#think of it as a salad with chicken vs a salad without chicken
bucketspammer4life · 7 months
reading my old hc posts like
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spanishskulduggery · 3 months
A waitress asks me, "¿Le gustaría papas fritas o papas al horno?" Shouldn't it be "gustarían"? Or is "le gustaría" enough of an idiom to stand as-is? Or, wait, shouldn't it be "papa al horno"? I'm not getting multiple baked potatoes. And if it IS papas/papa, should it be "a" or "an"? Who does it match with?
This is a bit weird to explain, and honestly I'm not sure if I do a great job explaining it because it's situational
I think it's singular because it's kind of like "(to eat/have)" is implied so it's almost like there's an invisible verb there. And, sometimes people talk about dishes of food almost like collective nouns [singular, but talking about a group of things]
You can say me gusta carnitas and it doesn't sound off to me, almost like the dish itself is plural but treated as singular
But this reads differently from me gusta el postre "I like dessert"... or no me gusta el chocolate "I don't like chocolate (the ingredient)" and no me gustan los chocolates "I don't like chocolates [like a box of chocolates]"
And in addition to being treated as singular, many dishes show up without an article [el, los, la, las] unless you're talking about a specific ingredient or component of it
As in, sometimes people will say something like ¿te gusta gambas al ajillo? "do you like garlic shrimp?", or something like ¿te gusta albóndigas de pollo? which is "do you like chicken meatballs?"
...... as opposed to te gustan las gambas "you like shrimp" or te gustan las albóndigas "you like meatballs"; I think this can sound a bit different almost like "what are your feelings about it?" not "do you want it?"
It's sort of like "do you like/how do you feel about" vs. "would you like (to eat)"
Or it's possible it's a kind of informal Spanish. It's something I've heard and not really paid much attention to until you said something lol
Also (la/una) papa / patata al horno is possibly correct as "baked potato"; and papas/patatas al horno can be "baked potatoes" or "oven-roasted potatoes", which implies it could be either
I feel like in a restaurant I'm used to seeing the option as like: puré de papas/patatas, papas/patatas fritas, o papas/patatas al horno - "mashed potatoes, French fries, or a baked potato"
...And "mashed potatoes" is only singular because el puré "puree / mashed" is a singular thing
It's hard to say, sometimes dishes are in plural even if it's not multiple
You'll see that with tacos like tacos al pastor or enchiladas or zanahorias asadas "roast carrots" or gambas al ajillo etc. It's weird some dishes are written in plural but almost treated like singular
And others - pollo "chicken", bistec "steak", carne "meat", milanesa "breaded cutlet" etc are treated as singular
...And anything that's like sopa "soup" or caldo "broth/soup", ensalada "salad", or things like pastel/tarta "cake/pie" are also treated as singular, as well as anything "mashed" comes out like puré
In other words I think it would be possible to say no me gusta gambas al ajillo porque no me gustan las gambas and it's like "I don't like gambas al ajillo because I don't like shrimp/prawns"
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs More Adulting
Payday is always a happy day, but it's also a little more than that. I mean, it is for me, but I assume that other people do the same thing as I do - that thing being "prep for the month ahead". By which I mean grocery shopping. After all, a person has to eat. Which I have to keep fucking reminding myself because I've fallen back into some significantly disordered eating the last little while. So this month is all about trying to fix or at least mitigate that.
So here's the list and the plan for the month:
So many emergency calories, because I keep forgetting to put food into myself when I'm working and I get hangry and weird. So nuts, crisps, dried fruit, corn thins, cold cuts, some tinned peaches, and clementines.
Fixings for potato salad. Because nothing's easier than just scooping some potato salad out of the bowl in the fridge and stuffing it into one's face.
Things To Roast - a big ol' chunk of pork shoulder, a large chicken, and lamb breast (which was an accident; I wanted shoulder for lamb dopiaza but apparently they were out). That'll be roast dinners plus everything I can do with the leftovers - risotto, stir-fry, stuff like that.
On the subject of stir-fry, I found ho fun noodles when I was out picking up meds and stuff yesterday. I like those way better than the vermicelli rice noodles. I also got tater tots because they're a fairly recent addition to Sainsbury's frozen-food repertoire and I will single-handedly demonstrate that it's a worthwhile thing to keep around if I have to because I HAVE MISSED TATER TOTS SO MUCH.
Further additions for batch cooking, since I've got some meat still in the freezer that just needs little additions to make into multiple meals. Specifically passata and courgette for spaghetti bolognaise, and carrots for chicken stew.
Drinkables and treats. As well as my usual couple of bottles of cherries and berries squash, I treated myself to an eight-pack of Coke. Picked up some marshmallows for hot chocolate and to make Rice Krispie treats, and some chocolate chips for cookies. Also one small bag of gummy sweets and a big bag of prawn crackers, which are thankfully gluten-free.
The standards - eggs, butter, sugar, coffee, etc. I mean, the first three are largely for baking (though the sugar's as much for the coffee as the baking) and I have some plans for French toast, so it's at least partly treat, but never mind.
Of course, this led to a need for more adulting. Not only putting all the stuff away, but apparently my bag of sugar had a leak at the bottom and sugar kind of got all over the kitchen floor. But never mind, I had to hoover anyway. Did the rest of the flat while I was at it. I'd already started a load of laundry at that point (it's on the drying cycle now), and while I do need to clear out the fridge a little more, things are mostly uncer control. Aaaaaaaaaall the adulting.
Of course, at some point in the not too distant, I'm going to have to go and pick up the bits that were missing. Not too many things, but I still want them, so that'll be a thing. I think I'll wait until tomorrow, though. Much as I hate going to the supermarket on a Sunday, Saturdays are worse unless I'm going late, and I really don't want to leave the house today. Still feeling the whole mess of this week, including the idiotic attempt to walk to the corner shop without my cane the other day.
(The shrubbery still has my cane, but I have a new one now - it's actually better than the old one, so that's a good thing.)
One last ... well, silver lining nice thing. My stepfather called yesterday - while I was working, but he apologised for disturbing me. He also apologised that the other flat isn't going to be ready for habitation by the end of this month the way he said it would be. I was honestly fine with that for two reasons: 1) I'd already figured that out because he promised he'd give me a goodly amount of notice so I could book time off, and 2) Scruffman's off in Greece for two weeks as of Monday and I couldn't have taken the time off anyway. It's already going to be an absolute fucking mess at the office without him - however cursory his attempts to ride herd on the lazier of the lazy fuckers in the office have been, it's better than nothing, which is what they'll have for the next two weeks.
Yeah, yesterday was a complete joke because of ... well, the usual. Friday was "New Girl sits on reports from Thursday morning until Friday afternoon, then dumps them back into the queue, and also completely ignores the ten-minute monstrosity by one of The Annoyances (who specifically creates a truly epic word salad every time she speaks) for the entire day". I mean, everyone else ignored the ten-minute word salad too, but I felt I had every right to because I not only took everyone else's long ridiculous reports that day, but also picked up the ones that New Girl had been sitting on all day because she picked them up but refused to actually type them. So I figure the "Leave the long ones for [Thess] to do" is going to be the rule for the next two weeks from these lazy fuckers.
But I have a fridge full of food, plans for glorious dinners, and a weekend of TTRPGs. It can't be all bad if I've got that.
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Growing up we had pizza at least once a week. My father was born and raised in Brooklyn and man, did he love his pizza. He would call home every Thursday and ask, “did your mother cook?” to which I would always sarcastically reply “of course not, it’s pizza night!” and then he would say “call up Dickie Dees, order a large pie with extra cheese and pepperoni, well done. Tell them ‘Jimmy’ will be there in ten minutes.” Some of my favorite memories with my dad include us either ordering pizza and watching WWE, or stopping at random hole in the wall pizza joints to see what they were about.
I’ll never forget, two weeks after getting my tonsils removed my mother got called into work for an emergency meeting and my father was responsible for feeding my siblings and I dinner that night. Guess what he ordered?
A large, extra cheese and pepperoni pie, well done from Dickie Dee’s in Newark, NJ.
The problem? I couldn’t eat solid foods yet!
Did that stop me? NOPE. My father and I sat there and cut up two slices of pizza into the tiniest, bite size pieces and I chewed them up until they were soft enough to swallow. It may have taken me thirty minutes to eat two slices of pizza, but Dad didn’t raise a quitter 💪🏽
When I decided to start losing weight as an adult, I knew I would never be successful if my meals were limited to baked chicken and broccoli or boring Cesar salads.
That’s when I learned about flexible dieting and calories in VS calories out.
For years, the media has glorified weight pills, surgeries, or overly restrictive diets for weight loss. I’m living proof that you can lose weight without giving up your favorite foods (or getting surgeries that restrict your diet for the rest of your life anyways).
I’ve been counting calories for the last two years, and I’m watching the pounds shed off week by week. I recommend everyone try this method at least once and try to do it for three months to give yourself time to see results.
The first thing you need to do is calculate how many calories you should be consuming. I recommend using this website to do that. These are going to be your maintenance calories. In order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit (meaning you need to eat less calories than you burn.) If you’re just starting out, I recommend a 3-400 deficit.
So let’s say your maintenance calories are 2400 calories per day. Subtract 400 from that, and you have the amount of calories you should be eating in a deficit, 2000 calories. I like to think about these calories as dollars (bare with me)
So let’s say you have $2000 (or 2000 calories). How you chose to spend those $2000 is completely up to you.
If you have a nice, low calorie breakfast and you want to go to McDonalds for lunch and order a Big Mac with large fries, a large coke and an apple pie go for it. Just remember that you still need to be within the 2000 calorie range in order to see results. So if you had that nice, low calorie breakfast, and then you ordered everything off the dollar menu at McDonalds for lunch, chances are you’re going to have to make some sacrifices and eat that boring old cesar salad for dinner.
It all comes down to calories in VS calories out.
With all that being said, there are plenty of ways you can make some of your favorite meals at home for half the calories without sacrificing flavors. One of the ways I’m able to eat pizza three times a week while losing weight is by making my own at home! As promised in my previous post, I’ll walk you through the recipe and leave the macros below!
