#this is what happens when most of your online and daily life that is positive is a language that isn't your own
mocacheezy · 1 year
Watching gaming youtube in slovene is so weird because my childhood was English Content exclusive. I've been watching english let's plays for 12 years, and now I'm over here cracking the fuck up at my own language.
Svojega lastnega jezika ne morem jemat resno, računalniške igre in slovenski jezik, moji možgani ne morejo povezat tega. Gledam fnaf zaradi ljube nostalgije in crkujem tuki od komentiranja.
Biti tetka ima svoje pluse, med drugim to da mi nečaki pošljejo youtuberje ob katerih se režim tok da crknem. Zaradi pravilne slovenščine CRKUJEM TUKI XDDD
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
Your post regarding specifc places for things and some places dont need a vent channel it helped me realise that the people i follow online were damaging to my health. They were constantly sharing real people who died horrifically and saying things like "if you dont share you're supporting violence " while i only joined social media to view art.
I actively speak about real life events offline with my family, we always talk about whats happening in the world once a week and mention anything new within the local and worldwide news. I didn't understand why social media was worsening my mental health around these topics since i could speak about it in real life with my family. i assumed i was horrible for simply not wanting to see it online, When your post about a safe space came up i realised why it made me feel so bad, the artists i followed no longer were posting art and were just constantly sharing news daily about horrific events. It became inescapable and i was unknownly doomscrolling for hours on social media while hoping to see art (that just made me feel bad viewing after seeing so much death) , my only escape was going offline. I already made new accounts just for art and Im so thankful for your post since i did avoid everything that was about real world events since the account is only for art and i feel so much more.. i guess happier.. but definitely more mentally healthy if that makes sense? It felt like my mind was drained or foggy when scrolling through social media, and i wasnt actually paying attention before but now its a lot more, clear, healthy and positive. Im able to think properly and actually pay attention and appreciate the good things online
I'm so glad I was able to help you on your journey to bettering your wellbeing. Its an aspect of why I run this blog and talk about the things that I do.
So very often people don't actually register or realize what parts of their lives are causing stress. They attribute it to 'working too much' or 'not sleeping enough' without realizing that there are direct causes for things like not sleeping enough. And I'm not saying every single part of life comes back to activism, but very often we don't even realize how much negativity and forced awareness we're exposing ourselves to.
I used to religiously follow accounts on Instagram which posted about animal abuse. Other than a handful of celebrities my Instagram feed would be the most graphic videos you could imagine of people hacking into live dogs with axes, boiling cats alive in huge vats of water, jockeys tearing at horse's mouths until their teeth were loose and they were leaving a trail of blood as they walked the winner's circle.
I used to think if I wasn't constantly forcing myself to acknowledge that these things were happening, if I wasn't constantly reminding myself the extent at which these things happen, I was a bad person. I wasn't a real animal lover. If I truly loved animals why wasn't I sharing these videos? Why wasn't I sitting there with thousands of other people acknowledging what animals go through while I sit comfy at home doing nothing?
It got the point where I'd be throwing up constantly, I refused to sleep because I was terrified of the nightmares and my hands would shake as I opened up the Instagram app because I dreaded what I'd see today.
It wasn't helping me. It wasn't helping the animals. I'm just as aware now of what animals go through without having to see any of it.
But now, I have the wellbeing to actually devote myself to meaningful activism. Not just tormenting myself to no outcome. Now, I have the willpower and the energy to sign petitions and do research and take steps in my own life to better the welfare of the animals in my care.
Now I can sleep at night and wake up well-rested with the energy and the motivation to do things both for myself and for other people. Now, I can scroll Instagram and leave polite, correctional comments on misguided videos about animals. Now I have the knowledge to devote my attention and my efforts to where it actually makes a difference and changes animal's lives.
It is such, such a hard thing to drag yourself out of. We're so conditioned into thinking suffering shared is suffering lessened. We're so conditioned into believing that by spamming words anywhere we can we are the direct cause of change.
Its a hell of a learning climb. A steep one. But I genuinely believe the world would be better off for learning and changing as we both had the courage to.
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soberpluto · 5 months
Know Your Soul Purpose With Your Big 3
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It's been so much time since I've been here, but it's amazing to be back! Now, here's a topic I was wondering about today...
All our configurations hold divine meaning, in that before we are born, our souls chose the type of experiences we needed to undergo as part of our next visit on Earth. What makes us "us" is perfect in design. And what we're "made of" can be neatly seen in our birth charts. No birth nor birth chart happen by chance.
While it’s accurate that specific karmic work (which is part of our life's mission) is indicated by studying the positions of Saturn, its aspects, planets falling in water houses and the configuration of lunar nodes, I feel we can also find great part our soul's purpose (our main lessons) by analyzing our Big 3. This is equal to drawing a picture of the blueprint of our unique navigation system, our compasses through our human experience.
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To make a draft of your soul's blueprint, take these steps!
Look at your chart to know your Ascendant, Sun and Moon signs and chart ruler(s). If your rising sign has two rulers, take them both into account. In my case, I always use whole sign system.
Identify the houses of your placements.
Start drafting your Ascendant, Sun and Moon signs' significations using the tables below, including both positive and negative traits. If we're moving through life based mostly on our positive qualities, it's very likely we're on the right track. Conversely, living constantly under the influence of our negative traits marks potential blockages to get where we need to be.
Add to your blueprint areas in which you naturally express your placement's traits (houses). This is important because you will know where your mission will be accomplished more easily or naturally.
Have fun!
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If you're having a bit of trouble to come up with yours, take my own example...
I am proud of myself when I present to the world as passionate, powerful, magnetic, and intuitive (positive Scorpio rising qualities). I realize that when I become vengeful, jealous, obsessive and/or mournful (negative Scorpio rising qualities), I am attracting unnecessarily challenging circumstances that hinder my lessons in my life. My personality (rising sign) projects most in my physical appearance image and identity, in my close communities and in the pursuit of my dreams (Chart Rulers in 1st and 11th house). I feel my life has meaning when I act as a nurturing, sensitive, creative and empathetic person (positive traits of Cancer sun), but when I become needy, emotionally instable, insecure and/or manipulating with others (negative traits of Cancer sun), I realize that I am blocking myself from living in my fullest potential. The area where my conscious self (Sun sign) shines most is in my path towards higher learning, distant travelling, truth seeking, legal affairs and spirituality (Sun in 9th house). I feel safe and fulfilled when I can be brave, independent, assertive and passionate (positive Moon in Aries traits). But, when I realize that I'm repeatedly reacting in a violent, selfish, impulsive and/or inconstant way (negative Moon in Aries traits), I know that am blocking my ability to be peaceful within myself and move ahead in life. My emotional needs (Moon sign) are best taken care of through my habits, health care, daily routine, service to others, jobs, and pets (Moon in the 6th house).
Now, what information can you derive from this description? What does this tell about my purpose in this life?
