#this is actually sjm in my inbox
yaralulu · 27 days
i fully understand having a skewed sense of perception when you’re as traumatised as feyre is i just wish she became more aware of it as she “healed” but no
rhysand could say the sky is green and feyre would be like “i could see it now — with my new fae senses — as it stretched out behind my beautiful mate —the truth tamlin had locked me away to keep me from realising — but rhys had promised me — promised me the world and the truth — and i could feel my bowels becoming solid with the knowledge —“
You don’t understand how hard this made me laugh because this is really how sjm be writing.Just spreading lies about tamlin as she compares his every breath to rhys and the goddamn ellipses after every thought.Reveal yourself anon you’re hilarious.
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flat-neines · 2 months
I have a serious question, if rhysand was written as more of a highly accomplished general in the NC with the inner circle being his merry band of sworn siblings he met in the armies rather than the highest authority of his court, how much of his behavior (SA not included) would be moderately more ...reasonable?
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ofbreathandflame · 1 year
came back to tumblr just to find that @worldsnotsaid is gone? girl whyyy☹️
Hi anon!
It was kind of abrupt, and I do apologize for that -- truly. It's why I am tackling this ask! But, it was very freeing to delete that blog, and it felt as if a weight had truly been lifted from my chest to see it go. Bittersweet, yes! But absolutely needed. Constantly seeing asks box jump from 300 to 400+, the constant hate messages, the inboxes -- it was all too much for me to tackle, and honestly, it felt as if my blog was just no longer productive at that point.
I am always 100% behind the points made on that blog, and the problems in SJM's writing. My passion for those points will never fade or change for that matter. But I think the book community and publishing are just not ready for an actual change -- and it's tough to have the conversation about racial and abusive themes in books when people pick and choose when to chastise and ignore. It's literally like having a conversation with a wall. I can't honestly have a conversation about tackling racism in the book industry when people can't even let go of a book series that isn't even well written. We aren't being militant about the problems in the book industry, and its exactly why it looks the way it does. I don't know, I think I've grown apathetic to it. The urge for docility among reviewers disguised as 'allyship,' the flip-flop about abuse and abusive themes in books. None of it makes sense. And it's like the legwork to make it happen just doesn't seem worth having someone constantly throw vitriol in your face. It just seemed like it becomes a tit-for-tat straw-man debate in the end, and that -- again -- isn't productive. 'Tamlin stans this' and 'Nesta stans that, and it was like ?? Can we just think outside of that? We can't complain about the way PoC are always treated in the story and then turn around and defend an author who would 100% kill them off and let her white character wear their trauma like a second skin. Like how serious are these conversations when the ones having them are unwilling to stop supporting the author propagating these harmful tropes to other authors. FBAA ran because ACOTAR walked; ACOTAR ran because Twilight walked. These harmful stereotypes in these books melded and made the environment we have today. And it is what is.
As another blog asked, I will not be returning to that blog as it was deleted. But there are so many beautiful and articulate antis in the tag that adeptly explain the problems in this series and in much clearer and more concise ways! My blog was a rambling mess anyways!
Funny addition: And do you know the sheer frustration of typing up an entire post that's 2000+ with links and citations talking seriously about abuse and racism and how its portrayed in the media just for someone to skim the post and make a follow-up, sub-post that starts with: 'Tamlin stans always think.' -- yeah never again.
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
If Lucien gets his happy ending with Vassa would you read his book?
WHY IS THIS AN ASK IN MY INBOX???? The truth is any Lucien that winds up happy with Vassa is OOC because after everything Lucien has went through, after he lost Jesminda, the only person who can remotely compare to that epic love, to someone Lucien loved so deeply he actually thought they were his mate, is his actual mate: Elain. In fact, now that we're on the subject, Tamlin and Lucien is a far more believable ship than Lucien and Vassa because Tamlin saved his life after Lucien ran from his abusive family and protected him for a really long time, perhaps centuries (I'm not sure the exact amount of time Lucien is in spring is specified so I'm keeping this vague). When he lost Jesminda, it was Tamlin who was there for him. Lucien was extremely loyal to him too. Of course, Tamcien won't occur in canon but the only alternative ship to Elucien I'd accept is if SJM made Lucien and Elain both gay and made Tamcien and Gwynlain happen. And for the last time, VASSA is with JURIAN. Put some respect on my man Jurian's name. Stop trying to make Vassa and Lucien happen.
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violetasteracademic · 20 days
Hi , do you think the Archeron sisters and Vassa will ever be truly be friends than just political allies ? I don't know how to feel about it knowing the last few months of his life where his daughters needed him the most ,he was off being a father to a stranger .
