#this kinda feels like those and everybody clapped posts
snail-buckett · 2 years
Using my blog as a diary Instead of shitposting 24/7
A customer and I bonded over our love for yarn hats in fun shapes (goblin/baby yoda for them, and cthulhu for myself). We then talked about how much we liked knitting and crochet, but neither of us having the patience to learn, I told them about Moss Rugs, those cool rugs that are different fabrics that look like mossy forest floors. They looked me dead in the eye and told “I love you!”, I was taken aback for a bit, but just as earnestly said “I love you too!” as they walked away. Work has been eating away at me slowly, but this really cool person I met really just, restored my personal humanity for the day. 
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silversainz · 2 years
'family' party
Charles leclerc x reader
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Warnings: 100% self-projecting on this one, kinda rushed, kinda long, angst lots of it, sight talks of depression, fake being happy, neglectful parents, cussing, light fluff, small reading front, Arthur being a brother figure. gif doesn't match the fic but just ignore that he's adorable okay. Some errors, didn't proofread because I'm posting from the drafts. Crappy ending.
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you clapped your hands loudly and held a cheerful smile on your face as you looked at the happy couple next to your table while their friends sang the god awful song, that is the birthday song. as the song was finally over everybody in the restaurant clapped their hands and sent warm smiles to the birthday girl and went back to eating and their own conversations.
but you on the another hand stared at the happy and smiling birthday girl as she opened up her gift from her boyfriend or husband and screamed in joy when she saw the gift she had gotten. You swallowed down the tears that wanted to fell and looked at the sight of Charles returning back to the table, you put on a happy smile as he sat down.
see the term 'surprise birthday party' was something that you quite didn't fully understand the concept of, including that God awful birthday song. of course you knew what the word meant, hell everybody did. but you just didn't understand the whole hype behind those simple words that made everybody happy and cheerful whenever somebody threw them a party, a birthday party to be exact.
maybe it had something to do with the fact that you had never had a full birthday party with people that you loved surrending you and wishing you happy birthday while giving you hugs and gifs, no you never had that. Instead you had doors slamming, people yelling at each other about useless shit that didn't make sense and somehow put the blame on you, even if you had no idea what was going on. and oh yeah parents that couldn't give two shits about your life and existence, instead of them saying a simple happy birthday to you, they gave you nothing but useless words and how you wanting to go out and celebrate your birthday with a nice family dinner and go play games was stupid and a waste of money.
they told you all that while planning a secret trip to a fancy ass vacation for your siblings and wanting to spoil them instead for their birthdays. that went on for years until one day you asked them why they never wanted to celebrate your birthday and all they gave you was words that would stick with you forever 'birthday party's are for important people and people who deserve them, not some people like you.' after they told you that, that same year you cut them off for good. it wasn't even about the fact that they never gave you birthday party, no it wasn't that, it was the fact that told you countless of times how you weren't that important to them and how they saw you as a friend rather than their only daughter, a friend, a goddamn friend.
you jumped sightly as Charles lightly tapped you on the shoulder and turned your head towards him "hey you alright love?" Charles voice was filled with concerned and worried as you hadn't spoken a word in a little while.
you blinked a few times and shook your head "yeah I'm fine" you picked up your fork and ate your food that was now cold. you felt stupid for letting somebody else's happiness and joy bring you down. but it just hurt so much knowing that you had never experienced something like that and never had such friends and family to song Happy birthday to you.
Charles gave one more look at you and looked down at his plate cutting his steak. you looked at him and looked down at your plate as well, feeling guilty for lying to him again. see Charles never knew that you had never had a birthday party, you always told him that you hated them and left it at that. he understood tho, he knew that celebrating a birthday was not for everybody and so he never tried to get you to celebrate your birthday and instead just brought you your favorite foods and that's all. you didn't complain tho, you loved the food. But you still felt embarrassed and guilty for lying to him about something so stupid.
as the night died down and you and Charles left the restroom. you both drove back to your apartment, with music playing in the background while Charles held onto your free hand. Charles cleared his throat and spoke up, filing up the uncomfortable silence that filled the air. "So you sure you're okay?" he asked softly, concerned and worried still lingering in his voice, as you hadn't spoken a word to him since you both left the restaurant.
the images replayed in your head from earlier, made you look down at your lap and messed with the rings on his fingers. "Something happened tonight that made me realize something and it kinda left a mark on me" you looked at him and saw him making a face that let you know to continue talking "well you know I've never had a good relationship with my parents or brothers" he made a humming sound and grabbed onto your hand tightly to comfort you.
"yes I know" you looked down and once again swallowed down the tears that wellied up in your eyes "well there's a huge reason why I don't have a good relationship with them and why you've never met them" you looked out the window and looked at all the passing trees and lights. "oh honey, your sure you're ready to talk about this" Charles asked and you thought about it for a second but finally you took in a deep breath and shook your head "my parents weren't the best parents that anybody could have, hell I don't even know if I can call them parents honestly" you stopped talking and looked down at your hands. you swallowed harshly and let the tears fall from your face in a silent matter "they never once treated me like their daughter, since the day I was born and I was more like a punching bag for them. I was the daughter who needed to speak less and laugh less. I was the daughter who they yelled at and screamed at for problems that weren't related to me. and I was the daughter who was never invited to vacations, instead I sat my ass at home all day and all night. While they were on a fancy ass vacation" you finished speaking and sobbed, you didn't realize he had pulled over until you felt him pull you into his embrace and let you sob into his shirt.
"I tried and tried to pretend I was happy and fine with the fact that they never gave me anything or told me they loved me at least once. but goddamn tonight, seeing that girl celebrate her birthday. really made me realize that I'm never gonna spend or have a birthday with my own damn parents" you sobbed and felt him rub your back comforting you and bought you closer to him, if that was even possible. "That's the reason why I hate celebrating my birthday. because they ruined it for me" he did say anything, instead he stayed quiet holding on to you so tightly and letting you cry out all those emotions you had built up inside you. you didn't care tho because having him hold you instead of giving you comforting words were so much better in the moment
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weeks had went by since you told Charles the truth and you had never been more depressed to say the least. you thought you would feel happy and so much more better to get that weight off your shoulders that you had been carrying for so long, but instead it only made matters so much more worser for you. everyday it was like a constant reminder that you didn't have a single family member that would try to reach out and give a simple hello or how are you doing. and as wrong as it sounded whenever you meant up with Charles's family and brothers it seemed as though your smile only grew faker and faker each time you saw them.
Charles held onto your hand as you both walked into the house that belonged to his mother. "Oh god it sounds wonderful in here" Charles exclaimed excitedly and let of your hand to run into the kitchen where his mother and brothers were at. as he ran off you looked at all the photos on the wall and smiled softly as you saw all the ones with his father and brothers all together with bright smiles on their faces.
"adorable huh?" You jumped and held onto your chest as you looked beside you and saw Arthur standing there, looking at the photos of his father and him hugging each other. "Jesus you sacred me Arthur" he laughed and gave you a side hug. "Sorry. but it's a cute picture huh" he asked again and you lowered your head while nodding your head "yeah it's cute. can you explain this one tho" you pointed at one specific photo and laughed, a real laugh this time. Arthur picked up the photo and chuckled at it
"this was my first time ever driving a car. I remember he was so terrified taking this photo, but so happy that I was finally doing something that I loved' you smiled at the story and rubbed his arm in comfort "it still feels like yesterday, honestly. Me taking him to see me practice, and him taking photos thinking I wouldn't notice, but oh I well" he finished off his story and sat the photo back down, but still staring at it.
you looked at the way he stared at the photo of his father and immediately became emotional, he looked at the photo with so much love and admirement in his eyes and just from that single look alone, made your eyes tear up from the fact that you will never look at a photo of your father or any family member and share that same look he had in his eyes.
Sensing the silence Arthur turned and looked you seeing the way you looked at the photo of his father "you okay?' he placed his hand on your shoulder and snapped you out of your thoughts. "yeah fine, just he seemed like a wonderful man" you told him and swallowed down the emotions that wanted to come up
Arthur dropped his hand from your shoulder and walked over to the couch sitting down "he was the best father. And someone who allowed his kids to be themselves" you sat down on the opposite side of him and looked at the photo on more time before looking away and facing him.
"you got any brothers or sisters" he suddenly asked changing the subject and something in the way he asked told you he already knew the answer to that, but you pushed that thought away and picked at your finger nails as you answered him "yeah two brothers actually. I'm the oldest tho" you gave him a light smile, that you hoped he wouldn't see though and kept your head low, now pulling at your skin on your finger nails.
Arthur noticed how you gave a bitter response and changed the subject again "well Charles told us that your a long way from home, so feel free to consider us family down here" Arthur patted your shoulder and got up from the couch as Charles made his way into the living room "oh there you two are" Charles said and walked over to you giving you a small kiss to the forehead, while holding out his hand making you grab onto it. "Dinner is ready, and we're eating outside. because Mom said so" Charles guided you into the kitchen area and onto the patio where you let a grasp from how pretty it looked outside, food everywhere on the table and lights hang from the ceiling. while soft but barely noticeable music playing in the background.
"oh my God this is beautiful mrs-leclerc" Charles and Arthur chuckled to themselves as they saw the way you looked so amazed by the setting outside. "oh darling, you're so sweet" you took your seat beside Charles and watched as mrs-leclerc cleared her throat making everybody go quiet "so tonight we have a very special someone here" she looked at you and gave you a bright smile. From underneath the table Charles grabbed onto your hand and held it tightly.
you felt nervous for some reason as soon as Charles grabbed onto your hand but you pushed them aside and continued looking at mrs-leclerc "I wanna thank you, honey for not only being such a sweetheart to my son, but also to this family" you felt tears blurry your vision from her words, words that you had never been told before. "And I know honey, although you never told us the reason why, I know you hate this. But you're only here for one more day until you kiddos leave and go to wherever my son's next race is at" you all laughed at her joke and for once you felt actually happy and smiling, ignoring the tears tho.
"now I'm gonna bring something out, but we're not going to sing the song. Just gonna bring it out and you can do as you please" you looked at Charles confused, but the look on his face showed nothing but nervousness and that made you panic on the inside. As mrs-leclerc walled inside the house Charles turned and looked at you "I loved you with all my heart and I want you to know that even if you think you don't have someone to treat you like a daughter or sister to them. you have us, all of us." And with that he covered your eyes with his hands and you felt like throwing up from anxiety and nervousness that took over your body.
silence was all that you heard, only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat beating fast in your chest. your leg bounced as more and more seconds passed of pure silence and you placed your hand on Charles's getting ready to remove it "Charles what's happening" he still didn't remove his hand, only leaned in and whispered "just wait love." He gave you a kiss to the side of your head and finally dropped his hands from your eyes. You blinked a few times adjusting to the brightness when you could see correctly, you saw mrs-leclerc sitting across from you with a cake in front of her.
"oh" was all you could say in that moment. today was September first, your birthday. you had completely forgotten about that until this very moment. "honey if you want me to take the cake back inside that's fine. we can just forget this moment even happened and go back to eating" she told you while leaning over the table and grabbing your hand softly. you felt tears blurry your vision and Charles rubbed your back in comfort. this was something you always wanted, even if it wasn't with your own parents or brothers. you took in a deep breath and relaxed yourself, drying off the tears from your face. you faced her and finally nodded your head.
"it's okay" it was an simple answer, sure. but they knew how hard it was for you to stare at the birthday cake that sat in front of your eyes and not have your own family song or gave you gifts. "We can sing the song or" Arthur jokingly asked from beside you causing you to chuckle through the tears. the song were you ready for that, probably not, but in the moment being surrounded by a family who was more than welling to surprise you with such a meaningful moment for you. "Yeah it's fine. you can sing Happy birthday" you laughed and looked at Arthur who looked shocked at your own words, but he got up in a rush almost knocking stuff over and ran to stand by his mom, who also stood up from her seat.
Charles want to stand up as well but you grabbed onto his hand "stay beside me please" you whispered softly and he understood. Mrs-leclerc lit the candles on the cake and sent you a bright smile. before opening her mouth and singing the birthday song, both brothers following their mom and also singing the song.
In that moment everything froze in your eyes. the family who wasn't your family stood in front of you doing something that your own family couldn't do and this time there wasn't any screaming, cussing or people blaming you for stupid shit in the background. but regardless of that, they still loved and treated you like family by doing something so meaningful and personal to you, they didn't make fun of you or laugh at you like some other people did. no they simply understood you and didn't force you to celebrate your birthday, until this very moment. Tears fell down your cheek as you sat there in the chair feeling like a little kid again where you got to celebrate your birthday one time.
And soon everything stopped no voices could be heard, you wiped the tears off your face and leaned forward to blow out the candles. Charles pulled you into his side while giving you light kisses, both Arthur and mrs-leclerc could be heard cheering and laughing excitement taking over their body as well. "thank you guys so much. you don't how much this means to me" you told them tears welling up in your eyes again.
"don't worry about it sweetheart. you have us to celebrate your birthday with" you smiled at her words and looked at Arthur who looked at the cake almost drooling over it. you laughed at him and picked up the knife "okay first piece is for Arthur because he's already drooling on the cake" you joked and they laughed at the youngest boy who pouted.
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A/n: clearing out my drafts sorry for the mess that is this fic.
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mqrylou · 1 year
Impossible love…
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Autor’s note: hey, it’s my first time so please be indulgent ;( + English isn’t my first language so sorry if I made some mistakes
Warning’s: age gap, a bit smut but not really
Pairing: Na’vi recom Miles Quaritch X Na’vi female recom
Context : so ur parents worked at the RDA, they had quite an important post and where good friends with Miles Quaritch. U used to spend a lot of time at their work place and sometimes even with Miles when you where younger. Because of that, when you were old enough you decided to work there, mostly to satisfy ur parents. You joined the military squad with the help of Miles Quaritch since you had spent a lot of time there and where quit good .But your deepest secret was that you kinda always had a crush on Miles Quaritch, but you always pushed back this felling since he was way to old for you.But everything changed when the two of you became an avatar and had the exact same age (20y) .(Btw you never really supported the actions of the RDA but you wanted to please ur parents so bad that you never really cared ).
Hope you will enjoy :) !
Soo let’s just start with the beginning (when they become na’vi).
You have just woken up from a 6 year sleep lol. Got ur self adapted to your new body, even tho it was weird being in a 2,50 meter body and looking like a cat . You were a bit lucky because turning into an avatar didn’t affect ur beauty , in contrary to Fike or Brown. You looked like a cute little kitten, plus you were much shorter than the other members especially Quaritch who was almost 3meters .
Anyway. It’s morning u woke up (again lol ) at 5am, got ur self ready and went out to get breakfast with the others team members, u were quite exited since u will finally see everybody , especially your colonel ;). Once there , you are stunned of how amazing Miles look,you didn’t expect him to look this hot , and judging by how he looks at you , you know he is felling a similar felling . But anyway, you seat at the table eating your breakfast like everyone , catching up with everyone, bla-bla-bla
You can’t get ur eyes of Miles, butterflies flying in ur stomach and face turning red as you are sat right in front of him , but try to control ur self, then u just zoom out… thinking about what he can do with those long ass fingers…. Then you hear an loud clap ! , making you jump , you realise it’s Quaritch looking straight into ur eyes . You feel everyone eyes on you , u feel so intimidated that u just say « if u will excuse me . » and leave the table. Everyone looked confused but u just felt ashamed of ur self… even tho ur body’s had the same age it still didn’t felt right. You rushed to your bedroom and cried ur heart out, how could you be so disgusting, it wasn’t even a man your age… even if he technically was ur age you knew he would never want to be with a girl this young. It was an impossible love….
Then suddenly you heard a loud knock from the door, ur ears tilted and you wondered who could it be ?
