#they're chosen to be partners because they're compatible and not compatible because they're partners I think
antianakin · 3 months
So, when I read George Lucas' quotes about attachments, he's all like:
"Accept that your loved ones are going to die someday. You can't do anything about that. Don't be a jerk because you're afraid of losing them, don't lash out in vengeance because they are hurt, don't shoot up a school to save their lives. Don't try to control people's fate. Don't get married because that's a form of ownership."
Am I crazy...but none of this sounds that that difficult or hard to do?
But when you read around the SW fandom, they talk like the Jedi practice some kind of human rights violation, like they're out here demanding that children suppress all of their emotions, forget about the people they love, that everyone should be able to spew their obsessive anger and misery all over everyone else, and that the Jedi are wrong to suppress a person's right to destroy as many relationships as they see fit.
In fairness, I DO think that it's hard to do sometimes. And I think that that is part of the point. Letting go of people, places, and things that you love is never easy. It's IMPORTANT, but it's not easy. It can even be painful sometimes to let these things go, especially if you aren't used to it. It's EASY to lash out at people when you're upset, it's EASY to be scared of losing what you love, it's EASY to decide to do whatever it takes to avoid that. It's a LOT harder to understand yourself well enough to recognize why you're actually upset and then calm down before you do something you'll regret later. It's a LOT harder to just accept that you're going to lose something you love because that's just how life works. It's hard to accept that everyone, yourself included, has the capacity to be tempted by selfishness.
And i don't think that the message Lucas is sending is that marriage sucks because it's a from of ownership at all. I don't think that's why the Jedi don't allow marriages. They're not trying to stop ANYONE from getting married, we never see or hear them discussing how bad marriage is, it's a cultural thing more than anything else. And my personal opinion is that marriage requires a COMMITMENT that can make being a Jedi difficult, so they DISCOURAGE marriage. Any relationship comes with expectations and obligations, but there are certain relationships that often come with greater expectations of commitment which require a lot more time, attention, and effort given to said relationship. Romantic relationships, and especially marriages, are the most likely relationships to expect major commitments to your partner. Friendships tend to be more flexible about that kind of thing. It doesn't mean that the feelings in a friendship are any less deep or profound, it just means that friendships and romantic relationships often tend to come with very different expectations of commitment. And the expectations involved in friendships tend to be more compatible with the Jedi way of life than the ones involved in romantic relationships (especially marriages).
It's genuinely no different than what nuns do (minus the celibacy aspect). I don't think that nuns feel that marriage is bad, or that it's a form of ownership and so that's why they all choose to never get married. Nuns believe that they have a higher calling to serve their god and they don't want to be distracted by an exclusive relationship that could get in the way of that service. This parallels the way that Jedi are implied to feel a call to destiny, a higher calling to serve the will of the Force, so they choose never to get married (and often to simply not enter into committed romantic relationships at all) because those relationships often involve expectations of time, attention, effort, and exclusivity that they cannot provide because they've chosen to give it to something else instead.
Certain people may not AGREE with the choices a nun makes, they may personally view such a choice to be really weird or unusual or even upsetting, but that doesn't really matter. It's their choice to make and it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. As much as some people might look at a nun's lifestyle and go "I'd never EVER want that life", a nun probably looks at the choices made by people who get married and go "Wow I'd NEVER do that." Both choices can be valid and just because it doesn't make sense to someone else doesn't make it wrong or inhumane. Marriage can be beautiful, that commitment to someone can be a really wonderful choice to make. Likewise, the choice NOT to get married in order to give yourself to what you believe to be a higher cause can ALSO be a beautiful, wonderful choice to make.
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there are of course many different appealing aspects to bladeweave but one that i feel is underexplored in the few works in this fandom is this: what happens when you put together two people who are not only givers, but who actively see taking as inherently bad, selfish, almost antithetic to romance?
both wyll and gale not only want to wow and woo their partner, but also refuse to ever have it be the other way around because they so desperately believe they have to make themselves useful in order to be attractive, after being used for their talents and abandoned when inconvenient for so long
you'd expect their romantic notions to make them compatible, but in reality neither of them is ready to accept the other's advances, and so they're at a standstill
what happens when wyll offers to massage gale's bad knee, and gale almost flies off the log he was sitting, assuring him that he's quite fine and it's in no way necessary? when gale tries to wax poetic about how wonderful wyll is and wyll deflects every compliment, you are too kind to me, don't waste your night on me, go and dance and enjoy yourself? when gale tries to woo wyll with his stars projection, but wyll wants to woo gale with his dance, and neither of them wants to let the other be the one to do the work?
i love you, let me be useful to you, let me stay with you. i love you, please don't waste your time on me, i promise im still useful, stay with me
and in the end, they both feel rejected in their advances. they can't meet the other halfway, because they love him too much to take. they're too scared of losing them, and so they never meet
what happens then?
how do you convince two chronically insecure romantics to be the one wowed every once in a while?
how do you tell a devil and a sinner that they're enough for the god's chosen and the hero they fell in love with?
how do you make it work when you're too similar, too enamored, too kind, and too romantic to make space for the other?
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tarotbubbletea · 11 months
🍂 PAC Reading: Catharsis 🍂
Hey everyone!
October 2023 was a SHIT month for me. That eclipse season took a major toll on my mental and physical health. I hope you all had an easier time, and if you didn't, trust that you're not alone and I send you all the love you may need at this time 💛
Here's a spread I attempted from Lightwands tarot's Tiktok page on helping with catharsis, ie., helping you pin down and let go of some negative thoughts that may have been living in your head rent-free.
I intend this to be a timeless reading. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Then pick the picture that you feel most drawn to. If you feel drawn to more than one, feel free to read those piles. If you feel drawn to none, perhaps I don't have a message for you at this time, but hope to have something for you in the future!
Going from left to right, we have piles 1, 2, and 3.
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I'd love to hear some feedback! I'm also open for paid personal readings ($3 flat-rate).
Pictures used are not mine.
My kofi ☕
Pile 1
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A pressing thought on your mind: King of Cups
Okay this is definitely about a boy. You may be overthinking/obsessing over a connection right now. Perhaps you have this person up on a pedestal and you think they're the best romantic match you could possibly ever have and that being chosen by them would be the best thing to ever happen to you. And maybe that's true. But you have to remind yourself that if you're begging to be chosen, that takes away significantly from your power, and most stable, secure men will want someone that matches them in their power. Some of you may be thinking that this guy has 2 options they're struggling between. For some of you, this may be an ex that you're seeing move on and, frankly, it hurts. If that's the case, I feel you.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: The Emperor
I think you need to remember that there is a bit of logic to relationships as well. Love isn't enough; you do have to think about the kind of life that's possible with your potential partner. You also need to remember that people feel and use their emotions differently than you. Your person may be at a stage where they're approaching partnership more logically. They may be thinking of compatibility in a more mature way at this point. This is a shift that started quite prominently during the pandemic, with casual dating taking a dip in our society. This person may also just be quite exhausted and have decided to just settle down. Love, at some stage, becomes more of a decision than a feeling, and that's where this person is right now. Remember that this is a window into their thought processes, not a judgement on you.
How you're approaching the thought: Justice
You may be self-flagellating a bit, thinking that the reason you're having such a hard time in love and life is because of some of your past mistakes or some karmic debt. And maybe this is true, because we all have karmic debt from this life and from the ones before. Every single person you know has made errors, and more people than you think have skeletons in their closets. We're all a little toxic. It's just the reality of life. And that's okay. That's life (tangent: watch Fleabag!) Maybe it's a little less serious for you and you feel like you're just not enough, or that you just messed up your chance with this person. But ask yourself as objectively as possible, did you? Did you, really? Doesn't this guy have flaws too? Is it possible that neither you nor him are the issue here, but it's really just the relationship/situationship that may not have been a good fit? Maybe you both just weren't mature enough for each other at the time? Maybe it was meant to be temporary? Maybe there were external factors at play? But more importantly, maybe it's not your problem to solve?
How can you release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: Queen of Swords
Step into your power. Get some fresh air. Literally. You've closed yourself in a box. You need to step out and realize how vast the sky really is. How big the world really is. How big your world really is. There needs to be perspective change for you. And you don't need to do this alone. We need community more than ever now. Find a therapist, a trusted friend, maybe even a sibling that keeps it real with you and is genuine. You don't need to find the love of your life, or figure out what this person means for you, if they're a karmic/twin flame/soulmate/what have you right this minute. You don't. Trust me, you don't. Do you want to get asked out/married this very minute? Of course not. It really isn't woo-woo nonsense when people say that what's meant to be, will be. Think of all the times you wanted a situation to play out a certain way and it didn't. It probably worked out better, if you're being honest with yourself. Let go. Let the Universe do what it needs to do. Maybe this will help: The Universe put you in this situation, so let it sort it out. This is the Universe's problem now. You're just the actor. It's the show writers that need to sort this out now. Just vibe in the meantime lol.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: 9 of Swords
Your pain is not for nothing. This will be different for different people, but maybe the pain is to ground you. Maybe it's to prevent you from self-sabotaging in the future. Maybe it's to get you to see the reality of this person. Maybe it's to get you to see the reality of yourself. Maybe this is how you repay some karmic debt (in which case, yay! Lighter times ahead!) Maybe this is a sign you may have some unresolved trauma that needs to be removed from your mind and body, and is to show you that you're closing in on a breaking down point and need to love yourself enough to tend to it. Maybe it's bits and pieces of everything mentioned above. Maybe it's just none of these, and you're letting seasonal depression get the best of you. Believe it or not, sadness is vital in life. It's a necessary emotion. If you feel the need to wallow, by all means go ahead. And when it's time, let yourself stop. It's okay. You're okay. And it'll all be okay. You are worthy of love.
