#this documentary changed my life btw
tagmusicblog · 3 months
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Hiiii I have a community question I wanted to ask!!
Abed mentions all sorts of movies and tv shows through out Community, but I just wanted to know if maybe you have like a list of which ones are real and which ones he seemed to like more than others.
I can only think of the dark knight because of the dvd Annie broke, and the Star Wars movies (except he apparently hates the prequels) and cougar town!
great question! sorry for the delay on a response.
so, he mentions/references an insane number of movies and tv shows throughout the series, and I unfortunately do not have a list of every single one. although, I am (VERY slowly) working on an in-depth episode-by-episode analysis of the entire series, and listing every pop culture reference is a subsection in that. but that's not helpful right now. moving on
I don't have the picture, but there's this questionnaire abed filled out (outside of the show, it must have been uploaded to a website as promotional material for the show). he says his favorite movie is a tie between:
ghostbusters (1984, comedy/horror)
an american werewolf in london (1981, horror)
back to the future (1985, sci-fi/comedy)
blade runner (1982, sci-fi/action)
stand by me (1986, adventure/comedy)
stripes (1981, comedy/war)
star wars (1977, sci-fi/fantasy, also called "a new hope")
star wars: the empire strikes back (1980, sci-fi/fantasy)
star wars: the return of the jedi (1983, sci-fi/fantasy)
ferris bueller's day off (1986, comedy/drama)
jaws (1975, thriller/adventure)
raising arizona (1987, comedy/crime)
jurassic park (1993, adventure/sci-fi)
seven (1995, crime/mystery)
the matrix (1999, action/sci-fi)
the goonies (1985, adventure/comedy)
the breakfast club (1985, comedy/romance)
real genius (1985, comedy/sci-fi)
better off dead (1985, comedy/romance)
the fog of war (2003, documentary/war)
pulp fiction (1994, crime/thriller)
(btw if anyone knows what I’m talking about and has the screenshot please rb with it! I cannot for the life of me find it lmao)
I believe this is a list he apparently made in 2009, either in the first few weeks of school or right before the school year started. so it's possible he would answer differently as the series progressed. also, I do take some of these extra-canon things with a grain of salt, as on the same form he said his favorite place on campus was study room D or something, when obviously they definitely meant to write study room F. so, the credibility of my source for this information isn't exactly rock-solid. although, he does mention a lot of these movies on screen, and expresses love for many of them (the most notable ones probably being star wars episodes IV-VI, the breakfast club, and pulp fiction)
as you can see from the list, abed particularly loves american movies from the 80's. just a trend I thought I’d point out.
here's a few others he mentions loving, or just pretty notably references:
the dark night (2008, action/crime, as you mentioned)
rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (1964, musical/animated, is the whole basis of 2x11 abed's uncontrollable christmas)
the shawshank redemption (1994, horror/crime, is the basis for his plot with troy, annie, and shirley in 4x05 cooperative escapism in familial relations)
freaky friday (I believe it's the original one from 1976 specifically, but it's been remade a bunch. comedy/fantasy. it's the basis of abed and troy's story in 4x11 basic human anatomy)
rambo/first blood (series starting in 1982, action/thriller. abed talks about how messy the progressive series titles are in 3x14 pillows and blankets)
ocean's eleven (2001, crime/thriller, the basis for the heist scene from 3x21 the first chang dynasty)
hearts of darkness (1991, documentary/war, abed mentions it while pointedly filming dean pelton's production of his greendale commercial rather than helping with the commercial itself. similarly, hearts of darkness filmed the making of apocalypse now)
apocalypse now (1979, war/action, see the above explanation)
die hard (series starting in 1988, action/thriller, abed mentions wanting to do a die hard homage for christmas multiple times throughout season 4)
good will hunting (1997, thriller/romance, troy and abed's story in 1x24 english as a second language is filled with references to this movie. abed is doing homages on purpose, troy is not)
my dinner with andre (1981, comedy/drama, abed does a very elaborate homage at jeff's accidental expense in 2x19 critical film studies)
indiana jones (raiders of the lost ark, temple of doom, and the last cruscade only. he mentions loving the first three indiana jones movies in 1x04 social psychology)
aliens (1986, action/adventure/sci-fi, he and troy dress up as an alien and ripley in 2x06 epidemiology) (side note, I believe they're specifically referencing aliens, which is a sequel to alien. could be wrong though)
blade (1998, horror/action, they watch it over the course of 3x15 origins of vampire mythology after troy and abed assert multiple times that it is an amazing movie)
I think he generally talks about movies more than he talks about tv shows, but he does mention quite a few of them. some notable mentions are:
friends (1994, sitcom, mentions at least twice)
m*a*s*h (1972, sitcom, mentions in passing in 1x05 advanced criminal law, and references throughout 1x13 investigative journalism)
the cape (2011, action, mentions throughout 4x13 advanced introduction to finality)
who's the boss (1984, sitcom, is the premise of his whole storyline in 2x20 competitive wine tasting)
LOST (2004, sci-fi, mentions at least twice)
obviously there are a LOT more, but I just tried to list some of the most important ones, plot-wise and for understanding of his character. hopefully I’ll be able to get back to everyone with a super long list of every tv show and movie he ever mentions lmao, but that'll take a while. (there are lists online that say they list every movie and tv show abed has ever mentioned, but ngl I don't 100% trust those, so I’ll make my own lmao. but I put the link to one of them if you're curious. here's another one too)
at this point anyone who has seen community knows there are some really really big ones that I haven’t mentioned yet. pieces of media that are INTEGRAL to abed as a character. I was saving them for last lmfao. they are:
inspector spacetime
cougar town
if I had to pick a holy trinity of media for abed, it would be these three things. these are EASILY the things he talks about the most, which is interesting, as both the kickpuncher movie franchise and the inspector spacetime series are completely fictional, and only exist in the community universe. (this is probably so they can show abed actually watching some of the shows/movies he talks about, without the obvious copyright issues that come with playing clips from an already existing movie/tv show on your screen. they kind of do that with blade in 3x15, but they only play vague fighting sounds, and never show their tv on our screen. anyway. not relevant.) to answer one of your questions from the ask, I believe those two are the ONLY fictional pieces of media abed talks about. as far as I know, everything else he mentions is real, including cougar town.
