#this is why i'm watching this fucking show
littleprinces · 2 days
Haewon x M! Reader
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"Haewon," I said, my voice low and husky. "Can you come into my office for a moment?"
She looked up at me, her eyes wide and innocent. "Yes, Sir?"
I gestured for her to take a seat. "I wanted to discuss something with you. It's about your performance at work."
She looked at me, a hint of fear in her eyes. "My performance, Sir?"
I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. "Yes, Haewon. I've been watching you, and I have to say, I'm not impressed. You've been making mistakes, showing up late, and your attitude has been less than stellar."
She looked down at her hands, her shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'll try to do better."
I stood up and walked around my desk. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I have a better idea. How about you come to my house tonight, and I'll show you exactly what I expect from you?"
She looked up at me, her eyes wide with shock. "Sir, I don't think that's appropriate."
I chuckled and ran my finger down her cheek. "Oh, Haewon. You know you want to. And I promise, you won't be disappointed."
She hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Okay, Sir. I'll come to your house tonight."
I smiled and handed her a small box. "Good girl. And here's a little something to wear for me tonight."
She opened the box and gasped. Inside was a small, black chastity cage. "Sir, I can't wear this!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Why not? It's a symbol of my control over you. You'll wear it, or you won't be coming to my house tonight."
She looked up at me, her eyes pleading. "Please, Sir. I can't."
I leaned in closer and whispered, "You can, and you will. Now, go back to work and think about what you're going to do tonight."
She stood up and walked to the door, her legs shaky. "Yes, Sir."
When she arrived at my house that night, she was wearing the chastity cage and a tight black dress. I could see the outline of her nipples through the fabric, and I knew she was ready for me.
I led her to my bedroom and pushed her down on the bed. "You look stunning, Haewon. But I think we need to get you out of this dress."
I slowly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing a black lace bra and panties, and I could see the wet spot on her panties.
I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You're already wet for me, aren't you?"
She nodded and bit her lip. "Yes, Sir."
I reached down and ripped her panties off. "Good girl. Now, let's see how you taste."
I spread her legs apart and leaned down. I started licking her pussy, slowly at first, and then faster and harder. She was moaning and writhing beneath me, her hands clutching the sheets.
I looked up at her and said, "You taste so good, Haewon. I could eat you all night."
She looked down at me and said, "Please, Sir. I want you inside me tonight."
I stood up and took off my clothes. I was hard and ready for her. I climbed on top of her and pushed inside her pussy. She was tight and wet, and I groaned with pleasure.
I started fucking her harder and faster, my balls slapping against her ass. "You like that, Haewon?" I said.
She nodded and moaned. "Yes, Sir. Fuck me harder." Her face already show how horny she is. I still fuck her hard.
I grabbed her hips and started pounding her, my cock going deeper and deeper. "You're mine, Haewon. Say it."
She looked up at me, her eyes pleading. "I'm yours, Master."
I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to cum inside you, Haewon. I'm going to breed you."
She moaned and nodded. "Yes, master. Cum in me."
I felt my orgasm building, and then I exploded inside her, filling her pussy with my cum. She moaned and clung to me, her body shaking with pleasure.
I pulled out and looked down at her. "Good girl, Haewon. You took every inch of me. You will be my sex slave."
She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, Master. I will be your slave."
Haewon is my slave now and i decide to keep her in my house and make her as my pet.
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First Encounter Part 3
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|Notes:Y’all boy getting a little jealous and my man Reggie did his thing💓💓,Things get a little more steamy in part 4😏😏 |Warnings:None |
Wanting to clear your mind from the previous interaction with Armando, you walk over to Dorn who is scrolling through files on his computer hoping to find something for the situation. Pushing his head playful you asked if he had any luck yet, while stealing a folder to look through. "No, I found a few emails and a file but nothing that could lead us to who is doing this,” he says sighing.  
Giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, you say, "Don't stress yourself to much over this, I'm sure something will pop up eventually.” Turning in his chair he looks up at you, with a boyish grin.
Screwing your eyebrows together you say “What?", setting the file you were going threw down. "Y/N, I can’t stop thinking about how fast you dropped to the ground earlier," pausing to laugh he continues, "that's the fastest I seen you move besides running from bugs." Watching him laugh about the incident from earlier, you smack your lips and push at his head again.  
"You know good and well you would’ve drop like I did too; I’ll be damned if I let a bullet take me out." Seeing him really start to tear up, while laughing, you watch as he holds his stomach doubling over.”Aye, not too much asshole!” you say chuckling a bit at his reaction. Sitting up he grabs your arm trying to regain his previous composure but failing when you give him a deadpan look. 
Continue to watch your friend have his little laughing session, you smile to yourself at his goofiness. As your about to scold him some more, you're abruptly interrupted by Armando who cuts into you and Dorns space. Forcing you two to break apart, to make room for him as he rudely asks Dorn to pull up a photo for him.  
Seeing his jaw flex, he sends you an intense glance, but looks back at the screen as Dorn zooms in on the photo. Glaring at him you say "Well, that was fucking rude, you could’ve asked nicely." Dorn hums in agreement. 
“Lo que sea que digas princesa,(Whatever you say princess)” Armando says brown eyes staying locked on the screen. Pausing you scan over his form trying to figure out why he had an attitude all the sudden. Letting out a gasp, you begin to laugh, realizing that he was jealous of Dorn.  
Glancing behind Armando muscled form to look at Dorn you see him shoot you a look with a smug smile confirming what you're thinking. Shaking your head you move closer, pressing your chest against Armandos toned arms, and whisper, "Don’t worry he’s with Kelly, ". Watching as he turns his face in your direction, pretty brown eyes glancing down at your breast. 
 He firmly whispers back, "I know, he needs to keep it that way." Biting your lip you smile, at his small show of dominance, his gaze returns back to the screen. 
Unconsciously, you stay close to his warm figure, as he leans forward, eyes evaluating the photo before he says “I seen this guy before...... can you do a facial scan." Hearing this Mike, Marcus, and Kelly make their way towards you guys watching each screen as loads of information begins to pop up. 
 "His name is James McGrath, looks like he was a former DEA Agent until he was tortured by the Cartel...... Captain Conrad mentions him a few times on some of his notes.” Pausing Dorn looks up, waiting to see what his superiors might have to say.  
"This has to be him he's the only with connections to the Cartel, it could be why he has been able to pull all these stunts......” pausing in realization Marcus ask if he could pull up the surveillance at his home, looking at your father with surprise you asked why.  
But before he could answer Mike cuts in and say, "Because were the only one that has proof that the Captain is innocent and he needs leverage." glancing at his son Mike pulls out his phone calling his wife. Widening your eyes in shock you quickly run to the couch to grab your phone, immediately dialing your sister.  
Bouncing slightly as you hear the phone ring for the third time, you yell to tell your father that she’s not picking up. Watching your father call Reggie with urgency, you look up to see Armando watching with concern. Hanging up you let out a frustrated sigh returning back to where everyone was viewing the monitors intensely. 
Shaking from nerves you feel Armando brush his hands against yours, staring up at him you see worry in his eyes. Wrapping your hand around his he gives it a light squeeze, trying to calm you down. Just as Dorn alerts everyone that theirs movement outside the home you hear Reggie pick up. As your father explains the situation quickly, Reggie springs into action, moving your mom, nephew, and pregnant sister to the pantry. 
 Watching him reach up to retrieve the gun that's stored in their as well, you watch in amazement as your brother-in-law kick ass.”Damn,I didn’t know he could do that.” your dad mutters shocked. Everyone lets out a few comments in agreement. Watching Reggie causally body 15 attackers, had your blood rushing in adrenaline. After confirming that the house was safe, he quickly moved the family out the house but not before saluting at the camera. 
“Yeah, baby that’s how we do it in the Burnett family! "You say hugging Armando with relief and excitement after what you just witness. Standing in shock Armando moves to embrace you as well, but looks up to see everyone watching you two like a hawk. Clearing his throat, he watches you look up at him confused, nodding his head to the side you see everyone staring. 
Breaking away from him you avoid their gazes sheepishly saying sorry. 
Before anyone could comment Mike asked Dorn to pull up his security footage after not having any success, in reaching his wife. As everyone eyes return back to the screens with concern, you feel Armando wrapping his hand around yours again, lightly running his thumb against it. 
 Mike let's out a sigh as his wife finally picks up, but it’s too late because not even a second later you hear screams and scuffling. Frantically, your eyes search the monitors, watching as men infiltrate Mikes home. 
Glancing away from the screen you look at Mike, who has an uneasy expression washing over his face. Just as he was about to speak, a deep menacing voice cuts in, 
“tss.tss.tss.... I think you have something that belongs to me Mike......” 
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writingfromasgard · 18 hours
[141 + Konig] Surprise! I'm Naked
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Synopsis: You've been watching videos all day when you come across a genre of people surprising their S/O in lingerie at unexpected moments. You decide to give it a try.
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John MacTavish
You decide to surprise John when he comes in from grabbing a meal with his work buddies. You're laying out on the couch, watching a TV show and nibbling on a snack or two.
This man slams the door shut, blue eyes turning a shade darker when his eyes land on you. "Got some new clothes?"
You laugh at the joke and he's joining you on the couch, pushing one of your legs off while he tosses his own clothes off
Simon Riley
There's nothing more he loves than seeing you lounging around his place, totally relaxed. When he finds you on his bed, a flimsy, cheap lacy ensemble, his mouth runs dry.
He chooses to wait to touch you, giving you a little show as he peels off his clothing. His hand smooths over his Adonis belt, gripping his cock. "Little minx, you see what you've done?"
You swoon as he climbs over you, testing the strength of the material - he's happy that he was right about it being filmsy. Knows you like when his biceps flex when he tears it in one go, fucking you with the tattered remains hanging off your body.
John Price
John is stepping out of the shower when he sees you on his side of the bed. You aren't naked - not completely. You've got those stockings he loves on and his hat. He chuckles, swaggering over to you with his smile.
"What's this, doll?" He asks, tilting your chin up with a finger. You smile just as big as his, spreading your legs open. He drops his towel, grabbing your thighs.
He doesn't mind getting on his knees to lap at his favorite meal as long as you keep his hat on while he does it. The minute it falls off, he's going to show you how good of a day he had.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
You've thought and thought about how to surprise Kyle - when he's home, he's always loving on you. It's hard to sneak away until finally another trend catches your eye - naked yoga. You've never done yoga a day in your life but that would surprise him.
You buy a yoga mat, set an alarm to a few minutes before he's about to get home and turn on a random yoga video on YouTube. You hardly notice him come in until the door slams shut.
Kyle comes up behind you as you're sitting with your legs together in front of you, gripping the back of your knees. You pretend you're focused. He surprises you, pushing gently on your back, "Babs, you can do better than that."
He's helping you get a little further than you're actually attempting. The routine shifts into a standing. One leg is in front of you while the other is behind, stretched out as you feel your thigh muscles straining. He's right there again, hip pushing you to move to a deeper stretch. "Gotta get you limber for everything I'm going to do to you when you're done."
You've never slept with König which is exactly why you want to try surprising him with your nude so maybe the big lug will get it. You're wearing a trenchcoat as you show up to his home. He eyes it but doesn't say anything.
You step in and follow him to the living, getting nervous. The couch creaks as he sits down, expecting you to join him for the movie he lined up. You stand in front of him, ripping the proverbial bandaid off and dropping the trench coat.
You can tell he doesn't know where to look - how to react until he's leaning forward with admiration in his eyes. "This is all for me, Sonnenschein? For me?" You laugh at his reaction and he drags you down into his lap, sucking on your breast immediately.
You gasp, grabbing hold of his hair to tug on it. "Thank you. Thank you so much. This is all for me.." He groans, bullying his fat cock into you as he continues to thank you.
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mrsshabana · 3 days
Modern/after all odds Gyutaro definitely did it on the motorcycle despite the risk in being a secluded alleyway or smth since someone was needy and impatient. Gyutaro would have it on or even rev it up sitting backwards while having y/n ride him. The hypersexual thoughts have lead me to a wild imagination once again 😞 Also can I be the 🍰 anon if its not already claimed? ^^
𝐀𝐀𝐎 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⋆ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱
꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, Against All Odds au, public sex, vaginal sex, creampie (if you aren't familiar with my Against All Odds fic, it's an au where demons live amongst humans in a modern au. And all of the kny demons go to university with reader.) ꒦꒷‧₊ Note I decided to write about AAO Gyutaro since I really miss writing that au! And of course, you can be the 🍰 anon if you'd like. Sorry for answering this so late btw. I've been working on other things lately but I was in the mood to write something quick today so I hope you all enjoy it. ♡
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"That fucking student council meeting took so long, what the hell were you guys talking about anyways?" Gyutaro growls as he parks his bike behind the science building.
"Douma couldn't decide what color banners we needed for the festival this weekend," you giggle, watching your boyfriend's face contort in annoyance.
"Idiot," he rolls his eyes and turns off his bike, "Making me wait so damn long..."
You look around, confused as to why he is stopping behind the science building on campus. "Um Gyu, why are you stopping here?"
He flips around so he can face you and begins to unbutton his pants, "Cuz I'm gonna fuck you."
'WHAT!?" You yelp, and Gyutaro immediately covers your mouth with his hand.
"Shut it!" he snarls, "I've been so horny all goddamn day ever since you put on that stupid skirt this morning. And now since you made me wait so long, I don't have any other choice but to fuck you right here."
He smirks and pulls his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free, already incredibly hard. The large vein that runs down the side of it already popping out, that's how you know he's been hard for quite a while.
"B-Babe I-," you start but he cuts you off.
"Shh, it's ok. The sun's already gone down so no one will see us. I promise..."
He bites his lip and pulls you in for a kiss. His other hand goes under your skirt, slipping into your panties to feel you've already started to get wet. But how can you not when seeing him so hot and bothered for you?
Pleased by this, he groans and pulls you into his lap. Slowly bucking his hips, gliding his cock along your slick panties.
"Gyu..." you whimper, "maybe we should move off the bike. I wouldn't want it to fall over..."
"Typical human, always worrying," he smiles, showing off his sharp teeth, "It won't fall over, I promise. My feet are on the ground so I can balance it while you ride me."
"R-ride you?" your entire face goes red. Usually, your boyfriend is on top, taking control and plunging into you aggressively is his favorite way to have sex. So it isn't often that he asks you to be on top, but you can't deny that you enjoy doing it. And he does too, it's just that most days he can't stop himself from fucking you silly. But today he doesn't have much choice.
"C'mon baby, you can handle it right?" He smirks mischievously as if challenging you.
"Of course I can!"
"I dunno... maybe you're too weak to take it. I mean you are just a pathetic human after all," he teases.
You furrow your brows, determined to prove him wrong. So you lift your hips, move your panties to the side, and gently lower yourself onto him.
"F-fuck," a breathy moan leaves his lips as he sinks into you and bottoms out.
"That shut you up, huh?" you tease back as you begin riding him.
He can't deny that you took his breath away, he didn't expect you to take control like you did. His nails dig into your thighs as you pick up the pace. Moaning loudly as you bounce on his lap, squelching sounds filling the air as his thick shaft splits you apart.
"C-C'mon babe ah, if you k-keep movin' like that I'm gonna cum too soon," he clenches his teeth and tries to hold back his moans.
"I don't want us to get caught," you gasp, "Ngh- you do want to cum in me don't you?"
