#this was originally for the ask. was meant to be a quick doodle
futuristichedge · 22 days
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Time traveller
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sm-baby · 5 months
HELLOOO I'M BACK ok ok remember how I said in Jax's analysis that the zapping scene could actually have a lot of information into it?? Let me elaborate:
There are two things that mainly caught my attention in that scene:
1 - How the lightning bolts that come out of the collar are yellow
2- How the shock is really quick (literally just a snap)
"Oh that must be just a stylistic choice right? don't look too deep into it-" WRONG!!!
In the Jax's Doodles, when Caine bites down Jax's head, we can see that he started bleeding in black. Why can I affirm that his blood really is black and it's not just because the comic is in grayscale?
For this reason:
During the Teatre Shenanigans, though it was all an act, it's implied that Ragatha does bleed in red, since, you know, the color is there, and because if it was any other color Pomni might have not believed it.
Also, let's be real, Gangle would not mess up something as simple as someone's blood color - her plays need to be >perfect< I love her so much omg
Still using the Theatre Shenanigans doodles as information, but with the addition of the new comic of Pomni taking the shortest stick, we can see through Gangle's ribbons that if there are colors that are portrayed, even when the comics are in black and white, those colors are red and yellow, so if his blood was actually red, it would've been painted as such.
So with that in mind we can pretty much say that his blood is, in fact, black.
As we can see in the part 2 of the neck pieces, his speaking bubbles are also in black and white, and, through an ask made some time ago, it was confirmed that he can only see in grayscale, and that's the reason why Gangle is the one in charge of coloring his animations.
EVERYTHING, literally EVERYTHING about Jax is monochromatic, grayscale, black and white, 50 shades of gr- you got it. He is NOT supposed to be associated with any color AT ALL
And that really highlights how out of place are the yellow bolts that come out of his collar. Jax is not supposed to have any type of color. The shock emitted from his neckpiece does not match with the way his level is supposed to be, doesn't match with his room, his character, his code, but why would that be??
Is there the chance that the chain wasn't his original collar? It does make sense if you look at some of the theories, especially regarding Kinger's role in the bigger picture. In the Imgur image, Kinger does mention to Queenie that he found a code that could free everyone from their collars, but, the main catch here, is that he could NOT disable it after it was done.
Well, we know that he did disabled it, and as a consequence, Queenie abstracted soon after
After it happened, Kinger probably was really desperate to put the collars back on the other AIs, he didn't want his friends to have the same fate his wife had,
But he couldn't disable the code that took them off, so what could he do now??
Simple answer:
He created a new code, so there could be new collars
That ties up with the ask answered with "it's hard to put a chain on someone if they have a scarf on", Jax's chain was probably not part of his design originally, it was not made for him, it was not part of his code in the first place,
Pure speculation, but this might be why Jax's supposedly new collar doesn't follow in every aspect the whole monochromatic idea that his design was meant to have. The yellow lightnings stand out because Kinger probably didn't put a lot of effort into the new collars, he didn't make sure that they matched with the quirks and characteristics already coded into the characters, as he was too desperate to put them back on and just made the code as quickly as he could.
At most he just made the neckpieces blend in with the AIs designs, so they wouldn't stand out. They just match at a superficial level.
(funny part is that Jax probably didn't even notice the yellow coming out of his collar, he can't see colors 😭).
This is why I imagine that his original design never had a chain to begin with, both because of this information, AND, because in Jax's room, we can see him wearing the scarf in the ripped out poster.
Was the scarf supposed to be his original neckpiece? But why would he still wear it after everyone had taken theirs off (as seen in the restarting scene, in the same comic)? To be honest I think he just liked how it looked, he did seem to have a fashion sense back then.
But, by that theory, of the chains not being his actual design, he has also chains on his feet, was his whole design altered?? Why would it be?? I still don't have any clue on why, gotta wait a little for more information.
I like to think that his current design reflects on his character, being a prisoner of both the game and his mind, and quite literally stuck in the past, being unable to move forward.
OK Now for the second part of the analysis
Remember my comment, saying that the shock he received was really quick? That stood out to me because during Ragatha's reset, when she also received the shock to avoid her abstraction, her shock was actually longer than his, being a "ZPPPPPP" instead of a "SNAP". Something I've also noticed is that both times when Jax got shocked, it seemed to be at a less intensity then when Raghata was, because there was a difference in line thickness and size of the lightning bolts shown.
After Jax's restart, in his room, we can see three centipedes, that's the most bugs we've ever seen in the same room until now, since we had only seen a single ladybug in Ragatha's garden, right after her reset.
Ok, so, I did talk a little about how Kinger might be the one responsible for the collars, and I also made an ask this one time to know if he was using the bugs as a way to keep an eye on the others (that was me!!! Hi!!)
If you pay attention to the relationships between the cast, we can see that Ragatha and Kinger are actually pretty close. They trust each other, while Jax seems to have a rocky relationship with everyone.
That might be the reason why there were more bugs than usual in Jax's room, because Kinger doesn't trust him and is aware of his rebellious nature, so he must feel the need to supervise him to a higher extent when compared to others.
Besides that, while Ragatha is really unstable, she doesn't seem to need to restart that frequently, therefore it's possible that only a small shock is able to make her restart. Jax, on the other hand, has already been shown being shocked twice, both with a bigger intensity than seen with Rags.
I believe that if Kinger truly was the one responsible for the collars, he also must have set the potency of the shocks in a way that it was only used the intensity necessary to reset them, so they didn't need to suffer more than needed.
Since Jax does behave in a more erratic manner when compared to the other AIs, the potency of the collar must have been set in a way that it would be able to restart him as quickly as possible, which means it must be in a higher setting,
On the other hand, Raghata probably needs less power for her to reset, because, while unstable, she's not as rebellious as him, so her settings are lower. In the comic used as a reference, however, she is shown to be extremely stressed, so for her to restart it might have been needed for the shock to be at a higher intensity.
Since her collar is not programmed to give such strong shocks, the solution found was for it to last longer, at least in that moment. That can also be the reason why Kinger appeared in the loading screen, because he got worried with the possibility of the collar not being able to stop her from abstraction, so he went to check on her.
That's everything for now!!! It did take lot of work to transcribe the stuff from the theory board to here (it's pretty disorganized ashuhuash) ,but I think I managed to express most of my analysis/theory!!
I ADORED THIS SO MUCH- HDKJH i want you to know that I was reading it all in Matpat's voice which made it so much cooler "omg guys a Gametheorist made a theory about me hhehehe"
saving this.. SAVING THIS.. CAROL YOU ARE A GIFT= HXCKJSKA definitely gonna read this again.............
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extralively · 15 days
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Silliness, Fluff, Pre-Relationship, Satoru is turned into a cat, Crack Treated Seriously 3,782 words Also posted on AO3 Summary: Satoru gets turned into a cat, and Yura suddenly has to catsit the white furry menace until he turns back. (Normally I use images from the manga or anime for the banner above, but this time yes, I did just sketch out this Catoru doodle myself for this lmao)
.......So. I got a request to write a fic where Satoru gets turned into a cat, and while I didn't think I'd do it at first.... the ideas just came to me lmao. So here we are! This is basically just silliness and with minimal proofreading, and as usual, I ended up writing A Little Too Much of what was supposed to be something quick and stupid lol
This oneshot is part of a series, but it can be read as standalone if you just want to see Satoru being a furry menace. I also wouldn't consider this canon to the main fic (or maybe do if you want lmao), but it takes place *before* Satoru and Yura get together (so around 2014-ish). Enjoy this silly fun!
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“...are you being serious right now?” Yura asked, completely incredulous as she stared at the sight in front of her.
Shoko snorted next to her. “It does sound like a joke, doesn’t it?”
Yura stared.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
Satoru got turned into a cat.
“...Fucking hell,” she let out, rubbing a hand over her face.
“It’s temporary,” Shoko said, leaning against the file cabinet as they both stared at the white-haired, blue-eyed cat on top of her office’s desk. “Should clear up in a day or so. Apparently, the idiot met this guy who said he could ‘make you experience life as a cat’ and didn’t realize he’d meant that literally.”
Yura let out an aggravated sigh as her gaze met the small blue eyes of a cat who was, undeniably, the idiot known as Gojo Satoru. Even if she found it hard to believe the whole story, she could feel it was him there through their connection, which made the experience all the more surreal. “Now what?” she asked, setting her hands on her hips.
Shoko shrugged. “You take care of him.”
Yura let out a huff, shooting Shoko a look. “I take care of him?”
“You’re the expert Gojo handler,” Shoko said, her fingers fiddling with the pack of cigarettes in her pocket. “Also, I’m a doctor and not a vet.”
Yura only stared at the cat—Satoru. Satoru as a cat.
Honestly, of all things—
“Oh, and before you go,” Shoko started, moving to pick up something in her desk drawer and then moving in front of Satoru-the-cat. “Here.”
When Shoko stepped back, Yura was hit by the sudden urge to snort at the same time that she wanted to throttle Satoru’s furry little neck, because Shoko had placed tiny, round sunglasses on Satoru-the-cat’s head.
“...Where’d you even get those?” Yura couldn’t help but ask.
Shoko shot her a look. “You don’t wanna know.”
So Yura was supposed to take Satoru-as-a-cat home.
“Meow?” Satoru... meowed as she approached the desk, and he tilted his cat head at her.
“Why do you always drag me into your messes?” Yura half-heartedly complained, her hands on her hips again.
Satoru-the-cat got up from his sitting position, walking over—or rather wobbling over—to her. It seemed that he wasn’t exactly used to moving around with four cat legs instead of two human ones.
Yura suddenly had to bite her lip to keep a smile from popping out, because as much as she was completely exasperated at the situation... Satoru-the-cat actually looked really adorable.
“Meow?” he... said, looking up at her. One little paw reached out, pawing at the air to get her attention, and oh God that’s actually really cute.
So Yura reached out with a finger, touching the paw in the air and oh God it’s like a real cat.
“I guess... we just go home,” she eventually said, letting out a small sigh. “So how do I...?”
Her hands hovered above Satoru’s furry body, unsure how to... pick him up. She eventually took a hold of his... torso? Lifting him up off the table as he let out a surprised meow, his paws swinging in the air.
“Calm down, I’m going to need to carry you—” she started, but Satoru suddenly twisted in her hold when she brought him close to her, propelling himself up using her arm and torso as a jumping point to suddenly climb on to her shoulder. Yura had to try to keep him from falling off as he climbed up, but he then simply made himself comfortable there. “Seriously?” she asked as Satoru settled down on her shoulders, letting out a satisfied chirp.
Yura sighed again.
“Is that Gojo-san?” Ijichi asked with wide eyes as he stared at the white fur ball around her shoulders. As he recomposed himself, he reached out with a hand. “He’s actually kind of cute—”
“Rawr.” Satoru suddenly swiped at the man, somehow shooting Ijichi the same unimpressed look he’d often give the manager but in this tiny cat body.
“Now, now, be nice,” Yura chided Satoru, as Ijichi jumped back like he’d just remembered this wasn’t just any cat he was actually talking to.
“S-sorry, Gojo-san!” Ijichi stuttered out, rushing to get into the driver’s seat of the car. Yura had to ask Ijichi to drive her back to her place, since she didn’t think taking Satoru through public transit like this would go too well.
Yura climbed into the backseat, Satoru finally jumping down from her shoulders to sit next to her as she buckled up. He seemed restless, though, like he was still getting used to this new body, moving back and forth on the backseat, standing up on his hind legs to peer through the window, jumping down between her legs, and then surprising her by climbing up onto her lap. Yura could only blink down at the white furry mass on top of her thighs, watching him as he turned around in place until Satoru eventually seemed to settle down right there.
“Really?” she asked, amused, staring down at the white-haired cat that was actually Satoru sitting on her lap. Her mind suddenly pictured the human version of him trying to do the same, that tall giant of a man trying to make himself comfortable curled up into a ball on top of her thighs, and she snorted at the mental image.
“Meow?” Satoru asked, tilting his head up at her. But she only shook her head, looking out at the window.
“This is all so ridiculous...” she muttered, snorting again.
“Alright, here we are,” she said, letting Satoru jump off her shoulders again to land on her couch. They were finally in the safety of her own home, and all they could do was wait until Satoru went back to normal.
Satoru-the-cat started sniffing around the couch cushions, and she wondered what it was like seeing this familiar place with his new cat eyes. Wait, did his cat self still have the Six Eyes? Limitless? How did this even work?
“Do not scratch any of my furniture,” she suddenly felt the need to tell him. Satoru-the-cat turned his head to her, and even if she couldn’t see his little cat eyes behind the tiny sunglasses, she could tell the expression on his face wasn’t anything good as he menacingly raised a paw towards the arm of the couch. “Satoru,” she warned. But he only wiggled his paw, getting closer, and her eyes narrowed further. “Don’t make me pull out a spray bottle,” she told him, wagging her finger.
Satoru let out a whiny meow, lowering his paw.
Yura sighed, moving into the kitchen. She was a little hungry, and it reminded her that she probably should get Satoru something to eat too, right? But the problem was... what?
Pulling out her phone, she started looking up cat-appropriate foods. Meats, got it. But no sauces or seasonings of any kind. Also don’t give them milk because they’re generally lactose intolerant, and that one took her by surprise—you mean that all those movies and cartoons with cats drinking from saucers of milk had been lying to her this entire time? Oh wow.
Okay, she could probably cook up something simple for him.
Yura started moving around in her kitchen, vaguely noticing Satoru walking around her apartment—scolding him when he knocked something off a shelf—but focusing on getting food ready. And since she would have to wait to get her dinner ready, she decided to hold herself off with a couple of leftover cupcakes she had in her fridge from her last bakery run.
She opened the fridge, fetching the two chocolate pastries, and then placed them up on the counter—
And suddenly Satoru jumped up on it, surprising her.
“Satoru,” she called, watching as cat Satoru headed straight to something with his tiny mouth wide open in glee, something—
The cupcakes.
“No,” she said, picking him up off the counter. His four legs flailed around in the air as he let out an indignant squeak, but she paid him no mind as she placed him on the kitchen island instead.
And he then immediately jumped right back to the counter where the cupcakes were.
“Satoru, no,” she called once more, promptly picking him up again. Cat Satoru let out another frustrated meow, his paws trying to reach her cupcakes as she moved him away. “You can’t eat sweets right now, you are a cat.”
Satoru let out a loud, dramatic meow as she placed him on the kitchen island again. And he instantly tried to jump to the counter once more, but she caught him in mid-air.
“Satoru,” she chided him, holding him against her side. Cat Satoru looked up at her, and if he were human, she was sure he’d be pouting. “I don’t know how biology works right now, but you are a cat. So there’s a big chance that if you eat any sweets as you are, it might just kill you. Stay away.”
Satoru paused for a moment, and they just stared at each other. Then he started wiggling again in her arms, trying to reach the counter, and she let out an aggravated sigh.