kickpuncher is obviously reminiscent of sci-fi/action films from the 80's, like robocop. like I said earlier, taking their place so that they could have a more substantial role in abed's on-screen life without any copywrite worries. it's a whole franchise, so there are multiple movies: kickpuncher, kickpuncher 2: codename: punchkicker, kickpuncher 3: the final kickening, kickpuncher: detroit, kickpuncher: miami (?), and kicksplasher (?). kicksplasher is apparently shown as a poster on abed's wall, and I’m assuming it's from the same franchise, although that could be wrong. the point is there's a very elaborate universe for kickpuncher, and it's a big part of abed's, and later troy's, film taste. the first time they mention it is in 1x15 romantic expressionism, when abed, troy, shirley, pierce, and chang all get together in abed's dorm room to make fun of stupid movies together. it's funny that it was introduced as a stupid movie to watch ironically, then troy and abed both end up genuinely loving it lmao. classic
inspector spacetime is obviously reminiscent of doctor who. they're both british sci-fi series that have been running for decades. doctor who uses a police box to travel the multiverse, while doctor who uses a telephone box. doctor who has malicious daleks who chant "exterminate," while inspector spacetime has blorgons who shout "eradicate." the concepts of the shows are obviously the same, with the actor for the doctor changing every season, etc etc. they're essentially the same exact show, but, like I said before, changed slightly so they can world-build without getting copywrited. there is something a little bit silly about this, though. it's definitely a continuity error and it's up to everyone whether they want to accept it as canon or not, I guess, but there's an episode where abed is actually wearing a doctor who t-shirt. (it also references bill and ted, but the doctor who part is what's relevant.) here's some pictures:
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awesome shirt tbh, but it is a little bit funny that is essentially makes it true that doctor who and inspector spacetime both exist in the community universe. and, these pictures are from the cold open of 4x11 basic human anatomy, which is way after inspector spacetime is introduced to the show (3x01 biology 101). so, is inspector spacetime just a rip-off of doctor who? is abed a fan of both shows? if he is, clearly he likes inspector spacetime better. anyway. I would guess that this wasn't intentional. but that is definitely a tardis on that shirt. maybe it's just a classic season 4 continuity mistake. oh well. I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. anyway.
cougar town time! yes, it's a real show. I didn't think it was but it is. what's not real is cougarton abbey, the short-lived british remake that britta gets abed into in 3x01 biology 101. but yeah. it has 6 seasons and is streaming on hulu, if you're interested. I’ve heard it's not good but who knows for sure. something cool about cougar town is that abed is actually in an episode. let me be clear: not danny pudi. ABED. it's similar to the story abed tells about being invited to the cougar town set and shitting his pants while having an existential crisis about the layers of reality. here is a youtube clip of the scene. I found out about it while stalking danny pudi's wikipedia page months ago, you know, a typical sunday afternoon activity, and I saw a cougar town credit on there. I didn't even know it was a real show at that point so you can imagine my surprise lmao. anyway. idk if you knew that already but it's one of my favorite community easter eggs. so funny.
okay! I hope this is enough information to suit your needs, and I am once again opening the floor to anyone who wants to add anything 💯 this was fun, thanks for the ask, and stay fresh everyone ✌️
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polarspaz · 1 year
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 Tim AU pile 2!
Upper right is from the Carrion AU. Kon, in super heroic fashion, saves the world from destruction but winds up dead due to his grievous injuries. Cassie is the one to be with him in his last moments, sobbing in despair as she watches the life fade from her friends eyes. Then Tim arrives.
He just yanks her aside and hovers over Kon for a moment. He look's like the specter of death itself as he pulls out a very special needle and slams it into the dead man’s neck. Cassie ties to pull Tim away, but stops when she see Kon’s chest begin to rhythmically rise and fall. Then, miraculously, Kon’s eyes snap open.
Kon looks around bewildered, pretty sure he was just dead, when he feels two trembling hands grip the side of his face. He sees Tim looming over him, posture rigid and voice eerily flat as he says “You didn’t have my consent to die Kon”
Then the bottom Left is Ra’s Al Ghul having a very bad time with JJ.
Ra’s kidnaps Tim, who just sighs and goes along with, just to see what the hell this maniac has planned now. After a very elegant and courteous debate, Tim declines Ra’s offer to rid him of JJ in exchange for becoming his creepy little protégé. Ra’s of course, ignores Tim and locks him up until he can change his mind.
Soon, Tim is getting tortured by Ra’s ninja’s and he’s just like fuck this, I am not going through this shit again and let’s JJ loose. ((BTW: I decided that Tim’s Shrike costume is now grey/white because Bruce uses it as an indicator to tell how well mentally Tim is doing on his patrols. If he comes back with barely any blood on his suit it’s a GOOD DAY. If comes back and theres a lot of blood on it? That’s a BAD DAY.))  
The tiny one on the bottom right if from the blood bird AU. After getting too high on caffeine one night, Tim ends up watching several animal documentaries until he can get to sleep, but one documentary about the short-horned lizard catches his interest.
Couple hours later, Dick is knocking on his apartment door with fresh doughnuts in hand. The door clicks open and Dick’ answering hello turns into a girlish shriek. Tim is standing there in the doorway, pale as a ghost, eyes completely red, with blood dripping down his cheeks. The big, excited smile on his face doesn’t help the situation either. “Holy shit Dick you gotta see this!’
After, Tim is very disappointed when Dick tells him that being able to squirt blood out your eyes is just plan terrifying and not really cool.
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
[btw i use he//they for mafuyu in this. yknow the mafuyu transmasc agenda n whatnot]
i think rui and mafuyu should be siblings. like just IMAGINE OKAY
mafuyu finally gets out of his mom's house and is adopted by some people. n25 is like "alr cool B]" and after a little bit mafuyu's like "oh btw guys i'm going to kamiyama now instead of the girl's academy. yknow blank slate n all that." and everyone's like "okay !!!"
and nobody really notices anything until mizuki goes to school one day. and there's rui kamishiro. sitting right next to THE mafuyu asahina. and mizuki is CONFUSED to say the least
mafuyu is integrated into the kamiyama society. yes this includes getting jumpscared by THE tsukasa tenma. anyways i think that rui and mafuyu would get along. it's "useless information" and "i literally know everything" they probably get along swell. mr and ms kamishiro also probably understand all the weird teenager bullshit so they. don't judge mafuyu like her old parents did. he's like "i'm sorry i have difficulty expressing my emotions and i'm sorry i'm generally a cold person and hard to relate to emotionally" and ms kamishiro is like "rui had a five nights at freddy's phase where he built life sized animatronics i think you are just fine <3"
also i think mafuyu would help rui w his robots n stuff. bc they have such a good understanding of anatomy n shit and just. helps him out w it. rui also helps mafuyu w his transition so by the time he starts attending kamiyama they're wearing the guy's uniform n his hair is cut :fire: :fire: + mafuyu can act more like his authentic self bc NOBODY gives a fuck anymore. these people know toya and nene they jsut assume mafuyu doesn't like to talk.
mr kamishiro will come into the house and he never knows what to expect from his silly son and his emo son. like one night it will be deathly silent except for a 7 hour documentary on computer programming that they've been watching since they've gotten home from school, the next night they'll be listening to hatsune miku on full volume while building the most complicated machine known to man, one night he comes home and finds our mafuyu has been trying to get rui to eat vegetables, ect ect ect.