Naturally, I am pulled to creative, healing and spiritual work. I studied Industrial Design in college, but I've expanded my career in other directions, including developing and managing intermittently art and esoteric online businesses while also holding an office job in Change Management. I am also the eternal student, self-learning and passionate about higher knowledge. I like to share my insights with others and help them find their own truth, their own awakening. I am drawn to intense (and sometimes not so positive) experiences and relationships, and have drastically changed my own image, jobs and spiritual views along the years. I've certainly went through a lot of turmoil, but also have gained significant life lessons and valuable wisdom thanks to the way I approach life. I cannot help to be deeply emotional, empathetic, passionate, excitable, idealistic and inspired, for the good and the bad! Even though it's not been an easy road, I realize that little by little my purpose is being fulfilled... and I hope you all do!
What about you? Let me know what you find out about yourself!
Thanks for reading! 😘🖤
Written by @soberpluto
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peachy-panic · 6 months
Companion, pt. 2
A (slightly delayed) follow up to this chapter. Jaime & Sebastian add another member to their little makeshift household.
WARNINGS: The usual BBU stuff, animal shelter setting, collars, mentions of past foster care, anxiety, but mostly good things happening here.
The animal shelter they chose is in the heart of the city. Their website mentioned that they often deal with overpopulation, since it’s the biggest one in the area, so Sebastian thought they might have the most positive impact by adopting from them. They have a list of available animals with photos that they update daily, but Jaime turned down Sebastian’s offer to look through them.
He doesn’t tell him that swiping through a catalog of strays, deciding their fate behind the comfort of a computer screen, feels too much like how a prospective Keeper might shop for their Companion. How someone once shopped for him.
They make a plan to go on Saturday morning, and Jaime spends the rest of the week quietly stewing in an unnamed anxiety. He doesn’t bring it up—not when Sebastian talks excitedly about pet toys he found online over dinner, not when his nerves cut into his ability to fall asleep at night, and certainly not when he is buckled into the passenger seat, watching the big, yellow bridge that leads into downtown come into view. 
The building itself is large but sparse, all cement-gray walls and scuffed floors and signs of age that reflect a probable lack of funding. As they walk through the main hallway, flanked by rows of doors and cages, Jaime thinks that it reminds him a little of the training facility. He keeps that to himself, too. 
There is a volunteer—a young woman with her hair in a bun and a stain on her shirt—showing Jaime and Sebastian around. 
“The dogs are back this way,” she says. “Green tags on the doors are puppies under six months. Yellow tags mean they can be a little jumpy around people, red equals not good matches for homes with young children. Blue tags mean they’re seniors. Those are usually the ones that have been with us the longest.”
Jaime tries hard not to think about what happens to the senior dogs that overstay their welcome. 
“Cats are on this side,” she continues, pointing to her left. “We just ask that you wash your hands if you enter one of the playrooms, and avoid direct contact with any red tags. Any questions?”
Sebastian looks at Jaime, who tenses slightly at the attention but shakes his head. 
“I think we’re all good.” Sebastian says. 
She smiles. “Just let us know if you have any questions.”
With a nod, they set off down the hall on their own, Jaime sticking close to Sebastian’s heels. 
“So,” Sebastian says, stuffing his hands in his coat pockets. “Anywhere in particular you want to start? Young? Old? Big? Small?”
Jaime looks around at all the cages, suddenly overwhelmed—by the decision, by the sharp whines and barks for attention, by the closeness of the other prospective adopters, by the sad, watchful eyes of the animals as people pass them by. By the collars fastened around their necks, reminding Jaime of the weight of his own, the visibility of it peeking up through the dip in the sweatshirt neckline. Absently, he touches the warm metal with his fingertips. 
Sebastian seems to sense his discomfort, because he eases back. “You know what? Maybe we just take a lap or two and see what happens,” he says. “Maybe there will be an instant connection.”
They start with a black lab with a green tag on his cage door, who instantly jumps up and tries to paw at them when Sebastian sinks into a crouch.
“Well, aren’t you full of energy?” Sebastian’s voice lifts into a high sing-song tone when he speaks to the dogs, and the surprise of it is so endearing that it momentarily pulls Jaime from his inward spiral. “Only five months old,” he says to Jaime.
Against his wishes, memories of a long lost life in foster care rise to the surface. Jaime had been old enough when he entered to know that his chances of finding a family to adopt him were low, and only getting lower with each passing birthday.
“I’m sure she’ll be very popular,” Jaime says.
“Yeah,” Sebastian agrees, sticking his finger through one of the holes in the grate so that the puppy can sniff him. “You’ll find a home in no time, sweet girl.”
They move past a few more cages, Sebastian seemingly thrilled with the prospect of bringing any one of them home, but Jaime’s anxiety only grows. It’s when they come upon a cage with a golden labrador puppy—one that looks a little too similar to the fading image he has of a puppy from his childhood—that he reaches a breaking point. 
He takes a few steps away—not so far as to wander away from Sebastian’s watch, but a couple of doors down the row. Jaime takes slow, deep breaths as he looks down at the sleeping dog in the kennel in front of him, trying to imagine her laying on Sebastian’s living room rug. Trying not to imagine what it might look like to feed her every day, to brush her, to walk her, to love her, and then to leave her behind in six months when Jaime is called back to the facility. 
Sebastian doesn’t seem to mind Jaime’s straying, so he allows himself the space, moving slowly along the row of animals. He makes it all the way to the end of the hall when a flash of movement catches his eye. At the corner, secluded away from the glass-walled play rooms, is a singular cage with a black cat inside. The flash of movement he saw, it seems, was the cat’s abrupt recoil from a pair of reaching hands.
“Don’t put your fingers in the cage!” A young mother scolds, grabbing her child’s wrist and pulling him back from the cage. “You’re going to get bit.”
The kid gies a grumble of complaint but moves onto the next door quickly, not sparing a look back at the cage. Jaime watches as the black cat shrinks even further behind a wadded up blanket, pressing herself to the back corner of the cage, where no one can reach. Her bright, green eyes scan the area, back and forth, watching for invaders. She doesn’t look aggressive, Jaime thinks. She looks scared. 
Without realizing it, Jaime has taken a step toward the cage. He sees both a blue and a yellow tag on the door and tries to remember what the codes mean. On a small slip of paper at the top of the cage, the name “Bella” is written out in sharpie. 
“Hi Bella,” he whispers, barely audible. “You’re okay.”
Slowly, broadcasting the movement as much as he can, he lifts a hand and places the tip of his finger just at the edge of the cage; not enough to intrude the walls of her space, but hopefully enough to be a show of invitation. Bella looks at his finger for a long few seconds, then up at his eyes. Stupidly, Jaime smiles, like it might soften her to him.  
“Pretty eyes, right?”
The sudden voice startles him, even more for the fact that it isn’t Sebastian’s. He pulls his hand away like it was burned and turns to find another young woman with a volunteer shirt on. 
“Sorry,” he says automatically.
“No need,” she says, then nods her head toward the cage. “I think you’ve got her attention.” 
Jaime looks back at the cage and finds that the cat has taken a few steps out from her hiding spot, a curious nose pointed where Jaime’s finger had been. Carefully, darting a quick look at the woman for approval, Jaime lifts his hand again. This time, the cat only stares at it for a few seconds before she bumps her nose against his skin. A breath of a laugh startles out of him. 
