#this is kinda weird but it's been stinking in my brain
dansformations · 4 months
"Influencing influencers"
Im Byron, im kinda popular on the media, wouldnt call myself an influencer but at least an small celebrity for certain people: gay guys. Im popular between gay guys.
Then there is this guy, Tod, he do Is an influencer, another gay guy pretty popular, and we have done some colaboration videos, thanks to this i got a bit of highlights recently, getting more followers, but just some days ago Tod posted something off, at least for his usual:
Fart jokes? Superhero referentes? Both together!? Really weird if you ask me to. The situation got weirder when a lot of popular guys from the "gymbro side" of the media started comenting, celebrating his video... And he wrote back, in the weirder way posible:
"@markobroskii: Sick Bro! Superman Is next
@Tody_yourguy: Aded to the list broski!"
Didnt tought too much about It until he post a video that made my jaw drop:
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He wasnt just wearing clothes that didnt match his usual but he was in the lingerie zone playing with the undies, saying he was making the zone 'More enjoyable to the View"
That sell the deal. I send his a message and went to his place to check on him.
In the way to his place i saw his @ on media changing to @Tod_thebro.
When arrived, i notice diferences since he open the door, he stank!
- Jesus! Tod, thats your smell!?
- Yeah, some bro scent, go ahead bro, take a sit - he said With a voice that sounded diferent, he was talking with this "Frat Bro" acent we used to laugh about.
His apartament was now a mess, full of empty - and not so empty - pizza boxes, empty beer cans, dirty clothes, and sticky looking socks... He offer me a beer from a brand i didnt knew, but i'm not really a drinker so maybe thats why. I took it just to be polite, took some sips... Wasnt that bad.
Tried to find the cleanest place and thats where i sat.
- Sup bro, what did you wanna talk about?
- Well... About this... - I said looking around -Whats happening? First that gross fart video - I saw him chuckle when i mentioned that - then that also gross video on the lingerie store and Now... Look at your apartament, what hapened?
- I woke up bro - thats his only answer.
- Huh?
- I realice that gay life wasnt right for me
- What the fuck you- he interupt me
- Going to the gym, no worries about skin care routine - he keep talking - no worries even about showers, not washing my butt every-time-i-have-a-date - he said that words sounding indeed really sick of it- or not washing my butt at all, no using it for please other guys, just using it for this:
After saying that he lifted a leg and rip a long, smelly and loud fart
PRRRRRRFFFFFFFTTTFFFF the fart resonated for all the place, stinking everything, i had to cover my nose inmediatly, which make Tod laugh.
- Tod, theres no way to go straight, u have always been against that believe!
- Used to, but theres way, and you Will UAAARP agree soon
- What do you mean? - i said confused, and a bit of worried
- See, my awaking start when i had the first can of a beer from this weird brand a hot masc guy gave me, that same beer you are drinking now
Oh fuck.
- It's already starting, bro
- Theres no way, uh-PRRRRRRFFTTTFFFF
Tod was smiling with and almost evil smile, chugged a can of beer, belched and said: Cheers bro.
While here, I was burping non-stop, feeling my brain a bit foggy... Why I was worried about?
@ morningboy💕:
Oh!, Byron finally posted something, and it looks like a colab with Tod! Maybe he make him come back to his senses, all his 'turning straight' story really afect to the community.
Anyways lets see the video...
Ok, that outfit was a choice, Byron - I tough
Keep watching.
Oh... Oh no, is Byron having a fart contest with Todd!?
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This feels wrong... Wait! Why his user just changed to @Byb-ronski...
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stuck-on-boops-alt · 1 month
Okay, some initial thoughts about the latest litg volume..
I expected the steal, so I'm not too shaken by it. Eddie was the one who stole Lyn in my playthrough. I chose him when mc was asked because he was messy and I wanna check out if he is still going to be, and of course he ends up bringing more drama first thing he pulled Lyn for a chat 😂... My girl didn't care for it though so she refused to help him.
Well, basically, even if Hamish and Lyn weren't 'officially' coupled up, they already are. To hell with the show's rules 😔 .. lol they sure did the freaky in the daybeds, not even Jude get to have it in the hideaway or at any other opportunities so ahahaha
I think this volume is a bit meh, even if I do get to have more Hamish time.. which is great ofc coz he was stinking cute wtf. Just that it felt short yet long at the same time(?).. like a lot of things were happening, but also it felt like I just sat and sped through it... or I might just be tapping on too fast ahahahaha
it's still weird being picked for the Zeph trio date when you choose to snog someone else 😂
random nit-pick.. i swear litg's description game when it comes to the spicy scenes feels iffy and i roll my eyes every time they put tongues dancing ... i hate it so much ahshshsa.. my brain just gives me the mental image of tongues actually dancing ahahshsh.. and yeah i get it my guy has toned body and muscular arms, im kinda sick hearing(reading) about it.. maybe i am just used to the well-written descriptions from otome games i have played. i've been treated well. i just have to look at litg like i'm consuming junk food from time to time 😂
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therummonster · 1 month
My brain won't let me sleep so heres a 2 am ramble about kinda similar characters/parallels between characters in Rockymedia and Ybamedia/Horrormashfriends
Luke(Mc heroes) and Henry(Panik & Henry) are somewhat similar. Luke has a Alien inside of his head that gives him wish magic powers, and Henry seems to have magic seeped into his body some way (he also can understand and talk to a wand). Henry is a magic based character, Luke is a magic based superhero. Both have concepts where they could likely be taken over by their magic (Henrys due to the fact that it's very unstable, and Luke due to the fact that he could snap). Henry has a best friend he cares about, so does Luke, however Henrys best friend is insane and is more of an anti-hero, while Lukes is sane and is a hero. Henry has been the cause of something bad happening, and (technically) Luke was also the cause of something bad happening (peter being injured.). The two would likely get along in a calm setting.
Now Panik(Panik & Henry) and Dr Ostrich(mc heroes) are very similar. Both have a main kind of gun (Atomizer & TFG 10k) and have one/multiple henchmen of sorts (Dr ostriches ostriches and stink and stench, n panikbot and the demodog). The two could be classified as clinically insane. Panik relies on science a lot and thinks magic is dumb, Dr ostrich does the same but kinda leans into the 'magic is cool but should be tested' area in my mind. Panik actually has a friend he cares about, meanwhile Dr Ostrich has some yeetable henchmen, though I guess that may be equivalent since Panik does throw Henry places often. These two would probably be nerdy as shit together when sciencing, but otherwise would probably try to one up eachother.
Sabre (daycare) and Dark (13 st/Wither hill/Etc) act similar in some ways. Both say stupid shit at times, and it makes the others laugh or look at them weird. Both have very specific food preferences/a main food thing about them, Dark doesn't eat pork(irl and he doesn't eat it in Mc either [not sure if for religious reasons or what]) and Sabre likes cheese a lot! Both try to one up a character but also follow the lead of another (For Sabre is Unicorn mann and Ryan, and for Dark it's either Hooper or Action and Rickutto). Both get called nicknames (Dark=Dark Kelly & Sabre=Chicken face/Chicken man/Chicken gizzard/etc). The two would probably get along nicely with eachother in good circumstances.
Ryan(daycare/daycare academy) and Rage(Block city/Pixel town/Haunted neighborhood/Cursed town of tor/etc) are somewhat alike, not very but heres some of the ways that they are. Both take a leading role in their series (Daycare/Daycare Academy/etc & Block city). Both have a friend group and a live interest (Tina & Ashley. Sabre, Ucm, Shark, Goldy & Panik, Henry, Noah, Natasha, Frosty). Both experience a lot each episode/day in their respective places, some could be life threatening some could be just plain weird. Both consistently get confused or forget things. Both have had a mentor at some point. They'd probably get along with some tea and coffee, given to each respectively.
I consistently think about "what if henry/luke/ucm's magic corrupted them" and i love thay concept, cause it opens room for like so many things. Anyways yeah that's my little parallel thing- hope you liked reading it :D Ima sleep now 👍
yes, this was a very nice read. 10/10, would read again.
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kindofblue28 · 1 year
I found your post recommending Faust the other day when I was looking for recent posts about the Gadget games, then went ahead and watched a playthrough, and I’m glad I did even if I don’t fully understand the story. That GameBoomers forum thread did help to clear some things up, at least. I don’t know where the hell the Wikipedia plot summary describing Marcellus as the Devil got that idea from, that doesn’t seem to be the case at all, somebody should change that.
Man, that final part with Giselle hit pretty hard, though it’s undercut a bit by that sitcomy ending. This game has a tone problem, that’s for sure. Do you think it’s an exaggeration on my part to call Geoffrey Bateman (I think that’s him?)’s performance as Mef one of the best vocal performances for a video game character? The character displays a wide range of emotions and he nails it, when he laughs it sounds like he’s laughing for real. I’m so glad that the voice of Loge/Loki from RLOTN got to be in the spotlight for something somewhat better.
I think Drowned God and - to a lesser extent - Gadget have already filled up too much real estate in my brain for me to want to dive super deep into the lore and stuff, but I’ll be looking forward for your fan website to see the concept art and all that! As one of the very few people on this Earth who has bothered to document Drowned God’s completely absurd story and try to explain it, plus Gadget’s too a little, I get how kinda lonely it feels to want to reach out and tell others about such a weird thing that has interesting ideas despite its faults.
I’ll be busy for the next several days, but maybe in the near future I’ll make a TV Tropes page for Faust, and if I have any questions about characters and story elements. I feel like that site can do quite a bit to spread the word about these types of media and help clarify stuff.
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for sending me this ask!! I'm very glad that post helped you find that game, and really happy to see another Gadget fan too. I can understand being confused about the story- I was very confused on my first couple of playthroughs too, if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them about this game. Wasn't even aware of the stuff with the Wikipedia article- I'll try and look and see what I can do about that, because… whew, that's VERY wrong! Also completely agree with you on the part with Giselle. Really hits me hard and like, 9/10 makes me cry whenever I play thru that part- its message really helped me. Though yeah, I agree on the ending too. I feel like this game has such an issue of like, going way faster than it needs to be. I feel like a lot of the messages don't have enough time to really sit and get their point across, like, you just immediately get thrust into the end stuff after that, and doesn't even let the horror element of what happened sit? It stinks, and even if I hold this game in a really high regard, it's VERY flawed and all over the place.
Also, I definitely think Geoffery Bateman did FANTASTIC as Mef. I've listened to his roles in other Arxel games and this definitely feels like one where he got to shine- I feel like his other roles he's stuck in ones where he just sounds monotone and disinterested, where his performance of Mef sounds like, super believable and not forced at all :)
Also, can understand not wanting to dive super deep into the lore, I mean, it's been like that for me with Gadget, Faust took up too much of the braincells for this year and even if I own most of the supporting material for Gadget I just don't think I have the brain energy to dive super deep into it right now, so I totally get ya. Also cool you're a Drowned God fan- I meant to play that sorta soon, it's a game that's been on my list for years, if you took the time to play Faust, I got to at least give you the time with Drowned God too. More of these small games like these really need to be remembered- they have something to say! About the site, I hopefully should have SOMETHING up eventually. I've been kinda conflicted on the stuff in regards to Faust though, as I've debated having it moved to a wiki framework- and that might just be too much effort for one game, and I wouldn't want to be the one to make a wiki on Arxel Tribe games, as I haven't played most of them. I was planning to host the website on Neocities but my website building skills are VERY poor and that's just been stopping me from doing the pages themselves, I have the info, just not the skills :(
Either way, thank you for your ask (and your time!), you've been very kind. If you want to talk about the game at all I'm here on tumblr or on Discord (same username) :) Peace!
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ridgeworld2006 · 5 days
DAY 1- Firestarter: "it was mid but the ending was cool and the soundtrack fuckt" DAY 2- Prince of Darkness: "great buildup but the climax stinks. Lots of nice ideas in it though and a great soundtrack again" Day 6- Talk To Me: "the plot was kinda shit but the scares were nice and sickening, just the way i like em" Day 8- Videodrome: "super fucking weird but still actually really good. Wasn't too sure about it in the beginning but was sold by the end. Good body horror as well but i'd encourage anyone giving it a watch to look further than just that" Day 9- You Are Not My Mother: "mixed but fairly positive feelings. Horror was good and I liked the central concept as well as the lesbian love story, but the 'main' bully was SO over the top that anything involving her was hard to take seriously. The very end also felt a little pointless and slapped on." Day 15- Brain Damage: "an okay "so bad it's good" movie but nothing more" (i am SO full of shit for this... how can you see the blowjob scene and not recognize a masterpiece) Day 19- The Blob: ""What's ten million dead if it's keeping out the Russians?" SURPRISINGLY good! brian is hawt and actually CORRECT and hes never framed as being a dick for it AND him and meg DONT EVEN KISS AT THE END!!! IT'S A HALLOWEEN MIRACLE!!" Day 20- Motel Hell: "it was bad" (fucking duh idiot) "but in a "so bad it's good" way." (fucking duh idiot) "chainsaw duel whips ass" Day 22- Candyman: "holy shit this was good. Definitely another one that deserves another watchthrough to properly digest everything, and the horror is perfect along with the incredible soundtrack. feel the ending may be a little bit questionable but not really my place to say for sure i suppose" (ok... lol) Day 22 (again, making up for 21)- Candyman (2021): "This one felt more straightforward thematically (at least to me) and lines up startlingly well with some ideas i've been playing with myself. Not so much scary or disturbing like the original was, but what it lacks there it makes up for in being morbidly fascinating instead." Day 23- An American Werewolf in London: "late to add my commentary but it's not very good but is at least funny." (POST-MORTEM CLARIFICATION: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS BEING "SO-BAD-ITS-GOOD") "Every line is like this: David: fuck... i can feel the werewolf coming inside me... whatserface: haha omg thats so crazy. ur so hot btw" Day 26- Puppet Master: "I was told the first one was good. i was lied to" Day 27- The Lighthouse: "another movie i should rewatch sometime to give it a deeper look. the first time a psychological thriller actually felt like a thriller to me lol. also the oceanic horror did it a hundred times better than lovecrafts dumb ass ever did just by having restraint" Day 29- The Wicker Man: "this is the best worst movie i've ever watched, hands down. it takes itself so seriously but is the goofiest fuckin shit ive ever seen put to screen. this movie definitely left its target audience cuz i was rooting for the townspeople the entire time. like yeah id do that too if i had to deal with this dude for an hour and 40 minutes" Day 31- FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S... "watched with friends, as expected it was bad but funny bad until the end where it got so stupid it actually made me mad. also i shit you not the credits music was the fnaf 1 song"
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Aaa congrats on 666 :D you've been one of my favorite obey me blogs since I joined the fandom! can I request the brothers with an mc that looks/acts like they just walked out of a zombie apocalypse? Turns out that while the demons werent looking, things in the human realm went down hill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
👀 I love this! Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
When Solomon popped down into the Devildom earlier, Lucifer had noticed that the sorcerer looked a tad… concerned. After he left, Lucifer thought nothing of it until the second human exchange student appeared brandishing a gun and looking like they hadn’t showered in eight days.