Oracles: Patience; Bring love into the situation (New Moon in Aquarius)
Work on detaching yourself from this situation. Your specific/personal situation will come from thinking outside the box. Be more pragmatic. Improve your karma by doing charitable work.
Pile 2
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A pressing thought on your mind: The Lovers (and The Hermit for clarification)
Alright, so this pile is also thinking about love. But you guys have a lighter energy than Pile 1. Or maybe you're a Pile 1 coming back to this reading after some time. You've probably been single for a while, and have done some extensive soul-searching and inner work, and now perhaps an inner voice is telling you that you're ready to put yourself out there again. And the energy coming through is yes! Yes, you are ready! But since it's been a while, and given the state of the streets, you're apprehensive about how to put yourself out there, and if you even should yet. Some of you may even be thinking of those Tiktoks that tell you how awful partners (particularly men) can be, and you're (rightfully) a bit scared.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: 8 of Pentacles
You've been hard at work with your personal growth and self-concept, and it radiates in your aura now. You've been diligent and have paid attention to the details. There's no such thing as a perfect person, of course, but you've done commendable work to get to as perfect as you can be in this stage of your life. Look at you go, you little rock-star! You need to watch out for black-and-white thinking, both directed at your own self and at others. Just because there may be a few things you're still working on, doesn't mean you're not ready. And the same goes for people you may meet soon, or for those that you're already considering. In fact, it shows self-awareness that you/the other person is cognizant of their flaws and still putting themselves out there because not all healing occurs inside. We all need people, and that's not a flaw. It's okay to be apprehensive. Be aware of the risks but don't let them consume you.
How you're approaching the thought: The High Priestess
You may be scouring Tumblr or Tiktok or wherever for readings and signs to foresee who you need to engage with next, what signs to look for, how it's all going to play out. It's like you want a blueprint of the entire love story beforehand because you're determined to find the one next. No more games for you. No more delays. You're ready and you want your future now. Love that for you, queen! But don't let it overconsume you! Micromanaging your love life isn't the best way to go about it. You know this, c'mon!
How you can release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: The Magician
Manifestation is real. But it's real for everyone, not just you. Imagine you're driving and you're manifesting going right, but so is another person, and fate may look at this and decide, okay, one of these needs to detour to avoid a collision, and maybe it picks you? Shit example, but I hope you get what I'm saying. It's good to be specific in your manifestations but not too specific, you know? Think of the burnt toast theory. Most of them there's a reason behind why things happen the way they do. Sometimes it's an important reason, and sometimes it's just random and meaningless. You seem to be approaching dating in a very Virgo-like way at this time, and essentially the message here is to not be too calculating and strategic. Keep your wits and lessons with you, of course, but don't forget that the Universe is also a player here.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: Ace of Pentacles
Your future partner is going to come to you like a gift or an offering. For some of you, that's where the delay is - the Universe is packaging them up perfectly for you and you just need to wait until it's time lol. The Universe and your spirit guides have been hard at work helping you heal and polish and be ready for love, and they're not going to just give you out to a random, okay? Have faith. Express gratitude constantly. And just affirm that love is here and your steps are guided. Dating apps may be the way for some of you. One or two of you may have luck bumping into someone at work or at the gym. Also hearing a beloved bar for someone. But for the majority, it's a highly personalized way that you'll meet the one. Ultimately, though, don't think too hard about it.
Oracles: Purification; Confidence is your key to success (New Moon in Leo)
There you have it. You've been purified enough to put yourself out there again. You're ready. Whether this be through apps, networking, or just living your life, do it with confidence and carry the intention with you to find your best match without chasing.
Pile 3
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A pressing thought on your mind: Queen of Pentacles
This pile's conundrum seems to be family dynamics. Maybe you're in a sticky situation at home, where you can't afford to move out and you've either outgrown your home environment, or it's getting toxic. But you may not have the funds/resources to leave. And you feel like you're being smothered but you also would feel guilty if you were to leave. For some, you may not need to leave but you feel like there's undue pressure coming from your family whenever you go to make decisions, be it financial, education-related, relationship-related, or what have you. Getting heavy 'eldest child of immigrant parents' energy here. Maybe you don't feel your age because you feel like you don't have the freedom and independence you'd assumed you would have at this point. Some of you were even parentified as kids and it's starting to come to the fore-front. For some, this extends to friends and you feel like you've outgrown them, or just need more friends, but again, you're in a box.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: Knight of Cups
Some of you may daydream of a Prince Charming coming and saving you from this environment. This is especially true if the 'eldest daughter' thing applies to you and one of the only acceptable ways in your family for you moving out and starting your own life is to get married. And maybe that is what will happen for some of you. But don't depend on it as the only way. It will happen if it's meant to happen, but when we attached too much stake to one specific outcome, we pour too much of our power into it, and the Universe doesn't like that. It's okay to pray and manifest a particular outcome but detachment is a key factor in manifestation, remember that. One of the easiest ways out of this energy is just getting your license and a car, you know? You don't have to wait for a ride, you can be the driver. Even getting a pet is a good way to get out of the house more (plus, that would divert your family's attention and ease the tensions around the house).
How you're approaching the thought: 3 of Pentacles
You probably vent to your friends or siblings a lot. You prioritize working (maybe even working overtime) and saving up money. You might also be pursuing higher ed to better your career. It's definitely a good step! Just be aware of your social and personal needs and realize that there's multiple gardens within you that need watering. If the immigrant thing resonates with you, this is especially important. Do not let work and money consume you because hard work, as sad as it is to say, does not always lead you to where you need to go. You need to be a whole person, not just a worker. Think about it, how logical is it to water your 'money' garden and expect your 'personal' garden to bloom if you don't tend to it as much? Don't let burnout ruin your senses.
How you can release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: The Fool
It's your first time being you. And it's also your parents' first time being them. Be as empathetic and compassionate as you can be with yourself and your family without self-sacrificing. There's internal knowledge you came here with that you can access through meditation. Reconnect with your inner voice and let it help you. Don't hold on to resentments, whether internal or external. Don't be so hard on yourself, and when faced with arguments at home, try to separate the actions from the doer. Everyone has their own traumas and vices that they unintentionally hand over control to. Don't rush things. Make an inner sanctuary for yourself and believe that things will work out. The dog/pet message is coming through again lol so if that's a possibility, please go for it! And whenever you feel helpless, remind yourself that you're not supposed to have all the answers just yet. Most successful people, when asked, say the same. They had the vision and they had the grit, but they didn't always have all the steps laid out and blind confidence.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: 4 of Wands
Everything will work out. Trust. Please, just trust. For those of you that resonated with the Prince Charming message, this is confirmation that that will happen. You'll meet the man of your dreams, and leave your current surroundings for the home and life for your dreams. This isn't meant to push you to place all your faith into a savior coming, thus disempowering you, but this message should push you to instead hold on to your power, and keep tending to all your gardens equally in the meantime. You've been through a lot, and it wouldn't be fair to the old versions of you that lead you here to give up now. It gets steeper the higher you go on a mountain. But at this point, you're also stronger. Believe that. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Oracles: Courage; Your hard work is paying off (New Moon in Capricorn)
Don't be too controlling, and limit your exposure to anyone who is too controlling. Stay ambitious and courageous. Recognize and reward yourself for all the hard work you've done. See yourself as a person and not a project. Your life may not have been a fairy tale, but your fairy tale moment is coming.
I hope you found a message here today! And if not, I hope to have a message for you next time. Wishing you all love, light, and success! ❤️
Don't forget to leave feedback if your reading resonated in any capacity.
My kofi ☕ (for tips and $3 flat-rate readings)
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sweet-villain · 2 years
You Got The Moves~ Joe Keery
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Anonymous asked:
Can I request Joe Keery where he gets put on dancing with the stars and the reader is his pro dancer. They get along great and see eachother as fast friends. They're doing so great on the show able to get good scores by doing fun lighthearted dancing. However the time has come for a Rumba dance. The reader has choreographed based on this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx0BhtBtKEE
The reader and Joe are struggling during rehearsal because all of a sudden they realize there is an attraction towards eachother.
Joe didn't know what to think when he was told he was going to be on Dancing With The Stars and you were going to be his partner. He felt his stomach tie in knots when he first laid eyes on you and watched as you practiced in the studio with loud music through the speakers.
He watched the way your hips move and the concentrated look your face. He stood in the corner with his agent with his hands in his pockets not knowing weather to interrupt or what to do.
You took notice of him in the far corner, slight smirk on your face seeing the way he was looking at you. You walked over to the speakers to turn off the music and turn to face him.
Hands on your hips, you spoke, " Hi there!"
