#though i do wish he did the trick of popping his eye out and spinning it on the table
columboscreens · 1 year
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Small Gods: Patience - 1
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Patience:  A Black Widow Fanfic
Patience Masterlist | More Small Gods
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count:  1611
Warnings: Language, guns, (smut, angst, and canon typical violence on series)
Synopsis: Every day Natasha prays for more patience to deal with a litany of things from waiting for her target to make a move - to not yelling at Clint for putting empty milk containers back in the fridge.
When her prayers are answered, Natasha finds that having patience is easy, holding on to it is a little harder.
A/N: Reader is a minor god.
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Chapter 1
Natasha stood on the edge of the building watching the chaos break out below her.  The team was supposed to be infiltrating a new underground crime group to figure out where a drop-off was happening.  They’d had men on a street corner no one had managed to clock, and it had just happened to be the one Steve was observing, and they’d spotted him.  That had made the whole crew antsy and then they’d wanted to change locations for the meet.  That had meant a sudden scramble to relocate everyone, so they could keep monitoring the situation.  Tony had nearly been spotted as they did and ended up having to leave the area completely so it looked like another normal New York City Iron Man sighting.  To top that off, Sharon’s comms had just stopped working completely and so no one had any idea what the group was actually saying.  It had been a series of fuck-ups and she knew she would have to get down into the mess soon the way things were going, but she was waiting to see if Clint could salvage it as he bumbled along the street acting stupid so that he could ‘accidentally bumped into his old friends Sharon’ and get some ears back on the scene.
“God, grant me patience,” she sighed.  It was a prayer that had become commonplace for her.  She’d use it when she was on an undercover mission where she had to pretend to be much less intelligent than she was.  She used it when she helped patch up Clint’s cuts after he’d spent a whole day being incredibly agile and dexterous, only to trip over his doormat and land face-first into a cactus he didn’t even know he owned.  She used it when Tony went on one of his rambling stories that she already knew.  She used it when she had to watch Steve jump off yet another stupidly high point for no reason other than he had to be their first.
“I’m not sure, Natalia,” a voice coming from way too closer said.  “I’m not sure that’s what you actually want.”
She spun around, quickly assuming a defensive position.  You stood at the corner of the building, completely relaxed.  You had dark sunglasses on and what looked like a faux leather jacket and large black boots.  You were leaning against the wall slightly and twirling a lollipop in your mouth, and despite the fact that on just about anyone else she’d think they were trying too hard, you seemed effortlessly cool.
“Who are you?”  Natasha snarled.
“Patience,” you said simply.
“Don’t tell me to be patient when you’ve just snuck up on me in the middle of a mission.  Tell me what you want, or I’ll send that piece of candy through the back of your throat.”
You laughed and held up your hands. “Okay, killer,” you teased.  “Relax.  I wasn’t telling you what to do.  I was saying that’s who I am.”
Natasha quirked her eyebrow at you.  “So your name is Patience, and you sit around waiting for people to pray for patience and you pop out thinking it’s a funny joke?  You know how close to death you just came right now?  I’m in the middle of something.  Go away before you get someone hurt.”
Natasha spun back to look down at Sharon who was now talking to Clint.  She saw the quick sleight of hand as they exchanged mic packs.
“Patience isn’t my name,” you laughed.
Natasha rolled her eyes, hoping to cling on to the last remaining patience she had rather than breaking your neck. That would just lead to a lot of paperwork.  “You said it was.”
“No,” you said, straightening up and reaching into your inner jacket pocket.
Natasha pulled her gun and pointed at you.  “Don’t even think about it.”
You pulled your hand out with a business card pinched between your thumb and index finger.  You raised your hands and flicked the card up so it was held between your index and middle finger.  “I said I was patience,” you said, taking a few steps toward her.  Natasha’s fingers twitched on the trigger finger as she tried to read your intention.  “You’ve been praying to me a lot lately.  I thought I’d show up.  But - you’re obviously not ready yet.”  You offered the card to Natasha and she took it without taking her eyes off you.  “Now… count to two hundred, and then go down the fire escape.  Agent Carter will be fine until then, and that will get you there exactly when you need to be.”
“What?”  Natasha asked, now completely confused.
“Just a suggestion,” you answered and casually strode off to the stairwell, leaving Natasha alone on the roof, completely perplexed over what had just happened.  She looked down at the business card.  Embossed in gold on the glossy black card were your name, address, and phone number.  There was no mention of a job or business or even the word patience that you had kept bringing up.
Natasha furrowed her brow and tucked the card into her pocket.  She wasn’t a trusting person by nature, but she had enough experience with magic to know not to completely ignore what you said.  She counted to two hundred as she paid close attention to what was happening in the street.  As she carefully made her way down to the fire escape, there was a commotion and Sharon drew her gun.  People scattered as a large van pulled up and armed men spilled out.
Natasha cursed under her breath as the street broke out in utter chaos.
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“How did you even get there so fast?”  Sharon asked.
Thanks to your warning, Natasha had gotten there at the perfect time to take out most of the gunmen before they’d even shouldered their weapons.  In the end, while the plan hadn’t exactly gone how everyone had wanted it, and they still needed to actually find where they were operating from, they had made a lot of arrests, and thanks to Natasha, lots of innocent lives had been saved from being caught in the crossfire.
“There was this woman…”  Natasha started, not quite sure how to explain your strange appearance and departure from the rooftop.
“Oohhh…” Clint teased.  “Nat got the hots for some hot Chiquita.”
“Gross, Clint,” Natasha snarked.  “Don’t be a letch.”  Clint held up his hands in surrender and Natasha let out a long breath.  “It was weird though.”
“How was it weird?”  Steve said, sitting forward in his chair.  “Anything we need to worry about?”
Natasha shrugged.  “I don’t know - maybe,” she said.  “She said she was patience.”
Clint snorted.  “You definitely need to find her then,” he teased. Natasha swatted him on the back of the head.  “See,” he complained, rubbing his head.
“So her name was Patience?”  Steve said, opening up a drop-down screen above the coffee table.  “FRIDAY, do we have any record of a Patience as a member of any known criminal organizations.”
“Her name wasn’t Patience,” Natasha said, pulling the card out of her pocket and handing it to Steve.  “She said she was patience.”
“What does that mean?”  Steve asked, typing the details into the computer.
Natasha shrugged.  “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Tony chuckled.  “I like the idea of anthropomorphic adjectives walking around.”
“Patience is a noun, Tony,” Bruce scolded.  “And so is Tony.”
“You know what I mean,” Tony said, waving his hands around.  “You can feel patient, you can’t feel Tony.”  He paused for a moment.  “Not unless you asked nicely.”
“Maybe she’s some kind of god,” Clint said.  Everyone turned to him and Natasha raised her eyebrow.  Sometimes Clint would say things that were so simple and so profoundly intelligent that she wasn’t sure if he just blindly stumbled into the answer or he was an actual genius.
“Is that a thing?”  Sam asked.  “Just random gods of emotions?”
Natasha shrugged.  “I have no idea.  It’s a pity Thor isn’t here, we could ask him.  But she did say I’d been praying to her.”
Clint snorted.  “Sounds about right.”
“But Thor’s not a real god, is he?”  Steve said.  “Wasn’t the theory that he’s just an alien that lives a long time and humans just decided he was a god?”
“The dude makes lightning, Cap,” Sam teased.  “Maybe he’s not the only place it comes from, but he can definitely create it and control it.  Why can’t there be the equivalent for something like patience.”
Clint snatched the card from Steve and shoved it into Natasha’s hands.  “I say you call her.”
“You just want Nat to stop smacking you on the back of the head,” Bucky snorted.
“No, I want to see my best friend get laid,” Clint said, folding his arms across his broad chest.  “I bet someone who can command patience would be great at sex.”
“And…?”  Bucky pressed.
“And I don’t want to get clocked on the back of the head anymore,” Clint muttered.
Everyone laughed and Natasha looked down at the card, spinning it around in her hand.
“You look like you’re considering it, Red,” Tony mused.  “What was she like?”
“Cryptic,” Natasha replied.  “Cool.”
“Was she hot?”  Clint asked.
“I think so,” Natasha said.
“So call her,” Sharon shrugged.  “She helped me out.  She can’t be all that bad.”
Natasha nodded.  “At the very least I might get some answers.”
“And who knows, Nat,” Clint said.  “Maybe she’ll be able to teach you a trick or two.”
Natasha bit the inside of her cheek trying not to laugh, and wishing she had a little bit of that patience right now.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hello! Can I request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an Mc that just plucks out their eyes when they see something cursed or messed up? Normally humans don’t just do that but MC’s like “Welp, I don’t need my eyes anymore 😀” and just Yeet their eyes out like it’s a typical Saturday 💀
I blame magic for this - sometimes I wish I could do this just for the comedic effect, maybe I won't need glasses anymore if I give them a good polish
Did take some creative liberties but hope it's still fun for you!
"so....this is a demon kids cartoon???"
"yeah! Satan was obessed with this show."
"silence, it was mindless watching whilst I developed." He looked embarassed, keeping his hand to his chest.
Mammon was watching the show with a grin but nervously shifted in his seat, moving an inch closer to you. The other brother's were all sitting with you, levithan was sitting between your legs on the floor gaming, belphegor was laughing at the show meanwhile his brother only half paid attention. Asmo was hugging mammons legs as he complained how overly messy and disgusting it was. Lucifer was sitting on the other side of you, going through his phone.
"this is type of stuff you'd seen in creepypasta videos - the hell is this?!"
You just stared at the screen dumbfounded and disgusted. It only got worse when a fish turned to the screen, beginning to speak but it had realistic human teeth.
"excuse me- y'all seeing this shit???? Lemme just-"
You bonked the back of your head, your eyeballs popping out. You easily caught them, doing a quick two breaths on them and gave them a good rub on your shirt. You shoved your eyes back in and rapidly blinked.
He didn't know how to react
Just stares at you
He's seen it all from all gags, to large to small
But this little human had weirdest one of them all
"Pardon me?"
"You're pardoned, what's with the staring, Luci-loo?"
Where's this gag going?
"Your eyes....I'm guessing that's a spell Solomon taught you."
"actually I found it out myself though it said it had side effects and I'm not sure what else it's done."
He sighed, pinching his nose
"Just be careful until it wears off, if I find your eyes out of your sockets again I'll be keeping them."
His fingers jabbed at your eyes, stopping inches away and clutched his other hand
You quickly nodded with a nervous laugh
you slap your hand over his mouth but he kept screaming
"why are you screaming?!"
He removed your hand, pointing to your eyes
"you removed your eyes!!"
"yeah....? I think that was an appropriate response to that-"
"that's not normal! You're human! humans can't do that?! Can they!?"
To be fair, it wasn't normal to do that at all
But magic was real and you sure as hell was going to use it at any given moment
"it's called physical comedy, my greedy friend."
He huffed
After awhile of sitting with each other he suddenly bonked you in the head
Only to end up screaming when your eyes bursted out again and rolled on the floor
"Ah-! There's dust in my eyes!"
Almost threw his phone at you
He watched it happen when his screen went dark as his game was loading
Immediately spun around
"YOUR EYES-! do it again!"
He fumbled to get up his camera and pointed it at you
You just sighed with a slight laugh
"Fine~ but I can't keep this doing this, it hurts my eyes."
You bonked your head and let your eyes pop out once again, giving them a good polish before putting them back in
"ROTFLMAO!!!! You're like a cartoon character!"
He filmed the others reactions to you casually do it once again
You leaned on his head when he turned back around
"better make me famous."
Almost caught your eyes for you
And then he processed what just happened
"That's not normal."
"of course it's not but it was a good joke, though demon cartoons ARE cursed."
You changed the channel and sat back
Satan gave your head a soft bump and watched your eyes shake
"This will come in handy..is this spell written down? I think you know exactly what I plan for this."
You both looked at each other, meeting eyes with belphegor before all three of you glanced at Lucifer
Satan nodded and you copied him
Lucifer just glared at the three of you
Sensing something was going to happen
"Can you do other things? Or is it just that?"
"I can spin my head 360, do dramatic poses mid air for awhile, my arms can stretch but it hurts and can take out my teeth like I got dentures."
"remarkable, perhaps you'll give me a presentation?"
You agreed and throughout the day you acted out different tricks to everyone's dismay
Except for Satan
As soon as your eyes are back he slaps your face out of pure fear instinct
Your head spins as if you were a cartoon character
Luckily you kept your hands over your eyes
Unsure if they would fly out or not
"Careful-! This magic is full of slapstick tricks!"
"Why would you do it in the first place??!! Have you been waiting to do this all day?!"
He looked at your head disgusted
poking your cheek with one finger to keep distance from you
"First of all, rude and second, yes - i need to be ready for anything at all times with you guys."
He hugged your waist, sinking into you
"why must you be this way, you're too cute to be having your eyes pop out!"
You patted his head
Letting him sulk as you rattled your head, fixing your eyes placement from the spinning
"There there, the magic will wear off....at some point."
You bursted out laughing
He just looked at your eyes up and down with a pointed glare
"no? No what? You're not seeing what I'm seeing?!"
"Don't do that again, you could lose one of them."
You grinned, ruffling his hair
"okay mom~ I won't pop my eyes out."
He just hummed, grasping your hand so it stayed on his hair
Soon enough the Chanel changed and Beel left to get food
You grew bored and went after him
But you both ended up colliding and your head smacked against his chest
"I told you."
You raised a brow before realizing that one of your eyes just bounced out of your sockets
You scrambled to the floor to find it worried it could get stepped on
Beel joined you in your search and soon found it, being extra careful with handling it
He gave it a small rinse and handed it back to you
"Are you okay? Want a snack to make you feel better?"
You nodded cradling your eye
He grinned watching you, shuffling to look at you properly
He absolutely loved that
"Cool! Wait - if your eyes can do that then can you replicate the cartoon's?"
"spells for slapsticks and cartoon logic only, not body horror."
He pouted
It wasn't long before he started padding at your face, trying to find out what else you could do
You rolled your eyes
"Learn body horror spells."
"why? That's stuff was hella cursed, I'm not here for your sadistic amusement."
You tried to force back your snort
Belphegor grinned
"Are you sure? I'm not the one using magic on myself to be a cartoon- entertain us."
You just shoved his head, forcing him into beels lap
"learn to be polite and then I'll do it."
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Marriage with a Spin - Loki x Reader - Words: 2,613
A/N: Enemies-ish to Relationship & Fake Relationship trope-ish LOL…Pic below is not mine but simply is for reference about rings...this was the best basis I could find 🤣 I'm using the Spin and Zero rings in this oneshot
Also! A big thanks for @ladylulu143 for helping my come up with a title and for proofreading this for me! 💖💖🤗🤗
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"Alright, this is the latest alien artifact we have found," Steve said. He held up a gold ring with a small blue stone. "When on, the wearer can decelerate time around them, appearing to be at superspeed to those watching."
"So what's the deal now?" You asked. Tony brought a picture of another ring on the screen behind Cap.
"This recently popped up on our radar. By the readings we're getting from it, it seems to be related to this guy here. However, it's being held in this mansion," Tony said, clicking to the next picture. "Owned by billionaire Samuel Thatcher."
"So what am I doing here again?" Loki asked flippantly.
"Mr. Thatcher is holding a gala tomorrow night. You and Miss Y/L/N will be attending and will conveniently slip away at some point during the evening to retrieve the ring from his vault."
"Loki and me?" You exclaimed. "Why? Would you fit in much better at one of those swanky parties?"
"Everyone knows me, Y/N," Tony said, rolling his eyes.
"What about Steve then? He knows how to dance and be all proper! He's from the 40's for goodness sake!"
"Have you ever seen me try to fit in at one of those, how did you say it, swanky parties?" Steve asked with a smirk. "You two have enough class to fit in. Besides, the vault is secured by a fingerprint and retinal scan. The only person here who could pull that off is Loki."
"That is true," Loki replied with a smirk.
"Fine. What time is it?" You groan.
"6pm tomorrow," Steve answered. You nodded and got up to leave. "Oh! And one more thing!" You turned around suspiciously and saw an unnerving smile plastered across the face of America's Golden Boy. "You're going as Mr. & Mrs. Hank and Audrey Williams."
"Mister and Misses?" You both exclaimed. Steve nodded and Tony was smirking.
"Don't forget this!" Tony said, tossing the ring to you.
"Is this supposed to be my wedding ring?" You asked sarcastically.
"Actually no," Steve said. "It would seem that the ring only works on the right middle finger."
"Great. So what am I supposed to do about this?" You asked, wriggling your left fingers.
"No need to worry, darling," Loki replied. He waved his hand and a beautiful gold and emerald wedding band appeared on your finger. "Now, shall we go to my room and prepare for the rest of this delightful mission?" He asked, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
"Of course, my dear," You replied, rolling your eyes.
The next day, Loki came to your room at about 3 in the afternoon. "What do you want, Loki?" You growled, quite annoyed that he was bothering your 'me-time'.
"Change into your uniform and meet me in my room in 5 minutes. We need to prepare." He turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm.
"Why? We should be resting before our mission tonight! I thought we already did all our planning yesterday!"
"Tactical, yes. But not practical." He once again turned away and started down the hallway. You groaned and ran after him.
"What do you mean practically? We get fancied up, we go, we get the ring, we leave. If we get in any sort of confrontation, we fight and then we leave! Simple!"
"What are you going to wear?"
"Well I can't show up in tactical so I have this old party dress. It's not perfect but it'll do I guess."
"No it will not. Where will you put your weapons? What if you need to run? Or fight?" Loki listed off his objections quickly and tutted at you. "No, no. That simply will not do."
"Well what do you suggest, oh great fashion god," You replied sarcastically. Loki rolled his eyes and waved his hand. "Oh my!" You gasped. He'd transformed your current outfit into a lovely floor length, emerald green dress. He even outfitted you with jewelry!
"And I can do the same with your-what did you call it? Tactical gear?"
"Ok, ok," you chuckled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." You smiled genuinely and, for a moment, you thought he would return the sentiment. But he kept his disinterested demeanor and whooshed away the dress.
"I'll return it later when you're ready. You will need to do your own hair and makeup." You nodded and headed back to your room till the evening.
That night, you stood at your mirror adding the finishing touches to your mascara when suddenly there was noise beside you. Jumping in surprise, you accidentally smeared the mascara on your face. "Loki!" You exclaimed, seeing the mischievous prince standing in your room. "You scared me!"
"Well, I am naturally terrifying." You rolled your eyes and turned back to the mirror to fix your face.
"There! All done," You announced. "Well, with the exception of my dress and-" Before you could even finish he had cast his illusion upon your clothing.
"Enough with your blathering. Let's go."
"Hmph. And here I had hope you'd finally removed your head from your-"
Later at the Gala, Loki was being the perfect gentleman. Very suave and debonair. You were impressed. Of course you had to play your part too. You were smiling at his side, holding his arm. You both mingled for a while, trying to get a feel of the room, before he asked if you wished to dance. A bit surprised, you simply nodded. He whisked you out to the dance floor gracefully and pulled you close.
"The vault is downstairs. We need to find an excuse to slip out soon," He whispered to you.
"What if I pretend to be ill?" You offered.
"Someone would undoubtedly take you upstairs to one of the bedrooms to rest. That is the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish."
"But what if I'm afraid of heights?" You countered. He quirked an eyebrow at you and chuckled lowly.
"That is a terrible idea. Only you would think of it."
"I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered. And I think the problem is I have really fantastic bad ideas." He smirked and shook his head in disbelief.
"At least you own up to it," He teased. You grinned, unable to help yourself from staring at him. Though you were on a mission, he seemed so relaxed. This was definitely his element. "You're staring, my dear."
“You are very attractive. Therefore I will stare at you," You admitted. He blushed brightly and looked away but then his eyes lit up.
"I've got it!" He stepped back and led you off the dance floor towards the open bar. "Follow my lead," He hissed. "Would you get me a drink, sweet? You know what I like," He said, somewhat loudly.
"Of course, darling," You replied. When you returned with your drinks you noticed Loki was staring at a group of young women. They had noticed him too and were smiling back at him. "What are you looking at?" You asked innocently, handing him his glass.
"Oh nothing," He replied quickly, turning away. You made a point of following his previous line of sight and made eye-contact with the still giggling females.
"Nothing?" You yelled. "You call that nothing? You were flirting again! Staring at some other woman!"
"I find them very attractive. Therefore I will stare at them," He replied. You held back a laugh, realizing what gave him the idea. "You know how I am," He purred, trying to move closer to you again.
"Get away from me!" You yelled, stepping back and throwing your glass on the floor. This drew everyone's attention. "You disgust me, Hank. This was your last chance and you botched it up! I'm going home!" You turned on your heel and stormed out.
"Audrey! Audrey! Please wait!" He called out. He ran after you into the grand hallway where you were pretending to be searching for your keys. You both noticed the small collection of men, including Mr. Thatcher, who were watching you from the ballroom doors. "Please, darling, can't we discuss this?"
"At home," You finally said. He nodded and held the front door for you. You both stepped outside, out of view, and then you activated the ring. It felt weird, time slowing around you, but you moved past your surprise and got to work. You ran back into the ballroom and very carefully chipped a very important supporting piece of one of the ice sculptures on the table. Giving it a small tap, you then ran back out to the main entrance and positioned yourself just outside the doors where you could still have a view of the main hallway. You deactivated the ring and heard the crash of the ice. Immediately, the men looking into the hallway ran back in, leaving the hallway unwatched. You and Loki were now free to sneak back into the mansion.
"The vault is downstairs but only accessed here," Loki murmured, leading you to a hidden staircase.
"Typical," You chucked, only mildly surprised by the motif. When you got down there, you noticed there were three levels of security. A key, a fingerprint scanner, and a retinal scanner. "Oh great! How are we supposed to get through that?"
"Never fear, my darling," Loki replied with a smirk. "Remember why they chose me?" He then changed, taking on the appearance of the party's host, Mr. Thatcher. He quickly got past the fingerprint and retinal scan but the key was still needed. Changing back to himself, he said, "The guards have keys."
"There are guards down here?" You whisper-yelled. Loki rolled his eyes frustratedly but before he could reply you heard footsteps coming down the hall.
"Follow my lead!" Loki demanded.
"Wha-" Loki interrupted you with a kiss and pushed you against the wall. You gasped in surprise but you had to admit to yourself he was talented.
"What are you doing down here?" The guard exclaimed. Loki slowly pulled away from you with the guiltiest expression on his face. You knew it was fake of course, but the guard was tricked.
"Were we not to be here?" He asked, voice slightly higher than usual. "We were only trying to find a-" He paused, smirking slightly. "A more private location." The guard shook his head and chuckled.
"Whatever floats your boat, man," He replied. "But I would suggest exploring the upstairs bedrooms." He gave them both a little wave and headed back around the corner.
"I’m going to strangle you," You said as soon as the guard was out of earshot.
"Oh please! You can’t even reach my neck," Loki replied. You grabbed his tie and pulled him down, pretending to be moving for another kiss. However, you tapped his neck lightly and smirked.
"Gotcha!" You giggled quietly and then held out your hand. "Oh! And look what I got!" She held up the key ring for the door. "While you were busy embarrassing yourself, I used my telekinesis and got the key!"
