#this is why autists are great they explain shit
My gender complex goes back 3 generations and through two queer women and their family trauma, I feel like I know what I'm talking about. We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
#i got my gender from my she/her misogynistic transmas gay dad who's also the mother of my mom.#my sperm donor doesn't matter here.#he's kinda fruity though and swears he's just a straight southern boy in alaska.#my dad/grandma and my sperm donor/dad were/are both autistic though.#im pretty my great-grandfather (whom i was named after (whom was named after his father)) was autistic to.#and even though he was an abusive piece of shit the autism had him connect with one of his four lesser-sons.#so she got a bit of a complex from really admiring him. i got a bit of a complex from really admiring her. i was named after him.shit's wild#oh yeah and a psychic told my grandma in a past life she was her fathers husband and she thought it was crazy but he said that makes sense#(in that past life he was his daughters wife to clarify)#he didnt even believe in that shit she was blown away when he said that like ''dad you're joking right?'' (he wasnt)#it was to explain why he always broke down in tears hearing the bag pipes.#this hardcore military man would just start crying when he heard bagpipes playing. absolutely break down.#and the psychic said it's because they played bagpipes when my grandma/his/her husband came back from war after leaving her to fight.#she had the gaul to give my mom his last name. her maiden name. and well my mother never married so i got it too.#the family hated us for that.#and he treated her(my grandma's) daughter way better than any of his own kids. so the family hated us for that too.#my mom's also an ace/bilesbian lol.#out of all the confusion im trans so like. i feel like i have a better handle because of that.#i take a bit of pride and freedom in the confusion.#hexacles.txt
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mrfoox · 8 months
Me: haha, I'm over that thing that happened over a year ago, lol, I don't think about it and-
Also me: -suddenly talks about it and gets hit with the same feelings as back then- aa, shit /:
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micer2012 · 10 months
a reflection on MatPat's plagiarism
Hello, my name is Della, or micer2012, and 2 years ago Game Theory plagiarized three Tumblr posts of mine, making a video that now holds almost 6 million views.
My posts explaining his plagiarism made their rounds on Reddit, Tumblr and Twitter, but despite the Hermits and Pooka commenting on it (generally in support of me or saying they don’t know enough details about the situation to say either way), MatPat and his team have never owned up to anything, and no mention of my name is present on the video. The one Reddit post they made denying it (which was made before my detailed takedown, which they have never responded to (though the mods on the r/GameTheorists Reddit were kind and made sure it stayed up)) didn’t even mention me by name, just referring to me as “a tumblr user”. (Though one of the screenshotted comments in the body of the post does say my name)
This experience was baffling, but it’s overall had a positive impact on my life. r/Hermitcraft gave me a Golden Apple Award (post of the year, 2021). My inbox was filled with excited fans, wanting to ask me questions or pose their own theories, far more than the hate I got. (Though the hate I got from Game Theory fans was VERY funny. I wondered why none of them gave me shit about saying “MatPat misgendered Evil Xisuma” before realizing none of them read that far into the post.)
And getting on a more personal, and much more important note, I met most of my current online friends through this, including my partner. It helped me grow closer with my irl friends as well and gave me an entertaining story that I tell whenever I have the chance. It was one of the first things in my life that really made me feel like my talents, my autistic hyperfocusing and analyzing of things I love, could be valuable. Useful. Exploitable. It blew my mind that MatPat thought an autistic kid’s ramblings about a Minecraft Youtube joke character were good enough to steal. To put an audible sponsorship on. To get 6 million views off of.
And that’s why I’m writing this post, this update years later. As you might’ve been able to guess, Hbomberguy’s Youtube video on plagiarism reopened this wound. It was really hard for me to sit through, it took days of pausing and taking breaks, because I had experienced everything he was talking about firsthand. 
In my 10 page long takedown post, I wrote about how his rewording of my sentences made him say things that were incorrect, just like Filip did. The content farm production style that made big companies like Cinemassacre take one creator (AVGN/MatPat) and turn him and his content into a brand, a voice that reads out scripts by other people with other opinions/theories, is a history shared with Game Theory. What really hit me was Harris talking about how big creators only do this to people they think they can get away with doing it to. How they view their victims as lesser, as not deserving of their words, repackaging them as their own to give to an audience that can gain from hearing them, but deserves better than to have to listen to the original victim.
That’s the thing, I 100% think a video version of my theory to expose to a bigger community than “Evil Xisuma Fans on Tumblr” is a great idea!! Near the end of the video Harris talks about how video adaptations of things could be a great market, even an accessibility tool, and I completely feel that about my posts. I wrote them quickly assuming the reader was someone well versed on Evil Xisuma lore, after not even watching most of the CarnEvil series, and the diagrams I made to explain them are even less comprehensible. Harris makes a joke that I completely agree with, 
“I’m sure some of my videos would do very well if someone translated them into English.”
I don’t think I would’ve ever made my posts if I didn’t have autism, and a special fixation on Evil Xisuma and Hermitcraft. I made them because I felt the character was being done an injustice, and because I wanted to share with other superfans this theory that might explain it away. I do think that MatPat plagiarizing me was ableist. I used to wonder a lot if this would’ve happened if my posts were articulated better, if they had been peer reviewed, if the posts themselves had been spread to a wider audience before MatPat made his video. At one point when the discourse was fresh (before I had the time to write out my 10 page rebuttal), a bigger YouTuber (100k subs at the time) messaged me and started talking on Discord, interested in possibly making a video on the discourse, but I think my style of typing and general enthusiasm drove him away. You can tell by a single look at my blog (or my original 3 posts!) that I don’t usually type like this. This post you’re reading now has been peer reviewed and edited, and took me hours to format correctly. That video could’ve been huge, the entire outcome of this MatPat situation would probably be much different.
I also used to stress a lot about “being the one who ruined Evil Xisuma’s story”. If you didn’t know, to me S8 Evil Xisuma’s story got wrapped up pretty quickly and unsatisfying (in my personal autistic opinion). (though this might’ve been due to s8 being experimental and ending early with moon big) There was no real culmination of the plot points and arcs going on, and I don’t want to blame myself, but when Xisuma said on stream (when the MatPat thing was first going on) that he didn’t want to focus on the discourse or draw more attention to it, it makes a lot of sense to me that he just wanted to wrap it all up as quickly as possible. For a while I beat myself up about it, of ruining the story of this character I love, but it’s not my fault. If anyone’s, it’s MatPats, but I don’t think it’s useful to just blame someone else. That’s how the story ended up going, and that’s fine. This is Evil Xisuma we’re talking about, their inconsistent lore is what made them such an interesting character. And notably, Pooka made an animation with an awesome culmination of Jeff, the Dreamer, Evil Xisuma, and his own sona’s story, and it makes me so happy to watch. Whatever Pooka does is of course his own choice, but I’m glad he got to give this personal story his own ending (if it is an ending, and not just the start of a new chapter!). 
Typing this all out and getting it off my chest has made me feel a lot better. For a while I wanted to make my OWN video essay about Evil Xisuma’s lore and CarnEvil’s lore, actually going episode by episode to explain it instead of just assuming you knew as much about Evil Xisuma as I did. That idea is still not off the table, but MCYT isn’t something I’m that into right now. Maybe if something else comes out about Evil Xisuma I’ll get back on it, but for now I’m fine with letting that go. But I want to make other videos, share other theories and analysis… if I have the freetime I’d love to make YouTube videos, and if I don’t have the time I’ll continue posting to my tumblr and infodumping to my friends. Apparently my infodumping is valuable enough “content” to steal! Writing this out has made me feel a lot better though, I’m really glad I got it out.