sometimes mafuyu will be on nightcord calls and rui will just walk into his room while he's composing. and after a while nightcord gets used to it. like sometimes the Other Purple One will come in and stand in the corner of mafuyu's webcam for an hour and that's just what happens. everyone else on call jumps when he suddenly starts talking and giving advice on the composition but mafuyu doesn't bc ofc he don't.
mafuyu does the same thing at wxs rehearsals. mafuyu always walks home w rui so he'll just always watch everyone work. emu's not as scared of him anymore bc <33 he's not being fake <33 and sometimes they'll just come over like "this doesn't flow correctly. also your timing is off. change these lines and also your expression, it doesn't look like you're really feeling it." and that's just what happens.
i think eventually, mafuyu starts to discover his feelings again, bit by bit. until one day he's sitting in the kitchen w rui and starts laughing. and rui's been trying to get them to do that for months. everyone's a little confused and ms kamishiro runs into the kitchen like "MAFUYU DEAR ARE YOU OKAY ???" but then also realizes no. mafuyu's just giggling. probably over a fart joke of all things.
so sometimes rui will just walk in, say a fart joke, and then leave. and that's the ONLY thing that will make mafuyu laugh. rui's stupid fucking fart jokes. mizuki teases them constantly about it but even they can't mae mafuyu laugh. it's only rui's stupid fucking fart jokes. the entirety of wxs makes an entire comedy routine just so mafuyu laughs at shows.
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bloody-wonder · 1 year
mid-year book freak out tag
years go by... i still read books...
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? moby dick! i totally did not expect to like this dusty tome so much but it was just too perfect a mix of tropy revenge tale, sea adventure mockumentary, and making stuff up and putting it into categories that caused pleasant vibrations in my neurodivergent brain. i have watched so many whale documentaries after reading this, you guys have no idea🐳
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023? flamefall is the second book in the aurelian cycle and it’s the best sequel i’ve read so far this year. the addition of a slow burn mm master/servant story line improved things considerably, not to mention that it was my favorite character’s time to shine. this series is sooo good, please read it guys you won’t regret it i swear🙏
(ngl i’m a bit annoyed that fourth wing, this fireborne sjm-ified, is doing numbers out there and meanwhile there’s no fandom for the aurelian cycle to speak of😒)
also i simply have to mention defekt, book two of litenverse. i found the first book quite boring despite it’s shortness but the sequel has a sad lil guy🥺. highly recommend for fans of black mirror, severance or the murderbot diaries. you don’t reeeally need to read book one btw, i think you can just read the description and then jump straight to the good stuff
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? i want to read witch king but i keep putting it off cause everything i hear about it sounds suspiciously like *american author does mdzs* and idk how i feel about that😬
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? i’m looking forward to system collapse the most bc it’s gonna be set chronologically after network effect and it’s longer than the other murderbot novellas too. very excited to see murderbot and art bicker again hehe
5. Biggest Disappointment? ig it’s the warrior’s apprentice😬 many people recced the vorkosigan saga to me as “the lymond chronicles in space” but based just on this first(-ish) book i have to say miles is uhhh,, not lymond😐 lymond’s key traits are that he’s queer and a cunt and baby miles is simply not that (yet). of all the other books that people mentioned on my overcompetent scheming bastard post this was the last one i hadn’t read so i was a bit disappointed that it didn’t pull me in like the lymond chronicles. however, of all the books mentioned there it’s also the only series i can see myself continuing any time soon so. it wasn’t all too bad ig🤷‍♀️
i was also somewhat disappointed by assassin’s apprentice but i will make myself push through the realm of the elderlings just bc i’m so intrigued by the fool👀
6. Biggest Surprise? apart from the life changing experience that was moby dick i gotta admit i didn’t expect to like the goblin emperor, what with it being one of those cozy hopepunk fantasies where people are nice and decent to each other🙄 but it really did grow on me by the end, it indeed made me feel cozy and soothed. now i wanna try katherine addison’s older darker stuff that was apparently so controversial she had to change her pen name or smth👀🤭  
7. Favorite New Author? so i read another book by christopher rice and can confirm that he’s now one of my favorite authors. the man’s early 2000s gay thrillers are very melodramatic and refreshingly juicy - you can really tell they were published in ye olden pre-twitter times
8. Newest Favorite Character? cyrano savinien hercule de bergerac. after just reading that first act where he monologues about his nose for three pages straight and then spends all the money he has to hijack a theater and cause a scene by duelling a guy on stage while insulting him in ballad form i thought wow but this is one of my sexy fucked up guys who like to swish their swords and run their mouths! please enter the mind rotation chamber, monsieur🙌
9. Newest Fictional Crush? power sur eater🐉 you guys are sleeping on the aurelian cycle and on the Glory and Tragedy of My Boy who has done nothing wrong ever in his life and i love him😭 seriously, if you’d like to watch a character like draco malfoy go through jaime lannister’s arc you gotta read this series
also csevet aisava? the guy who put sexy in bureaucracy?? it’s a crime that he and maia didn’t kiss tbh
💕Best Ship💕 the relationship of griff and delo in the aurelian cycle was SO dramatic and full of rawest scenes! kinda reminded me of captive prince at times, bc of the whole master/servant element. and the ending? “i will grow old in love, let them sing of others”?? i am Emotion🥺
10. Book That Made You Cry? furysong made me cry my eyes out like every ending to a ya series should. have i mentioned you should read the aurelian cycle btw? but also both moby dick and cyrano de bergerac made me laugh AND cry as only really good books do. there’s a part in moby dick about seeing whales in mountains and stars that made me remember i am a human being and was a small and happy human being once - like that scene in ratatouille when anton ego tastes ratatouille and the nostalgic memories hit him and he becomes not evil anymore. that was nice but i cried like a little bitch😭
11. Book That Made You Happy? re-reading twittering birds never fly without skipping all the yakuza plot scenes made me realize how hilarious this manga actually is! yashiro can obviously crack a joke but this time i discovered the comic relief goldmine that is nanahara
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skjdvnksjdvk like?!
