#this is utter trash and u deserve better
fakesmilcs · 2 years
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                    it  wasn’t  the  first  time  devlin  had  received  a  text  from  an  unknown  number  asking  him  to  meet  them  in  some  abandoned  or  secluded  area  ,  having  made  a  lot  of  enemies  over  the  years  ,  it  was  only  inevitable  that  he  had  a  few  targets  on  his  back  .  but  something  about  this  text  felt  different  from  all  the  others  ,  and  it  wasn’t  something  he  could  put  into  words  or  fully  comprehend  .  it  was  a  feeling  ,  a  gut  feeling  perhaps  ,  something  pulling  him  in  that  direction  .  
                    of  course  this  didn’t  stop  him  from  doing  his  research  prior  to  arriving  ,  his  dubious  mind  reminding  him  to  remain  cautious  .  the  phone  number  had  been  a  dead  end  ,  as  was  everything  else.  whoever  this  was  ,  they  knew  how  to  cover  their  tracks  ,  and  it  only  made  the  roses  leader  more  curious  to  know  who  this  person  was  ,  and  whether  they  were  a  threat  to  him  and  his  family  .
                    as  he  enters  the  building  with  caution  ,  he  is  met  with  a  corridor  ,  and  he  finds  that  feeling  hanging  over  him  once  again  ,  leading  him  with  steady  footsteps  towards  the  door  at  the  very  end  .  one  hand  is  already  pressed  against  his  gun  ,  ready  to  pull  it  out  at  the  first  sign  of  danger  ,  yet  the  moment  he’d  taken  his  first  step  into  the  building  ,  all  he  felt  was  warmth  .
                    his  free  hand  is  now  on  the  door  ,  swinging  it  open  to  meet  with  whatever  fate  he  was  being  sucked  into  ,  but  as  the  door  squeaks  open  and  his  dark  hues  fall  upon  the  familiar  figure  that  currently  had  their  back  to  him  ,  he  felt  his  whole  heart  explode  .  were  his  eyes  deceiving  him  right  now  ?  it  wouldn’t  be  the  first  time  .  he’d  walked  up  to  strangers  in  the  street  and  mistaken  them  for  her  so  many  times  ,  and  each  time  he  felt  his  heart  sink  deeper  into  his  chest  .  he  still  hears  her  laugh  at  times  too  ,  a  sound  he  would  never  forget  .  and  her  smile  would  light  up  his  dreams  until  he  awakes  into  his  bleak  reality  ,  the  reality  being  that   dominique  was  dead  ,  something  he  had  to  remain  painfully  aware  of  for  the  sake  of  his  sanity  and  those  reliant  on  him  .
                    “  turn  around  .  ”  voice  low  and  demanding  ,  his  tall  frame  stays  firmly  in  place  as  he  awaits  the  stranger  to  reveal  their  self  and  prove  his  wishful  mind  wrong  .
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lifewaster-imdanger98 · 8 months
Some of u females are downright delusional. Like sure, 90% of males are utter trash, but don't you go around pretending like them hoes are any better.
Im basically the nicest and genuinely caring guy most women will ever come across. And yet, or maybe because of that, I've always been treated like a toy to use and throw away afterwards.
Did I do anything to deserve such treatment? Absolutely not. And yet still they've caused me to do much worse than ever before.
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astrcphiiles · 6 years
+ @ofacademias
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       “ freddie ! ”
   it had taken a moment for her to notice him, the excited pawing at her leg drawing her out of her thoughts before her face lit up with glee, letting out a soft chuckle as the dog gave a bark, elene kneeling down to give him a kiss and a scratch behind his ears, her smile only growing wider as he responded by giving her cheek a good lick --- god she had missed him. things really had gone to shit since she had come back. she didn’t know why she’d even come back, not after everything that had happened --- after she’d fucked everything up --- riverbank had seemed to lose some of the shine that had been keeping her here. but for a moment it almost seemed like she hadn’t left, his excited affection the same as before she had left. but things had changed, she’d barely talked to anyone since she’d come back, not after the first day anyway, not after she’d seen him again. 
    ty. the woman shot up as soon as he crossed her mind if freddie was here than that had to mean... seeing him hadn’t gotten any better, a small lump forming in her throat as they made eye contact. it hadn’t gotten any easier, seeing him that first day was like she had been stabbed in the chest --- and she had nobody to blame but herself. it was ironic really, for a history professor she was terrible at learning from her mistakes. there was so much she wanted to say --- that she was sorry, that she regretted everything, that she still loved him. but she wouldn’t, she’d done enough already. swallowing she pulled her eyes from his, looking at the ground at where freddie sat, the lump still there in her throat.
      “ hey. ”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Am I On the Screen? (P.1)
Title: Am I On the Screen? (Part One) Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader Summary: Hugh is a prick and the reader gets herself into trouble with him with her attitude. Hugh has the perfect plan to keep her in line though. Words: 2,116 Warnings: S M U T, language, dub-con, blackmail, masturbation, online sex Author’s Notes: If something like this has been done already, welp, I suck.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Are you, are you filming me? Am I, am I on the screen? 'Cause it feels like your watching me 'Cause it feels like they’re watching me Am I on the screen?
-- Are You Filming Me? // twst
Marta’s laugh faltered and she cleared her throat, her eyes averting from the doorway quickly. You turned your head to look over your shoulder and saw what had made her stop laughing. Hugh. He sure had a way of sucking the air out of a room, especially with that glower he was pointing in the two of your direction.
“Hugh,” you greeted him civilly, turning the shrimp over in the pan. “Are you hungry?”
“Not for anything that you are making,” Hugh responded rudely, walking past you towards the fridge.
You shot Marta a vexed look and she rose her eyebrows, shaking her head slightly.
“Well, there’s some take out on the second shelf in the fridge that I can assure you I had nothing to do with. I just picked it up for my lunch. If you want, I’ll trade you that for a plate of what I’m making,” you said, unable to help yourself.
Hugh stopped, his hand on the handle of the fridge. Unamused, he stared at you for a few moments before saying, “You should watch your mouth, Y/N.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you quipped, turning the stove off, and moving to arrange Harlan’s plate.
You could feel Hugh’s glare burning into your back and you smirked to yourself at having gotten under his skin even just a little bit. The prick deserved to be knocked down a couple pegs.
Gym bag slung over your shoulder, you slammed your car door closed and locked it. On the way up to your townhouse door, you unlocked your mailbox and grabbed the papers inside. You were looking forward to your shower, thinking of the sweet relief you would get from the hot water.
Upon opening your front door, you almost stepped onto an envelope that had been slid underneath the door. You closed the door and turned around, placing your bag down along with the other mail on the entrance table. You swooped down and picked up the unmarked envelope, confused why it had not just been slipped into your mailbox.
“What…” you muttered, staring down at the photos.
Bile rose in your throat realizing what it was. They were screenshots of you from your OnlyFans account during one of your live events. And you quickly noticed it was not from just one; there were a handful of them, you in different lingerie, different toys. A note was with the pictures.
I want you to say my name when you’re riding that large, pretty, purple dildo tonight.
Who sent you this and why? There was no name attached to it. And how the hell did they know where you lived? A chill crept down your spine, thinking of all the true crime documentaries that you had binged and all the women who were kidnapped and murdered, their bodies never found.
Unnerved, you tore the photos and the note up, rushing towards the kitchen. You shoved the ruined remains in the trash, shoving them as far down as you could. Stepping back, your eyes were glued to the trashcan, anxiety creeping. What if you had a stalker?
You bit your lip, trying to think of all the ways you could protect yourself if you were approached on the street or god forbid, someone broke into your home.
The clock caught your attention, and you swore, realizing you had been standing there for fifteen minutes worrying and had cut into your shower time. You still needed to get to work. Trying to ignore the nagging anxiety, you rushed to get ready.
Throughout the day, your mind had continuously returned to the note and the pictures. You could not go to the police to file a report or anything, they would think you were being over dramatic. Plus, you were not keen on sharing your account and really, no one had done anything illegal. Still, you were frightened.
At the end of the day when dinner was finished and you had breakfast set up for the morning for Marta to get ready for Harlan when she got there in the morning, you stopped at the bathroom on the way out the door to relieve yourself before the drive home. When you opened the door, you jumped seeing Hugh standing there, just waiting, looking very much a predator.
Hugh rested his hand on the doorframe, leaning in and effectively blocking your way out of the bathroom.
“Do you need something?” you asked, your tone short. On top of the anxiety you already had, you did not want to deal with this dickhead. When had he shown up anyway?
His smile did not reach his eyes as his eyes wandered down, unabashedly soaking you in. Your mouth set into a thin line. If he was trying to unnerve you by being a pompous ass, he was going to have to try harder than throwing you a lewd look.
“Did you get my gift?” Hugh asked nonchalantly. Your brow stitched, confused. He leaned in closer, a malicious glint in his eyes. “I’d prefer it if you reverse cowgirl’d it while you’re saying my name.”
Your breath froze in your chest and he knew the moment that it clicked for you, an arrogant smile painted on his lips.
“You… bastard,” you got out, before trying to move past him.
He blocked your way again and you clenched your jaw, fury thrumming underneath your skin at the smug look on his face.
“Does my grandfather not pay you enough? I would imagine he does but maybe you’ve got more expensive tastes than you give off,” Hugh ridiculed you. He rose his brows and whispered, “Or maybe you just like knowing there are people getting off to that perfectly round ass.” You tried to get around him again and he chuckled, blocking your way once more. “Did I hit a nerve, babydoll?”
He gripped your jaw and you tried to jerk away but he clamped down harder, stopping you from doing so. “I’ve been watching you for a while. You put on quite the show. I just can’t seem to bring myself to actually bury myself inside you though. I’ve certainly thought about it… showing up at your place and making you wrap those beautiful lips around my cock. But I beat off to whores, not fuck them. Keeps me clean.”
You slapped his hand away, angry tears stinging at your eyes. “Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”
“Not until you tell me you’re gonna do like I asked.”
Scoffing, you told him as calmly as you could, “I don’t do it for free.”
“Oh, you aren’t,” Hugh assured you. “I already pay to subscribe, remember? But trust me, your job is on the line. What if I showed my grandfather what his cook is doing afterhours? Do you think he would want to keep a slut employed and tied to his name? That is a lot of money on the table and so you aren’t doing it for free. And don’t even think about quitting because I’ll find out where you work. And I have no problem sending the photos there too. So… you’re kind of stuck with me, pumpkin.”
He gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to nod as he mimicked a higher pitched voice, “’Yes, Hugh, I’ll beg for you’.” In his regular voice, he practically purred, “C’mon, Y/N. Say it nice and clear for daddy.”
You had no choice. You knew he would make good on his threats; he was not one to mess around about people not following his orders.
Strained, you told him, “Yes, I’ll do it.”
He cupped his hand to his ear, “’I’ll do it…’”
You grated, “Daddy.”
“Perfect. You’re a peach,” Hugh told you grinning. He leaned back, dropping his arm. As soon as you saw the exit, you made to rush past him. At the last second, he reached out, grasping your arm and stopping your momentum. “Oh, and by the way… that purple heart plug too. Just to match.”
He gave you one last self-satisfied smirk before letting go of you and you took off, feeling his eyes burn into the back of your head.
Legs spread in front of the camera, you tweaked your nipple through your black lace bra. You had put your garter and thigh highs on to match but were panty less. You had already stripped and done some oral play, something the commenters could not seem to ever get enough of.
You uttered his name for the first time, “I want Hugh.”
Your finger running tantalizingly slow down your slit, staring into the camera. You hated how much it sounded like ‘you’, meaning anyone could be hearing it thinking nothing of it. But you knew Hugh was getting off on knowing you were saying his name.
Pressing your fingers in, you spread your lips, showing yourself off to the camera. A new slew of messages popped up, encouraging you to play with your clit.
“I’m sure you wish it was you,” you breathed, well versed on dirty talk during your live feeds. “I’m sure your fingers would be so much better…” You slipped a finger in. “Your fingers instead filling me up. Getting me ready for that big cock of yours.”
You were good and wet now, comments coming in lusting after the glisten on your lips. Remembering what he asked, your fingers left your sex and you got up, moving the camera to the ground and angled upwards. Grabbing the dildo, you wet the bottom of it, suctioning it to the hardwood floor. For good measure, you added a healthy amount of lube to the dildo, making sure the camera could see your hand massaging it, a sly smirk on your face.
None of this would be out of the ordinary if it was not for the fact you knew Hugh was watching. You could not get the image of him sitting behind his screen, his hand stroking himself watching you abide to his whims.
Spreading your cheeks, you showed off the plug and heard the chime of new messages being sent. You could not help but smile, knowing that was a treat for the viewers. The head of the dildo entered you and you moaned softly. You started slow, adjusting to the girth, moving inch by inch down the length. Gradually, you increased the depth and speed, encouraging whoever was watching to think about their own dicks fucking you like this.
“I want Hugh to fuck me,” you gasped, riding the dildo quickly, your fingers stroking your clit. You were getting close and you leaned completely into it, your mind a haze. “I want Hugh to fuck me so bad. Hugh can cum inside me, fill me up. I’ll take every inch, daddy. Please fuck me. I’m your dirty girl.” Your hand was moving erratically and a few more strokes sent you tumbling over the edge. You gasped, seeing stars, clenching around the dildo.
You sat there for a couple moments, relishing in your high.
As your mind cleared, your cheeks burned thinking about all the things you had said lost to your passion. The thought of Hugh’s hand covered in his cum, head thrown back at your complete submission to his request flashed through your mind. Thankfully, your face was away from the camera and you swallowed, trying to calm yourself down. And also thankfully, your red face could be attributed to that mind blowing orgasm you just gave yourself.
The dildo was wet when you came up off of it and you picked up the camera, taking it with you to sit it back down in front of your station.
Your eyes met the camera again and you gave it a sensual smile, your eyes flicking to all the new comments, positive encouragement ringing throughout them. Your hand slipped down to your cunt and you brought your fingers up to your lips, sucking on them gently.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll think about your hands washing me down,” you told the camera before blowing it a kiss. “Good night.”
