#this isnt about being invited to a party with the cool kids this is about the end of the fucking world
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Honestly i can't stop thinking of the fact you can literally leave the Dark Worlds without closing the fountain, this is most directly showcased by how Susie and Kris leave Castle Town every time, and yet, Ralsei insisted in chapter one the only way to get out was for the heroes to close the fountain, which caused that by chapter 2 neither Susie nor us questioned it. And it feels so... wrong.
Because sure, I know, The Roaring and all that jazz, but this is Ralsei. The very Same guy who at the start of your journey tells you that your choices matter. Why on earth would he refuse to tell you Hey There's Another Way Out Btw ^_^ and THEN mention the roaring? Like, i know, i know it is because this is the fate of his entire world, but The Roaring is ALSO the fate of the entire Light World, IF he isn't lying.
Like I really don't think he's evil or means wrong but that he's a big fucking liar that i won't tell you is not true.
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strawbs-screaming · 1 year
☆ how the boxers were as children ☆
Hey besties, sorry for dissapearing i was busy decaying, enjoy my cringe ass writing
Glass Joe
- Really sleepy & an edgelord, he was the kid that had hair covering the side of his face in middle school
- his parents always said that he wouldnt really be able to take up boxing due to him being a natural coward, jokes on them Joe isnt scared to get hurt (physically)
- loved reading old writing, especially gothic literature, he has a soft spot for dark writing
- wrote cringy edgy poems about every crush he had, his parents sometimes pull them out to torment him
- tried to start his own band, failed miserably
- still attached to his edgelord phase very much
- if he was a teen during the 2000-2010's he def would have a edgy wolf oc and a Deviantart account
Von Kaiser
- sickly victorian child + little german boy hybrid
- his parents always spoke with permission so he also started copying them, leading to him always interrupting people by saying "can i ask something?"
- had that one little german boy outfit, along with the huge ass lollipop and dumb hat, anytime someone pulls out his childhood pictures he prays they dont whip out those photos or he will get bullied recklessly
- NEVER EVER cursed until the wonderful age of 15 when he yelled out the word "fuck" after dropping a wrench on his foot, his dad wasnt even upset he was more concerned because holy fuck his child dropped a wrench on their foot
- got sick really often, he was out here being asked to be taken out into the garden one last time before you all posers
Disco Kid
- that one kid who had a really cool dad that let him do anything as long as he didnt blow up the house
- Really creative, writing up stories with pictures, his grammar wasnt really the best (along with his writing) so his parents had to read "the addventours off the brince" and hold in their laugh
- He was the kid who performed an entire ass dance choreography to get your parents to accept the sleepover invite
- got introduced to Disco music by his dad, got obsessed with it instantly and started dancing everywhere
King Hippo
- ate glue
- never spoke with anyone, Just beat up anyone picking on him and no one messed with him ever since
- people just gave him paper to eat, fresh with colored pencils
- liked to play make believe with his plushies
Piston Hondo
- He let you copy off his homework, i think that tells you enough
- everyone only recognized him for being a smart ass, not being creative and that really upset him
- played chess a whole lot, joined tournaments and won some medals
- academic burnout hit him like a train
- for a while, art and writing was his only escape from stress & pressure, he journaled about his feelings and drew his soul out, due to this he struggled to express his feelings without words
Bear Hugger
- chased everyone around with a spider then ate it, he was so evil for what
- never actually went to school, his parents lived out in the woods and homeschooled him since no one likes walking 2-3 hours straight just to suffer in a seat
- He always had a interest in animals, him and mrs bear go are childhood friends, mrs bear met him when she was a cub, due to this he got spared by mrs bears mom and suddenly had a 2nd mom, once his family realized that their son got adopted by a bear, they kindly let the bears in and treated it like it was normal
- loved fishing with mrs bear, he taught her how to use a rod and she taught him how to catch fish with his bare hands
Great Tiger
- so called "self sufficient" When he was just used to being alone and kinda accepted the fact he'll never have proper friends
- created the most batshit insane scenarios with his clones that would make the average hollywood movie maker shed tears, these gems include: divorce, murder, crime, assault and tea parties
- talked to himself a whole lot to the point where his parents took him to a therapist
- never really made friends, Just made himself his own friend
Don Flamenco
- oh no.
- his dad basically hated him, insulted him a whole lot, made fun of him, literally just made him insecure, when he got the opportunity to escape his dad by boxing, he took it without hesitation and got out of there
- was never really home, he was always out with friends to avoid his dad back at the house
- emotional stability? Who needs that when you can ignore your problems?
- people pleaser no matter what he says
Aran Ryan
- greasy ass bitch
- his parents didnt teach him shit, you think tigers parents didnt care about him? They'll look like helicopter parents next to them when they see what aran has going on
- had bad hygiene, only learned to shower and take care of himself in the 5th grade, thanks to that and his name, my boy got bullied and developed his behavior to defend himself from people
- Always ran from school & home, he had a hide out from away from home and a bit close to school to escape whenever he had the chance, he always dissapeared for a few weeks (sometimes months) and nobody really went looking for him, either from knowing he'll return sometime or they just dont care enough
Soda Popinski
- lonely, him and tiger are the difference between feeling lonely vs being alone, he doesnt handle loneliness well
- grew up with his grandpa & his stories, always loved listening to them and copied him whenever he wanted to tell a story
- never had a proper social life due to having to take care of his grandpa + him getting concerned about soda whenever he was out for too long
- spent most of his time crying from loneliness, away from him
Bald Bull
- precious!!! Was really shy and had a rounder face that everyone in his family pinched like crazy
- extremely sensitive & emotional (he still is hes just bottling it up shh)
- stuttered a lot, think about that one "have you ever had a dream you could you can't you would you you could be anything" kid
- was really short and just shot up one day
- scaredy cat, could be scared from anything, including: bugs, darkness, thunder, needles, sharp stuff, blood, death and alcohol (he also still gets scared easily but shh shut up)
- Always snored in his sleep, inherited it from his dad
Super Macho Man
- obsessed with sharks, dinosaurs, trucks and cars, basically got obsessed with anything he found cool
- his parents spoiled the living fuck out of him, no dime left unspent on him, no quarter spared
- Always lied about having something at the playground, sure Macho i trust the fact that you have "every dinosaurs teeth" 100% never doubted you for a second
- his parents love language was money so it got passed down to him, they were just throwing money at him and fucking off
Mr Sandman
- oldest child in his family, has 4 siblings and loves them all very much, had to help his mom & dad take care of them since they were a handful
- started boxing early so he was never in school that often unless it was 99% neccessary
- slept a lot thanks to him being tired constantly from rushing around
- knows how to do hair & make up from his younger sister
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 18 Emotion
(So this is completely far ahead in the order and I will likely revisit this when I am able to see it in order. But if this doesnt deter you from reading this review. Spoilers below)
-Andre is here. And is like "Wait, no drama this time?" Then is happy. I am still mad at you andre, but you are a mood
-I really hoped he was planning on leaving
-Wait a minute, they going right into it? Like no drama? Marinette and adrien about to kiss? NO WEIRDNESS? What is this?
-AND RIGHT ON CUE, interuption
-"Was that weird that he left tikki." "Bitch you both weird af"
-Okay, I am calm. But apparently they havent kissed officially yet
-So Marinette decided to back off on the scheduling thing which is why she doesnt know. Good for her
-Kagami fighting with her mom with kendo swords and then lila shows up...
-Lila... what are you up too. Also Kagami and Adrien are getting introduced as king and queen at this ball which is awkward af because they arent together
-Still has feelings... Oh.... oh no.
-"You arent a precious stone, you're just a stone!' ROASTED. Kagami roasting bitches by the open fire
-No kagami, you SHOULD mean to hurt her
-What the heck, Zoe out here blasting these parties. Good on her.
-Zoe being a good friend here and helping Marinette work stuff out and then giving her a means of getting into the ball.
-So the masks are the way to get in. Also Ali is there. Neat
-Nathalie being passive aggressive is fun
-Lila got denied!
-Kagami laughing over Marinette and adrien being together and having fun. She gets some joy out of that.
-Tikki growing so tired of Marinette's Bulls***
-Good thing those Mask dont have pictures of the person they actually look like.
-Why was adrien stunned at Kagami's ring... Unless... THATS NOT ADRIEN
-Amelie is here and Felix is missing?! Well that confirms my theory
-He didnt invite her to the ball, what the f*** gabe
-"There is always a choice." damn Amelie. Putting Nathalie on blast
-How did she get that dress on so fast. Also Marinette is slaying it.
-They really just copy and pasted that one girl in the background like 5 times
-Chloé just took Marinette because she thinks she's a rich girl. Oh no
-Marinette saying her underling's name was Chloé which is funny to me. Girl shot her insult
-Kagami saying adrien is being the brave assertive guy she always wanted him to be, but Adrien (who I know isnt adrien) is being flirty af. That is Felix, 100%.
-I am like 99% sure Kagami is a sentimonster now
-Adrien/Felix really out here slinging massive dick energy. Like kagami is smitten but cant help but feel its off
-Marinette... thats not Adrien! OH NO
-Gabriel heard the name Marinette and IMMEDIATELY knew s*** was going wrong
-Marinette was precious and I cant help but think, Aww she doesnt
-Wait... IS it adrien? No it cant be something is off. He isnt adrien
-Wow these are lame rich kids
-Where is Adrien?! Also did Chloe just JUMP HER! OMG
-Wait did he just summon a moon? DID HE JUST GIVE HIMSELF THE POWER OF THANOS!?
-And Chloé is gone. Felix is MVP
-Argos, thats such a cool name
-Gabriel is gone! Felix you lovable little bastard. You are great. Keep it up
-Kagami looks so devastated. BABY GIRL
-Felix cares about his cousin, thats cute
-Marinette wants payback! FOR STRIKEBACK
-Felix just embracing it. I feel so much joy (10/10)
-Felix also says NO COPS
-Ladybug really letting Felix have it. Go girl!
-Felix just kicked her into a building.
-Wow... so the Peacock miraculous makes him super strong too? wtf
-Felix trying to make a better world with no masters or slaves.
-Tell me youre a sentimonster, without saying you are a sentimonster
-Felix really thought this out. So bascially saying he will thanos the world.
-Ladybug looking for a solution with... NOTHING?!
-Omg there is no solution. OMG THERE IS NO LUCKY CHARM
-Oh.... I get it hehehe
-Ladybug called his bluff.
-Yo... empty paris. Dark
-Wait... Adrien? Did he ... oh he made the sentimonster earlier and snapped adrien first! thats how... OMG
-So he made the moon earlier in a ring. And they did all this to save adrien
-He planned this for weeks. DAMN so he hid it in the fake ring. Smart
-Its kind of funny that Kagami is just swinging at him like crazy, and Felix has been acting like a little kid thinking he did good. I feel kind of sad man
-You can be happy without your father adrien. But everything else you said is true
-Felix realizes he done goofed. Its sad he went from evil to adorable. Baby boy.
-Marinette's plan worked. Because Felix wasnt a true villain. Nice
-So Polygami coming back anyone? BRING ON THE THRUPPLE! -"My friend... My sister." Yea Felix is 100% a sentimonster
-Yo... can i give Felix a hug. He needs a hug
-Oh so now you can make ice cream for the 3 of them. Sure Andre. You bastard
-The ring... Gabriel... you son of a ....
-And apparently Lila knows he's monarch apparently?!
So I am missing a LOT of what happened. Thankfully it seems like i can piece together a few things.
Adrien, Kagami and Felix are like 99% likely to be Sentimonsters.
Yep... so thats a thing
I think I will rate this a 8/10.
I may not like all the revelations that happened. But Felix stole the show and I loved every scene he was in.
