#this was funnier in my head but it's still fascinating to me
seesboy · 1 year
i find it so weird that the birth of jesus of nazareth is used as the marker between ce and bce. not just because it's intrinsically connected to christianity or whatever but also because he was believed to be born around 4 bce so that means it even fails in that regard. you guys had One Job and you Still fucked it up by an estimate of four years
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deepcollectionredbird · 3 months
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Sleepovers at Mack’s house have only gotten more exciting since I accidentally got him pregnant. Just to clear things up, he and I have been best friends our entire lives… and, a few months ago, we went through this experimental phase. You know how it is for guys our age. We tried a few things out, touched each other for a while, realized we didn’t like each other that way… and, at some point during that brief chapter of our friendship, I accidentally knocked him up. Now his folks are upset at him, and think the baby belongs to his ex. Yadda yadda yadda.
Like I was saying though… sleepovers at Mack’s house are one heck of a time now, especially since his parents aren’t suspicious of me. We can do whatever we want, and they don’t think anything of it, just like it’s always been. Whenever I’m at his place, it’s like my hands get stuck to his belly. I can’t keep myself off of that thing. When I walk through the front door and meet him in the kitchen, that’s the first place they go… and then, they’re glued. I turn into a huge mush-fest, cooing and kissing at it, like I only understand baby talk. It doesn’t matter who’s around, either. His parents think it’s the sweetest thing when they see me rubbing his belly. His mom and dad still see me as that snot-nosed little boy their some met in pre-k… and, as far as they know, I’m just being a supportive friend.
When we go down to the basement — where all of Mack’s stuff is — all I do is lay with him in bed and play with his belly, which is way more fun than it sounds. Like, I’ll spend hours just resting my head on it while he eats snacks and plays video games, feeling the baby kick, talking to the little thing, and listening to his stomach gurgle. I lick Mack’s belly button all the time too… just flick my tongue in there, until it starts to cramp. It’s just something weird that I do, to get a reaction out of him and the baby. It’s so fascinating, knowing that there’s a tiny human in there, and feeling it move around — even more so, with it being my kid. Honestly, I still don’t think I fully grasp the whole situation. It doesn’t feel… real… yet.
He and I talk about this whole pregnancy thing like it’s nothing. I’ll ask him how he’s feeling, and when I should come by to take him to his next appointment, and he never treats me like I’m just his baby-daddy. Our friendship hasn’t changed one bit. He’s still cool with me, and I’m the same old idiot that I’ve always been. All night long, he’ll go on and on about how weird his pregnancy is, how his parents are total assholes whenever I’m not around, how gross he feels in his own skin, or how his body is working against him. Recently, he told me that when he farts, he pees a little bit too. It’s honestly really funny, now that I think about it. Every time I hear him fart, or smell one of his silent killers, that means that he’s just pissed himself too. Even funnier, his farts are way worse now. They reek like hell.
I look forward to going to Mack’s place after school every night. It’s so nice that we can still have a good time with one another, laugh like two lunatics, and be ourselves… even in our current situation. In our hearts, we’re still those two little dickheads in the back of the class, goofing off and having a good time. Honestly, if things could just stay like this until he gives birth, I’d get him pregnant a million times.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Ahh I love your emtts I catch up on every day like it's my evening newspaper 😂 Speaking of I just saw the response where you mentioned Robin and Steve saying hi to their FBI agents and that's hilarious
Like the idea that Robin and Steve are so used to being bugged that they say hi to the FBI, Steve is vehemently against Alexa, doesnt have much of a social media presence (aside from Facebook) and is still futile trying to stop Eddie from breaking his NDA because Eddie may only have one Steve signed FOUR is so funny in the context of this au where Eddie just tells tiktok Steve has mommy issues 😂 The contrast is just so funny to me
But anyway. I absolutely love your au and all the details you've put into it and I hope you don't feel too much pressure when you get responses like this. Hope you have a good day
No pressure felt at all! I absolutely love being sent stuff like this. I think it’s so cool that people pick up on little world building things and expand on them because those are my favorite things to write. I’ve always found something really fascinating about grounding a character into a realism that’s just kinda mundane. I think it’s neat and I think it’s cool that other people see it and seem to like it.
It's like the saga has it’s own fandom and I love it.
After Starcourt, Steve and Robin started signing off their phone calls with “Bye Steve/Bye Robin/Bye FBI agent bugging my phone” because sometimes there was this weird staticky sound on the line when they talked.
And sure, maybe it was because the mall fire caused significant damage to the power grin and everything was flickering and staticky that summer. Maybe it was Steve’s second concussion of the year still ringing around his head. It’s funnier to imagine that it’s an FBI agent sitting in some hot sweaty van listening to them talk about girls and minimum wage jobs.
“Holy shit,” Steve said one night, cutting Robin off in their ever-depressing job search. “We’ve talked about girls.”
“Uh, yeah? Did you forget?”
“That means that you came out to me and the FBI, Buckley.”
Steve actually told Robin that the FBI monitors them for a bit after every Upside Down event. They patch you up and give you an NDA, and then they watch you for a while to see if you’re a traitor to your country. That’s just common sense.
Dustin overheard him and said that this was real life and not a bad spy movie. Steve was just being paranoid.
Steve’s just like, “Oh yeah, if I’m so paranoid then why was there a weird van in the school parking lot when I l picked you up from your nerd club? That’s classic FBI.”
“You mean Eddie Munson’s van???”
Eddie signed the NDA but he’s never taken it seriously.
The first thing he did after he left the hospital was write a song about Vecna. He still preforms that song to this day. The artwork for their first album cover was a drawing of a demo-bat. That album sold over two million records.
Eddie’s never had a secret that he hasn’t told. Sometimes Eddie starts talking and he doesn’t know what’s going to come out and other times, he outs his husband’s mommy issues to his audience of six million.
Eddie will start a live stream like, “Ask me anything, I’m an open book.”
Steve’s just like, “Babe.”
“Sorry, Steve said I’m not allowed to be an open book.”
(Side note: It is very important to me that the only social media that Steve has is Facebook because (1) it’s a mom’s social media and (2) it’s unsecure as fuck. Not only is Facebook spying on you but it’s selling information. I just think it’s so funny that Steve won’t get an Alexa but he’ll give all his pictures and location to Mark Zuckerberg.)
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wrencatte · 1 year
I don't know about you, but that "I'm so scared." panel is haunting me....
Please excuse all the weird errors of all kinds. I once again wrote this on my phone in tumblr drafts...at work (😅😅).
I won't know how many words this is until I can get it in a doc and clean it up for ao3 posting
Bruce closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, steeling himself.
Dick had a tendency to go high. Jason's tendency is to go low. He tucks himself under tables and in small spaces that adults usually can't fit into. The Cave has a lot of places to hide under (and has a lot of places to climb onto, high into the sky where fear is just a memory and your parents bodies seem so far away) and Bruce has scoured the more obvious places before finding this one: the work table, where he dismantles and fiddles with gear.
And where Jason has taken to messing with his own gear, absolutely fascinated by the intricate mechanisms that made it all work. The kid is an absolute gearhead along with his love for literature, several books on different engines and vehicles have started to migrate to his room.
So Bruce crouches on his knees and peers under the table. The table is deep for toolboxes and a set of drawers on top, and Jason has managed to shove himself in the darkest corner, curled up in the smallest ball possible. He's hit a slight growth spurt in the last few months, leaving his elbows and toes sticking out from the shadows. His face is tucked into his knees. His breathing frantic and hitching - but still so impossibly quiet, like he's spent years teaching himself to cry silently and Bruce's heart breaks all over again at the reminder
(This isn't the first time Jason's cried since he came to live in the Manor, and every single time Bruce never knows unless he's right there when he starts or if he walks in on him mid-sob. And Bruce hates it.)
Bruce's broad shoulders block the light, and Jason flinches into a tighter ball, toes disappearing in the shadows.
"Hey," Bruce starts then stops and doesn't continue for a long moment. Jason stills like a rabbit caught in a fox's gaze, barely perceivable quivers. He exhales slowly. His knees ache on the worn thin rug that's meant to keep dropped things from rolling away. He settles down, legs crossed, hands up on his knees to show he's unarmed, though who knows what Jason's actually seeing. "Want to come out from there?"
Jason shakes his head.
"That's alright," Bruce assures him even though it can't be comfortable down there. "You don't have to so anything you don't want to do."
Jason's next breath is the loudest thing he's ever heard since he got hit with the fear gas. A new batch, more potent than the last. Half a dose could give an adult a heart attack. Jason got one-eighth of a dose via a broken mask and a second too late realization. Hell, they didn't even know he'd actually gotten hit until they made it to the Cave and Bruce turned around and he was gone, the analysis beeping behind him with the announcement that their current anti toxins would be ineffective.
