#this is what happens when i'm encouraged to ramble about things
bitter-hibiscus · 2 days
Hey hi you have piqued my interest and I would love to hear your thoughts on Jason and Roy's interaction in New Titans #20-21 :)
Sorry for rambling about more than just Roy and Jason but I had to set a foundation for my points.
The only three people who actually speak to Jason at any point for more than a single line in those issues are Donna, Hawk, and Roy.
Donna, as is plainly stated in the text, is not actually talking to Jason, but to Robin, and she expects him to act exactly like Dick Grayson does.
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In the beginning of the story, this isn't particularly an issue, since Jason is very excited to be included and Donna isn't actually putting any kind of pressure on him. HOWEVER, as issue #20 progresses, it becomes really, really serious. Particularly in this scene:
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Donna, who up until this point Jason generally worshipped in that way children always do, just showed him she's not only capable of extreme violence against her teammates, but also willing to completely leave the people depending on her behind. (I may not be the biggest Donna lorehead but I'm pretty sure this isn't something she does often. It is, however, what Jason sees her doing, and that's important.)
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Jason, kindhearted, boneheaded Jason, immediately calls her out on this. He trusts that Donna is a capable and trustworthy hero and team leader, but the image of a perfect heroine has been broken.
Donna puts almost the... complete opposite kind of pressure on Jason that Bruce does. Bruce has trained Jason to obey, and to try and force him into a leadership role while three of your teammates are literally unconscious is, to say the least, stress-inducing to a little kid.
(oops, the Donna part got long. I have a lot of feelings about them, okay?)
The second person who interacts with Jason in those issues is Hawk, who is, you know. Hawk.
The first thing he says to Jason is mocking his age, which Jason seems to be pretty self-aware of in a negative way, being the only child in a group of 20-something-year-olds.
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Then, he actively stops Jason from joining a fight and doing his part as a Titan:
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It's the polar opposite of how Donna treats Jason in this issue. Hawk sees Jason as incapable and unfit for being a Titan. It's both demotivating and incredibly insulting, especially when Jason was trying to do the right thing.
So we're 0 for 2 for grown-up superheroes being dicks to Jason.
Enter Roy Harper, stage left.
Roy is the only member of the team to both acknowledge Jason as a teammate and still speak to him like the child he is without being patronizing or mocking, despite his conflicting and complicated emotions on the mission they're going to, because Cheshire. He keeps himself friendly and inviting to Jason, forces himself to joke around, because Jason is a child who shouldn't be responsible for Roy's Whole Ordeal.
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He actively humors Jason's worship and wonder of superheroes, but still jokes around with him like Jason is an equal and not a kid he's babysitting.
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He offers Jason company and empathy, and encourages him to share his view of the situation, once again treating Jason as a team member worthy of being listened to, but not particularly of being in charge of anything. Jason, for his part, pays attention to what's happening with Roy, and expresses concern over what Roy's feelings on the situation might be.
(long pause to admire how beautiful Jade looks in this story. anyway)
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This scene is also really important, I think. Not only for the obvious reasons of Lian Being Revealed, but because even though Roy is reeling from the knowledge that he has a child, he still has space in his thoughts to care about Jason and want him safe. Even though Jason's attempt to lighten the mood was... less than optimal. Lol. I love him so much
Jason is there for what some may argue is the biggest part of Roy's development as a character, and even though he's secondary to everything that's happening, Roy still considers Jason an important part of the situation. He still takes Jason into account, despite desperately wanting answers from Jade.
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I have nothing to say about those panels but look at them. my babies. jason is so so worried. his new friend is not ok and he cant help :(
TLDR: Jason's interactions with most adult heroes are.. pretty bad, (Not all. Shoutout to my men Joey Wilson and Garfield Logan,) but Roy is a major exception to that rule. He's compassionate and funny and a hurricane of emotions, and he's the first adult outside of Batman and Nightwing to canonically show Jason a little bit of kindness. While not in any way backed by canon, I do think that Jason's interactions with Roy filled him with determination to be a good hero and earn other people's trust. Those two issues have very small interactions, but I do believe they're some of the most important pieces of original Robin Jason content, largely due to Roy's presence.
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solomon-tozer · 1 year
Okay so @ra-scheln is interested in the Crozer & Hickey thoughts living in my brain, so here they (or at least some of them) are! (Because holding up our faves and pointing out all the holes is fun and we should do it more >:D)
First thing's first: Crozier is NOT a people person. He wears his rank so awkwardly, he doesn't make an effort to be friendly or approachable, he sort of :[ faces at pretty much everyone, and just... reads people pretty damn badly. Most of the men I think just put up with this (to a point) because he's Captain, but Hickey... Hickey isn't like most of the men.
So the second point is: Hickey really is not a normal guy. He's wearing the guise of one. He's trying to blend in and just get by. But he is, well before the show begins, damaged in spectacular ways. He doesn't think the same as others. His way of processing things is on a different level. He's also constantly on alert, absorbing, analysing and enacting what he thinks will serve himself best.
So, throw the two of them together, and you get... a disaster.
Crozier barely knows Hickey exists. He's one of the crew. Maybe he'd noticed the Limerick detail and heard the accent, thought 'huh that's odd', and then just... gone about his day until they met in the Great Cabin. By that meeting, they've been stuck in for their first winter, Crozier is feeling shitter than ever, he's drinking more, Sir John has invaded his space, Crozier doesn't trust him or feel listened to/appreciated/valued, and then there's this... guy... in to fix the privvy and holding a dog shit in his hand. He's just some guy. A refreshing someone/no one to just vent to for a minute or two.
Only, that's not how it should work. Hickey doesn't know his place, because he doesn't understand the system he's inserted himself into, and Crozier doesn't really care in that moment or even think 'hey this isn't an appropriate way to talk to one of the ratings'. Crozier has no idea what that interaction is going to create. At all. Probably barely even noticed who he was talking to. He got to say his dramatic lines, be civil for a minute, and then that was that.
But to Hickey? Oh boy. Earlier, there had been the whole Irving discovering him and Gibson thing. And while Gibson was freaking out, Hickey was grinning and smoking, not actually afraid. See, he'd read Irving. Correctly. He's calm about this. He's in control. Nothing bad is going to happen.
He now goes on to read Crozier. Incorrectly. Maybe a little high on that close shave with Irving and his surety, Hickey's now in the Captain's cabin, and the Captian recognises him. Speaks to him. As an equal, no less. He sees something in him. He confides in Hickey. When Hickey works Crozier to extract details about the leads/chances of getting under way again, it's easy. Crozier doesn't notice (well, he doesn't care/doesn't think, just speaks, which he shouldn't have done).
The whole moment where Crozier offers Hickey a drink, and insists, then makes that toast... Nothing to Crozier, but everything to Hickey. He doesn't need to worry about Gibson, Irving, or anything else. The Captain has recognised him, and his potential. "To ourselves." A navy man would know that's a traditional toast for a Wednesday. Hickey thinks it's a serious, genuine toast to himself and the Captain. He carrys his memory of that Wednesday right until the very end.
Of course, Gibson starts tearing Hickey's idea apart, quite brutally. So in that break-up, Hickey loses both Gibson and what he thought he and Crozier were together (a set apart, a cut above the rest, exceptional, etc - only, I think Hickey sees people in positions of power as stepping stones for his own greatness, and those people will eventually be beneath him as he rises even higher and oooh he's so deliciously unhinged). Hickey's reaction is to take a shit on Gibson's bed, and then to go through Crozier's things like a paranoid lover, where he then finds a letter that confirms Crozier was going to abandon him/them. He later talks about it at the hanging, about how Crozier was leaving everyone behind, but at the time the sting of it was that he was going to be left behind. He meant nothing to Crozier after all.
But by this point, Crozier has invited him in. There's something between them. They know things about each other (in Hickey's mind). They're still equals. Crozier, on the other hand, probably goes right back to not even thinking about Hickey until Silna is kidnapped.
At that point, Crozier goes way, way overboard. He reacts viciously when Hickey steps out of line (a result of him not being a Navy man, but moreso I think from him thinking that he and Crozier are equals). Hickey thought he was acting sensibly, as he ought to, and in a way Crozier would be thankful for! But instead Hickey becomes the focal point for Crozier's anger and malice - Hickey is someone Crozier can kick, so to speak, and Hickey keeps giving him excuses by riling him up during that scene. Maybe there is a little something of 'I don't like this guy' in Crozier at that point, but I read it as mostly being 'here's a guy who has just pissed me off, and I am the one in power and I'm going to fucking show it'. Crozier is too self-absorbed to care about anyone else, or to realise that his actions are going to have serious consequences.
One of those consequences? I'd say Irving's murder.
Okay I am reaching a tiny bit here, as Irving's murder was opportunistic, and there's already the fact that Irving is responsible for Gibson breaking up with Hickey, but I feel that there is another layer to it. In justifying Hickey's punishment in front of the crew, 'dirtiness' is tacked on the end. And were the fuck did that come from?? It wasn't mentioned when the three men were questioned! In that moment, Hickey looks in dismay at Irving, thinking that Irving has said something to Crozier. Which he hasn't. The charge would have been for sodomy, or indecendy, or something along those lines. But Hickey misunderstands. The bitterness Hickey feels towards Irving deepens. The only logical (for Hickey) conclusion that can be drawn from the extra charge is that Irving is behind it.
From then on... Well. The bulk of the crew shift to Erebus. Anyone who took the time to notice Hickey's character might realise he gets lost in the crowd. He can't operate surrounded by normalcy, he struggles in the light, but when the crowd is thinned and gasping for breath in the face of adversity? Hickey thrives. And he's left/kept on Crozier's ship. Kept close. It's personal.
How much thought and attention does Crozier give Hickey? Probably not very much. His drinking gets worse, HIckey doesn't cause any further trouble, and then Crozier withdraws to go through potentially lethal detox. I doubt he thinks about very much except the pain and misery he's in. Everyone but Jopson and MacDonald are kept away. But Hickey is still on the same ship, no distracting crowd to smother his voice, he starts to rise, to feel the power he has over Irving, become a source of comfort for Manson, to gather information and draw together those who aren't content. And we're not even delving into Tuunbaq! Because that's also where Hickey is transferring his focus/power. Crozier was weak. Unworthy. But he has still wronged Hickey, and Hickey is going to get his revenge one way or another.
Quick detour here to say that Goodsir is the only person who comes close to noticing Hickey's nature, but he does nothing with that knowledge. He doesn't share his concern, perhaps assuming 'oh they all know what this guy is like' because Hickey's sweet-talking is so glaringly obvious to him. He's the only person we see who doesn't fall for it. (But then again, why bother anyone with something the caulker's mate says? He's just a lowly seaman.)
There does come a point where Crozier finally notices Hickey. When he's sober, they've abandoned the ships, and when he has to because the dance he's unknowlingly been engaged in is about to enter its final act. Hickey was just a convenient, nameless, faceless confidant/emotional punching bag, but now he's a very real, very conniving, and very clever threat. What in the hell is wrong with him?? Why is he so unhinged? Well, because Crozier helped to make him that way. Hickey was always going to do what he could to survive and get out of there, but with Crozier it became intensely personal. Hickey is, to a degree, a monster of Crozier's creation. Elevated and recognised then spurned and humiliated... That bit during the lashing where Hickey has that transcendent moment... Crozier created that. Long before, when he raised a glass and toasted the two of them, he tethered Hickey to him.
And, of course, Hickey has to sever that tie. He has to end it. To prove he's risen above, and has won. His victory is the final victory. Crozier was wrong to cast him aside (but Hickey is right to cast Crozier aside, because he's no longer worthy).
This post is, obviously, about Crozier and Hickey, but the moments in which Crozier thinks about Hickey actually are few and far between. When they occur, they're intense, yes, but so much of this is one-sided. Crozier has other concerns, after all, whether or not he deals with them well. Would Crozier paying more attention to Hickey help? Fuck no! Crozier is utterly unable to realise what's going on with Hickey and keep their interactions professional. And even if he could? Hickey isn't reading Captian/subordinate in their interactions. At best, Crozier could have packed Hickey off to Erebus where he might have been distracted and found it harder to turn the minds of other men. But Crozier didn't think to do that. Didn't realise that Hickey was obsessed with him, and the bond he became convinced that they shared. No one noticed, because Hickey is good at not being noticed, and also because there were so many other concerns weighing on everyone (including Crozier's health and method of captaining).
Even at the end, Hickey has that little speech with Crozier. He's showing off his power and position, while concluding this chapter of his life. Maybe part of him also wishes Crozier would praise him again, and recognise him, and express regret discarding Hickey. Hickey would still cast him aside, of course, but for a moment he could toy with offering forgiveness.
Crozier won't do any of those things, of course. He no more understand Hickey than he did months ago. He sees the actions, sees the unravelling of a man, but doesn't appreciate his own part in it. He has no idea how profoundly he's impacted Hickey's life (and thereby the lives of many of the other men).
Given the length of this, I'll wrap up my ramblings there, and remind anyone reading this that these genuinely are my rambling, and a meander through the meta that lives in my mind. I very much enjoy holding up my faves and pointing out all the broken bits, and it's so much fun exploring how these two interact and fuck each other up specifically. Take what you like and ignore what you don't!
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gardengirl222 · 1 month
thinking about rafe, topper, and kelce, helping to teach you how to drive….
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you were about to be gifted a pretty new car for your birthday but you still didn’t know how to drive so the boys said they’d help teach you! you stood in the shade picking at your nails as the boys planned an easy enough route for you to practice on without hitting anything or anyone. 
“can we get going pleaseee, you guys can trust me- i read a car manual once, i know how things work….”
“fine, we should be alright i guess…” rafe mumbles as he opens the drivers side car door for you to hop in, he sticks out his hand for you to grab to help you climb into his truck. with rafe in the passenger seat next you, top and kelce in the back you put on the seat belt and place your hands onto the steering wheel to wait for instructions. 
“i can’t believe you are lettin' her use your car man.” kelce shakes his head with wide eyes 
“it’s better than lettin’er practice in one of yours, mine the safest one if anything were to happen.” rafe turns his head back to you “j’us don’t crash…kay?”
“mmhm…how do i start?”
rafe, with his tendency to stress easily, guiding you through the basics of starting the car and adjusting the mirrors. his hands grip on the steering wheel as he instructs you like a child to put your foot on the brake pedal.
"kay, slow and steady now babydoll" rafe says, his voice stern yet soft, letting go of the wheel so you could try keeping it straight. "we don't want to accelerate too quickly, jus' easeee onto the gas...not too much!" you press down on the pedal with your foot as the car moves forward a few inches then breaks suddenly causing everyone in the car to jolt forward. 
“jesus!!…” topper breathes out, both him and kelce then grip onto the handles on the inside roof of the car.
"oh god, i'm sorry!" you wince
“s’alright s’fine just try- try again…” topper encourages as you place your foot back on the gas pedal again
slowly you start to get the hang of it, cruising slowly down the street at a decent pace, everyone seems to be relaxed as you are gaining confidence behind the wheel. then your phone starts to ring, you look down to were you set it down near the cup-holders which causes you to lose a little control of where you are going and makes the car swerve slightly and speed up. 
“EYES ON THE ROAD!” they all shout boyishly, panicked and clearly stressed. rafe’s hand flies out in front of you to emphasize its importance.
“that might be kie, can i get it?” 
“NO!!!” they all shout again
“jeez, ohkay!”
kelce mutters little prayers under his breath "please, let us survive this.” you let out a nervous yelp when up ahead you see a squirrel just chilling in the middle of the road.
“what do i do!”
“JUST SLOW DOWN!” “EYES ON THE ROAD!” the boys shout overlapping their panicked voices, you scream and squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away.
“NO HEY! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!?” rafe shouts all rambly
“ohkay!” you hit the breaks just before the squirrel scampers off up a tree.
“ALRIGHT OUT.” rafe commands, pushing his hair back out of his face, then unbuckling you. “I’m driving the way back, switch.”
as rafe gets out of the passenger seat and rounds the hood of the car to get into the driver seat as you climb over the armrests to get to your new seat. 
