#this thing from my evil brother and she was like well screw your evil brother. maybe you need to think about something else what is this
youssefguedira · 2 years
damn they broke up
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littlenahsstuff · 2 months
When will my life begin-pt. 1
Chloe Charming x Red x f!reader
Synopsis- you are Rapunzel’s daughter but don’t know it because Mother Gothel survived and took you too. You possess similar powers to your real mother but they don’t work as well. Red and Chloe are visiting wonderland for the first time since the time travel and Red is nervous. She decides to take Chloe her new girlfriend to a mysterious tower from her childhood and they meet you.
Warnings: not proofread, angst, mentions of abusive parents, anxiety, fluff, slower burn, you just meet so no relationships until at least part two.
Almost 3.5k words
I really hope you enjoy!
You awoke in your cramped tower, another lonely day. Mother says you can’t leave, you mustn’t. Evil people will hurt you just like your real parents. “You are weak and helpless and they’ll eat you,” is repeated daily.
You have a special gift; you can bring life and healing when singing. Mother loves your tricks but they are somewhat rare and you have a hard time making it actually work. She gets so mad at you, she says harsh punishment is the way to make it work. So far you still screw up.
She barely leaves you alone, the only time you can relax is when she takes her daily naps. Her “Beauty sleep”. Or when she goes on supply runs. You only ever let your thoughts drift then. To that one time you saw a flash of red outside. You were only 13 then and it’s been years but you always did wonder who it was.
Red was beyond nervous, Chloe a little too. She had to be strong for her new girlfriend, however. Red was dealing with healing from the trauma still and this visit was making her sick. She knows her mother is better but the whole time travel being dangerous thing has her waiting for the other ball to drop.
“It’ll be alright, promise Heart,” Chloe said it, trying to soothe her. She holds her hand whilst keeping the other on the steering wheel.
When they get there it’s a lot less gloomy than it was originally and the kingdom sits in the midst of a massive ring of roses. Red holds a smeck of comfort that the change brought her home some real peace, but the gnawing feeling never ceases.
“Yeah… I know” Red sighs. “I feel as if-“
“This is just a facade?” Chloe interrupts. “I realize how scary this is; I, myself, worry something went wrong but for now we have to play the part. It’s okay to be scared. You grew up with the most terrifying women I’ve ever seen.
They got to the entrance.
“Well… let’s face this then.” Red decides. She gets out and waits before entering.
Queen Bridget stands ready to greet her daughter, coming in for a bear hug. At least this time both her and Chloe are squished. She still flinched a little but was quickly soothed by a comforting tap on her wrist from Chloe.
“It’s good to see you… Mom,” for the first time.
“It’s so good to see you too my muffin cake!” Reds mom squeals. She starts to see more similarities to Pink haired Bridget by the second and she’s still weary, but relieved.
They pull away and Queen Bridget turns to Chloe.
“Oh where are my manners?! Chloe it is so wonderful to see you here again!” Bridget smiles. Not sickenly to Red’s mild shock.
Chloe glances at her girlfriend and they both smile too and shrug.
“Glad to be back too” Chloe replies with a chuckle. Time travel is weird.
“Now as much as I want to talk your ears off you girls must want to settle in first! I’ll have the Tweedle brothers carry your stuff to your room so you can unpack. Now… I wanna hear about any cute dates later but I understand. I’ll wait dears,” she actually GIGGLES and walks away. Not without giving a little squeeze to Reds shoulder.
They both stand there a little awkwardly and Red exhales, feeling like she can fully breathe again. She feels like she needs to get out when an idea pops into her head.
“Hey wanna go see something cool?” Red says excitedly. Chloe nods and red grabs her hand to drag her back out into the wonder woods they passed through on the way there.
“Where are we going?” Chloe whispers when they hit a particularly thick part of the forest.
“I would go into these woods a couple of times when I was younger… around the third time I came across a massively tall tower. I heard pretty singing. I sadly had to leave but when I came back for the seventh time I heard it again. I never really figured out what or who it was but maybe we’ll see if we go again.
And so they trekked further into the heavily wooded area for a few minutes until finally there was a small clearing with a large tower.
Just by luck did they happen to hear a soft melody coming from it. There was clearly someone home and Red couldn’t not pass up the chance to figure it out once and for all. She used to think about this for years after her last encounter.
“Oh no…” Chloe whispers and whips her head, “I know that look. We are not about to do what I think you’re thinking.” Chow huffs
With a role of her eyes, Red replies hushed, “Fine, just me then. I’m gonna figure it out.” She jumps up on the viney stone and finds it stable. She starts climbing and soon after Chloe groans and follows her.
“Does it have to be this high?” Chloe whimpers, daring not to look down. Red is already far enough up that she doesn’t hear her.
You finish sweeping when you hear climbing you don’t think much of it, it’s just your mother. You still tense but remain sweeping. You should’ve finished awhile ago, but you enjoyed the free will of being able to daydream while she was on a trip a little too much. You hear footsteps hit the floor and try and finish up faster.
“I’m sorry mother I’ll be better next time, let me finish first!” You hurry out. When there’s a second pair of feet hitting the ground you focus on the window. Two girls stand there.
You drop the broom and scramble back, falling on your back and hitting the wall.
“I- I- who are you?” You question breathlessly.
Red and Chloe both share another look.
“We aren’t here to hurt you!” Chloe hurried out. Red nods and slowly steps forward.
“No, we just heard the singing and wanted to check it out. Are you up here alone? How do you even get down every day?” She questions and you still cower but decide to answer them.
“I’m not supposed to speak to others. Mother will be furious, I- who are you?” You repeat.
“This is Red and I’m Chloe.” The blue haired one speaks. “I am from Auredon, Cinderellasburg specifically and Red is from here in Wonderland. Do you know why you are in this tower?” It’s almost too much but you answer honestly for fear of angering them.
“My parents were killed when I was a baby and my Mother took me here for my protection. This place is called wonderland?” You question. If you are gonna be killed maybe you can learn some stuff. Although, these ladies seem harmless enough and quite pretty. Nothing like the grotesque monsters your mother warned you of.
“Yes, you don’t know?” Red says, you shake your head. Your curiosity is quickly getting the better of you now.
“Please don’t lie what’s it really like out there?” You softly question.
“Well… there a kingdom just past these woods. my castle, oh by the way I’m the princess” Red casually throws in there making your jaw drop “but it’s very…. Beautiful.” She goes for. “There are roses everywhere now.” She adds.
“Oh… your majesty” you bow. You read a book once with a king in it and you knew you were supposed to bow.
“It’s only majesty for kings and queens, it’s- you know what that doesn’t matter you don’t have to be so formal, I am also a princess as well. Again though you don’t have to be so formal.” Chloe urges. You are completely awestruck by the fact that two very lovely princesses happen to be your first real life interaction besides your mother.
“Well… thank you Chloe and Red. I am still honored to be in your presences. Tell me, are these kingdoms violent at all?” You interrogate farther.
“Not too much honestly, like the occasional violent coup but day to day life can be lovely,” Chloe replies. Red looks to be deep in thought.
“So your mother locked you in here? That’s… that’s crazy” she realizes. Then her face lits up.
“Chloe, a quick word in the corner.” The two huddle leaving you to finally pick yourself up from the floor and dust off.
“Are you thinking what im thinking?” Red asks. Chloe bites her lip.
“Unfortunately. This poor girl needs our help. I can’t help but feel she looks familiar somehow.” Chloe frets. She thinks you are beautiful truly, but she can’t figure out for the life of her who you remind her of.
“Okay well I think we need to convince her to leave-
“I’ll do it.” You say, causing them to jump up from the huddle. “You two are loud by the way and this room is pretty small,” you giggle. It feels good, you don’t know the last time you’ve laughed. They both blush.
“That easy?” Red questions and Chloe slaps her lightly.
“What she means to say is, we understand how terrifying this could be and that we are glad you are allowing us to help you.
“I’ve wanted to leave everyday, my mother isn’t even my real mother and yeah, I’m terrified. You two are living proof it’s okay out there.
“So how does your mother get down?” Red asks.
“The vines”, you shudder at realization you will have to climb down. Chloe seems to have an equal reaction.
“Well let’s go get you somewhere less cagey.” Red smirks.
After a very fear filled climb down your bare feet touched the hard ground. The gravel admittedly hurts your sheltered feet and you wince.
“What’s wrong?” Chloe notices.
“Oh, I guess I’m not used to standing on such rocky ground.” You admit shyly and wince again when you take another step.
Red hums.
“Wait a sec.” She starts taking off her boots and hands them to you.
“thank you! I’m sorry if I’m a little slow with all this.” You relent, still very great full.
“Don’t be.” Red smirks.
Chloe turns to her, “is you giving people shoes a habit now?” She snorts.
Red rolls her eyes. You finish putting the boots on and get a little nervous.
“We better go, mother could be back any second.” You say.
“Alright then, let’s go” Red leads.
The walk is so terrifying every sound muffled from your time up high is so much louder. Each cherp, squeak, and buzz makes you jumpier.
It’s all worth it though when you see the red castle.
It’s the grandest thing you’ve ever seen, lit up (it’s now darker outside) and the roses are so stunning and fragrant you want to cry. And you do.
“Hey,” Red says. They both come closer.
“I’m fine it’s just so pretty.” You sob.
“If you think this is pretty wait till you see my room. It’s so cool” Red says excitedly and leads for you and Chloe to follow again.
Reds castle looks so much brighter than she remembers. It’s so well lit she can actually see the high ceilings now.
“Right this way, I need to check in with my Mom… she’ll know what to do.” Red decides. It feels so weird asking her mom for help.
The lounge room is very ornate and there is satin cushioning and mahogany wood everywhere. Reds mom is setting out some tea and snacks, enough that they are clearly for the girls too.
Red clears her throat, “mom I have someone I need you to meet.” She says. Bridget looks up and immediately drops the teapot.
“Oh my,” she tsks, “very sorry dear I just thought you were someone I knew. You look so much like her. Um who are you? It was now that both Red and Chloe shamefully realized they didn’t ask for your name. They were so focused on getting you out they didn’t even find out who you were.
“Y/n your majesty.” You curtsy. The queen inhales sharply.
“You don’t have to be so formal but uh… You wouldn’t happen to have hair that glows when you sing would you?” she questions. You are immediately scrambling to figure out how she possibly knew that.
“That’d be a coincidence, we found her in a tower. She’s like repunzel!” Chloe adds and then immediately gasps. Chloe feels so stupid for not putting two and two together. Meanwhile both you and Red are clueless of what’s happening.
You squeamishly give a “yes”.
“Oh you look just like her.” Chloe realizes.
You want to curl up in a ball. This is already so overwhelming.
“Like whom?” Red nods her head in confusion.
