#think she'd have been like that for a while
wileys-russo · 1 day
found out today that mary is a junior black belt in judo.. fic request where she insists she can protect you (cocky af) and does show up when needed (you can think of a situation) but later there's something dumb like a spider and mary freaks out.
reader takes the mick out of her and her black belt status.
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itsy bitsy spider II m.earps
"only me darling!" you looked up from the stir fry you were almost finished as keys jingled and the door popped open, the thud of your girlfriends bag hitting the wall followed by a quiet string of swear words making you smile and shake your head.
"you know babe the wall doesn't move, its still there every single time you come home and bump into it." you teased, glancing at her with a smile over your shoulder as she joined you in the kitchen.
"and do you know love that your jokes still aren't funny, every single time you tell them." mary teased back, pecking your lips sweetly and tapping at your ass with a wink as you smacked her across the back of the head with the spatula in your hand.
"ow! baby." mary gasped in shock, rubbing at her head with wide eyes. "reflexes like a cat earps, hands off the merchandise unless you're invited to touch." you winked, flicking off the stovetop and moving the wok off the heat.
"how was judo?" you questioned, hearing her rummage through the fridge before it closed with a gentle thump and you heard the sound of her chugging water.
"good! i'm bloody exhausted though, they paired me up with the new trainer for sparring and he did not go easy." mary exhaled as she finished the entire bottle of water.
"you are actually a mad woman mary. do you know any other professional footballers who choose to do another sport with a load of intense training alongside football?" you tutted, never having been overly fond of the girls favourite pastime.
but you knew judo made her happy and acted as a form of self care and stress relief for the keeper, though not one you ever pretended to understand or enjoy forever worried she'd hurt herself.
"no, which is why i know i'd beat them all in a fight." your girlfriend grinned cockily with a wink making you roll your eyes as you dished up. "here, refuel karate kid." you handed her a bowl as she kissed your cheek appreciatively.
"karate is very different from judo its-" though at your raised eyebrow your girlfriend stopped her little rant. "have i told you i love you?" she smiled charmingly instead as you hummed. "mm not in the last five minutes you've been home, better pick your act up." you sat down and looked to her expectantly.
"mary!" you scoffed when she remained silent, kicking at her as she sat beside you on the lounge and sent you a cheeky smile knowing exactly how to wind you up.
"come here stroppy." you hurried to place your bowl down beside hers on the coffee table as she grabbed at you, pulling you to sit on top of her.
"i love you i love you i love you i love you-" she repeated over and over as she showered your face with kisses, your scowl melting easily into a lovesick smile. "better?" mary beamed, kissing you properly with a loud mwah and a wiggle of her eyebrows making you laugh.
"yes. now shut up and eat your dinner."
"baby come to bed, please! i'm tired and i want a cuddle." you groaned halfheartedly, unable to hold back your laugh as mary insisted on showing you a new move she learned today she'd spent a while perfecting.
"look babe i promise this is much more impressive when there's an actual person being flipped and not just my verbal description. promise! consider me your personal security guard, i can always protect you." mary assured as you shook your head.
"mary my love for the hundredth time i believe you, in fact i have never questioned that. now come to bed!" you laughed and made grabby hands which of course were ignored. "oh i know! you can help me demo, then you'll really understand." mary perked up as your eyes widened.
"absolutely not. mary-mary!" you squealed as before you could blink you were yanked from the warm safe cocoon of your duvet and your feet hit the carpeted floor of your bedroom.
"right. so as i was saying-" you continued to protest and it continued to fall on deaf ears as she just talked over you, walking you through the move as she grabbed your hands and swiftly turned you around.
"-and then you drop the shoulder, twist the wrist and flip!" you grunted as suddenly you were upside down momentarily before your back hit the mattress and you blinked in shock.
"see! way more impressive." your girlfriends cheshire like grin appeared above you as she jumped on top of you, legs either side of your hips. "do not manhandle me like that again i am not a crash test dummy!" you warned, pushing at her shoulders and flipping your positions.
"thought you didn't mind being tossed around baby." mary smirked, hands on your hips and pulling you down properly on top of her. "don't distract me with sexy talk earps. i. am. not. your. judo. partner!" you smacked her repeatedly with a pillow as she held her hands up to try and shield herself.
"i know...you're much better looking." "mary!"
you awoke several hours later to a scream, bolting upright in bed and clutching at empty sheets where your girlfriend had once been soundly asleep beside you, heart racing at her absence.
scrambling to your feet and cursing under your breath you looked around for a weapon, grabbing the first thing you could which was the bedside lamp, yanking the chord from the wall as you took a shaky breath.
but hearing mary yell out your name again you frowned, all but kicking open the bedroom door and brandishing the lamp around, swinging it as if to hit an invisible attacker with every step until finally you rounded the corner into the kitchen.
"what happened? whose hurt? was there a break in? do they have a weapon? did they steal anything?" you started to fire off question after question, alarmed greatly by the way the taller girls face was white as a sheet and she shook like a leaf, clearly panicking.
"kill it!" was all mary barked out shaking her head as you frowned. "kill who? all i've got is a lamp!" your own head darted around anxiously, taking in the seemingly empty house around you. "that! chuck the flaming lamp at it then we can get a new one!" mary demanded as you stepped closer and followed her outstretched finger.
"mary alexandra earps." you started slowly, placing the lamp down on the counter slowly. "please do not tell me you just woke me up screaming the house down at 3:42am...for that." you deadpanned, hands on hips and glaring her right in the face.
"baby less talking. more smacking or stabbing or burning or swatting-just kill it!" mary ordered again, backing away even further until she hit the counter behind her.
"mary. i thought we were being robbed!" you snapped, exhaling and rubbing your temples with your fingers, your half awake pre panicked state causing a headache to come on. "well he's hardly on the lease is he!" mary snapped back with a huff.
the 'he' in general was an itsy bitsy black spider, barely the size of a two pound coin, huddled just above the top of the fridge minding his own business.
"jesus christ mary you're literally a black belt in judo and you can't kill a tiny weeny spider?" you mocked sarcastically, rolling your eyes and turning to rummage around beneath the sink for the fly swatter.
"it's huge! and hurry, and its got those evil beady little eyes that are just following me around and-" you tuned your girlfriend out at that point, grabbing the fly swatter and within seconds all that was left was a small black smear which you promptly on your tippy toes wiped with a tissue and dumped in the bin.
"well now that seemed a bit harsh, you could have relocated it babe." mary chimed in, though at the very slow way you turned to face her, bags under your eyes which were narrowed into a murderous glare she paled once more.
"sorry, thank you darling. i love you, so so so so much!" mary tried again with a smile as you only hummed, flicking off the kitchen light engulfing her into darkness and stomping back off to the bedroom.
when mary joined you a few minutes later your face was illuminated by the soft glow of your phone screen. "what are you doing?" your girlfriend asked gently, rounding the bed to her side, still cautious of how you might be upset with her.
"opening all my online dating profiles back up, but adding in my bio that you need to be able to kill bugs to date me." you replied nonchalantly, the goalkeeper shooting up bolt straight beside you. "you're what!?" she asked in disbelief, scoffing as words failed to come to her making you chuckle with a small smile.
"not really, idiot." you nudged her as she sighed deeply with relief, laying back down in bed and knowing she deserved that after the wake up call.
"what are you really doing?" she asked curiously, head rolling onto your pillow as she squinted at your screen you made no move to hide from her.
"editing your wikipedia page to say you're a black belt in judo whose terrified of itsy bitsy tiny little spiders." you replied honestly this time, mary humming with a nod as she settled back into bed, eyes closing momentarily before they slammed open again.
"oh well thats a relief i thought that-wait you're what!?"
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Imagining R with mean mommy Wanda and she wanted a more soft, intimate night since Wanda is usually pretty rough (cause yk she’s mean) but she’s too nervous to ask her but Wanda hears her thoughts about it and surprises her with soft, slow intimacy that night hjuehehejwien 🤭
Awwww wait this is really cute
You're obviously still really happy with Wanda, you'll take anything she gives you. But... a part of you just craves some occasional slow, gentle, loving sex.
Of course, you really love all the rough fucking that Wanda gladly gives you, but you're just... nervous to ask for something different? You shouldn't be nervous, but you are.
God, normally people are nervous to ask for kinky, rough sex. But here you were, wringing your hands together while Wanda disappeared into the walk-in closet. I mean, what do you even say?
'Hey baby, love of my life, mean older girlfriend. I absolutely adore the way you degrade me and shove me around and fuck me deep and hard. But my silly little brain just wants ONE night of slow, gentle sex. Think you could switch gears on a whim for me?'
I mean, who fucking asks that?
You look up, having gotten lost in your head.
Wanda's scarlet eyes shine back at you, and you immediately blanch. Great, now she'd read your mind. Why was it so embarrassing to ask for soft sex?
"Oh, honey," Wanda sits next to you on the bed. "It's not embarrassing. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about your needs."
You're surprised, your eyes snapping to hers and finding nothing but love and support. Her hands are gentle, slowly stroking over your skin as she starts a discussion about your needs and wants. The two of you discuss boundaries, and what you expect from a sex with your partner.
It's relieving, to finally talk about it. You reassure Wanda that you love her mean side, but you need some softness every so often. Wanda suprises you by saying she agrees and that she's been wanting gentle sex with you for some time as well.
That night, you've never felt more close to Wanda. She's soft, caring, and gentle. You can feel her love for you with every stroke of her fingers and every swipe of her tongue across your skin. She makes you cum with her fingers, whispering affirmations in your ear as you arch beneath her.
After that night you are closer than ever to your girlfriend, and she even implements a new rule for you. After each scene, you discuss what you liked about it, if your boundaries or limits had changed, and what you wanted to do differently, if anything. All while cuddling.
It's perfect. And you couldn't ask for a more perfect, caring, mean when necessary, and beautiful partner.
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icallhimjoey · 1 day
More!!! More!!!! More bookstore!joe! MORE!!!!!!!!!! we've seen his erratic behaviour when he visits the store after not having been able to come in for a while, but what about the visit before he knows he's not going to be able to come in for a while?
omg im so here for the bookstore!joe requests, but the "i already miss you even though youre still here" somehow turned into whatever this is... idk why i went where i went, my apologies, and tw for vomit Wordcount: 3K
Lost Moments To Keep
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You hadn't stopped staring at Joe with the biggest eyes. You seemed confused and weirdly mesmerised. Your eyes tunneled a little, vision darker around the edges.
"That's Joe." Anne just said, and then your eyes moved to give her the same wild look.
"And I'm Anne. We like me, a lot. We don't like Joe. You've got temporary loss of normal brain function, look, Google says." Anne held her phone to your face, too close for anything to register.
"You're not helping, Anne." Joe scolded through clenched teeth.
Joe was on the phone to someone, and... you knew who that was. You knew who that was. What the fuck. What was Joe Quinn doing in your bookstore?
And why were you on the floor, exactly? Your left elbow hurt, but the back of your head much worse.
"Yea, she's awake. She hasn't lost consciousness at all." Joe said to whoever was on the other side of the line. "Confused, though. Brain's all scrambled."
"Do you feel dizzy? Google says you might feel dizzy."
"I... what day is it?"
"Oh my God, she's asking what day it is." Anne said, turning to Joe like she was blaming him for what you'd asked. In Anne's terms, she was panicking. Anyone who didn't know her, though, would think she was being exceptionally calm given she'd just witnessed her boss lift a box of books that tipped her over backwards.
Your head hurt.
And you did feel dizzy. And nauseous too, a little.
It made sense that you had fallen, but it was strange to not remember and to have two strangers fret over you in your own business.
Your eyes darted from the worried face of famous actor Joe Quinn who was stood by your feet, to the wildly uninterested face of a younger girl who sat next to you with her legs crossed as she scrolled on her phone.
"Any vision disturbance? Are you more sensitive to light than you'd usually be, do you think?" Anne asked, seemingly going down a list she'd found online.
"Okay, thanks. We'll make sure she doesn't move until you get here." Joe looked at you as he said goodbye and hung up. That looked like your phone.
"Her mum's on her way."
Why was he using your phone?
"Any mental fogginess?" Anne continued, ignoring Joe and additionally ignoring you, entirely unfussed that you weren't answering any of her questions.
"Hey," Joe softly said, catching your attention as he stepped closer and leant an elbow on the counter as he bent down a little. He smiled warmly at you when he asked, "How are you feeling?"
Joe Quinn.
Joseph Quinn.
What was he doing in your bookstore?
And who the fuck was Anne?
Your eyes moved from one to the other until you saw black spots and the pain behind your eyes grew. Your ears were ringing when you softly said, "I'm... I'm gonna throw up."
Joe almost hadn't gone in today. He almost hadn't, because he didn't really have any time to waste. But, Jesus, he was glad he was there.
God, imagine if he hadn't been.
When Joe had woken up that morning, he thought he was likely going actually insane. He was flying out for work the next day, and instead of preparing, of packing, of seeing family and friends before he'd be off for a while - instead of all that, he showed up on the bookstore's doorstep at 10 am sharp. Right when Anne unlocked and opened the door. Just because that was where he wanted to be. He kind of already missed the store, even though he was right there.
Anticipatory nostalgia; Joe could feel it in his bones.
Instead of stepping aside and letting him in, she gave him a deadpan tired stare and waited for him to take the A-frame from her hands to put outside on the pavement.
Joe happily helped out. Said, "Good morning, sunshine!" all chipper and laughed when Anne looked like she had to try really hard not to vomit.
He'd called a good morning into the store, got a faint "Morning!" in reply from the backroom where you were making yourself a coffee, and found his ledge... empty.
Anne saw him look at the spot where he usually left the books that he was reading. You'd granted him that small little surface area of the store so you wouldn't have to keep putting his books back on the shelves, and so Joe wouldn't have to go looking for those same books again the next time he'd come in. A win win little ledge of excuses for Joe to return to your store. A real privilege, Joe thought.
Except he'd left books there.
He knew he did.
Where had they gone?
"I tidied." Anne said unsentimentally and challengingly looked at Joe over her mug as she took a sip of hot coffee.
She loved being a little shit and inconveniencing Joe wherever and whenever she could. Tidying the store was part of her job, and Joe knew if he was to complain, she'd have the upper hand, because what was he even really doing? The store wasn't a library, no matter how much he had starting treating it like one.
So instead, Joe used her inconvenient power move as an excuse to take his time to browse the whole store and took care to be in the exact wrong spot at the exact wrong time.
You secretly smiled every time you heard Anne sigh with frustration and heard her mutter, "Move!" under her breath before using a shoulder to push him aside. Every single time, Joe pretended he was totally oblivious. Would go, "Oh! Sorry! Was I in the way?" all innocently, but you could see how his mouth was fighting to keep his own smile hidden.
It took maybe forty minutes for Joe to have built up a little stack of books on the small sidetable next to your granddad's armchair in the window, and then Joe sat and read undisturbed for an hour and a half.
You loved it when Joe was in.
Just sat there.
Absolutely engrossed in his own little world.
The faint feeling of envy was always overshadowed by the joy of being allowed to unashamedly stare at him from the counter, leant on both elbows.
You'd brought him a coffee after those 90 minutes of silent reading, and he'd given you a quick wink and a smile as a thank you.
Customers filtered in and out, and you went from moments of it just being Joe in the store to having eight people needing your attention simultaneously. It was both busy and not, and the switches in energy had left you in a weird spot mentally.
You hadn't realised you'd fully skipped lunch.
You'd seen Joe dart out for some pastries, and you'd ordered Anne to get her ass into the back to go and eat something, but you never followed up on your "I'll take my lunch after."
It was why, in a moment of quiet, you'd picked up a box of books from behind the counter that had sort of been in the way the whole morning, you been unsuccessfull.
Maybe you'd gotten up too fast.
Or maybe the box was just too heavy.
The entire thing had taken you down quicker than you'd been able to get it off the floor. It didn't help that the box was open. The reflex of your body became about making sure none of the books would tip out and hit you in the face, when the reflex should've been about cushioning your fall.
You shot no arms out.
You didn't drop the box.
You just... fell.
The weight of the box pushed the air straight from your lungs and left you gasping.
The back of your head had hit the wooden floorboards so hard, you immediately saw stars.
After impact, for a short moment, it was pin-drop silent. Anne froze, pausing for a moment, listening. She was waiting for you to go "I'm all right!", but that never came.
Joe was ripped from his book at the sound of the fall, but was confused. One moment you'd been there, and then now, you were gone.
When a soft wincing gasp was heard from where you were hidden form his view, he was on his feet in an instant, rounding the counter and finding you there on the floor, box of books heavy on your stomach, eyes completely glazed over as you rapidly blinked up at the ceiling in an attempt to erase the fuzzy bits in your vision.
"Oh my G– Anne!" Joe was quick to remove the box and the books that were tumbling out. "Breathe. Careful, don't move, just focus on breathing." Joe advised as he watched you struggle.
"What dropped?" Anne asked, getting closer now and trying to find the source of the whack.
"She did."
"I know she did, but what was that–"
"That was her." Joe tried to make eye-contact. "Hey, just breathe, all right? Are you hurt?"
The eye-contact failed, as did answering Joe's question.
You hadn't even properly heard him it felt like.
Anne and Joe shared a look, for a moment both unsure of what to do. Who was going to take the lead on this? Joe didn't work there, but Anne was a literal teenager.
Before they could even think of discussing a game plan, you incoherently asked through a constricted panicked voice if anyone had thought of the fire escape. They both turned to look at you, both faces frowning in confusion.
