#they're my hair sparklies!
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Move Gizzy, it’s my turn~
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off and when people at work asked me what I had planned, they looked at me funny when I honestly told them I am planning on sleeping as much as possible and then whatever happens while I'm awake happens, no set plans needed.
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sysig · 4 years
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Yet more dragons
I only changed around the species, so all the genes and clothes are still the same, some are just more visible now
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#Doodles#Vargas#Scriabin#Edgar#Crossover#Flight Rising#Don't mind the sticker it's a paper bandaid#It felt too weird and empty to edit it out so sparkly bone lol#Hey look! Lore-compliant dragons! Nice#Clearly just learning how to draw a Pearlcatcher for the first one not even subtle lol#Still forgot the ankle tufts and swoopies tho#Drawing dragons is hard#S'why I like drawing chibis so much#That said I really did have a lot of fun with those teeny tiny fullbodies#See it's all a trick I have to draw small so all the details are obscured lol chibis are just the culmination of that#If they seem a little disjointed it's no surprise - I drew all the Scriabin solos days apart from Edgar's set#I still have the absolute most fun using my Gelly Roll on his hair it shines up so nice#And I got to utilize it in Edgar's wings as well! A good day for my white ink lol#His wings are especially fun since they're so contrasty#I only used my red pencil but he still ended up with a kind of blush colour :0 Not sure how that happened#My red ink is always quite reliable tho so Scriabin's wings look quite crisp#I'm not actually sure if these sizes are accurate I only saw that Imperials were large and Pearlcatchers were mid-sized which is...vague#Scriabin sleeping under both of their wings was a given tho that was just unavoidable#It's a bit hard to see but he's curled his tail around Edgar's leg in the last one#I was also quite amused by the fun fact about Imperials having quote ''incredibly unpredictable lifespans''#Like - what's more appropriate for Edgar than that right#I think now that I've doodled dragons that suit them better I've gotten it all out of my system#I considered something with Edgar being curious about the pearl but I'm not really sure hmm#WPFR#WPVG
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turquoisefluff-1767 · 3 years
Excuse me while I go cry over the ethereal beauty in the vocal unit merman-themed pictures TT
I forgot how to breathe for a moment when I saw Jeonghan's long hair??!!!?! He looks like someone out of a painting
And DK my dear dear boy with that delicate earring and the pearl necklace agsfajwifkwl
There is too much beauty and power in those pictures I'm speechless
Well done my boys and thank you Pledis for finally putting in the efforts that the boys deserve
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autistic-shaiapouf · 4 years
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Omg hiiiiiiiiiii king <3
Bonus extra wing shots:
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glamrockerfredbear · 2 years
i've been stalking ur blog for a while now and i'm so giddy for your growth bc u absolutely deserve it u feed us so well & ur writing style is 🤌✨
i do have a hc request- how would freddy, bonnie, sun, and moon handle a situation where someone's flirting with them but they're already taken? with the reader trying to hide their jealousy
🐿 this ask is so good Anon. Whaaat I’m back whaaaat. ALSO I HAVE A AO3 ACCOUNT PEOPLE. SAME USERNAME.
Idiots with jealous S/O
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☆ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ☆
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 🐊
Mr Gator. The stupidest, most stupidly popular gator in the Plex. Now, we all know how many fans groupies he has had. Far too many for any of us to count one by one. Monty loves any type of attention he is given, he gobbles it up like the golf balls he eats!
So sometimes, you can actually catch the dumb gator gently rumbling and purring at the praise he is being given by his fans. Usually, you don’t mind. As long as Monty is happy and is enjoying his time being praised by his fans, who are you to step in?
But this time
Oh THIS time
You almost had to certainly step in.
You were busy doing your thing, setting up the neon decorated plates and paper cups for a birthday party that had Monty booked. As the shiny and sparkly Monty balloon went up above the chairs, you went off to look for the equally shiny and sparkly Monty. He was running late! He needed to be at the party soon or else you’d have another child puffing their cheeks and beginning the wailing sirens…
Your madman running around the Plex caught the attention of Freddy, the biggest gentleman—or gentlebear—of the Plex. He, bless his sweet soul, guided you to where he had last seen your gator: Roxy Raceway.
Number One: You avoided Roxy Raceway because this is where most angsty and emotional teens went to hide from the annoyingly 80s restaurant. So often you would get nasty glares or be asked questions that made you want to go against guest safety guidelines.
Number Two: Roxy was nice and all but she certainly had her moments. Being a rockstar must not be an easy life since what you’ve seen it’s done her. Sometimes you find strands of her hair around the raceway, and you’re too afraid to ask if it’s from her pulling them out or from stress.
Number Three: …Who is that girl?
You squinted your eyes to spot your tall handsome boyfriend talking to a girl decked out in Monty merch. She obviously seemed extremely excited and enthusiastic to meet him but—him? Not so much. Monty kept shifting his eyes towards the side and even up to ceiling, something you came to known as ‘I-Don’t-Wanna-Talk-To-You’. (He does this many times when managers scold him)
You went to rescue, but as you inched closer to make up a little white lie about having to whisk Monty away into a world of glitter and funfetti cake, he spoke before you,
“Ah, my darlin’!” He grinned, quickly pulling you close to him. You looked up at him, already knowing to play the part and help him escape the conversation.
“My sweet, sweet Monty. We have to go. You’re wanted at Table 7!”
“Shit- I mean- Shoot, I forgot! Damn, talk to ya later, Kim. Nice meetin’ ya.” Monty gave his signature two wave salute to the fan, who seemed content with her time with Monty. You grinned up at Monty, who seemed less uptight. You didn’t want to brag or anything, but you almost certainly had an affect on Monty.
He always loosened his tough guy looks, softened his snarls, his tail wagged ever so slightly, his sometimes loud bellows became soft and rumbly in his chest. He always seemed to slow down and relax with you around. And you always internally felt yourself explode seeing the reaction from him everytime.
“Guess I really saved you, huh?”
“I’m only going ‘cause you said you would play golf w’me.”
𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 ☆ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲
Freddy is a pushover, there is no doubt about that. You have never seen someone be such a doormat. You could ask him to jog around the entire building with a delicate egg on his head and he wouldn’t find the courage to say no. (Don’t actually try this out on him :( he’s sensitive)
So you really, really have to take the role of the assertive partner. You know those memes of guys saying that when they get the wrong order or are missing something, their s/o speaks up? Yeah that’s you.
Freddy, ever the loving boyfriend he is, often apologizes for the situations he gets himself in when he can’t find the courage to say no. He honest to God feels guilty everytime he sees you jogging towards him. He droops his ears and saddens his often bright eyes. You can’t take it everytime he does it.
And this time, it was no different. A rather chatty boy came up to Freddy, clearly showing romantic interest by feeling Freddy’s arm and asking if Freddy’s single, which Freddy obviously replied with ‘no, I am in a committed relationship!”
If the flirting wasn’t bad enough, the boys ‘jokes’ about stealing him really got under your skin. You glanced at Freddy who was clearly in distraught at what to do. Already standing, you were about to make your way to your too sweet to say no boyfriend, when…
“I-I’m terribly sorry if this comes off as rude, but please, refrain from making suggestive jokes about me and my Superstar.” Freddy choked out, somehow seeming small and timid. The boy shut his mouth.
Then, the boy nodded awkwardly and quickly excused himself to his group of friends. And you finally saw Freddy uncup his hands and exhale, staring at you with a wide smile.
“You did so great, Freddy!” You praised, raising your hands to a happy bear who was already kneeling to your height, allowing you to pet and kiss all over his favorite spots.
“Thank you, Superstar.” Freddy hummed softly, clearly enchanted and loving all the kissing he was receiving.
This was a big step for Freddy; becoming more assertive about things meant he’d find an easier way to put his foot down. A small thing to achieve for some, sure, but for you and him?
It obviously meant a celebration in late night cuddles and abusing Level 10 Security Clearance to the movie theatre!
𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 ☆ 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞
Bonnie was very chatty and friendly. He was very approachable compared to others and besides Freddy and Sun, he was the most amiable. Which meant he fell victim to a loooot of flirting and suggestive stares from guests.
Unlike Monty who shuffles from side to side, avoiding his tanturms in worry of being scolded or locked in his room or Freddy who is a pushover,
Your sweet bunny put his foot down when he saw your discomfort or annoyance at anyone. He didn’t care if it made them uncomfortable by the sudden tone change, you came before a lot of other humans in his eyes. You were his dear.
He was more protective and affectionate than Monty. You may be wondering, ‘How is he more affectionate than the Gator?’ Well he literally throws an arm around you and man-spreads if he’s sitting, basically inviting you to sit on his lap.
You choke everytime he does it. Because to be honest, nobody expects this behavior from such a funny guy like Bonnie. You think he’s just fooling around,
But that serious, loving and suggestive gaze says otherwise everytime.
You couldn’t forget how he made you feel everytime. Enclosed and protected and safe and loved and jeez, is it hot in here?
And you always believe, stupidly, that the last time he did it will be the final time. (It never is)
Now you find yourself plotted on his lap like a pretty decoration to his large and broad figure. Bonnie’s decorated ears bounce with his shiny, golden earrings as he sends a straight message to the two behind him trying to feel his shoulders.
That soft yet strong grip he has on your hips makes you want to flop around like a fish. Bonnie will never, ever shy away from pda and you don’t know if that’s a blessing or not. He loves to fluster you in public like this.
“Well, I say I’m pretty tired. Why don’t we head to my room for some alone time, cottontail?” Bonnie smiles down at you.
Well? Why don’t you? :)
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 ☼
Listen: Sun is everything but oblivious. He runs a very busy and popular daycare with minimal staff help. He catches everything even if it seems like he doesn’t. Observant should be his middle name with how much his eyes are peered for everything.
So, when staff or even guests flirt with him, he plays the role of oblivious very well. He hates confrontation, so often he tries to find other solutions to problems. And those solutions often require you, the sunshine of his life to help him.
You side glance a guest who was getting too comfortable with staying so close in proximity to Sun when discussing business hours. His pleading side glances sent you the message that you had to rush over to save your dear sweet.
Your march towards Sun was full of jealousy and annoyance.
“Who are you?” The guest huffed, their annoyance practically dripping out of their lips. You unconsciously formed a disgusted facial expression under workers’ hat. They did not just ask that.
Who they think they are? You are obviously someone important to not only the daycare but to Sun with how decorated you are with Sun pins, cheery grin and everything!
