#this is so ridiculously sappy i'm sorry
theflyingfeeling · 10 months
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Seventh Day of Gift-Giving: Seven Nights
Prompt: Light fell through the window, illuminating the couple lying in bed, entangled with each other and perfectly content with it.
The two idiots in love have also been idiots in the kitchen, but not for much longer! 💞
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After all the food-related disasters, their dinner date had been nothing but lovely, if simple: arriving at the restaurant, it had turned out someone working there knew Olli from one of their music projects back in their conservatoire days and had happily arranged a table for them at the back of the dining hall, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. There they were left in peace to chat about everything that crossed their minds, to make each other giggle by “stealing” food from each other’s plates, or just to sit in silence, finding deep comfort in each other’s easy company. The atmospheric lighting of the restaurant had made Olli’s expression look especially soft, and if they hadn’t, in spite of everything, been in public, Aleksi wouldn’t have hesitated scooting his chair next to Olli’s to whisper sweet nothings into his ear or pull him in for a long kiss, one he had been dying to give him the entire evening.
That was why, after having picked up Rilla from Tommi’s temporary dog daycare, Aleksi was more than happy to be back at Olli’s again, because he couldn’t have pushed Olli against the door to crash their mouths together at the restaurant, could he?
It seemed Olli shared the sentiment, as he was quick to undress Aleksi of his overcoat and wrap his arms around Aleksi’s waist to pull him close, never breaking the kiss but instead smiling into it. 
“Thanks for the date night,” Aleksi said, pulling his mouth apart from Olli’s just enough to form the words before savouring the taste of Olli’s bottom lip again. He could still detect traces of the chocolatey dessert they had enjoyed.
“The best idea we’ve had all week, huh?” Olli’s speech was but slur, with Aleksi nibbling on his lips with great appetite despite having just dined the better part of evening; now, he was ravenous for something else entirely.
“The best idea we’ve had all week so far,” Aleksi murmured in turn. He hoped Olli would get his hint and was rewarded when the shade of Olli’s eyes darkened and his sighs against Aleksi’s lips, cheek and neck became more shallow, more greedy. 
It seemed Tommi had done an impeccable job at activating Rilla all evening, since the dog wasted no time in making herself a nest in her little dog bed and was already settled in by the time Aleksi and Olli stumbled in the bedroom. Aleksi made a mental note of buying Tommi a beer as a thanks the next time they’d hang out, because Rilla’s sleepiness made it possible for him to grab Olli by his hips and gently guide him straight towards the bed, all the while leaving small, soft kisses on his lips.
Throughout the whole dinner, Aleksi’s mind had kept wandering to how amazing it had felt to hold Olli close and keep him there without the fear of rejection, to kiss him without alcohol clouding his judgement or regret banging the door at the back of his head; he was only just beginning to wrap his head around it all. Even now, with Olli’s body pressed against his, eagerly echoing every movement of Aleksi’s own, Aleksi almost wanted to stop and pinch himself to make sure it wasn’t all just another unattainable fantasy, a daydream that would turn into a nightmare when Aleksi would realise that was all it was: nothing but wishful thinking of a fool who had gone and fallen for a friend. 
As if reading his thoughts, Olli let their final kiss linger unnecessarily long before he opened his eyes to look up into Aleksi’s. His pupils were dilated and his eyelids hooded, but his hands were no longer roaming Aleksi’s backside aimlessly but instead slowly caressing his neck and chest before grabbing Aleksi by his shirt and pulling him on top of himself as they fell on the bed.
After the brief interruption, their mouths found the same rhythm effortlessly as a familiar feeling began to set in Aleksi’s lower stomach. Underneath him, Olli let out a long moan, his voice low – and insanely sexy, might Aleksi add – but just as Aleksi had begun to subtly roll his hips against Olli’s, his efforts were interrupted by Olli’s hand on his pelvis and his lips withdrawing from Aleksi's own.
“Aleksi, ummmm…” For one terrifying second, Aleksi paralysed in fear of having done the wrong thing or having misinterpreted Olli’s cues. Olli must have sensed this, for he immediately flashed him a reassuring smile and brought his face closer so their foreheads were touching.
“Is it okay if we just sleep tonight? Let’s just… not rush things, yeah? We’ve got time, don’t we?”
The relief almost brought tears to Aleksi’s eyes. 
(And maybe it did for real, but just a little, mind you.)
“Yeah,” Aleksi nodded, his nose nudging Olli’s. “We’ve got time.” 
Suddenly feeling exhausted (perhaps it was the stress from all the bottled-up pining finally pouring out of him all at once), Aleksi slumped next to Olli on the bed with a quiet oof, careful not to alarm Rilla. Olli turned to his side to face him, his fingers stroking the exposed parts of Aleksi’s hands below the rolled-up sleeves of his sweater. He seemed particularly fascinated by the tattoos on Aleksi’s forearm, tracing them with his fingers. The touch was just soothing enough for Aleksi to ignore that they should maybe change into something more comfortable before they’d cuddle each other to sleep, but then Olli’s lips began to slowly work their magic on Aleksi's own again, so he really wasn’t in the mindset to care all that much.
“Can I help you undress though?” Olli asked him after a series of long, slow, mind-blowing kisses.
As if Aleksi was ever going to say ‘no’ to that.
Once they had successfully (although not without tired giggles) removed each other’s shirts, they spent a good while taking turns at mouthing one another’s bare neck, shoulders and chest with all the care and love they could possibly put in such a gesture. It would have been easy, oh, so easy, to grab Olli with a little more intent, a little more craving, and resume what they had almost started, but Aleksi pushed aside his desires because he did agree with Olli: now that they were finally here, lost in each other’s touch, there was no more rush, no more fear of it all slipping through their fingers. Even when they were already stripped down to just their underwear, with Olli’s bulge pressing against his, Aleksi was content in having Olli by his side exactly like this.
“You’re so fucking lovely, I want you so much,” he told him, the words out of his mouth before he had a chance to evaluate just how sappy and desperate they sounded. Lucky for him, Olli didn’t seem to mind terribly.
When their kisses grew lazier and their hands found peace at last, fingers intertwined, Olli’s soft voice spoke from the dark.
“I want you too. So fucking much. Just… just so you know.”
Such simple words, yet they took Aleksi’s breath away.
I know now, he would’ve said if he had been capable of talking in that moment. Instead he left a light kiss on Olli’s fingers, hoping it might be enough of an answer. Under the touch, the fingers clasped on to Aleksi’s hand tighter, only softening their grip when Olli fell into a peaceful sleep.
‘The best idea we’ve had all week, huh?’ Olli's remark echoed in Aleksi's head.
Sure, Aleksi had agreed then, but if Olli would’ve brought it up again now, Aleksi would’ve answered differently.
The best idea we’ve had? This. Us.
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jjkamochoso · 1 month
Hii!! I'm always hanging out in your askbox, sorry about that! I've got another Feitan request! A Feitan x Female Reader who, similar to my other requests, is normally an outgoing person with a girly personality, but behind closed doors she really appreciates a peaceful atmosphere. Maybe the two of them decided to stay together off troupe duty at a rented place or hotel, and she's less bubbly than Feitan is used to her being with the troupe around. Not that she's any less smiley, just a lot more quiet than she usually is. Bonus points if it's raining outside and they can enjoy the sounds of it together in a dimly lit room! Sorry if that was really specific, feel free to change it up if you like!! Thank you!
I LOVE that you’re always requesting omg don’t apologize!! I love writing for you guys and talking with you all about anything and everything so feel free to keep sending in whatever, whenever!!😁🫶❤️ this idea is SO good and I’m grateful you entrusted me with another wonderful request!❤️ thanks so much and I really hope you love this!!
Lightning Strike of Love
Feitan Portor x f!reader
Warnings: slight mentions of violence
“So we’ll meet back up in a few days, right?”
“That’s right. Don’t have too much fun on your off time without me,” Phinks replied to you, shooting you a playful wink.
“We have free time?” asked Shizuku, confusion etched on her features.
Machi sighed. “Yes, Shizuku. You’ve know about this for weeks, remember?”
The girl’s big eyes blinked behind her large glasses. “No.”
Machi pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers in exasperation. You giggled as you listened to your fellow Phantom Troupe members talk about what they were doing in the upcoming down time allotted. You were sad that you weren’t going to be spending more time with them because they truly were your best friends and closest thing you had to a family. You were, however, looking forward to the peace and quiet of not being on a mission for once.
“Where you going?”
Feitan, stealthy as ever, made you jump involuntarily with the sound of his voice right near your ear. He snickered at your reaction, cocking his head as he awaited your answer.
“I rented a hotel room in the quiet part of the city. I figured it’s a good place to relax for a bit,” you said. “How about you? What’s your plan?”
“Nothing. I stay here.”
“At the base? By yourself? On our vacation?!” you asked incredulously.
“Tch. What else I supposed to do? I wait for you all to come back.”
“But won’t you be lonely?”
He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Why don’t you stay with me?” you suggested, stunning him completely. You leaned in towards him, smiling sweetly and lowering your voice. “I enjoy your company, Feitan. I’d really miss you if you weren’t there.”
Feitan’s heart wasn’t used to beating as quickly as it was and his cowl wasn’t doing any favors to cool his neck that was burning from your saccharine words. He wanted to accept your offer but if you kept gazing at him with that honeyed expression, he’d never survive the trip.
“Tch. You sappy,” he remarked, shoving his fidgeting hands in his pockets.
You checked the time on your phone. “So, wanna join me? The taxi will be here in about 10 minutes.”
