#i hope this doesnt sound like. oh i dont believe people who do this
ursamajori · 1 year
hi friend idk if you particularly super mind about these things but the op of the “survived the barbenheimer” post is very very transphobic. just to let you know
hi! i do very much mind abt these things--i primarily use mobile, and my way of being aware of blogs like that is just. filtering a bunch of tags they use so when its a random meme i usually have. no idea lol. so thanks for letting me know
idk the best way to like. word this? but in the future when yall warn me about these kind of people (which i very much do appreciate) could you give more...idk i dont wanna say proof bc it sounds dismissive, i guess elaboration? like if its i dunno tumblr user "i-hate-trans-people" and i just somehow fuckin missed that (not this exact thing but smth similar has happened before. sometimes i am not very perceptive.) like. obv u dont need to but i know people will send these kinds of asks abt people they have drama with and i dont always have time to yknow. go and find the post and check the blog
normally i dont post asks like this but i figured it would be a good sorta. way to ask this bc ive never brought it up to yall and it would be unfair to expect smth without saying anything
i wanna be clear abt as well this isnt like. trying to single you out anon and i tend to ask this of people who send similar asks off anon privately as well theres just no way to do that with you since yknow. anon. but seriously, thank you for letting me know!
edit: someone pointed out how this person it’s VERY obvious once you click on the blog from the posts, i should have specified that since it. makes it more clear this was a general statement </3
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thestarsloth · 3 months
I believe it is time for me to talk about piper again
Something i really dont like about this fandom is that we were quick to hate her even though the main reason wasnt her character
People generally hate her because of her relationship with drew. The problem here though is not piper, but the way drew was portrayed by the author. Drew was a flat character, and to me she was a lot like Nancy Bobofit (who didnt appear a lot tbh). In my opinion, if we knew drew a bit more, hers and Piper's fight would be much more interesting.
They also hate her because she ONCE said that the aphrodite cabin was shallow. We all know how rick has treated the aphrodite kids, right? Percy has said many things like that about them but noones hating on him. I know that is not an excuse but see the difference on how we treat the white boy?
Another reason is that she is not as traumatized as the others (??whywouldthatbeareason??) and people say she complains a lot, which, to be honest, i did not see in the books.
To start with, she was most of the time neglected by her dad who didnt understand her needs and never paid attention to her (to the point she had to steal a freaking car thank you very much). We' ve seen she was treated really bad from the kids in her school (racist comments and also comments about her family) and lets not talk about how bullying affects teenage kids. Lets just say that we all sympathized with percy when he was bullied and changed schools all the time but noone talks about the fact that piper was also bullied (and not by having pb&j thrown at her, which is also bad but...)
People also say that she is a "pick me" and "not like other girls". First of all, shaming her because she doesnt wear makeup or isnt stereotypically "girly" is more misogynistic than anything you say piper did.
She has never ever said anything that implies shes doing so for boys. Sje genuinly didnt like those things and people straight up attacked her for being a teenage girl with MASSIVE OTHER PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH.
She did not shame drew for liking makeup as far as i remember, she only called the cabin shallow because they treated her EXACTLY like her bullies.
Also she "only talks about jason" and is "possesive". Hmhm. Reminds you of anything? OH! ANNABETH! But the white blond girl was excused because she was a "teenager", yet ive never seen anyone defend PIPER'S mistakes with that excuse, even if it is the truest thing for both her and Annabeth.
I have nothing against percy and annabeth, or people who headcanon piper as girly, but we should remember that canon piper was a teenage girl and support her just like we do with annabeth.
Thanks for reading my rant and i would love to hear opinions. I hope i didnt sound too agressive defending a fictional character hehe.
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puhpandas · 3 months
Do you have any analysis or notes on how different both dr rabbit and Gregory’s personality is like? I can’t read the book of ggy but I’d like to know how different these two are just like Vanny and Vanessa.
OH DO I. u just opened a can of worms anon. pausing tower of hell for this
thisll all just be off the top of my head but I hope itll help anyway :)
from reading ggy and analyzing the shit out of dr rabbits behavior and doing the same with Gregorys SB personality along with ruin, there are immediately 2 key differences
dr rabbit is a character that puts on a front and a show for everything. hes portrayed as a genius who never does something without it being calculated and valuable for whatever hes trying to achieve
in GGYs case, one of Rabs goals was for some reason to play a part so tony and ellis would like him by playing into each of their interests. this was probably to appear more inconspicuous and seem less guilty since no teacher would pick out a kid from their class as someone to be worried about if he has good grades and has friends and seems plenty happy
he would joke around with ellis and play games with him and hang out with him, and with tony, he would say a couple deep sounding sentences to play into Tony's interest in the meanings of life and its mysteries and stuff. he did it just enough to the point where tony would notice it and prefer him over Ellis because of it but he also wouldnt pay him any mind when he wasn't actively doing that stuff
so basically rab always acts knowing exactly what he wants to come out of every interaction and it usually works. most of his personality is fronts he puts on for whatever goal hes trying to achieve
but with Gregory, none of his personality shown in sb/ruin is meant to put any sort of front or mask on. he doesnt even try to put on a brave face most of the time. he usually isn't that scared of things and can push through it, but he also has no problem expressing fear if he actually is scared of something (shown in the lines "its pretty dark in there" and "what was that??" in response to his watch beeping)
a lot of his interactions with people and just his outward personality are really genuine. that doesnt mean hes always nice or kind, but he just does or says what he actually feels. a lot of the time in sb he happens to be in a bad mood (for a. very good reason) and snappish towards anyone interacting with him. none of the 'quips' he says are meant to be funny, it's just him complaining and it happens to sound humorous just because of his personality
so that's immediately one line drawn between the two of them. tldr rab puts on fronts and nothing of what he does is genuine but everything Gregory does is genuine just in the way that it's true to himself his personality and what he is feeling in the moment
another thing is obviously their moral code. i dont rlly wanna focus much on this because its kinda obvious. rab will obviously do whatever it takes to stay in operation and was probably created to keep vanny in check, even if it includes murdering tons of people and glitchtrap abusing vanny through him. but Gregory holds a very specific moral code that I can boil down best to "I wont help anyone who doesnt deserve it, but if they do deserve it I'll truly try my best to save them, even if it means risking my life"
the way that Gregory decides which people are worth saving is pretty basic. people like vanny obviously don't deserve to be saved because shes evil and kills people. but vanessa was forced to be mind controlled by her and puppeted around to do it so Gregory believed she deserved to be saved
and the glamrocks werent because they were killer robots trying to rip him apart for seemingly no reason. gregory had no idea about any viruses or probably that they were sentient until Freddy became sentient but that was already by the end of the game. he decommissioned them with the knowledge that they were trying to hurt him, they're robots and can be fixed, and that they probably will by tomorrow because in a few hours the place will open
rab is also patient 46 so any little quirks in those tapes also apply to him. things like disliking flowers and liking the dark and liking to watch sports are all him, but theres no telling how much he could have picked up from Gregory by being created off of him
as for just like. dialogue things and how they talk, rab is a lot more literal and blunt with the things he talks about. gregory also says what he means and takes it literal, but he talks with "uh... like... I guess.... umm" things like that. rab doesn't stutter and he has a bigger vocabulary, while Gregory calls the security badge stations "badge head things" and stuff he doesnt know what to call "things"
rab is also very good at reading people and obviously a really good liar to the point where he can get anyone to believe what he wants. but Gregory is a very very shit liar LMAO. he literally just said "I'd rather not say" to Freddy about Monty and just told the truth but changed a little with the others
with vanessa and vanny they for sure changed Vanessa's personality in SB compared to the trailers so she turned from afraid and worried to snappish and annoyed. I honestly think that now vanessa is never vanessa at all during SB but shes always vanny, just in and out of costume. this way, Vanessa's like the opposite of vanny with how shes more timid from all the trauma and naturally afraid
so with Gregory and rab it could be the same but with different things. vanessa and Vannys personalities are black and white, but Gregory and rab dont talk or act very differently outwardly so it's more of a mental change
I've analyzed the crapp out of these 2 so I hope this helped a little bit =)
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quantum-bliss · 4 months
Day 6 of Heartbreak
I woke up in true peace. I feel the peace of God because no human or thing could make a person feel like a baby in the cradle again. But I do. I feel like God held me to sleep, but not with His arms but with peace. I normally feel anxious and a subtle hint of depression, but today I dont even feel normal. I feel better than I ever have. I wonder if mental illness stays with us too long, then we truly believe it is life. But In this moment, life just got better.