“So a time out, then,” she said, walking out of the kitchen and to her bedroom. “Since you can’t behave, you’re gonna have to wait right here.”
Yura shot him a stern look as she placed him inside her bedroom, his little head tilting in confusion for a moment before she closed the door and left him inside.
“You stay there until dinner is ready,” she called through the door, snorting again at this absurd situation as she heard the whiny meows coming from the other side.
Because honestly, Satoru would absolutely eat those cupcakes given the chance, and considering they were chocolate—that literally might kill him.
Satoru scratched at the door, meowing in a very dramatic and Satoru-like fashion as she turned away, walking back to the kitchen and—
There he was, sitting on top of the counter, tail swishing behind him.
Hehe, she could practically hear from him.
“...You can still teleport?” she asked, incredulous.
“Meow,” he answered, looking like a very smug cat.
Yura was forced to put the cupcakes away again, and she made Satoru promise he wouldn’t try to eat any sweets unless he wanted to die in a cat’s body. That, and the fact that she threatened to make him eat actual cat food got him to actually settle down as she cooked some chicken and eggs for him to have as dinner.
“So,” she started once they were both done eating, letting out a sigh. “Now what?”
“Mrrh?” Satoru chirped, his cat tongue slipping out to lick around his mouth, his ears twitching.
...Okay, he’s very cute.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Yura asked. Might as well, right?
Satoru seemed to chirp in agreement, and he followed her as she moved to the couch, jumping up on it next to her. It was certainly odd, making herself comfortable to watch a movie with Satoru when he was a cat, but she could still feel his presence there next to her, assuring her that this really was Satoru. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend it was him back in human form, but then she suddenly felt two little paws on top of her thigh, and her eyes opened to peer down at him.
“What?” she asked, a little amused at the sight of cat Satoru half-standing perched up on her thigh, looking up at her.
“Meow,” he responded. She had no idea what that meant.
Satoru seemed to be sniffing at something in the air, his cat head moving around as he focused on something. Then he climbed onto her lap like he’d done in the car, and Yura stared down at him in amusement. “So you’re a lap cat, that’s what you’re telling me?”
“...Meow...” he responded... almost thoughtful.
Yura continued to stare at him, taking in the features of Satoru-as-a-cat. He was actually, truly, really cute, and she bit her lip as she stared at the way his tiny pink nose wiggled around in the air. When Satoru suddenly lifted a paw to swipe at his own head, purposefully knocking the tiny sunglasses off, familiar blue eyes blinked up at her. “Hi... kitty,” she called, and when Satoru’s tiny cat eyes narrowed up at her, she snickered. “Are you a good boy?” she teased.
Satoru let out a small huff, turning his head up. Yura wasn’t holding back the grin that spread across her face, and she ended up also not holding herself back when she got the urge to suddenly touch him.
She lifted a hand, slowly letting a finger touch his cat cheek. The whiskers tickled her skin, but as she finally made contact, the white fur felt extra soft to the touch, softer than when she would brush his hair sometimes. Ah, that’s right—Satoru was actually really fond of having his hair brushed, wasn’t he? So would he enjoy the same thing as a cat, she wondered...
She started to gently scratch at his cheek, watching as Satoru seemed to pause at the feeling... and then suddenly lean into it, his eyes closing as he pushed his head into her hand.
Yura’s smile widened as she started giving him scritches under his jaw, Satoru seemingly enjoying them and encouraging her further.
Then he started purring.
Yura had to bite at her lip—this was too much. “Satoru,” she called, moving her hand to rub at the top of his head. “You’re purring right now,” she told him, but he didn’t respond, his eyes closed as he seemed to enjoy getting petted.
Her grin widened.
Her other hand joined in, her thumbs rubbing at his cat cheeks. He only let out an appreciative meow, the purring never ceasing, and Yura kept indulging him, like she’d often do by brushing her hands through his hair after he’d make her take his blindfold off for him. But then Satoru suddenly moved forward, his front paws stepping on her stomach as he raised himself closer to her face, and she blinked down at the sudden proximity.
“What?” she asked, a little confused but also a little amused. Or a lot.
Satoru, as expected, didn’t say anything, only brought his head closer to her, nose sniffing the air. Yura blinked at him as his chilly little nose touched her chin, sniffing at her... before he suddenly started rubbing his head against her jaw.
She huffed out an amused laugh. “Satoru?” she asked, but Satoru only kept rubbing his cat head against her cheek, his fur and whiskers tickling her. He’d pause for a moment, nose sniffing at her again, before he went right back to rubbing his head against her... almost fiercely determined in his movements. “Honestly...” she huffed out again. Her hands had been hovering in the air, and she let them gently rest against Satoru’s white, furry back.
Was this a cat instinct of his? Well, she could indulge him on this, as long as he didn’t start humping her or anything...
If there was one thing she learned during this whole experience, it was that Satoru as a cat was really needy.
After he was done rubbing himself up on her, he settled down on her lap and proceeded to nap there as Yura watched the movie alone, letting her hands gently pet him every now and then. But when she had to get up to go to the bathroom, he did not seem to have appreciated being disturbed, letting out whiny meows as she told him that no, you can’t come with me.
Then after, when she tried getting some work done for the night, scattering a few reports on her bed that needed filling, Satoru said no. Or meowed a no, in this case, promptly sitting on top of the papers and refusing to move.
“Satoru,” she called, staring at him with a look that asked ‘are you serious’.
Satoru’s tail swished back and forth, silently responding with ‘yes, I am’.
She let out a heavy sigh. Honestly, this somehow felt so painfully in-character for him that she had to wonder if turning into a cat was what made him act more like one, or if he’d already had the soul of a cat deep, deep down.
It eventually got late enough that it was time to go to bed, so Yura started her nightly routine. She took a shower (and threatened to give Satoru a shower if he didn’t behave), and went to brush her teeth.
And Satoru refused to leave her alone.
“Meow,” he tried getting her attention, standing up on his hind legs with his front paws pressed against her leg.
“’m busy,” she said, spitting out toothpaste into the sink. “Just let me brush my teeth.”
“Meowww,” he whined.
Yura sighed. Weren’t cats supposed to be more independent or something?
“Do you want to go to the bathroom again?” she asked. At least Satoru was able to use the regular toilet, and she hadn’t needed to get a litterbox for him...
But cat Satoru shook his head, letting out a whine. He ended up jumping up on her washing machine next to her sink, perching himself up there and looking at her expectantly.
“Are you hungry?” she asked, but he shook his head. “What then?”
Satoru nodded his little head at her, his blue eyes sparkling in the artificial light of her bathroom.
Did he... did he want more petting?
Incredulous, Yura raised a hand—surely this wasn’t what he wanted?
But then he pushed his head into her hand, and Yura started giving him scritches again as she let out a huff.
This fucking cat.
At last, it was time to get to bed. But therein lay the problem: where was cat Satoru going to sleep?
Satoru had never really slept over her place, mostly due to the lack of space and he’d never had any need for it anyway. So should she make him sleep out on the living room couch? Yura felt a little guilty at the thought, the image of this tiny bundle of white fur staying all alone by himself out there making him look oddly vulnerable in her mind. And considering that he refused to stay away from her anyway... into her bedroom they went.
“Here,” she said, setting her fluffiest blanket into a small nest for him at the foot of the bed. “You can sleep here.”
“Meow?” Satoru let out, jumping up on her bed and investigating the makeshift cat bed.
It felt a little surreal, going to sleep with Satoru right there next to her, in the same bed... but as a cat. Well, the entire day had felt very surreal, to be fair, so it was finally time to end it and hope that tomorrow this whole thing would eventually fix itself at some point.
Yura settled into her usual spot on the bed, slipping under the covers on her side, her eyes then landing on the white furball next to her.
“You alright in there?” she asked, and Satoru turned his cat head to her.
“Meow,” he replied. That sounded good enough to her.
Yura closed her eyes.
And a few moments later, she felt the bed shift, a warm small weight settling right against her stomach. She cracked an eye open, seeing the white cat that was Satoru curling himself into a ball against her.
“Satoru?” she asked, but he only responded with a quiet chirp, curling further into himself.
Yura let out yet another sigh. She had read somewhere that cats had higher body temperatures and that they liked the heat, so maybe he was just cold.
She lifted a hand, rubbing a knuckle on the top of his head. “Just go to sleep, and maybe you’ll wake up human again tomorrow,” she told him.
“Meow...” he responded, and started purring again.
A smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes.
(When Yura had been halfway to sleep, she felt a warm thing suddenly start to burrow itself under her arm. It felt nice, and soft, so Yura brought it closer to her chest, holding it to her.)
Yura eventually started waking up, bit by bit.
And the first thing she noticed was the warm thing that was pressed against her—not unpleasant, just unusual. Her brows furrowed at the feeling, because this thing was warm and heavy against her side, something rubbing itself against her chest and making her feel funny.
So she cracked her eyes open and peered down, her gaze being immediately met by a headful of white hair.
Ah, Satoru, her mind supplied. But hold on—Satoru had been turned into a cat yesterday, she suddenly recalled. But hold on again—this was definitely a person-sized thing that was in bed with her.
“Satoru...” she called, trying to shift back to look at him. But no go, Satoru had a strong arm locked around her torso, keeping her in place as he rubbed his head against her chest.
Was he still purring or was that just her imagination...?
Yura tried pulling back again but Satoru held on tighter, a sudden realization that he was rubbing his face against her breasts making a wave of heat shoot up across her face.
“S-Satoru,” she stammered out, wakefulness finally coming over her as she pushed him back with more force. “You’re human again, get off.”
That seemed to have finally stirred him awake, his head eventually shifting up to blink up at her with blue sleepy eyes—human eyes now. His hold on her loosened, and she took the opportunity to push him away from her. Her eyes scanned his form, trying to check if everything was back in place now, her eyes going lower and lower—
Yura let out a loud squeak, jumping off the bed. “You are naked—”
“Me—ow,” he let out as she pushed him off the bed, ungracefully falling onto the floor with a bedsheet thrown over him. “…This is animal abuse.”
Yura let out a huff, welcoming back Satoru’s familiar voice after all those meows yesterday—at the same time that she wanted to smack his finally human face.
(And she tried very hard to ignore his very human bare chest as he only dignified himself to cover his bottom half with the fallen bedsheet, her face burning because yes, she had also just caught an eyeful of very human privates just a moment before…)
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End notes: (Yes, I did not know how to end this lol)
Anyway, this was just some silly side fun as I struggle writing some chapters of the main fic, welp. Turns out it's a lot more fun to picture Satoru as a cat instead! Bonus points if you're familiar with cat behavior and figured out what cat Satoru was doing rubbing himself on Yura lmao. And since they weren't together here yet, Yura doesn't know how clingy and needy Satoru can really get as a human because sis, that is just his real self showing through when he has the excuse of 'being a cat' to hide behind lol.
Thank you for reading this dumb oneshot!
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novemberfyshenuke · 3 months
Trigun AU
I was crying over my exams, so I went ahead and doodled a little more on the dentist au to cope. Here are the headcanons I came up with lol
Originally, Livio was meant to be a coworker or even an assistant to Knives in his clinic but I had a revelation. I think there's two things he is most likely to be: A dancer and self defense trainer. No one really expects a bulky guy like him to be so free flowing like that. I think it brings such a fun vibe to him.
He has a space above Knives' clinic and can often be seen picking up children from the ground floor.
He grew up in the church with Nico so he's someone who values God.
He slouches as if to make him smaller. The guy struggles to be stern with his students.
Razlo is most likely a prosecutor. Livio grew up in a dangerous and terrible environment before he was brought to the church, so Razlo can be fiercely protective over him. That doesn't mean he hasn't hurt him at some point.
Razlo is musically skilled. I like to think the two of them have a thing going on where Razlo starts playing a random tune out loud and Livio's starts vibing to that.
She's a journalist. Well, more like a blogger. Milly and her grew up in the same neighborhood and that's how she met Roberto. In her mind, she admires him and his job. As she grew older though, she did come to realize Roberto isn't the flawless role model she always thought of.
She's very perceptive and quite the smart cookie, but tends to get ahead of herself when she's too excited.
Loud unintentionally. It does benefit her with her work at times, but hanging out with friends? Just bury her six feet under, won't you?
She's studying accountancy because. Just because. I see her being stressed out at the data she's had to recompute for the past hour because Vash is being too loud.
She works part time in a cafe/ restaurant her family owns
Roberto is her uncle (DON'T ARGUE WITH ME)
She's really strong from the amount of groceries and stocks she's asked to carry by her family
Also studying accountancy because she saw how determine Meryl was with her studies.
I guarantee you she finishes the homework first and Meryl asks to doublecheck her answers to see if she (Meryl) got it correct.
Many would call her naive but really, she just likes seeing the good in people. Her parents raised their kids that way afterall.
Her family's restaurant is where the gang hangs out most days.
She's really into motocross and that's how she and Nico bonded over.
Isn't really sporty but will definitely join and demolish you in basically any sport. Basketball? Just try dunking that ball when she's guarding. Hockey? Bro those bruises are going to hurt.
She's got really good luck and she's also really good at board games.
She does tend to get overly emotional though and acts before thinking. Meryl is always quick to swoop in and steady her in these situations.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
He's an actual priest. I know he has a lot of repressed feelings because of his duties. I mean. His entire inner monologue is just, "You shine so unbelievably bright. You create hope for the people around you like the very god I worship. But it's not like I'd kiss you on the lips or anything or...or whatever."
He's definitely looks older than he actually is.
Weak lungs when he was a child and he's still on medication. That doesn't stop him from smoking though. Everyone around him is always telling him to stop but his response is always, "They didn't fix my lungs just so I don't make use of them."
He can't grow a beard. The best he can get is his stubble and so he is so envious of Roberto's.
He's always dropping bible verses and then gets corrected by Knives about certain facts from the book. He hates him for it.
He's a fashion designer. He loves being in the field just not as the main focus anymore.
Elegant af in public and yet so unhinged with his crew.
He's got a wonderful voice; probs does voice acting on the side for animated shows/movies.
I like to think everyone takes a look at his work and then research him only to be jumpscared by his alt lifestyle on instagram.
He's cringe as hell to his friend group ngl. He'd sing his early 2000s Avril Lavigne in that overtly cartoonish emo voice.
He's a little obsessed with getting Knives to model for him after they shared one class in college.
An influencer and Livio's business partner.
Much stricter on lessons and I think that's why they're compatible.
She's also a lawyer, because I can see her fighting an argument for Livio and winning.
She's very mature...when's not with Legato. Then they immediately link and start bickering like siblings.
She's the type to use a number of pet names for everyone.
Red sportscar. Red lipstick. In her pajamas and wearing cat-eyed shades while holding her head because of the hang-over she has but she still has to pick up the tiny menace from middle school. (Zazie)
She's a wine aunt and you can't convince me otherwise.
Never had a bad hair day in her life
Terrible blunt about things it honestly causes more harm than good but she won't ever lie to your face.