If anyone ever wants to talk to me about the things I’m obsessed with, or reach out to me as a source in a bigger discussion about Game Theory or other channels, my inbox is more than welcome :] Thank you for reading! 
Sincerely, a tumblr user.
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I Have Evolving Thoughts on Fran’s Sexuality
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(god hannah dodd is so pretty)
First of all let’s thank GOD francesca is the queer sister and not…that other one.
Anyways upon my initial viewing of part 2 I definitely read Fran as bisexual and if you continue to read her as such I think that’s fine but my mind has changed on the matter.
I believe that Fran is actually a lesbian suffering from comphet.
The reason this actually started to seem likely to me is because of her wedding scene with John. The whole season I thought they seemed so taken with one another and I enjoyed their quiet dynamic. They were more than comfortable sitting in silence with one another and seemed to grow closer in that way.
I like many others assumed this meant their love was romantic, but that kiss
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Would a woman who is attracted to men make this face after kissing the man she loves? I don’t think so. Some people seem to think it’s because she’s shy but it doesn’t seem like she’s even thinking about her family here. It seems like she has retreated into her own thoughts. It seems like she was disappointed. And after spending the whole season feeling nothing for any of the men she meets why wouldn’t she be. She met a man she loved and she kissed him and she didn’t feel those sparks.
Now Fran is also autistic coded so this initially affected the way I viewed her relationships as well, but all of that changes when you take into account Michaela.
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Francesca immediately starts to stutter and is flustered when she sees Michaela. We have never seen Fran act this way with a man, even her husband. It wasn’t for no reason that Violet describes how she felt the first time she fell in love with Edmund and then almost immediately after Fran reacts the same way to Michaela. The butterflies, not being able to string a sentence together. This was foreshadowing.
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Some people were upset because they said it erased everything Fran said about having a quiet love and that is somewhat true, but I disagree with people saying that it erases slowly built love when Polin’s whole story is about love not striking you like a bolt of lightning.
None of this is to say she can’t love John, I believe she does I just feel it is platonic, and the loss of John would hit hard even if he was her best friend. John is one of the great loves of her life but who is to say that love is romantic? Friendships are the foundation of our lives and they are equally as important as any romantic relationship. Fran met someone who understands her and is like her, that doesn’t mean she has to have romantic attraction for him.
Some of this is affected by personal bias as I am a late-blooming lesbian, but holy shit the way I relate to Fran wanting to get married just because it would mean she wouldn’t have to pursue any other relationships with men and the way she was willing to accept whoever the Queen deemed fit because she didn’t have any criteria except “is kind to me”. Fran does not seem to be searching for love as she has not felt it before. The closest she comes is with John because the two of them are so similar and I believe she thought that because she liked him so much that she must be in love with him which is just so…lesbian coded I don’t know how to explain it.
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This isn’t to say bisexuality isn’t real or is “just a phase”. Ew. Gross. No. This is just the way I am interpreting the character with the information we have now. If it comes out definitely that she is bisexual then I will accept that, sapphic rep is so needed.
All in all they look so good and I can’t wait to see these queers kiss and have a romance.
Also I think that Michaela still could have fallen first. Fran just realized she was a dyke at that exact moment and her brain stopped working which is valid. But did you see the way Michaela looked at her. I KNOW A LESBIAN FALLING IN LOVE WHEN I SEE ONE.
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canmom · 8 months
Comics mini-Comints: Dungeon Meshi
reread dungeon meshi through to the end. still such a great manga. here are immediate thoughts - if I end up having time and energy I hope I can write something that goes deeper!
ironically i was only a few chapters from the end when I stopped keeping up, but I was struggling to remember all the characters and context, so reading it through in one go was definitely an ideal way to achieve maximum impact there.
ryoko kui does a very elegant job of handling a transition from 'silly antics' to 'big dramatic fantasy' while still keeping the central thematic throughline - eating and being eaten, belonging to an ecosystem, the significance of sacrificing others to achieve your own desires. a lot of setups pay off in a way that feels meticulously planned - and of course the crux of the final showdown revolves around characters attempting to eat each other, of course the big payoff is a huge feast that symbolically unites all the conflicting factions. it is maybe a bit too neat and happy for my taste, but it's undeniably tightly executed - it never loses sight of what it's about. especially compared to something like Frieren, it's an incredibly coherent serialisation, up there with e.g. Fullmetal Alchemist.
kui's art style deserves all kinds of praise - it feels effortlessly simple, but it clearly communicates all sorts of different shapes and body types and it's really fun to see her play around with remixing the different visual elements when she switches the races around. in general Laius's autistic monster loving ways clearly reflect kui's own deeply felt appreciation for all the ways people and animals live (accentuated further by all the extra sketches the scanlators tuck in). in a way you could kinda call it like Parts Unknown the fantasy manga.
the stakes of the final conflict are interesting - there is much to be said about the framing of 'desire' and its fulfilment, of this occult idea of 'the infinite'. lots you could put in relation to other manga, and also buddhism. (in particular I really want to develop a comparison to Made In Abyss, there are so many parallels, it just might be too spicy for tumblr lmao).
one thing I really like about it is how much its fantasy dungeon-exploring setting owes to D&D and other TTRPGs, rather than videogames. monster ecology has been a fascination of that game since the early days of Dragon magazine, and Kui sharply zeroes in on some of the intrinsic conflicts baked in to that fantasy milieu, notably the lifespan thing, while smartly avoiding the traps of 'evil races'. there's some really fun nods to the weirder monster manual entries. and in a story with so many characters and factions, it does a genuinely incredible job of furnishing everyone with understandable, reasonable motivations, conflicts drawn from their context just like the monsters are explained by their ecology.
and one thing that I particularly appreciate is like... how much it is able to simultaneously understand and sympathise with a character and also show us how and why they'd rub others the wrong way. it's impossible not to like our main group, they're all such charming dorks and the manga leads you along with all the crazy rpg party shit they do, but at the same time you definitely find yourself thinking 'guy's got a point' in the kabru chapters lmao. I'm projecting hard bc i don't really know a thing about ryōko kui but laius def feels like the sort of depiction of having an autism that you can only do if you've lived it.
but yeah, it's a fuzzy ending where it all turns out well. but what's the deeper thrust of it all? there's a funny moment where marcille is like 'maybe in the end our journey is about learning to accept death' and the grouchy old gnome guy completely laughs this off as naive, because death doesn't mean anything. and indeed their big plan pays off, and falin does indeed come back just fine. but still, through all of this it asks you to bite the bullet that being a living creature means eating to survive, at the cost of other creatures, with the other side being that one day you too will be eaten. in contrast to this honest way of being is the beguiling fantasy of infinity, where all your desires are immediately fulfilled - this is shown as a dangerous path of corruption that produces madness and manipulability. having limits and rubbing up against the wishes of others, or 'doing things you don't want to do' as izutsumi's arc puts it, becomes necessary for having some kind of definition as a subject. the thing that makes the demon concrete as an entity is a desire, or appetite, that can't immediately be fulfilled.
of course we can connect this to the idea of narrative conflict. a standard advice for putting together a plot is to ask what each character wants and why they can't get it. wanting something implies movement. and indeed over the course of this story, we see that while having too many desires fulfilled too readily leads to incoherence and callousness, equally a character who is left catatonic as their desires have been eaten by the demon must be reawakened to activity by finding a new desire.
it's kinda Buddhist innit. neither the opulence of the palace nor asceticism. desires are what tie you to the world. but mixed with ecology: what a creature does to find the energy to live is what defines its lifestyle, its form.
this is probably where I'd start talking about entropy gradients and shit if i wasn't typing this on a phone at 1:30am lmao.
but yeah - it's a powerful move to go from 'D&D monster recipe show sendup' to 'living with the inherently violent nature of being an organism fated to live in a finite sum game' and yet Dungeon Meshi makes it feel natural and convincing, while remaining tremendously charming and funny throughout. ryōko kui is definitely some kind of genius, and I can't wait to see what her next act is gonna be. it's all definitely making me appreciate the act of eating a lot more.
next story on my plate is probably The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere, which sounds like it will present a very gnarly thematic contrast.