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zelda-donovanboat · 1 year
hello and welcome to my personal interpretation of Pete Spankoffski, Steph Lauter, and Lautski <3
yeah elementary school wasnt Easy for pete. it wasn’t Easy that elementary teachers had a rule about inviting the entire class to your birthday party (because pete knew as he handed out invitations that only ruth and richie would come) and it wasnt Easy to have Max looking over his shoulder for spelling test answers,  but he was working up the courage to talk to a girl !! a non-ruth girl !! a pretty girl who really only had one friend so maybe she was like him, maybe she could understand him- and then max is inviting her to the sixth grade basketball game and she’s agreeing and smiling and two girls are asking her if she’s gonna move into something like the white house now that her dad’s the mayor and she has never been farther away, maybe she wasn’t ever close to begin with. and maybe pete tries to go to the basketball game, just to talk to steph One Time, just once, to see if his pining was ever worth it. and before he can even step into the gym, max is there, punching him and kicking him to the floor. and pete can barely stand back up and his glasses are askew but max leaves, grinning with excitement for his game like nothing happened, and he makes a point to loudly greet stephanie once he’s inside the gym and it’s fucking middle school and everytbing sucks and in one week everyone is going to call him micropeter so maybe elementary school wasnt great for steph, because no matter what she did, how nice she may have thought she was, kids just didnt respond to her. until deb. deb who got to watch pg-13 movies with her parents and would giggle-whisper the curse words to steph. deb who always tried to help steph understand fractions and would insist they had a sleepover when steph got back disappointing grades. maybe steph got a few concerned parent-teacher meetings but hey, could’ve been worse. she could’ve had no one. and then her dad’s mayorial dreams become an obsession. he runs for it when steph is nine and loses. he tries again when she’s in fifth grade, but again, nothing. he starts to blame part of it on her, because why would anyone trust him to govern a town when he cant even ensure his own daughter is passing elementary level science? and then sixth grade comes and one day, steph’s mom is taking her and deb to get ice cream but the next, her mom is dead and her dad is the fucking mayor. and he doesn’t even really seem to react to her mother’s death. steph isn’t sure what happened, she wants answers, and sure sometimes soloman locks himself in his room and steph can hear a muffled sound—maybe crying, maybe praying—but he still wont talk to her about it. but you know who does talk to her? max jagerman. max jagerman thinks steph is hot shit. and maybe deb isnt enough for steph anymore. maybe steph wants to know what happens at the fifth date at pasqualli’s, maybe she doesn’t care about whatever movie (now r-rated) that deb wants to watch over the weekend. and it’s not like she’ll stop talking to deb. after all, her friends are starting a smoke club and max thinks the smoke club is cool. max thinks it’s cool. and yeah, steph’s still struggling in school but she’s the smartest one of her new friends. and they actually ask her about herself too, they’re interested in her; well, interested in her dad being mayor. but hey, that’s still a part of her. and yeah it’s fucking middle school and it sucks but at least she’s not alone. and at least some funny shit happens. did you hear about the micro-peter kid? fucking hilarious. at least that’s not her.
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(Just copypasted this from discord so it’s pretty train of thought sorry asdfghgf)
I was listening to Beachboy by McCafferty and thinking about carver and ladybug knowing each other as like teenagers?? Picture it: Ladybug who's a good kid and doesn't really do bad things but also doesn't really have too many friends meeting bad boy Carver who's cool and older and does cool older things like invite ladybug to parties because he likes Ladybug and knows Ladybug is eager to please. 
Ladybug gets into more and more bad shit and probably gets hooked on like smoking or drugs idk how far he'd go because of Carver and Carver never takes responsibility for it? idk how wide spread this is but he'd be that one friend who always gets into shit and pulls you down with him when he's caught/tease you for being upset and otherwise brushing it all off. 
Anyway 0-100 Ladybug is driving Carver home (Carver knows how to drive but he's also the type of dumbass to drink and drive so Ladybug always tags along to make sure he gets home safe) and Carver sees some dude he has a problem with and swerves the wheel so Ladybug hits the fucking guy. Ladybug is understandably freaking out and wants to see if the guy is okay but Carver makes him drive away (rip dude he definitely succumbs to his injuries and could've survived) and Ladybug is fucking wrecked over this. He's losing sleep, grades slipping, drinking. Carver doesn't notice besides making some comment on how bug is quieter but Ladybug is really starting to realize that even though Carver is fun to be around he's also a fucking prick and way too cool about killing someone/letting Ladybug kill someone. 
Eventually, big fight ensues where Ladybug goes off on Carver about how he acts and how he needs to grow up because life is going to pass him by and Ladybug isnt going to sit around and let it pass him (probably a line from therapy). Carver (most sane human being) immediately threatens and says that Ladybug can't leave because Ladybug was still the one that technically hit the guy and Carver was going to tell and everyone was bound to believe him more because Ladybug was no one. Ladybug basically says fuck that I don't care, tell everyone for all I care. Carver starts to realize his usual bullshit isn't going to work so when Ladybug leaves, he doesn't stop him. He also doesn't tell the police because he did genuinely like Ladybug as a friend. 
(Forgot to say but they're like,,,highschool age) Ladybug drops out and joins whatever fucking thing you join when you become an assassin, leaving Ladybug forever angry and jaded about Carver. 
(Also Carver is definitely the one to follow Ladybug into the assassin business because he wants them to talk but it ends up making Ladybug hate him more because Carver hasn't changed at all and Carver only stays because he's good at killing because he has middle school white boy levels of uncaring for other human beings)
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ech0-1409 · 2 years
i have this au idea in my head where steve is the new kid to hawkins n hes moved around so much bc of his dads work or whatever where hes essentially immune to the weird social hierarchies in school
like maybe on his second move he cares but its been over 10 at his point n he literally just wants to graduate
n he meets robin n ofc they hit it off but everyone at school doesnt understand why steve hangs out w her since hes a jock n attractive n in their eyes should be hanging out w the cool kids
n eddies mad bc steve manages to be a freak, an outcast, but also everyone respects him for it???? n eddie was the freak first??? like hes literally build his entire identity over it???  the audacity of this kid. so naturally eddie creates this imaginary feud in his head where steve is his enemy
n then he meets steve at a party n they smoke together n steve is so nice n goofy n attractive n eddies like fuck, i am not immune to steve harrington like i thought n develops a crush on him
n at band practice eddie tells gareth abt his crush n gareths like wtf bro i thought you were enemies, you constantly talk shit abt him, youre the ceo of i hate steve club n eddies like gareth that was like 2 days ago, keep up
meanwhile steve literally never stops talking about eddie to robin whos like pls for the love of god just speak to him, n has a huge crush on eddie too, which he thinks is unrequited
n eddie invites steve to hellfire n he excepts, even tho he insists he isnt a nerd (which is a lie) n thats how steve meets the kids n him n eddie bond over dnd n both being held back (steve bc he moved around so much) n then they fall in love n eventually get together after a lot of pining
n then eddies like wow cant believe we did enemies to lovers irl n steves like wtf are u talking abt, i never hated you??? n eddie does his whole i was jealous scene like in canon except its bc steve managed to be a cool weirdo whilst eddie was just Weird
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constellaj · 4 years
top ten danny phantom episodes based solely on how gay dash is in them
i will not be ranking these based on plot, animation, or literally any other criteria ok here we go
10: Public Enemies
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dash himself is not very gay in this one but danny does beat him up and he gets the angst of being possessed and not remembering what happens. also this screenshot is literally so gay
4/10 for wasted potential in proving dash is gay. this couldve gone so much harder. but bonus points for for passed out dash
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9: Doctor’s Disorders
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fellas is it gay to lock yourself in a bathroom stall so fenturd doesnt see the horrible monster youve become, tell him to ‘get away,’ and then pass out before being able to fight him despite being a school jock who could probably deal some damage and has a better immune system than the other kids? is it also gay to then when your entire life revolves around ghosts and having ghost powers to watch a sappy romcom while waiting for phantom to come save you? the answer is yes. 6/10 again it couldve gone harder
8: Frightmare
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again dash himself isnt explicitly gay in this episode. but danny why is your ultimate dream scenario being best friends with dash and having him know your secret. it gets a higher rating than the other two bc its literally a wish fulfillment scenario aka 174% more gay. but mathematically speaking 2/10 for baiting me with dash in the first two minutes and then never bringing him back
7: Forever Phantom
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“watch it, fentertainment tonight! i’m chasin’ a real somebody!” 10/10
also spending the entire episode devoted to hanging with phantom + another reference to the romance channel. not very nuanced but still very gay
6: Reality Trip
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what do you think it means when the school jock finds out your secret, wastes exactly 0 time in helping you, and finds a way to shoehorn in giving you his clothes to wear while doing it. dash was only in this entire movie for like 4 minutes but damn if he wasnt homosexual for all of them 7/10
5: Ultimate Enemy
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”but dash wasn’t even IN the ultimate enemy!!11!1!” EXACTLY. if older dash had been in the future with dark dan he simply would have smooched him and then there would have been no conflict. if younger dash had shown up to the big fight then dark dan wouldve broke down sobbing at what couldve been. they had to restrain dash from this entire episode bc of his power. 9/10 i know the truth.
4: Splitting Images
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it is important to remember that dash has no goddamn idea that’s sidney. danny literally does 1 (one) nice thing for him and dash decides “ok well i will be his best friend and play football with him and be impressed by his skills and then throw a party and also put my hands on his shoulders several times.” this proves my point that if danny werent a little shit he and dash would already have been dating by the time the show starts. 8/10 for letting dash be mundanely gay instead of knowing anything about ghosts. it doesnt happen very often
3: Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
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do you ever just get a tutor who happens to be the exact sister of that nerd you pick on and also call him a twink and then invite him to your party even though you do not have to and specifically tell him the dress code and get him at the popular kids table and then realize he might not have the money for the dress code so you intentionally seek him out to give him money for some computery thing you dont know about but you also also realize that probably isnt enough so last minute you change the entire dress code to something you know he has and wear his exact outfit to make him seem cool by comparison. do you ever do that.
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also these two shots are back to back 10/10
2: Micro Management
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the pièce de résistance of all dash content. im talking 20 minutes of nonstop dash. im talking taking every opportunity to talk about how cool phantom is. im talking abt getting grabbed by phantom to be saved by him. im talking abt having a mental breakdown cause you think youre not good enough. im talking about casually flirting via jokes. im talking being unable to stop thinking abt fenton even when youre face to face with your biggest hero. im talking about saying “we did it!!! :D” to cheer on said hero. im talking taking his hand. holding his hand. being lifted or pulled. im talking abt flipping the switch to save the day! im talking abt micro fucking management baybey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/10
but what in the goddamn world could have more gay dash than micro management??? well ill tell you
1: Pirate Radio
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he SAVES him. he calls him a hero. they are on EQUAL FOOTING and they KNOW IT. they have MATCHING GODDAMN OUTFITS!!!!!!!!!!! dashs personality doesnt have to be absolutely scrapped for him to be gay (”but i will be wailing on you”) but he clearly DOES get better (”sorry, old habits.”) he puts his heart and soul into fighting side by side w danny and we dont even SEE dashs parents which means that is Not Exactly The Reason he Is Here. he also believes with 0 hesitation that fenton is capable of throwing a total rager. NO there is not as much dash here as in micro management but. i mean look at these screenshots. THIS is gay representation. THESE are some genuine fucking boyfriends. 18/10
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ewmagines · 2 years
hi there!!!!! movie night with the main four would be cool :D
Hello it's my turn a lot of these sound negative but i genuinely think chilling with these guys watching garbage would be fun and also idk if these are supposed to be like romantic or not. But i hope they're good
>Snack spit polycule basically I doubt any of these men would care about double dipping except matt who gets really fucking upset and isnt allowed to eat anything unless he stops being a little bitch about it. Edd actively likes it because he feels like he's consuming a part of them forever but he's fucking weird. Tom thinks it's funny if you're grossed out but tord is literally true neutral on the matter. Anyway if you want to eat anything you have to be fully up for this.
>Tord eats 1 pack of sour patch kids per movie (max he's allowed). He likes sour and bitter stuff. But if he's allowed to truly enjoy himself he gets too powerful
>*Crunch sound effect* *crunch sound effect* *you look over your shoulder* *it's tom* *he's chewing on your hair*
>if it's not INSANE ZOMBIE PIRATES FROM HELL it'll take 6 hours to decide on a single movie. So you're looking at like, a movie week probably
>So yeah you better be ok with grown men licking their fingers and sticking their hands in a communal bowl or youll starve to death
>Speaking of which Edd owns cute bowls specifically for this kind of thing. Like party trays and shit but they're not fucking hosting parties. Anyway matt always tries to use em but everyone complains about how he didn't fill it with what they specifically happened to want in that moment until finally matt flips the tray and storms off.
>If one doesnt like the film choice he will be talking very loudly over it for the majority of it. Or if he really likes it. They're all like this (autistic, also bitchy)
>Tord in particular. He doesnt talk much until he's not supposed to. #girl
>Toms more on the bitchy side. Regardless of his opinions on it he'll also riff on the movie
>Matt bitches occasionally but also doesnt shut up when it's a movie he likes.