He likes collecting happy meal toys and displaying them in a glass cabinet in the family house dining room. This has translated to him collecting every single mascot figurine from business partners and local businesses around the area.
In high school, he worked part-time promoting Milly's family restaurant by spinning a sign around in a beat up rented mascot suit. No one will ever know who the kid behind that giant dog head was.
Mama's boy...cough
He dresses like an 80s rockstar or a biker but he's never actually approached a bike because of Mama Rem's constant helicopter parenting.
People just assume he's a 'bad boy' because he has a piercing and is a little full of himself at times.
When he's not interning at Knives' clinic, he's an emergency medical volunteer.
He's always been more of an 'I excel in theory but not in practice' guy.
He once made a patient's gums bleed and had them sobbing because he was too focused on getting on with the procedure he messed up the prep work.
Sneaks candies from the jar on top of Knives' desk
He has a prosthetic because I think it's funny for boyfailure no.1 to randomly have the batteries die or it doesn't function correctly.
Dyslexic and was quite sensitive as a child so he often got picked on.
Boyfailure no. 2 is a well-known specialist who's always rebelled against his mom but still ended up following her footsteps in the field.
He's lazy. He really feels disgusted having to stick his hands in someone's mouth cavity, but dang does his morbid curiosity always win.
I like to think he's mellowed out here because Vash and him watched My Little Pony and at the same time Superbook. He's like super confused and yet enlightened by all these moral stories and going, "Yeah, you're right, Jesus. Twilight Sparkle did deserve better!" or something...
His older cousin, Tesla, always picks on him for going by Knives rather than the name their mom picked out for him.
Do I think Knives is a kid who decided to pick a chosen name when he was 12? Yes. Yes I do.
He excels objectively and fails miserably when it comes to subjective things.
He wears sandals. Rem always got him and Vash those Velcro strap shoes so he, although he doesn't want to admit it, doesn't know how to tied his laces. He also refuses to search it up because he's convinced himself that Vash has this wagered war of who learns from the youtube video first.
He has difficulty accepting affection despite having Vash and Rem around because as a child, Vash came first. He needed to be prioritized.
Imma get to the others another time.
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pastelwhile-art · 8 months
it'd absolutely make my day too some makokuu from you (i loved that illustration of them im insane about them)
what about some domestic makokuu 👀 them spending time together at home :3 no pressure ofc
Help I know I asked for saiki k requests TWO months ago and I had a really fun idea for an illustration, but my brain is a smooth cube. so that idea stays up in the air.
For now take a really quick silly crack doodle about one of the many possibilities I think Kusuke/Makoto telling Saiki/Teruhashi would go. Spoiler alert: it’s hilariously horrible.
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(Saiki thinks they’re messing with them and Teruhashi is seething. Are they pranking them? Who knows.)
And ya know what? Beneath the cut take my redesigns of these guys and my notes for them because I made several months ago ‘cause I haven’t touched them since :(
Warning: I talk a lot.
A quick note! These designs aren’t meant to say ‘fix’ the original-they’re just for fun! Even if I think elements of mine look better, clearly the original works and are well loved. Also I’m not especially fond of these anyways JAJSJANW
Saiki doesn’t change much other than his palette is a more balanced. Also I really like designing hair, and wanted the idea that Saiki really tries to sleek it down to something very generic and unassuming, but the hairpins get stuck in the way and his hair sorta moves outwards from there. Continuing the idea that his powers make him subtly less normal. It also accidentally made him look A LOT more like his parents, oops.
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Also I drew a comparison from his canon hair to his redesign, because I didn’t think it was particularly clear until side by side.
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Also I actually gave this one a proper illustration lol.
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Teruhashi’s design was actually partly inspired by @lu-kario’s human mlp designs because they’re really good :^ She’s also pretty standard except her hair and color (which I’m not too satisfied with.)
I like the idea of the Teruhashi Siblings being a bit supernatural, so along with weird shine effects, they also get constant wind effects! Like in all the anime where they have flowing hair at just the right times even though it wasn’t windy at all before? Yeah! Except that’s more Makoto’s thing while the shine stays Kokomi’s.
Also what ethnicity are these characters now? To me they’re still Japanese, but I think people don’t ever use a range of skin tones for the same ethnicity. But really these are just fun designs I didn’t really think too hard.
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Kusuke! He was the first one I did and an absolute PAIN. He was also the reason I did this, because as much as I love Saiki K and respect the author, I just got to know what is going on with his debut clothes.
Well not like I did that much better… Kusuke is stuck with four alt palettes because I can’t decide which shade of weird yellow and purple to make his head and gown (I’ve resolved to draw his hair a different shade of yellow in every drawing.) His eyes also match Saiki with purple eyes, because I think they look better lmao.
Also, that’s his Cambridge gown he’s wearing. And fun fact-they have a great amount of rules on what color does gowns get an accent of based off what subject people are taking! I decided to not think too hard on that and just gave him a better looking gown.
And I really like the hair I gave him, the original to me just lacks a bit of anime shape style. Also his headgear is shaped like a graduation hat now lol.
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He also has a silly little doodle for what he’d look like with his lab coat. It’s not here, but I like to think he always puts a ponytail up!
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Last and also least xp, Makoto! He’s uhh about the same with the points I said with Teruhashi. Just very angular now. I swear I tried to design a better fashion for Makoto but I just ended up with the same.
I tried to style his hair how Japanese celebrities would, but I don’t know if I succeeded. His hair as I said is constantly blowing to the left lol. Also he has a hair clip now! In my head Kusuke gives him a telepathy canceller disguised as a hairclip.
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Also anyone can draw or get inspired by these designs if you wanted lol Though I don’t really like these, I still use these hairstyle for drawing them cause I think they look cool lol.
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
this is your free ramble pass! feel free to use this ask as an excuse to ramble about whatever random crap you feel like rambling about
hmm..... how about... broadening the worldbuilding horizons a lil with some of the filler Iterators. here's the list of names that i'm slowly workin on to develop into enough of people for my tastes
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most well defined of these rn are: Orion, Spore, Gem, Expiation, Rustle, NAE NAE BITCH (Embrace), Vapor and kind of Sadness
with Presence being... finished on account of literally being just IKEA memes the Iterator. that was sister's idea, not mine jglksdmcklsd he's a hippie during the day, creepy fuck during the night. one never knows what's goin on with him, but he's usually sweet n helpful. probably stands in dark hallways with a knife in hand right next to Notos tho. it also has a knife in hand
Orion's Pathway is slowly gaining on importance and characterization!
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(quick concept doodle, very much subject to change yet but the mark is most likely gon stay)
he's the 3rd eldest Iterator of the Eo group, finished and brought online about 190 years (Or Honestly More, Fuckers Big n it is all very early on yet) after Boreas' construction. bein the Third means he actually got to socialize with Boreas' antisocial bum (and Zephyr too). all of the Iterator social business that Boreas doesn't wanna deal with he throws at This Kid until Euros comes around. then the two get to share Boreas' "i really don't wanna do this, here you kids go" shit
Orion might look all cool and stuff, but the idea of him wasn't actually even born out of the constellation/myth originally! the idea and also color palette all (will) come from the czech chocolate by the same name
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fuckin Love this shit. and just like Orion Chocolate Shop's milk chocolate, Orion's Pathway is a sweet, soft kid that is just a delight to interact with. unlike Boreas, he's an actual angel without any blemishes. he's like the Prince Charming (cinderella 3) of the Iterators... he looks up to ol' Bee a lot <3 his voice claim is Ebucs as of rn
Orion is positioned here on the map (aaaand das Spore right under him <3):
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which is Important cuz this darling fucker actually has lore that is very location specific
he serves as something of a physical border/something of a custom office(???) to the Frost's Promise group. works well with how much of a geographical choke point that there is. originally, this wasn't the case including his whole helmet look, but if u caught the whisper of that one war with Iterators in it that i mentioned, then this was it. that changed Orion from a regular Iterator to something of a border guard. the war was between the Ancients of the Eo group and the Frost's Promise group. it happened in the first quarter of Gen 2 ages, so Fish was already around but not Euros
he doesn't actually have a sword n a shield with his puppet, that is mostly mural and such stuff, but the helmet was added to make him look inspiring to his citizens n intimidating to the enemy whenever his image would be projected for whatever reason
he's also something of an old school Phone Operator and had the unofficial title of being the Chief of it just because of his age. after Euros shows up and gets the full hang of the communication systems + handling of the Aeolus Root, most of all Orion's Phone Operator privilages are stripped from him ("oh thank the void." he says, overworked and tired and so excited to get some time for himself. this little hyperactive red fuck is gonna handle it all Just Fine)
stuff for some other filler Iterators:
• Spore's whole thing was that she was originally meant to be one of the first medicine focused Iterator facilities. her placement in the shroom place was done on purpose because as we all know shrooms can get a lil funny in the RW universe. this went wrong though, when the spores of the shrooms got into her systems and started parasiting on her neurons similarly to cordyceps with ants. that is what those jellyfish lookin things stuck on her are!! parasitic neurons already tryin to take her over
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a big part of Mission Self-preservation in her case was saving her from the fate that we see her succumbed to at the start of the Ascending Notos comic - her voice claim is something like... Fluttershy but with a Minion from Despicable Me effect/feel to it??? this is the real blorbo of the Eo group fuck everybody else • this is NAE. NAE is a bastard
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often bitches about how stupid his name is. then two weeks after the Mass Ascension his arms just kinda Fall Off and he's like "OOOOOH. OOOOOOOOH. *OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!* WELL *SOME-FUCKING-BODY* IS GIGGLING FROM THE BOTTOM OF THEIR VOID STAINED BATHTUB, AREN'T THEY. MOTHER. **FUCKER.**" - he's Euros' neighbour and his Mechanic at that time came to help Sparrows out with the 1st Rot situation. Euros likes annoying him a lot • Gem in an Eye is going to be based off of a witch a lil, she's gonna do shit with ✨ crystals ✨ (she's an asshole) • Sordid Expiation will be based off of a nun and will be bitchily religious (unlike Fish who is funnily religious- he's like a conspiracy theorist while Expiation is all serious bleeeeegh boooooo 👎) - Gem and Expiation have a playful rivarly going on, crystals vs religion. with Spore in the friend group, medicine joins in, but when she gets worse with those parasitic shrooms she stops joining in on the play-arguments • Raspy Rustle's voice claim is AnnenMayKantereit and he is a Sweetheart. he and Reed get mistaken for each other often because of the initials n they might end up havin similar chat clrs too. both find it very funny • Vapor is based around the vaporwave aesthetic and is Notos' neighbour. so you have this goth bitch who doesn't care for attention and right next to it is this pastel neon chillax'd music star who cares a LOT for attention (like that one meme with the houses...). her mark is that vaporwave sun and it's splattered all over her face instead of just on the forehead • Sadness is based off of Sad Machine by Porter Robinson- her clr palette will be sampled from the album cover n her voice claim is That song as well. she's closeby to Fish and Likes Writing Poems :')
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cathalbravecog · 11 months
some drawings i never posted because they were unfinished / i didn't feel like it that may be interesting to some!! (GONNA BE LONG !!)
do know that some of these ARE old and like.. dont reflect my current art! ok? ok! i just wanna show off some stuff.
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ms paint doodle interaction comic between archie and frostbite - this had a lot of dialogue so i lost motivation to write it. is also unmotivated to just draw a fic and wants to draw character expressions. sad.... this prolly will never be finished but i may make a shorter version.
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unfinished drawing of belle holding a baby tony - if you dont know, tony is my oc. theyre belle's child. they're an adult now, but i wanted to see them interact with belle as a Bebé. i rage quit on this drawing bc it was meant to be a quick doodle but i am a perfectionist and i overdetail stuff... yeah.
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unfinished hr from a meme i was gonna draw - he was gonna be holding several sets of pronouns and honorifics to reference their shuffling pronouns when checked on cogs ink. "why does hr get so many pronouns?" idk. ask her.
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whatever angst/vent this was gonna be...? stuff i probably wouldnt post anyway but i think the concept of this is cool.
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dr sherbert gadgetmaker! my second toon ive ever made after getting back into toontown this year. originally his last name was icepop in ttr, i think. then i went. no. you gotta be more inspired by GARY THE GADGET GUY!!!!!!!! :3 anyways i cant figure out his design at all im struggling very badly! like with all my other toon designs, i think the flesh mouth is gonna GO ! GOODBYE!
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first ever attempt at drawing pace. clean but i hate it. no stylization yet. but hey, gotta try stuff out before you make it cool. but uh yeahi dont like this drawing its boring, but some may appreciate it!
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collin my boy what are you reading
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also collin concept art when i was getting closer to his current design. YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THE INITIAL CONCEPTS. bro was a FLIP PHONE. excuse me abt the empty space but other art was there that i already posted months ago
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Let him play games on your phone. he needs at least 4 hours of subway surfers gameplay a day. be nice to the boy
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“By the way. You never did tell me why I wasn’t allowed in the rain.”
Gojo simps, I’m sure y’all think you’d be at his grave forever but if anybody is sitting at his grave for hours, it’s Megumi.
quick little 1hr 40min doodle
story behind the caption;
originally, the dialogue was meant to say ‘Remember that story you told me about my father? Kind of sick just how much I looked like him at your funeral.’ Because the drawing was always meant to include Megumi with wet hair, looking strikingly like Toji. I also like to believe that he wasn’t allowed in the rain without an umbrella as he got older.
yes I wanted to hurt y’all. I also just had the idea of ‘so.. that thing with Gojo, huh? .. wonder who would stay at his grave the longest.’ And the first person in my mind was Megumi.
he probably likes to act like he doesn’t go visit him every day, when people ask he just says he goes out for dinner every night or that he had something to do, but nobody buys that. He might act like he hates him a lot but I know Megumi sees Gojo as his dad.
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luzarya · 3 years
The Broken Sketchbook Reveals Yuu's (Not-so Biggest) Secret
Twst x Yuu
[Where Yuu is (accidentally) a crossdresser and likes to draw wlw things. ]
Summary: Grim is curious as to what were the contents of Yuu's sketchbook, employing Ace's and Deuce's help. The contents reveal a secret that Yuu wasn't even trying to hide.
[or, Yuu is in a glass closet.]
ao3 link: here
warnings: none
word count: 1,574
Grim pawed at the sketchbook at him. It was a rather ordinary sketchbook, plain black with a plastic covering. Yet, for being so ordinary, the sketchbook had a single lock on it. It was clear that it was makeshift, straps sturdily glued on, the lock being small and requiring a numeral passkey to unlock it.
Grim had thought about using his flames to melt the glue, but decided against it- he knew how much Yuu was particular about their sketchbooks.
Grim looked around the Ramshackle dorm- it was after school hours, and Yuu was working a shift at the lounge. As usual, he had seen Yuu carry a sketchbook, one with a similar makeshift straps and a lock, although it had a sticker of a bunny on it. The sketchbook he held in his paws had no distinction, save for letters that spelt out words in a foreign language. What the words meant, he didn’t know.