«I know u are in there » you heard Colonel deep voice
« and I can hear you fucking cry » he said with a little chuckle.
« GO AWAY » you said with a broken voice
« What seems to be the problem sweetheart ?» with a calmer voice he said this time
« I don’t want to talk about it..»
Then to your surprise the door slid open? U didn’t know the colonel could have access to any bedroom? Anyway, the colonel walked straight to you with a worried face and sat on ur bed next to you
«What is it baby girl? You know you can tell me anything »he said it nicely but still with an deep voice
«i know… but honestly you are the last person to who I wana talk about it, sorry…»
He’s brows furrowed looking down at you
OHH GOD HE WAS SOO DOMINATING BUT SWEET AT THE SAME TIME, the tears that were flowing down my lips now where flowing down my iner thighs !
«don’t be sorry it’s ok, I understand . But you know this turn on my curiosity even more »
GODD hearing his deep voice didn’t help a bit ! Then he sucked hardly the air in his nostrils as a confused expression formed on his face
«WTF is that smell ??»
«UHHG I don’t know? »your legs closed firmly hopping to stop ur slick from smelling
«cough*…we got a meting in 30min don’t be late sweetheart »
Your face turned soo red as he left you just felt too embarrassed to what just happened, u sure weren’t going to look him in the eyes for a while now , to scared that he understood…
You wanted his dick so deep in ur pussy…but gosh you couldn’t masturbate you didn’t have time you first needed to clean this messy face…You wore an flowers smelling deodorant hopping that it will cover up the smell of ur wet pussy…
Ohhhh what an unlucky girl u are because na’vi have a wayyy more developed smelling ability and girl they will notice it ;)
Sorry it’s not really interesting but wait for part 2 ! If you are here for the smut you will get some but not too much(for the moment 😏)
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beevean · 10 months
I came across your IDW post about which ships have been teased in the comic so far, and something that I always find.... surprising, I guess, is that fans do not seem to notice or care just how many ones contain Sonic. One day Sonic gets carried bridal style by Shadow and bam they're bfs now it's canon Sega approved this everybody!!!!!!! The next Blaze is making googly eyes at him and Sonaze canon everybody!!!! Sonic held Lanolin's hand it's canon!!!!!!! Amy is gushing and blushing and oh my god it is totally canon!!!!!!!! (Where, funnily enough, Sonic carrying Amy bridal style elicited much less of such a reaction than Shadow carrying Sonic did in the It Is Canon Now debate, at least from what I could tell on Tumblr. Though considering this is Tumblr, I can think of some reasons, lol.) This happens in the games as well, except the fact I do feel those lean a lot less into deliberate ship teasing like the comic does.
And you know.... if there is so much to be teased in IDW and so much "canon" and every single issue at this point contains a different character for Sonic to be making his smug face at while they simp and/or get all tsundere... maybe it is a clear sign that all this means nothing and is only put in to make fans go "!!!!!! THEY APPROVED MY SHIP I AM SUPERIOR NOW TO ALL OTHER SHIPS CUZ IT IS IN OFFICIAL [*cough, cough*] MEDIA!!1!!1" as opposed to actually going anywhere for Sonic ship-wise? Not that the fans will ever realise that, sigh.
I noticed, actually. The only non-Sonic ships that so far have been teased are Whispangle (and how), Knuxamy in #62, and absolutely accidentally Staregg in the MV arc lol (I don't care how accidental it was, Staregg OTP in my heart :< starline totally wanted to clap those eggcheeks don't @ me)
I think I saw a tweet jokingly calling Sonic a slut when #63 dropped? Don't quote me on that though, I don't remember the phrasing but it was a joke about how many people he has flirted with recently lol (including the heavy Sonknux vibes of Frontiers)
(it's also funny that Sonamy gains far less traction than all those other ships lol. Maybe it's because it's almost "canon" and so not as interesting. Or maybe we know why :^) )
But yeah. I understand enjoying the crumbs of ship teasing, I really do, especially for the minor ones such as Sonaze (Sonanolin is kinda funny though lol, I doubt that one has many fans). But there's a difference between "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS THAT'S CUTE" and "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS IT'S TOTALLY CANON GUYS!!!". And cynically, the overabundance of teases involving Sonic can be explained as 1) him being the protagonist and the more interesting character to ship, to generate views and attention (only, like, 6 people cared about the Knuxamy tease and i was one of them), and 2) the dude is so irrelevant in his own comic that this is the best they can think for him. The OCs deal with a semi-serious plot, and the titular character protagonist of the massive franchise IDW Sonic is attached to is reduced to shallow fanfic fuel. Granted, I'll take slut Sonic over Preachy Pope Sonic any time of the day, but you get what I mean.
The Sonadow teasing is IMO the worst. Sonic emotionally manipulates Shadow in #6 by making leverage on the way he had been twisted to carry out Gerald's evil plans? OMG THEY'RE TOTALLY SHARING BEDROOM EYES SONIC SO WANTS TO FUCK HIS BF <3 Shadow is an utter cunt for the entirety of the Chao Racing arc? AWWWWW MY LITTLE GAY BABIESSSSSSS SONIC IS SO HAPPY TO FALL IN HIS ARMS AS SHADOW INSULTS HIMMMMM <3 NVM THAT SHADOW SAID IN #19 THAT SONIC DESERVED TO BE PAINFULLY INFECTED <3 <3 <3 And you know what I also roll my eyes at "I heart you too Shadow" from Prime, for how out of context it was taken. I didn't watch Prime in full, but I did read IDW, and there is no way you can see a healthy chemistry between Sonic and Shadow if you actually pay attention to the whole story and dialogue. ... the fact that Flynn hosted a whole Bumblekast episode dedicated to Sonadow at the end of Pride Month also doesn't help, he deliberately fanned the flames because he knew how much his fans would eat from his hand :\
As for the games, yeah, the ship teasing is usually played for laughs or subtle and understated. Amy went from comically chasing Sonic, to having more serious moments such as her hugging him in the ending of Frontiers. Knuckles and Rouge had some odd tension by the end of their arc in SA2. Sonic and Blaze had that whole "slowly holding hands" moment at the end of Rush. Sonic and Elise... yeah that one took a decade to be accepted for how prominent it is. ShTH is still the king of teasing ofc :P the series is mostly about friendship, not romantic love.
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lliaq · 2 years
mhm man do I have conflicting feelings about Vol 2 (this is prob gonna be kinda rambly and all over the place but I have Thoughts™ and I need to put them down)
okay first of all I gotta commend Sadie, like she absolutely killed it this season. Definitely one of the highlights. Caleb too. That attic scene- oof. I was just straight up bawling. Max and Lucas were never my favorites (didn’t dislike them either, they were just sorta in the middle for me), but they really felt like the heart of the show more than anything or anyone this season. Which is ironic given Will’s whole speech about Mike being the heart like-the fuck where? 
I just- do not like Mike. At all. idk what it is, if it’s the acting, writing, or both, but he feels so incredibly unsympathetic as a character. He was also one of those middle characters for me at first, but unlike Max and Lucas he’s just been dropping down season by season and I literally can’t stand him now. Slow clap for that A+ character assassination. He only exists as Eleven’s bf now, and doesn’t seem to care about any of his friends, or anyone, really. And don’t even get me started on how they used Will’s feelings and sexuality “storyline” to further Mileven. there’s already a hundred posts about that, so I’m just not gonna even go there.
Another slow clap for the incredible Queerbaiting (listen idec that much if Byler becomes canon or not, but they 100% used Will’s sexuality and the potential of Byler to hype up the show and string queer audiences along(during Pride month, no less), it is textbook queerbaiting)
Mileven is also one of those ships that I don’t care about. Might have to do with my dislike for Mike, but something about it just doesn’t click for me. And boy did I feel that lack of investment during Mike’s monologue. Made the entire scene just completely fall flat for me. But where I was mostly ambivalent about them in S3, I’m actively rooting for them to break up now lol. Eleven, girl, get out of there.
Like, genuinely, her character feels like it’s stuck. Or like going in circles. I think she’d have more room to grow without Mike. idk I’m too tired to be big brain about this rn
Anyways, moving on. Dustin felt a little sidelined this season. Like what even was his arc? Being Eddie’s friend (just for Eddie to die)? Wow, great. Amazing. But y’know, same thing with Jonathan and Will. Maybe they just have too many characters at this point. 
Couldn’t care less about Jonathan and Nancy as a couple. I’m not a big shipper (regardless of canon status), so if a relationship isn’t actually interesting...I just won’t care. They’re boring to me, that’s all I really have to say. I’m not fully on board the potential Steve/Nancy train, if they’re even going there in S5. Def felt like that’s what they were setting up. I’ve seen some people say that them getting back together would undo their character growth and I don’t know if I agree with that either, like... if they got back together, it would literally be because they spent time apart, growing as individuals. What they had before wasn’t working, but they’re not those people anymore, that’s the whole point. It would only be regression if they got back together and went back to being exactly like they were in S1/2.
I mean, in an ideal world I would hope for Ronance, and Steve ending up either with someone else or single, but...I’m not gonna hold my breath for that, lol. After all, they gave us copy-paste lesbians. Great representation, pack it up everybody. You know what, I’ll give that one another slow clap.  I’m always down for more wlw rep, but that was half-assed at best. More like quarter-assed. 
Steve also felt, idk, sidelined in the sense that he just went back to pining about Nancy and that was really all there is. Idk honestly it felt like a lot of characters were just kind of there, this season. Like, they participated in the plot....and that was it. And some barely even did that. Again, might be an overcrowding issue.
I’m sorta meh about the Russia plot. Murray is ok, I guess, but the over the top kind of comedy they use him for isn’t my cup of tea, so he’ll never be my favorite. I’m pretty ambivalent about Jopper as well. It’s one of those ships where I’m like I’m fine if it happens, and I’m fine if it doesn’t. I will say that my perception of Hopper still hasn’t fully recovered from whatever the fuck they did with his character in S3, but it’s getting there, I guess?
Joyce...went to get her man. Good for her, I guess. idk, don’t really have much to say.
Eddie though- man. Boy. He’s like the definition of deserved better. My man thought 86 was going to be his year and then it all went to complete and utter shit. I can’t say I’m surprised they killed him. He’s the Barb/Bob/Alexei of this season, with the exception that he was probably more of a fan favorite than any of the other 3. The thing about his death is just... it seems so pointless. I know they painted it as this whole Hero moment, he decided to fight instead of run, yadda yadda. But really he died in a “sacrificial” act that was ultimately meaningless and didn’t accomplish anything, he died being hated by an entire town, and I assume they left his body in the Upside Down bc he was officially “missing” still, so...he didn’t even get a burial.  He’s like one of the very few characters that went through actual character growth this season , and he died for it. Good one. (here, I’ll toss in another slow clap) I did feel the lack of reactions was odd at first, but then I thought about it a bit and remembered that the timeframe of this season is pretty short. Idk how long exactly, but I’m pretty sure it’s a week or less, and he spent a decent amount of that time in hiding. So most of the others spent like a couple hours total with him, maybe. I’d have expected something from Lucas, though. Mike apparently doesn’t care about anyone other than El, so that tracks lol. But the only one we’ve seen affected at all was Dustin (and Eddie’s uncle). So, it was still a little lackluster.
Anyways, yeah idk. Visually, the show is still stunning (even if the CGI was actually not that great in a lot of shots, imho), and there were some standout moments. I loved the one-take shootout (I’m a sucker for long one-takes, DD hallway fights my beloveds), and of course the entire Running Up That Hill Sequence, which might be my favorite scene in the entire show. But some of these writing choices really soured it for me.
This very much feels like a case of It could have been great, the potential was there, but they didn’t stick the landing.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When their kids swear at them (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @Astro_KeySimp
WARNING: Swearing (sorta)
Ok so I kinda made the reader into the child since don't remember if you wanted the reader to be a child or not, so if it wasn't to your liking, then I'm sorry, but I can make a separate version on where the reader isn't the child
It kinda became more of the SCPs and doctors being dads than their reaction to their kids swearing
SCP 073 (Cain)
Cain was walking around with you since you were bored and there wasn't anything to do
Being unaware of what some of the staff were saying, ye went over to grab you some food for later in case you got hungry
Once you both went back, he watched you play with some Legos and was talking as if it was your Lego friends talking to you
Cain looked away for just 10 seconds and heard you shout out "Wow! He said that her baby's such a bi-" which shocked him as he heard it
Cain looked around and made sure that nobody was around the room and was somewhat surprised that you was the one saying this
Being a good dad he is, Cain explained to you carefuly that you shouldn't say that word because it's bad
And being a sweet shy child, you obliged and stopped saying the word
Til this day, Cain had no idea about where and who you've heard the word from and is very much more self-aware
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Abel is that type of dad who would teach you all the bad words and encourages you to say them
It's the researchers who had to teach you top not to say those words
One time, Dr Glass came in to examine you and had rewarded you as usual since you were so cooperative
You drew a picture of you and Abel talking in a garden with bright coloured flowers
Simon asked if he could see your drawing and saw that the conversation you and your dad had was those of swearing
This surprised Simon since you knew so many at such a young age but wasn't totally shocked since he knew that you were Abel's child
And knowing him, he wouldn't teach you to be nice, so Simon took the job as a mother hen and taught you to not use those words around people
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Ok, so I'll keep this SCP short since I, again, don't know what I should write for this adorable, squicky, neon-orange, bubby blob
Another SCP who doesn't cuss
This adorable squishy boi here was about to have a heart attack when he heard you swear fir the first time
He had to ask you worryingly where you heard that phrase and you just said some guy wearing a white jacket
999 sighed knowing that you'll grow and couldn't do anything to stop it
He did, however, mention that you should try and avoid saying those things to anyone and that they'd most likely have a heart attack since you were his child and you won the genetic lottery for being the cutest and outgoing child in the world
The only other person who knew of this was Dr Glass (sucks to be him ngl, he do be a mother to everyone) and he had to help poor 999 with teaching you better words
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
YAY! Another SCP who would teach their kid to swear
682 has such a dirty mouth like 076 and would 100% teach you all the words he knows
Similarly to what happened with Abel, you were taken for an interview with Dr Sophia Light since she was assigned to you
She's such a sweet and kind doctor to be around and would teach you anything and everything you would probably need to know all the while keeping an eye on you in case you become overly aggressive like 682
You were just eating some sweets Lights had given you for good behaviour and overheard some researchers swear
Remembering what your dad had taught you, you just repeated those curse words while clapping at your achievement
This had shocked Sophia and that researcher since you were known to be a moderately shy and quiet child who normally wouldn't say those things despite being 682's child
Sophia had to ask if you understood the meaning of those words and shook your head as an indicator for no
She had to carefully find her words and told you to never speak of those words again and took you back to 682's cell
You went and hugged your dad and told him that you learnt from the doctor that those curse words were bad and neither of you should say them
682 had a headache after that
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
I have a hard time thinking that 049 would teach his child to cuss and would avoid swearing in front of them at all cost
Like, he barely swears anyways but he wants to stay classy and sassy for his innocent child
Just like the other day, his kiddo, you, was curious about the whole surgery thingy he does on the dead bodies, so you asked him to teach you and so he did (like the good father we nevah had)
So you learnt some new, yet difficult, words (cuz we all have a nonexistent pea-sized brain) and somehow, you managed to fit in a curse word
This did surprise 049 as he had remembered that he didn't teach you those foul words
He had to give you a talk about using such words and you teared up since you thought that people used them to express their affection to others
Unsurprisingly, 049 took his sweet time looking for the guy who 'taught' you this and wanted to use him as a case study for your future lessons
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Another parent with such an amazing influence on children
035 would teach and enable you to use swearing as a form of expression
So you were free to say whatever you want as long as they aren't directed to our mask here, especially if it's in a negative way
Otherwise, you'd be punished (No not like that! He'll just ground you from your favourite TV show/movie)
The researchers were surprised, not about you swearing, but how you use them through expression
Except for this poor guy who was new to the foundation and bumped into you by accident
This rookie found himself listening to you cursing like a sailor (maybe not that much but more or less on the same level as Samuel L Jackson)
Word got out and everybody laughed at the poor rookie and told him more about your background and how you love to swear (apparently swearing will prolong your life, so you'll basically be immortal here)
035 was impressed by the whole ordeal and rewarded you with more shows to watch whenever you're both free
SCP 105 (Iris)
Iris would accidentally swear in front of you and whenever she realises it, she would tell you to not swear at people since it wasn't very nice
So she would use words to replace the swearing like "oh fudging hell not now" and "no sugar honey ice tea"
The foundation felt that it was slightly unnecessary but went with it anyways
They'd even go as far as saying that it's ridiculous, but who are they to judge?
