#things we embrace and chase and we WILL catch and find these dreams
not to be hamilton posting, but god some of the lyrics are actually just really good 
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itjazzbicch · 7 months
As Real As It Gets
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Pairing:  Kung Lao x ProWrestler!Fem Reader 
Summary: Much like her older brother Johnny Cage, the reader finds fame and glory in the professional wrestling industry, becoming friends with Johnny's new friends after becoming an Earthrealm champion and finding a connection with Kung Lao...
Requested by: @kombatkid (I hope you enjoy it!)
Warnings: Kung Lao is a sweetie pie in this (Lol, it's just fluff!)
Word Count: 1.3k 
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"Come on, sis! You got this!"
"Yeah! Come on!"
Coming from a small farm town, I thought I'd never make it this far. Many people told me I was a joke for wanting to be a professional wrestler. However, after seeing my older brother, Johnny, make it as a megastar in Hollywood, I found the motivation to chase my dream and succeed.
On the grandest stage of them all, in the main event with the women's world championship on the line, it was undeniably the roughest match I've had in my career; I had already gone an hour in this match, on my back, and trying to breathe as my opponent was down as well, but Johnny and my friends cheering me on gave me the strength I need to jump back up.
The crowd was going nuts as my opponent made it back to her feet as well, but I was a step ahead of her, the commentary screaming as I hit my finisher:
"I think we will have a new champion tonight because that girl just got CAGED!"
No one has ever kicked out of my finisher while climbing up to this moment, my opponent no different as the referee counted to three, the bell ringing and everyone losing it, bringing me to tears as I heard the announcer:
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and NEW Women's World Champion, Y/N CAGE!"
Fireworks and confetti started popping off, and I was on top of the world, climbing to the top turnbuckle with the title high in the air, smiling brighter than ever as I heard Johnny over the roaring crowd:
His screaming made me giggle a little, seeing that he was live streaming, of course, and the person next to him caught my attention:
"Knew you'd win, Y/N!"
Kung Lao.
Johnny dragged him along, seeing Raiden came too, but my eyes stayed locked into Lao's as I reminisced momentarily.
"I understand why Lord Lui Kang chose Johnny. He is a martial artist, but isn't professional wrestling fake?"
"Fake?!" I scoffed at Lao; He just had to say the one thing that pissed me off most.
Johnny had to show me everything after meeting all of them, and it was mind-blowing but fun as we all shared a love for combat. I intended to show Lao some of my skills by offering a sparring session during a workout just for him to say that.
"Isn't it?" Lao pestered, not believing that it was a serious and physically demanding sport, also not knowing that I, much like Johnny, also knew martial arts.
"I don't know," My tongue clicked, catching him off guard, jumping into a head scissors, spinning around his body, and flipping him to the ground with a good grip on his arm, keeping him in an armbar that I could've easily broke his arm with, "Was that fake, Kung Lao?"
"N-No," He swallowed, shocked but starting to smile up at me, "That was very impressive! As real as it gets!"
"Going to take me seriously now?" That was more of a warning as I twisted his arm, not even putting much pressure, but he was quickly spitting out:
"Yes! Of course!"
"Hahaha!" I laughed, letting go and standing up, leaning in his face and booping his nose, "You better if you know what's good for you."
Since that day, we had this connection and became great friends. He even learned more about wrestling so he could talk to me about it, which warmed my heart.
Now that the cameras weren't rolling, I jumped out of the ring and over the barricade to hug Johnny, on top of the world as he squeezed and cheered:
"I knew you could do it, sis! I'm so proud."
"Thank you," I smiled, sniffling as I went to Lao next, his hug even more embracing than Johnny's, the passion I felt in it making me tear up more, out of happiness, having to hide my flustered smile as Lao whispered in my ear:
"Congratulations, champ. I'm proud of you, too."
I didn't know what it was about Lao's words that made my heart skip beats; I tried to hide my nerves by picking my head up with a smile, teasing Lao and Raiden:
"Thanks. Surprised you two left the academy."
"We wouldn't miss this for the world, Y/N," Lao smiled into my eyes, my cheeks heating, needing to take my eyes off him, traveling to Raiden as he smiled:
"That was incredible! Congratulations."
"Go have fun with the crowd," Johnny encouraged, snapping a picture with me before winking, "We'll meet you in the back."
Nodding, I was actually talking to Lao as I batted my lashes and smiled:
"See you back there."
One thing that also led to my success was my fans, so I did as Johnny said and celebrated with them. It was undoubtedly the best night of my life. The fans wouldn't stop cheering even after I exited, my coworkers congratulated me in the back, and my emotions returned as I had an interview.
I knew tonight would be wild as I heard Johnny in the back mentioning a party I was ready for. After getting showered and changed, I couldn't stop smiling at the title that was now around my waist, exiting the locker room while staring at it till I heard:
"Hey, Champ."
"Kung Lao," I smiled at him, flashing my title, "I'm never going to get tired of hearing that."
"Always be proud," He smiled back, holding my shoulder, "You earned it."
"Thank you again," I breathed in, ready to take on the night, "You coming to the party Johnny has planned for me?"
"Of course, it has to stay lively somehow," He joked, both of us laughing, but my eyes fixed on his hand reaching into his pocket, "But there's something that I'd like to give you first if that's okay?"
"What is it?" I nodded, heart fluttering again as he pulled out a small box, opening it and revealing a beautiful opal gemstone circled in by smaller, sparkling stones. The most gorgeous necklace I'd ever seen.
"I know that it's nothing like a world title, but-" He was nervous for a change, taking a step closer and gazing deeply into my eyes, "I think it fits you, and I wanted to give you more than just a congratulations."
"I love it," I meant graciously, smiling at the opal stone shining against the light, my breaths quiet but quick as he took the necklace by its clasp, only an inch away from my cheek as he put it on me, picking his head up as it sat perfectly in the middle of my chest, whispering:
"I knew it'd look beautiful on you."
That made my cheeks so warm that I couldn't look at him, smiling down at the necklace and whispering back:
"I adore it so much, Lao."
I wanted to keep telling him how much I appreciated his gift; I was so grateful but unsure what words to use. So, I hugged him instead. There was something about it feeling so right as he hugged me back, his arms wrapped around my waist with mine around his neck.
"I'm glad that you love it," Squeezing a little, I finally fell into the pool of confidence that I had, kissing his cheek softly, teasing with a whisper:
"Who knew that you were such a sweetie pie?"
Something must've rushed through him, my small peck and words having him squeezing me a bit harder, much more confident than me as his lips found mine, the soft touch sending me head over heels and taking my breath away.
"I'd like only you to know that," He whispered as our lips parted; our attention diverted as we heard from a hall:
"And all you Cage-oholics, stay tuned because this party train is going all night!"
Shaking my head at Johnny's words, I knew we didn't have much more time alone there. Quickly locking my eyes back into Lao's, kissing one last time:
"I like the sound of that." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. 
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
☁️Astrology Weather☁️
🐚Venus in Leo- it will bring a lot of fun, joy, playfulness, childlike energy. A lot of nostalgia (you will remember things you used to do, childhood memories). You can see people from childhood, old love. Maybe you will start to miss the times that used to be or a certain period that was really close to your heart. But leo is also about pride, purpose, creative power, passion- which means that you will look for greater passion in the things you do. Finding the meaning of your life will be the key here. You will turn more to people who will bring you joy, light and optimism. Leo also represents hobbies - which means that you can start doing hobbies that you used to do again. It is also a gambling house -during this time you can play more games of chance or place bets. Be careful not to take too many risks.
🫧On the relationship front, set aside some time to think about how your love life could improve. Maybe you’ll decide that you’re finally ready to get into a serious relationship.
🪷Mars in Leo- there will be more invitations to fancy places, more exciting catch ups with friends and exes, and more personal achievements and awards. From best-dressed grocery store trips to triumphant blog postings, applause will spur you to play a bigger game everywhere you go. This is a time to chase down what you desire and pounce on opportunities to express your creativity.
🌙Cancer Season- This astrological season is all about craving comfort and feeling loved. Cancer season impacts all zodiac signs, but Cancer and Leo will feel it the most. You will spend as much time as possible enjoying the good things in life—like delicious food in beautiful places, preferably while lounging around with friends who feel like family. You will look for your comfort and where you feel the best. Emotionally, you will want to be with people who will make you feel at home. You can also decorate your room during this time.
🎾Mercury in Gemini- more fluent communication. You will be more motivated for more topics or things you want to talk about. This can also bring energy -gossiping about others or others gossiping about you.
🧘🏽‍♀️Sarurn retrograde in Pisces- saturn affects the events, a longer period (which means that saturn does not affect you emotionally or directly). Saturn governs thresholds and doorways, and government institutions. As a symbol of age and time it signifies clocks and watches, rulers and measures. Anywhere cold, dark, lonely, or isolated comes under Saturn. But saturn is also planet of limits, rules, authority, hard work, dignity, patinence, boundaries, good&bad karma. Saturn helping us to shape things appropriately. We must have Jupiter’s vision & Neptune’s dreams but Saturn brings out visions & dreams into real life. Saturn will help you realize your dreams. This will be a time when you can — and should, frankly — take the pressure off yourself.
☕️Pluto retrograde in Capricorn- Pluto suggests the presence of hidden power or wealth: plutocrats, archaeologists, psychotherapists, miners, and underworld crime. Spies, detectives, and secret services are happily embraced by this planet. Pluto is where we can become powerful, although it can also be a place where at times we feel disempowered, invisible, or persecuted. At the end of the tunnel, though, is the light of regeneration. Things from the past can now come to the surface and the truth can be seen. Now you will be able to really leave behind the things that have been holding you back for years. And you will become stronger and better from it. You will get your power.
💻Pluto in Aquarius in general will bring many changes in the field of technology and science. The world will begin to change in a technological direction (there will be more robots, devices, applications). Everything will become too computerized. There will be more emphasis on community and society. Who is the leader, who leads what and which group you will join. I know it's a long time coming, but I can't wait for pluto in pisces- then there will be more emphasis on romance, dreams, artistry. Perhaps bringing renewed interest in spirituality and religion.
🫧 In another post I will talk about NN in Aries & SN in Libra🫧
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kcwriter-blog · 8 months
And Yet
The nights are the hardest. During the day there are reports to read, dispatches to send, agents to meet and plans to make. At night there is only him. His thoughts. His remorse. His guilt.
Guilt for what happened in the past. Guilt for what he intends to do. Guilt for what he did to her.
He laces his fingers together, leans forward and rests his head on his knuckles. So many memories. So many regrets. He never should have let it get that far.
And yet.
That first tentative kiss. A bold move on her part. A silent question. Did he feel for her what she felt for him?
He knew how she felt. Had known for some time. Had pushed aside his own feelings. It wasn't right. Any first kiss would end in a last. He knew that, even if she did not.
And yet.
It had been so long since anyone had looked at him that way. So long since anyone had touched him. He resisted. Then he did what he has always done. He gave into his impulses - and doomed them both.
And yet.