“Fine, I go with you. But I not paying for anything,” he teased.
“Neither am I. A dead guy’s credit card will get you anything you want,” you told him, grinning triumphantly. “Now, go pack! We don’t want to keep the driver waiting!”
A suitcase, a suspiciously small duffel bag, and a taxi ride later and you and Feitan had arrived to the hotel.
“Why so fancy?” Feitan wondered, staring up at the old building with curiosity. Columns and arches were in abundance and the weighty, gold handled doors to the lobby were at least double his height. As you checked in, he took note of the indoor fountain and scoffed.
She out of her mind. This place ridiculous.
“C’mon, Fei! Our room is ready!” you called, beckoning him over. He obliged, still shaking his head at your go big or go home tendencies. You were always so bubbly and were attracted to sickeningly pretty things (hence the choice of hotel). He never understood how you two got along so well; you were polar opposites.
“I’m so excited to see our room!” you squeaked, clasping your hands together in anticipation as the elevator brought you up to your floor. Feitan couldn’t lie, he was looking forward to having you all to himself for the next few days, no longer losing your attention to the other Troupe members. He smiled from under his cowl.
Our room. With my girl.
You pulled out the key and opened the door. When you saw the room, you almost started crying. It was absolutely beautiful! The fluffy beds were calling your name and right after you put your suitcase in the corner, you kicked off your shoes and laid down, closing your eyes and quietly enjoying the silence that had filled the room. After a while you heard Feitan ruffle through his bag before lying down on the other bed. You peeked an eye open and saw he was reading a book.
“Oh, that was a good idea. I should’ve brought a book, too,” you said thoughtfully.
“I have extra in bag. You can get one.”
“Thank you! That’s very kind of you.”
His bag, filled only with books, made you screw your nose up in slight disgust.
“Where are your extra clothes?” you asked, afraid to hear his answer.
“I no bring. These fine for a few days.”
You grabbed the first book you saw, deciding to deal with that situation later. “Trevor Brown? I don’t know any of his works.”
Feitan chuckled. “Just look at it. You might like.”
After a few pages, you had seen enough.
“It’s a little too dark for me,” you explained, putting it back, which caused Feitan to laugh harder. “I know there’s a bookstore around here somewhere. That might be fun to do tomorrow.” You paused. “And I’ll take you shopping.”
After you resumed your position on the bed, Feitan enthralled in his book, you felt a chill blow through you. Since the hotel was older, the windows let in cold air so you were grateful that there was a fireplace in your room. With a click of a button, a warm fire began to roar and you smiled to yourself at how perfectly domestic this whole situation was. Having Feitan all to yourself in a place like this was a dream come true to you. You snuck a glance at the man as he read, his hair slightly hanging over his face, his lips, no longer covered by the cowl, pursed in concentration; he looked handsome beyond belief. Not wanting to disrupt him with your staring, you changed gears and grabbed the comforter from your bed, wrapping it around your shoulders. You then pulled a chair in front of the window and stared at the beauty outside, getting lost in your thoughts.
Feitan, on the other hand, was looking forward to you starting your cheerful chatting like usual. He was patiently waiting to hear your voice chirp up, talking animatedly about things that happened that day or what was on your mind. If anyone else spoke as much as you did, he would’ve sewn their mouths shut, but he tolerated—no, genuinely liked—your incessant jovial jabber.
“Why you no talk?” he asked, pulling you from your daydreams.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You never stay quiet, you always talk.”
“Are you complimenting me or insulting me?” you joked, but Feitan was looking at you with such a serious face that you immediately stopped teasing.
“Around the others, all day long, talk, talk, talk,” he said, opening and closing his hand in a gesture to mimic you speaking, “but with me, you silent. Why?”
“That’s easy,” you replied, wearing a soft smile, “you make me feel relaxed. At ease. I love to speak with everyone, yes, and I especially love talking with you, but when it’s just me, or just us, like this… I like the calming environment.”
Feitan was clearly embarrassed by his assumption, although he did think it was good to learn that you two weren’t total opposites after all, since he cherished his quiet time as well. You were completely unbothered by his question but you still tried to reassure him in your own way without making him feel silly. You picked up the big black book that was resting on the nightstand and took up the spot next to Feitan on his bed, your arm brushing up against his.
You opened the book to a menu. “How about we order some room service?”
After ordering and eating practically everything from the menu, you and Feitan were happy as could be. You two shared nice conversations over dinner, Feitan ecstatic at hearing your bad jokes and sparkling laughter, and you were feeling grateful that you were going to be able to share moments like this with him for the next couple of days. When the last of the empty plates were left outside your hotel room door to be picked up, you locked the door and got your pajamas on since nighttime had almost arrived. You exited the bathroom in your cozy attire and sat on your bed once more, feeling Feitan’s gray eyes watch you the entire time.
“Yes?” you asked, wrapping yourself in the comforter again.
“Nothing,” he blurted out, tearing his gaze from you. You giggled, browsing through a magazine provided by the hotel. You were about to turn on the lamp to continue reading when all of a sudden, you heard tapping on the window. You peeked out and saw rain had begun to fall. The last remnants of the sun’s rays were snuffed out by dark clouds hovering in the sky above you and your stomach fluttered at the change of weather. Hearing the droplets hit the building was sending you into a state of pure bliss and there was only one thing that could make it even better.
There was no answer but you knew he was listening.
“Come lay next to me.”
Again, no answer.
“Please? I don’t bite.”
“I do.”
Your eyes found his in the dark but he showed no sign of yielding to your request. “Forget I said anything. I’m sorry for pushing it.”
You weren’t going to force him to do something he didn’t want to do. You knew he had an aversion to any sort of touch that wasn’t tortuous, but you thought for sure he would at least sit on the same bed as you. You sighed wistfully as you leaned against the headboard, wondering if Feitan knew of your romantic feelings for him and this was his way of rejecting them. To your total surprise, you felt your bed dip as another body climbed on the mattress.
“You no apologize, don’t be stupid.”
This time it was Feitan who brushed his arm against yours as he climbed into the warmth of your comforter, leaving goosebumps where he touched. You two sat together, no sounds to be heard except for the falling rain and far off thunder. The hotel room was dimly lit by the fireplace and you were admiring the flicker of flames that highlighted Feitan’s profile. The tranquility you were experiencing was unmatched by anything else on this earth and you wished life could be like this all the time. You didn’t know what possessed you, or what wrath you were about to face, but your body moved on its own in its reach for Feitan’s hand.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” you whispered, your rationality catching up to your actions. Right as you were about to grasp his hand, a loud clap of thunder had you pulling back in shock.
“I no say stop,” said Feitan, closing the space between you by placing his hand on top of yours. You turned to look at him fully and he met your gaze for only a second before studying the fireplace instead. In that second, though, you saw more than just flames blazing in his irises—
You saw love.
Taglist: @killuagirly
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culxiaa-fn · 10 months
[Mark of Love]
There is a theory, a fairy tale about how mole is where the places where your past lovers frequently left a kiss. Ace thinks it's ridiculous, ridiculously "cringe" and ridiculously Sappy. Yet Ace out of all people knew it, no matter how much he denied.
This comes from one theory that is quite popular. Kantokusei is looped by someone's magic. Also the moles(?) The location is based on my own body HAHAHA I'm forcing myself to look at my own body while showering then i noticed I have quite a lot of beauty marks. I have no idea why I'm writing ngl very self indulgent.
- Fem&AFAB!reader
|| slight suggestive, nothing serious it's just Ace being bratty. Slight Angst at the end(?)|| Hint that kantokusei's death || Ace Trappola return by death era ||
--- Masterlist ---
Everyone got one or two moles on their body either its an easily visible area or more hidden one.
There is a tale, a bed time story, an old wives tales- how beauty mark is the place where your past lovers like to kiss.
Ridiculous, Ace thought it was ridiculous- nothing more nothing less, it's just a silly story.
Yet, when lying on the bed with her right by his sides, kantokusei is showing all her moles. The areas where he knew the best.
After all... There's no smoke without fire... All fairy tales come from somewhere that hold some sort of truth. And Ace out of all people knows this, tiny dots across kantokusei body, like an artist painting on his empty canvas.
Of course he knew, of course he remembered, he is the one that left those marks afterall.
Lower right, below your lips
Ace loves to tease kantokusei, he lives for her angry faces, the grumpy hufs and he loves when kantokusei sulk about it.
Call him sadist or anything, but lives for her angry pout quietly sulking refuse to admit her loss.
But it won't be long, Ace despite his words of being chosen is often very provocative, and when he wears that extremely annoying and punchable smirk, he has this charm that allows him to easily win people.
Ace:"Neeeee~ kantokusei, I'm sorry... Stop giving me a cold shoulder. I'm a very sensitive person you know?? "
Ace: " come on, it's been a while since we spent time together without anyone bothering us, are you sure you want to spend it like this??"
Ace: "I will give you a kiss, So can you stop sulking? I'm sorry okay..?? I will replace the pudding that I ate so yeah? Come on~"
Slowly Ace comes closer, purposely he misses her lips.
[name]: " Hmm..., don't tease.."
Ace:v" mm? I won't give it unless you forgive me~"
On right shoulder
Ace is by no means a genius, but that doesn't make him a hardworking person either.
I mean studying is tiring you know?? All these numbers and names that he has to memorize??
The warmth from his girlfriend and the softness of the bed is not helping him at all.
Yet, his girlfriend is just annoyingly hardworking.