“jesus kid…you know what?...you wanna go somewhere in your new car? call me and i’ll take you wherever you wanna go….s’dangerous havin' you out on the roads like this.” rafe huffs as he starts the car again.
“we almost died!” topper lets scoff almost in disbelief at how things took a turn.
“I got slightly distracted! wasn’my fault.”
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i luvvvv the kook trio
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alwaysshallow · 7 months
― blood on my shirt, rose in my hand
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SUMMARY: Simon Riley knows you have bad experiences with dating, but he also knows you don't really need no one but him. He's gonna provide you anything. So you can imagine how he could change, when for the first time, you think you've found the one man who's right for you. To your surprise, weird events happen during the time you date Nick. Thankfully, Simon's there to help you. (11,4k)
A/N: this is SUCH a long piece, so some of it is here, but the full version is on AO3. i hope you're gonna forgive me for this one </3
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"It's not like I'm ugly, right? I thought about it. If I'm ugly, so that's why it doesn't work out." you sip your favorite wine, looking right at your best friend, who has been listening for the past hour your ramblings about dating.
"You're fuckin' stupid, but not ugly, pet."
He's the best friend in the world – you can say this, meaning it with your whole heart. In fact, he's the best friend everyone probably wished to have, at least in your mind. Not only here for you, but loyal, you can tell him basically anything. He wouldn't say a thing, even if someone was nagging, and he was mostly a good adviser; all the qualities you looked for in a best friend, right?
And he was brutally honest, like right now, but you don't mind it. Simon Riley had this thing, and even if sometimes you were almost offended at his bluntness (like this one time, when he told you you're a crying mess and you act… worse than a toddler), you mostly appreciated it. Your other friends couldn't compare to his honesty, this man was not the one to lick your ass.
Or, so you thought.
"Excuse me?" you raise your eyebrow, laughing, while shaking your head. "You should, I don't know, tell me I'm amazing and they don't deserve me. Or so." you joke; it causes him to roll his eyes.
"That's what I told you. Different words, but the same thingy."
It sometimes sucks for you that Simon isn't a girl. He has this unbelieveably annoying guy thing, where he just can't be delusional with you, and he can't just mourn over some hot guy. His way of thinking is… on the other level, he totally skips the mourn part, the part that is pathetic; he's just saying things like "move on" and "there's a lot of them anyway". Again, you love it, but you really wish you could cry about guy being so pretty that it hurts, without him rolling his eyes.
Yet, when you're more in mad mood than mourning one, his attiude is just perfect. He's the one to encourage you to scream, he even brought you a few times to rage room when you needed to smash a few things, not to mention the attiude he was setting you in. Powerful, not giving a shit about a "piece of a man that doesn't deserve you".
Simon sighs. "You're worryin' too much. Really that desperate?"
You huff, as you sink more into the plushy couch in your apartment. "I'm not desperate. It's just…" you take a few seconds to think "being love starved."
"Sex starved, you mean."
"Love starved." you send him a look.
"Mhm. You fancy plushies, hugs, and all shite like this?"
"You're so fucking British, it hurts" you laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, I want something like this. Someone to hold me, someone that cares about me and I know it. Sex comes in package, of course, but it's just… ugh, I want a man" you groaned.
You feel as pathetic as ever, when Simon doesn't respond – because how exactly should he? He wasn't vocal about things like this, he usually just nod his head, and there it was, another topic. A miracle it was that he was already listening to your date rambling, not cutting it off because he was uncomfortable or something.
Dreams about your love life… more girly conversation.
Mostly – you know guys who loved talking about it, obviously, and you adore it pretty much, especially when you can know their perspective on some things, but… Riley wasn't really one of them. He had "simple hookups" as he said one day, when you asked him about doing double-dates. It wasn't even an option, he just liked to ocassionally fuck and that's all.
So you stopped trying a few months ago for a double-date. Instead, you focused more on finding a man that would meet your expectations at least in the middle, and that was exhausting, to be honest. Tinder dates were just a disaster after disaster – if it wasn't some catfish, a guy that wanted to marry you and have kids after two weeks of writing, it was most definitely a guy with a desire to bang you quickly.
Romance was dead these days, you noticed. That wouldn't keep you away from trying to find someone, though. Patience was a key in things like these.
"Maybe you will set me up with one your friends? It wouldn't suck. You know them." you think out loud.
"Definitely too much wine f'you." Simon takes your glass, and pours all of the liquid to his mouth, swallowing it like it was some kind of juice, not alcohol. "You don't want a guy from military in your life. Trust me."
There's some sternness to his tone, at which you raise your eyebrow. It was just a funny comment from your side, nothing else – you know by the heart that this man doesn't like the idea of connecting his two worlds. "I know, Simon. Just joking, right?"
You place a hand on his. It's a comedic, yet, heartwarming view, when you see the size difference.
"And, you're pretty cool for a military guy."
He huffs. It seems like pretty cool offends him, but he doesn't say it out loud, so it can be only your imagination working. "You met me before I enlisted. 's different."
"How different?"
"You knew me before military."
He doesn't give you another answer that night, nor the continuation of this one – he brushes you off, like you are some kind of bug that is disturbing him, and brings up another topic, about his deployment. He asks if you can watch his apartment when he's gone, take care of it; it's stupid, Simon knows that you will always agree, but it's the need of asking you anyway.
And, he likes coming home, where he can smell your perfume, where he can see that you made some changes. You tend to do that a lot, mostly buying stuff to his apartment. "It looks worse than room in the hospital" you always say, when he cocks his eyebrow with amusement. He doesn't say that, but he finds it really adorable that you care so much, to make his space… cozier, even if he's not really attached to it. Mostly, it's for your comfort when you come to visit him, and that happens a lot; not like he minds it. Anyone else would be banned from his apartment, but you? Oh God, you wouldn't be, not in the milion years.
You could probably be the worst ever to him; call him names, punch, anything, and he would still be your Simon. It's what he was used to, to being by your side, no matter what time, no matter if you were in the good mood or not; your presence was everything to him.
Not like he'd ever confess that, but it is what you know, silently.
Yet, you are so good to him. Always sending him letters or texting him when he is on deployment. A couple of times, you sent him little things too, if he forgot something, photos included too, but new ones; mostly you captured views, but you were here once or twice. His happiness may not be that visible to outsiders, but his heart is full every time.
"My girl", he'd tell boys when they saw a polaroid of you, swiftly tucking it into his vest because no one was allowed to see it more than three seconds.
Often, Gaz joked if you are actually his girl even if you're not dating, but it sounded so bizzare to Ghost. How would you not be his? Thirteen years of friendship counted as something beyond being only his best friend, no? At least in his mind it was like this. He was used to you dating briefly other guys, but it lasted maybe a few months top. Nothing serious, probably his hookups were more meaningful than your relationships.
So you can easily imagine his confusion, when your mutual friends tell him big news about your new object of interest; someone that he doesn't even know yet, but he's not really his fan on the beggining.
It was just a month of being away.
His eyes are on you now; you are embarrassed, looking anywhere but at him. You don't even speak, you just wave your hand in dismissive manner, trying to change the topic because you don't really want to talk about it. Not in the presence of your best friend, at least.
It works for everyone but Simon, and you know it by the way he looks at you, processing what he just heard. Changing a topic, sudden talkativeness from your side is like buying time in that, time precious to think what to say to your best friend later on.
Because you know for the fact that he'll ask. He always does, and now he has a reason.
You have your reasons why you haven't told him. "It's nothing serious. That's why I didn't tell you." your voice is a little more silent than usual, but he can hear it anyway. You two are taking a walk to your apartment with no one around; and it's awkward one.
Simon seems like he doesn't want to say anything about your poor choice of men. It worries you; he always wanted somehow to make fun of you or make comment. Now, it's just a nod, like he gets it, but you know it's not it. He doesn't get it.
But you don't know what it is.
"C'mon!" you nudge him, and when it doesn't seem to affect him, you stand right in front of him. A little wobbly because of alcohol, your vision isn't so great too, but it makes him stop in his tracks. "Say something."
"Somethin'" he grumbles, and you can't help but roll your eyes. "What? Told me-"
"-I know what I told you!" you cup his face in your hands. Your head is a bit hazy, but the intensions are clear; making him talk and soft. It always works, so you have a lot of hope. "He's a good guy, but I want to meet him a bit closer to be… certain about him, you know? You've heard me whining about boys a bit too much."
"You can tell me everything." he muses, and you can't help but smile at that. Of course – of course you can tell him everything. You never doubted it for a second, and you think of yourself as stupid, doubting that he wouldn't want to hear about it. "Ill be the judge of that, though. Good guy thing."
"I can't be trusted?" you tease, and when he lets out a low chuckle, you grin even more. It's like a reward after him being his grumpy self.
"No." he shakes his head. "You don't know what is good for you. But that's why I'm here."
Under the influence of alcohol, you didn't pay too much of attention to his words; probably you wouldn't pay attention to it even if he'd say this when you are sober. Simon as your protector – it's so natural, you don't even need to think about it as something weird. It's just the way things are for thirteen years, everyone knows this.
Your friends, who were a bit reluctant on the beggining, but two parties later, when he joined the competition of drinking on time and wasn't drunk at all, he won over their hearts.
It was tougher with your parents, when you were in highschool. A little distanced at first, they constantly asked where were his parents (which, you told them, was rude asking, especially to his face), telling you how much of a bad news he could be for you. Suggestion of him ruining your future was the worst, you never thought of him this way; that discussion caused you to give them the silent treatment for a few days.
Apparently after that, suggesting that Simon is around you too much, clinging to your side and giving you "weird glances", they stopped the narrative, admitting that the boy might be damaged, but not broken. You still felt like they're judging their every move, but seeing that he had pretty good life plan, seeing that he thought about military and went here actually? Hell, they completely stopped being suspicious in any means.
Riley just had this thing of charming people, even if they didn't like him in the beggining. He had everything under his finger, trying to keep things under control – it was like that… pretty much since the beggining of his life. You met him when he was an adult, but he always liked to keep things under control; people, things that he cared about. What belonged to him was sacred, untouchable for anyone else.
The possessiveness started in his early childhood with toys, when he absolutely despised everyone who just wanted to touch his things, to lay their dirty, filthy fingers here. In early classes, it was considered just rude.
When he was older though, he started fighting for various things. Knowing he has the advantage, he used his legs, fists, when he had to, and no one was looking, besides the actual victim. He wasn't stupid; he knew how troublesome the public can be, he also knew the power of manipulation a bit too well to get caught so easily. Wasn't the plan, getting caught; it once happened, but because he wanted to; he even broke his own nose, making it like the other guy did it, just to get what he needed. The reputation of kid who was broken in the childhood, so he's just not opening on others was… suitable, for him. No one could suspect anything, especially when the kid just happened to be "attacked" by one of the popular ones, right?
The idea of power was something that Simon truly desired from the beggining; maybe it has something to do with the lack of his parents in his life, being transferred from one foster family to another. Maybe it's just him being a little fucked up – who knows.
What mattered, was the fact he had you. You, so sweet, so considerate to be by his side, to be protected by him, to be the person who "opened" because of her. Little did you know, he opened just because he wanted to be closer to you, not those fuckers you hang out with.
If you knew his past, you would have another reasons in mind, why he showed up to meet your potential new boyfriend. Jealousy, posessiveness, power complex, him being a control freak who can't give you to anyone he personally doesn't trust – if ever, considering you were his precious best friend. He isn't willing to share.
You aren't really aware of him being this crazy. You think of his flaws, and you see someone that has been damaged, someone that you can and will help, if he just asks for it – or if you'll see he needs it. So, naturally, you help, and grin the widest you can, when you see him in the door. He shows completely unexpected. It doesn't take you long to wrap your hands around his neck, tight, as you hug him.
Happy as always because you can see your friend, happy as ever because moments like these means a lot to you. When he's deployed, you can't even see him, so you're taking all in when he's right in front of you.
"Hope 'm not interruptin'." he murmurs into your hair, as his head is practically buried in them; he has to bend down a little to be at your level, but it's something he enjoys. The power.
"Never." you say immediately, not even hesitating in your statement. "Actually, you found a pretty good moment."
"That I did, eh?" his eyebrow arches, as he straightens up.
"As always. Nick's here, you have to meet him."
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reiderwriter · 9 months
♦️There Are No Words Left to Speak ♦️
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Chapter 5 of That's What You Get
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X Fem Reader
Summary: In a panic, you spill your guts to Penelope and receive some much needed advice before your "date" with Reid.
Warnings: None!!
A/N: This one is 4k words long because I absolutely could not help myself 😭 I've has a lot of messages and asks about this series lately, and it's been really encouraging to see! If you like this chapter, please comment or reblog and let me know or come chat with me in my inbox! Happy Reading!!
You can find my masterlist here and the series masterlist here.
"Penelope, I fucked up and I need your advice," you screamed into the room as soon as the door slammed open, startling the other woman as she threw her phone up in surprise. 
"Jesus, Y/N, you're lucky I didn't reach for the all too full can of pepper spray I store in here, oh my god."
"I'm sorry, Pen, I'm just, I'm kinda freaking out, and I need your help."
"Are we going to need wine, or are we going to need ice cream and a chick flick? What kind of problem are we talking here?" she asked from her place at the desk. 
"I married Spencer in Vegas." You said and then clamped your hand over your mouth as you finally let the pressure of the weekends mess seep out of you now that you'd shared your secret. 
"Oh my god, both, we'll do both. We need both, let's go, let's go now."
Penelope drove the two of you home, immediately moving into a mothering role as soon as the words left your mouth, and she could see your impending implosion. You were grateful that she didn’t ask you any further questions as you made your way back to her apartment, just turning on the radio to a channel playing 90s pop hits and simply letting you calm down through the fun music. 
When you finally got through her door, she let you get comfortable and then immediately came back with all the things she promised. 
“Okay, I know you’re more a rose girl, but all I have is this really nice white that Derek got me for my last birthday and half a bottle of tequila, and I think it’s better for the both of us if we don’t open the tequila. Also, I have chocolate, cookie dough ice cream, and tissues, and When Harry Met Sally on DVD, I'm ready to be plugged in and played as soon as you say the word.” 
“Penelope, we do not tell you how brilliant you are as often as we should.” 
“While that is true, I’m trying my best not to immediately cave and ask you to spill, so can we please sing my praises after you explain what you mean by saying you married Spencer.” 
“God, Penelope, I don’t know what happened,” you let your head hang in your hands and she immediately moved to sit closer to you, rubbing a hand over your back and getting the tissues ready. 
“We went out drinking, and my mom got in my head earlier in that call I took, and I don’t remember anything and then I woke up and we were in bed together and-” you rambled out, lifting your head up as you tried to explain, but she cut you off quickly there.
“You were in bed together? Did you… you know, bump uglies with Spencer? Do the old in n’ out? Sorry, I’m making this worse, I’ll shut up now,” she said, but you laughed at her enthusiasm, and you felt more of the weekend’s tension leave your body. You knew that you had made the right decision coming to Penelope with this. She always knew how to make you feel better. 
“I don’t know, but it looks like it. TMI but-”
“Hold on, I don’t think I want to know what the Good Doctor is like in bed.” She visibly shuddered, and you let out another shaky laugh. 
“Well considering I remember none of it, you’d be hard pressed to get those details from me. I did wake up handcuffed to the bed, though.” 
“Shut the front door, no you did not!” Penelope’s jaw dropped. “Oh god, I’m almost morbidly curious, but I don’t want to open that can of worms. Sorry, please continue.” 
You took a swig of the wine she poured you and relaxed a bit further into her couch, pulling your legs up under you to find a more comfortable position as you told the rest of your story to Penelope, gaining more confidence with each of her reactions to what you told her. 
“So, now we just need to track down our two witnesses and get the marriage quietly annulled, and we can forget it ever happened.” You could hear the frown in your voice before you realised you were making that kind of expression, and from Penelope’s reaction, you could see that she’d noticed too. 