He lifts his head, unlaces his fingers and rubs his eyes. He is so tired. The Fade calls. There are places he can go. Places that will remind him of what was lost. Places that will bolster his resolve.
And yet.
Rising from his desk, he walks over to a cot in a corner of the room. They don't understand why he won't take more opulent quarters. He doesn't need them. He doesn't deserve them.
Reclining, he closes his eyes and opens himself to the Fade. Quickly, the door opens. He steps through and finds what he always finds. He is not where he planned to be.
And yet.
There is a gravel path leading to a manicured garden. She will be there. In her dreams she is always there.
At first there were nightmares. It was only to be expected. She had been through so much. Lost so much.
It was his fault. How could it not be? He had set it all in motion. He took everything from her. Her clan, her gods, her vallaslin, her heart and, ultimately, herself.
And yet.
He chased away the nightmares. It was the least he could do.
No, that was a lie. One of many he told himself. The lie that they could be together. The lie that he could set it all aside. The lie that he could be happy. He chased away the nightmares because he loved her. Would always love her.
And yet.
The nightmares lessened over time, replaced by gentler dreams. He does not need to watch over her but he cannot stay away. Now he watches to see if she is happy. To see if her dreams include someone else. Someone who can take away her pain.
And yet.
He pads softly up the path. He always comes as a wolf. He knows she isn't fooled but he cannot bear to hurt her any more than he already has.
And yet.
At the garden entrance he hears laughter. Two young elves race across the lawn. She is standing beneath an arch decorated with flowers. He focuses, as he always does, on her missing arm. One more thing he has taken from her.
Her back is to him. An elf is holding her, hugging her, kissing her. Jealousy wars with relief. She has someone. Someone who makes her happy.
And yet.
She steps out of the embrace. He can see the elf's face. His heart stops. It is his face. He looks at the children. His cheekbones. His freckles. An auburn-haired girl. A boy with grey eyes.
He slinks backwards. It isn't a dream about what she has. It is a dream about what she wants.
She turns, catching sight of him as she has done so many times before. They never speak. Have not spoken since that final kiss.
And yet.
"I see you, Fen' Harel." Her voice is soft, sad and heartbreakingly beautiful.
He flinches. It feels wrong, that hated name falling from her lips. His ears droop. He looks into her eyes. Looks for the anger that should be there. Was there so many years ago. All he sees now is love coupled with pain.
She does not step forward. She knows he will turn away, as he has so many times before.
And yet.
"It is time we speak," she says in a tone that brooks no argument.
He has no choice. His wolf form falls away. He stands before her in the clothes he wore when they first met.
"Years ago you made a decision for me," she says as she looks into his eyes. His soul. "A decision you had no right to make. You speak of free will, yet you negated mine."
There is no heat behind her words. No accusation. In her mind, it is a fact.
"I did not." He gazes at her, silently pleading with her to stop.
"I would have gone with you. I wanted to be by your side," she continues as if she did not hear him. Her voice is not as gentle as before. Anger wars with grief. "You said, no."
"I could not let that happen," he replies, his voice husky. "I cannot let you see what I will become. I could not risk you becoming the same."
The softness in her expression is replaced by steel. Her will was always strong. It was what carried her through the unspeakable horrors he had unwittingly unleashed.
"That was my choice to make, not yours!" Now, he hears the anger.
What can he say? That love gave him the right to choose for her? He knows in his heart it did not.
"Now you are making another decision. One that will harm tens of thousands." She takes a step forward. "Only a would-be god could be so arrogant."
"I am not a god," he whispers. He takes a step back. His own anger kindles in response to hers. How can she think that? Why can't she understand?
"You think not?" Her eyes challenge him. She challenges him in ways no one ever has before. "Only a god could be so callous."
Her words are like daggers. He cannot look at her.
"I have no choice," he answers, his voice rising but still barely more than a whisper.
"There are always choices, Solas," she says. Her voice is weary. The anger spent. "You may not like them but they are there."
She turns her head in the direction of her dream children, of his dream self. Turns her head in the direction of what could have been.
"Var lath vir suledin, vhenan," she says. "Remember?"
His answer sticks in his throat.
She turns back to him.
"Your choice is simple, vhenan. You can be Fen'Harel and destroy the world, or you can be Solas and find a better way."
He searches her face, expecting to see hope. There is none. She knows him too well.
And yet.
She has not given up on him.
Without another word, she turns and walks back to the other Solas waiting patiently under the arch.
It hurts. It always does. She cannot be happy unless he is by her side. Unless he is where he wants to be.
He awakens. He has a choice to make.
And yet.
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brokebonewritings · 1 year
Bless Me, Father
Priest! Matt Murdock x afab! reader
Tags/Warnings: 18+, violence, smut, mention of religion, hurt/comfort
Summary: Seeking a priest for guidance. You just weren't expecting this priest to be an ex, and a vigilante.
Word Count: 4.2K
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A/N: This was written for a really dear friend of mine. I love them a lot, and I hope they love this story just as much! Pair this fic with A Question of Lust by Depeche Mode and Church by Chase Atlantic.
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You walk into the church slowly as you think about what you would say. The cold bitter air pricks your nose, immediately warming as you step into the sanctuary. It’s been a long time since you have been here, though you feel comforted by the environment. Setting your bag and scarf on a pew, you walk towards the confessional booth and step inside quietly. You inhale and exhale before speaking to the priest on the other side.
“Bless me, father, for I have sinned.” You start. Hearing him shift in the booth next to you, you continue on. “It has been 3 months, and 15 days since my last confession.”
You continue to tell him about things you have done in the past few months. About things you feel are wrong, and how it makes you feel. How you felt shunned by your family for expressing your personal thoughts and interests. You begin to tear up as you finish speaking.
He sits for a moment before speaking. The air felt tight around you as you anticipated his voice.
“My child, there is no reason to weep.” His voice was soothing, much like a cup of hot chocolate. He continues. “What you are feeling about yourself is not wrong. You are on a journey of self discovery. Embrace it, and those who shun you will see the butterfly they mistook for a caterpillar. There is no penance for you today.”
You glance over at him, and catch a glimpse at the young priest. He looked stiff, as if he were a mannequin. You nod at his words and wipe the tears from your eyes. Stating the absolution, you thank him and step out of the booth. 
Lingering for a moment, you took in sight of the beautiful cathedral. Nothing felt more peaceful than the quietness of the church. A few nuns were staggered in the pews or kneeling at the altar. The smell of sweet incense flowed through the air.
Turning to look over your shoulder, you see the priest step out of the booth and turn his head in your direction. He smiles and makes his way towards you to walk you out.
“I haven’t seen you here in a long time, y/n” He starts, you can tell he was shifting uncomfortably.
“Yeah, it has been a while huh?” You avert your gaze to the wood flooring. “Not since our breakup” 
He winces at that comment. You didn’t have mal intent behind it. Just stating the fact. It had been a nasty one at that. He wanted to become a priest, and you wanted to have a family. Simple as that.
“Listen if you ever need to talk…” He sighs. “You know where you can find me.”
“Sure, sure. For godly insight I suppose?” You mutter. “Since when did Father Lantom step down?”
“About a month ago. I was appointed here personally.” Seeing the grip he held on his cane, you decided to take your leave. Not wanting to further the conversation before it got too awkward.
“I, uhm, have to head to work. Those court documents are not gonna write themselves, I guess.”
“Right. Well. Hopefully I will see you back again soon..” He said, giving a curt nod before you turn to leave. “And, God be with you, y/n”
“God be with you too, Father Murdock.”
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“He WHAT?!”  Karen whispered in your shared office. She really was your closest friend so obviously you had to tell her.
“Right! So he was my ex from college which was so long ago, but god we were so in love.” You crossed your arms in defeat. “How could he look even better now?!”
“Oh no! You cannot go running back to that ‘used to be good’ feeling.” She stood and crossed to you. “Did you forget that, HE’S A FUCKING PRIEST.”
“I KNOW!” You huff. You were perfectly content without the knowledge of Matt actually achieving his dream. Sure it was extremely selfish of you to think, but he did break your heart. No wonder you hadn’t heard anyone talk about him, he basically fell off the face of the earth. Lost in thought, you hardly noticed when your boss approached your office.
“What’s up guys? What’s the hot gossip?”
You look up to see your boss, Foggy, leaning against the doorframe. Hardly a boss though, he liked to consider himself a friend to everyone in the office. 
“y/n wants to fuck a priest!” Karen casually said. You gasped loudly at her sudden statement, and stood up from your chair.
“I never said that!”
“Woah, didn’t see that one coming.” Foggy chuckled at the response. “Why a priest though?”
You roll your eyes as you lean against your desk. “It was a really long time ago okay? And he definitely wasn’t a priest then.”
Foggy cocks an eyebrow and looks at Karen. Who in return gives him a look.
“So what was he then?” Karen asks, looking back at you. You considered the question for a moment before sitting back down.
“Just a good catholic boy, I guess.” 
“You guess?” Foggy says suddenly.
“I mean, sure we had some fun.” You start quietly. “But we always found our way back to church on Sundays…”
“I thought you weren’t religious?” Karen asked curiously. You considered the question before answering.
“I’m not anymore. Not after how everyone made me feel after our breakup.” You turn back towards your desk to end the conversation. Foggy and Karen both shrugged at each other before going back to their own tasks.
Letting the tears fall silently from your eyes, you didn’t like when people watched you cry. Not that you liked to be emotional, but you didn’t want anyone to see you as weak.
The work day was long and strenuous. You worked quietly at your desk, only looking up to answer questions or find more paperwork.
Clients called and you helped to the best of your ability to answer questions, sending them to Foggy if you couldn’t. Until it was way past your time to head. You hadn’t realized it was dark outside. Turning around, you noticed Karen was also still working.
You gather your belongings and stand to leave. Giving Karen a quick hug, before heading out.
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You walked quickly down the street after getting off the bus. Not that you were trying to act in fear, but you definitely knew that someone was following you down the street.
Hell's Kitchen was never the safest at night anyways. Working late was the worst, especially in cases that involved some sort of underground organization.
Turning down another block, you turn your head to see if the man is still following you. Of course he fucking was. What is the deal with men these days? Maybe you were overthinking it, and he just lived on the same street as you. Clearly you were too lost in your anxiety to not notice the second man coming from in front of you.
“Hey, pretty thing. Where are you rushing off too?” He says before grabbing your wrist. You gasp suddenly, trying to rip your hand from his grip.
“Please let go, I’m just trying to go home!” 
“Oh honey… Our boss would like to have a word with you.”
Without missing a beat, the man wraps his arm around your waist, and begins to pick you up. The kicking and punches you were throwing didn’t seem to phase him.  His other hand covered your mouth to muffle your screams.
That’s when you noticed a dark figure standing on top of the building nearest you. You prayed that it would help you. 
And just like that, your prayer was answered. Maybe. You watched as the figure jumped down into the alley way. Forgetting that for a moment, you continue to kick and flail your arms to deter the man. 