Hello my lovely Anon!
(ps to all my inbox submissions, I have fallen a bit behind but I will not forget any of you! Please be patient with me and feel free to keep sending! I love seeing your questions 😘)
My short answer is yes, I do believe Vassa and the Archeron sisters will be friends, largely because SJM has NEVER pitted women against each other (at least not for long) over the actions of a dud man. I love this old interview discussing it:
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(thank you @greenleaf777 for grabbing this screen shot!)
The Archeron sisters have such a deep, complicated relationship with both parents. And I personally believe we will discover there is more to the Archeron bloodline (or at least I hope we do) because I have some QUESTIONS, and only Vassa can answer them.
How exactly did Papa Archeron know what was going on with the war? How did he know to find Queen Vassa, and understand that finding her was so vital that he was willing to make some secret bargain with a Death God to bring her to his daughters?
The Bone Carver had said his salvation lay dormant in some human bloodline. I do not think it is a coincidence that the three Made sisters were once human, and a human bloodline carries some sort of "key" to the multiverse.
I understand the depth and emotional complexity regarding Papa Archeron, and believe me- if he has no haters, I am dead. However, from a narrative perspective, I'm not sure I fully agree that he was off playing father to Vassa. I understand Vassa had that line- he was more of a father to me than my own.
However, whether or not you forgive him, whether or not you think it makes up for his failings as a parent, everything he secretly did during ACOWAR (including the bargain and retrieving the human Queen) was for his daughters, not for Vassa. And I personally need to know what the bargain was that he made. Knowing Sarah, if she isn't going to just forget about it, the reveal is going to be an absolute gut punch.
Whatever the bargain was, it was powerful and the terms were clear. In my opinion, there is no other reason for Koschei to continue to let Vassa experience some freedom. Maybe we will never learn the full truth or get the whole story, but I believe that somehow, Papa Archeron knew his daughters needed Vassa. For the war, and possibly beyond. In fact, I've even wondered if Papa Archeron was so good to Vassa because he knew his bargain would somehow save his daughters at Vassa's expense. I have no evidence for this, I just thought it would be interesting 🙈
While it is complicated, and I believe Nesta will likely have the hardest time with it, I think the Archeron sisters have yet to learn everything there was to learn about their father and his time securing Vassa. And it seems Vassa has her own issues with her father. It might be difficult, but there is actually some common ground there for the sisters and Vassa to understand each other. And I do not believe that with or without that reveal of everything Papa Archeron did for them, any of the Archeron sisters would hold it against Vassa that she saw a version of him they needed most as children.
I believe Sarah consistently chooses friendship in her writing when she can, even when it is complicated, for those who wish to do the right thing. Especially between women. And if Koschei is as powerful as everyone is suspecting, everyone is going to need each other's backs.
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separatist-apologist · 2 months
I once went to one of their inbox to tell them to please stop tagging elucien if their posts is just about bashing elriel and they basically told me to f*ck off and they can "do what they want" or whatever. I swear, these are the same little sh*ts that would complain about Elriels tagging elucien.
It's the fact that it's always the same 5 people that have literally no hobbies but complain about Elriels. They're lurking in the gwynriel tag too. They're covering the sweet content we're looking for with their bullshit posts.
I don't want to see the hurtful stuff they say about Lucien and Elucien, nor do I care about their theories and Interpretation. I blocked the elriel tag and some elriels so that I won't have to see their posts. Heck, I'm avoiding acotar content on Tik tok and Twitter just so I won't see anything elriel and anti elucien related. If I wanted to see anti elriel content, I'd go to the anti elriel tag. It's that simple.
The thing is, I also tried to be more open to the Elriel ship. I'm very confident in Elucien, but should Elriel be endgame then I want to be okay with it. However, these little shits that constantly shove statements from toxic elriels to my face make it very difficult for me. It brings me back to "Elriels are so toxic" thoughts.
Sry for the long rant. It just angers me.
Babe, I once told people to stop taking the bait and they told me to get off my high horse so I feel you on that. Is it getting on a high horse to say that not everything on the internet is made in good faith and by answering obvious trolls...you give them the fight they want? Wow you sure showed them.
But at its core, LB said it best. It's not a bipartisan system and you actually can't tell anything about a person based on the ship they like. If some folks had any self awareness they'd realize they are literally no better than the people they claim to hate and for every one person hyping them up, 8 others feel discouraged and burned out from all the negativity. A fandom can't sustain itself on pure spite- you need people who passionately love the series enough to draw art, write fic, create headcanons etc etc, and to that end you have to let go of the utter boring obsession with what is and is not canon.