“That’s the most contact she’s had with anyone on her own terms,” the girl says. “She must like you.”
“Can I ask…?” Jaime starts then hesitates. The woman's gaze dips, almost unwittingly, to Jaime’s throat. He watches something flash across her expression before she schools it with a neutral look. 
“You can ask me,” she tells him. 
“Why is she in a cage by herself? Away from the other cats?”
“She’s FIV+.”
Jaime glances back at the cat. “She’s sick?”
The woman nods. “It’s an immunodeficiency virus. There’s no cure for it, but it’s entirely possible for cats to live full, happy lives with it. But it’s best that she goes to a home with no other cats.”
“I think he… My…” Jaime clears his throat. “I think he is looking for a dog.”
She presses her lips into a thin line. “I see.”
As if summoned, Sebastian appears at his shoulder. “Oh, look at this cutie!”
Jaime tries to conceal his startled jump. “Her name is Bella,” he says quietly. 
“Look at her,” Sebastian croons, crouching beside the cage but not attempting to make contact. “She’s a love bug.”
“She’s actually quite shy,” the woman says, taking the smallest nudge of a step in front of Jaime to stand between them. “I was just telling him how he must be special to win her over so quickly.”
Sebastian’s first instinct is to shoot Jaime a smile. He stands slowly, knees cracking, and says, “I can’t say I’m surprised.” Then, to Jaime, he adds, “I didn’t know you were a cat person.”
“I’ve never had one,” he says honestly. 
“Hmm.” Sebastian turns back toward the cat, studying her for a few long seconds before he says, “Do you like her?”
Jaime blinks, letting his hand slowly drop to his side. In his periphery, he sees Bella raise a paw to tap impatiently against the cage wall. 
“I…” He looks to the cat, to the volunteer, and back at Sebastian. “Yes.” 
Sebastian nods, once, decisively, then turns to the volunteer. “We’ll take her.”
There’s a moment’s pause. They both turn to him, surprised. “I… I thought you wanted a dog,” Jaime says. 
He shrugs. “I think Bella has made the decision for us, really.” He nods toward where she is still perched at the edge of the cage, nuzzling against the bars to reach Jaime. “I mean, look at her. It’s out of our hands.”
He is fawning over the cat—who has decided to regard him with a look of skeptical displeasure—but Jaime only has eyes for Sebastian. He blinks up at him, trying to tame the spread of warmth in his chest. “Really?” he asks. 
Sebastian gives an uncertain smile, one that Jaime is becoming more and more familiar with. “Is that okay with you?”
Jaime swallows tightly, lowering his voice. “You’ll keep her?” he asks, trying to ignore the inquisitive glance from the volunteer. “Even when I’m gone?”
It looks like there’s a lot more that Sebastian wants to say, but in their present company, he only meets Jaime’s eyes and says, “Yes. Of course”
Jaime breathes out and gives a single, decisive nod. 
“Alright then,” the woman breaks the silence after a few tense moments. “Let’s get the paperwork started.”
On the way home, Sebastian drives carefully enough that his knuckles go white around the steering wheel, trying to avoid every bump and crack in the road. Jaime is in the backseat, which is an arrangement Sebastian normally wouldn’t prefer, but it’s only because he wants to be able to sit next to Bella’s carrier. 
He casts a glance in the rearview mirror to see Jaime gently running the back of his finger against the mesh wall, ducking his head so he can peek inside. 
“What should we name her?” Sebastian asks, almost regretting breaking the moment of reverence. 
Jaime sits up, meeting his eyes in the mirror. A dip of confusion forms between his brows. “You don’t like the name Bella?”
“Oh.” Sebastian blinks. “I—no, it’s cute. I like it. Just… I think most of the time the names they’re given in the shelter are temporary things? People usually change them to whatever they want when they bring them home.”
Jaime is quiet long enough to make Seabstian think maybe he’s stepped in something he didn’t mean to. Then, he asks, “Do you think she had a name before the shelter?”
Sebastian shrugs. “They didn’t know much about her history. If she was a stray her whole life, I guess she probably didn’t.”
He looks back down at the carrier, continuing the slow, soothing motion of his finger. “I’m okay with whatever name you decide for her,” he says, and Seabstian can’t help but hear a bit of dejection slip through. 
The pieces connect, and Sebastian considers the kind of weight a name might carry for someone who has had his stolen. 
Sebastian tightens his grip on the steering wheel, keeping his voice as even as he can. “No, I think you’re right,” he says. “Bella suits her just fine.”
@whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing@whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @pumpkin-spice-whump @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort  @termsnconditions-apply  @cyborg0109  @whumplr-reader  @pinkraindropsfell  @whatwhumpcomments @honeycollectswhump @pirefyrelight @handsinmotion @alexmundaythrufriday @scoundrelwithboba
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year
You don't have to keep posting online even when you don't feel like or when it's too overwhleming. You don't owe anything to the people that read your blog. Ofc social media is a particular world: if you don't use your account constantly or don't choose the right hashtags, don't interact also with the right people or communities, it gets hard to keep your account interactions' rate high and even gain new followers. But your mental health comes first. And you can either schedule some posts for a few days in the future so that they can come up while you're taking a break or you can just be true and take a break openly: there's no need to be fake. Especially on some social medias we are shown perfect and beautiful lives where nothing's wrong but this is not real. Do not let yourself be fooled. Everyone goes through heavy periods, and everyone finds their escapes and ways to cope with them (and ofc to keep posting beautiful things and avoiding the negative completely may even be one), but assure yourself that you are shining a light over what's wrong at least irl: to pretend the negative doesn't exist isn't going to help you in the end. Toxic positivity is not gonna work. Take time for you and take care of you in any way you can.
This comes from someone who used to be some kind of a social media manager for a couple of associations on IG until few years ago: I had to work basically everyday (also on festivities/holidays), plan posts, find the best daytime to post and all. I liked it tbh, it felt nice also to come up with funny ideas and see the accounts grow. Ofc lukily I wasn't entirely alone, but kinda had to do most of the job alone especially towards the end... When a few heavy things suddenly happened in my life, at first I felt that this job was kinda helping me distracting myself, but after a while I realized that it was only adding more work and stress to my already busy and stressed life. So I looked at my priorities and decided to cut it off, in order to focus on what I couldn't give up and on resting too (a.k.a. distracting myself in a different way: doing non-mandatory things and freeing my mind from the need of reaching a certain result/any type of pressure, which I was already experiencing in other stuff daily... basically I diminished the amount of pressure put on myself in those days, by removing the one I had control and a choice over as it depended on me). Maybe the fact that I felt let down by some people (including a few collaborators: I kept interacting with them but ended up having to do most of the work alone anyway), added weight on my already tired and stressed mind and brought me to my final decision to leave for my best intentions. But I think it was a mixture of situations, and most of all, a self preservation mechanism.
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yandere-kittee · 1 year
Delusional! Yandere x Gn! Reader
Note: THANKS YOU ALL FOR 300 FOLLOWERS 😭 (even thoughI don't post as much anymore) I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUAHHH ❤❤❤
One kiss for each follower 😚😚
❦Contains: Yandere behavior,delulu.