"What was that?"
Joe and Anne spoke at the same time.
"I think I forgot. Are the bugs gone?" you winced as you moved a hand to where your head hurt, and Joe was quick in deciding he was going to have to be the one to call the shots on this. He'd clearly chosen to spend all day at the bookstore for a reason, so it seemed.
It took a little while for you to return to normal.
You babbled through some more disjointed chat whilst Joe carefully checked with his fingers if your head was bleeding. It wasn't, which was good. But you did wince in pain as he slowly felt around in your hair before you tried to sit up and take your shoes off.
Anne had to fight you back down onto the floor and sternly told you to relax whilst Joe slid his folded jacket underneath your head.
When your consciousness returned into the room, you were met by a girl sat by your side who was scrolling through concussion symptoms, and a guy stood up by your feet, talking to someone on the phone.
"What's going on?" You'd asked, and Anne had just casually said, "You fell."
Joe'd called your mum on your phone. Anne knew the code. Joe told himself he'd give her a stern talk about normal-people things like privacy later. Priorities lied elsewhere right now.
And then you'd thrown up into the box of books that had taken you down earlier.
Served it right, Joe thought.
Joe'd held your hair through it, and kept brushing back little pieces that kept falling into your face. His touches were so tender and gentle but they still hurt, and you were absolutely mortified. So fucking embarrassed. There was a fucking celebrity in the store and you were vomming into a box of books that, halfway through, got swapped for an empty bucket.
It smelled awful, and it probably was the most unattractive thing in the world.
You felt like the most unattractive thing in the world.
"Sorry you had to see that." you croaked when Anne handed you a glass of water to rinse your mouth.
"We think you're concussed."
Somehow, that made perfect sense.
"You took quite the tumble. The back of your head must be hurting."
You moved to sit with your back against a cupboard door, careful to not lean your head back too far, and Joe decided to stay put next to you. Keep an eye on you. Hold your hair back in case you weren't quite done throwing up yet.
Meanwhile, Anne had moved into the backroom and did her best in trying to save whatever books she could from where you'd thrown up over them.
"Do you have any pain anywhere else?"
You paused a second to focus on the feelings inside of your body, and then moved an arm to touch the opposite elbow.
"Your elbow? Are you bleeding?" Joe used a soft hand to move your arm so he could have a look. "Does it hurt a lot?" No broken skin. Joe hoped that maybe the blow he'd heard had been your elbow, and not your actual skull.
"Stop asking her a million questions!" Anne shouted from the back, like she hadn't been doing the exact same thing before.
"You'd tell me if you weren't okay, wouldn't you?" Joe's voice remained soft and warm for you. All kind and gentle.
For a moment, you just looked at him.
"Hi," he smiled, and he saw how you were trying to puzzle the situation together. "I'm Joe."
"I know who you are."
"Oh, that's great!" Joe exclaimed.
"Were you... did you happen to just be in here to buy books, or..."
Not so great.
You knew who he was, but you didn't know who he was.
"Um, no, not really. I actually come in here a lot. I um... you let me hog one of the armchairs where I read books."
"You do?"
"Yea, it's awfully rude of me." Joe smiled. "But I'm lucky. You're very cool about it."
Joe could feel his chest swell at the faintest hint of a smile coming from you.
"He's your boyfriend." Anne bluntly interrupted as she stepped back into the storefront, and before you could even begin to process that wild bit of information, she added, "But not really. The two of you are... you're really weird about it."
It sounded like a weird joke, and you looked between the both of them to figure out what the punchline was, because you didn't get it.
Joe just smiled when you looked at him.
"She hates it."
"I do." Anne confirmed, walking across the store to move the sign on the door to 'closed'. Your mum was going to come by and pick you up to get your head checked and there was no way Anne wasn't going to go with.
Joe craned his head to watch Anne as she went to fetch the A-frame out front and then leant close and whispered, "We kind of like that she hates it."
That made you smile into your lap.
"Have you um..." you started, suddenly frowning. "Do you have a plaster for me?"
Joe's concern immediately grew again. He wasn't quite back where he was twenty minutes ago, when you'd laid right where he was sitting now, unable to catch your breath properly, but his eyes bulged like he was just as worried anyway.
"Why? Are you bleeding? Where?"
"I've not finished my homework."
"You've not..." Joe tried to make sense of something nonsensical before he realised he'd lost you again.
Joe wondered if he could let someone know he wasn't going to be able to leave the city tomorrow. Let alone the fucking country. The prospect of leaving you like this for a few weeks and having to actually do a job seemed impossible.
How was he not going to be thinking about you all the time?
To be fair, his life was already like that, a little.
But especially now; after all this, no one could expect him to not constantly worry if you were all right, could they?
"I don't think I've got any plasters for you, sorry."
"Oh," you seemed disappointed, but only for a second. "You bought Blindness from me."
There you were. Back again. God, he really did already miss you, even though you were right there.
"I did."
"You hadn't... you'd not read it, but you'd seen the film."
"I had."
"I remember."
"Read it in one day."
You'd likely be fine.
People got concussions all the time, didn't they?
"Sorry, I'm all over the place."
"You're not actually," Joe smiled. "You're right here."
Joe was going to leave the country tomorrow, and you'd stay with your mum until you'd be one hundred per cent again. You would keep the store closed, so there was no use in him hanging around anyway. And then, when you'd be all better, he'd pop back in on a random Tuesday morning without any warning, and then he could tell you all about today. You'd likely not remember a thing of it, all of it a lost moment to you, but one that he'd get to keep. Get to cherish. Get to share with you later.
"My head hurts..." you suddenly said like you'd only just realised it.
"Yea, you fell." Joe could go through this loop again, he didn't mind.
"I did?"
"Hmm, we think you're concussed. Your mum is coming to pick you up, have you checked out by a doctor to double check and make sure you're okay."
Joe saw how you went to reach for the back of your head again, but before your fingers could disappear into your hair, the bell above the door chimed and Anne said, "No sign of her yet."
"That's Anne." Joe calmly explained, and then reached to grab hold of your hand, protecting you from touching your painful bits again. He'd make sure to hold it until your mum arrived.
Joe saw your eyes grow wide as you recognised him again, and smiled.
"And I'm Joe."
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
@choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn,
@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
@phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn0628, @sidthedollface2, @solzi1420,
@songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73,
@werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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melodic-haze · 2 days
Personally how touched starved do you think Arlecchino and Furina are? Like one has been alone for 500 years and the other killed her best friend and probably doesn’t think she deserves love.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: Arlecchino x Reader, Furina x Reader
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Oh I think they'd be VERY fucking touch starved, except the two are like. On two different sides of the scale
On one end, you've got Furina. On the other end, you've got Arlecchino. What they're on a scale of? How "vocal" they would be in terms of it
Furina would be on the VERY vocal side, and by that I mean she WILL monologue to you about how she needs your touch or else she will PERISH from a lack of you-contact
Furina puts the back of her hand on her forehead, "My beloved wants to leave me be! Oh, you torture me..."
"Babe, I'm literally only going to get a glass of water."
"You forget my domain over the element!" She moves to throw herself onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and causing you to laugh as you caught her, "I can satisfy your needs easily!"
"At that rate I'll be better off taking a shower!"
"It gets the job done!"
But she's not vocal for no reason :((( 500 years spent in self-isolation in order to save her people takes a HUGE toll on you so the moment Furina had realised that she doesn't have to do the whole song and dance all over again, she just can't help the want—the need—to basically be attached to you
It's not just because she wants to make up for lost time after FINALLY being able to do so, but also because she's scared that one day it'll all just go poof and disappear in a distant dream. She doesn't speak of her troubles until either she decides it herself that she should or one of the members of her Salon Solitaire (Crabaletta lol) decides to conk her for it
Sometimes she'll ask if she's being a pain in the ass bc she IS aware that she's constantly wanting for you to at LEAST be near her which. If you say she is then I need to sit you down personally and slap you in NOT a fun way
Meanwhile, Arlecchino on the other hand, is VERY quiet about it. She won't say anything, nevermind doing anything. She'd restrict herself from clinging onto you as much as she'd like to
You were a vision to her, a lovely sight to see and a lovely voice to hear as you recounted your day's events. Even when you did something so mundane, something that isn't necessarily something special, Arlecchino still looked at you with such adoration.
She almost didn't notice her hand inching closer towards yours from her warm daze.
Before she could draw it back unnoticed, however, you turned your head at just the right (or wrong) time.
"Arlecchino? Is there.. something wrong?"
..She shakes her head instead of admitting her desires, "No, my apologies, darling. I was rather captivated by your tale. Do tell me more about your friend's predicament."
And so you do, but you couldn't help but notice the longing look in her eyes.
It takes a while before she starts warming up to the idea of letting herself actually do SOMETHING. And that'll take a lot of time, patience and encouragement from her❗️❗️❗️ But trust when I say it's worth it bc she practically treats you with so much more affection and devotion than the literal archon she serves HAHA
She doesn't thinks she deserves to show physical affection, to touch you, to truly worship you and your body in every way she can—not when she has the power to hurt you, not when she's killed off the person she had cherished the most all those years ago :(
You gotta reassure her that everything's okay and that you won't disappear bc once you've done that? She's SO TOUCHY she will NOT go through the day without havign some form of contact with you
She won't do it as much in work though she has a reputation she wants to keep lmao
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maximoffcarter · 2 days
I've got you.
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader.
Summary: Casey Novak's past definitely changed something in her, changed so many aspects of her life, there were so many things she thought she'd never be able to do again, like love someone or be loved. But that changed completely when she met the very clingy and lovely y/n.
A/n: This was requested by an anon, they requested some prompts and I tried to use them as best as I could; "The hugs that have you tugging them closer and closer to you that now both of you have trouble breathing and then pulling away laughing", "Snuggling up to you while wearing your hoodie that they look so cute in". I hope I did this right, because I feel like this is not exactly good, but here it is, some cute Casey fluff🥹 And I promise that more Calex, more Alex, and more Casey are coming soon. I'll try to finish the requests I have, and hopefully there will be more to come. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
Throughout her whole life, Casey Novak was the type of girl that was energetic, her mother would say she was full of life. She was the kind of kid that loved hugging people, loved to make people smile and laugh, she had always been a happy kid. Growing up, she hasn’t changed much, she was still pretty much full of happiness and life, even if there were a lot of things going on, she still tried to keep that cheery energy she always had. That was until she started questioning so many things in her life, and then by college, she met Charlie. Things seemed to be alright, she had met someone that loved her and that accepted her for who she was; at least, that’s what she thought the first few months. She sometimes hated to admit that she was a clingy person, but she just wanted to show her partner love, but he pushed her away, he told her it was exhausting how energetic and cheery she was, and that’s when Casey started changing completely.
After Charlie, Casey didn’t really believe in love, she didn’t really trust many people, she never felt like opening up to them, showing that side of her that she had loved. She focused more on getting where she had dreamt of, and then focus on her job. And that’s how it went for a while. Joining Sex Crimes had brought so many memories back, she really didn’t think how hard the job would be until she had her first few cases. She tried to act tough, she tried for the cases not to get to her, even if after getting home, she’d do nothing more than cry. It was hard. But it was her job. And then, she met y/n.
It had been a random day, Casey was not even supposed to be having lunch at that time, but her arraignment had ended before time and so she decided to take the opportunity to get some lunch. Her card had declined, and she had forgotten to carry cash, but an angel had showed up that day and was kind enough to pay for Casey’s lunch. And that’s how it all started. After almost two months of coffee dates, lunch dates, dinner dates, etc., they finally made it official, which, it was a true surprise for Casey, because she never really expected that she’d be this happy again; no…she never expected she could actually be this happy, because this was like nothing else she ever knew. This was entirely a new feeling, which scared her the most, but partly, she was willing to try this, even if at the end…this could end bad.
It had been a few months since they both had made it official, they both couldn’t be happier with their relationship, already having their routines, seeing each other every possible chance, even the squad noticed Casey’s change, which…made them happy to see her happy, though it wasn’t confirmed, they had an idea of what was going on. Casey had been working throughout the whole day, arraignment after arraignment, she had a trial, and then paperwork, so all day long, she had been busy. The last thing she had expected was for her girlfriend to show up at work. She had been distracted with paperwork that she didn’t notice her girlfriend leaning over the doorframe, smiling as she stared at Casey. She then knocked on the door and her smile widened as Casey looked up at her.
“You’re here.” Casey smiled as she dropped her pen and stood up.
Y/n chuckled softly as she walked inside the office. “Of course I did. I saw your text, and I was sure that you wouldn’t eat dinner and just stay here.” She smiled softly as she placed the bag of food on the table and then walked to Casey, wrapping her arms around Casey’s waist.
Casey chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her forehead. “And you had to be my knight in shining armor.”
“Always.” Y/n smiled as she pecked her lips and then hugged her tightly, burying her face in Casey’s neck.
Years ago, Casey would have been the one to give a hug like this, one where she tightly wrapped her arms around them, but she couldn’t even remember the last time she had hugged someone like this. The first time y/n hugged her like that, she had felt a bit odd about it and had felt bad about it, but she didn’t tell y/n. But the more y/n, the more Casey got used to it…the more she loved those hugs. Y/n squeezed, making Casey ‘dramatically’ gasp and they slowly pulled away, Casey’s arms slipping from her neck to be replaced by her hands, laughing as she leaned her forehead against y/n’s.
Casey pecked her lips softly and then smiled. “I’m glad you’re here. You’re…staying, right?” She looked into her eyes, a hint of hope in her own.
Y/n’s smile widened. “You really thought I’d leave you here alone? I brought my own work with me, need to grade some tests.”
Casey’s heart warmed at her words, her own smile widening. “Good, let’s eat first and then we get to work.”
Y/n nodded. “Sounds great to me.”
It was Casey’s turn to do dinner tonight, it was their second week in their new apartment. Casey would be lying if she said she was not afraid at first of taking this big step in their relationship, the last time she had been in this situation, she had felt like she had lost part of herself. But after all, she had been the one suggesting this, because she had pictured herself living with y/n, waking up next to her, being breakfast to bed and just enjoying their free days together. No planning on ‘today at yours, tomorrow at mine’, it was now ‘I’ll see you home’. Casey was finishing up dinner when she felt arms wrapping around her, making her chuckle softly.
“You should be in bed, I’m almost done with dinner.” Casey smiled as she looked at her over her shoulder.
Y/n sighed as she rested her chin on Casey’s shoulder. “But I’ve slept enough. C’mon, Case. I’m feeling better. It was just the flu shot.”
“And yet, you got the flu.” Casey chuckled softly as she turned in y/n’s arms. “Are you sure you’re feeling better?”
Y/n nodded. “Yeah…just…missing you in bed.” She smiled softly.
Casey chuckled as she leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You’re adorable, you know?” She then wrapped her arms around y/n’s waist and hugged her tightly, burying her face in the crook of her neck.
“C-Case! Can’t breathe!” Y/n laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around Casey’s neck.
“Oops?” Casey laughed softly as she pulled away enough to look down at y/n, smiling softly. “Get back in bed and I’ll bring dinner?”
“Dinner will be…you?” Y/n grinned.
“Nice try, you still look tired day, baby. But…” Casey pecked her lips softly. “…maybe tomorrow, when you feel better.”
Y/n chuckled. “How come you get to take care of me, but I can never take care of you?” She raised her brow as she stared at Casey.
Casey sighed. “Because I don’t need to be taken care of. I’m a big girl.” She smirked.
“Oh, and I’m not?”
“You���re my baby.” Casey said softly as she leaned down to kiss her lips softly. Before she gave it a second thought, she picked up y/n in bridal style, laughing again as y/n squealed and wrapped her arms around her neck.
“Casey! Put me down!” Y/n laughed softly.
“Nope, taking you back to bed so we can have dinner and watch movies.”
Casey had talked about it with y/n before, she liked to take care of her girlfriend, she liked to be the person that she needed, the person she looked for, and now that they were living together, Casey got to do all that and more, and she loved how happy y/n was. And she was happy too, she was the happiest she has ever been, but…she was still afraid to open up, she was still afraid to show that side of her where she needed someone, where she wanted nothing but being wrapped around their arms. It was frustrating, because she enjoyed when y/n showered her with love, when she was being clingy, when she wanted nothing more than have Casey hugging her or cuddling her, but then she overthought about it, and she thought that soon enough all of that would end, once Casey opened up more, y/n would leave.
It was finals season, so Casey knew that y/n would be extra busy, which resulted in Casey hiding the fact that she had been feeling sick the last two days. She woke up pretty early in the morning to leave, and come back home pretty late so y/n wouldn’t notice this. She now sat at her desk, her hands buried in her hair and her eyes closed as she tried to ignore the agonizing headache. She groaned softly as she heard a knock on the door, looking up to find Olivia walking into the office.
“Case…are you okay?” Olivia asked softly as she furrowed her brows.
“I uh…yeah. I’m perfectly fine.” Casey nodded. “You need something?”
Olivia tilted her head as she smiled. “You’re sick, aren’t you?”
Casey sighed as she rubbed her face. “Stress and weather didn’t exactly agree.”
“Yeah, well, is that time of the year.” Olivia chuckled. “Why don’t you go home?”
“Because…I’m fine.” Casey shrugged as she grabbed her pen and tried to go back to her paperwork.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re stubborn?” Olivia grinned.
Casey looked back at Olivia, grinning softly. “Just a couple of times.”
“Why don’t you go home?”
Casey sighed softly. “My girlfriend will find out that I’m sick.”