Iris was your mother and she's a single mum too, so she felt the need to be overly beating but would occasionally let you decide on your own since you were only 12
The foundation members did tell her that you will eventually grow and more of these words will be used but she just hesitates
As a teen, you did begin to use foul words more often and Iris would argue about how you're using them, especially towards her, your own mother
Needless to say, you both felt bad and made up
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now this old man right here doesn't exactly speak, or at least very rarely
And if he does, he'll most likely be talking to you or the foundation staff if he needed some help finding you
He'll most likely be able to understand what the researchers are saying, even if they aren't speaking English
My own personal hc is that 106 understands English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic and Indonesian and probably many others
Every now and again, somebody would come in and teach you new words and give other lessons like maths and poetry (our favourite)
You came back home to tell him all the things you've learnt as he watched you in awe as he braided your hair
You've even used some new phrases, including swear words while talking and 106 was pretty impressed
I feel that he's quite neutral with swear words since words are words and are used as a form of verbal communication
So I don't think they'll be much change in his behaviour to whether you're swearing or not
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Now with 096, all he does is scream
So basically, somebody else would have to teach you some words
It's not to say that 096 is a dumb animalistic creature with no soul and just kills people who look at his face
He isn't stupid since he manages to find anyone who looked at his face from the other side of the globe
And he seems to understand what the researchers are saying, or at least on a more intermediate to moderate level
You'll learn about swear words from the other researchers, whether they'll be teaching it to you intentionally or you've overheard them
The foundation could really care less, but would at least prefer that you chill a bit if you got carried away
096 would act all cheery when you learn more new things as it's not like the foundation would let him out anyway, so he'll be living the outside world life from you (How relatable, but more with babysitting and dating, cuz I'm too pretty for anyone to date XD)
Like with 106, I don't think 096 would have any special reaction towards swearing, but would probably be screaming internally for a bit since he knows that it isn't a nice word
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is one of those parents who would be kind but firm
Bright would most definitely give in to your curiosity and teach you whatever you want to learn but would warn you of the dangers
Depending on what it is, he would even go as far as giving you your own personal guard who would stay with you and train you
And unfortunately, this guard has such a foul mouth, so you're constantly exposed to such words
Luckily for the both of you, Jack Bright doesn't really care about swearing as long as you're not being extremely inappropriate if you were to work
He would even joke around with you sometimes and would even start the conversation with swearing
For instance, he'd just surprise you with a "Yeet his mf outta my sheithole"
And yes, you did laugh at his antics
Some would even say that you're an exact clone of him but more stable (for now)
Well, Bright is an amazing dad, but I'd say just below Dr Glass
Or maybe even on par with him
Like Bright is a goofy dad that has all the terrible dad jokes and Glass would be the type of dad to look out for his kid
Dr Simon Glass
Dr Glass would most definitely avoid using swear words, especially if you were under 15
Even if you were over 15, he'd still avoid swearing unless he wants to make a joke or 2
So most of the time, you'd learn all the swearing from other people and SCPs
Sometimes you would swear by accident and Glass would just look at you, slightly disappointed
I'd say he doesn't exactly care about you swearing per see, but would rather you avoid it
It's cuz Simon is the best dad a dad could ever dad and nobody could prove me wrong here
He's also one of the top best dads compared to the others on the list
He's basically your best friend so he'd let you vent and its the 1 time he'd let you swear to show your emotions
Simon would 100% know your thoughts and behaviour
He's just that good at reading people, especially you - almost to the point where people would say he's an SCP cuz I swear he's just empathic and telepathic
As mentioned before, Glass would be the type of dad to care for your mental health
It's not that the others don't, it's just that Glass is a top their God of Psychology and would come to you before you even know you have depression
He would even crack a joke sometimes
So every so often, he would shout out "LANGUAGE!!!" from across the room before you could even bat an eye and say anything
Dr Alto Clef
Another top tier dad, but swearing addition
Your godfather would literally be Jack Bright
Then it's Kondraki and Glass
He would let you swear on a daily basis and would join you
Sometimes you be looking at your Oppas/Noonas and be like: "Oh fxxk me!" and Clef, who's in the next room, be like: "Yeah, fxxk me too!" (Yes but no sis! No incest pls!)
Other times, you would be in the same room as Clef and Bright and you'd join them in being chaotic
And poor Kondraki  is just there at the back trying to do his work peacefully
One time, Kondraki had to grab a Simon Glass to help stop the chaotic trio
And OML did it end so well
You were easy to manage tbh, with the exception of you swearing
Clef and Bright would most definitely encourage you to swear more
Especially Clef since he does have a twisted sense of humour
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki is totally the type of person who would tell their kid to mind their own language
But he secretly doesn't care and his child knows it
His style of parenting is similar to Simon's
And yes, Simon is your #1 godfather/uncle
You'd go to him for emotional support since Kondraki sucks at that
Sometimes you'd swear at him and he'd get mad though
So yeah, running to Glass is a wonderful idea
And we all know that Kondraki doesn't mean what he said
He's just extremely introverted, but he's rather sensible - Usually...
Anyways, he would ask Simon on tips and advice on how to get you to stop swearing so much and he just gave Benjamin a parenting book (Like fr guys, let Glass have some rest, he's tired of babysitting over 100 dozens of pets in the zoo and all the other babies who work in it)
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I was adding onto the DSMP Actor AU post, but it turned into Wilbur musician AU, haha rip me, and I only know SBI anyways so here’s a separate post. (It goes back to actor AU at the end.) It’s hypothetically still in the same universe though, and obviously inspired by it. If anything’s phrased weirdly, it’s cuz this was originally an addition to that. 
tbh I kinda adhered to their IRL careers too much compared to the OP but whatever it’s fine. 
Also frick the “Dream SMP” for not having a better title lmaooo
Wilbur is an indie artist really on the come up
Your City Gave Me Asthma was pretty good for a first release, popular with both new fans and fans of his acting.
He had starred in a short mystery/thriller-ish series that started off disguised as a normal sitcom: Chilly in Lincolnshire {Editor Wilbur ARG}
It had a prominent release because of Jack Massey’s involvement and previous fame, but production was abruptly scrapped before it tied everything up with a bow on top, so to speak. It’s still unclear if this was actually planned in order to tell the story the way they way wanted. 
Even before that, critics had mixed reviews, either applauding the storytelling and acting or calling it “irrationally confusing, an amateurish attempt to box unconventional storytelling into a conventional medium.”
Also SootHouse was a sitcom that achieved a cult following during the two seasons it ran before cancellation. Either you’re a fan or you’re never heard of it, and people constantly forget Wilbur was in it. 
(He was a few other old shows on his resume too. Wilbur always focuses on the newest project, so everyone always forgets about what he was in before.) 
Maybe I Was Boring EP was initially just bonus tracks on his website, but his fans liked it so much he gave it a wider release
In between, he had a few comedy songs go viral on youtube. Everybody was so confused when they realized it was the same Wilbur as musician/actor Wilbur. He laughed about it in an interview, saying “How many Wilburs do you know?” 
That’s when it came out that “Wilbur Soot” was actually a stage name. (”Ha, fair, only one.” “Make that zero-- my name’s not really Wilbur.”)
He kinda disappeared after that?? Didn’t do anything, really inactive on social media. It was semi-confirmed that he was both working on his mental health and prepping some stuff (music, auditions).
But anyways he just released a series of singles, combined into Digital Love {E-girl trilogy}-- he’s transformed his image yet again, but this time he does take ownership of all his past ventures.
The release of Digital Love bridges the end of SMP Earth and the beginning Dream SMP. 
But before that there was MCC and the other stuff.
They are shows where celebrities team up do stuff-- you know the type 
but Minecraft Monday is still inexplicably Minecraft Monday. Some Youtuber just managed to get all these up and coming celebrities to play a Minecraft tournament. 
And that’s where the Sleepy Bois (minus Tommy) met IRL so that’s where they meet here. 
SMP Earth, like Minecraft Manhunts, is also a former show they were on. I’m going to call it World Domination. Don’t @ me; I know that’s trash lol. 
They and the Dream Team met up because of their shared fanbases and were even talking a crossover, but it didn’t really work that well for the stories so they scrapped it
They make a non-canon cross over episode anyways {no IRL equivalent, I think}
Everybody loves the cons. Everytime there’s a con, five friendships are made and eight ideas are created. 
Techno backstory time
He’s done a lot of long running, though not exactly popular, serials and sitcoms: Blitz, Survival Games, and Sky Wars. 
Winstreak: 1000 {Bed Wars 1000 winstreak} was so popular they made a second season, but it never got as big as the first. He worked nearly exclusively with Hypixel Studios. 
He was doing lots of random content for their new Sky World universe {Skyblock} -- the small studio was big on experimentation -- , when a fictional documentary, The Great Potato War, went proper viral. 
They made two sequels WHILE he was doing those celebrity team challenge shows and then World Domination, and they were actually good sequels.
Got a reputation for being shallow and a sell-out, but he makes a joke of it so much he gets away with it and constantly self-promos.
Also a kinda scary to work with for the first time because of how single-minded he can get, but once you realize how socially awkward he is it’s okay.  
Now that’s he’s in a lot of stuff with worldbuilding, he practically has the wikis memorized. 
Tommy mainly did limited series and movies before World Domination, where he met the SBI.
He’d had been a fan of Wilbur for a while, and was super star-struck at first, but got over it really quickly in his Tommy style
He still is a total fanboy at concerts and whenever a new music video drops. “I’m friends with the guy! I know him, Wilbur Soot!” “Tommy, you’re famous too.” “Yeah, cuz I’m practically in the video!” “No--” 
Wilbur takes Tommy to one of his concerts and he’s so hyped the entire time, especially to go behind the scenes and on the stage. 
Sometimes he gets stressed about the pressure of being a child star, but Techno, Philza, and Wilbur promise to stand by him and they make him feel protected 
One time Wilbur’s drunk and almost hands Tommy a drink before swearing and going, “You’re a bloody child! You can’t have that! God, what would Philza think?” Tommy’s not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. 
Philza laughs at the story and actually lets Tommy try a little in a more controlled, responsible situation. Tommy texts his mum first, and then hates the drink anyways. (”This is rubbish! I am a man, but I’m not drinking this!” Techno: “Alcohol is disappointing. I drink orphan’s tears instead.” “Techno WHAT--”)
Philza had been the star of a zombie apocalypse show: Golden Core 
He did canonically die to a child zombie in the movie version. Yes, they made a movie version of the TV show, because the Golden Core franchise actually has had many other shows {other hardcore series}. 
Everybody tries to get the child zombie props near him because of that (they’re puppets)
He’s done a lot of other things, like in the original actor AU post, but none of them came close in popularity. 
He gives the rest of the SBI the knowledge he’s gained from being in the biz for so long. 
There’s also a running joke about SBI meaning “Spy Boys Incorporated” and them starring in a comedy spy movie
The fans would very much actually like this to happen. There’s so many fanons for it (maybe I’ll write one....) 
Back to the DSMP. Maybe I’ll call it Dreamland or smth. 
Wilbur constantly asks Tommy if he’s okay after any difficult scenes
Especially when they were hanging out together a lot in the exile arc.
All the brother scenes were cut because Wilbur kept breaking down and crying in them.
Sometimes people actually ask Techno and Tommy if they’re actually brothers. Tommy tries to go along with it half the time on the basis of “it’s be funny,” so there’s a subset of casual fans that genuinely don’t know. 
After Alivebur was killed off, Wilbur was going to leave the show to concentrate on his music
But he missed the SMP and hanging so much that he just showed up on set one day saying “I’m a ghost now,” and everyone just rolled with it
Alivebur was so popular that, seeing that Wilbur was willing, they decided to bring him back for Season 3. He’s been avoiding doing heavy scenes, but he still seems really invested and like he wants to come back to the show.
Wilbur talks with Techno about writing and lore a lot
it’s one the few times Wilbur actually seems like the older one
Wilbur attempted to get a D&D group going in the cast, but the show was already close enough, with the amount of improvisation they can get by with
Tommy’s Pigstep cover happened, but the background was Philza clapping barely in time with just Wilbur on bass instead (and of course Techno’s “BAHP”s)
It was a charity stream. They had put on their costumes (clothes only) for a previous goal. 
This one was simply called “We rap.”
Some people were almost disappointed that Tommy was the only one actually rapping, but he was so funny it made up for it. 
Okay I spent the whole morning on this and it got way too long but I think I’m finally out of ideas. sorry haha hope you enjoyed! ^_^
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
gfriend as your staff team! // gfriend. // scenario.
author's note: i should make a tradition where i do something for the whole group first before going into the individual stuff 🤔 idk how these things work so i kinda just winged it, please bear with me 😭 i hope you guys still enjoy it! 🥰
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• manager kim sojung! 😳
• she's actually more of a bodyguard than the actual bodyguard.
• seemed very uptight and strict at first glance but she actually lets you do whatever you want as long as you don't get yourself hurt.
• blew up among your fans and trended in the media because she's so pretty.
• never hesitates to throw dirty looks towards people that push you around in public spaces.
• never afraid to talk back to those who hate on you for no reason. it doesn't matter if she was showing unpleasant behavior to everyone else, sojung will protect you no matter what.
• you refer to her as "manager kim" but as the two of you got closer, sojung was comfortable enough to ask you to call her by her first name 💓
• since the two of you hang out so much, there were multiple dating rumors that popped up in the media. surprisingly enough, mostly everybody was rooting for the two of you and they were disappointed when you denied the claims.
• sojung tries very hard to keep up with your, and the rest of the team's, energy and often finds herself in situations where she gets dragged in your ridiculous antics. one of them being unnecessarily goofy during live streams.
• she genuinely wants you to make it big in the industry, nothing would make her happier.
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• jung yerin, your proud bodyguard and self-proclaimed 'arm candy'.
• so, before everything, yerin was your best friend since high school and she promised that she would go wherever you go. at first, you didn't think much of it because you were young and it was probably going to change once yerin finds something she wants to do, but nope! up until this day, she's still right there beside you 🥺
• may or may not have accidentally confessed that she had a huge crush on you for the longest time during the night you got your first award where your team celebrated by drinking.
• she always keeps you close to her at all times. sometimes out of habit, sometimes because it was literally her job.
• she's the most popular with your fans since she treats them so well, but of course she isn't always nice. yerin may not look like it, but she's perceptive so she's the first one who knows that some certain kind of 'fans' are being weird and gets super protective of you. going as far as to threaten those to act 'strange' around you.
• yerin and sojung are polar opposites, so it didn't surprise you when yerin showed signs of hostility towards your manager when they first met. but because of you, they got along well and now they drink soju every now and then, gossiping about you.
• other than sojung, your close relationship with yerin had people thinking that there was something between the two of you. but you were quick to deny that, saying that the two of you are only close friends.
• yerin doesn't mind that you don't reciprocate her feelings, she was more than satisfied by being beside you as you were living your dream of being a performer.