As soon as the camera was off, your hands shook as you brought them back to your lap.
That had been a great orgasm. And you hated it.
Your phone buzzed and you whipped your head around to look at it over on your bed. Standing up, you picked it up, staring down at the text. You did not have the number saved but you knew damn well who it was and how he had gotten it in the first place.
I’m gonna break my rule. Don’t shower. Keep that pussy glistening for me.
Tags: @coconutqueen21
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rivetwrites · 4 years
Komaeda fluff alphabet?
//our best hope boy!!
Nagito Komaeda Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Nagito loves to spend his free time following you around like a lost puppy, finding everything you do so amazing. Though, if you let him choose what you two do that day, he would shyly ask if you two could cuddle. “I know someone like me should touch such a beautiful person like you, but I would like to be selfish...just this once, please.”
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He could never find a flaw in you. You’re absolutely perfect in his eyes. But he loves how well you listen to him and his little hope rants. He finds it so endearing that you like listening to what he has to say. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Comforting isn’t something he finds easy, but he’ll try his hardest to comfort you. He’d wrap his green jacket around your shoulders, pulling you into his slim chest as he presses small kisses to your tear stained cheeks. Your happiness is so important to him, so he’ll do anything just to see you smile again.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He dreams to marry his S/O, but he feels like he’s not good enough. He wants to be able to have a very small family, but he feels like his luck would turn on him and he’ll lose everything dear to him. You’d have to reassure him that you’ll never go away.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s extremely passive, letting you be the dominant in the relationship. Everything goes at your pace. If you’re comfortable, that’s when he’s happiest. Sometimes he’ll chip in some ideas on your next date or what not, but he’s not expecting you to listen to someone like him.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Nagito hates fighting with you and will do everything to avoid it. You two almost never get into arguments, but if they do happen, it’s usually from you telling him off about not appreciating himself more. You’ll have to shower him in the compliments he deserves and he’ll apologize and thank you for your utter kindness.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s unbelievably grateful for you and will constantly tell you so. He’ll tell you how much he appreciates everything you do, even if you just gave him half of your cookie. He loves everything you do for him, and he’ll return the favour as soon as possible.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s very open about himself and he has little to nothing to hide from you. He trusts you with his life, so he will tell you everything about himself. He doesn’t expect you to do the same, though. He wants you to be comfortable with him, and he feels like forcing you to open up to him would ruin that.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve helped him out of the self-deprecation habit he had. He does it so much less, and now he’s starting to believe every little compliment you give him. He returns it by giving you even more compliments, and how amazing you truly are. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
As much as he hates it, he’s a bit selfish over you. He gets very jealous very quickly whenever someone flirts with you. He doesn’t do anything directly, but once you two get home, he’d wrap himself around you and press small kisses to your cheek and neck. He’d apologize for being so needy, but he needs to be reassured that you’re only his.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s a very gentle kisser, almost like he doesn’t want to ruin your perfect skin. He’d take your chin into his hand, tilting it upwards as he’d press his lips to yours. He gets very shy once he pulls away, apologizing for tainting you with his lips. You’ve have to shut him up by grabbing him by his hair and pulling him down for another kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’d be the one to confess to you first, but he’d feel super guilty about it. “Trash like me shouldn’t be able to even think this way about someone as amazing as you...” Just tell him to shut up and accept his confession before he goes on a crazy rant.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Absolutely! But he feels so scared that his luck might mess it up. He already lost the ring twice, so he had to propose as soon as he got the third one. To be honest, he would be the one to elope rather than to have a big wedding. He doesn’t want his luck to mess up such a beautiful day for you.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
You’re always going to be his hope. He would also call you by your first name in more intimate moments, but both in private and in public, you’re his darling hope.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He loves physical affection, so he would wrap you in his arms as he says he loves you over and over again as he peppers your face in soft, fleeting kisses. Tell him you love him too!! He’ll be over the moon!
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He doesn’t give a damn on whos watching you two, and to be honest, he wouldn’t notice. He’ll never ever lay a hand on you without your permission, so you would have to initiate public kisses or hugs. He loves them to death though.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Nagito is fantastic at giving you huge confidence boosts. He’ll compliment you everywhere and anywhere. He’ll tell you that you look stunning right in front of his friends, or how much he loves you when you two are alone. He sees no flaw in his hope.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He loves cliché, but sometimes it doesn’t work out so well for him. He’d bring you flowers, just for them to die the next day. He tries his hardest to be romantic though, but his luck always gets in the way. But the one thing that never fails, is an at home movie. But sometimes his luck ends up picking out a crappy movie, but it ends up in giggles as you two watch it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely. If you want something, he’s going to do everything to get it for you. He supports all of your goals, no matter how out there they are. He knows that you know what’s best for you. When you do reach your goal, he gets an overwhelming sense of hope and happiness in his soul when he sees you so happy.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Not entirely. He would do whatever you do, so if you want a bit of thrill in your relationship, he’ll be on board the entire time.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Nagito almost knows you too well. He knows when you’re feeling upset or angry, and he would do everything in his power to help you get through it. He’s very empathetic to you, so he lets you rant to him, and he’ll let you in on how he was able to figure out the problem.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He values you more than his own life. Nothing in this world can ever be better than you, and he makes it known. His constant self-deprecation rants on how you’re so much better than him, and how you deserve the world is a regular for him. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When he’s sleepy, he’ll decide that he’ll be a little greedy. He pulls himself into your chest, his cheek resting on your collarbone as he has a small smile on his face. He wouldn’t say much, looking up at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He adores your affection. Sometimes, he likes to lay his head on your lap as you play with his hair. It makes him fall asleep in no time. Make sure not to move too much, though. He’s a very light sleeper.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Nagito is very needy, so he would go around Hajime and bother him for the entire time your gone. You’re never off of his mind, nor his conversation. Once you come back, Hajime would be thanking you as Nagito clings himself to you.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
You’re Nagito’s one and only, he’ll do absolutely anything for you if you asked. You’re his lifeline, you keep him stable. 
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/SUMMARY: Wanda fluff, Loki fluff, we're getting a whole ass friendship! Dad sucks. The outfits are neat tho! Check the end for a mood board 😍
a/n: dress inspo and aesthetic visuals can be found here, here and here. (Paolo Sebastian, Firefly Path gowns and Viona Ielegems photography).
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"Gi-i-irl..." Wanda drawled, seeing me arrive with Tony, both of us freshly showered and still hazy from the amazing orgasms. God only knew what she'd seen in both of our heads - if judging only by the vivid, crimson blush she spouted, it was definitely something very NSFW. Bruce already sat at the dinner table, quietly slurping his soup, his back and shoulders the most relaxed I'd ever seen. He gave me a knowing smile once he noticed my presence in my usual spot by his side.
The rest of the team appeared completely oblivious, preoccupied by their food.
"So, about the party. Got any costume ideas?" I cut straight to the chase, unwilling to wait for Wanda to start asking for details right in front of everyone.
Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Thor and Natasha all answered affirmative, the latter whacking Clint upside the head and firmly stating "no funny business". I couldn't help but wonder what kind of crazy shit the Bird had in mind and was kind of disappointed at Nat's intervention. A good chaotic moment was always worthwhile in my opinion!
The other bird, Sam, approached Bruce with caution as he wondered if the scientist was interested in doing a paired costume with him, only to be interrupted by Tony declaring, with childish glee, he had a "wicked project" that he and Bruce would be doing together. The scientist gave a resigned sigh and apologized.
Sam wasn't deterred by the slight setback; he approached Clint instead and after being given an okay from Natasha, the Birds decided to pair up. As they should, if you'd ask me.
"I have a costume but I need some accessories. Wanda, Lokes, join me on my lil' shopping trip?" I prompted, wanting everybody to be included. I was fully prepared for Loki to scoff and dismiss my invitation but the Asgardian nodded after a second of brief speechlessness. Didn't anyone invite him to birthday parties as a kid? Either way, Thor gave me a grateful smile, like a proper big brother. Both Asgardians had grown visibly closer during the past couple of months which made me hide a secretive smile behind a spoonful of soup.
It turned out, Loki hadn't exactly been introduced to the buzzing beehive that is NYC. He didn't get out much and when he needed to be somewhere, the man simply teleported to the desired destination. As convenient as it must've been, I still expressed my outrage at his lack of experience doing the usual "touristy" things that, in my opinion, every non-newyorker was obligated to do when visiting. Yes, even if said visitor had literally traveled across different galaxies.
Wanda wasn't much better in terms of city knowledge. According to her, she'd lived here for several years already but never bothered to go beyond the borders of the block surrounding the Avengers tower. The witch didn't have friends outside of her teammates (therapy. they all needed so much therapy. y'all...) so she simply saw no point in going anywhere beyond the local mall.
Which was trash. I mean, I loved Hot Topic and Forever 21 as much as any other young adult with depression and anxiety but it was literally impossible to wear clothes made out of cheap cotton and polyester all the time. I'm pretty sure I would have hives and ulcers if I attempted that.
"We're going on Sixth Avenue and that's final. No friend of mine will be wearing shit from Wal-Mart at a Stark party," I interrupted Wanda's defensive stuttering, using my other hand to summon an Uber.
"That is good advice," Loki, previously silent, added in a sweet tone. I counted on the fashionable Asgardian to be on my side and with his schmoozing skills, I didn't even have to drag Wanda inside the car by, like, her hair or whatever. The three of us barely fit into the small Toyota anyway.
A thought struck me when I had to consciously avoid stepping on Loki's leather shoes and keep away my elbow from Wanda's stomach. "Mister? I'll give you a hundred bucks cash if you turn around and drive to this address," I hurriedly rattled off my home address, delighting in the way the driver nearly did a U-turn at the mention of crispy dollar bills.
We arrived home quickly. Wanda gaped in mild disbelief at the size of my house while Loki looked about as interested as he'd ever be. His face was akin to an expression one made while smelling fresh manure. Opening the garage, I was greeted with an unpleasant surprise of my dad's outrageously painted Corvette standing neatly by my white Range Rover.
Loki looked and felt considerably less tense in the back of my car. The subtle signs of discomfort all but left his face replaced by slight wonder as I explained how to adjust the temperature and turn on the heated seats.
Dad met us at the gates. "You didn't come in to say hello," He pouted. His breath reeked like a five-day drinking binge hangover and he looked a dead man.
"We're in a hurry, dad. There's a lot to be done," I replied curtly, hoping to get rid of him fast. I hated being sober around my drunk father. My fingers twitched on the steering wheel.
"You're like your mother, always busy," Dad's laugh was coarse and bitter. "But at least you find time for Stark and his friends. That'll do your future real good," He clapped once on the hood of my car, heading back to the house with a wave of his hand, just in time to miss the disgusted shudder that ran through me.
I knew my dad well enough to understand the implications of what he meant by his words. In his world, fucking way up to the top was considered the norm. I'd rather cut off my own foot than use Tony that way.
"Sorry you had to see that. I thought he was still in Cali," I gritted my teeth, pulling out of the driveway.
"I'm sorry you had to experience that. I have no kind words regarding your father," Loki's look was sympathetic in the rearview mirror.
"Or your mother," Wanda added, messing with her seatbelt. Loki nodded tersely.
"Aight, aight," I sighed, set on improving the mood. "Let's not poop this party. We're getting some absolutely delicious beverages and wasting my money on outrageous pretty things. My treat."
Wanda's protests were drowned out by Motorhead and Loki's grumbling was overshadowed by Guns'n'Roses. Their resistance didn't stand a chance. Few blocks out, the witch was singing along to November Rain, heavily accented and terribly off-key, and the Asgardian watched New York city intently behind the protection of the tinted rear windows of my ride. He seemed mesmerized by the crowds and the variety of colorful shop fronts. This was the the one and only reason I eased off the gas pedal and drove the speed limit for once.
The atmosphere was, well, magical. Looking at my two companions, I discovered the familiar city anew with every question they asked, every remark they made. The desire to ask in turn about their homelands melted like the tension I was harbouring after the run-in with my father. Content and warm, I had my attention divided between Loki and Wanda juggling their wonder back-and-forth between themselves and the absolutely crazy NYC traffic.
So what if I parked in a no-parking zone just to get us the most delicious coffee in the city? Loki, the resident tea person, ordered himself something unpronounceable, something that made the barista twitch. Wanda got a sugary-sounding vanilla-white chocolate perversion. I just got a mocha, having had outgrown my adolescent desires to experiment with "how sweet can I make this coffee before I literally puke?" beverages.
With a laugh, I instructed them to pose in front of the nearest reflective surface to brag about our coffees on Instagram - this café deserved more recognition. My companions reluctantly obliged.
I wonder if the barista realized just who had bought the coffee - Loki was quite a media darling when it came to fangirls. Tony's PR team did a wonderful job on the Asgardian's redemption arc. The trickster only fueled the utter devotion his fangirls had for him by being extra nice and charming in every video I've seen. I guess you can't out-mindcontrol manners outta somebody, he was raised a prince after all.
It wasn't raining but the autumn chill seeped into the tiny spaces between my layers of clothing. I already managed to regret my fashionable dark academia inspired outfit at least twice, however the matching vibe all three of us had was positively dashing. Loki, wearing his usual onyx black and dark green. Wanda with a burgundy sweater dress and thigh high platformed boots - sweater dresses, out of all things, had no business looking this good on anybody. But she pulled it off.
"You said you've got a costume. Mind sharing what it is?" The witch said, curiously peeking into the windows of a nearby vintage boutique as we took our leisurely stroll with steaming paper cups keeping our fingers warm.
"A fairy dress. It was custom made for me last year and I actually didn't get to wear it. I need some jewelry to go with it," I explained, stopping to show a photo of the dress on my smartphone. "And some shoes, too. Let's hope the party will be held completely indoors, otherwise I'll freeze my ass off."
"Custom made?" Wanda squeaked, looking at the garment in wonder. Loki gave a vaguely approving nod.