Olivia raised her brows. “And…that’s a problem…why?”
“I don’t want her to worry.”
“She’s your girlfriend. She should worry, and-“
“I don’t want to be a burden to her, I…I become…annoying when I’m sick. I just…” Casey sighed. “I don’t know. It’s a lot.”
“Charlie. Right?” Olivia sat down in one of the chairs as she stared at Casey.
Casey looked up at Olivia as she nibbled on her lip. “Yeah.”
Olivia nodded. “For what you’ve told me about your girlfriend, she really does love you, Casey. And you know what I think? That she’d do anything for you, just like you’d do anything for her. And you showing that you need her…that’s not gonna change the way she thinks about you. I think she’ll be happy that you need her.”
Casey stared at her for a moment, her eyes getting watery as she nodded. “I used to be a person who would love to hug people, you know? Who would…who would be such a cheery and happy person. And I love making y/n smile and laugh. God, she looks so beautiful when she’s smiling.” She huffed a chuckle. “And I’m afraid that if I’m clingier…she’ll just…I don’t know…”
“She’ll love it. Because she loves you for you.”
Casey smiled softly as she tried to hold back her tears. “So, you don’t need anything from me?”
Olivia shook her head. “Go home and call your girlfriend.”
Casey didn’t take long before she chose to listen to Olivia. She grabbed all of her stuff and before she left, she headed to Elizabeth’s office to let her know she was leaving. Once she got home, she sighed heavily as she felt odd, this was not like her but in reality, she really did feel bad. She texted y/n and went ahead to change into comfortable clothes. She thought about making some tea and taking some pills to feel better, but as she took her time to do her normal routine after work, she heard the door opening and closing, making her walk out of their room confused as to how fast y/n had come home.
“Y/n? I texted you like…20 min ago.”
Y/n nodded. “And you thought I’d just ignore your text and come until later? Case, why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” She said softly as she put her stuff away, taking her shoes off before walking to Casey, placing her hand carefully on her forehead. “God, you’re burning up, Case.”
Casey chuckled softly. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
Y/n tilted her head as she smiled a little. “Oh, here comes stubborn Novak.”
Casey gasped as she smiled a little. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re gonna say you’re fine, that you just need to sleep, and then you won’t let me do anything for you.” Y/n raised her brow as she grinned.
Casey stared at her and sighed softly, her hands going to y/n’s waist to pull her closer. “You’re right. But…I do need you.”
Y/n’s face softened as she stared at Casey, a smile appearing on her face. “You do?”
Casey nodded as she smiled. She leaned down as she tugged y/n closer, burying her face in the crook of her neck. Suddenly, she felt emotional and once again, her eyes started watering. Y/n furrowed her brows as she wrapped her arms around Casey, cradling her head and running her fingers through her hair. She suddenly felt Casey’s body trembling and that’s when she understood. Y/n sighed softly as she held Casey, holding her tighter and kissing her head.
“Talk to me?” Y/n whispered softly.
“I-I need you. And I’m…I was…I was afraid if I told you…you’d see the mess I was. I didn’t want you to figure out that…that what I went through had caused me so much pain and trauma.” Casey sniffled, her voice cracking with every word. “But I need you. And I want to open up to you. And right now…right now I feel so bad. I feel…my whole body hurts badly.”
Y/n’s heart broke; Casey had cried in front of her before, she had been a little vulnerable, but not like this. Never like this. “Baby…nothing could ever make me change the way I see you or think about you. I love you. So much.” She kissed her head again and sighed softly.
Casey pulled away enough to look at her, tears rolling down her cheeks. “You mean it?”
Y/n smiled. “You know…when you think I’m sleeping…I can feel you pulling me closer to you. And at times, you do it unconsciously.” She huffed a chuckle as she wiped her tears. “I know I’ve seen most of you, maybe not all of it but…I want to. I want to know Casey. The good and the bad. Whatever you have to give…I want it.”
Casey smiled through her tears. “Even if I’m clingier than you?”
Y/n chuckled. “Oh, we gonna have competition now?”
Casey shrugged. “Maybe so.” She smiled softly.
“Then be it, Novak. You win in court, I win here.” Y/n chuckled softly as she leaned in and pecked her lips softly. “So…will you let me take care of you?”
Casey smiled as she nodded. “Please? I’m…so tired. I just want to lay in bed and cuddle you.”
Y/n smiled, running her hand through Casey’s hair. “Then let’s go to bed. But, let me get the thermometer first and some medicine.”
Casey nodded. “Sure.”
Y/n kissed the tip of her nose and was about to move to the kitchen but before she did, she grabbed Casey’s hand and stopped her from walking away, furrowing her brows. “You’re…are you wearing my hoodie?” She smiled softly.
Casey looked down at the hoodie and then up at y/n, smiling shyly. “You mind?”
Y/n’s smile widened, and she shook her head, leaning in and kissing her dimple. “Not at all. You look beautiful in it. I love seeing you in it.”
Casey smiled and then walked back to their bedroom. Once y/n got everything she needed, she walked to their room and checked on Casey before she laid in bed with her. Y/n knew there was so much they had to talk about, but right now, right in this moment, she just wanted to hold Casey. The way Casey had wrapped her arms around her middle, buried her face in her neck, tightening her arms around her every now and then…y/n could get used to this. She wanted this forever, she loved Casey so much that she’d do anything for her. She was ready to love Casey.
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momotorin · 2 days
ms. monte carlo
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f1 driver! momo x f1 driver! fem reader au although there's not much racing in this chapter
fluff (?), smut
after belgium, there was a huge chunk of days out of racing. still, you had to do some work, improving the car with your team every once in a while, checking on the simulations, or even in the actual car with new modifications that would surely help you win.
momo does the same in their factory in seoul, although she'd argue that their time has been mostly free. (which she wasn't lying about.)
over the phone, when you're bored with testing, she calls to say that she's cooking her favorite cup noodles, or watching a football game, or watching the new k-drama jeon jeongseo starred in, making you a little bit jealous of just how much free time she had.
then, a week later, one of the guys on the grid, the monegasque driver, charles, initiated a yacht party for single drivers like a bachelors and bachelorette’s night in monte carlo, one you won't trade the world for.
it was just such a pretty sight, a pretty place to be in— the coastal end and the opulent comfort of it was a feeling to hold on to.
“when are you flying?” you asked over the phone, closing the door to your car and starting it, going home after a long day in the factory.
“not sure if it's tomorrow or friday,” she sighs, heavy over the phone. “why? when are you flying out?”
“tomorrow,” you laughed. “i'm just worried that i'm there too early.”
“oh well,” she teases, saying the words in a sing-song tune. “i think you're worried about something else.”
“like what?” you asked, genuinely curious about it.
momo, on the other side of the line, was about to say something along the lines of ‘nothing, like you worry about just how much you've been missing me,’ but she dismisses the thought and says, “no, nothing.”
“alright,” you chuckled at her. “i've got to go now, goodnight, hirai!”
“goodnight to you too, y/n,” she smiles on her own. “and careful when you drive!”
“yes, got it,” you say, smiling to yourself as well. “bye.”
she drops the call knowing that you were driving, and you continue smiling to yourself like a giddy child until you reach home.
before sleeping, you scrolled a couple of times on your social media accounts, until stumbling on twitter, purposefully hiding yourself from your burner account to see the latest news from the paddock, although you knew some from the word of mouth.
“hmm,” you hummed and tapped on the article. “what do they mean by th- oh.” as you kept scrolling, you found out that people have been speculating about you and momo, after that photo of you both at the karting circuit. it wasn't the one that mick sent you, but the one he willingly posted in social media for the account of the circuit, which you both agreed on. “but why? don't friends do that too?”
you just sighed. you're getting to know momo really well and you just don't want to make anything awkward with her. you cross your fingers in hopes that she doesn't see this article, but then a message pops up, one from momo, joking.
momo: they had a field day with this one
momo: is the next article gonna tell us taking turns in giving each other grand prix wins?
you pouted, knowing that she was joking. you don't even know why you had a little pang of disappointment when she didn't tease you further in the way you wanted.
momo wondered why you were taking time to reply. not that it was so common for her to receive a new text every time you chat, it was just that she knows you've read it already.
momo: i bet the next article is that we've been dating for years now
you laughed at your screen and almost spilled your warmed milk. (yes, it helps you sleep so what if you drink warm milk.)
y/n: that would personally give me a concussion even with just a thought
y/n: your social media managers would be sooooooo mad since they've been trying to set you up with that miu miu model ever since
momo pouts at the realization. you two have always been formed as this sort of rivals; always hot headed, never friends, worse than enemies.
momo: and your managers would have a bad time too
momo: like they've been trying to get you to everywhere to get at least a good girlfriend
you sighed. she was correct. you've been invited to different sports events, modelled for brands, and many more just to make connections. it's a reality you two couldn't help but face.
y/n: what if you get me one?
y/n: you have waaaay more friends in monte carlo than i do
momo: i'm not the one throwing the party, dumbass
y/n: yeah but i know you have a whole roster there
y/n: remember that one article when they said that you took a girl after a party with her friends
momo: oh shut up like you don't do that too.
y/n: yes, but in more discreet places
momo: you're a freeeeak!
y/n: can't blame me for having a little craving. racing is so damn stressful.
momo: well, true
y/n: but i’ll actually get going now because i'm sleepy…
momo: okay whatever
momo: i'm sleeping too
you laughed as you closed your phone, and looked forward to tomorrow.
you heard three long honks, the shrill, deep and loud sound of each scrutinizing beep reaching your deep sleeping ears.
“jesus christ,” you whine, rubbing your eyes in annoyance, ridding the sleepy dust around it. you then hear your doorbell, and you run to your door fastly, “coming!”
you opened the door to see your teammate, all prepped up and proper. “our flight is at 10 am.” she reminds and laughs at your still ‘i-woke-up-like-this’ appearance. “wanna fly out looking like that?”
“no,” you rubbed your arms, feeling a little chill from the outside air. hyunnie heads inside with you, “i thought you weren't coming?” you asked.
“i'm not going to the party, dumbass,” hyunnie mentions. “it's for bachelorettes, and you should be glad i'm taken.”
“or you'll scare the bitches off, yeah,” you joked. “anyways, how about sana?”
“she's going to be my date, why?” hyunnie retaliated as she chuckled, sitting down on your sofa. “anyways, get dressed and fixed now. we're gonna run late.”
you whine once more. “what time is it?”
“8:40.” hyunnie says.
“oh, fuck,” you hurried your steps to your room, closing the door, immediately ridding of your sleep clothes to take a bath. “you should've woken me up sooner!” you shout from your bathroom.
“i've been honking the fuck out of my r34, stupid!”
you arrived at 10 am, on the dot. you look at your watch and the private jet is stopping right in front of you and your teammate, parking nicely in a little spot to open the stairs.you grunt as you take the steps up, quite chilly with the wind hitting your bare face.
“alright,” you sigh as you load your luggage in the little cabin just above you. your phone rings, f1 radio style, and hyunnie lets out a little snort at your notification sound. “hey,” you pouted as you sat on your designated, taking out your phone. “oh, well.”
momo: look outside
you pulled up the window pane of your seat, seeing a familiar red, italian sports car stopping just right beside your teammate's gorgeous r34. “what the hel-”
“i mean, she's the only one coming.” hyunnie says in defence. “plus, we're trying to cut carbon emissions. jihyo didn't fly out because she's got to deal with car developments." she smiles, tight lipped, covering her eyes to sleep.
“okay,” you then sat down as you stared at momo, who was making way to the plane. you see that there was a vacant seat right in front of you, “and she's taking lewis's premium heated and massager seat?”
“if you want it that bad,” hyunnie takes her eye covers off for a second and looks you straight in the eyes, like it's gonna burn you. “just get the damn package, get your seat upholstered with what lewis had.”
you laugh at your friend's antics, “why are you so snappy today?”
momo grunts as she gets inside the plane, her luggage getting rolled by the pilots to a small cabin behind the cockpit.
“because sana's got problems, and that includes a man getting linked to her.” momo says as she takes the seat in front of you, immediately turning on the massage feature, she groans in pleasure, “holy shit,” she chuckles, her eyes closed and her body is literally melting on the seat. “this is so damn good. you guys don't even have championships, how the hell do you afford these?”
“lewis does,” you corrected, and your breath almost hitches. your palms were getting clammy, and you don't know why your heart was beating so loud in your chest as you stared at her getting the massage done in utter pleasure. you gulp, keeping yourself together. “he had eight.” you sighed.
you took a minute to gather your thoughts as you closed the window beside you. momo was still having that expression just in front of you, but her eyes were staring down at you. you look down to check on yourself, if there was anything wrong, and unconsciously touch your face.
“well,” momo snickered, observing the bag on your lap. “got any snacks too, y/n?”
you laughed. she was definitely looking at the unhealthy bag of snacks you brought in after your little convenience store run before being late. “it's mine, yes,” you said, holding the bag of snacks close to you. “and i’m not sharing. i haven't had breakfast, and i’m going to eat the plastic out of this plane, if you don't want that happening, you better s-”
“you're still yapping,” momo draws out as she increases the function on her massage chair. “you know what, maybe you need some champagne, or a really strong drink— just to wash some of that morning sassiness.”
“momo,” you sigh and take out your favourite snack out of the bag, opening the delicate plastic of it and the scent of it fills the air. “this is my breakfast.” you pointed at the snack, open and filling the air with it's honey butter scent. “please don't even try to get some, or get alcohol running in my system. that's unhealthy and gonna kill you."
“don't worry, i had my breakfast, so i can have a drink," momo still grunts in pleasure, trying out the vibration massage on the calves of the chair. “this is phenomenal. i could sit here forever.”
“oh yeah?" you chuckled and took a bite of your chips, trying to mask the obvious tense that you feel in your gut. “anyways, if you need anything else, you can help yourself,” you grunt as you stood up, getting up to get some water from the little refrigerator just behind you. “there's a bunch of snacks there, and drinks,” you smiled. “don't expect that we have your little italian cookies and swiss chocolate because the team's very much japanese and not as rich as any other team.”
momo sighs. “ugh, alright” she said, turning off the massage function, finally. you calm down as she stands up, getting a bottle of water as she watches you gobble up the bag of goodies in your hand. “do you like flying out, y/n?” momo then suddenly asks as she sat down once more.
“hm,” you hummed, deep in thought. “i mean, it's not the most productive time,” you explained. “but it's nice. i get to rest, get a little bored, then bam, before i land i’m yapping to my race engineer about my ideal race strategies.”
“you,” momo laughs deeply, one you've heard rarely. “you're a nerd.”
“yeah!” you smiled at her, acknowledging the name, and the adjective. “if i wasn't, i wouldn't be a world champion contender. we're pretty close, you know? imagine losing to a nerd.”
“i did,” momo sighed as she closed her eyes. “karting, formula 2, formula 3, hell, even in the sim racing competition. i know the feeling.”
“okay,” you laughed loudly. “get used to it, hm?”
“hell no.” momo scoffed, fully succumbing to the warmth of sleep.
hours in flight pass quickly, and hyunnie, a few centimetres away from you, giggles like a highschooler on her phone.
“must be fun,” you teased, singing your words in a funny tune. “sana?”
hyunnie just nodded and continued typing, “of course, who else would it be?”
“dunno?” you played, remembering your teammate's amazing roster. “ms. worldwide probably has someone else waiting on her dm.”
“oh yeah, sana too,” your teammate nonchalantly rebutted. “we're quits; that part was our past and we're quitting that practice of ours.”
hyunnie then looks up from her phone to look at your eyes sincerely, “what about you? ever miss ms. monte carlo?”
“oh shut up,” you nervously laughed. “how could i not forget?”
“you literally forgot her name and how she looked, stupid,” your teammate teased. “all you had left was her ring.”
“right.” you fiddle with the ring on your right index finger, the cool, silver metal sticking to your skin so well that you don't even wanna let it go. “i hope she knows i still kept it.”
“jesus christ, you're hopeless,” hyunnie laughs at your ideal. “got any leads?”
“none. zero. nada,” you put your hand on your forehead, disappointed at the situation you're in right now. “but still. she's just around and we won't even know it anymore.” you sighed. “was i so damn drunk that i can't even remember her face?”
momo shifts in her recliner at the little chatter that got into her ears as she slept. she smiles, knowing that she remembers a night, leaving in the morning after having fun, putting her tiffany and co. ring at a hotel nightstand.
ms. monte carlo was a specific case. you rarely get drunk, and you were so damn sure that every drink in the room was spiked with something. you take down shots of tequila, or whatever clear liquid was on the table.
you don't even know how you got outside. it was just someone pulling you— her hair smelled like peaches which you smell as you caught up behind her, and her hands were soft to your touch as you felt it against your skin.
the next moment you know is you're being kissed against the doorframe of your hotel room, gentle as ever.
“hey, your card,” she chuckled. “we need to get inside, darling.”
you immediately reached out for it in your right pocket, half conscious, and handed it over to her.
you felt her arms wrap around your waist securely, like you were porcelain about to crush when you hit something else; you just know the door’s locked tight, and you're just so sure you're in the arms of someone who knows what they do.
your world was still spinning in circles, it also doesn't help that you lost your trusty prescription glasses in the middle of your drinking session because one of the models tried it out. you can't see her and that upsets you.
she doesn't immediately dive into you as she locks lips with you towards the bed. you were put down on the soft sheets slowly, but she still remained firmly holding you by the waist as she put her thighs to straddle your body.