He has a new anti toxin slowly being pieced together by a program and under Alfred's watchful eye, but that does nothing for him right here, right now, with Jason too terrified to make a sound.
Bruce doesn't talk much - he's never needed to - but he sits there and he starts talking. First about a case, of a long ago Rogue that had a funnier gimmick than most and did surface level property damage more than anything else - but eventually he found himself talking about the Justice League, about their unprecedented expansion, about various antics some of the newer heroes get up to.
He doesn't know if Jason's listening or even hears what he's saying. The boy doesn't uncurl. Doesn't make a sound. He hopes that he's breaking through the living nightmare somehow, but he also knows that hope doesn't mean anything.
But he keeps talking anyway.
During a lull, when Bruce's mouth is dry and his throat hurts and - Jason shifts just the tiniest bit. He peeks out from behind his knees, eyes glittering in the dark, and stares at Bruce with pupils blown wide from fear and drugs, chin trembling. Bruce feels like the kid is looking into his soul and finding him lacking, but he opens his mouth anyway and croaks out,
"I'm scared," soft and wavering, thick with tears and the type of brokenness that lends itself to helplessness.
It's a little bit like a confession. An admittance he doesn't want to make but he has no choice but to make it.
"I know," Bruce says gently. "We can fix that, though. It may seem like it, but you don't have to be scared forever."
He holds out a hand, warm and inviting in that same way he did towards the kid sitting across from him at a rickety outdoor picnic table, one who'd just finished inhaling a subpar batburger and fries, one who'd just fifteen minutes ago had even caught jacking the batmobile's tires and had the moxie to whack Batman in the stomach with a tire iron.
The kid then had eyed it warily. And didn't take it, just took a sip of his drink and quietly agreed to let Batman set him up in a warm house with warm meals and clean clothes and the most comfortable bed ever with the 'person I trust the most' - which isn't Bruce Wayne, but one Alfred Pennyworth.
The kid now eyes the hand warily. And takes it. Lets Bruce help him from under the table and lets Bruce fold him into a tight hug, his face tucked against the man's neck, breaths sobbing and hitching.
"I'm so scared," Jason repeats.
"Not for much longer, Jaylad. I've got you."
"I'm so scared," he says out loud, but there's no one around to hear it.
Jason's both grateful for it and collapsing inward when there's no assurance that'll all be over soon, that it won't be forever, that dad's got him. He drops to his knees with a gasp, heart thudding so hard he can feel it in his throat.
He's alone.
He's alone and there's a fear in his chest, invading his lungs, burrowing in his bones. It's going to be there forever. Forever and ever until he dies from it because this isn't a new life, this isn't a gift or love. This is a death sentence. Jason puts a hand to the ground to heave himself up but the thought of walking onto those streets makes him gasp and choke and the fear cycles in on itself from fear to adrenaline to fear fear fear. Never ending. Ramping up bit by bit the more Jason breathes and trembles and, fuck, he's terrified.
Jason scrambles backward on his hands until he hits a shelving unit that rattles. It feels like a knee to the spine, holding him down, driving in, and he sobs quietly. Quiet like he always is when he cries because there's never been a point in being loud about it. Being loud just got attention and attention was always bad.
And he's back to where he was fifteen minutes ago before Marquise - Scandal - showed up and dismissed him and walked away before he could explain. Knees tucked to his chest, arms around his legs, trying to convince himself to stand up, to just go already. His chest heaves. The space gets humid from his tears. He feel like he's going to pass out, dizzy and nauseous.
He's too exposed like this, Jason thinks. Realizes. Fears. (And that fear feeds back into itself, and he hates, hates this so much, but that's not enough. The hate isn't enough to override it.) The room is half trashed and covered in rubble, and he's a whole foot taller than he'd been as a kid, but there, right there -
Jason fits there. Here, under a metal table that has his mask sitting innocently on top. It got wedged against a wall, propped up slightly by some concrete. He tucks himself under it and stays there.
And thinks about - nothing. Because if he thinks about anything - like Batman across the rickety picnic table, offering him a warm house and warm food. Like Batman scolding him for doing something reckless and scaring the shit out of him. Like Bruce sitting on the floor, so patient and understanding and telling him that this fear is only temporary.
Like Batman throwing batarang and the thick spray of blood. Like Batman throwing a punch hard enough to shatter his helmet. Like Batman ripping the insignia off his chest and dragging him across a rooftop.
Jason can't help the whimper. He tips over to lean against a table leg and gasps around the vice around his lungs.
He won't make it out of here. He'll hyperventilate himself into unconsciousness and someone will find him, wearing most of his Red Hood suit, and that person will kill him. Or they'll call the cops and he'll end up in Arkham and he'll die there. There is no normal life. No identity in Metropolis for him. Even if he did make it there, he'd be dead at the first villain attack, unable to defend himself as his aderenaline surges and the fear sets in.
He never expected Bruce to be this so fucking naïve. Cynical idealism? Sure. But not this.
Jason doesn't acknowledge his name, or the voice. Purposeful footsteps crunch on debris, announcing their path from the hole in the wall to Jason, getting closer and closer.
And closer.
Until there's a shadow of legs blocking the scant light. Until the figure crouches down and there's Nightwing, peering under the table with wide, concerned eyes. He's not wearing his domino, Jason notes almost distantly. His body doesn't feel like his own anymore for all that he can feel the cool metal table against this temple and the rough feel of his pants in his clenched fists.
All there is, is the fear.
"Jason," Dick says with his own kinda fear.
He's reaching under the table, not holding a hand out for Jason to take, for Jason to choose for himself - and the man doesn't know the significance of that, but something in Jason settles anyway at the stark difference.
Dick goes all the way, cupping Jason's face like he does with them all - a pinkie under the jaw for the faint hint of a heart beat, a thumb across the cheek for comfort, his palm to lean into and let him carry the weight. And Jason does lean into it, trembling and shuddery, wet eyes closing.
"C'mon, let's get out from under here." He guides Jason forward until he's spilling into his brother’s arms, face pressed into his shoulder. The Nightwing suit is too tight to grip so Jason wraps his arms around Dick instead, clinging to him tightly. Dick hugs him back just as hard, rocking back and forth.
"I'm scared," Jason whispers - an admittance he has no choice but to make.
Dick hugs him tighter, pulling him into his lap like he's a child. Under a difference circumstance it would be comedic - Jason is broader and taller than Dick - but right now he's just small.
"I've got you," Dick says gently.
He doesn't know why, but that juat makes Jason cry harder.
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ragnarokhound · 1 month
just saying Icarus au would be too easy for this rn
JayTim fire water personalities, clashing, hurting each other, fitting together as opposites
still not really an au hmmm
just gonna keep throwing ideas here
ohh wanna see a mermaid au in your style
or one of those free willy mermaid aus
deaging 🤔 of one character and the other gotta take care of them
bound by magic (in what way? who knows)
take ur pick
For the ask game!
But omg mermaids is so fun... It is one of my all time favorite self-indulgent urban fantasy aus haha, I still want to finish my teen wolf mermaid fic... Someday...
Mermaid aus are so good for the yearning. The secret keeping of it all, the 'we're from different worlds and idk how it will work unless one of us makes a sacrifice' of it all. And I kind of sort of already played this trope straight with the selkie fic I wrote for jaytim week this year, haha (selkies aren't technically the same as mermaids, but there's a big overlap there lol)
But I also like that the existence of Aquaman in DC lets you flip that trope on its head while still complying with canon! There totally could be real life mermaids in DC because low-key there already are lmao
This isn't quite what you asked for, but in that vein:
please entertain with me Atlantean!Tim who admires the Bats from afar. Most of my exposure to Atlantis/Aqualad is via the Young Justice cartoon (the glow up between the first seasons and the later seasons is still insane to me lol) so please imagine Tim found out about Robin when YJ made an appearance in Atlantis, or Tim got himself on the same track as, say, Lagoon Boy and hopes to join one day. He has the biggest crush on Jason Todd and Jason doesn't even know he exists
There are two vastly different directions I am torn between from here, but the funnier one is: Tim basically follows Jason home to Gotham. Cue Gotham getting a new harbor cryptid that's just an Atlantean with a crush and a very robust immune system lmao
Tim gets horribly sick for the first week or two (he's not keeping track) while his system reacts to the bullshit that is Gotham Bay - but he is determined to stick it out. Naturally, he gets found by a bat while he's shivering near the docks one day, following up on rumors about the kid from the black lagoon who keeps dodging harbor security. Bonus points if it's Babs, and she agrees not to tell Batman and Robin, at least until Tim is healthy. Bonus bonus points if it's not a bat who finds him, but Catwoman :^) (Fishy-fishy, I wouldn't let a goldfish swim around in this water, where are your parents, you're coming home with me--)
Meet-cute between Jaybin and Harbor Cryptid Tim involves a smuggling operation that Jason's been tracking. During the sting, he gets in over his head, ends up in the harbor, and Tim saves him from drowning
Jason knows Bruce hates it when Supers and other capes come to Gotham. He knows who Aquaman is. Ergo, he has to keep Tim a secret from Bruce. Cue sneaking around and hiding from Batman and all kinds of teenage dating tropes and shenanigans. Tim blushes 24/7 because, omg he's hanging out with his crush and he isn't freaked out by the whole Atlantean thing and he's helping Robin wow; meanwhile Jason is fascinated by Tim, exhilarated to have a secret from Bruce, and wondering more and more what it would be like to hold Tim's hand.