I took screenshots of that post, and one person said "the author wrote it that way for a reason???" and to that I'd say, she wrote enough to make elriel a very popular ship, too. Are we picking and choosing? Are we saying you're not allowed to ship something if it isn't canon? No more Neris, no Rhysta, no Casslain, no Azris? And who gets to decide what is and is not canon? Someone on that post was discussing what "true" eluciens are, which excludes me along with a vast swath of other people.
I didn't elect any of these people to decide what I was allowed to write about or commission art for- Like the cherry picking so people can be faux outraged and then take screenshots of one of the most popular artists in the fandom, with a VERY distinct style to create a victim narrative that allows them to feel good about bullying is just overdone and boring at this point.
Anyway, I'll always advocate for blocking people and creating spaces that feel good. And I'll continue saying that if you hate something that much, you should stop engaging with it. No one is ever going to change my mind about elucien, I'm confident in my choices and even if SJM doesn't go that direction, I'll still be writing elucien like idgaf. The constant looking each other up to talk shit reeks of insecurity and boredom. Couldn't be me.
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starsreminisce · 5 months
Is society moving backwards? The way I see fandoms behave is so off putting
It does feel that way when reading about how Gwyn's SA history doesn't excuse her predatory behavior towards Azriel. When I call out the person, they insist they didn't mean it negatively.
ACOSAF, released in 2018, shows Lucien giving Elain space, and Azriel and Elain growing closer. ACOSF develops the triangle, with SJM barely giving Elriel moments but reminding us that Elucien still exists, renewing my hope. The blasted Az BC complicates matters, featuring Gwyn prominently and Az's feelings for Elain, albeit framed as purely sexual with resentment toward her bond. The lack of new info for five years keeps us relying on the existing narrative.
Half the time, it’s just pinpointing why engage in content someone doesn’t agree with?
Therapy has taught me two things: if I can let it go, let it go. If I can't, is it worth my time to engage with someone who won't agree with me? If I choose to, I express it solely to avoid dwelling on it, understanding that my goal is not to change your mind but to clear mine.
Honestly, I struggle with this, particularly in the beginning, which is why I've revived my Tumblr.
I genuinely appreciate reading differing opinions; healthy discussions help me reconsider different perspectives, expanding my world. However, I prefer seeking them when I'm in the right frame of mind to receive them. If you're in my inbox seeking to change my mind, be prepared that I won't. Personally, it took a bonus chapter for me to even acknowledge Elriel.
And that’s lowkey worse because all I see are red flags for both Elain and Azriel.
Here's hoping the new ACOTAR book is announced in around six months, and a detailed blurb about the featured couple is provided, allowing readers to adjust their expectations accordingly.
However, the Bryceriels has taught me that people will believe what they want, and sometimes they think they know better than the actual author.
Cut because now I’m just venting to vent
I enjoy revisiting passages and discovering new Elucien parallels or details that discredit an Elriel endgame. A point against Elriel is still a point towards Elucien for me. Sometimes I worry about coming off as a hater, but I prefer pulling examples from the actual books rather than labeling fans of a certain ship as misogynists, illiterate, lacking reading comprehension, or delusional. We've all read the same books, and I just don't see Elriel the same way they do.
Even though I'm the one providing quotes that Elucien's bond snapped, emphasizing that Lucien and Tamlin weren't involved in their kidnapping, clarifying that Azriel didn't lunge for Elain, and pointing out that Azriel did care when Gwyn was taken, it's frustrating to encounter absurd nitpicking. Responses like "the thread is on the lower rib and that doesn't feel like where it should be," "they were still involved with Hybern," "that's because of the ash arrow," "Emerie is there too," and "Madja overheard them talking about it, that's how she knew Lucien is Elain's fake mate" make it challenging to have constructive discussions.
If there's a need to prompt people to reread the series with a focus on specific clues, it suggests that those details weren't initially apparent or obvious from the beginning.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Hello lovelies! Long post regarding requests below the cut 💜
Tldr located at the bottom. 💜
I currently have over 30 things in my inbox 😬
I am in the process of trying to condense similar requests down to maybe give a few people who are requesting very similar things something that covers what both parties want.
I also am just going to be just responding to some instead of giving them full fics or drabbles. There's a few that are very similar to fics I've already posted, WIPS I already have, or their ideas for things I've made multipart fics.