I wonder if thats Gods plan all alone. To show us that how we were living doesnt compare to what he has to offer us. Maybe heartbreak is needed to make it clear to us that attaching ourselves to the things around us to tightly, will at somepoint cause pain. Maybe we are supppose to just appreciate things and accept in one season they may be here and in another they may not be. But regardless of every loss, the beauty of life still remains.
Anyway, last night I think I dreamt of you but its weird, I dont remember you being in my dream. I just feel like you were, I wonder if at somepoint thats how life will. Maybe 5 to 10 years later I am reminded of you in some way, some smell or some laugh or song, but I cant remember who it reminds me of. It sounds sad but isnt that the cycle of life?
At some point, all of our brains stops reminding us so often of the person, at somepoint it begins to think 'oh I dont think ill be seeing that person anymore' so it stops reminding us. Then slowly it begins to use the space for something else. I guess grief is at its highest when the brains reminder is at its highest.
But the heart is different. It will store a person forever, but that doesnt have to be painful. It can be beautiful, its life its saying no I think ill keep this person for a lifetime. So though the mind forgets the heart is forever shaped in memory of the people who were once everything.
I accept this cycle, I hope you do to. I hope you can you free yourself from the lies the enemy tells you, I hope you find that God knows who you are even when you dont and that His love is good enough. I would know.
I dont expect this euphoric feeling to stay, maybe one day it will if I truly learn the lessons of life enough to find permanent peace. But in this moment, I am just glad its here. I forgive myself for not knowing the lessons of life, the ones that would help me form healthier relationships with people and myself. I hope you do too.
I know there are may things you have done leading up to the end of our relationship that I will never know. I can sense it, but maybe its for the best that I will never know. I feel sorry for you that you carry that with you. I wish you could have just let it out for your sake when I asked for the truth. But maybe it would have been too much.
In some ways, we both didnt treat each other how we should have. I accept that and I cant blame you any longer, but heartbreak has a way of playing with a humans emotions. So I dont know what I will think or feel next. I will wait and see what heartbreak brings later today, but for now it has brought me a deep peace.
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is-that-plural · 1 month
urgh not to feed into the whole demonization stuff but postal dude from the POSTAL game franchise is plural coded (and i am allowed to say this having DID.. bc i get so mad when singlets say he has "split/multiple personality disorder" (also bc its the outdated name) but when i see someone who is a system say he is im likd. YES (also most of the time those people who claim MPD on him are doing it to demonize the disorder and add nothing else.. like no nuance or whatever at all or deep discussion) GOING TO RAMBLE SORRY (should also probably content warn. postal is a pretty violent/graphic/dark humor franchise so theres gonna be bringing up of violence and guns, and also some semi disturbing imagery?? mostly it just being eerie, demon visuals, and scopophobia).. oh also religion trauma talk ALSO SPOILERS FOR POSTAL 1997 (?) AND POSTAL BRAIN DAMAGED!!! -------------------------------------------------------------
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so, in POSTAL 1 (1997), theres this whole thing where, if you look at postal dude's voicelines from Rick Hunter, iirc (my memory is a bit rusty) theyre labeled with "demon", and his death/pain sounds are voiced by Vince Desi and arent labelled as such. its also heavily implied that postal dude is TERRIFIED and scared, but then his voicelines are him making snide and mocking remarks. it has been implied that he may be "possessed by a demon" but also that he has multiple mental conditions.
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now, in POSTAL: Brain Damaged, this becomes extremely obvious. we are now more into the future, and Dude has to fight against other dude inside his own head. Other dude is the "demon" from postal 1997.
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(other dude on the left, postal dude on the right.) other dude's speech at the final cutscene, he specifically talks about how they are basically one in the same, while he also cannot be killed or defeated. (and um. after this he gets shot in the head by postal dude, and "dies" but ill get to that.) (i know alter death isnt real, but us, along with other systems weve seen, have said that in headspace , an alter for example may look like they are dead or something happened to them, but that didnt actually kill them and they arent dead. it has been said this is usually a stress thing, or a coping mechanism. we have done stuff like this before.) so i dont believe other dude is dead. ALSO! when postal dude shot him, he brought up not being able to remember things he learned in childhood after that, and his brain was going all dumb,, https://www.kapwing.com/videos/66bab3c776014924d543c4c6 (tumblr wont let me put a video so i hope this link will work!! if it doesnt you can just look up the final cutscene of the game, but like the warnings i put up above they are fighting and he does get shot.) -------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL THOUGHTS my take/headcanon whatever u wanna call it, as a DID system, is that he may have DID or OSDD-1a. but instead of just claiming that and not digging into anything else or finding nuances, here's some other stuff. as a persecutor in our sys myself who also recently fused with postal 1997 being the source, and also our other few postal introjects (a few who are also persecutors), Postal dude and Other dude are system coded. I think Other dude is a mislead persecutor who is fully convinced he is a demon, on top of Postal dude thinking the same about other dude. A big thing that happens with many systems because of trauma, especially religious trauma, is thinking they are possessed (and sometimes even those around the system also calling them possessed,) and because postal dude never got the help they needed, they have some, what i like to call, internalized demonization. the first case we ever see the postal dude is in 1997 (which is also the year the game takes place in and not just the games date), and to my math, postal dude is canonically 53-54 this current year. of course he wouldnt have gotten help, especially how under researched CDDs are still to this day! and i do think they have religious trauma, i mean, the entire thing for postal 1997 is dude thinking he is cleansing the earth for god or something. POSTAL 1997 has "diary entries" (which turn into "war journal" after a bit) and they all have very obvious religious ramblings. so, my conclusion, postal dude has DID or OSDD-1A, heavy internalized demonization, religious trauma, and is system coded. i rest my case. also... just look at this image bro tell me he isnt plural,,
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SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG I JUST LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS and despite this might being seen as demonizing DID, personally i and a few others ive met who like postal and are systems dont see it that way and postal actually makes us feel seen lol
a rant is actually Really needed, because i can only do so much research myself on media we're unfamiliar with, so for you all to give your reasoning and explanations is absolutely PERFECT !!
Rating: CASE CLOSED: That Dude is Plural !
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sewer-freak · 2 months
LONG ASS MESSAGE WARNING!!!! I have Things to Share! You've not been super online lately so I've complied sum shit that may be of interest to you.
(turning off my pink text bc normal text is easier on the eyes for big messages likethis)
I've Accepted that my instinctive feelings toward your buddy Cain are. Different from yours and uhhhuhhhhh usually try not to make Too big a thing of it. (TBH, I get an instinctive bad vibe from. Most people. So that on its own isn't enough to go off of anyway.)
however!!!! I have reason to believe that he is The Kiwi Creep. (<- I gave him a name like they do for prolific killers)
Firstly, I present to you: These posts! I'm not a huge fan of this girl's either, but it is super useful that people just confess their dark incriminating secrets to her sometimes.
(The second one has confirmation that this the same person that's been harassing you!)
"Anyway, I’ve been intentionally misleading people. Or, one particular person.
