#this is a nighttime appreciation post. it's very very good
thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。˚ 「 Domesticity 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; Stolas and his s/o spend a romantic morning together
◉ A/n- stay tuned for a little scenario at the bottom of this post. First time I'm combining headcanons and a short scenario, hope y'all enjoy <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
The sky brightens, light wafting through the curtains like a gentle wake up call. Beside you, Stolas stirs in his sleep, cooing and turning over. As wonderful as it would be to sleep in, its time to get ready for the day.
Stolas isn't a morning person. Unless he has appointment or meetings, he'll sleep in until the late morning. I mean- He's an owl demon, he's gonna prefer nighttime. Fortunately, you make mornings much more bearable.
If you're the type to stay in bed, Stolas takes full advantage. Half-awake, he'll leave light kisses on your cheek, neck, and arms, mumbling a small "good morning, darling"
He's also the type to playfully groan about having to get up. He pulls the blankets closer, damn near hiding under them, holding you close and making very persuasive points as to why you should just stay in bed with him.
If you prefer to get up and get an early start on the day, Stolas appreciates that too. He'll still whine about how he wants you to stay in bed, but won't keep you from doing your thing. He'll even make an effort to get up with you to maximize quality time together
It's been said Stolas doesn't know how to cook. And it's true, that's why people say it. If you also can't cook, y'all will settle for a simple breakfast- maybe going to a cafe or staying home with a bowl of cereal or a plate of pancakes
Ngl, I think Stolas would listen to podcasts or audio books in the morning. Listen; y'all are in the kitchen or bathroom, getting ready for the day, making your food- all while listening to a mystery novel or an astronomy podcast.
As small as the moments are, Stolas cherishes just standing in the bathroom getting ready for the day, consulting with you on what outfits y'all should wear, and taking turns in the shower. He's finally able to call this house a home because he gets to share it with you.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
The bubbling sounds of the coffee maker and the sizzle of cooking pancakes fill the kitchen. Stolas walks in, groggily rubbing his eyes and padding over to you.
"Good morning, my love," he whispers, kissing the top of your head. Stolas rests his head atop yours, watching the pancake batter bubble on the pan. "The food smells delicious."
"Thanks," you chuckle, leaving th pancakes for a moment to pour a cup of coffee. "Careful, it's hot," you say, passing the mug to him. Stolas nods, kissing you once more and sipping the coffee.
"You can go ahead and sit down, the pancakes will be done soon."
Stolas smiles, leaning against the counter. "I can stay here. After all, why would I go all the way over there when you're right here?"
"Whatever you say, birdy," you laugh, turning your attention back to the pancakes.
The rest of the time passes in comfortable silence. Stolas watches you lovingly, thinking of how grateful he is to share these moments with you. This is the love he's has been waiting for.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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greenbloodvulcan · 1 year
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Logan runs into a certain passenger more than once. She gets under his skin.
A/N: I change POV’s based on vibes only so sorry if this is hard to read :( 
Word count: 3,427
It wouldn’t have changed a damn thing for him, had it just been that once. He’d have forgotten about her the very next day; his appreciation of both her silence and her relative sobriety level would have been no more than a fleeting observation. It would have continued on just the same. Dry heat, dust, drink, and a deep nothingness that blankets every second of every day. His life was never going to be fucking sunshine and rainbows; his DNA made damn sure of that. He bears it all for Charles- the monotony. The obnoxious passengers who reeked of drink more than he did; who slurred professions of love and insisted that, no, they did not need him to pull over, they hadn’t even had that much. He wasn’t sure who he found worse- the drunks or the socially inept who talked his ear off like he looked like someone who gave a shit. 
So it’s a relief when she slides into the backseat with mostly clear eyes and a small smile, meeting his gaze in the rearview. The smell of alcohol is faint, and though he’s parked outside a strip of bars at 11 at night, he notices the scrubs and the bag she tosses in beside her. He confirms her name and she nods with a soft “yes”. He waits until he hears the click of the seatbelt before pulling away from the curb, nothing but the radio and the hum of the engine surrounding them. She doesn’t tap away at her phone incessantly, feeling the need to feign busyness to fill the silence that is to be expected between two complete strangers. She just leans her head on the window, the bright lights of the nighttime landscape flashing across her face. He doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t ask him about his day or talk about how the weather is finally cooling down or something else equally as meaningless. He keeps his eyes on the road the rest of the drive, the same highway signs and landmarks he’s memorized fading in his periphery. 
It takes maybe 15 minutes to pull off the road into a small apartment complex. It’s dead silent at this hour, and she directs him to the left and points at a set of stairs beneath one of the light posts that actually works. “Right here is fine. Thank you-” she pauses and looks down at her phone, “Logan. I appreciate it.” He grumbles out a “sure” but her smile only widens before she pushes the door open and slides out. “Have a good night.” He nods at her and waits until she disappears up the landing and he hears a door close. It’s late, and he plans to drive another hour or two to avoid Caliban’s very personal questions and the concern in his voice for Charles that has Logan thinking back to a mansion filled with limp bodies and broken screams. He keeps driving. 
She sees him again two weeks later, by pure chance. The car she can’t afford to fix means it was bound to happen sooner or later. She’d gotten by the last month with bus rides at god forsaken hours of the morning and rideshares when she’d had her fill of sticky plastic seats, the smell of urine, and people who didn’t see anything wrong with having conversations on speaker in public. She can spare the few bucks most of the time- twice a week, sometimes three. Tonight is one of those nights. She didn’t think much of it when she ordered the ride, only putting the name to the face when she opens the door and sees the man with tired eyes, a rumpled shirt, and a rugged handsomeness she admonishes herself for noticing. “Oh hey. Again,” she greets, pulling her backpack onto her lap and hugging it to her chest. He raises his eyebrows at her and turns around in this seat again with a grunted hey. 
It’s much the same as the last time and the silence that settles is so blissful she’s surprised she doesn’t fall asleep. As she’s leaving she feels possessed to tell the man- Logan, that she hopes she gets him next time too. She doesn’t expect anything other than a one word response but he turns to look at her and a disbelieving chuckle escapes him. He runs a hand through his hair and eyes her with a scrutiny she’s not used to. They’re not quite green and not quite brown and it’s stupid to think because she doesn’t know him but she wonders what they’d look like without all that hurt. “And why is that?” he questions gruffly.  Ignoring the flush that she’s certain has risen to her face she speaks truthfully, “The quiet. It’s nice. Don’t get too much of that most days,” she replies, motioning to her scrub clad body. She sees his eyes focus on the badge clipped to her collar and he nods, “I fucking believe it.” He nods at her as he unlocks the door. “See you later,” she calls. “Maybe,” he replies. 
“What, are you requesting me or something?” he asks incredulously. That earns him a laugh- a light and airy sound that he would have found strange, because it wasn’t that funny, but he’s picked her up outside a bar, and her eyes are glazed over and the smell is so much stronger than the first time. She must notice his weariness, because she’s leaning back in her seat with her hands up in surrender. “I’ll be good I promise,” she smiles at him then, and it’s so genuine he allows himself to believe her.  He tells her that she better not throw up with a grumble and she’s nodding, “Yes, Mr. Logan.” He sends her a look and pulls the car out of park. She keeps her promise the first 5 minutes. It’s so quiet and the road so familiar, he almost forgets about the stranger in his backseat. But then she’s breaking the silence, and her voice is no longer cheery and playful; she’s nearly whispering and her voice is cracking as she makes her inquiry, “Can I tell you something?” 
He wants to be rude and tell her he’s not a fucking psychiatrist and he’s honestly the last person anyone should want to have a heart to heart with but he doesn’t. She’s been perfectly nice to him and even if he had a habit of being an asshole more often than not nowadays, he knew she didn’t deserve it. He doesn’t meet her eyes in the rearview. “Go ahead, kid.”
“We lost someone today. And I just- I couldn’t stand the thought of just going home and being alone with it, you know? And it wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last and maybe I should just be used to it by now but, I just can’t. And next year, I won’t be under someone, it’ll be my responsibility and only mine and I-” she’s crying now and he hears her trying hard to stifle the tears. “Anyway, that’s why I drank so fucking much. Sorry. God, I’m-” she falters and quiets lamely. 
His knuckles are turning white against the steering wheel and he’s thinking of a streak of white hair, and blue skin that’s turning a sickly gray and the woman he couldn’t have at the foot of the stairs and he knows that no amount of liquor can make you forget. “You don’t,” he says. “You don’t get used to it. Just get better at hiding it.”
She’s wiping at her eyes and she’s leaning forward now, her chin resting on the slope of the passenger seat. “I’ll just always feel responsible. Like I didn’t do enough.” 
He’s pulled into her lot when he finally turns and meets her eyes. “Yeah, I know.”
She’s too fucking embarrassed to risk seeing him again for several weeks. She knows very well how irrational she’s being, and she knows he must have dealt with far worse but she’s never been one to share the details of her life with near strangers. So she braves the bus and the noise and the smell and the headaches that plague her as a result. 
The next time she sees him, it isn’t in his car. She’s leaving the hospital, and like many third year residents, had survived on nothing but a granola bar and coffee. Her feet are aching and she briefly considers just going home but she’s got the appetite of a hungover undergrad so she stops in at the nearby diner. She’s greeted by the smell of pancake batter and bacon grease and for that she ignores the sticky table and water spotted silverware. She’s about to look around for a waitress when she sees him two booths away, staring very intensely at the coffee mug before him. His eyes suddenly meet hers and she raises her hand in a hesitant wave before looking away and flagging down the waitress. She’s a customer–an acquaintance really, so she’s surprised when she hears the shuffling of footsteps and he drops into the seat across from her. She meets his eyes and leans forward slightly, “I’m not following you I promise,” she tells him and that earns her a gruff laugh, “I’d hope you’d have better things to do. Doctor.” 