“I’m someone who Sun wants to actually be around.” The snarl you gave would’ve even intimidated the DJ.
You were really about to catfight this bitch guest on the matted floors of the daycare. Unfortunately, the tall daycare attendant gently tugged you to a mess of toys in the far distance, very far from the glaring guest. You swear that if Sun had the chance, he would’ve picked you up and carried you away to his room.
But duty calls before any cuddles, so you two kneeled down to pick up some toys off of the ground with the help of a STAFF bot and a kind child.
“Sweet sunshine,” Sun began, eyeing the Sunny pin on your blue work shirt,
“What’s up Sun?”
Sun’s little giggles intrigued you. “Don’t look like you’re about to rip someone’s head off next time.”
You scoffed, but smiled with Sun, “I can’t help it! I had to. They were asking for it.” You reasoned as Sun’s slender fingers gently caressed your skin and his ‘kisses’ soothed your heated cheek. His ‘kisses’ and affection made it worth it.
“Let me handle it, do not lose your temper over jerks.” Sun reasoned, the excessive eyeing of the Sun pin on you making you think he had some pride in being displayed so proudly on your person.
“Alright alright.”
Sun smiled and sneaked a loving kiss to your lips when the child helping you looked away, causing the STAFF bot to stare. You could’ve sworn you saw a tear fall from its eyes (MUST BE NICE??? DATING SUN.)
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 ☽
Out of all the animatronics, you’d consider Moon the most avoiding of crowds and people in general. So when he got flirted with by someone who was very interested in him, he often shuddered and stuttered out polite and awkward sentences.
He’d get annoyed quick enough and sometimes just, leave. It’s not because he’s rude, no, he tries his hardest to be as kind as possible to guests. It’s literally ingrained into him through his programming and code.
But it’s just if you push Moon too far, he will just up and leave the conversation.
You’ve seen this happen too many times before. A guest or staff member becomes too friendly, touching Moon too much that it overwhelms him. And then, the minute they turn to see some noise in the distance, Moon climbs to the ceiling to scurry off into his room to relax.
You never had to do anything to step in. He always treated it himself. You did have to help him though.
And that was by relaxing with him by allowing him to vent and to tell his frustrations to you as he lays his head to the comfortable pillow. He always waited for you to enter his room so you could begin to cuddle and detangle from the social interactions.
The soft mechanical whirrs of his body, the gentle breathing, the hard glow of his red eyes softening so it won’t hurt your eyes in the dark, the comfy hat on his head feeling soft and nice on your hand and fingers, you never felt too jealous because you always knew Moon and you would end like this. Intertwined and unwinding from social life.
The times you do get jealous though are when you silently think to yourself because a guest is tinkering with Moon. You don’t show it, but you do get jealous when Moon is doing things with others that you could’ve clearly done it with him too. But maybe you’re just clingy or something…
However, you never act on these feelings. Because he’s more valuable to you than you dumb pettiness :)
Also he likes to fall asleep cuddling, so, you will always feel reassured at the end of the day!
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orchidrene · 2 years
Who adores you right now? (romantically)
꒰🌸 welcome to orchidrene's cottage”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
✎ ☕ . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ please check out my paid readings if you liked this reading and contact me if you wish to purchase one or donate. You can send me custom paid requests too! Those who purchased the paid services, I'm working on your readings, do not worry as I won't be scamming you. Also, every reblog is appreciated. Thank you for reading :)˖♡ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🥀 ꒱
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
Pile 1
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The person who adores you has major water placements. A very promising individual. Also very dangerous when they have to be. I'm getting them being a Pisces sun or Cancer rising. Whoever it is, I feel like their eyes speak louder than their personality does, they might have really sparkly and watery eyes, the type of eyes that you just can't resist. They might have a very bright smile too. I'm getting sunshine energy from them. They might be someone who roasts others. I'm getting them being the moodmaker too, I'm getting cancer moon energy from them as well. Why do I feel like you might like them too or atleast they feel like you do 💀😭. They probably have a deeper voice doesn't matter if they're a guy or a girl. This might have been a person that you had a falling out with too though, I'm literally getting the korean drama 'descendants of the sun' kind of relationship dynamic here. "I hope it's not something that passes by with the wind." Your person might like roses. Damn, I just realized that I said 'your person' they might be like "sorry I'm y/n's" while joking around with their friends of the same gender 💀. I'm getting very fruity acting straight friends here LMAO. They create scenarios about you before going to sleep (I'm not getting anything 18+ though.) They might call you a piece of art. I'm getting you met them wearing a dress, it's very specific but I'm getting white cottagecore Aurora dresses (take what resonates, leave the rest.) They feel like you have a duality and you seem to have a very cute puppy/bunny like energy at times which conflicts your usually resting bitch face which is really intriguing. I'm getting for some of you, they saw you running and started liking you because of how good you looked while running. I'm getting some of these admirers seeing you with long hair at some point. Crabs and moon might be significant. I'm getting the vision of night skies on a beach. This person might think that your voice is seductive, you might make 18+ jokes with an innocent looking face and a really sweet tone. I feel like this person's love language is acts of service. You might have very unpredictable sides that really intrigue your person. 'For you' by CBX is what their feelings for you are going to be like. "You left me behind because you forgot about me, until you remember I'm going to wait for you. My love, look at me, do you still love me? Look at my eyes and tell me, a heart full of love can't be hidden. Don't ever forget the truth that I was there for you, don't erase my heart that could do anything for you." At some point, you're going to fall apart, not because of a fight or anything but because you are busy, they will be hurt because of you as they are simply just waiting for you. I got 'always' by Yoon Mirae as your feelings for them. "When I see you, everything stops, I don’t know since when, one day, you came to me like a dream, you shook up my heart, I knew that it was destiny." I feel like you'll be in each others' life again though.
Pile 2
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A very patient person, might have a calmer aura. I feel like they don't come from a very financially stable family though. They might have trouble moving on from the past too. It's really scary when they express their anger though. Definitely someone who's been betrayed in the past, I'm getting them trusting easily while still being afraid of getting hurt. They seem to have difficulty starting over, mostly because people might push them around. They're a very relationship oriented person, they care a lot about having good relationships that they can rely on. They just want someone to return the same amount of energy and effort that they give away to others. They might have a colder aura too though, I think it's because of the past heartbreaks maybe. I'm specifically getting Elsa from Frozen. Blue might be their favourite colour. They might still be very contemplative regardless of their giving nature, I'm getting them trying to carefully monitor and control their own actions. They'll have to be really persistent and resilient if they want to end up with you, that's what they think. They might have leo or taurus placements and you might have water or air placements. 'Future' by Red velvet played when I shuffled. "You are my future, future, all the time, I want to go through the hard times and hold your hand,you are my sunshinе, sunshine, sunshine, all the day, show mе, like the sun that turns the night and makes another morning." 'Another day' by Monday Kiz and Punch played when I shuffled to find out which drama storyline/plot/personalities, etc. Might be reflected in your relationship. You might have a sad personality or might be going through a sad phase, this person is going to support you at a time like that (you might be crying over your ex but not be able to show vulnerability outside, this person will still understand how you feel and take care of you.) I got 'this love' by Davichi when I drew their feelings towards you "For me, only times that are colored by you, are passing by, I love you, I thank you, for holding me so warmly, I can live because of this love." This is how your person is going to feel towards you. At some point you might push them away and they might not be able to take care of you even when you're hurt or sick. I got 'done for me' by Punch when I shuffled for your feelings towards them. "Please leave from my memories, take away all your memories, erase it all, even your longing, so even if you miss me, so you won’t miss me, let me forget all our moments, even the smallest traces, let me erase all the memories you left behind, let me hope that none of the memories remain, I can’t get any closer to you, I’m so afraid of these feelings, so take away all of your memories, erase it all, done for me, I have no choice but to leave, no choice but to go far away, please forgive me, I hope we can meet again some day." Damn, I'm not sure why you're so afraid but I don't see you both getting together anytime soon after this seperation. You might've been drawn to pile 1 as well.
Pile 3
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They might have prominent cancer placements. This person might give really good advice. They might have trouble with accepting change. I feel like there was recently a revelation that hurt them a lot. Their family might be going through a financial crisis right now. They might not have a good relationship with their family as well. They might want to make a move towards but have trouble initiating it right now. They're scary when they're angry. I think that they like mint chocolate ice cream. They might have fox like facial features. I feel like they're more on the extroverted side. They are very cute and have a very youthful appearance. I'm getting campus crush vibes from them. They have a lot to offer so they try to get closer to other people and love them but those people being the ungrateful people that they are put them off as 'too much' or 'try hard.' You might talk to them casually and actually make them feel seen, heard and understood which is why they adore you so much. One more hint: they might've lost a lot of weight since the last few months and it's very obvious. For some reason I feel like you're not quite ready to date anyone yet though and even if you are, the outside forces might affect this relationship negatively, like it's not in either of yours control. You are going to be confused because of your own thoughts and emotions. Other people or outside forces (might be something from the past) might cloud your mental clarity or action. You might end up following what the crowd says regardless of your feelings. You're going to lack vision and going to be there like "it's going to end someday anyways." I feel like at some point you're going to be very content with yourself and for you money might be important when dating someone so you will block your own relationship with this person. The new beginning between the both of you is going to be blocked for quite some time, you guys might also be stuck in the talking stage for quite a while. You both might have 1st house sun synastry, I'm getting the connection between the both of you bringing in a lot of creativity and confidence into each other. The relationship might make you question your self worth. Even when the relationship ends, you'll always think of each other because the passion never really dies💀. I'm getting there being some kind of physical distance, maybe even though you live near each other, you meet only once three months or so. Might be a long distance relationship too though. You might be skilled when it comes to being romantic but your follow through is very week. You might be overconfident and take them for granted in the beginning or something. They will always see you as the one that got away, you might've had 12th house synastry (I'm getting moon) but I feel like you're going to be the one who's going to regret the situation more, they tried to very loving towards you, while you treated them like crap, they were still patient with you. I feel like you might chase them for a really long time after your seperation and they're going to reject you because of how bad things got between the both of you. You might've met/dated them under a water moon (pisces, cancer, scorpio.) Your person might like cars too.
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
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your disinterested boyfriend reluctantly agrees to letting you put pretty butterfly clips his hair, but under one condition.
» genre: smut, fluff, established relationship <3
» word count: 2.4k
favor for a favor - jjk
i feel excitement rush through my body as i grab a small package from outside the door, rushing to the kitchen to open it.
i ogle at the sparkly, bright colored butterfly hair clips i'd ordered days ago, along with a cute outfit that would match perfectly with them, but was unfortunately not here yet.
i walk back into the bedroom feeling slightly disheartened but excited i could at least play with them.