“Oh.. oh, I know that look. You don’t want the annulment, do you?” 
“Yes! I mean, no! Look, I really don’t know how to answer that right now, it’s just…” you trailed off, and Penelope silently filled your wine glass again, not saying anything and letting you come around at your own pace. 
“Earlier today, after we told Rossi, and before I came running to you, he… he kissed my forehead, and he called me Mrs. Reid, and I really liked it. And I didn’t think about it before, but Reid is nice, and he is good, and he is obviously really smart, and, god  he’d be a great dad, and he took care of me yesterday and today… Penelope, I think I have a crush on my husband.” You gasped out, feeling the weight of your revelation as it hit you straight in the gut. 
“But we talked about it and we’re getting an annulment and now it’s like I fucked up before I really got the chance to let it go anywhere, and what if it’s a mistake? What if I made the world’s greatest fuck up and married a great man in Vegas and then threw it all away a week later?” you raked your hand through your hair quickly, trying to ignore the tears forming quickly in your eyes. 
“Oh my god, sweetie, it’s going to be okay… You’re going to have to trust me when I tell you that it’s going to be okay…” she patted you on the back and you let the tears fall down a bit, quickly dabbing them away with the now balled up tissue in your hand. 
“I don’t know if I can, Pen…” you tried to smile up at her, but you could feel your lips wobbling and you let your head hang again before you could let out a choked sob. 
“No, nonononoonono, listen to me… Okay, promise you won’t hate me after I say this?” She said, squishing your cheeks between her hands as she made you look up into her eyes. 
“I pwomise,” you sniffed out, voice muffled by her strong grip. She let you go then, content that she had your attention. 
“I know for a fact that the boy is as infatuated with you as you are with him because… because I saw you two.” She stopped there to watch your reaction, but you froze, so she continued.
“You… you called me from wherever you guys were out in Vegas, mumbled some words over the phone and then sent me a picture of a brochure with an address on it, and then when I turned up it was a wedding chapel and you were getting married.” She winced out those last words, and you gasped at the confession. 
“You were one of the witnesses! Penelope!” You pointed an accusatory finger at her, but it was half-hearted. You knew that you were stubborn enough while sober. You certainly wouldn’t have been persuaded out of something you obviously wanted while blackout drunk. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, but you guys were just too cute! He was giving you all these small kisses on your forehead and on your cheeks, and you looked like innocent kids giddy and high on love, and I didn’t want to bring you back down to earth. You looked so happy, and I do not make it a habit to get in the way of my friends’ happiness.” 
“Penelope, why didn’t you say anything?” You groan out, sounding a bit like a petulant teenager who has just discovered her mom threw out a shirt she hadn’t worn in years. 
“I wanted to, but I was told not to…” she winced away. “And before you ask, I won’t tell you who else was there! Just know it was someone else who also loves both of you and would’ve pulled you two out of there. No questions asked if they thought you were making a stupid decision!” 
You let the revelations sink in, one by one. Penelope was there. Reid couldn’t keep his lips off of you. The other witness thought you two were good together. It almost didn’t surprise you when you started giggling, finding humour in the situation at least. 
“Oh my god, Penelope, I got married in Vegas to my coworker. And I think I’m in love with him now.” You were in a fit of giggles now, and Penelope hesitantly joined in at first. 
“Yeah, I suppose it is funny when you put it that way.” 
“God, what am I going to do? How am I going to face him from now on?” You pulled yourself together again and faced Penelope again, hoping that she would have actual answers for your very rhetorical question. 
“Well, at least we have a couple of days off now. You don’t have to see him again until we go to work.” 
“No, we have a date tomorrow,” you said matter-of-factly. “Appointment, really, he’s reading some books on alcohol induced memory loss tonight, and then I’m going over to his place to see if any of it can help us fill in the blanks.” 
“Oh god, you’re going to talk books with Reid. That’s practically as romantic as it gets for him. No wonder he wifed you up.” You playfully kicked her leg, and she laughed again. “Okay, so no avoidance, okay. Maybe you could put the moves on him? Try to recreate that scene with the handcuffs. Who knows what might happen.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you then, and you did your best not to once again be overcome by a fit of giggles.
“Okay, enough of my romantic problems. I was promised When Harry Met Sally and that ice cream has probably melted, so let’s get to it.” 
You braced yourself at the apartment door as you psyched yourself up to knock. As promised, you’d been greeted in the morning by a text from Spencer with his address and a proposed time to meet. He’d suggested 5pm, and you’d agreed, but here you were 20 minutes early, probably looking overdressed and over eager to spend time with your coworker/ husband/ soon to be former husband, maybe. 
You’d left Penelope’s apartment that morning, having had an impromptu sleepover, happy that you’d at least confirmed your own feelings. You’d taken a taxi to collect your car, then spent the rest of your time at home overthinking and overpreparing. 
You’d put on a dress and some make-up, and you were almost regretting the decision now you were on his doorstep, wondering what he’d think. You worked one of the toughest jobs in the world together, and you knew that he’d seen you completely black and blue after going blow for blow with unsubs in the past. Would he think this sudden effort was weird? You tried not to pace, knowing that your footsteps in the hall would alert him to your presence, but you couldn’t bring yourself to knock just yet. 
You checked your phone again. 4:45. You couldn’t spend another fifteen minutes out here overthinking, so you finally just pushed ahead and knocked. Almost as if he had been waiting on the other side of the door this entire time, Reid answered immediately, not even letting you get a third rap in before he was there standing in front of you. 
“Hi,” you said, standing there awkwardly with your hand still up, ready to knock again. 
“Hey,” he replied, smiling at you. 
You felt his eyes trail down your body, taking in your appearance. The dress you’d chosen wasn’t particularly special, just a mid-length tiered dress with bow straps. The weather was getting chillier so you’d layered it over a plain turtleneck, enjoying the added bonus of not having to conceal down your neck to mask the love bites he’d lavished upon you only a few nights prior. 
You looked at him as well, and you were pleasantly surprised by his casual wear. He was more dressed down than he was in the office, but not by much. He was still wearing slacks, and a button down shirt as well, but he’d thrown a beaten up CalTech sweater over the top of them, and he looked so cosy you wanted to bury your head in his chest. He was wearing his glasses, and you were so thankful for that, as you forgot how well they suited him, fitting him perfectly. 
“You’re early.” He said, finally breaking the silence between the two of you, drawing you out of the trance he’d kept you in while you took in the sight of him. 
“Yeah, I guess I just overestimated how long it was going to take to get here. Is that okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s great, totally fine. Come in.” He moved his body to the side slightly so you could enter the door, but kept his outer arm pressed against the door so you had to duck under it, brushing past him as you went. The small contact made your entire body buzz, your heartrate picking up as you willed yourself to act natural. 
“The food should be here any minute.” He smiled as he followed you back into his apartment. “I wanted it to arrive before you got here so I could surprise you.” You turned around to face him, and you could hear the bashfulness in his voice as he made the admission. 
“Sorry for ruining the surprise,” you smiled up at him. “What did you order?” 
“I remembered you mentioned that Korean streetfood place a while back that does those spicy rice cakes and kimbap rolls, so I got us some of that. Is that okay?” 
“Sounds perfect.” You were touched that he even remembered the conversation when you yourself couldn’t even think of when it might have happened. He turned and walked further into the apartment, and you followed him this time, finally looking around and taking it all in. 
The walls were obviously lined with bookshelves, and there were books laying around in piles everywhere. The walls were painted a dark colour, which made the space feel calming, almost more intimate, and sunlight was streaming in from the open window on the back wall. 
“Sorry, it’s not much. Take a seat wherever, and I’ll grab those books I was talking about.” 
You took a seat on the couch and watched him trail around the room, picking up books from several shelves and stacks. 
“Okay, this is all of them. So the main takeaway is that it usually takes two weeks to fully recover memories from alcohol induced blackouts.” He explained, bringing you a stack at least eight books high. 
“Spencer, did you read all of these last night?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I said I would, I thought it would help.” 
“Spencer,” you took his hand into yours as he set the books on the floor and flopped down to the couch beside you. “I really appreciate you putting in all this effort to help us, but you could’ve just come home and relaxed, you know. Our case was long and tough, and now all of this, you deserve a break.” You stroked your thumb over the back of his hand, trying to make the gesture calm and reassuring. 
“I know, I wanted to do this. I want to remember what happened between us,” he whispered the words softly, not needing to fill the space with much sound as you’d crept closer and closer together since he’d returned. 
“So, uh, two weeks then, is that it, we just have to wait for the memories to return?” you asked quietly, letting go of the small moment you’d shared to get back to the task at hand. 
“It seemed so, but there are some other more general tips we could implement that could help us piece together what happened. We might at least be able to figure out who our witnesses were.” 
You felt almost guilty then, but you kept your mouth shut. You’d decided the night before that you wouldn’t tell Reid about Penelope. At least not yet. You wanted the time first to see if he could possibly feel the same way about you before you worked up the courage to let him in on what you had learnt. 
“Yeah, I’m open to try anything. Within reason, that is.” 
“Great! I was thinking at first that maybe we could do a cognitive interview, but as we only have each other to work with, I thought that might make some of our answers more biased and not garner effective results. But we could still try to jog our memories by working out some of the same emotions, doing some things we could have done that night, and seeing if any of it rings a bell?” 
“Some of the things we did that night?” 
“Yeah,” he repled. 
“Like… like make out or get handcuffed to a bed?” You enjoyed watching the flush creep up his neck, and his eyes go wide as he struggled to backtrack on that one. 
“No, no! I mean, unless you want to, or you think it would help?” It was your turn to be left speechless, your mouth suddenly not complying with your brain as you begged yourself to respond somehow. All you could muster was a glance down at his lips that lingered a bit too long, your body slowly creeping forward. 
He noticed and moved closer towards you as well, letting his hand grasp your waist as you got caught in his atmosphere. 
“It’s worth a try, right? To regain our memories.” He supplied you with the words, letting you stay silent as your lips grew closer and closer together, seconds away from taking your breath away forever. 
A loud rap at the door and a shout of “delivery” had the two of you suddenly bouncing away from each other, Reid scrambling to the door to collect the food, while you stood up awkwardly and tried to pretend there was something really interesting on his bookshelf that had caught your attention all of a sudden. 
For the Nth time in so many days, you found yourself trying to convince your heart to beat a little quieter, and you managed to get yourself under control as he returned with the food.
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time…” he trailed off as you nodded, joining him back at the couch as he began unpacking the food. 
“It’s totally fine, we should eat anyways, trust me when I say this stuff doesn’t taste even half as good cold.” You smiled at him, but it didn’t go quite to your eyes. You really wanted to kiss him, and you were really doing your best to control your disappointment, not wanting to show off how desperate for him you were. 
“Well, you’re in luck, because you now get to witness one of my only flaws,” he said, fishing out two sets of chopsticks from the delivery bag. “I am absolutely terrible with chopsticks.” 
You giggled at him and grabbed the pair he offered you, letting out a dramatic fake gasp. “And you only tell me after we get married? That’s it, I want a divorce,” you laugh, and the two of you settle down into a comfortable silence as you begin your meal. 
Two hours later, and you’re still no closer to locking lips with the man than you were earlier. You’d had a nice time talking with him over the food, both of you sitting like kids on the floor as you ate over his coffee table. He’d told you about a Korean film festival he’d attended a few years back, one of many international film festivals he’d been to, and you sat and listened, in awe of the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something that excited him. You hoped that one day, he’d talk about you in that same way. 
You helped him clean up and settled back onto the couch, where he’d mentioned having a copy of one of the films that had since been subtitled, and you ended up in another movie marathon.
The movie was good, but his presence next to you was even better. He’d stretched out his arms on the couch behind you, letting you snuggle up into his side as you pulled your legs up and under you, screwing yourself up in a comfortable little ball, burrowing into him for warmth. He was a fire beside you, and you wished you were bold enough to push further into him, to drag your hands across his skin and feel even more of him, continuing the exploration from earlier. But you weren’t, and, honestly, you were tired, so you let yourself sit peacefully beside him, touching but not much, as you were lulled to sleep by the sounds of the TV. 
It was pitch black outside when you finally cracked your eyes open again, but he was still there next to you on the couch. The movie had been turned off, and so had the TV, and there was a blanket now wrapped around your legs, so he had obviously moved, but he had also come back to you. You shifted your head up to look at him and smiled. He’d picked up another book from who knows what shelf and was reading slowly so as not to wake you with the movements of his hand as he traced down the page. Your head had moved from his chest to his lap, and he held the book off to the side in one hand, his other resting protectively over your waist. He was so engrossed by his book that he hadn’t even realised you’d moved and that you were awake until you spoke to him. 
“Spencer? What time is it?” you asked, your voice thick with sleep. 
“It’s 11:30. You fell asleep during the movie and you looked like you could use the sleep.” 
“Wow, what a way to tell a girl she doesn’t look so good,” you laughed at him as he pouted down at you. 
“I didn’t mean that. Y/N, you look beautiful today. You look beautiful everyday.” 
You lifted yourself up from his lap, one hand braced on either side of his legs on the couch as you bought yourself eye-to-eye with him, your chests close enough to touch if you took a big breath in. Instead, yours were shallow as you looked up at him through heavy eyes. 
“Thank you, Spencer.” You whispered, silently begging him to close the space between the two of you. But he didn’t, instead, clearing his throat and putting his book down, breaking your eye contact. 
“I should be getting home now. It’s pretty late.” You said, standing up from the couch. He followed you up and around as you started collecting your things and organising the space you’d occupied. 
“Y/N it’s late, and you’re tired. I can’t let you drive home like that. An estimated 30% of road accidents occur due to sleep deficiency, you know.” 
“It’s fine, I don’t want to get a taxi and just leave my car here and then have to come back in the morning. I’ll be fine driving,” you said, but he softly took the keys out of your hands as you grabbed them from your bag. 
“Stay here tonight.” He said, less of a suggestion than an already established fact. You looked up at him and knew there was no changing his mind, but he continued anyway. 
“I have a spare toothbrush and some old clothes you can probably use as pajamas, and it’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before. Maybe…maybe waking up next to each other again will help jog our memories, too. We only have until the end of the week, right?” 
He looked at you expectantly, and you let out a little sigh and nodded your head, letting him guide you away to the bedroom and back into sleeping in his arms. 
🏷 @w-windy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @doriantomybasil @shqwqrma @shits8gigs
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keerysfreckles · 1 month
enough for you — MV1
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pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader
summary: max finds himself at the losing end of a bar fight, and he has no where else to go but your own apartment.
warnings: she/her pronouns, google translated dutch, slight swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
a/n: idk how i feel abt this one..
masterlist !
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you haven't heard from max in years. the two of you had an awful falling out. years of you being best friends, turned into a budding relationship. only for it to be thrown away when you caught max with another girl in your apartment.
you hated him for it. you still do. since then you haven't spoken a single word to each other, and you were hoping to keep it that way.
nothing changed in your nightly routine as you re-heated left overs from lunch, and put on a classic romcom you found on netflix.
your life definitely changed when you and max stopped talking. charles and carlos stopped going to your apartment. you didn't hang out with lando or pierre as much anymore. most of the grid completely ghosted you, besides checo. he knew how hard it was for you to move on after max, he was there for you every step of the way.
your routine however was interrupted by a loud knock on your apartment door. you paused the movie, just as jane was about to show kevin all 27 bridesmaids dresses.
you look over your appearance quickly in your small hallway mirror before opening the door.
"what the hell are you doing here?" you snap.
max fucking verstappen was on the other side of the doorway. his knuckles dark red, stained with blood. his hair was messy, also containing remnants of blood. as if he wes running his fingers through it on the way here. a small bruise started to form underneath his eye, only going to grow in the next hour.
his shuddered breathing took over as he spoke, "i had no where else to go liefje." darling.
you immediately shook your head, "don't call me that."
all max did was look down, another thing seeming to go wrong for him tonight.
you open the door wider and step to the side, silently letting him in your apartment. all of the memories come flooding back with every step he takes, in the space he used to live.
you ordered him to wait in your bedroom while you went in the opposite direction, torwards your bathroom.
you grabbed everything you could; wipes, bandaids, disinfectant. you quickly went back to the kitchen to grab an ice pack for his growing bruise.
