#this isn't a reaction to anything that happened recently
germiyahu · 4 months
There's something heinously ironic that so many SJP types attack Hillel chapters on campuses and slander them as breeding grounds of Zionist indoctrination and racism. The conspiracy that Hillel chapters must be secret Hasbara Fascist propaganda centers.
To see the great Sage's name besmirched when he is the reason Jews are so tolerant, compassionate, empathetic, open to debate and new ideas... I mean how many of my fellow goyim even knew who Hillel was before we started to convert? So I don't expect them to get it. But now that I do know, the irony is not lost on me.
Imagine Shammai had bested Hillel in their epic rivalry, how dogmatic and rigid Judaism might be today, and all of world history would probably be different. Like honestly, none of us would be here if you think about it. But what people accuse Jewish college students of secretly believing and plotting and planning... that would fit more into Shammai's worldview than Hillel's, and even then I feel that's a big disservice to Shammai.
Anyway, attacking Hillel chapters, as I see it, is more of this "Lol attention everyone here be ~liberal Zionists~ who pretend to care about human rights while secretly cheering at every dead Palestinian!" nonsense, and it plays into the "Jews were supposed to be the Leftist Religion," narrative as well.
They hate that there are active proud visibly Jewish groups on campuses who are committed to learning and liberal arts and all that jazz. They hate to see Jews inhabit the same spaces they do, dare to identify with their politics and academic values, but still stubbornly cling to a unique Jewish identity. What frauds. They must be fundraising for the IDF! They must be manufacturing Skunk for secret Mossad plants to throw at JVP demonstrators!
Holocaust victims were creating minyanim with trees and you think having your little die-ins at the entrances of Hillel meetings will deter Jews from meeting and celebrate being Jewish? You poor fools.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 4 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice
VA! MC x OM! Characters
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"Hey Levi, any new game recommendations for me? I just finished the last lot of books Satan suggested." You asked, plopping down your head on his shoulder to look at his screen.
"M-MC! You have to warn me before you do such things!" He muttered, his ears turning red as he scrolled some webpages pages for you. "But okay yeah these are the new games that are out recently... see anything you like?"
"Oh my God! It's out it's out!" You pointed excitedly at the screen. "Pretty Little Things is out! Finally!! I was dying to tell you all about it!"
Levi visibly stiffened up. "You-you were waiting for this particular game to come out? Are you sure it's not another game with a similar sounding name?"
"Nah uh this is the exact same one. Look up the list of voice actors in this game!"
"Yes! This was the new part-time job I couldn't tell you about since it was still in production! Im so glad you can just play it now!"
"...it's uh ready for download on all platforms already...so which character did voice?"
"Oh spoiler alert, my character is the only one that doesn't have a name, you have assign me one, the same way you name yourself. They even designed the characters to resemble all the VA's and add in some of their personalities, isn't that sweet?"
"Hahaha y-yeah definitely sweet! I'll be sure to check it out soon!"
"Great! Lemme know what you think of the game okay?!" You squeezed him in a small hug before you left.
Later in the Demon Brothers only group chat:
Asmo: OMG are they OKAY?? Should I go check up on them in their room!?!
Satan: I'm already on my way.
Belphie: Is MC hurt in anyway?
Beel: Did they pass out from hunger?! I can bring them emergency snacks right away
Lucifer: Can you lot not lose your minds everytime MC is mentioned? Pathetic. Levi, calm down and tell us what's wrong.
Beel: But Lucifer I just saw you hurrying up the stairs to MC's room too...
Satan: Typical Lucifer. By the way, MC is perfectly fine, happy even. Levi what are you on about?
Mammon: Yeah MC can't stop smiling! It's a good thing that happened, you idiot! Why would you scare us like that?
Asmo: Omg apparently MC voice acted in a new game! Levi I need you to download it for me ASAP please!
Beel: Me too, please.
Belphie: Me three.
Lucifer: I've already done it, you all can do it yourselves if you could do your own work for once.
Satan: Oh shut up, MC just did it for you right now as they did it for me.
Levi: It's a Dating Simulator. With multiple H-rated DLC endings. And MC is one of the dateables.
Levi: Hello?!! Did you guys not see my message?!
Levi: Seriously no reaction?! You guys aren't freaked out by this?!?
Beel: I just heard several doors opening and closing at once.
Asmo: Oh come Levi, I think you already know what our reaction is Levi ♥️ How can we possibly hold in our excitement after such a news!?
Levi: Are you all downloading the game together?!!! Y'all are hogging the bandwidth too much, my download speed has gone way down!!
Simeon: Hey
Simeon: I heard some demons in a cafe, raving about a game where MC plays one of the main characters?
Solomon: Indeed MC just sent us all a link right now.
Simeon: Oh is that so? I'll get Luke to help me download it after he's done with his.
Levi: Luke is playing it too?! I don't think it's appropriate given it's certain hidden endings!!
Barbatos: MC already made sure of it. He only has access to the sibling and friendship routes. It's a special version they added for all ages.
Diavolo: It already has downloads in the ten thousands. I'm really glad to see how MC is beloved by Devildom.
Levi: Are NONE of you affected by the fact that there are erotic routes with MC's VOICE?!!
Solomon: Oh I personally cannot wait hear my adorable apprentice's performance.
Barbatos: Ahem. I'd rather not comment on it.
Simeon: Same.
Diavolo: Same.
Levi: Sigh. We really are just a helpless lot at the mercy of MC.
To be continued...
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luveline · 7 months
i have a request idea! maybe aaron x reader where the reader is bullied/ being maltreated by her roommates like that one remus headcanon you filled? i love protective hotch but i get it if you don’t think this goes with him! your fics give me sm comfort thank you for writing them <3
thank you my love. fem, 1.5k
cw bullying/ unfriendly roommates
You can't believe it's Aaron's car. No way is his timing this bad. There's just no way he's home from a case, that he's chosen to visit without calling first, today. Right now. 
He's out of the car before you've so much as wiped your cheeks dry. You've never seen him park that fast. 
"What are you doing out here?" he asks, looking you up and down. "Let me help you up, sweetheart." 
Sweetheart so soon after seeing you —you must look terrible. You take his hand and stand up off of the floor, unperturbed as he brushes down your butt and thighs. 
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" he asks, soft, "It's wet, honey, you're crying– What's wrong?" 
You remember suddenly that you have someone on your side. Shaking, you tuck your arms under his and cross them behind his back, the fabric of his suit jacket familiar under your trembling fingers. You feel like a kid again at the mercy of other people's cruelty, but this hasn't been something you could run away from. The meanness takes root at home. But now Aaron's here and he's holding you, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head delicately, his voice a murmur as he reassures you, "It's alright." He presses his cheek to the plane just adjacent to your eye. "Honey, please don't cry." 
"They smashed my vase," you say into his chest. 
"My roommates, Aaron, they don't– don't like me." The vase was a gift. Special to you, irreplaceable, you've brought it safely from one place to another without ever having broken it. It was in the kitchen, housing your most recent bouquet of flowers from Aaron. "Macy said it fell over, but they were laughing, and they said the same thing about my bag, my– my sketchbook. They keep ruining my things, they throw away my food, and they laugh at me all the time, even when I'm not doing anything. I know they are."  
The laughing is honestly the worst part. Like your reaction isn't even worth considering, it doesn't bother them that you're upset, they just giggle and tell you to feel better. Sometimes they apologise like it wasn't them. Sorry about that, maybe don't leave it somewhere it could get ruined? with a smile that hardly counts as sympathetic. 
"How long has this been happening?" he asks. 
Months. "Since we met, at least." 
Aaron makes a noise you don't understand. You wait for him to say more, but he only rubs your back diligently for a time before ushering you into the car. A bag of takeout has gone cold in the passenger seat, the backseat busy with his go bag and a new bouquet. He's very, very good to you. 
In the car, he reaches across the console to fret over you, stroking your damp cheeks and rubbing your shoulders. You feel as though all your energy has been stolen. All you can do is lean into his hand as he wipes away your quiet tears. 
Hotch watches you cry in his passenger seat and feels pretty angry. It's not often like him to turn to anger when the people he cares about are upset. He's more of a problem solver. But when it's as bad as it is now, he doesn't bother restraining himself. 
He knew there was something about your roommates that you weren't telling him. Obviously, as the partner in the relationship who doesn't have roommates, Hotch hosts the majority of your 'sleepovers'. It's easier and awards more privacy most of the time, and honestly, he's not at the age where he's very interested in bumping into people on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He'd prefer to be home, and much prefer to have you there. 
He was wondering about asking you to move in, but there never seemed to be a good time, and right now your answer would likely be influenced by the insecurity of your home rather than true desire to live with him. He knows one day, he'll ask, and one day you'll say yes, (or he hopes), and so he keeps it in mind but otherwise proposes a temporary arrangement. 
"Let's go get some of your things and you can stay with me for a few days," he says. 
"Are you sure?" you ask. "What about Jack?" 
"He'll be happy for the company. Trust me." 
Hotch isn't shallow, but he likes being that little bit taller than you, and he's no brute, either, but he knows he's intimidating at times. He'd never use his position to scare private citizens in civilian disputes, but seeing the amusement in the eyes of your  roommates turn to nervous recognition when he follows in behind you makes his day. 
She's not alone, he thinks, putting his hand to your back. 
He might put their behaviour down to jealousy. Not so much that they wish they were with Hotch, there's hardly been any desire for him coming from either woman, but your happiness. You're a nice girl, a good girl, good in the sense that you don't need to knock others down to be happy. He treats you accordingly. 
He pointedly doesn't greet them as you show him the corridor down to your room. Your door is ajar, which he doesn't like, but you don't say anything about your things. 
"What do you need?" he asks.
"How long will I stay?" 
"However long you need to. If you want time to feel better while we manage this, or you need to move. I'm with you." He again thinks of the lack of a lock. "I'd say bring your valuables, honey. So nothing miraculously breaks." 
He ends up packing for you. He knows you well, and he's more than aware of what you'll need to survive for a week. What clothes, which pyjamas you favour, even your skincare. He has a career in identifying small details, but it's a better duty knowing you so well. He does that for fun. 
You stop by the door and turn into his side, hesitant to leave. He hates seeing you wilted, usually so bright. "They're talking about me." 
Your roommates are indeed whispering in the kitchen and Hotch would bet money that you're correct, but he doesn't want to encourage that line of thought. It could easily become a seed of doubt that leaves you anxious and paranoid. 
"I'd hope they were discussing their own bullying," he says. 
You rest your forehead on his arm. "What did I ever do to them?" 
"You're happy. You're grateful and loving, and some people can't stand it. They can't rope you into their misery," he guesses. "Have you considered the possibility that you're a bad roommate?" 
You laugh into his jacket reluctantly. "You know I'm not."
"Maybe you behave with me," he says, rubbing the top of your shoulder. Your laughter draws a silence in the kitchen. Hotch can't help himself. "Don't forget to turn your security camera on before we leave," he says, holding a finger over his lips. 
You smile. "Oh, I almost forgot about that." 