But it was a curious item, one that practically begged to be open and exposed for all the world to see.
Coming up with an idea, Grim grabbed the item with his mouth, running off outside.
“Eh? I don’t know how to take this off.”
“You didn’t even try!”
Grim pouted, the flames in his ears shifting a bit too unpredictable for Deuce’s tastes.
“It’s just a sketchbook, and it’s obvious that Yuu doesn’t want us looking through their things.” Deuce replied, flipping the book around. He took a look at the words written in bright silver, raising a brow.
“Is this… a foreign language?”
Grim shrugged, “Heck if I know… oh wait,” he paused, “I think I’ve heard Yuu say things that I didn’t understand.”
“Like what?”
“Never paid attention.”
Deuce only sighed, and gave back the sketchbook to Grim. “Well, either way, you should really return this,” he glanced to the side, “I’ll go back to playing basketball. Later, Grim.”
Deuce ran off, the sound of squeaking sneakers being the last thing Grim heard.
“Oh, Yuu’s sketchbook?”
Ace picked up the book, giving it a curious glance over. “Huh.”
“Can ya open it?”
“Maybe. I might need a knife though.”
“Where would I get a knife?”
“The kitchen? Track is almost over, and Yuu doesn’t come back until late night right? We can just use one of your knives.”
“But it’ll be obvious!”
Ace sighed, “Do you want to know what Yuu draws or not?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“Then I’ll meet you back at Ramshackle!”
Grim had a bad feeling about this. The last time he tried to open up one of Yuu’s sketchbooks, he was met with a rather angry Yuu, who, calmly (yet frighteningly) spoke to him.
Grim quietly hoped that all would go well.
“Here ya go.”
Grim gave Ace the knife- it was a butter knife, but it would do the job just fine. Ace thanked the creature, and began to break the glue. He went in and up and down motion, the knife grinding against the mold of glue. It took a while, but he was making progress.
After a minute of doing so, the glue relented and gave away. No loner was the strap glued down, the sketchbook now open to be viewed.
“I still don’t think this is a good idea,” Deuce quietly said. It was an invasion of privacy, but he too, was curious as to the contents of the sketchbook. Why did Yuu put a lock on it?
The first page had Yuu’s number and the location the book should be brought to- something of which was inscribed on the back of the book. Odd. Ace flipped the page- blank. Another page. Blank.
“What the heck…?”
He flipped to the next two pages, and finally, there was something.
It was a naked woman.
“Eh?!” Deuce stared at the drawing, his cheeks reddening.
There was nothing inherently sexual about the drawing, just a woman tying up her hair, sitting, a hairband in their mouth. The woman was glancing downwards, her arms up and hands hiding in hair. It was a rather simple drawing, although it was obvious that there was more work done on the hair and arms than the woman’s face or their body.
Why Yuu had drawn this, they didn’t know.
Ace flipped to the next page, and this time it was of two women kissing each other lovingly. Unlike the last drawing, these women adorned what looked like traditional dress (from where, no one knew), one of the women holding a bouquet of violets.
“Well, this is most certainly something.” Ace didn’t know what to make of the drawings. Deuce’s face was still red, and likely will remain red for the next few minutes.
Ace flipped to the next page, took a good look for one second, then closed the sketchbook. It was… rather explicit to say the least.
“I see why Yuu had it locked it…”
“Told you guys it was a bad idea…”
Ace slightly opened up the book, going to a random page, fully opening it once he knew it was appropriate.
It was a rather detailed drawing, more so than the last. It looked like a self portrait, although heavily stylized in a cartoony way, as instead of what one would consider what would be a normal skin tone- it was a pastel blue. The lashes were large, the wings too big to be humane. Their outfit was something they had never seen before, in an unknown aesthetic from old times, in a neon blue, but darker. In fact, the entire drawing was in blue, with multiple shades of blue in every way possible- metallic, textured and partnered, dull and tainted.
“Well, this is certainly different from the others.” Ace couldn’t quite believe that this was drawn by the same person, although he did identify some trademark traits- Yuu often drew the noses with a triangle if it was stylized, more realistic if… well, realistic.
“What in the world is y’all doing?”
Everyone turned around to see Yuu standing right behind them. They could see one of their eyes gleaming, the three sensing danger from Yuu.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Deuce squeaked out- this was the first time he ever felt fear towards the Ramshackle prefect.
“Is that so?” Yuu drawled out, eyeing the sketchbook in Ace’s hand, “pray tell, then why is my usually locked sketchbook open?”
“The lock broke!” Ace lied, his voice high.
“Really?” Yuu glanced at the knife, then back to Ace, “Then why do you have a butter knife?”
“We broke it! I wanted to see what was inside!” Grim yelled, giving his best attempt at a bow. Yuu’s facial expression softened, but as soon as it did, it returned to its original expression.
“Is that so?” Their voice was quiet, picking up their sketchbook. They let out a small sigh, yet their demeanor didn’t change- Ace and Deuce could still taste the tension in the air.
“Sorry...” Deuce apologized, although it came out weak.
“If you were curious, you could’ve asked,” Yuu looked at the damage, “I had more appropriate drawings elsewhere. I keep them locked for an obvious reason, you idiots.”
They took their sketchbook, and the broken lock, away. Their items were neatly laid on the table, including their other sketchbook that they had taken to work.
“Maybe we can ask Yuu about that one then?” Grim suggested.
Deuce nearly jumped at the voice, not having expected Yuu to be so quick in returning. Ace noticed this, and laughed.
“Pfft, you should see your face, dude.”
“Oh, shut up! As if you weren’t scared earlier!”
“I wasn’t the only one!”
“Enough,” Yuu walked over, their voice effectively stopping the two from yelling at one another. The teenagers huffed, but they remained silent.
Yuu picked up their work sketchbook, inputting the numbers to unlock it. Now open, it revealed a number of doodles, some detailed, some rather simple. Notes were written, reminders for the future, and numbers to remember.
“So….” Ace spoke up, “What’s the deal with the naked ladies?
“I’m… a lesbian…”
“Wait what-”
“You’re a girl?!” Deuce looked at Yuu with wide eyes.
“Yes? I thought it was obvious?” Yuu returned the same look at Deuce.
“It wasn’t obvious! You never said anything!”
“I never thought I had too???”
“Y’know, this explains why Deuce never acted nervous before,” Ace quietly commented to Grim, watching the scene unfold.
Grim nodded, “I thought it was pretty obvious that Yuu was a girl.”
“I need.. To process this information…” Deuce got up, and walked out of Ramshackle Dorm, leaving a very puzzled Yuu and a calm Ace and Grim. Yuu let out another heavy sigh.
The tension was thick and heavy. In an attempt to lift the air, Ace spoke up.
“So. Girls?”
Ace looked at Yuu’s facial expression. Their puzzled expression melted to a softer one, one with a smile, replying,  “Girls.”
Ace raises his hand, making a sort of fist. Yuu raised a brow, but raised a fist of her own. Ace smiled, Grim watching as Ace fist-bumped Yuu.
Meanwhile, outside, Deuce was walking in a circle, wrapping his head around the thought that Yuu was a girl.
“Why am I so stupid?!” He cursed at himself.
“Eh, you didn’t know?”
Deuce turned his head, his eyes locking with those of Jack’s confused eyes. It took him a moment to process Jack’s words.
“You too?!”
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
A/N: Here is my entry for @hufflefluff-writer ‘s writing challenge! Sorry it’s so late!! I’ve bolded the prompts I chose. This was originally super angsty but I changed my entire plot at the last minute so now its *hopefully* a mix of everything. It isn't very long but nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy! 
Summary: Parties are always the catalyst for confessions.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: unrequited feelings, a lil bit of angst
Word count: 1.5k
The library is silent as you finish the conclusion to your Charms essay. Your quill scratches against the parchment; a comforting sound to your ears.
“Why is it, whenever I look for you, you have your nose stuck in a book or you are finishing school work?” A familiar voice drawls; your heart beginning to race at the sound of it.
You look up from your work, meeting the bright blue eyes of Draco Malfoy. “I’m not sure, you only ever seem to seek me out when you want something.”
He puts a hand on his chest, “Now you wound me.”
“Oh please,” You say, rolling your eyes with a smile.
He grins at you, and you’re pretty sure he can hear how loud the beating of your heart has become. You curse yourself internally for letting him affect you this way.
“What do you want, Draco?”
He sits down across from you; his fingers tracing the age-old ink doodles on the table. “What makes you think I want something? Why can’t I just want to spend time with you?”
You feel your face flush, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Now I know you want something.”
He rolls his eyes playfully, giving in. “Alright, you caught me. We’re having a party in the common room tonight and I want you to come.”
You frown, “I don’t do parties, Draco, you know that.”
“I do, but still I’d like you to come… please?”
You stare at him, wondering whether you would ever have the strength to turn him down, “Have I ever told you no?”
Draco smiles; it’s his special smile that he only reserves for a couple of people – one of them being you. “I hope I’m not around for the day. You’re the best.”
“I know I am. I’ll see you tonight then?”
He nods, standing from his place at the table. “You will.”
Draco presses a quick kiss to your cheek before leaving. You watch him in shock as he saunters away.
You hold your hand to your cheek; feeling that all-too recognisable pang in your chest. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you had fallen in love with your best friend; just that you had. It must have been happening over some time as it didn’t feel like some world-changing revelation to you, but rather, something simmering deep within your bones. As if loving him was part of your very being. You couldn’t tell him your feelings for him for the fear of being rejected and losing him from your life altogether. A life without Draco Malfoy involved seemed like a pretty poor life in your opinion. He presented such a hard exterior to keep up the Malfoy reputation but the man behind the mask was much softer. It seemed almost inevitable that you fell in love with him.
You couldn’t help the small part of you that wished he felt the same way too.
Slytherin didn’t have parties that often; tending to think themselves above such rowdiness, but on the rare occasion they did – it was big.
Bodies were crushed in the centre of the common room where a makeshift dance floor had been set up. A radio had been found; volume turned all the way up as the latest wizard music charts played.
You sit on one of the many black leather couches that decorate the common room; a small glass of firewhisky in your hands that you nurse quietly as the party progresses.
Your eyes seek him out; they always do, as if they’re drawn to him, needing to see him to know that it’s okay.
You find him leaning against the further wall; dressed head to toe in his usual all-black outfit. A brunette girl leans in close to him, whispering something only he can hear. He smiles at her and you can feel your heart break.
The moment he leans in to kiss her, you have to leave the room. You can’t go through that again; you can’t watch him kiss another girl who isn’t you. It isn’t fair; you won’t do that to yourself.
You brush yourself down as you stand from the leather couch, handing your drink to your friend, “Here, you finish this. I’m done for the night.”
“Are you sure?” She asks, concern lining her features, “I can come with you.”
You shake your head, “Don’t worry about it, you have fun okay? Blaise has had his eye on you all night.”
She grins, flicking her eyes to where Blaise stands, “He has?”
You nod, patting her shoulder, “He’s over by the drinks. Go get him. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
You leave the common room; wanting fresh air more than anything in the world, including the blonde-haired teenager you had left behind.
The night air is cold, but it cools your overheated skin courtesy of the small amount of alcohol running through your veins. You felt downright awful; jealousy was rearing its ugly head within you, having you despise the girl on the receiving end of Draco’s kiss. It wasn’t her fault; she had done nothing wrong.
You sit down in the entrance to the courtyard; releasing a breath and wishing you had grabbed your jacket before leaving the common room. The pale light of the moon has washed the courtyard in a pale grey hue – as if all the colour had been leeched from the world. It was oddly comforting. You sit there moving your eyes around the courtyard, focusing on different spots; breathing through the emotions raging inside you.
You hear his footsteps before his voice. You have the sudden urge to cry.
“There you are,” Draco greets, voice filled with relief, “I was looking for you.”
“Really? You looked to be too busy to notice my absence.” You cringe at the blatant jealous lacing your tone.
“I always notice you.”
“Don’t do this, Draco. I don’t think I can take it.”
“Do what?”
“This,” You say, gesturing between your bodies, “Where you act like this and I have to pretend that I’m not in love with you.”
He’s silent; sitting down next to you on the cold ground. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you.” He confesses to the night air.
“For how long. How long have you bottled this up?” You demand.
“I didn’t realise my feelings for you until a few months ago.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice breaking as you question him; so many thoughts running through your mind.
Draco remains silent; picking at invisible loose threads of his trousers. You sigh, placing your hand on top of his, rubbing your thumb across his hand in a comforting motion.
“Draco, why didn’t you say anything?”
He refuses to meet your eyes as he whispers, “I was scared.”
“What were you scared of?”
He gestures between your bodies, just as you did moments ago. “I didn’t want to ruin what we have. Our friendship means so much to me; I didn’t want to ruin it with my feelings.”
“Draco, I’ve just told you I’m in love with you.”
He nods, “It’s why I can’t keep kissing strangers anymore. I thought if I kissed someone else I wouldn’t have feelings for you anymore. And our friendship wouldn't be ruined.” He groans, “I’m so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid. Did it work? Kissing someone else?”
Draco shakes his head, “If anything it made them stronger. I’d think about what you would feel like to kiss – how you would respond, and I’d pull away more lovesick than ever.”
“Why don’t you find out?” You ask, raising an eyebrow in challenge. Daring him to make the first move.
You shift slight, angling your body towards him, “Kiss me, Draco.”
His hands cradle your face as he leans in. He pauses slightly, checking for permission despite you verbalising it. You respond by titling your face to his, brushing your lips against his ever so lightly.
The feel of your lips is what spurs him on to kiss you more firmly. It’s too much and too little all at once. Your arms wrap around his neck, to pull yourself closer to him. To feel even more of him against you. Every single emotion you had ever felt for the other is being poured into this kiss; unrelenting emotion and passion shared between the two of you as you take Draco’s bottom lip between your teeth and bite down. His answering moan sends shivers from your head to your toes.
He’s addicting; he’s a drug and you’ve craved him for months.
So much is defined by this kiss; it’s the shift from friendship to love. To letting those feelings that you’ve had for Draco encompass you entirely. Letting yourself be consumed by the love you feel for the blonde-haired teenager.
You pull away first, “Well?”
Draco grins wickedly, “I think we’re going to have to try again.”
You laugh, pushing his shoulder lightly, “Smooth, Malfoy.”
His face softens; his eyes filling with the love he feels for you, “I do love you; you know? The girl at the party meant nothing.”
He nods, “I only want you. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say you feel the same way. What would you say to us giving this a try? Let me take you on a date to Hogsmeade so we can start this properly?”
You smile at him, “I’m still not able to tell you no.”
His answering smile is mesmerising. The grin lighting up his whole face as leans in to kiss you again. Kissing you deeply, lovingly. All doubts about his feelings for you are scattered from your mind as his arms wrap around you, holding you tight against him.
