#this is on tumblr already i 100% guarantee it
sleepanonymous · 9 months
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hetalianhistorian · 7 months
Do you have a Funimation subscription? If so, I need YOUR help!
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For the past two weeks or so, there has been news going around that Funimation will be merging with Crunchyroll on April 2nd.
What does this have to do with Hetalia? The entirety of Hetalia is already available through Crunchyroll (albeit, with the episodes are out of order) EXCEPT for the Paint It White! movie and the extras for Hetalia. The Paint It White movie is at least still available for physical purchase, however it is the extras I have the most concern about.
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The Funimation dub can be considered important to Hetalian history and culture due to how much influence it had over the western fanbase. These extras serves as a time capsule for when Hetalia was at its peak within the west and provides behind-the-scenes insight to the dub voice actors.
I am not sure if it will be 100% guaranteed that these extras will be transferred to Crunchyroll. Especially since I have sent Funimation an email (left) and this is what they've responded with (right):
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So, that information is not too helpful. Aren't the extras provided within the DVDs? As someone who owns the physical copies of seasons 1-6: Yes! But do they have all of the extras? No.
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The DVDs do include the commentaries, outtakes, and interviews, but it seems that the Funimation page has exclusive stuff like World Buffet, panel footage, fan appreciation cards, and more.
I cannot do this on my own because while I do have a Funimation account, unfortunately nowadays, when you attempt to purchase a subscription, it will only redirect to the Crunchyroll website. Hence, I am asking the fanbase to please contact me if you are someone or know somebody with an ongoing Funimation subscription. The goal is that we can work together to guarantee the preservation of ALL of these extras! You can reach out to me through the following methods: Email: [email protected] Discord: hetalianhistorian Twitter: @HetaHistorian Reddit: u/HetalianHistorian And of course through here, on Tumblr. If you can, please reblog and share to spread the word! I'll be open for any questions or clarifications! Thanks so much! Hetalian Historian
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wip · 1 year
Hello! Would you ever consider bringing back different post types, especially audio? I appreciate that audio posts now display the artist, song title, and album name, but unfortunately newer audio posts don’t play in Tumblr-based music players like egoisticalgoat.de or robinpx.github.io/boombox because they’re read as text posts. Thank you for reading!
Answer: Hey there, @stepintomusic!
Sadly, the answer here is no. We’ve been moving away from legacy post types and towards the Neue Post Format—a format that allows multiple types of media in the same post—for many years. The new features available in NPF basically guarantee that we won’t ever switch back to the legacy format.
(If you’re interested in peeking behind the scenes here, there are a few posts about NPF over at @engineering.)
Now, to get into the meat of the issue. While it would be amazing if we could support every third-party tool forever, the reality is that we can’t. We’re a surprisingly small team to begin with, and even if we weren’t, that support would come at a cost.
To start, there’s the development tax. Now, would it have been cool to ensure all third-party tools (and all custom themes) worked 100% perfectly with posts stored as NPF before releasing NPF to the public? Yeah, it would have been… for third-party tools and custom themes. For us, it would have meant delaying NPF (and all the features it brings with it) for months, possibly years. Imagine a 2023 where Tumblr still doesn’t have polls: that’s the alternate future we’re talking about here.
And then, there’s our maintenance tax. The engine that powers Tumblr themes is already incredibly complicated—complicated to the point that we’re already finding it difficult to maintain and add things like, as you mentioned, NPF audio metadata. If, every time we found some third-party tool that doesn’t play nice with the latest changes, we tried to make an affordance for it… the engine would just become even more complex. And it would do so quickly, and complex to the point of being impossible to keep up with as a maintainer.
There’s a great article here by a former Mozilla developer about the pitfalls of prioritizing a third-party ecosystem over your own software. Did you know that Firefox was essentially a single-threaded application until 2018? This meant it would still visually lock up when saving files to disk, or collecting crash data. Chrome launched in 2008 and was multiprocess from the start. But it took Firefox ten years to catch up because supporting all existing third-party add-ons was seen as necessary. (Spoiler alert: in the end, they had to drop support for those add-ons anyway.)
My own recommendation around third-party software like this is: get in contact with its developer! If something in their software isn’t working, there’s nobody more qualified to update it. (Or, if they’ve abandoned the project but had made it open-source, maybe someone else could step up to maintain it. Maybe you! You never know until you try.)
