#though I think in wave 2 I wasn’t that hard on them. they did well!
acegarlicloaf · 2 years
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pack Wave 1 & 2 - My Review!
I wanted to post a review of Wave 2, but then realised I never posted 1, so here’s both!
This DLC has been quite a mixed bag so far. Some courses are actually pretty great, and others are quite dull. And visually, some of them look like they had more effort put into them than others.
One last thing before I get into the track by track review. I just thought I’d mention that I definitely found Wave 2 to be much stronger than wave 1 overall.
Anyway, keep reading for the full review!
Gold Mushroom Cup
Paris Promenade: Boring and flat. Looks a bit pretty I guess. 2/10
Toad Circuit: Not too bad, though the inflatable toads definitely could’ve had a little bit of a higher poly count, lol. 4/10
Choco Mountain: Actually enjoyed this. The little touch ups they did make to the Mario Kart Tour style graphics were actually enough for me. It looked nice. 7/10
Coconut Mall: The visual style of the tour version of coconut mall didn’t capture the nostalgia of the original version at all. It’s still a decent course to play, but just knowing what it could’ve been, it was disappointing tbh. On another, less subjective note, the scale felt a little weird. It somehow felt smaller and shorter than the Wii version, which is odd. Music still slaps. 6/10
Cat Bell Cup
Tokyo Blur: Also quite flat, as to be expected with Tour courses, though I found the alternate routes in this one a bit more interesting… still pretty dull. 3/10
Shroom Ridge: Not bad. Very basic. And I will use this course to address the “bad graphics” everyone keeps talking about. Going from a base game course to these DLC courses definitely does give me a bit of whiplash, though I’d say that more for some courses than others. I liked the aesthetic of Choco Mountain, for example. I think they added just enough texture for it to fit in enough. This course, however? I can truthfully say that the flat, texture-less grass absolutely does bother me. But I will also say, if they had made the courses more interesting - added anti gravity sections and all that good stuff - I would most definitely care about the change in aesthetic a bit less. It is disappointing, and I’m already just looking forward to the DLCs being over so we can start speculating about the next Mario Kart game again. Rant over. Shroom Ridge? 2/10
Sky Garden: Actually very pleasant. Would’ve liked to see some anti-gravity added, but pretty nice otherwise. Visually nice too. The lack of animation on the completely stiff shortcut leaves is a bit jarring. But yeah, I kinda liked this one. 5/10
Ninja Hideaway: Actually pretty cool! Visually it could’ve just used some extra texture here and there, and the pink trees look pretty bad. My only complaint about the actual track though is that it feels quite compact and a little claustrophobic. Overall though, cool course. 5/10
Turnip Cup
New York Minute: Kinda fun aesthetic, a few interesting twists and turns. As I’ll be saying a lot though, quite flat for most of it. Could be worse though. 3/10
Mario Circuit: faithful recreation of the original track… probably? I don’t actually know or care, boring and flat, 1/10
Kalimari Desert: liked the little surprise of going on the train tracks on lap two. Not the most interesting course, but better than the other two. 5/10
Waluigi Pinball: It’s Waluigi Pinball, what else can I say? 7/10
Propeller Mushroom Cup
Sydney Sprint: One of the first Tour courses I’ve actually quite enjoyed! (And I’m not just biased because I live there!) One complaint though: why the actual f*ck was the audience in the Opera House flat, animated textures?!?! They had 3D people cheering literally at other parts of the same course!!! However, unlike that audience, this track was solid. 7.5/10
Snow Land: Aesthetically, this course was surprisingly nice! The course was fairly basic, but the only thing that did irritate me a bit was the hole in the ice you can fall through. Playing this for the first time, I assumed maybe they had a little underwater alternate route, because Mario Kart 8 lets you drive underwater. Overall nice though. 5.5/10
Mushroom Gorge: Top tier course. Favourite DLC Course so far. Didn’t feel like it needed added anti-gravity, and the new version of the big mushroom section is really cool. I was worried that having all three of those routes might over-complicate it, but it absolutely didn’t. Best DLC Course yet! 8/10
Sky-High Sundae: Good course! The hype died down a little after the first lap, since it seemed a bit short, and the way you kinda float up those stairs looked a little odd. Overall though, solid track! 7/10
If you actually read all this…
Have a cookie 🍪
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imfinereallyy · 2 months
I wonder if you look both ways (When you cross my mind) pt. 2
pt. 1 pt. 3
🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ
June 1996, Chicago
Steve doesn’t exactly know when Eddie Munson became one of his best friends, let alone when he fell in love with him.
He supposes both things occurred between the end of the world, and Eddie’s back walking out the door for the last time, unbeknownst to anyone. Though, that is five years of time, who’s to say when it really happened.
Dustin will argue the friend part. He likes to think it was he who brought them together (it certainly wasn’t; in fact, it put a real bump in the road for them). Dustin also thinks, which Steve is more inclined to think is true, that the two of them had become friends during Eddie’s slow recovery and Steve’s guilt complex, which made him feel responsible for him.
Which—ouch, Dustin—but years of therapy would prove him right.
Little shit.
Dustin doesn't know about the love part, though, and Steve doesn’t think much of the party knows except for one or two of the perceptive ones.
Looking at you, Lucas.
Robin likes to argue that Steve doesn’t know when he fell in love with Eddie because Eddie was different from everyone else.
Steve puts everything into love, moves fast, falls hard, and ultimately gets crushed by his own passion. Steve doesn’t know how to take things slow or wait around for the right person.
Until he did, with Eddie.
Steve managed to have a slow decent into the madness of loving a man like Eddie Munson. And he never did anything about it, although he didn't mind. Steve was okay with just being friends and loving from afar.
Until they weren't even that, and Eddie was gone.
Steve can't think about that now, instead he should probably worry about the man himself breaking into his apartment at 3 a.m.
"Get. Out." Robin hisses, breaking Steve from his thoughts.
Suddenly, Eddie stands. His hands thrust forward in a placating nature, and nervous energy radiates off of him. "Robin, please—"
"No, Munson. You don't get to disappear from our lives for five years, and then break into our apartment!" Robin whisper shouts, the metal bat waving around in her grip.
Steve still hasn't said anything, still unsure of any of it is really happening. But he can't help but warm at Robin's fierceness.
She will go down swinging for Steve, even against someone she cares about.
Fuck, he loved her.
"Give me one good reason not to bash your skull in with this thing, Munson. I dare you!" Robin took the metal bat and pushed it into Eddie's chest.
Steve gets a good look at him as he stumbles backward. He doesn't look much different—well that's a lie. He does look different; more tattoos, more piercings and Steve is pretty surprised to catch him wearing anything other than a band tee. It is just so all quintessentially Eddie. The jewelry is all silver, any tattoo he got after 1986 appears to be in black and red ink only. Even his tee is still black despite the lack of a band on the front.
"Birdie, I don't think you should have Steve's bat in your hands, you're a bit dangerous." Eddie tries to grab the bat from her hands but Robin yanks it back.
"Oh, fuck you, Munson! You don't get to call me Birdie, and this is my bat. Steve's is wooden and full of nails and underneath his bed. You should know that, or has the last five years really rotted your brain?" Robin is now waving the bat around with gusto, nearly missing Steve's head at one point.
Trying to shake himself from his frozen state, Steve decides it is probably in everyone's best interest if he steps in.
"Robs." Steve speaks gently, hand on the bat as he slowly lowers it down. Her shoulders drop, the fight draining out of her in seconds. "It's okay."
It's not okay. Steve doesn't understand what's happening right now. But Steve is okay as long as he has Robin, and Robin has him. Steve hopes she understands that's what he meant.
Robin nods her head, and shuffles closer to him.
Steve takes a shaky breath, "What are you doing here, Munson?"
Eddie cringes at the use of his last name but doesn't comment. "Listen, I know it's weird me just stopping by suddenly—"
Robin snorts, "I wouldn't exactly call breaking in 'stopping by'."
Eddie shakes his head, ignoring her. Stray curls start to fall loose from their bun. "I just want to talk, for you guys to hear me out."
Steve rubs a hand down his face, he is getting too old for this stuff. Being blindsided, being surprised—being thrown sideways and upside down. Sure, twenty-nine isn't exactly old, but Steve has lived practically six different lifetimes by now. There is so much damage to him—physically and emotionally. He is supposed to be past nonsense like this.
Robin takes his silence as permission to snip at Eddie, "No. Go away, Eddie. You don't get to do that. Get out."
Eddie moves a step forward, he is now illuminated completely by the side table's light. He looks tired—good but tired. It's not the kind of tired you see of someone in distress, not the ache that comes along in the tunnel that has no light in the end. No, Eddie looks tired in the way that comes with healing. Like working hard exhaustion. As if coming home from a long but good day at work, and the night grows weary.
Eddie opens his mouth to argue, but Steve cuts him off. "It's fine, Robbie. It's late; let him crash on the couch."
Eddie's shoulders sag in relief, "Thanks, Stevie, we can talk—"
"No." Steve chokes out, moving his hand towards his throat so he can remember to breathe. "You don't get to call me that. And we're not talking about anything. You'll sleep here, but that's it. I might not want you here, but it doesn't mean I'm going to let you wander the streets at night."
"Steve, please—" Eddie reaches out his hands to touch Steve. It is most likely going to be a gentle touch, but Steve can't help the way he violently flinches.
Eddie looks taken aback, eyes wide and full of sadness. He pulls his hands back.
"No, Eddie." Steve grabs Robin's hand and starts to pull her to bed. She doesn't protest and instead leans into his touch. Steve turns over his shoulder to look at Eddie again. "You'll stay the night. It's not an option. But my morning? I want you gone. I don't want you to be the first thing I see after sunrise."
Steve turns quickly back around, ignoring the pained grunt from behind him.
Bypassing Robin's bedroom, Steve pulls them both into his. Robin doesn't question it and instead makes herself comfortable in his forest green blankets.
Steve quickly follows after, snuggling into the bed beside her. People have thought them weird over the years—always in each other's spaces and knowing every little thing about each other. Partners, friends, family—all of them had something to say about it, never even bothering to understand.
Well, except Eddie. Eddie appreciated it, accepted it. Adored it at times.
"Are you really okay with this, Dingus?" Robin whispers softly between them.
"No." Steve never lies to Robin; she'll know. "Not at all, but I'm not going to let him wander the streets, no matter what I loved him at some point. I don't let the people I loved, get hurt."
Robin squints in pity, "Loved?"
"Not now, Bobbie," Steve whispers.
Robin nods, "Besides, I'm pretty sure 'Ed Sloane' can afford a fucking hotel room."
Steve lets out a loud snort, it echoes throughout the room. "God, don't remind me. What a stupid fucking name."
The two of them dissolve into giggles, bumping their heads together. Under the covers, they clasp their hands together tight. "I just don't want you to derail your life, for someone who walked so easily out of it. I know you have that important lunch with Drew tomorrow."
Steve takes a breathe through his nose, "Yea, I do. But it'll be fine. He'll be gone before I'm even up. You know Eds, he's a runner. Wouldn't stop trying to prove it, in fact."
Robin's face is scrunched in pain, and her eyes pool with pity. It's as if she knows something Steve doesn't or sees something he chooses to ignore. She doesn't comment on it, though. Instead, she raises an eyebrow, "Eds?"
It isn't snippy or accusing. Her voice is soft against his cheek. Steve doesn't have the mental capacity to argue though. "G'night, Birdie."
"Goodnight, Stevie." She whispers.
Steve closes his eyes, knowing it will all feel like a dream tomorrow.
Steve is familiar with having dreams with Eddie in them.
🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ
more to come i promise, especially after your (loving demands). especially my mutuals who yelled at me in the tags and my dm's (it made my day).Part 3 is currently being typed up. Also might fuck around and make this a full-blown ao3 one shot; who knows.
tag list!:
@stevesbipanic @withacapitalp @emryyyyy09 @brainfugk @blueberrylemontea-fanfic
@slv-333 @thetinymm @connected-dots-st-reblogger @helpimstuckposting @dreamercec
@goodolefashionedloverboi @stripey82 @little2nerdy @anne-bennett-cosplayer @resident-gay-bitch
@ghostquer @sourw0lfs @devondespresso
(please let me know if you don't want a tag, I had to guess by the comments, and sorry if you’re getting a random tag after posting, I had to fix the tag list cause tumblr is weird)
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🥺 hi. I get so anxious asking for requests. So I’m sorry if it’s weird. But could I please please Pleaseee get a ghost x fem reader. Hurt to comfort. They were on a mission and she’s there for medic help. Not even to fight. But she got taken by the bad guys. And she gets tortured for information that she doesn’t have. And they play mind games with her. Making her think that they will never come rescue her. They really fully break her body and break her mind by the end of it. But before she thinks she’s about to finally die, Ghost and the others come and save her. And it’s about how the only person she feels safe with after all that is ghost and just him helping her heal and get back to the woman she was before all this. I want it to hurt my soul. 😭 but then there’s hope at the end of it bc they have each other.
My Heart Will Go On
Don't be, I love when people ask me things, and I looooved this request so much!!! I too like to torturehave fun with my OC's :)
TW: Blood, torture, manipulation
Pairing: GhostxReader
Part 2
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen at all, actually. It was just another mission, another day on the job. You went out with the boys as usual, their assigned medic as theyghost refused to work with anybody else. You weren’t sure why. Maybe it was your soft demeanor, your gentle touch, the way you never judged himthem for anything hethey did. But whatever it was, they liked you, and so with them you went.
You hung back at the evac point, also as usual. Sitting in the truck, first aid kit on your lap, a comm in your ear as you listened to your boys and made sure they were all okay. It was a tense fight, gunshots and pained grunting filling your headset. You were on edge, rocking back and forth as you listened for your que to come in. In fact, you were so focused on the comms that you didn’t even notice the danger you were in until it was too late.
Your first cue something was wrong was when the comms went silent. The sounds of battle filled your ears for hours before getting cut off abruptly. Your hand shot to the comm link, fiddling with it as you frantically tried to reconnect, worried something was wrong.
“Ghost, do you copy?”
“Can you hear me??” Your voice got more and more panicked as you got no response. You yanked the headset off and shrugged your vest on, kit in hand as you slid out of the truck.
Your second clue something was wrong was when you looked up to see the barrel of a gun pointed directly at your face. You didn't even have time to ask ‘what’ before everything went dark.
“Hello, princesa.” You blink hard as the blindfold is removed from your eyes. The light is blinding, the splitting headache you got from being pistol whipped only intensifying under the harsh lights.
“Who are you?” You manage after a moment, eyes slowly focusing on the man in front of you. He is large, easily over six foot, and built like an absolute unit. His face is covered by a black balaclava, though his scarred, tattooed forearms are on display.
“Don’t play stupid with me.” His voice is deep and smooth, and if you weren’t in the situation you are in you would have asked him to keep talking.
“‘M not! I don't-"
“Don’t lie to me Princesa. I don’t like liars.” A shiver runs down your spine as his tone darkens.
“But I’m-”
“Ah ah lovie, I am one asking questions here.”
“I wasn’t ask-”
“SHUT UP!” You flinch back at the drastic change in tone, the sound sending bolts of pain through your skull.
“Oh sorry Princesa, did that hurt?” Seriously, you are going to get whiplash from his bi-polar personality, “Forgot you have concussion. Let's get you Advil for that and then we see if you talk, yeah?"
You watch with blurry vision as he leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him. The sound sends waves of agony through your pounding head, and by the time you can focus again he's back.
All it takes is one well placed blow to the head, an attempt to get you to pay attention, and you're out like a light.
“I don’t know anything I swear! Please! I don't know anything!” The sobs tear raggedly out of your throat, already raw from screaming. Your voice is scratchy and broken, but still you can't stop begging.
“I don’t know anything” You sob. Those words, I don’t know, had become your motto over the past few daysweeks(?)
“Oh Princesa. I know.” He croons, running a finger down your bruised face.
Time was meaningless. Has it been 2 days since you were captured? Two weeks? Months? You don’t know. Your meals come at staggered times, and your captors never come at a routine time. The lights turn on and off at staggered times, nothing in a set pattern, a system created to mess with your mind.
Not that you know that. This wasn’t the kind of life you lived. You were a medic for heaven's sake. Your hands had been built to mend, to fix, to heal. Not to clutch at broken bones, to scratch against cement, to be chained and broken. You arewere a gentle creature, not designed for this world of torture and terror.
"They no come for you." You moan as the words pound through your skull, nearly unintelligible.
"Wh'...y'say?" You mumble, voice scratchy and broken.
"You're friends, Princesa. They are no coming for you." He sighs and moves next you, prodding your side with his steel-toed boot, "You are replaceable, your skills are easily replicated, they no spend time and resources to find a simple medic."
"They…'ll c'me." You wheeze, refusing to belive that Price, that Gaz, that Soap, that Ghost, would just...leave you.
He laughs in response, digging his toe into your side until your gasping in pain.
"We shall see, Princesa. We shall see."
You weren’t built for this. Weren’t built to recognize the manipulation, the mind games. Weren’t built to survive the two-face man who was reshaping your brain. The man who was your greatest source of pain, but also your only friend. The man that flayed your flesh open, but soothed and bandaged you when it was all over. This man, who was slowly becoming the only thing you could trust in your unstable world. He may bring you unbearable pain, but he brought you comfort too.
"That looks bad, Princesa." The man lightly touches the bones sticking out of your forearm. You whine in pain, clutching it to your chest. He chuckles, wiping your blood off on the cell floor.
"Let's get that fixed up, yeah?" His voice is soft, and gentle, and the nicest thing you've heard in a loooong time. His touch is the same, gentle caresses of bruised and broken skin, revolting and appealing at the same time.
Oh, it's utter agony as he sets and stitches your arm with no pain killers. You scream, back arching, lungs heaving, body seizing.
But after? Oh it's heaven. He holds you, cradling you against his warm body, making sure you don't go into shock, telling you you're a good girl, and that you've made him proud. You hate yourself for it, but you can't help but preen at the praise.
He brings you a calendar. One month. It’s been one month since you got taken.
“It’s been over a month.” He says, a deep voice tinged with pity, “and no sign of your…friends. I’d give up being rescued if I were you, because they clearly have.” You can barely hear him as you stare at the paper in his hands, 31 days marked off with big, bright X’s. 31 days that you have been trapped here. 31 days that your squad…hadn’t come for you. Is he right? Are they really not coming? Did Ghost really give up on you? Are you-
“Ay Princesa, I even did what you asked. I sent your squad pictures and videos that even the greenest tech member could pull some coordinates from, but nothing. It’s like I said. Your ‘friends’ don’t care for you. They are not coming for you. I am your only friend in this place. Tell me, who bandages your wounds, who feeds you, who makes sure your living space is comfortable?”
“Y-you do.” You whisper uncertainty, “But…you also hurt me, don’t you?”
“Oh Princesa, I wouldn’t hurt ya if y’ would just listen. It not torture if you're disobedient. It's just…punishment.” His voice is sickeningly sweet, “And you just back-talked me. Do you remember what happens when you try to give me sass?”
"I get…punished." You mumble, cheeks flushing with shame.
"Obviously, you fucking idiot. I mean how."
"I…you…I have to do affirmations."
"Look at that, y'r gettin' it!"
"Say it again." He snarls. You sit in front of a mirror, face bruised, bleeding, and swollen.
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends…'re n-no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'v'ble…I 'm r'pl'c'…able." You whisper for the hundredth time.
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends 're no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'vable, I 'm r'pl'c'…able."
"I 'm r'pl'c'able, my friends 're no'...c'min'...I 'm no' l'vable, I 'm r'pl'c'…able."
He makes you keep going, repeating those 4 sentences until you literally can't make sound anymore, a fact he tests by seeing how much it takes to get you to scream. You pass out before he gets anywhere.
"Why are you not coming for me?"
just FYI if the timing seems disjointed and the speech is wierd, that is intentiweird,
anyways I hope you liked it!!!!
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boydepartment · 2 months
ོ༘₊⁺☀︎₊⁺⋆.˚ from the start (trips) - nishimura riki x m! reader (PT 2)
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fluff - angst - masterlist - pt 1 - wc- 250-275
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the movie was absolutely boring riki out of his mind and he couldn’t help the glances he’d throw at you. it clicked for him now.
he liked you
he REALLY liked you…
riki wasn’t dumb or totally oblivious to his feelings, but it’s something hard to accept. being in love with your best friend is some heavy shit that can tear friendships apart or make a wedge and riki didn’t want that for you guys.
he wanted to be around you whether he was your boyfriend or not.
your boyfriend… man he would kill to have that title. he started zoning out and didn’t even notice you shoving him lightly to get him out of the dazed look.
“you okay..?” your voice broke him out of his distraction.
“oh um. yeah this movie is just ass.” he said blankly, why’d he say that? god that was SO STUPID…. he was panicking and overthinking everything now and-
you laughed, you started laughing.
“the movie is pretty bad.”
okay good he didn’t fuck up he’s fine.
“are you sure you’re okay though..?” you asked, fulling turning to him on the couch. riki watched as his clothes that you wore fit your frame. he wished you could say ‘oh these cool pants? yeah they are my boyfriends’
“riki?” you scooted closer to him and waved a hand in front of his face.
once again he snapped out of it, “huh? no i’m okay. i need to ask something though.”
your brows furrowed but you obliged, “okay shoot, captain america.”
riki chuckled at the nickname and got serious again, “are you for real about this crush? the new one? be honest with me.”
he watched your reaction intensely. everything he could note he would.
you shrugged, “i dunno if i’m being honest… sometimes i think i just distract myself from the real picture.”
riki felt his heart speed up again
real picture?
“what do you mean?” he turned his body fully towards you and leaned his head on the wall next to him.
you got nervous, he could tell, you were picking at the bracelet he got you.
“well i told you i mostly lean towards guys yaknow… she’s not a guy but it’s so hard finding GOOD guys who are comfortable with their sexuality. i mean it’s hard being lgbt sometimes…” you mumbled and looked away, “i can’t help but want a boyfriend who’s good for me and comfortable with being a boyfriend to a g-“
“ME.” riki yelled quickly, your head shot over.
“what? now’s not the time to joke around asshole!” you laughed and threw your head back, when you looked at him again though you stopped.
riki was being dead serious, and you just caught onto it.
“y/n i like you. and i hate all your crushes and want them to di-“
“OKAY CAN WE BACK IT UP A FEW PACES BEFORE YOU WISH DEATH UPON MY PREVIOUS FAKE CRUSHES?” you waved your hands around and riki’s brows furrowed.
“hold on… what the hell do you mean by fake?” he scooted closer to you and you placed with the bracelet again, riki placed his hands next to you almost caging you in, “answer me please…”
“well i told you i used them to distract myself from the bigger picture….” your eyes flickered down to his lips and he scanned your face, stopping at your lips.
riki focused on them for a good few seconds before looking at you again, “you can tell me to stop before i risk our friendship.” he leaned closer to you.
you shook your head no, “i want to risk it… i’ve wanted to kiss you so bad from the start…”
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haddonfieldwhore · 4 months
guilty conscience - matthew tkachuk
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flames!matthew tkachuk x draisaitl!fem! reader pt.2
summary: you and matthew continue to sneak around, and leon figures out that something is up
warnings: langauge, mention of violence, implied smut, continuity is questionable because i didn’t plan to write a part two 😅, unrealistic leon behaviour
word count: 3.3k (oops) part one is here
it wasn’t even a month before the oilers and the flames met again, this time at home in edmonton. calgary being in town meant that matthew tkachuk was in town, and you thought back to that first night you had found yourself tangled up with the rival teams player; and all the times after. the two hour drive never stopped him from texting or calling after a tough loss, inviting you over to help him let off some steam. this quickly turned into meeting up to celebrate wins as well, and in the short few weeks since your first meeting, you felt as if you had spent more time in matthews bed than your own.
“are you gonna be at the game tonight?” he asked as he got dressed, staying at your place rather than a hotel; he would be sleeping there anyway.
“yes, but i am obligated to cheer for the oilers as long as my brother is on their team,” you laughed. leon had gotten you tickets for the game like he always did, the two of you having made up only a few days after the incident happened. however the thrill of sneaking around with matthew hadn’t worn off, even though you were no longer doing it to get back at your brother.
“how much would i have to pay you to wear my jersey to the game?” he teased, wrapping his arms around your waist as you pulled your t-shirt over your head.
“more money than your contract,” you replied. “if the crowd didn’t mob me, i think i’d be disowned by my family.”
matthew placed a kiss on your lips with a smile, and you fixed his curls that you had spent the last half hour tangling your fingers through.
“that’s too bad. you’d look hot wearing my number.”
“i wouldn’t look hot in the body bag they’d have to carry me out in. nevermind if leon found out why i was wearing it. you’d be in the back of the hearse with me.”
“as fun as that sounds,” he joked. “i have a game in a few days so-“ you interrupted him with a kiss.
“don’t worry. i’ll secretly be cheering for you,” you smiled. “you’re more fun to hang out with when you win.”
“hey,” he warned with a chuckle. “i gotta go, but i’ll meet you here after the game? we probably shouldn’t leave together…”
“you’re probably right. it’s already suspicious enough that you told the team you were staying with a friend instead of at the hotel with them.”
“is it so hard to believe i might have a friend?” he laughed, putting his shoes on to leave.
“sometimes,” you joked. “good luck,” you smiled as he snuck out of your apartment, shaking your head as you began to get ready to go to the game.
despite you wishing him good luck, the game went in favour of the oilers, this time the flames falling to edmonton in a 1-0 loss. at one point calgary had scored a goal to tie the game but it was waved off for interference.
your eyes met matthews on the bench, and you could tell he was frustrated as he slid his mouthguard back over his teeth. after the game ended, you went to meet up with leon backstage, the edmonton player in a significantly better mode than the last time you had seen him. he greeted you with a hug, and you returned it with a smile, but a sinking feeling sprouted in your stomach.
“hey, it’s good to see you,” your brother smiled, and you smiled back.
“you too. good game,” you commented, the words tasting funny in your mouth as you realized you didn’t mean them; and part of you wished calgary had won.
“yeah, a little bit of payback is nice. to bad we couldn’t get a few more goals, but i’ll take it,” he laughed. payback, you thought; that’s what matthew had been.
you weren’t sure that’s all it was anymore.
another month went by, the season nearing the midway point now. you scrolled through your phone as you waited for matthew to get out of the shower. you had spent the last few days at his house while the flames played a five game homestand, winning all but one; which meant matty was in a good mood going into the third matchup between the two alberta teams this season tonight. a message popped up on the screen, and you bit your lip as you replied to your brother.
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you hated lying to him, and you’d found yourself doing it more and more the closer you and matthew became. you couldn’t exactly tell him that you weren’t even in edmonton at the moment, instead two hours away after spending the week with a man he hated.
a man who you had fallen for; and fallen hard.
the man in question had the nerve to walk out of the bathroom in just a towel around his waist, hung low on his hips as the warm air rushed out of the bathroom and tickled your legs as you sat on the edge of his bed. he walked over and placed a kiss on the top of your head, quickly noticing your expression.
“what’s up?” matt asked, his eyebrows furrowed at the upset look on your face.
“nothing, it’s just leon.”
“did he say something to you?” he asked, his fist clenching slightly at his side.