"Of course you did! That was my plan all along," Loki replied.
"Pretending to love you is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park," You grumbled. Loki grabbed your sides and growled in your ear as you opened the vault door. "You're so weird!" You hissed, walking in and trying to find the ring.
"And you’re so weird it’s attractive," He retorted, finding the box immediately and tossing it to you.
"Well, if I’m weird with you, I’m comfortable," You admitted. Loki looked at you in surprise but you just shrugged. "Look, you really piss me off sometimes, but," you paused. "Somehow I still like you."
"And I you, my dear," He replied. "Now as much as I would love to continue this discussion I do suggest you figure out how to use that thing and we get out of here!" You put on the ring, trying it on a few different fingers before you found the correct one.
"Ok, let's see what it does." When you activated it, it shot a cold blast at the shelf in front of you, encasing it in ice. "Cool!" You joked. Loki shook his head and grabbed your arm, trying to hurry out. Just as you got to the top of the stairs, you heard footsteps.
"Well well well," Mr. Thatcher growled, blocking your exit. A few of his goons stood behind him as well. "Mr. & Mrs. Williams was it? I don't think so," he sneered.
"Well, I don't think so either but we're not doing this today!" You shot them all with the ice and Loki shoved them out of the way. You both heard more footsteps down the hallway and looked at each other nervously. "Do you trust me?" You asked. Loki nodded.
"With my life." You gave him a tight smile and activated the Spin ring. You ran down the hallway and found where the other goons were at. You tried to use the Zero ring, with the ice powers, but found yourself unable to control it's aim.
"Well that's fantastic," you grianed. Rethinking your plan, you went back to get Loki. There was no way you'd both be able to get out of there at normal speed so you had one option. Lug Loki out yourself at super-speed.
"What the heck? Do you weigh 500 pounds or something?" You groaned when you couldn't pull or carry him. "Ok, last option. I hope this works," You muttered. You focused almost all your energy on moving Loki using your telekinesis. It was slow going, but at super-speed, you still would beat the bad guys. By the time you got him out the door to safety, you were exhausted. You immediately disengaged the ring and he looked around confused.
"How did I get here?"
"Talk later, run now," You gasped, trying to stop the dizziness that had overtaken you.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. You were about to reply when you collapsed, simply too drained to continue.
When you woke up, you felt a cool cloth on your forehead and soft blankets around you. "Where am I?" You groaned.
"I brought you back to the tower. I told the Captain his debriefing could wait," Loki replied. You sat up slowly and looked around. Raising an eyebrow, you stared at Loki questioningly. "Yes, this is my room. I wanted to keep an eye on you while you recovered. I informed the Captain that those rings are very dangerous and should not be used. They obviously were too much for you to handle and-"
"It wasn't the rings," You interrupted. You looked away, somewhat embarrassed. "Well, I was still in super-speed, but I used my telekinesis to get you out. We probably would have been shot otherwise. It used a lot of my energy but it was worth it."
"Oh darling," Loki sighed, gently pushing a stand of hair off your face. "You-" He leaned forward, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead. "You're amazing. I never expected you or anyone to care so much for me!"
"Of course I care!" You replied. "Look, you still drive me insane with some of your tricks. But you're a good guy," You smiled.
"And you're a wonderful woman," He said. You grinned at him happily, still tired but already feeling much better. "So what do you think, should we give us a try?"
"Why not? It may be the first really fantastic bad idea of mine that works out!" Loki smiled and gave you a kiss. You sighed contentedly and leaned on his shoulder when you pulled away.
"Oh darling? One more thing. It was my idea."
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predictable-affairs · 4 years
III ✯A waltz that goes - one, two, three, four...✯
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There was no fire, no chaos, no fools, just an empty piano room.
How quiet it was, like an other wordly dimension, as if the world before christmas. Absolute stilness, calmness, as if piercing right into the gaze of Narccissuss pond water, and right in the midst of it, drowing in the beautiful tides of silence, lay Laito.
As the suns bright beams shone through the lazily closed curtains, you could tell that he must of been asleep long ago... It's the middle of the day and he wasn't asleep, tired - maybe, but asleep - not at all.
Whilst sitting in the room, pretending as if it was the middle of a stary night, not the middle of day, a small tune of a waltz expresses itself through his fingers. As he pressed each key with care (or what he difined as care), as if a puzzle, combining a beautiful silhuette of music, he pretends that he was the one trying to lull his notes to sleep, diving into the fantasy that he loved the music as much as he hated his father.
Such a beautiful illusion he was under, spinning as a swan in its lake, not noticing another feather creeping onto its dance water...
Curious dust, spying through a crack in the door, as if magic (or maybe something more?), a soft dissapointment, sticking like gum, overtook his senses.
Fingers steading themseleves, landing on each and every nearest key, creating a truly ugly sounds, one (daring to?) rival even the history of this mansion.
A sigh, a singular small sigh, disturbing the stillness of the calm pond.
"I know you're there, you can come out now."
Is that sadness or dissapointment laced in the thread of those words? A shuffle and the dust gathering above the shadows moved, revealing the prepostorous impostor.
"Aah, our little doll~"
A fake hapiness overtakes the notes of his voice, yet the threads are everyday, simple ones, so it doesn't vow to raise suspicion. Only a truly close one can sense the diffrence in its cotton (rotten) wool.
"Mm, Laito...?"
An unfinished question hangs in the air. So many possible endings... Yet, does he truly know the esence of the question?
He does; but silence! Nothing is being said.
He pretends.
"Mmh, why don't you come here, by the piano, we can play a lovely little tune together~"
He will not anwser; will you play along?
A little shuffle of bare feet and the dark piano seems bigger than when it was from the door. More intimidating too...
"Hmm, sit."
He moves a bit with a smile, one hand patting the unworn leather of the chair, eyes gleeming with mischief. Oh, the fire in them is so bright! As if alight just recently, woken up from it's dark dreaming slumber.
Ah, the more you look into those eyes, the more you realise that... the fire is fake. It's not the hot dance of flames for life or excitment, not even hapiness, sadness or revenge. It's fake, it's dark, but it's not cheap. This fire is much more dangerous, much more darker, larger; even though it's fake, be careful! You can still get burned...
The leather of the chair feels soft, it's not cold either, warmed up by someone else...
As you sit, the red headed boy can't take his eyes off you. 
Not giving even a second to cool down from the intense heat from his eyes. Your sleep shirt rides up just a bit as you get more comfortably settled in the chair. It doesn't go unnoticed. 
His eyes, oh! His never ending eyes wander just a bit too low, just a bit to the new plot of nudity. All the way from the heels to the hips; the bare legs and open skin gets him a little excited. It's as if the prudness and innocence of it all is more exciting than you actually being nude. 
Oh, how he'd love to imagine you nude. Absolutely bare and naked, giving it all to him. He is imagining you naked. Wandering just a bit too low once more, and a bit too high for the first time. Looking over, examining everything; wondering, just what would happen if-
"Laito? Can we play?"
Of course we can, my love, just in which way?
"A? Sure, here, go ahead..."
A little disheveled look shines in the eyes, a bit lost, but easily regainable. Sitting up a bit more straight, repainting the moment lost playful smile, his eyelids close a bit and easily turn away to the yellowing white and black keys.
"I really like the tune you played before, it sounded really nice."
A simple comment, a simple smile, one simple emotion - happy. A pretty line graces your lips; a sneaky look landed in the direction of your face, gives a small little blush to Laito. (How he'd love to see it, your face, contort, maybe even make you blush).
"Oh really~? Do you know what it's called?"
A smile, closed eyes, he doesn't want to see you. The question hangs in the air, just like a misreable life ending it's play.
His head turned to you, his smile becomes a bit more scary, his eyes open with just a bit more mischief in them. His head moves closer, just a bit more to intimidate you? Scan you? Explore you? Read you?
As he keeps geting closer,  if you squint, you can notice something is missing. Is it in his eyes? Or in his smile? Is it something in the flame, hiding deeper than the irisis? Or maybe something in his teeth; as if a yellow spot, unseeable, but there to scare, annoy?
"It's called "The blood waltz"..."
Is it a whisper, or is it something in his unnatural tone? Can you... did you tell the difference? Is it just your brain playing tricks on you? Was it just your imagination, that a such a whisper exsisted? Was it also just your imagination, that sent a wave of rare shivers, those types of rare shivers, that you get once in your life as a tide drags you back into it's ocean, prickling down your spine?
It's getting a bit hot in here.
His success, triumph in making you blush, puts back the playful, unreadable smile on his face.
It's a safe smile, yet no heart in it can be seen.
He moves away, his head, his posture back, as if he was a mechanical teddy bear, as if he wasn't real, yet your only wish is, that he were even more real.
And in that moment, in that moment of a wish, in that moment of pure hypnotization, you realise what's missing.
Something that you didn't realise, something, that you thought was so significant, so real, so important, so ture, yet when you look at him now, it was so hard to pinpoint what it was.
Something, that you didn't even think, would make him look so... empty...
He's missing...
His hat.
His hat is missing, he looks so weird without it.
"Laito... where's your hat?"
"Huh? Oh, you like my hat?"
It sounds like a genuine simple question, no mischief behind it.
As he turns away, just for a moment, hiding behind the side of the piano, he seems to grab something. Seeing his back, his side, it seems so lovely, it's as if those green eyes never exsisted, it's as if the mischief hidden behind them, that could even rival Loki's, never did anything, never appeared in your life.
And yet, they turn back in a flash, the emerald green forest hiding in them, once again envolping you whole.
It's quite lovely to get lost...
But, how lost is too lost?
Something simple lands on your head.
"Hmm~, here! If you like my hat that much, you can wear it!"
Cheerfull echoes resonate in the occupied piano room. An empty, but characteristic, closed eye smile, dissolves some of the mist set tension. The hat gently lands as if a fallen feather of a swan, right before turning into a beautiful ballet dancer...
Right after turning into a swan, never to dance as human again...
"Here, why don't you play me a lovely little tune, entertain me, little doll"
It's just a little blush, a small, invisible tint, perhaps he doesn't see it...?
Maybe if you turn your head just a bit more, turn your focus to the slighty yellowed keys, press just a bit harder, and maybe you'll get the right melody, the right tone. Maybe then you'll finally calm down. Maybe then you'll finally let the music and his unreadable stare drown you in the green land of emerald waters and (un)holy grass...
A simple tune, so melodic, but primitive; one rivaling the beauty of the forest Nymphs and the magic of Orpheus's music.
With a hand resting on the side of the glazed piano, in intense stare is softened (dare we say, even intrigued) and emotion is trying to meet the others.
Yet your fingers are quick. There is no need for a hum or a song, not even a text would be allowed in this tune.
One, two, three, four, and it's a waltz you've never heard before...
"Where'd you learn to play that?"
The melody continues. There is no more suspence, it's coming nigh.
"Shu taught me."
Intensity and stop! The sentence is complete; a black, blot dot is set.
Hands stop, hover and land. You've reached the highest point of the mountain.
"You know... You look awfully adorable in my hat..."
One hand no longer supporting a head, the other slowly slithering, as if serpent, a deadly little thing, across the warmed seat.
The mountain air feels fresh and nively cold on your skin.
"I think... it really suits you..."
The hands drives onto your thigh, both pair of eyes, both looks afraid to cut the tension, as if it were an overblown ballon, that could pop at any drop, or even, a frozen lake. One, with ice so thin, that it makes you question why you even stepped on it in the first place.
Both pair of eyes follow the hand, every trace, it's whole way, it's whole little odyssey.
The fish seem to like to play under your feet, under the frozen water...
On the mountain, you stretch your arms over the horizon.
As the hand rest on your thigh, it's odly warm sensation, radiating from within gives a out a qiuet gulp.
A pair of eyes reach up, desperately trying for air, the green ones slowly follow suit.
Such a beautiful intense gaze, held with a million pieces of silk rope. You're getting lost in the forest, my darling, even if you follow the trail...
So desprate, so strong. You have to breathe, you need to breathe!
The hand moves further up, slowly, intensly, savouring the flavour of your skin, leaving alight a path of fire with each slide up.
His head is twisted, twisted to the side... His hand is moving even more further up, holding, challenging the intense gaze...
You take a breath on the mountain.
You close your eyes, calm on the frozen river.
And the it happens - the fall, the kiss.
His hand stops right where it needs to be, his head closing the gap and giving in to the tension.
A kiss, just a small, little kiss. So soft, so timid; are you getting shy?
(please don't (do) be shy, it makes me so happy...)
The gap is small, but it seems as if you could fit the whole Pacific Ocean in there and still have room to never drown.
But you want to drown...
Eyes locked tight together, you say nothing, but it's all the both of you have to hear.
Quietness, stilness...
You close your eyes on the mountain and...
Fall forward, into the gaping abyss with it's bottom never seen...
A raging storm. Lips connected, stronger, hotter; a dancing, dangerous flame in the middle of the room.
It's so hot, it's so suffocating. It's more than just a gentle, timid kiss, it's one that not even Romeo could give to Juliette.
As you fall into the freezing river waters, not even it can stop the burning fire inside you.
You need this, you love this, even if it's burning you raw inside out, right into a dust of ash.
Lean back, just a little lean back; is it because you don't want this? Or is it because you want to let him take you whole?
So much time, such intensity, there is no slow.
As if trying to lead him back with your lips, you're slowly trying to lay down.
Yet, he is pressistent, he will not give in, wont let you get away.
Air, you need air!
But the river is frozen over you.
You keep leaning back, but he just stands up, stradels the poor little chair, and pushes you forward.
Wether it was his hands or his lips, that brought you upright again - you do not know.
But what you do know is that a hand, and another hand make their peace on your thighs. Slowly rubbing and going under, spinning circles like a helpless ballerina.
His hands are under there and they're strong, slowly lifting and making him - your piano chair.
Just as he stradled this chair, he makes you stradle him, continuing your fast burning kiss.
"You're a terrible kisser, you know~"
It makes you blush.
"It's not like I had practice before..."
A little chuckle, this time it's sounds genuine.
Once again, another strong gaze locks itself on you; pressistent! It needs to get your attention...
"Oh, sweetie, I can be your practice, hmm~"
Another kiss, nor hard, nor soft, nor sweet, nor bitter.
It's a waltz, with no rhythm.
"Every week..."
He lifts you, turning around and placing you down on the piano (what an awfully ugly sound it makes...).
His hands enclose on the piano, trapping your hips in place; you won't move away...
"Two hours a day..."
He's getting closer, another sensless, short kiss.
"Until you play my lips, like the melody you played for me..."
Another kiss, this one will last longer, you know.
It's those hot, hot kisses all over again...
He's kissing down now.
It stops at your lips and continues slowly on your chin.
Hands won't be left behind; as they lift and and hug your legs again.
Kisses under your chin, on your neck, down your collarbone with a stop right there...
Oh, and there? Those kisses were prefume.
They'd linger and sometimes even leave something behind.
He'd bare his fangs and bite, just a bit, right there. But being lost in this high, in this new, strange world, you can't, you don't have to feel anything. The pain is just an illusion, it's actually exctacy, just hiding in a different form.
Yet, biting won't stop him. He'll molest the spot, those two little dots; kiss, suck, lick. Anything and everything, just to get that same sound out of you, that you made a few seconds ago, right in the moment of the bite, the kiss; anything...
And yet, there's no stopping there, you might linger on one spot, but you can't stay there forever.
Kisses keep flowing down like a cold river stream. Down to the heart, to the chest, to the valley. They flow as if a leaf on an ocean. Through the stomach, around the waist, all the way to the hips and stopping near the middle. It's the edge of the waterfall.
"Say, what game did you play with Kanato?"
"What do you mean?"
"Kanato doesn't usually say much, but his look today, your smell... that's all we had to see..."
"So, what game did you and Kanato play?"
"It's a special game."
Just a tilt of the head, both arms on your thighs, but they're holding up a had of their own.
"And how do you play this special game~?"
"Kanato has a special sweet and if I lick and suck it, I get some cream at the end."
"Mm, a special sweet...?"
He's smiling.
"Mhm, I think you have one too."
"Oh really?"
"Yes! Kanato said the cream was supposed to be sweet, but I don't think it was,"
His smile (or is it a smirk?), it get's a little wider.
"Maybe if I try yours, it will be better...?"
"Hmm, how about... I try some of that special cream~?"
"I don't think you can; I think you should ask Kanato."
"Oh, mm, I don't think I'll need to do that,"
His smile... It's still a smile, but there seems to be something off with it...
"Have you ever heard of reversing games?"
"Mhm, how about we try reversing your special game, I think I've got the hang of the rules..."
It's no longer a smile, just the esence, no soul of it.
A dangerous fire has unknowingly been lit.
As he kisses the middle once again, soft hands trace your thighs up again, getting a hold of some fabric, squeezing, crumbleing it up, just to pull it all down.
The leaf finally flows off the edge of the waterfall.
At first, a gentle kiss, just like at the start, just like what led to all of this.
Then a another and another kiss, each one more passionate than the last. Tugs and kisses, they are getting more hard, they're less soft, more demanding; this will you lead you somewhere more than the edge of a waterfall...
But it feels so good...
Another harsh tug, one hand holding on to the piano, as if it were your life, if you let go - you fall. The other quickly flowing to the top of your head, right to the hat, to hold it... Is it to not make it fall off? For reasurance? Something to make you calm down?
"Mm? Oh, don't hold that hat sweetie,"
One hand leads the other off the hat, holding on tight to the wrist (maybe a bit too tight). He doesn't want to let go...
"Just try to not make it fall off, I don't like it when my things get dirty~..."
A look that's trying to bind you in your place is cast once again. It's hard, it's intense, it's... dirty...
The gaze, it's stronger than the gods.
"Some of my things, hehe~"
And he drowns in kisses again, not coming up even for a breath.
It feels so good, as of the tides of the wishing waves have swept up and taken you away. The exctacy, the pure chaos of it, it just slowly builds this feeling inside you. One, that could be compare to the finding of your very own ocean.
It feels amazing, his kisses, their hard, theirs rough, but you dont want the to be soft!
You need this, you want this!
And the ocean that you found is slowly flooding.
It's not supposed to be a moan or a whimper, but it's not making him stop.
He keeps going, and if anything - even faster and better than before.
Something’s building up inside of you; the ocean is soon to overflow...
And there it goes, you just let go. The ocean finally overflowd, spilling out the sides of the earth.
You did try to warn him, but that, this feeling... It could rival anything in this world, even the almighty love...
He doesn't seem to care, that you're finally done, over the high, but still stuck in its euphoric fall. He just keeps licking, sucking, cleaning everything up.
"Is it... Is it sweet?"
The questions echo may be tired, but it's esence is just still building up.
"As sweet as honey, hehe~"
He smiles, he laughs or perhaps it's a chuckle.
"So sweet that I want more..."
The ocean may have spilled, but it's far from empty.
He goes and carries on with his want, despite the protest.
Oh, the second time was even better than the first!
So much more sensation, somuch more work... It didn't take long to finnish this time around.
And now, you felt completely down. Still sitting on the piano, heavy, thick breaths, sleep slowly overcomes tiredness. Yet, even as you’re huffing and puffing, feeling as if you just ran a marathon and blabbering on nonsense - he doesn't stop, he didn't stop.
When you finished the second time, he didn't stop; didn't lift his head up, didn't say any comments, just kep on going.
It's hard, you're trying to keep it in.
It does feel good, better with each second, but it's just too much! You... you don't fel like you can take it.
His name falling from your lips, as if trying to stop him, warn him, tell him...
But he cannot hear, he refuses to listen.
The sensations keeps going on and on, you won't be able to hold on for much longer.
One last time, you try his name.
Yet, to no avail, you are done for.
As the last couple seconds tick, the clock reaches 12, it's already midday. And with those last seconds, with that last tick you release.
The build up, the hold was so big, you feel as if a fountain was just released; and with the tick of the clock, with the wooden bird, a darkness overcomes your eyes. You fall into it, letting go of your physical body, allowing the dark to hug, envolpe and drown you whole; let your soul and mind wander free. Let the exctacy release while you continue to forever swim in it's waters.
Go to sleep now, rest. Let relief overcome you, never to awake from euphoria again.
                                                            ↢ II o’clock | IV o’clock ↣
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imaginesupply · 4 years
Homecoming - Chapter One
Chapter Two can be found here
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(Gif’s not my own.)
Summary: The day has arrived, Captain Syverson is going home. For good, this time. He is going home to a civilian life he can hardly remember and a wife he barely knows, with memories of the war still fresh on his mind. Love might not be able to heal everything on its own, but it’s a good start.
Genres: Romance, drama.
Story warnings: Smut (always fully consensual), mentions of PTSD and nightmares and mental health, angst, hurt and comfort, fluff, mentions of war (minor), mentions of cheating (minor), mentions of pregnancy (very minor), police appearance (very minor), violence (very minor).
It’s my first time writing for one of Henry’s characters and I’m unsure I did Sy’s character any justice.
This is a Capt. Syverson x OFC (Ada) story, written in 3rd person POV but OFC’s physical description is very limited so it could also be read as Capt. Syverson x Reader, I think.
English is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes. Proofread, but not beta’ed. We die like men and all that.
Timeline is a little wacky: The movie takes place in 2003 and the U.S. forces were withdrawn from Iraq in 2011, but I never set a precise date because I don’t think it’s essential for this story. However, some elements might not be realistic because if we set this story in 2003: Phone cameras  quality was not as good as it’s now, but for the purpose of the chapters, I will need you to imagine you could film great videos with your flip phone haha. Plus, it says Sy is coming back after being deployed for more than three years which makes no sense unless we set this in 2006 or later. I am asking you disregard any time inconsistencies 
Also: I am not American. I only lived in the US for six months and it was in the Midwest, not Texas so please bear with me if I write something stupid.
Finally: This is pretty much a Christmas fic and I intend to post the last chapter (there will be seven in total) on or before Christmas. However, religion is never mentioned in this story and the Christmas-sy elements of this story are limited to family gathering, gift giving and tree decorating.
Chapter One starts after the cut. Let me know if you wish to be tagged in the new chapters.
Chapter One
Chapter warnings: Badly written smut (consensual), marriage awkwardness, alcohol consumption. Maybe OOC Sy, I don’t know. We never saw him being casual.
Sy checked his phone again as he waited for his bag by the baggage carousel. The airport was even busier than usual, it was taking ages and he was impatient to get out of there... and maybe even never set foot in an airport again for the rest of his life.
He read her text again, short and sweet. He sometimes called her that, short and sweet, just to tease her. Ada was considerably shorter than him and full of sugar, when she wanted to be, that was.
'I'm waiting by the gate for you, with a warm cinnabon :) So excited to see you again <3.'
Just then a notification popped up from Harper. It was a photo of the soldier at the airport, finally reunited with his wife and his two rugrats. It made Sy all the more excited to see Ada again, and then as if on cue, his camo bag appeared in the carousel and he groaned with relief.
He stood restless amidst the line, it seemed people in front of him were dragging their feet, but when they noticed his green beret uniform, most parted and let him through. Sy tipped his head gratefully.  