I talked about the maintenance tax from the first-party side, but let’s talk about it from the third-party side, too. As a theme author and add-on developer myself, I have long accepted that the cost of maintaining these things can never be zero. When your software interacts with an online service, and that online service is being actively maintained, your software also needs to be maintained.
I hope all this has been enlightening! Thanks for your question, and please, have a great day.
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notetaeker · 5 months
Hello!!! How did you become so dedicated to your studies? Do you have some advice?
I love your blog, btw✨️
Hi hi hi!! Thanks for the sweet message 💞💞
My BIG study tips (after 25 years of studying):
Accept your fate. This goes for anything but I used to procrastinate with studying a LOT and once you start it's actually not that bad. It's guaranteed. Automatically once you start, you have started, so you're already on your way, so it's already automatically not as bad anymore. Whining abt ur studies and avoiding them will not make them go away unfortunately. Just do it.
Make study time sacred. A few minutes of focused study is much more valuable than 5 hours spent at the library "studying" + scrolling + talking to friends + listening to music at the same time. Doing 5 hours like that is literally putting yourself thru hell because 1. you cant fully enjoy any of those non-studying activities and 2. you come out of that being like ugh I studied this page for 5 hours I'm tired of studying I need a break. Pomodoro method really changed my life pls try it out if u haven't already
That one tumblr post that says 'learning is basically being exposed to the same materials many times in multiple ways' is 100% correct. How many different ways can you expose yourself to the material. Memorizing facts- can you draw it? Can you organize the facts into lists? Can you attach a funny story to one of the facts? The more ways you interact with any material, the stronger it's saved in your memory. Find out if you're a visual learner- and then create visual tools, maybe color coding things helps you. Do a little digging and find out what works for you.
Diversify your life. Have some hobbies, spend time with friends/family, take a break. Let the computer of your brain sort out things in the background while you do other things. Once you go back to studying, you will feel refreshed (and not fatigued from 5 hrs in the library doing "studying") This also means that if you fail an exam, you won't be like 'oh no i spent my whole spring break studying for this exam and didn't even enjoy it and now I got a bad grade i must be horrible my life is nothing' and spiral. def not based on a true story :) Instead you'll be like yeah I failed but look at this scarf I crocheted look at mee i have mental health!
Sleep is magic- no matter what anyone else tries to tell you. 1. If you studied something during the day, just review those things right before bed and magically they will get set into your brain. Also 2. sleeping is when our brain sorts info so if you don't get any sleep at all it' the same as taking your study sheets and throwing them into the air, so when you ask your brain for the info during the test it's like lol it's around here somewhere. On the other hand, if you slept and gave ur brain time to sort it, when you ask for that info, it'll just open the right drawer and give u the info!
That's it for the big ones- if you want more specific advice feel free to ask! Also as a disclaimer, these 5 are all big life lessons that I had to learn thru trial and error, so consider these to be the advice I would give myself at a younger age. Pls don't be offended lol whenever I said 'you' I rlly was thinking abt myself.
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exitvelocities · 4 months
mlc favorite character/ship poll takeaways
so this poll ended recently, and i thought it would be interesting to do a little number crunching. image of the poll results and also a graphic of some ao3 ship tag stats under the cut.
general disclaimer that this is just for fun and i'm not an academic, etc.
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li lianhua and ot3 are king
llh/ot3 won by a handy 24% by itself before we even start adding up the rest of the numbers. ot3 did not surprise me at all since i already knew ot3 was big on tumblr, but somehow llh being the favorite caught me off guard. it's probably just that i'm rarely a protagonist person and mostly hang around with other perennial side/background character likers; it really should have been obvious.
overall favorite stats
llh won handily, with over 40% of the vote. fdb and dfs were much closer, and I was surprised by which came out on top!
li lianhua: 41.2%
di feisheng: 26.6%
fang duobing: 22.8%
overall ship stats
ot3 won by a large margin! dihua was fairly steady, and there's a surprisingly low number of pure fanghuas on tumblr, especially when contrasted with the overall ao3 stats further down.
difanghua: 47.2%
dihua: 30%
fanghua: 13.4%
the "other" option
from tags, the main reasons people used the "other" option in no particular order:
difang, almost exclusively with fdb favorite (one person picked llh, no one picked dfs)
couldn't pick
no preference/like all equally
only one person actually named a different favorite from the three given options iirc
favorite character vs favorite ship
so, this was the original purpose of the poll-- i was curious to see if ship preferences would fall along favorite character lines. granted, including difanghua threw a wrench in that a little bit. i considered running it with difang instead and placing difanghua in the "other" category but ultimately decided against it since i felt it would just heavily skew the poll to "other" winning and lose out on a lot of favorite character information. so what did we end up with?