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 days
Real shit I've heard in regards to my adhd and autism
"you shouldn't go on meds for your ADHD because you may become dependent on them." Let me ask you this, what the fuck do you think meds are for?
"but you sit so still-" One, no I don't, I'm usually stimming in some way, and two that's not my issue, I have the attention span of a fucking fruit fly. Aka inattentive type.
Doctor seeing me for the first time- "We can put you on a sedative, that will help with hyperactivity" Again, not hyperactive. Also I have chronic fatigue as is, so no thanks. (They put me on it anyway, I was practically a zombie for months)
Well meaning doctor- "I don't want to put you on a stimulant cause it can increase your anxiety." Yeah okay, but you see, the main source of my anxiety is that I can't get shit done.
After I lose something for the fifteenth time in ten minutes- "how about you make a specific place for everything so you don't lose it?" Genuine question, do neurotypicals consciously set stuff down? Cause I sure as hell don't.
"but it's a super power!" Why does this shit only apply to non physical disabilities? Y'all don't say this to me about my wheelchair why the fuck do you say it about this.
"just try harder to focus!" How about I hit you over the head with a shovel.
"have you tried praying?" Yup. Even had an exorcism done once. All I got was religious trauma funnily enough.
"it's a spectrum because everyone is on it!"/"everyone's a little autistic." Do me a favor and do even the smallest bit of research before you say shit like this, or else I'm gonna run you over like a human bowling pin.
"You don't look autistic though." Please explain this without sounding abelist. You can't, but it will be funny to watch you try.
"You shouldn't be ashamed of your autism, autistic kids are just so cute!" I do not know how to respond to that.
"you hide it so well." Thanks, it's called masking and it's caused detrimental damage to my mental health.
Bonus: Something my great aunt said after I was diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder (which was a misdiagnosis and was determined to be just bipolar one)
"You're lucky, most schizophrenics are too dangerous for society." There's way too much to unpack there, just stop talking.
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
Ok I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make the new hyperfixation post:
I started watching it cause I was on the internet during the Dr Reid thirst trap era and let's just say a scrawny motherfucker with autism is the surefire way to get me to watch something
Especially when everyone is going through the horrors
I am in love with the format of the show, with the whole quotes and then different characters saying the quotes and the isolated cases with the slight hints of more background for each of the characters it's really keeping me going
I'm not great with gore and shit but like it's got shitty 2000s CGI so like it's easy to tell myself it's just actors with fake blood
Also listen I had to tap into my 9 yr old undiagnosed autistic obsessed with psychopaths phase at some point
It just tickles the right parts of my brain
Anyway the characters are why I stuck around
Gideon <3333 I love that strange walrus looking man I love how he's simultaneously such an emotional rock for everyone in the BAU but also dealing with his own things, he goes into each of the crimes with such calmness and compassion and I just love that weird old man especially when he introduced himself as Jason to the little girl he was saving in that one episode, i was like HE'S MAKING HIMSELF SEEM LIKE LESS OF A THREAT BY INTRODUCING HIMSELF WITH HIS FIRST NAMEEEE, HE'S TRYING TO PUT HER AT EASE
Hotch oh man it was one scene specifically that literally started my brainrot for this guy, I wasn't that into him in the first couple of episodes and then it was revealed that he was horrifically abused by his dad and actively chose to go into a pathway that would catch people like that and people who get abused and then go on to abuse others and I just. AH. i am such a sucker for any character who has endured things that no one ever should endure at the hands of another human being and then instead of becoming completely bitter and taking the eye for an eye mindset, they vow to make sure the cycle stops with them and they may not be all sunshine and daisies and instead rough a lot of the times but they do it and they do it realistically
He's got a wife and a kid!!! He did it!! He made a better life for himself and it makes me feel like I could too, he's so strong and I feel like my strength can one day be used for more than just survival
Elle!!!! God I love her I feel like she's so realistic for a woman in her field, she's smart and strong and capable and she acknowledges all the things she has going against her, she's compassionate to the female rape victims, she gets furious at the people targeting women in particular what i would do to be this woman's friend
Reid. Oh lord. Listen I'm not on the thirst trap train but I do understand the love for this guy. My love for him however stems from the autism. The whole wanting to be useful and only knowing how to through interests and hyperfixations and feeling like he's missing out on some things cause he's different
It was the hostage situation on the train that got to me he was just so REAL and it's so awesome to see autistic people succeed in stuff like this
It's also nice to see him accepted by the team for who he is
I do also like him cause he's cool but it's easier to explain the autism stuff
Garcia - wonderful amazing spectacular I love me a confident woman in stem
Morgan - i like how he's sort of the "cool guy" archetype but his whole thing is getting into the mind of the UnSub I feel like it gives him more depth
JJ - god she's so cool and calm under pressure I love her
So yeah. The BAU is my new comfort character crew I'm taking Elle with me everywhere
But also do I have major issues with the idea of behavioural analysis in crime? Absolutely. It is so insanely subjective the way they're going off of probability, the way their precedent probably lacks temporal validity and also population validity with both the androcentrism and ethnocentrism it does feel wrong to be coming to such a conclusion about the UnSub so quickly and decisively, even though I understand their whole thing is getting there quickly. I just know that categorising human behaviour is never as simple as it seems.
Do I think they tackle some of these issues in the show? Sort of. Am I also aware this is a fictional drama TV show and it may not be that deep? Yes.
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tadpolejourney · 4 months
Gale is not canonically autistic, nor was he canonically groomed
Really bugs me how so many people on tumblr diagnose Gale with autism (spoiler: they're not doctors because doctors have ethics). Identifying with a character personally is one thing, armchair diagnosing anyone (yes, even a fictional character) is another. It is harmful and unethical, and I'm happy to explain why I think so to anyone who's interested. Just let me know.
EDIT: This whole next part is a SEPARATE thought that has nothing to do with autism. I think autistic people are great and I'm definitely not trying to spread ableism in tags... or anywhere else for that matter. I suppose I should also say that my opinion is not wild or out of left field outside of tumblr. I know Forgotten Realms lore and D&D very well, which seems rather atypical for tumblr.
I've made a lot of edits to this post, hoping that by clarifying the language and articulating my points better rather than just venting, my message comes across more clearly.
What bugs me the most is when people talk about Mystra grooming him as canon. If you think it happened when he was a child, that simply was not possible as Mystra was dead. If you think it happened to him as an adult, that's absurd.