(Bonus: When Bruce finds out about Tim, the first thing he does is tattle on him to Aquaman. Follow those dominoes down to Tim being an Aqualad equivalent on the Young Justice team a few years down the road. OwO When they find Red Hood with the League of Assassins, Tim is right there with Dick trying to get him back.)
When I started writing this out, I did not intend for this to become cute baby jaytim with an atlantean twist, but that's where it ended up going haha
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keirawantstocry · 7 months
wait i just saw your prev fitpacbo post with tony and molly
may i propose fitpac noticing tubbos been possessed by three (demons?) krow, owen and bek
peepoShy <3
ah yes tony. my favorite streamer. also i once again made the possession even worse then originally asked
Tubbo slept for hours after the gods and goddess finally left his body. Fit and Pac made sure to watch over him while he slept.
They were talking quietly to each other, flirting gently when he finally woke up with a loud gasp. Tubbo shot up from his place on the bed and stared at them with unnerving eyes.
"I am Tubbo," said a androgynous very much not Tubbo voice.
"No you're not," Fit said with a quiet laugh. "Are you one of the ones we've met before?" It didn't sound like anyone they had met but he was unsure.
"Yes, I am. I do gay roleplay. Typical Tubbo behavior."
"Aimsey!" called a deeper voice, still not Tubbo, from Tubbo's mouth.
A lighter voice cut in. "Nope, that's Tubbo. We are Tubbo. Egg. Parenthood. Where is my daughter Sunny?"
The amount of voice fighting for dominance was overwhelming at this point.
"Hey, hey," Pac said, sitting down beside Tubbo's body on the bed. "Can we get some actual introductions so we can keep track of who's speaking?"
"And," Fit cut in. "Is Tubbo there right now?"
The first voice, Aimsey, shook Tubbo's head. "It's funnier this way isn't it?"
"I'm Krow!" said the masculine voice that revealed Aimsey's name in the first place.
"I'm Izzy," the light voice said.
"I'm Tubbo," Aimsey continued to insist while laughing.
A new voice, one that reminded them of Molly, a voice of reason, joined the mix. "Tubbo isn't here right now," they said. "He should be back soon. But for now you have us." She grinned with Tubbo's mouth, and once again it looked so strange, so unlike anything Tubbo would smile like. "Call me Becky. Owen is here as well but he's being a bit quiet. Tubbo's tired. The revival has taken a lot out of him so we're taking care of him for now."
"Where's Sunny?" Izzy asked. "I want to meet the child."
"Sunny is asleep," Pac explained. "How much longer are you guys gonna be here?"
Almost as if on queue his eyes flickered strangely and all the voices made pained noises. "Not much longer," Becky said. "His body is struggling. Revival isn't easy you know and neither is..." they paused. "Five gods and goddesses possessing your mind. It doesn't do any physical damage, our immortal spirits are actually helping heal him but it's a lot to wrap your mind around."
Aimsey cut in. "Which is why he isn't here right now. Too many voices, it would be overwhelming for his mortal mind."
"That's fascinating," Pac said breathlessly. He had always been curious how exactly possession worked after the few times he had met Mine and even Mumza through Phil. Adding Tubbo to the mix just peaked his curiosity even more. "Is there anything we can do to help?"
Not Tubbo considered it. "Just... take care of him, yeah?" It was hard to tell who was speaking, it seemed like they all agreed on this statement as their voices blended into one. "Take care of him in the ways that we can't."
"Of course," Fit said immediately. "We'll do everything we can."
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vivalioo · 2 years
heyy! hope you're having a good day so far! i was wondering if i could have some headcannons of the stardust crusaders reacting to the fem! reader who's stand powers are mostly based on dreams that she had in the past? forgive me if this all is confusing (i've never really thought deep into a made-up stand power before 😅), but basically, whatever happens in a particular dream (ex: a person slips and falls on the floor), as long as the reader can remember certain details or events, when her stand touches a person (doesn't even have to be a punch, the stand could literally poke them for a brief second if it wanted), that person will be affected (as stated in my example: a person slips and falls in the reader's dream? the affected person will also slip and fall). however, the funny catch is that the reader tends to have strange dreams (some range from "ok, well that was weird" to "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?! DID I ACTUALLY DREAM THAT?!"), so the weirder/intense/funnier the dream, the more powerful the attack is. sometimes there will be moments where a stand user is defeated in the most hilarious way, which always leaves the reader laughing her ass off at the end of the battle LMAO. apologies again if this all sounds confusing! feel free to change some things up if you want to :) ty! <33
This is my first time writing headcanons for characters so I thoroughly enjoyed this, especially because this idea was so fun, thank you for requesting! I hope it's to your liking ^^ I also hope you don't mind me tagging you just to make sure you see this! I know sometimes questions I ask don't give me notifs when people answer lol
No warnings needed I don't think except uhh the reader's gender isn't mentioned because of 2nd person pov, and this is mostly platonic but Polnareff's section has a flirty comment because c'mon it's Polnareff. OH and no Iggy :(
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Jotaro Kujo
-Jotaro is still relatively new to the whole situation regarding stands, and although he had thought he'd seen it all by now boy he couldn't be more wrong!
-I think he'd definitely be skeptical of the nature of your ability at first. You're practically able to change fate itself with a simple touch of your stand, it isn't until he sees it in action does he really start to accept how weird but strong the power can be
-Even if he won't admit it he's definitely curious if you've had any dreams involving him lol. Once he starts to believe your ability he'll grumble out something along the lines of "Keep that damn thing away from me" in fear of getting into an embarrassing accident as a result of the dreams
-If your stand happens to swoop in and save the day with some freak occurrence that rivals the likes of Joseph's most ridiculous plans, he's left in disbelief and tries to hide it by pulling his hat down and saying his most famous catch phrase. Expect to hear "Good grief." Every time your stand helps to incapacitate an enemy.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
-Kakyoin is very polite when approaching the topic of your stand ability
-He's fascinated with the idea of you being able to control someone's fate in such a way, and is one of the ones who sees the most potential in this stand
-He'll try to protect and lead you in battle more often than not, because he also recognizes that this ability is not really suited for combat. Which is very sweet!
-He doesn't pressure you but definitely makes it known that he'd appreciate any heads up for any dreams that involve him. He doesn't really want to make a fool of himself anytime soon
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
-Polnareff is like the second most fascinated with the nature of your stand, he's definitely curious if any of your dreams happen to mention him too. -He'd somehow find a way to make a witty one-liner out of the situation, it's just in his nature. "Ah, so you've been dreaming about me have you?"
-If you decide to tell him of any embarrassing fate that might befall him that day he'll kinda blush a bit and subconsciously shy away from you and your stand's touch while saying "O-oh? Is that so?"
-Please forgive him he's had enough embarrassment on this trip. Mans is traumatized lmfao
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Muhammad Avdol
-Avdol, being a fortune teller himself, is probably the one most fascinated with your stand ability! He'll enthusiastically encourage you to tell him of your dreams every morning, so much so that it becomes routine
-He'll always thoughtfully and politely nod along, strategizing about how your premonitions can be used in battle against enemy stand users
-He gets embarrassed if any of your dreams involve him, especially if it's something silly. He feels like he has to apologize for you seeing such an uncharacteristic display
-He will definitely give a hearty chuckle about anything else you tell him about the crusaders though. You've seen how mischievous he can be at times, if it's something non life threatening he'll even subtly encourage you to touch them with your stand. It's like a little inside joke you both get to be on!
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Joseph Joestar
-If there's even a mention of himself in your dreams you bet your ass he wants to know every detail! If it's something funny/ridiculous he'll sort of scoff and hide his embarrassment, claiming that such a thing would never happen to him!
-Until it does.
-He'll never get used to seeing this ability in action against enemy stand users, like Jotaro he might even be skeptical and teasing/condescending about it at first (because that's just how he is), and has never been humbled so fast than when you cause some sort of terrifyingly hilarious fate to befall someone
-After that he's like a persistent child, constantly inquiring about your dreams and abusing your stand's power to the fullest, especially to help him out of a tough spot
-He'll get a bit ahead of himself, so you'll have to remind him sometimes that your ability works in a specific way, and no you can't make something happen to an enemy naturally because they're kicking yall's ass in battle lol
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littlelordfuckler0y · 2 years
Aemond Targeryn x stark!reader Instagram au ???