His wife was there, just outside the gate. Sy spotted her instantly in the crowd of people. She was wearing a red dress under her open coat and her hair looked fresh out of the hairdresser. He caught himself grinning at the sight of her. Then, once she spotted him making his way over to her, she started waving her hand excitedly as if there was any way his eyes hadn't already landed on her. He wished he still had his phone in hand to capture this moment for all of eternity, but his memory would have to do, he decided before casting his arms open for his wife. Fuck, did he love her!
Ada had been biting her nails nervously for the past two hours. She had arrived at the airport way too early. The parking fee would hurt but she couldn't find it in herself to care at this point.
Three weeks ago, she had received a call informing her that her husband and part of his unit had been ambushed. There had been an explosion in some building they were scouting only God knows where.
Only a full week after that did she receive a call from Sy himself. He was coming home. For good, this time. They were sending him home early, a full eight months earlier than what he had originally negotiated with his superiors. She hadn't been prepared for the news. She had spent the days following the call asking herself whether she had heard him right, making sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.
Now he was here, stopping right in front of her, his thick arms inviting her right in for a hug. Ada wouldn't have been able to resist the invitation even if she had wanted to. Within a second, she was enveloped in his embrace, her cheek pressed against his chest. She was overjoyed to feel his heartbeat again. Sy kisses the crown of her head before putting her down, his hands never leaving her lower back, his fingers big enough to reach the swell of her bum from there.
They pulled away a few inches to take each other in. His beard has grown a little long, but it was not enough to hide his apparent dimples as he smiled. He looked a little older too, she hadn't seen in seven months, except through a shitty quality facetime call once or twice. Her careful gaze spotted the new scar by his temple, it was the only visible physical evidence of the explosion he had been caught in. She dreaded what she might under his uniform.
Sy caught her eyes and she found herself blushing under his stare. It was always like that the first few hours when he was back, until she got used to his overwhelming presence again and to the fact that this handsome bear of a man was indeed her husband.
"You're looking good, darlin'," Sy grinned, making her spin for him. "I missed you."
Ada couldn’t resist his smile. "I missed you too, Sy." She confessed, handing him the still warm cinnamon roll in its paper bag.
He accepted the pastry with a smile and started eating it immediately but not before throwing his arm around her shoulders as they began making their way to the parking lot. Sy was eager to get her out of the crowd and have her just to him himself.
"So, what's the plan, darlin'?" Sy inquired with mischief to his voice, balling up the paper bag with his free hand and throwing it inside the trash can. "Did you book that hotel with the jacuzzi in the bedroom again?"
It had become a tradition of some sort between them. They would always spend his first night back at that hotel: they'd order some room service and eat in the jacuzzi. Though, usually, they would first end up on together on the bed.
Ada stopped suddenly in her tracks, making him still behind her. She smiled sheepishly. "Don't be mad," she started, his smile falling at once, "but your family is waiting for us in the parking lot. Your mom insisted that we celebrate your homecoming at the restaurant. Something about you missing Thanksgiving just by a couple days."
Sy groaned, thinking about the evening that now expected him. He'd been flying for God knows how many hours, all he wanted was a warm bath and Ada whichever way she'd let him have her, not a damn dinner party.
"I'm sorry, Sy."
He shook his head and leaned down to kiss her forehead again. "Don't worry, darlin'. I know it ain’t your fault."
As soon as they reached the open-air parking lot, Sy's nephew and niece start running up to him, having escaped their parents' grasp. His family was waiting for him with cheers and a 'welcome home, soldier' banner. Sy hated that kind of attention and she found it cringy as well, but she had been unable to stop his mother. Ada watched him hug the kids and lift them up into the air, making them laugh as she walked up to the machine to pay the fee.
Her hand trembled as she inserted the ticket into the slot, missing the opening a few times. She was happy - no, scratch that - she was ecstatic to have her husband back. It's just that, could you really say 'back' when there was never truly a 'before', a 'there'?
They had met when he was already deployed, but on a short leave back in Austin. They spent three weeks together, got married and he returned to Iraq. Since then, the longest stretch of time they had been together had been twenty days. Neither of them had ever gotten settled into married life and now he was 'back'. For good. Which was wonderful and foreign and overwhelming all at once.
Ada paid the fee and returned to join them, finding Sy hugging his mother. She smiled at the sight. She walked over to greet her sister-in-law and her husband, confirming that they'd meet up at the restaurant. With that, she went to the car, deciding to give Sy some more time with his family, and herself an occasion to take a few breaths and calm her buzzing heart.
"You didn't tell me my mom had gotten herself a boyfriend." Sy grumbled immediately as he sat down next to her in the car, putting on his seatbelt.
Ada turned on the engine and backed out of the spot. "I knew you wouldn't like it," she defended before casting a side glance at him. "Besides, I figured it wasn't my place to tell you."
Sy hummed noncommittally, removing his cap to rake his hand through his cropped hair.
"Though, as much as I don't exactly like your mother," Ada added quietly, "she's been on her own ever since your dad passed a couple years ago. With your father gone and you away, she must have felt lonely.”
Sy spent the rest of the drive mulling over her words in his head. The fuck was that supposed to mean? As soon as a woman feels lonely, she takes up a boyfriend?! Was Ada lonely too while he was away and… He wanted to ask if she was implying anything but then one look at her and he decided against it. Breathing out deeply, he forces himself to relax. He was just stressed out and on edge.
It was inevitable that things would have changed while he had been away. That was something he thought about frequently late at night when he got to be alone. Still, he hoped things hadn’t changed all too much. Ada still looked just as she had on their road trip to Vegas, focused on the road but leaning back on her seat, just one hand on the wheel with a grin on her lips. His wife loved driving.
"You got your nails done." Sy commented, already hoping the whole dinner thing would be over quickly so that he could go home with her.
Ada turned to him with a chuckle for a second, wriggling her graceful fingers and red painted nails, her wedding band reflecting the light. "I wanted to look pretty for you."
Sy huffed. "You always look pretty to me, Ada," he said and then watched her scoff.
"Or maybe, I just wanted to make sure I'd be able to scratch you up nicely," she wife winked.
Yeah, this dinner thing couldn't be over fast enough.
Ada saw him eat so much over dinner, she couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to be sick later. And, of course, the double serving of smoked ribs had to be accompanied with generous amounts of beer and whisky. She didn0t blame him, though. Out of curiosity, she once researched what they ate while on deployment and it looked anything but tasty. If she had been in his shoes, she'd have been eating her own weight in pizza and brownies right now.  
It also didn’t help that his brother-in-law and his mom's new boyfriend, Phil from the hardware store, kept asking him about Baqubah and even touching on the subject of the explosion. It was obvious how uncomfortable the subject made him, his grip tightening around his knife and his jaw tensing up so tightly, she could imagine his teeth grinding.
So, Sy kept asking for refills, raising his glass, and giving them vague answers, but it seemed they didn't get the hint. At least, the subject changed when his sister interrupted the conversation to announce she was expecting again. A little girl.
Ada used the moments of cheer that followed to excuse herself from the table and go to the restroom. She was still somewhat nervous and her face was damp. She would have given anything for a glass of scotch at that moment but she was driving tonight.
Helen, Sy's mom appeared right behind her just as she was washing her hands. She hoped the woman would just disappear inside a stall but she wasn’t that lucky.
"Jack is back." Helen stated, arms crossed. A shiver ran through Ada's spine, damn she hated that woman. "For good."
Ada dried her hands with a paper towel, looking back at her mother-in-law through the mirror. "He is."
"Now's the time to prove yourself to this family and show us that Sy was right in marrying you.”
Before Ada could ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, Helen finally disappeared inside a stall. Rolling her eyes, Ada went to leave the restrooms when Helen decides to add some more venom. "Maybe a good start would be calling him by his first name, as a wife would."
"When do you start at Camp Mabry?" Ada asked, looking away from the steering wheel to glance at him for a second. Sy looked exhausted, not that she could she blame him after three different flights and a seemingly endless dinner. They had finally called it a night once the kids had started getting fussy.
"January 15th." He replied. "But they want me to stop by before then to have a look around the base and sign the contract."
"You're going to boss the hell out of the new recruits," Ada laughed, getting him to lighten up and even chuckle.
"You'd be surprised to know I'm actually a fair and considerate captain," Sy defended himself.
Next to him, Ada huffed as she tried stiffing the bubble of laughter, trying not miss the right exit off the main road.
"I just value discipline and compliance a lot," he added, his tone growing teasing.
This time, she was unable to stop her laugh. "Believe me, I know you do."
The drive was a short one to their house in the suburbs and she was soon parking her in their driveaway.
Ada fumbled with the key as she tried opening the front door, nervousness setting back in as she felt Sy standing behind her, holding his duffel bag. He followed in quickly after her, once she had finally managed to open the door.
"Welcome home, captain!" Ada cheered in her silliest tone as he discarded his bag on the floor.
Then, before she could even react, Sy was on her. His arms lifted her up, his body caging hers against the wall before capturing her lips in the most ferocious kiss she could imagine.
Out of instinct, her legs locked around his waist and her hands dug into his shoulders, unwilling to let go of him now that he was finally there. Sy grinned against her lips, amused by her fervour, not that he felt any different.
He broke off the kiss as he pulled them away from the wall, freeing a hand to shrug her coat off her shoulders. "You ain't gonna need that, darlin'," he promised, throwing the coat in the direction of the kitchen, not caring where it landed.
Then his mouth latched on to her throat, forcing a delicious moan out of his wife as he carefully manoeuvred them upstairs, still steady on his feet despite the alcohol. Sy was almost surprised when he pushed open the door to their bedroom with his foot and it didn't squeak, but that thought was fleeting as Ada started rolling her hips against his. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. Not the war, not the explosion or his guilt, only the woman in his arms.
Unceremoniously, he let her fall on the bed, the urgency now flowing through his blood keeping him from doing things the gentleman way. Ada didn't mind, giggling as she unzipped her dress and slid the red thing over her head, along with her bra. Apparently, she had decided to forego panties. Sy stood there, almost mesmerised as he watched her, suddenly not certain if he dared tainting her with his touch but Ada quickly made that decision for him as she got up on her knees.
"A little less staring and a little more undressing, captain," she purred with a smirk, her fingers determined as they made quick work of the buttons on his shirt.
"That's it, darlin'. You're in for it now," Sy roared, pulling her in for another furious kiss before pushing her back against the mattress, making her land on her back as he got undressed in record time. Fuck, was he hard.
"Open up for your captain." Sy ordered and Ada complied instantly, her legs falling open for him as she peered up at him, holding herself up on her elbows and worrying her lower lip between her teeth. "That's a good girl," he praised.
Without losing another second, Sy settled in between her legs, wrapping his strong arms around her thighs and parting them to their limits. He wanted to worship her body the way she deserved, show her exactly just how appreciative he was of her, how much he craved her, but it had been months and Sy was a starving man who had just been presented with the perfect meal.
"Fuck Sy!" Ada screamed out, her back arching off the bed the instant he licked her just where she craved him most. He chuckled against her, marvelling at how wet she already was for him.
She tried closing her legs around his head, rejoicing at the feeling of his beard rubbing against her sensitive skin and never wanting him to leave again, but his arms were too strong for her clenching thighs. She was left defenceless against his assault, with no choice but to obscenely moan her pleasure and let herself cum against his tongue as his thumb expertly massaged her clit.
The coil inside her snapped and her body tensed up before letting go just as suddenly, her now damp back falling back on the mattress. "Fuck, Sy." Ada breathed out, her chest heaving as she tried to reopen her eyes only to find her husband playfully gazing up at her, smirking with her arousal glistening on his beard. The sight alone almost made her cum again. "I'll never let you leave again!"
He smiled in response, placing a kiss on her lower stomach before crawling up her body. "I've no intention to, baby," he promised.
Ada caught a glimpse of his hard, flushed erection as his body slid over hers, realizing in her post-orgasmic haze that she was in for an even bigger treat now. She could taste herself in his mouth as they kissed, his hand slithering behind her back to seize her shoulder and hold her closer. Teasingly, he started rolling his hips, his hard clock rubbing against her slick cunt, coating himself with arousal before finally, he found his way inside her, burying his head next to hers in the pillow.
Ada whimpered as he did so, her eyes tearing up as his clock slid inside her. She had evidently grown unaccustomed to his girth and length in his absence. Sy paused immediately, his muscles tense as he looked at her with concern. “You okay?” She nodded in silence, wanting him to start moving but Sy looked unconvinced, using all his strength to keep still despite his desire to fuck her right into the mattress. Without a warning, Ada tightly wrapped her legs around his hips, making him go deeper. Sy let out a reverberating groan. “God, darlin’. I missed you.”
He started thrusting into her with such vigour, such determination it felt as if he was trying to bury himself so deep inside her, no one would ever be able to pry him away from her again. It did hurt, her cervix was getting battered with each of his hard movements but she found herself enjoying the pain because it was him; it was Sy and he was right there with her, back in her arms, and she could feel his heart beat beneath her fingertips as her hand gripped at his chest.
"Fuck, I'm... I’m," Ada gasped incoherently, her nails now scratching the skin of his back. Sy was sure there would be marks there in the morning which made him enjoy the sensation even more.
"I got you," he rasped. If possible, he pulled her even tighter to him, his pubic bone now rubbing against hers in that delicious way only he was able to do. Her slick walls were now contracting around him, her second orgasm impending. "Fuck," he groaned, his breath coming out in a stutter. "Are you...Can I...?"
Sy didn't have to word it, she knew what he meant. "Cum in me, Sy. Please," she almost begged.
Her words did it. His hips stuttered as he pushed in deep just when his orgasm washed over him, exploding inside her. His face contorted with pleasure and that sight alone had her fast tracking her fall over the figurative edge. He had his face buried on the crook of her neck, muffling his groans and moans against her skin as the dam gave way within her.
Sy grunted against his pillow, slowly waking up the following morning. He was convinced he was just rousing after a very nice dream and he was ready to toss his alarm clock across the room, furious at the object for interrupting his dream, that for once, had been a good one. With a startle, Sy realized that no blasting alarm had woken him up but the sunlight on his face. Opening his eyes, he felt almost as if on foreign ground. He was home.
As quietly as he could manage, Sy turned around in bed, seeking his wife only to find her side empty. Just at that moment, he heard cursing coming up from the kitchen and scoffed. He’d bet his life Ada was cracking eggs, something she hated.
Feeling rested and in a much more relaxed mood than the previous day, Sy got out of bed and started searching for a pair of boxer briefs so he could go join her downstairs when he caught a sniff of himself. Fuck, did he stink. How Ada hadn’t thrown him out of bed, he didn’t know.
Out of habit, Sy hurried to the en-suite bathroom, wanting to shower as fast as possible before realizing that this time around, it was different. He wasn’t going back, he didn’t have to rush, their time together wasn’t counted. With that in mind, Sy forced himself to take his time, enjoying the act of brushing his teeth in a bathroom that smelled nice and showering with warm water. Ada had purchased his usual brands of shower gel and toothpaste, he noticed, even putting a red bow around his brand-new toothbrush by the sink. Even though he initially wanted to take his time to enjoy it, Sy still ended up rushing as he dried himself with a blue fluffy towel he didn’t recognize from his previous stay. He didn’t bother putting on anything more than his boxer briefs before heading downstairs. If he was lucky, he wouldn’t keep them on for long either.
Sy walked into one of the best sights he had even seen, when he entered the kitchen. Ada was standing in front of the stove, rhythmically tapping the black spatula against her naked thigh as she focused on the eggs and bacon she was preparing. The thin negligee - or whatever she called it, he always forgot - barely covered her ass and that outfit alone was one of the reasons he never minded that she always cracked up the heat so high, he felt like he was back under the hot desert sun.
Silent and stealthy like a predator despite his stature, Sy sneaked up on her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling her startle before relaxing once she noticed it was him. She smelled heavenly, Sy thought, resting his chin on the top of her head. "Watcha got cooking, darlin'?"
"Obviously breakfast," she sassed, making him softly pinch her ass in response. Ada squealed and jumped up. "Good morning to you too, Sy," she said but not before slapping the handle of the spatula against his thigh. He decided to let it slide... for now.
"Morning darlin'," he answered, kissing the crown of her head before darting his fingers into the pan and picking up a piece of bacon. It was sizzling hot, but the taste was worth it. He had missed being home! Speaking of being home... "What do you say we take the food and coffee upstairs and have ourselves breakfast in bed?" His tone failed to hide his true intentions.
Ada scoffed, the back of her head rubbing on his hairy chest and she shook her head. "Nice try but I actually intend to feed you. Your mother will have my head if I let you go hungry."
It was Sy's turn to laugh, his hands now roaming her body as she leaned forward to turn off the stove, pressing her ass against his crotch and eliciting a husky groan from him. "I'm hungry enough to eat both breakfast and you, don't worry."
Ada turned around, a huge grin on her angelic face. "Alright, you win. What do you say, we have breakfast, we do the kinky and then go grocery shopping?"
Sy tried hiding his smile but it was a lost cause. He loved it when she talked like that. He loved her, point. "Yes, ma'am."
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kozumekenza · 3 years
house of memories :: seven
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:: kageyama tobio x f!reader :: playlist :: masterlist ::
:: taglist: closed :: wc: 1.7k ::
the last you had heard of kageyama tobio, he was following his grandfather’s footsteps and leaving you behind to join the syndicate. a chance meeting throws him back into your life, along with all of the memories.
tw: mafia elements, profanity, kidnapping, gun and knife violence, knives, gunshot and knife wounds
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You have never seen Kageyama Tobio cry, but right now, there are tears in his eyes.
The cold steel of the gun makes you whimper. Never in your life have you ever been in a situation like this. Hell, you’ve never even imagined you would be in a situation like this. All you can do is stay still in Hajime’s grip and pray that he won’t pull the trigger. Kageyama is looking back and forth between you and Oikawa, seemingly looking for a way out.
In your heart, you know there isn’t one.
Somebody will die here tonight. Would it be too self-sacrificing to say that you wish it is you? Kageyama would never allow it, but between you and him, he’s the one who is worth more. When you have to put a price on life, his wins.
You watch Kageyama carefully. His right hand is slowly drifting towards his back, subtle enough that neither Oikawa nor Hajime have noticed. He must have his gun, right? He’s looking straight at you, his eyes more emotional than you’ve ever seen them. What is his plan here? If he pulls the gun, Hajime will definitely shoot you.
Think, y/n. Think.
Hajime had knocked away the gun you had, but you can’t recall if he took it or left it on the floor. There’s a high chance that he has another sort of weapon on him, maybe a knife or something. With the way he’s caging you, there isn’t an easy way to try to grab for something; your hands are trapped at your sides. Plus, with the gun against your head, you don’t want to risk anything.
Four things happen at once.
Kageyama grabs his gun from the back of his jeans and simultaneously pops the safety off and points it at Oikawa.
Hajime loosens his grip on you and points his gun at Kageyama.
Oikawa shoots at Kageyama, who ducks.
And finally, something solid slides across the floor and hits your foot.
Kageyama’s switchblade.
With Hajime momentarily distracted, Oikawa shooting at Kageyama, and Kageyama ducking and trying to shoot back, you duck down to the floor and reach for the knife, flicking it open and stabbing behind you. You know you’ve met your mark when Hajime’s grip loosens completely and he falls back, clutching his abdomen.
There’s a gunshot, a shout, and Kageyama slumps to the floor.
There’s a particular memory you have, of a summer in high school, Kageyama teaching you how to use and care for the switchblade. You were more interested in tricks than any practical uses, but you remember one topic that you thoroughly enjoyed.
The way the knife spins through the air, slicing before it hits the target, mesmerizes you. When you brought it up to Kageyama, you never thought learning would be pragmatic. It was supposed to be a party trick; something you could show off at a darts board at a bar, something you could impress people with if you were drunk enough.
Nevertheless, he taught you, and you picked it up with ease. It was simple, at least for you. Something that required less brain power than studying for a test, something that required a routine that stayed the same every time. The only things that ever changed would be your target, the distance, and the weight of the knife.
Luckily for you, the same knife you had grown up practicing with is the same one that’s currently in your hand.
It’s like second nature to you; like the back of your hand, the curve of Kageyama’s jaw, the distinct smell of the grass in the summer after a heavy rain back home.
Before Kageyama has even hit the ground, the knife is out of your hand, spinning, spinning, spinning towards your target.
You don’t think you made a noise when you threw, but Oikawa must have a sixth sense for this sort of thing, because he turns and locks his wide eyes with yours as the knife arcs through the air and embeds itself deep within his chest.
You don’t have the time to think about whether or not you just committed murder; your only concern now is getting Kageyama and getting the hell out of here. He’s still conscious when you dash over to him, and you scramble out of your t-shirt to press it to the wound. Nearly identical to the one he had stumbled into the penthouse with that night, you worry about him surviving another gunshot wound to the same area.
Carefully, you support his weight and stagger to his Artura. When he’s safely secured in the passenger seat, you dial Miwa and set off towards the penthouse.
Miwa meets you in the garage; Kiyoko’s already with her. Kiyoko takes Kageyama upstairs as Miwa pulls you into a hug. You’ve been missing for over twelve hours, it’s now five in the morning, she says. You follow her upstairs where she wrestles you into bed with food and a glass of water. You put up quite the fight; you’re exhausted and could pass out at any moment, but Kageyama is your only concern.
She stays until you’ve finally given up, sleep pulling you under.
When you wake again, the sun is setting. You’ve slept the day away. You’re alone in Miwa’s room, and you bolt out of bed. Kageyama must be better by now, surely someone would’ve woken you up if something was wrong. When you reach his room, the door is open. He’s sitting up, Miwa in a chair at his bedside. Tears are falling from your eyes as you cross the short distance, carefully wrapping your arms around him.
“Thank God, you’re alright.”
“I could say the same for you.” His voice is scratchy, but you’ve never been so glad to hear him speak. You hear Miwa push her chair back and leave, pulling the door closed behind her.
You pull away from Kageyama, instead sliding under the covers next to him. “I thought I told you not to do anything stupid.”
He chuckles, a small grin on his face. “Nothing is stupid when it comes to you.”
“You literally walked straight into a gun.”
“To come get you.”
“Not the point.”
He sighs. “Well, it all worked out, didn’t it?”
“I guess.” You bury yourself in his chest, mindful of his injury, before you remember the promise you made to yourself while kidnapped. “Tobio?” Your voice is soft.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, y/n.”
Kageyama makes a full recovery, as do you. There are many mental hurdles to tackle as you become more and more immersed in Kageyama’s business, but with Miwa and Kageyama by your side, you feel like you can take on anything. You move out of your apartment and into the penthouse when you graduate with your bachelor’s degree, although you’ve practically been living at the penthouse anyway. It all ends up working out regardless; Hana and Ushijima are engaged and bought a house together.
You get into your medical school of choice and begin working under Kiyoko for the time being. She teaches you things that medical school won’t; things specific to your role in Kageyama’s life.
Kageyama is content for you to remain on the sidelines, simply watching, but you disagree. When you graduate from medical school, you want to share some of Kageyama’s burden; you want to become his partner in everything. He concedes eventually, grumbling something about how “all the women in his life are happy to throw themselves in the way of danger.” You and Miwa laugh; because really, did he expect anything less from you? Kageyama’s only caveat is that you learn how to protect yourself, something you’re happy to oblige. Miwa provides lessons, and you learn quickly. Everything from hand-to-hand combat to how to shoot a gun is covered.
