#this idea was done quickly also i do not care so dont try to find logic in them ok?
mechawolfie · 1 year
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want to start getting some concrete ideas started so for a little exercise: this is a fun little mode of transport (akin to roller skates) found among things from the old world. by magic they glide over the ground + allow the user to float on top. I imagine they can vary greatly by region & lots of communities have makeshift hoops or shoes based on the originals (or find a way to fix up the ogs)
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greyskyflowers · 2 months
I have a lot of half thoughts about the hell scenes so I'm just going to ramble them out on here and hope they're semi coherent.
1.) I think it's so interesting that Edwin screamed for Charles while he was being taken to hell.
I would bet that Edwin cried for someone his his first trip down to hell too.
I really can't think of who he would have called for specifically. His parents? Maybe. I do think that there's something in everyone that wants the comfort of their mother when they're truely terrified but it doesn't seem like Edwin would have screamed for them. That goes for any siblings too.
He certainly didn't seem to have any friends that he could have cried for. Doesn't necessarily strike me as the type to be close to God but this situation would make a holy man out of anyone. Maybe he just called for every name that crossed his mind. Family, grade school friends, neighbors, teachers, etc.
Regardless, even if he had screamed for them, what would they have done? Who would have answered?
No one. No one answered. No one came. They were never coming.
He was completely alone.
He does scream for Charles though. Charles will always respond. Charles will always come get him.
I dont know, just seems like he screamed this time because he knew someone was listening. He said a name because he knew that person would come.
2.) I wonder if a very small, little sliver of Charles hated Crystal for just a split second when he found Edwin in hell and realized what exactly happens to him down there.
Crystal was very brave to want to come and that's important, she cares and wanted to help. I think that means a lot to Charles and Edwin.
However, she pushed back after she was told no, and that humans couldn't go to hell.
She argued with Charles and it might have been just a few minutes but how many times did Edwin get ripped apart in those few minutes?
That awful pile in the corner says many times.
3.) I'm curious what Edwin being taken back to hell would have looked like if we had followed him instead of staying with Charles.
Did the spider demon wait until it got to those horrid hallways before starting to chase?
Did it throw Edwin in there and muscle memory had him take off running the second his bare feet hit the ground? The demon already behind him and catching up quick.
Was he torn apart and back before he even knew what happened? How many times did it take before it hit him that he's really back?
This particular ones gets me. The idea that he was still in shock from being taken, was killed and back again while still trying to figure out what was even happening is heartbreaking.
If Edwin was torn apart and back before he even realized it, maybe that means it was a quick first death. Maybe the demon spider was too excited to have it's toy back.
I guess when the realization would have hit him that this was real, that he had already started the loop of runhurtagainrunhurtagain, that's what gets me.
Also, how familiar it probably was. How horrible to be so familiar with a certain type of pain that it would have immediately brushed aside all the scattered and chaotic thoughts in his head and narrowed it down to, he's back.
4.) Charles held it together pretty well in hell. Especially because I feel like he was probably furious. Everything in the past few days has been adding to his anger and what's a great way to piss him off even when he's not in a bad mood? Fucking around with Edwin.
The night nurse has made a liar out of him. She called that awful thing to Edwin, as accidental as it might have been, and it took him.
Charles promised that Edwin would not go back to hell. He said he was going to fight whoever and whatever he needed to in order to keep them together and Edwin out of hell.
Edwin is in hell. They're not together anymore.
It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that Charles wasn't able to do anything.
He has broken two promises in the seconds it took the demon spider to grab Edwin and disappear.
When he finds Edwin the second time and he gets the run down of what really happens here, he did this thing while Edwin's hand is still over his mouth where he kind of closes his eyes and nods a few times.
It's like he's telling himself to pull it together. Trying to passively take in the information and doing the equivalent of taking a few deep breathes while incredibly anxious or stressed and forcing yourself to focus on specific things one at a time.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Swallow it all down, all the devastation and fury and fear.
Edwin needs him to be okay and calm because Edwin is absolutely not okay and not calm.
So even though Charles is probably feeling a lot things right now, he swallows it down and says Okay. Let's get you out of here.
Charles is a fixer. He's a protecter. He's a fighter.
He can do none of those things right now. Not really. The only thing he can really do is give Edwin enough hope to run though hell with him.
Add in the later stuff with Esther and Charles has got to be thinking 'how many times do we have to go through this before everyone gets the message and backs the fuck off?'
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waughymommy · 6 months
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OK sissies it's time to take your medicine, don't worry I can help you through this procedure if you are nervous, as there is really nothing to be scared about. Everyone has to try it at least once in a while and statistically speaking you will have already tasted cum at some point in your life, you just haven't been aware of it yet. Like previously I will split it up into 3 separate classes of comfort but in time if you go back to redo this task in time I do expect you to eventually move up from doing the easier tasks to doing the more daring ones.
The first stage for those of you out there who are nervous about trying it, I need you to do a few things In preparation for the task. I need you to go and get a bottle of some pineapple juice and drink half of it about 4-5 hours before completing the task I have for you to do, as the pineapple juice will make your seman taste a little sweeter. Dont forget to save a glass of it for when I say you need it. Now when the 4-5 hours are up, I want you to find a nice quiet relaxing room to sit back in comfort where you will be undisturbed by anybody so that you can carry out the task on your own so you feel safe and not judged on what you will be doing. I then would like for you to take a condom (preferably a flavoured condoms if you can get one) and place it over your clitty so that it can collect all of your sissy cummies when it's time to produce them. They I want you to pleasure yourself and spill your seeds into the condom, you can pleasure yourself to whatever you choose as long as it arouses you the most so you can produce your yummy cummies. Once you have finished I would like you to remove the condom being extra careful not to drop any cummies and then wait 5 or 10 minutes for the post nut clarify to fade away and it is time. I then want you to pour some of the pineapple juice into the condom to fill it up about half way, this is done to help dilute the cummies and allow you to be easily able to drink it down. Then it's just as easy as tilting your head back closing your eyes and quickly pouring it into your mouth and down the back of your throat. It really is as simple as that, no one but you will know that you have done it and you will be so proud that you have finally gotten over the fear of eating your own cum. Not only that but you will have made me proud of you also for facing your fears and realising that there is nothing to be afraid of.
The second tier will be a bit more challenging, for this task you going to need a condom, a dildo, a traffic warden and a pogo stick, I'm just fucking with you, no that's tomorrow 😉. No for this task you will just need to cum in a condom and drink it out in public, now you can either drink it straight out of the condom or you can secretly pour the condom into a cup of your chosen beverage and drink it out whilst out amongst the public. The difficult bit however is you have to be out drinking it with someone you know, who isn't aware of what you are doing. Good luck 😘
The third tier is the most challenging you have to go out with a person of your choosing and give them a blowjob in a public restroom have them cum all over you. You are then to scoop it off of your face and eat it, but if any lands in your hair or goes on your clothes you have to leave it on them without washing it off until you get home after remaining out in public for at least another hour.
I hope you enjoy carrying out these tasks and remember you can always reach out to me with any ideas or concerns you have, And If You're Very Serious About Having Me as Your Mistress/Mommy, MESSAGE ME SO WE CAN GET STARTED BABY 😘😘😘😘😘💦🍼💗❣️❣️🥰
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oswald-can-draw · 5 months
About your mlp infection au!! I love this one so much I'm so interested!! Maybe give us a rundown of a couple of the survivors and how equestrias chances are looking? How did the ponies infected by black magic change and mutate? Can spike or other species like dragons, griffins and zebras get infected since they dont have cutiemarks? Are foals who dont have cutiemarks yet immune until they get their cutiemark? How does that play in? Im so sorry if this is too many questions, I really love this au and I think its really cool!!! Its a really well thought out idea and I think its awesome!!! :D I hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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Someone being an autistic beast about my work is the highest compliment, so never apologize for that!
But, boy howdy, have we got a lot of ground to cover!
Let’s take it step by step:
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Foals (or those without their cutie mark), are a very complex cog in this AU. On one hand, they don’t have their cutie mark, so they can’t be infected, as there is no magic to corrupt. Great!
The bad news? Getting one’s cutie mark is often an unplanned thing, which means any foal can become susceptible to the Meanie Mark Virus at any time. There are many ways to deal with this.
One common one is to wrap the foal’s flank with compression gauze. Half a desperate idea, and half a way to forget their child’s vulnerability (or to hide when they DO get a cutie mark). Somepony suggested that it could “keep back” a cutie mark, and the rest of the populace decided to go with it.
Another way is to just try and keep the foal from anything that interests them. This works to a point, but the stress from their friends and family on the brink of death every day, and now any sliver of joy that they can find in this hellscape is strictly forbidden. This can cause a once rare, but quickly becoming more common developmental condition known as “Muted Cutie”. This causes a cutie mark to appear, but it’s based off of an outside tension, such as familial pressure, cutie conditions, and lack of input. It’s like a magical wisdom tooth — keeping the actual cutie mark from developing and causing pain and stress to the pony.
The third option is a last resort: quietly “taking care” of foals that were of cutie mark age or freshly marked.
Having a foal of a certain age can bar you from going into certain populated areas, getting ample supplies, and even contact with other ponies.
Of course, this is EXTREMELY traumatizing for the foal. Feeling like they aren’t wanted and that they aren’t allowed even the smallest of joys can make life miserable.
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* Zecora’s redesign is based off of the Karo tribe, a small tribe famous for body painting and self expression. Though I have done as much research as I can, there is still room for error. If there is something inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix the redesign accordingly.
Other species may not get the Meanie Mark illness, per se, but they do have reactions to parts of the evil clones that seep into the soil or the corpses of already infected ponies.
Griffins, for example, get something similar to food poisoning, with nausea, vomiting, and unseasonal molting. This is their body attempting to purge the toxins. Their flying also becomes affected, with severe bouts of vertigo and lost sense of direction. For the average, healthy griffin, this usually only lasts a week or so. However, if a griffin is elderly, injured, or any sort of health condition, this infection could be fatal. Fortunately, since griffins are so far from the Everfree Forest and spend so little time on the ground, this sickness is very rare, especially with certain security measures set in place.
Dragons are even luckier. Their stomachs are able to digest any trace of the infection, neutralizing it before it can cause any real damage. However, there is a phenomenon that has been unearthed due to dragons. The gems found near their volcano-filled home can actually be infused with the disease. The only sign of this having occurred is a slightly darker hue and a “rotten” taste, according to the dragons. A few dragons have been enlisted to dispose of infected material, as them consuming it is the only way it can be disposed of without putting more ponies at risk. Not many are up for the task.
Zebras, on the other hoof, have quite the reaction to infected material. While they aren’t infected with the true disease, the special, magical markings and body paint can give the bacteria something to feed on. This can cause weakness, confusion, gastrointestinal distress, rashes, burns, irritability, and even aggression. Zebras often have to be quarantined from the rest of their tribe in order to keep the disease from spreading and the victim from hurting anyone or anything. Removal of paint and markings can help, and are often reapplied after recovery, with additional markings showing their bravery, strength, and health. Unfortunately, some of them do not survive.
Any other living thing, including birds, mammals, plant life, and insects all have generally poor reactions upon exposure. Common themes in symptoms include weakness, vomiting, and confusion. Plants will turn away from the sun. Dogs will whine and curl into a ball. Birds will run into things and screech. Survival depends on the age, health, size, and care plan of a creature. Among them, usually about 73% survive.
Though no other species has the guaranteed death from the disease that ponies do, it can still cause some nasty, or even deadly, side effects.
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Since the Meanie Mark Illness is already a form of black magic, just more widespread and deadly, the disease has horrendous effects on those who have already succumbed to dark magic.
Though it’s a rare instance, the phenomenon has been observed. Whether the black magic or the illness comes first, it always begins and ends the same way:
First, a pony becomes much, MUCH more powerful. Instead of gradually gaining this talent through the virus, their black magic reaches a feverish pitch. The pony begins to have uncontrollable displays of magic, usually of the destructive kind. Explosions, rays, death, and evil spells emanate from them without stopping. This has caused many hasty villains to try and catch the famous Meanie Mark Illness — with this power, they think, taking over the world would be easy.
Second, the two opposing powers battling for control inside the pony begin to destroy the victim from the inside. See, the reason why ponies become a husk-like corpse and turn to dust at the end of the Meanie Mark’s cycle is because of the Tree of Harmony’s magic fighting the dark magic of the virus, which ends up destroying the pony in the process. But with the black magic far overpowering the Tree of Harmony, the pony has a different problem — their body can’t handle such raw power.
The pony’s hair begins to fall out, their veins swell, their skin begins to blacken with gangrene as less and less blood goes to extremities. The pony ends up rotting from the inside out, black sludge oozing from their mouth and eyes, magic still pouring out of them. Their cutie mark, both subdued from the virus and given immense power from the black magic, sputters and shines and pulses.
Finally, a pony will die within a few days, their corpse zombified and rotting. However, those who do survive the ordeal have poor quality of life, as their joints, brains, and some of their organs hardly work anymore. They will live either as a wandering corpse or a patient for their friends and family to take care of until their demise in the near future.
In other words, this is a quicker but much more painful death!
This disease can be spread very easily, especially among unicorns. If an infected unicorn casts a spell on another pony, they too will catch Meanie Mark. Other than that, a pony either has to come in contact with infected soil/plant life, an animal that has eaten said infected material, or a corpse. This means that, though the illness will be slow to spread at first, it will pick up speed as time goes on.
With the emphasis on foals and the amount that are being killed for mercy or safety’s sake, repopulating is going to be difficult.
As for a cure…perhaps the dragons can help, since they are the only one’s completely immune? Or maybe they could at least offer hints about how to stop this horrible disease?
All this to say — there is a chance of survival. But is Equestria quick enough to find a cure? Or at least keep the disease at bay?
1. Spike: Being a dragon has its perks. But being surrounded by ponies does not.
2. Big Mac: The pony you would want in an apocalypse. Still mourning the infection of his sisters.
3. Discord: Could he even…get sick? Isn’t he part pony? But he doesn’t have a cutie mark…
4. Rainbow Dash: Cloudsdale is on lockdown, and isn’t allowing anypony in or out. But it’s like herding winged cats.
5. Winona: Aids Big Mac. Since eating an infected piece of flesh, she avoids the infected like the plague.
6. Sweetie Belle: Was staying with Scootaloo right before Rarity got infected. Apple Bloom would have come, but she didn’t feel well…
7. Scootaloo: Her inventions are invaluable. But her lack of a quick way to escape could be the death of her one day.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Coming Out As Asexual To Jesse Pinkman Would Include...
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Request: HC for coming out as asexual to Jesse Pinkman?
I've done this as someone who experiences romantic attraction I really hope that's okay lovely!! Otherwise just let me know and I can make it strictly platonic :)
Also I'm sorry but I always love me some character backstory lmaoo
If you enjoy, please comment as it really helps me keep motivated!!
Warning: mentions of drugs/drug dealing and light swearing!
(I do not own Breaking Bad or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @dont-care-about-that-bullshit.)
Coming out as asexual to Jesse Pinkman had a little bit of a build up from your side. It's not that you believed Jesse wouldn't be anything less than understanding, or that you were afraid about how he would react, but the two of you had just known each other for so long. You were each other's safe spaces: the love of each other's lives, and you were apprehensive about anything changing that.
The two of you had known each other since High School, ever since that fateful day a couple of months before midterms. Your old chemistry teacher Mr. White had grabbed your elbow after the bell rang, and asked if you could stay aside for a couple of minutes. Turns out, as he sat on the edge of his desk and rubbed his tired head, he wanted to know if you would consider tutoring a 'Jesse Pinkman' for a couple of days after school, for some extra credit of course. You were surprised, but quickly accepted. You had seen the kid in the corridors between classes, always pretending to be shoving his obviously unopened books deep into his locker, turning his head slyly over his shoulder to grab a glance of you before he scuttled off again. The same guy you spotted every day after school, sliding his way in between the edge of the parking lot and the bike shed and sliding his back down the wall with a sigh. As he fumbled with his lighter, yanking a cigarette out from the sleeve of his hoodie, be was simultaneously glad to not have to go back home for a while, and also to spot you raising an eyebrow at his antics as you walked past to unlock your bike. He was quick to stub out the butt of his cigarette, wincing as a few sparks burnt as his fingers, before he rubbed them on his trousers and jumped up.
He decided, puffing out the last few wisps between the corner of his mouth, that he was going to be brave and finally muster the courage to ask you out. He had little chance though, for as soon as he came wrangling his hands in front of you, the words blurted out of your mouth. 'Do you want to come round to my house.'
'Yes', Jesse responded without any hesitation. 'Yes. Absolutely.' An awkward tension flitted between the two of you as Jesse began to smile, biting his bottom lip as you flush and shake your head. 'I-I mean, Mr. White asked me to tutor you, and I really-'.
'No, no, it's chill. No explanation needed.' He winked at you, swearing internally to himself as his heart pounded louder than his tongue could speak. 'But seriously, though. Thank you. That's very kind of you.'
Jesse agreed to come round almost immediately, for two reasons. 1) So he could snoop about your house, and nosy through the photos and bookshelves in your room to find out more about what kind of interests and hobbies you had, so he could come into school the next day and bust out the new said hobby set he had bought by scrounging together all the pocket change he had made dealing, just so he could try and impress you.
2) His idea of a perfect day is spent lying sprawled out on your bedroom mat, playing with the loose threads at the corner and nodding along, pretending to listen to what you were saying. Yet any time you raised your nose out of your notebook to see why you couldn't hear any pencil scratching, you'd catch those soft, lowered lashes of his fluttering as he intently observed you from beneath them. He would cough, pretending to be thinking as he darted his eyeline up to the ceiling crown and scratched the back of his ear with the pencil eraser. Bless his heart, it was so easy for you to fluster him: any time you reached over to take his paper and the side of your forearm brushed against his bare skin, he would turn the same colour as his namesake and bury his head into the bracket of his elbows. Or, if you tried to ask him a question relating to chiral molecules, he would try to dodge it by rolling over onto his back, looking all sweet and bashful like a puppy.
'Yeah, but like, more importantly? What's your favourite colour :)'
He snuck out of his house a lot as the two of you grew older, and his parents became less and less tolerant, and more and more truculent voicing their concerns about the company he had begun to keep: the non school endorsed 'extracurriculars' he was roaming the alleyways until near midnight to partake in. It was easy to tell when he was coming; you didn't live too far from Jesse, only a couple of houses down the lane from his. It starts with his lamp flicking on as he tries to sneak back in. Then come the shadows: the belligerent, all-encompassing umbra cast by his parents as they pass through the doorway. Last is the shouting, followed by the slam of a windowpane and the light swears falling out of a tumbling Jesse as he lands in the thorn bush in his front yard.
You already have the curtains pulled aside before Jesse can even come running down the street, guided along as if by an invisible string back to the one and only person he's ever felt safe with. Ever been able to be his true self with, without any fear of judgement or repercussion. With red crested eyes, you dragged his arm up onto your porch roof, happy to just let him sit and cry for a while in well deserved peace. Thankfully the roof peaks just past your bed, allowing you and Jesse a corner to curl up into, with nothing but a few inky splattered stars past the shaky blue spruce treeline to hear his anguished wails: a wounded creature lost to the night. You hesitantly slid an arm around his hip, bunching it under his hoodie until he sighed in relief at the feeling, and in embarrassment used his sleeve to dry away the snot from his top lip.