Delusional! Yan who happened to come across you randomly one day, meeting at a library and you both only briefly talked to each other because you both were going for the same book.
From then on, they're convinced you fell for them at first sight, you just looked at them differently compared to how others looked at them. (That's only because they're an absolute creep irl)
Delusional! Yan will literally scour the internet for you because they couldn't help but not let you go!
They will find any little piece of information about you, doesn't matter if it's significant or not. They'll want to know every little detail about you anyways.
Has literally made up so many scenarios in their head with you in it, imagining you two meet again and stay in contact this time and when your relationship together progresses they'll ask you to be their partner in the cheesiest way possible.
But all of that's just in their head because when they actually got to meet you again, they we're so flustered you could physically see their face turn red and blood drip down from their nose.
They just couldn't help but feel that way because you look so better compared to the pictures you post online.
Delusional! Yan most likely listens to Laufey on a daily basis, with their legs kicking in the air and the widest smiles on their face, imagining all the things you two would do together, their most of the time not even sexual, they're just so touch starved and hasn't been given any form of positive attention in their life. (That's only because he was a stranget and it was default you treat them normally)
Probably already planned how they'll propose, the ring they'll choose, what both of you will wear and where the venue is.
Probably already has a list of names if you guys we're to have or want kids.
I literally got this idea while listening to Laufey and I couldn't help but write this Yandere who is so delusional to the point they'll absolutely misinterpret things to how they see fit because of how delusional they are. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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Happy tenth anniversary Poet Scarlett Sabet and Jimmy Page
Gloria article online here or below:
"No one gave them a chance : The couple who caused consternation due to their age difference is celebrating their tenth anniversary
Jimmy Page, who was followed all his life by the fame of a womanizer, found peace at the age of 70 with today's 35-year-old Scarlett Sabet, a poet whose father has Iranian blood and with whom he shares his Victorian castle in Kensington.
Although almost no one gave them a chance because of the age difference, musician Jimmy Page, founder of the cult band Led Zeppelin, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of his love with the 35-year-old poet Scarlett Sabet this year . The famous musician and author of Led Zeppelin's greatest hits, who celebrated his 80th birthday in January, was enchanted by her lyrics, a red-haired beauty with long curly hair who seems to have come from some renaissance times.
As she told the British magazine Tatler a few years ago , it happened at the World's End Bookshop in King's Road, where she read her poems publicly for the first time. Seeing the crowd and the beautiful poetess who was also acting at the time, Page entered the bookstore, and after her reading, which left the audience speechless, he approached her and quietly said: "Your poems cut like a knife."
But it wasn't love at first sight, at least not on her part. His compliment touched her and was the impetus that made her decide to ignore acting and devote herself entirely to writing. But his reputation as a womanizer was rather odious to her. In the first months, they were just friends who would meet more by accident than on purpose, but the experienced rocker must have had a plan.
He was not even known as an excessively moral guy, he seduced Krissy Wood , Roni Wood's wife , during the period when they were good friends. Numerous models, actresses, singers have been "guests" in his bedroom, more than thirty of them are publicly known, he was married twice and has five children. Of course, all his affairs and scandals were followed by media articles that did not escape the romantic Scarlett.
Nevertheless, several random meetings on the street led to the first coffee, then lunch and socializing. And little by little, instead of in the bookstore, Scarlett spent more and more time with her laptop in his castle, where she soon moved. They started dating in August 2014 and it seems to be the most serious relationship Jimmy Page has ever been in.
They also opened the doors of their home for Tatler magazine, the Town House mansion made of red brick in London's Melbury Street, a well-known destination for fans of the band Led Zeppelin who "kidnapped" Page from David Bowie and bought it in 1972 for 350,000 pounds.
Today, the famous Victorian castle is their common home, the house is full of art, and supposedly - ghosts live with them. As Scarlett said, there is a strange energy in the house and that even though some have claimed that the castle is haunted, she and Jimmy feel nothing but positive energy.
When their relationship came to light in early 2015, the then 25-year-old poet admitted that she was horrified and frightened by so much media interest. She was then working as a waitress at the Chelsea Arts Club, a private club where famous artists gathered, and one day at the reception she received a phone call from a distraught member of the club. He said that a journalist from a tabloid stopped him in front of the entrance, showed him her picture and asked him if he knew her. "What did you do to have journalists walking around the club?", he asked her annoyed. Since then, Page paid her a bodyguard to accompany her to work, and their relationship was almost daily in the British media.
It was mostly about their 45-year age difference. Scarlett said that at that time she was indescribably ashamed, she thought that her life was sealed, but still she did not give up on her love choice, unusual for many. Now she is much more confident and openly talks about her love, and she says that she could not have found a better and more handsome partner who is her friend and who makes her laugh every day." Gloria
Photo: Shutterstock
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tumblydovereviews · 5 months
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What Failing NaNoWriMo Taught Me
This is a change in subject from the usual media posts, but I wanted to try and broad out the scope of my writing a bit.
If you are even remotely familiar with the online writing community, you will probably know what NaNoWriMo is. Every November, writers from all around the world scramble to start an all-new story and to finish that very story by the last day of the month. And, did I mention that this novel needs to be 50,000 words at the least?
Being the bored person I am, I decided to take a risk and try the challenge out. And thus, half my October was spent forming a new world with new characters and a unique plot. On November 1st, I gathered up my supplies, booted up my laptop and started the grand journey into the wild west that is NaNo season.
Obviously, if you read the title of this article, you would know how that went.
I wrote only approximately 29,000 words for my novel. That's it. Out of the 50,000 words I was planning on writing, I barely made it half-way through.
But yet, despite my technical failure, I don't think competing in NaNoWriMo was a complete waste. I learned quite a few lessons from the journey, both writing and non-writing related, and I'm here to share them with you.
Hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE: Like many others, I have trouble keeping a consistent amount of water in my daily diet. Somedays, I'll hardly drink any at all and on others, chugging down is all that I'll do. A few years ago, my lack of hydration actually landed me in the ER on an IV. Most of the time, we are taught only to drink water to keep our bodies going. But, I learned that when I was sufficiently hydrated while writing, I could go on for much longer periods of time compared to when I was thirsty. As it turns out, drinking water and fluids can also have a positive impact on our brain function!
Create goals based off your personal style: I'm not too bad of a chronic procrastinator. Like all of us have, occasionally I'll put projects aside towards the last minute, but for the most part, I'm a pretty good worker. My problem is working consistently- I concentrate much better in controlled bursts of time than in a long session, but at the same time, I don't like leaving work unfinished. If I start a chapter, I'm going to finish it no matter what, for better or for worse. For NaNoWriMo, I decided to aim on finishing at least one chapter of my story per day. That way, I would have a manageable amount of work while still staying productive in the process.
