#this has not been edited
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IKIY ch 6 snippet
This is in no way edited but I wanted everyone to know that if not for the **circumstances** Lily and Reg would always be besties.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
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okay, since kas!eddie won the poll, here is ~550 words of the beginning sequence:
cw: character death mention (eddie, obviously, since this is a kas!eddie story)
Steve is having trouble sleeping.
He’s been having trouble sleeping. Since the beginning, since the first time he had to use his nail bat to kill something, he’s had these dreams.
It’s always these nightmares that wreck him so completely that he has trouble calming down for hours after they happen. He doesn't know how everyone else sleeps fine after everything they’ve seen, everything they’ve been through.
He’s watched Robin sleep peacefully, he’s seen Dustin sprawled out on his couch, totally conked out. But he can't seem to sleep in peace.
They usually lessen, as time moves on. At least until the next bad thing happens.
And this time, it feels like the nightmares will never stop.
He screams himself awake, tears in his eyes, multiple times a week, after nightmares of leaving Eddie’s bloody, limp body in the Upside Down haunt him. He can't seem to shake it.
Robin invites him over for a sleepover and he has to say no, because he isn't sure he’s not going to scream bloody murder in the middle of the night at her place. It usually helps, having someone next to him, but this time he’s not so sure. So he declines and tries not to feel bad about the sad look Robin gives him.
The nightmares aren’t anything to write home about this time around, for the most part. Granted, sometimes he’s being torn apart by the demobats or he’s watching all of his friends around him die instead of just one. But. For the most part, they’re tame. It’s nothing that should spark the kind of reaction he’s been having, waking up with his throat hoarse from screaming.
It’s usually just the end.
Usually just Dustin begging him not to leave Eddie’s body behind. It’s him, looking down at Eddie’s glassy eyes and feeling like his heart is being torn out of his chest. Because he can’t help him, he knows he’s not strong enough. Not with his wounds and not after running around trying to protect everyone from Vecna all night. He’s not strong enough to save him.
So he screams. Sometimes, he’s the one being dragged away from Eddie's body, not Dustin. Sometimes, he’s back on the other side, screaming out of frustration and loss because he lost something too. Dustin wasn't the only one to lose someone.
He couldn't scream, couldn't do anything but sit there numbly when it happened, letting Dustin yell and scream and spit insults and vitriol at him because he just left Eddie there. He couldn't do anything but sit there because he agreed. He should have been stronger.
But in his dreams, in his nightmares, he screams until his voice is shot. He lets out the anger he keeps inside all the time. He screams until he feels hollow with it, all the fight taken out of him.
And he wakes up in tears, every single time.
Because Eddie was-
God, Steve can't even think about him without wanting to cry, so he doesn't think about him, except for the fraught moments after waking up after dreaming about him.
Because he was important. And now Steve will never know if what was happening between them was real or if it was just in his head.
Because his entire life, he’s pushed it down. He never talked about it with anyone. He never told anyone that he sometimes wanted- he wanted.
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neaverse · 8 months
Can u post a sneak peak of a fic you're writing?
Okay so this is something new. I don't think I've even told any of my friends about this one.
excerpt 1
"All couples fight," James countered. "And I'm only asking you on a date, not for your hand in marriage." Regulus sucked in a deep breath, turning around and busying himself with the dirty dishes in the sink. "My brother will be furious. He will kill you." "Please, as if Sirius hasn't been trying to set us up for ages." "Well, he clearly doesn't know the consequences of his actions," Regulus muttered.
excerpt 2
James wakes up to an empty bed. For a moment, he fools himself into thinking Regulus is downstairs, cooking breakfast for them. It's a Saturday. He always wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon on Saturdays. Today, he doesn't. The silence is deafening, and it only takes a second for his brain to catch up on the past three days.
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krispytm · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today or until the next Monday, June 19th, 2028.
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edwardbonnets · 10 months
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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tsotc · 7 months
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fucking obsessed with the uni town i live in
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
even if you're not a supernatural fan, if you've been on tumblr long enough you are, like, culturally. like cultural christianity in america except it's the cw's supernatural. you may never have watched an episode or set foot inside the tag but your regular life shuts down on their holidays and all of your world news is delivered through that point of view. something to think about
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jarondont · 5 months
You want me to introduce myself? The thing that almost killed Odysseus?
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eliounora · 5 months
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I wanna push you around
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everchased · 1 year
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can someone please get these hoes under control i'm BUSY
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
just saw a clip where f1nn5ter was saying how at this point, he can’t be cis, but at the same time, he doesn’t feel like he’s trans—he’s just neither. and someone in chat was like “you can’t be neither cis nor trans that’s not how it works” i love finn but why is his chat so fucking bad 😭 stop recreating binaries for the love of god, identity does not have to fall into these neat little boxes for you to police
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kad00dle · 1 month
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another day at the agency
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neaverse · 1 year
can you show some snippets from the fic you've been writing most recently?
Of course!! This is from an untitled drarry fic which takes place three years after the war ended.
TW: implied alcohol abuse, weight loss and mentions of war and guilt
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thornshadowwolf · 1 year
In complete seriousness, they need to make laws about ads that say they can take no more than one, maybe two, clicks/taps to close/skip. No more "wait 10 seconds until you can skip the video, wait 10 seconds until you can skip the fake playable ad, wait 5 seconds until you can close the 'download now' overlay, puts up a half-screen in-app appstore pop-up (which at least you can close immediately)." This should literally be illegal to do.
Edit: this is blowing up so I just wanted to add (haha ad) that this was my "reasonable request" I also think there should be way more and way stricter laws around all advertising in general. I think most advertising as we know it today should be abolished.
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hellspawnmotel · 1 month
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intimacy between an evil spiteful building-sized supercomputer and the lone scientist left behind after everyone else ditched and forgot about her (in which computer wants to kill scientist really bad but her programming wont let her so she just attempts to make her as miserable as possible instead, which also doesn't work because scientist is a freak)
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astrhae · 10 months
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crowley used the metal tool in season 1 to start time, and we learn that he's used it first to start space. to create the stars -- he still remembers how. he still remembers all of heaven's passwords: in the book crowley is described as an optimist because he has the "utter surety... that the universe would look after him". not god, but the universe. and of course he does: he helped create it and he's looking after it, too.
think about it: aziraphale had a sword, but crowley is about to face satan who wants to destroy the world, and crowley's only weapon is a tool of creation
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