“no, nothing like that,” you assured him as you looked up to meet his eyes, his gaze softening and his jaw unclenching as he relaxed. “i just hate lying to him about…”
“yeah. it was kind of fun at first, and now i’m just worried what’s gonna happen when he does find out. more so worried about what he’s going to do to you,” you admitted.
“come on, sneaking around is still a little bit fun,” he teased, and you managed to crack a smile. sometimes, you thought. “it’ll be okay, we will figure it out when we get to that point.”
“i don’t want him to kill you,” you said, taking his hand in yours, you fingers playing with his absentmindedly. “which is a real possibility-“ you laughed.
“i’ll be fine. come on, the guys might kill me if im late for the game.”
you were only thirty minutes through the two hour drive back to edmonton when your phone rang, leon’s name popping up on the screen. panicking slightly, you answered it, matthew glancing over from behind the wheel as your leg shook anxiously.
“hey, leon.”
“where are you?” he asked, no hello. not good, you thought, trying not to freak out.
“what?” you asked, hoping to find out why he was asking.
“where are you?”
“on my way to the arena,” that at least was true. “why what’s-“
“bullshit, your car is at home.”
“what - you drove by my house? why?”
“because you’ve been hiding something. why are you in calgary?” he asked, and your heart pounded in your chest. your phone location must have been left on by accident.
“i was visiting a friend-“
“without your car?”
“i got a ride - oh my god. you’re my brother not my dad, i don’t need to tell you where i am all the time.”
“why didn’t you tell me you were out of town when i texted you this morning?”
“not that i have to explain myself, leon, but i didn’t feel like typing it all out and i had just woken up.” with each lie you told, you knew you were burying yourself in a hole that was becoming harder and harder to dig out of.
“i’m not sure i believe you.”
“you don’t have to, but it’s the truth.” half true, you thought.
“if you say so.”
“whatever. i’ll see you after the game.” you hung up the phone and ran your hands over your face.
“i’m scared to ask…”
“he knows something is up,” you sighed. “i’m so dead. we’re both dead-“
“hey, just breathe okay?” his hand rested on your thigh reassuringly.
“we just have to be really careful.”
“baby, he’s gonna find out eventually. maybe it would be better if he found out sooner than later,” he suggested. in the short two months you had been with matthew, you weren’t sure exactly when it changed from just hooking up to something more. “unless you want to just stop and pretend this never happened...” he said, his jaw stiffening.
“is that what you want?” your heart beat sped up, but you breathed a soft sigh of relief as he shook his head.
“no, that’s not what i meant at all. as much as you might think i do, i don’t actually want to cause problems between you and your family,” he laughed, and once again you found yourself cracking a smile despite the situation.
“i like you a lot, matthew,” you admitted. “i don’t care what he says to me, he’s my brother and he’ll get over it. i’m just worried what he’ll do to you.”
“don’t worry about me. do you really think he’d be that mad that we’re dating?”
“…are we dating?” you asked for clarification. you’d never really discussed it.
“i mean .. you’ve been at my house for the last week. i kind of thought that made it clear that i want to be with you,” he shrugged with a smile.
“you do?”
“of course i do. did you think i didn’t?”
“i don’t know. maybe,” you laughed, and his hand squeezed your thigh.
“does that mean we’re dating?”
“yes, i guess it does,” you smiled, leaning over to kiss him softly.
you cheered internally for calgary as the game went on, sending matthew a smile as your eyes met his. the shared looks between you and the calgary flame didn’t go unnoticed by edmontons number 29, and he had to restrain himself from ramming matthew into the boards whenever they shared the ice. leon noticed how everytime the flames scored, matthew was looking for you in the stands. although you weren’t outwardly celebrating, you were happy the flames were winning. sure, leon would be pissed, but he could get over it.
you felt bad that once again, matthew had taken priority in your life over your brother, but you only wanted them to lose when they played calgary, so you didn’t feel too bad.
the game ended with calgary winning 5 - 2, and you tried not to look too happy as you waited for leon to get out of the dressing room. when he did, he was in a mood again, this time not because of the loss, but because of the way he had caught tkachuk staring at his little sister.
“hey,” you greeted him.
“hey. i’m sorry about how i acted on the phone earlier,” he apologized, greeting you with a hug that surprised you slightly. “you’re right, you don’t have to tell me where you are all the time.”
“thank you. i’m sorry about the game.” his face dropped and he shrugged, his eyes catching sight of a familiar head of curls down the hall. leon’s anger got the best of him, and he marched toward matthew and tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around.
“i don’t know if you’re just trying to piss me off, but quit looking at my sister and focus on the game, yeah?” he warned, and matthew looked slightly confused, his eyes glancing to you as you shook your head behind leon. your brother poked his shoulder to gain his attention back. “don’t look at her.”
“maybe you’re the one who should focus on the game. remember which team won,” matthew laughed, and you could tell this was not going to end well.
“leon, just leave it. are you really gonna pick a fight with someone for looking at me?” you knew they didn’t get along, but this was beyond what you’d expected.
“when he’s a prick like this guy-“
“leon! enough,” you pulled on his arm. “let’s just go home before you do something you regret.”
“i wouldn’t regret it,” he said stepping closer till he was nearly face to face with matthew. you could tell that matt was keeping quiet for your sake, and you appreciated it as you stared in disbelief at your brother. he had never been this overprotective before, and you barely recognized him.
“what the hell has gotten into you? i’m sorry you lost but you don’t get to act like an asshole because of it. you’re making a scene.”
you stepped in between them, pushing leon back from matthew and putting some much needed space between them.
“why are you defending him?”
“why are you acting like this? you’re being ridiculous!
“why is he looking at you like that? why did he spend the whole game watching you?”
“who cares?” you argued, as you felt everything crumbling around you. leon glanced from you to matthew, who stood back and kept his mouth shut for your sake.
“who were you with in calgary?” leon asked, starting to connect the dots in his head.
“who. were. you. with?” he demanded.
“it’s none of your business who i was with!”
leon wasn’t listening anymore, instead staring a hole into matthew, who if looks could kill would be six feet underground.
“it’s not enough to be an jerk on the ice, you have to go and get with my sister just to piss me off?” leon took a step towards the younger man, your hands on his chest doing little to slow him down. matthew opened his mouth to speak, but you did first.
“it wasn’t like that leon,” you defended your boyfriend. “it was my idea.” leon stopped, looking down at you with wide eyes.
“tell me you’re joking right now-“ he spoke calmly, but you knew he was anything but calm, which made it even scarier.
“i’m not,” you said. “i went to him.”
“how long?” his jaw clenched as he stared at you, his eyes filled with hatred; for you or matthew you weren’t so sure anymore.
“it doesn’t matter - it’s not gonna change how much you hate me right now,” you said, hoping that he would just let it go. no such luck.
“how long?” he repeated.
“since november.”
“you’ve been sleeping with my sister for two months?” he yelled at matthew, his raised voice drawing the attention of a few other players from each team as they left their locker rooms. “and you-“ he poked your shoulder harshly. “you’ve been lying to me about it for 2 months? everytime you told me you were busy or had plans - you were with him?” he said, a disgusted look on his face.
“i’m sorry,” you pleaded as tears began to well in your eyes.
“why did you do it? why him?”
“i knew it would piss you off,” you said honestly. “after that game in november you were so rude to me, and i know it was wrong, but i wanted to get back at you somehow. but it’s not about that anymore, leon. i really like him.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“yes, i promise. i just knew how you would react-“ he scoffed, interrupting you.
“you mean how i would react to finding out that my little sister got with a guy she knows i don’t like just to make me mad?”
“it sounds really bad when you say it like that,” you looked down at the floor as leon laughed in disbelief.
“it sounds really bad? it is bad!” he snapped. matthew tried to send the few calgary players who had gathered away, assuring them that he was fine and he didn’t need their help. a few edmonton players lingered outside their locker room as well, aware of who you were and wondering what was going on.
“i’m sorry,” you repeated.
“i would expect something like this from him, but you? this is a new low. maybe you two are perfect for eachother.” leon began to walk away, and you called after him.
“please, leon. i know it was wrong, but it’s not up to you who i date.” he stopped, but didn’t turn around.
“you’re right,” he said coldly. “i just think it’s best that you stay away from me for a while.” your heart broke as you realized just how bad you had screwed up. “and get him out of my sight before i decide not to be so nice.”
matthews arms wrapped around your waist from behind as you watched leon walk away with his teammates, and you turned around to bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head as you cried, your arms thrown around his shoulders.
“he’ll get over it eventually,” you sniffled. “thank you for not saying anything to piss him off even more.” he laughed, his chest shaking lightly as he rubbed your back.
“i try to be on my best behaviour,” he teased. the few flames players that had been lingering around came over to check on you and matthew, one of them you recognized as matthew’s friend sam bennett.
“best behaviour my ass,” he joked. “leave it to you to stir up drama with draisaitl.”
“hey,” matthew warned lightly, but you laughed.
“two draisaitl’s actually. leon is my brother.”
“that explains it,” sam said, patting matthew on the shoulder. “good work, genius.”
“it was a mutual agreement to piss him off, for the record.” matthew defended himself.
“well,” sam said, looking in the direction that leon had gone. “looks like it worked.”
matthew punched his shoulder with a laugh, and you felt a smile creep onto your face despite everything.
“you wanna come for drinks with us?” one of the other flames asked, and you looked at matthew for his answer.
“what do you say? you officially switching sides?” he joked, and you shook your head with a laugh.
“what the hell, sure,” you agreed. matthew smiled, kissing you softly as the guys cheered. you followed them hand in hand with matthew as you walked you to his car, a bittersweet feeling in your chest.
leon had reacted about as well as you thought he would, but he hadn’t killed matthew, so that was a plus. you just worried for the next time they played eachother; but that wasn’t for weeks. maybe leon would calm down by then.
the older draisaitl watched from across the parking lot as you laughed with matthew and his friends.
“i know it sucks that she lied to you, but she looks happy,” connor mcdavid offered. leon simply shot him a glare, and he didn’t mention it again as connor got into the car without another word.
he hated that he was right; you did look happy. eventually he would get over it, but it still hurt that you had gone behind his back specifically to get back at him; even if he had kinda deserved it.
you didn’t notice leon watching you as got into the car with matthew, his hand holding yours over the center console as you followed behind sam’s car to the bar.
“i’m suprised he didn’t punch you, so i suppose that could have gone worse,” you laughed half heartedly. “congratulations on the win, by the way.”
“he might just be saving it for the next game,” he laughed. “and thank you. i’m sorry.”
“i knew what i was doing, you don’t have to apologize. and as much as it sucks that my brother hates my guts right now, i still have a pretty cool boyfriend at the end of the day,” you smiled, and matthew brought your joined hands up to his mouth to kiss the your knuckles, his facial hair tickling your skin.
“does that mean you’ll wear my jersey to the next game?” he asked with a goofy smiled.
“don’t push it.”
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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thefallennightmare · 6 months
Just Pretend-sixteen
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: Please listen to Eyelids by PVRIS during this chapter. Thank you very much.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake @bngurngheart @shilohrosechicken @emzandthevoid
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With the notebook in my lap, as I sat cross-legged on my bed with Salem curled up next to me, purring away, I watched intently my laptop screen. My heart pounded so hard in my chest it made it hard to breathe. Noah and Jolly were currently performing a live stream on Veeps and from the moment I clicked on the video, I couldn’t stop staring; with his long hair cascading down his face in perfect waves. His face stone with concentration but yet soft with the features I loved.
“Do you think he’ll mess up like the last stream he did?” I asked Salem while scratching his belly.
Noah’s voice was something extremely distinctive, not just anyone could hold a tune or lit a candle to how he sounded. The way he effortlessly went through every emotion in his body. I looked at Noah as he was pretty still, with thick hair and soft eyes, and he swayed so gracefully that it almost seemed as though he was gliding. I’ve seen beautiful men before; men who caught my eye, but to my mind, they usually lacked the traits I found most desirable. Traits like intelligence, confidence, strength of spirit, passion, traits that inspired others to greatness, traits I aspired to myself, all the traits he had.
I hung off the cliff for Noah for a long time until recently, when I fell to the depths below.
It sparked something in me as I watched Jolly and Noah’s performance. I wanted to do something like this too; to showcase my real voice. I was better without Trey; the band was better. Trey wasn’t the end-all, and I wanted to prove it further. I understood the fans; I knew their positions; I understood their inner turmoil and their panic. Change is actually horrific under some circumstances, not all, but surely a few. This one was big.
Hollow Souls was never supposed to be a 3 piece. Hell, we didn’t even have a guitar player and our tech had to fill in when we recorded My House. Which is why I was learning how to play guitar so I could take Trey’s place. A lot of change within a few months and while it was scary, it was also exciting. But that didn’t stop me from questioning once again if we needed another person. What if I wasn’t strong enough to do this alone? Just the three of us? 
What the hell were you worried about, angel?
I was thinking so heavily about what Noah texted me. He was proud of me. Of me! And my friends. That woke me up, he always could. I wanted to grab my phone to call him, and ask him for more reassurance. Our 2:30 conversations were slim and in between and I was struggling with that. I didn’t want to push my luck; he had Bailey.
I rolled my eyes, at the memories of the party. Ridiculous. I was tiptoeing around Noah; I knew if I called him I’d so desperately try to stay on the line. But what if she showed? It was killing me.
Therefore, I was hesitant to perform Eyelids; I was worried Noah’s reaction would warrant further frustration, considering he was in the arms of someone else. I couldn’t handle it because it fucking hurt seeing him with her. I wanted Noah to myself, as selfish as that sounded. I could only hope that in the discovery of my lyrics, he’ll at least know I meant everything we did and said that whole tour, meeting him changed my life for the better; before I hurt him.
I miss him and I only wished I was in his arms.
As the livestream ended, I smiled warmly as Noah and Jolly waved goodbye at the camera and then tried to focus my attention on the paper in my lap.
Amongst the idea of our own live stream, I couldn’t help but want more out of me. It was small; it was something just dying to purge out. However, the more I looked at the lyrics on paper, the more it didn’t fit; it wasn’t me. It was as if these lyrics were meant for someone else.
Letting out a deep breath, I sang a harmony I thought would fit with the lyrics. “Evened the scores, then I let it all go fall apart. And every step forward put a little more sword in your heart, yeah. Looking sideways when I say I’m okay with the past but I’m afraid of what I might say if you ask.”
The more I read it, over and over. It was good; I’ll say that. But, surely it didn’t belong to me. I could feel that. But I didn’t give up yet. I wrote another verse, hoping this one would speak more of me.
“I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. I let it tear me down, and I'll never be the same. I did it to myself and tried to be someone else. And you didn't notice 'til I finally got, finally got away.”
Fuck, even singing these lyrics didn’t feel right. My heart knew that this didn’t belong to me, it was meant for someone else.
Making a rash decision, I pulled out my phone and clicked on the name I needed help from.
I perked up at the accent immediately. “Jolly! Hey, it's me. Y/N.”
A light chuckle echoed in my ear. “I know who it is, doll, I have caller ID.”
“Ok don’t be smart,” I teased.
“Sorry,” he laughs, “What do I owe the pleasure?”
I bit my lip, wondering how he would take my idea. It sounded rash in my head but if anyone were to listen to my idea; it was Jolly.
“I have something to run by you. Well, actually a few things.”
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My knee bounced as I sat in my chair, phone gripped tightly in my hand, as I glanced at the clock on my computer.
It has been almost a week now since our last 2:30 call and the last one was short as she was running around Japan with her dad. Things were awkward to say the least at the party the other night and I wanted to make sure that things between us were still good.
Good? What’s considered good anymore? You’re dating someone else, dumbass.
Ignoring the voice in my mind, I let out a deep breath before clicking on Y/N’s name; the ringing echoing loudly in my quiet room. It rang and rang and rang. It went on like this for a few more times until, eventually; I hung up the call with a groan. But I wasn’t ready to give up yet and I typed out a quick message to Malcolm.
ME: Is Y/N around? I tried calling her.
Malcolm: Yeah, she’s been in the shower. Has been in there for a while- too long, maybe shaving or some shit. I’ll have her call you.
An audible, deep groan, fell from my lips as I leaned my head back against the headrest of my chair when the thought of Y/N in the shower.
Naked, water, and soap ran down every inch of her unholy skin.
“Shit,” I cursed when my dick twitched in my sweats.
Y/N’s voice rang in my ear as my eyes fluttered shut, hands in fists on my thighs. My vision was so vivid as if I was in the shower with her, our wet skin ablaze as I wrapped my arms around her from behind to bury my face into the crook of her neck.
“Angel,” I breathed while my palm pressed against my hard cock in my sweats.
My hips raised from the chair as a moan crawled out of my throat, my hand now all but ripping out my dripping cock from my pants. It was red and thick with the mere thought of Y/N in the shower. Gripping it between my fingers, I slowly pumped up and down, thumb grazing over the pre-cum that leaked out from the slit and circled it around the head of my cock.
“Noah, I need you.”
Her name fell from my lips as a prayer while I leaned farther back into my chair as my hand worked faster, the grip around myself tightened as the orgasm buzzed in my lower stomach. The burn felt so good but it wasn’t enough; I needed something else to help me over the edge.
I pulled the extra skin down tight, cock standing straight up in my hand, as I let out a strangled breath. My orgasm was right there, but I wanted to edge myself longer; I didn’t want this vision to end.
Y/N rubbed the soap over every inch of her skin, her fingers teasing over her nipples as he head fell back, water spraying into her mouth.
But after that vision, another one came to mind which made my hand work in faster strokes. Y/N on top of me with her hands gripping my braids as her mouth fell slack with ecstasy. I consistently became a time traveler of that night, the night she rode me into oblivion. A night I’ll surely never forget. Even in these moments, my mind goes there.
“Fuck. Shit.” I cursed as a shock shot from the base of my spine to the top when my body went stiff, orgasm so close to destroying me.
I jerked when my phone buzzed against the computer desk so I stopped my actions but kept my grip tight on my aching cock to realize Bailey was calling me.
With my phone still in my hand, I quickly went to my photos and clicked on one of my favorite pictures of Y/N; from the day we spent on the beach. She was staring straight out into the water, a small smile playing on her sweet, plump lips.
Fuck, I wished those lips were strangled around my cock.
Once the phone was set up directly in front of me, I leaned back into my chair again and worked my hand in fast short strokes, the orgasm once again burning low in my belly.
“Noah.” Y/N’s voice echoed in my mind again.
“Shit, angel. I’m gonna-fuck,” I groaned low, the noise barely audible as it crawled out of my throat when my release finally washed over me.
Cum shot all over my hand and onto my pants but none of that mattered; my dark eyes were stuck on the picture on the screen. Until a different picture appeared which had me cursing and wiping my cum covered hand on my pants before tucking myself back into my pants. Just a simple phone call from her had my dick aching again.
With a few steady breaths, I ran my clean hand through my hair before answering the FaceTime call; Y/N’s bright smile warming my heart.
“Hi Mochi! I didn’t mean to miss your call. I was in the shower.”
She was sitting on her bed, water still dripping from her wet hair, and internally I groaned when the same thoughts as earlier came creeping back into my mind.
“Oh yeah? You-uh-feeling clean?” I flushed while shifting in my chair.
“Well, yeah,” she chuckled. “That’s what a shower is. Water, soap.”
Naked, I know the drill.
I cleared my throat. “Right. Anyway, can you talk or is this a bad time?”
“Actually, I was going to send this in the group chat but since I have you on the phone, I figured now would be the best time.”
I raised a brow as my heart pounded widely in my chest, wondering what she was going to say.
“Veeps offered Hollow Souls to do a stream as well! So I wanted to make sure you were free to watch it, maybe? Totally fine if you can’t, I know you might be busy with-.”
“I’ll watch it,” I rushed out, not missing a beat. “What time?”
“Oh, in about 2 hours?” She bit her lip, hopeful I’d say yes.
My dick throbbed as memories of moments before her phone call replayed in my mind. “I’ll have the tv on standby downstairs, angel. We wouldn’t miss that shit for anything.”
Y/N smiled brightly as she brought Salem into view of her phone, his green eyes staring directly into my soul. “Salem thanks you for the support.”
“I miss him, we really bonded while you were gone,” I smiled a bit.
“Well, you can come by anytime to hang out with him; or me,” Y/N added the last bit slyly.
“Count me in, angel.”
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Once dressed, almost ready for the live stream, I was rummaging through my sock drawer to find a pair of socks when my fingers brushed against something soft. My brow raised as I pulled out two small velvet boxes, my mind immediately going back to my birthday.
Biting the inside of my cheek, I opened the box, and a gasp left my lips as the silver necklace and matching bracelet shined under the light of the room. It wasn't anything over the top and there were no diamonds but that didn't matter to me. I wasn't one for over-the-top jewelry, this simple chain and bracelet were enough.
With wet eyes, I gazed up at Noah, who had a nervous look on his face as he fiddled with his wooden rosary. "Do you like it?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into my embrace, burying my face into his neck. "I love it, Noah. Thank you so much."
With the haste of break up, the end of the tour, the move, and everything that happened between Noah and me, I almost forgot about the jewelry. I've stared at this bracelet and this fucking necklace for a while now. To think I had almost forgotten it, I shook my head at the thought. I couldn’t, things that were meant for us to find their way back. Well; at least that’s what I told myself. I yearned for him, his comfort, his gaze. I didn’t plan on falling in love with him. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. I gasped when I realized what that burning feeling in my heart took over my entire existence each time I thought of him or saw him.
I love Noah.
I nearly stumbled on my feet as a breath fell from my lips again. “It’s too late now.”
With shaky hands, I opened the box, my heart skipping a beat. It still took my breath away as I opened the box, clasping on the necklace first then the bracelet.
“I have to admit, Salem” I turned towards the mirror in my room so I could stare at my reflection while the cat sat on my vanity. “Noah did pretty well.”
There was a knock on my open door, and I gave a small smile towards Jolly. “Hey.”
“Almost ready?” He asked.
He then taped a finger to his neckline twice. “That’s a nice necklace. Who gave you that?”
“It was a birthday gift,” I shrugged nonchalantly.
The corner of Jolly’s mouth turned up in a grin. “That’s not what I asked.”
Ignoring his comment, I slid into my slippers and led him out of my room down to the dining room where we set up earlier.
Jolly first arrived a few hours ago for our daily lessons before helping me set up the stream. After I watched theirs almost a week ago, I asked Jolly if he could come over to help me with my stream. I couldn’t play guitar but we could practice the two songs I wanted to perform.
Chase and Malcolm asked if I needed them for this but I could tell they already had plans. Even though this was a Hollow Souls set, it was more of an acoustic version so Chase on drums and Malcolm on bass wasn’t needed; hence why I asked Jolly to help. First off, who else was better to teach me how to play guitar than him? I knew the basics, but he was helping me hone in on my skills. Second, I needed to talk to him about something important.
As I finished making things were in order, Jolly sat on his chair to strum the first few notes of If I’m There on his guitar.
“Feel comfortable enough?” He wondered.
I nodded while looking at the laptop to make sure the stream was ready; all I had to do was hit the live button.
“Yep. We’ve been practicing every day. It helps I have a great teacher,” I beamed at him. “Thanks for this, Jolly. I didn’t know who else to ask and I know you’re Noah’s friend first.”
Jolly shrugged. “You’re my friend as well, doll. I help my friends and that’s something Noah knows and understands.”
Silence fell between us for a long moment until he hesitated.
“How did you feel about our new single, honestly?”
My shoulders went rigid for a second before I shrugged. “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Y/N don’t take this the wrong way, but you can’t be that dense. You know it was about you, right?” Jolly asked.
“I-,” The words died in my throat.
Jolly raised a brow. “Yeah, so tell me. How do you feel about it?”
“Are you my shrink now?” I crossed my arms over my chest, one last ditch effort at shielding myself from admitting the truth.
“No, a friend,” he sighed while setting down the guitar.
Defeated, I fell into the chair with a groan. “I-I feel sad. Noah must fucking hate me.”
“I assure you, he doesn’t,” Jolly said.
“How can you be so sure, Jolly? He went and found someone else. He’s clearly writing how he feels too. I hate feeling like this.” I sat with my hands folded in my lap as I chipped away at the nail polish.
“So talk to him, because I can tell you right now, Noah’s not head over heels for this girl. I think you know deep down what he’s trying to do.”
I refused to meet his gaze as I shook my head. “I don’t know what you mean. I can’t-he seems happy.”
“Y/N,” Jolly sighed. “He’s not happy unless he’s with you.”
“Then he needs to tell me that,” my eyes snapped up towards him. “I was going to express some things I’ve discovered but-.”
Jolly raised his brows. “Discovered what?”
For a split second, I thought about telling him but decided against it. “It doesn’t matter, I can’t mess anything up for him. I need Noah to need me. It works both ways, Jolly.”
“Y/N you’re not understanding you’ve got it all wrong-.”
“Can we move on, please? It hurts enough to think about him with someone else the last fucking thing I want to do is talk about them,” I let out a shaky breath as my bottom lip wobbled.
Jolly gave me a weak smile. “Sure thing, doll. Did you want to go live?”
“Actually,” I bit my lip before reaching over to the table to grab a piece of paper. “There’s something I want to run by you.”
When he nodded, I handed Jolly the paper. “I wrote it about Trey but the thought of recording it scares me. It’s deeper than what I typically write and it's not me. I thought about selling it but that didn’t feel right.”
I watched intently as Jolly read the lyrics, his eyes taking in every inch of the page, the smile on his lips growing with each pass.
“Doll, this is,” he shook his head. “Amazing. Are you sure?”
Our eyes locked as I nodded. “It’s not a Hollow Souls song. But Bad Omens on the other hand, I know you guys can give it the justice it deserves.”
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“SHUT UP!” I bellowed while tossing a pillow towards Jesse, who was talking extensively to Orie about some shit that didn’t matter. “The live stream is about to start.”
Jesse caught the pillow mid-throw and smirked. “Excited, are we?”
Flipping him off, I sat on the couch with a beer in one hand and my phone in the other, sending another text to Jolly. He’d been M.I. A all day, and we were wondering if he was going to join.
“Has anyone heard from Jolly?” I asked.
Orie shrugged. “I thought he was in his room.”
“We went to lunch earlier,” Michael said while walking into the living room, bowl full of random snacks in his hands before he set them on the coffee table. “But he said he had some things to take care of afterward.”
Just then the stream began and Y/N’s soft voice echoed through the speakers.
“Shit, are we live? Wait, I probably shouldn’t swear on this.”
We all shared a laugh until we saw who was sitting next to her.
“Hi everyone! It’s Y/N from Hollow Souls. You might have noticed that I have a friend here with me today,” Y/N adjusted the headphones before she motioned to Jolly who sat on her left. “Jolly from Bad Omens.”
Jolly waved to the camera. “Hi.”
“I guess that’s what his errand was,” Jesse said while throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
Ignoring him, I wondered why Jolly was with Y/N right now. I wasn’t jealous he was with her. I was jealous that I wasn’t there instead. She looked breathtaking with her long hair pulled back in a tight bun to showcase the sharp features of her face, her plump lips glistening with the lip gloss she must have applied before the stream started. Her bright eyes shined with the excitement of what she was about to perform which in turn made me sit up straighter in my spot on the couch, a proud smile on my face.
“So, the reason Malcolm and Chase aren’t here is because this set is more of an acoustic one. I recently saw some friends of mine do something like this and wanted to try it,” she smiled over to Jolly.
