#this spin the bottle with body spray?!?!?!
I never knew something could be more unhinged than the Chaos Couch on Talks Machina, but last week’s Adventuring Party shot so far past it that I don’t think anything else will catch up.
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punkbarbarian · 2 years
no part of me could have anticipated what would happen during this adventuring party
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masterkeynobi · 10 months
for all that nva sucked shit the adventuring parties were soooooo fun i love you intrepid heroes
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mariasont · 5 months
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - S.R
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a/n: im so sorry in advance
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x reader
summary: in which spencer needed you but he needed drugs more
warnings: drug use, angst, imperfect characters
wc: 2.9k
December 19th, 2021
You were tired, each movement a chore as you fumbled with the key and heaved the door open to your shared apartment. It welcomed you with its hushed darkness, broken only by the intrusive light of the streetlamps outside, which bled through the windows and stretched shadows across the room.
It was quiet, too quiet. Keys clinked quickly onto the counter. "Spence? Are you here?"
No answer. Your brows contracted in a frown as you moved with increased urgency through the apartment, heading down the hall to your shared bedroom. There he was, on the bed, his back to you, shoulders tensed and drawn up as though bracing against something.
At the creak of the door, he turned towards you in a slow motion, his eyes glossed over, movements sluggish. The signs were unmistakable--the ghostly colorlessness draped over his skin, the faint tremor in his hands, the beads of sweat on his forehead.
His speech was slurred whether he realized it or not, words melding into each other. "Hey... I didn't hear you come in."
A cold hand gripped at your heart, dragging it down to the soles of your feet, as the vial on the bedside table glared back at you.
"Spencer, you promised," your words trailed off, choked by the tears that now glistened at the edge of your eyes, your hand dragging through your hair, while the other reached out for the bottle. "You promised me."
His gaze lingered on you, heavy and slow, as if each movement you made was effortful to follow. "I...I know. I just...I tried."
"But we've been doing so well. The therapy sessions, the support groups. I thought it was helping. You told me it was helping. You've been clean for a month."
You were trembling, your eyes searching his, but you could barely stand to look at him. It was a bitter pill that you didn't want to swallow--that the person he was right now wasn't him. It wasn't the man you loved, the one who stayed up late to braid your hair, the man who laughed at your jokes even when they weren't funny and he didn't understand them, the man you envisioned as the father of your children.
"What happened?"
"I didn't mean to."
June 2nd, 2021
You were humming to yourself, the melody trailing off as you placed your bag down, but your steps towards the refrigerator halted by the unexpected clatter from the bathroom. You froze in the spot—Spencer should be at work. Your heart was pounding, with a boyfriend who did what he did for a living you were always prepared for the worst.
Your hand found the pepper spray in your bag as you inched forward, the distance to the bathroom shrinking with each pulse of your racing heart. The door was barely open, but the sliver of view revealed Spencer, syringe clutched tightly, his damning evidence, desperation drawn across his face.
"Spencer? What are you doing?"
Shock rooted you to the spot, watching him spin around--a ghost of himself, eyes alarmingly wide and bloodshot, as he furtively tucked the syringe out of sight.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Your body reacts before your mind can, pulling away sharply from the venom in his voice. It's a voice you don't recognize. He didn't even speak to you like that during arguments. Confusion clouds your mind as you retreat, one cautious step after another.
"I...I forgot my lunch. I came home to grab it. Spencer, are you okay? What was that?"
His face crumbled, his hand outstretched in a silent plea, but you, still trembling with apprehension, still unsure, took another step back, your gut twisting at the way hurt reflected in his gaze.
"I can't—it's not what it looks like, okay?"
"But it is, isn't it?" Your hands are clasped behind you, knuckles white, eyes searching his face for something, anything. "It's exactly what it looks like. You're using."
His shoulders sag, his hand reaching behind him to stable himself on the counter as he ran a hand over his face. You were well-acquainted with his past; though you hadn't been there, his stories painted a hauntingly clear picture. If the man responsible wasn't already dead, you'd take him out with your own bare hands. 
"But Spencer it's been eight years... what? I just, why now?"
He gave you no response, just the slow, defeated bob of his head, chin sinking to his chest. You released a weary breath, the act itself a release of the pain that tightened around your heart at the sight of him. You closed the distance between you, your hands reaching out, fingers aching to weave through the strands of his hair.
"Hey, look at me, it's okay. We can get you help, okay? Everything's going to be fine, baby."
"No!" His voice erupted, too forceful, but it faded as fast as it came, his words turning to a raw scratch. "No, no... 'M sorry, sweetheart. I can't let this get out. I could lose my job."
Tears carved a path down your cheeks, unchecked, as you held his gaze, hands fastened around his arms.
"Spencer, I don't care about your job right now. I care about you," you plead with him, your fingers slipping between his. "You need help."
"You wouldn't get it, okay?" he murmured, his curls tumbling forward as his hands left yours to gently cup your face. His hands were cold. "Just give me some time to handle it. I'll stop, okay? I can stop."
You were silent, the lack of experience of the situation paralyzing your thoughts, rendering you unsure. How were you supposed to go about this? Who could you tell? You knew the consequences of telling Hotch or even Morgan, knew the depression that would follow if Spencer lost his job. You wanted to believe him; you really did.
December 19th, 2021
"Okay, let's do rehab."
Spencer stands from the bed, invading your space, his voice rising with a sharp edge that was reserved for moments like this. "I'm not letting you ship me away to some facility."
"Spencer, it's not shipping you away, it's getting you help, real help. I gave you a chance, okay? Multiple, actually. I did what you asked. I did everything you asked, please baby."
With each step he took, his actions grew increasingly erratic, and his words more fragmented, as he raked his fingers through his tousled hair. "You don't understand! I watched my mom, her experience with those places... I won't end up like that."
You lowered your voice, infusing it with a softness as you extended your hand towards him, only for him to dismissively shake off your touch. "Please, you're not yourself. You are so much more than this... than what it's making you."
"You don't think I know that? You think I want this?"
You took a step back, an action that had become second nature to you.
"I know. Spence, I know. Please, I'm on your side. I'm always going to be on your side," you pleaded. Your words were desperate. "I just need you to fight, and sometimes fighting is accepting that you need help."
The eyes that had once held such clarity and focus, now seemed distant, looking through you rather than at you. His words a blurred murmur. "I can stop. I just need time... I can handle it."
The familiarity of the words seemed to hit you like a truck, robbing the breath out of your lungs, tears and snot trickling down your face.
"How much time, Spence? How many more chances? I can't watch the man I love disappear before my eyes, please."
August 12th, 2021
Your back throbbed with a dull ache from a day of cleaning, but the task, weirdly enough, was one of your favorite things to do. Your fingers drummed against the wood as you started to put away Spencer's laundry, only to be interrupted by the unexpected feel of something cold and hard in the drawer. You knew it before you saw it. Inside, a collection of vials lay in a row, mocking you. 
Your heart plummeted, fingers curling around the vials, the chill of the glass seeming to seep into your skin. You felt a scream clawing at your throat and tears brimming your eyes, but your voice was trapped in silence. Each step was fueled by anger as you made your way to the bathroom. The toilet bowl gaped at you, and without hesitation, you flung the drugs into the water, freezing mid-action as the front door opened. 
Footsteps—his footsteps—echoed as if he had a sixth sense. "What the hell are you doing?"
You reached for the flush, only for his hand to encase yours in a startling grip, your eyes flaring wide as you tore your hand back. "Let go of me."
"You have no right."
"Yeah, Spencer? I have no right?" You hiss, shoving him just enough to carve out some distance. You couldn't breathe. "Why do you still have this? You told me you stopped."
You watched as he crumbled before you, tears prickling at his eyes. Each breath you took was unsteady, but your actions were certain as you pressed him into you, as close as humanly possible. Desperation clawed at you; you wanted this to stop. You wanted to take his pain, to make it yours, you'd do anything.
"'M sorry," he choked out, barely audible, his hand cradling the back of your head while the other clung to your waist. "I'm so sorry."
December 19th, 2021
"So, I'm the one at fault?"
"That's not what I'm saying—,"
Neither of you were making sense now; his confusion mirrored your own, and both of you knew this. You were angry, he was angry, both of you a well of grief, feeling everything and nothing simultaneously. 
"Well, it sure sounds like it Spencer."
"I just need...space."
The words bit you on the ass, prompting a hollow laugh to rise from your throat--a sound that bore a closer resemblance to a mangled sob than anything.
"Space? You don't get space, Spencer." Your words didn't sound like yourself, like you were listening to someone else speak them. 
May 23rd, 2019
You were sweet. It was what had first drawn Spencer to you, the way you radiated a warmth that was almost overwhelming to everyone. You were the kind of person who never met a stranger, nurtured by your innate effort to go out of your way to put a smile on people's faces.
There you stood, delicately snipping away at a bouquet's ends, a soft hum escaping your lips, with blue headphones nestled over your ears, isolating you in a peaceful bubble as you worked. You hadn't seen him approach, frankly, hadn't heard him either, so when you chanced a glance upwards, his unexpected figure prompted a yelp, sending the flowers tumbling to the ground in a colorful cascade.
In a clumsy rush, your headphones were swept off, a stream of apologies tumbling from your lips as you absorbed the sight of him. Short brown hair that framed a face with eyes so stunningly brown they shimmered like molten gold in the light, and he was impeccably dressed in a grey blazer over a rich red sweater, with a crocked tie and white dress shirt underneath. 
You thought he'd have to be dying of heat, but he didn't show it.
"Sorry," he murmured, a toothless smile spreading wide across his face as he dipped his head for a closer glimpse of you.
Under the weight of his gaze, you felt a sudden surge of self-awareness, regretting not putting a little more effort into your appearance that morning.
"No, that's my bad, I should really try and pay attention to my surroundings more often."
He gave you another smile in response and that one nearly killed you, teeth and all, and it was so disarmingly handsome it felt like a bolt of lightning had struck, almost knocking the wind out of you. 
You were seized by the kind of overwhelming yearning you'd only seem in those cheesy romance movies. You wanted to ask him out, but that was a first for you, so you found yourself blatantly ogling him, utterly transfixed.
"Do you work here?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah! Sorry, how can I help you?"
"Do you have any bouquets with Lathyrus odoratus?" he asked, eyes roving among the arrangements. "They're a member of the Facabeae family. Interestingly, they have the unique capability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a more usable form through nitrogen fixation."
You gave him a lopsided smile. "Do you just know that?"
"Uh, yeah."
You hummed in response, fingers tapping the counter before moving between aisles to find what he was looking for. "These?"
"Perfect," he said with a nod.
As you assembled the bouquet, your hands moved nimbly, and you couldn't help but steal a glance at his left hand--no ring in sight, a promising detail. But he was buying flowers, that couldn't be a good sign for you.
"Your girlfriend will be ecstatic with these beauties."
You thought you were being slick, but he'd later tell you he saw right through you, I mean, of course he did.
"Oh, no, no girlfriend," he clarified, almost too quickly, sending a flutter through you heart. You concealed your budding smile by bowing your head, giving the bouquet your full attention. "They're for my mother."
You practically melted. "That's so sweet..." 
You lingered on the words, feigning the need to ask for his name, it was a stretch, sure, you didn't really need his name in this context.
"Spencer. Spencer Reid."
You returned your name with a beaming smile. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Spencer Reid."
You presented him with the completed bouquet, ringing him up while discreetly stealing glances his way.
"Yeah, anytime."
He came back every week after that.
December 19th, 2021
"You're not the person I fell in love with."
Now that stung. You felt like he had just knocked you on your ass and he hadn't laid a hand on you. Mostly because he was right. You weren't. 
You were on edge more than not, your patience wearing thin more than you'd like to acknowledge, and you couldn't remember the last time you had flirted with Spencer like you used to. You couldn't remember the last time you begged for him to come to bed just to feel his arms around you, couldn't remember the last time he'd come home early just to see you, the last time you'd had sex.
You used to be so happy. You used to surprise Spencer with his favorite homemade cookies, leave hand drawn comics on his desk, carefully adjust his tie every morning, listen so intently to every lengthy explanation he had for everything.
You wanted to blame him, wanted to scream, to fight, to kick, but your body refused to cooperate. You were cemented in place, your stare heavy, silently begging him to take it all back, but the words hung in the air, unrevoked.
"You're right." A softness flickered in his eyes, his hand moving forward, but you stepped back. "Don't touch me."
"I didn't mean that—,"
"You meant it, or you wouldn't have said it," you said, your voice cracking as tears stained your face. "I can't keep doing this, Spencer. I've tried, god knows how much I've tried, but it's like you're not even here. I don't recognize my own reflection, let alone us. I love you, Spencer, with a love so deep it fucking scares me, but I can't stand by and watch you kill yourself."
April 23rd, 2024
"One sec!"
The bell over the door jingled, prompting you to snap the inventory boxes closed, nudging them back with your hip as you maneuvered through the storefront, balancing the boxes towards the desk. 
"Here let me help!"
The boxes obscured your view, but a hand with neatly polished nails gracefully relieved you of one, placing it gently on the ground.
You let out a light laugh, easing your own box to the floor. "Thanks, I somehow always underestimate the weight of soil."
The woman was breathtaking, the kind that could make you second-guess the fairness of fate. She seemed more suited to the glossy pages of a fashion magazine than the worn-down, way overdue for a deep clean, flower shop.
"How can I help you?"
"Just a dozen roses, please."
You offered her a brief nod, reaching for one of the pre-arranged roses from the shelf behind you and placing it down on the counter.
"Could you leave a note?" she asked, her glittering finger lightly pressing against the fabric of her dress. Now that was a rock.
"Of course," you say, your hand deftly sliding open the drawer beneath you to retrieve a card. "Just let me know what you want it to say."
As she spoke, your pen hurried to keep pace. "A year of marriage and a lifetime to go."
You flashed her a warm smile. "Congratulations. Who should I make it out to?"
"Spencer. Spencer Reid."
Nausea churned in your gut, somersaulting into a sharp, searing sting. This must be some cruel joke. But the date wasn't April 1st, and the woman's serious expression stripped away any hope of humor. 