Joe snapped out of his thoughts as he walked over to you, the squeak of his sneakers made a loud noise as he walked over and stuck his hand out.
" I'm Joe. Joe Keery" his fluff of hair catches your attention right off the bat as you wondered what it would be like if you ran your fingers through it.
" I know, I'm Y/N. you probably heard of me" you giggled. Joe's smile widen as he nods. How could he not hear of you? You were one of the best pro dancers in the world and he has heard from all the dance partners that you had, that you were a great teacher and you were fun.
" Heard a lot about you" you rose your eyebrow at him.
" I hope nothing but good things, Keery" he nods. His agent pats him on the back, " I will let you two get settled then. This should be great for you Joe"
" Yeah I'll keep him on his toes" you giggled, Joe rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
" So how did they know to pair me up with you?" Joe asks as he walks into the studio and drops his bags.
" Well it's based on personality, height and compatibility. The producers felt like your personality matched with mine and were at a great height difference. They also thought this would be a great opportunity for you. Something you never done before"
" This is something I never thought might happen, let alone have you as my dance partner"
" Would you preferred someone else?" you frowned as you turned to face him. " No, it's perfect. You're perfect. I mean-" he was turning red by the end of the sentence causing you to giggle.
" Calm down, Keery. Breathe" he looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. You made him nervous, in a good way. Since the first time he saw you on his TV screen, he was in awe of you and wanted to learn more about you. Here he was, chosen as your partner. He was going to dance with you.
" How much time do you usually practice?" He asks as he watches as you start to stretch. Not really knowing where to start himself.
" Seven days a week with breaks in between. Why? Are you thinking of quitting on me already?" He chuckles as he shakes his head, " I'm not a quitter."
" Good, get to stretching. You've got lots to learn"
Both you and Joe became friends and rehearsed every day of the week and he was keeping up with you.
" In matter in no time, you'll be a pro at this" you tell him as you walk through the doors of the studio. You were done for today and tomorrow would be the first dance that the two of you would do on live television.
" Oh stop, I feel like I've stepped on your toes once or twice" he says as he walks besides you.
" Didn't feel a thing. You doing okay?" you turn your head to look at him. His heart speeds up at the way you are looking at him with the bright smile on your face and the way your eyes were twinkling at him.
" I think I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow, it's our first dance" He shrugs. He knows he shouldn't be nervous an all. He is used to all of this but he's more nervous on impressing you, dancing with you for the whole world to see.
" You have nothing to be nervous about, we are going to have fun. Trust me" you bumped shoulders with him as he almost crashes into the wall. You giggle, " Just keep up, Kerry."
Joe's cheeks redden as he walks faster to keep up beating you to the door as you try to open it.
" What a gentleman" you say, " Thank you" you walk through the doors into the busy streets, standing on the sidewalk.
" Did you drive?" He asks looking around to see your car. You turn your shoulder to glance at the car parked a few spots ahead and nod.
" Yes, it's over there" you motion to your car. It wasn't much but you loved it. " Guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
" Bright and early, they like us to be there before the show. Wardrobe and everything else"
He nods as he looks down at his feet.
" Stop, don't be nervous. I'll take the lead if you get cold feet" your hand skims over his arm and he can't help but get the fuzzy feeling inside of him at your touch. His eyes lock with your eyes as he looks up.
" Goodnight" you mumble and wrap your jacket around yourself.
" Goodnight, pretty" he says watching you walk to your car but not before he catches you giving him a small wave, he can't stop smiling as he waves back.
The first dance was " Cha-Cha-Cha" and Joe was dressed in black slacks, a black button down shirt with a black vest over the shirt and few buttons open in the begging and the sleeves were rolled to the elbows. While you wore a black skirt with the top covered in crystals, little shade of brown with flowers on in the corner near your shoulder and near your wrists. You had brown heels to match the top.
" You look..." you turned around seeing Joe stare at you with wide eyes as his mouth a jar. " Ugly?" you finished for him but he shook his head. " Really beautiful" your cheek redden as you eye his chosen outfit.
He looked really good.
" You look handsome" His cheeks beet red as he thanked you quietly before you were told you were going to be up soon. The Cha Cha Cha had lot of hip movement, leg action and footwork.
Before you were going up with Joe to do the Cha Cha Cha, there was a video of Joe explaining who he was and how he always wanted to do Dancing With The Stars. They showed him a couple of times like an interview he was doing that he couldn't pass up this opportunity.
Then the screen showed you, introducing you. You were announcing that you were returning after a year off and you have been on Dancing with the Stars for a couple of years.
They had filmed you guys meeting for the first time, not the other one where he was with his agent. There was another one where you couldn't believe your eyes that Joe Keery was your partner.
" We are going to work so well together, he's such a goofball" they showed you two practicing together in the studio.
" I'm so excited to have Y/N as my partner, she's so creative, so smart and super pretty."
" He's got a lot of heart in to and to me that's half the battle already"
They showed you practicing and goofing off, " I can just the the terror in your eyes. Relax. We got this" you patted his cheek.
The video packages has ended and it was time for you and Joe to steal the show. The music had picked up as you two moved along together, showing a lot of foot work and movement. When the song came to the end and you finished with Joe, he was panting with excitement and couldn't help but wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek.
You two faced the judges, not hearing the first part of when he talked about Joe coming out and wooing the crowd.
" You come out with the Cha Cha Cha, it was crips. It was clean. There was lovely leg action. This was the dance of the night for me" one of the judges says. You squeal as you turn to face Joe and jump into his arms, he catches you and laughs.
" Get back to the red room, the crowd loves you and welcome back Y/N" you two were waved off as Joe took your hand in his and raced off.
You came up to the interviewer as she wrap her arms around you, " What a way to finish the night. Are either of you breathing?" she asks.
You had a hand on your stomach as you chuckled, " we are breathing"Joe says.
" That was fantastic you guys, lets get your scores." Joe squeezed your hand as you two faced the screen as Carrien began to speak, " Joe you could of brought more hip movement, but I love you guys together" and she shows a 7 up.
Len throws up his thumb up and throws up an 8. Joe and you pump your fist in the air with big smiles. Bruno brings up his number and it's a 7, "Loving you two with killer extensions."
The score was a total 22. You wrapped your arms around Joe in happiness. It was out of 30 which wasn't bad.
" We're doing good, right?" Joe asks leaning down and whispering, " we're doing great. You're great" you tell him. He looks down at you like you have given him the world and he leans down kisses your cheeks.
Weeks after weeks, Joe and you grown closer together and performing dances and almost getting perfect scores. The two of you have been non stop flirting, the fans loving you guys together as you kept posting backstage moments between the two of you.
" What's our next dance like?" He asks as he comes into the studio and puts down his bag. You turn to face him with your hands becoming sweaty all of sudden. Your eyes growing wide as he had taken off his shirt and wore black sweats. You can see the hairs on his chest and his brown eyes sparkling as he takes notices you checking him out.
" I was too hot in putting on a shirt, I hope that's okay" he says, " I have a shirt in my bag if that's too much" you waved your hand off.
" Whatever you feel comfortable in" truthfully you were screaming on the inside.
You clear your throat, " Our next dance is the Ramba. Do you know what that is?" He shakes his head.
Your cheeks redden as you explain to him and his cheek redden as he looks away. How was he suppose to be so close to you? You'll feel his heart racing at your touch. You usually perform the Ramba easily but this time you weren't too sure about it since you felt like melting.
He step forward as he brushed his hands down his pants feeling a lump in his throat as you stood closely to him. You two started on the other end of the room before the music started and walked towards each other and as you passed him, he stood behind you and pulled your arms, you could feel his nose brushing against your ear. His hot breathe making you pause in your step.
He paused too as his hands trailed down your arms sending chills up and down your spine. You turned around to face him as his brown eyes stare into your own. His cheeks were flushed from behind so close and you can feel his breath fan over your face.
" Joe.." you started to say. His Adam's apple bounced as he swallowed. " I can't do this" you pull away from him as you walked over to the stereo to turn off the music. Joe had followed you there and when you turned around to face him, you gasped as he pinned you in between the stereo and himself.
His hand came up to cup the side of your face and crash his lips against yours. Your eyes widen feeling his lips on yours but your eyes fluttered closed as you threw your arms around him, kissing him back.
His lips danced with yours. One of his hands came up to grab onto your leg and lift it as it wrapped around his torso. He continue to kiss you, tilting his head and deepening the kiss as he licked your bottom lip for permission. His tongue met your tongue in a battle, he won as his tongue covered each inch of your mouth. Your fingers ran through his hair, grabbing onto the brown locks and giving it a tug. He groans in your mouth as he pulls away from you, leaving you breathless.
" Shit" you mumble underneath your breath making him chuckle.
" Shit indeed" he says. " Now we defiantly can do the Rumba" he laughs as he leans back in and pecks you on the lips.
" If this wasn't clear enough, I like you" he says as he pulls away and runs a hand through his hair, with the other hand offering to you.
" I like you too" you took his hand as he pulls you flush against his chest. The heat radiant off his body as he looks down at you.
" Think we can start again?"
" What's the rush? We have all day" you lean up on your toes capturing his lips with yours for another dance.
