#they're stupid they're gay and i love them
meraki-yao · 1 day
RWRB Movie Thoughts: Philip
Honestly I might be the only one, but I wanna know more about Philip in the movie. And at the very least, I am begging for a redemption arc in the sequel.
Because they fucking cut the Kensington Breakfast scene, we barely get any of Philip in the movie. And the consequence is while we know that just like the book, Philip is an antagonistic character, we're not sure about his stance on the matter.
So the thing is Philip in the book isn't homophobic. And by that I mean that in the most generous sense: Queen Mary straight up says it's unnatural, which is the textbook definition of homophobia, but Philip says, and I quote from Henry "Essentially, I gathered that he was not surprised to discover I am not the heterosexual heir I'm supposed to be, but rather surprised that I do not intend to keep pretending to be the heterosexual heir I'm supposed to be" and from the man himself "I don't care if you're gay, I care that you've made this choice with him, someone with a fucking target on his back, to be so stupid and naive and selfish as to think it wouldn't completely fuck us all!"
Philip isn't necessarily against the concept of homosexuality, he's against bringing that into their family, and is worried about the conservatives turning their backs on them because of that. In a way, his stance is closer to the King in the movie than the Queen in the book.
Other stuff we can learn about Philip from the book:
he's...kind of racist, but in the form of microaggressions (his comments on Pez during Wimbleton)
He is genuinely in love with Martha, and he's kind of a hen-pucked husband (his retelling of his and Martha's suitor photos)
He started off a people pleaser, then the Queen took that and made him an asshole (explanation of why the change of attitude after Alex and Henry's photoshoot)
He wanted Arthur's approval but never got it, and resents Arthur a bit because of that (his argument with Henry before they met with the queen)
He wants to get along with his siblings, he just kept doing it the wrong way
My point is, even though a relatively minor character, Philip's motivations and character is actually painted out pretty logically if you take a closer look. His redemption in the book, his change of attitude, it makes sense if you looks back on it.
And while I can't fault the movie for cutting down details like these, this is just the way adaptation works and Matthew did an excellent job of picking and choosing, it does leave space for questions and curiosity.
The only thing I can get out of movie Philip is 1, he also loves his wife, since they're childhood sweethearts 2, the King dismisses him 3, he didn't know Henry was gay at all.
From the deleted Breakfast scene bts from Taylor and Thomas, we know that Philip is in that scene, and that Philip sees something, and is in shock.
Bur from the bts of the Thanksgiving scene, he and Martha are at the Brownstone: he's forgiven.
So here are my questions:
Is Philip homophobic in this one? Or is he also more mad about the family aspect?
Does he, at any point in the 65 deleted scenes, act like he wants to be a brother? Like he genuinely cares about his siblings
What is he reacting to during the Breakfast scene? In the book, when Henry came out to him it was just him, Henry and later Shaan, but the Breakfast has all of the Super Five there. Is he really gonna make a scene in front of all five of them?
Why is he forgiven? What is his change of heart?
I don't know, I think it's probably just me who's wondering about him of all people. But I would really like to see more of Thomas in this role (the photobooth shoots he did with Nick and Ellie, peak sibling energy) and I'm just really interested in Henry's family dynamic in the movie-verse, given that I feel like it's less black-and-white and more... realistic? than the book? There's also part of me that's somewhat sympathetic towards Philip despite being a Henry-coded girl because I feel like if I was a less feeling person, I might have ended up just like him.
Anyway, yeah. Philip redemption arc in the sequel please!!!
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is-emily-real · 7 months
Five Minutes
Eddie anticipated his last day of summer break to pass peacefully and quietly. The plan was to stay home, meditate on the awful realities of Hawkins to hopefully give a shit about the upcoming school year (at least enough of a shit to graduate), and prepare himself to save the new sheepies he’d add to the current roster of the Hellfire Club.
There he was, deep into his meditation, accompanied by the wonderful melodies of Black Sabbath, when a frenzied knocking sounded upon his front door.
He paused his music begrudgingly and opened the door. Steve Harrington stood on his porch in all his sweaty, shirtless, unadulterated glory.
He pushed past Eddie and slammed the door. “You gotta hide me.”
“What the hell? No.”
“Please.” The panic was written all over his face. “Just long enough so she leaves and I can get to my car.”
Eddie opened his poor, abused front door with a frown. “Get out of my house.” 