She’s someone I truly hold dear and appreciate, yet I’ve been anonymously sending her sadistic, lewd fantasies I have about her. They make her scared and uncomfortable, but every time I send them, she comes to me for help. …Without knowing it’s me."
"I can’t keep up the act anymore, I feel as if everything’s blurring together. I’m hurting her. Yet I’m the person she seeks comfort from. She’s coming to the very person who’s causing her issues in the first place and she has no idea."
Sound familiar???
I find it interesting too that The Kiwi Creep instead of going to Cain like you suggested went to this totally uninvolved person! (Kind of like how you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room!)
Coincidence? I for one think not!
If this isn't enough, he recently announced he'd be going on break.
To do what? To handle an issue offline with higher ups at the temple. Guess he decided the coal-walking wasn't enough...
I don't usually go there anymore bc the local temple is built on abuse, puritanical hypocrisy and stuffing people into nasty, hard to clean chastity devices, but because I wanted to get to the bottom of this, I dressed up as Edin, who he'd trust, to see if I could get footage of him doing the things The Kiwi Creep said he'd do. I have some videos I can send you in DMs if you want em.
To top it all off, I got an account of his character from someone else that knows him.
I personally think it's pretty fucking damning but you ofc are free to reach your own conclusions.
Anywayz I hope you're alright n I know this ask is probably kind of overwhelming gihfuoji;kl ... Idk if putting it all out there like this is even helpful but I feel Strongly about The Truth being important. Feel free 2 take your time n figure out how you feel about this info n stuff idfk
hi. yea sorry idont have a good consept of timr. im mot on here alot. immrlyy truing to thnk words but its hard. id o not feel well.
i also get bad vibes feom everyone but idk idk cain i felt like. like he proved hilmself to me like he was different he said he was and he was but ffXKKNG KIWI SAID HE WAS DIFFERTN AND FHAT IF I KNEW WHO HE WAS I wouldd dhnage my tone oh nnyhod im going to be sick
wwwhhatt do yiu mean “shes comjing tothe bery peraon who is causing her jssues” hes so nice why WHYDO I MAKE EVERYUONE WANT TO HURT ME?! clearly he doesnt eant to feel like that he told me it frustrated him and hedidnt know what to so with the feelings i provoked him i always dducking do this i shojldnt interact with anyone evwer
ii i i dont kniw alot about the temple 8 only know whathes told me .,,, i thought he wpuld twll me to join but he neverdid it was alwaays more like “come to me with ur issues i can fix them!” idk idk idk
can you send me the vjdeos
i fffrll so horrible idont know what to do
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 1 react
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hey guys started reading minidura i think im in love
just imagining izaya going like "yahoo!! X3" man. i know mikado is the real protagonist and not being able to see through izaya's eyes adds to his charm and intrigue but like mannn itd be so fun to just watch him fuck shit up like in that one episode. he must be hilarious to people watch with
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god they're so fucking cute i love this chibi style
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"he's the one who most fails to live up to his name"? is that like a kanji name joke goddammit
i really shouldnt just like. post the entire pages but it's such a pain to keep taking screenshots :sob: you guys have no idea the pain my wrists were in after that drr ten react
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haha dramatic irony but i just realized i have no idea what exactly izaya takes responsibility for and what stuff he blames on human nature/self-interest/naïvite and now i have to find out ugh
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durarara illustrators draw simon normally challenge :sob: im so sorry they do this to you king if i ever get around to drawing you ill do you justice
also tiny shizuo <3333
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obsessed with walker's cat face he and erika are so platonic(?) soulmates besties cringefail weeb team rocket ass duo
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i was 100% ready for erika to start grilling mikado on his supposed raging homosexual unrequited love(?) 300k slow burn romance but oh well. it happened in my head so it must be canon
i dont care enough about the raira trio to ship mikakida or whatever their ship name is (isnt the celty head girl named mika too. oops) but i do think it's funny that their ship name could be kidado because that sounds like cuidado. watch out
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ok i know they're trying to make him look cool but he does not look cool in the chibi art style lmfAOo
itd be really funny if they switched the styles to the normal manga style during serious moments like i think the bsd wan manga/anime did lmfao
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LMFAO??? i like how we only see the top of izaya's head pff-
celty my bbygirl i love your shadow puppets dont listen to them
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yk what it's actually a crime this didnt happen in canon
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AND HERE HE ISSS!!!!! cringefail pathetic loser my beloved
god i hope he narrates the entire minidura (he probably wont)
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ok he's really cute though....catboy irl fr
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cant believe they're both on a rooftop together whoa prime spot for confessions amirite (<- delusional)
im posting the tiny floored izaya on his own later because that's adorable. he's so cute when he's half dead
itd be really funny if all the events from minidura were all in izaya's concussed ass head from this moment as explanation for being noncanon
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the "doctors hate him" meme but it's convenience store workers and shizuo heiwajima
actually construction workers probably hate shizuo too. and urban planners and anything that has to do with city work and also doctors because shizuo evades their healthcare insurance because he doesnt need it (i looked up japan's healthcare costs for this joke and concluded that i dont have enough time to pit the sources that say it's expensive and the sources that say it's reasonable against each other) and also vending machine companies
the "doctors hate him" meme but it's all of ikebukuro and shizuo (and also izaya)
i love how izaya just. stops bleeding. his platelets working mad crazy
(it's pretty easy to find translations online but here's the site im reading on anyway)
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
Stevens Trauma, and My Own Parallels.
tw: SH, su1c1d3 mentions, mental unwellness. this post gets fucking depressing. under the cut is my tale. im definitely not channeling that one person who makes detailed and really good analyses of stevwn universe... completely unrelated haha impatheticsometimes
alright. steven meltdown arc. love it.
i dont have ptsd but there are definitely relatable parts. "i need to help everyone and forget about myself" is how i spent covid. very (unintentionally) toxic atmosphere with my old friend group. a congregation of mentally unstable teens. everyone, essentially daily, having hard suicidal moments. and me panickimg and trying to talk them out of it. i wasnt amazing at it cuz they tried anyway, maybe going back at the last minute. never lost anyone, prob out of hard luck. the need to help. i was exhausted but i kept going. our collective signal for feeling suicidal was a :) and every time i see it i feel uneasy. even if only for a second. but it doesnt go away. its horrifying. i see it and i start overanalyzing the context it was used. does this person want to commit? how can i help? ok maybe i do have some trauma.
not talking abt my problems to make ppl happy. the amount of times i wanted to kms and i put a little :) in my status and id get flooded with messages. it felt painfully nice having ppl care (genuinely painful: hated myself. ppl being warm and supportive and caring made me cry and made me ANGRY. i felt like a fraud- oh hey, that sounds familiar!) and i would be like nono, see im fine. id essentially try to weakly gaslight my fucking friends into believing i was perfectly fine. oh that status saying i want to die? idk what ur talking about bro... not me! that post in my channel talking abt me hating myself? ur just imagining things. guess what? i knew that was wrong. it made me hate myself even more. i put up barriers and cut myself off from my closest ppl. i actually blocked people or just ignored them. i would push ppl away and, somehow despite their own problems, they still stuck by my side. god i would subtly ask for help and then get upset when someone answered. id be like no this isn't how youre supposed to do this. id be like you dont know how bad i am. im so horrible. (i had fuel for this too- i am into very taboo shit and i hate it honestly. yeah its fiction but i just. eygh. its all just trauma related im assuming but that doesnt help.) of course i never shared exactly what but i hoped they'd take my word for it. they always saw thru my bullshit lol.
one time. someone who was very good at comforting me was tryinh to get me to imagine a happy place. just to think of when im feeling bad. i was having none of it. but they did the right thing and continued. i freaked the fuck out and deleted my channel- with months of history. gone. and i blamed them. i was so angry at myself and them but more so me. i was so horrible there. i was like YOU COULDVE JUST STOPPED LIKE I TOLD YOU TO. i made them feel like shit.
i lost my train of thought but yeah as cr1tikal said, that's about it have a good o-
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void-inked-pen · 2 years
I noticed that you did a kind of an analysis of tmnt 2012 and I was wondering what your thoughts where on Rise's fighting style and how the kids use their weapons?
