#this is a half baked thought
misfithive · 2 years
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Okay hear me outtttt. So in an interview Edvin says that the think Wille likes most about Simon is his honesty. And I’ve been thinking about it a lot because i do see Simon is verbally honest like he says the hard truths but i also see Wille as honest in a different way. Wille was raised in an environment where you don’t always say what you want to say. But i think Wille is a different kind of honest more so in his behavior and his openess in his feelings for Simon (making the sandwich, always smiling at him, trying to protect him etc) and that is something that draws them to eachother. They balance eachother this way because Simon can be more emotionally guarded at times bc he is trying to do the right thing.
Like seeing Wille as impulsive or “emotional” is one way to look at it but whats more honest than that? Like he is honest in his actions and does what feels true to him (except for denying it was him in the video which was the breaking point for Simon). For the most part Simon accepts Wille’s “impulsive” behavior and moments of sharing his emotions because it’s raw and real. Even Wille smiling at Simon when he hears him sing is just so pure and open and honest.
And thats the heart of their dynamic, be real with me and i will be real with you. Their intimacy is just open and honest. Simon can accept that but does not want to feel like Wille is not being real with him, saying one thing and doing another, being inauthentic etc. He can accept being a “secret” to the public as long as there is honesty between them
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affixjoy · 5 months
I wonder if part of the appeal of “sexualizing that old man” for people of my age group and younger (mid 30s) is that we know that life expectancy is dropping and so many of us and our loved ones won’t make it into old age. More and more young people are getting cancer, covid is wrecking our immune systems, even those of us who have health insurance can’t always access health care let alone good health care.
And that’s not even getting into all the other things killing us and lowering our quality of life, like guns and climate issues and so on and so on.
So maybe part of why we look at these old men who were given the opportunity to live well and age gracefully and we can’t help but romanticize it and yeah, sexualize it. We’ve all been young but fewer and fewer of us will make it to our 70s 80s and 90s. So the appeal of that can be very attractive to think about.
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someone pointed out that the lever from the bently and the one used by angel!crowley were really similar
so what if all those time he talked about running away to alpha centauri that's how he was planing on getting there
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opportvnist · 5 months
hey! white tumblr users! if you’re considering making a post about rap, try closing out of the post editor and listening to DNA by kendrick instead. I guarantee he’s said everything, and he’s said it better than you ever will.
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beebopboom · 1 month
“…and no more old bookshop”
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That’s what it stopped Aziraphale short in s1, didn’t fully convince him but it made him pause. And Crowley knew that.
flash forward to s2,
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“You can’t leave this bookshop.”
Crowley uses the same line again and yet it means so much more now. Which makes it all more devastating to hear,
“Nothing lasts forever”
That’s not part of the song and dance they have played through before. They can’t wiggle themselves out of this one.
Even back in s1, although they made a pit stop at the Ritz, they didn’t truly bring the issue back up until they were in the bookshop. To start to plan.
It’s their safe haven
And now that it’s torn down and exposed the only thing he can offer more of, is himself.
and yet after everything, all the heartbreak, Aziraphale still says,
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“But, um….my bookshop.”
While retreating into his East end corner, putting distance between him and the Metatron, to make himself closer to Crowley, to see if he’s still there.
and if that isn’t some of the biggest proof that Aziraphale did not want to go, did not want to leave Crowley. Well.
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ghcstao3 · 1 month
immortals ghoap who will casually reminisce about a date they had four hundred years ago like it was yesterday because their love just transcends time like that. eternity doesn’t feel like a painful forever when they have the other by their side to share every moment of their history, and it’s nice to look fondly back on memories that still exist at the forefront of a life experience so full yet still far from sated.
they can talk about the rise and fall of empires just as easily as they might discuss the weather or ask what the other had for breakfast. it’s always felt simple to come to terms with a never-ending life when they’re not alone to live through it.
(and maybe it’s also a little funny to confuse everyone else to no end when they talk about centuries past but never fully specify the details. at least in the modern day and age they wouldn’t be called witches for it.)
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NSFW, kinda spoilers for TF1
No because I'm still not over the whole "Megatron and Starscream's whole relationship is actually just really intense foreplay/bdsm" becoming CANON. Like??? Megatron literally throws him down in front of everyone and what is Starscream's reaction but to dramatically go, "Yes! Hit me! Hit me harder!"