>Edd riffs w tom half the time and the other half he's listening to tord nitpick plot holes obediently and responding with "it's gay af to care about a plot hole…what are you so interested in hole for?"
>It's all quite…how do you say…annoying?
>You sure you want to go when they invite u?
>Tord WILL try to deceive you into watching gore or softcore porn. Or hardcore porn he's not against that. He thinks it's funny when everyone storms off in disgust.
>Tom will goad you into watching morbius. That or he'll put on old indie horror and claim it's the best ever or experimental surrealist artsy fartsy stuff. Where'd he even get that tape? When you ask he says it was made by a couple who lived at the end of the street for three years and gave it to him immediately before the birth of their first child. A year later, they abandoned the house, which is still empty (he breaks into it sometimes to hear the family's voices carry thru the air in there). He doesnt know where it was filmed, and when you watch, it doesn't quite look of this earth. Oh, this one he got at a garage sale he happened to spot in atlantis–
>matt likes documentary movies but no one watches those on movie night. So he says he'll watch whatever…but really he'll reject most of the things anyone else suggests. Also if you put on a franchise he'll want to watch the whole thing in one sitting regardless of how many movies there are unless he doesn't, in which case if you try to put on more than two seconds of a sequel he will kill you.
>edd is passive aggressive about the whole thing. He wants you to KNOW what he wants to watch, even when he doesn't. Also when what he wants to watch is the goofy movie.
>The room is EXTREMELY warm. Tanktop and shorts warm. Air conditioner in the middle of winter warm.
>Idk if this is a romantic request but if you offer or request buttered popcorn you will not be in that relationship when the night is over
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
I’ll See You Again
Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Danny Cardinal
Summary: A depth look in Sienna’s and Danny’s relationship until the night before it all went down. 
Warning: Mentions of death. Besides that, its a fluffy and bittersweet tale. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, except the storyline. All characters are owned by Pixelberry.
A/N: I am backkk, well.. not literally. I took a small chunk of my time to write this to celebrate our girl Sienna, and for the @siennatrinhappreciationblog​ ! This is my submission for Day 1 of Sienna Trinh Appreciation week and this is my first time writing for them, I hope I hit the mark! I have been quite mixed feelings in life right now, it is both a good and bad time-ish, it feels like a lot and, i am so sorry if I am lack on updates for bryce fics, I hope to write soon without hesitation and everything else that is going on! So, no one told me that life is gonna be this way.... sjssksk, i am surviving at its finest! I hope all of you are doing amazing, and thank you for everything! I apologize in advance if there is any grammatical errors! Enjoy!
Tags: @siennatrinhappreciationblog​ , @mvalentine​ , @drethanramslay​ , @storyofmychoices​ , @jaxsmutsuo​ , @fantasyoverreality98​ , @bratzlahela​ , @choicesficwriterscreations​ @aylamwrites​ , @baltersome​ , @kelseaaa​ , @thundergom, @ohramsey​ , @ohvamsey​ , @mrsbhandari​  , @starrystarrytrouble​ ( I don’t have a perma tag list and this isnt a Bryce fic, sooo... I am tagging a few peeps!)
The small moments they spend as the sun sets at the house party, as they talked about life, tv-shows, good memories, cringey moments and life is one of the best moments for her. The moments followed, was a series of smiles caught in-between shifts, as their hands brushed on the nurses counter, or the introduction of 50s movies that made her smile, including a monologue of Danny reciting the lines of a damsel in distress that made her heart leapt in joy.
She had Wayne, but the feeling with him cant be compared as he made her feel unimportant, as if there is a barrier in between that keeps on stopping her from seeing the light. Danny Cardinal is a different one, a new presence that somehow she didn’t know she needed. Someone who sees her more than Wayne ever does, someone who appreciates her talents along with their quirky interests that made them compatible one way or another.
She never told her roommates, the day they went out to Donahue together, a moment of silence as Sienna finally had the courage to invite him for a drink, after her break-up with Wayne. She wasn’t ready to move on yet, but…she felt like she needed a friend. Someone to talk too, someone who she could relate in a way, and that’s where Danny Cardinal made his entrance.
‘I just break up with my long-time boyfriend..’ It suddenly slips out of her tongue, somehow she was wallowing it after their confrontation with Casey earlier.
He wasn’t ready. He didn’t expect that news would drop as they just finished work.
‘OH-, are you okay? Do you need anything, we could go back if you want!’ His voice filled with caution, as he tries to comfort her in the most awkward way he could think of at the moment.
Sienna smiles at his reaction, it was a mixture of cute and adorable which she is aware that it is similar. A laugh stifle out of her, as Danny smiles too. Mirroring her expression, he found himself being very careful as he slips his fingers into her, giving her a squeeze, equivalent to the saying, ‘everything is going to be alright.’
She felt happy, a different kind of happiness. That night was the start of it all, a small gesture that is worth more than a thousand words. It was called, something new. She recalls the small gesture, when she is down, or mad, or even sad, as a way to assure herself that she is going to be alright.
Until that unfortunate day, the fear in her started to show as seeing her best friend, and him there in the room somehow being sacrificed for an evil plan. She recalls their small talks the night before, as he was seen bringing her a cup of coffee after the long day they both had, their small talks is something normal in other people’s eyes, as it is an escape for them into the world.
‘A cup of brownie chocolate drink for one Sienna Trinh?’ His voice in a sing-song as he passed the cup to her.
‘…And, a cup of Hazelnut Latte for Danny Cardinal courtesy of Casey, and her access to Dr. Ramsey’s coffee machine.’ She whispered the last part of the sentence making him laugh as his voice boomed through the empty hospital hallways.
‘Free coffee too, count me in?’ Danny said happily taking a sip of his drink, as Sienna does the same.
‘How was your day?’ She asked, as they walked through the hallways; one of the reasons she manages to keep herself sane after all the insanity from her day as a second-year resident.
‘It was…’ He went silence, as he took another sip before continuing.
‘The Senator’s case. It was odd, and weird. I know I shouldn’t questioned anything, but he gave me some bad vibes, including his assistant Travis, they both kinda gave me a weird vibe. I felt like Travis was lurking his way down the halls, somehow searching for something… and it creeps me out.’ A shiver escaped him, as they arrived at the quiet cafeteria.
‘I heard about him, he is the one who came from Mass Kenmore right?’ Sienna asked, recalling the info Casey told her about her heist with Baz at MK.
He nod, taking another sip.
‘How was yours?’
She lets out a sigh, followed by a groan.
‘I am guessing, it was bad..?’ His voice slowly, as Sienna nods in return.
‘It wasn’t horrible, but…it felt tiring. I just feel like I have to do everything and Mitch isn’t helping one bit, and there is this kid, he is suffering with all these decisions and... ugh!’ She lets out a groan of frustration once more, earning an ‘I’m sorry’ look on Danny’s face.
She tried to plastered a smile on her face, an attempt to make herself look stronger. But, somehow she felt like she can’t fake it, a part of her wanted to fake a smile, and just brushed the topic off.
‘You know you don’t have to be strong in front of me Sienna, it’s okay to be sad once in a while…’ Danny stated with a slow tone, a comforting one.
‘Doctors were supposed to be strong, its our job to be strong for our patients…’
‘And yet, we are humans Sienna. We can cry, smile, laugh and get ourselves angry because we are human. Those feelings are valid, and it means you are you. There is honestly nothing wrong with that okay?’ Danny moved to the opposite side of the table, taking a seat beside her. In a split second, she founds herself leaning onto the comfort of his hugs. The universal language that will never gets old, kisses are great and all, but… hugs are even better. He place his arms around her shoulder, as the cold environment around them was a hazy memory.
‘You know you give good hugs don’t you Danny?’ Sienna said in between the hugs, as their drinks started to cool off.
‘Hey, its apart of who I am! Don’t tell Bryce, he once told me that he was the best hugger in Edenbrook.’ A laugh stifled out of her once more, her troubles were behind.
‘Don’t worry, besides Casey; you are definitely a close second.’ She winks at him, as they enjoyed their presumably final moments together.
It was almost dawn, as both of their pagers were paged at the same time. Both of them rushed, at the same time trying to keep in moment as they enjoyed their small company together without any interruptions from the real world.
A few minutes after, they arrived at their pin-point where they would have to say ‘goodbye’. In that moment, without hesitation; a gut feeling inside told her; hug him. It can somehow be your last time seeing his face.
He looks at her in disbelief at first, but who ever declines a hug? He hugs her back, the feeling of comfort that somehow the key of keeping both of them sane is one ways or another. A gesture that she would love to get used to, hugging Danny. Maybe more than the other. After a while, they pulled away. A small smile linger on her face, as she left the nursing station; a contained feeling in her heart. She turns her head back, meeting his eyes once more. He waves from afar, as she waves back as they resume their lives.
And, that morning was the last time she saw his face. The last time she would feel his touch, the final cup of coffee together, and… their final hug. As Danny was one of the victims of Travis’s plan on murdering the Senator.
The sadness from before suddenly felt in her once again, without the comfort of his hugs and words. She felt herself wanting to break down, as the news escaped the lips of Dr. Ramsey.
Sienna tried to stay strong, as she stood behind the glass. With a full of pain in her heart, meeting Casey’s emerald’s which is fill with sympathy. She mouthed, ‘I’m so sorry’. As the tears threatened to fall from her eyes, Jackie scoot towards her way and bring her into the group’s embrace.
‘Don’t you dare die. No coma’s either. Just…hold the line, hear me?’ Her voice booms through the glass, as tear started to fall.
As all of them were ushered away, working on the treatment. Sienna looked back, as she saw Bryce walking into the room with a hazmat suit on him, a small smile on her face; knowing Casey wont be alone for the time being. She glanced back once more, before moving forward with the rest of the team.
The same smile appeared once more, after Casey was saved. She couldn’t lose another one of the people she cared about, and… she engulfed her with a bear hug, the lost and comfort from the day before started to catch up to her. The day she lost Danny, and the day her best friend is save. Two different events that change her life in a way.
Funerals were meant to celebrate the life that was lived, staring at the black theme-d attire in her room, she wasn’t ready to face it. She wasn’t ready to face the day, where she would see him for the final time. The final time, where she could picture the smile on his face, as the memories from the past days would play in her mind again and again; as a way to comfort her sorrows.
She glanced at her room, somehow looking at it for the first time. Her eyes gaze upon the lines of furniture, and it stops at the wall of pictures. Somehow, all of the good memories from her intern year was on that wall, reminding her the good times of it all. Her eyes stop at one, she remembered it all too well.
A photo, both herself and Danny were sleeping on the couch after the party, that her friends took. She was mad at first, but… she realizes that was one of the earliest memories of herself and Danny, and she was grateful for it.
She didn’t join in the others, as a way to cope herself with all of it. She took the long way down, a way to be with her own thoughts, as after a while; the cemetery was in view. The number of nurses, workers, families, and many more had came by to express their thoughts. A way of remembering the ones that has gone, she glances at the crowd as she stood beside Dr. Ramsey who is somehow standing in the back of it all.
It was silence between them, as she glance upon the familiarity of the voice. It was Casey’s as she takes the lead, a smile upon her face from the stories that she managed to recalled from both Danny’s and Bobby’s time at Edenbrook, they were heroes. They will never be forgotten, somehow; it was one of the things that made saying goodbye very hard.
Afterwards, she founds herself linger behind. The skies are dark, upon the lost of two souls. Taking a small Laelia Orchid in her hand, making her way to both of them. Her tears stained cheek are visible, through the darkness of the sky. She places the flower in both of their caskets, a final goodbye.
The walk back to the hospital was accompanied by memories, smiles, laughter and even the warmth of his comfort accompanying her way back. She smiled despite it all, knowing that Danny is always going to be there, a comfort for her; as she took a sip of his favorite drink or, the moment where she stumbled at one of the movies from their trip to the Common. A reminder that he is always going to be apart of her, helping her through this life. As a human being, a doctor, a friend… and maybe in another lifetime; something even bigger than before.
She knows that she will see him again, very very soon. 