General (HP) taglist: @the-hufflefluffwriter @obsessedwithrandomthings @kalimagik @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @slytherinprincess03 @mischiefsemimanaged @soleil-amaryllis @masterofthedarkness @bforbroadway @chaotic-fae-queen @peachesandpinks @nebulablakemurphy @haphazardhufflepuff @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @firewhisky-kisses @deafgirltingz @kylosleftbuttcheek @heloisedaphnebrightmore
 Draco Malfoy taglist: @cheapglitter @the--queen-of-hell
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
Edited Lesson Plans
for @dukexietyweek‘s day 5 prompt ‘School’
Summary: The science experiments Remus includes in his lessons baffle most of the staff for how he’s able to get them past health and safety concerns. Virgil is just glad he hasn’t been questioned over stealing the plans to add precautions to them yet.
Warnings: elusions to chemical accidents, vauge mentions of bad lab safety, explosion mentions
“Again? He's managed to get these major experiments in his work plan again?”
“Who the hell is he bribing to be allowed to do this stuff? Even I couldn't get a risk assessment thorough enough to do these things!”
“Remus has to be like dating the headmasters daughter. That's the only way Mr stick-up-his-arse Read would be letting him do these experiments. They're just too dangerous.”
“I think that's why Remus is doing them. Have you seen him mope when one is rejected?”
The talk in the staff room had once again returned to Mr Remus Cethalapod as the lessons plans and class schedules were shared among the teams, including the weeks where teachers should expect delays from students leaving specific classes. Virgil was sat working on fine tuning his own quietly, listening in, but never expected to join in with their talk.
That was the other certainty he knew the other teachers and faculty held, Remus would include science experiments no sane person would demonstrate to their teenage students, and Virgil would only speak up about issues with lesson plans if he saw classes overlapping with his that could be risky. The only exception to his demands to see the risk assessments were Remus's despite those classes following or precluding his own most often.
He smirked, making a few quick notes on a plan for the woodworking module. If the class picked up the skills in a different time period to expected a few classes might be moved around which would help with when Remus had chosen one of the few repeated experiments to be done.
“What is up, Bitches! Have I convinced any of you to give up repeating the same old plans and get something interesting in those classes?” Remus yelled, barging in to check the schedules for next semester.
“Why would we need to include something interesting when your lesson plans could well blow up the school?” Nate scoffed, shaking his head, and clearly unhappy that his classroom designation for the next semester was beside Remus's.
Virgil was tempted to speak up at that, defend his risk assessments except he wouldn't even acknowledge to Remus that he'd regularly steal the other teacher's lesson plans to make sure they're safe, or at a minimum have all possible and extremely necessary safety measures in place. He was certain that his input was known about though.
Remus just beamed at the veiled criticism. “My fairy health and safety agent says every class I do is safe as long as I follow the purple ink. Can you say the same?”
“You're creating fantasy creatures? You're meant to be a science teacher!” Nate's protesting was cut off as the first school bus arrived and everyone refocused back on this semester rather than the next.
Teaching Engineering and Resistant materials had always been Virgil's main interest, and a lot of that relied on science not only to improve and progress but to remain safe for the people who practised it. Getting a few journals on Chemistry added to his reading list wasn't too difficult to do after Virgil first met Remus.
He'd loved the passion and energy when he'd heard Mr Cethalapod teaching during a free period in the first year they'd worked together at the school. Discovering that the class had been mixing dangerous chemicals without enough safety precautions however had him basically panicking for 20 minutes before he forced himself calm if only to focus on his next class and the teenagers about to be playing with fire as much as soldering some metal together could be called that.
After that day Virgil would steal Remus's lesson plans, originally just to satisfy himself that they wouldn't be putting students or teacher in danger, but all too soon he was adding sheets with safety instructions and getting risk assessments filled out. Enough of the things he did could cross over, although temperatures in chemistry got higher than they ever would in resistant materials and the chemical element rarely impacted engineering to the degree it would of course inspire a chemistry class.
Remus even seemed to accommodate his lesson plans getting stolen, once when they were first written, once soon before the start of each subject and finally the week before he'd teach the class. When Virgil had first realised that pattern had been deliberately made he tried to hide more, put the things back exactly as he'd found them, terrified there'd be some consequence for his interfering. Remus had after all once made a class where a parent had complained over his teaching style only read their books for a term, conducting the experiments he'd planned to show or have them do silently at the front of class, and another time brought in a mobile lab so he could walk his class around behind the PE class after the teachers were disparaging his class loudly at the end of the day.
Instead nothing had happened, except occasionally his additions would have more corrections added. Of course the corrections were usually only on the severity of the injuries that could occur if one of the safety risks wasn't followed, but it was an acceptance of his guidelines regardless. Even Virgil's students had mentioned feeling calmer and safer during experiments with Remus bringing new precautions in, all of which had been his own additions.
Honestly, being called a 'fairy health and safety agent' had Virgil snickering for the rest of his day. He had the powers of magic and way too much fear on his side and with it would save the school from dangerous experiments. That sounded like a lot more fun than screaming and lecturing the headmaster whenever one of the other teachers blatantly failed to follow even the basic health and safety precautions.
When Virgil gets the lesson plans at the end of that week a tiny part of him was tempted to put fairy wings on of something while taking them. He wouldn't do that for fear of having to explain why if another teacher spotted him, but it was a thought.
A thought that vanished along with everything else that night when in green highlighter, covering the last page of lesson plans Remus had scrawled
Dear H&S Fairy, I'll clap all the times I can to make sure you exist if only you come with me on a date next Friday. Love and other Goopy Stuffs, Remus xoxoxo
Please, Virgil could only pray, please say Remus actually had figured out he was the one doing these plans, because he wanted, but could not face turning up only to find out Remus thought it was some other teacher or administrator.
Before he could worry about that any further he scribbled a reply just underneath the note, signed with a doodle of a fairy.
Now it wasn't that Remus had forgotten asking the Engineering teacher out on his lesson plans, or that he hadn't seen the response once they were returned to his desk. It's that he absolutely hated planning ahead any more than was necessary and his dreams were just of inspiration striking for the perfect date the minute they met up at his car.
Only as he was setting out the lesson and getting the students ready to carry it out did he finally think that someone so concerned with safety they'd steal his lesson plans might actually feel better if he had a plan in place. Remus couldn't exactly create a plan while teaching though, so it really would just be up to the evening and the thoughts it might bring to do.
He couldn't imagine a date being as full of risk as playing with low level acids though.
Virgil was already leant against Remus's car by the time he reached it and all Remus could do was beam. “I actually got it right! Damn, and Mr Read always says I can't figure out anything except explosions.”
“Glad to be who you wanted, should I even ask if you have a plan for tonight or just accept you're making this up as we go along?” Virgil snorted, pushing himself up as Remus rounded the car.
“I can at least guarantee lower chances of injury than I might find if you weren't with me.” Remus countered.
Perhaps they'd only really communicated via lesson plans and occasionally crossing paths around the school up until this point, but Remus couldn't wait to see where this first date might take them.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Connections 2
Chapter 2
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** Previous *** Next
One year has passed and Marinette couldn’t be happier with her dad and Penny. She has been on tour with her dad and has thus been home schooled for a year. Then final performance is in Gotham city and she is going to the Wayne Gala with her dad. After only a year she has gained and adopted the name Marinette Stone, and you would not believe how much the media fell in love with her.
 Jagged’s tour was going to end in Gotham and Tim couldn’t be happier. He practically begged Bruce to send him and Invite to the Gala in an attempt to meet the Rockstar. Bruce eventually gave in and invited the Rockstar and Tim was ecstatic.
 To say he was surprised was an understatement, Jagged couldn’t believe that he was being invited to the Wayne Gala. His answer was immediate, he accepted the offer, not because of the Wayne name but because of what the Gala was for. Every Gala was for a charity and Jagged couldn’t bring himself to refuse.
“What’s this dad?” Mari asked him as he set the invite down.
“It’s an invite to a big fancy party”
“Are we going?”
“It’s a Rock’ in cause so ya”
“oh!” Marinette shot up and ran from the room only to comeback with a book. She stood next to him as she flipped though her drawings before finding the one, she liked. “do you like it dad”
It was a simple black tux with dark purple accents but what shot it over was that there were music notes everywhere they were meant to catch the light and reflect at angles. The suit was perfect and they both knew it.
“that’s amazing little rocker! Any ideas for Penny?” she only responded with a smirk and flipped a page. The dress she showed him was stunning, it was a mermaid dress that was a deep dark purple an had an open back. Over the whole dress was a lace that incorporated music notes that draped from her shoulders to the ground perfectly over the dress. “I think she’ll like it Mari, but what about you?” now her smirk grew wider.
“it’s a surprise”
“well it will be beautiful” with that Mari ran up to her room and you could hear her working and patterning until it would be perfect.
 Ever since moving in with her uncle he really did become her dad. He supported her in her fashion dreams and has even worn some of her pieces on stage. She didn’t want anyone to know it was her so papa only said they were from a little online shop, but that he couldn’t give out the name yet.
Mari couldn’t believe her luck she was originally going to give them the outfits for their birthdays, but this was better. She had been trying to keep them secret, but this was perfectly timed.
 The day of the Gala arrived and the three of then went out to the limo. Marinette couldn’t believe that she finished all three outfits, but she was more than pleased with the results. She was dressed in a purple to pink dress with musical notes and a black velvet sash tied in a bow. Her hair was in a simple chunky braid that was pinned into a loose bun. Dad couldn’t stop smiling and Penny was gushing how cute she was and how well the three looked.
When they arrived at the Gala, they walked the red carpet and Marinette stayed close to her dad. She smiled and waved for the pictures while dad dropped hints that the three were dressed by his mysterious designer.
Mari could tell instantly she was the youngest as soon as they stepped into the ballroom, so she hid behind her dad but still made polite conversation with those who spoke with her.
 Tim was bouncing on his feet trying to catch a glimpse of the Rockstar.
“Tim” Bruce cut into his searching.
“Yes?” Tim immediately stopped his searching and looked at his father.
“Sigh. Come on let’s look” Tim was on his heals. They walked around the room until they saw the Rocker. But they were having trouble the rocker was with a woman and child and almost every woman there seemed to be fawning over the child and Rocker.
That was when Tim noticed the child, she was calm and courteous but when her eyes saw him, she excused herself and ran towards him. She had to be about six from her height, but her motions were fluid and not without purpose.
“Hi there” the child extended her hand “I’m Marinette, nice to meet you”
Tim went through the motions and shook her hand, “Hi I’m Tim” he gave her a polite smile and then looked back at Jagged. That was when he heard her laugh and he looked at the child and frowned. “What’s so funny?”
“You” she stated it and continued to giggle, that only deepened his frown. She then Turned around and called “Papa, I think someone wants to meet you” she still was giggling.
“Little Star! I told you not to leave my side” The rocker said with a chuckle and a glint in his eye. “Looks like Mari’s taken a liking to you, nice to meet you I’m Jagged Stone” he held out his hand and in that moment Tim .exe stopped working. And almost as suddenly shook his idol’s hand.
“Tim” Bruce called “breathe” Tim shook his head took a breath and seemed to regain some composure while Bruce only seemed to laugh.
“Hello Mr. Stone, my name is Tim” the little girl seemed to have stopped giggling, but she was looking between Tim and Bruce and then something seemed to click, and she was giggling again.
“What’s so funny star?” the girl took a deep breath.
She turned to Bruce and extended a hand “Hello Mr. Wayne” and the look on Bruce’s face was priceless. This little girl seemed to not only recognize Bruce without him ever introducing himself, but even the Rocker was shocked.
 Bruce didn’t understand what was going on and that was surprising. A six-year-old was able to identify him and what he knows of Jagged she would never have visited Gotham before. But he was never going to be prepared by what happens next.
This giggling girl suddenly stopped and went quiet. She looked behind him for only a moment before her attention was back on him. Her blue eyes lost in thought, when almost a suddenly they snapped to attention. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side as a man dressed as a server was holding a knife. This little girl just pulled him away from an attacker without a giveaway.
She turned around as the attacker spun around and charged. She didn’t move, hell she didn’t flinch as he ran towards her with a knife. She was small and she used her size to her advantage but that didn’t stop the punch that she hit the attacker with on his leg. Almost instantly the man went down, and this little girl just took him down. Bruce didn’t know how this child was able to hit the spleen 11 pressure point, but she did.
“Are you okay?” a soft voice rang in his ears and saw the sweet little girl again.
“Yes, I am…” Bruce was confused to say the least, and his confusion only grew when he heard laughter.
“Little Star that was dangerous” Jagged Stone scolded, and he laughed. The girl looked sheepish and just like a child should.
“How?” was the only thing that registered in his mind.
“Dunno she’s always been a little badass.” The Rockstar laughed.
This child is something else.
 The five of them stayed together the rest of the night and by the end Little Marinette was practically adopted by the Wayne family as a niece to Bruce. As she referred to him as Uncle Bruce and called Tim Tim-Tam.
The Stones were invited the next day for lunch at the manor where Marinette met Dick and Jason. Jason who when told couldn’t believe it until he saw the video and hasn’t stopped laughing except to call her his sister and give her the nickname Pixie Pop to which she responded to call him Jay-Jay. Dick practically fell in love with his new sister and she fell in love with him calling him Blue Bird.
Marinette loved Gotham because of her new brother’s and she practically begged to stay longer. It was Alfred who spoke up asking about her education. Dad saying, she was doing classes online. And Bruce asking if they would like she can attend Gotham Academy and stay with them in the manor while Jagged was on tour. Marinette couldn’t be happier, all that was left was a concert in Paris then school would start.
A quick doodle of young Marinette. I think that after the gala the people of Gotham call her Gotham’s Pixie
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@thanks-captain-obvious @mandy984 @our-preciousss @readingismyoxygen @birdy912 @shifty-lesbian-retro-goblin @todaylillypads @laurcad123 @demonangel27 @be-happy-every-day-please @fandom-trapped-03 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @t1dwarrior-of-earth @saays-bitch @kawaiigiantjudgefish @k-poplunardreams @animegirlweeb @animezodiac707 @justcourttee
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mvnvgedmischief · 3 years
unremarkable days.
summary: sirius black is trying to be a good man, a good brother, a good person. Sirius has a steady job designing book covers for a publishing house, a flat he never leaves, and a traumatized brother who was just removed from the custody of his parents. All in all, it's wildly unremarkable.
chapter:  4/?
characters: sirius black, regulus black, wolfstar, background marauders
tags: tw: canon compliant abuse, child abuse, social services, abuse
words: 3. 8 k
read it on ao3 here
read the last chapter here
Sirius knew that work was going to be high stress all day. He felt sick to his stomach, thinking about the way he would continuously have to talk to people, when all he wanted was some peace. He wanted downtime. Time when he didn’t have to think about how he needed his paycheck to put food on the table, clothes on his brother’s back, pay bills to keep his lights on, wifi for homework. Regulus occupied his thoughts at all times, protecting him was Sirius’s only priority these days. He didn’t have time for anything else. Not his friends, not his interests, not music. Nothing could come between his focus and his brother’s wellbeing, because if it did, Sirius would never forgive himself. The consequences were too dire. So instead, he just wished for downtime that wouldn’t come, and prayed for the weekend to approach even faster. 