You swallowed hard, writing the name of the man you'd thought would be your husband. While ringing her up, you did everything in your power to conceal the tremble in your hand and the tears that were just moments away from falling. He hated roses.
Your eyes followed her as she left, watching her every step to the car and out of the parking lot, until she was just a speck in the distance. The realization hit you like another wave of nausea--why could he get clean for her and not you?
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 23 days
Imagine...How Sam Comforts You On A Bad Day
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Pairing: Sam x reader
Sam noticed you were still on the same page of your book as when he’d left over half an hour ago for his run. You seemed to be staring off into the distance, even if your back was to him. He knew he smelled and needed a shower but he didn’t want to let you stew for another half hour either. He let himself go to you and take the book away, marking it for you and setting it on the table. You didn’t look up and he bent down instead, picking you up, letting you wrap your arms around his shoulders, legs around his waist. He hummed and carried you away to the bathroom, setting you down on the bench. He shut the door and tore off his clothes quickly, going to you and tugging down your pants. You looked up at him and he leaned down, kissing you, soft and slow. This wasn’t one of those kinds of showers.
You forced a half smile and finished undressing, Sam leaving your side for only a brief moment to turn on the water. He took your hand when your clothes were gone, pulling you over and under the water. He let himself get wet and adjusted the shower head so it sprayed wide, covering the two of you. He reached over to the shelf, picking up his body wash and squirting some in his hands. Sam didn’t wash himself off though. He put his soapy palms on Y/N’s shoulders, sliding them down her arms slowly, his large hands quickly moving and touching every square inch of skin. He turned her around and began to massage her back, rubbing her shoulders, working out a knot and hearing her moan softly at the tension releasing.
Sam watched her untense more and more, closing her eyes and letting him spin her around, covering her head to toe. While she rinsed off Sam used the opportunity to clean himself up, smiling when she stretched out and hugged herself. He got the soap off and picked up the shampoo bottle, humming as he poured it into the center of his hand. She turned without asking, Sam rubbing it into her scalp with a big smile.
When they were both finally clean, Sam wrapped Y/N up in a big bath sheet, using one for himself and carrying her down into their bedroom. She lay back in bed, all wrapped up when Sam tossed one of his shirts at her to wear for the rest of the day. She smiled at that but rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes.
“Alright, baby. A quick nap never hurt either.”
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maya1525 · 11 months
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Drunk Sex
18+ MDNI
Pairing✩࿐Fem!Reader X Yuji Itadori / Ryomen Sukuna & Totality
WARNINGS✩࿐Fem!Reader Receiving and giving oral, cream pie, blood, biting, monster/curse sex, alcohol use, drunk sex, rough sex, knotting. Fem!Reader gets fucked by a Shikigami if you’re not into monster stuff don’t read. I made an alternative part 3, without monster stuff if you’d rather read that one!
Word count✩࿐6.9K
BONUS✩࿐Sex in front of a mirror and some aftercare.
Summary✩࿐This is part 3 to my jjk series. Reading part 1 and part 2, isn’t necessary, but it is appreciate. Fem!Reader is at Yuji’s house party and Itadori can’t keep his feelings toward the reader bottled up any longer. Sukuna ends up taking over Yuji’s body part way through the ordeal and things get a little interesting; especially when Megumi’s Shikigami shows an interest towards the reader too.
A/N✩࿐Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been going through some pretty lame family problems. When Sukuna is speaking in Yuji’s head I highlighted his words in red and Yuji’s responses in pink. I hope you enjoy this fic. <3
Your head felt like it was spinning as you tried to focus your vision on the pong table right in front of you. You’ve lost count of how many drinks you’ve had and you’re certainly too gone to ask for another. The cups on the other side of the table looked as if they were shifting. You knew it was the liquor in your system that was responsible for your impaired vision. You tossed the small ping pong ball towards the end of the table and made the shot by sheer luck.
“Woah, nice job!” Yuji smiled up at you in a drunk haze. The both of you decided to go one on one in pong, while everyone else was preoccupied. It was still early in the night since Yuji’s house party started around six. Megumi was in a heated discussion with Kamo while Yuuta ended up passing out on the couch. Your poor sweet Yuuta was the biggest lightweight at the party. Toge sat next to his sleeping friend while Todo was showing off his taste in music on the TV. Maki and Nobara sat on the bar stools next to the island, gossiping heavily. You could sense their slightly envious stares occasionally. Whenever you found the courage to talk to them, they sounded condescending towards you. So you decided early on to straight up ignore them and just focus on having a good time.
“Ok just watch this awesome trick shot I can do!” Yuji said excitedly as he tossed the ball upward and then punched it toward the cups. You could sense cursed energy coming from his fist as he pummeled the ball. The white plastic ball rocketed toward the red solo cups at record speed, knocking two of them over in the process. Water sprayed all over the table and onto your cute outfit. Thankfully the loud music in the room didn’t alert anyone of what just happened. No one except Yuji noticed. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry Y/n!” He ran over and helped you pick the cups off the floor.
Your wet clothes didn’t bother you, it shocked you at first but because of our drunk stupor, you got used to it right away. “It’s ok, it’s just water.” You smiled up at him, but his concern was still prominent.
“Here, come with me. I’ll help you dry off.” He took your hand and guided you up the carpeted stairs. No one saw the both of you depart; the pong table sat in the corner of the living room at the base of the stairs. Upstairs were the guys' bedrooms, while downstairs they had a shared living room and kitchen. You had a similar setup for your apartment. Except your bedroom was the only one downstairs next to the kitchen.
You felt grateful that the girls didn’t notice your soaked outfit, that would’ve been tremendously embarrassing. The both of you clung to each other as you climbed the strenuous stairs. Yuji led you to his bedroom and then to his bathroom. The both of you hung onto each other’s hands tightly as you stumbled into his pitch-black bedroom. He flickered on his bathroom's light. “Here, use my towel. I’ll get you a dry change of clothes.” He handed you his dark blue towel and quickly turned the corner back to his room. He ran into the door frame in the process. “Shit, there’s a wall there.” He laughed, making you giggle.
You eyed yourself in his mirror, your cheeks were a little flushed from being drunk, but other than that you looked hot! Despite being wet with water. You struggled to pull your shirt over your head because (you were heavily intoxicated) and your shirt was a tight-fitting black crop top. You stumbled backward and bumped into the wall behind you, a struggling whimper escaped from your lips. You managed to get the fabric over your head but your left arm was a little stuck. You panicked and tried to pull your arm out roughly, but you heard your fabric make a few threatening sounds tearing so you paused, not wanting to rip your cute shirt.
When Itadori entered the bathroom he was greeted by the sight of your plump breasts wiggling around as you struggled to get your shirt off. Your face was covered so you didn’t know he stopped and stared briefly. “Here, let me help you.”
You heard Yuji from somewhere nearby, “Oh, thank you.” You muffled out, as you felt his hot hands on your back. Goosebumps immediately ran all over your body, from being cold and wet. He gingerly removed the article of stubborn clothing, tossing it to the floor. He was so close to you, he gulped nervously. You looked into his sweet brown eyes with a kind smile on your pretty face, “Thanks for that, I was s-struggling.” You slurred and shivered at the same time.
Yuji’s mind was racing. When he was sober, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. It drove him up a wall what a freak you secretly were. He couldn’t stop thinking about seeing your petite body getting railed by his friends on their couch. He felt so envious of his friends and Gojo; being fortunate enough to enjoy you inside and out. It wasn’t just your physical appearance that allured him, but your adorable and kind personality too. You acted like your sweet and innocent self whenever you were near him.
Itadori could tell how easy it was for his friends to fall for you and he too was slipping down that slope. It was difficult to ignore those feelings he had for you, especially when Sukuna craved you just as badly. Whenever you were near him, he’d hear Ryomen’s dark voice ring out in his head for Yuji to make a move or let him take over. Even during this moment, Yuji heard Sukuna pestering him.
Let me out! Are you going to make a move or what? Sukuna spat irritably. You’re such a coward.
Your jaw quivered from the cold, but because you weren’t sober you didn’t feel cold at all. It’s as if the outside of your body is on autopilot. You could sense the heavy sexual tension coming from your friend. Even though you acted like everything was normal; when you two were together, you’d notice a longing in his eyes whenever he looked at you. Or how his friendly touches became more intimate without meaning to be. The way his sweet eyes were staring at you now, you could tell he was burning up.
Without intending it, Yuji had you cornered against the wall while he was a few inches away from your half-naked body. “Y/n...” He trailed off as the liquor got the best of him. He pulled you into his chest without thinking. A surprised squeak left your mouth at your friend's bold action. He lowered his face so it was closer to yours, “Can I kiss you?” He blushed, while the look in his eyes was so needy and desperate.
Without answering or thinking, you tentatively brought your smooth lips to his to share your first kiss with Itadori. His grip on you tightened, and his lips moved against yours eagerly. Your head was spinning, and you couldn’t believe that this was happening. Lost in passion you tangled your fingers in Yuji’s pink locks, tugging gently - causing a gasp of excitement to come from his lips and into your mouth. You felt arousal overcome you like a massive tsunami wave, you wanted to know what sex would feel like with your friend. Or so-called friend.
Itadori felt ecstatic, it was finally happening! He felt a little ashamed that this was happening while you both were heavily intoxicated; would you kiss him if he was sober? The way you pulled his hair and kissed him back hungrily gave him hope that you would want to.
He lowered his hot mouth to your overly sensitive neck, as he pressed you against the bathroom door now. Shutting it in the process. He lightly teased his tongue down your neck, making you whine, “Itdadori…” his hot tongue caused a wave of intense shivers to wake on your skin. Your needy core clenched with desire. All while Yuji gently licked and kissed the crook of your neck, Sukuna was driving him crazy.
Let me out! I want to fuck her now!
Shut up dammit. Let me enjoy this.
He ghosted his fingers up your torso and to your breasts, delicately rubbing them. Earning a small gasp to come from you. He then sneakily stuck his hands underneath your bra to tease your nipple. Something hot and wet enveloped your breast completely. It felt like a mouth! This sensation both shocked and turned you on at the same time, you instinctively arched your back in pleasure “Yuji!” You gasped as you felt the mouth on his hand suck your nipple roughly.
The mouth gave you a small bite, “no sweetheart, it’s Sukuna.” Said a dark voice from under your bra. Yuji pulled his hand out to look at it with frustration, and you saw a mouth had visibly formed on his palm. The teeth that Sukuna had were fang-like. “Sorry about him.” Yuji sighed in a defeated tone.
“It’s ok.” You blushed, “I don’t mind him at all.”
“You hear that! She wants me, just let me have here already-“ Yuji slapped his normal hand over his palm with a pink tint of embarrassment on his cheeks. You leaned forward with a reassuring smile and pulled Itadori in for a passionate kiss. He gladly accepted and he darted his tongue into your hot mouth to explore it. As the both of you frenched feverishly, you cautiously grabbed Yuji’s wrist and guided his hand to your soaked skinny jeans. “Touch me.” You whispered against his lips.
Itadori felt like his heart was beating a hundred miles per minute, he craved you so badly. He wanted you to scream his name and become a wet little slut just for him. He hastily undid your jeans and pulled them down your smooth legs. You struggled to step out of your pants, you giggled as you clung to Yuji’s broad shoulders for balance. He smiled at you playfully and bent down to his knees to help you out. He couldn’t help but stop and stare at your sexy black lace underwear. Without thinking he removed that skimpy piece of fabric. He wondered if his friends also helped remove these panties from you. He felt proud to be a part of the club. Your pussy looked so appetizing to Itadori, he enthusiastically flung your thigh over his muscular shoulder and shoved his face to your core. His slick tongue swiped over your folds teasingly. “Mmh.” You whined desperately, thrusting your hips closer to his eager mouth. He latched down on your clit and sucked your sensitive bundle of nerves. You felt him bring two fingers to your wet entrance and slowly insert them. They immediately came in contact with your G-spot, making you cry out pleasurably.
Suddenly Itadori’s fingers transformed into something larger and bulbous, he pulled his face away from your leaking cunt with confusion and slowly pulled out his fingers. Only to realize his two digits had turned into a huge meaty dick with tattoos on it. You were astonished at how his body was able to transform into other body parts. “Sukuna...” He hissed under his breath.
You suddenly felt empty and horny to be filled up again. “Stick it back in.” You whimpered, looking into Yuji’s chocolate-colored eyes pleadingly. He couldn’t say no to you and plunged his parasite's dick back into you. He could feel your walls clench his thick rod tightly. Strangely enough, Yuji found it pleasurable, and his dick in his pants began to rise with excitement. As he pumped the lengthy appendage in and out of you, he brought his lips back to your clit to give it some love.
The feeling of having a dick pumped in and out of you while Yuji sucked your clit sent you over the edge. He rapidly pounded his handy cock into you, making you spread your thighs out wider for him. Everything about this situation was desirable to you. You threw your head back to rest against the door and stared up at the moving ceiling. You were far from sober, but one thing was certain, you knew that you liked what Itadori was doing to you. Without being aware of what your body was doing, you found yourself desperately trying to bounce up and down onto Itadori’s hand. Your body craved more and Itadori planned on giving it all to you.
He pulled the dick out of your needy little cunt and you saw that it was coated in your glistening juices. Yuji gave your stimulated clit a kiss goodbye and stood up to eye you hungrily. He brought the dick attached to his hand to your lips and you obediently opened up for him. His massive rod entered your hot cavern slowly, giving you time to briefly welcome him into your mouth. You sucked the hot tip of his dick first, tasting your arousal on him. Your tongue fluttered the around the head and then to the underside of his cock, guiding him further into you. Itadori could hear Ryomen hiss with pleasure in the back of his mind.
Yuji was more than turned on as he watched you make love to Sukuna’s manifested penis. His pleasure was linked to Ryomen’s in the most intriguing way. He was able to feel all the dirty things your tongue did to him. Sukuna managed to open his second pair of eyes below Yuji’s and form a mouth on Yuji’s upper cheek. “Good little slut, now take me down your throat.” He growled. His deep and sexy voice made you tremble with a sudden urge to please him and obey his every word.