He’s different from every time before. Looser. His white collared shirt is unbuttoned and rolled at the sleeves, suit jacket abandoned. She notices for the first time just how imposing he is, all hard muscle and tan skin and eyes that seem to burn right through her. But they’re the slightest bit unfocused, and then his demeanor makes sense. “Yeah, just a thing or two,” she tells him with a smile. He surprises her again by asking if her day was better than the last time he saw her. She skips over more apologies, since he clearly isn’t bothered and she nods at him thoughtfully. “Yeah, actually. Thanks. It’s hard, you know. The ER. It’s people at their most vulnerable and someone’s life is literally in your hands and yes, it’s fast and it’s exhausting but, I love it. I really do,” she finishes, unable to help herself from smiling at the admission. Her plate is delivered then, and it takes everything in her to not inhale the pancake stack. Rather, she stabs at the eggs first and looks expectantly at the man before her, “What about you?”  
“Oh yeah, always wanted to be a driver. Nothing like it,” he answers. She rolls her eyes at his tone, “You’re just full of surprises tonight aren’t you. Who would’ve thought you were capable of making a joke.” 
He brings the mug to his lips, downing the remainder of the black coffee and leaning back into the red vinyl. He shrugs, “Shit happened and a move across the country made sense.” He’s looking down at the table, fingers tapping against the sticky laminate and she doesn’t miss the scars between his knuckles. They’re fresh, the skin still puckered and pink and it only adds to the mystery of the man before her. The one so dead set on hiding. She nods, but they both know she doesn’t buy it. “I’ll get it out of you, one day,” she replies, “I’m not known for quitting.” 
He huffs out a laugh, “It’s your mistake,” he responds, but those hazel eyes meet hers with a look she can’t quite place. She responds in kind, mimicking his shrug before cutting up the pancake stack before her. They sit in silence for a while and he looks incredibly amused at the enthusiasm with which she eats. She slouches down in her seat with a sigh when she finishes, “Wow I really fucking needed that.” 
He nods at her, “Gotta take care of yourself kid.” She raises her eyebrow at him indicating she could say the same thing about him and he shrugs again, “Yeah, fine. You win.” He gestures towards the window, “Going to head out.”
She smiles at him lightly, “You’ll likely see me again really soon,” she admits. “Car’s still busted.”
It’s when he stands up to go that she notices. He tries to keep his arm by his side, but it comes up to his torso just as he grits his teeth and winces. He brings his hand up to signal that he’s fine and she can stay seated but she’s standing in front of him and giving him a look that says that she knows better. “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
He shakes his head and makes to move past her, “Nothing it’s fine.” She looks down at his shirt and then back up at him with a fierceness in her eyes, “The blood seeping through your shirt would suggest otherwise, Logan.” He’s about to open his mouth to protest but she grabs his calloused hand and pushes against his chest with her free hand,  keeping him in place. “You’re going to let me help because I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t. I don’t care what happened, just let me.” He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh knowing it’s a losing battle. The woman who barely cleared his shoulders wasn’t going to let it go. 
She leans down and slings her bag over her shoulder and motions toward the bathroom. There’s barely enough space in the dingy men’s room and it smells strongly of cheap air freshener and bleach. She pushes the toilet lid down with her foot and motions for him to sit before digging out the first aid kit from her bag and handing it to him while she scrubs her hands with several pumps of soap. “Of course you have one of these.”
She gives him a pointed look, “Never know when the mysterious chauffeur with a secret past is going to be bleeding out in the 24/7 diner.”
He’s taken his shirt off and suddenly she’s crouched between his knees, her brows furrowed. There’s a wound along his abdomen, maybe four inches long. The stitches he’d clearly done himself had split. But it’s not just that. His torso is a mirage of scars, both old and new–shiny pink strips that stand out from the rest of his tanned surface, the jagged edges pulling at his taught skin. Then she sees the rounded indentations and she’s been in the ER enough to know that they’re bullet holes and she pushes down the worry that is suddenly taking root in her chest. She can feel his eyes studying her, waiting for a reaction–for an explanation. She doesn’t give him one. 
He towers above her and is easily twice as wide, and for all his roughness, she can’t help but find him beautiful. She stands to get a stack of paper towels that she presses to his skin as gently as she can. “Sorry,” she murmurs when she feels him tense beneath her fingers. He feels like a furnace. “Hold that a sec.” She’s pulling out gloves, then scissors and tweezers. She pulls his hand away when the towels are soaked through. He closes his eyes as she starts to remove the old thread, and she somehow stays focused on the split skin and not the fact that she’s close enough to hear every change in his breathing and smell traces of cologne and whiskey. 
She doesn’t question him while she works and he’s grateful for it. She gives him a smile when she says, “The stitches weren’t even that bad, so good job.” He tries to relax, but he finds himself tensing at the feel of her fingers on his skin, the intimacy of it, however necessary it was, an almost foreign concept to him as of late. She keeps mumbling apologies anytime he does, like she’s the reason he’s got a knife wound. A few years ago, he might have said something crass about her position between his legs but now? Right now, he can’t fathom why she cares so much to begin with.
He lets his eyes fall to her face as she concentrates on threading the hooked needle. Some of her dark hair has escaped the knot at the nape of her neck and her tongue pokes out from between her lips as she works, her brows furrowed in concentration. She holds the suture in one hand while the other grabs hold of a small brown bottle. She meets his eyes apologetically. “This is going to sting.” He only nods as she pours it over the wound, clenching his teeth as he inhales. “Ok, this is going to feel worse but I’ll be as quick as I can,” she assures him. 
The dim yellow light from the flickering fixture above them has her squinting as she leans forward and braces her forearms above his knees. “I’ll be fine,” he tells her when she glances up at him with another apology. He closes his eyes as he feels the tugging on his skin, his fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs. A few moments pass before she leans back and reaches for the dressing. “All done,” she announces, pressing the bandage down and removing her gloves. 
He stands and moves to re-button his shirt but she reaches down and pushes his bloody hands away. “Let me.” There’s barely three inches between them and he’s suddenly very aware of the heat from her skin and the way her nimble fingers seem to take longer than necessary working the buttons through. Then, her palms linger on his chest when she’s done and all he can smell is her perfume and all he can hear is his pulse between his ears. She’s peering up at him with those deep, dark eyes and she looks so innocent and kind and young–everything he is not. 
But she’s more than that; she’s fucking brilliant and dedicated and she spends her days pulling people from the brink of death so he doesn’t get why she’s looking at him that way. Why she’d seen all that she had in the last 20 minutes and still wants anything to do with him at all. He’s vague and defensive and she can’t have much of an idea of who he is at all and yet she’s still there, looking at him like that. 
It’s worse when she runs her thumb across the raised scar on his cheek and his eyes fall closed immediately and he almost forgets to breathe. His hand comes up to catch her wrist between calloused fingers and he wants to keep her from wasting any more time on him and his brain is screaming at him to just tell her no but he doesn’t. And it’s incredibly stupid because he knows how fucking terribly it always ends. Always. He drops her wrist and she catches his right hand, her thumb passing gently along the scars between his knuckles. It’s intoxicating- the feel of her skin on his and god its been so long. Her head is bowed as she maps out the scar tissue on the back of his hand and she’s so incredibly gentle and seemingly awestruck when her eyes meet his again that he feels his stomach drop because he wishes so badly that she didn’t care. That he didn’t. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. She smiles at him lightly, and he’s confused by the sadness that seems to overtake her features. “You’re so much more than I ever could have hoped, Logan. Please know that.” He decides then that his name on her lips is his new favorite sound. He almost opens his mouth to protest but he knows it will only upset her so he stays quiet. She drops his hand and then she has both palms on his chest again and soft lips against his cheek and he lets himself savor the proximity and the warmth and the scent of vanilla that surrounds her. He catches her waist before she can step away and her hands slide upwards to meet behind his neck. He bows his head to rest against her forehead and it takes all his restraint to not kiss her until she’s breathless. That soft, sweet smile has returned to her face and her dark eyes are shining. It’s almost enough to make him forget the grimy bathroom they’re standing in. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?” she whispers and he feels his lips pull up at the corners before he can stop it. 
He drives her home in his passenger seat. 
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bots-and-cons · 25 days
heyyy uh since requests are open again I thought this might be a good idea to explain what I meant in my last request cuz I realized I didn't really explain it right sorry, what I was requesting was kinda for an anthro fruit or vampire bat reader (kinda like a furry I guess but biologically a bat but I understand the mix up and I still enjoyed reading what you made
I'd really appreciate it if you could maybe make another one this way, I understand if you don't feel like it and I know it was because of a mistake on my end so uh yeah 😅
A/N: I did the same characters as last time, that post can be found here. Idk if I understood it correctly this time either, but like a bat with some human characteristics? I purposefully left the physical description pretty vague, so there’s room to interpret it how you want. This is more based on fruit bats, and general bat characteristics
•Shockwave finds the variety of creatures on earth quite fascinating
•You’re not quite human, but you’re not really an animal either? Not according to his understanding anyway
•He wants to study you, surprise surprise
•Your eyesight is kinda bad, but it can be fixed by wearing classes, that can give you a bit of a headache if you wear them all the time though
•You do sometimes use echolocation on the Nemesis, but you’ve noticed Shockwave doesn’t seem to like the sound you have to make, so you kinda avoid it
•Even though humans can’t pick up the ultrasounds you produce, cybertronians seem to be a different case
•You’re much more active during the nighttime hours, which Shockwave honestly hasn’t even really noticed, because he just works without caring about the day-night-cycle and rest when he has to
•You eat a variety of fruits, and some insects sometimes too
•Shockwave is fascinated by your more animal like characteristics, and honestly the human ones too, because he doesn’t really know anything about either, so you’re an interesting specimen
•Knockout doesn’t really find your diet weird, like maybe some humans could, because you only eat fruit and some insects
•He doesn’t really have a reference point for what humans normally eat so he doesn’t find it odd
•Knockout has a very bad recharge schedule, as in while he doesn’t need rest as often as humans, he doesn’t rest as often as a cybertronian should either
•He does notice you seem to be awake much more during the night than day though
•He loves how furry and soft and warm you are
•Knockout likes caressing your wings, and you also enjoy it because they’re pretty sensitive and he’s so gentle
•You’re very careful when touching him, because you’ve got some sharp ass claws and you don’t want to ruin his paint job
•He’s also very careful about it, but he doesn’t really mind that much if it’s you, since the marks are extremely small if they do happen
•Your ears always seem to mirror your emotions, and he’s gotten very good at reading you by just the way your ears move
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Nova’s Notes - DD - May 15 + 16
That’s right! Another combo post again, definitely because I planned it that way and not because I got busy hehe.