“Well, there was a princess named Rapunzel locked in a tower by an old hag, she would use the girls powers to rejuvenate herself. She originally pretended to be her mother. Her now husband Eugene found her and allowed her to see floating lanterns that appeared on her birthday. Turns out the whole kingdom was setting them off for her. They thought mother Gothel turned to dust but she reappeared and in turn stole her baby. They had no idea where she went and searched the lands. She wasn’t ever found…. Until maybe now?” The queen finished the tale, hope growing on her face by the second. Both you and Red were utterly gobsmacked.
They all turned to you only for you to get extremely lightheaded from the attention and the fact that other than the lanterns, the story completely paralleled yours. You didn’t even know when your birthday was. Your thoughts wage a war and you feel as if your legs are giving out.
Before you hit the floor Chloe catches you.
“Oh rabbits,” The queen exclaims. “You girls be a dear and make sure are guest is alright. I believe I really do have to make a phone call now.” She turns to you, who is still conscious but out of it. “Sweets, I promise you are safe now. This castle is heavily guarded. No one gets in that wasn’t supposed to and while you are technically free to leave at any moment I believe you understand you have to stay for a little bit longer.” She hums and turns shaking her head in disbelief as she heads to the phone in her room.
“I-I” you stutter. The two others give a concerned look.
“Hey it’s gonna be fine, even if you aren’t the lost princess we can keep you save. We promise,” Chloe soothes, Red is now hunched down to your levels.
“Promise” she agrees with a curt nod. You take a deep breath, it comes in more broken but it helps ever so slightly.
“Thank you, thank you both!” You exclaim, wrapping them in some sort of embrace, you don’t know what it’s called though.
“Ha no problem maybe-princess,” Red jokes. She earns a glare from Chloe.
“So if I my parents are alive, am I gonna meet them?” You question in disbelief. This feels like a scary dream.
Red bites her lip before replying, “Well I’m assuming that’s what the call was for, she is most likely calling them now.” You are more confused.
“How will they hear her voice from all the way from the castle?”
“There are these machines that let you call from any land so long as the other has one too” Chloe responds, sharing yet ANOTHER look with Red.
“Sheesh, you need to get out more” Red tries to lighten the situation and to be fair it makes you laugh a little.
“RED” Chloe scolds.
“She laughed!”
“It’s okay, I’d rather joke about it than have it still happen” you add but now they both look sad for you again.
“Do you think they still want me? Like what if they have other children and don’t need me as a child anymore. And I’m not really a child at all, I don’t know how old I am yet but I seem far too big to be one.” You start picking at your nails in worry.
Red sighs, “I know what it’s like to have to worry whether someone likes you or not. Trust everything will work out.” She says.
“From what I heard they never stopped looking for you. They did have another child but they actually did kinda do the lantern thing every year. It’s just that they didn’t understand you were sent to wonderland. The whole time they’ve been looking elsewhere but I know for a fact they never fully stopped and that shows they will want you.” Ella offers. You just nod softly, the fear was still there, but if it’s true then it makes you feel a little better. They were good at that. You think you’d want to be their friends. Best friends even someday if you still manage to hang out.
Before the awkward tension breaks naturally the Red queen burst through the door with two others. They also look like royalty to you but that’s not what makes your chest pound. They woman looks so painstakingly like you it makes Chloe curse herself for not getting it immediately. You all stand up, Red and Chloe help you first. And you all how your head.
The woman nearly runs to you and pulls you into another embrace of sorts. This time it’s a little tighter.
“Oh my, you’re really her aren’t you, you’re my baby girl!” She gasps. You blush and stand there terribly awkward. Red can feel your uneasiness from next to you so she coughs in attempt to break Queen Rapunzel from her stupor. It works.
“I- you’re my real mom?” You question.
She pulls apart just enough to put one hand on your cheek and another on your shoulder.
“I know for sure, yes. You are everything I dreamed you to be, my beautiful baby girl. Oh you must have so many questions.” She says. She smiles like the sun and has tears pooling in her eyes. She’s dress so elegantly in purple, but she’s shaking quite a bit.
“I’m here, you’re here” you say. Rapunzel turns to the man.
“Eugene Flynn Fitzgerald Ryder, come over here this instance,” she beckons and slowly a man steps forward. You notice you have his eyes and hair color. You’ve never had a dad before, it’s almost too much. He certainly doesn’t seem like he’s an evil man.
“That’s really her my little buttercup?” He says and when he gets a good look at your face he breaks into the loudest sobs you have ever heard in your life. You honestly don’t know what to do but stand there. You are also overcome with emotion but this is quickly becoming too much for you. He steps forward again.
“Bathroom!” You exclaim and haste fully walk past them and into the halls where you start running.
“Flynn give her some time,” Rapunzel sighs.
“We‘ll make sure she’s safe,” Chloe interrupted, grabbing Red to follow you.
After a couple turns they hear sobbing down an otherwise empty hallway. You sit there with your head tucked into your knees gasping for breath. They slowly walk up to you.
“It’s a lot, I know” Red sighs. “Meeting your mo- family for the first time. You start thinking of what can go wrong when you don’t know them and they don’t really know the real you. It’s hard.” She pauses, “but take it slow. I promise that they are also overwhelmed too. But after not getting any affection your whole life it seems like even the tiniest bit is too much.”
“If you want, we will stay with you as much as allowed. I know we just met but it seems like maybe you trust us the most and that’s precious, the trust,” Chloe states. Her eyes are truthful and earnest. Red shares that earnesty.
“I- supposed if it’s alright. I would never want to impose and you’ve done so much for me. This is all just- well you said it” you gesture to Red.
“We’ll be here.” They both say in unison and it makes all three of you giggle. Maybe your new life won’t be so bad. At least not if they’re in it. Your worry is replaced with a similar fluttery feeling but you don’t know exactly what it is.
This is your happy beginning. Your life has finally begun.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 months
Being a Tully and in an Arranged Marriage with Tyrion Lannister • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: hi!! Would you consider writing headcanons for a Tully!fem!reader x Tyrion Lannister in an arranged marriage? you don’t have to & take your time if you do :)) — anon
Warnings: canon divergence - the timeline isn’t exact but oh well, fem!reader, derogatory names used for Tyrion (sometimes by reader until she learns to love him), drinking, no reader description as per usual
A.N: I hope these are alright!! I’m actually a Tyrion Lannister simp so I found this little thing pretty fun! Hope you all enjoy!!
“Absolutely not, father.” You say, your face screwed up in disgust, hands clenched into fists at the dinner table
He sits there, unfazed by your outburst
“Anyone but the imp, father, please!”
While you absolutely hated the idea of your father arranging a marriage for you, it certainly wasn’t a surprise; Catelyn, your older sister, had been married to Eddard Stark for a few years, and now it was finally your turn
You had never met the Lannisters but the stories you have heard of them throughout the Riverlands frightened you to your core
Their endless amount of riches and vast power was somehow overshadowed by the evil and danger that surrounded them
“It is final, daughter. You will be wed at Casterly Rock and from there…I do not know,”
It takes you time to really process this
You being married off to some wealthy lord is your duty, something you had come to terms with years ago
But marrying a Lannister?
Marrying the unloved and disgraced son of Tywin Lannister specifically?
You spend days in your room, writing letters to your sisters, crying about your loveless marriage
You do not see him until you arrive at Casterly Rock, he waits for you draped in red
You’re shocked to find that he’s not grotesque at all like you were led to believe…he’s actually quite…handsome
His Lannister blonde hair shines in the afternoon sun and the slight smirk on his face is quite attractive as well
But looks can be deceiving, you remind yourself
"My Lady, it is nice to finally meet you,"
"It is a pleasure, my Lord,"
"Please, call me Tyrion...since we are soon to be wed..."
He certainly does not seem excited about this marriage either
The two of you don't really see each other in the few weeks leading up to your wedding - Tyrion was frequently drunk and you were mostly left to your own devices
The wedding is beautiful, you must admit, the Lannister's loved flaunting their coin
Your family does not make the long journey from Riverrun to Casterly Rock and Tywin Lannister makes only a brief appearance
The dreaded bedding ceremony
Tyrion actually forbids anyone from touching you; he stays sober enough to get you back to your now shared quarters
"I will not bed you, my Lady wife, you should not be subjected to someone such as me"
"Tyrion, that is not why I wish not to bed you…” You’re nervous, his kindness out of the ordinary for men. “I simply wish to keep my maidenhood for someone…for someone I love.”
Your marriage starts off…well, actually
You and Tyrion start off getting to know each other, becoming friends first
You admire his quick wittedness and intellect, his jokes always land and you always laugh
He never pushes you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with and neither do you
You teach him about Riverrun and the streams you grew up by
And your sisters
He tells you about his childhood and his brother Jamie
You have quite a lot of differences in terms of upbringing and power, but you find it easy to laugh at each other’s childhood plights
You think you can learn to love him
After spending a few months at Casterly Rock you and Tyrion are moved to King’s Landing, which you absolutely dread
The entire ride there you and Tyrion talk in hushed tones about his family, he prepares you for the worst
The entire time he’s holding your hand, thumb slowly rubbing across your knuckles
Of course when you arrive you have to meet everyone in the Throne Room
The Iron Throne looking as menacing as the writings say it does
Cersei looks at you skeptically, before turning her calculated scowl towards her brother
“Back already brother? I was hoping your wretched little body would stay over at Casterly Rock.”
Unknowingly your hand tightens into a fist, disgusted with Cersei’s words
“Yes, always a pleasure to see you, sister. Now can me and my Lady Wife retire to our quarters?”
After brief introductions, you and Tyrion are back in your wing on the castle, resting on the bed
“She should not speak to you like that.” You tell him, your hand grabbing his. “It isn’t right.”
“Since the day I was born into this cruel world I was a wretched thing, so take no offense, I have not for years now…” He smiles at you.
“But Tyrion, you are not wretched or monstrous or any of these foul things…I do not see that. I see your kindness and bravery…” You smile, lifting your hand up to caress his face. “And quite handsome too, I must admit…”
“(Y/N)…May I kiss you?” He asks softly, his eyes glimmering
“I would love that, my husband…”
Your heart beats as you kiss him, and you know for sure that you could very easily love Tyrion Lannister
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simplydannie · 4 months
Why is it always Veneer? :( mom said it’s Velvet’s turn with the angst
(I love your work, don’t stop ❤️❤️)
He’s my angst! I’m sorry! Lol I have done some Velvet ones, but if you really want another one 😈 (and Ty so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate it! ❤️):
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Floyd was surrounded by his brothers, the fear of nearly loosing him cause them all to embrace. Velvet and Veneer were on their knees, still trying to regain themselves as the blast from the exploding diamond had knocked them off.
“Vel?” He laid on his sister’s shoulder, “You okay?”
Velvet’s eyes were glued to the ground. She looked towards the Trolls as they celebrated their victory: they freed Floyd, they regained their brother back. That only meant one thing….The twins failed.
“They’re going to made Ven. Really mad.” She said to him. “We lost. We lost, Ven.”
