#this has been his job - his role - since his creation. he knows all of the tricks. he knows better.
obliviscii · 2 years
Exile’s Garden - ‘Tween the World of the Living and Dead
Nestled in the middle of the living world and the afterlife is a path. It is long, winding, and made of cobblestone. It is a realm of ethereal beauty and peace, though a solemn sadness hangs in the dark air - for this is where spirits are ferried from the living world, to their next life.
Exile’s Garden is realm that acts as a gateway, and is a place that only Yveltal can access unless he were to bring someone along; though this is not advised for a multitude of reasons that will be explained later.
The path found in the realm is flanked with flowers, hundreds and thousands of them. These flowers are eternal flowers, colored a deep black and red, resembling the god of death himself. Never to wilt or die, the flowers can exist in the most treacherous of places, void of light and water and may still thrive. They truly are eternal in every sense of the word, and these flowers have existed in Exile’s Garden for millions of years, some for even longer, having originated from this realm. 
They are the only plantlife found in the realm beyond the trees, spindly branches and dark wood covered in pristine, pure white leaves. The leaves fall like snow, withering and dying days after hitting the ground. Along with that, vines snake their way along the trunks of the trees and further beyond that, colored an almost black, deep green.
The only source of light are glowing orbs hung suspended along the path, cloaking parts of the path and Exile’s Garden in a glow. Forlorn spirits that had accepted their death and made it that far, but did not want to continue, also give off sources of light.
A river flows through the land, cutting across the path. A wooden bridge connects the path where the river intersects. The waters are dark, darker and deeper than the night sky, and makes no noise as it flows. Drinking these waters gives instant and pure bliss to those who taste it, washing away all sadness and anger - however the water is addicting. It becomes hard to leave the riverbank, wanting nothing more than to drink, and drink, and drink. Those who tempt the fate of the river are doomed to be stuck at its side for all eternity - the most fanatic of people immerse themselves in the water entirely, forever stuck at the murky bottom and reaching up to the surface endlessly.
The areas outside of the path, outside the soft glow of the lights, are perhaps the most dangerous of all in Exile’s Garden. These areas are why Yveltal is hesitant to bring anyone alive to this realm. Echoes of voices can be heard beyond the trees, a siren song beckoning those to heed its call. The voices are different for all who hear them, being the voice of their loved ones. Their family, their friends, their lover, their children... whether these voices are of those still alive on the other side, or are of those who have long since been deceased. Yveltal does what he can to sway spirits from being fooled, but some don’t listen and venture out.
The darkness that is beyond the trees is such a deep, pervading darkness, that it strips one of all their senses, utterly depriving them of all rationality. All sense of direction is lost, all sight, all hearing. It is intense, and those who wander beyond the light are lost for all eternity, never to be found, seen, or heard of again. A lost soul damned to wandering the darkness forever, tricked in their moment of weakness by hearing what they want to hear again the most - their loved ones. For one, final time.
Eventually, the path does reach it’s end. The end of Exile’s Garden, the end of the world. There, the very land drops off steeply and endlessly, a dark void. To him, it is merely an endless sky, with glowing souls cascading up and beyond where he can see... like lanterns floating away in the night. But to those departed, they see the afterlife. They see whatever awaits them beyond where Yveltal can go - at the end of Exile’s Garden.
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araminakilla · 2 years
Regarding Death Wolf...
Hear me out (NO, it's not the kind you are thinking)
We know Death has a job, right? To collect souls and most likely release them to the afterlife.
And for this job, he has to be there when somebody is about to die, as demostrated with him being there moments before Puss' eight death.
Supposing he is THE Death and he has been doing this since the beginning of time (or at least when there were enough stories of the Grim Reaper to adquire a physical form) that means he has seen a lot, A LOT of awful things.
Murders, suicides, massacres, death of infants, people who didn't deserve to die alone, animal cruelty, some other heavy stuff I won't mention here, etc etc etc.
And we thought "man, how is he able to cope with all of that? That job has to be utter torture for someone."
Probably many of you could think that he is able to do that because he is Death, and he was "born" with that purpose and only him can reap souls perfectly.
But while he is a force of nature, he also WAS a force of nature. Let me explain it well: He adquired a personality enough to be angry, excited, frustrated, amazed, happy, among other emotions.
While he has supernatural power and is most likely the most powerful being in the Shrek Franchise (or in Dreamworks as many say) he is also a PERSON.
Someone with a code of honor, morals, opinions, beliefs, etc.
Returning to the question "How can he bear all of that?" taking into account he is no longer an inevitable force, but a character of his own.
The answer is something you may relate to, and that is: Creativity and escapism.
To be the embodiment of Death, the guy is a very creative fella.
First of all, his design. I heard many people saying here and in Twitter that his design is something they would come up in their edgy, teen years of drawing their first fursona.
Guess what? They are right, the wolf form is someone's fursona. It's DEATH'S fursona. He clearly came up with this badass, piercing canine form to blend with the Fairy Tale Land assuming the form of the "Big Bad Wolf". He most likely had other forms he designed over the centuries and was able to present as them like if he were on a role play game in the living world.
His sickles? The weapon of choice with the little crossed cats on it to have a bigger effect of terror for Puss? Those who can become knuckles and join to create a scythe? Those are his creation, probably after thinking it for a while and writing all of those functions on a paper.
The way he presents himself? In the bar? The coins in his eyes as a "watching you" sign while being a cool reference to the Ferryman of souls? He transforming Perrito's forest into the background of a skull? The chilling reveal at the Cave of Lost Souls? The fire ring? It was all him.
As for the escapism part...
When the world becomes too heavy to deal with as real life issues tend to make us feel bad, depressed, angry... we tend to escape it somewhere. And in our time the common place would be the internet as in webpages or comics, stories, etc.
But what has to do with Death Wolf you may ask?
Well, while he would NEVER be able to escape his job entirely, he can have moments where he can enjoy a good hunt of people who don't appreciate life, like the whole plot of the Puss in Boots sequel could demostrate.
He managed to have a little time outside his eternal routine to chase an arrogant cat who took life for granted. He enjoyed it, it was thrilling, it was exciting.
It was a way to escape a monotonous, grim "life", if just for a short moment.
So, when the chase ended as his prey no longer feared him and now was ready to fight for his last life, the wolf retreats, happy for Puss' character development but resigned because he once again had to return to "The Eternal Duty"
And that's not even counting all the times Jack "I'm dead inside" Horner had to interrupt Lobo's hunt and remind him of his job even in his "spare time"
Death knew the chase had to end eventually, but he didn't want it to end.
He didn't want to return to his own world
And if we look at Death like that, then he is probably one of the most relatable characters Dreamworks has ever make.
In the Shrek Franchise:
Monsters can be loved
Princesses don't have to fit the perfect standards of beauty
Handsome guys can be possesive jerks
Love at first sight doesn't work like one would think
Happily ever afters had to be built and not just obtain them with magic
And Death is the most creative and "full of life" being in the world
Because he would absolutely go crazy with his life/work if he wasn't.
Because in a world of Kings, Poets and Soldiers, he's the Supreme King
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And he's also a perky goth but none of you are ready for that conversation.
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cherllyio · 4 months
Li Jing has trapped Nüwa - A season 5 theory
Now I know, this sounds crazy, but dont worry it will all make sense when i show you my evidence for it:
Evidence number 1: How he has the power to do
Evidence number 2: How he has the right motivation to do so
Evidence number 3: Its is shown IN THE LEGO SETS
Evidence number 1: He has the power to do
First of all, Li Jings "Pagado" is weapon used to "trap" people inside of it(sort of like the calabash). He even used this in the original mytholgy against Nezha, when Nezha tried to kill him(Dont worry, i will make an analysis about them soon).
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And we even see Li Jing! trap MK in the Pagado in the trailer! (Notice how MK is the only one being pulled forward, while the other are getting pushed back) (This was metioned in a breakdown here)
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Second of all, we know this Pagado, is IMPORTANT, with how it placed in the direct middle of the season 5 poster. MK and the rest are even IN A PAGADO IN THIS POSTER. (picture of real life pagoda underneath)
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Evidence number 2: He has the right motivation to do so
If we want to understand how Li Jing's motivations works, we first have to look at where he got his ideals from: The Celistial Realm.
Since season 4, we have all been made aware that the whole "Celistial realm system" isnt that great. The Jade Emperor being a prime example of this, as mentioned by Azure.
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Azure: "But overtime it became clear for me, that The Jade Emperors only concern was kepping his subjects under his boot"
And if we actually start analyzing it further, we realize that The Celistials realms biggest flaw is that they focus too much on "Order".
Bassicaly: Everyone has their roles and needs to follow them, like how Nezha was so intense about his whole "protect the celistial realm" role. So much indeed, that it was WORTH MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE.
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So it would make sense that in this next season, we would get a direct antagonist(or even villian) who is FROM The Celistial Realm.
Because lets be real, even though MK and the rest are heroes, they dont really follow the celistial realms whole "order system".
They are so incredebly chaotic, that of course someone like Li Jing(whom seems very happy for "intrapping the chaotic", aka putting a circlet on Wukongs head) would not like our protagonists.
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And with all this in mind, how would someone like Li Jing then react to Nüwa? Someone who seems to embrace the chaotic as not "something that needs to fixed", but as something that is vital for this world (a real philosophy in dualism btw).
Yea, Li Jing would not like someone like that.
Anyway last evidence:
Evidence Number 3: It is shown in the Lego sets:
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The only time we have seen Nüwa in the lego sets was something called the "Celistial Pagoda"
Notice how Li Jing is IN that Lego sets, holding his Pagoda, that looks suspingly a lot like a smaller version of the big Pagado.
With all this in mind then....This is how i imagined it went down:
How Li Jing trapped Nüwa
Li Jing one day learned that the creation godess, Nüwa, was creating something called "The Harbinger of Chaos". He didnt know what it even was, but he DEFINITELY didnt like the sound of it.
Therefore, Li Jing goes to confront Nüwa, trapping her in the process, but... what about MK you might say?
Well as RV sketch theorised in their video: "What is MK", MK is acutally Broken/ not complete yet (hence why he is glitching, and also why his stone has that crack).
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Therefore they also theorised that the reason that he isnt Broken/ not complete yet, is because that something happend to Nüwa while she was making him, leaving MK alone and unfinished.
He then, somehow, got brought to live, and found his way to Pigsy.
This then meaning, that if both our theories are correct, Li Jing was the one to trap Nüwa and leaving MK all alone on that mountain.
Li Jing might even have found MK's half finished stone and tried to DESTROY IT. And thinking that he finished the job, he just left it there (not knowing that MK is now the result of that).
Li Jing not only ruins his own family, but also ruins other peoples(deities) families too!
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hotheadedhero · 2 months
hellooo!! I’ve never done this before. So I’m hoping I did it right.
can you please write a one shot rise Donnie x mystical user (preferably yokai) reader? Where Donnie feels like he’s constantly competing against the reader, and is always down playing mystic. To the point where reader confronts him :>.
AN: Hello there! I'm so glad you trusted me with your first request. It was really fun to write 😋 I hope it does the job <3
Science vs Mystic
Donatello x Reader
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Warnings: angst, arguing, I didn't proof read, kinda made Donnie an ass in this I'm sorry
Donatello’s disdain for the mystic arts and magic alike has always been well known. Ever since he and his family came across the strange world hidden beneath New York, this distaste has only grown. It continues to grow with every adventure involving such, which is becoming a more regular occurrence than he’s comfortable with. 
Then, you came along. You with your inexplicably, aggravating abilities. He had hoped that after the day was saved and the trouble was dealt with, that would be the last of your affiliation. Quite the opposite, it turned out. A permanent friend was made out of you that day, which meant frequent team-ups and visits by yours truly. In his mind, he’s tried to put aside the differences, he’s attempted to let bygones be bygones, but you always manage to steal the spotlight with your ostensibly fantastical displays.
Perhaps it's jealousy. His brothers are always so enamoured by your mystical mastery, showering you with compliments after each fight you assist. They just won't shut up about how cool you are. What's "cool" is how he has been able to make his inventions in a sewer, how he’s turned a bunch of scraps into the glorious creations they are now. Sure, he may need to commandeer the odd chemical from time to time but what he does is leaps and bounds more impressive than your flashy little magic shows. Illusions are based on principles of physics and mathematics. There is objective evidence for it all. The charms that your kind uses to blend in with humanity? Simple. Like how military operations will cater technology to make their vehicles appear invisible, it’s a matter of deflecting light around an object. This same premise can be applied. Rather than deflecting the light, your charms can refract it and make a person appear to be someone they’re not. Mere cloaking devices. In fact, he’s been working on something similar for himself and his brothers.
If not that, chemistry plays a fundamental role, at least. So what if you can shoot sparks of light from your sleeves? Fireworks. That’s all it is and those are just ignited gunpowder with various metal compounds to create different colours. You can make plants grow from the ground at inhuman rates? Poppycock, he says. Ever heard of auxin? Cytokinin? These are just a couple of the plant growth regulators that are so ordinarily used by modern man. Even then, you probably dabble in the use of mutagen to make it seem more impressive.