“Once more have I seen the Count go out in his lizard fashion.”
An iconic line, perhaps the best way to start a journal entry ever. The reason we have a Lizard Fashion Day in the first place. Thank you for that, Jonathan. I also appreciate how he tracks his movements down to the measurements. This man is on a mission to make sure he sees what the Count is doing when he can and I love it. It also tells me he’s probably been doing a stakeout to see when Dracula is leaving in order to do his next step…
More castle exploring! That’s right, locked doors will not stop our good friend from checking it out anyway. It’s interesting to note that the locks he finds are “comparatively new” to the hall he originally entered through. Which means that either a) Jonathan is not the first prisoner of this castle (likely) or b) Dracula was very prepared for his visit specifically. While we already kind of knew these scenarios were coming, it adds another layer of messed up to me.
Finally, Jonathan is able to find an unlocked door that seems locked at first because it’s resting on the door and the hinges are a bit broken. Why isn’t it locked? We don’t know, but I’d like to think it’s because Dracula is so self-assured Jonathan won’t try very hard to open this door by the time he gets to it. He wants to break Jonathan’s spirit and in his mind, it’s working splendidly, lizard fashion and all.
Here’s his logic:
Why would he need to lock this door when it feels as good as locked? Jonathan probably won’t have the strength to open it by the time he gets to it and he’ll give up if he tries.
This also plays into the fact that Dracula has been a vampire for a long time…he’s forgotten what it feels like to be human and have regular strength. Who knows if he even remembers how much strength it takes for a human to open a door, or how heavy a door has to be to determine whether it’s locked or not. We know he heavily underestimates Jonathan’s determination and strength, simply because he is a human and those are weak and powerless compared to him (in his mind). I also have another theory but I’ll wait until a bit further in to write it.
It does take Jonathan a good amount of effort to open that door but he does it!! Good for him (well…not really but…). He then takes the time to describe the landscape, so you know he’s in a good mood.
“This was evidently the portion of the castle occupied by the ladies in bygone days the for the furniture had more air of comfort than any I had seen.”
I’m not sure if he means comfort in the way of being used or in the feeling, but I’m going to go with the feelings route, so I can say JONATHAN MY BELOVED!!!! He finds comfort in being around women’s furniture? Why is that? Many reasons probably but my guess? MINA 👏 “THE QUEEN” 👏 MURRAY 👏
He may not say it this time…but I just know….this man is going to kill me with his adorable ways. He does go on to say the room still has lonely vibes and makes him nervous (it is nighttime, after all), but it’s better than a room with Dracula.
Then, Jonathan gets in his ✨imagination era✨ picturing a blushing lady writing while he also writes in his journal. True parallels, since we all know you’re writing to Mina, hehe.
“It is nineteenth century up-to-date with a vengeance. And yet, unless my senses deceive me, the old centuries had, and have, powers of their own which mere "modernity" cannot kill.”
Another hard line from Harker here. If I’m not mistaken (though I likely am), he’s talking about his diary being in shorthand, and how modern that is compared to the blushing beauty of old. If we go further, perhaps he’s also speaking to his meticulous notes of “all that has happened” on his business trip, vs. the lady that probably wrote very broadly in her letters of love. It speaks to a faster-paced environment Jonathan finds himself in as a solicitor. While shorthand has always been around in some form (yes, I researched this to make a point, hopefully it’s accurate), shorthand towards his time was rapidly becoming the norm in order to capture speeches and increase efficiency; it was a social movement in its own right. So being “nineteenth-century with a vengeance” may sound cool, but I think he’s criticizing how this has turned writing from an art form into something more commercial. While he and Mina have bonded extensively over shorthand and it may very well save his life if he can use it as code…perhaps he longs to be able to write poetry or just be able to slow down and enjoy writing again. This is further proven when he ends it with remarking that ancient practices cannot be killed by the modern. This might be him reassuring himself that there will always be long-form writing (like I’m doing right now :D). Or, if we take it darker, perhaps he’s worrying about his ability to survive with his modern practices against the Count’s ancient “hunter” instincts. Or, perhaps, I’m wrong about all of this and just yapping, it’s unclear!
Anyway, let’s move on to May 16th.
“God preserve my sanity, for to this I am reduced. Safety and the assurance of safety are things of the past. Whilst I live on here there is but one thing to hope for, that I may not go mad, if, indeed, I be not mad already. If I be sane, then surely it is maddening to think that of all the foul things that lurk in this hateful place the Count is the least dreadful to me; that to him alone I can look for safety, even though this be only whilst I can serve his purpose. Great God! merciful God! Let me be calm, for out of that way lies madness indeed.”
Sooooooo, our good friend Jonathan Harker is not doing too well. You know it’s bad when he cites Dracula as the “least dreadful person in the castle” when he was just describing the Count as a “creature” 4 days ago for his Lizard FashionTM. Plus, he’s referencing Hamlet again!!!
Jonathan decided to sleep in the Lady’s Room despite Dracula’s warning because he does not want to listen!!! Unfortunately I would do the exact same!!! Why are we like this, Jonathan???😭😭
“I determined not to return to-night to the gloom-haunted rooms, but to sleep here, where, of old, ladies had sat and sung and lived sweet lives whilst their gentle breasts were sad for their menfolk away in the midst of remorseless wars.”
More poetic writing!!! I love it and his critique of war. I why he touches on this here; perhaps he knew someone who went off to war and the repercussions for the family that he left behind? :(
So here’s where Dracula’s 3 Roommates show up (that’s how I’ll refer to them - not brides, BBC Dracula get out of here with that!!!!!). They’re the reason for my other door unlocked theory: perhaps Dracula keeps it that way to allow them some freedom (or, conversely, they figured out how to unlock it and he didn’t check closely enough).
What I noticed on this read was how neutral Jonathan is at first when describing them. It’s not until we get to their lips that we get a “voluptuous” mention (and not the last, either). Also, the lead one looks…familiar to him? I didn’t notice that before, but I saw a post about why (explained in the comments section - Stoker featured her in his prologue/first draft “Dracula’s Guest”. He may have been wanting to include her in this too and scrapped it.)
“There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips. It is not good to note this down, lest some day it should meet Mina's eyes and cause her pain; but it is the truth. They whispered together, and then they all three laughed—such a silvery, musical laugh, but as hard as though the sound never could have come through the softness of human lips. It was like the intolerable, tingling sweetness of water-glasses when played on by a cunning hand.”
So, I think we all know this part isn’t really Jonathan. I mean it is but…spoiler alert: vampires have hypnosis in this canon and they definitely seem to use it here. It doesn’t quite work though because he still follows it up with describing their laugh as “intolerable” and obviously, he’s still scared of them. I do think it’s interesting he writes this confession down, because he doesn’t really have to. Perhaps he thinks it’s important to whatever is going on around here (because I’m sure he knows he would never be tempted to kiss/be kissed by someone other than Mina if it wasn’t by some kind of power). But it’s also interesting that he doesn’t put it that way, either: he doesn’t blame the women for putting thoughts in his head, he describes it as his own thoughts/feelings.
Personally, I think it could be one of those “I think this could be one of those things I think is true but don’t have evidence for and don’t want to write it down until I have the facts” so, until he has the facts, it’s going to be written down as his thoughts. And if he did write it down as them “tempting him with their powers” that just wouldn’t be Jonathan’s character to write something like that. Perhaps in another story from another protagonist, but not this guy. But hey, that’s just me. It could also just be they’re very pretty (which I’m sure they are and Jonathan feels some attraction 🤷‍♀️. The main reason I blame hypnosis is the push and pull Jonathan has with his description of them.
Right before the dreaded/anticipated kiss, here comes Dracula!!!!!! And he has some things to say:
“‘How dare you touch him, any of you? How dare you cast eyes on him when I had forbidden it? Back, I tell you all! This man belongs to me! Beware how you meddle with him, or you'll have to deal with me.’”
I am once again bringing this meme back because it gets me EVERY TIME. I know I should talk about the possessiveness of Dracula or how he must have already talked to them previously if he forbade them from even CASTING EYES ON HIM, but I’ll be real every time I see this monologue I just see this meme except it’s just “haha Jonathan you are — BELONGS TO ME.” If that doesn’t indicate broken humor, I’m not sure what does.
Let’s talk about the description of how Dracula looks in this moment though.