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pinkvhs · 5 years
this has been a long time coming
ive detached from jack / dont watch jack anymore. i’ve poured so much into this story that involved the egos that i just....can’t let it go. so, im making ocs for the story instead. 
inspired by @lilakennedy . . . here is some info about my boys
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Marvin the Magnificent➜ Marvin Lir MacKenna 
age: 27- from the 1920s
Brown wavy hair that goes to past his ears a bit
Blue eyes
Height: 5′7″
irish & welsh ( mother from wales father from ireland ) 
an illusionist / performer 
 Stage performance & regular attitude are a complete 180. Very bold on stage and confident but once he is off he is more reserved and calm
Best friends with Daniel
Knew Daniel for years, since they were around 10 years old. Extremely close bond.
Doesn’t believe in spirits but is very cautious / superstitious 
Gets powers whenever he and Daniel accidentally summon Phonus at Daniel’s Birthday/Halloween party. When it was just the two of them alone. 
He tries to attack Phonus since the monster killed Daniel 
but once he made contact with the demon, he was immediately teleported into our timeline. He took some of Phonus’s powers as a result 
He ends up getting burn marks on his arms/hands and face due to trying to physically fight Phonus when he was furious 
He has powers now, some he doesn’t know he can do yet. But his powers are: ✪= Not used often. ✦= strongest. ✧=weakest
✦ Empathic Element Manipulation ✦✪Fire Manipulation, ✦✪Necromancy, ✦Telekinesis,✦Kinetic Charging
✧✪Electricity Manipulation, ✦Magical Wall Generation, ✦Teleportation, ✧Intangibility, ✧Healing Hands, ✦✪Naturakinetic Combat
Riley finds him and helps him on his feet to find a place to stay
The two of them become close friends eventually, it takes a long time for Marv to warm up to people in this strange new environment- still tortured by that night. 
He blames himself for Daniels death every day. 
With his new unknown powers, he tries to go back in time to stop all this from happening. 
He opens up about his powers to Riley and the truth. 
Riley is beyond amazed that powers and magic exist, he tries to help Marv with his powers. 
He ends up needing to find a sort of job to stay at his home, so he tries the one thing he loved- entertaining people. With his magic, he dumbfounds audiences. 
However, once things were just looking up, his fire magic (the strongest) goes wrong.
He ends up catching a stage set on fire, causing injuries to hundreds. 
He panics. Riley tries to calm him down. But he can’t take it, he is convinced that he is destined to cause harm with these powers. 
He vanishes to a place by the sea and isolates himself, causing people to believe he died in the fire accident. 
He spends his time trying to prefect time travel and is consumed by isolation. though, he does attract wild life to him. they are very at ease with him
Refuses to use his fire magic 
One day, he comes across Viktor’s body on the shore. He takes him in quickly to his small home that he protected in case Phonus ever finds him.
He revives Viktor to come to. The stranger is a total mess and he tries to heal the man, but Viktor grabs him on reflex. So the man patches himself up
The two live together for a few months as the injuries heal up
Viktor convinces him to visit Riley again, so he does.
He teleports there and leaves a note stating that he is alive. He can’t bring himself to see Riley face to face
In the end, he tries to fight off Phonus. He fails miserably
He returns to his home, having Riley there with him. He gives Riley his powers because he doesn’t want to die and these powers go back to Phonus.
He trusts Riley with his life
Once Riley is given the powers, he passes away.
When his body is all alone peacefully at rest in the home, without any magic to protect it, Phonus finds the body
But no magic
The demon still takes the body. Using it to wake him up again and look into his mind to find out where the powers have gone
He remains a soul bounded victim to Phonus and reunites with Daniel
Both under Phonus’s control
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Chase Brody➜ Noah Oliver Dodge
age: 29 - from our timeline
messy brown hair thats dyed blonde at the tips of it
brown eyes
Height: 5′9″
Dropped out of university and works part time at a local electronics store
loves to break things and try to fix them up again and make it totally new! 
has a passion for computers and likes to make his own computer 
he also loves film and had dreams of making a film 
a disaster cook but god help him he tries 
Father of 2 girls 
childish and fun loving 
reckless at times 
loves nature and going on walks / hikes 
met his wife in high school (been together since they were 16) 
they go to the same university, his wife studying to be a nurse 
at 18 he accidentally gets her pregnant and her parents arent the happiest about it
they get married at 19 
he becomes a stay at home dad and drops out to take care of their baby till she finishes nursing
they end up having another child once they get a small apartment together 
his daughter is friends with Viktors daughter and thats how the two families meet 
His wife actually works with Viktor and didn’t know at the time
his wife divorces him because, even though she does love him, she can’t keep working like this just to get by. she needs security and they dont have it. 
he is allowed to see his kids still but at the time it was very painful for him
he lives alone in that apartment, often calling Viktor to talk and invite him over so he doesn’t do shit he regrets 
he talks about how Viktor is so lucky to have such a wonderful life and wishes he could have that (since he doesn’t know the truth)
Viktor and Noah become very close and often have their kids over at each others houses
he hears news that Viktor is missing and becomes a mess. he is alone and doesnt know what to do. 
he tries to make it known that he is missing online, making posts and videos as much as he can to get peoples attention 
he visits the Valentin house hold and offers his wife any help thats needed, despite knowing all the turmoil they went though. he cares about the kids and doesn’t want them to worry. 
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Henrik Von Schneeplestein➜ Viktor Alexis Valentin
age: 32 -from our timeline 
short grey hair
extremely pale blue eyes
pale, almost sickly skin 
Height: 6′2″
Doctor that specializes in internal medicine (meaning he focuses on helping adults) but also is a surgeon
Father of 3 girls
loves to bake! 
a hopeless romantic actually
he is very cold and standoff ish but once he loves you, he LOVES you
blunt to a fault still though
cares about people. more so than his own well being
extremely loyal
met his wife in university. he took an anatomy art class 
his wife helped him improve his drawing skills and the two became close
he fell for her very hard 
they get married and live in a house that they saved up for (with extra help from both of their parents)
once settled, they have their children 
his wife is a biology teacher with a minor in art teaching! 
he takes family trips whenever he can to the beach! his kids love the ocean!
he comes home one day to find his wife cheated on him- he suspected this for a while now. he found a shirt underneath the bed, thinking it was just a gift for later down the road for christmas or something. he went to fix it when a piece of paper fell out of the pocket. her phone number
he never gets mad at her. he blames himself
he thinks he isnt perfect enough
he becomes extremely distant and cold, more than before. never knowing when to bring it up
the two of them grow apart but still live together
they make sure not to worry their children though, they dont want them to think its their fault. 
he never brings up this information to Noah because he doesn’t want him to worry. 
very envious of Noah though and wish he would smack him. Noah has a wife that loves him and he wishes that Noah could wake up and see that and fix his actions. 
he does break down one night and tell Noah everything that happened
one day at the office, a man came in with a horrible neck injury. 
he typically sees people who just need some medication or the worst injury being a bite from a dog, but even that wasn’t bad. 
he rushes to take care of the stranger. once they were alone for a brief second, he gets trapped inside. 
Phonus used Daniels body in order to get to the Doctor. He attacks and possesses Viktor. 
Once Phonus is done using Viktor, he takes him to a cliff near the sea
He is snaps his neck and lets the body fall into the ocean. 
Eventually, he washes up to shore where Marvin is
he stays with marvin for months while he heals up himself, he refuses to get any magic help
once he decides to leave marvin has a hard time letting go, he is worried viktor will fall victim to phonus again 
he leaves to go home but once he reaches the steps, phonus finds him again. 
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Jackieboy Man➜ Riley Lee Young
age: 23 - from our timeline 
very curly blonde hair
green eyes
skin that tans pretty easily 
the most muscular out of the lads but isnt extremely buff 
Height: 5′6″
Lives alone in a small apartment 
a college student, unsure what to major in but possibly wants to be a vet
LOVES animals! 
a vegetarian ! 
a pretty good cook actually! 
has a heart of gold and sees the best in most people, though he isn’t stupid. he knows there are terrible people in the world that can’t change and deserve punches to the face
he watches pets and volunteers at animal shelters!
he also babysits Viktors kids to get some money
was kicked out of his home. Viktor found out about it and bought him a small apartment to live in. (he would of offered Riley to stay but he has issues at home that he doesn’t want to subject Riley to on the daily)
he is the girls big brother figure and he loves to pay pretend with them ! 
He meets Marvin and they eventually become friends
he helps Marvin gain back confidence, giving him a place to stay, and helps him actually feel . . at home in this timeline 
when he finds out the truth that marvin is from the 1920s and has powers he cannot get over how cool it is! calling him a super hero and showing him comics that he has. he helps marvin try to get a better hold on the powers
he was around whenever the fire accident with marvins powers happen, he tries to calm marvin down but ends up alone. left to wonder what happened to his friend. 
When he has to start university up again he has to let the Valentin family know that he can’t be around as much as before but will try to help out if needed 
Viktor’s wife ends up calling Riley one day and begs him to come to the house as soon as he can for Viktor has been missing for days now
Riley puts up posters and gets the news out that Viktor is missing as much as he can around the city. 
He still goes to university but spends a lot of time in the Valentin household. Visiting on holidays and the girls birthdays. Having no news of Viktor. 
he later on gains marvins powers, his mainly being electricity and strength. 
he is set on finding phonus and fixing things for marvins sake 
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Jameson Jackson➜ Daniel Edmund Thomas
age: 27 - from the 1920s
slicked short black hair
brown eyes
Height: 5′7″
a charming, bold, charismatic man 
an actor and musician, exceptionally good on piano
very witty and clever
lives a rather extravagant life 
very close friends with Marvin, trusts him with his life
on his 27th birthday on Halloween, he throws a party
he loves to mess around with guests and asks Marvin if they can have a a seance
they try it to entertain the guests, but nothing happens (to marvins relief) 
the party continues on till its just marvin and him by the end of the night
they try again to contact from the beyond
they succeed 
he comes face to face with the demon. an invisible hand causing him to kill himself. making Marvin watch 
he becomes Antiphonus’s personal toy 
his mind becomes warped and he loses all sense of who he used to be
he tries to fight back, but once he does, his tongue is cut out of his mouth. never to be able to voice for help again 
his body now bound to Phonus becomes a personal pin cushion. being cut open and inspected to see how far humans have come with healing themselves. to see how far a human body can handle things
being trapped with phonus he starts to believe that Marvin caused his death. he believes everything phonus tells him and is set on killing marvin 
he becomes very aware of realities all thanks to Phonus. 
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Antisepticeye➜ Antiphonus
age: unknown. 
an immortal being / demon
seems to have been around for centuries 
first appears invisible, then a shadow figure, to a pitch black faceless figure that takes on more of a human shape - till finally, he appears to look like Daniel 
he is fascinated with humans, very curious and destructive 
he takes Daniel in as a host. he rests inside of Daniel’s body till he is strong enough to mimic the physical outer appearance of him
when he possesses people becomes stronger. he doesnt have full control right away, it takes him a bit of time to warm up once again to how powerful he used to be. 
he can see into his victims mind when possessing them, he knows all what Daniel knows / remembers. Daniels fame, fears, friendship. family, love- he knows it all. 
He uses this to his advantage to keep Daniel around without fighting him back- using Marvin against him
he is after the powers that he accidentally gave to Marvin on impact
he travels to the dimensions he has access to and time lines in hopes to find Marvin, taking Daniel along with no choice
he lands in our dimension and timeline to sense that his powers are close by
He ends up sabotaging Marvin’s performance with fire magic in order to kill him or capture him but it fails- he looses sight of him
While he is searching through the streets, he over hears talk about the human body. He comes across Viktors practice building and opens the door a crack. He can sense so many souls and blood in that building and gets vastly curious. He notices people injured and ill, waiting for care. He hatches an idea. 
 He returns to Daniel and possesses his body. He takes Daniel to an alley way close to the building, away from the eyes of others. He grabs the sharpest thing he can find and plunges it deep into the side of his neck and carves it out slowly and rips it out. 
He quickly makes Daniel reach the building and barges in, causing everyone to look on in horror. The nurses there rush to his aid as Phonus makes Daniel gasp and hold his neck to try to stop the bleeding. Nurses page for Viktor asap as they get Daniel to a stretcher and room fast.  Viktor arrives shortly after and is fast to help Daniel. Daniel just looks at Viktor and tries to nod. 
Once the nurses leave for a brief moment and its just him and Viktor, Phonus makes the door lock them inside.
Viktor goes to inject him with medication but Daniel reaches out and grabs Viktors arm. He say to Daniel that he knows needles are scary but you need this now, let go please. Daniel sits up and twists Viktors arm, causing Viktor to wince in pain while looking shocked. 