Your roommates aren't so full of cheer as you go. At least without a lock on the door, Hotch can be confident that his… bending of the truth will buy your possessions a few more days of safety. You don't have to tell your roommates that you're leaving, evidenced by your bags, but Hotch is feeling awful, and he says, "Do you have your bathing suit? Your passport's in the bag." 
"What is wrong with you?" you whisper through laughter as the door closes behind you both. "I had no idea you were this quick to tell lies." 
Hotch pulls your bag further up his arm to take your hand. "I wasn't lying about anything, your passport is in the bag, and I asked a question. If that question implies that you're about to have a fun weekend, that's coincidental." 
He doesn't want your roommates thinking they have any power over you. Not an inch of it. And he doesn't want you thinking that they do either, knee deep in plans for the forthcoming days. He's going to spoil you to death if he can, starting with a new vase for your waiting flowers, and a good squeeze on the way down to the car to prompt you into relaxing. 
"Sorry about all the fuss," you say. 
He kisses you twice. "Don't think of it that way." Rather boss-toned, he softens, "I'll deal with anything for you. I'm sorry they've been cruel." 
You exhale. He can tell from the tug of your eyebrows that it's partly for his benefit, and the more lax set of your shoulders that it's partly genuine as you brush it off. "Doesn't matter. Just an excuse to spend more time with you, yeah?" 
"Yes," he says immediately. "You're right, honey. Exactly right." Starting with one of his clumsy neck massages and a much more practised kiss, he thinks. 
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onnoffwrites · 2 months
After recent events, I ended up going back to the beginning to check things, because my first reaction will always be "wtf, this is shit, why would you do this" and my second reaction will always be "okay maybe that was a bit much, maybe he's not THAT bad, maybe has a good reason-
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Okay.. that doesn't rly mean anything, maybe she's just worried kaito found something he shouldn't-
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Okay.. okay this looks, well maybe he's just leaving some recordings in case kaito found something he shouldn't! It's not like they can hide it forever! The room is part of the house! Kaito lives in the house-
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Excuse me... What did .. what did you say...? Wha
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What do you mean "designed"?
What??? What do you MEAN "designed to open after 8 years"???
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I have been angry since April 12th and I've reached a point where I don't even know what to feel anymore I don't even know what to tell y'all.
Like, wow, omg, movie reveals. Other than family relations, the other thing isn't exactly anything new. We've all read Midnight Crow. We saw Kaitou Corbaeu. We've been in denial until finally reaching acceptance. For me at least. And then we spend a few years bargaining, bc surely there's a good reason kaitos not in the know. That kaito has to be KID. Surely there's a reason? Right?
At this point we don't even truly know if Jii is in the know and was acting as planned out by the parents or not. Or if he's just like kaito. Tricked, lied to, played for fools. At the very least ginzo doesn't know, so there's that. Not sure how much that would help kaito when he inevitably finds out. Because he will. The fact remains that it's quite suspicious that Jii just so happen to choose to don the KID outfit and become KID to draw out toichis murderers exactly 8 years after toichis death. EXACTLY the same amount of time that was set for that trap door portrait to open to kaito.
There's a lot of implications to think about
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
I hope it’s not too weird but can I request batfam a batbro!reader, older than Damian but younger then Tim that isn’t very emotional when it comes to death? Like they don’t understand why people are so hysterical over death. Maybe an animal died and they just go “oh they’re dead” like it was nothing.
Hope ur doing well, I’m projecting so much with this but I can’t wait to see what you do if you do. I love ur writing, can’t wait to read more 🫶
Alrighty then. Thanks for the encouragement.
Summary: (Y/N) is not really emotional about death. Bruce was a little bit worried.
Warnings: talk of death and it's elements, death of animals, this is just Bruce being worried and thinking about his son.
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Bruce knew that his kids have some problems expressing emotions. To almost all of them, death was a touchy subject. Bruce knew that better than everyone. But his second youngest son was a whole another case about it.
Why, I might hear you asking? Well, (Y/N) had no reactions to death. Bruce always waited for (Y/N) to get hit with the reality, but the reality and the aftermath didn't hit him. Never. Bruce understood that everyone grieves differently, that was in human nature. There isn't really a rulebook on how to grieve.
No human thought the same and no human grieved the same. But to Bruce, (Y/N) was a whole another case. He loved his son and when (Y/N)'s parents passed, he wasn't really sad. He was... fine.
Bruce waited for the aftermath to hit and he waited for (Y/N) to crumble and he was more than ready to help him and he was more than ready to catch him.
But the aftermath never really hit him. Bruce would be lying if he said that (Y/N) wasn't sad, but it wasn't a normal grieving behavior either. He was so worried that he asked Black Canary to talk to him about mourning and grieving.
Canary said that there was nothing wrong with (Y/N). She just told Bruce that he didn't grive in a normal way, but that wasn't any reason for concern. He wasn't a sociopath or a psychopath.
Bruce could breath a little bit easier. But sometimes (Y/N)'s calm demeanor was the thing that could get him in the most of trouble. It was just recently when a bird that Damian was caring for passed away.
Damian was sad and the rest of the brothers were sad too so they decided to bury the bird in the yard. Everyone made little speeches, expect (Y/N). He didn't see the point. It was just an animal. Everyone was emotional in their own way, expect for (Y/N).
" (Y/N)? Anything you want to say? " Bruce prompted, putting his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
" I don't have anything to say. The animal is dead. That's all. " (Y/N) said, looking down at the tiniest coffin that he has ever seen. Damian fumed. If it weren't for Dick, Damian would have lunged at (Y/N).
Bruce could only sigh and lead (Y/N) away as they were done with the ceremony. He really needed to talk with (Y/N) about being sensitive when it came to death. Sure, you don't have to cry, but still, have some empathy for those who are suffering.
" But Bruce, I don't understand why people are so emotional about death. I mean, it happens. It's a natural process. We are all slowly going towards our deaths. " (Y/N) said after the talk he had with Bruce.
" I know. But people have different approaches to death. Some grieve openly, some in private, but one thing they have in common is that they are all in pain. Animal or a human. " Bruce explained to his son.
" I should apologize to Damian then. " (Y/N) declared, standing up. If Damian doesn't try to kill him first. It was 50/50.
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commander-revan · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot lately about how Dabi feels post dance and the Paranormal Liberation War in regards to losing Twice and Compress all in the same day.
Obviously he's ecstatic that he finally got to reveal himself, got to see his father face the consequences of his neglect, and tell the whole world about what a piece of shit the Number One hero is to his own family.
But after those scenes, despite all the recent promotional art of him smiling, he doesn't actually seem happy. In some cases it even seems like he's doing worse mentally.
We missed out on a lot in not getting to see how the remaining League members feel immediately after that battle. We don't even get to see Shigaraki acknowledge losing Twice and Compress, if he even knows what happened to them with AFO trying to take him over.
All we really get are these panels when AFO is breaking other villains out of prisons around Japan. And he and Spinner just look so exhausted.
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Dabi is clearly upset about losing Twice given his confrontation with Hawks, but after that we don't see him talk about it at all. We do see him with this look when Compress brings up that he believes Twice died, but Dabi doesn't even mention that he was there with him in his final moments.
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He just immediately switches gears and decides to focus all of his energy into hunting down Endeavor, kickstarting his plans for revenge much earlier than he expected.
The only other time we see him mention Twice is this moment with Toga (this scene is also the only time we see him smile post reveal and before the war).
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We get even less when it comes to Mr. Compress, even though Dabi seemed the closest to him out of everyone in the League. Nothing gets said at all about him. Compress helps Dabi escape and tucks him away with Spinner before he sacrifices himself for them. But I don't think Dabi knew what Compress was really doing, that he wouldn't be coming back with them.
I also don't think the world had the reaction Dabi was hoping for after releasing his reveal video. Sure some people lost faith, and there was a press conference, but ultimately Endeavor didn't face any consequences. It confirmed what Dabi already knew, that nobody cares and heroes will continue to get away with anything in this society.
After this, in the few scenes he's in before the war, he just has blank stares.
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Or he's annoyed that AFO isn't letting him go after Endeavor immediately.
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He doesn't care about taking down the world, or AFO's plans, he's just impatient to kill his father and ultimately himself. Like Shoto said, he's been ready to die from the start. And I think losing the people he was closest to in the League only exacerbated his fatalistic mindset.
With Twice dead, Compress in prison, Shigaraki being possessed, and with what happened to Spinner, it's really just him and Toga left. He doesn't have a reason to really stick around for anyone anymore.
Which just makes me wonder if he blames himself. He's the one who brought Hawks in after all. If it wasn't for that, Twice and Compress might still be around, they might still have their base, their army. They lost everything, and he's partially to blame.
He's been deemed a failure since he was a child, by Endeavor, by AFO after his three-year coma. And then he failed in protecting the League, in judging how much of a threat Hawks actually was. He only brought Hawks in once they had formed the PLF. He thought with numbers behind them Hawks couldn't touch them when/if he turned on them. And he definitely didn't think that Hawks would actually kill anyone. But he was wrong.
In the end, he got exactly what he wanted, but I don't think he ever expected that the League would pay the price for it. Along with everything with his family, he might think that he deserves to die for what happened. For failing the people closest to him one last time.
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earthstellar · 4 months
Brave Bang Bravern!: A Review for Transformers Fans
I've seen so much about this on my dash that I had to give it a try, and I gotta say, as someone who hasn't watched any new anime series since around 2008 at the most recent and I also hate the fucking military, this is a pretty good show.
THERE WILL BE SOME MILD SPOILERS. Nothing major. I'm not gonna spoil anything critical or mention characters that are introduced later etc. At of time of writing, only 6 episodes have been released.
Understanding Genre: The Trailer is A Lie
Now, while there is a trailer here, I want you to largely disregard it.
Why is that? Well, we need to talk about the "big two" robot show genres in Japan, which are as follows:
Real Robot -- This refers to a typically military setting or other serious setting, in which robots are handled as realistically as possible in terms of how they work and how they are applied. There tend to be less individual/sentient robots and more "suit" type mechs right along side human-made, more realistic machinery and mech designs, although that isn't entirely unique to this genre. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/action outside of Japan.
Super Robot (THIS IS THE SHIT TRANSFORMERS FANS GENERALLY WANT) --Essentially borderline seemingly magical robots with their own rules and in universe backstory for how they work, which isn't necessarily tied to realism. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/fantasy or space fantasy outside of Japan, since a lot of these tend to be space robots. They can be "driven" by pilots or just straight up sentient robots who are vibing with some human companions, although it's not exclusively that. It can be both, it can be neither, but no matter what, Super Robot shows are less about strict realism and more about really cool shit with robots that are basically their own people and exist according to their own rules.
Now, the trailer for BBBB (the acronym for the show is based on the Japanese title, which is Bang Brave Bang Bravern) is a COMPLETE FUCKING LIE.
It wants you to think this is going to be some dumbass GI Joe shit.
While there are elements of dumbass GI Joe shit, this is largely just to set up the premise for why shit is happening in the first place, and to help introduce the main threat (alien space creatures with fucking light beam lasers) as well as bring in our main characters under the premise of everyone having to work together to address this alien threat to Earth.
What we care about here amongst Transformers freaks is gay space robots, and this show delivers.