“hey,” you smiled, rubbing her thighs. she gently leverages herself, her ass lifting away from your body as she shifts. “everything alright?”
“hm, yes,” she then leaned down, taking a hold of your wrists as she kissed you. “i’m alright now i've got you like this, darling.”
“okay,” you giggled, and you're starting to lose your conscience. that tight, gentle and sure grip on your wrists wakes you up, as you feel her hand glide from one button of your linen shirt to another button being pried open. “darling,” you called out, moving your wrists. “please, i wanna touch you.”
she slowly lets go of your wrists, letting her hands slide to your arms as she nips the skin in the middle of your bra-clad chest.
“beautiful,” she says as she looks up at you, tracing the lace lines that go around it to wrap on your skin. “god,” she kissed you on the lips once more, letting you savor the taste of her lips as she removed your shirt completely away from your body, leaving it somewhere on the floor. “you look so fucking good.”
you moaned the moment she trailed her kisses from your jaw to your neck, unclasping your bra skillfully, with one hand. she immediately discards it, and latches her mouth on one as she grasps the other, kneading just right to make you hold onto her.
“fuck,” you grunt. your nerves were overridden, and you closed your eyes at the pleasure with the world still spinning around you. “darling, you're so fucking good,” you hissed at her teeth grazing your sensitive mound. “more.”
she pulls away and stares at you for a second, leaving you high and absolutely wet, that she teases, “i love it when you're so damn pliant,” she whispered, letting her hands wander on your abdomen, teasing back and forth whether she would pull down your matching linen pants. “tell me what you want, darling.”
“please,” you begged, looking at her, but still you were quite unclear. “please, darling, fuck me.”
“how?” she whispered teasingly. “tell me.”
“fingers, tongue, or whatever,” your voice shook in both nervousness and excitedness. this person calling you darling was a complete stranger and your upper half is on display for her to see. what's there to lose if you're this vulnerable now? “please, darling.”
“good girl,” she smiles, removing her shirt as she goes down to place your back comfortably on the headboard. “you can't touch, okay? you can moan all you want but if you touch me, we're over. got that, darling?”
“yes, maam,” you smiled. “i get it.”
“good,” she then slowly unties your pants, removing them and your matching lace panties show in her face with a big spot of wetness in the middle. she slowly removes it, the layer of your wetness sticking to the material, leaving a string as she pulls it off of you. “fuck, you're so damn wet for me, darling.” she chuckled lowly, your cunt out for her to stare, and later, devour.
she trails a hand from your entrance to your clit, lathering her fingers with the fluid that accumulated as she played with you. she hummed, slowly putting her index and middle fingers to be enveloped by your warm, velvety pussy walls as you moaned loudly.
“so deep, fuck,” you hiss, your hips moving upward as your back arched to her touch. “more,” you groaned as she kept her fingers stationary, leaving you in such a state of expectation for her to fuck you sensless. “darling, please.”
slowly, she thrusts her fingers in and out as she spreads you further, “i love it so much when you beg, darling,” she breathily says as she lets your thighs go on each of your shoulders comfortably. “fuck.” she kisses on your inner thigh nipping on it to tease you a little. you squirm into her touch like you're putty under her.
her tongue pushes flat against your entrance to your clit, gathering the tasteful juices, “you're delicious, darling,” she whispered, taking another lick as you moaned. “can't wait to eat you all night.”
you gripped on the bed sheets tighter, remembering that you can't touch her just yet. your hips rut against her lapping tongue and thrusting fingers, making your head spin in pleasure.
“so tight for me,” she whispered, latching away from your clit to move her hair from one side to another, opening your folds to just see how sopping you were. “you’re g’nna cum, huh?” she teased, the pad of her thumb rubbing your clit directly, making you jolt.
“yes, fuck,” you held onto the sheets, rutting your hips to her hand frantically as she went up to nip on your neck’s skin. “fuck, i'm gonna-”
she then whispered, “cum for me, darling.”
you screamed as the feeling in your stomach explodes to her hand, making you see stars. you were panting, your body flushed against hers, as you kissed, her hand continuing the ministrations to get you calming down.
your tongues clash, and she bites down on your lip as you ran out of breath. “wanna taste?” she said, bringing the set of fingers she used on you to your mouth.
you slowly licked your juices off of her fingers, looking at her directly.
“good girl,” you heard her lowly chuckle as she straddled you again. she slowly removed her fingers away from your mouth, and she settled right on top of you. “you can touch me now, darling.”
“fuck, finally,” you bit her lip as you finally kneaded at her full breasts. “you're so damn perfect.”
momo remembers that night vividly. she watches her drunk rival, this person seemingly just appearing right after her operation.
she never thought you would look this good. tousled hair, linen blue shirt with two buttons open, and your little nerdy glasses— she doesn't know if you were looking that good, or if her nerves were on fire because of the alcohol. one sure thing is that she wants to get you for the night.
it goes on for hours, that little play of hers just staring at you like she has tunnel vision. she sees that you're then surrounded by models, and that your glasses are gone. she remembers you freaking out since you really can't see without them during a karting race when you two were younger.
her feet moved with what her body told her, and she drags you out of the club.
now, she looks at you with her eyes as she sees you enjoying sucking on her perky breast while you knead the other. she gently places a hand on your hair, pushing you closer to her.
“fuck, darling.” she moaned, throwing her head back in pleasure.
“ride me,” you smirked as you pulled away from her breasts. “use me.” you leaned back completely, letting your back lay flat on the bed as you sneak up your hands to her thighs, hooking one side of her panties to remove. “please, darling?”
oh god, momo couldn't resist. those puppy eyes twinkling made her invincible. she knows that you're sure that it isn't momo the driver whom you got into serious fights with, but it was just someone you wanted to please— someone whom you wanted to give yourself to for the night.
you slowly removed her panties, letting her straddle your face. you licked from her entrance to her clit, catching the nectar that falls from her.
“darling, more,” she held onto your hair, setting the pace as you laid your tongue flat for her to grind on. “good girl,” she grunts, her movement frantic against you. she looks down to see the most gorgeous pair of begging eyes, and she thought you looked good but not like this good under her. “so fucking polite for me.”
you then trace your hand to insert in her hole, and she moaned loudly when you finally took your fingers to enter her wet, waiting hole. you hummed as you sucked on her clit, lapping at it occasionally as she shook above you.
you curl your fingers up, and you feel her wetness on your tongue accumulate.
“baby, i'm gonna cum,” she bites her lower lip as she feels you do your ministrations fastly. “y/n!”
she squirted, flooding both your face and your lips. she slowly detaches herself from you after her high, and she laid beside you.
you stare at her, mouth still wet with her juices, and she sees you suck at your fingers so good, cheeks hollowed out, “you taste good, darling.” you smirked as you kissed her again, letting her taste herself.
she felt her body just relax. then later her eyes fall heavy, surrendering to sleep with both utter warmth and pleasure. she can't even think anymore, knowing that you were the one beside her. she'll just deal with it in the morning.
but now, you pull her to your arms, and there it starts— her head on your chest, your arms wrapping around her and you sleep thinking about peach shampoo.
“peach.” you mumble in your sleep, lips moving in a pout and momo observes intently, giggling to herself at how cute you were. the flight was almost done, and you were set to land in about 30 minutes.
“hey,” hyunnie stands up and wakes you up as she gently taps on your shoulder. “we're almost here.”
you stirred from your sleep, stretching out your limbs, and you smiled with your eyes closed, “ah, really?”
momo smiles to herself at the sight. she knows you are cute, everyone does— but why does her heart skip a little beat? she really shook off the thought, wriggling her arms and hands suddenly like she was also stretching.
you fold your in flight blanket, and momo just stares at you, “first time seeing someone fold a blanket, miss?” you joked.
momo then composes herself, “no,” she laughs. “just first time seeing you this nerdy.”
“damn,” you then looked at her, fixing your glasses even to give you the full effect. “now you've got one,” you grunted, getting your fia rulebook in your messenger bag just right beside you. “ is this even more nerdy?”
“god, you're insufferable,” hyunnie jokes. “that’s why no one got you except miss monte carlo. and you were high. and you didn't have your glasses.”
“hey!” you kid around with your teammate. “sana's definitely just doing community service when she's with you. like…” you then looked at momo, expecting her to ride on in your little joke towards your teammate.
“yeah, like,” momo chuckled, remembering the red clad racing driver, and her preference. “she doesn't date girls below 5’8.”
you pull out a string of “ooh”-s from your mouth. hyunnie laughs along, knowing well that you two were joking.
later on, the plane lands, and you're greeted by a very nice ensemble of italian cars, and a familiar driver.
“hello, welcome,” he says and greets you. “glad you made it, y/n!” he then hugs you tight, feeling very happy with your presence.
your history with charles was one of a kind, like brother and sister; basically he guided you in your first few years, even when you were in a different junior team, and in a completely different team now.
“hello, momo,” charles then greets the person beside you. “you look amazing. ” he compliments, also very happy to see his direct junior. you don't know much about them, but charles has been keeping an eye out for momo.
“and you,” charles then moves to hyunnie. “where's sana?” he asked, curious about her other half.
“had to deal with something back home,” momo says. “she's taking a flight later though.”
“oh, alright,” charles then smiles, and walks towards the cars. he presents it with his arms open, “choose your poison, guys.”
a question flew to your mind. there's no way you could fit your carriers in any of the cars in front of you “what about our luggages?”
“don't worry about it, ma belle,” charles tapped your back. “always worrying,” he sighs jokingly. “anyways, yeah, just choose and i’ll give you the key!”
momo was left in front of a ferrari daytona sp3, “my god.” charles smiles, hands momo the key by throwing it, and she gladly catches it in her hands.
hyunnie hums and went beside a ferrari 812 competizione a, in its bone white, #16 glory. charles gently gave the key to her and she let out a little “yes!”
“you know what i want, frére.” you stand beside the familiar f40, and he throws you the key as well as he went to his ferrari purosangue.
“you know where to go!” he says and waves as he spins out of his parking state, and off the airstrip.
you excitedly get in the car, well, you can't deny the feeling of a ferrari— something this classic makes your nerves electrocute in so many ways no one could understand.
you three arrive at the leclerc’s house, it was a simple complex overlooking the sea of monte carlo. it's been years since you've met charles, but this place of his has never changed.
“suit yourselves, guys,” he says and he's immediately greeted by his little dachshund, leo, who also jumps up at momo's presence. “the other drivers are already in their hotels, and i'm actually surprised that you've come in late.”
“we're late?” you then asked, immediately going for a glass of water in his kitchen.
“only for an hour. mina and the rookie arrived a little over an hour ago,” he informed. “so that's the story. but you three are right in time for lunch, so go eat, you guys.” he says, inviting the other two to his table. “you need to be filled before the party or else you'd puke your insides like miss here,” he points at you. “and she comes crying to the room and asks ‘dude noooo she went away!!’ then pukes all over my floor.”
you laughed at the memory of you just crashing at this place, a little over breakfast and he hands you coffee to talk about it immediately.
the night comes really quickly. the breeze becomes cold, the lights of the casinos, centers, and buildings turn on to reflect a hue of warmth to the coolness of the sea. you walk out of the hotel, the yacht just a pedestrian lane away from you, and you see the single drivers have fun.
it was a wild mix of people; both lower and upper bunk containing old and new drivers, some said hello, some completely ignored you, and some were just really shy.
you came up to the bar, half shouting to the bartender as you couldn't hear over the music. you take a shot of the drink, and a girl takes the spot beside you.
“great seeing you here, suertudo.” she says, reaching out a hand for you to shake.
“oh, hello,” you then shook her hand, not quite sure of her identity. “from wrc, right?”
“yes,” she then lightly chuckled. “huh yunjin. also a rookie.”
“oh my god, that's brilliant!” you exclaimed in happiness in meeting a fellow rookie. “i've heard so many things about you, ms. huh.”
“hope it isn't bad,” she jokes as she takes a sip from her white wine. “i've also heard a lot of things about you, y/n. you're amazing.”
“thank you,” you bowed gently, quite comical. “seems like you've been here for quite a while now. first time?”
“yeah, first time,” yunjin smiles. “how about you?”
“nope. this is my third,” you whispered, getting close to the proximity of her face. “i also know someone who's a first timer.”
yunjin perks up and her eyes go wide, “oh really? mind telling me who?”
“that cute person right there,” you pointed kazuha among the crowd, looking out at the sea as she held a glass of red wine. “she's nice. i think you two would go really well together. give it a shot?”
“you bet,” yunjin then stands up with her drink, clearing crinkles on her skirt, and fixing her shirt. you also came up to fix on her hair, gently tucking the hair behind her ear. “yes, thank you, this is perfect.”
you then smiled and cheered, “you go, girl!”
nonetheless, it ticked momo. her senses were high, her heart was beating fast, even if she's got hands of guys and girls roaming around her body; she sees you in the room making another woman feel giddy, she can't help but feel her heartstrings pulling her feet to move to you.
you chuckled as you watched yunjin leave, off to kazuha, and a tight grip was on your wrist as soon as they shook hands.
“what?” you asked loudly. it was momo, seemingly tugging you out.
you tried to force her down but surprisingly, she was stronger than what you've expected, and so you two are now on the streets, cars passing you by as the loud clubbing yacht becomes far gone.
you looked at her angrily. you don't understand why you needed to be dragged out and for what? the worst is that your friend is the one dragging you out like you're some kid.
“i know that you're mad,” she says, still holding your wrist. “but let me talk, okay?”
“why?” you exclaimed, trying to let go of her grip. “what do you want me to do, hirai?!”
“let's get away here, please,” she calmly says, eyes begging for you to understand them. “somewhere a little far.”
“let me go. i need to walk.” you firmly said, and you walked ahead of her, almost jogging. you don't even know why you just let momo hirai, your supposed contender, follow you as you went ahead.
“okay.” you then arrived at a small speakeasy hidden behind a winery, and you pulled out a barstool for momo to sit on. “mind explaining?” you then asked, and you ordered two glasses of your favorite cocktail.
she gently sits down, and says, “i needed to tell you something.”
“hm,” you handed over the other glass to her side and you clinked it as you drank. “continue please?”
momo deeply sighs, and it made you quite nervous. it seems important when she opens her mouth to say: “i'm ms. monte carlo.”
“oh cool! ms. monte carlo!” you said, repeating what she said, and your brain haywired. “what do you mean you're ms. monte carlo?!”
“i kissed you. we made out. i left that ring on your bedside table because i took it out before i slept,” she explained, chugging down on the cocktail for liquid courage. “you can ask sana about that ring. it's a gift from scaglietti when we were teammates."
“what the hell.” you then looked down at the ring, realizing that it's hers. “h-how do you know ms. monte carlo?”
“heard you two on the plane,” momo giggles, asking for a stronger drink. “i think you forgot how good my hearing is, y/n.”
“okay, but,” you then sighed, trying to process all of what's happening right now. “why are you telling me this?”
“you deserve to know,” she taps on your cheek, giggling once more. “it’s a cute thing that you kept this one,” her fingers grazed over your (her) ring, fiddling with it. “and, it's fair.”
she takes out a familiar necklace out, it was gold, with a detailed wing, a gift from lewis for making it out of the hospital. it's quite the common design for necklaces, so you really didn't mind it when momo wore it for the night. you've been scolded for not having it with you, “how?”
“it was on your bedside too,” she chuckled, seemingly amused by your cluelessness. “need to be equal, right?”
“well, that's fair,” you snickered as you interlock your hand with hers. “i- um,” you cleared your throat as you looked at her. “where do we go from here?”
“didn't know you were that fast,” momo joked. “you set the pace, racer.”
“you are too,” you chuckled. “um, i'm just glad that you're not awkward with it or anything.”
“why would i be?” she questioned, looking at her interlaced hands with yours. “unless you want to make it seem like we didn't... you know.”
“i know that part already,” you laughed, almost as if you were getting pretty annoyed. “we've eaten each other out, quite literally.”
“hey!” she jokingly hits your shoulder.
“what? it's right.”
“it is,” she leans forward to whisper, “was i good?”
“well, you were,” you honestly confessed. “that's why i wanted to find you, to thank you at least.”
“that's really cute,” she said, leaning back a bit to tease you. “i only accept gratitude in the form of the top step of the podium.”
“then we're going to have a problem,” you teased back, leaning forward to look at her. “that's the gratitude i want to accept too.”
“honestly, i've been wanting to break it to you for so long now,” she giggled once more as the pads of her thumbs rub on to your cheeks, cupping the side of your face. “especially since you've been getting close with me.”
you lean into her gentle, secure touch, “i'm glad you told me.”
you went closer, the familiar peach scent engulfing your very being, and your lips pressed against her glossed ones; full of desire like it's the only thing you've ever known to do.
momo hums into the kiss, and she pulls away, but your foreheads stay together as you giggled to yourselves.
you still don't know what it means, how you get so pumped when she locks lips with you. it's terrifying how you like it more than when she goes up against you in a tight race.
“don't think, darling,” she says, like she's been reading your mind. “you don't need to sort it out just yet."
she was right. all that's left to do is to enjoy.
after all, you found her.
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goth-mami-writer · 1 day
umm that recent fic u posted (love it btw) got me heated ngl. So would it be okay if I could request one where reader broke things off with Leon (cuz of Ada/during the re4 era) and years later they see each other at Claire’s get together?? But reader is with fiancé and u can decided the ending—thank you
♡Wet Wedding Dress♡
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader work
《 You bursted into Claire's party that night and winced to the number of people already present and on-time unlike you. You carefully brushed past some of the crowd as Claire in her red cocktail dress crossed her green lawn to greet you.