Of course there was a parking structure for these guys' convenience. You never understood how no one caught on to these things. While putting you into the car, you feel his body slamming against the door with force. Laying on the floor you scream as you see a man clad in a full white suit tower above you.
“Wait! Wait!” He puts his hands up in surrender “I’m a good guy I promise!”
Finally getting a full look at him, you realized you had never seen this hero before. Sure you’ve run into Spiderman multiple times, and even that Dr. Strange guy.
He stretches out his hand to help you up and you hesitantly take it. You narrow your eyes at him once you’re out of the car. The accent was not from around here. British. It was definitely British. “So who are you supposed to be?” You ask.
“Oh erm. Just call me Mr. Knight.” He starts and then continues with a bow. “It’s a little late to be walking around here, innit?”
You shrug and stand there awkwardly. Reaching for your satchel you finally realize it was missing. Turning back to the car you bend and reach around for it. Once you find it, you climb back out and turn to see that this “Mr. Knight” guy was gone and replaced with a scarier version of a mummy.
He sees the surprise on your face and the fear flash in your eyes. “Same guy. Don’t call me Mr. Knight though.”
The once crisp white suit had turned into a wrapped garment with a large crescent moon in the middle of his chest. It really did look like a superhero outfit.
“Stay right here. I need to get rid of these guys.”
You nodded and watched as both goons got back to their feet in a battle stance. The man in white pulled two crescent shaped blades from his chest, and waited for one of them to throw a punch. As they began their battle, you ran further back to avoid any debris flying around.
Turning your back against the violence, you didn’t want to see what was going to happen. Your eyes shut tight as you hear the gargled screams of your kidnappers. Once you determined it was all over you glance back up and see another figure standing in the dark parking structure.
Gasping loudly you trip over your own feet before falling backwards. You scramble back up and run over to the man who just saved you. He looked confused as to what you were frightened about. That was until he saw the figure. 
“If you know what’s good for you then you need to leave.” He said.
The figure in front of him growled. “I’m only here for her.”
Wait. You had seen this silhouette before. Sometimes as you walk down the street you would catch a glimpse of him. ‘The Devil of Hell's Kitchen’ they called him.
“It’s him.” You let out slowly. The man in white looked towards you, before you noticed the grip on his crescent weapons.
“Listen, guy, the lady is not interested in getting kidnapped tonight.” He said harshly. “You look like you don’t wanna die tonight either.”
“What makes you so sure you’re gonna kill me?” The figure taunted before taking a step forward. You look at this stranger with begging eyes. Hoping that you wouldn’t have to be in the middle of a hero battle. He sighed as he looked at you and then back at the devil.
“You asked for it pal.” He muttered before running towards the dark figure. Each fluid motion of his fists were dodged by the other man. You could tell that he was growing tired of the devil missing his punches.
He snarled loudly before yelling, “I’m tapping out!”
Suddenly the wraps disappeared and the white suit returned. The crescent shaped knives were replaced with a long bow staff. Breaking it in half, he readied himself for the devil’s next attack.
He was quickly met with a kick to his face and the sharp inhale really proved how hard the kick was. The next rounded kick was stopped by the chain attached to Mr. Knight’s staff. The devil flipped back as he untangled the chain from his ankle.
It was like lightning the way that Mr. Knight moved. He threw his hook up towards a pipe and went into a sprint. Swinging himself around so that he could end up on the other side of the other man. Failing as the devil grabbed hold of his forearm and slammed him on the ground.
The sound alone made your ears ring. You stayed behind the car door watching them fight. It was the only battle you have seen up close, and boy did it not fail to both excite you and make you feel fear.
Continuing with his motion, the devil begins to punch the hero into the cement. Over and over. Until finally there was a sudden stop of movement.
Mr. Knight held the devil’s fist, straining to keep it from making contact with his face once again. You noticed that the man in red looked up suddenly at you. His intense gaze made shivers go down your spine.
“Oi, wait a minute I know you!” Mr. Knight said suddenly. “Daredevil! It’s Us!”
‘Daredevil’ snapped his head back down to look at Mr. Knight and pulled his fist away.
“Steven?” His rough voice sent more shivers down your spine. The tone sounded vaguely familiar, like you had heard it somewhere before.
“Yeah mate!” 
The man in red stood up fully and held his hand out to help Steven up. You don’t understand fully how he didn’t recognize him, if you saw a suit that crisp you would have remembered immediately.
You stand surprised as the suit morphed back to the wrapped garment. It changed right in front of you, just like magic.
“Where’s your partner, Spector.” Daredevil asked. “You never go anywhere without them.”
He winced after the question. Something personal you supposed. “It’s the reason why I’m in America.” He leaves it at that.
Both men turn to look at you. You cower a bit not really knowing what they are about to do. The devil takes a step towards you, and you promptly take a step back. He holds up both his hands.
“I’m not here to hurt you.” He states. “I thought you were in danger.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Yeah well, Sailor Moon beat you to it.”
“Hey!” The other hero said with offense in his voice.
You both turn to look at him. He hesitates a moment, most likely not going to say another word. How could you be meeting two heroes in one night? Well, not heroes, more like vigilantes it seemed like.
Clearing your throat, you looked around at the scene and wondered which lucky person would find that in the morning.
“This has been real fun, but I’d really like to go home and sleep.” You finally say. Daredevil and Mr. Knight both nod towards you as you start walking away.
“Let me walk you home.” A gruff voice says, turning to see Daredevil take a step towards you. It wasn’t a question, it was clearly a statement. “To make sure you get home safe.”
You shrug and walk towards the entrance of the parking structure. A voice calls from behind you both that makes you stop dead in your tracks.
“Hey Murdock, if you see my partner, give me a call…” Moonknight said with a hint of sadness in voice. You glance up at the vigilante beside you. Murdock. Matthew Murdock. The only Murdock you knew.
He reaches a hand up to touch your shoulder. Not believing what you had just heard, you flinch away.  “Matt?” You managed to choke out.
“I’m sorry.” He says gently. “Let’s just get you home.”
“No.” Tears pricking your eyes. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine.” He says before starting to walk again. You follow close behind him. Street after street you managed to keep up with him. Seeing the church come into view you realize that he was taking you to his own sanctuary.
Matt opens the side gate to the cemetery and steps aside so you could enter first. You step inside and head to the bench you both sat at when you were younger. He lingers a bit by the gate before entering and following you deep into the graveyard.
Once you both are inside, and he makes sure the coast is clear, he takes off his mask. Setting it down next to you, you stare at it. You cannot actually believe that you were saved by Daredevil. Well sort of.
And to make it all worse, Daredevil was your ex. Your knight in shining armor was someone who completely broke your heart. How poetic. You look up at him as he paces.
“You do realize how sacrilegious this is, right?” Your comment definitely breaks the ice. The smile that tugs on the corner of his mouth is only slightly comforting.
“This started way before the priest thing.” He stops pacing and sits next to you. “While we were together actually.”
“You’re joking.” Your mouth gapes open. He stays silent. “Oh god. You’re serious.”
He grabs the mask before speaking up. “ It’s partially the reason why we broke up.”
“What?” You his through your teeth. Was this guy serious right now? “What do you mean it's partially the reason why we broke up? You said you wanted to pursue a life of Christ, Matt.” 
“I did! Didn’t I?!” He raised his voice. “I did what had to be done to protect you, y/n!”
You stood from the bench and put your hands over your ears. Not wanting to hear another word from his mouth.
“Okay what are you doing?” He asked.
“I don’t want to listen to you anymore!” You shout. “I mean do you even know how ridiculous that sounds!”
“I did it for you, y/n! I did all of this for you!”
Then there was silence. Not even the wind howled through the trees in that moment. Letting everything sink in, you felt your heart pounding against your chest. You bring your arms down in a folded position and stare at the man in front of you.
“I really was in love with you, Matt.”
“I’m still in love with you.” He stood as he confessed. “I think about you. Morning, Noon and Night.”
Air that was trapped in your lungs was released all at once. Like you have not been breathing for a whole year. You felt insane to think that this wasn’t some convoluted nightmare.
He took a step towards you, and you let him. Feeling like this had all happened for some divine reason, you let him take your hand. His glove was rough against your skin. You never broke your eye contact off of his face. Studying how his jaw tensed and untensed, or how his eyes always followed the sound of your voice.
“Please Matty.” You sniffle. “You broke my heart once. I can’t take it a second time.”
“I promise you, there won’t be a second time.” He says before leaning down and kissing you gently. It takes a moment for your brain to process what was happening. Once you realize it was in fact a real kiss, you kiss him back. Arms snaking their way around his neck and his around your waist.
The kiss becomes more hunger filled. You can tell you both were touch starved by the way your hands began to roam. His body was pressed into yours, and you could feel yourself getting more turned on every second.
“Sweetheart.” He says. “You smell so fucking good.”
You moan lightly against his lips. Taking his bottom lip between your teeth, you tug on it lightly earning yourself a low groan. The way it vibrated between both your chests went straight to your core.
“Matty. I need you.” You pant as you pull from him slightly. He cups your face with his hand and nods.
“I need you too, sweetheart.”
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Rushing through the front door of the church, you kiss the man in front of you with an intense passion. You can’t remember the last time you were touched by a man. Let alone kissed by one. 
The way he grabs your waist with his gloved hands was addicting. You feel every desire and you’re sure that he could smell your arousal. You begin pushing him towards a pew before he turns you around and stops the motion altogether.
“Wait.” Hearing his voice startled you. “We should move to somewhere more private.”
“Where? The only other place is your office, and I’m not about to be bent over a desk, Matt.”
He raises an eyebrow and looks in thought. Whatever was going through his head made your heart start to race. Taking your arm, he leads you towards the confessional booth pulling off his suit, and your own clothes in the process.
Once he is satisfied with how naked the both of you are, he climbs inside. You follow behind him and once he makes himself comfortable in the seat, you straddle his lap.
Leaving a trail of marks down his neck, you feel the heat of his hard cock against your stomach. Moaning from the sensation you readjust yourself and begin to slide him into you. You hear the way his breath catches as your tight cunt passes over his cock.
It’s silent in the church, the only sounds being made were the moans coming from you and the priest you had underneath you. You can’t help but wonder if this was the wrong thing to be doing. Despite those thoughts, you continue to lewdly whimper and sink yourself onto him.
“Oh Father Murdock, how fucking holy art thou” You smirk as you hungrily kiss him.
This makes him groan against you as he thrusts himself deeper inside you. Gasping loudly, you feel his cock in the pit of your stomach. How he managed to thrust that far into you was an act of God. You look down to watch his hips thrust up into you, and you push down onto his cock. It was absolutely breathtaking knowing that he was doing this to you.
“Y/N, you are going to be the absolute death of me.” He gapes, “You feel like absolute heaven.”
“I’m not going to last much longer, Matty” You clench around his length as you begin to bounce more sloppily.
You hear a slight growl creep up from the back of his throat before he grabs your thighs and flips you both over. This new angle had you at a curve, which made each thrust more earth shattering.