If it's similar to one I've posted, I'm concerned with those that I may end up almost copy and pasting with a few name changes, and that's not the content quality I want to give all of you nor the expectation I have of myself, so I will not be fulfilling those requests at the moment, but I want your ideas to be out there for someone else. If it's similar to a WIP, I'm responding with a preview of what's written. If it's an idea for an existing multipiece, you may get a little preview, or just the side eye emojis if I'm trying to keep things sneaky sneaky (like I am with Bound by Fate and Cat and Mouse)
*heavy sigh here*
Warnings for this next part - discussion things in my inbox related to requests I'm receiving for (insert several SJM males x pregnant reader)
I really don't know how to address this next part without risking some people getting upset, but I have to. If this next part upsets you, please know this is a me thing, not a you thing, and I genuinely hate saying no.
There's a few requests I'm going to let sit for a little bit or just delete, and if you are one of those people who sent them, I'm so sorry.
There's a lot that would require me to address very real fears that I, as a pregnant woman and soon to be mother, am currently dealing with, counteract, and have to watch for. I know it comes off very excuse-y because "writing is therapy," but I don't think any amount of therapy really stops a mother from being afraid for the safety and health of their child, especially a newborn who relies so heavily on you.
I've tried multiple times to start a request that's started to affect my own dreams about my child, myself, and what my poor baby daddy would do if someone took us from him, and, to be frank, he's closed my laptop when I start doing the thousand mile stare, begin stage one of hyperventilating, and crying. He loves that you all support me, but we have spent the night talking about it, and this needs to be a temporary boundary for a little bit, and it may become a permanent one.
Again, I am so sorry, but I have to keep my emotional and mental well-being stable and safe for our daughter while she finishes baking to perfection the next couple of months. I will happily give you all nesting and warm happy pregnancy feelings and emotions. I'll address minor pregnancy angsts as well, like days with light movement, the anxiety that sets in between appointments, the fights my boyfriend and I and a ton of other expecting couples go through, but I do kindly have to ask that kidnapped pregnant readers enduring torture, kidnapped babies, killed off (via torture or death during labor) pregnant readers, and still birth requests stop coming to my inbox. I just can't handle them this late into my pregnancy.
Tldr and skipped below - Elizabeth will be going through and posting requests or responding to them. She loves requests and wants them, but she also has asked that people stop sending her requests regarding the following
Kidnapped newborns
Pregnant readers being tortured/forced into preterm labor
Pregnant reader dying during labor
Pregnant reader being murdered and the baby is taken
And my personal favorite nightmare inducing senerio- acotar male x pregnant reader with a stillborn.
Again, send requests. I love them. Please just consider if I'm actually the right person for it. Again, I am very sorry to anyone who may be disappointed now, but hopefully, I can fulfill your imagination other ways. 💜
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
Hate to break it to you, but Feysand has always been a retcon and SJM is a liar who says she’s always had them planned to sound cooler and to cover up the fact that she’s always said 1) she never plans her books and 2) she had to add Rhys in earlier and that she’d originally planned for him to be the villain.
Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing. She’s also said Nesta and Lucien were originally supposed to be mates and that she didn’t even plan for Nessian until she wrote the scene where the IC goes to ask Feyre’s family for help.
If Nesta and Lucien were originally endgame, that would infer that Feyre in the original second book actually spent a majority of her time in the Spring Court because how else would Nesta meet Lucien? He doesn’t live in the NC. He doesn’t live the AC. And if a majority of the plot is taking place in Spring and the story is from Feyre’s pov, it would also imply Feyre was still with Tamlin. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And a quick reminder that the entire series was originally a Beauty and the Beast/Tamlin retelling, not just the first book.
You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument. There’s overwhelming evidence within the first book that anything after it was never planned.
In fact, you could take Rhys out of the first book and the Calanmai scene would still work if Lucien had been the one to find her. The dresser would still work if Feyre and Elain’s drawers were swapped. Amarantha’s whore could be anybody, and the scene where Rhys forces Tamlin and Lucien to beg for Feyre could’ve happened with that anybody, not just Rhys. Maybe you should think about why the first book of a book series, where he’s supposedly been the plan all along, could still play out without him. 😬
Hi, anon.
I would first like to let you know, my inbox is not a place to start ship wars or attack people for their opinions of canon fandom matters. I hope in the future you respect the simple request at the top of my page to leave me polite asks.
But, to clarify a few points you've addressed here, look under the cut
"She never plans her books."
Anon, I'm not sure what precisely you mean when you say plan. There are many types of writers. When you're drafting an original story you may create an outline detailing the step by step plot, conflict, character development, call to action, etc.