Getting Into Bravern: First Episode, Mild Plot Spoiler Summary
It wants you to think this is a Real Robot show.
The first episode sets things up as though it will be a Real Robot show.
There is a threat to Earth, a mystery space alien mechanical enemy, and nobody knows what the fuck to do. A military exercise between multiple nations using Titanostriders (which look very much like Shiro Masamune Appleseed-style mechs, human made in nature) to practice battle drills who are now instructed to swap over to real ammunition and go to fucking town.
Nobody knows how to do that.
They're skilled with the Titanostriders, sure, but it turns into a shit show. The alien mechanical enemies are using fucking space laser shit, it's a disaster---
--And then Bravern drops in from the fucking sky and it IMMEDIATELY TURNS INTO A SUPER ROBOT SHOW.
There's a "get in the robot, Shiji" moment where one of the Titanostrider operators, Isami Ao, is encouraged by Bravern to get inside of him.
He does. And immediately has no idea what the fuck is going on, Bravern is largely in control, and starts to blast his own theme song inside his cockpit as diegetic music while Isami is generally losing his shit, as one might do.
Humanity's reaction to Bravern is Real Robot genre type, where it is handled seriously by all the characters and organisations involved in universe, however Bravern is very much a Super Robot genre character who brings more of a Super Robot energy to the show at large.
The serious elements are mostly balanced by how fucking silly Bravern is, and there are some excellent moments in this show (currently only 6 episodes have been released) which make it entirely worth a watch.
Fun Things About Bravern Himself
Braven is very, very, very gay for his pilot.
Chances are, you've seen the screenshots of some of these moments on Tumblr already, but the delivery of these lines is magnificent.
Bravern sings his own theme song. It's the voice actor for Bravern doing the vocals, and the song itself is reminiscent of 1970s orchestrated big band energy mecha themes. For Transformers fans, it has a very Transformers Victory theme kind of vibe to it.
You gotta hear it, it fucking rules. The album cover shows Bravern holding a giant microphone.
Bravern is generally light hearted, doing his best to motivate his pilot while not hesitating to enter the action and try to defend humanity.
Now, why does Bravern care about humans so much? We don't know, but we'll talk about some mysteries in a later section below.
He is surprisingly insightful at times, while also fucking around and enjoying himself. (You may have seen screenshots going around Tumblr of Bravern with a loop of hot dogs strung around one of his chevron points on his forehead. This follows a scene in which he wants his pilot to take a break and associate with his peers for once, as a way to relieve stress. So they go to a bar, it turns out reception is positive and someone even brings weenies out for Bravern since he's too big to fit inside, lol.)
Generally, he's a very interesting mech, because we have so little information about him. He's fun, and clearly vibing, but he's also borderline if not outright obsessed with his pilot and has unknown origins, which has lead to some darker interpretations and audience discussion.
A lot of people have compared Bravern's energy to Rodimus, and generally I would agree with that. He has his high-energy silly moments, and his more serious personal moments (primarily with Isami, but also with Smith), and I think these aspects of his character work well to create a fun mech with the potential to be deep in a believable and effective way, with an equal capacity for being a doofus.
Bravern is obviously the number one reason to watch the show for most people, and I would say that if you're purely here for a giant gay space robot, then this is going to be a decent watch.
The Military Sucks: There Are Militaries Involved Yet Somehow This Is Still Watchable
I hate the fucking military, so at least the military here is depicted in an acceptable way (so far, at least). In episode 2, they waterboard Isami to interrogate him for information he doesn't have regarding Bravern, which is a realistically shitty and awful thing for the military to do-- They don't sugarcoat how fucked up the military is. These people very much have the capacity to harm their own staff, and they will do so if it means they might get an edge over the enemy.
At the same time, the actual characters in the military are depicted as primarily doing this shit out of a genuine personal desire to defeat these horrendously destructive space entities, which have attacked at least some of their home towns and home countries, so it's more personal rather than purely being a military directive that people are being forced to follow.
In this way, it's not really realistic, but everyone is on board for their own largely humanitarian aid type of reasons (there is a mission which is basically just locating survivors of an attack and then getting the fuck out) which makes the military context feel less oppressive and shitty.
Part of why this is more OK than other military depictions is because the military forces involved here are international (collaborating to defeat a global threat rather than kill each other's civilians) and because the military is clearly losing this war.
Because it's an international effort, this brings more diversity to the show-- There's a surprising amount of English interspersed between dialogue in Japanese here and there, and the military board consists of representatives from multiple nations, including some Germans who at first believe Bravern is some kind of secret American operation, lmao.
Bravern calls the military out on its shit, and essentially tells the military board to stop with the suspicious infighting bullshit and drop the internal tension because otherwise they'll all die to this mechanical nightmare creature threat.
They actually listen, which means this is an unrealistic portrayal of the military, lmao. I think they struck a good balance so far between showing that the military sucks and has problems, while also making sure that you're not really cheering for any given military force, but rather, you cheer for individual characters who just happen to be stuck doing this military shit as a premise for anything to be going on in the show at all.
So it's not the worst when it comes to the military shit; At least so far, it's watchable, which as someone who passionately hates the fucking military, is surprising to me.
It's less GI Joe and more "we just needed a reason for these characters to be involved in this situation".
Of course, your mileage may vary, but personally I found it easy to tune out or just skip through any military shit that got grating and I didn't miss anything important by doing so. At the very least, you can skip around and ignore a lot of this stuff and get right to the gay robot if that's all you want to do. It becomes clear pretty quickly what's going on if you skip around a bit, so no worries there.
Fun Speculation: What is Bravern?
Only 6 episodes are out at the moment, so there's tons of shit we don't know yet.
Bravern has a notable resemblance to a type of enemy in the show, called a Death-Drive.
Death-Drives are mecha who are distinct from the "minion" type enemies (which almost resemble flying saucers with laser gun arms and light shields), and have their own unique character designs and names.
Why these things are here, how they are here, why they are interested in Earth, and everything else is currently unknown.
Bravern looks like he could possibly be of the same mechanical species, although we don't know if that's true (yet). He has abilities that the other mecha don't seem to have, but how far this goes and what it might mean is not yet clear.
Bravern also seems to have knowledge of human media (he references The Abyss at one point and he likes 3D printing figures of sentai show characters lmao), and was immediately able to speak to the humans using language they would understand, so it's unclear if Bravern may have been studying Earth for some time before his arrival or why.
He is obsessed with his pilot and cares for him so much that he extends some care towards others purely based on their relation to Isami as co-workers; Why? What makes Isami special?
How does Bravern know seemingly every human language? How does his piloting system work? How similar is he to the Death-Drives-- Are organic beings critical to them in some way? If so, why are the other mechs killing so many of us? (These are big questions especially by the end of episode 6, due to some spoilers and a spoiler character who shows up later.)
We know little to nothing about a lot of the key elements of the show, including any motivations for the Death-Drives or what they are, what's up with the fucking UFO looking laser things, etc.
There's more to speculate on, but that would be getting into deeper spoiler territory so I'm gonna hold back on that for now.
Summary: It's Gay and Cool and Has Interesting Ideas
Bravern's not the sole source of gay vibes in this show, but it's fun that he is also a source of gay vibes in this show.
The designs are great, the Titanostriders remind me of Appleseed style mechanical suit designs which is nice, the Death-Drives are super interesting, Bravern is fucking fabulous but he's not too goofy to take seriously, and the military is unfortunately present but it's clear that they suck and are generally losing (and since the conflict is not between different groups of humans but rather is about human collaboration to defeat a non-human shared threat to our entire planet, this goes a long way to make the military shit tolerable).
It pretends to be a Real Robot show but has so much Super Robot show sprinkled in that you might as well consider it a little bit of both which the show balances pretty well.
I haven't watched an anime since around 2008 at the very latest, so I don't know how this might compare to any other robot animes since then and I am certainly not an anime expert by any means LOL, but this has been a fun show to watch so far.
It does have its problems, of course, but if you can get past the setup for the first episode (when it's still pretending to be a Real Robot show), from the moment Bravern arrives towards the end of that first episode, the show gains momentum and starts to get interesting very quickly.
It has some issues. But we're only 6 episodes in, so at the moment, they have plenty of time to potentially address those issues and we'll see where things go.
I'd recommend it if you want to give it a try!
I think there's enough here to appeal to the usual Transformers crowd and you might end up liking it, or at least having fun while watching it in the background.
If you end up wanting to to tap out then no worries-- I think it's worth giving it a shot and if it's not your thing, no problem.
Each episode is around 25 - 30 minutes, so while the first episode might feel like a slog to get through because fuck the military, once Bravern shows up the show actually gets started and I wouldn't blame anyone for just skipping to that point in the first episode and going from there, because there's nothing in that opening that you won't be reminded of or be able to figure out. It mostly just sets up the intro to the human characters and the collaboration training session, introduces the Titanostriders as a thing, and you can always go back and watch that part later if you want to.
All in all, pretty decent! Obviously we're Transformers people so we're here for the robots, and the robots are interesting and fun, and that's all I need to have a good time.
Hopefully this was a useful summary if you're interested or have seen Bravern stuff on your dash! :)
Thanks for reading!
BONUS: I forgot to mention this somehow, but there's a lot of overlap between Transformers and other Brave shows involving actual Transformers re-used in Japan for these shows; There's a good video about it here on YouTube which explains some of this, but if anyone's wondering, yes Bravern has a grounder alt-mode and it's pretty cool. Will we get a transforming Bravern figure??? We can hope!
There's another video here which mentions some of the Transformers elements in other Brave shows/Yuusha, which might be interesting for those of you who are unaware. :)
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I just found your account, and I love your writing especially the ones with Geto!! (I love that man!!)I do apologize for asking but do think you would ever write more of chubby reader Geto? Especially the one where chubby darling is trying to make herself useful in his temple? I love that one especially!
I actually wanted to write a fic for that prompt for a LONG time but i never found the strength to finish it, so allow me to expand upon chubby reader who works in Geto's temple 💕
CW: chubby fem reader, non-sorcerer reader, Geto refers to reader as a "monkey" once, allusion to suicide, bullying, the twins are around 10-12 yrs old, smut (mostly implied)
Let's start by saying that you're nothing special. You are not the type of girl that Geto would see himself with. It would take a miracle for him to fall for someone like you.
And yet, miracles happen every day, don't they?
Your family has acquired some debt. They have been paying Geto to exorcise curses for them, and he has always delivered, but they have run low on funds and there's still a nasty curse to take care of. They beg and plead with him to remove it, but he refuses to lift a finger until they bring him a hefty donation again.
That's where you come in.
You can't see or sense curses, but you've felt their effects, dealing with the repurcussions of your family's awful attitude. This latest curse is the worst of them all, feeding off of every negative thing your family spews, weighing you down with their toxic energy. You'd do anything to get rid of it, to finally know peace again.
So you offer a trade. You promise to provide your services to the sorceror if he exorcises this curse for you and your family.
Geto ponders this deal for a while. He believes that monkeys are only good for providing curses or money, so he doesn't see the appeal of you at first. But then he remembers that he recently disposed of his maid because the twins disliked her, so he decides to make the deal. He will dispose of the curse if you act as his maid, cooking, cleaning, the works.