"het spijt me, liefje," i'm sorry darling his voice is raspy when you sit beside him on your bed.
you don't respond at first, thinking of the right words to say. you simply hand him the icepack as you start cleaning his left hand.
after moments of silence, your curiosity gets the best of you. "what happened?" you ask.
his adams apple bobs, before he takes a deep breath. "these guys at the bar i was at were talking about you."
your eyebrows furrorw, "me? why would strangers be talking about me?"
max turns to face you more snd shrugged, "one of them mentioned being on a date with you, and all they could think about was," he pauses. you stop your movements and look max in the eyes, encouraging him to go on. "he kept saying how much of a bang you'd be."
you and max both grimace. you knew what he was reffering to though. you were planning on going on a date later in the week with a guy you met from one of your friends. you make a mental note to yourself to stand up the asshole.
"so why did you get into a fight?" you continue wiping the blood from his knuckles, hearing him hiss before he spoke again.
"i couldn't just sit there while he was talking so badly of you. so i asked to talk to him outside, and i tried defending you. i really did."
you run your fingers over his hand, calming him before he starts to ramble.
he continues, "it was no use though. he obviously won," he sighs, his shoulders dropping.
you still couldn't believe the words that came out of max's mouth. even after years of silence between you two, he proved he would still do anything for you. you couldn't help but let your heart beat for him.
his eyes land on your intertwined hands. "i've missed you liefje." his voice is quiet, and you think you've heard him incorrectly at first.
you chuckle drly. "don't. don't do that max."
he brings his hand away from yours. "what? i can't be honest with you anymore?"
you shake your head for the second time tonight, starting to get tired of max's moodswings again.
you don't know why you let max in again in the first place. in your apartment, and in your heart. maybe you thought he changed, but that wasn't the case.
you throw the supplies down in your bathroom, not caring where they land in the process.
"get out," you storm into your room.
silently, max stands and heads in the direction of your front door.
"glad to know you haven't changed," he mumbles, probably thinking you dont hear him.
"excuse me?"
he turns, right before he was about to leave from your life again.
"you were never one to deal with change. when my feelings started changing about you, you threw me out."
you can't help but laugh, "no, no! that is not what happened. you cheated on me after i told you i wasn't ready to move to monaco with you."
max rolls his eyes, only irritating you more.
you move around him to open the door, "get out," you demand again.
he does as you say, rubbing his hands over his face and sighs.
"i've never stopped loving you," he states, just before you slam the door in his face.
you shake your head once again, but he continues.
"i still care about you, and i know you still care about me. you wouldn't have let me in tonight if you didn't."
"just leave max," the irritation starts making it's way to your throat, making your words tight.
max shakes his head, "i can't leave knowing damn well i want you in my life again."
"what if i don't want you in mine?"
max places his hands on his hips, "we both know that's a lie."
max points behind you, "you still have the tv stand you and i put together right after we started dating."
you're about to tell him to leave again, but he continues.
"in your room, you still had the paintings we made on our third date after we both got drunk. your shoes are still organized by color, thanks to my doing. you still have the ice pack i gave you when you hit your head at my place trying to cheer me up after a bad race."
you're at a loss for words, speechless because of max's confession.
"i still love you liefje, and i don't think i can ever stop." his voice cracks. once you don't answer his shoulders drop again. you watch him finally leave your doorway, walking into the rain that started to drop from dark clouds.
you cover your face, contemplating what you should do. part of you wants to close your door. to let max out of your life once and for all. but the other part of you wants to run to him. to hold him again.
you run out of your apartment, without shoes and without a jacket. you weren't entirely sure what you were doing, or what you were going to say. but you couldn't turn around now, you were already grabbing on his arm.
"you remember those things?"
max is quiet, looking down at you. you wonder what he could be thinking. but right now you can't help but make a fool of yourself.
you start to ramble, as your words come out rushed.
"max you know i can't leave you. i– i just can't. you cross my mind more times than i want to admit. i don't hate you, and i don't want you to leave. sometimes i turn on a race just to know if you're still doing okay. i haven't lived my life properly since you left. and yes max, i know i'm supposed to be mad at you, but truth is i can't."
you finally stop to take a full breath, and you make eye contact with max again. you see the small smirk resting on his face. his now wet hair was causing water droplets to drip down his forehead and onto his nose.
"are you just gonna stand there and make me continue rambling?" you wipe the rain from your eyes.
max shrugs with a playfulness hidden behind his words, "yeah, it's kind of cute seeing you flustered."
a blush rises to your cheeks, at his next words.
"it just makes me want to kiss you more."
within 2 seconds, max's hands cup your cheeks before he connects his lips to yours. you grab onto his wrists gently, stabilizing yourself. you've missed his lips more than you want to admit. the softness of his lips is contradicting to your own chapped ones.
you move your hands to his hair, gripping at the short strands towards the back of his neck. a beautiful throaty groan fills your mouth, and god you've never wanted to be closer to him than you are right now.
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highhhfiveee · 6 months
safety net [p3] (pornstar!mike schmidt x reader)
part two: 🚿 | part four: 🏆
tags: lots of mentions of porn, smut (descriptions of sex being filmed, featuring unprotected sex, dirty talk, clit rubbing, squirting, some workplace intimacy lmao), angst?, exposition! reader gets a taste of mike's world and things begin to shift. proofread many times but if there are still errors, idk what to say lmao
"i know right," you say plainly, eyes wide at your best friend, claire, as you take a large gulp of your hot latte. claire cuts her gaze to you, puffing her cheeks out in a sigh. you were always so in awe by her, the feeling proved once again when she'd actually agreed wholeheartedly to view your boyfriend's porn.
"i still don't believe that you're dating him," she sputters with outrage as she points to your computer on the dining room table, open to a still of mike with dick in hand, coming on some dark-haired girl's keen face. "and i don't believe it even more so because you decided to wait six months before telling me. i thought we were best friends!"
you can tell her outrage is whimsical by the way she faints into your arms, and you reach forward to catch her. 
"yeah but, like, best friends from adolescence that don't see each other very often. last time i saw you was three months ago." 
"okay, but by then you'd been dating him for three months, and that's almost half a year!" 
"barely, claire." 
you couldn't even believe that you were dating him. you hadn't known how you two went from meeting outside an underwhelming, overpriced restaurant to making out and cuddling intimately in mike's bed four out of seven days a week. it'd felt like no time had passed at all; you'd just been living without thinking. mike took every worry off your shoulders, freeing you of anxiety in so many ways that you couldn't believe someone that caring and accommodating was real.
he paid for your sessions after you'd mindlessly rambled about not being able to afford this therapist you really liked. he sent you the credentials to his grocery delivery membership, encouraging you to get anything you wanted or needed. you could finally consistently get things that were good, and healthy. he paid your rent, and respected the fact that you didn't want to move in with him and wanted autonomy to work and pay for your other personal expenses.
"i just want you to be happy. you tell me what you want, and we'll make it happen."
he had you and it didn't feel real. you felt like you couldn't tell anyone about it, terrified that everything would crumble if you spoke even a word about him being your partner, so sweet and good and rewarding. you didn't want to hide him, but you didn't want things to collapse. not this time. 
you wouldn't be able to take it this time. 
you explain all this to claire, ending with, "i'm sorry it took so long. i just really want this to last." you'd told her about everything, even about dating simon briefly and how he led you to mike. 
claire nods, chewing on a wedge of pineapple speared by a fork. she's given up her fainting performance, once again munching on her breakfast and clicking the pad on your laptop. the video you two were watching resumes, and you watch her face for bit, eyes shifting around the screen in intrigue, before turning back to it as well.
"you deserve it, y/n. that simon guy sounded like a dickhead. an expired card, and the bathroom excuse? fucking lame." her voice doesn't chop through the amplified sound of both mike and the girl moaning, whiny and feral. they're absolutely gone, and you're really not thinking about simon anymore. fuck him. 
now, you thought of mike.
granted, you hadn't been like the people in mike's videos, up to a certain point. you'd done the kissing and the heavy petting, but you hadn't had sex at all, in any form, and he didn't pressure you into feeling like it was some sort of requirement. he agreed with taking it slow, placing emphasis on the romantic before the sexual. you knew there would be no issues with the sexual; why rush into it when you could have the slow burn, all the tension you wanted up until you were ready?
mike hadn't fought it, and yeah, you thought, you did deserve it. you deserved to be treated like this. 
"called me over for an art date, i guess you still painted," the girl mewls with a devilish smile, licking at mike's---sorry, chase cox's---come around her mouth. 
"mhm, baby. masterpiece, if i do say so myself." mike is so pretty on the screen; sweaty and flustered, but so confident at the same time, polite too. even when he's in an act, he's so attentive; he moves hair away from eyes and wipes spit off chins and cradles waists while he adjusts his hips to hit various angles, turning almost everyone he filmed with into a "braindead fucktoy"---claire's filthy words, not yours (though you didn't mind the idea). 
the video ends with a snippet of aftercare, the both of them wiping at each other's bodies with gentle motions. it's how they all end, and you think it's really nice, showing a crucial part of sex that most people forgo. you'd seen plenty of mike's videos by now, and knew that while some were vastly more kinky than others, they all followed the same formula of care, concern, and curtesy. 
you could tell mike lived by that, too. 
"well, i gotta scoot to work," claire murmurs, leaning down to grab for her bag. "but thank you for inviting me to breakfast so you could show and tell me that you've been dating a wildly handsome, generous, and charismatic sex worker. best videos i've seen by far, honestly. are you seeing him today?" 
you nod sheepishly, and claire laughs into the sky, doctored with comical bitterness. "well, let the record show that i am both extremely jealous and extraordinarily happy for you." she gives you a toothy smile, poking at your shoulder with both index fingers. "seriously. you deserve it all." 
you carry this thought with you as you ride in one of the company's chartered cars, traversing through the roads to their main studio, the biggest one in the city. there were only 4 throughout the metro area, but this one, a gigantic penthouse isolated at the top of a 275-foot tall apartment complex, had the most space and atmosphere of them all. you remember coming here to take your picture for the all-access card mike had given you. he was so happy to gift it to you a few months ago, finally getting through after bugging the execs to give him another card with unhindered access for months. 
"finally got the hard copy, just for you. got your name on it and everything," he'd smiled so wide, clipping it on one of his merch lanyards; white with black, serif text that read, "chase cox world domination". you'd fallen over in laughter, kissing at his cheeks while thanking him between giggles. 
you hadn't been here many times over the last three months, but when you were, you were able to slip through every door and security checkpoint without hassle. people knew who you were and attended to you, telling you exactly where mike was in the studio or offering to get you any refreshments or sundries you were after. you'd always declined, extending extreme gratitude to everyone servicing you, but today, you ask for a bottle of fancy artesian water. you deserve it. 
the few times you'd been here before were usually half-hours after mike had finished a scene, helping him pack up to head home for the day, but this time, you'd come early, wanting to catch a glimpse of him at work. 
you take the elevator to the top, stepping out into the concrete foyer of the industrial workspace. the gray of the material was accented with bright art and other pops of color in furniture and decor that conveyed the new age principles and ideology of the production company. it made sense why the videos were so honored, with the people behind them being young and progressive and on the right side of history (and design). 
there are eight rooms on the floor; three for shooting, three for aesthetics and dressing, one for an office, and one for storage. there were bathrooms in three of them and two down the main hallway that opened into the formal living room/break area and kitchen. you'd been told that mike was in the hunger room; this one set up for messier, more bodily fluid oriented videos, as opposed to the softer passion and kinkier desire shooting rooms. 
the rooms are all hidden behind frosted, sliding glass doors with the titles printed onto placards affixed next to them. you find hunger after walking a little, and gently pull on the handle. the door slides open soundlessly, and you're closing it behind you as you step inside, your eyes locked on the scene in front of you. 
mike and his partner are arranged on a leather couch in a living room set, his hips shoving into her in this perceptive way. he's reading her body language and reacting accordingly, and you can see why she's moaning so genuinely, feet dangling by the ankle over mike's shoulders. the couch is already drenched in liquid, wet and puddled under the girl's ass.
he grabs for the back of the couch to go deeper, leaning down to press kisses on her lips as the cameraman focuses in on where they're connected. the sound is so lewd, and it makes you press your thighs together as you watch alongside the small production crew. 
"feel good? happy to have a friend like me? someone who knows you, knows your body? someone who makes you feel better and come harder than your stupid fucking boyfriend?" his partner mewls out a broken, exasperated, "y-yyesssss" between gritted teeth as her moans get higher and higher pitched. suddenly, she's reaching at mike's back to scratch at his skin, screaming out as mike leans off to the side of her, massaging his fingertips over her clit and cooing, "yeah, just let go. know he's never made you feel like this, wasting this perfect pussy..."
his partner squirts against the camera with a screech, loud and raw but pretty. the lens is covered in a heavy spray of bodily fluid as she arches her back and grinds her mound into mike's hand, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. "that's fucking it," he encourages, speaking in her ear as he looks down at the mess in his peripherals and rides her through it. "just the way you deserve." you swear he locks eyes with you when he says it, and he only confirms it with the small smirk he throws your way, managing to fit it into the ending of the shot. his eyes twinkle through the aftercare segment, and he talks with his spent coworker, calling, "she just wants to sit for a second" to a PA with a chuckle. 
"okay, ten minute break and then we're shooting the come shot."
her legs slowly straighten out as mike throws the towel he's handed around his waist and slides his feet into the slippers stored behind the couch. he grabs a water from an outstretched hand as he makes his way over to you, smelling like sweat and sex and glistening with this nearly angelic post-fuck glow. it's like he's coming down from the gates of porn heaven.
"hi, my love," he muses, pulling you into a tight hug before saying, "how much did you see?" 
"like right before the squirting. it's very..." you're not sure what to say, really. maybe, just maybe, you need to change your underwear, but you don't want to be weird about it. you're sure he's heard weird, and beyond weird, but you want to maintain composure in front of his coworkers. you give him a tight smile, resting your hand on his pulsing bicep. "just makes me think things." 
"maybe we should add 'thought-provoking' to the list of labels for the company," he jokes, taking a sip of water while winking at you. "you're a genius, baby." 
you're giggling along with him, opening your mouth to continue the joke when two tanned arms reach from behind him to cross in an X over his chest. a head peeks from behind him, and she's immediately unmistakable to you. 
it's his current scene partner, who is also the girl from the video you watched earlier today. the one eager for his come, whining for him to make a mess of her face while letting him beat his dick on her tongue. you think back to all of the videos you've seen her in where she's with mike. she always comes the hardest working with him, and vice versa. something about it makes you sick. 
she's smiling at his cheek, eyes focused on his as he turns his glance towards her. her arms get tighter around him and you notice how she gets closer, pressing her front tighter against his back. "caught your breath?" 
"you know i always do," she brags, licking at her canines as her stare moves to you, looking you up and down with snarky scrutiny. "casting department's starting to slack." 
you shrink, feeling so small that you don't feel like you're interrupting something anymore. you might as well just not be there, and you're about to sink into pitiful posture when mike snarls, "hey, watch yourself. y/n, this is amelie, and li, this is y/n, my girlfriend. i told you about her." the sound of mike saying the nickname turns to bile in your throat, searing you on the way down and keeping you from speaking.
amelie gives you a blank expression now, standing beside mike with no qualms at being fully naked in front of a stranger. "y/n, y/n...not ringing any bells," she places her hands on her hips, tossing her dark, sex-tousled hair over her collarbones. "sorry."
you don't know why you're daunted by her; you're usually daunted by no one, and able to speak up for yourself when people are acting catty. this time, you can't help but be unnerved by her perfection, or how close she is to it. perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect boobs...