"C-course I do," a needy moan escapes him. He moves his hands to your hips and begins to move you up and down, assisting you in your motion.
You lean forward until his cockhead slams into your sweet spot, "Ah- right there!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head as the mess between your legs spreads all over your thighs.
Your legs are beginning to feel sore but you're too determined to chase your high to even care. Moving faster and faster despite the pain and your thighs trembling.
Usually, your boyfriend would take over at this point but he's too high on cloud nine to pay attention to anything but the way your slick walls wrap around him and squeeze him so tightly. Making it impossible for him to hold back any longer.
And with a strained groan, his nails dig into your skin, his cock twitches inside of you, and he leans back - accidentally revving his bike. But he's too busy filling you with his seed to even care.
Wanting to make sure he got his cum as deep as possible he tightly grabs your hips and thrusts up into you. Creating an absolute mess. A combination of his cum and your slick splattering all over your skirt and the seat of his bike.
You were already getting so close, but now the breeding instinct of your demon boyfriend brings you over the edge. Your walls tightening around him as your desperate moans fill the air.
Gyutaro smirks, pleased with himself as you slump over onto him. Feeling your body shake uncontrollably, he feels satisfied.
"That's it baby," he whispers as he gently kisses the side of your face, "You did so good for me."
"We should do this again sometime..." you whimper and nuzzle against him.
He smirks, "Hell yeah, but let's get you home and cleaned up for now."
He ignores the mess on his bike and pulls his pants up. Then he turns, positions himself properly, and shifts his bike back into drive.
"You good back there?" he shouts, making sure you're holding on tightly.
"Mm hm," you nod, wrapping your arms around him and leaning your head on his back.
"Y'know, maybe we could do this every week after your student council meetings," he snickers as he revs the engine.
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green-typewriterz · 3 days
can you write an art donaldson fic where the reader has been in love with him for the past ten years but it’s obviously unrequited love… until art divorces tashi.
ps: can it be a lil angsty? I love it
Obsessed with your ex
Art Donaldson x reader, Tashi x reader if your looking at the subtext
Ask: above
summary: you're in love with Art...but due to a rather obvious factor known as Tashi Duncan, it's severely unrequited.
Warnings: none?? I guess swearing
Author Notes: sorry this took so long love!!! I was in a major editing groove for a long while meaning my writing got unceremoniously sent to the backburner... but i'm back with this as a sort of consolation!! also i was listneing to teeth by lady gaga on loop while writing this which is why theres some very gay subtext between you and tashi...
word count: 1826
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Tashi fucking Duncan. That’s how she was known in your subconscious - though you weren’t sure if it was a positive or negative thing. You wanted to be her, of course you did. She had everything you wanted. A natural skill for tennis, perfect looks and a close (confusing) relationship with both Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig.
Obviously, you were horrendously in love with Art and it hurt to an almost embarrassing degree when some more crass girls in your tennis class began to gossip about Tashi making out with him and Patrick. You weren’t sure where they could’ve got the information, so you told yourself it wasn’t true - a rumour. Regardless, it hurt. Maybe it hurt just as much as Art Donaldson having no clue you felt how you did.
You were reasonably close with Tashi, close enough to call yourself a friend but it was reasonably clear to most that you wanted what she had (and maybe you also wanted her as much as Zweig and Donaldson though that was a deeper emotion). It was interesting to watch how she’d interact with each boy as if they were pawns, something that was increasingly clear at that fateful match.
You could hear the crunch throughout the entire court, though the scream was what rattled you. Art leapt from his place in the stands, running as if she were going to die. You stood, racket still in hand, shifting awkwardly in the absence of play before making your way over to your friend to check on her.
Art knew you were trying to be helpful, his small, thin lipped smile showing this clearly, but Tashi didn’t want you there. So that was that. You let him take over and rocked back on your shins, eyes tracking his hands that gently held her head. A more desperate side of you seemed to hope that it had been you who had broken your leg so he would be holding you instead.
This accident, though sadding, seemed to be detrimental to the success of your career. It was as though you had escaped the shadow of Tashi fucking Duncan and could finally play your best. You slowly but surely took Tashi’s career, the trophies she should’ve won, the brand deals she should’ve posed for. You weren’t ever really sure how to feel - though, you had always wanted to be her.
Ten years pass quickly yet with excruciating slowness and you found yourself at a peak in your career, winning match after match. This particular one was no different. You were playing against Mueller - a match you knew you’d easily win due to the girl's childish anger.
Your eyes scan the crowd, seeing who had bothered to watch a match with such an obvious ending and you were shocked to see an old face in the crowd. Tashi fucking Duncan. She was sitting comfortably in a lacoste shirt - one that was presumably Art’s - with a large pair of rather reflective sunglasses but her small smile said everything.
It was the nod she sent you that sent a shiver through you. She wanted you to win, told you to win all with just a nod. It was like she wrapped her arms around you and whispered it - you stood in place for a moment, pausing for longer than usual before your serve. The breath you let out was shaky but determined. She told you to win. And so of course you did.
You were the one to approach her after, thanking her for coming and other similar niceties. Eventually though, these ran out and you resorted to the questions you actually wanted to ask.
“How’s Art?”
Oh. You had expected a longer response at the least. Then again, you hadn't expected her to be so honest - it wasn’t something she was known for. You stood in silence for a bit, still wiping the sweat of the game from your brow when you said, “why are you here?”
Tashi paused, smiling. She had wanted you to ask. “I wanted to see you beat that racist bitch.” The reply was blunt and, yet again, honest. You laughed gently and your eyes trailed to Mueller who was red faced and whining, eyes stroppily trained on the floor.
“Are you happy I did win?”
“No. You’re where I should be. But good for you.”
You paused and almost let her walk away but found your words before it would be a moment too late and followed after - if you were watching yourself do this you would’ve kicked yourself for how pathetic you looked. “Tashi, I idolised you. You had… still have everything I want.”
Tashi’s eyebrow raise spoke for her. She wanted to know what you meant, she was giving you a chance to explain yourself without mentioning her husband.
“I just mean I look up to you, as a player, as a coach.” you replied, attempting to save yourself from the embarrassment of the words you had spoken prior. Your thumb idly massaged circles into your palm as she tilted her head to the side, analysing you.
“Y/n, you’re a good player, with a good coach. But you’re too unemotional, too kind,” Tashi replied, voice even and accurate. She was right, you were far too nice on the pitch. You had never found that anger that other players had, never experienced that rage that made a game so entertaining. Tashi was bored.
“So be a bitch. God knows most tennis players deserve it.”
You nod, muttering regards toward art.
“I watched Y/n play. She was good.” Tashi said idly, sitting on their clean white sofa, brushing through the blonde hair that rested against her shoulder.
Art looked up, eyes worn but curious all the same. “Was she you?” The question was one he had asked often, though he never meant any malice toward you with it. He asked this whenever Tashi watched a tennis player, something to praise her. This time though, her response had changed, her face lifted with a soft smile.
“She could be.”
You were through to the English open, of course you were, but your coach still thought it a smart idea to get you to play the New Rochelle challenger as a warm up, to get you ready. Part of you felt like you were just there as an advert, as if you had been invited to play for the sake of selling tickets - you weren’t sure how much you minded this idea.
Something unexpected, however, was Art Donaldson and Tashi Donaldson sitting in the stands, watching you play against the poor tennis player who wasn’t handling her current loss well.
Tashi leans toward her husband. “She’s good,” she whispers. She’s testing him, seeing if he can spot what she had.
“She’s too kind.”
Your eyes linger on Art, trailing over his face. You were still horrendously attracted to him, in fact, you weren’t sure that feeling ever left. Tashi, ever vigilant, had realised this - of course she had. Her stare felt so much more grating without her sunglasses. She knew how to change your emotion, she needed you irritated, jealous so she could watch an entertaining match. Her hand gently resting on Art’s thigh seemed to do this.
You win with much more ferocity than you had been known for, something that erupts the crowd, cheers ringing through you. It felt more rewarding somehow, to win this way. You hadn’t been kind. It felt fun.
Tashi’s smile was venomous. She was right about you. Art followed you back to the changing rooms, wanting to congratulate you but instead found you pacing. You looked up to face him, face hot in embarrassment.
“You won.”
“Fuck the win. I couldn’t give less of a shit.”
His brows furrowed as he stepped closer, holding your hand in his to get you to stop pacing. You pulled away but came to a stop in front of him, angry. He stared for a moment before saying, “I thought you liked playing?”
You sigh and run a hand through your hair, shaking. “I do but that’s not what I want. I don’t want to win. I want something else and Tashi knows it but you never did.”
Art’s more confused now, standing silently as you sit down on the locker room bench, head in your hands. “What do you want?”
You scoff and look up, fury dissipating into disappointment toward both him and yourself. “The fact that you still don’t know now tells me everything.”
You let him walk out silently.
Art’s game was much more interesting. It was like watching a dance, the way he and Patrick moved was something you had never seen before. Patrick, as per usual, was cocky and irritating - something you had oddly found endearing when you were younger - but it was Art that had you fixed. He was furious, eyes sharp with tears and knuckles white. There was something that only the three of them knew that created this anger, creating such a captivating match.
The only thing, in your opinion, that beat the high emotion of the match was seeing Art after it, face red and shirt slick with sweat. The thing that held your attention, however, was the slight tan line around his finger. He had taken off his wedding ring.
Art was ready to retire and had been for a while, but you were still going, having found a more passionate love for tennis than you had had before. You were warming up before your final match, only an hour or so before playing the finals at the English open when there was a soft knock on the door of your dressing room.
You opened the door to see Art standing there, eyes soft and observant. You let him in, eyes still stuck to his ringless finger. He traced over your features, seemingly committing parts to memory. “You’ll win today,” He said after a while, words as gentle as the smile on his face.
“Maybe. But am I Tashi?”
“You’re better.”
You both laugh quietly, nothing but a few short breaths, then stare at each other. Though it seemed as though that didn’t last long. Art crossed the small distance between you and pressed his lips against yours. He tasted sweet, like strawberries and cream - no doubt from one of the many Wimbledon food trucks that sold them. You leaned into him, hand finding a place on his thin waist. His own calloused hands rested against your hips, his lips moving gently against yours. Eventually, you both pulled apart, foreheads rested against one anothers. Art smiled.
“I know you’ll win. But just for luck.”
He placed a final kiss against the corner of your smile and headed toward the door, sending a final glance in your direction. You knew you were going to win too, though it felt like - in a way - you already had.
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namjooningera · 7 hours
I'm unsure if your Request are open, deeply apologizing if I disturbed you.
: Need more yandere captivated stuff, like them constantly clinging to their sweet love, locking the bedroom door at night and only giving their captivated lover permission to leave the room only if they're awake. ♡
mwa, absolutely love your writing.
Their rules - Yandere JJK
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Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji
AN: the boys’ rules for you, plus them being clingy. A bit of the past and background before they kidnapped u ;3
TW: starving, slight Stockholm syndrome, manipulative
Ahhhh yess requests are open thanks for asking!! (≧∇≦)b
Hes unbearable. His rules are short and simple, but the man himself is insufferable.
He clings onto you, legs around your thighs, head on your chest, while you lay in bed. You try to push him off, but the man is so much bigger than you. He doesn’t move an inch, it was like trying to move a brick wall.
You remember the first time he giddily told you the rules.
“Ok ok listen-“ he said in the middle of giggles, then straightened up his back to look serious but it was obvious he was still giddy.
“Hum.. No touching the stove when I’m around, No watching tv, that’s a reward not a privilege, you can earn watching it. No ignoring me, no sleeping without giving me a kiss or cuddles.”
He hums. “there isn’t much sweet thing…I just want you to be happy.” But his smile is sickly and you know there’s more to what he’s saying.
You know there’s unspoken rules he doesn’t say, like how you need to constantly keep him in a good mood.
When you were first taken by him, you rejected his every advance. Every time he wanted kisses or cuddles or even something simple, like for you to look at him. You said no, turned away, and slumped in bed.
At first he let it go. He was patient. He was just happy that you were there. That you couldn’t talk to others, look at others, and your attention would all be to him in no time.
But you refused this little charade, and you could see him slowly start to become more agitated. It’s when he stopped coming home to make you dinner (the dinner you barely ever touched anyway), and the way you felt like he was forgetting about you.
He’d always refill the things you ran out of. The bottle of water on your-his nightstand. The sanitary items and hygiene products you use. He’d always refill the pantry with all your favorite snacks and sweets.
But he stopped. And that got scary. Your mind was already in shambles, now you were thinking, what if he’s going to leave you for dead? Stop refilling, stop visiting, until you pass away in this locked hell.
Finally, he came home tonight. Around midnight. He never came that late before- it was always around 8 pm or 9 when he was really late, he always made sure to come home early enough to make you dinner.
You were starving, and you peeked from the hallway to see him stumble in, then throw himself on the sofa and then the tv on.
You weren’t really allowed to watch tv. You wonder if you could earn it. You watched him slump over, eyes heavy with a glare. He never really looked like this, honestly he always looked giddy and happy. Happy to come home to you. But now he just looked angry, upset, pissed. But it never seemed like it was to you.
He never showed you he hates you, he just stopped trying- stopped talking to you.
But why did that seem scarier than just straight up punishing you?
You slowly took a few steps out of your peeking spot, to be in his eyesight. Normally he’d be delighted, thinking you came to ask him for something or you wanted to talk, anything really. But this time he didn’t even look up from the tv. As if you weren’t there, as if he didn’t notice you.
That just added to your nervousness.
So you decided to do something incredibly stupid.
You hated his giddy happy side, but for some reason, you missed it know. At least before, the aura of the home stayed light and happy. Even if you weren’t happy. But now, the tension is fucking palpable. It’s heavy, and disgusting. You feel scared to even walk a few steps that’s how heavy the air feels right now.
Slowly you walk over to him. He doesn’t budge. His arms are spread at the top of the sofa as his body slumps back onto the sofa. His legs are up on the coffee table, eyes directed solely to the tv.
You sit next to him carefully. Slowly, you start to scoot over to him, slowly. So that his arm over the sofa would carefully be put over you.
Finally you scooted close enough that your thighs touched, and that your head slightly leaned onto his shoulder.
You were scared he’d hit you, scream at you, hurt you. He’d never done that before but what was stopping him from doing it now? Yes he was gonna hurt you for being stubborn for ignoring him, he’s gonna-
“I missed you.” He said with a sigh, eyes tired that bore into you, his voice was almost shaky, it was obvious he wasn’t feeling well. The arm laying on the top of the couch fell onto your shoulders, pulling you in. Cradling your body.
“You hungry?”
Yes, fuck yes. You’ve barely eaten in the last few days, solely relying on your pantry of snacks and sweets alone to quench your hungry, since he stopped making meals for you.
You nodded quickly and he smiled softly and ruffled your hair.
“Alright- too tired to cook. Let’s just order in ok?”
You nod immediately, digging yourself in more into his body. He smiles at this. You know you shouldn’t be touching him, listening to his dumb rules and letting him control you like this.
But you couldn’t help it. Things were just so much easier when he was happy. You got to eat, watch tv, and sure, you hated touching him, but he was just so warm.
That’s why, fast forward to now, you let him cling onto you in bed. Whining bout his day and how he doesn’t have enough time with you. How if he could just open your rib cage and snuggle inside, stay warm and with you forever he would. You think he’s crazy, weird, gross, but you don’t comment on it. You let him think your okay with all this, you let him nibble on your collarbone and let him whisper how he’s never gonna let you go, how your his for life and how he loves you like none before.