“Geez, I am so sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy..” You said apologizing but Claire in her usual, perpetual kindness hugged your neck, only caring that you came at all on her birthday.
“Don't worry! Ugh, the stupid caterers were late anyhow. You haven't missed a thing.”
You went ahead and gave her the small gift you'd picked up on the way over, having boxed it up in the car and she smiled appreciatively and promised she'd place it with the others back on the dessert table.
You felt a little overwhelmed by the people already here when she walked away. You wove ‘hi’ to a few of them asking how they've been since basic. The conversation was nice but you noticed yourself wandering in the hopes of finding someone else.
Leon was in the back of the living room out of your gaze. He sat with his back to the wall, talking over a game of pool with a few acquaintances from the past. He noticed a new silhouette in the room suddenly and then felt a racing flutter in his heart as you crept closer.
He sat upright in his seat, clutching his beer as a surge of nervousness washed over him. He blinked several times to assure himself that it was you and he handed his long cue to one of them, telling them to take his turns for the rest of the game. He then poured the rest of his beer into a tall houseplant secretively as he needed an excuse to get into the open kitchen area where you were headed.
He couldn't approach you directly. It would be weird for both of you, he was sure. The last meeting you had wasn't exactly a kindred memory. He'd just been caught talking to Ada his ex when he said that they'd parted ways and well within your right to, you had slapped him across the face. You two were dating at the time, and he did love you. But that palm print against his cheek was the mark he needed to know that you loved him too. Enough to cry while telling him that hated his guts.
He never forgot that night. And he wondered now on his approach the beer cooler on the kitchen floor if you remembered it too and now he wanted to ask you if telling him you hated him, stung in your throat like your handprint on his face.
You were oblivious to him reaching down into the cooler while you were scanning the room in fact trying to find…him. You held your hand to your chest, taking a plastic glass premade by Claire's punch bowl to give your hands something to do.
He wanted to get your attention- so nonchalantly, as if he was mistakenly not paying attention, he ‘accidentally’ placed the cold beer bottle to the side of your thigh just below your dress as you stood faced away from him.
“Sorry..” He said feeling you shiver, then felt just as frozen by the first look you gave him. Your eyes lit up brightly and you put down the small plastic glass but..you held your hands together. Your spirit told you to wait and remember to resonate on how much you've missed him.
‘Don't hug him, idiot. Don't you dare hug him.’ you thought in your head.
You crossed your arms, trying not to be awkward when he searched in your gaze as well you did his. He didn't think of the night you slapped him at all when he stood in front of you now, lost for words that were certainly taking their precious time to find him. He thought of that morning before. You had slept over after spending your night together. You laid there only wearing the half smile you wore when you dreamt and he thought of the morning sun in your hair, circling around you like a halo.
“Didn't think I'd run into you.” He said, clearing his throat to break the thoughts in his head that tormented him with the images of you sleeping so beautifully in his bed like you were born to do it.
You shrugged, then mentioned with some added repose to portray that you weren't aching to see him,
“Yeah, I ugh- I forgot you were friends with Claire. Uhm..”
You twined your hands behind your back, mentioning a little more brave after a hard swallow,
“It's nice to see you.”
Leon nodded, telling you the same and he found his mind wandering again. But yours was too. A part of you stayed resigned thinking that he might’ve hated you for the last fight you had. You overreacted and you regretted doing it everyday. After remembering that, you thought about just walking away.
“How've you been?” He asked, trying to keep down all the things he really wanted to say.
When you moved your hair out of your eyes, Leon's heart sank into his stomach and hit the bottom of his feet with a clunk that shook him. He felt a ball wadding up in his throat and his eyes fell down to realize the worst thing had happened while you two were separated.
You had a ring on your finger.
“I've been alright. How about you? Still…federal and working in DC?” You asked, noticing that he stared now at your engagement ring, hating that he'd even seen it.
Leon nodded, trying to avoid sounding like a brag so he merely shrugged while catching another glimpse of that little shiny boat-sinker rested on your ring finger.
“You ugh-” Leon asked, wanting to get this part over with,
“You getting married?”
You froze, hoping he wouldn't try and ask the details of your fiancé so soon. You wanted to reminisce and try to find the normalcy between you. However, you knew that was the overly hopeful part of yourself trying to…..imagine that you two still had a chance at working.
“I am.” You answered, twisting the ring on your finger tensely,
“Here in about three months.”
Fuck, he thought. Feeling like he was talking with a hole carved through his chest now. He had thought about calling you sometime in the year apart. He thought now that maybe if he'd gone through with it, things would be different now. You'd be wearing his ring on your finger.
You heard Claire call out from behind him and she yelled out that “Jacob” was here and you smiled widely, waving him over and you introduced Leon to your fiancé on the spot but felt the air change between you.
Leon looked over his shoulder as this new man approached and not-impressed just didn't fit the bill. Jacob was lanky, wore glasses with curly, boyish hair that just looked to be lackluster. But, Leon shook his hand to be cordial.
Jacob looked to you, a little surprised to be standing in front of the renowned agent Leon S. Kennedy, and he asked you softly as if to be discreet,
“You ugh….you worked together? You've never told me that, honey.”
Your face turned a bright, telling pink, looking back to Leon, then Jacob in this awkward situation you'd found yourself in. Leon tried not to gasp at the feeling of being some kind of secret and more, so he tried not to smile. He put the bottle of beer to his lips, hiding his grin as you backpedaled all the reasons you just so happened to never bring him up before.
“Well-” Leon said, holding back a laugh. He was amused with the way things had turned out, but he laughed also at himself. Even though Jacob looked like a scrub in his eyes, that was your man, and he had no right to make judgment.
But you couldn't tell that to his mind.
“I'll catch you guys later. Nice seeing you.”
You felt the need to pull him back, wanting him to stay, but you told him goodnight as he slipped away back into the crowd. You lost him after only a moment, and yourself and Jacob then gravitated back towards the outside veranda where Claire's cake was being cut already.
The rest of the night, you felt detached from the celebration. You were sunken into your phone, overhearing the conversation from Jacob and his friends that were in attendance. Leon sat against the wall, chugging what had to be the 10th beer he'd gotten ahold of and felt a fire starting when he constantly found himself staring at you.
And him.
When everyone began making their way home, hugging Claire's neck before waving goodnight, he wanted to make sure you didn't leave before he gave you a drunken earful of what exactly he thought of Jacob and how you deserved better. He was stumbling, trying hard to focus as he looked for you in the front yard of people but you had been following him in silence for the past few steps he'd taken.
“Leon-” You said, trying to be gentle knowing he was drunk.
He turned, trying to shake away the warble in his vision and he faced you, leaning on the wall so he wouldn't stumble while you talked. He noticed something in your hands and looked up as you started explaining, somewhat unsurely.
“I just-” You said, beginning to crumble the piece of paper in your palm, knowing you were only doing this so he wouldn't think you were still into him,
“I just wanted to give you this. We had a few extra so I wanted you to have one.” You said handing over an official invite to your wedding in the few short months.
Leon felt a scoff leave his mouth due to the loss of his inhibitions then you mentioned to ease any doubt,
“You don't have to go. We're friends so.. I figured I'd tell you that you were welcome to come. If…you wanted to.”
There was a silence between you after that. You wish you knew what he was thinking. Because the space and the quiet was killing you as you stared at the floor. You started to tell him that Jay seemed to like hearing the stories of you two working together but Leon spouted off quietly,
“I'm happy that you're happy.”
He turned his head, his eyes half lidded partially from the alcohol but also to the tension. You don't know why. But it just sounded like he was…lying. Or at least leaving something out. But you were too, weren't you? There were a million things you couldn't say.
“Me..too..” You said in a hollow tone, feeling nothing but empty after you said it.
You brushed past him, knowing that Jay was waiting in the car then you said over your shoulder, trying not to sound desperate as if you wanted nothing more than the last word,
“Just..text me if you're coming. Just so I know.”
“I will-” Leon said montonely, looking up at the ceiling before mentioning finitely before you were gone,
“Congratulations..by the way.”
You wanted to thank him but instead you just trudged away. On your way home that night, Jacob asked what was keeping you so quiet. Thinking that maybe you had a lot on your mind but you did. You told him you were fine, just tired and wanted to shower before bed. Once you closed the bathroom door and turned on the water, all you could do was cry in the hum of the shower. You were getting married in two months and you were going to be thinking of Leon now, every single day, weren't you? Could you really wear someone else's ring?
~Your Wedding Day
You sat in the dressing room ten minutes before the ceremony. Your makeup was done, and your dress flowed around you with even your veil made of the fine, sheer lace that cost a fortune. Your bridesmaids had been asking all morning if you hadn't slept well. You were irritable, easy to ignite. But they figured it was nerves, and you assured them as much.
When ten minutes became nine, you looked up to the dimly lit vanity mirror and asked the room full of people if you could have a minute alone. Everyone was quick to do as you asked and when you were washed back into a more settling silence, you pulled the phone away from your purse. That morning, unbeknownst to anyone you'd received a text from Leon saying that he was coming today and that he was sorry he didn't rsvp sooner.
You stared at that message longingly while you were alone and in a moment derived from lack of thought and more so grounded in a nostalgic panic, you called him. You held the phone to your ear feeling as if this just wasn't real.
Leon was signing in at the small table in the cathedrals vestibule when you called and he was slow to reach into his jacket pocket to answer. You heard it ring once then quickly ended the call, cursing into the mirror as you tossed your phone down.
“Fuck!” You cried from the feeling of never speaking to him again and you leaned over, trying to save your makeup from tears. You hurried to preserve your mascara, now asking yourself over and over what you were doing.
You were led along by the wedding coordinator in the next few minutes and stood in front of the large double doors, peering inside as your bridesmaids entered the ceremony hall first, waltzing down the aisle along with the lulling accordion music. When the loud, booming bells began to change in arrangement, you heard the sound of everyone standing and you took the last breath you needed to convince yourself that….you weren't making the biggest mistake of your life.
The doors opened and softly you heard the gasps of everyone in attendance to your long, ornate gown that cascaded to the floor in its angelic, blinding white. You stepped forward on the coordinator's cue and began reluctantly down the aisle. You stared at the floor as you began to softly cry with one tear escaping. Leon watched as you moved with a slowness. These were the last images he'd ever have of you before losing you to marriage and he realized it now. His gaze resigned back down and he told himself not to be so goddamn selfish.
As you came to the altar, Jay helped you up to stand across from him. The priest began to read from the traditional verses detailing a bound union made with love and duties to those who dedicate themselves with vows. All of the words felt meaningless as you stood there, staring into the ground with your bouquet ready to break beneath your clawed fingers.
Then, you were prompted to turn for the placing rings. Jacob slid his ring on your trembling finger and you did the same, reciting vows as you both did so to the stone walls that echoed. Jacob said the prolific phrase “I Do” and there in that moment, time felt stuck in place. Unmoving and slow.
You fell quiet when asked the same question that needed an “I Do.”
The church grew at its quietest and waited for you to respond. Leon looked up from his harrowed stare into the floor and watched you hesitate. You held Jacob's hands but felt that nothing would ever leave your throat again without a fight. Your voice shook as well as your legs, and with a breath of air you felt you needed to die for, you instead turned to run.
The congregation gasped sharply, and people even stood to watch as you fled in heavy strides that flowed your dress behind you in long, white billows as you sped down the aisle. Tears flooded your face now as your shaking hands held up the front of your gown, and you screamed curses that probably appalled the stone angels on the walls, but you didn't care.
You begged those who ran after you not to follow as you escaped down the church's side stairs leading to the street but one shadow moved their way through the pathways and side doors to run behind you anyhow. Leon swung his keys into his hand and practically dove through the moving people to get to his car.
As the sky above you darkened in the few minutes it took you to get outside, you hurried across the large cobblestone steps in no clear direction. Tires were heard behind you, and you assumed it was one of the groomsmen trying to change your mind. But you saw Leon roll down his car window right when the rain began to fall. You shook your head, knowing water would ruin this thousand dollar dress, and you just stood now in the somehow fated torrential downpour.
Leon got out of the driver's side, asking you from the road what you were doing as the rain soaked you both now. You raised your hands, asking with a snideness as your shoulders rose in just as much confusion,
“Does it look like I know what I'm doing?”
Leon swung the wet hair away from his face and asked vaguely through the sounds of the water,
“Why'd you never say anything?”
“What?” You asked, getting closer, and he asked again, getting annoyed that he didn't ask this when he needed to,
“Why'd you never tell your little boyfriend about me?...You never told him that I was your partner. That we..worked together for years? That you…slept with me, dated me, screamed at me-”
“I fucking get it-!” You shouted over the rain to stop him but you shook your head, moving your sopping wet dress as you paced tensively to find an answer,
“I don't know, okay?! It just never came up. And don't throw it in my face about that fight. I..think about it all the time.”
“Do you?” He asked shortly, hanging on breath-by-breath for you to say it, and you crumbled, hanging your head to cry in the rain while he put the pieces together himself.
He looked out at the street, watching the water roll in and he knew he needed to make this quick before you both become waterlogged and he said with his voice roaring over the soft thunder and rainfall,
“We didn't talk at Claire's. And we should've.”
“I'm sorry for hitting you that night, Leon.” You said, sputtering with shaking lips as you sobbed, and he only half smiled, telling you that you didn't need to apologize for something like that. He began to laugh contagiously even with rainwater soaking your gown,
“You hit like a princess, come on, that didn't hurt me or my tender feelings.”
You stared at him as you both began to laugh in the rain together. It felt healing but not as healing enough as what you were about to tell him. Words left behind that should've been said years ago.
“I wish-..” Leon said stuttering until you cut him off,
“I love you.”
Leon was halted from even breathing, watching as you stared across the road to him. You knew then that there was just no other way to say it or explain it. You couldn't tell your boyfriend, your friends, or even your fiancé about him because it'd be too damn obvious from the first breath. You loved him too deeply, and it'd be written all over your face. For all to see.
Leon charged towards you after giving into the feeling. After stomping to your side, he lifted you into his arms, rising you above him, wet wedding dress and all to bring your lips to his. It felt like another tireless thing that was left undone on the night you last saw him, and you surrendered into his lips as you did those years ago.
Suddenly you heard voices from up the street and saw as your family and wedding party had found you, yelling over the rain to the others and you looked to Leon in horror, knowing you could never go back now.
“You wanna get me the hell outta here?”
He nodded with a devious smile as he brought you back to your feet, and you remembered that troublemaking look from the many memories of his past antics in your mind. He raced with you back to his car, and you watched behind you as together you both ran with your hearts pounding in the falling rain. He closed you inside the car, hearing as your family began yelling your name, and his foot slammed to the gas pedal once back behind the wheel.
“Hang on tight.” He said as the motor accelerated loudly in a whir.
You laughed in new joy feeling his car take off in a getaway that spun the tires and throttled the loud engine. He took your hand once the rear view became a blur but you noticed one more thing that needed to be left behind along with the life in the distance. You tossed that wedding ring out the window. It clinked to the road passing you by and you nodded as Leon smiled widely to the sight.
“That's better.” You said in relief to take his hand. 》
I wrote the HELL outta that one. Thank you so, so much. That was fun. Looking forward to more! ✌️
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notglutenfresh · 15 hours
Marauders Secondary school teachers au pt2:
The students really think that there's a love triangle between James, Lily, and Regulus. Most think that both James and Regulus are interested in Lily because James is constantly popping into her classroom for no reason, and she and Regulus eat lunch together a lot because their classrooms are right next to each other. However, some think that it's Lily and James that are going after Regulus for similar reasons. The truth is that James fancies both Lily and Regulus, Lily hangs out with Regulus so much because he gives her good advice for her crush on Mary, and Regulus is good friends with Lily but really couldn't care less about James visiting him so much, the same as Lily.
Sirius and Remus are the teacher couple that have been caught snogging in each others classrooms multiple times- only Remus apologises when they're caught.
Mary makes sure she has playground duty a lot so she can get all the gossip while it's still hot.
Marlene spends most of her time in Dorcas' class when she's not teaching because she's practically obsessed with her. The students are 50/50 on whether they're just co-dependent best friends like James and Sirius or actually secretly married.
Sirius prefers his students calling him by his first name because he doesn't like the sound of being called Mr Black or Sir as it reminds him too much of his father.
Students sometimes confuse Sirius and Regulus. Regulus is always deeply offended by this but Sirius can't help but laugh uncontrollably.
Lily gets called mum by students a lot because of how comfortable they are with her. She makes sure that they never feel embarrassed and sometimes keeps them back if she thinks that their homelife isn't the best, only wanting to make sure they're alright. She'd want to protect every single students of hers that is in bad situations.
Evan and Barty are constantly pitting their top sets against each other because they want to know who the best maths teacher is. The students find this simultaneously hilarious and frustrating because they have to work so much harder than other teachers' classes because their teacher wants to best the other.
Pandora is normally in her room alone because she wants to stay in a peaceful environment when she can due to how hectic some lessons can be. But sometimes Barty, Evan, Regulus, or Dorcas pop in just to make sure she's doing alright .
Marlene definitely has favourite students. These are mainly the ones who bring in food to eat and share with her but also the quiet kids in Dorcas' class because they don't make Dorcas as unhappy as the really loud people.
One time, James hadn't realised that Lily had a class after lunch, and he was basically begging for Lily to go out for drinks with him and their friends at the end of lunch. Then Lily's students came into the room, only catching the part where James was asking for her to get drinks with just him. They teased him relentlessly for weeks after that.