“…the blue eyes transformed with fury, the white teeth champing with rage, and the fair cheeks blazing red with passion. But the Count! Never did I imagine such wrath and fury, even to the demons of the pit. His eyes were positively blazing. The red light in them was lurid, as if the flames of hell-fire blazed behind them. His face was deathly pale, and the lines of it were hard like drawn wires; the thick eyebrows that met over the nose now seemed like a heaving bar of white-hot metal.”
Looks like those “hunter instincts” are kicking in nicely! I wonder why he’s so protective all of a sudden? Especially after telling Jonathan a few short days ago that he would basically be on his own if he disobeyed him. I saw a post the other day talking about how when Mina was compiling everything together, there are entries she could have chosen to exclude from Jonathan’s account due to either repetition or something too traumatic to include.
What could’ve happened in those three days to make Dracula do a 180? Well, we do know they talk every single night, so what could’ve said in that gap between May 12th and May 15th?
My theories are: a) Jonathan didn’t write it down, b) Mina excluded it for a reason, c) it wasn’t one thing, it was a buildup of many interactions over the course of their time together, which lends itself to d) Dracula was straight up lying when he said he’d leave Jonathan to die if he disobeyed him.
I personally think it was c/d because it makes the most sense, but if it was a or b, it’s just interesting to wonder what was said in that time span. Did he make Dracula laugh with a witty comment? Or say something that reminded him of someone else before the Count turned into a vampire? We do know that Jonathan genuinely enjoys spending time with Dracula, so the rapport must be there. And yes, I am probably am reading waaaaaay too much into it, but it is food for thought.
“‘You yourself never loved; you never love!’ On this the other women joined, and such a mirthless, hard, soulless laughter rang through the room that it almost made me faint to hear; it seemed like the pleasure of fiends. Then the Count turned, after looking at my face attentively, and said in a soft whisper:—
‘Yes, I too can love; you yourselves can tell it from the past. Is it not so?’”
Love, you say? From this vampire? Well, that’s interesting! I do believe Dracula is being sincere when he says this, but the issue is that you don’t want to be the object of Dracula’s love. It’s not like Jon or Mina’s love; it’s possessive, cruel, and demanding. You don’t keep the ones you love a prisoner, and the Count has obviously done that on multiple occasions since he told the women to “tell it from the past”. I feel sad for Dracula because it seems to me like he genuinely finds Jon interesting and wants to keep him around; unfortunately, he expresses this love by trapping him and his other love interests like Pokémon. Perhaps I would feel more sympathetic if he didn’t promise to feed Jon to the girls once he’s done with him!!!!
That’s when Jon realizes there’s a sack with something inside of it that sounds like a child…that Dracula gives to the women…ugh. This is enough to put Jon to fainting.
When he wakes up, Jon is without his clothing, but his diary is still intact.
That is horrifying to me. Why did Dracula need to undress him? I understand it’s to give the illusion that he went to bed, but still. It’s no wonder that Jonathan starts the first paragraph in a wave of panic, even though it’s to display more fear of the women wanting to suck his blood than the Count. I also find it fascinating again how he guesses that the women want to suck his blood when they never made mention of it, perhaps because the lead woman’s breath smelled like blood or because she kept her teeth on his neck? Either way, even in a “dream state” his observation skills are top tier.
I do also wonder why Dracula was originally going to “awaken him to get some work done” and then just…didn’t? Maybe he thought it would be better to just pretend the whole thing was a nightmare for Jonathan. If I was him, I probably would’ve woken him from the couch after he fainted and pretended it was a dream, but hey, that’s my gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss idea of the day and Dracula can’t have it!!!
Overall, this is probably the most telling entry we’ve gotten about Dracula so far. We know that he does indeed “love” (though it’s not a kind or gentle love), those he loves are kept prisoner even once he’s “done” with them (since he says tell it from the past — not the present and the women obviously seemed bitter about his fixation on Jonathan), and while he said he wouldn’t save Jon in a pinch, he did. We’ve seen his first display of fury and how dangerous he can actually be with his supernatural powers and what that can do to the people around him. While no one was injured — yet — it could’ve gone south had the lead woman been human. Even though he probably knew Jonathan was awake for some of this, he still chose to take him back to bed and keep him under the illusion of having slept there peacefully — though some of that was likely for safety reasons. For Jonathan, this was a horribly (and hypnotically horny) traumatic experience for him that makes him realize Dracula is not the only scary thing in this castle.
I also do wish we had gotten more with Dracula’s three roommates because they deserve it!!! They actually seem chill when they’re not trying to — ya know, suck Jon’s blood and all. I also wish we had gotten names!!!! Names would be nice, Stoker.
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You have me (Charles Leclerc)
Note: english is not my first language. This is, again, particularly special because this is a topic that I feel huge responsibility writing about and I feel grateful that I'm trusted enough to have it be requested. This is a neurodivergent!reader piece and while I, like I said in the other one I wrote, like to see everything as we are all the same and I hate the idea of labelling, I tried to do this is the most respectful way with help and knowledge that I gathered over the years. These are a few little moments but they are in no way representative of the whole spectrum! And please remember, there are 5 fingers in a hand and they're all different and we need them all, there's no need to spread hatred or mean words to someone just because they're "different" than what is socially expected as the norm 🩶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests, but I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
If things had been going smoothly with Charles, right now they had taken a bad turn. You did not usually get that bothered about people commenting on how you sometimes behaved differently when compared to other people, but when you noticed a few more accounts that supported your boyfriend and his racing team point out how you usually stayed back and did not get involved directly in the celebrations, how all the other drivers had gone to an after party and you and Charles had stayed behind in the hotel and how apparently you had been keeping him from the world, nastier words flying around about you like they weren't directed at a human. Sure, there had been the odd comment here and there but usually people had been very respectful about it, even when it came to people approaching you and Charles on the street during your walks around the city, they respected your space while still being kind and understanding, but it seemed that online they had taken their thumbs to a new level, the posts even so much as going to make fun of things like how you tended to tap your fingers on top of the counter in the Ferrari garage or how you rarely ever took off rhe headphones as the noises around you bothered you a lot. Deciding that it wouldn't do you any good to keep looking at what other people thought about you, you locked your phone when you heard the front door unlock, youe boyfriend coming in as he dropped his training bag in its usual place, "Mon coeur, I'm home! I showered at the gym too, so I don't smell bad. Are you up for a hug?", he said as he crossed the corner and sat next to you on the sofa, already noticing your nervous stance, "is everything alright?", he asked worriedly, "is something bothering you that I can help with?", he finished carefully as he tried not to approach you too much, knowing you liked your personal space if you were feeling particularly sensory overwhelmed, "it's not what you think it is, everything is fine on that", you said simply, "but people online have been really mean. And without any reason for it. It's not my fault", you said as you felt your lip tremble slightly, hearing a sigh on Charles' part, "I also saw it this morning, I was genuinely hoping you wouldn't see it. I never meant to hide it from you", he apologised as he tentatively reached for your hand, your own hesitating before latching into his, "I know you didn't. And I don't want to hide from it either. But it also doesn't make sense as to why they're doing it, because it really isn't nice", you admitted as you seeked for more comfort in the for of running the zipper up and down on your boyfriend's sweatshirt jacket material, your head snuggling into his chest, "I was thinking, with your permission obviously, about posting something. Doesn't need to be very structured but I want to show them that I do not support that whatsoever. I love you so much beyond whatever they are pointing out. All of it is part of you and I am madly in love with every single part of you and will not tolerate this behaviour towards you", he said as he kissed the top of your head, "that'd be good, yes", you admitted, "I love you too, handsome".
"I'm going to play some games with the guys, okay?", Charles said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he excused himself from the living room where you stayed in reading your book. You flicked through the pages quite quickly, the plot holding your attention until you decided you wanted to take a bath, the position you had been in from working on your laptop for university making your muscles tense and a bit painful. Grabbing the usual products you use, you carefully let them soak in the water for a bit before it was at the perfect level for you to get inside, your muscles welcoming the warmth while you got the rest of your body submerged, just enjoying the peace and quiet as only the water swooshing around was heard.
Charles had lost yet another battle with George as they raced on the game, "honestly, Charles, will you ever win?", Alex asked as Pierre could only laugh, "I'm trying, I really am", he said as he managed to restart the game, racing eachother like they did on track until he heard a rhythmic noise, almost sounding like a bang, and he was up before the gears fully turned in their head, "I have to go, guys, bye!", he said as he followed the noise, the inkling he had that it came from your shared bathroom proving to be true as he heard you inside, opening the door as he announced his presence, "mon coeur, I'm coming in!", he said as he walked inside, his hand coming to the edge of the bath where your head had been banging on, "Hey, gentle, gentle", he urged you to stop, "all good now?", he said as he grabbed a towell, with his other hand, ready if you wanted to leave, "sorry, got distracted", you mumbled as you looked up at him, "No need to apoligise, just don't want you to hurt your pretty head. Do you want to stay for a bit longer?", he asked, your head shaking no as you accepted his help to get out, your foot tapping on the drain piece so the water would go while you let your boyfriend wrap the towell around your body, kissing your shoulder once he had you in his embrace, "you smell nice", he said as he guided you both back to the bedroom, "it's my new scent, the one I chose with your mother as my birthday gift", you revealed, Pascale being attentive to the scents that you did and didn't like. While you got ready in the bathroom, Charles offered to make dinner, "Ma belle, dinner is on the table", he announced as you got up from the sofa, joining him at the table for your meal, "this is really nice, I like this recipe", you said, "you do? That's great, means I can cook more often for you", he beamed, happy to have made something you liked, "so definitely nothing like the pie I made last week?", earning a giggle from you, "it was okay, Charles, just not my favourite though".