The weekend, when he could finally sleep again, albeit not well. The weekend, when he had the time to take a breath, even if it was only brief. Because his weekends were also spent finding ways to better equip his apartment for his younger brother, going to long grocery runs so Regulus had lunch to take to school, meal prepping all of the things he couldn’t bring himself to eat for dinner. He was definitely tired of all of the ways his mind was spiraling out, he didn’t have the time. He didn’t fault Regulus for it, it wasn’t the teen's presence in his life that was causing all this stress. It really was his own fault. A bit of crying at that first hearing had given Walburga and Orion the satisfaction of a victory over him at that first hearing, and they seemed to crave more of that chaos. They wanted to watch their children suffer, and this was how they chose to do that. So instead he spiraled in the privacy of his own home, because he could practically hear the words they burned into his mind whenever he saw them, and feel the ache of old beatings. 
But it was only Thursday, and that meant he still had to do this all day, and  then get berated by the rest of the team for not attending their weekly bonding happy hour. If he was lucky,  no  one would ask him to go. He knew he should be less terrified of them asking, most of the people on his team were his friends. There was simply the question of Remus, and Sirius didn’t have the time to be thinking about him in the first place. 
He didn’t have time to think about  the way his hair curled just the right way to fall into his eyes when he slept, or the way his caramel freckles made him look sunkist. He didn’t have time to think about the  pink scars that ran down Remus’s face or how they got there. He definitely didn;’t have time to think of the comfort  of his hand combing through Sirius’s own mop of unruly curls. So instead, he needs to  put  all of that out  of his mind. It wasn’t going to help him do well at work. It wasn’t going to solve his problems. He didn’t have the  time for this, nor did he have the emotional bandwidth. Perhaps that was why Sirius was conveniently avoiding the idea that he had asked Remus on a date. With some luck, Remus would think he was just an asshole who ghosted him. That was definitely complicated by the fact that they worked together, that he couldn’t just disappear. He wanted to, he really did, because there was simply no time. 
He set up his deliverables as though he had made tons of them, because his employment in this company  rode on it. Just two months ago, he was pegged to be promoted within the next two cycles, and now he could barely hold on to his sanity enough to handle his workload. He was so fucking tired, and he had so much on his plate. He needed to mentally prepare himself for the long day of meetings ahead of him. He had no true motivation to do his job right now, all he knew was that his exhaustion was no excuse. He knew that his boss, Alice, was giving him a whole lot of leeway right now. She was probably doing more than she should to help him. Being a mentor on the senior design team didn’t mean she needed to keep tabs on his personal life and pick up his slack. 
When Sirius focused back into the meeting he was calling into, it occurred to him that they’re talking to him. So he did what he always did, blamed it on a shoddy connection. 
“Oh, sorry, can you repeat that? My audio cut out.” 
“Remus was saying that some of  the poems could probably use illustrations, and he was wondering if you had any ideas on which ones needed it.” 
“Thanks, Peter.” Sirius was glad that he knew the people on this team, that Peter and James were as close to him as anyone could be. Because otherwise, he’d probably be fucked. 
“So I was looking through them, and I was thinking Bite, Magick, and Love I could probably use larger scale illustrations. But at the same time, we don’t want to crowd the book. How attached are you to the current order or page arrangement?” 
It felt too close, but he was lucky that he had at least read the titles of some of the poems in the first half of the book. Sirius knew Remus didn’t actually know what his level of involvement was. He thought it was just doodles, but Sirius would be responsible for presenting everything from kearning and font choice within the pages, to illustration and cover art to the design team. He was integral to the success of this book as a product, and he  needed to start acting like it. 
“I’m pretty attached.” Remus sounded cold to Sirius, and he wondered what exactly he had done wrong in this meeting. And yet, he didn’t have time to think on it. He needed to keep things moving, keep getting valuable information out of the author. Hook up be damned, Sirius needed this book to actually get off the ground. 
 “Okay, well we should get a meeting on the calender to discuss. What poems and what scale of illustrations you want–” 
“Shouldn’t you be deciding what the illustrations look like and the logistics of those. Isn’t that what you  get paid for?” Remus really wasn’t making this easy on Sirius. But he had dealt with bigger demons and divas then whatever this attitude was. So he put on a light and airy smile, one they’d never know didn’t reach his eyes over the low quality webcam and nodded. 
“If you’d like to take a hands off approach with the design work, that can absolutely be arranged. But in the case of a fledgling project with a new author, the design team, myself included, really hope to prioritize your artistic license so that we can get a better sense of your vision for your literature, should Quill move forward with other publications in the future.  We can provide a completely in-house service, with as much input as you feel necessary during the design process, and deliver collateral towards the end of the project when final edits are done, if you would prefer, Mister Lupin.” 
Sirius practically wanted to scream. He needed Remus to stop fucking with his job, with his livelihood. He couldn’t lose this project. He needed all of the billable hours he could get if he was going to justify the overtime he needed in order to provide for his brother. This was ridiculous. But his clinical and polite answer must have thrown Remus, because he didn’t get much more attitude out of him. The back and forth had ended. So instead, Sirius pulled up his deliverables for the week, which included new iterations for the covers, and twelve illustrations for the three poems he had mentioned. 
He noticed the way Remus looked at his drawings, like he was pained by whatever his thoughts were, and Sirius wants to scream that he’s under no obligation to think that they’re good. But then he remembers that Remus seemed to be nitpicking on purpose, based on his critique of the design system itself. Sirius didn’t have the time to deal with that level of petty, just because he hadn’t been answering. He was too busy. He had too much on his plate. So instead he continues his presentation. 
“I don’t like any of these. Maybe you should start over.” Remus sounded vindictive, even mean. Like he was doing this out of spite.  Sirius could feel his heart drop in that moment. He didn’t want to start over. He didn’t have the time. 
“What do you not like about them?” Sirius is trying to salvage his work while he can. 
“The vibe is off.”
“Oh, is there something specific that throws it off or...” Sirius trailed off, wondering what exactly he needed to change. 
“No, it’s the whole thing. All of them are just off.” 
Sirius needed to think quick on his feet. He didn’t have the time to start from scratch, so he pulled up his original thumbnails that he had discussed with Remus. 
“These are the original sketches we discussed. I moved forward with the ones we talked about. I’m happy to rework those sketches,” no, he wasn’t. “But if there’s another sketch that you think would fit your vision better, please let me know.” He felt like he was pleading with Remus not to hate his artwork. He’d be a liar if he said it wasn’t a blow to his self esteem to hear that everything that he did was bad. 
“No, I would suggest you start over.” 
Sirius nodded, his mind immediately whirring with ways he could start over and re-design this project. He really didn’t want to do it. He didn’t want to do hundreds of thumbnails to get set on thirty, only to be destroyed in a meeting again. Especially when Remus seemed so excited about all of his illustrations before the meetings. It felt like too much. He didn’t have the energy for this kind of behavior. 
Luckily, Marlene directed the conversation away from Sirius’s work. The rest of the call went on without a hitch, like the only person who’s work Remus had a problem with was Sirius’s. He knew that it was more likely for Remus to have a problem with him, because design work was usually something an artist thought of as easy; however, this felt calculated and cold. If Sirius had been avoiding Remus before, it definitely wasn’t about to get better. So instead, he listened to the end of the meeting, and started the project all over again. He could do this. It was an unremarkable critique. It didn’t matter.
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shadow13dickpistons · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Yugi Muto!
@pharaoh-ink absolutely DEMANDED I post this drabble I did while bored at work for Yugi's birthday, so, here you go: original manga arc/season 0 setting.
“(What’s a birthday?)”
Yugi paused in buckling the last of his belts and accouterments; he could hear and feel the spirit moving restlessly inside his puzzle. “What do you mean, what’s a birthday? It’s the day you’re born.”
“(That makes no sense. You were not born today, you are full grown.)”
“Not full grown,” he sighed, glancing at himself in the mirror. Surely he was due for just one more good growth spurt? “It’s the anniversary of your birth,” he clarified, and heard the spirit hum within.
“(You’re excited about it. Why?)”
“Yugi! You’ll be late for school!” His mother was calling from the bottom of the stairs, and Yugi hurriedly shoved his books into his bag.
“I’ll explain it later,” he promised, rushing down.
Along with his breakfast at the table, there was a small, chocolate-covered crème bun, and his eyes bugged in glee. His mother also looked very pleased about it, kissing him on the brow. “Happy birthday, Yugi, dear.”
As he wolfed down his food before Anzu arrived to walk with him, the spirit seemed to understand more. “(Ah, you like those.)”
“Uh huh.”
“(So birthdays are days for treats. Your mother gave it to you to make today special?)”
He didn’t know quite how to explain something so basic to him. After all, his birthday wasn’t the only day he could have a chocolate crème bun, but certainly he got one today because it was. He was spared this attempt by Anuz’s arrival. “Happy birthday, Yugi!” She had a small box for him, wrapped in colorful paper, and now the spirit was very interested.
“(What’s that? What’s this paper? What are these curls? Why is she giving you that? What’s inside it?)”
“Will you just give me a second! Oh-” He blushed at Anzu. “Not you – him.”
Her blue eyes lit up and she glanced quickly at the puzzle. “Is he giving you a lot of trouble today?”
“He doesn’t know what a birthday is. Or wrapping paper, either, I guess.”
“You don’t have to open it now.”
“No, I want to!” He did so carefully, not wanting to tear the paper. He folded that and slid it into his book bag, before opening the box. “Oh wow! Cologne!”
Anzu giggled and nudged him with her elbow. “You can smell like a sexy movie star now.” Yugi flushed from toe to head, and felt very hot. The spirit was still amused, but no longer asking so many questions. “Go on and try it, and let’s get going, before we’re late!” Yugi dabbed some along his throat, just above his choker, and took every opportunity of getting near Anzu so she could tell him how masculine and adult he smelled – in a good way, of course.
“Jeeze, Yuge – you smell like you walked out of the perfume department.” Jonouchi waved his book to diffuse the odor somewhat.
“Anzu thinks I smell very grown up!” He’d been so pleased with the effect of the cologne, he might have put on just a teensy bit more to make that stronger. And then maybe a little more after that. This, at least, the spirit of the puzzle had no questions about. He apparently understood the purpose of colognes.
“Grown up, maybe, and working as a pim-”
“Shut up,” Honda cuffed him on the arm. “It’s his birthday!”
“(They can’t tease you, because it’s your birthday?)”
“It would be a little mean.”
“Here, Yugi,” Honda handed him a small package, this time wrapped in newspaper. “Jo and I got together and got this for you.”
“(More packages! What’s inside? Why isn’t this one all pretty like Anzu’s?)”
“Hush.” To his friends, he said, “You guys didn’t have to do that!”
“Aw, it’s not much,” Jonouchi smiled, though his eyes watered from the cologne. He watched Yugi open it and said, “It’s that new CD, from that scary band you like!”
“Oh, wow!” Yugi was ecstatic. “I can’t wait to listen to it! You guys are the best.”
“You’ll always be our buddy, pal.”
Yugi had never felt so loved before this. There was no birthday wish he could possibly make, because his puzzle had granted the only one he really wanted. Bakura had given him a card he made, with a small Zombire doodle by Hanasaki included inside, wishing him a “powerfully fun,” birthday. He set this at the end of his desk, waiting for class to start, when-
“Oh, Kaiba-kun’s here today!”
He felt the spirit curl inside the puzzle, like a dog with its hackles raised. “(Don’t like him.)”
“You don’t like anybody.”
“(That’s not true. I like Anzu.)”
The tall boy’s briefcase knocked the card off Yugi’s desk as he passed. He reached down to get it, but Kaiba had already covered the corner of it with his foot, stooping to see what it was. “Oh, uh…” Yugi felt unconscionably embarrassed.
Kaiba rose with the card in hand, giving it a quick once over. “It’s your birthday today?” He was so eerie, with these flat, blue eyes, and a mouth that rarelysmiled. But he was interesting, too: quiet, but very smart. He was always alone, and maybe Yugi pitied that – or maybe he just understood.
Jonouchi and Honda were squaring up behind him as if a fight was about to break out. “That’s Yugi’s, give it back to him.”
Kaiba glanced from the card, to Yugi, to his friends – and snorted. “It’s not as if I wanted a bunch of toddler scribbles.” He held it out to Yugi. “Here. Happy birthday.”
Kaiba turned to go to his desk, but paused. “Are you wearing cologne?”
Yugi was spared from answering by the teacher entering and calling the class to order. It was only then he realized how quiet the spirit of the puzzle had been during this exchange. He soon realized why: he was still trying to catalog a list of people of whom he approved. “(I like you.)”
Yugi just smiled to himself.
His grandfather’s gift was ready when he got home that afternoon. “Wow, Grandpa!” A holographic Dark Magician card. “Where did you get this!”
“I have my sources,” was all he said, very pleased.
“It’s awesome!” He hugged him, perhaps a little too enthusiastically for such an old man. “Thank you so much!”
The spirit particularly liked this present, and was in favor of going over the deck right then, but Yugi’s mother said no games and no playing his new CD until his homework for the evening was done; she knew he’d pay more attention to the music and cards than to his schoolwork. Like Yugi, the spirit was not in favor of homework. Luckily, he didn’t have to do any… “(Can I play a game while you do your work?)”
Yugi sighed, going to his shelf. “Sure…What did you want tonight?”
“(Those little magnets, the round ones.)”
“The desk toy?” Yugi took down a cylindrical tube full of super-magnets. “Be careful, they spill everywhere.”
“(I’ll be careful.)”
Yugi and the spirit had discovered that, if he let his mind go kind of blank, if he let his eyes go a little unfocused, the spirit could take the left hand while he remained busy with the right; this was crucial for surviving lectures, or the spirit would vibrate so intensely with complaints of boredom, Yugi couldn’t concentrate on what he was meant to be learning. He sort of lost sensation of his left side, and it was like he only could see from half the left eye, when they split in this manner. It was uncomfortable and disturbing at first, but like everything else involving the puzzle, he’d become accustomed to it with time. So tonight, he read his book while his left hand worked on whatever was occupying the spirit of the puzzle, and finally was able to finish about an hour before bed. He stood and stretched, shaking out his left hand to regain sensation in the fingers. “There! Shall we work on the deck?”
“(Wait. Look first.)”
“What is it?” Yugi turned back to the desk.
There, in a three-dimensional sculpture of small magnets, the spirit had written: “Happy Birthday, Yugi.”
He could feel the other him waiting with tense anticipation. “(Is it alright?)”
“This is what you wanted to do?”
“(Yes. Is it alright?)”