Or perhaps you are an author like me, who instead prefers to free write. I won't hesitate to admit I can't stick to an outline beyond points A, B, and C. For example, my Anastasia AU
Chapter 1: The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery (St. Pete)
Plan Con
Meet Elain
Chapter 2: Things My Heart Used To Know (December)
Learning Heritage
Rhys’ 1st appearance
Chapter 3: The High Lord Lies Cold (Neva flows)
Rhys Bonus
Chapter 4: Let Me Say Goodbye (Stay I pray you)
1997 ~For the Magic~
Carriage out of Dusk 
Carriage stopped enroute
Chapter 5: In a Crowd of Thousands
Travel on foot to gate to Day
Meet Helion
Chapter 6: Could it Be? (Quartet)
2. "She had to add Rhys in earlier than planned to be a villain."
What exactly is the point of this statement? Maybe Feyre could have stayed inside the manor on Calanmai. Maybe Lucien could have stumbled upon her and the three fae who targeted her. If you think she's the only author to rewrite a story or add characters in an earlier or later position, I'm going to guess you don't have much of a concept of the natural writing process.
3. "Detailing the actual story of how ACOTAR came to be from her own former newsletter, she wrote two and half ACOTAR books in 2009 (then originally only a trilogy). In 2014, SJM scrapped and rewrote the entirety of that original second and half of a third book and completely started over with them, creating what is now ACOMAF and ACOWAR. She did not change anything in ACOTAR, though, but she did add things in during editing."
Again, the natural writing process. Rewriting a hundred times over if it's necessary to get the book published. Editing for the sake of a fluid storyline.
4. Your points on Nesta, Lucien, and Cassian have nothing to do with a Feysand of Feylin endgame. There could have been a dozen different ways SJM planned on Lucien and Nesta meeting outside of Spring that we will never know. The fact is that in the end, SJM decided "Lucien and Nesta would be at each other's throats. And not in a good way". Or something along those lines. In walked Nessian.
5. "You can love Feysand, no one is telling you not to, but if you’re going to try to debunk what others are saying, then at least find out why they’re saying it in the first place so you can provide a proper counter argument."
I am aware I have the freedom of expression in the fandom. I would also like to clarify I was entirely polite in "debunking" the counterargument to defend Tamlin. Did you feel particularly attacked when I told a new fandom member to try the second book and see if it was to their liking when they saw Rhysand's story?
Or was it my assessment of Tamlin's lack of anger management and every marker of an abuser he shows from the second he comes to take Feyre across the wall.
No matter how many rewrites ACOTAR went through, there was no character retcon on Tamlin or Rhys. Book one was an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast and Book two was an adaptation of Hades and Persephone, even if very few elements were taken from the actual tales.
For any others who wish to drop in and give me a polite hello, my inbox is always open and I'm chugging along so I have some lovely Feysand and crack ship snippets to provide you with.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 days
hey tabby! I love your works(Thankyou for writing them) and I was wondering something (this is purely curiosity, in no way am I trying to "suggest" you write something outside of your schedule or anything, since I see the 'reqs closed sign' and I respect it.)
So I recently came across 'Filthy Mongrel' and absolutely LOVED it and as far I browsed, pleasure hall is the last you've written in the au, if I'm not wrong? so I'm just wondering if that's like, the end of it or if there's more parts you've considered adding sometime in the future?
Also, I was wondering the same about 'Bruises and burn marks'(I swear I've never read an Eris fic I loved as much) if it's supposed to end as a oneshot or if you've ever thought about what happens later on in the series?
I REALLY hope I'm not being too rude asking this.
Oh my gosh thank you so much for asking about this actually!!
So Filthy Mongrel was written first and then I realised I really liked that dynamic of younger Illyrian vs. Az? Since she’s pretty cruel to him? And I find anger a very interesting motivator/emotion to write? (Hence His (Mine.) and The Other Woman readers having pretty volatile tempers 🫣)
I could talk a lot about the His (Mine.) ‘canon’ universe, but in terms of Filthy Mongrel and The Pleasure Hall which are the aus, I’ve had another au I’ve been wanting to add for a long while 🤦 I think since before the Holidays if i’m honesty 😭 It’s in my drafts and it’s called The Blood In Our Mouths And The Flesh In Our Teeth which I’ve been desperate to write since it’s about reader and Az going deeper into Illyria!
We’ve already seen how Windhaven is, and Rhys has mentioned it’s one of the more progressive camps, so I’d like to use it as a chance to wonder about just how brutal the lifestyle might be? Just how old fashioned and maybe quaint in a way too it might be?
Really just a chance to afford myself more freedom since sjm didn’t particularly touch on Illyria so there are a whole bunch of opportunities to explore!
And yes, there will probably be smut, but there will hopefully be a lot of other stuff too relating to the Illyrian’s lifestyle!