"Yeah, there's a company that makes these fantasy dresses. You want one? What did you have in mind for your costume anyway?" I switched the topic quickly, seeing how Wanda withdrew into herself slightly. I heard from Peter she grew up poor, in the middle of a war and I didn't want to make her feel bad or anything. I wasn't good at these things...
"I thought maybe I could match with you," She replied, slowly taking a sip of her coffee.
"Sure. There are a couple of shops with really cute dresses that fit the aesthetic." Marchesa. We need a Marchesa store. And a Zuhair Murad - if there was one on this stretch of road. "What about you, Lokes? Anything in particular strike your fancy?" I asked our silent companion, frantically googling the information I needed.
"Black," He answered moodily.
"Boo, you whore," I rolled my eyes at his scoff. We had watched the Mean Girls recently and he got the reference, immediately raising a sarcastic eyebrow. "You know, you could do so much with this pale aristocratic look you've got going on. How about a medieval vampire?"
"Like Lestat? He's fucking hot," Wanda and I understood each other promptly. She jumped on the bandwagon immediately.
Combining my blunt honesty and her adorable fawning over a fictional bloodsucker, we managed to convince Loki into going on a hunt for brocaded, velvet suits and blouses with ruffles for his look. The trickster revolted at the mere suggestion of procuring some fake fangs, instead magically making them appear and showing them off in the middle of the crowded sidewalk, much to my and Wanda's delighted shrieking. He looked, I daresay, very attractive, like a porcelain figurine. Delicate but dangerous.
We arrived at the store that showcased beautiful, airy dresses of silk, chiffon and tulle. The lace was delicate and the seams invisible. I ushered Wanda into a dressing room with a shop attendant that was quietly but strictly instructed to not discuss the cost of the dresses and hide the price tags.
"I want it to be a gift. My friend here deserves no less than a magical experience," I explained quietly, winking at a bewildered Loki.
"Why did you do that?" He asked once Wanda was given a selection of several dresses in flattering colours and led into a separate dressing room.
"These dresses, they're special so they're a bit pricey. And knowing Wanda, she'll make a scene and refuse to let me buy them for her," I idly twirled my phone in my hands. "But every girl wants to be a princess and it's kinda sad she never got to be one. It's more than just a dress, it's more than feeling pretty, although it's a big part of it. She'll feel on top of the world."
Loki nodded. I'm certain he didn't understand it - being a man and all - and I wasn't sure I understood it completely, too. I never lacked pretty or expensive things, always got whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. But for a moment, I thought how it must've been for Wanda - seeing all these girls on TV, looking like pictures - and never having the chance to experience that. A concept that made me so sad, I was tempted to ask the customer service person for a glass of scotch. Being poor sounded depressing as hell.
Suddenly, Loki's cool, large hand landed on mine. "Thank you. I am certain Wanda will be the most beautiful lady at the ball."
I stared at him. Loki understood.
"Well, I... I don't know how finicky you are on gender labels for clothes, but there were a couple of blouses you might want to check out. They've got the neck ruffles and shit." My throat suddenly seized up and I had to clear it before speaking, steering away from the uncomfortably emotional moment. Thankfully, Loki wandered off without as much as a word.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
& the promised aesthetic
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00:19 - Taec just stepped out of the limo and I want to cry
00:33 - one of my favorite looks on Wooyoung TY LORD have you seen this man slide across the stage and run the world with this coat on because u should  
01:05 - I’m really in love with this album as a whole and feel that it’s severely underrated so I was shookt that even in 2016 they were still starting off with My House??? but oh well Jun K just let out a very swag “huh” and all is forgiven
03:05 - good old maknae channie just ABSORBING all of wooyoung bumping into him that you wouldn’t really notice it kek kek
06:06 - i ThINk aBoUt yOu (Ok Taecyeon, 2016)
10:20 - pained to hear them talk about how involved they were in this album because people!! still!! don’t!! know!! it isn’t just My House that's worthy of the Youtube algorithm :-------(
10:27 - had to take a break before they started performing My Last and then I got overly excited when I realized I’d potentially be hearing a live version of Junho’s sweet falsetto bit in a few minutes
12:02 - chansung can, like, get it
14:19 - 30 seconds of Wooyoung struggling to explain that he just acted out a scene where he, like, GETS IT pfffffft
16:51 - boooo they put so little of these choreography clips in the MV :((( the dance practice video was amazing but 🥺🥺🥺 the blue suits tho 
28:53 - aAh ThINk a-PUTT yOu 
37:21 - G E N
43:05 - geally 😬 turn it on 🥴🥴 many days 🤣🤣🤣 THEY THOUGHT THE WORST WAS OVER AND THEN MR. MENTLE CAME ALONG afsjsdhshfkfk
46:56 - my body clock was betraying me and I was getting sleepy then they mentioned Got7 and Jackson and
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53:53 - seeing this MV from pre-JYP 2.0-management compared to all the recent work by Division 1 for their Must comeback makes my heart fat 🥺 they deserved better than being driven out of Korea for so long for the sake of the company and now they got it huhu
But ugh can Division1 remake the Promise MV? (1/2 joke huhu) The scenes for each member are really nice visually and seem to be framed well, but the multiple cuts within a shot + all the zoom transitions + the camera glitch/ record scratch effects towards the rap break + the utter LACK of choreography shots just really ain't doing it 😭 It reminds me of how they treated the Eclipse MV of Got7 hnnngh
When you get to compare it to their live performance with the full choreography right after it's like--?!?!?! I can't look awaaay and Jang Wooyoung slid across the stage again ughhhh save me and save his poor knee
In summary: I'm still trash, but give Gentlemen's Game by 2PM a spin if you're feeling up to it!!! 💙
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jean-swolo · 4 years
I'm going to rant on tumblr instead cuz i was late to the twitter party and frankly no one cares about a new account so here goes-
but before that- 📢LOOK AWAY, SPOILERS AHEAD📢
1) apparently jj abrams can't differentiate between emotional and upset because all I've been feeling since i walked out of that damn movie was disappointment and utter heartbreak
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2) the writers did the movie h o r r i b l y. every single character were mistreated. from the main protagonists to the side characters- (shivers) the whole story was a fanservice mumbo jumbo, cramped into one, huge hot mess. it's like they've fckin ran out of ideas and decided to pluck ideas from every subgroup in the star wars fandom and just threw it into this heap trash of a movie.
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3) what happened to ben... baby boy I'm so fckin sorry they did u this dirty. i can't even explain it. it's like his whole arc was meaningless. it didn't make fckin sense the way jj ended him. he's been ABUSED, BETRAYED, MANIPULATED, GROOMED INTO SOMETHING HE NEVER WANTED TO BE AND YET HE'S PROVED THAT HE'S STILL GOOD. He's hurt, scarred, sacrificed himself for the person he loved, and he got it. He got what he wanted after almost 30 years..... aND LOST IT WITHIN 30 SECONDS BECAUSE HE'S DEAD. HE'S KILLED OFF AND BRUSHED AWAY AS THE LAST TRUE POWERFUL SKYWALKER THAT EVER LIVED. ben, kylo, adam. baby I'm so sorry you don't deserve this mess-
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4) rey. Let me just say (and I'm being brutally honest here) rey just doesn't feel like rey in this movie. i feel a lack of character from her in this movie. she felt off. like it really wasn't rey and she was possessed by something. the way she fckin fled after ben disappeared... it just... it felt like she didn't love ben as much as ben loves rey but i refuse to believe that because rey initiated the kiss, she's been the only one to believe in ben other than leia, she's the one who sought ben out from across the freaking galaxy and put in the arms of danger to guide him back to the light, and the way she smiled when she was ben came back to save her... it really doesn't make sense. and Rey's ending- fck. imagine if harry potter ended with harry living back under the staircase. yeah. that bad. daisy, rey.. I'm so sorry
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5) the reylo. it's finally canon. it's finally here in its purest form. wE FINALLY GOT A KISS--- BUT AT WHAT COST????? I'd rather have a jyn and cassian v2 if i knew the end was like this. they were each other's halves. even palps said it himself, they were two halves and their force is strong enough to give life. if that ain't powerful idk what is but the way they separated... i refuse to believe this is the end of reylo but fck, thinking rey never got the family she longed for and almost got it in ben before he was killed off- rey will be spending the rest of her life thinking of what they could be, and the thought of ben just stares and smiles at rey with so much adoration and longing, like he's memorizing every inch of her face before he... makes me fckin sick. the story's just rude and cruel and jj has been spewing bs throughout the whole press tour. and I can't help but hate him for it.
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6) the title of the movie itself is a giant mistake. what the fck is a rise of skywalker when there's no skywalker left to actually rise??? and no, someone taking their name, let alone the one taking it is a descendant of the person who dedicated his life to destroy the skywalker family... it's just r u d e and condescending af. it would've been better if rey took tha 'solo' name instead bcs then it makes sense, she'll be continuing Ben's legacy, t h e i r legacy.
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7) the ugly, sad, and depressing message of the movie. It probably goes like this-
Once you're a villain, you die. No redemption. Redemption is dying because you don't deserve redemption, forgiveness, and second chances because you're bad, despite whether it is your fault or not.
And that love is hopeless. So, very hopeless. You can never get a happy ending. Everything you'll ever love would just die away and you'll be left alone again. Do not ever love.
👎👎👎👎👎👎 jj did the worst thing a director and writer could've ever done. thanks for ruining not only the sequel trilogy, but the entire star wars saga. thanks for making all 9 movies meaningless. thanks for the heartbreaks you've given to all of us fans.
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saintobio · 3 years
ngl if my current boyfriend also participated in slutshaming me id throw him away, like as much as I love akaashi im pretty upset be didnt clear it up with his gf before jumping into conclusions:( like it hurts how he'd believe teru and squad so quick, this is why I hate m*n:/
also did he expect his gf to be this innocent little virgin thats all for him to currupt? is he still hanging on to that belief, its just utter bs theyre college students alr for fuck sakes
going back to the slutshaming thing, why is everyone who knew abt it act like theyre this pure person who never had sex, they literally do the same they party with them, do drugs and get drunk hell even fuck but just bc mc's is flimed and spread around without her consent theyre suddenly better than her?
all in all theyre all assholes I feel terrible for mc she deserved better, and no that better is not akaashi especially after his reaction after seeing the nonconsensual sex tape but whatever good for them for getting back together ig:/
also im sorry if all these sounded rude I had pretty strong emotions for what happened especially knowing how someone is out there experiencing this irl
omg you snapped!! and it’s not rude at all. but for real, i agree with all of these and you’ve made several points! i really love it when u guys go in depth with the analysis :)
and yes akaashi def did not handle the situation perfectly but i also think that his reaction is realistic in a sense that most men are driven by their pride and his whole realization of mc’s past fucked with his head to the point where he almost ghosted her for something she had no control of.
unfortunately, this is something that i witnessed irl (from my friend) and the guy didn’t go back to said girl just bc her image is ‘tainted’. men are really trash
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Hi. If the writing requests are still open, could you maybe do something with flirting freed and blushing Laxus. Thanks :)
Hello. I mentioned Laxus blushing maybe twice and got totally of track with this au. I’m awfully sorry and I hope u still accept this offer lmao 
Short summary: Au where Laxus works for a rich family. Their son is cursed to freeze the people he loves, so he has to keep a distance from them. Truly, A Very Not Good Time
WC: 5548 words
Fic under the cut!
With a slight tremour in his hand, Laxus looks up at the pristine white walls looming over him. Sighing deeply, he clutches the handle of his suitcase tighter and the servant next to him blisfully ignores him. "The Lord and Lady are awaiting you in the pavilion in the garden. You can leave your luggage here, someone will come and pick them up for you. If you'd follow me."
Without waiting for an answer, the stiff man turns around, striding away and Laxus awkwardly falls in tempo beside him. After a short walk that luckily doesn't leave him sweating, he is deposited in front of two people whose handkerchiefs look like they cost more than Laxus' entire outfit. It's now that he realises how out of his depth he is.
He clears his throat, but the servant stops him from going any further by stepping none too delicately on his foot. "Quiet", he hisses, "The Lord and Lady will speak to you as and when they see fit."
"Oh Charles, don't be like that", the Lord smiles and the servant bows hastily. Unsure of what to do, Laxus gives the man something between a bow and a firm nod. "You are dismissed", the man addresses the servant before beckoning Laxus to come closer. "Come hither young man, I've heard wonderful things about you." Laxus does as he's told and when the Lord offers him a chair, he accepts it. "Are you nervous?" his wife asks, eyes deep blue and sparkling with a barely hidden misschief.
Is he nervous? It's a wonder that she doesn't seem to ask it as a rhetorical question, instead she seems to be genuinely wondering about it. Of course he is. The two people in front of him own the land he's lived on all his life and then some. They're powerful, some say even on par with the king and with power does of course come an obscene amount of money.
Normally, Laxus doesn't care for the amount of cash one has or how many carriages they'll be able to buy in one lifetime. He'd gladly tell them to get hit by those carriages if he thought they'd deserve it. But now he can't afford to do that and somewhere, it does bother him. He's always been a man of simple pleasures and being brutally honest had been one of those things.
Being honest however, is something he can't do now. This job they've offered him pays more than any other in town and more importantly, he would be given a housing. With this job he could finally pay for his grandpa's medicine and he could give the old man a proper place to stay. No matter how these people will be treating him in the future, he'll have to shove his pride aside to keep this job.
"A little bit. But I don't think it'll affect my work and should it do so anything, you are free to claim it was artistic whims that made your garden look so avant-garde." The lady hums and spares him a little smile. "I am fond of whimsical things. It's why I married him", she jokes and moves her head into the direction of her husband. Laxus can't help but let a laugh escape.
Lord Justine raises a brow at that and Laxus quickly shuts his mouth again. Would you look at that, he's already overstepped his boundaries. The Lord's face clears up at that and he waves Laxus' worries away. "Young man, we've offered you to maintain our garden because we admire your work. You are an official part of our staff now, so don't be afraid to be frank. Life gets awfully boring when people trip over themselves to bend to your will without thinking. Do me a favour and don't be like that, okay?"
