a bit in common in that department. Scientist isn't actually old enough to drink, so when they hang out, Demo is drinking and Scientist is smoking. Weed, that is. They would never smoke a cigarette as long as they live.
SOLDIER: Soldier doesn't like them all that much because he thinks they're a commie (probably because they are). Scientist has tried explaining to Soldier what communism actually is, but Soldier just yells about Scientist's "commie tricks". Nevertheless, they hang out a lot. Scientist likes to play with Soldier's raccoons, and Soldier just likes having someone to talk to who doesn't treat him like he's crazy or stupid.
SNIPER: Most of the time Scientist is "too much" for Sniper. But he likes to hang out with it when they're chill. They like to sit outside together with their sketchbooks and draw. Sniper's better at animals and Scientist is better at people. They also like to do archery together. Sniper also just might like Scientist because they never, not once, made a comment about him being Australian and looking like he does.
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void-lioness · 1 year
Random TOTK post about Tulin
He's actually really smart about his archery?
Like.... The way he fires his arrows and holds his bow is actually optimal because look:
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His talons are holding the bow steady while he's using his beak to fire. And that frees up his wings, and for a flying archer, and being a RITO he needs to have his wings free.
Now, let's look at Teba and Revali:
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They're both holding their bows like a traditional archer would. Which means there are moments they lose air time and that isn't good for them. They put themselves at a disadvantage this way.
I don't know when Tulin figured out his technique but he's crushing it as an archer.
He's definitely making his father and Revali proud.
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loominggaia · 7 months
If every FGG's dads fought who would win? (The moms probably shouldn't fight since Karenza exists)
This is a fun question to think about! First, let's see who we're working with here...(let's all assume they're in their prime)
Foster (Evan's dad): Big, tough, mountain of a man. Farmer by trade. Mean. Picks fights for fun. Gives no fucks.
Ekwame (Lukas' dad): Tall skinny guy. Skilled in archery but otherwise not very active. Lived an easy, privileged life and has never known struggle. Probably never threw a punch in his life.
Vingevar (Glenvar's dad): We don't know much about him except that he was big and tall like most Maskamar men. The Maskamar's culture is quite aggressive, so it's safe to assume he had some fighting experience like the rest of his people.
Sebastian (Alaine's dad): Wiry little dude. Was a drug-dealing thug in his youth but cleaned himself up later. Doesn't want any trouble, just trying to get by. Definitely had a lot of scraps in his day, but nothing serious.
Darshaan (Isaac's dad): Tall, well-muscled man. Raised by soldiers, highly skilled combatant, later became a mercenary. Peaceful until he's pissed off, then resorts to violence quickly.
Nemeto (Linde's dad): Tall, twiggy guy. Cowardly. Boat salesman by trade. Born into wealth. His only "active" hobby is probably golf or something.
Eindrid (Elska's dad): Huge guy with big muscles. Skilled in combat. Not the brightest, but he is quite kind and doesn't like to resort to violence unless he has no choice.
King of Tekee (Mr. Ocean's dad): Physically burly and magically powerful. Mostly chill, but has a dark side too. A bit arrogant, not very smart, and lacks awareness.
Adel (Zeffer's dad): Tall and lean. Barkeeper with a sketchy criminal history. Barkeeper by trade. Lots of experience wrangling unruly drunk people.
I think the King of Tekee would take an easy win here. Then again, he did get killed by a random spear-toss, so it's possible that one of the other dads could take him out by surprise.
Otherwise, I think Eindrid and Darshaan would give eachother a run for their money. Eindrid is a mighty centaur and Darshaan is just a spongy human, but I still think Darshaan could eke out a victory here, just because he has a lot more actual combat experience than Eindrid. Eindrid trained a lot, but didn't see any real major battles in his lifetime.
Behind them is Vingevar and Foster, who are almost evenly matched. Vingevar would be the better combatant and probably bigger physically, but I feel like Foster's sheer stubbornness and aggression would win him the fight. Vingevar is prone to running away from his problems, apparently, while Foster charges through them like a bull.
After them, it's Adel vs. Sebastian. They come from similarly rough backgrounds, except Sebastian took the high road and Adel stayed on the low road. Because of this, I think Adel would win. He fights dirty and he's genuinely vicious, while Sebastian's kind nature would cost him the fight.
Lastly, we've got Nemeto and Ekwame...Prepare to witness the saddest, sissiest little slapfight you've ever seen. Nemeto breaks his wrist punching Ekwame, and Ekwame cuts his hand on Nemeto's teeth. It's a tie because both of them tap out.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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first-talon · 1 year
Cas, give us the Naoise lore. Gender thoughts, martial ability thoughts. How's he taking the whole dead family situation? The suddenly a warden situation? What does he make of Alistair's immediately shovelling all responsibility onto his shoulders? Who does he want to kill most between Morrigan and Alistair so far? Anything else you've got on your chest you want to share 😌
Naoise !!!
Gender Thoughts
Ohh boy, here we go. Lex knowing immediately that Naoise is written as a trans man despite me not giving any previous inclination… iconic, actually. you are correct i have lots of gender thoughts about him!
Naoise Cousland is beloved by his family, and especially by his parents. I believe wholeheartedly that he clued into the fact that he was trans at a young age and demanded to be seen as such, the way a spoiled second son would demand anything else. Sure, there was worried discussion between Eleanor and Bryce about how to handle the wider social ramifications--and what about heirs and marriage?--but ultimately they could not bring themselves to deny their son anything and so they helped him to comfortably transition. Doing it younger was smart; noble pages could begin training as early at 7, such as Fergus did, but Naoise did not show any knightly inclinations.
(edit: i meant to say smth here about mage top surgery in his teens. i think it's possible and i think the couslands could have realistically hidden that knowledge from others)
With that in mind, Naoise doesn't suffer from what we might consider "stereotypical" gender dysphoria, or at least in the way comparatively that Mahanon does. He passes, he's gendered correctly, he's widely regarded as a man by his family and his peers. Hell, Arl Howe offers him his daughter, Delilah, in marriage.
That being said--he does suffer from internalizing Ferelden's societal (and toxic) ideas of masculinity. He mimicked what he saw as a noble's second son… (caveat: it seems that being gay is somewhat acceptable [or at least not frowned upon] in Ferelden but given what we see of Krem in Inquisition, I'm extrapolating/hc'ing what being trans in noble society might look like) … being accused of effeminate behavior/being trans/etc would likely bring him to challenge said person to a fight to restore honor. He wants to go off and fight, and says as much during the origin, despite the fact that his parents see him as more readily inclined to take over the teyrnship. Does he take it as a slight against his martial abilities? A jab that he would be more readily accepted as a homemaker? Probably not, but the thoughts linger… he's mostly soothed by them insisting that they cannot risk "both heirs", which assures him that their feelings haven't changed.
Martial Thoughts
Naoise isn't a great warrior like Fergus is, ready to charge the front lines or shield his brothers from the blows. Naoise is analytical, slender, and works best from a distance. Trained in archery, he tends to linger back and pin/compromise as many opponents as possible while his fellows charge. If the line breaks or they need help, he's dual-wielding daggers with speed and elegance… I suppose his mother did teach him SOME of her swashbuckling ways. There's a swagger to how he moves that isn't typical of knights… maybe something more maritime?
Grief + Warden
Naoise, admittedly, isn't coping well with the loss of his entire family. Not only does Dairren die (y'know, the son of Lady Landra who he managed to convince to go to bed with him that night), but so did his innocent sister-in-law and baby nephew, the household, his dad, his mum, Ser Gilmore, etc. He's screaming, crying, throwing up the whole way to Ostagar. He only manages to get it together by the time they're climbing up the steps to meet with King Cailan----and then he's told he won't be able to see Fergus until after the battle. Fine, that's fine. He didn't want to give Fergus the horrible news yet anyway.
Then the battle at Ostagar goes to shit; King Cailan can't make good on his promise for justice, Loghain has branded him a traitor, and Fergus is likely dead. The grief starts anew, but this time with purpose. While Alistair is grieving Duncan, Naoise doesn't grieve at all, he's PLOTTING. He is plotting how going to Redcliffe can help him achieve his greater goal--stopping the Blight is secondary. Avenging his family comes first.