Yugi didn’t know what to do, so he wrapped his arms around himself and hugged his torso tight. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”
He seemed to like it. “(Happy birthday.)”
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Pizza Doodles
Pairing: Lucas x Original Female Character | Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff and Smut
Summary: Lucas keeps showing up at the grocery store to ask the lady at the cheese stand for help
Part 2 of my "The NCT Frat House Series"
Word Count: 4.5k
Rating: Mature, explicit sexual content
Author's Note: I just wanted to write a cute romance for Lucas. Thank you always for reading my fics!
    Opening the store meant that she had to get up extra early on her Saturday mornings, but it also meant that she spent most of her shift avoiding any real rushes, save for when lunch came around. People had better things to do than shop for their groceries on a Saturday morning, so Alma spent those mornings behind the craft services counter reading a book. She wasn’t a cheese expert, but she worked for a grocery store chain so a binder of generic descriptions of cheeses and antipasto side dishes the store sold was her training course in becoming the store’s cheese expert from 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Fridays and Saturdays.
    The job was rather boring, but it helped pay the bills, and it gave her time to catch up on her reading. She was only five pages into “Burning Bridges in Shanghai”, the new book by her favorite author Min Chang, when she heard someone clearing their throat and greeting her to get her attention. Looking up, she saw a tall man with a naturally charming half smile raising his hand.
    “Excuse me, I have a question about parmesan cheese and romano cheese,” he said as he held up two wedges of cheese.
    “Of course,” she replied, setting her book down. She’d never had to talk to a customer about cheese or stuffed olives at 7:00 AM before. “What can I help you with?”
    “Well,” he said in a low tone that was slightly gravelly, “I wanted to make spaghetti, so which cheese would be better to shred over tomato sauce?”
    “It depends on what you’re looking for, palette-wise,” she replied. “Parmesan is always a safe choice. It’s nutty and salty. Romano is slightly softer and has a tart flavor. Personally, I prefer romano. Also, they pair well together, especially in pasta dishes, so you can buy both.”
    The man raised one of his perfectly groomed black eyebrows, and gave a nod. “I’ll go with the romano. Thank you.”
    Alma would have forgotten the encounter, except exactly one week later, when she was roughly 100 pages into “Burning Bridges in Shanghai” she heard a familiar low voice say, “Excuse me, miss?”
    “Hi,” she blurted out as she set her book down, coming face to face with the tall jock who had asked her about cheese.
    “Hey!” he said enthusiastically, his face breaking out into a bright smile. “The romano cheese was good!”
    “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” was the only thing Alma could think to say. He was the only customer she’d ever had return days later to speak to her. “What can I assist you with today?”
    “Oh, yes, um, I’m Lucas, by the way,” he said. “What is your name?”
    “I’m Alma,” she replied.
    “Alma, it’s nice to meet you,” he said, his big brown eyes seeming to be staring directly into her brain. “I wanted to know if fresh mozzarella or dry mozzarella is better for pizza.”
    “Well,” she replied, resting her arm up against the counter, “if you want to do more of a margherita pizza I would go with fresh mozzarella, but if you want more toppings on the pizza I would go with dry mozzarella. The moisture content from fresh mozzarella could make your pizza soggy.”
    “Wow,” he said, breaking out another smile. She couldn’t help returning the smile. His reaction seemed so genuine. “You know a lot about Italian food. Have you ever made pizza dough from scratch?”
    “I have,” she replied. “Are you making pizza today?”
    “Yeah,” he replied. “I saw a recipe for pizza dough, but I have to let the dough sit overnight. I don’t know if I can make pizza tonight. Do you know if there’s a way to make a quick pizza dough?”
    “I do have a recipe where you only need an hour for the dough to rise,” she replied.
    “Give me your number and text it to me?” he said hurriedly, taking his phone out of the front pocket of his jeans.
    “I don’t think my boss would be OK with that,” she replied, feeling her cheeks turn warm. 
    She knew the guy wasn’t hitting on her. He was a very attractive man, fit like a professional athlete, and though Alma was secure with herself, she knew she wasn’t looking her best. Working behind a cheese counter at a grocery chain meant she didn’t need to put any makeup on and her hair was up in a simple bun. Given that her job allowed casual attire, she always wore her mom jeans with a simple tshirt and a pair of comfortable sneakers.
    “Of course!” he said immediately, realizing the implication. “Can you tell me the recipe?”
    “I can write it down for you,” she replied, grabbing her notebook and pen. The recipe she was writing down was the recipe she’d memorized when she went through a pizza phase when she was 19, stressed out from her first year in college.
    “Thank you so much,” he said immediately. She ripped out the sheet of paper and handed it to him. His eyes scanned at the sheet of paper, and he looked up before asking, “Where is the semolina flour and instant yeast?”
    Lucky for him, it was part of her job to know where to find every item in the store. After asking Pat in the bakery section to cover her for a bit, Alma walked out from around the counter and led Lucas toward the baking aisle. Even though he was hunched over, resting his elbows onto his cart, she could tell he had at least 6 inches on her.
    "Do you enjoy cooking?" she asked.
    "I'm still learning," he replied. "I've had some bad luck lately, so I've lost some bets with my roommates. I have to cook us pizza for dinner tonight."
    "Your roommates sound lucky to get a homemade pizza for dinner."
    "I hope it'll turn out good."
    "Pizza's a lot easier than you think," she replied. "I have full confidence in you."
    As she helped him find the yeast and 2 different sorts of flours, Lucas seemed to become a little intimidated. She retrieved the sheet of paper she wrote the pizza dough recipe on, and began adding notes to her steps, asking him to review her notes. He was extremely amused when she drew a few rough doodles to help assist in proofing his dough and how to roll it out into a perfectly round crust.
    "Are you a chef?" he asked her, staring at the drawing she made on the back of the recipe, a diagram of how to rotate the dough so the dough would roll out more evenly. The trick was to keep rotating the dough and remembering to roll left to right as well as up and down.
    "No," she replied. "I've always enjoyed cooking so I suppose I'm a natural cook. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
    He stared at his cart, and scanned his eyes over the recipe once more. He shook his head before saying, "Thank you for your help."
    "Good luck," she said before leaving to return to her spot behind the cheese counter.
    It was another week when he approached her at 7:00 in the morning again, this time greeting her with a loud, "Hi, Alma!"
    She looked up from her book, having been absorbed by the twist in the third act in “Burning Bridges in Shanghai”. Lucas's shiny brown hair was styled into a quiff that left a few tendrils falling over his forehead. His wide smile was infectious, and Alma returned a smile despite having a headache that morning.
    "Hi, Lucas," she replied, setting her book down. "What can I help you with today?"
    "I wanted to show you the pizzas I made!" he said excitedly, pulling his phone out. She stood and leaned over the counter to look at Lucas's phone as he shared photos of the pizzas he made. His pride over his successful pizzas was obvious as he kept glancing at her with every new photo he shared.
    "Your pizzas looked really good," she said, grinning as his eyes sparkled with pride. "I hope my recipe and notes didn't confuse you."
    "No, not at all," he replied, putting his phone away. "It helped a lot to be honest. I feel like I need to thank you for your help."
    "You don't need to do anything," she said, thrown off by his kindness. "I'm just doing my job. Anything you need help with I'll try my best."
    He stared at her for a moment, and she felt her face turn warm as he gave her a curious stare.
    "Do you know how to make scallion pancakes?" he asked her. He licked his lips and looked directly into her eyes, the corners of his lips curving into the smallest smile. "I know it's not Italian..."
    "You know," she said with a small laugh, "I do know how to make scallion pancakes."
    "You do? Can you teach me?"
    "Well," she said as she grabbed her notebook and opened it, "it has been awhile since I've made it, but give me a few minutes?"
    She was surprised as Lucas rested his arms up against the counter as he watched her write the recipe down. It was strange that he chose not to utilize his time to go shopping while she wrote down her college roommate's scallion recipe, grateful that the recipe had been easy, but he made good company as he carried on the conversation.
    "I want to impress my friends," he said. "They told me Italian food is easy, so I think if I make Chinese food it will impress them more."
    "Do your friends like scallion pancakes?" she asked, reading over her instructions again.
    "Yeah, but I want to make it because I like it," he said, making her laugh as she looked away from her notebook.
    They continued to talk, Lucas mostly telling her about working at a diner, joining dance classes during his free time, and having fun with his friends in his fraternity at the local university. Once she was done writing the recipe, they leaned over the countertop together, and she went over the ingredients and each step with him. They added in notes whenever he had questions, and she drew a few doodles at his request.
    "Can you help me find all the ingredients?" he asked as she was about to pick up her book again. "Where am I supposed to find a cheesecloth? How do I know which scallions are good?"
    "We can start in the baking aisle," she said as she walked around to join him on their search for cheesecloth.
    It became a weekly routine where Lucas would show up asking Alma if she could write him a recipe for a dish he wanted to make as he showed her photos of the food he'd made the week before. She got to know Lucas's friends through the pictures and videos he shared with her. He had a real passion for food she related to. She didn't know how much she'd come to look forward to seeing him until one Saturday morning where he didn't show up.
    Alma had been reading Agatha Christie’s “Crooked House" when she picked up her phone to check the time and saw that it was nearing 9:00 AM. She realized that Lucas was nowhere in sight, and felt a dread hit her stomach. Surprised at the way she felt hurt, Alma had to stand up and start rearranging the wedges of cheese on display. She was confused about feeling hurt at not getting a visit from Lucas. It was true that she wanted to see how his bibimbap had turned out, but she felt embarrassed that she was feeling so strongly at realizing that Lucas hadn’t shown up.
    Regretting that she'd noticed, Alma spent the rest of her shift glancing up frequently, half hoping to see Lucas appear, but he never did. By the time her shift was over, Alma was frustrated, and didn't want to blame it on not seeing Lucas. She couldn't possibly be so upset over a guy who didn't owe her any attention. Trying her best to think about going home to take a bath and to relax with a reread of "Burning Bridges in Shanghai", Alma said goodbye to some coworkers when she’d finally undone her bun and put her hair down. She massaged her scalp before folding her red work apron to place into her purse as she walked out toward the parking lot.
    "Excuse me?" she heard a familiar voice say from behind. Stopping in her tracks, Alma turned around and saw Lucas standing under the shade next to the front entrance of the store. "Alma, are you off work?"
    "Hey Lucas," she said, feeling her heart beating faster. Lucas was wearing his blue jacket with a white tshirt, the pairing of the colors always looked good on him. "Are you just getting started on your groceries?”
    "No," he said with a grin, his eyes going down to look at his feet before he looked back up, taking a couple steps closer to her. "I didn't know what time you got off work, so I've been waiting here."
    “What can I help you with?” she replied, giving him a smile.
    “I’m not here for that,” he said, looking a little shy. “Have you eaten? You’ve worked all morning, you must be tired.”
    She was surprised, because it sounded like he was flirting with her. And then it hit her, Lucas liked her. He’d liked her so much he’d spent nearly 4 months getting up early every Saturday just to come see her. He’d asked her for recipes and to help him shop so he’d get to talk to her more. The thought had crossed her mind, but she’d always brushed it off immediately.
    Lucas was still in college, so he had to be at least 4 years younger than her. Age hadn’t been something Alma gave much thought, but she’d only dated men older than her or roughly the same age as her. He knew she’d graduated from college, because she’d spoken to him about dropping out of grad school to take on as many contract jobs as possible as a video editor since her job at the grocery store freed up room for her to be a little more creative in her profession. She smiled, feeling her cheeks grow warm, in mild disbelief that he found her boring ass interesting enough to crush on.
    “I’m tired,” she said, taking a step forward before resting her head against his arm. “Would it be OK if you made me dinner at my place?”
    “Is your car still broken?” he asked, moving his arm to wrap around her shoulders. She nodded. Three weeks ago, Alma’s car battery died and she couldn’t afford to replace it, so she’d had to take the bus or an Uber to get around town. “If you had a boyfriend, he would help you fix your car, or he could even drive you around in his car.”
    “Or he could just be supportive and let me save up for the damn battery,” she replied, tugging his earlobe gently with her thumb and index finger. “You don’t have to bribe me to date you, Lucas.”
    “Then how come I’m only making you dinner now?” he asked, leading her over to his car, the hold he had on her hip was secure, and she felt her body heat up as he brushed his thumb back and forth against her hip with the slightest of pressure.
    “I just can’t believe a beautiful young man could like a nerdy failing career woman,” she replied.
    “I can’t believe you could like a stupid boy like me,” he said, sitting down on the hood of his silver Nissan GTR, pulling her to stand in between his legs with his hands on her waist. “You’re always pretty, but this close, you’re the most beautiful right here.”
    She closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her cheek, and she placed a hand on his cheek as she turned her head slightly so she could kiss his lips. He returned her kiss, and firmly slipped his right hand to cup her ass. He gave a low groan in his throat, indicating that he liked the feel of her ass, and she gave a soft laugh as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. His tongue pushed back, and she felt his fingers pinch the side of her breast.
    Breaking their kiss, she placed both hands on his wrists as she turned her head to the side. His lips landed on her neck and he planted soft kisses on the same spot as she breathed heavily, gently guiding his hands back down to her hips. She pulled back as he stopped kissing her and they met each other’s gaze.
    “My coworkers are going to make fun of me if any of them saw me being so shameless in public,” she said softly.
    He chuckled before kissing her cheek. His hands caressed her hips gently before he let her go and opened the passenger door for her to enter. As she gave him directions to her home, he rested his hand on her knee, his constant touches making her feel like he’d waited a long time to be physically intimate with her, and he wasn’t taking any of it for granted.
    “Your house is cute!” Lucas said with excitement as he pulled up to her driveway. She’d described her one story, two bedroom house as a “cute dump” so she let out a belly laugh when he’d complimented her home.
    “Wait until you see the kitchen,” she said when she let him inside through the front door.
    The left side of the house was an open concept, the front set up neatly with her workout equipment. A red painted farm style dining set separated the front workout area from her kitchen, which made up roughly half of the space. Racks of food, spices, seasonings, herbs, and cooking equipment lined up the walls, and Lucas walked around, marveling at her bookshelf that sat at the far right back corner behind the fridge.
    “You said you’re not a chef,” he said once he stood next to her at her kitchen sink.
    “I’m not,” she replied, placing her hands on his chest as he rested his hands on her hips, pulling her into his arms so he could press their bodies together. “Cooking is my main hobby. What you see in my house is a result of me spending my teens and most of my 20s wanting to learn how to cook all the food I love.”
    “So this is my future,” he said, looking around the kitchen, grinning at the pictures she had posted up on her fridge door, the majority of them pictures of her brothers’ kids. She raised her eyebrows and his cheeks turned pink as he realized what he insinuated. “That’s if you’ll have me, of course.”
    “I think we should focus on right now,” she said, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs, cupping his face into her hands. “What are you going to make me?”
    “I made somtam a few days ago,” he said. “Kun liked it.”