You have no other choice, so you accept.
The work itself isn't hard. Dusting, sweeping, mopping, polishing. You cook breakfast and dinner, lunch if requested. You're starting to get callouses from the work, but that's the least of your worries.
The twins hate you. You don't expect them to like a non-sorcerer like you, but they're cruel without reason. They tip over your mop bucket and run off laughing, they leave worms in your bed, they once took scissors to your hair and cut a piece off. They are awful, but you know you can't fight back. You have to take the high road, be the bigger person, endure their hatred so you can get by. If you step out of line, Geto will kill you without hesitation, you know this for a fact. So, you don't fight back. You show no reaction. You pray they get bored of you before you jump off the roof of the temple. At least then you would find peace.
The girls get into a fight one day. Nanako ripped Mimiko's doll as payback and now the both of them are sobbing and yelling at each other. You think it's karma for how they've treated you.
And yet, you take the high road once more.
You separate the girls first, sending Mimi to the kitchen and Nana to the living room. You quietly sew and mend Mimiko's doll, eyes watching you as you did so. Once the doll was fixed, you coaxed Nanako to take the doll to her sister and apologize. Surprisingly, she did so, and the girls hugged. They went on their merry way, not hurling insults at you for once. You go back to your chores.
The girls ask, no, demand lunch a few days later. You comply, making onigiri and cutting fruit into fun shapes, adding a cookie for dessert. The girls coo about the hearts and stars on their plates before digging in. They take their plates to the sink when they're finished and linger for a moment, staring at you. You ask what's wrong, but they scamper off before you can get an answer. You wash the dishes in silence.
Nanako falls and scrapes her knee on a rock. The other workers are shocked still, terrified of what Geto will do now that one of his precious girls has been injured, but you don't fret. You take action, bringing the young girl inside, grabbing a first aid kit, tending to her small wound. You clean it, apply a bandage. She requests a kiss to make it better, so you comply, pressing your lips gently against the bandage. She seems satisfied, getting up and running off with her sister again, throwing back a "thank you" as she does. You're surprised at her gratitude, but you think little of it.
You become a beacon of sorts. The other workers saw how well you handled Nanako's wound, and now they come to you whenever they don't know how to handle the twins. The girls are fighting? You are retrieved to break it up. They want lunch? You're always the one who makes it. They're getting ready for bed? You are now the one who ensures they brush their teeth, tucking them into bed before Geto bids them goodnight. You don't think much of your new role, chalking it up to just being a new part of your job that you have to take care of.
It's not until they call you "Mom" that you look at your role differently.
Mimiko calls you "Mom" first, after she finishes her lunch and puts her plate in the sink.
"Mom, I want a cookie."
You pause, frozen, processing what she said.
"Um... what do you say when you want something?" The young girl rolls her eyes.
"May I please have a cookie?" You smile softly at her compliance.
"Yes, you may." You take down the cookie jar, pulling out two and handing them to Mimiko. "Take one to your sister."
"Okay!" And she's off, leaving you to think about your new label.
Later that night, when you're tucking the girls into bed...
"Goodnight, Mom," Mimiko mumbles from below her sheets. You pause at the door, hand on the handle.
"Night, Mom," Nanako speaks up, hiding her face with her comforter. You swallow, inhaling deep.
"Goodnight, girls. Sleep tight."
You hesitantly close the door, hearing it click softly. You sigh, turning around, running into someone.
It was Geto. He stared down at you silently, eyes boring into you. You quickly bowed, moving out of his way, gaze glued to the floor. He watches you for a moment before grabbing the door handle, pushing the door open. You hear the girls chirp with delight as the door closes. Once it clicks shut, you bolt out of there, not looking back.
You become a maternal figure for the girls, someone they look up to, someone they rely on. You take care of them daily, tending to their every whim, scolding them gently when needed. The girls begin to follow you, insisting that you play with them, that you give them time and attention. Other people start taking on your chores so that you can entertain the twins and keep the peace.
At the same time, Geto starts to notice you more.
He notices how the girls light up when they talk about you, how they ask for you at night to read another chapter in their book, how they cling to you whenever they have a free moment. He thinks it's silly for them to enjoy the presence of a non-sorcerer such as yourself. Of all the people to become attached to, why you? There were plenty of socerer women that wandered these halls, so why did they choose you? What was so special about you?
It bothers him for a bit, but ultimately he's just happy that his girls are happy. He even began to appreciate your presence, your maternal instincts allowing you to care for the twins better than anyone else could. He came to value having you around to give his girls the love and attention they lacked when they were so young.
But there were other perks to having you around. Geto found himself delighted whenever you smiled, silently hoping you could direct that smile towards him. He began speaking with you casually, enjoying the sound of your voice more and more with each conversation. And you were attractive, to say the least, bright and lovely. He savoured being able to see a pretty thing like you so often, your round cheeks, your glittering eyes, your delicate hands, your bountiful hips. His mind began to wander to your body during his little meetings, wondering how soft you were under that cheap, coarse uniform. He imagined how your thighs would squish as you sat or kneeled before him, gazing up at him, willing to take whatever he would give you.
That's when he started fantasizing about you in earnest. He started thinking about you late at night, about your plump frame and how it would feel under his fingers. He thought about your thighs warming the sides of his face, your ass bouncing as he thrust into your, your mouth forming a perfect 'O' as you came over and over again. He thought of all of this as his hand trailed down his body, wrapping around his cock and tugging it, groaning at the sensation. You'd be so much better than his hand, soft and warm and wet. He wanted to feel you, to brace you against him, make you all his. God, what he'd give for just a taste of you.
He does this for a while. He doesn't know how much longer he can go. Maybe he'll make you his personal maid, have you draw him a bath, make you massage his scalp as he soaks. Maybe he'll be forward and tell you exactly what he wants. Maybe he'll force you into his bed; people will do anything if they're threatened properly. Maybe he'll woo you with gifts, perhaps a few dresses, maybe even a kimono, something traditional to match him. He's not sure, there's so many options, he can't decide.
The girls want to go to an aquarium. They want you to come along.
Maybe he could court you properly.
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peachsayshi · 5 months
If you feel up to it could you pretty please do 68. Character A kissing the Character B and then pulling away because Character B’s too shocked to respond, but then Character B’s pulling them back in and kissing them hard with Nanamin?
➳  minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
⥽ notes: hi anon! I hope you enjoy this little drabble. thank you for being so patient regarding your request! I know I take a long time to fulfill them >.< tension; nanami and reader are best friends & nanami has a big fat crush on her; unrequited (ish); shy nanamin; jealous nanami
"what do you think?" you chirp, twirling in front of the mirror.
nanami swallows the lump in his throat, his cheeks burning like the surface of the sun as he takes in the slope of your curves hidden underneath the sinful black dress you are wearing which clings to your body like a second skin.
he sighs quietly and immediately drops his gaze towards the ground as he presses his thumb nervously into the palm of his hand.
"you look..." he answers but quickly clears his throat to even out the shakiness in his voice. he taps his foot anxiously, fidgeting in place as he remains seated on the edge of the bed. "you look beautiful..."
he tries to catch your reaction from underneath his golden eyelashes, but you are busy nitpicking at the straps clinging over your shoulders, and readjusting the fabric so it doesn't bunch up in odd places.
"you sure it isn't too..." you inquire, mindlessly running your hands along the outline of your figure which only makes your best friend twitch in his pants. "revealing?"
the blonde scratches the back of his head, unsure what to do with his hands since he can't keep still. he stands up from his seat to approach you, maintaining a friendly distance but is now taking you in fully as he meets your reflection in the mirror.
"you look great," he admits with a hint of frustration, "and you looked great in the last three dresses that you wore as well..."
he reads every thought that crosses your mind through the adorable expressions you make. but is it good enough? he catches, when you purse your lips to contemplate the dress again.
it's good enough for me, he replies in his head. you're perfect to me.
"I don't get why you're trying so hard," he mumbles with a hint of indignation,
"because you know long how I've waited for this..."
his stomach churns at the thought.
you've had a crush on that white haired idiot since high school. it was bad enough that nanami had to spend most of his teenage years listening to you "oh" and "ah" over him, but your interactions with satoru gojo were always few and far between. he didn't think he would have to worry about anything ever happening but recently you have both been working on missions together, and over the last couple of weeks nanami started noticing a little spark between you both.
it scared him.
your best friend has been in love with you for as long as he can remember. all his previous relationships ended after they met you (a fact he consciously kept a secret), because all his partners used to point out his extremely obvious feelings to his face.
he's tried to confess his feelings for you multiple times over the years, but circumstances got in his way.
nanami and you have a history. a history of ups and downs, of weaving your lives into each other as easily as the air your breathe. he's sat through conversations like this with you before, held back his tongue as he watched you casually date one person after the other, and was the shoulder you cried on when you went through your first real heartbreak.
but he's never felt threatened by the others before - at least, not in this way.
you didn't harbor feelings for them the way you did satoru gojo.
you quirk your brow at nanami through the reflection, "I'm putting myself out there," you remark teasingly, "who knows, I might even get lucky!"
the thought of his superior's hands all over you, picturing that smug mouth capturing your own makes nanami wince in disgust.
"you know I can't fucking stand the guy, right?" he pouts, the front of his brows furrowing with disappointment. "I thought we agreed that we would only see people that the other would approve of. unless my opinion no longer carries any weight..."
you spin on your heel to face him and chuckle adorably in a way that makes his chest tighten, and forcing a blush to kiss the tips of his cheekbones
"kento, you know I care about what you think, but you've never approved of any of the men that I've been interested in..." you retort, while casually placing your hand on his shoulder and giving him a squeeze.
"of course I didn't approve - none of them were good enough for you," he insists seriously, the tone of his voice puzzling you.
"oh?" you question with intrigue, taking a small step closer into his frame. "and who is suppose to be good enough for me then?"
his heart rapidly beats, making his chest rise and fall as he holds your stare. "I..." he mumbles, the heat on his face unbearable now, "I don't know...but it sure as hell wasn't them...and it especially isn't gojo..."
"lighten up," you reply, dropping your hand from his shoulder to playfully poke his rib. "you're getting all worked up for no reason..."
"you've had a thing for this guy for eight years..."
"so," he panics, "it's a big fucking deal to me."
your eyes widen in surprise. "but...why, it's...it's just a date-"
he shakes his head, tilting his chin down as he runs his fingers through the strands of his blonde locks.
"ken," you whisper under your breath, your face falling into concern. "what's going on? why are you so upset?"
when he doesn't reply you seal the gap of space, bringing both your hands to the fabric of his soft grey tee and squeezing the material.
"c'mon, talk to me," you nudge, "you know you can tell me anything."
he shakes his head again, bringing one hand to circle around your wrist as he seeks out comfort by tracing his finger on the back of your palm.
"I can't," he confesses, the depth of his voice sending a tremor down your spine.
"okay, now you're actually worrying me," you profess, tucking two fingers underneath his chin to tilt his face towards you.
nanami closes his eyes, "I don't..." he murmurs, "I don't want to ruin anything..."