• she really is your biggest fan.
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• your hair and makeup artist, eunha!
• a flirt through and through. when you first met her, she did not hesitate to throw a suggestive wink your way. did she know that she was going to be working with you? probably, but of course that didn't stop her.
• some would probably call it unprofessional to hit on your coworker, but you didn't mind it. in fact, the compliments she tells you out of the blue are some real confidence boosters, especially when you're about to perform in a big event.
• there's a new pickup line everyday! eunha smiles the brightest when you laugh at her little antics.
• even when you're in a bad mood, she always manages to crack a small smile in your face.
• "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
• "i'm from hell."
• "...well that explains why you're so hot."
• yerin was wary of her at first, but you assured her that eunha did not have feelings for you and that eunha is like that with everyone. eventually, yerin warmed up to her and now they flirt with you together.
• kissed you once when she was doing your makeup because she couldn't help it. it didn't mean anything, but eunha was one blushing mess that time.
• one day, you forgot something from the change room a few minutes before your performance at a show and you heard eunha singing her heart out to one of your songs. you made sure to give it your all at your performance that day to make your second biggest fan proud!
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• your beloved vocal coach, choi yuju!
• she's like your second best friend (don't tell yerin). every lesson with her is like a casual hang-out with a classmate, sometimes it doesn't even feel like she's an actual professional because she's just that chill.
• can get pretty serious but at the end of the day, yuju just wants you to enjoy singing and not take it too seriously.
• along with yerin and eunha, yuju is also a big fan of your music! she often goes to instagram and promotes your songs to her followers and is always eager to gush about you with other fans.
• sometimes she helps you write lyrics for your songs and that's when she really gets serious.
• the last thirty minutes of your lessons turn into a messy karaoke battle that mostly end with you nearly dying of laughter because of yuju.
• she makes sure to guide you well while you're in the studio and she always compliments your singing to keep you in a happy mood!
• your instagram story is really just filled with you and yuju doing whatever during ungodly hours. sojung scolds both of you a lot, but knows that she can't fight it since the two of you will probably force her to join your late night adventures anyway.
• remember those karaoke battles? yeah, half of those aren't always intense and chaotic. as soon as a slow song plays, yuju starts singing with her whole heart and you have to admit that you've never been so attracted to someone's voice until you heard hers. maybe there was something more to that, but you were too afraid to look deep into it.
• pretty much everyone notices the obvious sparks between the two of you except, well, you and her.
• you never told yuju, or anyone, but one of your mellow and heart-fluttering songs was about her.
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• your wonderful dance teacher and choreographer, hwang sinb!
• just like sojung, sinb intimidated you a lot when you first met but then all of your first impression of her vanished when you found out how kind and genuine sinb really was.
• well, except when she's teaching you a new choreography. she's a real demon.
• sinb bullied you a little into the start of your career just to see if you have any fire inside of you but unfortunately for her, you kept your cool and remained level-headed despite the rigorous routines she put you through. when she saw that you were genuinely passionate about doing well, she grew fond of you.
• details are everything to sinb, so it warms her heart whenever you listen to every word she says and does every little thing she does.
• when she isn't being one hell of a dance teacher, she's a huge dork who always has lots of energy to spare.
• the main reason why your instagram posts are so pretty is because sinb is the one who takes the photos for you. you admit that your heart does jump when she tells you how pretty you are when you're posing for her.
• sinb also listens well to your comments about her choreography, and a part of her feels proud whenever you include subtle changes in your dance.
• when you struggle with a certain move, sinb makes sure to guide you through it step by step and that included close contact. something you dreaded but also looked forward to every time you step inside the practice room.
• there always seemed to be tension between the two of you when you're close, but neither of you acted on it.
• sometimes sinb would joke about it though, much to your dismay.
• "oooh you want to kiss me so bad."
• sometimes you clap back and render her speechless for the remaining of the day.
• "what if i do?"
• "...w-well. i mean, go ahead. not that i want you to! i just mean that... that i wouldn't mind— oh, screw you, (y/n)!"
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• your adorable and incredibly wise fashion stylist, kim yewon!
• she was shy around you at first, and vice versa. now, you aren't usually one to be so easily flustered but yewon was just too cute to you.
• even when you've spent quite some time around her, yewon still gets shy whenever she gets close to you to get your measurements and such. you tease her about it sometimes and she playfully hits you, cutely telling you to knock it off before she gets to work.
• yewon always makes sure to get your input. the most you've probably heard her talk is when you're trying out whatever she made for the first time, asking if it was too bombastic or too safe, or if it felt nice or not.
• she wants you to be as comfortable as you can be on stage, and for that you are thankful.
• yewon can be a bit too harsh on herself. you often hear her muttering criticisms while she's taking notes. you always tell her that the outfit was fine and that it felt nice wearing it, but apparently those are not always the issue for her.
• she was afraid of you having a wardrobe malfunction on stage so she takes her time with her designs.
• you know it was part of her job, but your stomach spin a lot when she's adjusting some things in the outfit while you were wearing it because yewon was just so cute and her face when she's concentrated was quite... attractive.
• sinb likes to intensify the tension between the two of you. she 'accidentally' bumps into yewon and have her lean on to you for support and then she apologizes with the most unconvincing tone ever while she walks away with a grin. and you're left with your flustered stylist who suddenly cannot function properly due to the close contact.
• you never miss the way yewon stares at you for too long most of the time. it didn't matter if she was studying your features and proportions or if she was just simply checking you out, no matter what, you would always catch her eyes on you.
• when she realizes that she has been caught, yewon becomes a complete mess. she either drops everything and literally runs out of the room or make up a dumb excuse to save herself. either way, it was adorable and your heart warms up every time yewon shyly smiles at you.
• "i might melt into a puddle if you keep staring at me like that, yewonnie."
• "i wasn't s-staring you..."
• "oh? were you looking at our dear manager then? i didn't know you were into older girls!"
• "no! i'm definitely into you!"
• "...?"
• "i will see myself out, thank you."
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phdna · 3 years
You guys know the drill: it's time for me to scream as loud as I can about the finale. Sorry it took a while - I was talking to irl friends about the episode
Finales make me anxious in general, but I was extra nervous for this one so my adrenaline is making me super uncoordinated. If this post makes no sense, you know why!
Early on, Sam coordinating with Bucky and Sharon on the ground was so much fun for some reason. I guess I just really like leader!Sam
THE SUIT THO. It's rare these days that seeing a costume make an appearance in the MCU can leave me breathless but this one did. Just everything about it. When the episode finished I immediately went back and rewatched the reveal.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" "I'm Captain America" mirroring the scene when Steve calls himself Cap while rescuing the Howlies. I'm so emotional. Sam is Cap now!!!
Bucky talking to Karli and going from "That's a morally gray person I can save, I'll do my best 🥺" to "FUCK THAT WAS A TRAP DAMN IT TIME TO RUN" was just incredibly in character and I had to laugh even though it was a tense scene
"Seriously Bucky, you had one job" THIS IS NOW MY FAVORITE MEME. Every time Bucky screws up in any canon now I'll use that
Motorcycle shenanigans are always good but they paled when compared to Sam's new fighting style. Sam was so cool I couldn't even care what was going on on the ground
Redwing is back baby!!!!!!
Walker showing up to make a messy situation even worse? Very on brand
Really liked the part with Bucky saving those trapped people for Reasons
"A little birdie told me" I APPRECIATE THAT JOKE SAM
Can we agree Sam was born to be Captain America? The helicopter stunt was such a Cap thing (not a Steve thing - a Cap thing)
I kinda cheered under my breath when Sam saved those people from falling to their death
I'm... Not sure I like the direction they took with Sharon, but I won't think about it for now. More on that in the next few days
Speaking of which... Aw man, it was a good scene - set up, execution and aftermath - but did they really have to kill Karli? I liked her dynamic with Sam so much
Bucky... saw Walker try to save people once and they became buddies for a moment there? Did he just find out he likes this friendship thing and now he gets attached to everyone he sees?
Are we hinting that next season, MCU Sam will do his media thing that 616 Sam did, Marvel? Are we going there? Because I'd like that as long as it has a different ending!
Isaiah and Eli watching Sam 🥺
Actually, everybody watching Sam. I loved that
Love how they went "Mackie has the training to deliver a Captain America Speech™️" and went for it. I love Cap speeches!
Bucky is so cute with Sam now, I love them
"Can you help?" "Always" mirroring "To the rescue, huh?" "Always" made me feel all sorts of things
The Contessa, US Agent and Zemo 👀👀👀 I see where this is going, Marvel. Don't blow this for us!
The way they framed the Nakajima scene starting just like it did the other time when Bucky couldn't bring himself to talk to him made me really emotional
But the scene went by so much faster than I thought it would and I'm still trying to decide whether I really like it or whether I really dislike it
Imho Bucky leaving the notebook behind is even more important than the fact that he crossed out the names
Really loved seeing Isaiah and Sam and Eli hanging out. Three generations of heroes. That's super special to see
And the museum scene??? I teared up
Sam hanging out with everybody he loves was so great to see. It's what he deserves!!!!! I love that's the note they ended on - Sam the family man from a neighborhood that loves him. At the end of the day, random people clapping for him doesn't mean as much as his loved ones sharing his happy ending with him
Also good to see: Bucky hanging out with kids his age! (No, but seriously, Bucky with kids has always been something I love so I was very happy! And of course, I love seeing him have so many positive relationships!)
Captain America and the Winter Soldier???? Really??? I was joking!!!!! And tagging for CATWS and CAATWS is gonna be so much fun. I'm sure I'll never get it wrong. (No, but I'm joking. It's awesome to see there will be another season!)
Again, I'm not thinking about Sharon right now so no comments about the post-credits scene for now
Overall: I've got many things I'd have done differently but this is one of my favorite Marvel things in a long time - across all their media - and I'm sure I'll soon binge watch the whole season again
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
High School Musical feels to me like a very gay narrative, and doing a close reading reveals this fact. Long post ahead, with analysis of lyrics and story beats that contribute to a queer reading of the story
Basically, Troy is the repressed gay who hides in the closet, and Gabriella is the outcast nerd who is just discovering the gay, never knowing before then how she doesn't fit in. She talks about how she has been outcast before, because she was different. While in and of itself this is not particularly specific to the queer experience, Gabriella’s journey of becoming comfortable in her skin is prevalent to the story and a queer reading of HSM. Likewise, Troy’s growth in his confidence to do what he wants even though it’s easier and more comfortable to bow to societal pressure is also queer in its telling.
In "Start of Something New,” they both have that realization that this thing they're feeling is so right for them, they feel a belonging. :It feels so right/to be here with you” and “I feel in my heart/the start of something new” seems less to me an anthem for love at first sight and more simply the recognition of this feeling of attraction to someone - and despite Troy and Gabriella being ostensibly cishet, the combination of this song and the use of drama/the arts as a stand in for homosexuality in this reading make it feel as though both are nervous but excited in discovering their queerness - another interesting thing is that each of the love songs in HSM are gender neutral, and thus play the same if sung by two people of the same gender as by a hetero couple.
This moment is a growth for Gabriella’s queer journey - prior to the song, she is nervous and afraid to socialize, but afterwards she is open and excited to discuss with Troy their experience and be friendly. Troy is a little more closed-off, foreshadowing his journey of trying to stay in the closet - he makes a point of saying how this was something he’s never done before and is not a typical part of his character.
They meet later, and Gabriella's a little more confident, although not technically "out" yet - she doesn’t hide her interest in the “singing thing” and though she doesn’t want to be seen as the Freaky Math Girl, she does have no qualms about showing off her intelligence in class. Basically, despite this being a new territory for her, she is more comfortable in her skin. Troy, meanwhile, basically thinks about his gay experience but hides back in the comfortable closet, returning to being a jock’s jock and ridiculing Ryan and Sharpay, the story’s flamboyant representations of the “out” gays.
Ryan and Sharpay are interesting villains, and they read to me as what might be termed the LGBT+ gatekeepers, since we have drama/the arts as our allegorical stand-in for the queer community. Ryan and Sharpay are unapologetically gay, but they are also used to the ostracism they recieve and thus as a reaction, they have become fiercely protective of their safe space - Sharpay’s fear of the musical being taken over here reads as the worry of LGBT spaces being co-opted and appropriated by cishet people and thus returning them to marginalization.
The song "What I've Been Looking For" is a big jazzy pop number for out gays Ryan and Sharpay, further referencing their absolute comfort in who they are. However, when Troy and Gabriella sing it, it's a soft romantic ballad because they're still on the journey to discovery of their queerness. The lyrics are really gay in "thought I was alone/with no one to hold/but you were always there beside me" - the song is about finding a love when you thought you never could, and if that doesn't scream gay I don't know what does. Despite Kelsi’s insistence that Troy and Gabriella’s way is how it is “supposed” to be sung, the song works just as well as a hopeful romantic tune about the future as it does a celebration of finding acceptance of any kind, even platonic. Again there’s a reference to “this feeling like no other” - this song follows up “Start of Something New” as a continuation of the journey to self-acceptance, and speaks of finding comfort in the experience of meeting those like oneself -  “I never had someone/that knows me like you do/they way you do.”
“Get’cha Head in the Game” is here to show the environment Troy lives in - he’s being constantly pressured, and the song is fast paced and imperative. It also provides a contrast in lyric theme, referring to the “head” instead of feelings and heart. Troy’s tonal shift in the middle of the song where he sings about his heart feels like now that he’s had this gay experience and knows this truth about himself, he can’t go back fully into the closet.
The posting of the callback list feels very much to me like Troy and Gabriella being publically outed as queer. When Troy and Gabriella are "outed," there is a reaction of support and others "coming out" in solidarity, but those voices are shouted down by those seeking not to upset the status quo. The song is chaotic and loud, with walls being broken down and students from different groups merging - Chad mentions later in dialogue that the social hierarchy is breaking down. Interestingly enough, despite the general tone of the song being disapproving and admonishing, everybody joins in the dance and shows support, until Sharpay literally shouts everybody down. This kinda feels to me like saying that the majority of people would be accepting and tolerant, except for a minority of vocal voices who dominate the conversation and push their agenda of hatred.
Homophobic Chad manipulates Troy back into the closet to protect the status quo, and a heartbroken Gabriella sings about how she "thought [he was her] fairy tale," and that really says to me like a gay thinking they've found a relationship only to be heartbroken by realizing the person was straight or too closeted to continue on. She “confused [her] feelings with the truth” and thought “[he] felt it too,” but luckily the ensuing fallout of Gabriella and Troy forced apart and into their respective closets makes their straight friends realize their horrible mistake and do their best to repent, becoming “allies” to them.
“Bop To the Top” is just a fun number, again showcasing Ryan and Sharpay as confident in who they are. However, the interesting part is that Ryan and Sharpay’s world is breaking down around them as well, just as it is for the straight people. Sharpay snaps at Zeke because she can’t quite comprehend this guy from the straight side reaching out to befriend someone of the queer set, and her walls go up. In her own way, she’s trying to restore order as well - however instead of forcing Troy and Gabriella apart, she instead tries to make it so they must prove their commitment to one side or the other - making it so that their activities with their friends take place at the same time as the callback - basically a choice between their closets or the queer community, but with the help of their allies, Troy and Gabriella bring everything crashing together - though the straight majority floods the theater, they do so in support of the community she has protected. At this moment, Gabriella and Troy have overcome the external queer-phobia.
And then the big emotional number at the audition, "Breaking Free," really feels gay to me, in that the song is about the world trying to tear this couple apart but with their faith in each other and themselves, they can rise to new heights. The verses each feel like an anthem to a queer experience in fighting against societal pressure and having confidence in who you are. “The world can see us/in a way that’s different than who we are” is about the pressure to conform to gender and sexuality norms, “but your faith, it gives me strength/strength to believe” they can break free and be themselves. In particular the bridge where they sing "more than you/more than me/not a want/but a need" gives me "born this way" vibes and describes the need to be who you are even when others might not understand. And yet, even in all of this, they are supported and tolerated - the audience dances in the seats and claps to the beat and supports them.