He grabs Daniels hand with his free one and tries to pry it away, but can't. Daniel kicks him away, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. He gets up from the bed. The lights inside the room begin to flicker faster and faster. Electronics in the room flickering on and off, radios and tv consumed with fast stations, fluctuating volumes, and static. Viktor gets to his feet and hears all this noise and sees this horror in front of him. 
Phonus leaves Daniels body, causing Daniel's wound to disappear. Phonus stands in front of him.
He gets inside of Viktors mind to find all that he can about the human body and the amount of pain that it can handle. 
He sees in Viktors mind a young man with curly blonde hair. And for a brief moment inside of Viktors mind, he sees Marvin 
in the end he ends up taking Marvin captive but finds that the powers are gone. 
he keeps marvin around because he sees too, that he gave that blonde boy his powers
so he is on the hunt for Riley 
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lilmajorshawty · 6 years
Uranus in The houses : The Unhinged.
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Uranus In The First House : A Calamity
(Kanye Feat. Jay Z - No church in the wild)
for natives with this placement the world itself can feel almost restricted in it’s dense formatting. To them people play pretend, and this makes them create walls as a means to escape from this “playground” of superficiality and conformity. they in many ways can be fantasy, operating on whim and wanderlust rather than any understandable motive. The ego here is complex, rather it’s constantly changing and augmenting. These natives can seem detached, far or aloof even if they have a rather watery or earthy ascendant. They keep distance from the world around them and can find it rather hard especially when young to cope with being “different” from the rest. Uranus in this house can cause standout features such as cheekbones, hair patterns and colors, eye colors or rather even just a unique scar or beauty mark on the face. these natives can be problem starters or deviants, in some ways many with this placement if not outright have that hidden side to them that seeks to test the boundaries of people or things in their immediate environment. Stark reds or blacks tend to color their wardrobe especially if they happen to already be a water or earth ascendant. despite Uranus here they can hide this energy despite it sitting in the first house if Uranus is well aspected or partnered with another planet or aspect to the rising sign.
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Uranus In The Second House: A Power-Outage 
(Kanye West - Fade)
Uranus in the second house natives have the Judas Kiss. In most scenes this is seen as a taboo or rather bad relation; rather in this situation I would say this natives are capable of a great good but also a tremendous evil if they so please. the temperature here is cool to hot very quickly much like the finances of these natives. on one side they can have massive ups, and rather godly luck in matters of money. But seemingly from nowhere money can be lost, stolen or even misplaced just as quickly as they found it. the cycle of having and losing usually is what causes these natives, especially later in life to become very free when it comes to money matters. their self esteem can see its fair share of ups and downs but once they accept their uniqueness for what it is they no longer feel bound to the standards of beauty or security they've been taught to uphold here as Uranus forces them to create a new definition of the idea of “security.” these natives can be GORGEOUS; of course in saying this I don’t mean every other Uranus placement lacks the ability to be beautiful, rather Uranus in this house adds a special type of sensuality, the type that seduces a room without even a second thought. They have a star quality, almost like the lights are drawn to them effortlessly. The throat can be a bit unique or even possess tattoo, piercing, or in some cases freckles and or beauty marks(moles.) the tone of voice can either be raspy or faded in a way, fluctuating and “different” these natives can be untouchable once they master the art of loving thy self in regard of all uniqueness. 
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Uranus In The Third House: A Stormy Sky
(Run The Jewels - Call Ticketron) 
Uranus in the third house natives in true third house fashion Love the mind, they can take on a rather personal stance towards understanding others but a more impersonal one on understanding their own mental makeup. They are true creatures of impulse, seeking to dig and devour every aspect of the human response. They want to know the “why,” the “how,” the many intricate reasons on why you close your door before you go to sleep, why you cuff your jeans before you head to the date, why you cover your mouth when you laugh. To them the mind is a machine and one they are endlessly fascinated by. They can have moods in which they are extremely choosey and cliquish about who they show their genius mind to but in some ways its not them being stuck up or snobbish, rather they need to be mentally stimulated by people who know how to have free thought. People who can challenge them, people who can give them a new perspective or who have a deep mind are like eating the sweetest cherry pie for these natives. they adore mental diversity and often remain more introverted until they find that in the environment they’re in. They can have a rather fixed gaze in their eyes as if they are caught in a deep thought or on a destination you’re not apart of. They can have beauty marks and moles on the arms unless other planets sit in this house, the nails and or finger tips on women or men can be slender and boxed. the hand movements can seem very detached from the movements of the body they belong too. the arms can also be rather cold in their temperature. the speech pattern is quick and get far away as they speak as if they are talking away from you as the conversation continues. They also have the tendency to avoid touch or have an intensity to the way they do initiate touch.(handshakes). Very punk rebel vibe to them. 
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Uranus In The Fourth House: A Silent Bolt 
 (Travis scott - Astrothunder) 
This can be a bit of a taxing place for Uranus to be in a persons chart as it can create a distant sort of ways a way feeling in the most vulnerable place in someone’s heart, home. The home can seem a bit “for now” for the native even if the family Is loving and caring as can be. the native carries this energy as if the security they feel may only last for a moment. the family can in some cases be unorthodox or a bit strange in its composition. it could be that the native is an adopted child, lives or has lived in a ever shifting home environment or may have a detached relationship with those they get intimately involved with, including their loved ones. Uranus could also create a situation here the child is raised by relatives or siblings rather than the parent or in some cases raised themselves. the native could've seen the home as a place to test the mind or the concepts of life itself. at home is where their ideas and concepts find voice often causing the natives to seem detached when you get to know them as you will soon realize that it is impossible to make these natives feel as though they “need’ anyone. Due to their detachment to their fourth house often started from child hood they don’t have the same emotional grounding as most. this makes these natives Extremely hard to get to know as they keep so much of their feelings hidden away from anyone, even family. Uranus here doesn’t just build walls, it creates circumstances that force the native to fend for themselves and be independent. these natives don’t know how to “need” people and because of this usually have to teach themselves how to allow themselves to feel certain emotions, and in many ways they have to teach themselves to “care” about people despite the possibility of vulnerability that may come from it. These natives have deep feelings but regardless seek freedom frim their intense emotions as often they feel immensely understood on an emotional level and prefer to be their own “ rock” so to speak. the parents could have professions in medicine and even science and or law. parents may be gone often or be unable to provide for the native emotionally in the proper way necessary. The chest region can be unique in some way, be it scars, moles, or different skin tones than the rest of the body. the chest is very vulnerable. heart palpations and unusual heartbeats can be common place. Uranus here can cause cold body temperatures. these natives have a hard time letting people in and because of this the more you get close to them or force your way into intimacy with them the more distant they will get. they crave a life free of people and connections, in many ways they want to be nomadic, feeling and experiencing in reclusion. 
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Uranus In The Fifth House : A Electric Current 
(Kanye Feat Sia, Vic mensa, Frank Ocean - Wolves) 
Uranus in the fifth house is a powerful position for Uranus, despite being situated in the house of its opposing medium. Uranus in the house causes the native to experience their fare share of heartbreaks as it invites love liaisons that are exciting, passionate but brief in nature. it can seem like their is a divine lesson to be learned in the realm of romance and even children as these natives will be forced to relinquish control over their children much earlier than most parents as the kids will be strong in Aquarian/uraniun energy. this isn’t to say other planets and even the sign on the cusp wont augment this, but the natives will have to allot their children the room and freedom necessary to grow otherwise the children will rebel. the dating scene is likely turbulent, periods of draught and nun- like celibacy only to be bombarded with periods of intense intimacy. the natives can attract the idealist type, the rocker type, the bad boy or the conspiracy theorist. the kids are often visionaries but detached, they can adore the native as a friend or the cool mom, dad. the casual sex encounters are often memorable but can push the native into deeper themes of self realization. the party scene is often indie, a bit nuance and a bit of a sacred relic. they tend to be off to the side or inhaling the energy so to speak almost as if they’re seeking a greater party elsewhere within the very party they’re are attending. the hobbies and things sought out of pleasure are often odd. these natives tend to be stimulated by electronics and gadgets but more importantly documentaries and alien flics often are more their scene. they love a good conspiracy and even more so love to research the topic. they can be a bit flighty when it comes to the seriousness of intimacy which is often reflected back onto them in the grand scheme of karma. the back can have beauty marks, moles on it and can also have a strangeness to it appearance. 
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Uranus In the Sixth House : A Perplexing Case Of  Deja Vu
(Disclosure - Jaded jammer Remix)
to put it in simple terms these natives are erraticccc, with a capital E. They can create the wildest day to day schedule and it’ll somehow be much more organized and neat than any of us could ever do. they live by their own compass and tend to loathe any outside reinforcement of how and what they should be utilizing their schedule to do. They value a certain level of independence in their day to day and can easily feel afflicted if they are being forced to follow any one else's regimen than their own. their health can also take on the same erratic tone. some times the guessing game they play with their bodily health is part of what adds to that insane happy-go lucky energy they carry and partly why they are the least effected by bodily alignment. Uranus makes the body heal quickly here, often causing these natives to do better dealing with their own health issues unless absolutely necessary. Surgery may in some way shape or form be necessary for these natives as Uranus in this house and the eighth house tend to do that. The stomach can be unique in its appearance but this is often negated especially if the sign on the cusp is in its last decan. the internal organ structure however will operate and preform much different than most. The native will often have odd schedules at work or detached and new age type of co-workers. the native may get jobs as a journalist, a CEO at apple or a new generation company. the ability to get a job “can” be easy sometimes and hard in other times it truly just depends on how Uranus is vibrating. The native may have a sort of cosmic back drop, as Uranus in this house can create premonitions and or preludes to situations set to occur soon. the native should take much care to pay attention to these. 
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Uranus In The Seventh House: A Unstable Party of two
(Big Black Delta - Huggin & Kissin )
Uranus in the seventh house natives are quite the experience. To put it fondly these natives can be a maelstrom of ups, downs, here's and there’s, Back and fourth's, Two le fro. The story can drain you but you’ll find yourself sucked into their electric vortex of sex, love, passion, anger, rage, and numbness. they are in a sense a sweet little jingle all to themselves wrapped in thorns. they are passionate souls, but the electric uranian current causes them to send out that passion in an overwhelming fashion. people attribute this placement to cheating which is something I have to disagree with, this placement on it’s own in it’s depth means that these natives crave and need a connection that touches their spirit and mind on a cosmic level. Their standards are high which causes them to seem flighty. they are unique and very perplexing individuals and for that reason they’d do anything to find that one perfect gem that reflects their storm, making a colorful shimmer. to them the chaos in a relationship is what makes a connection but the ability to take one another, bare and complete is what they attribute to be real love. The conquest can make them seem like sluts, or whores but in reality they aren’t the type to sleep around or even date for the sake of it as many of them prefer the loner lifestyle. these natives can be hard as hell to understand and even harder to win over but once you do you’ll likely see just how powerful cosmic love can be, and baby it is a groovy experience. these natives can have very cute butt dimples or beauty marks around these regions. depending on how daring they are these natives also get ass tattoos. these natives are very sexy and have an energy to them that makes them the prize. most people want them but they normally don’t notice there fans and prefer the types who don’t blend in normally with society. Exp(drake leo rising Aquarius DC falling for Rihanna, Rebellious, independent, passionate but aloof) They often are level headed and non-emotional in their interactions with others and vice versa. the start of the marriage can begin abruptly and depending on how evolved the native is the marriage can also end abruptly. 