1 Cup of self rising flour (this is super important!)
¾ Cup of Non-fat plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup of your favorite pizza sauce (homemade is best!)
56g of low fat or fat free mozzarella cheese
17g of turkey pepperoni (optional)
4g salt
4g garlic powder
Preheat your oven to 420 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Start by adding ¾ cup of your yogurt to a bowl, along with the salt and garlic powder. You can feel free to add whatever seasonings you’d like here, but I feel like the salt and garlic give the dough that classic NYC pizza dough flavor. Add in ¼ cup of flour at a time and stir until combined. If you have a stand mixer, use your dough hook to make this part a little easier on yourself. If not, a wooden spoon is fine! I tend to use a little less than a full cup of flour, but I keep the remaining to the side to sprinkle on the counter while kneading/rolling out the dough.
Once your dough comes together and is still a little tacky, flour your work space and start rolling out that pizza dough to your designed shape and thickness. Place the dough on a nonstick oven safe pan (I got my 10” pizza pans at Big Lots on sale for ten cents!! Check your local discount stores’ sale sections!) and place in your preheated oven for ten to fifteen minutes. It is important to cook the dough before adding any sauce or toppings so it can cook evenly. Once the dough starts to rise a bit, remove from the oven and start adding your toppings.
I like to use homemade sauce because it just taste the best in my opinion, but you can use whatever you’d like! Keep in mind that the calories will differ depending on what brand you use.
Once you have your pizza assembled, place it back into the oven for an additional 10-12 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. I like to spray the crust with a little bit of cooking spray for that beautiful golden brown color!
Take the pizza out of the oven and allow to cool for 3-5 minutes before cutting. Slice your pizza into 6-8 slices and enjoy!
If you follow these instructions to the T, you will have an entire pizza that is only 620calories, 2.3g fat, 102g carbs and 48g protein!
Give this recipe a shot and let me know how you like it!
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fishthegenderwitch · 2 years
My personal Meal Plan
I have a box.
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In this box are some cards with letters on them, to sort recipes.
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It used to have a whole bunch of recipes in it (I looked up this box online) from the 1960s LIFE magazine. It doesn’t have many in there, but the ones in there, I can and will eat what they make.
In the process of trying to eat food that will help me live my happiest, healthiest life, and less cluttered with 25 cookbooks, I’m going through said cookbooks to find easy, delicious meals to cook myself.
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(There are so many)
That way I can get rid of a bunch of cookbooks I own and have more room for tiny creechurs.
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So the plan has been to make myself 3 weeks of meals: 21 of each meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks. Now that I think about it, that’s way too many of each, and I think I’ll maybe pick 9-15 of each, and have them a couple days in a row. That’s more realistic.
The 3 week plan means I can cycle through each week of meals and then start over again at the beginning of it. I have one day a week to try a new recipe, and if I like it, cycle it into the plan if I want to.
This avoids boring repetition, invites experimenting without being overwhelmed, and gives me a consistent grocery list, which, with food prices going up so much, will be easier to stick to.
I have food sensitivities, from having ADHD and autism, as well as allergies, so the first step in this whole process is making a list of food I Can and Will Eat. Next is to find recipes that don’t take a lot of activity to create, or can be cooked in large batches and frozen in portions to heat up.
So far, I have a list of the food I like to eat, that I CAN eat (and can afford). I have easy breakfasts, and slightly more complicated (bowl of granola vs pancakes or eggs with onions).
Here’s what I have as of right now. BREAKFAST
Week 1:   
Granola bowl with fruit compote (compote made with OJ to reduce sugar content) (3 days)
 2 scrambled eggs with salsa on toast (3 days)
 Pancakes with fruit compote (Mon)
Week 2:
Overnight oats with nondairy yogurt and grapes (3 days)
3 steamed eggs with spinach or broccoli, nutritional yeast (3 days)
Orange French toast (Mon)
Week 3: 
½ avocado mashed with garlic and lemon juice on toast (3 days)
 Pizza muffins (English muffins with marinara sauce, nondairy cheese, sausage) (3 days)
3 Breakfast cookies (granola, eggs, fruit, all that jazz) and honey citron or chrysanthemum tea (Mon)
LUNCH (This is the hardest meal for me to eat; I generally graze if I’m home, and forget to eat anything if I’m not)
Week 1:
Rice with taco sauce and salad greens (2 days)
Sliced peppers, hummus, and marinated mushrooms (2 days)
Banana and peanut butter sandwich with apple (2 days)
Week 2:
Hummus on toast with an apple (2 days)
Frittata cups with veggies (2 days)
Purèed vegetable soup and crackers (2 days)
Week 3:
Clear broth soup with a bagel (2 days)
Tuna, onion and tomato with greens and Cilantro Lime mayo (2 days)
Arugula cucumber salad with Lemon dressing (2 days)
DINNER (Sheetpan meals are literally single pan meals that are just “put it all in a pan, cook, eat”)
Week 1:
Sheetpan meal – Garlic Lime Salmon (has peppers and onions) (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and sesame tofu (2 days)
Sheetpan Meal – Pesto Chicken (has mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli) (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
Week 2:
Sheetpan meal – Steak and potatoes (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and salsa (2 days)
Sheetpan meal – Sesame Chicken (has broccoli, peppers, cauli, sweet potato) (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
Week 3:
Sheetpan meal – Cashew/Nut Chicken (has peppers and onions) (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and Dal (2 days)
Sheetpan meal - Ranch Pork Chops and potatoes with Brussels sprouts (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
I have a small list of recipes that I’d like to try on Mondays, which is my first day off in my workweek. Snacks are the next to research, because if I’m out of the house I forget to eat, unless I have something delicious in my backpack. Having an alarm go off with something fun to remind me to eat is something I’m working on too. I don’t always have the energy to do these things - prep food, clean the kitchen, remember to eat, set alarms – but when I get it ready I’m hopeful I can have that energy in the future. These recipes might seem daunting to some, but for nearly three years I’ve been eating either fast food, or heat&eat rice from Dollarama plus chips, ramen, and coffee, and I feel like absolute garbage. I have started taking vitamins to get some strength and energy back, knowing I eat very poorly, which I believe is what’s helped me make this tonight. (I wrote most of these meals just for this post, so there are SOME cylinders firing up there in the ol’ noodlenoggin).
I’m a trained cook, and cooking for one has been hard, but I think I can manage these. I seriously miss cooking, and I need way more variety and vegetation in my diet. Ima get sick if I don’t.
If there are any recipes you guys want to try out, let me know and I’ll share them. :)
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ficusfoodlab · 7 months
Chipotle Mayonnaise vs. Regular Mayonnaise: Which Packs More Punch?
Mayonnaise, the creamy condiment found in almost every kitchen, has evolved beyond its traditional roots. With the introduction of flavored variants, one particular contender stands out – chipotle mayonnaise. This smoky and spicy twist on the classic has gained popularity for its ability to add an extra kick to a variety of dishes. In this exploration, we'll compare chipotle mayonnaise and regular mayonnaise, dissecting their flavors, uses, and versatility to determine which packs more punch.
Understanding Regular Mayonnaise
Before we delve into the smoky world of chipotle, let's briefly revisit regular mayonnaise. Composed of egg yolks, oil, vinegar or lemon juice, and seasonings, regular mayonnaise is the quintessential creamy base for sandwiches, salads, and countless recipes. Its mild and neutral flavor serves as a canvas, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into a wide array of dishes.
The Smoky Sensation: Chipotle Mayonnaise
Enter chipotle mayonnaise, a flavor powerhouse born from the marriage of regular mayonnaise and chipotle peppers. Chipotle peppers are smoked and dried jalapeños, known for their distinctive smoky flavor and moderate heat. When blended into mayonnaise, they transform the condiment into a smoky, spicy delight with a hint of complexity.
Flavor Face-Off: Chipotle vs. Regular
Regular Mayonnaise: The hallmark of regular mayonnaise is its neutrality. It provides a rich and creamy texture without overpowering the other flavors in a dish. This versatility makes it an ideal base for various sauces, dressings, and marinades. Its mild taste allows other ingredients to shine, making it a reliable companion in both sweet and savory applications.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo, on the other hand, adds a layer of complexity to the classic. The smokiness from the chipotle peppers imparts a distinct flavor profile, while the heat level adds a subtle kick. This variant is bolder and more assertive, making it a preferred choice for those seeking to elevate the taste of their dishes with a hint of spice and a touch of the grill.
Versatility in the Kitchen
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayonnaise's adaptability is its strongest suit. From being a base for salad dressings to a binding agent in coleslaw, it seamlessly integrates into various recipes. Its neutral taste allows it to complement a wide range of ingredients, making it a staple in both classic and innovative culinary creations.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo, while equally versatile, adds a bold twist to dishes. It shines as a dipping sauce for fries, a spread for sandwiches, or a marinade for grilled meats. The smoky heat it brings can transform a simple dish into a culinary adventure, offering a distinct flavor profile that regular mayo cannot replicate.
Elevating Everyday Dishes
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayo excels in enhancing the creaminess and richness of everyday favorites. Think of a classic egg salad sandwich, a creamy pasta salad, or a coleslaw dressing. Its ability to complement without overpowering allows the natural flavors of ingredients to shine through.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo takes everyday dishes to a whole new level. Picture a grilled chicken sandwich with chipotle mayo, a sweet potato fries dipping into its smoky goodness, or a grilled corn on the cob slathered with a chipotle mayo glaze. The bold flavors elevate simple dishes, making them a standout on the palate.
DIY or Store-Bought: The Choice is Yours
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayo is readily available in stores, and many people also opt for homemade versions for a fresher taste. Making it at home allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring a healthier and preservative-free option.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo is available commercially, but making it at home provides the opportunity to customize the heat level and smokiness. By blending chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, and mayonnaise, you can tailor the flavor to your liking, creating a condiment that perfectly suits your palate.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Condiment for You
In the showdown between chipotle mayonnaise and regular mayonnaise, the winner ultimately depends on your flavor preferences and the culinary experience you seek. Regular mayo, with its neutrality, is a reliable companion for a wide range of dishes. On the other hand, chipotle mayo offers a smoky, spicy adventure that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. The choice between the two comes down to whether you crave the classic or yearn for a bolder, more daring flavor in your culinary creations. Whether you keep both in your kitchen arsenal or favor one over the other, may the punch they pack delight your taste buds in every bite.