To that end, he thinks little of the Grey Wardens. Duncan strong-armed him into the position by manipulating his dying father. If that wasn't a cunning, manipulative, political move, he doesn't know what is. Fine, he'll just have to be smarter, wittier, more cunning. One step ahead of everyone, including his own order. He's not grieving them after Ostagar, he's reassessing how his position as one of the only Wardens left can be used as a means to his own ends.
Alistair + Morrigan
Traveling with these two (plus his mabari and his eagle!) has quickly shown Naoise, the spoiled second-born son used to getting his own way, just how ANNOYING it is to have siblings. They're bickering all the time, he's bickering with them, none of them can agree on anything, the dog is barking, etc etc. It gets to the point where he whips out the "WELL MY WHOLE FAMILY WAS MURDERED. I DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE" more than once and it gets them to shut up. He sympathizes with Alistair's grief and Morrigan's reluctance but it all GRATES on him.
By the time he gets comfortable enough to be bratty back, they all want to kill each other. I don't think I could tell you which one wants blood more.
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freetobeafcknriot · 8 months
this is gonna be long-ish but a couple of days ago i saw a post by @voidstilesplease (which i now cannot find) about alex and henry's plausible godly parents, and it got me thinking. a lot. and this is what came out of it—!
▍  HENRY is pretty simple to me. in the book, alex makes a comparison between him and apollo and overall it's just too fitting to pass on. so i say he's a child of apollo.
now usually, while they are fairly powerful, most children of apollo's abilities tend to be specialized in one direction rather than consisting in a general set like other demigods. in henry's case, i imagine he'd excel in the arts (like all of his siblings) and have powers linked to speech/poetry/writing. so, like, he can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets, but can also heal people by singing a hymn to his father (or through storytelling; that's something he worked hard on). aside from this, like any other child of apollo, he's good at physical contests and games and anything involving throwing or shooting stuff. so while archery or hoops etc. are not his main skill he's good enough if need be. also, fun fact: in very rare cases a child of apollo can possess some form of photokinesis, and i just know in my heart that alex was so peeved by henry at first that he thought that was the case and that he had this kind of rare power but was hiding it or something (untrue. alex was just crushing hard and i want my northern star reference).
another thing alex suspects and used to go off about is henry being a legacy of aphrodite. i can neither confirm nor deny this, personally, but wouldn't be opposed at the idea.
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▍  ALEX is way more tricky to me. my first guess was athena, but my issue with that is that nora is too much of an athena child herself and, well, we all know they dated briefly. even aside from that though, there's just something off to me. so, i bring options !
firstly, legacies. in my mind, both ellen and oscar are either demigods themselves or children of at least one demigod. this makes alex (and june) a legacy through ellen and possibly oscar! my reasoning for that is:
zeus: ellen claremont is so daughter/legacy of zeus coded it's insane. we know it's rare and that children of zeus hardly grow into adults without getting killed first. regardless, they are all naturally good leaders, as well as very ambitious and goal-oriented, and generally, they just have a very strong presence and a willful attitude.
mercury: oscar could be a child of mercury and one reason i like this a lot is alex's middle name. gabriel comes from his mexican heritage and was chosen in honor of the archangel gabriel, patron saint of diplomats, whose counterpart in roman mythology is mercury (or hermes, but mercury fits better imo). his children are usually cunning and nimble and very versatile in any skill, so basically “jacks-of-all-trades”. they excel in athletics as well as business (and, in hermes' case, thievery). they're fast and stealthy, and good with money. and of course, they can be very persuasive, thus making good spies and influencers. there's a great deal of charisma there.
so here's the deal. i can see two possibilities !
a) alex is ellen and oscar's biological son, thus a dual legacy.
as there is no fixed rule when it comes to demigods' children and how they inherit one, both, or neither parent's divine side (could be anything, according to riordan even a horse lol), i can see alex being mixed. he's so chaotic and lively and smart and charismatic and larger-than-life, he could embody traits from both zeus and mercury. it may be a bit less intense than if he was a first-generation demigod abilities-wise, but nothing to scoff at. it could also be interesting as legacies aren't usually treated the same as regular demigods, and the nature of their heritage and abilities is basically a game of chance when they are born, so i could see alex being a notorious, skilled, and passionate exponent of this minority.
b) alex is ellen's biological child (thus a legacy of zeus/jupiter, but with greatly reduced abilities derived from it in this case! it'd mostly just be his presence, really), his middle name is a nod to oscar's side of the family, but he was conceived with a god. as for which one, i'd suggest hephaestus.
hear me out! children of hephaestus are skilled builders and talented engineers. they can instinctively detect, identify, and operate any piece of machinery or metal. and in rare cases, they are blessed with the ability to create and control fire, or possibly even lava and volcanoes. in the book, june tells alex that he's got a fire under his ass, and he is shown to be clever, charismatic, restless and resourceful, as well as intense, headstrong, sometimes impulsive, and overall ablaze, in a way. to the point of burnout, if he goes on a tangent and is not careful. now, hephaestus blesses his children with this every few centuries, but i could see it here: the ability to create and control fire, in general, which is an extremely chaotic power that could burn anything near it no matter the intention, and the more fire is summoned and controlled, the more energy is drained. but i think it fits alex, he'd be careful and good with it. aside from the rest, that is.
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TL;DR. henry: son of apollo, possible legacy of aphrodite. alex: either active legacy of mercury and zeus or son of hephaestus and legacy of zeus/jupiter.
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I would love to hear about your stranger things pjo au!!! Love both stories, all the better to mix them
well, buckle the FUCK up! /lh
❗ Before we begin, i'd like to give some warnings for abuse (csa, physical, emotional), self-harm/suicide, scars, neglect/abandonment, religion (mention of camps), minor character death, mention of kidnapping, eating disorders❗
this has taken TWO DAYS and it's long and not even finished but i'm tired of looking at it so
🎸 First character: michael wheeler. 🎸
love the kid to death. proud kinnie and apologist.
he's a fucking menace in this au. a mini percy, if you will.
15, genderfluid, he/they/she, boy kisser.
from hawkins indiana, bullied very badly as a kid for being neurodivergent, abusive father that does not know what a boundary is especially when he's drunk.
(that's projection right there - at its finest)
hypersexual for obvious reasons.
convinces a not-aware-of-the-abuse nancy to run away at 12 and 15. leave without any parting words to anyone.
make it to camp half blood where they are quickly claimed and mike is the first to meet percy, who has become a social worker/therapist alongside an oc of mine, chase williams.
he's given the following diagnoses: adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, bpd with severe dissociation, mdd, and gad with panic attacks .
has been on 2 quests in his 3 years at camp. both, he does not talk about.
will becomes his fp basically on sight (i know- i was there. mike told me himself)
so fucking stupid its a wonder they put him against the ares cabin bc his smart mouth is brutal.
visible self-harm scars and will get so pissed if you ask about any of his scars. will tell you to mind your business.
15, trans guy, he/him, queer.
aphrodite bitch that loves looking like he lives in a conservative 80s small town horror movie but like,,, the amount of tan and neutral works somehow? with some golden yellow and rusty oranges that make his green eyes shimmer and pop.
big artist and has hecate's blessing and OH MY GOD will with powers???? illusions???? fuckin CHARMSPEAK????? he's in his magician era lmao /lh /j
from cali. bisexual icon joyce brought her boys to camp early so they're prepared. i say she's the sally of stranger things
has the included adhd and dyslexia but with added cptsd, schizophrenia, and autism. that should be interesting.
has been on 6 quests since age 10, some successful, some not.
i want will to have eyeliner. i want to see him with it so bad. and painted nails. usually pink, yellow, or black.