While sitting on the hospitality's outside area, you and Charles enjoyed the sunset while he spoke to Carlos and the engineering team about the upcoming race, your thoughts leaving you to distract yourself and you started running your hands through your hair, grabbing a strand and twisting it along your fingers, doing it without minding it much until you felt a knot forming, "here, mon coeur", you heard Charles whisper quietly as he placed your hand on the nape of his neck, your fingers quickly finding the longer hairs in there that he had yet to get cut and running your fingers there, "merci", you whispered as you took the opportunity to look at how his eyes looked even more beautiful against the sunlight that was painting the sky, "I'm here for you, always. You have me.".
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Rise!Boys comfort Reader after losing a pet
Relationship status: Platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Comfort Angst, Pet D3ath, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: I know it's a bit unexpected post, but I went through something terrible when I got back from work after the night shift today. My beloved dog died for unknown reasons. I wanted to vent my frustration and sadness into something, and it happened to be writing more headcanons. I hope that if someone else is going through such a loss right now, they'll find comfort in this post. And don't worry, the other requests are ready and I will make them public soon.
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◇ When he heard about your loss, he immediately used his sword to teleport to you.
◇ What happened was terrible; he didn't want to leave you alone with it.
◇ Most likely, the boy began to wipe away your tears with his hands and then hugged you.
◇ Sweet words of encouragement here, sweet words of comfort there, Leonardo is an expert in conversation.
◇ I think he didn't leave your side for at least a week. You were pampered from every side. Leo just couldn't stand seeing you in such a state.
◇ That's why he often appeared out of nowhere at your school.
"Leo...?" You whispered in surprise when you closed your locker and saw a red-slider turtle right in front of you, wearing one of his blue hoodies.
"Tadah! Your knight in shining armor has come to the rescue again!" The teenager announced, pulling a pack of tissues and a candy bar from his pockets. Before you could say or think anything, Leo wiped away your fresh tears and handed you the treat.
◇ If you kept falling into despair, he tried to only recall good memories with your deceased pet. Honestly, he would prefer you to forget the whole incident, but he suspected it would be entirely unhealthy for your mental well-being.
◇ I know this may sound controversial, but I think Leo is one of those people who will want to find a new pet for you as soon as possible to help you heal faster.
◇ If you agree, he'll scour every animal shelter and internet listing to find the best replacement!
◇ But if you don't, he'll try to listen to your opinion, although expect occasional reminders of the idea.
◇ In the end, he won't leave you without support.
◇ He understands that this is a difficult time for you, so Raphael is ready to provide you with all the support you may need.
◇ His willingness to come to you whenever you need him is a testament to his dedication and care for you. Whether it's during a regular day or a nighttime patrol, he'll quickly come to your side!
◇ It's worth appreciating that despite the absence of your pet, you have a loyal friend in Raphael who will try to fill that void.
◇ In these challenging moments, you will surely be a tremendous source of support for each other, given that Raph has taken care of your pet before, and the loss has deeply affected him as well.
◇ Especially since animals usually don't like him very much, so your pet had a special place in his heart.
◇ Together, you will overcome the sadness of its loss.
◇ The turtle won't push the idea of getting a new pet on you, but he will either give you or specially sew a plush toy for you so that you don't feel too lonely.
◇ Just a real big bro for you.
◇ Let's be honest, Donatello isn't particularly adept at understanding the feelings of others, offering words of comfort, or empathizing with specific situations.
◇ Therefore, the only consolation for now is listening to you and every thought you have about the loss of your beloved pet, while occasionally patting you on the back for comfort.
◇ He may not initiate it at first, but if you want it, he'll give you a strong hug.
◇ He knows roughly how long grief lasts, but the young genius won't want to let you wallow in bitter tears and sadness for too long on his watch.
◇ So he created an almost-perfect replica of your pet as a robot for you. Hey, it might be a little... unethical, but his way of showing he cares is by giving you devices he's made!
◇ Although a few drops of nervous sweat trickled down his forehead when the only response to the cheerful little robot was shock on your face.
"Cough! Don't worry, [Y.N]! Your dear evil genius has created something for you that won't plunge you into deeper depression! Behold, Pet 3000!"
"... damn."
◇ Maybe the initial impressions weren't the best... But slowly, you got used to having something like that around.
◇ But in the end, you still wanted Donnie to improve the robot so that it became its own separate entity, not just a copy of something dear to you.
◇ Nevertheless, you were grateful to the guy for his effort.
◇ Hugs, sweet words, and support, but multiply that by 7. I don't know why by 7, I just love that number, lol.
◇ He's NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE WITH THIS! No matter how much you didn't want to burden him with all this, he won’t let you shut yourself up, especially after this tragedy!
◇ It's also worth remembering that the grieving process is individual, and everyone goes through it differently. Michelangelo will approach your needs patiently and understandingly, respecting your time and space.
◇ But he really would like to spend as much time with you as possible.
◇ Expect many sessions with Dr. Delicate Touch; thanks to understanding your feelings, accepting the loss of your pet will be faster and much easier.
◇ Together, you probably created special memorial spots for your lost pet, which will help preserve their memory.
◇ There will also be painting sessions. He'll expect you to pour your frustration onto a piece of paper.
◇ Another one who will want to spend whole days and nights with you.
◇ I have a feeling that if for some reason he can't be with you at a given moment, he'll ask April to 'borrow' Mayhem for you. It might be a bit painful for you feeling Mayhem snuggle up to you and purr, reminding you of your previous pet, but after a while, you'll feel much better.
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|Opening file. One moment...|
⚠️Warnings: There will be a lot of dark topics here, I will TRY to tag appropriately but I’m also not good at that so I’m very sorry if I don’t get the tags right ⚠️
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҉ ҉ Welcome to the void ҉ ҉
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : A1 - It’s just a burning memory Volume: ■■■■□□□□
꒰ঌ👾໒꒱ Names: Mei, Casper, Dazy (pronounced like Daisy) (and more)
꒰ঌ🫀໒꒱ Pronuns: They/It
꒰ঌ🌀໒꒱ Age: Minor
꒰ঌ🔮໒꒱ Relationship Status: Taken
꒰ঌ🪦໒꒱ Birth Day: December 13th
꒰ঌ🥩໒꒱ Fun Facts: I have bad memory, will stay up all night and then sleep all day, doesn’t like the sun, very time blind, always has over 20 tabs open, has POTS, SPAM LIKES ARE AY-OK. APPRECIATED EVEN. [More to be added]
꒰ঌ📺໒꒱ Likes: bsd (Bungo stray dogs) - nighttime - the moon and stars - purple and black (colors) - art - koromi - horror movies - Maretu’s music - glitchy things - webcore - Dreamcore/Weirdcore - ghost and pals - ENA - MHA (my hero academia)
꒰ঌ🧸໒꒱ Tags: reblogs 🌌 , rambling with friends 😋 , answered asks 🩹 , original posts 🪷 , ramblings 🪻 , polls 🍓 , to lazy to tag 🏷️ , writings 📝 , pinterest posts 📌 , outfit reveal 🎩 , pfps 👾 , art 🖼️ , userboxes 📦 , the voids problems , my rose 🌹 , kandi 🍬
⭒˚.⋆Blinkies and Userboxes⭒˚.⋆
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 2 years
I’ll Follow Your Lead - Nighttime Chatter
~Also posted on my Ao3 and Wattpad~
Part 1 - Part 3
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“You’re on in five, dearie!” The old seamstress’s frail voice broke Dorothea out of her stupor. She fought the urge to rub her eyes which were made up with light pink and silver shadow. As she applied dark red lipstick to her full lips, she hummed along to the music the pianist was playing in the dining room. When she decided her makeup was good enough, she took a deep breath: in through her nose and out through her mouth. She was always nervous before a show. She always dreaded that the next performance would be her last. She studied her reflection in the mirror, dark skin speckled with glitter and eyes sparkling in the vanity lights. Dorothea was indeed quite beautiful and she knew it. She smiled at herself in the mirror before rising from the plush stool and heading toward the stage.
    Her set was short, but she received a lot of applause as the curtains closed. As soon as the dining room was out of sight, Dorothea let out the breath she was holding and picked up her long draping skirts to go back to her dressing room. After she had changed back into her own clothes, a knock on the door preceded it swinging wide open.
    “Splendid! Wonderful performance, my dear,” Elmer, the owner of the restaurant, embraced Dorothea and softly patted her head. “You were a vision of light this evening.”
    “Thank you, Elmer. I appreciate you very much,” Dorothea returned his embrace before breaking away with a tired smile. It had to have been the wee hours of the morning by now and she was feeling it deep in her bones.
    “Please, have some dinner before you go. I can’t have you leave hungry; the missus would never have it!” Elmer wrapped his arm around the girl’s shoulder and guided her toward the back of the building where the kitchen was. Dorothea said nothing but followed with no resistance. She knew that she would not be permitted to leave without at least bringing some food with her and she had no objections. In the kitchen, Margarette – Elmer’s wife – hovered over a steaming pot. It was small and likely just a personal serving since the kitchen was soon to close for the night. The portly woman turned to watch Elmer and Dorothea enter and smiled brightly. Her wrinkled, red cheeks stretched and filled Dorothea with a sense of comfort.
    “Oh, Dorothea, you were magnificent! Come, come, let's feed our lovely songbird, Elmer!” The woman bustled about the kitchen, first leading Dorothea to a small stool at the wooden butcher’s table and then grabbing the pot and a plate while Elmer fetched some water. When Dorothea was served, her mouth watered at the sight of fresh pasta fazool. She quickly began eating and held light conversations with the older couple.