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? i have a LOT of criticisms about martin crimp’s “free adaptation” of cyrano de bergerac but ngl it was fun to watch the play come to life on stage (even tho there were no swords, a crime😒) and even more fun to watch christian kiss cyrano on the mouth like god intended
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year? so this year i actually started reviewing stuff on goodreads for the first time and it’s quite fun and really useful for refreshing your memory on what you thought of a book. i try to go for short and witty over in depth and analytical so i suppose the best examples of the reviews i have written so far would be the ones of moby dick and the goblin emperor
14. Most Beautiful Cover? the og red cover of fireborne slaps! the revolutionary red? the minimalist black dragon? the main characters’ profiles formed by its wings?? talented brilliant show stopping. idk who made the decision to redesign the covers after the first book but that decision was utterly stupid🤨
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? i need to finish some series (the diviners, the dreamhealers, the broken earth), then like i said i want to read witch king and also i’m doing the classics challenge again so i have to at least finish reading roxelana and re-read the picture of dorian gray (the uncensored edition👀). i have looked up my old mid year tags and was pleased to discover that i since have managed to read all the books mentioned there EXCEPT for you love me which has been a staple in my reading plans since 2021 so i’m gonna put it on this list again to honor the tradition lmao
overall i have to say my reading year is going well but i still miss the exhilaration of discovering new books worth obsessing over like it kept happening in 2019-2021 with the secret history, captive prince, all for the game, mdzs and lymond. last year i used to think i wasn’t doing a good job of finding books like this but now i’m starting to suspect that i have actually read ALL the good books and there aren’t any left :( but that’s absurd right?? or isn’t it?! anyways tell me what you’ve been reading so that i can maybe get intrigued by something and prove myself wrong on this🙏📚
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@figuringthengsout @counterwiddershins @fugitoidkry @magpiefngrl @sugarbabywenkexing @fandomreferencepending @pemberlaey @oliviermiraarmstrongs @hello-jumping-in-puddles @thehalcyonharbinger @pinkasrenzo @beeblackburn @weirdsociology @veliseraptor @theodoradove @sixappleseeds @doh-rae-me @venndaai 
talk to me about books guys! if you want to!!
goodreads │ old mid year tags 2020 2021 2022 
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dustyevskyy · 2 months
This is an OOC post btw!! I might add more to this later.
I think I should put a TW here for mentions of self h4rm and eating dis0rders, and hinted child abuse!! I know curiosity can get the best of us but still, TW in hopes that people with triggers dont read or atleast prepare themselves!!
Normal hcs!!
• He probably LOVES cats (dont make this weird guys.), but doesent know how to comprehend loving cats, like he doesent know how to comprehend loving most things.
• He likes winter. He likes everything about it, the snow, the holidays, and because thats when he has an excuse to bring freezing animals into his home, he likes animals, like I said he just cant comprehend liking them.
• He LOVES Disney movies, you cant even change my mind. Just imagine him watching Tangled, I feel like he'd pretend to hate it but be so attentive. He also likes documentaries, but he only watches them when he wants to feel more at peace.
• He writes in russian cursive. If you cant read it he'll baby talk you through the sentence mockingly and act like you just cussed him out.
• Hes a picky eater but he eats weird foods, i have no clue how to explain it. Like he'll say no to sushi because he hates the idea of eating raw fish but then eat mulberries dipped in cottage cheese or something.
• In his thousands of years alive he never once tried to actually learn to cook, so he does not know how. At all.
• He is cat coded. I dont care what you say, talk to the wall.
• He downplays how much money he has. Hes been working for thousands of years and barely spends it, he probably has hundreds of millions saved up but thinks that hes broke and works himself to death because of it. He didnt have cash in his wallet once and got paranoid about it happening again when he didnt realize that not having cash doesent mean that youre dead broke.
Ship hcs!!
• He likes cuddling. i feel like hes touched starved, so he likes to cuddle or just hold his lover, even just for a little bit.
• His love languages are probably gift giving and physical touch, he'll gift the most expensive thing he could find and then apologize about how it isnt much and then come back with a shitload of stuff the next day. The 1st hc pretty much explains the physical touch one.
• Yea, he has a temper and he looks a bit intimidating, but he can be extremely gentle and cuddly as well, only if its toward someone that he loves though.
• I feel like hes the type to complain about not getting enough attention and then just pushing it away as soon as he gets it.
• Clingy, but tries to hide it because he thinks being clingy is annoying, but he is clingy and cant stop being clingy.
• Hes the type to project the love he wishes he could have had onto his partner, or tries to because he isnt exactly sure how, but he tries!
Angsty hcs!! (ok so remember that TW? This is where it comes into play so prepare yourself!!)
• I feel like his parents tried to sacrifice him to Satan once or twice in his life because of his ability so he has a bunch of odd scars from it and thats why he wears layers, like pentagrams and random symbols just there on his skin.
• He probably got the habit of carving little things into his skin as a stress reliever because of the trauma so he just has more scars of crosses and random things
• He probably has major attachment issues from being alone most of the time, sitting in a dark room all the time with his silly little computer probably drives him insane without him even realizing it. So when he finally finds someone that he feels genuine concern or care for, he struggles because he has no clue how to love them since he was never taught or shown but also just knows he doesent want to lose them because its comforting to have them around.
• Hes probably a perfectionist when he wants to be or is totally focused on something, and so that drives him insane too.
• His parents also probably like, hardly even fed him, and when they did theyd probably bully him when hed just be trying to eat in peace, and so this is probably another habit from the trauma and now he has the mindset that eating more than one plate of food a day is gluttony (Basically an0rexia, but he doesent even realize thats what it is because he uses his religion as an excuse for it)
Extra hcs/sidenotes!!
• He likes to chew on ice.
And no, his parents were not satanists they just thought he was a sin and god would forsake them for having such a disdainful child so they offered him to satan, because they were a little bit insane!! He only stuck with the christian beliefs because he thinks maybe satan didnt take him because god wanted him here, hes a bit delulu too but thats fine!! (he probably is a prophet because why is he ancient what the flip)
Anyway here are MY takes on headcannons for Fyodor, I know they're a bit extreme but im too eepy to redo this. But I do apologize if this triggered anyone, I tried to warn the best I knew how to, thanx for reading!!!
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flamingplay · 8 months
What are your favorite Coldplay songs???
Hiiii, dear!!! Thank you very much for the ask, this really put a smile on my face, grateful it was you who asked! :')
So, let's go with the favourite songs list (you can comment if you know some or wanna check out some, would be twice honored haha!)
Violet Hill is one of my most special ever songs, a bridge to the person that is not walking on this planet anymore and a little story of how I introduced my favourite guitarist with the stem from it to this close person [link]... Btw, "it was started by Brian Eno and finished by Brian Eno" in a literal sense - Eno produced that album xD
All I Can Think About Is You is a gorgeous song with such a great build-up, that guitar note at the end is the main nerve of this whole feeling. A shame they played it only once in Tokyo and that's it...
A L I E N S turned from a song that reflected on me feeling compassionate about refugees to a song that represents me. Gotta love myself some unusual 5/4 time signature.