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creganstark. Horseback, good company and the crisp mornings of the north!
@yourusrname “good company” and it’s just the people who we see at winterfell…everyday.
@cregan_stark Yes and you whined about it the entire morning
@yourusrname I was up by the crack of dawn for THIS?
@northman1 Lord stark. Looks like a great ride!
@northman2 The starks visiting town! Always a great day!
@targaryenaemomd Looks like quite the fun up in north! Hoping to have the pleasure to be in your company once…
@aegonII have you ever talked to your own older brother with this mannerism??????💀
@targaryen_aemomd please get out.
@aegonII how many accounts of mine will you block dear brother?
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aegon|| grand sire’s fav
@hand_oftheking nothing I’ve said using my own words or can be proved.
@ageonII it was just a caption…
@targaryen_aemomd you’re not even sunfyre’s favourite even on a good day
@aegonII At least the northerners have a certain liking towards me
@targaryen_aemomd you have no business brining that up
@aegonII cry about it!!!!!!
@queenal1cent ❤️❤️❤️
@targaryen_aemomd Aegon is embarrassing me publicly again!!
@aegonII he’s lying!! He does that all by himself!
@queenal1cent ❤️❤️❤️
@halaenatarg She’s choosing to ignore
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yourinstagram Summer snow my beloved <3
@cregan_stark Don’t you feel great about waking up early now?
@yourusrname no.
@targaryen_aemomd Who is this summer again?
@aegonII she means the season you moron💀
@targaryen_aemomd Summer snow is utterly close to my heart as well. The immense joy it is to watch the flakes of crystal fall amidst the hot of summer days…truly fascinating!
@yourusrname …nice? Nice description my prince?
@sercrist0ncole But summers of king’s landing don’t snow????
@targaryen_aemond However I just say, I am not quite the early bird myself. It is indeed dreadful to be awake at such an early hour at the expense of a snowfall it’s still quite endearing but I wouldn’t put it past me to be awake so early by my will! Haha another thing we have in common!
@itsdaeron this is getting painful to watch
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aegonII Wigman first, Westeros’s favourite prince second
@halenatarg Nothing good ever comes out of this I fear….
@itsdaeron WILLINGLY taking advise from aegon???????????????
@queenal1cent love to see you two getting along❤️
@sercrist0ncole Last possible person I would go to but as you wish as you please… who’s this about again?
@halenatarg I’m not saying who but it’s a certain wolf…
@sercrist0ncole Aemond wants to get with wolves??? Is it for vahagar????
@itsdaeron even though vahagar has a better chance unfortunately no, she means the lady stark
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targaryenaemond The ball was quite the charm! Lady stark’s company is every bit delightful!
@yourusrname Thank you for a memorable evening my prince 🫶🏼
@targaryen_aemond Sevens we talked about this…call me Aemond, my heart!
@queenal1cent welcome to the capital princess🥰
@hand_oftheking Welcome to the capital lady stark!
@sercristonc0le NO way aegon’s advise worked over mine…
@aegonII and what was your advise again? Stare at her until she feels like falling in love or terrible afraid?
@sercristonc0le Either have equal chances of happening…whatever the fates wish!
Hi hi this was random and actually funnier in my head but oh well please let me know if you like this or want to see more parts?
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Okay here are the Mission Impossible grades now that I've seen them all
Mission Impossible 1: A-Tier
STILL LODGED IN MY FUCKING BRAIN. I did not go into this one expecting it to be that good. I only shouted at DePalma once I think and mostly I was staring in fascinated horror at the sexually-charged manipulative thriller unfolding. I am obsessed with the dynamic between Ethan, Phelps, and Claire, there is some SHIT going on there, the queer reading of this movie is off the charts. Would rewatch any day.
Mission Impossible 2 Silent Movie Recut: C-Tier
This is a bad fucking movie but Punct and I were screaming for 90% of the film, it was so fucking fun and stupid. Granted, I don't think we would have survived if we weren't watching the recut, BUT nothing will ever be funnier than Ethan doing a backflip and then mid-air changing to a down-kick. I was so shocked at the AUDACITY and the STUPIDITY I immediately rewound the scene to watch it again. Amazing. Totally batshit. Ethan why are you kicking everything you are a punchman.
Mission Impossible 3: Trash Tier
This movie was a nightmare. I feel actively bad for Cruise and Monaghan bringing their A game to a shit-tier script. This movie has MULTIPLE PROBLEMS. There were multiple sequences that were so poorly shot that I couldn't follow what the fuck was happening. The constant unnecessary cuts and the rapid tempo gave me a headache. JJA is incapable of letting a shot breathe at all, like if he doesn't cut every three to five seconds his head will explode. Also this script was ATROCIOUS. Fucking WHAT. There is no introducton to the team, making them feel completely tertiary. That line about sleeping with your sister catapulted me out of the movie like an ejection from a jet plane. The entire anti-god speech was peak 'take the keyboard away from JJA.' And WHAT was with the random bondage mask scene??? Was JJA like "sorry i have no idea how to keep the plot moving unless Ethan literally can't speak in this scene so here's the IMF-issued Unsexy Bondage Mask."
Also this Jack Bauerification of Ethan Hunt pisses me off. Ethan Hunt should not use assault rifles, that's not who he is, JJA meet me in the pit.
Ghost Protocol: A-Tier
Stupid and delightful and finally some good fucking food. The first of the McQuarrie Trilogy. After enduring MI3 I want to kiss McQuarrie on the fucking mouth for writing this. You actually get to know the team! There is time spent establishing each of their dynamics with Ethan! Finally Ethan is doing sneaky shit instead of just shooty shit! The Burj! The comedy! This is a 2 hour episode of Leverage and I fucking love it. Thank you, zero notes.
Rogue Nation: S-Tier
Oh babygirl here we fucking go. Not only McQuarrie on script (with help from good writers) but he's in the director chair, welcome to the party, hardy. I L O V E this movie. It has supplanted GP as my comfort watch of the series. Ilsa Faust is an excellent addition to the team with a lot of edge to her and the way she drives the plot thrills me chills me and fulfills me. And while she's kind of the love interest that is not even remotely the plot of the story, the story is crunchy with Solomon Lane serving such fuckin good vibes. He has actual motivation beyond "hello i am the baddie" he has thoughts and motivations and he also is STAGGERINGLY PETTY. Also I cannot tell what's my favorite bit of this one, the part where Ethan is fucking OUT OF IT after he gets resuscitated or when Ethan goes off the deep end.
This movie really said "Benji Dunn is 90% of Ethan's impulse control" and it was RIGHT! Thank you McQuarrie, I love you.
Fallout: S-Tier
I'm fucking unhinged about this movie. The batshit motorcycle chase in Paris, the HALO jump, the helicopter hijacking. Ethan's continued moral decay as his ethical compass begins to realign, and the way it fucks him over. Solomon fucking Lane back to haunt the shit out of everyone. That FUCKING bathroom brawl jesus fuck. Everyone is on their goddamn A game, they are giving everything. Watching the final act is like a prolonged heart attack. Also the cinematography and lighting is jawdroppingly gorgeous. Also Julia is AMAZING. HER SCENE WITH LUTHER MAKES ME EMOTIONAL.
Not only do I have no notes, I want McQuarrie to give me notes. Goddamn. Ethan Hunt is babygirl and his tired eyes give me feelings.
There it is, my lukewarm takes.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Thank you for answering my ask, (from the anon that ask before).....If you don't mind me asking again, my other ask is about Scum Villain....Who are your top 3 or top 5 fav characters from that fandom and why do you love them? What are your top 5 or top 7 fav moments from the series? Feel free if you want to pick either or answer all the questions....Thanks if you want to answer....
I love these asks! It's like being invited to info dump and it's so much fun!
Warning this is long:
Okay top 5 SVSSS characters are easy peasy
5. Liu Qingge: man he just doesn't catch a break. He's this jock meathead type guy on the surface who is rough around the edges but he's so caring once Shen Qingqiu earned his trust. Also the yearning! The pining! The fact that this guy who he shows devotion after devotion to just chooses someone who has, by all appearances, just abused him again and again is heartbreaking. And even post canon when he has been unwittingly but irrevocably rejected he still does the same acts of devotion.
The man needs a drink and to get laid.
And homoerotic fistfights with Binghe
4. Mobei Jun: this is on his own. Paired with Shang Qinghua it's different. Mobei Jun actually shares a lot of qualities with Liu Qingge. They are both rough stoic men who constantly do acts of devotion and love towards their loved on and those acts are always misinterpreted and they face constant rejection.