Another time, James wanted to try his luck with Regulus after pining after him so long. But he couldn’t manage the build-up of the courage to do this in person, so he sent Regulus an email asking if he wanted to grab dinner with James. Regulus was teaching as he received the email and forgot to freeze the whiteboard before going to read it. The whole class saw the email and immediately burst out with laughter at the fact that James got caught flirting with another teacher again. Once again, James was teased relentlessly.
Whenever Evan or Regulus go to talk to Dorcas while she's speaking, they always speak in French to make the students paranoid that they're talking about them
Peter is arguably the second hardest working teacher behind Lily, but he never gets the recognition for it because he teaches German and not one of the core subjects.
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mayasdeluca · 1 day
Well here we are at the end. It feels incredibly weird and surreal that this is the last time I'll be doing a reaction post after an episode. I think it will really sink in months from now when the show really doesn't come back but honestly I'm feeling so many different emotions right now and it's because of the episode and also just because of knowing this is the last of everything.
I feel like this finale episode really summed up my whole experience with this show. They'll do some things really well and some things that really just make you question why on earth did they think that was the right choice. Stuff that makes you so frustrated because they just get in their own way and could be doing things that isn't wasting the potential of real magic.
It feels like Maya and Carina were never able to really shine and be highlighted in the way they could have been. They shied away from the true chemistry and connection and love story that they had instead of embracing it. As soon as they would get some focus, they had to give it to someone else or insert someone else into the storyline. It was like they couldn't give the queer women too much for whatever reason. This has been a pattern since their relationship started so I'm sadly not surprised it ended the same way.
I get they had a lot to fit in so I wasn't expecting everything to happen like I envisioned. But they really didn't pay off the cliffhanger in any way. All this speculation about Maya quitting her job, all this worry about how she'd be freaking out about being near death and realizing she could lose the family that she finally has, all these possibilities about her getting injured, having some smoke inhalation, Carina being worried tat she'd have to raise their children alone and practically none of it gets addressed? Carina doesn't even find out that Maya was in that situation? We don't get to see them hug in relief as soon as they see each other? Maya doesn't even make a comment about how she thought she was going to die and lose everything she finally has? Again, didn't expect all of this, but not even a little of it?
And then instead of Maya being the one to collapse from smoke inhalation after being surrounded by an insane amount of flames, it's Andy...because of course Andy would have to be the focus. She's Captain, it's her station, they all had to come together to rally around her. Because it was already too much for them to worry about Maya for the first two minutes of the episode. We couldn't have Carina even come across Maya while she was in the field (what exactly was the point of that then? Delivering babies is a Maya and Carina thing)
I enjoyed the scene of Carina telling Maya she was pregnant. I love that it paralleled their proposal scene and we got the great camera spinning kiss like in 4x14. But again it's like we just have to be satisfied with the bare minimum and that's it. That was our only glimpse really of present Marina in the last episode. The way they did the flashforward scenes was super confusing and choppy in my opinion, not really knowing if it was the real thing at first or just what these characters were envisioning. (And don't get me started on how Maya and Carina's visions only included becoming mothers).
I don't know how to feel about Maya being Captain of 19 again honestly. Andy being Chief was...an interesting twist because I wasn't expecting that either but it always felt like 19 was Andy's station so why did they get away from that already? The whole series led up to that moment. Why couldn't Maya have her own station? I do love that her shirt had Deluca-Bishop on it though.
Will always be grateful that the show gave us Maya and Carina. What Danielle and Stefania did with these characters both separately and together will always be special. But part of me will also always feel a little sad and bitter about what could have been if they really embraced Marina as the main couple of the show and didn't let double standards get in the way and just let them be the bisexual loving wives that they are. So many missed opportunities and it's a shame.
Sending love to everyone feeling all types of things after that. It was a lot and I'm here for anyone who needs to vent. ❤️
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deerlottie · 2 days
pls continue ur big sibling yellowjackets headcanons bro its healing something in me i swear 😭 do you have any thoughts on Van or Jackie?
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⭐VAN !
as someone who also grew up in a mobile home park, i knowww you and her spent most of your time in the community pool. your mom was drunk and passed out most of the time, so you could sneak out whenever basically speaking of your mom, she was always drunk. she'd make you fetch her more beers and would go on these rants about how she's doing everything she can for you two that made you feel sad and scared. van would always take you out to the park or for a walk when your mom got too drunk because she didn't want you to see her like that you live in the same park as nat so you'd hang out with her and van sometimes and they'd lock you out of nat's room for a smoke break 😭 nat jokingly offers you some weed when ur like 10 and van almost kills her over it walking you to school and she saves up enough money from that shitty job she's working to buy you these Heelys that you've been BEGGING ur mom for and you almost break ur neck like 5 times because ur so excited to finally have them calling her nicknames only YOU can call her like vanny and nessa. not even taissa gets this special privilege speaking of tai, you LOVE her!! before her and tai come out to you, you were always asking taissa when she was gonna propose and if you could be the flower girl/boy at the wedding :( ive said this in all my other older siblings!yj hcs, but van does not mess around when you game with them... van will legit hack into ur roblox account because for some reason u have like 2000 robux and will buy everything she wants then trades it with her own avatar 😭 weekly competitions to see who can get more coins on club penguin fishing and whoever has the least has to do the dishes for a week she'd give you a lecture on how stealing is wrong and that if she ever catches you doing it that she'll kick your ass, and then turn right around and tell you to grab as much candy as you can in the store and calmy walk out the door with her 😭😭
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i just know that a sibling relationship with jackie would be nearly perfect and healthy...she's so excited to have a little sibling >_< (until u reach a certain age then it's all chaos) she'd push your mom out of the way so she could try and hold you and take care of you 😭 there's a really embarrassing picture your parents took of you where she's ugly sobbing while bottle feeding you because she was so happy LMAO as soon as you get old enough, you're now jackie's little doll to experiment with makeup and clothes. sometimes, she genuinely wants to put makeup on you, but other times she's a little devil and fucks it up for shits and giggles you get jealous that she has a DS and won't share and beg ur parents to buy you one, and the new one JUST came out, so now jackie's jealous and it's a fight over it. she's trying to manipulate you into thinking her old one is better and that the games she has that you wanted to play will only work on hers. once she successfully gaslights you, she's running to her room and locking the door with her new DS in hand 🤭 if your parents put you in a sport together, she's a fucking HOGGER when it comes to passing you the ball. you were in basketball for a very short time because she nearly gave you a concussion because she was fed up with how you kept whining at her to pass the ball and just threw it at your head LMAO jackie with a little sibling with a HUGE age difference would be so cute too!! ;( like she's 17 and you're only 10, and sometimes you walk from the bus stop to her school because ur parents can't pick you up, so she has you sit and watch her at soccer practice ☹️ you get bored at start playing with some of the girls and coach ben teases that you're better than her :3 or jackie making shauna drive to go pick you up at school and hanging out with themm :P like in my sibling!shauna hcs, you'd tease the HELL out of jackieshauna. i like to think that you're the one who made jackie realize that she actually Does have feelings for shauna and you get them together. after they secretly get together, jackie leaves you and shauna alone in the car while she uses the bathroom really quick, and ur just like "you should be thanking me, you know. i got her to ask you out so you owe me." and you make a rubbing motion with ur fingers 😭 shauna just rolls her eyes and promises to get you extra toppings on ur ice cream final thought and it's angst but i can't imagine how it would be like to be jackie's sibling and finding out about the crash and THEN finding out she died when they all get rescued... you show up during that little moment where they all board the plane again and you run into shauna's arms because that's who u see first, and you ask where jackie is. she just tells you she's sorry before she hugs you tightly because you've grown up so much since she last saw you and you like so much like jackie now and she's guilty. riding on the plane home with them and they all look so guilty. and God,....finding out what they actually did to your sister????
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It's been FAR too long since we've last talked, but I recently rewatched the series and I really wanted to talk about Bloberta and Shapey (And Bloc) because those two kids have always been very oddly endearing to me.
We all know that Bloberta is a negligent mother to both Orel and Shapey (and later on, Bloc), but I personally think that while Clay is physically abusive towards Orel, Bloberta is emotionally abusive towards Shapey.  We see in "Help" that she manipulated Clay into marrying her because she just wants someone to help, and I think she does the same thing to Shapey in a way.  She claims that she is "weaning him" but really it looks like she's teaching him to be quiet until she wants to be "helpful."  As in, she feels like she is helping him when she nurses him, so she doesn't wean him, she intentionally makes it so that he's dependent on her BUT only when it's convenient to her.  That's why one minute she happily allows him to nurse with no resistance, and then the next she'd rather do something else and sprays him with a bottle like he's a pet cat and ignores him.  He's just a means to an end for her, and in doing so she emotionally manipulates him, to say nothing of how her ambivalence must affect how developmentally stunted he is already from the constant neglect from his family.  And all this is underlined by Clay- who Shapey probably thought was his dad up until the season 1 finale, if not then he probably still thinks is his dad -openly hates him, and Orel- the one person who cares and tries to help -is constantly told by his parents to "leave Shapey be" (aka perpetuate his neglect) or risk being punished.
(And yeah, Shapey does hug Coach Stopframe and yell "MINE!" but I think realistically he saw his mom and dad "hugging" him and thought "Well, now it's my turn!"  I don't think he knew he was illegitimate at the time, and it's possible he still doesn't know.  I also highly doubt he knows Stopframe is his father.)
Idk what Poppet was doing to Bloc, but when he and Shapey got switched, Bloberta didn't notice the difference.  Bloc must have been through something close enough for Bloberta to continue doing what she was doing without resistance.  I do think it's interesting that Bloberta is so manipulative to Shapey all for her desire to be helpful, but never even noticed when she wasn't even with him anymore.
Had we gotten the episode "Nurture" and Shapey and Bloc gotten their character arc, I wonder if they would have ever explored the idea of them both weaning themselves.  Like, if their friendship made them bolder and they decided to grow up on their own and ended up rejecting Bloberta even despite her apparent manipulating.  I think Bloberta would have had some kind of breakdown.  Maybe she wouldn't lash out at them or double down like Clay does with Orel, but I think she would throw her own kind of fit.
Idk, at the end of the day it's just a theory, but in my mind, Bloberta is destructive towards Shapey and Bloc the way Clay is destructive with Orel (albeit in her own way).  And it really proves how selfish she is, first manipulating Clay into marrying her under the guise of being "helpful," then doing the same towards a son she otherwise wants nothing to do with, AND THEN doing it a THIRD TIME with Bloc.  Like, girl had so many chances to get it right and didn't.
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gemini-sensei · 1 day
omfg i’m squealing at your response to shy goth larusso in a bikini!! your writing is so delicious, i totally haven’t stalked your page the last few days <3
when the boys come back, they all look visibly flustered, their hair being disheveled and faces flushed. they see reader in the pool, as she finally gained the confidence to get in with sam and the girls. she’s splashing around and dancing with the loud music some kid put on the speaker. her laugh was music to the boys ears, not used to hearing it from the quiet girl. they swore she was an angel, all of them wishing she was laughing at their joke, dancing with them instead of whatever meathead was next to sam.
but her happiness soon depleted as soon as she saw kyler show up with his goons. she started to feel worried, knowing kyler would laugh at her bikini or make some tasteless jokes. she tells sam she has a headache and is gonna go lay down. reader grabs her things in a hurry, trying to avoid stares of her stomach and ass.
she runs into the cool, large house and darts to her room. she figures a shower will help her calm down, but the image of her rubenesque body in the mirror makes her tear up. she could never get the attention of the trio of boys currently drinking by the edge of the pool. of course she had a crush on them too; demetri’s nerdiness and sarcasm made her smile, hawk’s flashy style and bad boy attitude made her swoon, and robby’s handsome face and wittiness made her weak in the knees.
she finishes her shower and puts on a baggy shirt and shorts and sits on her bed. just then she hears a knock on the door. to her surprise, it was just the boys she was thinking about.
After she leaves the party, the trio knows that it's not because of a headache. It's because of Kyler and his gang of losers who were not invited to the pool party. They aren't shy to confront him about it either, knowing Sam wouldn't like him to be there either. Kyler wants to fight over it but Hawk reminds him that they're outnumbered anyway, so they should just tuck tail and leave while they can with their dignity intact. After a while, they're walking out saying that the party is lame anyway and no one else has to worry about them.
However, for Robby, Hawk, and Demetri, the party isn't as fun without Reader there. So they opt to go check on her. With all the loud music and everyone enjoying themselves, no one really notices them disappearing into the house again. This time, they make their way upstairs to Reader's room to check on her. Robby is the one to knock on her door.
When she opened it, she's shocked to find the trio there, as if she'd somehow managed to summon them with her thoughts. She's a little startled by their presence at her door and looked down, trying to make her the heat in her cheeks go away. "What are you guys doing here...?"
"We wanted to check on you," Robby tells her. His voice is soft and assuring.
Hawk adds, "We made Kyler and his dumb friends leave. No one wanted them here anyway, so if you want, you can come back downstairs."
"I don't really want to..." she tells them, still unable to look at them. She can't believe her crushes are standing at the door of her bedroom.
Demetri nods. "That's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Yeah," Robby agrees. "Like I said, we just wanted to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine..." she tells them, but really her mind is making her worry over what they thought of her in that bikini. She can't imagine it was anything nice, but she feels a little more comfortable in her baggy shirt, though not really her shorts. They show off her thick thighs and how they press together when she stands or sits. She tries to pull her shirt down to cover them, hoping the guys won't notice.
But they do notice. In fact, they've been stealing looks at her legs the whole time they've been standing there. They can't help it. She smells fresh like flowery body wash and shampoo, her pretty thighs on display. Demetri's heart is pounding as he thinks about squeezing them and watching the fat spill from between his fingers. All Hawk can think about are her tits under her shirt, which he can tell she's wearing without a bra because her nipples are hard under it. And Robby is wishing he could uncover her belly from hiding under that baggy shirt because she's beautiful.
"Well, uh, we weren't really planning on going back to the party," Hawk admits, earning him a hard nudged from Demetri behind him.
"Oh really?" she asks softly, finally looking up at him. She wears a cute pout that all of them have to hold back from reacting to because she's so fucking cute. She's so naturally gorgeous, they almost can't stand it. "Why?"
Robby shrugs. "We're all kind of tired of it."
"Low social batteries, if you will," Demetri adds.
She nods. "I understand."
Admittedly, it's a little awkward, but Hawk doesn't like any silence sit in the air for long.
"We could watch a movie or something," he suggests.
"I think Anthony's using the TV downstairs as a coverup to spy on girls outside... but we could use mine..." Reader shyly says and opens her door a little more, inviting them inside.
None of them had really gotten in the pool despite it being a pool party. Only Hawk had jumped in once to splash a bunch of people, but that was a while ago, so he was mostly dry. So, to say less, they weren't tracking water into her room when they walked inside. Nevertheless, Hawk does have a towel and uses it to protect her floor when he sits down.
They don't want to invite themselves to sit on her bed, even though it's a nice big bed that they could all sit on. They set up a movie and only after getting cozy on her bed does she shyly ask if they're comfortable on the floor, then offers the spots around her for them to come sit. They don't hesitate.
She's between Hawk and Robby while Demetri is on his stomach at the end of the bed. It's a dream come true for her, and she thinks that if she's dreaming then she never wants to wake up again. It's heaven just to be so close to them.
Nothing happens until a little ways into the movie. Hawk, bold as he is, of course, put his hand on Reader's thigh. It isn't long after that Robby puts his arm around her shoulders. The dream continues and she's sure she's going to wake up at any moment to Sam wanting her to put on a bikini and go to her pool party. But she doesn't wake up and realizes she's really in the middle of all this. She can't imagine what they do next.
As Hawk slides his hand along her thigh, he whispers in her ear, "Is this okay?"
She nods, too excited for words. She doesn't even know what to say, too scared that if she speaks, she'll somehow ruin it.
His hand pushes between her thighs and she slightly moves them apart, allowing him room to slot his hand there and squeeze her thigh. She lets out a squeak of surprise, unprepared for that. He chuckles in her ear as Robby holds in his laugh. The noise alerts Demetri to the goings on behind him and he shifts so he can watch them, forgetting about the movie.
Next, Robby slips his hand up her shirt and puts it on her waist. He asks, "Is this okay?"
She nods again and he smirks at her, letting his hand slide up her body until he's cupping her naked tit in his hand and gently fondling it. She bites her lip and holds back a soft moan, to which Demetri finally speaks up.
"We wanna hear you, beautiful," he tells her.
She's so flustered by the nickname and their attention. She lets go of her lip and lets out a noise that embarrasses her. She can only turn her head and hide her face in Hawk's neck, unsure if she even sounds nice to them. She doesn't think so, but Hawk pulls away from her and makes her look up at him as he toys with her thighs and the waistband of her shorts.
"Don't be embarrassed, gorgeous," he tells her. "Like he said, we want to hear you. All your sexy little noises."
Robby only nods in agreement as he continues to play with her tit.
She's practically falling apart in their hands under Demetri's eye. She doesn't know what to do or say but she likes their attention. These simple little touches are more than she could have ever wished for, so she's more than satisfied with them. She has no idea what she's in for...