In order to be groomed as an adult, you have to be incapable of consent. Only vulnerable adults can be groomed. I will leave 'vulnerable' broad, but the definition of grooming can be found on Wikipedia. Before you come at me sideways, find the section on grooming adults, read it, and get back to me.
Gale is fully capable of consent, and makes no indication that he cannot consent. He'll consent to a relationship with you as the pc, after all. He was also not vulnerable. He was an archmage. That's the most power you can have as a mortal, and one of the most prestigious positions as well. Gale is very knowledgeable about Mystra, her ways, and the Weave. Gale is a confident man of sound mind with hubris galore. If you think he was groomed, you completely misunderstand his character arc (snarky edit: again I say, hubris). When he meets Mystra he's well into adulthood with a job, a wizard's tower, sexual experience, has been in relationships, etc. He knows who Mystra is, what she is capable of, and what she offers him as a chosen/lover.
He walks into their relationship willingly, and makes no indication whatsoever that he was harassed, manipulated, or coerced into his relationship with her. Furthermore, Mystra could not do anything directly to him on the mortal plane, nor could she take away his power or access to the Weave, without reason or consequence. In fact, if you are at all familiar with Forgotten Realms lore, their relationship does not seem so abnormal. While Mystra isn't known for sleeping with many of her chosen, the idea itself (a mortal and a god/goddess being lovers) is not unheard of. More to the point, the FR pantheon is simply not all-powerful. Not a one of them is, including Mystra. They have many restrictions on what they can and cannot do, especially involving the mortal realms.
It seems some people are completely unable to accept that Gale made terrible choices and has flaws, which is odd because he admits that freely and openly to the pc. There is so much more nuance to his character arc that you throw away when you ignore his flaws, especially his hubris. That is literally the whole point of his arc. It would be a totally different story if it were actually written as if he were groomed. Not to mention making that canon with the story as it is nonsensically divests him of the power and agency he clearly had.
Rewrite the story and HC all you want, but don't put that shit out there like it's actual canon.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hi, if you're still taking requests, could you do some Reese Wilkerson headcannons with an autistic girlfriend?
I would like to believe that he is someone very protective of a girlfriend like that.
Reese Wilkerson With An Autistic Girlfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: im not autistic so i hope i did an okay job at this
I think Reese would feel a bit protective of a girlfriend no matter what
But that feeling would definitely heighten if the person he was dating was autistic
He’d probably need you to explain what autism is and how it affects you
After that, he’d do his best to make sure you’re not overstimulated, uncomfortable, etc
“I got something for you,” Reese said, pulling off his backpack. You stopped walking and watched Reese as he crouched on the ground to rifle through his bag, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“What is it?” You asked, leaning slightly over to try to look into his messy backpack. But Reese shot up before you could get a good look, item in his hands.
“Here.” Your boyfriend handed you a pair of cushiony headphones. “Malcolm helped me pick them out. I know you hate loud noises and stuff like that.”
“Thanks, Reese.” You said, looking at the equipment in your hands. There was a small but appreciative smile on your face.
“They’re soundproof. And they’re collapsible, so they’re easy to pack when you don’t wanna wear them.” You nodded along, putting them on to test them out. They were pretty comfortable; the cushions on the ears didn’t press you in a way that would make your head or ears sore after a while. And it did a great job of blocking out sound.
“I like them.” You said, glancing over at him. “Ready?” Reese nodded, zipping up his backpack. Then, the two of you continued your walk home.
If you have a safe food, he knows about it
He tries to keep a stock of stuff you like, whether he has to buy it or make it
If one of your safe/preferred foods is something he makes, he takes that shit to heart
Reese does his best to make it the exact same every time
“You hungry?” Reese asked as he let the two of you into the house. You nodded, passing him to sit at the kitchen table and take out what you needed to do your homework. “What do you want?”
“I dunno.” You sighed, feeling as if you had suddenly forgotten all food options.
Reese rummaged around his cabinets and fridge, pulling something out that he knew you liked. Showing it to you as a silent question, you nodded, and he got to work on cooking it.
While he cooked, you worked on homework. While you thought, you tapped on the table in a repetitive rhythm that Reese instantly recognized. It used to annoy him, mainly because he didn’t know why you did it so much. But when he finally asked you about it, you told him it was a regular stim of yours. Now, he’s grown to appreciate the tapping pattern because it meant you were probably getting grounded and because it was a catchy tune.
“Here you go.” Reese set the finished plate of food on the table, grabbing a small fork instead of one of the big ones. You waited until you finished the problem you were working on to push your schoolwork aside and eat. “How is it?”
“Good.” You said after swallowing the first bite. Reese always made your food right, part of the perks of dating someone with such culinary talent. “Thank you.” Reese silently celebrated before looking for something to make for himself.
He doesn’t judge the things you do that others would perceive as weird or off-putting
Mainly because he doesn’t have room to judge based on his own activities and hobbies
For example, he doesn’t mind if you go non-verbal
Sometimes, he doesn’t like to talk because, knowing himself, he’ll probably say the wrong thing
You had been having a difficult day. It felt like everything was going wrong. A shirt you had wanted to wear suddenly had a horrible texture, so you had to find something else to wear. Finding something that felt right took a while, making you late to school. You felt thrown off your routine, and when you thought things couldn’t get worse, you realized you had forgotten to grab your headphones in your rush to leave the house.
“You okay?” Reese asked as the two of you walked to your house. You shrugged. Leaving school definitely helped make you feel less overstimulated, but you still didn’t feel too good. “Not talking?” You nodded, and Reese nodded in response instead of saying something. 
You appreciated the fact that he was never offended by you not wanting to talk, like others might be. And when he knew that you were in a nonverbal state, he decided not to speak as much, hoping the fact that you weren’t expected to give a response would make you more comfortable.
When you got home, you immediately put on your dearly missed headphones and rushed to your room. Reese knew this routine, following you to your bedroom to shut your blackout curtains while you changed into something more comfortable and settled into bed.
“Want me to tuck you in?” Reese asked as he approached your bedside. He knew the answer but always wanted to ask first. When you nodded, he tucked your weighted blanket into your sides until you felt completely secure. “Want me to go?” You shook your head furiously. Reese nodded in understanding and sat on the floor, leaning against the side of your bed. 
Reese doesn’t hesitate to fight anyone who makes fun of you
Even if it’s a little teasing comment that’s not meant to be mean, he stares them down until they apologize
If he does fight someone, he makes sure that you don’t see it happen
He doesn’t want you getting overwhelmed or feeling guilty by something like that, especially since he’s doing it over you
Reese loves you and would do anything to make you happy or comfortable
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
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bunisher · 4 months
just some autistic frank things and headcanons:
• one of his special interests is weapons, when he was a teen he developed one involving medieval torture. he’s known all the pressure points of where to hit someone in order to incapacitate them for years.
• he reads and writes more than he speaks. he often felt like an outsider growing up. he needs rules to function and many social situations are too complex. he likes when things are simple.
• goes nonverbal when he’s upset and starts stimming by tapping his fingers, walking around.
• general stims include his index finger tapping against his thumb, chewing the inside of his cheek, licking his lips, and rubbing the back of his head if it’s been shaved. he likes playing with his longer hair too but hardly anyone is around to see it.