And then "We're All In This Together" is of course the fantasy of tolerance and overcoming bigotry within and without the LGBT community, where everyone is singing together in harmony, where there is nothing but acceptance of the differences that make us all special and unique, with the recognition that we are all human. 
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chai-ssi-latte · 4 years
Dating a Scientist
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female Reader
Warning: Fluff.
About: Sebastian is out doing interviews to promote The Falcon and The Winter Soldier TV Series when the interviewer brought up his girlfriend who is a biochemist. He started talking about what it’s really like dating a scientist and apparently, it’s fun.
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Gif not mine :)
Interviews - they never fail to make Sebastian nervous no matter how many times he had done it in his life. There were interviews where they would give Sebastian preview of their questions so he would somehow be prepared. And if there are questions that are too personal to answer, then they can easily remove it from the list. Unfortunately, this one is not one of those. 
Sebastian knew he has to promote his TV Series and that’s the main goal, but he doesn’t know what other questions they would ask him. It made him feel anxious and he can literally feel the tingles on his body...it’s not the good tingles that made him excited. 
It’s live. The show is live. He couldn’t help but mutter a faint ‘oh God’ under his breath when one of the producers started doing a countdown. You’re live Sebastian, better watch your words. He talked to himself. 
He does it all the time. The talking-to-yourself thing until you feel better. Oh how much he wished he’s in New York with his girlfriend. She always have that effect where she would touch Sebastian’s hand and everything would be alright. Everything feels right when he’s with her.
“Everybody let us all welcome, Sebastian Stan!”
They talked about the process of filming and how Marvel approached him about the spin-off series of the franchise. The flow of the interview is going well, the interviewer made sure to make Sebastian feel comfortable and his questions were actually great ones; no questions about his diet and how he works out, which makes him genuinely happy. 
“It’s great. I love my character as Bucky Barnes and he kinda grew on me.” Sebastian talked. “It also feels amazing being on set with Mackie again. I wouldn’t tell this to him directly but yeah, he makes working fun and he makes it feel like it’s not your job...but in a good way.” He finished.
“We got a question from twitter.” the interviewer trailed.
“Oh God.” Sebastian mumbled, enough for the crowd to hear causing them laugh. He remembered when he and Mackie read thirst tweets and he’s traumatized. He swore to himself he’ll stick with instagram and ditch twitter for the better of his sanity.
“It’s appropriate, I promise.” The interviewer laughed. “So this fan asked how does it feel filming with a new Captain America. Does it feel weird with Chris Evans not being the Captain you’re used to?”
Sebastian gushed. “That guy.” he snickered. “Well, you know. I miss him. I miss working with him, I think he has his own ways in portraying Captain America and he gives a certain aura that you can only see in Chris. But no, it doesn’t feel weird at all, Mackie pulls off the character of Falcon and Captain really well. It’s different than what people are used to but I think they will like it. Mackie does put his own twist on his character.”
The crowd clapped from his answer and so is the interviewer. “This question is not related to your TV series but I hope that’s fine.” Although Sebastian felt the nerves kicking in, he still nodded his head with a grin on his face. “So, a few months ago, you posted a picture.” Sebastian looked behind him where a giant monitor was placed. It showed a picture of his girlfriend, wearing a laboratory clothing and is holding a flask. He edited it in black and white but the picture still shows the big smile she has on her face.
“I don’t want to assume anything because the only caption you have here is a red heart and that could mean many things, actually. But who is she?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Sebastian proudly answered. “She’s been in my instagram stories a few times and it’s mostly when she’s wearing a lab coat and doing experiments.” 
“She likes that type of things, I assume?”
“No, uh...she’s a scientist. Biochemist!” Sebastian exclaimed. He feels nice talking about her and it’s not the first time he actually did talk about her. He mentioned her name a few times back during the promotion for Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. It feels refreshing that the interviewer didn’t know anything about his relationship, he always liked bragging about how he’s dating a scientist over and over again.
“Wow! That’s amazing. I can’t believe Sebastian Stan is dating a scientist.”
“Yeah. Two years and counting and I still can’t believe it myself.” The sound of loud chuckles echoed in the room. 
“How does it feel and what is it like dating a scientist?” The interviewer asked him. Sebastian couldn’t help the the grin on his face. Even the people on the crowd seems to be really interested on the topic.
“You know what, many people actually thought that it’s all science and stuff. With Y/N being a biochemist, my friends...even my family thought she’s like a clean freak and would always talk about science and chemistry and all that jazz. But I’d say it’s normal. It’s just like dating anyone, really.” Sebastian was waving his hands in the air in gestures and it made all the people smile. They could tell he’s so in love with his girlfriend, Y/N, as he mentioned. 
“I think what’s special is that when I ask her science stuff, I learn something new.” Sebastian put his hand on the corner of his lips, “You know, It’s not what I studied in college.” and laughs to his dead joke.
“I think one time I asked her what’s the difference between bacteria and virus and it almost felt like I have lived in a different world after that. It feels like my brain gained 10 percent IQ or something.”
“Wow. So it’s not science all the time?”
“No. No, it’s not. We really wouldn’t talk about science until I ask her stuff. Although most of the time they’re dumb questions but uh... she still answers them anyway. If it’s too dumb then, she’ll just glare at me or throw something. Sometimes she would punch me too but yeah.” Sebastian ranted.
The interviewer thanked him and they shook hands together. “Sebastian Stan everybody!”
This was requested (Interview-ish kind of imagine) but I decided to put a twist on it. And I really liked it so far. Hope you all too x
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boomerang109 · 3 years
If it isn't impertinent to ask, how did you know you were non-binanry? Have you struggled with family or have they been accepting?
as long as you’re asking respectfully and because you’re actually curious, i’m happy to answer questions about any aspect of my identity. (that’s my way of saying you’re not being impertinent at all and everyone should feel free to drop into my inbox whenever they’d like)
also, warning for a long post cause i’m a wordy bitch who doesn’t know how to add a read more on mobile
so my experience is pretty much directly transposed onto aang in chapter 8 of wwda so if you’re asking about my actual thought process, you can kinda visit there. (and it occurred to me later that suki being aang’s first place of comfort could possibly fall into the ‘cis-savior trope,’ but that wasn’t my intention and simply was a reflection of the friend who most helped me with my gender crisis).
i had always known people used they/them pronouns, but i don’t think it was until i was regularly talking to friends who used those pronouns that my brain really comprehended those were an option. and i kinda was there like damn they’re so lucky they have the coolest pronouns and at some point it occurred to me that being jealous of someone’s pronouns probably wasn’t normal. and it’s definitely weird cause I’ve always personally felt that vibe of not being feminine enough OR masculine enough (not being a girly-girl or a tomboy as a kid), but i know as a kid i identified that ‘feeling like i didn’t fit in’ emotion as a sort of ‘girl power’ thing, like “I can wear dresses AND have swords!” (which i still do both, but now i know any gender can do this) whereas now i see it as being not a girl, but who knows. gender is such a social concept, i’m constantly like 🧐 what’s my gender? idfk. but another thing that did help me figure out my identity was my dysphoria (which not everybody experiences!!). i’d always thought it was an ace thing that i hated my chest, cause i didn’t understand why it was sexualized and whatnot. (but now i bind and just !!!! everytime makes me so happy, even though i rarely can cause my lungs are SHIT) but, i think most people are like connected to their bodies? and i very much just am not. that’s part of why it was so easy for me to ignore my identity cause i can put on clothes i HATE and i’ll only think about it if it’s actively uncomfortable or there’s a mirror. otherwise, i am just not aware of my body. i went most of middle school and high school not looking in the mirror and i used to say ‘what i look like is other people’s problem, not mine’ cause y’all have to look at me, i don’t. but i’m just good at ignoring things in general, from gender to sexuality to neurodivergence, i’m so busy pretending to be what i think everybody wants me to be, that i barely know who i am. also for a long time i felt really bad cause i thought i was lowkey transphobic cause i internally would invalidate non-binary identities (but out loud was always very supportive and would be mentally berating myself for being a fake ally) and uhhh. i know am aware that the only things i was transphobic about were the exact things that apply to me, so uhh. that’s just some internalized shit. also my name irl is technically gender neutral and i think i’m much closer to dressing neutral/masculine now, but people still completely identify me as female which kinda sucks. but also I’ve been performing as female for my fam so it kinda works. idk it’s all weird ngl. but the actual answer to your question was i realized it when i was ‘jealous’ of other people’s pronouns (which actually one of my friends did the same thing where they said like ‘oh you’re so lucky you get to be non-binary’ and the person they said that to had to be like, ‘if you want to be non-binary then that probably means you are’ and my friend was like 👀)
family is an interesting question cause i’m not out to them. but i also have my pronouns (they/them) in my Instagram bio and 4 of my 5 siblings are on Instagram, as well as my dad. i don’t think they’ve noticed yet. i’m very lucky in that i know my family would never kick me out or anything drastic (although i did realize that i have a piece of my bank account mentally stored for ‘if i get kicked out and need to figure shit out by myself’ which was just a strange realization) but right when i was considering coming out to my dad, he decided to make jokes about how weird they/them pronouns were. (he saw i was uncomfortable and reminded me, ‘oh, but you know i always support you’ but, i had really bad experiences with both my parents the first times i came out to them as bi and/or ace (even though they both meant well) so it’s just not something i’m looking to repeat). my mom honestly should have figured it out cause i told her about it one day when i was questioning and then refused to talk about it once i realized i was non-binary (i don’t trust her to keep a secret) but instead she just keeps teasing me for being like my one sister whenever i mention shopping for boys clothes. and since that sister was the one who ignored me for most of her teenage years, i don’t really appreciate the comparison. (also i realized that my entire fucking childhood she always always told me how grateful she was that i was a girl cause she’d always wanted a daughter. and without realizing it i think i internalized that and was like ‘yes i’ll make sure to be a daughter for sure’ even though i don’t think i am one)
and so, that was a very long way of saying, it’ll be a big blow up when i come out to my fam so i’m avoiding it (even though that means getting misgendered allll summer) as long as i can, but i do know it’ll be okay cause my family always means well underneath all the bs
but i have had a really positive time with my friends. it’s hard at university cause people will still call me she/her and i don’t have the courage to correct them, but my two friends both use she/they so they’re obviously good about it. and i got one of my friends at home to tell a bunch of my high school teachers for me cause she was emailing them and mentioned me and i was kinda like ‘hey one less coming out for me’ which was nice. and i told two other friends right before i left and they literally clapped (which i felt like was a very awkward reaction ngl, but it was nice). and one of those two kept accidentally calling me she, but would apologize when i corrected her. also i think that friend might be using she/they pronouns now too, so idk if that’s another example of me transing my friends’ genders (as i did to clara😉) or just the fact that queers find each other
i don’t know if you wanted this much detail, but i’m not really one for being concise lmao. if you were asking just out of curiosity i think i probably fulfilled that, but if you’re questioning or anything (or just curious, that’s cool too), feel free to ask more questions. i cant promise i’ll answer as quickly as i did this (cause i’m about to go pack b/c tmrw we’re going to visit my sister and her baby ☺️ so i’ll be busy prolly) but i’ll answer eventually
i hope this was helpful and/or enjoyable? if anyone actually read all of it ahdhdjsk
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Number Two (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
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Characters: Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader (AU)
Summary: Reader hopes and dreams to be the first choice, but she ended up being an option.
Warning: Angsty, cussing, INFIDELITY, sugar daddy kinda relationship? I mean, well. You'll understand it soon after reading this. Italics meant a flashback in the end alright? I shall give you guys some angst yooooo!! Y/N means your name. 
Words: 2,386
A/N: I’m posting the ones I haven’t posted yet from Wattpad as I take my break. Might be taking one more week of break too. Hehehehe. 
Disclaimer: PNG’s used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too.
MY WORKS ARE NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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Kisses, feather like kisses were peppered on the back of your neck. His warmth enveloping around you, those comforting arms stuck on your waist, making you feel jello on the knees, soon enough to buckle and be weak for him.
"Draga," Sebastian lowly spoke ever so sweetly, still peppering you with kisses as he stood behind you, watching your skillful hands do the job in making dinner. His presence was making you weak, too weak for your own good. You hummed a reply, your complete focus wholly on the vegetables you were chopping. Sebastian's thumbs were slowly caressing your waist, his lips hidden behind the front of his teeth as he was anxiously trying to think how to word everything out better.
Better words that would not leave your heart in misery and in pain.
"I...I--Well," He stuttered, his heart skipping a beat. The image of you in his huge polo was making him want to stay, it was making it worth enough for another pathetic lie to be said for the latter. You were perfect in his eyes, despite of the stomach flabs, your height and especially your big, wonderful heart.
Y/N was the epitome of every man's dream, her attitude and personality was making him stay. Yet, why didn't he pick you in the first place?
"You're going?" You calmly uttered, your knife stopping halfway from cutting a tomato, a painful smile lifting the ends of your lips, wanting nothing more than to frown and show him how he was hurting you, crushing your big, innocent heart.
He hesitatingly nodded, his lips in a tight thin line. Sebastian wanted nothing more than to stay, he wanted to cherish this sweet, mirthful moment with you. But, why didn't he? Why did he still chose her?
"Yeah. She texted---told me we had reservations at eight in which I totally forgot about, she even said I asked for it the other night but it slipped out of my mind," He forgot, you thought. Even though you didn't want to cheer and be happy that you were making him forget her, you still did. Your heart clapped from the mistake he did.
Yet, why did it still hurt?
"Well," You sighed, spinning around to see Sebastian pouting, his mind currently in a conflicted battle. "---you better get going, Love."
Love. It was the truth. You already love him with all your heart, and the more this..relationship of your continues, the more it becomes difficult to let go. Not that you plan on doing that soon.
"You sure you're not mad?" He stared into your eyes, it was technically the window to everybody's soul and from his perspective..All he saw was your positive, loving self. Never seeing the wounds hidden behind those E/C eyes of yours. Nonetheless, it was hurting him to leave you either.
"No, I'm not." Lies. It was all lies because all you ever felt in that exact moment was pain. All you wanted to do was lock himself up in your apartment, wanting to scream at him as you hoped to be his choice, and not his option. "---you need to go," You fidgeted with the collars of his polo, eyes trained on his Steele blue eyes that you so wanted not to forget before it vanish soon, the other woman having the bigger privilege to stare at his gorgeous blue eyes all night.
The truth was making your heart itch in vain.
"But, I'm keeping this polo of yours. It's comfy," You joked, forcing yourself to smile. His pout turned into a chuckle, that's right. That's what you wanted his last image to be, his beautiful laugh. "You're seriously going to make me come out shirtless?"
"Oh come on, you have tons of shirts inside my closet. You can seriously have a sleepover and not be worried about having no clothes to wear the next day," All you could ever do was dream that he could sleep beside you all night, keep him tuck beside you with your love. However, he never did. A few times, sure. But, he always went back to her. He always comes back home.
And your only wish in your life was to finally be his home, where he could come home to you and only you.
All Sebastian could ever do was chuckle. It was a phrase that he could never answer back, he wanted to have that moment with you too. But, the knot he had with her was making everything impossible.
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"Try not to finish everything for me, I'm coming over again tomorrow," He smiled, the painful happiness reaching his eyes. Sebastian leaned down to give you a deep kiss, he so wanted more than just a kiss, but his phone kept vibrating inside his pockets and it was frustrating him.