    “Somtam,” she said, touching his lips with her index finger. “I still feel silly not knowing that’s how you say papaya salad in Thai. Somtam sounds nicer on the lips.”
    “Kun thought that was funny too,” he said before planting a kiss on her neck. “You have a papaya and tamarind paste?”
    “Crab paste too,” she said with a nod, and he bent down to kiss her neck. She gave a moan as she felt him suck on her neck. “Lucas!” she gasped before giving a guffaw, pushing against his chest slightly.
    “Wow,” he said, grinning, when he was satisfied with the reaction he’d gotten out of her.
    Her heart was beating fast and her body felt hot. She walked over to turn on the fan she had set up behind the dining table before returning to the kitchen to grab her mortar and pestle for Lucas to use. While he made the somtam by peeling and shredding the papaya before mixing all the ingredients together, Alma fried some pork belly and made some sticky rice in her rice cooker. When the food was done, Alma and Lucas were too hungry to eat formally, so she sat on the island counter as he stood between her legs as they fed each other the rice and pork belly between bites of the spicy somtam.
    “Be honest,” he said, his mouth full of rice and pork belly, “is the somtam too sour?”
    “It’s perfect,” she replied, wiping the grease off the corner of his mouth with a paper towel. “I like it spicy. No less than 5 peppers or it’s not spicy enough.”
    “I think it’s too spicy,” he said after taking a long drink of water. “I’m burning up.”
    She laughed as he planted a kiss onto her neck while dropping his jacket to the floor. As he rested his hand on her chin to kiss her, she moved her hands to the front of his pants to unbuckle his belt. She moaned into his mouth as his hands reached under her shirt to feel her skin, and they broke their kiss so he could pull her shirt off as she threw her arms in the air. She wrapped her legs around his hips as one hand grabbed her breast before wrapping his arms around her waist.
    “My room’s just on the other side,” she said as she held onto his shoulders.
    He carried her to her room, setting her down gently onto her bed, his kisses going from her neck down her chest to her stomach, and his tongue flicked her belly button as he unbuttoned her jeans. She ran her fingers through his hair, and licked her lips as she closed her eyes, feeling his fingers hook onto the waistband of her underwear before he pulled them off of her, his lips kissing her pelvis. She felt him hook her knees over his shoulders and one hand reached up to knead her breast, his thumb and index finger squeezing her hardening nipple.
    “Please, Lucas,” she panted as she felt his tongue leave a wet trail of saliva on the inside of her thigh. He left soft kisses along the trail of his saliva and brushed his thumb against her slit, making her back shiver. He kissed the inside of her other thigh as both of his arms hooked under her thighs and she released his hair to grab her breasts, her cunt so wet she could feel her slick heat dripping out of her.
    She gave a soft gasp as she felt his tongue slide up against her core, his tongue pressing up against her clit as he closed his mouth around her cunt, sucking on her clit for a second before his mouth released her. She swore loudly as her hands shot down to touch his hair again. She opened her mouth, giving a dry inhale of breath, as he flicked his tongue up and down against her clit for a few seconds before pushing it inside of her core. He groaned into her, the vibrations of his gravelly voice sent sharp waves of heat into her body, making her instinctively attempt to close her thighs, but his arms held her legs open.
    His arm around her left leg let her go, but he used his free hand to rub her clit with three of his fingers in a circular motion while his tongue plunged back into her cunt as his tongue pushed up into her walls, lapping up her slick juices when he pulled out slightly. His mouth wrapped around her clit again and she felt her stomach muscles tighten as he sucked on her clit, making her come.
    Her hips jerked up sharply a couple times as her orgasm washed over her. She could only give a dry, barely audible chuckle as she breathed heavily, watching him sit up, wiping her juices and his saliva off of him with his hands. He gave a gentle half grin as he laid down next to her, brushing her wet hair out of her sweaty face.
    “You��” she panted out, reaching over to caress his cheek, before darting her eyes down to his rock hard cock. He’d been so busy taking care of her, he hadn’t had a moment to feel some relief.
    “I can take care of it later,” he said before taking her hand and kissing it. “I want to make you happy.”
    She sat up and straddled his hips as she pushed him back down onto his back by placing her hands on his chest. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips before she grabbed his cock and rubbed the head up against her slit, her pussy juices making his cock wet. They moaned together as she pushed the head of his cock inside of her. The pressure of his thick cock sent a delicious shockwave up her spine, and she began to grind her hips back and forth gently as every motion was like wading into a radiating current of ecstasy.
    Alma shut her eyes as she felt his hands grab her breasts and she continued to thrust against Lucas’s hips. His hands traveled down her body and he wrapped his arms around her waist as he sat up, pushing himself balls deep into her before he carefully laid her onto her back, and then gave two strong pushes before he found his release as he kissed her when he came inside of her.
    She caressed his cheek when he pulled out of her as he continued to kiss her. He broke their kiss as he laid down onto his back next to her, and she turned onto her side, pressing her palms together as she rested her hands under her head. Lucas turned his head over to look at her, and he smiled as he reached over to brush his thumb against her bottom lip. They spent the rest of their late afternoon kissing every inch of each other’s bodies, only stopping once they’d become too hungry to continue.
    They ate a pepperoni pizza together in her bed as they watched an old John Woo film since the only TV in her house was in her bedroom. Even though the date was an impromptu first date, it felt more like the pivotal fourth or fifth date, where Alma usually began to wonder if the guy was as into her as she was into him. Lucas glanced at her, and leaned over to give her a soft kiss on the lips. He pulled her in to sit between his legs, and she grinned to herself. He might be into her just a little more.
Thank you for reading!
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gabywantsafriend · 4 years
Anything For You: Ferris Bueller x Reader
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(Kinda my gif??? Idk I found it online but I originally posted it on here)
Requested by anonymous:  ferris bueller realizing he loves the reader maybe?
I’m so sorry it took such a long time to post another imagine! I hope you guys enjoy it :’)
Warning: Swearing
“Adams?” “Here.”
“Adamley?” “Here!”
“Adamowski?” A rather lazy hand was raised, indicating the student’s presence. 
“Adamson?” “Here.”
“Adler?” The response was delayed by a couple of seconds. “Here.”
“Anderson?” Another delayed response. “Anderson?” “Here!” 
Nothing. You quickly scanned the room, he wasn’t there. You hadn’t even noticed that he didn’t walk in that morning. You looked at Cameron and he shrugged. Apparently he didn’t know what Ferris was up to or where he was. “Bueller?” Crickets. “Bueller?” Dead silence. “Bueller?” The teacher’s monotonous voice began to sound like a broken record player. 
You cleared your throat as you tried impersonating the missing troublemaker, letting out a low “Here.” The class snickered, causing your teacher to silence everyone. Turning to you, he huffed. 
“L/n, I know you and Bueller are best friends but you really don’t have to cover for him in his absence. You’ll get your turn in the roll call later, don’t get too excited,” He went on with checking the attendance. You stubbornly sank into your seat, eyeing the vacant one next to you where Ferris was usually sat. What kind of trouble do you have in mind this time?
Recess rolled in and you were standing at the phone booth just outside of your school. You dialed Ferris’ home number and waited for him to pick up. He was probably out on another one of his spontaneous adventures.
“Hello?” His voice was nasally,  he was always good at playing sick. 
“Oh, cut the crap. Where the hell are you, idiot? This is your tenth absence this semester, you said you didn’t wanna miss school after last time! No wonder your grades are shit! What are you up to now?” You scolded. Skipping class to hang out and be teenagers was fun the first few times. However as it became a habit of Ferris, you wished he could take school more seriously.
“Y/n, calm down. First of all, I could easily hack into the school’s computer system and change my grades,” He coughed. “Second, I’m not kidding this time. I’m actually sick.” You scoffed, muttering a small “yeah right.” 
Of course, you found it hard to believe. You’ve known Ferris Bueller since you were ten. And you knew that it took a lot for him to be ill. 
“Why would I ever lie to you? I’m serious,” he deadpanned. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. “Alright, I’ll bring today’s assignments for you and I’ll visit you as soon as class ends.” You could practically hear him smile through the phone as he spoke. “Thanks, Y/n. You’re the best.” You bid goodbye as he did the same, both of you putting down the phone.
Well, what do you know. For the first time in a long time, Ferris Bueller was sick.
You dropped your bike right in front of the Buellers residence and sprinted to the back door. You lifted the rug and took the spare key that Katie Bueller left in case of emergencies or whenever you wanted to visit. You were always welcome. Unlocking the door, you bolted up the steps and stopped in front of the door to your best friend’s room..
“Ferris, you better not be naked. I’m coming in.” 
“Hi, Y/n.” The sight was beyond pitiful: The floor was littered with used tissues. Bottles of medicine decorated his dresser. And on the bed was a very pale boy, sniffling and shivering still even under the many layers of blankets he was covered in. Oh, Ferris.
“You look like shit.” He let out a weak chuckle. “It’s nice seeing you too,” he quipped. You rolled your eyes at his untimely use of sarcasm and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead.
“Jesus, you’re practically steaming,” You commented, getting up to fetch him an ice pack to hopefully lower his temperature. “I’m flattered, Y/n. I really am. But can you keep it in your pants until after I get well?” You were used to his foul-mouthed jokes by now. “Very funny, loser. Now put this on your forehead,” You handed him the cold material and he obeyed, hissing as it touched his skin. 
“Oh, right! I got the homework for you,” you told him, getting your bag and pulling out his books and assessment sheets and laying them on his desk. “I also wrote an extra copy of the notes you missed,” You handed him the pages that you’ve ripped from your notebook where the duplicates were. His eyes, teary from his cold, widened.
“Wha-? But I just asked for you to get today’s assignments! You didn’t have to go an extra mile with taking my notes for me!” He took the papers gratefully, flipping through them. “I’m convinced you’re my guardian angel or some shit! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you.” 
It was true. You’d gladly and endlessly do anything for him.
You’ve liked Ferris since you first covered for him in fifth grade. 
Young Ferris thought it’d be a good idea to chuck a bouncy ball at Mrs. Ritland, the math teacher you had all despised. Believe it or not, he was an even bigger idiot back when you were ten. She was writing on the chalkboard, back turned to you; the perfect time to strike. The small toy hit the poor lady’s nape. The classroom was suddenly filled with gasps and the sound of laughter. She exclaimed in pain, rage-filled eyes darting from student to student. Before she could even question which delinquent threw the damned thing, you stood up and raised your hand. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
Ferris was quick to defend you, chucking another bouncy ball at the woman. “If you even think of punishing her, you’ll have to go through me!”
You were both given a month’s detention and have been inseparable ever since. 
“I’m dying,” He croaked, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Oh, please. You’re not dying. You just can’t think of anything good to do!” You quoted him. “Didn’t you say that yourself?” 
He groaned, “Yes, I did say that myself. But now isn’t the time. I’m really not feeling well, Y/n.”
“Nonsense! It helped Cameron last time, he felt great afterwards.” You got off the bed, trying to pull him up with you. Instead, he snuggled deeper into the covers. “Aww, come on! Get up on your feet, mister! What do you feel like doing today? The weather’s lovely! Maybe we can go swimming? Or perhaps you’d like to go to the arcade? Ooh, street food sounds good! Just tell me where you wanna go, and I’ll take you there!” You coaxed excitedly.
“As much as I love our adventures, I was thinking maybe we could just stay here? You know, we could talk for a while and we can take a nap together just like when we were kids. And when I’m feeling better, we could watch a movie,” Ferris spoke softly, sniffling right after. You hummed, considering his offer.
“You can stay here and rest. I can get us some corn dogs from the stand nearby, I’ll be quick I promi-”
“No, no, you missed my point,” he shook his head, grinning at your stubbornness. “I meant can you stay? We don’t have to go anywhere. I enjoy your company, it’s more than enough,” He pulled the blankets to his nose, hiding his bashful smile as well as his growing blush. You were sure you would have melted then and there.
“Sure thing. Ferris.” You adored this boy.
It had been an hour since you’d agreed to stay in with Ferris and you were seated at his desk, tutoring him about trigonometric functions, a lesson he missed that day. He was reading the notes on the topic, following along with what you were saying. “Okay, I found this to be quite easy. So, we start off with the basics: sine, cosine, and tangent-”
At least, that’s what it looked like.
At first glance, it seemed as though he was actually studying. But what you didn’t know was that he had been admiring your handwriting and your little doodles on the blank spaces of the paper. 
See, Ferris liked you. He’s liked you since forever ago. He remembered the moment so vividly, as if it only happened yesterday. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
He looked at you and thought, “Wow, that is the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” Obviously, he couldn’t let a pretty girl such as you take the blame for what a stupid boy such as him had done. It just wasn’t fair to you. So he immediately admitted that it was his fault, as he should.
He felt guilty that you had to get wrapped up in this mess and had to suffer the consequences. To make up for it, every time you had detention, he would take you to secret hideouts around the school. That two months of running around school trying not to get caught marked your first of soon-to-be-many adventures. 
And now here you were, almost eight years later, helping him solve for x. His eyes softened at how into it you were while teaching him. You were even more beautiful than when you were a kid, just when his younger self thought you couldn’t get any more stunning. 
He thought about how you were kind enough to fill him in on everything he’d missed; how as soon as class was dismissed, you biked as quickly as you could just to take care of him. You could have easily ditched him to go out and get those corn dogs you’ve been craving; or you could have easily gone out for a walk since, according to you, “the weather’s lovely.” 
But you didn’t. 
You stayed. 
The mere thought of that, along with everything about you, caused his heart to pound out of his chest. 
I think I’m in love with her. Fuck that. I am in love with her.
“...And that explains why sine 90° is equivalent to 1. What the-? Ferris Bueller, are you even listening?” You waved a hand in front of his face, still not responding. He looked as if his mind was somewhere completely different. “Hello? Earth to Ferris?” He blinked a few times, shaking his head. He whispered something you didn’t quite catch. “What?” He whispered again. “I can’t hear you, pal. Speak up.” 
“I love you. There, I said it.” You were at a loss for words as your eyes met. Both of you progressively got redder by the second.
“What in the right mind made you say that?” Confusion was evident in your voice, as well as nervousness. 
“I’ve loved you for a while now and when you dropped everything to visit me today, I realized how deep I’ve fallen,” Ferris bashfully stated. He could be cheesy at times but you thought it was cute.
“Woah, you are such a fucking sap,” You both burst into laughter, him scoffing and clutching his chest in mock offense. “I love you too, you dingus.”
His heart fluttered as you said it. The mix of his sickness and your confession made him lightheaded. You plopped down on his bed, hugging him tightly. “Wait, what are you doing? You’re too close, I’m gonna get you sick!” He asked as you kissed his nose. 
You got under the covers with him, rolling your eyes, “You think I still care? I fucking love you for Christ’s sake!” You made him laugh at that. “How about that nap you suggested earlier, hmm?”
He closed his eyes, the biggest grin still plastered on his face. “She loves me,” being the last thought in his head before contently falling asleep.
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