• he stims every time he listens to music. he doesn’t listen to music very often. it’s distracting for him.
• he likes his long hair but it’s too noisy for him. he needs it out of his eyes and face to be able to focus.
• autistic rage is how he survives.
• safe foods include black coffee and breakfast foods. he likes trying new foods and recipes because he likes exploring different types of textures and flavors. he cooks for people to show that he cares because he’s not great with words.
• stims by cleaning his guns. he used to play with maria’s hair a lot. now he rubs the scar on the back of his head.
• extremely high pain tolerance from years of dissociating from his body. it was difficult when he was growing up. his mom would often find him injured and not saying anything or acting like there was something wrong. he once broke his finger and didn’t realize it until later when someone pointed it out.
• has to have everything extremely organized. as a child he lined things up and would get upset if people touched his stuff. he wasn’t good at playing with others.
• technology is overwhelming for him, he likes old fashioned things with physical parts.
• needs more information to assess a situation. whether that be for a mark or in personal situations. he would always ask “the wrong questions” and offer solutions instead of just listening. it was one of his main issues with maria. she thought he didn’t care about her feelings for years when he was trying to help.
• he did not realize maria was flirting with him at first. she was his first real relationship because all other people gave up when they assumed he wasn’t interested. he doesn’t know how to flirt.
• he’s obsessive. when it comes to his mission, nothing else matters. when he first got with maria, nothing else mattered. he needed to know everything about her.
• his autistic sense of justice is what drives him. he believes what he is doing is right and is firm in his beliefs. this also goes hand in hand with his black and white thinking.
• even before war, he was awkward in social situations. he’s always been quiet. he doesn’t like big settings of people, it’s too loud with too much going on. he prefers one on one interactions. it’s easier to focus when it’s just one person.
• he’s been told he struggles with empathy and has no emotions, but he feels so deeply despite not expressing it. he doesn’t understand how people don’t see it but it’s not something he can really explain. it’s always been like that.
• he was nonverbal for years as a child, which is why he was so used to the comments that were made at the construction site (nmcu specific) and he couldn’t understand why they gave a shit.
• in school, he was bullied, but he never really told his parents about it. he was always kinda different. always felt like he was faking the whole “being a human” thing, so in some ways what he does now is easier. he doesn’t have to pretend and put energy into things he’s bad at.
• lisa was kinda like him and it made him nervous. she was blunt and accused of being cold when he knew what she meant. maria had to explain why it was an issue, but all he could think about was the factual statements and how it’s good to pick things apart.
• he always has a plan, a backup plan, and a backup backup plan. it’s part of why he hates a lot of heroes that just go in with no plan. why don’t they have a plan? he’s gone on many tangents before. it’s one of the main reasons why he doesn’t do team ups. that, and other people are too unpredictable. he still doesn’t play well with others.
• when he was young, he really believed in god because god and catholicism has rules that you stick to. he never understood why god and the angels were allowed to kill people but he wasn’t. he went into seminary because he had a special interest in god. he can debate a lot but religious people rarely enjoy it. he’s now a lapsed catholic, mostly because of that.
• nowadays to him, heaven is just a fancy prison and free will is what’s important. he doesn’t like the idea of being a pawn. it’s why he told heaven to go fuck itself. if he has to sacrifice his beliefs then what does that say about him?
• part of why he went into the marines was because he dad always told him he needed to respect authority. he was pushed into it, told that maybe it would do him some good since he was constantly picking fights and not understanding why people behaved the way that they did.
• he likes dogs because dogs like routine. they’re always affectionate. he can also talk to them and they don’t judge or expect him to say the right words. they just like it when he talks.
• his punisher shirts are always a blend of cotton and polyester overtop kevlar. he has a stencil he carries in his bag. the skull is like the jacket he had in high school. it makes him feel comfortable and secure.
• he never wears cologne and doesn’t like things with a lot of scent.
• he was never too good at hygiene, even as a child. now he has an excuse, but really it’s just a lot of effort and he’s going to get dirty again so why does it matter?
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
hi, total drama fan. describe a female character without mentioning their dynamic with a male character, calling them “girlboss” or “mom friend”, or saying they’re annoying. you have 1 minute or the saw trap goes off.
(this is the anon from the total feminist takes blog. would love to hear abt ur blorbos)
OH BOY WOULD I??? (Ok i'll do characters who i belive i have an actual understanding of their personality)
Izzy, at a first glance, is an embodiment of chaos; she's a fun-loving, rule-ignoring, impulsive teenage girl who's favorite hobbies seem to include making shit up and doing her own thing. She's also incredibly talented as well, with her acrobatics, ability to pull shit out of apparent thin air and especially her acting; Izzy is also very intelligent, and experiences the world differently from others. There is a method to the madness, she's just the only one aware of it.
Ella is naive, but passionate. She's kind to a fault, even to those who won't return it; she also has trouble handling others disliking her and is willing to bend over backwards to try and appeal to them. She's also incredibly fixated on fairytale stories and has an interest in singing, to the point she breaks out in song regularly and likes to compare events in her own life to that of the tales she adores.
Courtney is alot of things. She can be arrogant, in a similar way to Pearl from Steven Universe; confident in her own perspective and her own ways, to the point she'd reject different opinions and considers herself to be the best leader her teams could have. She's also very talented, both academically and athletically, definitely a hard worker who seeks structure out as a default. This contrasts heavily with her impulsiveness and temper, especially when she perceives someone else not respecting her abilities (she is a CIT after all!) and doesn't seem to be great at reading people and - god, god she's so autistic i swear i had to stop myself earlier on from just saying she was autistic but SHE SO IS I SWEAR-
Gwen's personality has changed over time, to the point i'd say it's tragic; she started off as an anti-social, judgemental non-conforming girl, a sort of "not like the other girls" type that turns out to simply be an artsy, loner teen with an interest in the macabre and humor that incorporates alot of sarcasm. But overtime, due to other people's judgements and remarks and critisms and (im extrapolating but im sure it's happened) insults has worn her down. By the time we get to 2 years after Island, she's been blamed so often for her relationships falling appart, she starts trying to act more docile and agreable, but due to being an insecure teen, makes alot of mistakes; especially regarding her own feelings. it gets to the point she starts conforming to expectations she's never even considered to be worth her time; this is what i'd use to explain the "double condition" line from All Stars. She's been worn down.
This got. Sad, so i'll try describing Leshawna now
If i had to compare her to anyone or anything, it would be the Grudger from The Evolution of Trust; she's nice to most people she meets, but doesn't trust many, and will stand up for herself and her friends if she sees an injustice. She's unapologetically herself, and doesn't put much stake in what others think of her either. She's also a great team player and has pretty good social skills to boot, and also tends to rely on her gut feeling; hence why first impressions are important with her.