"Yes sir!" Laxus yells, bending to the man's will without thinking. Catching up to his own actions, he colours red. Ah damn. The couple doesn't seem to mind though, as they just brush it off with a laugh. "You are dismissed, change this garden as you see fit. It is your domain now."
"Ah dear", Lady Justine interrupts, "Let the young man settle in a bit first. Laxus right? We have honoured your request and have brought your grandfather over. He now resides in the room next to yours. Pardon me for asking though, but does he need a doctor? The man has a sickly glow about him." Concern colours her soft facial features and Laxus hesitates to answer. Then he remembers their command to be frank with them.
"I would really appreciate it if you did that. Thank you for your kindness. I'll try to pay you back in any way that I can." Lady Justine shakes her head, but the Lord gives him a once-over. "Say Laxus, can you hold your own in a fight? You are quite a big guy, I bet you could."
"I've had no formal training, but I have grown up around bar and streetfights", Laxus admits and the man hums in consideration. "We have a single child", he says and Lady Justine sighs: "And what a child it is."
"The boy has been cursed since birth by a witch who felt wronged by the both of us. This curse makes it so that our boy is very, very cold to any and all potential suitors. Cold to a painful degree for the opposing party and everyone who happens to watch the scene. Now if he were to be a bit of an ugly duckling, it wouldn't have been a problem. But unfortunately", Lord Justine moves his hand between his wife and himself and it hits Laxus just how stunning these two creatures are. "That's not exactly the case. Without meaning to, our son starts quite a lot of fights. He's a capable fighter, but if you happen to be around him, could you try to persuade him from instigating it? It would make the both of us very, very happy."
"I'll try?" Laxus says, unsure of how exactly he's supposed to keep a brat with blue who seems to be keen on starting fights in line. He's unsure whether it's really a curse or just a case of rotten personality. "That's all we could ask for", Lady Justine says before the couple lets him go.
The garden's magnificent and the fact that he's been given free reign over it makes his experience there so much better. It's all very pleasing to begin with, but there's so much unused lawn and after a moment of hesitation, he plants some fruits trees. After Lady Justine had commented on how nice they were, he had thrown his caution out of the window and had gone wild with the fruits and vegetables. He was a practical man at heart after all.
It's a few months into his work that he meets the young lord known as Freed Justine. No amount of warning had been able to prepare him for actually laying eyes upon the man in question.
He's dressed in a loose, light blue tunic. The fabric conceals some of his figure, but it does reveal a slight sliver of smooth skin and contrasting sharp collarbones and Laxus can barely draw his away from it. When his gaze travels upwards he lays eyes upon the softest looking pink lips in the world and he briefly wonders how they would feel against his own. After dismissing that thought, he spots the man's eyes, an impossible shade of blue that pops against the pale background of his skin. A beauty mark graces his left eye, making him look even more elegant. The finisher is his hair, looking like silk draped over one shoulder, moving softly as the stubborn wind tries to make a mess out of it. That doesn't happen though.
In front of the angelic looking man is another man, kneeling with his forehead against the ground. "Lord Freed!" the man in question yells, "Please accept my undying love and affection for you!"
"No. No, I don't think I will. Please leave." The object of the man's desires dryly says before turning his gaze towards Laxus. When his uncovered eye fully meets Laxus' eyes, he gets why people call the man in front of him cold. He's never once met someone who could relay complete and utter boredom that well with a single gaze. In a single eye. It's actually quite impressive.
"Are you a guard?" Laxus winces a bit at the sharp tone. "No, I'm the gardener."
"You lug wood around? Would you dispose of this for me?" Laxus has half the mind to tell him to dispose of the now crying lad himself, but then he remembers the request of Freed's parents. He promised them to try to keep their son out of fights, so he can't exactly tell him to start one. With a sigh he clamps the sobbing, love-struck fool under his arm and throws a salute. "I'll be putting him outside the gate."
"Have fun with that", Freed tells him and re-enters the home without sparing Laxus another glance. Somewhere within him, he wishes the man had looked back at him.
As soon as Freed's out of sight, it's like the man under his arm snaps out of a trance. "That fucking bitch", he rages as he trashes against Laxus' hold. "I'll kill him! Who does he think he is? He thinks he can go around stomping on people's hearts, just because he happens to be pretty and rich?"
"To be fair", Laxus starts, "He has every right to say no to people. You know that right?"
"He'll never get anyone better than me. At least I'm not only pursuing him for his money. He should be grateful. In fact, he should be the one begging for my attention!" Throughout his spiel, Laxus has taken the chance to take a proper look at the man he has trapped. "No offence, but aren't you a few decades older than him? Shouldn't you be a bit ashamed of chasing a young man in such a dishonourable manner?"
The old man now redirects his attention towards Laxus, but before he can voice his opinions, Laxus throws him over the fence. "Goodbye filthy geezer. Please don't come back."
God, Laxus wishes that old man would come back. Well, not really but the quality of men and women that have come in pursuit of Freed has only been declining since then. Although they're absolutely starstruck when meeting the young man, it doesn't conceal their greed and their particular brand of lewdness. The things Laxus has heard are absolutely disgusting and he wonders how Freed hasn't blown his own eardrums out yet, to save him from the comments directed his way. Laxus gladly disposes of them for him. Freed always leaves without sparing him a second glance.
One day, there's a change in routine. While Laxus is tending to his trees one morning, he hears soft footsteps and when he turns around, he sees Freed sitting down on the steps of the pavilion. "There are chairs in the shed, you know. I could get one for you if you want?" he offers and Freed jumps a little. Apparently the man hadn't noticed him yet.
The man gives a timid little shake of the head. "It's quite alright", he says and in the peaceful morning, Laxus can pay attention to the specifics of his voice. He's surprisingly soft spoken, but Laxus wouldn't call him shy. He has a velvety smooth and deep voice and talks in a calm manner, as though he knows that he'll be listened to without having to raise his voice.
For a while Laxus feels the man studying him. "Is there any reason you're here?" he decides to ask, unwilling to bear the silence any longer. "Peace, mostly", the younger man admits. "Also, they told me there was a big chance of meeting you out here."
"I don't think I've formally introduced to you. I am Freed Justine", he says and offers Laxus his hand. "I gathered that", Laxus answers as he shakes the hand. Freed's grip is surprisingly strong. "Jee, I wonder where you gathered that information from. Surely it wasn't from the string of admirers moaning it everyday."
Laxus snorts at the joke, but the facial expression of the young man in front of him doesn't change so Laxus quickly stops. "Please don't do that. This", Freed waves his hand in front of his stony expression, "doesn't ever change. I prefer it that way, it adds a bit of mystery to my character I think."
"You don't want people to know your thoughts", Laxus guesses and Freed gives him a nod. "I'd rather not. My life's bothersome enough as is, imagine how much more troublesome it would be if people could read my thoughts on my face instead of feeling them on their skin."
Seeing the puzzled expression on Laxus' face, Freed offers him both of his hands and Laxus tentatively takes them. The first thing he notices is the roughness of his palms and he wonders what Freed likes to do in his spare time. The second thing he notices is that they're unusually chilly and the longer he holds onto them, the colder they get. After a while it gets painful to hold onto them, so he lets go with an apologetic wince.
"The more I like a person, the colder I get. I think you're quite alright and I'd even say I like you a bit. But I have no deep attachments to you, so you are able to touch me for a little while. If I were to love you more than myself, you wouldn't even be able to be near me, you'd freeze into a fun statue of pure ice. If I felt completely neutral towards you, you would not be affected by the curse at all."
Laxus frowns at that. "That does not sound like a fun situation. How do you deal with it?" Freed gives him a mirthless smile. "I simply avoid getting close to people. It's easier than you think it is, mister Dreyar." He turns around after that, not telling Laxus goodbye and once again, he doesn't look back. Laxus, however keeps staring at the spot the young man had stood in. How awful it must be, to be close to no one. To not be able to feel the touch of someone who truly loves you.
After that particular conversation, Freed appears more often during Laxus' work. He never joins him in planting new plants or weeding though, he simply watches or reads a book in Laxus' vicinity. It's peaceful and every now and then they have other small talks. It's during those talks that Laxus learns that Freed does in fact have friends, he just doesn't meet up with them anymore after an incident he refuses to tell Laxus more about. When spotting his sad expression, Freed reaches over to smooth Laxus' worry-wrinkles out and Laxus notices that his hand feels colder than before. "Don't be saddened, we still write each other. Nothing's lost, it has only changed."
During one of Freed's visit, Laxus tells him he might as well get his hands dirty if he keeps distracting him from his work. He offers Freed a little sapling with a smile and quickly that smile withers as the plant in Freed's hands does the same. "My apologies", Freed says as though he had done something wrong instead of Laxus. "I fear I simply do not have the green fingers needed for this type of work. I'll leave it to the master of the garden instead." With an even colder finger, Freed briefly pokes him in the cheek and Laxus knows he isn't mad at him.
Freed's appearances are now a constant in his life and something Laxus constantly looks forward to. From what little hints Freed gives him, the man feels the same way. Freed still tries to keep a lather large distance between them, but more often than not he forgets himself and scoots closer to ask Laxus about the flowers he's planting or tell him about the all the poisons one could make with those flowers. He doesn't know why Freed knows such an alarming amount of poisons, but it's a quirk he doesn't dislike.
Freed likes to ramble, Laxus comes to find out. It's surprising how much he knows about various topics and how clearly he can explain things. Freed's face is the most open when he's ranting about one of the books he's read that day and Laxus finds himself fascinated. Besides talking, Freed's also really good at listening. When Laxus tells him about his past, the man lets his guard down completely to show his compassion from quite a distance away. Freed explains that his curse can temporarily rise up when he's feeling something very passionately.
It's on a sunny day, where the bees are buzzing and the heath is turning the atmosphere languid and the good kind of lazy, that Laxus offers Freed a hug.
Here's the story. Laxus, although brought up in a household where declarations of affection weren't the norm, knows what it feels like to receive positive bodily affection. A pat on his back, a ruffle through his hair, a loving shoulderbump, he has received them all. Freed hasn't. Not regularly and Laxus guesses, not ever.
He's seen the Justine parents interact with their son and although it hadn't been malicious, their interactions had been anything but warm and friendly. There was an obvious mutual respect, but the parents held their son at an arms' length. Laxus' heart ached when he had laid eyes on the spectacle and that had been the beginning of his desire to provide for Freed emotionally in some way, shape or form. God knows he himself is quite clumsy when it comes to being affectionate (quite clumsy doesn't start to begin to describe it, actually), but he wants to at least do something.
"Hey Freed", he calls out the man laying next to him on the picnic blanket. "Hm?" the man says, not opening his eyes at all, but still signifying that he's paying attention to Laxus. "Would you like a hug? I know you don't like touching people because of your accident, but we're not all that close, I think. It should be pretty safe, want to try it out?"
That does make Freed's eye snap open and he rolls on his side to face Laxus. "Why?" he asks and Laxus shrugs. "I thought it'd be nice, that's all."
"Do you pity me?" Freed asks, voice dangerously low and blue eyes glaring daggers. Despite the sunny weather, Laxus shivers underneath that stern glare. "No, but I sort of sympathise. There was a period in my life where I didn't receive any form of affection at all and it had quite the impact on me. Not a good one, mind you. I remember receiving my first hug after that period and I broke down and cried like a baby. It was a sight."
Freed smiles at that. "I bet it was." The fondness of his smile makes way for a particular brand of shrewdness that Laxus has come to associate with Freed. With a quick movement, the man has positioned himself above Laxus. He's not seated on his lap, which Laxus both mourns and doesn't. He doesn't mourn it because he can't embarass himself but he does mourn it because now he can see the muscles of Freed's legs working to keep him upright as he's kneeling above Laxus and dear lord, the sight of those could be the death of him.
With a rough hand, but a gentle manner, Freed tilts his chin up, forcing Laxus to meet his eyes and he dryly swallows as he sees the barely concealed heath in those deep blues. "Are you sure it's just that, mister Dreyar? Merely sympathy?" he asks, voice husky and Laxus colours a deep, deep shade of red in response. "Oh darling", Freed croons at that, "You have such an open face. You should really learn how to conceal your intentions."
"What if I don't want to?" That shuts Freed up and for a moment the man is quiet. Laxus wonders if he's screwed this up, but then Freed shakes his head and moves back away again. "Alright, give me a hug. It better be good. One of my eyes may be covered, but I am still plenty able to see those thick arms of yours. If I don't feel like the life is being squeezed out of me, I will consider this a failure."
Grinning, Laxus flexes his arms. "Don't you worry for even a second. I'll crush your ribcage." Freed snorts.  "Charming." The process of getting into the hug is a bit awkward, but once there, it's alright. Of course, Laxus starts the whole thing by absolutely crushing Freed's ribcage. The man laughs it off like it's nothing and that prompts a bit of a squabble.
After a while and a lot of shifting though, Laxus has Freed in his lap, his head tucked underneath Laxus chin, back resting against Laxus' chest. Feeling brave, Laxus moves his own head from the top of Freed's head to Freed's shoulder, angling himself so he's nuzzling the man's neck. "See, this is nice."
"It is", Freed agrees before fully relaxing against Laxus chest with a content little sigh.
The moment is soon broken though, as frost creeps along Laxus' body. At first he ignores it, because Freed himself doesn't seem to notice the effect he's having on Laxus. Then, it starts getting uncomfortable and so he tries to gets the man's attention. He finds himself unable to move any part of his body though and the cold numbs his mouth as well. The thin layer of ice keeps getting thicker and the creaking of the frost is what attracts Freed's attention.
With a brusque movement, the man tears himself away from Laxus. He reaches out to Laxus, before stopping himself and running off, shouting something Laxus can't hear. It's so, so very cold. He curls into himself to gather more warmth and he finds it. He should go to sleep, he thinks as he feels his eyelids get heavy. He doesn't fight his instinct to do so.