"what's that?" his voice almost startles me, he must be taking a small break in between rounds as his headphones are off one side and he takes a drink from the water bottle that was once sat by his feet.
i sit next to him on the bed and hand him the pretty clips, watching as he examines them with a smile, "they're adorable, do they go in your hair?"
i nod, "yeah, can i show you?"
he chuckles and nods his head and i eagerly turn my body towards him as i reach up to put one in his hair but he swiftly catches my wrists, "what do you think you're doing."
i look at him with pleading eyes, "y-you said i could show you right? let me put them in your hair please~~"
"but why? you'll look so pretty babe."
"no y/n."
"pwease~" i puff out my bottom lip and look up at him, knowing i'm using his soft spot to my advantage but i would literally die to see them in his dark and wavy long hair.
he sighs, indicating he's given up, "fine, but you'll have to do something for me."
i smile and bounce on the bed, too excited to take a second thought to what he said other than his consent, "yes! thank you thank you!"
the pink in his cheeks and the way he smiles at me doesn't give unnoticed as i slide into his lap and place two clips on either side of his head.
i wrap my hands around his neck and lean back to review my work. his hands resting lazily on my hips as he draws small circles on them with his thumbs, raising a brow he asks, "do i look as pretty as you thought i would?"
i kiss his cheek and nod, "even cuter. if you would let me, i would be begging to take a picture of you right now."
his face contorts into one of disgust, he's always hated being the one in the photos and much prefers being my personal photographer, which i've never understood, seeing as women practically fall to their knees at the sight of him.
"i'll let you take a picture, but this means your favor to me is going to be a lot bigger y/n, think you can take it?"
i scoff, "i'd do anything if it meant this could be my future lockscreen."
he shakes his head with a grin and i grab my phone off the bed to snap his picture.
i take three actually, one of him looking awfully unhappy about the situation, the second one i decided to squish his cheeks to make him at least smile, for the third i succeeded in capturing a rare smile from my seemingly emo boyfie <3
he interrupts my giggling with his voice, "okay okay your fun is done, now it's my turn."
i remain unbothered, feeling fully satisfied and happy already as i wrap my arms around his neck to cuddle into him, "what would you like handsome?"
i watch as the smirk grows on his face, "i want you to give me head as i play this next round." he says shamelessly, sporting a cocky grin.
i whine and cuddle into his chest, this isn't the first time he's asked for this and i always say no. "jungkook you know i don't like that."
"aw baby." he coos sweetly, before slapping my ass causing me to jolt in his lap, "you got to do what you wanted with me, this is only fair."
i look at him challengingly, "head is not equivalent to butterfly clips."
"and a picture." he adds.
"and a picture." i roll my eyes.
"fine, but now i forbade you to use those photos for anything, that means no sending them to ur friends, posting them anywhere, or putting it as your lockscreen."
i look at him with a heartbroken expression, "you wouldn't dare take that from me."
he leans his forehead against mine, his light rimmed glasses falling to the brink of his nose as he speaks, "yes, i would."
i scoff, "you sound awfully desperate to get your dick sucked while playing video games with your friends. isn't that weird? what if they hear us?"
he grins darkly, and that's when i put all the pieces together, "i don't care if they do. i'll actually reward you if you can get me to moan loud enough for them to hear it."
i stare at him speechlessly, knowing he's got me wrapped around his finger now, "or if they can hear you choking on my dick like the cockslut you are, i would reward that as well."
i huff and push his chest, "fuck you."
he shrugs with a smirk, "please do."
that's the last of his words as he slips his headphones back on, setting his water bottle down on the ground and rejoining his game.
i continue to sit on his lap, unsure of what to do as he talks with his friends like any other night.
he suddenly looks at me, eyebrows raised, "i'm gonna need to see the screen to play, mind getting on your knees instead?" he poses it as a question, although i know it's not.
i don't comply right away, instead i move my head out of his way by attaching my lips to his neck. peppering kisses up to his jaw then back down, paying careful attention to the way he's breathing, being sure to give extra attention to the places that make his breath hitch.
my hands run up and down his chest, touching him exactly the way i know he likes. i rut my hips against his crotch, feeling him growing underneath me as i rock harder and faster against his boner.
he lifts his hips against me and i pull away, grabbing his attention as he watches me slip out of his lap and onto the ground in front of him.
he grins before looking back up to the tv, speaking strategies with his friends. i decide to make this hell for him, instead of getting to work like he wanted— jungkook absolutely hates being teased— i decide to do exactly that.
i put a hand on his crotch, palming him above his shorts and feeling how hard he is in my hand already. he thinks he can get through this silently?
i run a finger lightly across his tip repeatedly, smirking as i watch him squirm in his seat. sure, he can't make any noises. but he also can't scold me. i can tell he's figured out my plan as he glances down at me with dark eyes, trying his best to convince me it's a warning but his cocky attitude makes me want to wipe the smirk right off his face.
i tug at the waistband of his boxers and he lifts his hips up to help me slip them off. his dick stands tall against his stomach, beautiful as always, truthfully. just the sight of his dick would have me wet but it wasn't about me right now.
i get to work slowly peppering kisses from his base to his tip, being sure to swirl my tongue around the top before going back down.
sex with jungkook is always great, but his patience wears extremely thin, especially if it's not on his terms. i can tell my pace is causing him excruciating pain, and he'd like nothing more than to force my head down and fuck my throat till he's painting my face in his cum, but he has no control in this situation.
i take his balls into my hand and squeeze them gently, taking note of how tight they are. i look up at his red face with his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he's already struggling to keep his attention on the game.
i take this as a sign he's had enough, and surprise him by taking his entire length into my mouth at once.
his thighs twitch underneath my hands as i hold onto them for support. i stare up at him as i move my head back and fourth, taking him as deep as i can without choking around him.
his breathing grows heavy and fast, showing me that if i kept this up he'd cum embarrassingly fast.
and that's exactly what i want.
i pull his length out of my mouth, stroking him with my hand as i bat my eyes up at him, "am i doing good jungkookie? seems to me like you're already close." i fake pout as he seethes.
i smirk before getting back to work, sucking his dick expertly and just the way he likes it. i take him in all the way again and feel him hit the back of my throat each time causing my throat to close around his cock.
that's when he lets out his first moan. i'm too focused to tease him about it, yearning to hear nothing but his moaning in the room.
he grows squirmy in his seat, cussing lowly as he lets out strangled groans, "fuck y/n s-slow down." he whispers, but his request falls on deaf ears as i moan on his dick and his hips rut into my face, he was milliseconds away from cumming down my throat but i pull away.
looking him in the eyes as i wipe the spit and precum from the side of my mouth before licking it off my fingers.
the game far away in his mind as he stares at me, stripping in front of him and sitting myself in his lap again, grinding my core onto his length so he could feel how wet i was for him.
i bite his ear and whisper away from the mic, "you might wanna turn that off, unless you want to give your friends a free show."
he tries to put up his bad boy act again, "it's your loud mouth they'd be hearing."
i chuckle darkly, immediately sinking down onto his length and bouncing on top of him just to catch him off-guard.
my plan is a success as he grunts out, followed by heavy breaths as he tries to push his orgasm away.
"fine then, let them hear your pathetic groans as your girlfriend fucks you."
he whimpers hopelessly in response, throwing his head back and i can hear his friends questioning it.
"fuck it." he says before throwing the headset off and dropping his controller. "is this what you wanted? you've got my undivided attention you whore."
i stop my bouncing and grind against him instead as i grab his face, "you can call me all the names you want baby, we both know you're so close to cumming, you're fucking putty in my hands."
he growls at my words, hating that he wasn't in charge right now and hating that there was nothing he could do to change that.
"shit baby just please, let me cum." i giggle and attach my lips to his for a quick kiss.
"i like hearing you beg, you look so cute."
he just whines, having no more energy to argue with me. i let up my act, feeling awfully close to my orgasm as well as i pick up my pace, working even harder to make him cum.
his eyes screw shut and his mouth hangs open, i've never seen him this fucked-out, and i fight the urge to ask why he never let me do this before if he enjoys it so much.
he grabs at my ass and i feel his cock twitch inside of me as he moans, "i-i'm so close, harder baby, fuck please go harder."
i tug at his hair as i ride him as hard as i possibly can, "you're in no position to be asking for favors when i'm already doing more than you asked me to, right?"
he hums in response and i can tell he's so close he's in pain, "come on jungkook, i want you to cum inside of me, fuck i want it dripping out of me, can you do that for me baby?"
he nods his head and responds with a grunt, "y-yes, i'm coming y/n shit." he thrusts his hips up into mine and spills into me.
the feeling of him releasing inside of me along a few more thrusts, i come too. making him hiss in overstimulation.
i chuckle and get off of him, "sorry babe."
he falls against the bed, still trying to catch his breath. i watch him closely, slightly afraid he'd reprimand me.
he peeks an eye open, "why are you just staring at me?"
i nervously play with my fingers, "i-i'm sorry? i know you like being in charge and i guess i for a little carried away, i just wanted you to feel good."
he stares at me blankly, almost so long i think he's just zoned out, until he breaks into a fit of laughter.
once he finally stops he grabs for me, wrapping a blanket around my naked form as he pushes me into his chest, placing gentle kisses on my head, "i haven't came that hard since i was in high school y/n."
i look up at him speechlessly, "so it was good? you're not upset?"
he chuckles, "absolutely not, you did amazing baby."
i blush and nuzzle into his neck, whispering hundreds of i love you's into his ear just to hear him giggle.
i lean back into his embrace, drinking in the sight of him so happy and bubbly, when something else catches my attention.
he notices it and stares back at me, "what? what's that face for."
i bite my bottom lip to prevent me from laughing even harder as i reach for his hair to pull out the butterfly hair clips that were there the whole time.
"y/n~~" he whines, but he can't contain his laughter either.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
thank you for reading! this is my first time posting here so any feedback or support of any kind would be appreciated! <3
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xiaosmoon · 2 years
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pairings: diluc x gn!reader (reader is wearing a dress & wearing makeup)
warnings: alcohol consumption, kissing, suggestive.
note: happy birthday to meeee 🥳 my contribution to my own collab <3 also queuing this hopefully it works.