Scratch the jealousy. There’s nothing to be envious of. He knows that science is superior. It always has been and always will be. He can hardly say he's surprised by his family's fascination. They aren't as intellectually adept as he is. Unfortunately, that commentary doesn't provide him with the closure he needs to feel that much better about it, which is why he resorts to jabbing at your abilities with passing comments, whether they be snide, sarcastic or just downright mean.
You aren't an idiot. You can feel his malice towards you before he even has a chance to open his mouth. At first, you merely thought it was a feature of his persona - that it’s in his nature to berate what can’t be explained by science. That was a misstep in your thinking. His entire deal is that everything can be explained with science. Try you may to convince him otherwise but it’s always the same song and dance: you curate something with your magic and he shuts it down with a zealous drone that is starting to grate on you. 
If you were to ever meet someone outside of your home, you were always taught that there would be an indifference to your powers. People often either shun what they don’t understand or change the scriptures to what they’re familiar with so they can understand it, even if it means they’re wrong. You have always sworn to be the bigger person and not stoop to such levels of belittling pettiness but it’s getting harder. There’s only so many times you can bite your tongue before you start bleeding from the mouth. As waining as it may be on your patience, there are civil ways of going about this. You have been practising the conversation in your head for days now. Everything to want to make peace with has been rehearsed over and over and over again. With your head held high, you march right over to the garage and there he is, tinkering away at one of his many inventions.
“Donatello,” you declare, making your presence known. “Can we talk?”
Without looking, he hums and flails a dismissive hand in your direction. He doesn’t even bother to wave his real hand, opting for the use of a bionic limb so that he may keep his focus on his work. You bite your tongue like you have so many times before and tread closer. You had hoped that your irregular hardiness would be enough for him to realise you mean business but nothing. He fails to turn his music down even, so you take the liberty of doing it yourself. His lack of respect is already urging a rise out of you but you keep your mantra in mind: remain peaceful, aggression leads you nowhere. 
You breathe deeply to settle yourself and start your case, “Why do you always make such a point of overruling my abilities with science?”
“It’s not an overruling,” he retorts blandly. “I’m merely giving you the facts.”
“What you think are the facts,” you correct him.
"Please. Science is unquestionable.” Still, his eyes are glued to his device rather than paying attention to the situation at hand. “Atoms make the very backbone of everything that exists, etcetera, etcetera. Need I go on?” There’s that grating tone in his voice again; snobbish and agonisingly vain. “You can't seriously tell me that ‘magic’ has a constructive place in the world nearly as much as science does."
"I can if it's what I grew up believing," you object, more stern but remaining the peacekeeper where you can. “How would you feel if I tried to pick apart everything you believe and tell you it means nothing?”
He scoffs, “As if you could.” 
“Excuse me?” you ask through your teeth.
The tips of your fingers dig into your palms. By now, your blood is boiling. It’s one thing to throw out the odd comment but now it feels as though he’s making a straight mockery out of you. Keep a steady pace. You can do this. It’s becoming increasingly difficult but you know you can see this through without a violent fit. 
“Science is everything and that is the objective truth. Magic is just-”
“Donatello,” you attempt to gently interrupt him lest he anger you further but he takes no notice.
“- a childish way-”
“- to view the world in fairy-like wonder.”
“Oh my stars, just shut up,” you cry out, "you arrogant, condescending, self-bloated ignoramus!” 
You throw your fists down at your sides and the very ground beneath you shakes. Where he was so absorbed in his creation, he failed to realise how worked up you were getting. You undeniably have his full attention now. If your outburst alone wasn’t enough to shut his mouth, the large cracks around your feet certainly are. There’s a wide, unfocused glow in your eyes and you’re heaving for air. He sits up, prepares to say something but his lips lock back down when yours open again.
“I am not just talking about stories or fairy tales or made-up fantasies from a child’s daydream! This is my life!”
Another loud shriek erupts from your chest, seizing the fragile floor and destroying it further. Luckily, it isn’t enough to permanently harm the infrastructure but it makes for a harrowing sight: your crumbling emotions devastating that which surrounds you. Silence follows, though not completely. Stray pieces of broken brick clammer around you two. 
In the short seconds that you try to regain your breath, Donnie stares up at you. Once shadowed over his hunched frame, your body is now slumped and weary. Your eyes point up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop crying but to no avail. In the end, you decide to just cover them with your hand.
“All you're doing is trying to convince me that my life is a lie,” you shakily whisper, “and if that’s how it’s going to be then I… I just can’t.”
You walk out before he has a chance to consider a response, leaving him in his stupefied state. His gaze follows the largest crack from the floor to the ceiling until it falls back on the doorway. By no means had he ever intended to make you doubt your livelihood. He was just… he was… he doesn’t know what he was doing, actually. Have his unappetising quips really led you to such turmoil? His face slowly morphs into a frown and he finds himself lying back on his shell. Then, his lips scrunch together and his throat groans in frustration. He shouldn’t feel bad for handing out the realities. He shouldn’t harbour guilt when you’ve been stealing his brothers’ attention all this time. 
The back of his head taps back into the ground. Gosh darn it. Jealousy. That’s the kicker. It has been this whole time. He’d like to leave it at that and continue with his previous task but he knows his family would start asking questions. His heart doth protest against his logical brain too much. With another long lament into the open air, he pries himself onto his feet and readies his venture to retrieve you. Such fun. Not only does he have to help a mystic user but now he has to traverse the very land from which you came. 
It doesn’t pan out the way he initially thought it would, however. The time he has to himself whilst he scavenges - the time he has to think - is time enough for him to go over your words. More so, the look on your face. He hates to admit it but his short-sightedness led him astray and hurt you. Whilst he doesn’t put much thought towards mystics, you are still a valued friend of his family. You’ve aided them so many times in their missions. You’re a person of great power even if that power comes from something he disagrees with. His brows furrow and he grimaces. Okay. He’ll admit he was out of line. That can wait, however. He still needs to find you first.
Donatello searches high and low across every surface of the mystic lands as he prowls further, faster. He always forgets how big it is. New York is an impressive feat but this realm could be worthy of putting it to shame on size alone. His efforts almost seem fruitless but, finally, he spots you atop a hillside, sitting with your legs pressed into your chest. The sight of your dimmed spirit tips him further into shame. He hates that fact but he supposes it’s the least he deserves. 
Before he knows it, he’s standing beside you. He didn’t realise he had gotten here so quickly upon finding you but here he is. You just about look up at him but your eyes quickly fall back onto the luscious landscape. There’s no telling what he plans to say or even why he’s followed you this far. You can’t say you have the energy to argue further, nor can you find it in yourself to tell him to leave. You can only hope he chooses his words carefully whilst he’s in the centre of your home.
“I don’t really know how to go about this,” he admits. “I…”
He blows out a breath and sits down beside you. For all the time he took to find you, he thought he would have at least thought about what he wanted to say. It isn’t that he lacks the capacity to apologise but admitting he’s wrong is a whole other kettle of fish he struggles to reach into. The whole crux of this is that he couldn’t admit to being wrong, he couldn’t allow your very being to defy what he believes to be the sole truth and the only truth. If there’s ever a time for trying, it’s now.
“I’m sorry. This has all been blown wildly out of proportion.” Donatello holds his hands together and his mouth curls uncomfortably. Part of this may involve revealing what he wishes to keep a secret but if it stands any chance of helping the situation, it may be his only resort. “I suppose it just seems unfair that you can make all of these things happen with the wave of your hand whilst I work so hard to accomplish the same.”
His head falls between his legs and yours lifts to properly look at him. Had he tried to illustrate this earlier, the whole ordeal may have been avoidable. Better late than never, you suppose. You never meant to feed into whatever inferiority complex he’s dealing with but that still doesn’t excuse the way he’s acted towards you. You want to get mad again and tell him just that but his shrunken stature speaks for you. Guilt is the moral emotion of a man who realises that they have compromised or has violated universal moral standards and bears significant responsibility for that violation - he who knows he has done wrong. That alone is a start to pave the way for what you had longed for. It’s a shame it came to this to begin with but beggars can’t be choosers.
“It was never my intent to upset you,” he continues when you stay silent. “Would you please come back to the lair? My brothers enjoy your company, so…”
“I’ll come back on one condition.” You turn back to the view but an invisible string tugs at your mouth. “You don’t have to agree with everything I stand for but can we at least put our differences behind us and be friends?” you ask and the upward lilt in your voice gives him a hope he hadn’t anticipated to be so easy. “Who’s to say science and mystics can’t co-exist?”
You outstretch your hand with a coy, friendly smile. He wouldn’t have blamed you if you were to give him an earful about his behaviour but this is far better. It’ll be a good chance to at least try and make up for all the awful things he’s said. If not for his own gratification then for the sake of his family in keeping an ally around.
One of his robotic limbs goes for the shake only to stop. If he’s going to do this, he’s going to do it properly. His fingers sequentially tap against his palm before he reaches out and clasps your hand. Your smile brightens and, in turn, his cheeks rise above an apologetic grin. Even if he has his quarrels with your powers, what you stand for, he doesn’t need to hold issue with you as a person. Who knows? This could be the start of a wonderful friendship. Jeez, though, remind him to never get on your bad side. He still needs to repair those damages to the garage.
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hauntedif · 3 months
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Haunted is a darker sci-fi 18+ interactive fiction where you make certain choices that will control the narrative.
Demo: Prologue out on 23.07.2024.
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The story follows you, a scientist known as Dr Moreau, as you find out that your sister, who has disappeared a year ago, is alive.
Only problem, she is trapped on an island of the forgotten.
A place filled with experiments, some that were successful and some that were not.
Still, you make the choice to go and rescue her.
Though, there is another problem, the successful experiments have began to revolt, they wish for freedom.
Are you going to help them or stop them?
Do you feel guilty for your part in their creation or indifferent, because all you did was your job?
And what role does your sister have in all of this?
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Your Boss: RO
Name: Anwir Scarrow
Gender: Male
Age: 33 years old at the start of the story
You will never see him angry or worried, he mostly keeps himself aloof.
He prefers to be seen as a flirt and a jokester. His employees love him, but his competitors fear him.
And you, you've known him the longest, but no matter how much you try, is there a possibility to know the real him?
Physical description:
You will never catch him with messy hair. His dark brown hair is always kept short and slicked back.
Though he keeps himself mostly busy and away from the sun, his rosy skin is clean and smooth, same can be said for his physique.
But do be careful, never look into his eyes for too long. You won't like what you see in those hazel eyes of his.
Leader of Revolution: RO
Name: Osian Pauper
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old at the start of the story
Even though he is the leader of the said Revolution, Osian is someone very closed off to strangers and people he doesn't know well.
Often thought of as cold and off-putting, Osian is a very emotionally stunted person, who is never able to voice his true feelings.
Physical description:
Born to a mixed couple, Osian is a mix of a Chinese mother and a Welsh father. As a child, he was told by his grandparents that he took more after his mother, rather than his father.
His black hair is kept as a buzz cut, after [REDACTED].
His dark eyes are always filled with warmth when looking at people he cares about.
???: RO
Gender: Female
Age: 30 years old at the start of the story
You cannot remember…
Why can't you remember?
Physical description:
You remember her brown eyes that would often turn gold under the sun.
Her voice, was it soft or sarcastic?
How long has it been since you saw her last?
Your Sister:
Name: Sofia Moreau
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years old at the start of the story
As her main caretaker, she saw you as the only person she could truly trust, whether that was true or not.
Often people would tell you how good, kind, and friendly your sister was.
Now, you wonder what has become of her.
Physical description:
You and her share very little physically. She is a carbon copy of your father, and you, taking mostly after your mother.
However, there is something you share, your eyes. From their color to their shape.
Sofia prefers her hair a bit shorter, reaching just a bit past her shoulder, it was straight and pastel pink the last time you saw your sister.
Your Assistant:
Name: Susan Ashmore
Gender: Female
Age: 40 years old at the start of the story
You've never met someone who spoke either with sarcasm or plain rude words.
It is exactly a year of your and Susan's partnership when the story begins.
As your assistant, Susan is both a Godsend and the Devil's second in command.
Physical description:
With a honey blonde pixie cut and stormy grey eyes, Susan is a terror of a woman, both to interns and you.
New Agent: (possible Minor RO)
Name: Olivia Brown
Gender: Female
Age: 28 years old at the start of the story
As a new agent, Olivia is an active and impulsive woman.
Easily excitable, she never stops talking.
From dumb jokes to attempts at flirting, Olivia is an unpredictable force.
Physical description:
Like her bubbly personality, Olivia is colored with warm colors.
Brown doe eyes and curly brown hair, with tan skin color.
For a woman trained to kill without a thought, she looks far too innocent.
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30% of the game has been mapped out.
Since it's still being worked on, some characters will be introduced or changed in the future.
Comments and asks are welcome
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- Try to atone for your sins or be consumed by them
- Choose your gender (male or female), personality and sexuality
- Be haunted by your older brother
- Romance 1 of 3 Ro's
- Make choices and deal with consequences
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Another quick note;
Since this is only the beginning of the story, please keep in mind that many things will change.
~ Nui
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hazbininlove · 6 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 5
-3.8k words. Setting up for some bigger moments!
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Esther is the first to wake. She blinks blearily as she feels her cheek rested against a hard surface.
The last thing she remembers is sitting on the couch talking to Lucifer.