And Ace had enough, who studies when their boyfriend is right here?? Normal people already gave up 30 minutes ago right??? Yet why is his girlfriend still stubbornly refusing to rest?
If being whiny is not enough then times to plan B.
Ace: "kantokusei~ we have been studying for a while now... Let's take a nap?"
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "you mean me right? You have been procrastinating"
Ace: " It's very comfortable right now, we still have 2 days until the test. Let's take a nap?"
Moving her hair out of his way, his lips connected to the exposed area.
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "Ace, you are distracting"
Inner left thigh
Running while it's pouring is really not a good idea. In Ace's defence, the planning part is usually done by Kantokusei, I mean there is a reason why Rook-senpai call Kantokusei "trickster".
And Kantokusei managed to trick Azul ffs of course he left the thinking part to her.
But Kantokusei is tired from thinking today, they just finished their magic history test after all, so Ace being a good boyfriend he is will help kantokusei do the thinking.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea- and now they are soaking.
[name]:"Ace, do you have extra pants or shorts?? My laundry didn't make it-"
Ace & [name]:"where's your clothes?" "where's your pants?”
Ace: Woah woah, aren't it a bit early to be seducing me?? Kantokusei so lewd~
[name]: where's YOUR clothes?!
Ace: now, now I'm not the problem here. You see many shirtless guys around here- Kantokusei you have to be careful you know? Men are wolves.
Ace Trappola can never take his eyes off this person, either from a sheer absurdity of some words that left her mouth, or to make sure this person didn't get in any unnecessary trouble, Ace can't avert his eyes from this person.
When they start dating, Ace finds out one thing about him that surprises even himself. He is clingy, and craves kantokusei's hand on his body and his hands on her body.
Either by secretly entwining their hand under their desk, to keep his hand on her shoulder, Ace needs some form of contact.
Now in all her glory, thighs exposed, Ace feels like a very deprived virgin. And not any languages or words can explain what possesses him to pin her on the sofa and bite kantokusei's thigh.
Two above left eyebrow
Ace is far from "boyfriend" materials in fact he is far from it. In fact people have said to him he has a very irritating personality and punchable face.
Ace is not a perfect boyfriend, every word that leaves his mouth can be irritating. Every time he speaks it very much has the potential to pissed some off.
Yet at this time when her tears drop on his hand, it sears his skin, every chocked sobs feels like a sword piercing his heart.
At times like this, Ace wishes he was good with words so he could stop those tears from flowing out of her eyes.
Instead, Ace left a faint kiss above her eyes, no Ace won't ask her to stop crying, Ace knows how frustrated it can be. Instead he hoped this clumsy action could bring some sort of comfort to her.
In the middle of the ring finger at right palm
Again, it happens again. Smoke, fire, collapse building, aching all over his body, blood stained his hand and distant sounds of a monster growling. How many times has Ace seen this sight? How many times has he been through this.
He has to- he NEED to find her. Only kantokusei can calm that spoiled cat. Only kantokusei can stop that damn cat from throwing tantrums.
Ah, again and again and again and again and again. Ace is sick seeing this view. Red everything is red.
Ace thinks red suits her, but not this kind of red. The jam from the unbirthday party tart, the red roses where they painted it together, the red mark Ace put on her face as a joke to make them match.
Ace thinks red suits her because red is his signature color. But this, Ace feels like he's gonna throw up.
Ah but he did throw up didn't he? The first few times he saw this sight.
Again he failed, again and again and again. Just what does he have to do?? Grim's rampage will be stopped later, he knows, just how many times do you think he has been through this. That's good right? A monster is defeated by a knight, that's how a fairy tale goes right?? That's when they reach their happy ending right??
Ace is selfish, he won't let this world have their happy ending without her, even if it means having to go through this hell a few hundred times more.
[name]: "Ace..."
Ace: "hey, dont talk, save your energy"
[name] : "Ace, grim... "
Ace: " worry about yourself right now"
[name]: "Ace....? What are you doing..?"
Ace: "sorry, forgive me. I'm so sorry. Let's meet again later okay? In front of the Great Seven statue remember? We always meet there"
And so with a kiss on her palm. A promise, an oath.
Ace think the world can go fuck themselves.
If it means going through this hundreds or even thousands times so he can achieve the ending where both her and the world save that he will do it.
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kaypeace21 · 2 months
(no need to post if this is too much) but I just wanted to thank you!! your theories and analyses was basically what got me to watch stranger things in the first place and finally give the "netflix child actor eggo tv show" a chance. i feel (i suspect) very similarly about the show and how i want to engage with it as you do and have also taken a big step back from the fandom, but i'll always think of your will and el analyses especially so fondly. even now, i'll see "new" theories float around and remember reading them on your blog in 2022. not sure what else to say except thank you again - i really, truly don't think i would've given the show a chance without stumbling onto your page <3
@fireflywitch That’s so kind of you. I always love getting these type of sentimental messages. So I hope my followers aren’t afraid to message me . I think in these times we need to try and have more positivity and hope on the internet. Sorry if I’m being way too sappy . Recently, I had to admit all the messed up stuff that happened to me as a kid (that I blocked out) and I felt weirdly better after . Like a weight off of me. Sorry off topic , back to you and my followers. Honestly , the reason I started the blog in the first place was to find people who saw the show like I did : who had similar pain and saw what most of the general audience didn’t seem to notice . So I don’t mind the “new theories “ stuff as much as I used to . I'm glad people are seeing the symbolism now (and it's not just me and a few other "crazy bloggers") . Hopefully the show has an uplifting message (in its conclusion).
For anyone who is too scared to post or make analyses of something you enjoy … because you’re afraid you’ll be wrong or ridiculed. 1) it’s ok to be wrong . 2) Remember anyone can gain “Media literacy” (and it’s a skill that you can get better at with time). Some of you may have great media literacy but simply don’t realize it !
Media literacy = seeing 2 things at the same time . Aka [the literal “story” on the surface ] + the “plot” ( themes, allegories, foreshadowing , characterization, symbolism, personification, etc) .
Also for anyone who wants to analyze media remember repeated words or phrases are usually important in any media cause at the end of the day writers LOVE word puns 🤣. The writer is usually giving you a huge clue in the narrative when you hear or see repetitive words, symbols etc .
I had media literacy with books as a kid , but it wasn’t until college (with time & great lit and writing teachers) did I start to see tv, film, video games , and animation all had the same “writing conventions” to books . But they also have their own unique additional rules as well (like music, background details, clothing , lightening, food symbolism, etc to tell the audience something important ). I got better at analyzing to the point it feels innate to me now - and most of you can learn to analyze like me (or already do analyze well) :)
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natsglorifiedsimp · 2 years
Another Wanda fic for y'all <3 nah its actually for someone who's currently obsessed with Wanda lol
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If the team was asked who is the most soft-hearted person, they would say your name without a heartbeat.
You were kind and sweet and on top of that you were soft. You always go out of your way and greet children when they say hi. Often you would always buy cat food or dog food when you see a stray when you're out for a walk.
Sometimes Wanda had to stop you from adopting them. You would cry over movies and always feel sorry for the character even if it's not real. You would cry over a sappy video.
In short, you are kind and considerate. You always do things that make the team question "Why didn't I think of it that way?"
During charities that your team donated to, you guys aren't really required to go but if you wanted to you can. Sometimes you and Wanda argue with that.
And mostly, you remember every dislike and likes of the team. You always make different sandwiches for each person and make sure that it was the right ingredients. You check in on everybody and always consider how they feel about a certain topic.
That was you.
"She's crying again" Tony whispered through the kitchen. The team glanced at Tony with furrowed eyebrows.
"Who?" Bucky asked.
"Y/n" he whispered more silently.
"Did you make her cry?" Wanda turned her gaze to Tony which Tony smoothly avoid. "Tony, I swear to-"
This time Tony did look at Wanda, "Of course, I didn't!" he rolled his eyes. "She's on her phone and the same video keeps playing over and over."
"Oh, she maybe ran across another sappy video" Bucky shrugged and the team nodded in agreement.
"I'm gonna go check on her," Wanda said discarding her apron and taking the excess of the batter that got on her hands.
Before she could, you suddenly showed up in the kitchen with puffy and red eyes. Wanda's heart soften.
"Hi love," she smiled wholeheartedly. "What's up?"
"You guys are my great friends," you hiccuped. "And I ap-appre-ci-ate you guys." you sobbed.
All of them were in awe.
Tony the ever-so-insisting on being vulnerable looked at you ridiculously. "And why are you saying that?"
"Because I love you guys" you sobbed. "A-and I saw a video where you have to appreciate your loved ones while you can because he didn't get a chance to," you stutteringly sobbed.
Tony stifled a chuckle but inside his heart was swelling and Wanda knew that.
"We love you too" Nat chimed in and you sobbed more.
"Oh, honey" Wanda cooed. "Come here." you timidly made your way to your girlfriend.
"Let's get you back to bed, hm?" she soothed and you nodded.
"You on your period today?" she asked and you nodded once more.
"But that's not the point" you mumbled.
"I know" Wanda quickly agreed. "You're extra soft. That's all." she placed you on the bed and later lay beside you.
She gently runs her hands through your hair and lulled you to sleep.