You sucked his dick down your throat as far as you could let it, your vision began to blur with tears as you gagged on his thick rod. Through your watery vision, you happened to make eye contact with Sukuna’s fiery red gaze. His eyes glowed sadistically, causing you to whimper on his dick. The vibrations of your throat caused both Yuji and Ryomen to groan slightly with delight.
Itadori then turned you around and bent you over the sink roughly, while he kept Sukuna’s cock lodged down your throat. In this position you managed to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror, you then focused your attention behind you. You saw that Itadori lifted his olive green t-shirt to expose his muscly abs. He placed the bottom hem of his shirt in his mouth to keep it up and out of the way. You heard Yuji undo his jeans and saw him spit on his dick to lubricate himself. He pumped himself a couple of times before placing the head of his cock to your slick entrance. You were more than ready for him. If Yuji was sober he would’ve teased you a bit more, but he couldn’t wait to take you. He was too excited and too drunk.
He roughly forced his toned hips against your bubbly ass cheeks. A loud groan of pleasure left his lips as he felt your hot warmth envelope him completely.
“Ohh, Yuji!” You moaned out, enjoying the delicious feeling of him filling you. Your walls clenched him greedily and he loved that, he could cum right here and now. But he wanted to make this moment last as long as possible. He brought his left hand up to your breast, and as soon as he did Sukuna’s mouth moved to his palm and sucked your tit viciously.
“Ahh!” You whimpered. Sukuna saw in the mirror how your pretty doe eyes welled up with pain and pleasure and that turned him on even more.
Yuji brought his attention to his dick pumping in and out of you slowly. He was taking his sweet time plunging into you, relishing how wet and ready you are - all because of him. He’d pull almost all the way out so the tip was barely in you. Causing you to shove yourself back towards him, wanting to feel him back inside of you. Then he’d stuff himself back in roughly, enjoying how your gooey walls welcomed him each time. Itadori then began to move into you at a steady and fast pace, he clenched his teeth on his shirt as he eyed your sexy body taking him. His stamina and tempo never faltered as he claimed your pussy. Each time he thrust into you, the dick you were sucking would jolt inside of your throat roughly. Which would cause you to weakly cough and choke on Sukuna occasionally.
Sukuna’s sharp teeth grazed over your soft breast and broke your skin. You were too focused on the way Yuji pounded deep inside of you, to realize that Sukuna was licking up the small droplets of blood from your breast. Itadori was able to taste the copper flavor of your blood on his tongue, he was confused and turned on at its taste.
You knew it should feel wrong to be intimate with someone who you thought was for a friend, but it didn’t. You knew that the both of you would probably have a discussion about this situation sober. But at this moment, your hazy mind chose desire over rationality. To put it simply, not a single thing felt wrong in you and Itadori’s dazed and horny minds. The way your saturated pussy squeezed Yuji’s dick comfortably as he thrust into you, made you feel like your body was made for his. Everything felt heavenly to the both of you; something this pleasant shouldn’t be inappropriate. The white-hot pleasure Yuji made you feel between your legs, threw your irrational thoughts out of the window. His long dick sliding in and out of you became a bit more wild and erratic, you could sense he was getting closer to his release.
You looked up in the mirror toward Yuji, his handsome face was slightly shiny from sweat. The way he bit down on his shirt feverishly looked so attractive. He then angled his hips up into you so he came in contact with your sweet spot, causing a gurgled moan to form around Sukuna’s cock lodged in your throat. His hips slapped against your ass rather loudly, as he dicked you down desperately.
Suddenly the mouth on your tit turned to a hand, and the dick in your mouth turned to fingers. Itadori’s cock inside of you felt as if it increased in girth and depth. Stretching you out in a painful and pleasurable way. The head of his dick rubbed against your cervix, causing a surprised whimper to escape from your lips. You looked at Itadori confusedly, only to see that the man staring you down in the mirror wasn’t Yuji; but Sukuna. The mood in the bathroom changed drastically into heavy cursed energy. The menacing man behind you shook you to your core. Goosebumps from utter fear rose all over your back. His red eyes glowed with intimidation mixed with arousal as he stared you down with a devilish smile.
“I didn’t want that punk to spoil the fun. Now it’s my turn.” He growled from behind you, ripping Yuji’s shirt off his muscular body. You noticed the elaborate tattoos covered Ryomen’s skin. Making him seem even more attractive and scary at the same time.
Sukuna then pulled his massive penis out of you, only for him to ram it back in with tremendous force. He shoved your entire body against the sink painfully. The hard marble edge of the counter dug into your hips as he folded you. You weakly tried to hold your body away from the sink with your hands, but Ryomen grabbed both of your petite wrists and firmly pressed them against your lower back. Helplessness washed over you as this curse pounded into your small body ruthlessly. Sukuna pulled his fingers from your drooling mouth and gripped your hair. He yanked your head back harshly so you could make eye contact with him through the mirror. Everything about this man was dominating, and that made you feel fear and arousal.
Once your body began to get used to his lengthy penis, getting fucked by him became more pleasurable. Sukuna watched as your pain-filled eyes switched to desire. “You like it rough, huh?” He murmured as you felt his iron grip on your wrists tighten.
Yuuta woke with a jolt, he could sense a tremendous amount of evil energy nearby. He stumbled off the couch, and could still feel his head spinning from the alcohol he drank a few hours earlier. Everything in the room seemed to be moving. Yuuta noticed that mostly everyone was gone, except Megumi and Toge who stood at the island in the kitchen.
“Do you guys feel the cursed energy?! Where is everyone?” He croaked, his voice a little groggy from his nap.
Fushiguro and Inumaki eyed him through their drunk stupor. “You wanna shot?” His dark-haired friend asked, he didn’t hear what Yuuta just said.
Yuuta shook his head ‘No’, “Where did everyone go? Where’s Y/n?” He said as he approached the counter.
Megumi finished pouring two small shot glasses with some harsh-smelling whisky, “They went to go get food.” He said as he passed one of the glasses to Toge. Both swigged the harsh liquid down in unison, and a scowl formed on Megumi’s face shortly after drinking it. While Toge drank the liquor with no reaction at all, probably because he’s used to drinking cough medicine all the time.
“Do you guys feel the cursed energy nearby?” Yuuta asked desperately.
“There’s no way a curse could’ve gotten in past the barrier.” Megumi slurred in an overly confident manner. “Tell ‘em Inumaki!”
Toge made an ‘X’ with his arms “Okaka.”
“But just to calm your delusions, here-“ Megumi brought his hands up in a shaky manner to manifest one of his Shikigami’s. “Demon Dog: Totality!” His massive Shikigami appeared in the kitchen next to his master, “Scout the apartment and make sure there isn’t danger.” He ordered the creature. “Feel better?” Megumi rolled his eyes towards the other dark-haired man. The beast then began to sniff around the kitchen and living room curiously.
Yuuta realized his friends were too far gone to sense the possible danger nearby, but having Totality out made him feel a bit at ease. Then the thought of Yuuta simply imagining that there was a curse close by crossed his mind. Maybe he’s drunk and his mind is playing tricks on him. Yuuta isn’t much of a drinker so it could be the alcohol in him that’s disorienting his perspective. He got a glass of water and sat back down on the couch for a brief moment to calm his mind.
Sukuna brought his fang-like mouth to the crook of your neck to bite and suck roughly, leaving painful red bites and hickeys on your sensitive skin. He removed his aggressive grip from your hair and brought his fingers down to your clit. His long fingers slid over your sensitive bud harshly, making your breath hitch with excitement. “Mmh!” You moaned in response.
Sukuna was focused on making you cum before he did, he planned on fucking you through multiple orgasms. He craved to make you his wet little slut. Suddenly the door tried opening but hit his thigh weakly. He picked up your small body and turned you to face the door. “Open it.” His deep voice ordered in your ear.
As he continued to ram into you wildly, you brought your hand up shakily to the doorknob. Opening it slowly to reveal Megumi’s black and white Shikigami. Totality’s face grew into a snarl as he locked eyes with Sukuna’s blood-red gaze. “That’s Fushiguro’s cursed technique isn’t it?” Ryomen hissed under his breath.
The beast brought his head up as if he was about to howl to alert his master, “It’s okay…” You cooed, as you brought a hand up to pet his fluffy head in a comforting manner. The beast’s ears flickered with appreciation as you stroked him kindly. “H-he’s not hurting me. It’s okay- there, good boy.” You gasped out as Sukuna fucked you harshly. You brought your fingers to the back of his ear to scratch him sweetly. The intimidating creator melted into your hands and now was as docile as ever.
Sukuna watched in astonishment as you managed to calm the curse without a fuss as he pumped his lengthy dick up into you. He brought his fingers back to your clit, which grabbed Totality’s attention. The beast watched curiously as his fingers slid over your needy folds quickly. Instinctively the creature brought his face close to your wet crotch to smell what was going on. “No…” You whined as you tried to shut your legs, weakly trying to prevent Megumi’s Shikigami from getting close to your private area. Sukuna watched you struggle with delight and forced your legs to stay open. “Come on, let’s see what’ll happen.” He growled in your ear, as he beckoned the fluffy creature with his slick fingers. Sukuna’s thrusts slowed down a bit as he let the Shikigami smell his fingers, the beast then licked his digits clean. As you watched the creature lick your juices off Sukuna’s fingers, you couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on at the sight before you. The beast licked his digits quickly as if it were a delectable treat.
The King of Curses patted your pussy to get the Shikigami’s attention to your folds, the beast lowered his mouth to your swollen clit and raked his long flexible tongue up it. “Ahh…” You whined as riveting pleasure washed over you, this was terribly inappropriate and you felt like you shouldn’t be enjoying it. How intoxicated you felt and the way the black and white monster flicked his fast tongue over your sensitive nub made you forget about what was right and wrong. Sukuna began to pound into you at a steady and persistent pace, a small hiss of pleasure left his lips as he felt Totality’s tongue lap over his saturated and heavy balls.
This entire situation felt forbidden, getting railed by the King of Curses while a Shikigami licked your clit, caused you to feel even more turned on. Sukuna’s cock stretched you out in the most delectable way, he slid in and out of you effortlessly. His tempo was rough and wild, he couldn’t help but admire the way your pussy squeezed him so tightly with each thrust. He took both of your hands and pulled them behind your back possessively, he held them firmly with his left hand. While his right hand pinched and pulled your nipples painfully. You were at his complete mercy, this man could do anything to you and there was nothing you could do or say to oppose him. Ryomen truly is the most powerful curse you’ve ever come across. Being so close and intimate with such a powerful being made you feel almost sinful… You’ve been trained to exercise curses, not get fucked by them.
“You’re a soaking mess Y/n… such a pretty little slut for me,” Sukuna growled from behind you, his dark voice caused shivers to run down your spine. His voice alone is terrifying, your instincts tell you to run away from him, but that would be impossible. You’ve never felt so slutty before, the fact that you’re letting the King of Curses fuck you has permanently tainted you. There’s no going back now. “Make me- ahh” You whimpered out in pain as you felt Sukuna bite down onto your shoulder. “Hmm?” He hummed with dark amusement, “What do you want me to do?”
The combination of Sukuna’s persistent rod plunging into you and Shikigami’s sloppy tongue on your horny privates sent you over the edge. “Make me yours, cum in me.” You moaned out in delicious pleasure as your walls clamped down on Ryomen’s dick, drenching him with your release. The way your needy cunt squeezed his cock so scrumptiously sent him into a thrusting frenzy, he fucked you through your orgasm as he chased his own. You felt him sink his teeth into your supple flesh, “Fuck, you will be mine.” Sukuna murmured as he slapped his muscly hips against your juicy ass. You suddenly felt him pulsate profusely as he released his massive load of seed deep inside of you. A guttural groan left his lips as he bit down onto your shoulder possessively, you could feel hot sticky blood drip down your cleavage as your shoulder stung with pain.
He popped his dick out of your pussy, his rod glistened with the mixture of both of your cum. The Shikigami immediately began to lick his cum coated cock clean as if it was a delicious frosting. Sukuna let out a hiss of pleasure as the beast's tongue continuously slid over his slick meaty dick. His cock pulsated with delight at the sensation. The black and white creature's tongue didn’t miss a single spot as he lapped his large tongue across Ryomen’s shaft, and then to his balls. He was still hard as ever and his release began to gush out of your wet cunt. The Shikigami directed his attention to your sloppy hole and started to lap up the white liquid abundantly leaking out of you like a fountain. A slutty whine left your lips as you felt the beast's warm tongue eat you out. “Ahh, good boy.” You whined out as his wet nose brushed against your clit making you enjoy the sensation even more. You were able to feel his long flexible tongue scoop into you at such depth, causing you to instinctively gyrate your pussy against the beast's eager mouth.
Sukuna was turned on at the sight before him; the lewd whimpers that escaped your lips along with the slushy sound of the Shikigami making a mess out of you, inspired him to go for round two. With his dick still slippery he placed his tip at your puckered hole. He greedily shoved his massive cock inside of you, causing you to moan out in discomfort. He stretched you out incredibly, you weren’t prepared for him which didn’t help much either. Before Sukuna could thrust into you ruthlessly, he was suddenly suppressed by Itadori.
As Itadori came to his senses he felt an incredibly snug squeeze around his throbbing cock. He realized that Sukuna had taken control without warning and he had his dick shoved up your ass. It took him all of his willpower to not plow into you, but by the way, your nails dug into Yuji’s thighs painfully, he knew his rod may be the cause of your pain.
“Ah-are you ok?” He choked out in pleasure as he gently began to nibble your earlobe.
You turned your head to the man behind you, his voice was soft and his red eyes went back to a warm brown, “Yuji?”
He nodded affirmatively with a small smile, his hands holding your waist carefully. “Should I take it out? If it’s hurting you?” He asked with lust-filled eyes, he clearly didn’t want to remove himself from your warm and tight hole.
The feeling of his twitching dick lodged up your ass while Megumi’s Shikigami tongue scooped the remaining cum out of you; causing your mind to buzz with pleasure. “It’s ok, but can we take this to the bedroom? I’m tired of standing.”