"ruin?" you puff out in shock, even smiling uncomfortably at his odd statement. "ruin what exactly-"
he leans in then, submitting to his will to find your lips. he presses his mouth firmly but gently against your own, his hands searching for your waist as you melt into his touch. his heart sings when he tastes how sweet you truly are, sliding his tongue greedily along your own when he feels you part your lips. the kiss is so soft, it makes him spiral into a lustful haze but he pulls away hastily once he realizes that he's succumbed to his impulses.
nanami loosens his grip.
"shit," he hoarsley groans, "I'm...I'm so sorry..."
he glances back up to your shocked response, your body frozen in place.
"It's just...it's just that I saw how you pined for him," he mumbles, fighting with his mind to unravel his jumbled thoughts. "I saw how you pined for him, while....I was pining for you. "
the silence lingers uncomfortably.
"this...this isn't easy for me. telling you this...is hard because we are so close..." nanami exhales to steady his breath, "I don't want to screw us up," he acknowledges. "you mean so much to me, but...but I'm worried that loving you the way that I do is going to fuck things up between us, and I don't want to ruin what we have..."
your fingers lightly pull at his shirt - an indication that you are hanging on to every last vulnerable word.
"I love you. I always have, and I'm asking you, just this once, to please...reconsider..."
you simply blink, contemplating his words thoughtfully but to nanami's dismay you remain tight lipped.
"I know this seems out of the blue. I don't expect you to reciprocate and I don't want you to assume that I consider myself the right guy for you either. You deserve to be with someone who dotes on you, who returns your love tenfold..." the corner of his mouth pulls into a sad grin, as if he's accepted defeat. "I know he's the guy you always wanted, but...I'm just asking for one chance..."
he tries to inch away to give you some room, but you maintain your hold on his shirt as you tug him back in.
"I think," you dreamily sigh, "I think I need a little more convincing..."
you kiss him hard, with a feverish desire that you didn't even know existed until it was ignited by his own lips. nanami accepts the kiss eagerly, his arms locking around your waist, while your own circle his neck. you hold each other in a tight embrace, refusing to let the other go.
nanami stumbles back when you step forward, until the back of his calves hit the the frame of your bed and he finds himself collapsing onto the plush mattress. your body sinks on top of his, your legs straddling over his strong muscles as you continue to draw out the long, heated kiss. years of desperation manifesting through nibbles and gasps, with you both swallowing the sounds of your mutual desire.
when you finally pause to catch your breath, your bodies are intimately intertwined, your lips lingering over the other as your eyes finally meet.
so familiar.
so safe.
so very warm.
(requests are closed)
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Baby Daddy: Alimony
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TW: Toxic!Rafe. Smut. Language. Degrading language. Breeding kink. Dom!Rafe. Daddy kink. Choking kink. Blade play.
SUMMARY: You believe you've finally gotten a step ahead over your toxic baby daddy. Foolish you…
Anonymous asked
could there be a part 2 to baby daddy w rafe? 
He always had a way of winning. Poker. Business. His way into your sheets yet again. At least he had until lately. Excuses and appointments on your end had allowed you the chance to form some sort of dominance over your toxic situationship. And somehow beyond worry and former threats, your heels came to a click through his office on your most recent expression of altered submission. 
"Excuse me, you can't go in there-" His assistant called from behind her desk, desperate for you to obey or risk his wrath. For a moment, you couldn't help but wonder if she had been a replacement to some complaint her predecessor made against Rafe for misconduct. 
"Just a piece of advice…he's not worth the expensive perfume…" You explained as she blushed, the clear unbuttoned decolletage set in such a way to garner his focus as her intentions had been spoiled. Too much in shock to your audacity, you were allowed into his meeting without any further protest. 
"If we focus only on the west-" His words ceased immediately once his eyes fell to you. If not for the look of pride across your face, he would have believed that something happened to your shared offspring. For the absence of this, he simply tightened his jaw to wait for the reason for your presence. 
For the years he had bombarded you and infiltrated your life, you finally had the chance to return the unpleasant favor. Without a second thought, you set down the collection of bills before him with a glare of challenge cast in his direction. 
"If you weren't so busy buying expensive and inappropriate dinners for new assistants you'd know that you're three months late in alimony. Money needed to take care of your son." You spat as he didn't wear an expression of embarrassment, maybe awe, even arousal, but you hadn't been allowed the reaction you sought out. Because of this, you continued. 
"A lifestyle you demand he has. A private school. Expensive clothes and toys he'd be fine without. But since you won't let me raise him modestly…you pay for these…things I could without you…but you won't let me." 
"Excuse me, but this isn't the time or place to exercise your hormonal-" You narrowed your eyes towards the man who spoke against you. One Rafe told you enough about to offer a stain against his reputation amongst fellow colleagues. 
"How's your wife?" He cleared his throat before fixing his tie. 
"What does-"
"Does she know you have a proclivity for your assistant? Your male assistant-"
"Enough. My office. Five minutes." Rafe apologized on your behalf as you left the bills at your back before moving to his office. 
Set at the rim of the desk, your palms rested on the wooden edge as you were left in wait. Pictures of your son lay in pride on his desk along with one of you and him closer to his closed laptop. You couldn't help but feel warmth when on observation of the simpler time. A time before you really knew him and the poor excuse he had for a heart. 
"I've ruined men's lives for less than what you did…" 
"I'm not afraid of you, Rafe. I am tired of all of this…You dictate every aspect of my life with our son even though I am the one with him day in and day out. All of his doctor's appointments. Teaching him to read. Playdates. Sick days. When he broke his wrist last summer from being at the park with the nanny YOU were too busy eye-fucking to to notice!" He clenched his arms, your eyes drawn to the strain of fabric caused by his muscles. 
"So you're mad because I showed interest in someone else?"
"Are you really THAT much of a narcissist? Your son got hurt because you were reckless and put him as anything but a priority!"
He took a step closer to you, the entire collection of oxygen around you seemingly thinned as he drew a finger to his bottom lip. The signet ring on that leading finger forcing your focus to his lips. Those damn lips that held talent no man should be able to possess. The same talent that made you forgive him so many times before. At least long enough to give you both an orgasm. 
"I wasn't "eye-fucking" her-"
"I don't care what you call it Rafe, he got hurt because you were-"
"I was trying not to fuck you in the middle of that park in that goddamn sundress you know makes me hard enough to split you in half." He explained behind clenched teeth.
 "Looking at her was the only thing that kept me from looking at you. The only person I'll ever eye-fuck Because nobody compares to you. No matter how many girls I've tried to test that theory on…" He was now only a foot or so in front of you. 
"I told you you ever needed anything, you just ask. But you made a scene…" His hand was suddenly in the back of your hair. 
"So now you're going to make sure they hear what happens when you rival me." You were taken against the desk, palms forced at the surface. 
"Don't hurt my reputation, baby…scream for me like you always do and I might just let you come…" His hands were feverish and gluttonous to a competitive degree. Harsh but through as he reached within your house and directly beneath your bra. It took only one repressed moan and shuddering breath before he smirked at your cheek. He knew you wanted him. And he was shameless to broadcast the same need to you. 
A single scoff felt at your back and he pulled the straps to your shirt downwards until exposing your bra to him. 
"Now you didn't come here in my favorite bra just to talk…" You hesitated, unaware you had subconsciously dressed in his favored piece of lingerie. When you didn't respond, he turned you to face him, a letter opener set as a threat to your jaw. The life suddenly behind his eyes was frightening as it was only born from your fear. And yet, you were aware he wouldn't bring true harm to you. Not anymore than what he'd already done, anyhow. Your thighs aching at the thought of that very thing. 
"Anyone else were to talk to me like that and they would…" He paused. "Let's just say he wouldn't find it as pleasurable as I could make it for you…"
"I didn't come here for-"
"If your panties match this bra then you came here for exactly this." But as his hand rode into your pants, a violent unbuttoning of the closure and you gasped to the feeling of his fingertips against your naked clit. Not an ounce of fabric separating you. 
"No panties?" He scoffed. "Making it a bit too easy for me, baby…" He lowered the edge of the blade to your chest, teasing your nipple with its cold tip. First the left. Then the right. Circling it until lowering still. In the meantime, your breathing was sporadic to the crusade as your body shifted in accordance to the cold edge making contact. 
"Maybe it wasn't for you." You shot, some random surge of courage allowing you to rival him. 
"Don't ever say that shit to me again. YOU are for me. You can try to fuck anyone else and I promise you'll always be left wanting me. You know why, baby?" He suddenly took hold of the middle section of your bra to pull you closer to him. A gasp leaving your lips as he set the edge of the potential weapon to the fabric. 
"Because you love this." He sliced the fabric, exposing your breasts that he was quick to apprehend. But the blade continued lower until it teased the line of your parted jeans. 
"Guess I need to prove it." Lowering to his knees, he pulled your pants to your knees before drawing the blade at an angle so it didn't cut you. 
"One wrong move and you'll bleed for me…You know I don't mind ." His eyes flickered with mischief as you breathed sharply. The contact of the blade at your sex made you shift. 
"You ever let anyone know how sweet this is…" He explained while pulling the blade to his tongue, a single lick of your excess removed, and rolling his eyes to your familiar taste. 
"I'll fuck you with this very blade so you can only be with me." You tensed at the thought. It was a threat. Not some attempt to entice you with dirty words. And he meant it. Every ounce of predatory dominance was always exercised with that promise. But this was sharper. Deeper. A vow of sorts, spoke on his altar of domineering existence. 
"Every time I want to be sweet to you…you open that pretty little mouth and make me want to come in it instead…Making you cry and plead…But today, you made a fatal error, baby. And now you're gonna make it up to me." He rose back over you. 
"You know you belong on your knees here in my office."
"I'm not fucking you, Rafe." He smirked and nodded. 
"You're right. I'm fucking you-" Distracted by his words you were taken aback by the sudden lift of your leg over the desk and his cock penetrating you with a cruel eagerness. And yet, you cried out for him as you always had. Only to return to that familiar hesitance. 
"I don't want you on your knees looking up at me, because I always forgive you too quickly. I want you to earn it. For embarrassing me. So it's only fair I do the same to you." He was harsh with his focused touch, exercising your erogenous zones with fervor as you refrained from rewarding him with any sound. Instead, you held your breath to suppress those moans so desperate to be released. 
"You can try to fight it all you want, baby. But your body is telling me just how much you missed me. How sorry you are-'"
"I'm not-" He silenced you by turning you into his mouth. His left hand came around your cheek, pressing you deeper into him as his tongue wrapped around yours. 
"The more you fight it, the harder you're gonna come. You're edging yourself baby…doing my work for me…" He spoke against your lips as he continued to pump you against the desk. The gift of his successes shook before you until a specific statue came to the floor to break. He smirked, falling into the illusion of your submission as he loosened his grip on your hand. 
It was just the window needed as you pushed him away from you and took the letter opener in hand. 
"I'm not some toy to you anymore! You don't get to decide anything."
"You gonna stab me? Yeah?" He tried for you but you only cocked your jaw. 
"Knees, Rafe. " You surprised him. "Make me come on your desk like you used to…" You smirked as you played with the tip of the blade. 