“No we didn’t. We can….we can still escape this.” Veneer told her.
“How? How on earth are we going to escape this.” She told him. Veneer was silent. She was right…they wouldn’t be happy that the Troll had escaped them…but Veneer didn’t want to catch him again either, he didn’t want to put him the hell he just escaped. Floyd saw the look of concern on the twins face. He broke free of his brothers and went towards them.
“Floyd!” Branched called out. But Floyd continued until he was face to face with the twins. He looked up at them and they looked down at him.
“We can be free. You guys can come with me.” He told them. Veneer turned to look at his sister…Her look was distant, every event that could possibly happen unfolding in her mind. What could she say? What could she do? Everything was screwed up already, the promise she made to them was already broken…it was only matter of time.
“What if you loose the Troll? What if everything we worked for comes to light? What is your collateral?” They had asked her. Velvet sat in the room, six faces surrounding her, eyeing her every move. She was silent, she was from the under-city, what could she offer them in collateral? She looked down at the bracelet on her wrist….a beautiful pink jeweled bracelet Veneer had gotten her. It was made from one of the most precious stones in Rageous, one of the rarest too. It was one of the most valuable things she’s ever owned. Velvet took it off and offered it to them.
“This is all I have of value.”
“Rare gems are definitely valuable, but not valuable enough.” Said a male Rageon. One shifted in her seat and stood up, staring down intently at Velvet….they came to know her as The Mistress.
“How about your brother?” She said with a sly smile on her face.
Velvet’s mouth gaped open, “Wh-What…”
“Your brother. If you fail, if anything we are doing is exposed, we keep your brother and do our bidding on him. That is our agreement for collateral.” She said with a twisted evil grin. Vennie? They wanted Vennie…They knew….They knew her weakness.
“What if…what if I refuse?”
“Then you two are as good as dead.”
Velvet swallowed the lump in her throat. What had she gotten them into? How could she protect Veneer from this? What could possibly catch their attention other than her brother for collateral?….
“What about me?” Velvet finally answered. This caught all their attention, “I’m the one that agree and came to you for this offer, not my brother. I give you myself as collateral. If I fail…then…I’m as good as yours, do what you want with me, but leave my brother alone.”
“My life as collateral, and exchange that you spare my brother. He…he doesn’t know about this, what I am doing. I just want to bring him out of the under-city. I just want to get out of that hell hole.” Velvet looked them all square in the eye, “I’m gambling with my life here.”
“I like this girl. Very well. We accept…But don’t you dare cross us. More over, don’t you dare fail us.” The Mistress said.
“Trust me, I wont.”
And here she was, kneeling at the foot of the yacht, the Troll free from her grasp, all of Rageous watching as the events unfolded…she failed.
“What if I told them it was me?” Her brother’s voice broke her trance.
“What if I came out publicly saying this was my plan. It was all me. I go to jail and you’d be okay.”
“Are you crazy Veneer? No!”
“It could work…”
“No Veneer! It wont!” She yelled.
“Then how can we help you? How can we get both of you out of this? We can’t just leave now.” Floyd asked. “I made a promise to get both of you out. And I still intend to keep that promise today.”
They didn’t understand…she never told them what she promised that day. They could be coming for her any minute, their eyes were everywhere, their ears, their spies, “Take Vennie. Take care of him. I’ll have to figure things out.” She said.
“What are you talking about?” Veneer asked her, a frustration growing in his voice. “What is it that you haven’t told us? That you haven’t told ME, Vels?” She looked at her brother, she saw the worry plastered across his face….it had always been them two. How could she do this to him? She never wanted to imagine life without her brother. He was that constant thing in her life that she just knew she HAD to have, like breathing air. But she never thought about him, how it would break him if she was the one that wasn’t around…He was so fragile.
“I can’t Veneer…” She said.
“Vels, tell me please!” He begged. As he grew worried his eyes danced around their surroundings, scanning the audience…What was she afraid of, were they here?
“Velvet, I swore to take care of both you. I am going to keep that promise.” Floyd said.
“You can’t Floyd…You can’t protect us both.” She said.
“Vels…” Veneer began to protest.
“Veneer you have to just listen to me for once! You…”
The sounded of the shot echoed throughout the entire area. People screamed and ran, some dropped to the floor covering their heads, trembling in fear. Veneer had jumped over his sister, shielding her from the sound they heard, he instinctively grabbed Floyd and held him close. They waited a few moments… Silence finally radiated everywhere.
“You okay?” Veneer asked Floyd.
“Yeah. You?”
“I’m fine. Vels?” He looked down at his sister. She looked up to meet his eyes, her hands clutching her heart…That’s when Veneer saw the blood seeping through her fingers. “No…No…No…NO…” Veneer muttered as she fell limp to her said. He caught her, cradling her in his arms. “Vels! You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” He reassured her…in reality, he was reassuring himself.
Floyd stared in horror at the sight in front him. He hoped down at Velvets shoulder pad, he could feel that her breathing was heavy, her body began to shake. He placed a small hand on her cheek. “Stay with us..” He whispered.
“I told you there’s no escaping them…” She said through ragged breaths.
“This was them…You knew they were going to do this…Why didn’t you tell me…” Tears began to fall down Veneer’s cheek as he held his sister tighter.
“Cause i know you, you idiot…”
“No. No this isn’t fair! I’m going to help. I’m going to save you. Hold on. Hold on for me….please.” He begged.
“…You weren’t their target…You can still get out…Leave with Floyd…Please, leave with Floyd….Get out…” Her sentences grow shorter and breathier as she struggled to breath, as she struggled to find the strength to speak.
“Okay I will. But you’re coming too.” Veneer squeezed her.
“No. YOU’RE COMING WITH ME…..I can’t…I can’t continue on without you…” He told her. This broke her, she had never prepared him for this. He had become so reliant in her presence, that she was always going to be there for him, he never thought of the day she wouldn’t be…also because he was willing to sacrifice himself for her at any moment…but the roles were reversed. If they had their way, it would be Veneer in this position, and just imagine it tore her apart. He needed to live, he deserved to live, he needed to continue his goodness in this broken, damned world.
“Ven…” She said in a whisper, “Ven….You….I….” Her eyes grew distant, her hand went limp, her breathing had stopped…she was gone.
“Vels?” Veneer gently shook his sister in his arms, “Vels?” He hugged her tight and shook her again. “Vels..no please…please…please no…” His tears escaped him. He sobbed uncontrollably as he held on to his sister, he birdied his face at the top of her head. His cries and wails echoed throughout Rageous. Floyd attempted to hold back tears…but he failed. He hugged her cheek, the feeling of her skin beginning to grow cold.
“I failed you…Velvet, I’m sorry…I failed you…” The small Troll said in between tears. The two of them stayed for what seemed like ages holding on tight to her. No one dared call security yet, no dared called the medics. Floyd looked at Veneer through tear filled eyes…
“Ven…You have to come with me, while you can…please.” He told him.
“I can’t….I can’t leave her…” He sobbed. “I don’t ….want to….leave her.”
“Ven…I don’t want to either..but..”
“Please…” He sobbed. “Just let me hold one last time…” His heart ached. Why did this happen to her? Why her? Why not him? What did she promise them? Soon the tears began to fade as a new emotion settled in his heart… the sadness was soon replaced with rage… with anger…His breathing grew heavy as he allowed his anger to fuel him.
One day, he was going to find them…. And one day, they were all going to pay…
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supercorpkid · 10 months
Ace Reporter - part 3
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 2350
Part 1, Part 2
Your editor is thrilled with the situation you just got yourself into. Flying to Kaznia to find Lex's secrets, with another Luthor and a CatCo reporter is like a dream come true. To him. 
To you, this is probably high on the list of your worst nightmares. Anything Lex Luthor related would easily be up on your list, but with Kara's words hanging over your head since you last saw her, this situation is easily number one.
‘I'd make out in a closet too if you were my Lois’, keeps haunting you in your sleep. How dare she say something like that? It's not even like you were being nice to her all this time. Polite, maybe. Sometimes not even that. What would make Kara think that in a week or so of you being polite at best, you had any interest in making out with her?
Or is it a tactic to throw you off your game? You two are getting on a plane to fucking Kaznia with Lena Luthor. Maybe she is trying to destabilize you, so she can ask the best questions. Yes, this should be it. But you won’t fall for that. 
Kara Danvers will not distract you!
“Lena, hey!” She waves at Lena like two best friends would and you furrow your brows at the interaction. “Look who I brought with me! The best investigative journalist in the business!”
Kara turns to you and flashes the brightest smile you’ve ever seen, capable of lighting up the whole world. You bite your lip to keep you from smiling too.
Yep. You’re screwed.
"You remember Y/N, right?"
And then Lena comes closer, a big smile on her face as well, showing you her hand. “We’ve met. I’m familiar with her approach.” She raises an eyebrow at you while you shake her hand strongly. “Flattery and flirting.”
“Flirting?” Kara mumbles under her breath, shocked.
“It’s not usual, mostly circumstantial depending on who I'm interviewing." You match Lena's smirk. 
"See, I am flattered." Lena smiles, pointing to the private jet, and you follow her leaving a dumbfounded Kara Danvers behind.
"Are you coming, Danvers?" You add a little smirk, and watch her cheeks going a dark shade of red. You don't understand why you're flirting with both women, and enjoying it so much. But you're finding it hard to stop.
Kara Danvers is a good reporter. Knows her facts and asks the right questions. Her little notes are already worth the front page of the stupid magazine she works for. And yet, you find it hard to admit she deserves all the prizes in the world just for being herself. Strip her out of all her journalist qualities and she would still deserve all the prizes and all the best. There's also something else you've been thinking about stripping her out from.
You would rather die than tell her that.
Lena Luthor is a good… What is Lena's job description, anyway? CEO? Scientist? Hottest woman alive? She is good at everything. Creating a plane that flies itself, transforming her brother's evil company into something for good, having one of the sharpest minds you've ever seen. Those are some of the things that she can do, while looking extremely hot.
You might die if you can't tell her that.
But you're at a job. You can't go around thinking about Kara's muscular arms, and Lena's perfect eyes. Can't picture yourself with one or the other, or even between both sometimes. No matter how many times you find yourself in that exact position.
And it's weird, because you're quick to find that not only they have a good work relationship but they are also best friends. Lena goes to game nights and dinner dates with Kara and her friends. Has worked alongside Kara's sister and Supergirl (What? Nice!) several times to help save the world. They are all extremely connected, and you're the odd one out.
Usually you'd hate that feeling. But while you're at a job you actually enjoy that. You like that they are somewhat careless to talk about their everyday life and how much intel that gives you.
At least you were enjoying it, until the plane got hit with a lightning strike and you let out an embarrassing shriek in shock.
"Don't worry, it's just a lightning storm." But Lena's chuckle is not one that makes you calmer, instead, it makes you more nervous when you look out the window.