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jo-the-nerd · 7 months
ALSO SPEAKING AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THE BARE MINIMUM OF GOOD OMENS AND THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS i just wanna say im pretty sure bg3 has their equivalent in bloodweave (gale [the one played by tim downie] + astarion)
my defense:
autistic book nerd and king who has the Audacity to fight God + chaotic theater gay that gives cat vibes and may need Therapy
aziraphale and gale sound like the type that would have solidarity in old man knees . idek if thats canon for aziraphale but it sure as hell is for gale
aziraphale and gale rhyme holy shit thats becoming a legitimate bullet point AJSJSJSJA
the book nerds live in their own private library . gale has a whole ass wizards tower while aziraphale has his book shop (that iirc he doesnt even sell the books in it ???)
crowley and astarion are the same fruit men . i also dont know how to explain that crowley just gives me 8 strength vibes as well . even if he was an angel you cant tell me this man can lift more than three books at once
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other" vibes from the both of them (idc what the other endings for gale are hes denouncing mystra in my canon bc i say so <33)
is aziraphale the type to have a cat . he seems so . how about a cat w wings (<-a tressym) . theyd absolutely bond over that
if you replaced the cutscenes of astarions little hissy fits w crowley i think itd honestly still be pretty in character
if i manage to pirate good omens one of these days i will be confirming if my hypothesis is correct <33
Ooooh now we're talking :)))))) I'll try to be brief (< lying)
yup that's them.
'may need therapy' we all know they do, the 'may' is only there bc they either won't admit it (Aziraphale & Gale) or would have to get dragged kicking & screaming before ultimately weaseling their way out of it looney tunes style (Crowley & Astarion)
Aziraphale is an old man in all aspects except one (biologically), however Crowley is the same age and he would definitely have old man knees. he doesn't know what to do with his joints half of the time due to being snek
yeah there are no books being sold in that bookshop fgfjkfggnv. like, it's all first editions and what-not so i totally get not wanting to give any away but then why open a shop??? instead of a collection???
yk what, fair enough. Crowley is a noodle, those arms aren't doing much more opening doors for his angel. tbf he can lift multiple potted plants at once but that's more spite than anything
i could also totally see Astarion doing the Crowley Walk(TM)
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other vibes" so true, no notes.
aziraphale doesn't have a pet (yet) but I think he would love a cat (I mean, he's got Crowley hanging around, basically the same). A tressym is just a very peculiar step up from that (consider: it has it's own wings to match him and Crowley, which is really adorable!!)
crowley's hissy fits are great and can likewise be replaced with Astarion's.
similiar additions which would probably still be in character:
C slammed Aziraphale into a wall for calling him nice
C went out into the middle of the street when he got really frustrated/anxious and exploded lightning from his body
C agreed to take care of the bookshop, not selling any books etc. but tossed any books he was holding into some corner whenever
both of them evaded the immediate ire of their higher ups by pointing out a technicality that amounted to 'this word is explained to be different from the one you're using, but through a miniscule footnote on the last page of this giagantic book'
Aziraphale has an incredible hard time overcoming the trauma and toxic mindset upheld by his superiors, including how he views himself and his partner (that one's just sad, sry)
Solid ground for a hypothesis I'd say :))
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
I know you ship Barney and Robin (I do too), but don't you think Ted has the right to be uncomfortable with the fact that one his best friends slept with his ex (that he clearly still has feelings for) when it hasn't even been that long since they broke up?
As usual, let's break this down by parts.
Ted being uncomfortable with the situation
That one would be totally valid. The fact that his ex is in his friend group could have already led to plenty of drama, and if she starts getting involved with yet another person from the same friend group, things will just get more messy. There's a reason why when they became friends, Lily full on said to both of them "If you sleep with Robin, you have to marry her" because if the relationship doesn't end, then there's no drama.
However, Ted is not uncomfortable. He is ANGRY. Like, downright furious. He stops being friends with Barney, and it takes the dude nearly dying after getting hit by bus that he didn't see in his hurry to see Ted at the hospital and make sure he was okay. THAT is how pissed off he was - and as I'll explain in great detail bellow, he has exactly ZERO right to be.
Barney is one of Ted's best friends
Is he? Is he though? Because I remember Ted saying shit like "I have no idea why I hung out with Barney" just because the guy suggested that they *gasp* went to a different place than the bar they usually went to. Seriously, I'm autistic and hate change, but the way Ted will act like Barney is personally wronging him and being super selfish when he finds legitimatelly cool things for them to do together makes him sound the most boring, ungrateful person EVER.
And let's not forget the constant "Marshall is my best friend, not you." Like, I get that is closer to Marshall than to Barney, but Jesus, he was always SO mean to the guy for no reason. He could have at least said something like "Hey, Marshall is my best friend too" or "Come on, man, just cause Marshall is my best friend doesn't mean you're not important to me." But no, it was always in a rude way that fit way too well with "urgh, why am I even friends with Barney?" Again, it took the guy nearly fucking dying for Ted to say they were not just friends, they were brothers.
To me THE proof that Ted is in the wrong in this whole conflict is that he never cared about any of Barney's shenanigans - yet the series uses the ONE time Barney broke the bro code as justification for Ted ending their friendship. They try to excuse it with "Oh, but Ted never broke the code", but let's face it, the man never even read the freaking code.
He was ALWAYS disregarding Barney, acting like they were barely even friends and like he was just an annoying dude he couldn't get rid of. And then as soon as the guy slips up and is feeling super guilty over it even though he shouldn't, SUDDENLY they're the best of friends and "How could you do this to me?"
He still has feelings for Robin, and their break up wasn't that long ago
If I'm remembering it right, it has been nearly a whole year since their break up. And even then, they've done the whole "post break up tension" thing. Sulking, being jealous (though that one was mostly Ted), hooking up only to realize they really are better off as friends, and finally Ted has gone back to his default state of meeting a new potential "The One", and just a few episodes later he propose to Stella, his girlfriend - because yeah, he has a girlfriend. One he claims to be pretty serious about. One he all but claimed he fell in love with at first sight.
One could EASILY assume he was over Robin by that point - hell, I did the first time I watched the show. And Ted's supposed "feelings" for her are not nearly as cute as the show likes to pretend they were.
Ted's obsession with Robin
This man legit saw her from across the room, and was about to say "Hey dude, see that girl over there? I'm gonna marry her" before Barney, the much more sane of the two, interrupted him with a "You know she likes it dirty" (God bless Barney for figuring that woman out in two damn seconds). He said both "I'm in love with you" and "I love you" on the first damn date. He decided she was the love of his life without knowing a single thing about her, and just never admited that he was wrong, even after they broke up over wanting completely different things in life.
But let's not forget HOW they got together in the first place. Robin turns him down after the "I love you even though I just met you fiasco", so he makes up not one, not two, but three parties just so he can "invite her over as a friend." This goes wrong, obviously, and Robin turns him down again because she just wants something casual. Later, when she changed her mind but he is already with someone, Ted lies to her about having broken up with his girlfriend so they can sleep together. When Robin finds out about it, he blames it on "Nothing good happens after 2 am" and never apologizes for lying to her, yet the show makes her forgive him for it anyways.
He then tries to go after her AGAIN, and when she tells him to slow down and, ya know, actually date before they do the whole "Romantic vacation where we promise to spend the rest of our lives together", he says that she's "too scared of anything real" because apparently no romance is real unless the people involved are ready to get married immediately. He then tries, rather pathetically, to make it rain so she won't go on a trip with a guy that is into her, and once it does rain they finally get together. The show claims that's romantic, but I'm once siding with the actual sane man of this story, Barney: This is funny. And it's still funny. And it's still funny... aaaand now is just sad.
Ted is not in love, he obsessed. That's why he is mad that Barney and Robin slept together - and why he is only mad at Barney, but not at her. He thinks Robin is his. He thought so both before and after their relationship, and he doesn't like it when anyone shatters this illusion. And the show validating that, making both Barney and Robin almost/full on "confessing" what they did even though by this point I'm wondering WHY either of them still puts up with Ted, just makes this look worse in my eyes.