“You don’t get to come until I allow it.” His voice echoed through the small booth. Chills were sent up your spine. Looking up at this holy man through your lust filled eyes, you try to focus on every feature of his face. The way his jaw was tensed, and how his eyebrows furrowed.
The intensity of each thrust sent you into an overstimulated galaxy. Seeing stars was typically not what you experience in times like these. Then again, you both had not had sex in a long while.
His panting mixed together with the groans falling from his lips was drawing you to your edge. The little voice in your head kept repeating itself. ‘You don’t get to come until I allow it.’. Fuck did that have an affect on you.
Your moans began to sound more high pitched as the overstimulation hit you. He lowers his head to your chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it harshly. The gasp you let out pleased him even more.
He continued to suck before moving his mouth to your neck, leaving small bruises here and there. You could feel his thrusts start to slow down as if he were getting tired. 
“Pl- please, I'm begging you.” You whimper pathetically. 
He smirks before whispering in your ear. “On the count of three. Okay, sweetheart?” 
You nod as you groan loudly.
His thrusts begin to pick up, as he fucks you harder than before.
Your cunt starts to clench around his cock as you try to hold on for that third number.
You both moan and pant as you come together. The pulse of his cock as it releases his hot seed into you feels good against your quivering pussy. Never before have you experienced an orgasm this good.
Breathing finally steadying out, you stare up at him. The sweat running down his forehead was very prominent. You noticed a smile beginning to make his way onto his face. You smile as well.
“What?” You ask quietly.
“I think this is the most sacrilegious thing I have ever done.” He says back in a whisper. 
“Oh and not the vigilante thing?”
He shakes his head before pressing his forehead to yours. “How bout you tell me about what has your heart racing at the moment?” He says instead.
“I just didn’t think I would ever be doing this.”
“How about you share your confession then?” He says while giving you another small thrust making you moan.
“Oh…” You ponder. “Then, bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”
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archoniluthradanar · 11 months
When you can't be sick, but you are
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When you can't be sick, but you are
The winner of my latest story poll:
I didn't know how to choose who would be the Volturi master who was sick. I couldn't find any dice to toss, so I drew cards. Oddly, Aro won with a queen, while Caius and Marcus tied with 10s (They are 10s!). Then I remembered I've written more stories about Aro and Marcus lately, so Caius wins by default. Plus, he can be so grumpy, he might make a great patient. Or not.
I have read headcanons about the Volturi caring for their sick human mates, but not one about a human caring for their sick vampire mate. So here we go!
Caius x Reader
You are the mate of the powerful Volturi master, Caius. He makes the perfect leader of the Volturi guard, such are his combat skills and purposeful concentration.
To you, he is always a loving mate, if at times a big tease. He calls it teasing. You call it torture, especially when he's training you.
"Caius! Stop!" You run around the trees in the park while he chases after you, obviously at 100th his typical speed, since he could easily capture you, if he wanted to.
"As a human, you're too easy to catch, my love. As a newborn, you'll be stronger and more likely to outrun me, for awhile at least," he calls out.
You had turned around to see how close he was to you, when you run into a hard body and fall backwards onto the grass. You look up to see the triumphant face of your mate.
"What have I told you over and over. Use your senses to be aware of your entire surroundings, not just what's in front or behind you." He reaches a pale hand down to you, pulling you up off the ground. Once he sees tears forming in your blue eyes, he relents and draws you into his embrace. "I'm sorry, my pet. I didn't mean to shout at you. Once you've gone through the transformation, you will be much better at this."
You don't want your mate to see you cry. He already despises humans as weak, so you hate giving him a reason to believe that of you. I'm not weak, you tell yourself. I can be strong when I need to be. Feeling inferior to Caius is ever present in your mind. He is almost too perfect. But when you change, you will be an equal to him.
Caius picks you up in his arms and runs back to the castle. You grip his shirt and bury your face in his chest, keeping your eyes closed. He regrets tiring you with your skills training, but prefers handling it himself, rather than assigning you time with either Felix or Demetri.
When you arrive at the castle, he carries you to the chambers you share together. Once there, Caius explains that Heidi will be here soon with the tourists destined to be on the Volturi lunch menu. You frown, but know it's necessary, since the Volturi have a need to feed. They can't help that it's human blood they need to survive. One day, you will join Caius and do the same thing. Feed off humans.
Caius gives you a kiss and heads for the outer doors. You run to your mate, who stops to turn to you. You give him a look of pure love. In response, Caius gives you a smile and holds his arms open to you. You move into them and embrace him tightly, enjoying his embrace in turn.
"I love you, Caius."
He chucks your chin and replies, "I love you, my pet. Relax for awhile until I return." Then he leaves you alone.
Since you are not allowed to be with the others during this time, you go into the bedroom and strip, heading for the bathroom and a hot shower. Once you're relaxed and squeaky clean, you pull on underwear, and a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then go lie down on the bed for a nap.
You dream you're in a thick fog and red eyes follow you as you walk through the cool moist air. Then a thick blanket of cold surrounds you, cutting off your senses. Just when your fear rises as a scream, you wake to see Caius hovering over you, a smile on his face. He kisses your cheek, telling you to wake up. You sit up on the bed, your arms around his neck. You see a red spot on his chin, and wet your thumb to wipe it off. "You're usually so fastidious, my love."
Caius tells you Aro wishes to see him for a brief meeting. He doesn't tell you what it's about, and you never ask. If he wanted you to know, he would tell you as he usually does about most things.
Since you are free, you go to find Marcus to have one of your many conversations. Aside from Caius, he is the easiest of the Volturi to talk with, and doesn't seem to mind your human nature.
Caius eventually comes to fetch you so that you can eat in the kitchen dining area. The chef has made supper for you, and Caius joins you and asks about your talk with Marcus. While you eat, you laugh and shake your head. "It would bore you, love. He's so even-tempered and comfortable to be around.
"Do you wish to be his mate?" Caius asks, his eyes staring into yours.
You put down your fork and take his hand. You gaze back into his red eyes, and say, "Marcus may be a wonderful friend, but you're my mate, Caius. No one touches me the way you do. And I don't just mean physically. I mean in every way possible." He meets you half way when you lean in to kiss him. "I love you with all my heart and soul. There is and never will be anyone else."
Once you've finished your meal and thanked the chef, you and Caius head back to your chambers. He decides to walk at your side at your speed, his hand holding yours.
In your bedroom, he holds you close and kisses you, each kiss more passionate than the last. You pull back, smiling at him as you move toward the bed, when you see Caius' expression change. He suddenly looks as if he were in pain. You go to his side just as he collapses to his knees. Suddenly, he vomits what looks like blood, causing you to jump back. You then head for the outer doors, flinging them open to cry out for help. In moments, Aro, Marcus, snd Felix are at the door.
"What is it, my dear?" Aro asks.
"It's Caius. He's ill," you tell him, panic stricken.
All of you go to the bedroom to find Caius lying on the floor. Checking his breathing is a waste of effort since you know vampires don't have to breathe, and they have no beating heart to listen to. Please be alive, you pray.
You turn to Aro, your eyes frantic. "What's wrong with him?"
"Tell me what happened, my dear, before he collapsed." He waits until Marcus lifts Caius off the floor and onto the bed.
You go to the bathroom to wet a wash cloth, then move to the side of the bed to wipe the blood from your mate's face and hands. You unbutton his shirt and remove it with help from Marcus, then wipe down his chest.
"Felix, get someone to clean this up," Aro says, pointing to the mess on the floor.
Felix speeds from the rooms to fetch a human servant. In a few minutes, one quietly appears to mop the floor, then just as quietly, leaves.
In your current grief, you begin to vocalize what happened. "I was eating supper in the kitchen and we were just talking. Then we walked back here, and he suddenly seemed to be in pain and collapsed. He didn't have a chance to say anything." You sit beside your mate, laying your hand on his forehead, which is as cold as always. You're worried beyond belief. Vampires do not get sick, nor do they experience unconsciousness.
Aro thinks of the one person who may know vampire physiology better than anyone. Carlisle. Would his old friend have answers that might help Caius?
You cling to Marcus' hand with your free one, the other still stroking Caius' face. "He isn't dying, is he, Marcus? He can't die." Your eyes betray your worry.
Everyone among the coven hears about Caius, and silence replaces the usual sounds of activity in the castle. You keep vigilance at Caius' side, leaving only to tend to personal business. Felix and Demetri take turns bringing you food. They ask each time how your mate is doing. It seems everyone is concerned, since this set a new precedence that any vampire could become sick.
Caius rouses after two days of unconsciousness. He recognizes you, sending a wave of relief through you. "Thank the gods, you're awake, my love. I'm here. Aro and Marcus are here too."
Both the Volturi masters rise from the sofa to go to their brother's side. "Caius, do you recognize us?" Aro asks.
"Yes, hello, Aro. Hello, Marcus. What happened to me? I feel terrible." He turns to you, realizing how bad he must have been, if your expression is any indicator.
You lean over to kiss his cheek, then sit beside him on the bed.
"Carlisle said it sounds like food poisoning," Aro says. "He was comparing your symptoms to that of his human patients, but we agreed that the timing was right. We had fed, then less than an hour later, you became violently ill. In humans, symptoms can appear up to six hours later, but we're vampires, and the bacteria could work more quickly on us.
"But food poisoning, Aro," you begin. "Has any vampire ever become ill from the blood of a victim?" It seems an odd idea to you.
"Not that we are aware of, my dear. This could set a precedence. Human physiology changes over time, small things as in the lesser importance of internal organs."
"Like the appendix," you suggest.
"Just so," Aro agrees. "It may be that something within humans is changing that will eventually make them unpalatable to our kind."
You don't really care. You just want Caius well again.
"Carlisle said to watch him for as long as he needs to remain in bed. That will be up to Caius, of course."
You go to Aro and hug him. "Thank you. Thank you, both." Then you move to Marcus, also hugging him in gratitude.
Marcus smiles. "Of course, my dear. He is our brother, after all." Both men leave you and Caius alone.
You feel a hand grasp your arm. "Love, you will stay with me." You had never heard Caius sound so plaintive, fearful even.
"Of course, my sweet. No one could ever pull me away from you. You took care of me when I was sick or even just cramping badly." You smile at him, loving him so very much. "I will never leave you. Enough said."
Over the next few days, you stay with your mate, using a wet cloth to keep his face damp and cool. He is not feverish, yet doesn't say anything. In fact, he seems to enjoy the attention you give him.
He manages a smile and says, "I apologise for anything I said to you before I became ill, intimating that you're a weak mortal. You are the strongest woman I know." He weakly reaches up to caress your cheek.
You give him a kiss, saying "I know I am, Caius. And I will be a stronger vampire, when the time comes. For us both. Now hurry and get well, my love. We have some overdue sex awaiting us."
His eyes darken briefly, but he falls back against the pillow, too weak to respond as he wishes.
Each day though, Caius seems to get stronger. Felix and Demetri bring him several blood bags they'd appropriated from a local hospital. It would have to hold him over until their next feeding.