“I’m here for moral support,” Jolly said.
“He’s actually been teaching me guitar the last week because I wanted to do more for this band since we kicked Trey out,” Y/N revealed.
At the mention of his name, I felt my face twitch but kept it as stone as I could, not wanting to give anything away to the rest of the guys. They were the only three of the entire group that didn’t know the truth about Y/N’s relationship with Trey.
“Did you know Jolly was teaching her guitar?” Jesse asked me.
I shook my head while running a hand through my hair. “I had no idea she wanted to learn. I mean, I knew they had to figure out a guitarist moving forward but didn’t know she wanted to play.”
“She didn’t ask you?” Orie wondered.
I shrugged, wondering the same but did my best not to dwell on it as I went back to watching the feed.
“So, I’m going to sing two songs for you guys today. The first one is a cover, and the second is something new. It’s nowhere near ready for release but it’s been weighing heavy on my heart the last few weeks since I wrote it.”
Y/N adjusted her headphones before glancing over to her laptop. “Woah, the chat is going crazy you’re here, Jolly.”
He hummed in amusement while tuning the guitar. “What are they saying?”
“Where’s Noah? When is the collab with Bad Omens coming?”
Y/N snickered before looking back at the camera, giving a wink. “I don’t know. Noah has my number.”
Quickly pulling out my phone, I pulled up the stream to add something to the chat.
“Oh, look who joined the chat. Jolly, Noah is wondering if you could bring pizza home,” Y/N laughed as she read my comment.
I chuckled to myself as we saw Jolly roll his eyes. Then Y/N read my next comment, her cheeks flushing red; something others might not have noticed. But I did. I watched and analyzed everything she did with a careful eye.
The comment I sent in the chat was something simple; something only a few of us would understand.
We can talk about the collab during our next phone call.
She shifted in her chair, a hint of a smile on her face. “Well, my first song might sound familiar to a lot of you. It’s my first time performing it but unlike Noah did last week, I won’t mess up the words.”
Jolly broke out in laughter before playing the opening notes of the song; one I recognized immediately even though I knew which one she meant before Jolly played the first few notes of the song. There was only one song I messed up on a livestream recently. If I’m There.
Her beautiful voice stung deep into my veins as I fell back on the couch.
“Oh. Shit,” Orie spoke. “No offense, man, but Y/N kills your lyrics.”
I nodded, numbly as I agreed with him. It was as if my lyrics were made for her voice, the sultry tone of it sending chills all over my body. She gripped the microphone with a soft touch and my cock twitched as I remembered earlier up in my bedroom.
As she got to the verse I messed up on my own livestream, Y/N’s eyes opened to throw a quick wink and smirk toward the camera when she sang it perfectly; almost annoyingly perfect.
I felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of my head and briefly tearing my gaze away from the television; I shot Jesse a look.
He pursed his lips while shaking his head. “You haven’t stopped smiling since she came on the screen. You look like a kid that was given free rein in a candy store.”
Rolling my eyes, I focused back to Y/N just in time as she sang the last two lines of the song.
“And if you're there to catch me when I fall then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all,” she breathed before pushing away the microphone from her a tad.
This was different than Hollow Souls. The softness of the song was fucking made for Y/N and something she needed to do more of.
“Fuck yes,” she beamed but then smacked a hand over her face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to swear. I’ll add it to the jar Malcolm has on top of the fridge.”
“He doesn’t?” Michael chucked.
I nodded while taking a long drink of my beer. “He does. I saw it when I was there taking care of Salem. Thing is empty but fuck is in their everyday vocabulary so you know they’re not adding to that shit.”
Noticing she was reading the comments once again, I quickly typed out one.
Great job, Y/N! Feel free to cover any of our songs. I’d always watch it with a proud smile.
Even though she didn’t say she read it, I knew she did with the way the corner of her lip raised and the way her eyes crinkled at the sides.
“Alright, the last song is a new one. We do plan on having it on the next record but it will sound different from what you’ll hear right now. My friends, thank you for watching. This one is called Eyelids.”
This had me sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows on my knees, as excitement filled me.
“I'll face my fear of the evening once I get used to this feeling. I can't sleep. That's when you're torn away from me. While I'm dreaming I feel you leaving.”
My jaw fell slack, hearing the rawness in her voice with the pure emotion being poured out of her soul.
"I'll face my fear of the sunrise when I wake up with your hand inside mine. It's hard to say good morning when it's followed with goodbye. Just wanted to say good night.”
Something glinted on the screen, which immediately took my gaze away from her face down to her neck, my heart and breath catching in my throat. I remained silent as my body leaned closer to the television.
“What are you doing, man? Did you forget your glasses?” Michael joked.
His voice was a white noise as I moved from my spot on the couch to the coffee table, now sitting directly in front of the screen.
What the fuck?
Is that?
I inched closer and closer to that television, I couldn’t hear what was being said to me as I scrunched my face up and began squinting.
No, it can’t be.
“Our eyes fighting the light but I'm not ready to say good night, ooh. I try and hold on tight 'cause it's just not time to say good night. Say good night.”
It hung almost a little well above her cleavage, that beautiful silky neck- my eyes moved quickly to her wrists.
“Let me see,” I muttered under my breath.
I made an inaudible sound from my throat, mouth peering a little open.
She was wearing them; both of them. My heart raced even further, longer, more rapidly.
I was feeling a lot of things at once; I didn’t quite know how to place them. I needed a beer. I needed to talk to my shrink. That’s what I should do, because the panic was setting in, this ache was almost unbearable.
Why, why would she want to wear them after everything? Even now?
I’m hurting her right back, aren’t I?
Everything has become a puddle of mud, a mess of my volition now. I did this. All I could think while seeing the jewelry I gifted her, all I could hear while listening to her voice was “Maybe, just maybe I’ll come back to you.”
She was occupied by her own complicated thoughts - you could tell from the way she was squinting and moving her mouth.
Maybe I was imagining things. Maybe until-.
“I'll face my fear of the cold nights when you leave me behind. I felt your hands in my hair. I felt your breath on my neck. Yeah, I need to feel you again. Just wanted to say good night.”
My body went still, all the air taken from my lungs, as I watched her lips move. Her own personal conflict was clear in the way the muscles in her jaw tightened and her eyes screwed shut.
No, it couldn’t be.
She didn’t.
Did she?
Was this about us?
No, I’m overthinking this.
“Our eyes fighting the light but I'm not ready to say good night, ooh. I try and hold on tight 'cause it's just not time to say good night. Say good night.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Orie smack Jesse on the shoulder and motioned to the stillness of me; still unmoving.
“Our eyes fighting the light. But I'm not ready to say good night, ooh. I try and hold on tight 'cause it's just not time to say good night. Say good night.”
I could see Jolly vibing along to the lyrics next to Y/N but it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered more than this moment right here as I watched her pour every feeling about that night into this one song. My heart fell deep into the pits of my stomach when I saw her grip the necklace, playing with it between two fingers.
These eyes are closed again for yet another night I wake up and I can feel you by my side. But I can't find you in the dark when you're so far. Yeah, that's the hardest part. Here comes the hardest part.
My eyes dropped slightly in tangent with my shoulders.
Our eyes fight the light. But I'm not ready to say good night oh. I try and hold on tight 'cause it's just not time to say good night. To say good night.
As the last lyric faded into the air, there was a hushed recording playing some words in the background; another small thing I picked up on.
“I mean in what world do I go to sleep after you and wake up before you? I don't even know how it happens. Well, I hope you're having sweet dreams. And you call me when you wake up.”
My bottom lip trembled when I recognized that voice. It was Y/N’s, and it wasn’t just any kind of recording. No, it was a voicemail she left me while she was in Japan. It was right after I missed one of our 2:30 calls. I was asleep but once I noticed she called me less than an hour later; I listened to the voicemail before quickly calling her back.
“Okay, that deserves a curse,” Jolly said. “You fucking killed that, Y/N.”
She was beaming with pride. “Holy shit, guys. You don’t understand how long I’ve had this festering inside of me. It feels so good to get out.”
Y/N clicked on the laptop to read through some of the comments, a small frown pulling at her lips.
“Oh my god. Are you and Trey getting back together?! You were so perfect. No, we’re not getting back together. I grew up since the breakup; I became a savage. But not everything is about fucking Trey. This is just a song about a really awesome guy. That’s it.”
I was still, like a statue, unmoving and unnerving as Joly and Y/N said their goodbyes before the stream ended; a black screen mirror back to me.
Jesse leaned forward in his chair. “Noah-.”
Hearing my name broke me out of the trance and without saying another word, I jumped up from my spot on the coffee table and took the stairs two at a time, my footsteps thundering throughout the house before I slammed myself into my bedroom.
Tears threatened to spill, burning at the corners of my eyes, but I held them in with a choked sob as I ran a shaky hand over my face.
I didn’t know what to make of anything anymore. Maybe just romantics would call this a twisted, toxic beginning to a love story while the cynics would call it a tragedy. In my mind, it’s a little bit of both, and no matter how you choose to view it in the end, it doesn’t change the fact that it involves a great deal of my life and the path I’ve chosen to follow and that I- I love her.
Ripping the drawer of my desk open, I rummaged through the useless crap, already knowing what I was looking for. I tossed the velvet boxes to the side and cradled the jewelry, my large hands encased them. I pressed them on my forehead and let the tears finally spill to the floor as I fell to my knees, resting my back up against my bed.
I cried; actually fucking cried.
The necklace and bracelet shook in my hands as the sobs wrecked through me. I haven’t cried like this in a long time mostly because I hated being this open and vulnerable. It made me sick, knowing that I wasn’t able to protect myself from these feelings right now. I spent my entire life protecting myself from these feelings only for Y/N to sink her claws into me in the best way possible.
“I love her,” I choked out through sobs, realizing what I felt earlier. “I fucking love her.”
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I wasn’t sure how long I kneeled on the floor, jewelry grasped deep in my palms as it dug into my skin. But it wasn’t until there was a soft knock on the door that pulled me from the despair. Red, puffy, bloodshot eyes glanced up at Jolly, whose shoulders fell as he took in my state; tears dried to my face and hair a mess from running my hands through it.
“Noah,” he muttered.
“Please leave me alone right now.” I whimpered lowly, refusing to meet his gaze again.
“No. Jesse said watching her perform Eyelids fucked you up. What’s going on?” Jolly kneeled in front of me.
“I can’t-,” I choked on a sob. “I don’t want to deal with this.”
Jolly rubbed his jaw. “Was it the song or the jewelry?”
My eyes snapped up to him. “How did you know about the jewelry?”
“You used the band card to charge it, goof. I see everything,” Jolly gave me a small smile.
“Fuck. Sorry,” I sighed.
“It’s okay man, it’s okay,” he reassured me with a strong grip on my shoulder.
“No, no, it’s not. I’m tired of feeling. I want to disappear, just disappear.”
Jolly now gripped both of my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "No, you don’t. Don’t say that shit.” 
“I just mean I wish it wasn’t this. Y/N’s been giving me mixed signals.” I mumbled.
“Have you thought you’re doing the same? You’re literally hanging out with another woman out of spite,” He raised a questioning brow.
I leaned my head against the side of my mattress. “She won’t tell me how she feels, I’m trying to show her. I’ve always tried to show her.”
“There’s a saying.” Jolly paused, trying to think of the right words to say. “We are defined by what we do, not just nice words. However, I think you’ve shown enough, Noah. It’s time you use your words.” 
“I don’t know how,” I admitted with a shaky breath after a long beat of silence.
“If you’re not comfortable talking about it with us, Noah. Talk to your therapist about it- but this has to stop. It’s draining you.”
I saw the way Jolly’s mouth twitched, his own emotions close to slipping through his own mask, but he held it stronger than me.
“Once you’re in a better place, come to the studio. I have something to show you.”
I nodded. “Sure, yeah. Might be good for me to write something.”
Jolly gave one last squeeze to my shoulder. “Love you, man.”
“You too. Thank you.” I smiled.
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An hour and a long shower later, I walked down the hallway toward our studio with a new tune in my head. The lyrics were loud in my mind as I played with the new bracelet on my wrist, twisting it between two fingers.
“There’s not another way don’t let me go, don’t dig another grave today,” I sang under my breath as I walked through the door.
Jolly was sitting on the couch in the room, guitar on his lap and notebook on the floor at his feet. He looked up as I walked in and had a nervous smile on his face.
“Hey, you better?”
I gave a small nod. “Yeah. What’s this?”
As I sat on the couch next to him, I went to reach for the notepad before he placed a foot over it, blocking me from retrieving it.
“Y/N gave me something earlier. I really like it but wanted to run it by you, if you were comfortable,” Jolly said hesitantly.
I tensed, not knowing how to feel. I wasn’t comfortable with whatever Jolly needed to show me but knowing it was from Y/N eventually made me agree.
He removed his foot so I could grab the notebook, eyes immediately scanning over the lyrics on the page.
Evened the scores, then I let it all go fall apart. And every step forward put a little more sword in your heart, yeah. Looking sideways when I say I’m okay with the past but I’m afraid of what I might say if you ask. I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. I let it tear me down, and I'll never be the same. I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. And you didn't notice 'til I finally got, finally got away.
My heart stuttered in my chest as I licked my lips. “Wow, that’s impressive. When did you find the time to write this? Usually, that's my wheelhouse.”
“Noah cut the shit. You know this isn’t my work. I just told you, it’s Y/N’s,” Jolly sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m just being a dick.” I snorted a laugh while bumping his shoulder with mine.
“Yeah, you are. Now what do you think? We can use this, no? As inspiration, maybe?”
Suddenly the lyrics I sang a moment before walking into the room played in my mind again; I hummed them under my breath, adding it to the lyrics Y/N wrote.
“One second,” I muttered while pulling out my phone.
ME: You sure you want us to have your lyrics?
Y/N’s response was immediate.
Angel 🪽: Nobody could do it better than you guys. You’ll give those lyrics the justice it deserve.
Leaving the message on read, Jolly and I worked tirelessly to rework the lyrics together and when I felt we were in a good position with them, I reached for my phone again. There was still a lingering feeling festering deep inside of me, that I wanted to make sure Y/N was fine with.
ME: I’m taking creative liberty for this, are you good with that?
Angel 🪽: What's mine is yours, Noah. 
Yeah, not everything.
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sokonoi · 1 year
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| working for the spider-society had it’s perks including a hot boss, but what happens when you accidentally forget to label one of your concoctions.
word count—2.6K
cw— boss!miguel + some plot + work setting + fem!reader + performance anxiety brief + breeding kink + creampie + praise + primal play perhaps? + (f.) receiving + mating press + spanish is spoken comes with translation ;) + aftercare + no beta reader
notes: i didn’t fully translate, some phrases I just think some of y’all would know… also part 2 might come i don’t know!!
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It all started when you replaced his serum with well…fill in the rest of the blank.
You run full force down the hall and he’s straight on your tail. The headquarters closed hours ago; Your own self-proclaimed way to gain Mr. O’Hara’s attention was to work late and hard. Hence, why you are tailing it down the 4th Hall?? 
“Mr. O’Hara,” you huff in exhaustion. 
What the hell did you put in that serum?
Your mind was scrambled as you try to think of what you did to the formula. Sure, you’ve experimented with aphrodisiacs in the lab room. On a low scale of course. Sometimes you’d even take the serum home and rub it on your- 
You supposed a man like Mr. O’Hara had plenty of stamina You peak behind your shoulder to see him running after you still. His skin-tight suit reveals every muscle working in his body, and his mouth is salivating as he runs after you, “Y/N,” he growls. 
It shoots a painfully sinful feeling through you as you dart into a nearby office. It wasn’t the smartest idea, but you couldn’t come up with anything else.
 You weren’t like Mr. O’Hara. You didn’t have a genetically mutated body. You could only go for so long. You hid under a nearby table to the farthest from the room. Saying a prayer that he wasn’t too pissed.
Although that did nothing, as Miguel barges in. 
“I know you’re fuckin’ in here,” he snarls. 
Miguel wasn’t thinking right now, his mind was in fragments. His skin was hot and feverish from the aphrodisiac. His cock was stone hard and his mind couldn’t process what was happening to him. His talon retracted on their own, and his mouth salivated uncontrollably. What have you done to him?
¿Qué has hecho? 
-what have you done?-
You try to control your breathing and remain hidden. 
“Show yourself! Now!,” he pants. You hear furniture slide against the floor and things falling to the ground. There’s a wave of stillness in the room. 
Your heart hammers out of your chest as a bead of sweat trickles down your neck. You feel small waves of the moment in the room like he’s trying to sniff you out.  Suddenly a clawed hand grabs onto your ankle yanking you out from under the table.
“Mr. O’Hara!” you yelp. 
Those sanguine eyes take you in animistically. He crouches down, “It’s alright Cariño,” he whispers weirdly soothing.
“Mr. O’Hara, I’m really sorry,” You mutter softly, trying to reason even though your body is saying another thing altogether. You find yourself staring at him steadily. He pulls you closer to him his hands grabbing onto your arms, holding you close. His face is mere inches from yours. You can feel Miguel’s warm breath tickling your cheek.
“It’s okay.” 
You sigh with gratitude realizing everything is okay. “You’ll make it up to me,” he says, his body language clear on what he wants. His fangs are drawn as he drags them against the skin on your neck. Air gets caught in your throat as your hands find his muscular arm holding onto him gently. He waits as you open yourself to him subconsciously. 
The bite is nothing you’ve ever felt before. The pain is titillating. You should panic, run and thrash against Miguel. Yet, you stay there paralyzed by his gaze. You feel lightheaded as darkness takes over your eyesight. You’re losing consciousness you realize all too late.
Miguel was a gentleman. Even as his mind wanders to raunchy places. His body feels like it’s in heat. He wants you near and yet so far. His fingers slowly circle around your ankle slowly. He’s so mesmerized by you and you don’t even know it. 
You were a lab tech, at the Spider Society working closely with Lyla to develop advanced technology to protect the muti-verse. You weren’t a spider-person at all, but you worked closely with Peter Parker in his universe. Your work was recognized and recruited by Miguel. Ever since then, he’s been in love with you and in denial all at the same time.
Sometimes if he imagines closely enough- 
You start to wake, rubbing your eyes slowly. A soreness is recognized in your neck, you lift your hand up to touch the spot. You’re too preoccupied to realize Miguel; He waits expectantly. 
Your eyes slightly widen as you remember what you’ve done. You slowly turn, a pair of eyes staring right back at you. 
You tense up, as Miguel rests his head on your shoulder slowly. 
“Relajate Amor,” he mumbles feeling so close to you. He can hear your heartbeat like a hummingbird flapping its wings. 
You obey him, embarrassingly quick. For a second you just allow the moment to be. Not worrying about what’s to come of it. Your eyes glance around the room. This must be where Miguel rests. His bed’s pretty soft you think as you touch the sheets and big too. You let out a sigh of contentment.
“Glad to know you like it just as much as I do,” Miguel mumbles into your shoulder. 
“Mr. O’Hara,” you hesitantly say. You weren’t sure what to ask. You wanted to fuck him that much was clear, but did he know that you were falling in love with him. Every single lingering glance and brushing of hands has blossomed into something inside you. 
He chuckles, “You know better than that.”
You rephrase it, “Miguel.” 
His name taste like heaven on your tongue. He sits back now sitting on his haunches head resting in your lap. Miguel looks up at you with undivided attention.
Miguel finds it hard to control himself his body aches with need. And the waves only get stronger as he smells in between your legs: Something sweet-tangy and everything he needs.
“I hope this isn’t weird. I’m very sorry, I understand if I’m terminat-”
“I’d never terminate you,” He says with his chest not a hint of doubt. His eyes look deeply into yours as if he wants you to fully comprehend what he’s saying.
You bite your lip, now that you are so close you feel shy and exposed.   
He clocks it quickly, “No need to shy away”—Miguel strokes your cheek—” I’m here right now. I’m ready.” 
That’s all it takes. Your lips find his own; You kiss him as if you won’t be able to do it again. His lips are warm and soft like silk. You pull away for a breath, for a hint of sanity. Miguel pulls you back in, his hands finding your neck roughly. His other hand trails down your back settling on your lower back.
“Miguel,” you groan 
“I want-” 
“I know, I want it too. I-” His words fail him just as your words do too. This moment feels unreal. He starts to strip away your clothes. Layer after layer falls away. He disregards them away, taking in every single part of you. 
His eyes can’t dart across your bare skin any quicker. Your eyes wanna rest upon him too, you place a hand on his shoulder. 
His suit was nothing, but a digital after all. It’s nothing that you could rip off. He undoes it, revealing everything to you. You look at his bronzed body, all the small nicks and scars rest upon his toned physique. 
Your eyes finally rest upon his cock. Big and staring straight at you almost. Miguel gives himself a stroke for you: His balls twitch at the contact of his fingers.
 You blink a little, you’ve never taken such a masterpiece. Though you don’t feel fear, the excitement rushes through you. The fact that it’s gonna stretch so good that it hurts. 
You clench your legs together, before hesitantly grabbing it yourself. You stroke it in your hands, it’s so heavy. Miguel lets a groan escape him, he could easily get lost in you. Those pretty eyes stared at him drinking in every furrow and crease on his face. 
Miguel is quickly painfully slow, he takes your hand away. “Not yet, lay back,” he commands.
You do so letting the plush bed hug you. You sit on your haunches watching as he kneels before you his mouth ghosting your leaking pussy. You could probably create a river with how much is leaking from you. You clench around nothing as he finds your clit easily. His lips wrap around it, sucking softly using his tongue to flick it at the same time. 
You whimper, never feeling anything this good. 
“Please don’t stop.” 
His eyes dart to yours almost saying I don’t plan on it. He lets go of your clit with a pop, before going back in. 
He eats like he’s dying watching your wetness coat his cheeks. You buck your hips against him, he laughs hand finding your legs and holding them still. Your head drops again. 
“Yes. Yes,” you chant 
Miguel feels himself growing heated again. It makes him feel so good that you feel good. His fingers enter you gradually. You try to fight back a scream through your teeth as tears start to build. Your orgasm approaching fast. 
His pace doesn’t stop as his fingers slowly enter you at a slow passionate tempo. He makes a point to make a come-hither motion. His mouth sucking on your clit again. Those combinations were dangerous as your legs start to shake. 
“Fuck”—Your head lolls back—“It’s so good,” you praise him. 
That’s all it takes, the reigns of composure fly away. His tempo becomes fast and rough. As you feel your worries melting away, “Migs, Miguel Please,” you plead helplessly.
“I know. I can feel you. Gonna make a pretty mess for me?” he huffs out
You nod frantically your hands finding his hair, “Ohh shit,” you whine 
“Cum! Cum for me princesa,” he says breathlessly. 
His words make you squeal, “Haaah Yes.” 
You feel your orgasm as you grab his hair and your thighs clamp around his head. You feel winded as Miguel slowly removes his fingers kissing your ankles softly. “You made me so proud. You did it so perfectly. My perfect girl.”  
You catch your breath as Miguel comes up and slithers between your legs, giving you a kiss on the lips. He pauses, “You need a minute?” 
He has to keep you in mind, even when his isn’t comprehending. Miguel wanted to breed your pussy till he couldn’t anymore. Until his balls were empty. 
He kisses your forehead.
“I’m good, just..” You can’t help but grin. This man was making you giddy.
He smiles against your forehead. He couldn’t lie, his excitement was mutual. 
Miguel lines himself up smoothly. He watches your face as he inserts just the tip, and your eyebrows knit together a little. “You can tell me if it hurts,” he whispers. You nod as confirmation nails dig into his shoulders. Miguel moans, your nails clawing into him made him feel so turned on. He inserts himself a bit more.
 Miguel feels your walls stretching around him, your cunt unbearably hot and slippery. He feels like he’s died and gone to paradise. 
You bite your lips, as his dick reaches further and further inside you. He kisses your chest. “It’s okay, you’re doing so good, making me feel so good.” 
You smile a little at that. His dick finally is all the way inside his heavy balls slightly pressing against your ass. He starts to move, taking you in slow thrusts. Allowing you to feel every inch of his throbbing cock. You sigh, at how he fits in just right. You feel yourself building up again. He increases his pace: A big mistake.
 Miguel never felt this close before. His tip aches with release. And your warm pussy doesn’t help. 
Your cunt holds him inside for dear life. Miguel grows comfortable with the rhythm he’s set, as you relax again letting him take charge. Suddenly everything feels wrong and amazing, as he feels himself cumming. His mind can’t seem to process this feeling.
“Fuck, cariño… My dear I-.” his words stuttered as he’s tripping over them. As he tries to keep thrusting inside you. He pulls you close not wanting to see his pathetic face as he cums inside you like a pathetic virgin. His balls draw up as he empties inside you. He breathes heavily against you the tips of his ears redden faintly.
“Perdóname,” he musters pulling out his cum covered tip. “It’s okay,’ you tell him softly. You’re pretty sure he’s just as nervous and excited as you are. 
“I thought it was hot. If it’s worth anything,” you admit giggling. You try to lighten the mood. 
He chuckles beside your neck, he resumes letting the embarrassment wane off. “You wanna stop?” he asks. He totally understood. He just blew his load so quickly it’s actually crazy. He’s never cum so quickly before. In his mind, he knew, you’d be hard to let go. 
You shake your head, “Till the cops come knockin’ or in our case…spider-man,” you joke. Miguel smiles lovingly at you, as he folds your legs to your chest. A newfound desire in his eyes. 
He’s got you in a press. With every thrust he makes your legs quiver. His weight makes you feel delirious. His cock hits the deepest part of you. Your eyes begin to tear again.
“My little vixen, so fuckin gorgeous.” 
You grab his arms pathetically, trying to ground yourself to reality. It isn’t long before you body is following his every command as you tetter towards the edge as he pounds into your sore pussy. 
“Miguel, just like that,” you whine your voice sore.
His balls slap against your ass as his muscular legs tense with every press. He wanted you to have his baby. Maybe it was the serum talking he didn’t know. He wanted you to take all his cum. He wanted you barefoot and round with his offspring. 
He wanted to have a family with you. 
“I want you all to myself,” he whimpers 
Your pussy starts to throb with the oncoming feeling of your climax. 
“I want you too,” you confess.
His eyes find yours deeply. 
“Are you close, hon? I can feel you…I’m gonna cum too. Gonna cum right inside you.” 
You whine and claw as your body tries to curb the intensity of your orgasm. Miguel’s tempo doesn’t falter or stop anything it becomes quicker. His arms shake as he feels himself following right behind you. Your mouth hangs open as a silent scream is on your face. You shake in his arms. 
“There you go. Shit, yes. Yes. Yes. Let me feel you, just like that,” he huffs out.
Miguel’s body begins to crumble inside you as long thick ropes of cum coat your insides. “Ahhh, Sí.” 
He collapses beside you breathless, you look over at him.
“Migs? You okay?” you ask after a minute.
“Never been better,” he sighs contently. 
His eyes slowly close, as his arms reach for you to cuddle with him. You oblige wrapping your arms around him tightly as your head finds his chest. 
“I’ll clean in a minute & run you a bath,” he mumbles out 
“Miguel, you don’t have-” 
“I want to.” 
You narrow your eyes at him Miguel had a bad habit of cutting you off. Despite it, you didn’t know what to do. Miguel was your boss. Was this the start of a relationship? 