Without another second delayed, Itadori gingerly removed his raging dick out of you and whisked you up into his arms. Totality’s sloppy hot tongue flicked over your clit one last and licked his tongue over his muzzle to get your remaining juice off his wet face. Yuji hoisted you away and carried you into his dark bedroom carefully. He set you down on the bed. You heard the black and white beast fallow behind you two anxiously. A small whine left the creature’s mouth protesting against Yuji’s actions as if he wanted to eat you some more. Itadori’s lips crashed onto yours in a needy manner, as he half laid on top of you. The bathroom light illuminated his handsome features perfectly, especially the charming smile he’d make when he’d pull away from his needy kisses to just stare and admire you. Yuji didn’t want to admit it while he was drunk but he always thought you were the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met.
As you looked up at Itadori you could still feel your head spinning from the alcohol. His hands slid all over your body, causing goosebumps to rise and making your nipples pebble. He suddenly flipped you over with such ease a surprised gasp escaped your lips. He had you on top of him while he was lying down. With barely any effort he hoisted you up his torso so your glistening cunt was now hovering over his face. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he eyed your pretty lips, his mouth watered instantly and forced your thighs down so you sat on his hot mouth. His tongue teased your clit as he slid it feverishly across your sensitive nub. “Oh-Itadori…” you moaned as pleasure raked up your spine. He popped his tongue inside of your wet cavern and swirled it around deep inside of you. Just then you felt the weight on the bed shift and a second larger and sloppier tongue licked over your tight asshole. You looked back to see that Megumi’s Shikigami was on the bed, partially standing over Yuji’s body. The black and white creature continuously licked your puckered hole, causing an interesting wave of pleasure to wash over you. He slid his long flexible tongue inside of your hot and tight hole making you whimper out deliciously. Itadori enjoyed your cute little moans and gasps of pleasure while he and Totality ate you. You tasted heavenly to him, he couldn’t think of anything better than having you on his face.
With the combination of both their wet wiggling tongues inside of your privates, you couldn’t stand it anymore and drenched Yuji’s face in your release. He eagerly drank your juices, while Totality burrowed his head underneath you to get a taste of your cum on Itadori’s chin.
As you came down from your orgasm, you decided to return the favor to Yuji. You kissed a trail of hickeys down his muscular torso, and soon you were greeted with the sight of his raging rod. Itadori’s lust-filled eyes raked over you as his breath began to pick up with excitement. You sweetly enveloped his sensitive tip with your hot pouty lips. His velvety skin felt so soft and smooth under your greedy tongue. You coaxed him further down your throat quickly, so his entire length was lodged down your throat. “Mmm... Y/n.” He hissed out with delight as he threw his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying every second of your sinful mouth working on him.
While you were preoccupied with Itadori’s large cock in your mouth, you didn’t realize how the Shikigami positioned himself behind you. The beast smelt your privates curiously, you felt his hot breath waft over your slippery cunt. The creature gave you few a brief licks and pulled away, beginning to pant rather quickly. You focused your attention on Itadori’s delicious dick in your mouth, enjoying it when he’d tug your hair gently. You eyed the pink-haired man as he looked down at you with a look of pure bliss on his handsome face. You knew for a fact that things would never be the same between you, and you felt excited about this new relationship.
Suddenly you felt soft fur tickle your back as the heavy weight of the Shikigami mounted you. You felt his large claws wrap around your slim waist. He humped his large hot dick up against your ass. The creature was much larger than you and the thought of his huge monstrous dick inside of you made you nervous. Yuji couldn’t help but watch curiously as Megumi’s monster was clearly trying to fuck you. You tried to get up and push the creature off of you but you were much too weak. Plus with how intoxicated you were, you were in no condition to fight. “Y-Yuji, get him off of me, I don’t want him to-ahh!” The beast's massive rod was now lodged up your pussy in the most pleasurable way. He was too big for you, his size reminded you of Gojo’s. Except the Shikigami’s dick had an interesting curve to it.
Itadori couldn’t help but get turned on at the sight in front of him. Even Megumi’s beast wanted to have a go at you. The creature pounded into you ruthlessly, his speed was too fast for you to comprehend. This was the fastest you’ve ever been fucked before. He rammed into you like an animal. You could feel Totality’s hot breath pant over you as he fucked your tight pussy. If someone were to walk in right now they would barely be able to see you, your petite body was lost underneath the massive creatures and fluffy fur. Yuji’s bed creaked loudly, as your moans and cries of pleasure increased. Itadori got up to his knees and shoved his dick in your whimpering mouth. You needily sucked him as your entire body jolted by the Shikigami’s rough fucking. Your mind felt as if it were going a million miles per minute, you felt Itadori’s hands grip your bobbing head firmly. Which turned you on even more, having his dick down your throat gave you something to focus on. Your hot slippery mouth felt heavenly to Yuji, along with your muted moans which caused sweet vibrations all over his shaft. You loved the small groans that escaped his lips as you made love to his dick.
The Shikigami’s monstrous cock filled you up in the most inappropriate way; the way his slick penis greedily penetrated you at such speed made your voice get stuck in your throat. You felt your cunt squeeze the creature's dick deliciously as you felt your release begin to build up. The room was filled with the sound of your lewd muffled moans as you gurgled on Itadori’s dick.
Yuji’s warm brown eyes looked down at you with approval as you deep-throated him. He loved the way your pretty orbs welled up with tears as he fucked your mouth relentlessly. He emptied his load of seed deep down your throat aggressively, his hands still tangled in your hair. You drank him up enthusiastically as you couldn’t hold back your orgasm any longer. Ecstasy washed over you as you creamed all of the beast's bright red rod. You felt your pussy clench his large pounding dick deep inside of you. Suddenly you felt a massive amount cum shoot up inside of you as you felt a painful stretch in your wet hole. Totality managed to knot up inside of you. His large dick formed a pulsating bulb that made it impossible for you to pull out. You looked down at your lower stomach with panic to see a noticeable bulge inside of you. Totality’s mountainous cock caused an agonizing discomfort to your vaginal canal. You couldn’t hold back a pitiful wail, “Yuji!” You gurgled out desperately as you pulled your face away from his twitching dick, his cum dripping down your chin. “Get him out! It hurts!”
Yuji’s lust-filled eyes switched into concern as he came down from his pleasure-filled high, “Shit, it’s ok! I’ll ask Megumi to release his technique, okay?” He slurred as he hopped off the bed, scrambling to the bathroom to find his pants.
“There’s no need.” Said an all too familiar voice in Itadori’s doorway, Megumi walked in from the dark with a hungry look in his eyes. He reached out and patted his Shikigami’s fluffy head with approval, “Good job Totality.” He praised with a smug look, “release.” And like smoke the beast that was on top of you disappeared instantly. The excruciating feeling of the monster's bulbous knot inside of you had vanished, causing a sigh of relief to escape from you.
“How long were you standing there?” Asked Yuji breathlessly as he pulled up his boxers while entering the bedroom, practically glowing with pride. Oh how the tables have turned, Sukuna thought humorously.
“Long enough to know that I’d want to fuck her with you sometime.” Fushiguro held his gaze on your naked and used body; noticing the bloody bite marks on your shoulder. Then he directed his attention to his friend. Yuji came up to you with a towel and helped clean the cum, sweat, and blood off you. He was extremely gentle and cautious when he handled you. Making Megumi approve of his friend's treatment of you even more. If Itadori wanted to be one of your boyfriends, Fushiguro would have his vote.
“She seems like a good bit of fun.” Said another voice emerging from the inky black hallway. Causing Fushiguro and Itadori’s attention to shift toward the doorway. There stood Kamo Noritoshi, as he eyed you suggestively. Kamo approached you with such dominance, he reminded you of a more intense version of Megumi. He brought his hand up to your chin so you were now looking up at him. He noted how fucked out you were, along with the hazy look in your sultry eyes. “Damn she’s a little vixen” Noritoshi sighed, pulling away. He smirked down at you, his dark eyes gleaming with excitement, “With your permission, Fushiguro I’d like to join you and Itadori.”
“And don’t forget about me.” Snarled Sukuna.
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ylfas-bottleneck · 2 years
I'm not like other girls, I play spin the bottle but it's peace scented axe body spray and whoever it lands on gets absolutely assaulted with it
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
JJK men with drunk reader
Part ll with Geto, Megumi and Gojo here
Pairing: Choso x reader; Nanami x reader
Word Count: 2,9k (Choso's part escalated)
Warnings: Nanami's part is not proofread (wanted to publish this today so badly), angst in Choso's part, fluff in every part hehe
As always, I apprechiate every little comment or repost. Thank you guys so much for your support <3
Choso Kamo
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You weren’t planning on drinking that much tonight. To be honest, you were just looking for a good time, guys bought you drinks like there’s no tomorrow though. Who are you to refuse that favor?
You definitely should have, though. Because right now, you are standing with your back against a wall in a dark alley of Tokyo, whole body trembling in fear. The frame of an enormous looking man cut off every possible escape route you’ve had, every minor spark of hope you’ve had left. Fuck, how could you be so dumb, why did you take the shorter route through this abandonment district? All you have in your purse are a lipstick, a few bills, your phone and your keys. No pepper spray, no knife, absolutely nothing to defend yourself. Not that you would be able to, given that you aren’t even able to stand up straight.
“Come on cutie, don’t be shy”, he purrs, hand stretched out to touch your hair.
“Keep your fucking hands off me”, you hiss before sinking your teeth into his hand so violently that his skin bursts.
“Little bitch.”
With a swift motion of his bare palm, he sweeps you off your feet, head spinning when it hits the wet tarmac harshly. You are way too drunk to collect a single logical thought, mind racing uncontrollably as your blood discolors your sight crimson.
“I was trying to be nice, y’know? But that’s it. You’ll pay for that.”
Without hesitation, he grabs you by the throat und pulls your aching body out of the dirt, smirking at you with his missing teeth. Tears start to swell up your eyes, you simply can’t believe that it came this far. You should be home already, lying in your bed after drinking a whole bottle of water, sleeping in until afternoon. But this…This isn’t how your night should have ended.
“Help me!”, you cry out.
“Please, someone! Help me.”
“Shut the fuck up”, he interrupts you roughly, smashing your weak body against a nearby wall.
Focus. Try to have a sober thought for a minute. Your legs are free, perfect height for his crotch. If you kick him hard enough, he might let go of you. Every inch of your skin hurts like hell, bruises over bruises covering your weak frame. But you have to be strong now if you want to escape him. No, you’re not going down without a fight.
With a loud scream, you put all the power you have left into your right leg, kicking between his legs with full force. He lets go of you immediately, puny figure crumpling down on the floor. You have no time. As fast as your wobbly legs carry you, you run deeper into the dark alley. Away from that man, away from his attempt to force himself on him. Get away, fuck the alcohol and the way your whole body screams at you. Your sharp and fast breath hangs in the air, tears still rolling down your eyes. You run and run and run until-
You harshly land on the ground.
Choso didn’t plan on hearing your desperate cries for help. To be honest, he didn’t even plan on being here in the first place. But still he stops in his tracks, eyes darting towards the direction of your desperate scream. What was this? It sounded like the cry of a woman followed by punches. Curses, maybe? No, he can’t detect any curses energy around this area. Is this even important, though? He is on his way to a meeting with Geto and the others, making plans on how to take revenge for his brothers.
He grumbles to himself. Whatever it is, taking the back alley doesn’t extent his path significantly. His steps follow the constant mumbling, screaming, crying and rumbling. Fast steps come near him, a woman running his way. His brows furrow. You don’t seem to see him, the panic in your glossy eyes seems to glow in the dark as you sprint forwards, directed towards him. Before he is able to move to the side, you crash into him full force, making you fall to the ground rougly.
The second your doe eyes dart towards him, he forgets for a moment how to breathe. You must be quite beautiful for a human being, even though your face and hair are covered in blood and your whole body is bruised. Carefully, he steps towards. What is he supposed to do now? What even happened?  
“Back off”, you cry out, crawling away from him on the wet tarmac of the night.
Another pair of steps, this time louder and heavier. A man come in sight. The second he lays his eyes on your puny figure, he starts sprinting faster, directly towards you with a maniac grin plastered on his face.
“What do you think you’re doing, fool?”
He shouldn’t care the slightest. No, Choso should continue on, leaving you to your face. Why the hell is he automatically positioning himself in front of you, now facing that ugly man that seems to chase you?
“What are you doing here, freak? She’s ours, find your own little whore”, the spits at him along with a weak attempt to break Choso’s nose.
Pathetic. Who does that fucker think he is? The tiniest amount of blood is enough to pierce right through his pea brain.
All you can do is stare in awe as the stranger in front of you. Who is this man? And how was he able to handle the situation in the blink of an eye? The toothless man’s body falls to the ground lifelessly. It’s only you and him, the man with the threatening appearance who happens to be your savior in shining armor.
“What are you doing here all alone?”, he mumbles before slowly turning around and staring at you dead still.
With the last bit of strength you have left in your weak body, you lift yourself off the ground and glare at him, shivers running down your spine. Did he…kill him? How? When?
“Was on my way home from a party”, you explain briefly.
“How careless to take this path without fighting experience or weapons on your own”, his harsh voice remarks, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Thank you for saving me. He’d probably killed me if it wasn’t for you”, you mumble.
Fuck, you feel like freezing to death. Your clothes are sliced open, dirty and wet from the rain that fell a few hours ago onto the ground, head spinning from the alcohol and the way he slammed it into the tarmac with full force.
“You’re freezing.”
The stranger takes one step forward, leading you to panic all over again.
“Don’t touch me!”, you yell instinctively, body desperately trying to hide from his presence.
“Stay here, idiot. I’m trying to help you.”
Choso doesn’t really know why, but his arms wrap themselves around your trembling figure, your head resting against his chest while silent sobs escape your lips.
“I just wanna go home…”, you sniff and he can’t help but feel…
You were probably enjoying your evening, not putting much thought into your way home, not expecting a men to attack you like this.
“Where are you living? This isn’t an ideal place to stay”, he mutters, unsure of how to act in a situation like that.
This is the first time he ever held a woman. Fuck, this is the first time he ever felt something like distress about a human in his whole life.
“I…I can’t…walk”, you stutter.
His gaze wanders down your entirely bruised legs. Who knows what that man did to you before he arrived. Anger rises within him, hands clenched into fists.