You thank them both for their ingenuity and aid to your mate. You help Caius drink from the bags, hoping it will help him recover sooner than if he had no blood. You would give up your own blood, if it helped him get well."Take it slowly, love," you caution him. "No need to guzzle it all at once."
You spend time reading for Caius, and when he is much better, you play games of chess with him until he tires. He is visited by Aro and Marcus, who see his improvment, and give you the credit.
Finally, one day, you're sitting next to your mate, reading from a book, when it gets to a rather spicy scene. Caius is becoming aroused by your reading and your voice and the thoughts it instills in his mind. His body is matching his desire for you as his need becomes more apparent. He reaches up to slip his hand in your hair and around your neck, pulling you down. He kisses you, attempting to show you how well he feels.
You drop the book and lean over your mate, your mouth devouring his. "So, you're feeling better, my love?"
"Better, needy. I want you, my favourite nurse in the world. And to show you my gratitude for your constant care..."
You don't give him time to say another word. You remove your shirt and straddle him. "That sounds like a bad porn film, Caius. But I'm game if you are. It's the best medicine I have."
And your loving mate takes his medicine without one complaint.
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cherry-poppins · 1 year
Take Me Back To The Night We Met- (Nightmare!Sans X Female Reader)
TW// strong language, violence, mentions of suicidal thoughts, ect.
Tales like ours are always sweet sorrow
If i knew it all now i'd do it all again
Forgive me for what will become
and embrace it here now and forever
"Ah!" I cry out, clutching my hand to my shoulder. That's the second wall I bumped into, you'd think I'd get better at the whole running thing.
I pick up my pace as I hear shouting behind me, "You can run but you ain't getting away with this that easily, bitch!!"
I'm so screwed...
So here I am, running for my life, away from some jackass pricks from school because I may have "accidentally"  punch one of  their girlfriends' (Aka the bratty ass popular girl) nose and broke it ... but hey I had a very good reason to!! It's because I caught her cheating and well....
she threatened me, telling me how she was gonna spread all sort of nasty rumours about me to the whole school and blah, blah, blah you get the point. She also slapped me across the face, which I swear is gonna leave a bruise. And then I defended myself like any bullied senior student would do. And of course the snake had to cry to her boyfriend who just  happened to be the popular "bad boy" of the school. Bastard didn't even give me a head start after school. Soon as I left  the gates of hell, him and his gang were already onto me, which they are now currently chasing my ass through the city streets. Fucking peachy....
I bolt through the streets, mazing through shady alley ways, jaywalking across roads, trying to outrun these bastards so I don't get my ass beat. At this point I'm surprised I was even still going, my lungs were burning , my feet felt like I running on glass, and my legs felt like they were about to collapse.
I turned my head quickly to see if they were still on my tail and they were still at it, screaming my names along with petty insults. Choking on my own breath and saliva I try to look for another ally way to turn at, instantly regretting my choice as I turned. Finding myself at a dead end. I look around frantically, hoping there was a way to escape but it was too late.
The boys skidded to a stop as they saw my cornered, they could see that they had won. fighting wasn't even an option, having no experience in combat and them being twice my size.
I backed myself up against the alley wall, try to catch my breath so I could attempt to beg for mercy "Look man, I don't want any trouble-"
The boy laughed, slowing walking up to me with his gang not far behind him "Heh, should'a thought bout that before you hit my girl" he interrupted.
"Man she cheated on your simping ass, I did you a favour!" I yelled, trying to stall. For what exactly?! I'm not sure, a goddamn miracle at this point. To have enough time to have this mental argument with myself?! "Look, why don't we all just go home and forget about this whole mess?"
"Alright, we can all go home and pretend this was  all a bad dream" he paused as he stopped a few feet in front of me.  "After the beat the living crap outta you..."
He curled his hand in to a fist, his arm pulling back aiming for the front of my nose. His hand smashed against the brink wall as I ducked  from his blow. I swear I heard a few knuckles break.
Whilst he was screaming about his new injuries I tried running past him only for me to be yanked back be the collar of my shirt, my back colliding against the brick wall. Before i could even get a chance to shake of the ringing in my ears I felt two sets of arms holist me up and pin my against the wall as the first punch colliding my my right eye. Followed by five more aiming for my jaw, nose, my left eye and again with my nose.
Spitting up blood along with a tooth I tried to stay conscious, all while I had completely lost most of my senses. I didn't even notice being dropped to the ground until I heard three screams of the boys. Next thing I know something grabs ahold of one of the boys, slamming them against the brick wall before dragging the next one by their legs repeating the same beating, before smashing them into the ground.
I could feel myself losing consciousness, I didn't even have enough strength to look who struck fear into the "bad boys "who were getting their asses kicked in. I just laid there, feeling myself grow tired, looking at the streets as my vision goes dark.....
Next thing I know I'm in hospital.
I gasp awake looking frantically around the room, before grabbing my arms which was hooked up with tubes, my face covered in bandages. My body ached from head to toe, feeling like i had been hit by a bus. "What... What happened?" I questioned, my memory was a bit of a blur. Before i could recall the events a nurse walked in, clipboard at hand.
"Good morning miss L/N, hope you had a good rest" She greeted me before checking my monitor that stood beside my bed. "Not exactly, I feel terrible..." I begin before realising something. "Hey nurse, how did I get here?"
"Hm? Oh I'm not sure, you were brought in by someone who dropped you at the emergency and demanding that you were taken care of, you were quite a mess." she spoke, walking over towards me, checking my bruises and cuts, examining the damage. "And now here you are"
Could it be the same person that saved me from those boys? Couldn't be.... I'm not even sure if it was a person.... Heh well now i sound crazy. "Huh, interesting... You didn't even get a look at them?" I asked, wincing as she tried to examine my nose.
"No sorry, he wore a hood which covered his face. We even tried to call the police but its like he vanished." She responded, before going back to her clipboard scribbling down some notes. "Were they a friend of yours?"
"Nope, have no idea who they were." I sighed, laying back down in my bed.
"Hm ok... well the good news is you'll be able to leave today. Nothing is broken but you have severe bruises and have a few splits on you nose, forehead, lip and cheek. but as long as you tend to them with some antiseptic at least once a day you should be fine. we've contacted you're parents and they should come to pick you up soon." she rips a slip of paper from her notes and hands it to me. "A prescription for some medication to help ease the pain and a note to excuse you from school for about a week" She smiles to make me feel better before leaving.
About half an hour later I'm picked up by my mother. The trip home was quiet... a little too quiet. she'd occasionally give me glances through the rearview mirror. When we arrived home i went straight to my room, not wanting to talk about what happened.
I shut the door behind me, my body finding it's way to my bed. I fall into the mattress with a loud sigh.
A week later I went back to school but something was different.
As soon as I walked through the school gates everyone was staring at me and whispering. Which isn't normally unusual but this time they look... scared and cautious. i didn't think much of it until i got to home room. Thankful the teacher didn't act unusual, they just did their job and mark the role. As I sat down in my chair waiting for class to begin i feel something get thrown at my head. I turn around only to be met with a scrunch up paper ball at my face.
A small group of students were crowded together, each with scrunch up pieces of paper , snarky remarks and looks of disgust. "Demon!" one of the boys yelled, throwing another paper ball at my head.
Great just what I needed, it's not like I didn't get enough attention before.
I wouldn't say I was the social reject of the school, its just that nobody really hung out with me and I didn't hang out with any one. And for some reason I was such a great target for bullies and popular asswipes. Lovely..
The next few weeks at school weren't any better, if anything it got worse. The harassment, the rumors. Heck people even avoid me because they're "scared" of me, claiming that I'm possessed.
Unless being possessed feels like you're being followed and watched wherever you go. Which I guess isn't wrong with all the students and teachers but I mean when you're alone and you hear footsteps behind you and every time you check behind me there's no one there....
hat makes matters worse is whenever I think I'm alone I feel as if someone is staring at me and yet whenever I turn my head to check... nothing. I've even heard foots steps behind me and again when I try to check who the fuck is following me, IT'S NO ONE?! I haven't told my parents because they'd probably send me to a mental institution.
Months have gone by.... And at this point I couldn't handle it anymore.
Why did everyone think there's what something wrong with me, why does everyone act like this? Yes the doctors say I'm a bit paranoid, yes i've been feeling anxious... yes I'm not eating well and I've been struggling to sleep. And every time I close my eyes I end up waking up screaming from nightmares that I can never remember....
This is ok.... 
This is fine...
I'm fine...
It's been a year. A whole year since this incident. A whole year of being followed, watched, and tormented... 
Should've bought a cupcake to celebrate
I let out a long deep sigh, staring at my bedroom ceiling. And then did it again because the first one wasn't good enough. For once everything was quite, parents weren't home, nobody watching me, bothering me, no ringing in my ears. All was peaceful.... For about half a hour
"Gahhhhh, what do you want?!" I yell sitting up quickly, grabbing my pillow only to yell profanities into it. "Why can you just leave me be?"
I toss the pillow at the corner of my room before falling back down into my bed. "Well congratulations, you've successfully fucked over my life for an entire year. 24/7, 365. You wanna gold medal or something, oh great mysterious being?!"
"Oh wait I do have something for ya" I flip over then proceed to rummage around the nook between my bed and my bedside table. "hang on lemme just... ahaha" I pull of my hand, smugly flipping the empty space in my room the bird.
"F*CK YOU, you ass!!! Stop screwing me over, I'm too tired for this!!" I yell at nothing, or whatever would listen to me at this point. The neighbours perhaps. 
I fall back onto my bed, the adrenalin had run it course. "go both someone else..." I mumble.
A deep chuckle echoes around my room. I quickly sit up and look around, trying to find the source of the laughter. "Who's there?!" I yell, grabbing a pillow ready to throw it at whatever, "come out you coward!!".
Just when I thought I had just imagined it an inky mass erupted from the floor, taking form into a creature, black as night with 8 thick tentacles emerging from its back. The creature ginned at me, staring at me with its single glowing cyan eye.
"What troubles you lost soul?" the creature asks
WHAT. THE. FUCK. For the first few seconds all I could do it stare at it. [I couldn't even say anything I was frozen, mostly out of shock but i would be lying saying that I wasn't a tad bit scared. 
I dropped the pillow, not breaking eye contact with it's one eye. "Y-you're the thing that keeps following me around..." I speak, my voice barely a whisper.  I wasn't sure if I was speaking to him or talking to myself. "you're the one who helped me that night...." It all started to click together... kinda. All the fear I had left and I was filled with frustration and angry "you're the one who's been fucking up my life for the past year!!" I scream. 
He gave me a sinister grin which never seemed to leave his face, which was ironic since the creature didn't exactly have a face... more resembled a skull? "Yes, so I am"
"Who are you?!" I yell, letting my pent up frustrations out.  "Are you death? Are you a demon?" The amount has thought going through my head was enough to give me a headache but the one that stood out the most went into my next question. "have.... have come to kill me?"
The strange, skeletal being laughed deeply, his permanent smile twisted into a cruel smirk. "My dear If I were death, your fate would be a lot sweeter.."
That wasn't the answer i was looking for but then again if he had wanted me killed he wouldn't have saved me. "T-then... Why have you come?"