people are least likely to ship the thing their favorite character is not in (see: fdb/dihua, dfs/fanghua)
dfs lovers are more likely ship dihua than difanghua
fdb fans are more likely to ship fanghua than llh fans
llh and fdb faves are more likely to ship difanghua than solo ships
that's literally it; the breakdown of ship by character is in the poll results
ao3 stat observations
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fanghua is the overall most popular ship but is literally cut in half in english fandom; it's smaller than both dihua and ot3
dihua is pretty consistent and actually slightly higher in english fandom than overall at the moment; non-english dihua fic is mainly in chinese and russian
difang has 45 overall fics, 10 of which are in english
the vast majority of ot3 fics are in english
it's interesting that ot3 seems to absorb fanghuas moreso than dihuas, but that vibes with my very unscientific observation that there seem to be a lot of fanghua-leaning ot3ers
keep in mind that the overall numbers INCLUDE the english fic. how did i end up with this count? what does 'multiship' mean? see the methodology section at the end.
tumblr vs ao3
the contrast is interesting! dihua is strangely steady.
dihua: 30% (tumblr) vs 28.4% (eng fic) vs 26.7% (overall fic)
fanghua: 13.4% (tumblr) vs 17.3% (eng fic) vs 34.5% (overall fic)
difanghua: 47.2% (tumblr) vs 19.8% (eng fic) vs 9.2% (overall fic)
honestly there are none, lol. i just thought the breakdowns are interesting! also i'm hardly unbiased, so feel free to make your own conclusions with the information presented.
ao3 methodology
i did this really quick and dirty yesterday afternoon and can't guarantee 100% accuracy. i didn't check for the overall tag, but this method left about 5 english language fics unaccounted for. there may also have been slight overlap in some categories.
difang: anything tagged difang EXCLUDING dihua, fanghua, and ot3 tags
dihua: anything tagged dihua EXCLUDING difang, fanghua, and ot3 tags
fanghua: anything tagged fanghua EXCLUDING difang, dihua, and ot3 tags
ot3: anything tagged with the ot3 tag
multiship: anything tagged with dihua AND fanghua but NOT the ot3 tag
gen/other: anything NOT tagged with ANY difang, dihua, fanghua, or ot3 tags
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Anons FAQ
Hi guys! Today I wanted to answer a bunch of questions that I frequently get asked in my asks. This is going to go over a bunch of topics so skim through to find what you're struggling with and I hope this helps everyone 💗
"I feel like it's unfair to manifest in the void and it's stopping me from entering. Won't it give me an unfair advantage over everyone?" Life is unfair in general. There's disparity in everything, from attractiveness, to income level, to intelligence. Even the people around us. Some people are born in much better circumstances than others and you entering the void is to just get your ideal circumstances. Don't hold yourself back thinking about what's fair or not because nothing is fair so just get your dream life.
"Please tell me a guaranteed way to instantly enter the void." There is none. Trust me, I really wish I could just tell you to listen to this one subliminal and you're guaranteed to enter or to do this meditation and you'll enter but there's no such method that is 100% guaranteed. If there was, I would have shared it by now. Fortunately, there are methods to enter the void but it's going to have to be trial and error to find one that is compatible with you. My own void journey was filled with trial and error and even then, I entered the void on accident. The "guaranteed way" I guess would be through loa and fixing your mindset but that's not really a method.
"I have issues with my desires." / "I feel like something is stopping me. Why do I keep procastinating?" Read this.
"I'm scared of what happens when you manifest. I don't want to shift. What should I do?" I have talked about this many times before but I'll say it again. Stop obsessing over irrelevant details. No one knows what happens when we manifest. Scholars and monks who have dedicated their lives don't, Tumblr bloggers don't, I don't, and you don't. All anyone has is their own experiences and knowledge and from that, they derive theories. Just subscribe to theory that suits what you want the most. It's law of assumption, whatever you assume is the truth so just assume whatever theory you like is the truth and your problem is solved.
"Why do void bloggers not show proof?" Privacy and peace of mind. One of my mutual just told me about this but there's a tiktoker who used subliminals to look like a BTS member and he glowed up but he shared that he used subliminals and now he's getting hate. The post where he shared that he used subliminals is deleted but there were people calling him delusional, saying he's still ugly, kpop fans mad that he "stole" a kpop idol's beauty, etc. You can learn a bit about it here.