He’s warm. You notice. You notice his heartbeat, his breath on your collarbone, his eyes full of hearts and swelling with love. The way he huffs every time you slightly move away.
“H-hey umm I need to use the toilet can you move-“
“Can I come?”
Oh god.
His rules were unknown honestly. He didn’t outright say any, he wanted you to think you had freedom. Like you weren’t being held hostage in his home. As if you were just his lover living with him. Like you had free rein.
As if he didn’t lock the bedroom door every night, thinking you were fast asleep. Like he didn’t keep track of every time you used the restroom, the shower, did your skincare and ate. As if he didn’t have those times and dates and stamps of every time you did so, so he could keep track of every little thing you did.
He wanted you to be happy and free in your home, he called it. After it all, he built it on all your necessities, all the things you use and like, so it is your home. It was made for you.
But there are the unspoken rules.
He hates when you get up from bed in the night, to go use the restroom. He wakes up in a jump, eyes wide and exploring the room, his hands roughly shoving the blankets off the bed to see your not there.
He panics. And he knows he shouldn’t. There are alarms everywhere, he has a tracker on you, he knows when you leave and when you stay and where you are at all times. He gets up quickly however, feet scampering to the bathroom door where he knocks on it slightly, asking you to come out.
He’s always been an okay-amount of clingy. But he panics a lot. He doesn’t show it- but he does. He thinks you’ll leave, you’ll die- or something. Maybe someone else will snatch you- a “monkey” or some curse. He’s seen the real world he knows how dangerous the average person can be so could you imagine blood thirsty curses? Ready to swipe your small body at any second and have you for a second dinner?
He’d never let that happen.
And he wants you to reassure him. He won’t ask for it but he needs it. Desperately. Tell him you won’t leave, you won’t die, that your safe- that he’s safe. That you’ll be together forever.
But you don’t. Because you hate him.
You use to, when you two were actually friends- no, best friends. You’d tell him all the time that he was safe with you, that your his best friend and you’d make sure that the both of you live a long and healthy life- together.
And that’s what stayed in his mind. Why’d you break your promise? Why’d you have to stop telling him these sweet things? Is it not true anymore? Are we not safe? Are you gonna leave- be taken away? Don’t leave.
He wakes from a bitter nightmare that same night. A treacherous feeling crawling his spine, panic in his eyes and his body thrashing. He looks at you. His sweet Angel. You could never do him wrong. But he needs your comfort, your reassurance.
“Angel? Angel wake up, please.”
You refused to, ignoring his please. The truth is, his panicking in his sleep woke you long ago, but you didn’t want to wake him up from his little nightmare. You perhaps wanted him to suffer just a little longer.
“Angel? P-please just..”
You rolled your eyes, body facing away from him on your side, still faking your sleep. He could deal with this on his own. You know one of his huge rules was to comfort him and nurse him like you used to- one of his unspoken rules. You know this because just a day after he kidnapped you, he came home with what he called “monkey blood” all over him.
He wanted you to clean him. Tell him to stop calling humans monkeys. He wanted you to bring him back, to keep him from the evil that plastered his mind. Because you were the only one who kept him a clear head, that kept him sane and on earth. Otherwise, who knows what he’d be now?
That day, when you didn’t comfort him, the day after he kidnapped you, he became desperate. Begging you almost, but then he stopped. Like a cloud of indifference and anger covered his eyes and he grabbed you by the arm, pulling you into a closet and locking you in.
You screamed, yelled, begged him to let you out. You went through all stages of grief basically, angrily screaming, then begging, tearing up, then calming down and crawling into a little ball in the corner of the closet. It was dark, cold, miserable. Dust got in your hair and eyes, you tried to dust it away with your hands but you felt so dirty. You just hoped he’d let you out soon.
He only left you for an hour or two- you don’t really remember. He didn’t wanna be too harsh on your first punishment. He still loved you after all, you were just being a brat. But then he dragged you out and sat you down at the dinner table. He acted like nothing was wrong, smiling at you and picking up a spoon of the food he made. He put it to your mouth, trying to feed you. You shook and trembled. You knew you couldn’t say no, or who knows how long he’d keep you in that damn closet? At least you’re free now right? You ate the food off his spoon, and let him feed you for the rest of dinner.
He was so incredibly happy that you were obeying him so early in the “relationship”, that he didn’t put you back into the closet, but instead let you watch tv. Of course, not without him sitting under the couch, while you sat on the sofa with your legs dangling on his shoulders, brushing his hair and braiding it like you did when you two were best friends. Before things changed.
“Angel please, I need you.” He almost whimpered.
You sighed, and got up, turning your body to him. “What was the dream bout this time?”
He’s always had nightmares, about different things. When you were best friends, he refrained from telling you them. Just wanted you to tell him it was okay, he just wanted to hear your voice and be lulled back to sleep.
Now he won’t shut up about them. Shameless, you think.
“Oh Angel.” He pulls you into his chest, a very much unwanted hug, one hand on your head and the other wrapped around your waist, he pulls the covers back on top of the both of you.
“It was terrible. You were hurt, my dear. Don’t you see why I have to keep you? You hurt- that would destroy me, my love.”
His words disgust you, but what really disgusts you is the way you know he isn’t lying. You can hear the genuine concern in his voice, that he genuinely thinks this is helping you, not just for his own selfish desire.
“Oh Angel, if you left- I wouldn’t know what to do.”
And that scares you. That scares you because he knows damn well you can’t leave. The cameras, the security, the alarms and the tracker. The way he tightly holds you as if your going to disappear into thin air. The way your almost out of oxygen with the tight hold, your chest and ribs being smushed against his. You could feel his heart beat, you could feel it trying to pounce out his rib cage.
“I won’t leave.”
What you meant to say is that you can’t leave, there’s no way for you to anyway, but you glance up at him and see that what you said was the right thing to say, a smile adoring his lips as he kissed your head softly.
“My sweet Angel. You always know what to say.”
Or you just know what he wants to hear.
Nanami had so many rules, regulations, all these things you had to remember.
“You need to ask me permission for certain things. Entertainment is a privilege you’ll be rewarded with. I have books and art supplies you’ll be using before screen time. Healthy snacks only- with the exception of dessert after dinner. You don’t get dessert if you’re being bad.”
He sits on the coffee table in front of you, wearing his work clothes, a nice suit and some goggles in his hands. You sit on the sofa in front of him, arms crossed in your chest out of anger but you listen anyway.
“The better you are the more freedom you have, my dear. I’d never want to take away the things that make you happy, but I can’t stop myself if your being bad. I want you in bed by midnight, or you sleep when I do. If I’m late from work and can’t make dinner I’ll send some- you’re not allowed in the kitchen until you get the privilege of it. You have a pantry full of snacks and healthy foods, and a water dispenser until I can come home and make dinner. I will make breakfast every morning.”
His damn rules and regulations go on forever, but at least you know what will make him upset and what won’t.
“Once you can prove your a good girl/boy, I’ll provide you with more electronics for your own entertainment, but screen time will be limited. I expect you to keep up with your hygiene and get enough sleep, eat well and continue your hobbies. I’d like you to greet me in the morning before I leave and at night when I come home- obviously this rule varies on the circumstances of the day.”
You sigh, further sinking into the sofa as he talks you down further.
“In the future, I expect goodbye kisses and greetings. If you ever need anything you just need to ask me. If you’re thinking on picking up a new hobby, you want new clothes, different snacks- I expect you to tell me. And lastly, you are never allowed to go to sleep angry. I know this situation isn’t ideal, but I never want to argue before bed, and sleep angry with each other. We need to hash things out everytime, I don’t think it’s fair to each other, otherwise.”
You just nod, half the things going over your head but you know you should agree.
“Alright I’ll be home early today, okay? Goodbye my dear.” He gets up and stands near the door, waiting.
You look up at him from the sofa, then realize what he’s waiting for.
“Just leave.” You say upset, curling up into the sofa. He frowns, but leaves anyway, waving goodbye.
He had just kidnapped you. What was it the second day? He abducted you last night. Let you in on all the fun rules today.
Honestly, you’re still freaking out in your head a bit about all this. At first you thought it was some curse disguised as him, but you could sense his cursed energy was all him. No trickery, no fakes, it was him. He fought so hard but you were no match for him.
You definitely could have been, and that makes you laugh. You really could have. But he’s been watching you since high school. Watching your techniques, your moves, the way your body sways in fight and the way you dodge. The way you attack, everything. You’ve fought him plenty of times to train and for fun. You never thought- you never once thought he’d use it against you.
That he memorized your every move, adapted, the way he knew exactly what way you’d fight back, what way you’d dodge what way you’d try and escape.
How could he?
You were so upset, so betrayed. It hurt so much. You curled into yourself, upset, thinking bout the way he basically took advantage of you as friends. You thought you were fighting beside him, were you really just fighting him all along?
That day he came home, and saw you laid out on the couch, dried tears on your cute pink cheeks, your body curled to protect yourself, fast asleep.
He smiles at you, but it’s a soft sentimental one, one that has a hint of sadness.
He didn’t want to hurt you. Genuinely. But he couldn’t help it. Every year, being thrown into a friendzone, every year his obsession for you grew, he wanted you as his wife not best friend, every year he saw himself grow older- and was scared. What if he grew too old to get married? To have a family? Each year you showed the same care you should your friends, nothing grew into sweet love for him, and that scared him. In high school, he waited. Hoping that you’d mature and grow to love him. He stayed by your side hoping he wouldn’t have to do anything drastic.
But the time passes anyway.
And you didn’t seem to change.
And he carries you to your bed, their bed. The bed you share. When he places you down he caresses your head and hair, you kick him away in your sleep and that hurts him so deeply. He locks the door, sits on your bed and watches you. He had to do this. Don’t you see?
The way you would smile at him, laugh with him, love his seriousness and fight beside him. He loved that all about you. You two were meant for more then a measly friendship right?
He pulls you to him in your sleep, cuddling your unconscious body, snuggling his face into your nape and softly pecking your collarbone. He smiles at the way you whine in your sleep, trying to push him away and stop being smothered.
But he loves to smother you- he won’t stop. He lays almost on top of you, head in your nape, as he softly caressed your waist and hips, pecking your collarbone, smiling dazedly, almost drunk, off the cute sleeping sounds that leave your mouth, the breaths that leave your nose, the soft heaving of your chest.
He loves how domestic this is. His wife/hubby, his adorable lover and partner. His equal and forever. He believes that you two have always been together, that you’ve always cared for him as much as he cared for you- you just don’t realize it.
He eyes become heavy. Being in your arms (not that you were trying to keep him there), reminds him how relaxed he feels in them, that they make him drowsy and almost high off the feeling. His body almost slumps over, un-tensing. He had a long day of work. It was nice to come home to his loved one, to be in your arms, to be held and to hold.
If he could stay like this forever, the time not continuing, just you and him in a warp of space where time doesn’t exist, where you could be one. Where he could cherish you and spoil you forever and ever- reliving the lovely memories from when you were young.
A smile softly sets on his face as he falls asleep snuggled to you, he thinks, that he doesn’t need to live in the past. You two can make new memories, better ones. Memories, where you actually love him, not just as a friend, but as a lover.
His lover.
He didn’t really have rules for you. He didn’t care too much about physical affection, sure he liked the average kiss on the cheek before he left to assassin some idiot. He wanted your attention obviously, but he didn’t mind you being a brat and never giving it to him.
“Alright I’m going to work.” He’s waiting for you. He’s waiting for you to run up to him and kiss his cheeks, tell him you love him, at least wish him goodbye. He felt desperate. Sad. He wanted you to just- why are you being so bratty?
“I’m going to work.”
He’s at the door, hand on the handle. You’re sitting on the couch. He lets you watch tv, sometimes he’s happy when you accidentally come across the news channel and see all the disgusting shit on the news, all those disgusting heinous crimes. Maybe someday you’ll see those and understand. Know that he did this all for you, it’s all for your own good. As cliche as that sounds.
“Im going-“ “Ok I get it!” You basically yelled.
He seemed startled. That’s when he starts to wonder if he was giving you too much freedom. You yelled at him. How could you? You want him gone, you want him to leave.
Alright he’ll give you what you want.
That day he came home, and cleared out the pantries and locked up the fridge. He left the next morning, telling you he had some mission that’ll last a few days. You just shrugged at him like normal, pretty happy you’d get a break from him.
But you didn’t realize his plan. His stupid crazy fucking smart plan. You opened the pantry. Nothing, just a few things you can’t really eat. Like a half full jar of peanut butter, uncooked pasta, some can of tuna. You opened the other drawers and cabinets. Condiments only basically. Salts and spices. But where was the food? Ok, it’s fine. You’ll cook something, grab some things in the fridge- wait what? Why was there.. a lock? Why’s it locked? It was never locked- oh. He did this. This is your punishment.
No, you’ll take it. If he wants to be an ass- you’ll just be even pettier and go with it. Then he’ll know not to test you right? He’ll essentially get worried that your not eating, then go buy more food and unlock the fridge.
Boom. Great plan right? Wrong.
Your stomach growled. It was what, the third day in to not eating? You thought you had more resistance then that- that you could hold back for longer. But no, your stomach was in pain and you felt yourself growing weaker.
You felt yourself getting desperate.
You decided to emergency call Toji. He had one attached to the security, where you could only call him, if ever an emergency while he wasn’t home.
You went up to the little screen on the wall next to the door, an iPad connected to all the security, well only he could access that part. What you could access, is the emergency call. But before you pressed the button to call you stopped yourself. Fuck you were hungry, but you couldn’t give in. Plus you knew he was angry. He wouldn’t just give in.
You needed to sweeten him up. You knew that he won’t just give in if you ask for food.
You slightly press the button, hearing it ring for a second before he picked ul and answered.
Normally, he’d be asking if your okay, if you needed him, what’s the emergency. You know, all that. When he was actually worried. You gulped.
“O-oh! Yeah I called because I umm.. I miss you?” Yeah, not so convincing.
“Yeah, doll?”
“..yeah. When you coming home?”
“I don’t know.”
… He’d never answer like that before. He was being so dry? What was his plan? But then, the hunger, the dizziness, the weakness in your bones- you started to overthink. You started to think that perhaps he wasn’t coming home. He was going to leave you forever in this locked cage, alone, to die. And then you thought, what if his mission is going bad? And that’s why he isn’t being clear? What if he really doesn’t know when he’s coming home because where he is, is so dangerous he isn’t sure if he even will come home?
But if he dies, you die. If he dies, you die. If he dies you die if he dies you-
“TOJI please! Please please come home I can’t- I can’t be here alone anymore- I need you. Please Toji don’t die-“
“Die? Doll? What’s wrong?”
You start to sniffle, thinking about your own death. Thinking about different ways you’d die out, and all leads to one- alone. You didn’t wanna starve to death alone. You couldn’t.
“P-please? Come home? Miss you..” the genuine upsetness in your voice seriously surprised him.
“Ok doll. I think I can get home by tonight ok?”
“Toji?” You ask softly, sniffling.
“Yeah doll?”
“I feel so sick.” You whine, clearing your throat.
It’s like you could feel him smile from the other end. “Alright doll, don’t worry, m’ coming home soon. I’ll bring you some things on my way back. Kay?”