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the-unconquered-queen · 6 months
Currently thinking about how amatonormativity probably isn't a big thing for elves in the Blades universe. See, they value two things in interpersonal relationships: emotional compatibility and sexual attraction. Romance is completely excluded from sexual attraction, which is why it's not the person you're sexually compatible with that you marry, and sharing both bonds is taboo.
But then romance would fall under emotional compatibility, and as we saw with Tyril and Kaya, it's canon that a deep friendship also falls under this umbrella just as much, to the point that Tyril states that he and Kaya would have made a great marriage pair despite Kaya being a lesbian and him not being aromantic, so then despite both of them experiencing romantic attraction for other people, they possibly would have ended up in a QPR anyway.
I just think it's Neat that the Blades elves don't seem to make a hierarchy of romance and friendship when distinguishing deep bonds.
(They also could've chosen to lump romantic compatibility in with sexual attraction instead of with platonic compatibility, so instead of Kilvali being platonic OR romantic intimacy, it would only be the former and then Dinvali would've been romantic OR sexual intimacy, but I'm glad they decided that romance is more an emotional bond than a physical one.)
Though then I wonder if allonormativity does exist among elves, because they don't place a particular importance on romance but they DO place a particular importance on sexual attraction through Dinvali (even if they put emotional compatibility above sexual attraction) and there's a culture of having multiple sexual partners, so I have to wonder if not sharing Dinvali ever and not taking sexual partners is about as taboo as being monogamous. Ik the monogamy thing is because it was blasphemous to try to have both with someone they way the gods did, but if you share Kilvali with someone and then Dinvali with no one you're technically monogamous. Maybe it's not as frowned upon since it's not that they're sharing both -valis, so then could a controversial couple that does share both escape public criticism by pretending they're both ace and therefore they're monogamous but in a gods-honoring way?
Also interesting on the note that if you marry someone over Kilvali because you're romantically compatible you're not supposed to have sex with them??? Because, again, sharing both is taboo. Are (sex-favorable) ace4ace elven couples the only ones who could uncontroversially have sex with their partners? Because Dinvali is described as sexual ATTRACTION in the lore tablet. and if the attraction is not there, it's not Dinvali, so it's not both and the gods (and conservative elves) don't get pissy.
Either way, just. Shoutout to Blades!elves. They girlbossed so hard in normalizing the split attraction model that they denormalized having sex w the person you're in love with and that's kind of hilarious.
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raayllum · 1 year
random writing question:
what’s your experience with writing romance (scenes, characters, dialogue) as someone on the ace spectrum?
That's a good question (and I'm always happy to talk about aspec experiences/perspectives)! I've been writing romance, more through fanfic than original works (which are mostly politics/found family centric), for much longer than I've know I was ace, since I started writing around age 11, started questioning if I was ace when I was 16, and accepted/been identifying and out as ace since I was 18. So I've never really thought about it consciously, even if my perspective undoubtedly affects the way I write and enjoy romance/life partner dynamics (romantic or not).
My perspective is also, as always, coloured by the fact that I'm fully asexual and sex repulsed, which is not the case for all aces or all people on the ace spectrum, and I'm also on the aromantic spectrum, so I do experience some romantic attraction. I just know it's not quite the form that allo people experience in the how or the why or the feeling, either.
But basically, I treat romance like any other kind of bond, which is that I filter it through what the characters bring to each other, and each of them need. I also think about their histories and especially their personal compatibility and like, what they enjoy? I'll talk a bit about crafting OC/OC romances cause I think it's useful
For example: in my OG works I have two sort of main 'ships'. One is between a pair of childhood best friends; they always have each other's backs and while the whole group they're in is very close, they're particularly close / have a soft spot for each other. Much more tender hearted than roasting one another. This lends them a sweetness and a steady acceptance that's in contrast with well, the horrors they're going to go through because war is a bitch, as well as a "the whole world can change but we won't let it change us / tear us away from each other" notion. One of the characters in the ship (who's aspec himself) is also very much a "I want to take care of everyone" type of character, whereas his counterpart is caring but also very rightfully selfish and "I never asked for this". A "they take care of everyone and I take care of them" type bond that neither really share with anyone else.
The main appeal of this sort of ship dynamic, I think, is the steadiness and intimacy and a gentler, sort of very constant love. Some drama, not a ton, and very much "you and I against the world" type thing.
The other ship falls into the other main category of 'ships' I think, which is the Transformative Ship, or Mirrored Ship, where they are two very different characters who meet as strangers, comparatively, on opposite sides of a war, and because of those circumstances, they change each other radically. An often painful but poignant process, and one that helps them to work through their differences, yes, but also to acknowledge their similarities. One of the appealing aspects of this kind of ship is the way it can make the characters 'Better' / grow into more self actualized versions of themselves, and the inconvenience of having feelings for someone it would be much easier to not have those feelings for and/or or during a time when you should be focusing on other things.
Where the other ship type is inherently a chosen Narrowing of worldview and priorities, this one can be an Expansion of worldview and priorities. And, typically, this time of dynamic can eventually evolve into the first one as the transformative aspect is steadied into something more permanent and reliable.
This is, unsurprisingly, the relationship pattern I think Rayllum follows - moving from radically transformation to being transformative and steady - and one of the reasons why I think it's as popular as it is.
On the one hand, you have two kids with very different upbringings and personalities, but they also quickly and readily click because of their core, inverted similarities ("I've always been kinda bad, at well, everything... So when I tried that spell, I was sure I'd end up on fire or covered in spiders, but it worked" / "Well you are right, I am pretty awesome at everything. Right up until the moment it really matters... And the next thing I know, I've failed") but shared goals / good hearts. They can both grow and learn from each other, and also share 90% of their screentime with one another, and this leads to them developing a very intense and devoted bond with one another, able to withstand lies, heartbreak, two years of separation, interrelated sources of trauma, moral disagreements, and more.
But people can mean a lot to one another, and have a very meaningful connection to one another, while also not needing to be romantic. So why take a bond like this and make it romantic, if like Rayllum, it's rooted in platonic affection and soulmatism first and foremost? There's a few things:
1) The most obvious, but romance being something that a character actively wants - either just as an idea in general, or with a specific person, can typically be enough to sell someone on an idea. Kind of think the musical "I want" song - we're used to rooting for characters and their desires, particularly if the person they want is also seemingly interested and/or nice to them. For example, we know from very early on in the show that Callum does experience romantic feelings / has a crush on Claudia. It's also pretty clear early on that it's probably not built to last, and that his feelings are stronger / more evident than hers. This makes it feel uneven, and because we like Callum and/or Claudia, this makes us want to see it change; either in Claudia evening it out by gaining more feelings, or in Callum evening it out by losing those feelings. In the same episodes where he and Claudia fall apart, his and Rayla's bond is strengthened, putting the two in a clear contrasting parallel with one another. So for Callum's character, I think one of the main appeals of him in a romance is him getting a second chance and being the one pursued, etc. at least on a surface level.
2) However, there's also something really fun, and funny, about forcing a character into a situation or circumstance they don't really want to be in (+ dramatic irony to boot). This is why most romcoms will have one character who actively wants love and one who's sworn it off, because it gives them a very easy "pursuant and main character who gets a character arc by opening up their heart again". This is more where I think Rayla falls, as a character. We haven't and probably will never see her have feelings for anyone but Callum, and we don't know she has feelings for sure (although 2x02 and 2x04 definitely hint heavily at it) until 2x09. But what we do know about Rayla is that she's a character who heavily values being in control and keeping her composure. Love, and falling in love, strips her of all of that, and forces her to confront and express her emotions, something that her overall character arc in S1-S3 is pushing her to do in all aspects of her life.
This is also why it is exceedingly in sitcoms, particularly for female leads, to start off shows in an evidently unsatisfying relationship (The Office, Superstore, later on in S1 of Brooklyn Nine Nine, Abbott Elementary) because her leaving that relationship and realizing she deserves better or wants more (which eventually ends up being the male lead) is a really easy way to make an audience feel like there's progress being made while also offering up an default solution as to why the Intended Couple isn't starting to date right away while letting them interact consistently. And honestly, it's usually pretty damn effective because it allows for change and growth while also highlighting character agency (and we tend to root more for active characters than passive characters, although not always).
This is all very long winded in terms of Constructing a Romance, so I'm gonna take a briefer chance to talk about how to Write a Romance, execution wise:
a) Intimacy. This is arguably the most important thing. The trust, the knowing / noticing the little things, being able to respond to someone in the way they need, forgiving them quickly and letting anger go to work through things, having a grounded admiration and respect, etc etc. You'll notice that while the 'steadiness' ships are grounded in this, so are the transformative ships, as what they find is an unexpected intimacy in each other due to having shared experiences. However, partners being able to empathize and support in experiences they don't share is, arguably, even more important.
b) Banter. Quippy little back and forths, tiny harmless digs, dumb inside jokes, outright flirting, making sure these characters' conversations are just interesting to read. If you wanna sell people on a couple, you wanna make sure it feels like they can actually have a conversation about a variety of different topics and enjoy spending time together, even if it's in an "you're intriguing" kind of way at first > a "you're fun" kind of way
c) Unique bond. This one is hard to quantify, cause ideally every relationship a character has with another character should have some elements of uniqueness, and having a unique bond isn't exclusive to romance. However, what can make a romance - or life partnership - compelling is that the LI (love interest) gives something to the other character that they aren't getting from anyone else. Think of Callum and Rayla for example. Ez is the other most important person in Callum's life, and that's his little brother. That's an unconditional love most people can't touch. However, Rayla's unique bond with Callum means that she is his first peer - someone he can rely on just as much as he looks out for them, which largely due to his and Ez's youth, age gap, and Callum's personality, isn't always the case, and a Best Friend like that (Soren's bullying and his crush on Claudia keeps him at a distance from each of his other options) is something he's clearly fundamentally needed for a long time. And boom, a very nice and compelling foundation for a future romance has been laid!