At the same time, life is WAY more important than writing: Throughout November, Thanksgiving, school, and the start of the holidays in general impeded my ability to write as much as I could have. And that's okay! Writing is just one part of my life, not my entire well-being. I try to divide the different aspects of my life into certain 'parts,' from my academic part to my author part for tumblydovereviews. This helps me to throw away any worries I mayhave about another 'part,' and instead focus my whole self onto one part at a time.
Grow a closer bond with your characters: I loved my characters. I thought about them throughout the day and as I wrote. I came up with their favorite activities, movies, and foods, and imagined scenarios for them in my head. In a way, this made writing them easier as I knew more about how they would react and why.
And, if no matter what you try, you still fail NaNoWriMo...: That's okay! Remember, the entire point of this challenge is to have fun while also completing a story in the process. No matter what happens, I'm proud of you for trying. You're doing great!
Will I decide to complete NaNoWriMo again next year? It remains to be seen. But one thing remains clear: even through my failure, I still love to write. I still love to read. I still want to create stories and worlds and essays. And, nothing will stop me from doing that.
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amaranthine-wrath · 22 days
Okay actually I think it's pretty weird that so many people get mad about other people being open about their mental health online. "Why would you talk about your personality disorder/psychosis/DID/trauma/etc so openly!?! That's so bad!!!!"
Well. For those of us who are in a safe position to talk openly (and that's the key part, we're safe), it can actually be really helpful? It can help break stigma by showing we're still just people and not the monsters that pop culture and pop psychology tries to make us out to be. We can spread real information and education about our disorders and fight against ableism. It can also be personally freeing if the person had to spend a long time suffering in silence but can now say what they want and tell the truth of their situation. It can help others with the same disorders and struggles know that they're not alone. It can help us find and build communities. There's lots of good reasons. And someone doesn't even need any big good reason cuz people should be allowed to just talk about their life without judgement and attack. It's our lived experience, it's what we deal with on a daily basis, we should be allowed to talk about this shit. like honestly who fucking cares if someone talks about their health online? It's not really any of your business? Either support them or just leave them alone.
I've also seen the argument that young people in bad situations who see adults in safe spaces being open about their mental health will push the young people to talk openly and put themselves in danger. And like. I don't see this argument pushed on anything else and also I kinda think it's bullshit? Yeah maybe some kids will try being open and get in trouble but most young people know when their situation isn't safe and will actively do what they can to stay safe.
It's so weird how I've seen a couple people be like "I was in [insert mental health community] as a teen and they made me talk to my parents and I got in trouble!" And like. Hey man. I'm sorry that happened but tbh no one forced you to say shit. You made that choice and it sucks that someone was horrible to you about it but the Internet did not force you to do anything. and telling other people that their efforts to do good online by talking about their experiences and sharing education is somehow bad because of a choice you made is just. Weird.
So anyway, I think if someone is open about their mental health by either blogging or making comics or poems or articles or anything else, maybe don't judge them for doing something that is actually really fucking brave to do on the Internet. Don't mock them or get mad or whatever other weird shit people keep doing. Support them or walk away. It's that simple.
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Manifest the life of your dreams
Manifesting is the act of visualizing something you want and making it your reality. The concept isn't new but was popularised with books like the secret - referring to it as the law of attraction. While some consider it problematic with many accusing the 'good vibes' only mantra of being toxic or simply privilege in action, science also shows having a positive attitude and having clear steps can actually improve your chances of getting what you want in life. So here are the steps and a few different methods that can help you manifest the life of your dreams (or at least get you further in that direction).
Be clear about what you want and why. Really think about it. Do you want a specific person to fall in love with you or do you want to not feel lonely? Think about what will make you happy and fulfilled. It can be whatever you want - as long it isn't harming anyone. This is important to do for all manifestation methods.
Get in the right headspace - do whatever you need to put yourself in the right mindset before you start, incense, essential oils, candles, meditation, etc. You can use things that correspond with your intention such as mint for money, rose for love etc. New moons are often associated with new beginnings, if this is something that speaks to you check when your next new moon is and set out some time specifically.
Visualization. As you're completing step 4 - really feel you're there and visualize it as you're undertaking the task. Imagine it's actually happening to you right now.
Methods. You can do any of the below, or all if you like. Do what speaks to you.
Scripting. Write out a journal entry in the present tense describing a day in the life of your dreams, include all 5 senses, and be really specific. . Are you enjoying a mountain view from an infinity pool like in the above photo? What's the temperature of the water? What are you able to see? smell? Do you have a cocktail or some tea? Write as if it is currently happening to you - not 'I want to get into Harvard Law' but 'I am in the crowded lecture hall for my first class at Harvard Law'.
5x5 method. Choose an affirmation such as 'I got a promotion from work earning $80k per year' 55 times a day for 5 days. The idea is that repetition will bring you onto this vibrational level and keep you focused.
Vision board. Choose pictures from magazines or online that embody your dream life and assemble them together on a piece of cardboard in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to you. This can also be done digitally instead by creating a pinterest board or even a phone lock screen on canva. Some people suggest you do it for the year ahead and put it away to look at the 12 months later. Others recommend doing it only a few months at a time and having it somewhere you can see daily to remind you of your goals and motivate you towards achieving them. Do what speaks to you (or even try both).
5. Take action. Like most things you need to work towards your goal before you see results. Want to lose weight but don't make any lifestyle changes? Want a new job but not applying for any? There's very little chance you'll be able to manifest it. Once you have done steps 1-3 write out an action plan of how you can achieve these steps, starting small. If you're not sure how to do this try reading books on habit forming such as Atomic Habits. I borrowed it from the library and found it very helpful.
6. Show gratitude. Not only can acknowledge what you are currently happy for help you manifest your goals but studies show it actually makes you happier in your current life, even if it's not the life of your dreams. If you're journalling you can try to think of one thing that day that you are grateful for, even if it's your health or the weather.
7. Believe it's true and don't give up if it doesn't happen overnight. It's important to consistently work on your manifestation - especially the action part. Manifestation is a skill and takes practice, you might not get it right straight away but keep at it.
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wool-f · 1 year
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Wellness: Through & Through | Part Six: The 5am Club 
I’ve spent the last decade online watching videos and reading blogs and articles all claiming that waking up at 5am is the key to changing your life, being productive, becoming to most successful person in the world, the list goes ON. 
As part of this experiment on my body that I’ve been undertaking here on Wellness: Through & Through, I really wanted to try out waking up at 5am and see what changes it had on my life and body. 
If you’re more of a video person, I’ve uploaded a video to my channel for you to watch here, but if you want to see a structured, written out approach, come with me through a journal style approach to waking up at 5am. 
Immediately when I first thought about getting into the 5am routine, I was filled with doubts at the possibility of me becoming a morning person. 
I had hated waking up early for 7am starts when I was in retail and hospitality, I could never imagine doing it WILLINGLY, let alone enjoying it. 
But was I in for the shock of my life - waking up at 5am has changed my life, and I will never go back. 
There are so many significant changes I’ve noticed in my daily routine that have been positive additions since starting my 5am routine and I hate to admit it, but all those articles were correct. It is life changing, you do become a better person. 
I want to start this from the outset saying that waking up at 5am is not going to be for everyone. But I think if the idea has crossed your mind ever, it’s worth giving it a go. 