The nostalgia of being with Kageyama makes itself known every day, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Stop moving.”
“I’m not moving.”
“I’m going to get mascara in your eye if you don’t stop.”
You sigh. “I don’t know why you’re putting it on anyway, I’m just going to cry it off.”
Miwa grins, holding up the tube. “It’s waterproof.”
The door swings open, Hana dashing through. “You look so, so gorgeous, y/n. I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, Hana.”
The door opens again, this time Ushijima and Miya Atsumu walk through. Ushijima stops to talk to Hana while Atsumu strides towards you. In the years since the two of you were first introduced, it’s become somewhat of a running joke for Atsumu to flirt with you just to piss off Kageyama.
Miwa steps back to let you look in the mirror and Atsumu steps closer, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Y’know, y/n, it’s not too late to be with me instead.”
You roll your eyes and slap his hands off. “I do have a knife on me.”
He just winks. “Even better.”
After the finishing touches are put in place, the ceremony begins. It’s an elaborate thing; far out of your comfort zone, but something that has to be done for appearances. Kageyama wasn’t too pleased about the extravagance either, which is why you two had said your vows in secret weeks ago, with only Miwa as witness.
He’s grinning and crying when you meet him at the altar. “Hello, wife.”
“Hello, husband.”
The ceremony is long and you’re relieved when it’s finally over. The relief doesn’t last for long though because you’re quickly shuffled to the reception, another over-the-top event with too many people. At the earliest chance, you tug Kageyama by his suit-clad arm and into the hallway.
You groan when you’re finally alone. “Why did we have to do all this, again?”
He shrugs. “Not sure. I need a drink. Or something.”
Grinning, you lift a flask from where you’d hid it under your large dress. “Something like this?”
After you’ve both drained the flask of its contents, you sigh. “Can we just leave?”
“I don’t see why not. It’s our wedding anyway.”
“Great, let’s go.”
Later, when you’re both exhausted and cuddled up beneath the sheets, you lean in and press a kiss to Kageyama’s cheek.
“I love you, Tobio.”
“And I love you, y/n.”
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taglist: @lilith412426​ @itoshibaby​ @wallywaffle​ @princess-sunshyn​ @zukoslosthishonor​ @fatal-impact​ @kageyamakock​ 
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queenmuzz · 3 years
Happy Mother's Day
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I'm terribly sorry, this is supposed to be a happy day between mothers and their children, but you know how I am... Note: Set Between DMC4 and DMC5
Nero’s legs wobbled with numbness as he cautiously got off the bike, making sure that the motorcycle wouldn’t tip. He really didn’t want to bring it back to Lady with a ding in it. But when she had offered it to him to borrow, he couldn’t resist taking it for a spin. The vehicle was a beaut, lovingly taken care of, and...very, VERY fast. How that waif of a woman was able to hold on for dear life, he had no idea.
After he had steadied himself, he looked at his destination and frowned, looked down at the paper in his hand, and looked back up. The address was a match, but this place, right smack in the middle of downtown Redgrave, looked like a dump. A decrepit skeleton of what had once been a magnificent manor that looked abandoned for decades. Even though it looked like a prime location for a demon hang out, Lady had insisted that Dante wasn’t on a job. Nero had gotten the feeling she really wanted him to find the elder demon hunter.
Confused, and more than a little curious, he passed through the broken down wrought iron gate towards the house.
The overgrowth was tall and suffocating, but Nero noticed, just before what had been the entrance, a new path going to the left had been created, freshly trampled grass going around the corner. Nero didn’t see any other sign of disturbance, so this is probably where Dante had gone. So, he trudged along, wondering why of all places the man would have come here.
He pulled around the corner, and instantly came to a stop. Unlike the rest of the property, this area here had been recently maintained, the grass recently shorn (Nero had a sneaking suspicion it was Rebellion’s doing) A large oak tree, with bright green newborn leaves, cast a lovely dappled shadow upon the ground. And beneath the aged trunk was Dante, his back to Nero, facing a pair of granite stones. It took a few moments for Nero to realize...not stones… gravestones.
“Lady,” Dante didn’t turn around, “I told you that I didn’t need you here. I’m fine…” Nero caught the scent of flowers, specifically roses fluttering in the breeze. The young man awkwardly coughed, startling the man in red.
“Sheesh!” Dante rapidly turned around, revealing that the scent came from a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Well, nearly all red. In the middle of the bundle, was a single blue rose. “Didn’t expect to see you here kid! Heard Lady’s bike rumbling down the street, so I thought she was sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.” “Yeah,” Nero said, scratching the bridge of his nose. Had Lady used him as a tool to get to Dante? “You weren’t in the office when I came by, but Lady let me use her bike, and gave me directions to...this place.” He didn’t know the significance of this area, but it was probably very important to Dante.
“Did she eh...?” he murmured, slightly annoyed, slightly resigned for some reason.
“Yeah, Kyrie told me I needed to get out of Fortuna, to take a break from rebuilding Fortuna. And the only place on the Mainland that I knew about, was your place.” That was partially the truth. Nero had also wanted to ask if Dante would be interested in a business idea that Nero had come up with: A mobile franchise using the Devil May Cry name, centered in Fortuna, but he had the feeling that this was not the time nor place to bring up business matters.
Dante chuckled, and looked down at the roses he was holding. “I guess Lady didn’t tell you why I was here.”
“Nah, and I didn’t ask.”
“Welp,” Dante rolled his shoulders, the joints popping. “Might as well get this over with. You know what day today is?”
Nero was perplexed. It was just another Sunday in May. He shrugged.
“Ah, maybe they don’t do it in Fortuna. Here, today is Mother’s Day. Where kids and adults spend time with, and thank the women that raised them, and well… I’m visiting my mom.”
Nero felt the pieces of the puzzle falling in the place. Fortuna’s version of Mother’s Day was during the autumn, and Nero hadn’t really cared much about it, considering his background. But to Dante, the day was more significant.
Suddenly, he felt the yank on his sleeve, and before he knew it, Dante had dragged him towards one of the gravestones, the one that was older, and slightly more worn. It was simple, no words on it, but there was flowering climbing roses carved along the edges. The one stone beside it was similar, but newer, and there were no roses, just intertwined climbing thorny stems.
“Hey Mom, I’d like to introduce you to that kid I was telling you about. This,” he pushed the boy further in front of the stone proudly, “is Nero.” He stood there, partly awkward and partly proud at the thought Dante had talked to his mom about him. Dante hadn’t mentioned his mom much, but Trish had helpfully filled in the blanks when Nero had asked why Dante had a pic of her on his desk.
“Oh, that’s not me...that’s Eva, Dante’s mother. It’s complicated, but I was created by Mundus to look like her, to lure him into a trap many years ago. She was very important to him, and while I don’t quite understand it, I know that she loved him dearly she loved the bot-”
She’d been interrupted by Dante coming in the office, and Nero hadn’t pried further.
Nero tried to come up with some words “Uh...hi.. It’s nice to meet you.” God he sounded like an idiot.
Thankfully, Dante swooped back in. “She was a wonderful woman. You’d think she was soft and demure, but the moment you pissed her off, she was as hard as steel. I can still feel her pulling on my ear when she caught me sneaking into the cookie jar before supper.” He chuckled and winced as he rubbed his earlobe, “A fantastic cook, a wonderful violinist and… an irreplaceable mom.” Dante’s voice trailed off, and for a moment all that could be heard was the rustling of the wind through the grass. Strange, despite never meeting her, with no connection to this family, Nero had a feeling he...belonged here.
“She would have adored you…” Dante murmured softly, startling Nero. He turned to find the older man with a wistful, almost melancholy look on his face.
Instantly, that softness, that rare glimpse of something seldom seen, was locked up behind a steel grin. Dante laughed. “It’s nothin, just me talking without thinking. So, what about you? You’re on the Mainland now, best time to talk about your mom.” Dante must have seen his sudden scowl, and placed his hands up in surrender, realizing this was a sore spot. “Doesn’t have to be your blood mom. Can be any woman that helped you grow up!”
“Well,” Nero mused, “There was Cecilia, Kyrie’s mom,” he explained, “she was a heck of a woman. When Kyrie brought me home after I’d gotten into a scrap with the other kids at school, when they took my lunch, after she made sure I was okay, she gave me a ham and cheese sandwich on two pieces of fresh bread. She was a baker by trade, you see. And every day after that, when school was day, Kyrie would bring me to her, and Cecilia wouldn’t let leave until I couldn’t eat another bite. She was always looking out for me afterwards. Making sure I got my school work done, mended my clothes, and then when the Orphanage didn’t have clothes my size, she got Credo to get me measured up so she could get me several sets of clothes. But most of all…” he continued, trying to figure out why his eyes were getting all watery. Must be from the newly cut grass. “Unlike the rest of the island, she never judged me, never made me feel like I didn’t belong. I…” he took a deep breath, “I would have been proud to be called her son-in-law. But she never got the chance to see Kyrie and me grow up, to become a couple… Maybe if I had been there when the demon attack...” he trailed off, feeling a bit lost and alone. He couldn’t feel the same pain as Kyrie or Credo had, but there was pain nonetheless. He was surprised by a firm hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see the older man giving a smile of sympathy.
“I kinda feel where you’re coming from. My mom, she died in an attack too…she died protecting me from demons.” That smile vanished as Dante looked down at the gravestone...not this mother’s, the one beside it. “Our positions should have been switched” he murmured softly, grief on his face, “things would have been so much different, so much better...” Nero was perplexed. Was Dante wishing he had died so his mom had lived?
“Well, if she’s even half the mom you claim her to be, she’d probably be happy that you’re alive, strong enough to protect yourself, and others….” Nero tried to say what he was feeling, and it seemed to be what came from his heart. It seemed to do the trick, because Dante had perked up, and that mask of a grin was nowhere to be seen.
“You’re a good kid, Nero.” Dante said, and rubbed Nero’s head, laughing at the halfhearted scowl that earned. Dante looked up at the sky, the noon sun shining happily down. “Welp, I’m famished.... How bout we get our asses- I mean butts, sorry mom, back to the office and order some pizza. I’m pretty sure Lady owes me a couple boxes of them, for what she’s done…” Dante glared at her bike, barely visible from their location. Nero didn’t quite understand, but he’d never turn down free food.
“You go ahead, bring that bike back to her, tell her I’ll be there a bit later, just have to do a…” Dante looked down at the pair of graves. “A few more things to spruce up the place.”
Nero nodded. Obviously, Dante deserved some privacy, this was his mother’s resting place, so he turned to leave, his stomach already growling at the thought of pizza. He slightly worried he was turning out like the old man. Next thing he knew, he’d be having questionable tastes in fashion, and have a penchant for shooting old men in the head without explaining beforehand that the guy was trying to take over the world. Strange, he thought as he got on the bike, and looked back at the manor. It didn’t look as decrepit and creepy as before. Instead of a carcass of a house, it was a dignified memorial of happy times long since gone. A place that seemed to welcome him to return as often as he’d like. As he drove off, he remembered that he’d forgotten, in all the emotional unloading, to ask about the other gravestone….
When the sound of Lady’s engine had finally faded away, Dante let out a breath that he’d been holding in for longer than he thought. Damn Lady, trying to get him to break down and tell the kid the truth. Well, there had been a few close calls, a few words slipped out, but that façade had been maintained, with the kid none the wiser.
He looked down at the bouquet in his hands, and then at the grave before him. “He’s a great kid, like I said.” He sighed, “I know you’re probably disappointed at me for not being truthful, you were always a big stickler for ‘Honesty’ but…” he pulled out the single blue rose out of the bouquet, and spun it between his fingers. “Bad stuff happens to us Spardas. You, me…” he placed that blue rose before the newer gravestone, “Vergil.... I just don’t want that to happen to him. The less he knows...the better. He deserves the stability that we never got...” He placed the roses down, and knelt down, eye level to the grave.
“I hope, wherever you are, that you’re at peace, and that he’s with you, so you can tell him what I never could, that he was loved just as much as you loved me….” His forehead touched the cool stone, and a few drops of water splashed onto the crimson blooms.
“Happy Mother’s Day”
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conduitdreams · 2 years
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
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"So you were a cop?"
"I was."
"Pig," Wallaby grinned through his cigarette induced yellowed eyes as he took another log drag. Zexx would roll his eyes at the other man, though he knew it was a rib as he was just as guilty of serving for law and order. "How long?"
"10 years."
"Not bad," Wallaby coughed hard a moment, his fist coming up to smack into his chest a few times before spitting into a napkin. The stains of black and red were not unfamiliar. "I did about 25 before these fuckin things caught up with me."
"You should quit then?" The younger man showed concern for the older man, though Zexx knew he didn't deserve it.
Another hacking laugh resounded as Wallaby took another long pull and tapped his ash into an old coffee cup with a shake of his head. "Too little too late I think. I mean why else would I be in the pit?"
Zexx snorted as he reflexively reached up to rub at the back of his skull, knowing full well what was going on there as well. "Yeah I suppose, least you wouldn't be hacking up that shit while I try to drink my coffee."
Wallaby grunted and nodded as he held his cigerette casuslly in one hand before reaching up to rub at his scraggily bullfrog of a throat. "Yeah well, got enough of this tar and shit to hack up for the rest of my days. 40 years of it and you'd think I'd have learned. Ah well, old dogs and new tricks."
"I think you mean pigs."
Wallaby let out a dark laugh again as he took another long drag, letting the harsh gray smoke stream up into air above them. The plume of twisting silver would spin and turn before being sucked away by the vent they currently sat under. "You a good boy back then?"
"A good boy?"
Wallaby nodded and arched a brow. "You know what I mean."
Zexx frowned at his senior more as he lifted his coffee cup for a sip and found himself growling back at him. "What the fuck kind of question is that?"
The old cop raised his hands in defense, a bit of ash flicking behind him as he gave a wide grin back to the younger man. "Easy there, little piggy; meant nothing accusatory. But you been on the beat for 10 years, can't tell me you didn't get tempted here and there. I mean, we're in fucking purgatory here man, what are they gonna do kill ya? Why waste the bullet when nature's already got it loaded?"
A sigh and grunt would follow as Zexx leaned forward with hard eyes. "I ain't dirty."
"Not saying you were."
"Are you?"
"I'm asking the questions," Wallaby retorted before tapping his ash again as he leaned forward to look at Zexx clearly. "Come on. Look a sign of good faith ya know? Me, I used to go down to the Synth dregs once in awhile for a good time."
A look of suspicion was still very clear on his face before Wallaby shrugged. "I'm a 58 year old divorced cop. I got needs that need a ticklin. It's petty and frowned on, but I never hurt no one."
"Just the trick you pulled."
"It's a robot."
Zexx grunted and looked away again, wishing desperately he hadn't sat in the breakroom with this piece of shit. Granted they were scheduled to work together for the next month in the District but still he wished Ed had been well enough to partner with him again.
A long sigh was let loose as Zexx finished off his cup of coffee and crushed the paper cup. "Shoplifting."
"Shoplifting? What kind of teeny bopper bullshit is that?"
"The kind you commit when you're 12 and don't know shit about the world or how things are supposed to be," Zexx fired back as he toyed with the crushed up. "I went in with some friends, just being dumb teens. Everyone grabbed something. Chips, pop, candy. Hell think someone grabbed a porno from the rack."
"Sounds about right."
Zexx nodded as he continued to turn the crushed up around. "They were running for the door before I had my cut, so I just grabbed the nearest and chased after. One, two, three, four, and they caught five."
"Me," the younger man nodded as picked up the cup and began to fidget the paper back into it's original shape. "So he grabs me and throws me in the cooler. Calls the cops. I sit in there for about half an hour before they local drag me out too find my mom with them as well."
Wallaby nods as he motions for the story to continue, which Zexx does in turn. "So they let me off with a warning, saying the cooler was a good start to a punishment. My mom agrees and tells them she and my dad will handle it from here. We go home and I go to my room with the old, 'wait till your father gets home' speech."
"I waited three hours for him to get off shift," Zexx said softly with a faraway look as he remembered that long wait. "Time came when I heard the door open, heard them talk, and then my door opened to reveal him. He came in and sat down on the bed beside me and just stared at me for a long time."
"Never felt so small in my life as I watched the disappointment etched on his face," Zexx would hold up the cup restored cup. "Never said a word either. Just stared at me before standing up and walk back out the door."
Wallaby snorted and snuffed out his cigarette as he reached over for his oxygen tank. "Lucky he didn't beat your ass raw."
A snort of laugh followed as the cup was crushed again and tossed into the nearby garbage. "Yeah, but then my mom came in with the chancla."
A gross and thick laugh rumbled from the older man as he stood up grabbing his cane as well to steady himself.
"Worst part though? It was all for a fucking Zero bar."
"Bad thief with bad taste. Good thing you found the law."
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catte-bard · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 #13: Oneirophrenia
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Urianger in his few months of knowing the pixies felt there were two very important facts about them. They were rather friendly, little creatures. And they were mischievous little devils. Fond of mayhem they were always trying to find little tricks to play on visitors to Il Mheg.
And Urianger was their favourite playmate. The mysterious elf who spoke with a funny voice and who had taken up residence in one the old mortal dwellings. He absolutely delighted them. Mortals never stayed in Il Mheg; they feared the fey and usually tried to pass through quickly when traveling its roads.
Today he had been making notes of the different kinds of flora that bloomed the land. Making quick sketches—though his hand wasn’t as talented as young Master Alphinaud’s—as well as jotting notes down about them.
Fascinating, it was all incredibly fascinating. He had theorized that Il Mheg must be somewhere geographically where Ishgard is on the Source. And yet it  possessed a completely different clime. 
He had been studying the plant life, curious to see if there were any similarities to those on his home shard. However, much of the flora seemed to have evolved in its own way separate from those on the Source. Which he supposed would make sense. The First’s history had been carved out in a different path from the Source. It had experienced its own eras, its own disasters, tragedies, and other impactful events. And so the flora and fauna and even the landscape itself would’ve adapted differently. 
“Urianger!” A chipper voice suddenly popped into existence. 
“Good morning to thee, Kenn Beq.” Urianger hummed as he scribbled something down in his journal about the tree he was resting under.
“What are you doing this time?” Kenn Beq asked, flitting close to look over his shoulder. “Oh what pretty pictures! Uri likes flowers! Lemme see! Lemme see! Don’t be shy now!”
And with a flick of their wrist, Urianger’s journal was suddenly lifted out of his hands and into the air. The Archon let out a noise of protest. It seemed the pixies were in a mischievous mood today.
 “Kenn Beq.” Urianger fiercely said as if reprimanding a child. “Return that at once.”
They merely giggled at him and leafed through the pages. “Oh calm yourself. I only want to look. Oooh, Uri seems to be a scholar as well. Kenn Sul, come look!” They then called and another pixie popped forth.
Kenn Sul and Kenn Beq were perhaps the equivalent of twins in the world of mortals. The other pixies explained that the pair had been “born” together. And thus the two of them together were the source of much mayhem.
In truth, Urianger always found them rather endearing. Perhaps, reminded of another set of twins he knew well; and thus tolerated their presence. However, today he was in no mood to entertain these two.
“Oooh, how pretty!” Kenn Sul fawned. “You should have told us you liked flowers, Uri.”
He sighed. “Aye, I wish to learn more about thou’s land. And I’ve found the best way to learn about one’s surroundings is to observe the plant life. Now if you would be so kind.” And he stretched out his hand, waiting for his book to be returned to him.
The twins shared a look. And he did not like the smirks on their faces. The pixies were like children, he’d decided—very naughty children. Always scheming something wicked.
“Oh fine.” Kenn Beq agreed and sent the book floating back down to him. 
“Uri, if you like flowers we can lead you to some very special ones!” Kenn Sul then said. “Ones that aren’t in your pretty book yet!”
Kenn Beq clapped their hands together in excitement. “Yes, yes! Oh I love those! I would love to see them in your book!”
Urianger eyed them warily. Wisely wondering if the two were up to any tricks. One had to be careful when trusting a pixie. Sometimes they were honest creatures and sometimes they would lead you straight into the jaws of a hungry draco. 
And these two were no exception. Nay they were much worse!
“I am too busy for games, my friends.” He shook his head. “Mayhaps another time.”
And Kenn Sul made a stomping motion in the air, crossing their arms. “But it is no game. We mean it!”
“Yes!” Kenn Beq added. “There is a flower patch on the far end of Il Mheg that we know you want to...to sturdy? No that’s not the right word for it? Um Kenn Sul, what was it scholars like Uri did again?”
“I believe it was study.” Their twin offered. “Oh you were quite close!”
Kenn Beq did a twirl in the air at the praise before turning their attention back to Urianger. “Come, come! We’ll show you. And if it’s a rotten trick of ours then you’re free to cuff Kenn Sul across the head a few times as punishment.”
And with that Kenn Beq flitted off.
“H-hey!” Their sibling called after them as they followed. “Why do I have to take the brunt of the blame?!”
Urianger sighed; he could just stay here and return to his studies. Perhaps even return to the Bookman’s Shelves for a lunch. But he felt the twins would take offense to that. They would come pester him until he agreed to come with them on their little adventure. And if not that, they certainly would find a cruel trick to play on him.
And so against his better judgement, he tucked his journal under his arm and followed the tittering fey.
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“See Uri!” Kenn Sul proudly announced when they had arrived at their destination. 
The pixies flew excited circles around him, pointing at a cluster of shrubs with bright purple flowers blooming on them. Indeed he had never seen these flowers on his travels before. And drew closer out of curiosity. Upon closer inspection he found the flowers’ petals were also speckled with yellow like little freckles. And the flowers themselves were about the size of his entire hand.
“How fascinating.” The Archon hummed and opened his journal to take notes. “And what are these called?”
Kenn Beq came flitting up to rest upon his shoulder. “The mortals that lived here long ago had a name for them—I don’t remember what it was though. We pixies however call them Dreaming-While-Awakes.”
An odd name. He’d have to poor through the tomes at his home to see if he could discover its proper one.
“Are they poisonous? Or dangerous at all?” Urianger tilted his head. He knew many flowers were deceptively beautiful and here and the land of fey one could never be too careful. Just the other day a pixie had warned him to stay away from a cotton-like plant that was said to sting like nettles despite its soft appearance. 
“No.” Kenn Beq said, casually swaying their legs. “We’ve never seen it harm mortals before.”
He nodded and assuming Kenn Beq’s knowledge could be trusted, he made note of the observation in his journal. And out of curiosity reach out to touch one of the soft looking petals. 
The moment his finger brushed against the petal the flower shuddered and sprayed out a cloud of what he assumed to be some kind of mist or pollen. And then it closed up at once, curling itself into a tight little bud.
Urianger startled, coughing and hacking on the strange concoction it had assaulted him with. The smell was absolutely horrendous, it burned his throat and made his eyes water.
Faintly he could hear the twins laughing at him. Accursed little imps! He should have known better! However, before he could berate them for their trickery, they quickly flew off.
Whatever ailed him seemed to finally dissipate after a few agonizing minutes, though Urianger still suffered from its effects. Do not rub your eyes. It could spread the irritant and damage sight. His studies reminded him. And so he kept his hands away from his face.