After managing to disarm the human and avoiding the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, Lucifer managed to explain exactly why the human was in the Devildom and what was going on. In return, the human calmed down and explained what was going on in the human world.
…geez, shit really hit the fan. Uh… Lucifer wished them luck in their exchange year and foisted them off on Mammon. Lucifer was not about to deal with that right then.
(Apparently one of Solomon’s necromancing acquaintances had something to do with the mini apocalypse going on in the human world. Lucifer and MC were assured that the zombie problem was being dealt with)
As confused and annoyed as Lucifer was at first, he quickly became glad that the human had some kind of self defence on them. The Devildom was a dangerous place, and the human could nullify some of that danger by popping a bullet or twelve into some idiots’ heads.
But one of MC’s more annoying habits were their tendency to set traps and hoard food. They didn’t seem to grasp that lack of food wasn’t an issue and that there were plenty of spells in place to make sure-
Okay, Beel just raided the fridge. Maybe MC had the right idea. Up for sharing some spaghetti-o’s?
Now listen here! The Great and Amazing and Mega-Sexy Mammon wasn’t scared of the human at all! Got it?! Good. He wasn’t scared of how dishevelled and dirty they were and how they looked like they just crawled out of a horror movie! Not at all! He also wasn’t scared of the baseball bat they threatened to hit him with if he continued to spout threats of eating them.
Pff, he wasn’t scared… totally not scared… *ahem*
Once the human took a bath and stopped pointing their various weapons at him, Mammon quickly began to warm up to the human in their own tsundere kind of way. Fine, he could admit that MC was kinda cool.
The one thing that Mammon just couldn’t deal with was MC’s traps… he kept setting them off while trying to get into MC’s room!
Oi! Don’t look at him like that! He wasn’t tryin’ to steal anything! He also wasn’t goin’ in there to hang out with the dumb human either! Wasn’t goin’ in there to check on em’ and make sure they were comfortable…
Mammon is also #2 in terms of food theft in the house. He just spotted ramen and decided that possibly getting hit with MC’s baseball bat of pain was worth getting his greedy little mitts on some dollar store noodles.
When Levi went downstairs to threaten Mammon for his money back, Levi immediately recoiled at the absolutely fowl smell coming from the human. Ew, normie stink was getting all over him! And why did they look like they just walked out of TellTale’s The Walking Dead?
Once MC explained their situation, Levi took it upon himself to mansplain the zombie apocalypse to the poor human that was going through it. He had played plenty of zombie survival games and he was surely the expert-
After that was over and done with, Levi decided it would be his job to reintroduce MC to some quality entertainment. There couldn’t be that many good shows to watch in the apocalypse, so MC (starved for entertainment) agreed to watch whatever Levi wanted.
Food hoarding? Been there done that. Levi keeps at least ten boxes of Pocky in his room at all times, and a crap ton of other snack foods too. That habit doesn’t phase Levi.
The traps on the other hand? HELL YES TEACH HIM MC! THAT’LL WARD OFF SOME SCUMMY MORONS! *insert Levi cackle here*
Satan was amongst the people who had the privilege of getting a gun pointed at them on the first day of the exchange program. He kept his fake little smile on his face, but he sure as hell wasn’t too pleased with the human.
He kept his distance at first, studying MC from afar and taking note of their weird little habits. Satan found it quite interesting how quickly this seemingly average human adapted to their new circumstances.
After the body switching incident and the murder train incident, Satan developed a fondness for MC. But… maybe MC shouldn’t have brought their weapons with them on one of their hangout sessions with Satan.
It was on that day that MC learned that Satan was as good a shot with a gun as they were… Rest in Pieces to the idiot that decided fucking with the Avatar of Wrath would be a good idea.
The traps… oh yes the traps… that exact skill set transferred perfectly to pranks! Oh if MC would be so kind as to let Satan teach them the way of the bastard (tm) so the two of them could annoy that pompous peacock together?
Ewwwww! What was that awful stench coming from the- EWWWWW! Why was the human so gross and dirty! Someone get the hose! They summoned a feral one!
Asmo was less concerned with the fact that the human was threatening everyone with an actual weapon and more concerned with how they smelled like a month old macaroni salad.
MC got a bottle of admittedly pleasant smelling soap thrown at them before Mammon dragged them off to the HOL.
Despite the nasty first impression, once MC took a much needed bath and washed all that gross grime off of themselves… they were honestly really hot… man, apocalypses should happen more often if they produce babes like MC~ *eyebrow wiggle*
Though, the poor human still needed some work, Asmo declared himself their fairy goddaddy (I regret ever learning how to type) and took every opportunity to make sure MC looked their best and took care of themselves.
MC’s odd habits don’t exactly phase Asmo much, I mean, look at who he lives with.
…he doesn’t wanna eat this human.
Listen, Beel will eat anything, but if he has other options, he’s not eating the gross dirty human pointing a gun at him.
At first, Beel’s pretty neutral towards anything and everything MC ends up doing. They barricaded themselves in their room to keep safe out of habit? Okay. They scarily polish and clean their weapons out in the middle of the living room? So does Satan on occasion. They cleared out the fridge- wait they cleared out the fridge?
MC miraculously survived a hungry Beel attack by chucking food at him until he calmed back down. Beel felt a little bad for scaring them, but anyone with more than five brain cells should know not to steal food from the Avatar of Gluttony.
Anyway, once the two get closer, Beel’s always there for a hug and comfort if MC needs it. Just don’t let him near the food hoard. He will reduce it to nothing in less than an hour.
More than 90% of the traps that get set off are set off by Beel trying to get into MC’s room for food.
Father Dammit, Belphie wanted a nice easy defenceless human to murder, not this Rambo-lookalike. Whatever, sure the human looked tough, but Belphie’s a demon.
Well… Belphegor’s plan went to shit when he was in the middle of choking the human, who pulled out a gun and nearly shot him in the eye. He ended up dropping them in surprise when the bullet grazed his face and ended up getting MC’s boot planted into his forehead.
Yeah… Belphie did not fare well. MC: 1 Belphie: 0
After that nonsense, Belphie demanded begged that MC become his full time nap guardian. They were scary and could protect him, the totally defenceless war criminal 🥺, come on MC, don’t be heartless!
Similar to Asmo, Belphie isn’t too phased by MC’s weird habits. As long as they don’t try and steal his pillows, he’s okay. Those traps though… perfect for a certain older brother of his…
He joins in on Satan’s crusade to get MC to join the Anti Lucifer League. Puh-LEEEEEEEAAAAAASE MC?
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
*slides in* can i have some fluff about tsuzuru and reader meeting the entire minagis _(:3」∠) (p/s love you emily~ hope you have a nice day)
My face when I read this request? I am FLOORED Miru. Big brain time. Love you too 💕
Thanks to @androidjasmine here is a photo of the young ones and their names to keep you all on your toes! It’s all fun and games until you remember everyone is called almost the same. Enjoy! 💕
Meeting at the Minagi's (TsuzuruxReader)
Kaoru stopped in his tracks and squinted his eyes, holding onto the heavy basket full of clothes. “Are you two really going to stay there until they come?”
“Of course we are!”
“We are!”
None of his two youngest brothers even bothered to turn around, eyes fixed on the door’s entrance, hands on their hips.
The seventh Minagi adjusted his glasses from inside the living room at the responses. He then licked his finger to pass another page of his book. “Don’t waste your time Kaoru-niisan. I’ve already tried to talk to them. It’s a lost cause.”
“Hey, I heard that!” this time Takeru’s head moved slightly, though his body and eyes remained facing the door. “And we are not a lost cause! We will make sure this Y/N person is good or bad before they set a foot inside!”
“Inside!” the youngest Minagi happily yelped.
Kaoru rolled his eyes, leaving the basket on the floor of the living room. As long as they were occupied for now it was fine, he imagined. He had been all over the place since he came back from school so any peace he could get was appreciated. “Can you fold these Tooru? I need to check on the vegetables cooking for dinner. Don’t want to ruin them.”
“What are we having?”
“Stir-fried crispy noodles.” Kaoru looked at the clock. “Some side dishes too If I manage.”
The young boy left the book on the side and stretched. “Sounds good. Want to help me Mitsuru? I know you can fold socks now.”
The soft boy who had until then been engrossed watching tv turned around quickly. “Yeah! Can I show them to Tsuzu-nii when he comes? He doesn’t know I learned yet!”
“Sure. You better fold them the best you can then, okay?”
Kaoru smiled at the exchange. He was about to head back to the kitchen when the front door opened. “Ah, those must be-”
“Get away from Tsuzu-nii!”
There was a sound of something heavy falling and hitting the ground.
“Ow! Takeru what the-That hurt!”
“Tsu-nii comes home!”
Laughing, Yuzuru ran past the first twin and jumped on top of the second one -still untouched- who took him in his arms.
“You don’t have to follow everything Takeru does Yuzuru.”
“Come on now, I already told you before they are not coming for another two hours!” Kaoru walked in and bent over to help them stand. “Sorry Suberu. They have been all over the place about Tsuzuru’s and Y/N-san’s visit.”
“I can see that… why though? You didn’t act like this with Meguru-nissan.” he caressed his pained back. Takeru huffed, crossing his arms and turning his back on them.
“Meguru-nii stinks! He hasn’t come back to visit ever since he got married!”
Noboru chuckled, leaving Yuzuru once again down. “I see some pieces coming together.”
“Me too. Anyway, you two can stay here but only as long as there’s no more headbutting. You hear me Takeru? You promised you would behave today.” after he received a pouty nod from him, Kaoru decided to leave it be and turned his attention to the middle schoolers. “Welcome back you two. How was school? Think you two can help me prep the table and take away the toys?”
“Are mom and dad not home yet?”
“They both texted they might be a bit late, hopefully still on time.” The oldest finally managed to enter the kitchen, lowering the heat of the big pan. He should start prepping the rice and the noodles.
“Then we’ll shower and come back down.”
“Hey Mitsuru, are you and Tooru folding socks?”
“Yeah! I’m going to show them to Tsu-nii!”
“Tsuzuru’s partner uh.” Suberu muttered as both climbed the stairs. “I'm kinda excited too, not going to lie- who knew this day would actually come.”
Noboru laughed softly, following his twin inside their shared bedroom. “I know. Whoever was able to crack the head of that brother of ours, as much as I love him, deserves a raise.” .
A sneeze came out of you stronger than you had anticipated, making you stop in the middle of the road.
“You okay there? Here.” Tsuzuru looked inside his pocket, pulling out a small box of tissues and handing it to you.
“Ah- Thanks.” You cleaned your nose while looking at him ask for two train tickets on the station. He then gave you one and kept one for himself.
“It’s weird for you to sneeze, do you think you are getting sick? It’s gotten pretty chilly at night lately.”
“I’m good. You on the other hand are the one who looks constipated.”
“Ah…” He sighed, shaking his head. “Well, you can say that again, sorry. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
You nudged him on the way to the platform. “You worry too much. It’s just your parents and brothers right? Anytime you mention them it even makes me jealous of how much you all care for each other.”
“They are great. For the most part at least. It’s just… I guess I’m like this because I’ve never brought home someone. So, yeah. Don’t pay much attention to it.”
And while he tried to shrug it off, you couldn’t help but feel a little happy. You both had been dancing around the idea for a while, and after arranging times, although the two oldest Minagi brothers had had some difficulties to come at the last moment, you both decided to keep the day and meet the rest of the family.
“You know, I would lie If I said I’m not nervous, but I also can’t say I’m not excited. Hey,” tapping Tsuzuru’s knee he spun to face you. “We got this. Mankai was already covered right? I doubt I’ll have a bigger interview than that one.”
The sound of the train made its way into the station at the same time Tsuzuru groaned.
“Please don’t bring that up. I’m still trying to forget it.”
You laughed at the face he started to make. “See? This will be a walk around the park. Plus I believe bought sweets for everyone,” you lifted the token bags you had been carrying since you two had met and nodded proudly. “I count on convincing at least four to my side.”
Your joke finally made him grow a tiny smile. As the train stopped in front of you two he reached out to take your hand into his, your touch seeming to calm him down. You gave his hand a light squeeze.
Later on
“Okay, here we are.”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend’s dramatic remark when he stopped at the sight of -what you guessed was- his household roof.
“Tsuzuru.” cupping his face you pulled him close, his nose against yours. “I love you and I’m going to love your family too.”
His cheeks grew warm at your loud statement. “Just… if my little brothers are too much, let me know. Everyone kind of… tends to get overexcited.” he confessed. You both walked up to the front door, Tsuzuru knocking a few times before he stepped back to stand next to you.
Immediately a few voices came from inside the house, followed by the sound of closing steps. A woman opened the door, beaming at the sight of you two. “There you are, welcome!”
“Hi mom.”
“Hello dear.” she hugged him tightly as you followed them inside, setting down the bags and enjoying the scene. She gave off the same natural warmth and comfort Tsuzuru gave off, along with the distinctive turquoise vibrant eyes both wore. "I'm glad to see you are doing good," she then turned to you with a gentle smile. “And you must be Y/N, it’s so nice to formally meet you in person.”
You smiled back as you bowed. “I feel the same. You have a very lovely home by the way,” Tsuzuru and you started to step out of your shoes, tucking them up against where the others lay when the voices you had heard with the door closed -and a good sound of running steps- became louder and louder.
“Oh, I guess the twins weren’t able to stop them.”
Tsuzuru's mother moved you both discreetly to the side as three balls of energy of different heights passed in front of you and tackled your boyfriend, making him almost fell to the ground. "H-hey, careful!" All of them wore brown hair and turquoise eyes just like in all the photos you had seen of them, and talked at such speed it was difficult for you to understand what one said over the others.
"We missed you!"
"Missed you lots!"
“Yeah it’s been ages, what took you so long?!”