TDP is also very effective with all of its elf-human couples since, sorely due to the nature of the story's conflict and worldbuilding, elf-human couples wanting to be together and live together (again, life partners) is always going to be a more narratively satisfying / interesting route than if these people wanted to live separately, since they're existing in a continent that was literally divided in two. Them being life/romantic partners is Harder, and therefore the better route, usually, story wise
A few more closing thoughts cause this got really (unsurprisingly, knowing me) long.
All this in mind: the way I write romance is almost entirely the same way I'd write a QPR (queer platonic relationship / platonic life partnership relationship). The only reason I tend to write romances > QPRs is because I think characters kissing is fun, and even that isn't exclusive to romantic dynamics, it's just exclusive to romantic dynamics to me. If I don't buy that two characters would be Good Friends regardless of any romantic feelings, or if romantic feelings overshadow a platonic foundation, I'm not likely to be very invested, and I have a hard time with insta-attraction as a result (attraction can be there from the start, but the ship itself can't be based on that magnetism - at least, not for me).
Anyway, hope this was helpful & that you enjoyed it! Always feel free to drop in random writing questions whenever, I love to talk about this sort of thing
More writing advice over here & more about my writing process / OG works here <3
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Love Spells and Mistakes - Part 2 - Build A Fic
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Part 1
Rodolfo took a deep breath and then he picked up the middle file, looking at Laswell. "Alejandro knows me so well... I think doing both of them would really be the best option... I would feel a lot better."
"Understandable. I do wonder... Do you think you'll be able to handle both of them?" Laswell frowned. "They're both... a bit much. I consider Alejandro a good friend and I care for Ghost, but... I will state that they can be a bit much to handle... Do you think you can?"
Well, Rodolfo did. He was starting to falter that he would be able to... But, he nodded, anyway. "I think so."
Laswell smiled. "Well, I think you can, too. I think Alejandro's faith was well-placed. Go ahead and read that file and I'll get Ghost and inform Alejandro that you made your decision, okay?"
Rodolfo nodded, sitting down and opening the file.
Colonel Alejandro Vargas and Lieutenant Simon Ghost Riley
This particular backstory is going to require tact and skill on all three's parts. This backstory will require balancing of several elements, but it is chosen with the utmost confidence in all three.
Simon Riley and Rodolfo Parra have been married for three years. As of late, Simon and Rodolfo have been having marriage issues, so they decided, at the urging of a marriage counselor, to take a trip to Georgia on vacation.
Rodolfo Parra and Alejandro Vargas are ex-partners. They've been broken up for four years. Alejandro is going to be in Georgia on a business meeting and will be staying in the same hotel as Rodolfo and Simon.
Simon Riley is a wealthy business man who inheritated a large company from his father. Alejandro Vargas is a retired actor. And Rodolfo Parra is a stay at home wife, studying to become a teacher.
Compatibility calculations were not considered necessary for this backstory.
Rodolfo winced, looking over the backstory. Yeah, that was... a lot. This sounded like the plot of some weird movie. He was in Georgia because of a vacation to rekindle his marriage and out of nowhere his ex showed up??
That was... odd.
But, Rodolfo was confident he could do this.
No, he wasn't, he didn't know why he was lying... That was the whole reason he'd chosen both. He took a deep breath and then stood as Alejandro and Ghost were suddenly coming into the room.
Alejandro smiled at him. "I got back just in time. Laswell told me you chose both of us."
Rodolfo winced. "I did... You were right, I think I'll need the extra help..."
"Price just got word that one of the contacts got a shipment of some weird chemical." Ghost spoke up. "I think it's best we both went, anyway. I wouldn't want Rodolfo getting wrapped up in chemical warfare with just one of us to defend him."
Rodolfo made a face. "I can handle myself, I'm a soldier, Ghost. I doubt that would be an issue."
Ghost just looked at him before turning back to Alejandro. "We should travel by truck, I don't think the airports are safe."
Alejandro shook his head. "Rodolfo wouldn't be able to drive for that long."
Rodolfo had to agree. "Neither of you can drive..." Plus, maybe he just didn't want to go with Ghost's side because of the comment he made. "I think plane will be fine. I mean... we're going on our honeymoon, we're going to fly by plane."
Ghost didn't seem happy with that idea, but he ultimately nodded. "You're right. Let's go."
The plane ride was uneventful. Probably because Ghost had been silent the entire time and Rodolfo had been too nervous to try to make conversation.
See, if he was just going to hunt Graves down, it'd probably be easier, but he wasn't. He was also having to juggle this ridiculous backstory, and he would have to hunt him down.
Rodolfo almost wished he could just go and track Graves. If this was through the mountains, it'd be much easier, but it wasn't. He was going to be having to use... social skills and he wasn't good with those.
When the plane finally landed, Rodolfo exited with Ghost. They were supposed to "bump" into Alejandro, who'd taken a different plane, just outside the gate and they would agree to go to lunch to check up, and then they would "find out" they were in the same hotel and would get set up.
Which sounded awfully fucking complicated, if Rodolfo was honest. Whatever, he agreed to do this mission and he had chosen to do it with Ghost and Alejandro. He would just deal with it if he had to.
He looked up at Ghost, who was wearing a black face mask. His hair was out and Rodolfo found the sight kind of odd. He'd seen Ghost's face, before, but even still, having it so casually out just felt... wrong. He wasn't sure he liked it.
Ghost put his arm over Rodolfo's shoulders, startling him, but then his brain reminded him that they were supposed to be married and he doubted a married couple would walk through an airport without touching once.
So, he leaned into it, surprised when he was suddenly surrounded by Ghost's scent, which flooded his system and had him blushing and half dizzy. It was... strong. Which may become a problem, but he was going to try to ignore it. Bourbon and old paper... He liked the smell. It was... cozy, almost.
A decent contrast to the honey cinnamon that Alejandro was. They were both distinctly different scents which... well, they were distinctly different alphas, so it made sense.
He let Ghost guide them out to the gate, leaning into him a little to sell the idea of them being together, and started to look around for Alejandro.
"He should have been out here by now." Ghost said, his voice neutral. Neither concerned, nor bothered.
"He probably got held up, I'm sure it's fine." Rodolfo assured, since he knew how airports could be. That was a perk of the military; they just used their own helis.
Ghost just nodded and led Rodolfo over to a little cafe thing. Rodolfo told him what he wanted and Ghost ordered it.
"Rodolfo, is that you?"
Rodolfo found his body relaxed, immediately, at hearing Alejandro's voice. He turned around, forcing a smile on his face. "Alejandro??"
"It is you!" Alejandro grinned, coming over.
God, it felt like they were kids, again, playing pretend. They'd had so many games they would play. One was where Rodolfo was a Prince and Alejandro was a pirate, come to steal him away... The nostalgia made his chest warm and his smile came easier. "It's been so long! How are you?" Rodolfo asked when Alejandro finally made it over.
"Eh, I've been worse." Alejandro's accent was scarily American and Rodolfo had to admit, it was impressive.
Ghost's arm snaked back around his shoulders and Rodolfo blushed, forgetting the other aspect of this play pretend. He was married. "Who is this?"
"Oh, this is Alejandro. We dated a while back. Alejandro, this is my husband, Gh- Simon." Rodolfo gestured up to Ghost.
Ghost did a very good job of playing jealous, just stiffly offering his hand. Alejandro half grinned as he shook Ghost's hand. "It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you, too," Ghost muttered.
Rodolfo almost shivered from how cold Ghost sounded. God, he was good at this, much better than Rodolfo. "What funny timing," he commented, looking around. "Well, we should probably go check into our hotel, mi amor..."
"I don't think check-in is until 3..." Ghost sighed. "It's noon." His arm pulled Rodolfo just a little closer.
Rodolfo found himself flushing and already his mind was struggling to find the line between play flustered and actually flustered. "We could go eat?" He suggested, looking up at Ghost.
"Could I join you?" Alejandro shrugged. "I haven't eaten since this morning and I am starving."
Ghost did not look happy at that idea and Rodolfo smiled. "I don't mind. Mi amor?"
"I don't mind." Ghost sounded like he very much minded and Rodolfo was just stunned at his ability to act.
Alejandro grinned, again, and nodded. "Wonderful! Let's go!"
As they all turned to leave, Rodolfo yelped and jumped back as a woman who was carrying a large wooden crate suddenly stumbled and fell and the crate smashed on the ground.
Purple mist floated up from the remains of the wooden crate. It smelled odd, like honeysuckle and blueberry...
Rodolfo found it made him dizzy and he held his head, swaying on his feet. Oh, what was going on?