"I love you too"
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mwagneto · 3 months
I’m a bit afraid of the upcoming two-parter finale of Doctor Who, mainly because of the circulating TV show theory and a horrifying thought I had the other day concerning this theory. … What if this theory is partly true, and the entirety of season 1 was indeed a TV show, and therefore not real maybe. Which would be the worst possible outcome I think, given that people in general hate the “it was all just a dream”/ “it didn’t really happen”-trope. But if we take this outcome into consideration I was wondering, when did the “TV show” / the “performance” start? Since when is it all fake so to speak? Because one could argue that the ending Fourteen got, is way too happy. He got his own TARDIS by very ridiculous/ implausible means. He got his own family. Everyone is happy. It is the “and they lived happily ever after”- ending you only see in fairy tales or very sappy TV shows. So my horrifying thought was, what if the “performance” started right after they defeated the Toymaker and Fourteen’s happy ending isn’t real at all!?
YEAHH i thought about that too, especially since i saw someone mention that "maybe the 'show' started in wby" in a post i'll never find
i think it is a logical conclusion to jump to since that IS 100% where the turning point was, the superstition is invoked, the salt is thrown, bam. the entire universe tilts on its axis. but i realllly really don't think that's the case?
i'll put the rest under the cut coz it got too long + i tried adding paragraphs to make it more readable so sorry if it feels janky
ok so admittedly my reasons for thinking whatever is going on now is definitely post 14 ending is because, like you and the above mentioned post says, anything major starting in wby would make the giggle a part of the whole thing and undo 14s happy ending + make 14 at least somewhat part of the story which. is definitely not something they'd do. or i sure hope they won't!
like rtd said 14 was never coming back and like yeah showrunners lie but i think even he knows how much bringing 14 back for a main show appearance would suck ASSSS like while i don't think having 14 bigenerate really stole 15's thunder the way ppl are saying (and i get why those people are mad too, i disagree but i understand), having 14 come back in any way whatsoever would just be really bad both because
he already got his happy ending, he got a beautiful last scene, his and by extension 10's story got an incredible sendoff that i still can't fully talk about coz of how crazy it is but like. you get it. and to have him just... come back after that would be really weird? like?? yknow??? that's him done. bringing him back at all would kinda.. not just cheapen it but make the finality of his happiness feel like it's not that secure or peaceful after all. and
having 14, the guy created specifically to bring in more viewers after everyone gave up during 13 era almost leading to the show getting cancelled, a guy whose MAIN REASON for existing is because they knew he'd be incredibly popular, be relevant to 15's story would just. be bad. like again i don't think the bigeneration itself was disrespectful to 15 or stole anything from him but that is IT. 14 cannot come back again, he did his job (nostalgiabaiting audiences + bringing people back in + letting rtd have a beautiful little playground sesh with his old era) and it slapped but he got his time and his ending and i think slash hope rtd knows this and won't do anything to mess with it.
okay sorry that got so fkin long i didnt mean to. ANYWAY. ONTO THE ACTUAL THEORY geez..
SO. wrt the season/episodes being part of a tv show and my general view on tv show theory: like. yeah like you said people generally dislike the ohh it was all a dream twist, and the longer the stretch of time that turns out to have not been real gets, the more annoying the twist is, which i'm 100% sure rtd as a showrunning veteran is very very aware of, so i really don't think they'll do anything as insane as having the ENTIRE thing turn out to have not been real
like i thinnnnnnnnk if it is a tv show then everything we've seen will have been real as in like. it wasn't just the doctor trapped in goo forced to experience fictional people that don't exist and have no consequence once he wakes up
i also think if the tv show theory IS true in some way, then the doctor is definitely aware of it at least to some degree, hell half the evidence we have for it literally comes from things he himself does (and that applies in a broader sense too, even if it's not a tv show or something, he still seems at least partially aware of Something, especially in the devil's chord (which also directly ties into the giggle and references a lot of things) although hints and little moments have steadily declined since then, that was definitely the peak of the theorisable moments era)
so like, tldr of everything i said so far: i dont think 14 is coming back and i don't think they'll make the entire season turn out to have been fake, but im basing both of these solely on the fact that these choices would be really really really bad and i don't think they should happen
as for what i think IS going on: i feel like i can't fully be objective because i really want the tv show hints to go somewhere so i feel like a lot of me believing it comes from wanting to believe it and not actual evidence, but yeah i think it definitely ties into tv in some way
again i don't think they'll be like ohh the entire thing was fiction and none of these people were real so none of it meant anything, i think if it really is some weird non-reality then they'll still do it in a way that makes the real world relevant
but like, as demonstrated above, when it comes to overarching plots i think i'm generally better at predicting what WON'T happen than what will, like idk i can guess the murderer 1 minute into any detective thing but when it comes to guessing stories i can get kinda lost. like idk i notice all the hints and then some but without an obvious thing to point to that ties it all together i can never really make up the larger story of what's going down (unlike with, say, murder mysteries, where you already know all the suspects at the beginning) yknow ?? i hope that makes sense 😭
that and i always feel like making up specific theories means whatever i think will happen definitely WON'T happen so yeah basically i have no idea what is actually going on but i really really love speculating, and i'm not really afraid of any of the negative outcomes you and a lot of other people mentioned, like yea it IS possible and it would be really bad but i don't think they'd do it exactly because it would be really bad. but we'll see i guess...
for now i'm not worried and pretty excited and very very hopeful coz i LOOOOOVE how intricately built this whole season is like oh my goddd yessss hints mysteries secrets foreshadowing haha YESSSSSS HAHAAAAA!!!
one thing tho. that i forgot to consider for this whole essay until i was already typing the ending. is that the whole thing starting in wby with the salt seems likely but hopefully isn't the case HOWEVER. susan twist literally appears in wby well before the salt thing .. which is definitely something to keep in mind. what does it mean? i don't know ❤️ i think whatever her deal is isn't related or at least is only vaguely related to the whole superstition/fantasy thing BUT if it is a tv show and she plays a part in the tv show theory then her being in the episode where the entire genre of the show changed is rly interesting
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darkkitty1208 · 7 months
if you still accept prompts...
wholesome wings au?
Sorry it took like, nearly a year lol. Anyway. Thank you for the prompt!
"Okay," Tony huffs out, adjusting Stephen's new mechanical wings carefully. This is the moment they've been waiting for. Tony takes in a shaky breath, turning to Stephen.
"You ready?" he asks, assuring himself repeatedly that Stephen is taking flight in a safe, secure place and within his sight in case things didn't go as well as expected.
They were in a secluded, clear field, the sky above them bright and blue. He checked the area multiple times to make sure no one is in their vicinity. He's brought some of his bots, EDITH, and made sure his suit is with him in case things go south.
The wings attached to Stephen's back has been a project he's spent the last few months trying to perfect.
When the accident happened, Stephen had been the most devastated Tony had ever seen him. His wings had been damaged horribly beyond repair, and taking flight in its state is near impossible. Tony hates seeing him that way. Since then, he had made it his mission to make sure Stephen could fly again.
It took so long to perfect, but here they are now.
It surprisingly did not take a lot of convincing for the Wakandans to lend him some vibranium for it. He thought about using nanotech instead, mainly due to its flexibility and his familiarity with it from past projects, but he wanted nothing but the best for Stephen. And if that meant one of the strongest metals in the world? Then he'd fight hell and back just to get it.
His nervous eyes meet Stephen's gentle ones, a small smile stretching the sorcerer's lips.
"Yes," he says, "Yes, I'm ready."
There was certainty in his voice. It calmed Tony's nerves.
"Alright," he says, turning to DUM-E. "Look alive, DUM-E. You're gonna stand by for fire safety." One can always trust DUM-E for fire safety. Even if the bot does a shit job at it. (He just can't bring himself to get rid of it.)
There really isn't any possible fire hazards but, well, who could blame him for being prepared? (Perhaps he just wanted to bring DUM-E along, but whatever.)
He points to another bot at a far distance, the camera attached to it turning to Tony. "You, start rolling."
He claps his hands together and takes a step back. "It's gonna take a while for you to adjust to flight again."
"I know."
"It's gonna be hard to balance it, but there isn't any wind currently so you should be good. Oh, and make sure not to put too much of your weight upon landing."
Stephen chuckles. "I know."
"And y–"
"Tony," Stephen cuts him off, and Tony gives him a look. Stephen responds with a reassuring smile and a slow recline of his head. "I've got this," he says, gently, "You've told me everything I need to know. We prepared for every possible wrong thing that could happen. Hell, it's mostly guaranteed it won't go wrong. Even if it does, I won't be in any major harm. Don't worry."
Tony nods curtly, more to himself than anything, jaw clenched. He breathes in.
"I just can't stop worrying that it'll just blow up or something." That gets a surprised laugh from Stephen. The edge of Tony's lips tilts up on its own at that.
"Which won't happen," Stephen shakes his head as if the mere idea is ridiculous. It is. "You know it won't."
"Yeah, you're right."
"How come you're more nervous than I am?"
Tony cards a hand over his hair, chuckling as he shrugs. "I just... I really want this to work, Stephen. It can't go wrong," his tone turns serious just as suddenly as his eyes stare intently into Stephen's. "It just can't. I... I want you to fly again."
Stephen smiles, hand reaching up to cup Tony's cheek, who leans into the touch immediately. "This means a lot for me, Tony. And you've spend so long for it. It's going to work," he says, "Thank you."
The edge of Tony's lip tilts up. "Yeah, 'course. For you, Stephen, I'd give the world if I could."
Stephen laughs a little bashfully. Tony expects him to call out how sappy he's being, but instead he says, "You have," and with gentle eyes, "It's you. You're my world."
And with that, Stephen steps back. Tony moves to a safe distance, enough to give Stephen space when he takes off.
"Okay," Tony says, "Take off in 3, 2..." He stares nervously, "...1."