Your heart grew warm when you noticed Tsuzuru’s eyes softening, even though he was slightly scolding them at the same time -trying to calm them down. You turned to her mother, who was watching the scene with the exact same expression. “Is there anything I can help you with meanwhile? I guess preparing food for this many people is no small feat.”
“Oh don’t worry Y/N, you are our guest today. I imagine you are tired too.”
“Tsuzu-nii you have to see my socks, look!"
"Leave the socks alone, come upstairs to see what game mom bought us last week!"
“Well aren’t you mister popular around here.”
His mother chuckled, embracing herself. “They get really attached to him whenever he comes back.”
“I imagine.”
"Are you Y/N?" one of them glanced your way, hiding behind Tsuzuru but without fully letting him go.
"I am. It's nice to finally see you all instead of just your pictures."
“Woah! Are these presents?”
“Yuzuru?” his mother called out “What did we talk about looking inside other people's bags?”
“Oi, Yuzuru!” Turning away from praising Mitzuru’s folded socks and Takeru’s hold, Tsuzuru tried to take him away from your bags too. You smiled, waving silently as to tell them it was okay. You crouched down to his height.
“Yup! Some sweets I brought for everyone later. I hope you like mochi.”
“I do! Take-nii too!”
“Is that so?” You turned to said boy, making him flinch and blush, still trying to hide between Tsuzuru’s legs. He glanced your way frowning shyly.
“I only like it with cream...”
“I-I like it with chocolate and strawberries!” Mitzuru called getting close to you now, socks now long forgotten. You smiled, mentally thanking asking Tsuzuru for advice.
“Good thing we have both and some more then.”
As if that changed everything, the three youngest Minagis started jumping and celebrating enthusiastically around you. Tsuzuru’s mother smiled while Tsuzuru himself tried to calm them down again.
“Thank you Y/N. I will take them to the fridge. For now let’s try to enter the living room and get you two seated. Kaoru has been all afternoon in the kitchen and your father and I are trying to help him finish making dinner, I’ll go get them.” .
With the youngest right on his toes, Tsuzuru guided you to the living room, finding the twins and the one you guessed was Tooru -mainly because of the glasses- waiting patiently for their turn.
“Hey guys. Y/N, these are Noboru and Suberu, the twins and Tooru.”
“Hi there!” you waved brightly, receiving a few quiet smiles. They seemed warier to approach you than the young ones, so you had waited for Tsuzuru to present you. "Oh. Tsuzuru was right, I can differentiate you better than I expected."
"Ah- yeah, when we were younger we used to look a lot more similar."
"I see... Are you two really middle schoolers? I'm really jealous of this house's general height."
The spring member laughed while turning to the one who had been quieter, kneeling next to him. “Hey buddy."
"I see you are already on the second volume of that series, uh” Tsuzuru placed a hand on top of his head patting it. “I loved when I was younger a lot too.”
Tooru looked up at him surprised. When he noticed his behaviour he blushed, adjusting his glasses and quickly lowering his head smiling. He hugged the book against his chest tighter and nodded. "I missed you around, Tsuzuru-nissan."
"Me too." Tsuzuru patted his head once more as he stood up. "Y/N's right, I can’t believe you two are this tall already.”
“Well- It’d be nice to beat you nissan.”
At that moment another figure entered the living room, older than all the others you had seen so far. “I hope we don’t scare Y/N with all this chaos guys, we can hear you from all over the kitchen.”
You walked up to him and bowed with a smile. “Everyone has been great so far. It’s nice to finally meet you, Minagi-san.”
He nodded with a friendly smile, the wrinkles around his eyes making his face calming and comforting to look at. “The sentiment is mutual. You know, Tsuzuru's never brought anyone home before. He must be serious about you.”
You grinned, noticing the spring member's face gain color. “I’ve been somewhat informed.”
“Yeah! How did you convince him to go out with you?”
“I know! Is it because he tells amazing stories?”
"He also plays football super good."
"But not as good Meguru-nissan!"
"But still-!"
“Guys I appreciate the effort but can you not.”
The man gave a relaxed chuckle, ruffling his playwright son’s hair affectionately. “We are just glad to see you are doing good Tsuzuru, we’ve missed you.”
“You all have a weird way to show it.” Tsuzuru sighed embarrassed.
“Mhm? We haven’t taken out the albums yet.”
“And it will stay like that over the whole dinner.”
“Coming through!”
Making way for them, Tsuzuru’s mother and Kaoru arrived with a few more plates to share with everyone in the middle of the table. After they were placed, the high schooler turned to you. He gave away a similar vibe as the spring member, looking a bit all over the place, although that could also have been because of all the cooking and prepping you imagined it took. “Nice to meet you. Kaoru, right?”
“Yeah,” he smiled back. “Nice to meet you too, Y/N-san. The house is a bit of a mess but I hope you enjoy dinner at least.”
Oh, he definitely is a clone of Tsuzuru. “Are you kidding?” you shook your head at the number of plates with the biggest smile. “It smelled amazing even from the entrance! I can’t believe you cooked all this.”
The boy flushed at the sudden compliments. His parents shared a smile behind you as they made everyone get to their seats. “Ah- well, kinda. We use to have food prepared each day so it wasn’t that difficult.”
“Styr-fry crispy noodles, uh?” Tsuzuru looked around as you all placed your hands together and gave your thanks. “Mhm, this is good.” He nodded contentedly. “I can't believe how much I missed this flavor. Thanks Kaoru.”
Kaoru instantly lighted up at the statement, making you understand just how much Tsuzuru’s opinion and figure were valued around. All the young ones had fought in order to sit next to him, so you decided to give away your seat and instead eat next to one of the twins and his mother.
“So Y/N, are you studying too?”
“Yeah.” You explained your major and engaged in conversation with Kaoru and the twins, talking about selecting careers and future schools.
“How’s Tadoru-nissan? I’ve talked to Meguru-nissan lately but he’s unavailable whenever I call.”
At Tsuzuru’s questions, his mother placed a hand on her cheek pensively. "I wonder too. The last thing I know was him staying in an old village, where was it...?" her husband shook his head when she glanced at him. "But well- you know how he is. One day on one place yet tomorrow he could be perfectly knocking on this door."
"I hate how right you are..."
“Hey, Y/N! What do you think of his stories?” Takeru looked at you, eyes bright with expectantly. "Aren't they just so awesome?"
Having your mouth full too, you could only give him a thumbs up while nodding. You swallowed and chuckled. "They are. Your brother is pretty awesome in general."
You noticed Tsuzuru rolling his eyes, hiding his probably flushed face by drinking water.
“Right? He works so hard too!”
“Maybe too hard though.”
“I agree.”
“We used to do plays written by him when everyone was younger.”
His father leaned on the table entertained. "Right. You all loved to be selected for different roles."
“Oh, I didn’t know that! I’d love to see a full Minagi play at some point.”
Tsuzuru's eyes opened in shock. You could perfectly read the word traitor coming from his lips before gasps and general chaos erupted.
"We could?! I want to!!"
“Man they were a mess but it was fun. Tooru always wanted to be the hero, remember?”
"Me? No way!"
“Play, play!”
“I-I too wanna do a play written by Tsuzu-nii!”
His mother cleaned the corner of her third-youngest and smiled. “Maybe Tsuzuru could write something the next time he comes. Now it’s dinner time okay?”
Takeru gasped with excitement and stood up, looking at the playwright. “That would be so cool! You have to promise you will make one for us!”
Tsuzuru scratched the back of his head. He looked in your direction but you shrugged, enjoying the situation too much to intervene. In the end he sighed and smiled defeated. He could never win against such excited faces. “Sure, I’ll try to come up with something next time.”
"Yay!!" .
“Are you sure you two don’t want to sleep here tonight? It’s gotten really late.”
“It’s fine mom. We both have University tomorrow so we should try to head back”
After having dinner and enjoying the sweets you had brought, midnight almost reached the Minagi household, so you two decided it was about time to head home. You were now at the entrance, having already said goodbye to the rest of the siblings and now being just both parents and Kaoru left.
“Alright, just be careful okay? And Y/N, come back whenever you want. We loved having you today.” Tsuzuru’s mother gave you a hug while his father smiled agreeing, nodding as he rocked an already sleep Yuzuru in his arms.
“It was a pleasure.”
“I’ll go with them,” Kaoru suddenly decided, stepping in to grab his own shoes. “I want to buy some ice cream from the convenience store anyway.”
And so, you three kept talking until the station came to view. Tsuzuru took a deep breath. It had been quite a while since he had walked around like that, a nostalgic feeling emerging as he remembered old times by looking at the streets. Time really flies.
“You didn’t have to walk us back, it’s late.”
“I know. Still wanted to.” his younger brother shrugged and placed his hands inside his pockets. The evening air was fresh. “I like them.”
“Y/N-san, I mean.” looking behind Tsuzuru, he saw you humming while waiting for the train tickets back to Veludo to come out from the machine. “They must be special if you’re willing to bring them home to meet us.”
Tsuzuru copied him, watching your back and your little dance in the distance. He unconsciously felt the corners of his mouth rising up. “…Yeah. They are.” It was embarrassing to say it out loud in the silence of the night, but it was true.
“Meguru-nissan and Tadoru-nissan told me they would both try to come for dad’s birthday. You should bring them too.”
Tsuzuru snorted. His older brothers were on a whole new level. He ruffled Kaoru’s head. “Thanks. For everything.”
“You know you don’t have to thank us."
“Done!” You waved the tickets as you made your way back to the two brothers. “We are all set to go.” Kaoru nodded in understanding.
“Then I’ll go too. It was nice getting to know you, Y/N-san. We leave our big brother in your care. He’s a worrywart… so please don’t be afraid of taking his coffee and make him take a break.”
“Oh, that’s some hard quest right there.”
“I’m still here, you two are aware of this right?”
You both laughed at the spring member. “I will do my best to take care of your big brother, I promise." you turned to him.
Kaoru's eyes softened at your response. "Thanks." .
. .
“I think they liked you.” The playwright suddenly commented once inside the train, some time after you parted from Kaoru. You yawned and looked up smiling. “I got that feeling too, although I didn’t wanna jinx it. Were you expecting something different?”
He shrugged. “Not really. Just glad it ended well.” Tsuzuru took your hand, caressing it with his thumb.
“I liked them too, you nailed every single one of them.” You yawned again. “I’m also deadly tired though.”
“Welcome to my life.”
You giggled, allowing your head to rest on his shoulder. You could feel how happy and fortunate he had felt tonight, being able to enjoy some quality family time even though he used to complain here and there. Soon enough your breathing fell into a steady rhythm at the soothing sound of the rails. Along with the empty wagon, you closed your eyes enjoying Tsuzuru’s warmth.
It had been a nice day.
_____________________________________________________ The Minagi household literally has my heart.
Hope you all have a wonderful day! 💕
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes (Tango birthday edition) part 18 (16/04/21)
Impulse: *zoomies into admin and stands by the table for about 3 seconds* Impulse: OH I don’t even have [the swipe card task]. *laughs* Etho: Uh… Impulse. I did kinda notice that. Impulse: I zoomed in here so fast I didn’t know I didn’t have a task. Etho: You ARE zooming around. Okay, I’ll let it pass. Impulse: *dashes to shields and does the task there* Etho: Actually, I dunno if I’m gonna let it pass. *leaves* Impulse: What?! I just did shields! Impulse, running after Etho: Etho! Love me! LOVE ME!
Endless: I think I might be invisible. Etho: Oh no, I was just ignoring you, Endless. Sorry. Skizz: Somebody say something?
Skizz: It has to be Mrs Tango. Mrs Tango: Why?! Skizz: It doesn’t have to be, I just feel it.
Impulse, running up to Skizz and Etho standing together on a task: Are you lovers? Are you lovers? Should I leave? Skizz: You know what, this is a monogamous relationship, buddy. Impulse: Do you need- Do you need help? Etho, if you are in need of help, wiggle twice. Skizz: *laughs* Etho: Well, he hasn’t killed me YET...
Evil: I found a dead Impulse in upper engine. Skizz: Cuz you killed him. Evil: Nope. Skizz: Cuz your partner killed him. Evil: Nope. Skizz: Cuz you called in a hitman and had him killed. Evil: ...Do you WANT me to vote for you, Skizz? *pause* Skizz: Cuz Joker killed him. Joker: Wow. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, there, Skizz. *pause* Joker: Just like that hair.
Joker: I wanna say it’s Skizzle cuz it looks like he’s wearing the head of Geoffrey the Giraffe’s sister. Skizz: Alright, listen. Listen. ‘Kay? You’ve gotten across how superficial you are. I know my hair is not to your liking, clown. Okay? You just sit over there and lemme be beautiful. Tango: Yeah, don’t be judgey.
*Brody’s body is reported* Endless: Aww, we miss you, Brody. Skizz: Eh. Let’s not get carried away. Joker: *laughs* I approve of this message.
*Skizz has a sheep accessory on his head* Evil: Skizz, are you feeling sheepish? Joker: DANG IT! I was gonna say that joke!
Skizz: Alright. I’ve disclosed myself as the spy so if I die, you know it was the imposter. Tango, laughing: If I die, an imposter killed me.
Astro: Can we vote for Joker for many reasons? But mostly because- Joker: What?! Why?! Tango: Oh, Etho’s the snitch! Astro, continued: -he just zoomed by Etho. I just saw Joker swoop by Etho and kill him. Joker: I did not! I did not do that! Tango: That’s the first time we’ve seen snitch. Joker: I’ve been running this whole time! What’re you-?! Astro: Yeah, you ran right by Etho and killed him! Impulse: Wait… Tango- Joker: I DID NOT! Impulse: Tango, Tango. How do you know? How do you know we saw snitch? Tango: Cuz it says… snitch next to his name…? No…? Astro: Okay so Tango’s the other- the other imposter, cuz- Impulse: Ohhhh!!!! Tango: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Impulse: Technicality!! Joker: Well it’s Tango but it’s not me! Tango: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!! Endless: Why’s it- Where does it say snitch? Tango: I mean- No, guys, we should work this out. There’s a chance- *mumbles* I got nothing… Astro: I still think it’s Joker but it’s definitely Tango. Tango: WHY?! STUPID MODS! Impulse: You’re the only one that saw the snitch reveal! Tango: WHYYYYYYYY?! Endless: C’mon, let’s do Joker first, and THEN get Tango.# Joker: NO, it’s NOT me! Endless, why are you pushing to kill me so quickly?! Endless: Because Astro called you out! Astro: But- But Tango called HIMSELF out, so I think he kinda deserves this. Impulse: Tango snitched himself!