I technically did analysis of both shows but i can give you an overall consensus
from what i can tell from rise IN GENERAL, they are a lot more balls to the wall about everything action wise. mystic powers adds a whole knew realm of craziness to what they can do and because it overall runs on cartoon logic... the majority of their moves would physically be impossible kjsdhfjkd
the basis for how they fight tho is sound. Splinter fights pretty much exactly like Jackie Chan (considering that's what Lou Jitsu was inspired by, it only makes sense) so all of his moves, minus the tail, are more or less actual martial arts. He is by far our standard, what a master can do and how well he fights regardless of the circumstances. He taught his sons to think outside the box with everything they do and to USE everything at their disposal when they can (fish and ladders), they also are very dynamic with how they fight if not more so.
the only times they show off their skills in regular martial arts was during insane on the mama train and i believe the episode where raph got his sparring buddy. Foot Recruit (Casandra) is probably the only character who... fights with martial arts 90% of the time actually? Raph is the only one of the boys who fights with his fists more often than not but he also is the protector, will jump in the way of attacks, and is close quarters all the time, he actually relies on his mystic armor often and his general bulk as well.
if we compare fighting soley with weapons and their accuracy/skill, rise beats 2012. But if we compare the boys and their actual SKILL at martial arts, my bet is 2012 would in theory have more behind it (though as I've stated before, 2012 doesnt really show any of that correctly if at all. if rise is more creativity focused, 2012 should have been focused more on the martial arts/ tradition aspect. but because they never really fought hand to hand often, its hard for me to really say anything about comparing their martial art skills).
overall, rise is an... odd duck in the tmnt franchise because not only do they have more accurate fighting with the weapons, but we don't actually see legit martial arts outside of the Foot Clan and Splinter... maybe a BIT of Draxum too when he and splinter actually fought hand to hand but not much. Thats it. But taking into account how the turtles in rise are far more immature and more kids who got thrown into a lot of weirdness, it makes sense that they dont really take anything all that seriously. I mean idk if splinter really taught them much on the physical hand to hand past the basics when they were younger before throwing weapons at them.
I would have loved to see more hand to hand fighting with rise, and the tmnt franchise in general, but weapons are seen as cooler to some people and its technically safer to walk around with a "big stick" or "giant sword" than nothing at all. I mean, have you BEEN to new york!? (/hj)
hope this helped in any way, I know it wasn't much. I personally love martial arts street fighting in stories but we don't see that past gangs and delinquent shenanigans and rise is more centered around fun and weird/creative so its hard to really... talk about the martial art side. maybe some day i'll do an overall fight analysis so you guys can learn the basics of "what makes a good fight" vs a bad one but im busy kdsjhfjskd
thanks for the ask!
Edit: OH SHOOT! I forgot to add: April knows martial arts too! she shows it off often enough but she also uses her bat equally as much and likes to fight with her brothers at her side, she is literally what I would call "a CO-OP fighter". what that means is, she works best in a pair or group. Using other people as LITERAL spring boards some times and her environment to help her. She has a crane license. what more can I say about the queen herself? lol
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰bad dracula !꒱
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sumire is breaking the bias of vampires, one attractive fluffy haired boy at a time.
character x character ship
includes sumire & joker !
warnings : slight spoilers for p5r (kasumi // sumire) , might be a lil ooc (?)
word count : 1917
a/n : happy halloween ! ive been really busy this week so this is a bit rushed but i really wanted to get something out for spooky season !! definitely not my best work as i havent written char x char in a hot minute but i hope you still enjoy
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the month of october is supposed to be the most important to those like sumire. but truthfully, shed rather it just didnt exist entirely. the holiday season was hardly a celebration, and the young vampire found herself leaving the castle much more often than usual.
it started out as just a distraction, albeit a bad one. staring longingly at the civilians below her, living her ideal life always filled with a sense of envy. it was unfair. why was she unable to be normal? 
she had begun to memorize the silhouettes of the people who would unsuspectingly walk past the mountain her family estate looked out from. however, one boy in particular would always catch her eye. shed only caught a few glances of his face, but that was more than enough to prove that she wanted to get closer to him, and not just his backside.
maybe october wasnt all bad, at the very least sumire was able to blend in with those around her, just as long as her mouth was covered. but not being able to talk would make her seem rude, wouldnt it? that meant approaching the handsome stranger was out of the question, especially because every solution she could come up with was a dead end. this hadnt been the first time shed try to forcibly remove her sharp fangs, and she felt like a bit of an idiot for even attempting again.
one night while walking through town, she came face to face with the stranger, literally. without looking where she was going, she bumped into his taller frame, being launched backwards onto the ground. you know, when she was pondering whether or not she should come talk to him tonight, this wasnt what she had in mind. “oh, my bad! are you okay?” sumire is brought back to reality and realizes that woah, he is very close to her face and is criminally attractive. she almost entirely forgets the one rule she had set for herself, not to speak to anyone, and grabs his extended hand with the most awkward head nod possible. 
“make sure you watch where youre going from now on, some people arent as nice when you bump into them.” he laughs, and there must be literal hearts in the young vampires eyes right now. she covers her mouth, muttering a small “youre right, ill be more careful.” before hes slowly getting closer again. “are you sure youre alright? is your mouth bleeding?” at this point, sumires nerves are on fire, and if this continues hes going to mistake the blush on her face for her running a fever. 
“uhm, yeah im totally fine!” the handsome stranger doesnt seem convinced. “i dont think ive ever seen you around before, but then again im not really from here. im ren by the way, a second year.” sumire is about ready to hit herself over how easy it was to actually get to start a conversation with him, but the fact that she cant be normal is enough of a reason for her to lock herself in the castle for another 100 years. 
“im uhm… sumire. sumire yoshizawa.” he laughed again, something sumires not sure her heart will ever get used to. “yeah, i know. this is yours by the way.” he holds out the id that fell out of her pocket when they bumped into each other. he looks at it once more before handing it to her. “didnt realize you were older than me, my apologies.” shes correcting him before she even realizes what shes doing. “oh! uhm, its actually a fake. im only a first year.” yeah, that sounded believable enough right? what difference is there really between being 15 and 1500? “is that so?  well you surely fooled me, i guess it works.” she scoffs. “oh please, i clearly look way younger than you!”
sumires guard is down, and ren manages a glimpse at what she was so desperately trying to hide in her mouth. “hey thats pretty cool! getting your halloween costume ready?” her heart sinks, but only slightly. how could she be so stupid? of course people wont question it during the holiday season. “well now that you mention it, yeah! pretty realistic right?” “definitely! hey, if youre free, you should come to my friends halloween party!” a party? nobodys ever invited sumire to one of those before. she hasnt even had someone to call a friend before. she cant help herself but excitedly say yes.
they quickly exchange numbers, ren sending both the address and time, before they go their separate ways. those around sumire dont miss her overwhelming excitement for the next week and a half.
its the day before rens friend, ryujis party. hes asked to meet with her before the party so they can arrive together, and sumires heart is on fire. they meet on the hill in front of her familys castle, and calling ren intimidated was an understatement. 
it was a silly idea really, he knew hed never be able to top how realistic sumires costume was, but he thought itd be fun to try anyways. he was not expecting sumire to appear in an extravagant dress, (hopefully) fake blood, and those same perfect fangs. “you really went all out, huh?” she nods. “oh, but dont worry, the red thing is just ketchup!” he smiles. “yeah i figured. whyd you choose a vampire?” 