The biggest change I’ve found in waking up at 5am is that when combined with early morning exercise, I am so much more productive throughout my entire day. It’s actually embarrassing to think about what I was doing before I was waking up at 5am. 
I was doing so much less, I was a lot more lethargic and I was procrastinating a huge amount throughout the day. 
I’m not in any way saying that waking up at 5am has fixed all my problems or cured my love of procrastination, but I am so much more focused and on point when I’m waking up and exercising before the sun has risen. 
I have noticed that when exercise is not factored into the morning routine, I am less productive so that should be noted, but it’s a huge thing that has changed for me. 
Combined in that little change, I’ve noticed I am far less lethargic throughout the afternoon, a fact that has really surprised me. 
Where I would normally go through a mid-afternoon slump, I am powering through my to-do lists, work or off time on the weekends. It’s like a magic trick. 
I’m not sure what the cause of this is, but I’m sure there is a scientist out there who has done a study on it. 
One thing I have enjoyed thoroughly about waking up at 5am, is the extra two hours I get to myself in the morning. Where I was rushing around, shoving my breakfast down my throat and burning my mouth on hot coffee, now I am relaxed, showered and able to eat my breakfast at a normal pace while reading a book. 
There is also a beautiful smell in the air early in the morning, that fades away as the day goes on. I can’t describe it, but I’m sure other people who are early risers can relate. It’s a fresh, crisp smell that hits your nose, and it almost is what I would imagine a fresh imagination to smell like. 
I think deep down it’s the knowledge that nothing bad has happened in the day yet, and there is so much opportunity yet to come, it’s the smell of a new beginning! 
A beautiful part of waking up so early is getting the opportunity to see the sunrise every single day. It’s getting later for me as daylight savings has ended in Melbourne and winter is setting in, but there is really nothing like watching the sunrise and the day begin, knowing you’ve already gotten through the first few hours. 
So, if you hadn’t already guessed, this is a tried and approved message to give the 5am club a go. I honestly am obsessed with waking up early now. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older and this is what happens, but it’s definitely something I wish I had done earlier. 
Two tips I have for anyone giving this a go: 
1. Preparation is key: make sure you’re getting enough sleep the night before, that you’re hydrated before bed and that you have your clothes ready to go for the following morning to motivate you to move from the comfortable pillow palace you’ve made yourself over night. It will be a rough first week/two weeks when you begin, but if you’re ready to go from the moment you open your eyes, it will make it so much easier. 
2. Have a consequence for not getting up - I always book a 6am pilates class to force me out of bed, otherwise I’ll cop a late cancellation or a no-show fee. Having something to do as soon as you get up is honestly the key to success with this, especially if you’re a lover of sleep like I am. 
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you’re giving this a go, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to conquer. The day won’t change if you get up at 5.30am or 5.45am, but I think it’s really worth giving it a go, even just to give yourself an extra few hours in the morning to do something you enjoy, like read a book, or catch up on a TV show. 
Let me know if you give this one a go, and how you enjoyed/hated it in the comments below! 
You can find me on all my other socials using the handle @kweenofthieves, but outside that, I’ll be back with you all next week! 
All my love, 
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holofoiltowercard · 11 months
The Journey of The Tarot Haiku
XV: The Devil - Bound, Unbound
It's kind of funny that we have gone from me talking about the practical aspects of the book project in earlier posts, to entering a world of abstracts and states of mind later on, but it honestly reflects super well on how the Major Arcana itself goes from the more tangible to the abstract and beyond. Today's post is also in this more abstract domain, because there are aspects of this process that stuff like Tarot or self-publishing guides won't cover, such as how it feels to genuinely release something into the wild, out of your hands, how hard it can be to grapple for control in an environment that you have little to no control over, and how much effort it takes to let go of the urge or compulsion to do everything by yourself.
First, the release of the finished work. I actually did not have as much trouble with this one as I thought I might, but I'm a perfectionist at heart and I bet there are perfectionists out there who keep holding onto their finished manuscripts, tweaking the smallest things day by day desperate on making it all perfect and in the process only growing more anxious and wanting to hold onto it until it is practically gathering dust because... what if it's not good enough? What if you are not good enough? That is basically what's at the heart of it. We can be too hard on ourselves and nitpick ourselves to pieces where others might simply take a deep breath and let go. So to everyone who is holding onto something they know in their heart is finished and waiting to be shared: go for it. You know you have put enough care and careful consideration into it already. Have faith. Pull a Tarot card if you have to.
Second, the online world is vast and you do not have control over the grander processes and especially other people. Even when you follow the advice of the successful and advertise the "right" way in the "right" places, build up your brand and your presence and sell your soul on social media or whatever else is expected of us, you have no control over whether people will actually give you a chance, let alone give you money. And if you're like me and feel desperate because life has been hard enough, maybe you're sat there anxious and thinking, if I just make one more post, if I edit one more image and do this and that and the other thing minute by minute, maybe something will budge. Not to be cheeky and referential here, but that is literally the Devil talking. You don't have nearly as much control as you think, and trying to micromanage everything when the macro processes are nigh untouchable will drive you insane.
So, you have to let go somehow. And this is where I have been desperate enough once again to just give a listen to anything that could get me there. I found the following things helpful.
1) Joe Dispenza's book and meditation Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself. I have already read most of the book a while ago, but now I tried the meditation, and it felt really liberating. Basically he talks about really sitting with bad habits like worrying, letting anger or resentment stagnate, identifying what these feel like in your body, and then consciously replacing these habits with a strong feeling or gratitude. It gave me a lot of food for thought and made me conscious of how I can help my body get out of panic mode.
2) The question "What if?" I got this from Sheevaun Moran. As soon as you start worrying about say, worst case scenarios, and I worried about those quite a lot, ask yourself, "But what if..." and put a positive in there - because the thing is, you don't know yet what is coming, nothing has happened yet, so channeling your focus towards a positive outcome not only feels better but lessens the anxiety. Example - "They might hate the book or not care at all..." "But what if they love it so much they want to do an interview about it?"
3) Drawing a daily Tarot card to take action. This one is from Leeza Robertson, she suggested that when you draw a daily Tarot card, you should sit with that card for longer and think of three actions you could do today based on that card's message. I used to do daily draws, but most of the questions suggested for it, such as "What do I need to know about today?" or "What is the energy of today?" simply didn't compute to me, so they weren't helpful to me personally. This one however, gave better direction and I want to keep doing it.
4) Literally just look at new things. Listen to a new video, try something different. You never know where inspiration or useful tips will come from. Not all of it will be useful, don't expect every new thing to bring you tremendous insight and enlightenment, but give different things a chance to see how they resonate. Keep an open mind, because open minds embrace freedom. This way you're also not just sitting there desperately waiting for developments, you are engaging with the world and enriching your soul.