*after the round* Joker: Goshdarnit, Tango! Tango: That was the dumbest round ever and it’s full of dumb and you’re all dumb. Impulse: Ouch. Joker: Tangooo! Impulse: Yeaaah, the snitch callout was pretty bad. Tango: I assumed that once it was revealed, everyone knew it. Astro: It’s revealed to the IMPOSTERS and- Tango: I GOT THAT. GOT IT. THANKS. GOT IT. Joker: Happy birthday, Tango :)
Mrs Tango: I just walked into the room and I watched [Tango] stab Astro. He didn’t even care that I walked into the room. Tango: Nope! Nope! Do NOT let her trick you, okay? Do not let this happen. I’m not saying anything else. Impulse: I’m gonna trust Tango cuz it’s his birthday. Mrs Tango: You should NOT trust Tango. He’s a dirty liar. Skizz: Oh man, she-! Impulse: And this is why I will never play this game with my significant other.
*Etho is claiming that Evil and Joker are lovers* Impulse: How do you know that, Etho? Skizz: Yeah, how do you know that? Joker: Yeah, how DO you know that, Etho? Etho: They confessed their love. Joker: I love everybody. I love you, I love Impulse. Dunno about Skizz, but… Skizz: Come ON, Joker!
Joker: Impulse, would you like to say what happened with Brody after you guys left together? *pause* Impulse, in a small voice: I know it looks bad…
Evil: So we start the game voting Tango out, right? Tango: Wait, what?! Why?! Brody: I’m down. Sounds good. Tango: Listen, I got a finger on my head and I’m not afraid to use it. Endless: You put that finger away, sir!
*a meeting is called, interrupting Joker and Endless’s conversation* Joker: What proposition? Endless: You missed out on the proposition. Joker: Endless is propositioning me and I dunno how to feel about it.
Joker: I’ll be honest, [Skeld] is my least favourite map. I absolutely hate this map. Tango: What?! Impulse: Skeld?! Joker: Yup. Tango: Joker, you are dumb with a sprinkling of dumb. Skizz: This is my favourite map. I like actually knowing where stuff is. Tango: Skeld is AMAZING. It’s so balanced. Endless: Joker’s favourite map is MIRA, so… Tango: Yeah, he just wants to get lost and press buttons and ride riders. Joker: I just don’t like this map. It’s too easy to find people together. I like it when people are spread out more. Tango: It’s perfect. Joker: No. I hate it. You’re dumb.
Skizz: You know what, Joker? I hate your hat. Joker: What? Skizz: I hate your hat. Joker: *scoffs* I don’t care.
Skizz: *changes his accessory back to the hair Joker hates the most* Skizz: BOOM. That’s just for Joker! Joker: OH! Oh come on, Skizz! NO!!! Skizz: You crawl inside this hair! Joker: Oh GOD no! Why would I do that?! Skizz: It stinks in here. Come on in, the water’s fine. Joker: Skizz, that’s the WORST thing you’ve ever said!
*body is reported* Evil: Why were you screaming, Tango? Tango: I just wanna say that when I see Evil approach me now, I pucker and I- I wait. It’s just- I have this thing now. Every time Evil approaches me, I assume I’m going to die. Joker: Hey Skizz? Can I use your hair to scrub my brain so I don’t have to hear Tango say “pucker” again?
Tango: It wasn’t Etho. I feel bad now. Skizz: You shouldn’t. I hate Etho.
Astro: *calls a meeting* Astro: I hit my button cuz at least I can now for two seconds use a non-vanilla role and be Button Barry. Tango: I like that the button was actually three feet away when you pressed the button there. Astro: Yup. Didn’t care. Tango: Nice, that’s- Well done. All you had to do was take three steps. Astro: I wanted to use that button. That’s it, that’s all I got. *pause* Astro: Enjoy the 40 seconds we’ve got left.
Brody: Astro, what are you doing? Astro: I’m following you. Brody: Why? Astro: I dunno. I’m done with my tasks. Impulse: Are you his… Are you his lover? Are you his LOVER, Astro? Astro: Nah, I did that once. We broke up. Brody: Awww, we did??
*after Astro sheriffed Skizz* Evil: But nobody died, so why are you trying to pin something on me? Tango: I’m tryina pin something on somebody. Brody: Ahh, that’s not a good thing. Astro: I killed someone. Evil, laughing: Well yeah, nobody died this round except the guy Astro admitted to killing.
Skizz: I hate Joker, Endless, Brody, and Impulse. Oh I’m sorry, I was talking to my chat. Joker: I didn’t vote for you!! Endless: Joke’s on you Skizz, I also hate me.
Tango: I’m trying to scan my bitties and you guys are all pressing buttons. Joker: Nobody wants to hear about your bitties. Tango: Well, they’re being scanned. Joker: I don’t care about your bitties, dude.
Astro: Did Impulse even say where [the body] was? Impulse: It’s between office and storage. Joker: I thought it was between electrical and office. Impulse: Electrical, storage, office. It’s kinda like in the middle there. Tango: What are you even saying right now? Impulse: Okay, okay. Pull up your maps, make a triangle between electrical, storage and office. The body’s RIGHT in the middle of that triangle. Tango: The triangle’s pointing to your name and *votes* OH! WHOOPS! Impulse: Isosceles triangle. What? Tango: Sorry, I made a triangle but clicked your name by accident. Impulse: Oh my gosh. Joker: I’m clicking your name, Tango. Cuz that’s weird. Impulse: What is happening…?! Evil, laughing: I don’t know, we’re jumping the shark. *everyone has skipped except Joker voted for Tango and Tango voted for Impulse* Impulse: Are you mad that you can’t make a triangle?! *everyone laughs* Joker: Tongo don’t make triangle! Etho: Tongo smash triangle!
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Whatever Happens I'ma Stand Tall- Jatp time loop au, Chapter 2: Loop 2, Didn't We Already Do This?
And here's chapter 2! I'm glad to get this one done, it's been bugging me for a bit.
Word Count: 2120
Tag list: @enby-chaos-fox @lagoonaaa
If anyone else wants to be added, just let me know!
Masterpost of chapters (x)
Looks like today is gonna be another sunny day, with temperatures in the low to mid eighties.
Julie awoke with a gasp and scrambled to shut off her alarm and wipe away her damp cheeks from her tears, trying to figure out what had just happened. She nearly knocked her phone off her nightstand trying to grab it, but once she got it she checked the date on her phone and nearly started crying with relief when she saw the date: Saturday, March 7, 2020.
It wasn’t real.
It wasn’t real.
Whatever she thought she had just experienced was just a dream. A nightmare created from her fears that today’s plan didn’t work. It was ok. They’re going to play the Orpheum and her band is going to crossover. She’d still lose them, but she had already accepted that.
But she had to be sure. Had to be sure it really was just a nightmare and her boys are still here. She quickly got dressed and dashed down to the studio only to find the guys a few seconds from poofing away.
Reggie noticed her first and called out, “Oh hey Julie! We were just about to-”
He cut himself off once he saw that Julie’s eyes had filled with tears and asked, “Whoa, Julie are you okay?”
She wiped her tears with a soft smile before saying, “Yeah, yeah I’m okay. I just had this really vivid dream that you guys were jolted out of existence and I couldn’t save you.”
“Well you don’t have to worry, it was just a nightmare, we’re right here and not going to go down without a fight.” Luke smiled at her.
Julie nodded and wiped the final tear tracks from her face before smirking and saying, “Don’t you guys have a gig to secure? You’re not crossing over without it.”
“We were just about to go and check on Wil- the gig,” Alex replied, looking anxious to leave and check on someone who she assumed to be Willie, Alex’s ghost friend who was going to be helping them get the gig for tonight. Julie wondered if he was more than just a “ghost friend” and filed that piece of information for later as Luke gave her a salute and a “See ya later boss,” before poofing away with Alex and Reggie in tow.
Julie took a deep breath to steady herself and push down the anxious thoughts and worries that had pushed their way to the front of her mind since the guys had left.
But every second that passed meant they were one second closer to being jolted out of existence. Every second that passed brought them closer and closer to their doom. Every second brought them closer and closer to that horrifying nightmare she had.
But it was just a nightmare, she tried to remind herself. It wasn’t real and she was going to help the guys peacefully cross over tonight. But then why was her dream so vivid and detailed? Was it-
No. She steadied her breathing and made her way back inside the studio, worrying about this wasn’t going to do anything, anything good at least. She decided to spend the morning in song writing in the studio, but when the guys came back with info about the Orpheum, the events of the day started unfolding in an eerily familiar pattern. A pattern suspiciously like her vivid nightmare from the night before. By the time she was at the Orpheum and the guys were once again running late, she brought up her concerns to Flynn.
“Have you ever had deja vu? Or had an oddly vivid dream that came true in real life?” Julie asked abruptly, causing Flynn to pause munching on the snacks that had been left in the room.
She gave Julie an odd look before replying, “Closest thing I can think of is a vague sense of deja vu when I was younger, but nothing vivid. Any particular reason you’re asking me this?”
Julie sighed. “Kinda. Last night I had this super vivid dream of today that ended with the guys being jolted out of existence. I failed and they experienced pain up until the moment they were just erased from all existence. And normally that wouldn’t scare me, because it was just a dream, but every single thing that happened in the dream has happened, and I’m terrified I’m going to have to watch them die all over again!”
Flynn placed the snacks on the table so she could move closer to Julie and give her a hug.
“C’mon that’s not going to happen. It’s not going to play out, it’s just a dream. And even if it did, they’re going to cross over, this is their unfinished business. My guess is the part in the dream where they die was simply your brain creating what you fear is going to happen. As for the rest of the day...well I can’t really comment on that, I’m neither a psychic nor a psychologist.”
There was a knock on the door followed by the stage manager calling out, “Hey Julie! It’s time!”
“Just a second!” she called back.
“Look, not to sound weird for using a dream of all things as a source of valid information, but what happened in the dream at this point? Did they come?” Flynn inquired.
Julie looked like she was holding back tears as she shook her head and said, “Yeah, they come in partway through the performance, that’s not even my main worry right now. I just-” she rests her forehead against Flynn’s. “I don’t know if I can-”
The stage manager once again knocks on the door and announces, “Hey Julie! You’re on!”
With too many emotions swirling around, Julie pushed her way out the door and into the alley at the side of the Orpheum, ignoring her best friend's shouts behind her. As she takes a breath of the stink of Hollywood Boulevard, she finally lets out the tears she had been holding in.
“I don’t know if you can hear me mom, but I don’t think I can do this. If I was supposed to help the guys, I don’t think I can. They’re not here, and I’m scared that even if they do come, it won’t matter. I’m worried they’re not going to come, but I’m terrified that I’ll have to watch them die; I don’t know if I can do that a second time. I just-” she gives a soft sniffle before saying, “I miss you so much. Every day. And it hurts every day that you’re not with us. The guys have helped, playing music with them makes me feel closer to you. Every time I look into the audience, I can see you smiling and cheering me on.
I miss you Mom. More than you can ever know. I miss being held in your arms and being told everything’s going to be okay, because even when all the odds say it’s not, you still made me believe it anyway.” She’s trying to wipe her tears from her eyes when she notices a woman next to her offering her a flower. It’s a dahlia. A red dahlia, like the ones Mom used to love. She hugs the flower to her chest and she feels like she can feel everything that made her mom who she was. She can hear her mothers laugh ringing in her ears, right next to the beautiful melody that is her voice, and she can feel the warmth of her hugs, can smell the flowery perfume she always used, and she can almost see her mom’s signature dark curls.
With the dahlia in hand, Julie barrels back through the Orpheum side door, heading straight for the stage, stopping only to show Flynn the dahlia and declare, “Signs,” before rushing onto the stage, not even thinking about what she was doing. Seeing the dahlia had reminded Julie of Flynn’s theory that her mom was behind everything, and took the flower as a sign to go up on stage. To keep going. To stand tall.
And she did. She performed the Orpheum, and her boys came and being up on that stage gave her a ridiculous amount of euphoria. After the guys disappeared and she was hounded by her family and Flynn backstage, the adrenaline from the night almost caused her to forget about the guys. Almost.
Once they get back home, Julie wants nothing more than to go to the studio, but is stopped when Carlos asks her, “Hey Julie, can I talk to you for a sec?”
“Uh, sure just give me a minute.”
“Ok, I’ll wait up. Don’t ghost me,” he responded, adding a completely unsubtle wink at the end, causing Julie’s eyes to grow wide in shock. Had he figured it out? If so, how? Or was this just another one of his theories that didn’t hold any merit?
She shook her head, deciding to deal with that later, before turning to her dad and saying, “Just a minute,” and headed for the studio.
She opened the doors and stared inside the darkened room, taking a large shuddery breath, scared of what she’d find if she turned on the light. Scared that the guys’ didn’t cross over, but instead are here, collapsed on the floor, moments away from dying a second time. Not wanting to prolong this any further, she reached over to the switch on the wall and turned the light on, and lo and behold, there they were piled on top of each other just as she feared, and seeing them like this caused her breathing to grow more ragged, which wasn’t helped by a jolt that simultaneously racked the boys bodies.
They coughed and moaned from the jolt but forced themselves up once they saw Julie and all tried to put on brave faces for her.
“Julie what are you doing here, why didn’t you just go straight to bed?” Reggie asked.
“I said she’d come out here, but nobody ever listens to me,” Alex complains.
Julie sniffled and pointlessly tried to wipe her eyes before saying, “I, uh, wanted to say goodbye and to thank you guys.”
Watching them now feels so much worse than the dream. She knew playing the Orpheum wasn’t going to work, yet she still performed there anyway. Now there was nothing she could do. They were being forced to relive the pain of dying over and over again, until they were wiped from existence entirely. There were so many things she wanted to do with them, and things they wanted to do. In fact, there was something they needed to do, considering they were ghosts in the first place and therefore had unfinished business. They had so much ahead of them, yet their time was being cut short too early, just like their lives in ‘95.
She collapses onto the floor and tries to get as close to them as she can without passing through them; doing so would just be another painful reminder of the separation between her and them, and how much they’re about to be separated permanently.
She numbly listens to them as they list off their final requests just as they did last time, before they’re finally killed and she is left in an empty studio, left with nothing but instruments that won’t be used again and her tears. Oddly enough, just like in her dream she finds the world being taken over by a blinding white light accompanied with still quiet before-
Looks like today is gonna be another sunny day, with temperatures in the low to mid eighties.