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diluc doesn't drink often, but when he does, it's bad. he's not one to drink for no reason, but rather it's a desperate escape to get his mind of something. and on this particular evening, his mind was whirred around you.
y/n. y/n. y/n. your name was all he could think of. oh how sweet it sounded when it was coming off of your own lips. he wondered how sweet his own name would sound rolling off your tongue. would it be sweet? would it be—
"you know y/n's upstairs, right? they're not just going to magically appear if you keep repeating their name." kaeya's lighthearted teasing was not something diluc needed right now. but shit, had he really been saying your name this entire time?
diluc drowned the last of his whiskey in one gulp, setting it down on the counter. a valentine's day party, at his own winery, and he didn't even want to he here.
truly the only thing he wanted was you. diluc would never admit that when he's sober, he actually wouldn't even be taking kaeya's advice for once in his life. but he supposed liquid luck was the push he finally needed.
diluc got up from his seat, not sparing another glance at kaeya before trudging his way through people to get to the stairs. thankfully diluc wasn't tripping over his feet considering how much he's drank.
you were the only one that consumed his thoughts at the moment. his only mission right now was to find you, and when he does–
"diluc, are you... drunk?"
oh sweet archons, he wasn't prepared.
his eyes met yours, taking in your beautiful appearance. you were dressed in the most lavish skin tight red dress, your makeup was the perfect amount of sparkly, and your lips... your lips looked so kissable.
diluc didn't seem to notice the concern in your eyes. he inches closer to you, cupping both of his hands around your face. "y/n."
diluc saying your name sent icy chills down your spine. the tenderness of his hold, the little proximity between you, and the lingering sent of his teakwood perfume was all too much for you to handle.
he was drunk, and you were high off of him alone.
"y/n," diluc leaned in closer, resting his forehead against yours. "can i kiss you?"
he didn't have to ask twice. that's all you needed to hear before colliding your lips with his. the kiss was sloppy and slow at first, but you didn't care. all you needed right now was the feeling of diluc's lips on yours.
his hands desperately found their way to your sides, sliding his hands down your body until they landed on your waist. your own hands were tangled diluc's hair, trying to bring him as close to you as humanly possible.
diluc pulled away for a quick breath, before slowly guiding you to the nearest wall. you didn't have time to slow your breathing before diluc's lips devoured your own once more. this time, the kiss was more passionate and sensual. it was the most intimate you've ever been with anyone and you loved it.
it took all of your courage to pull away from diluc. your breathing was heavy, your lipstick was smeared beyond fixing, and a faint line of sweat coated your hairline.
diluc looked godly— your lipstick on his lips, his hair a mess, and his previously crisp and ironed black button up now crinkled from your gripping.
diluc smiled, resting his forehead against yours. "you'll remind me of this tomorrow, won't you?"
"of course," you said breathlessly. "but will you really have already forgotten?"
diluc placed a soft kiss to your cheek. "i don't think i could ever forget something like this. but just in case."
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cancerfairy · 2 years
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𝙿𝙰𝙲: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢
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i'm back with another pac to describe how you and your fs would get married! lemme know which pile you pick after c:
to pick a pile take a deep breath and close your eyes. when you open them, use your intuition to pick the pile that calls out to you. the piles go from left to right, 1-3. hope you enjoy!
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𑁍 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟷:
𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 - 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 - 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 - 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚜 - 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 - 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖
okay right off the bat i feel like this wedding will take place in winter and it'll be a very sunny day with a chance of rain but you two won't be worried about that. i'm seeing an outside venue and a lot of white and gold involved. this venue could be somewhere in italy or you two might've travelled to another country to have this wedding. whoever the female is in this relationship will be taking charge on this wedding day. if that's you, i'm seeing you'll want it to be perfect. you'll be running around before it starts making sure everyone's in their place and working as intended. once you see everything is ready to go that's when you'll change into your dress. for your dress i'm seeing a white dress... it's sparkly and slightly poofy but i'm also seeing a form fitting dress too? kinda like a mermaid one. your closest friends will help you out on the dress and i'm also seeing some detachable sleeves that go along with the dress. omg your friends are going to start tearing up when they see you in the dress and you're gonna think "is this really happening?" like you'll have to remind yourself it's your wedding day. i could see you telling them to stop crying cause it'll mess up their makeup lmao.
i think the theme of the wedding is winter wonderland but also something traditional. for some of you it may be at a church as well. i think you won't want your spouse to see you until the actual ceremony and i believe someone younger than you will come to pick you up to go to the actual wedding ceremony.. perhaps a little brother or something. when you get to the ceremony i'm seeing huge brown doors that someone will push open for you to walk in. i'm seeing a lot of guests but they're like close friends and family. for some reason i feel like you'll be very nervous until you see your spouse cause my chest started hurting. i believe walking down the aisle will be very emotional for you but you'll try your best to not ruin your makeup. when you see your spouse i think they'll look so spiffy yk? like their hair is slicked back, their suit matches your dress perfectly and everything is how you envisioned. i think it'll take a lot for you not to cry when you see them. they'll try to keep a straight face too but it'll be hard for them. i have the feeling they've been preparing for this moment their whole life. you'll say your vows and everything and when you're supposed to kiss it'll be very very passionate lol i'm hearing cheering from the crowd of guests pls. it's probably cause you two haven't seen each other all day. i think after this ceremony is when it'll start raining tho and you'll have to drive to the next venue so it'll be a bit of a mess but i think you two will just be glad you said "i do".
❁ 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜: religious factors, give your relationship a chance, rain, sun, planning, offering, true love, getting to know each other, i see a future with you, decision, i want to start a family with you, obsession, i regret the things i haven't said, my love, engagement, honeymoon
❁ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜:
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𑁍 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸:
𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚜, 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜, 𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚜, 𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜, 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖
heyo pile 2 c: so your wedding will definitely be on a very sunny day. im seeing children are going to be there as well. could be your future children or your relatives children. perhaps you'd want a child to also carry the ring or throw flower petals down the aisle too. your wedding day will be very very happy. i'm seeing itll be like a wish come true, like something you've always wanted. your dress will likely have a a sweetheart neckline or something traditional from your culture? it could be cream colored or like pinkish i believe. your wedding day is going to be very fulfilling and almost perfect to you, it'll feel like your final destination. i also don't see you two travelling anywhere foreign for this wedding so it'll likely be in your home country or home town. but i do see one problem being that your family may disapprove of this wedding. perhaps you already knew that and invited them instead but i feel like they'd be outwardly showing their distaste for the marriage. i think that would stress you or your spouse out a lot. perhaps it's your spouses parents that don't approve too. your spouse would try to calm you down and ease your stress since it's your big day but your parents words would make your spouse second guess things. it might make them feel very indecisive about the wedding like "is this something we should really be doing?" perhaps both your parents wanted you two to marry someone else. this whole fiasco will likely start before the wedding so it could be very stressful but i think your spouse will want to put in the effort to make you happy on your big day. they had a bit of time to think it through and they know in their heart they want to be with you. after you both confirm this you won't have to worry about both your families. i think healing those issues will come later but your wedding day will be extremely joyful and fun. i'm seeing you two both dancing after the ceremony and i can't help but think it's some kind of dance from your culture. either way i see you two having a lot of fun and enjoying each other's presence so much.
❁ 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜: healing family issues, children, very soon, friendship, i have the most fun with you, you're everything i want, make the effort, i'm sorry, soulmates, you understand me completely, best friends, give me time to think, we're meant to be, please take care of yourself
❁ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜:
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𑁍 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟹:
𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚑 - 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚜 - 𝚜𝚒𝚡 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 - 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 - 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 - 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚜 - 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚖
okay pile 3, let's talk about how you both decided to get married because i feel like one of you was stuck in some kind of cycle and couldn't forget your past pain or hurt in a relationship before you got with your future spouse. this could've been painful for both of you since one had work on letting go of the past while the other held on and supported them. because you stuck it out and got through it that's how you two are able to get married. i believe you might've been childhood friends or something of the sort. you two believe it in your bones that you're meant to be because this is true love between you two. i'm seeing you two might even get married relatively young.
i believe you both had to plan ahead for this wedding but i'm seeing that the male figure in this relationship had more to do with planning. they seem like the more dominant one in this relationship and i'm seeing this wedding is somewhat of a relief for them. they believe getting married to you would heal their wounds and you're someone who puts the pieces back together in their heart. overall your wedding will have a very fun theme to it. you two might like to party or your spouse really enjoys having fun and letting loose so they planned it this way. i'm seeing only close friends got invited to this wedding and it doesn't seem like a huge venue but your spouse probably believes it suits you two super well. your wedding would have a very unique design, unlike anything people do for weddings. it'd be very creative and tailored just to you two. that includes your dress as well. i feel like your dress would be a different color and design from the traditional wedding dress. i'm also getting that some of you might have this wedding at night too? something about this wedding feels very unconventional.
for the ceremony i feel that you two might want children to bring the wedding ring down the aisle similar to pile 2 but there's a big emphasis on children here so perhaps you two enjoy their presence or it'll feel so healing that your wedding kinda brings out both of your happiest sides. your spouse will be so playful and fun with you like throughout the ceremony there'll be so much smiling and while you read your vows i think there'll be a lot of inside jokes to make it more personal. also this is random but i'm getting that there'll be a lot of seafood there and the venue will be decorated in tons of flowers.. i'm seeing pink flowers, tulips, lotus flowers and sunflowers. i think you'll both want it to be very colorful as well.
❁ 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜: i appreciate and value you, you are my home, let go of control issues, separation, i love you, release your ex, i adore you, getting to know each other, bond, best friends, beach
❁ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜:
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superstarrdaycare · 2 years
alright you all know why im here. you see my url. here they are. more rambling than anything tbh
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🔆💛 • a sweetheart, but definitely overbearing—they won't leave you alone! sometimes it's cute, other times it's... worrying how they genuinely think you don't like them anymore just because you're leaving the daycare
🔆💛 • they have serious abandonment issues. nobody told them that kids aren't allowed in the daycare over twelve, so sun just thinks they're just too much. fazent why you put mental illness in the robot
🔆💛 • so you've got some work to do to convince them you're here to stay! it takes a lot of time, and a lot of patience, but eventually they seem to get it.