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Uranus In The Eighth House : A Fallen Apostle 
(Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sacrilege)
Ah Uranus in the Eighth house, The epitome of Intensity and the icy cool of hell all in one. These natives are very much so the dark witch dressed as damsel in distress, the virgin dressed in sheer red panty less, the red eyed lover sitting atop the debris. to these natives the world, it’s people and their psyche isn’t safe from their all seeing celestial aura. these natives are blessed with a sight so clear and so powerful that often they can sense you and your intent ions before you even glance their way. they feel energy like an electric vibration and react to it consciously and unconsciously. they operate on this divine modem yet still reject any guidance from any higher power as they want to be in control of their own fate. in many ways they take on the form of a rebellious angel favored by the ruler of all, not just for their “balls” but for the limitless nature of their tenacity. these natives are ambitious when it comes to the world of the dead, they want to transverse spirituality and the cosmic window and many can be drawn to the occult, be it astrology, actual cults, tarot, psychic mediums, paranormal investigations and so on. these placement is very spiritually powerful as well as these natives tend to earn the respect of good and bad ghost. demons and angels tend to take on passive energies towards these natives more or less being rather curious as to the life choices and directions the native will choose to follow. they often have very strong dreams and can easily hear divine calling if they surrender to the unknown but these natives as brave as they are can be afraid of how “real” their own spiritual ability really is and in turn shy away from the heavier stuff. they can have a past life linked to science and innovation, one in which they discovered something of great importance in their present life. in many cases having Uranus in your 8th house in this life time can mean you’ve lived many lives and carry many souls within your body hence the heaviness of this placement. the body temperature is often very cold and the native can easily get shivers and tremors due to sudden temperature changes. these natives tend to dislike to much heat and can suffer from being accident prone. the native will likely have surgery and an interest in surgery that will become more apparent over time. the genitalia will have unique features or just be shaped in a different way. the hips will be in a sort of hourglass shape depending on other influences. Uranus here also causes a much darker eye color, as with all 8th house placements. the native will have good luck in finances but, their will be a constant fluctuation in finances especially with Neptune here due to Uranus and it’s 50/50 nature. that being said inheritance and money deals will usually run smoothly even if Uranus is badly aspected, but still caution is advised with harsher aspects. sex can almost be experienced in seldom as usually from what I've seen the universe is very picky about who is able to sleep with these natives. usually the natives are put in long moments of celibacy and then sprung by sudden and long periods of constant sex or thoughts of sex. the natives can be very detached and very, very hard to get emotionally close to as the darkest and most intense side of themselves is put behind a uranian wall. they are in a sense the darkest place for Uranus because of how overwhelming their real energy is. not to exaggerate but these natives are not easy to handle and they know that, no ordinary person is usually capable so these natives tend to be very choosey about who is ready to take them on. 
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Uranus In the Ninth House : A Divine Exit 
(Foals - Exits)
For Uranus in the 9th house natives much could be said bout their rebellious spirit but even more could be said about their influential presence. These natives share a obscure world view, one far from the norm and one that isn’t supported by the rest. the can have passionate views on the political landscape but can keep these thoughts tight to their chest especially if they are a more shy person. they prefer a world lived in truth rather than blind following and desperately seek to create that even if in a small way in the world around them. they are buzzing with the rebel energy and can seem like the bad boy or bad gal in town even if they’re sweet as can be. the nature of Uranus in this house is to challenge the status quo which often makes these natives huge advocates for reform and leaks as they need and want the public to have the opportunity to think on their own. These natives can be extremely open minded and one of their most admirable qualities is the safe haven they create for those who don’t feel safe speaking or validating their own truth. these natives albeit strange are very good hearted anarchist. the travels can be interstellar(literally) as Uranus rules space age tech and these natives tend to travel often to highly industrialized places. the natives can have rather aloof or detached engagements with foreign places which allows them the greatest avenue for self discovery and change. they often adore history and language but can despise the ecosystem of paid college and governmental institutions which usually makes many of them seek outside sources of knowledge or in some extreme cases not go to college or further schooling all together. the hips and thighs can be unique in their shape or have freckles(moles). 
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Uranus In the Tenth House : A Earthly Anomaly 
(Alexandra Savior -Frankie)
Uranus in the tenth house is very intimidating. These natives have these kind of critical yet leering gaze to them, this honest and suffocating loathing of society and its little nuances. They know the end and beginning and often find themselves augmenting the results only to be disappointed by it’s commonality. They view people in spades and often find themselves testing reactions and situational responses from environments and people involved. their public persona can be viewed as detached, rather cool and unassuming. their media profiles can range from conspiracy to vintage oldie sit-com. they live in an era that is long dead and gone. they value genuine expression and often adore the new, and rather simplistic approaches to beauty and art. to them keeping some of the old, and taking your own spin on it, bringing it to life in your own light takes an immense amount of dedication and skill. they can seem rather elderly in their approach to concepts and carry a sort of pre-historic air to them yet in so many ways they are ions beyond everyone else as Uranus in this house gifts these natives with not only a resourceful mind but a encompassing mind that sees the beautiful stills and angles yet to be used. they tend to be very poised and serious individuals who dislike a misuse of the “outsider” aesthetic. to them not fitting in isn’t a “trend” rather it’s a experience, it’s a very real aspect of life and one they take seriously. they project this air of independence but can easily overwhelm you with how easily they can remove their feelings from an encounter and treat you as if you were a speck of sand they happened to pay a little to much time on. they have a strong capability to do anything technical, be it space science, astronomy, be it bacterial research, chem labs, cancer research, robotic engineering and so on. they could care less about status and tend to be fond of jobs that allow them some level of reclusively. other planets can augment this description. the bone structure can be rather striking in it’s build leading to either a stranger look or taller look.
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Uranus In the Eleventh House : A Transparent Fuse
(Metronomy -reservoir jaques Lu cont remix)
Uranus Can act a damn fool in it’s own house, you’d imagine Uranus would be pretty happy here correct? you’d be right! Uranus is a force in this house but not in the way you would think. The natural ability to make friends is capitalized here but it’s also strange in how it’s brought about. friends and the idea and concept of this will constantly be a out of reach understanding to the native. The friends take on the real role they were supposed to which is being a mirror into the soul of the individual. every aspect of these natives friend is an aspect of the native her/himself. the friendships can start and end quickly and have rather odd middle periods almost as if its a simulation of sorts. The natives themselves can be quick of wit and insanely bright, their mind just receives and accumulates knowledge like some sort of intergalactic sponge.  they tend to take on a humble conscious though and tend to loathe seeming overly educated in any one subject as they believe there is always something more to learn. these natives can struggle with hot and cold periods especially emotionally as they can feel sudden bouts of direction less-ness. they can seem a bit self critical and self deprecating only because they hold their mental state to such an abnormally high standard. they tend to be very drawn to organizations of any kind and have very giving and sacrificial hearts. that being said they can smell a con from a mile a way and aren’t to types to mindlessly donate. they can have a strong moral compass and a truly authentic rebel soul yet a great deal of who they are is presented very calmly and flows much easier than any of the Uranus placements so they actually seem the most “normal’ out of the bunch. the ankles can be a bit on the small side and can have some unique marks or bone structuring towards the foot. 
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Uranus In The Twelfth House : A De-Railed Train
(Tangerine Dream - Love on a Real Train)
Uranus in the 12th house is very different from Uranus conjunct Neptune, or Neptune in the 11th..rather it’s a placement that creates this energy of oneness, a seemingly collective stimulus in a final alignment. These natives are Psychic batteries, they feel and sense the world in such a deep way that they often can easily be written off as “weird” or “odd” to the general populace. in many ways they represent the cosmic due to how deep and personal they feel the vibrations of their environment. they often have strong escapist tendencies that are worsened because Uranus often feels stifled in this house. they tend to operate on two planes of consciousness and switch in and out of these personas on a continuous scale. they can often seem as if they’re not feeding you the entire plate, which is true, they are often withholding large chunks of their mind and inner realm from those they meet as a measure of protecting themselves. The dreams can be vivid beyond belief and can have rather peculiar and odd contextual themes that never seem to go hand and hand. the dreams tend to increase in intensity in response to outside triggers. the spiritual constitution is very intense but can get better as more experience is gained over time. behind closed doors these individuals are Brainiac's, wizards, mad scientist and lab rats. they understand it all, listen to them and hear the astral plane on the tips of their tongue. they are immensely intelligent and unknown to many of these natives once tapped, their minds can do unforeseen things. they are adaptable and  easily able to pick up information and skills in the blink of an eye. to them there isn’t an uncharted place in the sky, but since this is the twelfth house this beautiful skill is hidden somewhere in the hum-drum of their psyche and it’s waiting to be freed. 
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Hello. I recently saw a post from hellmandraws with your character Grace. This isn't the first time I've seen her and I'm very interested in what she is to the Stans ?
hey anon!!! idk if its the same anon who asked about grace before, but nonetheless! time to ramble wooo!! this got rly long, so im putting it all under the cut
grace had become a very close friend to the stans. she only got transferred in their junior year, so she didn’t spend her whole time at glass shard high. junior year was when she met them, and while they only had that year to get to know each other, it was senior year when they got really close. when high school sucks, you gotta stick together
they’ve seen each other pass by in the halls, but they properly first met one night at the beach. when both parties are big mystery fans, you tend to end up exploring the same crime scenes and cryptid sightings. except you think the other party is the cryptid in question so you need to keep your distance and dont let them see you. 
the twins and grace try to trip each other up, thinking the other is the cryptid at large. grace wins this fight by setting up a trap for the cryptid to fall into, but she got the twins instead. this leads to a whole lot of confusion and bickering 
grace: YOURE the ones who have been following me this whole time??
stan: following you??? no?? you were the one following US!!
grace: IM ACTUALLY trying to capture a cryptid!! 
ford: you made a pretty flimsy trap for a cryptid i mean come on what self respecting cryptid would be attracted to a lamp tied to a half-baked attempt at a metal detector
grace: says the ones who fell into it in the first place 
the real cryptid jumps out at this point, so the trio has no choice but to work together in dealing with the creature. they start to bond once they realise what they all had in common, and here is when grace realises how much fun she was having with them. 
so she asks if they could hang out more. 
the twins, startled that someone is asking to hang out with them instead of running away or turning their back on them or teasing them or
“YES” stan replies quickly enough for the both of them, because they both do know gaining a new friend, someone who isnt fazed by ford weirdness or stans rep of being the dumb twin, is not smth to turn away from 
it takes some time for the twins to warm up to her tho,,,thinking at one point shes just going to stab them in the back. its safe to say that shes amongst one of the popular kids at school, always befriending as many people as possible (that must be exhausting to remember all those birthdays.) so why was she spending time with the pines twins?? crampelters no. 1 target? for all stan and ford knows (due to their past experience with their peers) grace could somehow betray them and throw them to the cool kids to pick em apart like vultures at dead carcasses. besides, we’ve always had each other sixer, so why should things change now?
but grace stays. she still hugs them when she sees them, still places study notes in stans locker, still helps patching up fords hands and face, still brings them diet pitt packs whenever theyre working on their boat, still visits them on weekends, still invites them to play rehearsals, parties, performances, still listens to them on good days and bad days
she still turns her head and speaks up whenever she hears someone bad mouthing the twins, because after hearing their stories of after school confrontations, ignorant teachers, salty tears, broken glasses and bones and wounds that can’t heal with bandages, the last thing grace ever wants to do is let history repeat itself. im not gonna stand by and let them do this to you. she promises never again.
but she can only do so much and thats something that frustrates her to no end
in general, she wants to be the perfect friend so when she goes too far with smth and fucks up she panics. she can get too far in her own head, so sometimes the twins need to bring her back down to earth and remind her of who she is. stan, ford and grace become each others anchor. keeping each other afloat and steady in this sea of societal expectations, self worth/identity issues and the unknown....and the occasional monster of the week
aaaand thats basically their relationship!! thank you sm for the question! theres plenty more details and other layers to graces character and her friendship with the twins, since the first half of this post explains how they met, but this pretty much serves as an intro to all that jazz. 
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autisticjaymerrick · 5 years
OKAY @jaysbabyknife (sorry if u didnt wanna be pinged!!) suggested a middle school Bray au and this isnt finished but i lost motivation so HERES SOME OF IT
(No read more bc im on mobile sorry)
Jay knew he was staring, knew he had been for several minutes, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
Across the lunch room, seated at a table occupied by his many friends and acquaintances, was Brian Thomas. He was just like a star in a dark night sky, lighting up the area around him like a beacon, drawing in smiles and giggles and playful conversation. Jay could pick up his laughter occasionally, even over the rumble of lunchroom chatter, and it made his heart flutter every time.
“He’s gonna catch you staring one of these days, you know.” Alex said pointedly, seated in front of him and waving one hand in front of his face while the other prodded a (cold, badly cooked) chicken patty with a fork.
Jay looked away quickly, turning instead to glare at his best friend.
“Don’t say that so loud!” He hissed, but it sounded more desperate than angry. He could tell he was blushing.
Alex smirked, rolling his eyes. “No one‘s gonna hear me.” He said. “We’re sitting alone and nobody pays attention to us anyway.”