    Elmer and Margarette were immigrants from Italy and had been living in New York for nearly 20 years. When Dorothea met them, they had already established their restaurant as one of the places to be in New York City. Their food was well known and loved by locals and visitors, yet their place kept its local, homey charm. Dorothea came to them as a scrappy, sickly young girl, fresh off the train from out West with not a soul to turn to. The couple took her in and nursed her back to health with delicious food and lots of love and advice. Dorothea cherished them.
    “I’m afraid I have to get back home now. It’s getting late and I have a morning shift tomorrow,” Dorothea said as she stood up and took her dirty dishes to the sink. She was about to start washing them when Margarette swatted her hands and waved her away.
    “No need to bother yourself with that, dear, you work hard enough you don’t need to be doing my job as well!”
    “Oh, but it’s not-“
    “No, dear, she’s right! You would work yourself to death if you were left alone!” Elmer chuckled as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. Dorothea rolled her eyes but let out a laugh as well. She wouldn’t admit it but they were right. She did not know when to quit. “Now you go on home and get some rest. We’ll see you tomorrow evening.”
    Dorothea nodded and gave them both kisses on the cheek before leaving out of the back door in the kitchen.
      It was almost 2 in the morning when Dorothea arrived at the boarding house. She quietly crept up the stairs, carefully avoiding the squeaky ones until she was on the third floor. She had expected her roommate to be asleep but light seeped from underneath the pale yellow door and Dorothea sighed. She opened the door and looked disapprovingly at her friend.
    “You’re supposed to be asleep, by now Angeline.”
    The young girl looked up with a start. Her pale face quickly dropped into a sheepish smile as she earmarked her place in the book she was reading.
    Angeline Langley was about thirteen years of age. She was an orphan – like Dorothea – and had come to the house late the previous year. She was boisterous and rebellious and quick to mouth off. Dorothea took to her quickly and treated her as a little sister: making sure she stayed out of trouble and behaved properly.
    “I know, but I lost track of time while I was reading. It’s a wonderful story! Have you read it, Dory?” Angeline got up and showed Dorothea the cover of the book. It was faded and torn but in good enough condition to tell what it was. The Picture of Dorian Gray.
    “Yes, I’ve read it. It’s my favorite! In fact,” Dorothea eyed the girl with playful suspicion, “This looks an awful lot like the copy I misplaced last month! How curious!” Angeline’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment.
    “I was just borrowing it! I promise I’ll give it back,” The young girl cried. Dorothea shushed her and walked all the way into the room shutting the door behind her.
    “Worry not, I’m not upset with you,” She ran her slender hand over Angeline’s frizzy hair, “But next time, you would like to read one of my books you may ask.” Dorothea patted her on the shoulder and walked over to her own bed. Angeline made a sound of understanding and returned to her plush chair. Dorothea dressed for bed and laid out her work clothes for the morning before turning back to the young girl.
    “I meant it when I said you should be asleep. Mark your place and go to bed, Angeline,” Dorothea placed her hands on her hips and fixed the girl with a stern look.
    “Fine. But you must tell me about your day! Did you meet anyone interesting at the café?” Angeline climbed into her bed and slipped into the covers. She then stared at Dorothea, patiently awaiting her answer.
    “Well, there was one man-“
    Oh, a man,” Angeline interrupted with a teasing tone. Dorothea rolled her eyes before continuing, “Yes, a man. Well, he’s more of a boy. I think he’s my age,” Dorothea started to recall her meeting with the boy. Jack.
      “Well, sir, here’s your hot chocolate. Your pastry will be out soon, I had to bake a new batch,” Dorothea huffed a breath forcefully upward to blow some of her black hair away from her face as she set down a steaming mug. Jack smiled up at her and eagerly reached for the cup. Dorothea moved it away from his reaching hands. “Wait! The cup is really hot. Be careful,” she warned before letting go of the mug.
    “Thanks for the warning,” Jack chuckled before wrapping his hands around the mug. They were cold anyway from the winter air and he welcomed the soft sting of the hot ceramic. Dorothea hummed in acknowledgment before turning to go back to the counter. Jack stared after the girl, admiring her. He had seen plenty of women in his life and each of them had their own admirable qualities. Dorothea was no different. She carried herself with the confidence and poise of a debutant and yet wore stained clothes. Her hair was messily tied on top of her head with a dark red ribbon, leaving dark curls to fall perfectly into her face. She was slender and a little on the short side but everything about her seemed to be her – she was a gorgeous woman. We watched her as she moved about the café. She spoke to the old woman seated near the window, swept the front counter, and finally disappeared into the kitchen for a brief moment. Dorothea returned to Jack with a pastry in hand, the glaze was not yet dry and steam rose steadily off of its surface.
    “One cinnamon bun, just for you,” she said as she set the plate down in front of him.
    “Would you mind if I drew you?”
    Dorothea blinked at the blond boy in surprise. She had never been asked such a question before.
    “You see, I’m an artist and I like to draw interesting people. I like the way you look, especially the way you’ve put up your hair. May I draw you?”
    Dorothea shook her head a bit and forced a small smile.
    “Uh, I don’t think that’s really appropriate. I, uh-“
    “Excuse me, miss?” A customer called out for Dorothea’s attention providing her a way out of the conversation.
    “I should go, um, handle whatever they need. Enjoy your food, sir,” And with that, Dorothea scurried away, sufficiently distracted by the strange request. Jack was undeterred and simply smirked in amusement at her flustered reaction before focusing on his sweet treats.
      “He left a short while after that,” Dorothea finished her story of the day and pulled her covers up closer to her face. Angeline giggled wildly in her bed.
    “He wanted to draw you and you said no? Was he handsome? What was his name?” The young girl rapidly fired questions at Dorothea who put her hand up to signal for quiet.
    “I’ve kept the both of us up for long enough, we should both go to bed,” Dorothea reached for the table in between the two beds and turned the lamp off. She heard Angeline grumble under her breath and chuckled to herself. Jack was handsome, there was no denying it. But Dorothea was slightly put on edge by his strange request. Who would want to draw her? What would they gain? She pondered these questions until a deep sleep overcame her and she was lost to her dreams.
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justhere4thevibez · 8 months
A couple random asks for you ☀️🌺
What is one of the things you love most about writing?
While you’re taking a break from writing, what are you doing to care for yourself and get your joy and zeal back? (asking because I’m super burnt out right now with no clue how to start “coming back” from it)
And finally a super silly one: if you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, do you prefer grape or strawberry jelly?
Oh hooray! I actually took down my ask post bc I remembered somebody tagged me in an *actual* ask post (and then promptly forgot to put up the new ask post 🤦‍♀️) but I'm very excited about these asks!!! thanks lovey 💛
One of the things I love most about writing... is it gives me a place to speak. In conversation, it takes me a while to gather my thoughts, so I don't always end up saying what I actually want to say. But in writing, I can take as much time as I want to say exactly what I mean!
Taking a break from writing fanfic has been SO good for me! I didn't realize how burnt out I was. I'm being much more intentional about going to bed at a reasonable time (because nighttime is my writing time, so I'd stay up WAY too late). I'm watching a lot of comfort TV, because that's how I decompress (mostly great british bake off, old disney cartoons, ghibli movies, and leverage). And I'm trying to get back into crafting some!
Strawberry jelly all the way! Though I'm not super into peanut butter, which most people think is a crime 😂 it's too sticky for me!
Thanks for brightening up my day, friend! I so appreciate it!
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spammynegrutou · 8 months
Hi! Once again the Riku brain rot has consumed my entire being, so here's some headcanons I've created (not in any particular order).
He's Handy! He can fix almost anything. He loves tinkering with his Gummi Ship!
His favorite food is grilled fish! White fish specifically, like flounder, sea bass, tilapia, etc. And he has a taste for savory treats, which combats Sora's sweet tooth.
He comes from a loving home. He loves his parents, a lot and they love him. However, his biological mother passed away when he was 7ish (after BBS, but before Kairi arrived). His father became emotionally unavailable for a while, until he met Riku's stepmom. She filled her motherly role over Riku and he thanks her for it. He loves his step mom!!!
His dad taught him a variety of things like: self defense, how to fix common things, fishing, basic survival skills, and the basics of building
He moved out after KH2, and got his own place. The reason why is because after everything he's been through he needs his own space to brood about how small everything is. Albeit sad, his father approved and has the land lady check up on him every so often 🥺 Riku helps outs his elderly land lady and pays rent on TIME! He's a responsible boy 😊
Riku isn't all into fashion but he can DRESS. He loves a good "urban/street wear" look, and fucks heavy with grunge. He appreciates the chains and skull designs that come with "punk" fashion but doesn't think he can pull it off
Riku doesn't spend a needless amount of time on his looks. He has gel for his hair, a skin care routine, and a nighttime ritual to keep his hygiene up. He's very much a pretty boy in our eyes, but that's just his genes. He does the bare minimum to keep himself looking presentable
Speaking of his looks, he surprisingly gets his good genes from his dad. The muscles, the hair, the jaw line, all from his old man. His father was most definitely a looker back in the day! That being said, Riku has his mother's smile and her eyes. He also carries her temperament with him.
Along with tinkering being a hobby of his, he likes video games too! But he's not a complete shut in video game nerd. Riku LOVES the outdoors. The wilderness calls him like he's a feral animal !!! He likes camping, and fishing! He's the main guy on the islands you'd go to for some handy survival tips. He knows a good amount of edible plants, fungi, berries, leaves, and etcetera to eat if he ever got stranded. He has one or two books on that kind of stuff but he doesn't read it anymore.
After the events of KH2, Riku didn't go back to highschool. Instead he got a GED (or KH equivalent) online and started taking community college courses. He's doing it to make his dearly departed mother proud.