'You know', his voice was shaky as he pulled his legs back behind him and rested his head heavily on your shoulder, scraping against the tile with his sneakers. He peeked up at you like a wounded bird, kicked and beaten and broken and still with such hope in those wide, beautiful eyes that it almost blinds you against the peeking edge of the lavender twilight. He stopped, frowning, before somehow drawing the courage to shuffle closer to you. 'You're the only thing I have left that I care about.'
At first all you could feel was the jut of his chin as he talked on top of your shoulder, but then all you could feel were his closed lips pressed tentatively onto yours. It was short, not for lack of wanting, but due to the fact that Jesse was absolutely terrified that you would shove him away. And so, before you could even register what was happening, Jesse's forehead was backing away from yours, a tremor rolling through his body as he grew aghast at what he had done. All you did was place the back of your fingers against the side of his cheek, drawing them down slowly and allowing him to calm down, to realise that you cared just as much about him too.
You could see the weight of the world slump off his shoulders: the relief grinding the axe out of his back as you replied: 'I care about you more than you could ever know, Jesse.' Surprising him for the second time that night, his eyes widened in a blissful disbelief as you rushed forward and pressed a close-lipped kiss against his bottom lip, enjoying the way he seemed to collapse into you at the feeling.
The two of you had never gone further than that, mainly because Jesse adores you more than anything, and he both respected and picked up on the fact that you never seemed inclined or wanted to go in a sexual direction. To be completely honest, this man is touch starved to the high heavens, so a solely romantic relationship based on touch as a love language is like, a perfect world to him. All he wants, day after day, is just the ability to wake up and see you. To be with you, to find new joys and new quirks and to see you anew, to experience you as if for the first time over and over and over again.
Like, stroking his hair back and curling up into the back of his chest on his brand new mattress? Tickling the nape of his neck and making him laugh himself awake as the two of you eat cereal in bed in his brand new place? Having him lie against your chest, using those delicate fingers of his to run over the veins in your arms until he has each cell of your skin memorised? Making him shiver when you wrap your arms around his waist and smoosh your face into his bare back when he's standing at the stove, secretly trying to make you eggs for breakfast? How glad he is that you agree to go and grab the orange juice from the fridge, so you don't spot how his eyes roll back in his head and he begins humming happily to himself as he plates up? Bliss! Utter bliss!
So, you take him out one night after he gets back home from 'work', as he likes to call it, telling him you'll treat him to some bowling and hot dogs out in the town. He hadn't been to the entertainment complex since he was a kid: it was the last place he remembers having his birthday, just a couple of years before his parents gave him the boot. Hell, it was the last place he remembers his birthday at all. He had cheated at bowling by secretly putting the bumpers down during his friend's go, and had also beat every single one of them playing the zombie blaster game in the arcade, winning enough tickets to buy an old games console that he then later ended up trading on the streets.
Turns out, his muscle memory kicks in, and although he wins the bowling fair and square this time, he does come up with a bottle green corduroy teddy bear holding a cushioned heart as an apology later, having defeated you at the arcade games as well. You don't mind though, just appreciating the youthful glee in the crinkles underneath his smiling eyes as he slides up at the food counter next to you, yuck-ing when his elbow lands in a sticky patch. It's soon replaced with a sweet hum and faux gnashing teeth at your fingers as you feed him a bite of your hot dog, his hand coming down to drag your free hand onto his lap so he can fiddle with your fingers contently.
Turns out the adrenaline from your night out was enough to just make you blurt it out. You just love him so much. And he loves you more than anything. And so it just tumbles out.
'Jesse, I-I'm asexual. I mean, you probably already guessed, but I just wanted you to hear it from my own lips.'
Suddenly he's lowering the hot dog bun down back onto the table tray, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You can see the cogs working in the back of his mind as he tries to figure out if he can remember from his high school biology classes what asexual means, but the confusion soon melts from his face when he sees how worriedly you're staring right at him.
He tugs at your hand, and brings it up to rest against his baggy shirt, right on top of where his thudding heart is beating. 'Asexual, huh? Oh yeah? Oh, right on!' He's so awkward bless him, that he kind of raises his fist out of instinct to fist bump you before realising himself.
You explain what the word means to him, and he nods fervently the whole while.
'I just want to be with you, to be with you, you get me? I just want to be close to you, you know? Like... I kind of always knew? I didn't know the word for it, but, like, I love you all the same, okay? You're perfect. I mean it.' He reaches out to brush his knuckles over the side of your chin, but you can tell he's getting restless to hug you by the way he begins fidgeting his legs on the seat, but he's too shy to outright ask you if you're okay with that level of contact still, or if you want him to chill it a bit. So you just pounce on him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and trying to hide your smile in the crumpled folds of his hood.
He cups your cheeks, grinning like breaking day as he presses hundreds of little kisses over every inch of your face. Any time a waiter comes over to ask you two to stop, he just throws his hand out and shouts over your shoulder loud enough for the whole place to hear: 'yo, that's my S/O bitch! And I love them, man - they're the best thing in my life, so show some respect! They were really brave today!'
I mean, the two of you get kicked out, but the giddy giggles as the two of you run home bumping into each other, hands tightly pressed together the whole while makes it worth it.
He becomes 100% more perceptive and caring after that day, if that's even possible with Jesse. Like, he knows how horrifying and scary and confusing life can be, and he never ever wants you to feel uncomfortable, or beaten down like he is by it. He always asks if he can kiss you, always double checks it's okay before he pulls you down to sit on his lap. He makes sure you're comfortable when he rests his forehead against your own and just spends as much of his life as he possibly can breathing you in: replacing the air in his lungs so they're only full of you, and he can finally feel alive again. He always makes sure you're okay when he rubs his thumb over your knuckles, his arm splayed over your stomach as he rests against your back, his breath warm against the shell of your ear as he tries to make you laugh by recounting the time he was so desperate to impress you in gym class, that he nearly knocked his front teeth out when he started swinging from the climbing ropes.
He still looks over at you with that exact same wonderous look in his eye, every time. And that will never, ever change.
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thedeafprophet · 5 months
34 for Alex/Fires?
34. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips
In Search Of Distraction
'“Fine, you may stay, for now- but do not touch anything. I have work to be completed, and I will not stand for any further distractions." The edges of Alex's lips quirk up in victory. He'll see about that.' In which Alex sets out on a mission to both distract Fires, and make his nap more comfortable. Written for a kiss prompt on tumblr.
This was an interesting one to try and fill out for these guys - I dont personally headcanon curators having lips the way humans do, and thus tried to think up a fun little thing for Alex deicinding to do this lmao.
Word count: 1,337
Rating: Teen
Tags: Fluff, Napping, Kissing , Kissing when one individual is not human and doesnt have human lips
Also on ao3
Prompt list from here.
"So let me get this straight,” Alex crosses his arms as he looks up at Fires with a raise of a brow, as he gives it a very pointed look. “ I came here, to see you, entirely on my own accord - And you want me to leave?"
Alex had found himself on yet another dreary evening, after another round sleepless nights. Distraction had proved useless, his own fireplace inadequate, and it was all rather starting to piss him off. The idea of spending another evening agitated and another night in failure to sleep seemed extremely unappealing, and eventually Alex couldn't help but succumb to the growing idea within his head. 
In what was yet another of his moves he’d berate himself over later, Alex had found himself heading through the familiar path to Fires’ offices - In case it was up to something, of course, and not at all because Alex found himself in need of attention and a warm place to rest. No, one could never be too sure of what dastardly plans Mr Fires could be up to. Someone had to divert its attention - for the greater good. 
Upon sneaking into its illuminated office, Alex had found Fires once more up to its neck in paperwork, and, laughably, seemingly resistant towards his company. Fires had tried to send him away with a flick of its hand - claiming it was busy, that some of them have work to do Alexander, and to return at a later date. Perhaps even send word ahead of time, for once. 
Alex of course simply snorted, and stood his ground. No way was it getting rid of him that easily.  And after all, if it truly didn’t want him here, it should have made its office harder for a ‘lowly’ thief to get into. 
The glow of Fires' eyes flicker an edge beneath its hood, as at last Alex seems to break through its so-called reluctant demeanor. Fires growls minutely under its breath .
“Fine, you may stay, for now- but do not touch anything. I have work to be completed, and I will not stand for any further distractions."
The edges of Alex's lips quirk up in victory. He'll see about that.
Alex spends a few moments standing beside its desk, glancing around this particular office and the things inside it. The usual uncomfortable furniture and needless globes and tomes line the room, alongside heavy mahogany curtains that have been drawn to block the room’s window.
Alex takes a quick glance at what Fires is working on and quickly decides he could neither understand it, nor did he care to try. Instead he moves closer towards where it sits, standing beside its rather large chair expectantly. 
Fires huffs as he approaches, but automatically lifts its arm when Alex comes near the side of its desk chair, giving him the opportunity to climb up into its lap like he's done… on a few occasions, once or twice, before. Maybe. 
It is ever so delightfully warm, and Alex takes the opportunity to snuggle up against the source of heat. It's soothing, after stressful days that keep Alex busy and one too many sleepless nights, wanting nothing more than to find a way to close his eyes and rest. He'd almost be inclined to truly just sit and cuddle - if it weren't for the rough texture of its cloak. Quite annoying, actually, in such a warm cozy place, to be met with something so scratchy and coarse. 
As it stands, Alex takes a few moments to relax into the heat Fires radiate, listening to the repetitive scratch of pen on paper, a calming sound in the otherwise silent and empty office, save for the crackle of the fireplace. For a moment Alex feels the full weight of his usual tiredness, his body remembering that this is the perfect place to nap - but no, he came here with a mission.
Alex moves to sit up in its lap slightly, tired mind whirring to think up a plan. He glances up at Fires, towards where it writes with one hand, then back towards the other it has resting on the desk. 
Alex reaches his own hands up to hold its lightly, before leaning back and pulling its arm closer towards him - Fires’ pen falters very little in the movement, and Alex can feel the quick flicker of its gaze, but it seems inclined for the moment to let Alex do what he wants. 
Alex idly wonders how far he could push this acceptance, as he pulls a finger back and sees the edge of soot left behind. Eugh.
Fires’ glove is soft and leathery, and quite frankly Alex wouldnt be surprised if its dark colour is simply due to being soaked in the soot it so often tracks everywhere. Whatever the case is, it's certainly a detraction from the current situation.
Fires’ ember gaze returns to Alex fully as he makes his move to rid it of its glove entirely. 
"Is there a particular reason for your ongoings, Alexander, or have you decided my gloves are out of season?" Its voice is tinged with amusement. 
Alex scoffs - it knows he has little care for fashion. "Not everyone wants to get soot on themselves."
Frankly, even removing the glove probably wasn't helping that much - but these are the sacrifices Alex makes.
Whatever Fires was about to say - likely defending its clothing and the state of cleanliness- is suddenly cut off, as Alex lifts its hand and impulsively leans forward to lightly brush his lips against the back of its hand in a light show of.... well, perhaps affection.
It has an otherwise intended effect however, of catching Fires off guard. Its eyes narrow on him, the heat in its gaze increasing, and if Alex didn’t know better, he’d think he’d manage to fluster it. 
That was enough reasoning for him to continue.
Alex wasn’t one who typically leans toward kisses; the times he has done so are exceedingly rare. He never really understood the purpose of it, and rarely did he consider bothering to try. Thus it was mostly entirely on instinct and observation alone that he acted, unsure in much of what he was doing at all. At least it wasn't like Fires would have much experience with the matter either. 
Alex shoves lightly at its sleeve, placing a light kiss on the edge of its arm too, where its fur is thinner than on the upper parts of its body. 
With Fires seemingly distracted by his actions, Alex takes the moment to strike, reaching up to tug its hood down, and giving him further access to soft ruff of fur on its neck. 
Fires looks like it's about to comment, and in a split choice of impulse, Alex chooses to press his lips against the side of its snout, smirking all the while. 
Fires may not be capable of blushing the way humans do, but Alex can most certainly feel the way it heats up in response. Alex moves his head down to nuzzle his face against its neck, and takes advantage of the soft, exposed fur that grows ever warmer.
Feeling successful in his mission to distract Fires from its work, and the lowering of its hood giving access to a much softer place to rest his head, Alex settles back down to curl up against the lovely source of heat with a satisfied hum.
It takes a minute for Fires to recover from its momentary fluster soon after, letting out a huff when it realizes just how distracted it has become. 
"You know," Fires' voice is filled with that irritating smug fondness, which Alex will momentarily forgive, as the way its moves its claws to comb through his hair feels ever so nice. "If you wanted attention, you could just ask."
"Hrm" He's not so sure about that. This works just as well, he thinks. He was, after all, successful in his goal of distracting it- and in finally having a good place to nap. 
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batmanshole · 8 months
ylfvaaa do you have any makeup and skincare recs 😭 im trying to get into skincare but i have no idea where to start, i see a lot of people hyping up korean skincare but idk what products live up to the hype. and i need new makeup badly but im scared of ordering a primer and then it sucks yknow. you seem really knowledgeable so if you can help me out it’d be much appreciated <3
hi anon. before i get into this i love you. i love when people ask me about this kinda stuff. makes me so happy. cosmetic chemistry autism.
ALSO to get your primer thing out of the way: i dont rlly use it but ive heard good things about the ELF one and my sister swears by the NYX one and her base is rlly good. so.
also i'd look on the following websites / stores:
sephora for western brands / mainstream kbeauty yesstyle for korean and japanese stuff chic decent or individual websites for chinese beauty (i usually get mine in person tho)
under the cut cause its long af. also i linked to some products but none of this is sponsored or affiliate or anything im just linking cause i like em 👍
OK FIRST OF ALLL. starting w skincare.
i would break down your routine into three main parts: -cleansing -moisturizing / hydrating -SPF
if you wanna get fancy, you can do exfoliation between cleansing and hydrating. but you really dont have to do that if u dont want to
first: cleansing
if you wanna wear makeup you should have a good way to take it off. no. no put the makeup wipes down. they aren't efficient and u will go through SO many of them. and they're a pain and can irritate ur skin w all the wiping (trust me on this one LOL)
i would recommend using an oil based product for this!! melts ur makeup OFFFF like crazy + even if you don't use makeup it will leave ur skin super clean ^__^ ALSO you should apply this to DRY SKIN and wash it off with lukewarm water (the oil emulsifies w water and also very cold water can make it harder to remove)
if you want an oil-based makeup remover for quick removal w a cotton pad: clinique take the day off (47cad ) this one is expensive tbh and isn't as effective as the others BUT. it takes a lot less energy to use + can be done quickly. if you want a cleanser that will take off your makeup incredibly well while washing ur face: kose softymo speedy cleanser (18cad) this is my absolute FAV. i use it allll the time it works so so well and ive reccomended it to tons of ppl before and theyve all liked it. if you want a cleansing balm for heavier makeup: clean-it zero cleansing balm original (30cad) i haven't tried this one myself, but i've heard VERY good things about it.
next i would follow that up with a water based cleanser (so foaming or gel). this will help to wash away all the stuff that the oil cleanser has loosened up and will wash away leftover oil cleanser.
my FAVOURITE is the senka perfect whip cleanser (14.50cad) i adore this stuff!! ive heard some people find it very drying but i havent had that issue? idk i've also heard good things about this beauty of joseon green plum gel cleanser (14.70 cad) but i haven't used it myself. huge fan of BOJ tho!!
(this is the part where you would exfoliate if you wanted to. for a chemical exfoliant i use the giant bottle of clinique stuff my aunt got me but its not worth the price tbh. u could also try the beauty of joseon apricot peeling gel (14.70cad) IF your skin can handle it. its a physical exfoliant tho so be careful. i also enjoy the pixi glow tonic. u can get this at like shoppers or cvs or somethign idk)
second: hydrating and moisturizing
okay so. this is super important if you do a lot of makeup and thus have to wash it away thoroughly.
i start with a hydrating toner. this helps to add water to your skin and smooth it (adding water before moisturizer is a good idea bc the moisturizers will both add moisture and lock in hydration from any prev products)
i use the the I'm from rice toner (38 cad but on sale rn) which is my absolute absolute FAAAV toner. super hydrating super perfect and beautiful. stunning. (you've probably seen people talk about the cosrx snail mucin, and it is nice i will admit. but do NOT use it if you are allergic to shellfish or dust, apparently. also apply it right after your hydrating toner, it needs to be on wet skin)
then i go in with a moisturizer!! i like to use ones with niacinimide or other humectants.
my go-to is the innisfree jeuju cherry blossom dewey glow jelly (35cad) she's so important to meee <3 love her. all time fav. it is SCENTED tho, so if you don't like that, try: beauty of joseon red bean water gel (17.80cad) super lightweight and has no noticeable scent. ive heard very good things and my friend is trying it soon ^__^
finally: SPF
this is THE most important step. sunscreen. wear sunscreen.
apply your sunscreen under your makeup in the morning, and throughout the day. if you wanna reapply using a sun stick, that's great!!! but don't use a sun stick as your ONLY protection.
also i'd avoid pure mineral sunscreens unless you have a legit allergy to chemical ones. mineral sunscreens are not as good and a lot of the marketing is iffy. also they leave a white cast which is esp noticeable on darker skin. mineral + chemical ones are usually fine tho :-)
my fav sunscreen is the biore UV aqua rich watery gel / watery essence (26cad) legit the best feeling sunscreen i have EVER used. my friends who hate sunscreen like this one. there's also the beauty of joseon rice probiotic releif sun cream (24cad) which is very nice too!! not my fav but a lot of people swear by it for reapplying throughout the day, i would use the beauty of joseon matte sun stick (24cad). ive heard super good things but ihavent tried it cause im finishing my other sun stick rn lol
this is all fairly basic stuff since u said you were new to it, but i can also go thru some less necessary, more fancy products if you ever need.
as for makeup, my favourite brands are:
-flower knows -rom&nd (romand) -daisique -etude -lilybyred
and i've heard really good things about / want to try:
-colorgram -judydoll -flortte -amuse -clio -peripera -into you
ok sorry this is so long but um. lmk if you have any further questions but my arms hurt so im gonna stop typing now. MWAH love you
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nuori-henki · 3 months
i saw your pinned and noticed you had madness combat included on it,,, i assume that pinning it means youre taking requests? i apologize if that isnt the case and you can ignore this if so!!
but uh uh um if so, i would like to request some. deimos x reader... theyre playfighting because they were alone got bored and were like "okay time to beat the shit out of each other for funsies !! couple bonding activities yayyy" and they end up tumbling wih eachother on the ground. deimos goes easy on reader during most of it but the minute the reader actually starts winning he locks in and defeats their ass. if you wanna you could throw in like suggestive stuff maybe in the form of deimos/reader being flirty if you feel like it but either way i dont really care i just want to wrestle with this goober as a form of affection and then give him a kiss when he inevitably wins because he is a trained professional in terms of killing people and i would rather die than be kinda mean to somebody
apologies if this ask is worded weird or somethin!! ive never submitted an x reader request before i am just so down bad rn
It's totally fine! I am actually taking requests :]
I haven't done any writing in a while so I might be rusty still!