Steve flinched at the sound of a girl’s hollering and ducked behind the couch. “Five minutes. Five minutes and I’m out of your hair. Deal?” he panted.
He considered his options. He could kick him to the wolves and have an odd anecdote to share the next day, or he could let him stay and have an odd anecdote to share the next day. Only one of those options let him ogle his middle school crush for longer than a few seconds.
He was a simple man. 
“Fine,” he sighed and closed the door with the respect it deserved. “You owe me.”
Steve stood up. “Thanks, man, I mean it. She was about to kick my ass.”
“Max. We were helping her move in and I pissed her off.”
“Max Mayfield? Billy’s sister?”
He gave Eddie a stern glare. “Don’t bring him up. Yes, that Max.”
Two screams told him things were going to shit outside. Steve scrambled into the hallway with Eddie hot on his tail. “What did you even do?”
He winced. “I may have told her she didn’t get any more help if she was going to be a bitch.”
Eddie stopped in his tracks. “You didn’t.”
“Listen, she was being a bitch!”
“Keep your voice down. I know King Steve’s never been in a trailer before, but the walls are thin, okay?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, “but she was giving Lucas shit for wanting to try out for the basketball team and it wasn’t helping anything.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see what’s wrong with making fun of that.”
“Hey, I happen to like basketball.”
“I remember.” Any tint of pink in his cheeks was purely due to the heat. Eddie opened the door to his bedroom and waved the boy inside. 
This was not how he’d planned to get Steve in here. He cringed at the thought.
“Anyways, he’s good at it, and if it makes him happy, he should go for it, you know?”
“I’m not getting invested in the social lives of children.”
“But you’d like them! They play that castle game you’re into.”
“The castle game?!” Eddie couldn’t help himself. It came out louder than he expected. “Dungeons and Dragons—”
Steve clapped a hand over his mouth. 
Something twisted in his stomach. This was… too close for anyone’s safety. He swallowed, trying to control the racing of his heart when they heard a pounding on the front door.
“I know he’s in there!” a girl called.
Steve’s eyes went wide. He left a chill when he drew away. 
Eddie tried to wipe the longing off his face as he shot him a glare. “My blood’s on your hands.” Slowly he left the room, throwing on the aloof air he’d spent so long practicing before he opened the door.
Max Mayfield stood on his porch, fire red hair matching the color of her face as she stared at him. “Give him here.”
He rolled his eyes. “Nice to meet you too, neighbor. I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“You have Steve.”
“Hmm.” He tapped his chin as if he were trying to think. “About my height, pretty face, huge jerk? Haven’t seen him.” She huffed. “Listen, check the woods, if he’s not back there, come back and I’ll upend my whole day to help you look, okay?”
“You suck,” she spat before she turned on her heel and stomped away.
“Love you too!” he called with a grin.
He peered out the blinds, waiting until she was several lots down before he turned away. “You owe me big time, Stevie,” he called. “I think I’m on her shit list for life.”
He entered the bedroom to the sight of a muscled back, its owner leaned close to his sweetheart. Steve brushed his fingers down its neck.
The whole situation was doing unfortunate things to him. He cleared his throat.
Steve whirled to face him. “I was just— You play guitar?”
He gave a wary look. “Yes.”
“That’s— uh, that’s… hot.” He shut his eyes tight. “I should— Is she gone? I should go.”
“Um, yeah, she’s gone.”
“Oh, good. Well, I guess I’ll see you around?” Steve hit him with a sheepish grin. It was the most dazzling thing he’d ever seen.
“Sure,” he stammered. “See you around.” 
Eddie stayed rooted to the spot as he left. The picture of Steve’s fingers running down the neck of his guitar played on repeat in his head. That’s… hot. He listened to the crunch of gravel under tires.
He was such a dweeb.
He’d tell Jeff tomorrow. Jeff would know what to do.
(No one would believe him. Not even a little bit.)
“Steve, that’s the lamest thing you’ve ever said.” Robin continued to walk around the empty store, straightening tapes as she went with no particular fervor. 
He rolled his eyes. “If it was cool, I wouldn’t be here commiserating about it, would I?”
“Still. I know I have no game, but that was bad . Criminally bad. He should press charges.”
“Listen, some of us found out we maybe liked boys a month ago.” He started to rewind another tape. “ That’s hot . Who even says that? Also, when did I start thinking Eddie Munson was hot?”
She shot him a look over the counter. “He’s your type.”
He sputtered with indignation. “I don’t have a type!”