Julie’s eyes shoot open and quickly shuts off the alarm trying to make sense of what just happened. Why was she back in her room? What was that white light? Her theory about a dream turned out to be garbage since you can’t have a dream within a dream right? Confused, Julie reached over to her nightstand to grab her phone to check the date and what she saw nearly made her choke on air.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
That was yesterday’s date. And now that she thought about it, it was the date for the day before as well. Panicking now, Julie goes straight for Flynn’s contact and texts her:
Julie: 911
Julie: Flynn
Julie: Get here asap
Julie: Somethings wrong
Flynn: What
Flynn: Jules whats wrong
Julie: Idk
Julie: Its weird
Julie: Just come here itll be easier to explain in person
Flynn: Alright be there in 5
Julie closed her phone, sighed, fell back into her pillows and groaned. This was going to be a long day. Again.
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leopardom · 3 years
You nailed the biggest anxiety precisely lmao Mom is Very Nervous because she’s afraid adding a new dog will rock the boat with the love fest we got going on now (Laika used to be really weird, ever since we lost my oldest dog she’s been COMPLETELY different as if she was .2 seconds away from a doggie panic attack for 10 years living with Skylar who was blind and thus did not communicate as Laika expected so she’d attack Skylar to get her point across, and now she’s a lovey dovey snuggle bug with everyone but me, including Loki, she LOVES her boy, but I have to give her her meds every day so she’s got a grudge lmfao) but Laika loves all boy dogs of any variety, her neighborhood bf is a like poodle-lookin dude called Henry (she also seems to like Henry’s ancient blind German shepherd sister Emily which is annoying because Emily is ALSO blind so why did she have to beat up poor Skylar lol) so I’m honestly less worried about the triad dynamic and more worried that poor Loki will get booted from his current position as Laika’s Love and Second in Command or that Milo and Loki will be Snow and Loki’s Never-ending Battle: Take Two. Anyways, here’s my current goobers, Laika giving me the stink eye in the green harness, Loki looking like he has never had a single thought in his life in the weight rack (I love the boy to death, but a genius he is not. Laika practically SPEAKS she communicates so clearly and Loki has nothing but cobwebs and cookie crumbs between his ears. I say it’s like living with Pinky and The Brain which my mom says is mean 😂)
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And below is Potential Newbie Milo, first pic Very Displeased about his spa day and the second to show if that cute lil black metal mask 😂 Milo is 9 months old and looks as big as Loki who’s 4 years old 💀😂
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really enjoyed the “love story” between the dogs 😌😂
omg your dogs are BEAUTIFUL!!! love how Laika looks kinda pissed off and Loki looks so lost, he’s adorable 😭
and AAAAAAAAAAAA Milo ❤️ he does look like he comes straight from a black metal band tho lmao
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stinkfacestories · 4 years
Bull’s Eye
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"Vaaashended.." Iron bull cursed. He and the Inquisitor found themselves at a dead end. The room was filled with large steel trimmed boxes. There was no escape.
"We fight then" The Inquisitor drew his sword.
"Not this one, boss. I'm not one to turn away from a fight but we have no exit. The whole base will flood this room if they catch us." Bull said. He was feeling the wall for hidden doors. Sometimes these bandits were smarter than they looked. He tapped one of the crates. Then another. He found a hollow one. 
"Get in boss, we can hide till midnight then when there all asleep we can escape" Bull lifted the heavy hinged lid.
"You first" you said.
"Nah, if they find us I wanna be between you and the sharp edge of a weapon"
Bull lifted you up and set you in. He crawled in after. It was a tight fit for just a single human, let alone a qunari of bull’s swole size. The hatch was heavy though and when it closed it latched. A few moments of squirming and you were as comfortable as you were going to get.
The crate was well sealed, but not airtight. The body heat between you made you and Bull break out in a sweat.
"Boss? You good?"Bull asked.
"Good as I can be at the moment"
"That's your face I feel isn't it boss"
You paused. In the wriggling and wiggling to get the lid closed and be in a comfortable position Bull had squat squarely on your face.
"It is" you replied
You couldn't see but you bet Bull was smiling.
"Shit boss, I wasn't trying to. Here let me see if I can.." he tried to move. There was no way for his big body to fit inside the crate any other way. The shifting just resulted in his muscular cheeks slapping your nose side to side.
"It's fine, it's fine" you said, stopping him. 
He stopped. "Hopefully we won't be in here to long"
The sweat was bad enough, but you were privy to the noxious fumes and odors of Iron Bulls rear.
"Less then four fucking days and here I am giving the Inquisitor the world's longest Rik'na a'Ishi"
You were picking up a few qunari words since bull joined but that one was new.
"Oh. It's just a stupid kid thing. Bullies tend to do it to weaker boys in the houses. I think the closest translation in human terms is smell, or stink face. Care to guess why?"
You didn't need to think very hard. Your nose clued you in. "I can guess Bull. I got a good nose and I don't think you bathed in a while"
A normal Rik'na a'Ishi would only be a few seconds. Have a friend kneel behind the target, push him so he falls, then rub your ass in his face. 
"What's the point?" You ask.
"Kids being kids; make sure they know you're the dominant type; sometimes just for a laugh."
"From the outside I could see it being funny," you said.
Bull chuckled
"Yeah go on you can laugh" 
"No boss, it's not that. I can feel your breath and it tickles" Bull said.
You moved your face around in the darkness. You notice that your nose has wedged itself in a hole torn in Iron Bulls pants. You traced the curve of his taught skin till it found the hair mangled valley of his cheeks. The Iron Bull was going commando. Your nose jumped over the chasm. The way he had been squatting had peeled the cheeks apart slightly; there was still miles of nutty brown flesh between you and the bullseye.
"You got a hole in your pants I think" you said.
Bull chuckled. "Yeah, that was a good Farakes" He suddenly got real quiet, as if he let some secret slip.
"What's a Farakas?"
'It's nothing boss."
"Is it like a party?"
"No. Some things are best keep secret boss"
"Well now I really want to know. Tell me what is a Farakas?" You blew out your nose. If Bull wasn't going to tell you he could expect a lot of tickling.
"I'd nothing. It's like a belch.." he trailed off muttering something under his breath.
"I didn't catch that last part; say again?"
"It's like a belch..but from your ass."
"You split a hole in your pants with a fart?"
"No, I split it with a good fart." He shifted again. "It's bad luck in the quen to say the word fart when your trapped in a cramped place; doubly so if it's the Bull who has his ass wedged in your face"
You recall your times in the barracks as a soldier, your older brothers and uncles. "Give me some credit Bull, I'm no featherweight mage."
"Oh boss, I know you're as badass as they come, but you don't know how bad the bulls ass can be. You know how Cullen keeps getting reports about a bear roaming around the camp at night but can't seem to find it?"
You had read the reports. For the past three nights just before dawn the night watchmen had been reporting low and long growling sounds. They were expecting a bear woken from hibernation, but they had yet to find any signs of the creature.
"Those are me," Bull said. "A sure sign I'm about to wake up is me letting slip with some slow growling juicy ones"
You shuddered "Maybe when we're back at base we can share a drink and I can experience this legendary beast. From a safe distance downwind that is."
You heard Bull's stomach groan. It was the cry of a tortured soul.
"If we have to stay in here much longer you may get to experience it up close. I'm gonna pinch it off as long as I can boss" Bull said.
What felt like hours passed. Guards kept coming in on routine patrols, none the wiser that two stowaways were crammed in one of their boxes. Your shoulder had begun to cramp. You needed to stretch it. With some working you managed to press it between Bull's legs.
"Woah, boss. Hello." Bull jerked as your arm ran along something long and rubbery.
You gave it a squeeze. "Feels like some sort of toy snake?"
You heard bull chirp. "Close boss. That's my toy snake"
You let go, red in the face. “Im sorry Bull I didn't mean to” “It's all good boss; I just usually like to know someone more than a few days before we get to the tug of war.”
Frantically you try and think of a way to change the topic, only to fail utterly by asking “So, what's got you so excited?” You squint so hard. You wish you could slap your own face. Of all the things to ask.
“Well I was just thinking about the last time I ripped one in someone’s face. The chargers and I were on the storm coast. We were waiting for some nobles to finish whatever shit nobles do when they are together. I was leaning on a rock just watching the waves. In and out. In and out. Really hypnotic. Guess I nearly dozed off. Snapped back to life when I let off a real tak’rethanka-- the wet roar of a dragon--. Rocky and Grim were behind me at the time. Poor grim took the brunt of the black. Rocky was ok. Nutty dwarf lost most of his sense of smell working with explosives. Grim though. That was the last day I remember Grim talking. Now he just grunts. I think I may have melted something in the guys brain, ya know boss?”
As Bull talked about the past you could feel his big rubbery snake bobbing and weaving up and down over your arm.
“That’s the kinda thing that gets you… excited… bull?” You say.
“Shiiit boss. No one really knows about that. I'm not usually with someone this long talking with them having my ass in their face. I’m into some weird shit aint I boss?” “Bull, if it's one thing I've learned about the world so far, it that there is too much crazy shit to worry about what makes people happy. If it makes you feel good I say do it.” You tell him.
“You’re alright boss. More than all right. Don't you worry though I won't let it mess with the job. And i'll make sure your plenty clear before I let rip” Bull says.
“That's gonna be kinda hard in here don't ya think. My face has been wedged in your ass for over an hour.” “I can hold it back boss”  Bulls stomach whined again, this time louder. “This is a nasty one though. It's taking all my willpower to keep the beast at bay.”
“Just get it over with and let it rip. I don't want you to explode” You tell him.
“Nah I can't do that boss. This is a real bad one.”
“I know you want to Bull.” “No, no I want nothing of the sort” He tells you.
You reach out and slap his rubbery cock. “Your ardor gives you away. Trust is important, and truth is the basis of trust. You want to do this.”
Bull cursed in qunlat. “You see right through me boss.” He shifted again, “By the way I wanted to ask. That thing you do with your sword when you draw it. Where did you learn that?” “Well it's a funny story, a few years ago” You start, but you never got to finish the story. As soon as he had distracted you, bulls cheeks let fly with a low rumbling fart. It was like staring into the mouth of a dragon. It washed over you like rain. The entire crate vibrated. Your nose was assaulted with the smell of fresh steaming shit. Bull was a consummate master of the gassy arts. He could have just let things out in one monstrous crack, but he metered it out, just enough to maintain a low droning hum. He caught you mid breath so you were forced to breath in a lung full through your nose. Your eyes watered. Suddenly you knew why Grim may have lost his ability to speak. 
The rest was silent.
You and Bull were in a sauna now. The floor was wet with buckets worth of sweat between you too. Bull just let out a sigh. 
“I tell you boss, very few things feel as good as letting it out after you’ve held it that long.” There was no answer. “Boss? Are you still alive down there?” You coughed. “...Bull” you weakly groan out. Alive, but possibly barley. “How in the the maker can you make such a thing inside you”
Bull was blushing again. “I know. I know. I'm a master. Bet you regret giving me the permission eh boss?” “Shit no Bull. Out of all the farts I’ve ever been privy to in my life, that one will go down as the most epic, the most legendary. You have my permission to let rip whenever, wherever, you want.” Bull stifled a belly laugh. “I don't think the camp guards are gonna be happy about that.” “If anyone gives you trouble, you have my permission to sit on their heads. You can even sit on mine again if you ever want” You tell him.
There was a tender silence between you. As if you were both having a conversation about something more meaningful than farting.
“Boss….” Bull said. “Feel free to say no if this is outta line but, after this mess here is over. Do you wanna fuck?”
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astra-musings · 4 years
catch a break, part 2
requested? yep, continuation of a request by @faithiebrock01​
this fic includes: owen grady x ready, fluff(?), ooc? kinda? lots of question marks today
warnings: some graphic imagery, the indom kinda uh eats a person so there’s that, but i don’t think i got too much into the details so,, also im pretty sure my grammar and tenses are all over the place in this lmao
summary: chaos. that’s... kinda it. a lack of understanding and a great deal more of underestimating a genetically-engineered animal’s intelligence and abilities definitely creates a mess that you can’t even begin to clean up.
a/n: so... my last update was... apparently a month ago... im SO sorry... covid really fucked me up, it got IB exams cancelled and idk how to feel! im sorry! but uh i will definitely try to be more consistent (ahem) with updates, i feel so bad oh no but 🥺please still give this lots of loveee
word count: 1.8k+ (oops)
part 1 // part 1.5
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Your body involuntarily tensed upon entering the Indominus's enclosure. You were looking for an entire dinosaur (which, when you think about it, was weird; how did something that enormous go missing?), and yet couldn't help serenity that bubbled inside you from being in a forest and submerged in nature's sounds. Talk about conflict.
Owen immediately walks over to the claw marks, hands reaching out to trace over the whitened cement. If you didn't actually know him, you might've called him excited to be here. You knew he wasn't.
You'd only been standing in the heat for a few minutes but could already feel your clothes gradually dampening with the sweat that started to gather. "How the hell would that thing have gotten out, anyway? Not like it could've walked out without anyone seeing it."
Barely a second passes before the too-familiar sound of rustling leaves comes from behind you. Too far to be something on the ground. Too crisp to be just a few leaves you stepped on. And much too loud to be just the wind. Owen's shoulders tense visibly before he turns back to you, already trying to make sure you were close by.
Your eyes meet his in silent confirmation. It's still here.
Right before the warning signals from your brain can reach your limbs, a roar rips through the jungle-like enclosure, so deep and so loud that it vibrates in your ribcage, as though you stood too close to the speakers at a party and someone was playing bass-boosted hits.
Owen reacts before you do, grabbing your wrist and turning the other way. Your legs move on their own accord, stepping into a sprint before your brain actually registers what's happening. 
The security guard that was frozen stiff in the control room must've been keeping an eye on the two of you with the cameras while you were in the enclosure, because the reinforced gates a few feet away from you started sliding open. You only hoped you had enough time to slip through the opening before the Indominus did.
But just as you and Owen closed in on the gates, they started to close again. Owen throws the briefest glance back towards the control room, as if the guard could hear the nearly audible 'what the hell?' his face was giving off. You push the wrist he was holding towards him. Keep moving.
Adrenaline fuels your bodies, steering you and Owen on autopilot towards the gate that, at this point, seemed like it was moving further away. The gap through which you’d escape wasn't getting any wider either.