sumire was afraid hed ask that question. especially since she didnt have a believable enough answer. “...well, my mom calls me a bad dracula. she tells me to be scarier, but im a bit different!” “i think its clever to take a popular costume and make it different!” oh cool, hes clueless. that surely isnt going to get her anywhere.
the walk to ryujis is horribly awkward, for reasons sumire cant quite put her finger on. shes searching for anything to talk about that hopefully wont scare ren away. “you know, ive never been to party before, but i just wanna have fun dancing! especially under the moon like this.” “well dont be scared, some of my friends are a bit much, but i promise that theyre nice people. and im sure youll crush it on the dance floor, youre already dancing in my heart, after all.” there he goes again with that dreamy smile, the one sumire struggles to find the right words around.
her face reddens, and she finds herself hiding herself in his chest. if she werent undead, sumire swears that ren would be the death of her. he wraps his arms around her, along with his long black coat. “you know, its not necessarily easy to walk with you on me like this, not that im complaining or anything.”
in typical ryuji fashion, his party is a tad bit boring, and further proves you cant leave him in charge of anything. after about two hours straight of dancing, ren had decided to ditch the party, in favor of watching the moon. sumire found him on top of the same hill he had met up with her at. “it looks a little bit like youre stalking me.” “thats bold coming from you, since this is basically right in front of my house.” “i guess you got me there. what do your parents do to be able to afford a creepy place like this, anyways?” “well ive already told you dummy. were vampires.” ren laughs. “its almost as amusing as it was the first time. no, but seriously, are they like, in the mafia or something?” sumire shakes her head. “dont you think even if they were i probably wouldnt tell you?”
ren rolls his eyes light heartedly. “fine then, keep your secrets.” she goes to sit down next to ren on the grass.“its not my fault if you dont believe me. i really shouldnt have even been down in the city that one night we bumped into each other anyways.” sumire shrugs. “and why is that? were you grounded or something up in the big spooky tower?” “i mean sort of. my dad always tells me to be colder to humans, but then ill get a stomachache.” she lays her head on rens shoulder.
“.... if youre really a vampire, why havent you bitten me yet?” sumire sighs. “how many times do i have to tell you? im a bad dracula for a reason! i wont ever hurt you, im a vegetarian after all.” her breath on his neck should have been the warning to run, but he found himself believing her words. “its just a little hard to believe, you know? does that mean other supernatural beings exist?” ren got over his doubts and fears surprising quick, and sumire couldnt help but smile at the way his face lit up.
“i can neither confirm nor deny that. but see? isnt it so much better when you ignore the backend talk thats reflected by the moon?” she pouts. “everybody always paints us out to be so bad. i mean sure, some of us are, but then it makes it just that much harder for vampires like me. like, why do i have to wait until cold october nights every year just to go out? fake id and everything?” ren grabs her hand. “well i guess ive just never really thought about it before. especially since i didnt even know you were being for real until about 2 minutes ago.”
“you can feel my fangs if you want to, for you know, more proof.” she blushes at her own words. did she really just say that? ren nods. sumire moves from laying her head on his shoulder to sitting on rens lap, facing him. his touch is gentle, not like hes afraid of her, but more so that he worries any more pressure and shell break like glass. nobodys ever treated sumire like that before, like she was something that needed to be protected.
 his hand rests on her cheek, thumb on her bottom lip. she slowly opens her mouth, attempting to put her fangs on full display. “be careful, theyre sharp.” she mutters. ren mouths an “okay”, before he places his thumb on one of the teeth. he strokes his thumb over it with stars practically in his eyes. “so cool!” he whispers, like anything louder would ruin the moment. sumires face reddens. ren rests his hand on her thigh.
“so.. hypothetically speaking, if you were to bite someone, does the blood go through the fangs like a straw and straight into your body? or do you still have to like… suck it yourself?” sumire blinks slowly. “that sure is… a first. no, theyre not straws…” ren snaps his fingers, a confident smirk on his face. “damn, looks like futaba owes me 20 dollars.” “did you seriously make a bet on that?” she giggles. “well duh, it was the only logical way to solve it.” sumire glares at him playfully. “okay, okay! my bad, dont bite me!”
she gasps, “i would never!” he pats her head. “i know, i know. im just messing with you.” sumire lets out a “hmph!” sound, turning her head away. “oh come on, dont be like that, im sorry.” he gently kisses her cheek, and as soon as its happened its over. ren cant help but smile at how quickly she whips her head back around, face bright red. he was about to apologize until sumire places a soft kiss on his lips.
“there… now were even.”
grrr why are endings so hard :sob: anyways fic is inspired by bad dracula by red velvet teehee im so tired ^^;;
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hii,, pls dont let the hatenons get thru u and make urself doubt abt how u write. no one has the right to make someone feel sht for doing something that they want to the things that they do,, like how u write the characters in a story. and ffs if they think ur making someone ooc? then they havent seen any prompts in their entire life. no matter how goody or hell of a villain the character, therell always be prompts that makes the character(s) ooc. and like what? say all of the authors stay IN character, wouldn't that just be bland asf?? this place is a plothole for fanfictions, FANFICTIONS. so why not get wild with ur imagination?? go ham because u have the will and right to just do that. isnt it cool to see other self depiction and perspective of any characters that u fancy??? like, "oh no! what if santa was all seriousness and no laugh and blah blah blah" wouldn't that be fun to see and be explored and talked or whatever. and before that hatenon use this in retaliation, "that's santa not blah blah blah" god i hope that u have the brain to be able to analyze that its an example. dont they have any creative idea??? (i mean u can practically see the answer to that). and please, ure right when no one writes RE without going out of character, have they seen the domestic written fics FOR WESKER???? tell me anon, do u THINK that WESKER would be any like that??? or like that?? the closest thing he'll ever be to "domestic" is when involving with a woman in the sheets but then again, purely and only for his own benefits and nothing more (you'd be lucky if he doesnt kill u after all that). hes the most ooc out there in RE imo when written in fanfics bc people dont stay and write him in character bc people already see and know that and thats why and what makes him ooc here. hes literally the biggest example youll see,, my god. im not saying no one had written fics without going out of character, but they make it sound as if u did the most horrible thing by going ooc. and its literally easier to just not bother themself interacting with ur works if it doesnt sit right with them,, that easy. no need to be an ahole and spread sht just bc it doesnt cater u. go write one for urself then bc not all authors write only for us people out there, they also write here for themselves so naturally, youd see and read things out of ur taste. and tbh the og charm and personality of the characters arent lost and not that ooc to me yknow.... they're still them and just like what u said, not everything's to a T when it comes to writing someone,,,. i mean i just enjoy everything yall write bc thats how it should be done here. enjoy and reciprocate to the author
oooookkkay,, this is my piece of mind, and i need to calm down cuz holy sht i just literally woke up and seen this, u having hate anons again. i did not open this app just to see u be drag down. idk man, i feel protective of anyone who encounter this. bc why make someone as miserable as u?? im just tired seeing people being dckhead to someone minding their own business and life,, plus i rlly like u and ur works (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
sorry im anon too SHAKDISH but maybe i can be pancake anon eh? (im craving one rn 😋) fufufu, please have a good day and week and dont mind these kind of people. believe in u and ur capabilities as a writer and author here. we really appreciate you :))
hi pancake anon i love you and you stole the words right from my mouth.