The difference is Shang Qinghua is not aware of Mobei Jun's intentions and does not realise those are acts of devotion. And if he did realise he would be thrilled. The problem is cultural differences not emotional constipation
Also Mobei Jun has been pining and yearning for decades and that's amazing
I also like what he tells us about Airplane. Because he's Airplane's ideal man both in what he is attracted to and what he longs to be, but that "what he wants to be" is based on how Airplane reads him. And Airplane reads him as stoic and cold and cool (metaphorically) and untouched and unbothered by anything. Which tells us that that's what Airplane wishes he was, but Mobei Jun is in reality someone desperate to hold on and be held in return. He's lonely and devoted and loyal and unwaveringly honest.
Which is maybe telling of how maybe secretly Airplane wants to reach out and be honest about his feelings and ask for what he wants.
3. Luo Binghe: god there is so much to say. He is a dark reflection of Airplane. He is so parched for love and affection and that he latches on to Shen Qingqiu and cannot let go but he can never feel worthy enough. Never feel like he deserves happiness because time and again it's ripped from his hands.
No one will choose him
He is all alone
Even when he has everything he has every wanted he can't believe it. Because surely this will be ripped away too and he will be left hurt and alone again
He is every dark thought Airplane had alone in his room writing 10,000 words a day to keep his head above water in a dingy room knowing he's unwanted by either of his parents
And man if that doesn't cut deep into me as the unwanted child growing up
That feeling of believing no one will choose you ever and you will never be really loved and then making the one person who does the centre of your world but constantly afraid they will change their mind?
I can identify with that
it's gotten better over the years but uh yeah. The insecurity is still there
2. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan: the tragic comedy of his internalised queerphobia while attracting a harem of men. The unawareness of self, the disassociating, the mental gymnastics he goes through to no homo himself
He's a fascinating unreliable narrator and also his internal screaming is really funny and relatable. I don't have the System but I do have disassociative identify disorder and we definitely get in internal screaming matches sometimes because some of us are dicks. So that kind of internal fighting is very familiar and even funnier to me
I also find it interesting that canonically when he transmigrates pretty much the only overt trauma in his life up that point is dying. He grew up relatively wealthy with a distant but loving family and managed to hit the top 10 of whatever he tried so he was successful enough without being outstanding
In a lot of ways before transmigrating he sounds...bored and unfulfilled
But when he dies he has never had to process trauma before so he just ...doesn't. But also I think he's excited and interested and involved in his life for the first time
And I think it's really interesting that he self identifies more with his online handle then he does with his actual name. There is no reason he couldn't say his name was Something Yuan. But he never tries to go by his original name in the book. He hides behind his ridiculous web handle instead.
And I think that tells us that while he was from a relatively good life on the surface there were issues. Because I think even in his first life he was doing a lot of masking.
Because Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan reads as autistic. PIDW is his special interest. He's can info dump about monsters. The way he uses his fan is like a stim. And the way he masks as Shen Qingqiu is too practiced right away.
Even though he gets caught out right away he thinks he's masking well and it feels like he's used to it.
That combined with him preferring his online handle and how he drops the mask completely around Airplane who knew his online persona makes me feel that online is the only place he allowed himself to unmask and I find that very interesting
1. Shang Qinghua/Airplane:
I love him
I love him so much
He is just so tired and done with this shit.
He barely hides that he's a transmigrator, barely hides that he's a spy. He immediately calls Shen Qingqiu Cucumber Bro because he's so relieved he isnt alone
He's terrified of his King but god forbid anyone even think of harming a hair on his favourite's head
He is a sell out because he is a survivor. He has a lot of the same insecurities and issues as Binghe but he also has age on him and a cynicism that sees him through
He is as devoted to Mobei Jun as Binghe is to Shen Qingqiu but there is a mellower edge. He doesn't expect his King to choose him and he's fine with just being useful for most of the text
It's interesting to me that Binghe was willing to destroy the world to make it that Shen Qingqiu had to choose him because there would be no other choice
But Shang Qinghua gives Mobei Jun a challenge
He doesn't do it consciously but he basically tells Mobei "come find me and make it up to me. It's your turn to chase me."
Which is something Binghe cannot do and I really think that's speaks to the length of time Shang Qinghua has been alive in comparison but it's also just an interesting character moment for him
He wants what Bingqiu have but he wants to be the one chased now. After decades of being the servant afraid of being thrown away or killed he just wants domesticity and someone doing acts of service for him! And he gets it!
He's someone who causes the death of many children and everyone just kinda...overlooks that
Because he's just a little guy! And is so weak and pathetic except he's not. Not really.
He's jsut so fucking fascinating because he's got huge insecurities and issues but he's also got such a thick skin and thick face
He doesn't care what people think about him as long as he can be with his King at the end of the day
I could go on forever about Shang Qinghua but this is already so long
Top 5 moments:
Now I'm gonna say I haven't got the last two volumes yet so while I have read the whole story before it's been awhile since I read the end so things might be misremembered a little but I'm gonna do my best
5. The moment in the extras when Luo Binghe asks Sha Hualing, Mobei Jun, and Shang Qinghua for love advice because all 4 of them are so fucking stupid but especially Moshang and I love them
4. the Reveal of Shen Qingqiu in the plant Body in Cang Qiong. That "caught you" is so *chefs kiss* I love it! Then following that up with Binghe on one side an all his very hurt Martial Family on the other.... It brings me such joy. It's so well done
3. My Boy Diving after his King! The fact that right before it Cucumber was going to save Shang Qinghua but Mobei was already there protecting him, the fact that when Shang Qinghua goes to throw himself after his King Shen Qingqiu tries to stop him but is shoved aside!
It's such a great MoShang moment
2. The Self Detonation scene. It is such a moment! It's tragic and beautiful and sad and ahhhhhh. The way it's such an act of love but it's also so deeply traumatising to Binghe. Everything about it is exquisite
1. From the extras again Airplane protecting Mobei from his uncle. The image of the ring of fire with Shang Qinghua between them. When Shang Qinghua refuses to scream as long as he can, that when he breaks Mobei Jun overcomes everything just long enough to send his Uncle flying
Oh my god I think about that scene all the time
Honourable mention: Tianlang-Jun thinking SQQ is having a threesome with Zhuzhi Lang and Luo Binghe and is just like "...fascinating..." *Scribbles in his notes*
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supermaks · 1 year
I wanna hear all of ur thoughts on 3344!!! Please tell us everything!!!! my only addition is that that copse crash changed the trajectory of their lives immediately like they could be fighting for p15 and would be all up in each others business. there is a special kind of distrust and contempt and anger for the other that no one else recives bc they reserve it all for each other and this is why they’re best f1 rivalry of all time 😋 sorry alain
omfg yes lets go a lil crazy🌷🌷🌷🌷
My 4433/441 thoughts are always all over the place like I truly havent been able to pin them down since l started watching f1 because these 2 are both like super weird in very different ways and they have zero bridges u can cross between them except for this unreal fucking level of on sight hating that makes a rivalry soooo good u feel it in ur tummy
When I tell u in Austria the moment I heard Lewis impeded Max I knew the baddie was gonna unleash the wrath of an old testament god upon this incredibly inconsequential fl0p vehicle number 44 like. Sorry to the haters and losers but its very funny to ME 😭😭 Inspector Hamilton didnt even make much noise about this which is even funnier because either he knows he'll catch a stray for impeding first or he just cannot handle Max and his Raytheon hamilton sensors anymore like he's tired and his own tp is telling him to shut up like leave him alone. ((I doubt its the last we'll hear of it tho))
And yes 2021 like u said prolly changed the trajectory of their lives forever not just copse but like monza, brazil, Jeddah. Whats so fascinating about Max and Lewis is that for such enormously talented drivers they simply cannot let each other race normal. They leave each other more space and will still fumble because they want to pass so bad. As u put it, its distrust, but its also just racing. Its the purest form of racing there is lmfao these are both karting prodigies and they still revert back to that when they race each other. I said this once they're like 2 maddies from euphoria in 1 show. But this whole dynamic of uneasiness between them started way before 2021 tbh.
Even when Max was a teenager wid a cap and a dream and the rawest dawg inside that literally bit people and Lewis was settling back into the record books wid a glass of wine and an established, tamed dawg, he still made a point not to rate Max ever. Max was taboo. Didnt even call him by name sometimes like to his face literally called him 'guy' which is such an Hamilton ass old school way of acknowledging an Opp like look at this
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F1 drivers are so insane. Anyway I think Max still feels some type of way about all that. A job will have u 19 years old getting bullied by a 33 year old that refuses to say ur name. Max pissed everybody off those days. He just wanted to do the lil debrief and the old heads truly did not give a fuck they were so mean to him. Lewis went thru a divorce too so this was all wrong person wrong place wrong time wrong car wrong team wrong wrong wrong. All wrong.