Playfighting (Deimos x Reader)
It was one of those slow days, since the last ambush attack on the agency they've back down a little, meaning that there were no new missions too. At this point Deimos was trying anything to get distracted, hacking random sites, picking on Hank, smoking, anything really. Until you came up with an idea.
- Hey Dei?
- Yeah? - he responded while staring at the ceiling.
- Wanna do some training together? Doc said it might be good for us to stay sharp in case something happens.
Now that was something interesting, he gets to fight and have some fun with you? The guy is already up in a blink of an eye.
- Alright, but try to not get your ass kicked too quickly alright doll? - He responded while reading his stance
He almost got dumped into the ground in the first few minutes. While he had already gone on missions with you before he never actually fought you. Your appearance also betrayed how fast you were, quickly dodging his attacks and still landing quite a few good hits on him
- Awn I was expecting for you to be a little better at this DeiDei - You joked
- Who said I'm really trying? I'm just making things a bit easier for you sweetie.
Things kept going for a longer, with some teasing from both sides. He was starting to get tired, but you showed no signs of stopping. "This ain't good..." Deimos though. "If It keeps going like this I'll be on the ground in no time, Sanford I'll probably not shut up about as well". So he kept his guard up. Doing hos best to find a breach to your defenses while still maintaining his.
- Starting to get tired honey?
- From the fighting? Maybe, but definitely not of that pretty face of yours~
This seemed to hit a spot on you, making your face blush intensely and to hesitate a bit, now was his chance! Taking the moment he quickly swiped up your feet and put his whole weight on top of you to make you fall to the ground.
- Still got it! - He exclaimed
- ...
- Di- did I go too far? - Concern slowly overtaking his features. That was, until you started laughing, relaxing at the sight he dropped near you, both staring at the ceiling.
- That was nice! It had been some time since I've had this much fun - you commented
- Same, I was starting to go insane by having nothing else to do
You both stay laying for a few more seconds, until you decide to get up and check with doc if there was anything to get treated.
Maybe you both should do this again sometime
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spatio-rift · 7 months
Hello! I wanted to ask your favourite ships and the ones that you don't really like and why
Hiiii thank you for asking i love to talk about stuff like that and procrastinating on work. i think in recent years ive been enjoying comedic dynamics the most ^_^ i love to laugh and the best kind of dynamics (romantic or otherwise) to me are ones that are funny first and foremost. and theyre best when theres something compelling about it but still a lot of room to play around.
a funny thing ive noticed also is that for most of the media i really really like i care about a platonic unit including the ship/at least one character more than the ship itself? like strky > imakasa, taka (oto) > suika, $quad > kubometo.... like the shipping is funny but the platonic unit is where i get the warm feelings from.
now to actually answer the question ^_^
my favorite ships are the ones cited above as i said mainly because theyre hilarious to me. but i also like that suika dont necessarily like eachother but grow to care deeply for eachother, and the plausible possibility of a history together in oto as kids from how much they know about each other despite being so hostile in early hebi. what happened there... its funny asf but It Could Be That Deep. and also i like the idea that they still hold a massive grudge against sasuke literally 15 years after he fucked them over even though the man doesnt care and probably doesnt even remember. ive always liked the idea that they could have bonded when they reunited during the war over both being mad at him for treating them like dirt but alas kishimoto decided karin still being into sasuke and beating the shit out of suigetsu was funnier.
kubometo and imakasa have a lot less going on, mostly i just find them absolutely hilarious. imayoshi in knb is mostly presented as weird menacing and creepy from seirins pov so imakasa (and strky) is a fun way to play around with his sillier traits, because in that unit hes not a scary opponent determined to do everything in his power to win, hes not an eccentric senpai that never says what hes thinking to his teammates... around kasamatsu and other dudes his age hes just a gay little freak. its refreshing!
i will not pretend kubometo has anything like this going on. its just really funny to me! so many things in saipsi are, but this one really scratches an itch for me. i would actually say that trying to make it deeper than it is and write about it seriously makes it a lot less interesting for me. well thats just my saipsi philosophy in general ^_^ if you start thinking too hard about it it becomes less funny, which is a capital mistake when enjoying a gag manga.
Erm ! for the ships i do not like.... there are so many but out of respect for some beloved followers i wont mention the ones that i really hate just because im biased as hell and no other reason (lol). lets just talk about a few that i have actual arguments for.
for saipsi i dont mind a lot of things as long as it is made funny by people who like it (otherwise i just do not care) but when it comes to saiko and kusuo im sorry we need to stop what is happening here. Out of every possible pairing in saipsi why these two. asou made saiko because financial power was the only thing he could think of at the time that was left to be a challenge to kusuos powers, and then he never really pitted them against each other because it was (offense number 1) already done (kusuos dynamic with kokomi and her divine beauty esp in earlier saipsi revolves around the exact same thing) and (offense number 2) literally not even funny.
their main reasons for interacting are 1) one sided rivalry because of kokomis crush on kusuo, which was abandoned Very Quickly and thank god for that because it wasnt funny at all and made saiko less likeable with each panel (and it encroached on makotos reason for existing in the work as well) 2) The Purge, except saiko never ever learns who that cyborg ciderman cosplayer that humiliated him was. kusuo barely registers in saikos mind past his introduction like he really doesnt care. the ones that consistently and meaningfully interact with him are always nendou, aren and kaidou, kusuos just always around so we actually witness it. it actually matters a lot to me that saiko is one of the only characters that are in the (extended) friendgroup not because of kusuo but mainly because of first kokomi and then nendou. so why make him and kusuo a thing?? theres nothing there! (heavy breathing) sorry if you like saisai i had to get it off my chest.
i think one other ship that i really do not like now for Actual Reasons is hanaima from knb. i used to be a Huge fan but as with a lot of things in this godforsaken fandom my enjoyment of it was really soured by people who just Did Not Get It. hanaima is the ship for people who want a ~Dark and Edgy~ dynamic in a highschool basketball manga. people who like it generally dont understand hanamiya and imayoshi as characters and the actual dynamic they have, they just want to write about abuse and poor little meow meow hanamiya and yandere sadist imayoshi and stuff like that. One! hanamiya is not scared of imayoshi he just hates him for being annoying and weird and not letting him do whatever he wants which is injure people and ruin their dreams! Two! imayoshi is kind of a freak but he is kind! whatever awful thing you think imayoshi did to hanamiya in middle school that explains why hanamiya doesnt want to do anything with him now is complete bullshit! its not about imayoshi being evil or an abuser or anything like that ITS ABOUT HANAMIYAS EGO! at most imayoshi is just annoying because messing w people hes fond of is his favorite past time!
ah well there are more things that people get wrong about their characters and dynamic but lets not increase my heart rate too much i wouldnt survive it. if i had to sum it up i think ships i do not like are either just offensively unfunny or like, the idea of the ship goes against established character so forcing it to happen makes them awfully ooc to the point of being near unrecognizable. like i know anything can happen in the mind of a fan but i like these characters for a reason, you know?! Erm well i dont know how to end this rant now so ill just say thank you for asking and sorry if its a boring read, just talking about myself and all ...!
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
honestlyyy my bf is lucky to have me!! bc ive seen and heard things that i feel like another girl would probably not give him more chances or go off on him out of frustration. even his sister told me she’d do things differently. idk im not trying to shit on him at all bc hes a really good person and i love him very much and want to be with him for the rest of my life. i just know that if it was the other way around with all the things we both have done, he would notttt trust me and he already has trust issues. i mean im not perfect either..yes i have done some small things before, but it was without any personal feelings and any intimate physical touch. now, there is a lot of context and things for part of what he did and the situation we were stuck in so like its not as bad as it sounds.. but STILL lol im just thinking. like i know if one of us had to break up with each other it would def be him breaking up with me. i just know. theres already been times where he would sound like he would and he’d make all these confrontations feel so serious. also, hes still a man. yes hes he/they, masc presenting, but he still thinks like men. im not trying to offend anyone pls if literally anyone reads this far so ill explain what i mean. he did not have good luck with girls in hs and so he worked on himself to look better and then got the attention from girls he craved back then. got some experience, got a gf, got cheated on, got dating apps again but stayed fwb with his ex until calling it off when we started dating. i know he can move quickly with things and act on his high sexual drive. if anyone whos considered attractive gives him attention, he could entertain the idea or like he starts to compare me and itll make me feel like im not enough and dont match his lifestyle. i feel like its easier for him than me to start seeing people in a sexual way and want to get in their pants. idk if it could be like the female attention since he doesnt always feel good about himself and now that a pretty girl shows interest its like it gets to his ego. again, i sound like im shitting on him but im not, im just thinking i can type it all out and leave it here bc ive never talked about this or wrote about it. i found out today that he did stuff with his friend ~3 yrs ago while me & him were on a break and me and her are like friendly acquaintances and we went to her baby shower, gender reveal party, & he went to her wedding, all after they did it. he really only told me now bc her husband i guess just found out somehow and msgd my bf about it and said he’ll go msg me about it. he didnt want me to find out first thru someone else, which i appreciate that he was able to tell me first, but its also like okay damn they really did that. and yes it was years ago so i honestly didnt feel hurt about it i was just more shocked. like.. he was on a break with me and felt single and he says shes cheated before so it just happened with them and they didnt do it again. funny thing is that her husband was already suspicious of him years ago and thinking he was only friends with her to do stuff and now shit, he was partially right. honestly, thats a dumb mistake on her end, like she was engaged or almost engaged at the time. also, for the record, he hooked up with (for what i know now) 2 other people during that time period, so 3 within our 1 month break. one didnt involve any feelings i presume and the other one had a shit ton bc they went on actual dates and shit and she ended it bc they both or just she didnt wanna settle. she was 3 yrs younger than him and yes.. i did stalk her a bit bc i needed to know, why her, who she is, etc. and i could already tell she got around..but whatever, i already coped from that lol. back to his friend, he knows she was with someone & he knows her man already didnt like him. even tho she didnt care, he still went along with it bc hes been wanting to do that since the day they became friends. it all makes sense. he met her in school when he was still with his ex so i dont have anything to say about that part but like, again…
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Chapter 26
Word count 2208
I think the only mentions for this one is maybe mentions of depression or inclination of it
Feedback is always welcome 🥰
Also thank you so much to all of you who are taking time out of your day to read this (I know there’s so many better fanfics out there , better written and all but ) I’m so thankful for those who are reading it
I also do blurbs as well if anyone has any ideas they might want to get to me
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I feel like this might be a little trickier for me to write as I've never written anything from Ross'POV before so if this is terrible I'm so sorry .
Ross' POV
"What are we gunna do with you huh ?"
I felt Matty slightly shrug at my question as I slowly wrack my hands through his hair being careful but he still shock his head a little "please don't....it hurts" , he was shivering
"Are you cold?" , I felt him shake his head again at my question. "Do you need water?", again another shake if his head. This is going to be a long night. "What do you need mate?"
"George ...George doesn't...He was gunna call me tonight.can you...can you tell him that I might not be"
"Tell him on what" , I pull my phone out of my pocket being careful enough to try and not disturb Matty who was still resting on my lap
"Add his insta , bedforddanes75, just send him a message", so that I do , I add George but instead of waiting for the add back I send him a message straight away
Ross : Hey if this is the correct George , I'm Ross , Mattys best mate, I know you and Matty were supposed to call tonight but Matty isn't having the best of nights so he's with me , if you need anything please just gimme a shout and I'll see what I can do 😌
I then place my phone on the table beside me and turn my attention straight back to Matty "When was the last time you had a proper meal Matty ?", I'm scared to actually find out the answer at this point , I never realised how thin hed gotten until I was picking him up. He's so light
"Proper meal um .....I don't really know...I snack on stuff occasionally but ..I uh... I don't remember the last full meal I had"
"Right , I'm going to get you some food and water okay, can you stay ere for me?", I felt him shrug again against my leg. "What you trying to say mate?"
"Nothing, just not hungry but alright", I slowly removed him from my legs and tried to tuck him into the bed properly and made sure he was comfy enough. I snag my phone from the table beside him and give him a small peck on his temple "I love you mate"
"You too Rosso" ,
"Just shout if you need me okay"
I make my way from the my room and quickly through to my mums just checking that there alright "you alright mum".
"I'm alright love, how's Matty doing?" , I slip into the room and close the door leaning against it. "I honestly have no idea at this point Mum"
"What's up with him like love?"
I scratch the back of my head really debating telling my mum about everything because I know she'll tell Denise but I've gotten to the point where I can't keep it together anymore and someone needs to tell Denise and Matty will never do it, so I slide down the door sat down next to it, something I've done since I was young always just sat at the door while I need to tell her something "He's on stuff Mum , like really deep in them and, I don't know if he knows how to stop, he was just messing around to begin with but it's gotten really bad, and it's not my place to tell Denise or Tim but someone needs to and I know he never will and I don't know how to help him anymore Mum but he really needs help."
"What stuff do you mean love, what's he taken"
"I don't know to the full extent because, I don't know how honest he is sometimes when it comes to it but, uh I think he's on coke and drinks a lot too, and weed , I mean I know I smoke weed but like all of it all the time it's just getting to much for him", I know I should trust him in what he tells me but he's just been so off lately and it's so difficult and everyone including himself is suffering and I just need to help him.
"And what do you mean by it just started off as messing around?, you haven't taken anything have you?"
"No I haven't myself , but I do know that uh Janey and Matty used to do stuff when they were just at parties and stuff but I never realised how bad it got for him, he never did it around anyone other than Janey or Corey I think"
"Do I know Corey?", my mum was sat up now on her phone probably about to contact Denise, because that's what mums do isn't it.
"No, I don't really know Corey myself he's a bit older than us but Matty met him at a party"
"Right , thank you my love, is there anything else that Denise would need to know?, anything else really?"
"I think she probably knows but he's really struggling at school , just having panic attacks all the time over the smallest things , but I think she knows that" , I rise up from my spot on the floor and quickly say goodbye to her as I feel like that might be the end of the conversation. Then make my way to the kitchen to make some food for him. Just some eggs on toast , protein might help. As well as a glass of water I make some tea for us both as well it'll calm him down. It takes about ten minutes to get everything ready. I load everything onto a tray and make my way back up to him, when I reach my room the first thing I notice is that Matty is somewhat quiet even in this state.
"Matty" , I push the door open and what I'm faced with is Matty fast asleep in my bed curled up into the blanket still fully clothed. I play the tray on the table next to my bed and just take myself over to the bed and sit next to him. I take out my phone again and see that I have a pending request and message from George.
George : oh hey Ross, thanks for telling me, what happened?
Ross: I don't really know what happened I didn't get the whole story, everything just kind of took a turn for the worst tonight.
George : what do you mean?? Is he okay? , is he awake can I see him?????
Ross: he's alright for now, he's asleep right now and I don't really want to wake him, I don't think he's stable right now
George: when he wakes up can you tell him I'm asking for him yeh ??
Ross: sure thing bro honestly , can I let you in on a little secret ??
George : sure
Ross: I think your gunna be really good for him , he ain't shut up about ya really and uh I think he really likes ya, but please don't hurt him
George : I'd never plan on hurting him, he’s really managed to crawl his way into my brain, I just hope he’s okay
Ross : I’ll keep an eye on him and keep you updated G
I place my phone back into my bedside table and carefully lay down properly and turn my tv on, putting on Simpson a just for background noise while I hold Matty through his tough time and just cradle his body on my arms occasionally telling him everything will be okay
After about another half an hour I can feel him storing in my arms so I release my grip a tiny bit “hey there you muppet”, He doesn’t move much but wraps his arms around me squeezing a little “are you okay?”
“My ead hurts Ross, like real bad”, he buries his head in the crook of my neck trying to hide from the light a little bit.
“What happened?, like really ?, can you be honest?” , as he’s leaning against me I can feel a tiny tremor coursing through his body
“I don’t think I can”
“Can’t what ?, tell me?”
“I don’t know what happened Ross I swear, I was fine then I wasn’t, that’s all there is too it”
“Can you at least tell me why you needed to do any of that stuff Matty?, like why did you feel the need to go out and get high again?”
“Everything is just so loud in my head, it’s like grey and cloudy , I see everything in greyscale basically, and I wanted to stop it like even for just a second, like you know when you wake up and like you can hear the birds chirping away and someone is cutting the grass down the road and there’s like sounds from people being busy round the house and it can be quite irritating when your trying to sleep well it’s like that in my head all the time, I can just hear everything, every annoying noise , everything buzzes or ticks , the static in the tv, the electricity running through everything and it’s annoys me so much makes it hard to concentrate and I just wanted to shut it up” , I can feel my shoulder start to get a little wet, indicating that Matty is crying again so I bring my arms around him properly again and hold him. “I just feel lost man….like everything is pushing me closer and closer to the edge everyday….some days I can cope with it ….but other days It just won’t go away”.
“But is nearly killing yourself the answer Matty!?”, I can’t imagine a world where Matty wasn’t in it, We’ve already lost one members of our little clique I don’t know if I’d cope with Matty gone too.
“I’m not gunna die Ross, I’ll be fine, I just don’t know how to deal with it sometimes, this is the only way I know” , Matty let’s go off me now, sits up and wipes his eyes harshly with the sleeve of his jacket. “I just want to feel like I’m not losing my mind”.
“Why can’t you tell people when things get to hard for you” , I adjust myself so I’m sat cross legged on the bed next to him looking at him, searching for any sign , literally anything that might tell me how he’s feeling.
“I try Rosso , but I just…I don’t know, I just feel like if I tell people they’ll try to stop me from doing what I need to do to feel better….and it’ll just make it worse” , Matty mirrors me my actions sat cross legged also but flings his jacket off and placed it in the space between us. “I’m so angry or upset all the time and I hate it , I just wanna be me again”
“You are you, you’ll always be Matty no matter how your feeling , your allowed to be angry , upset , stressed, but you don’t have to destroy yourself Mate, I know your finding stuff hard and I hate having to watch you go through it but I need you to know that your my best mate like ever and I can’t lose you” , we’re both crying now, I rarley cry but when it comes to serious stuff it makes me emotional and I know I’m going to lose it if this keeps happening. “You got some tea and food there can you try have some for me”
“Mhm”, I know he’s not going to have much of it and it’s gone cold but I need to see him eat even if it’s just for my own selfish reasons for my own peice of mind you know, he picks up the tray and starts picking away at the bread. “Ross ?”
“Yeh man”
“Did you tell George?, like what happened”
“No , I didn’t tell him what happened , you should do that , I just told him your having a bad night, and he was asking for you though , he seems like a good egg”
“He so is, would you mind if we called, he might cheer me up a little” , as he’s sipping on his tea I can tell that he’s still a little bit bouncy and I don’t know how to describe it maybe like scared , anxious is the word. “I mean not that your not doing a good job but like, I’d like for you to meet him too”
“Sure you can, but I need you to do one thing for me” , I want him to tell his mum what’s going on like fully , so we can all work on it together , help him through this bump in the road, get him the help he might need and we can get out Matty back.