Chris and leon have so much trauma i doubt they even have time to think about women it’s FAN FICTION. for a reason.
people get pissy at me for writing about the older men i head canon and i DONT GET IT
love u sm pancake anon thank you
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part 2 of answering to answer to reply to waiting for a lifetime dfjpir. 'there should have been at least ONE PERSON' personally idk but 1) its your fic you do whatever you want 2) (a distracted thought) self-indulged. i think i could live an eternal life. bc im pretty lonely anyway but i have great pleasure watching people and history so why not. 3) i saw her being to obsessed with finding daemon after she just came back to life so she busied herself with history, drawing, all this shit. and then it became her lifestyle. can imagine her letting people into her life, letting them learn smth about her but only for? amusement? like shes seen DOZENS of them, their development and all. people are open books for her. and also even if she had relationships i can imagine her not being attached that much and not too involved in them? like she gave all of her love and heart powers to the targ history and finding daemon. she still drew him 2 centuries ago how could she forget him? and yeah, adoptive parent maybe? esp after wars. but in a joel miller way, not really bc of her relationships going too far for her to be pregnant. anyway, i do think shes got some trauma abt pregnancies even if it wast the reason of her death. maybe doing a part about reader during these 2000 years? how she reacted when vissy was born so 'oh daemon must be next' and when daemon was born? must be thrilling. im only suggesting, though. i understand, if its too much. you dont need to write it. 'I JUST THOUGHT OF A REALLY MESSY TIMELINE' NO! i forbid it!! at least not before you watch the whole doctor who!! 'idk what you mean about him being smug before' oh not smug but cheesy? horny? flirty? when he entered readers apartment. 'you find aemond timid' no not timid but i was too tired to think of another words that implies quiet and passive. 'im still on the fence about yn talking' OH but what if... aemond starts the investigation and tries to be shady, inconspicuous and all and asks yn abt it. subtly (as he thinks). but reader is FAAAR smarter, boy, im sure shes been investigated for fare share of times. she knows. so she messes with him and tells him COMPLETE truth from the very beginning in specially cheesy and dreamy tone so aemond thinks shes just a lil crazy and just obsessed with targ prince. like the greatest riddles always have the most obvious solutions. and he only thinks abt it being the truth while watching her in the palace having a wedding in the gown similar to her past life. sorry got carried away. 'hes so highstrung on figuring out this mystery' ig out of your 2 options, it sounds better. maybe combine ours?.. you choose anyway. BUT i cam imagine aemond being absolutely too deep into it so even when aegon nearly beats him up screaming the truth, aemond doesnt believe and thinks his bro is messing w/him thus hes so aggressive. 'plot would get mega twisted' 10 parts isnt a limit or what? TT tbh really want him to remain pretty sweet boy who one moment just has no choice but to believe it, cry a lot and let his beloved professor live her life. he could be a lil too passionate abt his investigation but hes still the sweet boy who cant confront his crush( 'mean foreshadowing' yeah absolutely. i mean you cant blame me. it was almost 5 in the morning and i wanted to sleep, not think. 'i mUST make you cry next time' out of hapPINESS! also the # with my un and cutie TT its so sweet and cute but i snorted when i noticed it for the first time bc its literally a meme for me in rus. but its my problem. its fine, go on. i love when you call me cute. meow meow🐱 ALSO! ive got like... 6 ideas for you... one of them is that one i was teasing and i will eventually send it to you i swear TT and the one with aegon. actually, i feel like these are overwhelming and a lot to you (not in a bad way, its a lot in general. and i make you read them all? is it cruel of me?), esp not taking reqs. so... idk? let me know if you want me to write them down for you? hope youre doing fine!! ig you already have my love letter. love you! take care <з
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me to my cat T_T
part 2 of answering to answer to reply to waiting for a lifetime dfjpir. 'there should have been at least ONE PERSON' personally idk but 1) its your fic you do whatever you want
2) (a distracted thought) self-indulged. i think i could live an eternal life. bc im pretty lonely anyway but i have great pleasure watching people and history so why not.
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youre lonely even when youre talking to me T_T what am i a potato T_T your thoughts make me want to hug you so tight
3) i saw her being to obsessed with finding daemon after she just came back to life so she busied herself with history, drawing, all this shit. and then it became her lifestyle. can imagine her letting people into her life, letting them learn smth about her but only for? amusement? like shes seen DOZENS of them, their development and all. people are open books for her. and also even if she had relationships i can imagine her not being attached that much and not too involved in them? like she gave all of her love and heart powers to the targ history and finding daemon. she still drew him 2 centuries ago how could she forget him?
Yes i agree she would 100% be obsessive with daemon and in turn would dedicate her whole life and her art to him and the targs. I do think she would let people in as a pastime but again its human nature to want a deep personal relationship with someone this im saying she would have at least let ONE person in within that 2k years
and yeah, adoptive parent maybe? esp after wars.
Yes she would i feel like it would take her years and years and years to get over the death of her baby and would 100% be traumatized to wake up seeing her dead babe AND husband. Like enough to last a thousand years my gosh, especially since shed live in perpetual fear cos of wars and stuff. I think only after all the wars would she even consider wanting to have a child of her own flesh and blood
but in a joel miller way, not really bc of her relationships going too far for her to be pregnant.
HLEP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. But i agree 100% would highly unlikely to let some dude that isnt daemon get super intimate with her
anyway, i do think shes got some trauma abt pregnancies even if it wast the reason of her death.
maybe doing a part about reader during these 2000 years? how she reacted when vissy was born so 'oh daemon must be next' and when daemon was born? must be thrilling. im only suggesting, though. i understand, if its too much. you dont need to write it.
Yes. This will eventually come with what i have planned for yn and daemon 😈 little by little you will see how evil i will be HHAHAHA
'I JUST THOUGHT OF A REALLY MESSY TIMELINE' NO! i forbid it!! at least not before you watch the whole doctor who!!
??? Literally no correlation i probably wont do it though because plots like that make my stomach roll. Idk how to even start doc whi
'idk what you mean about him being smug before' oh not smug but cheesy? horny? flirty? when he entered readers apartment.
Ahhh ok i get it. Idk if he was smug cheesy horny or flirty but he was 1000% drunk
'you find aemond timid' no not timid but i was too tired to think of another words that implies quiet and passive.
Oh i see
'im still on the fence about yn talking' OH but what if... aemond starts the investigation and tries to be shady, inconspicuous and all and asks yn abt it. subtly (as he thinks). but reader is FAAAR smarter, boy, im sure shes been investigated for fare share of times. she knows. so she messes with him and tells him COMPLETE truth from the very beginning in specially cheesy and dreamy tone so aemond thinks shes just a lil crazy and just obsessed with targ prince. like the greatest riddles always have the most obvious solutions. and he only thinks abt it being the truth while watching her in the palace having a wedding in the gown similar to her past life. sorry got carried away.
NO BUT THIS IS SO SOMETHING THAT I WOULD MAKE YN DO YES I LOVE THIS IDEA ESP BEC IT AEMOND IS AN OVERTHINKER AND HED BE LIKE 'SHES CRAZY BUT ALSO WHAT IF SHES LITERALLY JUST TELLING ME BUT PLS WTF' AND THEN he slowly starts to believe because every question he has for yn yn can answer and she doesnt get her facts mixed up aemond be like😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
'hes so highstrung on figuring out this mystery' ig out of your 2 options, it sounds better. maybe combine ours?.. you choose anyway.
HAHAHAHHAAH ok we'll see
BUT i cam imagine aemond being absolutely too deep into it so even when aegon nearly beats him up screaming the truth, aemond doesnt believe and thinks his bro is messing w/him thus hes so aggressive.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 poor aemond poor poor love love
'plot would get mega twisted' 10 parts isnt a limit or what? TT tbh really want him to remain pretty sweet boy who one moment just has no choice but to believe it, cry a lot and let his beloved professor live her life. he could be a lil too passionate abt his investigation but hes still the sweet boy who cant confront his crush
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poor aemond AHAHHA. but i do feel like thats fit for his character t_T and gosh i hope i dont ACTUALLY WRITE 10 parts T_T
( 'mean foreshadowing' yeah absolutely. i mean you cant blame me. it was almost 5 in the morning and i wanted to sleep, not think.