As for Bruises and Burn Marks, I have to be honest I cringe every time I reread it 😭 I don’t think I got Eris’ character at all (I mean, it’s a dark fic so obviously I didn’t, but I feel like it was just waaayyy too much? Maybe I’m being harsh though 😭) I do have a request in my inbox for like an Eat You Up fic for Eris so hopefully I’ll get the chance to do right by him when that gets written!
I would like to write a fic though where the Illyrians weren’t made no villainous though? theorising over some traditions and dress styles? I think that would be fun?
Anyway, thank you so much for asking!!! I’m so flattered when people are interested in knowing more so it’s not rude at all!!! 🧡💛🫂🫂
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Artists and readers who view certain characters as POC are not giving SJM any credit for "diversity" We merely want to represent these "golden tan" characters as POC because if we don't draw them that way, then we'll never have POC represented in art. SJM is a global bestseller and fan art of her characters is literally everywhere and if you whitewash the characters then that's not progressive and it alienates a whole bunch of readers in the fandom. When I see art of Bryce with brown skin, I feel so represented. Not by SJM, but by the artist. If artists/readers believe that every time SJM describes a character as tan that she just means pale, then might as well draw Emerie, Vassa, Hypaxia, Yrene as white too and just make all the characters white. Those same artists/readers will then say SJM has diversity, ok well if all you draw is white characters then how is that diverse? Although I'm not a fan of the author, she's not the one drawing these characters as white, artists are. When Sarah INITIALLY describes a character as "tan" or "brown" I immediately picture a POC. I don't care what SJM thinks because at the end of the day readers and artists are the most important, we have the freedom and the chance to draw diverse characters and interpret them in a different and refreshing way. Artists who choose to draw Bryce as a WOC are not trying to give SJM any credit, but the text clearly describes her as someone with tan skin, not someone who was pale and then eventually got a tan. No, Bryce is described as tan from the beginning and that means something. Artists have no problem giving brown skin to the male characters like Hunt and Rhysand, but for some reason still draw Bryce pale as hell? We can't ever have a main female character in a SJM book with brown skin for a change? Artists have the power to draw characters diversely. I can't tell you how many times I picked up a series because of the amazing fan art I've seen. I wish artists wouldn't underestimate fan art and how impactful it can be when they choose to draw characters in a diverse way.
Sorry, I needed to rant.
Anon, I really REALLY don't go here. I'm not sure why this very condescending, passive-aggressive ask is in my inbox instead of you, y'know, peacefully reaching out to the BROWN HIJABI I reblogged from who commented on Sarah's pseudo-diversity, and you politely asking her a few questions, especially when I already acknowledged the complexities with fandom viewing vs not viewing Bryce as white.
But I respectfully disagree with... everything.
We merely want to represent these "golden tan" characters as POC because if we don't draw them that way, then we'll never have POC represented in art.
Or we can just support authors of color who ain't racist. Authors of color who write characters of color! Draw them instead!!! As I said before, I've discussed Sarah's racism, predominantly in the ACOTAR series, here, here, here, and here. Instead of expecting Sarah to change, let's just support authors who already do what we've been begging Sarah to do.
SJM is a global bestseller and fan art of her characters is literally everywhere and if you whitewash the characters then that's not progressive and it alienates a whole bunch of readers in the fandom. When I see art of Bryce with brown skin, I feel so represented.
She’s famous because white people propped her up and supported her over fantasy writers of color who write diverse characters. Instead of squinting and pretending an ambiguously described character is representation by an author with a track record of not respecting her characters of color, let’s just… support diverse authors? Let’s make THEM famous instead of her. The root cause here is the lack of interaction and fame diverse authors and diverse works get, leaving us with little representation. So let’s make those famous instead!!! Wouldn’t you feel better represented by an author who could a) commit to saying ethnicity their character actually is b) actually bother to fully include that character’s culture and make their ethnicity clear? Two things Sarah does not do?
Artists have no problem giving brown skin to the male characters like Hunt and Rhysand, but for some reason still draw Bryce pale as hell? We can't ever have a main female character in a SJM book with brown skin for a change?
I agree. This is called colorism, which I have discussed before (check my racism tag and scroll. You should find some post about it). Yes, dark skinned men and light skinned women is an issue… that Sarah perpetuates? She’ll never commit to having an unambiguous POC as her protagonist if we keep blindly supporting her books, though.
I can't tell you how many times I picked up a series because of the amazing fan art I've seen. I wish artists wouldn't underestimate fan art and how impactful it can be when they choose to draw characters in a diverse way.