It took a moment, but the burning seemed to abate to a more tolerable level. He paused for a moment, doing a mental well-being check. He didn’t seem ill or in any pain—the only thing plaguing him were eyes and a slight headache. But otherwise he didn’t seem to be in any danger.
It seemed Kenn Beq had not lied in that regard. The spray probably was some sort of defense mechanism for the plant. To keep itself from being eaten. He made a note of this within his journal before turning to head home.  
During the walk back he did not encounter Kenn Beq or Kenn Sul again. The pair of them smartly staying away from him while his anger was still hot. On the morrow they’d probably come bearing gifts of apology, usually polished stones from the river that they thought were pretty. 
And so his walk had gone undisturbed. However, about halfway he had to pause. The throbbing in his head had grown steadily worse. Going from a dull ache to a full on piercing pain. A side effect from the flower?
He groaned, clutching at his head with a hand. He winced at the sun beating down on him. was it always so bright? It made him feel nauseated under its beating warmth. Had that flower been poisonous? 
Gods, above he felt so dizzy—the world was spinning and— 
“You alright love?”
 A voice snapped him from whatever was ailing him. 
“You’re not looking too good. What tried to drink Thancred under the table? Though I have to say that’s not a very hard feat to accomplish.”
That voice…
His head still ached and he had to squint through the bright sunlight at the figure before him. It couldn’t be and yet...it sounded like her. It...it looked like her.
He could feel himself trembling as his lips parted to form her name. It couldn’t be. It was impossible.
Yet there she stood grinning at him, hands propped on her hips. “Come on then, up you go.” She insisted. “We need to get back home;?don’t want to be out here in the dark, do you?”
Finally. Finally he had the strength to form her name on his tongue. “Moenbryda?” He whispered incredulously.
She cocked her head. “Were you expecting someone else?” 
Once again he was left speechless. How? How was this possible? This had to be a trick! Some cruel, cruel trick done by the pixies. He felt angry. He felt sorrow he thought he buried welling up within him again.
Abruptly, Moenbyrda’s smile fell and was replaced by an expression of concern. “Are you alright, love?” She asked moving forward to cup his face between her hands. And Urianger was surprised to find her touch warm. So real.
“How…” Urianger managed to find his voice. And he could feel tears misting in his eyes. “How are you here?”
Moenbryda seemed surprised and even offended at that. “Urianger...I’ve always been with you. Don’t you remember?” A frown furrowed her brow as she placed the back of her hand against his forehead. “Hmph, that flower must’ve done a number on you, eh? You’re positively burning up. Come on, let’s go back home and prep some tea. That always makes you feel better.”
“But…” Urianger began to protest. 
“Hush my dear.” Moenbryda told him and patted him on the cheek. “It’s all going to be okay. You just need to rest.”
Something in her words seemed to soothe him. The emotions rattling within him stilled. And suddenly he felt so tired.
“Right...right.” He murmured, feeling dazed and let her lead him back home. 
This felt strange. Like it shouldn’t be happening. And yet...her hands had felt so real against his cheeks. Her fingers felt so real as they entwined with his. And her voice, her sweet voice—he could never mistake it. It was her.
And yet it couldn’t be. Back and forth his mind warred like that. Illogical and logical fighting to dominate his mind which right now felt as if a fog had settled over it. 
 It didn’t feel right but Moen had promised all was well. And well...he trusted her.
They had made it to the Rising Stones.
 Wait...that’s not right. Is it?
He couldn’t ponder on it much longer before Moenbryda dragged him inside. She had settled down at a table and quickly shooed him away, insisting that he start a kettle for them.
“And why am I making the tea when it was thee whom suggested it?” Urianger had asked.
And Moenbryda grinned that wonderful smile of hers. Wry and filled with mischief. “Because you need something to occupy your mind, silly thing. You’ve walked the whole way here with a blank look on your face like your head was suddenly empty.” She teased. “You need something to do to get that brain of yours working again.”
He merely shook his head and wandered over to the stove to prepare the tea. Cheeky. She was always so cheeky. And that was one of the things he loved most about her.
The thought tugged at something at the back of his mind. And the dizzy spell that had ailed him earlier had suddenly returned. The elezen had to lean against the nearby wall for a moment to get his bearings. Why was he feeling so nauseous all of a sudden?
“Is everything alright, Urianger?” he heard Moenbryda call out to him. “You haven’t been acting well since that incident with that flower. Funny thing must be messing with your head.”
“Yes...the flower.” He murmured and clutched at his head. Something about that was making his head throb again. What had Kenn Beq called it? Something wasn’t right.  “The Rising Stones. How...did we get here? We were just in Il Mheg.”
“We walked here, obviously. Are you feeling okay?”
No. Not at all. Something...something wasn’t right.
“I am fine.” Urianger reassured, shaking his head to clear it. And with trembling hands he turned his attention back to his task. Right...he needed to put the kettle on to warm the water— 
Two cups of tea sat before him. Warm and with steam rising up from them. How? Had he already brewed it and just wasn’t paying attention?
“Uri!” Moenbryda called impatiently. “Are you going to hog it all for yourself?”
He pushed down the nauseated feeling rising within him and turned to carry the cups to his waiting companion. This was nice. How long had it been since the two of them enjoyed a nice tea and chat together? 
Again the tugging at his mind came. The flower. Il Mheg. Sitting here in the Rising Stones didn’t seem to fit with it. His sluggish mind swept it away. Focus on tea with Moen not that.
The two of them chatted pleasantly. Reminiscing  in old memories and recounting stories of their time after graduating the Studium. It was a pleasant time and Urianger felt he had not had genuine laughter in so long. 
He couldn’t help but to feel he was forgetting something though. Something that kept nagging at the back of his mind. It had been tugging on him ever since meeting Moenbryda again.
There was something about her. Something about this day. This very moment. And every time he tried to focus on it he was left feeling dizzy.
“Mm you always made the finest tea, Urianger.” Moenbryda praised as she took a long sip. Knocking it back as if it were a tankard of ale. “Always could taste the care you put into it.”
“Preparing tea is an art.” Urianger replied as he took his own sip. Puzzlement welled up within him. His tasted so plain. Had he put enough herbs in it? “Master Loiusoix taught me that important lesson. “
Moenbryda hummed. “You were always his favourite.”
He set his foul tea aside, no longer having the taste for it. “Do not pretend that he never had a fondness for thee.”
She merely shrugged at that and crossed one leg over the other. “Do you miss him?”
The question seemed out of nowhere and surprised Urianger. He scowled and looked down at his lap. “Aye.” He admitted. “Every day, I long for his wisdom and his guidance. For there are some days where I oft wonder if I am taking the right steps. And if I am taking them down the right path.”
Moenbryda hummed thoughtfully. “And me? Do you miss me?”
That question was odd that it made him jerk his head up to see...her fading. 
“Moen?” He whispered in worry.
She was fading. Fading away again.
Something...something was wrong. He felt hot all over and that piercing pain in his head from earlier had returned.
“Moen…” Urianger reached out to grasp her hands. “Moenbryda, what is wrong?!” Desperation made his voice hoarse.
And his dear friend  stared at him sadly. And yet she smiled. “Ah told you that silly flower was messing with your head.”
The flower? Yes...yes he remembered now. The fog was slowly lifting and his head was clearer.
Kenn Beq had called something peculiar…Dreaming-While-Awake.
“This isn’t real.” He admitted to himself.
“No.” Moenbryda beamed. “But at least it was nice while it lasted.”
He stared at her sadly and when to grab her hand this time his fingers brushed through it. He closed his eyes with a grimace. Of course, he should’ve known better. Known that such a perfect moment could only exist within the confines of his mind.
“Oh don’t be sad, dear.” Moenbryda consoled. “I told you before, I’ve always been with you.”
“Yes…” He agreed, closing his hand into a fist and looking down at the table. “But only within mine dreams.”
“And within your heart.” She told him. 
“And within mine heart.” He repeated solemnly. “I suppose it does answer thine question though. ” He murmured, looking up at the empty air where she’d once been. “I do miss thee terribly.”
When he came out of the strange vision, Urianger found himself lying in a field. Likely somewhere in between where the flowers had been and the Bookman’s Shelves. He hadn’t seemed to travel far in his stupor.
He groaned, wincing at the piercing pain in his skull. Now seeming a thousand times worse with him being awake. He awoke feeling sweaty and hot. And when  he tried to stand he instantly regretted it, forced back to his knees as he retched up the contents of his stomach. 
Twelve, allow me strength to make it back home.
This would be the last time he trusted the fey on botanistic excursions.
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Journal Entry No. 63
Dreamer’s Neem (the the pixies seem to dub it Dreaming-While-Awake)
A beautiful looking flower that grows to about the size of a grown Elezen male’s hand. A light shade of purple and dappled with yellow freckles it seems to grow on shrubs in isolated patches around Il Mheg. 
As a defense mechanism against creatures that would try to prey upon it, the plant sprays the aggressor with an agitating powder before closing in on itself. It should be noted that this powder contains a very potent hallucinogenic agent that causes truly powerful visions that seem to affect all the senses.
The former human inhabitants seemed to have used the flower for recreational purposes. Similar to the use of milkweed on the Source. It should be noted however, that while the plant may not be deadly it is best to avoid it. The effects of its defensive powder could prove to be overwhelming to individuals not familiar with the plant.
It should also be well noted that an individual exposed should be given cool water and broth for the rest of the day. The after effects of the hallucinations may leave them weak of stomach. And solid foods could agitate their condition.
Have care for thee whom wouldst seek out this plant. For the vision it offers may not always be pleasant. Speaking from mine own experience it was rather tame. Though other accounts I hath read indicate more nightmarish experiences. How lucky I was in mine own…
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sweetchup · 4 years
Three isn’t a Crowd
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Request by @al-shayfield: could you please do a killua x gon x reader little picnic date? if not that’s okay :)
Type: Gon x reader x Killua
Au?: Poly Au. Normal.
Word Count: 3500+
Warnings: Polyamory, The boys are still kids but this is a kid type of date so it’s ok, Hisoka being Hisoka, bullying, cursing
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“Ok! So let’s go through the list before we leave.” You mumble, putting the last of the utensils into the basket. The light from the morning sun shined through the windows and onto the backs of the two boys across the table from you. “Ok, so Sandwiches and chips?”
“Yes!!” Gon chirps in, “On the left.”
You checked that off and moved to the next Item. “Soda and cups?”
“Yeah.” Killua says, bouncing a tennis ball on the floor.
“Chocolate cake?”
“Ye—“ “Definitely!!”
Gon turns to glare at Killua causing the white hair boy to stop bouncing the ball. Oh here we go again. You just ignore them and continue on with your list.
“Hey why did you cut me off?” Gon whined at Killua, who scoffs.
“You were too slow.”
“W-well I think you are trying to impress (y/n).” Gon huffs, pouting a little. While they were arguing you had looked up and down the list and realized you were done and hadn’t forgotten anything. Throwing away the list, you put the red and white plaid picnic blanket on top and closed the basket.
“Hah?! Are you an idiot?” Killua mocks, poking the boy in the head, “If I wanna impress her I would do something like this.”
Killua jumps over the table and gives you a grin. Before you can even rebut, he lifts you easily up onto one of his arms, making it look practically effortless. With his other arm he grabs the basket.
“This is how you impress a girl,” Killua says, very proud of himself. Gon, stubborn, doesn’t back down.
“W-well I can do better!”
You sigh as Gon pulls you off of Killua. This could take a while but then again what did you expect accepting a date with these two idiots.
“How many times do I have to tell you two to be careful? Especially with (y/n).” Kurapika scolds the two boys in front of him. “You're glad Leorio and I stepped in before she got hurt.”
Killua tches, clearly over Kurapika’s Scolding. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Let’s go Gon, (Y/n).”
Killua holds one of your hands while Gon holds the other. They both drag you away from Leorio, who had previously been checking you for any injuries.
“Oh! Umm.. Bye Mr. Kurapika! Mr. Leorio! Thank you very much!” You shout. Your voice growing more and more faded as you're dragged away. The two men wave at the trio until the door shuts close. As soon as they do, Leorio turns to Kurapiks. A pout was on the man’s face.
“Aww come on Kurapika, it’s their first date. you shouldn’t be so hard on them.”
“Of course I do. I mean didn’t you see (y/n)?”
Leorio blinks and scrunches his eyebrows, thinking back. “Hmm… I don’t think I saw anything out of the ordinary about her?”
Kurapika sighs “Leorio you have to remember we are currently staying in the Yorbian Continent. It’s not illegal but it’s very uncommon for polyamory here. It’s not like we are in the Republic of Padokia or the Azian Continent where it is common.”
“Oh. So you mean...”
“Yes, not only is (Y/n) from York New, where it is uncommon, so she knows the amount of ridicule and abuse she could go through but we also have to think about the huge amount of Anti-poly people that are recorded here in this town.”
“Yeah and I’m guessing Gon and Killua probably don’t know about that?” Leorio says, leaning against the wall. He looks out the window and sees the three holding hands, walking in the direction of the busy center of town.
“Most likely” Kurapika sighs, looking at the three as well. “I just hope that no one gets hurt”
“Ok!!” You say excited. You were trying to hide your nervousness. Not only were you on your first date ever with two handsome boys and had also tried on a new dress but you were in the Yorbian Continent on a poly date; not the brightest decision but oh well. You aren’t going to let your worries stop you. You were going to have fun, “So on our way to the park I say we quickly stop by at some fun places!! Does that sound okay?”
The two boys could only nod their heads. It wasn’t them being rude, they just couldn’t talk. You looked so cute as you did a little spin at fun and by getting shy when asking them if it was ok.
You giggled, causing their hearts to jump. “Let’s go then!”
“First stop, The diamond theater!!”
All three of you looked in awe as you looked around the building you just entered. It looked absolutely magical. With trees made out of actual gold and silver, colorful jeweled animals and diamond and glass mural walls.
“Oh wow Killua look at this!”
Killua looks over and sees you pointing at something in a book. “It says right here that this is the biggest location with some of the highest amounts of rare diamonds and fire opals. Even counting red diamonds.”
“Oh wow”
“Ack! Killua!” Gon shouts, sounding concerned and worried.
Killua turns away from you and soon freezes. Looking up from your manual you see three men next to Gon.
“There’s the other one. Me doesn’t recognize girl though” A short man with a skull neck cloth covering his face said. He gave off weird vibes when he looked at you.
“Hey boys! How are you doing?” A man with a long bun on top of his head said, “Oh? Who is this?”
“None of your business old man!!” Killua says, pulling you behind him as Gon moves to stand next to him. As they glared at the two men, you looked towards the third man. He seemed different from the other two especially since with no shirt on and a cross tattoo on his forehead.
Yet you also noticed his eyes were very blank and emotionless compared to the two. It kind of made you sad looking at him. You wished the stranger could be happy. Oh! you know what you would do!
“(Y/n)!!” Killua shouts, his stomach dropping as you walk up to Chrollo. He goes to grab you but is stopped by Nobunaga and Feitan.
You look up at the man. Kind of shy now that you realized he was much taller and probably much stronger than you.
“May I help you? Young lady?” Chrollo says, amused by the fact you just simply walked up to him. The leader of the phantom troupe.
“A-ah, yes! I was wondering what’s your favorite animal?” You say. Quickly, you looked back and saw Gon and Killua waving their hands frantically. Oh, maybe they are cheering you on.
“Hmmm… a spider” Chrollo says after a couple minutes of thinking.
What an interesting choice. Holding out your hands you take a breath before bubbles conjure up around the man. The bubbles slowly start to form cute little bubbly spiders of all sorts of colors which start bouncing on and about chrollo.
Chrollo lets out a small grin as he reaches out and pops one. The boys sigh in relief. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as they thought. Chrollo suddenly kneels down to your height and pulls out a handprint book.
“So how does your Nen work, little miss?” Chrollo asks, putting a hand on your shoulder as you look untreated at the book.
“OH HELL NO!!” Killua shouts.
Killua quickly rushes in and grabs you from Chrollo. You looked confused as the two raced away as fast as they could from the scene. Chrollo chuckles as he watches them for a couple of seconds in amusement before standing back up.
“Not going after them Feitan?”
“No, me is.” Feitan grins wickedly up at Chrollo. “Me just giving them a head start. It’s fun that way.”
“Ok, but keep the little girl alive. She interests me.”
“Ok so the Diamond theater didn’t work out….But this should! Ok so we are at…” Your voice trails off at the end as you are stunned at the scene in front of you.
“L-let go of me!! Illumi!!”
“Now why would I do that Killua? As your big brother I’m giving you a sign of affection, a hug. Mother told me it could work to get those silly thoughts out of your head. Though I would pref—“
First off, Killua was currently being hugged, well more like crushed to death, by a man. According to the man’s sentence he was Killua’s older brother? It was weird since they looked so different. You knew Killua was a Zoldyck so maybe they are half or step siblings? Or maybe his family is polyamorous too? Did the man just mention putting a needle into Killua? You had so many questions.
“Oh~~~ Gon!!!”
Now second, … what even was this? A clown like man was moaning over Gon trying to fight him. You think that was the easiest way to explain it so enough is said there.
You look down at your manual. You thought going to the biggest toy store in the world would be fun but you didn’t expect this. Those two men seemed to be having a blast, well of course at the price of Gon and Killua sanity.
“Hmm~~ who’s this?”
Looking back up you see the clown man is right in front of you. You hadn’t realized it now but… but…
“Wow! You are tall sir! Are you a model?” You say, your eyes sparkling. Your favorite shows of all time to watch were ‘Yorbian Next Top Model’ or ‘The Victor Secret Fashion Show’ so you always question handsome or beautiful people if they were models. Hey, you never know when you might accidentally meet one.
The red-haired man laughs and leans down to your height. “Oh aren’t you a sweetheart~~ I’m not, but I’m something even better, a transmitter~. Did you know my Nen, bungee gum, has the properties of both rubber and gum?”
You giggle as you see him using his Nen on a magic trick. “No, I didn’t know that. I think you would make a nice model though! You are very thin and muscular!”
“Well I’m thick and muscular in another area~~ Do you wanna—“ Hisoka is cut off as you see he is suddenly electrocuted. You see Killua still in the arms of the man (though his now long black hair is all poofy) , furious, as he pulls back his yo-yo. Gon quickly picks you and brings you away from Hisoka.
“Go to hell pervert!” Killua shouts as he kicks out of his brother gold. You three run away, again, Gon sticks his tongue out at Illumi as they leave.
“Oh. I want to talk to kill more” Illumi mumbles. He blank faces, even more than usual, as Hisoka lets out a very loud moan.
“Oh~~ Gon! Killua!!”
“Hey Gon. Killua. What’s that bright light over—“
“Don’t ask!!”
“Ah we are down to our final place!”
“I hope this one goes well.” Killua grumbles.
“I’m sorry Killua. I wi—“
Killua cuts you off and squeezes your hand which he was holding. “Don’t apologize idiot, it wasn’t your fault. We just, for some reason, keep on bumping into the wrong people today.”
You feel another squeeze and look at Gon. “Yeah don’t worry (y/n)!!”
“Ok! So our final stop before the picnic is Lucy’s Celestial Palace!” You shout, as you three stop right in front of a crazy looking old factory building.
You give a reassuring squeeze to the boys about to walk into the star filled building. You would try your best to make sure they wouldn’t get recognized by any more—
“Gon! Killua!”
…or not…
“Oh Zushi! Master!” Gon shouts. Master? Oh! You turn around and see a boy and a man with glasses. He must be Master Wing! The one they told you taught them Nen! This couldn’t go bad.
“Hello boys! Oh and who are you young lady?”
“Oh! Nice to meet you I’m—“
“She’s (y/n), our girlfriend!” Gon shouts, cutting you off. You blush a bright red as Killua hits him over the head.
“Don’t cut her off, idiot.”
“Miss (y/n)” You looked up at Mister Wing, a serious look on his face. “If you don’t mind I would like to speak with Gon and Killua for a moment?”
“Y-yes of course”
You watch as Wing drags the two boys a little ways away. You wonder what he needed them for. You are snapped out of your thoughts quickly as you see Zushi turn to look at you before bowing. “Nice to meet you (y/n), Girlfriend of Gon and Killua. My name is Zushi. Osh!”
Still flustered, you turn and bow as well. “N-Nice to meet you as well Zushi!”
You two stop bowing and turn as you hear a loud hush from Wing. Gon’s face was red while Killua had a mischievous grin on his face.
“I wonder what master wanted from Killua and Gon.”
“Y-yeah. I wonder too.”
You two watch as Wing continues talking. Slowly but surely both of the boys faces are soon red as a tomato. How odd.
“AHH! WE DON’T NEED ALL THAT INFO.” Killua shouts walking back over to you. He blushes even more as he looks at you. Looking to the ground he takes your hand and drags you away. Gon follows slightly behind you guys, his face bright red, with steam coming out his ears. You couldn’t exactly hear what Gon was saying, only little bits like ‘how would that work’ and ‘that doesn’t make sense’.
You wanted to ask what Wing told them but decided against it.
“Finally we are here!!” Killua and Gon shout in unison, plopping on the grass. You giggle at the boy's silliness and put the basket under a tree.
As the two exhausted boys get some quick rest, you kneel down and the open the basket. You might as well get started while they calm down. Deciding to set the blanket up first, you pull it out. Holding two of the edges you fluff it out, letting the wind carry it for a bit, and finally laying it lightly down on the slightly dewy green grass. As you are about to set up the other stuff you hear the rustle and crunching of grass.
“Let me help you (y/n)!” Gon says, sticking his hands into the basket. He grabs a whole pile of stuff and starts wobbling over to the blanket. Almost dropping the chocolate cake several times, Killua would be so mad if Gon destroyed it.
“A-ah be careful Gon!”
“Don’t worry I got it!”
After getting everything set up, and thankfully Gon didn’t drop or break anything, you all sit down and finally have lunch. You take small bites of your freshly made sandwich as you watch the boys wolf down their food. It was kind of amazing at how fast they were able to eat and you kind of wonder who would win if it was a competition. Unless they were having one and you didn’t know it.
“Ah that was good~~” Gon says, laying on his back and patting his stomach. You laugh while Killua just rolls his eyes. Grabbing your pudding you go to take a bite of your dessert when you get an idea.
“Killua~” You singsongly say; holding the spoon up to the boy’s face, “Say ahh~”
Killua stutters to say something as he goes bright red. Flustered, he turns his head and lets out a small ‘idiot’ as he tries to compose himself.
“Oh come on Killua!” You whine, slightly pouting.
“I’ll have it (y/n)!” Gon says, quickly sprinting over and sitting in front of you. He opens his mouth wide and points to it causing you to giggle. You were about to feed him when Killua headbuts Gon and eats the pudding instead.
“Hey! What was that for!!” Gon shouts, holding the bump on his head.
“She offered it to me first, idiot!”
Gon was about to stand up and start something with Killua but you pull the boy back down, placing his head on your lap. You sigh as you run your fingers through the blushing boy’s hair; being extra careful in the area of the injury.
“You two need to stop fighting. For crying out loud you two are best friends! This isn’t a competition”
“Sorry (y/n)” They squeak out; clearly embarrassed.
“Now sit still so I can feed you two the rest of the pudding. Gon say ahh~~”
“Man what a little whore.”