Stephen takes flight.
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notmorbid · 1 year
you made a fool of death... pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from you made a fool of death with your beauty by akwaeke emezi.
i didn't mean to trade war stories. i'm sorry.
i'm sorry for the hurt that lives in your heart.
i wish i could tell you it gets easier.
did you ever love again?
there's no such thing as an inappropriate question.
you don't mind being watched?
you always seem so alone.
i've never hidden who i am from you.
i'd like to think that we're becoming friends.
there are so many different types of love. different types of ways to stay committed.
this is the most bisexual conversation i've had in a long time.
you're being secretive, even for you.
we're friends first, right?
i didn't realize you were sappy like that.
of course you're on time when food's involved.
you look like a troublemaker.
it would be ridiculous to be jealous of a ghost.
there are moments that break timelines.
i have to lock up. for real, this time.
you look like you're about to assassinate someone.
something inside me just never stopped screaming.
when did hell freeze over? did i miss the memo?
you think i'd let someone else cook a dinner in my house?
i want to be someone i can recognize.
grief can feel like a lifetime of venom, spikes piercing through us.
what i really want to do is curl up in bed and cry.
no, i'm not awake. i'm sleep-talking.
i don't think i've ever seen you actually drunk.
you're lucky to have me, voice of reason and perspective.
if i keep moving, i won't have time to think.
there are some things that need to stay and die in last night.
you can put me down now.
when you held me, i thought i was going to break.
can't we just skip the talking part?
was it just a kiss for you?
i only ask one thing: don't lie to me.
i will hold anything you tell me with care. just please let it be the truth.
i don't know how to say what i want. it's like i've got all these voices yelling at me about how mad and fucked up it all is.
i'm terrified i'll say something and you'll look at me like i'm out of my mind.
i like being alone next to you. like our alones might walk side by side.
you are so generous with your heart.
you were like light. i couldn't help but turn my face to you, if i wanted to keep living.
i've spent a significant amount of time trying to change my feelings into something else, but i can't.
i am so tired of denying myself.
it's ridiculous how much i love watching you smile.
i can feel you staring, you know.
you okay? where did you go?
tell me what you're feeling. i'll take whatever it is, over you pushing me away.
i don't want to go back there. it feels like a place that could eat me alive if i did, even just by talking about it.
you have me for as long as you want, however much or as little as you want. i'm not going anywhere.
i have a hard time processing platonic affection.
you're messing with me. you've gotta be messing with me.
you know you can always just come home, right?
i guess 'messy and alive' is a good way to put it.
would you like to go on a walk? i have something to show you.
i've never done anything to hurt you, have i?
don't even say my name. keep it out of your mouth.
i want you to be okay, more than anything. tell me what you need.
i'm here. why are you trying to make me go away?
what will you do when you get tired of me?
i can still feel the shape of the hole left in my heart.
you're always so angry when you're in pain.
i'm here to take whatever spikes you throw at me, always. forever.
i appreciate your concern, but let me take care of myself. okay?
do what you gotta do to be happy.
this shit you want to know, it doesn't belong to you. it's not your business.
i love how you lean into grief and somehow use it to become even more alive.
i'm happy just to be with you, however you'll have me.
thank you for coming into my home.
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
The way you talk about fat people is sooooo/pos
It genuinely makes me feel attractive whenever I see you reblogging positive posts about fat people, especially fat trans and nonbinary people🥺💕
and i know i shouldn't base my self-worth on what some stranger on the internet thinks but it really does help me sometimes
anyways i'm sorry for the long message and I hope your day is good tehehe
like ive said before i always try to spread love for others, especially those in marginalized groups i’m not personally a part of. solidarity is so fucking important, but i also do it because i genuinely just??? love my fat queer siblings???? so fucking much??? and i think it’s so unfair that fat queers are often ostracized and painted as stereotypical woke snowflakes simply for existing when they’re all fucking beautiful, the hostility is fucking ridiculous and it makes me rabidly violent
like there are people out there who can look at a fat trans guy and NOT think wow he’s a fucking work of art,,????,,,??? ( FOR REAL??? it just doesn’t fucking compute to me
love for everyone who looks A Way is so important to me. fat, visibly physically disabled, deformed or scarred or marked, genuinely i just don’t understand how people can be happy in life without seeing as much beauty as they can. it’s beautiful, it’s all beautiful, it might not always be perfect or ideal but it’s beautiful simply on the merit of existing and i think that’s worth something at the end of the day you know???
i’m getting sappy, i’ll stop but. you get it.
love you and i’m glad i could make you feel good like you deserve to <3 i will never stop loving fat trans people never ever
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
except hard lessons
and i feel strangely bittersweet. man, not to get sappy but like. i never would've expected to be where i am now. I've made so many cool friends ?! I'm back into drawing and I started writing ?! I'VE GOTTEN OVER MY FEAR OF COMMISSIONING PEOPLE, AND HERE'S ONE I LITERALLY GOT TODAY !! (FROM VINYXZZZ ON TWITTER)
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like as crazy as life feels, obey me has been a constant the past while and has a chokehold on me, and my favorites have tumbled around on the list. But Mammon has been there since day one. I will be old and gray and his photo will be faded in my wallet. but maybe I won't have a wallet anymore so it'll be in a picture frame instead.
minor spoilers ahead for lesson 80??
also the fact that only solomon remembered Mammon's name like 🤨 why's that mister sorcerer man? because you're in lo- *gets dragged offstage*
also the last chat with all of them, and asmo says "more like significant other" in response to solomon asking if mc is okay, and mammon freaks out "DON'T SAY THAT". thinking about this in my mc's story, and instead I'm like
"mammon the three of us are literally in a poly relationship"
"...the great mammon was just testin' ya! Don't want the two of you forgetting you're both mine just because you're both in the human world!"
- ✨ anon (only bc I'm attached to my sign off ngl aksjd)
WOOO I'm glad you were able to finish OG!!!
Listen, when I think too much about all that Obey Me has brought into my life, it's like a weird thing that my brain cannot understand. Like I remember first downloading it and being like hm okay we'll see about this demon game, seems kinda ridiculous.
And like YES it is, but it also caused this blog to happen! And I'm a sad lonely person who made a ton of amazing online friends because of this game and I have so many lovely anons talking to me and people reading my writing and !?!?!?
It seems crazy sometimes to think all that came from this silly game! So I totally get you. I'm so glad that the game helped you make friends and start to draw and write again!! I think it's so great to have that thing that inspires us, no matter what it is!! And I love how we can all just talk about this game and connect with each other, no matter who we are. IT'S SPECIAL 😭
AH that commission is SO CUTE.
LOL I love when parts of the story feed our own headcanons and story ideas laksdjf.
I love the idea that Solomon and MC just summon Mammon to the human world every night, what a bunch of cuties!
How would your MC and Solomon deal with this when it comes to the NB storyline? I mean, do they just keep the secret from past!Mammon? Does he end up getting really attached to them without really understand why? I think it'd be hard for MC to have one partner who knows everything and the other one who has no idea...
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catchyhuh · 1 year
terms of endearment. aw.
take this however you want, ship wise, self-insert wise, whatever, i’m just tired of reading fanfiction and going “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goemon would NOT say babygirl!!!!” like i'm the roger ebert of ao3. THAT’S ALL A JOKE BY THE WAY, I LOVE MY FELLOW CREATIVES I JUST HAVE TO SPEAK MY TRUTH,
lupin: lupin uses every name under the SUN if he personally deems it cute enough. nothing is too cutesy, too stupid, too overdramatic. do you know many people who unironically still say ‘lover?’ oh you do. my bad. but you get the point. it’s to the point that he rarely even doubledips. one day it’s darling the next it’s cutiepie and then some shit like. morning dove. mon petit chou-fleur.  the funny thing is that when he’s actually being sincere and truly one hundo percent overcome with love he tends to just say the person’s name. go figure
jigen: more a believer in the sarcastic petname than anything else. but i mean you knew that just look at how he talks to people when he knows he’s winning against them. that said it wouldn’t be hard to pull like, “baby” out of him. Babe. he’s not going too sugary though. sweetheart is his hard limit. AND DON’T GO GETTING TOO SAPPY ON HIM EITHER! he’ll accept petnames thrown his way. in private. keep that shit locked down he can’t have outsiders knowing he doesn’t gag when someone calls him handsome. unless it’s like a bit then he’s fine. he’s always down for the bit!
fujiko: ALSO uses a shit ton of them but has more standards for being taken seriously than lupin. so she’s not really getting POETIC with it, even if she does truly like the other person, she just keeps it nice and cute. honey usually comes up the most, both sarcastically and genuinely. she also strikes me as the type to have little names for someone based on their appearance, like… trying to think of an example. like… big… guy? or like. blondie? YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT point being she keeps it very standard.
goemon: sorry. he doesn’t have too much fun with it. goemon’s idea of an affectionate nickname is just outright saying someone’s name as it is, no honorifics, no formalities. it’s like, intimate to him! more romantic than using some common term of endearment. however, on the opposite hand, as long as it wasn’t overdone he’d would be okay with, and eventually grow to LOVE being called cute names. again, won’t stand for anything too ridiculously silly, but he just melts internally when someone calls him darling or some shit.
zenigata: sorry he’s also boring :( i think part of it comes from just the total disconnect he has with. anything remotely romantic but unless he’s just. drunk? if he’s drunk it probably just slips out but OTHERWISE you’re not pulling a lot outta this guy. like goemon he thinks it's cute when someone else does it to him IF. if he likes them and it’s not in front of certain people. otherwise it's embarrassing. actually it's probably embarrassing for him either way he just tends to be very defensive about things. play your cards right you might get a cutie. and then he’d be mortified he said it
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thewolvesof1998 · 1 year
Wolf! woLF!! WOLF!!!