Discover Vadodara's Chipotle Mayonnaise Manufacturers, where culinary excellence meets smoky, spicy flavors. Trust local producers for premium chipotle-infused mayonnaise, enhancing your dishes with a distinctive kick.
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 4 years
2021 Feb 8-34 Line, Sand
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” Mark Twain
Distro vaccines thru schools, register students, re-welcome parents, herd immunity, micromanaging middlers, stop over exaggerating, or your state has been open for 12 months with better results and elder cautions. /rant. T-cells have immunological memory capacity. /rant
W1/4 Definitely have to do cardio, found some cool balance videos. Why doesn’t anyone say Frinight? Some lite sessions I’ve dropped or pulled a plate, some heavy sessions I’ve added one. Seems okay, focusing on contraction the past weeks has improved. Earache my eye.
W2/4 Running on elliptical 60 revolutions activates quads and core, but has altered my diet drastically. Drive low, in starting to improve cardio by doing any, legs on catchup and mind checked out, abs pissed, goal up it by 10 to 100 then minutes. Speed saves quads but ads hunger, should get a good take to it eventually, or sweat trying.
W3/4 The goals and risks of fad/crash diets in a race to lose weight, catch and release. The dangers of certain goals are physical and mentally exhausting, risk vs reward. The process of actions gives experience to aid decision and familiarity with old fears as new instinct takes you to new challenges much harder than you thought you could do. You don’t have to do it alone, but you don’t have to attack yourself either, nerves. New train, new nerve.
W4/4 Stimulants in the slow-twitch larger muscles causes increased signaling and response time, albeit somewhat artificially or induced, it can also be interpreted as additional sensitivity, the difference b/w working out or just sweating, as muscle is built with resistance, adverse weight, contrapose isometrics, and to some extent the flex of posing muscles and concentric tension, example being glutes are strong but exhaust, a runner trades size for endurance, but with stimulants in regards to muscle they exhaust before muscle memory is trained, leaving a shitty workout and an addiction to caffeine. I’m no expert, and advise against the gas station stims at least, and from the cold can walk the coffee line with the patience of winter people. A difference, it was.
https://youtu.be/XEtfoM_WctM Mikhaila Peterson, talking about survival, with some interesting notes on inflammation caused by gluten attacking tendons and can include causing lower back pain.
https://youtu.be/WsOq4yw1F3g Physical Strength is the Most Important Thing in Life / 1hr, Sunday-ish, his humor is subtle or dry, but in a Texas accent
https://youtu.be/NXJuq1QB_ac Crowder & Hodge Twins GYM Work Out!
https://youtu.be/yd6nGdO8jE4 Fix Your Squat
https://youtu.be/wGKL62fGj6U Testosterone makes effort feel good | Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman
https://youtu.be/l8YpYkqosa8 How to Change Your Genetic Destiny - Joe Dispenza
https://youtu.be/kt3jPiUs5MM I Play 14 String Guitar
Mon/ Slow Push > Treadmill warmup 5&5 > Shoulder press 3x 8 /507090- > DB lat Raise 3x 8 /555 > BB Flat Bench 3x 8 /456075 > Incline DB Bench 3x 8 /100i20*4 > Pec Deck 3x 8 /100*3 > Dips 3x 8 /3X > Crossover 3x 8 /2x25*3~ > Pullover 3x 8 /506565 > Tric Pushdown 3x 8 /656565 > Twist 3x 8 /7090110130- > Hot > Treadmill 20min > kinda melting, gotta level up, in the snow ffs it’s hot;
Am pwo 250ml; 2pm mug whey/tea, ⅓ cup almonds; grocery pickup, 200g burger, mug whey/tea; gym, 1/2L+, gone in, 1/2L, hot; home, 200g cuscus cran almond in pork broth, 200g pork; stuff, 130g coconut pineapple bread, mug tea/casein;
Tue/ Lite Pull 60x15/lb > Treadmill 10 > Lat Pulldown 60/2lf x15*4 > Palms-In Pulldown 60/ x10085*3 > Mach Row 5p (pullies) 60/2(half) x45*4 > Straight pulldown 60/ x30*4 > N shldr press 60/ x25*4? > DB Shrug 60/2x60*4- > Archers 60/ x2025*3 > Straight bar curl 60/x2030*3 > Preacher Curl 60/2 x30*4 > Prc Hammer 60/2 x30*4 > treadmill 10
Light/volume less single plate? /* That dude is cut and ripped for his size, and he's having more fun in the shower than we are combined?
mug tea/whey; 125g barley/craisins/almonds, 225 pork; mug whey/tea; gym, pw 1L, h2o 1/2L; home, 200g amish noodles, 200g stroganoff; mug tea/casein, coconut/pineapple/muffin (undercooked, nuked, fixed), frosting, whoops; 2 more;
Wed/ Slow Legs *6/lbs > Treadmill 10 > Mule 3x 6 /507090110 > Leg Press 3x 8 /8095110125140155170185 > Deadlift 3x 8 /50100150 > Leg Ext 3x 6 /50507090 > Leg Curl 3x 8 /507090110- > Side Bends X6/2/454545 > Heel Raise 3x 6 /30507090110-L > Mach twist x8/70901113 > Treadmill 10min
125 millet, 275 beef, 175 stroganoff, tea; 3 links, 5 eggs, 2 mushroom, jalapeno, ⅓ m onion, whey / tea; 3 cup popcorn, gym, ½ L recovery, ½ pw; home, casein / tea; 225g chicken, 200 red rice; cup cottage cheese;
Thu/ LIte Push *15/lb > Treadmill 10 > DB Flat Bench 60/60*4 > Incl mach press 60/ x70*4 > Pec Deck 60/ x7085100115 > Cable x-over 60/ x25?4 > Shldr Press 60/ x30*4+ > DB lat Raise 60/ 2x15 > Hoist 60/ x25253035 > Fwd Pulldown 60/ x40*4- > Tricep 60/ x40*4- > Twist 60/ x50507070 > Treadmill > Rev order
FRI/ Slow Pull > Earache SAT/
Mon/ Slow Push > Treadmill ~ > Shldr Press *6, 30456060 > Hoist *6, 5065*3 > Lat Raise *6,/2/555 > BB Flat Bench *6, 75i15*4 > Incl DB Bench *6, 70i20*4 > Pec Deck *6,100115130145 > Dips *6 666 > Pullover *6 506070 > Triceps *6, 506070~ > Twist *6, 506070
200g burger, whey/tea; {repeat casein}, gym, pw 1L?, 6 egg rolls, casein/tea; 4oz cheese, tea; x2;
Tue/ FST Pull > Treadmill 5 > Wide Lat Pulldown 7x7/75*7 > Palms-In Pulldown 7x7/100*7 > DB 1-Arm Row 7x7/25303540454545 > Straight Pulldown 7x7,30*7 > Row 7x7/607580*5 > DB Shrug 7x7/2x60*7 > Delt Deck Fly 7x7/20252525252530 > Straight Bar Curl 7x7/20303030404040 > Chair concentric curl 7x7/3050,70*5 > /2 prchr 7x7/1530*545 > Treadmill 5
⅔ cup almonds, 2 cup milk; back to sleep it seems; 200g burger, tea/whey; 200g burger, casein/tea; gym, 1L/3hr; must've tanned; home, 250g burger, jalapeno, tea/casein; 150g burger, tea/casein;
Wed/ Slow Legs > Treadmill 5, elliptical ii > Mule 3x 6 90110130 > Hack Squat x 6,20304050 > Side Bends /2/3x 6*,606060 > Deadlift 3x 6, 9090180 > Press 3x 6, 658095110125140155170- > LR Leg Ext 3x 6,606060 > LR Leg Curl 3x 8/elliptical 60/2,*2 > LR Heel Raise 3x 8,70909090 > Cable bowing *6/3040506580100100- > Twist mach *6/70901113 > Incl treadmill 2x15 min bpm // DLs kinda short, shld drop notch to 1; forgot to write all ellipticals;
tea/casein, sleep; tea/casein, 150g burger; 175g Potato skins, 4 eggs, tea/casein, parking lot snow snafu later, gym, 1L/3hr; phone, home, 2 slice chicken spinach alfredo, tea; tea/casein; x2;
Thu/ FST Push /lbs > Treadmill 5, elliptical 60rf, > DB Flat Bench 7*7/7590*6 > Incl BB Bench 7*7/125*7 > DB Incl Fly 7*7/115*7 > Shoulder Press 7*7/30*3,45-,30*3 > Pec deck 7*7/100*7 > *DB Lat Raise 7*7/5*7 > DB hoist 7*7/25303540404040- > Pullover 7*7/303040*450 > Trica 7*7/3040*550 > Twist 7*7/305070*5 > Elliptical 60rf
Pw; mom, 2 slices, casein tea; burger, pwo; downloads; gym, 1L, home, 180g potatoes, 6 eggs; burger, casein/tea; hot chocolate;
Fri/ Slow Pull > Treadmill 5 > Lat Pulldown 3x 6,9090105120135150165- > Chin Up neutral 3x 6,66-6- > Bench row palms up X6,120135150165180195 > Wide High Row 3x~ 65100*2 dry > DB Shrug 3x 8/2x6060,6060 > Rear delt fly 3x 8,8585100100 > EzCurl 3x 10,203040,5060- > Prchr 1-Arm 3x 10, 15304560-1 > Concentric chair, x10/30507090? > Twist X10/507090? > Treadmill 10/elliptical 60rv > Thinking to 5lbs a week after inventorying, and if a session finishes an assload of quick, sobeit.
200 burger, 250ml amino h2o; 250ml, popcorn; gym, 1L++; home, a pizza, 1L+vitC; cheese;
Sat/ Lite Legs remix > Treadmill 5, elliptical 60,60,60, stairwell 10, elliptical 60,60, treadmill 10, stairs? Should I eat without reward. Running on the elliptical, if i’d’ve been doing it for 5 years, it’d be the abs muscle memory that would be chunky by now, tldr not-bouncy elliptical no joke.