"Is it possible to...." Yes.
"Please give me advice"/"What is advice you wish you could give everyone?" The key is consistency. This applies even if you're choosing to enter through LOA. For LOA, you need to keep a consistent mindset. As for other methods, consistency is still important. A few of you might have picked up on this already but a lot of success stories are people entering unexpectedly, including me. This is why consistency is so important. You never know what method will work/when you're going to tap in but if you atleast consistently listen to a subliminal or do a meditation, you might tap in anyday.
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I keep seeing posts about how tumblr staff is deleting Palestinian blogs, and while there is definitely reason to believe some of that could be intentional, my only interactions with those blogs have been receiving copy-paste asks formatted exactly like every scam email I've ever received.
If Palestinians are indiscriminately messaging blogs on here (a website that already has a huge bot problem!) with stuff that 100% looks like spam, that means they are probably getting reported by people who think they're scam bots multiple times a day and staff is seeing "this user's asks have been flagged as spam 50+ times" and nerfing them without a second thought.
I absolutely think these people deserve help, but someone needs to come up with a better format than "‼️DONT SCROLL AWAY. $5000 NEEDED‼️" because my internet denizen brain sees that and activates a report-and-block reflex so honed it takes genuine effort to take a step back and not do that.
If anyone reading this is a Palestinian looking for aid (or friends with someone who is), I would recommend workshopping more genuine-sounding messages that the average user won't block on sight because I guarantee it's hindering whatever support you could be getting and could get your account banned.
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sutheworld · 1 month
I would like to ask you, can you tell me exactly what my problem is? I feel as if manifestation does not suit me. The more I stress, the worse it gets. I feel as if I am doing everything wrong and I cannot imagine. My fears control me. I fear that I will not be able to manifest my desires and my life will remain as it is. My health is getting worse every day and I am afraid of losing my mother. I am a failure in everything these days. I feel as if my life is meaningless and there is no point in living because I cannot use my strength and believe in myself. The solution is in my hands, but I cannot do anything. I do not know what is happening to me. But I don't want to die like this, I don't want to let my ability to change my life go like this, but I can't use it and nothing works for me. Everyone tells me to work on your self-concept, but even my self-concept and I find it difficult to work on it. I'm very, very sorry, but I don't want to waste more years. Likewise, I have been in this community for 3 years and until now I have not been able to manifest even a small thing even though I know everything
Did you suffer as much as I did in the beginning, or was it just me, and what did you do to succeed in the end?
Well i could write you one of those how to manifest texts now but it seems like you’ve already read a lot of them.
I think what will help you is thinking that you’re doing well right now. It seems like you tried a lot of things and like you affirm too, but then you tell yourself “i’m doing something wrong, this feels wrong, i must be doing something really bad”. Which obviously makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong 🤷‍♀️ so you come back to tumblr.
Don’t be so pessimistic, why see everything from the negative side and worry and worry and worry… The possibility of you doing the method right and of you being on the right track is higher and sometimes just as high as the possibility of you doing something wrong. But you still only look at the chances of you doing it wrong, that’s all you care for. In reality when you affirm there’s a 100% chance you’re on the right track and have it manifested right now. However, you still choose to make it 99% because you feel like there’s always gotta be something wrong and fishy.
Even if the chance of you failing is 50% and of you winning is also 50%, you choose to only look at the 50% failing possibility.
Why are you only looking at the failing side??? That’s not logical it’s not more possible than the winning side…. and only focusing on the 50% loosing possibility makes you feel miserable.
Believing in the 50% winning is free. It doesn’t cost you anything, it isn’t hard either it’s as easy as sticking to the other 50%.
Stop making your life harder by only believing in bad things. The possibility of good things happening, of you doing well, is literally JUST AS HIGH. Plus, when you affirm the possibility of you doing something wrong/failing is fully eliminated, no matter what happens. No matter what contradicting thoughts follow your affirmation, what occurs on your 3D and whatever. You are doing it right, you have already manifested it. Stick to being happy 😭😭😭 why be saaadd
So now i want you to affirm something, like just something positive once or twice is enough. And you’re done! You’re doing it right. For the rest of the day you can feel fully content.
It would work like this if you’d affirm something bad too, you say it once or twice and then your day is ruined. That’s super easy to do, right? All day long you’ll only think of those negative thoughts and worry. That’s perfect training for my current manifestation recommendation!