🔆💛 • they'll repay you tenfold for every little thing you do—you deserve the best, in their professional opinion. sun's a crafter of course, they'll always give you something handmade and sparkly! or when they're too excited to sit down and make anything, a bottle of glitter glue from their collection
🔆💛 • on your first anniversary they wait in the hall of the daycare for you for several hours before the pizzaplex even opens, just to give you a scrapbook they'd been compiling since they met you. it's very colorful, to say the least
🔆💛 • anytime you pass by they like to grab you and give you a nuzzle, as they can't exactly kiss you without lips
🔆💛 • they like to wash your hair. even if they have to wear multiple layers of gloves and a rain poncho to keep their inner workings safe from the water, they really, really love to. it gets a little excessive at times, and you half-pray your manager doesn’t dock your pay for visiting the onsite showers so often
🔆💛 • after a while of this you inform sun about scalp massages. they immediately go wild
🔆💛 •  sun likes to make sure you're nice and neat, generally. they're like a fussy mom—which makes sense, considering they work in a daycare and are a bit of a neat freak. they try to get the frizz out of your hair rather fruitlessly, they'll straighten your clothes, triple check that you're tidy before giving you a big ole hug and skipping off
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🌜💙 • moon is basically the entire reason you were ever able to confess to its counterpart. at first, they were protective of sun—you weren't exactly someone they trusted. come their time to wake they kept you at arms length, encouraging you to do the same with half-threats and general bitchiness
🌜💙 • they quickly realized it'd likely be beneficial for sun. to have someone that cares about them so much, who could actually hold them and comfort them. so moon relented even if they still avoided you
🌜💙 • ...but then, they realized just how hopeless the two of you were. sun being generally oblivious, you being ever so nervous—hopeless! they simply had to interfere!
🌜💙 • so during one of your after hour shifts, they approached. and started... giving you advice on how to court sun. enough that you would be confident in yourself. not that they doubted you were doing well already, no no, you just needed to be more direct
🌜💙 • along the way, they admittedly find themself charmed by your cluelessness. "IT'S CUTE," they idly remark one night.
🌜💙 • and then they realize you have fucking tomfooled them into crushing on you. they were no match for such craft!
🌜💙 • they confess after throwing a grape capri sun at you and telling you to never speak of it again
🌜💙 • it takes a week of avoidance max for them to come back and sincerely ask if you'd like to date
🌜💙 • your sleep schedule has improved since. mainly because they insist you stay at the daycare for cuddles and will otherwise firmly instruct you to be in bed by 10:30
🌜💙 • it's a lot of firmness with them. they will take no shit. this extends to how they handle self-doubt from you, even if it's... awkwardly like they're trying to warn a child
"...who's bullying who??"
🌜💙 • eventually you tell moon you need comfort when you have those kinds of days. they aren't good with comfort and don't know how to respond. verbal comfort is sun's thing. they steal your flashlight and get sun to come out
🌜💙 • ...you'll work on touchy-feely-talk together soon. for now, you can just cuddle
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well dressed, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Yes. It is a fact. Your boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, an absolute stellar specimen of a human being, considers workout clothes hotter than lacey lingerie because he is (ahem, say this in the most endearing way possible, please and thank you) a fucking muscle pig.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; playful banter and shitty jokes; in which Jungkook attempts to become a porn director and gets mad clowned by his gf aka you; crack and fluff; living room smut (fem reader, ass + pussy slapping, dry humping, nipple play, fingering, JK lifts you up by the pussy, f-receiving oral, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS - blond!JK; the parenthesis are the reader’s inner thoughts; yes, I did reference the classic "Can I have Your Number?" 2007 Mad TV sketch XD
it’s the best laid plans / counter point couple and they’re crackheads no need to read the others, but they're there if you want more
“Does it not fit?”
“No, that isn’t the issue here…”
Your boyfriend was an idiot.
“The fuck is this?”
You walked out of the bedroom, glaring at Jeon Jungkook, your one-of-kind but also kind-of-an-idiot boyfriend (don't get it twisted, you were well aware you were also a special idiot). He was currently sitting on the couch, hands between his muscular open legs, wearing a sleeveless white tank (hot) and navy basketball shorts (double hot), grinning eagerly as you appeared (aww). You did not, however, bother coming out looking as sexy as possible (let’s be honest, Jungkook did not give two shits about clothes, not because you didn’t look cute in them, but because his preferred outfit on you was ‘birthday suit’ – butt-ass naked) because you were presently a bit peeved at him. Hm, how to say it?
Disappointed, but not surprised.
Jungkook’s eyes lit up and went all sparkly upon seeing you.
“Why did I know that when you said, I bought you some lingerie, you really just meant a sports bra and running shorts? By the way, these are obscenely short. My ass is hanging out the back.”
His smile was showing all of his teeth, giving him the appearance of a rambunctious and mischievous bunny. His long blond hair was swept to one side, definitely on purpose because you always told him it looked best that way. He was taking preventative measures.
You know, seducing you so you wouldn’t get mad at him for tricking you and putting you in workout clothes.
(It was working. You weren’t gonna say it wasn’t.)
“Is it? Turn around and let me check.”
You thinned your eyes and mouth into lines. You let him get away with so much shit because he was hot. Oh yeah, and also you were in love with him.
(It worked the other way around as well though. Couldn’t complain.)
You rolled your eyes and turned around, flipping your wrists to frame your ass with fanned fingers.
"Hello? There's a whole gust of wind back here and the seam is practically in my butt crack!"
You looked over your shoulder only to throw yourself into the wall, hurriedly spinning back around before your boyfriend, apparently a human rocket launcher, shot off the sofa and barreled towards you (move over Usain Bolt, you're not as fast as Jungkook when he was after your booty, no cap). You immediately planted your hands on his chest (definitely not planned, but also planned) and stiff-armed him, preventing him from coming any closer.
"Hold on a second! Acknowledge you're an animal!"
"I'm definitely an animal," Jungkook chirped with zero hesitation. "Now give me that ass."
You thinned your eyes and mouth into lines once again as Jungkook knocked your hands aside and grabbed two handfuls of your bare ass because quite frankly these shorts weren't doing shit, lifting you up and groaning lustfully while you flailed about for a second before grabbing his shoulders and hooking your legs around his torso, squeezing his chest with your thighs.
"You have a problem," you muttered.
Jungkook's face planted into your tits and he didn't reply, forearms pressed under your thighs, one tattooed, one not. You ran your fingers through his blond hair, clicking your tongue as your boyfriend committed erotic asphyxiation with your sports-bra-covered tits.
(Kinda rude to the naked titty, come on dude!)
Jungkook yanked his face out of your breasts, gasping for breath, silver eyebrow piercing flashing as he looked up at you, grinning very adorably.
Okay, one.
Man was too strong. Had a workout obsession and it clearly showed with how easily he was holding you up by your ass. To be fair, he had a vast amount of surface area to hold, for sure.
(Your bangin’ ass was due to your video game obsession, poggers!)
Fuck, he was so cute. The crinkles next to his sparkling brown eyes and huge smile with the little mole underneath? The little mole on his nose?! Fucking precious.
(Goddamn, you were such a simp, but, goddamn, did Jungkook make it easy.)
His fingers were sneaking closer and closer to that center seam.
"I thought we were supposed to work out," you said calmly and with zero intention to work out even if Jungkook hadn't made you dress like a slutty Pilates teacher. Hey, fitness was his thing. He had his thing and you had your thing. Your thing just happened to be sitting on your ass playing video games (a completely valid lifestyle, by the way).
Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"We can work out," was his cheery reply that indicated zero intention of working out, sliding your legs back down so he could poke your covered vagina with his massive erection.
(Uh... huh.)
"You know, Jungkook," (you lovely, handsome, sweet, incredibly horny young man) "We can just fuck, hmmm, I don't know, naked, because this is our home and you don't actually need to buy me impractical workout clothing to get it on with me." You patted his cheek. "I swear you don't."
(Saves you money too, Jungkook, maybe you should consider it.)
Your boyfriend blinked at you, tilting his head. "Yeah, but I have fantasies."
You raised your eyebrows. "Go on, go on."
"You're at the gym working out," Jungkook started, dragging you along. The coffee table was moved and there was a yoga mat on the floor. Pink. It had been on sale. Jungkook had bought it in hopes that you would become interested in yoga, but one downward dog turned pretty quickly into downward doggy, woof, woof, bark, bark.
Also known as, you were interrupted with his dick.
You interjected immediately. "That would never happen. I don't like working out in public."
Jungkook frowned and slapped your ass, making you smirk. He narrowed his eyes.
"That's why it's a fantasy. Now shut up."
You squeezed him with your thighs and mimed zipping your lips.
"Anyway," Jungkook continued with a huff, ignoring your patronizing smile and going back to squeezing your ass, looking over your shoulder to watch the softness bulge out from between his fingers, suddenly forgetting how annoying you were (you knew the feeling). You leaned against him, chest to chest, on tiptoe so he could get a good grip, popping your booty to add to the visual.
"You're working out and then I notice you and we fuck."
(Are you listening, PornHub? Brazzers got nothing on Jeon Jungkook.)
"Just like that?" you snickered, trying to stifle your laughter threatening to escape.
"I mean, you're pretty hot. I don't need to ask too many questions."
He started bouncing the bottom of your ass with his fingertips, sighing at the perfect jiggle and perk. He always did compliment the roundness from top to bottom and it was further accented by the black short-shorts he had selected (man knew his workout fashion or, rather, man knew the workout fashion that would get him laid). It was hiking the hem deeper and deeper into your butt crack. Slightly uncomfortable, but it was being balanced out by Jungkook dry humping your crotch with his increasingly hard dick.
"I'm pretty hot, are you gonna ask me questions?" he shot back, increasing the vigor in his quest to dribble your ass. Was that why he wore basketball shorts? The mind of a horny man was truly fascinating.
You looked up at him with a big smile.
"Yeah, I’d ask, damn, can I have yo number?"
Jungkook burst out laughing at your sudden (and deliberately shitty) imitation of his Busan satoori.
“You’re so annoying–”
He did not get to tell you exactly how annoying you were being because you knew the power of redirected attention, spinning around and pressing your ass into the massive VIP tent in Jungkook’s shorts, trying to weasel your way into entry without having your name on the guest list. All you had to do was seduce the bouncer by rubbing your spread ass and bunched up shorts up and down his length, looking back with your tongue between your smirk, crossed arms under your sports bra, pressing inwards to increase your cleavage.
(Just kidding, you were definitely the only name on the VIP guest list to Jungkook’s dick, mwhahaha!)
“Can I have it? Can I have your number?” you teased, wiggling your eyebrows.
Your boyfriend was too busy moaning at your ass sliding up and down his crotch and thighs to actually respond, eyes glued to your body line, shoulders, tits, back, ass, wrapped in tight spandex and all the juicy bits straining against the too small sizes, all on purpose of course.