Week 3 (mixed: lite, slow) >
Mon/ Heavy Push /lbs > Treadmill 10/elliptical 60 > Shldr Press *6/60*3 > Hoist 30355065- > Lateral Raise *6/55510 > BB Flat Bench *6/75*4 > Dips *8/6666 > Incl DB Bench *6/7070909011 > Pec Deck *8/100i15*4 > Pullover *8/4040,4040 > Triceps *8/30454545? > Kneelmach twists *8/70i20*4 > Elliptical 60r > Treadmill I fucking hate treadmill walking my cooldowns;
4 bacon, 6 eggs, tea; casein/tea, 200g rice; gym, 1L++; home, 2 slice, 4 eggs; tea/casein;
Tue /Lite Pull 5*12 > Elliptical 60c > Lat Pulldown *10/456075*4 > Palms In Pulldown *10/100*6 > DB 1-Arm Row *10/45*4,50*2- > Straight pulldown *10/30*4,40*2 > Supine row *10/75i15*4 > Shrug *10/2x60*6 > Delt Deck *10/55*6 > Supine Curl *10/20304050,6060 > Preacher Curl 2/*10/30*6 > Alt DB Hammer /2/*10/2030*5liro > Elipti 60c > Treadmill 10 > Rev order
Pwo 250ml, 2 pizza slices, groceries; 180g skirt, mate/catnip tea; gym, 1.5L/3h; 8oz summer sausage; 225g rice, 325g chiclken;
Wed/ Slow Legs > Treadmill 5 > Mule /2 *6/50709011 > Leg Press *6/J'T;8095110 > 125140155170185,200215 > Hack Squat *6/- > Deadlift *6/50,100,200 > skippo some stuff >
Sit Heel Raise *6/50i20*5 > skip that > Bow/Crunch *10/3040506580100105- > Twist *10/90110130? > Finished the full stack at the leg press, possibly twice as hard as the horizontal press
Tea; tea; 2pm 200g burger, coffee; 5pm 225 burger, coffee; gym, 1L~+; home, salad (nuts, spinach, onions, cranberries, kale); 200g skirt, ~cup doubled crock broth/gravy/potatoes;
Thu/ Lite Push 60/lb/x > Treadmill 10 > Cable Lat Raise *10/5*6- > W should Press *10/50*6 > H Chest press *10/70*6 > Low press? *10/ 454560607575 > Xpunch *10/ 353535505050 > Crossover *10/202020202525 > Lock pulldown/over *10/3030 > Should I do side bends knelt?
Burger, tea; burger, tea; gym, rehydrate 700ml, pw ½x2; home, ⅓ onion, 3sm jalapenos, 300g burger, 300g rice/cayenne/fridge;
Fri/ Slow/Heavy Pull > High Row *6/50658095 > Lat Pulldown *6/60i15*6 > Low Row *8/60i15*9 > DB Shrug *8/2x60*4 > Delt Deck *8/70708080? > Prchr 1-Arm *10/30454560- >
200g burger, gr tea/casein; 200g burger, tea; never bw still; LOW CARB
Sat/ Lite Legs 60/lb > Treadmill 10 > Elliptical 60,60-60- > Treadmill 15 > treadmill 15 > Stairwell 15 > Leave some circulation so that I don't pass out you (German profanity?)
Trainers black, hoodie grey thin, drawers 2x, clean away closet, live in half the room;
Week 4 (all slow)
MON/ HEAVY PUSH > buys > Shldr Press *6/456075,90105120- > Pec Deck *8/100i15*5 > BB Flat Bench *6/607590105 > Incl DB Bench *6/70i20*6 > Dips *8/8,8,8,8 > Pullover *8/3535,5050 > Tric Pushdown *8/2/30456075-L > Twist *8/7090110 > Elliptical 60c > Treadmill 8
TUE/ SLOW-LITE PULL > Lat Pulldown *6/606075*4,90*2 > Palms-In Pulldown *6/100*4 > 1-Arm Row *6/2045*3 > Pullover/down *6/30303040 > Row *6/6075858590 > Sm Shrug *8/100*4 > Delt Deck *8/2/55*4 > Straight Bar Curl *8/20303040 > Preacher Curl *8/2/30*4 > Prch Hammer *8/2/30*4 >.
Wed/ HEAVY-SLOW LEGS > Body Squat *6/66; > Leg Press *6/110125140,155170185,200,215 > Rom Deadlift *6/100150200~ > Leg Ext *8/30507090- > Heel Raise *6/7090110130 > Side Bends *8/35506580100- > Cablebar Bows *6/35506580100100 > Rev Crunch *10/?chair 90*6/4? >
A thermal session but from eating a low GI breakfast, lunch had a smoothie the breakfast was high fat but had fasted half a day to get there, and the PWO niacin kicks pace slower but faster, have to get super better at cardio
Thu/ LITE-SLO PUSH > 6DB Flat Bench *6/30+456075 > 7Incl BB Bench *6/110*3,130- > 8Pec deck *6/100100100,100 > 9Crossover *8/2x20*4 > 3Shldr Press *8/30*4 > 5Cbl Lat Raise *8/10*4 > DB front Raise *6/364045- > 4Plate pullover *10/30404040 > 2Tric Pushdown *10/30404040 > 1Twist *12/50707070 > Treadmill 8
Fri / HEAVY PULL > High Row *6/3040506070 > Lat Pulldown *6/30i15*13 > Pullup *6/? > Mach Row *8/7590 > Low row *8/100105110115 > DB Shrug *8/2x60*3 > Delt Deck *8/ 20253035 > BB Curl *10/ 2030405060- > Preacher 1-Arm *10/2/30*3 > Preacher both *10/45-45-45 slowaf > AM crunches?
Sat/ LITE-SLO LEGS > Treadmill 10 > Stairs 10 > Treadmill 10 > Stairs 10 > Treadmill 10 > Stairs kneeraise 5 >
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plusperfect · 5 years
Triggering topic
But one I feel ready to talk about on my blog.
-if mentions of eating disorders and related things upset or trigger you please do not read this post-
So I mentioned briefly in a previous post that I struggled with disordered eating. And I wanted to do a proper post about it. Some of my followers know as I have spoken to and tried to help other individuals too. I have struggled with eating disorders since I was 7/8 years old. Yeah, young I know.
I went to a boarding school. For those of you who don’t know this is where the school is your house. You sleep there and see your parents like 3 times a year. I was overweight as a child. 8 and 8st. I’m not proud. (14 years later I would find out this was due to a gluten allergy cause by an autoimmune disorder but this isn’t massively relevant to the story at the moment).
My house parent, the mother figure in your life at boarding school, put me on a highly restricted diet (without telling my parents). For 4 years I was only allowed 1 piece of break a week, my tuck (sweets and snacks my family gave me) was locked away and I was allowed one piece a week, my dinner comprised of half a jacket potato one individual pack of butter and one spoon of tuna fish with a small side plate of salad. No puddings. I was 7-11 years old and watching all the other kids eat whatever they wanted whenever they wanted with no restrictions knowing that I was restricted because I was fat.
I did what any normal kid would do and took advantage of being at home. Usually the day after I flew home my family would go out to a restaurant or the cinema to have a nice family outing- so I would eat, taking advantage of the lack of restrictions, and I would EAT until later that night when I would puke everything back up again. This developed into a subconscious binge eating disorder and purging routine. I wasn’t making myself sick but it was how my body coped and even now I still suffer from it not being able to eat the same meal for more than 1 or 2 meals without being violently sick.
I was VERY active as a child; I was on every sports team, did street/pop dance over my lunch break, extra curricular ballet and horse riding and I worked my socks off at everything because I never wanted to let anyone down. (This should’ve been the first sign that something was wrong other than just me eating too much) during the holidays when I was home I would join the middle aged mothers on my compound when they went for runs and when they did aqua fit in the pool; as well as all the usual running swimming cycling rollerblading and trampolining that kids do. But I was still big. When I moved to big school the teachers where more lax about my food; and eventually when I was 14 no one was controlling my food anymore, but I was putting myself on diets and workout programs to lose weight because I was the fattest person in my school. I was 10st (140lbs). Not really that fat considering I was 5”5-5”7 but I was a late developer so I was still kinda build like a toddler where everything was just kinda barrelly (does that make sense? Like no curves just a stick with a distended tummy) I tried juice fasts and high carb veganism, vegetarian diet (but I’m not allowed to be veggie coz of health issues), just salad and chicken, soup diet, 7lbs in 7days- you name I tried it. And nothing was working. I was not losing weight. At 15 I was literally hoping I would’ve comatosed so I could wake up skinny.
Then I was in my final year of school and I got a boyfriend. I stopped worrying so much about what I looked like (though I wasn’t completely comfortable with him seeing me fully undressed for nearly a year) I put on a bit of weight and ended up at 160ish lbs. Then I moved in with my mum and started university, I was in charge of cooking instead of paying rent so I was making healthy home cooked meals. I very rarely used oil in cooking, it was full of veggies and flavour and was balanced and a good portion. I was eating out with my friends on lunch times or having sandwiches, toast and fruit in the morning or a McDonald’s breakfast while on the bus to uni. More fatty foods than I was used to but not an obscene amount, and I was still quite active. But I ballooned. I went up 3st (51lbs) in less than 3 months.
I went to my gp and requested bloods to be taken as I was worried that I possibly had a hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS as that sort of stuff runs in my family. He took note of the bloods request but basically told me not to worry. I mentioned I had put on weight rapidly and he told me to eat less and work out more. So I did.
I spent the next 3 years yoyoing dieting, paying massive amounts of money on gym memberships, personal training, fitness classes.
My body image plummeted. I started fasting and dieting again. Eating healthily to have my body reject it because I was so anxious about eating and gaining. I was looking at thinspo and girls who were about 100-110lbs and wishing I could just be like them. I would watch biggest loser, supersize vs superskinny, my 600lb life all this programs to get tips on how to lose weight. I bought diet pills (they don’t work) I cried and screamed and threw my entire wardrobe into charity bags because nothing fit or looked good. I was working out 13hours a week and eating about 500calories a day. And still gaining weight.