Apparently ao3 commenting is down so I can��t comment on your cowboy fic but OH MY GOD MY DUDE I THOUGHT CHAPTER ONE WAS GOOD AND THEN I READ CHAPTER TWO AND IM OVER HERE LIKE THIS
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This fic rocks!! Im so excited to see what you’ve got for us in chapter 3.
Hehehe I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for the late reply but I wanted to write a bit of a sneak peak for you and I am also using this as my Fuck it Friday post because why the fuck not?
I think I was tagged by literally everyone so...
@wikiangela @wildlife4life ​ @alyxmastershipper​ @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherluciferr @cowboy-buddie @eowon
So here's a bit more of Chapter 3 of Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em my Rodeo AU:
Eddie buries his face in Buck’s neck when he can no longer look at Buck’s face without blurting out something ridiculous and sappy and way too serious for a hook-up. He still smells like the hotel’s citrus body wash from their shower last night and tastes divine as Eddie nibbles at the soft skin causing a hitch in the pants Buck is softly making in his ear. His hands are clinging to Eddie, one at his neck, the other leaving finger-sized marks on his bicep and both legs are crossed over Eddie’s back drawing him in as close as possible. Eddie’s hips are moving at a slow but steady pace, thrusting in deep and hitting that spot that has Buck arching and writhing beneath him. It’s intoxicating being this close to Buck, being wrapped up by him, wrapped up in him. Last night Buck had been on his knees, facing away from Eddie, it had seemed a safer choice at the time but he was still here. Not still here as in the hotel room fucking Buck after waking up in his arms but here as in already far too deep in his feelings about an almost stranger that he’s not sure he’ll ever see again. 
“Eds,” Buck mumbles, pulling Eddie back from his spiral, “Eds, baby I’m close,” his words are slurring in that fucked out way like they did last night and Eddie thinks he could listen to Buck fall apart for the rest of his life. 
Masterlist of posts about this fic- 18+
Read Chapter One and Two on ao3- 18+
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super-rangers · 16 days
i'm rereading uiw becuase fuck it i'm crazy and hyperfixated and late to the party, so i wanted to get a chance to read the story and the uiw posts and asks here in real time, so get ready for a few comments lol
first one (not even in order but i have been thinking about it) is that i LOVE the little interactions regina has with aaron, especially taking his hat to protect from the sun lol i'm a sucker for an exes to friends and she's never liked that man but they have INTIMACY, and i love it 10/10 what other little things do you think she does because they share this intimacy? or do you think she gets weirded out by some things he does with cady bc she remembers they did it together (and her being Not Into Men didn't like it?)
i'll (probably) be asking more as i read if that's okay ^u
I’m so glad you like their interactions!! I’m such a fan of their platonic dynamic bc you’re right, they do have a lot of intimacy and the way they handle it is fun to explore.
As part of my original idea, I had Aaron being one of the main people telling Regina that she needs to confess her feelings to Janis. The scene where Janis follows Regina to the swing set during the t-ball game was completely repurposed from a Regina and Aaron scene later in the story where Aaron’s the one finding Regina on the swings (angsting about Janis instead of her dad ofc) and telling her point blank that it’s getting ridiculous that she’s keeping her feelings to herself.
In some ways, he’s very similar to Damian in that he doesn’t take as much of Regina’s shit as her other friends do. Like he’s still a bit of a pushover but being in a healthy relationship really gave that kid a bit of perspective (as well as a little bit of a backbone) and the ability to call Regina out – not that we saw it in UIW much lol.
Went on a bit of a tangent sorry about that
I’m going to be honest, I think Regina avoids thinking about just how close her and Aaron are 😂 Too much introspection for her. She knows that she’s comfortable with him, and that’s enough for her.
In regard to how their intimacy might manifest, we saw it a little bit when Regina was talking about her dad leaving with everyone. Instead of going to any of her other friends, Regina turns to Aaron when she questions whether it’s bad that she doesn’t miss her dad. He’s kind of that touchpoint for her emotionally bc – very similarly to Gretchen – he saw her at her worst and still liked her. (I mean, that’s fully because he’s a teenage boy and Regina hot, but let’s pretend there’s a little bit more behind it lol) She doesn’t go to him with everything, but he’s definitely one of the people she’ll talk to when she needs to check a particular emotional response.
As a lighter example, I think she continues to steal his clothes. And, when the whole gang gets together for a sleepover or trip or something, I think Regina is comfortable being in that kind of sleepy-cuddly state with 2 people – Janis and Aaron. In the mornings while Janis is still asleep, I think Regina fully gets Aaron to make her a coffee and just leans against him with her head on his shoulder completely zoned out until she’s fully awake. Physical affection is still a challenge for Regina except when it comes to Janis and Aaron. She does not analyze what that says about how much she values Aaron, and none of her friends bring it up bc they think it’s adorable.
One day Regina’s going to realize that Aaron is her best guy friend and she’s going to hate it
She definitely gets weirded out by some things he does with Cady. It’s more about the sappiness and emotion behind the actions than the actions themselves, tho? Like, she’s not going to mind seeing Cady and Aaron cuddle on the couch or have a standing date night or see him give Cady a gift out of nowhere or any number of things.
It’s more going to be about Regina realizing that she wants those things now with Janis and being uncomfortable with the fact that she was so blind to her own sexuality when she had such disdain for someone she claimed to like trying to do nice things for her. She wants all of those mushy things with Janis – she wants to sit close to her as much as possible, having a standing date night sounds like a dream, and every time she sees something that reminds her of Janis, she buys it as a gift. Seeing his actions towards Cady just recontextualizes her own past in regard to the way she feels now
This got very long lol oops I didn’t realize I had that much to say about them
Also don’t apologize for asking questions!! I love receiving them and (obviously from this reply) I love to yap
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
stay gold pt.2
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Plus-Size! Reader
Summary: Billy knows exactly how to make you feel better about yourself. He wants to show you exactly what you deserve... 3k words
Warnings: SMUT 18+ NO MINORS (i will tell ur mom, she's right next to me). Degradation, (slut, whore, etc), praise, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it pls), edging, swearing. Idk what else
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//okay! sorry this took so long I was busy this weekend! Also I know this is really bad I'm so bad a smut it's ridiculous but I am trying. Let me know if it's okay! Also thank you for the likes and requests. I am working on them!!
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After you got in Billy's car, he couldn't keep his hands off of you. His hand was on your thigh the entire way to your house. You could feel yourself getting hotter as he skated his hand further up your leg with each passing mile. "You're a bad influence, you know that, doll? Making me act up." he teases you as he lights the cigarette hanging from his soft lips.
"Oh, like you're Mr. Perfect." you stretch your shirt down further to give him a perfect view of the top of your breasts in the white tank top you chose to wear this morning. You loved how it put him in a trance every time he saw you sporting it. 
Billy knew what made you react, what words to say to get you falling into his arms. "You're gonna be the death of me. I want that shirt off as soon as we get inside. I'm not wasting any time." he took his eyes off the road and looked at you, his gaze full of adoration, not lust. "Need to make my girl realize how amazing she is." you felt your heart hammering in your chest as you listened to his words. He really did know just what to say.
"You're so sweet.." you both had a running joke. Billy despised being called "sweet" by anyone else but you. He didn't want to seem weak around people. "Mhm, you'll regret that sweetheart," he smirks and exhales the cigarette smoke out the window. He loved your teasing, it made him feel like he didn't have to do all the joking and teasing in the relationship. Loving you felt easy. It was a big relief for him. 
"I love you, you know that, right?" he didn't say it often, but when he did, he truly meant it. "Yes, and I love you too. When did you get all sappy on me?" you held his hand, resting them on the middle console. His hands slid from your hand to your thigh again, reminding you of Billy's sensitivity to affection. It didn't bother you because you knew he truly loved you, his love language wasn't verbal.
When you got inside, Billy was anything but gentle. "You're not allowed to wear this shirt anymore. I can't be gawking at you all through class, doll." he practically tore it off of you, and he would have if you didn't stop him to take it off yourself. "could say the same thing about those jeans. Your ass looks amazing in them, baby." you said, laughing at his embarrassed smile.
"We're talking about you right now." Billy couldn't help the smirk that lay across his face as he led you to the bedroom. Without warning, he grasped you, his large hands gripping your ass tight as he pushed you up against the wall. He ignored your yelp. "You're gonna learn tonight, sweetheart. You're gonna learn not to tease me with your tight jeans, and tiny shirts. You're gonna be a good little slut for me, right sweetheart?" he knew you liked being talked to like that. He would never say anything like that if he knew you didn't want it.
Billy didn't give you any time to respond before his lips were pressed to yours, his tongue eventually finding its way to your lips. He'd seen you naked many times before, but this time you were particularly insecure, and Billy wasn't having it. He could tell you weren't fully there in the kiss.
"Sweetheart, everything okay?" his hands held your face. He was really worried now. You never hid anything from him and you figured that you'd hurt him more if you did keep a secret from him.
"I'm just confused. You have girls practically throwing themselves at you, and yet you stay with me." You had kept that thought deep in your mind. Maybe he was pitying you. Though when you looked up from the floor, your eyes met with his angry expression. 