21, nonbinary man, he/she, queer as hell
willeddie siblings. trans aphrodite kids against the world.
has apollo's blessing. very much a partner in crime to percy, they bond over music taste.
adhd, dyscaulia, bipolar 1, and cptsd
such a chill fucking dude but will ramble for years and years and years if you don't stop him.
very powerful charmspeak and very good at seeing the ties between people. has a celestial bronze dagger essentially named "freak"
sucker for apollo cabin counselor steve harrington
☀️ mr. steven harrington~ ☀️
19, trans man, he/him, bisexual
apollo kid, lover of pop, singer-songwriter.
very laidback, from TN surprisingly. has religious trauma, unsurprisingly, from being in a baptist christian family and being sent to summer camps until he was abandoned at age 16 by his mom and step dad.
adhd, dyslexia, hpd, cptsd, and unspecified dissociative disorder. hypersexual from a few instances of csa as a young child by someone at one of the summer camps he was sent to.
definitely has a knack for swinging blunt objects, of which he has a celestial bronze bat he carries everywhere along with a backup dagger.
thinks kids are fun to work with and teaches archery alongside chiron, which is unexpected but welcomed.
an okay healer. average. knows first aid, cpr, the basics
💜 the badass, nancy wheeler 💜
18, cis female, she/her, lesbian
athena kid through and fucking through. so smart but, like mike, oblivous and super dumb.
spends a lot of time out of the house as a kid until she and mike run away.
works for the camp newspaper, freelance journalist as she attempts college classes.
not the one you want against you in capture the flag.
chooses the gun bc she briefly has "i'm not like other girls" syndrome but finds it actually fits her.
her and annabeth talk all the time. to the point percy complains to mike about it.
robin buckley- love at first sight
18, nonbinary woman, she/they/neos, woman kisser
also a big music person but POETRY. she absolutely loves poetry and symbolism and all that shit.
romance and sci-fi nerd.
dresses like a gay drama professor or gives off young richie tozier vibes, no in-between.
can name each bone in your body as she breaks it. loves her independent gf nancy.
adhd, dyslexia, autism, ptsd, and severe auditory processing issues.
indie music seems like her style but scene queen owns her soul and she'd sell it for ashnikko
thought about being a film major
steve's platonic better half as they should be
comes from an emotionally abusive household
📷 jonny boy 📷
19, trans man, he/him, aceflux demigayromantic
dates a clear-sighted mortal (affectionate)
aphrodite's son that may not be "conventionally attractive", but he has a knack for matchmaking and fashion, which he then neglects because he opts for a camp shirt and jeans with tennis shoes.
mild adhd, dyslexia, AUTISM, cptsd, avpd, gad, generalized depression
so many sensory issues and needs, but tries to be independent, which can lead to bouts of anger, frustration, and, sometimes, crying.
was severely bullied in school and he was physically and emotionally abused by his step dad, who his mom was not married to for very long
works with nancy and takes photographs for the paper sometimes.
🌻 el my beloved 🌻
15, nonbinary, they/them, pan ace, poly
as a kid of demeter, el has always been a plant lover. discovered their powers early
bedroom pop lover and blessed by aphrodite.
would rather rely on their powers than a weapon but does have a small dagger on them at all times.
elmike duo my sweets,,,
adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, system (no amnesia, 2 other alters; jane and 11, who is different from el)
by early i mean she was growing plants at a rapid rate by the time she was 5. the wrong person saw it and she was kidnapped and abused severely until she was ten, when she was rescued by local police chief jim hopper, who later adopted her bc her mortal parent had been in an accident not too long after she was taken and did not make it.
🌸 baby girl chrissy 🌸
19, demigirl, she/they, aroace
daughter of demeter, very sweet
very much a basic pastel stereotype but we love her anyway, she's amazing.
has the following: adhd, dyslexia, bullimia, cptsd, gad with panic attacks
her dad's very much a pushover and her stepmom's heavily emotionally and verbally abusive and makes comments about her weight all the time
she only spends a few weeks of the year at home and it's usually only for her dad.
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random headcanons about mcga characters just because:
- magnus's favorite flowers are sunflowers
- alex is kind of semi religious? (i know this may be canon divergence but i find the concept cool. like she's not as religious as samirah, doesn't pray for every tiny thing, but on the whole believe the aztec gods exist, and she does pray sometimes)
- magnus is literally so smart. like if you ask him he'll on the spot recite like the first fifty digits of pi or something
- aand magnus does that thing where he presses dead flowers and leaves in between the pages of a book, but then he does it only to already dead ones because "or else it's murder!! have you people no conscience?!"
- blitz is a very people person. like he has very good people skills. he's confident, he speaks eloquently, etc
- magnus is very fair so his blush is like highlighted on his skin? like he starts off with cream colored cheeks and then they're suddenly rose pink and glowing so it's very obvious he's blushing lol. also he glows a warm pink when he's flustered
- tj loves vanilla ice cream. he says he likes the simplicity. except alex, nobody really understands
- hearth used to be a harry potter fan when he was younger, then he figured out that jkr was a racist, transphobic bitch
- heath eventually masters archery, after the events of sotd. he's very good at it, and can now hold his own in a battle even without runestones (though he still uses them, obviously)
- red lipstick on mallory can i just. also mallory with a silver nose piercing like girl in red <3
- samirah's one of the people who own those super organized stationary thingies, like the ones where everything's in its right place and it also looks very organized. alex is one of the people who own the stationary things but somehow manage to make it look disorganized, but if you ask them, they're all "everything's perfectly organized and in its place" and then when you ask them where the orange pencil with the eraser at the end is, they just take it out for you in one second like what
- alex's best subject leaving art is english, she's very good at creative writing
- as a kid, samirah owned an entire collection of those patterned washy tapes. she still has them and never uses them, they're just there for nostalgia
- tj has a piercing above the eyebrow, and then on the other eyebrow is his shard of flint
- tj and alex teaming up to tease magnus (canon)
- alex, magnus and tj do play video games together and magnus sucks at it, but he's just there to have fun so. usually either alex or tj end up winning
- alex does makeup and nails for both magnus and tj
- mallory knows english, irish, and french as well. she learnt it in valhalla, but nobody else knows she did, so one day she just starts speaking french and everyone just stares. it started as payback to halfborn, since he talks about his phd in german literature so much, but then she actually started liking speaking it
- halfborn is the one who uses proper grammar while texting (because he says after learning german grammar, he's come to appreciate english grammar), not samirah, who uses as many short forms as possible to save time
- samirah also knows many many keyboard shortcuts, also to save time
- halfborn's the type of person to learn knitting secretly lol. blitz teaches him how to sew clothes too
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sunjwinn · 2 years
In all his life Venti never thought he'd bemoan the fact that he had never partaken in any of the sports that his P.E class taught in school. Sure he joined the archery club, but as far as he remembered, the archery club never required intense running in the open field. They had a separate location for the activities that were hosted. Most of his time was spent dedicated to improving his skills with the flute and perfecting his craft with the violin. If he was feeling up to it, he'd pop by choir practice and play a few tunes. Adding to that, both locations were close by and Venti never saw the need to up his stamina.
Now? Oh, Venti absolutely loathes that fact.
On the run from a lumbering, hulking one-eyed cyclops, Venti focused on not tripping over protruding tree roots and snapping his neck, making him an easy meal to satisfy the cravings of a disgusting monster. Gosh, he sounded like he's about to cry.
He is, of course, no doubt about that.
But the logical part of himself that hasn't been overtaken by sheer panic forced him to blink away those tears lest they cloud his vision and force him into an early grave. Besides, it's not like crying would do him any good.
He is speaking from experience here, having fled from one danger only to run headfirst into a new one.
Venti's only chance at surviving this unfortunate run-in would be to take aim at this creature and hope it would stun it, even if only temporarily. His bow and quiver was still slung across his back, a comforting weight that he was very familiar with, although his arrows fell short in abundance.
"Damn." He cursed, leaping over a boulder and nearly falling face-first into the ground strewn with branches and leaves. The monster was carelessly uprooting trees that stood in its way and shoving aside boulders like it was nothing more than an eyesore. Venti trembled, scrambling to pick himself up from the ground and continue moving.
His school uniform is ruined, the beige slacks have muddy streaks splashed onto it and the ends were frayed. Must be because of the tumble he took down the hill due to a misstep. He had a deep incision on his right leg that he had nearly forgotten about if only he didn't fuck up his landing.
This situation could have been avoided if he had been the bigger person and just sucked it up. The fight he and Diluc had gotten themselves into was over a petty reason, fueled by Venti's growing jealousy and tendency to misunderstand intentions. Had he just let Diluc explain himself, maybe he wouldn't be having the hardest time of his life, multiple scenarios flashing through his head at how this was going to go down. Maybe he would still be with the rest of his friends; Jean, Kaeya and Diona, eating grilled tiger fish along the riverbank and singing songs to their hearts' content.
Right now, Venti doesn't even have the time to wonder if they're out there searching for him. He has no doubts that Jean, reliable as she is, would have any difficulties in finding him. A demon slayer with her reputation would surely find something like this ugly compacted mass of muscle to be way below what she normally fights. Kaeya, for all his lascivious ways, was very smart and quite knowledgeable in the field of exorcism.