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vivwritesfics · 1 day
Waiting For The Sun
Chapter Two
Rhett Abbott has been hearing his soulmate in his head for ten years. She's the sweetest thing, nicknamed Muffin after her love of baking. Rhett doesn't know who Muffin is, doesn't know where she is, but hearing her voice always makes his day better. But then Trevor Tillerson is killed and Rhett's life is thrown into chaos. Through it all, Muffin in there for her soulmate. She wants nothing more than to find him, even through the chaos.
Soulmate AU
a/n: timeline might be out of canon order but fuck it
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Fifteen year old Rhett Abbott hated Shakespeare. He sat in his room, his usually messy room, and attempted to write this essay. But his handwriting was chicken scratch and his soulmate wasn't responding to him.
He swore, if she'd gone to bed...
Well, Rhett couldn't blame her. It had gone midnight and, after near a year of being in each others heads, he knew her routine. But he also knew how much she loved Shakespeare.
Come on, wake up, he thought. But, if he woke her up, he never would have forgiven himself.
Without her there to keep him company while he struggled through his homework, Rhett gave up. He capped his pen, dropped it onto his paper, and stood from his desk. That was a problem for Tomorrow Rhett to deal with, even if the thought of getting detention terrified him. Well, not getting detention, but he knew his mom would never let him go to the rodeo if he got detention.
Are you okay?
He hadn't expected her voice in his head. What're you doing awake? Rhett asked his soulmate as he crawled beneath his bedsheets. They needed changing, he knew, but he was a gross teenaged boy. They always needed changing.
There was a pause before she responded, so long that Rhett thought she had gone back to sleep. Are you okay? She asked again. Even in his head, she sounded so damn tired. Guilt hit Rhett at all angles, but he couldn't deny how warm hearing her voice made him feel.
I'm okay, he answered, and her sigh filled his head. It wasn't of annoyance, though. No, she was relieved. Just doin' homework.
Do you need help with it? She asked, voice sweet in his head.
That was the thing about his soulmate. Ever since her voice had entered his head a year ago, she'd been so damn sweet. She'd helped him with so much homework over the past year. Now, Rhett wasn't stupid, but working on the ranch and training with his dad to be a future bull riding champion took up most of his time.
Tomorrow, if you can, he replied. Get some sleep, darlin'.
That woke her up slightly. The first time her soulmate had ever given her some sort of nickname. Riddled with exhaustion, Rhett didn't even noticed that the nickname had slipped. She didn't mind, though, not in the slightest.
Somehow, Rhett knew she hadn't yet gone back to sleep. Something in him could just feel that she was still awake. What were you dreamin' about? He asked, hands behind his head as he stared up at the popcorn ceiling. On the few instances that they spoke late into the night, Rhett stared at the ceiling and tried to imagine what she looked like. The sound of her voice gave him no indicators, but it didn't stop him from trying.
I dreamt that the sky opened up and the stars were raining down on us, she said in his head.
Rhett could see it, laying in the south pasture with a faceless girl as vibrant stairs began shooting across the sky, falling down around them and illuminating the Abbott Ranch. Sounds beautiful, he said to her, a yawn leaving his lips.
'm getting tired. In his head, her voice came out as groggy, and Rhett let the scene in his head change. A faceless girl, struggling to stay awake as she spoke to him.
Sleep, Rhett said to her.
Are you gonna sleep, too? She asked and Rhett gave a hum. Before you go, what's your homework? I can think about it while I'm waiting for you to wake up.
Rhett told her. Not long after that, the two of them were asleep. Rhett couldn't help but dream of himself as a young Leonardo DiCaprio in the nineties, falling for a faceless girl he couldn't have, a facless girl that kissed the poison from his lips and took a knife to his own chest before collapsing on top of him.
Twenty four year old Rhett woke up to the smell of bacon filling his nose. He opened his eyes and shut them immediately. Trust him to be too drunk to close his curtains. Mornin' Muffin, he said in his mind, praying he didn't sound too much like he was hanging out of his ass.
Her melodic giggle filled his mind. Almost immediately his day brightened up and he pushed himself out of bed. Well, good morning, she said to him. How does that head feel?
Suddenly, dread filled him. He had gotten pretty good at playing sober on the instances that she was still awake while he was out drinking. But, not last night, apparently. Ah, fuck. What did I say?
You were trying to tell me things about yourself and then getting frustrated when it working work. Even in his head, he could hear the amusement in her voice. You're cute when you're drunk and frustrated.
He groaned, audibly, as he walked out of his bedroom. How do you put up with me? He asked, somewhat rhetorically, as he wandered into the kitchen and greeted his family.
Believe it or not, you were made for me, bucko, she replied as he stole the bacon from Amy's plate. She complained, but Rhett didn't hear it as he took his own plate from his mother and sat down at the table.
Me? Made for you? How do you know you weren't made for me?
She laughed as his family found out just how hungover he was. But with that laugh filling his head, all was right in the world.
She was there through the morning as Rhett worked. She kept him company as he fed the cattle and tacked up for the morning. All the while she was making bread or reading a book. When the Tillerson boys showed up at the fence that separated them from the Abbott's, she was quiet, let him do what he needed to do. But, the moment he was grumbling, her soothing voice filled his head, calming him down.
I'm riding tonight, he said as he untacked his horse for the night. He brushed over her back, brushing away any loose and uncomfortable hairs.
It was no secret to Rhett how much his bull riding worried her. For the first two years of his career to had listened as he fell off and hurt himself. It had taken Rhett those two years to learn how to quiet his mind when he was riding, for the soul purpose of not making her panic.
Tell me where you place, she said to him.
Of course, Muffin, he replied and headed back to the house for dinner.
Rhett loved it when his family watched him ride, of course he did. But he always felt like something was missing. He knew exactly what was missing, and couldn't wait for the day she was sitting there, between his mom and Perry. He'd ride better with her watching, he knew.
I'm going out with my friends tonight, she told him as he waited for his turn to ride.
Rhett couldn't help but grin to himself. She always had fun when she went out, always got drunk rather quickly. Every time she would ramble about their future together and he didn't mind that one bit.
Gonna celebrate my win?
You know it, cowboy.
Those were the words that played in his head as he sat on Twister. Fucking Twister. Everybody knew that the bull hadn't ridden well in weeks. But Rhett tried. With all of his might, he tried. But that bull tossed him around like a ragdoll, until he was pushing himself up from the sand and picking up his hat.
Muffin, you there? He asked as he walked over to the fence, footsteps sluggish.
Rhett waited a moment before she answered him. Yeah, I'm here. How did it go?
Rhett could have lied, could have told her everything was hunky dory, that he'd placed well and made it through to the next round. But she always seemed to know when he was lying to her. Maybe he sounded different when he lied. No matter what it was, she knew.
He sucked in a breath. I didn't place.
Oh, baby. He couldn't help but grimace at the sympathy. Bad bull?
He breathed through his nose as his father approached the fence. Maybe, he answered. I don't know Muffin. I just... But, as his dad started speaking, the words died in his mind.
When his dad and the rest of his family stepped back from the fence, gave him some space, his eyes met those of Maria Olivares.
Maria Olivares. There was a time that Rhett thought Maria was his soulmate. He was sixteen and connected the dots in his head to make it so. It didn't matter that the pieces didn't entirely fit or that she didn't look his way. Sixteen year old Rhett made it work.
But seeing her now, something inside of him sparked to life. He raised his hand towards her slightly. She was his Muffin, even if she didn't realise it. Maria smiled back and his heart seemingly skipped a beat.
It didn't much help that his Muffin had disappeared. But he'd seen that Maria was busy, and it made sense in his mind. She turned away from him and Rhett climbed out of the ring. Fuck, he needed a drink after that ride. Have fun, Muffin, he said as he climbed into his truck and began driving home.
It was a sucky night for Rhett. He didn't make it through and his girl was too busy to talk to him. He'd never fault her for it, though. She was having fun, and that was all that mattered.
Perry was having a night as shitty as his own. After Joy had stopped by earlier with the news about the FBI dropping Rebecca's case, he'd been in an understandably sour mood. That was why Rhett invited him out to the Pit Bar. That was how he found himself slamming back tequila shots in the Pit Bar with Perry.
Drunk Rhett was a rambler. He'd been drunk enough to now and Perry had seen him drunk often enough to know it, too. The topic of Rhett's drunken ramblings were almost always his bull riding career and his soulmate. Now, sober Rhett would never speak to Perry about his soulmate, not after Perry had gone ahead and married a woman that wasn't his soulmate.
But drunk Rhett couldn't help himself as he told Perry all about the last ten years with her. And then Maria Olivares walked into the Pit Bar.
She was out with her friends and his Muffin was out with her friends. It made so much sense to Rhett that this woman was his soulmate, but then why was she hanging onto Trevor Tillerson?
Perry saw the way Rhett looked at Maria. "You've been convinced this girl is your soulmate since you were sixteen years old," he said. "Go speak to her," he insisted.
When she approached the bar, Rhett did. But there so no opportunity to speak to her that time. The next time, their conversation was shirt, but that conversation was enough to reaffirm it to Rhett that Maria really was his soulmate. But then she went back to Trevor, and Perry joined him at the bar.
Drunk Rhett said whatever he wanted. Drunk Rhett made his big brother cry. He knew he shouldn't have said it the second the words left his lips. "I'm sorry, man," he said as he caught Maria's eye. "Go on, go get some air."
You look really pretty tonight, he said to no response. Maria still looked at him, though. And, with no Trevor Tillerson holding his arm around her shoulders, Maria joined him.
"Hey," she said to him for the second time that night.
Rhett tapped his fingers against the green neck of his beer bottle. "Hey," he repeated, but then that single word was slurred. There was so much he wanted to say, stuff about how she couldn't swear until she was fourteen or that, at sixteen, he had to teach her what a handjob was. All things Rhett had been through with his soulmate.
But enough doubt lingered in the back of his mind that he said nothing. What if Maria wasn't his soulmate and he blurted all of that out? They were memories between him, his soulmate, and nobody else.
Maria led the conversation, but Rhett didn't much mind. He sipped his beer and listened, his usual polite but somewhat shy smile playing on his lips. For a split second he turned to the door, tried to catch a glimpse of Perry through glass pane.
"Ah shit," he said as he stood. Maria said nothing. Certainly didn't scold him for his language as he headed outside. But Rhett wasn't thinking about that. As soon as he stepped into the cool night air, he was pushing Trevor Tillerson away from his brother.
He didn't know that Maria was watching the scuffle, didn't know she was there when Rhett put Trevor on the ground. Not without coming away with his own scrapes and bruises, of course. His hand fucking killed from where it had connected with Trevor's face.
As soon as Trevor was on the ground, Rhett turned back to the bar, back towards Maria. "That guy is the biggest asshole you're ever gonna meet," he said and headed back inside.
Muffin? He tried, but there was no response. Either she'd heard everything he'd been thinking through the fight and was disgusted, or she'd fallen asleep hours ago. But she wasn't Maria, Rhett knew that much.
He didn't know what happened between Perry and Trevor while he was pulling the truck around. But Rhett didn't need to know as he helped Perry load the body of Trevor Tillerson into his truck. Perry had fucking killed someone, and his finger prints were now on the body.
But he knew for a fact that he'd never been this panicked before. This was the kind of panic that would have her waking up to check on him, if she was even asleep. The breaths Rhett took in were deep and calming. He kept his emotions in check as he drove himself, Perry, and the body back to the Abbott ranch.
Fuck, he hoped his Muffin was sleeping.
Rhett Taglist: @finnydraws
Series Taglist: @nessjo
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melodic-haze · 2 days
hi!! could I request ayaka nsfw headcanons? thanks!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Corruption kink, exhibition kink but it doesn't acc get acted upon 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: shut up omg another one I LOEV AYAKA THANK YOU
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She seems like the type to be extremely vanilla at first, not bc she's scared (well no she is a lil bit) but bc she hasn't really? Had the chance to explore or anything??? But she seems like the type to be interested in it, just that she didn'r know HOW to explore it......until yk. You came along
She's like a willing subject to corruption, it's rather lovely 🫶
The way she'd approach you about it too 😭😭 like ohhh you're so precious my bbg :((( she'd breach the topic carefully, her cheeks tinted very red thanks to her skin betraying her and the blood that rushed to her face
Side track as much as I do adore Ayaka stumbling on her words and stuttering, I actually personally don't think she would unless she was EXTREMELY flustered or completely out of it. She's probably really good with forming sentences and stuff with very minimal stuttering, esp when she'd have to think ab her speech a lot to make sure she isn't offending anyone generally (I wish that were me cuz I stutter a LOT it's acc embarrassing)
So when she asks, she's VERY red but also very clear and concise with her speech. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, if it weren't for her covering her face with her fan, you'd have thought that she wasn't shy about such an ask at all
It was hard to concentrate and gather your bearings at least a little bit when the soft scent of cookies and the mochi she had made a while ago never fails to overtake your train of thought, but you managed to pull through as you slowly undressed her.
"Are you completely sure?" You asked in concern for her, despite the fact that she had approached you about such a request, "I'm worried you might not like the experience. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."
She shook her head in reply, giving you a gentle smile, "I'm sure. I admit that I've been.. curious, and I trust you completely."
You couldn't help but soften at your white-haired partner's proclamation, giving her a lingering kiss on her temple, "Just remember to tell me if something feels wrong, you know I worry for you."
"I know," she giggled, "but you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile."
And before you reply in turn, Ayaka cuts you off by leaning her head on your shoulder, her lips close to your ear as she whispered in such a tantalising way--
"I'd like to think I can handle whatever you do to me."
--before drawing back with a much cheekier smile compared to moments before, "I hope that clears most of your reservations?"
By god, yes it does.
She turns out to be a FREAK❗️❗️❗️👹👹👹👹
No but fr though? I already wrote it but she def love love LOVEEEESSS being your good girl 🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 wants to do anything you ask her to do bc she wants to make you happy. Absolutely gets off to whenever you praise her for the stuff she does
But also? Kinda very much adores being roughed around!!! Being an important figure to Inazuma, she's not necessarily used to being treated anything less than with respect and caution, so for you to essentially make her forget all that as you "disrespect" her rank? Mmmmyes definitely Something :3
She's a very very curious person who's open to a LOT of things, going from binding to sensory deprivation to roleplay
Oh my GOD she'd ESPECIALLY be into roleplay; pretending as if she were someone else, esp if she was absolutely ravaged by you? My word it gets her wet just thinking about it
I think she'd LOVEEEE to be overstimmed 🫶🫶🫶 she wants a break from thinking!! She wants a break from responsibilities, and the way you can make it easily go away by fucking her brains out gets so addicting for this little princess
SHE'D DEFINITELY BE A SQUIRTER OH GY GOD fuck off listen she's def so so very sensitive that if you work her up enough (which doesn't acc take long) she would and she'd APOLOGISE for making such a mess but you just Cannot Help but try to get another one from her so it goes around alllll over again until she passes out :3
Don't think she'd act it out irl bc no way is she actually risking her reputation (and in extent, her brother's and her entire family name), but she'd develop?? A taste for exhibition???? Perhaps it's through the times you've just decided to drag her away to a semi-secluded spot, or maybe it's bc of the times she's touched herself while thinking of you with the risk of SOMEONE coming into her room. Either way, she starts to fantasize scenes from time to time where you're fucking her out in the open or you get caught or even that she's walking around with her pussy unknowingly stuffed with toys, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
If she doesn't tell you then she probably clues you in unconsciously when you start talking to her about how ANYONE could find you absolutely ruining this whore of a princess 🫶 by her inner walls clamping onto you as she lets out a particularly loud whine 🫶🫶🫶
Ayaka had tried to go back to sleep, she really did. But her thoughts had caught up to her, hazy made-up images and scenarios of the simplest thought of getting caught doing things unbefitting the White Heron Princess and her demure, innocent stature.
Even as she had her fingers inside her needy hole, even as she grinded on her palm in a deaperate effort to chase that needed release, she had found that she couldn't be satisfied in the least. The fact that she had to silence herself in an effort to prevent herself from getting caught didn't help with sorting out her current issue, either.
It wasn't enough—she needed you to satisfy her, to put her in her place, to take her fully until she could no longer care to think about anything else but being your personal doll. There was no way she was getting off all by herself, she needed you.
Biting the fabric of her blanket in an effort to stop her teary moans from being as loud as it would've been, she could only hope any pray that this aching need within her subsides in time before she has the chance to see you again.
(And perhaps she'll gather the courage to ask you about recreating.. a very exposing scenario, to sate her torturous curiosities.)
Bonus bullet point it'd be really cute to see her cry from the stimulation 🥰🥰
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 hours
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗲 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: she'd always thought she wasn't pretty enough for luke, but that all changes with an invitation to the hughes' lake house and luke's hoodie
➪ warnings: reader is insecure/insecurities, reader compares herself to other girls
➪ word count: 3.1k
➪ sunny's notes: i have to say, this is by far one of my favorite fics I've written and by the previous feedback and support i got for it, i would assume it's one of your favorites of mine as well. this is for my mid/plus-sized girlies, coming from one. i hope you all enjoy this one again! :)
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A lot of the time it felt like that was the only feature people noticed about her. Not that she was funny, or smart, or insanely good at making a spreadsheet for anything and everything. It was the fact that she was fat, or excuse people’s language, curvy. It had been what labeled her for her whole life it seemed like. And no matter how hard she tried to stop it from happening, it never did. 
She heard the whispers every time she was in the hallways in high school, every time she sat down and the chair would creek even the slightest bit, every time she’d accidentally brush someone’s shoulder. It was horrible, something that would haunt her for years to come no matter what happened. 