She lifts her head and looks down at what she’s sleeping on. Stripes and red and white meet her gaze, and when she looks up, she catches sight of Lucifer underneath her.
They’d clearly shifted at some point during the night. He’s laying mostly on his back, head against the armrest and one arm falling off the couch. Esther is tucked against the back of the couch, one of his arms is trapped under her and snakes around her waist, and one of her legs is tossed over both of his. Her long dress looks like a blanket over him, and you smile at the thought.
One of her hands is around his waist, holding him close to her. Esther lets him go, but doesn’t move her leg as she really has nowhere else to put it. She moves her hand that isn’t trapped under her to move to his chest and rests her head again with a soft sigh.
It feels nice to be close to him like this again. It reminds her of easier times when they’d lay together on their sphere of Venus, brainstorming different ideas for the Earth that was still being planned. All those afternoons spent lazing around and laughing to themselves.
Everything was easier then. There was no Earth, no sin, no evil. Lucifer’s role as Samael was limited because there was no one to truly tempt besides the angels who frowned at his antics. He’d never been serious, but it was his job to make tempt and punish any who should be tempted. He could just be Lucifer, the Seraphim of Creation. The one God bestowed one of his greatest strengths to.
She feels his chest rise and fall under her. She knows his neck will likely hurt when he wakes up, it’s probably already hurting, and she wants to wake up, but she also just wants one moment of this bliss before she has to get up and make him work for forgiveness.
She’s almost ready to give it. Everything he’s already told her felt sincere, and she can’t be mad about Charlie. Well, she can be upset about how Charlie came to be but she can’t be mad about or at Charlie herself. The girl is too sweet, and she reminds Esther of Lucifer in all the best ways.
She almost hates how weak her heart is for this man. Creator forgive her, he could’ve made her heart just a bit stronger if Lucifer’s fall had been in his plans.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” she mumbles. She looks up at his eyes still closed in blissful sleep and she lifts her head. She tries to move as slowly as possible to not wake him, trying to anchor herself with the arm beneath her. The couch isn’t large and she’s pressed against the back of it to make space for Lucifer, her arm wedged into the space between cushions.
She shifts a bit more, frowning when she accidentally jostles them a bit. She pauses, watching to see if Lucifer will wake. He stirs a bit, sighing deeply for settling back into an even rhythm quickly. Esther lets out her own sigh of relief and continues to move but by bit.
When she’s mostly upright, she shifts the leg bent over Lucifer’s leg until it’s straightened a bit to stretch. She lifts herself a bit on the leg still on the couch, thankful that it’s not also on top of him, and tries to plant her other foot on the floor.
As Esther shifts, almost off the couch now, Lucifer shifts underneath her. The arm that’s been around her waist moves as if to grab her but falls to his abdomen. He hums a bit and his neck turns, and it’s then when his eyes twitch. He groans and tries to stretch a bit. His leg hits her inner thigh since she’s basically hovering over him with one knee holding her up on the couch and one foot on the floor.
Lucifer’s yawn turns into a whine at the pain in his neck and he moves a hand, seemingly reaching for her again, but comes up empty. His frown deepens and her eyes slowly blink open.
It takes a moment for his eyes to focus, and Esther stares down at him almost hoping he’ll fall back asleep.
He blinks a few times, before his eyes widen a bit at the sight of her basically straddling him.
“I’m not complaining but I didn’t think we were that far into this reconciliation,” he says, voice raspy with sleep. Esther blushes a bit at his words and flicks his nose in retaliation.
He whines and reaches his hands to hold his abused nose, all dramatics because she certainly didn’t hit him hard at all, but when he moves his neck the pain turns real and she chuckles a bit at his consequences.
Now that Lucifer is awake, she can get up without worry, and she’s nearly off the couch when she feels something wrap around her waist.
Lucifer’s hands are still at his neck, trying to massage the pain away. She looks down and sees a black tail with a spade shaped tip and red heart in the middle wrapped around her waist.
She looks around and finds no animal, so this must be a new feature of Lucifer’s that’s become a product of his fall.
“This is new,” she says. He opens an eye and looks at her, a smirk on his face despite the discomfort in his neck.
“Like it?”
“It’s cute. I like the heart on it,” she replies. He hums, pleased with himself. “Any other changes?”
“Besides my eyes being yellow and red, and my teeth being razor sharp now? I’ve got horns,” Lucifer replies.
Esther moves so that she’s sitting on the couch again, one leg under her and the other still over Lucifer’s legs. He clearly isn’t going to let go over her right now, and she’s curious.
“Can I see them?”
He looks up at her with furrowed brows.
“Are you just asking about the horns or are you trying to see the whole demonic change?”
“If you’re willing to show the full change, I’d like to see it,” she says.
He stares a bit before sighing. “Too early for that. I’ll show you later when I take you around Pentagram City. I’m sure a sinner will piss me off enough so you’ll get the chance to see it.”
She flicks his nose again. “We’re not going into the city. We’re focusing on the hotel,” she replies.
Lucifer scrunches up his nose. “Au contraire. I talked to Azrael yesterday and we’re already working on a way to get sinners a retrial which will probably involve Cassiel. So jokes on you, until we get those answers, you’re free to do whatever you want.”
He gives her a wide grin and she narrows her eyes at him.
“Then I suppose you can use the time I work with Charlie on other things to work on your dance.”
He looks confused at her reply.
“Sweetheart, we danced last night,” he says.
“Yes, we did. However, we danced together. You did not do a dance first to court me or give me a show of feathers,” she replies.
He chuckles at her words. “Oh, so you’re being literal about this. I wasn’t sure.”
“I told you I wouldn’t make this easy,” Esther says back.
Lucifer grins at her mischievously. “You realize that ducks do that for mating, right? Does that mean a good show of feathers is gonna get me something extra?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she replies quickly, frowning at him. “Focus on forgiveness first, then you can worry about anything else.”
He wisely keeps his mouth shut, not wanting to push his luck. He knows a few jokes he could make about that, mainly about the implication that something more could happen once he’s forgiven.
It’s nothing they'd ever done before. As much as Lucifer enjoyed making fun of Adam, Charlie’s creation really was the first time he’d done anything with anyone. Eve’s temptation had truly just been convincing her to eat the apple, nothing more than that.
With the exception of his own hand and his imagination, Lucifer was pretty inexperienced, and knowing Esther, she’d never done anything at all.
What a pair they truly were.
“I’d appreciate it if you'd let go of me now. I would like to go to the bathroom,” Esther says. Lucifer relents and retracts his tail, hiding it away again. He moves his legs to allow Esther to easily get up before making himself comfortable on the couch again while he waits.
He’s definitely going to convince Charlie to take Esther out into the city. Not that there’s anything great to see. The sinners plague every corner of the city with their chaos. Few overlords actually keep their areas clean too. It’s genuinely concerning when the cleanest part of the city is Cannibal Town of all places. The cannibals there are quick to eat up anyone who dies on their streets and clean up the remains. The overlord who runs the place makes sure to keep her area nice, according to Charlie.
Maybe a few cannibals would want to join the hotel. Though he doesn’t know if getting them to adjust to proper food would be easy. And considering that Alastor lives here and is a cannibal himself, he knows the man would constantly attempt to destroy their progress.
He hears the bathroom door open again and looks up to see Esther coming out. Her robes are the same, but definitely a fresh new one since the other had been so wrinkled.
“Aren’t you going to get up?” She asks. He gives her a smile and stands, taking a moment to crack his neck and finally get rid of the ache. He quickly creates a portal and beckons her closer.
He holds her hand as they step through it together into his own bedroom.
“Did I have to come with you?” She asks, an eyebrow raised.
“I didn’t make you take my hand. Which means you wanted to spend more time with me too,” he replies cheekily. He snickers to himself as she huffs and he slips into the bathroom for a quick shower.
Esther looks around the room. It’s not as messy as his workshop. There’s a few rubber ducks here and there, but the room isn’t overly decorated. A few circus motifs, which Esther has noted throughout the entire hotel. It didn’t escape her notice that Lucifer dresses like a ringmaster in a circus either. Not what she’d expected of his attire as the king, but Lucifer has always been a showman, she isn’t entirely shocked.
The walls are mostly bare, save for a few pictures. Most of them are of Charlie and different phases of her life. Esther chuckles at her awkward teen phase with the braces and strip of dyed black hair.
Her eyes land on a picture of Charlie, Lilith, and Lucifer. Charlie is sitting in a chair with Lucifer and Lilith on either side of her.
She can’t help but stare at Lilith’s picture. She’s beautiful, no doubt about that. Her violet eyes are sharp and light pink skin is clear. Her hair flows down to the floor and her figure is curvy.
There’s nothing romantic about the painting. It’s a family portrait and Lilith is nowhere near Lucifer, they aren’t even looking at each other. But Esther stares at the image and all she can think is that this is a family portrait. They were a family, happy around each other, while she was alone wishing her partner was anywhere but the arms of another woman.
She faintly hears the bathroom door open but she can’t look away from the portrait.
“Alright, Es, I’m all done! I- oh,” she hears. She tears her eyes away from the portrait to look at Lucifer. His expression has turned a bit sad as he approaches her, and Esther wishes she could say that her expression is any better but she’s never been great at hiding how she feels. It’s why she tends to hide her face with her wings. But her wings aren’t out now so her expression is open for him to see and she hates how it ruins his previously chipper demeanor.
“It’s a lovely painting,” she says. She manages a smile as she looks back at the portrait, this time focusing more on Charlie and Lucifer and forcing herself to keep her eyes away from Lilith.
“I can take it down, if it makes you uncomfortable,” Lucifer replies. Esther quickly shakes her head. That wasn’t an acceptable choice to her.
“They’re family to you, Lucifer. I’d never force you to hide that away for me.”
He frowns at her and looks at the painting. “I wouldn’t call it hiding. It’s not like I don’t have any other pictures of Charlie and I,” he replies.
Esther turns to him with a sad smile. “I know you’re just friends, but Lilith is your family too. It’ll just take some getting used to for me, I suppose. Where is she, by the way? Does she have her own room? I haven’t seen her in any of my visits.”
Lucifer shakes his head. “She’s not here. I’m actually not sure where she is. We haven’t exactly gotten along well for a few decades. Difference in how to raise Charlie and all that. She officially left seven years ago and I haven’t seen her since. She doesn’t even talk to Charlie anymore.”
Esther doesn’t like the happiness she feels that Lilith isn’t in the picture anymore. She doesn’t hate the woman, not knowing what she knows now, but she doesn’t think she can be around her after thousands of years of comparing herself to the woman and wondering what she’d done wrong for Lucifer to seek someone else.
The happiness, however, doesn’t win over the anger that Lilith won’t even contact her own daughter. She understands being upset with Lucifer, truly she does, but to not contact your own daughter who’s innocent in all of this?
“What mother wouldn’t want to see their own child?” she asks herself. She feels Lucifer’s head rest on her shoulder.
“I don’t have one, so I don’t know. And sinners down here are gross but there’s really not many kids here besides the hellborn. Pretty rare to see a child sinner.”
“There are some families of winners,” Esther says, her expression somber. It’s nice that they can be together, but it pains me that a life so young was taken. And the poor mothers that arrive who didn’t survive giving birth. I don’t know how Azrael manages to stay so calm through it. My heart hurts just thinking of it.”
A thought clicks in her head at the mention of mothers.
“Oh,” she exclaims. Lucifer’s head leaves her shoulder to stare at her with wide eyes. “I almost forgot! I must speak with Charlie! She mentioned before that she was concerned about Alastor and I thought of the perfect way to redeem him!”
She grabs Lucifer’s hand and drags him towards the door, ignoring his sputtering.
“That guy?! There’s no way he’s getting redeemed! I have a better chance of going up to Heaven than him! And I’m the devil!!”
Esther hushes him as she drags him towards the lobby where the others are.
“Can we at least have breakfast first?”
She ignores him as she continues on. It doesn’t take long to get to the lobby where the others are bustling around. As soon as Esther catches sight of Charlie, she lets go of Lucifer and rushes over to her.
“Good morning, everyone! Charlie, may I have a word with you in private?”
“Esther! Husk told me you came back last night! It’s so good to see you,” Charlie says, showing her enthusiasm right back. She’s already leading them out of the room when Vaggie looks to Lucifer who shrugs and shakes his head at her.
“I wanted breakfast and to take her out to the city. But noooo, she wants to work on the hotel,” he complains loudly, walking towards the kitchen.
He can’t be too upset that Esther wants to spend time with Charlie, but it feels weird feeling jealous that his daughter is spending more time with Esther than he is.
“So, you and the good lady spent the night together?” Angel Dust says, sliding up to where he stands at the counter, debating what to have. Lucifer cranes his neck up to scowl at it, hating how tall the demon is. Who needs to be 8 feet tall?
“Make a sexual remark about her and see what happens,” he challenges back. All of the spider’s hands come up defensively, a smirk still on his face.
“I didn’t say nothing! Just askin’ a simple question, yeesh,” Angel replies. Lucifer’s eyes narrow at him, not believing it for a second. “Listen, I may know all about sex, believe me! But you and her? That’s different, anybody could see that. And it’s crazy too cuz until Charlie said something, I really thought you and the Queen were married.”