“I’ll carry you, then.”
With a swift motion, he wraps his arms around your back and knees, making sure not to hurt your limbs in the process.
You can only stare at him in awe. Who is this man, the man with that strange tattoo over his nose, the man who wears purple eyeshadow and a robe you haven’t seen before? Why is he helping a stranger, even carrying your drunk and injured body home? Even though something about him tells you that he’s not to be trifled with, you don’t ask him. Instead, you give him brief directions to find your apartment, eyes never breaking away from his gorgeous face. He seems young, maybe as old as you. But still, you’ve never seen him around. Is it because you’re drunk? You don’t know, but you can’t hold your tongue any longer.
“You are such a beautiful man.”
His eyes widen, staring down at you in disbelief. What are those words? No woman ever said something like this to him. How is he supposed to react? He should have let these men kill you on the spot, just leave you alone in this cold and dark alley.
But why, why do your words make his heart flutter?
“I mean, your style is pretty edgy and all, but it suits you very well. Haven’t seen you here before, though. You here often?”
“I’m never here”, he remarks dryly.
Are you really trying to start a conversation with him?
“We have to go right here. Aaaaaand there’s my place”, you announce weakly, Choso’s mind still occupied by your previous statement.
“Thank you for carrying me…”, you mutter when he lets you down gently, hands fumbling to reach your keys.
All he does is staring down at you blankly. What’s on his mind? Was all of that planned? Maybe he is like that man, maybe he just came here to know where you live…God, you are so stupid.
“You aren’t here to murder me, aren’t you?”
“Are you kidding me? Do you really think I would have carried you all the way to your door just to kill you here?”, he remarks.
“Right…m’sorry, I think I’m still a little drunk y’know…”
Fuck that. Before you’re able to go into panic mode again, you wrap your arms around his body tightly. His scent is almost intoxicating, probably the best male fragrance your nose ever sniffed. And you can definitely tell that he’s a well-trained man underneath that strange clothes.
Choso can’t move an inch, all senses focused on the way you hugged him. It feels strange. Strange to be embraced by someone, strange that he helped a human being tonight. Why did he choose to follow your screams, why did it bother him so much that that other man laid his hands on you? And why does it somehow warm his heart to feel you so close against his own body?
“Thank god I ran you over tonight”, you hush against his chest.
Choso has to blink a few times.
“Good for you”, he simply replies.
But deep in his heart, he knows this isn’t only an event you will never forget. He himself will probably never get over the fact that today, he helped another human being instead of letting it get killed. But not only that.
You are breathtakingly gorgeous.
“Now go inside and find some sleep.”
With one last glance at the man who saved you only a few minutes ago, you step inside your apartment, weak body sliding down the closed door. Did this really happen? You might be drunk, but that man…
You’ll definitely never forget him.
Kento Nanami
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“Don’t do it, (y/n). You’ll only get yourself into trouble. Nanami-san is a higher up, you have to work with him for your entire life. It’s not wise to call him and tell him about your stupid little crush”, Ino warns you while you scroll through your phone with a dumb smirk.
“I can’t hold back any longer Ino! I’m soooo obsessed with him!”, you cry out dramatically.
One call can’t hurt, right? Nope, that sounds like a good idea. The second your eyes dart towards his name, you press the call button, Ino freaking out next to you.
“You are way too drunk for a serious talk like that. Are you out of your mind? Hang up immediately, this is a bad idea, you will-“
“Is that you (y/n)?”
“Hello Kento”, you purr into the speaker.
“Are you alright? Did something happen?”
Nanami straightens himself in his seat, eyes lingering through the window over the city lights. Why would you call him this late at night? And why does his first name coming out of your mouth make his heartbeat pick up so suddenly?
“No, jus’ wanted to talk to you…Y’know, your voice sounds so sexy, absolutely…how do you call it? Oh, masculine”, you mumble.
Something about your usual so composed voice seems off, though. Didn’t you and Ino mention earlier that you are going out tonight?
“Are you drunk?”
“Hehe, yes”, you giggle, making Ino almost lose his mind next to you.
“Can you tell me where you are? I’m coming to pick you up.”
It’s far after midnight, too late for you to be out on your own. Is Ino with you? Hopefully he’s still there. His brows are furrowed, ears focused on every little word you say. You never called him by his first name before, let alone talked with him so openly. Over the last few months, the two of you got to work together closely. And slowly but surely, Nanami begin to fall for you. Your exceptional brain, your immense powers, the way you carry yourself with such elegance and wise words. At the moment though, you seem to miss your usual composure completely. What are you trying to tell him?
“Oh really? That’s so kind of you. Uh, Ino, you know where we at?”
Ino snatches the phone out of your hand, ice cold sweat running down his face. Fuck, hopefully this doesn’t cost him his good reputation.
“Nanami-san, I’m so so sorry-“
“Don’t be. Can you tell me where you are?”
“Of course, I’m sending you the location right now!”
“Thank you. Make sure (y/n) stays save, I’m coming to get her immediately.”
With that, he hangs up.
“He’s coming to get you, dumbass”, Ino mutters.
“How exciting!”, you speak out with glimmering eyes, heart already pounding against your ribcage by the sheer thought of seeing him tonight.
“I should meet him at the parking spot.”
“Stay where you are!”, Ino barks at you, hand holding onto the sleeve of your shirt for dear life.
In the meantime, Nanami is already on his way to get you with his head lost in thought. This is the first time you ever spoke so freely to him. And the fact that you called him this late at night while being drunk…Even though a part of him wants to be mad at you for being so reckless, to know that he was on your mind instead of everyone else makes him blush ever so slightly.
It doesn’t take long to find you. With elegant steps he approaches you and Ino, your eyes wide open. How does he look so fine this late at night with his shirt buttoned up so neat and his hand braced on his hip?
“You look absolutely del…delicious…Is that how you spell it, Ino?”
“Please stop talking (y/n)”, Ino begs, finally able to let go of you.
“Come on, let’s drive you home. Ino, do you need a ride?”
“No thank you. My apartment is a few blocks away. Have a good night. And you, drink a lot of water.”
“Gotcha!”, you remark, eyes filled with determination.
Until you have to really take a few steps outside.
“Ouff, is it just me or is the floor lave?”, you breathe out.
“Come on, I’ll help you.”
His arm wraps itself around your shoulder gently, pulling you close to his large frame. Even though your mind is clouded by alcohol, your heartbeat picks up in an instant.
“I could get used to that. Should get drunk more often.”
“Please don’t”, he replies, leading you to his expensive looking car and helping you get seated.
It doesn’t even take 5 minutes for you to pass out in his car, snoring in the most adorable way Nanami has ever heard. Finally he has the opportunity to shamelessly admire your soft features and the way your hair frames your face so delicately. You really are an attractive woman with everything he could wish for.
And maybe, just maybe, this is the perfect opportunity to ask you about your feelings towards him. After all, he can’t deny the spell you put on him.
“(y/n)”, he gently speaks out.
You don’t move an inch, not even when he allows his hand to stroke over your arm. Are you really that drunk? Nanami signs to himself, gets out of the car and opens your door – still no movement.
“I’m going to carry you inside…”, he mutters more to himself than to you, arms lifting you up with ease.
God, you are so breathtakingly gorgeous. Will he ever have the courage to tell you about his true feelings, that he wants you to be more than just a colleague? Who knows. What is way more important to him now is to take off your shoes, carry you into his bed and put a blanket on top of you, softly tucking you in while you groan in your sleep.
“Good night, (y/n). Maybe I’ll tell you someday how much you mean to me.”
“Night, Kento…”, you mumble back.  
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skiiyoomin · 6 months
ʚCont: none, just tooth rotting fluff, gender neutral
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a/n this is just a short little drabble i made cause Kiri has been on my mind all morning thanks to the most adorable fanart i saw 🥹
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If anybody asked Kirishima what one of his favorite moments with you is, he´d say it´s the little domestic routine the both of you created.
It didn´t take much to convince him that splashing water on his face and spraying 10 kilos of Axe deodorant wasn´t an actual skincare routine. Then again, he always gives in to you and to him your word is the law. If his pretty partner said he needed a real skincare routine, then that´s what he needed, no questions asked. But...what does he even have to do? He has no clue what each product is for, what order it goes in, he´s watched you do this millions of times, why can´t he remember? is-
"Baby, sit down please"
Your honey sweet voice snapped him out of his stupor, and obediently as always, he sat down on the vanity chair. His eyes were wide open and following your every move as you grabbed the countless bottles of god knows what. Whatever nerves he felt immediately eased away when you turned to him with that giddy smile on your face he loved so much. Oh how down bad he was for you.
You placed a beauty band on his head, pushing back his red hair that you loved running your hands through, though he´s sure he loved it more than you did. His eyes fluttered close when you began applying the products, your hands patting his skin gently.
He felt the liquidy coolness of the serums, and the hydrating feeling of the lotions and creams. He lost track of time, had it been 10 minutes? 5 minutes? Well, either way, he didn´t want that moment to end. The feeling of your soft hands touching his face in the softest manners made him feel like he could drop fast asleep right then and there.
The sound of your giggle made his eyes open once more, a sweet smile tugging at his lips. "What´s so funny sweetheart?" He asks, resting his hands on your waist and instinctively pulling you close.
You giggle once more, your own hands finding purchase on his jaw and tilting his head up. He looked up at you like you were his whole world, and you couldn´t help but feel your heart swelling with adoration for him. Your body answered before your mind could even think as your head tilting down to kiss his soft lips. He was always fully convinced your lips were an addiction, because when you began to pull away, he quickly leaned up chasing after your lips. A few more pecks afterwards, you fully pulled away and smiled down at him with the softest look in your eyes.
"I just think you´re cute"
Is it normal to feel so giddy inside? Well, he doesn´t really care.
"Me? Cute? You got that wrong, you´re the cute one"
He says teasingly whilst tickling your sides. You squeal and try to pull away from his touch, but alas, all those hours at the gym weren´t for nothing. The joyous sound of your laugh made Kirishima feel like he was in heaven, a laugh errupting from his own throat.
"No! You´re cute!"
You scream out between laughs and squeals. His strong arms engulf around you and pick you up with ease, carrying you over his shoulder. He spins around until you screech. "Put me down put me down!"
He gently sets you back down on your feet and cackles at the way your air looked like it went through a tornado and the way your cheeks were flushed. He leans down to press kiss after to kiss to the soft skin of your face, murmuring in between "You gonna admit you´re cuter? Or you wanna be a sack of potatoes again"
You giggle at the ticklish feeling of his skin on yours. And as prideful as you were, you in fact did not want to be slinged around like that again. "Fine fine"
"Good" He says, pulling away and giving you some space. Wrong move, because in that small space, you quickly ran off while waving your crossed fingers around "I lied!"
It didn´t take long for him to snap out of it and quickly chase after you. Oh you were so going to pay for that.
Yup, these were definetly his favorite moments with you.
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kitashousewife · 1 year
sakusa doesn’t mind errands.
it makes him feel a little more accomplished, crossing things off of the to-do list. big or small, it gives him a chance to get out and enjoy himself, maybe even indulge on something new.
today is a day he would consider almost perfect. he’s grocery shopping through what feels like an empty store, listening to music while he weaves through the isles. this is his last stop of the morning, after the post office and the gym, and he’s ready to go home.
sakusa slows his cart to a stop when he reaches the last isle, eyes skimming the shelves for some fabric softener before he can head home.
a tap on his shoulder makes him just about shout in the store, the physical feeling of a record scratch makes his body jolt.
“e-excuse me?”
“h-hi,” you pull your hand away slowly, staring up at him with a rather nervous look on your face.
“sorry, i just,” you sigh, turning back to the shelves again. “what fabric softener do you recommend?”
at first, sakusa thinks you’re kidding. he tries to think if he’s ever been asked that in his life.
ever since his career took off, he’s had people stop him for numerous things. photos, autographs, cheap excuses at getting a few flirty comments in, you name it. this is a new one.
“u-uh, i guess it depends on what you’re looking for.”
you hum and nod, eyes still fixed on the bottles in front of you.
“something that smells good and leaves my clothes feeling soft i guess, but not something cheap and perfume-y, you know?”
sakusa absolutely does know, having gone through this same thing. he reaches forward, grabbing a familiar bottle and holding it out for you.
“this one’s good, not too expensive but still has a good smell.”
you turn to the stranger, only now realizing who you’re talking to. you’ve seen his photos, his instagram, and you’ve watched a handful of his games. your eyes widen for a second, but you give him a smile.
“thanks! ill try it out. i trust you,” you place the bottle in your basket and wrack your brain for something else to say.
“you’re welcome,” he mumbles, grabbing a bottle of his own. you’re about to walk away when he decides to speak up. “i hate having to find new products like this, so i’m happy to help.”
you smile wide, turning to face him again with a relieved expression. “right! it’s like as soon as you start to use something regularly, it completely stops working!”
he gives you a small smile and nods.
“i had the same thing with the bathroom cleaner i was using a couple weeks ago. i still haven’t found a replacement.”
sakusa is not one for small talk. he thinks it’s a waste of time, and something that typically makes him uncomfortable. but for some reason, here he is, blabbing about different cleaning products to some stranger.
a very pretty one at that.
“let me return the favor,” you spin around to the shelves behind the two of you, searching for something while a pop hit plays faintly in the background. you grab a spray bottle and hand it towards him. “this one’s great. one of the few things that hasn’t failed me in a while.”
sakusa smiles, and he can feel his cheeks turning pink. this feels so unfamiliar yet natural at the same time, and he’s having trouble keeping up.
“thank you,” he looks back at his cart for a second, suddenly feeling a little more shy than before. you sense this and give him a small wave.
“i hope you enjoy it! and thanks again for the help. i can now wash my clothes in peace.”
he nods and gives a small wave in response. you begin to walk away, and sakusa feels his heart beginning to race. he debates between following you and walking the other direction for a moment or two.
“w-wait,” he reaches towards you, but you’re just a bit too far. thankfully you stop, and sakusa feels relieved. “could i get your number?”
stunned with his new-found outgoing behaviors, he almost doesn’t hear you when you agree, only registering what’s going on when you hand him your phone. he takes it carefully, inputting his number quickly and handing it back to you with rosy cheeks.
he goes home that day with a giddy feeling in his tummy, hoping you text him back. when his phone buzzes later that evening with a photo of your folded laundry and a thank you, he feels a bit more confident and thankful for stepping out of his comfort zone.