When she went off to college, her voice was the only one that stayed with her. She met Luke through mutual friends and while she loved their relationship, she always thought it put a damper on her mind especially when she realized she liked him. Luke was Luke, he was tall, handsome, adorable, cute, charming, and all of the above. And on the inside, he was funny, smart, kind, nice, everything a girl could ever love. He made it impossible not to fall for him.
But why would Luke want her, when he could have anyone he ever wanted? This put a strain on their friendship during sophomore year especially. She would go to games, supporting the hell out of him because he asked her to be there. And always somewhere further down the row, in a different section, wherever, there was a group of girls who looked nothing like her in her opinion. They were skinny, and pretty, they wore outfits that looked not only good on them but just good in general. 
They were standing there, looking like that, while she looked like this. Wearing leggings that were too tight to make her look thinner, they pressed too hard on her stomach. Wearing the largest sweatshirt in her closet to hide the way her hips bulged a little, to hide everything if she was honest. And while she knew it shouldn’t have bothered her, that she shouldn’t have been mad at them, she couldn’t help it.
However, when she was around him and it was just the two of them, she couldn’t help but notice the thoughts dissipate. There was something about him that made her forget what she was thinking, forget what she was feeling besides happiness. He made her feel beautiful even if he didn’t know it. 
But, when he went away to New Jersey, there was no one to block out those thoughts anymore. Every day she thought negative things about herself, and compared herself to her friends, to those she passed on the way to class, those in the dining hall, everyone. She was left feeling alone with her thoughts, which made her feel all the worse. 
In the weeks following her last day of class, she got a text from Luke. He had asked her to go to the lake house in Michigan. She wasn’t expecting it, to say the least. It meant that she would have to spend at least a week around Luke and his brothers and their friends in shorts and shirts. The things that made her uncomfortable when she was alone. 
She reluctantly agreed to his invitation and the only reason she did agree was because she knew Luke wouldn’t stop texting her and calling her until she said yes. She didn’t like summer, it meant that she couldn’t resort to her long sleeves and leggings due to the temperature. It was too hot for that. At least when she was at her own house, it wasn’t bad, she could do that and wouldn’t be hot due to her being able to set the house to a cooler temperature. 
But, Luke was Luke, and it was hard to ignore him. They hadn’t seen each other since he left for New Jersey, keeping up only through texts and FaceTime (which was not her favorite thing in the world). So, when that text came through that she had said yes to coming, he was bouncing off the walls for hours. He had run to tell Jack and Quinn, immediately, yelling at them to get a room set up for her and to make Trevor and Cole or whoever share one. 
It was rare that Luke got excited to see someone besides his brothers and his closest friends, so when Quinn and Jack heard him rambling a million miles an hour, they knew that this “friend” was special. Luke picked her up from the airport, having flown in from her home state. He was quick to bring her bags to the car for her, open up the passenger side door, and everything in between.
When he saw what she was wearing, he curled an eyebrow, “Aren’t you hot?”
“W-what? No.”
“Y/n/n, you’re wearing a literal sheep right now and it’s like 80 degrees.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m quite comfy.”
“Whatever you say.” He muttered but he made sure to turn the AC on full blast so she wouldn’t overheat more than she already was.
Y/n was trying to prolong the time she would have to be around Luke, and his brothers and their friends, in shorts and t-shirts and tank tops. And while she knew it was going to have to happen soon, it didn’t mean that it had to happen now. She was beyond grateful that Luke turned the AC on, it was a blessing in disguise. 
When they pulled up to the house, he wasted no time in doing the same things he did at the airport; grabbing her luggage, opening her door, and leading her up the steps. He opened the door with his elbow and pushed it open with his back, or well more or less his butt. Y/n giggled at the action and stepped inside after him, looking around in disbelief, “Can’t believe you get to spend every summer here.”
“Yeah, kind of lucky to have two-”
“Heads up!”
The two turned to see Jack hurling a football in their direction and Luke dropped her things to catch it. Due to Luke’s reaction time, he spared his best friend from getting hit in the face, “Dude!”
Y/n stood in shock, blinking even as Luke’s hand was taken away from her face. Jack winced, “Sorry.”
Luke threw it back at him and hit him square in the head, “Well, that’s Jack, which means…”
As he trailed off two more voices and two pairs of footsteps came from the hallway, “Cole and Trevor aren’t too far behind him. Blonde one is Cole, the douchey-looking one is Trevor.”
She stood there in the entranceway, raising a hand as if to say hi. Trevor and Cole walked in and took her bags for her, “M’lady.”
She giggled again as she watched the two bumble around the house like idiots, all while Luke’s face heated up in embarrassment. When she looked at him she threaded her arm around his waist, “Don’t worry. I have my bunch of idiots back home. They don’t compare honestly.”
Luke’s arm wrapped around her shoulders in habit, slightly tightening as a way to ground himself. He looked over at her to see her still watching the three 22-year-olds, who were now dancing around the living room playing Just Dance. His eyes were filled with fondness, he couldn’t remember the last time or if there was ever a time he felt like this about someone. 
“You must be y/n! I’m Quinn, Luke’s oldest brother.”
Y/n smiled at him and Luke swore he could’ve died right there, “Nice to meet you, Quinn. Oh! I saw your guys’ last few games of the season, you guys played well.”
Quinn’s cheeks flushed, “Oh, thanks. Well, listen, your room is right next to Luke’s if you need anything. Anything in the kitchen you are more than welcome to have, we do have some things that if you want to cook you can. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway and the campfire is out back. I won’t tell, but I’m fine if you drink, just don’t do it outside the property or when our parents get here.”
She nods, trying to keep up with all the information he is spitting at her. He walked away and let the two be on their own, going back to his room. Luke picked back up her things and led her into the hallway and to her room. He placed her bags on the foot of the bed and looked back at her, “Well, I’ll let you get settled. I think we’re going out on the boat tonight.”
She didn’t think it would be this soon that she would have to wear them. Luke could see the panic that showed in her eyes for a brief moment, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I'm just not a huge fan of the water.”
“Oh, that’s okay! You don’t have to go in it if you don’t want to.”
That sent some relief through her body, “Okay.”
“I’ll come back when we’re ready to go, okay?”
She nods and watches as he leaves, worried about what was to come.
Two hours later, Luke came back into her room. He knocked before coming in, of course, looking down, “Hey we’re just about- holy shit.”
Y/n stood there in her ripped jean shorts that didn’t come down fully because she had gotten them last year, her oversized UMich hockey shirt that was beginning to fade from the number of times she’d put it through the wash. Her hair was in two braids with her UMich baseball hat on and her makeup was done in the slightest bit. She was wearing a pair of gym shoes, her trusted ones that she’s had since she started college. When she heard Luke’s voice and then it cut off, she shied away, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“Nothing, you just look-”
Here it comes. The fat jokes, the “you should get clothes that actually fit you” monologue, the snide remarks about her working out, and everything in between. But what hurt more, was that it was going to come from Luke, her best friend, her crush, her seemingly everything. The one who made her forget about those things.
“Really pretty.”
Her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide, “I- what?”
Luke’s face flushed, “You look pretty. Um, we’re getting ready to go! You ready?”
“Oh, uh yeah.”
“Did he really just call me pretty?” Her thoughts ran a thousand miles an hour as she grabbed her bag from the bed and followed Luke. There was no way he said that, was she imagining things? What had she eaten for lunch? 
Luke helped her onto the boat, holding her hand as she stepped up. She sat down and immediately pulled out her computer, connecting it to her portable hotspot. The boys watched her both in confusion and awe, but Jack was the only one to speak up, “Why are you on your laptop? Dude, you’re gonna get it wet.”
“I just have to do something quick.”
Jack watched from beside her as she pulled up her spreadsheets and started typing information in it, “Holy shit,”
That was the second one of the day, and both of them had been directed at her, “What now?”
“Dude, these are insane.”
He stole the laptop and started scrolling. Now she felt ten times more embarrassed than she was before, “It’s nothing.”
Luke was the next to steal the computer, sitting in awe at the payrolls among other stuff she created, “Damn girl. How much free time do you have?”
She toyed with the ends of her shorts, starting to fray, “A lot.”
She was glad once they moved on from the topic and she was able to shove her computer back in her bag after updating a few things. She watched as the boys went out on the water, Luke staying with her, claiming that he didn’t want to go in the water either. However, as time went on it got colder and colder, yet none of them wanted to go back.
It was now nighttime and y/n was cold from the drastic temperature change. Luke watched as she shivered and instantly took off his sweatshirt and handed it to her, “Here.”
Her eyes looked between him and his hoodie before shaking her head, “I’m okay.”
His eyes softened, growing increasingly worried and confused, “Y/n/n you have goosebumps all along your arms. You’re not ‘okay’.”
“No, I promise. I’m okay.”
She hesitantly took it and unfolded it to hold it up and look at the size. This had always been a worry for her, fitting into other people’s clothes especially when it came to boys. Sure they were ‘bigger’ than her, height was and all, but was that enough to counteract? She nervously put her arms through it, being careful not to stretch it out. She pulled it over her head and was pleasantly surprised when it fit a little baggy on her. 
However, her mind clouded with negative thoughts and it started yelling at her that she was the one that stretched it out, that that was the reason why it was baggy. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me.”
She tugged slightly on the hoodie, feeling it start to cling to her impossibly tight. It wasn’t the hoodie, it was her mind making her think that it was smaller than it was. She tried to get out of Luke’s gaze but it was no use. She cursed to herself before looking out at the water, watching the boys splash each other like immature 10-year-olds, “I’ve never been the skinniest girl out there, Luke.”
Her words caused him to frown. ‘Is that seriously what she’s worried about?’ He brought his right hand up to her face, placing her chin in between his index finger and his thumb. He turned her head so her eyes had no choice but to look at him, “You listen to me. You are beautiful, okay? You are the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on.”
She moved her head away from his grasp and wrapped her arms in front of her stomach. Luke was determined to convince her that he wanted her. That she was the only one for him, so despite her worries and insecurities, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. She yelped in surprise and as soon as her butt touched his legs and squirmed, “Let me go, Luke.”
“No.” His voice was stern as he spoke. 
“Please, Lu.” 
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can. Not when you are talking about yourself like this, out loud or in that beautiful head of yours. Listen, y/n/n, I know it’s hard, believe me. And while I might not know exactly what you’re going through, I have had my fair share of insecurities myself. You are gorgeous and I love every single part of you there is, okay? I cannot tell you one moment that I have seen you look ugly.”
Completely brushing over the fact that he said ‘I love’, she continued trying to prove him wrong, “What about that-”
“Nope! Doesn’t exist. And I’m going to tell you that if you do not come to at least one game of mine next season, wearing my jersey I might lose it.”
Luke’s words had her blushing in an instant but her mind did not want happiness to be a thing tonight. Her thoughts of this being a prank clouded the intense blissfulness she felt for a few seconds, “Why?”
“Why what, sweet girl?”
The nickname passed over her, “Me. Why me?”
“I’m going to tell you my favorite moment of you and then we’ll see if you know why,” He removed one of his arms from her waist to wrap his fingers around the back of her neck and rub his thumb against her cheek before continuing, “Freshman year. First game you ever went to. I had just bought you a jersey and wrote on the back of it with a sharpie my name and my number. It wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world, obviously because that’s you, but it made sure everyone knew you were supporting me. You wore it with those jeans that I like, the ones with the rhinestones bordering the pockets, and you wore these gym shoes, the ones you’re wearing right now. You had your hair in two ponytails and this hat,” He flicked the brim of it, “and you brought two of your other friends for whom the life of me I cannot remember.
“But you stood for the whole game with this little pompom thing in your hand, cheering every time someone got a goal and booing every time whoever we were playing got one. And then after the game I met you outside and then we went to go get ice cream and you got vanilla with sprinkles and we tasted each other’s because I kept looking over at yours and you finally gave in. And then I took you back to your dorm and you stole my beanie. Which you didn’t give back for another two weeks.”
Her eyes watered as she listened to him, “Y/n/n. Don’t cry, please.”
She shook her head, “I’m not, I promise.”
“No matter how long it takes, what it takes, I am going to prove to you that you are beautiful no matter what anyone says. And as long as you love yourself, that’s all that matters. But you’ll always have my love, okay?”
“You love me?”
“Of course I do! I know we haven’t really dated, but when you know you know.”
She smiled at him and closed her eyes when his lips made contact with her forehead, and then her cheek, “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded and leaned in to meet him halfway. Once their lips connected they heard ‘whoops’ from the water. They pulled away, both red in the face. And as they drove back, y/n sat next to Luke with her head on his shoulder and his hand resting comfortably on her thigh.
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 days
3.122 Sweet potato
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I bought a robe. Since there'd be three of us soon, I figured my days of walking around half naked in the morning were over. It's strange that this piece of clothing, not my wife's growing belly, made me feel like a dad. I wasn't the most stylish dresser to begin with, but I'd never owned anything so...mature looking. Not that maturity was a sign of fatherhood. Maybe it just reminded me of my own dad. Sophia entered the second trimester late last night, so we decided to go to the doctor and make sure everything was okay. We also opted to discover the gender, if possible.
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We ate slowly, gushing and speculating about what our child would be and what we should call it. Like me, Sophia wasn't concerned about the baby's gender and just wanted a smooth pregnancy and a successful birth. Part of me wanted a boy just to add more male energy in my life, but I would be totally happy with a girl. Mama gave Less and I our grandparents' names, and while that was an honorable thing to do, I wasn't sure I wanted to repeat that. Not saying my parents didn't deserve to have anyone named after them, but I didn't want my child to be haunted by relatives it hardly knew. My sister was named after Gammy, but she had no memory of her and never showed an interest in learning about her. My grandfathers, Luca and Winston, passed on way before my parents even met. I barely knew anything about those guys. Hopefully, my parents would be around long enough to develop lasting relationships with my children, but they're running short on days and won't be around forever. I think it's best to just give our kids their own names, but we'll see. It's not completely off the table.
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At the hospital, we arrived at our appointment early, but just like always, we sat in the room and waited an eternity for the doctor to arrive. The room was cold and had colorful medical posters plastered over the bland beige walls. Some of them made me laugh because they were so corny, but I suppose corny art was better than boring, authoritative posters. Finally, the doctor hurried in and introduced herself. Dr. Kira McKnight was her name, and she was gorgeous with long, thick hair, just like Sophia's and smooth looking cocoa skin. I could be wrong, but she looked to be maybe just a few years older than us.
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Before she turned on the machine and showed us the magic, she and Sophia chatted about the pregnancy. Sophia said she'd been feeling great and hadn't been sick at all. Dr. McKnight was surprised and said she was a blessed woman. From the sounds of it, Alessia would agree. Overall, the doctor seemed very satisfied with Sophia's answers to her questions, and that relieved me. I didn't expect that anything would be wrong, but we couldn't take anymore bad news.
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She fired up the machine, put the cold jelly on Sophia's womb, and invited me to come watch the show. The wand glided back and forth across Sophia's belly, searching for our little celebrity. Finally, Dr. McKnight said, "there you are!" She pointed at a certain part of the screen, saying that was our baby. It didn't look like much, honestly--just a big ball of goo. But it was my ball of goo, and I loved it. Luckily, she zoomed in so we could see the details, and I saw a head, fingers, and toes! It was my baby!! After taking some measurements, she said the baby was a good size, probably about the size of a sweet potato.
"Awwww," Sophia cooed. "Our little sweet potato, Luca!"
I could tell from her puppy dog eyes and the way she said it, sweet potato was definitely going to be a thing. It was a cute nickname; I guess.
"Can you tell what it is yet?" I asked.
Dr. McKnight wielded that wand, fishing around for something. Probably the thing.
"I'm looking. It hasn't shown me yet." She kept moving the wand back and forth until she found what she was looking for. "Ah ha! I just needed her to move that leg."
"Her?!" Sophia and I both shouted.
"Yep! It's a little girl."
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A little girl. Finally, we could stop calling her "it!" I'm a girl dad!! That news filled me with so much joy. A smile spread across my face, and happy tears glistened my eyes and rolled down my cheek. The anxiety I had felt earlier disappeared, leaving only immense love for my daughter. Love and excitement and relief, that is. Every cell in my body seemed to jump for joy as a warmth came over me. If Dub's baby is also a girl, maybe our kids would also be best friends.
"I would tell you the worst is over now, but you've been on easy street already," the doctor said. "You still may experience fatigue, but it won't be so bad. The baby has all her organs and systems now, so she's gonna start growing, getting longer and heavier, so your back might bother you from time to time. She'll start moving around soon."
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"That sounds so magical," Sophia said.
"Oh, and you also may start feeling contractions."
Even though I knew that was part of the process, something inside me just panicked.
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She giggled.
"Don't worry. It's completely normal. They'll be mild and won't last long, but it's important to know it's normal. The baby isn't trying to come early. No need to panic, okay?"
"I understand," Sophia said.
"Now, I don't like this next part, but I have to tell you," the doctor continued. "I see you just had a birthday yesterday?"
"Okay. You're still young age-wise, but your body is not. Adult pregnancies can be hard. You seem to be doing great so far, but if you start experiencing other symptoms, just know it comes with the territory. There's nothing wrong with you. It just is what it is. Relax as much as you can and keep stress as low as possible."
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She asked if we had questions, then left us to await the nurses to run additional tests. Now that Sophia was pregnant, our lives could go back to being more joyful and carefree, so I wasn't concerned about the stress part. But of course, I would do everything within my power to make sure Sophia's life was as easy as possible. The only problems she would have during this pregnancy would be within her own body on my watch.
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