#this user is in love with the moon
dark-nymph3t · 1 year
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Moon girl <3
Header by @girljournal <3
Hi everyone, my name is Libby and welcome to my blog! Here’s some important things to know about me:
- 20
- Genderfluid
- bi
- Latine
- they/she
- Gemini
- Anarchocommunist
- Transcendentalist/Stoic
- This is my Pinterest
- F1/MotoGP/ Indycar sideblog is @aleixespargaro-apologist
I mainly post girlblogger/coquette content, along with some F1, Ethel Cain, and MotoGP; I hope you stick around and find something you like <3
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DNI if you are:
Racist, a nazi, antisemitic, conservative, prolife, terf, swerf, zionist, antifeminist, antitrans, anti sex worker, p3do, porn blog, nsfw, dd/lg, you think Lolita is a love story, cop supporter, religious extremist, antivax, R Kelly defender, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, age play, race play, gore blog, anti recovery, tradwife, fatphobic, pro confederacy, etc.
If you are any of these I will block you
Free 🍉
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merrigel · 5 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 259
You know, going back in time, they thought it would be easy. Stop the end of the world by preventing the Being from well, coming into being. It should be easy to take them out, one death to prevent an untold amount of them. What could a child do?
They really should have remembered that with a child usually comes their parent as well. And erm, said parent doesn’t seem to appreciate their logic. In fact, they are… getting their ass kicked. By a civilian. A feral civilian who apparently is very protective of said child-who-ends-up-destroying-the-world. 
They might need assistance…
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kidovna · 1 year
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been thinking about this artwork a lot lately so i finished up this piece i started in february 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
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girlbossagenda · 2 months
ⓘthis user stares at the moon
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moonsua · 7 months
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a cutie in the wild ~
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spctrsgf · 2 years
the attack
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summary: marc was no stranger to a rough fight. but what happens when one fight is a bit too much?
word count: 1.4k
warnings: language, descriptions of blood/wounds/death, marc has a panic attack, angstier than i wanted tbh but
a/n: this was supposed to be fluffy but it turned out so dark i'm sorry idk what happened
another a/n: i want to note that everyone's panic attacks look different, and i tried to factor in what ive seen from moon knight and my own experience with panic attacks to write marc's
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He had to get home.
He had to get home, and fast.
His hand came to rest on the bricks of a building beside him as he heaved in a breath, instantly regretting it as sharp pain sliced across his abdomen. With bleary eyes, he looked up to meet the window of a car that held Steven. “Mate, you’re not looking great–” Marc waved him off. “I’m fine, Steven. I just have to-” he shoved himself off the wall with a grunt of effort. “Get home.”
“Please just call y/n.”
“No,” Marc huffed, his patience and energy to argue with Steven wearing painfully thin. “I’m fine.”
“Really?” Jake snorted from a window to his right. “Doesn’t look like it.”
“Fuck off, both of you.”
“Please, Marc-“ Steven tried to placate.
“I can do this by myself.”
“I’m not sure that's a good-”
“Steven!” Marc yelled, exasperated and tired. “Stop.”
The man’s only response was to duck his head with a solemn glare.
The said man whirled on the window. “You too, Jake.”
Jake went to say more, but instead decided to put his tongue back in his mouth and prepare to take control instead.
Marc’s jaw clenched in short victory, and he moved his focus to walking. Only two more buildings. He told himself. His eyes darted every which way in a sort of frantic habit, shoulders tense in his vulnerability. Shoulders tense in the knowledge that if he were to be attacked right now, he wouldn’t make it out alive.
Deep down, he knows that Steven is right. He should call you. He’s aware that you won’t judge his strained words, won’t do anything but get to him as fast as possible. You’ll leave the engine running in your beat up Honda, dash over to where he’d since crumpled onto the ground, toss his arm over your shoulder and haul him into the car and then to your shared apartment, careful to avoid his bloody limbs from touching anything. You’ll patch him up and put him back on his feet, just like you always do.
But– something holds him back tonight. Maybe it’s the blood from the cut that seems to be too deep, something that the suit should have protected him from. Maybe it’s Khonsu’s lying words that ‘it’ll be a quick one tonight, worm.’ Maybe it’s the fact that he let the man’s words get to him, let them crawl under his skin and make a permanent home in his brain. 
Marc Ssspector.
He shook his head, trying to stop the memories before they started.
I heard about your childhood. Tragic, really.
He was nearly there now, maybe a building or two away.
Your brother’s death must’ve cut you deep, knowing that it was your fault. 
He swallowed down his panic.
And then what? Your brother dead, your mother abusive, your father nothing but a shell of a man.
His hands started to shake. Not good, not good, he told himself, he cannot be having a panic attack right now.
No wonder Khonsu wanted you. How easy it must’ve been to take a trainwreck like you in, to make you do all of his dirty work. 
Marc’s breaths became labored as he tried to shove down his pain, both wound and the sharp ended words.
But did Khonsu ever really want you at all?
Marc’s eyes fell to his feet in frustration and in shame. 
Did Layla ever really want you at all?