It was true. Their friendship had been forged on the fact that no one else wanted to be friends with them because they were the “weird kids.” It had been a good bonding experience and all that but it still stung a little that the seats around them at lunch were always empty.
“Yea, but we still need to be careful.” Jay settled on saying anyway. “If Danny or Roger hears you saying I’m gay it’s all over.”
Danny was popular, handsome, the star football player in a town that cared way too much about even just middle school football. Roger was his best friend and trusty sidekick in the beating up of kids that didnt conform. Jay had been shoved around in the hallways a few times, sure, but if they found out he liked boys they’d make his life a living hell from now until he graduated high school.
Alex now gave him a sympathetic look, popping a bite of mashed potatoes into his mouth. “They won’t find out.” He said, sounding like he was making a promise, grinning as he swallowed his food. “You can count on me.” And his words would come across as mocking if his eyes didnt look a little sad.
It was Jay’s turn to roll his eyes, but he didn’t argue about it anymore.
Jay really and truly tried his hardest to listen in class most of the time, but with his internal gay crisis and his prevalent autistic traits it was a real struggle.
“Jay! Stop messing with your hat or you’ll have to take it off!”
“Jay, stop tapping on your desk! You’re distracting the class!”
“Jay I asked for an essay on the french revolution, not on your favorite type of camera.”
Okay, that last one had been a mix up. He’d written the camera essay on his own time and just handed in the wrong one. But still, these instances and the many others were embarrassing and othering and he hated that he couldn’t just be like everybody else. His classmates didn’t get yelled at for fidgeting too much. His classmates didn’t get picked on for talking weird. His classmates didn’t get laughed at for crying because of a really loud fire alarm.
The current predicament Jay was in, however, was nothing like the others. Was it worse? Better? He didn’t know but he sure wished it wasn’t happening.
Or rather, he wished he knew how to handle it.
You see, Jay had been personally given an invitation to Brian’s upcoming 13th birthday party by Brian himself. During end of the day homeroom while Jay was getting his stuff ready. Where everyone could see.
(“Hey Jay, I have something for you!” “Huh?” “My birthday’s coming up and this is an invite to the party!” “Oh, uh, thanks.”)
Was he not afraid of lowering his social standing? Did he not know that Jay was at the bottom of the middle school food chain? Was he making fun of him or taking pity on him?
All questions that were tormenting Jay as he sat on his bed after school and stared at the invitation, a small, folded piece of paper that was clearly hand made. It had gotten sweaty from Jay holding it too much.
On the front was a drawing of some balloons, a birthday cake, and some party hats. On the inside was a generic message that read: “You are formally invited to attend my 13th birthday party! I hope you can make it!” Followed by the address (his house) and date/time.
What was really getting him though was the short personalized message at the very bottom, something that Brian surely did for everyone who received an invitation but that still sent Jay’s heart soaring.
“Hey Jay!! We don’t talk much but I’d love it if you came to the party!! Maybe we can be friends?”
Jay clutched the paper to his chest and, for the first time since he’d gotten the invite, smiled.
The next morning at school breakfast, Jay asked Alex if he’d gotten an invite and tried to hide his disappointment when he said he had. Of course he wanted his best friend to be there, especially because he’d be lost with no one to hang out with, but a secret part of him hoped he was one of the elite few to be invited.
“What did your message say?” He asked after he’d spent a few seconds convincing himself that talking about Brian out loud wasn’t bad or wrong, especially if no one else was around to hear.
“Message?” Alex asked, clearly confused. “What do you mean?”
“At the bottom of the invite?” Jay supplied helpfully.
“I didn’t get one, man.” He took a drink of milk. “Are you saying you did?”
Jay’s face heated up, realizing the implications. This meant that not everyone got a special message from Brian, that he wasn’t just doing it because he did it for everybody else.
“Uh. Yea, I did.” He said, a bit sheepish. “Just something about how he wants to be friends.”
Alex smiled wide at him, something mischievous in his eyes. “That’s cool! I hope that works out.” And then he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Ugh, stop it!” Jay said, embarrassed, but he couldn’t stop a part of him from being pleased at the whole situation.
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cowboyguts-moved · 5 years
hi! i love chris already jsyk. he's my kind of character i love everything ive heard so far what a fun ASShole with a heart of gold? im assuming? if its cool to ask, how do he and his three friends meet? it sounds like they have a cool dynamic!! love ya jo
you would assume correctly! (: although i like to harass tristan by saying hes just simply an asshole but its not true so. of course its cool to ask i want questions about them!! in 10th grade chris was smoking a joint in the bathroom alone during lunch cause he’s a big loser  when kylo bursted through the door because he had some upperclassmen on his ass that were planning on wrangling him and makin him squeal like a pig you know i guess hanging him on the fence by his underwear or something super fun like that and he dipped in the bathroom to hide. and chris barely looked at the little short kid flying in and the huge creak the door made cause hes so cool and emo and kylo sees him and he’s startled and he starts running his mouth about who is after him and why and why its important chris doesnt say anything if he sees them and he talks super zippy and fast so its like a headrush speaking to him. and then just kinda notices he’s smoking and he’s all is that a Joint :O and chris is like….. blink. and he’s all can i have a few puffs? and chris just quietly passes it and watches him hoping he’ll mellow the fuck out and thats what they initially bond over is smoking..LOL i think kylo kinda invites him over to show him what hes got and theyll smoke and stuff and chris has nothing better to do because he doesnt have any real friends. and also kylo is very attracted to chris’ personality and chris is nice enough to him which is saying a lot, kylo looks up to him a lot. as time goes on chris sees kylo love for him as a little excessive at times but he knows kylo has an obsessive personality. sometimes because chris doesnt know how to handle that admiration towards himself, he’s mean to kylo. and he regrets it but he’s full of issues so alas he’s gonna act out and regret it. kylo is so loyal and kind though he loves chris even if chris mistreats him as a friend sometimes 
kylo introduces chris to mikael! mikael and kylo have known each other since elementary school, theyre the oldest friends out of everyone in the group. theres nothing really significant about their meeting i think they just meet at a party or at school? i have to ask tristan but they just meet you know. and mikael is such a whirlwind like if kylo didnt introduce them he would have met him anyway. he’s tall and has long luscious hair and is in a band and is easily the most popular out of all of them and everyone loves him. he knows everyone and he even knows people from neighboring STATES ..he goes to things and shows and travels. thats his whole thing thats what he enjoys most is human connection. he’s the biggest stoner out of all them like pro stoner and so chris takes a huge liking to him right off the bat. he looks up to mikael like kylo looks up to him. chris thinks he’s hot as hell and mikaels a natural flirt with everyone so they end up having a thing for a little bit just like a fwb. but ultimately theyre very good friends, besides lewis mikael is chris’ best friend. he’s a wonderful person and a great listener and he’s very emotionally smart (: he’s someone thats steady for chris
mikael introduced chris to ben..and kylo to ben really. because mikael is friends with all kinds of cliques he’s good friends with the football guys. particularly big chubby sarcastic all american blond quarterback Ben Jacobs. chris thinks ben is hot too of course but ben is so adamantly not into guys it hurts. HDHSHJ ben and chris have something unique because ben’s really aggravated by chris’ constant need to provoke him and push him around because ben is so big and tall and strong and chris is a yappy little shit in comparison and he always wants to rough play with him and low key get him to punch him in the face or something cause he’s..chris. he’s not Mean to ben and even if he was its all a joke anyway and ben isnt affected by it he just knows chris is a little prick he loves riling him up. chris will also be really gay around him and try to seduce ben and get ben to show just a hint of attraction because the idea that his straightness is a really well kept facade is hilarious to chris even though…you know, ultimately it isnt true. ben Is straight, he will have little mental slip ups and think of chris in certain ways but thats literally what all people do, it doesnt mean ben is into guys but bens insecure about it anyway because he knows if chris knew he had thoughts about guys on the rare occasion he’d be so damn smug. they have a love hate thing like ben will call him slurs out of love even tho we all know he isnt supposed to. theyre all morally gray, so. ben is so hyper masc and self conscious about how he presents that being around someone so liberated as chris is a headache. but ben loves him, he’s very watchful over him and protective in his own way and worries about him, especially because he doesnt treat himself for his bipolar disorder. ben is a big softie (:
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: Welcome To Happy Harbor, Drop-Zone, What’s The Story
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Episode 3: “Welcome To Happy Harbor”
The episode begins with Speedy interrupting one of Brick’s shipments.  Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad soon join the party.
Brick gets cocky and pays for it.  I’d completely forgotten about Brick’s appearance in this episode.  We see Brick in the trailer for the third season.  I bet he appears in Arrowette’s origin/recruitment episode.  It would be a nice callback to the first season.
The boys attempt to recruit Speedy to the team but he’s a manly man who doesn’t need to be part of a team.
“Recognized Robin B-01, Kid Flash B-03”
You know Batman programmed the codes and was all “Robin will be the first”.  It’s also a nice nod to Robin’s status as the first sidekick.
“Mission assignments are the Batman’s responsibility.” – Yep, poor Red is the one who has to reign in their shenanigans.  This Red doesn’t know how easy he has it – there should be a crossover between the Red of the cartoon universe and the Red of the comic book universe.  Comic book-Red can terrify Cartoon-Red with tales of his Conner and Bart.
“This team is not a social club.” – Kaldur would be the one most adamant about assignments and not wasting time on socializing.  He entered the Atlantean military at 12 years old.  He’s had structure and duty drilled into him at a young age.
“I cannot read his mind.” – Ooh, foreshadowing of M’gann’s later abuse of her powers?  That is a pretty clear violation of privacy for no other reason than convenience.  On the one hand, I cut M’gann some slack because even at 45 years old she is still a teenager by her race’s standards.  Teenagers don’t always make the best decisions and she’s obviously attempting to impress her teammates.  On the other hand, J’onn is a very ethical telepath and I’m positive he would have coached M’gann on the proper uses of telepathy.
“We all know what you’re thinking right now.” – Wally the horn dog is taken straight out of his solo comic in the late 1980s.
Wally and Dick competing over M’gann’s attention is hilarious.  I don’t think Dick event wants M’gann’s attention as much as he wants to annoy Wally.  Meanwhile, Superboy is not amused by their shenanigans.  At all.
Kaldur continues to be the only “adult” in the room.
“Granny Jones’ recipe from episode 17” – Subtle foreshadowing of an element that wouldn’t become prominent until much later in the season.
Wally needs to learn subtleness in his flirtations.
“Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy.” – Wouldn’t that have been one of the first things J’onn would have gone over with her?”  
Superboy would be highly sensitive to telepathic intrusions due to his experiences in Cadmus.  If your entire upbringing revolved around telepathic manipulation, you are sure not going to want anyone randomly popping into your head.
“Helo, Megan.” – What we thought was a catchphrase is more foreshadowing.
The Martian bio-ship is cool.
“Fast with his feet. Not so much with his mouth.”
Yep, Dick is having too much fun giving Wally a bad time.
Kaldur takes the lead and reaches out to Superboy.  Even before it was made official, the writers did a great job laying the foundation for Aqualad to become the leader of the team.
“Mimicking boys is a lot harder.” – Would it be?  Do Martians even have gender?  Their natural forms – green or white – are basically androgynous.
“Are tornadoes common in New England?” – A pretty sensible question.  Kaldur lives underwater, Conner’s a newborn, Megan’s an alien, and Wally’s from the Midwest.  Dick is the only one who lives in New England area.
The team battles Mr. Twister and comes out on the losing end.  I’ve always felt Red Tornado was one of the most formidable heroes around. How do you fight a tornado?
“That was quite turbing.” – Dick’s mangling of the English language is thrown back into his face.
Megan deduces (wrongly) that Mr. Twister is the Red Tornado.  To be fair, it was an obvious guess.
“Stay out of our way.” – Is this Conner’s catchphrase?  This is the second time in three episodes he’s stated a variation of it.
The rematch with Mr. Twister is going as well as the first round.
“First thing Batman taught me.” – Yeah, I can see Bruce believing “never be without a weapon” is a valuable life lesson.  
Where did Dick hide the utility belt? It’s rather bulky.
Megan devises a plan and the team makes short work of Mr. Twister.
“Cool.  Souvenir.” – Wally begins his collection of trophies.
The scientist at the end is Dr. T.O. Morrow – his search for Red Tornado sets up a future episode.
“Sorry.  I’ll strive to be more accurate.”
“And more respectful.”
Yep, Dick and Conner could both use lessons in manners and tact.