“Can you please tell your mum that your um ….I don’t know the word like … struggling with drugs”, he notice him out of the corner of my eye put his toast down as I say it. “Like I know it’ll be hard but she’s been where you are ….she might be a little better help than me and she’ll have better advice than me”
“Okay, but later okay”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Pink Trio & Carol
Various Flowers
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The feeling in her was uneasy... Graduation was drawing near and she just made more excuses... some months ago she got pregnant thanks to Jesh and tried her best to hide it as she could... but it got harder and harder... maybe she should just accept it... but it meant coming put with everything she left hidden. And worse was she only really could rely on Lyla and Lustre in this time... given they were the only ones at school that knew about her condition...
She yelled enough at Jesh and grew a little distant given the circumstances... mainly cause of how he reacted over his slip up... she was highly angry at him for it..
And so she was stuck on that day in her room just trying to recover her energy... so was lucky the teachers just allowed her to rest cause her grades were so good, she didn't need to go to classes... but she knew how that spread even more rumors about her.
Eventually she heard a knock on her door. Opening it to see a familar face.
"Lustre.. what are you doing here?"
"I think Peach, it's time you stop doing everything on your own. Come with me to the courtyard."
"But why?"
"We have a little surprise for you."
She was hesitant but then grabbed his hand firmly and followed after him. The belly of hers was still slightly kicking on her way there... as she found a secluded space not many students stayed at.... only to find Maya and Jesh waiting for her with a pretty big flower bouquet... although a sweet gesture she still wasn't too amused to see Jesh after what happened.... at least not untill Lustre pushed him a little forward.
"Apples...I know I messed up but... I got you this as offering of peace... I do want to raise that kid with you I just... am not used to the situation... so I reacted a bit like this."
"Jesh... I felt left alone... it doesn't change the fact that I love you but... at least... stand up for your mistakes... you reacted like this was my fault. "
"I know.... would you still be fine staying with us... and I take care of you... I promise I provide you and the kid everything... even if it means quitting you know what."
Her eyes furrowed... a hesitant gaze at him.
"You would?"
"I promise... you are more important than that."
Without hesitation she quickly hugged him and started to tear up... this was all she wanted... just an assurance that she isn't going through this alone.
"If you are willing to do this... Its also time for me to finally stop hiding everything... so what if other students judge me... I dont want the stress of hiding my relationship and this pregnancy anymore."
Lustre and Maya also got closer and pulled her into a group hug....
Soon the group settled down on a blanket as the three watched out for her... it still was a bit overwhelming for her... but she cherished the bouquet as a reminder of a hope for the future.. she still didn't fully forgive Jesh but he made up enough for her to put some trust In him... and somewhat this was for now enough for her.
"You already have an idea for the kids name?"
Jesh asked a little hesitant as she took one flower out the bouquet and smiled.
"Azalea... its pretty enough... it also said that it means to persevere no matter what... given this situation was straining enough I thought it was fitting."
A warm smile she shot at the three made them at ease more... at least she finally was as happy as she usually seemed again... she was strong to make it through this mess... and give her daughter after graduation some of this strength back.
After the meeting was done the three settled to let her stay at the mansion, so they could watch out for her wellbeing till she has to go to graduation.
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oh-my-may · 2 years
Suna as your boyfriend headcanons
suna relationship headcanons? hes my fav charater and i loved your osamu Christmas cookies fanfic so i went to go see some more things you have written and i noticed that there was nothing for suna, and i really like your work so i was wondering if you could possibly write something for him. its perfectly fine if you dont have the time or just done want to.
A/N: Woah, anon, me too. I love Suna, he turned into one of my favorite characters when I read the manga, he's just so pretty <33
Also this is very long and detailed at times, it's been a while since I last wrote "headcanons" so instead during fitting parts I just straight up wrote a paragraph
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none, not proof read
My requests are open! Leave something for me there
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Okay listen, being with suna might be one of the most chill things out there, like on a scale of all haikyuu characters he’s #1
But let’s start at the beginning
Suna is lowkey about his feelings. He keeps 98% of his feelings to himself and works through stuff on his own, and most of the time unfortunately he doesn’t find a solution for his problems like this and he doesn’t know how to approach things, ESPECIALLY when it comes to… love
When he was younger his family referred to him as a late boomer bc he never brought home a partner
The thing is… There were people he was interested in. But it never lasted long, or the feeling was not intense enough in order for him to actually consider making a move. It never bugged him.
Well, until High School when he got to know the Miya twins and (unfortunately) became friends with them quite quickly. And they were just so … so … much. So much of everything. Suna did not like that, he found their bickering to be amusing at best, a funny video on his phone he can replay for a laugh. But sometimes they came up with these silly competitions and bets. And sadly, he was involved in them quite soon after getting to know them. It was dumb insignificant stuff most of the time. Slowly steal Aran’s pens, one at a time out of his pencil case until none were remaining. Sometimes they also came up with stuff involving… well… romance. They were teenagers after all, it’s a quite prominent topic. Suna just made a face whenever the topic came up and of course the twins noticed his apprehensiveness towards the topic fast enough to come up with a plan. “Hey Suna, make a conversation longer than two minutes with a person you bump into today. Dare. We’ll clean the club room in your stead.” Suna hated that idea. What he heated even more though, was doing “unnecessary” tasks like moving too much while cleaning. Kita took care of that anyways. So he just sighed and nodded. Fine, then. Bold of them to assume he’d bump into anyone at all, he’s tall enough to clearly see everyone around him, there was no way someone would actually manage to bump into him without him avoiding it.
Or so he thought, because he did not see your clumsiness coming. How could he have. You were carrying big maps in your arms, a few too many for your size and arm length. Shame on you for being foolish enough to think you could carry the materials for two people since your friend was sick today. So after class, as Suna made his way up the stairs to his classroom, you came stumbling down with the maps in your arms threatening to fall all over the place. You almost managed to prevent the crisis. Almost. Someone must have lost a candy wrapper earlier today and not noticed. Now, with the tile floor of the stairs along with your slippery shoes, it was only a matter of time before you slipped and fell. You only caught a glimpse of someone coming up the stairs you were walking down. Inan attempt to save not anly your life and theirs you let go of the maps and cried out a “WAtch OUt-!” Suna looked up then, eyes widening as he watched the maps collapse down the stairs in front of him. He pressed his body to the railing, while holding out an arm to try and catch the falling materials. He did not succeed in that, but instead caught hold of your outstretched hand that was gripping after the maps. Surprised by the sudden skin contact you yelped and came to a hold in a weird crouching position in front of him, his long fingers wrapped around your wrist which most likely prevented you from falling to your knees completely.
Both of you shared a look before watching the maps rol down the last flight of stairs and finally stop at the foot of the platform. You sighed at the sight. “Great.” Was all you could utter in a less motivated tone now. Then you remembered the boy next to you, with your wrist still in his hold. “Uh, thanks for saving my life.” Suna was still perplexed. Did the Miyas have telekinetic powers? Did they plan this? “You��re welcome.” A quite polite answer from him. “Saved my own in the process, it seems.” He nodded towards the bundle of maps at the foot of the stairs. You could just answer with a helpless sound. “Sorry for this. Almost didn’t see you, I must have slipped on something.” Suna could still just look at your figure. He felt quite captivated by the way you talked to him so effortlessly despite never having met him. He was not rude, just quiet. He greeted others with silent nods and never made small talk. And here you were blabbering about how you got in this situation in the first place, talking about your geography teacher and sick friend, forming the grandest apology he’s ever heard from another teenager. Suna was so captivated that in his trance he said something you would have never heard him say: “So, do you need help carrying those?” A phrase his teammates never heard him say before. Suna Rintarou? Doing work he doesn’t have to do? What was wrong with him.
Suna is the type of guy that’s quite oblivious to his own feelings and for a big part also those of others. It’s a result of never paying attention when he felt a twinge of affection for people in the past. After your first encounter, Suna often found himself hanging out with you. The twins didn’t even know of your existence for the first few weeks. Suna just kept disappearing during breaks without a word, he was the first to leave practice and he spent even more time looking down at his phone. They first met you at a match, where you greeted Suna with a big smile and wave and shouted his name to cheer him on. “my gawd, he’s gotten himself a fan.” could be heard from Atsumu, who felt a twinge of jealousy and earned a kick from his brother. You hung around them a lot more afterwards and learned their antics personally, after Suna had spent way too much time ranting about them in your lunch break meetings or through text messages. There were weeks filled with those meetups and phone calls, you even met at the twins’ home to play video games, you came to his matches and sometimes to watch his practice, too. Weeks until Atsumu exploded after practice one day, grabbed Suna’s collar and shouted: “So what’s this with Y/N, huh? You just playin’ or somethin’? What’s wrong with ya?”
Suna did not know what he was talking about right of the bat. His eyes wandered to Osamu, who was usually a bit more calm and level-headed. He usually saved Suna from these situations. This time though he stood next to his brother and had the same look on his face. “Do you like them, you giant loaf, or nah?”
DID he like you? Of course he did, otherwise he wouldn’t hang out with you. “You stupid bloke, that’s not what we meant!” “Are ya in love with ‘em?” Oh. Is that why he felt so weird hanging out with you, compared to when he was hangout out with the team? Was that the reason why he felt so light and carefree with you? Is that why he texted you first and last thing in the day? When the Miyas noticed that clearly, they had reached something in him, they let go of him. “Man, ya gotta make a move. Y/N’s definitely into you but they’re way too nice to make the first move. Don’t wanna get rejected, I guess.” With those words Osamu gave him a pat on the shoulder and left.
It took Suna another two weeks to think about all this. Was he finally in love now? Was he so stupid he didn’t even notice how much nicer you were to him than your other friends?
His confession came unplanned. It was before an important qualifying match for nationals. He wasn’t nervous before those, usually. But today you were there. When he saw you waiting in the big hall before the gym, clad in Inarizaki colors and colourful smudges on your cheeks, holding a bigger box with something, looking out for… Well, most likely him, his heart definitely did some gymnastics he wasn't used to. When you finally caught sight of him and the team you got all excited, smiling from ear to ear and almost toppling over in the process, he had to look away and gulp. You were so so adorable and nice and sweet and pretty, there was no way he could ever do this. “Good luck! You got this, I’m sure. I mean, I’ve seen you practice, you’re definitely prepared!” You beamed at them. “Thank you, Y/N! See you after the match!” Atsumu answered with smug laughter and then got pushed away by his brother, who patted Suna’s back YET AGAIN as the team left. “Here, I even have a surprise for you.” You held up the box in front of his face, then. His eyebrows knitted. “What’s that?” You smiled triumphantly. “Well… Last week we went to that café with the twins after your practice, right? You mentioned your favourite pastry and how you barely see it in shops, so I thought that after the match… No matter how it will end – I mean of course you’ll win! – it would be nice if you had it, no?” “I love you.” The words slipped out before he had even realised. He was so enamoured by your deed, the way you were speaking then, that everything was overflowing all at once. “Woah… What?” You were about equally as shocked as he was. Your expressions mirrored each other. Suna wanted to ram his head against a wall but refrained. It was too late to take it back, now. “I’m being serious. I’m just a stupid idiot who doesn’t know anything about stuff like this so I didn’t know what was going on, so sorry if I hurt you. I will cherish the pastries after the match no matter what.” Feeling bold, he took your hands and pressed them tightly against his chest. “Talk to you after the match?” You just nodded, all light-headed from the sudden confession and change of pace in your relationship.
Surprisingly, afterwards not a lot of things changed. You still hung out at school, after practice, he walked you home or picked you up. You hung out with the twins, played video games, you sat in front of him at the gym when he exercised to motivate him. Just from now on, the looks you exchanged had more affection in them. He placed his hand on your back or over your shoulders when you were standing somewhere. He placed his head on your thighs when you came to watch their practice and he needed a break, so you stroked his hair only for both of you to get scolded by Kita. Now, he took your hand when you walked to get coffee and took pictures of you. So many pictures and videos, of almost all things you did.
That’s how he preserves your relationship. He probably has about 10 folders on his laptop filled with your shared memories of late night trips to the grocery store, his matches where you came to cheer him and the team on, lazy afternoons at the Miya’s who just got annoyed that they were now friends with a couple, and many more
Dates with Suna are spontaneous most of the time and he prefers staying inside and hanging out. His love language is quality time and you learn that quite quickly. He just comes over at random times to do his homework even though you have to learn something completely different. But he does not mind, as long as you’re both in the same room. Trying new video games, reading to each other, cooking and baking together, watching movies and shows – that’s how you usually spend your time. But Suna also enjoys taking you to the cinema, or walks out of the city up the local hills, away from civilization where you’re just surrounded by endless fields and giant trees. When he got his driver’s license he often picked you up at random times of the day and you just drove off to some place, sometimes rounding the same block 20 times or completely leaving everything behind for 3 hours. As long as you’re next to him and you both can listen to the music you both enjoy the most, he’s contempt with everything
As mentioned before, he’s big on subtle PDA, but do not ever kiss him in public. Let him initiate the PDA, a hand on your thigh or waist or back, a cute pat on your head, stroking your cheek and then pinching it – those are his go-tos. Good luck kisses before matches only become a thing for you after he leaves High School and joins the higher leagues and the games get more serious. It only happened a few times that he was so ecstatic after a match that he came up to you and kissed you right there on the spot for everyone to see. He usually likes to keep your relationship to himself when it comes to things like this.
However, he loves posting pictures of you. You know those slightly blurry pictures? Yeah, tons of those of you in his stories with either really stupid captions or a single black heart
Suna may seem lazy but he’s a hard worker and knows what he wants in life. Almost as important as his own future is yours to him. He’s your biggest hype man and supporter. Accompanying you to important exams, helping you learn and make hard decisions for your future. He just needs you to learn that he’s always there and you can tell him anything.
A thing you have to accept with Suna is that as much as he cherishes time with you and loves spending time with you, he needs time to himself as well. He’ll send you a small text or leave a small note about heading out for a while and you will find him coming back at night, the fresh air of the night wind around him, signalling that he went on a long drive with the windows down for a while
And … that’s about all I have to say for now. Suna’s my type of man definitely, 12/10 would date IF he was real :’)
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cynettic · 3 years
How to Dom Genshin Men 101
Summary - Tips, tricks, and the unofficial guide of how to dominate genshin men in bed. ( Not really- just tips and a quick sneak peak )
Pairings - Fem!Reader x Albedo / Diluc / Kaeya / Childe / Kazuha / Venti /  Zhongli / Dainsleif / Scaramouche
Warnings - NSFW ( edging, overstimulation, penetration, pegging, foreplay, bondage, degradation, humiliation, dirty talk, fingering, heavy dom, punishment, cunnilingus, blowjob )
A/N - “How to dominate Genshin Woman,” is up next ;)
Mentions - @clouds-rambles I saw you wanted someone to tag you for a post with Kazuha or Venti content :) sorry if it was comfort you were looking for tho- ;-;
Kaeya needs to be told he will be fucked. That you’re going to throw him on the bed and have your way with him. With the blue headed cavalry captain, communication is the key to seducing him into your bidding. Kaeya naturally can be submissive, but he often prefers to take control, so you’ll have to keep firm with him.
Rub his thighs while you whisper into his ear all your dirty little plans. The contact will catch his attention, and he’ll grow hard at the thought of you taking control.
But be careful.
As much as Kaeya can be a bratty sub, he is equally teasing and capable of taking control again. You need to stick hard with your decision, and never falter into his words. Keep him on edge, control his orgasm, make him long for you.
“Y/n… please… I cant take it any longer.”
Kaeya in general is open to many things, so bondage and many kinks are open to him. Use them to keep him blinded in ecstasy and want, until all he can do is whine out your name.
Degrade him.
Play with his hair as he shakes for the orgasm, and pull at his locks when he tries to get off when you pull back. You need to remind him constantly that you’re in control, that he does your bidding and that your words are law.
The room was hot, sweat dripping down your neck as you loomed over Kaeya’s toned chest. But the warmth was hardly a bother with the view in front of view, whimpers and grunts escaping the man’s lips as he clenched the white silk bedsheets.
“Y/n,” he breathed, head crushed into the bedsheets by your hand that gripped his neck. You only squeezed his throat tighter, making him flinch and unable to speak. All he could do was try to meet your uneven pace and throw his hips up in an idle attempt to orgasm.
He should’ve known better.
Because you drew up when he was close, lifting your wet dripping pussy from the slick coated juices that covered his dick. Leaving his erect and overstimulated length throbbing as he cried out. 
“I decide when you get to cum,” was your only reply, harsh and strict against his lustful desperate eyes. “I am the one in control of your needy little dick right now, so dont even try to find out what I’ll do if you do it without my permission.”
He could only nod, tears welling up in his eyes when you slammed back down on his dick. The obedient way he melted into you making you loosen the grip on his neck, slowly trailing your hand down his chest. Hand settling on his abs as you bounced on his dick, pace getting quicker. 
“Cum you slut.”
His seed filled your hole, and his hands clenched into fists as the wave of pleasure washed over him. He curled his toes at the edge of the bed, knees and thighs shaking when you sank back down on his dick. He was reduced to a mewling mess, unable to form proper words.
“You didn’t think we were done did you?”
Quick Tip - Touch his chest, especially his nipples. He was his window exposed to the cold air after all~ its sensitive and the contact there with the one on his dick will have him trembling.
Diluc doesnt know how to be anything but dominant in his sex life. He’s unlikely ever had the chance to be at someones complete and utter mercy. In a way, he liked it like that, he likes control better than the unknown. But he trusts you, openly submitting himself to you when you ask. Cause thats all you have to do when it comes to Diluc, ask with a pouty face and a “pretty please?” And its yours.
Diluc probably got the idea that you’d be gentle with him because of your words. Maybe it was your soft expression, or just the way you patted his shoulder and told him he’d enjoy it, you promised.
But you were anything but gentle.
Actually, he’ll likely try to avoid looking at you directly because he might feel ashamed for looking so vulnerable. Scared that you might find him disgusting or revulsive in the state that he’s crying and begging for your touch.
With Diluc, praise him. 
Tell him how good he’s doing, how hot he looks all wet and hard for you. Talking about what you’re going to do to him also turns him on, stroke his dick and whisper into his ear how you’ll be pounding it in your pussy.
“So g-good… dont stop… d-dont…”
“Magic word ‘Luc,” you whispered slyly into his ear. 
“Please…” he whined almost immediately. “Please, please… p-please-”
But once you start, you’re in complete and utter control.
Unlike Kaeya, he wont be able to turn the tables on you if he feels like it. Being at someones mercy is so thrilling, and all he can do is think about how to make you tell him he’s doing good.
He’ll do everything you ask without hesitation.
A good boy just for you.
“Sensitive,” you remarked smoothly as the pads on your fingers rubbed Diluc’s cock. You were gentle, slow and torturous as you rubbed the tip and drank in the boy’s muffled gasps and cries.
Diluc was face down on the bed, hands grasping the pillow and just about shoving it in his face. His hips bucked everytime you touched his needy dick, toes digging into the blanket to support him in any kind of way. 
