#this is the problem i found myself in
notbrucewayne48 · 6 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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demikin · 15 days
Dude. I dont want to be rude or anything, but can yall tag things correctly???? Im scrolling the demonkin tag and it feels like 90% of the posts arent related to it at all!!! Half of them are about caninekin, 40% are about general otherkin things, 10% is about divinekin and then. Only 10ish% are abt actual demonkin or related
Like. Even if you do identity as a certain kin, if your post isn't related to it then please do not tag it as such!
It's very annoying, especially to people who are questioning and want to find things about a specific kin (<-thats me btw!)
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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I’ve been drawing Eddie and Chrissy lately :)! The first one is a sketch for an idea I have where its a hellcheer version of Francis Tipton Hunter’s “Helping with Homework,” and the last one is a bit of a continuation of Eddie and Chrissy exchanging mixtapes--Chrissy is listening to ZZ Top’s “Pearl Necklace.” Also, I’m not sure if anyone else remembers Schoolhouse Rock! (it was already old when I was a kid), but it was an American educational program from the 70s and I thought it might be cute for them to bond over it - “3 is a magic number” is a personal favorite (x)!
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dnalt-d2 · 3 months
Alright, third Art Request, by @inekkaa, Done!
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Hope you like it!
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I've never actually drawn Techno before, so I ended up just sorta using Sad-ist's design for him (which is kinda my favorite ngl)
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sheepalmighty · 11 months
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Some more of that Chai joins Vandelay for half a day AU. Or just a picture of a kinda OOC Kale chilling if you wanna gloss over those comics. I'm still not sure if the colours are too garish or not.
These were mostly done with the premise of treating Kale's office like the hideout. I also really like how mundane, or familiar, the interactions between Chai and Kale can be in the game so I wanted to draw some stuff exploring more like that. But also, there's the ulterior motive of shipping so I included an out of context scene because I can't bother drawing the rest of it (though it seems like a huge jump in their relationship as a result. I think they're so big headed that they get stuck in a feedback loop of stroking the other's ego if an excuse comes up to do so)
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yujeong · 7 months
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"Vegas. No."
Pete's reaction to seeing Vegas' grief - KinnPorsche The Series Episode 14
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koddlet · 5 months
hey uh do you have any advice for getting into zine making? especially like the kind of multimedia/collage ones? idk i think they're cool and i maybe want to start making some but i dont know how to start
start with scraps! receipts, tickets, offcuts, etc. takes the pressure off a bit. my first collage zine was put together with receipts and packaging cutouts! it was just about my groceries
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you could do something like that. orrr collect some bits and bobs to cut/tear some shapes and stick them onto the pages. very simple but it could be a way to try out different ways of securing them, like using stitch, staples, tape. most of the time its to get a fun effect, but also glue isn't always enough. like i had to sew the netting in the 2nd image ^
tbh i find it kinda hard to give advice with multimedia/collage because for me, it's very much just jumping straight into it. if i think about it too much i get Extremely caught up in details and it's not fun, but you might work better with more planning! also don't be scared to rip or cover something if it's not working. done that many times 👍
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natyzinhasstuff · 2 years
it's so funny how Stray is such an organic and alive game and most of its characters are robots! they are unique and so humanized each with their own style, taste, mannerisms. the magnificent setting of the game only helps to enrich this universe. the way the city is alive, full of colors, I want to know more about their lives and what it will be like from now on. an optimistic vision of a dystopia where robots don't hate humans as we're used to seeing them, but decided to emulate and cling to the good parts of that old society and then create something new. just a bunch of loose words to conclude that i'm totally blown away by these little robots living their lives at the end of the world.
I think they will be okay.
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citnamora · 1 month
You ever have those two characters where the thought of them dating makes you sick to your stomach and the idea of them getting married turns you off completely from enjoying the media they're in? Because I do.
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thattheater-kid · 3 months
Everyone talks about how fucked up it was that people told kids, especially girls, that if someone picks on you it means they like you. And that is fucked up and should be talked about, but you know what else is fucked up?
Telling bullying victims to have sympathy for their bully because “they’re probably hurting too” (also that the best way to stop bullying is to ignore it, but that’s another post). That’s really harmful and just teaches kids to ignore mistreatment and abuse because the perpetrator has had a hard time too.