5) Trust the universe. This is part of that meditation I mentioned, too. Remember that you are one person, and you don't have to do everything by yourself. Leave some of that background work to the universe. Do your little steps every day and allow the energy to work for you and move things for you. Trust that there is love in this world and that there is a Source that loves you dearly and wants you to succeed, and keep fostering that feeling of gratitude that also helps you cement the idea that there are good things happening right now, and there will be more. Trust the universe and let it do the things you cannot touch and control by yourself. If you can get to this point, it literally feels like weight coming off your shoulders.
Love you all. Take care. Be free.
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Importance of a Separate Insurance for Your Viola
The viola is one of the most popular members of the string family and has been holding a phenomenal position in modern orchestras as well. When you choose a viola over any other string instrument, you consider it the best and most compatible among all other musical equipment. And, there is no doubt, since it’s close to your heart, you would take extreme care so that you don’t have to lose your beloved gear due to uncertainties.
Daily cleaning is one of the essential requirements for string instruments to keep them away from dust, dirt, or rosin, as these are enemies of your beloved viola. However, daily care is not sufficient for your valuable gear. The reality is that unforeseen situations are beyond your control that can inflict damage to the instrument, and you cannot stop them from happening. The best part is that, like your expensive car or home, there is a separate policy designed only for your string instrument. For best protection, Viola Insurance is the only option that provides the most suitable coverage and safeguards it financially throughout life.
If your musical gear is under the homeowner’s insurance policy, it’s essential to remember that it has not been underwritten to provide full coverage to the musical equipment. Hence, having specified musical insurance is the best solution for the ultimate protection of your gear. 
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Why Do Musicians prefer Dedicated Musical Insurance over Homeowner Insurance?
If you are satisfied with the homeowners' insurance presuming it provides sufficient coverage for your music gear, you must be in the wrong perception. It’s a fact that a household policy covers musical instruments along with other belongings, but it does not provide adequate coverage. First and foremost, you should safeguard your valuable gear with a policy designed only for your string instrument. There are many instances where homeowner insurance fails to cover the damage, and as a result, you end up with enormous losses.
Here are some incidents where you would not get any financial benefit if you have only homeowner insurance:
• If your equipment gets damaged at home, you can only claim the repair cost up to a specified limit. Homeowner insurance does not provide full coverage.
• Since you are a musician, you must travel a lot throughout the year. Unfortunately, if you lose your musical gear during transit, your existing homeowner insurance will not provide any coverage. The household policy is only effective if the damage occurs at your insured premises.
• If your equipment gets damaged by natural calamities like floods or earthquakes, your household policy will not cover the loss that standalone musical insurance does.
• What if your beloved string instrument gets stolen or broken during a music event? If you have opted for Viola Insurance, you will remain fully secure as it provides adequate coverage even at a gig or concert. On the contrary, homeowner insurance does not cover damage outside of the premises.
• If you are a professional musician, your priority is to secure your gear and remain financially protected so that you do not face any losses. In any music event, if a participant gets bodily injured and holds you for compensation, in such a situation, liability insurance safeguards you from financial hazards and legal complications. Homeowner insurance does not cover this kind of damage.
How Do You Identify the Best Insurance Company for Your Instrument?
Before finalizing the service provider for your valuable gear, do thorough research and collect all the necessary details about the top insurance companies that have a strong online presence and good reviews, as testimonial speaks a lot about any company.
Positive feedback from existing users will give you a distinct idea about the product and services. Also, before signing the application form, you should ensure the insurance company has enough knowledge about the instrument you want to get insured. In this context, the company that deals with musical instrument insurance is considered the most suitable one for your valuable gear.
Key Objectives
Undisputedly, insurance has a vital role in the music industry. Your string instrument is at risk without suitable coverage, and without any doubt, Viola Insurance is the best component that provides adequate coverage and secures your gear financially throughout life.
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f1 · 2 years
Jenson Button warns Daniel Ricciardo he could be ruining his Formula One career with huge mistake
Jenson Button warns Daniel Ricciardo he could be RUINING his Formula One career by making a huge mistake in his plans for the 2023 season Ricciardo has revealed he wants to step back from the sport next season  Aussie has been connected to reserve driver position with Mercedes, Red Bull  Button says a reserve role will make it hard for Ricciardo to rejoin a top team  By Shayne Bugden For Daily Mail Australia Published: 23:11, 2 November 2022 | Updated: 23:11, 2 November 2022 Former F1 world champion Jenson Button has warned Daniel Ricciardo his plan to become a reserve driver in 2023 instead of taking a seat with a back-field team could do irreparable damage to his career. The Australian has been dropped by McLaren after failing to find form with the famous English outfit and recently exclusively revealed to Daily Mail that he wants 'a little distance from the sport' so he can 'rebuild' himself after two years of shocking results. Ricciardo has been linked to a reserve position with Mercedes and Red Bull next season - a move Button believes would make it extremely difficult for him to return to drive for a top team again. The struggling Aussie star has confessed he wants to put some space between himself and the sport next year as he's been connected to a reserve role with Mercedes or Red Bull Ex-world champ Jenson Button (pictured with wife Brittny) believes stepping back from the starting grid will make it very hard for Ricciardo to return to driving for a top team 'I guess he didn't want to drop too far down the grid and work with a team that's more towards the rear because it's difficult for a driver coming from a team that is almost wining races, at times, to suddenly know you're fighting for points,' Button said on Sky Sports. 'It is tough. But I still think it would have been a better move for him - go into a team, work hard, show people what you can do, in a car that maybe suits you a bit more, and then people forget what happened the year before.  'But sitting out? People just remember what happened last year.  'It's a tricky one and I really struggle to see him coming back to a competitive team after having a year out.' Ricciardo's desire to put some distance between himself and the sport stems from how badly he's been affected by his struggles this season and last.  Despite a thrilling run to seventh in the Mexico Grand Prix that earned him Driver of the Day honours, Ricciardo sits a lowly 12th in this year's drivers standings with just 29 points to his name - far behind teammate Lando Norris, who's coming seventh with 109. Ricciardo (pictured at the Mexico Grand Prix) had to speak to a psychologist last year as his shocking run of form at McLaren took its toll 'My confidence was being eaten away driving a car that wouldn't dance with me and would bite back,' Ricciardo told Daily Mail. 'Whenever we thought we would found a solution, along would come another set of challenges. When you put so much into something and it doesn't work out there is sadness. It gets to you. 'Last year it affected me a little bit too much. I wouldn't be my usual bubbly self. I would be reluctant if someone said let's go out for dinner. I would need some cajoling. I let it get to me. 'I started to speak to a psychologist last year — the most challenging year I have had. Racing is very much results driven and dictates your Sunday happiness. I was neglecting friendships and thought it would be good to talk to someone to make sure the two sides of my life didn't cross over. 'It's like all things, you need perspective. And with the calendar being so long, it was hard to remove yourself from what was happening in the racing.' Share or comment on this article: Jenson Button warns Daniel Ricciardo he could be ruining his Formula One career with huge mistake via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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rfyimmo · 2 months
My Quarter-Life Crisis is trying to kill me. | MillennialMomManifesto
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My kid was watching a nursery rhyme that said "Don't throw your junk in my back yard, my backyard’s full," and I froze, my mind spiraling until I sank into the floor and cried, Summer Walker style. Panic attack? Adult tantrum? How many times are my peers and women of my generation finding ourselves in positions like this?... And Why...?