Everytime I think of this plot, I think: Fuck off, Ted! You're just mad Robin didn't have to pretend that knee-rubbing was a super hot part of sex, or cover his face to pretend she was fucking someone else like she did with you! (I am not even kidding, this legit happened - good for Robin for finally getting a guy that knows what he's doing and that she's actually attracted to)
The "Barney is a bad person" excuse
The show REALLY wanted us to side with Ted on this one, didn't they? Well, too bad, because they gave us plenty of reason not to.
Barney has done some awful shit, but I do NOT buy that this was just the last straw for Ted instead of a result of him being possessive over a woman that could not be less interested in him.
Ted is very quick to talk shit about Barney when he does something awful. He is even faster however, to either join him on the fun at the expense of others, or even leaving Barney out-matched.
This is Ted Mosby we're talking about, people. The guy who didn't know the difference between getting to know a woman and stalking her. The guy that thinks harrassing a girl until she agrees to date you is romantic. The guy who said to Victoria that they should try long distance dating, only to start ghosting her, and then nearly sleep with someone else the first time she isn't able to return his calls - and again, the girl he almost slept with thought he was single because he lied to her face.
The guy who taught his children "That's how you turn a no into a yes." The bastard that broke up with a girl on her birthday through an answering machine, went after her years later, convinced her to take him back, and then a month later dumped her on her birthday a second time. The creepy dude that was waiting to make his move the second a girl he deemed "perfect" and "the one who got away" was single again - going as far as to have her neighbours spying on her for him. The guy who thought the perfect way to fix the issue of his bride not wanting his ex at their wedding because "exes around makes old feelings ressurface" was to bring her ex along, and could not fucking understand that this will just make her even more uncomfortable.
The dude who tried (and sometimes succeeded) in trying to win over women that were married/about to be married not once, not twice, but FIVE FUCKING TIMES! And in two of these times, the innocent groom/husband thought of him as a friend, only to be stabbed in the back so horribly.
THIS Ted Mosby is throwing a fit because Barney slept with his ex one time and felt super guilty. This asshole thinks he has the moral highground here. The dude that would have the nerve to say "Robin shouldn't be with Barney, she should be with me" and even declare his undying love for her on the morning of her wedding to Barney even after he has given their relationship his blessing and claimed to be over her about 50 times. If Barney had done this, show would have treated him like the fucking antichrist.
And let's not forget Ted EXPLICIT justification as to why this "terrible" action was the final straw: because this one affected him personally instead of happening to a stranger. I am not even kidding, he full on said that. Dude, if you legit think this guy is an awful person, and you have zero problem with it as long he is nice to you, you DESERVE to have him screw you over (just like he deserved to have Stella leave him at the alter after he was stupid enough to think inviting her ex to their wedding was just the perfect idea).
We are supposed to side with Ted, even though he is worse than Barney, a hypocrite, would not do more than give him a slap on the wrist if he had slept with someone else's ex, AND what Barney did wasn't even that serious. Even though he is a creepy stalker that cannot wrap his head around the fact that Robin is not his property, and is taking this whole thing as Barney "stealing what's his." Even though he will do WAY worse to his supposed friend years later, without a shred of remorse, still be talked about as the good guy, AND the show will screw Barney and Robin (and the Mother) over just so he can get what he wants in the end.
Sorry, but it's not gonna happen. This is not the rare "Ted has a point" moment, like when he called Lily a bitch. This is another case of him being entitled, possessive, and hypocritical - and yet more reason for me to look at that goddamn finale and think "I can't wait until Robin inevitably has an affair with Barney and then marries him again so Ted finally faces some much deserved karma"
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sp00ky-scary · 2 years
Cranes turn, he's so baby girl coded <3
Tumblr media
Design rant time !!
Jonathan Cranes backstory is the one where he lived with his great grandma and she terrorised the shit out of him, especially with birds. And he got bullied and all that too, and it all just kinda fucked him up. Eventually he ended up killing both his bullies and his grandmother, the events leading him to pursue psychology and study fear. Also he's from the south, I still dunno if that's ever been canon but I know it's a popular headcanon if it isn't. So yeah he's southern, although he tries to hide his accent (don't ask what state I don't know enough about American States to pick one).
So blah blah blah he moved to Gotham after university and he eventually became a Professor of Psychology, he then used his position to run experiments on "consenting" university students (he tried to argue they agreed to it, he failed to argue his point but he still made an attempt). Over time he developed his fear toxin (he didn't actually use fear toxin for a good few years) and developed the Scarecrow persona. During this time he also got fired from the University but managed to become a psychologist at Arkham Asylum which gave him ample opportunity to run his experiments. Eventually he expanded his experiments, using fear gas on a crowd at a currently undecided event to test it at a larger scale and a diverse range of people instead of just uni students and the mentally ill. However he got caught by Batman and became a patient at Arkham which obviously also got him fired. Nevertheless he continued his experiments although over the years a variety of factors have resulted in the Scarecrow persona almost becoming a second personality (he doesn't have DID just to clarify, this bit is more of a made up disorder on my part that's unique to him because his fear gas/toxin had a big part in its development, he's not immune to his fear stuff and whilst he tries to limit his exposure it's just not possible to avoid it). The best way to describe it is basically as Scarecrow his personality becomes harsher and under extreme circumstances and/or over exposure to his fear gas/toxin, he'll often disassociate and act more violent, mostly just attempting to do what he thinks is best in order to protect himself, it's similar in a way to a fight or flight response type thing I guess. It's basically just his brain attempting to protect him, it's really hard to explain what I'm thinking.
As Jonathan Crane he's reclusive with very few personal connections to other people. he can be cold and lacks empathy (not totally he still experiences a little), and often doesn't display much emotion, despite this he's still somewhat considerate of others. He's skilled in psychology and chemistry, and lacks fighting skills. He's persuasive and his knowledge of psychology makes it quite easy for him to get in other's heads. As Scarecrow very little is different, although he appears to completely lack empathy, has more violent impulses, and is generally more sadistic. Depending on the circumstances he'll either be more controlled and calm (when he chooses to slip into the persona), or he'll be impulsive and reckless, his actions reminiscent of someone doing what they can to survive (when he's forced into the persona, or further into them intended). Anyway at Arkham he gets the straight jacket treatment, also the mask whatever, he's never actually bitten someone they're just scared of him, he doesn't always wear the mask. When he's brought into Arkham he will often be more violent before calming down after a few days, usually they put him in solitary confinement for the first few days.
He began his crimes in his 30s and continues them into his 50s so he's like middle aged. He's aroace, also he's autistic, why? Because I say so, his special interest is fear lmao. Anyway he's close friends with Jervis Tetch and friends with Poison Ivy, friendly with Riddler (they have their issues), other than that he's mostly neutral with the other rogues. Also a note his body is covered in scars from the whole Grandmother terrorizing him with birds thing, the worst of the scars are on his arms and his back. Also he knits as a hobby, I just think that suits him. One more thing, he's 6'6" I just thought y'all should know that, he's stupidly tall. And that is all I have to say about him.
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many-faced · 3 months
Many-Faced's Introduction post
Hello! I'm Many-Faced, but I typically use Tea as a nickname. I'm fine with any nicknames as long as it's clear you're referring to me!