He did select the sizes himself.
“Can I please receive the secret code that will intelephonically pass me through to you?”
Jungkook snorted in laughter and smacked your ass, biting back his own groan. “Okay, shut up, I’ll think more about it next time so you’re not fucking clowning me, sheesh – oooh, f-fuck!”
You cut him off again by bending down and pressing your covered heat flush to his hardness, slowly curving back upward with your hands sliding up from your ankles, calves, thighs, framing your ass with your splayed fingers, spreading it out and letting it bounce back, Jungkook’s gasps behind you, forgetting everything he was going to scold you about. Your back to his chest, shoulder blades to his pecs, your arms lifting and reaching back, sinking your fingers into his blond hair and tugging him forward, sighing as his hungry lips feathered kisses all over your shoulders and neck, now actively (and aggressively) humping your ass, his own hands sliding up your torso to squeeze your breasts, slipping his fingers under the form-fitting fabric.
He mumbled your name into your skin between kisses, fingers sliding under the sports bra now, pushing it up, your breasts popping out, free for only a second before his palms were pressed against them, rubbing your hard nipples forcefully, his moan in your ear, your hands in his hair, arching your back to fill his hands and grind against his cock.
“You would really want me no matter what?” he murmured against your ear, biting the curve, tracing it with his tongue and sending shivers down your spine.
“Why are you asking?” you chuckled, closing your eyes, savoring the feeling of his fingers squeezing your nipples, teasing and plucking at them, electricity humming in your veins. “I made a move on you first, remember? When I asked if you wanted to bonk.”
Jungkook puffed his cheeks, letting out a huff of air. “We are still telling our children we went on nice, romantic dates first, by the way.”
“Not me, I’m telling them, your mom thought your dad was dummy hot so she flashed him some titty the second he was alone and he was hooked.”
“No, you will not–”
You spun around in his arms, yanking the sports bra off and tossing it aside, bouncing said seduction titties in his immediate vision. His wide brown eyes instantly honed in on your hard nipples poking out, rapidly sucking in a tight breath, the same exact reaction he had the first time he saw them, moan bubbling in his chest, glaring at you for a very brief second (his gaze read, how dare you, but also, fuck yeah!!!), before diving down, turning the tables on you, your turn to gasp sharply as hot lips and swirling tongue attached themselves to one and a wandering hand found the other, both of you moaning in unison, wrapped up in warm lust and strong arms.
His blond hair was messy, golden strands cascading down one side and curling around his high cheekbone and angular jaw, softening his handsome features, a perfect balance of cute and hot.
Jungkook’s eyes found yours, hazed out and reflecting your love for him.
(Remember that it was all his fault you had a massive wet wedgie right now. Hello? Hello? Still simping? Okay, never mind.)
“Would you even approach me?” you teased, running your fingers through his hair. “You couldn’t even speak to me the first time we met with your friends around.”
Jungkook pouted, narrowing his eyes at you. “That’s not my fault. How was I supposed to know that some random girl hyung met online playing freakin’ MapleStory was going to be literal walking sex?! I wasn’t prepared!”
You laughed cheerfully. “Still mad that I showed you my tits?”
“Fuck no. I have never been and will never be mad about that.”
Somehow seeing your tits had led Jungkook to be the horny animal he was today, but he made you a horny animal the second you saw him and all was fair in love and war, right? Right!
(For the record, Jungkook too was most certainly a horny animal the second he saw you, he just wasn’t going to admit it, we went on nice, romantic dates first!!!)
Which was precisely why he now yanked the shorts off your body (no panties, you knew where this was going the second you held those hilariously tiny shorts up to your lovely lady lumps), moaning at the sight of your soaked slit and seconds later his fingers were there, stroking your heat and your arousal, your hands on his shoulders, breathless cries as his fingers explored, grazing your clit, dipping in a little, teasing you with his touch and his mischievous eyes, dark brown orbs sparkling, knowing you were watching his arms, flexing them for you, black tattoos standing out against prominent muscle.
“F… Fuck, you’re so sexy, Jungkook…”
His hand slid back.
You moaned his name again, digging your nails into his shoulder as he tensed his forearm against your leaking pussy and leaned forward, biting the side of his lip playfully.
Then Jungkook lifted you with one arm.
You gripped his shoulders and gasped for breath, eyes widening, wetter at the feeling and the sheer display of strength, your slippery clit and lips rubbing against his inked skin, enough surface area that the weight was distributed pretty well, enough pressure to be throbbingly pleasurable, using his other hand to steady you by the hip so you wouldn’t fall.
“You can help me work out like this,” Jungkook remarked roguishly, lifting you up and down, smirking at your surprised and aroused reaction. “I think it would really help me out.”
“J-Jungkook, doesn’t t-this… oooh, fuck…”
Your hand had slipped down and touched his hard bicep.
Bless the gods that created Jeon Jungkook, seriously.
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do that forever. I wanted to make sure I was strong enough,” he breathed, slowly lowering you with a heavy, deep exhale, eyes roaming your naked body, smile dancing on his shapely lips.
(Was that why he worked out so much?! You would never mock his fitness obsession ever again.)
You grabbed his face, flurry of fierce kisses, tongue and lips and smiles, brief intermission to pull off his white tank before you lost yourself in his breath again, his heat, his skin, his scent, your hands all over his body and his all over yours, pressing his hands into your ass and dragging you to him, your tongue in his lips and being sucked on as you grinned in satisfaction, your fingertips slipping under the elastic waistband of his shorts.
“Not yet.”
You furrowed your brows, about to protest, but Jungkook pushed you down onto the pink yoga mat on hands and knees, your head whipping back and jaw dropping, but his fingers plunged into your wet heat before you got out any snappy objections.
Any words you had swiftly morphed into a wild moan of his name.
His free hand snaked around your waist, pumping two fingers in and out, deep and rough, just the way you liked, shudders of pleasure invading your body as he lifted your torso up, bending you backwards, tweaking your nipple, sultry chuckle in behind you as he increased the pace, hitting you in your favorite spot, your wetness creating loud, messy squelches with each thrust.
“You want this dick, hm?” he drawled, rubbing his covered, rock-hard erection against your thigh, the slinky fabric revealing that he was as turned on as you were, adding a third finger and making your moans pitch, a slight smile growing on your swollen lips.
“You’re just… stalling so you last more than two seconds…”
He snapped your name sharply and yanked his fingers out, smacking your soaked opening with a stinging slap.
(Weaker souls would immediately apologize, but remember you flashed him your tits the second you got him alone.)
You turned your head and grinned at Jungkook’s infuriated expression.
“You can do better than that.”
You rolled over, spreading your legs, and were met with rapid, swift smacks to your pussy and clit, back arching at the jolts of pain, moaning for him on the floor, staring at his slightly irritated expression and ash-blond curls, his blown-out pupils drifting up to see you gazing back under half-lidded lashes, aware your want was all over your face and open mouth, tongue hanging out and teasing him, seeing his breathing shallow, hand slowly shoving three fingers back into you, fast and fierce and deep, growling your name, cum for me, cum for all over my hand, you bad, bad girl, and grinning at your snippy reply, I’m only bad because you want me to be bad, Jungkook, because it was true, he knew what your reaction was going to be the minute he brought those gym clothes and you knew he would do something like that, the action being so very him.
That was why you were together, because when you liked the brand of annoying the other was, making for a harmonious, happy, horny relationship.
(Aww. Okay, back to him ramming his fingers into your pussy.)
“Faster, fuck, yes, yes, ah, Jungkook…!”
Bucking your hips up and crying out, clenching around his long digits and squeezing around them, gasping as you felt your juices leaking out over his hand and your inner thighs, falling back down and hearing the embarrassing squish of your release onto the yoga mat (oop), closing your thighs around his tattooed forearm and pulsing around his fingers, moaning deeply as the waves of pleasure shimmered through you, your core clenched tight to feel every delicious flinch of your ebbing peak.
(Who needed sit-ups when you had Jungkook, right?)
His strong hands forced your legs open, lowering himself between them, sending you into a frenzy of short gasps as he pulled his fingers out, hot breath on your inner thighs as he groaned while licking them off, gasps turning into wanton cries when his lips molded to your trembling slit, lapping up your orgasm, swiping at your engorged clit, holding your squirming hips still with his firm grip, the sensitivity raring through your nerves, trying to get away even though you didn’t want to get away, appreciating that he could tell from your panting noises that vaguely resembled, oh, God, don’t stop, marveling at his deep kissing skills (read: furious tonguing of your pussy), heart racing, spine arching, shivering with intense, blazing desire.
“J-Jungkook… please… w-want your cock, please…”
He had unquestionably been waiting for you to say it, although he had completely forgotten to tease or chastise you about it, instead emerging from between your legs with his glistening chin and bright smile, reaching into his pocket to pull out a condom (clever boy, he planned this, although deducing that did not, in fact, take a team of dinosaur genetic scientists), ripping it open as you yanked the rest of his clothes off, running your fingers over his exposed length and balls, smirking as you felt him twitch, hot taut skin quivering under your touch.
Jungkook slapped your hand. “Stop that.”
You scrunched up your face. “Meanie.”
“You want a good railing or not?”
“Am I the stairs?”
His pierced eyebrow twitched.
“I swear I’m gonna gag you next time,” he muttered, shoving you back down.
“You always say that, but you like it – oh, fuuuuuuuck!”
“Fuck, why are you still so tight–?”
All the words meshed together, lost in incomprehension and pleasure as he entered you, thick, hard, stretching you out, your walls closing in on him, enveloping him tightly with every centimeter that he pushed in, clutching your thighs and panting, shaking brown orbs gazing up at you. You tried to wipe the triumphant smile off your face, too greatly pleased at his reaction.
He glared at you accusingly. “You’re doing it on purpose!”
“Nooooooo…” you sing-songed, grin popping out involuntarily.
Jungkook clenched his jaw, looking a tiny bit scary, but mostly hot as hell. “I’m gonna fuck your brains out.”
“Wait, I need my brai–”
He cut you off by grabbing your legs and sandwiching them between his (buff) arms, bending you in half (improving flexibility!!!) before he started aggressively pounding you into the pink yoga mat with loud smacks of hips to hips.
“Ah, Jungkook!”
(Again, working out is a matter of perspective, remember that, kids.)