Yes, but rather than canon ambiguous characters, we deserve actual canon POC. Not characters we *imagine* as POC. I’ve been burned a few times because I saw fanart of a book, and when I finally got the book, it turned out that character was racebent by the artist. It’s nice for them to do, but it’s devastating to have that representation ripped away abruptly.
We don’t know Bryce’s ethnicity or culture. Is she Latina? Black? South Asian? I’m glad you feel represented and I certainly won't take that from you, but if we don’t critique her writing, Sarah and other authors will write way more characters this way. We need to show authors and publishers we want real representation, not “tan” characters. I hope I’m not coming off as rude, but anon you really touched a nerve here, because nothing will get better if we keep accepting crumbs as representation.
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bookofmirth · 11 months
I've been ignoring everything from Acotar lately but I saw a post that reminded me of something.
I noticed that there are many readers who are a bit deluded and don't seem to know Sarah at all.
Type in the interpretation of some Elriel has double development since the second book.
So far so good, but I find these certainties so strange when I compare how ALL of Sarah's couples begin and not even Sarah herself guarantees anything..
Nesryn and Chaol had a romantic relationship in a way and Sarah dissolved that in a book and it was very surprising.
And look, I thought it was going to be Nesryn and Chaol because I got that thought: No, Sarah is not going to dissolve a couple that will only have 1 book to show Chaol's journey.
it doesn't matter if there are 5 construction books, it means nothing to Sarah.
I realize that there are a lot of people being positive for their ships to the point of ignoring how the author works and that she does what she wants.
I'm very down to earth, I'm not so positive, I have theories and my interpretation and everything but that's it, first Sarah confirms the couple and then I pretend that I always believed.
Too much trauma to ship couples that will never be game over.
Despite the fact that Acotar todos I shipped was endgame and that Sarah put the development of future couples within the pages.
ToQ was more amazing at everything than Acotar even.
Hey whats up? I will work up the courage to read and finish the two Crescent City books.
I was afraid that this crossover wouldn't make the book any good or something.
ha same, I haven't been around much the past couple of months (compared to my usual interaction and stuff). Glad to see you in my inbox though!
I noticed that there are many readers who are a bit deluded and don't seem to know Sarah at all.
There are sooooo many theories floating around that make sense on the surface, until you look at what kind of characters, plots, and relationships sjm tends to write. It's not just a question of, "is X possible," it's probably better to ask "is X likely based on what we know she likes to write?" Because a lot of the times no. Some random plot *could* happen in the future, but we have a pretty good idea of who this author is, now!
it doesn't matter if there are 5 construction books, it means nothing to Sarah.
Absolutely, even if I were to accept the interpretation that some people have of those two characters, that doesn't mean anything. She had Feyre engaged to Tamlin and banging him like crazy at the beginning of acomaf, and how did it end??? Same with your example of Chaol and Nesryn. Couples who were actually together broke up and ended up in completely different relationships in the same book. It's disingenuous to act like that can't happen.
The thing that actually matters to sjm is if the two characters bring out the best in one another. I think that's the main thing that I can rely on with her, and that's the main reason I don't like a certain ship.
I think your skepticism of Sarah is probably healthy 😂 Until the book is published and the words are on the page, none of us can be 100% certain about what's going to happen.
You have plenty of time to read Crescent City! Just try a little bit at a time, like 100 pages, and see how you feel. If you decide not to finish it, the fandom will keep you informed about what happens with the crossover. You'll still know what's going on.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
I read ur post on 'lucien good because his blood isnt tainted by beron' then the anon replied that it was hinted eris could be someone else son too because of his eye. Oh retcon sjm. But I realise why i like Eris now.
He came from a family that the support system is based on violence? Beron support and educate him based on violence and bloody politics? But Eris somehow managed to stay good and listen to his mother. We can see he have good side. Hinted at it but the circumtances given Eris have little chances of displaying his good side. He must have been the type to mock when you get fever. ("Weak mortal, huh?"-Eris).
Then proceed to send in flower chocolate, top specialist (like why would you need a specialist for a fever? You r so extra Eris), then have you bedridden for the next 7 days. Really, a tsundere and I like it. He is the silent kindness type and you know he is sincere and earnest if he commits any kindness in silence. Not loud kindness where he expected something in return (a politician Eris here). I like him.
I like the fact he is born from a terrible male, abusive but stll manage to put a line between his father behaviour and have awareness of his bad doing. You know, I heard arrogant could drive any of us to commit bad thing. But different is, are we aware of it or not? We have seen Beron, a tyrant. Did he realize his feeling toward his cruelty and realize he have hurt people? Yes, and did he care or have empathy. Nope. Seem different with Eris, who realize it and is actually taking action to prevent more cruelty (he is planning Beron death did he not? I think this prove something).