"Is lightning usually purple?" Kara asks the question right out your lips.
The airplane loses power. A bad sign. Really bad one. Especially when it starts dropping a few meters high, and Lena runs to the cockpit saying she is going to land the plane.
"We need to make an emergency landing, and I need an extra pair of hands." Lena yells from up front and you're up on your feet before Kara even has a chance to think about it. If you're going to die, you're going to fight for your life first, and not depend on other people to save you.
"We need to get the power back on." Lena points to the electric wires. "I have to believe you know how to hotwire something."
"What, do I look too much like a bad girl?" You snark, but your hands are already making quick work on the wires, and Lena celebrates with an excited 'yes!' when you get the engine back on.
"Bad girl or not, I believe you're my savior." Lena smiles, but it soon turns into a frown when she realizes she is going to have to land the plane. "Go check on Kara while I land this."
"On it." You get up from your place next to Lena, and go back to where Kara was seated. "Danvers?"
She emerges from the bathroom, looking flustered. "I wouldn't have eaten all that sushi if I knew this was going to happen. God, I hate flying." 
You hold back a laugh and the wish to say, she shouldn't have eaten all that sushi anyway. Lena safely lands the plane and appears next to you in a blink.
"That lightning wasn't natural, someone brought us down on purpose." 
Shocking. You're in Kaznia to find out Lex's secrets and someone tries to take down your airplane. Yeah, truly shocking.
You might have ruined the element of surprise, but there's nothing you can do now, except to go in and try to gather as much information as possible. You three make your way inside a military facility. 
Lena sounds completely shocked he would have an army behind him, you and Kara do nothing but share a look, not surprised and not comfortable in this place.
DEO, test subject, cloning, aliens, desert facility. They throw out words that mean something to them, but to you this is all pretty much new. You're not stupid though, you're quick to understand what Lex Luthor was trying to do by gathering aliens and trying to harvest their powers.
But obviously all this information wouldn't just be lying around with no one to guard them. You're lost and confused and definitely way out of place here. Lena realizes someone named Eve was working with Lex behind her back, and she can clone herself! Like, how is this real life, and why are you tangled in this web when it has literally nothing to do with you at all?
And yet, you're here in fucking Kaznia, running from a psychopath and trying to protect your physical integrity while Lena uses a electric shock thing to fight the clones off and Kara uses her fist. Oh, and to top it all off, there's also a loud alarm saying the whole place is going to explode in a few minutes. Great. Just great.
Again, how did you end up here?
You duck from a fist almost a second too late, but luckily Eve hits the wall behind you, and you can't help but yell.
"Shit! I don't get paid enough for this!" You say, while Lena knocks the clone you were supposed to be fighting out of the way. What the fuck is happening here, and why do the both of them know how to defend and fight and you look extremely stupid running and yelling for your life?
When you suggested you and Kara found out something about Lex, this entire situation never once crossed your mind.
Another clone comes at you while Lena is distracted and Kara is knocking one down. Ok, then. You turn your hands into fists, ready to fight. Before you have the chance to even move, she punches your face and you stumble back, hitting the wall. Ouch, and also, goddamn it! 
Kara is holding the clone by the collar of her jumpsuit, and tossing her away from you the very next second. How did she show up in front of you so fast? 
She touches your face gently, one eye blinking a tear of worrisome away. "You ok?"
There's a sharp pain on your face. You are not ok! Why the fucking hell are you getting punch here, just to find out Lex Luthor's fucking secrets just so Lena can give you a fucking ass quote about her brother, so you can come back home? This is not worth it!
"Find the way out. Get out of here." Kara instructs, after you slightly nod at her. 
Even though you are dying to do what she just said, you are stubborn enough to not let Kara Danvers get all the credit for this crusade.
"No! I'm in this until the end!"
But then a new clone comes running at you and Kara has to defend you once again.
"I'm not letting you get hurt for an article." She growls, impatient. "Get to safety, please. We're in this together. I'm not going to keep anything away from you. You have to trust me."
You squeeze your eyes shut, indecision crossing your mind. How can she ask you that? You don't trust her! You don't believe she is not going to keep something from you just so she can have the upper hand in this. But then again, why would she be protecting you with so much intent? Why would Kara Danvers shed a tear for your pain?
"Go, Y/N!" Lena yells from the other side as well. "We're right behind you! Find the way out, we don't have much time."
Your feet finally detach from the ground and you run out of there, trying to find the exit with the loud alarm clogging up your every move and your thoughts. 
Splitting up was probably the stupidest idea ever, though. Is not like you can fight the evil Eve's clone by yourself if you are met with one. You're still shocked Kara was able to fight so many with nothing but her hands.  
Actually, somehow, deep down, you're not shocked. Girl has those rock solid biceps, insatiable hunger, and behind that sweet dweeb face she looks so… so… Strong. Powerful. Super.
“Sometimes I think you have a secret.”
You hear your own voice, replaying a conversation you once had with her.
Kara Danvers just seems to think that clues and information fall on her lap.
But what if they don't fall on her lap because she is good at it. What if she just sees more than anyone?
Kara: What's up with Y/N?
Clark: Best reporter I know. Great at finding people's secrets.
What if Clark saying you're great at finding other people's secrets wasn't a compliment? What if Kara Danvers not wanting to work with you had nothing to do with sharing the byline but you finding out her secret, the one you're so sure she has?
You stop in front of a door, eyes inadvertently zooming in inside. It's a bedroom. There's a bed, a nightstand, and the awful green wallpaper is peeling off in several places but none of that catches your attention. What grabs your attention is the absurd amount of pictures on the walls. Most of them are of Kara and Lena together, but Kara is in every single one of them. Why is this? Who would have such a weird obsession with that nerdy dork?
Your eyes travel fast between all the pictures. The alarm is going off loudly in the background, mixed with distant voices and there's this somber atmosphere embracing you, making you just want to get the hell out of this creepy room.
But your eyes keep going, scamming the room for everything it has. Until your stomach drops. Blood runs cold. There are two pictures right next to each other that make your heart beat so fast, you can feel it up in your throat.  
Kara Danvers in one, hands on her waist. That nerdy looking face, glasses, crinkle, thin lips, that just makes you wanna punch it sometimes. And then kiss her right after to make it all better. It's an inexplicable feeling, really. 
And right next to it, there's one of Supergirl. Hands on her waist. Looking all mighty and powerful and strong. Looking like a freaking goddess, and yet. The feeling is the same. The same need of kissing her face with an uppercut, and then, well, a real kiss.
It's really embarrassing how obvious it is. And you know how shocked you're supposed to be right now, but you're not. Not even the slightest.
Kara Danvers is Supergirl. 
The loud alarm and countdown in a foreign language disappear in the background and even though you’re sure it’s still there, you can’t hear a thing. Your head spins out of control because you knew that. Knew there was a secret, knew there was more to Kara than stupid cardigans and dweeb face. You absolutely knew that.
And then, like clockwork:
"You are exactly like Clark. Disappears, comes back all disheveled…"
"Clark told me his cousin works for CatCo. Her name is Kara Danvers."
Clark Kent is Superman.
Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit. 
These certainly weren't the secrets you thought you'd stumble upon while in Kaznia.
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thegreymoon · 7 months
The Story of Minglan
So, she's still alive, smh.
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The ONE thing I was asking for from this rebellion and they couldn't even give me that 😠
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Didn't your actual WIFE die yesterday? Aren't you supposed to be in mourning, for appearance's sake at least?
I thought we were done with him and his nonsense but apparently not.
She was only PRETENDING?
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Why won't this drama let me have good things 😭😭
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Baby is here to take back his home! He is now best buddies with the new Emperor, evil stepmom can seethe 🤣🤣
Are you kidding me?
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I thought she would have more dignity and be openly hostile, not fawn over him so blatantly.
As if he would fall for her act twice.
Their faces, LMAO 🤣🤣
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Adult!Gu Tingye never really made it onto my list of favourite characters but I absolutely love how Feng Shaofeng plays him 🤣🤣 He's so smooth and charming, an absolute rascal! He smiles and I smile, no matter whether it's genuine or not!
Well, in my view, with all their money and lack of boundaries, these wastrel young masters could be doing much worse, such as raping and murdering (like the gentlemen from the Fourth and Fifth Gu house did in their time).
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Third Brother is at least only out supporting the economy by frequenting brothels and hopefully paying the sex workers well. The Song Empire should send him an Imperial decree expressing its gratitude.
This is the full irony of her evildoing.
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And even if he did not yield the title, what could she have possibly wanted that he would not have given?? She and her incompetent son had it made! But no. Nothing is enough when you're born too greedy for your own good.
Eh... not quite, but almost.
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I am fascinated by these people. "We have spent your whole life hating you and ruining your life for no good reason, but how dare you not love us in return?"
Even Lin Qinshuang had more shame.
I live for beautiful scenery in c-dramas 💚
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I'm more invested in him passing this exam than I am in me passing any of mine, which is obvious from the amount of time I spent watching his shenanigans instead of studying 😕
Cackling 🤣🤣
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He's always so outraged by the lack of propriety 🤣🤣
I love the two of them, they are such a good pair! One is so proper and the other so improper!
LMAO, yes, panic 🤣🤣
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It's episode 36, you loser! How long do you expect the girl to wait for you? You had better hurry!
God, this is nice 😭😭
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I wish I had the skill to turn this into art! 💚
Oh, yes, it is the Old Madam you are eager to visit 🙄
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IDK why, but he gives me the ick.
He hasn't really done anything wrong but he's always so nice and kind and sweet and subservient, plus he's not the OTP. All the alarm bells in my head are RINING!!
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I knew there was something shady about him, smh.
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Where do all these cockroaches come from?? Are there no single men in China to marry and you must go after someone who already has a wife??
LMAO, he at least has the decency to be shocked.
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So, he is not on board this nonsense. Good. But is that what happens to screw up his marriage to Minglan? His family insists on him marrying this woman?
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Sinus Rhythm
This is the last part of my Sean Wallace childhood friends to lovers anthology series.
No obligation to read tags: @darklydeliciousdesires @lovemissyhoneybee @daydreaming-belle
Contains: Injury, medical inaccuracies, fluff.
1.4K words
There are some things Sean can't forget.
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They didn't know if the car accident was a planned hit or really just wrong place, wrong time; all they knew was that Sean's ribs were broken so badly they needed to be set with plates and screws, that he missed shredded lungs by the miracles of millimetres and that he had a concussion that would require serious monitoring.
There was an anxiety you couldn't name, and the smell of disinfectant and sickness blended together to form a thick patina on the walls that made your skin crawl. The doctor wouldn't let you into his room to wait with him, that was for immediate family only, Billy told you he get you the moment Sean opened his eyes. The ticking clock in the waiting room seemed to mock you, the seconds passing into minutes, which eventually bled into hours until you took off your jacket to use as a pillow and curled into a ball to get some sleep on the rock hard chair; it was going to be a long day.