When he wakes up, he's in his own room. Looking around he sees only one other person in the room. With a wave, his grandfather greets him. "You sure live an interesting life huh?" Ignoring his remark, Laxus asks him where Freed's at. "The young Justine? He's been fretting all day, but he has not come to visit you because he's started freezing up the hallways whenever he came too close to you. I think it's fair to say the young man likes you quite a bit."
Laxus should be elated to hear that someone loves him, but his worry for Freed overpowers that notion. "I bet he's lonely again." His grandfather nods. "With a curse like that, I imagine it's hard not to be."
It's unfair. It's unfair that Freed will live his life void of companionship. He'll never be able to be surrounded by true friends and he's constantly preyed upon by people for his status and money. The saddest part is that those kind of people are the only ones Freed will be able to live his life with, as all other will be turned to statues of ice. It's unfair that an innocent young man is punished for his parents' crimes like that. Passionately, Laxus relays those thoughts and many more to his grandfather, who patiently listens to him.
"So what are you going to do about it?" he asks and because it's his grandfather talking, Laxus knows there's no malice behind the words. "I don't know. Do you know any witches that could help lift the curse?" Although it had been more of a joke than an actual question, Makarov strokes his beard as though he's mulling over Laxus' question. "No, because proper witch etiquette states that a witch should absolutely not undo another witch's curse. I do however, have an inkling who the witch might be that cursed this young man. I can tell you where to find her, but be prepared my boy. She's not a very reasonable lady."
"That's what many people say about me as well. I don't care, please tell me where to find her." After his grandfather tells him the whereabouts of this particular witch, Laxus prepares for his journey. He starts with writing Freed a letter, one where he explains that he does not blame Freed for what happened and asks for his forgiveness, as well as for the man to wait for him. That he's looking for a way for them to be together. After delivering that letter, he sets off.
This Porlyusica lady really seemed intent on ticking off all the "witch"-boxes. Unreasonable? Check. Old? Check, since his grandpa knew of her. Living in big, dark, nearly impenetrable woods? Abso-fucking-lutely. It's a bother honestly, whacking his way through all the branches and thorns. But he perseveres because he has to.
Finally, he reaches her house and before he can even knock on the door, she opens her window and tells him to get lost. "Leave me alone, I've seen enough of you humans for another hundred years!" Determined, he yells back a loud "No thanks! Please let me talk to you!" She doesn't open the door for him.
So he waits in front of her door, unwilling to move an inch even if she yells at him. After three days she's finally had enough and lets him in. "You're so annoying. That particular brand of mulishness can only be attributed to one family. You're a Dreyar, aren't you?"
Sheepishly he nods and she rolls her eyes. "Of course you are. Spit out why you're here and if I'm unable to help you, leave or I'll curse you to hell and back." She's got a spine made of pure diamond, but Laxus isn't easily intimidated. "It's about that topic actually. You've cursed a man called Freed Justine."
The woman lets out a bitter, little laugh out at that. "I most certainly did not. I cursed his parents, but gave them the option to relay it someone near to them. It was only me, them and their unborn son in the room where it happened. They chose to curse their boy. Don't put that on me."
That's certainly a revelation...Laxus wonders whether he should tell Freed about it. He fears that it might shatter the already frail bond he shares with his parents and it's not as though Freed's got bonds to spare. Deciding to tackle that topic at a later moment, he turns back to Porlyusica. "Can you reverse the spell? It's ruining an innocent man's life."
She strokes her chin and gives him a squinting look. "How far are you willing to go for your goal? Do you really want this curse to be lifted or are you trying to achieve another goal by doing this?"
He shakes his head vehemently. "I'd like for him to be able to smile near his loved ones, that's all. I promise." After scrutinising him a bit more, she shrugs. "Alright then, it's not like I've got something against the young man himself. Here's the two steps to breaking the spell: 1. You're the Justine family's gardener aren't you? Here's a list of a couple of herbs I'd like you to grow there. They are only able to grow on that particular patch of land and since they stole it from me, I had to buy them. It's a financial pain in the ass, you know. 2.", she looks Laxus straight in the eyes, "Confess your honest love to him." Laxus chokes on his spit at those words. "Oh don't be like that, you're so obvious. Do that and he'll be fine."
While Laxus is still gathering his wits, she pushes the list with instructions for the herbs and some packets with seeds  into his hands and manhandles him out of the door. "There you go loverboy, good luck and all that. Now scram, I've had enough human interaction to last me another three lifetimes." And with the list with herbs and a head full of confused thoughts, Laxus returns to the Justine mansion.
Part one of the counterspell is as easy as breathing. Laxus plants the herbs as soon as he comes home. He tends to them day after day, but sorely misses Freed's presence while doing so. He keeps looking out of the corner of his eyes in the hopes of laying eyes on the familiar see of green that is Freed's hair, but alas, he never comes. Sometimes Laxus thinks he can see glimpses of him through the window, but the moments are too fast and fleeting to fully conform this.
Once the saplings have fully grown, Laxus starts to work on part two of the plan. Or well, he starts to think about how he should even attempt to do such a task. He thinks, ponders and wonders a lot and ends up doing significantly less. It's embarassing, really.
A good thing though, is that recently Freed has been seeking him out again. Laxus wished they could've talked, but someone's always whisking either one of them away for something or other. It's infuriating and in those brief moments, Laxus can see that Freed thinks the exact same thing.
Finally, finally they can squeeze out of both their schedules and they find themselves in the garden, sitting on the steps of the pavilion. Before Laxus can try his hand at confessing (which probably would've gone disastrous), Freed grabs his hands with shining eyes and to Laxus' surprise, they're warm.
"It's like the curse inversed", Freed tells him excitedly, smiling brightly. "The cold isn't getting to other people anymore, it's confined to me solely." Now that he says it, Laxus can see the snowflakes on Freed's already pale skin connecting, forming a layer of frost. With lips that are turning blue, he smiles and Laxus wishes he wouldn't look that grateful. "I can be around people without hurting them now. Everything's alright now."
"It's not", Laxus blurts out, "Freed, it's really not." With a scowl, the man immediately pulls his hands back and defensively curls into himself. "Can't you be happy for me?" he spits out, "This is the best thing that's happened to me in years, it's fine if I turn into an icicle, I don't care. Just let me have this, please." Freed's anger reaches a boiling point, before he deflates and sighs so deeply and sadly. With fingers stiff from the cold, he reaches out and tilts Laxus' head just slightly so. "Do forgive me", he whispers in Laxus' ears, his cold breath sending chills down Laxus' spine. After that he gives Laxus the smallest, most innocent kiss Laxus has ever received in his lifetime. It's so, so very careful and after he pulls away, Freed cradles Laxus' hand to his cheek and whispers a quiet: "Thank you."
His eyes turn empty after that and the continuous creaking of ice stops, leaving only a horrible silence behind. Freed had been crying, Laxus realises as he touches the man's frozen face. He looks peaceful and a melancholy sort of happy. With a soft bump, Laxus brings their foreheads together and places his own hand on top of the one cradling his cheek.
"Hey Freed", he breathes, voice barely a whisper, "What I meant to say, is that you deserve more. You deserve to reconnect with those old friends of yours without freezing either them or yourself. You deserve to make friends without fearing you'll end up hurting them. You deserve the world and if I could, I'd give it to you. But honestly, I'd just like to spend more time with you." He pauses, closes his eyes and presses a kiss to Freed's hand. "I love you."
It's not like those words suddenly make the ice burst, splinters flying everywhere and impaling Laxus, killing him upon impact. Instead, he finds out that the ice had in fact been melting when Freed's hand softly strokes his cheek. Laxus' eyes snap back open and Freed gives him the most gorgeous little smile. "Well, aren't you mister dramatic. Waiting until the last moment, all fairy tale-esque", Freed teases and Laxus flushes till behind his ears. "Shut up", he murmurs and because it look like Freed does not plan to do that and instead make fun of him forever, Laxus traps him in a bearhug.
Freed squeezes back just as hard and they stay like that for a long, long time. By the time they disentangle themselves from each other, the sun's already setting. "Would you like to meet my friends?" Freed asks, "Since the inversion of the curse, they've been living here again. They are very important to me."
Taking Freed's hand, he says: "Of course. I'd love to meet the people important to you." He squeezes Freed's hand and the man smiles at that little touch. "Well then, let's go."
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rogerina-deacon · 5 years
Sir // Dom!Gwilym Lee x Reader
Pairing: Dom!Gwilym Lee x Reader Summary: When you teasingly call Gwil “sir” for the first time, things take an unexpected turn Warnings: S M U T!! I’m telling y’all, it’s some kinky shit. Bondage, sir kink, heavy dom/sub dynamic,  oral (m and f receiving), flogging, a bit of praise, a bit of begging, unprotected sex (please use protection when you fuck, this is just fantasy) Word Count: 1892
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This started out innocent enough. But here you were, completely naked, hands bound behind your back, kneeling on the carpeted floor of your bedroom. Your boyfriend was walking circles around you, fully clothed in black dress shirt, pants, and shoes, flogger in hand. Let’s take it back to how you found this side of Gwilym though, shall we?
It was Sunday morning, maybe 10:23 if you had to guess, and you and Gwilym had been doing some cleaning. Well, Gwilym had been doing some cleaning, you had been getting distracted.
“Y/N, love, could you maybe help me with this?” He asked, slightly frustrated that you weren’t doing shit, as he picked up the trash scattered around the kitchen.
“Of course, sorry to keep you waiting, sir” You teased, but you had no idea the effect of that last word on him. His jaw clenched, grip tightened, and cock stirred all at the same time at the new name. Meanwhile, you were oblivious to this, picking up old wrappers and tossing them into the black garbage bag in Gwil’s hand. But he couldn’t focus on a thing.
Now, back to where we were, to the situation you were in all because of that one word. Sir. You never knew Gwil wanted to be called “sir”, nor that the word could ever make him so… so domineering. Sure, you knew he could get a little kinky and was in no way opposed to being called daddy from time to time, but nothing you two had done in bed together was quite like this.
“Now, now, now… babydoll, what got you into this predicament?” He asked, condescending, as he stopped pacing to stand at your side, though out of view from you as long as you didn’t turn your head. Which you didn’t dare to do, afraid of what punishment may come. Though you almost wanted to push his buttons, to be a brat, to see what he might do to you.
“I asked you a question.” He snapped, punctuating every word so you knew the tone for the night if you didn’t already.
“Um, I was…” You trailed off, wondering what to say. That you were naughty? No, too cliche. Were a bad girl? No, still cliche. And then the response hit you- why not say the exact reason you were there?
“I, uh, I called you sir.” You said, shakily, taking a gulp of nothing.
“That’s right. You called me sir, and completely distracted me from what I was doing. When I heard that word come out of your mouth, my cock instantly hardened and I just knew I’d have to do something about it.” He said, laughing humorlessly as he moved to stand in front of you.
“And now, I am. Open wide, but not before you call me that again.”
“Yes, sir.” You did as you were told, opening your mouth after you called him his new favorite word, making him growl lowly as he dropped the flogger to the ground, moving his hands to unbuckle his belt, sliding it through the loops before tossing it to the floor. Unbuttoning his trousers, he unzipped the zipper before making his pants and boxers slide down and pool at his ankles. His cock sprang free as it was released from the constraints of his clothing, standing at attention where it met with his belly button. He was long, a bit girthy, and the tip was swollen, red and throbbing, needy for you. Stroking himself a few times, he sighed at finally getting relief, eyes closing as he lost himself for a moment. But he came back fast, positioning his member to brush right up against your lips, the slightest amount of precum present and being painted on your lips like a brush applying paint to canvas.
“Can you suck my cock like a good girl?” He asked, and you responded by taking the head in your mouth, wrapping your lips around him tightly as you sucked and swirled your tongue around him, covering him in a mixture of your saliva and his precum before you took him further. Normally you’d use a hand to work his shaft, but both were unavailable to use so you had to bob your head further down than normal, the extra few inches making their way to the entrance of your throat, and guessing by the grunts and groans coming from Gwil’s mouth you were doing a good job.
“Take it deeper, I know you can.” He instructed, his voice stern. You gradually bobbed your head further down his shaft until you were slightly gagging on his length. You rested momentarily, but Gwilym quickly put you back in your place.
“Did I say you could stop?” he asked condescendingly. “You can go further, I know you can. You’ve done it before and you’ll do it again.” And he was right. You have taken him deeper, all the way in fact, so you should be able to do it again. So you pushed your face further towards him, a long, low moan escaping his throat as he entered yours, your nose nearly in his pubic hair as you held your head in place, eyes watering.
“Good girl, keep it in there for five” he paused, tears welling further.
“Four.” he continued, pausing yet again.
“Three. Two.” He was almost done, so close to saying the number that would let you come up for air. A tear left each eye as you stared up at him, your eyes pleading him to let you breath. You could always give him the signal, shaking your head side to side, but you could handle this. You could push yourself, after all this wasn’t completely unbearable.
“And… one. That’s a good girl, you can breathe now.” He praised, and you wasted no time in removing his cock from your mouth, your chest heaving as you took deep breaths.
“I think I’m done with having you blow me for now, baby girl. I’m gonna go stand by the edge of the bed and i want you to follow me there, got it? But only start moving once I give you the okay, I want to watch you do it.” He said before stepping out of his pants and grabbing the flogger from the floor before walking over to the bed, taking off his shoes and socks once he got there.
“Okay, you can come here now.” he said, one hand lightly placed around his still throbbing cock as he watched you struggle to get there on only your knees, his other holding the flogger. He chuckled lightly as he observed your struggle, enjoying your determination to get there despite the difficulty. When you finally got to his side, you rested on the heels of your feet as you looked up to him, awaiting instruction.
“Now, I want you to bend over the bed. Think you’ll need help getting up there?” he asked, looking down at you.
“Yes, sir.” You replied, nodding, and he set the toy down on the bed before crouching to grab you by the waist and pull you up and into a standing position before he helped you bend over the bed, feet on the ground and ass in the air. 
“Mmh, what a pretty sight. So exposed for me, aren’t you?” He asked rhetorically, flogger now in hand, lightly twisting his wrist as he paced and admired you from behind.