You stop dead in your tracks as you hear that. Your hand slightly clenches around the spoon. You kind of expected something like this to happen but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. You slightly lift your head to see a group of people, one of which had made a comment earlier.
“God how gross!”
“Poor boys, that girl is selfish and can’t pick between them.”
“Wow, only a kid and already likes two at once. What a shame.”
“(Y/n).” You shoot your head to Killua, who puts a hand on your cheek. As he pulls it away you see his hand is wet, you hadn’t realized you were crying.
“Hey!” Gon shouts; standing up and going to fight them. Killua quickly grabs Gon’s arm and stops him, Gon, angrily, spins around and tries to pull his arm away. “Let me go, Killua!! They insulted (y/n)!”
“You idiot. Look around.” Killua whisper-yells. Gon looks around at the other people at the park, who were also starring and muttering. Some of which knew Nen, had weapons or looked overall strong. “Leaving her here is bad. Taking her in the fight is also bad. You know her Nen isn’t made for close combat and she’s not exactly focused right now to do long ranged”
“Well we can’t do anything!”
“I know…,” Killua mutters. The two stand in silence for a while until Killua suddenly has an idea. “Wait... Come here, I have a plan”
As soon as Killua finishes whispering the plan in Gon’s ear the boy gives him a nod. “Understand?”
The two suddenly turn to you and begin to put away the stuff. Your stomach drops, you felt bad that this day got ruined, it seemed nothing had gone right. Tears start to well up in your eyes. Man what a useless crybaby you are—
“(Y/n)” You look up from the ground at the call. Suddenly, your cheeks turn crimson as you feel something on each side of your cheek. Gon and Killua had each given you a kiss on your cheek, with Killua on your left and Gon on the right.
With you being absolutely flustered and steam coming out of your ears, you accidentally activate a Nen bubble around all three of you. Killua and Gon pull away, grinning at each as your brain is practically mush.
“Ready Gon?”
Gon and Killua jumped out of your protected bubble. Since you were practically a puddle you were unaware of the Chaos about to happen. Their plan to get back at the people who made you cry. The two fist bump before going off in opposite directions.
“Lightning Palm!!”
You finally pop your bubble as you come to. But what in the world… happened? You must have missed a lot since the Park was practically destroyed, with trees cut down, people on the ground (some of which were twitching), and the ground uneven.
“(Y/n)!!” You look towards the sunset to see Gon and Killua running towards you, both laughing. As they stop in front of you, they turn to each other, grinning widely, giving each other a high five. This even confused you more, why in the world were they high fiving? Did they do this? Why did they destroy a perfectly good park? Wait, did they do this for—
“(Y/n)...” a voice whispers right next to your ear. You quickly turn and realize Killua had sneaked up on you while you were thinking. While frozen still, Killua leans in and gives you a kiss.
Though it was a small and light kiss, it definitely didn’t feel like one. Once your lips had locked a shock went through all the nerves of your body, causing you to shiver and clutch onto Killua’s shirt. On top of that, the kiss felt like Killua was putting in every bit of love into it. Almost like he was sharing a secret. Huh. A Transmitter’s kiss. You two slowly pull away and give each other a small smile. Killua silver hair blows in the wind under the shaded tree.
“My turn!!”
You quickly turned your head and felt lips crashing onto yours. Stumbling, you can’t hold Gon up and begin to fall back. The kiss was sudden and rushed. Definitely Gon was being impatient. Yet, it was nice. It was simple and straightforward. A very sweet and lovely kiss. Definitely a kiss from an enhancer.
As you're on your back, Gon pulls away and holds himself above you. The light from the sun shines upon him as he gives you a wide grin. You smile back at him until he is suddenly pulled off.
“You idiot!!” Killua shouts, “What did Kurapika say about not hurting her?!”
“I wasn’t!! You could've hurt her too when you sneaked up on her!!”
“I wouldn’t—“
You giggle as you watch the two argue, slightly brushing your fingers across your lips. Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all!
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trynatalktou · 3 years
Save the last dance for me
Read on: ao3
‘’Why is he breakdancing in a slow song?’’
‘’I have NO idea.’’
‘’It’s horrifying.’’
‘’I mean, it’s kind of impressive.''
We get the slow dance we were hoping for.
Through the music rippling its way across the salon; one could not simply take no notice of Hong Cha-young’s blazing magnetic force.
It could be perceived while she shared a waltz with Larry and his perfect posture.
Pulled awkwardly on Han Seo’s arms in a successful attempt to loosen up his stiff two left feet.
Swayed and skipped with Yeon-Jin and her unmatched energy for the entirety of two songs who left them breathless - both from uncontrollable laughter and from their high-stamina moves.
Or now, with Luca and their swiftly spinning which only ever seemed to momentarily cease when every so often Cha-young would trip on her own heels and he would hold her from the fall into a dip move.
Vincenzo stops resisting her pull by the end of the song.
‘’May I care to share the next dance with you, Miss?’’
The miss in question nods enthusiastically, and Luca kisses her hand in farewell, waggling his eyebrows -  in response, she gives a mockingly curtsy.
As soon as Luca leaves, Vincenzo takes a hold of her hand in his,finally drawing into her spell.
He is bewitched.
‘’It’s Mrs., actually.’’ she corrects, lacing her arms around his neck.
‘’Is that so?’’ is paired by a complacent grin.
‘’Well, soon to be anyways. Mister should be around here somewhere, so I would suggest you to behave.’’ she winks. ’’I would also like to inform the kind gentlemen to not do any fancy tricks - I think Luca might have reached the limit of twirls I can give before vomiting all those drinks out.’’
‘’Firmly noted.’’
A romantic beat starts to pulsate its leisurely melody through the crowd.
‘’When I walk down a road I don’t know well
And I am full of scare and doubt
I think of you [...] ’’
‘’It seems that it won’t be a problem sweetie, at least rhythmically speaking.’’
‘’That wasn't as smooth as you must imagine it was, darling.’’
He hooks her ankle to plunge her flirtatiously.
Cha-young steps on his foot.
‘’Urca!’’ comes as a soft whimper.
‘’Achilles’ heel much? What did I just tell you about the whole Luca thing?’’ She chastises.‘’I thought that he would for sure eventually drop me.’’
‘’He would never do such a thing’’ Vincenzo answers matter-of-factly. ‘’For one, I would have to play my own few jabs at his Achilles’ heel - and well, for two, he is actually quite an exceptional ballroom dancer .’’
‘’Oh, that he is.’’ She sighs.
‘’Should I be jealous, Mrs. Cassano?’’.
‘’[...] When you call my name,
I can see the light
Guiding me home like the stars in the night[...].’’
For all their smugness, the little name still manages to send a matching flame down their spines.
‘’Should I be jealous Mr. Cassano?’’ she retorts, defiance clear in her eyes.
He snorts while her lips twitch in amusement - his glance consequently drifts, enraptured by the small action.
Giving is at this moment could be described as the very definition of inevitable.
He closes his eyes and drowns into her perfume - into her. Permitting that the same allure who brought him to her tempts them even closer.
‘’[...]I’ve already known
I’ve already known
I’m lost without your arms around me.’’
Head angled down, he closes the proximity to at last kiss her - wait - the feeling is not the one.
He abruptly opens his eyes and discovers himself to be kissing - her cheek. She only chuckles at his betrayed expression as they pull apart.
‘’Sorry, amore mio.’’ she says while cupping his cheek. ‘’But you simply can not miss this.’’ and turns his head to the right.
There, in the middle of the dancefloor, Park Suk-Do twisted and popped his limbs sharply -and surprisingly - in compliance with the beat, handstands and stretches matched some of the moves in a testimony of the man’s incomprehensible flexibility. Larry could be seen gaping at the man, utterly dumbfounded.
The sentiment was shared by anyone who had the privilege and perhaps misfortune of seeing the scene.
‘’Huh, I think we found ourselves another exceptional dancer.’’
‘’Why is he breakdancing in a slow song?’’ Vincenzo asks, slightly scandalized.
‘’I have no idea’’ she accentuates the phrase with bewilderment.
‘’It’s horrifying.’’
Cha-young tilts her head.
‘’I mean, it’s kind of impressive - I bet he could give Larry a run for his money.’’
‘’Don’t ever let him hear you say that.’’ Vincenzo turns to her.
‘’Never.’’ she responds with a beaming smile.
‘’there’s no one else I’ve got in this world.
How could I live without you
until the sun cools down we will love
Nothing can stop us, no one will hurt us
I will be forever in your arms’’.
‘’Do you look like this to all of your dance partners?.’’
‘’Yah! What kind of girl do you take me for?’’ Cha-young slaps his chest. ‘’I only do it to the extra handsome ones, naturally.’’ she finishes with a roll of her eyes.
He pushes her flush against him by the waist. She looks up at his face, expression unreadable. The scene distinctly resembles that night - a couple of lives ago - filled with makgeolli, denial and hand gripping withstand.
He holds her tighter at the memory.
‘’Mr. Cassano please refrain from impropriety in public.’’ She gasps dramatically.
He hums and brings his right hand to draw circles though the nape of her neck.
A groan escapes her lips. He smirks.
Her own Achilles’ heel.
‘’You know what they say, impropriety is the soul of wit.’’ he whispers slily.
Her nose scrunches up in a giggle.‘’That’s most definitely not the quote.’’
‘’I’m always by your side, my love.
And this love is entirely for you,
With you, from you.’’
The force of this woman - that has him foolish with love, weak at knees, all and none of what the poets would write about and sing. Broke down his stride and now has him broken at the most random times.
‘’Vieni qui, per favore’’ He pleads.
The saint grant his wish.
‘’I’m always by your side, my love
From now my everything’s for you,
with you, from you.’’
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calumance · 4 years
Omg the soccer moms swooning over calum piece you wrote is so good so I was wanting to ask if you could write something where one day calum takes Aiden to practice and you can’t go so it’s just them two and some new mom actually goes up to him and has the NERVE to flirt with him ignoring the ring on his finger 😤
😤😤 no one flirts with Calum unless it’s mama, and he makes sure everyone knows that.
        Calum pressed the back of his hand to his wife’s forehead, she was still burning hot. His eyes washed over with concern, wishing he could do something to help her feel better. “Are you sure you don’t want me to have one of the other parents pick Aiden up and take him to practice?” Calum asked her, “I can stay home and make you some soup and make sure you’re okay.” He smoothed down the fly away hairs near her temple that were a bit unruly from spending two days in bed.
        She sniffled, the congestion obvious, “No, Aiden hates when you’re not there. Take him to practice, I’ll be fine.” She said as she ran her cold finger tips down his forearm. Calum reluctantly agreed and tucked her in before kissing her forehead and heading out to take Aiden to practice.
        Calum hated taking Aiden to soccer without her, not just because of the group of single moms who lust over him every time, but also because it’s actually incredibly boring without her. He sighed to himself as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through it. As he mindlessly scrolled, he rested his head into the palm of his hand. It wasn’t long until he suddenly felt slightly uncomfortable, as if someone were staring at him. He looked up at Aiden who waved at him and Calum waved back. Thinking it was just Aiden, he brushed the feeling off and continued to scroll through his phone.
        The feeling came back almost immediately. Frustrated, he dropped his phone to his lap and looked around. As soon as he looked to his right he caught a woman gazing at him. She was sitting with the group of women who usually stare at him, but he had never seen her before. Trying to be polite he smiled and nodded at her. It was only a matter of seconds before she pushed herself out of her chair and started to make her way over to him. “Aw, shit.” Calum mumbled to himself, lifting his left hand to spin the ring on his finger around.
        She approached him, a snarky smile sitting on her lips, “Hi, I couldn’t help but notice you from over there. My name is Rachel, my son joined the team this past week.” Rachel pointed towards the field and Calum nodded.
        Not wanting to be completely rude, Calum stood and offer his hand for a polite handshake. “I’m Calum, my son is the one with the curly hair, matches mine.” Calum pointed to the curly mop that was in desperate need to be cut. Rachel laughed and for some reason it made Calum feel uneasy, like she was forcing the laugh.
        “He looks just like you, it would be silly to think any other kid on the team was yours.” She smiled and laced her fingers together in front of her. Her cheeks flushed a soft pink and she licked her lips. “Listen, if you’re not doing anything after practice ends, you should bring Aiden over to my house and we can have a drink or something.” She twisted her body back and forth, as if she were trying to persuade him into going with her.
        Calum chuckled, thinking maybe she was blind, or joking, but when he realized she was completely serious, his smiled completely faded. “Oh, um, that’s a very nice gesture, but I’m married.” Calum lifted his left hand and pointed to the ring with his right hand.
        Rachel chuckled sarcastically, “I saw your ring from over there, it’s quite flashy. I just figured that since she wasn’t here, we could enjoy a drink together.” Rachel looked at Calum as if he was being the ridiculous one.
        “I’m sorry, are you suggesting I cheat on my wife?” Calum stood up straight and looked over at Aiden who was grabbing his duffle bag and starting to run towards him. “I’m good, I’m going to give that idea not only a hard no, but a fuck no. Instead, I’m going to go home, and make her some soup since she’s been sick in bed for two days.” Rachel looked at Calum dumb founded as he packed up his lawn chair and reached out for Aiden as he slowed his speed to a walk.
        Calum directed Aiden to walk ahead of him, but Calum followed closely behind him. As Aiden walked, he lifted his head and looked at Calum, “Who was that lady?”
        Calum raked his fingers through Aiden’s hair and smiled, “No one. She wasn’t just being rude and I was telling her that being rude isn’t right.” Aiden nodded, and popped open the car door and climbed in.
        The bowl was extra hot as Calum carefully carried it down the hallway towards the bedroom. Calum used his foot to push the door open, finding his wife fast asleep. Her hair was tossed over her face, and her mouth hung open as she snored in her deep, medicated sleep. A smile stretched across Calum’s face as he carefully moved the hair out of her face. She stirred and smacked her lips together, trying to get the moisture back into her mouth. She opened one eye and paused for a second. “You’re home already?” She asked as she pushed herself up.
        “Yeah, it wasn’t that long of a practice. I made you some soup, how are you feeling?” Calum grabbed the bowl and started blowing over the top of the soup.
        She shrugged and reached forward to grab the bowl. “A little better, that medicine you found me this morning is certainly doing the trick. Thank you for the soup, how was practice?” She spun the spoon around the bowl, placing it in a spot that was easy for her to grab.
        “Aiden did great. There’s a new soccer mom, though. She asked me to take Aiden over to her house so we could have a drink together.” With the spoon still in her mouth, she froze, her eyes staring daggers into Calum’s. It wasn’t that she was mad at Calum, she was mad that she couldn’t be there to start making out with him in front of her as he has done in front of the other single mom’s. “I told her ‘fuck no’ and came home and made you soup.”
        Slowly, she pulled the spoon from her mouth and dipped it back into the bowl. She raised her eyebrows as she licked her lips, “You’ll have to show me this new mom the next time I go to practice so I can stick my tongue down your throat in front of her.” Calum laughed as she winked at him and laughed with him.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
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tobesobri · 5 years
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𝓦elcome to a brand new story from me that I never thought I would be posting but here we are! This chapter is very much introductory, which is like obvious being the first chapter but tbh I don’t really do a lot of introducing characters right off the bat in a descriptive way often so this was new for me! Also, I have an old taglist from a while ago when I was originally going to post this, but I don’t want to randomly tag people who may no longer be interested SO if you’d like to be included on a taglist for upcoming chapters please let me know! Thank you! 
huge massive thank you to the incredible @youresogolden-h​ for editing ❤️
Chapter One: Where Happiness Begins (5.4k)
Harry and Y/N are friends…. with benefits, but not the kinds you’re thinking of.
There was something very different when she woke that Saturday morning. Maybe her breath smelled a little worse than normal. Maybe the sun shined a little brighter through her curtains than it was supposed to...
Maybe there was someone in her bed who didn’t belong there. 
“Oh my god.”
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Friday night was not unlike every other night that week. There was an endless bag of chips she dug her Hot Cheeto dust covered fingers into and an over-watched series on Netflix open on her laptop in front of her. And when she wasn’t distracted by Sam and Dean Winchester, she was bawling her eyes out under the comfort of her thrifted quilt, staining her poor mismatched pillowcases.
Just like any given night.
And this Friday was no different. At least not until there was a knock on her door.
By the time she dried her face, it was almost completely unnoticeable she’d just been buried in hysterics only seconds ago.
“Harry’s coming over. You want anything from the store?” Will asked, the same Will who stuck them all together in the very beginning of splitting rent on an apartment four different ways.
He was the roommate who paid the most in rent and got the biggest room with his own private bathroom. One of the two roommates who constantly had his significant other over every night to make Y/N’s miserable time even worse. Between Will and Violet’s incessant need to take over the entire living room every weekend, Y/N was bound to end up in her own room alone crying her eyes out for no apparent reason.
Then there was her third roommate, James, who never bothered her because she was lucky to catch a fleeting glimpse of him every other week.
Y/N glanced at the phone he had pressed to his cheek, assuming Harry was on the other end of the line, on hold. Just the mention of his name sucked every sad little tear back into her skull. She didn’t know why, but having Harry around always seemed to do the trick.
Even though she barely spoke a word to him over the course of the last eighteen months she’d known him.
She buried her excitement about Harry coming over and frowned, answering as if she was she couldn’t care less even though... she cared way more than she should. “No.”
And before Will could protest, she shut the door in his face and retreated back to her bed.
Not every night was spent in agonizing spirals of self-pity and dread, but it came and went. Some days were fine. She was happy by the time she went to bed at night and didn’t have nightmares or anxiety that kept her up past her self-proclaimed bedtime. Most days, she ate regularly and went about her nightly routine with a genuine smile on her face. But recently, it had all gone to shit.
And there was no explanation. There never was. She didn’t just break up with a long-term boyfriend. No one called her an ugly bitch on the train home. Her boss didn’t yell at her for the umpteenth time about her inadequacies at work.
She was just... alone. Painfully and tragically alone.
She hated how black and white it was. That she was either happy to be alive or praying for a very large rock to fall on her and end it all. There was never an in-between and it made her feel like all her emotions were made up, like she wasn’t ever truly happy or she was sad over really stupid things.
It was a fucking nightmare.
Another agonizing thirty minutes went by before she heard from Will again. Before she heard more than just her roommate's voice through the thin walls. Before she could literally feel her
brain swell with more serotonin than she’d had in a long time when it was Harry’s voice she heard.
He was like an unusual ray of sunshine. Every time he was over at their apartment, it was like he was some kind of ancient sun god warding off all the evil spirits sitting on her shoulders. Which...she knew was quite strange, but she really couldn’t--nor did she want to--fight off how he made her feel.
Even if he wasn’t an internationally famous pop-sensation, she still couldn’t put her finger on why he made her feel like sunshine and butterflies whenever he was around. Which had been quite often recently on account of his upcoming album needing desperate help from Will.
Okay. She hadn’t heard a damn thing from the album, but the conversations they had about it weren’t always good. It was delayed, apparently, and Harry was in the middle of a massive writing block that led him to an impromptu trip to Barcelona the previous week.
And so now he was back. To work on the album, and, upon Y/N’s quiet arrival into the kitchen of her shared apartment, to pig out on junk food. Will hovered over the kitchen island while they figured out which movie, among a small stack of romantic comedies, to watch first.
Once Harry noticed her, he instantly stood up straight, shoving the last bit of a Kit-Kat bar into his mouth quickly to hide it from her; as if she cared about the Harry Styles munching on chocolate and sweets.
“What’re you doing?” Y/N asked Will, even though Harry was the only one paying her any attention. She didn’t often make eye contact with him, or even speak to him at all for that matter. But Harry was used to it. He was used to her mumbling and her short phrases. The way whenever he looked at her, she always looked away.
“Pretty Woman or Notting Hill?” Will turned to her finally, holding up both DVD boxes in his hands for Y/N to choose from, completely ignoring her previous question.
“Um... I’ve never seen them.”
Will rolled his eyes and placed the Blu-Ray boxes back down on the granite countertop, “Should’ve known that. You only watch scary shit.”
It was quiet after that for a moment. A long moment of Harry awkwardly glancing between Will and Y/N. Though his glances towards her did not come easily. Just the thought of looking at her was like his body went into fight or flight mode. Fight through the nerves and the butterflies in his stomach or fly the hell out of there.
She was like an unfriendly cat who didn’t seem to like him one bit, and it drove him insane. All his attempts to have a normal conversation with her had been fruitless. She never said more than one word to him at a time. Maybe two, if she was feeling generous. He didn’t get it at all, but he got used to it. Maybe she just didn’t have any room in her life for another person and certainly not for a person like him.
“Well, I vote for Pretty Woman,” Will said, making up everyone’s minds for them, and when he glanced at the other two, they didn’t seem to care. “Pretty Woman it is then. Y/N,” Will glanced at her exclusively while he began gathering snacks and the movie, “are you watching it too?”
“Uh.. no.” She continued into the kitchen, walking behind Harry toward the fridge and making every single nerve in his body light up. He had no idea why she, of all people on the planet he’d come into contact with, made him as nervous as she did. But, here he was. Stepping out of her way and swallowing the pit in his throat when he got a whiff of her all-too-familiar coconut scented shampoo.
And that scent just about made his head spin. It took him right back to the night he’d gotten drunk off his ass after a long day of work. She’d offered her bed to him since he was too tall for their couches, and she had been up late working herself anyways. Most of the night had been forgotten, but he very distinctly remembered stuffing his face into her pillowcases and letting the scent of her shampoo completely engulf his nostrils as he fell asleep. And it took him back to the following morning where he wobbled his hungover ass to the shower and accidentally (on purpose) used her coconut scented shampoo.
And then the entire rest of the day he smelled exactly like her and hadn’t gone a single minute without thinking of her. Thinking of her soft voice and what it would feel like to hear her saying his name just once. Thinking about the way she sometimes smiled at him like maybe she didn’t hate him as much as he thought. Thinking about her hair spread over her pillowcase and tucking loose strands behind her ear while she slept peacefully beside him...
Harry was also, very, very alone.
So alone that he spent more nights at other people’s homes, particularly Will’s, than his own. Even though he had an insanely expensive house all to himself up in the gated hills of Los Angeles, it was nothing compared to being surrounded by people he cared about instead of lifeless appliances.
He blamed it on the city. It always had a way of making him feel alienated. Even if it was the city that recognized him most often, it almost made him feel even more alone than he already was. Because none of the people he met along the way really knew him. They weren’t with him at the end of the day when he broke down on the floor in his bathroom. They didn’t see the dark parts of his life where he often wished he could take it all back just to be normal again. To have normal conversations and normal relationships with people he wasn’t constantly paranoid were trying to get something out of him.
So, in a way, he understood Y/N’s unwillingness to let him in, because he did it all the time. The thing he didn’t understand was why she had any reason to worry about the people in her life. No one was out to get her money or make themselves famous off of her. But there was a reason for it anyways, and it just about killed the curious cat in his mind every time he was at her apartment and she continued to not peep a single unnecessary word to him.
By the time he and Will had settled onto their respective spots in the living room, Harry tucked back into the cushions of their armchair and Will spread out on the loveseat opposite him, Y/N had already retreated back into her bedroom with her glass of ice water.