'i mUST make you cry next time' out of hapPINESS!
also the # with my un and cutie TT its so sweet and cute but i snorted when i noticed it for the first time bc its literally a meme for me in rus. but its my problem. its fine, go on. i love when you call me cute. meow meow🐱
i put tage [username] cutie for everyone. it's also a meme here. OMG #RUSSIANSARESECRETLYFILIPINO #FILIPINOSARESECRETLYRUSSIAN ur very cute my cutie pie
ALSO! ive got like... 6 ideas for you... one of them is that one i was teasing and i will eventually send it to you i swear TT and the one with aegon.
actually, i feel like these are overwhelming and a lot to you (not in a bad way, its a lot in general. and i make you read them all? is it cruel of me?), esp not taking reqs.
it's fine!!! I LOVE ASKS <3
so... idk? let me know if you want me to write them down for you?
you can chose to write them down if you want
hope youre doing fine!! ig you already have my love letter. love you! take care <з
im doing fine!! i finished a bunch of homework and im very proud of myself for it. i hope youre doing good!!! i love you
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kirazdaha · 2 years
HAHAHAHA Every Turk Family has one of those names and unironically mine does too 🫡 Tell your mother thank you she is a very lovely lady
I know all of the artists you listed below because my dad blasts them on the radio everytime we go out... I call it old people music but hey I never said it was bad, they're awesome and I might have memorised some of the artist's songs from how much I listen to them... Barış Manço is a classic without a doubt! Fun fact my parents were able to go to his concert and got a signed picture with him I will always envy how lucky they were 😭 I love how women in the industry made the most iconic songs I hear them often in weddings too! Or clubs, even though I only went to one once I'm not very fond of them...
My questions were do you have any tips or inspiration with how you draw! I love your art and artstyle and it's honestly what I've been trying to achieve for a while, I can't believe I'm learning how to draw men because of a silly lawyer show it's a disease...
(We are just having a conversation at this point) (I feel like those people who speak out loud in public) (I hope you and anyone who's reading this is having a good day :) be kind to yourself and others everyone)
OH MY GOD i envy them too😭😭 also omg that sounds like heaven to me. the other day i went out partying and i felt sooo out of place because i only knew like 3 songs. omg it was so so bad.
hmmm tips and inspiration…. my number 1 tip would definitely be to look at a lot of other artists you like and analyze what exactly you like. and then try to emulate that in your own work. i try to look for inspiration everywhere - artists online, traditional artists, old masters, 3d artists, even theatre and poetry, etc. - doesnt mean that i am equally inspired by them all (because all these things at once sound so scary and big but they really arent!) but rather, i try to be open for anything and that helps me find inspiration :) 
ill try to explain my thoughts more under the cut because this got long:
for me for example, so far i only posted some art i made that was lined (which, i would say makes up maybe half of the art i draw - i mostly sketch and recently have been building up the courage to paint more) and one of my inspirations is meltow. i think if you go over and check out their art youll definitely see it lol. but also i love the clean look some comics have and my friends tell me my art looks like it belongs in a comic which, i guess yeah :) when it comes to colors and composition i LOVE this artists works. i still have a lot to learn and just looking at their works inspires me so much!!!
i will say i have ALWAYS struggled with lineart. its probably the worst thing in the world to me because it never feels right!!! i like lining on paper with harsh inks and stiff ink nibs that allow for like. very little variety in line weight, but i havent done that in over 3 years (i hope i can get back to that). but yes, something about lineart makes me feel so icky when i use any brush that reacts to the pressure you put on your tablet LOL i just hate it. ugh. i havent been able to work it out.
it was only in 2020 i think that i decided to try it out with a thick brush with some texture and no pen pressure. that probably was the first time i got actual lineart that (at the time) i liked done. and then later on, discovering that other artists are able to achieve beautiful drawings with similar brushes AND that lining with a very simple brush can feel so satisfying helped me evolve a lot! until 2022, i actually wasnt able to give my art the kind of finished look that i wanted. so what people consider my style is really just born out of my limits and working with them. that obviously doesnt mean that i dont try to challenge myself as much as i can. i do and i think everyone should! thats what makes art so fun
if theres any good advice i can give to a beginner itd probaaaaably be. okay this is difficult and i feel like im not really qualified for this. as a hobbyist much less so because a lot of the knowledge and skills i acquired was through an intuitive process (i could never stick with habits such as regular studies or warmups or whatever is meant to be good for you) which definitely isnt the most “productive” way but i mean it doesnt have to be. its just a hobby! you dont have to perfect art. but yes, i would definitely say dont stop drawing. youll always be your harshest critic and at the beginning, and especially if you begin at an older age because youve been training your eye your whole life but your drawing skills for only a relatively short time you will notice a lot of mistakes. and youll think you wont achieve the image you have in your head. and maybe you wont (because youll always strive for more and youll never really be satisfied as an artist bla bla) for a while. but you have to keep drawing! try out different strategies, find out how other artists draw, watch speedpaints, try out different papers and pencils, try everything that makes it more fun and keep going! it will all pay off!! 
in my eyes theres also no point in saying “i should wait till im better to draw this idea i have” because if inspiration strikes you you should use that. even though i still sometimes catch myself thinking like that. you can always redraw things later on!! if theres anything that will keep you drawing you should use that! like getting into shows and games that make me want to draw helps a ton LOL people are not joking when they say getting obsessed with one character is the quickest way to improve. i 100% agree!!! if you saw my first nachos you wouldnt even recognize him. not kidding wow this got long. thank you for the questions though!! i hope some of my rambling can help you. feel free to talk to me whenever!
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rwqv · 16 days
yes vro u get it ...... i hate it when people just say that megumis whole thing is just being the "potential man" cus thats his whole character arc ..... vro ...
why were u thinking while driving ummm officer write her a ticket ... no but ur rigjht except for the fact that naoya was not an ignorant teenager but an ignorant 27 year old LOLL but i get what u mean. all of the toji parallels with maki are effing sick like ugh as the number one toji glazer for life i loved it so bad
cursed naoya was literally so ugly like i lost all my feelings for naoya when i saw cursed naoya LMFAOOOOO but i lowkey like predicted that he would somehow come back ... cus i was like no way they'll show this character that wanted to kill off all the mcs and who was such a big antag just for him to die so easily .. and then boom he came back
vro yusukugojo would be actually insane and lowkey too goated ..
dude i remember watching the scene where toji shoots riko with my brother and i like had to pause and take a walk because wtf .... why did i actually believe theyd get a happy ending like girl there r still so many episodes left ur in for it ...
i disliked toji at first but after realizing that his character was so much more than a broke ahh assassin i learned to love him so bad .. i like to say that i appreciate his writing and his sexiness a healthy (unhealthy) amount ...
