#theyre all bitter ex boyfriends
lungbotomy · 6 months
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
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Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom:
Scientist who wants to blow up the world and his evil alien boyfriend
Dude they had a son together and his name is shadow the hedgehog
They created Shadow the hedgehog together. Yes Shadow the hedgehog. This is canon. Theyre also super divorced just trust me on this.their old man yaoi is real
we as a society would not have shadow the hedgehog without their old man yaoi
old man fucks alien so he can bring his daughter back from space safely, gives birth to sad gay hedgehog
you KNOW they fucked
they’re shadow the hedgehogs dads. Like canonically. black doom is an alien god guy and gerald is eggmans grandpa who didn’t love him enough and gave him daddy issues. he also went insane after the government killed his granddaughter (who he loved instead of eggman) and tried to kill humanity :3 these two are like bitter exes to me. they’re both dead. the devil from the bible fucked that old man
Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik are Shadow the Hedgehogs dads. Gerald is a (silly, slightly insane) old scientist and Black Doom is a two thousand year old alien who wants to destroy the Earth. Its not canon but Shadow's gay dads mean everything to me. They kiss and hold hands on the space colony.
Sheo/The Nailsmith:
It's really nice because you unlock it after the nailsmith asks you to kill him with the pure nail and you refuse and walk away. He then says he was wandering hallownest without purpose until he found sheo who helped him discover that there was more to life than just one calling. These two are probably the only characters in the game to have a genuinely happy ending
The nailsmith loses his purpose in life after finishing his ultimate masterpiece, his lifelong goal, the pure nail. He requests the protagonist to try the nail on him, but If you refuse, he will find sheo who helps him to find new meaning in life and realise that there is more to life by teaching him different crafts. They can then be seen sculping figurines together, and sheo is also painting the nailsmith.They share a common love for art and crafts and inspire each other. Sheo's story is that he was a nailmaster, but got tired of it, and put down his nail to pick up a paintbrush. I think it's beautiful that he could help the nailsmith realise what he himself did. They both also used to live in solitude without even realising how lonely they were, and I think it's cute tuhat they can do art together now :]
They are two bugs retired from their career and making better lives for themselves and they’re gay about it. Nailsmith believes at first that he has nothing left after creating the perfect nail and asks the knight to strike him down, and if you don’t, he meets Sheo, a retired nailmaster finding a new calling in painting and sculpting. They find a shared love in creating things and Nailsmith finds a new calling in art as well. The achievement you get for uniting them is called “Happy Couple”
Gay bugs gay bugs gay bugs (Cw mention of suicide) They both used to pursue their one passion in life: forging the perfect nail (sword) for the Nailsmith and the art of combat for Sheo. Sheo realized he could just leave that life when he lost his passion for fighting, and he found himself a new purpose in life: art. However, he always seemed very lonely, completely isolated by all other bugs in his hidden house in the middle of a thorn jungle. When The Nailsmith achieved his goal and forged the perfect nail, he lost his purpose in life and his will to live. He asks the player to kill him. However, if the player refuses, he can later be found in Sheo's house, modelling for Sheo or sculpting figurines with him. He thanks the player for not fulfilling his request, because he has found a new calling in life here, making art together with Sheo. They both express how happy they are to no longer be alone. This also gives you the "Happy Couple" achievement, confirming that they are a couple.
THEY'RE CANON!!! They're fucking canon!!! You can talk to them at one point after doing a Bunch of Stuff to get them to meet each other and you get an achievement called "Happy Couple"!!! Gotta love old man yuri
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sasch1sch · 6 months
people who say shit like "scott is an irredeemable piece of shit, i just like the franchise for the other characters" completely miss the point of the series. yes, scott fucks up colossally by taking advantage of knives' naïveté. but the main message is that even if youve been hurt in the past, its no excuse to act like a dickhead but its never too late to learn from your mistakes. yes, sometimes you fuck up and you cant undo your mistakes but you can grow and change for the better.
most characters in scott pilgrim are flawed. ramona cheats on most of her exes, which made them resentful and bitter, in other words "turned them evil" in the first place. wallace and kim criticise scott for dating knives, and yet wallace makes out with stacys boyfriend (who is about knives age) and kim makes out with knives later on (which is more fucked up since "at least" scott never even held hands with her). also stephen initially endorses scotts behaviour. all of them understand eventually that their behaviour is wrong however and change, for example stephen grows really protective of knives and tells her about the cheating himself.
ramona and scott learn to be better together, they realize they cant keep going like this, scott cant turn into yet another evil ex, she realises she is the common denominator. the way she was treating her exes was awful, of course they werent saints when they were dating, ramona had good reasons to break up. but still she confronts her past and acknowledges that she had hurt her lovers and she accepts that she cannot keep running away and dumping the people she was with along the way.
as i said, dating knives and leading her on was fucked up, there is no denying it and the author of the books makes this very clear. but scott never sees her as a genuine option to be with. at the start of the series, he is still broken from his relationship with envy in which he was treated like shit and then dumped and with his deep abandonment issues, he is terrified of being left alone. knives is easily accessible to him, she is naive, she idolises and adores him and he takes advantage of that to feel better about himself. that is the only way he ever uses her though, he never wants a romantic or sexual relationship out of her and that was clear from the second knives was introduced. ive seen people call him an abuser and even a pedo and that couldnt be further from the truth.
crticising and scrutinising characters and their actions is crucial in any form of media you consume. i just want people to remember that the characters in the scott pilgrim franchise are supposed to be 3 dimensional and capable of change. they fuck up, yes, but theyre not monsters. theyre normal people with messy lives who at times can be good people or make mistakes.
scott has abandonment issues and a very low self esteem and ramona has commitment issues and they both take some time apart at some point to reflect on them and actually grow before rushing into yet another relationship that was destined to fail as long as they refused to acknowledge these issues. i think their growth is beautiful and while these characters are deeply flawed, its not fair to dismiss the care and love that went into crafting them.
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mail-me-a-snail · 7 months
for the fanfic ask meme: B, F, H, I, M, Q, R, S, T, U & V!!! c:
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
welllll the everyday miscellaneous was um 99% projecting. i was working thru some mental stuff n i really needed an outlet and bill tench was right there!
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
does this mean one of my own or one i like. either way ill drop some reccs from both pools.
while im still reading @swearingcactus 's pick me up and memory downs, the hurt/comfort is so so tasty and i love love how the twist is sprinkled into the earlier chapters and its all starting to unfold.
apart from that, @civilization-illstayrighthere 's funny you should ask makes me want to BAWL. if u like the hurt/comfort of past inputs and a love thats a few shades from poisonous, this is the one for u.
as for my own, the your heart is on my sleeve series is just h/c after h/c with some major character death sprinkled in :P
H: How would you describe your style?
i write like im writing for an audiobook. i focus on how sentences would sound rolling off someones tongue, how theyd hit physically once said out loud, etc, because its one of the best ways to figure out how awkward a sentence might sound otherwise.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
sexual tension and homoerotic teasing but not full blown smut. love it when a character touches another person in some way that gets them flustered and red and then the author leaves it at that :3 so fucking delicious.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
one im working on rn has vance infected with a virus that slowly starts raising his internal body temperature degree by degree before he overheats and the virus resets to repeat the cycle :] he has to get it out before it reaches his brain
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
blinks wetly. i dont wanna talk about it theres a whole sideblog dedicated to one of them. but also i had this fic idea where vance gets caught by militech and its this whole thing...theres also a handful of scenes i wrote where kerry goes to vance's apartment in the glen n discovers (to his horror) how many jackets his boyfriend actually has
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
samantha downing, suzanne collins, austin chant, helena fox, and tj klune are my biggest influences :3 fanfic wise, it would be the two i mentioned above and @glitchinginthegarden and you!! you august you!!!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
when two characters r bitter divorced exes but theyre still madly in love with each other and HATEEE the fact that they are. i want them to hatefuck and be pissed off about it
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
please. lord god. stop woobifying villains. i would like them to retain the nuance they have in canon thank u
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
SILVERDYNE. i want 2 write for them so bad but i dont know what premise would be interesting to me. im rotating them certainly but nothing's come of it so far
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
where is rogue my friend the love of my life rogue amendiares
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blackvail22 · 9 months
10:25am -
i just had my first appointment with my new psychiatrist? i think thats the word. i got diagnosed with BED (binge eating disorder), and ive been saying for YEARS that i had it, and no one would help me. its been 9 years since i first went to a doctor and told them about my eating habits; they didnt help me. i had an obvious ed, and im glad im finally getting the help i need.