To add on to that, Riku is a fast learner. He's quite intellectual when it comes to mathematics, some history, and biology but please don't ask him why the author made the curtains blue 😭 the boy is emotionally stunted. He is NOT using critical thinking when it comes down to poetry or thick prose. He has some emotional intelligence but compared to Sora, he might as well have the emotional capacity of a brick wall 😭
Alright! That's all I have for now (it's 5am, I should be sleeping) if I have any more I'll post em lol
XOXO Mx. Jade 💕
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sapphicdbc · 1 year
4 for the questions.
Hello Anon!
The week has been chocker block so I’m only replying to you now, sorry :)
“4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one?”
I won’t lie anon, I have a good few. I have over 100 drafts of fics that for some dumb reason I never post. I’m working on it though!
I am currently trying to continue Surrender, my Frankie fic.
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Otherwise, I have a couple of Melissa Schemmenti x reader fics that I’m working on;
- Melissa and the museum volunteer
- Melissa at an Italian restaurant
-Melissa goes speed dating
-Melissa and the cover teacher
-Melissa and her nighttime love (this is technically two ideas in one and I’m still figuring out what to do...)
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I’d be more than happy to share my progress of one of them if interested? Let me know!
And thank you for the question, very appreciated :))
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Basics Ship Ask: 6, 19, 20, 22, 29, your choice of couple(s) cause I honestly like hearing all of your headcanons/AUs ^_^
Okay, just so this post isn’t 3 years long, I think I’m just gonna talk about… Miacina and Belena. Because those two ships are feeling under appreciated rn.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Arguing is actually… pretty dang rare for them, overall, but in terms of making up for it; Mia is much more of a gift giver. She’s just bad with articulating herself, so if she can get something Alcina likes (usually lavander flowers. Alcina seems to adore those), or maybe bake her one of her favored deserts, that coupled with an earnest apology will at least make the situation better.
Alcina’s much better with just… talking it out. She has a much easier time if they can sit down and have a conversation about what happened (or why Mia got upset, if it’s specific to her), though she’s also known to bring Mia treats or hot drinks as a type of apology, given sometimes Mia’s just… hard to make talk after a fight.
They’ll always end up talking about it eventually, and try to find ways to avoid such things in the future, though. 
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
If she could, I believe Alcina would love to wear Mia’s cardigan. She thinks it looks very warm and likes the idea that it smells like her wife. She fantasizes about this often, though has never brought it up. Mia’s… kind of in the same boat. She like the idea of potentially wearing Alcina’s dresses, but they’re all way too big.
Also I think Mia would be terrified to wear Alcina’s jewelry. It’s just all so fancy and expensive, she’d be afraid of losing it or ruining it somehow. I do think Alcina wouldn’t mind wearing Mia’s $20 earrings, but again, she’s never proposed the idea.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
They’ve both come to find simple physical affection does wonders for them when they’re upset. Alcina’s a large fan of anything from cuddles to literally just laying down and holding hands. She just finds comfort in having somebody else there, if she’s truly honest. Plus, Mia’s usually good for saying something to make her laugh. Whether it’s a terrible joke or just telling Alcina something to distract her from the problem.
While Mia also adores cuddles, she specifically prefers it when Alcina will pull her into her lap and let her trace shapes on her hands. Something about the patterns calms her down, and she still gets the warm embrace of her big wife. (If there’s ever a time Mia’s upset and being touch avoidant Alcina usually defaults to covering her with a warm blanket and, once again, supplying warm beverage. It’s not as effective, but she respects her wife’s boundaries.)
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
I believe that Mia has made Alcina more comfortable with just… being silly sometimes. Around her, yes, but also just in general. 
Alcina, just by how she was raised, is refined, and elegant, and doesn’t really partake in a lot of simple humour. But Mia is… none of those things. She likes making stupid jokes, and has crude humour, and is playful, and I definitely think that’s something that rubbed off on Alcina the longer Mia was with her.
They’re at least both comfortable being playful with each other (usually more in private, Alcina still has a reputation to uphold after all), and I like to believe it’s even made Alcina appreciate her daughters’ (usually Daniela’s or Cass’) lighthearted jabs and goofs as well.
29. Describe their nighttime routine. 
They have… vastly different routines from each other.
Alcina takes forever getting ready for bed. She spends what time she needs removing her makeup from the day, removing any earrings/jewelery she may be wearing, then, a long bath (sometimes Mia joins, but this is usually Alcina’s alone time to relax after a long day), changes into her nightgown, and washes her face, probably puts her hair in curlers. Brushes her teeth and gets into bed with a book to read for a little while.
Meanwhile Mia is a much simpler… brushes her teeth (if she remembers), peels out of her clothes, and climbs into bed. She really only sleeps in boxers (maybe a shirt, if it’s cold), and she’s a morning shower person so it doesn’t actually take her that long to get ready for bed.
Once they’re both settled (Usually with Mia snuggled into Alcina’s side while she reads), Mia will do her little shape tracing around Alcina’s midsection. Despite her wack sleep schedule, Mia usually falls asleep first and Alcina has to carefully reposition her when she eventually wants to go to sleep as well.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Bela would do… literally anything to make it up to Elena if they got in an argument, honestly, she’d feel so guilty. She’d probably write out a little love note and maybe make a little gift (little origami flowers or something). She’d be nervous as hell giving it to Elena, though.
That said, Elena would probably be the same way. She’d feel awful and would want to make it up to Bela anyway she could. Would probably give a whole heartfelt apology speech and ask if there was anything specific she could do to make up for it. 
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Firm believer that Bela would wear Elena’s sweater. (It hangs off her like she’s a dang clothing hanger but is also too short so it’s lowkey kind of a crop top on her) Elena thinks it looks great on her despite being both too big and too short on her.
Unfortunately, nothing of Bela’s really fits Elena. (She probably would wear Bela’s choker given the chance, but Bela’s pretty… particular about it being left alone)
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Bela’s go to is to always get Elena a warm drink. Usually tea, with a little cream and honey (she resists the urge to consume the entire jar in the process). She’s not really… great… with emotional situations, but Elena usually accepts the offering and then Bela will just sit with her until Elena either feels better, wants to talk about it, or asks to be alone. It’s… moderately effective. Elena appreciates the effort.
On the other side, Elena hasn’t quite figured out the best way to comfort Bela. The most effective method she’s found seems to just be… leaving Bela to it, and waiting for her to come out and seek comfort on her own. She respects Bela’s boundaries, she just wishes she could do more to help (that said she does give Bela lots of cuddles when she does come to seek comfort)
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
This is another one, where I think Elena made Bela comfortable enough to joke around. To a degree. Since Bela has a hard time reading certain social signals, she doesn’t always understand when Elena is trying to joke with her, but she does enjoy some lighthearted goofiness.
I do think there are certain jokes or things Elena can say that will make Bela actually laugh, too, which Cassandra and Daniela believe is witchcraft, because they’re pretty sure they’ve never made/heard Bela legitimately laugh (outside of sadistic reasons) in their lives.
29. Describe their nighttime routine. 
They have a nice couples bath, Bela will dress in her nightgown and wash the makeup off her face while Elena drains the tub, and also puts on a nightgown. Brush teeth, brush hair (Elena doesn’t really get the point of brushing your hair before sleeping but Bela does it and now she’s picked up the habit). They hold hands on their way back to the bedroom, and Elena will eventually pick Bela up so she can (gently) drop her into bed.
They snuggle together and share some kisses between idle chatter until they eventually just drift asleep.
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eatpeesweetpea · 3 months
REVIEW: My 2nd case of COVID-19
TW: mild self destructive behavior, mentions of ED, the state of California
"[COVID-19] is the Vipassana retreat of viruses..."
Following north of two years after its debut, my immune system has encountered its sophomore case of COVID-19. Because I am up to date on my vaccines and boosters as of the time of writing, this is an impressive context for COVID-19's return.
It began as a slight and deceptive, "something's stuck in my throat" sort of feeling at the end of a five day road trip through the California. (Let this serve as foreshadowing to how I will review the state of California.) I had choked on a ramen noodle earlier in the day, so I thought nothing of it. The accompanying "off" body feeling that gradually intensified into the evening made the final leg of the drive somewhat uncomfortable. But overall, an underwhelming opener.
COVID-19 really picked up the following morning. Since my girlfriend is a furnace, she can attest that I sleep slight: one blanket, one pillow, soldier, grumpy. No cuddles. I woke up roughly two hours earlier than usual attempting to sell my music in order to exit the freeway on a motorcycle. In my delirium, I whined and snuggled up. I was shivering under two blankets in a sweater, and clammy. My yucky throat feeling had evolved into an icky dry cough that sometimes produced a satisfying wad of phlegm. I was too lazy to get up and get socks to thaw my icy toes.
Post 600 mg ibuprofen, I had reclaimed some vitality and managed to drag my sorry ass home. I dilly dallied unproductively around my room for most of the day, feeling somewhat paranoid about brain fog, long COVID, some weird swelling above my hips, etc. Come nighttime and my fever had crept back up to a surprising 102.9° F. I slumped at the dining room table and spooned hot chicken soup into my hanging mouth. There is something very fascinating and rewarding about these sorry, altered states of consciousness, and I pondered that for a few minutes before redosing. I went to bed shortly after and passed out.
I mostly slept through the night, only beginning to stir prematurely towards morning. I half-awoke very unpleasantly drenched in sweat and flipped the blankets around a couple times to evenly distribute the spoilage. Once I fully woke up, I recorded my temp at a cool 97.2° F. In fact, the rest of the day went swimmingly. I completed some chores, did some painting, and cooked for myself with minimal medication and nursing only a somewhat irritating cough. My throat was more itchy than sore. As for the body feel, I think I could have successfully ran a quarter-marathon given a sufficiently motivated bear or pack of wolves.