Lucifer makes a face at that. “Hell no. I mean, not that Lilith wasn’t a great person but never that way. Not for me at least. And I wasn’t gonna marry her while still hung up on someone else. Also the paperwork for a divorce? Argh.”
He wouldn’t lie and say he never thought about it, about what it’d be like if he’d let himself lose all hope and maybe had fallen for her. But then he reminds himself that Lilith had never been too keen on romance. Other things, sure. She’d spent enough time down in the Lust Ring hidden away with Ozzie’s help for that but that seemed to have been the extent of it. As far as he was aware, anyway. He never pried too much into her life like that, never cared to, and she never opened up about it. What she did on her own time was her business. After Charlie was born, as long as it didn’t affect Charlie, he didn’t really care.
“I wouldn’t know. I died during a time when being gay was probably the biggest sin anyone could think to commit up there. I knew guys that were perfectly okay with murder but kissin’ another guy? No way!”
Yeah, that’s another thing Lucifer doesn’t like about humans. Of all the things to be man about, they really think his dad is gonna care too much about being gay? There’s bigger things to worry about, like the literal root of evil that Lucifer accidentally allowed on Earth.
“Ah yes, the crazy big believers. Centuries ago they were even worse. Gotta say though, it was kinda funny seeing their faces when they realized that being a shit person did not make them a winner,” Lucifer replied, cackling to himself.
He’d told Husk before that Hell was as much his punishment as it was for sinners and he meant it. Lucifer has always hated the sinners, but he will admit that there’s a simple joy in seeing the terror on their faces when they realize their attempts to make themselves look better while being horrible to others in the name of his Father did, in fact, lead to the damnation they’d threatened others with.
Not that he interacted with sinners much. But the few times he has, it’s been an interesting experience. It’s even best when they’re freshly descended into Hell.
Angel Dust laughs at his words and Lucifer gets back to making some breakfast for himself and Esther. He knows Charlie already ate because she’s an early riser and he doesn’t care too much to focus on the others. They can fend for themselves unless Charlie asks him to make more. He can hear them approaching, Charlie practically hopping with each step as she drags Esther back over. Neither of them mention what they’d been talking about, but both of them look happy so Lucifer won’t pry.
It warms his heart too much to see his two favorite people getting along.
He sets Esther’s plate in front of her with some coffee and sits across from her. Charlie declines any food, having eaten earlier with Vaggie, but she sits with them at the table with Vaggie at her side. She stays on Esther’s side of the table too, the two of them clearly comfortable with each other.
They plan their day out as they eat. When he mentions to Charlie that Esther should have a tour of Hell, at least of Pentagram City, she lights up.
Esther tries to decline, but between Lucifer and Charlie’s pleading, she’s forced to concede.
“Oh it’ll be so fun! We can take you to Cannibal Town to meet Rosie and the entertainment district, and-“
“Babe, slow down,” Vaggie says, please a hand on Charlie’s arm. “Let’s take it slow. Heaven is really different from Hell, maybe let’s just stick to a place like Cannibal Town. They’re nicest there.”
“My thoughts exactly!” Lucifer happily agreed.
“Should I be concerned that a place called ‘Cannibal Town,’ is supposedly the nicest place?”
Before Lucifer can explain, he sees the shadows shift in the corner of his eyes. The room fills with a familiar static that usually surrounds a certain staff member.
“Not at all dear! In fact, I’d be happy to escort you on this fine day! I just happened to be on my way there. They have my favorite butcher shop. I could give you a proper tour of the place,” Alastor says, announcing his arrival to the room.
Lucifer scowls at him, not trusting him for a single moment, but Charlie lights up at the idea. It’s likely because he’s the one that introduced her to the place.
“That’s a great idea!”
“Uh, hell no! That’s a terrible idea!”
Esther stays quiet during the exchange. She’s already caught on to Lucifer’s hatred of Alastor, but she also wants to know the Radio Demon more, to see if her plan could actually work.
“Well, why not make a day of it? Each resident can show off their favorite place in the city,” she offers. It seems like the best way to ensure that no resident is left out, but also guarantee that Lucifer doesn’t have to deal with Alastor so closely.
When she looks at him, the scowl on his face contrasting the sparkle in Charlie’s eyes tells her that there’s little chance of making both of them happy in this scenario.
Woo! Another chapter! A day late, I apologize. Last week was very busy and the weekend even busier. Plus, I’m working on two new oneshots. One is the Lucifer x Eve!Reader x Lilith one (prepare for fluff, angst, and smut) as well as another OC story! Haven’t committed to a name for her yet, but she will be Charlie’s younger sister! No romance planned for that one, more so just a family fluff/hurt and comfort story.
In terms of this story, I don’t think there’s any chance that Alastor is getting redeemed. At all. BUT, besides looking through more Christian websites than I ever expected to, I’ve also been through the the Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light wiki and I’ve learned a LOT through that. I wish I could find the original story, but it seemed a lot darker.
But I’ll see you guys next chapter for the adventure through Pentagram City!
Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer @avadakadabra93
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lol-jackles · 4 months
What are your thoughts on Clif Kosterman? He seems like a real leech to me, and he’s ALWAYS around Jared - it feels creepy. He calls himself “Bodyguard,” and while I don’t doubt he has had experience in this, and probably could help to defend J2 if needed, I know that’s not his official role with Jared now. If he really was a real bodyguard to him, I doubt he’d have an IG account and be posting about all their adventures all the time - being a real bodyguard means being invisible in general. And if he truly is a leech, why on Earth would Jared keep him around? And Anson, Stands, and Charlie too for that matter? I know it’s a lot of speculation and gossip, but I’m wondering also from a business perspective. Shouldn’t support staff be more invisible instead of, well, in our faces? Do you think Jared may be too trusting, despite the fact that he seems to be very business-savvy? Thank you in advance!
Cliff is no real bodyguard, you have to go to actual bodyguard/security school for that.  Have you ever been to conventions?  They have real security detail to escort Jared and Jensen around, these security men are young, buffed, and silent.  And of course real bodyguards never NEVER give out pictures and locations of their charges; in another country they would be shot for that.  
Cliff was a driver and a glorified baggage handler hired by WB. He calls himself a (fake) bodyguard because it sounds better than driver. J2 need a driver because the network doesn’t want them to drive himself home after 12 or 14 hours on the set.  Cliff wasn't the original driver, that was Bob. There was an altercation and Bob abandoned Jensen by the side of the road, threw the car keys at Cliff, and said, "it's all yours".
Cliff reports back to WB, which is why he posted on social media of J2 and the locations, to show WB he’s on the job and the Padaleckis and Ackles are reminded to behave.  There was one famous story of Jared at some music festival and managed to ditch Cliff and took off. Cliff was probably trying to hit on a drunk girl before he realized Jared was missing and went looking for him.  Cliff was pissed over losing Jared.  No idea how long it took for him to find the wayward actor.
Handlers are supposed to be invisible to the public, but in J2′s case, visibility was “necessary” because it was before Jared or Jensen got their social media accounts, so Cliff served to some capacity as their social media gatekeeper by shuttng down fake Js tweeters and speaking on their behalf, allegedly.  Like the infamous coin toss to get fans to vote in the PCA for Jensen but conveniently does not include video of the said coin toss with the Js’ alleged witnessing and approval of the result. Once the J2 got their own social media accounts, Cliff had to step back publicly, and he did to some extent.  To make up his waning influence, WB rewarded Cliff a vendor table at the lucrative SPN conventions. Those vendor space are highly coveted and vendors line up and wait for years to get a chance at the SPN convention. Cliff started his own merch line called “Cliff hangers” that he sells at Creation cons. 
Since SPN ended, Cliff no longer serves as official driver. I think he's a bit of a charity case for the Padaleckis.
Have you heard the quote "better the devil you know than the devil you don’t". Meaning it’s better to deal with a someone you already know than with a new person that could be worse.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
I hope you don't mind me chiming in but I have a theory on the Death and Destruction thing I don't think it's a plot hole because I think Destruction and Death situations were different from each other. Death didn't just walk out she stopped being Death altogether, she completely refused to be her concept not letting anything die by withholding her gift.
Destruction walked out on his realm and refuses to oversee destruction and control it but he is still very much destruction. I think that is the difference maybe, one stopped altogether and one just walked out which is why both provide very different outcomes. I think if any of the Endless stopped being their concepts like Death did that concept will also cease to exist.
Hey, thanks for sliding into my inbox 🙂
It’s so interesting in terms of choice of words.
In “A Winter’s Tale”, she chooses exactly the words “walking out”.
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But a panel later, she says:
(Can I also say: Girl, you’re encroaching on your brother’s domain here 🤣)
So I’m still wondering what the actual difference is. They both walked out. They both refused to attend to their function. Death refuses to take life and assume her role. Destruction refuses to destroy and (re)assume his role (he tells us very clearly several times in Brief Lives, but you could be right that we’re walking the fine line between not overseeing it and not doing it. But he’s also not doing it, so the result should be the same? I think I’m tying my brain into knots 🤣).
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And yet, destruction still happens by his mere existence. And Death still existed, too, I presume, at least on some sort of conscious level, otherwise she wouldn’t live (ugh) to tell the tale.
So what made her stop being her concept while it didn’t stop Destruction?
Is it keeping the Sigil (he of course keeps his sword and also the pool)? I don’t know about Death’s ankh in this context, but then there’s the whole thing in “The High Cost of Living” where we’re essentially made to believe that it’s actually not that important, and that she could bestow that power on literally anything (which she ultimately does).
Is it because Death has a more active role by default? Because she actively takes people while the other siblings just “oversee” their functions? But that seems off to me because we are told over and over again they ARE their function, not just stewards of it.
It is a really interesting question to ponder, and I wonder if the answer lies in us/the sentient beings that brought them into existence in the first place?
Because all the Endless exist since we make them so. They came into existence because of us.
But Death (just like Destiny) was there before the first thing lived—we’re told this explicitly in Dream Country/Façade (and once again by Destruction in the panel I’ll add in a minute):
“When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave.”
Dream is younger and was there when the first living thing awoke to life (is that a sleep analogy baked in?), presumably with the capacity to dream. I feel Gaiman never chooses words lightly. He didn’t say, “Came to life”, because in that case, the fact it was real (as Dream’s opposing force) would have been enough. But it “awoke to life”—that’s an implication of deeper sentience and the capacity to wish and dream in my view.
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Destruction is younger again, so we’re talking about sentient destruction—he was there because the first thing had the capacity to destroy, not because of creation (otherwise he should really be older than Death, or at least older than Dream).
And I feel the answer is in there somewhere? Perhaps Death came into existence because an opposing force was needed for balance? The other Endless are also tied to their opposing forces/the opposite side of their coin, but we’re never explicitly told they came into existence because of their opposite, but rather because of their primary function, if that makes any sense? I’m not sure if I’m getting across clearly what I want to say…
I’m wildly speculating here and have no clue if I’m anywhere near of what Gaiman intended, so this is total head-canon territory. I’m no-pressure tagging in @tickldpnk8 because she wrote about A Winter’s Tale before and might have additional thoughts (I remember us going off on several tangents back then 🤣).
Edited to add: This was sparked by a discussion on this post:
@psychicexpertcollector ask answered
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shini--chan · 1 year
Yandere Character Sheet
Did anybody ask for Overhaul? No! Are you still getting him because I am in a phase? Yes!
Overhaul - Kai Chisaki
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Trigger warnings for: emotional/psychological manipulation and abuse, kidnapping, coercion, character death, white/grey torture, mindbreak, objectification, neglect, human experimentation and yandere tendencies. 
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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Overhaul is an absolutely strict yandere. That is more or less a given considering his overall personality. He is controlling to a fault because he just has to be. If he can’t rest assured that you’ll follow his every order to the letter, treat his every wish as a command. He has a certain vision in mind when it comes to you, a role that you must seamlessly fit into, and he won’t settle for anything less. Therefore, there are schedules that you have to adhere to, and rules that must be minded. While you might think that Chisaki’s word is law and that he would direct you as he pleases, the fact is, that he loves to play mental games with you. After all, don’t humans learn best through play?
He will want you to reach conclusions on your own. You are smart, so, over time you should realise that he only has your best intentions at heart. Besides how tiring it would be for him to spoon feed you all the lessons and pieces of wisdom he desires you to know, having to “obtain the knowledge yourself” has the side effect that you don’t fight him as viciously. In a way, he’ll tame you like a circus trainer does a dolphin. And once you know on which axis Overhaul’s little world spins, then he’ll fully expect you to adhere to the “laws of nature” that exist within. In some ways, it is what he does to keep Eri in line. 
On the same note, he is also prone to guilt tripping and gaslighting you when you step out of line. He does so much to take care of you after all - he keeps you healthy and safe and clean. Kai refrains from using his quirk on you in hurtful ways and doesn’t engage in physical abuse when it comes to you. If anything, you’re a pampered princess, so stop being so selfish and cause him to dirty his hands, okay? In short, he is absolutely manipulative. 
Of course tying into the two characteristics above is his obsession with cleanliness and health, that you’ll also be subjected to. He is the sort to nag and demonstrate to you how to properly wash your hands, how you should brush your teeth and other matters in that vein. In the beginning, you’ll be subjected to extensive physical and psychological evaluations so that he can tailor make the perfect diet plan and determine how to best deal with any health issues that you have. But besides that, it’ll also have the purpose of him gathering information on how far he can push you. 