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wandasmistress · 1 year
Revelations and Reprimands
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Synopsis- Wanda overhears the conversation you have with Tommy and Billy when you think she isn't around, she is not pleased one bit when hears what you utter.
Pairings- Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings- Bad parenting (?)
Word Count- 3k
A/N- Gonna post this then dip for a few months. To my followers tho, stay super freaky, have great vagina, I love yaa!!
The rays of sun up above were beating down on your exposed neck like an insistent hot skillet clad onto your back, the sweat glistened on your body making you look like a sizzling hot dog amongst the raging flames on a grill. The heat is the reason why you were only in a white tank top paired with old basketball shorts that have garnered numerous paint stains from moving into your current home a few years ago.
The blaring heat also being the cause for Tommy and Billy to be doused in layers of sunscreen as they protested against Wanda who was stern with them that she didn't want them to get sunburnt, making it her mission to lather every inch of their exposed skin.
As Wanda looked out the window she couldn't help but smile at the sight she had trouble keeping her eyes off of as she prepared a grand lunch for you and the boys. 
She was positioned in front of the sink washing the freshly picked strawberries from her very own garden that she took much pride in bragging about at PTA meetings and in her gardening Facebook group. Constantly glancing out the window to see your crouched form near the sliding back door, spray bottle in hand as you portrayed a concentrated demeanor coupled with Billy and Tommy’s kidlike shouts as they played on the swings with huge toothless smiles that made her heart spin thousands of times over. 
The cold water running down her fingers as she rubbed the ripe berries was a stark contrast to the heat berating you, but not more annoying than the bugs that sought to unionize in various places in your home. Pain from a stiff back and exhausting heat outweighed waking up at three am with a certain someone ripping all the sheets from the bed swearing to have seen a colony of ants congregating by her pillowside. Coupled with the constant excuses Tommy and Billy gave during dinner time, claiming there were tiny critters crawling around in their greens which was a clear lie, although the slight tensing of Wanda’s jaw showed her irritation.
Deciding to multitask with your outside chores, a large white garbage bag is stationed next to your figure, stuffed with various weeds that you had previously pulled from the ground. Now was the perfect opportunity to get this done so Wanda was no longer on your ass, complaining about how the weeds made her garden look messy. You, never being able to say no to her, made the decision for the chores to be completed sooner than later a reality.
Just as you set down the bug repellent to yank a dwindling mini weed, out of the corner of your eye you catch a literal settlement of small and big ants scurrying in a single file line. Your hand already grabbing the spray bottle as you didn’t hesitate to hose down the small colony. Eyes scrunched as you watched the ants scatter and disassemble.
What you failed to notice was Billy’s approaching figure with a quizzical look etched onto his juvenile face. As he came up from behind you with a question on the tip of his tongue Tommy rushed from behind, trying to get him to come back to the swings.
“C'mon Billy, one more round on the swings then we can have a slide race!” Tommy gasped out, his features exuding pure happiness as he attempted to tug his brother along. How he wasn’t breathless from running that long distance to where Billy was standing was something that stuck to the back of your mind.
But Billy was too focused on what you were doing, Tommy’s uproar of a claim already catching your attention and making you aware of their presence, your head twisting in their direction with a smirk represented on your face.
Just then Tommy let out a small squeal at the putrid smell that had just entered his nostril, his small hands coming to cover his nose swiftly.
“Don’t be such a baby, Tommy, it’s just bug repellent. Look mama’s using it to kill the bugs.” Billy stated with a smug smile on his face, knowing that statement would trigger him in some way because Tommy loved to claim he knew everything using the fact that he was older to support that idea. 
The smile on your lips broadens at the banter going on between the prepubescent boys that had started to occur after Billy’s words. “Hey, maybe you guys should take your talk over there. Your mom would kill me if she knew I had you guys over her next to these heavy chemicals.” You remarked as you pointed your gloved finger towards the play set with raised eyebrows.
But that idea was quickly cut off when Billy pointed his stubby pointer finger in the direction of the ground, your gaze turning to yet another wave of ants. You motioned for the boys to move back as you release another wave of chemical death toward the pests. A fresh wave of wind shifted some of the rancid mist in the direction of the boys. Billy’s face scrunched up in disgust while Tommy had let out a mantra of words that you’d never thought you hear come from his mouth in all his youthful glory.
“Holy shit! That stinks.”
An automatic laugh escaped from your mouth before you could really process the situation, Billy’s laughter not helping you reel in your initial shock to chastise Tommy. You blow out some air from your mouth before you try to act like an adult and reprimand him for his language. But the sight of Billy with his hands on his head and huge toothless beam made the thought of telling the kid who stood in anxiousness off. 
“Mama, why are you killing the bugs if they are outside?” Tommy asks in a haze of innocence.
You bite down on your bottom lip trying to find a reasonable answer to tell the young children, “These bugs tend to get inside no matter how hard I try to block them from the inside, you guys aren’t leaving the windows open when you’re not supposed to right?” You add at the end that gets some playful laughter out of the boys. Billy and Tommy chuckle as they grab their bellies, shaking their heads in the negative.
Their cheery laughter makes you look back towards them and question their honesty as you raise your eyebrows with a knowingly look in their direction, the only expression each of them gives is an expression with wide eyes and pressed lips, a look that you have known well when confronting them about their naughtiness. 
You exert a low chuckle at their mischievous behavior, “Don’t tell your mommy I said this but I think it’s her, she’s always leaving them open in our room and in the kitchen.” Silly beams were planted on their faces as they listened closely to your words.
You motioned them closer with your fingers, trying to create more distance from where you guys were huddled and the window you could see Wanda from, who was occupied with her back turned in the kitchen, “Hey listen, when I was in the backyard one day I could hear her singing in our room from all the way down here. Definitely better than Auntie Agatha’s.” 
Loud chuckles are released from their small lungs, the boys go into an uncontrollable fit of laughter when you mentioned Agatha’s not-so-enjoyable singing that she had no problem sharing when she came over every other weekend.
While the boys are coming down from their laughing fit you are quick to spray a spider web that has made its way awfully close to a window that was unsurprisingly cracked open. 
“These damn spiders keep coming back, so I thought if I kill their family they won’t feel at home here anymore. No more children to practice teaching how to spin a web with, and no more momma for them to find pleasure with.” You unconsciously spit out, whispering the last part under your breath. Forgetting the presence of your kids and their innocent minds for a split second, when you do there is a slight freeze in your motions afterward, but what’s the harm if Wanda isn’t around to hear it?
Unfortunately, Wanda had heard every word of that sentence. What you failed to realize was her presence leaning on the threshold of the backyard door. During the time you had been talking to Tommy and Billy, she had fully set up the outside table for the lunch she had completed, only staying to watch you three with a bright smile on her face when she heard the gracious laughter of her godsent boys.
A warm style remained on her face as she watched the sight of you three naturally conversing, but that snug smile quickly vanished from her face the second she heard that far-fetched sentence spoken into existence by you. A cloud of hurt waved over her just elated demeanor, as you told the story about killing the spiders family so it would no longer find your house a home and stay, it hit her close to home in the chest making her hug her stomach as a slight storm brewed within her.
A second before she was about to interrupt the laughter coming from the boys she witnessed something she wouldn’t have thought to occur for years, that specific something coming from her ten-year-old boys. She witnessed Billy and Tommy turning towards each other to exchange whispers with one another, fear and apprehension laced Billy’s face as Tommy had a poised expression. After their whispers, they nodded their heads toward one another and looked your way with that mischievous look they tended to hold when they were about to commit an indecent act.
“Fuck that spider's family.” Tommy voiced brazenly, his and Billy’s eyes gauging your reaction. Waiting to see if you would berate them like Wanda would have if she heard those words come from their mouths. After all, between their two parents, you were definitely the more laid-back one who let more things slide when you shouldn’t.
Wanda’s blood began to simmer at the lack of your reaction, her head tilting to the right as her jaw slightly clenched. Her infuriation rose to an all-time high when you turned around with a smirk on your face and uttered a string of words that managed to turn her evening completely upside down.
“That’s right, fuck their families.” The two giddy children broke into another fit of laughter at your lack of care for what the older twin had spewed moments ago and your response. All the laughter in the next moment immediately stopped with brief words coupled with a tone so daunting all the color drained from you and the two youngsters' faces.
“Thomas. William. Wash your hands.” Her tone was eerily calm as her eyes remained on your frozen figure and nowhere else. The boys quickly looked in her direction while avoiding eye contact, scurrying past her so she couldn’t scold them even for a second. When the boys were out of eyesight her gaze rested on you coldly, your eyes aimed towards the patio as your teeth kept your lower lip interlocked and your thoughts running rampant on all the possibilities of Wanda giving you a much-needed earful. 
Now Wanda knew where the trait of avoiding eye contact when in deep trouble came from which was deeply rooted in the boys. Being shaken out of her thoughts as your figure ascended into a standing position, your eyes finally met her. Wanda still held an appalled look, her eyes staring deadly into yours. A small whimper was released from your parted lips at her chilling glare. You don’t know how much she heard and you didn’t want to know, the thought of the unknown not bothering you in the slightest.
Putting down the bug killer and plopping your dirty garden gloves next to the canister, you make your way over to Wanda’s intimidating figure. A big lump in your throat prevents you from emitting coherent words from your mouth, you stand in front of Wanda, your ability to talk has suddenly disappeared and now you are looking foolish.
Although it doesn't show on your face your heart is thumping so hard like a sledgehammer is consistently pounding on your heart due to the panic coursing through your bones. Wanda’s silence coupled with her intense stare starts to move some gears inside of you that aren’t so appropriate for this situation. With your thoughts being loud, also before you can knock those thoughts out of your head she helps you, “Y/n.”
You stutter with a mixture of fear and nervousness from her intense gaze, “Ok, my bad. You know when you look at me like that it ju-” 
But she is quick to cut you off, not wanting you to deter the conversation from its true purpose, “Don’t.”
That instant you shut up and keep your lips sealed, shaking your head as a fidgety gesture. Her tone assures you of the wrath that is about to come, and rightfully so. Her hands are still crossed as she starts raining down her thoughts of pure discontent with your actions toward allowing the boys to behave that way without a scolding.
Billy and Tommy have neglected to actually go and wash their hands for lunch, instead peaking around the kitchen counter to witness Wanda uncrossing her arms, gesturing frantically with her arms. Your face is filled with regret as you shake your head after every word she says, not daring to utter a single word.
The children watch from beyond with wide eyes and stunned faces, Wanda’s voice starting to rise slightly as you fail to respond to any of the questions she asked. Tommy turns around to Billy with a worried expression, “Does this mean they are gonna divorce?” He whispered, his small body filled with too much unease. 
Billy looks over with a frightened look. “No Tommy, they can’t. When people love each other they can never stop, mommy and mama included.”
Tommy wasn’t at all relieved at Billy’s statement, his worry growing tenfolds at possibly being the cause of his parents leaving each other because of his actions. The boys turned back towards their bickering parents the second they heard your voice that had been radio silent for the past minutes.
“I know baby, I was joking. I promise you I didn’t mean any of it.” You tried to convey to her, knowing her history, internally punching yourself over and over again for even mentioning that earlier sentence. Your hands slowly approach her wrists to provide her some comfort.
She is quick to swat your approaching hands away as her blood is still boiling, her eyebrows scrunching in exasperation, “Don’t baby me right now. You shouldn’t be telling our children stories about killing a bug's family and then proceeding to laugh about it.” She states in such vigor you internally agree to shut the fuck up for the time being, “I don’t give a fuck if you were joking, Y/n, never do that shit again.” She delivers in a tone of finality, her head tilt returning again.
You shake your head in silent agreement, accepting the fact that you fucked up and need to do better. As you look away from Wanda’s piercing evergreen eyes you catch sight of Tommy and Billy peaking at you two from the kitchen, your eyebrows rising in surprise which causes Wanda to turn around and catch sight of them too.
Wanda lets out a strained sigh, pressing her palm against her forehead, not wanting Billy and Tommy to see their parents arguing has gone completely out of the window. Rubbing the creases on her forehead away before she makes eye contact with both of the boys.
Increasing the pitch of her voice she says, “I didn’t know you guys were there sorry, don’t be like your mommy, both of us.” Turning to give you a disturbing glare.
“How comes we can’t say it but you can? “Tommy suddenly implored with bunched eyebrows.
Wanda releases a quick breath in disbelief, shaking her head at the sudden gall he had to ask her such a question, “Because first of all I am an adult, but most importantly your mother.” Her previous high pitch voice was gone.
She thought she had finally cracked the audacity that spawned in the twins today but was taken aback when the next moment they turned their heads whispering to one another then snickering, Billy shoving Tommy’s shoulder with wide eyes, albeit still giggling. You stood where you were, with no intention of getting scolded again or going in between the wrath of Wanda and her parenting. 
Wanda tells them to share what they want to hide so badly, causing Billy to immediately stop his laughter and look like a dear caught in headlights, his eyes looking over to you for a semblance of help that you were afraid to even think about giving, fearful of Wanda’s deathly gaze adorning you again.
Tommy like the brave soul he has consistently appeared to be this evening had no problem telling Wanda what he was just whispering in his twin's ear, “Since that spider's family is dead now they don’t have a momma to pleasure…that it should come find you like Mama said earlier.” He ends with a finger pointing in your direction, practically slapping you while he is at it.
Fuck. Your facial features, body, breathing, and hell even heart stopped for those unsettling few seconds of silence, no one dared move as the tension was almost visible. Your eyes glued onto Wanda’s figure, her body unmoving, but damn was her mind was whirling with a million thoughts swimming words she rather the boys not hear at their young age. 
Your blood runs ice cold as you see Wanda slowly turn her head back in your direction. Her facial features are void of emotion as she deeply stares into your soul. You kept eye contact with her, afraid to even move a single muscle after she waved the twins away to their rooms. And once you saw her head tilt to the right you swear you saw a flash of heavens gates, at least this wouldn’t be the worst way to go out, staring into the eyes of your beloved wife who would be putting you there.