You hovered over his quivering body, a smirk plastered over your face at the feeling of euphoria this gave you. Diluc was never a bottom, and it felt so good to know that it was you who was changing that.
‘He’s so cute being so submissive too…’
Ass up in the air as if begging you to suck his cock, to do anything instead of teasing him with your fingers. Adorable attempt, but if he wanted to be sucked off, he needed to vocally beg for it, plead and whine for your mouth.
You pressed another kiss against his neck, nipping at his tender red skin with your teeth. He struggled and whimpered when you didnt go any lower.
“You want something…?” You asked gently into his ear, holding back the grin when he nodded wildly.
“‘Ask for it.”’
He opened his mouth to say something, but was overcome with the sensation of your fingers sliding up and down his dick. The pillow didnt help, muffling his voice so you couldnt hear him either way. Feeling trapped, he could only thrust his hips into the strokes of your hand.
“Y/n…” he tried, stopping halfway. “I want you to… I n-need you to…”
So you helped him out a little bit.
Your hand quickly came to his neck, holding his face up above the pillow. It was grasped as if you’d choke him, but your touch was soft and gentle enough not to hurt him. “What was that?”
“Suck me…” he sputtered out, thighs trembling. “Please…”
You let go of his neck, instead trailing your body down. You left little kisses and love bites on the crevices of his back, noting how he arched his spine obediently. “Good boy,” you whispered when you got to his cock. You gave the tip a little kiss, “Good boy.”
Quick Tip - Get into a position with Diluc that’ll make it hard for him to escape your grip completely. He’s not used to this, so he’ll be really shifty and squirmy the entire time.
Albedo might be a little harder to go about, but it all comes down to how you phrase it. The poor boy is so obsessed with knowledge and discovering more that it really isnt that hard to persuade him with the right words. Tell him that you simply want to experiment body reactions, and that someone suggested a little something ‘different.’
Can I just start by saying that Albedo is probably one of the prettiest bottoms out there? Like the way his mouth opens to moan out your name, but then he chokes back on pleasure and now he’s just breathing really hard, eyes slitted.
During the entire process, he’ll be completely obedient to you and only you. Asking what to do so that the supposed experiment will work. 
In general he’s pretty touch craved, so even just the simplest stray of your fingers along his thigh will get him hard.
“You’re… sure this is part of the experiment?”
“Absolutely. Something wrong?”
“No… I’ve just never done this before.”
Make him sit on your lap. 
I don’t care if you’re shorter or taller than him. If you’re looking up or down to see his face, because either way its the best position to see his expressions. And the best thing about Albedo is his expressions.
You’re used to seeing his usual stoic demeanor and maybe even the slightest smile that he spares for you. But here, you get to see the pleasure that he cant hide, moaning your name and whining for more.
“Like t-this…?”
Your hand was on the soft skin of his back, fingers stroking the crevice of his spine and sending goosebumps up his spine. “Perfect,” you purred back, legs widening under the pressure of him above you. 
You could tell Albedo was desperately trying to stay in control of his face, but his body reactions gave way to his actual feelings. Face slightly tinted as he screwed his eyes shut and delved into the feeling of being inside you. His thighs shook as you grasped his hips, slamming him in and out of your pussy mercilessly.
The way he moaned your name was just as satisfactory as his dick pounding into your walls. You stroked the sensitive skin of his sides, pinching and gripping his ass. It was tender in your hands, and you rubbed the flesh as you hoisted him up and down into your hole.
“You like that?” You asked into his ear, nibbling at the exposed hollow of his neck. 
“The e-experiment?” He began, clearing his throat as if to give you a fully proper answer. 
You thrust your hips to meet his.
“Its certainly- c-certainly… I…” He pressed his face into your shoulder, breathing hard as his thighs gave away and he fully submitted into you. Into the sensation of you pumping his length into yourself. 
“Certainly what Bedo…?” You teased, satisfied with his unfinished answer. You didn’t want him to give you his hypothesis, you wanted him to tell you how good he felt, how he wanted you to fuck him harder.
One of your hands rose up to his face, harshly pushing off your shoulder. Your hand came to grip his neck, angling his face in just the ‘right’ position so you could view the ecstasy dimming his eyes. Mouth open while nothing but moans and whimpers escaped, head tilted to the side because he couldnt focus on anything but the feeling of you.
“Feels…. good…” he mumbled, hazy eyes threatening to roll to the back of his head.
Your hand on his neck tightened, and you pulled his head up higher so you could see the diamond like mark on his chest. Pressing a soft kiss to the symbol, he tensed, trying to handle the stimulation on both his dick and neck.
“Now thats the answer I wanted,” you simply said in response, thumb rubbing the sensitive spot on his collarbone. 
Quick Tip - Bondage and toys are also okay with Albedo as long as its for ‘research’ purposes. Seeing his expressions when he’s overstimulated would be all the more better :3
Childe would never willingly submit himself to you, never willingly let himself be submissive when it comes to sex or… anything. As you know, he is a very competitive man, so its easier if you trick him into it. Its consensual of course, Childe would never back down to a challenge, so who’s to say you can’t win for once?
Tell him you’ll be the one fucking him when you get back home.
He will laugh and tell you he’d like to see you try, the smirk on his face telling you he plans to be the one pumping into you all night anyways. 
But you slowly drive him crazy, occasionally brushing your fingers along his hip, up his thighs, ‘accidentally’ on his chest. Until his hard member is throbbing and needy, and he is easy to catch off guard when you make it back home.
He puts his stuff away, changing out of his dirty clothes. But you are prepared when he comes out in his boxers, the rope on his pull up bar undetected by him.
Yes, Childe has a pull up bar on his door, I swear thats canon-
Anyways, as he slowly paces towards you, lustful look in his eyes, you only smirk back. And its when you’ve pulled his hands into the waiting knot and pull the other two ends to secure the bindings, thats when he realizes he’s screwed up.
‘And yes I know Childe could probably break the pull up bar if he wanted to- shush shush.’
“Oh Childe… eating up your words now arent you?”
Tease him.
Degrade him and show him that you are in charge. That you are always in charge, that if you wanted, you could do anything to him. He is at your complete and utter mercy, and he can’t do anything about it.
Look him dead in the eye as the confidence fades from his face. As he can only acknowledge one thing, one thing only.
You’ve won.
“You’re holding up pretty well,” your fingers trailed alongside the side of his face, scanning his features. “Pretty determined arent we? Don’t worry, I’ll fix that up for you quick.”
“Go ahead and try,” was his only answer.
Your fingers gripped his dick firmly, positioning it over your pussy. “Oh I plan to,” you whispered sweetly in a promise. “I can’t wait to see you begging for me, your needy little dick at my complete and utter disposal.”
Before he could answer, you thrust your hips to meet his length, biting your bottom lip slightly. He was big, and a grunt left his lips as he thrust his dick up into your entrance. With a gasp, you grabbed his sides, pushing his ass into the door and flashing him a nasty stare.
“Don’t even try.”
With your hands restraining his body against the wooden door, he was left to deal with your terribly slow pace. As you slowly pumped his member in and out of your pussy, a torturous tempo that even had you yearning for more.
His face was worth it.
“Go faster…” he managed to get through his teeth, “You’re so damn slow-”
You pulled away from his member, letting it hang loose and dripping. Your hand still gripped it though, and with a long prolonged sigh, you looked up to give him a stern face. “Say that again and I’ll make sure you’ll stay stuck tied to the door, helpless and needy like the little whore you are.”
At this, his face scrunched in anger as he tried to pull away from the pull up bar. You pushed a hand to his chest, shoving him back into the door. Of course he wasnt used to being degraded and toyed around like this, but in his position, he needed to learn his place.
“So? What’ll it be?”
Stroking the tip of his cock hard in your hand, you watched as his resistance came to crumble, slow until you rubbed up and down his length. He closed his eyes ever so slightly, a whimper escaping his lips as he threw his head back against the door. You took a step closer, positioning his member right at the entrance of your pussy. You rubbed the tip of it against your clit, letting out a little whine out yourself.
“Fine…” you heard him mumble. “Please… Y/n, fuck me.”
You slowly pulled his cock closer against your hole, till only the tip was inside. “Louder.”
His eyes flashed open to give you a harsh glare, but nevertheless he had no choice but to beg. “Please,” he began, jerking when you pulled his cock into your pussy. So far that he hit his head against the wall in an act to hide his moan. “Oh god Y/n… just like that.” A whimper escaped his lips when you pumped in and out of him. “Dont stop… oh d-dont stop… fuck me… please.”
The slick sounds of squelches and Childe’s ass hitting the door filled the room. “Look at you,” you cooed, rubbing his cheek with your thumb as you looked at his half slitted eyes. “Looking so obedient now arent you? Who knew you were such a good little slut.”
Childe only mewled in response, knees threatening to give in as you thrust into his dick at a quicker pace. His thighs and legs were all but ready to give out, and it was the restraints on his wrists tying him to the pull up bar that kept him upright.
It wasnt till he was overstimulated and barely hanging onto the threads of consciousness when you spoke to him again. Untying the rope on the pull up bar and pulling him against you to bring him into the shower.
“Now now,” was what you whispered into his ear. “I want to hear it from you, who won?”
Your fingers treaded through his hair as he only managed to mumble back, “You.”
Quick Tip - Run. I’m not kidding, morning comes and Childe awakens with his strength back? Bro, get outta there before the mf decides to take revenge-
Kazuha is poetic and takes a gentle approach to intimacy with you. Straight out telling him you want to be in control might throw him off a bit, so its best to lure him into it. Kiss him and whisper loving words into his ear. Have him lose himself in your lips, your words, and he wont notice how you’re not not wearing clothing, and now you’re pegging him in the ass.
Like Diluc, Kazuha wants to be praised, hearing your loving words in his ear. He’s usually the poetic one, so how come you’re the one being so romantic and cute?
Whisper the haiku he read to you yesterday, and he’ll be down and ready for whatever you want.
Overall, Kazuha probably wont mind if you’re dominant in your sex life, considering that he just wants to be loved, and that the intercourse is something intimate between the two of you. Special.
“O-oh… that feels nice…”
Be aware that Kazuha has slightly heightened senses with smell and hearing, and has a general sensitivity along with his senses. So yes, he will moan a lot. Be prepared to hear his usual calm collected voice squeaking and whimpering which each thrust of your hips.
Take advantage of that, touch him, talk to him. Don’t be harsh with Kazuha though- no degradation, teasing is acceptable, but poetic verses and loving words will be his favourite.
Your hands were gentle against his hips, lifting his ass up and spreading his legs at just the right angle. Beneath you, he squirmed just a tad bit, face buried into the bedsheets as his stomach faced the bed, unable to look at you.
“You’re doing so good,” you whispered, your hands at his hips leading to his ass. You softly rubbed the flesh, squishing it in your hands and molding it to expose his needy little hole. He only mumbled something against the white silken sheets, muffled.
You drew your fingers up to your mouth, sucking on them to leave them slick and wet. Tender as you rubbed them against his hole, you slipped them in, slowly pumping in just to stretch him out. Under you, he began to clench the sheets, whimpering something and calling out your name.
Your harness was already tied around your hips and ass, ready as you positioned yourself over him, doggy style.
He jolted when even just the tip touched his tight little hole. You could see his hands shaking, face buried deeper into the mattress. You gently put a hand over his shaking one, pressing a kiss on the back of his neck. “Do you remember that Haiku you wrote me the other day?” You asked him, hoping to distract him for just a moment.
“Y-yeah…” he mumbled back, and you slowly slid the strap on farther down his ass. You felt him shiver against you, thighs trembling at the unknown feeling.
Stretching him out farther, he moaned when you got halfway through. “Mhm, me too.” Your thumb gently stroked the backside of his hand as he quivered beneath you. “It went something like this I think…” You slowly slid the strap on father down. “Sun and moon rejoice…”
He gasped, whining as you eventually did manage to shove it down his ass. His tight hole clenched at the unknown feeling, pleasurable waves rolling back at him.
“Birds of dawn sing songs anew,” you continued, beginning to thrust in and out at a gentle pace. You wished you could see the expressions he was making, the flushed look or the pleasurable one. You could imagine his eyes rolled back as he moaned into your thrusts.
You sped up.
He now tried to meet his ass along with your thrusts, trying to reach deeper and deeper until this unknown knot building up inside him would untie itself. It was uncomfortable, but it felt so good at the same time. Your words sent shivers down his spine.
“Far from home,” you stated at last. “With you.”
Kazuha hummed, clenching his bottom lip to swallow down the moans and whines. “You remembered,” was all he managed to mumble. Half pleasured, half in awe.
“Of course I did.”
Somehow, that made it all the more intimate, and Kazuha wished he could completely give himself to you. He loved you with all his heart, especially with how you made him feel so warm. So full, so happy.
You thrust faster, hands slowly drifting back to his hips so you could thrust his ass into the strap on. You could tell he was coming close with the volume of his moans, thighs shaking and hands raking up and down the beside.
“Y/n…” he cried. “Y-Y/n-”
Quick Tip - Kazuha can be really loud during sex, so make sure that if you’re anywhere public, or on the Crux, to somehow keep it on the quiet side- last thing you want is a grumpy Beidou. “I cOuld heAr yOu hOrny sHits all niGht.”
Venti is quite literally a bottom. Theres really not much convincing you have to do when it comes to actually getting him down on the bed and being in control. Actually, I have a feeling it would take more convincing to get him to be in control, mainly because he likes to be on the receiving end.
When it comes to Venti, despite his delicate small form, you can easily be rough with him. Degrade him and show him that compared to you, he’s nothing. All that Barbatos shit is nothing compared to you, your hand on his neck choking out all his noises and thrusting his dick into you. 
Tie him up.
Or rather, do anything you’d like to him. Venti is by no means fragile. He wants you to be rough with him, push him till he thinks he’s gonna break.
But you’re gonna have to have some hella nice aftercare prepared afterwards.
“Worship me, your god.”
“Worship you? You are nothing but my slut in bed, now get down on your knees and ‘beg.’”
Overstimulate him. Make him keep count everytime he orgasms until he can’t remember anymore. 
“How many times now…?”
“Too much… too m-much-”
Make him cry and cling onto you if you were his lifeline. Because you’re the only thing he can hold onto when you’re shoving his hips inside your pussy. You’re everything to him, he needs you.
It doesn’t take too long for Venti to actually submit himself fully to you, babbling incomprehensible words. Crying out your name, begging for you and agreeing with anything you say.
Venti can be extremely obedient.
You were enjoying the view.
Leaning back into the cushioned wooden chair, legs spread and wide as the smaller boy sat on your lap. He squirmed, hands tied in scratchy rope that kept his hands unavailable to him, leaving him bare and vulnerable to you. His chest was puffed out, nipples bright red as if begging to be sucked.
“Hurry up now,” you began, your unwavering eyes boring into his wide ones. “You were so confident before as well werent you? Telling me to worship you, Barbatos.” You just barely skimmed the skin of his back, up his neck and clenching the locks of hair. Pulling his hair back to get the full glory of his face, obedient for you. “All I see in front of me is a little slut.”
He grinds his throbbing member against you, needy while his lustful eyes peer at you through lidded lashes. “P-please…”
“Please what? Speak up.”
He fidgeted with his restrained hands, flashing a pouty look your way to see if it’d draw a reaction. It didnt. “Put my cock in your pussy,” he instead whimpered, moving his hips closer to your entrance.
You just leaned deeper against the chair, waving your hand to the side as if bored. “You want to bury your dick in my cunt? Go do it yourself then.” He glanced up, pleading eyes as he again pulled at the restraints on his arms. “Go on, I’m waiting.”
Whimpering, he tried to push his hips into you, his cock missing slightly and just pushing against your thighs. He felt so hot, the contrast of the cold air that tingled against his bare skin. His length throbbed and his chest pounded, your little touches igniting fireworks across his skin. “I ca-cant…” he sniffled, again thrusting his hips only to be meant with your thighs. 
You stayed quiet.
Your stare only made his member harder, and he was now lost in the sensation of rutting his hips into your thighs. The stimulation felt good, but not good enough to get him off. No, he wanted your pussy, your calloused hands roughly holding his hips while you drove him into you. The need drove tears to his eyes, thighs shaking with anticipation as he continued pumping feverishly against you.
“You really cant do anything without me can you?” Was your harsh reply, hand positioning his cock right in front of your entrance. Venti only mewled in response, cut off by the sharp motion of your hands on his ass thrusting into your entrance. He was now panting, head leaning against your shoulder for support as you pumped him in and out relentlessly.
“Y/n!! Its.. mm, so g-good.”
“As it should be, your dick belongs to me.”
And he just nodded, letting you take full control of the pace as he laid there and moaned. He couldn’t even manage to push his hips along with your hands to chase his release. Just submitting all sensation to you and the feeling of your walls clenching around his length.
Quick Tip - Make him worship you, sit down on the chair and tell him to suck all your juices dry. Degrade and tell him he’s lucky to get any taste.
Zhongli is pretty open when it comes to trying new things when it comes too sex, considering that with how long he’s lived, its probably nothing new. Nevertheless, the best way to convince Zhongli to go along with whatever you’re saying is just telling him, “Let me make you feel good love.”
Zhongli won’t be fazed by what you decide to do, no matter how kinky or odd it might be, he has no doubt seen worse somewhere else.
You don’t have to worry about being gentle with him, and he won’t really be fazed if you decide to degrade him. Of course, it doesnt turn him on as much as whispering loving words in his ear does, but he wont object either.
Very obedient.
Zhongli knows what he’s getting into, and he never goes back on his word. He says he’ll do something? He will do it.
He’s the god of contracts after all-
“Ah… so tight, just for me?”
Touch his face.
Whether its having your hands around his neck, brushing your thumb over his soft cheeks, or giving him soft forehead kisses, he’ll love it. He wants to make eye contact with you during it, always. Even if you’re the one in control, he wants to have you in his sights as he moans out your name.
You were gentle at first.
Tightening the straps on your hips, you adjusted their positioning as you climbed on the bed. The silk sheets were soft against your knees, soft on your hands as you crawled overtop of the archon. He was laying flat on his back like you’d asked, hands resting against the sheets palms up as he stared up at you. Pensive, waiting.
You went to press a kiss to his lips, one hand at the back of his neck as you bit his bottom lip. Just like you’d asked, he didnt use either one of his hands to hold you or press you tighter against him. Just melted against the rough feel of your lips against his. When you were done, you lifted yourself up to get a good look at him, satisfied with his swollen lips and breathless gasps. You held your fingers to his mouth.
He was compliant, taking your digits and swirling his tongue around in expertise. Coating them in a slick layer of wetness as you pull them out. You get more of a reaction out of him when you press your fingers against his hole, slowly sliding them in. 
“Good, just like that.”
You delved in the sight of your fingers disappearing into the clenched hole of his ass. Sucking them in greedily and making a ‘pop’ when you pulled them out. 
Taking a deep breath in, he hums into the sensation of your fingers slowly filling his ass. He isn’t impatient, instead letting you take slow torturous thrusts of your fingers in and out without complaint.
It all changes when you pull them out and align the tip of the silicon strap on to his hole.