When Sean awoke, he only had a vague idea of what was happening, all he really knew was that he was in a hospital and that his side ached like he had done ten rounds with an ogre. There was a man sitting by his bed he almost knew, like his identity was dangling too far away to reach but then again, everything felt like that right now.
He must have been someone because the second Sean asked who he was, the man paled and rushed to get a doctor. The doctors told him it was post-traumatic amnesia, that in twenty-four hours, he should be back to normal, then there was a click from one of the machines attached to him, and a pleasant warmness lulled him back to sleep.
When he woke again, the name he now knew was his brother was still with him, sipping on a coffee as he read the paper. "Your brain still all empty?"
He shrugged. "Mostly." He looked around, it was a nice room, one only the wealthy could afford. He could see people passing by through the window along one wall, the mix of nurses and doctors growing boring, that was until a woman walked by in civilian clothes, and his heart rate monitor beeped just a bit faster. "Who is that?"
Billy looked up from his newspaper at his tone and chuckled when he saw your tired face. "That's y/n. You don't remember her?"
Sean shook his head. "No, but she's the most exquisite creature I've ever laid my eyes on. Please don't tell me she's your girlfriend?"
He held back a laugh, an evil idea forming in his mind. "No mate, I'll go get her, try not to pop a stitch."
He watched through the window as Billy talked to you, your face awash with so many emotions and he was overcome with the urge to wipe away the wetness that was gathering in your eyes. He did his best to straighten up as you walked in, the doctors had his bed in the raised position to take pressure off his ribs, and he was grateful that it meant you weren't looking down at him when you sat on the edge of the bed. "Billy said you can't remember shit."
His brain was screaming at him to say something, but he was so struck by your beauty that he found himself rendered mute. "Sean."
He blinked. "Yes, but as I'm sure my brother told you, I'll be back to normal by tomorrow. Now who are you?"
You nodded. "Billy didn't…" A glance at his brother showed he was barely holding back a smile. "Who do you think I am?" You didn't want to say it was payback for the fright he gave you, but it was.
He grinned. "Well, you must be my girlfriend." You had to be, there was no other reason for this strange feeling in his chest.
You shook your head, and a lump formed in his throat. "We've been best friends since we were six." No, that couldn't be right, there had to be something more, especially when your hand linked in his and it made him feel like the whole world was sucked away. "You're stone off your gourd and hurt. You'll remember everything in the morning then you can go back to giving me shit for my taste in men."
You turned to Billy and raised your eyebrows. "Can I speak to you outside for a moment?"
He stood up and left but as you went to do the same, Sean stopped you, grabbing your hand and holding on for dear life. "Please don't go, I don't want you to leave."
You squeezed his hand and smiled. "I'll be back in five minutes."
He let you go with a frown and you went outside to talk to Billy. "I get it, but really dude?"
He grinned. "He almost died, now's a good a time as any."
You sighed. "We were just happy being cowards, why do you need to interfere?"
He shrugged. "Because I don't want sister in law I can't stand. Mother's going to push him to marry sooner or later, better it be to the woman he's been in love with since he was a teenager."
Your eyes went wide. "It's really been that long? I thought…." It grew obvious Sean had feelings for you months ago, but you had both been dancing around it, for what reason it was hard to say.
He slapped a hand on your shoulder. "Yep, now get back in there before he hobbles out to get you. I'll go home and get you a change of clothes so you can freshen up."
He raced away before you could say more, and you returned to Sean's bedside with a sigh. "What do you want to know?"
He grinned as best he could. "Everything."
Things came back in slowly, fading through the fogginess of his mind until the memories felt real. But Sean didn't stop you from retelling all your favourite stories from your friendship if only to hear them from your perspective. The heart rate monitor's beeping was infuriating, the flash of sound letting the whole world know each time he had a rush of emotion. It went on for hours, Billy sitting guard outside to make sure no one walked in to interrupt, he even shooed away their mother.
But the more the amnesia wore off, the more it became clear to him how close he was to dying. He wasn't a man to take things for granted, not after everything he had to do to get his London back in his family's hands and yet, you still remained unaware of his feelings, even though he caught you looking at him when you thought he wasn't paying attention. He took a deep breath, unwilling to betray his nervousness with the audible untick of his heart. "Y/n, I have to tell you something."
You knew it was coming, the way he was looking at you made that much clear. "Yeah?"
He took your hand in his, his thumb drifting over the backs of your fingers as he gathered himself. "I have been lying to you." He took another deep breath. "The last thing I thought about before I passed out was that I was never going to get to tell you the truth and I must remedy that now."
You held up a hand to stop him, placing your hand on his cheek before leaning down to kiss him. He accepted, his lips soft as he linked his fingers in yours. "You don't need to say anything, I know, I love you too."
He kissed you again, firmer this time, his teeth nipping at your lower lip as you fight the urge to grab at him. But the second he went to do more, his side lit up like someone had stuck his ribs on the stove. He did his best to hide it, but you pulled back with a smile. "We should stop."
He was positively miffed, like someone had yanked his favourite toy away. "The second I'm back in fighting shape we are going to.."
You shook your head to stop him. "I know."
He grinned and slowly shifted across the bed so you could sit next to him on his uninjured side. "You can stay here tonight, with that we're paying them they can't complain."
You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'd like that."
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tornrose24 · 2 months
So you likely saw those drawings of that Resident Evil Village Au (hilarious, I know) and are wondering ‘but I want to know more about Bill. Why is his human form some old dude that wouldn’t be useable for a Tumblr sexyman contest? WHERE’S MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BILL AND HOW DID HE TAKE OVER THE PINES?! AND HOW IS HE COMPARABLE TO EVELINE WHEN HE IS FAR SUPERIOR?!’ Well worry not, nerds, for I shall tell you MY side of things:
-See, I grew up in that dumb village. The so called ‘Father Belos’ implanted a cadou at me at a young age. I was a massive success, of course, and he decided to make me part of his so-called ‘family.’ As for my real, biological family? Well… the less you know the better. Other than that their remains are somewhere in the surrounding woods.
–FYI, his REAL name is Philip and his big goal is trying to get his big bro back. He already tried the cloning gig and it didn’t work. And he thought he could use MY body to get Caleb back?! Ha! Fat chance, dingus!
-So I was given power and prestige for a time. I had my own lab where I inserted cadou into SEVERAL people and got a few henchmen out of the deal. Meanwhile, I had fun screwing with everyone’s minds and visiting them in their dreams thanks to some good old mental astral projection and what not. (And helping to get rid of anyone unwanted…. Fun times!)
-Those four other lords? They’re losers. I can’t believe they are meant to be my ‘siblings’ as ‘Father’ puts it.
-Oh, but I’ve visited their minds and know their fears! One has nightmares about losing her hunky husband and baby girl. One has nightmares about ‘what could have been,’ being alone, and having guilt issues. One is worried she’ll lose control of her mutation and kill everyone. The other… eh, just typical ‘always rejected by my family’ and weirdly about platypuses for some reason. (That’s the one I go to the most when I want to be amused).
-Ah yes, their heirs… my ‘nieces.’ My personal favorite is Meteora–what an adorable little hellspawn! She tried biting me several times and it’s a ticklish kind of painful! Also she’s already making the best demonic faces and crawling up walls! I hope for the best for her!
–I decided to be funny and visit the girls’ nightmares. Metora is a baby, so there’s not much in her little brain, besides worrying about getting separated from her parents. The others though? One is worried about causing pain to her family and friends and blames herself for it. Another is afraid that Belos is going to find out about ‘the big plan’ (which I won’t spoil, of course). The last one just wants a normal life.
-So I wasn’t too keen on being an underling and tried to take over the village with MY underlings. Unfortunately, the other lords managed to turn on me, my henchmen were dead, and **** brains decided to punish me. He couldn’t kill me himself, so he injected something that would make me age faster than that decaying apple you refused to eat as a kid, instead of aging slowly like the others. (Oh, I wonder if Belos told the two losers who adopted the girls who got injected with cadou that they might age slowly like they will? They will be so PISSED considering those girls still have their biological families around. I think it’s HILARIOUS! Or I don’t know, maybe they aren’t aging slowly. Getting a cadou is the dumbest lottery scam ever.)
–And how did ‘Daddy’ get rid of me? Well Fordsy was visiting the village and I managed to sweet-talk him into taking me home with him. Belos was all too glad to be rid of me.
–What? Was there anything between me and Ford? MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS! I’m not telling you anything!
-What a dumbass! Ford took me to his house while his family was there! So I quickly got most of them under my control with the exception of his brother and great-nephew. (Eh, it was easy–I just used a little infection on them). Stan managed to get Dipper away, but little did he know that I infected the boy with something.
–See, as much as I enjoyed having my own ‘family’ I needed to ditch my rapidly aging husk and get a new one. Dipper was initially my best candidate, but I had the others trick several young men and boys into getting to the house so I can infect them and get my new body. Unfortunately, all the bastards died–they weren’t compatible. Meanwhile, I was using my favorite projection as a disguise–a certain triangle form that you all love and want to kiss (you disgusting freaks! I know you love me, but I don’t want EVERYONE’S SALIVA all over me at the same time! One at a time, please!)
–So Dipper realized what was happening to him and–wanting to get his family back–snuck onto the grounds. It was around this time that Heart-Cheeks and her friend, Beauty Mark were tricked into coming to the Pines residence. (I think they were on a summer vacation). I had the Pines snatch Beauty Mark away and they helped me infect him while I left Heart-Cheeks at their mercy.
–Speaking of which, would Mabel count as my ‘daughter?’ I’m sure my nieces would have loved her. Especially that really preppy-happy one.
-Knowing my time was short, I sped up the infection in Dipper and I did it a little too fast because he was starting to crystalize while trying to help Heart-Cheeks. I had better success with Beauty Mark.
–Unfortunately that ASSHOLE Stan eventually came to save his family and teamed up with Heart-Cheeks. Also, Dipper managed to make a serum that Heart-Cheeks used against me and cut off my ability to create illusions and get in people’s head. I. WAS. PISSED!
–Well, the joke’s on her. I left that infection in Beauty Mark, but changed it up a bit. Let’s just say that if Belos knew what it was that I put into the boy, he would immediately get the kid and use him for his ultimate scheme.
-Unfortunately, I DIED. Calcified into dust when Heart-Cheeks smashed me to bits, with some help from some military-looking people. And yes–Stan dealt the final blow. Asshole.
-And I’m now stuck in the Megamycete’s consciousness/realm/whatever you want to call it thanks to the connection some of us share with it. The only way I can have any fun is to give those losers nightmares. Last I heard, the Pines family was freed from my control, Dipper's body went back to normal, and all my victims managed to escape... WHAT KIND OF–?! I wanted violence and trauma, damnit!
-Ah well. Heart-Cheeks will have to deal with Belos and my four ‘siblings’ soon enough.