You nod, even though you know he can’t see you nod, he chuckled over the line as if he did.
This time, when he comes home, grocery bags in hand, you run up to him to greet him. Never like you used to.
It’s funny, you almost jumped on the man, you almost hugged him, you stopped yourself before you could, your mind reminding you that he’s your captor. That you hate him, that he tricked you and he’s evil and- oh but he’s so warm. You haven’t felt physical affection for so long. And he’s just so big like a cuddly bear. And you just- you can’t have him leave again okay? This isn’t fault. You’re not about to hug him because you want to, okay? It’s just.. you don’t want him to starve you again ok? Really it’s not because you.. you think he’s so cuddly. You think he’s so warm and inviting. And you could smell the food wafting from the bags he held- did he buy takeout? Oh my god- and from your favorite fucking place-
You softly put your hands around his waist, head on his chest, just holding him gently, scared that perhaps that wasn’t him but some figment of your imagination.
“Oh sweeeheart, you missed me that much, hm?”
You just nod, feeling disgusted but oh so satisfied. You don’t wanna look at him, you know you’ll be met with some smug smirk, that smirk showing that he knows he won, that now, you won’t exactly take him for granted.
“I brought take out cmon.”
Tehe I’d let them take me 😋 anyway, thank you sm for the ask! Requests are open yall! Also feel free to give me commentary! I don’t rlly write so 😭
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minniesmutt · 2 days
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: FELIX X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: VOYUERISM/EXHIBITIONISM, MASTURBATION (M. & IMPLIED F.), CUM EATING ☾ ━━━ WC: 0.6K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     “Can I ask you a question babe?” Y/n asked her boyfriend as he was fixing his keyboard keys. 
     “Yeah. What's up?” he called, not looking away from what he was doing 
     “Can I watch you jerk off?” She heard a few things drop before looking over and seeing him staring at her wide-eyed through his glasses
     “Come again?” he asked 
     “Can I watch you jerk off?” She asked him again, a little slower this time
     “Just curious. Wanna see how you do it.”
     “Like, right now?” Felix asked. The thought of her watching him was definitely turning him on more than he thought it would. Blood rushing to his dick, his semi barely pushing his sweats up. 
     “If you're hard,” Y/n shrugged. 
     Felix glanced at the bedroom door before getting up and locking it. Y/n sat up on his bed with a smile and moved for him. Felix laid down on the bed as she sat at the end of the bed between his spread legs. Felix tried his best not to look at her as he pushed his t-shirt up a bit and sweatpants down his thighs with his boxers. 
     Y/n watched his every move. Licking her lips a bit when his abs and pretty thighs got exposed to her.
     “You don't have to stare,” Felix told her. Freckled cheeks turning red. 
     “But the show is down here,” Y/n told him, “Just pretend I'm not here.”
     Felix swallowed and wrapped a hand around his cock. Spreading the precum from the tip down his shaft. He bit his bottom lip as he slowly moved his hand up and down. His whole body was warm under her gaze. He gripped his cock tighter and tilted his head back, doing what he always did, imagining it was her hand or mouth pleasuring him as he closed his eyes. “Fuck,” he growled, going just a little bit faster.
     Y/n stayed quiet as she watched him. His hand wrapped around his pretty cock and jerking himself off at a slow pace. Not missing the way her name slipped past his lips in that husky voice. She swallowed, using every ounce of strength not to lean forward and wrap her lips around his tip and suck him off. She asked him to do it for her, she had to let him do it.
     His other hand moved down and massaged his balls. A higher-pitched moan left his lips as he massaged them. She could feel her panties getting wetter the longer she watched him.
     His hand pumping faster till she could see his hips slightly buck up from the bed and into his hand. Seeing his tendons tighten in his hand. His moans filled the bedroom while she slightly shifted to have her legs under her. Rubbing herself against the ball of her feet to try and relieve some pressure. 
     “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum,” Felix moaned, pumping himself faster. Gripping his cock and balls tighter. 
     Cock hovering over his stomach till his hips bucked erratically and Y/n watched his load shoot out onto his lower stomach. A string of grunts spilled just like the seamen from his tip until he was finished. He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling to catch his breath. 
     Felix felt the bed shift and looked down to see the same girl who had asked him to jerk off for her cleaning his load off his lower stomach. Felix smiled, moving a hand to hold the back of her head while she ate his cum off of him. “Good girl,” he muttered
     Y/n kissed her way up his chest before landing on his lips as she straddled his lap. Her tongue pushed past his lips. Both moaning into the kiss before Felix flipped them over so she was under him know. “Your turn baby. Show me how you masturbate.” Felix smiled as he sat back and fixed himself.
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aurumacadicus · 3 days
Anyway I saw a commercial where Don Cheadle runs a speakeasy.
"Tony, my bar is opening tonight and my piano player has food poisoning," Jim stated when he found him in the living room of his penthouse, watching a basketball game.
Tony blinked at him, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth. "I can flush him with Pedialyte?"
"This isn't college. Also I already left him a case and a credit card in case his girlfriend has to take him to get an IV," Jim answered with a blasé shrug. He reached over the back of the couch to grab his hair and give him a gentle shake. "I understand you're still reeling from your breakup but I need a favor. You must have dated at least one person who can play jazz on the piano."
"Stop wobbling me I'm full of chips," Tony grumbled, lifting his hand to slap Jim's arm. "And no, I didn't. I'm the piano player in my relationships."
Jim paused, then began shaking him with more fervor. "HOW COME YOU NEVER PLAYED FOR ME."
"There wasn't a piano in our dorm I will throw up on you," Tony snapped, smacking his arm again. "Also??? I was adorable in school I would have hogged all the girls."
"It's so annoying that you're right," Jim huffed, allowing himself to be brushed off. He looked around the penthouse, then pointed at the piano next to the window, which he'd always thought was just there either to impress Tony's dates or because rich people just owned pianos. "Show me what you can do."
"I don't want to go to your speakeasy opening," Tony complained, even as he stood and brushed his hands off on his sweatpants. "I want to wallow in finding my ex-boyfriend fucking my ex-girlfriend in my bed. I was supposed to propose tonight. You're getting George Gershwin."
"Oh no," Jim deadpanned. "A way to get your mind off of that guy I hated anyway while getting me to owe you a favor."
Tony paused, slanting him a look out of the corner of his eye. His fingers hovered over the piano keys. "...You'll owe me a favor?" he repeated.
"A big one," Jim confirmed, and couldn't help a relieved smile as Tony's fingers danced along the keys in response, Rhapsody in Blue vibrating out from the piano's body. "Wear that pinstripe number. You'll never have to buy yourself a drink."
Most of the patrons were by invite. Jim had wanted to show the place off to his friends first, now that it was finished. A themed bar wasn't the safest bet in any economy, and he wanted them to be able to enjoy it before he had to start stressing about finances. And military people never needed an excuse to drink.
Tony's favor had involved inviting a few of his rich friends, though, and with the selfies Janet Van Dyne and Johnny Storm were posting online, Jim figured he'd be set for a few years, especially when Jan grabbed his hands and sparkled at him about how she'd be coming at least once a week to show off new flapper dresses. (He was still unsure as to how she "sparkled" at him, but it was an adjective he'd gotten from Tony and it was the only really apt one.) They kept dropping fifties in the tip jar, too, which only made his bartenders more cheerful and willing to act in their roles.
Luckily, the higher class clientele were balanced out with Jim's pals from the military. Carol and Maria had already said their goodbyes (Monica had an event early the next morning) but as the air force left, the army rolled in, and he welcomed the Howling Commandoes in with only a little teasing.
"Jim," Natasha said, appearing beside him between one breath and another, despite the beads on her dress tinkling musically with each step. "Why is Bucky lying to people that his food poisoning miraculously ended. And why did he give me five hundred dollars to shut up about him not having food poisoning."
Jim sighed. He should have known that Bucky would have gotten dragged here regardless of his "illness" with friends like the Commandoes. "I needed to get Tony out of the house but I knew he'd only do it if I needed help. Today was the first time he showered in a week."
"I see. Well, I've just gotten May and Happy together," Natasha said ominously. "And Pepper is well on her way to realizing Phil is asking her out. I could use a new project. Steve is also single."
"I really don't want Tony dating right after he found his cheating ex-boyfriend in his bed with someone else," Jim began.
"Don't worry, Steve is stupidly loyal even to people he's not dating and will punch Tiberius Stone in the teeth if he ever sees him," Natasha assured him, and floated halfway across the room as Jim gave her an astonished blink.
Well. Jim couldn't say he didn't want to see that. He drifted over to the piano, where Tony was still diligently playing Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton. "You need a break, bud? You've been playing for two hours straight."
"Rhodey," Tony slurred happily, and it made Jim suddenly aware of the rows of martini glasses on the side of the piano. "This is so much fun. Is it okay if my tips go to charity. I can't feel my hands."
Bucky appeared a moment later, cheerfully shouldering him aside. "I'll take over, fella," he said, giving Jim a wink, and hip-checked Tony off of the piano bench and directly into Jim's arms.
"Was that hot or am I sad and drunk?" Tony asked. He squinted at Bucky blearily. "Am I sad and looking for anything to be hot. Or was that actually hot."
Reluctantly, Jim answered, "No, it was hot, but Bucky's taken." He pulled Tony's arm over his shoulders. "Let's get some water in you, okay?"
"Okay but I promised Jan I'd play her out because of drama and panache," Tony wobbled, allowing Jim to tow him over to the dark, moody sitting area. "Is this a secret door? Oh my God yay," he added as Jim pulled a bookcase open to reveal a back room where he could rest without excitement.
Jim had intended for it to be a room for private parties, but letting his friends sober up in it tonight would be fine, probably. Especially if Tony was going to be drunk and cute about it. "What is Jan going to have you play?"
"'Let's Misbehave,'" Tony slurred, and Jim sighed fondly, because of course she was.
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happypotato48 · 19 hours
Wandeee Goodday EP 8 Unhinged Tangant Thoughts
After a not so great ep we're now back again with the moronsexuals doctor and boxer. will they finally use their mouths to do the talking or will they keep using it for sexy funtimes? who know, but either way i'm down.
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Good, now aplogize more there are like shit load of stuff that you need to make more clear.
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Daddy issue in my bl, how original. hehe for real tho this is actually pretty interesting and i hope it will pay off soon.
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I was literally eating Somtam when i was watching this scene. what a coinkydink.
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Fuck me that looks so good. my Somtam was a leftover from this early morning so it was kinda meh. and those nam sausage looks nice ahhhhhh now i'm hungry again.
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God these gym bros are so gays no wonder Yak and Dee's relationship has not leaks to the public yet (or it just an oversight in the writing.)
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Branded trouple trio when gmmtv? WHEN!! cause if you going to keep doing this bullshit at least give us some polys.
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I saw that hand slided Cher i saw it!! good job!
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Oh hi papa Phadetseuk, i shall nickname you dad vader!
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i'm with eyebrows a fancy ball, i'd nope out too.
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Give this ace king a prince god damn it show! it what we want/need. i'm willing to sell my never going to exist first born for a chance to see this man be happy with a boyfriend who understand him.
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the audacity and nerve of this man. god i wish he could come and ruin my life.
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Ok nvm i stopped feeling sorry for her. she and dr. no is yes deserve each other.
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"we have every species in fairy tale" is what they said in thai. so fursuits?? what ya'll are thinking it too.
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these outfits made me want to waer modern traditional thai men wears cuase like some of them slap so hard. like this one:
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So radiants. god i hate pretty people 😫why are they has to be so pretty!!
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Ok so my delulu fanwank explanation for why Dee was so indecisive last ep is that he was too afraid to let the clock start with Yak cause with his trauma of losing both his parents he fear that if he let a new clock start by commiting to Yak someday that clock will ran out and stopped like his parents. anyways time and love and whatnot.
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I can't explain the emotions i felt with Yei proposing with an invisible ring. it felt so right, cause yes marriage equality bill is passed but it also technically not a tangible thing that i can do until what october, november. so having an ring that does not exist yet but will soon be. feels perfect for what we queer thais are at right now.
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this scene meant the world to me and from the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you to everyone that fighted for this. thank you for fighting for my future. someday i hope i could experience this too.
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Anyway where am i? oh right being unhinged. ew gross lactasoy i hated you since i was a tiny baby. your black sesame flavored one is alright though.
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god damn it, it's always the nice guy.
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Oh you prince not so charming you sucked so hard. i love you.
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Yes queen destroy that little bitch!
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Meh, i can work with this ต้มจืด i just need some white pepper and fish sauce.
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look i'm happy for him that he no longer care what other people thinks, but dude this move is 8 years too dang late.
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Time and Love.
this ep felt like a fairy tale and although i still have some gripe about how everything from last ep was resolved too easily. and Yak and Dee dynamics still not 100% perfect for me. i can't say that this ep didn't made me swooned. and THAT PROPOSAL SCENEl! oh my god, i'm burting with joy and hope, what a perfect timing of a scene.
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bubblebisk · 2 days
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Come out Baby
What happens when you get bratty with your boyfriend and lash out? Obviously he's gotta remind you who's allowed to hit who.
Disclaimer: this is in no way me trying to promote hitting ur partners especially without consent and if they don't have a kink for it. Also this isn't proof read sorry I'll fix it later.⭐
Tags: spanking, slapping, spitting, heavy degradation, gn!reader × bangchan, no protection (please don't do that wear a condom) , face fuckin, choking, edging, ruined orgasms, etc.
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12:34 a.m, that's the time your phone shows you when you've reached the door of your apartment. You honestly didn't mean to stay out late but, how could you not when there were so many fun things to do and buy? Of course your wallet is a little salty and your feet hurt but a little adventure never necessarily hurts you.
You carefully open the door in hopes to not wake up your boyfriend who's been spending the week with you. You both have a weekly routine where you spend the week at his house and he spends the week at your apartment and from there on it alternates. As you push open the door you see the lights are off and breathe and sigh of relief.
Aren't you so naive. You toe your shoes off and leave your bags by the door before heading to the kitchen for a cup of water. It doesn't take long for you to be hydrated enough to decide to get ready for the night and sleep. You hightail to the bathroom and freshen up deciding to forgo your clothes since you and your boyfriend sleep separately anyways. Upon finishing ur shower you feel a migraine coming on not a big one, but on enough to make you feel slightly irritated and even more desperate to get in bed.
As you reach the bedroom and open it you see your boy friend up on his phone doing whatever it is he's doing.
"Chan?" You call out to him clearly confused as to why he's awake.
"So you've finally decided to come back? Or did you remember that you had someone waiting for you and home?" His eyes are still on his phone as he speaks to you in a condescending way.
"One look at me when you're talking to me and two why does it matter what time I get home? It's my apartment. It's not like I'm at your house where I have to follow your every demand." You're fed up why? You're not sure but, your migraine has definitely given you an attitude you wouldn't dear give your beloved Channie at all..until now at least.
You watch as he shuts the phone off before getting up and off the bed to come towards you.
"it matters when you've been out all day and you don't even call or return my texts. Apologies for being worried about you because last time I checked the only time you have self awareness and self preservation is when you're not being a ba-"
You cut him off with a slap to the face. Not hard enough to turn his face but, enough to shock both you and him at the same time.
"I..I-I sorry I didn't me-" you try to stutter out your apology before he shut you up.