Because you were being nice earlier, coaxing him with your gentle touches and peppering him with kisses. You knew he expected you to be kind, to handle him with care with each thrust. To say that you loved him and him to say the same.
Nothing wrong with surprises.
It must’ve been a nice surprise by the looks of it, because when you fully sheathed the strap on into his ass in one stroke, his back arched, a moan escaping his lips as he now clenched the sheets. Eyes wide and mouth wide and panting, you thrust in and out without mercy, watching the strap on disappear deeply into his ass before you pulled it all out and slammed it back into him. A pattern that had his eyes rolling back and mindless sounds escaping his lips.
Your hands, gripping both sides of his thighs, propped them up on either of your shoulder. Zhongli through his dazed eyes managed to give you one confused look before you pumped the strap on right back, and the angle had him crying out your name feverishly as he curled his toes. His walls clenched tightly around the silicon, the strap on reaching so far in his ass that all he could do was moan and cry for more.
“So pretty,” you commented, another hand stroking his hard neglected member. “Just for me.”
Quick Tip - For someone new or someone who hasnt actually dominated anyone in bed before, Zhongli is a perfect first option. Will provide no judgement at all, and might actually help you out if you get nervous.
Dainsleif prefers to be in control, to have full superiority when fucking you. He doesn’t see any reason for you to suddenly act like the boss, after all he respects you and would never do anything to hurt you. However, if you give him a reason to force him into submission, he’ll put up a fight, but will eventually sink down for you.
Tease him.
Dominating Dainsleif is a one time thing, which means you have to take advantage of it with all you can. Drink in all of his expressions because believe me when I say you wont see them anywhere else.
Tell him this is ‘punishment.’
When he asks what he did, don’t answer. Just grab the hems of his jacket and throw him on the bed. Strip him bare and tell him that you could list all the things he did, but you want him to think about it instead.
And he does.
He’s always the one coming home to tell you he needs a good little fuck after work. And then you’re laying on the bed while he takes out his frustrations, and you know he doesnt mean to hurt you but-
“Say it again.”
“I’m… I’m s-sorry Y/n. Please do-dont touch… mm, don’t touch m-me there- ah!!!”
So you do the same with him, and he lays there and takes it like a good boy. Because he deserves the punishment, at least you’ve told him that much.
Degrade him.
Overstimulate him and don’t let him orgasm, keep edging him on like Kaeya and don't allow him to have even an ounce of the release he’s craving for. After all, this is punishment, you arent giving him any rewards.
Stroke him and bring him to his orgasm, only to pull away. 
And while you edge him, whisper dirty little things in his ear. Of what you would’ve done if he wasn't being punished, how you wouldve made him feel so good. Till he was crying your name nonstop, till he couldn't walk the next morning.
Oof, better luck next time Dainsleif.
His hips bucked feverishly against your hand, the slick juices covering his dick making a squelching noise every time your palm slid up and down his length.
Dainsleif was panting, hands tied behind his back and knees tied to the bedposts as he laid there in all his vulnerability, His legs were spread wide and exposed, wet with precum just for you. 
“Y/n… please…”
You weren't sure how many times you’d heard that sentence tonight, certainly too many. And even if it was his nth time that he’d reached his climax and you didn't let him orgasm, it didn't matter. This was punishment, he wasn't supposed to like it, he was supposed to lay there and take it.
“Shut up you slut, if I want to let your pathetic little cock cum, I’ll let you.” Your thumb rubbed the tip, eliciting a gasp from him. “And if I don’t, you’ll just have to put your big boy pants on and deal with it.”
You lowered your head till your face was in line with his growing erection. As if he could sense your plans, he twitched in your grip, groaning in want, in ‘need.’ Slowly, you pressed a kiss to the tip, letting him know exactly what you planned to do.
He squeaked out in shock, or rather, as high of a squeak as he could manage. His voice was still rather deep afterall.
“If I wasnt punishing you… maybe this wouldve been my pussy instead.”
But you didn’t stop, opening up your lips to slowly suck the head of his dick. Your other two hands strokes his sides, groping and feeling around his hard length.
“If you d-do it like that… I’ll… I’ll…”
Your mouth widened to swallow more of his dick, tongue swirling around the tip as you sunk deeper into his hips. He squirmed, legs trying to thrash around but held by the restraints on his knees. Moans and whispers escaped his lips as he tried to move his arms to no avail. He was coming close, he could feel the sensation grow from the pit of his stomach, member tingling and warm as you sucked him in.
He was so close… almost there… just a little more and-
You pulled away.
Licking your lips, your hand wiped away any stray liquid on your face. 
“If I wasnt punishing you,” you began mockingly. “Maybe I would’ve let you cum.”
And Dainsleif was left to simply hit his head against the sheets, a groan of frustration escaping his lips as his throbbing member pulsed with need. 
Quick Tip - Blindfold him. He won’t know when or what you plan to do, and that makes it all the more arousing.
Scaramouche would never in hell allow you to top him, or anyone else for that matter. He is always in control, he is always thrusting into you as you sob for him, beg for him. Until he’s not. With Scaramouche, its simpler than you think, but it does involve the fact that you need to be strong. Physically, because Scaramouche without his hat and vision is basically useless :’)
Make him earn it.
Stay away from the short boy for a long time, tease him when you see him, and deny him any release when he wants to fuck you. He came back home from a tough day at work and wants to fuck you silly? You’re not there. He feels horny one night and tries to find you? Make yourself disappear.
He’ll grow needy.
And here ladies and gentleman, is where you strike. Because poor little Scaramouche needs you so much that he might even be willing to bow down and follow any of your commands so long as he gets a release.
And you better damn well take advantage of that.
Make him go on his two very own knees, make him ‘earn it.’ Earn the right to have you pleasure him.
“Lick my juices until thats the only thing you can taste, the only thing you’ll want to taste.”
“Yes… maam…”
“Yes maam.”
“I said louder you whore.”
Degrade him, make him feel like nothing compared to you. Because just for this once, this moment, you can. 
Convince him that he is nothing without you, that he needs you to survive.
And then after that, grab his hips and thrust his dick into you. Until he lost count of how many times he’s came. Till he’s hanging onto his consciousness by a thread and is fucked silly by you.
“Fucking slut.”
You leaned into the chair, watching as Scaramouche thrust into you again and again with the help of your two hands on his hips. Eyes dazed and clouded, he could no longer focus on the details. He didn’t notice how you degraded him, how it was basically you that guided his cock in and out of your pussy. 
But he was gone, far too gone. Sensations around his body sent him on a rollercoaster, and his dick felt numb, the slightest tingle of heat climbing up his chest. He felt good, that was all that mattered in him dumbed up state.
Your hand came to caress the skin of cheek, a sickening laugh erupting from your lips as you focused on the way he stared at you. “I fucked you dumb didnt I?” You cooed, never stopping the motion of your other hand guiding him in and out of your pussy. “Fucked you so good that you cant even talk.”
He just hummed in response, lips breaking off into a moan.
“Good,” you whispered to him, pulling his head closer to rest against your shoulder. “Such a good boy for me.”
And then your hands were on his neck, squeezing slightly to alter the pitch of his moans as you lead his face down to yours. Till you pressed a kiss to his gentle lips, a once in a lifetime opportunity where you could take control of the kiss, of him. Licking his bottom lip and sliding your tongue in to rub against his. Lips parting to kiss, his dumbed out whimpers a musical melody in tune with the pace of your hands dragging his dick in and out of your overstimulated cunt. 
Quick Tip - Uhm…? Run? Similarly to Childe, Scaramouche aint gonna react positively in the morning. Might discard your body for seeing him in that state. Jeez… what's up with the harbingers….
On a side note… after writing this, I kinda feel like I’ve discovered I have a choking kink… ;-;
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I have request for all the Obey Me bois: them trying a hoverboard for the first time? Who will end up crashing into a wall? (All of this is to impress the MC ofc)
Found the perfect gif as well lets go!!
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This case takes place after the exchange program, once you are sent back home. You decided to invite the whole gang over for some fun, and of course they all came.
While catching up and exploring your house, Mammon finds a funny looking skateboard in your room's closet. Ignoring the reason behind him snooping around your room you explain that the funny board thingy is actually a hoverboard. It used to be popular some years ago but now you dont use it much anymore, that and you arent as skilled as you used to be.
Wanting to impress you Mammon insists on trying it out, this leads to the rest of the boys wanting to do the same thing as well, here is what happened:
- after being forced convinced into testing the hoverboard out, and after seeing all his brothers fail to drive it correctly, he decided to give it a try
- just imagine your expression when he suceeds in doing what no one else has managed to do yet? His already big fat pride will become bigger and fatter!
- either way he wasnt ready for the strong nasty bump his head would make once he hits the floor, it was loud enough to make the others laugh out loud and to leave him there for a solid second
- offer the old man some ice cause he did actually hurt himself badly there :(
- allow the great Mammon to not only reawaken your love for the hoverboard, but to win your love as well by mastering the board with his own legs
- he managed to balance himself at first, catching the others attention inmediately, but it wouldnt take much for him to bump against the wall behind him, falling in the process
- now he is trying to tell the others to not laugh and that youre responsible for him getting hurt, since you were the owner of the hoverboard, and that you needed to stick with him the remaining of the night so the pain goes away
- not even luke would act so childish
- he recognized the fail videos and memes the moment he saw the hoverboard, so when Mammon dared him to ride it since "he would do much better" due to the mocking, he panicked quickly
- like Mammon however, the idea of impressing you was enough to make him try it out. He ends up driving into one of your tables after getting onto it and tilting forward his body to drive it
- help him up, the embarrasment for him is big right now, specially cause Mammon keeps on yelling at him that it wasnt easy and the the older brother was right all along
- its after levi however when everyone starts to get hyped up to test the hoverboard out
- wanting to show everyone how its done, cause of course books tell you how to hoverboard and not practice, he got on after levi, yet again fueled by the idea that you would shower him in love and attention if he suceeded
- surprisingly he manages to stay on the board for 3 seconds longer than the previous 2 brothers, however he would also crash and burn with the living room's sofa that was behind him, he bumped into it and as a result he'd be pushed back and would fall on his back
- then again he really cant get that mad at himself for trying out, however he still cant help but do so by getting hurt because of it. At least he wont end up breaking the hoverboard, as someone else decides to try out for funsies and quickly takes it away from him
- seeing how everyone was getting hurt scared him away from testing it out, however Asmo too is another victim of wanting to impress you, and if he is careful he wont really get that hurt right?
- he should've known things wouldnt go well the moment he placed one leg onto the board, for it already started shaking alot
- holding onto the wall next to him for better balance, his legs flew upwards and his butt ended up hitting the floor
- now you owe two brothers physical comfort to solve the pain
- he got on it after belphie did so, since he had promised the other twin that he'd get on it if the other one tried it out first
- food being food, beel got on it, having expierence with sports and such, he managed to break a new record in the household of who could stay on it longer. This is thanks to his constant work out that implies balance
- unfortunately he does lose balance and eventually ends up tripping out of the hoverboard, however not enough to get hurt like the rest
- Mammon should be thought a thing or two about betting food with beel
- he didnt really want to try it after seeing his brothers get hurt, not only that but it seemed so tiring...
- it was beel insisting that he'd get on it if belphie went first that he decided to do so, he barely lasted a second
- while he managed to not hit his head when he fell onto he floor, the laughing was enough to insist lucifer to go after beel did his round
- diavolo got excited when everyone else started to mess around with the hoverboard, and so he grabbed it after Satan insisting he wanted to go next
- while Lucifer and Barbatos claimed he could easily get hurt like the others, the future king got even more excited when the rest started to insist he went next
- he got onto it and, while he got shaky at the start, he managed to stay onto the board for a good while, however he then started to go in circles...
- this led into him getting dizzy and driving onto a wall as well, however he didnt hurt himself hard enough to kill that happy spirit of his and he even told Barbatos to try it out as well
- the only reason the hoverboard is still in one piece is because diavolo insisted he tested it out
- he gets on it very easily and actually manages to drive it????? Ok show off, have fun crashing onto the table then😒
- he kind of already saw it comming, not much with his powers but because everyone else had crashed or got hurt until then
- its diavolo's cheering that ends up making him spare the deadly board
- also got on it for fun, specially since everyone else is really started to dig into trying to drive the hoverboard
- another victim of the spinning, its enough to make him knee down and end up flying put of the hoverboard
- calms Luke down assuring the younger angel that he is alright even after hitting his entire upper body against the floor
- scared little baby, if you want the little guy to try it out then you're gonna have to,first, build up his confidence and, second, help him onto it
- in order to not fall off of the board he too knees down, this just lead to him going at full speed backwards towards a wall as well
- now he is trying again because he is a child and he really wants to try again until he suceeds
-solomon is the last one to test the hoverboard out, having lived throughout most of humanity's stupidity he has an idea of how it works
- uses magic to tame the hoverboard and suceeds in doing so... at first, his jacket/coat end up getting caught onto the wheels, and as a result he too falls onto the ground
- please give him a hand on removing his coat from the hoverboard cause it's stuck :/
261 notes · View notes
hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - June 25th
AFAB!Reader x Jeon Wonwoo x Xu Minghao x Kwon Soonyoung x Choi Seungcheol
Word Count: 8979
Contents: drinking and being inebriated, swearing, your boss walks in, fivesome oral (giving and receiving), handjobs, face fucking, rimming, dom!Seungcheol, somewhat dom!Wonwoo and dom!Minghao, sub!reader, Soonyoung is a needy sub and also a bottom, fingering, nipple play, teasing, slight begging, protected sex, slight choking, drooling
Note: Mayhaps you voted for this hehe this was so much work oh my god it took so long oh my god i hope you appreiacte this filth if you dont so help me please enjoy this fivesomes are difficult skdhakshdas
“Never have I ever…” Minghao trailed off, swirling his beer in his hand as if it were a glass of wine. “Sucked anyone off.”
“Ahh that’s too general,” you laughed, taking a swig of your beer. Soonyoung quickly took a sip of his but not so quickly that you didn’t notice.
“I am learning so many things about you tonight, Kwon Soonyoung,” You said.
“There are so many things to learn,” He giggled.
“I already know too many,” Minghao deadpanned. The three of you laughed. The sound of footsteps came over the din of the crowd around the nearby campfire. You looked up to see Wonwoo wandering near and you beckoned him over to join you.
“Hey, what are you doing?” He asked quietly, taking a seat close to you.
“Never Have I Ever!” Soonyoung proclaimed boldly, making Wonwoo jump a little. You snickered, patting his arm.
“Soonyoung, it’s your turn.” You said.
“Hmmmmm,” He hummed into his beer bottle. “Never have I ever… had sex in a canoe.” He looked at you pointedly.
“Why do you think I have?!” You cried.
“Why wouldn’t you, it's fun if you don’t fall in.”
“Did-” Wonwoo started. “Did you- Which canoe did you have sex in?”
Soonyoung didn’t answer, merely sipping on his drink with an overly innocent look on his face.
“Soonyoung!” You cried. 
“I hoped you cleaned it,” Wonwoo mumbled.
“Wonwoo, you should go next,” Minghao said.
“Alright,” He settled back, resting on his hand, still eyeing Soonyoung suspiciously. “Never have I ever given a handjob in the woods.”
“Oh that’s just mean,” You muttered as you took a sip.
“When was that?” Minghao questioned.
“Who was it with?” Soonyoung asked.
“Some stories I keep to myself,” You said, shooting Wonwoo a glare. “Moving right along. Never have I ever had sex in the pool.”
Minghao quietly took a sip and before any of you could speak he raised a hand.
“I’m not telling you. Though I will say I’m not looking to repeat the experience any time soon. Some things are better left in the imagination.”
“I need more goss,” Soonyoung whined. “This game is for goss. Someone needs to add something risky.”
“You’re so impatient,” Minghao chuckled. “Alright, never have I ever had sex in someone’s office.”
“Does it count,” You asked, already knowing the answer was yes, “if it was with the owner of the office, not like sneaking into someone else’s office?”
“Yes, drink,” said Wonwoo.
“Now I’m curious,” Minghao eyed you.
“Really cuz that just gave me an idea,” Soonyoung said giddily.
“What? Office sex?” You laughed.
“Sneaking into someone’s office to have sex,” he grinned.
“That sounds like a dumb idea,” Minghao said.
“Now hold on,” You said. “Which office would you propose?”
“You’re not actually considering this, are you?” Wonwoo asked.
“I mean if you don’t wanna be invited you don’t have to come,” You grinned.
“I’m thinking a nice big office when I know for a fact that it’s owner is relaxing for once and not working.”
“You’re not about to break into the programming office,” Minghao said.
“Nice big desk, comfy chairs,” Soonyoung said.
“That would make for some nice goss, what a wonderful commodity.” You chimed.
“I mean, it might actually be the best place for it,” Wonwoo said.
You all looked at him.
“What does that mean?” you questioned, watching his face flush more and more red. 
“It- uh- if you go, I’ll show you what I mean.” He finally settled on.
“Can we?” Soonyoung chirped excitedly.
“Why the fuck not?” You said.
Soonyoung grabbed Minghao’s hand, even more giddy in his slightly tipsy state. “You have to come too.”
“Wh-Why do you want me?”
“I don’t know if Wonwoo’s going to stay and they don’t have a dick.” He said, jerking his head towards you. His bluntness made you laugh. You truly were learning a lot about Soonyoung tonight.
“I didn’t know you were a bottom but I don’t think I needed to know that,” Wonwoo mumbled.
“Minghao, please,” Soonyoung begged.
“I- I’ll join you for the walk over, but no promises,” He said. Soonyoung happily clung to him as you all got to your feet, heading for the programming office. Soonyoung skipped ahead with Minghao and you fell back beside Wonwoo.
“Why would Seungcheol’s office be such a good place for sex?” You asked.
“You’ll see, there’s something there you’ll find useful.”
“Are you going to stay?” There was a quiet moment between you as he seemed to think it over. It was much quieter here, away from the bonfire and the rest of the staff.
“I might. I’ve never done anything like this so…”
“Well if you do, I’m looking forward to it,” you smiled. Wonwoo gave a nervous chuckle, cheeks flushing pink.
“Thanks,” he mumbled almost shyly as you approached the office cabin.
“Is it going to be locked?” Minghao asked.
“We’ll just break in,” Soonyoung shrugged.
“Okay we won’t do that,” Wonwoo said. “He usually doesn’t need to lock it during the day so maybe? He might not have locked up yet. Let’s just try the door first and see what happens.”
Minghao and Soonyoung reached the door first. Minghao reached out his hand and turned the handle slowly. The door creaked in a bit and he carefully pushed it fully open. You all knew Seungcheol was down on the bonfire but there was still something a little scary and very thrilling about being here.
You had been in his office once or twice before but never for long. It was it’s own building near the other office buildings, a small cabin but more than enough space. The back wall was lined with bookshelves stuffed with books, safety manuals, and documents. A standing lamp was on along the back wall, bathing the room in a warm light. An old, comfy couch sat along the side of the room under the window and in the center was a large desk, much bigger than Hongseok’s. Seungcheol’s spinning chair sat on the far side and two chairs sat on the closer side for small meetings. Despite how busy he was his desk was relatively clean, only his laptop and a small stack of papers sat on it, everything else neatly tucked away.