Like???? I'm not complaining but a masochism-exhibitionist thing right in the middle of my transformers movie was not what I was expecting lmfao
Megastar probably had hot steamy evil villain sex shortly after the banishment, in the spot that would eventually become the new decepticon capital, in front of everybody 😌 Starscream swaggers up to him and goes, "Hit me again, big bot. I can take it~ ❤️" and the elite trine cheer him on like,
"Get it, Starscream! Get it!"
Seekers are a filthy, rowdy, overly-sexual bunch, and there's nothing like a good public fragging to raise spirits. If Starscream wants to publicly ride thick gladiator champion spike in full view of everyone in celebration of Sentinel Prime's death, you can bet your ass Skywarp and Thundercracker are gonna be supportive
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calmlb · 4 months
when i think about where the anime left off…
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2 hours later
…i can’t stop thinking about this part of the s5 op
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• Fukuchi + pages (of the book?)
• a hand ominously dropping a book (the book?)
• sskk charging into a fight
• the clock in the background
who do we know who deals with time travel?
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and this is the last thing we heard from her 👀
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the clock could just be symbolic of Amenogozen… but i’d love to see Wells make a reappearance since it’s relevant to her ability
it would also be a perfect time to tie in 55 Minutes (a more sskk focused light novel), & make another callback to the Order of the Clock Tower
i personally think 55 Minutes needs to be animated before Stormbringer, bc there’s so much foreshadowing & world building in it that’s important to Stormbringer
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strawberrylemonwedge · 5 months
headcanon that rather than disobeying the lan clan’s strict sleep schedule like staying up late or waking up late like you might expect of him, Lan Jingyi does rest at hai time and rise at mao time like any Lan but in the most chaotic and inelegant way. Hai time rolls around and he is instantly out, like just nods off in the middle of a conversation while still standing mouth hanging open
the number of times Sizhui has had to move him to his bed in their dorm after Jingyi falls asleep sprawled on the floor, or frantically yank him out of a bath before he drowns, Ouyang Zizhen will catch his head before it falls into his plate of food, Jin Ling ends up having to carry him on his back to the nearest inn when they’re out of town
and yeah he wakes up at mao time but he wakes up like an explosion and is instantly bursting with energy. Before Sizhui can even fully open his eyes, Jingyi is halfway through a monologue at full volume, he’s bouncing off the walls, 75% of his day’s productivity is happening right after he wakes up
bonus points if this very noticeably does Not happen during a serious battle or night hunt and people start to think he’s doing it on purpose but Sizhui will tell you no he’s just Like That
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vanpalmr · 1 year
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yellowjackets (2021-) // halloween - noah kahan // fashionista // @normal-horoscopes // sarah desjardins // he gets that from me - reba mcentire // u/kristenbouchard 
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
Radioapple shippers are feasting.
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thevalleyisjolly · 10 months
Fourteen and Fifteen each having half of the costume is very funny, but also, I just want to applaud the effect of which items of clothing they decided to give to Ncuti and David each. Giving Ncuti the button-up shirt and the undone tie evokes the aesthetic of previous regenerations, cementing that he is the next Doctor and not a clone or metacrisis (since Tentoo regenerated completely naked). At the same time, the lack of trousers serves to demonstrate his gravity and confidence both as an actor and as the character. Usually a character being in their underpants is played for comedy and embarrassment. However, Ncuti plays Fifteen with such assurance and authority that you never even pay attention to the lack of trousers except for a few jokes about whether this means Fourteen is going commando; we're on the edge of our seats seeing what this new Doctor is going to do next. It's a subtle but also effective demonstration of both Ncuti and Fifteen's command of the scene that your focus is on them before the fact that they're half-dressed.
Meanwhile, David has the suit vest over the undershirt, and it really serves to emphasize the Doctor's vulnerability and exhaustion by literally stripping away his outer layers. The most iconic parts of Ten's costume were the long coat and the skinny suit. Take away the silhouette of the coat, the respectability of the collared shirt, tie, and suit jacket, just leave him there in his undershirt with only the vest remaining, and you create the effect of someone barely keeping it together, who perhaps struggled out of bed in the morning (or never went to bed properly at all) and had just enough energy to put on trousers and a vest.