Your arms were above your head, moaning to his face, ecstasy flaring all over, looking up into those dark brown eyes that were watching you and your sensual expression, wanting him, needing him, loving him, sweat sticking his ash blond hair to his forehead and cheeks, open mouth and hot pants, so hard, fucking you with deliberate power and measured roughness, so soft, only able to gasp out your name in his deep, silvery voice clouded with lust and adoration, so perfect, because you knew he always did that when he really couldn’t stop himself and he was trying not to cum too fast so he could fuck you as long as possible and not disappoint you, not that he ever could disappoint you with his stubborn determination and relentless diligence, deeper, harder, right there, right there, ah, Jungkook, I’m gonna cum, f-fuck, tumbling into euphoria as he tensed his jaw and his eyes rolled back at the pulsating massage of your powerful walls stimulating him from base to tip, thrusting for all his was worth until he managed to get out…
“Fuck, goona cum, fuck!”
Very loudly, your name exploding out of his mouth and his cock jolting inside you, the buck of his hips indicating the strength and ferocity of his orgasm along with his obscenely loud moan, filling up the whole apartment with his climax in the middle of the day (oop), your cum dripping down and soaking into the mat (double oop), feeling Jungkook’s defined torso shake from the tremors of your pleasure and his (definitely not an oop).
“Hah… oooh, shit…”
Your legs slid down and he lowered himself to his elbows, kisses once more, tongues and lips and smiles, laughing a little at the mess, wrapping your arms around his sweaty body.
“We need to work on your idea of sexy lingerie.”
Jungkook laughed, rich and full and lovely. “I’ll keep trying. Maybe you need an even smaller size.”
“A smaller size would literally vaporize into my ass crack.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“You gonna plan a better fantasy?”
“Shut up.”
in which Jungkook tries to listen to your grievance but then he remembers what you look like naked and then it's nakey time cursed hours
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Could you do something with the animals that the demon forms are based on? ~~ok maybe I’m just that crazy for cow Belphie but ok~~
It took me a long fucking time but here we go Also...the spacing in this thing is weird, and I don't know why-
Demon Form Animal Quirks the Brothers Have
(I'm so good at titles, can you tell?) LUCIFER - ok so peacocks are pretty rad, not gonna lie
- bitch will not get close to water in this form - will screech if surprised, then get flustered and refuse to admit that he made that sound
- also has a specific call for when its going to rain, and will go hide in his room for the storm...and continues to make the terrible noise until its over.
- (generally, when it comes to sexuality and gender identity I leave it to readers to decide, but I'm making an exception now, though if you guys want to see my hcs for that for the boys- remember they're different for everyone!!- then let me know-) but peacocks are polygamous, so in his demon form he may court or flirt with up to four or five people
- His wings are mostly for show, but he can fly short distances
- He gains more speed in this form and its *terrifying*(if you're the one being chased, on the sidelines its hilarious), as he makes a "chase call" as he does so, which is a high pitched screaming sound
- He likes to sing in the morning to start his day off, and again right before he goes to bed MAMMON - Ravens are fucking rad too - He is a lot smarter than he lets on
- His memory is amazing, especially with peoples faces
- Hordes and steals shiny things more often, sometimes goes complete bird brain so when he comes to again he just has a handful of bolts or a doorknob because it was shiny...has no value and he has to try and find where he got it from
- Ravens mate for life, so in this form he is *especially* possessive of you because...he's already deemed you his mate!
- In this form, he's a little friendlier with Lucifer, or he tries to be. For sOmE reason, ravens tend to try and make friends with big animals, see wolves, gorillas, etc. and its adorable..in most cases-
- He has difficulty turning down a favour in this form, especially in cases regarding kids, like babysitting. Ravens have been known to adopt other eggs and raise the young as their own, so chances are Mammon was the one that raised Satan
- He attacks from above when he gets defensive/offensive and will not stop until you step in or the person/animal backs off
- He cant heat up his entire room because he doesn't want to hurt Henry
- That being said, Henry 2.0 is actually Henry 3.0, because he once didnt eat after a long gaming marathon, so when he shifted into his demon form disgruntled, he blacked out for a moment and ate his fish before going to sleep. (Yes, he can unhinge his jaw, but didnt need to for Henry) Mammon happened to walk in on this and silently replaced Henry so Levi wouldnt be upset.
- Levi's fangs wear out fairly quickly, and usually he loses one before the other. He hates it when it happens and will go sulk in his room unless you tell him you think its cute, because it is -Levi's scales, like snakes, are made from keratin. This means sometimes when he's really bored, he'll paint his scales before he sheds- the coolness of the paint makes him a little sleepy but also helps keep his mind off the itchiness
- He does sleep with a heat lamp and an electric blanket to keep warm and cozy
- save a cow ride a horseboy, amirite? /j
- basically a centaur in his demon form, his hair grows longer and yes, it gonna be sparkly too, his blonde hair gets a little lighter too
- Do not approach him from behind he will buck - No, he will not let you ride him like a horse - MC, he said no - Fine, but he's just gonna be an antsy boy and want to ***RUN*** - Once you guys get outside, find the nearest field and hope to god he knows when to turn around so you guys arent endlessly running away from HoL
- Enjoys having his hair braided - He always sleeps standing up - He hates being alone, and will frequently stay close to you or seek companionship from his brothers or a club from school.
- okokok Scorpions are freaking cool-
- so first of all, scorpions dance before they mate!! The actual term translates to "a promenade for two", so once he touches you in this form, he'll take your arm in his and walk you to where he wants you to be and I feel like this is going NSFW so we'll stop there kashdkjghf
- some scorpions are fluorescent in UV light, and Asmo is not an exception to that. He shows up in a bluey-green hue, and has done make up and photoshoots in UV light to show his glowy self off!
- He's particularly sensitive to his environment, and through vibrations in the area, he can tell who's coming and where he is even in poor light.
- Like the Emperor Scorpion, after molting, he exhibits a golden color from the tail to the head that gradually becomes dark and matches his tail (a little different, but thats what came to mind)
- If he slips completely into this scorpion brain, he will eat almost anything put in front of him, and rivals Beel, but after he's eaten he could technically go a year without eating anything. He uses his diets to stop himself from needing to do that, as he might not need to eat for a year but its tough when you have to watch everyone around you eat and you're too full/can't mentally handle it.
- He can break into millions of flies, or simply pick up more tendencies of flies (if you havent already, I think you might like to read my Halloween drabble on demon form Beel) - Spits on his food before eating it, but does it as inconspicuously as possible, as he's a little insecure about it
- Likes to walk on the ceiling sometimes, usually doesnt realize he's doing it. Sometimes he does it to untie Mammon or to keep Belphie away from Lucifer.
- He has an incredible reaction time in general, but its even better in this form. - He has compound eyes but uses glamour to hide them, not wanting to scare you
- His room is a MESS when he's in this form, and he tries to keep all his mess in just his room but in this form he's generally more comfortable in messy places.
- ok listen - cows are great for anxiety - but technically Belphie would be a bull - so despite my brain screaming at me - These are based off cows and not bulls - Belphie really enjoys being read to, and getting nicknames, even if he denies it. - His burps? Disguting, sorry this needs to be known. He has the biggest and most disgusting burps out of all the boys - As a kid/first little while being a demon, he ate a magnet, just because he wanted to, but now it protects him from whatever he might eat in his sleep - Belphie obviously has his best friends, in you, Beel and Satan and if he's separated again from any of you he will become severely anxious until he's around you again. - He loves solving problems, not like "how do I get my finances in order problems" but more like...life hacks- he enjoys using them to be lazy, but also just makes him happy
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greyskyflowers · 3 years
Zoro as a preschool teacher is honestly my favorite thing right now.
Everyone would be shocked because what. They assume he works at a bar or is in the military or just got out of prison..
But he's a badass teacher.
First off, do you know how many toddlers he can carry at once? His whole class can climb on him and he just walks around like that.
Tantrums? Not with him. He just picks the kid up and puts them in the corner.
They're throwing stuff? Zoro's build like a brick wall, all the toy cars and blocks just bounce off him. Sometimes he doesn't even notice.
They all think he's a pirate because he's only got one eye. One year on Halloween he dressed up as one just to mess with the kids and they all lost it.
Sometimes ninja gets brought up too. He does material arts stuff on the weekend and he never gets mad! That's gotta be a ninja skill!
Pirate is the common theory though.
And the parents never know what to do when they first meet him.
They see his hair and his scar, his earrings and build and think this cannot possibly be the person my child talks about. This cannot be the person who sits to have tea parties during play time and has a stuffed reindeer he keeps with him when they have nap time so he won't get lonely staying up by himself. The kids were very concerned about that.
He stands up though and he's got unicorn stickers all down his pants that go up about toddler height and dried paint on his hands. There's a tiny tiara almost hidden in his hair but it's there and it's pink. There's glitter all over him.
And Sanji was not prepared okay.
He was just helping Nami out by picking up her and Vivi's kid while they had a spontaneous date night.
He did not expect a guy who looks like he spends his days fighting gorillas to meet him at the door with a sparkly crown and what must be the must durable tutu known to man somehow stretched around his waist. It's stretched out so much that it's basically a fluffy belt and okay, Sanji really needs to know how he got that on.
He's late and he know it. It's very clear he's the last one here and everyone else has already came and gone. In his defense, he didn't get told until last minute about this though and he has a restaurant to run! He can't just run off every time Nami ask him... even though he does because he adores Nami and Vivi and their kid.
And he really does love this kid, who's giving him a lecture about being on time and telling him about their day while handing him their backpack, but all he can focus on is Mr. Universe over there picking up blocks and shaking glitter off of the toys close enough to be collateral damage in what was clearly a glitter explosion.
Sanji is absolutely gone. He's had this discussion with himself and he was working up to being honest with himself about being bi but this... this was not expected. This.. is certainly something to think about. Later. When he's alone.
Zoro turns around and sees Sanji gawking and automatically assumes it's the same shit he always gets with the men. Something insulting about being a fairy haha get it cause you're dressed like one. Or because he likes to work with kids. When the hell did that become a womens only thing?
So when the kid isn't looking, he flips Sanji off.
Sanji throws the tiny backpack he had been given in retaliation without even thinking and it quickly goes down hill from there.
It's the start of a long and disgustingly cute love story.
Nami demands payment for setting them up and her and Zoro in up brawling in the parking lot while Sanji counts out money for her and Vivi laughs.