You slipped your shoes off on the mat along with the others, wandering into the room.
“Is he coming back?” Minghao questioned, eyeing the light.
“He was drinking down on the beach,” Wonwoo mused. “He can’t be planning to work more after that, can he?”
“He wouldn’t,” you said. “Maybe he forgot to turn it off.”
“I’m unconvinced,” Minghao said.
“Come on,” Soonyoung whined. “We’re here. Let’s have fun anyway. He’s not here now and he can’t be planning to work soon, right? Besides, the thrill of it is that we might get caught.”
“Getting caught by the boss,” You said, running your fingers lightly up Wonwoo’s arm. “That’s kinda a hot idea, isn’t it?”
“I-I- I mean-” His cheeks flushed pink. “Kind of, yeah.”
“This has got to be against so many rules,” Minghao said.
“You knew that before coming over here,” you pointed out, wandering towards the desk with Wonwoo in tow. Soonyoung linked his fingers with Minghao’s slowly pulling him closer to the desk, grinning giddily when Minghao followed him.
“I’m sure there’s some rule about sleeping with your supervisor,” His tone was a little lighter, more joking.
“Does it change anything if you’re the one in charge?” Soonyoung purred, backing up against the edge of the desk and pushing the chair aside.
“I’m thinking about it,” Minghao hummed.
“Wonwoo,” You looked at him quickly. “Didn’t you say this was a great place for sex? Why?”
“O-Oh yeah,” he hurried around the desk, face still flushed. You watched as he pulled open drawers, looking for something. You couldn't quite tell if he was planning to stay yet. Was he excited? Or nervous? Or overwhelmed by the idea? Maybe all three? You weren’t sure if you were bad at reading him or if you were just a little too tipsy to easily figure it out.
“Here,” he said. “In here.”
You all wandered curiously around the desk and let out a collective gasp when you peered in the drawer.
Apparently, the condom stash was hidden in Seungcheol’s office all along. The drawer had quite a few boxes of different kinds of condoms. Not only that but a number of different types of lube sat in the drawer as well, even a few packs of dental dams and some gloves laid in the drawer.
“So this is where the condoms came from,” you mumbled.
“Why does he have all this stuff?” Minghao wondered.
“Who cares?!” Soonyoung said gleefully, grabbing lube and condoms. “This has everything we need!”
You met Wonwoo’s gaze. “You really weren’t kidding, huh?”
“It does have everything we need,” he said.
A grin tugged at your lips. “So you’re staying?”
He looked between the three of you. “Might as well have some fun, right?” He giggled, still sounding a little nervous.
Soonyoung grabbed onto Minghao’s hand, giving him starry eyes. “Will you stay too, please?”
Minghao’s lips twitched into a grin. “I have to admit, I kind of want to hear more of your begging.”
Soonyoung bounced on his toes as he pulled Minghao back around the desk, moving the stack of papers aside. You watched Wonwoo grab the laptop and move it aside while you pushed the chair out of the way. 
Soonyoung was quick to grab the front of Minghao’s shirt and pull him close to make out. Minghao seemed only caught off guard for a moment before he relaxed into the kisses, letting his eyes slide closed and pressing Soonyoung’s hips back against the edge of the desk.
You leaned back on the desk yourself before locking eyes with Wonwoo. He blushed and looked down, stepping a bit closer. His eyes flickered to your lips and then to your eyes and you felt heat rise into your cheeks. Quickly you swooped in, pressing kisses to his neck and feeling his hands on your hips as he let out a quiet sigh.
“No hickeys,” he mumbled.
“What if they’re where no one will see them?” You teased.
“Th-That would be okay,” he replied.
You heard ruffling beside you and peeked over to see Minghao pulling off Soonyoung’s shirt between Soonyoung’s kisses which already looked to be getting desperate. You let your own fingertips trail down over Wonwoo’s chest before playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Can I take this off?” You asked. Wonwoo gave you a quick nod and you helped him pull off his shirt before trailing your lips down his neck and along his collarbone. He let out a sigh as you sucked at his skin but it got lost in the low moan that Minghao let out next to you.
Soonyoung’s lips were on his neck and his hand had slipped between their bodies, already palming Minghao through his shorts.
You followed suit, listening to the shaky breath and feeling Wonwoo grab and squeeze your hips in response as you started touching him. He pressed his hips subtly into your hand, relaxing a little between the sucking of your lips on his skin and your hand slowly working him up.
Both Minghao and Wonwoo let out quiet, low moans as you and Soonyoung worked them up. You couldn’t speak for Soonyoung but every little sound they let out, and every squeeze of Wonwoo’s hands on your hips, sent a rush of arousal down your spine. Each second you were growing more and more turned on and excited.
“You’re eager to use that mouth, aren’t you?” You heard Minghao murmur. You looked over in time to see his hand on Soonyoung’s head, slowly pushing him down to his knees with a smirk. You locked eyes with Wonwoo and felt heat rush up into your face, the blush on Wonwoo’s cheeks told you he felt just as hot at the prospect of doing the same.
You left his chest with one more kiss before sinking to your knees, not making eye contact and instead focusing on undoing his belt slowly. Soonyoung seemed to be moving fast, already having freed Minghao’s cock from his shorts and trailing his lips along it. You took your time, only stopped when Wonwoo tugged at your shirt to pull it off.
You pulled his cock free, wrapping your hand around it and biting down on your lip. Had it seemed the same size when you were giving him a handjob, did it only seem bigger because it was right in front of your face? Or because you could take it further tonight? Or simply because you were horny?
“What the hell are you doing?!”
All four of you froze at the sound of Seungcheol’s voice.
Your eyes darted to look at Soonyoung. His face had flushed red and you could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to come up with something. You yourself may have been buzzed but you certainly weren’t drunk enough for this. Still, was letting a horny, tipsy Soonyoung handle it the best idea?
“H-Hi Seungcheol,” why you were aiming for a lighthearted tone as you peeked around Wonwoo, his cock still in your hand, you didn’t know. Seungcheol looked less than impressed.
“Why, are you and Soonyoung, giving blowjobs, in my office?” He asked. His voice was far too even for your liking.
“It- uh…” You had nothing.
“It was a group effort,” Minghao sighed.
“That much is clear,” Seungcheol replied.
“We didn’t think you’d be back tonight,” Soonyoung said with a nervous giggle.
“You didn’t notice the light on?”
“It somehow slipped past us?” You offered.
Seungcheol looked between the four of you before he sighed. “There is nothing in the handbook for disciplinary action when 4 of your employees have sex in your office.”
“You’ll have to come up with something,” there was a grin in Soonyoung’s voice and when you looked at him there was mischief in his eyes.
“Yes,” you chimed in. “Be creative. An out of the box solution.”
He narrowed his eyes. “What are you two up to?”
“I just think you should find a… fun solution,” Soonyoung said.
“Yes, this must be stressful, find something to help you relax from that stress.” You added. Wonwoo nudged you hard with his knee, as if to tell you to shut up but it seemed Minghao was on your side. He looked back over his shoulder at Seungcheol.
“The campers show up in two days. And it’s nearly midnight. You’ve finally had a relaxing evening. Do you really want to ruin that?”
“So you think…” Seungcheol was processing your words.
“You should relax,” Minghao shrugged.
“Find something enjoyable,” Wonwoo added quietly, joining in your game.
“Do something fun and out of the box,” You chimed.
“Look,” said Soonyoung. “We’re already on our knees.”
You kept your inhale quiet. The four of you had been dancing around the suggestion but once it was put so blatantly there was no taking it back. You watched Seungcheol’s face as he thought, hand running through his hair as you tried to figure out if you were about to have a fivesome or about to get fired.
“Fuck it,” Seungcheol said, hands falling to his belt as he kicked off his shoes. “I could use this.”
A grin broke out on Soonyoung’s face and it was infectious, spreading to your own. You spared a glance upwards, catching Minghao’s relieved grin and the pink tinge of Wonwoo’s cheeks as you and Soonyoung slide closer to each other.
Seungcheol came closer until he was standing between Wonwoo and Minghao, pants slipping down his hips just enough to let his cock free. Your hand was still wrapped around Wonwoo’s cock and you started to pump him slowly, noticing him relax just a little. Soonyoung’s hand was moving much faster already on Minghao’s cock as his lips started to trail along Seungcheol’s cock.
You leaned in as well, pressing kisses along the other side of Seungcheol’s cock and hearing his quiet groan. Soonyoung’s hand was wrapped around the base, holding his cock between the two of you. Seungcheol’s cock started to grow harder between your lips as the two of you teased him. Your hand kept moving on Wonwoo’s cock, squeezing a little tighter. Your lips drew into a slight smile at the small moan he let out.
Soonyoung slipped underneath, sucking Seungcheol’s balls with his lips as you drew your tongue around the tip, drinking in the groan that fell from his lips. The small sounds all three of them were letting out curled down your spine, arousal settling between your legs and deep in the pit of your stomach.
You felt Seungcheol’s hand on the back of your head, urging you to take more of him into your mouth and you obliged. You started moving your mouth along his cock, taking a little more of him into your mouth each time, trying to keep a steady pace with your hand lest Wonwoo start to feel neglected.
“Just like that,” Seungcheol’s voice was low and a little breathy as he spoke, laced with the heat of arousal. His hips pressed forwards towards you and Soonyoung as you moved your mouths on him, Soonyoung’s movements growing greedier with each passing moment. You found a steady pace in sucking him off, your hand replacing Soonyoung’s at the base of his cock.
“Soonyoung,” Minghao purred, seeming more emboldened now that Seungcheol had spoken. “I want more of your attention.”
Soonyoung obediently shifted. He brought a hand up to play with Seungcheol’s balls as he took Minghao’s cock into his mouth. You looked to the side enough to see the sweet, wide-eyed expression he gave Minghao as he took his cock deep into his throat.
“That feels so good,” Minghao moaned, letting his head fall back. Soonyoung moaned around him and you couldn’t help yourself, moaning around Seungcheol’s cock before moving your mouth more quickly.
“Fuck,” He breathed. His fingers tightened in your hair, guiding you at the speed he wanted. You took him as deep as you could without choking, letting out more moans around his cock and feeling the arousal build even more in your core. Your gaze started to grow heavier but you still looked over to check on Wonwoo as you jerked him off.
He was more relaxed than he had been but still much quieter than you knew him to be. Was he nervous about it? You wanted him to relax fully and enjoy himself and you searched your brain for the things you had done last weekend, trying to remember just what he liked.
You moved your hand a little faster, adding more of a twist to your movement and earned a small moan from his lips, catching sight of his eyes falling closed. He leaned one hand on the back of the chair that you’d pushed to the side to brace himself.
The sound of gagging beside you drew your attention to Soonyoung as he deepthroated Minghao’s cock. You were equal parts jealous and impressed. How did he get so good at that? Maybe you needed to ask him for pointers.
The moans that fell from Minghao’s lips pulled you out of your thoughts very quickly. The sound sent arousal rushing through you and welling in your core. You pressed your thighs together, subtly shifting your hips and moving your hands and mouth a little faster. You let your gaze shift up to look at Seungcheol and it only made your arousal worse.
He was gazing down at you with a heavily lidded, heated expression. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth and as you locked eyes with him he held your head still before thrusting into your mouth. You held it open for him, keeping your eyes on him and moving your hand a little faster on Wonwoo’s cock, thumb teasing his tip here and there, as Seungcheol fucked into your mouth.
Moans were falling from all three of them now, though Wonwoo was still quieter than you knew he could be. Beside you Minghao pulled Soonyoung back off his cock, a string of spit connecting his lips to Minghao’s cock. Minghao’s thighs were trembling slightly as he caught his breath, clearly not wanting to cum too soon.
Soonyoung shifted towards you and you pulled back. Seungcheol’s hand fell away from your head as Soonyoung brought his lips to Seungcheol’s cock. You turned all of your attention to Wonwoo, gazing up at him and meeting his eyes as you took him into your mouth slowly.
Wonwoo let out a shaky breath that was quickly covered by Minghao’s shaky moan as Soonyoung wrapped a hand around his sensitive cock. The sounds rushed through you, making you wetter by the second. Still, you kept your eyes on Wonwoo’s face as you took his cock into your mouth and found a quick pace.
As you brought your other hand to his cock, wrapping them both around, you took in the look of pleasure that overcame his features. His brow furrowed and mouth hung open, moans getting louder as they poured from his lips. A rosy hue was spread across his cheeks, his hair falling in front of his eyes that were scrunched shut.
Seungcheol’s groans had grown louder, as had Soonyoung’s gagging as he took all of Seungcheol’s cock into his mouth. Seungcheol kept a hand in his hair but let him set the movements, his own head falling back as groans and curses came from him.
On his other side Minghao braced himself against a chair, panting and moaning as Soonyoung kept his hand moving on his cock. His fingers curled into the back of the chair and his hips pressed forwards into Soonyoung’s hand, thighs still trembling.
You let out moans around Wonwoo’s cock as you moved faster, getting more desperate. The need in your core was getting unbearable and had you shifting and rocking your hips in search of the sensations you desperately craved. Judging from the few moans Soonyoung got out and how tight his shorts were he wasn’t fairing much better.
You felt Wonwoo’s hand on your head, suddenly pushing you back as he panted. You looked up at him in surprise which melted into smugness when you took in the dazed look on his face, stopping you before he could cum in your mouth.
Next to you Seungcheol dug his hand into Soonyoung’s hair before pulling him back.
“Aren’t you two getting needy?” He asked, his voice rough.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“Did we do a good job?” Soonyoung asked. “I need someone to touch me.”
Seungcheol reached his other hand out, grabbing your chin and holding you so you were both looking at him. You felt your face burning and yet more arousal curling in your coil from the heat of his expression.
“You’ve done well so far,” he said. “Stand up.”
You did as he told you immediately, scrambling to your feet. Very quickly hands were all over you as they pulled off yours and Soonyoung’s clothes. The three of them shifted around. Minghao urged you to sit up on the desk while Seungcheol turned Soonyoung around and bent him over the desk. Wonwoo made his way around to where Soonyoung’s head was and Soonyoung was eager to wrap his lips around Wonwoo’s cock.
Minghao leaned in, giving you a kiss as his hands trailed over your body. You felt the goosebumps in their wake as he trailed fingers over your sensitive skin. He leaned closer, reaching his hands around behind you to undo your bra and you let him pull it off. His hands moved over your chest, drawing a sigh from your lips before they found their way to the hem of your panties.
“Lay back for me,” he murmured against your lips.
You did as he said, letting your head fall to the side to look at Soonyoung. He had a sweet, hazy look in his eyes as Wonwoo slowly thrust into his mouth, letting out quiet moans as he did so. All of Soonyoung’s sounds were muffled but you could still hear his moaning as Seungcheol drew his tongue over his entrance, teasing him. Drool pooled at the edge of Soonyoung’s mouth, his hands splayed out over the desk, already wrapped up in bliss.
A gasp left your lips as Minghao drew his tongue over your sensitive clit. You reached out, grabbing at the edge of the desk and your other hand finding Soonyoung’s wrist. You squeezed at him, not paying much attention to the curious look he gave you as you started to moan, back arching off the desk as Minghao fell into a quick rhythm with his tongue.
“Fuck, that feels good,” you moaned quietly, the sound getting a little lost between the sounds rising up all around you. Wonwoo’s moans, though still quiet, were rushing through your body. Soonyoung’s whiny moans and gags as Wonwoo pushed his cock down Soonyoung’s throat were dizzying.
You felt the curl of the coil, the pleasure that was building inside you, spurred on by the lewd sounds of Minghao eating you out and Seungcheol eating Soonyoung’s ass. Seungcheol let out low groans, hands gripping at Soonyoung’s ass and thighs as his tongue moved quickly. Minghao let smooth moans vibrate through your core, hands holding your thighs open and keeping your hips from bucking into his mouth or grinding too much against his face.
You shifted your gaze up and felt your cunt clenching around nothing as you took in Wonwoo’s face. His brow was furrowed, hips thrusting forwards into Soonyoung’s mouth. Red coloured his cheeks and burned the tips of his ears and his mouth hung open in quiet moans. His eyes were screwed shut and the sight made your head spin.
“F-Fuck,” the curse fell from your lips as Minghao dipped his tongue into your core, curling it into a sensitive spot and sending a tremor through your body. You heard him chuckle at your reaction but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to care, instead pressing your hips closer to him as his tongue ran back up over your clit again.
You squeezed at Soonyoung’s arm, watching his nails slowly scratch at the desk as he pressed his hips back towards Seungcheol. His gaze was heavily lidded, though his eyes opened a little wider as Wonwoo grabbed his hair and jerked his head up roughly, an action that sent even more heat rushing through you. 
He didn’t need to say anything, Soonyoung simply looked up at him, keeping the eye contact as he let Wonwoo fuck his mouth, drooling and moaning. Wonwoo seemed to be relaxing and growing into his confidence tonight.
And you couldn’t deny it looked so good on him.
“Wonwoo,” Seungcheol’s voice called your and Wonwoo’s attention, though Minghao kept his tongue moving through your core. “Why don’t you come back here and help him out? Since he’s been so good to you.”
“Of course,” there was much more surety and calmness to Wonwoo’s voice than there had been when you began.
A moment later you whined as you felt the loss of Minghao’s presence. You propped yourself up on your elbows with a pout as he moved away from your core, but much happier when Seungcheol took his place, smirking at you from where he kneeled on the floor.
You had enough time to catch sight of Wonwoo pouring lube onto his fingers before the feeling of two fingers pushing into your cunt pulled a gasp from your lips. Your eyes locked with Seungcheol’s as you panted and he started to move his fingers.
“You’re already so wet,” he purred.
“You’re welcome,” Minghao chuckled quietly, moving around the side of the desk and kneeling again. You felt his lips start to press kisses along your side.
“I think you could take our cocks right now,” Seungcheol murmured.
They’re teasing was interrupted by the loud, desperate moan that left Soonyoung’s lips, now unhindered, as Wonwoo slipped a long finger inside him.
“Fuck, please,” Soonyoung groaned, dropping his face against the desk as he pressed his hips back, trying to fuck himself on Wonwoo’s fingers. Wonwoo and Seungcheol both chuckled at his neediness and you were distracted by the sensation of Minghao’s plush lips wrapping around one of your nipples.
“You really are needy, aren’t you Soonyoung?” Wonwoo teased.
“Please,” he drooled. “Please fuck me.”
“Don’t rush it,” Seungcheol grinned, as teasing as he was serious. “You need to be properly ready for it.”
Soonyoung’s only response was a groan, resting his cheek against the wood of the desk, facing you. Your own head fell back as Seungcheol started moving his fingers more roughly. He held a hand on your hip to keep it down and you let your eyes fall shut as you took in the sensations.
Soonyoung’s moans rivaled yours, both of you growing louder and louder with little care if anyone would hear you. Soonyoung gripped onto your wrist, trying to find purchase of his own. If his moans were any indication he was getting closer by the second.