Affirm, and let those thoughts have the same impact on you as your negative thoughts usually have. Keep feeling happy because you just did something hella right. Ideally the thoughts that just guaranteed your manifestation will keep ringing in your mind, just like your worries would usually do. Like it’s really that easy, just be happy. There’s nothing to worry about, you can now leave tumblr too, as you’re doing everything right.
There’s actually no need for you to ask me for advice. Honestly, you’ve mastered manifestation, it’s just affirm and be satisfied with your method. You are doing super good, no need to pursue further manifestation advice. Everybody has the 100% manifestation guarantee as long as they affirm/apply some manifestation method.
—————- to answer your additional questions:
I like to act like a white male in his thirties, who always believes that everything he does is right. So somehow the start of my manifestation journey was kinda where i peaked. It was the best time of my life, i was so happy to have discovered law of assumption and i tried to apply it as much as i can.
But after that i of course struggled to keep my happy spirit alive at times. It wasn’t easy to always stay on the manifestation track and keep my thoughts clean. Humans usually all live similar lives and share similar experiences, as a human there’s always somebody who is going trough the same experience as you. You’re never alone.
What helps me when i don’t know how to approach a manifestation is identifying my problem. Most of the time the problem is a pessimistic attitude, just me being stressed. So i try to remind myself that i don’t have anything to be stressed about, and that it’s okay to not have anything to be stressed about, because just because my friends are stressed doesn’t mean i have to be stressed too.
I’m aware that i know very well how to manifest, me lacking knowledge can never be the problem here. It’s me thinking i’ll fail no matter how hard i try. I can get rid of that mindset with logical thinking, with the idea i’ve tried to explain to you above: Me doing it right is more probable and sometimes just as possible as me doing it wrong, so why hurt myself by denying my chances of success. When they are higher than my chances of failure.
Even if the possibility of failure is 99%, i’ll believe in that 1% of possible success with my whole soul and being.
That’s how i survive. I just assume that i’m doing it well.
Hope this made sense 😭😭😭 stay happy princess!!
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baejax-the-great · 11 months
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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just-antithings · 7 months
Antis: "I despise AO3 so much. It goes against all my grandstanding ethics. *moan* I can't believe I still have to use it and post all my fics there. *whine*"
This argument has never not sounded ridiculous, but underneath it, I always found myself thinking, "Yeah, if AO3 ever actually did something I disagreed with, I would have trouble not being a hypocrite. I'd probably stay too. It's nice to get eyes on my fics."
And then tumblr's partnership with AI was announced yesterday, and I'm just... not going to post my art here anymore. The company has taken a stance I morally disagree with, and yes actually, I am able to put my foot down. I've consistently been against AI, and I'm not going back on that just so my art gets more attention here.
Still possible to not be a hypocrite. 👍
(Disclaimer: I know about the opt-out setting. I also know it's already been reported that data went across that wasn't supposed to. There is no 100% guarantee my art won't be taken from here for AI unless it simply doesn't exist on this platform.)
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msnihilist · 6 months
Urgent Writing Commissions
Hello, all! I've recently been fired from my job due to a false claim made against me by a coworker with a grudge. It's a shitty situation all around but, luckily, I do already have an interview lined up.
This isn't an 'emergency,' I do have some savings. But an interview isn't a guaranteed job and I'm still missing about two weeks worth of income.
So if you would like a writing commission to help me out, I'm doing $1 for 100 words. Drabbles are $1! This goes up to 1k words, so I can get these finished for you very quickly.
You can check out my writing on AO3 if you aren't familiar with my work.
I will write anything. OCs, OC/canon, furry, gore, NSFW, etc etc blah blah. Just be aware that if you ask for something I'm not familiar with, I will have follow up questions. You can get your finished commission over Discord, email, posted to AO3... The only thing I won't write is nonfiction! Write your own essays, haha.
If you're interested, please donate through my Ko-Fi and message me here on Tumblr, or @/missnihilist on Discord with a screenshot of your donation.
And if you can't donate (or don't want to), reblogs are always much appreciated <3
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draganwhorror · 2 months
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So, my darling followers, you are all more than welcome to tell me I'm crazy, but would anyone want to go to Frightmare in the Falls in Canada with me to see Ted (and others, of course)? The current lineup is listed above, but I know they have many more announcements coming. I already have a hotel booked right by the convention center (3 minute walk), so you wouldn't need to worry about that, unless you preferred staying elsewhere, and admission for myself, and I could buy admission for someone else. I could also try to offer some assistance (but not 100% guaranteed) with a flight, too (but probably not international, because flights are crazy expensive, unfortunately). I haven't booked my flight yet (currently price watching), but I'll most likely be going to Buffalo (NY) and then going from there.