Overall, I have mixed feelings on COVID-19. Within the context of its contemporaries, COVID-19 did no more harm than a moderate flu, and I much prefer its dry, manageable cough to the agony of strep throat. The body load and fatigue of COVID-19 was notably brutal on its first day, but backed off much more quickly than any other condition of its caliber. The true scale-tippers here are the social effects of COVID-19; this is the only sickness where you are expected to inform all of your previous company of the potential that you got them sick. Not fun. This is also the only common illness where you can't get away with re-entering society right about when you feel better. The strict code of courtesy around COVID-19 is good and ethical, but knocks it down a couple points by the standards of my review.
That's not to say there are only negatives. On the other side of the coin, I have appreciated the impetus to refocus on art and personal reflection. I've made my maiden voyage through more albums in the last two days than the last two months. I made my first Tumblr post. As someone who is typically noncommittal about disordered eating, I considered the mild reduction in appetite a plus. And further on the topic of self-destructive glee, anybody who claims they don't want to see just how high they can get their temperature before they get scared is full of shit. Number go up funny dopamine -- so I appreciated the astounding effort on fever here.
If you are looking for a new sickness to contract and have a light ten days ahead, keep COVID-19 on your radar. It is the Vipassana retreat of viruses: painful, isolating, meditative, and occasionally gross. Tolerable. Just don't feel tempted to share the love.
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broifoundher · 2 years
Something that came up in my head today. And of course, it’s the one that I end up posting, not one of the other 50+ works in my drafts that I’ve been accumulating for a bit more than a month… 🙄 *sighs* But hey, at least I’m posting this one and I’m feeling pretty good about it. :)
A Florence Pugh x f!reader
Contains : Fluff (and implied angst).
You were stuck in traffic when you received a FaceTime call from Florence. And since all three lines around you were packed with unmoving cars for what appeared to be quite the distance, you decided to answer the call. After all, it wasn’t like you were actively driving at the moment nor did it seem like the traffic jam would unclog anytime soon.
“Hey love!” Said Florence full of cheer and excitement as soon as you pressed the ‘answer’ button to the call. And almost immediately, you were greeted by her cheery smile and gleeful eyes as the video synced up with the audio. “I had a short break and I thought I might as well try to call you.” You could see the bright blue sky move in the background along with her golden locks that swayed around her head like a majestic mane, clues that she was currently walking outside. “I didn’t think you would actually answer.” She giggled as she looked up and out of the frame to where she was going. The sound of her voice making you melt immediately as it flooded your vehicle.
“Hi! How are you?” You waved at the phone, giddily smiling from ear to ear, charged up and so happy to see the hyperactive sunshine of your life. “I’m actually stuck in traffic, and have been so for the past 10 minutes,” you told her, which prompted her to look down at her screen in worry and she realized you were indeed in your car, “so I am very delighted to receive a call from my number 1 favourite person in the world.” You said wholeheartedly while sticking the tip of your tongue out as you gave her a childish but sincere smile.
She let out a short but flattered laugh at your words. “But seriously,” she then added, “tell me as soon as the cars start moving again. I don’t want you to get into an accident because of me.”
“Of course.” You replied softly, appreciating the affection and concern she showed towards you. “You know how serious I am when it comes to road safety.”
She let out another audible laugh, probably remembering the many examples that could accompany your statement previous. “Which is exactly why I was surprised to hear that you’re in your car!” She exclaimed. “You never answer me when you’re driving!”
“Well I’m not exactly driving right now, am I?” You said, taking your phone off the magnet that was holding it up and showing her the sea of immobile cars in front of you. You heard a loud gasp before putting the phone back on the holder.
And right after her gasp came her wheeze. “That’s a lot of cars indeed.” She made that adorable nose scrunch.
“Yes well. Thankfully I have you to keep me company.” You smiled.
“You do indeed.” She smiled back.
You conversed for a bit before she had to go back to set.
“Ah! I gotta go.” She said. “But it was wonderful to hear your voice, Y/n. Truly. I’ll see you this weekend, yeah?”
“Yep.” You replied.
“Alright, bye love.”
You sighed as the call ended and you went back to being surrounded by mundane silence. The cars were still not moving. So you reached for the radio, feeling like it was gonna be this way for a while still. So at least, you’d like to have some music.
But then you heard it. The loud and long honking noise of a truck coming from behind, making you jump out of your skin. In a matter of milliseconds, your eyes shot up to your mirrors, but it was too late to register. And even if you had, it wasn’t like you had anywhere you could go to avoid what was surely going to be a traumatic memory. But then again, that was if you were going to come out of this alive…
It was a wrap for today’s daytime shoots. And they would be moving to nighttime shoots soon. Giving the actors time to relax, change and prep as the staff prepared the scenery. Having some time before makeup, Florence attempted to call you once more just to hear your voice. But you weren’t answering. Of course you weren’t. What was she expecting? It was surprising enough for you to answer her today. Both of your schedules being heavily packed. And that was without mentioning the jet lag!
So even though she was a bit disappointed, she wasn’t worried. Choosing to leave a message. And a few texts, like she always did. Knowing that you would answer her as soon as you would have time to.
And yet, she came back from her nighttime shoots. And you still hadn’t seen nor replied to her.
She started worrying, but then remembered you had spent a lot of time in your car which, consequently, would have surely delayed your work.
‘Keep up the good work!’ She chose to text you, feeling exhausted herself. She only wished she was there with you. Where she could help you in some way while you worked. Like maybe cook you something. But right now, she could only look forward to this weekend where you had planned to finally meet up and spend time together. Yes, surely, this weekend she would cook you something. Your favourite maybe? She got so caught up in her thoughts she forgot that she herself worked just as hard.
Wish me luck so that I can finish Part 2!
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dragon-fly34 · 5 months
Thank you for the answer yesterday, I really appreciate it! I can tell you more headcanons for my Bowseila ship if you like. Here they are:
During the time Bowser and Sheila got married, Sheila’s father, King Marcos— alongside her nana, Luna the Ram of the Spirit Animal Kingdom— have visited to see what was going on, but as they end up finding Sheila, they were full of happy tears. Sheila notices them and she was in so much happy tears as they all reunited together, much to Bowser’s astonishment, but he was given gratitude from Marcos and Luna for taking care of Sheila— who had told them about Bowser.
Sheila’s past bullies— Fang the Tiger and Karen the Zebra— saw the whole thing at the marriage and they all regretted for how they’ve been treating her in the past before she met Bowser for the first time. They apologized to Sheila, revealing that they also lived in the Spirit Animal kingdom— much to her astonishment— and the three made friends.
Sheila is Bowser’s second wife and queen of the Darklands years after the death of his first wife and queen— Queen Clawdia Koopa. Sheila is still the former princess of the Spirit Animal Kingdom and she still lives there.
Ever since living in the Darklands as queen, Sheila was curious on why Bowser hated the Mario Bros. so much. She doesn’t care that much, but on the other hand, Sheila makes friends with Princess Peach and Daisy and they all hang out like ladies.
While Sheila makes friends with Peach and Daisy, Bowser always mocks Mario and Luigi nonstop— just the fact that the two plumbers are not kings or princes— which shows that he still hates the Mario Bros.
When Bowser and Sheila spend their nighttime together in their room, Sheila is more of a very light sleeper, while Bowser is a very heavy sleeper and he can be quite loud, much to Sheila’s annoyance. But in the few days, it takes Sheila time to be comfortable while sleeping.
Sheila was annoyed on why Bowser always acts flirty with Peach. She can be angered out when he attempts to kidnap Peach like last time he, Junior and the Koopalings did until they all failed their plans.
Sheila has anger problems, but not as much as Bowser does.
Junior and the Koopalings admire their stepmother Sheila as a very kind mother like their late mother Clawdia was. Bowser pictures Sheila as beautiful as his first wife, but mostly as pretty as Peach was.
Sheila was very emotional since her mother— Queen Zoey of the Spirit Animal Kingdom had died years ago— just when Sheila was 4. Bowser, Junior, and the Koopalings were upset to see Sheila in her sad state and they all come to show her support. Bowser tells Sheila what it feels like years ago before they met. He comments that he met Clawdia when they were young and they got married before adopting the Koopalings and raising their son Junior— and that a week went by, Clawdia died of an unknown illness, shattering the hearts of Bowser, Junior, and the Koopalings. Sheila was nearly emotional on hearing Bowser’s story of his first wife, and she showed support to him and his children. But most of all, she gets all the comfort that her mother will be in her heart, and this helped Sheila get over it and feel better.
I hope you liked more Bowseila headcanons I came up with for the Super Mario Bros. AU! ;) 💚💖🔥❤️
@marioandsonicfangirl793-art is headcanons are good, but in my opinion there are 3 headcanons that to change a little:
On 1º headcanon, in my opinion Bowser this surprise was already being prepared for Sheila, in this case before he asked her to marry him, he traveled to the Spirit Animal Kingdom to meet Sheila's father and reunite with Sheila.
The headcanon of Jr and Koopalings I already see on Bowuigi posts, in my opinion Sheila was the only person that understand Jr & Koopalings, because Peach also hate they.
Bowser bullied Mario & Luigi not only because they are plumbers, because they are “princesses’s pets” and the brothers are both bi (That's where my AU comes in).
In my AU, Bowser didn’t tell the story of how Claudia died to Sheila, in this case he just commented that she died, but Sheila asked Kamek and King Boo how her death happened, in this case King Boo and Bowser have been partners for years, soon after Bowser told the full story.
I really support that Sheila is very emotional, Bowser could have hired a psychologist to help her because of her past.
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