my relationship with food is severely complicated. im obsessed with my weight and the calories im intaking, but i cant stop... binging. and the fact i have fat on my body makes me want to throw up, nd every time i notice it, it makes me feel like my insides are being scratched over and over. my fear of purging is the only reason i dont...
a month ago, i was talking with my counselor, and she asked me if ive ever been screened for adhd. i told her no, but i can tell her yes!! my new doctor did a screening thing for adhd, and i have it. shes referring me to somewhere to get a more in-depth test to see what type of adhd and the severeity of it.
i told my mom all of this, and she seemed upset. i dont understand? shes been so rude to me lately... i mean, she always is.. but it feels like she changed? shes so bitter, and shes being like homophobic 😭😭 out of nowhere LIKE WHAT PROMPTED U TO BE LIKE THIS? i SWEAR on everything, being a chronic facebook user ruined her. she wasnt like this before facebook LMAOO shes so sad. but, all well!
im going to try my best to clean my room again. i NEED to get my shit together!! its so embarrassing how messy it is. i have to focus on doing it. i have to do it today; i have no choice!!
news flash: i didnt clean my room. whos surprised? im going to try and get it together before i go to bed because i have to... i have or else ill feel like im letting my boyfriend down lol
yk idk why but being friends and flirting w somsone is so much different than dating them. its insane!
i didnt mention this before but im being put on a different medication that targets bed and adhd and it also helps depression. i have to do a bunch of testing before i take it, though, because its a controlled substance
im afraid of facing my past. i know that i was a fucked up kid, but seeing HOW fucked up i am is... terrifying. like i read through a few of my old roblox messages and woah!!! i was living a double life, holy shit! obvi... i used a fake name, fake age, and some of the stories i would tell belonged to my sister. ill forever be regretful for the way i was back then... it makes me think, though... did i ever really change?
i had this girlfriend named .... lets call her juju. she lived on the other side of my country, and we met because we both ran fan accts for a youtuber on insta. i became ... obsessive? quickly. i feel sorry for her, but i was 12 and she was nearly 16, so... she easily couldve cut me off once she found out my age lmao. idk, i kept trying to find ways for her and i to meet in person because i was so excited to meet her online. she broke up with me, and i made another instagram and pretended to be someone else for a while.... aka i catfished her. i didnt show her photos of anyone else, just used the name "katrina" like i used to. i got her to talk abt her exes and then she talked abt how she recently broke up w someone and how crazy they were. i knew then that my behavior wasnt normal. i didnt understand the boundaries i was crossing.
am i all that different now? i used his snap maps to see when he's at his dad and when hes at his moms or at school. when i planned on moving down there, i looked for apartments that were nearby his primary home. i attenpted to make an acct to pretend i was someone else and see if he would lie to me abt info abt his life. i didnt finish it.... i got like the ick from myself and was thinking abt how crazy i was.
i try my best to not be ... stalker-like. i wouldnt follow someone throughout their day to see where they are, who theyre with. i wouldnt use it to harm him, and if he didnt want to see me or talk to me, i wouldnt force him to by showing up to his house or texting him off the number i give to weirdos.
im getting tired. its 10:37p now, and i keep like closing my eyes every once and awhile inbetween sections.
i think the last thing i feel i need to rant abt is how i told my dad i have binge eating disorder and for dinner when i told him i didnt care what he got me, HE GOT ME FOOD FOR A FAMILY OF 4. he looked me in the eyes and said, "two cheeseburgers, 16 chicken nuggets, 10 cheese sticks, and a milkshake incase u get hungry later" when he KNOWS i have a habit of eating a lot of food in one sitting.
i feel gross from how much i ate today, and im still wanting to eat more.
being told "u can reverse everything thats wrong w you if u just lost weight!" and then having those same people ENFORCE ur unhealthy eating habits is insane
like, do u rlly want to help me? or do u want to just berate me for the hell of it?
okie song song time
this song is so ... relateable. typical pop song but its so good 2 me
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lareinadelplata · 3 years
tell us about marvel
what a question! all right so i guess in the marvel universe some people have superpowers and like in all comics every single character is like the most powerful character ever in the context of their own movie/comic/show whatever the hell. and i guess they form clubs of sorts? or some do. like there's the x-men (thats marvel right?) and there's the guardians of the galaxy and the avengers and stuff like that. but like spiderman is on his own usually i think because he keeps reliving this same storyline in every movie he gets where his.... uncle.... is murdered? is that what happens. and he has spider powers because a radioactive spider bit him idk it was probably the 60s you know how it is. and he's snarky i think. then scarlett witch has a twin brother and they're romani i dont fully get if theyre heroes or villains or- ah also she's dating a robot? i think. he's a robot.
i find the x-men fascinating i don't know anything about the x-men. here's what i gathered charles xavier and magneto were boyfriends but now theyre bitter exes and xavier is like an assimilationist and he thinks mutants will be accepted someday and magneto wants to kill everyone and he's right. also being a mutant is just being lgbt it's a 1-1 analogy. and wolverine.... adopted.... a daughter? .....yeah.
i dont know exactly what happened in the last avengers movies i guess everyone died because this huge purple dude wanted to kill half of the universe for.... i think ecofascist reasons? couldnt say. he murdered... his own.... daughter...? maybe. something like that i get the green chick and the other one mixed up. anyways he collected all these magic stones that give him infinite power which is what happens with every single artifact in a comicbook and then he killed a buncha people and then they reversed it somehow i guess but i don't know how. i missed that part. benedict cumberbatch was there, he was lookin weird, as he does.
ah then there's all the parts that are just The US Army, But With Superpowers!!! so like there's this whole array of characters who're just like. part of the military i guess?? im not sure what captain marvel does. i'm not sure what the spy chick (maybe? captain america's something? unsure. 40s.... something.... she got a show too) anyways im not sure what they do but yey cia ops but with magic
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intearsaboutrobots · 3 years
legally blonde (the musical) elle ships, as ranked by me:
elle/emmett (romantic): i am a bitter aro and kind of hard to impress wrt romance. THAT BEING SAID, i think they are a cute couple and they have good chemistry and the dept store scene does a lot of work here to get me invested.
rating: 8/10 “what’s that smell?” “love.... by calvin klein”
elle&emmett (qp): they never kiss or anything pre-time-skip so you legally cannot PROVE that their relationship is romo!! as a teen my fav thing abt this musical is that theyre kind of just best friends the whole time and like. yeah i was right. 16 yr old me knew wtf e was abt. this was absolutely formative and turned me aromantic.
rating: 100000/10 “guess you never can tell with little miss woods comma elle”
elle/vivian: so fucking good. let warner’s exes unionise. vivian staring directly at elle when she accepts warner’s proposal is for sure the behaviour of someone 0% attracted to the man proposing and definitely attracted to his ex.
rating: 9.5/10 “all that pink you’re wearing? is that even legal”
elle/enid: l o o k enid is in the harvard variations, shes supposed to be part of the harvard in-group as like contrast to elle. but also a professor mocks her for being gay in her First Class and so like maybe posturing her and elle as allies in different but not unrelated boats is like... better?
also i like the “chip on my shoulder“ dynamic but its two peers studying together instead of the TA or w/e (dont get me started on wtf emmett’s job is in this musical) And i think they could b a genuinely good pair and give each other some new perspectives on the world (in this context elle bringing up gloria steinem at the “costume” party is like also a callback to a convo betw her and enid earlier!!! guys it WORKS).
then they kiss.
rating: 10/10 “us girls have to stick together”
enid/elle&emmett: so first of all im very weak to this ship format, renardroi on ao3 has a gr9 w359 fic thats kepler/jacobi&maxwell and like, YES. its all the benefits of the ships alone combined!
it also cuts the like kind-of-weird-if-u-think-abt-it-too-much thing of her studying w the TA all the time by having a peer involved and emmett not like, so central, BUT it means we still get TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, UNCHANGED, bc i love that sONG and its VERY TRANS, ACTUALLY- (im forcefully dragged off stage bc thats a different post)
rating: 15/10 “you've got your future all planned, what if i’m standing there too”
elle/kate: kate, for those of u that somehow dont remember (/j she is so minor), is the girl who tutors elle for the LSAT and gets told off for chewing gum.
so FIRST of all, im very invested in learning more abt kate bc she obvs sticks out in the sorority and like it makes me wonder why shes there? she doesnt seem to be getting the same things out of it that everyone else is, like, what are her motivations yk.
also consider what if a like accelerated adapted riff on the elle/emmett romance happens over the time elle is studying for the LSAT.. im just saying i bet her and kate were pulling all-nighters... kate falls asleep on the couch in elle’s room and elle puts a pillow under her head and like puts a blanket over her.......... kate is gay and like not not-out but its not a thing she brings up unprompted usually and like shes like oh my godd i cant believe i hav a crush on a straight girl riP and elle’s like i am straight and also kates hair looks so soft and i want to run my fingers thru it. she asks kate Defs not jealously if she has a boyfriend and kate blinks and is like ...im a lesbian? and elle blinks and is like. oh! right! for sure! and isnt freaking out at all.
rating: 200/10 “what you want is right in front of you”
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pizzavorous-wolf · 4 years
Okay I just finished The Last of Us 2 gameplay and have many thoughts also when I read some other opinions from others.