"All over those contracts you used to get so made you'd have to print again…only to fuck me over the copier…counting each page out as punishment…"
"You think-"
"Your name might be on that door. The lease to my apartment. Even following our son's name. But you don't own me, Rafe. You don't decide where I go or who I see. When I come or with you. I want this for me. So knees. Or I'll leave right now and you won't-" He rushed against you, a kiss to your lips as he gathered your face between your palms. The letter opener, thrown across the floor, where it became lost to some bookshelf as you watched him pull away just slightly. 
"There's that fire…"
"Shut up and make me come." He smirked before taking his hand to your neck. In the attempt made to keep dominance, you could only wrap your hand around his wrist as he pulled you to him. 
"You're right…" His middle finger came to your sex. "I might now own you. God knows you have your own opinions. But I own your body. Your moans. Your orgasm. Even the denial you have after you regret giving in to me…again…"
A second finger set at a curve made you gasp in relief. 
"I own sex. With you. And I'll always make you mine. Make you come. Every time. And you show your ass like that again…I'll let them see it as I make it the darkest shade of red I can until you can't even sit." He scoffed. 
"How will you explain that to our son? Hmm? His mom's a whore who can't learn to keep her mouth shut but keeps her legs open for daddy? Mmm…I like the way that sounds…" 
He gripped your throat harder. "Call me it. I'll let you come. Just like you want. But call me it."
"Bastard." You shot as he kissed you sharply. 
"That's fine. I'll just take you how I want…" He pinned your back flat against the desk before thrust you down onto him. The fulfillment of his cock sending your eyes to an immediate roll as your back arched from his depth. 
"Not so dominant now with my cock deep enough to remind you how much you need it, yeah? Then fucking take it, baby…" Your fingers wrapped around the edge of the desk as he bowed into you. One harsh grasp to the back of your neck brought you into him as another held himself up from crushing you. It would only take until the third thrust before your reservation turned into the need for more as you wrapped yourself around him. Feet tied over his waist and your fingers pulling at his hair, he moaned into your kiss with approval. 
"I know you're about to. Think I need to be warned after how many times?"
"No…I…I want more…" He smirked, kissing you once more before pressing your calf into his chest and holding you tightly. 
"That enough for you, yeah? Feel me that deep inside of you?" He hit his hand on the surface of the desk beside you. 
"Answer me!"
"Oh my God…" You only kissed him, softening his anger, but not his passion. "You feel so good…fuck me, Rafe…" His eyes rolled to your command. 
"Daddy…" you teased directly into his ear before nibbling on the lobe beneath as he unleashed himself into you. The desk at a threat to break as it even cried out beneath you. But as you moaned shamelessly beneath him his hand came around your mouth. A slip allowed by losing himself in the greed of your lower lips. 
"I thought you wanted them to hear me…"
"Nobody gets to hear you come but me." He lifted you off of the desk and onto the couch across the way until you straddled him. Without the need for guidance, you began a lace of bouncing and clenching as his fingers ate sharply into your hips. 
"Yes!" He belted behind clenched teeth. "My girl never forgot how to ride me…" You diverted the grip over his shoulders into that of the fabric behind him as he corrected you back to his skin. 
"It will hurt you."
"I want you to." He confessed, allowing you a chance to read beyond the lines of your toxic relationship, where sex governed and compassion was sparse. But in this moment, he became gentle. If he could even be such a thing, this was the closest you'd ever seen him. 
"I don't want to hurt you."
"I do. I want you to. Because I want to hurt you…" He explained with tears in his eyes as you kissed him sweetly, surprising him. 
"Then hurt me." He clenched his jaw, turning you onto your knees before pulling you back to face him. A smack to your ass and a vice if s grip made you wince as he repeated it twice over. 
"Just say it once. You don't have to mean it…just say you're mine…"
"I'm yours, Rafe…So fuck me like it…" He pounded into you, your body pinned between him and the arm of the chair as only his hand through your hair pulled him back. 
"Yes!" You chorused. 
"Oh shit…" He moaned for you, the desperate groan making your eyes roll in approval. 
"I wanna fuck it so deep inside of you that you get pregnant again-" Your eyes shot open. 
"Just one more time…You let me use every part of you to come…you were more horny than I was…" You hesitated. 
"Yep…one more time…"
"Rafe, no-"
"Yes baby…you're gonna be so fucking good again…so beautiful, so full…tits so fuckable…"
"Raaaaafe!" You whimpered. "Please!"
"If you don't want it, are you you clenching so hard? Hmm? Why are you so close to coming for me?"
"Because you're so deep…"
"Deep enough for you to give me another baby…come on…take it baby…" he pulled you back against him. One arm wrapped as a sash as he used the other at your clit. 
"You can come…I know I am…"
"Oh fuck!"
"Good fucking girl…oh yeah…oh you want it…say it…say you want my cum…say it!"
"Ah! I want it! Cum inside me, Rafe!"
"Yeah? Why?"
He smiled as you faced him. "Oh…tell me before I come…I'm close…you're too fucking tight…"
"That's fine…you're still gonna take every drop…" he thrust violently into you, as you belted and stiffened for him. 
"There…Now I'll forgive you for acting like such a little bitch…" he moved to kiss you but you moved away. 
"Don't be that way. You could have said no."
"I did…"
"Your body wanted it…I bet it still does…"
"Rafe…" He moved to his desk, pressing the intercom to his assistant. Pulling up the sleeves of his dress shirt you left loose and stretched, he kept his eyes to you. 
"Cancel the rest of today."
"Mister Cameron-"
"Thank you." He moved back to you. 
"Looks like you're mine for the rest of the day…" 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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starlightomatic · 3 months
i want to ask that this post only be reblogged by jews, because this is an intracommunity conversation i want to have.
i recently made a post about october 7th, which i ended with acknowledging what's going on in gaza and a discussion of the bigger picture. a couple of people reblogged this with something like "in case the beginning made you want to scroll, read to the end."
my initial reaction here was being upset; the first half of the post would have been valid on its own, and it's fucked up to see a post about pain the OP is connected to and automatically assume it's propaganda.
so i added an addition about that, and here are some of the things i said:
if describing my multiple personal connections to a woman burned alive made you roll your eyes and want to ignore it, i urge you to sit with that response and strip it of the associations of other posts you've seen, and look at the bare truth: someone describing their personal connections to a woman burned alive made you want to roll your eyes and ignore it.
and i'm not talking about folks with compassion fatigue who just didn't want to hear more about death and violence -- that is very understandable. it's for those ready to toss this in the "bad post" bin because they automatically assumed it was propaganda.
a lot of you have been receiving significant amounts of propaganda for months that is training you to read anything that reference october 7th victims of death, rape, injury, or trauma, or reference hostages, as fake and a warning sign that someone is an Enemy. you are not immune to propaganda and you need to really reflect on how you evaluate information if this is where it's gotten to.
what brought you to the place where you're automatically suspicious, distrustful, and dismissive of people relating certain experiences? what messages have you received about who to listen to and who to dismiss, about what's true and what's probably lies?
i know that in large part it's because october 7th is weaponized to silence palestinians and manufacture consent for genocide. what tools can you use to recognize when that is and isn't happening? can you seek out voices who don't do that, and are able to hold both truths?
what would it look like to not either dismiss or weaponize?
writing this made me realize, we need to talk about something. we have needed to talk about it for a long time.
i have seen exactly this same dynamic occur when it comes to people discussing gaza.
i have seen folks in the jumblr community and in other jewish communities on and offline view any post or discussion about gaza as propaganda, as a way to dismiss october 7th. i have seen people view every claim about what is happening there through a lens of suspicion and distrust. i have seen people assuming ulterior motives, assuming that people could not have been genuinely motivated by care and concern but must have some other harmful purpose.
i've fallen into this too, unfortunately.
and i understand why this is happening. when you're dismissed, in mourning, and hurt, it's going to make you more reactive, and likely to assume worst intent.
so i want to use the things i asked in my post as a framework for recognizing when this is happening.
when is our instinct to ignore or scroll past posts about gaza and palestine? can we pause first before dismissing?
how often do we view something as propaganda and distrust it? what would it mean if it is propaganda; what would it mean if it's not? how useful is the term propaganda in the first place; can something have a political goal and still be true?
what messages have you received about palestinians and their goals that would lead you to dismiss the information they're sharing? if propaganda is a useful term, what propaganda has been aimed at you and played to your existing sympathies? what palestinian narratives have you been trained to dismiss, ignore, mistrust or suspect?
to what extent do you assume that discussion of gaza is intended to dismiss or deny october 7th, or is disingenous? can you recognize when that is or isn't happening? can you seek out voices who don't do that, and are able to hold both truths -- but actually both truths, not just lip service?
what would it look like not to dismiss gaza? what would it look like to speak up about gaza? what would it look like to be rooted in truths and our own experiences and values, and to speak up about gaza in that framework?
What would it look like to know and internalize that while someone like me might have eight confirmed second-degree connections to people killed on October 7th, a Palestinian in diaspora might have dozens, or more?
What would it look like to internalize that while I never got to visit Nahal Oz and a man once dropped me off at a bus stop on his way to Be'eri, a Palestinian in diaspora has many towns that were destroyed before they were even born.
Can we hold our own pain, and our own very valid anger at the ways we're mistrusted and dismissed, without slipping into mistrusting and dismissing the pain of others?
Can we reach out to our communities and ask them to take the crisis in Gaza seriously? Can we evaluate whether we and our communities are materially complicit in that crisis, and speak out against it if that is the case? Can we call in the people in our lives who dismiss or excuse this? Can we support the people of Gaza via donations? Can we reach out to our political leaders to put pressure on them to end this war?
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cher-rei · 5 months
afterglow- pt.2 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold × fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
[wc: 2,1k] [part 1] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8]
genre(s): friends?? to lovers, work romance, fluff
warnings: swearing
notes: guys I totally forgot that curtis has a girlfriend help💀 so I'm just gonna remove her completely and in here they're not together... it's for the plot I swear
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"what the fuck?!"
"jamie!" your sister's voice echoed through the house to your bedroom that early wednesday morning. it was normal for her to scold at you whenever you swore anywhere near her. which was all the time seeing as the two of you shared an apartment.
you didn't bother apologising as usual though and sat up straight in your bed, your blankets dishevelled and a look of confusion plastered on your face. "no way," you gawked at your phone screen and ran your fingers through your hair to try and comprehend what had just happened.
"there's really no reason to be shouting at 7 in the morning." you brushed your sister's comment off, the older girl taking it as a sign to join you on the edge of your bed to see what had gotten you all riled up.
she let out a heavy sigh as she moved you over so that she could sit with you. "speak woman. I don't have all day."
you took a breath and turned to look at her, eager eyes staring you down for any sort of explanation you could give her. "Okay so basically I just woke up and obviously my first instinct is to check my insta and twitter notifications because I got a bunch."
she gave you a look. "which isn't anything new. probably just a few followers or something."
you pointed your index finger in her direction. "exactly. but then--"
you turned your phone in her direction, your twitter feed showing up. "--I saw that I was being tagged like crazy. only to realise that this whole liverpool pr thing is blowing up."
maya gave you another look. as if you to say 'what did you expect?'. she began to get up from the bed but you quickly caught her wrist and pulled her back down again, urging her to stay for the rest of the story.