Owen reaches his hand out, extending his form, as though he was holding open the doors to an elevator. As if it would stop hundreds of tons' worth of metal and cement.
Your ears ring. Owen's body slips swiftly through the still-narrowing gap of the metal gates as his grip on your hand tightens almost painfully. A reminder that both of you were going to make it out of that enclosure. I've got you. You're with me.
And you do; you nearly crash into him as you push your legs just that much more so that you could catch up to Owen.
You turned back to look at the gates, feet still running on autopilot. Instead of seeing the gates close and finally allowing your body to come to a halt, hooked claws slipped through the seemingly too-small gap, its tips digging into the hard, layered cement as though it was anything but.
"You're fucking kidd–" You barely get the entire sentence out before Owen pulls you to the side, pushing you under an SUV as he followed a second later.
You manage to turn your head to the side, straining your eyes as you tried to gauge what the hell this animal was trying to do. Turns out, it wasn't that hard to figure out – you watched the workers' scrambling feet run across the gravel, trying to get themselves to safety, only to be followed by the too-large and too-scaly feet of the Indominus. You watched as its claws came to a brief halt behind each man and woman, before a distant thud ensued, followed by a headless or torso-less figure dropping onto the ground. You watched as those same claws grow nearer to where you and Owen were.
You gripped his hand. Your breathing was still labored, not having been able to come down off of the adrenaline that still kept you going.
Owen's hand pulls out of yours, prompting you to snap your head towards him in worry. What are you doing? Where are you going?
He seems to read your mind, nodding slightly as a response. He pulls a drop point knife from his back pocket, reached up above him and immediately started to tear apart some of the thicker linings on the underside of the vehicle.
You jab your elbow into him as silently as you could; what the hell was he doing? Was he going to blow up the car while you were still under it?!
He ignores you, continuing his relentless crusade on the wiring. Soon after Owen pulls them and empties its contents over the both of you as you scrunch your nose and eyes up. You're showered with cold liquid – water? No, water didn't stink; this was gasoline. Would this hurt the baby? Now you're really worried. You'd always trusted Owen in making decisions before, especially regarding your raptors, but now you were starting to question him for the first time.
A crunch in the gravel makes you spin your head to face the exterior of the car. It's those claws again. You'd almost forgotten about them in your, what now seems like blissful ignorance, worrying about Owen and his knife work.
Owen's hand grips your outer forearm, swiftly turning your body sideways to face him as he does the same. He didn't want you to keep looking. You feel his hand cradle your head to his chest. 
Warmth spreads across your back. No, not from what Owen was doing. It was a literal, physical warmth. Like someone turned a fan on, but it spun out hot air instead of cool air. Like what you'd feel if someone whispered so close to ear that you could feel their breath on you.
It was the Indominus. Didn't take a genius to figure that part out. Except, now that you knew what it was, your nose seemed to involuntarily hone in on the metallic hints of the air that continued to fan across the both of you. Blood.
Your eyes screw shut as you press your forehead farther into Owen as the Indominus lets out a low growl from the base of its throat. It was so close to you, you felt your chest vibrate with the sound.
Almost as quick as it came, the Indominus struts away from the vehicle, away from you. The thumps and vibrations ripple across the ground, fading with the Indominus's continuous, low growls.
The gravel shifts once more, only this time it was right next to you, and the source of the sound was Owen – one you knew and one that was much, much, more comforting than some genetically-engineered beast. Fishing for his phone, he pushes his hips up to reach into his back pocket. His fingers move deftly across the screen, swiping and punching for some currently unknown number. The hand behind your head holds you closer to his chest.
The dull ringing of the phone is interrupted, "Owen! The Indominus esc–"
"Yeah, I fucking know it escaped! You didn't see Y/N and I running for our fucking lives, Claire?!"
So it was Claire on the other end.
"Of course I saw, Owen. I saw everything. Are you okay? How's Y/N?–"
"You don't get to fucking ask how we are, Claire. You put us in that room. You put your workers, your security guards and yourself in danger. You put Y/N in danger," at the mention of your name, you lift your head away from his chest and place a hand in its place. You could tell he was getting a little heated. Ever since you'd gotten together and started working with the raptors, he'd been extra-sensitive about your getting in harm's way.
"Speaking of security guards; the one that was with us in there? Yeah, his head's just making its way down the Indominus's digestive tract. So yeah, we're fuckin’ peachy."
Silence follows on the other end. Owen heaves out a sigh, as though reluctant to be having this conversation.
"Y/N and I are gonna make our way back to you. Keep an eye on that... thing. You need to keep it the hell away from your park guests, otherwise–" Owen pauses. Not a single one of you wanted to say, or even think, about what would happen, otherwise. He hangs up with a huff.
"C'mon, baby, let's get you outta here." He slides himself out from under the car as you begin to do the same, getting to your side just as you're about to get up. He dusts off your shirt, taking your face in his hands with the gentlest cradle.
"Are you okay?" he tilts your head from one side to another, looking for injuries, "Did it getcha? Scratches? Bruises? Does it hurt anywh–"
"I'm fine, Owen," placing your hands on his forearms, you bring his frantic movements to a stop, "this head might just fall off if you move it anymore, though." You try to joke.
He lets out a breath, "S'not funny, baby. I don't know how you're still laughing after that."
"I'm just tryna make you smile, love," you give him a gentle but reassuring grin, "no, but really, I'm okay. Promise. A few scratches, I think, but that was from the gravel."
"Besides," you start, "some 40-feet tall dinosaur could never lay a claw on me." You puff your chest out comically.
Owen laughs heartily. "You're somethin' else, y'know that? God, I dunno what I'd do without you. Too strong for your own good," he pauses briefly to entwine your hands, "c'mon, we still got a long way to go before we get to the control room. We'll take the bike, yeah?"
You let out a small 'mhm' in response, smiling up at him before he turns to lead you to where his motorbike was still, supernaturally, scratch-free except for the fact that it was turned to its side.
Owen turns back to give you one last smile before letting go to pick up and reposition his bike. You take those few seconds to let your smile drop as your mind and hands wander back to your stomach for the nth time that day. 
"C'mon, Y/N," he beckons you from the now upright bike, "you alright?" He seemed to notice your sudden change in expression.
"Yeah, I'm good," you bite your tongue, not wanting to add onto his currently growing list of worries, "Let's go."
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missorgana · 4 years
how fast the night changes
pairing: alex/willie, background julie/luke
fandom: julie and the phantoms
rating: general
word count: 2244
warning: swearing, referenced homophobia (very brief)
summary: "I think it's brilliant." Reggie tells him. "Brilliant?" Alex deadpans, "You think asking Domino's to send your cutest delivery guy is brilliant?" (an ‘everyone is alive’ AU, seen on this post)
(i am once again late to an event, but here’s my fic for @jatp-week! i really kinda mixed the prompts of day 2 and 3, but nevertheless, i found a cute and hilarious au and had to write it 💖 hope yall enjoy!!)
read on ao3
“I can’t write that, Luke!”
“Yes, you can, dude! Trust me.”
Alex hates his friends. So much.
Okay, no, they’re wonderful and crazy and planned him a birthday party, so maybe he can’t really hate them.
But they’re real close to the limit right now.
Because after much not so civil discussion of pizza toppings, they’re about to order, and suddenly Luke makes a turn back to the topic of Alex’s love life.
Sounds weird, he knows.
But Luke and Reggie, who he’s almost known since birth (well, in spirit, at least), have a minor obsession with setting him up with someone.
He’s always been admittedly socially awkward, so Alex knows the boys are doing it out of love, and they wouldn’t ever make him uncomfortable.
Well, intentionally, anyway. Their insistent wingmen roles suit them, while being perpetually annoying.
And Flynn loves to join in a bit too much for Alex’s liking.
Julie’s more indifferent to this topic of discussion, because she’s an angel. Credit for settling ninety percent of their squabbles goes directly to her, but since her and Luke finally started dating, they’ve been dragging her to their side.
Alex is currently staring at his best friend in disbelief, and while their advice makes sense most of the time, this is just outrageous.
“I think it’s brilliant,” Reggie tells him from the bean bag, in possession of the tv remote, which he’s been zapping through movies with for an insane amount of time, “and can we order, already? I’m starving.”
Julie’s been an angel, once more, by hosting the surprise party for Alex. And he totally didn’t cry when they revealed themselves. Nope.
The boys hugged him, to the point of them all cuddling on the floor before the girls claimed their own Alex-time, and really, emotions everywhere.
This is also less than a month since Alex came out to them, and to be honest, it was the scariest thing he’s ever done.
That’s why he loves them so much. They’re the first people he’s ever told, not even his parents, and he’s not sure when he’ll do that.
Religion’s always been strict at home, and he’s pretty sure having an openly gay son might give his dad a heart attack.
Alex can’t bear the thought of rejection from his own family. He’s got a family here, though. And this is safety.
“Brilliant?” he deadpans, Reggie clearly not understanding the absolute embarrassment this could only result in, “You think asking Domino’s to send your cutest delivery guy is brilliant?”
His friend only replies with a wild gesture of arms.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree.” Flynn speaks up, and Julie shook her head with a smile.
“I wouldn’t call it brilliant,” she adds, just about saving Alex’s heart, until, “but I kinda wanna see who they send.”
“Forget it, drummer boy! She’s on our side!”
The boys laugh, and my God, they’re the worst. He can’t be mad at these idiots, which is why he simply rubs his temples. No additional notes, then.
“Okay, so, if we forget that and everyone’s happy with that many toppings, then-” and really, Alex is mere seconds from the pay button, till his phone is grabbed from his hands too quickly for him to react.
Luke is the absolute worst.
“Hey! Give it back!” he really tries, really, jumping towards his best friend, who laughs, with Flynn eagerly holding him back, “Don’t you dare, Luke!”
“Dare what?” he replies innocently, and suddenly, his phone is back, and a white screen tells him Thanks for your order.
So not only did his stupid romantic of a friend write exactly the note he protested against, but as if it weren’t enough, he added a winky smiley, too.
Alex is done with wingmen, done with love. Nope, never doing that. Ever.
Except it’s done now, and they all got a smug expression on their faces, except Julie, of course, with her apologetic eyes, and man, he just wants to hide forever.
He’s giving Luke his best stink eye, which he has too much puppy eyes to do, Flynn told him, and his friend rubs his shoulders assuringly, “Alex, what’s the worst that could happen? Either you get the cute guy’s number, or if he’s not cool, you’ll play it off as a prank, or something.”
Alex just shakes his head.
And Reggie’s stopped zapping, landing on The Empire Strikes Back, like he hasn’t seen it about 300 times before.
“I hate you.” he tells them simply.
Reggie grins like an asshole from the beanbag, “You could never.”
It’s especially annoying because he’s sort of right. And really, it’s not like Alex can turn back time now, so even though he’ll definitely get them back for this, somehow, there’s not much else to do than wait.
Fifteen minutes pass by where Luke and Julie hog the couch to themselves, Yoda’s hitting R2D2 with a stick, and Flynn obsesses over just how many different snacks they need.
Reggie decides to abandon the bean bag, too, and rest his head on Alex’s shoulder instead, so maybe it makes it all okay.
And so when twenty minutes have gone by along with throwing popcorn at the television, and Alex intensely quizzing Julie on what kind of birthday cake they got him, the doorbell rings, and the living room bursts into a tantrum.
His friends jump all around him, because of course, they want him to answer the door, which he’s refusing, but they seem too excited to listen when this ridiculous plan of theirs is reaching its peak.
Luke’s holding his shoulders again, “Answer it!”
“I mean, this is technically Julie’s house-” Reggie manages, surprisingly, but Flynn looks at him with disapproval, “Don’t switch sides now, man!”
But Alex is already at the door, suddenly, somehow, in the midst of the discussion.
He doesn’t really see the point in protesting now, anyway, and Julie pinches Luke’s side, redeeming her in his heart. Also, he can’t help touching his hair, cause that’s what happens when he’s nervous.
“I promise, Alex, you’ll be fine!” she looks excited too, but like, secretly.
They all nod in unison, too, dorks.
And so he mentally prepares himself for possibly the most awkward experience in his life. Dramatic, he knows, but seriously, will this exchange be anything other than painful? He doubts it.
Is it too much to hope for, that the delivery guy doesn’t see the notes? Maybe it’s just the boss who handles the orders, yeah, that’s not impossible. Right?
But as much as Alex is prepared for the embarrassing conversation ahead, he’s certainly, in no way prepared, as it turns out, for seeing who’s standing on the other side of the door.
The delivery guy. Well, obviously, stupid brain, but listen.
Alex is met with the cutest guy he’s ever seen. And he’s met a lot of cute guys, albeit they’re all in the same small town, but come on.
In short, let’s say Domino’s delivered more than they asked for.
And uh, yes, Alex realises the irony. Reggie would love that joke, he thinks to himself, hysterically, actually.
So, said delivery guy standing in front of him is a bit shorter, and, of course, he’s wearing uniform, cap and winter jacket, in this god forbidden weather, but he notices the strands of dark hair framing his face immediately.
And the red, dangling earring on his right ear. And his cheekbones, oh my god.
There’s no way he’ll tell his friends any of that once this is over.
Said friends are snickering in the background, by the way, or well, Reggie is, anyway. He prays they’ve moved slightly behind the door, or turned back to the couch, or anywhere out of sight.
“Hey, man!” the shorter boy says, while Alex is suffering an internal breakdown, “It’s, uh, 10 pizzas for ya, right?”
And so he nods tight lipped as an answer, because honestly, he’s not sure he’s capable of forming words right now. As if he wasn’t already embarrassed enough. Super mega cute delivery guy lifts an eyebrow, just enough that it’s noticeable, but he doesn’t voice whatever thoughts passed his mind.
Bless him.
That is, until Alex gets all the cash out (with a tip, hopefully making his shift a bit more bearable, when he has to deal with something like this), and he suddenly asks, “So, am I alright?”
Alex thinks his brain might have an immediate shut down. “What?” he sputters, and his voice totally doesn't squeak, shut up.
Cute delivery guy giggles. That’s just not fair, is it?
“Am I cute enough, I mean.”
That- oh my god. First of all, said boy doesn’t look tired, or annoying, or weirded out, judging by his expression.
Second of all, he looks to the ground for a second, but really, his posture is all confidence. Except he bites his lip, which gives Alex a headache.