First of all I understand why Joel had to die so early in the game but it was still early for me... I liked him but I dont mind him dying - characters die in stories. I dont even mind the way he died. Not everyone needs to have some dramatic tragic way of dying I find that actually a bit annoying... I like some realism in stories and seriously I dont mind this way. Sometimes it’s just bad timing and being at the wrong place meeting wrong people. Im tired of magical rescues or surviving.. sure there’s place for them but not overusing them.
Im very satisfied with Eli and Dina. Do you guys realise no matter how flawed this game is from your point of view this is huge fucking step? This is first AAA game that has openly protagonist LGBT character and very visible wlw relationship ON SCREEN? And not even limited to one time or just side convo? It’s huge fucking thing.
Now Im just gonna jump right to the ending. At first I couldn’t believe they actually did it and gave us exactly what we wanted but then yeeahh... Look you can never satisfy gamers... its either “oh gosh this ending is bullshit why does everything have to be dark i will pretend it never happened >:/” or “wtf this is not realistic they are just gonna live happy life now? it should have been darker” so yeah Im gonna say there should have been two endings at least. I seriously expected two endings yknow... the whole Abby vs Eli thing was screaming two endings at me. But we got what we got. Im bitter about the ending BUT at the same time I can understand what Naughty Dog was aiming for. They wanted to paint Eli as flawed human just like every single of us is. The whole game is pointing finger at our flaws. Eli was too caught up in her seek for revenge she didnt see the good thing she had. She realised too late the revenge is not the answer and so her fear of ending up alone came true. Seriously do you not know people who realise their mistakes too late? I know plenty. This is very human character.
But at the same time sure - I also would have loved the perfect lovey-dovey rainbow colored ending her living happily with Dina on the farm forever. Yeah that would be nice. But I also like in some way the actual ending. Because it shows Eli’s human nature so well.
Same for Abby. Both hated and loved. I didnt like her at first - when I didnt know her story yet. She lost her father. Who wouldnt seek a revenge? But she only aimed for Joel. No one else. Joel was her goal and the end of it. She also changed her kind of closeted mind about the outsiders (Scars) and I think she opened up to the different way of thinking during convos with Lev. She helped people she used to hunt and kill. She protected them with her life. She betrayed “her” people for them. Is this evil person? Antagonist? Not for me.
Obviously then again who wouldnt seek revenge when her ex boyfriend and his pregnant girlfriend got murdered? She was done with her revenge for father and now this? The vicious circle was burning.
But then... she wanted to kill pregnant Dina because Mel was also pregnant and that didnt stop Eli right? But then... yeah she didnt want to continue that circle. She broke it. But it was only her who did so. Once again to me - a person who breaks the circle of ongoing revenge is not the bad or evil one. She changed. She grew.
Eli did so as well but... a bit late. But thats okay. Because people grow at different speed as well. In that way I really like the game. Im not gonna spit poison at it because I see the writers wanted to show the complexity of human nature and the matter of coincidences... I dont need perfect stories and as I said many gamers still wouldnt be satisfied.
I also have respect for Naughty Dog for designing Abby. Shes very muscular. I can see other AAA game studios are still taking kind of baby steps in showing women as not only the hot perfect eyecandy for straight male gamers. They’re like “uhm... so this woman will be slightly overweight.. and has short not neon colored hair..shes not very feminine.. but dont worry! Shes only side character! She wont get in your way too much! Is it okay with you guys? :( Its okay right?”
But Naughty Dog gives you very visibly muscular woman with no makeup and hardly any feminine features as one of the main characters and you also have to play as her. Nothing subtle about it. No other eye-catching hot women for horny male gamers anywhere. Just women trying to survive living rough life. And looking normal. Abby is ripped and you will be very aware of it all the time. No “forcibly sexy” angles shes treated as any “regular” muscled male character would be.
I find it very refreshing. You only play as woman characters in this game. No macho muscular ruffled middle aged dude running around with rifle. We have already so many games like that. This is such a breath of fresh air at the AAA game industry. It was bold. Naughty Dog was expecting the backslash from those dudebro gamers. There are LGBT flags all over the map too. They give zero shit about being subtle and not hurting the dudebro gamer too much. Theyre so very open and I love that. No matter the other flaws I respect this so so deeply. And I hope they will be the inspiration for other studios to stop tip-toeing and just fully stand up - openly and with no shame.
Naughty Dog you did so well and I appreciate that. That game isnt perfect in all ways but Im seeing all that hard work and you standing up - rebelling againts the set rules - pandering to straight male gamers - yeah you go. I support you all the way.
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horansqueen · 4 years
both. i haven't really heard anything about it, i just started listening to niall's music recently so im a little behind on everything i guess
they dated in 2018 but no one really knows when it started even if a lot of ppl made guessed. they broke up in september but we found out in october i believe. they were extremely private but she wanted to be public and called the paps at some point. clearly he didnt like it so they broke up. (there were probably soooo many other reasons, i just know Niall’s a private person. some of the things i heard are also not “known” by the general public so ill just keep it to myself). after the break up she started being extremely petty. made instagram posts directed at him (his name wasnt there but we all knew it was about him) like posting something of her new movie knowing theyre in the same town and saying “bet youre thinking of me” or reposting something about dating narcissist boys, etc. she was asked who shed call on a friday night or sum and she said “not an ex oops!” or something like that to refer to Niall’s song about her. she release a song named Wrong Direction, which is clearly not about him but was titled like that for the sole reason of getting ppl to talk about it/her. and many other things. now, she got an ep out and for the first time (i believe) she wrote her songs herself. the lyrics are horrible, rude and also very stupid and childish. in the apple’s description and the itune description, she literally dropped his name, pretending all these songs are about him (altho i believe theyre about her other ex boyfriend). shes still very bitter about everything. and personally, i believe that shes not pissed at how the relationship went, but more about the break up. she was there to suck up some fame juice from him and since hes very private she didnt have enough. she has tried with other famous boys before but it seems like it only worked with Niall. she name drops all the time and hints at the relationship she had with him and im pretty sure she will until it doesnt work anymore, or until she finds someone more famous. and honestly, i could go on forever but ill stop now lol!
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evilkaito · 4 years
kaito/kiyoteru or kaito/vy2 (i'm not super invested in vocaloid anymore but i thought it was cute in like middle school lol)
oh ship stuff? okay sure why not heres me and my boyfriends 😳
this got long lol
kai is the free spirit #funny-man to kiyo's worrying jaded suspicious self. no one expects that kais the younger of the relationship. kiyo is always concerned with something or pondering some issue and works a little too hard. kiyo is also very suspicious of anyone's motivations and can be distrusting at first of others. kiyo's also discouraged about his true passions and it makes him view the world more cynical. kai is emotionally mature but tries to have as much fun as he can. has some sort of dumb joke to tell at all times. not afraid to be himself. big picture guy. they contrast well; kai frees kiyo of inhibitions, and kiyo points out details kai misses or forgets.
so i did have a scenario i was gonna write about one day but i probably wont so here it is:
kaitos a musician who plays comedy songs on his piano for small and medium sized venues. vaguely famous in ONLY his hometown and is known for his great stage presence and comedic timing. kiyoteru is an ex rock band member (plays piano, guitar, and drums) turned teacher in his mid thirties who now performs very rarely. hes contacted by kaito for a performance that needs an ensemble. they have great chemistry and hit it off immediately and their improv performances are a joy to watch. ended up sleeping together after a drunken night at a bar they performed at. neither of them really remember it happening but they started dating immediately after.
rival time? 😳
i see vy as a smug jerk who likes getting a rise out of people for this ship. vy is spoiled and often views other people as commodities or objects. emotionally stunted and veerrry petty. turns into a ragemonster if hes truly felt hes been screwed over; but usually takss everything in his typical 🤭😏 attitude. carries a knife. indie fl studio producer.
looks decive and this kai isnt easygoing at all. kai is straight forward and not one for fuss and annoyances. stern, a bit nagging, very bitter when crossed. its suuuuper easy to piss him off and make him lose his temper. a perfectionist and the opposite of easy-going (vengeful). notoriously hard to work with as a performer. analytical.
so basically vy has fun irritating kai and seeing what will make him angry and kai in turn gets angry but intensely interested in just who Tf this weird guy even is and why hes caught vys interest. so he doesnt cut vy off. they probably met through a mutual friend/coworker/smth. they've made out a lot but kai will never admit that happened in a million years. basically theyre both immoral assholes in the opposite ways.