“Yes, sir.” You confirmed, feeling vulnerable without seeing him, not knowing what to expect other than that he was about to use that toy on your ass, which was prominently on display for him along with your glistening pussy.
“How many do you think you deserve? 10?” He suggested, and you nodded, forgetting that he needed verbal confirmation. He always needed verbal confirmation, never doing anything without it.
“I need an answer, nodding that pretty little head of yours means nothing.” He said, voice stern and sharp as he got used to using the flogger. “Maybe we’ll make it 15 for that, huh? That sound like enough?”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.” You said, and he chuckled behind you at the state of total and utter submission you were in for him.
“Good girl.” He praised, biting his lip as he halted behind you, taking in the glorious sight in front of him as he prepared himself to use the toy on you. He had practiced with it many times, waiting for the right occasion to finally bring it out. And now that he had it out, he was contemplating how to go about this. Should he ask you if you’re ready, or should he just start, make you on edge in anticipation of when he’s gonna start? He figured the latter would give him a better reaction, so that’s what he went with.
“Okay, now when I start, whenever that may be, you will count each and every one, got it?” He instructed.
“Yes, sir.” You replied, bracing for what was to come. You had felt his hand and belt strike your ass before, but never the thin strips of leather on a flogger, so you were nervous and excited all at once as you awaited the new sensation.
Waiting a few moments, Gwil finally used the toy on you, striking your right cheek. A jolt ran through you from the sharp sting, body moving forward as a whimper escaped you.
“O-one” You counted, making sure to add more volume to your voice to make sure it was loud enough for him, knowing he’d only do it again until you were as loud as he wanted.
“That’s a good girl, nice and loud for me to hear.” He observed before he delivered another blow to your left cheek, the sting still new but so welcome as you kept counting out loud for him, his strikes alternating between each side of your ass, the pain numbing you in a way while still almost burning it. Your skin was growing redder and redder, along with your cunt growing wetter and wetter each time the flogger made contact with the smooth skin of your ass. By now, your slick arousal was nearly dripping down your thighs, your heat glistening right before Gwilym’s eyes, and he loved the sight. Your pussy was practically begging him to taste you, to finger you, to fuck you, and he was so close to giving in. But not before he was done with the task at hand. He was nearing the last few strikes, and by now tears of painful pleasure flowed down your cheeks slowly.
“F-fourt-teen” You stammered out, pain evident in your voice, but as long as you didn’t say “caramel”, Gwil knew you were truly fine with this.
“Are you ready or the last one, babydoll?” He asked, his tone softening for a moment.
“Yes, sir, I’m ready.” You confirmed, and Gwil gave you the hardest blow yet, one that made you nearly cry out before weakly stating out “fifteen”. Gwil was in awe at that moment, from the way you took each and every strike to the way your ass looked from being flogged fifteen times for your first time using it, he was amazed at what you were capable of.
“Mmh, you did such a good job, love, took that all so well. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” He asked, placing the flogger on the bedside table before making his way to where you were bent over the bed. He softly placed his hands on your oversensitive, red ass, the contact making you jump, but he was quick to soothe you, softly massaging your flesh.
“Here, let me make it so you can move your arms.” He said, untying the piece of rope that connected the two pieces tied to each of your wrists. He then helped you get fully onto the bed, and you turned over to sit properly, though you winced as soon as your ass made contact with the fabric, the sore and tender flesh aggravated by the pressure. While you were trying to get comfortable, Gwil moved over to the dresser, where he opened the drawer designated for your sex toys. From there, he pulled out more rope, and you knew what was coming. He couldn’t go completely soft on you yet, so he had to gain control by attaching the rope bracelets on your wrists to the bedposts, along with your ankles so you were spread as wide as you could for him to devour. He helped you to lift your ass to place a pillow under you for a better angle and better access to your pussy, which was glistening with your juices that threatened to drip down your ass and onto the pillow beneath you. Gwil was sat on his knees between your legs, admiring the way you looked before him- restrained and eager, all for him. 
“Baby, you look so delicious… and so wet, is that all for me?” He asked, staring at your cunt. You nodded fast, gulping nothing, before speaking up.
“Yes, please do something, sir, I need you.” You begged, nearly whining from how needy you were for him. And that was all he needed to hear before adjusting to lay on his stomach, preparing to lick and separate your folds with the tip of his tongue, your arousal collecting on his tongue as he brought it up to just below your clit. He repeated the action, teasing you as he avoided any and all contact with your clit, even entering his tongue slightly into you, curling his tongue as he pulled it out, connecting that movement with finally wrapping his lips around your hardened clit, sucking gently before releasing it with a pop, his tongue instantly licking and flicking the bundle of nerve, making your breathing heavy and soft moans escape your throat. Almost making out with your cunt in a way, he wrapped his arms under and around your thighs, pulling you further into him as he played with your clit. The sounds coming from his mouth were obscene, slurping and sucking combined with his moans against you, the vibrations bringing you closer and closer to your impending release.
“Mmh, gonna cum on sir’s face like a good girl?” He mumbled against you as he worked you.
“F-fuck, yes, sir, I’m so close, sir, can I cum?” You eagerly begged, hips rocking in search of your orgasm, just minutes within reach.
“Mhm, want your cum on my face, pretty girl. Want it so bad.” He confessed, his mouth working harder and faster than before as he quickly turned into the one desperate for your release. And just like that, his wish was your command as your high washed over you, pure euphoria coursing through you in waves as he pleasured you through it, not ceasing until you were done.
“Here, lemme untie these.” Gwil said as he quickly undid the restraints, wanting, nee needing, your participation. He needed to feel your arms around his neck, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he fucked you. As soon as you were released, your hands instantly found his body, palms running over his smooth skin as he adjusted you, his hand under your back to get the perfect angle. Taking his achingly hard cock in his large hands, he pumped himself a few times before grasping the base, positioning his tip at your entrance before sliding himself in slowly, your slick cunt welcoming him as he stretched you, his cock hitting your cervix for a moment once he bottomed out before he slowly pulled out, only to thrust back in. Angling his hips, his member hit your g-spot, the stimulation sending a wave of pleasure radiating outward from your cunt. His movements sped up tremendously, your arousal flowing fast as he brought you close yet again, the franticness of his thrusts making it evident that he was close too.
“Fuck, I’m so close baby girl” He groaned, his cock twitching inside you as his precum flowed fast inside you, his thumb finding your clit as he became eager for you to cum with him, the circles he was rubbing fast and hard as he fucked you the same way. Your second orgasm was building fast, you could feel it in your cheeks, and soon the waves of euphoria washed through you once again, your body uncontrollable in it’s movements as your pussy clenched around him, triggering his release as well, his load painting you in thick, hot ropes as you two moaned and groaned in complete pleasure, his thrusts slowing as he came down, his thumb halting it’s work on your clit as he fully pulled out, the mixture of your cum and his slowly pooling at your entrance, threatening to drip down your ass.
“I’ll go get a-” Gwil started, but you were quick to sush him.
“No, no, leave it. Wanna feel you.” You said, meaning both that you wanted to feel his cum drip from you as well as that you just wanted him to hold you. He knew there was no sense in fighting it, his own post-orgasmic bliss taking over as he laid down beside you, taking you in his arms as you two drifted off to sleep for the night.
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moonprincess92 · 4 years
so social distancing has naturally given me a lot more time to read and i’ve just recently finished “In at the deep end” by Penelope Janu. i apparently needed a few days to stew in my eMOtions because bOY DO I HAVE SOME FUCKIN OPINIONS(TM)  
- the tl:dr version is this book is absolute Trashfire and i hated it 
- for more opinions, please do continue 
- i originally picked up this book (long before being confined to my house, for the record, i was just far too optimistic about having the time to read it back then) bc the cover claimed it was a ‘quick-witted romantic comedy about losing your cool’ (spoiler alert: it is not) 
- the back was also an interesting premise: she is a feisty explorer/geography teacher, he is a badass norwegian navel officer, her boat sinks and she nearly drowns bc she can’t swim. he rescues her and will help fund a new ship if he teaches her how to swim 
- so u got the perfect ‘let me teach u this skill and while we’re at it lets fall in love’ trope and hOW DOES THIS BOOK MANAGE TO MESS THAT UP 
- girl wants to go to palau island on the new ship they fund. dudebro will ONLY let her go if she learns how to swim. he is the one who will determine her ‘readiness’ to swim. he is the one who will be teaching her. 
- book also tries to pull the ‘enemies to lovers’ trope by having the two main characters literally hate each other but forgets the all important FRIENDS step thats supposed to happen in btwn so basically u hate the very ship ur supposed to be shipping 
- reason girl cannot swim is bc of a trauma in which the car she was in crashed into water. her mother drowned and her father was seriously injured and later died in this event 
- girl suffers from SEVERE phobic symptoms of water. she cannot touch water, or even think of putting her head under without suffering panic attacks, migraines, and vomiting. it is clear that this girl needs psychological help to get over her phobia 
- dudebro even says at one point “i don’t think you have post-traumatic stress, yadda yadda why can’t u do this??????” LIKE ARE U A FUCKIN PSYCHOLOGIST??? NO UR FUCKING NAVY GO BACK TO THE NORWEGIAN SEA U IMBECILE 
- while we’re at it are u even qualified to teach someone how to swim?????? I know ur navy and shit which i guess includes knowledge of swimming but just bc i cook a mean pasta for dinner doesn’t mean i’m fuckin gordon ramsey???? 
- as he teaches her how to ‘swim’ book tries to make it that they have this undeniable cHeMIStrY but bc these characters also Hate(TM) each other you end up hating both of them 
- like she even has to tell him ‘i do not want to be touched inappropriately by u’ which is supposed to come off as Sexy and ‘ooooh the tension is so WILD they can’t keep their hands off each other!!!’ but instead comes off as creepy and like he’s a predator 
- dudebro also has the personality of a potato 
- the first time they have a sexual encounter, there is NO consent???? literally they are arguing and he reminds her of the rule she made about not touching her. he doesn’t want to have sex and suggests they meet the next day. she says no, purposefully angering him into breaking the rule and saying (AND I QUOTE) “You wanted this, so you can’t accuse me of acting inappropriately. Is that understood?” 
- they also don’t label their sexual encounter as “””sex””” bc it wasn’t P-in-V like mmmmmkay 
- by this point i hate the book and am slowly descending into Madness but am determined to see it to the end, so carry on reading i go 
- eventually, we get to the point where it’s nearly the deadline where she has to know how to swim and so far, she can only sit in water that is waist deep. girl is SUFFERING and yet somehow she still never goes to a therapist????? 
- even tho she’s been struggling to even SIT in water, she suddenly decides one day fuck it, i’m gonna just dive in the deep end and put my head under??? (it reads like its supposed to be a clever tie in to the title, but reality is its really inconsistent with her progress!) 
- like i am in no way an expert in phobias and PTSD but like i’m like FAIRLY certain this this isnt supposed to be how they work?????????? 
- idk what this says about our author Ms Penelope here, but i literally lost count the amount of times she writes about the girl’s “erect nipples” 
- she is also obsessed with calling dudebro an ‘action hero’ like wE GET IT HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A DREAMY BUFF DUDEBRO WHO CAN BENCH-LIFT CARS AND SHIT 
- the first time they have sex(TM) they get real weird with the idea of contraception. they’ve only known each other a few months at this point, they are not even officially together yet and THIS is the interaction they have: 
“I don’t have a condom.”  “You’re a commander. You should be better prepared.”  “I bet you’re not on the pill.”  “No.”  “So you want to have a baby straight away?” 
- WHAT THE FLYING FUCK????? WHO SAYS THAT TO SOMEONE THEY’RE HAVING SEX WITH FOR THE FIRST TIME???? the conversation is awkward and about as sexy as donald trump in a bikini 
- at this point i want to hurl myself into the Abyss 
- anyway, book plays up the trip to palau as her big goal she’s working towards. somehow, she magically manages to learn to swim with like a week to go or something (AGAIN HOW???) dudebro says she’s not “””””ready””””” tho and bans her from going anyway ? ? ?  
- this shows how throughout the whole book, these characters have NOT had a healthy relationship. their every interaction clearly shows that dudebro has a LOT more power over the girl and this power imbalance makes u hate the ship ur supposed to be rooting for 
- anyway blah blah PLot ShiT girl gets to go on the trip, but when we do get to the trip, literally none of it is covered????? it’s like one(1) sentence saying she gets to go and then pages about how she misses dudebro 
- im fuckin tired, story ends with the girl “surprising” dudebro on his mission in Antarctica and them saying they’ve fallen in love and other bullshit, neither of them has grown as a character, i hate them both and all in all this book is utter tRASH 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND 
- like, Penelope........................GIRL................look I just wANT TO HAVE SOME WORDS(TM) thAT”S ALL 
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
enemies to lovers AU Doyoung x Reader
Summary: Your roommate was the worst possible person ever, always fricking nagging. The only person you’re able to complain to is your online friend, and in return, you listen to his complaints about his roommate. You two find out you got to the same college and finally he tells you his name, turns out he’s actually your roommate.
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College AU, enemies to lovers AU
Genre: fluff, kinda slight a little bit angst but like not really, crack(?)
BTW “Y/U/N” means your username and for the sake of the story it can’t be your actual name
You walked into your shared dorm where you found your roommate sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He immediately turned his eyes to you when you walked in as if he was waiting for you to return.
“You didn’t clean up after yourself this morning, so I did it for you” 
Now, normally, cleaning up after someone when they forgot to do it is considered a nice gesture and you would’ve thanked them. With Doyoung though, his tone was so passive aggressive and you were much more than sure that he did it just so he could rub the fact that he’s cleaner than you in your face.
You grumbled a barely audible thanks, quickly going to your room so you didn’t have to look at him any longer.
You’ll admit, Doyoung is handsome. Probably the best-looking person you’ve ever met. But oh god was he annoying. Every second you spent with him was another cell gone from your brain. His constant nagging and passive-aggressive responses to everything were the worst things you had ever gone through.