“I, uh…” he starts, like he actually knows to finish the sentence, “Sorry, uhm. My friends. They’re ridiculous.”
Alex expects more, but he doesn’t continue.
Is his mind playing games with him, or does cute delivery guy actually look… disappointed?
No, that can’t be right. He can’t be flattered by a customer note, which, by the way, did the boss decide who to send? Did the Domino’s delivery, or whatever, have a collective vote?
Alex truly doesn’t understand the chaos his friends get him into, sometimes.
He has to admit, it’s not half bad, given that he’s getting food and looking at a cute guy. And actually talking to him. That’s a first.
So, not having much time to weigh his options, he gives the shorter boy the money and tries his hand with damage control, “I mean, uhm, it’s my birthday. Sorry, my friends are obsessed with setting me up with someone, so here we are. I-I’m so sorry, I… and they! Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Super mega cute delivery guy nods along with Alex’s anxious spiel.
And then he smiles, but somehow it looks less like a customer service smile, and more like… a real one? Warmer. He doesn’t really know.
Alex is an absolute wreck, so he’s scared to get his hopes up. Cute guy still thinks he’s a weirdo, probably. More so now.
“Seriously, don’t worry man.” he answers, in what Alex feels is an eternity later, “And happy birthday! Damn, you should’ve put that in the order. We got specials.”
And fuck, he’s so cute. Almost looks genuinely excited, and so he can’t help but giggle. Nervously. It’s the Alex way, as Flynn says.
“Thanks.” he tells him, and he hopes to God he isn’t blushing right now.
The guys will never let him forget this day, he’s sure.
Transaction’s pretty much straightforward then, and his dork friends actually show themselves and help get the pizzas (and three soda sixpacks, seriously, Luke?) into the living room.
Reggie elbows him with a smirk, too, the idiot.
Thing is, that’s out of the way too, and there’s pretty much zero reason for super mega cute delivery guy to be here anymore. His scooter certainly doesn’t look empty of goods just yet.
Yet, he lingers. 
Only for a few seconds, before he catches Alex completely off guard with another question, “So, you don’t want a cute delivery guy?”
There’s no way in hell he isn’t blushing right now, holy shit.
It just makes Alex feel even more like a puddle of goo, because the shorter boy bites his lip again.
And because his mouth is even more stupid than his nerves, “I, uh, I-I mean… Yes. Well, I got one.” blurts out before he can stop it.
This leads to super mega cute delivery guy raising his brows, putting his hands in his pockets, and putting a stupid grin on his face.
Alex is so lost so quick, oh my god.
“You think I’m cute?” he asks, almost sounding surprised, which is possibly the most ridiculous thing tonight, because look at him!
He can’t help looking at his feet, because surely, he must be blushing beyond belief. And the shorter boy tilts his head just a bit, not losing eye contact completely.
Seriously, can he stop being this cute? Alex might just combust soon.
“I mean… obviously.” he tries, shrugging and fixing his hair, “I, well, Domino’s certainly delivered. Oh my god, uh, that’s just terrible. I’m so sorry.”
When Alex finally straightens up again, super mega cute delivery guy smiles at him, exposing his dimples, and that just makes him feel even more things. If that was even possible right now.
“You’re adorable.”
Okay, now, what is actually going on.
He blinks rapidly, like this is a figment of his imagination that’ll disappear in front of him, except the shorter boy grabs the receipt and scribbles something.
And he sticks his tongue out a little bit when writing, like there wasn’t enough cute things about him already, fucking hell.
Next thing Alex knows, he’s handed the slip of paper again, with something at the top that looks quite a lot like a phone number.
Cutest delivery guy, he had signed it off.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
“Name’s Willie, by the way,” super mega cute delivery tells him, ultimately turning back to the long awaiting red scooter, butnot without a wink that totally didn’t make Alex’s knees wobble.
“See ya, birthday boy!”
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writingdollworlds · 3 years
I love every single Girl Of The Year so I'm gonna try and rate them fairly. Its a long post so its all under the cut! Note:  I came back up after writing I tried to censor myself but I did swear a bit. Sorry if that really isn't your thing.
Lindsey: 8.5/10, I'm really surprised she didn't sell well at her time, she's very unique and her small collection really wraps up her personality and vibes well. She's so pretty! Her computer is really cool as I was born after 2001 so I never got to see stuff like that. I would have docked points since her collection was so small but they already struggled to sell the doll so I get it. Also I didn't find out until very recently that she's Jewish,, why is this not talked about more?
Kailey! 10/10 ok I know she's a blonde but I remember in the early 2000s having a beach hobby was very heavily tied to being blonde. Like I swear it was a thing. I literally love her so much, we need more light haired dolls with brown eyes. Also her collection is so nice! It's got really soothing colors and the beach theme is really pretty
Marisol 9/10, ok I'm definitely weird for this but to me the vibes of her meet outfit don't match some of her outfits from her collection and it really throws me off. Otherwise she's a gorgeous doll and I love her meet outfit so much. Her jazz trunk and cat live rent free in my mind.
Jess: 10/10, she gave us the Jess mold! She and her collection are so unique and cool! I seriously love it all, I just want to pick it up and stare at it. It's so full of life and has good energy. Also Jess is such a cool doll, her outfit and hair are iconic to me
Nicki!: 11/10, she's a cowgirl with pretty hair and I love her so goddam much. I know she was also a skier and she trained a service dog which is honestly such a good and different hobby but my brain blocks that out sometimes. I love how well rounded and pretty she is. She gives me good memories of my trips to Tennessee and Kentucky with my family.
Mia: 7/10, she will probably be the lowest rated. I wish she had bright red hair or light brown instead of well strawberry blonde. Her freckles and met outfit are adorable though! Her collection isn't my favorite but her bed is really cool and I love the ice skating theme.
Chrissa, Sonali, and Gwen: 10/10, the critics that a homeless doll costed 98 dollars was a valid critic but otherwise these girls were an amazing look at how different life can be just in one social circle or school. But aside from that I genuinely love them, their story is important to me and I love that they can be best friends but not have any of their stories be dampened. Also all three of the dolls are genuinely gorgeous. Chrissa's collection is so nice. The colors and items are one of my favorites.
Lanie: 9.5/10, ah yes another blonde, but in a time when the sporty, popular preps were blonde and the geeks and nerds were brunettes a science loving blonde was a good spin. But still I understand the oversaturation of blondes is overall just not cool. Anyway, Lanie is what got me into american girl. I have extreme memory issues but I still remember seeing Lanie in the catalog for the first time. I love her science-y, animal loving collection and her met outfit and camper are so beautiful. I love the use of blues, greens, and orange throughout her collection. I love her to bits.
Kanani: 9/10, there's absolutely nothing wrong with her collection, I love the doll, her collection, the representation, but she's already been gushed about a lot and I feel a similar way. Her chair and wake board outfit though *chefs kiss*
Mckenna: 9/10, she was iconic and honestly the most popular doll and no one can tell me otherwise, I wish she had different hair but otherwise she's another great doll. I also love that her collection is all one color aside from her met outfit and one other outfit, it's really fitting. While most of the other girls have calming or pretty vibes she gives the energy of a feral 13 year nonbinary kid with Adhd and its so much fun. I was that kid and had friends like that and it made the best memories.
Saige: 9.8/10, SHES SO PRETY. Literally no flaws to her what so ever. Her collection is so good, the vibes are top tier. I gotta say, why was the air balloon her big ticket item. It just seems like it has no playability for kids or collectors. But otherwise her collection gives me roadtrip vibes and I love it
Isabelle, 10/10, she is so underrated yall. I would say wow another blonde but I think it actually suits her? Like I wouldn't change it. I absolutely adore her collection and her studio is fucking cool. She's got both really chill and really fun vibes, like being at a fair or amusement park as dusk during summer. Love it.
Grace: 8.5/10, the doll absolutely gorgeous, no flaws, love the hair, love the freckles. But her collection, yes it's pretty but it feels like Americanized France instead of actual France. I would have loved to see the actual culture or learn more about France but we just got so many effial towers. Don't get me wrong most of her things are still very cute, the colors are amazing, but still
Lea: 10.5/10: is she a doc? Like not to be offensive, I genuinely don't know. Anyway her collection is also really cool. She's another blonde I wouldn't change. I love the uniqueness of her entire collection. It's so refreshing and cool. Her hut is also awesome. Also the stuffed animals with her collection are so stinking cute. I want everything.
Gabriella: 9/10: UNDERRATED. ok controversial take, even though her collection was recycled, why is that bad? Like Tenneys seems to be as well but she's well loved. Gabriella is an amazing doll with amazing representation and just because she isn't super unique doesn't change the fact that the doll is great. Some of her outfits aren't my favorite but the rest has really cool vibes.
Luciana: 8/10, I'm gonna be honest she's probably my second least favorite. While stilling being a doll I like, with a neat collection. The hype around her is well deserved but a little overwhelming. I wish she got more furniture and clothes instead of just a NASA sponsorship (which is cool but I find it hard to even consider her in my collection she feels special edition and not like the average girl ya know)
Blaire: 9/10, the bee dress and hair are so amazing I'm literally in love, I wish they showed more of the farm instead of her being a wedding planner. Otherwise she's a great doll, the chicken is also great. Very pretty, very cottage core, love it.
Joss: 10/10, I swear everyone kinda blocks out that she does cheer, the surfing is such a cool hobby. Plus her face mold, collection, and representation are honestly one of the best. I don't have big feelings for her, but I recognize she's awesome. I hope I can fall in love with her more she's so cool.
Kira: 8/10, honestly her collection is so cool, I heard some of the patterns on her things were stolen? Or they weren't made correctly? I'm unsure exactly. But otherwise her collection really stepped up the game. Three big sets, with plenty of accessories and outfits. I wish she was sold as a truly me as she is genuinely a gorgeous doll, but she's Kira so I have to judge her like that. She should have looked different. To me she looks to similar to Blaire and Lea. I wish they could have something a bit more unique. 
That's all I have to say, have a good day!
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
9, 13, 19, 23 for RenRuki OTP meme!
9. Have they made each other cry?
Neither Rukia nor Renji are criers by nature, but absolutely yes.
I looked it up, and weirdly enough, Rukia does *not* cry in the manga version, but she does cry in the anime when Renji tells her to go to the Kuchiki. Regardless, I think they both had some wet face syndrome in the days following that.
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Rukia was having a pretty tough time in the Academy, and Renji was in a constant state of unconsciously rubbing it in. I bet he made her cry at least once, although she is way too stubborn to actually do it in front of him, I think she did it in private, later.
I’m not sure crying over someone is the same as them making you cry, but I believe with 100% of my being that the “fear she was trying to avoid” in the As Nodt fight was Renji-related, and even though she held it together pretty well at the time, I hope homegirl went home and had a good cathartic sob after the fact.
In the same vein, it’s very believable that Renji had at least one tearful breakdown at some point in the Soul Society Arc. I imagine he came home and puked his guts out after he had to arrest her and throw her in a holding cell and there could have been some tears that went along with that, and possibly also after he found out that Byakuya had no intention of lifting a finger to stay her execution. (I just realized this is not the first time I have headcanoned Renji puking out of grief and it’s true, I think he does, it’s great, I love my brain, thanks)
I would bet money that Renji (possibly both of them) teared up a little when Ichika was born, and/or when they found out about the pregnancy.
Also, not to ruin the vibe, but it seems highly likely that at some point in their acquaintance, probably in their Inuzuri days, Rukia kicked Renji in the nards hard enough to make tears come out of his face.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
Like the dealbreaker question, this one is really hard because they are both really intense people who are absolutely ride-or-die for each other (as well as everyone else they know). I am still sticking to my guns that Rukia became a shinigami in the first place for Renji’s sake, and Renji’s entire first character arc involved him binning 40 years of hard work and career ladder climbing to be with her.
That being said, though, they do maintain a fair amount of personal autonomy that I think they would stick to. Renji would never get his brow tatts removed, for example, no matter how much Rukia hates them (or conversely, I think he didn’t tell her before he got them because he knew she’d tell him not to, and he was determined to get them and wouldn’t have listened to her anyway). Likewise, if she asks, he will refrain from wearing a particular pair of extra-terrible sunglasses to a Kuchiki family picnic, but he’s not going to get rid of the sunglasses collection for her. I honestly can’t imagine her seriously asking him to do either of these things-- she’d rather just drag him for them.
I think the part in WDKALY where Rukia decides to keep “Kuchiki” as her professional name was written in a kinda stilted and dumb way, but I do not disagree with it. I am reasonably sure that this was decided at an editorial level, because if they have a Bleach continuation, they would want the character to keep her more familiar name, but then they added the fact that she took his name more generally because people are weird about women who don’t take their husbands name (and then people argue that her keeping her name is “evidence” that she doesn’t love him... so, honestly, there’s no winning either way). Personally, I didn’t like that they waited until they were actually in line at the Soul Society DMV to have this discussion (with Byakuya standing around, no less), but but otherwise, I think it’s a nice compromise, and that Rukia would want to use the names of both the men she considers her family. Renji seemed vaguely disappointed that she wasn’t taking his name entirely, and I can see that, but also, it’s her choice and he doesn’t make a stink about it, which rings true to me.
In all of these examples, the principle is that, all else being equal, each of them will take input from the other, but they would stick to their guns when it comes to decisions about themselves. That doesn’t mean they are going to die on these hills out of sheer stubbornness. I wrote a fanfic once where Byakuya died and Renji married Rukia in order to help her consolidate power in the family, and he took her name and very vehemently made everyone call him by it. 
Also, I am sure there are some household chores that Renji would like done to some particular specifications, and Rukia just will not. Like, she refuses to rinse the dishes before she puts them in the dishwasher and she won’t squeegee the glass after she showers, or whatever the Soul Society equivalents of these things are.
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
I cannot emphasize enough that Byakuya paid for their entire fancy Kuchiki-ass wedding and even though they are constantly on their best behavior around him, he knows how they are and he would never, ever let them write their own vows.
So, here is a dispatch from some secondary drunken, backyard wedding that they had for close-friends only (Byakuya was also there, but Isshin slipped him a pot brownie and he was feeling very at one with the universe at the time)
Who the heck writes a single line of their wedding vows?? I gave them each a paragraph.
People have been joking a lot, every since we started dating, how lucky you are, but the fact is, I am the lucky one. I’ve been so fortunate, in my life, to have such good friends and family, but I feel luckiest of all to have you-- you’ve always been there to cheer me on, to pick me up, to make me pickles. You’re brave and you’re handsome and you have really, really great hair, and I feel like the luckiest person in Soul Society that I get to marry you. I love you so, so much, you big dummy.