So after a hellish and emotional final year (some of which I’ve spoken about on here) I gave up watching what I ate and exercising. I was up over 221lbs and I found out due to an accidental blood test (taken when I went for a ecg to check I wasn’t having heart attacks) that I had a thyroid condition which was why I had gained so much weight so quickly and why I couldn’t lose it.
But by then the damage was done. My binging and purging had turned into obsessively counting calories and fasting and binging until my body purged itself. However I gave up completely caring for the couple of months while I was in a very bad place mentally, this was actually my first step in recovery. It was the first time in a long time not caring and I needed that as it helped break the cycle.
Over this past year I have been working so hard on having a healthy relationship with food as well as my own health and fitness. I have bad days where I have to force myself to eat to accommodate for the energy I have used. And I have good days where I don’t have to fight the urge to step on the scale 15 times a day. It hard, on days where there is a lot of pressure or I have to relive some of the events from the past years it’s hard to not control that one little aspect. It’s why I sometimes forget to post weekly weigh ins because I’m trying to get out of using the scale a bit more and think about how I feel instead.
Running has helped me a lot over this past year. And I only track my calories occasionally for like a week at a time to make sure I’m not massively under eating. I’m hoping to work with a wonderful personal trainer when I’m back in the UK who specialises in female body conditioning and nutrition; my goals are NOT to lose weight (though I’m still aiming to get into that healthy bmi range) my goals are to get stronger, and develop and enhance my body’s natural shape with muscle, and get better with my food, what I should be eating and how much I should be eating.
I know my journey is very specific and there were a lot of bad events in quick succession that actually affected my view of things but I’m hoping this story can resonate with some people and help them to get help to recover or just look at themselves in a bit of a different light.
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shy-violet-soul · 5 years
Caught Red (or White) Handed
Title:  Caught Red (or White) Handed Characters: Sam, Dean Summary: Someone thinks they’re very sneaky with their thievery.  But the evidence is un-donut-able… Warnings: powdered sugar fluff Word count: 600-ish
A/N:  I saw a meme from another fandom with this, and it made me laugh.  Got me wondering how this would go down with our favorite Winchester brothers.  This drabble is unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine.
A/N 2: Here’s another one that was mysteriously eaten by Tumblr.
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester are characters created/owned by the CW.  This is a work of fiction by me, and is not to be printed elsewhere without my written permission.  Thank you for reblogging, not reposting!
Sam Winchester loved healthy food.
Dean frequently proclaimed him a freak of nature, that it was unnatural how much green stuff he ate.  But Sam genuinely enjoyed healthy food.  A baby spinach salad lightly dressed with a nice vinaigrette, some grilled chicken, Greek olives, and feta - yum.  He’d had a portobello mushroom Wellington with a side of buttery mashed cauliflower once that he still had good dreams about.  His favorite go-to snack?  Good ol’ Red Delicious apple.  Dean had sniggered when he’d started buying lunchbox packs of mini peanut butter to add some flavor and protein, but he didn’t care.  His brother shoveling in the beef jerky and Bugles meant Sam didn’t have to share the good stuff.  Give him sulfate and saturated fat freedom any day!
But sometimes a guy just needed some heavily processed sugar.  Guilt free, cholesterol-laden junk that he shamelessly enjoyed without a thought to any brotherly judgement.
The fact that he was hiding in the archive room, wedged in a shadowed corner of a bookshelf with his junk food, was irrelevant.  The fact that the junk food was stolen wasn’t.
The door to the room creaked open, and Sam’s throat seized up around the contraband crumbs he inhaled in his surprise.  
“Sammy?” came the query, bootfalls entering the room, and Sam shoved the cellophane package behind the trashcan he’d been perched on.  Seizing the book closest to him, Sam shouldered some nonchalance into his stance as he stepped into his brother’s view.
“Hey, Dean.  What’s up?”  Dean stared at him with a curiously expressionless face.  Half-chewed crumbs and dissolving sugar coated his throat, and Sam chanced a quick blink to push back the choke-induced water from his eyes.  Dean slowly strode towards him, coming close enough to crane his head to read from the open book Sam held.  Heat crawled up Sam’s neck when Dean calmly picked up the book and flipped it right-side up for him vs. the upside down that, apparently, hadn’t fooled him.  
“Reading up on the lore?”
“Yeah. Sure.  Uh, just keeping on with the reading.  Yep.”
Dean nodded, pursing his lips agreeably as he turned to study a row of boxes at his shoulder.
“Hey, Sammy?”
Swallowing hard, Sam tried to move the burn and slide of the bite stuck in his throat, striving for a casual air as he stared down at the page.  “Yeah?”
“You haven’t seen my mini powdered donuts, have you?”
The face Sam turned to his brother was a marvel of surprise and scorn.  “Your donuts?  No.”
Dean merely nodded, pulling a lid off a box and rifling through its contents as the silence between them grew.  Surreptitiously, Sam studied his brother, his shoulders relaxing a bit as a crease appeared between Dean’s brows that spoke of deep concentration.  Carefully, Sam seated himself in a chair, clearing his throat free of the last clump sticking there.  The quiet was broken only by the rustle of paper here and there…
“Hey, Sammy?”
“What’s that white stuff all over your face and shirt?”
Sam’s face swiveled to look at Dean, his tongue darting out to catch the sugary evidence he didn’t realize outed him.  When Dean smirked, that infuriating smirk that Sam had spent years seething under, Sam slapped the most self-righteous, innocent look on his face he could muster as he gathered himself up to full height.
“That’s cocaine, Dean.  I don’t want to talk about it.”  And he took off for his room, dragging his nutritional dignity behind him, sagging beneath the laughter that followed him.
“You owe me a pack of donuts, Jack LaLanne!”
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs A Return to Normalcy
Updates from the workplace, and the news is ... for once, not terrible.
See, turns out that Scruffman came in on Sunday, along with the other part-timer (who has been petitioning for more hours and I think she's going to get them at this rate), and really registered the massive dent I made in the backlog. Because seriously, that whole week we went from just under 300 to just under 150 and that was about 95% me. So we're finally back down to the low-mid double digits in terms of the size of the typing queue, and I have a feeling Scruffman had a general sense of, "Ooh. [Thess] did a lot. [Thess] should not have been doing that much, I know that."
Scruffman does not have the best communication skills, mind - especially not over email. He sent an email going, "Give me a bell ASAP" and actually included his number, which I have had stored on my phone for literally years, so I thought there was going to be something urgent and horrible. Because, you may recall, he was going to touch base with me today about potentially having to drag my poor fibro-riddled carcass over to fucking Hampstead owing to lack of bums in seats. I was concerned that this was going to be a call where Issues were brought up.
However, no, this was his way of saying, "I has a concern and want to make sure you're okay after the hours you put in last week". I didn't pull punches, either. He asked how I was doing, which is how he starts all telephone conversations, really, and I just told him, "I seriously overdid it last week". I could hear the gears turning as he was going, "Oh. Yeah. Oh, right" before moving on to the whole thing about the various unexpected absences.
So ... turns out that Violet, Goblin, and Temp are all out at the moment, though Goblin and Temp are apparently coming back on Friday. He's got Other Part-Timer coming in tomorrow, so it's really only Thursday where there might be a requirement for me to come in. But apparently that's only if Scruffman himself takes ill or something else goes entirely to hell. It was pretty clear that he was trying desperately hard not to make me go into the office, particularly after the couple of weeks I've already put in. He also recognised that I do more typing when I'm at home than I do at the office, and then surprised me further by going, "I don't necessarily mean overtime or anything!" like he very much doesn't want me to have to do any more of that either.
So the overall gist is, "Things are back to normal, we will try to manage things without forcing you on to public transport, thank you for all the help and we promise we're not going to make you do too much more of that!" I'm not sure what happens with my overtime - whether it's Time Off In Lieu or actual money, but I think I'll find that out when Head Honcho comes back from his own holidays ... or rather, when I come back from mine because he's away until next week and I'm off next week.
I very much need to be off next week. I haven't fully recovered yet. But at the very least my house is full of nice foods to have that don't require too much in the way of cookery. I did up a pork roast last night so I have leftovers from that. There's a roast chicken that's good in the fridge until Friday, which gives me time to do things with the leftover pork roast and with the duck legs and pork chops I got on sale with this month's grocery shop. But tonight, since I am exhausted (whoever was typing with me today also left me with the longer bullshit - thankfully there were no ten-minute atrocities but if I see one more placenta report this week I'm going to lose my damn mind), it will be leftover roast pork with mashed potato and an asparagus/tenderstem broccoli medley, with an appetiser of gluten-free mozzarella sticks (which, yes, still have the lactose issue but I have Lactaid so I can still have my breaded hot cheese) and possibly a salad. I did actually eat today! Okay, not lunch, but two pieces of gingerbread as breakfast went really well with my morning coffee.
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junk-yard-hearts · 6 years
School Headcanons
Henry / English Class -
·         Henry has English class with you because on the first day of school, he saw that you had a class with everyone but him and got his schedule changed lmao
·         You sit in the back and he loudly drags a desk over and pushes it against yours so he can sit with his arm around you
·         The teacher scowls at him but has given up on saying anything because he does it every single day
·         When he has trouble answering a question on the work, he gets very flustered about you thinking he’s dumb
·         But you just open the textbook and show him the lesson to explain it again
·         You’d never laugh at him but he’s still shy about admitting when he doesn’t know something because he lowkey wants to impress you
·         When there’s a substitute he asks Henry to move his desk and Henry gets so mad lmao
·         “I ain’t doin’ nothin’ wrong. Missus B let’s me do it.”
·         You tell him to just move because it’s only for one day and he’s??? Absolutely? Outraged.
·         He moves his desk over anyway obviously
·         The substitute didn’t have anything planned so he sits with his legs up on the desk and his head on your chest and you read to him Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland while playing with his hair and he falls asleep like that
·         He wakes up to Patrick and Reggie standing outside the door pointing at him snickering, and he bolts out of the room and chases them down the hall
 Vic (Adapted from my poly gang headcanon post ay) Study Hall / Lunch -
·         You have study hall together before lunch
·         You sit by the windows, with your Walkman cassette player between you two, sharing a pair of headphones
·         You hold hands under the desk and read your history assignments quietly
·         He can tell what kind of mood your in/ day you’ve had by what album you pick
·         On the days you bring Bowie’s Let’s Dance! to class, he can guess you’ve had a good day
·         But when Megadeth’s Killing Is My Business is blaring in your headphones, he knows you’re probably pissed off.