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kekeslider · 6 years
adashi & klance garrison au
this is a no voltron au so consider
shiro and adam are bitter exes
they dated for years through most of their garrison training and a few years after
they were in love, they were going to get married
but they ended up breaking up, probably over something small and petty
a couple years later, shiro and adam both end up teachers at the garrison
they’re both flight instructors for different groups
they try to be professional, but theres a lot of tension in the staff room
at some point shiro “accidentally” eats adam’s pudding out of the staff refrigerator and the two have a screaming match that has to be broken up but iverson
both are given a warning that if they dont cool it, they can kiss their teaching jobs goodbye
shiro is keiths legal guardian and is mentoring him
garrison cadet lance does not like keith
he doesnt like that keith shirks responsibility and doesnt follow orders
he doesnt like when keith flies recklessly and brings their whole team down
he especially doesnt like that keith is shiros favorite
adam is lance’s favorite instructor
lance was bummed at first that he didnt get to be in shiros class, but now that he knows keith is in it hes glad hes in adams class
one day after a practice flight, lance is fuming in class, and adam talks to him after and asks whats up
lance: that stupid keith is always trying to one up me. he ruined the whole teams score!
adam: oh well keith is just a student like you with a lot to learn, its probably not fair to judge him so harshly
lance: it wouldnt be as bad if he wasnt shiros mentee and never got in trouble
adam: he’s shiros WHAT now?
out of pure pettiness, adam decides to take lance under his wing and mentor him
and if, in the process, adam’s mentee gets to trample shiro’s mentee, that’s a big bonus
when shiro realizes what adam’s doing, and he’d definitely realize, he dated the guy for so many years he still knows him better than anyone else, he starts driving keith extra hard to beat lance at anything and everything
it goes on for a couple months, shiro and adam both pushing their mentees extra hard to be the best are you going to let him beat you? huh? you’re better than that!!
they’re just competing vicariously through lance and keith, its not about being good mentors anymore
lance and keith are getting TIRED
their rivalry was fine at first, when it was just them, but now it’s too much
they have a late night bonding session that consisted of them eating their weight in vending machine snacks and bitching about their mentors
keith: i cant believe shiro is doing all this just to get back at his ex boyfriend >:(
lance: i’m sorry his what now??
so keith is the one that reveals they used to be together, lance is the one that realizes this is all happening because of their latent feelings for each other, and together they hatch a plan to get adashi back together
keith: why wouldnt we call it Operation Shadam?
lance: Operation Adashi just sounds better, trust me
so lance and keith basically parent trap them over the next couple weeks
they each text their mentor that they’re in trouble and need help, and when shiro and adam arrive, lance and keith lock them in a room together
shiro breaks a window and climbs out of it to escape confronting his feelings
they trick shiro and adam into showing up to a romantic candlelit dinner in the mess hall, food prepared by lance and keith, but theyre dumbasses who didnt realize adam was allergic to peanuts
the date ends with adam in the hospital and swearing that shiro planned it all along
after several desperate attempts of getting shiro and adam to reconcile, while also being pushed harder and harder to beat each other, lance and keith snap
keith: we dont want to beat each other anymore!!
lance: yeah we’re friends now!
keith: we’re practically boyfriends now!!!!!
lance: we’ll talk about that later!
keith: you two need to get your shit together and leave us out of it
after that verbal smackdown at the hands of 2 teenagers, shiro and adam finally sit and talk their shit out
turns out after all this time, neither of them really remembers why they broke up
both admit that theyre still harboring feelings for each other
and since they dont even know why theyre not together, they figure its worth another shot, and they officially start dating soon after
even after everything, it’s surprisingly easy to pick up where they left off, but better now that they’re a little more mature
2 years later, lance and keith are groomsmen at shiro and adams wedding
they both recount the super embarrassing story of how they got back together while shiro and adam hide under a table
lance and keith slow dance at the reception. theyre both shit at slow dancing
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skepsys · 5 years
tell us more about your two lovely OCs please! how did they meet? how did their ship start? :eyes:
oOOOHGFGGGGG BOYYY Okay well ive only had them for about a week or so? two weeks? not very long so some things are still prettyyyyy loose/vague, despite HOW MUCH time ive been putting into them LOL but there’s some pretty solid building blocks regardless so Here We Go
to clarify ahead of time in case i havent already somewhere, SAINT is the robot with the toothy mask and Maverick is the guy with the white jacket
ill be honest, they start off trying to kill and generally being pretty nasty to each other....! they’re both assassin/hitman/mercenary types so theres naturally a lot of rivalry there over who gets the real good jobs and stuff, but it’s made pretty personal right off the bat because Maverick is very smug and annoying and from the second he meets SAINT he makes sure to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that he’s better than him.  Maverick’s been in the game a lot longer than SAINT; the first time SAINT ever takes a job, he shows up to crash it and steal this Super Secret technology he had been sent to grab (which he was going to do ANYWAYS bc it was tech related to human augmentation, which he’s a Big Fan of, but SAINT getting there first presented him an opportunity to be an aggravating show-off, which of course he couldn’t resist...).  underneath the snarky flair with which he one-ups and outmaneuvers SAINT in this first encounter there’s a pretty serious threat to step off his turf Or Else, which as i said sparks a pretty bitter, intense rivalry
they spend a Good Long While beating the shit out of each other, like its ON SIGHT every time, Maverick has the upper hand for the first while, considering that while SAINT is COMPETENT, having been developed for combat, the fact still remains that he’s technically not a robot, but an AI whos spent a lot longer living in a computer than running around out in the world.  he eventually gets the hang of it though, and learns to see through a lot of Maverick’s feints and tricks.  they get pretty into it, SAINT has torn off one of Maverick’s (entirely mechanical and therefore fixable) arms in a rage because hes SUCH an insufferable dickhead, Maverick has trapped SAINT in a gigantic gas explosion... its kind of a miracle that the two of them make it out the other side alive every time??
it starts turning around when in the middle of one of their dumb scraps they get grabbed by some shaaaaaaadyyyyyy paramilitary group that i havent Super developed yet, but they turn out to be the Main Villains of the story so yknow theyre important.  the two of them are of interest because Maverick’s got absurdly advanced augments and implants, like “shouldnt really exist” advanced, while SAINT is a cutting-edge combat AI riding around in a unique, high-tech body.  the intention is theyll both be picked apart to be reverse-engineered, but not too long after getting caught and detained, Maverick manages to break himself out, bc being a slippery little weasel is kind of his thing
he then DELIBERATELY goes out of his way to track down SAINT and get HIM out too, in his words because “even though SAINT’s a pain in the ass, he doesn’t really deserve to be straight-up tortured”.  unfortunately he can only find SAINT’s AI, and not his body, and given that he’s got precious little time to figure out what to do, the two of them pretty much settle on getting SAINT’s AI out of the facility and then coming back later for his body.  unfortunately AGAIN they’re both idiots and think uploading a fully fledged combat AI suite to cerebral implants that are only really suited for enhancing reflexes and split-second decision making is a good, reasonable idea
long, painful story short, in the time it takes to escape and get to safety, Maverick’s brain almost practically melts from the strain, nearly killing both him AND SAINT in the process.  luckily with the help of a guy named Harlan, a genius bioengineer and Maverick’s ex they manage to get SAINT out and into a server he can live on for the interim
they do eventually get SAINT’s proper body back after a time where he has to live between a server and a shoddy temporary replacement body (which he is very angry about the entire time) but i havent Exactly figured it out since that has GOT to be very difficult and probably more than a 1.5 man job.  the two of them actually manage to have some actual normal conversations during this time but its kinda awkward and stilted.  theres a fair amount of realizing like “oh huh this dude is just A Normal Guy with like, thoughts and interests and stuff not relating at all to wanting me dead” on both sides
after this point they still butt heads fairly often but its toned WAY down; SAINT especially is kinda like “Hm.” because why on earth would this dude go so far out of his way to nearly die just to save someone who his only interactions with have been filled with vitriol and violence...? (spoiler its cuz Maverick is generally actually a pretty good and selfless guy underneath all the smugness and attitude)
eventually they start teaming up instead of constantly smacking each others’ wrists at every turn, around when the story starts really picking up and said aforementioned Shady Paramilitary Group starts becoming a proper real threat and theyre joined by a whole cast of other characters that i havent drawn yet (Harlan, as well as Leta, an AI programmer who worked on an early iteration of what eventually became SAINT, Jamie, Maverick’s older sister who’s a mechanic/pilot, Eleven, super-hacker extraordinaire, to name a few)
their progression from “kind of awkward friends” to “boyfriends, actually” isnt sth they rlly think about directly, its literally.  theyre both so goddamn STUPID it takes another character pointing out how theyve gone from “he’s fine, we work together pretty well i guess” to “id literally willingly die for this guy at the drop of a hat and also oh yeah i let him have access to some of my tech functions so we can keep better track of and support each other during operations better” for them to be like “wait oh shit oh fuck i might be in love”
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otherguide · 5 years
*   give me something to write meta on!