The monster roared. The sound caused the ground beneath his soles to tremble, the trees vibrating visibly due to the shockwave that pulsed through the forest. It was getting angry, Venti thinks dumbly, peering over his shoulder to check up on its state. Now that he's gotten a quick peek, the thing has a mouth that he somehow missed. A rather huge mouth, with glistening canines that could saw his body in half if that ever chomps down on Venti.
If he thought he was fucked before, he was definitely sure of it now. With another thundering growl that sent a blast of hot air whipping across his face, the thing fell forward on its limbs and started racing towards Venti.
"What the fuck!" Venti growled, forcing his body to move faster to cover more ground. It was gaining upon him, and fast. Whatever distance there had been before, it was easily overcome with a few leaps in the air.
Making an impulsive decision based on his observations, Venti veered sharply to the left. A rush of wind past his ears and the heavy impact of the monster landing. Heart pounding in his chest, he made use of the dazed state the monster is in, hurrying away from the scene.
Why, oh, why must he be so rash and terribly sensitive? Every second he spent here in this dense forest with no sense of direction is another second close to his death. This place was swarming with monsters, and someone like him with the poorest sense of self preservation had gone stomping in due to a fit of rage. Fate truly is cruel, mocking him like this.
Would it be too late to start praying for himself? The chances he'd be getting out of this alive is slim. The hope that Diluc and the others arrive here in time is almost close to none. He doesn't even recognize the place, and the others would most likely visit the areas he's fond of first.
Dying here would be the most pathetic end to his existence, but if it does come to pass, he shouldn't just accept it with open arms. Venti would fight tooth and nail if he absolutely has to.
The creature— Venti winced when the imagery he conjured in his mind was as horrid as the real thing— big as it is, calling it a cyclops is very generous. It was more muscle than flesh, the color of its skin was akin to puke. It stood about as tall as the trees growing within the forest, and extremely bloated. It had the advantage of speed when it used its limbs, but it relied heavily on their eyesight. A fact that Venti took note of when it charged right at him, bulging yellowish eye fixated on his person.
If he timed it right, he might be able to incapacitate this monster. That is if he manages to land a hit on this thing when his hands are trembling so much they could barely clench on the strap of his quiver. Should he be successful, it could buy him some time to move farther up ahead, and hope that his trail would be fainter and this lumbering fool would give chase to something else.
However in his current situation, he'll have to be reliant on his skills from his archery practice and pray that it doesn't fail him now. A stationary target is vastly different from a live, breathing one after all, and he's restricted by the limited amount of arrows in his possession.
Taking his bow and testing its weight carefully in his hand, Venti sees a rock huge enough to crouch behind, an advantageous position to take aim. He quickly dove for it, shuffling until he was in a position that allowed him to make a quick break for it should this turn to shit.
Taking a deep breath, Venti reached behind him, carefully pulling out an arrow. He willed his hands not to tremble as he nocked the arrow, pulling the bowstring taut, gaze focused on the clearing before him. The creature is bound to pass here, where else would it go when a fresh, live human with an open wound is within reach.
Waiting there felt agonizing and it made him extremely antsy. The fear of the unknown ate away at his already frazzled nerves, yet he knows that if he moved from this spot, he would lose the only advantage of ever incapacitating this beast. The area behind him was a flat land, no longer riddled with extruding roots or rock formations. It would be suicide to try to outrun the thing.
The forest felt like it was placed on mute. The wind whistled past his ear, rustling the leaves overhead and scattering them along the breeze. No squirrels, rabbits or any tiny woodland creature in sight, probably in hiding. The birds that chirped noisily above the canopy had long left at the slightest commotion. Animals really are lucky to detect whether or not a threat stalks their home, fleeing quickly at the first sign of danger. The sense of abandonment was prevalent in the air which was shrugged off, not giving it time to settle into his being.
When I get back to them, Venti vowed, I am never leaving their side.
Determined to keep that self-made promise, he adjusted his posture to a more stable one, left eye scrunched shut. The ground vibrated beneath his feet, increasing in tremor and growing closer each time.
With a huge swipe at two trees whose boughs intertwined with one another, the monster sent them flying, roots and all. It had swollen up, glowing a dark, blotchy green. He could only assume it was due to anger. The view of its jaws opening and clamping shut rapidly forced Venti to tear his sights away from it. Mutated cyclops, Venti affirms in his mind, it's too horrendous and sharp-toothed to be a normal one.
Watching all this happen makes him question why he returns back to this era of bloodshed and war-hungry creatures. He's been living a fine, comfortable life back in the future, with his only worries ranging from whether or not he's passed a test or if he's won a competition. He shouldn't be here concocting plans of escape from a mythical creature. He doesn't even belong in the past.
Is it because of his friends here that he's not leaving? He does get attached so easily, treating them as if they've been his friends for far longer than they've actually known one another. Or maybe it's because of him?
No. Venti banishes the thought quickly from his head. It was pointless to have such intrusive thoughts that could cloud his rational thinking during dangerous situations. Focusing on the predicament at hand, he worked on steadying his breathing.
Jean mentioned something along the lines of demons being able to detect fear, enticed by the smell of fresh blood circulating in the human body. Establishing controlled breathing and a calm mind helps immensely when faced with demons or monsters that rely on their senses to hunt. Kaeya nodded to her words, adding his own input.
"Calm down. Observe. Aim." Kaeya wags a finger in front of his face. "Those three rules should work well enough for you. As an archer, you're mostly at a disadvantage compared to the rest of us." He had paused, placing a hand to his chin, looking deep in thought.
He's survived thus far, that should be praise-worthy in itself. He could have died so many times but managed to bullshit his way out of them with only meager bruises to claim as his proof of participation.
"But as a reincarnation of Barbatos, you should have no problem wielding Anemo."
Venti wanted to snort when Kaeya mentioned it. No, scratch that, he did. All Kaeya did was level him with an unamused stare that did nothing to deter him from giggling. He couldn't be blamed for his childish behaviour, compared to the rest of his friends, even Diona is older than he is. Also because the idea that he is descended from the Barbatos, slayer of the beast Durin and friends with the famed Four Winds of Mondstadt– it is almost inconceivable.
They had absolutely nothing in common. Aside from a talent in archery and similar appearances (based on Diluc's initial reaction when they locked eyes for the very first time. Agonized, regretful.) Venti is his own person, and he had none of Barbatos' redeeming qualities.
Harnessing Anemo does not come naturally to him unlike expected. It landed them in trouble numerous times, every attempt made him want to curl up in a hole and hide away. Using it now when everything lies on this one chance at hitting bullseye, can he really trust in the wind?
Venti doesn't think so.
"Come on.. just a little closer." He mutters. His tongue pokes out of his mouth and his hand flexing slightly while holding the bow. The monster swivels its head too fast, almost frantic, nose in the air and visibly sniffing for something. Venti knows it won't be long until he's discovered.
Just a little more and it would hone in on his current location. Then he would let his arrow fly and hit its mark. Just a little more and then he's booking it out of this forest full of danger. He'll come running back to his friends, fucked up leg or not. He'll crawl his way there if his leg decides to collapse under his weight.
Offering up a silent prayer to whichever god is listening, Venti let his arrow fly. He watched with bated breath, hoping– no, praying it hits.
The arrow whizzed through the air, swift and lethal, arrowhead glinting sharply from the sunlight that bounced off its surface.