You watch as he takes a deep breath before speaking. "You have 10 seconds to run away and hide somewhere before I fuck you up." The way he says in a calm manner is absolutely terrifying and you stand there frozen.
Things don't register until he's hit the second number. That's when you decide to leave the room.
You have very few options right now, the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and guest room.
By four you've made a decision and ran to the spare room to hide in the closet.
Once in the closet you're left alone with your adrenaline. Of course you're scared but also extremely turned on.
You and Chan have talked about things like this in the past but never acted on it in fear of hurting the other.
7 is the number you both are on as you count with him but mentally in your head. Between ur legs has become unbearable and you're aching for release.
The counting stopped. You're on edge as you hear him make his little remarks to lure you out or to scare you even more. Honestly it's hard to tell when you feel like prey being hunted.
"Come out baby I just wanna talk." after that sentence you hear a cupboard slam close assuming that he was in the kitchen.
"Aren't you cold darling? You weren't wearing anything when you chose to be a rude bitch and slap me. I was only caring for you." You tighten your legs together in hopes that some friction would bring you relief. The both of you had talked about heavier more disrespectful degradation and dirty talk, finding out that you both liked a bit more than usual.
As the thought ends you hear the door of the spare room open.
"C'mon baby, I know you're a bit dizzy but I didn't expect you to be so dumb" he rips open the door to the closest you're hiding in before grabbing you by the hand and dragging you back to the room you both share. He pushes you to your knees so that you're eye level with his sweat pants pants.
You stare at his bulge lustfully before feeling his hand snake behind your head and pushing you into it.
"See something you like baby?" You look up to him and meet his eyes before nodding at him. He tanks your head back before pulling his pants down to show his cock off. It's fuckin huge. No matter how many times you stare at it, suck it, or take it, it's always fuckin huge.
He takes a hold of it before slapping it on your face and spewing degrading comments. "I can't believe I got slapped by a common whore" he huffs "Honestly look at you. You turn cock dumb the moment I even show it off."
You moan at his words knowing it's true.
"suck" he states and you stare at him dazed and a little bit behind.
"What do I have to fuckin hand feed you? Suck." His words finally register to you and you go in to start licking his swollen leaking tip. Suddenly your face feels warm and you're looking to your left? You readjust your vision and see that his hand is in the position of the aftermath of slapping someone.
"I said suck not lick." He stares down at you with a scowl and for a moment you feel bad.
You take him into your mouth and start bobbing your head finding a rhythm as he groans. He then fists your hair before starting to fuck your face roughly.
He lets out a groan as his head is flung back with eyes rolling in pleasure, "Fuck baby your mouth feels so fuckin good. So wet and tight", he pulls you off his cock before manhandling you up right and pushing you on the bed. "Now I think it's time for the baby's punishment don't you think?" It's a rhetorical question, not one you're meant to answer but, you nod your head anyways while watching his lips curve into a sinister smirk.
To be continued....
Part 2
also should I make a tag list?
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some form of smut to do with slash and his fucking GIANT thighs and femreaders obssession with said thighs 🎀
A/n: I definitely did not take this seriously but I do agree that his thighs are gorgeous, all of him is perfect
Warnings: smut, use of toys, overstimulation, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Slash was on the couch watching TV. Kind of, he wasn't really paying attention and just kind of staring at the screen, his mind wandering off somewhere else.
You tried to get his attention but he didn't hear you. It wasn't that important so you came over and laid across the couch, resting your head in his lap. Finally he noticed you.
He looked down at you, a small smirk pulling at his lips. "Comfortable?" You nodded and nuzzled into him. He let out a heavy breath and started playing with your hair as he stared at the TV, occasionally scratching your scalp.
You quickly drifted off and it became something of a routine, if Slash was sitting somewhere you'd come over and rest your head in his lap.
It became much more frequent and he didn't seem to notice anything, you didn't either until your found yourself looking for reasons to do it, and eventually you stopped even trying to justify it.
When you'd go shopping you'd look for pants that would hug his thighs and present them to him exactly like that. "But they'd look so good on you!" You'd whine, holding them up to him.
He'd just laugh and wave you off. "I'm not showing off my ass on stage."
"Who said anything about a stage?" He turned to you with a raised brow.
That night when you crawled into bed you could feel his eyes staring daggers into you.
"Sweetheart," he finally said, "I think we need to talk about something." Your brows furrowed as you tried to think of what it could be. "Be honest with me, do you have some kind of thigh kink or something?"
The question definitely caught you off guard, although it probably shouldn't have, you'd been pretty obvious about. "It's not a kink, per se..." You mumbled. "Just a, um... a fascination." You looked to him with your lips pressed tightly together in a line.
Slash stared back at you. "Sweetheart," he started, "you could've just said something."
"I thought I was pretty clear with what I wanted." He chewed his cheek.
"Well, I'm not stopping you." You looked up at him, he wasn't looking at you, already pulling out his phone.
You bit your lip, you couldn't really play out this fantasy, could you? Although, he was letting you... Fuck it, you needed this so bad.
You moved down the bed, tugging at his jeans. Once they were off you started kissing him, his stomach and lower abdomen before giving in and kissing his thighs. They were big, muscular and so plush, you couldn't help but nip at them, the sensitive skin of his inner thighs, his breath hitched every time you did.
His hand went to your head, mindlessly playing with your hair as he normally would. You whined softly but couldn't bother right now, not when you finally had what you'd wanted.
You stroked his cock a few times before taking him in your mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat. You loved the weight of him on your tongue, prominent veins pulsing against your strong muscle.
You began bobbing your head on his length, hands still worshipping his thighs, lightly grazing his inner thighs just to hear a moan leave him, even if it was soft and airy.
His hand stayed in your hair, tugging on it, twirling it. Still he didn't look at you, and you were starting to get annoyed by it. You had to do something to get him to look at you, you just weren't sure what.
You pulled off of him with a pop and went back to kissing his thighs while you jerked him off. You whined softly, resting you cheek on his thigh. "What are you looking at?"
He turned his phone to you. "Instagram."
You chewed your cheek. "Why aren't you looking at me?"
"Why would I look at you?" He asked with a curious look. "This is your thing, I didn't ask you to do this, if you want to do this fine I'll let you do it but I'm on my phone."
You huffed and grudgingly went back to kissing his thighs. "I wanted your thighs around my head." You muttered, he laughed.
"You're not getting that." Your eyes darted to him.
"Why not?" He didn't give you an answer and kept scrolling on his phone. You chewed your cheek, you knew you'd get what you wanted.
You got off the bed and Slash watched as you went to the dresser. "What are you doing."
"Look at your phone." You grumbled as you dug through a drawer, pulling out a small box.
"Hey, that's only for when I'm on tour."
"HeY, tHaT's OnLy FoR wHeN i'M oN tOuR." You mocked and flipped him off. You pulled out a massage wand and came back to slash, setting yourself up between his legs once more. "Go on, stare at your phone." You waved a hand in his face. He let out a heavy sigh and went back to his phone. You smiled to yourself. "Obedient, aren't you?" He dropped his phone and stared down at you, his lips in a flat line.
You ignored his look of disappointment and continued kissing him, paying special attention to the more sensitive areas. You set the wand to a low setting and moved it up his length, immediately drawing moans from him.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." He mumbled. You looked up at him from your place between his legs, still kissing his plump thighs. You turned the toy up a setting, now at a two, the highest being 5. He moaned louder as you held it at his tip. "Stop-stop it." He grunted.
"If you wanted to stop you'd say the word." You remarked, watching with great amusement as pre dripped from his slit. "But you won't, will you?" You asked, looking up at him.
He bit his lip and let his head fall back. "Fuck." He sighed. You smiled and turned the wand up to a five without a warning. Slash jumped and tried to push it away. "You can't do that!" He protested.
You swatted his hand away. "Don't make me get the cuffs!" You retorted, aiming the still vibrating toy at him.
He huffed, hands clenching and unclenching as you returned the wand to his leaky dick. You never stopped licking, kissing and nipping at his thighs but you did watch as he came undone just from the toy, the sounds he made as he came onto his stomach and chest. You didn't pull it away.
"Stop-stop it, please." He mustered, now getting overstimulated from the vibrator. “Turn it down, please, turn it down.” He whined, gripping the sheets tightly in his hands, his heels digging into the mattress. “Fuck, I can’t.” He grunted.
“Yes you can.” You mused. “You know what I want, I’m just helping you give it to me.” You kept the toy pressed to him, trailing it up and down him until you saw him pulsing again, strings of cum spurting from him again and hitting his chest. Still you didn’t stop.
He covered his face with his arms, whining as you kept the toy on him. His cum was spilling out of him, dripping down his length and pooling on the sheets below. You couldn’t stop smiling. “Mommy, please…” he whined.
“One more time~” You said with a smile. You moved the wand to his thigh and he jumped at the feeling. His thighs were just as sensitive as the rest of him, twitching as he came for the nth time.
You lapped at the cum dripping down him and he whined louder. “Fuck, m’sorry.” He whined. “M’sorry, m’so sorry.” He grunted. His legs twitched and soon clamped around your head as he came again.
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andy-wm · 1 day
his “coming out” should not be in any way shape or form be connected to jungkook. idk why you shippers can’t leave them tf alone when they’re not dating ffs.
Oooh I am so glad you came here to tell me this, Anon! You are clearly well informed on both Jimin’s life, and "coming out".
I didn't even know that "coming out" needs to be in inverted commas. Thank you for helping me understand.
I also didn't know what his "coming out" should or should not be! I didn't know there were rules for "coming out"! I'm so grateful to have this information now.
I hope you've also told Jimin how he should "come out"?
I hope he listens to you since obviously, you have his happiness at heart.
Because "coming out" with no significant other to support him - and facing the inevitable repercussions alone - that would DEFINITELY make things better for him, right?
Also we all know how much Jimin LOVES being alone, so naturally we should wish that for him.
Objectively, he would be happier if he was single I guess? Because having a secure and healthy long term relationship with someone who loves and supports you is known to be pretty shit. Makes sense... that's why nobody looks for love. They certainly don't write songs about love.
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People aspire to being isolated, like Jimin showed us this with his song Serendipity.
When he sang "just let me love you" he probably meant he wanted to be single and live alone forever in his bubble. That makes sense.
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And of course they aren't dating!
You're right, there's absolutely nothing special between Jimin and Jungkook. They are 100% platonic and good pals.
It would be ridiculous to look at them and see love and intimacy.
I dont know what love looks like, but this is not it...
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Definitely not this either.
Just friends here.
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So friendly!
Brothers even!
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Keeping to the bro code here too, 100%
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Absolutely no crossing of boundaries here....
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I always caress my friend's clothes when I sing their own love song back to them. Especially when my face is less than a foot from their face. It's very platonic.
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Anyway, there's no reason to think they might be dating.
Why would people even think they COULD be?
It's unimaginable.
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Society has never ignored or dismissed loving romantic relationships between same-sex couples, and that's certainly not what you're doing. Not at all. You just know they aren't dating because ... reasons.
I'm sure you don't object to Jimin being gay because that would be homophobic (you even know how he should "come out"). If that was the case you might as well just get a tattoo of an L on your forehead and throw away all your Jimin merch because our boy is gayer than a rainbow cake. Gayer even than the rainbow cake his appa has *always in stock* in his coffee shop in Busan.
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And if you generously tolerate his gayness, i imagine you will allow that one day he could date (definitely not now, because he probably has no interest in sex. He's too busy working and anyway he has ARMY to love him) yeah, but not now please.
But one day he could have a nice boyfriend who sits beside him on the sofa and smiles benignly and holds his hand like a good boy.
Definitely NOT one that sings about fucking night after night seven days a week, or watching in 3D, or DEAR GOD... the imagery... champagne confetti.
Not someone who sings Sam Smith songs on his Live, or who goes around whacking off fire hydrants in his music videos or miming blow jobs on national tv.
Not someone that demands you see him as an adult who enjoys adult things and wont accept your judgement of him. Not one who puts boundaries in place.
Not someone who (the audacity!) lies in bed naked and begs Jimin to come over.
And that brings us to the villain of our story:
I guess, since you will allow a relationship in theory, you just object to the idea of a relationship specifically with Jungkook.
And I can see why. Jungkook very obviously has no interest in Jimin’s happiness. Jungkook doesn't support him at all.
He doesn't hold jimin when he cries, he doesn't spam us with Jimin content when Jimin has a comeback, he doesn't cook Jimin’s favourite food for him, or fold his underpants while he does his own laundry.
He doesn't take him on trips to Japan, or send thirst-trap messages for his birthday, or play his songs, or sing on his albums.
He doesn't carry him, bridal style, any time Jimin jumps into his arms, and I can guarantee you that he doesn't let Jimin fuck him just the way Jimin likes it, as often as he wants it, wherever and whenever he gets the chance. And vice versa.
They didn't enlist in the military as companions, after all.
So reallly, what would Jungkook even know about Jimin's happiness?
What could he POSSIBLY know about Jimin that you don't know. Nothing, right?
What could POSSIBLY happen behind closed doors and away from the camera, that you don't see with your third eye and your vivid imagination? Again, nothing. You know ALL, right?
I think we've covered everything?
Theres only one thing left to say i guess.
Whoever you are, you'd do well to consider whose happiness you're supporting.
If you don't support what makes Jimin happy, you don't support Jimin. Period.
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toxophilitis · 1 day
Spread, Auntie, Spread cont
Lori's sister smiled at her, and Lori saw her reach behind and take Marty's hand. "Hello, Lori," Karen said, not seeming to be shocked to find Lori coming out of a motel room with her husband. "Did you and my husband enjoy yourselves?"
Lori looked from her sister to her brother-in-law. She was confused and a little afraid. What surprised her most was the total lack of shame on either of their faces. Then she looked at Marty, who was standing next to Karen, a big grin on his face.
"Why don't you come in our room, Lori?" Karen said, reaching out and taking her sister's hand. "Come in here and let's talk about this."
Woodenly, not understanding, Lori allowed herself to be pulled into the room. Bob and Marty followed, and Lori found herself sitting on the bed next to her sister. This room was a bit larger than the one she and Bob had been in and had two chairs. Karen continued to hold Lori's hand, looking into the wide, still shocked eyes of her sister.
"You've always thought I was a prissy, moralistic, cold kind of bitch, Lori," Karen said. "But you're wrong. I don't have a cold bone in my body. In fact, I'm probably hotter than you are."
"But I don't..." Lori started in a shaky voice.
"I know you don't understand," Karen said. "There isn't any need to understand, not really. What matters, honestly speaking, is that you've been wrong about me all this time. It's been a face I had to put on, because I was not as courageous as you. I've got ten years on you, honey, and that's a big difference when it comes to the times of our day, you know. But that don't mean I'm not as hot as you are, Lori. I've had to keep it concealed, hidden, you might say. But the truth of the matter is, Bob and I have been fucking ourselves silly with anyone willing. We've been doing it for years, ever since we were married. Why do you think I always go on his trips with him? Because we meet others and fuck and suck until we're exhausted. No, I'm not jealous of Bob. I go with him for those reasons only, otherwise he would go by himself."
"But all these years, Karen," Lori asked, "you never once told me, said anything, to make me understand."
"I wasn't certain about you, Lori," Karen said, holding her sister's hand tightly. "Bob wanted to fuck your little cunt from the beginning, but I was the one that made him wait."
"But surely you knew about me, Karen."