OH YOU MEAN ULTIMATE BOYFRIENDS?? what if i just write out their whole goddamn backstory right here. god i love them. 
to fully understand beetlejim, you gotta understand both characters first. for those who don’t know, watch the duck knight rises first of all cause it slaps, second of all, ji.m star.ling was a famous actor portraying the character d.ark.win.g d.uc.k in a tv show for like... four season i think? five? when it was cancelled suddenly, with no resolution to the cliff hanger. after that jim turned out to be a grumpy, ageing, arrogant actor with no work. when he finds out that they’re rebooting the franchise, and are creating a movie but haven’t contacted him or asked him to be a part of it   (for real that’s so rude they could’ve at least asked for tips on characterisation and stuff if they didn’t want him to reprise his role god i’m so mad about it)   he goes a bit insane and tries to kill the guy who was hired to play his role. he’s gross & kinda arrogant & ends up living in the sewers by choice. so like, ideal romantic partner.
and y’all know beej. lonely ass immortal demon who can’t be seen, desperate for affection or some kind of friendship. he runs into jim towards the end of the show, takes a mild interest in him & since he’s got nothing better to do, he sticks around. when the show gets cancelled, he sees jim truly change: he becomes bitter, angry, upset --- and as the years go on he begins to feel invisible, because he’s no longer in the limelight and nobody knows, or cares, who he is. betelgeuse relates. betelgeuse is emotionally attached to this guy. betelgeuse, after witnessing jim have a break down one night, manages to slip a card into his pocket which reads his name three times. jim finds it, he says the words, beej shows up --- and then jim passes the hell out cuz he’s drunk as all hell.
the next day beej is still there and the two meet, officially, for the first time. betelgeuse lies about his motives --- he’s not gonna admit he’s basically in love with this guy he’s been haunting for the past few years. so he pretends that he’s a demon... summoned by jim’s negative energy, and he’s not gonna leave ‘cause he’s gotta feed on it. or something. it’s believable enough for jim, and thus begin their friendship: a depressed ex-actor being followed by a smitten demon. betelgeuse is so in love with jim at this point that he doesn’t even notice, really, that he’s no visible to everyone else. he’s formed such an attachment to jim that he doesn’t much care about anyone else as long as jim can see him.
time passes, classic slowburn love, yada yada yada. i feel like, at this point, when the two are very clearly close and in love and pseudo-dating, beej would panic. he’s not used to this, he doesn’t know how to handle this level of emotion, so he peaces out. years pass, that whole shtick with lydia and the maitlands happens, and then he’s got a new best friend and a house and something is missing. and it’s jim, he realises. he misses him, he loves him, and before he can even decide to go and track him down he sees a tragic accident reported on the news: actor j.im st.ar.l.ing, presumed dead after accident on set. panic sets in, a little, because if jim’s already in the netherworld then it’s almost impossible to find him now, so beej rushes to the scene of the accident in the vain hope that jim’s ghost is still wandering around.
it’s not. after some investigating, he finds an entrance to the sewer. he climbs in to investigate further and --- there he is. jim. a little twisted after everything that happened, hellbent on being a supervillain, and absolutely shocked to see betelgeuse. it’s a shaky reunion, but the two are soon laughing and catching up as if no time has passed at all. and now lydia has a new dad and a second bedroom in a goddamn sewer.
jim and beej both love puns. they have the same sense of humour, the same shaky morals, the same desire for attention and love. and they give that to each other --- and while it’s probably not great that beej encourages his boyfriends supervillainous antics, they’re having fun, they’re in love! theyre so goddamn good together. i adore them.
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frnkievigo · 6 years
ey y’all! i’m olive (georgia’s player) and this is my aggressive bean saskia!! she’s an old muse of mine and bundle of drama (some things never change) and i can’t wait to plot with y’all!!! im hyped up on about four cups of coffee and im ready to do this!
( taylor hill | 21 | cisfemale ) i swear i saw saskia cohen around campus yesterday. i hear she is very abrasive, mercurial & clever, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of stick and poke tattoos & ripped fishnet tights tucked into doc martens. they’re in their junior year and studying music. (olive, 21, est, she/ha)
Tumblr media
also her pinterest is here! 
first of all: she’s garbage!! your problematic fave. selfish and manipulative. cares only about herself and can’t be bothered by emotions (except for anger). would sell your soul for a klondike bar. would sell her own soul but it’s already gone
probably one of the richest people you will ever meet. also know as saskia “i’m richer than u” cohen. her dad works for apple so she’s known to throw free ipads at people as bribes/gifts.
LOVES. SEX. doesn’t know when to stop talking about sex and is rlly bad at keeping the words that come out of her mouth appropriate. probably keeps a list of everyone she’s slept with and loves to cause trouble in your household. would love some awkward hookup plots bc I think those are hilarious
coke lover! a bad little habit she developed in high school/college. rlly admires jack kerouac (bc she’s trash) and thinks doing a ton of drugs makes her a cooler musician. probably sells shit on the side sometimes to keep up her income when she’s cut off by her parents
she has a bit of an anger management problem. while most of the time her bitchiness is tolerable and she gets away with it, she can fly off the handle really easily. it’s really terrifying when she snaps because she looks so sweet and harmless?? someone needs to teach her what guilt is. has been known to carry a knife disguised in a lipstick tube.
i swear she has a ehart but its buried underneath about ten layers of trauma and sarcasm
she’s from LA and has a lot of famous friends from her degenerate youth. most likely to be spotted slapping a girl on a reality television show
her mom is a failed Hollywood actress who remarried with her twenty one year old boyfriend, so you could say she has a bitter relationship with her family. lots of pent up rage surrounding her parents
her mom in particular is HORRID. think of a combination of Kris Jenner and Trish Walker’s mom from Jessica Jones. momager to the extreme abusive end. they really wanted Saskia to be a child star, so her mom made her diet at the age of 6, treated her really awfully and verbally berated her, etc
is queen of the pity party. she pretty much is the champion of feeling sorry for herself, and then getting blackout drunk to make up for it. she thinks she’s the only one that’s been through shit cue the big sigh.
is actually secretly very smart?? could be doing anything and is either going to end up a ceo or the boss of a crime syndicate. studying music at lockwood bc its her passion but she’s surprisingly very good at math and science too despite showing up to class looking like a truck just hit her every da
her aesthetic is kind of satin sheets, chokers, black clothing, methol cigarettes, whisky, black coffee, bruised knuckles, bloody lips, eye bags, dark lipstick, doc martens
WANTED PLOTS: fwb, hookups, a relationship that’s quickly going off the rails, toxic exes who still fight all the time, unlikely friends, a friend she’s protective of, GIVE ME HER BANDMATES!
that’s all I can think of for now!! like this post if you wanna plot and I’ll spam your messages
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legolasgoldy · 6 years
🤗 || 🎶 || 😡 || 🏷️ || 📖 || 🛏 || 💚 || 👫 || 💔 || 💝 || 🚀
My muse in a relationship ?s
🤗Are they physically affectionate?