They were doomed from the start like they were set on a collision course since Max was born that was as inevitable as he is. And the noise around them has always been too loud. But they do try which I find very charming and kind of sad. Like one thing about Max and Lewis they're gonna have a lil giggle together about something dumb and that hasn’t changed
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((I am convinced whatvr lewis showed him on his phone here was like deeply illegal))
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((this presser is soooo like at some point Lewis leans over and whispers that theres a lot of girls there for the weekend and Max is like umm and Lewis is like oh u have a girlfriend right ew 🙄))
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🫠🌷this was so cute pls
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They share sm history together in the one thing that matters the most to both of them which is racing. Like the way Abu Dhabi happened bro, all that led to it, the amount of new eyeballs on the sport just thru sheer force of narrative and hubris. They built that together. Nobody else cud have done it. Like they share thirty five 1-2s in F1. 35 times one of them was first and the other was second. I think 3 more times on the podium and they break a record for most podiums shared oat. Thats not unimportant it’s not meaningless especially not to these 2 in particular. They’re special. They’re both so special and mercurial and they save the worst parts of themselves. the best part of themselves. to each other . Everybody else takes scraps. The spray aligns
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Yeah. Like yk. the spray aligns
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phoenixiancrystallist · 10 months
Anyone remember this WIPpet? It got scrapped with the last attempt at the self-insert shenanigans, but I liked it so much I wanted to keep it. Thankfully, I found a way to rework it into the new version :) Plus some fun digs at myself because I am very much not a combatant and yet I'm throwing my SI into combat, lol
765 words of me-the-author having fun under the cut :D
"It's a good thing she had Knell to hold her together," Cuff said, caught somewhere between sneer and laughter. "She could never have survived long enough to get to Cipal otherwise."
"Should we step in?" Frey asked, trying not to wince when the zombie swiped Bobbi across the face with its claws.
"Are you joking? This is prime entertainment!"
"You don't think this is any funnier than I do," Frey retorted, and grabbed Bobbi's bow and quiver. She stayed crouched, torn between letting Bobbi prove herself, and not wanting to watch her new friend get torn apart by zombies.
"It's like watching a puppy tumble down a flight of stairs. Repeatedly." The delight in Cuff's voice made Frey grind her teeth. Asshole.
It didn't get better the longer they watched, either. At least Bobbi had the sense to lure the one zombie away from the group so she didn't pull aggro on the whole horde. And she got a little more confident over time. Still missed more often than she hit, and the few hits she did get in were paper cuts at best. 
"Do you know what I find fascinating?" Cuff asked a few minutes after Frey settled down cross-legged on the edge of the bluff to watch. 
"Hm?" Frey asked, only about halfway paying attention to him.
If Frey was a cat her ears would've perked up. "What about her?"
"She is in full control of that bond. There's nothing at all stopping her from stepping in."
Frey grit her teeth, thoughts running around in her head and colliding with each other. "Kinda glad she doesn't, though."
"You're not scared, are you? Not the mighty Tanta Frey?"
"Shouldn't I be? She's another Rheddig weapon. Like you."
"Oh, no, nothing like me," Cuff scoffed. "Nowhere near as powerful, for one thing. Considerably freer, for another. Your new friend is in over her head, and I don't think she knows it yet."
Bobbi slipped and fell on her ass trying to dodge the zombie. Happy accident that it worked; the zombie bowled right past her, and Bobbi scrambled to her feet again. 
"...I meant in regards to Knell," Cuff clarified, almost sheepish.
"What do you mean she's in over her head?" Frey asked, ignoring that last comment. She'd figured as much. 
"Knell is in full control of their bond," Cuff repeated, back on solid ground and sure of his words. "She wasn't cursed into that form like I was. She took it willingly. I've no idea why, of course, but I do find it very odd."
"How can you tell?"
"When you're as old as I am, Frey, you learn how to read and understand the power of those around you," Cuff said, affecting a wise and venerable air. Frey snorted. 
"You're only four years older than me," she reminded him.
"You go ahead and keep believing that." He had that smug tone that made her want to punch him again. "But I'm quite serious, I can tell by the way Knell has bound herself to your new friend that she is the one who set it. Not Bobbi, not a third party. It's quite similar to how I bound myself to you back in Newark."
"New York," Frey corrected, absently. Mostly on reflex at this point. "But weren't you already cursed by the other Tantas?"
"I was. That's why I said it's similar. I was cursed into that vambrace form, yes, but I chose to bind myself to you, Frey. Just as our Rheddig friend has chosen to bind herself to Bobbi."
Interesting. Frey put that information away for later. 
"What's that got to do with..." She gestured to the pantomime of a fight happening below her.
"Simply that I'm surprised Knell does nothing to protect her bearer. She certainly could with no ill-effect to Bobbi. Either how I protect you or by revealing her true form. I wonder why she doesn't."
"Huh." Frey clicked her tongue, now wondering the same thing. "Maybe—"
The zombie raked its claws down Bobbi's back, and Frey spotted a glimmer of light reflected off of something too small to see clearly from where she sat. Bobbi turned, a cry of pain filtered through gritted teeth, and the tip of her sword passed through that glimmer. 
Silver wire erupted from the contact point, pierced through the zombie and shredded it to ribbons that disintegrated on the wind. 
"Oh," Frey and Cuff said at the same time. Bobbi sheathed her sword and shook out her hands, which set Knell jingling enough Frey could hear it.
"...mine's better," Cuff grumbled.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
Hi, friend!!! I hope everything's been going well so far for you today.
For the character ask game: I'm gonna switch it up and say Eberwolf today haha. And/or (whichever you prefer) Kabru, now that we're at it.
Thanks pal, things are going. We live in interesting times and it sucks haha. I hope you and the cats had a lovely weekend!!
How I feel about this character
A cute gremlin, I really do love thinking about his dynamic with Darius, Raine, and Hunter. His design is really adorable while also not really making any sense haha, like why does he have a button nose and not a snout, why does he wag his ponytail, haha. I wonder a lot about how he became CH and how he and Darius became so close
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None, though as absolute peak cursed content EberxHooty is funny
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Darius, obviously, there's no contest. The surrender scene still makes me insane. Like at that time we knew basically nothing about them, especially Eberwolf, but they very blatantly showed how important they were to each other in that scene. It was so cool how it was a moment that showed characters outside the main circle caring so deeply for one another, like I know Luz Eda & King are the protags but there's still stuff happening outside of them y'know
And like that scene happened after Darius' failed "only the small ones will die" joke! I don't call them an OTP but they are absolutely the same caliber, they're a pair do not separate
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think content that pokes fun at Darius is better if Eberwolf is there, if that makes sense. Like it isn't as good if it's just Eda or Raine teasing him over something
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
An Eberwolf centric episode like if we got one for each Coven Head, or a rebel trio episode, or a scene of Eberwolf defending Darius similarly to the surrender scene. There's so much we could've learned if the show wasn't cancelled :')
How I feel about this character
Oh god where to begin. Kabru is so fascinating and well-written; all the ways he foils to Laios, how his trauma impacts his appetite while being in a story all about the importance of food and taking up space, the way he's so perceptive he can easily read others and how that manifests in how he interacts with everyone in his party (like that art of how physically close he gets to each member of his team based on their comfort level), his design and backstory and all the interesting political commentaries of it all, if Kabru was in a standard shonen he'd be the protag haha.
I really hope as the rest of the anime comes out the fandom adopts a better overall understanding of him :')
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I do enjoy Labru the most, but I really like Kablaishuro(???? I know their platonic trio name idk the ot3 name). Laios's dynamic with Kabru & Shuro individually are really good but so is Kabru & Shuro's dynamic together, and that's why I was bummed when they cut the bell page from the anime it was so funny haha
Labru is just, it's so funny and versatile. They're opposites attract, and foils, and advisor x king, and oblivious vs repressed, autism4autism, etc, there're so many things that it hits and all of them are enjoyable haha. Adding Shuro makes it a million times funnier
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Kabru and Rin! It is complicated because Rin is in love with Kabru and he either doesn't reciprocate her feelings or isn't aware of them, but I ultimately don't think they're be very good together romantically. They know each other really well given their history but I feel like the choice to make Kabru not return her feelings in whatever way is like a way to say he knows it wouldn't work out. Idk they're a good duo but not as a ship
My unpopular opinion about this character
It's possible to like one of labru or kabumisu and not like the other and being normal about it 👍
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Hm, I'm not sure. I guess I wish the anime was handling him differently, this one blog I follow called dungeonmeshistash went into more about how the anime is making Kabru cooler than he was in the manga by taking away some of his other expressions and cringe moments. It's not like, "the anime is garbage" level but it is still a bit annoying. I'm wondering how it'll keep differing from the manga as the anime finishes
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eastgaysian · 2 months
dragon age white boy rambles ⬇️ i need to revisit his siblings...