The softness of your lips made him kiss you another, trapping that softness in between his teeth, softly tugging the flesh as he rested his forehead on yours, sharing exasperated breaths with you. After that breathtaking kiss, you were a goner. Definitely making your knees buckle behind you but you toughly stood on your ground.
"I love you," Sebastian voiced out completely breathless, like he was scared that somebody else would hear. Though the meaning behind those words made everything worth the sins. It made everything better. "I love you more," and it was the truth. You loved him more than he ever could do.
Sebastian left the apartment, not forgetting to give you another kiss before he went out and about. Back to where he was supposed to be. You bit your lip in sadness, your eyes turning hot and cloudy, tears threatening to fall as you stared at the ceiling, trying your hardest not to but everything you see was reminding you of him.
Your apartment, your clothes, your credit card, and basically everything. It was all from him, he bought everything for you, just for you to be his.
Even though, he wasn't rightfully yours to call.
"Fuck," You whined out, on the verge of tears as you held the curves of your waist. You held your nose bridge, trying to stop the tears from falling because you didn't want to cry. All you ever wanted was to embrace the positiveness, yet as you remember the previous rendezvous, the reality was making you down in the dumps. "---G-Guess I have to eat by myself then," You stuttered, taking small, grudging steps towards your refrigerator.
The freezer slapped open, taking out the beef you saw something shiny in the middle of the cave like, cold ice. Your fingers delicately touching the shiny jewelry sitting in the middle of your freezer, digging it out of the cold compartment. Your fingertips painfully feeling how cold the jewelry was.
He probably wanted the time to stop, even wanted her feelings for him to turn cold so that was why he chucked it in the freezer. What a dork, you thought out loud mindlessly. Shaking your head, you examined the jewelry resting in the middle of your palm and wanted nothing but to throw it away. 
Sebastian's wedding ring.
Despite of how he was trying to keep it away from him. It still hurt to see it up close and on the palm of your hand. Why? Because in the words of the country's law.
You were still number two, and will never be his lawful woman.
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"Welcome to Starbucks, what will be your order for today, Ma'am?" You energetically welcomed the new customer standing in front of you. She was a beautiful woman, perfect even. Her features were proportional and sharp, blonde hair wavy looking like she just had curled it with a curling iron five minutes ago. The woman had a physique of a sexy model, curvy and busty.
She was the entire opposite of you. Certainly even older than you.
"One Cinnamon Dolcè Lattè," She spoke with a raspy, sexy thread of her voice. It was probably her tone of voice, God had gifted her with a tone of voice like Scarlett Johansson. You nodded with a friendly smile, tapping her order up on the monitor screen laying in front. "Will that may be all, ma'am?"
"Oh, and a Caffè Americano," The beautiful woman added. You punched her orders and remained eye contact with her. "Anything else?" She clucked her tongue, taking a glance at the menu above her. You tapped your foot in habit as you wait for more orders to come.
"One Gluten free breakfast sandwich," She nonchalantly answered. When you thought she would order more, she began whipping her pretty head around, appearing to find a friend.
The woman's emotionless face lit up when she got a glance of the man she was waiting for. Her demeanor changed and especially her voice which turned higher and jolly. "Babe!" She called her boyfriend jogging towards to where she was. Your eyes went straight to the man's shoes. Grey Nike running shoes, black jogger shorts and a grey shirt, his white beats clung around his neck. You knew that style of outfit whenever he goes for a run, you knew those thighs...
Your breath became labored, palms began to sweat and your throat turned dry when you saw a very familiar face that was slowly coming closer. He certainly didn't felt your presence as he haven't got a glimpse of your dumbfounded face.
Sebastian laid his gorgeous Steele blue eyes on her, those eyes that have been staring at you lovingly the other night. Now, those orbs were fixated on a woman who he tied the knot with. A woman who was the first choice and not an option. "You want something?" The woman batted her eyelashes up at him and you wanted nothing more than to run off and escape from the nightmare happening in front of you. Yet, you couldn't because your feet stood cold and unmoving on the ground. Your eyebrows were furrowed as your eyes were trained on the sweaty, precious man that you love.
"Nah, I'm good. Thanks," He nonchalantly muttered, eyes still on her and you wanted him to look into your eyes instead. Just like how he does. The woman snapped her head in your direction, skimmed her eyes from your face towards your name tag. Her whole demeanor turned smug, a coy smile tugging her lips in a tight smirk. "That may be all.." She paused, reading your name before you saw a mischievous glint behind those eyes. "---Y/N,"
With just one mention of your name, it had Sebastian's eyes concentrated on you. His mouth forming a tight, thin line from the realization that you were right in front of him, from them, from his wife. His broad shoulders fell and became slacked when his eyes connected with yours. Everything came crashing down.
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It's definitely a small world after all. Destiny was giving you the agonizing pleasure to see the lawfully wedded wife face to face, making your make-believe world  disappear in just a snap.
Your eyes turned hot and your heart felt like Thanos was gripping your heart with his gauntlet. You knew Sebastian felt and saw the vulnerability you just launched. The world turned hazy and steady around you, even the noise buzzing around the coffee shop was slowly fading away, your focus only on the couple in front of you.
So, it was her. His wife still smiled so innocently, looking naive yet those smiles of hers..Hatred came with it, being the first emotion you see behind her eyes when she brought her walls down.  
She knew.
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"I’ve always wanted to be a Stan," You muttered beneath your breath as Sebastian hovered above you, his lips lightly ghosting on top of yours. His medium length hair cascaded around his beautiful face, caving in his gifted features as he looked damn breathtaking. Sebastian lightly pecked your lips, your hands shamelessly caressing his protruding bare firm chest, trailing down his fit torso.
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He avoided looking into your eyes, staring at your lips instead. He knew how your eyes were sparkling in aspiration and it was hurting him to answer the truth.
"You know that'll just complicate things, right?" He gave out a forced smile.
"I know, Seb. I was just kidding,"
You only gave a smile back as you trapped him in a heated kiss, dissipating the ache surrounding your sinful soul. Creating an unrestrained relationship with a married man was completely obnoxious, never have you imagined doing this all your life.
But, you loved him. You love him a little too much and it was too late to stop now because you would rather be the person he runs to and not the person he comes home to. You'd rather be labeled as an option than be labeled as nothing.
Only you can dream about being a Stan and you never know when you'll get tired of wishing when it'll come true...
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Taglist for every Sebastian thing I write (LMAO): @silverkitten547​ @crazybutconfidentaf​
113 notes · View notes
So close, yet still so far.
Well, I did say it in my last post, right? Be a man. Stop calling. But ooof, gotta say, it hurts bad. But maybe a little less than the uncertainty. 
I kinda pride myself on the relationships I have with people. I feel good when people trust me enough to confide in me, to tell me stuff they don’t usually tell others... 
I also hate losing relationships or seeing friendships fade away. And I know, that’s dumb and something I gotta learn to deal with. And I thought I was okay with that, I thought I already learnt this lesson. People come and go, nothing really lasts forever. It’s just part of life. 
Ugh, so why does it hurt so damn bad? I think really now, it’s becoming more set in stone that neither of us are going to do anything about it. I know I won’t, not anytime soon at least. I gotta put me first. At least I’m not feeling any sort of guilt now since he was the one who left me on read. Granted, it was kinda drifting off, but well... Y’know, I realised maybe my honesty the other day really was just the dealbreaker. Maybe there were a lot of dealbreakers already but I was still trying and he was being a little too courteous. 
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But we have a saying in mandarin “勉强没有幸福” - which basically means if you try and force something too hard, you wouldn’t be happy. 
There’s so much I wish I could have done differently. But sometimes, anxiety gets in the way, depression gets in the way. We met at a bad timing, maybe if it weren’t for COVID, things could have gone differently. Then work stress also piled up, all the change in personnel and then workload and being burned out. No proper rests with the schedule, even if so, you might still end up working on your day off. And when you’re back in office, it’s just store work basically all day till even past 6pm and then you stay back to finish your other work. 
I’m really trying to be thankful that I still have a job in spite of the pandemic, but ooof, the exhaustion these days is also... My mental health had taken a toll, and I didn’t even realise till too late. I was always crying, overwhelmed. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even breathe. It sucks when you can’t even do the most basic of things. I’ve started relying on focusing my smell on things - mints, essential oils... I try not to complain and rant too much about everything, but I guess it got bottled up, all the way up to the brink. 
I started overthinking, dwelling, worrying about everything, the little things. That one time I wanted to treat everybody for lunch and drinks, the other time I brought cookies, and I couldn’t mouth the words to tell them. The insecurities, the fear. The What Ifs. 
But, there were also good days. Days where I’m just like, okay, suck it in. You got this. You can just brave on your mask and then be all positive and sunshine, spread that love and positivity and kindness. It works sometimes, but I don’t think it lasts very long either. That’s also another thing... Sometimes I do admire people who can put on a brave front despite everything, and I think I’m that person sometimes, but other days, I’m just falling apart and I can feel my vibes affecting people around me. I absolutely hate that. But if I don’t allow myself to show how I truly feel, aren’t I just wearing a mask all the time? 
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Sometimes I just wish I could re-meet him. Just start over. I think I was so afraid to fall for him that I didn’t allow myself to feel. And maybe it led me to suppress that once I allowed them in, it just overwhelmed me. I was so afraid to show him my darker sides, I was afraid to speak up. Maybe he would have been supportive and understanding... But also, it’s a little tough sometimes to open your heart like that, especially with someone you’re interested in. Which actually, maybe, all the more I should have, if I wanted to share my life with him. 
There were times it was easy to flirt with him, to make a move and even ask him out. I mean, considering it was me who asked him for our date/meet up. Also, was it a date? Anyhoo, I think at some point, I was more afraid to commit rather than facing rejection. Rejection, that’s just me having to pick myself back up and mend this broken heart again, and I do have faith I have the strength to do so over time, with the support of the people around me. But, commitment... I’m afraid that I would hurt the other person, especially unknowingly. Maybe that’s why I have this habit of withdrawing and distancing if I feel someone has intentions to be more than friends with me. 
We’ve said it was fate that we met. We’ve also said we’ll leave it up to fate to see where it goes. I think we did both fight for a little at least. Maybe not at the same time, maybe not at the same effort. But I believe we did try? Maybe we could have done better, I could have done better. 
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But well, fate has other plans perhaps. 
We were rather different anyway, but yet similar. It’s so strange. Sometimes it felt he was so right for me, but yet so wrong... I’m probably never gonna get the chance to say this to him, but I really appreciate the time and effort he spent talking and initiating convos. Maybe it was the bare minimum at times, and it was just always small talk about food and work, sometimes about nothing really, I enjoyed it. I loved listening to his voice - calming, comforting, probably why I always wanted to hear it when I was falling apart... I loved that he showed me the different perspectives, when I was stressed and upset, he would focus on the good. Maybe not in all aspects, but I felt he did push me, motivate me to be a better person. 
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Yet another almost-relationship. Sigh. Will I ever find love someday?
But well, there’s quite a lot of lessons learnt here, I suppose. Made the mistake of creating a version of who I expect him to be, vs who he actually is. And also maybe we focused too much on trying to date, rather than being friends. Also learning that I need to be more open and honest about some stuff, and don’t be too afraid to feel my feelings. It’s tough because I think when I open my heart, sometimes I open up a little too much, but well, when you block out the negative emotions, you block out the positive too. 
Meanwhile, keeping this a little more private between us too. I truly appreciate all the advice given by friends, but it got a little conflicting at some point with too many opinions. But that’s on me. I do love how supportive my friends are, and how much they try to look out for me. Even when things got bad, even when it’s down the same shit cycle, they stayed. Well, I guess some had to take a step back, but that’s understandable too. 
I think it’s time for me to take a step back too. No one can save you, unless you choose to save yourself. I’ve been trying to bring back the focus to me, to do things that used to bring me joy. Also, trying to spread the love and kindness to friends, something I’ve missed doing since I’ve been distancing myself. 
But of course, apart from loving the people around me, it’s time to find my self-love and self-care again. Was watching Enchanted with my friend yesterday, and there was this line, “how can i like someone who doesn’t like themselves”. I’m still conflicted about this line honestly, because I understand it’s tough to find self-love sometimes that we rely on external love, but yes, self-love is also so damn important. But I also remember seeing this, not really sure where now, that - when two people come together in a relationship, they should both be happy with themselves, then coming together as one. A complementary relationship, not a reliant one. 
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Sometimes I think I have such high expectations for myself that I don’t wanna mess up in the slightest way. Which in turn, messes shit up. It’s funny, on one hand, it’s like I try to be the best I can be, but I’m also a pretty low maintenance, don’t give a shit person. And sometimes I do try hard to be there for people, just so they won’t have to feel the way I feel. I find it tough to say no, because I would feel bad or sorry. 
But like my friend says, I need to stop feeling bad and sorry. Sometimes we gotta put ourselves first. This was also a lesson I forgot. Sometimes we gotta be selfish. We can’t always set ourselves on fire to give others warmth. 
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And well, to end off, also came across this insta story about “Best Way to Get Over Someone”, like damn, even Insta knows. So basically... 
Focus on you 
Get Busy 
Let it all in and accept that it happened and grow from it 
Reaffirm things that make you feel satisfied/happy and find yourself again 
You’re not to blame. Now it’s time to focus on you. Love yourself. Remember, it takes 2 hands to clap 
It’s been nice getting back to writing again. I really do write best when emotional. So yep, time to take a step back and focus on me. Figure out how to love and care for myself again. Let myself feel those feelings, as much as it hurts, as much as it sucks, but better than keeping it all bottled up and not sure when it’ll overflow. 
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So, a reminder for anyone out there who’s reading this, remember to take a step back and take some time for you. You’ve got this! Take care and stay safe. Lots of love! 
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microwaveabl · 4 years
Alright fuckers,
I decided to post what I have right now of my story, starting at Comic Con. @septicake​ hasn’t responded all day, but I hope they like it. Flowey, sentient toilets, and gay Obi Wan are here!
The next morning, we were both excited. We were finally going to get our answers. Fairly early that morning, we set out. It took us a bit to find the convention center, which Robin remarked upon: “This sounds exactly like the sort of thing we should’ve prepared for earlier this week”. I hate it when he’s right.
When we got there, we were awestruck at the spectacle before us. Hundreds of people, dressed as wizards, elves, orcs, comic book superheroes, video game characters, and soooooooo much more were there. Cosplayers of every kind, colors everywhere, it was incredible! I can’t begin to describe the wonder I felt, or everything I wondered at.
“All the hype was worth it,” Robin whispered to me, and I slowly nodded.
“This is… wow,” I responded, my eyes large. The twos of us, Robin and I, walked into the center, and my jaw dropped. It was even better than the outside! So many people, packed into the place! I knew it was big, but now I was wondering how exactly I was supposed to entertain everybody while Robin looked through them.
“Okay, slight change to the plan. I’m going to go up on that stage and begin my act. I’ll invite some people up, do some cool stuff. I’ll use a spell to broadcast my voice, for I think it’d be difficult to get a connected microphone headpiece thing. You get up there-” I pointed up to some of the pathways near the ceiling, probably so that those large posters on the wall could be hung, or something “- and use this charm of seeing” -I produced a small magnifying glass from my pocket - obviously enchanted, not just a magnifying glass “-and scan the crowd. You know what to look for, and, I don’t know, figure out a way to contact them. Maybe you have a charm, or something, I’m not sure. Improvise, you’re good at that!”
“This is a terrible idea,” Robin told me, “and you’re going to get kicked out. Still, I can’t think of a better idea.”
I grinned. “Good, and besides, if I do well enough, they won’t want me to leave. Now go up, and get ready.”
I waited while he made his way through back ways and such, until he was up on the pathways (I should really figure out what they are called, but we don’t have them where I come from, and I don’t feel like learning it). He tossed something down at me, not sure how it got to me through the crowd, and I looked questioningly at him. He mimed putting it in my ear, and it did look like some kind of earpiece. I gently placed it in my ear, wincing slightly, for I didn’t think it was meant for my pointy elven ears. 