–Well, looks like my connection is failing and I’ll lose control of this idiot’s body soon. Hope you had fun reading this, because I’m thinking of possessing YOU next. Also, tell your Mom I said hi–I hope you took that DNA test like my canon self suggested.
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the-zapped-part-timer · 3 months
Penn Zerothon Day 9
I'm Still Super🦹🏻‍♂️
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My Ramblings: The first zap-back episode, as I call them.
Phyllis is missing? Sashi's has idea! SMASH THE WALL WITH A MALLET! To check to see if she's hiding in there of course.
What kind of party was going on down there? Phyllis? Anyways, Penn freaks out because, you know, Superhero World! I didn't need to see that much muscles...
That regular-sized Giant Old Lady has a name, it's Suzanne. Finally Boone gets to use that mind--reading of his! Revealing that Suzanne wants to destroy them and every other superhero, but why? See all of our favorites, the Super Janitor, Speedster, Spatula Man, the Hotdog Seller and Super Dog! It's funny when the Trio are like: "why do they want to kill us?" Anyone remember how the last episode they were there ended?
Captain Super Captain delivering a devastating blow to Suzanne that causes a WILHELM SCREAMER! Penn, don't be rude to him! He's hasn't doen anything to you and literally just saved your life!
Again, they assume it's Rippen hypnotizing the heroes. "Just follow the scent of failure." Gosh, that's gotta hurt if Rippen was listening.
Still calling your evil twin brother drop-dead gorgeous is weird, I get it's because you look alike but still. No wonder Penn thought you were talking about yourself for a second, who says that about their brother? How he's animated when he says "brother" is satisfying.
Dammit not you to Professor Evil Professor! Who says these things about their siblings!? We get it, your both pretty! Very much so.
Remember that team-up I brought up earlier in "Number One Number Two"? Well, here it is! Rippen is totally on board and PEP points out his failure from last time, but Rippen isn't insulted, he agrees. I think he really admires the Professor, like a mentor.
I wonder if Rippen could get a PHD in Villainly like PEP where he's from, I don't see why not. I'd be funny if he failed to get one. The Professor also has a "most likely to take over the world" and "taking candy from a baby" on his wall, along with cool trophies.
Larry really sensitive armpits... do with that what you will. PEP tells him there's a cream for that, nice of him.
Rippen really needs this kind of friendship or alliance, he has some to laugh like a manic with, it's sweet. He is so ready to make his new mentor/villain buddy proud! He delivers the best "PROFESSOR EEEEVILLL PROFESSORR!" Do I kind of ship them? Sometimes.
"And if we do screw up, that's why tomorrows were invented." Wise words from Larry. Also he has a jetpack- no, jet feet? No, rocket nub? I don't know the word for it but he has it.
"The Professor's hideout" That's a whole ass building with his logo on it! That's not a hide out!
Upgrades people, upgrades! Rippen's got them. Missle launchers, rocket feet and OCTO-ARMS! That has to be a reference to Doc Ock, who Alfred Molina (Rippen's VA, in case you forgot) has played in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 (and No Way Home).
What a tragic weakness to have, adult contemporary music. How does CSC live with this devastating debility? We may never understand his struggles.
Rippen and Larry's expressions when Penn casually twists up the octo-arms and just leaves. Faces of "Oh shit."
"Is this a bridge too far?" Destorys a bridge, almost killing hundreds of ducks, kittens, babies, and pigeons, I'm sure. Tehe-ing to himself.
Instead of helping, CSC teaches Penn the importance of an agonizing "noooooo!" The valuable stuff.
I need context for this, please:
Rippen: Larry, you promised you weren't going to put bunny ears on my things anymore.
Larry: Who said it was me?
He almost sounds devastated, as if Larry fell back on an addiction or something. Also, hear me out... bunny ear lingerie?
Oh no, the music. I'm getting flashbacks to the Meat Circus.
PEP's reasoning for using his advanced degree in evil is reasonable, money.
The overcomplicated funhouse of doom is extremely fucked up, like, Rippen did you come up with this? Have you just been itching for the day you can use this concept from your sketch book or something? Are you overcompensating to impress your new ally/friend? Or did he make this? Or did you both make it!?
Wow, Boone. Sashi is being so self-sacrificing for you and you just agree with her? Damn, that's cold.
But here's where the real pain is, the third option: Penn can kill Rippen (and Larry), thanks to PEP. An utter betrayal to Rippen's alliance with the guy, it's such a good twist! He's a cunning business man, kill Rippen and he will set his friends free, with a little encouragement from his hypnotizing medallion. As much as Penn despises his art teacher, that's not the hero way! I'm so happy that not one (good) person objects to this decision. No one questions Penn.
And then the audacity of the Professor to just ask Rippen to kill Boone and Sashi right after that!? Honestly? Slay. But, we know Rippen, he screws it up. So many damn buttons, can't fault him.
Clarence? What a name for PEP. Also, him and CSC are Jewish. That's pretty neat!
Hmm, weird, the "destory heroes" button was pretty big and obvious, even had a label. There's no way he could have missed that... right? No, Rippen wants Penn utterly destroyed!
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Bet he'll question the button thing for a while, and the possibility that he could've killed Rippen (and Larry)... yeah. Kudos to him for doing the right thing! Yes, it would be easy to get rid of him, but technically, it's not gonna solve anything. It won't bring back his parents, and Rippen will just be replaced. Everyone, clap for our boy.
Boone Wiseman: Still wish we got that mind-reading gag idea I had! Anyways not much to say since he's a SIS, a Super in Stress!
Sashi Kobayashi: Again, a SIS like Boone.
Rippen: It was beautiful watching Rippen be so gleeful and empowered by new evil buddy until the backstabbing. I could feel his heart grow ever more coal-like, he was starting to trust more and look what happened. But, hey, at least his nemesis didn't straight up kill him! That's a plus. Now for the button thing, we all know he did that on purpose, of course he would! Clarence really thought that he was gonna be a good lap dog and listen to him? No! This could've been an interesting route to take if they wanted to reform Rippen. If! I wonder if he thinks about this decision a lot.
Also a random headcanon of mine: When PEP got mad about the wrong button, Rippen got defensive and talked a bit fast. So I like to think that when he gets defensive and talks faster, he's lying. A tell.
Larry: Didn't help like last time. But parted some wise words.
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My Ramblings: Penn comes off like any other American president to be honest, vague and wanting blind voters. He even did the Nixon "V" signs! And he also voted for himself, Alex, the other presidential candidate, voted for him too. Not Boone or Sashi, which, yeah. Totally understandable, really.
ALSO ALEX! Hey buddy! Also hello, Bi-Boone?
"Better than dead person." I don't know about you, Penn, but I'd feel good about myself if I was a better leader than a dead person.
Context? Who needs her?:
Penn: Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a-
Sashi: Please don't say "ball."
Penn: I was going to say "baby."
Sashi: You're having a baby?
Penn: Maybe. We don't know what our mission it yet, okay? Check the specs.
Wait... how do babies work... oh god.
Hehe, hunters, because they're hunting for sport..  and they're sports equipment, they're hunting balls... complex, I know.
My dumb subtitles (I bought these, I didn't know how to pirate back then) tell me that Rippen said: Who's ready to bat some balls?" When I definitely hear himself saying: "Who's ready to bash some balls?" Which is way funnier and correct. It's ball-bashing time with the boys!
My favorite reactions to Penn telling everyball their gonna be wiped out:
"Sacreballs!" Thank you, French Rippen voiced ball!
"What the dingo is he talking about?" Clearly Australian, but, uhm, how does he know what a dingo is?
"What is going on? I don't understand." The bestest little German ball, I love his delivery. We must protect him.
8 Ball, my beloved Italian stereotype. Such a diverse group of balls. I get Mary's- wait her name is Mary? Anyways, I get Mary's design of her mouth but oh boy, is it unsettling. Just, you see ○ half the time. Is bowling a southerner thing? I'm not southern.
Flashback Wilhelm!
The hockey sticks are Canadians! Just goes to show that Canadians can be evil too. Beach Ball Grandpappy is a hippie and now he's dead! Ball murder in a kids show for goodness sake!
Ball skulls.
BROCK AND VONNIE! YES! I love them so much! Always great to have them on screen to embarrass Penn. Also, Boone sniffs Penn, which is weird, but keep that in mind, put a pin in that.
LITTLE GERMAN BALL, NOOOOO! Fweh, Billard (8 Ball) saved him... oh shit, BILLARD!
I can't get over the French ball, I know it's you! You cannot hide from me.
"Okay, time to pump up some balls." Very normal sentence that Penn has just uttered. Right, uhm, good speech, lots of ball talk.
"Thinks he's ball that." Oh my god, that kiss Mary gave Billard, burn her. Burn her now! What was that whispering when Mary striked? Who said that? What did they say?
A Lacrosse guy got hit in the "balls" by a ball. Now that's writing at its finest.
Rippen just put Billard in his mouth... gross. Remember that pin for later.
Oh my god, ball corpses! OH MY BALLS!
How is Rippen even alive after that? His face was ripped off.
Mary... you're not a good character. You're fickle.
This whole episode was totally an excuse just to say balls over for its entirety.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero:
Boone Wiseman:
Sashi Kobayashi:
Dimension(s): Cool looking world. Like all the spots stuff and how it's structured. I don't think about all weird implications.
Forms: They're balls and equipment, what do you want from me!? I will say, whoever suggested the Penn be a tennis ball and Rippen be a tennis racket? Genius.
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novankenn · 1 year
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-Two = (Chapter List)
The corrupted grimm escorted him as he strolled along beneath the dense foliage of the Emerald Forest. He moved without a care in the world. His green outfit was pristine, his skin pale and unblemished. Casually, he reached up and brushed a pink dyed lock of hair from before his pure black eyes.
????: I know you are out here, sisters. Please stop hiding.
The rustle of brush put the accompanying beasts on alert until a pale skinned, white haired young woman stepped out from the brush. Her entire body was bare to the world, and she just regarded the young man before her and the creatures surrounding him without a hint of worry.
????: Brother. That is a fine host, it is such a pity that buffoon interfered with mine.
????: You were not the only one that ass screwed with.
The pair turned, watching a tall amazonian like young woman stepping out of the trees, her fiery mane of red hair in sharp contrast to her pale skin and black eyes.
Man: I am please your reconstruction was successful. Lilith, and Eiseth.
Eiseth: It would have been so much easier just to take over our hosts. Mine was perfect! Petite and doll like. Men would have fallen over themselves to be my meals.
Lilith: Mine is no different, just not so small.
Man: My queens, please. There are things we need to accomplish.
Lilith: Yes, Yes, Baal. What do we know?
Baal: The Book is near.
Eiseth: Most likely in that school. How many do we have to serve us?
Baal: We have legions of these... grimm, and I sense there are four in Beacon, and a potential fifth?