·         He helps you finish your math homework, and basically just tells you the answers because he knows how frustrated Mr G’s algebra assignments make you
·         Sometimes you get distracted and just stare out the window the whole period and he just lets you zone out, rubbing his thumb in circles on the palm of your hand
·         He walks you to lunch, holding your hand
·         Always holds the cafeteria door for you
·         Walks through lunch line with you and carries your tray to your table for you
·         You sit at a round table by the doors to the courtyard with all your boys
·         If you ask nicely Vic will cut your salad up for you
·         Of course the boys sit and cheer about how whipped he is but he doesn’t seem to care
 Patrick / Biology (In my writing he’s just a stupid asshole not actually evil i don’t feel comfortable writing him as a boyfriend who kills babies) –
·         Sits behind you and does dumb shit
·         Throws notes onto your desk that have little drawings of you or haikus about the teacher’s ass
·         You turn around to scold him but his cheeks are all pink from holding in laughter and his lil dimples and you can’t stay mad
·         This is your first class after lunch, and he brings you saran wrapped cookies he stole from the cafeteria
·         One time he brought you an entire lunch tray and you wonder how he got it out of the cafeteria and into class
·         You don’t question it
·         You’re sitting there eating cafeteria mac n cheese and chicken nuggets and the teacher walks in
·         He stops in the doorway and stares
·         But he sees the dorky ass smile on Patrick’s face and just rolls his eyes and says nothing
·         You don’t know where he learned it, but he can braid your hair
·         He keeps a little plastic pink doll’s comb in his pocket and spends some days brushing your hair over his desk and ignoring the teacher
·         You try to focus on your work but he knows your weakness is when he touches your hair
·         He gets a major kick out of being able to distract you.
·         When you’re partnered for labs, he makes you do most of the work
Reggie / Spanish (I hate calling him Belch I’m srry)
·         You’re paired together because he was the last person without a partner and you’d shown up late to class
·         You’re not good at keeping masculine vs feminine words straight and he’s never rude about it
·         The teacher calls on you when you weren’t paying attention and you stutter out a wrong answer and the whole class laughs
·         But Reggie doesn’t laugh
·         He just leans over and shows you where you’re at in the workbook and explains what you got wrong.
·         He’s a very good teacher and you eventually ask him to tutor you. He invites you to his house the next Sunday and you spend all of Saturday picking an outfit.
·         You arrive to his house and his mom greets you with a hug
·         You and Reggie sit at the kitchen table and his mom brings you chocolate chip cookies and lemonade before shuffling out to the living room where she sits to finish sewing some curtains in front of the television
·         You sit with your heads close over your textbook, and he explains everything you don’t understand, no matter how many times he has to repeat it for you.
·         His mom walks back in the room to ask how everything is coming, and sees you with your lips pressed to his and just turns and hustles back out with an “oh my!”
·         His mom invites you to stay for dinner but you had to get back home so she tells you her invitation stands for any night of the week you’d like to join them
Tip the author 
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
dinner @ Gyu Kaku
Had dinner @ Gyu Kaku on Jasper Ave last night for my friend, Mike’s birthday.
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Gyu Kaku is a global franchise for Japanese BBQ. This Jasper Ave location is the only one in Edmonton so far, & it opened this summer. This meal marked my 1st visit here!
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Interior. I didn’t expect the restaurant to have 2 floors. Being right next to Dagu Rice Noodles, I was expecting a similar layout/design - 1 floor only. That being said, it wasn’t a full 2 floors bcos the upper level was about half the size of the main floor. So the style was more like a loft.
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The thing is.. . even thought the main floor had 2x the area of the upper level, the useable seating space was similar bcos a large portion of the main floor was dedicated to the bar. There were some chairs for seating around the bar but not many.
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We got the end table upstairs bcos the reservation was for 12 ppl. This was the largest table they had, & I would say .. it can comfortably seat 14.
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View from the corner of our table- you can see the bar as well as some tables.
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My view. This was the entire second floor: a handful of tables, with a staff desk.
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The menu~
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I didn’t take photos of each page but their menu is online & easily accessible. I didn’t see any difference as I was flipping through. In addition to BBQ, they have regular dishes you can order as well. The variety of items was decent.
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On the table was a stand-up flip menu of their specials. The above is the family dinner for 8.
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We were a party of 10, so we ended up with this Matsuri Course for 10 ppl. It was recommended to us by our server, & we went with her recommendation. I didn’t get photos of everything bcos our table was long & I was busy catching up.. . but I managed to get *most* of them :P
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The salad. I really liked the salad for the dressing. I’ve been doing salads without dressing these days (personal preference/choice); the dressing they used here was light & slightly sweet. It was rather appetizing~
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We’ve got.. . a little corner of the gyozas, edamame, chicken karaage, & a cabbage slaw that I didn’t even try.
Gyozas were *mehh.. Personal preference thing: I like my gyozas to have some texture to it but the filling & the wrapper just kinda all.. . became one & the exterior wasn’t crisp.
Edamame: I did not have one.
Chicken karaage: it was fair; it wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad. Fried chicken is fried chicken haha hard to mess up.
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Beef garlic noodles. Where was the beef?! I liked it for “garlic noodles”. The flavour was excellent (garlicy & savoury) & the noodle texture was a bit chewy. It was served in a stone bowl (the kind you get for bibimbap) so some strands of noodles had the semi-burnt/crispy texture to it. Loved that! I was actually order this if we weren’t doing the family-style dinner. Glad these noodles was a part of it so that I could try it! This was my fav from everything we had last night.
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The beef bibimbap. This was alright. The texture reminded me of the clay pot-cooked rice you get from certain Chinese restaurants. The flavour was blander than I had anticipated given the colour was kind of dark-ish. I was indifferent about this.
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The meats. I couldn’t tell what was what after a while. Not bcos I was awkwardly sitting between the 2 grills (so I was being fed the entire evening lol) but things just started tasting the same. If you go back to the menu, you’ll notice that the meats are marinated differently. The only difference I could tell was the meat type (beef vs pork vs chicken) - the taste was just all.. . blending in! They have 3 sauces on the table (sweet soy, ponzu, & chili) & individual sauce holder/dishes, but tbh, it was not needed bcos everything had flavour to it - sadly, the same flavour =/ It was good but it felt too much for me. I’d rather have unmarinated meat & flavour accordingly/try out diff sauces than everything pre-marinated.
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The grill. The grill is different than K-BBQ, which is what I’m more familiar with. I can’t say I prefer one over the other bcos both fulfill their purpose of cooking meat. Our server told us numerical values for how many seconds we should cook each slice of meat lol I actually missed the 1st part of the instructions & I caught “this plate is 45. These two are .. [insert another number]”.. . I asked my friends what she was talking about after, & they were like, “the cooking time for each cut/meat type”. I don’t know. .. but it’s fairly easy to tell if something is ready or not =/ not sure if makes a difference. But that’s the info we were given.
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My drink: the 50/50 (sake + plum wine). It was alright. I don’t know much about sake / Japanese plum wine. For myself, I was indifferent. I didn’t think it was good but it was refreshing.
*Not in photos = the veggies. It was almost in equal amounts of the meats: zucchini, eggplant, corn, red bell pepper. The garlic mushrooms were good but . .. overall, was expecting more meat in comparison for $300.
In all honesty, I was ok about this meal. I enjoyed the company & service. The meats were good & over marinated, in my opinion (again, personal preference), & my fav “side” of the beef garlic noodles! Come to think of it, it has Shanghai noodle vibes, if you know what I mean.
Do I prefer this or K-bbq? At Baekjeong several months, I had K-bbq with the same group of ppl & also ordered a large family-style combo. & the price was comparable. But from the most bang from your buck perspective, Baekjeong>Gyu. The quality of meats was also comparable but I liked the preparation of the meat at Baekjeong as it gave the opportunity to experiment with diff sauces & condiments. *shrugs* that’s how I feel. If I were to choose between the two shared combos: Baekjeong.
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ficusfoodlab · 7 months
Chipotle Mayonnaise vs. Regular Mayonnaise: Which Packs More Punch?
Mayonnaise, the creamy condiment found in almost every kitchen, has evolved beyond its traditional roots. With the introduction of flavored variants, one particular contender stands out – chipotle mayonnaise. This smoky and spicy twist on the classic has gained popularity for its ability to add an extra kick to a variety of dishes. In this exploration, we'll compare chipotle mayonnaise and regular mayonnaise, dissecting their flavors, uses, and versatility to determine which packs more punch.
Understanding Regular Mayonnaise
Before we delve into the smoky world of chipotle, let's briefly revisit regular mayonnaise. Composed of egg yolks, oil, vinegar or lemon juice, and seasonings, regular mayonnaise is the quintessential creamy base for sandwiches, salads, and countless recipes. Its mild and neutral flavor serves as a canvas, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into a wide array of dishes.
The Smoky Sensation: Chipotle Mayonnaise
Enter chipotle mayonnaise, a flavor powerhouse born from the marriage of regular mayonnaise and chipotle peppers. Chipotle peppers are smoked and dried jalapeños, known for their distinctive smoky flavor and moderate heat. When blended into mayonnaise, they transform the condiment into a smoky, spicy delight with a hint of complexity.
Flavor Face-Off: Chipotle vs. Regular
Regular Mayonnaise: The hallmark of regular mayonnaise is its neutrality. It provides a rich and creamy texture without overpowering the other flavors in a dish. This versatility makes it an ideal base for various sauces, dressings, and marinades. Its mild taste allows other ingredients to shine, making it a reliable companion in both sweet and savory applications.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo, on the other hand, adds a layer of complexity to the classic. The smokiness from the chipotle peppers imparts a distinct flavor profile, while the heat level adds a subtle kick. This variant is bolder and more assertive, making it a preferred choice for those seeking to elevate the taste of their dishes with a hint of spice and a touch of the grill.