“Hey,” a voice that sounded like Robin’s came into my ear. I jumped, and looked up at him. He was grinning, of course.
“Can we communicate through these?” I hesitantly asked, to which I heard, while noticing it was definitely Robin speaking, “Yeah, I found a couple earpieces and tuned them to each other. Don’t know how I managed, but hey, if it ain't broke, don’t knock it.”
I chuckled, and responded, “Fair. Let’s get this show on the proverbial road and the literal stage.”
I pushed my way through the crowd, passing Captain Americas, Captain Rogers’, Captain Mal Reynolds’, and many others that were not Captains. Finally, I made my way to the stage. Wondering what exactly I would say, I jumped up onto it, where there were luckily no people, and muttered to myself, “I’m an introvert, and yet I’m here at such an extrovert place, about to do something terrifying. It’s a good thing I really want to get home, and I really hope this works.”
I activated my charm as people looked up at me, wondering what an elf was doing up on stage, and began speaking.
“Hello, all of you. You might be wondering what I’m doing up here on stage. To be honest, I am not sure either, but I think I’m supposed to give a demonstration or whatever it’s called for my cosplay, but they didn’t really tell me. Hey, can I get some boxes or something destructible up here?”
A couple confused convention workers brought up some empty boxes, while I sweated, wondering if I should make a run for it. Somehow, though, nobody came up and stopped me. I wasn’t even sure why there was a stage up here in the first place. Was an event or actual demonstration supposed to happen? Whatever the case, this was working, and I could see Robin up there scanning the crowd, though none of them really should be interested yet.
It was time to change that.
I deftly pulled out my sword, keeping it in this dimension. I did some basic fighter’s moves, which seemed to impress the people. 
“This is one of two Vorpal blades of mine. The name is misleading, or rather, does not do my blades justice. A vorpal blade simply is one that has the capacity to decapitate a foe, especially in fantasy games such as Dungeons and Dragons. However, all of my blades are like that.”
A few nervous laughs floated to me. I looked up at Robin for support, and he gave me a thumbs up. He spoke to me, saying, “Now, tell them the special thing and give them a little demonstration.”
“Okay. My blades are special, for they are enchanted. They can change dimensions at my will, and thus pass through objects in this one when I desire, and join back up in this one to cut what I want.”
To demonstrate, I deftly stabbed my sword at the first box, phasing it just before it broke the flimsy cardboard.
“Now, that may not look impressive, as you do not know that my blades do any damage at all, or that these boxes were not staged so I would not appear to do any damage. Furthermore, optical illusions could render it such that I did not stab the cardboard at all, and thus am a fraud. Now, will someone please come up here? I really don’t care who.”
People murmured amongst themselves, until one person stepped forward.
“I will,” they said, and I asked them a little about themselves. They were John, a human male, who came alone, dressed as The Arrow from DC. He loved coming to Comic-Con, and was excited at the opportunity to be a part of what he thought of as a very real and planned demonstration. He came up on stage, and I appraised him.
“I loved your T.V. show,” I said, saying the first thing that popped into my head. I had never seen a single episode, but knew that it was a thing and hoped he wouldn’t question me.
He beamed at me, and said, “Thank you! You are a really good elf!”
“I try. Now,” I directed this at the crowd, “I shall prove, in front of a witness, that these blades are no joke.”
I quickly pulled the handles close to myself, phased them back into reality, and drove them into the boxes. They easily cut through them, for they were designed to cut through things much tougher than some boxes. I then rapidly whirled, phased my blades out of sync, swept the handles just in front of John’s face, and phased them back in sync with the world. I asked a stunned, slightly scared John to touch the blades, and he reported they were very sharp.
“Now, was that an optical illusion? I think not. I am also a great fighter, and master of small charms.” At this, I tossed up a charm I had created haphazardly and quickly earlier, which exploded into a sunburst of light. I had built it to be merely light and not also heat, a better model, I think, than the fireworks of Earth. I pulled another from my cloak, threw it to the ground, and watched as the image of a unicorn burst from it, dazzling the crowd as it dashed between them, an apparition and nothing more. After lapping the center, it returned to the charm, which I picked up. I asked John to return, and I thought about what I would do next.
I heard Robin tell me, “I may have found someone. Here, let me give you some sight.” Before I could protest, I was looking through one of Robin’s eyes and one of my own, which was quite disconcerting. I closed the eye connected to my own vision, and looked through Robin’s. He was looking at a wizard, quite a well done cosplay, perhaps too well done. He was staring attentively at me, but not the same way as the others. He wasn’t awed, or surprised, just kinda wide-eyed, like he couldn’t believe someone else was here. I nodded, prepared for vertigo, and opened my other eye.
After a moment, I noticed the position of the wizard. I noted him in my mind, noted where he was, and whispered to Robin to disconnect us. My vision was yanked back to my own perspective, which was nice, and I prepared my next bit. Everyone was still oohing and aahing at my magic, and so I decided to have a little fun. 
“You there!” my voice boomed, my finger pointed at the wizard. He panicked, and I quickly said, “No, please, come on up. I won’t hurt you, I just want another person for my next part. John was lovely, but you look like you know some real magic!” I laughed, and the audience laughed as well. He was pushed forward, and reluctantly got up on stage. 
“Now, what is your name?” I asked him, which was the polite way to go about things, I believed.
He glared at me, and responded, “I am Thuzhal, a wizard banished to this realm for many heinous acts.”
“Ooh, nice backstory. I like it! What kinds of acts?” I replied enthusiastically.
He sighed, and said, “Well, people don’t really ask me, so I say they’re heinous. I was just kinda messing around and apparently broke something important, and so I was magically exiled. I was trying to figure out how to get back in, looking through probably forbidden texts, when I tried a spell to return me to the place so I could undo my exile, but it instead sent me across dimensions and I ended up on this technology-ridden, climate-changed planet.”
I clapped, and people in the audience followed my example. “I like that! Gives you an objective, something dark, and just enough flare of mystery. Now, my good sir, I am also not from around here. I was transported here when I tried to figure out the true magical nature of my staff, here-” I gestured at the staff I had leaned against a wall, yes, obviously the one topped with the spider, “-and found myself in a cornfield in Illinois! Naturally, I was confused, as corn does not exist in my world, and I did not know that I had changed dimensions. Now, my man, I believe we can help each other! You know magic and magical items, and I have my staff! Now, for my demonstration…” I decided to try a little something. I pulled out my blades, and concentrated on making them visible, but slightly out of sync with Earth. The sword blades usually became invisible when phased, but I did my best to keep that from happening. 
The blades flickered, trying to change dimensions, but I did my best. Eventually, they came into full view, but I passed them gently through my hand to make sure they weren’t physical. I then whirled and, similarly to what I did with John, tried to swing it through the wizard’s neck. However, he was also armed, and so tried to block my attack, which obviously failed. My blade passed straight through him, and he retaliated, swinging a small dagger at me with ferocity and a wild look in his eyes. From the way he handled his blade, I could tell he wasn’t experienced. This was going to end quickly, luckily, I thought, and parried his frenzied swing. 
With a series of quick swipes, jabs, kicks, and punches, I disarmed the wizard and sent him to his knees. “Look, man, I didn’t want this to happen. I’m sorry for swinging at you, but it was part of the demonstration. You can get up and help me, or leave, alone, stuck here, probably never to return to your home. Which would you prefer?”
Thuzhal considered my words, and grudgingly got to his feet. I handed him his dagger, which appeared to be made of mithril, and smiled. 
“Good, now let’s get out of here. I’m not even supposed to be demonstrating anything here, I just got up on stage and nobody stopped me for whatever reason.” I deactivated my microphone-like charm, and told Robin, “Come on, let’s go.”
He ran into a door, and quickly joined me. I surveyed the crowd, which was full of whispers, no doubt about me and what I had just said. I jumped down, followed by Thuzhal and Robin, and we pushed past the crowd, out of the door, and ran a block before slowing to a walk. We returned to our motel, and I was happy we had managed to complete our goal for that day.
“I’m afraid we may have a problem,” Thuzhal said, walking into the bedroom.
“What kind of problem?” I asked, a little surprised by his sudden entrance and a little frustrated that he couldn’t immediately solve all of our problems.
He winced at the strength of my words, and responded, “Well, I know what kind of magic it uses, and I can partially control it. However, I cannot control the exact dimension. I can make it so that we don’t end up places we can’t survive, like in the vastness of space, or on a planet where the air is poisonous. We will have to travel many worlds until we either get lucky and end up in the right one, or find someone who can use your energy signatures to lock onto our universe. Will that work?”
I thought about it, looked over at Robin, who was sitting cross-legged on his bed, and looked back at Thuzhal. “Well, I guess we don’t really have a choice, so let’s go with that. Do we have any idea how long this will take?”
Thuzhal grinned, and said loudly, “Nope!”
I sighed, and replied, “Well, pack your bags. Might as well get right on down to it.”
We packed the gear we wanted to bring with us, which included some probably illegal items. It has been neglected to mention that these items included two assault rifles, lots of ammo, a couple grenades, a few other guns, including a sniper rifle and a pistol (of course we also had plenty of those ammos as well, and I intended to get a blacksmith or something to break them open and figure out how to make them and potentially augment them/the gun.). There were others, but I shouldn’t really mention them.
We gathered behind the motel, in the parking lot, after checking out and getting our stuff all ready. I readied myself for what was about to happen, planted the staff at arm’s length in front of me, and Robin and Thuzhal both grabbed it. After exchanging grim looks with both of them, I grabbed the spider, and it did the same thing as the previous time we used it, though the eyes seemed to glow brighter and the wind seemed stronger. I closed my eyes, and wondered what would happen on the other side, just before I lost consciousness.
When I returned to consciousness, I was confused. The sky was a pastel purple, with red dots swirling through it. It seemed like some kind of strange dream, and its colors were chaos. The ground was some kind of acid green, and there were portable toilets everywhere. They were in every shade, from green to blue to pink to yellow. I closed my eyes, as I felt a migraine coming on. I shaded my eyes and reopened them, looking at the ground for Robin and Thuzhal. I found Thuzhal covering his eyes, peeking through his fingers at the landscape, and Robin was still passed out on the ground. Oh, and, by the way, Thuzhal is a human. 
“This is a strange world you have brought us to, elf,” he told me, and I followed his gaze. I had originally thought that the toilets were just sitting there, but as I really looked at them, I saw that they were moving. There was even a small village, made of what I couldn’t say, as there wasn’t a tree or rock around. Even the ground itself was a deep green, and made of a substance I couldn’t make out. It was smooth, and I could push my hand through it, like a partial liquid. It was strange, as none of us were sinking into it, but it didn’t seem like good building material. The toilets weren’t walking, or splitting apart in any way, but just seemed to glide, all of which seemed very strange and impossible to me. When they came to a step, they seemed like they just jumped, but with no downward movement to create thrust upward, if that makes sense.
“Let’s… explore?” I said hesitantly, and Thuzhal strode toward the settlement. I followed him, after a moment’s consideration, and dragged Robin behind me. When we got closer, we could see that it was made of some kind of wood, and so I guessed that they had just taken down any trees in view. It seemed similar to a Wild West town, minus the dust everywhere, horses, natural colors, or people. I was quite unnerved, and moved close to one of the johns.
“Uh… hello?” I said (asked?) hesitantly. It’s door turned to me, and it seemed to make an annoyed, squishy sound from within it. 
“Do you guys have any wizards or magic folk at all?” I asked it. It moved toward me, making angry sounds from within it, and I backed away. “I don’t think it likes the sound of ‘wizard’.” It moved faster, squishing louder, and other toilets started coming over. I pulled Robin into a fireman’s carry on my back, and readied one of my blades. 
“We should get out of here, Thuzhal,” I told him, and he nodded, his eyes frantic. I turned and ran, but there were toilets everywhere.
“No time! We have to do it here!” I shouted, and he grabbed the staff. I shrugged Robin forward and held his hand around the pole, and grabbed the arachnid on top.
When I awoke, I simply lay there. I didn’t really want to open my eyes and find out where we had landed, but I suppose it would have to happen eventually. I slowly opened my eyes, and squinted at the bright light coming from the sun… suns? There were two shining orbs in the sky, one more yellow-y, and one more orange-y. It was very hot, and the ground was grainy. When I looked at the landscape, I saw that we were in a large desert of sand, and there were a couple houses in the distance. It looked like about midday, but I couldn’t be sure how long the day lasted, so it would be best to start moving. I got to my feet, and noticed that both Thuzhal and Robin were still passed out.
“Hey,” I said, shaking Robin. He stirred, and started moving. I moved over to Thuzhal, and patted his shoulder.
“Wakey, wakey, time to get up sleepyhead,” I told Thuzhal, and his eyes snapped open, then quickly shut.
“Where are we, and why is it so bright?” Thuzhal said, and Robin nodded in agreement.
I shrugged. “I’m not sure, but there are some houses over there, we can ask them. I hope it goes better this time than last time.”
Robin looked confused. He held up a finger, and said, “Last time? Do you mean Earth?”
I was also confused for a second, before I remembered that Robin had been asleep the previous dimension.
“Well, we travelled dimensions, and you know how we always fall unconscious when we do that? Well, you were asleep while Thuzhal and I almost died from sentient Porta-Potties.”
This only served to bewilder him even more, and I described the events that had taken place in the strange, colorful dimension.
“Anyway,” I said, finishing up, “we should get moving. We aren’t going to kill ourselves, after all!”
With that lovely remark, we started walking toward the houses. It was extremely hot, hotter than Calimport, even hotter than California in summer. I didn’t know how people handled it, but then I thought, perhaps the people here are different and more adapted to this environment. 
After probably 15 minutes, we got to the houses. They were strange, quite small and kinda dome-like, circular, with person-height walls and a sloped, domed kinda roof. It was similarly colored as the sand, probably so that it could blend in, though the satellite dish looking thing on top of it kinda ruined the effect. It was silvery, and very much did not blend in.
“Sh-should we go in?” I asked tentatively, and Thuzhal marched forward, grinning. “Um, is that a yes?”
“I recognize this place!” he said in response, and knocked on the first door. I rushed toward him, but it was too late.
“HOW, exactly can you recognize this? You’ve never been here! You were directly transported to-” A thought rushed into my mind, causing me to stop in my tracks. “It’s like Faerûn, huh? Someone came from this world, or travelled here, and made a story or whatever based on this place?”
He slowly nodded, and simply replied, “Star Wars.”
The door opened, sliding to one side, and a man came out. I hadn’t seen a lot about Star Wars, but there were a lot of cosplayers at Comic-Con that I had recognized as probably being from this universe. The person that opened the door looked like Obi-Wan, except his hair was black. I blinked, for, while it was true I didn’t know much about Star Wars (already mentioned, but it makes this sentence flow better. Shut up, stupid), I knew that: 1. He wasn’t supposed to be on Tatooine until much later, when he looked old with white hair, or something, and 2. His hair was brown, not black. All of this was very confusing, especially once Qui Gon Jinn walked past, asking, “Who is it, honey?”
“U… u-um, I’m Alushtas, and these are Robin and Thuzhal,” I stammered, my eyes searching for answers I doubted I would easily find.
“Ah, hello! What lovely and strange names! What can I do for you?” he asked nicely, and I looked at my companions. 
“Uh, can we come in? I think we need to talk to you,” I said kinda randomly, for I was still very confused and needed to figure out what was happening.
He smiled, and ushered us in. “Honey, come meet our guests!” he said, and Qui Gon walked back in.
I looked back and forth between the two men, and I asked Obi-Wan, “Why does he keep calling you ‘honey’?”