I'm a self-taught artist. I also do animations sometimes! You can occasionally find me participating in Multi Animator Projects or making animation memes and posting them on youtube! Though uh... it's mostly shitposting. Oopsies.
I am Agender!
I use any pronouns :>
This includes neos! Specifically I'm testing the use of ze and xe. Please do keep in mind that I tend towards masculine pronouns over feminine ones, and while I don't mind she/her, I'd prefer they/them, he/him or neos.
Before you interact!
I am a minor!
Please do not bring extremely suggestive or NSFW content anywhere near me or my blog. Not only am I 16, but I am also asexual and get very uncomfortable around those topics.
I sometimes struggle with tone.
Please use tone tags where possible so I don't take a joke as an accusation or whatever! I overthink... way too much. Oopsies..
I do in fact swear a lot
While you'll notice on Youtube I try to stay mostly clean, although I do swear now and then. I do generally swear a lot. Especially on Discord, the swear jar for me and my friends is always overflowing.
I am unhinged and I talk and type faster than I think
If I say something weird or irrational and need to go back and correct myself, yeah that's normal, it happens a lot.
I am Autistic and have ADHD
It's unlikely to cause any problems further that what I've already mentioned, but as mentioned before please please PLEASE tonetags where you can, I don't wanna misread something
Do NOT interact:
If you support any sort of discrimination. Any discriminatory messages will be immediately deleted and you will get no response, I'm not fuelling someone like that.
If you use AI unethically. Unlike many other artists, I am neutral on AI. If it was ethical, I could see the benefits, yes, but it isn't. We're using in a way that harms creatives, replacing them with robots that cannot ever truly make anything new. So if you pedal AI 'art' or think a movie created by all AI would be so 'great', you can leave now.
Cryptobros. Don't pedal me your scam coin, because I'm not buying it.
If you're just here to send hate and start drama. Seriously, if you have a genuine criticism I'm here to listen, but if you're just hating to hate, what are you even doing?
Proshippers. I hope I don't need to explain why some relationships are actually just illegal. Illegal things in general obviously are not welcome here.
Hey look, Cool people!
@darkhatkid - the shadow in the corner of my room that tells me to draw insane shit
@mugzymiik - absolute nutcase, don't trust em ever, e likes kissing shapes and robots/lhj (they have also beta read a few of my fanfics!)
My Fandoms
This list may be rarely up to date... Don't be surprised if I suddenly spawn in with a bunch of art for a fandom not on the list.
Rain World
Warrior Cats
Hazbin Hotel
Nine Sols
My AUs and Stories
The Halfway - An original work made from the ground up by me that asks the question 'if there are multiple realities, what's between them?' Sounds all philosophical, right? Well, kind of, but also I just found it funny to turn vague concepts into insane pseudo-deities and put them through the wringer of existing. A serious story with a comedic streak, hopefully.
JSAB: Reloaded - A JSAB AU. I don't currently have much to say about it since it's under reconstruction. Remind me to rewrite this at some point when I get the story nailed down.
Rain World: False Affirmative - A Rain World AU. Asked the question 'what if Five Pebbles succeeded in making the taboo bypass?' and snowballed into an entire AU with a zombie virus rot and a whole lineup of new slugcats and iterators while also expanding on the canon ones.
Worldless: Polarized - A worldless AU with a dedicated blog and an ao3 fanfic. Not much to say on this yet, but more may come soon.
Polarized Blog [allows asks] - @worldless-polarized
Other socials!
Want to find me somewhere else? Here's where you can!
Please do not send me random art requests in my askbox!
Moots, dw, ya cool, I won't met mad at you for doing that [don't expect me to actually do it though,, I might,, maybe].
What I don't want is random followers sending me art requests, even if it's of fandom characters from fandoms I'm in. I don't reaally like being asked to do something by someone I don't know well. This has happened a few times and I promise I'm not mad at any of you! Just keep this in mind, please ^^
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
Hey Aerie! Did someone really just fucking stole an idea from you??? Wtf I'm mad about this.
If you don't want to talk about the werewolf (!!!!!!) Neil au bc of that I totally understand, but I would also listen if you'd talk about it! (I'm maybe a little bit feral about werewolves... I know you like vampires a lot ;-) but I am a slut for werewolves...)
I hope you are asleep right now but have a great day when you read this!! Love you <3
Unfortunately I was not asleep when I got this last night. Lol. It was 2am and I had just laid down. :') <3333 But I love you! <33 Also omg werewolves were my shit when I was younger, then somehow it swapped to vampires? :'))
Also if you want I'll tell you about the 'fic-stealing incident'. It was really annoying but it all worked out and I will now be writing it for the Paranormal Fic Fest instead. YAY! So nothing truly terrible happened but it was stressful and annoying at the time.
Beware: super long ramble under the cut. Unless you're Cody c-lion you probably don't wanna open that. :'))
The reason I never talked about this on my blog is because I figured somehow people would think I was in the wrong and send me mean shit. :') But what happened was... I signed up for the big bang again this year.
I wasn't going to because last year my artist partner literally disappeared and the mod didn't bother to tell me they dropped until I asked if they could check on them. But I figured I'd try again anyhow. So I came up with two ideas. (One being demon neil, which I submitted for the bang. And the other was werewolf neil, which I am SO insane about.)
I wrote outlines for both and decided to use the demon neil one. Then I got my partner assigned and they... Hardly ever responded. I mean, I answered them within minutes. It would take them several days to reply. Every single time. Then it got to a point where they just didn't answer at all for two whole weeks. I figured they were ghosting me, like last year.
They message me the day before the check-in and ask if the art idea (that I suggested) would be alright. Like. They hadn't started at all. I hadn't either, since they had disappeared. I didn't answer. Instead I told the mod I was dropping. And they said they would have another writer write my fic for me. Like...
Uh... It's the first check-in. The artist hasn't done shit yet. Why on earth would you give my fic to someone else? Like normally, this might not have been a problem. If I had been really vague with my idea. But when I wrote out my prompt I gave a lot of detail. I thought the more the better, so the artists would know what they would be working with. However...
Since I gave so much detail, they would've been writing My Fic. Not just a random au where Neil happens to be a demon. I mean I gave a simplified version of the plot? So. That would've been so suckish. But I explained to the mod that I wanted to keep my idea and they said they'd reassign the artist to a different writer instead.
So everything worked out in the end. But I was very, very upset when it was happening. Like... I had a bit of a panic attack. Which sounds stupid I guess. But I had planned this all out and I was in love with it. You don't kidnap a baby and hand it to some rando? TwT (My writing is all I have. I'm aware that it's sad, but it is true.)
Anyhow! I won't be doing a random partner event ever again because the last two have sucked. :')) (This is no shade to the mods or anything. I get it must be hard to run stuff. But partners disappearing and stuff... Sucks major ass. I don't wanna have to depend on a random stranger for a partnered thing.)
The first bang I ever did was amazing! It was for a different fandom, back in like 2017. But the partner I had for that was awesome and really sweet. We were friends for a while afterwards. So I guess my expectations were too high I guess? :')
But yeah! That was all that went down. Nothing terrible in the end. I just got very autistic-ly upset about my baby almost being snatched. (My friend's dms were... full of me blubbering about it:')) That being said! I will definitely have to come and talk about werewolf neil at some point! (And... maybe... add him to wipw... Eventually...)
If you read this far you're a saint. I love you! <3 Muah.
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