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merakiui · 3 years
welcome to the day a duck ruins your perception of items in genshin impact. i uh. made some items in genshin impact as yandere boys and what they're like sort of?? you could try and burn your eyes now. ;) adepti seekers stove- he's going to be a tsundere no buts or uhts. he's the type of yandere that's trying to be protective and failing miserably everytime. so being impatient and angsty. so, he resorts in kidnapping you instead. but hey look on the bright side! even when you're kidnapped you can have delicious meals and snacks! secretly likes to cook for you a lot, but he won't admit it even in death. just don't question why there's a lingering scent of sleeping potions in your meal and you'll be good as jolly jee! probably wants you to help him in the kitchen, since he once heard that couples do that. would probably give you self esteem issues down the line. "didn't i tell you to not get hurt? are you that much of an idiot?? here. have this it'll lessen the pain just a bit so we can walk back home. just drink it already." windsong lyre- smug bastard, smug shit. he's probably a player or just overly dramatic with everything. maybe he's righteous or something.. likes to show off his music skills a lot. he sucks at it tho. gaslights you probably in public places to add more pressure, because people are staring like you're having a performance or something. calls you love even if he's pissed at you for not listening to him, or accusing him of being toxic or suspecting him of being your stalker that always watches you from your window at 2am! would make you paranoid a lot. loves kissing your cheek and tickling you. he's a closeted pervert. you're gonna have to move in an isolated place too, he will spread rumours of you being his lover. "love, I'm sure that you're just overreacting. plus even if i was the stalker that you're talking about I wouldn't be oh so casually talking to you in public when I could've been hiding! jeez it's like your going crazy." wind-blessed harpastrum- such sweety! just so wholesome bakes you a pie in tuesday sweet. seems patient too but beware he will break your legs when you get a little bit too bratty for his tastes. touch starved too and it shows, that's why he loves to cuddle you lots! really obsessed with what you think of him. if you say you hate him he'll tear up and try to convince you that he's good, but if you pretend that you like him he'll shower you with uncomfortable affection and confessions. really great at making bombs and torture weapons too. probably sewed in a bomb inside your body threatened that he will kill you with it if you leave. bad at darts and archery. if you say that to him he'll laugh and take out his diploma saying that he's too smart for those childish games. he's impulsive in decision making. "haha. you know. you almost escaped from me back there. but hey! now you won't do anything stupid like that ever again if you can't walk." windblume balloon: listen man. im going to be killed but he's an airhead, pun intended right there. probably lowkey manipulative and doesn't even know it yet or chooses to ignore it. protective of you a lot. really delusional to the point that he rationalizes your escape as someone kidnapping you. so say goodbye to whoever poor stranger who was trying to help you escape they'll be greeted by an arrow through their head once he finds you. has a habit of holding your hand because he's afraid you might disappear from his line of sight and leave him all alone. if you let go tho he'll gorilla grip your hand, might crush it too. just very overprotective. he also doesn't know that he's an airhead. yeah."hm? why do i like holding you hand..? i just like it.. your hand makes me feel... uh. safe..? is that the word for it? ah. it was the word loved." wind catcher- he's a full on sadist. throw all of your escape plans out the window, this guy will climb a mountain and ride any wind current available to catch and torture you. persistently trying to make you like him atleast a bit. yeah, he's that kind of delusional. would teasingly push you
of a cliff as a 'light' punishment. dark humour and likes to joke about killing you from time to time. note: he can kill you. and he would also do it by ripping you in half with the wind current so just stay in his house and be a good lover that'll shower him in kisses, okay? okay. he mostly sees you as a tool of interest, but not just any tool- you're his favourite tool. "pfft! hey stop crying now! you're making me feel bad! hm? oh? why am i doing this? well i mean maybe I'm angry that someone was trying to escape. again." warming bottle- he will absolutely leave you in the cold if you were being a brat towards him. lives in dragonspine to spite you, also because he can just turn take away your blankets and anything that can give warmth so you gotta ask him to cuddle you to survive. he usually does this when he's feeling a little petty. which is so frequent. that you can almost give it a schedule. but don't tell him that. kind of a tsundere but only when it comes to physical affection since he's shy. that's why he has to take away your blankets so it looks like he's just mocking you but not because he's touch starved. he's not at home that much too but don't worry, he will make it up to you by uh.. physical activities.. "what? you're freezing? no shit we're in dragonspine. oh? you want me to hug you..? hm. fine. I'll indulge you for a bit. I am quite merciful." parametric transformer- businessman that scams you a lot lol. he's going to be a masochist because i said so, yeah i know the electric stone thing gag that's why i made him a masochist. really likes to collect useless stuff and spoiling you, so expect your room to be filled with a lot of random things from jewelry to mushrooms and crabs. has a you should be grateful i even give stuff mindset. thinks that giving someone something of vaue would make them fall in love with him instantly. also probably loves it when you fight back especially when you successfully land a hit on him, he will enjoy it. but be careful he has different responses whenever you hit him. pick your poison. spends a ton of resources on everything to keep you in line. that rope costed him 700 pinecones. "why do you even wanna escape? i give you a ton of stuff so you won't get bored! hah. maybe if i had picked up someone else they would've been grateful." portable waypoint- throw out your escape plans the season sequel. he's very quiet but has a small temper that won't last that much. maybe he's like that since he tries so hard to repress it. listen he's trying okay? escape always fails so quickly. one minute you're in springvale shouting, crying, begging for anyone to help you and then back to his house to see him sipping some tea. his punishments are cruel too- he makes sure to leave you in a den of monsters and ruin guards, waits until your in the brink of death and teleports you back to him. has a superiority complex over everyone too. probably likes to make you feel weak when you have to rely on him. loves to crush your self esteem. wants to be affectionate but thinks that you, as an inferior being, should be affectionate with him instead. so tsun. "see? this is what i was trying to tell you. you're too weak to actually survive out there. you even had to rely on me to save you. pathetic." memento lens- mysterious and elegant. he's quite cryptic to say the least. likes to watch you from a far if he's feeling a bit angsty. you try to make sense of what he says and it just leads to you being confused even more. and he likes that about you. you actually try to understand him, even if what you guess is wrong. you're going to have a tough time with this guy if you wanna escape. just avoid any fox statues and you'll be good. the problem is the shrine maidens. they basically want the two of you to end up together so they don't have to deal with him. he's actually very gentle with you punishments still suck but atleast he doesn't do it physically, he just makes you write that you're sorry over and over until your wrist are tired. loves poetry and solving puzzles, riddles, scriptures. he's
smart but soft. "spring blossoms even in the darkest depths of uncertainty, is that why you have the courage to try and escape me..?" kamera- perfectionist stalker. wants to make sure that the photos he takes of you are perfect to every extent. colour, lighting, and expressions. even if it means going inside your room and having the possibility of waking you up from your sleep. likes to take pictures of everything too. kind of like this; both of you are walking somewhere and he stops to take a picture of a sunset. he takes twenty minutes trying to find the correct angle. but the sun is already gone so he sulks. maybe- you can cheer him up by volunteering to be his model? you'll do that? right? also worships you like a god so if someone dared to even say something breath near you or celestia forbid insult you, best to say they'll be quickly disposed of by blackmail and fake shit. would not steal any of your belongings, he would just take pictures of it. so he's not that bad. "i consider everything in this world is beautiful, but you have surpassed that. so that is why im keeping you here. no one deserves even a glimpse of you!" waverider toolbox- he's such a gentlemen and a sweetheart. always there to help you with repairs, sometimes he'd add some updates to it too. just ignore the stuff going missing inside your boat thing. he probably guilt-gaslight you into staying with him in his waverider then bam your in an island stranded. ahaha, now both of you just have to survive by working together ya know? like a loving couple likes hugs and physical affection a lot! bonus points if it's given when he's tired from doing his job. as i said tired guy so appreciates all the things you do for him whether it's paying for his meal or giving him a gift. next time, he'll make sure that you won't leave the island permanently. thinks that stranded island equals date smh. " ahh? oh! is this for me? really? thank you.. i don't usually receive gifts but that just makes this even more special! say, do you wanna go on a trip? i just fixed the waverider from last time." red feather fan- mischievous little shit. likes to scare you a lot by appearing on trees and just jumping on you. knows that you're trying to escape but pretends not to since he likes to try and guess which direction you would run to. hugs you a lot even before he kidnaps you really touchy even if you say no he'll use the good ol puppy eyes! doesn't work? okay he'll just smell your clothes when you're sleeping as compensation. he likes to flirt with you a lot. some pickup are cheesy.. but others are a little- personal? acts cool by making a dramatic entrance everytime even. you know those radical superhero landing stuff? that's him. he would build a nest as your house even being a dick and placing it on top of a mountain, goodluck on trying to get down. "caught you! going to the shore was so predictable by the way. maybe you should try a different place next time, dear? hm? maybe a restaurant so we can have date? sounds great right?" serenitea pot- unhinged malewife that wants to make a the perfect living space for you- ehem. probably a perfectionist if you squint hard enough. he's delusional but just a little lucid about the stuff he does to you. likes to make a ton of furniture too! personalized the room you're trapped in with a ton of valuable and expensive materials. just don't try to escape he'll cut your limbs off just like a damn tree shawtie. owns a shit ton of pets ranging from boars to cats. all of them are like bodyguards to you during your stay. dreams about having a peaceful life with you in the realm someday, sigh. he sometimes has burnouts where he just places a bunch of furniture on a single room and call it a day. "and here is your room! do.. do you like it? i made it just for you! i didn't know what wood you would prefer so i just settled on whatever i can find! ahaha. we're kind of like a married couple living together now... right?" nre menu- he's probably going to be from the adventurers guild. really awkward and shy. takes for him a long time to