“Curly hair, brunette, snarky? Is none of this ringing a bell?”
“Twice doesn’t make a type. If that were the case, you’d have a thing for redheads.”
“At least I know when to admit my flaws.”
“I have flaws. I hear about them all the time from my mom.”
Robin laughed. “She’d be so upset if she knew how totally not smooth you are.”
He glanced at the clock. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? It’s a school night. You have a bedtime.”
Headlights flashed in the parking lot. “One, it’s a curfew, and two, there’s my ride.” She slung her bag over her shoulder and sauntered to the door. “Seven a.m. sharp, dingus!” she called as she left.
“Loser!” he yelled after her. Steve shook his head. He’d be there, obviously.
The rest of his shift dragged. He was certain the store was losing money staying open this late on a Wednesday, but he got paid to be there, so it was whatever. 
Thirty minutes left on the clock. Then twenty-nine.
After what seemed like days, a quarter to ten rolled around, and he started to close up the store. He was sweeping when the door chimed. “Welcome to Family Video,” he said without looking up, “let me know if you need anything.”
“A place to hide would be wonderful.” He looked up to find Eddie Munson approaching the counter, curls mussed and breathing hard. 
Damn it, Robin was right.
“Okay, but we close in five minutes.”
“Something’s better than nothing,” he replied, hopping over the counter.
Steve abandoned his broom. Keith could whine at him tomorrow if he really cared about three whole crumbs on the floor. He walked back to find Eddie curled into a ball, tucked tightly in the corner between the overstock candy and the safe. “Who are you running from, anyway?”
“The cops.”
He blinked. “The cops?”
“Fine, one cop. But this new deputy’s a huge dick. He’s been trying to bust me over nothing all summer, and I really, really don’t want to get arrested tonight.”
“I highly doubt it’s nothing.”
“He saw me talking to Rick one time!”
“The drug dealer?”
Eddie shushed him, one long finger over his lips. “Grandma says it’s not polite to call him that.” That got a laugh out of Steve. “I met your children yesterday. They’re assholes.”
He sighed. “They’re my assholes, though. Are they adjusting alright?”
“About as well as any freshmen.”
“So, terribly.”
“Pretty much.” He attempted a dramatic flourish, only managing to knock over a box of Twix. “I’ll be a gracious super-senior and radicalize them before I hand over custody for the weekend.”
“Oh, good. I’d hate for them to learn nothing at school.” 
He was basking in Eddie’s chuckle, a warm, pretty sound, when a car came to a stop outside. His face fell. “Stay here,” he ordered and spared a glance at the clock.
9:58. Close enough.
He stepped out from behind the counter and met the officer at the door. “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed.”
“I’m looking for someone, actually. Eddie Munson. Do you know him?”
“Only in passing. He’s not here. We actually haven't had a customer in the last hour.”
The officer fixed him with a harsh look. “You’re sure?”
“I’d pull the report, but I’ve already shut down the terminals, and they take forever to boot back up.”
He huffed. “How much longer are you here for?”
“Maybe fifteen minutes? I’ve just got to finish rewinding this tape.”
“If you see him, give us a call.” 
“Absolutely. Have a good night.” The officer nodded sharply and turned on his heel. Steve locked the door behind him.
The air hung tense as he returned to the counter. Eddie sat as still as stone until the car finally pulled out and started down the road. “You’re okay now.”
He unfolded himself and stood. “You’re beautiful.” 
Steve stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
He flushed bright red. “You do that well!” he said quickly. “You know, lie.”
“Oh! Thanks. Lots of practice, I suppose.” He could feel his heart fluttering. Eddie called him beautiful? What the hell was happening?
“Well, I guess I should get going.”
“We can leave through the back.” He gave the store a last glance before leading Eddie out. 
Eddie paused once they were in the cool night air. “Seriously, thank you. My knight in shining armor.”
“No problem. Just paying you back.” The silence hung for a beat too long. “I can walk you to your car?”
“I’ve just gotta cut through the fence row and I’ll be good. Thanks, though.”
Steve could barely make it out in the shadows, but he could see Eddie debating something with himself. He locked the door behind them, giving him time to come to a decision.
When he turned back, Eddie pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips.
Every semblance of a thought left his brain. Steve decided, there and then, that he liked kissing boys. He especially liked kissing Eddie. He’d never had the whole fireworks experience before, but he got it now. It felt like his head was swimming, mesmerized by chapped lips and tobacco.