Prospekt's March / Poppyfields my appreciation to this song with its hidden track Poppyfields grew lately even more. The key is in the lyrics
Daylight is the song that made me feel THINGS while delving myself into watching Live 2003 as the first choice of live performances. I heard Jon there singing and playing and nothing that occured in the documentary afterwards made me change my mind about the band, all thanks to Jon xD
I Ran Away comes from the perfect b-sides era, that was difficult to pick one from "A Rush of Blood to the Head" era but this one in particular went with me through thick and thin
Death and All His Friends is an important song that can support me any time. An epitome of the whole Coldplay mood. Incredibly beautiful and underrated.
How You See The World No. 2 is the song that makes me miss the band making very broad statements. They still do but in another way now. All ways are important still though! (also Jon for once is not an atmnospheric carrying force but the whole main course of the song)
Arabesque... As Jon once said in 2001, "There's nothing wrong with jazz!", or how it all turned out 18 years later xD
Speed of Sound is a song that started it all for me. I first heard it in 2005 and had no idea who was behind this song as it was in just non-stop playlist on one of the local radio stations. YEARS later, in 2009 the life has changed
Midnight is a song that became the most unexpected ever, that was an experimental "love at first sight" for me. During one of the dark moments this song became some kind of a collaboration link between me and one Ukrainian embroidery artist.
Here I will draw the line before I remember some exclusive extended intros and outros live songs and add more xD Hope you'll enjoy anything here! And wishing you an amazing day!
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
My dream tonight was fucking insane. I'll just write bullet points.
First off all the baki anime was getting rebooted so this time they'd fucking made Baki a furry. Not as in he was anthro, no, he had to put on a fucking suit (it was a cute big cat :) ) and i was so maaad about this change because the old outfit was iconic enough and this was being made to appeal to a larger audience or something.
Also i think they killed off Jack Hanma or something i was mad about that too
Next thing i remember I was outside, in some hike. I always dream about being outside.
I don't remember shit i did except for the fact when i was tired i decided to lay down in the middle of the fucking field for no reason and i threw a pillow and a blanket and it was a wide thick blanket this magenta color, close to this one,and i laid down i started seeing in the horizon with the clouds all going down one was coming over which very clearly brought rain and i knew rain at night while i sleep on the grassy ground was like a death sentence but i just didn't feel like moving to the house a few blocks by where other people lived because i'd fumbled it pretty hard before.
My death wish wasn't granted however because one woman and some maybe male pal of hers came over. She was blonde and had an eyepatch. I pretended to be fast asleep so she wouldnt try to move me. She didn't, instead, she covered myself with a plastic wrap (head to toe btw i got scared for a second about it but decided to just trust her y'know?)
Lady said i looked cute and retold a story about one time i helped her, something related to her eye prob. I think her name was "one-eyed Jackie" btw. Also, i didnt feel like an adult in this dream, i felt like a kid, put a pin on that.
Now cozy and safe i decided to quote a poem from memory to sleep a poem which does not exist and of which i dont remember enough to write it down but the main theme was about holding on against the unstoppable crushing pressure and this was all illustrated on a comic in a dark pool where the character (fucking PG btw idk how he didnt short circuit also im really normal yes thanks for asking) started floating but then there was no water and he was just gripping the edge to not fall and he never did but the poem ended with the repetition about gripping on. It was a somber one but bc my loving nature i just wanted to save him tm and i kept (no pun intended with that last one) thinking of two people walking across different landscapes like a documentary montage. It was nice.
Unfortunately i was almost ran the fuck over while i was trying to dream in peace.
I jumped to the side and avoided the truck but my devices were there and i told to Jackie "My phone is there :( " and she was like no they retrieved it now stop worrying about that are you ok?!
I think it was then when it fully transformed into a movie, or perhaps the earlier scene with Jackie was, either way, i am now no longer me and im instead L.L.
And for dear life I'd not explain to you what happened in this movie although i think they mentioned Sam Raimi made it? It did have some horror things like uh, a fucking werewolf. Like out of our pals, he was just a werewolf and he'd transform each part whenever he wanted. It was nuts, hilarious too.
There was a big bad and his team too at one point they set our little clown shack (bc it was the size of a letrine yet like 8 people were inside it) on fire.
The ending was nutty too actually papyrus fucking died i just remembered. There was this giant freezing mechanism and he (who btw didnt look like paps he was naked his head was very rectangular and cartoony and bigger than his arms, also he was my height) was like "i'll just wait for them to come back to talk this out! :) and i was like PAPYRUS NO! but then it was too late he was head to toe frozen with a smile still on his face....... tried to whipe the moisture from his face maybe w some heat we'd save him but a girl in my team just was like cmon we need to go so i had to leave him.
And then we faced the big bad who was literally just some guy who kinda looked like uh. Hang on. Well i cant find his name but the guy from bg3 who looks like a fucking clown and people love to hate or something. Except w longer crazier hair. And he did fucking kil my epic werewolf bestie but we managed to get rid of him locking him up Somewhere i guess for him to die.
and then we were all coming back from the intensity of it all and the girl from before is like "you gotta admit, that was the best terrible movie ever" and i didnt dare to say i actually loved it
also i forgot if i mentioned this but this movie had a fandom and fanart and somoene had drawn my wolfy pal (who my brain keeps insisting on calling trevor but im pretty sure that's an unrelated werewolf. Also this guy i remembered his looks, his fur was grey and black but he was pale and blonde w short hair sticking up, like, platinum blonde) like "yeah im a werewolf despite that never being explained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" which is why when it happened i didnt question it, ironically.
anyway i think i brought up the poem and this is when you take off that pin because now one of my childhood friends from primary school (or a representation of her) started talking about how she wrote a following poem or maybe i was talking about a different one idk but she talked about how it opened doors in her life and she annoyed me so i went to sit somehwere else.
And i remember this scene where someone went to sleep so we were told to be silent and a friend was looking thru my drawings adn they were all things i never drew of characters that dont exist and it had this tangible mischevious energy like we were two kids trying to not laugh annoying each other who might get in trouble.
Then i finally sat down in a corner with a friend, could have been my childhood friend (only one i still talk to who's male) or my platonic partner (eye, if you're reading this, hi! ^_^) and we just started talking about friendship, with him mentioning i'd go talk to the rest in the main table instead of lingering here alone but i conter argued i'd eventually do it, it'd just take me a long time. After all, it did take me quite a bit to get close to him, did it not? this was fine.
I woke up so groggy i wouldnt have been able to tell you my own name if you asked me but that whole thing just felt like, such a peaceful story. So fun ! Sad i couldnt save the wolf but you cant save everyone out there tbh
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hamine2 · 7 months
I just learned that the guy from the Netflix documentary on LGBT+ conversion therapy, the former leader of Freedom March, went through some financial issues since the release of the doc, and was helped by a lesbian and her family during his time of need, because his own Christian community failed to help him. He was broke, and not a single "person of faith" helped him. I wish I could be a bitch about it and yell "Karma!" with a big smile on my face, but after investigating a little bit more about what went down... I just feel sad for her.