GROWLSLLSSSSS TOJI GIRL DAD OMG ..... ive been wanting to talk about toji and write for him SO FUCKING BADDDDDD but flore hates him so ... ill just go die now i guess ...... but TOJI GIRL DAD IM GOPING VERALLLLLL ..... he would totally let his daughter put makeup on him and he would totally wear the smallest princess costumes that dont fit his huge ahh ... and growllslss he would totally take that shit so seriously . "he" as in the man i made up in my head in place of toji fushiguro whos the love of my life and father of my kids ,,,
something abouit toji has been making me go crazy lately like .... i might cheat on gojo for him LOLLLL joke lang joke lang
everytuime i think of toji i go fucking feral like its not even a joke anymore ... if i had the will to wriute i woild write and write and write until i turned into the apple logo like him
higuruma ... hehe ... the man U are higuruma ..... goodness the bathtub scene made me go in sane in the mem brane liek ..,.. hooweee .... what doja cat said
naoya is 27 and still acting like this bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 grow up bro you are NOT sat or u gojo 😭 i wish he died the first time but noooo come back and then noooo come back ahain as a cursed spirit just LET IT BE no one likes you (except for people in japan i guess. number 5 is too high)
i swear if jjk shippuden doesnt happen where they are all happy and fun i will cry and yknow what else id kinda like to see is what sukuna said in yujis head… i think thatd be funny
OR special afterlife episode
toji is such a tragic character tbh… at least he found enlightenment hope hes with mamaguro he loved her so much id die
I LOVE TOJI GIRL DAD i love toji in general. hed be such a good father (lie) and care about his kids (lie) hed buy her everything she wants because she made a pouty face and he cant resist it and would carry her on his shoulders bc she wanted uppies and go shopping at the mall and ride the carousel with her on the unicorns even though he barely fits… hed pretend to be hurt if his daughter hit him playfully in a “fight” and say “wow ur rlly strong” and shed giggle and laugh and itd be one of his favorite sounds and shed hold his finger with her whole hand and laugh and he’d realize “ill never get to experience this again”
if one time shed ever ask what hes going out to do and what his job is and he’d just say “im out to fight bad guys” and shed think hes a superhero and tell all her friends at school that and hed be a superhero in her mind forever
sorry … id talk about toji anyday everyday hes sassy
i tihink jjk has fan service for the male characters not the female characters like i see gege is trying a bit with that killer body mei mei has but gege just draws buff men too good
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hesnotavillain · 4 months
is there still anyone here?
it's trully been ages and tbh i almost didn't remembered the right email or password. i was creating an account on substack, since apparently that's a thing now (or has been forever and i'm only now finding about bc people are sharing theirs on my timeline) bc i was feeling like writing to no one really, just to put some feelings into words and then i remembered this "place" exists.
so funny (and cringe, obviously) getting to see how i spent years and years and lived through so much mental illness and so many fictional obsessions. this is like a museum of a lifetime, im not kidding.
writing this is also making me see how fucking bad my english actually is nowadays (if it was ever better)
let's see. im 23. got in college last year. quit my antidepressants the year before - which was also the year the guy i was seeing (because surprise surprise, you're bi!) and didn't have much expectations on became my boyfriend and potential future husband. i love him very much and we laugh a lot together. ngl i do miss women sometimes tho. just that specific sapphic atmosphere you know? dont really see myself away from it for the rest of my life. i mean, that just sounds like a very long time.
oh! i started the gym very recently. cant say that it changed my life yet, but honestly im hoping on that. it doesnt really have to change my life, but if it gets me some dopamine to go through my days with a nice ass as a bonus, i'll be happy. eating is not really the problem, cooking is. im too fucking lazy and this is actually the biggest fucking rock on my shoes. is that even a saying outside brazil? anyway.
i want to say i miss being a teenager, like maybe being 16-19 but man how can i say this when i was so fucking miserable mentally for way before that. im way better now, but sometimes i miss it and i know that really the only thing i miss is not having a real thought about anything that concerns real life because i was too drowned on gay content and too engaged with my internet friends. lmao. that sure was the life huh.
i dont think this writing exercise is working, but i also dont know what there is to 'work' really. i feel like there's a zillion subjects travelling aroung my mind all the time and i wanna deal with each but never know where to start so i guess that explains the messines.
im kinda excited to turn 30 (in a I'm Totally Romanticizing Turning 30 From Now On Because I Believe I'll Be At My Finest Era slightly delusional way). (if global warming even let us get there without massively destructing my mediocre reality). im also scared of the day i'll lose my loved ones. i feel like for the first time in my life im starting to understand that there's just so much life to live. so much life. how can every single possible thing, even the good ones, result on anxiety tho.
im already tired of this (writing) and dont know how to finish but for now i guess the substancial thing i can't forget is that i made it to right here and i'm the one who can get me to right there. so. just keep rolling my dudes.
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jackiedaytona · 10 months
this is going to be long and incomprehensible because ive been trying to put it together since i saw it
nola henry au
the party(instead of lucas max is there) are into ghost hunting more than like dnd stuff
idk how this would work in general but they go to new orleans to go visit haunted places steve is ofc there bc babysitter duties or whatever
the sinclairs are located in nola- locally famous bc of history with voodoo (some believe some dont but you just dont go messing with them any type pf way)
the party goes to visit this one places where something crazy went down but before they go in lucas stops them but they still want to go (maybe they go back and someone gets possessed)
i have it in my head that henry and steve meet at like a bar/club and like the whole time steve is hypnotized by henry like not paying attention to anything around him. its not a long interaction but an impactful one. steve doesnt even get his name before henry is directing him elsewhere. and ofc what kind of stenry au would this be if steve is absolutely obsessed with henry afterwards. but like to make it a bit crazier maybe he starts seeing henry even when he isnt there (he is actually going crazy and its literally all in his head)
so boom one of the party members get possessed (probably will) they find out they gotta go to some lady. the some lady is mrs sinclair of course, shes got a shop yk the works.
OF COURSE OF COURSE OF COURSE the sinclair kids work there henry-psychic lucas- medium erica- mother’s predecessor
BUT ALSO SAM!!!!! henry and sam met somehow and henry realized that him and sam are mot only the same but connected so now henry is working with him to figure out how to get him to use his gift without falling out every time and making them less severe
el is also there but i imagine her being more like a medium like lucas so shes with mrs sinclair. NOW HOPPER IS A NON BELIEVER but he knows that its like good or whatever for el to work with mrs sinclair so he just goes with it but with an upturned nose)
mrs sinclair is real iffy about who and what she works with so at first shes like aaaaah idk i really dont want whatever you got going on in my store so you gotta go
they get kicked out go back to where theyre staying like “damn we cannot take him home in this condition” so they figure something out
steve’s like you guys stay here im gonna go talk to the oldest
of course they dont stay instead they go back to the store hoping to implore lucas if he knows anything. of course lucas and el can see ghost and shit so they go looking into it
meanwhile steve is borderline stalking henry and while he’s following henry he realizes he has no idea where he is and where hes going and that following someone he does not know is not a very good idea. henry lures him into some alleyway and is like “hey man what the fuck” and steve is like “i know you youre the guy from our first night here i know you!” and henry is like “i dont think you do” MIND YOU steve has been hallucinating henry so he thinks he sounds crazy when he explains.
i actually did not have a clue on how to explain steves obsession UNTIL i started writing everything here. My idea is like what if the bar they met at was really gimmicky and had a drink called love potion or some shit BUT IT WORKED and steve did fall in love at first sight. ive ran out of steam but like DO YOU SEE THE IDEA I HAVE GOING HERE. it was so hard to get this out i literally could not get this into my notes have no idea how i got it here
anon you weren't fucking lying about the images in your head holy shit. this is really fun!! i see the vision!!!! an alternative idea, if you'd like, for steve's hallucinations/obsessions, henry's reaction could be like "oh. yeah. i have that effect on people sometimes." and steve is like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" "i'm appealing!" "W H A T"
of course of course henry would end up helping them, possibly at the behest of lucas, but lets be real, he isn't going to let some kid get tormented by spirits no matter what his mom says. maybe lowkey henry is actually the strongest in the family, born with the most natural connection to the other side (maybe one of the reasons his image can haunt someone like steve). he doesn't like to talk about it, it weighs a little heavier on him, but it's because of that he feels like he can deal with whatever it is that's plaguing these dumbasses. tap into the side of him that scares him a little sometimes, a little less scarier since he met sam--after all, having someone like you can make anything easier. and maybe he can help this kid. and also maybe in the meantime steve will realize that those hallucinations had nothing on having the man right in front of him
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