Too soon, Eddie pulled back. “Was… was that okay?” 
All he could do was nod.
“Good.” He started for the trees.
“See you later?” Steve called feebly. God, he wanted to.
Bathed in the orange of the streetlight, Eddie gave him a salute. “You know where to find me.” Before he could think again, he was alone. 
Robin was going to be pissed.
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Sirius: How does this shirt look, Moony?
Remus: It looks great, Sirius! I wish I could pull that off.
Sirius: Go ahead
Remus: What?
Sirius: What?
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poisonousquinzel · 6 months
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sometimes a family is just a silly jester, her two carnivorous hyenas and her "Hot Plant Goddess" girlfriend <3
DC's 'Twas the Mite Before Christmas (2023-) #1
"The Princess Switch"
Writer: Rob Levin | Artist/Colorist: Bob Quinn | Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
"It's A Bunkerful Life"
Artist/Colorist: Andrew Drilon
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b0nelessdoodles · 2 months
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going out of town for a bit quick post all the espresseleine college au doodles
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sporkberries · 1 year
A Tim, Helena, Vic, Kate, Renee team-up would kick ass. Mostly I want Helena and Kate to interact more and bond over their respective Questions :]
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Okay i love this idea but it's also literally this
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
i've seen people say that "zoro would kill a crew member if luffy asked him to" and it's so fucking out of character it almost makes me scream and throw up. thank you very much. now shut the fuck up.
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palanceray · 8 months
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Lazy thing I made In Idk, like an hour (?
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shinshoyu · 8 months
i'm so sick in the head over the stupid men that go beat each other up i haven't had a hyperfixation this bad since i watched stranger things this is Bad.
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oogie-woogle · 2 years
proud to present the gayest video comp of bevies & butthead on the planet
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littleredstory · 2 days
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I wanna finish this but idk when I will. "It's pride month, me, you know what that means" "what, do you want me to. like. make my ocs gayer somehow? what?"
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Their little made-up families <33333
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gree-gon · 1 year
Ace: would you still love me if i was a worm?
Saphira: what
Ace, tearing up: would u still lob me...if i was a wourm..??
Saphira, sighing and patting their head: sure
Ace: *starts uncontrollably sobbing*
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sherlock-is-ace · 9 months
i find it fascinating how intrinsically different i am from my family for the simple fact that I'm queer and they're not... They respect me and love me, even in their ignorance. And I can't really ask for more than that, but they'll never understand what it's like to be queer, they'll never see the world the way I see it, and that's absolutely mind blowing every time.
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tacobellabeanburrito · 10 months
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liking rwby despite some... questionable writing decisions and despite roosterteeth is like still liking a disney movie despite disney does that make sense
Oh no anon you are mistaken. I do not like RWBY. I hate RWBY. I divorced RWBY three years ago when I realized that the entire premise of their plot is "Ruby is right and morality is determined by proximity to her" and that opened my eyes to the SCORES of other bad writing choices they've made prior. Just I got custody of the cast in the divorce so those are my characters now.
I also just have a lot of merch leftover from before the divorce that I hang onto because I do still love those characters so much.
#if you want a version of rwby that has the same charming characters but much better writing and worldbuilding may i recommend dtls#we let ruby make mistakes and we have characters who are actually gay and actually trans#for a start#also ruby is best friends with gyro gearloose#he's her science mentor#i think out of all of our crossover dynamics that one is right up there with boyd and james for favorite#she likes him so so so much#oh and lucky ducks#which is clover and fenton#they're engaged#they have a daughter#they're gonna get marriiiiiiied#and they're superheroes#and super dorks#they love each other#they're stupid cute and i love them#oh there's also hazel and gyro 🤔#and dewey and whitley and louie and oscar#blue boys and green boys and they're best friends of one another#also jaune and lucky ducks and jaune and gyro#fenton and gyro (and clover) often end up being the adults that jaune turns to for dealing with the agony of being a teenage boy#which is causing a bit of turmoil for his brothers who should be doing that but are never around#anyway suffice to say we have a lot of really good dynamics and if i listed them all we'd be here all day#OH WAIT ALSO JAMES/QROW AND JUNE#there's a WHOLE thing there#they don't have the same dynamic with may but we're getting there#it's been like two and a half months in-universe give them time#oh also yang and weiss are dating#freezerburn babyyyyyyyyyyyy#also jaune and mercury had the stupidest slow burn i've ever written but that's a long story
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