open up to you. when going on quests he's the one in charge of carrying the food and healing shit you need. really patient and nice! slightly uh mean with other people trying to talk to you but other than that everything is normal. everything is normal the long loving gaze he gives you every now and then and some food being left on your doorstep. yeah let's not question it i mean he's just so shy! he would never do anything wrong? right?? he's a closeted pervert, cliche i know but he's a pervert with a line to not cross. he just checks you out. good for him. would cry if given any ounce of affection. sweet baby. "t-that was a tough commission.. oh u-uh.. do you need some food to replenish your energy? we need to do the other commissions you know.. hm? why aren't you eating it.. something wrong with the food..?" seelies- spoiled. that's the word to describe him. really straight forward with his courting kind of dumb? but he's so damn lucky for some unknown reason that your plans to avoid him always fail. yeah the high quality rope you just bought for 1000 mora? it broke and you fell into his arms. he's probably rich by sheer dumb luck too. finds a ton treasure chests even in the places you didn't expect. people pressure you into spending time with him. since he's just so cute! how could say no to such a face? it really feels like the gods are on his side ya know? he throws a lot of very very aggressive tantrums if you're not with him. thinks he's doing a good job at courting you, with rationalize rejection as a playing hard to get. "tada! look i got you this crystal i found while i was walking! it looks like a diamond and it has a ton of colours too?? is it valuable?? would you kiss me if i give it to you??" endora- majestic, regal, and likes to explore a lot. he uh. probably trapped you in a bubble once or twice too. really curious about his surroundings, also has no personal space since it's first time going out. he would cuddle you when he feels like it homie. kidnapped you and made you his tour guide. don't try to fool him he learns quickly about stuff. fast swimmer, so no joining any expeditions in water if you don't want their ship to be wrecked by a mysterious being of the teyvat seas. he likes to see you cry. it's not a kink he just feels connected to you when you cry. doesn't have a house so you just live in a run down boat. he's doesn't know when you're lying to him sometimes. god complex bastard. "this world. at first i wasn't sure if i was going to like it or not, but ever since I've met you... I've grown to tolerate some parts.. so you should be thankful, you've convinced me. mortal." intertwined fate/older twin- listen. he's just so smug about everything he does. and he knows you love him. probably invites you out on dinner only for him to not show up. so basically he's an asshole without a doubt. toxic boyfriend that gives you false hope and has a ton of admirers. you probably think he won't settle for you right? ah, he's not that cruel. so picks you as his lover out of all the billions of people. you should be grateful! he even kidnapped you! do you know how hard it was for him to go all the way from his home to yours? anyways yeah. asshole. he likes to do the open the door for darling trick where he just gives you a small crack on the door and watch you make a decision. it's an act of your loyalty. if you escape he'll make you feel pain. if you don't then he'll reward your patience. god complex bastard 2."sigh. did you try to escape? again? patience is the key to everything you know. maybe you should learn that. i expected more smart from you." acquaint fate/younger twin- cinnamonroll he's such a sweet guy. he's always there for you when you need him. okay- he has a nice guy complex, fucking damn it. probably uses the but I've been there for you since the start trick unintentionally a lot. he just doesn't know he wants some action, so be thankful that he didn't just jump on you like a barbarian. he's kind of contradicting himself too. one hand he wants you to love him, on the other hand he doesn't
believe he deserves you. loves to give you the same things, remember that one painting you liked from two years ago? he got you that. quantity beats quality. surprisingly, he's really patient but would have bursts of anger every now and then. has a self value issues?? yeah, but did i tell you he's a touch starved guy. punshments are just him softly lecturing you about what's good and what's wrong."i always viewed myself as inferior, that i didn't deserve anything.. but this time. i want to be greedy just once." that's it- :'D i haven't proofread this but here you go mer! ill probably continue with more humanisations of items in genshin later.. if you ask why i ruined your day with this crazy idea i was watching that one video of a person humanising social media and got this idea. also i discovered how to bold out texts... i have power..ejwjdhshaj
so yeah have a great day! -🦆anon
All of the various characterizations… *chef’s kiss* It’s literally so good! With each one I read I kept thinking okay this guy is my favorite and then I would read the next description and my heart was stolen again. I can’t pick a favorite now. T_T
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #207
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we're making one of the great teachers of heroes and presumably the only babysitter in ancient Greece, Chiron! He's an Arcane Archer some seriously long-range shots, and a Peace Cleric to teach his students right from wrong. Honestly yeah I'm surprised Chiron and Artemis have the same subclasses too.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: He's a self made man!
Race and Background
Chiron's a Centaur, so that's another point for weird races you wouldn't think we'd fit in here. I know his first two ascensions look like a human, but it's hard growing a horse butt later. Centaurs are a bit weirder than the other races. They have 40 feet as a walking speed, and they technically don't count as humanoid, since they're Fey instead. I'm sure that'll drive the cultist who tries to use your blood to summon a demon bonkers later. Anyway, they can Charge by moving 30' in a straight line and attacking, letting them make another unarmed attack as a bonus action. You make that unarmed attack with your Hooves, so your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage instead of 1. You also have an Equine Build, so your carrying capacity is doubled at the cost of climbing being five times as slow for you. You also get proficiency with Medicine right off the bat, which is nice.
The closest thing DND has to a teacher background is the Sage, which gives you proficiency with Arcana and History. Yay, more subjects to teach!
Ability Scores
Chiron's a bit all over the place, so forgive me, but we've gotta go point buy for this one. Roll if you want to, just make sure you roll well. Wisdom will be your highest stat at 15. You're a teacher, teachers are wise. Also, it's your main casting modifier. After that, your Dexterity and Intelligence are tied at 14. Your arrows use both of those, and again, teacher. Your Strength and Constitution are going to be lower than I'd like, at only 10. Turns out making a build that requires three good stats means the others aren't spectacular. You do lose to Achilles in that pankration match, so it's probably fine for the character. Finally, dump Charisma. Nobody's really friends with their teacher, and you're everyone's teacher.
Class Levels
Fighter 1: We got enough mental stuff from the startup, so we'll start with fighter for the more physical proficiencies. You get Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Athletics and Acrobatics. Centaurs might be unwieldy, but you do some sick flips when you have two legs. Starting off as a fighter also gets you a Fighting Style, and of course we're going with Archery for a +2 to ranged attacks. The archer class really is made up of archers after all. Finally, you get a Second Wind, for a bit of healing as a bonus action. Self care is smart. You're smart, so you practice self care.
Fighter 2: Second level fighters can use their Action Surge once per short rest for a second action in a turn. Attack again, dash again, whatever. Killing everyone who stands in your way is also smart. You're smart, so yada yada yada, you get it.
Fighter 3: Third level fighters get their martial specialty, and as an Arcane Archer your archery skills are just a bit better than everyone else. You learn Arcane Archer Lore, which means proficiency in Nature and the Druidcraft spell for your trouble. Why they coded this class to be so druidic but still force you to use intelligence is beyond me, but maybe your DM will be kinder. What do you use your intelligence for, you might be asking? Why, your Arcane Shots, of course! Twice per short rest, and once per turn, you can infuse an arrow with one kind of arcane energy, giving it all sorts of fancy effects. A Piercing Arrow pumps up your arm power, making the arrow strong enough to bore straight through creatures for 30'. Every creature it hits needs to make a dexterity save (DC 8 plus your intelligence modifier plus your proficiency) or they take the arrow's damage plus an extra 1d6 piercing damage. Alternatively, you can fire off the real reason we're here: a Seeking Arrow. As long as you've seen the creature in the last minute, they're still in range, and there's a possible path your arrow can go, you can force them to make a dexterity save. If they fail, they take an extra 1d6 force damage and you learn where they are. If they succeed on either Arcane Shot save they take half the damage, and they don't deal with any extra effects.
Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Dexterity for a better AC and better normal arrows. Fancy arrows are nice, but consistency is key.
Fighter 5: Before we hop over to cleric, we wanted to stay here long enough to grab an Extra Attack. Attacking more often, that's smart.
Cleric 1: First level clerics can cast and prepare spells using their Wisdom. For cantrips, Guidance lets you quickly tutor one of your students in pretty much any topic, adding 1d4 to their next ability check. Spare the Dying spares the dying, stabilizing creatures at 0 HP, and Mending lets you fix up small tears in things. Do you have any idea how hard it must be to find centaur shaped clothes? Keep those things looking good. You also get first level spells, including the freebies Heroism and Sanctuary. Any spells involving healing or protection from poison are good picks, but you can also grab the spell Bless for group projects, giving several creatures 1d4 once per turn for an attack or saving throw. Also, pick up Inflict Wounds. Your unarmed attacks aren't going to be that good, but at least we can get the same effect with a spell, making a melee attack to deal damage. Also at first level, you can create an Emboldening Bond between a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. As long as they're within 30' of another bonded creature, they can add a d4 to an attack roll, check, or save once per turn. You can do this proficiency times per long rest, and it lasts for 10 minutes. And yes, it does stack with Guidance or Bless.
Cleric 2: At second level, clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in one of two ways. Turn Undead is a staple, but those dragontooth warriors are a pain to fight with arrows so any other way to deal with them is appreciated. You can also create a Balm of Peace as an action. During this action, you move your speed without triggering opportunity attacks, and you can heal creatures you get within melee range of by 2d6 plus your wisdom modifier. There are many benefits to being a centaur, and extra healing range is just one of them.
Cleric 3: Third level clerics get second level spells. Your freebies are Aid and Warding Bond, but the big draw here is Enhance Ability, the perfect spell for intense study sessions. For up to an hour, one creature you touch gets advantage on one kind of check. If you choose Strength, their carrying capacity is also doubled. If you choose Constitution, they gain temporary HP. If you choose Dexterity, they don't take falling damage if they fall less than 20 feet. You can also use Lesser Restoration to heal diseases, poisons, or some status effects.
Cleric 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for more accurate magical shots. Accuracy is kind of your deal, y'know? You can also Toll the Dead for a bit of necrotic damage normally, or even more if the target's already hurt. Just because you're a teacher doesn't mean all your lessons have to be nice.
Cleric 5: Fifth level clerics can Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower if they fail the turn undead save. You also get third level spells like Beacon of Hope and Sending.
Fighter 6: Bouncing back to fighter real quick grabs another ASI, so use this one to turn into a Sharpshooter. You can take a -5 penalty on your attack to add 10 to the damage of ranged weapons. You can also attack at long range without disadvantage, and ignore all but full cover. Again, accuracy. Big deal for you.
Fighter 7: By this point you're probably fighting some big deal enemies, and Magic Arrow is there to help you. Your arrows are now magical for overcoming resistances, so you can fight devils no problem. You also learn how to make Curving Shots, so even when you miss, you don't. Use your bonus action to curve the shot towards another target, making another attack against them instead. Speak of shots, you can now poison your arrows, turning it into an Enfeebling arrow. The target takes an extra 2d6 necrotic damage regardless, but if they fail a constitution save, their attacks also deal half damage for a round.
Cleric 6: At sixth level, clerics can channel divinity twice per short rest. You can also turn that emboldening bond into a Protective Bond. When a bonded creature takes damage, another bonded creature within range can react, teleporting next to the first and taking the damage instead. This is also a great way to get around your awkward horse body- if you need to climb a wall, get one of your two-legged friends to climb up and stub their toe. Boom, instant transportation for the horse.
Cleric 7: Seventh level cleric, fourth level spells. Your freebies are Aura of Purity to completely screw over poison users and Otiluke's Resilient Sphere. There really aren't any spells I want for this level, aside from the obvious healing spells, so just rejoice at the stronger Inflict Wounds.
Cleric 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence so your magic arrows are just as deadly as your normal ones. Destroy Undead also affects creatures of CR 1 or lower, and your Potent Spellcasting adds your wisdom modifier to your cantrip damage. A nice level all around.
Cleric 9: We stuck around cleric this long for your fifth level spells; Greater Restoration is great for big problems, like petrification, curses, and stat reductions. Rary's Telepathic bond is something most servants should just have in general, tbh. It doesn't get brought up often, but they can just kinda... think at each other. The big reasons we're here are for Holy Weapon and Legend Lore. The former makes your weapon flashier and deadlier, and also it explodes when the spell ends. (That last part isn't super useful for an archer, but it's good to keep in mind. The latter lets you teach a class on just about anything you can name, as long as it's important enough to have legends about it. The more you know about it, the more you'll learn, and given your intelligence and proficiencies I think it's safe to say you'll learn a lot.
Fighter 8: Bouncing back to fighter for one last ASI. Get that Dexterity up for an even better AC and better archery skills. Technically you can wear any armor you'd like, but you're in a toga most of the time so I assume you won't start that now.
Fighter 9: Ninth level fighters are Indomitable, so you can re-roll a failed save once per long rest. Save it for something you should be good at, like dexterity saves or death saves.
Fighter 10: At tenth level, you take a page out of Emiya's book and learn how to overcharge your arrows, turning them into Bursting shots. After you hit your target the arrow explodes, dealing 2d6 Force damage to all creatures within 10' of it. Just because you're the teacher doesn't mean you can't learn.
Fighter 11: Your capstone level is an Extra Attack. Attacking's good, attacking three times is better.
Pros and Cons
You have 600 feet of range and are slightly faster than most other characters, which makes fighting you a goddamn nightmare if you've got enough space to move. It also makes running away from you equally nightmarish, especially with your seeking shots. It's your noble phantasm, but better. You can use it twice in one night, it doesn't have to be outside, and you learn the exact position of the idiot you just hit. (As an aside, with Holy weapon up and seeking shot, you can deal 18d8+1d6+1d4+84 (average: 171) damage in one round. There's a reason sharpshooter is so damn scary.
Despite your damage output, you're also pretty good as a Healer, with a little extra mobility from your speed, bonds, and balms, you can get where you're needed when you're needed for a bit of TLC. (That stands for tender loving centaur, of course.)
You're really good at supporting party members in and out of combat, with bless/guidance and emboldening bond stacking up to add 2d4 to an ally's attacks, saves, or checks each turn. Plus you get enhance ability, making their checks even stronger thanks to advantage.
This build is MAD as hell, requiring three abilities to work properly. Most of your spells are buffs and healing, so your wisdom doesn't have to be great, but it still eats up the ability points you have available.
This means you don't have a great Constitution, even for an archer. With barely over 100 HP, you'll want to keep your distance from the action. Which means you'll be stuck without your own bond most of them time in combat.
You also have a Low Charisma, so even when you can figure out exactly what an ancient artifact does, good luck getting someone to listen to you. Good thing you're friendly with a certain charming carrot, I guess.
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captain-apostrophe · 3 years
:3 [26], ouyang zizhen <3 <3
I hope you know how invaluable your help and support has been to me writing these fics this year - most of it simply wouldn't exist without you! Thank you shimei <3
(also on ao3, if you prefer to read there)
[gen; OYZZ; child sleuth]
- Mystery -
Zizhen paced, recounting his suspicions for his audience - Jin Ling and Fairy. The former looked vaguely irritated and the latter looked asleep, but that was fine. Even Jin Ling's crazy smart spirit dog couldn't solve this mystery.
"Lying is forbidden by Cloud Recesses rules," he said, "but do they count lies of ommission? Sizhui said he's been busy with extra studies, but he didn't say that was all he was busy with."
Jin Ling crossed his arms, unimpressed.
"And Jingyi didn't actually say where he's been, just laughed and acted bashful when you yelled at him for getting punishments again. But! I propose that he was too bashful!"
"You're saying they're lying to us."
"I'm saying they're being very creative about how they don't lie to us, because that would be against their dumb rules."
Jin Ling sighed.
"Or Sizhui's got extra studies, and Jingyi's got extra punishments. I don't understand why it's a conspiracy."
"Oh, you don't? And you don't think it's suspicious that they were out after curfew all those times, or that Jingyi had that leaf caught in his hair, or that Sizhui had a wrinkle in his robes?"
"No," Jin Ling said. "I don't."