They looked at each other and smiled, and Obi-Wan told me, “Well, we were dating for a while, but then this wonderful man approached me, what, probably almost a year and a half ago, and proposed to me! Of course, I said yes, and we’ve been living here ever since, happier than ever!” Qui Gon came over and hugged Obi-Wan deeply, and the two men sat down on a couch, holding hands. 
Thuzhal looked confused as well, though I had realized that this was not the normal Star Wars universe I knew, and the wizard asked, “Where is Luke? I thought he lived here.”
“Well, yes, he has, but once he married his spouse, they’ve been travelling the galaxy. Would you like some blue milk?”
“Uh, sure,” I said, and Obi-Wan waved his hand. A glass came over to me, as if by magic, and I sipped it warily. It was good, similar to Earth milk, but more coconut-y. 
“Soooo, who has Luke married, anyway?” I asked Qui Gon, taking a longer drink from my glass.
“Oh, he ran off with that hooligan, Han Solo, for a bit, but he came back eventually, and told me they were getting married. I was shocked, for it seemed sudden, but they were happy, and so we gave them our blessing,” he replied, and I, suddenly realizing something, asked another question (we really wanted to ask questions, I guess), “So what happened to Chewbacca?”
“Ah, good old Chew. They are going around the galaxy, exploring, happy by themselves. They liked Han, but they always felt less, you know? They are very introverted, and just like to explore. They find people difficult to understand, and they’ve told me that everyone just goes too quickly for them. Last I heard, they were going to Coruscant, which is nice.”
“Mhm. Anyway, you guys haven’t mastered inter-dimensional travel yet, have you?” I asked, realizing that, while cool, this place wasn’t really gonna help us.
“Unfortunately, that project was shut down because of its possible repercussions and side effects and all that,” he told me, “did you need something like that?”
I shrugged, and said, “Yeah, it would’ve been nice, but I think we might be able to manage. We should be going, though. Thank you, both of you, for everything.”
Qui Gon smiled at us, and asked, “Are you sure you want to leave? We’d be happy for you to stay.”
I sadly smiled back at him, and replied, “Yeah, we need to go.”
We said our goodbyes, and left. When we were out of sight of the house, it was probably about midnight.
“Well guys? Shall we?” I said, holding out the spider-adorned staff.
We travelled through many more dimensions, probably more than I could ever describe. As we travelled, and got used to dimension-hopping, we slept for less and less time, and eventually simply got tired, and then slightly dizzy.
Something that I have talked about, but not really explained, was that Earth was a Chaos realm. This means that both magic and technology work there, though there are other realms in which magic works and tech doesn’t, ones where tech works and magic doesn’t, and ones where neither work. However, this is a flawed perspective. It is one described by wizards of old in my world (yes, interdimensional travel isn’t completely unknown back home in Faerun), and their experiences in other realms. 
This is flawed for a couple reasons. It isn’t so simple as just ‘technology and magic, or one, or neither’. Magic can take many forms, and magic that works in one place doesn’t necessarily work in another. In the Star Wars-like world, there were Jedi that could manipulate objects using their mind and what they called the Force, which seems to be a type of magic. Meanwhile, my own magic could have been unstable or unusable, because it is a different world than mine. Similarly, magic could exist on Earth, though its inhabitants didn’t usually have it, leading to unpredictable results. I was lucky that only a couple of my charms failed or had issues, and not more of them. There were many other forms of magic, but to go into detail would take too long.
Technology is also a difficult thing to pin down. It’s basically just the application of knowledge for practical purposes, and so almost anything creature-made could be said to be technology. Again, some technology could function in some places, but not in others. Some steampunk worlds, for instance, couldn’t ‘fathom’ the existence of further innovation, like cars or computers. Other worlds were stuck in the Stone Age, and in some, not even bird’s nests could be made. I am not sure what would happen if one tried to make a bird’s nest in that world, but I had decided not to find out.
As we went along in our journey, I collected items. I wanted mementos of our travels, and hey, they might be useful in the future. Unfortunately, I wasn’t always able to pick things up, whether because of being chased by the inhabitants of the world or something else (and if you’re wondering if I took something from the Star Wars world, yes, I palmed a handle-looking thing with a button from a counter). This led to some fights, some running, and some pain. Still, I wanted certain items, like I think one was called a “Babel fish”, which allowed me to understand others, no matter what language they spoke. 
Something that I realized was that no matter where we went, some items were still able to be used. I eventually figured out that it was because they were dimensional items, which transcended some of the ordinary rules of the realms. We started with two - the staff itself, which is a good thing, because otherwise we would’ve ended up stranded on a random world. The other was my Vorpal blades, which was nice, because I liked them. However, the realm we received the third (and fourth and fifth?) dimensional item(s) was very… strange…
We had come from a world of robots. There wasn’t a single human, elf, dog, orc, sentient species of any kind, or really any organic being that we found. Everything was automated, and seemed as though there had once been people, but then they had left, potentially leaving the robots there to keep things up until they returned. However, we realized that it was unlikely, if not impossible, that a machine could bring us home, rather than magic. Therefore, we left pretty quickly, though not before I got a small bracelet that had nanotech that could form a dagger in my hand in a millisecond, which could be quite useful.
When we arrived in the new realm, we found ourselves in a smallish room. There was a bed of flowers, yellow flowers, illuminated by a fairly dim light coming through a hole in the ceiling of the room. Actually, it seemed more like a cave, though we couldn’t really be completely sure. There was a hallway, or corridor, or whatever to our right. We went through it, and found a doorway.
We went through it, and walked through a system of rooms, some of which had puzzles, and traps, though none of them actually hurt us (well, except for Robin, who got a sprained ankle after falling through some leaves). We saw beings, some might call them monsters or abominations, which had very strange physical makeups. This wasn’t really uncommon for us to see, because of everywhere we had already been, but weird stuff is weird. One had a large eye as most of its body, and another looked similar to a frog. They ran from us, so we didn’t have to worry about fighting them, and when we got to the end of the rooms, we came to a small house.
We tentatively opened the door, and found the house deserted (or at least visibly so, and nobody came to the door to see who was there). There were stairs leading down to what I assumed was a basement right in front of us, a living room looking area to our left, and a hallway to our right. It seemed like an odd way to set up a house, but again, lots of places were quite queer (in both senses of the term). 
Anyway, we entered the living room. There was a table with chairs, bookshelves with books on them - “How to Cook Snails, Snail Basics, Meals with Snails?” -, and an armchair in front of a fireplace, fire included, which seemed like a fire hazard, but whatever. We didn’t find anyone, so we went through the door leading out of the room (not the one we entered).
We were in a kitchen, which seemed normal, except the stove didn’t work, there was white fur in the sink, and a pie on the counter. There was a faint smell of pie crust and cinnamon in the air, and I took a slice for later, in case I might want it (hey, I’m a thief, what would you expect, perfect morals?). We went back to the first room, and entered the hall.
There were three doors, two of which were bedrooms. We decided not to explore them, though one looked more like a child’s bedroom and one like an adult’s. The third was locked, however, and had a sign that read, ‘Room under Renovations’. Because there was no more of the house to explore, we went down the stairs to the basement.
There wasn’t really an actual basement, as far as we could tell. It was a long hallway, which, after walking the entirety of, showed us a doorway, similar to the one at the entrance, which we went through, as we didn’t want to walk back. We found ourselves in some kind of snowy, forest-y area, though, when we looked up to the sky, we could faintly see a cavern roof.
I’ll spare you the details, but basically, we went through this region, a very wet, cave-like region, and a very hot area. In the hot area, we came across a laboratory, which we chose to go into. It had a large video screen, seemingly inactive, though I couldn’t tell its use. As we continued walking through the building, we saw a cluttered desk, a bag of dog food(?), and a dark hole in the wall. When we got to the hole, the door to a bathroom hitherto unseen opened, and a tall lizard woman (?) came out. She looked quite surprised to see us, but hurried over nonetheless. 
“More humans? This is quite unusual… umm… hello? Who are you?” she asked hesitantly.
“I am Alushtas, and I am not a human… which I only tell you because I don’t know why. I am an elf, This is Robin, he’s a human, and Thuzhal, whose race I never actually found out, I think,” I responded.
“And I would prefer to keep it that way,” Thuzhal said, smiling and extending his hand toward the person. “And you are…?”
“Oh!” She blushed furiously. “M-my name is A-alphys, and I’m the-the royal scientist for King Asgore.”
“Oh, that’s cool. Do you guys have any, you know…, magic?” I asked Alphys. We seemed to do a lot of questioning in these worlds, and not much else.
“K-kinda, we have magical a-attacks and the like, and fire magic, and probably other kinds.”
“Oh.” I must’ve looked really sad, because she immediately responded with, “B-but that’s okay! Here, I can improve your phones! You… don’t… have phones? Um, I can get you phones!”
She rushed upstairs up an escalator, then quickly came down another closer to the entrance. She was holding three small objects, which I assumed was a phone, and hoped her word for phone meant the same thing it meant for me, because it could be useful. It seemed that way, so yay.
“Here! I have a phone for each of you! Y-yes, I had them l-laying around… anyway, they can text, access the internet wherever, access special Dimensional Boxes, defuse bombs, and activate a jetpack! Here, t-take them!”
We each took a phone, and I immediately checked out the Dimensional Boxes. They each had space for 8 items, seemingly no matter the size, which didn’t make sense, but whatever. There were 3 boxes, which was nice, so I didn’t have to worry about 24 items taking up space in my Bag of Holding. 
“Sweet, thank you!” I said, and she blushed again. “Oh, don’t worry, I just like helping people! S-speaking of which, there was this human that came through a bit ago. Have y-you seen them? I think Toriel is coming after them, and I’m a b-bit worried.”
Thuzhal and I exchanged looks as Robin looked between us. “No, we haven’t seen anybody except a couple dudes back at that purple place,” I told her, and her eyes widened.
“O-oh! You n-need to go… I’m s-sorry I can’t help more! Now, g-get out of here!”
She pushed us out of a back door, while I protested and tried to ask her about dimensional travelling. She didn’t listen to me, and locked the door after us.
“Well, now what? Do we go after the human? Do we go see the king? Do we leave? What do you dudes think?” I asked, looking at Robin and Thuzhal, whose backs were to the lab. 
“I think I can help!” a cheery voice said from behind. I whirled around, dagger forming in my hand. A little yellow flower had popped up from the ground, and it had a face which was smiling at us.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Thuzhal asked, suspicious of the small being.
“I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower! You were just talking to that overgrown lizard, huh? Don’t listen to her, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about!” the golden flower told us.
“Um, she seemed nice, while you were insulting her. Not really the way to play the ‘nice guy’ card,” Robin interjected.
Flowey gave a wide smile, and said, “Oh, sorry. We all insult her, ‘cause she’s senile and ignorant of the world. Even nice old King Asgore cracks jokes about her!”
By this point, I was very unsettled, but decided to humor Flowey. “So, you said you can help us. How?”
“Easy! The rules down here are simple. You k i l l, o r   y o u   b e   k i l l e d.” As he spoke, his face grew ugly, into a mixture of a smile and a look of utter hatred. He sent little white bullets at us, which we tried to dodge, but some still hit us. They really hurt, and it felt like my life force itself was being sapped. I swung my dagger at him, but he popped back into the ground and back up a bit further on.
“Hope you guys have fun! See ya later!” he said, smiling, and vanished into the ground.
“That… was horrible,” I said, and both of my companions nodded. 
“We should leave and never return.” Again, they nodded.
I pulled out the staff from my Bag, held it out, and we did our thing. However, as we began to flicker out of the strange, underground world, none of us noticed the edge of a flower root curling around the base of the staff.
wasn’t really sure how to say that Flowey was comin with the gang (obv without them wanting hiim to :P) with the exact wording, so I used ‘flower root’, but I am open to suggestions or changes if you think soething should change. It mgiht not, because I know hwere this is going and you don’t, but you coudl definitely help!
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gamesmakers · 4 years
Damn it, where's his name? It's not under O like it should be – Oban, Oberon, O'Call, then straight on to O'Donnell, but maybe there was some kind of administrative error and they filed him incorrectly. Yeah, that has to be it. Johanna vows to give them hell for that later, but for now, she just needs to find when Finnick is coming back to Thirteen. The offices say that they have posted the names of all the survivors and when they'll be returning, but some incompetent must have gotten Finnick's file. That's the only set of circumstances she'll even consider.
Johanna could probably walk around the crowd, but instead, she elbows her way through the mess of bodies on her way back to Finnick and Annie's cell, er, quarters. Maybe Annie's heard something.
She stops when she hears a male voice coming from inside the apartment. Maybe it's Finnick? Johanna doesn't have any time for other people's sense of privacy, so she enters the key code that Odair wasn't smart enough to hide from her and steps right on in.
She wishes she hadn't. The instant she sees the two gray-clad Thirteen officers, the floor seems to drop out from underneath her. The woman turns to glance at her, but the man never stops talking. "We're sorry we had to bring such bad news, Mrs. Odair, and we hope you know how much District Thirteen appreciates your husband's sacrifice."
"Will you take care of her?" the woman – petite, military straight posture, Johanna thinks she recognizes her from somewhere, but she can't quite place her – asks, and she nods without thinking about it first. With that, she and her companion duck out of the apartment, leaving the two women alone.
When the door slides shut behind them, Johanna can no longer avoid looking at Annie. She's pretty sure the other woman hasn't realized she's there. Her eyes are clenched shut, and her hands are clapped over her ears, her fingers clawing at her hair and the scalp beneath. Fuck.
She promised to take care of Annie, didn't she? Johanna stumbles towards the bed, the only piece of furniture in the room. She stands in front of the other woman for a minute, just trying to figure out how to even start going about this, before she gives up and sits down next to Annie. How does Finnick handle these things? He's always been better with people than her. No, handled and was. He doesn't get present tense anymore. She looks at Annie, who's shaking now, and puts a hand on her back. "Hey, it'll be all right." No it won't.
That doesn't get any response. Why did it have to be Finnick who died? At least for a Victor, Finnick had everything going for him – he'd managed to keep his family alive, he had a beautiful wife who he loved, he was handsome, he was smart, everybody had a little soft spot in their heart for him because he seemed so fucking perfect - and none of that mattered anymore. Not for the first time, she realized just how fucking unfair the universe really was.
She tries again. "Annie, I'm really sorry about everything." It doesn't seem like she's getting through, so Johanna puts her arms around the other woman. Everything about this feels wrong. You're on Odair's bed with your arms around his wife, just like you've always wanted. Sure you're upset about him being dead?
Nope, she couldn't do this. Comforting really isn't her style, and neither is accepting the world screwing over everyone she cares about. Johanna gets up and grabs Annie's hands. "Listen," she says, pulling them away from her ears. Finally, green eyes meet her own. "We're not going to take this, okay? We're going to make those fuckers pay for what they did." She doesn't have a plan, doesn't even know who should be paying for what they did to Finnick, but it feels good to say it.
"Yeah," Annie agrees, and Johanna's surprised she's actually getting through. Well, maybe not really getting through, since her eyes still seem kinda glazed and there's still a weird rigidity to her posture, but at least Annie realizes there's another person in the room now.
She falters, but she can't stop now, not when she's making progress. "We're gonna gouge their fucking eyes out and cut off their limbs one by one. No, scratch that. First, we'll cut off their fingers and toes, stuff 'em down their throats while they scream. Then, we'll move on to their arms and legs, cause they don't deserve anything better." She keeps running her mouth, coming up with the most violent things she can think of, and she's right, they do deserve anything and everything she can imagine. Annie listens sometimes, others wandering back into her mind, and Johanna wonders who she's really doing this for.
She decides it doesn't really matter. If she can't actually watch them burn for stealing Finnick away from them, she can at least dream of it.
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