So sorry that this has say for an eternity in my inbox.
I would much prefer that Eris is able to break the cycle of abuse and become different to his father rather than we find out that Helion is also his dad or something so his goodness comes from blood rather than his own ability to change.
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I see so many ACOSF fixit stories but no ACOMAF and beyond fixits where Feyre, Tamlin and Rhysand are actually in character from ACOTAR and where things progress naturally and it bothers me! I don’t even necessarily hate that feysand became canon, but the implosion of feylin was not only unnecessary, it was so ooc and lazy that I think of the first book and the rest of the books as two different series really. ACOTAR is a standalone novel in my head. Like honestly ACOMAF could’ve had a couple of chapters in the beginning to set up the backstory and it could’ve been its own series.
I like you, nonnie. 😘 ACOTAR makes so much more sense as a standalone novel. And in ACOMAF especially, it feels less like the mysterious fairy tale world that I--we--fell in love with, and more of an urban fantasy. We've got paperwork, canned soup, sweaters over leggings, and vomiting into flushing toilets. Not to mention the ooc behavior of our main cast.
As much as I love Feylin, I really do like the concept of Feyre being stolen away as the bride of spring. But SJM didn't have to make Tamlin an ignorant brute over it. And Lucien! Where's his spark? (I think Cassian was given most of Lucien’s personality, actually, and as a result, SJM decided against shipping Lucien and Nesta together. I really think they could have worked. But that’s a whole ‘nother rant...)
At the start of ACOMAF, I got the sense that too much happened off-page, and yet not enough. We left Feyre and Tamlin at the end of ACOTAR walking hand in hand into the frickin’ sunset: "Let's go home", to find Feyre waking from a nightmare and he's sleeping through it. Umm... am I really supposed to believe they’ve already grown distant after three months?
I know many people liked that this story turned the happily ever after on its head, because in real life, your first love isn’t your last love... I get it. But this is fiction, and I was hella disappointed.
If I had my way, I would have loved to see seven standalone books, one for each court. Make that eight, because I love the concept of a Dusk Court. We could have had one court per fairy tale, and we could even get cameos of the characters we’ve come to know and love appearing in each. But each book would be a different couple. Of course, that’s not going to happen.
There are very few people in this fandom who prefer the first book to the rest of the series, and the second book is hands-down the favorite. That’s why I’m not surprised there aren’t any ACOMAF fix-it fics, though I would love to read one. If I didn’t have so many other things I wanted to write, I might even try tackling it myself. But, alas. I think I’ll stick to Feylin one-shots and dream of what could have been.
P.S. I actually just posted an answer to a question from my inbox that asked what I thought a Feylin sequel could have looked like. It turned into a kind of ACOMAF fix-it outline (though an incomplete one). If you want to check it out, it’s here.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Hiya! It's been a while since I've been in people's inboxes, how are you. How are things going? Been writing anything lately?
Hi, Athena! Always glad to hear from you <3
Things are going pretty good! My new antidepressant seems to be having some effect aksjflsk. I'm going on a trip cross country at the end of the month to visit @lethimrunsonia, which is very exciting. Still applying for jobs, ugh.
I've been working on Curse The Messenger and gold rush mostly. I want to finish the gotdamn IT fic by the end of the year so HELP me god. I have a little deal with @sodomitecastiel that once it's finished he'll read mine (fic not in his fandom) and I'll read his (fic not in my fandom), so I'm obviously very excited for that but it's also giving me a widdle performance anxiety kjakslfjlks. (Not that I would likely be any faster without it, mind you.)
CTM is going good though! I've made a lot more progress the last couple of months than I have in years, and I'm actually motivated for once in my fucking life. I'm on draft 1.3 now, which means I'm technically on my third draft but that the previous two were not finished so it's also technically still a first draft lmao. I moved on from 1.2 because that one has smartphones in it, and I decided recently that I'm going to set it in the '90s.
Draft 1.3 is currently at almost 8k. I've established Eddie's character, her relationship to Fred, her sexuality, both of their powers and their job, and I've hinted at their position in their society, their backstory, and the plot to come. Next up in the chapter is to introduce Jessica and the Inciting Incident, and then to do the chapter's titular Lemon Test.
How about you? I think you changed your icon so you'll have to remind me which posts on my dash were you aksjflks. I think you've just finished your third WIP of the year and you're playing Splatoon 3? That's you right? Reading SJM? This will be a very embarrassing paragraph if that's not you ghwrkljsfh.
Thanks for asking!!
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ivystitches · 2 years
for fucks sake
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