Because yes, that *guy* transitioned BACK to female, and is going by the name of Scarlet McCall again... And she has an Only Fans as well, btw.
And listen, I know she's fucked up. Like, ROYALLY fucked up. But I'm still happy for her.
Yes, she's still very religious, and yes she's still has some... terrible takes on politics and the current state of the world, but I'm glad she found herself.
HOWEVER... These previous "Christian friends" of hers are attacking her online, non-stop. And she's trying to stay sober, while receiving these evil, disgusting comments about how she should "repent" and "turn back to Christ".
It's awful.
And while I know that she still has a lot to apologize for, a lot of inner change to go through, and a lot to learn and unlearn about, well, everything... it's clear as water that she's going through hell.
Her own family has rejected her, Christian nationalists are going after her, and LGBT+ folks have turned our backs to her because of all the horrible things she's done to our community.
It's a sad situation.
I'm not going to defend her, because again, I know she's done her fair share of evil deeds, but... I do think we, the gays, should show her a little but of compassion.
Because the way things are going two things could happen in the near future: 1- She dies (either by un-aliving herself, or someone straight up killing her), 2- She goes back to her "old Christian life" and resumes hurting even more people in the process.
I'm leaving the links to her new and old profiles on Facebook right here, since they are public, so you can understand what I'm talking about...
But again, things aren't looking good.
Scarlett's profile: https://web.facebook.com/jeffrey.mccall.792
The one who shall not be named profile, with the story of the lesbian woman: https://web.facebook.com/p/Jeffrey-Mccall-100032868891804/?_rdc=1&_rdr
I'm a religious person myself, and I'm bi. I don't share her exact faith, and my doctrine's view on sexuality and gender is far more flexible than the traditional Catholic/Christian's. But I do believe in redemption. I understand she's not a saint, and she's still saying some pretty fucked up things online, but she'll never let go of her toxic beliefs and her old way of thinking if we don't at least try to extend an olive branch towards her.
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sunnydaze4ever · 9 months
Her name is Cassiopeia or Cassie btw!!
Cassiopeia was named that because I think Opal gave birth to her on a night the sky was full of stars, and one that stood out was the Cassiopeia. She’s kind of like Baxter in the way she got fascinated in it because of her name.
Cassiopeia isn’t very social. She isn’t shy, just quiet. Not anxious but more just awkward. She’s the kind of person to walk up to someone if they have something space related. She’s friends with Tamarack and Qiu partly out of circumstances but also out of interest. Her bedroom at the time (if I could make it outside of the game) would be covered in the wall stars, star sheets, solar system posters, the whole Shabam. I imagine her favorite movie would be a documentary about space.
Cassiopeia is the kind that hates change in her life. She sometimes just can’t handle it. This type of change would destroy her for a while, but she can’t do anything. She just needs to deal with it.
Cassie is like Marcy Wu from amphibia if Marcy was more reclusive and showed less emotion. All her past friends wouldn’t pay any attention to her main interest in space and so her two friends splitting would break her. As she gets older she becomes more aware of her interests and how she isolates herself in some ways.
Cassie is a lot less outward about her interest in space as time goes on. She goes from bright sweaters to more neutral tones, her usual skirts to long jeans, and stops having so many star accessories. She can connect to tamarack in changing herself. In childhood, Cassie would usually go by her full name (Cassiopeia off the constellation) but now she only goes by Cassie as she gets embarrassed by her actual name. She hangs out with both Qiu and tamarack seperately most likely but she feels tense when she does knowing what’s happened to the friendship.
Cassie has very specific preferences in her wardrobe and schedule that she starts to ignore for this sense of normality. Such as her hate of tight clothing, dislike of sudden plan changes, and discomfort with new people approaching her. She starts to ignore these things as it’s not that she wants friends persay, but it’s that she wants approval she didn’t get as an antisocial child. She’s still kind of quiet and awkward, but she’s not the kid who only talks about stars anymore. She realized no one cares about her interests, and she should only care for theirs.
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
/post/695523193287557120/i-thought-if-rina-ended-the-season-together-id The last sentence changed the trajectory of my life, no but really wow I didn't realize that you open a third eye on me
Lmao, I’m glad you liked it. I think makeup & wardrobe can be a really effective storytelling device & it’s too often underutilized. Personal style is something that’s constantly evolving and it can be a reflection of a person’s age, personality &/or how they’re feeling in that specific moment.
For instance, can you imagine the Ashlyn of s2, the girl who lived in constant fear of not being good enough for the leading role & the spotlight it comes with, sporting those split platinum blonde & red bangs she has after the time jump? Because I can’t. I think, after discovering/realizing she’s bi this season, she gained this newfound understanding of herself. & when you know yourself, when you’re sure of yourself, you become much less afraid of how people might perceive you & that can manifest itself in taking more risks with the way you look.
Even Ricky, whose entire wardrobe consists of t-shirts, jeans & every color of Converse to ever exist & whose most “out there” outfit ever has probably been the one he wore to Camp Prom, that he seemed to be vaguely uncomfortable in (“I have never shown this much cleavage” lmao) is wearing this insane two-pattern suit. It’s loud, in the best way. It projects an air of confidence.
Or Gina, who, while a naturally self-assured person, is wearing the most daring outfit we’ve ever seen from her (stunning, btw) at the premiere. This might be a reach, but to me, it kind of represents a display of confidence & risk-taking in her confession to Ricky. Confident because she knows he’s always been a “yes” to her, that for her, it’s always been Ricky. After years of never knowing what the future holds, never knowing where she might end up, she finally has something she can be sure about: her feelings for him. There’s also an element of risk to the moment though because, while Gina has an idea of how Ricky feels about her, she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know if he’ll stop her from walking out of that theater, if she’s opening herself up to heartbreak, if this will be just like last December. & I really admire her for taking that chance, for being so vulnerable.
I guess there’s just something kind of beautiful about Ricky & Gina both being in their boldest looks of the series for that confession & kiss because loving somebody is kind of an act of boldness & bravery in and of itself. Love requires risk.
&, just like some of these other outfits & hairstyles the characters wear to that post-time jump documentary premiere, growing up is kind of a risk, too.