Conner mutters an awkward “Sorry” to Megan.  Judging from his expression, it pained him in his soul to do so.
Episode 4: “Drop-Zone”
For those curious, the first three episodes of the cartoon, along with the first five issues of the comic, took place from July 4th through the 12th.
“Drop-Zone” begins on June 19th – Kobra has forcibly taken control of Bane’s Venom-production facilities on Santa Prisca.  Bane is not happy.
Bane battles Mammoth for control of the island and loses.
I like Kobra and his minions visual design.  Very nice. I’m not sold on Shimmer or Mammoth (pre-transformation.”
We flip ahead to June 22nd.  Two possibilities for why we are now in June – which is before July, not after.  One – the creators messed up and put June in the captions instead of July.  Two – we skipped a year between episodes 3 and 4.  I’m going with the first option as the team still hasn’t elected a leader. Pretty sure you can’t have a year’s worth of adventures without an established leader.
That said, I’m pausing “Drop-Zone” and switching to the comic as the fifth issue takes place on July 20th. I’m trying to keep this in chronological order.
Issue 5: “What’s The Story?”
Wally is at the HQ – bored and flirthing with Megan.  Wally suggest a camp fire.  Megan enthusiastically agrees but dashes Wally’s hopes by inviting the rest of the team.
Tents are set, fires lit, and smores made.
Dick tells Wally to tone down his flirting as it’s “kinda bordering on the creepy.” Yeah, Wally isnt’ exactly smooth.
Conner’s not impressed with camping: “Sleep in these flimsy things called tents and sit around the fire?”
Dick scolds Wally again: “You’re about as subtle as a train wreck.”
Megan wants to learn more about her teammates.
Aqualad begins.  Here are the highlights:
·         Grew up in Shayeris, a city of Atlantis
·         Atlantis has many people, many cultures
·         Completed his education at 12 and began mandatory service in the Atlantean military
·         At 14 years old - Transferred to the prestigious Conservatory of Science in Poseidonis
·         Queen Mera is the headmistress of the Conservatory
·         Met Garth and Tula at the Conservatory
·         Garth Kaldur saved Aquaman’s life during an attack by the Ocean Master
·         Aquaman offered the boys a chance to become his protégé and later carry on his “suface duties” while he focused on running the Kingdom
·         Kaldur leapt at the chance while Garth continued his magical studies
Nice origin recap for Kaldur.  I love the inclusion of Garth and Tula as it is a nice nod to Arthur’s original sidekicks.
Wally goes next. Highlights:
·         Jay Garrick is still the original Flash!  Yes!  I love the nods to the depth of the DC Universe. Modern creators don’t seem to care about characters and continuity but Greg Weisman and company flawlessly incorporate all aspects and elements of DC’s history.
·         Barry’s next.
·         Wally desperately wants to be Kid Flash but Barry is “No! No partners! I don’t want the responsibility!”
·         Wally’s all “Screw that.  I do what I want.” and recreates the chemical combination that caused Barry to turn into the Flash.
·         Wally as a science nerd is unique to the Young Justice universe but it’s a nice addition to the character.
·         After a few weeks, Wally gains super-speed.  He campaigns to be Barry’s new partner.  Barry’s not thrilled but agrees as long as Wally does “exactly as I say, when I say it.”
The writers did an excellent job of establishing exactly why the heroes allowed the teenagers to run around in costumes:
·         Aquaman is training a protégé to assume his role as surface world ambassador/protector.
·         Batman doesn’t want Dick to turn out like him.  Bruce doesn’t want Dick’s “inner light” to face out.
·         Barry had no choice as Wally was hell-bent on being a hero.  Better to have Wally by his side than face the danger alone.
Roy is too busy being a manly loner to discover Ollie’s reasons.  Traditionally, Ollie doesn’t make the best life choices so it could have been the more typical “well, letting a kid run around in a mask and punch criminals seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Robin passes on story-telling time.  At first, Wally ribs Dick about Batman not letting him say anything but realizes he’s rubbing salt in the wound and passes the story-telling baton to Conner.
Conner doesn’t say much. He mentions the G-Gnomes and the containment pod.  Conner states he never thought for himself until his rescue.
Conner states the one thing that’s always on his mind is “Destroying Superman.
And with that bombshell, I’m off to work.
Up next, we continue story time and resume “Drop-Zone”.
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bluebuckstallion · 6 years
kinda ramble-y fic below the cut, includes a metric fuck-ton of angst, macdennis, teen au, drinking, and a Lot of implied abuse/trauma
summary: macs a rebellious 14 year old tht hates the rich, dennis is a dick that really just needs an outlet to share his feelings, theyre sad together
ok no offense but i just...really love the concept of like, teen mac & charlie crashing house parties. them sneaking out of the house together and their late night adventures quickly becoming a blur of adrenaline and laughter as they jus show up at random parties someone down the street is throwing. they show up undetected at the peak of the utter chaos that is teen rebellion, take a shitload of booze, and then ditch just as fast. they go by the train tracks after and get wasted together, drowning out the deafening reality that is their parents dont care enough to notice theyre not at home every night & that life isnt going so well. and for once they can be happy in each others company and have a taste of a childhood they deserved, even if they can only find it at the bottom of a bottle
one night mac goes off by himself, probably because charlie just hasnt been as up to going out. mac has no clue why, the only things charlie’s been sputtering about between drinks every night is his ‘son of a bitch of an uncle’ who moved back in recently. mac doesnt understand and charlie wont give him what he needs to understand it. so mac gives it no second thought. he spots this absolutely huge house in the suburbs. hes never seen something with architecture like this and hell sure as hell never understand how someone can afford so much room, or what its even used for. the yard is donned with blacked out kids he knows from his classes, and the inside of the house is filled with the melody of drunk kids slurring and laughing to party songs.
he decides this is it-this is the one place hell allow himself to go without his best friend. and hell definitely save booze for him. and he wont allow himself to feel guilty for it, he never does anything for himself anyways. he strides in with a nonchalant facade and his best ‘yes-i-definitely-belong-here’ smile from cheek to cheek, waving at classmates that never noticed him before and definitely wont now. which is the only advantage that comes from being the rat, one of the sore losers in the bullshit hierarchy that is high school popularity. nobody will notice when youre taking something right infront of them.
he makes it to the kitchen and finally pieces together who lives here-its the piece of shit he has half his classes with, the word snob as a person, someone he cant help but loathe for his gross elitism. its dennis reynolds. some kid thats really full of himself, someone who helped trademark ‘the rat’ and laughs at mac while hes down. he didnt really mind, its not like he was bullying charlie, and he was strong enough to take the half-assed insults this guy threw at him. it wasnt a big deal.
but here, now-he found dennis in the midst of his own party, alone in the kitchen, half-empty bottle of tequila in tow, and what looked like mascara trailing from his eyes. what a pussy is what he was about to say, but something stopped him. dennis looked at the other boy looming over him and flinched, covering his face instantly. mac was confused, what the hell was he doing that for? when dennis realized he was fine, he instantly tried to revert back to his cool guy defense mode. something compelled mac to crouch down next to him because, well geez, the poor kid was a mess.. and he felt like it humanized him. the urge to steal his things for a taste of a life he never had slowly died down as he said hello to the gracious party host himself. “why-are-you-here”s  were spit out instantly, because dennis didn’t remember inviting some dirty street rat to his party. mac gave a really half-assed excuse, which was all he needed to convince dennis he was supposed to be here, considering all his thoughts were mush from how out of it he was-he never had the opportunity to drink this much on account of his sister beating him to it, or his mom emptying everything after heated arguments with his dad. and although it annoyed him when she was drunk, it was better than falling asleep to the melody of fighting and the threat of an impending divorce.
but anyways, now mac is lost in his eyes and they’re both half a bottle of tequila down, and he isnt sure if hes holding his hand or just dreaming it. and oh god, his eyes are so beautiful and his lips are coated with strawberry chapstick and he wants to kiss them so bad, he wants to keep holding his hand for all of eternity but at the same time he wants to hold his face in his hands and wow he wants to kiss him so bad and to taste the strawberry chapstick and god, hes infatuated. he wants to wipe his tears away and to kiss his rosy cheeks and run his hands through his hair, so bad. and it hits him that hes too deep, what would charlie think of this? falling for the enemy? fuck. but that doesnt matter because all that matters now is the fact hes really hand in hand with someone hes fallen in love with, and all it took was talk of trauma and a bottle of tequila.
theyre no longer on the kitchen floor as theyre giggling hand in hand stumbling up the stairs, leaning on each other and shushing one another as they laugh too hard to smile right and their cheeks are flush and they arent sure if its the drinking or their company. theyre trying to be quiet as they close the door to the twins’ room and dennis tries to lock it with a shaky hand. mac watches him in utter jaw-dropping awe, feeling butterflies fill his stomach and suffocating any insecurity hed ever felt before. this was new to him. but dennis felt it even stronger. hed spent so long building up a wall, hed spent so long listening to his mothers vodka-fueled lectures about never letting yourself fall in love. barbara made him promise hed never do that to himself, it hurt too much she told him. but now he was sitting on the top bunk of his bed with what seemed to be the boy of his dreams, he didnt know he could ever feel this way or honestly feel anything at all, and he was too drunk to feel guilty for it.
hours pass and now mac is laying on his bare chest. dennis has his hands intertwined in his hair and hes taken away by how soft it is when he strokes it. macs never felt a wave of clarity envelop him so softly before. hes at peace. all the droning hum of party music is drowned out. all he can hear is the soft rhythm of their hearts and their cautious breathing, both scared that this still might not be real. macs heart flutters when he realizes dennis’ breathing gets faster as he moves his hand across his chest, and he looks up with half-slit puppy dog eyes that dennis is absolutely in love with. mac opens his mouth to speak, but changes his mind. he doesnt wanna jinx it, hes so scared he wont be able to impress cool kid dennis reynolds, and he doesnt wanna do anything to change this moment. he plays it safe. as he snuggles closer, dennis holds him and macs face is the warmest its ever been, and he buries it in the other boys chest. he doesnt know how to react to this, hes never known how to react to anything but especially nothing like this. his face is even warmer than macs and hes trying so hard to not let him know that he likes him because thats something his mom would be ashamed of. mac falls asleep on his chest, and dennis cant stop playing with his hair.
dennis wakes him up because he knows everything would be ruined if anyone found them together, especially his sister. god knows what she would do. and dennis tries to tell him he should leave, but the words choke him too much to come out when he sees macs adorable face glance up at him. and hes just too shy to say a word.
the next thing they know, dennis pulls him closer and theyre both kissing for the first time, and mac feels wrong. he wants to push him away and he knows he should feel absolutely horrible, he knows god would be disappointed in something like this and hes terrified of the consequences hell get. but he pushes the thoughts away and succumbs to the warmth that surrounds his body. dennis is holding him so gently and neither want to ever move again, and something compels them to stay together. the kiss is only broken by dennis’ nervous laughter, and a smile that he cant hide. and when the boys recollect themselves they start kissing again. they never went further than that, partially because they couldnt get it up this drunk and partially because they were too scared to ruin it, but it was still nice to fall asleep side by side, even if they didnt mean to
mac wakes up to the soft golden smile of the suns rays against the bed, and he vaguely remembers last night. panic sets in like it never has before. hes never stayed somewhere else this late before. what if charlie’s looking for him. what if whoever hes with didnt lock the door and someone saw him. and then he remembers who hes with, and hes terrified. what the hell did he do? he feels tears of shame well up because he knows hes a sinner in gods eyes and hes made the biggest mistake of his life, and oh fuck when he tried to get out from under the covers he woke dennis up. he isnt even half as shocked as mac is, hes calm. hes happy. hes never woke up so peacefully before, and hes grinning. he tries to tell mac good morning but hes rambling under his breath about how wrong this is and hes going to hell, and dennis takes that as a sign he shouldve taken his mothers advice. hes utterly crushed.
mac doesnt even apologize as he leaves, he slips on his boots and gets out as soon as he can despite the wavering tone in dennis’ protests and pleads to stay. he forgets his jacket during the rush. he leaves dennis confused and more scared of opening up than hes ever been, and he doesnt know how to deal with his feelings anymore. mac tries to forget everything. he never tells charlie. he doesnt ever want to look dennis in the eyes again. he never wants to feel that way again, because he went from feeling on top of the world to being ashamed and thinking he knows its wrong. he doesnt tell anyone.
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