"jamie," she sighed. "you have an entire fanbase, of course they're going to go crazy over something like this."
you shook you head. "that's what I thought. but then I decided to go check my instagram notifications because apparently..."
you turned your phone screen to maya, displaying your follower list and lo and behold right at the top, your most recents followers queued up.
"what the fuck?!"
you jumped up at your sister's reaction. "that's what I'm saying!"
jude bellingham was one thing. but the entire liverpool squad?? there was no reason for that to happen at all. you were just some random twitch streamer on the p.r team, nothing more.
was it because I kicked the ball on monday?? it was so because I kicked that ball on monday.
you weren't going back to the training center for a while though. there were too many errands to run and meeting to sit through. and today's meeting at 10 was sure to pile even more projects on your table.
the match on saturday against wolves was going to be a premier league match so a lot of preparation had to be done for the interviews. yesterday's meeting already gave you a headache so today was going to be something for sure.
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"is jamie not coming in today as well?" curtis asked no one in particular while his eyes roamed the hallways, yet there was no sight of the girl anywhere.
from beside him, trent quirked an eyebrow and nudged his arm. "you're on a first name basis already huh? you work fast."
curtis scoffed at his comment, recalling mpnday afternoon's events all to clearly after jaimie had left. "hey I'm not the one who stalked all her socials the second she left."
"what?" trent raised his hands in defence. "she looked familiar so I had to check."
"who looked familiar?"
the two jumped up at the sudden question, their glares shot at dominik who had pushed in beside trent who only shook his head, not bothering to brush off dominik's arm that was slung over his shoulders.
"the new p.r girl," he answered and put his phone away.
trent shot him a weird look and then to curtis who was smiling from ear to ear with an 'I told you so' look. "what so you're all just on a first name basis? how did that even happen?"
the conversation carried on until they got to the field and even during their warm-up session. but it still seemed off to trent who grew more an more confused whenever someone chimed in with an "are you talking about jamie?"
it didn't make sense to him. they barely knew her or had any decent conversations. what difference did asking about where she was from or how many siblings she had make? but either way, the team wondered why trent has such a big issue with it.
"did you guys know that jamie's a twitch streamer?"
"what the hell?" trent groaned in obvious frustration when ibou chimed in while they were doing their laps around the field.
"what? are you just going to call her 'ms carter' for the rest of your life?" ibou asked again with a low chuckle which got a small shrug from trent.
"obviously not. it's just that she's a staff member and has a job to do." he turned his head to look at curtis who seemed fed up either the mini lecture that he was getting, but he felt that it needed to be said.
"she's not here to be your friend or--"
"--I fully agree with you trent. I'm glad some of us have common sense," harvey retorted out of nowhere.
seriously. they didn't even know he was there. the smallest of the group was adorning a look of determination as he jogged alongside his teammates. one that screamed, 'I hate jamie carter.'
ibou scoffed from beside him. "oh shut up. you're just mad because she's taller than you."
the group couldn't hold back their laughter as they watched harvey go quiet, a look of defeat on his face as she shook his head to the side. he'd get her back. one day.
but with trent's issue, everyone's argument was that they were just trying to make her feel comfortable. and he could give them the benefit of the doubt there, he knew how fans tended to react to situations like this and their presence in general was probably a lot to her.
but there was no reason to be involved with her personally. okay so what if he was the first one to follow her on Instagram?? when dominik saw that he was stalking her account his first instinct was to take trent's phone and follow her, just to tease him.
but then everyone followed her so that was kind of pointless.
after a bit more back and forth banter curtis let out a sigh. "but either way, she's friends with jude in a way or something." he gave trent a cheeky smile and the right back couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing very well where he was leading with this.
"and any friend of jude, is a friend of mine," he finished and put his hand on his chest causing ibou to laugh but oh boy he wasn't finished just yet.
curtis took a moment to clear his throat and looked behind their group to see dominik running along with darwin and cody, laughing about what ever.
"if this is like any movie I've watched, then someone is walking out with more than just a premier league trophy."
that earned him a harsh slap on the arm from ibou but he didn't care and instead ran up in front of trent, now taking the liberty to jog backwards to take him head on. "what do you say? are you going to keep that 'ms carter' thing up until she becomes mrs alexander-arnold"?
everyone immediately halted at the sound of virgil's voice booming from the front with robbo and salah. "am I going to have to chase you to make you run any faster?"
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you sat in the meeting room that afternoon with your laptop in front of you and your attention drawn to the front where the projector was with the media teams director, marvin colesmen.
he was a a slender man no older than 40, with blonde hair that was styled to the side. he wore a polo shirt underneath his blazer with a very obnoxious pair of socks as well.
"regarding our performance, we're doing fairly well but there's much room for improvement. but let's all thank clara for the last minute camera replacement last week since the last one broke."
everyone at the table immediately turned to look at someone who you remembered to be shaun. all he did was roll his eyes, and judging by the death glares he was receiving he definitely broke that camera.
mental note: don't break anything. ever.
"ms carter?"
your head snapped to the front at the call of your name, a bubble of anxiety filling your stomach now that you were put on the spot.
"do you have any thoughts on anything I've said?"
thoughts?? I don't have any thoughts??
"uhm..." you sat upright in your chair as you trailed off to formulate a response. "I think that more attention should be drawn to the team's more laid back promotional content."
great answer.
marvin tipped his head to the side at the response in intrigue. "care to elaborate?"
not really.
you licked your lips as you thought. "coming from a supporter, the occasional training video and interview don't really attract attention."
you watched as marvin urged you on with a nod. "and I think we should expand our content to something more entertaining. it'll be more rewarding for them team that way as well, I'm sure they're tired of answering the same questions every other week," a small laugh left your lips but you immediately stopped.
the room was dead silent and the atmosphere was a little too hostile for your liking. it was obvious that everyone was waiting for marvin to either shoot you down mercilessly or agree with you. but the experience was nothing short of terrifying.
the director nodded his head and continued to mutter something to himself before sending you a smile. "I'm giving you a week to come up with entertaining alternatives. if you convince me enough, I'll give you what you need since you'll be with the team from next week onwards unless I need you. you'll be joining them on the trip to molineux saturday morning as well. I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind seeing you in the booth either."
what's that supposed to mean?
when the meeting was finally over you didn't waste a second and rushed to pack your things and get in your car. you needed to hurry if you wanted to miss the rush hour traffic but of course you were wrong and sat in the car for an extra 40 minutes. lovely.
by the time you got back home, you felt as if every bit of energy had be drained from your body. you dropped your keys onto the counter in front of the door and kicked off your shoes.
you let out a groggy "yeah" and dragged yourself to the kitchen where your sister was finishing up supper. you didn't say much and took your usual seat on one of the barstools and rested your head on your arm.
"so," maya poked your head. "how was work?"
as an answer you gave her a mumbled run down of your day, and by the time you were done the only words she heard were "broken camera".
she let out a hum regardless to show that she was paying attention and continued to stir the pasta in the pan. "well a kid fell down the slide today. I know I'm the teacher but I still laughed."
you couldn't help but cough up a laugh at her sudden confession. you looked up at her with a smile and she slumped her shoulders. "I just hope no one saw."
by the time you had gotten out of the shower. finished your night routine and ate dinner you were surged with a sudden burst of energy and needed to get it out. after a bit of scrolling through your socials and interacting with your followers and a much-needed poll on instagram, you decided to start a twitch stream.
and boy did it lead somewhere.
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niefics · 4 months
01 | Confrontation
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — SYNOPSIS : Actions comes with consequences, as reader has to live with her dumb decisions as she finds out she’s pregnant by a one night stand.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — WARNINGS : Cursing, being pregnant ??, angst, asked to abort, jay is cold ??
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — WORD COUNT : 1k
Masterlist — next
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You sighed deeply, standing in front of the door of someone you slept with drunkenly. Biting your lip you knocked. This wasn't want you expected, this isn't what you wanted to happen the way it did but you had to live with it, at least come to terms about it and tell him.
Your knocked at the door of the nice apartment you were at, holding your purse as you waited for an answer. Opening to see a tall figure with a straight face. "You came to talk right ?" Jay spoke, no reaction, you hummed anxiously, as he moved to the side to let you into his nice apartment.
You took your shoes off as you walked in sitting down on the couch in his nice living room. "Do you want any water ?" He asked emotionlessly, even though he's showing little to no emotion he still is trying to show some type of respect for his guest since he doesn't know you well, that night you two slept together was a accident. All of it.
From when he gave you his number to talk to you more as soon as you two started conversating in the club, to when he dragged you to his apartment while drunk and needy for you. Neither of you caring about protection, and if anything happened you'd just remember to take a morning after pill .. well you didn't. You were to shocked to be in his apartment to even remember to. Rushing out immediately after waking up.
You shook your head no as you looked into his eyes. "Okay." He spoke sitting down near you but not too close to you to give you space. "Now what did you want to talk to me about ?" He spoke, sitting with his arms rested on his knees as his hands were touching. He looked as if he came from somewhere where he needed to dress formal or business casual.
You sighed, knowing you needed to tell him how you been feeling for the past month or two, you haven't had your period but you've been to busy with work and your personal life to realize, until you felt weird, your breast being sore then normal and had the weirdest cravings, you thought it would be a good idea to check if you were pregnant.
Standing in a isle staring at the multiple pregnancy tests, you start to dissociate anxiety hitting you that you might be pregnant. Especially after the random feelings of sickness before work and even during causing you to call in sick at times and get you in trouble with your boss. You sighed, finally grabbing a box and walking to the front of the store to the cashier where they checked you out. The silence was awkward and achingly loud. You took the recent as soon as your card went through taking the bag and leaving immediately feeling embarrassed for multiple reasons.
As you sat in your bathroom as you looked at the 3 pregnancy tests that were all positive you started to panic. You weren't married, not even dating and what makes it worse is .. it was by a one night fucking stand. "I'm pregnant." You said not even looking at jay, way to embarrassed. Not even wanting to look up at him, you didn't want to raise the child by yourself but you started to grow attached to the baby that was growing in your stomach as you gotten used to the fact that you were pregnant. Jay eyebrows scrunched, his head going back a little looking at you. "What?" He spoke confusion in his tone.
"I'm pregnant, and it's yours."
"You sure ?" You finally looked at him, your mood swings have been kicking your ass a lot recently, and your anger amplified a lot because of it. "Am I sure ? Jay I don't sleep with everyone. If it wasn't for your fucking persuading me to go home with you when we were both drunk we wouldn't be in the predicament would we ?" You spoke, frustration showing in your tone. "How can I be sure that it's mine ?" He spoke snapping back. "Because you're the only person I've slept with in over a year jay." You spoke sighing. The more jay realized that it might actually be his the Orr he realized what this could mean for him and his career. Jay was a son of a rich ceo, often being talked about for his good looks. So if anyone heard about this, this could cause trouble for the company and bad publicity that jay didn't want more need.