You didn’t know and that frightened you. If this was just a one-time thing, you don’t know if you could handle that. As if he could read your mind.
 “We’ll talk about it properly, for now, I just wanna take care of you,” he whispers softly
A small secret smile is found on your face, you nuzzle into his chest further. 
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sara-scribbles · 1 year
The Littlest Dragon (Part 3)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Malleus Draconia/GN!Reader Summary: Your quiet life as a herbalist is disrupted when you take in an injured dragon Word Count: 5,482 Notes: So, I wrote this with the idea that there's still room to grow in regards to relationships. This is the last part, so enjoy! Warnings: None
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
“I’ll let my grandson show you around. But we must have tea tomorrow.” With a wave of her hand, she dismisses the two of you.
You follow Malleus through the rose garden. “Is she…is she always like that?” you ask after a moment of hesitation.
He takes your hand as he answers. “She can be…eccentric. She’s a wise and kind ruler, but grandmother has always had her own ways of doing things.”
There are many twists and turns to the rose garden. “She wasn’t serious, right?” He raises an eyebrow. “That I should call her grandmother?”
“Once she’s made up her mind, it’s best to just go along with it.” He holds your hand gently. “Don’t worry. She likes you almost as much as I do.”
“She called me adorable…” you mumble. Perhaps she sees you as a cute little human. Though you can only assume everyone looks little to her. She even towers over Malleus.
Malleus chuckles. “Do you take offense to that?”
“No… I just haven’t been called adorable before.” Shaking your head, you shift the conversation to the roses. “These are beautiful. There’s so many too!”
Pausing, he reaches out to gently touch a rose. “Can you believe these started out as a handful of seeds? I’ve taken care of them for so long, I almost forget how barren the garden used to be.”
“You did all this?” Eyebrows shoot up. “That’s amazing! I can’t imagine the time and dedication this would take.”
Turning to you, he asks, “Do you like roses?”
“Sure. I think they’re beautiful .” Shrugging, you reach out to touch a rose. The petals are like velvet against your fingers.
“Do you have a particular flower you like?” he probes further.
The entire garden smells of the soft rose scent. “Not really. I mean I’ve never given it much thought. There are so many flowers, how can I pick just one?”
“Hmm… I see.” He thoughtfully looks at the roses. Finally he turns back to you. “Shall I show you the rest of the castle?”
“Lead the way!” Giving his hand a squeeze, you meet his affectionate gaze with a dazzling grin.
Standing in the guest room alone, your eyes are still wide with shock. The place is much larger than your own cottage. You're pretty sure you could fit five cottages in the room. After Malleus had shown you around the castle, complete with the history, he dropped you off at the guest room. He promised to let you know when dinner would be served.
Feeling completely out of depth, you wonder if you’ve packed the right clothes to have dinner in a castle. Probably not. You’re almost too afraid to touch anything in case you break something. However, the large bed looks so inviting, you can’t resist.
Kicking off your shoes, you launch yourself onto the bed with a laugh. The moment your body touches the sheets, you never want to get up. The silky sheets and soft mattress is heaven on earth. Letting out a deep sigh, you’re tempted to fall asleep.
But first, you need to unpack and get into something for dinner.
You’re changed when someone knocks on the door. When you open the door, you’re not met with Malleus. Instead, a fae with magenta streaks in his dark black hair smiles back at you. “Hoho, I finally get to meet the famous potion master!” he chortles.
“I’m Lilia, Malleus’s caretaker of sorts.” He heartily shakes your hand. “Well, let’s get going. Don’t want to leave the queen waiting.”
As you follow him through the halls, you ask, “So you’ve been taking care of Malleus since he was young?”
“That’s right! I remember like it was yesterday when he had an egg shell stuck on his face.” He briefly touches the tips of his hair. “You know, once he set my hair on fire by accident.”
“Really?” It’s hard to imagine him doing anything like that.
He leads you down a flight of stairs. “He was young, so he didn’t have much control over himself. I’ll have to show you some pictures later if you’re interested.”
The idea of seeing pictures of a baby Malleus does pique your interest. “I’d like to.”
“Wonderful!” Clapping his hands together, he stops in front of a door. “I have to go get Mallues, but enjoy your chat with the queen.”
“W-wait! Alone?” He’s gone before you can protest. Standing in front of the door, you wonder if you can just sneak off for a bit until Malleus comes. You’re not prepared to speak with her alone.
“Please come in, (Y/N).” Her voice rings loud and clear despite the closed door.
Swallowing nervously, you slip inside. The queen sits at the head of the very long banquet table. You notice some fae standing off to the side. One directs you to the seat on her left. The seat to her right is set but empty.
She smiles widely when you meet her gaze. “I thought we could talk while Lilia fetches my grandson. The palace is quite large, so it might take them some time. You don’t mind, do you?”
You feel heat prickling along your neck. “O-of course no-not, your highness.” She gives you a sharp look. “...grandmother.” 
A pleased smile falls on her lips. “So, tell me about yourself.”
“Myself?” You uselessly point to yourself.
She nods. “Yes. My grandson has told me all about you. But I want to hear it from you.”
“Um, well… I run make potions for clients who send requests. I also sell them in town to the general store. I was taught to make potions by Divus Crewel. Uh, I live in a cottage outside of town with three chickens and a goat.”
She drums her fingers on the table. You notice the wicked looking nails. “Tell me, do you enjoy making potions?”
“Yes, I do.” You answer without hesitation.
Her keen eyes watch you closely. “Why?
You blink a few times. It’s been awhile since someone’s asked you that question. “ I know those without magic can have fine lives, but I wanted to do more. I decided that if I can’t cast spells, I wanted to make potions. For me, making potions is like casting a spell, it can do just about anything. And if what I create can help someone, that’s even better.”
She regards you quietly. You’re unsure what else to say. “I see. Your honesty is refreshing. I was half expecting you to spout some noble reason. My grandson has chosen well. You have a good heart, I can tell.”
“Th-thank you.” Her praise is honestly a little embarrassing.
She sighs. “Seems our little chat has to be cut short.” The doors to the dining hall open, and Malleus strolls in. He glances between you and his grandmother. “Malleus, we’ve been waiting for you.”
His eyes narrow. “Lilia informed me dinner was running behind…”
She feigns ignorance. “Really? Nothing out of the ordinary has happened.”
He takes the seat across from you. “I hope grandmother wasn’t making you uncomfortable.” His gaze softens when he looks at you.
“Nonsense! I was just telling your friend how wonderful I think they are.” She grins, flashing her sharp teeth.
You give him a small reassuring smile. There’s not much else you can say as the food quickly arrives.
“Do you always eat like that?” you ask Malleus. You're almost close to bursting. Everything was delicious of course, but by the time dessert arrived, you were ready to pass out.
After bidding the queen a goodnight, the two of you leave the dining hall. With your arm looped through his, Malleus guides you back to the garden. “Tonight was a special occasion, so the cooks made a little extra.”
“A little?” You don’t want to imagine what a lot would look like. “Hey, where are we going?”
Though dark, magical lamps float around to light to way. “I wanted to show you my favorite spot.”
The air is cool but pleasant. You’re not too concerned about where Malleus is taking you. You trust him. Winding through the garden, the bright moon shines a spotlight. It almost feels magical. Malleus leads you out of the garden bounds and deeper into the woods that surround this side of the castle. Everything here is overgrown and wild. You come to a clearing with a large, clear lake.
In the distance the crickets chirp and frogs call to each other. The moon reflects on the lake making the water glimmer. “Wow…” You’re in awe at the natural wonder. 
Sitting at the edge of the lake together, your feet hang off the edge. “It’s been abandoned for years, so no one comes.”
You find yourself leaning into his side. “Do you come here a lot?”
“It’s quiet and peaceful.” Sitting there staring at the lake, you can almost forget everything else. Malleus hums a tune under his breath.
The yawn you’ve been trying to suppress manages to escape. He chuckles. “Guess I’m more tired than I thought.”
“Shall we return to the castle?” Nodding, you take his offered hand.
The next day, you’re woken with knocking. Lilia is there once more with a bright smile. “The queen would like to have breakfast with you.”
“Oh, okay. Um, let me get dressed.” You wonder how early, or late, it is. You slept like a rock.
Once you’re properly dressed, you meet Lilia outside the room. He leads you to the garden, easily navigating the castle’s twists and turns. “Did you enjoy dinner?” he asks.
“Yes. It was all very delicious!” Your stomach grumbles at the thought of breakfast.
“You should try my cooking one of these days. I’d love to share a meal,” he offers. His eyes seem to glimmer at the idea.
Nodding, you offer him a tentative smile. “That would be nice.”
His smile widens. “I’ll hold you to that!”
You arrive in the garden where the queen waits. She greets you the moment you arrive. “Good morning, my dear. Did you sleep well?”
Taking a seat, you find yourself trying to straighten your posture. “Yes. Everything was so nice,” you lie. How can you tell her that you barely got any sleep? Even though everything about the bed should have sent you to dream land, you spent most of the night tossing and turning.
She chuckles. “Lovely.” Turning to Lilia, her mouth curls upward. “Please get my grandson, Lilia.”
“Of course, your majesty.” He gives a bow before leaving.
The queen returns her attention to you. “While Lilia fetches Malleus, why don’t we talk some more. I’m sure you have a few questions.”
Fiddling with the napkin in your lap, there are a few things that have been nagging you. “So, I was told the reason Malleus was in that form was because of a punishment?”
“Yes,” she sighs, “sometimes punishments are necessary. He was neglecting his duties as prince and future king. Despite my repeated warnings, he continued to wander off for hours on end.”
“Wasn’t there anything less…extreme you could’ve done?” you ask. “I mean, he did get kidnapped by a demon bird and hurt,” you point out.
She takes a sip of her tea before continuing. “Not to worry, dear, I knew where he was at all times. And if I hadn’t punished him like I did, you wouldn’t be sitting here. That would be such a shame…”
As food is placed on the table, you glance around for Malleus. He still hasn’t arrived. “I guess something good came out of it,” you mumble. You can feel her sharp gaze on you. “…did the spell do anything else?”
She ponders for a moment. “Hmm… It did limit his ability to use magic as well as reduce his cognitive functions to more simple, basic instincts. But nothing else. Of course, his magic was already working on breaking the curse from the inside when you encountered him.”
“Is that why he was so affectionate? He was always asking to be held or cuddled…” you muse aloud. You remember all the times he would cuddle with you or beg for your attention in dragon form. You just thought he was naturally affectionate. However, Malleus as he is now isn’t as touchy though he does like to hold your hand.
The queen laughs, head thrown back. The gold chains in her horns jingle as they shake. “My, that's a site I’d like to see!” She shakes her head as her body shakes. “I can only guess that part of it was due to the spell. However, Malleus is very fond of you, so I believe he wanted to express his feelings in some way..”
Your face warms at her words. It’s odd hearing that from his grandmother, and she seems to approve. Yet, you haven’t really heard the words from Malleus’s mouth. You wonder if you ever will. Or will you continue to stay in this strange not-quite-something limbo?
Her features shift into a pleasant smile. “Good morning, Malleus,” the queen greets. He easily slides into the seat next to you.
“Good morning, grandmother. It seems I’m late for breakfast this time.” He gives her a pointed look, but she ignores it.
She takes another sip of tea. “Perhaps you should go to bed earlier so you’re not late next time?”
He can only sigh.
Malleus leads you to the training grounds. As you approach, you can hear the clang of metal. Silver and Sebek are sparring in the ring. You stand at the edge watching them. 
“Why do they train with swords if they can use magic?” you inquire. They both move quickly back and forth.
“Because it’s good to train all muscles, physical and magical,” comes a voice from above you. 
Jumping, you jerkily look up to see Lilia floating upside down. He gives a wave. “Oh! I didn’t see you…” Your heart nearly lept out of your chest.
He descends back down to the ground. “I saw you two coming down the path a while ago. Finally introducing me to your friend, Malleus?” He lightly elbows Malleus in the side.
“Lilia, this is (Y/N).” He gestures between you two. “Lilia has been my caretaker since I was born.”
You shake hands. He has a strong grip for someone his size. “It’s nice to officially be introduced.” Despite his youthful appearance, you wonder, for the third time since meeting him, how old he actually is. If he’s been taking care of Malleus since birth, he must be over a few hundred years old. Your head spins just thinking about it.
“Do you know how to fight?” Lilia asks suddenly.
“No, I never really found the need to. I stay close to the village, the cottage, or the nearby woods.” Life has always been somewhat uneventful. “My two friends know how to fight since they go out adventuring.”
He eyes your form. “Hmmm… I think you could handle a sword. Would you like to learn?”
Eyes widening, you look at Malleus. He looks calm as ever. “I-I never thought about it. Um, maybe?” It wouldn’t hurt to know how to defend yourself.
“Alright. Later, I’ll teach you how to wield a sword.” He points at the two still sparring. “They need to cool down first.”
The two come to a draw. As they wipe the sweat from their forehead, they finally seem to notice you. Sebek immediately rushes over. “Lord Malleus! Forgive me ignorance, I didn't realize you were here!” He bows a few times.
“It’s okay, Sebek. I was just showing (Y/N) around.” He rests a hand on your shoulder. You unconsciously lean into him.
Sebek’s brows knit together as he straightens up. “I see…” You can see him biting his tongue. Probably doesn’t want to yell at you in front of his prince.
Silver joins while handing Sebek a bottle of water. “Stay hydrated.”
You smile brightly. “Hello, Silver,” you greet. He is the nicer of the two.
“Oh, hello, (Y/N).” He gives you a brief nod. “Fath-Lilia, what else are we doing today?”
The shorter fae glances up at the sky. “We’ll take a break for today. I can make lunch!” Both men visibly blanch. You feel Malleus stiffen as the hand on your shoulder briefly tightens. “I promised to make something for (Y/N),” he continues, not noticing the sudden change in demeanor.
Malleus quickly butts in. “Actually, we have plans…”
“What a shame. Next time?” Lilia sighs, shaking his head sadly. “Guess that means more for you two!”
Before you can say anything else, Malleus quickly guides you away. You briefly see the pleading looks from the other two. Once you’re far enough away, Malleus relaxes. “You don’t want to eat Lilia’s food. It can fell even the mightiest of beasts,” he informs you.
“Oh…” You just escaped possible death it seems.
Night time falls quickly and you share another meal with the queen. You’re laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Unable to sleep, you roll over on your side. The curtains are drawn back, and you can see the large moon hanging in the sky. It’s strange not making potions or picking up ingredients. You almost feel like you’re wasting time.
There’s a soft knock on the door that has you sitting up. You wait a few seconds and there’s another knock. Slipping out of bed, you open the door a crack to Malleus standing there. “Malleus? Is something wrong?”
“I couldn’t sleep. I was wondering if you’d like to talk like we did before?” You can hear the hopeful tinge in his tone.
You fully open the door and gesture for him to come in. “Sure. I couldn’t sleep either actually.” Sitting down on the plush carpet, you lean against the side of the bed. Malleus joins without complaint.
There’s a pause before he asks, “How are you liking your stay so far?”
You grin. “No complaints! The food is delicious, the accommodations are really nice. And I’m enjoying the time I get to spend with you. Your grandmother is also really something.”
“But?” He can see right through you.
Sighing, you lean your head on his shoulder. “But I do miss home. I know I’ve only been away for two days, but I just miss it.”
“I can take you back if you want. I don’t want you to be unhappy here,”he says while reaching for your hand. He laces his finger with yours.
“I’m not unhappy, Malleus. Just a little homesick.” You give his hand a squeeze.
He hums. “I can understand that…”
There’s a heavy silence between you two. You don’t want to leave, but you also can’t shake the feeling of wanting to go home. “Malleus?”
You sit up in order to look him fully in the eyes. “Would you like to go back with me for a bit? I know I was supposed to stay here for a week or so, but how about you stay with me for a little? Now that you’re no longer in dragon form, I can take you around town, and you can officially meet my friends.”
“You truly wish to introduce me?” He blinks a few times.
“Of course! I met your friends and family. It’s only fair if you meet mine. I want you to meet them since you’re…you’re special to me, Malleus.”
Lips pulling into a smile, his sharp teeth glint in the moonlight. “Thank you. You are special to me as well.”
“Young master, please let me come with you!” Sebek begs. You can see the tears in his eyes.
The next day, Malleus had informed everyone he would be returning home with you. The queen immediately gave her blessing. You’re surprised she’s willing to let him go since he’d technically be neglecting his duties. You do stay for a most of the day before preparing to leave.
Lilia chuckles as he side-steps the prostrating half-fae. “Have fun, you two. Ah, to be young…!” He claps Malleus on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about us, we’ll be okay.”
“We look forward to your return,” Silver says with a bow.
The queen leans over and whispers something in his ear. His eyes widen a fraction before he composes himself. She laughs and presses a kiss on the top of his head. “Take care, my dear.”
Malleus gives them one last farewell before walking over to where you’re waiting. He wraps his arms around your form. “Hold on tight.” Even as you’re teleported away, you can hear Sebek’s cries.
Eyes adjusting to the light, you’re standing in front of the gate to the cottage. “I think I’m getting used to that,” you mumble, still trying to clear your head. You can feel Malleus hovering in concern, but quickly reassure him you’re fine. “Well, at least the cottage is still standing…”
Walking through the gate, the three hens are there to greet you. They loudly cluck around your feet. “Hello, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather,” Malleus greets with a slight incline of his head. The three leave you to flock around his feet.
“Seems they like you. Maybe they remember you from before,” you comment with a chuckle.
The door of the cottage opens as Ace steps out. “Oi! Why are you making so much noise-...!” His eyes widen when he sees you. “What are you doing here?!”
“Nice to see you too, Ace,” you comment dryly.
“Ace, don't be mean to the chickens!” Deuce comes rushing out but knocks into Ace. “Ooomf!” He stumbles back a bit before glowing at the redhead. “Hey, wha-...!”
“Hey you!” You wave. Dumbfounded, the two are speechless for once. You notice their gaze is squarely focused behind you.
Malleus is busy petting Philis on the head while murmuring something to her. He glances over when the silence stretches. “Are we going in?” he inquires.
“Yeah. I need to unpack.” Malleus gives Philips one last pat before following you. You lead him by the hand past the two still gawking. “The inside doesn’t look bad either,” you note after doing a quick look.
You set down your bag on a chair. “Are you two going to stand outside all day?”
Breaking out of their stupor, they shuffle inside. They each give Malleus a hesitant look before looking back at you. “Y-your back early,” Deuce comments, finally.
“I missed home. And I thought it would be nice for Malleus to meet you two. You know since the last time you saw him he was smaller.” You look at them expectantly.
Ace blurts out, “You tried to roast us alive! Twice!”
Letting out a deep sigh, you pinch the bride of your nose. “I apologize for that,” Malleus says. “I was not fully myself at the time. I was only trying to protect (Y/N).”
“I’m pretty sure the second time was because you call him fat,” Deuce mutters.
You steer the conversation away from roasting. “Anyways, that’s all water under the bridge. I’m going to put my things away, so I’ll be right back.”
You ignore their protests. Up in your room, you unpack all your clean clothes before storing them away. The clothes you did wear are tossed in the laundry hamper in the bathroom. Standing in the middle of your room, you let out a satisfied sigh. It might not be as grand as the guest room you stayed in, but it’s your place. 
Back downstairs, it’s dead silent. The two sit on the couch ramrod straight. Malleus is perched on the other chair staring at them. “Did I miss some riveting conversation?” you tease. 
Malleus shakes his head. “Your friends seem a bit…intimidated by me.” He turns to them with a frown on his lips. “I do apologize if I’m making you uncomfortable. I sometimes have that effect on people…”
Rolling your eyes, you give the two a look. “He’s not going to roast you.”
“He’s a prince!” Deuce squeaks out.
Ace is bewildered at your nonchalance. “Dude, he’s fucking royalty and you’re just…just you!?”
“Hmm?” Malleus tilts his head to the side. “If you want, you can think of me as just another fae. Since we are not in Briar Valley, my title should not matter. Right?”
Walking over, you bop the two over the head. “Give them a day, and they’ll get over it,” you tell him. “Why don’t you two head back to the guild? I’ll bring Malleus by tomorrow.”
The two leave while casting one last glance behind them. Closing the door, you let out a sigh. “Well…that went about how I expected.” Shaking your head once more, you aren’t too surprised at how they acted. “Do you want something to eat?”
Thankfully the fridge is stocked. You notice a box from the local bakery. “That explains why there’s food,” you mumble to yourself. Trey must have dropped by to make sure everything was okay. You’re glad you had the foresight to ask him.
“Can I help?” Malleus asks.
Grabbing a few things to prepare a meal, you hand them to Malleus. As you prepare dinner, Malleus follows your instructions. It’s almost like those times he would help you set the table when in dragon form. Though, it is quicker having an extra pair of actual hands. Dinner is nowhere near as grand as you had with his grandmother. But Malleus seems just as happy to be eating the smaller meal.
Now the only issue at hand is where he’ll sleep. The couch looks woefully small now that you’re looking at it. Sure Ace and Deuce have crashed on the couch in the past, but they’re not as tall as Malleus.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” you ask, holding out an extra blanket.
“Of course.” He takes the blanket from you along with his specialized pillow. “I don’t require much sleep, so I may spend time in the garden out back.”
“Alright…” You hesitate but he doesn’t seem bothered. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night, (Y/N).” You give him one last look before heading upstairs.
Sleep eludes you once more. Though it’s your bed, you can’t seem to get comfortable. Perhaps it’s due to a certain someone downstairs sleeping on an ill-sized couch. Thinking back to when you used to snuggle with Malleus in dragon form, he was like a warm pack. There was something comforting in having him curled against you.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you get out of bed. You grab a sweater from your closet. Heading downstairs, Malleus is not on the couch. You head to the garden in the back. He’s sitting on the bench looking up at the sky. He turns as you come closer.
Brows creasing, he moves over. “Can you not sleep?” Sitting down, you scoot closer to him. Malleus immediately wraps his arms around your form. You lean against him with a smile.
“Yeah… It seems I haven’t been able to sleep well for a few days.” Really if you think about it, you haven’t slept well since he left. However, you ignored the thought in favor of going about your daily life. But it seems the lack of good sleep is finally catching up.
He’s silent as you close your eyes. The night is filled with different sounds. “I could not sleep either,” he confesses after a while.
“It seems I have gotten used to sleeping next to you. Fae don’t need much sleep, but even the little I do require has been fitful,” he continues. “I miss your warmth. There was a sense of comfort being in your arms.”
Your heart thuds loudly. He says all this without a hint of embarrassment. You’re not sure what to say. Instead, you keep quiet. “You know, my grandmother said something interesting before I left.”
“Oh?” You do recall the slight surprise in his expression.
His hand, which had been tracing patterns on your arm, stills. “She said that I shouldn’t let you go.”
Your breath hitches. “...”
He chuckles. “I agree with her on that. You know what they say about dragons and how they’re greedy creatures. I want to keep you all to myself.”
Sitting up so you can look at him fully, you're taken aback by the intensity of his gaze. “Malleus…” You break eye contact, unable to hold it. You remember wondering if you’d ever leave that strange limbo of not being quite something with him. 
He holds out his hand. “I have a gift for you. May I?” You give him your hand without hesitation. Holding your hand palm side up, he pulls something from his pocket. A small round device is placed in your hand.
Your brows furrow as you inspect the device. You recognize it as one of the old children's toys. It was very popular when you were a child. You wanted one but could never afford it. “This is…”
“Gao-Gao Drakon-kun was a gift from Lilia. It’s my most prized possession. I’ve been taking care of it since I was child,” he explains. His gaze softens at the memory. “I want you to have it.”
“No!” Hurt shines in his eyes. “ I mean I can’t take something that’s your most prized possession, Malleus!” You quickly shake your head. You suddenly feel the weight of the palm sized toy.
He closes your fingers over the toy. “I want you to have it. As a symbol of my affections and trust. I wouldn’t trust just anyone with Gao-Gao Drakon-kun.”
Chewing on your lower lip, you hold the toy close to your chest. “I- thank you for trusting me with something so precious.” Slipping the toy into the pocket of your sweater, you take his hand.
Fiddling with his fingers, you stare down rather than at him. You’d probably lose your nerves if you did look him in the eyes right now. “I don’t really have a prized possession, but I want you to know I care about you. Immensely.” You interlace your fingers together. “I want to spend more time with you, Malleus.”
You glance up to see his reaction. His eyes are wide with his mouth slightly open. Then, he breaks into a beautiful smile. “I wish to spend as much time with you as possible as well. We can figure things out as we go.” There’s a sense of relief that washes over you.
 Reaching up, you frame his face. You press a soft kiss to his forehead. Pulling back, you can’t help but laugh at his slightly dazed expression. It very much reminds you of that time you kissed him in his dragon form. He’s adorable in either form.
“Come on, let's go to bed.” You take his hand and lead him back inside. You make sure to grab his pillow from the couch before heading up to your room.
Tossing the extra pillow on the nearby chair, you place Malleus’s pillow down. You take Gao-Gao Drakon-kun out of your pocket and place it on the bedside table. Slipping into bed, Malleus pulls you closer to his side. With his arms wrapped around you, it’s pleasantly cozy.
A yawn escapes your mouth. “Good night, Malleus.”
He lets out a content sigh. “Good night.”
It’s the best sleep you have had in a long time.
“Check mate.” The queen smiles. “My, it almost feels like you let me win, Lilia.”
The former general chuckles. “Of course not, my queen. I was merely distracted.”
She waved her hand and the pieces moved back to their original spots. “That doesn’t sound like you at all. What’s on your mind?”
Leaning back in the chair, Lilia regards her with sharp eyes. “Something about the day Malleus was kidnapped by a demon crow has been bothering me. You see, I remember distinctly that you were in the garden having tea. And from where you sat, you could easily see what was happening.”
“Hmm… I was enjoying such a lovely new blend on that day,” she sighs at the memory.
“Well, I’m sure being as powerful as you are, my queen, you could have easily taken down the creature. Yet, if I remember correctly, you just looked on.” Lilia leans forward placing his folded hands under his chin. “Could it be that you wanted Malleus to be taken away?”
A single eyebrow goes up. “Are you accusing me of orchestrating my grandson’s kidnapping?”
“Kheehee… Just thinking aloud.” He bows his head with a grin still on his lips.
She reaches for a pawn while chuckling, “Well, if I did play a hand in that, it’s worked out better than anyone could imagine. However, those two need to figure out the rest for themselves.”
“Oh? No more meddling?” He slides a pawn forward.
She returns his grin with a wicked one of her own. “Only if I think it’s necessary. Though, it looks like they’re on the right track.”
Tagging: @starsilluminateourgalaxy @stormyovent0aster @hanafubukki @mscarterakaviola98 @sparkleypancakez @youaskedfurret @yokokai @hajimeseyo @ravenlking @peter-the-pan @enchanted-nerd @nocturneabyss @chaasworld @lechuko @bloomsapphire @amar-farashaa @itszzmoon @xlifexdeathx @supernovaicloud @mysterypotatoink @illytian @depressed-bitchy-demon @cheyuma @liquidfurby @bigcandlesmolbrain @thetruepair @chibishae34 @strawberry-soap-bar @sus0daddy @inana-mm @liliaviper @musclefanatica @loivre @chuchotheblackcat @lorkai @ennonzi @yo4sblog @aloodonut @deepdinosaurwizard @zozoni @nightqueensk @barbatos-mybeloved
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dilutedconfusion · 4 months
A Moth to a Flame
Eustass Kid x F!Reader (Part 3)
UMMM SOOOO YA’LL ARE LIKE THE NICEST PEOPLE EVER. Kisses and hugs to everyone who gives a semi-shit about what I write. I wrote this BEHEMOTH of a chapter and I personally think plot wise its my best yet. So get out your forks and knifes cause we eatin good today!