"I knew, but still wasn't positive," Karen smiled at Lori. "I knew it from the time you tried to sneak into my bed and play around. It was too bad her parents found out. I would have let you sleep with me every night, but you know how they are. So, I had to keep you away from me so they wouldn't be suspicious. It wasn't because I didn't want you to touch me, play with me. I did, and I would have loved to play with you then, too."
Lori was no longer confused and shocked. She squeezed her sister's hand tightly. "But you and... Marty?" she asked. "I mean, how did..."
Karen laughed. "Bob and I knew Marty before you did, honey. In fact, I fucked him long before you got your hot little hands on him. If you want the truth about it, Bob and I was the one that told him about you, and Marty took it from there."
"And today?"
"We decided, after talking to Marty," Karen said, "that it was time you knew about me and Bob."
"You could have told me," Lori laughed. "I almost shit when I saw you standing out there."
"I know, and I guess we could have handled it differently, but we didn't."
"Now what?" Lori asked.
Karen stood up and began to undress. "Now I'm going to play with you. I've wanted to taste that hot cunt of yours for quite a while, honey. It's about time I had my face in it, don't you think?"
Lori shot a look at Marty and Bob, who were sitting there watching, pleasure showing in their eyes. She looked up at her sister, seeing her flawlessly shaped tits now naked. She ran her tongue over her lips as Karen began to wiggle from her skin. Then her sister was standing naked before her. Lori gazed at Karen's thrusting, full tits, at the rubbery hard nipples. She dropped her gaze and stared at a pussy as hairy as her own, and she felt a deep throbbing starting inside her own cunt.
"Take your clothes off, honey," Karen urged in a thick, throaty voice. "I want you naked so I can lick and kiss you everywhere! I want to taste that creamy flesh and sweet ass and deliciously wet, hot cunt!"
Lori looked at Marty and Bob, who had taken their cocks out. Her eyes were hot as she looked at their hard pricks. And then she was quickly getting out of her own clothing.
By the time Lori was undressed, her cunt was boiling like never before. As she looked at her naked sister, seeing her fantastic tits and hairy cunt, her long, creamy thighs, her swelling, delicious ass, Lori understood with startling clarity that she had wanted this for many years.
Her mouth began to water as she spread out on the bed, her long legs sprawled wide, bushy cunt revealed. She found it intensely exciting to be gloriously naked on that bed, with Marty and her brother-in-law looking hotly at her, their cocks throbbing, dripping. It was even more exciting to have her sister, Karen, with desire upon her beauty.
Karen placed a foot on the edge of the bed, her knee swung wide. As Karen framed her cunt with the fingers of both hands, looking down at Lori, licking her lips, Lori gazed passionately at her sister's wet pussy. Her cunt lips, framed by curly hair, were pink and succulent, and the tip of her clit glistened.
Karen rubbed her cunt for a moment, squeezing her clit delicately between two fingers. "Lori, you've wanted to kiss my cunt for a long time, just as I've been waiting for you. Well, we don't have to wait any longer."
Karen lay atop her sister, her tits smashing into Lori's. Lori's arms went around her sister, holding her tightly, her hips squirming. The curly hairs of their cunts mingled, and Lori felt the heat of Karen's cunt on hers. Lori ran her hands down to her sister's swelling ass, clutching her asscheeks with her fingers. She squeezed and caressed Karen's creamy asscheeks, grinding her cunt up.
Lori did not really think of Marty and Bob now. She was thinking only of her sister, that she was soon going to have her face against that sweet, hairy cunt. The men were there, of course, watching them, and that served to intensify Lori's desire.
Karen scooped Lori's naked body into her arms as her lips opened, then pressed down onto Lori's mouth. When Karen slipped her eager tongue into Lori's mouth, Lori mewled and began to suck furiously, grinding her ass on the bed, feeling her sister's cunt rubbing and pressing against hers.
Lori opened her thighs lifted them high in the air, then wrapped them around her sister's naked hips, locking her heels on the cheeks of her ass. Both girls whimpered and mewled and gurgled as they twisted and squirmed in passion.
Lori felt waves of pleasure building inside her pussy. Her cunt, as always, was going through a series of orgasms, each one swelling and growing and ballooning, stronger than the last.
The sisters scissored their legs about each other, so each boiling cunt rubbed and pressed against the other. Lori squeezed one, of Karen's tits, her other hand clutching a springy asscheeks. They ground their cunts together, rubbing and banging in gasping delight.
"Good!" Karen hissed. "So fucking good, Lori! Oh, God... does your cunt feel hot against mine! We're fucking, Lori! We're cunt fucking! Your pussy is so hot... burning my cunt! I love cunt fucking!"
Neither one of them were aware of Bob and Marty, who had removed their clothing and were now on each side of the bed, watching the two overheated girls rubbing their cunts together.
"Karen! Oh, Karen!" Lori mewled. "Fuck my cunt, Karen! Oooo, fuck my cunt with your cunt! I love it, Karen! Fuck... fuck!"
Their naked bodies began to tremble, their eyes squeezed shut, mouths partly open. They banged their cunts together hard.
With a yelp of ecstasy, both Karen and Lori came at the same time. They pressed their cunts together harder as their naked bodies shook, tits swelling, asscheeks flexing.
When they pulled apart, gasping from the thrill of cunt fucking, they saw the two men standing at each side of the bed, cocks throbbingly hard, dripping fuck juice from flaring piss holes.
Lori and Karen looked at each other, then giggled. Karen pulled at Marty's cock, bringing him onto the bed. Lori grabbed her brother-in-law's cock, and the two men lay side-by-side, their cocks straining up from their wiry hair and full balls. Squirming down and getting between their legs, both Lori and Karen bent their faces to the cocks.
They turned their eyes, gazing at each other. Lori began to suck up and down on the thick cock of her brother-in-law, and watched her sister sucking on Marty's prick. Their eyes sparkled with pleasure, their lips stretched as they raced their mouths up and down the hard-on's.
Karen reached out and took hold of her husband's balls, tugging and squeezing them gently as Lori sucked his cock. Lori did the same to Marty's, and the two sisters gurgled with the pleasure of having hard cocks filling their hungry mouths.
As though in a contest, both Lori and Karen sucked their throbbing cocks desperately.
Lori felt Bob's cock jerking inside her mouth and she gave a squeal as her lips tightened around his prick. This time she was not going to have his cock so deep in her throat when he came.
She wanted her tongue lapping at his piss hole when his sweet come juice gushed. Holding the head of his swollen prick between her lips, she tasted the first squirt of her brother-in-law's come juice as it spewed over her tongue. She squealed again as it filled her mouth, then she had to swallow.
Karen, too, was getting her mouth filled with the come juice of Marty. Lori saw some of the thick white come juice escape the tightness of Karen's lips, and run dawn the side of his throbbing cock. She saw her sister's throat working and knew the pleasure Karen was getting, because she was getting the same pleasure.
When they sat up, Karen and Lori looked at each other, then giggled lewdly. "Yes," Karen said, "I'm a cocksucker, too! We're both cocksuckers, it seems."
They fell into each other's arms, hugging and kissing.
"Oh, Karen," Lori whimpered. "I want to kiss your cunt! I want to lick my tongue deep into your pussy... suck it! I want to tonguefuck you and make you come in my mouth! Oh, Karen, I've wanted to eat your cunt for so damned long!"
"Turn around, Lori," Karen said, then she and her sister were head-to-foot.
Lori peered down at her sister's cunt, her face inches from Karen's pussy. She shoved her lips to the wetness, kissing eagerly and wildly, her tongue fluttering over Karen's sensitive cuntlips and throbbing little clit.
She spread her legs over her sister's face, and felt Karen holding the cheeks of her naked ass, bringing her cunt down. Then Karen's tongue was working deeply into Lori's seeping pussy, licking and fucking in and out.
Lori's hands scooted underneath her sister's squirming ass, clutching at the creamy swells, drawing Karen's steamy cunt hard against her mouth. Her tongue slipped between Karen's hairy pussylips, and, as it went deep, she felt her sister's cunt sucking at her tongue.
Moist sucking sounds filled the room. Their tongues and lips worked, sucking and licking hungrily. They twisted about on the bed in a frenzy of ecstasy, rolling around until first one, then the other, was on top.
Bob and Marty were again sitting in the chairs, watching the two women as they ate each other in a frenzy of erotic pleasure.
Lori's tongue was deep inside the bubbling cunt of her sister, just as Karen's tongue was far up Lori's pussy. Lori felt her sister's cunt begin to flex about her tongue, and she tongue-fucked with renewed frenzy, as her sister's pussy exploded. Her own cunt was convulsing powerfully as Karen fucked her tongue in and out.
Their hands gripped the cheeks of each other's ass tightly, the whimpering sounds of ecstasy coming muffled from between squirming, hot thighs.
Finally, Lori and Karen sprawled on the bed, gasping loudly. Their naked tits heaved up and down, and their beautiful faces were smeared with the fuck fluids of each other's cunt.
"Oh!" Lori said, sitting up. "The kids! I've been gone too long. I've got to get back to them."
Karen laughed. "Don't worry about those two. They'll find something to occupy their time..."
"I told them I wouldn't be gone long," Lori said, reaching for her clothing. "They might get worried. I better go."
"Marty," Bob said, "why don't you take Karen to get her car? Lori, drive the kids home, will you?"
"Why don't we pick them up?" Karen asked her husband.
"Because," he said, grinning at her, a gleam in his eyes, "after seeing you and Lori suck cunts that way, I want to get a piece of my wife's hot ass, that's why."
Karen spread her thighs as Marty and Lori finished dressing. "Come on, big boy," she said. "My cunt is hot and ready."
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0cta9on · 2 days
What would you do if her top starts slowly shrinking? The only way to stop/reverse is to raise the temperature of the fabric.
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That includes raising her own body temperature 😉
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Instead of freaking out, Haewon actually starts clinging to you while trying to be inconspicuous. A crisis for you... But an opportunity for her 😁
Hello frisky! I was literally watching videos of her vocal covers yesterday and then I saw this outfit, UGHHH so hot and so talented :>
After months of planning and arguing, you finally managed to get your friends together to go on an overseas trip. You double and triple checked to make sure you had all your things, you went through TSA without any trouble, everything was going fine. That is, until Haewon, your girlfriend, starts clinging onto your arm. Normally, you wouldn't mind this kind of interaction at all, you welcome it in fact, but the hint of panic in her eye lets you know that something is off.
"Haewon? What's wrong?"
She gets onto her tiptoes to reach your ear. "Baby... My top is shrinking..."
"You're WHAT!?" You say a little too loud, causing some people to give you strange looks. You offer them an awkward smile before whispering back to Haewon, "What do you mean your top is shrinking!?"
You look down and see her breasts slowly suffocating under the white fabric. To make matters worse, she isn't wearing a bra, so anyone with a pair of eyes could clearly see her nipples poking through.
You pull Haewon into a tight hug, scanning the airport for a place to fix this. Thankfully, you spot an empty corridor with no one inside of it. You quickly pull Haewon along, making sure her chest is covered, and signaling to the rest of your friends to follow you.
"Stand guard and make sure no one goes through here," you command them.
"Just! Do it please," you plead before pulling Haewon deeper into the corridor, away from prying eyes.
At this point, Haewon's top is skin tight against her, showing off her ample breasts and petite waist. You would be lying if you said it wasn't turning you on a little.
"Are you alright, babe?" You ask, your voice laced with worry.
"It's a little uncomfortable," she says. "Apparently the fabric shrinks if it gets too cold."
"Why would you-" You sigh, exasperated. "What do you need me to do?
"I need you to warm me up, baby~"
The sensual lilt in her tone made it very clear that she had wanted this. It's your fault for thinking things would go smoothly with Haewon around.
"Fine," you relent, a little annoyed and definitely turned on. You rub your hands together to generate warmth before timidly sliding your hands along the fabric, making sure to avoid her breasts.
"Why are you being so shy? It's nothing you haven't seen before."
"We're in public, Haewon, someone could see us."
"Then you better hurry up~," she teases you with a wink.
You rub your hands all along her curves, occasionally giving her tits a firm yet gentle squeeze. The thought of ending up on a no-fly list definitely made you nervous, but fuck she's so hot. A moan escapes her lips as you tweak her nipple.
"Quiet down, you're gonna get us caught," you warn her.
"If only there was an easy way to shut me up." She smirks at you, seductively biting her lip. You have to laugh at this point because of course Haewon would buy a shrinking top just so you could have some fun with her in the middle of a crowded airport.
You latch your lips onto hers, forcing your tongue into her mouth as you massage her cute breasts. You swallow her moans, tasting every speck of her desire. Slowly, the combination of your hands running over her lithe body and her own body temperature rising from the hot kiss loosens up the fabric. You both break away from the kiss, breathless and warm.
"Take off your top," you command her.
"Oooh, that's so forward of you, baby-"
"That's not what I mean." You rustle through your backpack, pulling out a spare T-shirt and tossing it to her. "That was... fun, but I'm not doing that for the entire plane ride."
Haewon pouts but obliges, making a show of stripping away her top for you. You smirk, ogling her body before it disappears under your oversized T-shirt.
"You are fucking crazy," you joke as you take her hand. The two of you return to the group without uttering a single word about why Haewon suddenly has a different shirt on or why both of you have weird grins on your faces.
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educatedsimps · 3 days
Heyo! Quick request here because my FYP wants to make me suffer with all the Bokuto angst I’ve been seeing related to different fics (like in another life, ect). WHY DO FANFIC AUTHORS KEEP KILLING HIM OFF??? ITS DRIVING ME NUTS 😭😭 Anyway, I’d like to request some fluff with Bokuto to counteract the angst I’ve been seeing. Maybe the reader wakes up from a nightmare similar to what’s been going on in these fics and he cheers her up by being his normal happy self? Take that my FYP hahaha
(I love your writing btw! I literally pause whatever I’m doing to read anything you’ve posted! You’re my fav author on this website <3)
≪ back to fics masterlist
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bokuto kōtarō x f!reader
a/n: nah bro in another life fucking broke me 🥲 i read it in like 2021 (i think??) and that angst still haunts me to this very day 😀 anyway ofc bae i literally had a fic with this nightmare/comfort idea in my google keep drafts for the LONGEST time so it's time to finally put it out there lol. ALSO I'M SO GLAD U LIKE OUR WORKS omg "favourite author"??? MY HEART ✋😭 TY FOR READING ANON ILYSM 😭💕 hope u enjoy this bae and thanku for requesting, it was truly a joy writing this!
cw: idk man just bokuto fluff and comfort typa thing cuz he’s bokuto and the B in bokuto stands for best boyfriend (b)ever
"so he’s killed in the straight aus and sent back to be with akaashi cause we will nvr recover from in another life" -yves 2024
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Jolting awake, you felt fresh tears rolling past your cheeks and staining your pillow. Eyes wide, you scanned your surroundings. Same room, same bed, same pyjamas...
Was that all a dream? But... It had felt so terrifyingly real that you had woken up in a cold sweat with ugly tears streaming down your face. Heart palpitating, you tried to regulate your breathing and convinced yourself that it was just a dream.
Feeling a warm breath brush the back of your neck, you turned to see your boyfriend, Bokuto Kōtarō, sleeping soundly next to you. His breaths were slow and deep, and you watched as his bare chest rose and fell. With a beefy arm slung over your waist, he held you close to him throughout the night, keeping you warm. The dim moonlight from your window illuminated his features and his face looked so peaceful (and beautiful) you couldn't help but stare.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you soaked up the warmth radiating from his body. Not wanting to wake him, you furiously wiped the tears from your cheeks and tried to quiet your sobs.