“Think that’s the most I’ve ever heard her talk.” Harry said, while Will skipped through the outdated commercials on the DVD.
Will’s lips turned up into a very knowing grin and he nodded, “She’s always been quiet, man. I told you not to take it personally.”
“How did you get her to talk?”
That was a question Harry had never asked before out of the countless stupid ones he had in the past. The stupidest was probably when he’d first met her and then proceeded to ask Will shortly after if Y/N was mute.
Will shrugged, “I’ve known her for a long time. It’s not like she goes on and on around me either though. That’s just how she is. And she probably just doesn’t like you that much.”
Harry huffed and sat back into his chair, giving up on it. He couldn’t force her to be his friend, as much as he wanted her to be.
The movie went on without Harry because he was completely lost in his own mind, however, Will seemed to be completely enthralled with Julia Roberts. Harry just couldn’t bring himself to focus on the television screen for more than a minute at a time.
It wasn’t until he heard a door down the hall click open that he brought himself back to reality and let his eyes wander to the sound behind him as Y/N stepped quietly out from her bedroom again. He knew she was the only other roommate home tonight and, yet, he still made the mistake of looking in her direction and, fucking finally, locking eyes with her. It was brief, but it was enough to stir up the enormous pot of butterflies in his stomach again.
Without a single word, she sat on the last unoccupied piece of furniture between the both of them, Harry still in a bit of shock and Will grinning with his eyes glued to the screen.
“Changed your mind, did you?” Will asked cheekily.
“Shut up,” she mumbled back at him before reaching toward the opened bag of untouched Hershey kisses. “Can I have one of these?”
Will finally peered over at her from his spot and then glanced at Harry across the coffee table, “You’ll have to ask Harry. He brought them.”
Her hand froze and she reluctantly turned her attention toward Harry, which had been the first time since he arrived that she voluntarily looked at him. She had no fucking clue how she was going to sit there and ask Harry for one of his Hershey kisses. Or if she even wanted them desperately enough.
The question went unasked, but the look on her face said more than enough. She was already waiting for his answer. And upon seeing the look on her face, Harry couldn’t possibly find it in himself to force her to say a damn thing. So he just cleared his throat instead, “Uh, it’s alright. You can have as many as you want.”
He watched as she grabbed a couple foil sealed chocolates and settled back into the corner of her own loveseat again, never willing to admit that he’d bought them especially for her. Because it had somehow managed to become common knowledge that they were her favorite candy and while wandering the local corner market, he spotted them and thought of her. His brain at the time thought there might be some minuscule possibility that if he brought one of her favorite foods over she might eventually start to like him.
Even if that didn’t happen though, he was still reeling from that one brief moment of interaction for the entire rest of the night. Splurging on an overpriced package of cavities had been well worth it.
It wasn’t until the movie ended that both Harry and Y/N realized Will was dead asleep. That he was no longer conscious enough to use the remote resting on his chest and turn the movie off. So, after a little while of staring at the credits, Y/N stood and grabbed it, flipping the controls until she brought up regular TV channels and then eventually settled for a horror movie Harry had never seen and had no intentions to. But, if it meant he got more time with Y/N, he’d sit through just about anything she wanted to watch.
And then finally, the sugar he’d consumed got to his head.
“Do you always watch scary movies before bed?” He asked, completely lost in his daydreams and not fully realizing he’d asked her a full-blown question until it was out of his mouth. Once he came to his senses, he wanted to shove every last word back into his mouth and pretend he never said anything.
That was, until a couple silent moments went by and she finally said something. “Makes the nightmares more interesting.”
He didn’t expect her to say anything at all, and so for her to say that, he had no idea how to respond to her. Was she being... sarcastic? He didn’t even know she was capable of being funny.
So he laughed, not too loudly in case she wasn’t joking. But all his worries were relieved when she glanced at him and giggled too.
He didn’t dare bring up any of the questions floating around in his mind in fear that she’d never speak another word to him ever again once he’d finally managed to break through the walls somehow. Now that he’d made groundbreaking progress with her, there was no way he was asking her why she never talked to him or why she was so quiet. So he kept a fine-tuned filter over what words came out of his mouth.
“Does that mean you have uninteresting nightmares then?” Harry really did try his damndest to think of anything to say that would get her to keep talking, because he wasn’t done listening to her voice or hearing bits of her brain spill out. He wanted to know everything about her, from her mouth only, but he also didn’t want to get too ahead of himself.
“Only on Sundays.”
“Why Sundays?” He asked through a muffled laugh, curious as to what she was on about.
“Because then the nightmares are about showing up at work naked on Monday morning... and that’s not very interesting.”
He couldn’t help the widespread grin on his face, or the way his eyebrows furrowed at how fucking weird she actually was. And she wasn’t even that weird. She was kind of normal, but this entire time he thought she wasn’t like him at all, so seeing her say things like a normal person was... weird.
“So what kind of nightmares does watching Annabelle at...” Harry checked his watch, and went into momentary shock at the time, but also couldn’t care less because he wasn’t leaving now, “two in the morning get you?”
She smiled, and refusing to look at him, settled for planting her eyes on the television instead. “Walking into work naked on Monday morning but,” she held up a finger in anticipation and Harry smiled wider, “all my coworkers are creepy dolls.”
“Guess at that point it doesn't matter if you’re naked then.”
She thought about for a moment before giggling at what he said, “No, I guess it doesn’t.”
There was silence between them again, but it was different this time. It was peaceful. It wasn’t full of awkward tension and things Harry wished she would say. It felt like two friends hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.
“Are you sleeping here or...” She finally asked him and he wasn’t sure if that was her way of asking him to leave or not. But something about it made him feel like she was building her walls back up again.
“Oh, uh... if that’s okay. Think I’m too tired to drive.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I just wanted to know because I can sleep in Violet’s room and you can have my bed like before. If you want.”
“Oh, um, are you sure?” Under any other circumstances, he would have said no, that the short, uncomfortable couch would be fine. That he would get over the pain in his legs and back in the morning because he didn’t want to invade her space, again. Unfortunately for him, he already had the knowledge of what her pillows smelled like and how soft her sheets were and he desperately wanted to invade her space again.
She nodded. “It’s no problem. I’ll go clean up a little. Just let yourself in.”
She was gone before he could get another word out. And while he listened to her footsteps as she walked away from him, he stared blankly up at the ceiling, resting his neck back on the chair. It felt like he’d just been through a fever dream, like none of it was real. Not only did he have a normal conversation with her, but now she was offering her bed to him again as well.
He needed a moment to process things.
When she got done tidying up her room and replacing her blanket with a clean one for Harry, he appeared cautiously in the doorway, yawning as he watched her gather some of her things to take to Violet’s room directly across the hall.
“I turned the TV off and the lights. Will’s still quite dead out there.”
She smiled to herself and gave him a very fleeting glance before picking the last item she needed up off her side table and then finally facing him. “It’s all yours.”
Ushering him in, he stepped into her room like he wasn’t actually allowed to. Like he had never been there before. Like he hadn’t nearly puked all over her poor white bed sheets that one night.
She replaced his spot in the doorway as he sat down on the edge of her bed. He stared at her back as she walked away, not getting his hopes up about her saying anything else to him. So, when she did turn to face him again, it just about knocked the air out of him.
“Oh and Harry?”
“Could you try to not drool on my pillows this time?”
He glanced at the top of her bed where all her pillows were neatly stacked and cringed at the horrible memories he had and at the fact that he’d actually drooled on her pillows. Like a fucking animal. Like a dog who couldn’t control himself.
“Sorry ‘bout that...” He looked at her again, genuinely apologetic and completely embarrassed by his past, drunken self.
“It’s okay.” She smiled reassuringly, “Night.”
“G’night.” Harry mumbled just before she left and closed the door behind her.
And in all the talk about drool, it wasn’t until he was cuddled under her blanket and up against her mound of pillows that he realized something. She’d said his name, out loud, to his face, where he could hear it and obsess over it and never get sick of it. He repeated it over and over in his head and kept himself awake just thinking about the way it had sounded and if he’d ever get to hear her say his name again.
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The faint hum of voices right outside the door woke him slightly. His entire body was still asleep except for about half of his brain and one eye that peeked open to investigate the noise. He could tell it was early, though, his eyes stung and his body ached to go fully back to sleep.
He could make out Violet’s voice, which confused his foggy brain because he swore Will had mentioned she’d be gone all weekend, and yet here she was yelling in the hallway and interrupting his sleep.
“Please just sleep on the couch then, I need to be alone right now.” Harry furrowed his eyebrows at how distressed she sounded and flinched when the door across the hall just about slammed shut.
He heard an exasperated sigh and then squeezed his eyes shut when he saw movement under the door to Y/N’s bedroom just moments before it opened. He pretended to be asleep for as long as he could, listening to the footsteps as they carefully wandered into the room.
And then a hushed, but very exclamatory, “Ow!” got him to roll onto his back and knuckle his eyes open.
She looked at him apologetically while grasping the big toe of her right foot. “Sorry.”
“S’okay.” His voice was a lot groggier and a lot more raspy than she expected it to be. And she kind of hated herself for enjoying the view, a little too much, of Harry waking up in her bed. While she got her thoughts under control, he continued. “Did Violet just kick you out?”
She simply nodded and went back to digging into her cabinets for spare pillows.
“What time is it?” He asked.
Then he slowly pulled her blanket off, still dressed in his shirt and joggers from last night but without his socks and rings he’d removed before bed.
She immediately turned to him, however. “You don’t have to get up. I’m fine on the couch.” “No, I would feel bad.”
“It’s okay, really. Don’t worry about it.” She got him to stop what he was doing and lay back into the bed again while she opened up more cabinet doors to find her extra bed sets.
He cleared his throat after a little while of watching her, and gathered up the largest bundle of courage he ever had, to say what he was about to say next. With nervous, shaking fingers and a cold sweat on the back of his neck, he voiced the stupidest idea he’d ever had in his life.
“We can just both sleep here... if that’s fine.”
She froze and he knew he’d made a mistake. Why in the actual fuck did he just suggest that? Maybe he was sleep deprived. Maybe he was still reeling from last night. Maybe he had some false sense of security with her and completely forgot about the fact that last night had been the first time she’d said that many words to him. Of course she wasn’t about to climb in bed with him.
“Oh, um...” She finally found a couple pillows and pulled them from the cabinet while turning her attention back to Harry. She could not deny how desperately she wanted to crawl back into her own bed. And have a warm body next to her, which she had literally never had. No one had ever slept in her bed besides Harry, and definitely not with her. Sure, she’d slept in friends’ beds before on occasion, but this was different. It was her own bed and this was Harry, not her college friends.
So maybe it was the sleep-deprivation talking. 
In all forms but physical, his jaw had just hit the floor. Never in a million years or in any other infinite alternate realities would he have thought they’d end up here, with Harry sliding over to one side of the bed to make room for her while she crawled in beside him. Her queen size gave lots of room in between them, so it wasn’t as weird as it sounded. It was just two, very tired loose-knit friends sharing a bed for a few hours.
“Goodnight, again.” Harry mumbled, realizing too late that it was technically morning now.
“Mhm,” was the only response he got out of her when she curled up under the blanket they shared and went straight back to sleep with her back to him.
And once his nerves settled, he did the same.
It was a lot easier than either of them thought possible. And for a long while, they stayed on their respective sides of the bed. But once she was lost in dreamland and he was already letting out soft snores, there was no control over what happened next. She turned and cuddled right up to his side as if her unconscious mind thought he was some kind of pillow to cradle. She wasn’t all to blame, though, as his arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her even closer. Closer than either of them had been to another living being in a long time. As close as her forearm spread across his chest and her head nestled into his neck. Close enough to smell his cologne but not realize why or stop any of it from happening. Not that she would have wanted to if she had any clue what she was doing. Not that he would have wanted to either.
With his hand digging into her waist, they both were mildly aware of what was going on, but both were also still too lost in their exhaustion. So, it just happened. And they held each other tighter as the minutes passed and the dreams took over once again. Because they both needed it. To hold and to be held. To feel the pressure of another person and the heartbeat on their skin. And all the loneliness in their bones melting away with each other’s touch as if they’d never been alone in the first place.
The only thing that could ever separate them was the knock on her door at nine a.m. Everything was a little fuzzy at first before she blinked a few times and realized that what she’d been using as a pillow wasn’t exactly stuffed with cotton and lined in silk. With a gasp, she pulled away from him abruptly. Ceasing all contact. Not because she wanted to necessarily, but because she would rather Harry not find out she was all over him like she had just been.
“Oh my god,” she whispered quietly in disbelief, mentally punching herself in the face for what she’d just woken up to.
But her embarrassment only skyrocketed when she dragged her eyes up his neck to his chin, then his nose and finally saw him staring right back at her with furrowed brows like he was just as confused as she was. When he glanced at the door is when she moved to do something about it.
Quickly, she pulled the covers off of herself and opened her door only the smallest amount possible. Just enough to peak her head out, but not enough for Will to see Harry in her bed. Where she’d just been sleeping right next to him. Or... right on top of him, as it seemed.
“Did Harry go home last night?”
With absolutely no plan to go along with her lie, she still figured it was the better option than to admit to Will she’d been in the same bed as Harry. That she’d been all fucking over him for who knows how long.
“Um, yeah. After you fell asleep.”
From behind her, Harry quietly smacked his hands over his face and fell back dramatically into her fluffy pillows.
“Oh, ok. Vi won’t come out of her room, but I’m going to go get breakfast from Jade’s. You want anything?”
“No, I’m alright, thanks.” Her words fused together in a flash, just trying to get the least amount of information out as quickly as possible so she didn't accidentally say something suspicious.
She shut the door on him with a smile before Will could even offer her a pastry from their most loved local cafe. Once that was dealt with, and she had a moment to gather her thoughts as she stared at her door, she slowly turned around to face Harry.
Her cheeks were probably bright red and full of embarrassment seeing him there amongst her sheets; as if once she had turned around he wouldn’t actually be there, like maybe she’d dreamt the whole thing.
But no.
He was there. And he was very real. And very much looking at her like they were both insane.
“I’m sorry,” they said it at the exact same time, cutting each other off from saying anything else.
“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, um...” Harry started once he found an opportunity to speak again, but he didn’t exactly know what he was apologizing for. He wasn’t sorry for how they’d ended up. He had the best four and a half hours of sleep he’d ever had.
“I shouldn’t have been like... all on you like that.” She averted her eyes when she spoke, not able to look him straight on and admit it. And she knew she was only apologizing because she felt embarrassed and like she had to. She felt like she’d invaded Harry’s space and took advantage of him.
“You don’t have to apologize.”
She just shrugged. Nothing he said at this point could make her feel any less horrible about it. And even so, some part deep down inside of her, when she finally looked at him again, wanted to get right back into that spot with him for another few hours.
It just felt... right. And even though she couldn’t remember what she dreamed about, she knew it wasn’t her usual nightmare. She had felt safe and secure, and not so alone anymore, sleeping beside him like that and she felt stupid knowing it would never happen again.
“I should get going then. Before Will comes back and realizes I didn’t actually leave.” Harry let out an exasperated laugh as he began getting up, sitting himself on the edge of her bed with his back facing her as he stretched. The fabric of his shirt tugged along his muscles as he flexed them awake, and she grew far too overwhelmed thinking about the fact that those fucking arms of his had been around her for the better half of the morning. She could still feel him holding onto her and his grip at her side.
She needed a very cold shower and some fresh air.
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
Happy Black History, Honeys!!! I’ve spent the last 12 hours working on this and I’m still unsure of the finished product, please if you like what read don’t be shy to comment (or if you didn’t DM me, constructive criticism. I haven’t written a story in a while so have mercy lol) Characters are Aged Up🆙 but it’s fluff? I tried my hand at Ludus but can’t say I executed it right lol. Thanks in advance to everyone that reads it! I’m gonna go pass out now, respectfully.
The time you spent together always resorted to some kind of new fun. Always smiles and laughter, learning something new about each other. You didn't spend a lot of time together during your days of being highschool kids, but after some time apart and rekindling something most may call "Puppy Love," you've been finding more reasons to get out of bed.
Kirishima was strong and kind-hearted when you knew him back at U.A., Giving off the proper sentiment that would make you believe in yourself. It's kind of embarrassing how hooked you were to each other's personality, painstakingly apparent to your other classmates wishing for you two to just date but never doing so. Resulting in the classic 'Will They, Won't They' trope annoying everyone; Only to continue like that in your young adult years. Pushing your childlike fun on each other, date after date.
You woke up early, just to get a sense of the mid-winter weather. Still wearing your pajamas, you opened the window near your bed; the brisk air immediately greeted your room with little atonement to your mildly groggy body. You shivered right away, knowing that even though the sun was high in the sky, the wind would be unforgiving until the afternoon. Promptly doing your beauty routine, you dressed warmly and threw your hair under a cute beanie Kirishima had bought you for Christmas. Eager to meet at the station with your Red-haired date. It would be the first date you would've had in weeks, and ironically enough, on Valentines' Day.
As you reached the meetup station, he was already there, fifteen minutes earlier than when you two were supposed to meet. This was typical for him, and many times you had tried to beat him to the punch, but he was always one step ahead. As you got closer, he raised his head from staring at his phone screen, reciprocating the smile plastered on your face as you hugged him.
"Hey, Little Miss Cozy, you look great!" His sharky grin made your heart pulse.
"Aw, thank you, you don't look bad yourself, Kiri" You glanced at his outfit; he looked so stylish! His PR team has really helped him with his image since he graduated, and now he looks like he belongs in a sophisticated J-pop group. "I'm so glad we're hanging out today!" 
"Yeah, me too. Too much work and not enough play are bad for the body!" He dramatically sighed as you playfully pursed your lips in agreeance, and in return, he held your hand through your winter knitted mittens, "Plus, I missed my partner in crime."
Your face heated up from the sweet confession just to retort with, "I feel the same way, Handsome."
His raspy chuckle coming right after as he casually brushed his red hair back with his fingers. Kirishima had promised to make it the best day you could ever have on the holiday. Planning something you didn't even expect; an indoor Ice Skating rink. It would be your first time engaging in the sport, and you were anxious. Unsure about your own elegance and precision to be the best on ice. But he reassured that it would be a fun experience nonetheless, and you believed it would.
"Don't worry, Cutie, if at any point you think you're gonna fall, just hold me tighter." With his graciously, flirtatious wink, you were blushing, with a demure grin.
After traveling to the venue, Kirishima greeted the clerk who would be taking your admission tickets. Right after, you two went to the counter where you get sized up for the Ice Skates. After getting them, you were slightly frantic on how to tie them, bewildered by the laces and hooks. Kirishima saw how confused you were, lightly chuckling at your frantic fingers working so hard to figure it out on your own.
"Hey, don't stress yourself out before you get on the ice, let me help.'' He squatted close to your feet just to help settle your feet into the rented skates. They were a perfect fit, and as he helped, he looked up to beam at you. "You know I feel like the Prince of your story, ready to whisk you away after knowing that the shoe fits you so perfectly."
How smooth, you thought to yourself. Physically flustered and speechless, you had no cheeky rebuttal. Which only made the buff redhead break out into laughter. So many times, did his bold flirts silence you and make your heart flutter. But it was one of your favorite traits that he had. After getting your shoes on, you held his hand the whole way to the rink, continually repeating, "Don't let me fall, okay?"
"Of course, My Princess" He nodded kindly, taking on his role of 'Prince' too seriously. Bringing you to almost trip as you tried to hide your face. "Hey, at least wait till we get on the ice."
Another carefree chuckle leaving his toned body, making you happy to enjoy this experience with him. Getting to the rink may have been a battle, but now you were finally getting onto the ice, working your legs slowly to steady under the frozen ice. Not wanting to move too fast and create an inconvenience for anyone enjoying the rink. Gradually, you took a breath, calming down, as you held Kirishima's hand tighter. He smiled so warmly the whole time you focused on getting comfortable on the ice. The patience he carried just to keep you feeling safe and secure made its way into your heart, knowing that there was no malice energy.
"Are you ready, Princess?" Finally finding your footing, you nod. "Okay, then I'll teach you the basics."
His skating directions are so thorough and straightforward that you're able to follow them and feel like you can execute each move flawlessly. He politely assists you with your stances, placing his big, callous hands onto your waist gently just to help you find the proper posture to keep you from falling. It's fun learning how to do it, but now you're eager to start, and Kirishima can tell.
"Okay, Princess, that's all I have to share. Let's have some fun!" He holds your hand firmly as you slowly glide around the skating rink, feeling your legs space out naturally to create the best gliding and position one leg in front of the other. "See, you know what you're doing!"
Your childlike smile shoots Kirishima straight in the heart as you make the first steps to skating like a pro. He knew you were a fast learner and always admired that. Your persistence to learn something new was fascinating to him. You would start off anxiously and felt as if you didn't know what you were doing. But once you had the chance to shine, you left no skill invalidated.
"Hey Kiri, you think we can go a little faster? I wanna get some more momentum and see if we can do a trick!"
"W-what, you sure you want to try that on your first time at a skating rink? Certain moves require being a professional figure skater… Which we aren’t."
"You have a point, but we should still try anyway," You smile with reassurance, "We didn't graduate from U.A. not to be durable in various conditions!"
You raise your other arm showing off the muscle you gained from being a student at the number one school. Kirishima looked a little bewildered, thinking that your ideology doesn't equate to ice skating whatsoever, but he agreed that you weren't wrong. U.A. definitely had their trials, and you were put through many of them as a first-year.
"I mean, just look at that couple; they're so graceful, and I think we can do that!"
You pointed to a couple of what looked like professional ice skaters making a move you had never seen before. Your eyes sparkled as their chemistry was unmatched by everyone else in the rink. They spun so gently and romantically that you felt like you had to try to do something just as beautiful as that. Kirishima took a couple of Ice skating lessons on the side only to gain more flexibility and agility to become a better defense hero during his agency apprenticeship. It worked well, and he learned many things that he didn't expect to use in his daily life.
Looking at the skilled ice skaters, he felt like that could be him and you, and so he looked back into your eyes, reciprocating your glittery gaze. With a pure and toothy grin, he said, "Okay, let's give it a try."
Excited by his answer, you almost jumped for joy, forgetting where you were, and almost slipped and tumbled into the Red-haired hero. You laughed off the blunder, and you both kept trying to reach the speed it would take to get into any ice move. Having the fundamentals of chemistry be explained had made you even more pumped. Learning the basics of a spin and how to get the most out of sticking your leg out and balance. Kirishima praised you every time you got further into the rotation. You felt good knowing that you were trying and learning something different, respecting the art of figure skating.
Surprised that you were doing so well, you lost focus for a second and accidentally bump into Kirishima, resulting in him falling to the ice-cold floor. Horrified that he's injured, you kneel close to him to inspect, but instead, he laughs, looking at your worried face.
"I'm okay, Princess; this isn't my first time falling on the ice."
"Are you sure? I mean, it looked like you fell kinda har-"
To avoid a freakout and reassure you, he stole a kiss from your lips, lasting more than three seconds as you didn't want it to stop, but he pulls away with a light chuckle, "This floor is cold as hell, though."
"I-I'm sorry," You slightly pout, not knowing what else to say.
"But hey, I'm here with the hottest girl, so this makes up for everything."
