#this is the regular
m-for-now · 1 month
Improving in your life is actually kinda hard and sucks, I'm gonna pretend I'm at the beginning of my anime arc now
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crimson-rots · 2 months
being a fan of a friend's ocs is actually so humiliating....... like yes my favourite character rn is tragically doomed and a pillar of humanity who i think is relevant to the current world. you can find information about them on discord dot com and sometimes in late-night conversations with this guy i know. what the fuck
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i23kazu · 7 months
how i feel when someone reblogs my stuff with a really really nice tag
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soft-october-night · 2 years
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Like to charge reblog to cast
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sergle · 2 months
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pink carnations for the floral portrait series + detail (pls do not tag as "me", thank you!!)
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soup-mother · 3 months
"Tumblr is the gay communist website" tumblr is the transmisogyny and racism from people who think fanfic is political theory website
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watcher0033 · 11 months
Y’all, the Archive admins are made up of VOLUNTEERS. And they have been working for 12-13 HOURS STRAIGHT.
I better not hear any complaints when donation period comes around. OR ELSE.
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cosplay by @woahchriswoah on Twitter
EDIT: How do we show appreciation to the volunteers? For me reading these deep dives on OTW issues u guys apparently it's been said multiple times that one of their objective statements is to have paid staff for ao3 and there's a surplus of donations they haven't used up or the other community solutions that needs to address. For those more financially literate feel free to analyze, snipe me or add to the discussion etc. linked here by deepa. They’re cool and these yearly analysis they did aint no joke.
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But Seriously what can we do for these volunteers? The probable burn out from this entire fiasco would be no joke. @ao3org
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feelo-fick · 18 days
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...i promise i take him seriously i just keep finding shitposts that fit soooo well... i have folder with just shitposts that fit ominously well with him that i keep wanting to draw and then i never get to them HAHAHA
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jakeperalta · 8 months
letting celebrities think they can and should "use their platform" to speak on all current events and political issues regardless of how educated they are on them was a grave mistake
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sequencefairy · 3 months
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Source @ X
ID: tweets from @boulevarddouble:
okay SO. Just FYI i have an insider contact and i asked him about this new google drive nsfw scare.
backing up is never a bad idea.
99% of people will be unaffected, and this is NOT a crackdown on having nsfw content on gdrive
"What I think has happened is that drive has made several updates to its spam/abuse filtering and one of the focuses is trying to catch spammers who share explicit things in docs with random emails. Which is good in theory, but has the potential to hit false positives."
his recommendation is to keep NSFW words out of your doc titles and instead of sharing the "open link", share directly with you beta's email addresses.
It is also more likely to flag up explicit images, though that is less likely to be a fic problem.
/end ID
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evelyn-art-05 · 5 months
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porcelain-rob0t · 8 days
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the psychological damage that comes from fumbling a trans girl
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hamletthedane · 5 months
I keep seeing ads for cotton candy flavored vape pods on tumblr and it made me wonder…
Why/Why not in the tags?
I’m interested because I feel like when I was in high school/college in the mid-10s, almost nobody smoked - even if you otherwise had some pretty hard vices. I think it was considered not really worth it for something with such a small buzz. But now, idk. Maybe the advertisers are right to target people here because it’s just that popular again??
(Reblog for a bigger sample size etc etc.)
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captainzigo · 6 months
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ink-the-artist · 8 months
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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