Zizhen sighed. Jin Ling was good at the stuff he was good at, like archery and dressing pretty, but he just didn't have an enquiring mind.
"They're clearly up to something, Jin Ling! And I'm going to find out what."
He spent the next few days determined to figure out the mystery of why his friends were acting weird lately, but he was foiled at every turn - every time he thought he was close to another clue he was summoned to a guest lecture, or given punishments for trespassing in areas forbidden to visitors, or he'd run into someone like Senior Wei. Normally Zizhen would have loved to talk to Senior Wei, of course, but it kept happening at the most inconvenient times!
By the end of the week, Zizhen was out of ideas. He paced around Jin Ling's room again, searching for a possible approach he hadn't tried yet, and then inspiration struck.
"Jin Ling!" Zizhen exclaimed. "I think your crazy smart spirit dog can solve this mystery!"
"What are you talking abou-"
"Wait right here," Zizhen commanded, as he backed out of the room. "Don't go anywhere! Promise me!"
Jin Ling sounded confused, but he promised - and he was still there when Zizhen returned a few minutes later with a scarf he'd sneaked from Jingyi's room. He crouched in front of Fairy and held it out to her.
"Can you find Jingyi for us? Can you take us to him?"
Fairy bounded over to the door and looked back at them expectantly.
"I swear," Jin Ling grumbled, "if we get busted for sneaking out after curfew, I'm gonna kick your ass."
Zizhen just grinned and grabbed his hand.
"Let's not get caught, then."
Fairy led them a winding trail around the sect, but she didn't run them into a single guard patrol (crazy smart). They passed the library, went around the guest quarters, gave Lan Qiren's study a wide berth, and came to a classroom. There was no light visible inside but they could hear the faint murmur of voices.
With infinite care, Zizhen reached up and peeked through the window - and froze. Jingyi was there, and Sizhui too. They were sitting very close to each other. Almost in each other's laps. Holding hands.
And, as he watched, they kissed.
Zizhen dropped down and then scrambled away, feeling like his eyes were gonna fall out of his head. He barely kept silent until they were away, and by the time they tumbled back into Jin Ling's room they were both overcome with giggles.
"Told you they were lying," Zizhen said.
Jin Ling shoved him.
"You're too nosy," he said. "If you ever think I'm lying to you, just let me."
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Hi hi hiii! I've been reading ur blog for a while and u seem to know a lot about classpecting! So I was wondering if you'd help me with mine? Thank uuu!!
Okay let's start with this
1) I'm shy with people. Like very shy! But when they get to know me I turn into a complete person! Before getting to know me people seem to think that I hate everyone or that I like to be alone (which is true! But I like to be alone, not lonely)
But that has given me a big problem. Since I don't talk a lot people seem to forget me a lot! I've even had teachers that have thought I didn't went to class even though I've been there. That usually doesn't bother me but, it hurts when my friends don't even count me in their activities. I've had friends that doesn't even remember me until I talk to them!
That has made me kind of insecure to the point where I think that they don't actually like me and, if they're really important to me, I tend to get their attention via drawings (they say they like how I draw) or looking for things in common to talk about. I also overshare a lot and that has brought me many problems. I need to work on that!
2) due to the fact that I tend to be always left alone, I have obtained kind of the power of noticing when things are wrong. Either by my friend's body language or by things that I notice without them outright telling me. I tend to know when they're having troubles (with our friend group or in general) or when something it's wrong. I wouldn't say that it's an instinct but rather that is like a puzzle. The pieces come to me in form of info that my own friends give me and then I pierce them all together. Then, when they finally tell me what's wrong (im always the last one they tell what's happening), they only confirm what I already knew
3) people say that I'm very smart and I like to tell everyone the things I know and help them. I don't see myself as a smart person I just like to learn a lot about my favourite things and when they ask me then I don't shut up! (That's another problem I guess!)
4) I hate secrets and I like to be honest, but if u tell me something I won't tell anyone. I don't like to betray people's trust.
5) Im a night owl! And I sleep a lot in the day and my friends joke with that. They say I'm like jade sleeping all the time
6) I don't know if this is important but?? I like to draw and my favourite sports are archery and swimming. I love to swim! I wish to learn to surf one day. Maybe also go diving.
7) I'm afraid of the dark and I don't like scary things. I also dislike to argue or fight. People say I'm too soft but, I just see it as a waste of time.
8) My biggest and impossible dream is to fly or have the ability to become invisible. I tend to daydream a lot!
9) When something bad happens I get very mad but then sigh and say that it doesn't matter. I kind of don't care about many things haha.
10) I like gossip, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. But I tend to investigate by myself since I don't believe a lot what other people say.
I'm overall, a nice person who likes to talk a lot but that's because I don't have many people to talk to. I don't like to have many friends but I like to keep close the ones I have. And since I talk too much with them I tend to think they get bored of me.
I hope that's enough for u
Thank u p much for helping me! I might send a session analysis once I figure out my classpect. I'm the only one that doesn't have one ):
Sorry for the bad english!
There's a couple of possibilities. You could be a Rogue or Seer of Void, or a Rogue of Light. Both Void and Light have a very obvious presence in your life/are important to you. Therefore, one of the main things to determine will be whether it’s that you’re lacking Light or surrounded by Void (so basically the same thing, but which one is more accurate).
A Rogue can be surrounded by the negative traits of their aspect, which does seem to be occurring for you. You also seem to be able to steal Void via things like finding common interests and drawings, as well as stealing Void away to see when things are wrong. However, this could alternatively be knowing Void by seeing what is hidden. Seers also often struggle with the limits of their aspect - perhaps you feel like Void is limiting you. 
Or you could be a Rogue of Light - if Rogue’s aren’t surrounded by the negative traits of their aspect, they tend to be lacking it. You also might be stealing Light and relocating it elsewhere when you learn information which you share with others. 
Determining between the three could be tricky. One might feel naturally feel like it suits you, but if not, it might help to figure out what it is you're stealing/knowing - does it feel like the focus is on knowing/removing Void or relocating Light? So do you care more about that you’re finding what is unknown or that you’re getting to discover and share knowledge? 
Also, when it comes to the Void surrounding you, what feels more accurate - that it limits you (Seer of Void), that it’s meant to be there but is negative (Rogue of Void), or that it’s not meant to be there and is taking up where Light belongs (Rogue of Light)?
I hope this helps!! If you get stuck between two, I can always compare them in more detail for you. ^^
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sleepy-verse · 4 years
Tumblr media
 Evelyn (Age: 14):
She was born on July 18th, 6:12 PM, her Mother, The newly Queen Rapunzel, named her that because she was beautiful! She is a bit of a mischievous girl, she has her father, The newly King Eugene "Flynn Rider" Fitzherbert's side, she's also a bit an of rebel. Unlike her grandparents, her mother, and her sisters, she hates traditions and traditional clothing, she sneaks out every free day to the woods, where she taught herself archery, sword fighting, and equestrianism, she's a brave, strong, tomboyish princess in corona, her favorite places are China, Japan, and Scotland, she and her Dad are alike because they're both mischievous, she is also the firstborn child, she is ready to take on any boy who wants her hand in marriage.
Ruby (Age:13): She was born May 12th, 3:30 AM in the morning, Her mother named her that because she looked like her, she began drawing and painting when she was 3 years old, she is the second born child, she is a creative, kind, cheerful gifted princess, she had long hair just like her mother was when she was locked up in a towel for 18 years, she is gonna be the queen of arts when she grows up.
Racquel (Age: 11) :
She was born on March 1st, 4:12 AM, she is the third born child, she is well-matter, smart, well-dressed, well-trained, proper young lady. Unlike her older sister, Evelyn, She loves traditions and traditional clothing, her favorite place is England, she's like her Grandfather, King Frederic, came before her, she likes to drink tea everywhere she goes, she's the only child whose eyes are like her father, she's ready to take on her family's throne.
And Last But Not Least
Erica (Age: 6): 
She was born on October 14th, 9:12 PM , She the fourth and last born child, she is crying because her grandmother, Queen Arianna, died, she had little memories of the her, she is the youngest child in her family, she likes playing with her dolls her mother made her, she's a kind, cute, a bit of a crybaby, brave kid, she'll be the best queen like Arianna before her.
Creator: @vanessafangirl13
Update: Evelyn is now a member of Asteria.
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