Oh shit. Yes oh shit indeed.
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kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
Buddie - “touch yourself, i want to watch”
Thank you for the prompt!!
Every now and then Eddie has these moments where he thinks 'okay, I'm definitely taking Buck's key away from him'. He's not going to, realistically, considering that half the time Buck is home when Eddie isn't, and it is nice having a boyfriend with access to his house, just in case.
But every now and then... Buck walks into his house at the worst moments, and Eddie definitely thinks this is one of them.
He's in the shower, steaming water cascading over his skin. Warmed and wet and relaxed, with the whole house to himself. It's his day off - and he's sore and still a little tired from a terrible shift the day before, so he was planning on taking Chris to school, and having a nice long, hot, steaming shower without any responsibilities to pull him away from turning his muscles into goo.
There's a minute of heat pooling in his belly that feels slightly to the left of just from being relaxed before he realizes what his body is trying to tell him. Another minute of warring with himself over relieving that tension quick and easy without having to step out of the shower, or if it's worth stepping out and dripping water all over the house to walk back into his bedroom to grab the little bottle of lube.
In the end, the aching desire to have something buried, pressed up against his insides wins out, and he has to quickly scamper out and across the hallway towards his nightstand before he's back under the hot steamy spray.
He sets the bottle down on the edge of the tub for now, because if he's going to draw this out then he wants to really draw it out. Get himself pent up and just on the edge of frustrated before he lets himself tumble over, knowing that the wait will make the reward much sweeter than some instant gratification.
He closes his eyes, lifting his hands to run them up his chest, grazing over the nipples, past his collarbones to wrap loosely around his throat for just a second, an image of a different set of hands wrapped in the same location not a month ago making his head spin.
One hand stays there, gently pressed against his jugular while the other traces a path downwards towards his chest again, stopping so fingers can pinch and roll at his nipples. It glides farther down a second later to rub at his lower belly and gently tug at the thick pubic hair surrounding his slowly hardening cock.
Eddie's brain turns a little fuzzy at the stimulation he's giving himself. Completely unaware of anything happening outside the little room he's in, relaxed and aroused and cozy.
Another minute passes of him running his hands over himself. Squeezing, groping, and scratching at his skin before his patience wears out. The bottle is removed from the edge of tub, replaced only a minute later once he has lube coating the fingers of his left hand.
As much as he doesn't want to, he takes his time here too. Circling his middle finger around his rim, not pushing in quite yet, teasing himself before finally having something inside, even if it's just his own fingers.
The sigh he lets out bounces around the walls of the bathroom once he finally pushes in, slowly inching his way down to the knuckle. Not that he couldn't take it in one quick slide, has before with fingers only slightly bigger than his, but he's enjoying feeling his cock start to weep from the teasing he's giving himself.
His middle finger reaches it's base, and he gives himself a minute to just rest there with it before he pulls it out to press it in again alongside his ring finger as well, struggling to keep the slow and steady pace he's been trying to conjure for himself.
Anticipation swirls in his gut, warm and heavy, making him arch his back and press his unused arm against the wall to lean his forehead against as he crooks his fingers, searching for his prostate. It's always harder to find when he's not flat on his back, knees tucked up against his sides, but he'll manage.
Just when he thinks he might be zeroing in on it, heat courses through his body in mortification instead of arousal, because there's the tell-tale click of the bathroom door handle being turned, and then all the built up steam and heat whooshing out of the room as the door slowly swings open. He doesn't even get a chance to pull his fingers out of his ass before the curtain is being pulled back, Buck on the other side.
Eddie knows how he must look, bent and arched at the waist, chest and face pressed up against the shower wall, legs spread, fingers in his ass. Probably like a fucking whore.
Eddie can practically feel Buck's eyes raking over him before there's a low wolf-whistle filling the bathroom.
"Damn babe, having fun all by yourself?" Buck asks.
Eddie turns his head to look back at him, face practically painted red.
"Don't you know how to knock?"
"I think the point of giving me a key was so that I wouldn't have to knock."
Eddie just sighs, which apparently is the wrong thing to do because it shifts his fingers just right to graze against his prostate. He jolts, a low moan slipping out of his throat.
He can hear more than see Buck take a step back, resting against the bathroom counter.
"Touch yourself, I want to watch."
Eddie whimpers, cock absolutely dripping now that he knows Buck is watching, humiliation turning his arousal up a notch. He presses his fingers down again, rubbing them back and forth. The pleasure makes his eyes roll back and his vision get fuzzy for just a second, mouth falling open around a pant.
All the teasing he did to himself earlier is out the window now, fueled by both arousal and mortification that Buck is watching him, wanting to come so bad to alleviate the pressure in his balls and the heat in his gut; and wanting to finish up so Buck can use him afterwards. Already stretched and wet and open for a thick cock to fill him.
The heat in his belly swirls, moans and cries echoing off the shower walls to fill the bathroom. His fingers speed up, pressing and grinding harder against that heavenly little spot inside him. The nails on his other hand dig into the wall, trying to find something to grip onto in the onslaught of pleasure and heat radiating through him.
Eddie won't come from this. He never has been able to, not from just fingers - especially his own. But he wants to drag it out just a little bit. Bring himself to the edge and let himself teeter there, so close to cascading over. It isn't until his thighs quiver from being so tense and on edge that he rips his spare hand from the wall to wrap around his cock. He struggles to balance a little bit from it, his forehead and the tip of his nose the only point he has to keep him on his feet.
Lightning shots through his veins with each pump of his cock and he only needs one, two, three more strokes before he's shouting, ropes of cum landing on the shower wall and dripping down his hand, ass clenching tight around his fingers.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he swears he can hear Buck cooing at him, but he can't focus on anything but the waves of pleasure ripping through his body. Pants and moans escaping from his throat as he comes and comes, his orgasms always being a little longer, a little more intense when he's playing with his ass.
The waves subside, and Eddie brings his hands up to the wall to steady himself before he can safely stand on two feet. He turns once he does, finding Buck still leaning against his bathroom counter, a small smirk on his face.
"Good boy," Buck says, making heat pool under Eddie's skin, a blush breaking out along his features.
Buck steps forward, reaching out with one finger to trace a little pattern against Eddie's pec.
"Finish up, then come meet me in the kitchen." He continues, tracing that finger down to pinch Eddie's nipple, making him gasp.
Eddie reaches up, wanting to slot his fingers in between Buck's and pull him in to press his lips to Buck's, but the hand he's reaching for pulls away before he's able.
"Kiss me," Eddie whines.
"No," Buck chuckles. "You're soaking wet!" He says, laughing a little harder at Eddie's obvious offense. "Finish up... once you're dry I'll give you all the kisses you want."
Buck stands up straight, turns, and walks away from Eddie.
"I'll be in the kitchen." He says once he makes it to the doorway, and then, "I'm going to make you an omelette, and you'd have better bought the good bacon or you're gonna be in trouble!" is shouted from down the hallway.
And yeah, Eddie is absolutely taking Buck's key away.
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hutchersonsgurl · 5 months
fuck it were getting back together -Mike Schmidt
paring x Fem reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒】: 18+; mdni | profanity, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p in v, degradation, choking, ( not edited)
summary: your ex-Mike calls you for a booty call 😏
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"Hey, bring your fine ass over here. Abby is staying the night at a friend's house tonight, and I'm drunk, and I need you here." Mike slurred over the phone.
You look over at the clock and see it's three in the morning since you and Mike split. The two of you mostly just see each other for booty calls because neither of you wants someone else to touch each other.
"Alright, fine, I'll be there in 5 minutes, you respond.
"Alright, good, don't keep Daddy waiting," he says, and then hangs up the phone.
You know you shouldn't go over there because the morning after, he acts like a dick, but deep down, you know you miss him like crazy.
You hop in the shower and spray his favorite perfume on your body, then get dressed and hop in your car.
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5 minutes later
You arrive at Mike's house, and he answers the door and lets you in. You see the empty beer bottles on the table, and you can already tell that he's really drunk. You are in the kitchen cleaning up his mess as Mike comes from behind you.
"God, that ass is so damn fine. Why did I let you go?" He asks as he grabs your sides and spins you around. Are you facing him now?
Your leaning against the counter. "I mean, you're the one who said you didn't want me anymore, Mike." I respond, looking at him in his puppy dog eyes.
"So we are clear, that's a fucking lie," Mike says. His hand moved down to your neck, giving it a gentle squeeze before he leaned forward, crushing his lips against yours.
For a moment, there was just dry pressure and an awkward clash of teeth. His hands found your upper arms, hoisting you up the counter. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, but you didn't care; nobody could make you feel the way he did.
He grabs you by the back of your neck and shoves his mouth on yours. The two of you are fully making out now. His grip on you loosened briefly, his tongue slipping out of your mouth as he mumbled gruffly against your lips.
"You have no fucking idea how much I need you to be inside of you," he says with his lips against yours.
He let the words hang in the air for a second before crashing his lips back onto yours. Nudging your head to the side, he ravaged your neck with a series of wet kisses interspersed with sharp nips of his teeth. Mouth swiftly moving down your neck, hungrily marking any exposed patch of skin he had access to. With one hand entangled in your hair and the other securing your waist, he systematically disheveled your composed appearance. The bruises and bite marks adorning your neck conveyed a clear message: it was clear you were still his no matter what.
Mike bites his lip, and he gets down on his knees, his brown eyes looking up at you while his hands find their way to your hips, long fingers gently hooking themselves under your waistband. His throat bobbed once, a subtle rise and fall before he spoke up: I need to taste you; let me taste you, he said with a purr in his voice.
Your jeans and pants fell to the floor with a muffled thud that was barely registered; the only sound was the pounding of your own heart. Mike looked like he was a kid in a candy store, licking his lips with his hands placed firmly on your knees as his head dipped between your thighs.
“Fuck.. I’ve barely even touched you, and you're already drenched. Look how bad you want me, he muttered, his lips grazing over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
You gasped, your eyes fluttering open to glance down at him. His nose was gently bumping against your cunt. He used his tongue to lick both sides of your folds, driving your insides crazy. "Mike, I need you so bad," you mutter out in a moan.
"Daddy's got you," Mike answers. Then he licked a hot stripe between your folds. clenching the countertop with both hands behind you while letting out a loud moan.
Mike dipped his head to nibble teasingly at your clitoral area. "Mmm you taste so damn good," he inhaled deeply before diving back between your thighs. “So fucking delicious,” he groaned, words reverberating against your throbbing core. You can't take anymore. You pull him back up by his shirt and start undoing his pants and pulling down his pants and boxers, letting them hit the floor. He kicks them off. "Mike, please just get inside of me now," you beg. "Only because you asked so nicely," Mike answers with a smirk.
He pulled up his cock and slowly stroked it, and then, aligning himself with your entrance, he shoved his cock inside of you.
The moment he slid inside, you both let out a simultaneous groan. The sensation of his hot, panting mouth at your ear and his sack smacking rhythmically against your cunt was so exquisitely sinful yet heavenly that you'd willingly descended into the deepest depths of hell for it. to have him inside of you only
“Mnngh! O-oh..-” He pressed in deeper and circled his hips, squelching inside you as louder moans escaped your mouth.
“You really are...” he chuckled, his voice strained, “my hot little slut. So fucking greedy for Daddy’s cock. You know that? I love it.” He reached around you, slowly curling his fingers around your windpipe possessively.
"Tell me, I'm the only one who can have you," he says in between thrusts.
"Yeah, your the only one, daddy." A guttural moan ripped from your chest when his tip pressed right up against your cervix.
"That's damn right, your mine"He pressed himself so deep inside you could feel his every throb and twitch, his eagerness to pump you full.
Hand sliding down to press between your hipbones, grazing against the slight bulge on your belly as his cock settled in there, where it belonged. He paused for a second to keep himself from coming too soon, tugging irritably at his balls to adjust.
As he panted into your sweat-slicked shoulder, you took the advantage to ease to your forearms and work yourself back on his cock.
Arching your back like a cat, you made languid figure eights with your hips. The wet schlick shlick sounds of your cunt swallowing his cock and your combined moaning ricocheted off the pantry walls, a steady cadence.
A downright animalistic groan escaped his lips.
“Oh my f-fuck...”
Nothing was sexier than Mike claiming you as his. Mike is moaning in your ear as he neared climax, which was a filthy, sinful delight. Abandoning all efforts to last longer, Mike went completely feral. He gauged his nails into your hips with bruising force as he scrambled for control. With each powerful thrust, you try your best to keep squeezing the counter so you don't fall down, weak in the knees.
He drove into you again and again. His movements became sloppy and less calculated as he neared his peak.
"Cum for me, baby girl," he grunted.
“Oh god… Mike You wailed as you reached your climax, clenching his cock tight with your slick channel as he drove into you one last time, burying himself to the hilt before releasing a torrent of thick, warm cum inside you.
He bucked his hips languidly a few more times, spending himself in a series of residual jerks inside you. Meanwhile, his hand stayed pressed to your belly, rubbing circles as his cock continued to twitch and spasm, grinding his creamy cum as deep as it could go.
Heavy breathing. Wet, sloppy kisses on the nape of your neck and your shoulder. The lingering scent of exotic spice mixed with sex heavy in the air
"Fuck, this is getting back together, he huffed.
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wow kinda went hard for this one
First post back from my break
hope ya'll like it
not edited so please don't hate me ):
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gurokiitty · 5 months
Pleaseeee moreee dad strade last one was too good! love your acc! ✨
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a/n: thank you! i'm so happy you liked the last one cuz i've been thinking about papa strade a lot since then :3c i hope you like it! see the end for translations of the german phrases/words!
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{ dad! strade x daughter! reader }
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word count: 1.4k
warnings/tags: INCEST, sexual assault (non-con kissing, grinding), heavy drinking/alcoholism, forced/encouraged drinking, descriptions of fighting and violence (boxing), 'princess' pet name, strade speaking in german, choking, reader is 18+, totally wholesome father-daughter bonding.