Eiseth: The fifth is a project of mine. If I am successful, she will make an excellent weapon to counter... him.
Lilith: Well, the four will not be long for this world. He is an idiot, but he is not entirely stupid. He will be making a move to eliminate that potential threat.
Eiseth: Yes, Bonnie Jauney.... his corruption would have been so succulent...
Lilith: It still can be. He is but a man, after all. He has no defence from our charms.
Baal: You two can have him after we have the book. This world is ripe for the taking... but until we can full manifest, we are vulnerable.
/==/ Beacon Morgue /==/
Jaune: Okay, here's the plan. Check all those drawers. Find the intact ones, and make them not intact.
Nora: And after that?
Jaune: We find the three others and see if we know them as the ones we took out yesterday. Nice and simple.
Cardin moved to the shelves of refrigerated drawers, and pulled one open. He hesitated for a moment before reaching in and hauling out the body tray. He looked at Jaune and Nora, who had yet to move further into the room, before he reached down and pulled back the sheet. Unveiled was the face of a young, fairly pretty woman, her faunus trait easily visible. A set of light brown fox ears nestled on the top of her head amidst her short wavy brown hair.
Cardin: (Reaches out and grabs one of the girl's ears) They're real! This proves it! I knew it!
Jaune: Cardin, what are you doing?
Cardin: Proving to myself that faunus are just animals and not freaks wearing fake appendages.
Jaune: Okay, that... that was a little racist.
Nora: No, that was VERY racist.
Cardin: (Letting go of the girl's ear and looking at Nora and Jaune) What? I'm going to smash her head in, or Jaune is going to lop it off with his saw, so why can't I check? Like, who is it hurting?
Jaune/Nora: Cardin!
Cardin: (Looks down and noticed the faunus girl's eyes were open, and milky white) Oh shit!
Girl: Like pulling ears, do ya? (her hands snap up and grab either side of Cardin's head, causing him to drop his mace) How about someone pulls on yours, you racist bastard!
Jaune: Wow.
Nora: What?
Jaune: Is it bad that a Deadite just called Cardin a racist? That's like evil agreeing with good. How does that work?
Nora: Ah... um... I'll get back to you on that.
Cardin: (Grabbing the Deadite-Girl's wrists, trying to pry her hands from his ears) Help me!
Girl: Not so fun when it's your years getting yanked is it, you little prick!
Cardin: Ow! Ow! Let go! Ow! Ow!
Girl: I'm going to pull your ears off, and then skull fuck you through the holes!
Nora: Okay, that... that was NOT an image I ever wanted in my head.
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Book Review: Corrupt
Devil's Night (Book 1) by Penelope Douglas
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Source: Google Images
I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession.
His name is Michael Crist.
My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He is handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me.
But I noticed him.
I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away.
Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore.
Because he’s finally noticed me.
Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika.
My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway.
Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college.
In my city.
The opportunity is too good to be true as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out.
We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true.
ISBN: 9781518783876 (2015) | Source: Goodreads
Enjoyable but Also WTF?
Going into this book, I already expected to read some messed up things but I am slightly taken aback that the level of messed up did not reach my expectations? For example, that whole revenge scheme? Taking away everything felt so mild and other than the assault that really disappointed me (in terms of the boys disappointing me), the only thing the boys did that I thought was edging towards evil was that box of remembrance. Maybe because I am a rather sentimental person so I cannot imagine what kind of hell I would rain down if someone destroyed my box of remembrance. Unfortunately, that "act of evil" was not even a planned event, it happened coincidentally just because box was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I would have called that pathetic.
Moving on to the attempted assault, I lost so much respect for Rika, honestly. I knew it was a misunderstanding from a severe lack of communication and so much miscommunication, but her forgiving them for attempting it was just, pathetic. Rika really should have more backbone in this regards and at least get some revenge. Instead, she slept with Michael. Utterly pathetic.
Something else I was not a big fan of. The boys constantly described Rika as fearless and a little screwed up but I don't see that at all. What I saw was a privileged girl with kinks and some amount of guts, that's all. Personally, Alex was a much better badass than Rika. Rika's character arc is something I don't quite like in the female characters I read about.
Corrupt might have been full of flaws but on some level, I enjoyed my reading time with it. Rika's relationship with Michael was boring but I loved reading about Kai. The way Douglas wrote the scenes of Kai with either Rika or Michael were filled with so much tension, it was so fun to read them. I guess that's probably why the threesome was unexpected but I do not mind it.
Oh, before I end this review. Trevor? Man, that boy is one of the most pathetic people I've ever read about.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
P.S.: Do not let my over-usage of pathetic take away the fact that I still ultimately enjoyed the book.
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owlhousetheories · 1 year
The Owl House is over and I'm not coping (minor spoilers for finale)
One of the biggest reasons I love this show is how well the writing is. Morals and messages come through without being preachy or obvious - like other kids shows can be. I've never seen a show wherein they show the difference between "I did something wrong, but I did it for the right reasons" and "I did something wrong, but I refuse to admit it I did it, because I'm right."
As early as season two, Luz is so worried that she's caused all the events leading up to the current plot - Belos' rise to power, forced covens, death or imprisonment of wild witches. All because she wanted to help the nice human she had befriended, who immediately betrayed her.  She carries that guilt believing that if she’d never given him that light glyph, his plans would never have happened. No matter what other people tell her, she shoulders all the blame, convinced that her and Belos are one and the same. She even says as much in “Watching and Dreaming” when talking to the Titan.
Luz: Well, Belos says he's trying to save humanity. And we are saying we want to save our families. So, isn't that the same thing? Don't—Don't these feelings come from the same place?
She isn’t aware that by questioning whether she’s done the right thing – whether her goal is more noble than Belos’ – proves that she’s nothing like him. And it’s so refreshing to have a protagonist in a show make a bad decision but make it for the right reason. This idea that the hero can’t screw up, and if they do, it’s purely for selfish or stupid reasons that they must learn from.
Because the reality is that everyone has this capability. Sometimes you’ll make a decision or a choice in life with the best intentions, and it blows up in your face. Does it make you a bad person? Are you doomed to a life of failure because of it? No. Because, just like Luz, you did it for the right reason and you can work to fix your mistakes. And as she learns from the Titan, she’s far from the first person to make that mistake.
Compare her to Belos. Belos shrouds everything he does in the guise of “protecting humanity.”  He came to the Boiling Isles to save his human brother. He wanted to kill Evelyn because she corrupted said brother. He killed his brother to save him. He offered to take Luz with him through his portal to save her. He even uses this mentality while pretending to be the benevolent leader of the Isle. He created covens to protect the people of the Boiling Isles. He persecuted wild witches to ensure they wouldn’t harm the people. I could go on. The point is, for him, he is always in the right - even with actions that directly go against his beliefs. I could understand killing witches wouldn’t conflict with puritan beliefs, but killing your own brother? Practicing magic? Talking to/making a deal with a false god (the Collector)?
Nothing is ever on him – I killed Caleb because he was corrupted, I mutilated myself in order to destroy the witches from the inside, I tricked the Collector in order to accomplish my magic genocide. It doesn’t matter how evil or conflicting the action is, Belos does it because in the end he believes he’s in the right. Nothing demonstrates this more than his actions in season 3. Even while in the human realm – the goal we’ve been led to believe is his end goal – he still feels the need to go back and complete the genocide. Because if he doesn’t, then he was wrong about the witches. He was wrong about everything. The man is a pile of corruption barely hanging on to life, only able to actively control anything so long as he has a host, and he still is convinced that it’s the witches’ fault he's like this. He still has this need to be right.
Titan: You assume Belos's goal comes from a genuine place. But that man doesn't care about about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion
And to be honest, his actions mimic those of actual bigots and abusers. The unending need to be right, to be the victor. Using a scapegoat – I’m doing this for humanity/the children/families/government – to justify violence and hatred. Refusing to back down; even when presented with evidence that they're wrong. And above all, the reveal that if you peel back their “justification” all you’d actually find is a hateful person lashing out because they can’t control the narrative and people are doing things they personally don’t approve of.
Keeping in mind, these two perspectives and the thematic importance in both aren’t overtly shown. It’s subtle, but shown just enough to get the message. In short, the writers of Owl House are thematic geniuses and I’m never going to emotionally recover from this show.
(Also screw Disney because this could’ve been explored so much deeper if we’d had more time).
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I've done something about this Zirin character from smoke and shadow and I can see her being an evil foil and rival to Azula, just like how Zhao was an evil foil and rival to Zuko.
Both Zirin and Azula are masters of fear, both are excellent firebenders, both suffer mental disorders due to their dark and troubled pasts, and both are accomplices to Ozai.
The differences being:
Azula uses fear as a tool to establish order and mistakes fear for love. Zirin views fear as an end in itself and delights in using fear to traumatize and kill others and unleash chaos. The Kemurikage masquerade and costume designs are all Zirin's idea.
Azula is level-headed, calculating, and is mostly serious and stoic where as Zirin is bitter, has limited patience, has a massive fever temper, and is a comedic, talkative, wise cracker.
Azula comes from a rich environment where she's loyalty, Zirin comes from low-class slums and was a street urchin.
Azula cares for her family and homeland, even if she has strained relationships with most of them, with Zuko and Ozai being family members she cares for the most and wants to do right by them. Zirin, on the other hand, singlehandedly murdered her entire family with her first uses of fear toxins, is only loyal to Ozai as a means to an end for her own agenda and that Ozai's simply too powerful for Zirin to overcome.
Azula has undying loyalty to her allies and shows genuine hurt when she's been betrayed. Zirin would not hesitate to back-stab her allies if it benefits her and is unfazed when Azula turns against her.
With Aang and Zuko's patience and unwavering faith in Azula, they were able to inspire her to better herself. Zirin had no support system, was too stuck in her ways and this leaves her to her eventual karmic death. But Aang was able to give her soul peace and salvation under Azula's request.
What do you think?
It's definitely not a bad idea. After all, Zirin represents the possibility of Azula if she ever got worse and how the war can grind you down to essentially just being meat for the feeder. Even at the cost of your own morality and standards.
That being said...the thing with characters like Zirin or Azula is that there's only so much blame you can put on their shoulders alone before you have to take a look at the system that created them. No matter how horrible Zirin was, she ultimately was the product of an environment that beat down those not fortunate enough to be born in a better position in life, with no support system in place to potentially make her see differently. Especially an environment that hasn't been known to treat girls like her fairly. Remember how Mai was conditioned to essentially be emotionless by her parents in favor of her infant brother?
Does it make Zirin's actions justified? No. But characters like her are a symptom of the problems with the Fire Nation as opposed to the cause of it. I'd suggest making it clear that she's not the root of all the Fire Nation's ills, and perhaps adding in another character that directly benefits from this abusive system. Like a noble or general who committed atrocities during the war and is using Zirin as a scapegoat to get off scotfree. Again, Zirin's still a bad guy, but make it clear she's ultimately a screwed up victim of the Fire Nation as well.