Versatility in the Kitchen
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayonnaise's adaptability is its strongest suit. From being a base for salad dressings to a binding agent in coleslaw, it seamlessly integrates into various recipes. Its neutral taste allows it to complement a wide range of ingredients, making it a staple in both classic and innovative culinary creations.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo, while equally versatile, adds a bold twist to dishes. It shines as a dipping sauce for fries, a spread for sandwiches, or a marinade for grilled meats. The smoky heat it brings can transform a simple dish into a culinary adventure, offering a distinct flavor profile that regular mayo cannot replicate.
Elevating Everyday Dishes
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayo excels in enhancing the creaminess and richness of everyday favorites. Think of a classic egg salad sandwich, a creamy pasta salad, or a coleslaw dressing. Its ability to complement without overpowering allows the natural flavors of ingredients to shine through.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo takes everyday dishes to a whole new level. Picture a grilled chicken sandwich with chipotle mayo, a sweet potato fries dipping into its smoky goodness, or a grilled corn on the cob slathered with a chipotle mayo glaze. The bold flavors elevate simple dishes, making them a standout on the palate.
DIY or Store-Bought: The Choice is Yours
Regular Mayonnaise: Regular mayo is readily available in stores, and many people also opt for homemade versions for a fresher taste. Making it at home allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring a healthier and preservative-free option.
Chipotle Mayonnaise: Chipotle mayo is available commercially, but making it at home provides the opportunity to customize the heat level and smokiness. By blending chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, and mayonnaise, you can tailor the flavor to your liking, creating a condiment that perfectly suits your palate.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Condiment for You
In the showdown between chipotle mayonnaise and regular mayonnaise, the winner ultimately depends on your flavor preferences and the culinary experience you seek. Regular mayo, with its neutrality, is a reliable companion for a wide range of dishes. On the other hand, chipotle mayo offers a smoky, spicy adventure that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. The choice between the two comes down to whether you crave the classic or yearn for a bolder, more daring flavor in your culinary creations. Whether you keep both in your kitchen arsenal or favor one over the other, may the punch they pack delight your taste buds in every bite.
Discover Vadodara's Chipotle Mayonnaise Manufacturers, where culinary excellence meets smoky, spicy flavors. Trust local producers for premium chipotle-infused mayonnaise, enhancing your dishes with a distinctive kick.
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now
A Delicious 14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplements for Women-7 sample days of what to eat, plus non-boring creative meal ideas for mixing it up.
So, you’ve decided to give the whole “keto meal plan” thing a try.
How to Do the Keto Meal Plan for Women
Even though eating high fat used to be scary, you’re open to giving it a shot-bring on the butter and bacon! …
You’re also looking to keep meals enjoyable, creative and delicious. (You’re a little concerned about getting burnt out on eggs, beef, cucumbers and coconut oil).
Furthermore, you’re hoping keto doesn’t feel like a chore, or like you’re a slave to counting calories or macros.
I’ve got your back with this 14-day body-boosting keto meal plan and supplement plan for women who want to:
 FEEL good
Ensure they are getting all their nutrients
And stress LESS (not more) about what you eat
 -With plenty of keto meal plan variety and creativity and variety to keep things interesting.
Keto for Health vs. Keto for Dieting
Unfortunately, when adopting any new way of eating, it’s easy to fall into the restrictive mentality:
Thinking about what you CAN’T have vs.what you CAN have.
Most keto diet articles, keto meal plan, books and YouTube videos teach you how to count macros and fat grams, shed body fat, monitor ketones in your breath, or get bigger biceps in the gym (courtesy of bodybuilding bros online)…
But NO ONE talks about:
Listening to your body
Supporting your hormones
Boosting your gut health
Fighting gut inflammation
Or ensuring you’re eating all the essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) you as a woman need.
After all, as a woman, there are a few things you need to be mindful about a keto diet meal plan.
And no one talks about whether or not keto is a lifestyle, or a short-term diet and body-fat loss solution.
The Big Keto Questions
Should you avoid carbs for the rest of your life?
Do you need to monitor your breath or urine ketones every day to make sure you’re still in ketosis?
Do you need to count your fat grams and carbs?
The short answer: None of these things.
In fact, when you view keto meal plan as a lifestyle (like this 14-day Meal Plan)…NOT a fad or restrictive diet…you CAN take a deep breath.
Long Term vs. Short Term Keto
If you’re transitioning to a keto meal plan or you’ve been doing it for awhile, it’s imperative to realize that keto has been studied and used extensively as a short-term diet solution for curing epilepsy (1), boosting brain power (2), balancing blood sugar (3) and shedding weight and body fat in obese individuals (4), BUT once you’ve transitioned into a lifestyle of ketosis, it doesn’t mean you’re bound there for life.
In fact, as this article explains, women may be able to handle more carbs than keto evangelists claim-and may even benefit from them in the long term from a hormonal and energy output (i.e. fitness) point of view.
In addition, for women who are ALREADY healthy (i.e. NOT obese, diabetic or experiencing horrible PMS), long term low-carb diets and/or not eating ENOUGH fat with their keto meal plan can be MORE stressful-not less-for your body, specifically your hormones.
Long-term low-carb diets can cause you to overproduce cortisol and norepinephrine. It can create an imbalance that increases pressure on the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands.
Unfortunately, it can result in symptoms of HPA-Axis Dysfunction including:
Difficulty attaining a healthy weight
Less energy and fatigue
Feeling unrested (even if you get enough sleep)
Constipation, bloating after meals and gut issues
Needing caffeine to feel “normal” or function
Insatiable appetite or complete lack of appetite (imbalance)
Anxiety, stress or low mood
Poor sleep
Craving/thinking about sugar or carbs
Poor workout results or recovery
Amenorrhea or horrible PMS
Not feeling like your “self”
  Low carbohydrate diets can also impact the hormone Leptin-necessary for turning ON reproductive hormone function (like your period). Even if you ARE eating enough fat, leptin is turned on by carbohydrate metabolism, and in the long-term may be decreased through a very low carb intake.
No One Size Fits All
There really is NO one-size-fits-all approach to diet.
Some women thrive off extremely low carb diets, while others lose their period, or even gain weight after an initial rest. It all depends on TONS of other lifestyle factors like:
Your personal health history
Sleep and recovery habits
Your stress levels in other areas
Body composition
Hormonal or thyroid imbalances
Gut health
And beyond
If you have bacterial overgrowth for instance in your gut, then keto potentially can worsen the condition, as gut bacteria actually also feed off ketones. If you are burning a candle at both ends, and sleeping less than 6 hours per night, then your naturally elevated cortisol levels may be MORE stressed out by keto if you keep it up long-term.
Also, if you were eating sugar or a low-fat diet before, then your body will probably LOVE keto-a night and day difference from before.
You are NOT weak for going keto for a short term reset, then transitioning back to a modified keto (adding in a little bit more carb). And you are NOT strong for “sticking with keto meal plan” (even though it seems like your body is not responding favorably).
Simply put: Listen to your body.
Listening to Your Body: Balance (Not Keto Perfection)
For this reason, I’m a big advocate of a modified keto diet for many of my own clients interested in balancing their blood sugar, regulating their hormones, detoxing off sugar, or experiencing bloating or SIBO-like symptoms from carbohydrate intake.
What it entails?
A 7-30 day “keto reset” followed by a transition into a “modified keto,” incorporating BALANCE with a little more starchy carb and/or fruit to compliment their higher fat and moderate protein diet.
Keto Reset: 7-30 Days
Higher Fat with a variety of healthy fats (aiming for 50-60% of intake being from fat)
Moderate Sustainable Protein
Lots of Greens and Low-starch veggies for their carbs, sticking to 20-30 grams of “net carbs”)
Modified Keto-Longer Term
Eat balanced at each meal:
Healthy Fats with Each Meal (1-2 servings, and VARIETY-not just butter, coconut oil and bacon every meal)
Sustainable proteins (the size of 1-2 palms of your hand)
Lots of Greens
Starchy Carbs/Fruit (Incorporate approximately 1-2 additional servings of starchy carbohydrate and/or fruit back into your diet daily
The best part? No counting or ketone monitoring necessary.
By the time my clients reach the Modified Keto stage, 7 to 30 days later, and are re-introducing carbs, they are MORE connected to their body and how it feels-naturally.
They recognize when “brain fog” sets in, or their SIBO symptoms (bloating) flares, or when they feel like they have a lot more energy and strength in their daily life. They are better able to self-regulate the just-right amount of carbohydrate and timing for their body (for instance in the evenings before bed, or after a workout).
It won’t come overnight, but if you stick to the philosophy of “balance” and tune in to HOW YOUR BODY FEELS, instead of what you “should eat” or what your keto monitor says, your body won’t steer you.
Here’s a sample 14-day keto meal plan including:
7 days of a “Strict” Keto (low carb) sample
7 days of a “Modified” Keto sample
daily supplement plan
14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplement Plan for Women
Keto Meal Plan Food List: Eat in Abundance
Sustainable Proteins:
Wild caught fish
Pastured poultry
Grass-fed beef and bison
Organic organ meats
Chicken Broth
Healthy Fats
Avocado Oil Mayo
Pastured Egg Yolks
Raw, soaked Nuts & Seeds
Grass-fed Organic Dairy (Cream, Sour Cream, Kefir)
Butter& Ghee
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Pastured Bacon
Coconut Butter
  Fermented Foods
Fermented Veggies
Coconut Yogurt
Water Kefir
Goat’s Milk Kefir/Kefir
*Eat ENOUGH veggies. Only 1 in 10 Americans eat 3 or more servings/day. This is a pitfall of keto.
Dark leafy greens
Green veggies (Zucchini, Asparagus, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
Bell Pepper
Spaghetti Squash
  Occasional Starchy Tubers & Fruits
*After you’ve completed an initial keto-reset (7-30 days), eating less than 20-30 grams of carbs/day, reintroducing a little bit of starch may be warranted (especially for active women, women with hormonal imbalances or women without blood sugar dysregulation).