"Y/n, honey. I don't know who the fuck is putting these ideas in your head, but I don't want anyone else. Even if I could be with anyone else, I wouldn't want to. I want you. You're so fucking gorgeous I can't stand to look at you too long or I'll fall more in love with you." Billy wasn't the best at communicating his feelings, but it warmed your heart every time he did.
"I don't want anyone else. I want you, I want a future with you. Why would I look anywhere else when I've got my life right here in front of me?" His hands had fallen to his sides. It was his sadness that really affected you. As soon as you saw his mad expression turn to a sad frown, you realized how important this was to him.
"Now, can I show you how much I want to be with you?" In your mind, you were picturing what a future with Billy might look like. 
"Show me."
He gently caged you, his hands pressed against the wall you had your back against. He kissed you again, humming when his lips met yours. You felt the excitement rush through your veins as you leaned against him. The look in his eyes when you pulled away was almost sinful. He peppered wet kisses down your jaw onto your neck, leaving marks to let everyone know that you were his. "You can give me some too, so everyone knows I'm yours." the sentiment alone was enough to make you swoon.
Billy didn't waste time pulling off your clothes, in a matter of 20 seconds, your jeans and bra were laying on the floor as he had you pressed against the wall. "Fuck I'll never get used to this." he pecked your lips before leading you to your bedroom. He didn't want to carry you because he knew that it wasn't something you enjoyed. 
"Mmm, take these damn panties off," he ordered you, smacking your ass harshly before you left his side to undress. You enjoyed his rough side. Billy admired many things about you, but one of his favorite parts about you was how open-minded you were. He enjoyed late-night rides with you to random places while Hawkins was asleep. He even let you drive his car once...until you hit a curb and he decided it would be best that he drive.
Billy unbuttoned his top and unzipped his jeans. "Come here, baby." his voice became gruffer the more frustrated he got. It sent shivers throughout your body when his voice got lower. He pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles, he couldn't be bothered to take them all the way off. "On your knees, sweets." he loved using names for you, he loved the way your eyes lit up every time he used a new one you liked.
You got on your knees, the bed behind you as Billy held your cheek in his palm. "You look so good right now, such a good little slut for me." he didn't miss the way your cheeks heated up at the name. "You like that? Being my slut?" he held his dick in his hand, rubbing himself as he tried to keep his cool. He'd blow his load at just the sight of your body, let alone the view of you on your knees ready to take his cock in your mouth.
"Open that pretty mouth for me, slut." Now that he was sure you were okay with it, he'd be a little mean. He inhaled quickly when you grabbed his dick and licked a stripe up his length. "Suck, don't tease me." he grasped your hair, encouraging you to take him in your mouth. He smiles as he gently pushes your head, admiring the way your pretty soft lips wrap around him. "You love this, don't you? Keep going and I'll give you what you want, princess." he let go of your head and let you do the work, which you did with no hesitation.
Your hands were traveling up from your knees to in-between your thighs. Billy smirked, pretending not to notice the way you were desperately trying to get yourself off while pleasing him. "You're such a greedy little slut, might have to fuck it out of you, maybe punish you." he hums as you let out a low moan, your soft lips still wrapped around him. You felt your wall clench around nothing at his words. You gagged around him, his length touching the back of your throat as you suck him off.
That was enough for him to thrust his hips into your face gently, a wave of pleasure rushing through him. "Fuck you're so good at this, doll." His hand reached down to your hair, his head thrown back in pleasure. Billy looked down at you, the spit dribbling down your chin as you managed to deepthroat him to the best of your ability. He groaned, his breathing picking up speed. He pulled you off.
"Look at you, doll. So pretty like this." he wiped the tears from your face, his heart skipping a beat when you smiled at him. "Now, get on the bed." he watched you climb into bed, your legs spread out for him. "Oh no, you're not getting what you want just yet. I have to punish you, remember?" He crawled onto the bed, his body sitting between your thighs. He stroked your thigh gently, each time, his hand would get closer to your heat, exactly where you wanted him.
"I think I'll choose your punishment for you. I'm not gonna give you what you want until you're a begging mess underneath me, not until you realize how beautiful you are." He couldn't contain the devious smirk on his lips as he gently sat you up in front of the body-length mirror across from your bed. 
"You deserve everything, and if I have to tease you for hours for you to finally realize, I'll do it." his fingers found their way to your clit, making you gasp and move your hips to meet his hand. He chuckled evilly. "Mmm, you like that idea? God, you're such a whore, I fuckin' love it," he growled in your ear, making your body shiver in anticipation. (i love you if you got that reference, pls get it)
His large hand cupped your pussy as he slid a finger into your warm walls. You mumbled a few curse words along with his name, and you closed your eyes. He smirked, "Watch your dirty mouth baby or I'll fuck your face again, you'd like that wouldn't you?" he hums. Your head fell back against Billy's shoulder as he fingered you at a slow teasing pace. 
He watched you in the mirror, his hard-on pressing against your back, dripping with precum from the sight of your beautiful full-figured body in the mirror. "Open your fuckin' eyes, doll. I want you to see how sexy you look when you're close." He halted his movements and smacked your thigh, waking you from your pleasured trance. "Open your eyes," he said firmly, a cocky smile plastered across his handsome face.
When you did, you could see yourself in the mirror. You could see him watching you intensely, biting his lip to keep himself from getting too hot. Billy knew your limits, he knew what you liked. You trusted him to give you what you needed, even when you wanted something else.
His pace sped up as he added two more fingers, making you struggle to keep eye contact with the mirror. "C'mon baby, keep staring." You obeyed, watching the way your body squirmed underneath his grip, his other hand splayed across your waist, holding you in place. He went faster, his hips starting to rut against your back as he lost control of his own body just from watching you. "Fuck you're so pretty." he could feel you tighten around his fingers and your loud moans only urged him to keep going. "You wanna come? Yeah?" his voice was mocking you but you didn't care in the slightest. You watched yourself in the mirror, how your figure looked while sitting in front of him as he punished you. It was a beautiful sight, just as he said.
You were right there, so close to coming undone on his fingers, and he stopped. "No please, please I promise I'll be good." you tilted your head back to meet Billy's sharp blue eyes staring back at you. He laughed.
"No, that isn't how this works, sweetheart. Bad girls deserve a punishment. And you've been a bad little slut haven't you?" he smirks when you nod, your fucked out face expressing desperation. "Keep going, and I'll decide what to do with you," you whined in protest and he slapped your thigh again.
After two more times of him stopping just before splendid pleasure, your legs were shaking as you watched yourself moan unashamedly in the full-length mirror. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoy being denied, baby. You look so hot and bothered, maybe you'd like some more?" Billy was only saying to make you beg. He was struggling too. Even he came close a few times.
"No! No please I'll be a good girl just fuck me already. I know I'm pretty you tell me all the time!" you were saying anything to get more friction than you were getting currently. His hand was cupping your overworked pussy, your sensitive clit rubbing against his fingers each time you lifted your hips. 
"What was that? Keep talking." he pressed kisses to your neck as you watched the way hickeys would appear on the soft skin of your neck. "Please, I'm sorry, I'm beautiful. Please I'll do whatever you want, I need you so bad." Billy looked at you through the mirror. 
"You're right, you are beautiful. Now fucking remember it. Okay?" he smirks when you nod frantically. "I think you deserve my cock now, huh? Use your words, slut." he mocks you in a sweet tone, making you look up at him through teary eyes. "Please, Billy." he felt himself grow harder at the mention of his name from your pretty lips.
"I'm still in control sweetheart. You come when I say, got it?" he held your face. "Yes please just fuck me." you could hardly think anymore as he made you lay on your back. He sat back and took a long look at you.
He kissed your head, a small sweet gesture after ruthless teasing. He looked down at you. "You're so amazing and I never want you to feel like you aren't worthy of everything in this world. Doll, I know you don't usually feel insecure like this but next time it happens please tell me." he didn't like to be super cliche or sappy but he always found himself being a total melt when he was around you. It scared him sometimes.
"God, you are so fuckin' sexy. It's been torture watching you get off. I don't know if I'll last long, sweetheart." Billy usually lasted pretty long, but he'd been waiting for about an hour. All he was thinking about was fucking you until you were a sobbing, moaning mess underneath him as he drilled into you. Billy never held back.
Without warning he slammed into you, making you gasp from the suddenness. He thrust into you, his dick hitting your cervix in no time. "Fuck Billy, faster." you felt him slow down, making you whine. "What did I fuckin' say, huh? I'm in charge." he held your thighs up as he drilled into you, the bed shaking with every thrust. He groaned your name as he tried to compose himself. The feeling of your tight warm pussy wrapped around him made him go crazy. 
He eventually sped up, his hands gripping your large thighs tightly. You were sure that his grip would leave bruises the next morning. You were moaning his name over and over like a prayer. "Shit baby you feel so good." his groans became more high-pitched the closer he got.
He kissed up your leg, desperately attempting to keep his cool as the slapping sounds of him slamming into you filled the room. "Fuck please, it feels so good, you're fucking me so good." you didn't even know what you were begging for. 
"Mmm, I know, baby, I know. Nobody can make you feel this good, right? Say it. I wanna hear you say it." you were barely processing his words at this point. His dick was hitting all the right spots as he pressed soft warm kisses on your chest and neck. After seconds of silence, he slams into you harder, making you scream out in pleasure.
"Fuck Billy! No, no one can make me feel this good-" your orgasm came quickly as Billy roughly slammed into you. You're right on the edge as he sucks your nipples, watching your pretty face contort in pleasure as he bites down gently. "I can feel it, baby, I know you close. Come for me sweetheart," he mumbles into your neck, his own orgasm close behind.