"i'm kidding," amelie's smooth, beguiling voice rips you from your thoughts, and you're gasping for something to say when she continues, "he's shown me endless pictures, and knows that i think you're gorgeous." her tone picks up the tiniest bit as she quips, "my eyes are up here, by the way." she's throwing you off, frustrating you in so many ways and you're just stammering with mike looking between the two of you.
"i'm sorry---"
"it's really fine. millions of people have seen them, everyone's always thirsty for more of me and chase cox..." she drags the end of her sentence out as she runs the tips of her long, cherry red nails along the back of mike's neck, ending in a laugh.
"'mike schmidt' isn't a porn name, we already had this conversation." 
"neither is chase cox, if we're being real," they launch into a chitchat, and you once again feel like you're intruding. there's no denying that they have insane chemistry, but it still rips at you;  you're aware of them having an entire moment in front of you, complete with the body language and glances and suddenly, you don't care about their connection. mike was your boyfriend, and it didn't matter what she said or did. they'd made so many videos together, yet, every night he came home to you, and not her. 
"yeah, well you're still moaning chase when you come," 
"because i can't dox you like that--"
you clear your throat noisily, gaining their attention with an eyeroll, and amelie observes you and your curled lip with recognition of your game. she didn't expect you to have bite, not with the way you look now. you're not the assertive, 'take-no-shit' girl from the pictures mike showed her. she thinks you're merely a hint of that, and that it completely evaporates when someone lights a fire under your ass, but maybe she's wrong for once. "watched a bunch of your stuff. it was really good, you're talented." 
"thanks," her gratitude is dry and bitchy, and you're about to say more when a PA calls a two minute warning and she squints her eyes into slits at you. "hope you're ready to see a lot more of me." she uses mike's shoulder to pivot with a sly smirk, sauntering back to the now wiped down leather couch, ripples coursing through her ass with every step. 
you look to mike with astonishment, wondering where he's been during this whole thing, and who that girl is, and if she's genuine bad news or simply one of those callous girls that guys love to chase.
mike had defended you, sure, but he'd gotten captured too. what if she's indoctrinating him some--
"she's nice," you blurt, stopping yourself from the overthinking you'd resorted to. you needed to be nice to yourself. you deserved this, deserved everything you had with mike. nothing was taking that away from you, and you could feel secure in that. mike would reassure you.
he does, saying, "isn't she?" with a snicker. "don't worry about her, okay? it's her personality, and she does everyone like that, so she's not just targeting you. ignore her, and if you don't like the small jokes either, i can tell her to knock it off. whatever you want. also, lunch after i wrap?" 
you nod your head, about to say something again when the PA announces that it's time for shooting to start back up. mike gives you a fat kiss on the lips as he drops his towel into a director's chair next to you, and makes his way back over to amelie folded on the couch. her knees are by her chin at a filthy angle, and she's using a squeeze bottle with a tapered tip to squeeze shiny lube all over her clit and both holes. 
mike watches, rubbing his hand all through it to spread it around. amelie bites at her lip as he does, staring up at him with eyes that are filled with unadulterated lust, and he uses the leftover lube on his dick, stroking the slippery surface as he gets harder and harder in his hand. 
the director asks them if they're ready, and when they both answer yes, she says, "okay, we're gonna go insertion, sink in, wait five for the kiss, and go from there. alright...rolling...action." 
amelie flicks her eyes to you in a leer, winking at you like mike did earlier as he plunges into her sopping wet walls. her head falls back against the couch while she outstares you, open-mouthed moans transitioning into "cockdrunk" laughs that you know are calculated.  
you begin to chug your bottle of water, deliberately ogling her in return. you were down with playing a game for two, but not for long. 
lord. the hell i've gone through to get this up /: lmao i need to go to bed. things are about to heat up, so prepare yourselves for what's next to come!
faire's seedlings ✿
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tinyarsonist · 3 months
Love, Love
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"For you? In a heartbeat."
Summary: You live your past and future when a one-night stand with Changbin turns into an unplanned pregnancy.
TW: NonIdol!Changbin, Fem!Reader, strangers x lovers, pregnancy, mentions of alcohol, implied pregnancy sex, blow job, cunnilingus, pet names (bunny, bin, mommy, daddy)(but not in the way you think I swear), let me know if I missed anything!
Past in italics. Future in bold. Rest in present.
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This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.
You scream as you feel another rip of pain flash through you. The doctors and nurses crowded around you, encouraging you to keep going. That it’ll all be worth it. Everything you ever dreamed of, waiting to be wrapped up in a blanket and handed off to be cradled in your arms. But that’s the thing--this isn’t what you dreamed of.
Changbin was supposed to be the one by your side. Holding your hand, and trying to keep up a strong appearance for your sake while freaking out all the same on the inside. He was supposed to be your rock.
But he wasn’t here.
You grip the hospital bed bar and yell out again in pain. You somehow knew that you were still nowhere near where you were supposed to be.
Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. Whatever you wanted to call it. 
You weren’t ready.
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“I don’t know how I’m going to do this,” You whispered. Changbin sat close to you on the bed. Both of you were looking at that little blue stick that would forever change your lives. It was supposed to be just for one night. One night where the two of you forgot about the rest of the world. Heavy drinking, flirting with strangers at a club. No stress about work, family, or friends. The only thing that mattered was what happened on the same sheets you were sitting on. That was the plan, and the two of you conveniently found one another to forget about life with.
The night was one of the best nights you’ve ever had. Since the two of you had the notion of never seeing each other ever again; there was no reservation when you led him out of the bar and into your apartment. As soon as the door closed, Changbin pushed you against the wall and stripped you of your clothes all in one go. As he was preoccupied with you, you unbuckled his belt and freed his erection from its restraint. Essentially, being pushed on your knees, your lips instantly wrapped around him as he held your head in place and thrusted.
As he laid your head against the wall, he wasted no time in using you to chase his own pleasure. You relaxed your throat as much as you could, tears welling in your eyes from the slight sting but relishing in every movement. Changbin loved the way your makeup ran down your face. Nothing but moans and the sloppy sounds of your mouth echoing around the room. “That’s it. All the way, bunny.”
The rest of the night was history.
When you started feeling off a couple of weeks after, you decided to take a test, just to be on the safe side. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the result on the tiny pregnancy test window.
“How are ‘you going to do this’?” Changbin took his eyes off the test to stare at your profile. It wasn’t exactly the way he imagined his life to take. To be honest it scared him when he got your call, saying you needed to speak with him about something urgently, after not contacting him again after that night. “What do you mean?”
“Well… I’m keeping it…” You look up and turn to meet his gaze. “You don’t have to be around for it--I know that’s asking a lot. A-and I don't expect money or anything, but I did want you to know. It felt like you needed to know and--”
You stopped your rambling as his hand lightly covered yours as you held onto the test. “You're not doing this alone,” he grumbled despite his gentle caress. “I want to make this clear--it's our baby. I'm with you every step of the way.”
Your shoulder relaxed in relief as the two of you shared this moment together. The grip of the test in your hand slightly tightening. 
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You howled as another contraction rips through you, your hands finding the sidebars of the hospital bed and clutching on so tightly your knuckles turned white. A nurse dabbed a wet cloth on your face as your body fell back into bed, trying to regain some form of strength for the next round.
“I can't do this. I can't do this,” you sobbed to yourself as the nurse kept trying to calm you down.
“You're almost there,” she cooed. “Your husband will--”
“He's not---agghhh!” You lurch forward as another wave rips through you. Your hair was plastered across your face from the sweat of being in labor for half the day. “He's not my husband!”
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By your second trimester, you and Changbin were essentially conjoined at the hip. He meant about being there every step of the way. 
Changbin gave you no room to argue when he mentioned he was moving into your apartment and out of his shared apartment with Chan and Jisung. “How else am I supposed to help you?”
Every middle of the night craving for olives with strawberry ice cream, Changbin got up from your shared bed with no complaints to run to the nearest convenience store. Which was so often enough, that the store owner always hid the items for you whenever they were running low.
“Remind me to send Mr. Kim a fruit basket,” you said with a mouthful of olives as your spoon held a glob of strawberry ice cream. Changbin sat next to you on the couch as the late-night show glow filled the dark living room. He laid his head on your shoulder and snuggled against you. His eyes rested from the lack of sleep, but still forced himself to stay up in case you needed anything else.
“Don't. That kid of his, Seungmin, will probably eat it all before he could even find it.” Changbin grumbled. Chuckling, you placed your cheek on the top of his head as you took a bite of your snack.
Changbin smiled warmly as he felt you move closer to him. He pried open his eyes and placed a hand on your growing belly, remembering when you would fight him at first whenever he would do so. But now? Now, it felt weird to not have him holding you in some form.
“Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?” 
“If you want to know the sex, we can always ask the doctor.” You chuckle as Changbin shook his head and sits up a bit so he could look at you. His hand never moving from its rightful place on your belly. 
“Absolutely not! Then it won't be a surprise!”
“I think having this baby is enough of a surprise as is.”
The two of you laugh at your comment and Changbin can't help but bring you closer. You rested your cheek against his chest as his other arm wrapped around your shoulders. Changbin giggled as you still somehow managed to take another bite of your ice cream while still in his snug hold. The TV continued playing on. Soon a skit of an unplanned pregnancy played, all characters frantically running around trying to organize a shot-gun wedding.
“Do…do you think we should get married?”
Changbin stiffened at your question. But not for the reason you thought. He toyed around with the idea for some time. Tension between his family was a bit rough ever since he told them the news, especially between his father and him. Not only that--he couldn’t help but feel this tug to you now that the two of you agreed to be in this partnership together. Everything felt right. Like he belonged. It would’ve been easier to propose; to him, his family, and the child you two were bringing into this world.
But would it be for you?
“I don’t want you marrying me, because you have to.”
Your head shot up. Did that mean he’s thought about it? Did that mean this relationship was more than platonic just for the baby’s sake? Your heart pounded at the closeness of you two. “But you would…you would marry me if I wanted to?”
Changbin lowered his head a bit so his lips could hover just above yours. 
“Only if you wanted to.”
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Fear set in Changbin’s heart as he ran through the airport. He got your multiple voicemails. Each becoming more and more panicked than the last, as soon as his plane touched down. The baby wasn’t due for another week. He thought he had more time.
Changbin was cursing himself under his breath as he pushed past the crowd. Scolding himself for taking on that account when he should’ve been with you. “It’ll be fine she said,” Changbin flagged down a cab. “You’ll have time, she said.”
He knew it was unfair to blame you. You couldn’t control the weather, let alone when you went into labor.
When the cab came to a standstill due to bump-to-bumper traffic, Changbin wasted no time rushing out of the vehicle and booking it towards the hospital. Dodging any incoming cars that were trying to beat the traffic. He was sweating by the time he reached the front desk, desperately asking what room you were in. “Room 325,” the station nurse said. Watching as he frantically ran towards the direction she pointed in.
Finally reaching your door, Changbin’s hand hesitated before pulling down on the handle.
This was it. The past 8 months were drawing to a close. Where did that leave the two of you? Would you want him out of the apartment by the time the baby’s sleeping schedule was set? Did all the late-night talks and surprise breakfast-in-bed mornings come to an end?
Changbin didn’t have time to let his thoughts spiral out of control as the nurse inside the room opened the door for him. “Oh,” she jumped a bit at his presence. “Are you the husband?”
“I’m not…” Changbin stopped himself and just nodded. The nurse gave him a smile before opening the door to let him through. Offering her congratulations before leaving the three of you alone.
You sat on the hospital bed, swaddling this new love you brought into the world close to your chest. Your back slightly turned away from Changbin as he took small steps toward you, his face dropping a bit.
“I missed it?”
You turn your head slightly and smile at him. “You’re here.”
“Of course,” Changbin sat next to you on the bed. His arm wrapped around you and pulled you to lean back into his chest. His head pressed against yours as he closed his eyes. Just having you in his arms was enough to chase the fears away. “Pretty sure I caused a car crash on the way over, but I didn’t want to miss it.”
“You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” You shifted a bit to reveal the tiny figure in your arms. Changbin’s eyes widen as he stares down at your shared creation. They instantly softened as love filled his entire body. “Would you like to meet your daughter?”
Having the little one in his arms for the first time was nerve-racking. Once his gaze locked on the sleeping babe, his confidence filled a bit. He felt your head rest on his shoulder as the two of you stared in awe. “We made this,” his voice was but a whisper. At this moment Changbin knew what he wanted. He didn’t want this to end. The three of you were meant to live out your lives together, and he didn’t want to let go of that. “I--”
You already knew where this was going. You felt it too. Everything was set perfectly, despite the both of your run-down expressions. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. You cut him off with a gentle kiss. When the two of you parted the words flowed out of your mouth without any thought. 
“Marry me?”
Changbin’s forehead pressed against yours; “In a heartbeat.” 
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“I’m serious, Bin!” You laugh as the two of you attempted to put together a nursery room in your spare bedroom. Changbin was getting frustrated trying to put the cradle together. How in the hell was this long stick supposed to fit in this pocket?! “You’re reading the direction wrong! Here let me help.”
“Ah, ah!” Changbin playfully slapped your hand away. “Let Daddy take care of it.”
You knew he didn’t mean it in that way, but you couldn’t help but feel the heat spread throughout your body. “You can’t say things like that…”
Nothing could happen. You were about ready to pop. Feet swelling up so much, Changbin had to give them a massage every day after work just so you were able to walk. Despite all of that, Changbin put down the piece he was holding and gave you a knowing look. “Oh?” He grinned. “Why is that, bunny?”
He leaned in close enough to guide you to lie down gently on the floor. Soft kisses were placed on your neck and collarbone. Careful to not put any pressure on your belly. You sighed happily at the attention. Guess it’s true what they say about the raging hormones. “You’d really have sex with a pregnant lady?”
“With you? In a heartbeat.”
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“Told you we’d have a girl,” Changbin smiled as he held your daughter in his arms. Taking in everything he could to forever grave this memory in his head. As if it would be that easy to forget this day; the birth of his daughter and engagement to you.
“Guess I lost that bet,” you laugh. Your fingers gently caress her cheek. “Look, she has your dimple!”
Your daughter cooed in her sleep, showing off that famous indent on her cheek. Already showing off the Seo smile. Changbin grinned; “What should we name her?”
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“We gotta hurry,” Changbin said breathlessly as he stripped off his shirt and crawled on the bed towards you. You laid on your satin sheets, already naked and ready for the taking. “My girl is already questioning where I ran off to. She’ll get suspicious soon.”
“You know,” you moan as his lips latch onto your nipple. “We wouldn’t have to keep up this charade if you just--”
You couldn’t finish your thought as his hand slotted itself between your legs. Wasting no time in playing with your folds, as he usually does, and inserts two fingers to stretch you out. His pace was almost relentless, his hand covering your mouth as your moans started to get louder and louder. “Hush, bunny.”
The four years since the birth of your daughter have only spurred on your sex life with Changbin. Even though you knew he had another woman close to his heart. But you had to admit, there was something exciting about sneaking away for a quickie.
Changbin released his hold on your mouth and lowered himself down to your pussy. “Always so pretty,” he breathed against you. His lips instantly found your clit and kissed you in every way that you liked. That was the bright side to your getaways; he never wasted time on getting the job done.
“Bin, I’m--” 
Before you could finish, your sentence and your orgasm. A loud knock banged on your bedroom door. Hearing the voice muffled behind the door made you both groan. “Your other woman is requesting your presence,” you teased.
“Yea, yea.” Changbin pulled his fingers out of you and kissed you deeply before getting up to wash his hands quickly. You pulled the sheets over your naked body as he opened the door, revealing your adorable daughter holding a stuffed pink bunny. A pink bow dawned on her head as she looked up at Changbin. “Daddy, I wanna play dress up!”
“You wanna play dress up?” Changbin grinned as he picked her up and gave a peck on her cheek. “Okay, okay. Let’s go play. Say night to Mommy.”