I know it's a bit... weird, I suppose, to ask on Tumblr, but I will say one of the best trips I've ever taken was in 2013 when I went to London (UK) for 5 days with someone I only knew from Tumblr and had never met in real life until that trip. She's been one of my besties ever since. I also met up with three other Ted fans back in March that I'd only known from online, and they're also some of the best people I've ever met. So, yeah... Sometimes craziness pays off. 😂
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yellowloid · 1 year
i think one of the main problems of tumblr (and fandom culture, and the internet in general) is that people tend to forget as human beings we are made of multitudes. nothing is ever just black or white - there are infinite shades of grey in between and that is the very thing that makes us, well, human.
sometimes people have contrasting opinions within themselves and - guess what - even contrasting feelings. sometimes people feel strongly about stuff and that is okay. you can love something/someone so much and at the same time find yourself disappointed by something related to it/them. that happens. it's okay.
i'm not gonna talk about what's going on on twitter because tbh i haven't checked so i have no idea wtf they're on about there, but i want to focus on our little tumblr community - which is so special because of the fact that it is (mostly) conflict-free, and if there's something we share it's a kind of visceral love for the boys that i'm sure everyone here can understand.
this is not an indirect @ anyone in particular, but i've seen some posts going around talking about all the negativity on the dash after last night, and i wanted to share my two cents on that.
we all love them. we all fucking love them so much and we know every time they set foot on stage we're guaranteed to be blown away by how fucking good and special and talented they are. they know how to deliver a spectacular performance (even in emergency situations like yesterday, with alex's laryngitis which is definitely far from gone) and they know how to keep the audience's attention fixed on them. they're a special kind of hypnotising, and every show is unique in and of itself *because* of their incredible presence, regardless of what setlist they might give us.
we all know that, and yesterday's show was no exception. it was amazing, powerful and breathtaking like every show they deliver. mindblowing, as always. as simple as that.
and that's exactly what can turn disappointing real quick. they know how fucking good they are. they know how much potential they have, and that all this tour they've been using up to 10% of said potential. they're incredibly talented and smart, and still decide to stick to their comfort zone every. single. night. with few exceptions, obviously, and mostly never from the album they're supposed to be touring. that's what upsets people here - the fact that they're letting their own HUGE potential go to waste.
glastonbury is a milestone. they had nothing to prove, of course, having headlined it already and more than once in the past. everyone knows what they're capable of. but glastonbury is special, too, and instead if felt like just another random show they could then go and tick off their list. done, next. rinse and repeat.
and of course we also all know it was an emergency. alex has been straining his voice for a long time now - the three consecutive london gigs were the breaking point, and i'm so glad they took a bit of time to let him rest, despite the fact that they probably hated having to cancel the dublin show. but they couldn't ditch glasto, and so they showed up and they did a fucking amazing job. alex sounded so good and i think i can speak for all of us when i say i was so incredibly relieved to see he was okay. i was shaking and biting my nails worried sick about him for DAYS up to the moment they appeared on stage and seeing him get up there and kill it with a fucking crazy performance, putting in all that effort and dedication despite the fact that he's no doubt still recovering (no way his laryngitis is 100% gone, and i hope he gets some more rest because he needs it) made me so proud of him, so fucking happy and proud and i couldn't really love him more. i love him so much, i love them all so much and i know everyone here also does. no one here is blaming it on him for whatever happened yesterday. we're all just fucking glad and grateful he could show up in the first place. he's the most special most talented most beautiful little guy ever and we all love and cherish him so much it hurts. and he did so fucking well, as always. i hope he knows that, and i hope he knows he's allowed to be sick and he's not to blame for anything. i would personally fight anyone who dared say anything bad about him because no one fuck's with tumblr's most beautiful most precious babygirlboy. no one!!!!!
having said that, big changes in the setlist - especially a live debut of hello you or other new songs - were highly unlikely and we all knew that. they probably wouldn't have had the chance to rehearse due to alex's sickness. and that's okay! sure everyone would love to see those songs finally make their grand debut. but that can wait, because alex's health is more important.