Towards you, he is oh so condescending and patronising. Often, he'll point to your previous lifestyle as proof that you can't take care of yourself properly and need somebody smarter and more disciplined to help you. Additionally, in comparison to him, you just have meagre ambitions and don't utilise all your gifts to their full potential. While you might realise that the world and society is running on the wrong track, you still didn't comprehend just how deep the rot sits until he enlightened you. So just accept that he is your better. 
Possessive. Full stop. To Chisaki, you are an unrefined diamond when you fall into his talented hands, and it is his job to cut and shape you into a work of art. Since the end product is essentially his creation, only he has the right to possess you and decide what becomes of you. Ironically, the more you except this fact as a law of nature the more freedoms you'll have - once he is sure that you know your place, he can be confident that you'll reject anybody trying to "rescue" you. Until then, he'll keep you far away from anybody that could sully your mind and body. 
Besides, you are one of the very few things that put him at ease. All his life has been dedicated to the service of others, be it the Shie Haissakai or society in general, even if they don't wholly appreciate his efforts. You have been added to that number, but that doesn't mean that he is without selfish motives. Not that he feels guilty - after everything he has done, doesn't he deserve to indulge in his own wishes and desires? And if it is moulding a person to his wishes and keeping them as his, who is to begrudge him that? 
Unlucky for him, despite being possessive of you, to him you are not just some possession that he can put on a self and forget about. No, you have awaked feelings in him and he finds himself so deeply attached to you. He wants you to return his feelings, if only so that you get a taste of the suffering you've inflicted onto him. If he is becoming an emotionally controlled freak that yearns for your love and affection and approval, then you should take the fall with him. 
Nevertheless, it is contrasted by the part of him that is ruthless and cold. He has to be, to protect you and ensure you become the epitome of perfection. In a way, he has always been like that - unable to simply wear his heart on his sleeve, guarded and reserved and even stoic, except for the irritation that neigh constantly oozes off of him. As such, he won’t allow you to pull on his heartstrings much at all. Allowing you to so shamelessly manipulate him would also mean giving up control and he is having none of that. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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Either through coercion or kidnapping.
Perhaps you are a test subject that he picks up and develops feelings for overtime, a client or employee he discovers he wants to spend more time with or a person he meets through organic circumstances that he doesn't find as revolting as all the other people. While logically, he knows that the best course of action would be to woo you and then squirrel you away, he is a bit impatient when it comes to you. 
Besides, the best way to break old habits so that they can give way to new ones is to make a person go through a severe life changing event. On those grounds, Kai reasons that being a bit more forceful with will, in the end, bring about the positive outcomes he desires faster and more efficiently. 
In the case of you being an employee or a client, it makes matters so very easy. Just who will you go to, to prattle on about his misdeeds? The police? A hero agency? Darling, you are already in too deep to escape unscathed should you do something as foolhardy as that. Not to mention that he has his own eyes and ears in the places that matter, and when he catches wind of your traitorous behaviour, expect retribution. Though, he might even thank you for doing such a thing, since it would give him the perfect excuse to make you disappear from the public eye forever. Everybody that knows you would think that your body is at the bottom of some lake with weights around your feet, not in the basement of some yakuza head. 
In the case of you being a test subject that he snagged off the street or tricked into being one through a legitimately appearing medical programme, things would go relatively “smooth”. Smooth as in that Kai would slowly demonstrate his feelings to you. However, you would still be his captive during the whole process and he wouldn’t tell you that he has developed a soft spot for you (at least not outright) so the whole ordeal would be beyond nerve wrecking. 
And if you are some free soul that he meets by chance? There are still skeletons in your closet, shadows of your past haunting you and people and things you care about. All this can be used against you. While he might not be able to use all the resources he desires for that task, having to keep the limitations of the Hassakai in mind, Kai is nothing but innovative and opportunistic. He might very well shame you into jumping into his arms. 
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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nterestingly enough, I personally don’t see being quirkless as being a requirement to catching Overhaul’s eye. In his mind, Hero/Villain Syndrome is more a sickness of the mind, either having its root or being exacerbated by the quirk a particular person has. So, the first and foremost requirement would be to not have Hero/Villain Syndrome. There would be exceptions to this rule, when you would be deeply rooted in this “psychological issue” but he just sees such potential in you that he isn’t able to let you be. 
That would also be the main point for Chisaki - he sees who you could be, the utter health and perfection you could embody and will do anything to help you reach that. Your will only matters insofar as the path he must take to help you reach that end state, other than that, your quibbles and protests don’t matter. After all, he knows what is best. Your protests and fighting back would be annoying, so you would do best to let them be. If you wouldn’t then he would just have to train them out of you. 
If anything, what would really catch his eye would be if you are able to maintain a level head under pressure. In the case that he would kidnap you, you spitting vitriol and begging and screaming that he is a monster would only get on his nerves. However, you assessing the situation, and asking careful questions on what he could possibly need you for, and if he really had to have you stuffed in a car while walking home, would enrapture him. It is the actions that set you apart from the common footfolk that would draw him to you, like a moth to a flame. 
Being the head of the yakuza, and a very ambitious head at that, requires him to run through every possible scenario and consider everything that may factor into past, present and future. Operating on such a high mental level means he has little tolerance for stupidity in others, and if you don’t want to be treated like a dainty china doll with no will of their own, then you better be intelligent yourself. Of course, Chisaki knows that being smart doesn’t automatically mean that you’re right - if anything, it means that you are able to entrench yourself in and justify your delusions (your world view) all the more rabidly. However, he isn't the sort to shy away from debate; if anything, he revels in it. It is an opportunity to learn what makes you tick, to bond with you, and even to show you the light (his world view) 
What would make him believe he has struck gold would be if you understand his world view. He knows that his outlook is rather unique, especially since it is heavily coloured by his germophobia. Though to have somebody that can follow his thought patterns without making clumsy mistakes due to misconceptions or self-righteousness, somebody who he would discuss everything that is wrong with the world - that is balm to his soul. 
Looking at him, it is also pretty obvious that he requires you to be tidy and clean. He will not outright demand you scrub every surface with cleaning alcohol and shower three times a day. Though, your life will be significantly easier if you are tidy to begin with. Remember, that a happy Kai means a happy life, and there are a few things that irritate him more than disorder.  
If anything, it is highly likely that he'll fall for you if you work in one of those professions that place a lot of value on personal hygiene, like surgery or pharma or research. Besides the good hygiene, he would then expect to be able to connect with you based on shared interests. And that he won't have to teach you trivial things, like how to properly wash your hands, since you will just be able to fall back on the old patterns that you would know from work/university. 
What is also valued is patience. You see, Overhaul has more or less grown used to keeping people at least at arm's length. Even with Pops and Hari there is a sort of emotional distance, a serious tone that excludes overall warmth. Aside from what has been mentioned above, he is just so unaccostumed to thinking in modes and ways that don't pertain to utter ruthlessness and logic, that having to consider his own emotions and the ways they affect him would leave him floundering. Of course, he would do his best to conceal it, ever putting up a self-confident front. But there would still be moments where is awkward, or abruptly stands up and flees the scene. In order to gain more control over himself, he will try to dissociate from his emotions. But until he has regained his equilibrium, be forgiving of his mistakes, ok? 
Of course, there is also obedience. While in the beginning he'll be understanding because it is a frightening and absurd situation he has put you in, he'll expect you to learn fast. After all, he knows what is best for you and he doesn't deal well with resistance. He won't hesitate to list off all your flaws and past mistakes, pointing out your lifestyle errors in excruciating detail should you become snappy with him. If push really comes to shove and you don't even bend when punished, then he'll see no other option than to brainwash you. 
Tied in with the two aforementioned qualities is also sincerity. Like with many other things, Kai will be more understanding of fibs and lies in the beginning, since you are still new to each other and there are some matters that are embarrassing or stigmatised that you just don't want to be frank about in the beginning. Though as time passes, he'll expect you to learn to be utterly sincere. After all, he is a yakuza boss and lying and dishonesty are part and parcel to that line of work. And it is exactly because of that, that he outright demands sincerity from you. You are his and he is entitled to know all your secrets and everything that goes through your head. Additionally, how is he supposed to have complete control over you when you are concealing things from him? 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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The short answer is no. The long answer has a few loopholes that you could slip through. 
Kai has many goals, ones that are also very important to him. No matter how much you either crave his attention or not, he won't abandon them because of you. Therefore, should one of his "projects" demand his utmost attention or be endangered due to the heroes closing in, he might temporarily let you go. But watch out! As soon as the dust settles, he'll retrieve you from wherever you thought you could hide from him. 
Other than that, he is far too attached to you to ever entertain that idea. 
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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In the beginning, Overhaul is more understanding of your misgivings. He knows that he has put you in a stressful and strange situation, you are bound to be hysterical and not listen properly. Now, understanding doesn’t mean being lenient. For transgressions, you’ll be punished. At first, it’ll just be scoldings and him verbally tearing you apart, though if you persist, then they will become more extreme. Physical abuse is completely out of the question for him and he’ll never raise his voice in anger. The punishments you’ll be put through will be far more methodical. 
Like locking you in an all white room, depriving you of one of your senses temporarily (something that is very easy to achieve thanks to his quirk) or taking away forms of entertainment. If need be, he can leave you solitude for days with him observing how you slowly lose your mind over a system of cameras. He could deprive you of your hearing or eyesight, while leaving the nerve endings in the brain intact, leading to you having hallucinations.
 Or inject you with drugs that make it feel like ants are crawling under your skin. On the flip side of sensory deprivation, he would also happily inflict sensory overstimulation onto you should you step out of line. You should inhale or be injected with something that makes every light touch feel like sandpaper and every whisper like a booming shout. You’ll taste colours and smell emotions to the point where normal vertigo feels like a holiday in paradise. 
Though, those are just some of the more extreme punishments. Usually, you’ll get scolded, as mentioned above, or deprived of entertainment and privileges. One day after giving him the cold shoulder as much as possible, you’ll enter your room after a hot shower only to discover that all your books are gone. After refusing to eat, he’ll solemnly inform you that you’ll be strapped to a hospital bed and fed intravenously. 
If you behave like a brat, then he’ll also treat you as one. Really, classic old school punishments will be the closest he’ll ever come to being physically abusive - he’ll make you kneel on uncooked rice grains or frozen peas, having to look into a fire of spicy chills or standing in a corner while holding a book over your head until he says you can stop. 
Generally, punishments will be lighter in the beginning and the more time passes and the closer you two grow together, the harsher they’ll become. This is because what irritates Kai the most isn’t toeing out of line, but you “relapsing” or going against the rules when you already can recite them in your sleep. Though there is one exception to this - killing people in your name. He will kill somebody, a low level grunt that displeased him and is going to die anyway and then say you forced his hand. 
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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There are two options here.
The first is the following: Him leisurely walking after you, anticipating all your moves and finally managing to corner you, either physically or by threatening bystanders. That is because you didn’t really escape, and instead he is just playing cat and mouse with you. Because while all his guards and systems and the labyrinthine nature of the underground base will make it extremely difficult to escape, you’ll nevertheless look for an opening and fantasise about running away. What better way than to crush those dreams than by demonstrating that no matter how far you run, you’ll always end up back in his arms. So, he’ll provide you with an opening, let you escape so that he can retrieve you and shatter those hopes. Though, you’ll be punished for not proving your loyalty all the same. 
Then there is the second one of you really escaping without it somehow being intended by Kai. It is something that would drive him into a frenzy, but he would do his best to conceal it. Nevertheless, he would be far more irritable, prone to lashing out and overhauling his goons. As such, his men would do their best to fetch you. It wouldn’t be difficult for them to put two and two together and figure out that you put the Young Head at ease, so it is their best interest to return you to your owner as soon as possible. 
On that note, the saying “Happy wife, happy life” also applies to Kai Chisaki, so you might even have instances where people that hate Kai or even hate you slip you a note or plead with you face to face to just behave and not making everybody’s life in the Hassikai difficult by putting the Boss in a bad mood. In the interest of the Eight Precepts, Mimic and Chrono (they are the only other people that Kai lets closer to you than five metres), do so doubly, because they would tire quickly of playing messenger boys to the lower ranking members. 
Back on track. If you earnestly manage to escape then the base would be in a frenzy - reconstructing how you escaped and looking for clues on where you might have gone. Phone calls will be made and orders given as Kai pulls some strings to ensure you are back in his arms as soon as possible. After all, the further you run and the more people you wrap in your little escapade, the more complicated things get - he doesn’t want to have all his hard work undone. The Shie Hassaikai have bases in all major Japanese cities and ears and eyes where it counts. Should you be away longer, he’ll keep his ear on the ground, listening for the slightest hint as to where you’ve gone. 
And once he has you back in his vice grip, you have to pay. Perhaps somebody loses their life or you have to undergo some of the other more brutal punishments. But before that, you’ll be cleaned thoroughly. Overhaul won’t shy away from pumping your stomach empty if you have eaten unhealthy foods, and then washing your mouth with soap. In extreme cases, he might even just give you a penicillin shot without further ado and shave off all your hair. 
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO? 