"You can't keep it." He mumbled. "What?" You asked confused. "I said, you can't keep it. This would be bad publicity for my company. I don't want to be known as someone who got a random girl pregnant." You sat there silent. Something in you didn't want to no matter what you didn't want to, you weren't pregnant long but the thought of having a child to lay with and tend to made you slightly happy. You shook your head slowly. "I can't .. I don't want to." You spoke. “I’m not doing this just for me, I’m doing this for your own good. This wouldn’t be any good for you either. They would call you names and could possibly cause you to loose your job ruin your life because of that.” He was right, you knew this was a dumb decision a very fucking dumb decision.
“I genially don’t care how they would feel about me, and if you don’t want to be there for my child then so be it.” You spoke frustration taking over you, getting up to get ready to leave. “But I’m not aborting them.” You spoke walking to the door putting your shoes back on. And as you were about to open the door he spoke sighing. “I helped make that child, and I won’t allow you to raise that child by yourself.” He spoke, knowing that wouldn’t be what his dad would want.
He knew if she really did go through with it, he would feel guilty, he couldn’t force her to abort the child they made together no matter how much hate he’d get from the public. And if he can’t get you to abort the child, he’s gonna be there for that boy or girl, even if that means you two aren’t together.
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wings-of-ink · 1 month
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Awe! Poor shy MC. I think it's safe to say that their feelings won't go unnoticed…I see this happening, in a tavern (because of course), with MC sitting alone at a table as they watch the bustle around them. There's a semi-similar ask, that you might also like linked below too!
Oswin:  He's annoyed at the attention from this person and is waiting to politely exit the conversation. While trying to maintain patience, his eyes find MC's, but they look away the moment their gazes meet. He can tell something isn't right, they look uncomfortable, distressed even. He leaves the other person without a word, taking a knee next to MC's chair. "It's okay, I'm here."
Zahn:  They don't mind being flirted with, but it's lost its luster recently since there's always someone else on their mind these days. It begins to nag at them while they have to force a laugh at the stranger's dumb joke. This isn't as fun as it normally is, it feels weird. MC keeps drifting in and out of their mind, so they scan the tables, spotting MC fidgeting in their seat. They look sad. Zahn keeps looking until MC feels their gaze and looks up. When their eyes meet, Zahn smiles wide. They know where they need to be right now.
Duri:  The song and dance is familiar - lingering gazes, brisk touches against their shoulder and coy smiles - the attention is not abnormal for them. A group is clustered around them with questions and compliments, trying to provoke a reaction. Duri remembers how red MC's face gets when they tease them and smiles. They look over in time to see MC try to hide a sad face. Are they lonely? Or scared? Duri excuses themself, and hurries away despite the pleas for them to stay. They take a seat next to MC, hooking their foot on MC's chair to scoot them close suddenly. This is more fun.
Rune:  Dragging their hands up and down their face in barely-concealed annoyance. It's clear that MC is getting distressed. Rune has seen them glance over nearly a dozen times and their sweet face seems to get sadder and sadder each time. Patience suddenly runs out and they abruptly excuse themselves, walking back to MC's table. Rune caresses MC's jaw and cheek with the back of their hand. "I'm sorry that you feel uneasy. Please save me from those idiots and stay here with me." MC's red face is so sweet.
???:  He positions himself where he can easily see MC's face each time they look his way. They're so jealous. This is too cute. He laughs - loudly - at this idiot's innuendo. He's not interested, and this person hasn't taken the hint, but ??? likes seeing how flustered MC is getting. It's bittersweet since he doesn't want their feelings hurt, but it's beyond charming to see that they really are getting attached to him. A flutter of softness hits his chest, and he quietly slips away from the group around him, blending into the crowd. MC is looking around for him, but they don't see him coming up behind. Why is his heart racing so much? He gets close to MC's ear and whispers, "Jealousy looks good on you."
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
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creedslove · 3 months
Proving Dave York's marriage wasn't going that great - Equalizer 2
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First of all, I'd like to remind you all besties that I'm a Dave York apologist and I will forever defend this man no matter how many atrocities he's done (and were those really atrocities? Debatable) and I have also villainized Carol and I have zero regrets about it, so let's go:
• Exhibit A: The trip to Belgium
Susan and Dave are in a virtual meeting talking about the recent case, she knows shes gonna have to travel all the way to Belgium to investigate and invites Dave, who immediately goes like "and leaving this shitty office?"
But, what if the office isn't really his main problem? What if Dave was also looking forward to leaving the house for a little while? A trip to another country seems refreshing and also the belgium chocolate? Dave's excited... And as a husband and a father of two not once he thinks of bringing his family some chocolate? It's a sign of a stressed man who needs some time on his own
• Exhibit B: the hotel hall
Dave and Susan are going over the evidence they found in the crime scene, gathering hypothesis on what could've happened and Dave says there's no records of the victim cheating on his wife with anyone, not even flirty texts and Susan is like "come on, Dave women fuck around too"
And that's Dave's reaction:
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He's like: well....
(also, sorry for the horrible quality of the pic but you besties get the point and also his tummy 🤤)
And then Susan asks him when was the last time Dave sent his wife flowers and all Dave says is: "noted, noted"
So that indicates it has been a long time since Dave has sent her flowers... So the romance is dead, and if the romance is dead so is their sexual life. Was Dave thinking about the possibility of Carol herself fucking around? And let's face it, she probably is
• Exhibit C: the kitchen scene
Commonly used to prove the point that no matter if Dave's an assassin, he's also a good father, the kitchen scene reveals more about his marriage than anything else; we see Dave's got a huge, beautiful house, and then we go to the kitchen. It's spacious, nice, and modern... And messy. One of the kids is whining about grapes and going to the dentist and the other one is doing the homework and Dave and Carol? Absolutely no sign of a loving couple, no pecking on the lips, exchanging glances, a little flirting... Nothing. They are just ignoring each other, Dave's got his cup of coffee and hand and checking his phone as if he's alone.
Then when Carol goes to answer the door, he's giving his youngest daughter attention, he is a good dad, but it isn't a heartwarming interaction between them, and above all, he seems bored, like yeah the kids are cute but he's got more important things to do
And then, when Carol takes a while to come back with McCall, Dave calls her by her name twice, of course he raised his voice because she was in another room and he wanted her to hear him, but it always seemed just so dry and harsh to me and I couldn't exactly figure why it was like that, until I finally got it:
no pet names at all
Seriously?! No darling, honey, baby, sweetheart?! Just a simple dry "CAROL" a couple of times and that's it? It smells like a marriage crisis to me...
• Exhibit D: the driveway scene
The scene where McCall runs into his old team and promises to kill them all; there's enough tension as it is, they all know McCall means business and he is low-key threatening Dave's family by pretending he's so nice and friendly and wanting to get a ride
(I just need to address how dumb and careless is to allow McCall, a man she's never seen in her life get a ride with her and get so cozy around her kids, I mean yeah, he's her husband's army buddy but he's also an old man who also happens to be a complete stranger and he suddenly wants to be around her and her kids, I mean, fuck off)
And Dave knows it's likely one of the last times he's gonna see his family... And what does he do? Does he hug them? Give Carol a peck on the lips? He does NOTHING!!!
So you know what it means? Carol wasn't worthy of her husband, they didn't love each other anymore and Dave would be way better off with me instead 😉🤪
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jmagnabo92 · 4 months
So I saw a post on Instagram, and it said:
‘Isn't it funny how James Potter decided to bully and harass a malnourished little boy from an abusive family just for existing, and years later, James' son became a malnourished little boy from an abusive family that bullies him just for existing’ 
And all the comments were agreeing and saying things like, ‘Karma’, ‘Glad I’m a James Potter hater’, ‘Don’t understand how he has even one fan’
And I was like… what??? Was so tempted to write a whole thing about it but decided the hate I’d get wasn’t worth it. What are your opinions about this? 
That's my initial reaction.
Don't these people know that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son?
It's not karma for Harry to suffer for James' mistakes. It's bullshit and I hope that no one that believes that has ever done anything wrong in their lives or their kids shall suffer. AND THERE"S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS BS.
Now, let's point out how else they're wrong.
First of all, I had to re-read the Prince's Tale - and mind you, I did skim it so I could've missed things, but there is NO WHERE that says he was 'malnourished' as a boy. Not a single description said anything was physically wrong with Snape like malnourishment. It talks about his mismatched clothes, and his parents arguing. There's a line about James having an 'air of well-cared for - ness that Snape lacked' but there's NOTHING that he states he was malnourished or even abused.
So that's utter BS. I won't argue about the abuse, but there was no evidence that he was malnourished.
As for the about "just for existing" - I think a lot of people forget that SWM canonically happens *after* James saves Snape's life from Werewolf Remus. The reason that it's easy to figure that out is there is a scene with Snape/Lily arguing about the MM thing and she literally mentions James saving him the other night.
The next scene is SWM.
Now, before get into that importance - I want to point out that in the scene about MM & the saving of Snape, Lily asks, "Why are you so obsessed with them?" and if it was a relentlessly unfair bullying situation there's two obvious answers:
A) he's been bullying me for years
B) I have to obsess so I can get one over on them.
He doesn't say either of those things - you know what he *does* say - he says "Potter fancies you"... and more about 'how great he thinks he is'.... isn't that rather suspicious?
You know what's also suspicious? If Snape's being relentlessly bullied than WHY DOESN"T HIS BEST FRIEND KNOW THE OBVIOUS? Maybe because it wasn't a situation of bully/victim - maybe it was a rivalry like Dumbledore suggested in the first book.
Now, back to the timeline:
So James saves his life and yet says "it's the fact that he exists" - which sounds terrible, right?
Of course it does, but here's the thing - Snape had literally as recently possibly two weeks previously (we don't know *exactly* when but sometime between Nov of 5th year and OWLs) had attempted to (at best) OUT Remus (at worst) KILL Remus - who is ONE of James' BFFs. Now - on top of that - we know that Snape has been obsessed with a theory for ages about Remus. We see this in the MM & Saving conversation - Lily says "I know your theory" with the air of someone that has heard his theories before. Given that he only found out *for sure* within a few days of that conversation that suggests that he has been going after Remus for a while.
So, here we have Snape's attempt to get Remus out or killed and James has every reason to hate him - he's a loyal guy. He believes in his friendships so much it cost his life and literally learned something that could put him behind bars *just to help his friend*. Whatever happened, however it happened, that doesn't matter to James.
What *does* matter is that Snape tried to detrimentally hurt his friend. So he has a reason, but in SWM, he literally *can't* say that. He would be outing Remus and he's not going to do that.
Which means he NEVER did anything *just because he exists* - he had a reason, he just couldn't say it.
Now, why does James have fans?
Because he's a good man. This is the man that did stupid shit when he was a teen, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, but nothing he did was ever on par with the things that Snape was doing - I've got a while post on that.
After he grows up, he joins the Order - to do good for people that he doesn't have to care about, yet does. He does so much good, he becomes a target. In that, he then goes on to give his life for wife and son. And they think this man doesn't deserve fans? What Bullshit is this??
ANYWAY, my longass point here is that: They're idiots, and I kind of wish that some people had more thought into the situation. James deserves better.
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