"Scream my name, let everyone know what a fucking slut you are for me. Look at me while you come baby I wanna see those pretty fuckin' eyes." he was saying anything to make sure everyone know that you were his. 
"Gonna fuck you at school next time, let those fuckin' losers know how gorgeous you sound while I'm fucking the shit out of you. Mmm, you sound so pretty." that took you over the edge. You screamed his name as you forced yourself to keep your eyes open to watch Billy groan and stare at you. "Good girl, so good for me." he was rambling, his pace slowing down as he reached his high. "Fuck I love you so much." he moans into your mouth as he kisses your lips roughly.
After you both came down from your highs, Billy kissed you sweetly. "Jesus that was amazing. Do you need anything, sweetheart?" he lay next to you, his sturdy arms holding you close to him. You were speechless. You just nodded and smiled at him. He nodded back. "I'll run you a bath and we'll order some pizza or something. We've been at it for 2 hours and I'm hungry." he kisses your head. "I love you so much, I'd do anything to make you feel confident in yourself. You know that right?" he checked in with you. You finally found the words. "Yes, and I love you too." you watched his eyes light up. "Never change, Y/n. Stay gold." you laugh at his reference to the Outsiders.
"Nerd." you tease him. He chuckles and moves your hair out of your face. "Don't test me baby, maybe I'll feel like another round tonight. Think you could handle that?" he smirks, knowing you absolutely could not handle a second round.
"That's what I thought." he walked to the bathroom, and you threw whatever was closest at him and deemed it successful revenge.
//okay thank you! Let me know if there are improvements to be made (constructive criticism please).
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its-tortle · 1 year
🙄 + evanstan 1k celebration ficlet
for the lovely @cable-knit-sweater <3 i'm sorry this took a hot minute and even sorrier that this is plotless and not my best work, but i hope you like it regardless!
His flight is delayed by three hours. 
And really, after all this time, Sebastian is used to the push and shove and the stress of airports, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying when everything goes wrong like this. He really hates having his plans waylaid, and the lukewarm coffee in his hand really isn’t bringing him any comfort as he stares down the gate display before him.
He sighs heavily and takes another unsatisfying sip of his coffee. The baby across the aisle stares at him from above a sweatered shoulder, and Sebastian gives it a small smile that widens when the baby gurgles.
Sebastian is about to stick his tongue out, or maybe cross his eyes, when his phone vibrates in his pocket with a message.
The sender notification makes him smile, and he unlocks it in a second.
From: Chris 💙
I saved some of the tiramisu from catering for you! 
Right, the other reason this delay majorly sucks, and definitely the more important one: Chris -- his boyfriend, the love of his life, his better half, and all of the rest of that sappy shit. His wonderful, beautiful Chris whom he hasn’t seen in weeks, and who he will have to wait a few more painful hours to have in his arms again.
If Sebastian could, he would teleport to Atlanta right now, suitcase be damned, just so he could see his face and then kiss it silly and end up eating tiramisu in bed with him. He aches with how much he wants it.
Sebastian begins to type out a thanks, but another message comes through a moment later.
From: Chris 💙
Are you boarded yet?
Sebastian’s smile transforms into something more like a grimace. He pictures Chris’ sad puppy eyes, and it really doesn't make him feel any better.
To: Chris 💙
No :( 
To: Chris 💙
My flight is delayed 3 hours. Delta said it was due to unexpected staff illness.
The announcement had made him roll his eyes earlier. Storms or strikes he would understand, but this is just ridiculous. The incoming text echoes the sentiment.
From: Chris 💙
It makes Sebastian smile. He can just picture the way Chris roll his ocean eyes, lashes fluttering prettily, and already begins planning the best way to be a nuisance and trigger it. 
From: Chris 💙
I’m going to hire whoever they need me to hire so that you can get here sooner 
To: Chris 💙
You’re ridiculous 
To: Chris 💙
I miss you too
Chris sends him a heart back. It’s ridiculous how happy it still makes Sebastian to see it. 
Sometimes, he still feels like he did when he first met Chris, like a teenager with a silly, giddy crush on the coolest boy in school. He had spent the better part of three years feeling stupid, with hearts in his eyes and pink in his cheeks, giggling at everything Chris said and soaking up every kind word like he would die without it. He was almost sure that it was hopeless, that someone as blindingly wonderful and warm as Chris would never go for someone like Sebastian. And that Chris was straight, to boot.
And then, by some miracle, he wasn’t, and he would. By an even greater miracle, his crush had turned into a genuine, reciprocated, real love and now Sebastian has been getting little colorful emoji hearts from Chris for years. 
He loves them, just as much as he loves the little food emojis Chris sends him sometimes or the stickers he has of Dodger. He loves them alongside Chris’ penchance for the winking and the eye roll emoticon. More than anything, he loves that they’re all from Chris, and that they’re for him. 
It’s no replacement for the real thing, though, which is why he’s the first one off the plane when they finally do land in Atlanta. He rushes so much that he ends up a little sweatier than he’d like, but when he’s finally back in Chris’ arms, he can’t find it in himself to care much at all.
He’ll fly to Atlanta again, and then maybe to Australia and Antarctica and the moon, airline delays and all. Whenever he needs, wherever he needs -- Sebastian knows he’ll follow.
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mroddmod · 2 years
HEY i'm here to do that stupid sappy thing where i make a new years post and thank everyone for the great year.
i already said this on twt but i can genuinely say that i have never had this much fun in a fandom before. i've never CLICKED with a fandom and its participants in the way that i've clicked with the stranger things fandom. i've made more finished art than i have for any other franchise, i think. i've never gotten to connect with people and make friends in a fandom like i have with the stranger things fandom. THE FRIENDS IVE MADE ARE SOME OF THE BEST IVE HAD IN LIKE. EVER. you guys are seriously so awesome. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE INCREDIBLE PEOPLE THAT I ALWAYS SEE IN MY REBLOG TAGS AND REPLIES. i've had the privilege to get to meet, know, and interact, with some of the nicest and most talented people ever. it's been such a good year BECAUSE of the connections i've made. SOOOOO i'm gonna list off some of my favorite people and say a little something and TRY to keep it short. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER
@astrobei : yeah, obviously you're in here, idiot. you wormed your way into my life way too quickly and WAYYYY too easily but i wouldn't change it (probably. just kidding. or Am I.....). i was a MEGA fan of your writing LOOOONG before i ever even spoke to you, so it's kind of a trip that i talk to you every day now. if you told mod from september that he'd be this tight w suni astrobi he absolutely would not believe you. anyway thank you for making me laugh so much and talking to me all the time even though you should probably be doing better things. keep being you. k love u (maybe) bye
@msquared1414 : MAGS. MY DEAR MAGS. I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY. you are a beacon of light in a fucked up and annoying world. i know i can always count on you for support and a good laugh. im so glad i got to know you over the time that we've been talking. i promise i have more special wips to send u soon. I MISS YOU ALL THE TIME BFF
@cherbearsz : CHER 😭😭😭 do you realize that you're actually one of the funniest people on the planet. did you Know. actually i take it back, you're the funniest. i could be having a shit day and suddenly cher gets in the chat and stirs up chaos and i am feeling like :) again. ty for being you, bro 🤝
@livsmessydoodles : we've known each other for a long time but i feel like i didn't really GET to know you until this year. but i'm so glad i did!! you are such a lively and positive energy that i love to see on my dash, in my notifs, in our group chats, anywhere. you are TRULY a unifying and joyful force. keep up your good energy, so many good things will come to you in life.
@halosketches : sorry but who gave you the right to be this cool. like i wanna know. YOU'RE ACTUALLY THE COOLEST PERSON IVE MET.... i know this is like a cringe thing to say but your vibes are Unmatched. i know i can always trust your takes because your taste in media is the Highest of quality. you're also way too nice. you're insane.
@wynsvre : sarah :((( my bro. my guy. you are an INSPIRATION to me and you always will be in so many ways. you are so real and honest and i value that in you so much. honestly you're just such a rad person. i aspire to be more like u.
@janceezer : KITE!!!!! i actually cannot believe how sappy and sweet you are it's CRAZY that you're just that way. YOURE JUST THAT GOOD. it pleasantly surprises me all the time. you are so down to earth and you care about people with everything you have, and i feel SO lucky to be one of those people. KEEP BEING YOU!!!
@tryingonametaphor : AH BHAVNA you have been an absolute pleasure to get to know this year. i was ALSO a huge fan of yours before i got to know you personally, but i was BLOWN away by how kind you are 😭 you are just so understanding and patient and RIDICULOUSLY creative. you're so cool, it's crazy.
@spacedru1d : MY BFF!!!!! my matching bff. you've been such a good friend and a delight to interact with. you're naturally such a good person without even trying. IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH DURING YOUR TIME IN UNI but i'm proud of you for getting your shit done and finally getting the gf of ur dreams. I WISH YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST BFF!!!
okay now that i've gotten all my Real Actual IRL Bestest Friends in the Entire World out of the way....
some other people that i've loved interacting with/seeing in my notifs/seeing on my dash:
@bujomoss, @http-byler, @smoosnoom, @bookinit02, @nnilkyway, @elekinetic, @wiseatom, @andiwriteordie, @paladibun, @noodles-and-tea, @aemiron-main, @caesarexile, and many more im CERTAIN i'm forgetting.
anyway. thanks for an incredible year. HERES TO 2023!!!
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