I used to think that I would be content if I could just love you from afar. That just being able to see you and hear your voice and know that you were happy was enough for me. But I was wrong, as it turns out, because being able to touch you and kiss you and tell you I love you a hundred times a day has made me happier than I ever thought I could be. I expect that being married to you is going to make me more powerful and obnoxious than anyone here could possibly imagine and I am absolutely not sorry. I love you so, so much, you little dummy.
See, Byakuya, that wasn’t so bad! (maybe it was)
Bonus! In the dead Byakuya fanfic I mentioned above, I had them get married under Gotei authority and I wrote some (partial) shinigami wedding vows that are basically perfect for them and also I was really proud of them:
How will you meet your enemies? As one, we shall meet them, as one, we shall fight.
And how do you swear this? We swear on sword and soul.
Let it be so. With this, you are forged together, a single blade. May your battle be long, and when you fall, may you fall together.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
Wow. Dang. This felt like a personal attack. Anyway, it was really hard, and I did it, but I didn’t like it.
Here’s the scene right where Renji hauls Ichigo off to go fight Ywhach, because I am always thinking about this scene and willing it to make sense (Rukia should have gone with Ichigo, I will die on this hill!!!!), and I think it only works if there’s a bunch of unsaid subtext. It’s depressing, but it’s only 511 words, which is very much like 300 words, almost exactly the same, honestly.
The others don’t see it, because they are busy watching Orihime restore Ichigo’s sword, his swords, for maybe the last time, but Rukia does, because she needs an explanation.
Renji’s shoulders slump, his chin tips down, his hands are open at his sides.
He is sorry.
He better be sorry! Rukia clenches her jaw, her eyes burn at him. She is the one who should have yanked Ichigo to his feet, she is the one who should go with him to his death.
Renji’s eyes slide upward and meet hers. His jaw is set.
He is right, and she knows it.
Orihime is hurt. Her lungs are making ominous bubbling noises as Zangetsu pieces itself back together under her care. Rukia is exhausted, but she can manage the kaidou that will save her friend’s life. Renji cannot.
It is more than that, though. Rukia’s bankai is perilous. Ichibei warned her that she should use it sparingly-- that it will take many hours of practice before her body can handle the wrenching temperature shocks. She has used it too many times already in the last 48 hours. She still can’t feel all her fingers and toes since she came back from killing As Nodt. Another go at it so soon may kill her before she even has a chance to be useful. It could kill her and everyone in her blast radius, which might be helpful, but probably...not. Her hand rubs nervously at the hilt of her sword. She tries to flex the dead pinkies, but they deny her.
Renji sees the motion, and he grips Zabimaru confidently. His bankai is new to him, too, but Hihiou Zabimaru was like a weighted practice blade-- So-oh Zabimaru is familiar enough and easy in comparison. Sode no Shirayuki and Zabimaru are both temperamental blades, but Zabimaru has always been at their most dependable when the odds are stacked against them.  
Rukia reaches out and gives Orihime’s hair a gentle pat. She will stay, but she will not like it. 
The side of Renji’s mouth ticks up in a rueful half-smile, and his eyes glitter with the last bit of humor he can muster. She can beat him up all she likes when he gets back.
Rukia flings an arm around Orihime, and stuffs her face into her friend’s shoulder. None of this is fair. 
Renji’s eyes soften briefly, and his eyes are filled with so much love for her. He knows he has the easy job. There aren’t any words to thank her enough for letting him go on a suicide mission with Ichigo while she stays back to give them something worth fighting for.
Then he stiffens, and squares his shoulders once again. He jabs Ichigo impatiently with one foot and screws up his face into the same scowl he always uses to armor his heart. 
It won’t work, Rukia thinks, as Orihime finishes her task and slumps backward. She will keep Renji’s heart here with her, and Orihime will keep Ichigo’s, and no matter what, none of them will die alone.
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Rating: Teen And Up
Relationships: Hange/Levi, pure pre-Levihan
Words: 2176
Additional Tags: as Levi would say - shitload of them
Summary: Levi wakes up from a nap at the airport to discover someone’s pressed to him and won’t let go.
Written for Levihan Eggschange 2020 organised by @levihanweek ♥
Happy reading to my giftee and I only hope they will be able to find it ^_^
You can also read the fic under the cut, but if you have no problem with ao3 I recommend reading there cause I edit with ao3 in mind and it probably looks better there ;>
Stranger Snuggle
Everything was against him.
The burn in his thighs, the late sunshine blinding his eyes, the dirt on the streets making his smart shoes slide with every second step, the wheels of his suitcase, surly damned by now as he was pulling them after himself through all the curbs, his breath heavy when he suddenly stopped, knowing he wouldn’t make it on time. Everything. Fuck!
Levi kicked the automatic door moving apart in what must have been slow motion, because no fucking way it was their average speed. A security guard took a step in his direction but Levi’s one pissed glance made him stop and he entered the airport unbothered.
Holly fucking shit!
He came just in time to see his flight disappear from the departures board and the anti-burglar blinds go down in most of the stores, accompanying his misfortune. Taking deep breaths to calm down a little he went to the coffee shop in the middle of the hall, in which two workers were still hanging around, and glanced yearningly at the empty food display. At least he’d get himself something warm to drink, he thought, before the coffee shop staff informed him they had already cleaned everything and were as good as closed.
Fucking perfect.
Hungry, thirsty, exhausted from running and even more annoyed then a while ago, Levi sat on the nearest couch, clearly belonging to the coffee shop, and gave the workers another glare, making sure none of them would dare to protest. He took out his laptop and, cursing the too slow airport Wi-Fi everything he had in his rich shit-talking inventory, he booked the nearest flight home. The price was another thing to put him down, knowing he wouldn’t get a refund, not after spectacularly messing up his task. His next flight was at five in the morning, so in eight hours.
Eight hours for which Levi wouldn’t dare to go to the hotel by the airport because, one, he wouldn’t give himself a single credit he wouldn’t oversleep and miss yet another flight, and two, after wasting so much money on a flight alone he kinda shouldn’t be spending more, not yet.
So yep, he was going to wait there the six hours or so before he’d be able to check in, get rid of his luggage and eat something in the departure longue, since everything in the open space closed. Had he already though how fucked up things were?
It wasn’t fine but he tried to convince himself it was and not to think about coming work late and sleep deprived, straight from the plane, and alone. Fucking co-workers who not only didn’t show up to their meeting the scheduled time but didn’t show up at all, fuck them! He tried to ignore his empty stomach and the chill on his skin that he felt once he rested a little after his run. The little bit of sweat cooled him unpleasantly. The burn in his things was almost imperceptible as he was sitting, but the tired muscles were slowly sabotaging him and lulling his brain to give them a rest and sleep. Just fall asleep on the soft coach, which Levi was refusing to do, and the thought of all the people before him that must have been sitting there, sleeping maybe, half of them probably just as gross as he felt at the moment, was doing a great job in keeping him sober.
The crowds were thinning with time passing, as only a few planes were leaving at night, and the noise turned into a nearly silence, with the buzz of ventilation somewhere at the side of Levi’s consciousness, ASMR-like almost, and…
Levi thought that his pillow felt weirdly scratchy tonight. As if it wasn’t his pillow but one of the cushions from…
Oh, no.
He jerked up, remembering where he was and that sleeping there was absolutely unacceptable. Or rather he tried to jerk up, because there was something heavy pressing him to the side of the coach. Something hard and, to give it justice, probably being what kept him warm, because he didn’t feel the chilliness anymore.
Levi opened his eyes, expecting to see the hall crowded and someone, just like him, accidentally falling asleep next to him, but no. Except for a few people whose silhouettes he could notice on the far away, uncomfortable chairs, and probably the security guards luring somewhere in the dark, it was almost empty! So why, the fuck, someone decided to treat him like a human pillow rather than sit… Well, anywhere else.
“Tsk.” Levi snorted and tried to push the person apart, but instead they murmured something in their sleep and… Did they just slipped an arm behind his back? Ugh! Levi tried to wriggle a little, but all it caused was making the other one clutch closer, as if they were afraid their only source of warmth was going to escape.
Resigned, Levi looked around himself, noticing what in the dimmed light seemed to be a particularly used up and over-packed backpack with what should be an illegal amount of pins. Would they even be allowed into a plane with those? He took a look at the person by his side, now literally hugging him, which, while annoying him, was making him warmish and sleepy again. But the closer look was exactly what he needed to wake his normal reactions just a little bit, and he started to realise this was not good.
The backpacker kept half of his hair in a messy ponytail, the other half was almost covering their face, only a prominent nose was sticking out from the kind of greasy strands of hair. Yuk! Looking further down their body, which Levi couldn’t decide whether was female or male, he saw a giant, knitted sweater reaching half their tight, skinny jeans and…
Aaaaaaaah! There was a hole in their sock!
“Hey! Wake up!” He couldn’t take it anymore, seriously, the hole was too disturbing. “Come one, you filthy sleepyhead, I’m not a free mattress, shit!” Levi eventually managed to push them away, making them fall onto the other side of the coach, and he could see the front of their sweater that they were pressing to him looked like it had a particularly close contact with mud. Or something even worse.
Being pushed onto their back must have woken them up, because they yawned heavily and stretched.
“Is it morning already?” They asked, and Levi thought, judging from their voice rather than the slim build, that it was a woman. Because whom was he to judge people by their body build, nevermind that thought actually…
“No. But you’ve fallen asleep on me of all people, and I was concerned.” Levi said.
The woman looked at him as if Levi’s words didn’t make much sense and Levi saw the biggest, shiniest eyes he’d ever seen. Which was another thought he’d rather not have... Luckily for him, or maybe not so luckily, he was too tired to decide, the sight lasted only a glimpse, because she squinted.
“Where are my glasses?” She murmured, palpating through the coach.
Levi didn’t answer to that, more and more irritated with every passing second and slowly coming to the sober realisation that he’d been just chosen by this crazy, dirty backpacker. Maybe she didn’t stink, by judging by her looks she hadn’t seen a shower for a while now either. Disgusting. And who knew what else was on her mind, and what she was hiding in the backpack.
Eventually she found the glasses somewhere behind her and looked at him again, this time focused.
“You look annoyed.” She said. As if it was his fault. As if he was the weird one here, damn it!
“What a surprise.” Levi hissed, grabbed his suitcase and went to the other side of the coffee shop, the broken wheels creaking behind him. He could swear the weirdo was staring after him.
He barely sit on another coach when the woman came after him and sat, to Levi’s please on a separate armchair.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked back, as if it wasn’t absolutely obvious.
“Of course not, why would I be?” He said. Maybe it was his voice that he’d been told many times wasn’t the best to carry over his emotions, or the woman was just so dumb, because she seemed unaffected by his sarcasm.
“Good.” She said. “I was afraid you were.” She leaned to her backpack, causing in Levi an instant agitation, but when she opened it she took out… A thermos? She put in on a table between them and searched deeper, this time taking out two cups, and handing Levi one of them once she filled them. “I brought tea.” This, obviously, drew Levi’s attention.
Whatever was in his cup, it didn’t smell like tea. It didn’t smell like anything he could think of and he looked sceptically at the weird woman, but she took a big sip and smiled, so he decided to risk a sip too. It was hot, fruity, sweet and disgusting, but having nothing in his mouth since lunch he decided he shouldn’t complain. They were sipping for a while in silence when Levi’s empty stomach made a particularly loud noise and he felt hotness on his face, because this sounded more like…
“Oh, I have food too!” The woman said, because that was how weird hippie people were, Levi thought, and didn’t have power to protest when she offered him half of her sandwich that, unlike the disgusting crime against tea, was fine. He ate it in silence, still not sure how he ended up in this situation, and feeling awkward as he didn’t know what to say other than “thanks”. But the woman didn’t seem bothered, packed the thermos and cups back, and smiled.
“So…” she said “…when’s out next flight?”
The fuck what? If Levi was still sipping the gross tea, he’d choke.
“Our next flight?” Or rather just: “Next flight?”
“Yeah?” The woman said, looking at him the same way she did the first time, without glasses. “We missed the first one, didn’t we?”
And that lead him to the terrible realisation.
“Are you Hange then?”
“Yes?” She said, now looking really concerned, as if Levi was particularly stupid. “Wait a minute.” She said, and her eyes widened, the clearly indication that up until this moment she’d been convinced Levi knew who she was. “You didn’t recognise me.” She said.
“How the fuck could I recognize you if it’s the first time I see you? You didn’t show up to the meeting!” He heard his own voice slightly going up. The fuck? The shit was happening here?!
“I had to do something before leaving, I thought you’d wait for me, sorry.” Hange said, not sounding sorry for slightest.
“You thought I’d wait for you three hours?”
“Forget it. How did you know how I looked like anyway?” He asked, because that, if anything, was concerning. She shouldn’t have.
“I searched it.” Hange shrugged, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the word. She searched him. No matter how little he was supposed to know about her, he started getting an idea anyway. There must have been a reason she wasn’t just flying on her own and Levi was probably just the closest to fucking up he’d ever been. Absolutely fucking fantastic!
He took out his laptop again to buy another ticket for Hange for the same flight and he could feel her eyes on himself while he was clicking, as if she was trying to decide something.
“So when you woke up next to me you must have thought I was a complete stranger!” She said eventually.
“Yes.” He said slowly.
"And that I was some kind of a weird psycho."
"Yes." Levi repeated, not sure what the was was for.
Hange chuckled.
“I’m glad you don’t think that anymore.”
Levi mover his eyes from the screen to her.
“And what makes you think I don’t?” He asked, and rose an eyebrow. “Because normal people usually molest those they see for the first time to show they’re what? Friendly?”
“I didn’t molest you!” Hange protested, but her outrage was made up.
“Oh, no. No! You only trapped me in my sleep and didn’t want to let go. That’s a completely different thing! Thanks for making me realise!”
“Don’t be so dramatic! We’re assigned to each other for three years, you’d have to get used to it anyway. I had to do that to make sure you wouldn’t go somewhere when I was sleeping, what’s the big deal?”
Levi looked at her sceptically.
“I’m not paid to be your pillow.” It’s gonna be long three years, he didn’t say out loud.
“You could at least wash your hair! When was the last time you did that?”
“Does that matter?” She asked, confused. “Cause I don’t think I remember.”
Three very, very long years…
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