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Let’s take two case situations - in one he doesn’t have his arms, and in the other, he has. 
As to armless Kai - he is numb due to his entire world having been torn down. He only has you know and god, is he desperate. Of course, in spite of what has happened, he still has his pride. Due to all he has done for you, he’ll demand you repay him. He’ll be erratic, especially if he just recently escaped Tartarus. With his mind in jumbles but still so desperate for human connection, he is putty in your hands. Though there are still some red lines. They took away his arms, not his tongue and he’ll do his best to remind you he can still give you a verbal lashing when you misbehave. 
In the case he has his arms, matters are a bit different. He’ll be more disgruntled and less needy. Maybe you are in charge due to you hiding him or maybe he needs money from you but can’t put you under his thumb in the process. He criticises every other thing you do, and does his best to worm his way into any cracks your shields may have. The more annoyed he is, the less subtle these attempts are. That being said, do be careful, for every moment that you are in control and he isn’t, is another moment where the natural order of your relationship has been upset. 
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Hellfire and brimstone, or better said, his most gruesome abilities. You are his, you are his possession, his lover, his little pure doll that he wants to play with to his heart's content. As such, nobody but him is allowed to touch you. He is self-conscious to a degree - he isn’t the most social or personable man and his germophobia combined with his line of work and worldview can be off-putting to many. There are many people that you would get along with better, that would be nicer to you and give you what you want out of life.  
But what you want is not what you need, and you need him above all else. So he’ll have to teach you that you’re his and all the people around you that you are taken and not to be touched. If you have any romantic or, god forbid, bed mates, then he would make quick work of them. Of course, he doesn’t want you to be too traumatised, so if he doesn’t separate you by kidnapping or something similar, then he’ll cook up evidence and a story that will lead to a break-up. Then you would be vulnerable and available and ripe for the picking. However, if he is feeling particularly petty, then he’ll kidnap your lover right along with you, and subject them to a few rounds a torture before they become pig food. 
Should the man that arouses jealousy be one of his underlings, then somebody is in for a long night. It could be one of the guards becoming a little too chummy or a Precept that is just a little too cocky. Overhaul will be colder to everybody in his vicinity, even to you, since how dare you be so sweet and charming and perfect to somebody that isn’t him? Either way, the offender will be disassembled and reassembled a few times. 
Though because Chisaki is a possessive, manipulative freak when it comes to you, other people will also fall victim to his jealousy and wrath. Misunderstandings lead to lives being ruined when it comes to Kai Chisaki. The cause could be you being too friendly to a visitor, offering comfort to one of the guards or something in that vein. Regardless, it wouldn’t be enough to completely arouse his bloodlust, or maybe killing somebody that is still in the public eye would have repercussions that Kai doesn't want to deal with. Therefore, he’ll dig up all the sins they committed, ruin their reputations or set up events that lead to their social death. 
And if somebody dares hide you from him. There will be psychological torture is store for them, stuff worse than the stuff he’ll ever put you through. The filth that tried to keep you from him would also make for good test subjects, and will make you watch as he experiments on them. It would be all your fault, and all of this wouldn’t have to happen if you behave and obey him and accept your place at his side. 
Art is not mine: from Kohei Horikoshi, Irina Vinnik and other artists
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tenshiharmonia · 1 year
I was browsing through the Sonic Unleashed tag when I saw someone who was making a tarot deck themed after the blue hedgehog's universe, and I must say, it kind of inspired me. So I wanted to give it a try and imagine what my own version of such a deck would be like. Not that I have the artistic skills needed to concretize my vision, but hey, it makes for a fun exercise. I mean, I've always been a fan of tarot iconography, and it just so happens that one of the franchise's main characters has a canonical interest in the matter (as Frontiers reminded us not so long ago), so it seemed appropriate. XD With that being said, let's see what I came up with. (Note that I'll mainly focus on the major arcana. I know that the minor ones are much richer in terms of meaning, but let's be honest, they don't stoke the imagination as much as their "greater" siblings. :p )
0 - The Fool : Sonic himself. Now, calling him a fool is obviously a gross misnomer, but the card itself represents bright-eyed and free-spirited idealism. It is the start of a new journey, which - you will concede - resonates quite well with the eternal adventurer that the blue hedgehog is. (Besides, it's only natural for the franchise's main character to figure on the first card. :p )
I - The Magician : Tails. This card is all about limitless potential, so the two-tailed fox was an easy choice (besides, as Sonic’s right-hand man, it’s only natural for him to come just after the blue hedgehog :p ). Learning from the Fool’s mistakes and experiences, the Magician works towards manifesting its intentions into beings, which resonates pretty well with the genius boy’s heroic aspirations and constant quest for self-improvement... Also, he is quite the tech wiz, and you know what they say : any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :3
II - The High Priestess : Tikal. In tarology, the Priestess embodies feminine wisdom and intuition, perfectly echoing Tikal’s own role as the Echidna tribe’s voice of reason (even though nobody listened to her). Moreover, the Priestess is also regarded as a mentor figure, bringing to mind how the girl’s spirit acted as a guide for Sonic and his friends during their quest to stop Eggman and Chaos. Lastly, the Priestess is supposed to be quite knowledgeable about the universe’s secrets, which - once again - parallels Tikal’s ancient knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds and their powers...
III - The Empress : Aleena. I know, I know, Underground is probably a part of the franchise that most people would rather forget (except for its banger of a theme song). But I must admit, I’ve quite a soft spot for the way it depicted Sonic’s family (Manic, my beloved). As it happens, this card symbolizes motherhood. Both literally and figuratively. Since Aleena’s main characteristic is her status as both a mother and a queen, she seemed like a royal fit. :p Visually, I also like to imagine that the card’s illustration would take cue from the show’s opening and depict the gentle monarch, in her queenly attire, resting on a bed with her three playful newborns, highlighting both aspects of her character (I won’t deny that her design could enjoy a bit of a face-lift, though)...
IV - The Emperor : Eggman (featuring Sage). Naturally, as the Empress’ counterpart, the Emperor represents the figure of the father. Of course, they are merely symbols, so it’s less about their genders than what they stand for. While the Empress is kind and nurturing, the Emperor’s authority is harsh and severe. He isn’t devoid of affection, but he still views himself as reigning over his progeny, which I think echoes Eggman’s personality and the relationship he has with his creations pretty well. Also, he is at the head of the Eggman Empire, so he truly is the best suited for the job. :p
V - The Hierophant : Professor Pickle. Without going too much into the details, the Hierophant alludes to traditions, institutions, and to a certain extent, dogmatism. Like the High Priestess, he will often take on the role of mentor, providing wisdom and guidance. But he can also represents someone who is a little too set in their ways... All in all, I think you can see why I chose the professor. After all, he is an expert archaeologist who’s passionate about the planet’s many cultures and customs, counsels Sonic and his friends during their worldwide adventure, and who can be a little uncompromising on certain topics (like the making of cucumber sandwiches :3 ). Really, the guy checks all the boxes. One can imagine that the card’s artwork would depict the old chap enjoying a cup of tea and some (properly prepared) snacks while looking contemplatively through his office’s window…
VI - The Lovers : Sonic and Shadow. I mean, this is my tarot deck, so I can indulge myself as much as I want. :p No but seriously (not that I wasn’t serious, but you catch my drift), I would probably attribute this one to Amy. After all, she is the one with romantic aspirations, the one who yearns to experience the sweet embrace of love, waiting for her blue prince to notice her... That being said, instead of depicting Amy and Sonic as an actual couple, I like to think that the card would represent the young girl, bathed in a soft and summery light, simply daydreaming about her proverbial knight in shining armour. Indeed, the card itself is less about romance than fulfilling connections, in the broadest sense of the term. So the idea here would be that, even if her relationship with Sonic is not the passionate fairy tale she’d like it to be, it doesn’t prevent the two of them from sharing a meaningful and inspiring bond. :3
VII - The Chariot : The Tornado, soaring through the clear blue sky. This card stands for travels and freedom, so it was only natural for it to feature our heroes’ trusty mount. After all, it helped them discover so many new and exciting places... (As a bonus, I like to imagine that the card’s illustration would also include the three Babylon Rogues, racing through the sky around the plane. I don’t really know why, but I think it would be neat. I mean, in a sense, they do embody a certain form of freedom. A more abrasive and selfish variant than the one Sonic himself stands for, but still, it makes for an interesting contrast...)
VIII - Justice* : This one was admittedly a little tricky, but in the end, I think I’d go with Chaos. Let me explain. This card is about karma and retribution. It warns us about the consequences of our choices and actions. To put it simply, you reap what you sow. And I think that Chaos, standing impassively among the burning remains of the Echidna tribe, would make for an impressive illustration of that message. Because it’s also important to remember that the line is often thin between justice and madness, and that a righteous crusade can easily turn into a destructive vendetta if hatred and despair are allowed to fester. There is a time to punish, and a time to pardon. * Note that Justice (8) and Strength (11) are known to switch places depending on the deck. This numbering is the one I’m most familiar with, but feel free to procede in the order that suits you best. ;)
IX - The Hermit : Knuckles, sitting on the steps of the Master Emerald’s altar, contemplating the sky from his lonely island. Naturally, the Hermit represents the need to isolate yourself to reflect on your life and actions, which resonates quite nicely with the echidna’s "lone wolf" nature. This choice, however, carries a certain irony. Indeed, while the Hermit is supposed to be a figure of enlightenment, Knuckles’ solitary life has also led him to become a rather hot-blooded - and at times, naive - individual. In a way, it reminds us that maintaining some distance between yourself and the world can often be a double-edged sword...
X - The Wheel of Fortune : You’d think that in a series with so many casino-themed levels, this one would have been easy, but I had a surprisingly difficult time picking who - or what - would be adorning this arcane. Ultimately, my choice would probably be the Chaos Emeralds. As a card, the Wheel of Fortune naturally represents vagrant luck and the whims of fate, an idea that - I think - resonates pretty well with those miraculous jewels. Just like luck, they come and go as they please, and you have to seize them when they pass. And while they often seem to favour the heroes, they ultimately serve no master, meaning that they can be used to defeat evil just as they can help it rise. Their power will often shape the course of history, but there is no telling what awaits those who got caught in their crystalline spiral... Of course, the card’s artwork would depict the seven stones arranged in a neat circle, with the sharp ends all pointing towards the center, to mimic the appearance of an actual wheel. Incidentally, the center of the circle could be occupied by the sparkling silhouette of Super Sonic, to symbolize the ultimate and decisive power that the Emeralds bestow. Alternatively, I was thinking about having an image of the Phantom Ruby in this place, as the Chaos Emeralds’ sinister counterpart, a concept I wish had been explored more. In that case, the image of Super Sonic could be placed above the "wheel", while the bottom of the picture would be showcasing a nefariously grinning Eggman, emphasizing once again how the power of the Emeralds can affect the course of destiny... for better or for worse. (Of course, everything about this deck is merely hypothetical, so don’t take all those details too seriously. This is just brainstorming...)
XI - Strength : Cream. While this card’s name brings to mind the image of a fierce animal, it actually refers to inner strength, the force of the soul that manifests through courage and kindness. As someone once said, it takes a lot of strength to be kind. And I feel like there is no one better than the little rabbit girl to illustrate this message. For her sweetness and innocence hide a heart as strong as the mightiest of metals. A heart that is not afraid of standing against evil and injustice, but that will always choose to extend a hand to those who might need it, be they friends or foes. Brave, humble and generous, the little bunny is truly a shining example of fortitude. (Also, we all know what a punch she packs in spite of her age and daintiness, making her fits the literal definition of "strength" just as well. :p ) That being said, I must admit that I don’t really know what the card’s artwork could look like. My first idea would have been for it to feature Cream happily flying through the sky alongside Cheese while carrying an enormous - and adorably decorated - basket full of Chao*, but to be honest, I’m not entirely convinced... * One can even imagine Gemerl’s head sticking out of the pile, with an air of dumbfounded vacancy colouring his mechanical face, as if to say "I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in this situation, but I cannot say it's disagreeable". XD
XII - The Hanged Man : Big (featuring Froggy, of course). This card invites us to take a break and look at things from a new angle. So naturally, the feline fisherman was the number one candidate, considering how well his laid-back personality and tranquil outlook on life fits the arcane’s meaning. Besides, his passion for fishing provides us with the perfect excuse as to why he would be hanging upside down in the first place, having inadvertently got caught in somebody else’s line because of his clumsiness. :3
XIII - Death : The End. This one is actually deeper than it seems. Of course, the End fancies itself as an ineluctable embodiment of destruction, which already fits the card’s esthetic quite nicely. But those who know about tarot know that this card is actually about transformation and renewal, echoing the End’s role in the franchise’s narrative : by precipitating the fall of the Ancients’ civilization, it triggered the chain of events that would ultimately allow the entire series to happen (or at least most of it). In doing so, it also gave rise to the very hero(es) who would eventually defeat it. True to its name, its advent spelled the end of an era, but it also brought forth a new future, just like a decaying corpse will return to the soil and nourish the seeds that lie beneath... In fact, the card’s artwork would probably have the End’s moon form looming in the upper portion, while the bottom part of the illustration would feature a lonely flower, blooming in the middle of some verdant field (heck, said flower could even be growing out of the husk of a departed Koco, to really drive home the card’s message XD ).