see my original vision for caden trevelyan repressed homosexual was always that he was homoerotically obsessed with his superior officer who viewed him as a little brother and after that superior officer died tragically at the conclave this immediately got transferred onto cullen. but this was a failed attempt to try and change the fact that cullen has always been deeply uninteresting to me. like i'm keeping it because it's central to my white boy vision but i've realized now that it's much funnier to focus on the fact he wants to phantom thread solas.
basically he has a Repression Framework for fellow templars/soldiers where attraction is more-or-less acceptably translated into intense devotion/idealization, being weirdly invested in hearing about past exploits, fantasizing about dying in each other's arms etc. with solas, caden has reasons to like/respect him - solas kept the anchor from killing him, he's chosen to aid the inquisition of his own free will despite any reservations, he's a knowledgeable older man with relevant expertise and genuinely impressive capabilities, to some degree even the fact that he's an apostate who knows this much and has avoided being found by templars is something caden finds fascinating.
but at the same time solas is an elven apostate who no one knows anything about and is too mysterious to really trust, so logically caden Can't like/respect him, and he doesn't have any established framework for dealing with these complicated feelings. before he recruits the templars/becomes inquisitor their relationship actually gets off to a tentative good start because the Fundamental Moral Disagreements haven't come to a head yet. caden is technically a very recent ex-templar but he's polite and pragmatic, he puts the work in to help people, and he's always curious to learn more, which are qualities solas can appreciate.
after becoming inquisitor solas immediately disapproves of essentially All of caden's major decisions, while still feeling obligated to stay with the inquisition for the greater good. weirdly, solas pretty openly disliking him is what allows caden to justify liking him, because it's not like he's friends with this elven apostate, they're comrades by necessity, he appreciates the qualities that make solas a necessary comrade, and that's fine. at the same time solas is an older male authority figure who is forced to abide by caden's decisions even if he fucking hates them which is opening up crazy new pathways in caden's brain of being able to, from his point of view entirely justifiably, defy the wishes of an older man he respects and wield power over him. all this clicks into place in caden's head and he's like. I want him flat on his back helpless tender open with only me to help.
what this means in practice is they'll go out a-questing and have what seems on the surface to be a cordial conversation about history or whatever but they're both imagining killing each other with hammers and on caden's side it is sexual and on solas' side it is not. he is fully aware that solas wants to kill him with hammers but honestly this kind of makes it more sexual. he's going to punch solas at some point, immediately apologize for losing his temper, and then be unable to sleep for hours that night touching the bruised knuckles feeling something he can't name but knows isn't quite guilt. because he feels guilty for feeling it. this is the gayest thing that will actually happen between them except for the confrontation at the end of trespasser maybe which can be gay if you think about it. normalest guy in all of thedas 👍
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The Last of Us HBO - Episode 3 thoughts
Warning: Pure yapping ahead again! You know the drill, it's my thoughts, things I've noticed and things I've enjoyed watching the show. It's not that serious, and I don't invite arguments (fellow yappers however are heartily welcome)
(and we're back with another episode analysis! this is a fucking long one folks, they seem to keep getting more and more. i had a lot of feelings watching this episode, especially as a young queer person, it's very special to me and i'm very pleased with the way it was written and performed. A* performance all around imo. as usual, spoilers below the cut)
Could write a whole ass essay on Joel's hands but I'll keep it simple - hands that break bone and kill men are also capable of softness and grief, capable of destruction as well as creation. This opening moment is so poignant and beautiful, god bless - Tess deserves more than a cairn but that's all Joel can do, so he does it - this is Joel saying "I'm sorry, you should still be here and it's my fault"
The gentle music
I've noticed that Joel is very snatchy, he snatches and grabs things often (throwback to me noticing he's a twitchy man in the episode 2 thoughts)
Ellie having Joel's jacket over her legs to keep her warm :')
The way he grabs one tiny bit of jerky, then throws the rest to Ellie, fuck
Ooooh Ellie confrontating Joel with the "look this wasn't my fault", I like it tbh, she's right and he had to hear that cause he's the kind of person to hold a grudge and also blame himself at the same time
First mention of Joel's head scar let's go, planting the question that won't be answered properly for some time ("Someone shot at me and missed." ... "No, I missed too." 🤌🙌)
"You ask a lot of goddamned questions." "Yes, I do 🌸✨"
The return of - "Is there anything bad in here?" "Just you." "Ah. Getting funnier."
Joel's quiet "fuck" cause he can't remember where he stashed his shit is so real, he's so me
Love the little moment of her excitement at finding a pack of unopened tampons - teenage girls in the apocalypse gotta do what they gotta do
I so wonder what's going on in her head during this scene
Totally awesome makeup and prosthetics
Ellie, my darling, you're channeling child psychopath right now (but also I too feel curious as fuck and seeing the fucking growth under the skin being purely cordyceps is so gross and awesome)
Can now come up with a few ideas of what was going on in her head when she stabs it
The concern in Joel's voice, the nonchalant way she saunters out with the tampons 🤌
Also love the constant theme of Ellie suggesting/asking/pushing for a gun and Joel always saying no
Ellie's fascination for things that we take for granted - flying in a plane
"I thought you went to school." "FEDRA school. They don't teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic." REAL SO REAL
Info dump love it let's gooo
Joel's little pause on pancake mix...
I really love that even though Joel still sees her as a burden and nothing more than cargo, he still wants to protect her from the nasty shit, he doesn't want a child to see whatever is up there - and Ellie's "well now I have to see" is so fucking childish, she suffers the consequences of that decision but it's a beautiful storytelling mechanism
It's such a terrible visual, all of these old dry bones, 2 decades old, none of them died of infection, no, they died by human hands
The transition 😭😭😭😭 the fabrics cutting to the people IN the fabrics - a fucking mother and her tiny baby I am in TEARS
Great introduction to Bill and great first line, "not today you new world order jackboot fucks" 💅👏
The details of the following shots - the gun wall, guns & ammo magazine, big bottles of sulfuric acid, ammo, the sub basement in a general shot and small things to notice (taxidermied animal in the left bottom corner, everything meticulously ordered on the shelves, the screen setup)
Genuinely think it's hilarious that the sub basement is hidden under a TRUNK and Bill steps out with a gasmask on and hunting rifle cocked, he's such a funny sight and Nick Offerman does a fantastic job just in this first part already - it's so video game coded tbh
The music swell into a montage (let's be honest) of him doing his little doomsday prep shit is fantastic - the mix of totally fucking apeshit stuff (setting boobytraps and fences) added with super domestic stuff (growing his own veggies and rearing chickens) is so amusing
The remote controls 😭 I remember, we had a TV like that when I was a kid
The 'dont tread on me' flag is an interesting and noteworthy thing to mention - I know some about it but I had to Google for more information on it, and it makes sense that Bill would have a flag like that in his home
"Are you armed?" ".... No." "Why did you take that long to answer?" "I don't know, I thought about lying for some reason, but a reason didn't come." Amazing introduction
The fact that Frank bears his neck just a little to let Bill test him, even though he's clearly nervous
Cheeky man shooting his shot with the "I'm really hungry" line, he could tell immediately he could try this with Bill
The whole Arby's line followed by the Arby's was never free 😂💀
I think this is the moment Frank truly began to clock that he and Bill are cut from the same cloth, it's such a nothing but everything moment
I think it's so amusing that Bill has such a lovely house and has been living there successfully for 4 years in the outbreak so far, but there's dust fucking all over the dressers and shit 😂😭 man doesn't have cleaning on his priority list and I can see Frank thinking "damn he needs someone else here huh"
God they're so awkward 😩💕
Frank's SMILE, the way he looks at Bill like he just gave him the world - Murray Bartlett god bless you
The way Frank doesn't even wait one second, he fucking digs in immediately, yeah I believe u haven't eaten in 2 days hun
But look how delicate he holds the cutlery, he's someone who probably used to enjoy living decently and enjoyed good food before it all went to shit - he clearly loves the food (yeah he's hungry but that's the kind of "damn this is restaurant level" reaction you'd expect on something like masterchef), and his excitement at the wine is fucking adorable
"A man who knows to pair rabbit with a Beaujolais." "I know I don't seem like the type." " No, you do." HELP
Frank stop bullying the poor man's music sheet collection lmao
So I didn't know Linda Ronstadt before this at all, so I googled her and listened to some of her music - it's very nice, though not something I could really stick myself into, it's more like nice music to just have playing in the background whilst I'm working personally - but I do just so love that the characters can have a connection over it. That's one of the great joys of music