Yes! Very much. He’ll hold hands a lot, give hand kisses, cheek kisses, play footsie, nuzzle, put his arms around him, rest their foreheads together. etc. Hes likes being physically affectionate
This could also work for the affectionate in public question but he’ll do it any of what i said above at home or in public. The only difference is, he’ll only give one or two kisses in public at a time, and at home they can make out.
🎶 Do they have a type? 
Yes! He tends to fall for interesting unique people. Whether its a boy or girl, if they interest him and are unique with a personality that appeals to him, he’s at risk of falling for them.
Looks wise, he does gravitate towards interesting looking people as well. Hes demi so hes not sexually attracted at first, but he will find them very very good looking and will get heart eyes. They tend to be uniquely pretty, and very naturally pretty. They wont need to try at all for Finrod to find them gorgeous. Also, they always have a gorgeous smile.
To better elaborate, some examples would be. Finrod’s Maglor is very quirky, even if hes a prince he doesnt particularly look it. He’ll have very unruly frizzy hairs at the sides of his face when its humid, and cow licks on top of his head. but very very soft emotional grey eyes, dresses a bit plain and disheveled at times, most times has muddy boots. Pays more attention to music than looking princely. Smells like harp strings and soaps he uses. Very introverted but wonderful at performing music, and has a secret genuine smile he only does around Finrod that he just goes crazy over. Secretly loves dancing, hips wiggle when excited, has the cutest giggle.
Finrod’s wife in some aus is Italian ( middle earth version of Italian). She has a pretty accent that gets deeper when upset or sassy. Has a very specific clothing style according to her culture. Has a completely different culture than Finrod does and he loves learning about it and participating. Loves sparring and will throw Finrod down on his butt every time. Shes very “i’ll kick anyone’s ass. i’ll kick your ass. i’ll kick maglor’s ass. i’ll kick my own ass” XD Again has a pretty smile too.
Rhys is extremely unique and why Finrod fell so hard. Pale with long fluffy white hair, white eyebrows and eyelashes. Cloudy eyes because hes blind,  full pale lips with pink tint. Makes a lot of facial expressions that give away how hes feeling, eye contact is never ever needed, hes got a unique way of expressing himself with other types of body language, and of course with words. Theres just something about all those expressions, the way he smiles, and how his eyelashes flutter when his eyes are part of the way open showing his cloudy eyes that just.. drew Finrod in. Everything he does is so intriguing and has a way of making Finrod smile, even when Rhys is a bit sarcastic. Theres a gentleness, love and loyalty to him along with layers upon layers of other things like shyness, bitterness, frustration, a little afraid, stubbornness. And of course everyone has so many layers to their personality, but his in particular Finrod fell in love with.  Obviously there are even more unique things like his mutation, but even without it Finrod would have still been just as intrigued. The way he sits at windows for warmth, the look on his face when he eats sweets, his smile, his laugh, the way he says certain words in his accent,  how he can melt with just a small physical gesture or when holding a soft bunny. Despite everything hes been through, hes still soft and sweet and beautiful, any roughness around the edges Finrod loves just as much. He embraces the uniqueness in its entirety, whether Rhys may consider some aspects of himself flawed or less than perfect, Finrod just sees his unique Rhys, perfect just the way he is in every way.
😡What are their deal breakers?
Nothing turns him off from a person faster than seeing them being hateful to someone. Just needlessly underhanded and hateful to someone who did nothing wrong. Like bullying, tripping someone just to be mean or throwing stuff at someone for no reason. In general, if they pick on people and bully them. But chances are Finrod wouldnt have been too interested in them if he didnt know them well enough yet to know their true nature.
Cheating. Or even just implying they would cheat turns him off so fasttt. A random example would be If Finrod had a crush on someone who happened to be dating someone. He wouldnt ever bring it up or imply that he was crushing, its rude and he would respect they were in a relationship. But if they started talking to him about how they would cheat with someone or even him, or even try to kiss him. Nope, turned off, right then. He could understand if they werent happy in their relationship and wanted to end it and find someone else, thats perfectly normal and fine, but not cheating and wanting both people ( or more than both).
Insulting him or his friends/family. Theres a difference between playful banter/playful insults and flat out true insults.  This may or may not be something that builds up to it being a deal breaker. If someone happens to tell him his hair looks awful one day hes gonna take it as them letting him know as a favor so he wouldnt have walked around like that too long or something so he could fix it. Thats totally fine and normal, but if someone makes that an every day thing where they constantly are insulting his hair, his clothes, his work, his food, etc. If they insult everything about him constantly hes gonna be turned off from them. However, before he does anything hes gonna talk to them about it first and let them know how theyre making him feel. Then their reaction will determine whether or not its a deal breaker. They would probably remain only friends though.
Similarly, if he hears someone outright insult a friend of his or family member hes gonna be turned off right then. A little communication will be applied again but still, only remain friends most likely.  It depends on the situation.
🏷️ Do they give their partners cute nicknames?
He does! If his partners name is long he’ll shorten it to a nickname. Rhys’ name is short already so he wont do that, but he’ll use things like “ Love” or very possibly a term of endearment in Gaelic that Rhys likes. Or maybe darling. Things like that. But I doubt he would ever say “Babe” or “Sweetheart”. He uses sweetheart for little kids, and babe just sounds funny to him.  He would never say Baby for sure.
📖 What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner?
I dont know that he has a favorite. He likes cooking together, going for walks, going to the park… So many things… if he had to pick a favorite its a tie between Cuddling on the couch with Rhys explaining tv shows, movies, and books while having a snack; and cooking together.
  🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner?
Well..Reading for one thing. They do most of their reading before bed all cuddled up and that technically counts for this question because its in the bedroom.
In terms of physical bedroom activities, he just likes kissing and making love in general with Rhys in any way they feel like. He could never choose a favorite if he tried, its all heavenly to him.
💚Are they prone to jealousy?
Not really. Finrod gets more sad and envious rather than jealous. For example, if before they became a couple, someone flirted with Rhys or Rhys flirted with someone, he would get a bit sad and envy them. He would never say anything though, hes too polite so there would never be any resentful feelings of jealousy or anything. Just a bit pouty.  Unless the person flirting with Rhys, or who Rhys was flirting with, was a jerk then he would be resentful toward that person and very protective. Most likely he would just talk to Rhys about it, communication is the best thing for it.
Although, if he and Rhys ( or just in general he and a partner, this applies always) were dating, he would never ever get jealous, sad or, envious because there would be no reason to. He trusts Rhys completely and knows he would never cheat on him, so if anyone ever flirted with Rhys, his response wouldnt be jealousy, it would be to politely let the person know Rhys was his boyfriend. If that didnt work and they still were bothering Rhys, then he’d tell them to get lost.  Probably growl if the person is stubborn and takes it to far.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
This ties in with the first question. He’ll hold hands, give hand kisses, cheek kisses, play footsie, nuzzle, put his arms around him, rest their foreheads together, and one or two kisses at a time maybe three. He wont make out in public ( unless theyre somehow hidden they might have a mini make out, like ex: making out under their umbrella at the beach)  but is very affectionate in a tasteful way. Granted terribly sappy, but tasteful.
The only difference between public and private is that they kiss a lot in private, will definitely make out for as long as their hearts desire. They also have a lot of sex.
💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? 
Going back into the deal breaker question, he will never enter a relationship with someone whos a bully to anyone or him. Its just not going to happen, ever.  If someone doesnt treat people right or him right, he doesnt want any sort of relationship with them at all.
💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship?
It depends on the relationship. With Rhys he was always comfortable because they had been friends for years prior. Sure a little awkward, but also comfortable. Since they had been best friends i think it was a little scary. Finrod didnt want to ruin their friendship but they both knew things would get better rather than anything getting ruined. They fully trusted each other so they knew they would always be together regardless and let themselves follow where ever their feelings led. I would say after a few months of dating they were pretty secure, a little awkward and it felt like a dream, but secure and comfortable. In terms of being comfortable with new stages in the relationship thats something different, they took each step slowly at a comfortable pace.
In a different situation, in general it would take him several months to feel secure and comfortable, possibly almost a year if he and the person hadnt known each other that well before they started dating. That would mean they dated in order to get to know each other and it takes a long time to fully get to know someone that well.
🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
Finrod would do anything his love needed. Anything. Finrod would kill for Rhys if he had too.