"Let's say.... You've intrigued me, which believe me that doesn't happen often" he began circling around me using his long inky tentacles as legs, hoisting himself up, towering above me. "i've been watching you for a while now. I know what you want, I know what you desire" 
Man if  i wasn't so terrified i would've smacked the sh!t outta him by now. "you- you don't know what I want, or desire. you don't know anything about me. This isn't real, none of this is!" I start to yell, shaking my head unable to comprehend wtf was actually going on. Have I really gone that far, have I gone mentally insane? Perhaps I really have gone crazy...
"I beg to differ, you see you've been quite depressed lately haven't you, suicidal even, slashing up you arms with pretty scars, and corrupting your mind with negative thoughts. I feed of this negative energy, it's how I found you, how I was able to watch you. You desire death, no... you crave it. Wanting nothing more than to be erased from this world. and don't bother denying it, I can read your thoughts, well almost all of them. Mainly the negative ones" He spoke as he his tentacles lowered him down enough so that he was at eye level. 
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD, JUST STOP I CAN'T!! IF YOUR GOING TO KILL ME JUST DO IT ALREADY....." i snapped unable to take anymore of him screwing with my mind, i didn't understand what he was getting at but i was sick of the mind game. Tears started to fall from my eyes as everything started hitting me all at once, the wall i was holding up for so long just broke. "please just make it quick, that's the least you could do for fucking me up" I started to sob, falling to me knees not sure what to do next. 
"Moon above..." Nightmare sighed annoyed, turning his back to me as he started to mumble. "This is what happens when you do your job too well... Hhhh I'm not cut of for this" He sighed once more before turning back to me. 
"Look kid, I'm offering you a proposition. You can stay here in this cruel world, resort to self harm and such as the bullying continue and watch as your miserable life ends in suicide or... you can come with me."
"what?" i sniffled, wondering if i had heard him correctly. 
"Come with you?" i repeat, looking up at him before looking down at the wooden floor boards. I'm not sure why i was even thinking about this, why would i go with a complete stranger. but then again he saved me. Once... my life wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worst either. But you just broke down claiming how he fucked you up why where you now considering going with him to whereever.  Any other situation i would've said no, but this wasn't any other situation.
My gazed turned back to the skeleton, him still standing were he was, cross legged and grinning. "Where..." I ask curiously wiping the last of my tears away. 
"Well I don't want to ruin the surprise, I mean that would be no fun now would it"
I scoff "You're crazy"
"Heh you think I'm crazy, wait until you meet the rest of us" he laughed, leaning his head on his hand. 
"Rest of you? wait there's more of you, what are you a gang?" 
"Eh something like that, so are you going to except my offer or not" he asks again, lowering himself down to the floor so that he was standing by himself. 
That when i noticed he wasn't as tall as you thought, i mean he was still tall, taller than me by a foot. I gave it some thought, ran through all the scenarios and came to the most reasonable one. "No, I don't accept your offer... now if you please leave me be and let me live the rest of my life as normal as possible without you breathing down my neck every two seconds" 
He stayed quiet for a moment, looking at me. As if he was trying to figure out a puzzle, what thoughts were circling through my mind. A few minutes went by before he shrugged.
"Fair enough" He spoke as he turned, facing his back to me again. 
He gave me one last look before turning away completely. "But I'm warning you, this was the simple plan" and with that he melted into the ground and left without a trace. 
"Oh what the fuck, where'd he go?!" I shriek. Now I'm left with more questions than i had before. I get up out of my bed and walk to the place where he disappeared, touching the area wondering if there was some kinda wormhole. Alas nothing, just wooden flooring. I sigh, running my hands over my face and through my hair, trying to calm myself down and have some grip on reality. 
"Hhhmmmm I'm too tired for this...." i grumble before retrieving my pillow and walking back to my bed where I then fall face first into the plush mattress and wrapped myself in my blanket.
I slowly fall asleep, emotionally and physically exhausted from crying and using all of my brain power to comprehend what had exactly happened. I hoped that was going to be the last i had seen of the skeleton. 
-Meanwhile on her rooftop-
Some people have skeletons in their closest, unspoken secrets, dirty lies, untold past, guilty passions. Your skeletons currently resided on your rooftop trying to occupy themselves quietly before going fore with Nightmares plan B. 
Fell had short temper but that temper was longer than his patience. "Yo, ya think she asleep already? Fucking bored waiting for ya'lls up 'er"  Fell called out, kicking a bit of debris from the roof. 
Nightmare gave him a cold stare, annoyed and tired from this entire thing. "Will you be quite? She won't be if u dont keep ur  mouth shut" He replied, biting his metaphorical tongue from yelling at Fell. 
"Hhhh I feel like there's a way more efficient way of doing this, you know?" Error spoke as he finger crocheted with his blue strings, trying anything to pass the time. 
Cross shrugged, mostly unbothered by this situation. "Probably, but she did refuse" he answered. 
"can i eat her?" Horrors asked, kicking his legs back and forth as he sat at the edge of the rooftop.
Dust looked down at Horror, slightly dumb founded. "What? Horror, no. You cant eat this one buddy"  He sighed, already done with Horrors question. 
"aww... why not" Horror pouted and crossed his arms. 
Dust eyes the rest of his brothers, wondering if they're also listening to this absolute tomfoolery. "Because Nightmare wants her alive. Besides, we can't keep her if she's dead" Dust answered. 
"We kept that rabbit once, it was dead" Horror said to himself aloud, trying to justify why he should eat the human. 
"i dont get what's so special about her, there's like a ton of humans just like her? Why can't we take one that'll be more cooperative?" Killer complained, polishing a knife before handing it to Dust. 
"Why must i go through this again, I'll say it one more time and only once more" Nightmare sighed annoyed. " First, She can be useful to us. She's broken, broken things can be fixed and we can fix her to out liking. Second, there's something with her soul that we don't want in the wrong hands" he explained. 
"yeah like the fucking star squad" Fell added. 
"Exactly my point, we need her... Now if any of you are going to question my judgment they can take they're ass back to the castle" Nightmare raised his voice a little, shaking his head before turning his attention back to the dark abyss of the night. 
Killer, sat up and stretched his limbs before, standing next to Horror. "Welp can't argue with the boss, let's do this" 
With that he swung through the window and into her bedroom. Things were about to get interesting. 
AUTHORS NOTE: Ok so this is technically a prequel to a oneshot i made years ago on wattpad which got slightly popular. I'm thinking of turning this into a full fic... maybe. because i'm already in the process of finishing a fic i made back in 2019. if this gets popular enough then probably because imma sucker like that. Anyways Hope y'all enjoy!! Read my stuff on AO3, user name is Cherrysodapop :)
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland the Novel: Getting Them to Listen
Ace, Deuce, Yuuya and Grim successfully find a magestone only to be chased away by a monster telling them to get out and that the stone is theirs. The situation immediately devolves into finger-pointing and arguments, which Yuuya tries his best to manage.
“Yuuya merely stands there, surrounded by three loud voices. An endless loop of ‘All of this is your fault!’, ‘You’re the one who started it!’, echoes like wailing in his ears. Yuuya looks down at his own clenched fists and realizes that his hands are shaking. He had ran so hard that he thought his heart would burst—had never been so out of breath in his entire life—and now he is stone cold, despite the heat of the moment from mere minutes prior. Anxiety has seized him in a crushing embrace.
He can’t handle fighting. He hates it. He has lived his whole life doing everything he can to avoid it.
And yet, what about all that has happened since yesterday? The more he runs away from trouble, the worse it gets.
Provocation to threats, threats to arguments, arguments to violence.
It has been one terrible thing after another.
And isn’t this all his own fault? If he had been able to say something back in the cafeteria, would things have turned out differently? Would none of this be happening?
Even covering his ears with his hands Yuuya can still hear the angry noise that surrounds him, and suddenly finds himself yelling, ‘Let’s just stop fighting!’
The argument ends in dead silence. It seems that not one of them had thought Yuuya capable of speaking in such a voice.
‘You made me jump half outta my fur.’ Grim has gone entirely stiff, his fur standing on end in all directions.
For the first moment both Ace and Deuce look surprised as well, but this is soon replaced with mere annoyance.
‘Let’s not fight? What’s that even supposed to mean?’ Ace scoffs. ’This isn’t the time to be putting on some goody-goody act. You forget something? The one who is going to suffer most from us not getting that stone? Is you. You don’t even have a place to go home to. And yet here you are, telling us “Fighting is bad, so let’s all hold hands and play nice”? Stay out of this.’ Ace scoffs again, raising his chin as though dismissing Yuuya with his entire body.
No matter what Yuuya says Ace will turn it back onto him, multiplied in force by ten- or even a hundredfold. 
If he were still the Yuuya he was before all of this, there is no question he would concede and shy away.
But just in this moment, his words leave him naturally, without a single stutter. They can simply not go on as they have been; he knows this with sharp, painful clarity.
‘That’s not what I mean.’
‘You had better not be trying to say that you’re ready to give up.’ Deuce scratches his head, radiating frustration.
‘…I’ll be honest, okay? I’m scared. But we need a magestone, no matter what it takes. I’ll do anything. I’d give an arm—both my arms—to do this!’
‘And I’m telling you to stop mixing me up in this mess of yours.’
‘If you hadn’t gotten in my way, Ace, I would’ve been able to take it down!’
‘As if. The only thing you’re good for is cauldrons. And you couldn’t even aim it right!’
‘What was I supposed to do!? Something like that shows up and you think you can calm right down?’
And the arguing has begun again. Bickering, fighting, and no progress at all.
As they fight over whose magic it is that is holding them all back, Yuuya remembers something Crowley once said: “Magic is not a catch-all solution”. Even magical power that looks like something out of a dream might, in actuality, be much more difficult to control than one might think. In Deuce’s case, it seems he cannot use his magic properly if he is unable to concentrate.
‘I’ll stay calm and handle it next time, wait and see.’ Deuce insists, but his voice rings hollow. There is no way he will be able to face a threat like that and keep his cool, and the uncomfortable look upon his face tells them all that he well knows it.
‘It’s like Ace-kun says: we’re never going to be able to get a magestone at this rate. If we challenge it head-on it will just take us all out.’
’What do we do then?’
‘What do we do? Well…we could combine our strengths, for one thing.’
‘Combine our strengths?’ Ace sticks out his tongue in disgust.’ How cheesy is that? You gonna start telling us to protect the weak and how we should all just get along?’
‘I, that’s…that’s not what I mean.’
‘That what DO you mean? All you did was turn and run. How do you even intend to  "combine strengths" with me when that’s your go-to reaction?’
Yuuya suddenly recalls something that the ghosts had told him: the prideful students of Night Raven College wield superior magical powers and rely on no one. How can Yuuya possibly stand alongside them? The magicless Yuuya, the most useless of them all.
Come to think of it, when they were fighting the ghosts themselves, why did Grim ever deign to listen to him in the first place?"