How I imagine Zoro to look when he dresses up with the kids
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straykidsftw · 2 years
100 Days | skz dad!au
genre: fluff
summary: You and Jisung have a party for Dami’s 100 days
age: Joey = 12 / Leo & Dan = 10 / Jemima = 6 / Minseo = 10 / Mina = 8 / Mingi = 4 / Haein = 9 / Changmi & Miran = 5 / Hyungsik = 8 / Jinyong = 6 / Yena = 3 / Jiyoung = 8 / Hosoo & Yisoo = 2 / Dami = 1 month / Benji = 6 / Hazel = 3 / Areum = 5 / Jitae = 5 / Jihae = 2
warning: none
(note: 'you' in this scenario means you're jisung's wife :D just easier to assign one agdsjhhfkd)
“To Dami!" Chan cheered, toasting the youngest of Stray Kids' children.
Today Dami turned 100 days old, so here she was perched in Jisung's arms in her light pink hanbok.
Jisung straightened out the dress, kissing his baby's cheek, "so pretty."
All of the members smiled, but thought of their own daughters instead. Hazel was also sat in Felix's arms, and he kissed her head.
Hazel was wearing her Stray Kids t-shirt, and it was paired with a red sparkly tutu, and her short brown hair was tied in two bunchies. She and Benji had chosen her outfit today.
"Daddy," Hazel whined, to which Felix hummed.
She struggled in his arms, pointing to where Yena, Hosoo and Yisoo were sat playing with some toy cars.
"Okay, baby," he chuckled, letting her down to go and play with her friends.
Now without his daughter in his arms, he went to sit with the other members.
"What is it?" Jisung asked as Dami fussed in his arms.
"She might be hungry," you said, stroking her face.
Jisung handed her over to you as you laughed, taking her inside, Changbin's wife coming with you for company.
Jeongin was sat with Jihae half-asleep on his lap, but apart from that the rest of their children had found activities and were off playing.
"I still can't believe our baby has a baby," Felix smiled, looking at Jeongin.
Jihae was dressed in a pinafore dress, which Jeongin smoothed out.
"And she's not even the youngest," Jeongin said, glaring at Jisung.
"Sorry, not my fault," Jisung surrendered.
"How is it not your fault?" Chan laughed, "who else's fault is it?"
Jisung shrugged, "I'm just irresistible."
“Daddy! Can I have some juice?” Jitae asked, holding his cup in his hands.
“Sure, baby,” Jeongin said, “hold on, let me move your sister.”
“Ah, ah, let me,” Minho smiled, taking Jitae’s hand and taking him into the kitchen.
"I mean I can't even belief that Joey's 12," Changbin said, shaking his head, "he was literally born yesterday."
"Unfortunately not," Chan said, fake crying, "and now I'm in my mid 30s,"
"But Jemima's still young," Seungmin said, "she has to be young, right? She's only a year older than Areum."
"And they're so pretty," Felix cooed.
"I've just realised, all of us have daughters," Jeongin chuckled.
"They could form a girl group," Hyunjin laughed, "Yena! Dance?"
Yena looked up at her dad and smiled, starting to bop up and down, waving her hands.
"There you go, main dancer," Hyunjin giggled.
Minho scoffed, "Minseo can definitely dance better."
"Because she's 10!" Hyunjin laughed.
"Daddy!" Yena shouted, running over and climbing on Hyunjin's lap, "was I good?"
"You were amazing baby!" Hyunjin exclaimed, hugging Yena tight.
"And she's back!" you announced, bringing Dami back outside and giving her back to Jisung.
"Our baby," Jisung cooed, "so pretty."
"Daddy, I want a baby," Yena said, pointing to Dami.
Hyunjin looked at Yena, slightly scared, "I'll get you a doll."
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sweetheartsannie · 3 years
Her Favourite
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The tittyfucking Woo smut is finally here, rejoice everyone. @woowommy I know we talked about this months ago, idk if you still care, but here.
Kinktober Day 1 - Frotting w/ Wooyoung
Summary: your fuckbuddy Wooyoung has a surprise for you (not much plot lmao).
CW: frotting/chest fucking/chest riding????, fwb au, nipple play and a lot of it, finger sucking, nipple piercings, praise, name-calling (bimbo), reader is mostly soft tho, feminisation (tbh I don't really feel like this is feminisation but Woo's chest is referred to as "tits" so I guess it counts).
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
Your jaw almost drops to the floor when you see the image that appears on your phone. You recognise Wooyoung's hand which he used to pull up his shirt, exposing his chest. Your eyes focused in on his hard, perky nipples, and that was when you noticed the two sparkly metal rings dangling off of them both. You scroll down to see that he sent you a message along with the image.
"Don't they look soo pretty <3"
You shouldn't really be shocked at this point, Wooyoung would always randomly send you nudes whenever he felt like it, not caring where you were or what you were doing, a habit which often ended up with you getting frustrated with him for getting you worked up at an inconvenient time and telling him that you were going to make him fix it as soon as you saw him, much to his satisfaction. You were alone at home today though so that wasn't the problem, rather your surprise came from the fact that his nipples were pierced, something he'd never mentioned or said anything about getting. In hindsight, the fact that he hadn't sent you anything in a while should've been a dead giveaway that he was hiding something.
"When did you get those?" you type in response.
"A couple of weeks ago. Why, don't you like them? :("
"No, it's just that you never told me! I love them, you look so fucking good baby."
"Yeah? I'm feeling pretty nice tonight so if you come over I'll let you play with them and slide your dripping cunt all over them like I know you want to."
Your core starts to pulse with excitement after reading his message and looking over the picture once more. Ugh, he had you so dick-whipped.
"Fine, I'll be there soon."
"See you soon <3"
You knock on the door and Wooyoung answers to let you in, typical smirk painted on his face.
"God, stop looking so pleased with yourself."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he says, feigning innocence as he fights back the urge to let out one of his high-pitched laughs.
All of a sudden he feels your lips crash into his, your hand reaching behind his neck to pull him closer to you as he kisses you back while you use the other to close the door behind you.
"Come sit on my lap." you ask, breaking the kiss.
He opens his eyes to meet yours. Your gaze is hungry, predatory almost, and it sends a shiver down his spine. You sit down on the sofa and open your legs to make space for him to take a seat, and he does, sitting between your legs, his back facing away from you. Your lips travel down to his neck and his hands grip at your thighs as you begin to kiss and suck gently on the skin, making him gasp at the feeling. You rake your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly to pull him flush against your chest.
"Let me see them, baby." your hands reach down to lift his shirt.
He turns around to straddle you, replacing your hands and slowly taking it off himself before discarding it somewhere onto the floor. You take a moment to admire his bare chest, his nipples beginning to harden from the cold air hitting them, the jewellery decorating them so perfectly.
"Look at your little nipples, all pretty just for me to play with, yeah?"
"Mhm, I know they're your favourite, I wanted it to be a surprise for you, you wanna touch them?" he asks, pushing his chest forward, urging you to put your hands on him.
You brush your thumb over the cold metal, smirking to yourself when he whimpers in response to your touch.
"They're even more sensitive than before huh?"
He nods his head while biting down on his bottom lip, looking at you with desperation in his eyes, "Please touch them more..."
Gently you take his nipple between two of your fingers, gently tugging and rolling it between them.
"It's so sensiti-ah!" he cries out as he squirms in your lap.
Your free hand caresses his face as you tease his nipple, thumb finding it's way past his soft, pink lips and into his mouth.
"Can you get my fingers wet for me angel?"
"Please. Fuck, please make me suck on your fingers."
You replace your thumb with two of your fingers, pushing them into his mouth. He closes his lips around them and gently hums, grabbing onto your wrist to help you thrust them gently in and out of his mouth as you feel them gradually become wetter with his spit.
"That's good baby, so good just for me."
Reluctantly he lets you pull your fingers out of his mouth, and you use your saliva coated fingers to go back to toying with his nipples, his sighs and gasps slowly transforming into needy whines and moans, the piercings making it even more intense for him. Your fingers start moving faster, pulling harder whilst your unoccupied hand goes undo his jeans, pulling them down and palming his dick through the fabric of his underwear. You feel his cock twitch at the stimulation, and it had him even louder than before.
"You're being so noisy and I've barely touched your cock yet baby." you tease.
"Just f-feels so g-good." he moans, his breathing ragged and heavy.
"But I think it's my turn to feel good now, huh baby?"
"Yeah, wanna make you feel good..."
"I wanna rub my pussy on them, just like you talked about, use your perfect fucking tits to get off."
You probably should be embarrassed that you just called Wooyoung's chest his "tits", but you're far too horny at this point. You haven't checked, but you just know you must be soaking wet right now.
"Yeah baby, you wanna fuck my pretty tits? I want it." he asks you, his own hands now pinching and playing with your favourite toys to entice you.
"Lie down for me." your instruction comes out a bit more demanding than you intended, although Wooyoung enjoys the sudden sternness coming from you.
He wriggles out of your lap, situating himself so that he's now lying down on the sofa before you take it upon yourself to strip yourself of any clothing in the way.
"Fuck, you're soaked." he notices when you straddle his chest, looking up at you with those pleading eyes again.
"Yeah, just for you baby, I'm gonna show you how much I love these perfect tits."
And with that you begin grinding your hips, your fingers digging into his shoulders. Your wetness helps you glide up and down easily, grinding your hips into his chest as much you possibly can. When you pull your hips back you feel the cool metal of his piercing against your lips, and this also earns you a whimper from the man beneath you whenever he feels the pressure of your pussy against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"You like that? You like feeling my pussy cover your tits with my cum?"
"Yes, fuck, I want you to use me until you cum so hard." Wooyoung uses his thumb to circle one of his nipples while you rub yourself against the other, reaching into his underwear to play with himself when he can't fight the urge anymore.
You spread your labia with two of your fingers in order stimulate your clit more directly, thrusting and grinding your hips, chasing your orgasm as you feel it getting close.
"You gonna let me use your pretty little tits to cum whenever I want from now on yeah? God you're so perfect, my favourite little bimbo."
He feels your hips slow down on his chest as your orgasm hits you, causing you to let out a series of moans and curses as you spasm and convulse on top of his chest.
"Oh my god, fuck, fuck." Wooyoung gasps loudly when you take one of his poor, overstimulated nipples into your mouth, sucking gently and sending him over the edge. His cries of pleasure fill your ears as he strokes his cock through his high, writhing uncontrollably beneath you.
The two of you fall silent, catching your breaths as you both recover from what you just experienced.
"Your chest looks like a glazed donut." you break the silence with a laugh.
"Yeah, and my nipples are so fucking sore."
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