Your goofiest smile was starting to form as you reached out to help him up. "Okay, Mr. Flirt, you got me there."
His laugh was highly pleasing to your ears, and you laughed with him. As he stood up, he patted himself down and checked his skates, making sure everything felt the way it did before the fall. After the check, he wanted to leave the rink, it made you anxious, thinking that something else was wrong with him, but he laughed again, "I know you wanted to try a pro move today, but I actually have something else planned."
"Something else?" You tilted your head to the side, confused as to what he could be mentioning.
"Yeah, but it's a surprise, so I'm not gonna say anything until we get there." His shark-like grin came back, making you grin in return.
"Okay, but can I have a hint?" You imitated puppy dog eyes but couldn't keep your face straight, laughing at your own face.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it" He smiled. "Maybe when we're closer, but let's return these skates and go."
And with that, you returned the skates getting your cute and comfortable platform sneakers back. You had even forgotten what shoes you wore since you were in the rink skating for a long time, Feeling like you had sweat enough from the body-induced activity. You were excited to figure out where you might be going. You tried your best to make guesses as you rode the bus to get there and passed by each stop. Still not able to put the finger on where you might be going.
"Here's your hint, Princess," You turn from looking out the window to look back at him. "It's as sweet as you."
Even with such a cute but corny remark, you still didn't have a clue. But you were getting off at the next stop. No dots connected as Kirishima grabbed your hand, guiding you off the bus with him. He smiled the whole way, eager to see your expression on the date's secondary location. The walk may have lasted for five minutes until he stopped, turning to look at you, "We're here."
The building looked a little shabby but still had a colorful banner saying 'Welcome.' A little creeped out, you wondered what was being welcomed. Ghosts maybe? Not humans, maybe clowns, though. You were reluctant to step further, but you looked into Kirishima's eyes, and his expression looked pure and unaltered by the outer appearance of the building. You feigned a light smile, unsure what to expect inside the establishment but prepared for what's to come.
Intertwining your hands, your date tightened the grip, caressing your hand. As if doing his best to comfort you as you walked closer to the entrance, his toothy grin never leaving. As he opened the door for you, you entered the building, the floor looking just as bland as the outside, but you had to be admitted in to get to the specific base, and as you got to your final destination, Kirishima let you walk in first to scope out the scene.
In an instant, you're blinded by beautifully bright colors, pleasingly happy music that didn't sound creepy and candy-like decor from wall-to-wall. Shocked by what you're seeing, candy hung from the ceiling while numerous candy stations were on the floor. Your eyes became huge, looking at what could only be considered a candy paradise. Kirishima stood next to you, nodding at the beauty of the atmosphere filled with gleefulness and sweets all over.
"Well, Princess, welcome to Sugar Sanctuary."
He presented the place so nonchalantly, and yet his energy about the place said otherwise. Your jaw had dropped, not even knowing a place like this had existed. Your eyes couldn't even focus on what was in front of you; you just wanted to explore the floor and eat as much candy as possible.
"We burned so many calories skating, I think we should reward ourselves. I remembered out of the blue that you used to have a sweet tooth, and I wanted to see if that still holds true now."
You turned to hug him tightly, almost jumping into his arms. His eyes widened as you held him, " Of course that's still true! Let's leave here with a dump truck worth of sweets!"
His chuckle reverberated through his body and onto yours as you held him; without protest, he nodded. "Let's do it!"
And with that, you venture into the venue, reading fun facts about the candy, playing the video games that gave out real prizes. Kirishima had a point to prove, his goal was to win you whatever you wanted, and he did it so well, surprising you at his gamer abilities. And his claw skills were something to see too! You never thought you would have this much fun on a date, and yet, here you were having the time of your life with the man who was your highschool sweetheart.
Although your relationships would continue to confuse your friends, you always looked at the bigger picture to smile and have fun. Avoiding all the complicated politics of your connection, taken at your own pace, and not listen to others' opinions as you enjoyed Kirishima's company and vice versa.
You spent every moment tasting different sweets and fresh pastries from the floor that you almost forgot to take photos of the unique location. You spotted a photo booth, and with no hesitation, You lightly tugged your redheaded date to follow along. The booth itself was spacious when inside and looked like it had enough room to fit half a dozen people. But because there was so much space, you tried to create a wonderland of candy surrounding you, bringing you closer to your date.
Kirishima happily obliged to set up what seemed to take a while but eventually, ready to pose for the flix. Unironically, you two looked gorgeous, making quirky faces as the camera flashed, focusing in on the memory. However, the moment was just perfect enough to steal a kiss from him and to thank him for all that he’s done to help you celebrate a holiday that you usually overlook. After caressing your lips onto his, you say, “You know what, Kiri, you truly delivered. And I want you to know that I appreciate you.”
He goes in for another kiss, just to rest his forehead on top of yours, “No, thank you, I’m happy to rescue my Princess from a boring any time of the year.”
With a couple more photos taken in the booth, you leave heading to their lounge area to share a complimentary cake with a candle to grant a special wish together, hoping to have endless moments and to keep smiling together.
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tetsurouskuro · 4 years
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, alcohol mention, college!au
word count: 4,234
a/n: i started to listen to nick jonas song close and this idea just popped into my head and i had to fucking write it!!!! i think i need holy water!!!!! i’m not very proud of the smut scene... anyway enjoy!!!!
Synopsis: You and Shouto meet at a party he’s throwing and can’t keep his eyes of you. There is an attraction but you’ve been hurt before and Todoroki Shouto screams fuck boy.
Being the most popular guy in college was not something Todoroki Shouto wished for. It wasn't his fault that his dad was one of the wealthiest man in the country. Everyone wanted to be friends with him, a lot of girls wanted to bed him. He didn't mind it, he didn't give it any thought. He had a handfull of friends he was close with. He had fucked many of the girls at campus, everyone of them being a one time thing. Todoroki Shouto didn't do relationship. He had seen what that kind of relationship had been like for his parents. Things were good with his dad now, but even then Shouto just didn't want to end up like his dad. Todoroki Enji's parenting had put a strain on the young boy a few years ago and Shouto was reminded everyday about that when looking in the mirror, at his scar. His dad, though, wanted Shouto to marry into a rich and wealthy family. Enji wanting the youngest Todoroki to take over the company when he was ready to retire. But Shouto wasn't ready to do that, in fact he didn't want to so for now the young boy wanted to have the time of his life; drinking, fucking and enjoying life in general which is what he was doing. He was throwing a hell of a party and having a big mansion to thow it at helped a lot.
“Oi, half and half bastard. Team up with me at beer pong” he heard one of his closest and longest friend call over the loud music. Bakugou Katsuki walked towards Shouto, arriving throwing his right arm around Shouto's shoulders and walking him towards where the ping pong table was set up.
“What if I say no?”
“There is no answer like that, idiot” Bakugou laughed at his friend. “Shitty hair and Pikachu is on our team as well. It's girls against boys, so it's us four against Mina, Uraraka, Momo and (y/n)”. Shouto's eyebrow quirked up in question, who is (y/n)?
“Who's that?”
“Doesn't matter. She's hot though” both boys smirked at that as they kept on walking, finally arriving at the ping pong table. “You idiots ready to lose?”
“Like we'd lose to you, baka” Mina replied back. Shouto smiled at her and then turned his head slightly to the right and his heart did a doubble pound. His breath taken away, making him feel very perplexed. Never had a girl, a woman made him feel like this ever before. His gaze locked onto you. His heterochromic eyes scanning your body. Your long legs, how that little black dress hugged your curves so tightly. Your breast being very round; he wanted to squeeze them. His eyes continued to travel upwards. Your plum lips, especially your bottom one; he wanted to bite it. Soon his eyes landed on yours, (y/e/c) one's staring at him in return. He was maybe 9 feet away from you but to him it felt like miles away, he wanted to be closer to you.
Shouto's mind was playing tricks. It was shocking to him how a woman, like you, could make him want to be close to a woman. For the first time he wanted to talk to a woman first, not the other way around. Shouto cleared his throat, composing himself and spoke with a lot of confidence. “Shall we begin? It won't take long”.
The game began with Shouto throwing the ball, it bouncing one time on the table then into a red plastic cup. He turned around, high fiving Bakugou and the rest of his teammates, then turned to look at you, smirking.
“Don't get too confident” you spoke, making Shouto get goosebumps. Even your voice sounded like sex to him. He was in for a long night.
“Oh, I'm always confident, (y/n) was it? I'm Todoroki Shouto. Owner of the house”.
“Oh I know who you are, I just don't care”.
“Uuuuuuuh” came from three mouths; Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari. Shouto just let out a soft laugh and gazed into your eyes. You raised one of your eyebrows and smiled at him.
“The game is just getting started and I never want it to end” Shouto spoke while still having his eyes locked onto you. You blushed at his comment. One of your hands pulling some of your hair that had fallen over your face, placing it behind your ear.
“Well, it's gonna end soon 'cause you're going to lose”.
The game ended with the boys winning. You hadn't stopped looking at the very hot host of the party. The way his hair fell on his forehear, making him flip it up again. The way his heterochromatic eyes gazed into yours, making your body shudder. You had noticed how he was always watching you throughout the whole game. How you threw the ball. How you laughed when one of his teammates missed making Bakugou lose his cool, but mostly how he was watching you move. You knew he wanted you, and you wanted him but you couldn't. You needed space. Space away from boys that were after just your body. When the game had finished, you had excused yourself to go fetch a drink and on your way out of the massive crowded kitchen, you bumped into a rock hard chest.
“I'm sor-” you started to speak but when you saw who you had collided with, you stopped.
“No problem at all (y/n)”.
“It's just very crowded so... um... sorry” you let out a little laugh as you watched his face. Shouto could only smile as he stepped aside so you could continue to your destination, but as you started to walk he called for you. Making you turn around to face him, once again.
“Meet me upstairs at the balcony, I'll be right there”. You didn't have time to say no as he quickly dissapeared. You, being polite followed his orders and slowly moved to find where you could find the stairs. When you found them after looking for about a minute, there was a sign that said no one was allowed upstairs. Letting out a sigh, you didn't want people to watch as you “disobeyed” so you turned to walk away, but yet again, Shouto was there. He smiled at you, moving towards the stairs, lifting up the sign that was hanging on a rope so you could duck under and start walking up. He followed you, being just one step behind you.
When you finally reached the second floor you saw a long corridor and lots of doors on either side of it. Shouto walked ahead of you and you followed. He turned right at the end of it and opened a door, stepping aside and waiting for you to walk in first. “After you”.
You walked through the door and stepped out into the summer cold night. Him following suit. You became nervous, a bit anxious even. What did he want? You heard the balcony door closing as you turned your body to meet his. Shouto was holding a beer bottle, taking a sip as he watched you.
“Enjoying the party?”
“I did. But then some random dude demanded that I meet him up here so, I guess it's fine now”.
“Hah. Very funny”, he smiled as he took another gulp. You watched his adam apple as he swallowed. His thick neck, a visible vein, making your body shudder with enticipation. You wanted him, you couldn't deny that but all guys were the same. Right?
“What do you want, Todoroki?”
“I wanna get to know you. Get close to you. You intrigue me”. You took a sip of your drink as you blushed. How could you feel so effected by his words?
“What if I don't want to?”
“Then I'll make you want to” he said and took another step closer to you. As he came closer, you started backing until you felt the balcony rail against you. He was getting closer and you could feel how you started to breathe heavily. Space. I need space, you thought. “I want you, (y/n). Ever since I saw you at the beer pong earlier”.
“Oh, um... sorry T-Todoroki but I...”
“Call me Shouto”.
“Oh, okay. Um. Shouto I need... space”. You let out a breath and then he shocked you with his words.
“Space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close”. Looking at him as he said those words made your head spin. The way his heterochromatic eyes were looking into yours. “I want you close, (y/n). I've never wanted someone as much as I want you right now”.
“Shouto-” his lips crashed onto yours, you having no time to finish your sentence. The people who knew you knew that you were known for never being speechless., but here you were. Speechless. You feel Shouto's hands on your waist as he pulls you even closer, ending up with you sighing, your mouth opening up to him. Shouto takes his chance and pushed his tongue into your mouth. You welcome him and your tongues start dancing with each other. In your right hand were your drink was, you put it on the broad balcony railing and then throw your arms around his neck. Your right hand grabbing hold onto his red and white hair.
His lips then pulled away, but only to travel erotic kisses on your cheek and then town towards your neck. “Fuck, I want you so bad (y/n)”. Opening your eyes, which you don't remember ever closing, you push Shouto away. Trying to catch your breath, before speaking.
“N-no. This is wrong. I can't”. You start to walk towards the door but the man himself is huge and you need to pass him in order to do that.
“I know you're scared. I'm too. I've never felt like this before. This scares me but I know one thing for sure. I want you”. You stoodstood still, not daring to move. Not wanting to move, but you had to. You knew what kind of man he was. He would just fuck and then throw you away. Just like everyone else.
“No. You want my body. Not me. Don't think for a second that you know what I want or feel!” While speaking, Shouto had moved closer to you.
“I know you're scared. But as I said. I want you. Yes, I've fucked a lot of girls at school. That won't change, but I can see in your eyes that you want me too. And if I can't have you. No one can. I always get what I want. And I want you”.
“Well, you can't have me!” Is all you said as you left Shouto on his balcony. By himself.
Waking up the next day, the first thing that was on your mind was him. Those heterochromatic eyes. The way his lips curved up into a half smile, half smirk. The taste of his lips. Laying on your back, your gaze at the ceiling and sigh. He was hot, you can't deny that. You wanted him, also can't deny that. Your mind travels to the night before as you remember the way his lips tasted on your neck as he confessed that he wanted you.
“Ugh, damn that piece of ass”, you grunted as you faceplanted your pillow, only to lift it and look at the watch. 12PM. Class begins in 30 minutes. They way your feet traveled to your wardrobe and how fast you were at clothing yourself and putting on makeup amazed you. 20 minutes. 10 minutes to go, you started fast walking towards your front door. Pulling on your shoes and opening it. You practically sprint to campus and towards the classroom.
Arriving at the building you see a bunch of people outside and you can't even miss his face even if you wanted to. There he was. Shouto. Wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt that sat tightly around his front, outlining his abs almost, and a leather jacket. A pair of black sunglasses covering half of his face and a smile printed on his lips. He was talking to a guy you met yesterday, Bakugou. You tried to hide as you entered the building and continued fast walk. 5 minutes left until class starts. Just as you were about to enter the room, you're swept to the side and collide with Shouto's body, just like yesterday. His cologne hitting your nose, arousing you.
“Hi (y/n)”.
“Hi Shouto. I'd love to stay and talk but I have to get to class”. You lied. You didn't want to stay. Your mind was already thinking about him enough. You didn't need more of him. But the way he was smirking at you, made you shudder and think about what that mouth of his was doing and could be doing. Arousing you even further.
“Then I'll be quick. I'm inviting you over to my place to night. Watch a movie and get to know each other”.
“Eh, you what?”
“18 o'clock. The door is open, just walk in and my dad or siblings aren't home so don't worry about them. Oh, and one last thing”, he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. One of his hands placing a piece of paper in your hand. His face didn't pull back. You were holding your breath. Waiting for his next move. “I still want you (y/n)”. Pulling away, he rubs your cheek with his thumb, where his lips once were and then walks away. “Don't be late”.
Trying to get your breathing to normal you walk into class. Sitting down, you look at the little piece of paper Shouto placed in your hand. Trying not to smile at the number thats written on it. Just before the class is about to start, you create a new contact and save.
During the class all you can think about is Shouto and his lips. Your mind wanders even further and you start to think about his body. How would his body look like underneath that tight shirt of his. Biting your lip you can't control your body as you send away a quick little text to him.
“What if I don't want to come? Maybe you'll use me again as you did yesterday.” Not long after you get a reply.
“One. I never used you, you could've said no. Two. Don't act like you don't want it. I could smell your arousal when I gave you my note”. Your cheeks turning pink at his answer, you turn your phone on silent and then lock it. Damn that hot and sexy piece of ass.
How you ended up listening to Shouto, you'll never know. Walking into his mansion yesterday, you couldn't grasp and take in the beautiful house but now you could. Everything was clean, probably his housekeepers that the rich boy had. It smelled like lemon, quite refreshing. Looking at all the canvases and furniture, it was very modern. Your body turns around to watch some more, your steps going backwards moving further into the house. Soon you collide with something, or someone. Turning around you're faced with Shouto. Looking him up and down you see him wearing the same white shirt as before only now instead of pants he had some soccer shorts on.
“I'm beginning to think you like to crash into me”. His voice oozes confidance, a smirk on his lips. That damn smirk and those damn lips.
“You're just catching me off guard, that's all”. Simple and honest answer. He moves so he is only inches from you.
“I'm gonna kiss you know”. His words leaving you again speechless and as he lowers his head so it matches your height, you forget once again how to breathe and as his lips connect to yours, you close your eyes and let yourself be embraced by this very sexy and hot human being. His arms wrap around your body and your arms around his neck. The kiss starts innocent but as you both sigh into each others mouth, you both also push it even further, making your tongues dance once again. This only lasts for a few seconds as his lips, just like yesterday travel to your neck. He's kissing, biting and licking at your neck making you let out a soft moan. “Can I take you to my room?”
“Yes”, you answer, because you know that you won't be able to hide this anymore. You want that man and he want you. Even if it means for a night. Shouto lips crash to yours agan and he lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist. He starts walking while you cling to him like some kind of koala and not letting go. But soon it's over as he walks into a room and he throws you onto the soft mattress, your back hitting the soft bed. Shouto stays on the floor, his arms going over his shoulders as he pushes the shirt over his head and you get a good look at his tone bulky body. His stomach showing that he does work out, the way his abs glisten from the lights that shines in from the sky. Your gaze continue down and you see the V line. His boxer breifs and shorts hanging low on his hips. You start biting you bottom lip and wonder what he will do next.
“Take of your shirt” he demands and you listen. Sitting up you throw your shirt over your head and onto the floor next to the bed. Shouto moves in closer and start leave a trail of kisses. He begins on your stomach and slowly move upwards. His right hand finds your bra clasp behind your back and undo it, his left hand grabbing a hold of your bra and throws it on the floor. He takes a look at your naked chest, you begin to try to cover yourself, feeling ashamed but he stops you. His left hand holds both of your arms over your head and his mouth starts sucking on your right nipple. “Don't hide from me. You're fucking perfect” he speaks. You let out a moan as he keeps on sucking on your nipple and moving over to your left one. When he feels satisfied he lets go of your arms and both of his hands begin to unbutton your pants and drags them down your legs, yoyr hips liftin to make it easier for him. He then starts kissing around your private parts, teasing you. His lips leaving wet and erotic kisses on your inner thighs making you gasp and moan, wanting more.
“Shouto please” you whine, wanting more. Wanting his lips and tongue on your center.
“Shh baby, I'm taking my time” he responds and pulls away. Hooking his fingers on the waistband of your lace thong he pulls them down your legs and then looks at your exposed area. “I'm gonna make you cum with my tongue” he promises and wastes no more precious time and starts to devour your cunt.
“Oh my-” you moan out as you feel how starts to eat you out. Your juices tasting like heaving on his tongue. The way he moves it is like nothing you've ever felt before. His tongue moves and starts to flick on your sensitive nub and then two fingers thrusts inside you. “F-fuck Shouto”.
“I want you to scream my name louder, you hear that, precious?” You can only moan louder in an attempt to answer him. His fingers going in and out of you, his tongue sucking on your clit. He then throws your legs on his shoulders, your shoulders being the only thing touching his bed as he continues to devour you. He adds another finger inside you, making it three. You feel the tension inside you build up, you know what this feeling was. You were close and he had only just started. What is it with this man?
“Sho-uto... I'm... close” you pant and moan as you try to tell him that, not that he really needs to know since that was his plan all along.
“Cum for me precious” and that does it for you.
“S-SHOUTO!!” You come. Around his fingers. On his tongue. This feeling making you feel numb. As Shouto grabs a hold of your legs that's on his shoulders he begins to lower them, but only to flip you over so your front collides with the mattress. His hands then pull your hips up so that your ass is up but your front still touching the soft bed. You hear how he pulls his underwear and shorts off in one swoop. You can hear how he walks and opens a drawer, pulling out something plastic like; a condom. He soon returns and the bed dips, meaning he's behind you.
“I'm gonna fuck you now, precious!” His voice echos in your head. You wiggle your butt and push your hips backwards, wanting his cock inside you.
“Please Shouto”.
“Please what, precious?”
“Please fuck me” and with that he thrusts into you. A sharp moan escaping your lips as you close your eyes and feel him around your walls.
“F-fuck (y/n). You're so tight around my cock”. His hips aren't moving. Them being still as he wants you to get used to his size, and you're thankful. You thought he was big, but the fact that he makes your walls stretch is mindbowing. You start to slowly thrust your hips, an innuendo for him to start moving and he does. His hips starts to thrust inside you, a slow pace at first but he quickly speeds up, just as your moans keep getting louder and louder. His left hand grabs a hold of your hair, holding it tightly and drags it up so you're on all four. “How can you even get wetter, precious?”
“Harder” the word escapes your lips as he listens and starts to pound even harder. The only sound in his room being the slapping of his thighs hitting your butt cheeks, his grunts and your moans. His right hand comes down hard on your left butt cheek, making it sting but it also gives you pleasure. He repeats the same action with your right one. His cock that gives you so much pleasure, hitting your g-spot, making you feel euphoric. You never want it to stop, you want it to last forever, but the same feeling that you only had minutes before comes rising again and you know you're close. Again.
“Cum for me, (y/n). Come around my cock, precious”.
“Mhm, God Shouto I'm so close” you moan out. His thrusts get faster as he continues hitting your g-spot only faster and harder. “I-I'm coooming”. You cum around his cock and as he continues to pound for a few seconds more, he follows suit.
“Fuck (y/n)!!” Shouto grunts out. Your knees give out and you collapse, him following suit, landing on your back. You both breathe heavily as you both get down from your high, him still being inside you. You stay silent, not wanting to ruin the moment but needing to leave. You can't stay here.
“I should go” you whisper loud enough for him to hear.
“Well... you got what you want so I should leave, right? This was a one time thing” you hear him sigh and pulls out of you, but flips you over leaving you shocked and breathless.
“Listen here precious. I'm gonna say this once, only once so listen fucking carefully. Don't think that you know me, because you dont. What I want is you. You. All of you. Your heart, mind, soul and body. Ever since yesterday I haven't stopped thinking about you at all. Your in my mind, all the fucking time so please. Let me in, let me take care of you and... love you because I wont hurt you”. You stay silent for a minute or two, taking in what he said. Letting out a big breath, you smile and reply.
“'kay? Good” he pulls away so his weight is on his knees, he pulls away the condom and throws it on the floor, somewhere. “You're on the pill, right?”
“Um, yeah” you answer, blushingly.
“Good”, he replies and thrusts into you. Feeling his naked skin aginst your own. He lies on top of you, his forearms on either side of your head. Your arms go around his back, your nails scraping his back. “Now, I'm gonna make love to you”. He kisses you softly and begins to move his hips, you two being close to each other and not wanting it any other way, just as Shouto had said the night before; “space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close” and you were scared, but not anymore.
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