That being said, Rhys is someone he trusts completely and he wouldnt ever be in a relationship if he didnt trust his partner like that wholly. Rhys would never ask him to do anything unless there was a solid good reason. Finrod knows that. So if a reason ever presented itself he would do what ever Rhys needed in a heartbeat.
Doing anything to protect Rhys isnt even debatable, he would protect Rhys with his last dying breath if he had to.
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botanistlester · 7 years
Sweet Pea (18/34)
Summary: A nickname that goes bitter in your mouth. Cries for help that no one listens to. Gentle hands that make you quake on the ground you’re standing on. When Phil first met Nico, he thought he was a gift from the heavens. But behind the mask lies something daunting, something unnerving, that Phil never foresaw. Through his journey, he finds solace in Dan, the regular at his workplace, who seems to be the only one who sees through Nico’s mask to the darkness underneath. Warnings: Abusive relationship, violence A/N:  thanks to @snowbunnylester for editing this for me! The lyrics at the beginning of this fic are from the song Dive into My Sun by Citizen (bc every lyric is from them oops theyre just so relative to this story)!   
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Chapter Eighteen
I'm conditioned well; A sliver from my lovers, something I hold on to.
“Phil, can we talk?”
Those were the words that Phil never wanted to hear, especially from Dan. Why did everyone always want to talk to him now? Couldn’t they see that he didn’t want to talk? About anything? Couldn’t they see that he felt just fucking peachy? He just wanted to be left alone. No more “talking”, no more “fretting”. He just wanted to be.
But he didn’t say that, because this was Dan. This was Dan and he had done so much for Phil already that Phil couldn’t possibly turn him down. He could complain all he wanted, of course, but he could never turn Dan down. So he grumbled, tried to unwrap himself from the duvet, poking his head out from under the covers to pout at Dan. “Do we have to talk?” Phil whined, waiting, hoping with each breath that Dan would just say no, we don’t actually have to talk.
Dan nodded and shook his head at the same time, which was honestly the strangest thing that Phil had ever seen in the entire world. He looked like a bobble head, one that was real and living and apparently uncertain about everything. “We need to talk,” Dan said more firmly, and proceeded to push Phil over so he could slide under the covers as well. Phil didn’t complain about that, only moved over more so that Dan had enough room.
They stared at the dark ceiling for a moment. All of the lights were off in Phil’s room and Regular Show was playing in the background, casting blue and white shadows over the walls. The volume was turned down so quietly that Phil could barely hear it, but that was the point. He had been trying to take a nap, the exhaustion seeping into his bones and making it nearly impossible for him to move.
Eventually, Phil opened his mouth. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he whispered, because he was scared. Talking, in Dan language, usually meant discussing Phil’s recovery plan. It meant trying to get Phil to go outside, to see friends other than him. It meant trying to help Phil get over Nico. But it never worked, because Phil didn’t know if he even wanted to get over Nico in the first place.
Dan sighed, and that wasn’t good. That really wasn’t good. “I talked to your lawyer today.” Phil flinched at the words. Ever since the whole police fiasco had happened, Phil had been assigned a lawyer until he decided whether he wanted to press charges against Nico or not. He had only met with the guy once, but he seemed really kind and like he did his job well. The only issue was that Phil didn’t know if he wanted to press charges against Nico.
In his eyes, Nico hadn’t done anything that warranted jail or prison in the slightest. Sure, he’d smacked Phil, but Phil’s smacked his brother before and he still didn’t deserve to go to jail. Yes, Nico was manipulative and he had made Phil really upset when he left, but that still wasn’t jail material. Phil didn’t think he deserved it, but it was always Dan who told him to at least consider the options.
“What did he say?” Phil asked shakily, bracing himself for the worst.
And it was bad. Dan explained in a soft voice that even if Phil wanted to press charges, there was no promise that he would win in the first place. They needed evidence to come to a conclusion, evidence in the form of pictures or videos. Evidence that Nico truly deserved to be called guilty for a crime. Dan explained this with his hand brushing through Phil’s hair in a calming manner that, because Phil’s bruises were emotional and not physical, there really was no evidence at all that would let Phil win the case.
“However,” Dan started, despite the way Phil was currently pushing himself under the covers more and more with each word. Phil perked up at that, only slightly. “The lawyer said it’d be very possible for you to get a restraining order instead. Those are typically much easier for you to obtain if you can’t press charges.”
Phil took this information in with a hum of discontentment. But what if he wanted to talk to Nico again? He would legally not be allowed to. He voiced this to Dan, who gave him an unimpressed look.
“Phil,” he said softly, putting his hand back on Phil’s head. He brushed his fingers through his hair softly, obviously trying to calm Phil. “You won’t be talking to Nico anymore. As your friend, I won’t let you do that to yourself.”
The first thought that Phil had was, but what if I want to? It coincided with a feeling of mass anxiety, of suffocation that welled up in his throat and made it hard to breathe. He took as deep of a breath as he could, focusing on the soothing massage of Dan’s fingers in his hair. But why would I even want to? He asked himself instead, shaking his head a little bit. He was slowly trying to get used to the fact that he didn’t need Nico in his life anymore, but it was hard. It was so hard that he constantly had to try and yell at himself to remind himself just what Nico has done to him.
He shuffled under the duvet until his face was completely covered and only his hair was sticking out, perfect for Dan to keep running his fingers through. “You’ll come with me to get my restraining order?” he asked quietly, and he didn’t have to look to know that Dan was nodding his head yes.
“Do you really think I’m just gonna leave you to fend for yourself by now?” Dan teased, and the covers shifted a little, only for Dan to scoot closer to him, their arms brushing lightly. Dan met Phil’s gaze in the darkness surrounding them, and his smile was bright, even underneath the shadows. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Phil.”
Phil sighed and closed his eyes. Once upon a time, he had felt too claustrophobic to bury himself under blankets. He hadn’t liked the way that it felt as though the space was getting filled with his own breath, how the shadows seemed to crawl into his skin and down his throat, choking him until he could do nothing but gasp for air. But now, he was under the covers more often than not, welcoming the feeling of the darkness shrouding his mind and his lungs.
But for some reason, it didn’t feel quite as suffocating with Dan in there with him, supporting him, making sure that he was okay.
The possibility of a restraining order was scary. He wasn’t quite sure that he wanted to even get one, that he wanted to commit himself to something like that. What if he wanted to talk to Nico? What if he was the one who broke the order and submitted to Nico once more? He didn’t know if he could handle the idea of never seeing or speaking to Nico again, and he still wasn’t convinced that he even needed the restraining order. Nico wasn’t going to kill him. That’s what restraining orders are for, right? Because a person is terrified of another person to the point where they’ll get badly hurt?
Nico wasn’t going to hurt him.
But maybe that was why he needed one. Maybe he needed one because he didn’t think Nico was going to hurt him. Maybe he needed one to hold himself back, to protect himself from succumbing to the darkness of his ex boyfriend once again. Maybe he needed to do this to make Dan believe that he was okay, that he was getting better, that things won’t stay like this forever.
With his heart in his throat, he opened his mouth and nothing came out. He swallowed and tried again, his voice coming out more confident than he felt. “I want to get a restraining order,” he said firmly, and it felt like he had closed the door to his past relationship and locked it up with steel. Maybe now he could start to heal. Maybe now he could start to feel.
Charlie - 6:34pm
Shabbot shalom! Are you feeling a bit better?
Phil Lester - 6:36pm
Not particularly. Still sulking
Charlie - 6:40pm
:( Dan taking good care of you?
Phil Lester - 6:41pm
Perfect, as always
Charlie - 6:43pm
Great! I expect you to come hang out again soon. I miss your dumb face
Phil Lester - 6:44pm
Miss you too
For once, Phil was going outside. Without Dan.
When he told Dan he wasn’t going to be home today, Dan was curious, but he didn’t ask too many questions. Maybe he knew that Phil wouldn’t tell him what he was doing, not because he was ashamed, but because Phil knew that Dan would try to stop him if he told him what he was up to. It seemed as though Dan was just happy that Phil was getting out of the house, so he didn’t ask questions and just let the situation be.
Phil didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
He didn’t know how he was doing it honestly, but he got up, put on some mildly okay-looking clothes, and straightened his hair. He made sure that he looked vaguely alright, that the bags under his eyes were covered with a light layer of makeup, that his hair was in place and not greasy. When he was ready, he stepped into the bright sunshine, making a face of disgust as the sun immediately attacked his eyeballs.