(this seems abrupt, but this is literally where the scene ends before cutting to the monster fight)
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bthump · 3 months
What are your headcannons if Guts leaves the Band but they don't catch him? But when Griffith pursues him, Gut's has disappeared, can’t find him. If Griffith were to become King, would he send out secret search parties? Would he imprison Guts? Or would he even be able to maneuver politically or would he fall apart?
Do you mean an AU of Berserk where Griffith doesn't fuck his life up by sleeping with Charlotte, or an AU of my fic where there is no duel and Griffith chases after Guts, but in this case doesn't find him?
If it's the former, I don't think Griffith would pursue Guts at all after losing the duel to him. If he didn't sleep with Charlotte, I think he'd go on to chase his dream and eventually become king, and would pretend he doesn't care about Guts, while losing all his emotional ties to others and essentially becoming distanced and lowkey completely miserable forever.
If it's the latter, I think Griffith would die of hypothermia lol. BUT assuming he doesn't, and eventually has to turn around and go back to Midland, then... idk, I think you could argue for a lot of potential reactions. I think if he was actively searching he would find Guts after like, a year or so, because people would start talking about this unbeatable guy with a huge sword who keeps winning competitions. If he wanted to find him, he could. But by then he's had a year to think about it and stew about it, and he might be horrified by his own emotional reaction to Guts leaving, and trying to distance himself. Maybe he'd pretend he doesn't care.
I think it could work to go darker and have Griffith grow resentful and try to take him back by force, but there'd need to be a lot of space given to Griffith's descent into villainy in that case imo - we know he has the capacity to be dark and possessive, but for it to come out in such a calculated way rather than in a desperate emotional display, I think he'd have to have gone through a lot of negative self talk lol.
In this AU though he does know that Guts left to become his equal, so maybe he'd hold onto that, and go out to find him when he resurfaces, and talk to him. Maybe since he's had a while to think about it, he's figured out he's in love and decided to embrace those feelings, and wants to do what he can to convince Guts to come back.
If I was writing it I'd go with Griffith pretending he doesn't care lol, and Guts reinserting himself into his life by returning for a visit, and things being horrible and awkward and regretful and tense between them until some catalyst gets them to admit their feelings.
Thanks for the ask!
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sugolara · 10 months
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 ❝ Dynamight. ❞
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• Will I catch up to love?
Cw: angst, unrequited feelings Synopsis: Going after the rebellious F/n , Katsuki isn't to sure if he should keep chasing after her. + Carousel - Melanie Martinez
• Asking you where you want us to go
Cw: angst, unrequited feelings Synopsis: F/n knew it wasn't meant to last, but she wanted to be with Katsuki just a little while before he deserts her + Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
• It's sad to dream
Cw: angst, implied sex but no smut, suicide, molestation & rape mentioned, addiction Synopsis: For F/n, it's tough being a cam girl and being married to the number one hero, it's tough living. Final
• We all get used to dreams
Cw: angst with comfort, suicide mention, katsuki deals with his emotions probably ooc Synopsis: After finding F/n on the bathroom floor and waking up at the hospital, F/n's feelings are conflicted as she notices that Katsuki isn't around to comfort her. First + Fear of Flying - Bowery Electric
• Dude quit elbowing me
Cw: humor Synopsis: Where Katsuki and F/n start a game of elbowing, refusing to end the game and being called a loser.
• I was waiting for you here
Cw: ansgt, mention of death Synopsis: Leaving F/n a series a voicemails, Katsuki regrets not telling her how he truly felt for her. + Wherever You Are - Ulrich Schnauss
• Used to stick together
Cw: angst, death, blood Synopsis: In which, Katsuki and F/n used to be best friend only for their relationship to fail when one starts to feel romantic things and the other isn't sure what to do with it. + You Get Me So High - The Neighborhood
• Start over
Cw: relationship talk Synopsis: Where Katsuki and F/n talk about their relationship that they didn't want in the beginning.
• Is she a lost embrace?
Cw: blood, angst Synopsis: After thinking his best friend, F/n, has been dead for years she suddenly appears, only Katsuki wishes he wouldn't have met her like this. + Who Is She? - I Monster
- Series
• Welcome To The New World
Ongoing Ft. Izuku Midoriya & Shoto Todoroki Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, updates once a week, slow burn Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Inspired by, "The Walking Dead"
• Turbulent!
TBA Ft. Shota Aizawa, Hitoshi Shinso, Eri, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Cw: platonic!, language, drinking, smoking, substance abuse, death mention, a bit of angst, quirkless! au, humor Synopsis: A family with different parents try to beat any obstacles that come their way. Though they couldn't have done this without the help of their adopted father, Shota.
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endlesstwanted · 1 year
Slide In, Came With Perfect Timing
My first Bucky/Joaquín/Sam fic! While I’ve previously written these three in any combination of pairings, I wanted to do something special for my first time as a polyship. And it turned out that PWP was the thing. Title from the lyrics of Too Late by Chase Atlantic. Enjoy!
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson Tags: Porn Without Plot, Age Play, Somnophilia, Petnames, Cuddlefucking, Competence Kink, Sleepy Sex, Fingering Summary: Sam and Bucky find their baby asleep when they arrive home from a mission, so they decide to try something new and swap places for the night. When they wake up, Joaquín catches up on the surprise of the change as his Daddy and his Papi remind him how good it felt to be fucked in his sleep. Wordcount: 4,165
Created for: @ageplay-may Day 9 — Over the Sheets | @samwilsonbingo square G2 — Joaquín Torres | @allcapsbingo O4 square — Falcon Joaquín Torres | @slashmultiverse’s June Pride Prompts event, Day 13 — Sleepy sex | @buckybarnesbingo K1 square — Crossroads | @multifandom-lover — Paying for the Action Scene | @thebo3bingo — Swapping Places | @buckybarnesevents’ Hot Bucky Summer Week 2 — “What should I call you?” | @marvelrarepairbingo’s Summer Splash/Pride Month — Praise kink (NSFW card #2) | @anyfandomkinkbingo — “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
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“He’s been waiting for us, hasn’t he?” Sam asked Bucky while running a hand up and down the little’s back, making him left out a happy hum being under his Papi’s touch.
“He better be.” Bucky joined them, getting to Joaquín’s other side and supporting on his right arm to embrace the picture of his two lovers, the impatient one and the ready one, while bringing his other hand to give himself a few more strokes.
Sam’s hand moved between Joaquín’s ass cheeks and down onto the unknown, sinking his fingers onto a texture he liked so much. “Fuck, he’s wet already,” he swore as he parted the little one’s lips with two fingers until he reached his clit, pressed against the mattress.
“I bet he’s dreaming of us,” Bucky smiled. “He must have fallen asleep thinking of how we were gonna fuck him when we returned.”
They saw as Joaquín moved, following Sam’s hand leaving his pussy after he brought up his hands to his mouth to get a taste of him. “Let him find out then.”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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goodvibesatpeace · 4 months
29th February, the Leap Year (Sestina)
In every fourth year, a day we add
February the twenty-ninth appears,
A gift of time, a chance to catch up,
To leap forward and embrace our dreams,
On this day, we shed our fears and doubts,
For it's the leap year, and anything's possible.
For years, we've followed the same old patterns
Marching on, days merging into one,
But on the Leap Year, we break the cycle
And pause to reflect, to take a chance,
To breathe, to grow, to chase our heart's desire,
With an extra day, our spirits lift higher.
Oh, how the world changes in that leap
One more rotation, one more revolution,
Our minds expand, we see things anew,
Like a window opened to a different view,
The clock ticks slower, the day stretches longer,
And we dance to the rhythm, feeling stronger.
In this extra day, we find clarity,
We see beyond the veils of yesterday,
The complexities of life unravel,
As we ponder the meaning of it all,
We are reminded of our true purpose,
To live, to love, to rise above.
A complex world we live in, no doubt,
Where time flies by, and yet some moments stand still,
But on this special day, we're given a chance
To slow down, to appreciate and not rush,
To see the beauty in every single day,
For who knows when the leap year will come our way.
So let us make the most of this rare gift,
This extra day, this opportunity,
To set our spirit free, to chase our dreams,
To let hope guide us to the future's light,
For even in the darkest of times,
The leap year gives us a glimmer of hope.
And as we leap into the unknown,
With courage and determination,
We trust that our complex paths will lead
To a future filled with love and success,
For on the 29th of February,
Anything is possible, and we believe.
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captainhoothoot · 2 years
Day 05: Feral behavior 
Written for: #hqomegaverseweek2022 
⚠️ CW: nsfw | bitching
When Atsumu first came up with the ingenious idea of dragging his sorry ass to a dimly-lit pub right down the corner of a block after dinner, Osamu had been quick to reject his twin brother entirely. Knowing Atsumu would slither away into the lap of his mate, Sakusa Kiyoomi, was one thing. 
After hearing that it was a gathering for volleyballers in the V league, having stopped volleyball in high school to embrace his culinary dreams, Osamu found it awkward if he were to be present. 
While catching up with some players in the V league he considered friends was nice, there was a certain dark haired alpha he wanted to avoid at any cost.
Suna Rintarou- The reason for his demise and how Osamu wasn't able to get over the way Suna had shown him what it was like to ‘get wrecked’ and 'have his back blown out'. 
Simply put, back when he was 20, Suna had shown him how good it felt to be an alpha being bitched.
Now Osamu was by no means a masochist. (At least he didn't peg himself to be one.) He wasn't submissive by nature.
Born as an alpha, he'd been hard wired to find an omega as his pair, before settling down, but something had gone seriously wrong with the way he was wired. He couldn't pop a knot fucking a slick, wet omega. 
The first time he decided to leave a bar with another alpha, it proved to be an eye opener. But a good experience? Osamu begged to differ.
He wasn't a stranger to sleeping around or one night stands. While it took the edge off, Osamu never found it satisfying. Every fuck left him empty and even emptier when those alphas he'd been with, only cared about chasing after their own pleasures. 
Every alpha, except Suna.
Suna had touched him with purpose, worshipping every part of his body, sending every part of his flesh jolting, like live wire. Large palms had circled around his waist, dragging his hips down a cock-  thick, girthy and long.
Murmuring praises that sounded ridiculously hot in a silky smooth voice, Suna had made him cum on his cock with even more whispers of adoration, dragging out the pleasure in a long, torturous session, before finally giving him what he wanted- his knot.
Osamu hadn't been able to forget what being with the older, experienced alpha was like. 
"Come on 'Samu, join us!"
Speed walking back to the train station and ignoring the petulant whining, complaints and insults for being ‘too uptight, rigid and in desperate need for a good lay’ coming from Atsumu, where Osamu finally caved in was when he met his twin's honey orbs glazed over with tears.
“I just want to have a drink with yer,” Atsumu mumbled sullenly, choking up on (crocodile) tears, “We haven't seen each other since you've been so busy with Onigiri Miya’s franchise opening. The rest of the team’s here too- Sakusa, Bokuto, Hinata, MSBY, even the Adlers’. We booked the place in advance to celebrate the end of a season. Come on, ‘Samu, it'll be fun. Everyone wants to see how yer doing. ” 
Osamu sighed begrudgingly, relenting.