A theme in the episode was, when you take away all the outward things that you associate with the Doctor, then what's left? The Doctor's costume is always a defining visual in every Doctor's identity, both in-canon and outside of the show. We remember Four's scarf, Five's cricket uniform, Six' rainbow coat, and each of those things says something about what type of person that Doctor is. In the past, the Doctor has changed outfits before or worn variants of their iconic look. But take away the costume altogether and you're confronted with the question of who this character is when they're not performing for anyone at all. And the answer here is, a deeply traumatized character who's never been able (and never allowed themselves) to slow down and process all the hurts and fears they're running from.
TLDR Everyone met Fifteen and went, "Oh, you're beautiful, Doctor." Meanwhile, Fifteen looked at Fourteen and went "Don't you think we look tired?" And they were all right.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 7 months
Drove an hour to see a friend, and I have a half baked idea about something happening so that Lena basically turns into energy vampire. Like, she touches someone and she drains their life force and uses it for herself-- it's the only way she can survive.
In this case, I think she'd be able to control it, and would simply refuse to "eat", until she's wafer thin and sickly. And Kara would eventually insist that Lena feed on her, which again Lena refuses. In the end, Kara has to grasp Lena's hand in a fury and plants it against her chest, skin to skin. With Lena's hunger overcoming her, Kara's energy would surge into Lena. But when Lena is fully sated, Kara seems none the worse for wear. Where others would be dead or dying, sucked dry of their life force, Kara is as bright and chipper as ever-- and relieved, now that Lena is returned to full vitality.
It's not for a few days, when Kara gets a paper cut, that they realize what's happened. Lena's drain took enough that Kara's weakened to the point of a solar flare. Beyond that, she's totally fine, but the lack of powers is a concern to everyone but her. Kara eventually regains her powers over time, just in time for Lena to need another feeding.
For others, it's a horrific trade off, but to Kara, the decision couldn't be simpler-- her powers for Lena's life.
Over time, their feedings shift from transactional to something far more intimate. They kiss, deeply and hungrily, as Kara bequeaths her energy to her lover, her friend. And Kara lives the rest of her life as a human, hand in hand with Lena.
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hells-greatestdad · 2 months
Quick sneak post at work--
Lucifer's sin: pride, developeding as a direct counterbalance to deep hurt
The pride not being an act by any means, no, but essentially existing to counteract the trauma, self doubt, self loathing, etc
Especially if his virtue before that point was humility
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lexthanwarrior · 5 months
guys consider
OK SO i see people on here all the time talking about the LiB birth order but has anyone considered: Webby and Wiggly are TWINS... but like Webby is 3 minutes older or something and this makes Wiggly so mad because imagine Wiggly trying to make one of his brothers listen to him and hes like "IM OLDER THAN YOU THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO MEEEEEEE" and whoever hes talking too is like "yeah but youre not the oldEST" and Webby takes their side or smth... ooooo
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beware-the-water · 5 months
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what a genuinely heartbreaking reason for this persons mother to see that she is worthy as a woman. especially since being a woman is seen as worthy to her once a man says it is.
i wonder, since she seems to have recently learned about trans people when this was posted, if she’s aware of all the women who have fought and still fight every waking day to be themselves.
how these women have been speaking out and fighting long before trans people ever existed.
how we fight against the very system and the very people (men) who have created this reality for all of us.
how the men trying to cosplay as women have never faced the struggles which she or any women has faced. the very struggles that led her (and the rest of the world) to believe women aren’t worthy.
and how these trans identified men are not fighting for women but for men to be considered women. they are not doing anything for women that (actual) women haven’t already.
i also wonder, has op’s mother learned about trans identifying females? if women are fighting so hard to become men, what does that imply (to the mother)? is it now suddenly not worth being a women because women are fighting to be seen as men? (obvi rhetorical question)
i’d also like to add this rewording.
women need to shut up about womanhood. my mom was raised to believe all women were less valuable than men and cried when she learned about trans identified men because the idea that men would fight that hard to be a woman was radical for her and it meant it was something worth being.
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