The more I gain the confidence to speak with my peers about instances like these or the catalysts for such, I realize things like this are happening to most of us right now. Our unhappiness is mentally & physically showing itself in our faith, health, mind, bodies, actions and reactions.
Sociologists say "Mid-Life" by today's standards is between ages 35-75 🧐
What do you count as middle-aged? At almost 30, I feel like I used to think this was it, but now, I refuse to accept that. All my life society and media showed us mid-life crises were usually for 30 or 40-something year old men buying sports cars and trading in their wives for newer models, but today what does that look like? 
I'm calling it a quarter life crisis (and not mid-life crisis) because if the people in the Bible lived hundreds of years & there are still Centenarian Blue Zones on this modern day planet, I hope this is not the middle. I hoping we have so much more to go. Most people want to live longer and climb the proverbial ladder quicker - so that's where the crisis kicks in. My peers and I are trying not to be crushed under student debt, living costs that don't match the wage gaps, and dreams we don't know how to make come true, but still daily haunt us. Queue the panic about not being where we thought we would by now or how much we feel we should have gotten accomplished and comparison to our peers' highlight reels online.
Being super is tough: It's a constant battle of figuring out when to use your powers (for good or for evil), balancing your secret identity, maintaining your energy and constantly improving your powers or learning new ones.
Good Vs. Evil: Remember that panic from earlier? You know, the panic enacted by milestones you thought you would reach by now? Write down what you want, how you want to get it, and form a timeline to make it happen. Seeing your plan on paper can help ground you.
Secret Identity: Make the best of this time! Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are supposed to be here in this moment. There is more than one way to navigate life, careers, etc. Why else would there be so many paths if people were not meant to be different and explore different options. Do what works for you! Your powers are different form the supe next to you, and there are still muggles and mortals with no powers at all. Queue the Gratitude & Mindfullness.
Maintaining Energy: They say life gets better with age, so think of yourself and where you were 1, 3, 5, and even 10 years ago! You would KILL to know, do, have the things you do now & you learn daily how to do this life thing a little bit better than yesterday. Consider this quarter or midlife crisis a pitstop for refocus, weather this transition with reflection and grace for yourself. Identify the wisdom you have and apply it to new areas. 
"The purpose of your life is to find your gift, the work of life is to develop it, and the meaning of life is to give it away."
As far as Powers: I leave you with this quote:
"Midlife is when the primary operating system of your life shifts from the ego to the soul. It's a period when people start to rearrange what gives meaning to themselves."
As a 'SuperMom' This is How I'm Running on Sustainable & Renewable Energy:
While the early 20s and late teens are living their "Rich 'Hot Girl' Era", I'm trying to find my way into "Wealthy Hot Mom Era" who Dabbles in "Mob Wife."
✨A few Podcast Recommendations:🌤️
From Broken To Branding: B Simone on Nice & Neat
Highlighted Quote: "I wasn't protected as a child so I think that's where a lot of my comedy comes from I walk on eggshells a lot trying to people please and I have a lack of boundaries because I want you to like me because I need validation from other people instead of getting it internally I wasn't I wasn't protected so I feel like I did a lot to make adults happy around me that were supposed to be there to protect me but really didn't make me feel comfortable as a child"
You've Been BLOCKING Your BLESSINGS! | Tabitha Brown
Tia Mowry: You’re Unhappy and You Don’t Know it - Learn to Leave the Comfort of Being Unhappy
✨Here's my Money & Positivity Playlist (to help you see the bright side:)🌤️
About the Author: Proud milso & toddler mom. Lover of art, creative writing & blogging 🎨 Believing in the power of efficiency & innovation 🌟 Passionate about helping small businesses thrive 🚀 Avid traveler & coffee enthusiast ☕️✈️
I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. Whether you're a fellow mom, a small business owner, or just someone looking for a bit of inspiration, let's connect and support each other on this incredible journey.
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Best Online Psychologist India
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In a society defined by fast tempo, efficiency and productivity, mental well-being is frequently overlooked. The pressure of numerous tasks on a daily basis and of the lack of understanding of
certain mental disorders contributes to a plethora of individuals being unable to find support they require. This is where online counseling becomes an excellent tool since it provides consumers
with access to professional help when they otherwise could not afford or find the time to attend traditional counseling. In a sea of online counselling professionals, Dr. Neha Mehta is undoubtedly one of the Best Psychologists in India.
Little is known about Dr. Neha Mehta including her personal details and background information that may be of interest to supporters and fans.
Neha Mehta may be a PhD Psychologist, who has a strong vision of making the people healthier and happier. She also acquired her doctorate degree in clinical psychology and accomplished several
certificates in different therapeutic modalities. Dr. Mehta is a competent professional with extensive practice experience with various patients and for various mental health problems.
What Makes Dr. Neha Mehta the Right Choice For Online Counseling?
Accessibility and Convenience
So, if you decide to opt for online counselling session with Dr. Mehta, it means that you can now receive quality mental health services irrespective of your location. Regardless of whether you are at home,
in the workplace, or elsewhere, it is possible to organize personal schedules and attend sessions cannot but agree that commuting is not an easy process.
Personalized Care
To this, Dr. Mehta was able to shy away by formulating individualised treatment targetting the needs of the client. It is individual focused,
taking time to understand both your problems and your aims when arriving at work on a plan to give you a healthy body and fresh spirit.
Range of Services:
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Range of specializations of Dr. Mehta include individual counseling, marital therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy to cater the needs of the people in terms of mental health. These combined
efforts – prevent services, crisis intervention, and client advocacy – guarantee that no client will ever be left without support.
Specializations and Services
Dr. Mehta offers counseling for individual counseling for a range of problems and concerns including stress, anxiety and depression. Her friendly and gentle nature helps to establish rapport with clients, which is essential because the clients get an opportunity to express how they feel based on events that have happened in their lives and identify ways of handling these feeling. She also conducts couples therapy since it assists partners in accommodating their differences and enhance their interaction. To help the families, she performs therapy with such goals as overcoming the potential misunderstanding and clashes within the family. In addition to that, Dr. Mehta has focused in counseling children and adolescents as a way of helping them address whatever emotions they may be having and in the process empowering them to handle these in healthy ways.
Approach to Counseling
They showed that Dr. Mehta was a client-centred therapist who valued his clients, and he personally focuses on the overall picture and the role different areas of a client’s life play. She remembers to apply the best practices in the course of delivering the services in the course of treatment. The client-centered therapy approaches that she practices are all-encompassing, leaving the clients active participants in taking through the therapy processes.
Success Stories
Most of the concerned clients have commented positively about the kindness and efficiency of Dr. Mehta when handling patients. Such statements reveal her capabilities to transform their lives fundamentally as stated earlier. Since it is impossible to observe Dr. Mehta in her everyday practice, her case studies offer the viewer a glimpse into her clients treating mental health problems, and show that the woman is good at helping people change their lives.
FaQ: Who is DR. Neha Mehta?
She is one of the best online psychological counselors of india
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