and let's face it. i don't think it's that big of a reach to say that even if alex hadn't been sick, the setlist wouldn't have changed that much anyway. there's songs that simply cannot be scrapped, songs to which they're particularly attached and songs to which average fans are also particularly attached. then there's songs that have been on rotation, and songs that have finally already made a comeback during the sheffield shows. taking away all that, the songs that have an actual real possibility of coming back aren't that many - as much as it hurts me to say it, they won't be playing secret door or piledriver waltz or batphone or whatever more niche song anytime soon. and we know that, no one *really* expects them to. because they have to gather to the general crowd, and as repetitive as their current setlist might be, it works. could house more new songs - they skipped big ideas? and songs such as mr schwartz and iaqwitia haven't made a comeback in such a long while... but still. it's bomb. it works, and it works fucking well.
however, there were other changes that could have been made to make glasto special - changes that wouldn't have been a risk to alex's health; small things that could have made a difference, even a tiny one. @mrschwartz said it perfectly in her tags (i hope it's okay to show these sbfksjf i just think you put it into words really well):
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it WAS a win. the sole fact of headlining glasto, in and of itself, is a win. a big fucking one at that. and little changes could have been made to make it memorable - to make it stand out when compared to every other gig they played this tour. there definitely were highlights - not only with alex's antics but also lyrically, with the jet skis/iwby/star treatment moment, which was OUTSTANDING - but for the rest nothing really spoke GLASTONBURY. nothing else *really* stood out, and that's a shame.
(not even gonna touch on the miles thing because yeah we all know they probably wanted to do it but couldn't for some reason; it's pretty clear rn that him showing up in london was to make up for him not being able to be there yesterday; we all had our suspicions and they were right. still bummed tho because them playing glasto together is a tradition!)
but considered all that, it is what it is. no one is gonna go around unstanning them because of last night. if anything, when they pull this shit they just make us want to follow them even more, to see what they'll be up to in the next shows. what aces they have up their sleeves - because we know just as well as they know that they have many. they're just too comfortable in their routine to pull them all out, and hopefully sometime in the near future we'll get to see more of what they can really do.
again, it was an amazing show. my heart was beating so fast and i kept grinning like an idiot at the screen, just because they were there. just because they showed up in the first place, with their talent and beauty and power and insane energy. just because i love them so much i can't even begin to explain it.
and i was a bit disappointed, too. because we know how much potential they have. because if they can put up an amazing show like that using only a crumble of that potential, we can only imagine how insanely spectacular of a performance they could deliver if they used even a little bit more of it.
but they refuse to, and that's what can be upsetting. but it doesn't take away the love we have for them. the two things can coexist, and they don't take away from each other. if anything, i woke up this morning with even more love for them than i did yesterday, exactly because they frustrate me with how legendary they are, and how bad i want them to show that to the whole world.
i love them, i'm disappointed, and that's not gonna stop me from loving them even more.
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adambja · 4 months
Hello, sorry for the trouble. I have a question about void, I saw several posts about void, so I have questions
1. Is the void real, because some channels say that the void is supposedly us and it doesn’t have the power to manifest all our desires after we leave it?
2. I have such a desire that the man who lives with my mother, my stepfather, so to speak, would simply disappear after I made a wish in the void, so I woke up and went to my mother and asked where he was and she said like who is he? Like a revision or what? Is this real or not?
3. And change my appearance, but so that people remember me with the desired appearance, this is possible since I just enter the void and not them, how can I erase their memory, even change grades on the school website, it’s like if the teachers gave such grades
In general, I have these slightly strange questions, but what are they?
Thank you 🙏🏻
Hey my love,
I am sorry I kept you waiting 🙏🏻
1. Yes, it's real! you have to understand that it is whatever YOU WANT IT TO BE!
Like for ex.
If you want it to be real → It's real!!
If you don't want it to be real → it's not real!!
That's how your subconscious mind takes information in!
So whatever these people are saying it doesn't matter
it's always whatever YOU want to believe!!
It's all about YOU!! Your thoughts! And your feelings!!
So simply always fill your mind up with whatever you want it to be as in IT IS ALREADY A FACT!
For ex.
"the void state is already real"
2. Yes...
Look whatever you think about is possible to achieve fr but you have TO HAVE THAT SUBCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING or THE MINDSET that helps you and allows you to do this and for revision to be instant!
• How?
Just assume you are already whatever you want to be and read this post!
3. basically you won't erase their memories cuz without even thinking about it people won't remember you with your old appearance they will remember that you always looked like that!
The same thing with the grades! Nobody will remember what it was cuz it was already changed by you! That's all!
If you need paid tapes i got you!! I know you are already using the free tapes💗!