You made it to your room, shutting the door behind you and immediately getting out your laptop from your bag, sitting down on the floor, placing the laptop in your lap because both you and Doyoung were too broke to afford two desks so you bought one and split the price. But the desk was in the room Doyoung was currently in and there was no way you were spending more time with him than absolutely needed.
You opened your laptop and got up the messaging app you used to message your closest friend. You’re pretty sure he knew like everything about you, and you knew everything about him. Including the fact that you were...pretty kinky. Hey, he was your closest friend, like you weren’t gonna tell him about all that.
[Y/U/N]: hey
[dongie]: heya, what’s up? You seem in a bad mood
[Y/U/N]: how were you able to tell that from one word
[dongie]: cuz i’m smart, unlike someone I know
[Y/U/N]: shuddup, you wish you were as smart as me
[dongie]: yeah yeah, just tell me what’s up
[Y/U/N]: my goddamn roommate is nagging again, he’s so annoyingly passive-aggressive. ughhhh save meeee
[dongie]: trust me, I wish I could but I gotta get to class like right now and unlike someone, I actually care about my grades
[Y/U/N]: wow thanks for making me feel better
[dongie]: I know, I know, I suck but hang in there. Your roommate is just a total dick. I gotta go now, love ya!
[Y/U/N]: love you too you absolute dummy
You smiled when you read his message. You guys told each other that you loved each other pretty much every day. It wasn’t a romantic thing but it definitely got you flustered, even after he had said it so many times.
This was basically routine for you two. You texted all the time but at least twice a day, you both would complain about your roommate to each other. He hated your roommate along with you and you hated his roommate along with him. It was a winwin situation. (A/N: sorry for my shit pun making skills)
Just as you were about to start studying, you heard the door slam shut, making you jump. Geez, could he be any louder? You thought, annoyed but glad that he was gone so you could use the desk.
The next day came around and you were so rudely awoken to the noise of the door being opened and then slammed shut. Again.
“Seriously?! I don’t have any classes until the afternoon! Could you be a little quieter?!” You yelled
No response.
Usually, he would argue back so you can guess that he had just gone to one of his morning classes and in fact, didn’t just come back from staying out ridiculously late after his night class yesterday.
Doyoung sucked. Like really sucked. But he was always on time for rent and never invited anyone over without your permission, plus he wasn’t a party guy and never trashed the apartment. He was just a dick in his attitude, not his behavior. Which you guess is the only reason you tolerated him.
You grumbled, rolling over on your side and grabbing your phone, seeing a message from your best friend.
[dongie]: hey, you up yet sleepyhead?
[Y/U/N]: ya, unfortunately
[dongie]: my roommate just yelled at me while I walked out of the apartment :(
[Y/U/N]: aw, my poor baby, you must be so devastated
[dongie]: I literally cannot tell whether you’re being sarcastic or not
[Y/U/N]: I’m being sarcastic. Anyways, what are you doing right now
[dongie]: I deserved that
[dongie]: and i’m just walking to class
[Y/U/N]: it just occurred that I never asked you what college you go to?
[dongie]: oh yea. I go to insert college name here
[Y/U/N]: ...
[dongie]: ?
[Y/U/N]: ...I go there as well...
[dongie]: ...
[dongie]: so you’re telling me that we’ve been going to the same college all this time and didn’t know?
You sigh, trying to calm down your racing heart as well as trying to prevent yourself from throwing your phone against a wall as hard as you possibly can
[Y/U/N]: yep, that’s exactly what i’m telling you
Immediately, you feel your phone vibrate and look to realize that he’s calling you. Like anyone would be, you were surprised but answered the call anyway.
“Holy SHIT” 
is the only thing you heard before silence and very ragged breathing
“I just screamed that in the middle of the street.”
“Dongie?” you asked, trying to hold back a bit of laughter
“Yep that’s me”
His voice sounded familiar but you couldn’t really put it to a face. It was over the phone so you couldn’t hear him that clearly
“so...are we meeting up?” you asked, trying not to freak out
“I’ll be fucked if we’re not”
You finally let out a laugh and you got a small chuckle in return. The only thing that went through your mind in that second is how beautiful is laugh was and how you wanted to hear more of it.
“I haven’t even told you my real name yet,” he said, slightly breathless “It’s Doyoung”
Your eyes went wide and before you knew what you were doing, you immediately hung up. You threw your phone at your floor, looking at it as if it were the most cursed object in existence
“...fuck,” you said aloud, just about ready to yell at the top of your lungs
You hear your phone vibrate again, most likely Doyoung trying to call back. You pick it up and deny the call, hands shaking.
[dongie]: Y/U/N?
[dongie]: hello?
[dongie]: what happened?
[dongie]: are you ok?
You turned away from your phone, trying to distract yourself. But it just kept vibrating because of Doyoung’s consistent and confused messages.
After a while, the vibrating stopped which you assumed was because Doyoung had reached his class.
About maybe two hours had passed and you voiched for studying on the desk the entire time. Normally you would procrastinate and leave it till last minute like every other completely logical college student, but all you needed right now was something to distract yourself with.
You heard the door open and turned around to see Doyoung, his eyes and shoulders droopy and his lips contorted into a frown. You had never seen him so sad in all this time living with him. It definitely hurt your heart.
“hey” he said quietly, quickly brushing past you to go to his room
You were frozen. You were pretty damn sure that you had never felt this bad about anything in your entire life. Ever.
You took in a deep breath and picked up your phone, your heart beat picking up. Your fingers shakily moved to call Doyoung. As soon as you hit the button, you heard a thump come from his room, as if he had fallen off of his bed and immediately after a very loud and worried hello, which you heard from your phone as well.
“why did you hang up?! Did I do something?! Are you ok?!” you could hear everything he was saying loud and clear from his room
“yeah, you did”
“What is it?! I’ll do anything to fix it!” he sounded so desperate, making your heart ache even more
“yeah. You nag way toO FRICKIN’ MUCH” you said, getting louder with each word, making sure Doyoung could hear you from his room
There was more loud thumping and suddenly Doyoung burst out of his room, his eyes meeting yours. His hair was dishevelled and his eyes were wide.
“FUCK” he shouted before sighing extremely loudly “THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOW I WANTED TO MEET YOU”
“tell me about it” you said, trying to control yourself, not believing you had never noticed the resemblance between your online friends’ personality and Doyoung’s personality.
You both stared at eachother for a long time. Once the you had both calmed down, it started getting really awkward.
“I- this is too much” he said, confused
“Don’t worry, it took me a while to process it too”
Without warning, Doyoung started walking up to you and put his face at the same level as yours. You could see red rising to his cheeks and he opened his mouth.
“I love you.”
“You- you what?” you said, heat rising to your cheeks as well
“You’re annoying as fuck. I know you think I’m also annoying as fuck. But you’re also funny and you listen to my worries and always manage to make me smile with your utter stupidity, and I know that I also somehow manage to make you smile. I love you.”
you blinked a few times before what he had said completely registered in your brain.
“...I love you too. You absolute dummy” you said, a bit hesitantly
He smiled and pulled you into a slightly awkward hug. You would work out the fact that you two complained about each other to each other without knowing for who knows how long. For now though, let’s just focus on all the things you loved about each other.
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sauveteen · 6 years
Burned Out | s.m
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hey!! i was talking to my friends about breakups & relationships just...ending, and i think a lot of people don't realise that not every break up is dramatic & loud & has lots of crying. sometimes its numbing and shitty because it takes a while for people to absorb what's happened, and that's an important thing that we often forget. so here's a blurb about that, and i hope my shitty ass past tense doesn't make you click off lmao!
warning: cursing, 2k of angst
You'd be a fool if you said that you hadn't noticed how different Shawn had been acting. At first it was gradual; he would take a little longer than usual to reply to your texts, maybe miss a call or two. Forget your plans to hang out, and reschedule when he did remember. He would talk lesser and lesser every time you met, eyes obviously avoiding yours, the tiniest hints of guilt on your face. But he was Shawn, and he was honest, so you didn't think much into it. Maybe you should've — maybe it would've hurt less that way. But you kept telling yourself, hey, Shawn would tell me if something was wrong, wouldn't he?
You think the final blow came when you were sat at your house, your back pressed against his side and his arm shrugged over your shoulder. You were both engrossed in the Disney movie that was playing in the screen (Moana, you're pretty sure), and scarfing your favourite Chinese dishes. You knew you should've asked Shawn about his odd behaviour and confronted him about the fact that he'd been all but dodging you for weeks, now, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Not when he'd finally shown up in all his red faced and curly haired glory, donning his signature pink hoodie and skinny jeans. All the frustration you'd pent up, ready to pour out onto him, had immediately melted away the moment he took you into his embrace.
It was only after he'd placed his box of noodles back onto the table that you realised how he hadn't offered you his manchurian balls. He hated them almost as much as you loved them, and it had become a sort of a routine — where he would pick his out and feed them to you, your eyes not diverting from the screen for even a second. The habit was almost as natural as kissing him when you saw him or him rubbing your thighs whenever he sat next to you. Almost as natural as loving him.
You knew you couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer. Or, in this case, the forgotten manchurian balls in his box of Chinese.
"Shawn?" You questioned, tilting your face up to look at him, "Is something wrong, bubba? You seem....," You trailed off, not knowing what to say, "Uh, a bit off? Are you feeling alright?"
It was almost comical how fast all the colour drained from Shawn's face. Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, he nodded at you, "Uh, s'all good babe."
You weren't convinced, and he could probably tell. However, it wasn't like you to push someone when they weren't up for a discussion, so you let it slide. Again. After dumping the boxes in the trash, you returned to see Shawn pacing up and down your living room, head bowed. You knew him enough to know how that was a nervous habit of his, a tell of an incoming anxiety attack. But he said it was good, and he was with you, so what had gone wrong?
"Shawn, hey," You gripped his arm to steady him, his wild eyes immediately flying up to meet your concerned ones, "Are you sure you're good? Did something—"
"No," Shawn's cold reply cut your question in half, and your eyes widened in surprise as he continued, "No, I'm not good. Haven't been good, actually. Thought you would've noticed?"
"I—uh," You blinked, stepping away from him, "I did."
"It didn't bother you?"
"Shawn..," You could tell he was getting agitated, and that's not what you wanted. At all. "It did bother me, but I wanted to give you your space. You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"
"Something is wrong," His voice sounded exhausted, like he was straining to get his words out, "And I— God, I've been trying to tell you for so long and I just... I pussy out every fucking time, and it's eating me up on the inside."
You could feel your heartbeat pick up with every word that he uttered, stomach tying into knots in anticipation. What could've possibly gotten him so worried and exasperated? Did it have something to do with his health? With you? Even worse, did it have something to do about the two of you?
Him calling your name snapped you out of your daze, and he continued, "You want me to be honest, right? No holding back, no lies?"
"I— I can't do this anymore."
"Can't do what anymore, Shawn?"
"This," he pointed between the two of you, helpless eyes brimming with unshed tears, "Us."
You felt your heart plummet. That one word had your entire body shaking in a matter of seconds, your mouth drying out when you tried to speak. Stuttering, you repeated, "U-Us?"
"I've tried... to continue. To pretend like nothing's changed— but I can't anymore. I'm lying to myself, and I don't deserve that. You don't deserve that."
You wanted to yell at him, tell him how he didn't know what you deserved, but you found yourself meekly nodding in agreement as he continued, "And— and, haven't you felt different too? Like we've drifted apart. Like our I love yous don't mean the same anymore."
You wanted to tell him that you hadn't. That your I love you had meant the same thing since you first blurted it out one fall morning with leaves in his hair and his hoodie around your shoulders. That even when he was continents away, you never felt the distance between you two for even a second. What you said instead was everything but.
"Y—yeah. I guess."
"It's just—," Shawn tugged at his hair, plopping down on your couch, "Fuck— I still love you. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you, but I don't—"
When you gulped, it was like you were trying to swallow hot nails, "You don't have to explain yourself, Shawn. It's okay."
"It's not fucking okay. It isn't. I don't know why I feel this way, and— and God, you're fucking perfect," He manages a weak chuckle, dropping his head into his hands, "You're literally my dream girl. I know that it's me, and not because I want to let you down easy... but because what else could it be? I've tried to understand and.. it just—"
"Shawn, hey," You were kneeling in front of him now, scooting between his parted legs to be able to look at him better. His face was bowed, hidden from sight, and you nudged his hands away from his face to take it into yours. Softly brushing his curls away from his face so you could see his eyes, you began, "It's okay, baby. Breathe. We'll be okay, come on—," You placed his palm on your chest, urging him to look at you, "Breathe with me."
Shawn took a minute to match his breathing with yours, eventually calming himself down as he followed your exaggerated breaths. You ran your arms over his arms, and he eased up because he knew the drill. Breathe, relax. Breathe, relax. You'd been here a time too many, since Shawn was a generally anxious person who cared too much.
As you waited for him to completely even out his breaths, you found yourself struggling to breathe. Regardless of what Shawn had said or what he was going to say, it didn't change the fact that your demise would be the same. The feeling of being left, just the anticipation made you feel like you'd been punched in the throat. You could feel your eyes watering, but you couldn't cry in front of Shawn. You knew him well enough to know that that would completely push him over the edge.
"How long have you felt this way?"
Shawn gulped audibly, blinking his tears away, "Uh— I don't know, honestly. It's just... it's just different, you know?"
All you could manage in reply was a soft hum, your hands limply falling to your sides. The more he talked, the harder it got to breathe, "I guess, when I returned from the festival circuit— it's like something snapped. I told you I got back on the seventh when I actually got back on the fifth, because I didn't know how to face you. I couldn't."
The seventh of November. The same day you'd finally managed to scrape enough to pay for the ring that you had designed almost a year back. The ring you couldn't wait to give Shawn, asking him Hey, it'd be cool if we spent the rest of our lives together, right? but you couldn't gather the courage to go down one knee and just do it. Now you're here, on your knees, breaking at the thought of the ring never seeing the light of the day. Ironic, isn't it — how Shawn was braving himself to break up with you while you prepped to ask him to marry you? When you were studying phrases in middle school, you had never known that 'not being on the same page' would've described your life so perfectly.