Bill standing in the back, wringing his hands because damn Frank, you're kinda butchering it lmao
Oh this song means something so much more
"There is no girl." "I know." sobbing
Same-sex marriage wasn't legal in Massachusetts until 2004, so they never got to know legal and safe love and still, here they are 😭 I'm in my feels over this because these men never got to be safe and out, they never got to be open with their relationships, and now they've found each other in a broken fucked up world that doesn't given a shit who you are, it will just try to kill you regardless
This kiss means so much to me - oh Bill 😭
Both of them with wet eyes, overwhelmed with emotion, and Frank asks "what's your name?" I'm so deceased
This is the softest most natural and sweet non explicit sex scene I've ever watched. I watched this with my mum and not once did I feel embarrassed, both of us thought it was a beautiful moment and very human - Bill has never had the opportunity to be with a man before, he's what, in his late 30s? Early 40s? And Frank is so non-judgemental over this lack of experience. He knows, he gets it, he understands. This whole scene is just soft, gentle and brought me to tears. This is the kind of queer representation I've been yearning for in mainstream media and it's so rare to find 🙌
Skip to 3 years on and it's a lovers quarrel, so fucking real
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. I live in this world, you live in a psycho bunker where 9/11 was an inside job, and the government are all Nazis." "THE GOVERNMENT ARE ALL NAZIS!" BE SO FOR REAL (I can't believe this is real script I'm vibrating with joy) - they've clearly had discussions like this before because Frank just goes straight to threatening to off himself which I find hysterical
They have such different love languages - Frank is an artist, he cares about small details, Bill is more practical, he'll cook and protect but so help him if you wanna use resources for something he seems frivolous
The angry "you WHAT!?" immediately cutting to Frank, Bill, Tess and Joel eating lunch outside is *chef's kiss*
💕✨Tess✨💕 I love you so much
Frank and Tess: 🥰✨🌸
Bill and Joel: 💀🔪⚠️
"I understand. If my, uh... If mine, brought strangers into our situation, I wouldn't be happy either." Oh Joel,,,,,
I love how even though this is 7 years into the cordyceps pandemic, you can see Joel is so similar to the 20 year mark, "get that gun outta my face", like yeah you tell him
I do adore the total lack of judgement from Joel (and Tess) that Bill and Frank are together, cause he clearly knows but it just doesn't bother him. Ally behaviour ✨ (does Joel give bi energy? discuss)
Why does Joel's warning feel like a prelude
Crying at two men eating fresh strawberries wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but here I am, sobbing my eyes out with joy at these two - their giggles and pure joy at eating something they haven't had in like 10 years, the shared love and contentment in that hazy evening sun, the way Frank grabs onto Bill and just holds his arm in his,,,, I'm just such a mess
"I'm sorry." "For what?" "Getting older faster than you." "Ah, I like you older. Older means we're still here." 😭😭😭💕
"I was never afraid before you showed up." Fucking stop it oh my god
"Not on the strawberries!" Yeah that got me chuckling too
I fucking KNEW it, people are the worst, Joel was right
I just noticed Frank is wearing house slippers in this scene oh my god
Wish we'd gotten a little scene of Bill teaching Frank to shoot, could you imagine?
I like that even though Bill is in excruciating pain and thinks he's dying, he still wants Frank to be safe and insists he calls Joel, and isn't that also something? That at this point Joel is a safe enough person for him to even consider that the most important thing
The cut to 2023, seeing them Old and Frank basically immobile,,,, yeah that stings
Gonna note down my love for the costume, makeup, hair and set departments here for this episode - they aged these two so well, their clothes suit them, and the small gradual changes in decorating and scenery (in and outside the house) are seen and appreciated immensely
Paint used to be a frivolity, now Frank's paintings are everywhere <3
The wink had me giggling, they're so cute
Love is cutting your partner's food, giving them a cup with a straw because it's easier for them, helping with their medication, sitting next to them because each other is all that matters - love is staying with your partner and helping them into their bed because they can't do it themselves anymore
The painting of Bill in their bedroom :')
The certainty when Frank says this is his last day.... It's so painful but I'm also so glad he has the choice, that he's deciding that this is it - it's better than what most people get
Bill crying is 😭😭 he needs Frank
Love this realistic speech from Frank here - no, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but it was still fucking decent and that's what matters
I cannot describe the noise I made when he talked about getting married
"Do you love me?" "Yes." Bill's face, yes of course he fucking does Frank, he'd do anything for you - but he needs this guidance, one more time
When "On the Nature of Daylight" started playing, I shit you not, I had a damn near meltdown and mum made me pause the show because I started to get so damn upset. That song is fairly overused for these kind of sad scenes and situations, but fuck, does it get me every single time
Getting married by the piano :') the law may not have recognised them but fuck the law in a lawless world, be happy
The same meal as the first one they had together 😭 the same reaction just toned down my god
My mum already suspected that Bill had spiked the whole bottle, but I was naïve and it shocked me when Bill chugged his own glass and Frank asked - oddly, I agree with Frank, that's the most romantic shit ever
Bill's speech guys come on I'm only a little queer in a big world and these old men have my heart and soul
I love that their bedroom moved from upstairs to downstairs, necessary detail but important regardless
Joel knows the door pin 🙌
Clearly some time has gone since they died cause there's dust everywhere, the flowers are dead and the food is mouldy (I'd guess at least a month, judging off of the visual evidence and also the fact that the radio was blasting 80s when they left Boston)
A part of me is sad Ellie never got to meet Bill and Frank, I bet Frank would have immediately taken a shine to her. They'd have been the slighty psycho gay uncles and aided Ellie in her lesbian ways (ooc? Probably idc)
The fact that it's 'to whomever, but probably Joel', mmmmyeah, not even Tess, no, Joel
A date! August 29th, when did they leave Boston??? (Found out they literally left on the same date what the hell Craig Mazin are you trying to kill me)
The way Ellie reads the laughter caught me off guard and I choked
Bill's letter breaks my heart, truly, so telling of Joel and Bill's character
'use them to keep Tess safe' yeah, it's okay, it's not like my heart was already ripped out anyways
Joel scrunching the letter,,, I get it
"What you say goes." YEAHHH glad they kept that
"Dude." "No." the ongoing gun debate is still funny
Seeing Ellie grab the toilet paper had me flash backing into 2020 *shudders* dark times
Ellie getting excited about a hot shower, immediately saying Joel needs to cause he stinks, mwah
Gun = acquired (and immediately hidden)
"Well don't you look pretty!" "Shut up."
Joel is wearing Frank's shirt 😭
Joel with slicked back wet hair....... Yeah
My girl has no clue how cars work and I love that
Joel likes Linda Ronstadt :')
Close on their open window, with the first song Bill and Frank shared together, yeah I'm fine haha
I think my favourite thing about this episode is that it's the opposite of 'bury your gays'. These gays got to live their lives and grow old together. They got to love, and adore, and enjoy life together for 16 years. 16!! They died on their own terms, having lived happily in relative safety together, and that's fucking beautiful.
What a read, thanks if you made it to the end! this episode grabbed me by the balls and hasn't let go, so i apologise for the severe rambling of this post, like i say, it's just my running thought process. Do you agree with some of my notes, was there anything you noticed that i didn't? Comments and reblogs welcome <3
Episode 1 thoughts:
Episode 2 thoughts:
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bengiyo · 1 year
Stay by My Side Ep 10 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, these two worked out some of their issues about Jiang Chi prioritizing Bu Xia over himself, and they also checked in with the sister on a way to stop Bu Xia from hearing ghosts. Seems like marriage is involved. I felt like this show had run out of legs, so let’s finish this lap.
They have Bu Xia, boy who is terrified of ghosts, watching a horror flick.
I’m encouraged that Jiang Chi is working on projects away from Bu Xia again.
Now, I would have to kick both of my friends’ asses if they left a live stream on when they could see me getting hot and heavy with my dude. The lack of loyalty!!!
Episode 10: Because of you, I’m not afraid anymore.
Bu Xia’s instant rage at a fiancée showing up was way funnier than I think it was meant to be.
Girl, get out of here with this delusions of marriage.
This show has some silliness to it, but the emotional core is grounded. Bu Xia is totally valid to say that he won’t accept being a concubine.
Well it’s definitely the final episode of a Taiwanese BL. We’re building to a whole thing with the parents and marriage.
I’ve really enjoyed the dynamic between Jiang Chi and Gu Bu Tao. My sister is younger than me, but she’s similarly protective.
Wait, this is the end of the show? What the fuck??
Oh, post-credits. Jiang Chi took the burden on himself. Fascinating.
Final Verdict: 7, It’s Fun But Leaves a Lot Hanging. I had a lot of fun watching this as one of my lighter watches for the last two months. I like the core emotional dynamics between characters, and I think the leads grew on me over time. Still, I feel like a lot of the undergirding plot elements felt underdeveloped and hoped they’d do more with that. I also feel like the show ended abruptly as it was heading into some final territory. As such, I will remember this show fondly when I see a gifset or its name, but I don’t know that I’ll be returning to it on my own.
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