Summary: Having just found out Kid is a super big time murder machine Y/N is left in shock whilst sitting at the bar. Kid and Y/N finally have a coherent and tangible conversation. Emotions arise but Kid is still a total grump. In a fit of stupidity and some grief Y/N does something that I would not advise doing if you’re not like a professional idiot or something.
Warnings: Gore, NSFW (nothing actually happen theres just some sweet innuendos and mentions of NSFW related things)
Word Count: 6.3K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Tags: @st4rfevrr @archangelshavethetardis @likeeliterallywtf @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @tulipps-maehem (At this point, if you comment something I’m smacking ya right in the tag lists. If you don’t want that just tell me! I’m totes fine with it.)
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Kid took a sip of his rum. The cool yet bitter liquid burned his throat and swirled in the deep parts of his gut. Leaning back against the pleather booth he let out a little sigh. His arm was still throbbing like a bitch. Another sign that a strong wave of phantom pain would soon be coming on. But he tried not to think about it. Hoping his brain would stop the onslaught of pain if he got it drunk enough.
Killer was sitting across from him. Using a straw to take periodic sips of his beer. They had been sitting here for a good bit but hadn’t talked too much. A comfortable silence sat between them as it usually did. Kid’s stump randomly twitching now and then though he kept his eyes closed as he tried oh-so desperately to relax.
Watching him quietly Killer noticed the small twitching movement of his partners arm. “Is it hurting again?” He asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible despite his worry.
Trying to hold himself back from being a total asshole, Kid spoke. Opening one eye and letting out a dry sigh. “I lost a fucking arm. What do you think?”
Was that the nicest reply? No. But if anyone other than Killer would have asked that question Kid would’ve just punched them. So he was getting off easy in Kid's terms.
Killer stayed quiet for a moment, grimacing under the space of his mask. “Well, you look a little strained. Is the liquor helping or making it worse?”
Kid finally opened both his eyes, leaning forward and putting an elbow up on the table in front of him. “Helping. Now quit pestering me about this shit.” Kid grabbed his glass and took another long chug of his rum. Finishing out the last bottle he had asked the bartender to make him.
Letting out a hearty burp he felt his torso sway a bit as he sat. He wasn’t drunk but he could feel that warm goopy feeling building up in his brain. Staring blankly at the rest of the vacant and dimly lit room. Listening quietly to the sounds of people in the front room of the bar. The waiter who had taken his order was working the bar itself so he knew she was going to take a while to make an extra round.
“Want me to go get ya some more? I’ll order some food so you don’t crash as hard later.” Killer murmured out, already slightly sliding to the left to get on his feet.
That made Kid's red-painted lips scrunch up, waving his hand at Killer to stop. “Get your ass back on that seat. I got it.” Kid let out a grunt and started sliding off the booth to a stand. His body swayed just slightly but he stood up normally. His huge fur coat lay discarded on the booth seat.
Kid turned towards it and picked it up. His body felt stiff like an old piece of wood. Nearly groaning at even the slightest movement and it annoyed the shit out of him. Feeling light-headed he swung his coat over his shoulders. It was a bit difficult considering the lack of an arm but Kid has since gotten used to it. Making sure that his stump was at least halfway hidden by the fur of his coat. The bandages and torn scars running along his chest were mostly hidden, though he couldn’t hide the fresh scars on his face.
“Ya know…you don’t need to hide it. They are proof that you made it through something shitty after all.” Killer whispered to Kid, knowing it was a sensitive spot on his poor Captain's mind.
Kid’s face stayed sharp and demeaning but Killer's words had gotten to him even if just a little. Letting out a huff of air he responded, “Ya don’t think I know that? I just want everything to heal a bit more. Then I’ll show it off.” With that Kid started walking away from the table, leaving Killer in his lonesome.
He bounded past the other booths. His boots hitting the wooden floor below loudly as he made his way to the other part of the building. The sounds of casual conversation floating towards him along with the satisfying sound of taps being drawn while the bartender siphoned out beer.
Walking up the two small steps that separated the rooms he could feel the air around him get just a tiny bit warmer. The low crackling fire tracing the room with a rich wooden scent and faint smoke. Walking up to the bar he paid no mind to those around him. Leaning up against the wood as another much stronger wave of pain shot up through his stump.
Shit. He thought, gritting his teeth. He would give anything to start rubbing his arm. Soothing the muscles trying to avert whatever pain would come next. But as that same waiter came up to him he had no choice but to deal with it.
She had that same polite smile on her face. Standing on the other side of the bar, her hands filling up beer glasses as she talked. “Run out? Sorry, I didn’t make a round back there. We’re pretty short-staffed right now. What can I get ya?”
“More of the same. And…some fried chicken.” Kid mumbled out, settling down onto the barstool nearest to him. The woman looked him over for a moment. Glancing at his stump and bandages for only a second. Her face turned a bit contorted in what Kid could only assume was disgust before brightening up once again.
Never seen a guy with some wounds eh? Kid thought, almost wanting to say that out loud. If he wasn’t so tired and beat up he would’ve.
Well in truth if he wasn’t in pain he'd be drinking his ass off and winning bar fights. But he was in pain, his throbbing stump a reminder of that.
“Sounds good. I can walk it back there when it’s ready.” She said in that same sweet customer service tone.
Kid just rolled his eyes at her. “I sat down. I’ll stay here and wait. Can’t go back expecting you to remember to bring the damn food.”
The bartender cringed a bit at that but remained neutral regardless. “Sounds good. Let me go get that started for you.” She said awkwardly. Walking away from Kid in a bit of a rush and heading towards what he supposed was the kitchen door.
Kid eyes watched her as she disappeared, letting out a soft tongue click in annoyance. Eventually, his eyes just started drifting. His right hand once again itching to rub his poor stump but he held back. He looked down the line of the barstools absentmindedly to take note of the few people littering the room.
However, something made his eyes pause. They hovered over a girl. She was sitting at the other end of the bar, holding up a newspaper and looking it over as if it were the most important thing in the world.
Wait a fucking minute. I’ve seen her before.
It’s not like he didn’t expect it to some extent but a part of him had already forgotten what a weird little stalker you were. He glanced over your body, seeing the same clothes, jacket, and satchel he’d seen earlier.
Damn, it is the same chick.
He just kept staring at you wondering exactly when you were going to notice him. Your eyes were so glued to the newspaper your damn nose was nearly shoved in it. Even though Kid didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, he couldn’t help but rub your face in your obvious fuck-up.
“So you really-”
“WAH!” Your body jerked randomly hearing that deep voice once again. The newspaper crinkled as your fingers dug into it. Your whole body turned towards Kid at the other end of the bar but leaned away as if he was diseased. “Goddamn it! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“What the fuck?” Kid mumbled out, brow furrowed in confusion as he stared at your beet-red face. Soft eyelashes blinking over and over at him again as if you couldn’t tell if he was real or not.
“What do you mean what the fuck? You snuck up on me!” You yelled, voice faltering a tiny bit as you realized just how LOUD you were being. Covering your mouth with one hand to almost suppress the sheer adrenaline running through your veins.
You hadn’t expected to be talking to him, especially since he was the one to initiate it. The mortifying news about him on the paper mixed with his sudden appearance and this lunging feeling in your gut was a lot to handle.
Kid narrowed his eyes at you, face more bemused than annoyed by what an idiot you were being. “I didn’t fucking sneak up on you. I’ve been sitting here for like 5 minutes just starin’ at your ugly ass and you didn’t even notice me.” He turned the barstool a bit more towards you, leaning his good arm against the bar gingerly.
Taking your hand off your mouth you leaned forward towards him. The multiple chairs between the two of you made the distance of the conversation a bit awkward but that wasn’t going to stop you from being an asshole. “Well if my ass is so ugly, why were you staring?”
Kid's lip twitched at that, his cheeks almost daring to blush red but he held it back. He didn’t like that you had taken his insult in that way. But before he could let it affect him he let the first thing he thought of slip past his tongue.“Cause it's so damn horrific I couldn’t look away. Plus you might as well have been licking that newspaper by the way you were holding it. Following my order like a good little puppy eh?”
Your eyes widened ever so slightly, still holding onto the newspaper rather tightly in one hand. Looking down at it for a moment like you should be ashamed before frowning at him. Kid watched and bathed in your reaction, a condescending smile on his lips. It made you reel with anger. Wanting to slap that shit-eating grin off him until he was black and blue.
“I ain’t looking at this 'cause you told me to! I wanted to do this because you wouldn’t tell me who you are. Just so happens that I know who you are now and if my calculations are correct, you’re a total asshole and a lunatic. Though I probably didn’t need the newspaper to figure that first one out.” You told him, voice quiet enough so the whole bar didn’t hear but your tone was condescendingly lethal.
Again Kid just stared at you for a moment. If anyone else would’ve given him even one-quarter of a verbal punch that you just gave him they would’ve been dead on the ground. But he was tired and though he would never admit it, your comeback was good. Letting out a strong puff of air through his sharp nose to calm his urges he decided to take the argument in a different route. One that would give him the advantage over someone who had just a tiny bit of bite to them.
“I get it, sweetcheeks. You’re desperate to know me. To get my attention. Thought you could read up on me so you could handle the real thing easier but clearly you can’t.” Kid said, raising his hand in the air so ‘matter of factly’ though his tone was anything but serious. The glint of his teeth as he smiled and the way his low voice rumbled just made you angrier by the second.
A small tint of red rising on your cheeks out of pure embarrassment. Making mouth go agape for just a moment before you concocted a comeback.
“Q-Quit acting like you're the shit, you glorified puffball. I figured out who you are and if you’re anything like how this newspaper is portraying you in real life, then I should go get a pitchfork and a torch to exile your ass.” You flipped open the newspaper and pointed it towards him. Showing him the two pictures of him committing crimes aplenty.
Hearing you call him a puffball made Kids lack of eyebrows raise in confusion, wondering why in the hell you thought he looked like a puffball. You could see the gears in his head turning as he looked down at his chest to notice the large fur coat he was wearing. Yet still, after another second of mental debriefing, he put two and two together.
“Hey don’t fucking call me a puffball!” Kid said in a slight snarl, a tiny bit of red gracing his cheeks at your comparison. Leaning forward he eye’d the pictures you were holding up. “And I look great there so I don’t know what you’re getting at. They got all my best angles. Even a good picture of me back in my start-up.”
This time it was your turn to be confused, pointing sharply at the pictures of him and even raising out your arm so he could see it better. “So we're just going to ignore all the murder. Ya know, like right here and here and here.” You pointed at the dead crucified bodies hanging limply on their crosses. Blood and splattered guts dripped out of the slightly blue and cold-looking bodies.
Kid rolled his eyes, looking at you as if you’d just said the earth was flat. He rubbed his chin almost to feign boredom as he spoke. “I don’t see what the problem is.”
And with that, you smacked yourself in the face with your palm. Rubbing a hand over your temple and scrunching your face in a mesh of lines that represented pure annoyed disbelief. Taking a deep breath you responded, “Look, I ain’t your mommy and I ain’t going to tell you what you can and cannot do. But, this is my island. You do this shit here and don’t think you’ll be leaving with all your vital organs intact.”
“Well by the sounds of it maybe I should do just that. Give me some entertainment with a good little fight.” Kid immediately quipped back, his face returning to that patronizing smile you oh-so hated.
At this point, it felt like maybe you were talking to a wall. One that was so caught up in having an argument with you he didn’t want to take you seriously. “You are just a complete fucking menace aren’t you?” That was all you could say, almost dumbfounded by his stupidity.
“I am and the people dig it. Can’t say a little danger doesn’t get ‘em all hot and bothered.” He remarked, his shit-eating grin growing even wider as he tilted his head and leaned towards you a bit more. Your face just went completely flat. Void of all emotion except annoyance and the painstaking wish he had said anything but that.
“I love it when people lie through their teeth to my face.” You said so flat and lifeless a robot might as well have said it.
Kid's eyebrows scrunched up a tiny bit, not at all pleased he didn’t get the reaction out of you he wanted. He wasn’t flirting with you, or at least that's what he thought when he said it. In all honesty, Kid has the same flirting skills as goldfish. Just making bubbles and floating by expecting someone to get drawn in by how shiny his scales were. So when he said that he actually just wanted to see you embarrassed like you had made him feel. Little to say it was the first time he felt genuinely peeved by you.
“I ain’t lyin'. I’m a big-time pirate that’s big in more places than one. What more could someone want?” He clamored out, trying to lean into his more cocky attitude. Again his innuendo is less about stroking his ego and more about getting a reaction out of you. He didn’t need confirmation that his dick was big. But he wanted you to blush because he told you.
Your eyes twitched a bit when he said that. Not knowing exactly how to interpret why he was bragging to you and most definitely not taking it as flirting at all.
As if a cocky asshole like him would ever flirt with me, he just wants me to feel small and worthless doesn’t he?
Giving him a blank dead stare you spoke, “What more could a person want? Well…I don’t know, maybe literally anyone but you.”
Kid would never in a million fucking years admit it but that shit stung. He usually never lets people's opinions cloud his view of himself. They were nobody to him so why care?
Then why the fuck am I taking what she said seriously? He mulled over this thought for a moment feeling almost ashamed that he let anything you say get through his impenetrable skin.
But he beat himself out of that thought, scowling harder than ever before and clenching his one good hand until his knuckles turned white.
You noticed this despite the multiple barstools that took up the space between the two of you. Face once dead of emotion now alight in a wave of slight nervousness and even a bit of regret.
Why the fuck did I say that? To a murderer of all people? Do I want to get killed that badly?
Kid felt his stump throb in pain once again like a hammer cast in flames slamming into every single nerve. He grits his teeth hoping you didn’t notice before responding. “Like your opinion of me matters. Quit acting like you know me. You’re nothing compared to what I am.”
You watched him carefully, eyeing the way his muscles uncomfortably tensed underneath his fur coat. The slight sheen of sweat on his brow became a bit more noticeable in the low light. It made a strange feeling of guilt swirl deep in your core seeing him like that. He was a total douchebag but it felt wrong kicking him when he was down.
“I don’t know you but I’ve met people like you. More than I’d like to admit.” Your tone was soft as you spoke, not looking him in the eye as you held on to the newspaper in an almost delicate way. “I’m just saying I don’t trust you. And…if I’m right then I have every reason to be cautious. Reading this newspaper gives you a ‘I’ll kill everyone’ air.”
Kid watched you as you spoke. His amber eyes were sharp and clear as he noticed the change in tone. It didn’t bother him but in his opinion, it sounded like the most truthful thing you’ve said so far. “I don’t just kill everybody. I have some restraint ya know.”
“Well according to this newspaper, you kill pretty much anyone all the time. To the point that it's what you are known for. I mean, look at this headline, it says slaughtering right there.” You pointed to the headline once more, laying the newspaper flat on the bar before picking up your glass. The sight of rotting flesh in the pictures forcing your heart to lurch each time you even glance at it.
“Well, all of the people I kill fucking deserve it. Do you think I hand out mercy out of sympathy for worthless people? The motherfuckers get in my way so they deserve to be in the ground.”
Kid’s voice was harsh with conviction as he spoke. As if he's said this same thing nearly a thousand times. You took another quick sip of your daiquiri. Licking the sugar off your lips with a quick swipe before glancing back over at him.
“So…are you going to do that here? On this island? String me up by my belly and let my intestines slip out?” You asked him quietly, eyes boring into him with an intensity he hadn’t seen from you before. It felt raw and almost threatening. Like you were daring him to try because you knew he would lose.
He wanted to be annoyed and he wanted to punch you right in the jaw. Snap you out of whatever diluted sense of power you seemed to be feeling. But his stump was still soaring with pain. He was managing it sure but he knew if he started moving around too much he’d topple over. So instead he resorted to using his words, which was his least favorite thing to do. “Well…I’m thinking about it but…I’m not in the mood. It's too worthless to kill someone so weak. I have bigger fish to fry.”
Your eyes narrowed, reading into him for even a sliver of deception. You didn’t know what kind of man he was. Supposing he was a liar and cheat like most of the men who traveled the sea were. So you prodded him deeper, trying to find the root of his honesty. “Could your lack of motivation to kill me…have anything to do with those injuries of yours?”
You glanced at his stump and bandages running across his chest. The scabbed-over and healing scars on his face were still red and puffy from their recent affliction. Kid's eyes widened and he leaned back away from you ever so slightly. Hating the fact that you dare mention his injuries. Hating the fact that you thought they were making him weak. That they were holding him back.
That rage he had been holding in ever since it happened started to bubble up. The same rage that he felt for his crew members when they pitied him. The same rage he felt for himself. He had to look away, trying to regain himself. Control his overwhelming urges to not only split your face open but break every piece of furniture within ten feet of him.
He finally looked back at you, ready to scream his head off, “Don’t you dare-”, but he paused.
It was surprising to see your face like that.
It stopped him dead in his tracks, his once boiling rage now a soft simmer within only a second.
Kid didn’t know how to describe it. It was like you weren’t looking at him for who he was. For the scars he held. Those eyes of yours were looking at him for what he is. Deep somber orbs filled with nothing but…empathy?
No…that’s not the right word. It doesn’t feel…like it’s meant to be helpful or caring. Not an ounce of pity.
Familiarity. She knows how I feel.
Kid wasn’t good at reading people's emotions. He could barely understand his own emotions most of the time. So it was strange how he met you in the middle with just a glance.
Even though it didn’t last more than a few seconds.
“I have another pitcher of beer, a tall glass of rum, and that chicken you ordered.” Came the voice of the waiter. Walking through the swinging door with a large tray in hand carrying all the contents she mentioned.
Your face contorted to embarrassment as you watched the waiter stride up towards Kid. He had to force himself to look away from you, wanting to continue the conversation with you despite himself.
What the fuck has gotten into me?
Kid nearly rolled his eyes at himself. Feeling a pang of heat cross his cheeks he let out a grumbling cough to mask it. The waiter placed the tray carefully in front of Kid at the bar.
“Sorry for the wait but does everything look good?” She asked, sliding her body behind the bar and eyeing both Kid and you. Her eyes were bouncing between the two of you a bit, clearly wondering the origins of the tension floating in the air.
Oh god. She even knows I was researching him. You thought to yourself. Feeling like you’d been caught in the act of doing something reckless and stupid.
Kid stared down at the tray, his jaw tight as he let out a deep breath of air he’d been holding in. “It’s fine.” He grumbled, again that ache in his stump making his eye twitch.
Sliding his weight down onto the floor he stood up. His back cracked a bit as he rolled his shoulders trying to subside the ache. You watched him silently. Gliding your eyes gently across his wide shoulders. How the strong muscles there tensed and rolled as he moved. His smooth pale mounds of warm skin with bandages on every other inch lingering in your mind. His height was just as demeaning as you remember it though you still were a good ten feet away.
Always close enough to talk but not close enough to be considered next to him.
His hand tugged his coat around his shoulders a bit more, before he haphazardly tried to pick up the tray. His thick and lacquer-covered fingertips tried to dig under the tray without spilling anything. His one-handed skills at doing pretty much anything got in the way of even the simplest tasks of his life.
“You sure…you don’t need a little help?” The waiter softly asked. Watching Kid as she cleaned off the countertops with a rag.
“Say that again and don’t expect to be going home tonight with a tongue.” Kid spat back, his voice dripping with venom.
The waiter again nearly clammed up but backed off almost immediately. She was used to dealing with pirates but…this man was on a whole other level. Staying quiet and walking over towards your side of the bar instead.
She glanced at you but you didn’t pay much attention. Instead, you were trying to slyly watch as Kid finally wound his large hand underneath the tray. Holding it up easily on his palm at shoulder level before starting to walk away. Disappearing through a doorway without even a second glance towards you.
You let out a small displeased huff of air. At least expecting a glance or chance to continue that conversation. You felt like you were getting somewhere with that. Getting to know him a bit better. It was interesting beyond belief and if someone asked you if you’d rather stay at home in safety or talk to a scary pirate. Well…you would choose a scary pirate every time.
It felt nostalgic and it made your boring life more lively. That is until the waiter got in the way.
“You okay hun? He didn’t threaten you right?” She asked softly, giving you a sympathetic smile as she continued to wipe the bar.
You gave her a little quirk of a smile purely just for show. Not willing to give her a hard time for breaking up your conversation with that man. “Yeah, I’m fine. He did nothing wrong.”
“Well that I don’t believe. Seems to me like he's nothing but a walking pile of wrong.”
You stayed silent at first. Fiddling with your glass a tiny bit before finally picking it up to your lips and finishing the last of it off. Gulping it down and feeling the smooth taste of it run down to swirl in your gut.
“Well sometimes…a whole lotta wrong is just right.”
No matter how much you wanted to, you couldn’t force yourself to stand up and walk into the back room of the bar. To go face that redhead again and his masked friend.
His name is not redhead, it's Kid. Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid. That thought dawned upon you as you thought over your conversation with him. You knew his name but hadn’t spoken it out loud even once. Even now his name stays within the confines of your mind. You had learned it while reading the newspaper along with the aforementioned Massacre Soldier, that blondie that’s with him.
Mulling over the idea of going and talking to them you tried to hype yourself up multiple times to gain the courage.
Come up with a catchy one-liner that would make you just a bit more likable. Maybe say nothing and sit down next to one of them like you own the place.
Assert dominance. Yeah….no.
You had no reason that wasn’t deathly embarrassing when explaining WHY you wanted to sit with them.
I’m just…bored, which would lead them to joke about my small, stupid, and uninteresting life. Maybe even lead Kid into bragging about how ‘important’ and ‘amazing’ he is compared to me.
Even thinking about that made your face sour. Rolling your eyes at nothing like you had just heard the worst joke imaginable.
I could…tell them that I have this strong gut feeling and it's dragging me towards them like a fish on a hook, which would lead to them being confused, taking it as flirting or calling me…ugh desperate.
That word crawled on your skin and sunk into your flesh. Like a tick taking root so one way or another you’d end up with Lyme disease or even worse, a bruised self-image.
You weren’t about to let that happen but this longing in your gut was almost incurable.
You even tried to calm down and look at your situation in a simpler light.
It’s just two men. Two pirates. You’ve dealt with pirates. You know how they work. You told yourself, hands feeling clammy as they gripped the edge of the bar. I already talked to one of them and it went…okay. Or maybe I’m just lying to myself and it went horribly.
You slouched in your chair and frowned. Nearly slamming your head down on the bar but you held back. Remembering you were indeed, still in public and if you wanted to wallow in your self-loathing you needed to go home for that.
I don’t need more people thinking I’m crazy.
You eventually stood up, walking to the point where you were just at the precipice of the doorway before panic struck you and you turned around just to walk straight out of the bar.
Red as a tomato and filled with shame you retreated into the night.
Did I even tell him my name?
You chewed your lips, the pleasant sounds of raindrops hitting the hood of your jacket and filling up your ears. It was a dark walk home. One that felt unmotivated to return home. You’d rather be out here, at night. The barren surroundings, whirring trees in the wind, and the rain pleasant yet cold. So you started meandering, walking as slow as you could despite the late hours.
Now and then the moon would peek through the clouds as if to say hello. A far-off lantern leaving a cool milky glow on your surroundings before being swallowed up by darkness once again.
Thank god my jacket is waterproof. You thought, watching the raindrops slip off the edge of your hood and in front of your face. It wasn’t a downpour just yet but it was not the best walking weather in most people's minds.
Yet even so you started making a detour.
What the fuck am I even doing?
At some point, while walking along the slightly muddy but managing trail to your home you made a hard 90-degree turn. Walking away from the direction of the little cabin your father had built when you were born, deep on the west side of the island.
It took about a half hour to walk through those woods to your house. Strong iron lanterns hung up on a few trees so you didn't get lost in the night. The animals are far too afraid to even step foot near your trail ever since your father claimed this portion of land.
So you were safe thankfully but what you weren’t safe from was yourself.
The trail you turned off onto led straight to the ocean. It was a bit muddier and more overgrown with thick roots and ferns but you have walked on this trial nearly half of your life. You knew it better than anyone because you were the one who made it.
Now and then you could hear the low rumble of lightning in the distance. Not too close but not entirely far off. The evergreens, birch and a few sparing oaks protecting you from the onslaught of the wind. As the wind cascaded through their branches it sounded like the raw howl of banshee. It creeped you out a bit but it was something you’ve heard before. This forest home even in the looming hours of the night.
Eventually, you breached the forest and reached the shoreline. The rain had died down a little, just a light pitter-patter against your jacket. The sand was wet but solid as you stepped down onto it. Your feet sunk in just a bit held against your weight regardless.
Looking out you noticed the ocean was in havoc. Waves nearly half your height would roll in and crash down like a bomb along the shore. The ocean tugged the water back in a greedy fashion as if it wanted to consume the land. Tall white-tipped waves stretching far out into the bay. The scent of salt, seaweed, and something oh-so comforting gliding in the space between you and the water.
Gosh if it's this bad here, I wonder what it’s like out on the open sea right now.
You looked down the shoreline, spotting the docks more towards the middle of the bay off to your left. There lay a few fishing ships, all bobbing up and down like pelicans in the water. But of course those weren’t the boats your eyes stayed glued to.
The contrast between those boats and the absolute behemoth that was the Kid Pirates ship was amazing. It was a good distance away, much bigger looking than it had originally been when you first spotted it. Squinting your eyes you could still make out a few shadows of people walking along its deck.
Your memory started floating into the forefront of your mind. Days on a deck like that. Nights spent harboring the seas as you tossed and turned in your bed. It felt like ages ago. That part of your life was now foreign to you the second the incident happened.
I wonder what he would’ve wanted for me.
Grief sunk deep into the root of your being. Covering the very base of who you are in a thick, oily, and dark substance. One that no matter how many times you tried to wash it off, it just wouldn’t go away.
“Goddamn it,” You muttered, trying to will yourself out of the feelings you held. You looked over at the sea once again, eyes trailing off towards your right. A long line of huge boulders stretched out into the waters. Built to elongate the bay and protect the land from bigger waves.
Without a thought, you walked towards it. The jetty calling your name as it has done a million times.
Climbing up onto the slick boulders you made sure to stay towards the shoreline side. The other side of the boulders, facing towards the open ocean, getting berated with large waves. You could barely hear yourself think with how loud it was. The light spritz of water landed on you periodically as you slowly and carefully traversed the boulders. Algae, kelp, starfish, and mussels littered around you. Wanting to trip you up whenever they could.
This is stupid, I can’t see shit. You thought, using your hands to steady yourself on any taller outcroppings of rock as your feet trembled underneath you. It wasn’t out of fear though, it was excitement. Excitement to do something dangerous. Excitement to try something so stupid.
Why am I like this? It’s cold and wet and I could fall into the ocean, get thrashed, and drown.
But you knew why you were like this. You knew exactly why and yet you still didn’t understand yourself. Feet moving without a thought. Your brain so focused on feeling something more than yourself that you don't care to stop.