XIV - Temperance : Mighty the Armadillo. This one was easily the most difficult for me to figure out, in part because I feel like there wasn’t really any obvious candidate. In the end, though, I think that Mighty would probably be the best suited for the job. As you can guess, Temperance represents the need for balance and moderation. It invites you to put a little water in your wine, and I feel like it resonates quite nicely with the armadillo’s character. Think about it, Mighty’s main attribute is that he is monstrously strong. Just like Equius Zahhak. He has to be extremely careful around other people, as even one single slip could result in him badly hurting those he cares about. Just like Equius Zahhak. Which is not always an easy feat, as he’s got a pretty extroverted and impetuous disposition. Just like... well, not really, but I think you see where this is all going. XD Mighty’s story is one of constant restraint and cautiousness, which - I think - echoes what this card stands for in a very interesting manner. Granted, I’m not really sure how to convey all that in a simple illustration*, but the idea is there. XD * Maybe having the armadillo rushing worriedly over to Ray - or helping the little guy up - after he accidentally sent the squirrel flying with a not-so-light jab on his shoulder, in reference to that one moment in the Sonic Mania animation (said scene greatly influenced my decision to pick Mighty for this arcane, so it wouldn’t be surprising)...
XV - The Devil : I actually have two different ideas for this one, so brace yourselves. :p - First of all, Solaris. I mean, a being of pure light hiding a heart as black as the darkest of nights ? Yep, that guy fits the bill like a glove. XD As a card, the Devil warns us about the dangers of materialistic obsessions, which could resonate with the all-consuming nature of the sun god’s flames. Not sure about which of his forms the illustration should depict, though. My main idea was for it to feature Mephiles with Solaris’ true form looming behind him, but it’s just one possibility (and even then, I’d still have to choose between the two different forms that the god takes during the final battle). Also, the Devil is usually depicted with a young couple chained at his feet, symbolizing his grip and power over mankind, so I was thinking it’d be interesting to have them be replaced by shackled silhouettes* of Silver and Elise, those whose lives were ruined by the flames of Solaris and the manipulations of his tenebrous half (alternatively, one of them could be replaced by Elise’s father, as it was his own obsession that kickstarted this whole mess)... * To represent how they are just unaware pawns on the fallen god’s chessboard. - Secondly, the Deadly Six. Now, I know what you’re thinking : "urgh, not those guys". But honestly, I don’t really mind them. Sure, Lost World’s writing was a little lackluster, to say the least, but in and of themselves, I don’t think they are that terrible (personally, I have a special fondness for the Zazz X Zavok pairing, but I guess that’s another story XD ). And more importantly, they would be perfect for this card. I mean, as I said, the Devil warns us about self-indulgence and earthly desires, which resonates so well with the hedonistic nature of the six Zeti. Truly, it’s no coincidence if the name of their group references the seven deadly sins. You have the glutton one, the vain and glamorous one, the one who revels in violence, the apathetic one, and Zavok himself is quite the epitome of pride. (And I’m not even taking into account their fittingly demonic, oni-like appearance...) As I said, though, I don’t really know which direction I’d rather take. Ultimately, I feel like the Deadly Six fit the card’s actual meaning better, but I also really like the gravitas that the fallen sun god brings to the table in terms of iconography. How can I put it, I feel like the Zeti would be better suited for the illustration of a minor arcane, if that makes any sense. I mean, the Devil is a figure that comes with a certain weight, and I’m not sure they’d be able to shoulder it. XD
XVI - The Tower : Imperial Tower, with the artificial sun created by Infinite looming over in the background. This card represents impending disaster, so it's only natural for it to feature a level from Sonic Forces. :p No but seriously, I think the choice is rather self-explanatory. In two different ways, actually : Eggman orchestrated the "false sun" battle as the ultimate demise of the resistance, but in the end, it spelled the fall of his own empire...
XVII - The Star : Maria. The Star’s message is one of hope for the future, so Maria felt like the best suited for the job. Her serene kindness and unwavering optimism certainly fit the bill. I mean, even as she was unjustly murdered by those whose role should have been to protect the innocents, her dying words were still for Shadow to not turn his back on humanity, to allow everyone living on the world below "a chance to be happy"... Truly, I cannot think of a better candidate to embody the Star’s promise of a brighter future. (Also, she spent most of her life in a space station, so she’d be right at home on this card. :p In fact, its artwork could easily depict the young girl gazing at the stars through a window aboard the Ark...)
XVIII - The Moon : Rouge. This card is associated with both feminity and deceitfulness, warning us that everything isn't always as it seems, so who better than our dashing femme fatale-slash-master spy to illustrate it. Besides, as a bat, she’d fit the card’s nocturnal esthetic pretty well. :p
XIX - The Sun : Charmy Bee and his two dads and the rest of Team Chaotix. The Sun stands for radiant joy and success, so I thought those three would make for a fitting choice. I mean, they are quite a lively and light-hearted bunch, run a detective agency, and even founded their very own band. Sure, they seem to be perpetually broke, and I don’t think that their musical performances attract that much people, but... what was the point I was trying to make, again ? XD No but seriously, the irony of having those three goobers as an illustration of "success" is not lost on me. In fact, this hilarious contrast is also partly what motivated me to pick them for this card. :p As for the "joy" part, I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory. In terms of visuals, the card’s artwork would probably depict Espio and Vector standing in a sunflower field as they watch Charmy flying happily in the sunny sky above them...
XX - Judgement : Shadow, standing in a flower field, with the Ark looming in the sky above him. Entrusted with the hope of an innocent soul, but turned into an angel of death by his creator, the black hedgehog is ready to pass sentence on humanity. Will he find us guilty, or will he have enough strength in his heart to forgive ? Damnation or atonement, it’s up to him to decide what form the future will take... Anyway, the Judgement card is tied to introspection, so Shadow felt like the best candidate. After all, his personal quest is one of identity, reflecting upon the mistakes that were made and learning the truth of the past in order to move forward and forge his own destiny...
XXI - The World : Chip and Dark Gaia. This one was a no-brainer. After all, those two carry the will of the planet itself. Moreover, the World is, as a card, a symbol of triumph and completion. The journey is over, and it’s now time to celebrate. But it also reminds us that every end is a new beginning. In a sense, it mirrors the glorious cycle of nature that Chip and his brother embody : day and night, death and rebirth, plurality and unity... Now, in terms of appearance, I like to think that the card would depict the little lad hugging an image of the world, in reference to that one panel from the comic, with the serpentine body of his dark counterpart forming like a mandorla around him, to mimic how the card is traditionally illustrated. (Moreover, in order to tie things up and emphasize once again the cyclical symbolism of a tarot deck, I like to imagine that on the illustration of the Fool - which can interchangeably be numbered as either 0 or XXII -, Sonic would be depicted wearing Chip’s necklace/bracelet, reflecting how the story has come full circle and it’s now time to begin anew. Really, Sonic Unleashed as a whole feels like it was tailor-made to illustrate that particular part of tarology...)
And it seems that this post has come full circle too. Haha, I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Some were actually trickier than I was expecting, but all in all, I’m quite pleased with my choices. Of course, there are still a few characters that I wanted to include but couldn’t find an appropriate spot for, like Blaze or Metal Sonic. But hey, for the most part, I’m pretty satisfied. Besides, we still have to tackle the minor arcana. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to do the whole deck (as I said, the suit cards don’t really fan the imagination as much as the "greater mysteries"), but still, theoretically speaking, there is plenty of space left for all the characters who didn’t make the cut this time around. XD Anyway, it definitely was a fun exercise. I wish I had the artistic skill needed to materialize my vision, but alas, my puny words will have to do. Of course, feel free to comment if there is something you’d like to tell me about the content of this post. If you have a remark to make about one of my choices, for example, or if you’d like to share your own take on the premise. Who knows, my knowledge of the Sonic universe is not exhaustive, so I might have overlooked someone or something that would have otherwise been perfect for one of those cards… In any case, I’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts. ^_^ Also, in spite of my fascination for its iconography, I’m far from being a tarot expert, so don’t hesitate to correct me if I made a mistake when talking about one of the arcana’s meaning. :p With that being said, I don’t think I have anything to add, so I guess it’s time to close this post. Once again, I hope that you had fun reading it, and to those who made it this far, thank you for your attention. Take care ! :3
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howlingday · 2 years
I must say your Jaune is Hades au has peaked my interest to the max. After rereading my favorite manga Record of Ragnarok, which probably has my favorite iteration of Hades, for the 100th time I was wondering, is this jaune based off any kind of iteration of Hades, or does he follow the actual Greek mythology of Hades. If so, how much of the mythology stories does he follow? Like does Jaune ever use a bident, did he ever get married to Persephone in this au, are there other Greek gods? Then there are questions like was he properly born into the Arc family or did he just make up the whole persona. Many questions for a fascinating au looking forward to more.
So, real talk. I LOVE Greek mythology, and Hades is one of, if not my most favorite of the Greek Pantheon. I feel like each iteration I've met has entertained me in some way or the other.
Be it as an antagonist in Hercules
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As a vengeful boss in God of War,
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Or as a sympathetic final boss in his own titular series,
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It's kind of sad how he's always seen as the bad guy when his brothers have done so much worse than he has.
But I digress.
As for Jaune's role as Hades, I wouldn't say I based him on any of the previous iterations, and more just made him into his own god of the dead and the underworld. He's in charge of taking care of souls when they die and guide them to where they need to go. He's a lesser god compared to The Brothers, which is something I headcanoned for The God of Animals.
Thus far the only comparison I can make to Jaune and any Hades is that he sits on a dark throne in a dark cavern, has blue fire, and views his job as the most important and necessary thing in the world.
So far, there's no bident, and he uses, well, a sword that looks similar to Crocea Mors, though I can't say for certain now if it is the one and the same sword and shield of the Arc family.
Also, there's no Persephone. Being a god may make you a heartthrob to all of creation, but unfortunately, any potential love interest he holds won't last forever. He is to be a king without his queen. Forever alone...
Thus far, there are only four gods in this RWBY universe; the major gods, The Brothers, and the lesser gods, Jaune and the God of Animals. I'm thinking of following a Percy Jackson role for the latter, where they're a fading relic that grow weaker with every prayer that isn't made. In other words, there are those who still worship Jaune, but perhaps one day, his power, too, will fade until he is nothing more than ancient history.
And as for the Arc family, I'll just come straight out with it; I don't know. I thought of maybe making his sisters into lesser gods as well, with Saphron making her decision to become a mother with Terra. I thought of Jaune always existing since the Age of Magic and he's just always been there. To be honest, I'm not really sure what to do with his family. Maybe the answer will come to me at a much later time.
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groovygladiatorsheep · 8 months
Ohhhhhhhhh really like your humanizations of Ink and Error!! Do you have any headcanons about their etchnicity? Or headcanons in general
Thank you so much !!! As for Headcanons, I’ve had some in the past but they changed a bit with time.. hcs for these humanized twos on my side currently are - French-Filipino for Ink and Afro-American for Error !! I hope this is what you meant 😭
As for general Headcanons ? I do !!
What I like to imagine is how the whole multiverse works and functions together.
Ink is the protector of aus, I imagine his reputations wildly varies from aus to multiverses, especially after the whole utmv event reputation. In my head, joining the star Sanses was a way to continue to do his job while staying on the good guys sides, you know ?
I see Ink as genuinely a guy doing his best. He needs the creators creations to be alive and to thrive to exist. Upsetting the creators by not letting them do angst ?? No sir. In his head, he’s simply letting characters be characters. He’s aware of the situation he’s in, of the string he’s holding onto ( the emotions and life given to him by the creators. It always comes back to them. )
He shouldn’t have been able to survive ripping his soul apart. He’s a miracle in himself ! But does he sees himself as that ?
Ink being unable to power through life without his vials means so much to me. They’re like the only thing allowing him to exist in his world, without them he’s physically not there. He needs them, and guess what Joku’s Dream ( because fanon Dream is much different ) thought of that ? That Ink is faking his emotions and he’s obviously evil if he can’t feel a thing.
How DAREEEm !!!! It’s so much more than that !!!! Ink’s vials allows him to feel the way he CANT feel, they allows him to show what he would WANT you to show !!!! He’s trying !!!!
Basically, Ink’s vials are a way for him to be able to fuel himself, a side important effect is that the difference flavours allows him to reflects emotions he could have had. Despite that, he still sucks at stuff that requires understanding social cues..
The flavours/different emotions can be hard to get since they come from how the creations were created. With tears ? Happiness ? Anger ? Envy ? That’s where he gets them. I’d imagine he learned to mix them when he needs one in particular !
I’d also imagine his memory makes him lose space and times. My bad memories does !! If he doesn’t have something in mind ? It doesn’t exist, nah. That’s why he notes stuff on the scarf because at least he knows he wears it all the time.
I really love the hc Ink has synesthesia, go check out @sunnemona for deepening information of that hc actually
As for Error !!!!
Error has always been the guy I’ve drawn more than thought about, but I do have so much thoughts on him too.
I see Error as an anomaly. Ink is a miracle ? Error was a mistake. He was not an happy accident held by strings, he’s a mistake that holds itself together by said strings.