"I'm sorry," Shawn muttered, his earnest eyes covered by a sheen of tears, "I'm so fucking sorry, babe."
"No," You adamantly shook your head, wiping at his face with your thumbs, "How many times do I have to tell you, Shawn? You don't apologise for your feelings."
"It's just that I'm Canadian..."
You managed a weak smile at his attempt to joke, but the both of you knew that that was no time to be joking. What surprised you the most was the fact that nothing led up to that. Nothing prepared you for that. You hadn't fought, hadn't disagreed on anything, hadn't had even let the biggest to things cause a wedge between your relationship.
"I feel so fucking shitty right now. I never knew I was capable of being this sad. I'm a terrible person, aren't I? Do you feel like slapping me? I think you should—"
"A terrible person would've broken up with me over text. A terrible person—," you gulped, trying to find the words to continue, "Wouldn't have worried about how I would feel. You're not a terrible person, Shawn, you're the kindest, most loving man I know. And even the kindest and loveliest of men have the right to fall out of love."
"I haven't fell out of love," His reply was almost instantaneous, and in that moment, you hated him. You hated him, not because he was breaking up with you, but because he was making it that much worse. He claimed you were perfect. Said he was still in love with you. Then why was he so adamant on leaving you? "You're impossible not to love. You're so... you're so you," His hands are holding your face now, and you've never wanted to run away faster, "And I'm going to miss kissing you. And... other things. I fell too fast, and— and I burnt out faster."
"Shawn," Your voice was barely above a whisper as you pleaded, "Please, stop. It's okay. I— please, you.. I'm good."
"You were the best friend I've ever had."
Best friend — not girlfriend, not lover, not partner. You didn't know what to think of it, but there were more pressing matters on hand, and honestly, you didn't think it mattered. Whatever you were, you weren't anymore. You'd just be a distant memory in a year or two, a song on his album, a topic for his fans to discuss on social media. God, you'd never felt so insignificant.
"Thank you, Shawn."
"I love you."
You got up so fast you think you jerked your knee, but you were numb then. Turning your head away from him, you muttered, "The movie's almost over. Uh, I think you should leave."
Your request sounded like a plea for him to leave you for the night, but the both of you knew it ran deeper than that. You wanted to still be friends, but you weren't sure if you had absorbed the fact that Shawn had just broken up with you yet. You think you still haven't. Maybe you shouldn't have been so hasty to push him out, but you had held it in for as long as you possibly could. If he had lingered for a second longer, you would've probably broken down in front of him and begged him to take you back.
You blamed no one but yourself, at the time. You didn't even think about the fact that everything went two ways. Two sides to a coin. You were so in love that just the thought of Shawn purposely doing something to hurt you was revolting.
The break up itself was hard, and you knew you didn't take it well. You knew, that no matter how much you smiled and tried to go on like normal, people around you noticed. Shawn, who still hung around because you'd always been in the same social circles, noticed. That didn't stop him from having a new girl on his arm every time you saw him, or his name flashing across infamous magazines for his notorious ways.
That wasn't the Shawn you fell in love with, and it definitely wasn't the Shawn you still loved.
And even after months of that one fateful night, you didn't know why he did what he did. Maybe he did burn out, but did he really have to burn you down along with him?
would anyone like a part 2 to this because i think i got some IDEEAAAAS!
edit: i AM doing part 2 so just reply/message me to get added to a taglist!
Read Part 2 here!
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anissapierce · 5 years
this is apropos of nothing uve posted, i was just blog hopping and needed to share the utter hilarity of ppl trying to redefine the term QB so it applied to canon-gay they're not interested in: a show's gay ship isn't the central focus? QB. a show's gay rep is 'easy'? QB. a trashy show has gay rep? Omg don't you know that's WORSE than no rep at all?? QB. and the kicker? they're all the same st*cky/d*stiel ilk(with the occasional-
- h*nnigram bc that's Proper gay-rep) like it's painfully obvs they want to make themselves Look Better for shipping Basic white m/m, so they throw around words and terms to de-legitimize the rep we're seeing more of bc they're stuck in m/m 'subtext' fandom and instead of moving forwards: tear down out of bitterness instead(plus i just generally disagree with the notion that all gay-stories have to be Good, fuck that we can have trash-garbage fun too, it's Equality)-
- it's just funny to see these ppl writing long-winded posts about why x-Clearly Straight media is actually somehow some Perfect bastion of queerness bc they can't admit they've been kidding themselves for 10+ years, it's both funny and really, really sad. oh and s*n/m*u fans mocking other silly media? lmao, yeah like those are anything other than mid-tier trash-fun and in s*n's case: has only gotten worse over the years and is now ur bog-standard soap opera lvl of quality--
for me QB is a term that fandom in general has watered down too much and gets applied to any m/m ship that gets popular but isn't canon. like no, they're friends and you read too much into it, it IS in fact that simple(and ofc, as i've seen u post, characters/ships that actually would twig fandom's QB!! radar if they were two white guys are never included in these histrionics) but anyway, sorry to descend into ur inbox, i hope ur having a good day or evening :)
Oh yeah for sure qbait has been watered down ? 110% and this is unrelated to anything I've said tonight but I constantly harangue of the fact tht fans never bring up instances of qbaiting (for humor !) Used in Scrubs,Common Law,Psych,Almost Human, iZombie, Community,Big Bang Theory . Where a man of color (three cases here its south asian men, but most listed here involve black men) is being presented as gay* and the joke is positioning the man as too close to his friend or others assuming their gay or him and his friend emulating a couple. And like occasionally bbt gets brought up as a footnote for those articles but like .. it doesnt deserve academic regur to the subject but it's kind of needed?
And yeah fans deluding them is so fucking true like I complain abt white man worship disease (Google's keyboards next suggested word was 'disease' btw) n thts truly wht it is and also wht causes lesbians to headcanon all these shitty white Canon cishet dudes as like trans women ....bc they feel guilty. When rlly like .... Diversify your pallet. And lol I haven't seen supanastyworld fans do nething bc like entirely different Spheres but the idea of them mocking ne1 is so... And yewh this all just reminds me of ppl praising Neilman bc thts the fandom tht I occasionally bump into now and putting transphobic and homophobic potrayals on like lists of lgbtq rep tht he's contributed to
And i agree w u Abt trashy tv too like I've watched many a websrs bc it had gays of color or just gays n most had subpar quality but that's Fine. Ppl don't appreciate the art of shitty corny trashy gay art nemore.(not to sound like john waters)* (which is different but connected than the trope of the effeminate asian/brown guy where the joke is him not adhering to Western masculinity ideals, bc I could add parks and rec to this along w a bunch of other shows).
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Day 1 :
She Found Him (submitted)
“i wrote a song about you.” Taylor said to Joe bluntly. She was afraid at first, but being Taylor, she wanted Joe to know and talk about this kind of feeling or state. Joe was eating calmly while watching some short documentaries videos on youtube as Taylor suddenly said it. It was not surprising for Joe honestly, he was well aware about Taylor’s job being a songwriter. Then, Joe looked up to see Taylor’s face, she was looking at her own plate without even looking at Joe. He knew that this is not comfortable for her to say it in front of him. Taylor was all being stupid, she thought that this was really stupid. She did not want to mess things up.
Joe knew, he knew Taylor very well despite their still short time of relationship, he knew all about her, all her insecurities or even her new obsession in stargazing. He smiled calmly looking at Taylor who was still looking at her plate, pretending to eat even though she was just playing with her food.
He said “Thank you.”
Taylor was frozen at a little amount of time on her dining chair, she was expecting something like “I hope those are a good song about me” or “is it bad?”.
Joe was still looking at Taylor, he paused his youtube video and reached out Taylor’s hand which still grabbed a fork. He said again “why love? I’m thankful for the songs, i knew that you are the best songwriter ever.”
“Even if i wrote badly?” Taylor couldn’t help it but asked. She was not sure what to expect or say to Joe.
“Why Taylor? Why are you being insecure about it?, you know that you are a good writer.” Joe asked this time with a concern plastered on his face.
“I don’t want to mess this up, i love you and i always want you to be in my life, you taught me to be myself again.” Taylor said slowly.
“I love you too and i’ll be forever grateful that you are mine now. Joe said while smiling adorably looking at Taylor who is still have a questionable look at Joe.
“why? Why are you still with me? Is it the fame? Or money?” Taylor asked again, this time, this question successfully made Joe a little upset and triggered. He did not expect this question out from Taylor’s mouth. He was frowning and giving her puzzling look and asked “Why in the hell you asked me that? I am deeply wounded Ms. Swift”
Taylor felt really bad about asking him that question but she was enough for all of her never ending dramas, being a famous person suddenly made her feel insecure for the first time in her life. She did not want another breakup that will lead another headlines that written with not badly but twisted words.
“I’m sorry, my mind is crazy. I’m sorry.” Taylor said then being quiet again. She knew that Joe will go after today, he would looking at Taylor with all of the hate like her ex gave her. But, if he did not want to go, she will let him go. She is so done with this. She started ti believing again her old thought that she was better be alone. No one will sign up for this. Her life was a circus and huge ass show.
On the other hand, Joe was looking still at Taylor, she was looking at him with all of the pain she suffered. “why love? Is there something wrong? Tell me, we both can fix this together.” he said.
“I’m sorry Joe for making you come here, this is all stupid and i’m so sorry, i’m letting you go now. This is not going to happen between us” she said while pointing her index finger to joe and her.
Joe was real surprised and mad. He was upset and hurt. Joe knew that Taylor loved him. He thought this was just a game not a funny or entertaining one. He asked again, “are you breaking up with me? What the hell is happening? Why? You don’t love me? Or is this just a game to you??”.
Taylor was kinda expecting this kind of reaction, who would be fine after being told to broke up. She was looking at her almost empty plate again, Joe was frustrated. He asked Taylor again “tell me what’s wrong? This was started with you said that you wrote a song about me and now you want me to break up with you? Are you insane Taylor?” at this time, his tone was little bit angrier.
He did not hear any response from Taylor. He was still looking at her but she did not utter a word even a little word. She was not looking at him, it was hard to see what Taylor’s expression was. The tension in the dining room was getting dark and twisted. He was upset and Taylor was silent.
When he was about to stood up from his seat which was located in front of her, he could swear that he heard a little cry from Taylor. He was shocked and confused. He did not know what to do. He pulled a chair to be seated next to Taylor and pulled her chin, so he could see her face.
Her face was all read and there are tears on her cheeks. Joe asked her again “Taylor, love, look at me, why? Tell me please, it is not easy for me to know what is happening to you when you do not talk to me, i don’t want to breakup with you. And why would i after your fame and money? Why do you ever thing like that?especially after what we’ve been through. I know we are still on our first or early stage of relationship but i know that my future is YOU”.
Taylor was looking at him again and this time she was about to cry more and more but she said “i’ve read something about me and i don’t think we are meant to be, you meant to be with someone who is pretty and have a good reputation. Unlike me, a slut.”
Joe was furious this time, he was about to kill someone with his bare hands. He knew exactly why she said that, the media. The media always had something to write and twisted it.
“Love, why are you reading those trash? You know, people who know you will always know the truth about you. Like me, i always believe in you Taylor. I do not care about the others. All i care about it you and only you. Would you stop thinking the worst about you again love? For me. Please?.” Joe said which bring back Taylor’s insane brain to be a little sane.
She smiled at him while her tears still streaming down her face. She could not help it and hugged him. He hugged her back and kissed her head which rested on his neck. She knew that he was the one in that moment.
Joe gave her a little time to calm herself and patted her back with his hand. He knew that Taylor needed some moment.
After a while Taylor let go her koala’s hands from Joe, she smiled this time but she was embarrassed about all of it. She was not looking at him again but, his hand softly reached out Taylor’s chin again to make her looking at him again then said “Taylor Alison Swift, you are my one and only. And it breaks my heart to see you sad. Please don’t be sad ever again okay? It is against the law.”
Taylor was smiling again and looking at his deep blue eyes then said “Thank you for being with me despite all of the mess i have. I appreciate it. And i will never let you go.”
Joe smiled and kissed Taylor’s delicate lips, it was  a very simple kiss but it could bring them to their seven heavens.
Taylor was happy and so was Joe. After the kiss, they did not speaking. They were silent but that silent was comforting. The tensions that built up earlier are gone.
After a while, Joe said with a funny playing “Love, let’s just forget our earlier conversation okay? Now, let’s talk all about your new stuff. Do i deserve to know about it.”
Taylor shook her head and smiled devilishly. Joe was pouting and his eyes are looked like a puppy who wanted his food to be given as soon as possible. Who can resist those puppy eyes and adorable expression? She thought.
With all of her confidence back, she said, “This song is about a relationship which is very hard but she really wants him to be around despite all of her tragic mess that is going on in her life.”
Joe did not know how to react but he broke a little when she explained about the tragic mess. He loved her he thought
“Taylor, that is beautiful and i love you, you know that? I will never let you go.” Joe said confidently.
“i love you too, and i think you stuck with me now. Wait i forgot to tell you the title, it is dancing with our hands tied and please wait a moment i will grab my guitar and show you the song.” Taylor said and left the dining room to her music room where she kept her guitar was.
When Taylor was walking away, he knew exactly that this is the life he really wanted. He really wanted to be with Taylor to take care of her and love her forever and ever.
When she came back, she is ready with the song and played it for him. He was very sure about her and he wanted to be in her life forever no matter what.
After the song ended, Joe could not help with all of the emotions that was given from the songs. Very raw and beautifully written. He loved it and he said quickly “ i want you forever in my life.”
Taylor was taken aback a little because of the surprise then, she smiled and said Thank you to Joe in a whisper because another tears left her eyes again but this time, that was a happy tears.
She found the one.
(Writer’s message : Hey everyone! This is my first ever work that published. I’m so shy about this and please send feedback after you read this tell me if you like this or i need some improvement. I love you guys very much, especially @joeandtaylorfanfiction, thank u for making this event!.)
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