At first, you didn’t even notice them. The pair of eyes watching you from a distance. Red-painted lips frowned in confusion as they eyed the familiar image of a girl seemingly trying to get herself killed.
In the cacophony of the waves and how they thrashed you heard another noise. A low deep whine of something in the distance. Your head perked up, blinking as if you had heard a ghost. As if the wind and waves were trying to talk to you. Thinking it was nothing you continued along until a second later you heard it again.
You looked out onto the sea towards your left, swallowing hard as you stared at the rocking waves just a few feet below you. You pressed your back up against a flat boulder at your side. Gripping onto it to keep your balance you finally glanced back at the shore.
What the-
An image of a man, a puffball-shaped man to be exact, standing at the edge of the shore right next to the jetty. You couldn’t make out his features but there was no denying who it was. His one intact arm waving and pointing toward something in your vicinity.
What the fuck?
The second you finished this thought something hit you.
Something dangerously cold and heavy enveloping you. Starting from the top of your head down to your toes. It burned your eyes as the cold sunk deep into your marrow.
Scraping your hands against the rock as you tried to stay upright, though the second it broke skin you were forced to let go. Your knees caving in under the insurmountable weight thrashed upon you.
One second you were standing and in the next you were getting sucked into the dark and desolate ocean below.
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A/N: SHIT IS GETTING REAL YA’LL. BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING. I wrote this with my eyes comically wide the whole time. Sorry to leave ya’ll on like a cliffhanger but it makes for good story telling so have fun suffering. Quirky reminder but Kid can’t swim. So like….yeah shes fucked. I mean she did it to herself but still. RIP Y/N 🙏 or a least RIP until the next chapter.
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m-jelly · 4 months
The bunny's keeper - Chapter 2
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem! reader.
Modern AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, Levi has tattoos and piercings, bad boy Levi, protective Levi, mentions of blood and violence, smut, pierced penis, foreplay, asking for consent.
In this chapter: Levi has a busy day with his side job with Erwin. Levi misses you after a day full of working so he goes over to yours and the two of you have sex for the first time as a couple.
Massive thank you to @ladycheesington for helping me flesh this story out and helping with the side plot of Erwin and how the gang started
Part 3
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The texts Levi and you were exchanging were pure love and affection. It was hard not to contact each other, but you just adored each other. Even though Levi’s job was busy, he still made time for you. Saying I love you was on the tips of your tongues, but you were waiting for the right moment. Levi sent one last adoration text before going elbow-deep into a car again. He grabbed what appeared to be making a rattling sound, it was a tracking device. He knew the owner wasn’t going to be too happy.
Levi’s workshop did mostly help normal people, but they also did things for those in the criminal world. They would help people out linked to the criminal world, mainly because Erwin was starting a gang and Levi was his righthand man. He would help people out with their vehicles and charge them a bit extra, but by helping them they help Levi and Erwin in return.
He fiddled with the tracker and walked over to the woman who brought it in, she was the daughter of a well-known gang leader and someone Erwin intended to take out someday, but today Levi was helping her. The way her eyes sparkled as he approached made Levi uncomfortable, he only wanted you to look at him this way.
She smiled sweetly. “So?”
Levi showed her the device. “Someone was tracking you. Looks like it came loose and that’s what you heard rattling around.”
She pouted a bit. “My daddy won’t be happy about this.”
“Mm. Well, it is a good job I found it.”
She took the device. “I’m sure I can find out who put it there.”
“Sure.” He sighed. “Anyway, that’s everything. Head to reception to pay and I’ll get your car out.”
She trotted on her six-inch heels after Levi. “Um, Levi?”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to her. “Something wrong?”
“Could I get your number? I want to take you out on a date.”
Levi stared at her for a while, he always found himself in these situations where women would ask him out and he never knew why. Levi never thought much of himself and he did understand some ladies liked bad boys, but he was rather popular. He wasn’t sure what this woman wanted from him. Levi knew what this type of woman liked and it was normally rich men who had just as much plastic surgery as she did, even though she was in her 20s.
He grabbed a cloth and released a long sigh. “No.”
She whined and pouted hard. “Why not!? I’m pretty and rich!”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Just because you think you’re that, doesn’t mean I think that.!
“You don’t think I’m pretty?”
He raised a brow. “No. I find my girlfriend pretty. She’s stunning and cute. I want to nibble her.”
She folded her arms. “I bet I’m better looking.”
“No, impossible. She’s the ultimate cute and sexy person.” He pointed to the door. “Reception is that way.”
He waved over his shoulder at her as he walked away. Once his hands were clean, he moved her car to the front and passed her the keys. “Take care, miss.” He returned to the shop and raised the next car. He got to work right away fixing the underside of the car.
Smart shoes tapped on the floor and grew closer to Levi as he worked. It was easy for Levi to recognise who it was because of survival instincts, he had trained himself to recognise people’s footsteps so he knew if he needed to fight or not. These shoes belonged to his nearest and dearest of friends, Erwin.
He lowered his hands and sighed. “Afternoon, Erwin.”
Erwin smirked. “Afternoon. I saw a young lady leave here in a huff. You break her heart?”
Levi climbed out and cleaned his hands. “She asked for my number and I said no. She asked if she was pretty and I said my girlfriend was prettier. She was pissed.” He sighed. “She’s the daughter of that big-time gangster you’re planning to end, right?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets. “You’re right. Wanna know why?”
“Sure. Would help.”
Erwin nodded his head towards the room in the back used for business. “He’s the number one producer of heroin in this city. You and I have seen how fucked up that drug is.”
Levi took a seat in the room and sighed. “My uncle’s friend passed after countless years of using. He was a walking corpse.”
“I’ve seen lives ruined, young people look old and people steal just to get money to get a hit.”
Levi sat back. “Killing him makes perfect sense.” He let out a long sigh. “I worry though. Getting rid of him is for the good of everyone, but at the same time I don’t know how Bunny will feel about me doing something like that.”
Erwin smiled at his friend. “Don’t worry, you won’t be doing the dirty work. I need you to train people, as well as make people talk. You’re skilled in self-defence and you can break a man easily.”
“I don’t think that is something I should be proud of.” He pulled his phone out after it vibrated. He smiled softly and texted you back. “I’m guessing you’re here because you want my help? If it is to hang out, that’s good.”
“Sorry to disappoint you. We can hang out this weekend, but today I need your help.”
“Money collection?”
Erwin smiled a little. “Money collection. I have also hunted down a nasty piece of shit that needs your gentle touch if you know what I mean.”
Levi cracked his knuckles. “What did he do?”
“He hurt a lot of good people. He likes to hurt women.”
Levi clenched his jaw. “Like my bunny?”
Levi stood up. “Let’s go. I want to break his face in.”
Erwin led Levi out of the workshop as the team continued to work. “We have a few visits to do. You okay with that?”
Levi nodded. “Sure. I have nothing planned. You seeing your girlfriend later?”
“I am.” He smiled at Levi. “You?”
Levi blushed a little as he thought of you. “Yeah, she’s coming over. We’re talking about moving in together. My job is dangerous and keeping her close is good. Her housemate is becoming a right dick at the moment as well. They’re upset she has a boyfriend and they’re rarely home. Bunny has been in a few fights with her housemate about it and she’s had enough. We think it’d be good to move in together. I will suggest it.”
“I think it’s a good idea. Keep the people we care about close. After my father was betrayed by so many and my mother and I were at risk, he just moved here and kept us closer than ever for protection.”
“We need to be stronger so we can protect our pretty girlfriends.”
Erwin chuckled. “You’re right.” He pushed the door to the local butchers. “We’ll protect them.” He slipped into the shop and smiled at the owner. “Afternoon, how are you today?”
The owner smiled at Erwin. “I’m good, Mr Smith. Lovely to see you.” He opened a drawer before handing over an envelope full of cash. “Thank you for your help this month.”
“You’re welcome. You had any issues recently?” He started counting the cash as he waited.
The owner sighed. “Not that I can think of. Just some kids, but since Mr Ackerman has been coming to do rounds, we’ve been safe.”
Erwin chuckled. “It’s Levi’s scary look.”
Levi hummed. “I guess. You have my number just in case, right?”
The owner nodded. “I do.” He gasped. “I have something for you as a thank you for the little shits last week.” He moved around before handing over some meat wrapped up for Levi and Erwin. “I appreciate you both.”
“Thank you, this is kind of you.”
Erwin smiled. “I will enjoy cooking this tonight for my girlfriend. Call us anytime you need us.”
The two of them moved from shop to shop collecting money or dropping things off. Each person they spoke to had a bright smile and welcomed the two with open arms. Some even gave them gifts along with the money. After doing their normal rounds and dropping in on new potential clients, they finally made their way to where Erwin had hunted down.
Erwin paused in front of the restaurant. “The guy is in the back here. The team here hate him, so they are helping us.”
Levi hummed as he looked at the building. “Tch, this place is filthy.”
“We can’t all be clean like you.”
Levi followed Erwin inside. “I’m not that clean.”
Erwin laughed. “You are very clean, but I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.”
“It sounded like it.”
Erwin walked with Levi and waved at the owner. “Well, I apologise if it came across as that. I think it’s good you are clean, I am just saying that others don’t have that strong of a virtue.”
Levi stood in the kitchen and saw the grease on the walls. “Tch, you’re right.”
Erwin held back the urge to vomit. “I wish more people were like you.” He glanced at Levi. “You ready to grab this guy and go?”
Erwin flicked his gaze to the owner and waited for him to unlock a door. “Thank you.” He walked into the room and saw a skinny dirty man sitting in the corner on a stained mattress. “Hello, Mr Williams. I’ve finally tracked you down.”
Mr Williams cowered into his corner. “A-Are you here to he-help?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets and chuckled. “Nope. I’m here because you can’t run from your past.” He smiled as Levi stormed closer to Mr Williams. “You hurt a lot of women, many of whom are recently protected by me. I look after my people. They’re my family.”
Mr Williams started crying as Levi grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him. “I-I’m sorry!”
Erwin sighed. “A simple sorry won’t do. You took so much from these women. You think a sorry will fix that?” Erwin leaned against the wall and folded his arms. “Besides, my friend here Levi knows very well that this sorry is only coming from you due to fear of being hurt.” He pulled his phone out. “Levi? Do your best.”
The sound of bones cracking and breaking filled the room. Screams of a terrified man rang out and echoed off the dirty walls. Blood and teeth flew across the floor, but the damage done to this man was not enough. For a moment, Erwin glanced up to see Levi’s hair was messy and he was breaking a small sweat, but that was mainly due to the room being hot and stuffy. The cries started to become gargled and then muffled, meaning Mr Williams was fully destroyed by Levi’s rage.
Erwin sent his girlfriend a loving text before slipping his phone into his pocket. “Levi.”
Levi dropped Mr Williams onto the floor. “What next?”
“Police will take him. I have a contact there and he’s waiting for him.”
Levi grabbed the man’s ankle and dragged him across the floor. “He going to be okay with him being fucked up?”
Erwin chuckled. “He’s expecting it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the police did something. One of the survivors of this man is linked to the police.”
Levi growled. “Tch, he’s so fucked.”
“You can say that again.” He led the way out and saw a black car waiting with a man leaning up against it. “Detective.”
The man lowered his glasses. “Mr Smith, good to see you. You have the trash for me?”
Levi dragged Mr Williams over. “Here is the walking garbage for you.”
The detective looked down at the man. “You did a number on him.” He glanced at Levi’s hands. “Little tip for you, seeing as you are young now and you will be doing this a lot for Mr Smith and me, wear leather gloves or something close to protect your knuckles.”
Levi looked at his cut and bloodied knuckles. “You’re right.”
“Could also protect you in case the person you’re punishing has a blood disease.” He kicked Mr Williams making him groan. “This little shit is clean, which is lucky for you.”
Levi released a long sigh. “Good. Thank you for the tip.”
The detective watched his partner drag Mr Williams into the back of the car. “I owe you both for this. This little shit was like a rat for years.” He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Erwin. “You know the police don’t like gangs, but you’re the only one that seems to want to go good. So, I can see us getting along really well.”
Erwin took the money and put it in his pocket. “Me too. We’ll be in touch.”
The detective bowed his head. “You bet. Have a nice evening, gentlemen.”
Erwin waved to them before turning to Levi. “You can head home now.”
Levi hummed. “I need to check on my workshop first.”
Erwin turned on his heels and started walking. “Very dedicated of you, but there is a very lonely girlfriend in an apartment who would probably love to nurse you to health.”
A tingle surged through Levi when he thought about you looking after him. “Mm…I’ll be fast at work.”
Erwin chuckled as he watched Levi speed-walk to his shop. “You going to hers?”
“I am.” Levi walked over to his receptionist and checked the records. “Anything I need to know?”
She shook her head. “Nothing really, you’ve had good sales today.”
Erwin leaned on the desk and looked it over. “Looking good, Levi. Seems like you’re making more and more money.”
Levi closed the books and sighed. “We’re scraping by.”
Erwin smiled. “Give it time, Levi.” He pulled back and walked with Levi out of the workshop. “Speaking of money.” Erwin pulled out an envelope and counted some money. “Here.”
Levi took it and felt his cheeks burning. “This is too much.”
“Levi, the money you’ll get from me will only increase more and more over the years.”
Levi smiled a little. “I just want to help people and punish the bad. Plus, the money I get will all be used to make my sweet girlfriend comfortable and happy.” He sighed. “Speaking of, I think I’ll buy her something on my way home. She deserves the best.”
Erwin looked at his watch. “Most places will be closed. What are you thinking?”
“You can always collect some.”
Levi thought about it for a moment. “I know just the place to grab some.” He waved to Erwin. “See you later.”
He changed his clothes before climbing onto his bike and driving through the city. He stopped at a park right near your apartment full of flowers and saw no one was around. He climbed off and gathered a big bouquet before going into the small corner shop. He bought all the snacks you liked before going into the lift and up to your floor. Excitement bubbled inside Levi, he just wanted to cuddle and kiss you all night.
He knocked on your door and stared at your roommate. Levi said your name as he stared. “I’m here for her.”
Your roommate folded his arms. “I know who you are and why you’re here. I don’t want you here.”
“Tough shit. I’m here for my girlfriend, not you. I won’t be in your part of the apartment, only hers.”
He snarled at Levi. “You’re a criminal.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake.”
“She’s my roommate. She’s mine.”
“Yours?” Levi’s brow raised. “That’s a bold claim.”
“Look, she doesn’t want you here, so leave.”
You hurried over with a bright smile. “Levi! Hi! I heard your bike.” You grabbed Levi’s hand and gave him a strained smile. “Come with me.”
Levi stumbled behind you. “Sure.”
You pulled him into your room and closed the door behind you. “I have slippers for you in here.”
Levi slipped his shoes off and put on the slippers waiting for him. He looked up and saw you but a bolt on the door and a chain. “Bunny?”
You turned and gazed at him. “Mm?”
He reached over and caressed your cheek. “Does your roommate scare you?”
You gulped hard. “He concerns me.”
“Want me to break him?”
You hummed a laugh. “No, it’s okay. I plan on moving out soon, I just need to find a cheap place.”
Levi blushed hard. “You could live with me.”
Your cheeks burned. “Only if you want me.”
He put his bag and flowers down before cupping your face. “Of course, I want you. I always want you.” He tilted his head and kissed you. “I love and adore you.”
Your eyes widened. “You love me?”
He nodded. “So much.”
You crashed your lips against his. “I love you too.”
He hugged you tightly as he whined. “I’m so glad.” He pulled back as he smiled. “I have things for you.”
You giggled as he grabbed a bag and the flowers. “Thank you.”
“I got you flowers and umm some snacks.”
A tingle went through your body. “You’re so sweet.” You noticed his knuckles were cut up. “Grumpy! What happened here?”
He studied his hands. “I uh…cut them up at work.”
“Poor grumpy.” You took the flowers and put them in a vase quickly before holding Levi’s hands and pulling him into your private bathroom. “Let me clean them and patch them up.”
He felt happy that you were making such a fuss over him. “Thank you, Bunny.”
You patted his hands dry and inspected. “I’ll get my first aid kit.”
Levi stumbled behind you and followed you into your bedroom. “You don’t need to make a fuss of me.”
You sat on your bed and opened your kit. “I want to.” You patted the bed. “Because I love you.”
He blushed hard before sitting down. Those three words went right to his heart, he was willing to do anything for you. He gave you his hands and watched you work. “Mm. You’re delicate.”
You wrapped his hands up and kissed them. “All better.”
He leaned closer and kissed you. “Thank you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Levi.”
Tension filled the air as your hearts raced. The two of you had kissed and held each other for a month and a half, but that was all you did. Now you knew you loved each other there was this desire in you, but Levi had a slight fear because he was a little different than most men when he was naked. It wasn’t the muscles he had, but something else.
Levi tilted his head and softly said your name against your lips. “I umm…”
You placed your hand on his thigh and massaged. “Mm?”
He gulped hard as your hand moved closer to his penis. “Y-You.”
“If you want me to stop, I will.”
He placed his hand on yours. “I have piercings.”
You stared at Levi. “I know.”
He whined a little. “No, I have piercings you haven’t seen yet.”
You pulled back and noticed him glance down to his crotch. “Oh…can I see?”
Levi gasped a little. “You want to see?”
You nodded. “I do.” You smiled brightly at him. “If we are going to have sex right now, then I will need to see it.”
A rush of pleasure and excitement went through him. “You want…you…”
You leaned closer and kissed him. “If you’re too nervous, I’ll show you my boobs.”
Levi stared at your chest. “I would love to see them.”
You giggled at his reaction. It was understandable that he was nervous because it wasn’t normal that men had their dicks pierced, but you loved the idea of it because you knew it was going to rub your g-spot just right. You dragged your hoodie and strap top up and over your head to show Levi your breasts nicely held in your bra.
Levi shivered. “So beautiful.”
You blushed a bit. “Where do you want me?”
He clambered across the bed until he was sat at the top, his back against the headboard. “Here?”
You crawled over to him and then straddled his lap. “Nice and slow, okay? If you’re not ready, that’s okay.”
He let out a long sigh. “I want this. I want you.”
“I want you too.” You took his hand and placed it on your breast. “You can touch me. If you want, I can take my bra off.”
His cheeks prickled pink. “Please.”
You reached behind you and undid your bra before slipping it off and tossing it to the floor. “They’re not perky, but I know you don’t care.”
He reached over and gripped both. “They’re wonderful.” He squeezed them a little. “Soft, warm and big.” He moved and massaged them slowly as if they were fascinating to him and he’d never seen a pair before. He ran his thumb over your nipple and glanced at your face to see you mewl in delight. “Sensitive.”
You shivered in delight. “I am.”
He licked his lips. “Can I lick them?”
He dragged his pierced tongue up your breast and flicked your nipple. He opened his mouth and took your nipple into his mouth and sucked. He moved his tongue over your peak to tease you as much as possible. He glanced up at you and smiled at you causing you to blush. He pushed his hand down your body to the band of your jogging bottoms. He played slowly with your sensitive skin.
You massaged your fingers in his hair. “You can touch me more.”
He dragged his tongue against you. “Thank you for giving consent.” He pushed his hand down and began moving his fingers against your pussy lips. “You’re so warm and wet.”
You shivered as his hot breath against your skin. “I’ve been thinking about you so much.”
He moved his fingers against your clit as he purred. “Me too. I’ve been dreaming of you.”
You rolled your hips against his hand as you lightly panted. “Love me like you do in your dreams.”
He playfully bit your breast before sucking a mark. “I intend to.” He pushed two fingers slowly into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so hot and wet.” He rubbed your clit with his thumb. “You’re so pretty.”
You moved a little faster against Levi as you felt your coil tighten. A rush of pleasure burned through you as Levi caressed your body. The way his tongue moved against your nipple and his fingers deep in you was electrifying. You yanked his face against your chest and panted in pleasure. Your toes squeezed tightly as you felt your orgasm rushing closer. You yanked Levi’s face against you more and hugged him a little as you let go.
You moaned as you felt a rush and a euphoric release. “Levi.”
He blushed as your walls spasmed around his fingers. He popped his mouth from your breast and admired your orgasmic face. “So pretty.” He smiled a little before kissing you. “I love you.”
You panted and hummed. “I love you.”
He dragged his fingers from you and licked them clean. “Can I eat you?”
Your cheeks burned. “Mm, yes, but only if you want to.”
He lifted you and turned on the bed. “I really do.” He lay you on your back and admired you. “You are so cute.” He gripped the top of your jogging bottoms and panties. “I just love you so much.” He dragged both off you and tossed them to the floor. “Fuck.”
You giggled as he gazed at your naked body. “I’d look better if you were naked too.”
Levi whipped his top off and threw it. He panted as his muscles flexed and he felt a rush of excitement inside him. “Do you have condoms? I have some in my pocket.”
You nodded. “I do, but I am on the implant.”
He gazed at you. “I’ll get a-.”
You pressed your fingers on his lips. “I trust that you’re healthy and clean. I want to feel you, all of you and the implant will do its job.” You nibbled your lip. “If you don’t want to, we can use a condom.”
He gulped hard. “I uh…I want to try w-without. I’ve never tried without before.”
“Nor have I, but I want it badly with you.” You felt heat fill your cheeks. “I hope I feel good.”
He undid his belt and then pulled his trousers and boxers off as he spoke. “I know you’ll be incredible, my bunny.” He paused a moment. “I hope you’re not scared.”
You looked down at his throbbing erection and marvelled at how beautiful he was. He was thick with a pretty vein wrapping around him. The tip was a kissable pink. The first piercing on him was on the underside near his tip, it was a pretty bar going through the skin with little balls on the end. The other was on the top part and went through the ridge and was known as dydoe or king’s crown. Both piercings were going to add extra pleasure to you.
You pawed at Levi’s chest. “Can we skip the eating and get to the fucking? I want to feel you inside me.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I want that too, but uh…”
You cupped Levi’s face. “How about next time you can devour me for as long as you like.”
Levi perked up with a sparkle in his eyes. “Please. I want that.”
You hummed a laugh. “Will you let me devour you?”
He blushed. “You want to suck my dick?”
“If you let me.”
He pushed your legs apart and massaged them. “I would like to try.” He leaned over you and kissed you. “Are you sure about this? About me?”
You reached down and lightly wrapped your hand around his erection causing him to quickly suck air between his teeth. “You’re so warm.” You moved your hand up and down on him. “I want you, Levi. I adore you. Every inch of you.”
He shivered at your touch. “Bunny.”
You ran him up and down yourself before pressing him slowly into you. “Levi, please.”
He pressed his hand onto your pelvis and moved his thumb against your clit causing you to purr with pleasure. “Just to warn you, feeling both piercings will be weird at first.”
You giggled. “I’m excited and ready for you.”
You gasped as he slowly sank his cock into you. There was a mixture of sensations inside you. The thickness of his cock was incredible because he stretched you just the right amount and not too much. The piercings caressed and popped past pleasure points inside you causing you to buck and mewl in delight. It was incredible how he was making you feel just by pushing his cock deep into you. The length was perfect too, it wasn’t big at all, and it was just the right amount to feel you and touch you where you needed it. His cock was the perfect one that you could just take over and over.
As every inch of Levi moved into you he had to grip the sheets below your head to contain himself. He’d never gone deep into a woman before without a condom. This was special though because this was you. There was something so addictive and intoxicating about you. The way you wrapped around him and dragged his cock in made him feel so desirable and sexy. He was in awe of you, your body was just divine and perfect. The two of you fit together so perfectly. Levi was a little worried about how long he was going to last due to how good you felt. He was going to make sure you came at least once with his cock and then hope he could get a second in, but he wasn’t sure. You were both young and each other’s second sexual partner, so there was a lot of fun learning ahead.
Levi tangled his fingers into your hair. “Are you okay? Does it feel bad?”
You shivered. “You’re incredible.” You wrapped your arms around Levi and gripped his back. “Your cock is so perfect.” You smiled at him. “You fit me so wonderfully.”
He tapped his forehead against yours and smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. I have worried about this so much.”
“You are so sweet.”
He kissed you and hummed. “You’re much sweeter.” He nuzzled the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent. “Can I move?”
You shivered at his hot breath and deep voice. “Please do.”
He dragged some of his cock back before plunging in and made sure to angle his hips just a little. A smile spread over his lips when your walls clenched him and the sweetest, yet sexiest moan escaped you. He moved slow and deep into you causing your body to tingle with pleasure. It was passionate and loving like he was trying to feel every single inch of you. Plus, he was still a little worried that you might suddenly hate his pierced cock. However, you seemed to have pleasure written all over your face. He had to just admire how cute and sexy you looked under him.
You purred in delight before wrapping your legs around Levi’s hips. You dragged your nails across his muscular back and loved how his muscles moved under your fingers. As Levi was admiring your body you were taking in every single inch of him. The pink tinge on his cheeks was adorable and the wide pupils made him look like a hungry beast. When he noticed you were staring at him so lovingly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle causing you to blush all over your body. There was something so arousing about him being balls deep inside you, smiling and chuckling.
Levi pressed his lips against yours and hummed. “You’re so adorable watching me like that.”
You turned your head a little. “Mm, you are just so handsome.” You moaned as he rolled his hips a little harder and deeper. “A-Ah, mm you feel so good.”
He caressed your cheek and turned your head. “You’re incredible.” He kissed you roughly before biting your lip. He pushed his tongue into your mouth and growled as your tongues moved together. He gripped you tighter and pressed his body fully against yours, meaning he could feel your incredible breasts against his chest. He pulled back for a moment just to praise you. “I love you so much.”
You leaned your head back and mewled. “I love you too.”
Levi dragged his tongue up your neck before sucking a mark right over your voice box. He smiled when he felt the vibration of your moan against his lips. “So perfect. Your body is amazing.”
You gasped as he moved his hips faster causing his tip and piercings to drag and press against your G-spot. “A-Ah, fuck.” You dug your nails into his back. “Mm!” Your legs started to shake a little as the pleasure that was a warming soft feeling was now becoming loud and explosive. “I’m mm…Levi.”
Levi kissed your neck and nibbled. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Y-Yes. Keep going. Don’t stop.”
He bit your jawline as he kept moving against you. “Anything for you.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head. “Little up and faster.” You cried out when you felt the most pleasure you have ever felt. You slapped your hand over your mouth and moaned loudly over and over. You felt flustered that this man could do this to you and you didn’t want your roommate to hear. “Just like that.”
Levi gripped the bedsheets as your walls fluttered around you. He grunted and moaned as he pushed you closer to your orgasm. Levi knew he wasn’t going to last because being deep inside you was just too addictive and good. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. He kissed you over and over as he focused on making you cum first before he lost himself in your body. He made sure that his pelvis rubbed against your clit so you got as much pleasure as possible.
You turned your head and playfully bit Levi’s neck making him moan in pleasure. “I love you, Levi.” Your legs shook as you felt on the cusp of an orgasm. You bit Levi again ad sucked hard causing a big lovebite to appear. You clenched up and felt the pop and then a rush of pleasure. You released his neck and moaned in delight as your orgasm burned through your body. “Mm.”
Levi grunted and panted as your walls massaged him. He tapped his forehead against the bed and pressed in deep as he came hard. He moaned as he felt his cum enter you. “F-Fuck.”