Yes, I'm redoing it. Just... shhh
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mxescargot · 10 months
Not going to lie, I really don't want to spam numbers for the couple ask game right now, but I do want to know about your characters' relationship, soooo. 1-30. :3.
(You don't actually have to answer all of them if you don't want to, you can just do any you want to do- /gen) 🌻
oughhh tyty for the ask /gen
for those unaware, tl;dr: good princess/evil queen gfs :>
couples ask game for reference
princess prima garon (she/they/one) is the archetypical heroic good princess whose family was descended from a chosen one hero that defeated an evil overlord and sent them into exile. prima is the new chosen one to defeat a new evil: vindicta nox (any pronouns), queen of the neighbouring evil kindgom and descendant of the evil overlord prima's ancestor ousted. instead, they fall in love. (also turns out the kingdom's not that bad, just has a "villainous" aesthetic)
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1. at first their families were. concerned. but over time stuff worked out and now they get along fine/their countries are allies
2. see above, i think it was harder for friends to get over distrust though
3. don't know, hmm.
4. i imagine prima's most relevant ex might be the lancer to her leader in their hero-team? but either way they're on good terms and that was a while ago, just ended up being kind of incompatible for a committed relationship. maybe prima dated around as well but this would be a childhood friend... turned first love or something? 👀 considering making them arospec and realizing that later/vindicta feels "different" from the rest. vindicta is definitely also a different type of person from the people prima thought they should be dating... xe's much easier to be around as a Partner. vindicta may have a previous ex that they also ended up not being too compatible with, but that ex had a worse attitude about it and it ended on worse terms.
5. initially, they don't get many chances to sleep in the same bed. however physical touch is vv important to them (totally not projecting /s) so when their families and the people in their kingdoms became more okay with it they spend the night together alllll the time. usually at vindicta's place because he's, yknow, actively ruling crows country and travel arrangements are a pain in the ass. ANYWAYS prima loves sleeping tightly curled up into vindicta. or the two spoon, they probably have one of those couples' pillows so your arm isn't crushed
6. they ABSOLUTELY give each other nicknames/pet names. vindicta calls prima riri, while they call xem vin. vindicta uses a lot of the typical flirty villain pet names: "my dear", "my sweet", etc. this happens to fluster prima a lot, though it's hard for one to admit the obvious fact that one finds it attractive. prima isn't big on pet names except using the ones her gf calls her sarcastically sometimes, which it finds kinda funny. sometimes they jokingly call each other their full names and titles.
7. vindicta likes how strong-willed and determined her riri is, almost stubborn. however, this can almost be exasperating and sometimes prima doesn't know ones own limits. less decided/articulate on what prima likes and dislikes about vindicta
8. not gonna go into too much detail about this (i am a minor) but prima: vindicta's overall height/build (vin is the taller one), and voice if that counts as physical vindicta: probably into collarbones? and the uhh waist/stomach area yk.
9. didn't know what this was, looked it up. seems to be about commitment and also just, happiness in a long term relationship? so i guess so.
10. haven't built out too specific of a timeline yet but they've definitely had big fights over what i mentioned in #7 with vin getting frustrated over prima being kinda self destructive and almost obsessed with "the right thing"
11. idk how to articulate this 😭
12. the respective royal families/courts freaking out, crises in both of their kingdoms, probably a death in prima's family
13. as i mentioned, both really value physical touch. they also both do a lot of words of affirmation (building off of hero/villain banter). besides that vindicta leans more gift giving and prima more acts of service/quality time. in terms of unique expressions of love, they like sparring with each other and helping improve the other's swordsmanship. prima enjoys trying to cook things that vin might like and generally like... presenting skills she's learning to him. meanwhile vindicta likes surprising darks gf with gifts related to their interests in particular, dark really enjoys their reactions.
14. idk what really counts as a "little thing" but? prima: smelling petrichor after rain. finding shapes in the clouds, moon, or stars. experiencing hypnogogia before falling asleep. running your hand along cold, polished stone. enjoying a drink so warm it almost burns your tongue. vindicta: happy vestibular stimming. waking up as the sun rises. noticing the seasons change. aspects of prima's style of magic usage: a pinkish yet golden light, a hard-to-describe tingling feeling.
15. prima definitely picked up a bit of that "flirty villain" vibe in her mannerisms, while vindicta has grown a bit more lighthearted and energetic in conversation. they copy each others' stims.
part 2
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shipcestuous · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about siblings as secret superheroes recently, and figured I'd share a premise idea with you guys.  I'm basing this in the lore of Miraculous Ladybug just because it's a good setup for what I'm talking about, but it could work with anything where secret identities are involved and unknown, really.
In ML, the 2 main supers are framed as very "yin and yang," perfect counterparts whose powers are made to balance each other out (creation and destruction incarnate).  The holders of the powers are chosen--it's been passed on many times over the years--and it seems like it's partially based on compatibility, how well they can work together. The duo is framed as if they're always soulmates--not always romantic soulmates, but it's definitely been romantic in some cases.
So I'm thinking, a situation where the 2 holders--counterparts who work well together--are actually siblings in their "civilian" lives.  They've been told how important it is to keep their identities secret from everyone, or else villains could target their friends and family.  So both of them are keeping their superhero self a secret from their sibling in hopes of protecting them, without knowing their sibling is actually their superhero partner.
In ML itself, the premise is that one of the main duo has a crush on the civilian guy without knowing he's her partner, while he is in love with her superhero form.  I'm torn between two possibilities: that kind of situation (one sibling loves the superhero version, while the other ignores their advances because they're secretly pining over their sibling and self-loathing about it) or both siblings falling for each other's superhero personas without knowing why they click so well from the start and feeling like they've known each other forever, maybe start dating and then accidentally learn the truth and have to decide what to do (aka keep dating lol).
Sprry, I know this is probably a strange ask, but I really like this plot bunny and figured I'd share it in case any actual writers wanted to play around with it. Alternately, does anyone know of any stories that do this (whether published media or fanfics)? I'm familiar with some stories about sibling superheroes, like The Incredibles or The Thundermans, but not any where the siblings don't know the other's identities. It seems like such a fun concept so I would love to read or watch it play out.
This is not a strange ask at all and it is definitely a wonderful one. I love it when you guys share plot bunnies and story ideas!
I am SUPER (no pun intended) into this idea because super heroes and secret identities and love interests (or siblings who should be love interests) not knowing is one of my favorite things.
But then you've got all of this great stuff added on top of it - they're both super heroes, and they're complementary super heroes who work as a team.
Makes me think of Fenris and Andy/Lauren from The Gifted. Also, could be an interesting storyline for villains too, sort of turning it on its head but with the same idea, if that sparks anyone's creative drive.
Thanks for sharing this with us, Anon!
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yunyin · 3 years
On the one hand, I'm a little disappointed that Plikki isn't a thing. On the other hand, it feels more and more like everything Adrien and Marinette have together is entirely them, and I like that a lot.
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sonufabitchhhhh · 3 years
Metal Family - Dee x Reader:
She Fuckin’ Hates Me
Summary: y/n and Dee never got along. Both were highly intelligent and competitive students. They always seemed to butt heads, but what neither knew was that they both secretly admired the other's traits, that they simply didn't have. It takes time for them to realise they're more similar than they thought. Dee x Reader
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Y/n and Dee were at each other's throats, as per usual. Y/n got riled up easily, while Dee kept his witty, sarcastic remarks cool and collected. That's not to say he wasn't thoroughly annoyed - one more word and y/n knew he'd have a mini outburst, as aggravated people tend to do.
They both knew just how to push each other's buttons, and what the sure signs of victory were, knowing what got under the other's skin.
Anyone would tell you that the two were polar opposites. They would tell you that, past their common academic goals, the two had nothing in common. This wasn't true. They actually had many common interests, but neither ever paid enough attention to notice this, and everyone else only cared about the verbal battles rather than a possible make-up.
Y/n was high-strung and constantly stressed, Dee was calm, stoic, and collected. While Dee had a deep appreciation for art and music, he couldn't make them himself for shit, but to y/n, the arts came naturally as they often sketched and wrote music, playing in their band.
Y/n wanted Dee's ability to keep his cool, to not give a fuck about what people are saying, but not take shit all the same.
Dee wanted y/n's artistic skill, wanted to play instruments and read and write music, wanted to sketch and draw whatever came to mind.
In short, they were jealous of each other, and every time one of them bested each other in their common skill - knowledge, and academics - they took it hard, and personally, only fuelling their war.
All lesson, y/n and Dee had been fighting for the top spot in class, trying to answer more questions than the other, and trying to finish their work the quickest.
Their teacher was not dumb, and although he encouraged friendly competition, their rivalry had gotten out of hand.
That's right. It was partner project time!
When the teacher had announced a partner project, both were annoyed before they even knew the worst of it. Partner projects were annoying because it meant that they had to rely on someone else to help them get the grade they deserve, or end up doing twice the usual work alone.
It was then that the pre-chosen partners started to be announced... they listened and waited patiently for their names to be called.
It didn't take long for the outrage to settle in once their names were called together.
"Sir! You can't pair me with them!" Dee all but screamed across the room.
"The first and last time I'll ever say this, but I agree! We cannot work together!" Y/n hurriedly chimed in.