You lost yourself more and more in the feeling and sounds. In the sucking of Minghao’s lips and the slow circling of his tongue around your nipple, fingers trailing gently over the skin of your hip and up your side. Seungcheol’s fingers deep in your core, thrusting and curling quickly. The lewd sounds of fingers moving in wetness and your moans filling the hot air.
Pleasure was building inside you quickly, Panting and moaning you felt yourself getting closer to your edge, clenching around Seungcheol’s fingers. Your hips ground as much as he would allow, chasing every little bit of sensation while the focus of cumming took over your mind.
Soonyoung let out a broken moan next to you and you peeked down to see Wonwoo pushing a second finger into his entrance slowly. A tremor ran through his body and his hand squeezed your wrist as he rocked his hips back as much as Wonwoo would allow. 
The sight of him only added to your own arousal, making you clench around Seungcheol’s fingers even more. Soonyoung’s eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth hung open, drool and moans pouring from his lips. His skin shone with a sheen of sweat and his hair fell across his face prettily, moving with each roll of his hips.
“Oh, fuck,” your own eyes squeezed shut as Seungcheol eased a third finger into your core. You took it easily, knowing how wet you were, and feeling the craving for more.
“You’re getting needier too, aren’t you?” Seungcheol chuckled.
You felt Minghao’s lips pull away from your chest, moving up to murmur in your ear. “Is that greedy little cunt of yours ready for some cock?”
Your back arched off the desk and you moaned out loudly as Seungcheol started to draw his tongue over your clit quickly. The only answers you could manage were incoherent whines and moans as the coil in your core curled impossibly tight.
“We’re so far from done with you, yet,” Minghao purred. “You better be ready for more.”
“F-Fuck,” the word came out breathy and high on your voice as Seungcheol’s fingers started pounding into you. Minghao brought his fingers to your chest, playing with your nipples and you only barely registered the way Soonyoung groaned loudly again, no doubt also taking another finger.
Quiet, breathy pleas started to pour from your lips. Seungcheol held your hips down, sucking on your clit roughly and fingering you fast. Minghao’s lips nipped at your ear, hot breath fanning out across your skin.
“I’m so looking forward to sinking my cock into you and fucking you dumb,” Minghao murmured.
You cried out as you came hard, clenching around Seungcheol’s fingers. Your back arched off the desk and your whole body shook. Pleasure washed through every inch of you, stealing your breath. Your hips only stuttered when the sensitivity started to set in. Your hands started to weakly push Seungcheol away from your core as you shook.
Minghao helped you up to sitting, letting you rest your head against his chest as he let his fingers run over your shoulders. Somewhere in your needy haze you’d missed the part where they all rid themselves of their clothes but you weren’t complaining at the sight.
Soonyoung choked out a high moan, body shaking as he came, riding out his high on Wonwoo’s fingers until his hips dropped, knees going weak from the force of his release.
Seungcheol had moved around the desk and was now running his fingers through Soonyoung’s hair. “I hope you’re not done after just a few fingers, Soonyoung,” He teased. Minghao and Wonwoo chuckled and Soonyoung tried and failed to open his eyes, incoherent sounds mumbling out through his lips. 
You slowly caught your breath, thankful for the moment to do so, while Minghao ran his fingers gently over your body. Wonwoo gently smoothed his hands over Soonyoung’s ass and Seungcheol played with his hair, all three of them pumping their own cocks slowly until Soonyoung pushed himself up to stand shakily.
Seungcheol smiled. “Are you two ready for more?” There wasn’t any teasing in his tone this time, only sincerity. You and Soonyoung both nodded, a little tired but eager.
Minghao helped you off the desk and you let him lead you to the chair. He urged you gently to kneel on the chair. You brought your hands to rest on the back of the chair, and then your cheek. Your heart was beating quickly with anticipation as you heard the sounds of condom wrappers ripping open and lube being poured out. You squeezed the back of the chair and wiggled your hips absentmindedly before hearing a chuckle.
You gazed up from your spot to find Seungcheol gazing down at you where you kneeled. His fingers came to your chin gently and tilted your head to look at him properly.
“Are you impatient?” He asked gently.
“Maybe,” you hummed. “Maybe I want a little more.”
“How much more?”
“Maybe I-I-” you stumbled over your words as you felt Minghao’s hands grip your hips and his cock ground against you, moving through your folds and teasing your sensitive clit.
“You lose your words so quickly,” Seungcheol hummed. “He hasn’t even started and you can’t compose yourself.”
You felt heat rush to your face as you tried to find the words you wanted. But they seemed too jumbled on your tongue. The sound of Soonyoung’s moan as Wonwoo eased his cock into his ass drew your attention for a moment before Minghao slowly pushed into you.
A gasp fell from your lips. Your eyes nearly closed as you sunk your hips back towards him but Seungcheol grabbed your jaw firmly and your eyes snapped open instead. You focused your gaze on him as moans started to escape your lips again. Minghao slowly thrust into you, letting out a breathy moan of his own.
“Does it feel good to finally be full?” Seungcheol murmured.
“Mhm,” your whine was high in your voice and you gave your head a little nod. Seungcheol regarded you with a heated smirk, leaning in closer. Your own gaze slipped to his lips as your mouth hung slightly.
“Are you so greedy you want kisses too?” He teased.
“Please,” Did you have a sense of shame left? Decidedly not as you leaned even more forwards, braced on the back of the chair.
Seungcheol chuckled at you but still, he closed the distance between you. His hand stayed on your jaw as he kissed you, pushing his tongue into your mouth which you let inside easily. Your moans came out muffled by his lips, though they were only getting louder.
Minghao kept one hand on your hip, the other slipped up to your chest. You keened forwards into his touch as he started to roll and tug on your nipple roughly. He thrust his hips in a steady pace, each one even and deep and sending a rush of pleasure to your dripping core.
You only got wetter as you took in the sounds of the room. The sounds of your own kisses and muffled, messy moans mixed with the low, breathy groans of Minghao behind you as he fucked you slowly. His sounds hitting your ears and making you clench around him.
Soonyoung and Wonwoo were both growing louder as well. Soonyoung held onto the edge of the desk, chest flush against the hard wood, now hot under his own burning skin. His moans were messy and broken, coming out as gasps and cries with each one of Wonwoo’s thrusts. His hips pressed back for more all the while.
Wonwoo’s sweet moans were finally sounding how you knew they could. The sound made you dizzy, loud and full and punctuated with curses. Complemented the lewd, wet sounds of cocks filling your holes, moving through your wetness, pounding into Soonyoung’s ass. The air in the room only felt hotter and hotter as the moments ticked by.
“F-Fuck,” another curse fell from your lips between kisses as Minghao started fucking into you a little faster. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure through your body and deep in your core the coil was starting to curl in on itself again. Mixed with the sparks of sensation as he played with your nipple roughly.
Seungcheol pulled back, letting you breathe and gasp for air. His own voice came out rough and breathy as he jerked himself off to the sight of you getting fucked.
“You look good like this,” he purred.
“S-So good,” you managed. You heard Minghao’s breathy chuckle from behind you.
“Tell him properly, then,” Seungcheol said.
“It f-feels good,” you moaned, bringing your hips back to Minghao’s and trying to urge him to go faster.
A gasp left your lips as Seungcheol wrapped a hand around your throat, pressing you back against Minghao’s chest and squeezing just a little. A smug smirk hung on his face as he took in your reaction.
“You can do better than that,” he purred.
“Tell me how you feel,” Minghao murmured.
“It f-feels so good,” You stumbled out. “It’s s-so f-f-fucking good. F-Fuck you’re s-so deep. Please. Fuck. P-Please don’t s-stop. I- hnnnn f-f- I n-need this s-s-so bad.”
Minghao’s hips snapped into you harder, making you cry out pitifully. You felt the tremble in your legs, the coil tight in your core and the burning need for touch on your clit, to bring you to your release again. Minghao seemed to be chasing his own high, both hands now on your hips and holding you firmly as he fucked into you and you let your eyes roll back in pleasure.
A bang and a cry of pain called the attention of the three of you, your own eyes snapping open, even if your vision was a little hazy. 
Soonyoung was shaking, gripping onto the table as Wonwoo tried to help him up. His legs had given out and his knees had slammed against the side of the desk.
Seungcheol rushed over quickly to help him up and to sit on the desk. And you only let out a slight whine as Minghao pulled out of you before heading over to check on Soonyoung as well. Soonyoung was no worse for wear, as Seungcheol and Minghao crowded around him he gave them a pout.
“I feel too empty now,” he whined.
“That can be fixed,” You heard Seungcheol say to him as he pushed him gently back to the desk.
You shifted off the chair as Wonwoo came closer, pulled off his condom before rolling on a new one. He came close in front of you, hands landing on your hips.
“Do you need a little something more too?” He asked.
“I could use some more,” you grinned, pulling him to the couch. “I was so close.”
“So was I,” he murmured, sitting sideways on the couch. You climbed over him, straddling his hips and giving him a smile as you lined yourself up with his cock before slowly sinking down onto it.
“Oh fuck,” you breathed. He had to be bigger than you initially thought. His cock had you feeling so wonderfully full. You braced yourself on his shoulders, resting your forehead against his. “You feel so fucking good,” you breathed quietly.
“So do you,” he replied.
Even as Soonyoung started to moan from the desk as Seungcheol thrust into him slow and deep, you stayed still for the moment, enjoying the feeling of your cunt wrapped around Wonwoo’s cock. You let your breath even out, Wonwoo’s hands held your hips and he didn’t urge you to move. You both soaked in the moment, feeling a little as if you were in your own world.
Slowly, with your forehead still resting against Wonwoo’s, you started to grind your hips down. A quiet gasp fell off your lips and Wonwoo chased it with his own, low moan and a squeeze of your hips. The delicious feeling as you slowly moved your hips curled through your core, working you up again.
Wonwoo pressed the tip of his nose against yours as you let your hips move the way they wanted, trying to find the movements that felt the best. You listened to all of Wonwoo’s quiet sounds, now so close to you, some part of your mind wanting to find what he liked best as well.
“Now I’m kind of wondering why we didn’t do this sooner,” he murmured breathily.
“You were the one who wanted nothing to do with my seduction,” you chuckled.
“I’ve seen the light,” he giggled. “I’ve changed my mind. This is good.”
Your words were interrupted by a particularly loud moan from Soonyoung, one that both drew your attention and made you clench around Wonwoo, drawing out a moan of his own. You bit down on your lip as you looked over at Soonyoung. Seungcheol had him on his back on the desk, holding his legs, thighs hugged to his chest. Seungcheol was fucking into him, starting to let ouy moans of his own and Minghao was next to them, kissing Soonyoung’s neck with a hand wrapped around his cock, pumping it quickly.
Just watching the sight had yet another rush of arousal rushing through you and you started riding Wonwoo a little faster, grinding down on his cock more quickly and letting small moans fall from your lips as you met his gaze again.
Wonwoo had pulled his head back a little, he shook his hair back slightly and his gaze was heavily lidded as he regarded you. He was drinking you in as you rode him. You felt heat rushing through your body and to the surface of your skin at the expression he held, the look on his face as his eyes trailed down your chest to where you were taking his cock. Something in his gaze could have made you feel shy if you weren’t already so far gone.
Your eyes trailed to his lips, idly thinking about his last kiss while you started to move your hips a little differently, swirling your hips as you searched for just the right movement and feeling. Your own high was coming back into your brain as the coil inside you curled a little more tightly.
As you swirled your hips you felt Wonwoo’s nails dig into your sides as his head fell back.
“Do that again,” he breathed.
A small smirk tugged at your lips as you obliged, repeating the movement a little faster and trying to fall into a rhythm with it.
Wonwoo's mouth fell open in a series of moans that were growing louder and louder. You felt yourself clench hard around him as you took in the sight. His mouth hung open in a pretty round “o.” His hair fell just a little into his face, some of it stuck in the sheen of sweat over his skin. His eyes were screwed shut, brows furrowed and face twisting with pleasure. His chest heaved with heavy breaths and shuddered as he started to get closer to his own release.
You let your eyes trail down, taking in his toned chest that you were just now paying attention to. You kept one hand on his shoulder, the other trailed down, scratching lightly over the skin of his chest.
Wonwoo keened into your touch with a moan, trembling just a bit from how close he was. Your own edge was getting closer and closer, the coil curled tight again and you started to move faster, chasing after your own high as well.
Your own eyes fell shut and you took in the sensations of Wonwoo’s cock moving in you. Each of the sounds filling the room, Wonwoo’s lovely, loud moans, Soonyoung’s broken desperate cries, and Seungcheol’s low, rough groans, mixed in with yours and nearly made you dizzy, all of it making you more desperate.
You adjusted your legs before lifting yourself up and starting to fuck yourself on Wonwoo’s cock.
“Shit, don’t stop,” he moaned. “Please don’t stop.” His nails dug into your hips, urging you to keep up the quick pace.
“D-Don’t worry about that,” you managed to chuckle through panting and moans. You were too close again to want to stop. You felt yourself clenching around Wonwoo. Lewd sounds filled the space between you as you sunk down on his cock with your dripping cunt over and over. Wonwoo was breathing fast between his moans, his hips messily rocking and bucking up to meet you, making both of you moan and cry out.
Soonyoung let out a particularly needy, beautiful moan that had you clenching, nearly releasing around Wonwoo. 
You heard him cursed quietly under his breath as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled you against his chest and leaned back before bracing his legs and fucking up into you hard.
You let your head fall into his neck as you cried out at the feeling. Your own eyes screwed shut and you dug your nails into his back as you held onto him. His own moans came out unabashed and more desperate as he hips worked, chasing after his high roughly and fucking you dizzy.
Wonwoo let out a choked moan, squeezing you as he came into the condom. He stayed buried deep in you while his hips crashed back to the couch, his body shaking.
You pulled back enough to rest your forehead against his again as he leaned into you. Wonwoo started to catch his breath until you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
Wonwoo sat up quickly, looking flustered and you felt heat rust to your face as embarrassment flooded your system, starting to stutter something out before you heard Soonyoung’s cry as he came, cum landing on his lower stomach and legs shaking as he gazed up at Seungcheol and Minghao, the former of which slowly pulled out of him.
You were quick to climb off of Wonwoo’s cock, wobbling your way over to the desk.
“Did you cum yet?” You asked Seungcheol, taking your mind off the awkward moment.
Seungcheol smirked at you. “Not yet. Why don’t you lay back on the desk?”
You did as he said, sparing a glance at Wonwoo who was now resting and catching his breath on the couch. Minghao was sitting into a chair and Soonyoung, who had gotten up, was moving towards him before straddling his lap.
Your attention came back to Seungcheol as he finished putting on a fresh condom and threw your legs up over his shoulders. You bit your lip, grinning up at him and wiggled your hips, eager to cum again and still so close and sensitive. He brought one hand to your hip and the other guided his cock into your heat.
The moan from your lips matched the groan that left his. A slow burn of pleasure ran through you as you stretched out around his cock. He brought his other hand to your hip before leaning down over you a little more, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips and heat in his gaze as he pulled his hips back before rolling into you, nice and deep.
You let out gasps at the feeling, eyelids already heavy and body so sensitive and needy from both Minghao and Wonwoo. You let your thoughts and feelings slip away from you, instead focusing every bit of your energy on the sensation of Seungcheol’s cock thrusting into you, giving you more pleasure with each roll of his hips.
“Don’t close those pretty eyes,” he murmured, bearing down over you. You felt one hand travel up from your hip until he fingers rested against your neck. You forced your eyes open, meeting his gaze properly and giving him moans in response.
“Good job,” he purred.
You gave him a lopsided smile, eyes drinking in his intense gaze and it only added to the fire inside of you. His low groans, Soonyoung and Minghao’s pretty moans from the chair. And Wonwoo’s breath, still slowing after his release. 
Seungcheol wrapped a hand around your throat gently and you whined pitifully for him. But it turned into a loud, broken moan as he pulled his hips back and slammed into you roughly, sending a shock of pleasure through you.
“Do you like that?” He teased, though clearly breathy and getting close himself.
“Fuck y-yes,” you stuttered. “P-Please~”
“You don’t even have to ask,” he grinned before pulling back and doing it again.
His thrusts came harder and soon faster as well. From the slow roll of his hips he was now properly fucking you. You reached out for anything, your hands finding the arm leading to the hand around your throat and you grabbed onto it, trying to keep your eyes locked on his.
Every one of your senses was alight. The sounds and smells around you were utterly dizzying and nearly overwhelming. You felt your thighs trembling as you gazed up at Seungcheol, unable to form anything other than a string of moans as the oh so close coil in your core curled tightly, so close to coming undone.
You tried to reach one of your own hands down between your legs but Seungcheol was faster. He pulled his hand from your neck and pressed his palm against your lower stomach before his thumb started to rub over your clit quickly and roughly.
“F-F-F” you couldn’t even manage one word at the sensation. Your legs started to squeeze together but it only made the feeling more intense. Your nails scratched against the desk and your back arched off the wood, now hot from the skin of your back. Seungcheol chased his high with quick, rough thrusts, rubbing your clit as fast as he could.
Finally your hips bucked up, only kept close enough for him to keep fucking you from his strength as you came hard on his cock. Your eyes rolled back and fingers tried to dug uselessly into the hard wood as spots dotted your vision and a tidal wave of pleasure washed over you. The cry that came from your lips was louder than anything else in the small cabin, nearly a scream as he fucked you through your orgasm.
Even as you came down he didn’t stop. His hand came back to your hip, spurred on by the feeling of your release and you let out broken moans, only barely noticing Minghao doing the same as he came. Whimpers left your lips at the feeling, almost overwhelming you but also feeling so good in your post orgasm haze.
You let out a series of messy moans, feeling drool slipping from the corner of your mouth and eyes unable to open as his hips slammed into you roughly. You were slightly more aware of Soonyoung’s muffled cry into Minghao’s neck as he came for a third time. But your attention came quickly back to Seungcheol as he let out a low growl that even in your state had you clenching around him.
Seungcheol’s hips stuttered to a stop inside you as he spilled his release into the condom. His chest heaved as he panted and there was a slight tremor in his legs as a series of groans fell off his lips until he quieted.
Seungcheol pulled out of you carefully before dropping back into the other chair, catching his breath. Wonwoo stepped next to the desk and gently helped you up to sitting. His hand landed on your back, rubbing it in what you were sure was an absentminded gesture. You leaned against him for support, noticing he had found his boxers and thrown them back on. You gazed around to Soonyoung who was resting against Minghao’s chest, still shaking slightly.
“So,” his voice was clearly tired and yet still mischievous. “When is round 2?”
“Never,” said Seungcheol, even though still breathless he gave Soonyoung a pointed look. “And if any of you tell anyone I’ll fire you.”
“Why are you looking at me?” He whined.
“You’re the gossip,” Minghao chuckled.
“You’re the only one who would blab.” you added.
“You too,” Seungcheol said to you.
“Hey, I’ve kept some secrets. You guys don’t know everything.”
Seungcheol fully relaxed back into his chair. “Good. Soonyoung, since I’m sure this was your idea you get to clean my office tomorrow.”
“I- yeah okay,” he mumbled.
“And if any of you break into my office again and start having sex I will be firing you. Understood?”
A chorus of “yeps” and “yes sirs” rang out around the room.
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