You shivered in delight as you felt him release a big load inside you. “Levi. Mm. This is incredible.” You panted and smiled at him when he pulled back. “Can we do this again?”
Levi blushed. “I would love to. It feels really good.”
You caressed his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He turned his head and kissed your hand. He hugged you tightly and dragged himself out of you. He held you closer and whined. “Mine.”
You giggled in delight as you cuddled with your man. “Yours.”
He pulled back a bit. “I promise next time I’ll last longer.”
You blushed a bit. “I think this was perfect, Levi. It was better than anything I’ve had before.”
Levi’s eyes sparkled. “Really? You are the best too.” He kissed you and sighed.
You wiggled a little and got comfy. “Mm, sorry to break the sweet moment, but do you want something to eat? I’m a bit hungry.”
Levi chuckled. “I can make something. I got meat today from a butcher.” He climbed off the bed and yanked his boxers on.
You sat up and pulled the blanket at the end of your bed up against your chest. “You buy it?”
“I was gifted it.”
You smiled. “Because you fixed his car?”
Levi stiffened a little knowing you had no idea about the gangster things he did for Erwin. “Yeah, I helped him out big time.”
“You’re amazing.”
He saw you had your own little kitchen area to cook, which showed him how much you tried to avoid your roommate. He opened the window and started cooking. “Thanks. So, do you want to move in soon?”
You smiled sweetly. “I would love to.”
He glanced over at you and smiled. “We’ll get you safely to mine, I promise.”
You nibbled your lip as you felt excited. “I can’t wait. Mm, this smells so good. I’m so hungry.”
Levi walked over and kissed you. “I hope you enjoy what I make for you, my cute little bunny.”
“I know I will.” You lightly touched his abs. “Maybe after eating we can have more sex?”
He blushed a little. “Yes. I’d love that.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 5 months
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Sharpuary day 2: shadow
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing
As I was walking down the corridor towards the library, I paused. Professor sharp had just turned the corner in front of me. Tilting my head, I followed him to his classroom.
“Aesop?” I said as I went in. He turned to look at me, eyebrows raised. My eyes were firmly fixed on the floor behind him.
“Why…” I took a step forward and knelt down. “Why do you have a kitten following you around?” Aesop sighed and looked down at his feet where the small black kitten was trying to climb over his boot.
“Eleazars protege gave it to me.” He said, his tone suggesting he wasn’t thrilled by the gift. “Said something about me needing a friend.” Aesop gave me a slight smirk. “I didn’t have it in me to tell them I already had one.” I rolled my eyes at him as I gently picked up the kitten. “It’s been following me around like a damn shadow ever since.”
“has anyone actually noticed?” I asked, laughing as the kitten squirmed slightly, apparently hell bent on trying to get back to Aesop.
“well clearly they did.” He sighed. “And you. Black may have almost noticed…” Aesop looked between me and the kitten in my hands.
“how did you get away from that?” I laughed. Aesop reached out and gently scratched the kittens chin.
“some students may try to tell you about a strange, maybe elaborate dance I was doing while talking to black…” Aesop trailed off, cheeks tinting pink. "But rest assured they would be wrong. Very very wrong."
“for godrics sake Aesop!” I laughed. Aesop blushed even further as he started to pull his hand back from the kitten. The kitten started to whine in protest and Aesop moved closer to continue stroking it. “Don’t tell me you’re already attached to the thing!” Not meeting my eyes, Aesop gently took the kitten from me and deposited it in his coat pocket.
“now where would you get an idea like that?” He grunted. I laughed as he pointedly turned away from me to write on the chalkboard. I moved to lean against it, keeping an eye on his face.
“maybe the fact that you tried oh so very hard to keep black from noticing the poor thing.” I teased. “Or the fact that you have it riding around in your fucking pocket at this very moment!” Aesop paused and looked down just as the dark fuzzy head of the kitten popped up.
"I suppose you're right." He chuckled, looking back up at me. "I can't keep it in my classroom though. It's going to get trampled." I nodded.
"Well first thing is we need to name it." I said, reaching into Aesop's pocket and pulling out the kitten. "I think Shadow is the perfect name for this little guy." The kitten mewled in agreement and I looked at Aesop.
"I think so too." He agreed, reaching out to scratch it behind the ears.
"Second, I'll take Shadow to my room. You can come visit after classes are done for the day." I said, starting towards the door.
"Wait! Don't you have classes as well today?" Aesop called after me. I shook my head.
"They got cancelled!" I called back. "Weather is too bad and there isn't a classroom for me to take. So I have the day off!" I waved to him as I left the room. "Enjoy teaching Professor Sharp!" I laughed as I heard him grumbling behind me.
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metallicaislife · 7 months
The Photographer and the Guitarist pt 2
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The Photographer and the Guitarist
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ smut and fluff minors dni
Word Count: 1,007
Warnings: Phone sex, mutual masturbation over the phone, p in v sex
After the tour was over, I was afraid the magic of what Kirk and I shared would disappear. Turns out I had nothing to fret about. 
Kirk and I went on a couple real dates, then we decided to be an exclusive couple. 
We made it work even while Metallica wasn’t touring, and I had gigs with other bands. 
Kirk and I were laying in bed together cuddling. Tomorrow morning I’d be going on tour with Megadeath. 
“Look, Dave can be charming. Please don’t get road goggles. Don’t fall for him, or in his bed” Kirk pleaded as he rubbed soft circles on my back. 
“Kirk, I only have eyes for you. I won’t tell you I’m a saint and hadn’t hooked up on the road before, but you’re the only one who’s stolen my heart.” I assured him as I stroked his face with my thumb. Kirk nuzzled into my touch. I leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rolled us over so he was on top of me. 
“I love you.” He said, his eyes pierced my soul, as his words pierced my heart. 
“I love you.” I replied, bringing his lips back to mine.
During the tour I called Kirk every night, I was lucky enough to get a single room every stop on this tour.
“What are you wearing?” I asked playfully as I leaned against the headboard. 
“My boxers. What are you wearing?” He asked me. 
“Your favorite black lace panties.” I answered him. I could hear him take a sharp inhale. 
“And?” He questioned.
“Nothing.” I replied as I traced soft circles on my nipple.
“Mmm. I want to touch you so bad.” He said. 
“You can’t, but I can.” I replied as my hand trailed down reaching under my panties. I started rubbing my clit in slow circles. I could hear Kirk pull his cock out, he began stroking it. I slipped two fingers into my pussy. 
“Fucking yourself, thinking and wishing it was my cock?” He asked, his breath growing labored. 
“Yes. Can’t fill myself up like you do.” I replied. I picked up the speed of my fingers before pulling them out to rub my clit. 
“I wanna see you split open on my cock. Taking it like such a good girl.” Kirk said. I moaned as I came. 
“I want to ride you. Make you feel so good you see stars.” I told him. Kirk groaned and came. 
“I miss you.” I said after I caught my breath.
“I miss you too, baby. Not much longer though. You’re halfway done.” He said. 
“I know, it’ll hopefully go by quickly.” I answered. 
“I hope so too.” He replied. 
“I’m sleepy, so I’m going to bed. I love you, talk to you tomorrow.” I said. 
“Sweet dreams, love you.” He said. I hung up the phone and fell asleep. 
I was finally at the end of the tour. It was the last show. I was doing my thing and taking photographs, it was the last song of the night and a pair of arms snaked around my middle. I jumped trying to escape the grasp. Then I heard a familiar chuckle. I turned my head and Kirk was smiling at me. I shifted in his arms so I could hug him tightly. 
“Oh my god, Kirk!” I squealed. He held me tightly. I lifted my head and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. 
“I’m so happy to see you but I have to keep snapping pictures.” I gushed. 
“You do your thing, it’s hot by the way. The way you concentrate so hard.” He winked. My cheeks heated as I did my best to focus on catching snapshots of the band. The show ended and they came out for an encore. 
After they finished, Kirk went backstage with me so I could gather my things. 
“Kirk Hammett? At my show?” Dave said as he spotted us. 
“Actually I’m here for the photographer.” Kirk pointed at me. Dave looked confused. 
“Well, if my services aren’t needed anymore I’m going back to the hotel.” I waved and grabbed Kirk’s hand.
I practically dragged Kirk to the hotel. When we got to my room I pinned him to the door as it closed. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He leaned down kissing me hard. Our clothes flew on the way to the bed. He sat in the middle of the bed. I situated myself to sit on his lap, I began riding him as we sloppily made out. 
“Fuck I missed this so much.” I said and dug my fingers into his shoulder. 
“Me too, so much.” Kirk said. 
My legs started to ache but I kept going. Kirk reached down and started rubbing my clit. I let out a satisfying scream as I came, I could never make myself feel as good as Kirk does. I couldn’t move anymore. Kirk held me as he laid me down. He thrust his hips into me hard until he reached his high. He leaned his forehead against my shoulder, kissing it softly. 
“How much would it cost for you to be Metallica’s full time photographer?” Kirk asked as I played with his hair. 
“I don’t know, but the offer sounds intriguing.” I giggled. 
“I don’t want to spend this much time away from you again.” He said, perching his chin on my chest so he could look up at me. 
“We’ll figure something out.” I promised. 
“The guys are already on board, just so you know.” He said. I grinned at him. 
“I’ll consider it.” I told him. He grinned back at me and leaned up, capturing my lips with his. His hips slowly started to roll again.
“Mm you’re not leaving this bed until morning.” He said, kissing my neck. I giggled. 
“Sounds good to me.” I replied, running my hands down his back. 
If I only photograph Metallica for the rest of my career, it would be totally worthwhile.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
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TW: drugging
Your eyes widened, you knew the edge you felt from Luffy wasn’t something you could easily shake off. Luffy was good at emotional manipulation but you were even better, I mean you had to be. Law was right to tell you to try and distance yourself from him but it was hard when he was really the only person you could trust.
“ Luffy what would make you think about that right now?” You said trying to remove his arm from your waist though your efforts were no use as he gripped you even tighter.
“ You’ve been really close with Traffy, I- no the entire crew has noticed and I just wanted ti know if you’re going to make us go through this again.”
Damn them all to hell honestly.
You wanted to express your anger to him so badly but that would just foil your plans completely. Deep breaths y/n, just reassure him and the crew so they can let you go to Zou.
“ Listen Luffy, me and Law just have a lot in common. We get along really well and we’re just friends. I’m not gonna leave. ”
He smiled at you and started talking to you about his plan to unlock the fridge that night with the help of one of Ussop’s new inventions. You began to tune him out when you realized that your anxiety was beginning to overflow. Your hands felt clammy and you wanted to be alone. Luffy’s grip was agonizing and you knew it was his way of threatening you silently.
If this plan wasn’t executed to perfection who knows what they’d do to you. What would happen with Law if they- no, no more negative thoughts. If you stress this too much they really will notice.
Meanwhile in the library Robin was drinking tea while reading a book with chopper.
“ Robin, have you noticed how close Y/N has been with Trafalgar?”
Robin looked up from her book and smirked at the doctor, “ I think she likes him… maybe he liked her too they’re both strategists”
“ I guess”
Robin was weary though, she knew deep down you had not fully accepted everything so why would you get close with Law? She was sure she heard everything right when you two went off but could they have a hidden agenda being together?
Before she thought any further the man of the hour walked in. He nodded in their direction and went to the book shelf himself picking out a book on ancient medicine.
“ Traffy y/n seems to have opened up to you since we’ve gotten off Punk Hazard. What made you so close if you don’t mind me asking?”
“ She’s very intelligent and we get along well.”
“ oh, well she’s more of a closed off type so I was just curious because it happened so fast.”
This is what you were talking about. Robin was the most observant and the most dangerous, Law needed to think of a way to through this woman off their tracks quickly.
“ Well aside from her intelligence she’s beautiful, I couldn’t resist wanting to know her better. When switching out the cuffs she told me about the adventures you’ve been on and she sounded so entranced with everything I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.”
The conversation went on for a while and Law was able to tell her suspicions died down a bit but his guard wasn’t completely down. There was no wonder the government wanted her for themselves Robin had a way with words. The rest of the crew was getting ready for bed and Law was using this time to stall before questions from them kept him from the little sleep he normally gets.
Wandering towards the make quarters he saw you leaving from a shower with Nami, he couldn’t help but stare at the way your skin glowed. He wasn’t lying about you being beautiful.
You felt eyes on your back and looked up to the stairs, Law was leaning over the railing and when u made eye contact he gave u a soft smile. You waved and continued your way to the room while drying your hair, Nami nudged you when the door closed.
Here we go man here we go
“ When did you too become a thing?”
“ We aren’t a thing. We just have some things in common and when he told me he wanted to strategize something clicked and it brought us closer in a way.”
“ That’s great, he’s cute too maybe you should date him”
You gave her a fake laugh and made your way to bed wanting to end this never ending interrogation.
The next morning you were in DressRosa and everything was going accordingly till you needed to leave. There was a huge fuss on whether or not you should stay with the captains and vice captain or if you should go to Zou with the others. Law was able to convince Luffy but the look in Zoro’s eye told you he knew Law was shitting through his teeth.
“ Why would Y/N go to Zou? We can protect her here”
“ Why would a woman who doesn’t have a devil fruit or any fighting skills need to be in the middle of a war?”
“ What would she do in Zou? None of us even know your crew and without all of us there so many things could happen to her because as you said, she’s defenseless”
Law was able to manipulate the boys easily causing a fight between the two hotheads.
“ What are you trying to say you angry green drunkard”
“ I’m saying I can protect y/n better than a horny cook with shitty eyebrows”
Eventually you found yourself starring into the endless sea feeling giddy knowing you were closer and closer to freedom. Getting to see Momo turn into a real life dragon had to be one of your favorite highlights as well, you would very much miss this world even though you don’t want to admit it.
That awful nagging in the back of your head that wants you to stay started again as you grew closer to Zou.
Is it that bad to sta- YES. Yes it is stop it brain you need to go home you can’t just live this double life.
“ Y/N chaaaaaan, you look so stunning in the sun like a goddess from the heavens. Do you want a sweet tart?”
You happily took the treat and settled down after the crew dealt with the impending threat of big mom. How you wish you could stay to see it and see Sanji as a pretty prince.
For some reason, as you were almost done eating the treat you felt slightly weaker like you needed to take a nap. The crew let their eyes wander to you every once in a while like they were waiting.
Have I been drugged? Why would they drug me now?
“ Y/N chan please understand it’s only for your own good and protection that we do this.”
Your vision grew blurry and you tried to quickly stand up which failed miserably, you fell to your knees and everything just looked like shapes and colors. How long would this last? You needed to contact Law and his crew. They’re gonna save you.
Back on DressRosa while you and Law were on the deck with Ussop, Frank, Kin, Momo, and Franky the crew discussed your sudden closesness with the new captain.
“ I think they’re into something more than we know”
“ Of course they are y/n hasn’t fully adjusted to everything yet, why would she be so chummy with a captain from this world she’s never met”
“ Well they did seem to have hit it off, they could just really like eachother…”
“ Nami, although that might be true there is definitely something more to their relationship. I think it might have something to do with her being specifically one of the people to be sent to Zou first.”
“ Robin is right, he was so adamant on arguing with me to send her to Zou.. it was strange”
The crew argued, but Luffy silenced them. They awaited their orders knowing that the look on Luffy’s face.
“ Let her go, whatever they are planning won’t go as they think especially because they won’t be together for a while.”
They all silently agreed till Robin spoke up once more, “ Chooper, would you be able to make a drug for Sanji to put in y/n’s drink or food? Not one to harm her but maybe to keep her asleep for a while till we are reunited?”
The doctor and the cook were conflicted, this went against everything they stood for but it was captains orders and they loved their little y/n.
Sanji held back tears as he carried you into your room, having to go to such lengths just to keep you with them strained his heart.
“ She’ll be okay right chopper? It’s not hurting her or anything she’s just asleep?”
“ Y-yes it was only sedatives and sleep medication in a medium dose. She should only be asleep for a few days”
The guilt was clear to see on their faces, and the guilt was on the rest of the tiny crew as well but deep down it felt real good to know that this was going to ensure y/n would not only be safe but in their arms forever.
Whatever it takes.
Tags: @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @arminscum-slut @toshirolovebot [ If you are missing I apologize, please message me I’ll add you today <3 ]
A/N : sorry this update took a while, I’ve been dealing with some things mentally and it interrupted my writing flow. I’m really glad everyone is enjoying this series the support means so much to me along with your comments. I’m in shock with how many people are enjoying my writing, and I’ve got more things coming during the weekend <3
Not proofread btw 💀
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antiwhores · 2 years
My dock - human!Bakugou x Mermaid!Reader
Part 1?
Part 2
Part 3
Y/n, a curious mermaid with a knack for trouble meets a human named Bakugou Katsuki. Bakugou, a curious human also with a knack for trouble meets a mermaid named y/n. Interspecies relationships- and even friendships are not allowed in the Mer-creature kingdom. And if people found out Mermaids are real then Y/n would be fish food. Love is hard as fuck.
Quirkless au cause im not tryna deal with him rn, eventual smut, near death experience, suggestive themes, violence, multiple parts.
Sorry ive been gone, im depressed and dont find joy in anything anymore LOL
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You first met the blonde human when you were swimming near the shore. You obviously went supposed to be doing that but you were curious. You wanted to see humans even though the danger they hold could kill you.
He was walking on a bridge- well, more like stomping. He looked absolutely pissed, red face with steam practically radiating off of him. He was mumbling things under his breath that you couldn’t make out.
You left after a while of watching him, the sun was setting and you had to go home and catch fish.
The next time you saw him he was lounging by a doc in your special spot. Your beach was in the woods, secluded off unless you knew where you were going. There was a round, yet deep swimming area that sparkled a beautiful light blue. There was also a waterfall that was pretty high up. It was a magical place that you were glad to claim.
You watched from behind a big rock as he fed the ducks. He had a whole loaf of bread that he would break off into small pieces to aggressively throw at the ducks.
You called a duck over with a water wave made by your tail. Most mer-creature could talk to a selective few of animal.
“Who is he?” You whispered. The duck cackled, “Just some human boy. He comes here to feed us every day.” You asked for his name but the duck just flapped his wings. “I think his name was Katsu? I dont know, I’ll try to listen in.”
You thanked the duck and let him go fight for his snack.
Katsu? You thought that name rolled nicely off the tongue.
You continued to watch him from secluded areas for the next 3 weeks. You almost got caught a few times. He would hear you speak a little too loud or make too big of a splash and he would yell “WHOS THERE?” It started you enough each time to not come look for a whole day.
One day when you went up to look for him he wasn’t alone. He was at beach side of it this time with a couple other humans. One with red hair, one with green hair, pink hair, and brown hair. You picked up on their names after a while. Kirishima, Midoriya/Deku (?), Mina, and Uraraka. Later on some more named Kaminari and Iida showed up.
You watched them play around and practically beat each other up. Humans are so weird.
Apparently, Katsu lost a bet. Well, you learned his name was also Bakugou, Katsuki, and Kacchan. You’ll stick to Katsu since theres so many.
Kirishima dared Bakugou to jump off of the water fountain. You almost yelped out a protest once Bakugou agreed. It wasn’t safe! There were weeds at the bottom which would grab you and never let go! You had been working on getting rid of them all but there were still a few left.
And just as you thought, once he jumped he was stuck. You watched as he struggled under the grip of the weeds. You couldn’t just let him die! Before you knew it you were swimming over there full speed.
He looked at you threw wide eyes, you could tell he was loosing his breath. He tried to say something but only bubbles came out. You grabbed his face ad signaled for him to open his mouth. He did almost immediately, he must’ve been getting desperate.
You shoved your mouth against his, blowing air into his mouth which he greedily sucked up. You weren’t supposed to do that and you knew you’d be questioned and scolded for even letting a human know you existed. It was called the eternal breath. It allowed him to breath and talk under water with out it being drowned out for up to five minutes depending on how much you blew.
You signaled for him to breath and he gave you a crazy look. His cheeks were flustered and he didn’t know what to do. You hoped that wasn’t his first kiss or something, even though it was yours. You leaned into his ear and whispered, “Trust me Katsu.”
A wave of relief hit you once he did it. He looked at you in bewilderment, “What the fuck?! What the FUCK?!” You flinched but still made you way down to his feet. “You have a fucking tail?! What the fuck is going on?!” You shook your head, “No I don’t.” “What the FUCK!?”
You cut him free with your nails and signaled for him to go. He shook his head, “No! What kind of shit is this?! You have a tail!” You groaned, started to blush at the way he looked at you. He was even more handsome up close like this. “Either you leave or your gonna die in 1 minute once my breath wears out.”
You heard him yell after you once you began to swim away. You hid behind the entrance just to make sure he got up okay. You were on the verge of tears, you could get in so much trouble. What if he’s a bad guy and he’s gonna call his human hunters on you?
You practically gasped when he decided not to tell anyone of you. His friends crowded him, some in tears asking if he was okay. He just swatted them away and told them to fuck off. On that note you left.
You didn’t come back for 2 weeks. You were scared of coming back to traps and spears. The ducks reported to you instead. He has been coming every single day and staying for not just his usual 10 minutes but 3 hours. He sits there studying the water and calling out to any sudden movement from nature.
You couldn’t help your curiosity after that and the next day you showed up to watch him. You watched as he ate from his basket of what you think is called… Fruits? He lounged on the dock with no shirt on. His skin was tanned and golden.
You practically jumped once he called out to you. “Hey!” You dove back behind the rock. He rose to his feet, “No, no, no! Come back!” You slowly peaked behind the rock. He smirked, whispering “I knew you were real” before holding out a red fruit. “I got this for you.”
You came out behind the rock more to study the apple. You hissed at him thinking it was poisonous. He gave you an offended look, “What’re you scared of a fucking apple? Look.” He took a huge bite out of the thing and chewed. You watched closely as he swallowed it. “See?”
You sighed and finally just swam over to him. He sat down right off the edge and held the apple out to you. You quickly grabbed it and swam as fast as you could behind the rock.
You took a suspicious bite, it was… delicious! He chuckled as your face lit up. You took another bite, giving him a quizzical look. “Come here, ill give you another one.” You hesitantly swan over to him. But just as you were about to grab the apple he yanked it above his head. “Tell me your name.”
You glared at him, crossing your arms around your chest. “You can have all my fruits if you tell me your name.” You thought about it for a second. You could be hunted down for this. And you could be in deep shit if the council found out. But for some reason, you trusted this man.
A loud huff came out of your mouth, “y/n.”
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justjams2003 · 1 year
Between Two Gods: 2-Caving in
I’m on a roll;)
Paring: Alpha!Thor Odinson x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Clark Kent
Summary: You finally cave in and decide to have pups
Warnings: Mostly just fluff, a very small bit of angst and talk about sexual themes. A/B/O
Word Count: 1,3k
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You grunt, annoyed with the lack of pillows you seem to normally have on your bed. You came home after a long hard day, everything you’d been working on at work seemed to just be falling apart. You placed one simple task in the arms of a new intern and somehow, he managed to fuck it up entirely.  
He deleted one of your most important files on your computer, ‘by accident’ he claimed. You have the suspicion that he was a bit salty about working for a girl, or rather a girl omega. Wanting you to get fired so that he can take your job. To be honest you are thinking about it.  
Yes, you’ve always been hardworking and independent. You didn’t come from much and didn’t mind it either. Though you worked yourself to the bone, who said you enjoyed it? No, you did this all to ensure a good future for yourself. That was of course, assuming you would never find your mate.  
But you did, you found not one but two mates. Not any two mates either, two gods. One, a prince of not only the realm you live in but eight others. The second, a worldwide known journalist. Both superheroes with billionaires behind them, money was no problem.  
They made that quite well-known too.  One of them would leave their card at home, usually Thor since he’s not usually on earth during the day. Clark’s been ready for pups since the day he met you, even more so when you two met Thor. His presence made Clark itch to impregnate you with his Alpha. To raise pups with his Alpha and his Omega. It wasn’t much different for Thor.  
You, however, stayed strong that you love your job. That it is your life, that you couldn’t possibly just give everything up for pups. That you’ve work so hard to get where you are now and aren’t ready to be a mom yet. But to be honest, you’re lying to yourself. They’ve been trying to convince you of pups and you’ve kept on refusing.  
Now, though, you’re caving. And there not even here to see it! You stand up, grabbing all the pillows Clark had bought, for your heat, and throw it all on the bed. You’re not in your heat, it ended more than a week ago. They tend to be short due to the fact of the pure strength of your Alpha’s.
No, you need to nest. No, you need Clark and Thor to be here and surround you with their smell. To hold you and swear that they’ll make that stupid Beta pay. But you came home early after that experience, and they tend to work late. All you have is their clothes and their pillows, even their spare capes surround you in the bed.  
You’re bundled up and just sigh. Your walls are falling, and you miss your roots. The small, secluded town where everyone knows everyone. They were all rooting for you, and it broke your heart when your only parent passed. You haven’t seen your brothers in years, and you miss it. This big city isn’t for you.  
Clark would talk all the time of his childhood on the farm, the woods nearby his house and the community he was raised in. Thor too would tell of his glorious tales of playing in the woods by his castle, with his brother. You want that, you want many pups with a huge yard and woods and farms to play on and grow up in.  
You’re so engrossed in these fantasies of far away and being in and out of sleep that you don’t even hear Superman enter your apartment. You do notice when you feel his weight on you. When he you feel him wrap his heavy arms and legs around your body. He lays in silence, feeling the wave of confusing emotions coming from you.  
And when Thor comes home, he does the same as his Alpha. Finally, you’re surrounded by them and only them. “My princes, what’s the matter?” He asks, his voice much softer than usual. His nose buried deep in your neck with Clark on the other side.  
You fight against the sobs. “I want to move.” Your words lack to hold the pure number of emotions or true intentions. Clark and Thor give each other a look, both of their brows furrowed. “Of course, my love. Where to?” Clark replies, wanting to do anything to keep your tears from falling. It fails, dramatically, you’re not even sure why you’re so emotional.  
The lie you’ve been telling yourself is finally caving in. The boys, however, just didn’t know it would lead to such tears. “No, you don’t get it!” You bite your lip, trying to get to hold back your cries. Thor’s omega is breaking down and he decides to take over.  
He sits up straight and pulls you into his lap. “We can tell our princess is upset but we can’t do anything about us until you tell us what’s wrong. That means no yelling, omega.” There is the slightest tone of his Alpha voice, and it has you calmed down just as quick.  
Clark wipes off your tears and peppers kisses all over. “I want pups.” The words spew from your mouth and just as quick you’re surrounded by them again. They’re both ecstatic, a shit-eating grin on both of their faces. Their lips meet your body everywhere, but you’re quick to stop it.  
“But, I’m so scared,” again the tears form in your eyes. Clark wraps his arms around your waist and you lean your back into him. “Whatever for?” The Kryptonian questions, his neck deep into his mark on your neck. “We promise to be careful~” Thor finishes his mate’s sentence. Again, you shake your head, your omega instincts taking over and wanting to get to knotting as soon as possible.
“Everything is going to change. I don’t know where were going to raise them, because they might just be the new generation of Kryptonians but they might also be the new royalty of Asgard. I haven’t even met Odin. Not to mention, you both are huge! Clark, your mother told me you were 10 pounds when they found you, how is that going to fit out of me? And you Thor, I can only imagine!”  