You blow a kiss at your daughter as Changbin looks at you. The softness when looking at your daughter was replaced with a much darker expression as his eyes laid back on you. “You don’t do anything without me. Daddy will be back to play with you later.”
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The question of naming your daughter hung in the room. Despite the many months of having time to plan, that seemed to be the only thing the two of you didn’t think about. The pink decorations hanging in the hospital hallway caught your attention before bringing it back to your new bundle of joy.
“Aera,” you smile. Changbin kissed Aera on her tiny head before placing one on your cheek. It was sweet seeing you get into the holiday spirit.
“Aera it is. Happy Valentine, bunny.”
“Happy Valentine, Bin.”
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Note: This was made on the spot, so sorry if it isn't great 😭 I really wanted to post something for Valentine Day though and Changbin was the first one to come to mind. Guess I got bit by the love bug today 🩷
Aera is a Korean name that can roughly be translated/meaning to "Love"
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linorachas · 1 year
skz maknae line + different types of kisses
tags: fluff. slightly suggestive in hj's part. again wrote this entire thing in my notes app
hyung line version :3 | read on ao3 | buy me a coffee?
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HYUNJIN (thighs)
You find Hyunjin in the living room at midnight.
You're a little bit tipsy, having drunk a few beers over the course of Changbin's birthday celebration. The slight buzz in your veins leaves you restless, and you become hyper aware of one thing: your boyfriend wasn't beside you.
So when you slip out the kitchen— narrowly escaping Minho's drunken ramblings about kimchi fried rice— Hyunjin's blonde head is easy to spot. He's leaning against the bottom of the couch, laughing at something Jeongin was saying.
And, as if you were connected by some string, Hyunjin looks up at the same time you step out, looking directly at you.
He smiles. You fall in love all over again.
"Y/N!" He calls you, excitedly waving you over.
You're quick to comply, rushing over and plopping yourself onto the empty space of the couch behind him. Hyunjin wiggles and squirms until he's settled between your legs.
He leans his head back, looking at you upside down, and grins. "Hi."
"Hi," you giggle, brushing his long hair away from his face. "Are you drunk?"
"Not drunk." He mumbles, then turns around so he can bury his face in your lap. "Just happy to see you. You left me alone."
"If I remember, someone wanted to go chase Jisung around the quad. That someone wasn't me."
Hyunjin laughs. With his position and your outfit, his lips brush against your skin with every huff. You squirm.
Hyunjin looks up at the action, one eyebrow raised. "What?"
Ears red, you squeak, "Nothing."
But Hyunjin is already suspicious. He rests his chin on your thigh and squints. You pointedly avoid his gaze.
"Baby..." he whines, and his breath ghosts against your skin again. You make a noise. "You know I don't like it when you hide stuff."
Hyunjin pouts. Your eyes automatically fall to the the jut of his bottom lip; red, plump, and so fucking kissable. It made you feel faint for it to be so close to where you wanted it to be.
You look away quickly, but you still must have stared for a second too long though, because Hyunjin suddenly smirks, seemingly having put two and two together.
"I'm not hiding anything." You huff. Hyunjin tongues his cheek.
"Really? So you wouldn't mind if I..."
As he spoke, Hyunjin's head slowly went down. You tense as he goes higher and higher up your thigh, his lips brushing against the tensed muscle.
And, as if that wasn't enough to put you into cardiac arrest, the worst happens.
Hyunjin looks up at you through his lashes, keeping eye contact. He parts his lips, slow and sultry, then presses a kiss onto the inside of your thigh.
You suck in a sharp breath. Arousal tingles down your spine.
But then Hyunjin yelps, jerking away from you, and you snap at out of your daze and remember you're in public. Hyunjin is whining into your lap again, rubbing the back of his head. You look up to see Changbin walking away.
"No funny business on my birthday!" He shouts as he leaves, and you snort. Hyunjin huffs, irritated, and rests his chin on your thigh again.
You meet his gaze. His eyes darken, and he purposely makes his lips brush against your thigh again when he says,
"We'll continue this later."
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JISUNG (flying kiss)
Jisung wails as he gets dragged away by the waist by Changbin. You laugh from your place on porch, dramatically reaching a hand out.
"Jisung-ah! Noooo!"
"Don't encourage him." Seungmin huffs beside you, but there's a smile on his face as he takes out his phone and starts recording. You roll your eyes.
Jisung flails in Changbin's hold. "Don't take me away! I need to be with the love of my life!"
"Jesus christ, shut up." Chan groans from the driver seat, head out the window. "You're seeing each other again in an hour."
"An hour too long!"
"And it's about to be longer when I knock you out. Get insi- ow! Did you just bite me!"
Changbin squawks, letting go of Jisung to rub at his arm. Jisung grins triumphantly, ready to bolt, but Chan manages to reach out and grab the back of his shirt before he can get away.
"Oh, no you don't! Get inside, Jisung! We're going to be late for our gig!"
You laugh as the three argue on the sidewalk. The sound catches Jisung's attention, making him halt from where he was about to bite Changbin again. He visibly softens.
You smile shyly. "Get going, Sungie. I'll catch up with you in a bit, okay? I gotta dress up real nice so everyone knows you're with the hottest babe in the room."
Jisung scoffs, lips twitching. "You could come in your pajamas and you'd still be the hottest babe in the world."
At this point, you were as red as a tomato. Seungmin makes fake gagging noises beside you. Chan and Changbin use the opportunity to wrestle Jisung inside the car.
Jisung still lets out verbal protests, but doesn't struggle anymore. As soon as the car door shuts, he's rolling the window down, pout on his face.
"I'm going to miss you!"
"In the hour that I'll be away?"
"I miss you even when we're together! I miss you right now!"
"We're going! Starting the car, leaving!" Chan exclaims over Jisung's loud declarations of love and Changbin's scolding, trying to tug Jisung inside by his shirt. Your cheeks hurt from smiling.
Just as the car starts, Jisung suddenly brings his palm up to his lips and says, "Y/N! Catch!"
He throws you a kiss.
You shriek with laughter as you jump to "catch" the kiss, making a show of putting it in your pocket as Jisung sends kiss after kiss. You're both giggling, sending heart eyes at each other from the short distance of the porch to the car. Despite their insistence to get going, Chan and Changbin watch fondly.
And when they finally leave, Jisung is still sending kisses, even when they're already far down the road.
Heart bursting, you still catch them.
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FELIX (nose)
Flour was everywhere.
Who ever said baking was easy needed to get their ass beat, you were one measuring spoon away from collapsing down on the ground and crying.
You had been focusing on the recipe so much, double checking every detail, that you didn't notice the bag of flour slowly slipping from your hands. It lands on the counter with a soft splat. A cloud of white envelopes all of your senses.
And of course, it's at that moment that Felix walks in the kitchen. He blinks at you, covered in flour. He blinks at the mess of ingredients and materials on the counter. He blinks at you again.
Then, his lips slowly curl up. You let out a loud groan.
"Don't laugh! Shut up!"
"I'm not," Felix says through giggles. "I'm not laughing at you, it's just-"
"Haha, whatever. See if I ever bake you a cake again. I don't get how you even have the patience to do all this."
"Well, I am with you. Takes a lot of patience for that."
"Yah-" You gasp, glaring, but you probably looked stupid with flour all over your face. Felix just confirms it by laughing even harder.
"Lix," you start to whine, feeling the embarrassment creep up on you. You just wanted to make a stupid cake for your stupid boyfriend. He had made baking look so easy, and yet-
Felix finally stifles his giggles, clearing his throat as he walks over to you. There's still a sheen of amusement in his eyes though, especially when he cups your face in his hands. You pout up at him.
"Baking is hard."
"I know."
"And expensive."
"It is."
You sniffle. "I wanted to bake you a cake."
"Don't be sad," Felix coos, smushing your face. "We can still bake one together."
"But I wanted it to be a surprise."
"I'm already surprised." Felix snickers, eyeing your flour covered form, and you hiss as you pinch his waist. He yelps, but doesn't stop smiling.
"You're so mean."
"And you're so cute." Felix whispers. You feel the tips of your ears burn. "Oh, the flour missed a spot."
You frown, about to ask where, but then Felix leans in and brushes his lips against your nose.
His eyes are sparkly when he pulls away, and your heart rabbits in your chest.
"You-" you fume, because why would he do that, you looked stupid, why does he look at you like you're the cutest thing on earth, why isn't he mad you messed up his kitchen, "Why-"
"I love you." He says, like it was that simple. Maybe it was. "You tried to bake a cake for me even though you know nothing about being in a kitchen. You're so cute, and I love you."
"Well, I-!" You make a strangled noise in the back of your throat. "I... love you too. But I'm not fucking doing this again."
Felix snorts and brushes flour away from your cheeks. "Don't worry, baby. I'll do the baking for the both of us. You don't need to bake, you're already a treat, anyway."
You pinch his waist again. Felix laughs.
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SEUNGMIN (cheeks)
As far as first dates go, this one was probably the best.
You hadn't thought Seungmin would be such a romantic. He had picked you up the traditional way and waited outside your apartment even though he's got a spare key. He had brought flowers and even waited outside until you put them in a vase. He took you to your favorite spots because you already knew his, and he just wanted you to enjoy the night. He holds your hand after brushing against it a couple times, and takes off his jacket to put it on you when you start to shiver from the cold night.
You were floored. This was Seungmin, your best friend since you were a child, putting all leading men to shame. Never in a million years did you think he would ever like you back, but now here he was, making sure you were the happiest person on earth. Your heart swells.
You both didn't want the night to end. Your hands stay intertwined even on the bus on the way back home, on the elevator, and outside your door.
You lean against the door as Seungmin stands in front of you, your intertwined hands hanging between you.
"You should go inside." He says, but he doesn't pull his hand away. If anything, his grip tightens. You bite back a smile.
"I should." You reply. "I don't want to."
Seungmin lets out a little laugh at that, but you both fall silent after it. You're just gazing into each other's eyes, not quite believing how you got here.
Just last week, you were ignoring each other. Thinking your feelings were unrequited, you had to take a back and distance yourself from Seungmin to stop getting your hopes up, while Seungmin, on the other hand, thought you had found out about his feelings and were avoiding him.
It took a lot of cold shoulders, misunderstandings, and longing looks across the room for you to get here, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
You're just about to ask if he wanted to come inside when you hear it: hushed voices talking from behind the door.
"Did they kiss yet?"
"Shhh! Shut up! I can't hear them!"
"Can you move? I can't see through the peephole with your big head-"
You press your lips together, annoyed. Seungmin must have heard it too because he rolls his eyes, looking up at the heavens like it would spare him.
"Minho said he wasn't going to be home tonight." You whisper, and Seungmin huffs.
"You know the hyungs. They can't sleep if we're not safe at home after a date."
"I went on a date with you."
"And I went on a date with you. We're best friends! Not strangers." Seungmin massages his head with his other hand. "I can't believe them."
"What are they talking about? I can't hear."
"I just heard best friends. Shit, are they fighting again?"
"They can't fight. I have a betting pool with the maknaes that they're going to kiss tonight."
Yours and Seungmin's eyes widen. A betting pool?! Those motherfuckers-
Seriously? You mouth to Seungmin, whose lips were twitching.
Sorry, he mouths back. I don't know why it's funny.
You roll your eyes, but you can't deny the smile that crawling up your lips too. At the sight, Seungmin's own smile widens.
Suddenly, an idea pops into your head.
Steeling yourself, you step forward. Seungmin's eyes widen a bit from how close you were now, almost chest to chest with him. He looks at you, confused, but you still catch the way his eyes drift down to your lips. You lean in, tilt your head, and-
"Are they really-"
"It's happening!"
"Move your head!"
You kiss his cheek.
At the same time, you turn the doorknob and pull. Three bodies fall though the door, groaning as they fall on top of each other.
Pulling away from Seungmin, you raise a brow at the three eldest. Chan and Changbin point to Minho.
"It was his idea." They say at the same time. Minho squawks. "Hey!"
You huff, turning around to get help in scolding them from Seungmin, but when you face him, Seungmin is in a daze. His fingers are pressing into his cheek, right at the spot you kissed him. He's red all the way up to the tips of his ears. Your eyes widen.
"Y/N, I think you broke him."
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JEONGIN (lips)
"Does Jeongin hate me?"
"Considering he's your boyfriend..." Chan frowns. "I would hope not? What's this about?"
"This is about him not kissing me." You huff. "We've been dating for a month. And it's not like he doesn't want to kiss me, either! I've seen him looking at my lips!"
"So your first logical conclusion is that he hates you?"
You knew you sounded ridiculous. But you were frustrated and in dire need of Jeongin kisses. Logic be damned. "Maybe. I don't know."
"Maybe he just loves you so much that he's too shy to kiss you." Chan shrugs, turning back to his phone. "Oh, they're here."
Just as Chan finishes speaking, the door to the arcade opens, and in comes the rest of the boys. They were busy chatting and laughing amongst themselves, but Jeongin immediately spots you and makes his way over.
"Hi, you." He greets with a loving smile, arms wide open, and any doubt that littered your mind earlier disappears as you melt into his arms.
You look up at him, chin on his chest. He looks down at you and brushes away the strand of hair that's fallen in front of your eyes.
And because he's Jeongin and he's your best friend and your boyfriend who knows you like the back of his hand, he asks, "What's wrong?"
You blink. Behind you, Chan snickers. You pull away from Jeongin to shoot Chan a glare, before turning back to Jeongin with a smile.
"Nothing. Come on, let's go to the karaoke."
Jeongin clearly doesn't believe it, but when you hold your hand out, he takes it and follows wherever you drag him to.
It's only when it's late at night and you've all exhausted yourselves playing games that it gets brought up again. You're all hanging around in the parking lot of some convenience store. The other boys are gathered around Minho's truck, fighting for snacks and prizes won at the arcade. You and Jeongin sit on the sidewalk and make fun of them.
"Minho hyung already has that keychain at home. Why does he want it so bad?"
You snort. "He wants it because Seungmin and Jisung want it. Who is he if he doesn't annoy his dongsaengs."
Jeongin laughs at that, leaning into you as he does so. You grin and gently bonk your head against his.
He makes a noise at that, looking up. You hadn't pulled away by then, so the action has you and Jeongin merely inches from each other.
He was so close you could count his lashes. You swallow as his gaze drop down to your lips. Hope is a flame that ignites in your chest again, expecting, but it gets extinguished when Jeongin looks away with a clear of his throat.
Your shoulders slump. The words are out before you can stop them. "Do you hate me?"
"Huh?" Jeongin's gaze snaps back to you, eyes wide in confusion. You falter. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
God, you sound ridiculous. You knew you were being ridiculous. But you've already started and you couldn't find it in you to turn back. Fuck it, you think. You can lose a little dignity for a Jeongin kiss.
"You won't kiss me." You finally say, and Jeongin gapes, looking stunned, so you just start to ramble. "It's- do you not want to kiss me? I think you do, because I see you looking at my lips, like now, but then you turn away, and it's just- do you not want me? Not that kissing is a basis in our relationship, I wouldn't break up with you over this. I'd love you even if you never ever kiss me. But I just kind of want to know why you do-"
You ramble and you ramble and at that point you thought that nothing in the world could stop you from talking, until a hand cups your cheek and soft, plush lips are against yours. You immediately shut the fuck up.
Jeongin is kissing you.
He's kissing you, and you aren't kissing back because you're too shocked and shit, he's pulling away and-
"Wait, no, come back-" you gasp, chasing Jeongin's lips. "I wasn't ready, asshole, kiss me again-"
So with a laugh, Jeongin does, and you finally get your brain working enough to slide your lips against his. You can feel him smile against your lips. You weren't sure how you were still kissing, honestly, considering the two of you were grinning like idiots.
But alas, you needed air to breathe, and with a reluctant whine, you both pull away. Jeongin exhales shakily and presses his forehead against yours.