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cinnamonsikwate · 21 days
watching the first 2 episodes of frieren last year shook me so bad i still can't get myself to continue it, but between what i remember of it and the nightmares episode of dungeon meshi i can't stop thinking about the ways laios would prepare marcille for his death. what would he leave behind to remind her that he (and by extension all the people she loved and who loved her) are still with her in spirit, even if not in body?
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puppyeared · 7 months
if escape rooms as team building exercises became popular im not sure if id be more excited or terrified
#if it isnt already anyway.. i can see it happening as a school frosh thing. idk if it would catch on as a workplace thing#i kind of find the concept of being locked in with strangers and working to find a way out weirdly exhilarating though#at least compared to icebreakers cause i dont have to spend 10 minutes racking my brain for something to blurt out abt myself#as a bonus u could like. put people into groups and give prizes to whoever escapes first second third etc. apparently they also do themed#escape rooms.. maybe let people pick a theme? or voluntary sign up? actually this would be really fun for smth like a blind friend date#although if i found out i was locked in a room with an online friend id be too excited to actually escape LOL#ive never done an escape room before so sadly i cant speak from experience. its like up there on things i want to try next to rug tufting#workshop and visiting new art exhibits or conventions. i seriously need to get out more if it wasnt for the horrors <- school and anxiety#i was planning to invite cass to a drop-in art workshop in town but neither of us could go bc typography is making us go thru hell and back#AND THEY HAD A BUTTON MACHINE TOO#im nostalgic bc i miss working in groups and not being awkward abt it or worrying abt schedule conflicts#i realized that i learn best in groups and its a little corny but i like sharing ideas and talking through a problem#in elementary i could just sit down with friends for review and come out of it energized *and* more familiar with the material#and i could technically still do it now. but as adults we're more picky abt who we work with on top of being way more busy outside school#maybe im lonely. im shy and grew up not talking to ppl unless i absolutely have to so its hard to make friends on my own i guess#only thing getting me thru it is telling myself that humans like helping and that my cringe is overblown in my head. but its hard#hence the escape rooms. i have been able to talk to 2(!!) people though!! mostly abt school stuff but im glad to be on friendly terms#i dont really know how to be happy these days cause im constantly scaring myself abt my portfolio and finding places to work#not being ambitious is part of not wanting to put energy into something that wont work out while also not having the passion to do literall#anything else.. i should probably talk to my counsellor ugh#yapping
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
Jimin is fucking amazing.
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mirrorhouse · 4 months
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butchtransfag · 11 days
knitters: what are your recommendations for interchangeable circulars that are affordable. i do not want to drop €100 or more on needles
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #93
Peter gets kidnapped. Tony is chained up nearby.
The kidnappers do their usual speech, tell Peter if he acts up they'll hurt Tony. Peter acquiesces to torture, takes on beatings, witnesses Tony getting beat to within an inch of his life just because Peter talked back, etc. It goes on that way for a while.
Then, one day an alarm sounds. The kidnappers, who had been about to torture Peter in front of Tony, with Tony struggling against the chains and Peter unwilling to let him take his place... suddenly this alarm sounds and the kidnappers stop. They toss Peter back into the cell, unchain Tony, and rush away. Peter is too injured to get up, even though he's crying and calling out for them to bring Tony back.
Then, Iron Man bursts into the room.
It turns out, Peter was the only one kidnapped. They'd set it up so one of the kidnappers was using face altering tech to torture Peter psychologically and also to keep him compliant. Peter has spent all this time sacrificing himself, agonizing over the man's pain, in terror over his wounds, enduring torment so he wouldn't have to, for one of the men who kidnapped him in the first place.
Peter now has SEVERE separation anxiety, PTSD night terrors about Tony being injured in ways he has personally witnessed in real life.
Meanwhile, Tony gets to unlock fun new levels of guilt. Blaming himself not just for taking so long to find Peter but for being the reason Peter is so hurt (physically and mentally). Tony finds he has zero (0) problem with Peter staying close by.
Eventually they have to talk it out. Peter tells Tony he can't feel guilty that Peter loves him, that they're family. Yes, the kidnappers exploited that, but Peter's glad Tony didn't actually have to go through all those things.
Tony says he wishes he was there, so Peter wouldn't have had to go through it alone.
Peter: I wasn't alone. I had you. Even when it's just someone pretending to be you, that's what you mean to me. Protection and hope. A reason not to give up.
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