Unfortunately for you, Bokuto's hearing was as sharp as an owl's, and he stirred with a groggy "Y/n?"
A sniffle.
He jerked his head up to look at you clearly. Your head was buried in his chest. "Y/n?"
Another sniffle. He was starting to panic.
"Babe! Babe, what happened?" He asked softly, placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up. He swore he heard his heart go crack when he saw your tears. You responded by burying your face in his neck again.
Realising you probably weren't ready to talk just yet, he decided to distract you first. Pulling your trembling body to his, he gently rubbed circles on your back and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
He hummed, "You know, I was thinking the other day. Maybe we could install a small spinning light thingy in the corner of our room so it's not so dark at night. I know you don't really like it when it's pitch black in the room sooo I figured maybe that could help! I was scrolling online and saw some designs I thought you'd like, but I forgot to copy the link to send it to you but I can look for it again and show it to you later-"
He paused abruptly when you raised your head, sitting up and looking at him with a half-smile on your face.
"You okay?" He asked, concern taking over his features. He shifted so that you both were half sitting with your legs still tangled under the blanket. "Wanna talk about it?"
With yet another sniffle, you nodded. As you recounted your nightmare, Bokuto continued rubbing your arm soothingly, occasionally wiping away your tears with his thumb. His head was tilted to the side in the most adorable fashion and his eyes were fully focused on you as you spoke.
"And... and then you died," You whispered, voice hoarse and shaky. Looking into his bright amber eyes, you continued. "It was so scary, Kō..."
"But I’m right here, aren’t I?" He asked almost immediately. Bending down to your eye level, he looked at you with such a pure and genuine smile. Your heart beat faster under his gaze.
"And I’m gonna be right here forever. I’ll be here when you wake up from bad dreams and good dreams, and I’ll be here on the nights you can’t fall asleep. I’ll be your protector, Y/n!” He continued, beaming. He swiftly placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll protect you from all the nightmares, I promise! And see? I’m totally fine! Those killers ain't got nothing on us. I won’t let ‘em touch my baby.”
He concluded his little cheer-up speech with a sweet kiss on your lips. His hand brushed your jaw, pulling you closer. If you weren’t seated firmly on the bed, your knees probably would’ve given out from how sweet the kiss was. Either that or you would’ve gotten severe cavities before the kiss ended.
Pulling away, he wrapped you up in his arms and you felt your lips pull into a smile. His cheery mood really was contagious.
Gently pushing you into a lying position, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your bodies, essentially bundling the two of you together.
“Time to get some sleep, babe. I’ll be right here, ‘kay?” He said, now hugging you under the covers. You hummed, feeling safe and content.
“Oh yeah, we should definitely get a spinning light thingy. It might help with the nightmares ‘cause it won’t be as dark,” you piped up. Chuckling, Bokuto agreed.
“I love you,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
“I love you more,” you yawned.
“I love you the most-est!”
You felt another kiss on the crown of your head before you drifted off to sleep.
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a/n: UMMM i hope this was nightmarish/comfort/cheery enough?? IDK IM SORRY IF IT DIDNT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS 😭 but still, tysm for requesting and thanku for reading too!! hope u liked it :,) (feel free to request another part if you’re not satisfied)
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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cxsha-lilith · 3 days
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summary: You get jealous from the amount of attention your boyfriend is getting from other girls.
Warnings: Smut, choking, recording, fingering, dry humping(??), jealousy, hickeys, riding, pet names, hand kink (comment if i miss anything)
!!All characters are aged up!!
Suna x fem! reader
word count: 6,010
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I knew my boyfriend was attractive and had almost every girl in our school drooling over him, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  
I was sitting next to Suna in class as I tried to listen to the teacher but I couldn’t when a couple of girls were staring at his hands. His hands were littered with Rings on each finger and had veins. I watched in the corner of my eyes as the girls giggled and rubbed their thighs together.  
I could guess what they were imagining, my boyfriend's hands around their neck as he manhandled them. Normally I would have ignored them as I do with any other girl that tried to talk or flirt with my boyfriend (only to be shot down before they can get the words out of their mouth) but I couldn't ignore the whispering of lewd comments about them guessing how big my boyfriend’s dick is.  
My attention was caught when Suna tapped my thigh, making my head jerk from the girls to the volleyball player. “Pay attention” he mouthed to me before winking and writing down the notes on the board.  
I nodded my head as I glanced at the girls once more (who were still thinking about my boyfriend using them as a fuck toy). I continued to listen and write down notes until the end of class. Me and Suna were packing up when he spoke up, “What had you all pissed in class?” I finished putting my things in my back as I slung it over my shoulder and grabbed his hand.  
“Some girls in class were looking at your hands” Suna raised his eyebrows, “Why would that piss you off? A bunch of girls look at me” I looked at Suna’s hands as I thought back to what the girls were thinking and saying. “it’s not just that, normally I do ignore them but today I just couldn’t” The thought of Suna touching another girl made me shiver lightly.  
“They were rubbing their thighs together and making dirty remarks about you. They were talking about how you are in bed and other sexual remarks” Suna’s hand clenched around mine lightly. “you’re the only one who knows how I am in bed, you’re the one that gets my dick whenever you want it. Not them so don’t worry about it” 
I smiled at Suna’s reassurance and I twisted one of his rings around his finger. We walked into the volleyball court and were greeted by the twins and Kita. I said my hello’s before I grabbed Suna’s bag and sat down on the bleachers.  
Practice went by fast and soon enough it was time for Me and Suna to go home. We walked hand in hand as the sun started to set in complete silence. “Maybe I could show you” I let out a confused Hum as I looked at Suna “What do you mean?” Suna let out a chuckle “Exactly how I fuck, I'll show you that I want you and only you” I was let speechless and we continued to walk in silence.  
We reached the house and Suna unlocked it. We stepped inside took our shoes off and locked the door behind me. Before I could do anything, Suna picked me up sat down on the couch, and put me on his lap. He then started slowly moving his lips hovering just above my neck.  
“I'll make sure that you know, that I want only you,” he whispered as his lips brushed against my neck. He slowly started moving his lips on my neck, gently nibbling on my skin.  
 I moved my neck so he could suck on it more. Suna chuckled as I moved my neck. He then continued sucking and kissing and occasionally gave my neck a few gentle bites.  
He found the sensitive spot on my neck and started to abuse it. “Do you like the way I'm marking you up?” As he continued to suck and bite on my neck. “yes” I said in desperation as I felt a hickey forming on my neck. “Rin, these are going to be a pain to cover up tomorrow. Everyone on the Team will see them” 
Suna chuckled as he gently kissed my new hickey before replaying “And? Let them see it, I want them to know you're mine” He then, looked up from my neck and at my face, his smirk wider as he looked at me. “Then I get to mark you up too, let those girls know that you’re taken” 
Suna's smirk widened even more as he heard my words, he chuckled and raised an eyebrow, “Is that so? Got yourself a bit possessive, huh?” he chuckled again as he spoke, “Then go on and mark me, show every girl that I'm taken” 
I started sucking and licking his neck, Jaw, and parts of his chest to make hickeys all over him. Suna chuckled and hummed as he felt my lips on his skin, leaving marks in their awakening. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back to give you more space to leave marks. He then, let out soft hums and groans as he felt my lips on his skin. 
“Maybe if you get my name tatted on you then those girls know that you’re mine to love” Suna chuckled at my words, he opened his eyes and looked down at me, a smirk on his face. 
“Is that so? And where should I get your name tattooed at, huh?” he teased, “On my chest? Neck? Arm?” he started listing body parts where he could get my name tattooed on him. “Over your heart on your chest.”  
Suna rolled his eyes at my response before smirking again. He moved his chest and pulled his shirt off to expose his chest. “Right here, then? Just for you” he teased, gesturing towards the skin right above his heart.  
“yes” I attached my lips to the skin about his heart forming a hickey. “I'll tattoo your name on my tailbone, having your name as a tramp stamp. Suna chuckled and hummed as he felt my lips on the skin above his heart, leaving a hickey. He then raised his eyebrows as he heard my words, “oh, is that so? You're going to tattoo my name on your tailbone?” he said in a low, teasing voice.  
“a tramp stamp just for me? That overly possessive of you” I giggle and nod my head “just for you” Suna smiled and chuckled, a pleased expression on his face as he lowered his shirt and gently placed his hands on your hips as he looked at me. 
"Just for me, huh? I like the sound of that." He said, still in a low and teasing tone.  
He then, gently pulled me closer to him, causing me to sit back down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me close to him 
I looked at his chest and neck littered with hickeys 
“I think those girls will know they can’t have you now” 
Suna chuckled and rolled his eyes as he looked down at his chest and neck which were now littered with hickeys. He smiled again as he looked up at me. 
"I think I look sexier now with these, don't you agree?" He teased, grinning at you. 
"And yeah, those girls better keep their hands to themselves now that they know I'm taken." 
“You look sexy in anything” 
Suna chuckled lowly at my comment and smirked. He then, pulled me closer to him, so our bodies were completely pressed together and he wrapped his arms around my waist again. 
"And you look sexy all the time," He whispered, running his hands up and down my sides.  
“You’re hands are the sexiest” 
Suna raised an eyebrow and chuckled, a smirk on his face. "My hands are the sexiest, huh? You like when I use my hands, don't you?" He said in a low voice, his hands still gently running up and down my sides. 
“I can’t help it, not when your hands are big, have rings on each finger, and have veins” 
I pout slightly 
“I get jealous because those girls used to stare at your hands. I already know what they were imagining” Suna chuckled as i spoke, a smirk appearing on his face again. "And you don't like the idea of girls imagining that, do you?" He said, still in a low voice. 
He then gently lifted one of his hands from my waist and moved it to my thigh, resting gently on it. 
"You like my hands on you instead, don't you?" 
“Yes, I want you to touch me instead of them” I pout 
Suna chuckled again and smiled, looking pleased at my response. "Oh, don't pout, babe, you know I'm only teasing you." He said, still in a low tone. 
He then, slowly moved his hand further up my thigh, his fingers gently squeezing my skin. 
"And don't worry, you're the only one I want to touch anyway. I like touching you and making sure you're mine." 
I smirked at him 
“Maybe you should show them how you touch me, and make them wish it was them instead of me” 
Suna chuckled and smirked back at me, his hand still on my thigh. 
"Is that so? You want me to show those girls how I touch you and make them jealous because they can't have it themselves?" He teased, leaning closer to me and moving his face to my neck again. 
He then, gently nibbled on my skin and whispered in my ear, "Are you feeling possessive, babe?" 
“It’s hard not being possessive over a man who’s so damn sexy” 
Suna chuckled and smiled, he then, gently nibbled on the spot below my earlobe before pulling back slightly and looking at my face, still inches away. 
"Is that so? You think I'm sexy, huh?" He asked in a low tone, a smirk on his face. 
He then gently moved the hand that was on your thigh higher up, almost to the edge of your shorts and squeezed your skin again. “I always think you’re sexy. But it would be sexier if your hands were around my neck instead of my thighs” 
Suna's smirk widened as he heard my words, gently moving his fingers on my thigh while still holding it in place. He then moved his hand from my thigh and gently held my chin in place, tilting my head back to expose my neck. 
"You want me to wrap my hands around your neck, huh? You want me to leave more marks on you, don't you?" He said in a low tone, looking directly into my eyes, his expression seductive. 
“I want you to wrap your hands around my neck” 
Suna's smirk widened again at my words and he chuckled softly, gently moving his fingers from my chin to your neck and wrapping them around it. 
He then, gently squeezed my neck before speaking again, "Like this, huh?" 
I took out my phone and took a picture of his hands around my neck, some hickeys that he gave me showing. I tagged him in the picture and posted the photo 
“Now everyone knows” 
Suna's smirk widened even more as he saw me taking a picture of his hands on my neck and tagging him in it.  
He chuckled after i did that.  
"Oh, so everyone knows your neck belongs to me now, huh?" He teased, grinning as he continued to gently squeeze my neck with his hand looking content at the picture. 
“So everyone knows that I belong to you”  
my phone started blowing up with likes and comments on the photo. Some were from his team, some from some random people, but most were hate comments from those girls. 
Suna chuckled as he saw my phone blowing up with likes and comments, especially the hate comments from those girls, especially on a picture where he was marking my neck.  
He then, looked at me with a smug expression on his face before speaking, "Looks like those girls are pretty jealous, huh? They're not happy that your neck is all marked up by me." 
“Maybe we can give them a show” 
Suna raised an eyebrow at my words and chuckled. "Oh, a show, huh?" He said, his tone was sly, his smirk getting bigger.  
He moved his face closer to my ear and whispered in a low tone, "What kind of show do you have in mind, babe?" 
“One where they know that you’re mine” 
Suna chuckled lowly at my words and smirked. "Oh, do you want to make sure those girls know that I'm yours, babe? You want to show them that I belong to no one else but you?" 
He then gently pulled my hips closer to his and looked into my eyes, looking pleased. "And just how do you plan on doing that, huh?" 
“Record it and send it to them. I’m sure they will leave us alone if they see a video of you fucking me” 
Suna chuckled and smirked, looking pleased with my suggestion. He then raised an eyebrow at me and looked at me with a sly expression. 
"Oh, so you want to record a video and send it to those girls, huh?" He said with a low tone, clearly enjoying my idea. 
He then, gently squeezed my hips again before continuing in a suggestive tone, "fucking you, huh? You're naughty, aren't you, babe." 
I pressed record on my camera and let it roll 
“Only for you” 
Suna chuckled and smirked again as he saw me press the record button on your camera, his grip on my hips getting tighter. 
He then pulled me closer to him and leaned into my ear, speaking in a low and seductive tone, "That's right, only for me. You're all mine." 
He then gently nibbled on my earlobe before pulling back slightly and looking at my face, his grip still tight on my hips. "So tell me, babe, what do you want me to do?" 
“Anything you want” 
Suna's smirk widened at my response and he chuckled, clearly enjoying my answer. He then moved his hands from my hips and gently held my cheeks, making me look directly at him. 
He then leaned closer to my face and looked directly into my eyes, still holding your face in place. "Anything? Then, I guess I'll do whatever I want to you, huh?" 
“Of course” 
I grind my hips down on his 
I set the camera up to where they can’t see my face but me sitting on his lap as I grind my hips on his 
Suna chuckled as he felt me grinding my hips on his lap, his hands still holding my face in place. He then looked at the camera and raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening as he realized what I am doing. 
He then pulled my face closer to his and looked directly into my eyes, his grip still tight on my cheeks. "You're naughty, you know that, babe? Recording this without them seeing your face." 
“They’ll leave us alone after though” 
I move my hips around his 
Suna chuckled and smirked as he felt my hips moving around on his, his grip on my face is still tight.  
"Oh, I'm sure they will." He said, his tone sly. 
He then gently gripped my hips and moved them a bit more, making sure the camera was capturing everything. "So what now, babe?" 
I let out a groan as he moved my hips faster 
Suna chuckled as he heard me groan, clearly enjoying the effect he was has on me. He then smirked again and looked at me directly in the eyes, his grip on my hips still tight as he moved them faster. 