This is called “modified keto” and may entail a serving or two of starchy carbohydrate, such as sweet potato with dinner or squash with protein after a workout, while still being able to maintain ketosis (fat burning and using fat as energy first).
Starchy Tubers & Veggies
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Green tipped plantains
Snow Peas
Fresh or Frozen
Green Tipped Bananas
  7-Day Keto Reset
2-3 Pastured Eggs in Grass-fed Butter
Organic Bacon (or Turkey Bacon)
Spinach, Zucchini & Mushrooms
Tuna Salad with Paleo Mayo atop Leafy Greens
Handful Macadamia Nuts
Cracklin’ Chicken Thighs
Cauliflower Mash with Butter & Garlic
Chard in Coconut Oil
Savory Sausage (use ground turkey, pork or beef, no maple)
1/2 Avocado
Spinach sauteer in Ghee
“Unwich:” Turkey in Collard Greens with Avocado, Mustard & Grass-fed Cheddar
Herb Crusted Salmon
Leftover Cauliflower Mash with Ghee & Garlic
Tuscan Kale sautéed in Coconut Oil
Green Smoothie Made with:
Coconut Milk Greens Avocado 1/2 green-tipped Banana 2 Pastured Eggs or Collagen Powder Carob Powder-optional
Leftover Dijon Chicken Thighs
Cucumbers with Paleo Ranch
Grass-fed Anti-Inflammatory Meat Balls
Zucchini Squash
Broccoli with Butter
Hardboiled “Deviled” Eggs
Pastured Bacon
Chard in Ghee
Leftover Meatballs dipped in Aioli Mayo https://thepaleoway.com/recipe/aioli/
Roasted Zucchini Chips drizzled with Olive Oil
Rainbow Carrots
Chicken Stir Fry 
Cauliflower Rice
Turmeric Milkshake Smoothie
Add Collagen or Additive-Free Protein Powder
Canned Wild Caught Salmon
Avocado Oil Mayo
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Grass-fed Beef Tacos with: Romaine, Guacamole, Grass-fed Cheddar, Lime
Roasted Zucchini & Yellow Squash drizzled with Olive Oil
Coconut Yogurt 
Macadamia Nuts
Leftover Tacos over Power Greens
Guacamole, Cheddar & Lime Juice
Creamy Chicken & Kale Soup
Coconut Flour Cornbread with Butter
Savory Turkey Sausage
Mushrooms & Power Greens
Chicken & Kale Soup
Greens Salad with Green Goddess Dressing
“Pizza” (Coconut Flour & Arrowroot Crust) with Chicken, Basil Pesto, Olives & Optional Tomatoes
Greens in Paleo Ranch
7-Day Modified Keto Meal Plan
“Hash:” Organic Ground Turkey, Greens & Mushrooms in ghee
1/2 Avocado
Chicken Salad with Paleo Mayo
Collard Green Wrap
Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Fish Tacos with Grapefruit Avocado Salsa
Roasted Zucchini Chips
Easy Egg Muffins
Handful Berries
Leftover Crispy Fish (from Tacos) atop Greens
Leftover Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Paleo Ranch
1/2 Avocado
Grass-fed Steak
Roasted Asparagus
Power Greens sautéed in Ghee
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Chicken Balance Bowl
Grass-fed Anti-Inflammatory Meat Balls
Sautéed Spinach in Ghee
Cauliflower Rice
Chicken Sausage
Power Greens in Coconut Oil
1/2 Avocado
Leftover Meatballs
1/2 Sweet Potato
Roasted Asparagus drizzled with Avocado Oil
Orange Chicken 
Over Sautéed Cabbage
Berry Green Smoothie
Canned Wild Tuna with Avocado Oil Mayo
Roasted Zucchini “Chips” 
Meatloaf Muffins
Roasted Broccoli
Coconut Flour Blueberry Pancakes
Organic Turkey Bacon
Leftover Meatloaf Muffins
Zucchini Chips
Thai Chicken Soup topped with Avocado
Mixed Greens with Oil & Vinegar
Scrambled Eggs, Pastured
Mushrooms, Asparagus & Power Greens
Turkey & Avocado stuffed Lettuce Wrap
Roasted Assorted Veggies
Cheesy Chicken Casserole
Keto Meal Plan Support Supplements
Soil Based Probiotic : (like Primal Blueprint Probiotics ).
Healthy gut bacteria to boost gut and all around health.
Take 1 in the morning and preferably 1 at night. Also, don’t neglect fermented foods (like sauerkraut and fermented veggies for food-based, lactic acid probiotics).
Pre-Biotic Fiber: Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum (like Sunfiber)
Prebiotics are essential fiber for digestion and maximal absorption of your probiotics. (Often low on a keno-diet). Take 1 serving/day in water or tea.
Digestive Enzymes
Helpful for fully breaking down you food (especially if you experience bloating or constipation around meals). Take 1-2 with meals to banish bloating.
Bile Salts: Beta TCP 
Are you fully digesting your fats with your keto meal plan? If you gallbladder or liver are not in tip top shape, fats may make you feel sick or nauseas after eating them. Take 1-2 capsules with meals.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil: Rosita
Omega 3’s, Vitamin A and Vitamin D-essential for energy and absorption of all the healthy fats you eat. Take 1 tsp./day. Unlike most fish oils, fermented cod liver oil is less likely to go rancid.
Like these plans? Want More?
Join the Thrive Life Project-a 30 day nutrition, fitness, mindset and TOTAL BODY reset!
Whether you choose a Ketogenic-inspired diet or not, the Thrive Life Project was created for you to learn how to reconnect to your own body, find the way of eating and working out
that works for YOU (no one else), AND quiet the diet-rule noise in the health world.
Join the 30-day reset today and let’s reinvent the way your body LOOKS, MOVES AND FEELS on your own terms.
The post The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/keto-meal-plan-for-women/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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bodysoulspirit · 6 years
Whole 30: Day 3
Breakfast: banana, cutie orange
Lunch: Roasted chicken salad with homemade raspberry vinegar dressing
Dinner: Seared flank Steak with roasted broccoli
Snacks: went the whole day without a snack, yay! :D
Ghee is like the best thing I have discovered for this diet! I can NOT believe I have not heard of it until this diet. Especially when I used to eat very healthy, I knew about so many substitutes. I am guessing it is because I never fully cut out dairy so I did not necessarily need it, but I love it! <3 
Sam is struggling...he keeps trying to look up any and everything he can get away with. He keeps running to the store and buying things that are not compliant with the diet. And it is not that he is trying to cheat, but rather it is wishful thinking and he is not entirely clear on rules and limits of the challenge. He also is a night owl so he sleep the majority of the day away and wakes up in the late afternoon while I am at work. He usually doesn’t like to eat first thing waking up so by the time he is hungry it is too late for lunch and by the time I get home from work he is starving! I keep trying to tell him he needs to eat when he wakes up. It doesn’t have to be a full meal but rather something to nourish his body and wake up his metabolism. 
Breakfast was a fast one yesterday because I woke up late before having to go to work. I barely managed to have some coffee and scarf down a banana and orange (Btw I totally am loving that the cutie oranges were on sell last weekend, they have been a life saver).
Dinner was another killer meal! Another save also because I started to sear the meat to high and was not cooking through to the center, but I managed to cut the steak up and cook it a much slower temperature and make it a perfect medium steak. I am still learning how to handle ghee in the skillet and it cooks way hotter than I would expect, so I need to remember to keep it low and slow. Roasted broccoli is literally my favorite. I love the flavor it gets when it is cooked just right and has crunchy ends without being burned. Sam opted for carrots since he is not the biggest broccoli fan. I also topped the steaks with my homemade raspberry dressing and it was a beautiful compliment to the steak. 
Two things:
1) I am needing to drink more water. I remember to drink some through out the day, but not enough and I never seem to forget my coffee. 
2) I am already noticing a change in my hunger. I am lasting longer in between meals and when I do sit down to eat I am eating less. I am only eating until I am satisfied vs. being full and stuffed! This is a hard mindset for me to break for some reason so to see progress with it makes me so happy! :’)
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Win The Battle Of The Bulge With These Easy Tips
As many have said, losing weight is hard work and it can only be achieved through having willpower and working hard. Use these tips to maximize your efforts. While there is no guarantee that every single tip presented below will work for you, you are sure to find some that you can put to use right away.
A great tip is to schedule your cardio before you have breakfast. Studies show that cardio results in more calories vs doing cardiovascular exercise any other time during the day.
Try to refrain from working out and just doing an activity you like.This tip is for people who dislike exercising just because they have to. Instead, do activities that are necessary or that you enjoy, throwing a football, walking your dog, or going on a nature walk. This is rewarding and not seem like work.
You can workout while you are chatting on the phone.Move around when you're on the phone vs sitting down and talk instead of sitting.You don't have to engage in place.
A good way to lose weight is to drink small protein shakes when you feel hungry.
Packing a weight loss plan. This puts you in control of what and how much food as you should be eating. Controlling portions is something you should do if you want to weigh a good weight and keep on track.
You can still go out to eat when you are on a weight loss program. Just keep in mind that their portions are often very large. You may need to ask the waiter to bring a take-out container and place half of the meal into it. This allows you to reduce your calorie intake and also provides you with an ideal meal for the following day.
Eating breakfast is a good idea to lose weight and stay trim.It shouldn't need to be said, but a lot of people think that they can eat less calories if they skip their breakfast. It might let you not have a lot of calories at first, but you may end up eating more then normal at lunch. You may even be tempted to have a mid-morning snack that you shouldn't by 11:00 A.M.
Although mayo is tasty, it is one of the highest fat foods. Cut out calories by making or ordering all other foods without mayonnaise as well.
When you're making dinner, cook a bit more and save it for lunch the following day. A delicious chicken salad can become a delicious pita sandwich.This also helps you more easily make lunch much easier.
The secret to weight is that it's simple(although not easy). You just need to burn more calories than you're consuming. Exercise can burn extra calories. Burning more calories than what you lose weight.
All weight loss programs and plans will work differently and vary in results for each individual. Remember to not measure yourself up against other people and how much they weigh. Big changes do not happen overnight, but persistence will get you to your goals.
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