They can tell the anxiety is flowing out of you. Thor lets out one of his iconic laughs, which forces you to freeze. “This is no laughing matter.” You cross your arms and pout. “We will have the best healers in Asgard. The pups will spend their vacations on Asgard, and they can choose who they want to be. Of course, we will have to have pups until one of them wants to be heir.” Thor mutters the last bit to himself.  
“Our Alpha is right; we will do everything to make sure you are safe.” Clark clarifies Thor’s rambles a bit easier for your tired brain to understand. A sigh of relief comes over you, and you nod. Realising that you don’t need to worry about yourself anymore. That your mates will take care of you.  
“Do you feel better?” Clark asks, hearing your heartbeat calm down. “Much. I don’t want to work anymore, I’m sick of it.” You sigh, placing your head on Thor’s shoulder. “Good, why don’t we get to work then.” He winks to Clark while placing you down on your back on the bed.  
You giggle at his words. “Thor, I need to be in heat for it to work.” He chuckles at your reply. “You’re stuck between two gods, my love. I’m sure something will stick.”  
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jerzwriter · 1 month
Mostly Pleasant Surprises 3 of 4 The Best Laid Plans
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This is the final installment of "how they finally got together." I promise. 😊
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick & Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Rating: Teen
Series Summary: It's been months since the chemical attack, and "kind of" exes-turned-friends Tobias & Casey have been stubbornly denying their growing feelings for each other. But when a series of events threatens to come between them, will they find their way back together?
Part 3 Summary: Casey's friends are determined to get her and Tobias together at long last. When Bryce has a chance encounter with Tobias, it seems like all systems are go. Will they get the fairy tale ending they deserve?
A/N: Graduations and family events are over; I'm getting my babies together! For the 2 fans still remaining, I hope you enjoy the final two parts as much as I've enjoyed writing them!
Series Masterlist || Tobias x Casey Masterlist Full Masterlist
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Casey was half asleep as she plodded through the cafeteria.  She never showed up this early for work, and it showed.
“Excuse me,” an intern apologized, even though it was Casey who had tripped into him.
But the exhausted resident was too tired to care. After muttering something nasty about interns under her breath, her eyes went wide. If she didn't watch herself, she would morph into Ethan Ramsey! In the distance, Bryce and Jackie waved her to their table. Delighted to see friendly faces, she rushed to join them.
Bryce eyed the food on his friend’s tray with disgust. “What... the hell is that?”
“On what planet? A scoop of grey cottage cheese, artificially flavored orange Jell-O, chocolate milk, and a package of Fruit Loops.” Bryce looked up in horror. “Are you pregnant?”
A bark of laughter escaped her. “Please! There’s a better chance of Sister Agatha from St. Joseph’s being knocked up than me.”
“How can you be so sure?” Jackie teased.
“Because if God wanted a vessel for another immaculate conception, I assure you, he’d choose Sister Agatha over me.”  
“Ouch,” Bryce winced, placing one of his pancakes on Casey’s plate. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. God could do much worse than you.”
“What’s the pancake for?”
“I don’t know,” he smiled. “Do you really want to eat any of the crap on your plate?”
Casey looked down at her plate with a sigh. “No. I’m so tired, I didn’t even know what I was grabbing.”
“Why so tired?” Jackie asked. “You were already in bed when I got home last night.”
Casey went to answer but couldn’t find words. Sitting with her mouth agape, Sienna slid into the seat beside her and saved the day.  
“She wasn’t feeling well last night... she went to bed early but was up and down a lot.”
“In that case, why don’t you take a sick day?” Bryce asked. “Ethan knows you’re still easing back into work. I don’t think he’d mind.”
Casey mumbled something unintelligible as she stuffed a forkful of pancakes into her mouth.
“Uh, come again?” Bryce asked.
“I said, I doubt Ethan would be all right giving me the day off to get over Tobias.”
“Over Tobias?” Jackie asked with a raised brow. “I’ve been waiting for you to be under Tobias. When did this happen?”  
 “Casey saw something online last night,” Sienna jumped in. “But we don’t have all the facts.”
“Online?” Bryce asked protectively. “What exactly did she see... online?”
“It’s nothing,” Casey stated. “Tobias was on a date, that’s all. But it doesn’t matter... he and I are just friends. So, it doesn’t matter.”
Jackie was already scrolling through her socials to find the damning post as Bryce looked pointedly at Sienna for more details.
“We don’t know that he was on a date!” Sienna insisted. “A nurse from Kenmore posted something that alluded to that, but I have my doubts."
“Nurse’s name?” Jackie asked.
“Audrey Kenner,” Sienna replied before Casey could stop her.
“There’s nothing daming on her Insta now. Are you sure it was there?”
“It was there,” Casey spat. “Trust me.”
“Yeah, but it’s gone now,” Sienna tried to placate. “That tells me something is fishy! You can’t jump to conclusions.”
Bryce nodded in agreement. “Sienna’s right. Everyone knows he's crazy about you. Talk to him.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Casey said, dropping her fork to her plate with an exasperated sigh. “It doesn’t matter because we’ve only been friends, and that’s what we’ll stay.”
She ignored her friends eyeing each other but took the opportunity to steal a second pancake from Bryce’s plate.
“Fine,” Jacie shrugged. “Fairy tales are overrated anyway. But you should get yourself back in the game. It’s bad for your complexion to be celibate this long.”
“What?” Casey huffed, rubbing her face. “My complexion is fine!”
“For now,” Jackie said without missing a beat. “But you’re in the danger zone.”
“Then I’ll up my skincare routine. Because I’ve decided to focus on work... my career. Who needs the other shit, anyway?”
“You do,” Bryce interjected. “Come on, Case. All the work and no play make Jane a very dull girl. That’s never been my Casey.”
“Well, near-death experiences have a way of changing outlooks.”  
“What have you changed your outlook on?” Elijah asked, joining the table.
“Casey’s going to remain celibate for life,” Jackie said as Elijah erupted into laughter.
“Sure she is!”  
“You know,” Casey said, pushing away from the table. “I’ve really had enough. If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”
“Casey... come back,” Sienna called, but Casey marched right out the door.
“Nice work, Greene,” Bryce groaned.
“What did I do?” his friend wailed.
“Nothing,” Sienna sighed. “Casey’s just nursing a broken heart.”
“A broken heart?” Elijah asked. “Who broke her heart?”
“The internet,” Jackie deadpanned.
“I think she has the wrong idea about Tobias,” Sienna stated.
“Are we sure it’s the wrong idea?” Elijah asked.
“No,” Sienna replied. “But I’m pretty confident. The only way to know is to ask him, but Casey refuses.”
“So,” Elijah shrugged. “Ask him yourself.”
“I’m not going to overstep like that!” Sienna insisted. “It’s up to her to ask if she wants to.”  
“You’re right,” Bryce insisted. “And if she doesn’t... maybe it means she is over him.”
Jackie let out a laugh. “You know she’s not over him! The girl was all googley eyes looking at him not two days ago.”
“Of course she’s not,” Bryce replied. “I was being facetious.”
“She’s scared,” Sienna countered. “She’s had her heart broken a lot... her college boyfriend, her med school girlfriend, by he of whom we shall not speak of at Edenbrook, and even by Tobias last year. It’s not surprising that she’s protecting herself.”
“So,” Elijah grinned. “What do you say we force her hand?”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
“If she’s so over T, let’s hook her up with someone else!”
“Terrible idea,” Bryce grimaced.
“Yeah,” Sienna agreed. “That wouldn’t work.”
But Jackie was intrigued. “It could. What do you have in mind, Elijah?”
“That new guy that signed up for the softball team.”
“Oh! The hottie from Radiology!” Sienna enthused as a smug Elijah nodded.
“That’s him!”
“I’ve seen him,” Bryce shrugged. “I’m unimpressed. Besides, Casey doesn't even know him."
“Not yet,” Elijah grinned. “But if we talk him up... offer to set them up?”
“It’s brilliant!” Jackie jumped in. “She'll realize she has no desire to see anyone else, and it’ll force her to face the fact that she wants Tobias.”
“Since when do you care about other people’s love lives?” Bryce asked.
“I don’t. But I’m invested in this... I’ve been watching those two circle each other for months and I deserve the payoff."
“Don’t do it,” Bryce warned.
“Too late,” Elijah grinned, looking up from his phone. “I just texted nurse Sarah who confirmed radiology hottie is single, and he was asking her about Casey just the other day.”
“Great,” Bryce sighed. “So he has a thing for Casey. Let’s use him to trick her into seeing she has a thing for Tobias. Except she already knows she has a thing for Tobias; she’s just too scared to address it. What could go wrong here?  This isn’t a dumpster fire waiting to happen.”
“You are such a drama queen,” Jackie griped. “Elijah, you know him... talk to him about Casey. I’ll start to upsell radiology hottie at home tonight. By the way, does he have a name?”
“Jake,” Elijah smiled. “You know he’s a nice guy... worst case scenario, Casey falls for him instead.”
“Yeah,” Bryce shook his head. “That’s the worst-case scenario.”
“Relax, Lahela,” Elijah laughed. “When we’re heading to their wedding one day, you won’t be able to say you played a part in getting them together.”
“Whose wedding are we speaking about, exactly?”
“Casey & Tobias’s!” Jackie spat. “Duh!”
“Knock yourselves out, guys,” Bryce said, stepping away. “But count me out of this.”
Across town, Tobias was just beginning to wake up and eagerly reached for his phone, disappointed to see Casey had yet to respond. He instinctively shot her another text, and when he didn't hear back a few hours later, he tried once more.
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Casey picked up her phone when it buzzed in her pocket... she knew Tobias was persistent. He was bound to show up if she didn’t answer, so she shot a text his way...
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She felt her stomach turn, and her eyes went moist. Great, she thought. He needs to tell me... tell me he’s been dating Audrey. She was angry at herself for letting this bother her so much. All she wanted to do was cry.  But there was no avoiding this. Maybe biting the bullet and confirming her worst fears was the way to go. But not during the work week... she had just returned to work and didn't need the distraction.
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The next few days passed in a blur; before they knew it, it was Friday night, also known as Pizza Friday, at the roomies. Jackie & Elijah’s attempt to sell Jake was now entering day three, but Casey was still not biting.
“No,” she stated firmly.
“Why not!” Jackie demanded. “Look,” she held her phone with a picture of the handsome radiologist in Casey's face. “Look at him! He’s adorable! He’s got that dopey, doe-eyed look so many of you chicks go crazy for and blue eyes. Not for nothing, I’ve noticed blue eyes are your thing.”
“So? Go out with him yourself?” Casey shrugged.
“Meh, you know guys are just a passing interest to me,” Jackie replied.
“Well, for the hundredth time, I’m not interested either.”
“You know, you snooze, you lose,” Elijah smiled. “A hottie like that won't be on the market for long.”
“Would you stop calling him a hottie!” Casey cringed. “And I’ll take my chances... the answer is still no.”  
“Guys...” Sienna attempted to intervene, but Jackie spoke over her.
“Because you’re not over Carrick.”
Elijah’s and Sienna’s heads flung toward Casey, and if looks could kill, they’d be planning Jackie’s wake.
“There’s nothing to get over,” she said through clenched teeth.
Jackie was undeterred. “Look, the Casey I know would have been all over this. It’s time to get back out there, hon. And if Carrick isn’t a thing, what’s the harm in talking to the guy? Worst case scenario, you tell him you're not interested."
“She’s not wrong,” Elijah agreed. “It doesn’t even have to be a “date date.” You can just happen to be at Donahue’s at the same time; you grab a beer together....”
“Fine,” Jackie snapped. “But when you die alone surrounded by seventy-five cats, don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
“I happen to like cats,” Casey smirked.
“Well, Jackie may be giving up, but I’m not,” Elijah insisted. “I’m sorry, Casey, but I think this one has real potential!”
“I’m not giving up!” Jackie yelled as Sienna unsuccessfully attempted to change the subject once again.
Casey's head pounded as the three friends continued to bicker. She rubbed her temples as the noise and the monotony continued.
“Fine! Fine!” She yelled. “If I share a beer with this guy, smile, and go home... do you promise to never discuss this again?”
“Absolutely,” Jackie beamed.
“Then make it happen. But I’m just doing this to shut the two of you up. It's not a date! Is that clear?”
“Crystal!” Elijah grinned. “Just leave it to us.”
Casey sat hunched over the bar. Her lack of enthusiasm was impossible to miss as she downed her third beer of the night. Her dutiful sidekick, Sienna, hadn’t left her side, still trying to make her best friend smile.
“If it makes you feel better, I think Jake is working tonight. So they probably won't spring him on you today."
“It doesn’t matter,” Casey sighed. “I just wanted some time out with my friends, and their stupid quest isn’t helping at all.”
Sienna placed a comforting hand on Casey’s shoulder. “Their hearts are in the right place, but their brains... not so much.”
“Well, if they spring him on me tonight, I’m ready,” Casey grinned, gesturing toward her attire. “See this? My rattiest, oldest jeans, accompanied by my shittiest sweatshirt! The messy bun and minimalist makeup complete my look."
"And what look is that?" Sienna laughed.
"I call it... I'm not interested."
“You jerk. You’re still prettier than just about anyone in the room. So that plan is a major fail!”
“I don’t care,” Casey shrugged, her mood slipping even lower; then, she spoke in just a whisper. “I’m having lunch with Tobias tomorrow.”
“You are!” Sienna enthused. “That’s great news!”
“Don’t get hopes up,” Casey frowned. “He said he had to talk to me.... he’s going to tell me about Audrey.”
Sienna let out a long sigh. “Do you know this for a fact?”
“I just do.”
“Casey,” her friend winced. “Sometimes, you’re your own worst enemy.”
Casey motioned to Reggie for another beer... and she didn’t even like beer.
“I can’t do it again, Si. I’ve had my heart broken one too many times. What kind of an idiot falls for Tobias Carrick... Boston’s biggest playboy who’s already hurt me once. Tomorrow, when he tells me about Audrey, I will smile and wish him the best, and then I’m moving on. I... I can't do this again.”
“Casey....” Sienna whimpered.
“My mind is made up.”
“All right then,” Sienna said, swirling her drink. “Then you do what you need to do.”
She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to find an incredibly handsome man with the kindest eyes she’d ever seen standing behind her. Even sitting, she could tell he’d stand a good half-foot above her 5’9” frame. “A little bird told me I’d find you here,” he smiled.
“Mmm hmm," she hummed, playing it cool. "Was the little bird’s name Elijah or Jackie?”
“I won't give them away," he grinned. "But, I can already tell I’m going to be thanking them soon. What are you drinking?”
“Blue Moon,” she said, nodding toward the bottle Reggie just delivered.
“Well, this one is on me.”
She should have gone home. She knew she wasn’t interested in anyone whose name wasn’t Tobias Carrick. But that familiar ache in her chest told her another heartbreak was just hours away. With that on the horizon, would it be so bad to give this man a chance?
“Would you like to grab a booth?” Jake asked.
Casey grabbed her beer from the bar, stepped off her stool, and sauntered past him. “This isn’t a date,” she smirked.
“I never said it was. But if I play my cards right... maybe the next one will be.”
She found herself smiling despite herself. “You have one hour."
That hour went by in a flash. Even if Casey would have noticed it ended, she wouldn’t have been inclined to point it out. Jackie and Elijah were right. Jake was delightful. Smart - he graduated top in his class from Harvard Medical – followed by a residency at Hopkins. He had already published more than physicians twice his age, and Edenbrook considered snagging his a coup. Still, he couldn't have been more humble. He was easy to talk to and far more interested in talking about her than himself, though she managed to get her questions in. He was very close with his younger sister, who had turned him into a bonafide Swiftie. As he talked, Casey couldn't help but think this guy checked every single box. He was perfect for her, everything she ever thought she wanted, and she was decidedly not interested.
She might regret passing up this opportunity one day; she was sure she'd be discussing this with her shrink. But, no matter how mesmerizing his blue eyes were, they weren't the ones she wanted to be gazing at. Jake's shy, unassuming charm was the polar opposite of Tobias’s confident swagger... but how she missed it.
“What do you say,” Jake asked, pointing to her empty bottle. “I realize my hour is up, but would you care for another?”  
“Sure," she smiled. "What's the harm in one more.”  
Tobias looked good. Too good. In his black cashmere coat, herringbone gaberdine pants, and black turtleneck, he was well overdressed for a Saturday night at Whole Foods. He was picking up a few items and then had the night free. He considered stopping by the Puddingstone. Seeing some old friends wouldn’t be the worst idea, and maybe it would keep him from counting the hours until he’d see Casey tomorrow. He just reached the checkout area when someone called out his name.
“Lahela,” Tobias grinned, extending his hand.
“You can call me Bryce.”
“Sometimes I do,” he smiled, taking notice of the younger man’s scrubs. “Just getting off shift?”
“Yeah! It was a long day. I can’t wait to get home and get some sleep.”
“On a Saturday night?” Tobias mocked. “Come on, Lahela! You’re too young and too good-looking for that... you should absolutely have a date.”
“Is that why you're so dressed up?" Bryce asked.
“Excuse me?”
Bryce exaggeratedly sniffed the air. “Is that Tom Ford? And those clothes.... not exactly a going home after grocery shopping look.”
“Nah,” Tobias chuckled. “No dates for me. At least... not tonight.”  
“It’s Casey... isn’t it?”
Tobias looked startled as a brief silence fell between them.
“You two drive me crazy,” Bryce sighed. “Everyone can see you're crazy about each other.... and you'd be perfect together... so why don’t you tell her how you feel already?”
“Well, as fate would have it, that's exactly what I was planning to tell her tomorrow at lunch.”
“Nice!” Bryce beamed, patting Tobias on the back. “Finally! I’ve gotta give you credit, though.”
“Credit? For what?”
“Your patience! If I was about to tell the person I loved that I was crazy about them, I’d rush to do it as soon as possible. I wouldn’t be able to wait. You’re much cooler than me, Carrick.”
Tobias’s eyes went distant. “You know what... you’re right.”
“I am?”
“You’re absolutely right. I’ve been waiting long enough; why should I wait any longer?” He grabbed a bunch of loose bills from his pocket and tossed them into his basket.  “Can you take care of this?”
“Sure!” Bryce insisted. “Just...go! Go! But where should I bring your groceries?”
“I don’t care,” Tobias hollered. “I’ll call you later!”
“All right,” Bryce grinned at the cashier as he pulled out his phone. “Si? Who is the man?”
“I’m assuming you’re the man?” Sienna replied.
“Oh, I am absolutely the man!”
“Good to know,” Sienna laughed. “Now, why are you the man?”
“Jackie and Elijah had all those bullshit games, but who is the one who got Tobias to finally tell Casey the truth? ME!”
“Bryce.... what talking about”
“I ran into him at Whole Foods. A sixty-second conversation with me, and our boy is running off for a romcom-worthy ending.”
“Running off to tell Casey?” Sienna asked with concern. “Where is he running to?”
“To Donahue’s...she’s still there, right?”
“He’s heading there NOW?” Sienna yelled.
“Yes, now... why is there....”
“Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no!” Sienna was already slipping on her sneakers. “I have to get back there. I have to call Casey....”
“Wait, why? Oh, no....” Bryce gasped. “They didn’t set up that thing with the radiology stud for today, did they?”
“YES! Casey was so sure Tobias was telling her he’s with Audrey tomorrow that she agreed to have a few drinks with him.”
“Oh, shit!” Bryce cursed. “I’m heading over there now.”
“Not if I get there first!”
The ride from Whole Foods to Donahue’s went by in a flash, and if fate wasn’t smiling on him enough, Tobias found a parking a few doors away. In Boston!  It was reminiscent of the day when he met Casey at the deli; a spot had been waiting for him as if it was bringing him to his future. It was all coming together.
He smiled as he took in a deep breath of the cold, New England air, making sure he memorized everything about the night. The way the streetlights sparkled on the icy patches on the sidewalk, the old Celtic tune blaring from inside the bar—he wanted - needed - to remember every moment of this night.
So, this was what it felt like? He had successfully avoided it for nearly four decades, never understanding what all the fuss was about. But here he was—Tobias Carrick was in love. He had dreamt of telling her for some time, and as he reached for the door, he couldn't believe the moment was finally here.
Sienna was in an Uber, not chancing this to public transit. She dialed Casey a dozen times on the ride there and tried Jackie and Elijah, too... but nothing. Bryce was already running to the bar, grocery bags in hand; his messages to Tobias had gone unanswered as well. Inside Donahue's, Casey and Jake’s conversation continued under the dim lights and the haze of one too many beers.  
“Are you a Disney fan?” Jake asked.
“I'm not anti-Disney, but I’m not obsessed.”
“Tsk. That’s too bad,” Jake frowned. “Maybe we'll go to Disney World together one day, and I could help change your mind.”
“That would be a hard sell,” Casey grinned. Jake was a nice guy... a really nice guy... and this wasn't right. Even if Tobias was about to break her heart, experience told her that she'd be better off taking some time before seeing anyone else, and she could tell Jake deserved better.
“I have a few friends who are Disney freaks. If you’d like, I’d be happy to introduce you.”
Jake deflated a bit but quickly picked himself up. “Hey, if Disney is hard no, I will happily give up the Mouse for you.”
“It’s not that,” Casey smiled. “You seem like a great guy, Jake, and if this was another time, I might let you attempt to make me a Disney convert. But I’m still dealing with the after-effects of the chemical attack... and I’m not quite over someone I loved... so it's not a good time for me to begin seeing anyone."
“I understand,” Jake smiled. “And I appreciate your honesty. But we can still be friends, right? Because I hardly know anyone in Boston.”
“You’ve got a deal,” Casey smiled, extending her hand over the table to shake his hand. The handshake lingered a little too long, and with their hands intertwined, Casey smiled and turned toward the door.
Timing. Life was always about timing. After months of meaningful conversations, long rides, hugs, and occasional kisses, after all the tenderness they shared, the time was finally here. He could have told her dozens of other times, or she could have told him, but this was the moment fate had brought them to; he was going to do it. His heart was so full he worried it might burst, and then...it did.
The packed room seemed to fall silent as he stared at the woman he loved, and his face turned to stone. Her smile, her laugh, that light in her eyes... but she wasn’t looking at him. Maybe it’s not what it seems, a voice inside him pleaded, but that didn't stop his heart from sinking. He was nauseous, and his legs felt like gelatin beneath him. Maybe this was the flipside. This was why he had avoided it for so long. Dating was fun. Sex was fun. But relationships? Love? They were work. Work punctuated with heartache, and he successfully avoided them until he met her. Casey... his precious Casey, sitting no more than a few yards away, her face flushed as she held the hand of another man. Had he imagined everything before today?
Casey looked around the room, and the blood drained from her face as she locked eyes with Tobias.
“Hey, are you OK?” Jake asked.
“Yes... I’ve just... give me a minute.”
She rushed toward Tobias, who wished he could have lurched for the door, but it was too late; there was no choice but to face her.
“Tobias!” she yelled. Breathless, with a genuine grin when she reached him. “What are you doing here?”
“Nothing,” he said, acting as nonchalant as he could. But as his eyes darted back to the table and Jake, realization washed over Casey.
“Oh, Tobias! Wait... let me explain...”
“There’s nothing to explain,” he replied with a level of coolness that shook Casey to her core.
“No... you don’t understand,” she insisted. “I want to explain because you should know that....”
“You’re on a date,” he shrugged. “That’s cool. Nothing wrong with that.”
“There’s.... there’s not?” She swallowed, her eyes beginning to glisten, and she suddenly felt much smaller than she was.
“Nope. It’s a good thing... it means you’re really ready to be back out in the world again.”
“Well, I am, but that's not what....”
She grasped his arm with desperation, but Tobias gently pushed it away.
“We’re friends. Right? We haven't been more than that since we broke up last year. You don’t owe me any explanation.”
“Oh,” she whispered, diverting her eyes so he wouldn't see the impact of his words. “I see...”
“Go have fun, Case. We’ll talk soon.”
“T...Tobias...” she called after him. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”
“Actually, I wanted to tell you that I got called into work. I’ll have to take a rain check.”
“Oh... but wait! You said you wanted to tell me something... tomorrow... what... what was it?”
He took a deep breath as he stepped toward her, steeling himself as he gently touched her shoulders. He never thought of himself as a skilled actor, but he had to pull out all the stops tonight. He would have made his college drama teacher proud.
“I was going to tell you that now that you’re back to work... and you’re doing well... you don’t need me as a crutch anymore.”
“Tobias!" She interrupted. "I never thought of you as a crutch! I hope that’s not the impression I gave!”
“Of course not,” he smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face. “But it’s time for us to move on... that's what I wanted to tell you... but... it looks like we already have. Now, I really have to go.”
She wanted to run after him, but her feet felt like they were glued to the floor. What had he just told her? All she could do was stand in stunned silence as the man she loved bolted out the door. He had barely taken ten steps outside when Bryce ran up to him.
“Hey,” Bryce gasped, attempting to catch his breath. “Did... did you see Casey?”
“I did,” Tobias grunted. “And now, I’m heading home.”
“Wait... what happened?”
Tobias remained silent, his demeanor like steel as he opened his car door.
“Tobias!” Bryce hollered. “I don’t know what happened in there, but I know Casey, and I know she's crazy about you."
“It doesn’t matter," Tobias said with a wave of his hand. "Sometimes, the universe gives us signs and tonight, it delivered a neon sign to me.  Now, if you’ll let go of my door... I really want to go home."
Casey grabbed her coat from the rack, then rushed to the front door in tears.
“Casey!” Sienna hollered, grabbing her by the arm. “Where are you going? What happened?”
“Si,” Casey wailed. “I just... I just want to go home.”
Noticing the commotion, Jackie raced across the room. “Hey, what happened? I saw Tobias was here... what did he say?"
“It doesn’t matter!” Casey cried. “I told you, I’m an idiot... now, please... I need to go home.”
Sienna was already buttoning up her friend's coat. “Then that’s exactly where I’m taking you, sweetie. Don’t worry, I’ll get you there.”
“I’ll come, too,” Jackie added nervously, but Sienna held up a hand to stop her.
“No.  Not now. I think you’ve done enough for tonight.”
Tobias tossed his keys on the side table as he entered his townhome. The place had never felt this cavernous, this quiet, this empty. He walked to the sideboard and poured himself a tumbler full of whisky, downing it quickly before pouring a second. He brought the decanter with him when he retreated to his couch; sitting in the darkness, he hoped the alcohol would begin to numb the thoughts in his head, and he prayed that when he woke up tomorrow, he'd revert to the man he once was... with no memory of the foolish one he had become. Minutes turned to hours, and by the time he decided to rise, he nearly had to crawl up the stairs to his room.
He collapsed into his bed, fully dressed, only taking a moment to kick off his shoes. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and scoffed when he saw a text from Casey.
"This was a horrible experiment," he groaned, deleting her message before reading a word. He pushed a button next to his bed, and a buzzing noise surrounded him as his shades came down, ensuring light couldn't peek through until he was damn well ready to let it.
He looked at his phone again, squinting to see another message that had come in. This one was from Audrey, and in this state, he considered replying; the company might do him good. But stopped himself. Audrey, like Casey, was now in the past, and that's where the past belonged. It's not like he didn't have other options. Tomorrow was a new day, and he was determined to come back to life when the sun rose. It was time to move on.
(OK we're almost there... almost. I promise :) )
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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