"You like that, huh?" He said in a low tone, his expression sly. "You like it when I move your hips like this, babe?" I nodded my head as I moan at the stimulation 
Suna chuckled at your response, his smirk growing wider as he heard me moan. He then, moved my hips even faster, his grip still tight and his expression still sly. 
"Words, baby. I want to hear you say it." He said in a low tone, looking directly into my eyes. "Say it, say you like it when I move your hips like this." 
“Yes, I like it when you move my hips like this” 
I felt my stomach tighten as I clung onto Suna's upper arms and continued to gasp and groan 
Suna chuckled again as he heard my response and continued to move my hips, his grip on them not loosening at all. He looked at my face, enjoying the expression i had on. 
"I like seeing you like this, all breathless and all mine," He said in a low tone. "Your face all flushed and your hips moving so perfectly under my hands." 
“I’m so close” I moan out when I squeeze my eyes shut as breathless gasps slip past my lips.  
Suna chuckled again, his smirk growing wider as he heard me say that. He moved my hips faster and more roughly as he held them tighter. 
"You're close, huh? You're close to what, babe?" He teased in a low tone, his smirk still on his face. 
I moan lightly and open my eyes 
“Please Rin” 
Suna chuckled at your moan and looked directly into my eyes. "Please what, babe? Tell me what you want." 
He then, moved my hips even faster as his grip on them remained tight. He was enjoying seeing me all flushed and breathless underneath him. 
“Let me cum” 
Suna chuckled again at my words and smirked, his grip tightening even more on my hips. I'm sure bruises will form tomorrow "You want to cum, huh? You want me to let you finish?" 
He then, moved my hips faster and rougher, clearly wanting to get me to the edge. He then leaned closer to my ear and whispered in a low tone, "Then say it, princess. Say you're mine and I'll let you cum." 
“I’m yours” I whimper in desperation.  
Suna smirked again at my response, clearly enjoying that I said what he wanted to hear. He moved my hips faster and rougher, still holding me tight. 
"Good girl, that's what I wanted to hear." He said in a low tone, his expression sly. "You're all mine, all mine to touch and possess." 
endless gasps and moans pour out of my mouth faster and faster.  
Suna chuckled as he heard my gasps and moans, enjoying the effect he has on me. He moved my hips faster and even rougher as he continued to hold you tightly, his smirk growing wider. 
"That's it, keep making those sounds, baby. I love hearing you like this." He said in a low tone, looking directly into my eyes. "You're mine, only mine, and I love seeing you like this on top of me." 
I look at the recording as the coil in my stomach snap making me cum all over Rin’s lap making a mess on his lap with a loud moan as I clinch his upper arms. 
Suna chuckled as he heard me moan loudly and felt me cum all over his lap, his smirk widening even more. He looked at the recording of me making a mess on his lap and chuckled again, clearly enjoying what he saw. 
"You made a mess, I see." He said in a low tone, his grip on my hips firm but looser than before. "You finished so nicely, my love." 
I nodded my head as I tried catch my breath 
Suna chuckled at my response and looked at me, enjoying the fact that I am trying to catch my breath. He gently lifted me up from his lap, holding me in his arms, his grip still tight. 
"You're all breathless, babe." He said, his tone sly. "You sound absolutely beautiful when you're all breathless like this." 
“You looked so hot while you controlled me” 
Suna chuckled again and smirked at my words, clearly enjoying my compliment. He then looked directly into my eyes and pulled me closer to him. 
"You think so? You think I looked so hot while I was controlling you like that?" He asked, his tone low and sly. 
I ended the recording and sent it to those girls.  
‘Good trying to get him’ 😘 
Suna chuckled as he saw me end the recording and send it to those girls. He then looked at the message i sent them and smirked. 
"Oh, you're a bit of a tease, aren't you, princess?" He said, his smirk growing wider. "Sending them the recording and telling them good luck trying to get me." 
I felt my slick on his lap as my thighs are making me sticky 
Suna chuckled again as he felt my slick on his lap, his sly smirk still on his face. He then moved his hands and gently grabbed my thighs, holding them in a firm grip. 
"Looks like you're making a mess on my lap, babe." He teased, his tone low and sly. "You're all sticky on my lap now, aren't you?" 
“I want more” 
Suna chuckled as he saw my pouty expression, his smirk widening even more. He then gently squeezed my thighs and pulled me closer to him. 
"You want more, huh? You're still not satisfied, baby?" He asked in a low, seductive tone. 
“Use your fingers on me, please” his veins being more distinguishable 
Suna chuckled and smirked, clearly enjoying my request. He then moved his hand and gently let his fingers trace up my thigh, his touch light and teasing. 
"You want me to use my fingers on you, huh? You want me to touch you like this?" He asked in a low tone, his fingers inching closer to my core. 
I nodded and inch my hips closer to his fingers 
“Please don’t tease me” I whined as tears welled up in my eyes from pleasure 
Suna chuckled at my response and looked at me, seeing the tears welling up in my eyes. He then gently moved his fingers to my core, his touch still light and teasing. 
"Ah, look at you, all eager and desperate." He said in a low tone, his expression sly. "You're begging me not to tease you, but it's so fun to see you like this." 
“Please just touch me” 
Suna chuckled at my words and smirked, clearly enjoying my desperate plead. He gently placed his fingers on my clit, his touch firm and skilled. 
"Sensitive, aren't you?" He said in a low tone, his fingers slowly circling and touching me in all the right places. "You're begging me to touch you, to satisfy you." 
I rolled my hips on his fingers as I grind my Clit into them making my eyes rolled back 
Suna chuckled at my reaction, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on me. He applied more pressure to his fingers as he continued to touch you, his expression sly. 
"You're grinding on my fingers so nicely, babe." He said in a low tone, his fingers moving a bit faster. "You're all desperate for me to touch you, aren't you?" 
I nodded my head as I felt myself get more aroused just from his touch. 
Suna chuckled at me again and smirked, clearly enjoying my response. He then pressed his fingers into me harder and moved them faster, his eyes locked on your face. 
"You're so greedy, baby." He said in a low tone, his expression sly. "You just can't get enough 
I felt myself about to cum for the second time this night.  
Suna chuckled as he felt my stomach tighten and could tell that I am close to the edge. He continued to move his fingers, his pace faster and more intense than before. 
"You're close, aren't you, babe?" He asked in a low tone, looking at me directly in the eyes. "You're all flushed and breathless, on the edge of cumming." 
I nodded my head as my eyes started to cross as my tounge rolled out 
“Please let me cum” I started to beg him 
Suna chuckled again, his smirk widening as he saw my nod. He moved his fingers even faster and more intensely, clearly wanting to push me over the edge. 
"You're so eager, aren't you, babe?" He said in a low tone. "You want to cum; you want me to make you finish." 
I nodded my head as I felt my cum leak all over his fingers and lap as I let the coil in my stomach snap.  
Suna chuckled as he felt me cum all over his fingers and lap, his expression satisfied as he watched me come undone. He pulled his fingers away from my bud and looked at me, his eyes still dark with desire. 
"You make such a mess, babe." He said in a low tone, his smirk still on his face. "You look so pretty when you cum like that." 
I looked down to see Suna’s finger still pressing on my clit. My slick covered his rings and fingers as I groaned from the sight. I took a picture of the sight and put it in my hidden folder 
Suna chuckled as he saw me looking at his fingers, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on me. He then, smirked as he saw me take a picture and put it in my hidden folder. 
"You like that, huh? You like seeing my fingers all covered in your slick?" He teased in a low tone, his expression sly. 
“god yes, it turns me on so much” i whine 
Suna chuckled again at my response and smirked, clearly enjoying how much you liked the sight in front of me. He then, held up his fingers and looked at them, clearly seeing the evidence of your pleasure on them. 
"You certainly made a mess, didn't you, princess?" He said in a low tone, his voice laced with desire. 
I nearly felt myself cum again from the sight. My thighs were sticky from Cumming twice on suna’s lap which was drenched in my slick. 
“I can’t help it, not when you give me so much pleasure” 
Suna chuckled as he heard my response and looked at me, clearly enjoying my reaction. He then, looked down at his lap, clearly seeing the mess I made on him. 
"You're so responsive, babe." He said in a low tone, his tone laced with desire. "And you can't hold yourself back, can you? You just let go all over me." 
“You enjoy it just as much as I did” 
I felt his boner against my core 
“How about help you?” 
Suna chuckled as he felt me grinding against him, his expression sly. He then, smirked at my suggestion and looked directly into my eyes. 
"You want to help me, huh?" He asked in a low tone, his expression still sly. "You want to return the favor, baby?" 
“Of course. It’s not fair that I got to cum twice and you didn’t yet” 
Suna chuckled again at my response and smirked, clearly enjoying my eagerness. He then, looked at me with a sly expression and spoke in a low, seductive tone. 
"Oh, it's not fair for you, huh? You want to make sure I'm satisfied too, yeah?" 
Suna chuckled again and smirked as he heard my response. He then, looked at me and tilted his head, his expression sly. 
"Alright, then. Go ahead and help me, babe." 
I unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers just enough for his dick to pop out.  
Suna chuckled as he felt me pull down his boxers, his expression still sly and his eyes dark with desire. He looked at me with a smirk, clearly enjoying what i  were doing. 
"You're eager, huh? You just can't wait to get started, can you?" 
I shook my head as I slowly sunk on his cock and held onto Suna's shoulders for support 
Suna let out a low moan as he felt me sit on him, his hands instinctively going to your hips to steady me. He then, looked at me. 
I started to move my hips to get used to his size.  
Suna gasped and let out another low moan as i moved my hips, his fingers tightening on my hips. He looked directly at me and spoke in a low, sultry tone. 
"You feel so good, babe." 
I shuddered as I bottomed out and started to bounce moved up and down 
Suna let out a gasp as he felt me move up and down, his hands on my waist guiding my movements. He then, looked up at me, his expression now one of intense pleasure. 
"You're killing me, babe." He said in a low tone, his breath coming out in pants. 
I started pounding myself onto him as we both lost ourselves in the pleasure, we are both getting and receiving,  
Suna could feel from my movements that I was close to Cumming, his eyes locked on my face. He let out a low moan and spoke in a strained voice. 
"You're close, aren't you, babe?" 
i nodded as breathy moans escape my plump lips and lean my head back.  
“You are too” 
Suna nodded in agreement, his expression a mix of pleasure and desperation. He then, looked at me and spoke in a low, breathless voice. 
"Yeah, I am. You're driving me wild, babe." 
I felt him twitch inside of me, my stomach tightened around him as my eyes roll back 
Suna let out a gasp as he felt me tighten around him, his eyes widening momentarily from the pleasure. He let out a low moan 
Tears fell down my cheeks as I lost myself 
Suna watched as tears fell down my cheeks and could tell that I'm lost in the pleasure. He then, looked at me with intense eyes, his breathing coming out in gasps. 
"You're gorgeous when you lose yourself like this, babe." 
all I could do was whimper as a response 
Suna chuckled and smirked at my response, my whimpering only making him more aroused. He pulled me closer to him and spoke in a low, seductive tone. 
"You sound so cute when you're like this, princess." 
“Let’s finish together, I can’t hold off any longer.” i beg and pleaded  
Suna nodded and let out a low moan, clearly eager to finish together. He then, looked at you and spoke in a low, breathless voice. 
"I can't either. You're driving me crazy, babe." 
“Cum inside, please”  
I felt his fingers start to roll around my Clit as I let myself go with him 
Suna gasped and let out a low moan as he felt me Cumming, his fingers working their magic at my clit. He looked up at me, his eyes locked on my face, as he finished with me; Cumming inside.  
I tipped my head back as I came all over his lap and abdomen with a loud Moan 
Suna watched as I tipped my head back, a loud whine escaping my mouth as i  came all over him. He let out a low moan and held onto me tightly as he felt you shudder against him. 
i tried catching my breath as i come down from my high  
Suna chuckled at the sight of my thighs shaking, clearly enjoying the aftermath of the pleasure. He looked up at me and spoke in a low tone. 
"You look so beautiful when you're all breathless and shaky like this, babe. 
Suns looked at you with a sly expression. He then, moved his hands to my thighs and spoke in a low, seductive tone. 
"You're still so sensitive, aren't you, babe?" 
I nodded my head. There was a messy of mine and Suna's slick all over me, him and our couch 
Suna chuckled and looked around, taking in the sight of the mess the two of us had made. He looked at me and spoke in a low, teasing tone. 
"Looks like we made a bit of a mess, huh, babe?" 
“I feel sticky” 
Suna chuckled again and smirked at my words. He then, looked at me with a sly expression and placed his hands on my hips, his touch firm and steady. 
"Yeah, you are a bit sticky, aren't you, babe?" 
I Still feel full of his release as he kept himself inside me 
Suna chuckled and looked at me, his eyes locking on mine. He looked back down between you and him and spoke in a low, seductive tone. 
"Is it uncomfortable for you, babe?” 
“I’m sensitive” 
I pout and hop of his lap and sigh when he’s member slipped out of me and some Cum leaking from my hole.  
Suna chuckled as he felt himself slip out of me and looked up as i hopped off his lap. He then, smirked at my pout and spoke in a low, teasing tone. 
"Aw, are you sensitive now, love?" 
“Help me to the shower” i say while pouting 
Suna chuckled and smiled at my pout before getting up from the couch. He then, held out his hand for me to take and spoke in a playful tone. 
"Alright, come here, babe. Let me help you to the shower." 
i tried to get up but my thighs shook too much 
Suna chuckled again as he watches me try to get up, my thighs shaking too much from the aftermath of my pleasure. He then stepped closer to me and scooped you up in his arms, holding me against his chest. 
"Looks like your legs are still a bit wobbly, huh, babe?" 
I nodded as I let him carry me to the shower 
Suna chuckled as he felt me nod, clearly enjoying how dependent i am on him. He carried me to the bathroom, still holding me tightly in his arms. 
"Don't worry, I've got you, babe." 
I nodded as I leaned on this chest. He opened the bathroom door and sat me down on the toilet seat as he started the bath. Once Suna’s found the right temperature, he picked me up, and sat me down in the bath. 
He grabbed his shampoo and lathered that in my hair and washed it out, he repeated the same processes with his conditioner.  
He grabbed a wash rag and put some of his bodywash on it and washed the Cum from between my legs causing me to yelp and jump a little.  
“I'm sorry” I heard Suna speak in a soft voice. I smiled back at him after he got done cleaning me up. He got a towel and drained the water; he picked me up out of the water and sat me down on the counter and wrapped the towel around my body as he started to brush my teeth.  
“spit” I listened to his command and spat the toothpaste into the sink. “I'll be back, I'm going to get you clothes” I nodded my head and I swung my feet lightly as I tug the towel close to my body. Suna came back with his sweatpants and shirt. He took the towel off of me and slipped the sweatpants on me and puts the shirt over my head and lets me slip my arms into the holes. 
He picked me up and brought us to our bedroom. He placed me down on the bed and put a blanket on me, “I have to change my pants” I nodded and let him kiss my forehead as he walked to the dresser and changed his pants and took off his shirt. He slid into the covers and fell asleep cuddling me. 
The next day, me and Suna got teased for the hickeys that littered our necks. We walked into class and those girls never spoke or looked at Suna, making me happy that they learned their place. 
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i spent 2 hours making this story so i hope you like it! This is also the first time i wrote smut so i'm sorry if it's shitty
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