What were the odds that he'd meet someone he had been avoiding for the past 2 years? 
Dragged into the dimly lit pub, the loud clinking of glasses, dance music and cheering could be heard. 
“Tsum Tsum and Samu’s here!” Bokuto hollered, upon noticing their entry.
Osamu found himself smiling at the warm welcome and nodded at the players mingling at different tables, drinking. Spotting Kuroo, Kenma and Akaashi, he relaxed, settling amongst them. It was relieving when Kita and Aran came around and they delved into a catch up session.
It felt good talking to everyone at the bar, but Osamu should've known better that his paths with a certain alpha, were bound to cross.
Looking up from the rim of his shot glass, the familiar sight of a dark haired male standing by the entrance of the bar, made him go still. The look of interest and hunger in sultry fox-like eyes brought back Osamu's memories of being pinned under the punishing snap of hips, all too quickly.
The scent of mint and cherries filled Osamu's lungs. Taking a deep, shuddering inhale, his eyelashes fluttered shut as a full body shiver raked across his body. 
“Osamu, you okay?"
The hand that rested on his lower back left as soon as a threatening growl and snarl emitted from parted lips that had kissed and worshipped every inch of his skin once. 
"Don't fucking touch him."
A firm grip wrapped around Osamu's wrist, tugging him up forcefully, and out of the pub that had gone painfully silent, before going back to its initial volume. It was like they hadn't left in the first place.  There was a strange serenity in being the only two people standing in the middle of a small alley.
Smelling the potent scent of Suna's pheromones up close, Osamu was a jittery mess. It didn't help that the grip on his wrist had yet to slacken.
Instead, the older alpha rubbed his wrists against that his scent glands. 
Oh. This was it-
Osamu melted, jaws aching, saliva pooling in his mouth. He had missed this. The touch of an alpha older, more experienced, and knew what he was doing. 
A knowing chuckle rumbled from Suna's chest.
"I've missed you, sweetheart," the dark haired alpha murmured lowly against his ear, dragging his hands down Osamu's sides,  counting every rib, before resting his palms on his hips. 
Osamu's breath hitched in his throat at the raw emotion laced in Suna's voice.
It sounded hoarse, near feral. Daring to look into misty grey eyes with flecks of olive greens and fine, rich molten gold, Osamu could only tremble from the sheer intensity and passion raging like a storm in Suna's eyes. 
"What do I need to do to keep you by my side, Osamu?" Suna spoke in an undertone, tugging him closer. 
Their lips brushed against one another's. Osamu was positively weak in the knees, only held by the unyielding hold the taller alpha had on him. He found himself incapable of any words, but he wanted this. Whatever it was. 
"Tell me, Osamu," The taller alpha gritted out, grip growing tighter. 
It hurt, in a good way.
Osamu leant in, closing the distance. He was done running. He didn't want to run away from what he wanted. Desired. Yearned. 
Even if it meant going against his nature as an alpha. 
"Please, Rintarou."
"I'll take care of you for the rest of my life, sweetheart."
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pagepainter · 5 months
Beautiful Disaster
Dark clouds loom over. Fierce winds tear across the face of the earth, sending leaves flying, trees bending over. A moment later, lighting and thunder. First comes the tiniest pressure of water droplets, before a whole curtain of ferocious rain ensue. Tree branches may snap; the roads are flooded, everyone's safety is at risk.
After hours of gloom, the first rays of the sun peeked through the dark clouds. Perhaps you might even catch a glimpse of the rainbow, if the angles at which the sun reflects the water droplets and weather conditions are perfectly aligned for it to form.
Thunderstorms, a beautiful disaster. While I can say that there will be light at the end of the tunnel, that there's the steadfast, yet fragile and small flickering flame of hope that will lead us out of this dark valley, I hate that the hard truth always appears itself, loud and glaring. it's so difficult to find solace in the midst of everything — fear, anxiety, stress, worry, sadness, anger; circumstances beyond our control, even though we have fought so hard to have it. It always feels like we are running on a treadmill to chase after a goal that's distancing itself by the second. The insatiable desire drove us to desperation, and we ran until we've both grown tired, realizing that it's a marathon where the end goal seems too far out of reach, because the rules for this run are stacked against us from the beginning.
Yet, during the marathon, we ran side by side, supporting each other, encouraging each other, embracing each other's presence, all while being in awe of the journey we've made thus far. The mountains we climbed, the rivers we crossed, the days spent with one another, the sunsets we caught, the songs we sung to keep us going throughout the run, the intimacy of physical contact through it all, up until the very last ounce of energy we could expend from the limitations of our physical and mental strength.
I hate for this to be a beautiful disaster. We just want a 'beautiful'. Two broken, exhausted souls who fit so perfectly together, like a fitting pair of jigsaws among a cosmic puzzle piece.
Is it so wrong to have my happiness?
Is it so wrong to want my 'beautiful', who has eyes the color of golden sunsets, who has silky soft brown hair, who has a smile I'd always strive to bring to his face, who has so much love to give, who appreciates the little things, who handles my heart so gently, and lovingly, who has shown me what a healthy relationship is, who has shown me my true potentials, who has shown me the true version I could be, who supports my dreams, whom I have brought down my walls for, whom I have grown to love, whom I would do anything to have him in my life forever?
We're each other's 'beautiful', but it's such a disaster for it to end this way.
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themysticmaverick · 8 months
🌆 Alright, fam, let's dive deeper into a topic that's all too real in today's fast-paced society – the relentless pursuit of success, and the notion that getting comfortable is a big no-no. 🚀
In this urban jungle, it seems like we're all caught up in the hustle. The pressure to keep pushing, never slow down, and achieve bigger and better things is ever-present. 🏃‍♂️💨 And while ambition is a powerful driver, there's a fine line between ambition and a never-ending race with no finish line. 🏁
We're often bombarded with messages that say becoming "regular" or "plateauing" is akin to failure. 📉 But let's break it down. Isn't it a bit ridiculous to think that we can never find a comfortable place in our lives, a point where we can just catch our breath, enjoy the view, and savor the fruits of our labor? 🍉🌇
The truth is, being comfortable doesn't mean we're settling for mediocrity. It's about finding a balance between our ambitions and our sanity. It's about hitting a rhythm where we're not constantly on the edge of burnout. 💥
Success should be measured by our personal growth and fulfillment, not just by society's definition of it. 📏 It's about the journey, not just the destination. There's a lot to be said for finding joy in the little things, embracing the mundane, and taking time to reflect on how far we've come. 🌄
So, let's break free from the chains of hustle culture that keep us sprinting on a hamster wheel. 🐹 Let's champion the idea that comfort isn't the enemy of progress, but a necessary companion. Being comfortable doesn't mean we're lazy; it means we're smart. It means we're taking care of our mental and physical well-being. 🧘‍♂️💆‍♀️
In a society where we're always chasing the next big thing, let's not forget that life is happening in the now. 🕰️ It's okay to embrace the regular days when we're not breaking records or achieving monumental milestones. It's in those regular days that we find our humanity, our connections, and our sense of self. 🌟
So, let's keep grinding, but let's also remember the value of balance. 📚 Let's work hard and dream big, but let's also take a breather when we need it. It's okay to pause, reflect, and appreciate where we are in our journey. 🛑
We're all on different paths, and it's perfectly okay to find comfort in your own unique way. 🌈 Let's redefine success on our terms and prioritize our well-being. After all, the most valuable thing we have is time. ⏳
Stay true to yourselves, fam. Keep chasing your dreams, but never forget that it's okay to be comfortable along the way. 💯 #RealTalk #BalanceIsKey
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lyndonriggall · 1 year
Goodbye Ellie
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I can’t believe that I am writing this. It is too soon.
Shockingly and suddenly, four-and-a-half years into caring for her, my dear friend Robyn discovered recently that Ellie the greyhound had become very sick. Sadly, the vet confirmed that she was not going to get better.
Ellie, I am very sorry to say, is gone.
Ellie was a special creature. Like a lot of greyhounds, she had at least fifty percent more nose and leg than should have been reasonably allowed by law, and she had a way of looking into your eyes that sometimes made you think she knew absolutely all of the secrets of the universe, and sometimes made you think she knew almost nothing at all. When we filled the main hall at Launceston College with hundreds of people to launch the book we had created about her and she stood on stage looking out at the crowd, I always wondered… did she know that it was all for her? It seemed to me like she had just dropped down to Earth from another planet, and she was trying to work out what it meant to live here. Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I half-expected to catch her sitting up in an armchair and covertly flicking through the pages of a book called How to Dog.
Although I didn’t know it at the time, a couple of weekend ago, as the early mists rose over the high suburbs around Launceston, I was lucky enough to take Ellie for one last walk with the two of us together. It was certainly memorable. It was a Sunday morning, and from where Ellie and I wandered we could see the city and the river in the distance: a whole world below us to explore. As I returned back to the house and tried to drink my cup of tea, Ellie persisted in squeezing her head under the palm of my hand.
I went home with my jeans covered in slobber and tea splashes. I went home happy.
One thing that never quite came through in our picture book was what Ellie taught me about running. Reading Becoming Ellie, you might have thought that part of the story’s message is that Ellie will never run again. But Ellie was the master of what dog-people call “the zoomies.” Whenever the mood took her, the screen door would swing open and down the concrete ramp she would fly, onto the grass and around the backyard, running in circles and spinning at the same time, impossibly making the square of grass seem endless. She would freeze, launch, freeze again, and then bound this way and that, chasing some invisible wonder in a dance that was all her own.
Ellie ran again, she just ran differently. She ran chaotically. She ran without purpose. She discovered the simple truth that so many of us who turn our passions into vocation or competition need to learn: winning is one thing, but the best part of life is simply finding joy in the act itself.
Dogs like Ellie remind us of who we should be. To them, every opportunity to explore the world is a miracle, and every interaction with others is the best thing that has ever happened. Dogs like Ellie show the world that all of those carefully-curated layers of artifice that we drape over our lives in order to try and make them more reasonable, more sensical, or work more in our favour are an illusion: the only way to true joy is to embrace life with all its flaws and all four paws.
I hope that Ellie is free now. I hope she dreams of a field that goes on forever, where she can run and run and run and never reach the other side. I hope that she can rest somewhere with stolen socks and smelly old toys, and a thousand corners in which she can flip upside down, her four ridiculous legs poking up in the air like the skyward-reaching masts of a big furry pirate ship. I hope she knows that tonight someone is reading her story, and that she is remembered. We are lucky to have known her.
I feel sad for my friend Robyn, who has lost her mate and companion. I find it hard to look at the smiling dog on the front cover of our book, or to walk past the artwork of her that hangs on the walls of my house, and know that the star of the show is no longer going to come prancing into the room when I visit, looking for that just-right spot to have a lie down in, where she can get herself perfectly in the way of everyone’s feet and ankles. The sky seems a little dimmer today because Ellie isn’t here.
We are going to miss you, Ellie-dog. Thank you for being part of our story, and thank you for letting us be part of yours.
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