"I don't hate you." He grumbles, and you smile sheepishly. "I love you so mich my heart feels like it's about to explode every time I see you. Just the thought of kissing you got me so nervous that I-" he sighs. "I'm sorry I made you think that."
"No, no, don't. I was just being stupid. I know you love me, I swear. Being deprived of your kisses just made me insane."
Jeongin chuckles, bringing you in for another kiss. But before your lips could touch, a gasp startles the both of you apart.
Jisung. "This is a public space. There are kids around this area. You're a kid!"
Jeongin groans and hides his face in your shoulder. You turn red up to the tips of your ears.
"Gross," Minho says, but there's a cheesy smile on his face. "Here. As celebration of your first kiss, you can have this ugly keychain."
Sewungmin frowns. "If the keychain is so ugly then why did you play rock, paper, scissors for it-"
You frown as wel. "How'd you know that was our-" You stop. You slowly turn to look at Chan, who was hiding behind Minho. "You-! You gossiped!"
"I did not!" Then, after a beat, Chan says, "See! I told you he doesn't hate you!"
You squawk, getting up to chase Chan, but Jeongin stops you with an arm around your waist a quick peck to your lips. You sit back down in a daze.
"Do you want to go chase him around or do you want to sit here and kiss me?"
Jeongin asks, and you scoff. In lieu of an answer, you lean down and kiss him.
He kisses back.
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weird-is-life · 7 months
Hey! I saw that you needed another Spencer request. Could you do Spencer X fem! Reader but the reader has a really long day and she lays on the floor, then he joins the reader on the floor and she just listens to him ramble about all the little things you do?
I love your work btw <3
Ty for the request! And I'm so so happy you enjoy my work, ty🥹🥹🥹 warnings: use of pet names, fluff, mention of getting injured (not really tho) (0.4k)
Spencer finds you laying on your back on the soft rug, that's in your living room. For a moment, Spencer almost gets a heart attack, thinking something happened to you.
But when he hears you sigh and sees you move, his huge anxiety is reduced to a small worry and he even chuckles at the sight of you.
"Sweetheart? What are you doing on the floor, huh?" he asks, amused.
"Hi, Spence," you mumble out tiredly, but you don't bother replying to his question.
Spencer is quick to get rid of his work clothes and change into something more comfortable, before he is down, laying on the floor next to you.
His hand immediately finds yours to give it a soft kiss. "You okay?" He asks, voice and his gaze as loving as they can be. He encourages you to tell him what's wrong, by making slow circles over the back of your hand.
You sigh again, before you answer.
"I'm okay, just tired. It was a long day," you sluggishly promise, giving him a small smile.
"Are you sure?" he squints at you, trying to make sure that you tell him what's really on your mind. He would stress over it if you didn't tell him the truth.
"Yes, Spence, I'm sure," you reassure him.
"Okay," he reaches out with his hand to smooth some hair out of your face," do you want to move to the bed?"
"I can't be bothered to get up right now Spence," you laugh tiredly, curling yourself close to Spencer. Basically laying over him.
"Okay, whatever you want, sweetheart," he chuckles, pulling you even closer to him. His hands hugging you tightly. He is greedy to hold you. But that's nothing new.
"Can you tell me about your day, Spence?" you whisper softly and who is he to ever say no to you.
Spencer starts enthusiastic rambling about his day and you happily listen to every word he says. It's very soothing and soon you forget about the exhaustion and anxious thoughts from the day.
By the time Spencer finishes his talk, your whole body aches from the hard floor. And you don't even want to imagine how much his whole body must hurt, he complains about aches enough as it is from the job.
"Should we move to the bed?" he asks, always noticing every your discomfort.
"Definitely," you respond swiftly and you are up on your legs, pulling Spencer towards the bed with you.
You end up cuddling and laughing at very stupid things at the same time. Content to have Spencer next to you, you eventually fall asleep. Cheek smashed against his chest, big smile on your face.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
nancy wheeler's no homewrecker but hearing robin ramble about what to do for her next date with vickie made her really want to be one. not that robin and vickie were even official-- not really--but it seems like nancy has become the confider of all of robin's romantic panic and it was beginning to tear her up inside.
she wanted to be the one that shared a milkshake with robin or slap her money down first for the movie tickets. she wondered why steve couldn't be this all-knowing date decipher for the girl but she wasn't about to shove robin away either.
"so tomorrow's date three," nancy says with a teasing inflection.
robin's picking at the holes in her jeans with trembling fingers. "y-yep, date three. big deal."
"i think so," nancy says, going for encouraging but probably sounding patronizing by the way robin's eyes flash up to her.
"what would you expect from a third date?" robin asks.
nancy adjusts herself on the couch while she thinks. "well...it depends. if they've already kissed me before, probably some making out in their car. heavy petting if things are going well. i'd expect a longer date too."
robin's eyes are as wide as saucers. "b-but i haven't kissed her yet."
nancy blinks in surprise. she's not sure why she's surprised, figuring robin would have probably told her already all the intricate details of the way vickie kisses.
"no?" nancy asks.
robin shakes her head rapidly, gnawing on her bottom lip.
"that's okay," nancy says slowly. "this would probably be the date to kiss her, though."
"fuck," robin mumbles. "you're right."
her tone hits nancy like a freight train. "you haven't kissed anyone before, have you?"
robin rolls her lips into her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut. her nails are digging into those holey jeans, ripping the threads one by one. pop. pop. pop.
nancy instinctively grabs robin's hands to keep her from digging into skin. robin's eyes open and they're scared shitless. nancy squeezes robin's hands and smiles tenderly.
"it's gonna be okay," nancy assures. "a quick goodnight peck is easy."
robin groans. "i'm fucking nineteen years old. if i kiss her all clumsy, she's gonna know and everything will be ruined and i'll never find love and die an old spinster with a hoard of cats that'll eat my dead body for sustenance."
nancy's nose wrinkles at the visual but she laughs gently. "stop it. kissing is simple if you pay attention. vickie's kissed someone before so you just kind of follow her lead."
"follow her lead?" robin asks.
is nancy going to do this? is she really going to do this?
"do you want me to show you?" nancy blurts.
robin's eyes grow even wider and her fidgety body goes completely still. "w-what?"
nancy's really gonna do this, huh?
"doesn't have to mean anything," nancy says quickly. "just...practice."
"practice," robin repeats lamely.
oh lord, she's really gonna do this.
"would it settle your nerves?" nancy asks.
robin thinks for a moment but inevitably nods her head.
"then i can teach you," nancy says with as much confidence as she can muster.
"o-okay," robin stutters. "can i get some chapstick first?"
nancy lets go of her hands and nods. nancy goes to dig in her purse too. they settle back down on the couch and slowly apply some chapstick to their lips. when they make eye contact, the two girls burst into small giggles and nudge each other with their elbows. nancy gets on her knees on the couch and robin moves to mimic her stance. robin's breathing heavily and her eyes are darting all over the place.
nancy taps her knee and says, "robbie, we don't have to--"
"what's step one?" robin interrupts with a shy smile.
nancy exhales shallowly and scoots closer. she holds up a tentative hand to robin's cheek and tucks her hair behind her ear. "okay, so, there's a build-up. the moments before the kiss. you could be anywhere when this happens, really, but it's important to read people's expressions."
"i'm terrible at that," robin whines.
"check for simple things, then," nancy says calmly. "like if her eyes dart down to your lips." nancy demonstrates a few times and watches robin's eyes follow her movement. "or if she moves closer to talk to you." nancy leans her face in and sees how robin's face gets a little flushed. "she might even ask you if it's okay to kiss you."
"s-she would?" robin whispers.
"maybe," nancy whispers. "can i kiss you, robbie?"
robin nods again.
"so she'll lean in," nancy whispers, her lips now a breath away from robin's. nancy tries to stay in the zone but she's drifting slowly. wrapped up in robin's orbit. "and gently...kiss you."
nancy presses her lips delicately to robin's. a small peck before leaning back. "see? simple," nancy whispers breathlessly as her heart pounds against her ribs.
"do i...press back?" robin whispers.
"mhm," nancy hums. "i'll kiss you again and you press back, okay?"
nancy kisses her again and robin hesitantly moves her lips against hers. it's not as uncoordinated as nancy was anticipating, but it lasts a little long. nancy moves her lips again, pressing repeatedly to keep things moving. all gentle pecks. robin gets the gist after the first few and follows her lead, just as she instructed earlier. nancy knows they're getting carried away here but she can't will herself to pull away. not yet.
robin's confidence ramps up and she holds nancy's cheek. nancy hums contently and kisses her deeper. lips slotting on top of each other softly and languidly. robin is the first to pull away, taking in large breaths and nancy's about to speak but robin just pulls her back in.
"don't," nancy pants against robin's lips. "forget to breathe."
"yeah," robin murmurs, dazed.
nancy wonders if she should say more but instead, she follows her impulse to suck gently on robin's bottom lip. robin gasps and holds nancy's face closer, tilting her head to sink further into nancy's mouth. nancy tastes her chapstick, root beer flavored, which is so fun and so sweet and so robin it makes her brain spark.
her tongue pokes out and robin drops her jaw enough but nancy hesitates.
"um," nancy whispers. "is this okay? can i--"
"please," robin begs quietly and then clears her throat. "i mean, show me, um, if you want to."
nancy grins, she can't help it. she uses her grip on robin's face to coax her mouth open again and she traces her bottom lip delicately before dipping behind robin's teeth. robin moans and presses her tongue up against nancy's. it's all so slow and intentional that it heats up their bodies, quickens their heartbeat, and heightens everything.
eventually, they're laying down on nancy's couch, sinking into each other, kissing kissing kissing until their lips are puffy and numb. the friendliness of this exchange, if there ever was any, has completely vanished.
as nancy continues their "practice" down robin's neck, robin knows she’s gotta cancel on vickie. because there’s no way robin wants to kiss anybody else after this.
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mewguca · 11 months
I was thinking about how people should talk more about the parallels between hunter and moon
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This is a rather self-indulgent piece...I find it very comforting to be able to express my emotions through a media I love like this...that's probably my favorite thing about art. Being able to express something...being able to connect emotionally with the viewer...is really nice
textless versions and a long rambling under the cut
Hunter is often viewed as a very strong and agile slugcat...they are the "hard mode" after all. Hunter probably has a lot of physical prowess. But, with the rot...they become weaker. At its worst, they struggle to do basic movements...until they eventually die. Of course, in my version of events...Hunter's rot is cured, but it still leaves lasting side-effects. Their scars go beyond simple battle wounds...there's a sort of pervasive sickliness throughout their whole body. Treatment helps, of course...but
You know how that is, right...? You have to keep getting treatments. You have to work for your recovery. And you have to work to prevent your body from getting weaker again...Or y'know, that's how it is if you've ever had any reoccurring or chronic health issues. It's...a struggle I feel like doesn't get expressed very often...so I wanted to express it through my version of Hunter.
Even though Moon isn't anywhere near as organic, I feel like she can relate to similar struggles. She used to be like a god...a powerful supercomputer who could do just about anything! But...she couldn't bring herself to do the one thing that'd preserve her own wellbeing. She delays and delays on forcing Pebbles to stop with her administrative powers until it is far too late...
Maybe she thought she could handle it. That everything would be fine if she just waited for Pebbles to understand...or waited for him to stop. If she just kept sending messages, eventually he would listen.
But he didn't. Things didn't get better. And by the time she finally took action against it, it was too late...her forced communications did nothing but make her brother furious with her...because she "ruined everything." She could only accept her imminent collapse...
When she woke up again, she had only a few neurons left to run on. Her umbilical was broken, her overseers were out of her control, and even the roof over her head was incomplete.
She couldn't do most of the things she used to. She could hardly move. She could hardly even think. She could barely remember who or what she used to be...and she didn't have great ability to remember the present, either.
It must have been really painful...but she keeps doing what she can anyways. She reads the pearls you bring her. She tells you about the items you bring. She gives you information as best as she can. She is kind and hospitable. She encourages you. She could be so bitter and depressed...so resentful and cruel...but she isn't. I'm sure she has plenty of bitterness and resentment, plenty of hopelessness and great sadness, plenty of suffering...
But when she sees the little slugcat, she's still kind to it. She is grateful for what she has. She is happy to see you. And she keeps on living.
She's so strong...she is a huge inspiration for me.
So, I think if anyone could relate to Hunter's struggle...Moon is probably the closest. I think people should talk about their relationship more...after all, Hunter is her "little savior." I think they would be wonderfully close. They could support each other in their struggles to keep living, even if their bodies fight against them. I also think their friendship is just cute! Great potential for angst, for fluff, for comfort...idk. everything, really. It would be wonderful for them to reunite when they're both in better shape...as creatives, we can make a versions of events where that happens. It's really wonderful to me...for a work of art to inspire others to create art because of it.
This game means a lot to me...and it means a lot to me that it resonates so much with other people as well. So, thank you...
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once-upon-an-imagine · 4 months
Also, I do have an idea for a post-azkaban Sirius.
He gets released and stays at Remus', they don't know how to tell the reader (who is always been a good friend, but they secretly have feelings for each other) so Remus casually brings Sirius up to see the reader's reaction.
She starts rambling about her feelings for Sirius, and in the end, Sirius comes out and is like "you love me? Too?"
I just can see Sirius coming out of his hiding spot with his puppy eyes 🥺😍😍
this is so cute! (I'm not sure if you sent a previous email since you started this one with 'also' but I didn't get it so, if you did, please send it again, love 😊 Warnings: none, I think Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter 😊 gif isn’t mine 😊
You Love Me Too?
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"So, I take it you're not seeing him again?" Remus asked, making you almost choke on your tea.
"Why would I see him again? Did you not listen to the story? He's a stupid, selfish, prick!"
"You always say they're stupid selfish pricks" Remus chuckled.
"Because they are" you insisted. "Maybe it's me? Maybe I have a magnet for these idiots" you sighed.
"It's not you" Remus assured you. "I know what it is, but you're not gonna like it" he said, taking a sip of his tea.
"I know what you're going to say" you sighed.
"Am I wrong?" he smirked as you glared at him. "You keep comparing everyone to Sirius" he shrugged.
"I do not!" you complained, completely oblivious to someone hearing your entire conversation. "I just... miss him" you admitted. "It's not my fault that he's perfect!"
"First of all, he's not perfect" Remus rolled his eyes. "Secondly, you haven't seen him in a long time-"
"That doesn't matter. And he is perfect. At least to me. And it doesn't matter how long it's been, I still-" you stopped as Remus placed your hand in his.
"You can say it" he encouraged you, but he saw a few tears in your eyes.
"I don't think I've said it out loud in a really long time" you chuckled wearily.
"What's the worst that can happen?" he smiled. You took a deep breath and then finally said it.
"Fine. I still love him. I'm still in love with Sirius. I love Sirius Black, are you happy?"
"Well" Remus said, nodding his head to the side, making you turn around and find Sirius standing there.
You had to be dreaming. Sirius couldn't be there. Sirius was standing there in front of you. After all these years. He looked so different but at the same time, he didn't. His hair was longer. He had tattoos all over his arms and body. He had a beard. But his eyes. They looked haunted but they were still his. You could still see the old Sirius in there.
"You love me too?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth.
"I uh-" you felt your voice caught in your throat as it dawned on you. He had heard your entire conversation with Remus. "W-wait, did you do all this so Sirius would know that I love him?!" you asked, turning to glare at Remus.
"He wouldn't believe me when I told him, so, I thought he needed to hear it from you" he smiled.
"W-uh-" you stuttered, still processing all of this information as Sirius walked into the room. "How long-? Uh- w-wait, did you just say too? You love me too?"
"I'm gonna give you two some time to talk" Remus said, getting up and leaving.
"Hi" Sirius said, smiling a little. "I'm sorry about this whole thing, I didn't think Moony would actually do it" he chuckled. "Um... I'm sure you have a lot questions" he said.