They teacher stopped reading off his list, anticipating this sort of reaction. "And why not?"
Dee sputtered for a minute with no good reason other than he didn't like them. It was times like this that y/n's stubborn and argumentative nature came in really handy.
"If you pair us together then our attitudes will clash and we won't be able to get anything done! If you pair with someone we're more compatible with, we're more likely to get better grades." Y/n shot back, fully expecting their argument to win.
They were, however, wrong. "Yes, but my prime goal is to prepare you for the real world. Sometimes you'll get paired with someone you don't like, and you'll have to make the best of it." Their teacher spoke carefully, words already prepared for their backlash. "Besides, you're both very bright students, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Now no more on the subject."
Y/n and Dee glared at their teacher one more time before finally giving up and stewing with rage in their seats.
When the lesson ended, Dee reluctantly went over to y/n. "Do you want study at your place or mine?"
Y/n eyed him cautiously. "Who says we have to study at either? We can always study in the library."
"No, because the library closes sooner, giving us less time. Not to mention, we'd probably get kicked out for screaming at each other after five minutes of work."
He had a point.
"Fine. We'll go to my place after school, meet me outside."
A/N: ok, I wasn't planning to, but I'm going to make this a two-parter, because it's already longer than I expected. Let me know what you think, and feel free to request!
Hope you have a great day/night,
~ SonofaBeach
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herotome · 3 years
Hi hi Wudgey! Bit of a weird q for youuu~. You said there'd be friendship routes for each of the characters, which I'm presuming is kinda like implying ~BESTIES~ vibes over just generic friendship with entire crew. In general for your asks, could we presume if the interaction isn't specifically romantic, we could read it as it would be for ~BESTIES~? Or could you maybe tell us a bit about how mc and her bestie would interact, is it platonic soulmates or just 'wow good friends' vibes?
The structure of the game is this:
Starting a character's route = that character is designated to by the team to mentor (or partner) with MC, because they are seen as the most compatible in that playthrough. This means the character and the MC spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other in both in work and in leisure (as Griffin will explain in this next installment).
This naturally leads the MC and the chosen character to become close, romantic or otherwise, due to a closer understanding of each other after a certain amount of time - unless the MC goes out of their way to antagonize the character or otherwise fuck up the route (which leads to an early game over).
It's a relationship-based game. So rather than bestie or wow good friends, it's more like a ride or die partnership if you play it right - just without the kissing and explicit declarations of love. They feel genuine affection for the MC due to the events of the game; whether or not it develops into romance depends on whether or not you encourage them: and that decision will be marked clearly, because I made it so that every character values communication.
Can you read a platonic interpretation of these asks? Yes I expect you can, although I feel like most askers have had a romantic slant. If you'd like to send me a specific ask with a more platonic slant, you can absolutely do that.
But to actually answer "tell us how they would interact as friends": that's literally the game itself, man, and you gotta wait for that. 😂
I think I gotta tell yall, I'm answering a lot of asks that probably won't even come up in the game. I know the demo is small right now so the asks are where yall get the majority of Herotome content, but it is still just extra content. Fun miscellaneous sampler stalls at the grocery store. (The game is the grocery store itself: much bigger, more consistently and rigorously structured). Please try not to read into the asks too much, they're not necessarily reflective of in-game content.
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ailingwriter · 3 years
Eon Siblings AU: Legendary Trainers
Trainers who have Legendary Pokémon are, as one might expect, exceedingly rare. The reason for this is simple: most legendaries do not want to be caught.
For one thing, many legendary Pokémon have a duty to attend to. This is usually on an individual basis. For example, the mew from M01 has no duties, and lives carefree, while the Mew from M08 is tied to the Tree of Life and the Kingdom of Rota, and should not stray from it.
For a legendary to join a trainer, one of the following must be true:
It has no duties, or its duty is fulfilled.
Joining a trainer would make fulfilling its duties easier.
It is caught by force.
The first one is self evident, but the other two deserve attention. Some duties are just not compatible with travelling with a trainer, either because it's too important (lake guardians, creation trio, Celebi, etc) or because it is tied to a single location, though the size of this location can vary from a town to a few regions. (Orange Islands' birds, the Johto beasts, Altomare's Eon Duo).
Some duties, however, are better facilitated when travelling with a Trainer. A general duty of 'protect wild Pokémon', for example, could be made easier with a travelling and training partner. This kind of partnership tends to show up when there is some part of the duty that the legendary Pokémon have trouble fulfilling. For example, Brandon's Regi trio have the duty of finding the Snowpoint Regigigas, which is hard since they don't really have any way to traverse continents and oh, hey, would you look at that, an extremely powerful, wise, and just trainer who is also an archeologist who has a literal airship. That simplifies things. Often times, these partnerships are temporary, though sometimes a type-2 legendary companion will become a type-1 legendary companion after their duty has been fulfilled.
Legendary Pokémon caught by force, though? That rarely happens. Most legendaries are either so evasive or so powerful that capturing them just isn't feasible. Catching them when they're young isn't viable either, as they either have very protective parents or traditions (of either humans or nonlegendary Pokémon) to protect their young (like with Manaphy). In the rare case that someone does capture a legendary by force, the legendary usually just. Leaves. Poké balls don't ensure obedience after all.
Ash and Dawn don't have any duties (outside of being the chosen ones) (yes, plural), so they are mostly free to do as they please. Trouble finds them, usually, not the other way around.
This brings us to Tobias.
First off, even if you disagree that Pokémon can't leave the trainer that caught them, there's one element that I believe cements the fact that Tobias is a good trainer. That element is that he almost sweeps the entire Pokémon league with Darkrai alone. Even with the power of a legendary, very few Pokémon can win that consistently at that level of competition, which means that Tobias's Darkrai is exceptionally powerful, and if Tobias hadn't earned his Darkrai's trust, I doubt anything could have stopped the darkrai from just leaving.
In this AU, Tobias only has two legendary Pokémon. His Darkrai is a type-1 legendary companion, in they don't have any particular duty. His Latios, on the other hand, is a type 2, and they are both aware that their partnership is almost definitely temporary. As for what that duty is... I'll get to that in a different post.
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callonpeevesie · 3 years
2, 3, 10, 11, 15 for your OCs?
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
The only meaningful name is Trisha, it means thirst and that signifies the state of discontent and general angst of the character because she was always trying to please others and was insecure with herself. All the other names were chosen either because they sounded right or because they rhymed with their siblings.
3. What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high-pitched, etc)
Trisha: low, a little husky
Rini: generic voice, no idea how to describe it, but it's loud and on the high-pitched side when she's excited and/or with people she's comfortable with
Disha: low, low-pitched. Similar to Trisha but without the huskiness
Mimi: think somewhere between Jessica Darrow and Xiran Jay Zhao. They can also sing well
Adding the older generation in this answer because I can
Shobha: high-pitched, has become a little lower with age
Dipankar: rough and sort of slurry
Nibha: low and a bit nasal
10. What is their MBTI type?
I forgot to say this when I reblogged but I don't know enough about MBTI to classify them, sorry!
11. What kind of person are they most compatible with? (platonic or romantic)
No one actually starts out having many friends or romantic partners but hypothetically speaking,
Trisha: would get along with someone who is soft, loving but willing to give space, has poetic inclinations. She's the kind of person who'd want to hang out by sitting in silence together.
Rini: vibrant fun people who Have Opinions. She would like hanging out with people who make her enjoy herself no strings attached and she thinks talking politics is sexy.
Disha: superficially, people who like the extravagant kind of having fun, like proper dates and long drives, because that's what she likes. On a deeper level, I think someone who is willing to accept her completely without knowing Everything about her.
Mimi: soft deep™ people. I think because they are introverted and misunderstood it would be hard to find someone they are compatible with but they don't mind being alone over forcing themself to have friends. They would be compatible with someone who is sensitive enough.
15. Has their personality changed at all since they were a child? Why?
Trisha: used to be pretty lively in her childhood but had to become mature early due to her mother's neglect and her responsibilities, so she became sort of dull and perpetually tired. She had to set aside everything she enjoyed and it killed her childhood, basically.
Rini: was naturally excitable and affectionate as a child but became very hard to get along with as she grew up as she cultivated her insufferable nature on purpose in her quest to get her mother to Notice Her.
Disha: most of her life happened After her parents' divorce so I would say she has been traumatized and fucked up all along, so not really changed.
Mimi: became more experienced (and traumatized), but their personality hasn't changed significantly. They were always emotional and loving and remained the same after getting out of depression and making peace with themself. Only difference is that they're not as expressive and affectionate as before.
Thanks for the ask!
Ask game
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1-800-444-tune · 6 years
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Open for Tarot Readings and Astrology/Numerology Reports
If you still care about my little Tarotscopes Shop you can show your support by donating any amount larger than 4$ CDN today and during this week as appreciation for my daily, weekly, and monthly Tarotscape's Visions of Fortune and Fate Readings I post for free every day. I will also consider doing my super scary-accurate astrology reports for the zodiacs, I will write weekly and daily horoscopes for every sign if I get my goal marker by the middle of the week!;🔔So Please Donate! 🔮 I am starting to get back into my old style Readings of runes and I CHING Readings, and also the infamous Chakra Readings! I am providing my full time 24hrs a day full services for the rest of this week , starting right after this post. So if you want in on this action and want an actual personal reading of any type, I offer....