It was a nice spring day, and Phil was going on a date.
He took a cab to the pizza place where he’d promised that he would meet Jace, a nice little family owned joint called Pizza Mia. Phil had always liked Pizza Mia, because it was nice and cozy with yellow walls and burgundy booths. There were televisions in the corners of the rooms and beautiful paintings all over the walls. The staff were all super friendly with each other, regarded each other with politeness and laughter. It was refreshing, to say the least.
Jace was already there when Phil arrived, sat in a booth in the corner. His hair, which was in tight black braids, was tied back into some sort of ponytail, and Phil liked it because it showed off his shaved sides. He was as good looking as the last time Phil had seen him, and Phil had a moment of guilt because he liked Jace, but he couldn’t help but feel as though he was using him.
Using him just like Nico had used Phil.
He wanted to walk out, but he didn’t. Instead, he slowly made his way over to Jace until he caught sight of him, smiling that beautifully white smile that Phil definitely didn’t deserve. He stood up and Phil didn’t quite understand why until he was bringing him into a large hug. “Phil!” Jace exclaimed, backing away. His hug was warm, but it made the guilt crushing to the point where Phil had to force a smile on his face. “How have you been? Your piercings look like they’re healing nicely.”
Phil nodded and sat down in the booth across from Jace. His fingers were shaking and he hid it by burying his hands between his thighs. Stop it, he told himself, because there was nothing to be afraid of or guilty for. He was allowed to go on dates. He was allowed. “I’ve been doing pretty well,” he lied, because that’s what you do with people you barely knew. They weren’t supposed to know the darkness yet. “What have you been up to recently?”
Jace seemed pleased that he had asked, settling back in his chair and biting at his lip piercings. He had an orange Fanta sitting in front of him that he sipped at before replying. “Just been piercing people. The usual.” He shrugged and Phil watched the way his broad shoulders rippled as he did so. He was wearing a nice gray tank top that showed his muscles off, and for some reason that made Phil feel a bit nauseous.
Slut, his mind whispered, but he shook that off. Jace was a nice guy and he was taking Phil on a date. Phil couldn’t call him a slut because of his outfit choices. Outfit choices didn’t matter - but the voice in Phil’s head didn’t leave, and he hated how much it sounded like Nico.
They talked some more about what they’d been up to, Phil excluding the whole hiding-under-his-duvet-like-a-burrito part, and the nasty break-up that had resulted just after Phil had gotten his piercings It was nice, and Phil found himself relaxing slightly as Jace made him laugh a few time, his smile just warm enough despite the fact that Phil felt nothing. His phone vibrated and he reached to grab it, knowing that it was probably Dan, but the waitress walked up to him before he could read his message.
“Welcome to Pizza Mia! My name’s Betsy and I’m going to be taking care of you today. Can I get you started with something to drink, or are y’all ready to order?” She was speaking mostly to Phil about the drink part, and he ordered a coke because he hadn’t really thought about it and that was the first thing that had come to his mind.
Jace ended up ordering for them. Apparently he was a vegetarian, so he got a medium pizza with spinach, mushrooms, and red peppers for himself, while Phil got the exact opposite of that and put as many meats as he possibly could on his pizza. They were like two completely different people, and Phil couldn’t help but wonder if Jace would like him any less just because he ate meat, thinking Nico was right, who would ever want me?
He voiced these thoughts aloud once Betsy walked away, staring at the gray speckles on the table and mindlessly picking up a napkin to tear it between his fingers. “Are you bothered that I eat meat?”
Jace laughed and shook his head. Phil glanced up to see that his eyes were shining, his face bright and not judgemental in the slightest. “Are you kidding? I’m not going to hate you just because you have a different lifestyle than me.” He put his head in his hand and winked as he said, “But I may have you brush your teeth before I kiss you.”
It took a moment for the comment to sink in, but when it did, Phil couldn’t help but squeak, his entire face turning an ugly shade of red. He hid his face in his hands, trying to calm down a little bit. Still, he felt uneasy at the same time, even though he had no reason to. He had to remind himself that Jace was not Nico. Jace was just trying to show Phil a good time and get to know him. That meant flirting. It wasn’t insidious. It wasn’t supposed to be.
“I’ll brush my teeth, in that case,” Phil promised, because he didn’t know what else to say, eyes glinting and shy.
It was the right thing to say apparently, because Jace’s grin was blinding in response. He could see why. He’d just admitted that Jace could kiss him. Although, Phil didn’t even know if he would like that. He hasn’t kissed someone other than Nico for a year, and the thought of kissing someone new was honestly terrifying. He didn’t know if he wanted to, didn’t know how to kiss someone else.
Plus, that stupid guilt was still crushing him from the inside out. He couldn’t help but feel as though he was cheating on Nico, knowing full well that he had broken up with Nico and was now about to get a restraining order. He was a mess.
While Jace went on another rant, Phil dug his phone out of his pocket, clicking it open. He was right, he did have a text from Dan. Pretty much the only people he texted were Dan, Jace, and Charlie. Occasionally Jane would text him, and he’d just started texting Ledjon too, but the only person who frequently checked up on him was Dan.
Dan Howell - 7:30pm
Hi how are you doin? X
The use of kisses in the text wasn’t anything weird from Dan. It was one of the ways that Dan showed he cared, and Phil had long since learnt not to be freaked out by it a very long time ago. It made his chest feel a bit warm to know that Dan cared about him that much.
He responded quickly to Dan because Jace was still talking, and Phil couldn’t really fit a word in edgewise. He was a super talkative dude, while Phil was just more of a listener than anything else. He didn’t mind. It just got a bit hard to follow.
Phil Lester - 7:31pm
Good. on a date
The response came as soon as Phil set his phone down, and he nearly laughed at Dan’s eagerness. He could practically imagine the shock now. Phil? On a date? It was a ridiculous picture, and yet here they were.
Dan Howell - 7:31pm
A date? Since when have you been talking to someone?
Phil Lester - 7:32pm
Jace. He did my piercings. We’ve been talking for a little bit now
Their pizzas were placed in front of them then , and Phil set his phone down, deciding to ignore Dan’s surprise and instead focus on the delicious food in front of him. There was so much meat piled on top of Phil’s that he could barely see the cheese underneath, but that was alright by him. He wasn’t exactly the biggest cheese fan in the world, so he would much rather eat an entire meat pizza than one with a lot of gooey, disgusting cheese. Jace’s, on the other hand, had so much spinach that Phil’s nose crinkled up with disgust. He liked spinach, but that much? On a pizza? That was more like a pizza salad, in Phil’s opinion.
His own pizza was good, at least. He’s always liked the pizza here, so even if his date talked a little bit too much, at least his pizza was good. Phil gulped it down like a hungry wolf, and Jace laughed at him, knocking their feet together in a game of footsies. Phil let him, because he didn’t have anything against it, so that was fine.
Even so, he felt as though he couldn’t completely enjoy his date. Sure, Jace was wonderful. He was attractive and had a great personality. He talked a lot and seemed to have cool hobbies, and the fact that he thought Phil was pretty was a plus as well. But Phil just didn’t feel anything for him. He felt like this was all wrong, like he wasn’t supposed to be here. Maybe he could be good friends with Jace, but this date? Phil didn’t want this. He didn’t want this.
He wanted Nico, damn it, and he hated himself for the thought even crossing his mind.
After they finished their dinner and got up to leave, Jace smiled at him, so large that it made his entire face shine bright like a star. “I had a lot of fun with you,” he said honestly, seeming like he put his whole heart into that sentence.
The first thought Phil had was how? But he didn’t say that. Instead, he smiled, his face made out of plastic. Instead, he said, “Me too.”
“Can we do this again sometime soon?” Jace asked, hopefully, and Phil felt his stomach sink because Jace definitely wanted to date him, and Phil didn’t know if he was capable of being a good boyfriend right then.
Still, he put on his best smile, and nodded his head yes. “I would like that,” he replied robotically, and he could feel his body float away from his consciousness. Suddenly , he was back in the bath tub, rubbing at his skin until he could no longer feel the touch of Nico’s skin on his own. He completely shut down and let his body do the actions without any thought whatsoever. “Yeah, I would like that,” he said again.
And when Jace leaned up to kiss him, his lips soft and warm and foreign, Phil kissed him back because that was what he was supposed to do.
Dan Howell - 7:34pm
Dont move into anything too fast yet. Pls take care of yourself first
Dan Howell - 8:10pm
Chapter Ninteen
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