My big takeaway here is there's nothing wrong with Zirin being an evil foil to Azula, but also make it clear that in the end, she IS a symptom of a corrupt and authoritarian Fire Nation. That as long as people like her exist and continue to get screwed over, then the Fire Nation still needs serious reform to ensure that no more Zirins or Azulas ever happen.
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Random Things Overheard On Site
Ah, my coworkers. The weird, wacky, wonderful folks who keep the wheels turning. They're a real cast of oddballs, but no one normal ever works at the Foundation, excluding Doctor Glass, of course. Dude's totally got his head on straight, and welded in place. The rest of us... yeah, we're all nuts. Even Site Command has a few loose screws, in Jack Bright's case it's every last blessed one of them. Hold on to your hope, abandon sanity all those who enter here.
On 049:
"Sure, he can kill you with a touch, but at least he'll apologize as it happens, and unlike some people, his hands are clean."
On 076-2:
"Wow. Uh... where were you keeping that axe, buddy?" A pause. "Huh. After training, mind checking over a few weapon designs? I'm doing a new character in D&D."
On the Foundation, to the new hires:
"No, you don't have to be crazy to work here. Clef and Bright will train you in that."
At target practice:
"Come on, ladies! I've seen senior citizens shoot better their first time playing Call of Duty. Eyes on the target, fingers on the trigger. Let's try this once more, with accuracy."
On 053, playing with 682:
"Aw... it's actually really cute how 682 lets her draw flowers all over him."
"Yeah. Remember the 'ballet lessons' last week? Who knew they even made tutus in his size?"
"Not me. Uh, any chance of photos?"
"Sorry, Benji... kinda dropped my camera in the scaly jerk's acid bath."
On 073:
"He's smart, funny, sweet, a total Arabic fox... why not ask him out, Sarah?"
"One. He's an anomaly, and off the approved list. Two, even if I were allowed to date him, isn't he gay?"
"Oh. Yeah. Got a brother?"
On Doctor Gears:
"Can't stop, gotta get the coffee to the Doc."
"He's out? Shit. Caffeine emergency, out of the way people! Do not block the intern, he has Gears' coffee."
On some anomalous weaponry Agent Strelnikof found:
"It took the door out. And the door behind it. And the door behind that door. And half the target range. I think the Insurgency would sooner meet 682 than face one of these guns. And I think both Doctor Clef and I are in love. With the gun."
During a Keter Breach:
"Do you HAVE to follow the anomaly while blasting 'Gangster's Paradise' by Coolio?"
"You'd prefer 'How I Can Just Kill a Man' by Rage Against the Machine?"
"I'd prefer it if you just did your job, Doctor Bright!"
On 079:
"Not sure who's more annoying... the Old Man AI or the homicidal bitch in 'System Shock'"
"Shodan doesn't have 079's sense of humor."
"And neither of them trump the Red Queen in the Andersonverse 'Resident Evil' movies in terms of creepiness."
"Kid AIs are the worst. And she is a creepy little psycho."
During training with 076-2:
"You threw a sword at my head, Abel!"
"But... did you die?"
And... finally, some Multiverse hijinks. A bit of background here: one of the reality warpers pulled a villain, well HE said he was a villain, from a place called Central City in the other universe. He has some ice powers, but... it wasn't Mr. Snart. Nope, we got an incompetent wannabe cryomancer with a stupid name. And... Iris being Iris, she told him off.
"Chillblaine? You call yourself... Chillblaine? Do you even know what a chillblain is? It's a flu symptom. What are ya gonna do, asshole, sneeze on us? Worse, it sounds like a rich spoiled white uni bro trying to get his jerkwad buddy to calm the fuck down. 'Chill, Blaine. She ain't worth it, bro.' Fuck off until you come up with something we can take seriously." Dude looks like he's gonna cry. I look over, and the rest of the team, even Big Brother, are trying not to laugh at this loser. I have no idea who the hell this Flash dude is, but he's got one pathetic nemesis here. Fifty bucks says he couldn't even steal a wallet.
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lizajane2 · 2 years
Outer Banks 2x04
"Are those spikes to keep people out?"
No JJ, I've only seen something like that once and it's to keep slaves in. And whoever lives inside that house is not a good person.
Carla gives us some freaky vibes. Get away, Pope!
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The fact that Tanny died for wanting to bury his wife, that's extremely heartbreaking.
I don't understand why Pope would have a key that belonged to Tanny Denmark. I thought the Cameron's owned Tannyhill... Do the Heyward's have a past with Denmark.
"It's a one way!"
Me: who gives a shit just drive! And JJ's smile, that man lives for being chaotic.
"Number one rule never trust mechanics." No, no never trust a car dealership. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT JJ!!
The look on their faces when they reunite... Okay, that's now my favorite scene.
I hate watermelon. Or any type of melon. It's a texture thing.
"I'm pretty sure she likes me." I don't know anymore, Pope. That girl confuses me to no end when it comes to her romantic feelings towards any guy.
"There's something wrong with him. And you've been ignoring it since he was 10 years old. Rafe or Sarah."
"I can't choose."
"Well if it comes down to it, I will."
You know, that is the first time I've ever been on Rose's side, even if it's to save her own ass.
"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time." I actually like that saying for some reason even though those outcomes have to do with luck.
That remix of Paper Planes by MIA is pretty good.
Okay like I live for bromance... I live for guys who aren't afraid to be affectionate to their guy friends. The love that John b and JJ have for each other, makes me want a best friend.
Barry and Rafe together are just chaotic evil... bad combo.
Pause. Pause. Hold up, wait a minute. Let me rewind, didn't Kie turn down Pope in the first season cause you know they were friends and she didn't wanna screw that up? And here in this episode she doesn't care about that anymore... Okay, then.
I just wanna hug Sarah. She's so terrified of her brother.
And it's so awkward between Pope and Kie... like it was from the very beginning.
The only couple two couples that have any chemistry are Sarah & Topper then also Sarah & John B.
Not Ward running up to her like everything is okay... like she'd wanna hug him. Or be anywhere near them. That man is in denial, expecting it all to be okay. Wake the fuck up dude, your family is in shambles.
"He didn't shoot Peterkin, but John B is the reason." Oh fuck you did not. Get off my screen.
The fact that Ward cannot see that his OWN daughter is terrified of him.
Ain't no reason to rough JB around like that...
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
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His many looks and says he's had many names. He hasn't had that many names. A lot of dirty deeds to a lot of people. Including to Dolores Akerly and he put her in traction twice and said the ski hill and once on the roadway near the bar that Tommy Allen was running and people saw him at the house and he was trying to grab our son. And he had no right to our son and claims to have seen things when he wasn't even there in the house so we're wondering what that's all about and it's because Trump was not playing the brother it was Dukakis and it's how he became governor and grabbed power and he managed to get into positions and he did a lot of damage and took a lot of his own people out and he still is. What do you use to get into the governor's job as he was a witness who was not his child and it was not lilies. He was aware that they were together on New Year's. And that's when it happened. There are several things in life you don't forget and one of them is a face in this guy's face is memorable. He's been shooting people for awhile like Lincoln and others. And he was the guy in the low desert holding a gun on our son. And he is a lunatic he's not the lead in doing two but he's standing there staring at Terry Cheesman'cause he wanted to grab him 'cause he's a lunatic and he's not Charlie Manson but he's pretty damn close. He's the one interviewing him to try and take it over his job and he is a dupe and he was not a good professor he embarrassed our son on purpose several times and he went to hell for it and he blamed our son for it and it is very evil and this is what the duplicate clones are like. Now he's been after Trump for his job he's doing awful things. And our son said we used your bunker because you're **** **** and a pushover and you were right there and you missed it and in fact you missed it on purpose and you tried to hold the information and hold them hostage and you didn't tell anybody for the most part but you didn't know what they were either and you're a loser.
Thor Freya
George was holding it on me and other things like that well I went around and I hurt a lot of people and a bunch of people from his clan and they kept telling me I don't know what I'm doing you're freeing him and I'm a nut case apparently I'm sitting here doing that still and I have to get out of this business and they're simply saying go somewhere else and don't bother him and that would be easy enough if I could. Now I'm in a lot of trouble. And apparently for what I'm supposed to do in the future. I'm going to do. I'm not really sure I understand what I'm in trouble for and he says when my shoulders became wide right before that the height I was you multiply by four or 4.5 and that's the answer. Everybody else has the answer why don't you have the answer. Did you miss class. Used to this kind of talk well yeah I guess I am and I didn't miss that class and I know what it is. I kept a secret 'cause I was trying to figure out where they are and I say I have several leads and it says let me guess one of them is Dukakis Bunker the governor's bunker in Massachusetts that you have not been in for over something like 49 years it's absolutely true I haven't been in it and really nobody has and he says eventually they go there and they find David Ardettes stuff I'm kind of get out of here. People are saying that People are saying that he was screwing around with her and he wasn't and next door it wasn't David it was John Travolta and he said the kids do not look like macaroni and I understand that and they did not and they were babies and they left and there were two it's not true either and it was a she no he says no it's my first born and it's a he and his name is Savage this is gonna suck pretty bad.
Former Governor Michael Dukakis
Well there's a blast from the past continuously I mean really this guy is out of control and he's this rogue guy and that's what he did to get into office is he held a secret that he should not have held that that freaking sucks. And who else has that secret that kind of secret and he says whoever played Mrs Mcleod and she says there was not a baby at the house but there was a witness it could be trump and he was huge to try and say he was someone else. And he saw her get fat and thin and followed her around. And got really big and it's been looking for them there are a few others sarah who saw her ask it really huge I don't know what that means now they kind of sink down and it's below the intestines sort of behind and it makes their **** big. He says she's not demented at all it's not aspergers because it's it's not a Mac the child is mine and it's not an it it was a she and the stem cells started kicking in right around where she was living. And I taught him some of the sense of humor so good luck with that and they're saying stuff. Things aren't going so good but these mysteries are real and strange and really strange he says if this would come up now. There's a few more Sunday Tuttle was already big and that's this idiot Dave and his wife we got a limited close to it he says no that wasn't her either it wasn't really we checked it and it was the next one susan it says it's really gross they're really both of her no it was that's that girl and she's gone and the next one was Susan we did kind of figure something out like that may have happened. It didn't look like Susan it wasn't and we get that and then there was Susan and he saw the baby up close he says you see in the other one too he's got babies coming out of his ears back then his blessing the child And we have witnesses there and it's this idiot and his wife and yeah it was not her the next one looked like his wife and she went missing for a while that's why I thought it was her. It's not. I'll tell you what the people who are nuts are these witnesses and they're looking everywhere and they're fighting all this stuff kinda needed them to.
mac daddy
Since he's not really sure what they're up to right now and where they are it could be anywhere but they surely have to David's stuff and he knows that he had them relocated this is gonna be terrible.
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