His role in the multiverse is pretty interesting !!! He’s that menace everyone except the big guys fears. He destroys aus amongst aus, citizens of the multiverse have rarely seen his face except before their death, he’s a menace, not a balance, not a secret saviour, a machine that had a goal and keeps doing it without even understanding what he’s doing it.
I see it as this : Error goal and motivation , like other errors, was formed the day of his death and birth, the time right before Geno got errorified.
“Why didn’t I get an happy ending ?”
Feelings of hatred turned into a misinterpretation of the people surrounding his lost white space, and there it was : “everyone is a glitch !! They should all die !!!!!”
Aside from that, I Headcanon him to have a nest, a bit like spiders. His souls are his victims stuck on the web, and the strings surrounds his entire little home. Sofa for comfort, etc etc.
He’s very similar to spiders, actually.
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spicycheeto · 2 months
Tagging this spoiler but also cutting because I have DECENCY and COMPASSION
This was spoiled for me 24 hours before my screening do people have no shame
So my main problem with Channing Tatum as my goober Gambit is because he's too w i d e. He's too b u f f. Gambit's design since his creation has been lanky and ✨long✨. Channing is not ✨long✨. That is not the body of a long range fighter *cough* thief who slips in and out of situations like a fart in the wind *cough*.
I don't have a problem with him as an actor, and he's good at his job, but he doesn't fit Remy Lebeau. And it kinda makes me sad for those who are now understanding why they cancelled his solo movie because Channing was cast. Even Taylor Kitsch from Origins: Wolverine was a *better* fit physically (the shit ass writing of that movie was NOT HIS FAULT and I will defend him until I die). Imagine, in 2009, Taylor Kitsch with proper hair, eyes, and costume. I guarantee no one would be complaining so much about his rendition. Because that's not what was so jarring about Channing's rendition. With the headpiece especially, it doesn't feel like my babygirl Gambit. Just feels too c l o n k y
Also about his accent. It seemed more Parisian than Cajun. Like there was nothing that would convince you he was actually American if you didn't have background knowledge. Just a minor mess up. But it's glaring to those who know.
All that said, no one can make me overall upset that my goober pookie shmookie babygirl Gambit was on screen and actually HAD A ROLE. I totally expected him to show up just to be stabbed 34 times by Mr Pool. But no.
Love you, good sir Remy. They can never make me hate you
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franollie · 2 days
Why do you think you like Spideytorch?
i actually hate them.
okayyyy fineeee. i'll talk about spideytorch.
first things first: i do not want them to be canon. ever. are there versions of them that i play with like barbies so that they are married and happy in my brain? yes. do i want to see that play out in canon? NO. i have many different reasons for this but just know that i dont want them canon also if you want domestic and happily married johnny, wyatt is right there
another thing: i'm still relatively new?? ig? to shipping them. i mildly shipped them back in 2018 when i was reading a lot of spider-man, but i was more of a casual fan. a spideytorch enjoyer if you will. now that i've started reading for the fantastic four they've wiggled their way into my brain and it's horrible. all that too say, i'm by no means an expert on their relationship or all of their history.
now that that's out of the way, let's get into some of their history:
they've known each other since the beginning of peter's career as spider-man
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1
in general, i love peter's relationship to the four, and since basically his creation spider-man has featured the FF and been featured in FF comics. in part 3 of the first issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, peter breaks into the baxter building to "apply" for a role on the four.
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1: Peter breaking into the baxter building, the four being fully aware that peter is breaking in, and johnny's first words to peter ever
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1
during this time, spider-man was being portrayed as a "menace to society", and so the four have understandable reservations about him EXCEPT FOR JOHNNY!! sue obviously wants to help spider-man because she acknowledges that he is so young and carrying so much, but johnny is the one who immediately decides that despite everything the media has said otherwise spider-man is a good guy.
Bonus panels of baby peter admiring johnny and his first words to johnny too because i can:
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #3
the first time they team up, though, is in Strange Tales Annual #2!
prior to this issue, johnny and peter were set up as rivals of sorts (with johnny being the flashy, legal superhero that craves attention and peter being the smaller, vigilante that gets a lot of unwanted attention...and also. johnny knew spider-man as "the guy that broke into my house and asked for a paycheck"). in strange tales, spider-man goes to johnny for help because he's been framed for a robbery. many shenanigans later they finally team up and catch the actual art thieves. all of that aside, this issue features a lot of the staples in johnny and peter's friendship for years to come (ie. the bantering, the writing in the sky, THE STATUE OF LIBERTY)
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Strange Tales Annual #2
also! they're friends! they're buddies! they're best friends! have i mentioned that they're best friends? look at them being buddies :)
there's definitely some queer-baity, shipping fodder in their interactions especially in later interactions too (notably FF #17 and ASM digital #17) but its more important to me that they are friends first and foremost.
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The Amazing Spider-Man Digital #17 and FF #17
all in all, i think if you're interested in their dynamic definitely look into Spider-man/Human Torch (2005). I have some minor nit-picky issues with the series but overall it does a pretty good job covering the important parts of their relationship and how it's evolved over the years. it includes a lot of references and retellings of older issues of The Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four
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Spider-man/Human Torch #3
peter describing who he is when he's with johnny being the same person he was with gwen WHICH COULD MEAN NOTHING.
this is my personal favorite issue in the mini series! look at them!! they're so important to each other! issue #5 is also fun. not as fun as #3 but still has really good moments!
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Spider-Man/Human Torch #5
at the end of the day, it's really important to me that Peter is seen as an extended member of the FF family at the very least on the same level as Jen.
if you're asking why i think i specifically am drawn to spideytorch as a ship, i honestly think it just comes down to i really like the idea of knowing and caring for someone for so long that you don't notice when the feelings change. something something best friends to lovers stays on top 💪 💪 💪. it's about the blind trust and the "i'm always here for you" of it all.
Anyways. Spideytorch is dead. Don't support white boy yaoi. Do as i say not as i do. This is my own personal circle of hell. I hate them so much but also like. they're just so. i don't know dude they're fun....nobody look at me.
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Poppy Playtime - Headcanons and Theories (and both combined)
The regular-sized toys (like the small Huggy from the Project Playtime trailer) were made from animals, the slightly bigger ones (like Bunzo and the Huggies from Whack-A-Wuggy) were made from orphans, and the big toys (Huggy and Mommy Long Legs) were made from employees
Rich becomes Huggy, Patty becomes Kissy. Since there were rules against employee relationships, and Patty and Rich were of a very small group to break that rule, they figured it’d be easier to use them for those roles rather than attempt to induce romantic affiliation with other subjects.
Marie joined Playtime Co because she liked the idea of being a part of so many children’s upbringings by providing them with the toys that would shape them
The human-to-toy transformation process isn’t magical or a soul-transference - the human bodies themselves are used, and they are consequently conditioned and brainwashed to act in-character (think of the movie Tusk, or don’t, it’s terrifying)
The toys were intended to be weapons of war, a mix of Trojan Horse and sleeper agent
The larger toys, like MLL, have prosthetic attachments, which is why they don’t bleed in some places but do bleed in others
I like to imagine each primary character had their childhood “stolen” from them in a sense.
Stella was a young girl during World War 2, and her desire to be a child again mostly originates from wanting a do-over
Avery grew up in a small, very religious town, with an alcoholic father and a distant mother. The local priest was very…fond of him. He still suffers Catholic guilt on a day to day basis.
More of a theory to explain why he has no last name but: Rich himself is an orphan, that’s why he’s somewhat reluctant to say what he’s doing is “for the orphans” - he either knows people would expect him to empathise, or he’s embarrassed about admitting it. Also the movie he references in chapter 2 is part of a series known for focusing on orphans (I have an alternative theory here that’s more ‘out there’). The fact that he has no last name at his age implies that he was never adopted at all
Jimmy Roth’s a self proclaimed “mama’s boy” and his father left for milk when he was 14 and never came back. He’s shit at spelling and grammar but super super good at math
With Patty as Kissy - Kissy’s lesser amount of control over her movements when compared to Huggy or MLL isn’t due to anything happening during the creation process. Patty struggled with motor control, and having longer limbs and a heavier head did not help with that
Avery has a massive acne problem. He doesn’t pick or touch his face, and he does all the correct things, he doesn’t know why he still breaks out
Rich struggles with regulating his volume. He knows there’s a volume rule, he just never knows how loud he’s being.
The Player was a scientist
Alternatively, The Player is a complete nobody
Due to the car crash sounds found in the game files, car models being found, as well as Rowan Stoll’s reference to Playtime Co sabotaging his car to make it crash, the Player might have suffered a similar fate, which is why they weren’t around when all the employees went missing - they were probably at the hospital recovering
Rich and Avery aren’t box-packers, but something higher-up. Think about it - Rich says that getting sent to the Reject Warehouse was a demotion, but he’s the only one working here and was in charge of managing calls to retailers, operating heavy machinery, and cataloguing failed prototypes - completely solo. If that’s a demotion, then he must’ve had a more complicated job than box-packer (I can’t imagine him being a manager though to be honest, especially with him referring to the higher-ups as separate from him and Avery, so who knows what he might’ve been?)
Avery knew a few magic tricks, but since he didn’t go to parties often there was rarely a good time to show them off…until working at Playtime Co. Rich has no idea how magic tricks work, so he’s always insanely impressed with whatever Avery shows him. It always cheers him up.
Playcare was founded around the same time Huggy was created (since Rich talks about how the warehouse has been flooded with orphanage junk recently in the same tape in which Avery asks where the Huggy boxes are being kept - if both of them have been working there for a while, as the tape implies, then Avery would know where they are kept if the tape takes place a while after Huggy’s creation. Judging by the fact that he doesn’t know, and Rich’s complaints about the “program”, then Playcare was likely founded around the time Huggy was created)
Out of Rich and Avery, Avery’s the one with zero chill. He just never shows it
Due to only the female toilets and female locker rooms being modelled in an unused map from chapter 1, the Player could likely be female (since it implies that those rooms would’ve been the only ones you would have entered)
Rich is autistic
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1800duckhotline · 5 months
can you tell me more about eden evans adams and marzanna? I havent seen them before and they sound very interesting!
OK SO THERE'S... A lot to both of them so if its of any help here's their toyhouse pages
However to give you the notesapp version of each:
Eden "Evans" Adams
Dorian Gray but he's a butch lesbian. He was born in London, though the date of his birth is ambiguous. He appears as a 30 years old adult.
A mysterious individual in a world where most of the supernatural is explained by some degree of scientific rationale. Eden has been handsomely youthful since the late 1890s and nobody knows how or why he is still possibly alive in the contemporary world. He has ever since his early days profited from the uneasy air of mystery around him, jumping around various jobs and roles in society depending on his whims and desires. After being an aristocratic socialite during the early 1900s, he started his career as an actor, making use of his androgynous charm to play masculine roles within films, often subverting the expectations planted on him by the social environments he frequented. Then in the 1970s he got bored and started working as a model. Then, from the 90s onward, he chose to become a NASCAR racer in the USA, much to everyones surprise.
He is infamous for being a womanizer and a cheater (he will treat you worse it doesnt matter that he is a lesbian) but his charms are undeniably irresistible if he flirts with you. He also is very explicit about hating men and working with them.
He may or may not have some slimy little secrets... And he is willing to kill to make sure they remain, well, secret.
Eden is also canonically formally dating my other OC Karmina Sin', a Kazakh-Russian woman who's the head of a successful publishing company within my world. She herself has her own secrets.
Marzanna is part of a world I have built with a friend, which we call "Idyllic forest drama" (you can find more of her if you search this tag on my blog as well). More or less she is a Witch of the Forest, a Messenger of Gods, forever bound to protect the forest she lives in (whom the gods shes a messenger of are inhabitants of) and the confines of the city of Lasie.
Her story is more complex as the world she's in is more fantastical even if not like, high fantasy.
Marzanna is the "runt" among a long-lasting clan of giants. Their legacy in the current day of the story is dwindling in nothingness due to having outcast Marzanna, who, for them, was a disgrace upon them all... due to being smaller than her very very very tall brothers and sisters (they're giants, you can expect their standards to be erm... big shoes to fill). Still, Marzanna at her full height will reach about 3 meters, which is still extremely impressive.
Her story is a bit of a mystery. She doesn't enjoy thinking about the past, but tends to have a pessimistic outlook towards the present as well. She suffers from chronic depression, which in this world isn't extremely understood as a condition, and her being the way she is (gruff, reclusive, doesn't enjoy talking to people, and used to being alone) makes things all the more difficult. Nonetheless, she is focused on her duty as a protector of the Lake, Forest and city. She is seen by the townsfolk as a demi-god guardian who carries the wisdom of the gods of the forest, but some people who are less supertitious see her more as an objective spiritual figure of sorts they don't pay much mind to. However, the messages she carries are still law and the local politics are obliged to listen to her.
Marzanna used to be someone else in her past, literally. How she is now is the result of a complex process of rebirth. This is a blessing bestowed upon her by the gods of the forest, who are sort of fae-like in nature, and thought they'd get a kick out of doing it.
Marzanna is represented by stags, specifically. Other than being big as a stag, deer in general are considered sacred and holy animals in Lasie, as they represent the gods themselves and the gods resemble them. So, hunting deer is extremely prohibited.
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