(also, side note: we can thank Sofia for most, if not all, of Gina's amazing looks this season because she worked with the costume department to create her outfits. So, thank you, Sof <3)
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
So we’ve already had a tiktoker Max this year, now he regularly streams with his pals, answers fans’ questions, shows us his cats, P casually appears every time, there’s a big f1 ticket giveaway on verstappen.com and an episode of his documentary drops every week. Explain me, please, why was I called „delusional” when I suggested it might have been a PR move? Normally, I would say it was a Kelly thing, but it’ already happened three times! If he wasn’t okay with it, he would pass her the info, right? And if he did and in spite of that K let P run to him while he’s streaming, why is he still with someone who doesn’t respect him? //
because he has no control over P's behavior, she's not his daughter and he took his phone each time to text someone (likely someone in charge of P, Kelly or the nanny) and played it all laughs and smiles on camera but he looked a little annoyed by it. and you don't break up with someone because their daughter appears on your stream 3 times in a row. it can make you open your eyes, but that's it.
also this Max isn't different than Max from the previous years (if you ignore P and the cat that weren't part of his life then). it has a lot to do with the way the media (and fans) sees him, which is logical: from 2015 to 2018: crashtappen and mostly bad things said about him [not much content besides RB] - 2019: fake rivalry with Charles Leclerc created (worsen) by the media (Charles shown as the good and perfect guy and Max is the opposite, the reckless bastard in the media) [less hate but not much content] - 2020 : he is the only one who can challenge the Mercedes, less hate (still but less) [very active: video series with a clothing brand about his personal life, more streaming etc, F1 broadcast his jokes during races] - 2021: a lot of hate [less content and a lot of sim races without streaming/showing his camera] - 2022: average hate [average content (little or no content after the Brazil race and the hate he received + during the winter break because of the body shaming, no content] - 2023: in my opinion less hate [more content] as simple as that, so he's just doing again the things he did before (tiktok Max isn't different than RB Max to me) and I really don't believe he would use P for his own profit, when he doesn't even need it time is just better because AD was a long time ago now and most people forgot about Brazil.
btw, I saw the other day that he wanted to create a new sport clothing brand called "Max 1" but Nike took it to the court and he has to change the name. the timing is logical because in 2019, when he was less hated, Victoria launched "unleash the lion", Max' situation is better again so he wants to try again
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earthandsunandmoon · 2 years
I was tagged by @bbbrianjones for some lovely lil questions <3
last song: six months in a leaky boat by split enz ...... words cannot express how amazing this song is, everyone stop what you’re doing right now and go listen to it and experience pure happiness. the tyranny of distance is real btw but cannot stop me
last movie: not exactly a movie, but Blue Death (1988), about the asbestos mine in Wittenoom, Western Australia that inspired blue sky mine. It’s a terribly sad story but I highly recommend it to all my midnight oil girlies and anyone interested in environmental justice
currently watching: I started rewatching some documentaries I saw in a conservation biology class, particularly Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth.” it kind of changed my life and made me want to scream and cry and throw up, as all good documentaries naturally do.
currently reading: I’m re-reading Kurt Vonnegut’s Galápagos. I was really into his novels as a child, so it’s a very nostalgic thing for me. And interesting to read now that I know more about evolution, as well.
current obsession: MIDNIGHT OIL of course in addition to other ‘80s/’90s australian music, and entomology, but also my lovely boyfriend <3 
tagging @gordonlightfooted and @neilfinnaesthetics and @lovescrashingwaves and @vanspurdholme if you want :)
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boredfilmreviws · 2 years
Saint Omer (2022) - A review
Saint Omer (2022)
Let me start by saying that I didn’t not like it. I just have some complaints. Saint Omer is one of those films that make film buff students cream in their pants and drool over dialogue that “says so much by saying so little” or whatever little quippy line they’ve decided to sprinkle into any film conversation they ever have. However, I did like the subject matter, and it managed to remain fairly interesting throughout which I have to give the film props for, but overall I found Saint Omer dull, unimaginative, and an excellent example of a director who thinks they’re making a huge, dramatic, life-changing statement, when really they’re just making something a bit bland that tries to distract from this fact by switching up the format a tad.
In short, Saint Omer follows Rama, a black French journalist and novelist who is writing about a court case of a woman who has killed her infant daughter. Through this, Rama explores her relationship with her own mother, and of her impending motherhood, and comes to more fully understand the actions and choices of her mother during her childhood. This was director Alice Diop’s first non-documentary feature film, and for a first time I think she did a good job, it just needs a bit more refinement. In the Q&A after the screening (after which, btw, there was an EXCELLENT charcuterie board where I tried this hard dill cheese that was so good I still dream of it) Diop said that she made her film unbiased, so that anyone watching the film can come to whatever conclusion about the case that they want, which is such an infuriatingly bullshit thing to say that it almost ruined the film for me. I can see that she tried to do so by having the final verdict of the case left out of the film, so you can decide for yourself whether she was guilty or not, but that does NOT make the film unbiased. In my understanding, the film heavily sided with the accused mother, spending much more time with her story and the evidence supporting her and her possible mental distress/insanity, rather than the opposition. Further, this film was based on a true story (Fabienne Kabou), and the verdict was guilty, so we actually do know the outcome of the case. I cannot believe Diop would even dare to say that the film is unbiased, nothing in this world is unbiased, especially art. It’s just strange.
The court is where we spend the majority of the film, and that’s a statement in itself. An overwhelming number of the courtroom shots take up well over 10 minutes of time, all in closeup of one person or another, the longest shot being 23 minutes. A 23 minute closeup shot. The horror. Though the dialogue managed to stay fresh and frankly impressive, the unchanging and static nature of the shots dulls the viewer and it’s hard to maintain interest, which is a shame because the story actually is entertaining. And it just goes from one shot to another, closeup to closeup to closeup, I would have appreciated a little variety. 
Also, there’s a weird moment where Rama, who knows she’s pregnant, orders and drinks a beer? And the fact that she’s pregnant is brought up in the scene, and she keeps drinking? Maybe French people are weird like that, I don’t know, but I immediately began to question Rama’s morality. I suppose that was the point, to show that Rama will not be a perfect mother and will likely follow in the footsteps of her own deeply imperfect mother, though she later learns through watching the case to accept the faults of her mother and accept the faults that she herself will enact upon her unborn child. Related, I think the flashback scenes to Rama’s childhood and how her mother treated her are done incredibly well. None of the flashbacks contain dialogue, but they immediately and expertly portray the cold, harsh, unfeeling nature of their relationship, yet also the deep connection and innate love they feel for one another (ie the funeral scene where Rama simply sits next to her mother and they stare into a mirror and cry silently.) The scenes 
To make a quick note about it, the acting was incredible all around, well done to the cast. I found the acting of Guslagie Malanga (Laurence Coly, the accused) to be particularly moving and impressive, she managed to make her sometimes short and succinct dialogue seem authentic and powerful, fantastic job all around. However, and I mean this in the best way possible, the actress who played Rama (Kayije Kagame) looks like a Tim Burton character. It was a bit odd.