No problem 🙏🏻
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askagamedev · 11 months
Related question to the Pokémon one. Why do you think Game Freak has continued on this course of games of such relatively limited budget and scale compared to the global of the brand as a whole (given it is the largest media franchise in the planet). Why do you think Game Freak hasn’t budgeted the $100+ million budgets of other games, given the near guarantee of financial success?
I suspect it is the same reason that Nintendo doesn't push $100+ million budgets for their flagship games even though they could - because what they are currently doing works for them. The Pokemon franchise is already the industry leader in the field. Usually, the big question the people with the money ask is "If we put more money into this project, how will it translate to even more money down the road?"
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Businesses run on percentages. If they put in more money to a project, they need to get proportionately more money out of that project. Using some napkin math, roughly 100 devs working at GameFreak for four years on a mainline Pokemon game translates to roughly $48 million in budget. Let's say they doubled that budget. Would the resulting game generate double the sales or profits? Would it bring more users into other Pokemon franchise elements like merch? They need a reason to justify increased expenditure, "because we want to" doesn't count.
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It's easy to want things because you would personally enjoy them more but, for the sake of evaluating feasibility, it helps to put yourself in the place of an executive who has to justify the decision financially. If you depended on those earnings to fund other game projects and keep the company healthy, spending more without sufficient return on investment doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
Important words for you, Student #1
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Regardless of how your year has been so far, whether you are evaluating it as a good year, a bad year, or a reasonable year, I have something to say to you.
Especially if you are a student or experiencing any kind of pressure.
I believe that here in Tumblr we have many pre-university students or university applicants.
When you are a university applicant, the demands are high. Do not understand demands as synonymous with "success,"
such as:
"doing well in school and also doing well in the entrance exam", "getting good grades."
Some say that "so-and-so does well in school because they are demanded"; "so-and-so does well in the entrance exam because they are demanded," when in reality, it's not like that.
The pressure begins from the moment you hear about the exam and know that you will have to study for it like no one else. Right at the beginning of this university application journey, various ridiculous ideas of competition and comparison are implanted in your head.
This has side effects:
a person may feel pressured and incapable; or super potent and excessively competitive. Anything can happen. The idea of competition in the entrance exam is still very ingrained in the minds of young people. Which is terrible.
My main message is for you not to neglect yourself.
Don't get lost in the midst of this university application madness. I'm not telling you to give up. I'm telling and remembering you to take care of yourself, even while studying.
Because it's no use thinking that only reading and doing who-knows-how-many exercises will guarantee your spot. If your physical and mental health is deteriorating, even if you have read and studied all the content, you won't be 100% well to put these learnings into practice. I guarantee you that.
Hmm, I don't know if you, who are reading this and are a student, have already taken your exams, have passed, haven't passed... regardless of that, my message here is focused on congratulating and advising you.
This text has already been published in my language for students in my country to read if they came across it. At the time, it was 2017 or 2018. I had just finished my second semester in law school, and for many, that meant nothing. Oh, I passed. Cool. But for me, it meant A LOT. Really a lot.
I had a tumultuous, busy, and complicated semester, where I was also all over the place, so things didn't go in the best way. In this context, I didn't see myself giving my best because I wasn't getting the best results.
But now that it's over, I think differently. Well, I gave my BEST. Even with a shitty result on some days, in exams: I did my best. My moment was too difficult and now everything is passing, things are improving. I really feel better that the weather is opening up again.
About grades,
my advice is: don't compare yourself.
There will always be someone "ahead," who succeeded before, who did better until now. Okay, but so what? Your performance is within your current pace, and you shouldn't demand too much from yourself.
It's as if life gave you "limits" as a gift.
Each phase, you receive a different limit, which will be according to the phase you are currently in.
And it's no use looking at the neighbor's limit and comparing it with yours.
It's no use trying to exceed your current quota.
Relax, focus on doing what is within your reach at the moment.
I see young people - 17, 18, 19 years old, and so on - worrying about the future in a very heavy way.
I see people going crazy, devising plans for the future and already thinking it will go wrong.
I understand all the pressure that is placed. But it doesn't have to be that way. I don't like to call our parents and society enemies, it's not that. But they are completely mistaken in
thinking that young people have an obligation to follow the life manual to the letter.
I would like to ask you not to see them as enemies but as people who don't exactly know what is best for you.
The best for you at this moment is what your heart wants (Heart, not Ego).
It's putting everything that needs to be put in place.
You have felt enough pressure this year.
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