All he had to do was move his right foot up and forward. Why was it so hard?
Did y/n ever want you at all?
His vision swam with tears as he let them fall down his face, angry and sad and panicked. 
Does anyone ever really want you at all?
He fell to his knees, letting out a yelp of pain.
It was at this moment he realized he might be dying.
He’d done it twice, and he could do it again. It seemed probable. At the moment, being free of his mind and his pain was sounding increasingly appealing. No more guilt, no more trauma, no more Khonsu, no more people taking his heart and shattering it on the floor. 
But as he feels his head go light and his vision rim with white, the only thing he can think of is you. You and your bright smile and perfect eyes and the way you got him, the way you were always there for him and his alters. Steven and Jake too met the front of his mind as he thanked whatever was out there that brought him such amazing people to surround himself with. 
– ✮ –
When Marc came to, he wasn’t in that boat he’d been on with Steven nor was he met with the dirty ground of the street outside his apartment building. No, he was in a bed, his bed. Which meant he was home, in his house. Which meant–
You came strolling in then, and he drank up the sight of you like a man who’d been starved of water. You were wearing one of your typical comfy Saturday outfits, when you’d sit on the couch and write or doodle while he watched some sport lazily, your head on his shoulder and his heart in your hands. Your eyes met his, and they all but softened as he watched you recognize that it was him. You were by his side in a second, holding him down by his shoulders as he tried to sit up. “Don’t do that, Marc, you’re still healing.”
The events hit him like a truck. Being hurt, the man, Steven telling him to call you, the attack, blacking out.
“How am I alive right now?” Was the only thing he could get out of his mouth as you sighed. “From what I know, Jake took over and called me. I managed to get you to the hospital because I didn’t think I’d be able to patch you up,” you sucked in a breath harshly, and Marc’s hand met yours with a squeeze of support, of sorry. “I was so scared, Marc. There was so much blood and even Jake was barely managing to get his words out–”
“Hey,” He winced, but still moved his hand to cup your jaw and grab your gaze. “I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.”
You snorted. “Shoulda thought about that before you tried to walk home while bleeding out of your fucking abdomen.”
“I thought I could get home.”
“Yeah, good going on—“ you stopped abruptly, taking a deep breath and recentering your mindset. “I’m sorry, Marc. I’ve just been worried about you and everything that happened, and I couldn’t do anything about your wound and sitting in that waiting room— which felt like an asylum with how white it was— for what felt like years for the doctors to help you was the most anxiety inducing thing I’ve ever experienced. But it’s okay, you’re fine, I’m fine, everything is gonna be fine.”
Marc’s thumb brushed tenderly across your cheekbone to catch fallen tears, brows knit in worry. “You’re right, I’m here.”
“Please,” your voice was a whisper as you lent into his hand. “Please never do that to me again.”
“I won’t.”
“Please, I know it's hard to ask for help. I know real well from experience that it’s hard. But it’s worth it. It’s worth it not to watch you attached to whatever the fuck they put you on in the hospital, not to collapse onto the ground a block away in excruciating pain. Right?”
“Right.” Marc nodded.
“I love you.” You said those words as if you could lift any of his worries and insecurities and carry them into the sky above.
“I love you too.” His hand slid to cup the back of your neck, pulling you down to meet his smiling lips.
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cottageboxes · 2 years
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hexenmond · 8 hours
dividers in fanfiction: experimenting with screen readers
So I wrote up this tutorial on pretty AND accessible dividers for fanfiction (focusing on AO3, but this goes for every piece of text on the internet that has a divider somewhere). I confidently proclaimed that using an hr element instead of some random characters is the better way to do it, to accommodate screen reader users – but I had never actually tried it for myself.
I wanted to remedy that and took some time to experiment with a screen reader (Orca, because that was easiest for me to get my hands on). Setting that up was actually a bit of a hassle, so I captured the audio output to post it here, and you can hear for yourself what I'm talking about without having to bother with technology and then you can make up your mind about how you want to handle dividers in your own works.
I picked three pieces of fanfiction on AO3 that I knew off the top of my head had characters as dividers in them (because I love them! so much!!), selected a bit of text with the divider in the middle, and had Orca read it out to me. Here are the results:
Example #1: simple dreams of comfort by softestpunk
I tried this one first, and it confirmed my guess: the screen reader simply reads out the characters as it can't tell what they're supposed to mean.
Example #2: Pretending! Unless… by Aria_Lerendeair
This was up next, same thing in principle. Here I also found out that empty paragraphs are a little bit unwieldy if I wanted Orca to read the selected text. And also I was starting to get used to the voice by now.
Example #3: Tower and Rose by Moorishflower
Same thing, Orca reads "plusplusplus". As a bonus I discovered what happens when there is a full stop missing (did you catch it?). And this was also when I realised that I really could get used to that objectively awful reading voice. Like, if my other options were more tiring, or I had none? I'd probably try different readers, and I'd spend a lot of time tweaking the settings (there are SO MANY SETTINGS), and then I'd enjoy my favourite fics anyway.
And how does an actual hr divider get read?