"A few" you said, with new tears rolling down your cheeks. "H-how are you?" was the first thing you could think of. "Sorry, is that a stupid question? I don't-"
"Is not a stupid question, love" he said, walking closer to you and holding your hand, pulling you to him. "I'm okay" he nodded, placing his arms around your waist. "I've been out for a few weeks and... I wanted to see you but... I wasn't sure if you'd want to see me" he said, looking down. You gently placed your hand on his cheek to make him look at you again.
"I missed you so much" you smiled as he brushed some of your tears away.
"I missed you too, darling. So much" he smiled.
"And... just so you know, I am and always have been very much in love with you, Sirius" you said, making him chuckle a little.
"Well, just so you know... I love you too. And I've always been in love with you" he assured you.
"Good to know" you said as he started getting closer.
"Yeah, I'm glad I'm not on your list of stupid selfish pricks" he said, making you glare at him. But at the same time you were extremely happy to have Sirius back.
"You can still be" you threatened.
"I wouldn't dream of it, love" he said, pulling you to him and kissing you.
The End
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* A/N: hope you loves liked it!
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fauustic · 10 months
protective miguel o'hara drabble
you didn't hear this from me but i'm making a miguel series and its taking a lot longer than i thought (first chapter already is pushing 10k words sheesh..) and i'm having possessive miguel thoughts so i needed to GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM...
If Miguel had his own way outside the Spider Society and all that, he would have Lyla escort you to and from wherever your errands took you under the guise of "needing company," or as an extra precaution of staying safe.
In reality, Miguel is an anxious man. He wants to keep everything that could possibly go wrong at bay, always trying to stay five steps ahead of whatever could possibly happen. So when he comes to find out that someone had hit on you as you were out with friends, he was livid.
Of course the one time you're not wrapped in his own embrace or cuddled up in the side of his hip one late night, someone tries to take the opportunity of seeing you all alone and a little bit vulnerable, tipsy and stumbling against the arm of your friend-- contorted in a way that would have been uncomfortable if you hadn't downed a couple drinks hours before.
You had let it slip when calling him, all giggly and oblivious to the world from being a lightweight. "Migs," you had murmured into the crook of your neck, cradling the phone that let out little chuckles from your boyfriend. He's still not used to seeing you drunk, the neither of you were really big drinkers unless you were celebrating something for work or you had been roped into a socialite outing from Miguel's position at Alchemax. The Spider Society never really had anything worth going out to drink for, or maybe Miguel just never wants to hang around them too frequently. His mood always changes whenever he brings up what he does, so you haven't brought yourself to pry any more.
His tone was lax, if not a little awake. You assumed he was driving through the midnight traffic once he heard the words, "I miss you, I'm ready to come home." And Miguel always requests for you to stay on the phone with him until he sees you, until you're swallowed into a hug that threatens to crack your back because he hasn't seen you all day and he's a bit desperate for your warmth.
"What is it, mi alma?" His voice met your ears in that playful, tired way whenever Miguel catches on that blissful, drunk tone of yours's. Raspy with a hint of sleep as if he's been trying to stay awake for you despite being exhausted after a few days of little rest. You would have felt bad for keeping him awake at a time like this had you not been thinking hazily, but deep down you know he couldn't sleep without you either.
Another giggle hissed through your dopey, toothy smile. Your happiness must be contagious because you could hear his own curl of his lips when he encouraged you to spill your thoughts for a second time when you left him hanging.
"You wouldn't believe what happened tonight, baby," you slurred into the receiver and he hummed. Your ass met the concrete hard when your legs suddenly felt like jelly, the dim street lights casting a soft ambience on the side of the bar. You only felt a little vulnerable when you found yourself alone on the phone with the little reminder that your lover is still on the road. "This, this stranger tried to make a move on me. A move!" You babbled as if it was the most surprising thing in the world, "And it's so crazy because I was like, heaving over the table like my last mixed drink was about to send me over the edge. I was not at my best."
The gentle chuckles on the other end came to a halt as soon as you brought up someone else, a stranger who you didn't even remember the name of. Miguel's quietness never caught your attention as you continued rambling on about it in your drunken state, holding your free hand to your forehead to try and stay upright against the wall of the bar.
"And, obviously I was like, 'ew, who the fuck are you? I have a boyfriend-'" You had mocked yourself in exaggeration, and when you heard Miguel's stiff huff of laughter on the other end you couldn't help but laugh in blissful unawareness. "But they wouldn't shut up and even had the audacity to pull me up towards them,"
Miguel had interrupted you this time around, an eerie atmosphere to his tone. Cold, a little distant. It put your hazy mind on edge, though he would never do anything to you. "Who was this.." He paused for a moment, and you could see the hand signals he would conjure when trying to find the word for something. "Stranger? This person?"
You caught your breath when he mentioned he was minutes away now before you answered his question, a warmth settling over your chest at the inevitable entanglement of limbs the moment you find yourself face-to-face with Miguel.
"Ah, some.." Your brows scrunched, trying to remember where the mysterious flirt was from until you realized it was a work party. "Co-worker, different department, obvious prick. Hated the way he spoke to me, was trying to explain some stupid shit at work that I obviously knew how to do."
"Love," He practically cooed into his phone, and you could see the way he shakes his head in both adoration and disbelief whenever Miguel uses such a gentle pet name. Such a simple one, but the way he looks at you as if you're the entire world and more rivals whatever paragraphs he could possibly write to express his feelings for you. "I need a name,"
"You do not need a name, Migs." You laughed, and you could hear the whiney scoff of his when you caught onto his antics despite being drunk. "That worries me. I don't need you getting hurt." And you swear you could hear a small whimper, the gentleness you give him causes his insides to twist and turn painfully. Always in a tunnel of self-depreciation, he tries his best to accept the sweetness oozing from your lips, but Miguel can't help but admit he's still not used to it.
Miguel knows he isn't perfect, the insecurities flow from his exhausted tongue frequently when he's surrounded with your touch and presence every night. But when he hears you off-handedly mention how someone tried to take you away in the unknown of their home, something inside him cracks just a little bit more whenever a situation like this arises.
"Baby," By each passing moment he stayed quiet, you felt yourself sobering up. Your worst days was whenever Miguel needed space from you for whatever took ahold of his mind, those nasty thoughts that tell him something differently than what you embed within his very being. If this conversation triggered something, you would respect it without a second thought-- but the idea of being without Miguel after such a taxing week had you hold back the emotions threatening to bombard your delicate state of mind. "Migs-- Miguel, what's wrong baby? Why aren't you talking, honey?" You pleaded into your phone, briefly checking to see if you had accidentally hung up.
"Fuck," you murmured to yourself, your phone falling to your side as your other hand met the bridge of your nose- a habit you've developed from the one you love. What a silly thing.
A car door sounded throughout the humid night air nearby, and you brushed it off as another person consumed by the nightlife. Probably going to down a couple beers to forget, is what your muddled brain distractedly made up to try and stop yourself from crying. Swiping at your cheek with a pathetic feeling pooling in the bottom of your stomach, you weren't sure whether the wetness meeting the pads of your finger-tips was the fog or tears dripping off your lashes.
Your name rings throughout traffic lights and bustling cars like a prayer, boots crunching pavement until pristine-white etched with red met tears cascading onto the curb. The breath you were close to being choked up on was caught in your throat as the calm he desperately tried to exude cracked the moment he caught the cries slipping from your skin.
You unraveled your posture, straightening your neck up to meet his gaze. Miguel didn't hesitate to drop to his knees and take you into his arms as if he was a child hugging a stuffed animal. His nose met the crook of your neck and he breathed in deeply, as if he had taken a moment longer to get here you would had slip away from him- fading into the city streets like a ghost.
"Why didn't you respond?" You practically whined in his shoulder, immature and woozy from the tipsy still lingering. He only held onto you tighter, scooping you up into his arms like you were the most fragile thing in the world.
He mumbled into your hair as you returned the hug and closed your eyes, drawing into a comfortable lull from the safety of his embrace.
"What was that?" A genuine question, you couldn't hear his grumble with his mouth full of your hair. But he only scoffed, and leaned down to brush his canines against the shell of your ear, sharp yet feathery. The contrast was like a bucket of iced water dipped over you, shocking yourself out of that drunken fatigue. His words came out of as a whisper, hint of jealousy as well as protective concern.
"Worried sick, mi corazón. I'm not going to sleep until I know that bastard who put his hands on you," It came out less like a threat and more like a promise, softened by the plush of your curls meeting his lips in a kiss. "El muchacho necesita una lección, hmm?" A chuckle rolled off his tongue as he swung open the door to his sleek vehicle, setting you down with utmost care. Before you could protest, Miguel took the seatbelt in his hands and buckled you in himself- sweet and slow and everything he wasn't implying.
"Miguel, I don't need to be waited on hand-and-foot." You complain once his left hand found purchase on the steering wheel, all for show you assume because in the year of 2099 you had flying cars and automated driving and genetic splicing. But he was smooth, you had to give him that, as his frown kept a cheeky little smirk at bay. His free hand found comfort in the fat of your thigh, thumb stroking the fabric that hugged your figure nicely. He made no move, keeping the gesture innocent with genuine affection.
Miguel's not one to really show physical affection out of the confinements of your shared apartment, but ever since you had mentioned the threat of someone else trying to dumbly scoop you up and send you on your way alongside them- Miguel had kept close. Noticeably so.
His hand found itself snaking around your back and resting against the flesh atop your belly button, wedging you within the curve of his side. Miguel had always been the one to be a bit whiney, but when you denied him the opportunity to allow him to sink his fangs into the softness of your neck and angle of your jaw, he'd accidentally pout in an unexpectedly cute way and brood like a ruffled pigeon. You never allowed yourself to tease him about it though, or else he'd catch himself doing it and stop himself. The loss of such a cute expression donning his permanent scowl would have you in shambles.
Miguel's not exactly the worst with words per-se, he could explain the parallels of universes and what exactly makes them tick in harmony with effortless ambition-- but when he's faced with the pure adoration swimming within your irises as the both of you do the most mundane tasks; cooking and washing dishes, piled up on the couch for a movie you had dragged him to watch- Miguel would grow subtly emotional to the point he would have to stalk up behind you and engulf you with a hug, a stray tear or two meeting the ridge of your shoulder. And you'd hold his arms meeting the bridge of your ribs, whispering; "It's okay, darling. I'm here, here only for you."
And he'd kiss the blemishes upon your skin in return, a silent thank you as he nuzzles into your very being- the constant need to be as close as possible undermining the physical touch he craved so desperately from you. If he could use his claws to carve into your ribcage and take shelter next to your beating heart, maybe for once Miguel would be able to sleep easily.
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cryptidcorners · 6 months
hi c: i was hoping i could request smth like reader doesn't like her laugh bc she got like made fun of it in like highschool so she like when she does laugh around mike she gets like really embarrassed and mike is like ???? i like your laugh C: (SORRY IF THIS IS CRINGE LOLOL) have a great day :)
Mike Schmidt x F!Reader - Pretty Laugh
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Description: Mike finds his girlfriend's laugh adorable, and is incredibly shocked to find she's embarrassed about it . Requested by anon .
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Mike Schmidt
Tags: Girlfriend!Reader, Established Relationship, Fluff, Comfort, Mike Rambling, Romantic, Cute Stuff, Slice of Life, Encouragement, Slight Protective Mike
Warnings: Some mentions of bullying . Not too severe .
Check out my TOS before reading . Thank you ! + MIKE SCHMIDT MASTERLIST
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"I'm sorry," you choked back a harsh giggle. "my laugh."
Mike's smile softened as he caught his breath, eyes fluttering, "What are you talking about?" his tone was breathy from the aftermath of giggling so hard. You shyly averted your eyes away with a gentle shrug, "It's annoying."
Mike's brow arched immediately, already puzzled. "Annoying? Who told you that?" his tone sharpened. He stayed closer to you, hand wrapped around yours with a desperate gaze. You assured him quickly with a gesture, "Oh, no, no. Nobody said anything." You sighed, "I mean, right now."
Mike frowned, resembling some defeat pup. It ached him to see you blue, even if it was something minor. "Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was slow and already growing tender. He watched your gaze narrow and immediately reeled back, "I mean, we don't need to. We can keep talking if you'd like," Admittedly, you felt silly talking about something that happened years ago, but, Mike never judged you. So it never hurt to open up.
You lightened your chest with a rough exhale, "No, no. I should. I really should," Mike scooted closer, giving you the comfort of leaning on him slightly. His presence always invited you in, even during the darkest of times. "Well, in highschool, I was constantly made fun of, like, by everyone. Because of my laugh. They'd try to make me giggle so I could do it, and it'd be so embarrassing." You explained, "Even my friends teased me, and did the same thing. It got to the point where I'd just avoid seeing people or trying my best to seem out of it. Called me a witch, clown, you name it. Now, I'm just . . . a little insecure about it? I never told anyone."
Mike broke the silence, "I think your laugh is pretty."
He nodded and cupped your face. He started kissing you gently, lightly pecking your face with ticklish signs of affection. You couldn't help but giggle, "Mike, what are you doing?" and yet, you were hugging him tightly.
"I wanna hear you laugh more, obviously." He answered, "And I want to make you love it as much as I do,"
You pulled him in, smiling infectiously. "You're so cheesy, but I love it."
Mike chuckled. You had no idea how he made your heart soar just by complimenting you. You melted in his touch, truly comfortable wrapped around his arms. "Thank you,"
Mike gazed at you warmly, "You're welcome." and he was already thinking about all the ways he could make you laugh.
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A.N: this was so cute I'm dying actually!!!
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May I request Hobo Heart with a sweet and shy Reader who loves spoiling him with physical affection but they're often too shy to initiate it? I love Hobo Heart and just need more fluff with him. <3 (If this has been requested before I'm sorry- I have crappy memory. Any Hobo Heart fluff at all is much appreciated.)
I have written a similar request actually from you before :p, so I'm just using this as a way to ramble about Hobo for you :)
Click here for Hobo with a s/o who loves being affectionate but feels shy and insecure about it at first
This idea just popped into my head, but he totally makes you things with his feathers. He's got big wings and a fuck ton of feathers, and before he met you he'd just usually let them drift away outside, but he's started saving them for you now. You've always complimented him about them, and when he presents you the very first feather, a very large one from the end of his wing, and you light up in absolute joy it causes him to grow quite flustered and definitely encourages him to keep doing it. I think he likes to make you things, like decorations like a dream catcher, or maybe a feather wreath. They always come out beautifully and it brings him so much joy when you like them.
I've said before that Hobo can make chirping noises, and that he does so when he's really happy and content. However, I now think that when he's super comfortable with someone, especially you, he actually has separate chirping noises for just about every mood he has. Spend enough time with Hobo, and you'll eventually come to realize what chirps mean what emotion, and I think it's quite silly because he's not used to doing it around people, so it catches him off guard when you know what they mean. I also have this funny image of him chirping at you sassily and when you tell him not to be sassy with you he chirps back indignantly, and the two of you just go back and forth. I love this bird man and I just think he would be very happy to be able to do those things with you. Also, if you try and mock/copy him by trying to imitate his chirping noises he thinks it's the cutest thing in the entire world and he'll just giggle at you, a big bright smile on his face. 
Traps you in his wings. He's a huge fucking cuddle bug as I've said before, and I think it has evolved in your relationship that now, when he doesn't want you to get up from snuggles, that he'll wrap you up in his arms and his wings, holding you tightly so you can't get away. He does it to be silly and clingy, and it's hard for you to deny him more snuggles when he pouts at you and politely asks you to stay just a little while longer. He's been so touch-starved his whole life that he just feels so blessed to be able to receive that affection from you, and so sometimes he just wants to be a bit selfish and keep you to himself for a little while, just curled up in bed, his wings lightly wrapped around you as the two of you relax and relish in each other's company. Also adding a tidbit on the end, that I think he would also protect you with his wings. I think if he ever gets scared that something might happen to you, he reflexively and quickly fans his wings out around you and pulls you into him. It's such a reflex that it happens incredibly fast and often times he doesn't realize he's doing it until he already has. 
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