3 Card Tarot Readings of the general : past/present/future predictions
Other 3 card Readings that I choose to do will be discussed between us
2 card Readings for yes/no choices you want or need to make in your life
There are other 2 Card Readings that I do, however I will not list them here, well talk about it beforehand in the booking of the appointment conversation
Full Access Reading- gives you a full disclosure on your situation at hand
Truth Spread - to gain some insight as to the truth of what's happening right now
Celtic Cross Reading - gives more clarity to an idea or situation you bring to me
4 Cards Of Depth Read - is the greatest for really tough or tricky events this reading will tell you exactly what is going on, these cards are designed to help you understand the difficult situation at hand, and .advise you to overcome the challenge.
4 Cards Of A Very Bad Day Spread- this is for those days you just feel terrible and nothing is going your way, the cards are designed to give you comfort and simple clarity on this real tough rough patch. The best advice comes from here!
The next best advice is one of the many many Oracle Decks to give the very best top notch healing advice that you might need to hear.
The Angelic Guidance Spreads come in a variety of forms, you can get angel messages straight from the Divine through me in a 1 basic card reading, but it's not going to be very good, often you'll need some follow up to that , it comes in 2 card spreads for awesome amazing messages, then 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 card
Goddess Wisdom Guides - tells you your goddesses that represent you or your partner or possibly the situation, it really all depends on the kind of questions you ask me, and all I can say is , wow, ever Insightful, and beautiful truly, these messages are often just the motivation or inspiring words of wisdom we needed to hear from the goddess guides that are by our side in this time of need.
There's so so so many more decks that offer such to great wisdom and great wealths of real true knowledge about our lives but I am not going to ramble on about them all here today, this is enough I explained the best most important ones, in my opinion. So, give me a chance to share this wonderful news of guidance that you will truly find so useful in your life. There's no way you will be let down, there's just no way. I am too good at my craft, what I do is just, k, people cannot thank me enough and you'll, be shocked!
Galaxy Spiral Spread is six cards that's 6cards at $3.00 a card, or if you get this reading plus the angelic guidance I'll put them together for just $11.00
I have a few spreads that I use for Realationships , but the standard one is a 7card reading that tells you just how your partner feels, and what they think , and their intentions too!
Bonus feature for the next two months only/I started doing the Valentine Spread it's a featured reading that will tell you the ins and outs of your relationship, it carefully lists your roles and your participation as a partner and then it says something else I think it's will this relationship work out or something, like the outcome, and it does the same for your lover it lists his roles and advice for him to fix things and what he does in the relationship, It's bugging me cause I forget the other details currently and do not have my book, sorry .
Then for Relationships I also read their energy their spiritual realm guides and read the advice from yoyr partners, also spirit guides, that's another thing I can do that's just so great!!
I can tell you your Spirit Animal Guides and the message they being to you, everybody has over 50 Animal Guides but I will likely pick up just on the most potent ones spiritually apparent to me. I give usually 3 Guide Animal Cards and you do not have to stop there because there's so many more that the oracle will tell me about and alert my attention to, my intuition is key, I trust it like family, yo
Spiritual Realm Messenger Advice Reading- and Spirit Guide Wisdom- this is for your usually, loved ones who have passed on and they're always always trying so very hard to reach out to you, so this is a chance fir you to actually communicate with the deceaxsed for once and finally get a chance to see what they're saying and thinking about your life choices, this reading can also be done for just simple spirits that have chosen to be your guides or to communicate with your actual Guardian Angels, yes I am for real!
Which brings me to this point that I can actually give specific guidance that's from the real #Archangel Michael, if you're really having a hard time or ever thought about what if the angels forgot about me type thing, then this is a reading just for you to lift up your spirits and give you that much needed appreciation and love that you alot of you anyways so often craves, I suggest this reading strongly!
Chakra Readings, these are simply great examinations for your heart mind body and soul , I pick up on your total vibe of yoyr energy centres and points on you and this reading can reveal some major insights as to where you could have blockages and also too gives the remedy, just what you need to do to fix it. This is so intense if you're into the healing arts yourself and are ready to finally level up, or maybe you're someone who's into spirituality or trying to astral project or maybe open your third eye? This Readings for you most definitely if you answered yes to any of those , please seek my help.
Shooting Arrow Spreads, these are just for special dates like New Years, Birthdays, Marriages, Starting a job, Anniversary events of any kind, Traditional or Seasonal Celebrations, I use this one for the Moon Phases, I do one for New Moon and one for Full Moon, you might also be wanting this in general for actually I just thought of this but the 1st of the month, to predict the motivational energies surrounding the coming months like, or at any other important marking dates you associate with movement forward .
6 card Week Spread, to predict your future fir the week ahead, this is a wonderful tool to use to plan your week around these pointers and also to just remember the times that a certain something is going to occur, so you can dodge it or embrace it depending on the event or situation!
Horseshoe Spread - will depict the themes of a signifior and their motives and how their belief systems affect their future at least help to shape the outcome
What Should I Do ? Spread. 3 cards. Tells exactly the situation you are dealing with in the top card then the two on the bottom are your What Not To Do and What to Do cards in the spread, the actual best best for making tough decisions or if your in a position and you just feel like you're really stuck at the moment this spread will absolutely clarify the issue and give you peace of mind n knowing that you have finally got the correct answer now all you have to do is apply your advice you ever been given right? Not so bad after all, see.
This decision/That Decision, when you're at a fork in the road, you know your two options but aren't sure which one is the correct one😇have no fear, my dears, because this is the spread right here! It tells exactly the outcome if you pick say option A. And the outcome if you pick then option B, or I can say #1 option or #2option, and gives you yoyr results and then based on that you can then choose which path you feel you'd like to see your life head in, if you still aren't sure which isn't likely, then we could possibly do it either again or do another spread I'd say to clarify and boost your confidence in one of the options, I have ever got so many more spreads that are not listed here and I just do them if we need to, I just giving you all something genre to choose from , the basics to my self healing art and just my ways of tarotcraft okay, so check these out carefully and try decide what in your life you really need most , and you just don't worry about my end I'm all covered always, and truly won't be a disappointment to you, if anything you'll become a weekly of daily customer I think, after u see what I can provide.
The Big Story Spread- tells you of many different areas in your life, it's by far the largest spread that I really do most often, and it's the most comprehensive.
Houses of Astrology Spread, tells you some insight into some different areas of your life using the 12 houses of astrology. This is one of my faves!
Then I have a few other love and relationship spreads of which, one is for a Broken Heart, one for the Compatibility of a Couple, General Relationships Spread, Readiness for Love, and the Torn Between Lovers Spread, alot more but I'd have to talk about the issue with you first to a session whether they're what you need, so hit me up for love advice and just look into the future of love
There are a few specialty spreads desixgned to tell you about your Financial situation and how to improve it, also my Career Spread to tell you advice of where to head in that regard , all the time money matters eh!
And of course I do dream interpretations , I have a 3 card spread that I love doing that directs your entire dream it tells you what it truly means in your waking life
Then we can discuss if you want some other specialty spreads that I offer we can chat about this one okay I'm stopping the list shortly right after I explain, that everyone abopsolutely must get
A Chakra Reading! Tells you your strengths n weaknesses and what blockages
Rune Readings now Offered at a very fair set Price!
And amazingly detailed and intriguing I ching Readings that you won't wanna miss
There's my fairy oracle deck which I find I'm most connected to, I saved best for last, well, I can basically do all of these spreads with them oracle cards giving the fae wisdom definitions but I simply like to stock to the 2 or 3 card Readings for these oracle cards, this deck is temperamental, it doesn't like to be pressured, but it works well l on shorter answered things I find, just it's personality haha
Now you know everything I do do you want to know my prices ?;!
Prices for Readings are a set rate of $3.55CDN per Card
You can pay by debit card, credit card, Visa, prepaid Mastercard, also your bank account,e transfers to paypal tho. My link should be at the very top of this long msg
You can also now pay with your very own paypal account to my business paypal. Okay simple yes? Payments time no? If you want an honest truthful reading that gives you something to go on to the next level with I have specific life altering advice that's vital to you right now as we speak, the Divine are connected to me and I am channeling so many messages, don't you want to hear yours, your future? I can give you straight up real talk honest and accurate predictions if you give me the chance please try me today yoyr life counts on it!
Click this link to pay for a reading
I'm online and open right now, get ready to have your mind blown!
You can choose absolutely any reading from this list that you'd like me to do or if you've found one online that you like then tell me the detailing of it the how-to and maybe provide a screenshotting of one and it's questions, then I will do my best to provide you with that exact service then! See, I'm so not hard to get along with, I of love and light, I am here to just assist people and get them through tough times! You're top priority and my problems are not even in my mind when I giving a paid reading I do my job and do it very very well, there's absolutely noo way that you'll want to say you didn't get your money's worth, I totally worth this! I have been doing reading in tarot fir ten years so I think I am actually just a bit experienced yup, so come on down, don't be shy, tel me all about your issue and the type of reading you'd like and we will get to it and give you some damn answers yeah?
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