Orca by default reads it as "separator". Which is not all that great either in my opinion, BUT I could teach it to just read it as a three second pause. Or make it say "skip" or whatever I like. That would be fairly easy to do, but teaching it how to read every random string of characters – not so much.
So, bottom line? It's less problematic than I thought. Sure, "asteriskasteriskasterisk" in the middle of a story doesn't sound nice. But I could get used to that meaning "separator". Brains are flexible like that. It does increase cognitive load a little, but not that badly I think. (Cognitive load is useful a concept, I'll write more about that soon.)
If you have published on AO3 and you'd like to convert to hr elements in your works (those can also be styled to look very nice!), I wrote a step by step tutorial on how to safely and easily replace the random characters with hr elements. If you use it, let me know how it worked for you! Constructive criticism very welcome 🙃
Oh and: I actually made a cool tool that lets you push sliders around instead of fiddling with code! Go ahead and design some lovely dividers for yourself. No CSS skills required, just copypaste the resulting code into your work skin!
@softest-punk, @aria-lerendeair, @moorishflower:
I hope this does not make you feel put on the spot (not at all my intention), but maybe rather a little flattered as I really did know those three fics sufficiently well to remember they had different strings of text as dividers. It's not quite the same as someone making fanart but… right now I'm just loads better at coding than at drawing. So, do with this possibly newfound knowledge as you will! And also whenever you will, I imagine you've all JUST come out the other end of Dreamling Week, phew… I am writing this with much love for you and your fics 🥰🥰🥰
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echthr0s · 1 month
god damn. I couldn't care less if """the average tumblr user""" (whatever that means) listens to rap or not, everyone making posts about this nonissue sounds incredibly fucking annoying about it
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six-white-venus · 4 months
One of your poems has to be carved on the moon. Which do you choose?
something about my father, maybe. i would give him this world and the stars and the night sky. i would carve his name with nothing but my blunt nails on the surface of the moon just to make him feel seen. would it ever be enough? would my bloody fingernails and sweat-stained t-shirt bring him any semblance of comfort and erase the nightmares of his past? i will never know. but till that, i will reach out to the moon; to hold her in my palms, to scratch his name on her skin, to crush her under my hold and make him a ring out of something celestial.
did you know that when we look at the stars in the night sky, we are, in a way, looking at the past? what we see today is an object whose emitted light started its journey millions of years back and from trillions of kilometres away and reaching our eyes now. the thought of something ancient, something ethereal reaching out to bestow the light it will never get to see light up the sky of a person they will never meet is so achingly human, don't you think?
i would kneel on the moon and on it carve the words i wrote, ones that i think they seem to be telling us every day.
"i love you, i love you. can you hear me?"
(stay. do not let me glow in vain. i will light up your sky. i always do)
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princeofyorkshire · 5 months
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met louis last night !!!!!!!!
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coveredinsun · 1 year
i swear to god i do the opposite of gatekeeping when it comes to the crane wives. i encourage people to listen to their entire discography as much as i possibly can because it drives me up the wall that, despite their FOUR albums of banger after banger, essentially all content i see anywhere besides tumblr is of one of four (4) songs. listen to the rest of it… please…
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sadhorsegirl · 10 months
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#finally got three days off from work in a row and am happy to announce ill be making a return to my true passion -- moiraine posting !#directors cut commentary in the tags obvi lol#first off if there was any god in this world the fiona apple cover of whole of the moon would be on spotify#second need it on the official record that i am intentionally misinterpreting jig of life for the purposes of this playlist!!#i know on the album its part of a series of story songs abt a woman drowning and her future self going girl u have to swim or u wont have#your future family!!!#but. what if i made it about an alternate version of moiraine being like u are never going to be able to fully escape the heterosexual#horror saw trap of ur upbringing that haunts her upon return to cairhien...is this clicking with anyone else out there....#had to throw on heat lightning and unravel for a spot of (possibly uplifting ?) romance#and also bc the tumblr user previously known as loamvessel is so right and true for saying heat lightning is a siuraine/moiraine song#anywayyy this is a playlist abt moiraine suffering returning to her home town after graduating from college and failing to kill the devil#and all the weird feelings she must have about cairhien and her place in the pattern/more self reflection on her younger years#in the aftermath of season one#with little hints about how her dynamic might be shifting with siuan as she self isolates#enjoy lol love making playlists happy summer cant wait till september etc etc#moiraine damodred#wheel of time#wot on prime#playlist
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kunikame · 8 months
i'm in love with you (platonic, definitely not hiding the almost finished ace fic coughs)
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thebellearchives · 10 months
What is this moon agenda + Solomon? 👀 I’m a moon bitch and my curiosity has been peaked 🙃
i had to go look for this specific comment i once made in one of Ven’s posts but i couldn’t find it 😭
but i feel like i did summarize it best here
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all this and also the fact that he’s a night owl and considering the moon is such an important thing in witchcraft AND I COULD RELATE SOLOMON TO THE MOON IN SO MANY WAYS i’d never shut up 😭
but i also like to say mc is sol’s sun bc they’re canonically always making everyone happy with their warmth and brightness ~
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