------------------------ Overall, Saint Omer was not a bad film, but it wasn’t amazing either. The saving graces of the sophisticated dialogue, excellent acting, and well done flashback scenes are overshadowed by the dull and uninteresting closeups and shallow message (mothers aren’t perfect.) I didn’t mind seeing it, but I wouldn’t want to watch it again, even though I did find the plot fairly intriguing. For this, I award the film 3 out of 5 stars.
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krimprim · 2 years
what are some classic horror movies that you always recommend, and some more obscure ones that you love but don’t get a lot of attention? love your blog btw!
Got my first anon!! And it's super nice too 🤧 This is so lovely I'm really happy you asked.
I'm biased towards sci-fi horror and horror comedy's, but I've tried to give a bit of everything here. For classic ones I'd recommend? I'm taking some of my favourites from different eras so you can get a good feel for the changes horror went through. Noting here that I have not watched many movies from countries outside America, Australia and western Europe, just wanted to let you know in advance. Trying to fill out my horror repertoire between work and study 💀 Also this is long lmao sorry not sorry.
For early stuff my favourites would be The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (the original horror film you could say, featuring my beloved Conrad Veidt), wonderful silent German expressionist horror from the 20s.
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On top of that I really loved Universal's 1925 adaption of The Phantom of the Opera ft Long Chaney and Mary Philbin. If you like that one I'd 100% recommend watching some documentaries on youtube about it cause it's really fun, Chaney bought the rights to the film himself as he really wanted to play Erik and adapt the story to screen. He did all his own makeup and stuff too it's great.
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Further down the track you have all the universal monster movies, I have unfortunately not watched them all yet but I really liked The Wolf Man, and have memories as a child seeing Creature from the Black Lagoon and enjoying it. This ties in to more obscure films I think more people should watch, but Them! also came out in this era and I love it so dearly. First horror movie I watched properly start to end, it's about giant mutant ants, and has a small cameo of Leonard Nimoy in one of his first roles :)
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Right after that in the 60s you have a big uptick in Hammer horror, which is where you get a lot of fun stuff (I can't give personal recs. I've only seen their phantom..which is good but like I'm embarrassed 😔). At the same time there was stuff like Rosemary's Baby (fuck Polanski) and Night of the Living Dead.
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Then there are the infamous slashers. There's a lot of them, and like the other stuff on the list it depends on what you like what you'll take to in a slasher. One of my favourites is Black Christmas (the progenitor of the slasher. idc about Psycho, Hitchcock can have nightmares about blonde women for eternity) which had a surprising nuanced look into things like abortion and critiques on classic relationship dynamics. I'm goofy though so I also like it because of the villain Billy Lenz. Goofiness is also why I adore Child's Play <3. The Original Texas Chain Saw Massacre I think is a good one to get to as well, interesting themes and even though the main characters aren't that deep I do really like Sally and Franklin. My favourite type of horror protagonists have always been family members, especially siblings. And again, if you're a fan of silly you should definitely watch its sequel, which is a horror comedy.
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Non slasher classics of the 70s/80s I recommend are Stepford Wives, The Thing, Suspiria, The Fly, Possession, The Lost Boys, Alien and Aliens, plus Evil Dead 1 and 2. They're all pretty well established here on Tumblr so there's not too much to say. I've watched the most films from this era if it isn't obvious haha.
By the time the 90s came around I feel like things got a bit all over the place, in a positive way. You got a bit of everything, though there was a bit of emphasis on horror movies becoming more "serious/gritty" compared to the slashers that came just before them. If I had to pick one film it would definitely be Candyman though. Tony Todd did an immaculate job and gave life to one of the most magnetic and charismatic horror villains ever. The movie is gorgeous and I adore the writing of it too.
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Runner up would be Silence of the Lambs, Clarice and Hannibal both get a big kiss on the lips from me <3
I'm not sure if it's been long enough to claim movies past the 2000s can be classics but I'll quickly list some ones I think are neat: Ginger Snaps, The Ring, [REC], Saw, Noroi, The Orphanage, Creep, I Saw The Devil, Get Out, Annihilation and His House.
I will try to be succinct for the obscure stuff (im not sure how obscure these are tbh but oh well) since I know this is getting really long lmao but here 💕
Them!, as previously mentioned.
The Phantom of the Opera from 1989. Absolutely glorious and gorgeous slasher style take on the story. I love it a lot. Has Robert Englund of Freddy Krueger fame.
Basket Case 1, 2 and 3, got to these after watching Malignant and hearing them brought up several times in reviews. They're fantastic B horror and so lovingly made it hurts.
The Hitcher!!! The original of course, which is dripping with so much homoerotic subtext it's crazy. Rutger Hauer plays obsessive freaky man so well and I love him for it.
Stigmata starring Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne. It is so of its time in terms of the editing, pacing and music that I couldn't help but adore it. Suffers from unnecessary romance imo but still a great movie.
Event Horizon is thee absolute shit. Laurence Fishburne is my babygirl in every movie/show he's in and this one is no different. I was blown away watching it and my brother and I couldn't stop discussing it for like two hours after it finished haha. Hoping the director's cut will be released at some point cause I'm dying to watch it.
Joy Ride with Paul Walker. Got this one from a random horror movie generator. I still think about it a lot, there's something mesmerising about a movie with an evil truckie. I havent watched any fast and furious movies but the first one came out the same time as this so I like to pretend it's a prequel to it.
The Slumber Party Massacre remake and Slumber Party Massacre 2. The former for being one of the best remakes for horror I've seen and the latter for being batshit fun. The main villains weapon is an electric guitar drill idk what more you need.
That's enough I think, feel free to psychoanalyse me in the notes. Also if you ever want to send me a DM or another ask on or off anon or whatever that'd be fun, I don't bite :)
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maranull · 2 years
All my life documentaries were giving the dino-age extinction event as something uncertain. Could have been volcanoes, or an asteroid, or climate change, or the dinos evolved a society and still live among us as lizard people. Who knows? Mystery! Intrigue! Buy our four-part DVD(s)!
But no. Apparently is basically confirmed (since 2010) that it was an asteroid.
And like, can you imagine? A mass of rock so massive that even going through the strains of atmospheric entry it is still big enough to cause mass extinction? I can't. Like, the scale of the inner circle is 180km. The INNER circle. And 20km deep! That's more than twice! Twice the height of Mt. Everest. The scale is insane.
And also the chances of such a massive object flying through the absolute vastness of space and managing to hit our planet? What would had happened if it never hit? Would mammals ever evolved to the point we are? Would they even had the resources to do that when competing with things like Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus? Would early humans live among those beast of the past?
I love this world and it's wonders. So much. So, so much.
Btw, this line: The crater was named for the nearby town of Chicxulub. Penfield also recalled that part of the motivation for the name was "to give the academics and NASA naysayers a challenging time pronouncing it" after years of dismissing its existence. is fucking hilarious. I love how petty scientists can be.
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