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The evening unfurls through the open window, mingling the scents of rain and asphalt with the stale air of your home. Inside, the television casts shadows against the walls, painting the walls in oscillating shades of blue and grey. You sit beside your father on the couch that reeks of spilled beer and cigarettes; the leather sticking to your skin every time you shift.
He clutches a bottle of liquor, swigging from it with eager, sloppy gulps. His eyes glint with a dark thrill as he watches the boxers on the screen, circling each other like wolves, muscles tense and eyes locked.
Strade leans forward, the bottle momentarily forgotten as his eyes fixate on the fight unfolding before him. “Sieh dir das an, princess,” he slurs, nodding toward the television as one fighter lands a vicious uppercut. A sickening thud resonates through the speaker as the opponent stumbles. The crowd roars, a sound like thunder, while the man regains his footing and strikes back, a spray of blood arching beautifully in the harsh light.
“Da! Did you see that hit?!” Your father chuckles, his voice electric with excitement.
The fight escalates and the men are reduced to beasts in a pit, their bodies and wills colliding in raw, brutal displays. The violence on screen seems to feed something in your father, a nasty delight that oozes out of him like sweat.
As one boxer lands a particularly savage punch, Strade lets out a howl of approval, slamming his fist into the couch in rhythm with the impact. His breath comes faster now, his eyes glazed over with a mix of lust and aggression.
“Beautiful isn't it?” he muses as he eagerly reaches for a fresh bottle. He pops it open and shoves it toward you. “Come on, drink up. It's better when you feel it all the way down.”
Reluctantly, you accept the bottle and clink it against his, the hollow sound mingling with the roar of the crowd from the television.
As you continue to drink, a fleet of empty bottles accumulates on the floor beside the sofa. With each new bottle, the world around you begins to sway slightly as if carried by an unseen current. Your father, ever the pillar in this tempest, seems unfazed, his laughter more boisterous, his comments sharper as the alcohol flows freely.
“Papa... I don't feel so good,” you manage, the words thick and clumsy on your tongue.
Your father turns to you, his gaze narrowing. “Just the booze hitting, princess. You're fine.”
But there’s something sinister in how he watches you— like a predator observing its prey as it stumbles and falters. The numbness starts creeping through your limbs, a leaden weight that pulls at the edges of your consciousness. The sounds around you— the harsh thuds of the fighters, the distant cheers of the crowd— begin to blur into a chaotic symphony, one that spins around you as if you're caught in a whirlpool. The room tilts a bit, and your head lolls to the side, heavy like it's filled with wet sand.
"I'm dizzy... Feels like spinning," You mumble, your voice is weak, slurred, and desperate.
Strade glances at you, his expression softening for a moment. "Oh, princess," he drawls, his voice dripping with a twisted admiration. "So süß, wenn du völlig beschissen bist." Setting his bottle down, he shifts closer, his arm circling your shoulders in a tight embrace.
"You're such a delicate thing, aren't you? Can hardly handle your poison." He coos as he gently strokes your hair, his fingers raking through the familiar locks.
As your head continues to spin, his hand shifts slowly from your hair to your shoulder, then down to your chest, pushing gently yet firmly. The motion nudges you back until you are laid out against the couch, your body aligning with its contours. The room tilts further, each sensation magnified by your blurred state.
"Wh- What're you doing—" you murmur, your voice weak, tinged with confusion and fear.
Feeling your resistance wane, Strade's presence looms larger. He maneuvers himself over you, his figure casting a daunting shadow. He pins you down with his weight; an oppressive force that feels both suffocating and grounding in the dizzying whirl of your surroundings.
His face inches closer, narrowing the space between you. His breath, tainted with liquor and tobacco, envelops you as his lips find yours, pushing roughly past your numb resistance. He bites down on your bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood, and you taste the metallic tang on your tongue as he continues, his tongue forcefully intertwining with yours.
The leather of the couch groans under you both, each movement exaggerated in the dense, sluggish air. You try to shift, to push him away, but your movements are lethargic as if through molasses. Panic begins to claw at the edges of your clouded mind, each heartbeat pounding loudly in your ears.
You wrestle with your sluggish body, trying in vain to fend him off as the kiss deepens into something more savage. He shifts his assault downwards, his teeth finding the tender flesh of your neck. Each bite is deliberate, sharper than the last, leaving a trail of painful, throbbing marks. As the bites intensify, his touch transforms; the hands that once clung to your shoulders now travel upwards, their presence chilling as they snake their way to your neck.
His fingers encircle your throat, pressing in slowly but inexorably. The pressure is subtle at first, then grows insistently as your airway begins to constrict under his firm grip. Panic ignites within you as you thrash beneath him, your heart hammering wildly against your chest.
"Can't take the heat, princess?" Strade's voice slurs slightly, thick with mockery and the haze of alcohol. "It's just getting good."
Your vision blurs further, eyes watering not just from the alcohol but from sheer terror. You gaze up at him, your hands weakly reaching up to claw at his wrists, feebly attempting to pry his grip loose.
He watches, his face alarmingly close to yours, his eyes gleaming with delight. There's a dark thrill in his gaze, some kind of perverse satisfaction as he observes the fear and desperation playing out over your features. He grounds his hips against yours and you feel his erection pressing hard against your stomach. The sensation is alarming, terrifying, as you struggle to breathe under the weight of his body.
As the edges of your vision start to darken, your world narrowing into a closing tunnel of dimming lights, he observes your struggle with an unnerving detachment. Just when your lungs burn with the need for air, when spots of light burst across your closing field of view, he releases you abruptly. Air rushes back into your lungs in harsh, ragged gasps, each breath a painful struggle against the lingering tightness of your throat.
The room spins wildly now, no longer just from the alcohol but also from the shock and the sudden influx of oxygen. You roll soppily off the couch and grip your chest, tears blurring your vision. You're left coughing, gasping for air, the fear and relief mingling in a bitter cocktail that leaves you shuddering under his looming presence.
He leans back slightly, his expression unreadable in the dim, flickering light from the television. "Es ist besser, wenn du es fühlst," he mutters darkly, a twisted smirk forming on his lips as he observes the effect of his actions, the control he wields as effortlessly as breathing.
You lie there, struggling to stabilize your breathing, to push back the curtain of fear and disorientation. The television's glow casts ghostly shadows across his face, making him seem even more like a figure from a nightmare. As the final moments of the match unfold, the climax of violence reaches its peak: one fighter, fueled by desperation and sheer force of will, lands a series of rapid, precise blows. His opponent, overwhelmed and battered, staggers back—one last punch, devastatingly accurate, sends him crashing to the mat.
The victor stands over his fallen adversary, chest heaving, then suddenly roars in triumph, pounding his chest with clenched fists as the arena erupts around him. The sound of the crowd is a tidal wave of noise, a cacophony that fills the room and mingles with the ringing in your ears.
This, you realize, is what captivates your father— this unadulterated display of power and pain. This ability to dominate, to control, to decisively end the dance of violence with a single, defining act.
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German Translations (in order of appearance)
“Sieh dir das an, princess,” = “Look at that, princess,”
“Da! (…)” = "There!"
"So süß, wenn du völlig beschissen bist." = "So cute when you're all fucked up."
"Es ist besser, wenn du es fühlst," = "It's better if you feel it,"
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captain-hawks · 4 months
Happy spicy sleepover!! I come armed with more snacks and a humble offering of a jealous Shinei Nouzen proving to reader why he’s number one
Thank you as always Dee!! 🩵🩵
i turn into an excited gremlin as soon as i see shin's name i swear. thank you for requesting the best boy, nonnie<3!
shinei nouzen x f!reader
c: jealousy, secret relationship, p in v, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, set during an undefined period but shin is 18+
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It’s different tonight—the way he touches you.
The possessive way his fingers curl around your waist, thumbs pressing into your hip bones before he slides off your underwear, mouthing a kiss against the marred skin from a years-old bullet wound on your abdomen. 
You’ve never quite defined this place where the two of you meet, both of your hearts too tired from years of loss and bloodshed to let the shape of your lips form the words buried in your throat. 
Maybe it’s a lie to call this casual, the familiar indentation of your bodies against his mattress. 
—but self-preservation is all you’ve got left lately, when you wake up not knowing if each sunrise will be your last.
Shinei’s hair brushes across your face while he leans over you and murmurs, “Raiden couldn’t handle you.”
That’s what’s got him so worked up.
You’d maybe, possibly, potentially kissed Raiden tonight after the rest of the squadron cajoled you into joining their boredom-fuelled game of spin the bottle. And you’d perhaps only done it after glancing over to see Shin with one hand against his ear, his book long-forgotten on the coffee table, the corner of his mouth curved upward as he carried on his conversation with the new commander.
It was hardly a kiss, despite the fuss the rest of the girls made over it afterward—Kurena even loudly whispered about how good the two of you would look together.
And that was that. 
—until Shin caught you in the dark hallway after everyone else turned in, your body flush against the door to his quarters as he kissed you hard. 
Something hot licks its way through your gut seeing this side of Shin, the jealousy that hangs in the flicker of his eyes, the tick of his jaw. He drags his lips down the side of your neck, stopping to take the tender skin above your collarbone between his teeth.
“Were you jealous, Shin?” you whisper, carding your fingers through his hair, a little gasp escaping your lips when he cups one of your breasts in his hands and runs a thumb over your pebbled nipple.
In turn, you shift your leg, pressing your knee into the flushed length that hangs between his legs, precum smearing over your skin. He groans from where he’s currently closing his lips around your tit, your body arching in pleasure from the vibration. “What do you think?”
“He wasn’t half ba—”
The words die on your lips as Shin’s body presses down into yours, one hand pinning your wrists above your head while he slowly lets his cock slide along your slick folds, your communication dissolving into a litany of whimpering moans with each subsequent, teasing stroke.
“Hm?” he asks, pressing a kiss to the corner of your parted lips.
“You were busy with the commander,” you breathe out, your own jealousy thinly veiled in the wake of your arousal.
“I would have rather been busy with you,” Shin rasps, lips slotting over yours, and he murmurs against the seam of your mouth, “I’d always rather be busy with you.”
(—and two orgasms later, when you’re wrecked and soaked and gasping into Shin’s mouth as he swallows down your hoarse, whimpering moans, his thumb dragging deft circles into your aching, overstimulated clit while you ride him, somehow still begging for more—
—you can’t even begin to fault him for the brief satisfied, smug look that flashes in his eyes when a gush of clear liquid sprays out of you as he fucks you through a climax that nearly has you sobbing.)
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Wasted 1
Warnings: drug dealing/use, violence, noncon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
Part of The Club AU
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The lights smear in your vision, music pulsing through your body, senses both dulled and magnified by the alcohol. You sway and rock to the rhythm, like a puppet dancing on unseen strings. You let the night guide you, shrugging off the stress as you let drunken ambivalence take over.
You drain the last of your vodka and tap the plastic cup. You signal to Faye and Heidi that you need a refill, offering to get them one in another gesture. Heida shakes her head, showing her unfinished cooler and Faye gives an eager nod. You wink and whirl away, weaving between the bodies that crowd you.
You leave your empty cup on a random table and hope down the single step from the dance floor. You cross over to the glowing bar and sidle up between two other patrons as you wave to the bartender. It’s busy and the voices of those clustered around the counter nearly overwhelm the bassy music.
You're a bit unsteady, a bit buzzed. You feel good and you want to hold onto that. Forget the world, burn it all.
As you try to get the attention of the burly blonde mixing drinks behind the bar, you’re caught in the crush of the impatient club goers. A man bulls in next to you, keeping his back to you as he forces you close to the stool on your other side. What a dick. Totally oblivious.
You stare at the wide shoulders that stretch the dark fabric of a bomber jacket beneath his short ponytail. Typical.
“Hey, what can I get you?” The bartender taps your arm, still floating above you, forgotten.
“Oh, uh, vodka cran and er… gin and soda,” you holler above the raucous noise.
The man goes to work and you fish around in your wallet for a bill. You should really not be spending all your money like this. You look up and watch him pour the drinks, blond strands coming loose from his low bun. His button-up is undone to the middle of his chest. He must get killer tips. Hmm, bartending might be a good idea for a new gig.
The man beside you shifts on his heel, further smothering you. You keep your arm firm until your elbow jabs in his back. You wish he’d get the fucking hint. Did he just come over here to have a fucking conversation? Go somewhere else.
You pay for the drinks and leave a tip. The blond man grins at you. He’s pretty damn cute but a bit too busy for your liking. You grab the cups and slowly raise them over the lip of the bar. The man to your right turns and his arm hits yours, the vodka exploding across your front. You look down at your shimmery dress and gasp, a spritz of cold liquid up your neck.
“What the hell, dude? Why don’t you watch where you’re fucking going?” You shout and drop the empty cup on the bar, “FUCK!” 
The guy looks at you and scowls. He wipes a spray of alcohol from his sleeve as if you did it on purpose. What the hell is his problem?
“You owe me a drink, jackass," you sneer at the stranger.
His dark hair is drawn back from his face, a scruff of stubble along his chiseled jaw, and bright blue eyes. He's not half-bad on the eyes, if not a total asshole.
“Whatever,” he waves you off as he steps away from the bar.
What? He didn’t even fucking order anything and now you’re covered in wasted vodka! You shake your head and turn back to the bar, once more waving for attention.
“Napkins?” You call out.
It takes a few tries before the bartender gets back to you. He approaches and reaches under the bar, handing over a stack of napkins.
“Everything okay?” He calls over as he works on uncapping a bottle.
“Some guy ran into me,” you roll your eyes.
“Shit, let me make you a new one. No charge.”
“No, it’s fine–”
“No big deal, busy night,” he insists before spinning to grab some smirnoff and some juice.
With your new drink in hand, you carefully back away. You look around before you turn, overly aware of every move and the chaos all around. Maybe you shouldn’t have another drink. Shit is getting real wild.
You make your way back up to the dance floor, balancing your drinks with a considerable effort. Your focus breaks only as you approach Faye and Heidi, handing over the gin before greedily sipping your vodka. Fuck your job and fuck that dude at the bar.
You knock back almost half the drink in a single gulp and fall back into the beat thrumming from the speakers. You spin with your cup held high, sipping as you bop and swing your hips. Your boss ruined your day but no one is going to ruin your night.
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